Coming into FOCUS. P4 Musical miracle. P12 Great Scott’s on Fifth!
Brevard Public Schools’ new online Restoring historic pipe organ was
gradebook is up and running. labor of love for Suntree church.
Page 28
CITY ON BOARD WITH Red tide takes
BEACH ‘RETREAT’ FOR widespread toll
NEW CONSTRUCTION on area beaches
[email protected] [email protected]
With the devastation of Hur- Brevard County residents
and beachgoers who were
ricane Michael on the Panhandle holding their breath that
they wouldn’t face southwest
fresh in mind, the Satellite Beach Florida’s red tide fish kills and
health problems are now liter-
City Council has taken the first ally doing so as they wait out
the stinky nightmare.
step toward “managed retreat” of
The Florida Wildlife Com-
new development from potentially mission officially confirmed
the local presence of red tide
catastrophic beach erosion. Oct. 16, with high readings ini-
tially recorded at Pelican Beach
The council on Oct. 17 approved Park in Satellite Beach and
later in Cocoa Beach, where a
on first reading new rules that massive fish kill occurred near
Lori Wilson Park.
would move the Coastal Construc-
Having prepared for the
tion Control Line (CCCL) 15 feet outbreak, Keep Brevard Beau-
tiful (KBB) coordinated with
landward for new construction, the county to get the dead
and when current structures are Satellite Beach, concerned about beach erosion, may move the Coastal Construction Control Line 15 feet landward. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
substantially damaged in a hurri- DOGGED EFFORTS
cane or similar event. determine the upland or landward ex- city Planning Advisory Board “reflects a NEW POOCH PARK
CCCLs are established in 25 of Flor- tent of the damaging effects of a 100-year strong commitment to managed retreat STORY BY JENNIFER TORRES CORRESPONDENT
ida’s coastal counties, with its location storm event. from the effects of erosion, rising waters When Elizabeth Morris
moved to the Floridana Beach
based on coastal engineering models, The Satellite Beach measure ear- and catastrophic events for properties area from San Diego a little over
a year ago, she noticed a lack
survey data and scientific principles that lier recommended unanimously by the CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 of dog parks and dog-friendly
beaches – so she decided to do
Hurricane helpers: ‘We have each other’s backs’
Debbie Schiess, right, helps pack hurricane-relief supplies. PHOTOS: JULIAN LEEK
Volunteers at Patrick Air Force Base are loading
up some 5,000 pounds of supplies to send to their
brethren at Tyndall Air Force Base, the Panhandle
military installation that was destroyed by Hurri-
cane Michael.
“If somebody in the Air Force family needs
help, we’re going to help,” said Lisa Fernandez, a
volunteer leading the effort. “We have each other’s
Fernandez is a key spouse for the 308th Res-
cue Squadron, which puts her in a role of helping
unit families. She and about 25 other volunteers
spent two days last week sorting, stacking and
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 All in for Halloween fun
NEWS 1-6 DINING 28 PEOPLE 7-10 Costumed children (and parents!)
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 21-23 PETS 20 get into the holiday spirit at annual
BOOKS 19 HEALTH 25-27 REAL ESTATE 33-40 Fall Festival in MelBeach. PAGE 8
2 Thursday, October 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
A new dog park will be located on the grounds of the South Beach Community Park in Melbourne Beach. PHOTOS: JULIAN LEEK NEW DOG PARK Morris hosted a booth at the Floridana
Beach Bazaar and gathered signatures,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 petitioning for a dog park.
something about it. She soon found additional support
“I have a Basenji named Kiya. She from County Commissioner John To-
bia – who is helping make the dog park
doesn’t bark but she yodels when she a reality.
gets excited,” Morris said. “Exercise is
very important to her daily routine, you “Commissioner Tobia did advocate
can often see us biking together on A1A for the park and it was included in the
outside of Aquarina. She’s attached to a 2018-19 budget, however the idea came
long rope and she runs along the side of from constituent Elizabeth Morris,”
my bike.” said legislative assistant Bethany Iliff.
“She gathered petitions and kept open
But Morris wanted more than a run communication between our office and
along A1A for her dog. With the support Parks and Rec to make it happen.”
of Beth Glover, president of the Flori-
dana Beach Home Owners’ Association, The new dog park begins construc-
RED TIDE by winds and currents and are patchy
when they occur,’’ said Michelle Kerr,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 spokeswoman for FWC’s Research In-
fish removed quickly, creating staging stitute. The fast-spreading deadly algae
areas for supplies like masks, gloves bloom is marching its way up the East
and trash bags in Satellite Beach, Mel- Coast with only factors such as wind
bourne Beach, Cocoa Beach and Port and weather to block its progress. Du-
Canaveral. “So far, the worst seems ration of the bloom depends on physi-
to have been in the middle of Cocoa cal and biological conditions that influ-
Beach, where KBB staff worked with ence its growth and persistence, such
about 70 volunteers today and about as sunlight, nutrients in the water and
30 yesterday. The good news is we got salinity, she said.
nearly all of the fish cleaned up by this Red tides can last as little as a few
afternoon,’’ said KBB Executive Direc- weeks or longer than a year. They can
tor Tony Sasso.
Getting that break, or
forecasting where and when
red tide will hit or dissipate,
is a complicated equation
with no clear answers, re-
searchers say.
The Florida Wildlife
Commission Research In-
stitute in St. Petersburg has
gathered red tide data since
1953, building a red tide
database containing 64,053
records provided by 78 col-
lecting agencies. However,
the data still are consid-
ered too sparse to address
whether Karenia brevis
blooms, the cause of red
tide, have increased in fre-
quency in the past 50 years.
Red tides occurred in
Florida before human
settlement with severe
outbreaks recorded in the
mid-1900s before the state’s
coastlines were heavily de- Dead fish, victims of red tide, wash up on a Brevard beach. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER
veloped. There is no direct,
agreed-upon link between nutrient even subside and then reoccur.
pollution and the frequency or ini- Red tide forecasts and positive water
tiation of red tides that form offshore; tests confirm the worst-case scenario
however, many believe once trans- seen on the Space Coast, at least for
ported inshore, man-made nutrients now, Sasso said.
could encourage red tide growth. “While the county and others have
FWC has been monitoring the cur- pretty good parts-per-liter numbers,
rent bloom since it started in southwest we get input on where the fish are by
Florida in November 2017. It spread to eyes on the beach. With the weather
northwest Florida this September and and wind change, we’re hoping and ex-
the East Coast in October. pecting to get a break. We hope not, but
“Red tide blooms are transported may need more help,’’ he said.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 25, 2018 3
tion this month and should be complete to construct the dog park is $44,020, dogs and a dog-wash station. helping push the issue forward.
by early 2019. It will be located on the with an annual operating cost esti- The South Beach Community Center “When I was collecting signatures for
grounds of the South Beach Commu- mated at $24,681. The tree-lined park
nity Park at 500 Old Tropical Trail in Mel- will be approximately 250 feet by 100 will be installing four new benches on the petition, people would take a page,
bourne Beach. feet and offer sections for both large the grounds and recruit a team of volun- make a copy and go collect signatures
and small dogs. A 6-foot, vinyl-coated teers to help keep the park clean. in their neighborhood,” Morris said. “So
According to Brevard County Parks fence will surround it, and it will in- many people really wanted this, and
and Recreation Director Mary Ellen clude a waste station, a fountain for Morris is quick to say she is not solely I am just so excited we all have a great
Donner, the preliminary estimate responsible for the new park. She cred- place to take our dogs now.”
its many people in her community for
4 Thursday, October 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Has candidate really reeled in those lagoon-spending votes?
STORY BY HENRY A. STEPHENS CORRESPONDENT (the others) and divert more money to That’s separate from the half-cent “He’s a political newbie,” Smith said.
[email protected] the lagoon,” Lober said. sales tax for removing nutrients from “The (Tourist Development Council)
the lagoon. The tax has been estimated has to offer the money. A key point in
Rockledge attorney Bryan Lober, the If Lober were already elected, such to have yielded $40 million, and the as- the law is we can’t go taking their mon-
Republican nominee for the Brevard agreements would be illegal, said Bar- sociated Save Our Indian River Lagoon ey.”
County Commission District 2 seat, bara Petersen, president of the non- contains $2 million to dredge 83,000 cu-
says he has already lined up his pro- profit First Amendment Foundation in bic yards of nutrient-bearing muck. Smith, who is facing a District 4 chal-
spective colleagues’ votes to add more Tallahassee. lenge from Democrat Matthew Fleming
tourist-development money to clean After the forum, Lober said the coun- of Satellite Beach, recalled having a so-
up the polluted Indian River Lagoon. Florida’s Government-in-the-Sun- ty has focused its lagoon money on re- cial breakfast with Lober to get to know
shine Law bars elected officials from moving its nitrogen and phosphorus a fellow Republican.
But at least two commissioners say meeting with their colleagues outside – which nourish algae to bloom and
they haven’t agreed to vote with Lober of an advertised public session and ar- block sunlight from seagrass and choke “But we didn’t get specific,” Smith
on anything, even though they did dis- ranging votes on matters expected to oxygen from marine creatures – but said. “Everyone knows I’m all for help-
cuss general lagoon issues with him. come before them. hasn’t fully addressed blocking new nu- ing the lagoon. But I don’t know where
trients from flowing there. we could find any more money.”
Lober, 34, is facing Democrat Victo- “If he’s running for office and not cur-
ria Mitchner, also 34, a Cocoa human- rently a sitting member of the commis- He said the county needs to stop Pritchett couldn’t be reached to dis-
resources consultant, in the Nov. 6 sion, then the Sunshine Law (and Pub- stormwater from running into the la- cuss any meeting with Lober.
election to succeed Merritt Island busi- lic Records Law) does not apply to him goon. And that should include get-
nessman Jim Barfield, who has chosen unless he wins and the election results ting help from the state Department Tobia said he and Lober discussed
not to seek a second term. are certified,” Petersen said. of Transportation, which owns State the lagoon. But he declined to say what
Road 520 and other major roads where they agreed on. He said he didn’t want
In an Oct. 15 candidates’ forum be- Meanwhile, after the forum, Mitch- stormwater runs off. to use Lober as a conduit of his vote to
fore the county League ofWomenVoters ner said she also has met with the other the other commissioners, an act which
in Viera, Lober said he has met with the commissioners, including Barfield. But Lober said the Space Coast Tourism would break the Sunshine Law.
current commissioners – Chairwoman they didn’t agree on any action. Office’s budget for Facebook advertis-
Rita Pritchett of Titusville, Vice Chair- ing, part of a $630,000 package for Face- “He did speak to me, but I didn’t know
woman Kristine Isnardi of Palm Bay, “There was no talk of votes,” she said. book, Instagram and Pinterest, would he spoke to the others,” Tobia said. “And
John Tobia of Grant-Valkaria and even The Tourist Development Council be a good place to start seeking extra I don’t want to even get close to violat-
fellow candidate Curt Smith of Mel- last fall agreed to allocate $1 million a money. Based on his own experience ing the Sunshine Law.”
bourne – and agreed on adding money year, from the county’s 5 percent tax on advertising his business on Facebook,
to lagoon efforts. hotel, motel and other short-term rent- he said, that’s an excessive amount. Isnardi said she and Lober kept their
al stays, for projects aimed at restoring lagoon conversation general. “We didn’t
“I have the votes now to work with the lagoon habitats to help tourism. speak about any specific thing we would
be voting on,” she said.
STORY BY JAN WESNER CHILDS CORRESPONDENT Russell Cheatham, the district’s chief
information officer.
Brevard Public Schools’ new on-
line gradebook, called FOCUS, is up “In the back end of this there
and running, and the district is urg- are some really cool features that I
ing all students, teachers and par- think our parents are going to love,”
ents to start using it now. Cheatham said.
FOCUS is replacing Edline, which Those features include the abil-
has been used by BPS and other dis- ity to contact teachers directly, see
tricts for years. The company that grades immediately and receive an
runs Edline is discontinuing the alert if a student’s grade drops below
product, and the district chose the a certain level.
more modern FOCUS to take its
place. “The biggest thing for parents is
this is a more powerful gradebook,”
The initial phase of FOCUS is the Cheatham said. “FOCUS is going to
online gradebook, similar to Edline. help open up a line of communica-
There’s also a downloadable app, tion from the teachers to parents and
and the ability to view standardized just all around.”
test scores. High school students and
parents can also view class schedules For now, Cheatham said, the push
and the student’s entire transcript. is to get everyone transitioned to the
new system, and making sure teach-
Parents should have received ers have the tools they need to suc-
an envelope in the mail from BPS cessfully implement it, including
marked “confidential.” Inside is a training and ongoing support.
blue piece of paper for each student
in the household, with instructions He said FOCUS was chosen by
on how to set up a FOCUS account, a team that included teachers and
as well as the student’s identification principals, and the district is also
number and a PIN. working closely with the Brevard
Federation of Teachers during the
More options that benefit teach- roll-out and training process.
ers, parents and students will be
added as it rolls out, according to Edline will be completely gone by
Jan. 31.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 25, 2018 5
‘MANAGED RETREAT’ tinue to issue building permits where trieved,” according to the report. of home value would prompt compli-
vulnerabilities are so high,” meaning An important change made during ance with the CCCL.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 the building envelope would have to
be altered back from the CCCL to fit the process now allows homeowners Even if required to move the struc-
lying east of (State Road) AIA,’’ accord- in the new rules. “While the effects of who have less than substantial dam- ture, the set-backs have been changed
ing to a report to council. many catastrophes, disaster, and acts of age and no damage to the foundation on the sides and front to still allow the
nature may be salvageable, the effects to modify, repair or replace their struc- structure on the lot. The measure was
The rules state that once erosion has of erosion are not easily or feasibly re- tures on the undamaged foundation. passed 4-1. Revisions are expected be-
occurred impacting the foundation, “it Only damages of more than 50 percent fore final action Nov. 7.
may be irresponsible as a City to con-
6 Thursday, October 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
HURRICANE RELIEF Due to the nature of the disaster, about 15 miles up the Gulf Coast from ing housing.
military personnel and their fami- Mexico Beach, where Michael came No one knows yet
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 lies who fled Tyndall will be reim- ashore. Some 3,600 airmen and 5,000
bursed for at least a portion of their family members are attached to the when, or even if, Tyn-
packing what they estimated to be a lodging and other evacuation costs base. Most live in the surrounding dall will be completely
semi-trailer worth of clothes, personal until the base commander deems it community of Panama City, or in base rebuilt. For now, person-
hygiene items, food, water, duct tape, safe for them to return permanently, housing units. nel assigned to the base
flashlights, batteries and other items. or until they are relocated to anoth- were allowed a five-day
It was all donated by local residents, er base. Nearly every one of the 1,340 window from Wednes-
mostly fellow military families but also buildings on the base was destroyed day to Saturday to return
some who are neighbors off the base. Tyndall Air Force base is located or sustained severe damage, includ- and collect any surviv-
ing items from on-base
In addition to the volunteer effort, houses.
the base is supporting a number of
families who evacuated to Brevard One airman who evac-
County, Orlando and surrounding ar- uated to Brevard County
eas. stopped by the Shark
Center Thursday as he
Public Affairs officials did not re- prepared for a quick trip
spond to a request for information back to Tyndall to survey
on how many evacuees were being the damage to his home.
helped and what services were be- Fernandez said he filled
ing provided, but several social media the back of his pick-up
posts from the 45th Space Wing indi- PHOTO: JULIAN LEEK truck with supplies to
cated evacuees were being supported drop off at the base.
by the base Family Readiness Center. Meanwhile, as volunteers contin-
In general, the center coordinates ser- ued sorting and packing, they reflect-
vices such as emergency loans, coun- ed on how easily “this could have been
seling, child care and information on us.”
the local area. “It’s just the way we do things,”
said Debbie Schiess, spouse of the
Fernandez said the FRC had 170 45th Space Wing commander, as she
open cases related to hurricane evacu- helped sort and pack clothing. “When
ees. “I have a feeling more will trickle one of our members is hurting, we’re
in,” she said, as some who evacuated all hurting.”
to Orlando are moving this way for
lower hotel costs.
Single-use plastics on the outs
STORY BY JENNIFER TORRES CORRESPONDENT the law to have plastic on town prop-
erty, subject to a fine and/or arrest;
Think twice before packing that Sty- instead, we are implementing a policy
rofoam cooler for a day at the park. banning plastic and hope for 100 per-
cent cooperation from residents and
The Melbourne Beach Town Com- others who use the town facilities and
mission recently approved regula- parks,” Walters said. “To the extent
tions that ban single-use plastics and possible, the town commission hopes
Styrofoam in any of its facilities, parks every person will do their very best to
or property. stop using plastic and to recycle.”
According to a press release an- According to Walters, conservation
nouncing the decision, all single- and environmental protection has
use/disposable plastic containers, long been a priority in Melbourne
bowls, plates, trays, cups, lids, straws, Beach. In 2010, the town was the first
stirrers, serving and eating utensils in the county to become a certified
are prohibited, along with polysty- community wildlife habitat by the Na-
rene or “Styrofoam” items to include: tional Wildlife Federation.
trays, clam shell containers, egg car-
tons, meat trays, plates, bowls, cups, Members of the town’s Environ-
containers, lids, trays, coolers and ice mental Advisory Board routinely host
chests. educational programs relating to na-
tive gardening and work with local
Single-use plastic bags are permit- schools to educate students about
ted – but their use is discouraged. preserving and protecting the envi-
Last year the town placed voluntary
restrictions on these items but made And the town routinely shares infor-
the restrictions mandatory during a mation about recycling and reducing
commission meeting on October 17. waste with the community through its
newsletter and on its website.
Melbourne Beach Commissioner
Steve Walters said though the vote was “Banning plastic preserves our
unanimous to ban plastic on town natural resources, reduces unhealthy
property, it is based on the honor sys- greenhouse gases, and protects wild-
tem – not a fine. life and marine life,” Walters said.
“We did not create an ordinance
which would have made it against
Kids ‘Fall’ for
Halloween fun
at MelBeach fest
8 Thursday, October 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Kids ‘Fall’ for Halloween fun at MelBeach festival
More than 60 kids plus plenty of way to usher in the Halloween festivi-
parents turned out to enjoy the An- ties to come over the next week or so.
nual Fall Festival at Melbourne Kids and many parents were dressed
Beach Public Library Saturday. The in creative costumes to trick-or-treat
focus of this family-friendly, upbeat at stations in the library. Danette
event was playing fun games, sam- Hamilton and Grace Weaver led the
pling yummy treats, and participat- highly-successful event, which was
ing in storytime. Fall-themed arts held to support local families and to
and crafts and plenty of other non- thank the community. All agreed the
frightening activities were designed event builds on its own popularity
to give youngsters a great daytime and just gets better every year.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 25, 2018 9
Holden Zenta and Geoffrey Lobley. PHOTOS: RYAN CLAPPER Shea Lewis and Ava Mayer. Hosts Grace Weaver and Danette Hamilton.
Braya Smith. Rhett Stevens. Kyo, Aurora, Zak and Max Shaner.
10 Thursday, October 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
‘Food Truck and Movie’ Friday rolls despite the tide
STORY BY JENNIFER TORRES CORRESPONDENT Chris and Christine Hyskell with activities, including a “cardboard” a great feeling to own your own
[email protected] their children Max and Audrey. car show featuring cars made by business,” Therrien said. “Everyone
local children and a showing of the seems to be having a great time.”
Like clockwork, on the third of the festivities inside. movie “Cars 3,” were moved inside
Friday of the month, the Satellite So instead of having the movie the recreation center to keep those Youths from Satellite Beach
Beach Police Athletic League hosts with any allergies, asthma or other PAL sold sodas, waters and other
Food Truck Friday with an array on the green as planned, many breathing issues, safe and healthy. beverages, and the money raised
of food vendors, beverages and An indoor eating area was also set went to support their organization.
treats to choose from, and – more up, along with a bounce house.
importantly to many – the chance PAL offers a wide variety of
to get to know neighbors, meet “We wanted to make sure recreational and educational
up with friends and spend some everyone was able to come and programs including basketball,
quality time with family. enjoy the evening without worrying tutoring, driver safety programs,
about the effects of red tide,” said summer camp, leadership training,
Twice a year, the event gets Satellite Beach Recreation Special and community events like Friday
ramped up when the Satellite Beach Events Coordinator Nicole LaRoche. Night Food Trucks and Movie on the
Recreation Center teams up with “We definitely wanted children Green.
PAL for Food Trucks and Movie with asthma or allergies to be able
Night on the Green. to attend.” It’s a program aimed at instilling
young people with discipline, self-
More than 100 came out to enjoy Red tide is caused by a bloom of esteem, mutual trust and respect.
pizza, burritos, flavored ices, hot algae known as red dinoflagellates; The main goal is to promote a
dogs, Asian cuisine and a wide it can cause eye irritation, sneezing positive relationship between local
assortment of baked goods. But the and breathing problems. police officers and local youth. Sgt.
green wasn’t exactly green. Paul Creatura of the Satellite Beach
Still, despite a little coughing Police Department serves as the
Having withstood rain, wind and and some itchy eyes, many enjoyed long-standing – and much-loved –
extreme heat, the event has always walking outdoors between the food police liaison for the program.
been held outdoors, but this year, trucks and among the local vendors
that pesky red tide kept a majority selling their homemade wares, like As PAL executive director, Rene
Dana Biggs of Dana’s Cupcakes & Ingram says it’s all about the kids.
More, who had a table filled with “It’s an organization run by the
decadent cupcakes, cookies, cakes kids,” Ingram said. “The money
and candies. we raise goes to support their
leadership program.”
“I’m having a good night,” Biggs
said. “It’s nice to be out here.” That program offers kids the
opportunity to travel to educational
After more than 20 years in events and award ceremonies
the food service industry, Roger throughout the year.
Therrien finally decided to strike
out on his own and opened Roger’s PAL volunteer Sam Soucy, 16, is
Street Food Inc., which he claims a sophomore at Satellite High and
offers the best all beef hot dogs. said she loves being a part of these
events. “I like doing community
This was his first time at the event service,” Soucy said. “PAL is like my
and despite the heat, he was happy second family.”
he came as many guests frequented
his booth throughout the evening. Food Truck Friday takes place on
the third Friday of each month from 5
“It’s a nice event and after years p.m. to 9 p.m. at the DRS Community
of working for someone else, it’s Center, 1089 S. Patrick Drive.
Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
Community Editor ADVERTISING We are here to provide Brevard barrier [email protected]
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 island readers with the most comprehen-
[email protected] Key Accounts Manager sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, Creative Director
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Restored historic organ
lives up to the pipe hype
12 Thursday, October 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Restored historic organ lives up to the pipe hype
STORY BY ANNETTE CLIFFORD CORRESPONDENT Hook and Hastings, a Boston manu- and digital technology. Tom Taylor with the
facturer established in the early 1800s, All that history came to- newly restored 1924
In a true labor of love, members of was once the pre-eminent producer of Hook & Hastings pipe organ.
Suntree United Methodist Church in pipe organs in the United States. Rod- gether unexpectedly, when
Melbourne have resurrected a historic gers, a storied Oregon-based company Suntree UMC took on the PHOTOS BY RYAN CLAPPER
1924 Hook and Hastings pipe organ, in operation since the 1950s, special- project of restoring the sea-
bringing it into modern times by merg- izes in manufacturing church organs, soned organ, donated by a resi-
ing it with a Rodgers digital organ. including those that combine pipes dent of Stuart. Not that there
weren’t some glitches along the way, as
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 25, 2018 13
volunteers reassembled thousands of He cites all the members of the POPS
pieces, dealt with installation issues committee for their two-year-long in-
and more. volvement in the project, particularly
Darrah Moore and Lanny Ryan for
“We had a problem finding finish their “patience and skills with ham-
carpenters available to build the case- mers and saws and the scissor lift.”
work when we needed them,” says
Suntree UMC organist Tom Taylor. Missed the October launch of the new
“Thanks to the voluntary efforts of two organ? Not to fear. Taylor says the pub-
very ambitious members of our Pipe lic “can be sure of two organ concerts
Organ Project Suntree [POPS] com- a year, one ‘Organ-Plus,’ and one of our
mittee and one very experienced car- ‘Suntree Silent Cinema Series’ presen-
penter, we overcame that challenge.” tations.” In the silent cinema concerts,
Taylor accompanies pre-talking-era
The rebuilt organ had its free, public films with music from the period.
debut at a concert called Music for All
Reasons at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 21, Taylor’s extensive background as an
in the church sanctuary. organist and composer includes work
at churches in Missouri, Kansas and
The music roster ranged from clas- Illinois, as well as work in musical the-
sical to popular, including pieces ater. Locally, he has performed with
by Johann Sebastian Bach and Felix the Melbourne Municipal Band and
Mendelssohn, transcripts from operas the Space Coast Symphony Orchestra.
such as “Porgy and Bess” by George
Gershwin and “Candide” by Leonard He has said, in a press release, that
Bernstein, as well as audience-pleas- the newly restored Hook and Hast-
ing movie theme hits. ings organ is “the ultimate surround-
sound experience,” but also wants the
But the real story behind the revival everyone to know what really drives
of the 94-year-old organ is that of the the Suntree UMC congregation.
diligence of volunteers and commu-
nity commitment. “Whether we gather to worship in
the traditional sense or attend musi-
Taylor, who has been the main or- cal/arts events, we want everyone to
ganist at Suntree UMC for more than feel part of the ‘big picture’ in God’s
11 years, says the most inspirational plan. We’re a community of faith,”
part of the project was “the faith and Taylor says.
trust of our congregation that led them
to donate the funds we needed. Sec- With the addition of the refurbished
ond, the dedication and artistic skill of Hook and Hastings classic organ, that
our organ builder, William Longmore commitment and mission are likely to
and Associates [of] Lakeland, Florida.” flourish.
14 Thursday, October 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Coming Up: ‘Elton Dan’ band leads musical feast at King
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER Theatre stage this Saturday, Oct. 27, 3 Lovers of
are a pair of top-flight jazz musicians,
Steve Oliver and Marion Meadows. ’70s and ’80s
Ten years or so ago, singer, songwrit-
1 Melbourne’s King Center is the er, guitarist Oliver hit the contempo- music, take note:
musical destination this week- rary jazz scene, says the promo, “with
a sound so fresh, positive and bright” Coming to the King
that he quickly became a radio favor-
end, with a trio of diverse choices: Fans ite. Oliver spends a lot of time tour- Center main stage
ing, bringing audiences a variety of
of the great Sir Elton John are legion, styles that include pop, rock, Latin, this Saturday, Oct.
electronic and world music. He has
and certainly hold any tribute band to produced “multiple hit singles on the 27, it’s the “Toto: 40
contemporary jazz charts,” and his
exceptionally high standards. Simple albums typically include a few “full- Trips Around the
on pop/R&B vocal tunes.” You’ll espe-
cover bands need not apply. Well, this cially enjoy Oliver’s signature, playful Sun” tour. Histori-
“vocalese” as well as his “wonder-
very Friday, Oct. 26, taking the stage at working with the synth guitar.” Shar- cally, observes To-
ing the stage will be internationally
the King Center’s Studio Theatre is one renowned saxophonist and composer to’s official bio, few
Meadows, a master of the contem-
that could well blow your Elton John- porary jazz format. Meadows hit the ensembles in the
ground running with the huge suc-
fan socks off – “Elton Dan and the Rock- cess of his very first RCA release, “For history of recorded 1 Elton Dan and the Rocket Band, Friday at King Center.
Lover’s Only,” followed by his ground- music have indi-
et Band.” This group absolutely brings breaking album “Keep it Right There.”
Show time: 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $60. 321-
it: musical talent and high-energy per- 242-2219. vidually or collec-
formances, sets, over-the-top costumes tively had a larger imprint on pop in films. Currently, says the King
and the showmanship of Sir Elton’s ear- culture than the members of Toto. Center promo, Toto is “in the mid-
lier years, and the attention to detail in The band members, says Wikipe- dle of a major resurgence around
recreating that exciting vibe. Although, dia, were regulars on albums by the world.” Their “40 Trips” Great-
says the show promo, “Elton Dan and Steely Dan, Seals and Croft, Boz est Hits package debuted in the Top
the Rocket Band” has performed be- Scaggs, Sonny and Cher, and were 40 in eight countries, and this year’s
fore thousands, they manage to make part of some of the most popular European tour packed houses every
“listeners feel that they are sharing the records of the 1970s. Among their night, including sold-out stops in
intimate emotions of the much-loved literally thousands of credits over Amsterdam and London. Join the
music with just them.” Curtain: 7:30 four decades is the biggest selling audience Saturday for a stellar night
p.m. Tickets: start at $42. 321-242-2219. album of all time: Michael Jackson’s of pop, rock, soul, funk, blues and
“Thriller.” Toto’s music has survived jazz, as only Toto can style them.
2 Time for a little smooth jazz: changing times and tastes, and is Show time: 8 p.m. Tickets: $48.50.
Taking the King Center’s Studio
still frequently used in on TV and 321-242-7276.
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16 Thursday, October 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
AND JOBY WARRICK One Middle Eastern intelligence of-
The Washington Post
ficial, speaking on the condition that
On the evening of July 1, police in Activists in Berlin from the National Council of Resistance in Iran hold placards reading deliver the Iranian his name and nationality be withheld,
Germany surrounded the rented van diplomat-terrorist to Belgium at July protest. cited a “definite uptick” in the level of
of an Iranian diplomat after he pulled activity by Iranian operatives in re-
over at a gas station on the autobahn. sanctions lifted under President Barack Iran has assigned different units cent months, adding that the Iranians
Fearing he might be transporting ex- Obama – are making contingency plans and organizations to conduct surveil- are “preparing themselves for the pos-
plosives, the authorities summoned to strike at the country’s adversaries in lance of opposition figures, as well as sibility of conflict.”
the bomb squad. the event of open conflict, according to Jewish and Israeli organizations, in
American, European, Middle Eastern the United States and Europe, the offi- Iran’s reach extends to the United
The diplomat, based at Iran’s embas- and Israeli officials and analysts who cials said. The Iranians are preparing States. In August, the Justice Depart-
sy in Vienna, had been under surveil- spoke on the condition of anonymity to what one Israeli official called “target ment arrested two Iranian men, one
lance for some time and was suspected discuss sensitive intelligence. files” of specific people or groups that a dual national with U.S. and Iranian
of involvement in a plot to bomb a rally citizenship and the other an Iranian
of Iranian dissidents in Paris. Despite who is a legal U.S. resident, on suspi-
his diplomatic status, he was arrested cion of spying on behalf of Iran. The
and extradited to Belgium, where two pair are accused of conducting sur-
others, suspected of planning to carry veillance on a Jewish organization in
out the attack in France, were detained. Chicago and rallies in New York and
Washington that were organized by
The foiled plot has sparked growing the Mujahideen-e Khalq, or MEK, a
anxiety in France, Germany and sever- dissident group that seeks regime
al other countries, including the United change in Iran.
States and Israel, that Iran is planning
audacious terrorist attacks and has But the case of the Iranian diplomat
stepped up its intelligence operations is the most alarming, officials and ana-
around the world. lysts said, and has strained Iran’s dip-
lomatic relations with Germany and
Iranian leaders – under pressure from France. Both countries are trying to
domestic protesters, Israeli intelligence hold together a landmark 2015 agree-
operatives and the Trump administra- ment meant to curb Iran’s nuclear
tion, which is reimposing economic
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 25, 2018 17
weapons program, which the Trump links to Iran, according to European of- with links to Israel and Jewish organi- While U.S. officials have accused
administration has abandoned. ficials, and arrested three people. zations on behalf of the Quds Force, Iran’s top leaders of being behind
the external operations arm of Iran’s the biggest plots, Iranian intelligence
The diplomat, Assadollah Assadi, has Belgian officials contend that Assadi, Revolutionary Guard Corps. Accord- factions have sometimes acted in
been a high-ranking official in Iran’s who was surrounded at the gas station ing to court documents, he had been in competition with one another, with
embassy in Vienna since 2014 but is while traveling with his wife and two touch with his Iranian handlers since at little apparent coordination with the
also suspected of being the station sons, is not protected by diplomatic im- least 2011. But the “contact intensified” country’s ruling clerics, former U.S.
chief of the Ministry of Intelligence, or munity from prosecution because he in the middle of 2015, around the same officials said. Some think that pattern
MOIS, according to officials from the was arrested outside Austria. time that authorities believe the couple may be repeating now.
United States and Europe. planning to attack the MEK rally were
The case has been closely watched first contacted by Assadi. “It is not always the case that a senior
In late June, European intelligence by the Trump administration. Assadi’s [Iranian] official says, ‘Go and do this,’ ”
services tracked Assadi as he met with arrest “tells you, I think, everything you Officials said that Iran has recruited said Matthew Levitt, a former coun-
a married couple of Iranian descent need to know about how the govern- people from Pakistan, as well as from terterrorism official with the Treasury
living in Belgium and – according to ment of Iran views its responsibilities in Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey, North Africa Department and the FBI. “Sometimes
the couple, who spoke to police after connection with diplomatic relations,” and Afghanistan, in order to obscure initiative – even stupid initiative, even
their arrest – gave them about a pound White House national security adviser the country’s role in overseas spying. initiative that fails – is smiled upon
of explosive material and a detonator, John Bolton told reporters this month. within this system.”
the officials said. Bolton, a prominent Iran hawk, has A high-level German official said
been leading Trump administration Iran’s aggression inside Europe calls for In light of the operations in Europe
French, German and Belgian officials efforts to place new sanctions on Iran, a tougher response. and the United States, it’s not clear that
say the couple, Nasimeh Naami and which he called “the central banker of the Iranian leadership is in control of
Amir Saadouni, who were both born international terrorism.” “There are clear indications for its own operatives, said intelligence of-
in Iran, planned to bomb a huge MEK calling this a case of state terrorism,” ficials in multiple countries.
rally in Paris, attended by thousands of The MOIS has a long history of con- the official said of the thwarted Paris
people, including Rudolph W. Giuliani, ducting surveillance operations in Eu- attack. But leaders in Germany and One German official said that based
President Trump’s personal lawyer and rope, but an attack at a major public France, the official said, “would rather on his government’s discussions with
a vocal defender of the group. gathering in Paris, attended by Trump’s play the danger and level of interfer- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and
lawyer, would invite massive retalia- ence down,” in order to hold together Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad
European officials said the couple, tion from the French and the Ameri- the nuclear deal. Zarif, Iran’s leaders understand that an
who are cooperating with authorities, cans, prompting some experts to won- attack in the heart of Europe could do
identified Assadi as their longtime der why Iran would take such a risk. Norman Roule, who served 34 years irreparable damage to their country’s
handler. Assadi professes not to know in the CIA and retired last year as the relationship with the remaining signa-
them, according to German officials, Iran has in the past targeted Iranian national intelligence manager for tories to the nuclear deal.
who said Iranian authorities have dissidents abroad, and Tehran has pre- Iran, said the lack of a tougher Euro-
claimed he was set up. The Iranian gov- viously been linked to numerous plots pean response, especially in the wake But there is also a parallel power
ernment has said publicly that the plot involving Israeli, Jewish and Arab inter- of Iran’s support of terrorism on the structure in Iran, and as domestic un-
was fabricated to falsely implicate the ests in the West. The level of Iranian ac- continent, has likely sent a message to rest grows and more Iranians die fight-
regime in terrorism. tivity ebbs and flows, sometimes with- Tehran: “You can get away with pretty ing in Iraq and Syria, Iranian hard-lin-
out a discernible reason, according to much anything.” ers elsewhere in the government could
A spokesman for the Iranian mission former U.S. officials and Iran experts. push for a show of force against the
to the United Nations denied that Iran Roule said that Iran has been testing West, the German official said.
had planned to attack the rally in Paris, In the first 15 years after Ayatollah the limits of European and American
calling the allegations “categorically Ruhollah Khomeini came to power as resolve for decades. The regime has The regime has also been humiliat-
false.” And he accused the MEK and supreme ruler in 1979, Iranian agents launched cyberattacks, supported ter- ed by recent Israeli spying operations
Israel of staging the plot “to sabotage assassinated at least 60 people in four rorist groups, and, in 2013, plotted to that laid bare huge troves of docu-
Iran-E.U. relations.” European countries. The most notori- kill the Saudi ambassador to the Unit- ments about Iran’s nuclear weapons
ous single attack was the 1992 assas- ed States at a fashionable restaurant program. Israeli Prime Minister Ben-
“The MEK had long been listed as a sination of a Kurdish Iranian dissident in Washington — an attack Roule said jamin Netanyahu has publicly crowed
terrorist group by the E.U. and the U.S.; leader and three of his colleagues, all would probably have inflicted civilian about his spies’ prowess and has
it also has a long history of propagan- shot inside a Berlin restaurant. casualties. All those events saw little pressed for a tougher international re-
da and false-flag operations,” said the tangible response, he said. sponse to Iran.
spokesman, Alireza Miryousefi. Some experts now fear a return to
those kinds of bloody operations. “My fear is that Iran may well be- In a speech last month at the United
The U.S. State Department removed lieve they have yet to reach our red line, Nations General Assembly, Netanyahu
the MEK from a list of designated ter- In Germany last year, a Pakistani and this is a recipe for further attacks,” cited the arrest of the two operatives in
rorist organizations in 2012. The group man was sentenced to four years in Roule said. the U.S. and the foiled Paris attack as
has publicly denied any involvement in prison for scouting out potential targets evidence of Iran’s continued support of
the attempted attack in Paris. terrorism in the West, despite the elec-
tion of more moderate leaders and the
Authorities said that Belgium would nuclear deal.
take the lead in the case for now, since
the couple were arrested and have citi- “If you think that Iran’s aggression
zenship there. has been confined to the Middle East,
think again,” Netanyahu said.
French officials have publicly ac-
cused Iran’s Intelligence Ministry of An Israeli official said that there is
planning the attack and have frozen a directive from the top levels of the
the assets of two suspected intel- Iranian government to develop tar-
ligence operatives. “This extremely gets quickly, and that the Intelligence
serious act envisaged on our terri- Ministry has pushed its operatives to
tory could not go without a response,” work too fast, leading to mistakes and
France’s interior, foreign and economy arrests.
ministers said in a joint statement. “In
taking this decision, France under- The two Iranian men arrested on
lines its determination to fight against suspicion of spying inside the United
terrorism in all its forms, particularly States were under surveillance by the
on its own territory.” FBI for an extended period of time,
with their travel inside and outside the
French police also raided the head- country tracked, according to a crimi-
quarters of one of the largest Shiite nal complaint filed in the case.
Muslim centers in France, which has
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 25, 2018 19
A month after the 2016 single county won she told Bradlee. Her neighborhood fell under the blight
election, Ben Bradlee Jr. Trump Pennsylva- of drug dealers, car thieves and prostitutes. This lifelong
began interviewing vot- nia – and perhaps Democrat was now very unhappy. She “switched parties
ers in Luzerne County, Pa., the presidency.” to vote for Donald Trump,” Bradlee writes.
where Donald Trump won
77 percent of the vote. The Hazleton, the Brian Langan, a recently retired detective with the
county, a working-class second-largest city in Pennsylvania State Police, also a born Democrat, had al-
Democratic stronghold, Luzerne, was once the ready turned right to vote for Ronald Reagan in 1980. In
hadn’t voted for a Re- site of fierce struggles the 2016 election, he didn’t believe that either party had
publican president since to ban child labor in much to offer. He told Bradlee: “I thought, Washington
1988. Pennsylvania was dangerous coal mines. is broke, and I need someone to go down there with a
one of three historically In 1897, 19 striking sledgehammer. That was Donald Trump.”
Democratic Rust Belt miners were killed and
states that unexpect- 32 injured – an eruption Curiously, Trump also drove a wedge between one
edly swung the election that led to the birth of conservative couple. Jess Harker was a nurse born into
to Trump. By July 2018, the United MineWorkers a pro-union Democratic household. But when she mar-
Bradlee, a longtime re- Union. Today, coal in Lu- ried Ray Harker, Bradlee writes, “he served as both her
porter and editor for zerne County is gone, and religious and political mentor,” and Jess became an
the Boston Globe, had much of the manufactur- evangelical Christian Republican.WhenTrump emerged
talked to nearly 100 ing that replaced it is gone, as the GOP nominee, she “went all-in for Trump.” But to
voters, most of whom too. Many young people her husband, Trump “is a satanic fraud.” In 2016 Jess vot-
felt that government have vanished, leaving be- ed for Trump, and Ray cast a defiant vote for Clinton. He
and the Democratic hind older, more conserva- now tunes in to Rachel Maddow’s show on MSNBC and
Party had forgotten tive voters. The young who calls his wife a “Trump bot.” Assessing Trump’s impact
them. They had. remain work low-wage jobs on their relationship, Jess told Bradlee that “‘strain’ is too
with warehouse businesses pleasant a word to describe what this has done to our
Among the flood such as Amazon, Cargill and marriage. It has torn, ripped at, and tried to squash any-
of books explain- American Eagle. The jobs are thing we built. We were, and still can be, in serious trou-
ing how we got attractive to people coming ble if we talk about Trump.” The couple is in counseling.
Trump, “The For- from even poorer places. In
gotten” serves as an unintended com- 2000, only 5 percent of Hazel- “The Forgotten” reveals the political impact not so
panion volume to Thomas Frank’s “Listen Liberal: Or, ton’s population was Hispanic, much of poverty as of decline – and not simply decline
What Ever Happened to the Party of the People?” Bra- coming mainly from the Dominican Republic. Today in wages but in well-being and self-respect, especially
dlee focuses on the impact of the growing income gap. If they make up 52 percent of the population. County per- among white blue-collar men. Research shows that
we ignore the taxes the government collects and benefits capita incomes are low, averaging $25,000, about $4,500 these men have also become more socially isolated,
it distributes, from the middle of the Great Depression lower than the state average. If this weren’t enough, the less likely to go to church and to marry. They experience
through 1980, the top 10 percent of Americans received opioid crisis in Luzerne County accounted for 154 fatal what Princeton professors Angus Deaton and Anne Case
30 percent of the nation’s income growth, and the other drug overdoses in 2017 – a rate four times higher than in identify as “deaths of despair” from suicide, drugs and al-
90 percent took in 70 percent of it. But from 1997 to the New York City. cohol at a greater level than blacks and Hispanics of the
present, the top 10 percent took in all of the U.S. income During the 2016 campaign Hillary Clinton seemed same age. Along with their loss of self-respect has come
growth, and the bottom 90 percent got none. This shift deaf to the hardships of Hazleton. Residents wanted a loss of faith that government run by either mainstream
occurred partly under the watch of Presidents Bill Clin- realistic hope, but what they got from the Democratic party could help them recover it. This is not a big-thesis
ton and Barack Obama, and Trump surged into the void Party was suggested by its choice of a campaign theme book, nor a deep dive into new facts or ideas. But what-
claiming leadership of what he called “the forgotten song – the cheery Pharrell Williams tune “Happy” from ever the Russians did or the Koch brothers funded, this
people,” Bradlee writes. “Trump connected strongly to the soundtrack of the animated film “Despicable Me 2.” searing portrait shines a light on the disheartened voters
his aggrieved constituency,” and nowhere more than in Clinton lost women like hairdresser Donna Kowalc- the Democratic Party forgot.
Luzerne County. Trump won the general vote in part be- zyk, a crime-fighting activist whose mother worked in
cause he captured Pennsylvania, with strong support in cigar and sewing factories. Her father was a disabled THE FORGOTTEN
its northeastern corner. And within that region, Luzerne alcoholic, and her husband maintained the grounds of
County led the way. a local university. “I used to be the most liberal person HOW THE PEOPLE OF ONE PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY
you could imagine, fighting for everyone else’s rights,”
“It is not a stretch to say,” Bradlee writes, “that this ELECTED DONALD TRUMP AND CHANGED AMERICA
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20 Thursday, October 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonzo is glad that sweet Sadie is no longer sad
Hi Dog Buddies! but that they’d take me back,
I shoulda brought a bunch more to get me off Mom’s hands.”
Klee-nexes to this week’s innerview.
Thank Lassie, there’s a happy ending. “Oh, Woof.”
Sadie Lewis didn’t come right to “WELL, Mom did NOT have
the door; me an my assistant hadda
get situated first. I put on my frenliest a Good Feeling about that. She
face an started up my Level 1 (slow-
speed) wag. Sadie was carried in by said, ‘That’s OK, I’ll Keep Her!”
a grown-up human, accompanied
by two liddle humans in Halloween “Thank Lassie!”
clothes. She was a dainty liddle
white-an-beige terrier mix, with “For sure! See, Mr. Bonzo, me
curly hair, silky ears, sparkly eyes,
and a sweet, VERY timid smile. an Mom rescued each other.
“Good afternoon, Miss Sadie. I’m She’s not sad anymore an I have
Bonzo the Columnist.”
the Best Life Ever. And, I have a
Sadie was placed on the floor
and took a coupla steps toward Purpose: to love an protect my
me. “Hello, Mr. Bonzo. I’m not very
good at meeting new pooches. Or famly.”
humans. Please don’t be offended.”
She had the softest voice I’d ever She sat up straight, lookin’
heard. “I really am glad you came.”
Then she approached for a very strong an proud. I wiped my
polite wag-n-sniff.
eyes with my paw. Again. “So
“This is my FAM-ly: my Mom Ro-
chelle; my human sister Tali; an my what’s life like now?”
liddle human cuzzins, Kaden, he’s
still puppy, he’s 3; an Kaiya, she’s 6, “I’m a Momma’s Girl. I sleep
she’s my best fren.”
on my very own pillow, next to
“It’s a great pleasure to meet
you all. An I completely under- Mom. I get two treats a day an all
stand, Miss Sadie. I know you went
through a lot before you found the pats an tummy rubs I want. I
your Forever Family.”
sit smack in front of Mom an look
“Yes. I’m pretty sure that’s why
I’m so shy.” all EEE-ger. If she forgets to pat
Sadie curled up between her me, I woof. I usta nip sometimes,
Mom an Kaiya. “Should I start tellin’
my story, Mr. Bonzo?” cuz I’m so liddle an the rest of
“When you’re ready.” the world is so big. But I’m much
“OK, well, about 5 years ago, Mom
an my other sister, Amanda, were better now.
livin’ out in Sandy A-go, that’s way
far away, by that other big buncha “I also love playin’ with Kaiya.
water. Mom was workin’ at home an
feelin’ very sad cuz her pooch, Si- We’re Girly Girls. She gives the
mon, had just gone to Dog Heaven.
When Amanda got home, she told Best Tummy Rubs Ever. (Kaden’s
Mom there was this dog lyin’ by the
side of the house. Mom thought it learnin,’ too.) My first Christmas
was probly just passing through, and
kept on workin.’ When she was done, here, me an Kaiya wore matching
she remembered about the dog and
thought she might as well take a look, red plaid outfits. We were
but it’d probly be gone by then.”
“Oh, woof,” I said, seeing where Sadie. adorable! Up in South Duh-co-
this was goin.’
“I’d been totally lost an roamin’ PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER duh, I’m frens with Doonie, a
around for days. I don’t know how rescue Ragdoll cat. My pooch
long. I was so tired I could barely pals are Max, a Ridgeback, he’s
put one paw in front of another, an
my mind was fuzzy. I remembered pretty old, an real gentle, cuz he
could totally smush me; an I have
playdates with Levi, he’s a Shih
“When I’m home alone, I stay in
I had a family, then suddenly, I got “First thing, Mom an Amanda gave Mom’s office, watch TV, an snuggle
handed to strangers. They didn’t play
with me or anything. They put me me a liddle water an food. It was with my flopsy kitty toys. I don’t like
out every morning, but they didn’t
bring me back in for a long time. cat food, cuz Amanda only hadda swimming.’ Mom tried. An I did
So I’d just wander around, hopin’ I
wouldn’t run into any big dogs. Then cat. But I didn’t mind. When I was swim. Once. Straight to the side an
this one day I was wanderin’ an I
ree-lized I didn’t know where I was, feelin’ a liddle better, they wrapped outta there. Forever.”
or where home was. I was scared,
hungry, thirsty an totally pooped. I me up an took me to PetSmart for a Headin’ home, I was thinkin’
had, like, a zillion fleas, an my coat
was a matted mess. Finally I Just. lovely bath with flea shampoo. It was about how many pooches have the
Couldn’t. Walk. Another. Step. I made
it to the nearest house and scratched WUNNERFUL! The nice humans cut same kind of scary experiences Sadie
on the door, but I was too weak to
make any noise. So I just clapsed by all my mats out an fixed up the places had, but aren’t as lucky as her. Every
the side of the house, curled up in a
ball an started wonderin’ what Dog I had been bitin,’ cuzza the fleas. pooch deserves to have a loving an
Heaven would be like. I musta dozed
off, cuz next thing I remember was “I’d been wearin’ a old, dirty safe home. And two treats a day.
this human lady (Mom) scoopin’ me
up an bringin’ me inside, fleas an all. collar with tags. Mom made out the
I was too tired to even lift my head.”
-The Bonzphone number, called, an the people
“Oh, Sadie! What happened then?”
ackshully came to pick me up. They
told Mom they had given me away
(to those other people I didn’t even
know) cuz they couldn’t afford me,
Don’t be shy!
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
an interview, please email [email protected].
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 25, 2018 21
Q 10 3 J9854 —
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist K Q 10 9 7 3 2 A6 85
J4 A32 Q 10 9 7 6
Henry Kissinger said, “The absence of alternatives clears the mind marvelously.” 2 J74 K Q 10 9 8
Yes, but this deal has two interesting alternatives with which to occupy the mind. SOUTH
When I described the play in four spades yesterday, South took the first trick with J4
dummy’s heart ace, cashed his spade, diamond and club winners, then endplayed West K85
by leading his heart jack. Fine, but what might have happened if declarer, instead of giving A63
West the lead in hearts at trick seven, had exited with a trump? Also, what could have
transpired if South had not won the first trick? Dealer: West; Vulnerable: East-West
North might have cue-bid four hearts over three spades to show a strong raise to four The Bidding:
spades (and promise nothing about hearts).
If South throws West in with his trump or ducks the first trick, the contract can be 3 Spades 3 Hearts Pass Pass
defeated. Pass 4 Spades All Pass LEAD:
K Hearts
In the first case, after winning with his spade queen, West must resist the temptation to
cash the heart queen. Instead, he must lead a low heart to declarer’s jack. Then South will
have to lose one diamond and two clubs to East, along with the spade already conceded.
That defense should not be too hard to find, but the other one really takes some
imagination. After the heart king and a heart to the ace, when declarer cashes his two top
trumps, West must throw the 10 and queen under them! Then he cannot be endplayed,
and the contract will go down one. After the deal, probably South would congratulate
West on his great play, then say that if only West had had the spade four and dummy the
spade three, the contract would still have made.
22 Thursday, October 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Athletic (6) 2 Elementary (6)
4 Package (6) 2 Birdwatcher (13)
9 Boring (7) 3 Squad (4)
10 Natural dye (5) 5 Attachment (8)
11 Tardy (4) 6 Union (13)
12 Long pillows (8) 7 Communicate (6)
14 Collection (5) 8 Citrus fruit (5)
15 Inn (5) 13 Knick-knack (8)
19 Fragrant (8) 16 Walk (6)
20 Facts (4) 17 Booth (5)
22 Felt-like material (5) 18 Thick wires (6)
23 Breed of dog (7) 21 Hutch (4)
24 Property or land (6)
25 Racket sport (6)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 25, 2018 23
ACROSS 98 Certain stickler for detail Peckinpah character of 1972 The Washington Post
1 Cheerful flowers 101 Midnight Cowboy author 45 Crazy as ___
6 Opera about a slave girl 46 Agatha’s works: abbr. WELL-ROUNDED PEOPLE By Merl Reagle
10 Early editorial cartoonist James ___ Herlihy 48 Taxco snack
14 Fall mo. 102 Khan who wed Rita 50 “___ Little Prayer”
17 Well-rounded actor 52 Ignited anew
19 Well-rounded TV character Hayworth 55 Sweet and sour
21 Well-rounded actress 103 Citrus drinks 59 Casablanca costar
22 Well-rounded actor 104 Breaks in the action 61 Booster rocket
23 First place? 107 “I Got You Babe” penner 62 Derek et al.
24 Workout places 109 Way to go 63 Big rig
25 Getaway place 113 Well-rounded humorist 64 Well-rounded Waltons
26 Major oil firm 116 Well-rounded pioneer in
27 Write briefly actress
28 Cheater in the cybernetics 65 Critical
game of love 119 Well-rounded French 66 Swiss mister of math fame
30 Little finger 67 Have as a customer
32 Enter architect 70 Turner of cinema
36 Well-rounded 120 Well-rounded South 73 Loner elephant
magazine figure 74 Old Italian coin
41 Great apprehension Pacific character 79 Completely
42 Girder type 121 Mother bear, to Lorca 81 Apex
43 With 51 Across, 122 Addition place 82 Cast off
a signoff 123 Nervous 84 Clark Kent’s dad
44 Bread spread 124 Tirades 85 Can. prov.
47 Old turntable feature 86 Slangy money
49 Well-rounded singer DOWN 87 Potpourri
51 See 43 Across 1 Well-behaved 89 Oh, Kay! lyricist
53 Bathroom, in Bath 2 Hard, head, or hot follower 92 Do something
54 Randolph Scott vehicle 3 By and by 95 Must
56 Wise man’s nickname? 4 Two-pronged: abbr. 96 Literary monogram
57 Son of Seth, in Genesis 5 Time of the year 97 Adagio, compared to
58 Betel palm 6 “Puppy Love” singer Paul
60 Secret doctrines 7 Belief systems andante
64 Middlemarch author 8 Crack-tracking grp. 98 David Rabe’s The Basic
65 Fizzicists? 9 TV journalist Compton
68 Well-rounded Russian, 10 Actor son of Rex Harrison Training of ___ Hummel
11 Farmland unit 99 Adams and Falco
familiarly 12 Narrow waterway: abbr. 100 Major record label, once
69 Troublemakers 13 Plaything 102 Against
71 Ark unit 14 SW Missouri’s ___ Mtns. 104 Bemused look
72 Brewer et al. 15 Ball-like bacteria 105 A long time
75 Breakfast cereal, 16 California-Nevada lake 106 For each
17 Evita character 107 Poirot’s nationality: abbr.
___ Meal 18 Proof of purch. 108 French airport
76 ___ Bator 19 AOR or MOR players 109 Lackey
77 Colleague of Bela 20 Some horses 110 “What are you, some kind of
and Boris 25 Pre-reception promise
78 A Shock to the System star 27 Well-rounded boxer ___?”
80 Abbr. after a navy base 28 Ali, before 111 Dick Tracy’s wife
83 To the point 29 Prefix for “high” 112 King or queen’s address:
85 Well-rounded Olympian 30 Preposition for Pepe
88 “Give him ___ and he’ll 31 Superlative ending abbr.
32 Switzer who played Alfalfa 114 There for all to see
take ...” 33 Homophone of 115 Sugar ending
90 The Mesozoic, e.g. 87 Down 116 Compass pt.
91 Swahili language family 34 Well-rounded Shaw 117 Big Brit. reference book
93 Actor Ray 118 ___ Man Answers, Hang Up
94 Oreo filling character
95 Well-rounded composer 35 “Once ___ I die”
97 Went on the wings of eagles 36 Bog
37 Multiple choice options
38 Popular disinfectant
39 Slangy money
40 Point of partying
44 Well-rounded Sam
The Telegraph
24 Thursday, October 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Trying to bridge the child-free/child-having divide
BY CAROLYN HAX Or is the child-free/child-having divide too much just speak their minds regardless, it’s simple emo-
Washington Post to overcome? tional math: She takes offense frequently, so you
learn to be vigilant in guarding what you say, so your
Hi, Carolyn: – Missing Sister-in-Law close relationship gets replaced by superficiality. It’s
I’ve always had a warm and sad.
close relationship with my sister- – Missing Sister-in-Law: It certainly isn’t in general,
in-law. Then, she had a baby, though it may well be with her. Hard to say, because And, for her particularly, it’s a recipe for loneliness.
and everything changed. She it’s such a personal thing. Being the primary caregiver of a small child is one
seems to resent me if I talk about of the toughest times to find the energy to be a good
things I’m doing for fun. She’ll say things like, “It One issue that is tough to overcome, almost uni- friend, and one of the toughest times to become
must be nice to have that much free time” or ends versally so, is thin skin. Someone who takes offense alienated from friends: The thing you need most is
conversations quickly if I mention a new hobby or no matter what you say is not capable of being close the thing you feel least equipped to cultivate. It’s like
somewhere cool I went. She’s also totally unwill- with anyone. Unless you’re one of the rare ones who depression in that way, and not by accident; your sis-
ing to socialize without bringing her now-toddler, ter-in-law could, like so many other new and newish
despite having an involved husband and tons of parents, be struggling with some degree of depres-
available family to babysit. I’ve specifically asked sion herself.
her to do something one-on-one with me, only to
have her show up with the toddler, which makes it Either way, the contradiction of pushing away
basically impossible to talk. something badly needed comes through in your de-
She knows I’m happily child-free, but I try very scription. She sighs out a bunch of must-be-nice la-
hard to support her and be there for her however ments about free time, but doesn’t accept free time
I can – babysitting, bringing meals when she was offered to her by other caregivers? Hmm.
pregnant – and I try to be very affirming of her
parenting choices, since I know it can be a hostile I think asking her about the mixed message, vs.
world out there for moms. I also try to keep our trying to game it out, is a chance to get a useful an-
conversations focused more on her and how she’s swer. “It sounds like you miss your free time, under-
doing. standably-slash-obviously. But it also appears you’d
But when she inevitably asks me what I’ve been rather bring Toddler than leave her home with Hus-
up to, I feel like I can’t say anything without offend- band. You seem torn – or am I misreading?”
ing her. It just doesn’t seem like we have anything
in common anymore. Will we ever be close again? You can also answer her questions with a bigger
answer: “When you ask what I’m up to, I feel un-
comfortable. I’m not sure what to say.” You’re clearly
making an effort to be sensitive to her needs; maybe
now, give her a chance to tell you what they are.
Shot of confidence:
Why this flu vaccine
may work better
26 Thursday, October 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Shot of confidence: Why this flu vaccine may work better
STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER tus, the FluMist nasal spray is back on Dr. Aisha Thomas-St. Cyr. Seniors have even more options for
[email protected] the market, providing another option the 2018-19 vaccine.
for protecting your health. In fact, the PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
The Florida Department of Health FluMist may actually have an edge over As Thomas-St. Cyr explains: “Age
is adamant. Everyone should get vac- the shots this year. shots requires the flu viruses to be over 65, you can get a special high dose
cinated for influenza by the end of this grown in eggs, per FDA regulations. vaccine. It pretty much has four times
month. The current process for producing In the 2017-18 shot, that turned out to the antigen as the regular vaccine.”
be a problem. Last year’s H3N2 strain
Infectious disease specialist Dr. Ai- may well have packed such a deadly That, she continues, can be impor-
sha Thomas-St. Cyr at Sebastian Infec- punch because it is one of a handful of tant, “because as you age, your im-
tious Disease Care and Steward Health flu viruses that grows poorly in eggs. mune system may weaken and is not as
agrees wholeheartedly with the FDH, powerful, so giving you more of the an-
saying “yes, I recommend everyone – 6 FluMist nasal spray, however, uses tigen would make you react more and
months of age and up – get vaccinated.” a live, inactive virus, not one grown make your immune system rev up.”
in eggs.
Why? Does getting the 2018-19 flu vaccines
Let’s start with this: According to Because of that, Thomas-St. Cyr provide a 100 percent guarantee you
Dr. Robert Redfield, the director of the believes this year’s spray may repre- won’t be affected by the flu?
Centers for Disease Control and Pre- sent “a more natural immunity. It’s
vention, some 80,000 Americans lost what we find in nature rather than No.
their lives to the flu last year. when it grows from an egg culture, so Some flu viruses may not appear
That’s the highest death toll in this they think it might be a little more ef- or begin circulating until well into
country in more than 40 years. fective.” the flu season, long after the vaccines
Also, this year’s vaccine is expected have been formulated and distribut-
to work better than last year’s. This year’s nasal spray contains the ed. Still, the CDC says if you are vac-
The 2017-18 flu shot was only about same four flu viruses as the flu shots: cinated, you’re likely to have a much
26 percent effective against last sea- an influenza A (H1N1) virus; an influ- less virulent reaction to any such new
son’s dominant flu strain, the H3N2, enza A (H3N2) virus; and two influ- strain and that, alone, could save
but Thomas-St. Cyr says “this year’s enza B viruses – the B/Colorado and your life.
vaccine will be a better match than B/Phuket. And speaking of saving lives, Thom-
last year’s.” as-St. Cyr strongly urges everyone to go
Additionally, after a two-year hia- And, no. You can’t “catch the flu” by online to and check their
getting the shot. Or inhaling the spray. Adult (or Children’s) Immunization
Collins & Montz Schedule.
You, your children or even your
DCOESMNETTICI&SFTAMRILYY grandchildren may have gotten immu-
Experience the fusion of traditional nization shots years ago for any num-
values and modern dentistry. ber of life-threatening disease and felt
At Collins & Montz, DMD, secure ever since, but you could well be
due for a booster.
we will focus on improving every aspect of your smile for optimal appearance, Thomas-St. Cyr suggests checking
function, and comfort through our general family dentistry, and restorative the CDC website right before your next
procedures such as dental implants. Our comprehensive range of services and annual wellness exam because some-
dedication of quality set us apart. Call today to schedule your appointment. times booster shots are “the last thing”
a busy primary care physician is likely
to think about.
Dr. Aisha Thomas-St. Cyr is at Se-
bastian ID Care at 7955 Bay Street,
Suite 2, directly south of the Sebastian
River Medical Center. The phone is
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 25, 2018 27
Alcoholism often underdiagnosed among older people
STORY BY FRED CICETTI COLUMNIST offers the following list of physical symp- tral vision.
toms to diagnose alcoholism. If an older • Damage to nerves causing numb-
Q. How extensive is alcoholism among person shows several symptoms, there is
older people? a high probability of alcoholism. ness and tingling.
• Hypertension, particularly systolic
Alcoholism is a serious problem • Bruises, abrasions, and scars in loca-
among seniors. Here are just a few statis- tions that might suggest frequent falls, (the first number).
tics that tell the story: bumping into objects, physical alterca- • Gastrointestinal or other bleeding.
tions, or other violent behavior. • Cirrhosis or other evidence of liver
• About 70 percent of hospital admis-
sions for older adults are for illness and • Cigarette burns on the fingers. impairment, such as swelling in the
accidents related to alcohol • Flushed or florid faces. lower extremities, and other signs of
• Jerky eye movement or loss of cen- fluid retention.
• About half of older adults in nursing
homes have an alcohol problem. • Psoriasis.
• Older adults lose an average of 10
years off their lives because of alcohol
• About 80 percent of doctors mis-
diagnose alcoholism as depression in
older women.
• The highest growing number of alco-
holics is among 75-year-old widowers.
• About 10 percent of patients over age
60 who are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s
disease are actually suffering from brain
damage caused by alcoholism.
“Alcohol abuse among older adults is
something few want to talk about or deal
with,” said Charles Curie, former ad-
ministrator of the U.S. Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Services Adminis-
tration. “Too often family members are
ashamed of the problem and choose not
to address it. Healthcare providers tend
not to ask older patients about alcohol
abuse if it wasn’t a problem in their lives
in earlier years.
“Sometimes the symptoms are
mistaken for those of dementia, de-
pression, or other problems common
to older adults. Unfortunately, too
many older persons turn to alcohol
as a comfort, following the death of a
spouse, a divorce, retirement, or some
other major life change, unaware that
they are markedly affecting the qual-
ity of their lives.”
A few definitions:
Alcoholism is a disease with four
symptoms: craving or compulsion to
drink, the inability to limit drinking,
high alcohol tolerance, and physical
Alcohol abuse does not include
strong craving, loss of control or physi-
cal dependence. Alcohol abuse is de-
fined as drinking that causes problems
in your life such as failing at work, get-
ting arrested for drunk driving, hurting
someone physically or emotionally be-
cause of drinking.
Moderate drinking is defined as con-
suming up to two drinks per day for
men and one drink per day for women
and older people. A standard drink is
12 ounces beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5
ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits.
The American Medical Association
28 Thursday, October 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 25, 2018 29
When looking for a great place to dine check out
the Fine and Casual Dining Pages of The Melbourne Beachsider.
The area’s best restaurants, many offering weekly specials.
30 Thursday, October 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Scott’s on Fifth: Every meal is a special occasion
REVIEW BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER Rum Maple Glazed Shrimp. salad. I opted for Lobster Bisque.
[email protected] the Crispy Tripletail
PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER fish entrée ($38.95), which culinary craftsmanship you’ll find at
You might have seen the quote “Life is also came with a salad. For our Scott’s, so dinner with wine will typically
short. Buy the shoes. Drink the wine. Or- Traditional Caprese Salad. soup, we took Pepper’s recommen- set you back $75 per person or more, plus
der the dessert.” I would add to that, “Eat dation and ordered the “loaded” Lob- tip, but if you visit by the end of October,
at Scott’s on Fifth.” that many of ster Bisque, and had it split into two you can try the Flavor Menu. Reserva-
the local restau- smaller portions. Pepper explained that tions are strongly suggested.
If you’re one of those people (like rants are doing to get some new food- Scott is pretty famous for his classic
me) who tends to save the good dishes ies through the door. It’s a price fixe, Crab Bisque, and that he adapted the I welcome your comments, and en-
for Thanksgiving and Christmas, you three-course meal of soup or salad, en- recipe to lobster. The loaded part is an courage you to send feedback to me at
probably “save” truly wonderful res- trée and dessert for $40. add-on ($20 total) but well worth it. You [email protected]
taurants for special occasions. Scott’s is We enjoyed a basket of yummy warm get a shot of sherry, plus a dish of baby
a perfect special occasion dining spot, bread and were very happy that we or- shrimp and sweet, lump lobster meat to The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
but after going there once, you’ll want dered a dish of freshly made pesto dip stir into your soup. The creamy bisque dines anonymously at restaurants at the
to treat yourself on random Tuesday ($4) to go with it. Everything on and is very tasty on its own, but I would rec- expense of this newspaper.
nights as well. off the menu sounded amazing, so it ommend living it up and getting the
took us a bit to decide, but my dining loaded version. Scotts on Fifth
Fine dining can be stuffy or preten- companion settled on the Blackened The salads were crisp with a nice mix
tious, but thankfully we have a place Salmon from the Flavor Menu, with a of color and texture, and the homemade RESTAURANT HOURS
that’s as warm and inviting as it is deli- dressings flavorful, but we were totally 5:30 to 9 p.m. Tuesday - Sunday
cious right on Fifth Avenue in Indialantic Grand Marnier wowed by our fish entrees. Perfectly
where you feel like family. You might not Crème Brûlée. cooked, seasoned and sauced, both the BEVERAGES
notice Scott’s as you drive by, because salmon and the triple tail were fresh and Full Bar
the front door is in the back. When you tender and delicate. My dining compan-
enter near the bar, as we did around 6:30 ion ate every morsel of her salmon, and I ADDRESS
p.m. last Saturday, you’ll be simulta- savored my triple tail (which Pepper ex- 141 5th Avenue, Indialantic
neously relaxed and intrigued. plained is akin to good snapper) as well
There’s soothing lighting, as my garlic mashed potatoes and the PHONE
glowing candles, funky red sautéed seasonal veggies. (321) 729-9779
accent lighting. A swanky In addition to fish and seafood, you
chandelier and interesting will find lots of familiar dishes to love
art. We were greeted and seated on Scott’s menu, including steak, veal,
at a nice table by the window. The lamb and pork chops, plus pasta dishes,
restaurant is cozy, but here the tables a range of creative appetizers and tempt-
are a comfortable distance apart to allow ing desserts. We ended our meal by
the servers to move freely and guests to sharing the warm apple a la mode des-
enjoy lively conversation. sert with Scott’s homemade vanilla ice
cream that was one of the options on my
We decided on our wine, with the companion’s Flavor Menu dinner.
help of Pepper, our terrific server, who Of course there’s a cost to the kind of
patiently went over the whole printed
menu, plus the specials that Chef Scott
Earick was preparing that night. The
kitchen is a one-man show, with ev-
erything prepared personally and me-
ticulously by Chef Scott, a former Italian
soap opera star and TV chef who infuses
each meal with decades of skill gained
cooking in fine-dining establishments
all over the world. Pepper also explained
the Flavor Menu, which is a promotion
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 25, 2018 31
Please send calendar information October 27 | Halloween Parade 27 Halloween Parade, 11am- noon at Ros- to head over to Downtown Melbourne to trick or
at least two weeks prior to your setter House Museum and Gardens treat as many of the merchants will be handing
slide, face painting, costume contests for children in the Eau Gallie Arts District. Brush off your out candy.
event to and pets, free pumpkins and candy. BBQ and broomsticks, the event is free and open to the
[email protected] bake sale. Admission $10 per child, parents free. public. Join our costume parade and join us for 27 Oktoberfest German Dinner, 6 p.m. at
some treats, games and prizes! Call or email to Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church, 6
ONGOING 26 Indian Harbour Beach Recreation RSVP: (321) 254-9855 p.m. in the Life Center. Roast Pork Loin with gra-
Trunk or Treat, 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Glea- vy, herbed potatoes, green beans and spaetzle,
Melbourne Beachsider Calendar 10/25/18 son Park. Hot dogs and drinks while they last. [email protected] salad, rolls, dessert coffee and tea. German beer
Church for the Beach movie in the park to follow. and wine will be available for sale. Adult tickets
Please send calendar items at least two 27 City of Melbourne Police Department $12 in advance (after Mass or in the church of-
weeks prior to your event to calendarmelbour- 26 Adult Flashlight Pumpkin Hunt, 8 to 10 Trunk or Treat 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in front fice) or $15 at the door, kids $5 in advance or $7
[email protected]. p.m. at the Eau Gallie Civic Center, ages of Melbourne City Hall, with police vehicles and at the door. To benefit Holy Name School.
18 and older, $10 per person with limited tickets touch-a-truck opportunities. Then kids are invited
OCTOBER available. Call (321)608-7400. 28 Mental Health Town Hall panel dis-
cussion and Q&A with local experts,
25-31 Coasters Pub’s Oktoberfest 4 p.m. in the Worship Center at Suntree United
featuring 20+ taps of Ger- Methodist Church, 7400 N. Wickham Road in
man bier and German food specials all month, Melbourne. The Rev. Dr. John Baggett has co-
Coasters Pub & Biergarten, 971 East Eau Gallie ordinated a panel discussion, with topics to ad-
Blvd. dress various types of mental illness, treatment
options and local services. For more information
26-28 Boo at the Zoo, 5:30 p.m. se- about the Mental Illness Awareness Town Hall,
lect evenings at the Brevard call 321-242-2585.
Zoo with entertainment, activities and more
than 30 treat stations. 29 New Neighbors of South Brevard
Beaches plays MAHJONGG at Papa-
27|28 Wichman Farms Fall Festi- gallo’s in Satellite Beach each Monday at 12:15
val, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat- pm. For information on joining the club contact
urdays and Sundays, 930 S. John Rodes Blvd, Toni Hanussey at [email protected]
Melbourne. Games, crafts, petting zoo, eight-foot
31 Halloween Block Party on Sherwood
Avenue with Spooky and The Creeps
band. The street famous for Christmas is having
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32 Thursday, October 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
a Halloween party. Festivities start at 6 p.m., kid mal event benefits the Parkinson’s Foundation.
and adult-friendly concert at 350 Sherwood Av- Tickets sold at or www.
enue, Satellite Beach.
31 A Vero Harry Potter Halloween, 3:30 5 The League of Women Voters of the Space
p.m. at Satellite Beach Library for ages Coast (LWVSC) hosts a Timely Topics Luncheon
5 and older. Sorting hat, games, trivia and craft. and conversation with Brevard County’s new Super-
intendent of Schools Mark Mullins, 10:30 a.m. to
31 US-TOO Prostate Cancer Support 1:30 p.m. The event is open to the public and will be
Group meets from 6:15 to 7:45 p.m. held at the Brevard School Board Office, 2700 Judge
the last Wednesday of the month at the Mel- Fran Jamieson Way, Melbourne, FL 32940.
bourne Public Library, 540 E. Fee Avenue. Call
Vanita Gagliani at (321)432-5573 for details. 5-14 The South Beach Players’ hilari-
ous comedy, Hurricane Helga,
NOVEMBER will take place at the Sebastian Inlet State Park’s
Banquet Hall above the Surfside Grill (NOT Cop-
3 Folds of Honor Golf Tournament, a day to November 3 | Folds of Honor Golf Tournament. pola’s/SBI, which closed). Shows will take place
honor veterans, 18-hole scamble with a 9 Nov. 5, 6 & 7 and 12, 13, & 14 at 7:30. Dinner
a.m. shotgun start at Aquarina Golf Club south of members, includes an all-American Barbeque. Call and drinks and gorgeous sunsets are available.
Melbourne Beach. Free entre fee for veterans, $50 (321)676-8923 or email [email protected]. Your ticket gets you entrance to the park. Tickets
per person for Aquarina members, $75 for non- on sale now for $10 at Melbourne Beach Proper-
3 The League of Women Voters of the Space ties at 6680 A1A (near the flashing light in Flori-
Coast (LWVSC) “Party at the Polls” 11 a.m. dana Beach). For ticket information, call Barbara
to 2 p.m. at Kiwanis Island Park, Merritt Island, FL Van Dam at 321-727-1404.
32952. A fun, family event designed to highlight
civic engagement and the important act of voting 9 Melbourne Regional Chamber Pro-Am
on the last day of early voting prior to the mid-term Golf Tournament, 7 a.m. at Duran Golf
elections. Entertainment, activities for children, as Club in Viera. Play alongside golf professionals.
well as free food and beverages while supplies last.
Sponsored by Civic Nation https://votetogetherusa. 9 The Melbourne Chamber Music Society
org through their #VoteTogether campaign. Partici- will present the Calidore String Quartet in
pation is free, the event will be entirely nonpartisan, a concert of the music of Haydn, Mendelssohn,
and open to all members of the Brevard community. and Beethoven, 7:30 p.m. at St. Mark’s United
Methodist Church, Indialantic. Tickets are $35
4 Melbourne City Ballet Theatre 2018 Ben- adults, and $10 students and are available at
efit Gala, 6 to 9 p.m. at Brookdale Eau Gal- 321-213-5100, online at Melbourne Chamber
lie, 2680 Croton Rd, Melbourne. This semi-for- Music Society. org or at the door.
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 11 The Jewish Federation of Brevard 30th An-
in October 18, 2018 Edition 1 HYPE 2 YOUTHFULNESS nual “Taste of Jerusalem” Food Festival,
4 POTTER 3 ENFORCE 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Wickham Park Community
7 NUS 4 PSALM Center. Jewish cuisine (food and pastries) vendors,
9 BUFF 5 TUTOR live entertainment, children’s activities, bounce
10 ATTORNEY 6 EGRET houses, petting zoo, face-painting and crafts.
12 CHAR 14 ACTOR 17 Indian Harbour Beach 2018 City Art
13 MARATHON 15 AFT & Craft Show, 9 a.m. at Gleason Park.
16 SUPERSTITIOUS 17 RAW Rain Date Nov. 18. Many vendors displaying art-
19 UNTOWARD 18 INTEGER work, woodworking, hand-crafted jewelry, mixed
23 TEAK 20 OTTER media, acrylics and mosaics, pottery, homemae
24 EWE 21 AGREE soap. Vendors wishing to enter the show can call
25 ESOTERIC 22 DECAY (321)773-0552 or email [email protected].
27 AWE 17 Downtown Melbourne Food and Wine
28 ARTERY Festival, 5 to 9:30 p.m. in Historic Down-
29 RANT town Melbourne. A limited number of $100 tick-
ets will be available at 3 p.m., for information go go
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Contemporary bungalow
loaded with luxe features
6775 Angeles Road in Melbourne Beach: Newly-built 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 2,696-square-foot home
near the beach offered for $499,000 by Kevin Hill of RE/MAX Alternative Realty: 321-308-2270
34 Thursday, October 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Contemporary bungalow loaded with luxe features
STORY BY BRENDA EGGERT BRADER CORRESPONDENT beach. The entrance faces the living, The open floorplan and expansive doors slide open to reveal the luxuri-
kitchen and dining rooms with a bo- central space promotes conversation ous master bathroom. The large walk-
A smart new beach bungalow with nus room for den or office immediate- with those in the kitchen and dining in clothes closet and a water closet
a contemporary one-story design ly to the left of the foyer. The home’s room, and allows for great flow for anchor the room. Double sinks in
at 6775 Angeles Road in Melbourne interior is bright and open with clean, entertaining. The 12-foot ceilings are the same custom gray accented with
Beach is being offered by Kevin Hill uncluttered contemporary lines. accented by tall doorways and six- white quartz countertops are among
of RE/MAX Alternative Realty for panel doors. the highlights. There is a plush gar-
$499,900. Sunlight streams into the great
A handsome paver driveway and room and shines into the open kitch- Quartz countertops enhance the den tub, lit by LED lights and a roomy
walkway bordered by lush green lawn en and dining room, and the eye trav- gray cupboards and white subway tile tiled shower that supports two rain
lead up to this lovely single-family els to the triple sliders at the end of backsplash in the dream-come-true shower heads.
home, which offers 3 bedrooms, 2 the home’s central open space that kitchen layout with stainless-steel ap-
bathrooms and 2,686 square feet of gives access to the covered patio and pliances, including large side-by-side Subway tile, quartz countertops
living space just a block from the backyard fire pit. refrigerator, wine refrigerator and mi- and a waterfall faucet are features of
crowave with drawers. The soft-close the full second bathroom off a hall-
Todd Ostrander Top 1% of Brevard cabinet drawers also feature a drawer way that leads to two guest or chil-
“Door to the East Shore” ® County Agents with shelving for spices and one spe- dren’s bedrooms, each with a walk-in
321.749.8405 cifically for pan storage. A breakfast closet. A linen closet is found in the
Over 150 Million counter area has seating for four. hallway.
SOLD! With a view of the fenced back- Tall cupboards provide additional
yard, the master bedroom features storage above appliances in the laun-
tall windows and plenty of room for a dry room. A laundry tub is located
king bed and conversation area. Barn near the washer. The home’s two-car
Hall of Fame
[email protected]
Opening Doors To the Beaches & More!
Ocean Sands in Indialantic - $398,700 Beautiful NE Corner Unit - $399,000
Direct Riverfront in Melbourne - $769,000 Grand Canal in Indian Harbour - $730,000
Representing Both Buyers and Sellers With Their Best Interest in Mind!
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 25, 2018 35
Year built: 2018
Concrete block/stucco,
metal roof
Lot size: 0.17 acres (7,405 sq. ft.)
Home size: 2,686 sq. ft.
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2
Additional Features: Impact-
rated windows/doors, vaulted
ceilings, open floor plan, fenced
yard, fire pit, porch, bonus
room, ceiling fans, wood-look
tile, near walking path to beach.
Listing agency:
RE/MAX Alternative Realty
Listing agent:
Kevin Hill, 321-308-2270;
[email protected]
Listing price: $499,900
36 Thursday, October 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Oct. 12 to Oct. 18
The middle of October saw the real estate market remain relatively quiet in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903
and 32937. Indialantic led the way with 6 sales, closely followed by Melbourne Beach, Indian Harbour
Beach and Satellite Beach with 5 transactions each.
The featured sale of the week was of a home in the gated community of Turtle Bay in Melbourne Beach.
The residence at 240 Loggerhead Drive was placed on the market May 20 with a price of $699,000. The
price was later lowered to $682,000. The sale closed Oct. 12 for $667,000.
The seller was represented by Laura Dowling Roy of Premier Properties Real Estate. The purchaser in the
transaction was represented by Gregory Zimmerman and Gibbs Baum of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s.
RIVERIA ESTATES SUBD 2100 S RIVER RD 7/20/2018 $950,000 $860,000 10/18/2018 $410,000
SUNSET SHORES SUBD 705 HIBISCUS TRAIL 9/24/2018 $425,000 $425,000 10/15/2018 $405,000
STERLING HS MLBRN P2 6307 S HIGHWAY A1A 263 3/19/2018 $449,000 $429,000 10/15/2018
THE CLOISTERS P3D 357 SOUTHAMPTON DR 7/10/2018 $775,000 $749,000 10/15/2018 $728,000
OCEANSIDE ESTATES 3132 SCALLOP LN 6/26/2018 $407,000 $399,000 10/15/2018 $385,000
RIVIERA 1ST ADDN 421 MONACO DR 4/13/2018 $398,900 $364,900 10/16/2018 $363,000
MARTESIA 337 NAUTICA CT 8/8/2018 $508,000 $489,000 10/16/2018 $465,000
GOLDEN BEACH ESTATES 951 FLOTILLA CLUB DR 7/28/2018 $385,000 $385,000 10/12/2018 $370,000
WATERWAY ESTATES 1ST 418 NAUTILUS DR 5/10/2018 $359,900 $339,900 10/15/2018 $328,000
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 25, 2018 37
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Sterling Hs Mlbrn P2, Address: 6307 S Highway A1A 263 Subdivision: Oceanview Condo, Address: 2150 N Highway A1A 308
Listing Date: 3/19/2018 Listing Date: 5/2/2018
Original Price: $449,000 Original Price: $239,000
Recent Price: $429,000 Recent Price: $219,900
Sold: 10/15/2018 Sold: 10/12/2018
Selling Price: $405,000 Selling Price: $215,000
Listing Agent: Carola Mayerhoeffer & Listing Agent: Mary Goodwin
Renee Winkler
Selling Agent: Selling Agent: Curri Kirschner R. E. Grp. LLC
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Philip Rodier
David Settgast
RE/MAX Alternative Realty
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Subdivision: Riviera 1st Addn, Address: 421 Monaco Dr Subdivision: Waterway Estates 1st, Address: 418 Nautilus Dr
Listing Date: 4/13/2018 Listing Date: 5/10/2018
Original Price: $398,900 Original Price: $359,900
Recent Price: $364,900 Recent Price: $339,900
Sold: 10/16/2018 Sold: 10/15/2018
Selling Price: $363,000 Selling Price: $328,000
Listing Agent: Bradley Griffin Listing Agent: John Curri
Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty,Brevard Selling Agent: Curri Properties
Gerald Paxton Kristin Fee
Coldwell Banker Paradise Premium Properties Real Estate
38 Thursday, October 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Riveria Estates Subd, Address: 2100 S River Rd Subdivision: The Cloisters P3D, Address: 357 Southampton Dr
Listing Date: 7/20/2018 Listing Date: 7/10/2018
Original Price: $950,000 Original Price: $775,000
Recent Price: $860,000 Recent Price: $749,000
Sold: 10/18/2018 Sold: 10/15/2018
Selling Price: $778,000 Selling Price: $728,000
Listing Agent: Peggy Brown Listing Agent: Crystal Canina
Selling Agent: BHHS Florida Realty Selling Agent: FLA Properties
Leann Schneider Kalli Kamholz
Grand Star Realty of Brevard Hart To Hart Real Estate, Inc.
JUST LISTED IN THE CLOISTERS! Subdivision: Oceanside Estates, Address: 3132 Scallop Ln Listing Date: 6/26/2018
Original Price: $407,000
Sold: 10/15/2018
BUYING OR SELLING Selling Price: $385,000
WE’LL GET YOU WHERE YOU NEED TO GO. Listing Agent: Sherra Cameruci
10320 & 10330 S TROPICAL TRAIL • MERRITT ISLAND, FL 32952 Selling Agent: Cameruci Realty, Inc.
JUST LISTED! BEING OFFERED AT $1,050,000 Matt Canina
Florida Elite Real Estate
FROM FRONT & BACK OF YOUR HOME! Subdivision: Martesia, Address: 337 Nautica Ct
RIVER-TO-RIVER • 1.67 ACRES • 2 PARCELS COMBINED Listing Date: 8/8/2018
125 FT ON INDIAN RIVER • 95FT ON BANANA RIVER Original Price: $508,000
Recent Price: $489,000
David Curri Sold: 10/16/2018
Selling Price: $465,000
Broker/Owner Listing Agent: Candace Spencer
[email protected] Selling Agent: RE/MAX Aerospace Realty
321.890.9911 Kandy Cooper
Get Your Home Value Today, Visit: Fontaine Property Group
Subdivision: South Patrick Apts C, Address: 55 Sea Park Blvd 416
Listing Date: 9/8/2018
Original Price: $120,000
Recent Price: $120,000
Sold: 10/16/2018
Selling Price: $110,000
Listing Agent: William Burdette
Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise
Paige Lane
Keller Williams Realty,Brevard
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 25, 2018 39
garage has access to the outside yard “It is a quiet neighborhood,” said electrical service for a hot tub. Con- and rain sensor on its own well.
and features a Miami-Dade rated Kevin Hill, realtor. “A path to the crete slab and wiring are ready for To view the home, contact Kevin
hurricane-strength overhead door. beach is found just down the street.” a home generator installation. The
All windows and doors are impact landscaping benefits from a full ir- Hill, realtor with ReMax Alternative
storm grade. The patio has plumbing completed rigation system with rain bird timer Realty, 321-308-2270; email: khill@re-
for a summer kitchen and 50-amp