December 1, 2017 | Volume 4, Issue 48 Newsstand Price: $1.00
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By Beth Walton | Staff Writer Consulate Health Care of Vero Beach facility on 37th Street has been sued 23 times since 2008. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD hands-off role
Severe skin infection. Mal- Beach facility did not respond pany also declined comment. Health Care of Vero Beach are es- By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer
nourishment. Poor hygiene. to requests for information In court filings for Reich’s case, pecially troubling since the local [email protected]
Wrongful death. All charges about conditions at the nursing the company has claimed no facility is part of a national chain
made against Consulate Health home. A spokesperson for the wrongdoing. of senior care services. The Con- Despite many serious chal-
Care of Vero Beach, a 159-bed Maitland, Florida, parent com- lenges and pressing problems,
nursing home on 37th Street. Charges against Consulate CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 the School Board just voted to
hold business meetings only
The large nursing and rehabil- once a month, instead of twice a
itation facility diagonally across month as has been the practice
from the hospital has been sued until now.
for some type of negligence 23
times in Indian River County Cir- The push for fewer meetings
cuit Court since 2008. Eighteen of came from Superintendent Mark
the suits involved allegations aris- Rendell, whom the board is sup-
ing from patient deaths. Twelve of posed to oversee. Rendell said the
the 23 suits ended in confidential move will save $22,000 a year in
settlements. staff pay and legal notices out of
a budget of nearly $300 million.
The most recent complaint He said he will continue holding
was filed in May by the family of workshops for the board the sec-
Lewis Reich. The lawsuit alleges ond Tuesday of the month.
Reich died after developing de-
cubitus ulcers, or bed sores, Only one board member, Lau-
pneumonia and sepsis while in ra Zorc, voted against cutting
the nursing home. back the number of meetings.
Zorc said, “I would like to see
The family isn’t alone in their three or four meetings a month”
grief-stricken fight for legal re- in order to perform “the due dili-
course. Five cases like Reich’s are gence needed.”
still being litigated.
Both an attorney and the
general manager at the Vero SEWAGE SPILL
INSIDE Year after son died, Joe Graves prays for Christmas miracle FIRST REPORTS
NEWS 1-10 PETS 18 By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer Story, Page 6
DINING B6 [email protected]
CALENDAR B15 Nearly a year after his 15-year-old son died in a
REAL ESTATE 19 boating accident in the Indian River Lagoon, Joe
B1 Graves is praying for what he believes would be a
ARTS Christmas miracle.
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 Two new daughters.
For circulation or where to pick up The Vero Beach attorney and his wife, Carole, have
your issue call: 772-226-7925 been trying since May to adopt two school-age sis-
ters from Colombia, only to see their efforts stalled by
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. Carole and Joe Graves. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD government bureaucracy.
So Graves has turned to social media in hopes of
reaching someone with the political clout to answer
his prayer.
2 December 1, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
PRAYING FOR A MIRACLE their son’s death. the two sisters in Colombia, where, Graves on the streets.”
“What happened to Jimmy, we’ll nev- said, the girls will “age out” of the country’s Engaged with the international bureau-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 foster-care system when they turn 16 and
er stop grieving for him, and grief is diffi- then have “no place to go.” cracy for the past six months – he calls it a
In a heart-tugging, six-minute video he cult,” he explained. “When something like “broken process” – Graves said he and his
posted last week on his Facebook page, that happens, the world just doesn’t make He said the girls’ father is in prison, their family have undergone the required “home
Graves said he has been praying for weeks sense. Eleven months ago, I never thought mother is “gone” and the whereabouts of study” interviews, as well as psychological
that “God grant a way for the right govern- I’d be where I am now. their nine siblings is unknown – that these evaluations and background checks.
mental official to get involved and make sisters have only each other as a family.
it possible so these girls can come and be “But as we worked through the pain They’ve also received the necessary so-
home with us for Christmas.” and the feelings of loss, as we continued “They deserve a home; they deserve to cial, psychological and medical records of
to pray, God laid it on our hearts to parent have two parents that love them,” Graves the girls they want to adopt.
Graves said the international adoption again . . . to adopt.” said in his video. “We have a lot of love to
is “locked up” in an immigration system in give them. We want to give them our love. “We have a really good understanding
which it is “not possible” to bring the girls The Graves have two daughters, but Em- We want to give them our home. We want of their history and their situation,” Graves
to the United States in time for the holi- ily, 26, and Sara, 21, no longer live full-time to give them opportunity. We just need our said. “All we’re waiting for now is for the
days. at home. So when Jimmy died, the family’s government to help us make it happen.” Immigration Service to give us the approv-
house – along with everything else in their al and let the girls into the country.”
He said he has contacted Florida Con- lives – felt jarringly different. He believes the process doesn’t need to
gressman Brian Mast and appealed in writ- be so difficult and protracted, especially He said the girls would be eligible for
ing to both U.S. Senator Marco Rubio and Graves said in the video that he and his when he’s trying to adopt children nobody citizenship after two years as members of
President Donald Trump. As of last week- wife were enjoying their son’s adolescence seems to want. his family.
end, Graves said, he had not received a when, “all of a sudden, in a flick of a switch,
response from anyone in the government. we went from parents of a teenager to “There’s not much of a demand for kids Though he hasn’t yet met the girls,
empty-nesters.” in the older age group,” Graves said. “Ev- Graves said they know about his family’s
“We’re trying to do everything the right erybody wants an infant.” desire to adopt them. In fact, the sisters
way,” he said. “You’re saying this is the way On the phone, he said, “We just weren’t have sent videos introducing themselves
things ought to be done, and you want to ready to be empty-nesters. We love kids.” Another family expressed interest in and saying, “We want to meet you.”
curb illegal immigration. Well, help us do adopting the younger girl – only the young-
it the right way. Give these beautiful girls a Graves said he and his wife first explored er girl – but she didn’t want to be separated The feeling is mutual.
chance at life.” traditional adoption avenues, but, “after from her sister and decided to remain in And for those wondering: Graves said
sitting through a few meetings,” they de- foster care. the decision to adopt the girls was not an
How did Graves and his wife go from cided to consider other options. “emotional reaction” to their son’s death.
mourning the tragic loss of their son, Jim- “We didn’t really know where the adop- It’s a way to honor Jimmy’s legacy of stand-
my, last December to pursuing with pas- That’s when they discovered All God’s tion journey was going to take us, but we ing up for people who need help.
sion the adoption of two Colombian sisters Children International, which, on its soon found out there was high demand for “If he were here and we asked him if we
– one is 12, the other is soon to be 14 – only website, describes itself as “more than an infants and low demand for older kids and should do this, he’d wonder why we even
six months later? adoption agency” and, instead, an “orphan kids that have siblings,” Graves said, add- needed to ask that question,” Graves said,
care ministry” that works with government ing, “There’s not enough people to house adding that he and his wife also discussed
Reached by phone last week, Graves said officials “around the world to help keep all these kids, so our hearts went out. their adoption plans with their daughters.
he and his wife are still heartbroken over children within families and out of institu- “It was a family decision,” he said.
tions.” “We didn’t want these young girls to Now it’s up to the government.
have no future in Colombia and be set out
That’s how they learned of the plight of
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS December 1, 2017 3
NURSING HOME LAWSUITS faulty claims of abuse frequently. She was Florida has problems. Care of Vero Beach in court.
then informed that all allegations must be Facilities lack competent employees Residents who can no longer move
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 reported, even if the complainant suffers
from dementia or some other mental ill- and staffing standards set by the state are on their own tend to develop severe skin
sulate Health Care brand is the largest of its ness. far too low, he said. ulcers, like bed sores, when they aren’t
kind in Florida and the sixth-largest provider turned and repositioned regularly, he said.
in the United States. The parent company of the local franchise Rarely will care providers have more staff If this goes unnoticed and untreated, the
also has problems. A federal judge in March on the payroll than is required by law, ex- skin can become so infected and damaged
It claims to have a strong focus on patient ordered the Consulate Health Care chain plained Fischer. “Nursing homes are simply that a patient’s muscle tissue or bone be-
needs, marketing its care facilities as places to pay $331 million for fraudulently coding a business and the idea is for the business comes exposed.
where staff members treat patients like fam- Medicare claims for patient therapy services. to make as much profit as possible,” he
ily “not because it’s their job, but because it’s The whistle-blower case came after a regis- said. “They are not designed to do what Kuvin said in some instances an ulcer has
their calling.” But court filings, federal eval- tered nurse who worked for the company in they purport to do, which is provide com- grown to the size of a fist. If proper care is
uations and state records call into question Florida brought allegations to officials. passionate care for aging people.” being given, there is no reason for this con-
the Vero Beach facility’s quality of care. dition to exist, he said.
Attorney Scott Fischer, who represents The bulk of nursing home negligence
Nursing homes certified by Medicare Reich’s family in its lawsuit, declined to talk deals with three main violations of a pa- Falls are also frequent in nursing care
and Medicaid are inspected by the federal specifically about the Vero Beach facility, but tient’s rights, said attorney Spencer Kuvin as patients begin to lose their sense of
government each year. A star rating is then said in general the nursing home industry in with the Law Offices of Craig Goldenfarb balance, said Kuvin. Facilities sometimes
assigned based on the three most recent who has challenged Consulate Health
Consulate Health Care of Vero Beach re-
ceived just one out of five stars in its most
recent health inspection from the U.S. gov-
ernment, and it is graded below average
overall, designated as a two-star facility.
Licensed nurses there spend just one
hour and 24 minutes per resident per day
as compared to a Florida average of one
hour and 46 minutes.
Investigative reports from 2017 show the
nursing home violated a patient’s privacy,
failed to properly assess medication re-
gimes, didn’t disclose allegations of abuse,
and used improper hygiene practices which
could result in the spread of infection.
Further, hazardous chemicals were ac-
cessible to one resident, wheelchairs and
other facilities were found to be broken
or poorly maintained, and the call bells in
some rooms were malfunctioning, mak-
ing it difficult for residents to seek emer-
gency help.
In one instance a surveyor saw that a
door to a resident’s room was left open
while he was going to the bathroom. Peo-
ple in the adjacent common area could see
the man on the toilet and a staff member
standing nearby with a disposable brief.
The woman later told investigators that
she didn’t close the door because she “was
in a hurry.”
Another time, evaluators note, a patient
was given antipsychotic medication after act-
ing out, yet records didn’t indicate the woman
received a psychiatric consultation. “There
was no evidence that the resident was exhib-
iting inappropriate behaviors to justify anti-
psychotic medication,” evaluators noted.
Documents also show during a third
visit that a surveyor overheard a resident
say she wanted to report that she had been
tied up for three hours the previous night.
The nurse then allegedly responded in a
soft voice that she wished someone would
tie her up so she wouldn’t have to work
with crazy old women.
“The nurse’s comments were audible to
this surveyor,” the evaluator notes. “The
nurse did not ask the resident if she was
injured and/or conduct an assessment at
that time.”
The employee later explained she told
the patient her allegations were untrue.
She said that particular resident made
4 December 1, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
Night council meetings: Possibly a good move, badly done
By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer city business. Retirees, he said, are free to The rationale for holding all meetings was abruptly shut down by the newly elect-
[email protected] attend meetings anytime. in the evening may be a very good one ed Zudans.
that results in more robust attendance by
Four Vero Beach City Council members Vice Mayor Lange Sykes wholeheartedly young professionals, business owners and “There was a motion on the floor and it
decided last week to move all regular busi- agreed about making meetings more acces- students. But the goal should have been ac- was seconded by a council member, so it’s
ness meetings to 6 p.m. to increase public complished differently. probably not for the city attorney to tell us,
participation, but they are going to have to NEWS ANALYSIS you know,” Zudans said.
revisit the matter this coming Tuesday be- When City Attorney Wayne Coment very
cause they took action without notifying sible to residents who work during the day. tactfully suggested to the council that the But it is, in fact, Coment’s job to counsel
the public. The council for some years has been item should be delayed and placed on a city officials and managers on what’s legal-
publicly noticed agenda, since it was a ly required and on what’s customary and
Councilman Val Zudans called for the alternating between day meetings and “drastic move” and would likely elicit a proper procedure.
change so more young people and those night meetings. surprising amount of public comment, he
with full-time jobs can fully participate in Coment said that he was unsure whether
the meeting times were codified in a city ordi-
nance, and would have to look that up to see if
an amendment was required.
When City Manager Jim O’Connor was
put on the spot, he waved a hand motion-
ing for the council to vote, mentioning they
could clean it up afterward if they needed to
amend the city code.
They voted 4-1 in favor. Councilman
Tony Young dissented on the grounds that
the public deserved the opportunity to
weigh in.
As it turns out, more formal action was
required after all. When asked, Coment said
on Monday, “Pursuant to the council action,
we have prepared the formal resolution es-
tablishing the meeting times that is required
by the Code. It should be on the next council
agenda for adoption.”
In other words, the vote Zudans insisted
on was neither valid nor binding.
fail to properly assess a patient’s physical
ability and then put them in risky environ-
General malnourishment and mistreat-
ment is also common in nursing care facil-
ities. Sometimes, a patient will be unable to
feed themselves, but staff will leave a food
tray in the room without staying behind to
help them eat.
Facilities will often argue that things
like skin infection, broken bones and
weight loss are a part of the natural aging
and dying process, and they blame the
resident, claiming, for example, the client
refused to move or would not eat, the at-
torney said. But, Florida law provides pa-
tients with a right to receive adequate and
appropriate healthcare in a courteous, fair
and dignified fashion, free from mental
and physical abuse.
“Other than children, this is the one group
of society that can’t really care for themselves
and they are wholly dependent on the care
of others,” said Kuvin.
“The key is to make sure the facilities
charged with caring for our parents and
our grandparents are doing the right thing
and taking care of our older generations,
not just forgetting about them and letting
them fall apart based on neglect and neg-
6 December 1, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
By Steven M. Thomas | Staff Writer the sewage plant he upped the estimate
[email protected] to 3.1 million gallons, making it the fourth
largest spill along the lagoon since 2015,
The amount of sewage that poured from according to records provided by DEP.
a pressurized pipe into the Indian River
Lagoon was more than 30 times greater A repair crew of city employees and con-
than first estimated, totaling more than tract workers hired to help with the emer-
3 million gallons, according to the City of gency managed to enclose the ruptured
Vero Beach and the Florida Department of pipe in a sleeve that Bolton says is working
Environmental Protection. well to keep most of the sewage in the pipe.
As first reported by Vero Beach 32963 Bolton and his team are now trying to
last week, a 12-inch sewer main that car- figure out the best way to enact a perma-
ries waste water from most of Indian River nent repair.
Shores and a number of Vero neighbor-
hoods to the city sewage treatment plant It is a challenging task. The corroded
ruptured near Jaycee Park at the spot cast iron pipe, which Bolton says is more
where it intersects a major storm water than 50 years old, continues to carry sew-
drain that empties into the lagoon. age from thousands of households and the
repair site is wedged tightly between High-
The spill came to light on Thursday, way A1A and a massive retaining wall.
Nov. 16 when residents complained of a
foul odor along Bethel Creek, an inlet that He said the cause of the break, which
connects to the lagoon near the city mari- will cost between $25,000 and $50,000 to
na north of the Barber Bridge. repair, has not been determined but is
likely related to recent construction work
After a reporter called the city to check in the area.
on the cause of the smell, Water and Sewer
Department chief Rob Bolton investigated “It seems like the pipe cracked the pre-
and discovered the broken line. vious weekend and was leaking for several
days, but then on Wednesday something
At that time, he estimated 100,000 gal- happened that blew a hole in the bottom
lons of sewage had spewed into the la- of the main.
goon, but after checking flow records at
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS December 1, 2017 7
SCHOOL BOARD port the superintendent.” worth about $22,000 annually, according mission convenes and Erika Donalds is
Board member Tiffany Justice said she to district budget documents. among the commissioners. She is also a
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 School Board member in Collier Coun-
wasn’t concerned about compressing the While the raise comes from the state, ty and has drafted an amendment doing
“One of my biggest challenges is the work load into one meeting, but admit- the School Board is free to reduce or elim- away with salaries.
lack of respect for the board member’s ted it will curtail public comment. “I hope inate members’ salaries.
role by the superintendent,” Zorc told they (the public) would reach out to us She says it’s a part-time job and mak-
Vero Beach 32963. “I work for the citizens, privately,” she said. School Board candidate Randy Heimler ing it a volunteer position would attract
not the superintendent. Now that we are is running for Searcy’s seat, which comes candidates truly dedicated to the public
going to one meeting a month, it solidifies Board chairman Shawn Frost said, “Two up for election in November 2018. He said, good. She’s also proposing term limits.
for me that the superintendent wants us meetings a month are a strain on staff and “The board has their job description back- Those serving too long become cozy with
to be seen but not heard. this board is good about attending special wards. They think they are there to serve staff, she said, advocating for them, not
meetings.” the superintendent instead of the oth- constituents.
“As long as I show up to be a cheerlead- er way around. Since they voted to meet
er, things are great. But if I challenge him Even as they were agreeing to cut back once a month, their salaries should be ad- If 22 of the 37 Florida Constitutional
on issues, I hit a brick wall of stall tactics. meetings, board members cheerfully ac- justed accordingly.” Review Commissioners are in favor, the
I can’t get my questions answered, access cepted a 4.5-percent raise that ups their amendment goes on the ballot. It would
to staff or information. We are the largest salary by $1,500 a year. School Board salaries may be on the then take 60 percent of those going to the
taxing body in the county and we have the ballot next November. Every 20 years, polls voting in favor to become law.
least transparency and oversight. To me, The increase brings their yearly salaries the Florida Constitutional Review Com-
that is absolutely unacceptable. to $35,051. In addition, they get “benefits”
“As a board member of a $287 million MEDICARE ADVANTAGE
annual budget, 18,000 students, 27 fa-
cilities and 2,100 employees, I see the CoSmeeeatnoaagesnetmwihnearrewyohue’lrlegeytoyuo’lulrgqeuteystoiounrsqauneswsteiroends. answered.
current system as broken. To do this job
right, to carry out the responsibilities BlueMedicare means more
as set forth by legislation, we should be
pushing for fulltime fully-committed choices.
board members, not volunteer or part-
time members.” CommeettooaaFFlolorirdidaaBBluleueofsfiecme itnoalreatornlemaorrnemabooruetaobuoruptlaonusr. plans.
Bimonthly meetings generally last be- Get answers to your Medicare questions, and choose a plan that’s right for you.
tween two and three hours. Currently the
board gets a meeting packet with any- A BlueMedicare Advantage plan is an affordable choice.
where from 200 to 400 pages a week before
the meeting. Zorc said she needs at least It provides the same coverage as Medicare Parts A and B
a week to do “the legwork” required to plus additional benefits and services.
understand contracts, projects and other Receive a complimentary
items on the bimonthly agenda.
Get covered with a boFokolert fomr aotternedinignafsoemrinmarathtroiuognh Ncovo. 2n2,t2a01c7t.*:
Since the agenda will logically be lon- BlueMedicare plan. A Better Solution
ger for a single meeting where all monthly There’s one that’s right for you! Insurance Services
business will have to be transacted, Zorc
asked Rendell if the board will get the CALL NOW!For more information: Vero Beach Sebastian
agenda two weeks ahead of time. <AFgoenrcyaNpaemres>onal
[AgeantpNpamoe] intment! A Better Solution A Better Solution
She got no response. <<AAg7egn7ecyn2wc-eyb2spi5teh>7on-8e>600
Board members’ duties take up seven 506 21st Street (Miracle Mile) 1701 US HWY 1 Unit 3
single-spaced pages in state law. They are (TTY users: 1-800-955-8770), 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. local time, Mon.
responsible for fiscal oversight, personnel, - Fri. to speak to a licensed agent. <City ChoSots.eLausceime iCnaoruthnattyworks for you:
educational programming, school safety Venue
and school district policy, among other Street address A Better Solution
duties. The board also heads a corpora- Date, time> 2961 W. Midwa[y<RCiotyad
tion that issues bonds and currently owes
$167 million to investors, with district SilvSetrerVeStenadundereessakers
buildings and land put up as collateral to isDaBte,AtimCe>]K!!!
be seized in the case of default.
The board’s own budget this year, ac- [<City [<City
cording to district documents, is over $2.1 VenBue sure to open and reVveienuwe your
million, much of that for anticipated at- StreAetnandudraelssNotice of ChanSgtereeftroadmdreFslsorida
torney’s fees in various lawsuits. DaBtelu, teimteo>s] ee all the awesoDmatee, tcimhea>n]ges in
Despite all those serious responsibil-
ities and duties and all the money in- store for your 2018 coverage!
volved, the other four board members
were unconcerned about the switch to BlueMedicare means more
once-a-month meetings.
“Dr. Rendell must feel one meeting *One Entertainment Saving Spree booklet provided free to each attendee, with no obligation. The Entertainment Saving Spree booklet is only available at
is adequate to get the work done,” said 7FFaa*Fnn7elooc<sBl2dddooerfl-AieurnmF2BdBigrgeldt5alolareiuue7SnaalrnBene-ichaccd8BtlcriyiuS.Sa6veyslEpuehi,h0lpltndIheih0inroeheroiorogcrliol(nodsfd.TlFnhelFuTmTalo>telhogoosY>fePfehrrlFiisnaPFudd(1elwtTlOsoaao1iTcens,rYro,/BiIri2danFmdsRulu2:nlacaPsop.e/d1,e,,Pr1aI-DirIHnOdd87snnB:ca0M.oci1eA.0Fa.B,snT-Ol-nFl8oD9uoahld0ro5redetBie0r5dRsdeoiA--dIaexr9pni8saFBF57decc(lPBl7lo5orenouiDl0pr-mmdure8i)iedPse.d7piinna).sAoa7aHdapBan0nBteMsllea)Piucanle.unoPeOlAtoseeOnLHwnscsa.itao,cpMrriHtetleRavheehnOeMcPersIrntsspaPdaOeobrdeOgeeMenaerepnsscsapeoweeoioinssednnwfvidolontidelwcahfdRfsrfbaleiea.rxelorealrFgBenne(bcoPelptdeeuccrDoLro,iebpeasiPncncyrCsco)oteeteHcrrrpsflaononaofeelcesstacmrnats,ertnrlwetn.atmeewhdwnFainstoitOhdleitoboitdhowhpBfryianniitaltdaniHtuhfaolioaf.oeMleoenFronBSrasmoBemr,hlrloditlIuagauihnafieetcciectpinlcOaio.doHo,e,CrnDnpeAmarMrsgBtsoaacoimsOooAnensonsnd,ndoFcsidtsaldisaroawa,inaapstrapIicidtianptonidtphobcl.nBailnH.Fciis.,llcBalipuWoMotDatlyefeuirt,oeBpOiicedooSneAciHaahnrsorpls.issFmMBeoHln.ealllnoepOuHxdenser.lae,eiyAwwAddlatHawnhsTsaiilttsMtiEhhaacthoBhofNtsOcfalvcupsiaiCleaaoiieMepasrtlIvcpeaÓtiHaeieoeglasnidrNnMlocemanai.Hfc:giObWBeseasMeelolier,eueedhfOtaifeFsisaecnnceCpabroogodeatlrlmfasnoadesff,efnatsripbecralslriaeweyasllaaycspcldBtinltitemwavAlh.dubñiiEoelgtBaeyohrenfeliCMlugtBrB,aniorenhtlploecuiulgteSlydspsmeesshnipll,ciaaeieCCccaehwnnaarlrraoddelootbslnsssilueness
board vice chairman Charles Searcy. disapnodsdicoiónnotsdeirsvcircimiosingartaetounittohsedbeasaisiostferancceia, cloinlogrü, nísatticioan. aLlaomrigeina,la1g-e8,5d5i-s6a0b1il-i9ty4,6o5r s(TeTx.YA: T1E-N87C7IÓ-9N5:5s-i8h7a7b3l)a. AesTpAaNñSolY,OtieNn:eSaiswu dpiaslpeoKsirceióyònlsAeryviiscyieosng, graetunitsoèsvis
By phone he said, “The workshops èddpeoausislatenngcikai ldinisgpüoínstiibcag.rLalatims peoaul 1o-8u.5R5e-6le011--984556-560(T1T-Y9:416-587(T7T-9Y:515--880707-395).5A-8TA7N70S)Y. OY0N0:1S1i_w90p4a8le4K0r9e1y7òlCAMyiSsyAencc, egpentesdèvis èd pou lang ki disponib gratis
should prepare us for the meeting,” but Noptoauffoiluia.tReedlew1it-h85th5e-6C0i1ty-9O46f 5V(eTrToY:B1e-a8c0h0.-955-8770).
then contradicted himself saying, “A lot of
stuff on the board agenda is not vetted at Y0011_90484 0917 CMS Accepted
the workshops.
“[Rendell’s] preference is one time a
month,” board member Dale Simchick
said before the vote, “and I’m here to sup-
8 December 1, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer were injured.
[email protected] “If that child had been shot,” Loar
Sheriff Deryl Loar said his detectives said, “we’d be looking at a manslaughter
“truly wanted to make an arrest” in the af- charge.” As of Monday, no arrests had been
termath of the deadly road-rage shooting made and no charges had been filed, but
two weeks ago on one of Vero Beach’s bus- Assistant State Attorney Steve Gosnell said
iest roadways, but the prosecutor assigned the sheriff’s office was continuing its inves-
to the case told them they did not have tigation.
enough evidence to prove that a crime had
been committed. “I’m waiting for follow-up investigation
to be concluded, and then I’ll review the
“We had the guy in our interview room full report,” Gosnell said. “You can’t make
for hours, and we feel there should be an arrest until you have probable cause. At
some type of charge, possibly for recklessly this point, there’s not enough evidence to
discharging a firearm in public,” Loar said, prove this was an unlawful shooting.”
adding, “We can’t condone someone just
discharging a weapon the way he did. According to sheriff’s office reports, the
incident began when Hicks, 38, became
“It wasn’t like it was one or two or three irate with an unidentified motorist – not
rounds. It was 10 to 15 rounds. He emptied Sartori – while driving along 58th Avenue.
the gun.”
With all three vehicles stopped at the
Claiming he felt threatened and “opened traffic light at the State Road 60 intersec-
fire” in self-defense, Timothy Daniel Sartori tion, waiting to turn east, Hicks began an-
shot and killed Dennis Wayne Hicks while grily honking his horn at the unidentified
their vehicles were stopped at the intersec- motorist.
tion of State Road 60 and 53rd Avenue at
about 7 p.m. on Nov. 20. All three drivers turned east onto State
Road 60. Hicks, of Vero Beach, and Sartori,
Four of Sartori’s bullets, however, trav- of Sebastian, were stopped side-by-side at
eled across traffic lanes and struck a third the traffic light at 53rd Avenue, in front of
vehicle in which 3-year-old boy was a the Applebee’s restaurant, when the shoot-
passenger. Neither the driver of that car, ing occurred. Sartori, 29, told deputies that
Michael Clemente, nor his young son his window was down when Hicks pulled
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS December 1, 2017 9
up next to him, looked over and said, “We’re not done with our investigation.”
“What’s your problem?” Sartori replied, The sheriff remains suspicious.
saying he didn’t have a problem. “When we questioned him, he was like,
‘What do you want me to do? Let him get
It was then, Sartori told deputies, that the drop on me?’“ Loar said. ”Then he
Hicks verbally threatened to shoot him empties his magazine. That seems a little
and appeared to reach for something, so reckless to me.”
Sartori grabbed his gun and shot. Sartori Loar said the shooting should serve as a
then drove into a nearby parking lot, called warning to local motorists that it is danger-
911 and gave his version of what had hap- ous – and can be deadly – to angrily engage
pened. with other drivers. He said 13,000 county
residents possess concealed carry permits.
Loar said Gosnell’s initial assessment of “Somebody looked at somebody the
the incident supported Sartori’s self-de- wrong way, and somebody got shot,” Loar
fense claim, despite the fact that deputies said. “In this case, the guy who got shot got
didn’t find a gun in Hicks’ car. upset with the wrong driver. It might’ve
been that third car that initiated the whole
“Gosnell is going with the stand-your- thing.”
ground defense, at least for now, but that
doesn’t mean there won’t be charges com-
ing,” Loar said.
SEWAGE SPILL INTO LAGOON water in the lagoon at five sites in and near
Bethel Creek and have found high but
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 varying levels of toxic bacteria.
“About 600,000 gallons leaked Sunday Bolton said the water in Bethel Creek is
through Tuesday and then most of the spill so contaminated that residents are being
occurred on Wednesday, Thursday and warned not just to stay out of the water
Friday, prior to the repair,” Bolton said. but to thoroughly wash their hands if they
touch the water while fishing or boating.
The spill will do ecological harm to the
already beleaguered lagoon. The extent of “It seems to get better one day and then
the harm is not yet known but the problem worse then next,” Bolton said. “We may
is made worse because Bethel Creek has need to bring in aerators or pumps to try
little natural flow, which means contami- and disperse the pollution or make the
nation will be slow to disburse. waste break down faster. We may pull in
marine scientists from Harbor Branch to
The Water and Sewer Department and consult on the best way to clean up the
State Health Department are testing the creek.”
President and Publisher | [email protected] | 772.559.4187
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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
Zahner, Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Tom Lloyd, Ray McNulty, Sa-
mantha Rohlfing Baita, Kathleen Sloan, Columnists: Claudia Balint, Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Siobhan
McDonough, Tina Rondeaux, The Bonz, Christina Tascon, Staff Photograhers: Gordon Radford, De-
nise Ritchie, Graphic Designers: Robert Simonson, Jennifer Greenaway, Tania Donghia-Wetmore,
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925
10 December 1, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
MY String of violent crimes rattles ‘Mayberry by the Sea’
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer here – especially for it to happen on a busy sheriff’s deputies he killed her because she Colton agreed, saying violent crimes – and
[email protected] roadway, in the early evening, in front of a lot nagged him too much and took money out of particularly murders – aren’t new to Vero
of people,” said Bruce Colton, the longtime their joint bank account – in November 2015. Beach, where decades ago serial killer and
I’m as guilty as anyone of affectionately state attorney for the four-county region that Her body was found wrapped in a carpet in rapist David Gore was responsible for a se-
using words to paint a Rockwellian portrait includes Indian River. the laundry room. ries of attacks that were as gruesome as they
of Vero Beach as a nostalgic, “Leave It To Bea- were deadly.
ver”-like community, sheltered from many “We’re seeing things in places we’re not The shooting of sheriff’s deputy Chris
of the societal ills that plague other cities and used to seeing them, where you don’t expect Lester shot during a traffic stop on U.S. 1 in “We’ve had horrible murders in Vero in
towns in Florida and across America. them to happen,” he added. Gifford in December 2015. He survived the the past,” Colton said. “Those things happen
incident. from time to time, and they happen pretty
For years, in both columns and conver- He ought to know: In addition to being the much everywhere. The difference now is that
sations, I’ve colorfully described my adopt- area’s top law enforcement officer, Colton The foiling of a murder-for-hire plot in we’re seeing some things we rarely see or ha-
ed home as a “seaside slice of heaven” and has lived on the Treasure Coast since the December 2016, when sheriff’s deputies re- ven’t seen before.”
“beachfront patch of paradise,” even “May- 1970s, making his home in Vero Beach for ceived a tip that a father and son had devised
berry by the Sea.” the past 34 years. an elaborate scheme to kill a 73-year-old For example: When Lester was shot two
woman by injecting her with a deadly dose years ago, he became the first deputy to be
I’ve referred to our surroundings as So he’s fully aware of the string of violent of insulin. The woman was the mother and struck by gunfire while working in this coun-
“quaint” and “tranquil,” often citing and cel- crimes that dates back to the murder of Bri- grandmother of the two suspects. ty in nearly three decades.
ebrating our “small-town charm” and “sense an Simpson, who was shot to death in No-
of community” and “hometown pride.” vember 2011, when he entered his island The drive-by shooting death of off-du- Colton also mentioned the stabbing of the
home while a burglary was in progress. ty deputy Garry Chambliss, who was stand- bicyclist, the shooting outside The Grove and
Now, though, I’m starting to wonder if ing near the road near his cousin’s home in the road-rage incident that escalated into
I’m being a bit naïve, continuing to cling to The list includes: February when he was struck by a bullet and gunplay – as much for where and when they
fond memories of the Vero of yesteryear and The murder of Moorings resident and collapsed in the driveway. He was not the in- happened as the lethal nature of the violence
choosing to believe that this place is still spe- Sebastian River Medical Center nurse Diana tended target. involved. “I don’t think we’re Mayberry any-
cial, still different, still a haven from the vi- Duve, whom police and prosecutors say was more, but we’re not a big-town crime com-
olent crime we see in neighboring counties. strangled to death by her former boyfriend. The shooting of The Grove co-owner munity, either,” Colton said. “We’re some-
Her body was found in the trunk of her car in Andy Capak, who was seriously wounded in where in between.
It was the deadly road-rage shooting two a Melbourne Publix in June 2014. March, when he was gunned down during a
weeks ago at the intersection of State Road The murder of Connecticut bicyclist scuffle outside his bar in front of several wit- “Still, I wouldn’t say we’ve lost that small-
60 and 53rd Avenue that jarred my senses Kevin Adorno, who was stabbed to death nesses on 14th Avenue, the main downtown town charm and tranquility,” he added. “Vero
and forced me to take a hard look at how our by a homeless man outside a McDonald’s thoroughfare. Beach is still a wonderful community that is
community has changed. restaurant on U.S. 1 in September 2014. a relatively safe place to live. It’s just not a
The murder of Cynthia Betts, who Eight months later, Dennis Hicks was shot place where nothing happens anymore.”
“Road rage isn’t uncommon here, but for was shot to death by her husband – he told to death during the aforementioned road-
a road-rage incident to end in a shooting rage confrontation, which occurred at 7 p.m. Times change, and places do, too.
death, the way this one did, is very unusual on a Thursday on one of Vero Beach’s busiest Even this place.
corridors, where a vehicle not targeted by the Vero Beach today isn’t the Vero Beach of
shooter was hit by four of the rounds. 1980, when I arrived to launch my news-
paper career and found a small, seasonal,
A 3-year-old boy was a passenger in that sleepy and mostly safe community known
car, but Assistant State Attorney Steve Gos- for citrus, spring training and snowbirds.
nell, the prosecutor assigned to the case, de- Back then, a local shooting or stabbing
termined that there was no probable cause was front-page news. A local murder made
to charge the shooter, Timothy Daniel Sar- headlines for weeks. Such crimes, however,
tori, a Skydive Sebastian instructor who told were few and far between.
deputies he fired in self-defense after Hicks When I returned to town in 2002, after 20
threatened him. years away, Vero Beach was bigger and bet-
ter – still noticeably seasonal, but, because
“If that child had been shot,” Sheriff Deryl of the growth in population and the addition
Loar said, “we’d be looking at a manslaughter of more restaurants and retail businesses, a
charge.” more appealing place for year-round resi-
And we’d be looking at another tragedy, If there was a violent crime problem, I
another violent death, another scream- didn’t notice. But I do now.
ing-headline episode that we expect to find Let’s be honest: The Vero Beach commu-
in Miami or Fort Lauderdale, or even in Fort nity has had a rough 2017, with the senseless
Pierce and Port St. Lucie. But not here. Chambliss shooting, the brazen gunplay
outside The Grove and the shocking road-
The chronology above, however, doesn’t rage killing on State Road 60.
lie: These troubling incidents are happening There’s no way to not notice.
here, and they seem to be happening more Maybe, though, we’re just having a bad
often. year. Maybe Colton is correct when he says
these things happen everywhere and that
Is it simply a sign of the times? An inevi- it’s unrealistic to expect any community to
table byproduct of the county’s population be immune from violent crime. Maybe 2018
growth since the end of the Great Recession? will be better. I’d like to believe that. I’d like to
The expected result of Vero Beach appearing believe Vero Beach, despite the growth and
on many of social media’s “best places” lists, traffic and crime we’ve seen recently, is still
which have prompted a significant influx of our Mayberry by the Sea. I’d like to believe
people from outside the community? this town hasn’t lost its innocence.
But I’m not so sure.
“We are seeing more of these types of Too many people are getting shot.
crimes than we used to, and I’m sure all of
those things are contributing factors, but I
wouldn’t say it’s a wave or a trend,” Loar said.
“It’s not like we’re seeing these incidents on a
regular basis. It’s something we see sporad-
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A12 December 1, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
Clinical trial yields tantalizing heart and cancer clues
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer say they now have proof that lowering in-
[email protected] flammation alone, without affecting cho-
lesterol, reduces the risk of a heart attack.”
Dr. Jose Rivera, a cardiologist with the
Steward Health Group and the Sebastian The Washington Post and the New York
River Medical Center, is finally getting Times both ran front-page articles about
some high-powered validation for his long- the study.
held view that reducing inflammation
– not just cholesterol levels – can prevent The Post quoted David Goff, director
heart attacks. of the division of Cardiovascular Scienc-
es at the National Heart, Lung and Blood
As Time Magazine reports, “In a new pa- Institute, as saying this clinical trial “has
per published in the New England Journal opened up a potent way to lower the risk of
of Medicine and presented at the European heart attacks.”
Society of Cardiology meeting, scientists
Dr. Jose Rivera.
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A14 December 1, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
CONTINUED FROM PAGE A12 lished in the prestigious British medical developed for one purpose explodes into a avoiding all cancers altogether.
journal “The Lancet” found people taking blockbuster cure for something else entirely. Possibly overstating the obvious, Rivera
The Times went further, calling the Canakinumab lowered their risk of dying
study “a major milestone” and “proof of from any type of cancer over four years In the 1990s, Pfizer was trying to develop smiles and says, “It’s going to need more
a biologic concept that opens the door to by a startling 50 percent and their risk of a new drug for angina. In clinical trials, it research,” but this particular cardiologist is
new ways of treating and preventing car- fatal lung cancer by a mind-boggling 75 seemed only modestly effective but as Med- clearly optimistic.
diovascular disease.” percent. puts it, “researchers found
that men taking the drug experienced an “I think that this is, again, a great sto-
At the center of the massive study – 10,000 This wouldn’t be the first time a drug unexpected side effect. Their sexual perfor- ry because it gives us a lot of information
patients from 39 countries – is the Novartis mance improved dramatically. Soon no one in terms of validation [and] confirmation
drug “Canakinumab.” at Pfizer cared about the [drug’s] effect on on inflammation. How important inflam-
chest pain. The company only cared about mation is after atherosclerotic disease or
Rivera says the drug “binds this pro-in- the side effect. Today we call that drug cardiovascular events,” not to mention the
flammatory protein called Interleukin-1 beta ‘Viagra.’” further study-worthy impact it may have on
that triggers a cascade of inflammation.” cancer treatments.
This type of story is commonplace in
But don’t rush to Rivera or any other car- drug development. In the search for ‘X’ drug In the meantime, Rivera plans to contin-
diologist looking for a prescription just yet. developers sometimes find ‘Y.’” ue helping his patients reduce both their
The drug is not approved by the FDA for use cholesterol levels and their inflammation
in cardio cases and probably won’t be any Meanwhile, the current projected price levels with simple, already well-proven
time in the near future. for Canakinumab is somewhere between steps. Those may include statins, exercise
$64,000 and $200,000 a year (assuming it and diet as well as monitoring “C-reactive
That’s because Canakinumab also sup- ever gets FDA approval in its current formu- proteins” with CRP blood tests that can spot
presses part of the immune system, increas- lation). potential inflammation problems before
ing the risk of infections – including fatal they lead to heart attacks.
ones. That would be quite pricey as a cardio
drug, but it would be a bargain-basement Dr. Jose Rivera is with the Steward Health
In fact, the Times reports, “deaths from cost when compared to some cancer drugs Group and the Sebastian River Medical Cen-
infection in the study appeared to match on the market today – especially if that 75 ter. His offices are at 7754 Bay Street in Sebas-
lives saved by the drug, so there was no dif- percent rate of avoiding fatal lung cancers tian. The phone number is 772-589-3003.
ference in overall mortality between the holds up, let alone the 50 percent rate of
groups that got the drug and [those who got]
the placebo.”
So is that game, set and match? Is it the
end of Canakinumab.
Not likely.
The New England Journal of Medicine of-
fers another Canakinumab bombshell that
will likely make it impossible to stop further
work on the drug.
It reports that a separate study pub-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH December 1, 2017 A15
Brain reboot? Psychiatric care may see radical shift
Liana Urfer. By Maria Canfield | Correspondent London are suggesting that a better un-
[email protected] derstanding of how serotonin works could
PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE lead to a radical shift in psychiatric care.
Even if you’re unfamiliar with serotonin,
a chemical messenger in the brain, you’ve Vero Beach psychiatrist Liana Urfer
likely heard of drugs such as Prozac, Pax- says the research is “exciting, reasonable
il and Zoloft that are designed to affect and backed up by science.” She adds that
its function. Called SSRIs (Selective Sero- the study’s lead author, Dr. Carhart-Har-
tonin Reuptake Inhibitors), these drugs, ris, is well-known in the psychiatric com-
which increase the amount of serotonin in munity as an innovator who, through his
the brain, are commonly prescribed as a research and experiments, challenges tra-
treatment for depression and other mental ditional thinking.
health conditions.
It has long been known that serotonin
Now, researchers from Imperial College
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A16 December 1, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
CONTINUED FROM PAGE A14 A growing body of evidence shows that in
helps brain cells communicate with each certain conditions – such as treatment-re-
other, playing an important role in stabiliz- sistant depression, obsessive compulsive
ing mood and regulating stress. This com- disorder (OCD), and addiction – some brain
munication is through “receptors”; SSRIs circuitry could become entrenched, and
work by interacting with these receptors and therefore resistant to change. Carhart-Har-
boosting levels of serotonin in the brain. ris and his team suggest that activating the
One of these serotonin receptors – 2A receptor with medication could poten-
called 1A – is thought to be particularly tially allow the brain to enter into a more
important. Evidence suggests that SSRIs f lex ible state, making the personMmorEe reD- I C A R E ADVANTAGE
increase activity at this receptor, which in ceptive to psychotherapy.
turn reduces activity in the brain’s “stress Carhart-Harris says, “Several of our pa-
circuits,” helping eCasoe msyempttoomas soef mdei-nartiewnthsedreescyriobeud’llfegeleintgy‘oreusert’qaufteersttihoens answered.
pression. But writing in the Journal of Psy- treatment and often used computer anal-
ogies. For example, one said he felt like
his brain had been ‘defragged’ like a com-
puter hard drive, and another said he felt
‘rebooted.’” He adds, “In psychiatry, as in
chopharmacology, the UK researchers say
that this approach ignores the therapeutic
BlueMedicare means moreimportance of activating another sero-
Quecshtioonisces.tonin receptor, called 2A.
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• Can TI shteillreg’seot nheeathltaht’sinrsiguhratnfocreyonue!xt year? pression and other mental health condi- gious purposes.)
tions. She says, “Because SSRIs target the Dr. Urfer believes an even more signif-
• WhatFodr moorethineformcahtioan:nges in health care 1A receptor, they are good at providing re- icant development involves MDMA, the
mean for me ?
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• Will I e<vAegnebnecyabNleatmoese>e a doctor?
son to live more comfortably. Adding treat- Ecstasy. MDMA, which also activates the
• Will su[AbgseidntieNsasmtiell]be available to help me
ments that target the 2A receptor could 2A receptor, has been granted a “Break-
pay f<orAmgyeinnscuyrapnhcoenpere>mium?
minagkteothpeusphertshoenmCmhsoeoolrvseeeesa.ngTseahmgiesidnc,aomrutolhdraetmwwaioklrle-ks fotfrohyrrooturue:gahtmThenertaopfypDosets-itgrnauatmioant”icbsytrtehses FDA
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The 2018- FrOi. topspeeank toEanlicreonslelmd ageennt.t Period runs from This designation indicates that the FDA
November 1 to December 15, 2017
VCeunrurently, there is one approvVeedntureeat- believes that MDMA may have a “meaning-
Stmreeent tadtdhraetsasctivates the 2A reScterpeteotra:dedlerecs-s ful advantage” over available PTSD medi-
Dtarotec,otnimvue>lsive therapy (ECT), aDaptreo, ctiemdeu>re] cations, and signals the FDA’s intent to help
in which a brief application of electric accelerate the approval process.
ssEteCiV[im<zTeunuCrcuiletuaey.snAispccuroosvrediddinetogrpatropoiddtu,hceseigaMngaifeyincoV[<aeernnCCatuilltiieynizmeicd-, Dr. Urfer’s practice is located at 641 17th
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506 2A1apdYs0neoBt0duaV1eSdso1ieoustt_tr.rnte9eRooen0etec4rdlie8Batis4S1lec(in0-rMo8ia9gm5l1üciu5Si7rínhs-at6taCtiit.0cMceoa1lLSo.en-9LnAul4caMtchc6mee5ipieeblt(eeaTaTdlsC)Yi1s:-oo811f5-ur875an0c-0A60et0,-1y9c1Bo5-Ul95oeS4-r8S,6ten7t5a7bHet(0iToarT)W.nYsS:atl1Yooi-a8rli17ugn7itn-U9i,oa5ng5nei-,8td7i37sa3b).ilAitTyA,oNrSsYeOx.NA:TSEMMiNwCooIpÓSnnSawNddaeletaab:VwusyyKaeriwrshdr--et.aoaypFFibòyarOrrllnaiii9AddmfeyfOaaasiaspcyy.fymreafe99iñycn.Hodeaa,-logo..,Hmm1teuci2ensor..n.spu--neè:.r55eamvstisspp:.uè..mmddis..ppoousilcainóngskeirdviiscpioosngibragturaitMtoissaTraNrkneOnPaSWosruuiumlrtnIzeacNmrCeyaSothCnaEe,saBtPraieAAdsdo-SpCifTrti,toohIPunAehdNoatrfomD
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2961 W. Midway Road
801 Wellness Way, Sebastian, FL 32958
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH December 1, 2017 A17
Alarming study: More young girls inflicting self-pain
which crossed the 50 percent threshold of hours a day of time online, she wrote.
ownership in late 2012, around the same Teens in every generation have experi-
time when teen depression and suicide
began to rise. By 2015, 73 percent of teens enced mental-health problems, Twenge
had smartphones, according to the Pew said. Genetic predisposition, family en-
Research Center. vironments, bullying and trauma are all
common factors.
In her research, Twenge found that teens
who spend five or more hours a day online “But some vulnerable teens who would
were 71 percent more likely to have a least otherwise not have had mental-health
one suicide risk factor, such as depression issues may have slipped into depression
or making a suicide plan, than teens who because of too much screen time, not
spent only one hour a day online. Suicide enough face-to-face social interaction,
risks overall increased after two or more inadequate sleep or a combination of all
three,” she wrote.
By Marwa Eltagouri | The Washington Post sociated Press. While all the injuries were
intentional, not all were suicide attempts,
A 15-year study of emergency room vis- experts said.
its reveals new signs of emotional suffering
among the nation’s young women and girls The data is in line with rates of teen sui-
– particularly those in their middle-school cide, particularly for girls, whose suicide
years. rate hit a 40-year high in 2015, according
to the CDC. Over the past decade, sui-
Emergency room visits for girls 10 to 14 cide rates doubled among teen girls and
who inflicted self-pain were relatively sta- jumped by more than 30 percent among
ble before 2008 but escalated in the years teen boys.
since, according to new data. It is unclear
why the rate of self-injury among younger From 2001 to 2005, girls between 10 and
teens has climbed, though some experts 14 rarely needed emergency room care
say it could be because of the girls’ access for self-harm. About 110 girls per 100,000
to smartphones and Internet bullying. visited hospitals for self-inflicted injuries
during that time. After 2009, their rates of
Self-harming behaviors like ingesting emergency room visits for those injuries
poisons, cutting and overdosing on drugs began to match the rates of women be-
are strong indicators of suicide – the sec- tween 20 and 24 – almost 318 per 100,0000
ond-leading cause of death among people women, according to the AP.
between 10 and 24 in 2015, according to
data gathered by the Centers for Disease The highest rate of emergency room
Control and Prevention’s National Center visits for self-inflicted injuries was among
for Injury Prevention and Control, report- older teen girls, who had about 633 visits
ed in a letter last week by the Journal of the per 100,000 in 2015. That rate was less steep
American Medical Association. after 2008, according to the AP.
Suicide rates for both teenage boys and Some researchers say the rise in self-
girls are on the rise. But the number of harm and suicide among teenagers could
emergency room visits for boys ages 10 to be because those born after 1995 are more
24 with nonfatal self-inflicted injuries has prone to mental-health issues than mil-
remained stable in recent years, while the lennials.
number of visits for girls in that age group
surged, according to the data. The most likely reason for this, they say,
is the rise of the smartphone.
Most girls and women were admitted to
emergency rooms after ingesting pills or Other researchers say financial pres-
poisons, although some were treated for sures from the recent recession could be
injuring themselves with sharp objects, ac- a factor, but Jean Twenge, a psychology
cording to the new data. From 2009 to 2015, professor at San Diego State University,
the number of girls 10 to 24 admitted to dismissed that. Because the years between
emergency rooms for nonfatal self-inflict- 2010 and 2015 were a period of steady eco-
ed injuries grew by 8.4 percent annually. nomic growth, it’s unlikely the economy or
income inequality is a contributor, Twenge
The data examined first-time visits for wrote in The Washington Post last week.
nonfatal injuries treated in 66 hospital The time teens spend on homework also
emergency rooms nationwide from 2001 did not significantly change between 2010
to 2015. About 29,000 girls and 14,000 boys and 2015, making academic stress an un-
with self-inflicted injuries were treated likely cause of depression.
during those years, according to the As-
Instead, Twenge points to smartphones,
A18 December 1, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS
Bonz meets Maggie, a dental office princess!
Hi Dog Buddies! “I KNOW. So, anyway, they looked at “It’s true. Trouble is,
all the dogs but none of ’em were the Right
This week I had a fun yap with Maggie One. They were gonna leave when one of Mom an Dad always figure
Hamilton, a pretty, slender, long-leggedy the humane society ladies came in with two
pooch with a short, shiny brindle coat an puppies that had just been dropped off and out it was me cuz I have
liddle white sox on her back paws. She had hadda be PROcessed. An Guess What?”
cute ears that stuck up, then flopped over at a Guilty Look. I’ve gotta
the tips, so she always looks alert. Maggie’s a “I think I can guess,” I said.
Plott Hound, which I hadda Google: her Ger- “YEP! It was ME an my brother. We were work on my Poker Face.”
man ancestors hunted wild boars (which anxious cuz we didn’t know where we were,
are Big, Really Scary pigs, not the cute, pink an everybody was a stranger. Mom and Dad “So,” I asked, “what
kind). Then, 1,400 dog years ago, a human took one look at us and stopped leaving.
named Mr. Plott brought ’em over to North They were leaning toward a boy dog, but with your ancestors an
Carolina an they hunted not only boars but James, he was only 3, but he had already
also BEARS an MOUNTAIN LIONS, for Lass- decided in case they ever got a dog, he was all, do you ever get the
ie’s sake. Woof! gonna call it Maggie. So they picked me cuz
of me bein’ a girl. It took a few days for me urge to hunt wild boars?”
Anyway, Maggie is real frenly and EE-ger. to get spiffed up, then, just after Christmas,
We did the interview in her Mom’s an Dad’s they picked me up an we drove to my new “Oooo, no! I wouldn’t
office where she spends a lotta time. When Forever Home.”
me an my assistant came up to the reeCEPs- “What was it Iike at first?” know a wild boar if I
hun desk, Maggie almost jumped over it cuz “Great! Me an Muffin hit it off right away.
she was so excited. We play together an nap together. Our coats tripped over one. I only
are even the same colors, so we’re kinda a
“Hello, Mr. Bonzo! I’m Maggie Hamilton set. I specially like boppin’ her tail when hunt table scraps. I
and this is my Mom Holly an my Dad Mike. she swishes it around, and she likes lickin’
I also have two human brothers, James an my face. Bychee’s cool, too, but he’s not that hang out in the break
Patrick; a Tortoiseshell cat sister, Muffin; an snuggly, bein’ a REPtile an all.
a Bearded Dragon brother, Bychee. Mom’s “I learned the rools pretty fast. I am a room at lunchtime
a dentist for humans. I greet everybody an Chewer, though. So I sorta chewed Dad’s
I get lots of pats from the patients an snacks shoe up. Now I mostly only chew what I’m in case the girls drop
from the UPS man an I have my own bed allowed, usually balls. Like that orange one.
right here, see? An TOYS. See?” It’s s’pose to be indeeSTRUCKtubble, but I anything on the floor.
chewed the squeaker an the stuffin’s totally
She grabbed a squashed-up orange ball out of it.” They’re a fun bunch. I
thingy an shook it. “I noticed.”
“I know some tricks, too: high 5; roll over; have a birthday party
“I’m pleased to meet you, Miss Maggie, an and don’t-touch-the-treat-that’s-right-there-
I’m eager to hear your story.” on-the-f loor-in-front-of-you-until-Mom- every year. Mom gets Maggie, the Plott Hound. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD
says-OK. I also have a secret trick that Mom a dog bone cake from
She petooied the orange ball thingy out. an Dad never figured out. Wanna hear it?” Bark Avenue and we
“Just before Christmas 2011, Mom an Dad “Of course!”
were visiting frens down south an they de- She leaned closer and spoke softly. “See, wear pointy party hats. Mine’s pink.
cided to check out the Bass Pro Shop. Well, I love White Mountain Bread. It’s my total-
right next door was the humane society, so, ly favorite food! I can sneakily get a loaf off An then, on May 24, Tiara Day, me an Mom right humans, I’ve observed.”
Mom says it was spur-of-the-moment, they the counter and eat the bread all up, then
decided to take a look around, cuz James an sneakily put the bag right back like it was.” an Dad an the staff all wear sparkly tiaras. “I know I did,” Maggie said happily, jump-
Patrick, who were just puppies themselves “No Woof!” I exclaimed.
back then, wanted a pooch. Plus, buhlieve it I’m the office princess.” ing into her Dad’s lap, her long legs hanging
or not, Dad had NEVER HAD A DOG!”
“Whaddya do for exercise?” over. “Every night at 8, it’s time for bed. No
“Shut the kennel door!” I blurted.
“Me an James an Patrick aren’t puppies cold floor for me. I burrow under the covers
anymore but we still play Fetch. I go for at the end of the bed an pull the blanket up
walks, of course. I don’t swim, though, cuz over my nose an have a lovely snooze.”
my right front leg’s always been turned out. Heading home, I was thinking about
It makes me look like a ballerina, which is Maggie’s White Mountain Bread escapades.
fun, but I can’t Dog Paddle. I love ridin’ in I hadn’t mentioned it to her, but bread is my
Dad’s pick-up. It has these cool seats that weakness, too: probably the reason I cur-
Dad can fold straight up so I’ll have lotsa rently carry a little excess avoirdupois. Sigh.
room in back. This one time he looked in
the mirror an I was sittin’ on the seat lookin’ Till next time,
out. I think he was impressed cuz I had fig- The Bonz
ured out how to unfold the seat. I mean, it’s
a much better view that way.”
“That’s pretty impressive, Miss Maggie,” Don’t Be Shy
I told her. “Most pooches don’t have that
much manual dexterity.” We are always looking for pets
with interesting stories.
“I’m a lucky girl, Mr. Bonzo. If it wasn’t for
Bass Pro Shop an James having a girl’s name To set up an interview, email
all picked out, I don’t know where I’d be.”
“The right dogs always seem to find the [email protected].
Sleek and you shall find
modernism taking hold in Vero
20 December 1, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
Sleek and you shall find modernism taking hold in Vero
By Steven M. Thomas | Staff Writer long time in South Florida is definitely The trend began when businesswom- ernist home was built nearby, at 319 Live
[email protected] coming here now,” says island developer an Katherine McConvey built her home Oak Drive, and others followed, including,
and builder Yane Zana, whose company on Ocean Drive in Central Beach in 2013. most recently, the house Zana built for
Modernism has arrived in Vero Beach Coastmark Construction recently com- Designed by Jared Della Valle of New Graham and Laura Hazell.
in a big way, with a number of impressive pleted a striking modernist home on Reef York-based Alloy Development, which is
modernist homes recently completed or Road for English clients. co-owned by McConvey, and built by Joe The Hazells and their Architectural Di-
underway on the island and more projects Foglia of Foglia Custom Homes, the proj- gest-worthy home on the ocean near the
planned. There have always been scattered ex- Moorings are a good illustration of the ad-
Architects from London, the Hamptons amples of modern residential design in ect literally stopped traffic as it was go- vent of modernism on the barrier island.
and other parts of Florida are jetting in to Vero Beach, a house here and there – along ing up, with small crowds gathered along The couple, whose home in England is a
design seven-figure oceanfront houses with skepticism about a style many viewed the street to watch progress and debate
that brilliantly embody the clarity, func- as too urban or avant-garde for the com- the virtues of the 8-bedroom, 12-bath, historic estate in Hampshire that was fre-
tionality and drama of the style, which has munity – but the trend is taking off as Vero 18,000-square-foot modernist master- quented by Jane Austin when she was out
emerged in retrospect as the highpoint of continues to gain national and even inter- piece that has since disappeared behind a and about observing Georgian society and
twentieth century architecture. national cache as a sophisticated but still wall of palms and other plantings. composing her stellar novels, discovered
unspoiled seaside resort. Vero Beach while visiting Laura’s parents
“The modernism you have seen for a Another smaller but still striking mod- in Stuart.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E December 1, 2017 21
Like many other visitors before them, 7 bedrooms, 8 full baths and 2 half-baths. Hurricane Impact Doors
they were charmed by what they found. With the architect in London, the design & Impact Glass,
We Have It All!
“We instantly felt at home in Vero,” and build process was leisurely, with the
Graham wrote in an email to Vero Beach house permit pulled in April 2015 and the Transform Your Existing Door from
32963. “Whilst we enjoyed our time in oth- house completed in October. Boring to Beautiful!
er towns nearby, nothing else came close
in providing the range of places we liked to The Hazells spent part of the fall at the ■ Glass patterns for every style & budget
be. Whether it’s walking through Rio Mar, house and plan to winter here in the fu- ■ Customize to your style
pedaling along the Jungle Trail or strolling ture, getting involved in the community as ■ Impact Glass & Impact Doors
on the beach, everything about Vero made time goes by. ■ Wood Interior/Exterior Doors
us feel lucky and happy to be here.” ■ Fiberglass Doors
“We need to reduce our UK commit- ■ Patio & Sliding Glass Doors
He remembers the day and hour when, ments, and then we will be able to spend ■ Framed/Frameless Shower Units
“the idea of building our own home [on a good portion of the winters in Vero,” Gra- ■ Etching
the island] suddenly emerged whilst we ham says. “Hopefully we will have more ■ Schlage Hardware
were walking through The Moorings.” and more time in Vero as the years go by.” ■ Mirror Wraps
The Hazells, who have various business Meanwhile, a mile or so south at 2120 Regency Square
ventures in England, sold a house in the S. Highway A1A, another major modernist
South of France and bought the .91-acre structure is half built, already dwarfing the 2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured
lot with 100 feet of ocean frontage on Reef so-called Bar Code Lady’s house beside it.
Road, which Zana was marketing at the 772.463.6500
time, paying $1.9 million. Designed and built by Orlando architec-
tural and development powerhouse Phil
They chose noted modernist architect Kean Designs, the house sits on a 3.44-acre
Jeremy Young, of Featherstone Young Ar- double-lot with hundreds of feet of ocean
chitects in London, to design the house and frontage that was purchased by Trace Mc-
credit him with the essential style, though Creary for $2,570,000 in 2015 and elevated
Zana says both Laura, who has a back- with 13,000 cubic yards of fill.
ground in design, and Graham, were co-de-
signers, adding many features and details. With approximately 20,000 square feet
under roof, the house rests on a forest of
“They deserve a lot of credit for creating steel reinforced concrete pilings extending
something very special,” says Zana. 43 feet below grade. It has bedrooms and
baths galore, extensive balconies and ter-
The sleek, inviting structure, sheathed races overlooking the beach and three in-
in cypress, shell-stone and stucco, belies terior staircases.
the misperception of modern architecture
as sterile and cold. A few hundred yards north of the Kean
project, at 1980 S. Highway A1A, still an-
“They brought in a lot of natural elements other significant modernist home is in
that give it warmth and texture,” Zana says. the works on a 5-acre parcel with 300 feet
of ocean frontage that was purchased for
A three-car garage and three-bedroom $7.59 million in June 2016.
guest house seen from the street hide a
magnificent central courtyard with a step- “It is being designed by an architect
ping-stone swimming pool that Graham from the Hamptons in a totally modern
says is one of his favorite parts of the layout. style and will be in the 15,000 square feet
range,” says Zana, who has the contract for
At the far end of the courtyard is the site preparation that included moving 300
main house with a killer kitchen, sunken palm trees and creating a Tahiti-like grove
media room, ribbon staircase and corner along the front of the property.
of pocket doors that slide back to open the
main living area fully to the oceanfront “There is definitely a movement and trend
environment. Beyond the main house is toward modernism on the island,” says Joe
a lanai with retractable screens, another Foglia, who adds that he has seen plans for
swimming pool and a wooden walkway several other large modernist homes that are
leading to the beach. being bid right now. “I wasn’t a fan before I
built the beautiful house Katherine McCo-
Including guest house and main house, nvey and her people designed, but working
the estate encompasses 15,000 square feet on that had a big impact on me and what I
under roof with about 8,000 square feet do as a developer.”
under air, and includes two full kitchens,
22 December 1, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
The holiday week wasn’t stuffed with real estate sales, but a still-impressive 19 single-family resi-
dences and lots changed hands from Nov. 20-24 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the home at 4610 Kodiak Drive. First listed in August
for $735,000, the 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 5,414-square-foot house sold for $657,500 on Nov. 22.
In Sebastian, the week’s best sale was the residence at 612 Monarch Way. This 3-bedroom,
3-bathroom home – first listed in July for $350,000 – sold for $330,000 on Nov. 20.
VERO BEACH 4610 KODIAK DRIVE 8/10/2017 $735,000 11/22/2017 $360,000
VERO BEACH 5375 ANTIGUA CIRCLE 7/18/2017 $409,900 11/21/2017 $330,000
SEBASTIAN 612 MONARCH WAY 7/28/2017 $350,000 11/20/2017 $290,000
VERO BEACH 4420 7TH STREET SW 4/11/2017 $330,000 11/22/2017 $255,000
VERO BEACH 4213 ABINGTON WOODS CIRCLE 3/20/2017 $300,000 11/21/2017 $252,000
VERO BEACH 4147 56TH LANE 8/8/2017 $260,500 11/20/2017 $250,000
SEBASTIAN 105 LANCASTER STREET 8/22/2017 $258,000 11/21/2017 $225,000
VERO BEACH 7790 15TH LANE 8/28/2017 $231,900 11/20/2017 $218,900
SEBASTIAN 606 CAVERN TERRACE 4/14/2017 $218,900 11/21/2017 $212,500
VERO BEACH 6276 7TH PLACE 10/13/2017 $215,000 11/21/2017 $174,900
SEBASTIAN 27 SUNSET DRIVE 9/27/2017 $179,900 11/20/2017 $168,250
SEBASTIAN 1018 CLEARMONT STREET 11/1/2017 $174,500 11/21/2017 $145,000
VERO BEACH 1036 36 AVENUE 8/10/2017 $150,000 11/22/2017 $130,000
SEBASTIAN 221 DEL MONTE ROAD 11/5/2017 $140,000 11/22/2017
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E December 1, 2017 23
5375 Antigua Circle, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 7/18/2017
Original Price: $409,900
Sold: 11/21/2017
Selling Price: $360,000
Listing Agent: Kelly Fischer
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Not Provided
Not Provided
612 Monarch Way, Sebastian
Listing Date: 7/28/2017
Original Price: $350,000
Sold: 11/20/2017
Selling Price: $330,000
Listing Agent: Jan Malcolm
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Crown Realty
Jim Belanger
Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
199$ 3DAYS
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE December 1, 2017 B1
Coming Up! Camera in hand,
lawyer/photog loves
DON’T MISS BEACH to ‘seas’ the day
By SAMANTHA BAITA | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 When I say “Jake Owen”,
you say … “Yeeee-haw!”
Vero’s very own country mu-
sic star (painted-on jeans, 200-
watt grin, charm galore) brings
his Beach Town Music Festival
(country and rock) to the Indi-
an River County Fairgrounds
this coming weekend – Dec. 8
and 9 – and you should abso-
lutely grab your tickets pronto
because this Music City country
rock luminary draws crowds like
bees to blossoms. The festival
website calls Vero Beach “a gra-
cious seaside hamlet” (apropos)
and promises the hottest acts in
rock and country (can’t argue
with that). Check out the line-
up: Friday, Jake’s headlining, of
course. Featured artists include
David Nail (No. 1 hit, “Whatever
She’s Got”); Claire Dunn (opened
for Florida Georgia Line, Chris
Young, Miranda Lambert and
B2 December 1, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
Camera in hand, lawyer/photog loves to ‘seas’ the day
By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer ago, they and their two daughters settled into tography. In Atlanta, it was portraiture; Sharon Sexton and Travis Blanton.
[email protected] a house near the ocean. now it is seascapes. “I’ve got new working coming in” for
Atlanta attorney Kirsten Kowalski knew Today, Kowalski makes her own sched- Her photos, often shot in knee-deep wa- Friday’s Gallery Stroll, Kowalski says. Al-
it was time to move when the drive into the ule for her legal work; she is general in- ter, are printed on canvas, glass or metal. ready her prints are selling well, she says:
city from her rural hamlet in the exurbs house council for a real estate develop- They splash the walls of her new work- One stunner of a single wave breaking at
grew from 40 minutes to two hours. ment company. But she still rises before space in downtown Vero’s Tiger Lily Stu- the center of the frame has been printed
dawn, not to tackle paperwork but to cap- dios and Gallery. She is the latest to join and sold multiple times, including for a
After a whirlwind visit to Vero Beach, she ture the sunrise on her Nikon camera. It is the co-op of artists that include some of bedroom of a set of young sibling surfers;
and her husband Jack, also a lawyer, were the latest spin on what has always been a the Vero arts district’s earliest supporters: another large print on metal of an emerald
swept away by the beauty of Vero Beach. Both tandem career for her: professional pho- Glenda Taylor, Julia Carter, Shotsi Lajoie, green sea and blue sky served as the pal-
got the OK to work remotely and three years
SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy AArrtt LLiinnkk IInntteerrnnaatitoionnaal l
Sponsored by Art Link International
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A.E BackusFM(ReuxEcsleEuudAimngD&bMoGoISkaslS)leIrOy N•
A . E . B a c k u s M u s e50u 0mN&. IFnGRdEaiaElnl AeRDrivMyeIrS▀DSwIrOivwNewA•.LFBLoarWtcPEkiEeuKrscEMeN,uDFsLe3u4m95. c0o m
A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery ▀
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE December 1, 2017 B3
Vero Beach Landscape.
ette for a customer’s bathroom renovation. life. Though she is still practicing the art dropping in on her website. And
Reaching the shore 15 to 30 minutes be- of getting up on a surfboard, her hus-
band and both daughters are all grab- a learn-to-row yet another Tiger
fore sunrise, her dog at her side, Kowalski bing boards when the ocean warrants. On
waits for first light with her camera in man- calmer days, they paddleboard, and the day at McWilliam Lily artist, Sharon
ual mode. Of late, she has been playing youngest daughter, in middle school, just
with longer exposures to create abstract earned her dive certification and finished Park, sponsored by Sexton, turned out
bands of color where nature’s boundaries a boating class.
of shore, sea and sky are delineated. Vero Beach Row- to have painted
Kowalski herself has taken part on one
Vero’s shoreline and vast sky have be- of Vero’s youngest sports – rowing – after ing. It was some- a large mural of
come the backdrop of Kowalski’s family
thing she’d always a tropical jungle
dreamed of learn- for an outside bar
ing, with a broth- Sunrise abstract by Kirsten Kowalski. area at the house
er who rowed at the Kowalski’s
Annapolis, and a bought.
great-uncle who rowed in the Olympics. As much as she’s photographing Vero,
Shorty Hunt was part of the Olympic team, Kowalski also keeps her camera close on
immortalized in the book and film “The vacation. She just returned from a trip to
Boys in the Boat.” Oahu with her siblings. “My head was on
“I loved it,” says Kowalski. “It’s a great a swivel,” she wrote in a new blog on the
sport, lots of good exercise out there in na- Tiger Lily website. With the crashing waves
ture. With all the birds we saw, ospreys and before her and the cloud-draped moun-
eagles, all I could think of was I need my tains behind, she estimates she has over
camera in my boat.” 1,000 images from that trip, waiting to be
There, she met one of the rowing club’s digitally developed and printed as fine art
longtime officers, Shotsi Lajoie, who photography. Some of those will eventual-
paints large abstracts and does clay sculp- ly ended up at Tiger Lily, she says.
ture at Tiger Lily. Prior trips included the Greek isles and
That bit of serendipity continued when South Africa, where they spent a week on
another Tiger Lily artist, Julia Carter, hap- safari. Photos for that trip include a moth-
pened to hire her to shoot a portrait of her er elephant who seemed to pose for a long
daughter. So did Travis Blanton, who used series of moments as her baby stood nearby.
Kowalski to photograph her sculptures for CONTINUED ON PAGE B4
B4 December 1, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B3 cused on what I was going to do.” with Burr and Forman, specializing in con- five high schools around me with about
Her mom stuck around until she found struction litigation. 2,500 students each. There was plenty of
“It was always my dream to travel for business,” she says.
‘National Geographic,’” says Kowalski, who a job (as a cashier at Disney) and a room- It was a friend from law school, Vero na-
describes her younger self as “very, very mate – a girl who played the character tive Andy Metcalf, who invited the Kowalskis Today she’s banking on immortalizing
independent.” A “Navy brat” who moved Mickey Mouse. She also enrolled at Uni- to come check out Vero when he first heard Vero’s easily overlooked but equally spec-
frequently in her youth, Kowalski was liv- versity of Central Florida “so I wouldn’t they were interested in moving. He and his tacular transition from dawn to day. “I knew
ing in Scituate, Mass., a coastal fishing vil- flounder,” she says. wife Merrin drove the couple around the there would be an audience” for her photos,
lage south of Boston. She was barely 20 and Vero downtown, crossed the beach to Ocean she says.
studying to be a teacher at a state college Two years later, she got a job as a cock- Drive and took them for pizza at Nino’s.
there when she hit a wall. “I was sick of Bos- tail waitress at Church Street Station. Jack “People love Vero,” she says. “Visitors and
ton and I wanted to be somewhere warm.” Kowalski, it turned out, was working as a “I said, that’s it. Done,” recalls Kowalski. seasonal people want to put a piece of it in
It was 1989 and Miami was her first choice, bartender, having graduated from Univer- In Atlanta, where Kowalski raised her their house somewhere. And why not? It’s
but she gave in to her mom and chose Or- sity of Florida. When he left to go to law horse-crazy girls amidst barns and pasture- beautiful.”
lando. “She thought it was safer.” Kowalski school at Alabama’s Samford University, land, Kowalski built a sizeable side business
bought a car and together with her mom, she followed him. They married while she as a portrait photographer. From a studio Kowalski’s photos, and the artwork of the
drove south. “It was heartbreaking,” she was still an undergrad majoring in pho- on Main Street in Alpharetta, she was hired other Tiger Lily artists, will be on view along
recalls. “I cried all the way to Virginia. My tojournalism. She too went on to the law mainly by parents of high school graduates, with dozens of other artists’ works at down-
mom was asking, ‘Are you sure you want to school there. hoping for a flattering memento of their town galleries Friday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. as
do this?’ I told her yes, Mom. And then I fo- child’s transition to adulthood. “There were part of the monthly gallery stroll.
Jack Kowalski continues as a partner
BSO maestro: Symphony’s
season will ring in the ‘new’
By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent programs that the orchestra has never pre-
[email protected] sented before.
Fabulous recordings are wonderful, but “We always try to give the audience a
they’ll never replace a live concert. So says mix of familiar pieces as well as pieces
Christopher Confessore, the music direc- that are new to many of them,” Confessore
tor and maestro of the Brevard Symphony said. “But we feel that they will love them
Orchestra, as he looks ahead to new reper- all equally.”
toire and new artists in the balance of the
2017-2018 season. The Jan. 13 concert features pianist Na-
tasha Paremski performing the Ludwig
“It’s a living thing,” he said. “No two van Beethoven Piano Concert No. 5 “Em-
performances of the same concert are the peror.” Also on the program are Jean Sibel-
same. ius’ “Valse Triste” and Felix Mendelssohn’s
Symphony No. 3 “Scottish.”
The audience impacts the performance
and vice versa. Being with others amplifies “This is a program of much more familiar
the experience – just as important.” works, composers who we feature often,”
Confessore said. “And Natasha Paremski is
Confessore speaks for more than just his a great new artist, an international super
Melbourne and Vero Beach audiences. star. We’re excited to have her.”
Along with leading the BSO, Confessore The February concert is the annual BSO
is resident conductor and principal pops Pops concert and it is also slated for Vero’s
conductor for the Alabama Symphony Community Church. This year, it features
Orchestra as well as select conductor for Michelle Amato who will perform a num-
Epcot Center’s seasonal Candlelight Pro- ber of big Broadway tunes. It also serves up
cessional. a 100th birthday tribute to the great Amer-
ican composer Leonard Bernstein, who
Although the BSO seasons begin official- composed music for “West Side Story” and
ly at their free July 4th Symphony Under “Candide.” There will also be music from
the Stars performance, there are still plen- “Hamilton” and George Gershwin’s “An
ty of concerts designed to please. They run American in Paris,” which had a much bal-
from January to April at the King Center, lyhooed revival recently at Lincoln Center.
where BSO serves as resident orchestra.
Three of the four remaining concerts will Amato, who lives in Orlando, toured
also be performed at Vero Beach’s Com- with international singing sensation Yanni
munity Church as part of the Indian River as one of his solo vocalists.
Symphonic Association’s season. (And this
year is a banner year for that group: Apart The March concert, also scheduled for
from the BSO concerts, IRSA is hosting vi- both Melbourne and Vero venues, brings
olinist Pinchas Zukerman performing with back violinist Paul Huang who stunned
and conducting London’s Royal Philhar- BSO audiences two seasons ago with his
monic Orchestra Feb. 12; and on March electrifying virtuoso performance. This
23, violinist Joshua Bell performs with and time, he will perform the Samuel Barber
conducts the chamber orchestra, Academy Violin Concerto. Also on the program are
of St. Martin in the Fields.) Franz Schubert’s Rosamunde Overture and
Antonin Dvorak’s Symphony No. 6.
In addition to well-known pieces by
Mozart and Beethoven, the BSO repertoire “He’s one of the finest violin soloists
this season includes a couple of pieces and we’ve ever had,” Confessore said. “You
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE December 1, 2017 B5
Club. Open to students in COMING UP orah Gooch, Mags Hobbs, Phil Reid, Anne
4th through 12th grades, Malsbary and the art studio group Gail
members can get discount-
ed tickets. CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 Fayerweather, Margaret Goembel, An-
There is also a “Full drea Lazar and Elise Geary. Tickets
House” perk available to
season subscribers; they Beach Town are required and available at the Art
can bring new patrons to Music Festival. Cub office at the Vero Beach Muse-
the Jan. 13 performance for um of Art; and the Artists Guild Gal-
$10 a ticket.
lery or the Cultural Council office,
And, if you get there ear-
ly enough, you can enjoy a both on 14th Avenue, downtown:
“Concert Conversations with
Christopher Confessore” $25 in advance, $30 day-of-event at
which are lively, fun and in-
formative. They begin 40 the artists’ studios. You can down-
minutes before the concert.
load a map on the Art Club website.
“Brevard County is very
fortunate that the Brevard 3 Have you attended a Night
Symphony Orchestra has Sounds concert at the Sebas-
provided beautiful music to our residents
for over 60 years,” said Melbourne resident tian Inlet State Park? It’s a unique
Darcia Jones-Francey. “The BSO is the only
professional orchestra in our area and it others); and another Nashville star from Florida experience. This Saturday, bring
has been a privilege to serve on the Board
Christopher Confessore. and raise money for this wonderful arts or- Vero, songwriter/singer Scotty Emerick, a folding chair or blanket and take full
ganization. Our community is blessed to be
can tell when something is extra special. home to the BSO.” who tours with and writes songs for Toby advantage of being in the land of sand
There’s an extra bit of electricity.” And as Confessore says, attending any
live performance is a good way to get peo- Keith among others, including “Beer for and salty breezes instead of snow and
The season’s subscription series ends ple up off the couch and out of the house
in April with a big concert that brings new – and away from the news. My Horses,” I Love This Bar”and “As Good salted roads this Christmas season.
works to the BSO audiences – Bohuslav “People are more insulated,” said Con-
Martinu’s “Memorial to Lidice” and Sergei fessore. “It’s good to be out with fellow hu- As I Once Was”). Saturday will be rockin’ Bringing the music will be Rod MacDon-
Prokofiev’s Symphony No. 5. The guest art- mans in a non-controversial setting.”
ist will be clarinetist Bharat Chandra who The remaining concerts for this season’s out with headliner Bret Michaels (killer ald, a well-known and prolific folk singer
will perform Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s subscription series are:
Clarinet Concerto. Sibelius, Beethoven and Mendelssohn blue eyes, signature dew rag, lead singer and songwriter, novelist and educator
with pianist Natasha Paremski, Jan. 13 at 2
The Martinu and Prokofiev works are a p.m. and 8 p.m.; of the glam metal band Poison, reality TV at Florida Atlantic University, where he
first for the BSO. The Martinu piece was BSO Pops! Broadway Our Way, with guest
written for victims of a 1942 massacre in vocalist Michelle Amato, Feb. 3 at 2 p.m. series “Rock of Love”); and featured artists hosted the lecture and performance se-
the Czech village of Lidice. The Prokofiev and 8 p.m.;
symphony was written at the end of World Schubert, Barber & Dvorak, with violinist Gin Blossoms (rock band), Edwin McCain ries “Music Americana.” Relax, enjoy the
War II, within one year of the Martinu Paul Huang, March 3 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.;
piece. Its tone has a “more optimistic vision Martinu, Mozart & Prokofiev, with clari- (two Top 40 hits, “I’ll Be” an “I Couldn’t tunes, watch the sun set (perhaps a moon
for the future,” Confessore said. netist Bharat Chandra, April 14 at 8 p.m.
Ask for More”); David Ray (describes his rise, as well) and even grab pop, snacks,
“In between will be the Mozart clarinet All concerts are held at the King Center
concerto which happens to be one of the for the Performing Arts, 3865 N. Wickham music as “rock and roll rooted in country burgers and dogs from BG’s Surfside Grill
most serene, peaceful and soothing works Rd., Melbourne, 321-242-2024. The Vero
in the whole repertoire,” Confessore said. concerts are at Community Church at 1901 soil”); and Adley Stump (rose to fame on and Adventures nearby. The concert is
23rd Ave., Vero Beach. Call 772-778-1070 for
This also marks the first time Chandra, ticket information. the second season of The Voice. Hit sin- free with regular park entry fee. Music
the clarinetist, will appear with the BSO.
But as a guest conductor for the Sarasota gles “Stay At Home Soldier” and “Don’t starts at 7 p.m.
Orchestra, Confessore has had the oppor-
tunity to work with before with Chandra, Wanna Love Him”). Tickets: Friday, $69;
who is Sarasota’s principal clarinetist.
Saturday, $49; both, $99. Christmas Road Trip. 4 Dance, aerial work, gym-
While bringing in world class musicians nastics, and acrobatics –
to perform exciting works, the Brevard
Symphony Orchestra also looks to grow its 2 An excellent and much all with a yuletide flare – com-
audience base. anticipated way to en- bine in “Christmas Road Trip,”
To that end, it offers free membership joy a taste of the creative, ar- an original holiday production
in something called its BSO Kids Concert
tistic talent that flourishes in by the wonderful performers of
the Vero area, Vero Beach Art the Vero Beach Recreation De-
Club’s Art Trail, is happening partment’s Aerial Antics Youth
this Saturday. The Art Trail is Circus. This family-friendly
a self-guided, open-house tour show is coming to the Vero
of 10 member artists’ home Beach High School Performing
studios, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Not Arts Center this Sunday, Dec.
coincidentally, you will be able 3. The show supports the city’s
not only to enjoy the wonderfully diverse performing arts programs, which have
works but also, should one speak to you, benefited many hundreds of students
acquire it for yourself or as the perfect over the years. Shows are at 2 p.m. and 6
gift for someone very special. You’ll likely p.m., and tickets are $8 for adults and $7
recognize a number of this year’s artists: for children and senior citizens, avail-
Alicia Coliander, Al Gustave, Eileen Far- able at Leisure Square, Riverside Racquet
rell, Paulette Visceglia, Mark Kirby, Deb- Complex and at the door.
1. Winter Solstice 1. Endurance BY SCOTT KELLY 1. The Mermaid BY JAN BRETT
presents 2. Sisters First BY JENNA BUSH 2. The Getaway (Diary of a Wimpy
2. The Rooster Bar 3. My Journey to the Stars
Autograph line tickets with book 3. Make Your Bed
Vero Beach Book Center 3. The Midnight Line 4. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
4. Promise Me, Dad
Saturday, December 2nd at 5 pm BY LEE CHILD BY DR. SEUSS
4. End Game 5. Dog Man (#01) BY DAV PILKEY
5. God, Faith, and Reason
5. Quick & Dirty
392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
B6 December 1, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
Avanzare: Some of the most interesting meals in Vero
By TIna Rondeau | Columnist Crispy Pork Belly. Orange and Rosemary Green Herb Lamb Loin.
[email protected] Panacotta.
Avanzare, our favorite Tuscan trattoria in with Foie Gras Cream. For imagination in the kitchen – for cre-
Vero’s old downtown, continues to produce ating dishes that on any given night, lead Sheepshead Rollatini
some of the most innovative and delectable menu now for several years. The local sea- you to say “How did they do this?” – Avan- with Scallop Mousse.
dishes found in this area. food Avanzare features is always excellent. zare year after year has offered some of the
The seared sea scallops are outstanding, most interesting meals in Vero. A visit will Hours:
While a number of specials we have mar- and we have never gone wrong here order- not go unrewarded. Monday through Saturday
veled at on previous occasions have estab- ing one of the veal dishes.
lished themselves as hard-to-resist favorites, I welcome your comments, and encour- 5-9 pm
we try on our visits to sample the latest addi- Dinner for two, with a modest bottle of age you to send feedback to me at tina@ver- Beverages: Full bar
tions to a menu that changes frequently. wine, generally runs $90 to $100 before tax
and tip. Address:
So when we stopped by on a recent Thurs- The reviewer dines anonymously at restau- 1932 14th Avenue,
day, our attention was immediately drawn rants at the expense of Vero Beach 32963.
to one of that evening’s special appetizers – Vero Beach
crimson beet linguine. “You’re making lin- Phone: (772) 978-9789
guine now out of beets?” I asked.
“No, no,” replied proprietor and chef
Roger Lenzi. “It’s a new technique with
the pasta. We roast beets, juice them, re-
duce them down, and then cook the lin-
guine in the juice.”
Since the beet linguine was served with a
fois gras cream, mint, watercress, pistachio
crumble ($12), it certainly sounded worth a
try. My husband, however, stuck with one of
his favorite Avanzare starters, the dirty oys-
ters ($12)
The gulf oysters, topped with sour cream,
shallots and caviar, were of course good
– but the beet linguine turned out
to be sensational! Here’s a new
winner that I hope will enjoy
a long run.
Then for entrées, I
was initially a bit taken
aback not to find the
zuppa di pesce on the
menu. This savory soup
of sea scallops, mussels,
clams, shrimp, calamari
and fresh fish in a light to-
mato broth, tossed with lin-
guini, is fabulous.
But I was intrigued by another
of the evening’s specials, artichoke, leek
and truffle fettuccini ($18), so I decided
to try that. My husband opted for another
special, the Italian sausage and roasted
peppers ($18).
The fettuccini was served with a very rich
sauce of melted leeks, artichoke hearts, and
truffled sheeps milk pecorino. This was not
only a superb vegetarian dish, but a superb
dish by any standards.
My husband also raved about the rel-
atively thin Italian sausages, which were
stuffed with aged provolone and served
over roasted peppers and crispy garlic po-
tatoes (yum).
On previous visits, we have enjoyed all
of the house-made raviolis, which vary
from night to night, and have been a dis-
tinguishing feature of Avanzare ever since
it opened.
I can also still remember the night we
first tasted another special, the short rib
lasagna, which has been a fixture on the
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING December 1, 2017 B7
Fine Dining, Elevated
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reservations strongly suggested
2950 9th St. S.W. #105 Open Tues.-Sun. 5pm-9pm
Vero Beach
B8 December 1, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
Enjoy Chef Armando’s Christmas Brunch featuring a
carving station with Prime Rib, made to order omelets,
raw seafood bar featuring seafood ceviche, fresh shucked
oysters & shrimp cocktail, an assortment of seasonal
desserts & much more! | 772.410.0100 TAX & 18% GRATUITY APPLIES
Limited Seating. Reservations Required.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING December 1, 2017 B9
Beginning December 1st - Lunch Service
Thursday & Friday 11:30 - 1:30
Now on Instagram- Bistro Fourchette15 772-770-2071
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Nightly 4:30 pm -10 pm
713 17th Street|(17th Shoppes Center)
B10 December 1, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
Melo’s RIitsatoliraannote Our featured artist this November is Gerald O’Sullivan.
ALL-MYOUUS-SCEALSN-EAT Come enjoy delicious homemade specialties for breakfast, lunch or snack time too!
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING December 1, 2017 B11
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(Next to Orange Theory Fitness) • Phone: (772) 562-0037
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B12 December 1, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES
The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Narrow inlet (5) 1 Smooth talker (7)
4 Radiators (7) 2 Go in (5)
8 Perform (3) 3 Red sauce (7)
9 Cat (3) 4 Baloney (6)
10 Daft (5) 5 Legal defence (5)
11 Parade (5) 6 Age (3)
12 Mythical beast (7) 7 Glow (5)
15 Impulse (4) 13 Approach (4)
17 Formula (6) 14 Sphere (3)
19 Tillable (6) 16 Make anew (4)
22 Challenge (4) 18 Prisoner (3)
24 US politician (7) 20 Daydream (7)
26 Worth (5) 21 Voter (7)
28 Giant (5) 23 Zeal (6)
30 Row (3) 24 Locations (5)
31 Barrel (3) 25 Pick-me-up (5)
32 Motorbike attachment (7) 27 Furious (5)
33 Duck (5) 29 (A) bit, touch (3)
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES December 1, 2017 B13
ACROSS follower, once: 9 Outfit 73 TV oldie, The Washington Post
1 Whacks a “dog” abbr. 10 Vintage Jag You ___ for It
6 Plumbing 77 Hall of Famer 11 Slangy
Aparicio 74 Burning
problem 78 Sense of identity affirmative 82 Lamp fuel
10 Plant equivalent 79 Fire, in France 12 Praise 83 Playwright Rice
80 Mercury or 13 Tied up 85 Piano piece
of blood vessels Saturn 14 One of Ataturk’s 87 Globule
15 Chew the fat 81 Doggie in need 90 Best-loved thing,
18 Lie ahead of a diet? names
19 One of Faith’s 84 General’s 15 Island of coffee briefly
signature 16 World War II 92 Actress Joanna
friends? 86 Shogun’s capital 93 Othello, for one
20 Jack in Speed 88 Canal or lake powers 94 Erwin and
21 Dispatched car 89 Toy-sized 17 Hard to get
22 Aerobicised toymaker Symington
91 Comic actor around 96 Roulette color
one’s Pendleton 21 Socialize at a 97 Heats glass
doggies? 92 Bible book 98 Soothing
25 Inveterate 95 Doggie author? nightclub 99 Tempted
26 Depraved 101 Record spoiler 23 Find the quotient 100 Gets that pins-
27 Haul into court 102 TV exec Arledge 24 British P.M., once
28 Computer 103 Second gardener 29 Is on TV and-needles
organization? 104 Tightens, 30 Peeve feeling
30 0 on an altimeter perhaps 31 Ante up? 105 Bogart film,
34 Forgo play 106 Game marker 32 The Pope’s High ___
37 Passages author 107 Transgressions 109 Attach, as
Sheehy 108 Ohio team doggie? buttons
38 Ultimate 110 Loreleis 33 Milk, in 111 Actress Jeanne
39 Fathers 112 Follow 112 Some
41 Following-suit 116 Atop, to a scop Monterrey 113 Board groove
word 118 Grandpa Walton 35 An appetizer 114 Science fiction
42 Violinist or his portrayer 36 Boom modifier award
actor son 119 Debussy subject 40 Peres of Israel 115 Eye
44 ___ the knuckles 120 Ad placed by a 43 Photo showing 117 Ready to eat
(like some footloose 121 Burnt sienna, for
pitches) doggie? Tormé posing one
46 Doggie races? 127 Advantage with his doggie? 122 Cleopatra’s fatal
50 Author Gay 128 Whoppers 45 Endowments friend
52 Collided with 129 Bee’s ward org. 123 English subj.
53 Circle area, ___ 130 Lasso 47 Kiosks 124 It’ll move you
squared 131 Attract 48 Pal, in A 125 Paris when it
54 Olive genus 132 A bed habit Clockwork sizzles
56 Turkey side 133 New Jersey team Orange lingo 126 Too easygoing
57 Frame anew, 134 Side building 49 Samantha’s
as a picture DOWN lookalike WOOFGANG By Merl Reagle
59 Doggie 1 Witnessed cousin on
playground? 2 Rare bill Bewitched NOopwen
63 Little Caesar’s 3 G.A. Nasser’s 51 Odoriferous
lead spitter land 55 Mogul emperor It’s a date.
65 Part of the 78 4 Entertainer of
Across Theodore Hindustan Join us for a lunch that
67 Responsibility 5 Martin and Rossi 57 1942 Ginger you will remember.
69 Prelude to ahs 6 Disease of Asia Rogers film, ___
70 Two of its 7 The Hulk’s real Hart Call with an opening on
counties are first name 58 What an eye your calendar.
Sioux and Custer 8 Chooses develops into
71 Fuzz-faced prez 60 Husband of 772-562-8491
72 Name for a Pocahontas
doggie deli? 61 Indian butter Assisted Living & Memory Care
75 Internal makeup 62 Meet the Press
of a sort fodder
76 Kazakhstan 63 Canadian 2100 10th Avenue l Vero Beach, FL 32960
64 Totally involve
66 Ascend
68 Singer portrayed
Jennifer Lopez
AL 13068
The Telegraph
B14 December 1, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES
Gladys Bronwyn Stern, a British author and critic who died in 1973, wrote, “Both WEST AJ EAST
optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane; and K972 985 Q 10 8
the pessimist, the parachute.” 752 AQ9863 Q 10 9 6
J643 KQ
A bridge player should be pessimistic unless he needs to be lucky to make or break the J5 SOUTH 10 7 4 2
contract. How would that approach help South in this deal? He is in three no-trump, A653
and West leads a fourth-highest spade two. Declarer tries dummy’s jack (in the hope K843
that West has led from king-queen-empty-fourth), but East covers with the queen. A 10 7 2
South might have responded one heart, but with game-forcing values he was right to
keep all of the suits in play. Six or seven diamonds might have been the best contract if Dealer: North; Vulnerable: Neither
North had a minor two-suiter. North’s two-club rebid guaranteed at least a six-card suit
and denied a four-card major. South bid what he hoped he could make. The Bidding:
Declarer starts with seven top tricks: one spade, two hearts, one diamond and three SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
clubs. After taking the spade ace on the third round of the suit, the optimist unblocks his 1 Clubs Pass
club king, plays a heart to dummy’s ace, then cashes the club ace and queen. However, 1 Diamonds Pass 2 Clubs Pass LEAD:
when West discards on the third club, the contract can no longer be made. Yes, if clubs 3 NT Pass Pass Pass 2 Spades
are 3-3, South wins 10 tricks, but that is against the odds.
The pessimist sees that he needs only five club winners, not six. He overtakes his king
with dummy’s ace and cashes the queen, happy to see the jack appear from West.
Declarer drives out the club 10 and claims. Note, though, that he also succeeds if clubs
are 3-3, just not with an overtrick.
Featuring Ladies Clinics:
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Includes: Cart, Green Fees and Range Balls General Manager
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR December 1, 2017 B15
ONGOING November 30 to December 3 | Sebastian River High School Prism Concert 2 Run Vero’s Candy Cane 3K, 5:15 p.m.
along Ocean Drive preceding the Vero
Vero Beach Museum of Art - DeWitt Boutelle 1-30 Holiday Nights, 6 to 9:30 p.m. auction, children’s fun zone with games and vis- Beach Christmas Parade to benefit Oceanside
after Thomas Cole: The Voyage of Life thru Jan. weekends at Riverside Theatre its from Santa and Nutcracker characters. 772- Business Assn. 772-569-7364
7 and Masters of American Photography thru - live music, full bars, food service and holiday 905-2651
Jan. 14. lights. Free admission. 2 Rod MacDonald at Sebastian Inlet State
2 Holiday Fika Pause (coffee/tour), 2 to 3:30 Park Night Sounds concert series, 7 p.m.
McKee Botanical Garden - It’s a Jungle out 2 Special Olympics Pancake Breakfast, 8 p.m. at historic Hallstrom House hosted at Coconut Point pavilions. Free with park entry
There Exhibition thru April 29. a.m. to 10 a.m. at and hosted by Indian by IRC Historical Society. 772-778-3435 fee. 772-388-2750
River Shores Public Safety Department. $5 do-
Downtown Vero Beach – monthly 5 to 8 p.m. nation to Special Olympics. 772-231-2451 x 222 2 Sunset at the Sanctuary marks the 20th 3 Holidays in the Wild at Vero Beach Mu-
First Friday Gallery Strolls. anniversary of Save the Chimps, 3 to 6 seum of Art, 1 to 4 p.m. with free family
2 Vero Beach Art Club’s Art Trail - tour of p.m. at the Sanctuary with walking tour, cham- friendly activities. 772-231-0707
Citrus growers donate to 20th Citrus Sale, 10 member artists’ home studios, 10 pagne reception, music and hors d’oeuvres.
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at United Way of IRC, selling a.m. to 4 p.m. self-guided tours. $25 & $30. $250. 772-971-6292 3 Christmas Road Trip-themed Holiday Dra-
navel oranges or ruby red grapefruit in 2/5 772-231-0303 ma presented by Vero Beach Recreation
($35) and 4/5 ($50) boxes, thru Nov. 30. Price 2 City of Sebastian’s annual Christmas and Dept. Aerial Antics Youth Circus, 2 p.m. and 6
includes shipping; no carryout. 772-203-5766 2 Ballet Vero Beach presents Tea Up for the Holiday Parade, 6 p.m. along Indian River p.m. at Vero Beach High School PAC
Nutcracker to benefit BVB’s new produc- Drive to Riverview Park, where Santa and his
Holiday Teddy Bear Drive, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. tion Nutcracker on the Indian River, 12 Noon at helpers will visit with children. Free. 772-589- 7 Annual Candle Light Vigil to remember
Tues. to Fri. thru Dec. 29 at the Vero Beach Oak Harbor Club – luncheon, fashion show and 5969 victims of homicide in IRC, 6 p.m. behind
Yacht Club; bears used to calm fears of pediatric Indian River County Courthouse, hosted by IRC
and geriatric patients at Indian River Medical Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Victims’ Rights Coalition. 772-226-3304
Center Emergency Department. in November 24, 2017 Edition 1 UNDERSTANDING 1 UPSURGE
8 SLANG 2 DEALS 7 Indian River Medical Center Auxiliary’s Flor-
NOVEMBER 9 AWKWARD 3 REGULAR ence Booms Celebration of Lights interfaith
10 RESOLVE 4 TRAVEL ceremony, Christmas Tree and Chanukah Meno-
30 to December 2 - Sunset Holiday Lights 11 DAISY 5 NAKED rah lighting and refreshments, 6 p.m. on IRMC
Canoe Trips, 5 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. at En- 12 ENTIRE 6 IMAGINE grounds. Memorial Light donations benefit Wom-
vironmental Learning Center and WinterGreen 14 SCHEME 7 GIDDY en’s Health Care team. 772-567-4311 x1133
Night Lights 4 to 8 p.m. Sat. at ELC, with mu- 18 PEARL 13 TRAINER
sical entertainment, nature crafts, photos with 20 EVASIVE 15 CHATEAU 7 Indian River Medical Center Auxiliary’s
tropical Santa and canoeing a mangrove winter 22 TONIGHT 16 ELEMENT Florence Booms Celebration of Lights in-
wonderland. 23 EVADE 17 LENTIL terfaith ceremony, Christmas Tree and Chanu-
24 AGRICULTURIST 18 PITTA kah Menorah lighting and refreshments. Me-
30 to December 3 - Sebastian River High 19 LOGIC morial Light donations benefit Women’s Health
School Prism Concert at SRHS PAC, 7 21 IMARI Care team. 772-567-4311 x1133
p.m. Thurs. & Fri., 2 p.m. & 7 p.m. Sat., and 2
p.m. Sun. showcasing Concert, Jazz and March- Sudoku Page B12 Sudoku Page B13 Crossword Page B12 7 Senior Resource Association Silver Tones
ing Sharks bands, Flag & Dance Line and Choral Holiday Concert, Christmas USA: North,
program. 772-564-4315
1 Sebastian Chamber of Commerce Light Up
Night, 5:30 to 8 p.m., with food, refresh-
ments, holiday décor, prizes and give-aways at
participating businesses. Free. 772-589-5969
1 Whole Family Health Center presents The
Last Men Standing, 6 p.m. reception, 7
p.m. showing at Majestic 11 Theatre in com-
memoration of World Aids Day. Free; limited
seating. 772-925-8200
Our directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the community an opportunity to make themselves known to our readers at an affordable cost.
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TBheefohrireinygouofdaeclaiadwneyd,eear xsispkeaurniseintmocpepo.rrCotavliinedtnedt eyreocsiuspiwoonnitshtihbfalreteesfohwrorucioltdtsetnnooiftnsbfoueritmbaaatstiesodentstaloeblmeolueytnoto.nuradqvuearltiifsiceamtieonntss.
B16 December 1, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
South, East and West, 7 p.m. at First Presbyteri- December 8 & 9 | Beach Town Music Festival at Indian River County Fairgrounds 13 Friends of the Library Fashion Show and
an Church. 772-569-0760 Fundraiser, 11:30 a.m. at Indian River
recording artists Reggie Harris and Greg Green- Research Hospital. $250. 561-394-9190 County Main Library, showcasing Friends Gift
8 Center for Spiritual Care Benefit Lun- way, 4 p.m. at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Shop apparel and accessories; 25 percent dis-
cheon, 12 p.m. at Grand Harbor Golf Club of VB. Free; donations appreciated. 9|10 Winter in the Park Fine Art & Craft count and gift wrapping on items purchased that
to help underwrite its programs and services Show, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Riverside Park. day. $5 at the door. 772-226-3080 ext. 4550.
such as art exhibits, seminars, wellness events 9 A Gala in Gold to benefit Hibiscus Chil-
and support groups. $50. 772-567-1233 dren’s Center, 6:30 p.m. at the Moorings 10 St. Lucia Swedish Christmas Celebra- 14 Emerson Center’s Humanities Series
Yacht & Country Club – black-tie dinner dance tion, 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. at Hallstrom presents Christmas and All That Jazz
8|9 Beach Town Music Festival at In- with live entertainment and auctions. $250. House hosted by IRC Historical Society. 772- performed by Fort Pierce Jazz & Blues Society.
dian River County Fairgrounds 772-299-6011 x 313 778-3435 Free. 772-778-5249
featuring Jake Owen, Clare Dunn and Edwin
McCain. 9 An Evening with Jake VIP Reception, 7 10|11 Vero Beach High School 15 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
p.m. at Vero Beach Country Club to ben- Performing Arts Dept. presents Tekalli Duo in Concert, fea-
9 Girls on the Run 5K Run/Walk, 7:30 a.m. efit Jake Owen Foundation, which contributes Winter Holiday Concert, 2 p.m. Sun, 7 p.m. turing violinist Suliman Tekalli and pianist Jamila
at South Beach Park. 772-202-8015 to local youth programs, and St. Jude Children’s Mon. at VBHS PAC. 772-564-5497 Tekalli, 7 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church. $20;
free 18 and under. 855-252-7276
9 80+Legends Tennis Tournament (men’s
and women’s round robin), 9 a.m. to 16 Jingle Bell Jog 5K, 7:30 a.m. at South
Noon at Sea Oaks to benefit Mardy Fish Chil- Beach Park to benefit Christian FM.
dren’s Foundation. Open to all 80+ players in 772-559-0514
Vero area. $50. 772 234 3664
16 ELC EcoTalks Speaker Series: Seagrasses
9 Christmas at the Airport, 10 Noon of the Indian River Lagoon, 11 a.m. at
hosted by Vero Beach Regional Airport, Environmental Learning Center.
with Santa Claus flying in at 10:30 a.m., holiday
music by Oslo Middle School, and light refresh- 16 Indian River County Christmas Boat Pa-
ments. Free. rade, 5:30 p.m. assembly; 6 p.m. start
between Alma Lee Loy and Merrill Barber Bridges,
9 Blessing of the Fleet, 3:30 p.m. at Vero with finish at Vero Beach Marina. 772-692-7599
Beach Yacht Club, open to all boaters in Indi-
an River and surrounding counties. 772-231-2211 16|17 A Citrus Christmas: All
Things Florida Holiday Cele-
9 Deeper than the Skin, an interactive mu- bration, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Riverside Park to ben-
sical presentation on Race in America by efit Hope for Families Center. 772-567-5537 x326
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