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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-02-15 13:04:08

02/15/2018 ISSUE 07


The retiring type. P6 A culinary cruise. P29 Sensational ‘Smetana’

Brevard County Attorney Knox Hands-on cooking classes in
stepping down next month. a spectacular kitchen at sea.

Czech trio is rare treat for local
chamber music lovers. PAGE 12


another setback
[email protected]
Operational changes suggested by a new [email protected]
executive chef at Eau Gallie Yacht Club Res-
taurant in Indian Harbour Beach should The county’s most sought-
help correct high-priority violation warn- out training location, Oars
ings recently noted during routine health and Paddles Park in Indian
inspections, according to General Manager Harbour Beach, is starting its
Robert Crissman. busiest paddling season with
no new dock to ease conges-
The Eau Gallie Yacht Club restaurant has tion and noise caused by users
a staff of about 55-60 ranging from weekend hobby-
including wait staff. ists to elite athletes from across
It can serve 120 regu- the world.
lar customers with
events held on site in With nearly $200,000 in
excess of 200. The res- county Tourist Development
taurant business has Council improvements de-
60 percent member layed by permitting and a
activity, 40 percent event like banquets and legal challenge, getting the
weddings. improvements done was the
biggest concern.
Sanitation and safety inspections were
conducted by the Division of Hotels and But since a Feb. 1 spill of
Restaurants Jan. 1 with a follow-up inspec- 375,000 gallons of raw sewage
tion Jan. 26. In addition to reports of mold near the Grand Canal north of
and other cleanliness issues, high-priority the park, the paddlers’ main
violation warnings were given for issues in- thoroughfare has been under
cluding having no hot water, and for food a no-swim warning. As of press


SIGN OF THINGS TO COME Science Fair showcases Brevard schools’ best and brightest

Holy Trinity’s Carlo Campanini signs with F.I.T. See Page 4. PHOTO: JULIAN LEEK STORY BY JAN WESNER CHILDS CORRESPONDENT that used magnets to lift the tu- Science Fair winner Lillian Zobel. PHOTO: JULIAN LEEK
mors up in the air, much like they
Satellite High School senior would be in their natural state.
Lillian Zobel grows tumors in her
school’s science lab. “When they’re floating they
can kind of do what they want,
Zobel started the project ear- which is what they do in the hu-
lier this school year to help un- man body,” Zobel said.
derstand whether using two-di-
mensional or three-dimensional Her project, titled “Effective-
cultures in research would be ness of 3D vs. 2D In-Vitro Well
more effective. Treatments,” won the best of

She then built her own device CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Winning production

NEWS 1-6 DINING 30 PEOPLE 7-10 Complex legend comes to life
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 21-23 PETS 24 in Riverside Theatre’s staging
CALENDAR 32 INSIGHT 19-28 of ‘Lombardi.’ PAGE 13


2 Thursday, February 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


SCIENCE FAIR invitation to the International Fair, ior’s Catholic School, St. Mary’s
which each year includes about 1,800 Catholic School and Merritt Is-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 competitors from more than 80 coun- land Christian School.
show award in senior biological sci- Other area middle and high
ences at the Brevard Public Schools Some 300 students entered the coun- schools will be represented
Intracoastal Science Fair last week at ty competition, including 52 from Sat- over the next two weeks at the
Merritt Square Mall. She also received ellite High and 50 from neighboring mainland and south county
an invitation to the International Sci- Delaura Middle School. Nearly all took science fairs.
ence and Engineering Fair, which will home awards.
take place in May in Pittsburgh. All first-place winners will
Participating schools also included go on to the State Science and
Satellite Senior Kelly Lynch won best Cocoa Beach and Edgewood junior/ Engineering Fair in Lakeland
of show in senior physical sciences, for senior high schools, Jefferson and Mc- in March.
her project titled “Home Ranges of At- Nair middle schools, Rockledge and
lantic Great White Sharks: Using Spec- Merritt Island high schools, as well as Satellite junior Jules Volny,
tral Analysis to Calculate Space/Time Divine Mercy Catholic School, Holy who won first place in the se-
Distribution.” Lynch also received an Trinity Episcopal Academy, Our Sav- nior environmental engineer-
ing category for his project
titled “An Investigation on Bi- Lindsey Geiger and Jules Volny. PHOTOS: JULIAN LEEK
layer Organic Solar Cells,” said
he often took notice of all the man, Florida Institute of Technology,
solar panels in local villages University of Florida, the U.S. military,
where he used to live in Ger- Amazon Web Services and the Brevard
many, when his dad was in the Zoo.
Brevard County offers science re-
After Volny and his family search classes in middle and high
moved to Florida, he wondered school, where students develop and
why solar power wasn’t utilized work on their science fair projects
as much in a place that is nearly each year. Joe Scott, a science research
always sunny. teacher at Satellite, said this year was
not unique in terms of winners – some
One reason, he discovered, of the top science fair winners in the
was cost. county typically come from his classes.
In fact, students from Satellite have ad-
So Volny set out to find a cheaper way vanced all the way to the International
to produce solar panels. Science and Engineering Fair 16 out of
the past 17 years, and 12 of those have
Through four years of research, he placed fourth or higher.
has produced several types of solar
panels made from various chemical “It’s a life-changing experience for
compounds that are organic materi- those kids,” Scott said.
als. “The benefits with organic solar
cells are they are cheaper to create and More importantly, he said, students
of course use organic materials,” Volny in his classes leave high school already
said. experienced in complex scientific re-
He hopes the clear panels could one
day be used for windows or other build- “When they go into college, they go
ing components. “You could power a in ahead of their peers,” Scott said.
whole skyscraper with them,” Volny
said. Satellite senior Lindsey Geiger, who
won first place in senior cellular/mo-
Winners from Satellite High also en- lecular biology and biochemistry for
joy passing on their science knowledge her project on “A Comparative Analy-
to the next generation – they are serv- sis of Treatments for Metastatic Breast
ing as judges at the elementary school Cancer: Year 3,” said the lab was key to
science fairs at Holland, Sea Park, Surf- her successful three-year science proj-
side and Ocean Breeze. ect.

Delaura Middle School eighth-grad- “All this research, we did at our school
er Cameron Wright, who took second lab, not in a college,” Geiger said.
place in junior physics and astrono-
my for his project titled “Speeding up She plans to attend the University
Hearing: Aiding with Resonant Fre- of South Florida in the fall and would
quency,” used a 3D printer to create dif- like to eventually become a clinical
ferent shapes of tubes, or air columns, researcher at the Mayo Clinic. “I can’t
for sound to pass through, and then imagine what my high school career
looked at how those shapes changed would have been like if I hadn’t been
the sound frequencies. in science research,” Geiger said. 

“Which shape of air column is the
best can maybe be used for a hearing
aid in the future,” Wright said.

He’s been doing science projects
since second grade, and hopes to con-
tinue this particular one through his
high school career.

Judges at the Intracoastal Regional
Science Fair represented the rich scope
of science and technology in the region,
including Rockwell, Northrop Grum-

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 15, 2018 3


OARS AND PADDLES PARK by Brevard County on Monday after drain and out to the canals. The area ca- ter a nearly 20-million-gallon discharge
bacteriological tests showed that water nals were posted off limits pending bac- of sewage during Hurricane Irma and a
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 quality in the affected areas was deemed teriological testing for water quality. follow-up storm just after. The flooding
acceptable. inundated both stormwater and waste-
time, the popular park was just com- While much smaller in scale and water systems.
ing off 11 days of contaminated water The spill was caused by a 30-year- length of prohibition of canal use, the re-
advisories. Residents living along the old corroded pipe bursting, sending cent incident reminds local residents of The health concern in these cases is
impacted canals were given the all clear the sewage into the nearest stormwater massive flooding that closed canals af-

4 Thursday, February 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly



He was a member of the college’s first
A local soccer dynasty continues as this guy,” Phillips said. “Carlo has the for anyone who gets in and ingests the
Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy stand- national championship team in 1988, mindset and ability to produce a game- tainted water. It still is a concern for
out Carlo Campanini signed with the and was a coach when the team was changing moment at any time.” paddlers through contact with the skin,
Florida Institute of Technology. again national champions in 1991. and therefore likely changed training
Campanini currently holds the routes for kayak teams now in train-
“I’m so excited for the next four He was also one of the college’s first school record for most goals scored in ing, said Jared McNally, citizen science
years,” Carlo said at a Feb. 9 signing cer- international recruits. Today the Florida a game, and is second in all-time goals. coordinator for the Marine Resources
emony at the school. Tech team includes players from 10 dif- He also led his team to the state soccer Council.
ferent countries, as well as other local semifinals this year.
Campanini continues a family tra- recruits from Holy Trinity, West Shore Indian Harbour Beach City Manager
dition of Florida Tech soccer. His dad, Junior/Senior High School and Satellite Campanini excels off the field as well. Mark Ryan said that his city officials are
Bino Campanini, played and coached High School. He currently has a 4.5 GPA and plans tired of being ground zero for the earlier
there. His older sister Isabella also to major in software engineering. This sewage discharges in Indian Harbour
played for Florida Tech, and his brother Carlo’s coach at Holy Trinity, James year he started a “house” system at Beach and are not happy about the
Luca is currently a sophomore on the Phillips, praised the latest Campanini Holy Trinity, similar to what Harry Pot- more recent spill, although it is located
team. to play for him. ter fans might be familiar with from the farther north in Satellite Beach, because
books and movies. Each of the groups, it puts the popular park and the river
All three kids grew up playing youth “If anybody doesn’t think soccer is a or houses, can earn points for various access for paddlers – the city’s environ-
soccer in Satellite Beach, where they physical sport, they need to play against accomplishments and achievements. mental gem – in a bad light.
live, as well as in Indialantic. They all Campanini tracks the points through
were also members of Space Coast software that he designed. “The city is definitely concerned with
United Soccer Club, an elite team that the repeat breaks and discharge of raw
competes statewide. “Basically, as soon “As an athlete I know how it feels to sewage to the lagoon. The breaks im-
as they could start walking, they were get attention for that and I wanted to pact one of our greatest assets: the In-
kicking around the ball,” Bino Campa- spread that,” Campanini said. dian River Lagoon,’’ Ryan said.
nini said of his three kids. “It’s been a
part of their life, they’ve been very for- He is among a handful of beachside In the recent spill, the canal behind
tunate.” students who recently signed to play the fire station at 1390 S. Patrick Drive
college athletics, including Satellite was the most impacted which is be-
Bino Campanini was recruited to play High School seniors Cade Larkin (foot- tween Cinnamon Court and Island View
for Florida Tech in 1986, and moved ball, University of Central Florida), Luis Drive with notification given to resi-
from his native Isle of Jersey, a small Morris (football, Tusculum College in dents living on the canal south of Cin-
piece of land that sits in the English Tennessee), Sara Towers (track, Embry namon Court between Lansing Island
Riddle), Jamie Wood (volleyball, Uni- Drive and Island View Drive, according
* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 01/29/2018. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to versity of Maryland-Baltimore County), to county spokesman Don Walker.
$250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account Kasey Crooks (diving, Indian River State
ownership category. Please visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability College), Isaac Lopez (baseball, Nova PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. Southeastern), Alec Eldridge (baseball,
If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Florida Tech) and Chet Moore (base-
Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do ball, University of Miami). 
not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by
Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC).

Cameron B Mitchell Colleen J Mitchell
Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Member SIPC

600 W Eau Gallie Blvd 7370 Cabot Ct
Melbourne, FL 32935 Suite 102
321-425-6493 Viera, FL 32940


Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
George White, 321-795-3835 Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 For our advertising partners, we pledge [email protected]
to provide the most complete consulta-
Columnists tive and marketing programs possible for Corporate Editor
Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 the best return on your investment. Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
Cynthia Van Gaasbeck, 321-626-4701 [email protected]

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 15, 2018 5


During the nearly 20-million-gallon project after a legal review. pacity on the piers. The city continues “The paddling groups from around
discharges around Hurricane Irma, Still driving the improvements for- to be very diligent to make sure all of the world are starting to arrive. It is al-
signs on the impacted canals were up the processes including permitting and ways an exciting time of the year for me
from Sept. 13 to Oct. 27. ward and calling for patience with the construction are done correctly,’’ she as I watch the river fill up with these
process is avid paddler Jacie Stivers. “Of said. Next will be a review by the Army incredible athletes. It’s a niche positive
The TDC funds for the improve- course, everyone who uses the park for Corps of Engineers which has jurisdic- economic driver for the benefit of In-
ments at Oars and Paddles Park were access to our beautiful waterways will tion over the waterways, she said. dian Harbour Beach,’’ she said. 
determined to be appropriate for the appreciate the coming additional ca-

6 Thursday, February 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly



“ STORY BY HENRY A. STEPHENS CORRESPONDENT tracted almost 30 applicants and con-
ducted initial interviews, commission-
Brevard County Attorney Scott Knox, ers weren’t impressed with the firm’s
who has led the county legal staff since finalists. So they promoted then-inter-
1993, is retiring next month. His last day im County Manager Frank Abbate.
will be March 23.
Knox started his career as an attor-
“After almost 24 years, it’s time to ney in the late 1970s with the Pinellas
wrap up this part of my career and see County Attorney’s Office, but was in pri-
what else is out there,” Knox, 66, said vate practice by the early 1990s when he
last week. joined Brevard County.

County commissioners are expected “It’s been very interesting the entire
Feb. 20 to discuss how to seek a new time here,” he said.
county attorney, whether to hire a
headhunting firm to advertise nation- But now, he said, he wants to start
wide or promote from within. his retirement with a month off – at his
wife’s request. He said he plans to get
And if they take Knox’s advice, they’ll more active in his church and see more
go the latter route and promote Deputy of his family. But he also plans to look
County Attorney Eden Bentley. around and see if there are any private
practice opportunities for a seasoned
“She’s been here longer than I have. attorney.
She has 30 years,” he said.
Knox, who leads a staff of six other
Choosing from within isn’t new to attorneys and aides, currently makes
the commission. When former County $180,952 a year, county spokesman
Manager Stockton Whitten resigned in Don Walker said. Knox will retire with
February 2017, to become an associ- a lump sum of $310,294, through the
ate vice president at Eastern Florida state’s Deferred Retirement Option Pro-
State College, commissioners first paid gram, and a monthly pension of $5,336,
$10,500 to the Mercer Group Inc. of Walker added. 
Daytona Beach.

But that July, after Mercer had at-

on hand that had been made a day ear-
321.253.7440 lier and was spoiled.

COTTAGES • INDEPENDENT LIVING “The one violation of out of date “health inspector” each day rotating
ASSISTED LIVING • MEMORY CARE food was valid and caused by sloppi- among his entire crew of 24 to look
ness on our staff’s part. Not that that for violations or potential areas of im-
7300 Watersong Lane • Melbourne, FL 32940 food would have been served, but provement. it should have been thrown out one
or two days before. The water heater “I thought that was a pretty good trick
AL#11595 went out that morning and the con- and he’s been doing that for a number
tractor was here even when the in- of years. Their job is to find something,
spector was still here, but the inspec- not to chastise anybody, but to help
tor had already closed the file when it boost the whole operation and there’s
was finished,’’ said Crissman, who has a noticeable difference already,” Criss-
been GM for two years. man said.

Other high-priority violation warn- The change in culture in the restau-
ings during the inspections included a rant and maintenance repairs were
heat strip failing to indicate the saniti- long overdue. The operational improve-
zation temperature of 160 degrees on ments should show a lasting and con-
the dish surface, and small flying in- sistent new commitment toward excel-
sects in the bar area and three drink dis- lence, he said.
pensing areas.
“It wasn’t that bad before but it will
All violations and warnings have improve. I’ve talked to many of the
been corrected and cleared, and the members directly about this and there’s
restaurant staff members are now led no alarm here,” he said. 
by new Executive Chef Mark Adams,
hired in the last couple of weeks, who
has instilled a new culture of cleanli-
ness among other changes, manage-
ment said.

One of the things Adams has brought
to the table, and introduced on his
second day, is that he assigns a mock

Play-time princesses party
at Cinderella’s Wedding

8 Thursday, February 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Play-time princesses party at Cinderella’s Wedding

STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT Gabby Hagen, Amanda Nelson, Joseph, Elena Brace, Ashley Anderson and Megan Andrews. PHOTOS: RYAN CLAPPER
[email protected]
some in the drama club at Satellite
Combine the magic of Disney with High, presented a short version of the
the childhood pleasure of playing story suited to a 5-year-old’s attention
dress up and you have Cinderella’s span. Suffice it to say there was ear-
Wedding, an annual gathering of tiny nest acting and sweet and courageous
princesses at the David R. Schecter a cappella singing that brought cheers
Community Center in Satellite Beach. and applause from the princesses.

Overseen by instructor and fairy The actors waltzed out of the room
godmother Jill Nelson, the event and into the hall for a meet and greet
delivers on its promise to immerse with the awestruck girls.
little ones in the glittering world of
princesses and the princes who love Next they were invited to explore
them. other activities, taking their time to
enjoy the atmosphere. For some, the
The premise – Cinderella is getting lure of Disney karaoke was strong.
married to Prince Charming, and
children from 2 years old and up are Claire Busby, 5, a kindergartner
invited to celebrate – brought to life at Surfside Elementary in Satellite
the daydreams of about 36 little girls Beach, loves singing at home and
last Saturday afternoon. looked quite comfortable in public.
She sat on the floor with the micro-
Activities began with the wedding phone and sang a spirited rendition of
reception. Little girls accompanied “Let It Go” from the movie “Frozen,”
by the adults in their lives were trans- receiving cheers from friends and
ported to a pink and sparkly world family.
where they indulged in bite-sized
cupcakes piled high with frosting A gathering of princesses would
and a chocolate fountain with straw- necessarily require pampering, and
berries, banana chunks and sand- this day was no different. Girls could
wich cookies for dipping. Tables full decorate crowns and wands, make
of Snow Whites, Elsas, Belles, Moa- bracelets, get their nails painted with
nas and more politely sipped punch colors complementary to their gowns,
and ate sweets while checking out and try on Cinderella’s slipper. Prin-
each other’s gowns and tiaras. cesses whose feet did not fit received
a candy necklace. Spoiler: The slipper
BFFs Lily Carpenter, 4, and Aria was a ladies size 9.
Reinking, 5, both of Satellite Beach,
came dressed as the same princess, The wedding was two hours of
Merida, from the movie “Brave.” dress-up fun for little girls who
aren’t afraid to unleash their inner
“I’ve been here before. I’m the princess. 
‘Brave’ princess. I like being brave a
lot,” Carpenter said as she picked up
a strawberry. “I had one banana, one
cookie and … maybe my mom ate
one strawberry,” she said. She takes
a long drink of the pale pink punch.
What flavor is it? She pauses to con-
sider, then offers: “Maybe peach.”

Working behind the scenes were
12 to 15 local middle and high school
students and at least one college stu-
dent, who decorated the rooms, made
the goodies, performed the wedding
play and assisted with the activities.

“The kids get community service
hours. It’s fun for them because ba-
sically each room has three boxes of
decorations and I say, this is ‘Under
the Sea’ – make it! This is ‘Frozen’ –
make it! Every year it’s completely
different and I just let them do it,”
Nelson said as red and white party
lights danced on the ceiling. “They’re
into it. It’s their play, it’s their decora-
tions, so there is ownership, which is
nice,” she added.

Next on the program of events was
the wedding itself, held in the mirror-
walled dance room. The young adults,

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 15, 2018 9


Lily Krus, Fay and Noelle Hendickson, Violet Tripp, Abigail Matejka and Elora Bell. Prince Charming proposes to Cinderella.

Hunter and Rhiannon Forrest helped with treats and goodies. Cinderella trying on the glass slipper. Hunter Forrest painted the girls’ naild.

12 Thursday, February 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Smetana Trio is rare treat for chamber music aficionados

Jiri Vodicka on violin, Jitka Cechova on piano
and Jan Palenicek on cello.

STORY BY LISA ZAHNER Staff Writer cation and efforts of the Melbourne superlatives on that album, saying, death of his father in post-revolution-
[email protected] Chamber Music Society. “There is nothing routine about the ary war-ravaged Russia. He dedicated
Smetana Trio’s approach to this en- it to his amour Tatyana Glivenko, a
The Melbourne Chamber Music Celebrating its 40th season bring- gaging repertoire. Every aspect of girl in whom he had found comfort
Society will present a special oppor- ing world-class chamber music to their interpretation is carefully con- while convalescing from a bout of tu-
tunity for locals to enjoy not one, not South Brevard, MCMS board mem- sidered without losing an ounce of berculosis. The nearly 13-minute se-
two, but three critically acclaimed bers are proud to bring this trio to the spontaneity. Individual lines are re- lection feels like a teenage romance
performers on stage at once this com- intimate venue of St. Mark’s United markable for their focus and beauty, – at times melodic, lilting and rhap-
ing Tuesday evening as the Smetana Methodist Church in Indialantic. though the powerful sense of ensem- sodic, punctuated with episodes of
Trio serve up an evocative and chal- ble is never sacrificed to individual heart-wrenching dissonance. The
lenging program of music from both Founded in 1934 and hailing from display.” composition was completed after the
the 20th century and the early ro- Czechoslovakia, the current trio artist’s death, with the last 22 bars
mantic period. members – Jitka Cechova on piano, On Tuesday night, the trio is sched- being lovingly added by Shostakov-
Jiri Vodicka on violin, and Jan Palen- uled to perform Austrian composer ich’s pupil, Boris Tishchenko.
After touring extensively in concert icek on cello – carry on the rich heri- Alexander von Zemlinsky’s Piano
halls and at major music festivals tage inherited through a prestigious Trio, Opus 3, followed by Russian The Smetana Trio will perform at
across Europe, the trio just embarked line of instrumentalists steeped in composer Dmitri Shostakovich’s Pia- 7:30 p.m. Feb. 20 in the sanctuary at St.
upon its 2018 tour of major cultural serious chamber works written for no Trio No. 1 Poeme in C Minor, Opus Mark’s United Methodist Church, 2030
centers of the United States. The cit- the trio alone, or as spotlight perfor- 8, concluding with German early N. A1A, Indialantic. General admis-
ies on the Smetana Trio’s intinerary mances as part of larger orchestral romantic composer Felix Mendels- sion tickets cost $35 for adults, or $10
the next two months include Phila- pieces. sohn’s Piano Trio in D Minor. for students and can be purchased on-
delphia, Chicago, New York, Wash- line at www.melbournechambermu-
ington, D.C, Los Angeles, Raleigh- The Smetana Trio received high Most classical compositions carry 
Durham and … Indialantic. So this praise for its recording of the com- with them quite a story, and Shosta-
is the type of concert chamber music plete trios by Bohuslav Martinů, re- kovich’s “Poeme” is no exception. He
aficionados would have to travel to leased by Supraphon Records in began composing it at the tender age
the big city to see, if not for the dedi- March 2015. The British Broadcasting of 16, while in mourning from the
Company’s Music Magazine lauded

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 15, 2018 13


A winning production: Legend comes to life in ‘Lombardi’

STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH Correspondent This is the man who turned a Richard Zavaglia as Greg Fallick as
losing team into one that secured Vince Lombardi. Michael McCormick.
At the risk of sounding sexist ... Riv- the first two Super Bowl wins and to
erside Theatre has opened a hand- whom multiple quotes are attribut- PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD Denise Cormier as
some production of a play that could ed, including, incorrectly, “Winning Marie Lombardi.
turn husbands into theater patrons. isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.” show has an intimate feel to it pri-
marily because of the sound, which erside Theatre in its handsome and
It’s “Lombardi,” a long one-act But there is a threat of change in the is rich and acoustic like a live theater smart production of “Lombardi.”
about famed Green Bay Packer coach air. It’s the mid-’60s and people are of, well, the mid-’60s … long before
Vince Lombardi, that is not a musi- waking up. Players want more money, body mics became de rigueur. “Lombardi” runs through Feb. 18
cal and doesn’t have an intermission, more health insurance. Sons want to at Riverside Theatre, 3250 Riverside
so even those husbands who went to spread their own wings and not fly in So yes, the times they were a-chan- Drive, Vero Beach. Tickets start at $35.
Sunday’s matinee still got home in their father’s orbit. Lombardi com- gin,’ but the football legend lives on Call 772-231-6990 or visit Riverside-
time for the Super Bowl. plains, “Young people today don’t and comes to affectionate life at Riv- 
trust their leaders.” And Marie? Well,
That’s probably the way Lombardi other than looking stylish in Anna
would have wanted it. No fuss, no Hillbery’s period costumes, she seems
muss. Just get the job done … in a content to mix the drinks, maybe a bit
winning fashion, that is. too often for her own good.

And that’s what director and de- But that’s about as far as the au-
signer Allen D. Cornell has accom- dience is taken by Eric Simonson’s
plished with “Lombardi,” a show slim play, which is based on David
that is as tightly formed and smartly Maraniss’ book, When Pride Still
paced as any complex offense play Mattered: A Life of Vince Lombardi.
jotted down on a coach’s blackboard. In fact, it’s not so much the play as
Riverside’s production that advances
Cornell’s scenic design uses the out- the intriguing layer of social change.
line of a football field, with Green Bay’s
gold and dark green colors to serve as Where we first hear boos and
the backdrop. He takes you from Lom- cheers in Craig Beyrooti’s sound de-
bardi’s fashionable mid-’60s “Mad sign, we end up hearing the Rolling
Men” era home to the locker rooms, Stones’ playful but sexually charged
the practice field and even a bar, all song “Satisfaction,” and then music
slipped into place in an instant. by the Doors, a group so iconic of the
’60s drug culture.
Into this landscape we meet Lom-
bardi through the eyes of Look maga- Beyrooti needs another compli-
zine reporter Michael McCormick, who ment here. This is a straight play,
has traveled from New York to Green meaning it’s not a musical. Normally,
Bay to stay at the coach’s home for an Riverside produces its straight plays
up-close-and-personal interview. on its smaller Waxlax Stage. Howev-
er, that venue is busy so it was pro-
Greg Fallick forges an earnest lik- duced on the Stark Stage, Riverside’s
ability for the reporter, a young man larger mainstage. Nevertheless, the
struggling with his own father issues,
who finds himself confronting a larg-
er than life man in Lombardi.

Denise Cormier brings to life Marie
Lombardi, an attractive woman as ad-
ept at mixing a highball as she is advis-
ing her husband … and the reporter.

But the show belongs to Richard
Zavaglia, who carves out a rich por-
trayal of Lombardi. His mix is a com-
plicated one – filled with gruffness
and love, confidence and vulnerabil-
ity. His Lombardi nearly aches with
affection for his players, yet all the
while he is a split-second away from
lecturing them. Even when he yells
“Shut up, Marie,” you have to laugh
because you feel the tenderness be-
tween the two.

The beloved football legend is the
man in whose honor the Super Bowl’s
Vincent Lombardi Trophy is awarded
each year. The award processional
includes the trophy being brought
down a gauntlet of the players on
the winning team. Each player tries
to touch the trophy and sometimes
even kiss it.

14 Thursday, February 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Coming Up: Legendary Lightfoot to appear at the King

STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER was honored with the coveted Italian
[email protected] Society of Recorder Award in 1991. He
has toured extensively, according to
1 Guess who’s coming to the King the Orchestra website, “logging more
Center this Saturday? Can it be than 1,000 concerts in Europe and the
U.S. since 1971.” For the Indialantic
possible that singer/songwriter/mu- concert, Casaccia will charm the au-
dience with a program of opera and
sician Gordon Lightfoot has been operetta’s most popular and familiar
works. Joining Casaccia will be fellow
doing all that for half a century? One Trieste native Roberta Bortolin, a simi-
larly well-traveled, musically respected
of the legendary voices of the tumul- musician, pianist and piano professor.
Bortolin comes from generations of
tuous ’60s (and on) whose incredibly musicians, and began her own musical
journey at age 4, studying at the same
vast song catalog includes such trea- school attended by Franz Liszt. From
their rich repertoire, Casaccia and Bor-
sures as “Early Morning Rain,” “If tolin have chosen works by Offenbach,
Bard, Lehar, Rossini, Verdi and more.
You Could Read My Mind,” “Carefree

Highway,” “Sundown,” “The Wreck of

the Edmund Fitzgerald,” “Canadian

Railroad Trilogy,” “Beautiful,” “Song

For A Winter’s Night,” “Rainy Day

People” and so many, many more?

After 50 years of hits and about a zil- 1 Gordon Lightfoot at the King
Center Saturday night.
lion dollars in album sales, Lightfoot,

who could easily retire and buy a nice

island somewhere, has launched a

U.S. tour called, no surprise, “Gor- anecdotes – 50 historic years’ worth. “Night Sounds” concert. This In-
Not to be missed. Show time is 8 p.m. die Pop Rock duo – vocalist Melanie
don Lightfoot In Concert: The Leg- Tickets start at $58 Krahmer and guitar man Rich Libut-
ti – play with, says the show promo,
end Lives On.” For fans of the man “soul, sincerity, and with a touch of
sass.” According to Wikipedia, “their
and his music, it’ll be a huge thrill to relentless touring has gained them a
cult following,” as they tour continu-
hear a living legend, in person, not 2 The “little band with the big ously throughout the country, more
sound,” SIRSY, will take the than 200 shows per year, plus play-
only playing some of those immortal ing background for several TV shows
and indie films. The “Night Sounds”
hits, but also dishing about behind stage and make the music this Sat- concert series has become a popular
musical entertainment staple: a wide
the scenes goings-on, and personal urday at Sebastian Inlet State Park’s variety of well-chosen performers
in one of the most beautiful settings
RGSERPSOEUERPCVPEIARDILCTAINBGLES! #beahero you’ll find – the Sebastian Inlet Park
S T O M P I N GFRIDAY - FEBRUARY 23 - 6-10 PM • SPACE COAST CONVENTION CENTER – south side of the Inlet Bridge at
the pavilions on Coconut Point. The 2 Stefano Casaccia and
O U Tthe violence HeLV&erIVonSFCEHidicaeol,eosmrMAnrhpRsSetiehon,TAtonRuiwAetcSauiasotchflinkfootliwnoeInns twilight hour 7 p.m. enhances the Roberta Bortolin.
experience. As you listen to the mu-
sic, take in the sunset over the inlet, This magical musical elixir will cer-
then watch the sky darken into night. tainly conjure a thoroughly delightful
The concerts are, wisely, scheduled evening. Curtain is 7 p.m. Tickets are
on the Friday or Saturday evening free and are required, so visit www.
nearest the full moon, which some-
times obligingly rises over the stage.
You just can’t beat that. The concerts 4 Why not try a little something dif-
are free with park admission; usu- ferent? How about an authentic
ally begin at 7 p.m. and last a couple
of hours. You should bring your own (musical) taste of Old Florida – the pio-
folding chair, but you can get all sorts
of foodstuffs – soft drinks, water, neering days when music was acoustic
snacks, burgers, dogs – right on site.
4 0$ TICKETS and neighbors got together to play, as

often as not, bluegrass. You can travel

back every Thursday night, away from

the palms and beaches of the coast, to

a different Florida, into the pine, scrub

and cattle country of inland Florida – to

Fellsmere. It’s the beautifully, faithfully

VENDORS • 50/50 RAFFLE • SILENT AUCTION restored Marsh Landing, now a res-

LIVE FASHION SHOW COMPETITION! EVENprTe/-AsaRlTe t shirts! taurant, where the extremely popular
BREVARD COUNTY FIRE RESCUE 3 Bonjour, Trieste: from Italy to In- Marsh Landing Bluegrass Jam takes
dialantic come a pair of classical-
VS. ROCKWELL COLLINS EXECUTIVES place Thursdays starting at 6:30 p.m.

sLeouirseeJonneseanhd taherJobneos Fro.unodartiogn LOCAL ARTISTS...MEET & GREET “HER SHOES” LIVE ART AUCTION! ly trained masters of their art to present You’re guaranteed to hear real, tradi-

SHERIFF WAYNE IVEY’S BRICK FUNDRAISING CHALLENGE! the intriguingly titled “Music Becomes tional songs from bygone days, and

Elixir,” a free concert on piano and re- some originals. In true jam style, you

“HER SHOES” Art on display at in EGAD prior to event! corder sponsored by the Space Coast can even dust off that banjo or uke or

MORE INFORMATION Symphony Orchestra, this Thursday git-fiddle and join in. And, if you want,
Contact Beverly DeMeyer
321.726.0402 at Eastminster Presbyterian Church. A you can order up some of Marsh Land-
[email protected]
native of Trieste, Italy, recorder virtu- ing’s authentic old Florida eats. It’s right

Cape Canaveral ACE Hardware oso Stefano Casaccia studied ancient there on Broadway (Fellsmere’s main


confronts first case of
acute myeloid leukemia

16 Thursday, February 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Scully-Welsh confronts rare case of acute myeloid leukemia

[email protected]
Delivering bad news is something
no doctor enjoys, but it is part of the
job for Scully-Welsh medical hema-
tologist and oncologist Dr. Suzanne

Just last August, for example, she
had to tell an affable and easy-going
patient, whose main complaint at the
time was that he was feeling “tired,”
that he needed a lot more than a nap.

She informed him that he had leu-
kemia, specifically “myelodysplastic
syndrome” or MDS, and “acute my-
eloid leukemia,” and needed extensive

Given that diagnosis, the term “bad
news” is something of an understate-
ment. According to the American So-
ciety of Clinical Oncology, the cur-
rent five-year survival rate for acute
myeloid leukemia patients in only 27

Leukemia, in the words of Medical
News Today, “is a cancer of the blood
or bone marrow” that usually affects
white blood cells and is most likely to
afflict people over the age of 55.

Experience the fusion of
traditional values and

modern dentistry.

Collins & Montz


At Collins & Montz, DMD, AML is a particularly fast-growing treated an acute leukemia patient at
we will focus on improving every form of blood cancer in which “the this institution before.”
aspect of your smile for optimal body makes unhealthy blood-forming
appearance, function, and cells that don’t develop properly,” ac- But Kirby was up to the challenge,
comfort through our general cording to and the with a couple of aces up her sleeve in
family dentistry, and restorative National Bone Marrow Donor Pro- the form of newly approved drugs and
procedures such as dental gram. sophisticated genetic testing.
implants. Our comprehensive
range of services and dedication The diseased cells grow very rapidly “There have been a number of new
of quality set us apart. Call today and prevent the bone marrow from drugs approved for acute leukemia
to schedule your appointment. making normal red blood cells, white this year, including one named Vyx-
blood cells and platelets. eos. We haven’t had a lot of new drugs
524 OCEAN AVENUE, MELBOURNE BEACH, FL 32951 for acute leukemia in a long time,” so
The result is the body can’t fight in- the new medicines are “exciting.”
(321) 725-6565 • MELBOURNEBEACHDENTISTRY.COM fections and it can’t stop bleeding.
“The neat thing about the Vyxeos,”
The diagnosis was daunting not just Kirby continues, “is they’ve taken two
to the patient but to the doctor, too, drugs we’ve used for many, many years
since Kirby knew that “we had not – Daunorubicin and Cytarabine – for

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 15, 2018 17


acute leukemia induction therapy, Four ways for aging athletes to prevent injury
which is where you try to really blast
them to get rid of all those leukemia STORY BY CAROLEE BELKIN WALKER
cells in the marrow,” and used them The Washington Post
in a new way.
I have a meaningful exercise rou-
“With Vyxeos, they coated those tine, and I have never felt better. I am
same drugs in a lipid membrane so still glowing from that moment a few
the drug is inside of a lipid bubble,” months ago when, at the age of 59, I
which causes the medicine to migrate crossed the finish, for the first time, at
to places “where there are a lot of oth- the Marine Corps Marathon.
er lipids … like in your bone marrow.”
However, at a certain point, when
In other words, the drug is attracted you get to a certain age – say, 60, which
to the very area that needs it. I’ll be this month – it is not just about

Vyxeos has been approved specifi- CONTINUED ON PAGE 18
cally for patients with myelodysplas-
tic AML so, Kirby says, this particu-
lar patient “is a perfect candidate to
get it.”

But Kirby admits Vyxeos therapy is
no picnic.

This particular drug combination,
she explains, has “a lot of toxicity”
and will “wipe out your blood counts”
and may cause the lining of the mouth
and the intestines to get raw and ex-
tremely uncomfortable and can also
become a source of infections. People
also sometimes lose their hair on this
combo and, frankly, they often feel

Meanwhile, on the genetics side,
using what Kirby calls “some very
sensitive genetic tests and next gen-
eration sequencing,” she was able
to spot a specific gene mutation in
her patient – a critical piece of in-
formation, as it happens, since the
FDA just approved another new drug
called “Idhifa” to treat this particu-
lar mutation.

Despite those successes, there’s still
a long road ahead for Kirby’s patient.

With those drugs, the patient’s AML
is now in remission, which means he
can begin the bone marrow trans-
plant process with the hope new mar-
row will someday begin producing
healthy, mature blood cells.

But both patient and doctor are
aware that, as Kirby says, “any leu-
kemia in an adult is always tough.
The long-term prognosis – if you just
went by numbers – is probably about
25 percent. [However], as well as he’s
doing getting into remission, he might
be up closer to the 50 percent if we do
well with the right donor.”

As the patient prepares for what is
likely a three-month transplant pro-
cess, Kirby probably wishes she could
clone his outlook to share with future

With a combination of resolve and
quiet understatement, he says, “I’m a
person who likes challenges. I’ve al-
ways kind of looked forward to chal-
lenges. And this is one of the big ones.”

Dr. Suzanne Kirby is with the Scully-
Welsh Cancer Center and has offices at
3555 10th Court in Vero Beach. The phone
number is 772-226-4810. 

18 Thursday, February 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly



your willingness to exercise. It is about
your readiness for exercise.

Aging athletes know we need more
time to recover from our workouts,
but how can we tell if we have recov-
ered enough? Or whether we are not
pushing hard enough for our exercise
to matter? When we were younger all
we had to do was lace up our shoes
and go.

“Whether you’re a competitive ath-
lete or a recreational one, either find-
ing an intuitive understanding of your
readiness to exercise or using some
external measures can improve your
overall fitness and help you avoid in-
jury,” according to sports medicine
specialist and physical therapist Kevin
McGuinness. Exercising, particularly
as you age, might also require a more
scientific approach to how you are
feeling and how you are doing, he said.

The good news is there is some
promising research on exercise readi-
ness, according to Carwyn Sharp,
chief science officer at the National
Strength and Conditioning Associa-
tion in Colorado Springs. Although
there are no specific guidelines yet
for recreational athletes, what experts
have learned so far can help us en-
hance our intuitive sense of readiness
by throwing some objective measures
into the mix.

TRACK YOUR RESTING HEART third fingers on the inside of your running, McGuinness says you can sleep. Or you might not be getting
RATE: One way is to monitor your rest- wrist below your thumb next to your benefit from testing your grip strength enough quality sleep. If you are getting
ing heart rate, which can help you un- tendon and counting the beats for 60 with a dynamometer, or grip trainer, enough good-quality sleep, he added,
derstand how well you are recovering seconds. There are also plenty of auto- commercially available in most sport- but your heart rate is still drifting up,
from your previous exercise session. If mated options, including using an ex- ing goods stores. it might be because your volume or
you keep a log of your resting heart rate, ercise tracker, which can monitor your intensity of training is going up too
you will get a sense of what is normal heart rate as you sleep. You can start by getting a baseline quickly and you need to back off a bit.
for you. If it is higher than usual, Mc- of how many pounds of force you can
Guinness said, that is often a sign your Sharp said individuals can mea- squeeze easily on a good day. Using that KEEP TRACK OF FATIGUE: You also
nervous system may be overstressed, sure their heart rate first thing in the reading, times when your grip is stronger want to track how you feel, how tired
indicating a lower level of recovery. morning, but the first few seconds af- may indicate you are ready for a harder you are. Sharp suggested logging your
ter waking up might not be the ideal workout, and weaker days may be a sign level of fatigue on a scale of 1 to 10 and
“There is research that shows that time because people may be startled you need more recovery, he said. noting any patterns.
changes in your resting heart rate over by their alarm or stressed about get-
time can be a measure of total stress ting ready for work or needing to use TRACK YOUR QUALITY SLEEP: Us- “A little fatigue is good,” Sharp said,
level in the body,” Sharp said. “And the bathroom. ing sleep trackers to plot the amount “because training should be causing
what you want to focus on is trends.” of quality sleep you are getting, based some low-level fatigue.” Your body will
For example, over time with aerobic Sharp recommends going to the on the time you go to bed and the time only get stronger and better if you stress
training we should expect our resting bathroom as soon as you wake up but you wake up and your movement dur- it beyond your normal daily levels, he
heart rate to decrease, which is a sign then returning to a quiet room and ly- ing the night, can also help you de- said. It’s when the fatigue becomes
of improved cardiovascular fitness, ing down or sitting for two to five min- termine how well you are recovering unmanageable or severe, say a 5 or a 6
Sharp said. If your resting heart rate utes before measuring your heart rate. from your training, McGuinness said. for three or four days in a row, that you
is going up over time, despite exercise, should take a closer look at your exer-
that can be a sign your body is expe- “Use the same protocol each time,” MULTIPLE MEASURES ARE BEST: cise schedule, which should include re-
riencing too much chronic stress and he added. “Then you can see how your While each of the techniques above covery days allowing your fatigue level
needs more rest. rate is changing over time.” can be useful, combining multiple to return to 0 or 1. If it doesn’t, and you
measures of recovery and readiness continue to exercise at the same level,
There’s huge variability in resting TEST YOUR GRIP STRENGTH: Test- together – such as heart rate and sleep you risk becoming run down, accord-
heart rate among people depending ing your grip strength is another way – to determine an athlete’s readiness ing to Sharp, and susceptible to illness-
on genetics, fitness level and other to measure your readiness for exer- for exercise, seems to be more valid es and minor injuries.
factors, Sharp said. “It’s not so much, cise, McGuinness said. While signifi- than any single factor, Sharp said.
‘hey, it’s really high today,’ it’s ‘what cant grip strength research focuses on “Some coaches say, ‘go easy on easy
was it yesterday?’ What was it the past frailty and cardiovascular risk, there “If your heart rate is tracking up, days and hard on hard days,’” Sharp
few days and during past week or two? is a growing body of work connecting that’s something, but you have to look added. “I say, ‘go easy on easy days
One person’s high might be somebody grip strength to sports recovery and at your sleep, too,” he said. The rea- so you can go hard on hard days.’ Be-
else’s normal.” performance. son your heart rate is raised might be cause it’s those hard days where you
because you are not getting enough get the biggest bang for your buck.” 
You can take your resting heart rate Even if you’re a runner and think
by lightly pressing your index and grip strength has nothing to do with

20 Thursday, February 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


More than four months after back-to- MAY HAVE BLOWN A GENERATION OF VIRGIN
back hurricanes shredded the roof of
his house, Charles Caines feels as if he’s ISLANDERS OUT OF THE MIDDLE CLASS
“living in a tent in the jungle.” Sleeping
under a blue tarp draped on the roof’s Kenneth Mapp (I) says he needs $7.5 the agency so far has processed more reinforcing their disconnect from the
steel beams, he and his wife are fend- billion from the federal government to than 33,000 claims for assistance from mainland, which has only hardened af-
ing off lizards, frogs, rats and mosqui- rebuild lives and buildings in the cash- the U.S. Virgin Islands and distributed ter President Trump’s recent slur against
toes in what remains of their home. strapped territory. more than $600 million for cleanup, some of their Caribbean neighbors.
emergency housing, rebuilding and
Caines spent much of his life stock- The storms damaged or destroyed loan-assistance programs. “Everyone was looking at Puerto
piling his paychecks of up to $700 a about 18,500 homes and businesses Rico, and no one was thinking about
week to buy a home. Now, the 72-year- on the islands, including multiple Residents said authorities have us,” said Michael Walker, 48, who is liv-
old worries that the Category 5 storms high-rise apartment buildings. made considerable progress in clean- ing in a leaky apartment and lost all of
that took his roof also blew him and an ing up. Roads once choked with thick his clothing and furniture in the storm.
entire generation of Virgin Islanders On Jan. 31, in a sign of just how dire tree branches, jungle vines and util- He’s waiting to hear from FEMA about
out of the middle class. the economy is, Moody’s Investor Ser- ity poles are open. Power has been the status of his aid application.
vice said that the territory’s govern- restored to more than 95 percent of
“I’m now going to die in debt,” said ment is likely to default and that its customers, although Internet and “FEMA does tell you, ‘I’m here to
Caines, who expects repairs to his home employee pension system will be in- cellphone service remains spotty. And help you.’ But it just doesn’t happen,
will cost $100,000, far exceeding his sav- solvent by 2023. It assigned the terri- cruise ships that are the underpinning and what are you going to do? You can’t
ings or expected insurance payout. tory the third-lowest of 21 ratings, only of the local economy are once again press them,” he said.
one level above Puerto Rico, which de- docking in ports, allowing some res-
“It feels like hell,” he said. “I didn’t clared a form of bankruptcy last year. taurants and tourist stands to reopen. Manuel Broussard, a FEMA spokes-
get the assistance I needed, and now man, counters that the federal govern-
I’m out here suffering.” “We are not predicting a timing, but But that daily tourist foot traffic ment has been working with the ter-
I don’t see the numbers adding up any masks the slog facing residents endur- ritory to offer a plethora of assistance
With similar stories of grief and hard- way that they can avoid” default, said ing a triple whammy of setbacks – lack programs including emergency food
ship throughout St. Thomas, St. John Ken Kurtz, a senior vice president at of insurance, federal aid limits and job stamps, reimbursement for lost cloth-
and St. Croix – the three major islands Moody’s Investor Service. loss as most major hotels remain closed. ing and furniture, and help finding
that make up the territory – there is temporary shelter.
growing concern that a ¬decades-long Although the response by the Feder- For many Virgin Islanders, more than
drive to build up a broad middle class al Emergency Management Agency to 75 percent of whom are black, the fi- The Army Corps of Engineers also
has been snuffed out by the storms. disasters in the Caribbean was widely nancial hardship now facing them is affixed watertight blue tarps onto 3,658
criticized initially as being too slow, damaged roofs, which offer a couple of
If Congress and the White House fail
to deliver a massive infusion of cash to
the islands, analysts warn, this Carib-
bean paradise could quickly unravel
into a permanent decline that would
send thousands of economic refugees
to the mainland.

Residents of the U.S. Virgin Islands
are American citizens, but they can’t
vote in the presidential general elec-
tion and have no voting representation
in Congress. That can limit the atten-
tion that the territory – with a popula-
tion of 103,000 and a land area about
the size

of Philadelphia – commands from
the federal government.

“When a hurricane hits a small part
of [a] very large state or country, you
just move resources,” said Damien
King, an economist and executive di-
rector of the Caribbean Policy Research
Institute. “On islands like the Virgin
Islands, there is nowhere to move re-
sources from.”

These worries come after native-
born Virgin Islanders, as well as immi-
grants from other Caribbean islands,
made considerable strides in breaking
into the middle class, taking jobs in
the tourism industry that flourished
throughout the 1990s.

Average salaries here nearly dou-
bled from $21,000 in 1990 to $40,000
in 2016, according to government
statistics. Poverty rates also dropped
from 32 to 22 percent between 2000
and 2010, according to U.S. Census
Bureau data.

With the islands’ economy, educa-
tion and health systems now in tatters
after Hurricanes Irma and Maria, Gov.

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 15, 2018 21


months’ protection from the elements. aid for an elderly woman who owned many as 58,000 books that had been islands, which is one reason Del. Stacey
But as is often the case after a major the house, earning $900 a month. The sent home with students over the sum- Plaskett (D), the Virgin Islands’ nonvot-
homeowner died shortly after the storm, mer also remain unaccounted for, ac- ing congressional representative, is skep-
disaster, Broussard said, many people the couple said. cording to Sharon Ann McCollum, the tical the program will get off the ground.
fundamentally misunderstand the territory’s commissioner of education.
role FEMA plays in helping local resi- FEMA has approved an 18-month, She wants Congress to consider in-
dents recover from a storm. $2,300 voucher to help the Law- When the school year resumed this dividualized aid packages for the Vir-
rences find temporary housing. But fall, McCollum said, the system had gin Islands and Puerto Rico, where
“FEMA programs are designed to rental units are hard to locate on a 2,000 fewer students than it did in the Gov. Ricardo Rosselló (D) has request-
help the uninsured and underinsured, 20-square-mile island, 60 percent of 2016-2017 academic year, when about ed $94 billion in aid.
to help people get back on their feet,” which is a national park. 13,000 students were enrolled, with
Broussard said. “It’s not a program families relocating to the mainland or “We are saying, listen, this is not like
that will make you whole again. That is “We still need some help to build elsewhere. the flooding that occurred during Har-
what insurance is for.” a house of our own,” Lawrence said, vey,” Plaskett said in an interview, re-
adding that someone offered the cou- Mapp, the governor, said his $7.5 ferring to the hurricane that struck the
Although insurance adjusters have ple a plot of land but they cannot af- billion funding request to the federal Houston area last year. “We had whole
disbursed more than $520 million to ford building materials. government would rebuild schools, roofs blow off, plus enormous shipping
Virgin Islanders so far, many residents hospitals, the energy grid and ports and rebuilding costs, and the costs asso-
say their properties were severely un- Despite the overall income gains while helping to offset the loss of tour- ciated with building on volcanic rock.”
derinsured. Policies for even a modest here in the years before the storms, ist revenue, which had accounted for
house in this hurricane-prone region the economy hit a setback during the 30 percent of the overall economy. But Warren Mosler, a local economist
can cost up to $1,000 a month, causing 2008 recession and again after a large who lives on St. Croix and is running for
many here to take their chances with oil refinery on St. Croix closed in 2012. Congress hasn’t responded to the governor, notes that Mapp’s request for
minimum coverage or high deductibles. The slump saddled the territorial gov- ambitious request, but it has promised $7.5 billion equates to $75,000 per resi-
ernment with $2 billion in debt. $900 million over three years to shore dent. He doubts Congress and Trump
Direct assistance from FEMA is up the territory’s finances. That lifeline will agree to the request, noting a simi-
capped at $33,300 per household, as is Still, the economy had been re- could help stave off more-severe job lar funding formula for Puerto Rico
the case stateside, although contrac- bounding throughout 2017 until the would amount to about $250 billion.
tors say it is far more expensive to re- VOLUNTEERS DECONSTRUCT A STORM
build here because of limited supplies hurricanes. In August, the unemploy- DAMAGED HOME IN ST. THOMAS ON JAN. 22. Instead, Mosler said, the territory
and human resources. The average ment rate dipped to 10 percent for the needs to start “resizing everything”
FEMA grant payout so far ranges from first time in five years. losses because the government is the based on the assumption that its
$6,000 to $8,000, the agency said. territory’s largest employer. economy – and its population – is just
Then on Sept. 6, Hurricane Irma’s going to have to get smaller.
The result is that disparities between eyewall plowed across St. Thomas and On Feb. 2, the U.S. Department of
rich and poor that have persisted for St. John with winds topping 100 mph, Housing and Urban Development an- “It’s very difficult to scale an econ-
generations have become even more damaging scores of roofs. Two weeks nounced that it had awarded $243 omy down like that, but it has to be
glaring. later, on Sept. 19, Hurricane Maria million to help residents with dam- done before you get any meaningful
scraped past the southern island of age not covered by private insurance, bounce back up,” said Mosler.
On St. John, where million-dollar vil- St. Croix, taking even more roofs there and Mapp’s government has secured
las cling to hillsides overlooking teal while dumping more than 10 inches of $600 million in federal funds to help On St. Croix, the debate about wheth-
ocean waters and coral reefs, business rain on the islands. construct permanent roofs on about er to stay or go already is taking place.
owners estimated that overall revenue 12,000 homes.
is down as much as 70 percent this win- More torrential rain fell in October At Mahogany Road Chocolate, a
ter. But second-home owners are re- and November, leaving many houses, “The recovery actually brings a roadside stand where well-off resi-
turning to high-end restaurants for lob- businesses and government buildings strong level of revenue. It brings strong dents gather to buy $10 chocolate
ster dinners and $100 bottles of wine. with extensive water damage. Both employment, and it brings serious bars or mango cream sponge cake,
major hospitals sustained significant consumption,” said Mapp, noting that Keith Moore and Glenda Smith said
For Livio Leoni, who owns Da Livio water damage, forcing critically injured skeptics also doubted the territory’s couples like them are starting to sec-
Italian restaurant in Cruz Bay on St. patients to be airlifted to the mainland ability to recover from Hurricane Hugo ond-guess their decision to retire in
John, the major lingering post-storm for treatment. in 1989 and Hurricane Marilyn in 1995. the Virgin Islands.
inconvenience is that the island’s U.S.
Customs and Border Protection office Eleven public schools were damaged Based on FEMA guidelines, however, “Things were hard before, and now
has not reopened. or destroyed. The school system also the Sheltering and Temporary Essen- you just don’t know what is going to
lost a student-led chicken farm, two tial Power program (STEP), launched happen,” said Smith, 63, who previ-
Without it, he said, he cannot im- aqua farms used to produce fresh school by the federal government after 2012’s ously lived in Miami and runs an art
port the cheese, cured meats and bot- lunches, and $3 million worth of musi- Hurricane Sandy, caps most appli- project that seeks to beautify the is-
tles of wine bearing his family name cal instruments and band uniforms. As cants at $25,000 in construction costs. lands by painting murals. “These are
directly from Italy. He instead would my retirement years. Do you want to
have to take a 25-minute ferry ride to Local contractors say it will cost at be struggling the entire time?”
St. Thomas to pick up those goods. least $50,000 to repair many roofs on the
A few miles away in Frederiksted,
“I usually buy the porcini directly where most traffic lights still don’t
from Italy, but now I cannot have it,” work, Cynthia Rivers said she does not
Leoni said. have the option to leave.

Meanwhile, 25 miles away in Coral A widow and retired cook, Rivers,
Bay, roofs and walls remain crumbled 65, now takes home $500 a month in
alongside roads. Some residents in this Social Security benefits. In early 2017,
port town, known for sailors and a bo- Rivers combined her life savings of
hemian culture, sleep in tents on their $9,000 with a $5,000 loan to subdivide
front porch or in vehicles. her house in hopes of earning rental
income throughout her golden years.
A few hundred yards from the bay,
Pearlette Lawrence was sweeping But Hurricane Maria damaged her
the front porch of the house where roof, meaning she cannot find a ten-
she had lived with her husband. The ant until she comes up with at least
house has no roof, and the couple $25,000 to repair it. She said FEMA
has been living in a shelter, but they gave her only $5,500.
return each day to cook meals and
hand-wash clothes. “If you are not here, you just would
never understand,” said Rivers, her eyes
Before the hurricanes, Lawrence had welling up with tears. “This was my re-
worked as a live-in maid and health-care tirement. This was my everything.” 

MEDICAL ALPHABET SOUP QUIZ 3: 4.  ALS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis swelling, redness, warmness and engorged
MEDICAL DISORDERS superficial veins. Life-threatening if clot detach-
A progressive neurologic disorder that causes es and travels to lungs.
muscle weakness, atrophy, difficulty speaking,
Thanks to TV, magazines, newspapers and the Internet, swallowing and eventually inability to breathe. 9.  ED Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)
medical jargon once limited to healthcare insiders is be- There’s no current cure. Lou Gehrig died from
coming more recognizable to the general public. and physicist Stephen Hawking has ALS. Half of men between the ages of 40 and 70 will
probably experience ED to some degree. Can be
Give yourself one point for each acronym/abbreviation 5.  CHF Congestive Heart Failure related to high blood pressure (hypertension),
you know. (sometimes called Heart Failure) high cholesterol, diabetes, hormonal problems,
surgery, injury, anxiety, depression and/or rela-
MEDICAL DISORDERS Occurs when the heart is unable to pump suffi- tionship problems.
ciently to maintain blood flow to meet the body’s
1.  AAA Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm needs. Symptoms include shortness of breath, 10.  GERD Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
excessive tiredness and leg swelling. A common,
Occurs with the lower part of the aorta (the potentially fatal condition. Occurs when stomach acid flows back into the
major blood vessel that supplies blood to the
body) becomes enlarged. If ruptures, can cause food pipe (esophagus). Backwash (reflux) irritates
life-threatening bleeding. Treatment can vary
from watchful waiting to emergency surgery. 6.  CLL Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and can damage the lining of the esophagus. Usu-

A type of cancer that starts from white blood cells ally manageable with lifestyle changes or medica-
(lymphocytes) in the bone marrow. Mainly affects
older adults, accounts for about one-third of all tion; some need surgery.
leukemias. Often grows slowly.
2.  AF Atrial Fibrillation (also called “AFib”) To be continued…

An irregular, often rapid, heart rate that occurs 7.  COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease SCORING © 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
when the two upper chambers of the heart beat A+ (10 correct) Astonishing
out of sync with the two lower chambers. In- A lung disease that causes obstructed airflow A (9 correct) Impressive
creases risk of stroke, heart failure and other B (8 correct) Brilliant
heart-related complications. from the lungs. Increases risk of heart disease C (5-7 correct) Well done
D (3-4 correct) Take notes when your doctor gives instructions
and lung cancer. Symptoms include breathing Under 3 correct Don’t worry, be happy

3.  AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome difficulty, cough, sputum production and wheez-

An infectious disease caused by the human im- ing. Most often caused by exposure to cigarette
munodeficiency virus (HIV), spread by unpro-
tected sex, contaminated blood transfusions, smoke.
hypodermic needles and from mother to baby.
There is no current cure or effective HIV vaccine. 8.  DVT Deep Vein Thrombosis Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
The formation of a blood clot within a deep vein, welcome. Email us at [email protected].
usually in the legs. Symptoms may include pain,

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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 15, 2018 23


In “Women Who Fly: Goddesses, including magical flight, Hindu and Buddhist tradition. vocative but convincing book certainly
Witches, Mystics, and Other Airborne transvection, bilocation, Take, for instance, one of the sto- belongs on, or at least near, the shelf
Females,” Serinity Young argues that ascension, assumption, containing some of the most intel-
tales of flying women, widespread and apotheosis.” Trans- ries about the Sufi mystic Rabi’ah lectually exhilarating books I know.
throughout the world’s mythologies, vection, in case you al-’Adawiyya. One day a Sufi master I’m thinking of such masterworks as
should be interpreted as visions of wondered, “refers to be- named Hasan sees Rabi’ah near a lake Vladimir Propp’s “Morphology of the
female emancipation from the con- ing carried through the and, to show off his supposed spiritual Folktale”; Claude Levi-Strauss’ studies
straints imposed by patriarchal cul- superiority, throws his prayer rug onto in structural anthropology (especially
tures: As she says, “the ability to break air by another entity, the surface of the water, then invites her “The Story of Asdiwal”); Robert Graves’s
free of the earth and to soar is a pro- for example a witch.” to join him in prayer. Instead, Rabi’ah crazed but wonderful historical gram-
found expression of freedom.” The Bilocation is the abil- tosses her prayer rug into the air and mar of poetic myth, “The White God-
many stories Young retells prove her ity to be in two places flies up to it. “Come up here, Hasan,” dess”; Carl Jung’s papers on the Anima,
point and are fascinating in themselves. at once. The most glo- she cries, then adds that they should Shadow and other archetypes; Joseph
rious of all assump- be above such competitive foolishness Campbell’s classic “The Hero With a
“The human desire to break through tions is, of course, that and apply themselves to the real busi- Thousand Faces”; and, not least, that
earthly restraints took many forms,” of the Virgin Mary’s ness of loving God. encyclopedia of pagan ritual, J.G. Fraz-
she writes. “It could be achieved er’s “The Golden Bough.” I’d also add
through dreams or ecstatic experienc- bodily ascent into Besides female ascetics and saints, to the list two works of modern liter-
es; by ascending a mountain, tree, lad- heaven. Symbolically Young regularly points out examples ary scholarship: Northrop Frye’s myth-
der or ritual pole; through self-cultiva- speaking, flying crea- of what she calls the “monstrous-fem- based, and now rather neglected, “Anat-
tion, asceticism, or spiritual discipline; tures are messengers, inine,” figures such as Medusa, the omy of Criticism” and Marina Warner’s
or through rituals. Multiple terms exist passing freely back Sphinx, the Harpies, Medea and the tour-de-force analysis of the fairy tale,
for the varieties of aerial experience, and forth between Furies. In these creatures we see “the “From the Beast to the Blonde.”
the heavenly realm demonization of aerial females” and
of the gods, the “the male need to make these indepen- One last point: “Women Who Fly”
dent beings into monsters and destroy shows how relevant even seemingly
Land of the Dead, them. … It seems there is nothing more arcane scholarship can be to contem-
the Other World of perverse and ugly than an independent porary life. Young does this by simply
the fairies and the woman.” unpacking the meanings of “a single
familiar earth most motif or trope in the human imagina-
of us are bound to. Much early myth and literature – tion – that of women not defined by the
Young opens her book with reflec- Aeschylus’ “Eumenides” is a good ex- restrictive gravity of men’s wishes or
tions on the Louvre’s famous sculp- ample – dramatizes the displacement desires, but women whose ability to fly
ture of the winged but headless Nike of matriarchal religions by new belief empowered them to impose conditions
– commonly known as the “Victory of systems privileging male deities. This on men, or to escape roles they found
Samothrace” – and ends with a chap- pattern of appropriation – or should constricting,” For centuries patriarchal
ter on aviators such as Amelia Earhart we say misappropriation? – recurs in cultures reflexively aimed to keep down
and Hanna Reitsch. In between one cultures around the world. By the time or marginalize defiant and powerful
finds discussions of many of the most of the European witch craze of the 15th females. Not for much longer. During
famous females of myth: the Middle to 17th centuries, women who “were the last half century, and particularly
Eastern goddess Isis, Adam’s first wife, not under the rule of a man … must be during the last year, more and more
Lilith, Homer’s Circe, the vengeful sor- under the rule of the devil. It was in- women can finally say that from now
cerer Medea, the Norse Valkyrie Brun- conceivable that they could be autono- on, baby, the sky’s the limit. 
hilde, and the witchy Morgan le Fay of mous.” Still, it has always been easy for
the Arthurian romances, just to name a men to believe in witches. As Young ob- WOMEN WHO FLY
few. Young also examines swan-maid- serves, from the perspective of a male, GODDESSES, WITCHES, MYSTICS
ens, fairy-brides and succubi, as well especially a married male, the mem- AND OTHER AIRBORNE FEMALES
as Christian and Daoist mystics, female bers of the other sex are “shape-shifters
shamans and even the comic book su- par excellence, changing from desir- By Serinity Young
perheroine Wonder Woman. Being a able, young, acquiescent women into Oxford. 358 pp. $29.95
specialist in Middle Eastern and Asian ruthless shrews.” Review by Michael Dirda
mythologies, she relates numerous ac-
counts of aerial women from Islamic, While Young’s occasionally academic The Washington Post
tone may limit her audience, this pro-


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24 Thursday, February 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Bonz hits it off with the magnificent Miss Maggie

Hi Dog Buddies! “I love the beaches here, too,

This week I yapped with a charm- playin’ in the waves mostly. Da-
ing Chocolate Lab, Maggie Johnson.
She’ll be 8 in May, but she has one vid throws my bumper and I zoom
of those Puppy Personalities, came
right up for the Wag-an-Sniff, then through the waves, reTREEVE it and
shared some frenly bumps an nudges
with my Assistant. body surf to shore!

“Oh, goody, it’s YOU, Mr. BONzo. “But my Favorite Thing To Do is
It’s Super Cool Dog Biscuits you’re
gonna innerview ME. These are my hikin’ with David. I’m a Nature Girl!
Humans, David and Alice, I’ve been
with ’em for almost my whole en- We hike all over the place, specially
tire life. I’m an Only Dog. So, let’s
go sit on the porch. I’ll show you my the Indrio Savannahs Preserve. Have
yard. I watch the birds an the boats
goin’ by on the river. I have my own you heard of it? Lotsa hikin’ trails.
room, too. An a buncha bumpers to
reTREEVE an chew on.” Plus, I learn stuff about birds, an fish,

I followed her to a nice screen an plants, an TOR-dusses, an EEEK-
porch with a pooch door.
oh systems, which are nature neigh-
“So, whaddya wanna know?”
she asked. borhoods, I think. On my daily walks

“Well, first off – what’s a bum- with Alice, I hafta be On Leash. But
per?” I was hopin’ I wasn’t the
only pooch on the planet who on our weekend nature hikes, I get to
didn’t know. I mean, I figured
it wasn’t the metal kind that go be Off Leash cuz I’m Well-Behaved.
on cars. I couldn’t pickshur her
draggin’ that across the yard. When I get way ahead of David and

“Oh, silly me. It’s a boat thing.” She don’t know which way next, I look
went off into the house and returned
with a white oblong object, about the back at him, he points, an I go that
size of a liddle loaf of French Bread.
(How do I know about French Bread? way.”
That’s another story.)
“You sure are one active Nature
Maggie explained, “David an Alice
are Boat People, an they put these Pooch,” I said, with
on the outside of their boats so they
don’t, like, BUMP into the dock an admiration.
get all dinged up. You can see they’re
the PERfect size for reTREEVEing an Maggie “It’s hard to stay
still. Last year, I hurt
“Yep, I can see that.” the instructions
“I can go get one for you,” she of- and David followed ’em: First, he my knee. There’s a
fered, between munches. let me chew on his hands (just
“That’s so thoughtful, but I’d bet- liddle puppy nibbles). Then he bunch of stringy things
ter keep takin’ notes. Tell me how you took a ball away from me. Then
and your humans got together.” he played with my paws. Then called ligga-mutts that
“I was born way out in the country, he just walked away. WELL,
near a place called Indiantown. There I had it figured out by then, hold pooches’ knees
were nine of us puppies an I was the and you bet your biscuits I fol-
liddlest. By the time David an Alice lowed him. I thought it was all together, an mine
started askin,’ there were only two pretty fun, ackshully. The last
of us left. They got to meet my pooch part of the test was when Alice got torn. So Dr. Horn
Mom and Dad so they could see how sneaked sneakily up behind
gorgeous I’d be when I grew up. If Da- me while I was playin; and used fishing line to re-
vid an Alice had picked their puppy banged two frying pans together!”
on adorableness alone, I woulda won, place the ligga-mutts. I
Paws Down. But they had NEVER had “Are you woofin’ me right now?”
a dog. Ever. Or even a human puppy. “I woof you not. It made this big, couldn’t do ANYTHING
“So they read every Puppy Raising loud noise, but I wasn’t scared. I
book they could find an that’s when glanced up, then kept right on pla- FUN for three months.
Alice found The Puppy Test. She read yin.’ Of course, I passed The Puppy
Test. Now, big noises never scare me. It wasn’t that fun for Da-
Even thunderstorms. Cool, right?”
“Totes! So, whaddya do for fun? Any vid an Alice either, but by
pooch pals?”
“I’m mostly a People Pooch (no of- August I was back swim-
fense). My favorite pal is M-I-K-E the
Pool Guy. He gives me treats. Da- min’ an reTREEVin.’ Hey,
vid an Alice spell his name cuz they
think I’ll get all excited if they just say Mr. Bonzo, if you’re ever
it regular. My pooch bestie’s a dachs-
hund, Huck Wall. Me an him an our up in Newport, we can do
humans go on vacations together, to
North Carolina. It’s real pretty and Yappy Hour at the Vander-
they’ve got streams with yummy cool
water! bilt!”

I could have listened to

Miss Maggie’s adventures

“In the summer I pant a all day. Heading home, I

LOT, so we go to our house in New- was thinking I should get a

port, an David an Alice go boating. liddle more exercise. Running from my

Not me, though. I like adventures, but bed to my dinner dish probly isn’t quite

NOT boats. They’re wobbly an I can’t enough. I’m gonna give it shot, because

see over the side an I get all Shaky I might just be havin’ Yappy Hour at the

Paws and Barfy. But Newport’s Cool Vanderbilt with a certain lady friend one

Kibbles. There’s a lotta retrievers, of these days. 

an pooch-frenly rest-runts. The fun-
-The Bonznest is Yappy Hour at the Vanderbilt.

Sometimes, Mr. Bonzo, I just can’t
help it, I show off a teeny bit by takin’
a dip in the fountain.

Don’t be shy!
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
an interview, please email [email protected].

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 15, 2018 25


Ludwig Mies van der Rohe said, “Architecture starts when you carefully put two bricks WEST AK62 EAST
together.” A bridge deal starts when you carefully put 13 cards together. How you play J 10 A K J 10 962
those cards, of course, will determine your score on the deal. J754 9 Q 10 9
763 Q85
This week, South is in six spades. What should he do after West finds the best lead of a KJ74 SOUTH Q 10 8 3
trump? AKQ3
North’s four-club rebid was a splinter: four-card spade support, game-going values and 942
a singleton (or void) in clubs. It was a slight overbid, especially since North has such A652
bad trumps. If South had had weak spades and strong clubs, making three no-trump
the best game, it would have been hard to get there over four clubs! But a three-spade Dealer: North; Vulnerable: Both
rebid would have been a tad cautious. If only he could have bid three-and-two-thirds
spades. The Bidding:

The winning line, assuming there was one, depended upon guessing correctly. If trumps SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST
were 4-1, declarer needed the diamond finesse to be winning. But if the spades were 1Diamonds Pass
the more-likely 3-2, he could afford to lose a diamond as long as he took two club ruffs 1 Spades Pass 4 Clubs Pass OPENING
on the board. Then, his 12 tricks would be four spades, two hearts, three diamonds, one 5 Clubs Pass 5 Diamonds Pass
club and the two ruffs. 6 Spades Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
J Spades
However, it was not that straightforward. After quite some time running different play
sequences through his mind, South saw the best plan. After the club ruff at trick three,
he led a low diamond from the dummy. East won and played another trump, but declarer
won, ruffed a second club, took the top hearts, ruffed a heart, drew the missing trump
and claimed.

26 Thursday, February 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly

The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Dandies (French style) (5) 2 Do very well (5)
4 Natives of former Siam (5) 3 Novel by James Joyce (7)
10 Decomposed (7) 5 Wished (5)
11 Offence taken (5) 6 Post-mortem investigation (7)
12 Rods (5) 7 Espouse (5)
13 Location (7) 8 Brainwaves (5)
15 Simple (4) 9 Long-necked birds (5)
17 Supporting beam (5) 14 Offa’s -- (4)
19 Pool of money (5) 16 Small particle (4)
22 Sign (4) 18 Applause (7)
25 World of scholarship (7) 20 Imprecise (7)
27 Support for canvas (5) 21 Look at; timepiece (5)
29 Town’s announcer (5) 23 Female voice (5)
30 Avid (7) 24 Cathedral’s precincts (5)
31 Animal hunted in verse (5) 26 Mistake (5)
32 Group of employees (5) 28 Parody (5)

3AtYhgeeraePrCermLaiceleleanfsootefrF2DoYreetaarilss.! Boat, Trailer, Kayak, and Canoe How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
Melbourne Beach area, numbers one through
secure community, fenced in area nine appear just once
Storage area adjacent to in every column, row
boat launch onto Indian River. and three-by-three
Six miles north of Sebastian Inlet. square.
Boats $ 500 per yr / Kayaks $ 80 per yr

Contact Alice -
[email protected]


The Telegraph

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 15, 2018 27


ACROSS 79 Part of a German carrier? (1970) 69 Mail carrier’s The Washington Post
name 4 Prophet words to a 47
1 Arctic birds 5 Workplace Across? (1968) SPECIAL DELIVERY By Merl Reagle
5 Of the ear 80 One of Henry’s six
9 “If ___ be so bold 81 Type of income or watchdog: abbr. 70 “___ Who Tread
6 Not dangerous the Narrow Way”
...” result 7 ___ Saud (Kipling)
13 Alaska adjective 83 With 96 Across, 8 Sid, Julius, and a
18 Response to a 73 Little egg
a postal order? salad 74 Work on this
Dear John letter? (1962) 9 16 oz. 75 Derisive
(1961) 85 Turkey Day 10 ___ d’
21 Ooh trailer device 11 Pond plants responses
22 Mediterranean 87 Gob’s agreement 12 Start of a 78 Like a quilt
tree 88 Noted numero 82 Work unit
23 What it takes to 91 Corduroy ridge Flintstonism 84 Smidge
mail 92 Airline to Tokyo 13 Painter 86 Deli-cutter option
things? (1956) 94 Mohammed’s 88 Salt Lake players
24 The Postmaster flight Hieronymus 89 Lower-class, in
General? (1967) 96 See 83 Across 14 VP namesakes
26 Spring for (dinner) 98 Meager poker 15 Actress Basinger Britain
27 Armada’s milieu hand 16 Hungarian sister 90 Mexican honey-
29 Cigar contents, in 101 Four Seasons hit 17 Animal refuge
Calais 103 Grandson of 19 Caustic stuff lovers
30 Bill’s Hulk costar Adam 20 Color changer 92 Pleasures
32 Lonely Street 104 Murphy’s show 25 Popular wood 93 Feminine side, to
address? 105 Noted nummer 28 Skylit courts
(1956) 106 The Man of 30 White Diamonds Jung
39 Furniture designer baseball 95 37 Down
William 107 Possible lady
41 Of wings requirement of 31 How long Express counterparts
42 Regret postal inspectors? 97 Feat of thought
43 Prime seat (1969) Mail takes? (1958) 99 Next-to-last
44 Farmer’s name, in 113 Decorator’s asset 33 Put it away
cartoons 114 Tomato impact 34 Gladiolus-to-be syllables
45 Shove off 115 Puncture preceder 35 Previous 100 Assistance
47 Postal carrier’s 116 Richard Dysart TV 36 Uproar 102 Travel dir.
worry? series 37 They’re esteem- 104 It’s coming
(1956) 120 Mail carrier’s 108 “___ an arrow ...”
51 Certain women’s condition powered 109 USN rank
wear after a 47 Across 38 What 51 Across 110 Kael’s ___ It at the
53 Typewriter feature run-in? (1957)
54 Roughly 125 Inspiration for the cover Movies
55 “Wild Bill” 15 songs in this 40 Fanged danger 111 Jack of The Great
Donovan’s org. puzzle
56 Peace, to Pushkin 129 “Swell!” for divers Dictator
57 Monopoly 130 Monarch’s 41 Slow as ___ 112 Cold desserts
imperative address 46 Wisp of an island 117 Pops the question
60 Postal guy? 131 Like stubborn 47 Sellers of 51 118 British ensemble
(1968) stamps? (1960)
62 Court ace Andre 132 Opening Across that Previn once
64 Backer 133 Four follower 48 Abalone, to a Brit led: abbr.
66 Green situation 134 Candy company 49 This land is your 119 ___ extra cost
67 Calf catcher 135 Russian poet 120 It often comes
71 Debt marker Mandelstam land between two
72 Mail containing 50 Steelers coach people
X’s and DOWN 121 Civil War figure
O’s? (1966) 1 Intent Chuck who 122 Testing place
76 Son of Adam 2 Project Blue Book won four Super 123 VW intro?
77 Burners named Bowls 124 The write thing
for a listing 52 Photo ___ (PR 126 Sight, on the
volcano 3 Something that ploys) Seine
56 Spice with a 127 Pronoun, on the
won’t deter a mail wallop? Seine
58 Taste lover 128 Doggie
59 Early astronaut
60 Extremely
61 Portland OR to
Portland ME
63 Shiner of a sort
65 Slangy affirmative
68 Shipping by land
or air? (1972)

The Telegraph

28 Thursday, February 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Actually listening could finally stop in-law’s nagging

BY CAROLYN HAX Maryland: You’ve “ignored her”; she’s “trying to “Milly, I understand. You want the sisters to be
Washington Post rope me into this”; he says “keep ignoring her”; you included. You want the family to be close. I do,
propose saying “it isn’t my job” to “interfere” – why too!”
Dear Carolyn: My husband is all the dancing instead of just communicating?
not close with his sisters, who do Because you do want that! You tried! You made
not live locally. They text some- overtures!
times, but don’t see one another
more than once a year, and almost [Pause for her to say her piece. To which you lis-
always when we travel to them. ten carefully.]
We had a baby this summer whom his sisters
and their families have never met. My mother- If she resumes her push to have you be the agent
in-law, who lives much closer to us, keeps asking of family unity, then remind her, warmly and with
and telling me – and sometimes also my husband empathy, that you have made efforts over the
– that I need to help her coordinate a meeting. So years that were rebuffed. That her children are
far I have just ignored her comments and emails. the ones who have opened this distance between
I know she is trying to rope me into this because them and so must be the ones who close it. That
my family has seen the baby a lot more; I am it pains you to see a future where your baby isn’t
much closer to my family, and they are willing to close to these aunties.
travel. I resent being told that coordinating with
his family is my responsibility. Up till now you’ve deflected her as a nuisance
My husband says to keep ignoring her. Next time without first, as far as I can tell, approaching her
she brings it up, I would like to tell her it isn’t my as a fellow parent. Please rethink that and sum-
job to manage my husband’s relationships with mon the patience to engage.
his sisters and ask her to stop asking me to inter-
fere. Is that making a mountain out of a molehill? Her knowing you want the same thing she does,
I do think it is sad my husband isn’t closer with and your knowing her pain in not being able to
his sisters, but he isn’t, and my overtures to con- make it happen, may not do anything to bring
nect with them over the years have been rejected. these siblings closer. It does have the power,
I feel guilty because the baby has spent so much though, to redefine how you and your mother-in-
more time with my family, and I know that’s why law interact. Less stiff-arm, more respect.
my mother-in-law is trying.
Once you’ve heard each other out, then you can
– Maryland go back to deflecting any continuing, unwelcome
pressure from your mother-in-law – lightly, sym-
pathetically and as needed: “You know how I feel
about this: I’ve tried, you’ve tried – and it’s not up
to us anyway. Take it up with those stubborn off-
spring of yours.” Streamline as needed. 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 15, 2018 29


Hands-on cooking classes in a spectacular kitchen at sea

[email protected]

Like most foodies, I love to cook. On
evenings when I am not checking out a
restaurant for this column, I generally
can be found in the kitchen, preparing
that night’s dinner. I often conclude
the day reading cooking magazines as
I watch TV cooking shows.

I have always loved cooking classes.
I took them for years in Washington
at L’Academie de Cuisine – one of the
top cooking schools in America which
Francois Dionot sadly closed in De-
cember after a 41-year run – and I have
attended a few on vacations (yes, I en-
joy them that much).

I also have been intrigued by the
growing number of cooking classes
and demonstrations offered on cruise
ships. Some include celebrity chefs as
well as those from the ship’s own kitch-
ens. Oceania, Holland America, Celeb-
rity – they all are getting in on the act,
some with a broad curriculum of im-
pressive culinary courses, others with

demonstrations that I haven’t found there’s no sharing. Each participant has and inviting to experi- mint labneh, wasabi-encrusted grou-
particularly useful. her own top-of-the-line induction cook- enced and not-so-experi- per, and Florida shrimp with snow peas,
top, stainless steel sink and collection of enced cooks alike. glazed apple and mustard crema. Yum.
But on a cruise a few weeks ago on cooking essentials. In these classes, you
Regent Cruises’ Seven Seas Explorer, I get your hands into the food; watching “You’re here to have fun,” Alas, the cruise came to an end be-
had an opportunity to take a couple of a partner do the work is not an option. she told the class. “The way fore I could sign up for any of the other
classes in the ship’s spectacular Culi- it works, I’m going to lay out the ingredi- seven sessions (a course promising to
nary Arts Kitchen – a facility that rivals The first class I took was called “The ents step by step, the way they are laid out impart the secrets of Argentine-style
any cooking school on land. Foodie’s New World.” Led by chef/in- in the recipe. After that, I will demo the master grilling sounded particularly in-
structor Brenda Lanoue, who has taught first dish, then you will go back to your teresting).
This may well be the most amazing at the Culinary Institute of America in station where the team will have laid out
setup at sea – 18 fully-equipped, state- the Napa Valley and is one of several everything you need, and you’ll prepare But the Seven Seas Explorer will be
of-the-art cooking stations that allow chefs recruited by Kelly to lead classes the dish. Then you will come back up sailing 10-night cruises out of Miami
attendees to take 90-minute cooking at sea, this course focused on prepar- and I will demonstrate the second dish.” until late March when it heads to the
classes during which they prepare dish- ing such dishes as spicy gazpacho, gin- Mediterranean. So let’s see, if I take two
es, which vary from day to day, under ger-spiced chicken, and my husband’s It was indeed fun, and I also picked classes per cruise . . .
the guidance of a veteran chef. favorite, “drunken sailor cake” – a very up some useful tips. So I put my name
easy to make rum cake. (I’ll post the reci- on the waiting list for a second ses- I welcome your comments, and en-
The program is run by chef Kathryn pe online at sion, and as good luck would have it, a courage you to send feedback to me at
Kelly, a creative food mastermind who spot opened up in “Floribbean: Florida [email protected]. 
developed the first hands-on cooking Supported by two sous chefs and meets the Caribbean.”
classes at sea a half dozen years ago on a pot-washer (wish I had one of
a couple of Oceania’s ships. those at home), Lanoue had a very That course explored the fusion of
pleasant manner that was open such Floridian and Caribbean dishes
One very big difference is that in as spiced snapper on wilted greens with
classes on the Seven Seas Explorer,

30 Thursday, February 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


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32 Thursday, February 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Please send calendar information 16 Satellite Beach Police Athletic League in the Sanctuary at Suntree United Method- 28 US-TOO Prostate Cancer Support
at least two weeks prior to your Friday Food Truck Fest, 5 to 9 p.m. in the ist Church 7400 N Wickham Rd., Melbourne. Group meets from 6:15 to 7:45 p.m.
parking lot of the D.R. Schechter Recreation Cen- the last Wednesday of the month at the Mel-
event to ter. Food trucks, local vendors and Kidz Korner. bourne Public Library, 540 E. Fee Avenue. Call
[email protected] 22 Advent Lutheran Church Women’s Vanita Gagliani at (321)432-5573 for details.
16 South Beach Players theater group Book/Bible Study and discussion 1:00
ONGOING fundraiser, 6 to 8 p.m. at the Floridana p.m. 1805 Oak St., Melbourne Beach . Last MARCH
Beach Clubhouse, 6636 Florida A1A, Melbourne Thursday of every month. All are welcome.
ABC Yoga literacy-based yoga class for kids Beach. Ticket price ($10-$15) for the Chinese 3 First Annual Charity Southern Squall con-
age 7 and younger, 3:30 to 4:15 p.m. Wednes- New Year event includes wine and beer tast- 22-25 The Friends of the Mel- cert, 6 to 10 p.m. at Sebastian Inlet Surf &
days at Bikram Yoga with Helena 1401 High- ings, appetizers, live music, a silent auction of bourne Public Library book Sport, sponsored by the Melbourne Beach Ro-
land Ave Eau Gallie Arts District; Cost: $5/ treasures and a 50/50 raffle. Purchase advance sale, 540 E. Fee Avenue, with members-only tary Club for the Surfrider Foundation and the
child (Adult is free). For more information, call tickets from Treasurer Barbara Van Dam at Mel- pre-sale from 5 to 7 p.m. Feb. 22, memberships Indian River Lagoon Research Institute at FIT.
Denice Santos at (321)-806-0830. bourne Beach Realty, 6680 A1A. Call (305)240- available at the door. Regular sale days are 9 Tickets $25-$30 at
0125 for more info. a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 1 to 3
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Cost is $3 per grocery bag full. Call 7-8 “Back in Time,” a free concert by
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park 17 Marine Resources Council mangrove (321)952-4514. Swingtime, a 22 piece Big Band, 7:30
planting event with the Rotary Clubs p.m. with Pre-Show at 6:30 by the New Horizons
Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- of Brevard, 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the MRC’s Ted 24 Long Term Care discussion with local, Band (Doors open at 6:30), Melbourne Audito-
days at Ocean Side Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, Moorhead Lagoon House shoreline, 3275 Dixie licensed agents detailing the types of rium, 625 E. Hibiscus Blvd., Melbourne. Admis-
Melbourne Beach. Highway, Palm Bay. Volunteers and donations policies available today, how underwriting plays sion: Free. Tickets not required. (321) 724-0555
needed. a part as well as cost. This discussion will be held
Music & Meditation, 8:30 a.m. Sundays Feb. at 9:30a on Feb 24, 2018 in the HNJ Catholic
18 though March 25 at Eastminster Presbyterian 17 Yappy Hour Doggie Patio Party 5:30 Church community room 3050 N Highway A1A, 9-11 Under the Oaks Fine Arts &
Church in Indialantic. The sermon-free service p.m. at El Chico Mexican Cafe, 1751 Indialantic. All are welcome! Call with questions. Crafts Show hosted by Vero
is designed to be a time of individual introspec- Evans Road, Melbourne (behind the mall), spon- Kim 321-305-2554 Mike 321-499-3550. Beach Art Club, a juried show featuring 220+ art-
tion, devotion and renewing, with music pro- sored by Coastal Boxer Rescue of Brevard. Enter ists from around the country, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at
vided by a different guest musician each Sunday. to win a gift basket and cash prizes, drawing at 25 Music on the Hill Greatest Songs from Riverside Park. Free.
7:30 p.m. Bring some food or treats and get a Broadway concert by young prodigies,
free cup of queso. Adoptable dogs present. 4 p.m. at Friendship Fellowship at Pineda, 3115 10 Floridana Beach Civic Association Beach
Friendship Pl, Rockledge Fl. 32955 (US1 about Bazaar at 6635 A1A, Melbourne Beach,
FEBRUARY 17 Eastminster Presbyterian Church will 1.5 miles north of Pineda Causeway), $5 dona- with oceanfront spaces and business tables avail-
present a free concert for the commu- tion is requested at the door. Sponsored by the able for $25. Deadline for application is Jan. 30.
15 The Melbourne Municipal Band (MMB) nity when the Disciples Quartet perform at 7:00 Creative Arts Foundation of Brevard. Call (321) Call Beth Glover at (321)726-0800 for more info.
will showcase the dramatic music of PM at 106 N. Riverside Drive in Indialantic. The 254-3398 for more info.
popular movies when it presents “Music from gospel singers will perform a varied program for 10 The League of Women Voters of the
the Big Screen” beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Mel- the popular Concerts at Eastminster series, fea- 28 The Aquarina Women’s Golf Club First Space Coast honors “Women of Ac-
bourne Auditorium, 625 E. Hibiscus Blvd. There is turing music of praise and worship. Ladies Invitational Golf Tournament tion” whereby three local women - Jacqueline
no charge and tickets are not required. Doors open to benefit Nana’s Children’s Home. Register or Chandler, Stacia Glavas and Laurilee Thomp-
at 6:30 p.m. Call 724-0555 or visit www.melbour- 18 Central Florida Winds “Out of this sponsor a hole by calling the Aquarina Beach son - will be recognized for their achievements for more information. World” free concert featuring music and Country Club Pro shop at 321-676-8923 or at a luncheon to be held at 11:30 a.m. at the
of Gustav Holst and John Philip Sousa, 3 p.m. Jo-Anne Harrison at 321-914-4522. Suntree Country Club, 1 Country Club Drive in
Melbourne. Cost is $35-$40 and RSVP deadline
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword PPaaggee2651 (WORD SALAD, CHUNKY-STYLE) is Feb. 2. To register with menu selection, go to
in February 8, 2018 Edition 1 JERRY 1 EMBLAZON (Events). For more in-
8 MANDARIN 3 RESERVED formation, contact Doreen Archer at (321)622-
9 ABYSMAL 4 VALUE 4071 or [email protected].
11 BARRAGE 6 BRONZED 10 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Flori-
12 BERET 7 ANNEX da 24th Annual Cooking from the Heart,
15 POSER 8 MANGO 6 to 10 p.m. at the Melbourne Auditorium. Tick-
18 YODEL 13 ROWDYISM ets are $75 per person or a table of eight for $750,
19 NADIR 14 TELEMARK which includes dinner, beverages, entertainment,
22 TODDLER 16 SAPLING dancing and a silent auction. This year’s theme is
23 RELIGION 17 RINGLET Mentoring Rocks! with attendees invited to come
24 ADMIRAL 20 RONDO dressed as their favorite rock star. www.brevard-

Sudoku Page 2660 SudokuPPaaggee2651 CrosswordPPage 6206


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Spacious Aquarina home
offered at reduced price

874 Aquarina Blvd. in Aquarina Beach and Country Club: 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 2,936-square-foot
single-family golf-course home offered for $824,900 by Premium Properties Real Estate Services’
listing agent Nancy Lamens: 321-427-2952

34 Thursday, February 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Spacious Aquarina home offered at reduced price

STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER The 3-bedroom, 3-bath, single- flooring, crown molding and cathe- frigerator and two ovens, one with a
[email protected] family home sits on a meticulously dral ceilings. The foyer has ample range and the other with rotisserie.
landscaped lot, with a brick paver room to serve as a formal dining
Reduced to sell and ready to move driveway leading to a three-car ga- room. Also surrounded by arches, it The open design of the home has
in, the open-floor-plan home at 874 rage. The formal front entrance leads is located across from a wet bar with sight lines running throughout, with
Aquarina Blvd. on Brevard’s beautiful to a front door with ornate beveled custom cabinetry and a wine cooler. the kitchen overlooking comfortable
barrier island has high-end details glass sidelights. seating areas with large TVs. There
and custom features throughout, The gourmet eat-in kitchen ac- is plenty of natural lighting from the
along with one of the best golf-course Upon entry, the house has some- cessed from foyer/dining area fea- many windows in the home and the
views in Aquarina Beach and Coun- thing of an Old World feel, with a tures granite counter tops, a breakfast series of French doors accessing the
try Club, a gated, ocean-to-river com- grand foyer accented with columns nook, custom cabinets and high-end covered patio lanai that extends the
munity. and arches, hardwood and marble appliance including a Subzero re- home’s living space during much of

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 15, 2018 35



the year and allows residents and screened enclosure containing an and lake of the Aquarina Golf Course. Neighborhood: Aquarina Beach
guests to enjoy Florida’s beautiful undulating, custom designed swim- The pool has a child alarm. and Country Club
climate. ming pool and spa and the truly spec- Year built: 2005
tacular panorama view of the 8th Tee Landscaping features well-estab- Bedrooms: 3
The entire back of the home is a lished palm trees and well-main-
Bathrooms: 2 full baths;
2 half-baths

concrete block, stucco

Acreage: .27 acres
Home size: 2,936 square feet
under air, 3,808 square feet total
Additional features: Formal

dining room; formal living
room; laundry room; office and

library’ eat-in island kitchen
with granite countertops, cus-
tom cabinets, subzero refrig-
erator, rotisserie oven, built-in
range, wet bar and wine cooler;
master bathroom suite with jet-
ted bathtub and shower, double
vanity sinks and walk-in closets.

Listing agency: Premium
Properties Real Estate Services,
5675 N. Atlantic Ave. Ste. 104,

Cocoa Beach.
Listing agent:
Nancy Lamens, 321-427-2952
Listing price: $824,900

36 Thursday, February 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Mortgage rates climb to
highs not seen since 2016

tained hedges, including one running Sandpiper Cove neighborhood with- STORY BY KATHY ORTON WASHINGTON POST rise. This will help push up mortgage
the length of the pool enclosure at the in the gated, Ocean-to-river Aquarina rates in the coming week.”
rear of the home. club community, also features a full According to the latest data re-
home security system and central leased last Thursday by Freddie Mac, Meanwhile, mortgage applica-
And for the golfer, the 3-car at- vacuum system and has an indoor the 30-year fixed-rate average shot tions were flat last week, according
tached garage at the front of the laundry, office and library. up to 4.32 percent with an average to the latest data from the Mortgage
house has a separate smaller garage, 0.6 point. (Points are fees paid to a Bankers Association. The market
accessed from the rear, designed for Community amenities include an lender equal to 1 percent of the loan composite index – a measure of total
golf carts. 18-hole golf course, beach club, club- amount.) loan application volume – ticked up
house with rec room and exercise 0.7 percent from a week earlier. The
The spacious master bathroom, room, tennis courts, jogging trail, It was 4.22 percent a week ago and refinance index rose 1 percent, while
located across from the other two bike trail, fishing pier and boat ramp. 4.17 percent a year ago. The 30-year the purchase index was unchanged
bedrooms, features a bathroom suite Golf membership is discounted. fixed rate has risen about 40 basis from a week ago.
with oversized jetted bathtub and points (a basis point is 0.01 percent-
separate walk-in shower, double van- The home, which is listed by Nancy age point) since the start of the year The refinance share of mortgage
ity sinks, and a spacious walk-in clos- Lamens of Premium Properties Real and hasn’t been this high since De- activity accounted for 46.4 percent of
et with custom shelves and cabinetry. Estate Services, was recently dis- cember 2016. all applications, falling to its lowest
counted to $824,900.  level since July.
The home, which is located in the The 15-year fixed-rate average
jumped to 3.77 percent with an av- “Even with the rate increase, there
erage 0.5 point. It was 3.68 percent a was little change in refinance ap-
week ago and 3.39 percent a year ago. plication volume for the week,” said
The five-year adjustable rate average Mike Fratantoni, MBA chief econo-
rose to 3.57 percent with an average mist. “However, there has been little
0.4 point. It was 3.53 percent a week change in refinance application vol-
ago and 3.21 percent a year ago. ume over the last month or frankly
over the last year. We seem to be at
“Mortgage rates moved sharply or close to a floor with respect to re-
higher last week, spurred by a sell- finances.”
off in the stock market and further
evidence of a strong economy that “February is really the kickoff
will soon force the world’s ma- for the spring buying season each
jor central banks to push interest year,” Fratantoni said. “This week,
rates higher,” Aaron Terrazas, se- we saw a 7 percent increase in pur-
nior economist at Zillow, said in chase applications. However, that
a statement. “This week political just represents typical seasonal
uncertainty should wane as Con- growth at this time of year, so on
gressional negotiators have agreed an adjusted basis, purchase volume
to a two-year budget, but financial was flat. On a [year-over-year] basis,
market volatility could continue. purchase volume was up 8 percent,
Short-term market fluctuations consistent with the strong reading
aside, the trend in rates is clearly we received on the job market on
upward after spending years near Friday.”
historic lows.”
The MBA also released its mort-
Mortgage rates tend to follow the gage credit availability index (MCAI)
same path as long-term bond yields, this week that showed credit avail-
which have been steadily climbing. ability increased in January. The
The yield on the 10-year Treasury MCAI rose 2.1 percent to 182.9 last
has climbed about 40 basis points month. A decline in the MCAI in-
since the start of the year on fears dicates that lending standards are
of escalating inflation and concerns tightening, while an increase signals
about Federal Reserve rate hikes. they are loosening., which puts out a “Credit availability increased
weekly mortgage rate trend index, across the board in January, more
found that most of the experts it sur- than reversing December declines
veyed say rates will continue to move in almost all component indices,”
higher in the coming week. Michael Lynn Fisher, MBA’s vice president
Becker, branch manager of Sierra Pa- of research and economics, said
cific Mortgage, is one who predicts in a statement. “Jumbo credit pro-
rates will go up. grams rebounded most strongly and
reached a new series high, driven by
“The sell-off in equity markets an increase in the number of pro-
provided a quick dip in mortgages grams with reduced documentation
rates,” Becker said. “But with the requirements. In government lend-
sell-off behind us, it looks like mar- ing programs, credit availability re-
kets are once again focusing on the mains somewhat lower than the rest
stimulative aspects of the tax cuts of 2017.” 
and the potential for inflation to

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 15, 2018 37


Impact of new tax law on housing prices seen muted

STORY BY KENNETH R. HARNEY WASHINGTON POST Price declines are nowhere in sight taxes and large proportion of super- are definitely factoring higher real es-
yet but cannot be totally ruled out, he jumbo-size mortgages and high tax- tate taxes into their transaction equa-
Were fears overblown that changes said. “We think the potential negative es, rose by 9.1 percent year-over-year. tions – either as a reason to price their
to the federal tax law would trigger impacts [of the tax bill] will be muted Case Shiller’s 10-city index rose by 6.2 properties more reasonably at the list-
plunging home values? by the likely fact that most households percent in November. ing stage or to urge sellers to lower their
will actually have more money in their price during negotiations.
You might recall the scary predic- bank accounts at the end of the year None of this is to suggest that the fi-
tions that began coming last fall from because of the tax plan.” nancial impacts of the tax law are be- Chicago real estate broker Alexis
the realty industry and some indepen- ing ignored by buyers and sellers. To Eldorrado says some sellers of upper-
dent economists: Cutting tax benefits That, plus the ongoing shortage of the contrary, realty agents say clients, bracket properties have become more
for homeowners would inevitably lead homes for sale, strong buyer demand, especially those preparing to enter the flexible on their initial asking prices,
to declines of 4 percent to 10 percent in low unemployment and growth in marketplace, followed the tax provi- knowing that buyers may come in
home prices, and maybe even more for wages, may offset any whatever tax- sions carefully as the legislation moved with Excel spreadsheets detailing how
upper-bracket properties in high-tax deduction concerns. Cheryl Young, through Congress, and they have a their tax bills are going up. Jill Eber, a
areas. So how are those dire warnings senior economist at Trulia, cited the good sense about what the changes broker in Miami, told me that tax law
holding up? It’s still early in the game latest Standard & Poor’s Case Shiller mean to them in practical terms. may actually be driving some owners
for hard statistical answers. But it’s not index, which documented steadily ris- from high-tax states to tax-friendlier
too early to gather anecdotal evidence ing prices in most markets. Noah Goldberg, an agent with Red- Florida.
on whether buyers – citing higher tax fin in Jersey City, says clients “were
burdens – are pushing asking prices “Early versions of the tax-reform bill waiting on the sidelines at the end of “We’re hearing from more people
downward and whether sellers are in November threatened to put down- the year due to the uncertainty around from New York, the Northeast and
caving or resisting. ward pressure on prices in expen- tax reform.” But “now that [they’ve] California than usual,” she told me in
sive and high-tax areas as proposals had a chance to calculate the monthly an interview, and some are specifi-
To get answers, I contacted realty on caps to the mortgage-interest tax costs, income taxes and deductions,” cally citing the tax bill as a reason for
agents and economists who keep a deduction and state and local tax de- they’re streaming back. Some buyers considering switching domiciles. What
close eye on consumer behavior in ductions ding demand,” according to have told Goldberg that the lower fed- impact that might have on pricing isn’t
markets around the country. The con- Young. “But the proposals didn’t cause eral income taxes they’re likely to owe yet clear, however.
sensus was summed up best by Ralph a ripple in November home prices.” In will offset the real estate deductions
McLaughlin, chief economist of Trulia, fact, prices in San Francisco, consid- they’re likely to lose. So the net effect Bottom line: The post-tax-bill real
a San Francisco company that tracks ered one of the most vulnerable cities could be a wash. estate scene is still evolving, and any
prices and local market trends in hun- for price declines because of its high price declines aren’t visible yet, if in-
dreds of communities. Some sellers and buyers, however, deed they are coming. 

38 Thursday, February 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Feb. 2 to Feb. 8

The first week of January brought a lull in the real estate market in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903, and
32937. Melbourne Beach and Satellite Beach each reported 3 sales, while Indian Harbour Beach and
Indialantic recorded 1 each.
The top sale of the week was of a home on a deep-water canal in Satellite Beach. The home at 474
Sandpiper Drive in Waterway Estates was placed on the market Dec. 29 with an asking price of $625,000.
The sale closed Feb. 6 for full ask.
The seller in the transaction was represented by DeWayne Carpenter and Kirk Kessel of Dale Sorensen
Real Estate. The purchaser was represented by Cynthia Tripp of BHHS Florida Realty.


$599,000 $318,000
RIVER COLONY EAST 513 ANDREWS DR 11/2/2017 $345,000 $574,900 2/2/2018 $106,500
LA COSTA VILLAGE 303 LA PALMA LN 7/3/2017 $120,000 $325,000 2/2/2018
OCEAN EDGE COLONY 235 RITA BLVD 7/7/2017 $120,000 2/2/2018 $280,500

SALES FOR 32903 $465,000
OCEANVIEW VIL CND P3 1992 CATO CT E-10 11/2/2017 $289,900 $289,900 2/5/2018 $230,000


MONTECITO PHASE 1A 395 POINT LOBOS DR 8/24/2017 $539,900 $509,900 2/5/2018
MICHIGAN BEACH 7TH A 450 CASSIA BLVD 6/19/2017 $374,900 $299,900 2/2/2018
INDIAN HRBR BCH S12 1249 SEMINOLE DR 12/17/2017 $280,000 $280,000 2/5/2018

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 15, 2018 39


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: River Colony East, Address: 513 Andrews Dr Subdivision: La Costa Village, Address: 303 La Palma Ln

Listing Date: 11/2/2017 Listing Date: 7/3/2017
Original Price: $599,000 Original Price: $345,000
Recent Price: $574,900 Recent Price: $325,000
Sold: 2/2/2018 Sold: 2/2/2018
Selling Price: $540,000 Selling Price: $318,000
Listing Agent: Jan Gentry Listing Agent: Neal Spurlock

Selling Agent: Waterman Real Estate, Inc. Selling Agent: RE/MAX Elite

Bridget Sentz & Carolyn Smith Anya Roberts

RE/MAX Elite RE/MAX Elite

Subdivision: Oceanview Vil Cnd P3, Address: 1992 Cato Ct E-10 Subdivision: Indian Hrbr Bch S12, Address: 1249 Seminole Dr

Listing Date: 11/2/2017 Listing Date: 12/17/2017
Original Price: $289,900 Original Price: $280,000
Recent Price: $289,900 Recent Price: $280,000
Sold: 2/5/2018 Sold: 2/5/2018
Selling Price: $280,500 Selling Price: $230,000
Listing Agent: Matt Canina Listing Agent: Bobbi Jo Webber

Selling Agent: Florida Elite Real Estate Selling Agent: All American Real Estate Inc.

Debbie Strawhand Not Provided

EXP Realty LLC Not Provided

Subdivision: Michigan Beach 7th A, Address: 450 Cassia Blvd

Listing Date: 6/19/2017
Original Price: $374,900
Recent Price: $299,900
Sold: 2/2/2018
Selling Price: $295,000
Listing Agent: Kenneth Pacevich

Selling Agent: Silver Palms Real Estate

Anna Atkinson

Mark Realty, Inc.

Subdivision: Montecito Phase 1A, Address: 395 Point Lobos Dr

Listing Date: 8/24/2017
Original Price: $539,900
Recent Price: $509,900
Sold: 2/5/2018
Selling Price: $465,000
Listing Agent: Barbara Zorn

Selling Agent: Better Homes & Gardens RE Star

Joy Frankel

RE/MAX Solutions





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