Adventure HQ. P6 Field of vision. P28 Theater review: ‘Mame’
Family-oriented climbing and Look into new, advanced Riverside production has a lot of
fitness center opening in April. glaucoma/cataract procedures. sizzle – and some fizzle. PAGE 14
Saving historic New lobby rules
Green Gables is could stem from
race against time ethics workshop
STORY BY TERRY CONWAY COLUMNIST Jon Lute and Jonathan Fontaine remove damaged planks from the end of the pier. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER
[email protected] [email protected]
Locals, visitors eagerly await pier reopening
One of Melbourne’s original As an attorney, Kim Re-
movers and shakers was back STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER Matthew Wilcox and Cody Hughes make repairs to the damaged structure. zanka often comes before the
in town in early March. Well, [email protected] county board of commission-
sort of. ers representing various peo-
When Connor Yann moved ple and companies. But does
A business titan, inventor to Brevard County for a new that make her a lobbyist?
and pioneering Florida resi- job, one of the first places
dent, William Twining Wells he wanted to see was Mel- “If I am an attorney work-
first arrived in Melbourne in bourne Beach. And one of ing for a client, I am not really
1896 from New Jersey where he the first places in Melbourne a lobbyist,” said Rezanka, who
was owner of the Wells Rustless Beach he visited was the pier is with the firm of Cantwell and
Iron Company. A metallurgical at the end of Ocean Avenue Goldman.
engineer, Wells made a fortune and Riverside Drive.
from his patent on a method That was the question she
for producing “rustless iron.” For good reason, it turns put to the Board of County
out. Commissioners at a recent
Recognized as one of the most ethics workshop in which the
influential and generous men in The pier not only offers a commissioners debated how
Melbourne,Wells built his show- pastoral vista of Indian Riv- the board should oversee and
case winter home, Green Gables, er, but it’s great for fishing regulate lobbying. They also
on a bluff above the Indian River
Lagoon. He also maintained a CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
12-acre beachside pineapple
plantation. Are changes afoot
for 5th Avenue?
In early March, modern-day
dressed the part of Wells – in a [email protected]
linen vest, bow tie and a straw
boater hat – at an open house Ray Young grew up in Indi-
held on the grounds of the alantic and now owns Coastal
Cloth Baby & Co. on 5th Av-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 enue, the main thoroughfare
into town from the mainland,
so she has a vested interest in
the appearance of the avenue.
When she heard that Mayor
Dave Berkman brought up the
idea of enhancing the look of
the busy commercial corridor
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 ‘Choc’ full of sweets
NEWS 1-8 FAITH 22 PEOPLE 9-12 An affection for confections
ARTS 13-16 GAMES 23-25 PETS 33 at the annual Chocolate Festival
BOOKS 21 HEALTH 27-30 REAL ESTATE 35-40 to support Zonta Club. PAGE 12
2 Thursday, March 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
at the council meeting on March 8, she painting bricks in a beachy color; a zoned commercial. This could help with council that the state Department of
gave the thought two thumbs up. guide sign highlighting points of inter- redeveloping downtown into an area Transportation owns 5th Avenue.
est along 5th Avenue with local businesses that could be fre-
“That would be a good. It never quented by the neighborhood,” she said. “The DOT must approve everything
hurts to spruce things up,” Young said. “The avenue is one of the more you do and it could end up costing
charming parts of the county. So I am But former councilman Loren Gold- millions of dollars. For 30 years we’ve
The 5th Avenue corridor is Indialantic’s in favor of anything that can make it farb called Kilcullen’s idea ill-conceived. been talking about how to improve the
calling card, the closest thing to a down- more enticing,” Young said. “Those streets are not designed to han- avenue,” he said.
town, used by residents and visitors alike dle the heavy flow of traffic that would
on a daily basis. For years, the question Councilwoman Mary Jo Kilcullen sug- result. One reason we have so much Indeed, any proposed new improve-
has floated out there: Should the town en- gested the possibility of removing the traffic on 5th is because there is no other ments within the right of way not per-
hance the street? And if so, how? median and bringing back parking, in causeway to handle traffic coming from formed by the FDOT are subject to per-
part as an effort to slow down traffic on Mel Beach and points south.” mitting, the median included, said Jessica
Several years ago, a group talked 5th. “Some of the traffic could be divert- Ottaviano, a FDOT spokeswoman.
about establishing a Community Rede- ed to 4th and 6th avenues which are both Resident Jason Steele reminded
velopment Agency to pay for improve- “The town can apply for a landscape
ments, but CRA opponents prevailed.
“The topic is always what can we
do better?” Berkman said. “We can do
something about the sidewalks. About
street signs. We can make it look more
attractive so it represents who we are.”
At the council meeting, the mayor
introduced a short-term list of up-
grades he would like to see accom-
plished by the end of the year. The
recommendations included: a large
welcome sign at the end of the cause-
way, complete with a surrounding gar-
den; smaller welcome signs at A1A and
at Riverside Drive; partnering with
businesses on improved landscaping;
revamping the foliage on the median;
installation of flags with a town logo;
VERO BEACH 32963 Media LLC and lies adjacent to a riverfront park. David Jacobs.
PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER: MILTON R. BENJAMIN “I heard it was a nice place to vis-
because that area was not affected,”
772-559-4187, [email protected] it,” he said as he stood at the foot of said Town Manager, Tim Day.
CREATIVE DIRECTOR: DAN ALEXANDER the Melbourne Beach Pier looking
down the boardwalk to the platform The finger piers and the platform area
772-539-2700, [email protected] and the two fingers jutting out on are being demolished and will be re-
MANAGING EDITOR: STEVEN M. THOMAS each side. He and his friends visit- placed, with new decking and handrails.
772-453-1196, [email protected] ing from Tampa hoped to walk out on
the pier, but instead found workmen “We have to completely rebuild the
To learn about the cost-effective advertising rates being offered in and barricades, signs that work has north and south sides of the platform,”
The Melbourne Beachsider, please contact our advertising commenced to refurbish the damage Jacobs said. “The pilings remain.”
representatives listed below: wrought by Hurricane Matthew last
DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING: JUDY DAVIS fall. A second phase of work on the pier,
772-633-1115, [email protected] after storm repairs are complete, will
ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES On Feb. 15, the town awarded a con- involve decking and hand rails from
tract for the $117,000 repair project the street to the fingers piers along
WILL GARDNER, 407-361-2150, [email protected] to Land and Sea Marine Inc., of Indi- 600-foot stretch of the structure. “The
KATHLEEN MACGLENNON, 772-633-0753, [email protected] alantic. The Federal Emergency Man- existing deck and handrails are 15
agement Agency paid 75 percent, with years old and splintering and becom-
To talk about stories, or invite us to cover social and charitable events, the balance split between Melbourne ing a maintenance problem,” Day said.
call 772-453-1196 or email us at [email protected]. Beach and the state. “We’re just getting cost estimates.”
Land and Sea owner David Jacobs The town has applied for a grant
said his workers began clearing away from the Florida Inland Navigational
the storm debris early last week to District for the second phase. “It will
make way for the repairs. “We expect be a 50/50 split if approved,” Day said.
the pier to be re-opened by Founder’s
Day on May 6, but we’re shooting for Work is expected to start in the summer.
even earlier,” he said. Despite the barricades that kept
Yann and his friends off the pier the
Matthew collapsed the corners of day they visited, he admired the view
the pier platform and did extensive from afar. “It’s gorgeous,” he said.
additional damage. Approximately
two thirds of the pier has been off
limits as a result. “We allowed the first
section [closest to shore] to be utilized
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 16, 2017 3
grant for this corridor. The money is re- vors going forward with the discussion, Kilcullen suggested hiring a profes- “We have asked Parks and Rec to fur-
imbursed after the work is completed. but doesn’t want to see the character of sional engineer to assess any proposals. ther investigate my ideas and instructed
The grant can pay for things like plants, the town change in the process. our town manager to begin researching
plant materials and the cost of installa- Berkman wants to tap the Parks and the welcome sign we will place on the
tion within the right of way,” she said. “This is our footprint. If you do some- Recreation budget for $9,000 for 5th bridge,” Berkman said. “This will be-
thing like remove the median, it will Avenue improvements, and increase come a monthly agenda item.”
Councilman Dick Dunn said he fa- turn into a multiyear problem,” he said. the budget for the next fiscal year.
4 Thursday, March 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
NEWS 1897
GREEN GABLES Beach photographer Erika Masterson.
She did a photo shoot at the home last
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 fall that featured her daughter Sara
dressed in period clothing.
stately two-story Queen Anne-style resi-
dence as part of an event intended to raise “I’m not a historian, but I can feel this
awareness and funds for the purchase amazing spirit in the house,” Masterson
and restoration of the historic property. said. “I can imagine what it was like to
live here over a century ago. The light
One of Melbourne’s oldest houses, that streams through this home sets the
Green Gables, which sits off U.S. 1 and perfect mood for these images.”
Riverview Drive, is threatened by the
wrecking ball. Indialantic’s Carl and Carol Andren
co-founded the nonprofit, along with
Daly is president of Green Gables at Daly. In 2015, the group obtained an
Historic Riverview Village, Inc., a non- agreement with the dozen Wells fam-
profit group formed in 2010 that is work- ily owners to hold off on demolition
ing to raise roughly $800,000 by Dec. 31 or sale until the end of this year while
to buy this irreplaceable piece of Brevard they raise the required money. Years of
history and begin restoration. wear and tear show on its exterior, but
the Andrens say stately house could be
Prime real estate with a killer view, restored to its 1890s glory.
the property is currently owned by
Wells’ descendants, and the family can “For the past couple of years, our non-
demolish the home and sell the land if profit has fixed city code violations, per-
they choose to do so. formed roofing repairs, cleared dense
underbrush so you can actually see the
The property was named to the presti- home from the road, secured doors and
gious National Registry of Historic Places windows, and treated the home for ter-
in July 2016, but so far that recognition mites,” Carl Andren said.
has done little to spur fundraising. Only
$48,000 has been raised to date, mostly “Our plan is to refurbish the interior,
from individuals. The nonprofit has not but leave a vintage look of Wells’ time.
yet approached corporations or major There is a lot of history to this family.
donors in the region with a presentation His wife, Nora, was a niece of indus-
to save the property. trialist Leland Stanford who brought
the Pacific Railroad to California and
The March open house featured an started Stanford University.”
art exhibition, “Green Gables Revisited:
A Coloring of Memories,” by Satellite
Wells was a well known inventor innovative in the construction of
and developer of the process of “rust- Green Gables. Even though electricity
less iron” with furnaces at Little Ferry, didn’t come to Melbourne until 1913,
N.J., and business offices in New York. Wells outfitted the house with knob
He earned patents for a part of a loco- and tube wiring when it was built in
motive engine as well as the process of 1896 and had the builders put in an
coating iron and steel with rustless ox- artesian well that powered a hydro-
ide in 1888. Beautiful examples of his generator that supplied power to the
work can be seen at the Library of Con- house. It was also the first home in
gress in Washington, D.C., where much Melbourne to have indoor plumbing
of the iron trim utilized this method. and an indoor bathtub.
After traveling throughout Florida, Wells contributed to the creation of
Wells chose Melbourne and bought the Melbourne’s first school, its audito-
Strobah riverfront property. He eventu- rium and library, as well as providing
ally purchased 174 acres within Mel- the land for Wells Park and many road-
bourne, and approximately 2,000 acres ways. He died in 1930 at age 75. The An-
in the surrounding areas of Malabar, drens believe their group can create a
Palm Bay and the barrier islands. dynamic center for history and historic
preservation that can also host wed-
One of the earliest Queen Anne-style dings and other special events.
residences in the area, adorned with
a hexagonal gazebo porch and tower, “It’s such an iconic reminder of
Green Gables is one of a dozen remain- southern Brevard’s legacy,” said Carol
ing buildings from 19th century Mel- Andren, former president of the South
bourne. It was added to the National Brevard Historical Society. “You look to
Register of Historic Places last May. the east and it’s where the Ais Indians
canoed on the Indian River Lagoon.
Known for the green shingle siding on Where planes flew from the air sta-
its many gables, the house was built just tion during World War II and where our
eight years after the City of was incor- country’s space exploration was born
porated in 1888. No one has lived in the and has grown so spectacularly.”
six-bedroom, two-bath residence since a
pair of hurricanes ravaged it in 2004. To learn more about Green Gables go
Ever the inventor, Wells was quite
6 Thursday, March 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Rock on! Adventure HQ bringing ‘bouldering’ to town
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER world and used bouldering as a way to Frankie and Frank Pawley. problems. In bouldering, routes are
[email protected] keep fit,” Pawley said. “As a family we climbed using movable hand and foot
hiked a lot in Scotland and dad’s a big PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER holds with no equipment.
The former Giant Recreation World mountaineering guy, including Everest
RV facility in Palm Shores will reopen Basecamp. He came up with this busi- In a separate area are themed chil-
in April as Adventure HQ: a family- ness and thought it would be really dren’s climbing apparatus, such as a
oriented climbing and fitness center nice if we all lived in the same country. huge bean stalk and a course for timed
featuring bouldering – a type of rock side-by-side racing, all with auto-belay
climbing – a “Crazy Climb Arena” and “The whole idea of this project is safety equipment.
a timed Ninja obstacle courses with that we wanted it to be an exciting one
three levels of difficulty. and a combination of things people The Crazy Climb Arena will be avail-
haven’t really put together before – like able for one-hour sessions, which are
Owned by the Pawley family, the climbing and a ninja warrior course. limited to 30 climbers per session.
unique business has been the longtime We wanted to create a place where ev- After a mandatory orientation video
dream of patriarch Frank Pawley of Mer- eryone could come,’’ he said. and equipment briefing, climbers get
ritt Island, originally from Farnborough, to explore with the different themed
England, and more recently Dubai. Bouldering – climbing rock faces spaces on a first-come, first-served
without ropes or harnesses – is one basis, officials said.
The project is being headed up by of the fastest-growing disciplines
his son Frankie, 28, of West Melbourne, within climbing and is often used for Pawley says themed climbing attrac-
a former SCUBA instructor and com- competition. tions for children – and adults – have
mercial diver, and daughter-in-law “exploded in popularity.” The climbing
Lois, 25, a Pilates instructor who also “It’s really a fantastic sport. I would facility can also be used for company
does marketing for the facility. love to develop a team,’’ Pawley said. and group team-building events.
“My dad moved over in 2013 and From the entrance of the Palm Shores Mayor Carol McCor-
found this property and dreamt up an 24,000-squre-foot facility, which in- mack, an admitted fan of American
idea to create a place for everyone to cludes a café and event area, there Ninja Warrior obstacle course races
enjoy,’’ said Frankie Pawley, whose ca- is a good view of the 4,200-square- on television, is ecstatic about Ad-
reer path took him from teaching rec- feet Bouldering and Training Studio venture HQ. “The Pawleys are re-
reational SCUBA diving to constant comprised of Waltopia bouldering ally into community and are always
travel as a construction diver. thinking of new things they want to
add. It’s in a premier location and
“I worked on oil rigs around the should become a destination,” Mc-
Cormack said.
“It’s just going to be neatest thing
and there will be stuff to do for every
age group.”
The Adventure HQ website spells it
“The Pawley family’s vision for Ad-
venture HQ is to be much more than
just a business. It’s about inspiring
the community to enjoy life’s adven-
tures! Adventure HQ is a hub for the
community; a place to push bound-
aries, overcome challenges and hang
with friends.”
“We’re using 24,000 square feet now
but the building is 33,000 square feet
and we will nearly fill it eventually,’’
Frankie Pawley said.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 16, 2017 7
AInrdt iFaelsatinvtaicl
STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER alignment has not been finalized. The
[email protected] East Central Florida Regional Rail Trail March 18th – 19th
through portions of Brevard is a segment Sat./Sun. 10am – 5pm
A1A runs along the oceanfront of the Greenway that will be complete in
through most of Southern Brevard July. Also, there is a proposed trail along Free Admission
County. From the end of Melbourne the SR 528 Bridge and causeway that is
Beach to Sebastian Inlet, it’s a scenic currently under design . . . The ultimate James H. Nance Park – N Miramar Avenue, Indialantic, FL
stretch of highway with no stop lights goal of the greenway is to have a 10- to
and just a few pockets of commercial 12-foot-wide paved multiuse trails.” Information:
development. A Howard Alan Event (561) 746-6615
Simmons said the paths adjoining
It’s also adjacent to a black-topped A1A may be good enough as is for the
path popular with both pedestrians and casual rider. “But the pedway is obvi-
cyclists. The path – sometimes called a ously inadequate for speed and seri-
pedway – and the road are part of the ous riders since bicyclists are legally
East Coast Greenway, a 2,900-mile bi- required to stop at each driveway and
cycle route from Key West to Calais, each cross street,” he said.
Maine, near the Canadian border.
Also the greenway lacks signage in
Officials from the East Coast Green- places like A1A. “There should be sig-
way Alliance recently met with bicycling nage in every area” with a listing of lo-
enthusiasts and municipal officials at cal restaurants and attractions, said
Sebastian Inlet Surf & Sport along A1A John Robson, owner of Sebastian Inlet
in the South Beaches. The meeting was Surf & Sport.
intended to drum up support for the
greenway and get a grassroots effort go- Supporters say the greenway has been
ing to add safe, off-road lanes for bicy- a boon in a number of ways where it is
clists along the route. fully established. Putting abandoned ca-
nals and rail beds to use can contribute
Mayors Jim Simmons of Melbourne to other redevelopment efforts, and cy-
Beach and Dave Berkman of Indialantic, clists who use the trails “get outside, pro-
listened to the discussion and conclud- moting better health habits, and help re-
ed that for the most part, they have little lieve auto congestion,” Haydt said. “It’s a
say over the Alliance mission through win-win for the community.”
their towns, since A1A and the pathways
belong to the state. “Moral support is all Kraum said the total cost to establish
we can offer,” Simmons said. continuous off-road access through
Brevard has not been calculated. Fund-
Alliance Board of Trustees Chair Rob- ing can come from a variety of sources,
ert Spiegelman said that might be true but the lead agency would likely be the
in terms of direct development of the state DOT. The county and the Space
off-road paths, but it doesn’t mean mu- Coast Transportation Planning Organi-
nicipalities are powerless. zation could be other sources.
“Our job is to meet with local vision- The East Coast Greenway is also
aries” who can push the people who eligible for various grants, including
can develop the greenway, he told the through the SUN Trails, a Florida state
gathering. trail program. Spiegelman said every
dollar raised by the Greenway Alliance
The greenway traverses diverse land- generates $60 in public funding towards
scapes, from city streets around the art the greenway’s goals.
museum in Philadelphia to the mall in
Washington, D.C., to former railroad “At this point, it is not on our prior-
beds to Highway A1A in Brevard. To ity projects list so we are unable to put
date, only 31 percent of the greenway money in the project,” Kraum said.
is separated from car and truck traf- “Our committees and boards priori-
fic and wide enough to accommodate tize projects for funding after they have
bikes in both directions. been submitted by municipalities.”
Likewise, less than a third of the How do you make it a priority when
Florida greenway is up to optimum the municipality has no jurisdiction?
specifications. “There are some ter-
rible sections on Route 1,” said Paul For Berkman, it means getting con-
Haydt, newly selected Alliance coor- sensus from other stakeholders. “If we
dinator for the state. “Other paths do get the Space Coast League of Cities on-
not always meet standards but are still board, we get all 16 towns it represents
rideable. But we want the greenway to to support it.”
be safe for all abilities.”
Added Simmons, “The Space Coast
Sarah Kraum, who is with the Space League of Cities is part of the Florida
Coast Transportation Planning Orga- League of Cities, which would then
nization, said much of the East Coast represent us to the state. This would be
Greenway through Brevard has been much more effective than each munici-
proposed, but “it is unfunded and thus pality individually lobbying the state.”
10 Thursday, March 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Joanna and Morgan Stewart. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Pat and Hazel Lis. Loren Goldfarb with Robyn and Aaron Hattaway.
Cooking from the Heart: Dishin’ it up for ‘Big’ cause
STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT previously known as Men Cooking would be the winning dish, but still
[email protected] from the Heart expanded its reach to had smiles for each other. The elder
any and all volunteer chefs, becom- Wolf brought a dish that evokes his
For the 47 local and amateur chefs ing Brevard Cooking from the Heart. childhood – Maryland-style crab and
cooking up their specialties, the 23rd Held at the Melbourne Auditorium, shrimp pasta salad – while Rachel’s
annual Brevard Cooking from the the 350 attendees were wined and peanut-butter, chocolate-chip, ba-
Heart fundraiser for Big Brothers Big dined and entertained at 44 round nana oat cookies were that and noth-
Sisters of Central Florida last Satur- tables decorated by volunteers. ing else.
day night was a raucous, laughter-
filled chance to fill bellies and, more Sheriff Wayne Ivey, one of Bre- Attendees were urged to vote for
importantly, the nonprofit organiza- vard’s favorite figures at fundraising their favorites among 10 categories,
tion’s coffers. events, got the evening underway including Top Chef, American, Inter-
and introduced the hungry crowd to national and Brevard’s Tastiest City.
For the first time, the fundraiser To keep the voting on the up and up,
Brevard Supervisor of Elections Lori
Kathleen Haley and Jennifer Cleveland Scott brought eight real voting ma-
chines and printed ballots.
the evening’s chefs their assistants.
Ivey urged all to bid on the 80 prize Big Brothers Big Sisters Executive
packages offered in the silent auction Director Michael Andriano intro-
and four vacation packages available duced the night’s guests of honor,
in a live auction. the “bigs and littles,” in a presenta-
tion that drove home their mission.
While the cooking competition Big Brother Leon Fenn and his Little
is friendly, pitting parents against Brother Andrew Jackson, Big Sister
children, sheriff’s deputies against Rebecca Kruse and her Little Sister
firefighters and siblings against each Leslie Simpson shared their stories
other, it is a competition, and serious of how they came to be matched, as
effort is evident. Stafford Slaughter II well as what prompted each of them
oversaw a first-time junior chef team to reach out to the organization.
preparing Creole chicken as well as
his own 12-hour smoked pork in a “We are helping provide children
friendly competition with his father, from adversity with the opportunity
Stafford Slaughter Sr., who brought to be guided by a caring, loving adult
his “A” game by way of a spicy jamba- through one-on-one mentoring,” An-
laya. driano said. “This is why we are rais-
ing the resources tonight.”
Don Wolf and his daughter Rachel
each brought what they assumed Brooke Deratany Goldfarb, chair-
woman of the Brevard affiliate and
uber organizer of the night’s events,
was given a round of applause in the
one moment she wasn’t directing vol-
unteers or welcoming guests.
The event’s importance can’t be
understated to the volunteers and or-
ganizers within Big Brothers Big Sis-
ters. According to Lisa Blackwelder,
director of development, the night
raised roughly $75,000. The Central
Florida organization has affiliates
in Brevard, Lake, Osceola, Orange
and Seminole counties and last year
served 700 children.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 16, 2017 11
Joshua Adams, Diane Lawless, Debra Foley and Lacy Dickerson. Lisa Blackwelder and Michael Andriano. Marlina Sinclair and Jerry Sinclair.
Mikayla Morin and Macie Goldfarb. Allison Twombly and Peter Majeranowski.
Tom and Hope Sierra. Michael Andrino and Sheriff Wayne Ivey.
Wilson Hattaway, Erin Baird-Jack, Tia Gaspar and Davis Hattaway.
Sherry Coppage, Mike Coppage, Brooke Goldfarb, Bob Socks, Aileen Davis and Michael Andriano.
12 Thursday, March 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Pam Brousseau and Annette Hudacek. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Liz Rollert, Kea Vickers and Jacob Kostner. Connie Tinio, Stuart Borton and Jen Stone.
An affection for confections at Chocolate Festival
STORY BY KAT REDNER Correspondent right to vote,” Donna Melcher, Sandy Michelson and Maggie Hickson.
[email protected]. explained club
member Doris
The sweet aroma of delicious choc- Larson. “Start-
olate filled the air inside the Mel- ing out, their
bourne Auditorium at the recent 13th mission was to
Annual Chocolate Festival to support encourage wom-
the Zonta Club of Melbourne, an in- en to go into male
ternational organization that “em- roles. Amelia Earhart
powers women through service and was even a member. The money from
advocacy.” this event goes to the local service
projects for ending violence against
“Zonta started in 1915 in Buffalo,
N.Y., before women even had the
women and human trafficking and Anne Niday.
several different clubs. We also grant
five scholarships every year.” making 1,000 chocolate-covered
Oreo truffles.
Not only was the festival for a great
cause, the scrumptious chocolate Grimaldi Candy Company, most
was extra special; all single-origin or famous for its chocolate covered po-
fair-trade products that, unlike many tato chips, offered mouthwatering
major brands, do not use slave labor samples of milk chocolate sea-salt
when harvesting the cocoa beans. caramel truffles for guests to sample.
Volunteers helpfully informed guests
about slave-labor practices and told “Everything is handmade. We are
them where they could purchase delighted to be at this event that helps
fair-trade chocolates outside of the so many,” said Grimaldi employee
festival. Pam Brousseau. “It’s great to meet all
of the wonderful people and we look
Guests roamed about the spacious forward to it next year.”
auditorium carrying platters stacked
high with assorted chocolates, such Fully sated, guests then had the
as chocolate truffles, caramel bites tough job of voting for the title of Bre-
and various other delightful dishes vard’s Best Chocolate, using an actual
from the chocolate buffet. There was election voting device on loan from
also a chocolate fondue for people Supervisor of Election Lori Scott.
to dip their choice of food into and a More than 700 people voted and when
cupcake decorating area where chil- all were tallied, the Chocolate Bread
dren could get an extra sugar rush. A Pudding by the Yellow Dog Café was
buffet of small finger foods such as declared the 1st place winner.
mini sandwiches was available for
those who wanted to cleanse their “This event is five stars,” said at-
palate with something a little more tendee Valtery Johnson. “There is a
savory. variety of choices and the staff went
above and beyond. It’s my third year
The festival chocolatiers were all here and each time it gets better and
dedicated to their craft. Southern better.”
Caramel Company owner Sarah
Smith quit her job to be with her All in all, the Chocolate Festival
young daughter and turned her ir- was a wonderful event for a very
resistible caramels into a full-time sweet cause.
job. Mike Davis, who is chasing his
dream to work at Promise Café and For more information, visit zonta.
Bakery someday, spent many hours org.
Riverside’s ‘Mame’:
Amid much sizzle,
a little fizzle
14 Thursday, March 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Riverside’s ‘Mame’: Amid much sizzle, a little fizzle
STORY BY MICHELLE GENZ STAFF WRITER demographic, banking on a hit from and Robert E. Lee, the musical is based orphaned, comes from a farm in Iowa
another time and sensibility is some- on the Lawrence and Lee play “Auntie to live with her, his only living relative
Riverside Theatre’s big, beautiful thing of a gamble. This production has Mame.” That play along with a subse- (she had no idea.)
“Mame” banks on the same things all the pieces in place, with some roles quent film starred Rosalind Russell
many of its shows bank on: splashy sets, large enough to include some real emo- in a career-defining role. Both were That little boy, alone with his suit-
a polished cast, and terrific music that tions, yet it never quite connects in that drawn from a novel by Patrick Dennis, case, is a sobering harbinger of the
long ago etched a groove in the minds regard. That leaves the comedy hang- a pseudonym for Edward Everett Tan- times ahead, even as Mame all but of-
of an audience old enough to have gone ing, and the show well this side of relat- ner III. “Auntie Mame: An Irreverent fers him a cocktail then shuffles him
to the Broadway show. able. Escapade,” published in 1955, became off to an experimental school involving
a massive best-seller, and became one (gasp) group nudity. Mame and little
That was half a century ago. Any- With a book by Jerome Lawrence of three Tanner works simultaneously Patrick are barely bonded when the
where else but Vero, with its large senior on the New York Times best-seller list. stock market crashes, a buzz-kill if ever
there was one. The boy is bundled off
Like his auntie heroine, Tanner him- to boarding school at the insistence of
self led something of a socially radical his stuffy trustee. And Mame musters
existence. After marrying a woman enough esprit to go out and get a job.
and having two children, the bisexual After flopping in show business – liter-
Tanner became well-known in the ally; she slips off a hanging moon – she
gay scene in Greenwich Village. When finds a job as a manicurist. Right off,
Tanner’s books went out of print in the she is crushing on her first client, dis-
1970s, he worked as a butler, including tracted to the point of filing his finger-
for Ray Kroc of McDonald’s fame. tips raw. But the debonair Beauregard
Jackson Pickett Burnside is equally
“Auntie Mame” the play opened on smitten, and in one of several attempts
Broadway in 1956. “Mame” the musi- at vintage racy humor, sweeps her off to
cal opened 10 years later starring An- Peckerwood, his Southern plantation.
gela Lansbury. As Mame Dennis, an
unmarried bohemian with plenty of Alas, on their ’round-the-world hon-
dough, is enjoying the last hoots of the eymoon, Beauregard falls down an
Roaring ’20s with her adults-only social “Alp” to his death. Mame, now a wealthy
circle, her 10-year-old nephew, newly widow, comes home to find that Patrick
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 16, 2017 15
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER ter following a live performance on
NBC’s “Today” show Friday. Cahill
1 Celtic Thunder star Emmet Ca- is launching a career as a solo art-
hill brings his gorgeous Irish ist after touring for three years with
Celtic Thunder, the world-renowned
tenor to Vero Beach this Sunday af- Irish music show known for its eclec-
tic theatrical performances. Sunday,
ternoon, a fitting conclusion to the Cahill and the Space Coast Sympho-
has grown into a preppy bore. Worse, ing in disbelief. In “Mame,” there was St. Patrick’s Day weekend. The sing- CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
he is engaged to a racist rich girl. Mame less razzle-dazzle and the same soup- er’s solo tour, “Emmet Cahill: Irish
takes care of that in a hurry, dispatch- con of tentativeness that came across Memories,” comes to the Vero Beach
ing with the future in-laws by buying in the acting. More than once, rather High School Performing Arts Cen-
up a lot next door to them for a home than feeling in thrall at the full cast in
for unwed mothers. Instead, she sets full swing, I was instead counting off AN EYE
the newly liberated Patrick up with a the beats – one, two, three, four. That FOR DESIGN
nice New York decorator (female – it’s sensation should have been dispelled
still the ’60s, after all). The final scene long before opening night. JOIN US FOR A SHOW WELCOMING
jumps ahead 10 years and has Mame AWARD-WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER,
taking Patrick’s son to India. Chief within that hesitation was Ra-
gusa’s connection to her young charge. ELIZABETH GARVIN
The cast is led by Michele Ragusa as While that actor, Bergman Freedman
Mame Dennis. Last season at Riverside, making his regional debut, easily mas- FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MARCH 17–18
Ragusa starred in another Jerry Her- tered the endearing innocence of an
man musical from the same era, “Hel- orphan dropped into a Beekman Street SEE THESE AND OTHER FINE THINGS AT VERO’S FINEST
lo, Dolly.” On Broadway, she has played bacchanalia, Ragusa’s Mame seems COLLECTION OF AMERICAN-MADE ART AND JEWELRY
in “Young Frankenstein,” “Urinetown,” barely moved by her new role as mater-
“Ragtime” and “Titanic,” stepping in nal surrogate. We don’t see her flip the THEL AUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM 2910 CARDINAL DR.
for the lead at the last minute for the priority switch that would shut down VERO BEACH, FL
one-night 20th anniversary “Titantic” her role as party maven as she takes on 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
concert in Lincoln Center. child-rearing. That left me feeling not
great about Patrick’s fate. Sentimental
Corinne Melancon played the im- songs like Patrick’s “My Best Girl” and
portant supporting role of Vera Charles, Mame’s “If He Walked Into My Life” –
Mame’s slithery, boozy, deep-throat- two of the best in the show – ended up
ed sidekick. Melancon spent 11 years ringing a little hollow for me.
playing in “Mamma Mia!” on Broad-
way. Mame’s love interest Beauregard Amidst all those Broadway veter-
was played by George Dvorsky, whose ans, it was Freedman who gave this
Broadway credits include the title role show heart. The son of two University
in “The Scarlet Pimpernel,” as well as of Central Florida graduates, he goes
“Gentleman Prefer Blondes” and “The to public school in the East Village and
Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.” Jim trains intensively at the Joffrey ballet
Brochu, who played Dwight Babcock, school and Act One Studios. Novice
the uptight banker entrusted with Pat- though he is in this his first profession-
rick’s upbringing, won a slew of awards al production, he gave the story depth
including the New York Drama Desk with his diligence and vulnerability. In
Award for his role in “Zero Hour,” the contrast, Ragusa’s Mame seemed to be
story of Zero Mostel. Laura E. Taylor, waiting for the nanny tag team.
who plays the goofy Agnes Gooch, was
in “Mame” at the Kennedy Center. She That in part is the script’s doing: The
also performed in the national tours of very next scene after little Patrick’s
“Disney’s Beauty and the Beast” and introduction, he has been anointed
“Oklahoma!” house mixologist, doing play-by-play
of his by-the-book martini-making for
And Jazmin Gorsline, who also a newly arrived guest. That guest turns
played in Riverside’s “Dolly” as Irene out to be the uptight trustee charged
Malloy, trained in opera at the Eastman with overseeing his upbringing, which
School of Music. Midway through the includes, by his father’s dictum, a “con-
already brief rehearsals for “Mame,” servative” education.
she stepped in for Gail Bennett in the
role of Sally Cato, the Southern belle. And we’re left getting an education
of what mid-century America consid-
Like “Dolly,” “Mame” was directed ered louche behavior – pretty tame: It
here by James Brennan, a Riverside vet- seemed to me Beekman Street looked
eran, with music direction by the inde- more like a gated-community club-
fatigable Anne Shuttlesworth, who had house. As we all watch societal opened
the same post for “Dolly.” windows slamming shut again, it’s a
good thing martini-making remains a
Brennan, who also choreographed non-partisan cause.
both shows, hit the mark in “Dolly” in
multiple numbers that had me blink- “Mame” runs through March 26.
16 Thursday, March 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
ny Orchestra will perform songs ‘The Charlie shores of the Indian River
from the newly released solo al- Daniels Band.’ Lagoon, in Sebastian’s
bum, “Emmet Cahill’s Ireland,” Riverview Park. The free
including several classic Irish Southern Rock anthems and country festival is hosted by the
favorites, “I’ll Take You Home hits to the King Center in Melbourne Pelican Island Preserva-
Again, Kathleen,” “An Irish Lul- Sunday at 7 p.m. At 80, Daniels is still tion Society and the U.S.
laby,” “Danny Boy,” “When Irish on the road, loved by decades of de- Fish and Wildlife Service,
Eyes Are Smiling” and others. voted fans and a new generation of and offers a ton of envi-
Cahill will also sing selections young artists he mentors. Daniels ronmental displays, lots of
from several musicals. The con- sees his multi-platinum career and food and music. There will
cert starts at 3 p.m. Tickets are CMA Award-winning music as a way be activities for the kids,
$30 for adults; $15 for students to support the military and speak out wildlife displays and boat
18 and under. Call 855-252-7276 for underprivileged children. Expect tours, and you won’t want
for ticket info. to hear such fan-favorites as “Long to miss meeting the presi-
Haired Country Boy,” “The South’s dent who officially established the
Emmet Cahill 2 The Charlie Daniels Band Gonna Do It Again,” “The Legend of first refuge, Teddy Roosevelt, amaz-
brings its award-winning Wooley Swamp” and, of course, Dan- ingly portrayed by Joe Weigand. Fes-
iels’ signature song, “The Devil Went tival hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Down to Georgia,” which won him a
Grammy and Single of the Year at the 5 The Phoenix Jazz Orchestra
Country Music Association Awards will present “A Tribute to Stan
in 1979.
Kenton” this Sunday at the Cocoa
Beach Country Club Ballroom. The
concert will benefit the Space Coast
Jazz Society Scholarship Fund for
Brevard High School seniors.
The 22-piece band will be led
by Jazz Society member John Ma-
son, who studied under Dizzy Gil-
lespie. Maddy Winer will be guest
321.729.6000 vocalist. Members of the PJO range
JUST LISTED - 164 BAYSHORE DR. from seasoned professionals to tal-
RIVERFRONT ented younger musicians. Many
DIRECT RIVERFRONT VIEWS • 1 ACRE LOT • CUSTOM BUILT HOME 3 The Melbourne Community Or- band members have performed and
chestra presents the music of
FOR SALE - 523 PEREGRINE DR. recorded with the jazz greats, in-
• Key West Inspired Beach Home probably the most romantic, musical- cluding Stan Kenton, Buddy Rich,
• Gated Community
• Outside Patio ly rich city on the planet in “A Roman- Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, Les and
• Screened In Pool
THE SANCTUARY tic Vienna” Wednesday and Thursday Larry Elgart, Glenn Miller and Bob
at the Melbourne Auditorium. Vienna Florence, and have toured with such
can boast that more famous compos- luminaries as Frank Sinatra, The
ers have lived here than in any other Temptations, Wayne Newton, John-
city, a place where music is literally ny Mathis, Frankie Valli, Steve Law-
“in the air.” Leading the orchestra is rence and Eydie Gormé, Celia Cruz,
its new conductor, Mark Nelson, who Aretha Franklin and others. A cash
has been a conductor, clinician and bar will be available.
educator for 40 years. Maestro Nelson Admission is $20, and all proceeds
accepted the baton this past October. benefit the Scholarship Fund. Two
The concert is free, and begins at 7:30 $2,000 scholarships will be awarded
p.m. both nights. Call 321-285-6724 in May. The concert starts at 2 p.m.
for further information.
6 “South Pacific” ends its run at
the Surfside Playhouse in Co-
coa Beach this weekend. One of the
most acclaimed musicals of all time,
“South Pacific” premiered on Broad-
way in 1949, won 10 Tonys and ran
for 1,925 performances. Composer
Richard Rodgers and lyricist Oscar
Hammerstein II based their musi-
cal on the Pulitzer Prize-winning
book “Tales of the South Pacific,” by
James A. Michener.
Set in an island paradise during
WW II, it is the story of two sets of
Pelican Island National Wildlife lovers and how their relationships
Refuge Festival.
are threatened not only by the dan-
gers of war, but also by racial preju-
dice, a highly controversial topic for
4 Celebrate the 114th birthday of a musical at the time. Curtain is this
the nation’s first wildlife refuge
Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m., and
this Saturday, in the town where it Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets are $30 per
all began. It’s the Pelican Island Na- person, $25 per person for two or
tional Wildlife Refuge Festival, on the more.
18 Thursday, March 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Twenty years ago, Russia was a of the global liberal order the United and sees “the struggle for dominance peaceful initiatives to consolidate its
member of the Group of Eight indus- States has promoted,” warns Eugene in shaping the key principles of the influence in countries that were once
trialized democracies, a NATO part- Rumer, head of the Russia and Eurasia future international system” as “a key part of the Soviet Union, but without
ner, and a fledgling but enthusiastic Program at the Carnegie Endowment trend” in world affairs. much success. The Moscow-led Collec-
new recruit to a budding “new world for International Peace, a think tank in tive Security Treaty Organization, a six-
order.” Today, Russia has been kicked Washington. “Russia will continue to Moscow cast aside one such key prin- member post-Soviet military alliance,
out of the G8, NATO has suspended all poke and prod us.” ciple – nation-states’ territorial integri- has been plagued by a lack of cohesion,
cooperation with Moscow, and Vladi- ty – when neighboring Ukraine showed and the Eurasian Economic Union, a
mir Putin says his nation is engaged in So the question remains: Will there signs of aligning itself with the West. new free trade bloc of five former Soviet
a “civilizational” battle with the West be a rapprochement between the US In 2014 Russian special forces invaded republics, has not yet brought prosper-
over “dueling values.” and Russia, or a dangerous new era of Crimea, historically a part of Russia ity to any of them.
bellicosity and brinkmanship? but which more recently belonged to
Is a historic reconciliation between Ukraine, and annexed the region. In Western Europe, say political
Washington and Moscow, which Presi- FROM Moscow’s perspec- leaders and intelligence agencies,
dent Trump has hinted at, a real possi- tive, a more assertive That move was illegal under inter- Russia is using Europe’s culture of free
bility? Recent pushback in Washington role in the world was inevitable as Rus- national law; it provoked international speech to spread fake news, rumors,
against the idea from leading Republi- sia grew back into its historical identity, sanctions that are still in place. But biased reports, and hacked secrets.
cans and others has cast a shadow over defining itself in contrast to the West. the annexation was massively popular The idea is to destabilize the European
the prospect. So, too, has the growing among ordinary Russians, who saw it Union and promote far-right, anti-EU
controversy over Trump presidential The post-Soviet experiment in free as a big step toward recovering their na- populist parties in the run-up to elec-
campaign contacts with Russian offi- market capitalism, steered by Western tion’s lost prestige, status, and author- tions in Germany, France, and the
cials – including most recently revela- advisers, left the jewels of the Russian ity. Indeed, 87 percent of respondents Netherlands this year.
tions of Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s economy in the hands of a few bil- to one poll approved the move.
conversations with the Russian am- lionaire oligarchs – and hundreds of In echoes of the leak of Democratic
bassador to the U.S. in 2016. millions of Russians in penury. While Russia shows no sign of ambitions to National Committee emails that em-
Russia was weak, the Western mili- reestablish the Soviet-era worldwide barrassed Hillary Clinton, which was
And as President Putin charts a tary alliance extended itself to include network of allies and client states. blamed by US security agencies on the
prouder and more assertive course former Soviet republics. Moscow felt Rather, Moscow is concentrating on Russian government, WikiLeaks found-
for his vast nation, operations such threatened, humiliated, and forced to efforts to stifle any tendency among er Julian Assange has told a Russian
as Russia’s 2014 invasion and annexa- swallow Western values. former Soviet republics to move closer newspaper he has “interesting” emails
tion of Crimea in neighboring Ukraine to the West. That appears to be what concerning French center-left presi-
point to much broader changes afoot From the Western perspective, Rus- is behind Moscow’s support for sepa- dential candidate Emmanuel Macron.
that pose hard questions about the sia has flunked the key test for mem- ratist rebels in eastern Ukraine, where
balance of power in the world. bership in the club: democracy. And fighting flared up again in February. RT, the official Russian TV station
as Moscow has fallen back into its old broadcasting internationally, has specu-
From the Middle East to Latin Amer- autocratic ways, it has revealed revan- And Russia is readying itself for more lated that America was behind the Ebola
ica, from Ukraine to China, Russia chist territorial instincts and a deter- such conflicts. It is spending $300 bil- virus epidemic. Sputnik, a news agency
is flexing its diplomatic and military mination to claw back lost influence in lion to replace 70 percent of its military with ties to the Kremlin, made no se-
muscles in a manner not witnessed its neighborhood and beyond. hardware by 2020, developing a profes- cret of its editorial support for Britain’s
since the cold war. And the world had sional army to replace the traditional withdrawal from the EU. A fake news
better get used to it. “Russia is not Amid deep mutual distrust and dis- mass conscript force, and building up website in Russian-controlled east-
some regional dwarf,” says Andrei Kli- illusion, Moscow has changed tack. rapid deployment forces capable of in- ern Ukraine spread a false story about
mov, deputy head of the international In its 2013 “foreign-policy concept,” tervening in neighboring states. NATO preparations for war with Russia
affairs committee of the upper house Russia referred to itself as “an integral, that ended up in a mainstream Swedish
of parliament, “but a world power with organic part of European civilization.” Moscow has boosted troop numbers newspaper, among other places.
its own zone of influence.” The new version that Putin approved and military hardware along Russia’s
last November drops that phrase and western border and in Kaliningrad, its “The aim of this sort of outlet seems
That attitude spells trouble for the instead talks of “dueling values.” It Baltic enclave. NATO has responded by not to be to convince Western au-
international system that America blames “western powers” for “impos- planning to deploy rotating troop units diences but to confuse them,” says
has dominated for decades. “Russia ing their points of view” on the world in Poland and Baltic member states NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu.
has positioned itself as the challenger Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. “If you poison the well with half-truths
Moscow has also launched more
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 16, 2017 21
Mary Somerville would have been progressed into the 20th and 21st tal role in taking this newfound an actual union of sciences. It was the
enthusiastically elected into the centuries. “Convergence” is his knowledge into biology, helping evidence, separately arriving from ar-
Royal Society of London in the 1800s whirlwind exploration showing us forge the field of molecular biol- chaeology, linguistics and genetics,
– if women had been allowed to join. “how linking one science with an- ogy. that converged on a common answer.
Celebrated in her time as an expert other could amplify understand-
mathematician and thinker, she ing . . . converging and coalescing Watson chose a dynamic time With the rise of computation and
wrote a number of books on science, to identify one extraordinary mas- in science to summarize. So, be- information theory, it’s likely that fu-
including “On the Connexion of the ter narrative, one overwhelming cause of the wide breadth of dis- ture convergences will more and more
Physical Sciences,” published in 1834. interlocking coherent story: the coveries being described, the involve mathematics – as the author
Her aim, writes Peter Watson, “was to history of the universe.” When ge- presentation can at times feel puts it, “Whether order, as defined by
reveal the common bonds – the links, ologists revealed the time required rushed. The achievements of a list mathematical equations, is not just an
the convergence – between the physi- to form sedimentary rock and pa- of notables – from Wilhelm Ront- organizing principle of reality, but real-
cal sciences at a time when they were leontologists found fossils within gen to Henri Becquerel to Pierre ity itself.” Unfortunately, while explor-
otherwise being carved up into sepa- those layers, questions inevitably and Marie Curie, for example – ing this fascinating question, Watson
rate disciplines.” She showed how arose concerning the origin of spe- are condensed to a few pages. The goes off the path of settled science. He
dynamics, statics, hydrodynamics, cies, culminating in the work of arc from artificial dyes to phar- offers in due course wild and specula-
optics and electricity could be placed Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel maceuticals is swept through in tive imaginings, the pet theories of a
under one roof of study. In fact, the Wallace. Their work, in turn, would just several more. It is when Wat- handful of scientists that are not yet
term “scientist” was first introduced influence Karl Marx in his Darwin- son slows his pace to go deeper ready for prime time, such as physicist
in a review of Somerville’s book to ian model of societal change. into a particularly pivotal devel- Frank Tipler’s views on the “physics of
describe the members of this broader opment that the book becomes immortality.” I would have preferred
enterprise. Physics came to affect chem- more engaging. that “Convergence” stuck with scientif-
istry, chemistry entered into bi- ic information that is either well under-
Watson considers this a seminal mo- ology, and biology impacted the One such episode is the “friendly stood or testable. I think Mary Somer-
ment, the start of an avalanche that cognitive sciences. Watson offers invasion of the biological sciences by ville would have agreed.
the reader a “big history” of the the physical sciences,” as described by
modern sciences from this specific Rockefeller Foundation official War- CONVERGENCE
perspective. Those seeking a grand ren Weaver, who persuaded his or- The Idea at the Heart of Science
overview of science’s greatest hits over ganization to fund this new venture.
the past century will find it here. Physicist Erwin Schrodinger started By Peter Watson
The first wave in this amalgam- the stampede in the early 1940s with Simon & Schuster. 543 pp. $35
ating march was dominated by the his influential book “What is Life?,” in
application of physics to an array of which he suggested that the gene, then Review by Marcia Bartusiak,
fields. Dmitri Mendeleyev found a a mysterious entity, must be a highly The Washington P
distinct periodicity in the properties stable molecule that contains a code.
of the chemical elements that hinted A decade later, two avid fans of Schro-
at an underlying structure, which dinger’s book, James Watson and Fran-
was ultimately revealed by physicists cis Crick, finally cracked that code. The
who discovered that the arrange- application of physics to astronomy has
ment of electrons around a nucleus wielded similar revolutions in our un-
of protons and neutrons determined derstanding of stellar and cosmic evo-
an element’s chemical behavior. The lution. The author goes on to examine
chemist Linus Pauling, absorbing the development of such paired scien-
the new laws of quantum mechanics tific entities as sociobiology, behavioral
that described the behavior of those economics, evolutionary psychology
electrons, was able to go even further, and cognitive neuroscience.
explaining in the 1930s the mecha-
nisms behind elements bonding to These direct meldings of scientific
one another to form molecules. This fields get less tight in the closing chap-
transformed the field of chemistry. ters. The author, for example, shows
And Pauling didn’t stop there; in the how scientists traced the origin of the
succeeding decades he played a vi- Indo-European mother tongue to Ana-
tolia around 6500 BC. It’s a fascinating
journey, but this result did not involve
1. A Gentleman in Moscow 1. Portraits of Courage 1. The Girl Who Drank the Moon
2. The Summer Before the 2. Hillbilly Elegy BY J.D. VANCE 2. Happy Easter, Curious George
War BY HELEN SIMONSON 3. Books for Living
3. Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk BY WILL SCHWALBE
3. Everything I Need to Know I
BY HELEN SIMONSON 4. A Crooked Smile Learned from a Little Golden
4. Lincoln in the Bardo BY TERRI TATE
4. Everything I Need to Know
BY GEORGE SAUNDERS 5. Tropical Light About Family I Learned from a
Little Golden Book BY DIANE MULDROW
5. We're Going on an Egg Hunt (Lift
Collected Cozy Mysteries presented by
Tea Party!!
Kashi Ashram Members
Sunday, March 19th at 3 pm
Tuesday, March 21st at 6 pm
392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
22 Thursday, March 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
When payback is positive, it can be richly rewarding
When you hear “payback,” what by native islanders called the Naka- the island in 1970 and spent four years payback with as much energy and
comes to mind? Payback is a word nai who sheltered him and hid him teaching in the local schools. enthusiasm as Major Hargesheimer.
with a range of connotations. If we’ve from the Japanese for months. Then Whether the kindnesses to us across
borrowed money, then we undertake Hargesheimer was rescued by the According to a New York Times ar- the years have been literally life-sav-
a payback to our lender. That’s a per- Australians and sent home to the U.S., ticle published at the time of his death ing, or simply life-inspiring, life-en-
fectly reasonable use for the word. and he went on with his own life. But in 2010, Hargesheimer had told those hancing or life-enriching, what could
But the online dictionaries we’ve he never forgot the kindness of the who asked about his long-lasting we do to offer our due? How can we
consulted offer definitions for the Nakanai people in his time of need. commitment to the Nakanai people ensure payback?
word that are probably more well- that the more he thought about it, “the
known and less wholesome. These For the remainder of his life, more I realized what a debt I had to try THE BAGGOTTS
days, in common usage, “payback” Hargesheimer worked to pay back the to repay.” Rev. Dr. Robert Baggott is Senior
tends to mean an act of revenge, ret- Nakanai. Minister of Community Church
ribution or retaliation. Hargesheimer did repay the people of Vero Beach. Rev. Dr. Casey
Initially he raised funds to build a of the Nakanai tribe with actions as Baggott is Executive Minister.
Using the word in that sense re- school, the first school the Nakanai life-giving as the ones that saved him The Baggotts write a regular faith
minds us of the ancient legal sanc- people had ever attended. With ad- decades earlier. His life became fo- column.
tion allowing the taking of an eye for ditional fund raising, Hargesheimer cused on reciprocity, but not of evil,
an eye. The code of law of Hammura- was able to help build more schools, a only of goodness.
bi, dating from the 18th century BCE clinic, a library, and offer other essen-
in Mesopotamia, clearly delineates tials. He and his family even moved to What a different world we might
crimes and their appropriate mirror inhabit if we undertook positive
punishments: an eye for an eye, a
broken bone for a broken bone, and
so on.
While the eye-for-an-eye principle
found its way into the Bible, so did
nuances in its application. Harsh re-
ciprocal judgment was softened un-
der various circumstances and was
often replaced by a monetary fine.
A further refinement on reciprocal
justice emerged which focused not
only on payback of wrongdoing, but
also on payback of kindness. We are
encouraged to give freely, for we have
freely received.
Someone with an extraordinary
capacity for positive payback came
to our attention recently. Major Fred
Hargesheimer was a pilot in the
U.S. Army Air Force during World
War II. On June 5, 1943, while fly-
ing a photo reconnaissance mis-
sion, Hargesheimer’s plane was shot
down by a Japanese fighter pilot near
the island of Papua New Guinea.
Hargesheimer successfully parachut-
ed to safety, spent weeks surviving in
the jungle, and was eventually found
26 Thursday, March 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Counseling could help address uneasy family dynamic
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST idea of what to expect from any given age. non-judgmentally as you can (how he takes it is
If you’re able to convey what to expect gener- the part of the equation you can’t control). Also
Dear Carolyn: I’m a mom of take care to note, encourage and articulate each
teens and young adults. My hus- ally from teenagers and young adults, or if you of your children’s particular strengths.
band doesn’t get along very well have a resource you’ve used to help you under-
with the kids, and it is becoming stand what to expect, then do pass that along as Sometimes the best messenger, though, is one
increasingly painful for all of us. who is objective; thus the therapy suggestion. A
I feel like I have an imperfect but good therapist can offer practical ideas for pre-
close relationship with the kids. empting and de-escalating conflict, and also
have the perspective to say, hey, this is normal
I don’t know what to do to help. and nothing to get worked up about – since just
I can’t really talk to my husband knowing it’s OK not to get upset can be the magic
about the way he acts with the serum for family peace.
kids because we have a stable but uneasy relation-
ship as well. When they bring issues up to me, I en- Another thing that can help is to pay close
courage them to speak their mind with him but be attention to where your husband struggles in
respectful. This phase of life feels hard, but I sense dealing with the kids, and get at that counter-
that it needs time and flexibility and a lot of mu- intuitively – not by jumping to correct him, but
tual grace and respect. instead by validating what he’s seeing and what
I’m not sure what my question is. How do you he’s trying to do about it. “I know you want X and
raise parents of kids who are mostly raised already? Y, understandably.” If you can put yourself in
that spot, even better. “I’ve struggled with that,
– Parent too.” Then you are in a better position to add that
“I think you’ll have better luck if you try Z” or that
Would your husband be receptive to family coun- “I had some luck with Z.”
seling? Sounds like the “time and flexibility and a lot
of mutual grace and respect” are things you know Obviously working on your own “stable but un-
you need and can personally choose to provide, but easy” relationship is a priority, even if I’m men-
hoping for it from others without any sort of guid- tioning it last. In my experience, uneasy + home =
ance might be wishful thinking. instability. As in, families who don’t get along well.
Parents who are at odds with their kids often get If your marital difficulties mean he’ll refuse
that way because their expectations don’t match any sort of intervention, professional or other-
reality, be it because they have specific outcomes wise, then please make an appointment just for
in mind and their kids choose otherwise, or be- you to discuss any possible next steps – to include,
cause they (the parents) don’t have an accurate I hope, also bringing the kids.
28 Thursday, March 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Look into new, advanced glaucoma/cataract procedures
STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER Dr. Stephen Tate prepares surgery – first performed in Los An- sire to develop safer surgical options
[email protected] a patient for eye surgery. geles in 2015 – and now available in that are available earlier in the disease
Vero, does away with the need for post- process.”
Most Americans regard the loss of PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE operative eyedrops. (More on this be-
their eyesight as the worst medical low.) The ultra-tiny titanium iStent – a
calamity they could experience, ac- people in the United States either will nearly invisible 0.0393701 of an inch
cording to a survey released in last have cataract or will have had cata- Glaucoma, meanwhile, is trickier. long – can now be implanted into the
month from researchers at the Wilm- ract surgery,” and glaucoma isn’t far According to NIH, “glaucoma damag- drainage canal inside the eye to allow
er Eye Institute of the Johns Hopkins behind. es the eye’s optic nerve and is another excess fluid to drain out and lower the
University School of Medicine. leading cause of blindness.” pressure on the optic nerve.
“Cataracts,” explains Tate, “is just
Going blind easily topped the loss a clouding of the lens inside the eye; But, according to Tate, “the [biggest] That’s clearly not a job for a rookie
of a limb, the onset of Alzheimer’s- right behind the colored part of the problem with glaucoma is that there surgeon, but despite Tate’s boyish
like dementia, cancer, heart problems eye – the iris – there’s a lens and that are no symptoms, typically, until it’s good looks he’s actually something of
and even the ability to speak or hear lens doesn’t turn over throughout very, very, very late in the game. Once an old pro at these procedures.
as the most catastrophic thing survey your life like, say, your skin, where old someone starts to notice that their vi-
participants could imagine. skin dies and new skin cells grow. The sion is changing – that they’re having “I was one of the first physicians
lens of the eye isn’t like that. The lens problems – they’re really in trouble. implanting the iStent in the state and
Maybe that’s why Dr. Stephen Tate that you’re born with stays there. By The most important thing with glau- we’ve been at it for a while now,” Tate
at New Visions Eye Center here in the time that you’re 60, 70 or 80 years coma is to treat it very, very early and says – which is actually something of
Vero Beach is so enthusiastic about old, the lens in your eye is 60, 70, 80 try to prevent it from progressing.” an understatement.
two of the newest developments in years old. It just starts to get hazy and
eye care: The “drop-less” cataract cloudy and typically will get a bit yel- In many cases, one of the biggest In fact, Tate has already done about
procedure and what’s billed as “the lowish and brown over time. Eventu- obstacles to halting that progression 500 of these procedures. Medicare and
world’s smallest medical implant de- ally it gets cloudy enough that it starts is “compliance with therapy,” and ac- most insurers will pick up most of the
vice” – the iSight stent, used in treat- to affect the vision.” cording to Tate that often means pa- cost.
ing glaucoma. tients being unable or unwilling to use
During a cataract surgery, that their prescribed eyedrops as directed. Dropping the eyedrops is now also
Both cataract and glaucoma are cloudy, hazy natural lens is replaced a viable option for many – if not all –
leading causes of blindness world- with a new, clear artificial one known And Tate understands why that’s so of those with cataracts, thanks to the
wide. as an intraocular lens. common. new “dropless cataract surgery.” It can
eliminate the need for post-operative
Glaucoma, says Tate, “is incredibly The basic procedure was FDA ap- “That’s the tough one,” Tate says eyedrops for most cataract surgery pa-
common. Particularly here in Vero proved in the early 1980s and has sympathetically, “because that’s the tients because the medications in the
Beach [because of the older popula- evolved considerably since then. To- part where people are using drops that drops can now, in Tate’s words, “be
tion]. The number of people that have day, most such lenses are made of are expensive and maybe they find infused between the little fibers that
glaucoma or are at risk for glaucoma synthetic materials such as hydro- them irritating to the eyes.” Or, Tate hold the lens in place” during the pro-
is incredible.” phobic acrylics, hydrophilic acrylics continues, maybe arthritis or dexter- cedure.
or hydrophobic silicone. ity issues or memory problems or any
Then Tate adds, “In my practice I number of other age-related obstacles So, post-op eyedrops may no longer
see … [many] people who have both The newest advance in cataract can make using prescribed eyedrops a needed at all for most cataract or glau-
conditions. I would say anywhere difficult, if not borderline-impossible, coma patients.
from 20 to 30 percent of people have task.
both cataract and glaucoma.” Regular eye exams are the best and
“Over the years,” Tate continues, only way to catch these sight-stealing
“The thing about cataract,” Tate “there’s been different things devel- problems while they’re still treatable.
says, “is that virtually 100 percent of oped to try and help people control
people will develop cataracts. Cata- their eye pressure better without Tate mentions that a further FDA
ract itself is ubiquitous once people drops. There’s been a push for safer study is now in progress involving the
get into their 60s and 70s.” surgical options that can be done ear- iStent, and says “if anyone is interest-
lier in the process that don’t put the ed, they should call the office” to see if
The National Institutes of Health patient at risk of any untoward com- they qualify.
agrees, saying “more than 22 million plications. The iStent is one of the de-
Americans already have cataracts … velopments that’s come out of that de- Dr. Stephen Tate is with New Vision
the leading cause of blindness in the Eye Center at 1055 37th Place in Vero
world. By age 80, more than half of all Beach, directly across from the hospital.
The phone number is 772-257-8700.
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 16, 2017 31
First Bites: Sean Ryan Pub in Vero’s auld downtown
Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, the
long-awaited Sean Ryan Pub finally
opened its doors last week on 14th Av-
enue in Vero’s old downtown.
Unlike other local Irish pubs, Sean
Ryan’s occupies a large, bright airy
space – the better to host the scores of
daughters and sons of Erin who are ex-
pected to pack it this Friday to hoist a
Guinness (or two) to dreams of a visit to
the auld sod.
The latest creation of Roger Lenzi,
who owns next-door Avanzare, the pub
is owned by Dave and Sheila Schweitzer,
who are making their first venture into
the restaurant and bar business. It is
staffed by a number of familiar faces
from other Vero dining establishments.
Headline news: In addition to be-
Crabby Baked
Corned Beef Reuben
and Cabbage Fritters
ing 14th Avenue’s new “go to” place to bangers & mash), it also offers a variety cabbage ($10.90), my husband had the priced item on the menu Sean Ryan’s
drink, Sean Ryan’s offers a menu of of Lenzi creations that seem likely to pan-seared salmon ($20), one of our steak for $22. How much you spend will
Irish-influenced appetizers and entrées make the pub a spot people come to for companions had the corned beef and depend on how much you drink.
that goes beyond pub food, and makes dinner as well as to drink. cabbage dinner ($12.90), and our other
this a fine (and very reasonably priced) dining partner had the mac and cheese Initial impressions: As the first Irish
choice for evening dining. On a visit last week, our party of four with short ribs ($16). The entrées and pub in Vero featuring a full dinner
sampled four appetizers and four en- appetizers all got high marks. menu, we would venture to predict that
While the table cloths in the dining trees. Sean Ryan Pub is going to prove a strong
section are dark gray, the dinners being Drink: Sean Ryan claims to offer the and welcome addition to the Vero din-
served are the match of what you would The appetizers we tried were the largest selection of Irish beers and whis- ing scene.
expect to find in a white-table-cloth crabby baked oysters ($14), beautiful key in Vero Beach. It also features some
restaurant. oysters topped by fresh Carolina blue Irish cocktails, and a made-in-America I welcome your comments, and en-
crab and a dill hollandaise sauce; sau- drink you’re not likely to find in Dublin courage you to send feedback to me at
Look & Feel: Walking into Sean sage rolls ($9), bacon and cheddar Irish called Irish car bomb. [email protected].
Ryan’s from 14th Avenue, your eye is bangers wrapped in puff pastry with
immediately drawn to the huge, well- honey and whole grain mustard sauce Service: For a restaurant that had The reviewer is a beachside resident
spaced island bar in the center with a for dipping; reuben fritters ($12), corned only been open a couple of days and was who dines anonymously at restaurants at
half-dozen large, flatscreen TVs over- beef & cabbage & swiss fritters with a two-thirds full, service was amazingly the expense of this newspaper.
head. Down both sides of the bar are thousand island dipping sauce; and smooth, and our server was extremely
booths for those wanting to drink or potato leek soup ($6), a very thick soup knowledgeable about the menu items. HOURS
dine in a casual setting. Then at the topped with cheddar. Tuesday-Sunday, 4 pm to 11 pm
rear, there are tables for those seeking a Prices: Entrée prices run from the
bit more formal dining. For main courses, I had the stuffed low to high teens, with the highest- BEVERAGES
Full bar
Even with music playing and a bar Brevard restaurant reviewer
that was mostly full, the noise level in ADDRESS
Sean Ryan’s was surprisingly much low- The Melbourne Beachsider is looking for a freelance food critic to write weekly 2019 14th Avenue
er than that of most Vero restaurants – a reviews of restaurants in Brevard County. Until we find the right person, we will
boon for table conversation. continue to run reviews in this space by our Vero Beach restaurant reviewer. If you Vero Beach, FL
have food expertise and think you can help Beachsider readers with their dining PHONE
Food: While Sean Ryan offers all of choices, please send a resume and a 600-word review of a restaurant you recently
the standard fare you would expect 772-217-2183
to find in an Irish pub (fish & chips, visited to [email protected].
32 Thursday, March 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 16, 2017 33
Bonz has a good-a time with new bud Buddha
Hi Dog Buddies! that’s Cheeto. I’m sorta their protector. “Well, thanks, Bonz.
Big ol’ herons usta spot the pond and A dog’s gotta do what a
This week I had lotsa fun yapping swoop down for some fishin’. But NOW, dog’s gotta do.”
with a rescue mix, Buddha Rico, who is when they get anywhere near, I bark
a very cool poocheroo. I was intrigued and bark to alert Mama and Daddy, and I nodded. “So, got
right off the bat cuz, in his email, he ca- we chase ’em away.” any favorite food? How
sually mentioned that he could meow. ’bout other animal
I KNOW, right? At first I was skeptical: “Wow! That is Seriously Cool Kib- pals? Do you travel
l thought, “Oh suuure, it’s probly just a bles!” I exclaimed. much? And your email
weird woof.” He seemed like a frenly said you can meow
sorta pooch, and I was lookin’ forward “I believe in helping others, no mat- like a cat. We’re you
to the interview. ter what species. Like sea turtles. I’m just woofin’ me?”
sure you know our coastline is, like,
Buddha was in the front yard with THE top turtle hatching area on the He laughed. “First
his Mom when me and my Assistant PLAnet!” off: CHEESE! I’m
arrived, and he came right up for the a BIG FAN. Me an
Wag-and-Sniff. He was smaller than “I do know that.” Mama have a GAR-
me, nice black coat, a little salt-and- “Well, coupla years back, there was den, an I love the
peppery in the whiskers. this big storm, not a hurry-cane, but lot- fresh veggies, ’spe-
sa wind and waves. The waves washed cially kale and col-
“Welcome! OK if I call you Bonz? I’m hundreds of baby turtles smack outta lards. My vet was
Buddha, of course. This is my Mama, their offshore, seagrass nursery, and like ‘Waa-aat?’ Me
Tee. My Daddy’s workin’. He’s Chris. whooshed them all back ashore. So and my girlfriend,
How ’bout lets yap down by the pond.” Mama and Daddy and a buncha other Sasha, play on the
humans from Melbourne Turtle Res- beach, just across
He had a big fenced yard. Down cue helped scoop them up and get the road. She’s an
a little slope was the pond, ’em back safe to their nursery. Me and Australian Shep-
ackshully two ponds, Mama very gently gathered up 32 ba- herd with
with a buncha fish. Big bies. First, we hadda keep ’em for a lit-
pretty colored ones. tle while, to make sure
“Bonz is fine,” I said, Buddha, the Dog. PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER
followin’ him down to the
ponds, which hadda bench they were pretty eyes, one of grade, and got my own seat.
and a nice little deck. “Dog! OK. Everybody should get a second ’em’s blue. My other Bestie is my next- “NOW, me an Mama will show you
Nice place you got!” chance, doncha think? I did! I’ve heard door neighbor Xup, pronounced Zoop,
humans call helpin’ like that payin’ it a sweet, basic-brown cat. She taught my tricks. I work for FOOD!”
“Don’t I know it! I’m one forward.” me the benefits of cat-napping. I LOVE We went up to the house and his
lucky dog. See, I was a res- to travel. I fly Delta cuz I have a strong
cue, got brought to a shelter I was totally impressed. “Buddha, affinity for Delta Biscuits. Plus I get to Mom got out the treats. She said
down in Miami. I figure I you’re a real inspiration! A great role stay in the cabin with Mama. I’m an “Jump up high!” and he launched sky-
was around 2 at the time.” model for puppies to follow!” unticketed lap pooch. Once I got a pup- ward like he was on springs. She said
“Roll over!” and he did. Not just one
I started writing. “Go on.” Don’t be shy! little roll-over, either. He rolled across
“The shelter had a lotta We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up the floor like a ball. THEN she said
humans who were foster an interview, please email [email protected]. “Sneeze!” And, believe it or not, he
pooch parents; my Mama achoo’ed. Several times. Sounded just
was one of ‘em. She been fos- like a human!
terin’ for years and there were
always several pooches in the For the finale, his Mom said “Meow,
house. Well, we hit it off right Buddha.” And he DID! It was no weird
away, so she took me, just to bark either. It was a gen-u-wine, you’d-
foster till I got adopted. Well, swear-it-was-a-cat Meow.
thank Lassie, Mama and Dad-
dy decided there was No Way “See,” he said proudly, “I wasn’t
they were gonna give me up. And here I woofin’!”
am. I’m about 10 now. When we moved
up here I loved it right away. There’s all You sure weren’t! Buddha, you’re
this room to run, and I love hangin’ out some poocheroo!”
with my fish pals.”
“Fish pals? Are you Woofin’ me right Heading home, I was thinking
now?” about Buddha and how he protects
“Nope. I’ll show you. Come see.” his fish pals, and helped those baby
He walked to the edge of the deck and turtles. And how he can speak Cat.
three big fish swam up. “See that gold And how he works in the garden and
one with the black face, kinda looks enjoys green veggies. I figured I could
like a mask? That’s Zorro. The white really learn some important stuff
one with the big caboose, that’s Bubba from him. Except for the kale.
Gump. And the white and gold one,
Till next time,
-The Bonz
34 Thursday, March 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
ONGOING 17 Meg O’Malley’s Shamrockin’ 18th an- 21 To April 9 - Riverside Theatre presents The forming Arts, showcasing violinist Elmar Oliveira
nual Festival, begins with 8 a.m. Fri. ChristiansontheWaxlaxStage. 772-231-6990 performing Beethoven’s Violin Concerto. bre-
Surfside Playhouse, Cocoa Beach – South Pa- breakfast and continues with free concerts un-
cific weekends thru March 19. 321-783-3127. til wee hours. 22|23 Melbourne Community Or-
chestra presents A Roman- 1|2 Melbourne Air and Space Show at
Melbourne’s Henegar Center for the Arts - 17 Joe Mullins and the Radio Ramblers tic Vienna, 7:30 p.m. at Melbourne Auditorium. Melbourne International Airport,
The Hunchback of Notre Dame thru March 26. bluegrass concert presented by JT’s Free. 321-285-6724. featuring U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds, Patrouille Bluegrass, 7 p.m. at Faith City Church, Titus- de France, GEICO Skytypers and Ken Pietsch. Ai-
ville. $21. 321-222-7797 24 To April 30 - Melbourne Civic Theatre pres-
Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse - Elton John ents Neil Simon’s Rumors.
& Tim Rice musical, Aida: The Timeless Love 18 Paws on the Catwalk Fashion Show, 6 Atlantic Classical Orchestra conducted by
Story thru March 26. 321-636-5050 10 a.m. at Melbourne Auditorium to 25|26 Strawberry Festival, 10 David Amado presents Brahms, Double
benefit Brevard Humane Society, with silent a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat., 10 a.m. Concerto in A Minor for Violin and Cello, with
Riverside Theatre - Mame on the Stark Stage and live auctions, lunch and adoptable pets. to 5 p.m. Sun. at Eastern Florida State College, soloists Leonid Sigal and Ashley Garritson, 6:40
thru March 26. 772-231-6990 $30. 321-636-3343 x 218 Palm Bay to benefit Daily Bread, Inc. providing p.m. lecture; 7:30 p.m. concert at St. Edward’s
food to and services to the less fortunate. Free. School Waxlax Performing Arts Center, Vero
EGAD First Friday in Eau Gallie Arts District, 18 Pelican Island National Wildlife Ref- Beach. 772-460-0850
5:30 to 8:30 p.m. every first Friday; and Mel- uge Festival, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at
bourne Main Street Friday Fest, 6 to 10 p.m. Riverview Park in Sebastian hosted by Pelican 25|26 Downtown Melbourne 7 A Night Filled with Stars Gala honoring
every second Friday. Island Preservation Society and U. S. Fish and Festival of the Arts, 10 a.m. veterans, POWs and MIA, 6 p.m. at Hilton
Wildlife Service, with environmental exhibits, to 5 p.m. on New Haven Ave., a juried art show Melbourne Rialto Place with dinner and live en-
Free Science Cafés hosted by Brevard Zoo arts & crafts, children’s activities and entertain- with 140+ artists displaying original paintings, tertainment to support the Ride Home Project.
and FIT, every second Wednesday thru June at ment. Free. 772-202-0697 pottery, jewelry, photography and more. Free. $100.
Duran Golf Club’s Tradewinds Restaurant. Free.
18 Celtic Thunder’s Emmett Cahill sings 31 Spring Fling Dance, 7 p.m. at Mel- 8 Pirate and Plunder 2-Miler, 6:30 p.m. at
MARCH traditional Irish songs in concert with bourne Auditorium hosted by Swing- Meg O’Malley’s to benefit Harmony Farms
Space Coast Symphony Orchestra, 7 p.m. at time, Melbourne Municipal Band’s Big Band Equine Assisted Therapy, with costume prizes
16|17 International Conference Satellite High School Performing Arts Center. ensemble, with lessons available at 6 p.m. $7 and post-race party. 321-751-8890
on the 1715 Plate Fleet at $30; 18 & under $15. 855-252-7276 - $10; lessons $5. 321-339-7705
Flagler College in St. Augustine, with speakers 8 An Evening of Hope IX, 7 p.m. at Eau Gallie
on a variety of topics related to the 1715 Fleet 18|19 24th annual Indialantic 31 Melbourne Chamber Music Society Yacht Club to benefit Scott Center for Au-
and Florida history, receptions and a dinner on Art Festival, 10 a.m. to presents violinist Paul Huang and tism Treatment. 321-674-8106
Saturday. 5 p.m. at Nance Park with artists and crafters pianist Jessica Xylina Osborne 7:30 p.m. at St.
from across the nation. Free. Marks United Methodist Church in Indialantic. 8 Friends of Sebastian Inlet State Park Night
17 Indian River Symphonic Association Sounds concert series features St. John’s
presents Royal Scottish National Orches- 19 Phoenix Jazz Orchestra led by John Wood, 7 p.m. at Coconut Point pavilions. Stan-
tra, featuring soloist Nicola Benedetti performing Mason performs a Tribute to Stan APRIL dard park entry fee. 321-984-4852
Shostakovich Violin Concerto No. 1, 7:30 p.m. at Kenton, 2 p.m. at Cocoa Beach Country Club
Community Church of Vero Beach. 772-778-1070 Ballroom to benefit the Space Coast Jazz Schol- 1 Brevard Symphony Orchestra presents The 11-30 Riverside Theatre presents
arship Fund for Brevard High School seniors. Three B’s, 8 p.m. at King Center for the Per- Saturday Night Fever: Songs
$20. from the Bee Gees on the Stark Stage. 772-
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 18 Women of Excellence Awards Gala,
in March 9, 2017 Edition 5 WINDY 1 SNIP 5 p.m. at Crowne Plaza Melbourne
6 ITEMS 2 MYTHS Oceanfront. 321-724-5400
9 OPEN 4 RENOUNCE 22|23 Melbourne Art Festival at
10 BEACH 5 WINCE Wickham Park kicks off
12 TRINKET 7 SWEDE with 5K Flamingo Run, 7:30 a.m. Apr. 22 and
14 SLUMBER 11 COMPOSED continues both days with juried art show, live
16 VERSE 13 MEMENTO musical entertainment, workshops and chil-
19 DODO 15 LIONS dren’s activities. Free.
Sudoku Page 2660 Sudoku Page 6271 Crossword Page 6206 Crossword Page 2671 (ANAGRAM NICKNAMES) 28 To May 14 - Historic Cocoa Village Play-
house presents the Broadway musical,
Mary Poppins. 321-636-5050
Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting the
South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951, Indialantic,
Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach. Contact Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 [email protected].
36 Thursday, March 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Roomy home overlooking harbor is full of surprises
STORY BY MARIA CANFIELD CORRESPONDENT many purposes at the same time, if ed by the multipurpose room and long, wide hallway that provides dra-
[email protected] so desired. As currently set up, it has the other main-floor rooms, which matic views of the main floor; from
a traditional living space, an area to include the carpeted, open-flow liv- this vantage point, the home’s soar-
The 3-story home at 320 Bay Point partake of a casual meal, and a game ing and dining rooms, and the family ing ceilings, gentle curves, and im-
Drive, overlooking a cove off of Eau Gal- area with a pool table (which is stay- room, where a wood-burning fire- pressive windows are on full display.
lie Harbor, would be called “large” at ing with the house). The room’s hard- place is the focal point – its stone fac- Perhaps most striking is the view of
half its size; with over 4,500 square feet wood floors are an attractive and ing, in shades of tan and rose, soaring the kitchen; from here you can best
of living space, it offers beyond-spa- practical complement to the room’s from floor to ceiling. see that it has walls that provide some
cious living, perfect those who enter- sense of separation from the other
rooms, but there are deep and wide
cutouts that give it an open feel.
This top floor is where you’ll find
the master bedroom (large, as be-
fitting the scale of the house; with
a designated sitting area); like the
multi-purpose room below, it has a
direct view of the cove. Its his-and-
hers walk-in closets offer ample stor-
age (a theme repeated throughout
the house). The en suite bathroom
has dual vanities, a jetted tub and
beautiful floor tile, deeply-textured
in shades of gold. There is a second
tain or often have guests in residence. many uses. The home’s first floor is completed bedroom on this floor; used as an ex-
The exterior of the home is hand- Like the home’s exterior, the island by a nicely-appointed, full-of-storage ercise room by the current owners, it
laundry room and a full bath (a wel- would also make a good office.
some: it has a light clay-colored stuc- kitchen is handsome – it has dark comed alternative to the expected
co finish accented by strips of fawn brown granite countertops (with one powder room). From the main floor, you walk
brown, an under-cover entrance foy- lowered section serving as a built-in down a set of steps, and find that there
er tiled in pleasing hues of brown and desk) and cabinets in a warm cherry Accessed by two short sets of stairs is another floor to explore. Also graced
gray, and dark red double doors sur- wood. The kitchen is centrally locat- connected by a visually-appealing with a long, wide hallway, this floor
rounded by tall windows. The over- ed – like a hub of a wheel – surround- landing, the home’s top floor has a has two bedrooms, each with its own
sized 2-car garage is perpendicular
to the entrance; the L-shaped design
provides a nice sense of seclusion.
Stepping inside, you’ll find the
sprawling main floor, with its many
options for relaxing and entertaining.
You’ll likely first be drawn to the huge
multi-purpose room that spans the
width of the home; it directly over-
looks the sparkling cove through a
wall of windows. The view is lovely;
a combination of serene nature and
civilization (in the mid-distance,
there’s a gorgeous sunshine-colored
high-rise building).
This room is big enough to serve its
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 16, 2017 37
en suite bathroom. But that’s not all: tained, it would be a great place for We’ve touched on the home’s more- storage space under the stairs leading
There is also a long room with the type older kids or guests of short or long than-ample storage; nowhere is that from the main floor.
of built-in desk, shelves, and cabinets duration to set up residence. Adding more in evidence than on the bottom
you would find in an office setting. to the feeling of the bottom floor be- floor, where there is a sizable semi- The home is conveniently located
ing an in-house apartment, the patio finished storage room. It is full height, near Ballard Park, with diverse rec-
Beyond this very utilitarian room and that lovely view of the cove are no crouching needed (in fact, the cur- reational facilities and amenities,
is a surprise; a generous-sized bonus accessible from three doors, two of rent owners’ son had a band that used including boat ramps, lighted tennis
room that could be used in a multi- which are in the bedrooms. to practice there). There is also a large courts, and a pavilion. As stated on
tude of ways – a TV or media room, a its Facebook page, the park also has
craft or sewing room, or a play room VITAL STATISTICS a memorial to naturalist and author
for the grandkids. There is a kitchen- 340 BAY POINT DRIVE, MELBOURNE Thomas Barbour, who frequented the
ette in the corner of this room, which shell mounds on the park grounds as
brings to mind another use for this a boy. The home is offered by Cold-
entire bottom floor – being self-con- well Banker Paradise for $824,900.
Year built: 1989
Home size: 4,538 square feet • Lot size: 23,522 square feet (.54 acres)
Bedrooms: 4 • Bathrooms: 4
Additional Features: Solidly built on 40’ pilings, circular paver driveway
with separate entrance/exit, beautiful water views, extensive storage
space, ceiling fans and custom recessed lighting throughout
Listing Agency: Coldwell Banker Paradise
Listing Agent: Linda Coleman, 321-543-6033
List Price: $824,900
38 Thursday, March 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: March 3 to March 9
The third week of February saw continued brisk real estate activity in island ZIP codes 32903 and 32937,
though it was a quiet week in 32951. Melbourne Beach reported only one sale and Indian Harbour Beach
2, but Indialantic had 7 and Satellite Beach reported 8.
The top sale of the week was of a Tortoise Island riverfront estate in Satellite Beach. The residence at
448 Lanternback Island Drive was placed on the market Jan. 2 with an asking price of $850,000. The
transaction closed March 3 for the full asking price.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Joe Kovac of Kovac Real Estate. The purchaser was
represented by JoAnne Infurna of Dale Sorensen Real Estate.
NEW MELBOURNE BEACH 0 S A1A HWY 6/30/2016 $139,000 $139,000 3/8/2017 $235,000
SALES FOR 32903 $253,000
NONE 290 PARADISE BLVD 30 12/31/2016 $245,000 $245,000 3/3/2017 $429,500
THE REEF CONDO 1095 HIGHWAY A1A N 606 $355,000 3/3/2017 $535,000
TERRACE SHORES 1867 TERRACE SHORES DR 8/6/2016 $375,000 $249,950 3/6/2017 $260,000
RIO VILLA UNIT I 3074 RIO PINO N 1/16/2017 $249,950 $469,000 3/3/2017
MOSSWOOD 400 MOSSWOOD BLVD $429,000 3/8/2017 $164,500
POINT THE 614 FRANKLYN AVE 11/21/2016 $475,000 $549,900 3/9/2017 $210,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 120 7TH AVE $300,000 3/9/2017 $301,000
1/17/2017 $429,000 $284,500
10/13/2016 $639,000 $290,000
11/3/2016 $300,000 $850,000
SALES FOR 32937 $115,000
WATERWAY TWNHMS 1 407 IBIS LN 46 1/3/2017 $164,500 $164,500 3/3/2017
S PATRICK SHORES 1S 113 4TH ST SE $215,000 3/3/2017
S PATRICK SHORES 5S 112 HEDGEGROVE AVE 12/15/2016 $227,000 $299,900 3/3/2017
VILLA DEL MAR S6 U2 765 RICHARD ST 1/13/2017 $299,900 $325,000 3/7/2017
TORTOISE ISLAND P2U2 448 LANTERNBACK ISLAND DR 12/1/2016 $344,900 $850,000 3/3/2017
S PATRICK SHORES 4S 182 FIRST ST SE $259,900 3/9/2017
HARBOUR ROYALE WEST 416 SCHOOL RD 202 12/29/2016 $339,000 $119,900 3/9/2017
1/31/2017 $20,000
1/2/2017 $850,000
11/1/2016 $279,900
1/25/2017 $119,900
9/12/2016 $139,000
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 16, 2017 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Rio Villa Unit I, Address: 3074 Rio Pino N Subdivision: Mosswood, Address: 400 Mosswood Blvd
Listing Date: 11/21/2016 Listing Date: 1/17/2017
Original Price: $475,000 Original Price: $429,000
Recent Price: $469,000 Recent Price: $429,000
Sold: 3/3/2017 Sold: 3/8/2017
Selling Price: $469,000 Selling Price: $429,500
Listing Agent: Christine Hansen Listing Agent: Anita M Iannuzzi
Selling Agent: J. Edwards Real Estate Selling Agent: RE/MAX Aerospace Realty
Sheri Hufnagel Benjamin S. Glover
Surfside Properties And Mgt. National Realty of Brevard
Subdivision: The Point, Address: 614 Franklyn Ave Subdivision: Michigan Beach Repl, Address: 150 Norwood Ave
Listing Date: 10/13/2016 Listing Date: 12/1/2016
Original Price: $639,000 Original Price: 344900
Recent Price: $549,900 Recent Price: 299900
Sold: 3/9/2017 Sold: 3/7/2017
Selling Price: $535,000 Selling Price: 284500
Listing Agent: Mark E Fontaine Listing Agent: Leann Schneider
Selling Agent: Fontaine Property Group, Inc. Selling Agent: Grand Star Realty of Brevard
Eric Krall & Ellen M Krall Antonio Ayala
Tropical Realty Beachside LLC Coldwell Banker Res RE