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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-09-21 15:00:39

09/15/2017 ISSUE 37


September 15, 2017 | Volume 4, Issue 37 Newsstand Price: $1.00




MY TAKE Audit panel raps
school bosses on
BY RAY MCNULTY health insurance

Hate putting up shutters? By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer
Maybe time for impact glass [email protected]

The grumbling began early last The Indian River County
week, when weather forecast- School District Audit Committee
ers issued the first warnings that had tough questions for district
Hurricane Irma might be headed administrators and insurance
our way – adding that if it arrived executives as it dug into the
on our shores, it could deliver a problems that have plagued the
devastating blow to Vero Beach. district’s employee health insur-
ance fund.
Apparently, everyone hates the
arduous, time-consuming and The questioning revealed
often-aggravating chore of put- that the district does not know
ting up storm shutters as much as whether its self-insurance fund
I do, especially after having gone costs more or less than getting
through this drill only 11 months health insurance for employees
ago in preparation for Hurricane through a private company, and
Matthew. that its payment arrangement
with its benefits consultant re-
Most of my neighbors have wards inefficiency and poor re-
the metal, slatted, screw-in shut- sults.
ters that came with their homes
when they were built 14 years CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
ago. Some have upgraded to the
already-installed, easy-to-close Anti-sale Council
accordion-style shutters. faction still seeks to
block electric deal
A rare few have invested in
impact-resistant windows that By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer
offer protection against hurri- [email protected]
cane-launched projectiles but
allow natural light to fill the As a massive storm churned
toward Florida last week, and res-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 idents started to stock up, board
up and prepare to evacuate the
INSIDE area, another troubling tempest
erupted at the Vero Beach City
NEWS 1-8 PETS 14 Council meeting as members de-
DINING B7 bated the sale of the electric util-
REAL ESTATE 15 On the Sept. 7 editorial page,
B1 Vero Beach 32963 reported that
ARTS stalwarts of Vero’s anti-sale fac-
tion were regurgitating old ob-
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 jections to the sale and trying to
For circulation or where to pick up obfuscate the facts of the current
your issue call: 772-226-7925
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 September 15, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MY TAKE someone else to batten down their homes. struction,” local insurance agent Brennan impact-resistant windows locally, espe-
Age, though, isn’t the only obstacle: Campeau, who wrote my homeowners’ cially in new-construction developments
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 policy, said last week. “If it’s not standard, and rebuilds.
Most younger residents are working and it’s usually an optional upgrade. But I’m
home, offer security against break-ins, re- have only a couple of hours in the early even seeing them installed in more exist- “You have to have some form of protec-
duce noise, are more energy efficient and, evenings to tackle a task that can take all ing homes.” tion, either impact windows or shutters,”
equally as important, do not require shut- day to complete. Jones said. “But even the standard win-
ters. Industry reports say impact-resistant dows nowadays are more resistant than
Last week, for example, most of us didn’t windows account for about 10 percent of they were 25 years ago.”
Which got me thinking . . . feel compelled to put up shutters until the national market for new construction,
Why not require that all new construc- Wednesday or Thursday. Given the early knock-down rebuilds and the replace- So are impact-resistant windows.
tion, especially in the residential realm, projections of when we’d begin to feel Ir- ment of windows in existing homes – and Campeau, considered a local expert
include impact-resistant windows? ma’s wrath, we couldn’t afford to wait until those numbers are expected to experience on building codes, said some of the im-
Let’s face it: We live in a part of the world the weekend. steady, above-average growth through pact-resistant windows installed in the af-
where hurricanes are an annual threat. 2020. termath of hurricanes Frances and Jeanne
These storms seem to have become bigger, And with local stores running out of in 2004 were susceptible to water seepage.
stronger and more frequent. And a signif- bottled water and gasoline becoming Surely, the numbers are higher in Flori- He said both the products and installation
icant percentage of Florida’s residents are scarce, shuttering up was just something da, particularly in coastal areas. have improved noticeably in the years
retirees, many of them in their 60s, 70s and else we had to worry about. since.
80s. Kery Jones, operations coordinator for For those wondering, the Florida Build-
State officials made sweeping changes Wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t need to? the Indian River County Building Depart- ing Code requirements for both impact-re-
to the Florida Building Code after Hur- “I’m actually seeing more homes with ment, said he, too, has seen an increase in sistant windows and shutters are the same
ricane Andrew destroyed Homestead in impact windows, especially on new con- for our county – they must be able to with-
1992. New construction requirements es- stand a nine-pound missile traveling 160
sentially eliminated the building of wood- mph.
frame structures and made concrete-block Several of the builders of new-home
homes the norm, while also mandating communities under construction on the
fortified roofs. Vero Beach area’s mainland offer buyers
This might be a good time to address impact-resistant windows, at least as an
windows. upgrade.
Fact is, for many of our older residents, “They’re standard in our higher-end
putting up shutters – in hot, humid con- communities, like Lake Sapphire and Lily’s
ditions – can be dangerous. Some seniors Cay, and they’re optional in others,” said
are physically unable to do so and, unless Bill Handler, president of GHO Homes,
they have a nearby family member or gen- which is building in nearly a dozen local
erous neighbor willing to help, must pay communities.
“Generally, offering them is a selling



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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS September 15, 2017 3

point, because you don’t have to deal with HUMANE SOCIETY CALMLY SHELTERS
shutters every time a hurricane comes RESIDENTS’ PETS BEFORE THE STORM
this way,” he added. “But there is a cost in-
volved, and you could push people out of By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Director of Operations Maria Ramirez helps prepare dog crate. Below, Jennifer Phillips and Bonnie Steger
the market.”
As residents of Indian River County anx- help with laundry. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
While Handler said the cost of im- iously tracked the approach of Hurricane
pact-resistant windows varies with the Irma last week, Humane Society of Vero the Humane Society on any given day, they Additionally, first responders
size of the home – he said the price usually Beach and Indian River County staff and also provide pet housing for special needs working during the storm who do not
ranges from $5,000 to $10,000 more than volunteers were efficiently preparing the residents. have anyone to care for their pets can
standard windows – Campeau said he has shelter for animals to ride out the storm. house them at the Humane Society,
seen barrier-island homes where owners “Unfortunately, there are people that as they recognize the importance of
have spent more than $75,000 for the add- When hurricanes Frances and Jeanne don’t have the means either financially or firefighters, law enforcement officers
ed protection. hit the Treasure Coast in 2004, well over physically to plan ahead, so we are trying and healthcare professionals to re-
400 animals ended up at the shelter. That to help them come to the best solution to main focused on the situation rather
“It can cost $20,000 for one of those sobering outcome highlighted the impor- shelter with their pets,” said Daniel. “At the than worrying about their pets.
large, panoramic windows that give you a tance of implementing a county-wide plan shelter, we take in animals from people
view of the ocean,” Campeau said. to protect our four-legged friends during registered with the Special Needs Shelter. Once the county issues its evacu-
future emergencies. These are the people that are dependent on ation order, the HSVBIRC goes into
“Even on the mainland, I’ve seen sliders electricity for their health or well-being.” 24-hour operational mode, with a
that can cost $8,000. But for a 2,500-square- The uncertainty of impending storms, core team of specially trained staff to
foot house on the mainland, it’ll probably coupled with concern over a pet’s safety, in- walk and care for the animals.
cost between $10,000 and $15,000.” creases anxiety and can complicate rescue
efforts. According to the Centers for Disease “We call it Hotel Humane. We all
Impact-resistant windows are being Control and Prevention, pet owners are less bring our pets and our gear, and we
installed in all of the new homes being likely to evacuate during a disaster if there hunker down. We’re here for the du-
built at Harmony Reserve, the 55-and-over are no shelters for their pets, hampering ration, literally, until the last animal
community under construction off 33rd rescue efforts and ultimately increasing the leaves after the storm. Our main goal
Street, west of 58th Avenue. number of fatalities. is to keep people and their pets to-
gether and safe,” said Daniel.
Sales consultant Chris Manning of Hol- During hurricane Katrina, one year after
iday Builders – one of the development’s our double whammy, people were forced to Both people and pets are often
two builders, along with Maronda Homes leave an estimated 250,000 pets behind, re- displaced after the storm, and she
– said the cost is included of the base price sulting in the deaths of as many as 150,000 stressed the importance of having pets
of the homes. animals. That unthinkable loss prompted micro-chipped so that they can be reunit-
the Pet Evacuation Transportation Stan- ed with their owners should they become
“We have a unique clientele,” Manning dards Act of 2006, which requires state and separated.
said. “People over 55 are typically not first- local governments to factor pets into their “It’s just like in Texas right now; there
time buyers, so they know what they want. emergency evacuation plans. are an awful lot of people that don’t have
And they don’t want to deal with shutters. homes to go back to,” said Daniel.
So it helps to have impact windows in our “We realized we needed a pet-friend- For more information, visit or
sales pitch. ly shelter to house those people that truly call 772-388-3331. If you discover a stray af-
have no other options,” recalled Ilka Dan- ter the storm, bring it to the HSVBIRC or call
“Also, Harmony Reserve is one of our iel, HSVBIRC director of Protective Ser- Indian River County Animal Control at 772-
higher-end communities and, at our price vices. “It was a combined effort between 226-3485. 
point, people expect them to be includ- the Emergency Operations Center, the Hu-
ed,” he added. “Even if was an optional mane Society, [Indian River County] Ani-
upgrade, I think most of our buyers would mal Control, the school board and the Red
select them.” Cross. We needed to get the message out,
‘’No animal should be left behind!’ There
I know I would. are over 80,000 owned animals in Indian
I’m already considering making such River County. We don’t want to see any ani-
an investment in my current house, even mal left behind and we certainly don’t want
if it means securing a home-improvement people to be in an unsafe situation.”
loan. And if I ever decide to sell and buy a
new place in Vero Beach, it will have im- Although the county plan has been in
pact-resistant windows. place for nearly 10 years, it wasn’t until
All new homes should, and our elected Hurricane Matthew was headed our way
state officials should make sure of it. last year that the pet-friendly shelter at Lib-
They drastically revised the Florida erty Magnet School was activated, enabling
Building Code after Hurricane Andrew. nearly 100 animals to hunker down with
They should seriously consider revising it their owners. The pet-friendly shelter is a
again after seeing their state getting pum- shelter of last resort. Space is available on
meled by Matthew and Irma in back-to- a first-come, first-served basis for evacuees
back years. who reside in a mandatory evacuation area,
And don’t forget: It’s only mid-Septem- flood zone or unsafe home.
ber, which means there’s plenty of time left
in the 2017 hurricane season for us to get “Separating people and their pets is ex-
hit again. tremely traumatic. Especially in a situation
Still, I wouldn’t hold my breath. I’ve spo- that is already scary. We do our best to keep
ken with builders, insurance agents and people and their pets together. In the event
public officials, and none of them said that we can’t do that we certainly want to
they expected to see the state require im- make sure that the people and their pets are
pact-resistant windows in all new residen- safe,” explained Daniel.
tial construction.
The costs are seen as prohibitive. In addition to the 250 animals housed at
Meanwhile, homeowners are left with
the choice: Invest in new, secure, im-
pact-resistant windows or keep putting up
with the hassle of storm shutters when the
wind threatens to kick up and blow. 

4 September 15, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

Sheriff’s Office ordered to pay $292,000 in auto lawsuit

By Beth Walton | Staff Writer alone in the passenger seat of a black had been searching for a fugitive at a found that Adamson could have avoided
Nissan Altima on June 29, 2014, when nearby residence when Brown and her the crash. He was sent a letter of repri-
A jury has awarded a Vero Beach wom- Deputy Ronald Adamson shifted his acquaintance pulled up behind his ve- mand by the Sheriff’s Office. The acci-
an $292,000 in damages for medical ex- Chevrolet Tahoe truck into reverse and hicle. In a pretrial deposition, Adamson dent was witnessed by another sheriff’s
penses and pain and suffering she expe- accidentally smashed into the car. Ad- said he wasn’t rushing as he was backing department employee.
rienced after a deputy with the Indian amson’s vehicle was owned by the Indi- up to leave.
River County Sheriff’s Office backed into an River County Sheriff’s Office. Brown and her friend were in the area
a parked car she was inside. But it will be Both cars were legally parked along to attend a child’s birthday party.
an uphill battle for the 29-year-old sin- The deputy told the responding offi- the side of the road in the residential
gle mother to get all the money the jury cer that he didn’t see the Nissan when area. Neither party received a traffic ci- The mother of three had major spine
said she is due. the accident occurred around 8 p.m. tation, although an internal administra- surgery after the collision for a herniated
near the 4600 block of 34th Avenue. He tive review completed after the accident disc in her lower back, said her lawyer,
Olivia Brown was pregnant and sitting Timothy Felice, of Felice & Ehrlich in
Palm Beach Gardens. It’s a serious con-
dition that requires a significant recov-
ery period, he said.

She was afraid she was going to die
in surgery and worried about her fam-
ily’s wellbeing, he added. Brown works
as a convenience store clerk and is
also studying business management.
Her medical bills had reached nearly
$86,000, and some estimates showed fu-
ture care could cost up to $320,000.

Under Florida law, auto insurance
only covers the first $10,000 when
someone is injured in a car accident. If
someone’s medical costs soar above that
amount, suing can be their only option,
Felice said. Brown did not have health

“We were very happy with the verdict
and so was our client,” he said.

The bulk of the Aug. 24, 2017 award –
$236,000 – was for past and future med-
ical expenses. The remaining $56,000
was compensation for Brown’s pain and

But it is unlikely Brown will ever see
the full amount awarded, Felice said.
Regardless of a jury’s findings, Florida
statue prohibits someone from claim-
ing more than $200,000 for injuries sus-
tained from an interaction with a gov-
ernment official.

To get a full payment, Brown and her
legal team must find a state legislator to
introduce legislation on her behalf and
then get the governor to sign off a sover-
eign immunity exemption, or claim bill,
which is rare.

Medical experts, law-enforcement,
and Brown’s friends and family were
called to testify at the three-day trial.
The six jurors were asked to consider
causation and financial damages. Indian
River Sheriff’s Office admitted liability
before the proceedings began.

The law firm Purdy, Jolly, Giuffreda &
Barranco in Fort Lauderdale represent-
ed Sheriff Deryl Loar’s department in the
case. Those lawyers were able to keep
the jury from seeing the internal inves-
tigation into the accident and moved to
prevent Adamson’s driving history and
training from being discussed in open

They questioned the financial mo-
tives of Brown and her doctors and


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS September 15, 2017 5

Judge Paul Kanarek.



By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer statute. The district will pay over $2.9
[email protected] million in withheld taxes and near-
ly $360,000 interest to the charters
A three-year legal battle came to an but no legal fees. Monthly payments
end last Thursday when the School will start February 2018 and continue
Board agreed to pay nearly $3.3 mil- through January 2022.
lion in withheld tax revenue and pu-
nitive interest to five public charter The parties agreed the district can
schools over the next four years. make early payments to save on inter-
The charters claimed they did not
receive their fair share of a four-year, School Board Vice Chairperson
voter-approved tax that collected 60 Shawn Frost said the school district’s
cents per $1,000 of property value in substantial legal fees will be paid by
the county for school funding. an insurance policy after covering the
$25,000 deductible.
Charter school students comprise
nearly 13 percent of the district’s stu- He said the settlement corrects “a
dent population, but the district gave great injustice.”
them only 5 percent of the revenue
from the tax from July 2013 to July “I’m glad both sides reached an
2017. agreement that reflects what is best for
students,” said Frost, who supported
Circuit Judge Paul Kanarek ruled the charters’ demand for an equitable
against the School Board in June, find- share of the tax money.
ing it should have disbursed revenue
equally among all students, including Laura Zorc, who was elected to the
charter students. board last fall, long after the dispute
was underway, said installment pay-
Since that decision the School Board ments are necessary because an im-
has considered appealing the ruling mediate lump sum payment would
while also negotiating settlement de- deplete the district’s cash on hand to
tails with the charters. near-illegal levels. The state requires
school districts to keep a 3-percent
The charter schools initially asked cash fund balance and school board
for back taxes owed, legal fees and policy requires a 5-percent cash fund
over 12-percent interest, citing a state balance.
law that allows districts to be charged
punitive interest for withholding tax “I would like to pay them off soon-
funds from charter schools. er, but I didn’t want to risk going be-
low 3 percent and having the state take
In the ensuing months, the charters over,” Zorc said. “I think they are owed
and the board agreed to a 5.17 percent every penny of it.” 
interest rate found in another state

6 September 15, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

AUTO LAWSUIT PAYOUT not from the June 29, 2014 accident,” she
The Sheriff’s Office twice attempted
challenged her credibility as a witness. to have the case dismissed. An accident
Records show Brown is a two-time report completed by the agency at the
convicted felon for crimes of fleeing or time of the crash noted that there was
eluding a law-enforcement officer and no significant damage to either vehicle
possession of marijuana and cocaine. and that Brown said she was not hurt at
She also lied about her identity to a Vero the scene.
Beach police officer in 2015.
The day after the crash, however, she
Just 20 days after her back surgery, went to the emergency room with back
Brown was in a second car accident. At and neck pain and tightening around
the time, she gave the officer her friend’s her stomach, Felice said.
name. Brown was driving on a suspend-
ed license. The two parties attempted mediation
in June 2017, but court documents show
“We have a plaintiff who has spent a the outcome was an impasse. After the
large part of her life with apparent disre- jury verdict, James Harpring, undersher-
gard for the law,” wrote attorney Adrian- iff and legal counsel for the Indian River
na Jisa in a pre-trial brief. Sheriff’s Department, said it was unlike-
ly his office would appeal the decision.
This testimony is important because
it shows Brown has been dishonest in “I think the jury verdict probably re-
the past and that her alleged pain could solved the case for us,” he said. “Based on
very well be from a different crash “and the facts, we were certainly surprised by
the verdict, but the jury has spoken.” 

Expires 10-8-17 PANEL RAPS SCHOOL BOSSES er said. “Theoretically, you get paid more
Expires 10-8-17 for doing a poorer job.”
Expires 10-8-17 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
“Commission is the norm for govern-
The mismanaged health insurance mental entities that self-insure,” Kaufman
fund was $7 million in deficit last year. It said. “We’re very transparent,” adding
was that huge and hard-to-explain short- the district could have hired a consul-
fall that spurred the School Board to re- tant-broker on a fee basis.
activate the Audit Committee, last con-
vened in 2012. Despite Kaufman’s claim, Indian River
County, which has a self-insure plan for
Audit Committee Member Glenn Her- its employees, just went out to bid for a
an zeroed in on School District adminis- benefits consultant with the proviso that
trators’ failure to do basic cost analysis. the consultant will be paid a flat fee.

He asked if the district regularly com- The county’s benefits consultant has
pares the cost of being self-insured to previously been paid a commission, but
having a private insurance company pro- recently hired Human Resources Director
vide health benefits. “Do you look at the Suzanne Boyll made it a priority to switch
in-house cost? The issue is the complete to a flat fee payment structure.
cost and do you know what your alterna-
tive would be each year?” “I felt it was more transparent,” Boyll
“It’s not in the financial statement,” As-
sistant Superintendent of Finances Carter The School Department Audit Com-
Morrison admitted. mittee unanimously passed a motion
to investigate whether Aon’s compensa-
“If there is no cost analysis of in-house tion should be changed from a commis-
costs, taxpayers lose their sense of confi- sion-based to a flat-fee structure. That
dence in the district’s transparency,” Her- recommendation will be considered by
an said. the School Board.

“Maybe your time is better spent in the The committee also unanimously
classroom,” Heran continued. passed a motion urging the district do a
complete cost analysis the next time it
“You are not in the insurance business. goes out to bid for health insurance ser-
Isn’t education what we’re here for? How vices.
much time and energy is spent versus
stroking a check [to a private insurance Unfortunately for taxpayers, that won’t
company]?” be for five years. The district recently had
Aon Hewitt evaluate plan administrators
Next, Audit Committee Chairperson and pick one based on price and qualifi-
Bob Auwaerter asked Aon Hewitt Vice cations.
President Richard Kaufman if his com-
pany – which advises the district on its Aon did not use a public bidding pro-
self-insurance fund, serving as benefits cess to makes its selection. Instead, it
consultant – was paid a commission or a asked undisclosed companies to respond
fee. to its proposal and then made a recom-
mendation to the School Board.
Kaufman said his company gets a com-
mission based on a percentage of the pre- The board then approved a new 5-year
miums paid. contract with Blue Cross Blue Shield to
administer the district’s self-insurance
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but this is program, the same administrator used
a perverse situation where you get paid during the time the $7-million deficit
more if the premium is higher,” Auwaert- mounted up. 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS September 15, 2017 7

ELECTRIC SALE “I have a fiduciary responsibility,” Wing-
er said, saying he’s voted twice against what

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 FPL is offering for the Shores, because $45

million is the “authoritative value.” Add beauty and
natural light to your
deal with Florida Power & Light that’s taken “I’m not willing to accept an automat- EXISTING entryway

eight years to put in place. ic default that I see raising taxes on res- in about an hour!

Councilmen Dick Winger and Tony idents and raising rates on the people

Young last Tuesday night in the county,” Winger said.

mounted what could be seen “Let them meet and verify the

as an effort to sidetrack the number, or ultimately take out

sale by sending two matters the automatic default.”

to volunteer advisory commit- “I want to vote yes [on the

tees – often the Siberia of local full sale], but you can force me

government. to vote no if you want,” Winger

Winger wanted to ask the said. • Glass patterns • Patio & Sliding
for every style Glass Doors
Vero’s Finance and Utilities Winger, who was backed by and budget
• Framed /
commissions to analyze the Young, found no support from • Customize to Frameless
your style Shower Units
partial sale of Indian River Dick Winger. Mayor Laura Moss, Vice Mayor
• Impact Glass • Etching
Shores portion of the electric Harry Howle or Councilman
• Wood Interior/ • Schlage &
system and undertake a five- Lange Sykes for tossing these Exterior Doors Fusion Hardware

year post-sale analysis of city issues to the commissions. • Fiberglass • Mirror Wraps
revenues and expenses. “You have never voted yes,

“I wrote these two things never,” said Moss. “It’s a matter

before noon on Wednesday of public record that you voted

(the deadline to get items on a against the full sale on Feb. 19,

council agenda) because these 2013 and then you convenient-

are things the commissions ly claimed to support it . . . and

asked to do,” Winger said. then it’s also a matter of public

There will be a clause in the Laura Moss. record that you voted against it

FPL sale agreement that says, this time on May 16, 2017.”

should a full sale not be possible, the city Moss shamed Winger for putting out a

could go forward with a partial sale of the statement saying he supported the sale of

Indian River Shores portion of the utility the electric system after voting against the

for $30 million, but Winger claims the fair sale. “This is the kind of thing that totally

value of the Shores system is $45 million. CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

Regency Square
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart

Licensed & Insured

8 September 15, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

ELECTRIC SALE That vote came down to the same fac-
tions, with Winger and Young voting to
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 have the volunteer Finance and Utilities
commissions try to forecast what the sale
ruins the faith of the community in the would do to Vero’s budget, while the ma-
people they elect,” she said. jority of the council voted against that ac-
Moss said Winger represents special in-
terests and the Indian River Neighborhood Sykes reminded the council that ev-
Association. “You vote how you see fit, but ery day the full sale to FPL is delayed, Ve-
you have never voted for the full sale,” she ro’s 34,000 electric customers pay about
told Winger. $24,000 extra in rates to Vero electric. He
also brought up the potentially enormous
Howle said the request for the commis- cost to the city of any catastrophic damage
sions to rehash the partial sale was nothing to Vero’s transmission, distribution and
but a stall tactic. metering systems and tens of millions in
valuable equipment.
“Commissioner Winger, if you don’t
want to vote . . . [with us], that’s fine,” said “I think that it’s ironic timing we have
Howle. “We really quite frankly don’t need this potential of this major hurricane,”
your vote.” Sykes said, then asked City Manager Jim
O’Connor who would be responsible for
Moss then moved to block Winger’s paying untold and potentially crushing
effort to have the volunteer committees costs for repairs to a hurricane-damaged
evaluate the Shores sale, making a motion, Vero electric system.
“That the Finance and Utilities Commis-
sions shall not meet regarding the partial O’Connor answered that the City of Vero
sale until a time Vero and FPL are not ac- Beach electric ratepayers would be on the
tively pursuing a full sale.” hook.

Howle and Sykes voted with Moss and “But if we were Florida Power & Light
the motion carried. customers today and that storm came and
destroyed our infrastructure, who would
Moss said she also was opposed to ask- be on the line financially for repairing
ing the volunteer committees to perform that?” Sykes asked rhetorically. “The rate-
any kind of post-sale financial analysis. payers of Florida Power and Light,” O’Con-
“There are members of the commissions nor said.
that do not have their numbers straight,”
Moss said. “Apparently it’s not just you, Mr. “I’m sick of this, I’m sick of the political
Winger. Members of the commissions do games,” Sykes said. 
not have their numbers straight.”

Today’s primary care includes
healthy dose of acronyms


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A10 September 15, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Today’s primary care includes healthy dose of acronyms

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer
[email protected]

Primary care physicians – or PCPs – are,

simply put, the keystone that holds the ev-

er-widening arch of modern healthcare to-


Primary care doctors are charged with

the delivery of preventive care, as well as

lowering “rates of mortality, emergency

room visits and hospital admissions,” while

also reducing overall healthcare costs, ac-

cording to Modern Healthcare’s website.

That’s a tall order for anyone, but Dr.

Cassi Jones and Dr. Miciara Hernandez,

along with family nurse practitioner Tam-

sin Blanchard, are taking on the challenge

at their practice across the street from the

Sebastian River Medical Center.

Today, their field is absolutely jam-

packed with acronyms most people

wouldn’t recognize if their lives depended

on it. And, as it happens, in many cases

their lives might well depend on it.

That alphabet soup includes AWVs (an-

nual wellness visits); EMRs (electronic

medical records); ACOs (accountable care

organizations); SGRs (sustainable growth

rates); FFSs (fee-for-service models); and,

as of January 1, 2017, MACRA (the Medicare

Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act).

Regarding one of the most important ac-

ronyms in the evolving medical landscape,

Dr. Hernandez says, “For us, it’s not a huge Cassie Jones, DO., ARNP Tamsin Blanchard and Dr Miciara Hernandez. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE

a change. Dr. Jones and myself and Tamsin ton and it will tell you the severity and ex-
actly what the interaction is.”
are very pro-preventive medicine [and] we rectal exams and prostate cancer screen- care provider, those shot and other medi-
Warfarin, for example, taken with acet-
try to get our patients here every year to ings included in those AWVs, but the cold cal “records” have become another lynch- aminophen, can be fatal; so can Clarithro-
mycin taken with calcium-channel block-
have their [Medicare-mandated] annual hard facts are that those tests do save lives, pin in modern healthcare. ers.

wellness visits, so that’s not going be a huge as well as billions of dollars, by finding dis- President Barack Obama’s Affordable That also applies to any number of over-
the-counter supplements patients may be
change for us. We have been doing this eases earlier rather than later. Care Act mandated the switch from paper taking. Supplements can often radically di-
lute the effects of a prescribed medication
since we started.” Jones adds, “I would say the only thing to electronic medical records, or EMRs. or worse. St. John’s Wort, for instance, can
have mild-to-devastating effects when tak-
Jones concurs, explaining, “In our train- that’s different for the patient now is, be- That single move has probably saved more en with any one of at least a dozen different
prescription drugs.
ing we were already seeing this and were fore, you could have your annual wellness lives than anyone ever imagined at the
That’s why Jones, Hernandez and
already focusing on Medicare annual well- visit kind of mixed in with one of your reg- time. Blanchard insist on updating every pa-
tient’s records on every drug or supplement
ness visits to make sure our patients] get ular follow-ups on blood pressure [or other You don’t have to look any further than being taken on every visit.

all their preventative measures. We were chronic conditions], whereas now, an an- your own backyard to see why. And the rest of that alphabet soup? The
Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthoriza-
trained that way.” nual wellness visit is a separate visit where As early as 2004, Dr. Dennis Saver of tion Act or MACRA went into effect just this
year. It transitioned away from the old fee-
Maybe no one looks forward to the list we do most of your preventative screenings Primary Care of the Treasure Coast noted for-service (FFS) approach with the aim of
incentivizing healthcare providers to de-
Hernandez then rattles off, including colo- and get caught up on all your records.” that through electronic medical records, liver lower-cost care.

noscopies, mammograms, PAP smears, With the exception of the actual primary a simple keystroke could “show me all my Jones, Hernandez and Blanchard collec-
tively say they are “all in” on helping to pro-
patients who have diabetes who are taking vide better care at a lower cost.

Is The One-Stop Location a certain medication.” Saver then added, Dr. Miciara Hernandez, Dr. Cassi Jones
for All of Your Medical Services “That’s basically impossible with paper and nurse practitioner Tamsin Blanchard
charts.” are currently accepting new patients. Their
office is at 13840 U.S. 1 in Sebastian. The
Call for an appointment: 772-567-6340 Today the capabilities of EMRs have phone number is 772-581-0334. 

Our Board Certified Internal Medicine and Family Physicians grown exponentially.
are dedicated to providing the best medical care for you and your family. Physicians like Hernandez and Jones

can now, almost instantly, spot potential-

WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING ON-SITE SERVICES: ly dangerous drug interactions. When one
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Vero Office Hours: NOW IN SEBASTIAN that same patient taking drug B and tak-
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. ing both A and B together poses a problem,
Primary Care of the these primary care doctors know it imme-
Saturday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Treasure Coast is proud to diately. And so will the specialists.
Sebastian Office Hours: announce the addition of
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mark Sultzman, PA-C, PharmD Today, as Jones puts it, the EMRs “will basically flash and tell you when you’re

1265 36th Street, Vero Beach, FL 32960 prescribing a drug how many interactions
801 Wellness Way, Sebastian, FL 32958 there are. And you can even click the but-

A12 September 15, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Vero-raised doc eagerly joins Florida Cancer Specialists

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer and statistical analysts.
[email protected] With the recent addition of Vero Beach

Florida Cancer Specialists, which has native Dr. Jen Byer, FCS may well have
offices in Vero Beach, Sebastian and gotten all three rolled into one vivacious
many other locations across the state, and highly-qualified package.
participated in 84 percent of the clinical
trials for new cancer drugs that were ap- Byer attended St. Edward’s and Vero
proved by FDA last year. Beach High School before going on to the
University of Florida, where she earned a
With hundreds of new or ongoing clin- B.A. in mathematics, and the University of
ical trials constantly being conducted, South Florida, where she got her medical
Florida Cancer Specialists – or FCS – is degree and served her residency. Next came
always looking for the cream of the crop a three-year fellowship in hematology and
when it comes to physicians, researchers oncology at the Moffitt Cancer Center.


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH September 15, 2017 A13

“I grew up in Vero Beach,” Byer proudly our patients is the key.” Still, like any medical specialist, Byer Others may turn first to a hospital
states, “and I am very much looking for- Almost as an aside, she adds, “I’m able freely admits that just about nobody emergency room.
ward to being back and giving back to the wakes up one morning and says to them-
community in which I was raised.” to combine the statistical side of things selves, “Hey! I need to go see a hematol- “What they’ll do,” Byer says, “is they’ll
and the medicine side of things.” ogist.” feel a lymph node or something like that
“I plan to practice general hematology/ and they’ll go to the ER.” In that case,
oncology,” Byer continues, “so my inter- That, she believes, allows her to offer Most often, according to Byer, “Peo- “the ER will do basic blood work and find
ests span the spectrum from benign he- her patients better care. ple may feel fatigued. They may have either hemoglobin is off or their platelet
matology to sickle cell diseases and other some bruising. They may have some GI count is off or they have some abnormal
anemias to malignant hematology like After all, it takes more than a comput- bleeding. They may just feel off, and a lot cells circulating in their blood and they’ll
leukemias and lymphomas to solid can- er and a handful of algorithms to treat a of times they’ll go to their primary care send the patient over to us.”
cer types like colon cancer, lung cancer patient. doctors,” who, in turn will refer those pa-
and breast cancer.” tients to a hematologist/oncologist like As the Cleveland Clinic points out,
Or, as Byer puts it, “It’s all about inter- Byer. some hematological disorders are be-
That might seem like a wide spectrum pretation of data,” while simultaneously nign, meaning they resolve completely
for any one doctor but – frankly – Byer’s maintaining an open and personal rela- with treatment and do not affect a pa-
roots in cancer care run deeper than tionship with her patients. tient’s overall lifespan.
most physicians’ do.
Others are chronic and lifelong but,
Her father, Dr. Stuart Byer, a radiation again, do not affect longevity; others can
oncologist who boasts a 5-star rating on be downright lethal.
both WebMD and,
has been practicing medicine for over 30 Those include certain leukemias such
years and is affiliated with Vero Beach’s as acute myelogenous, chronic myelog-
Indian River Medical Center. enous and acute lymphocytic as well as
Hodgkins and non-Hodgkins lympho-
The younger Byer freely admits “I am mas.
so excited to work with him.” Actually,
she adds, “I’m beyond excited.” And since Byer’s new practice also in-
cludes treating colon cancer, lung cancer
Excitement aside, in addition to her and breast cancer, her wide-ranging an-
fellowship experience at Moffitt, Byer is alytical skills along with her personable
also a recognized “biostatistics” expert, and patient-friendly manner – as well as
which gives her another advantage in access to the scores of clinical trials be-
caring for patients. ing run through FCS – mean her expertise
will be in high demand here on the Trea-
“One of the toughest jobs we have,” sure Coast.
Byer says, “is interpreting all of the data
that we get [from all these clinical trials]. Dr. Jennifer Byer is with Florida Cancer
Especially in oncology care. Learning Specialists at 13060 U.S. 1 in Sebastian.
how to interpret that data and that statis- The phone number is 772-589-0879. 
tical analysis in a way is that is helpful for

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A14 September 15, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Smitten Bonz says Miss Julie is a glittering ‘Jewel’

Hi Dog Buddies! New Jersey. My Mom and Dad were Miss Julie. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD It’s nice an warm, and I
Show Dogs, so I’m a purebred, but have a pair of Sunnies for
This week I interviewed Julie Jewel Hyer, I’m not registered cuz I wasn’t what thinkin’ about outside. Our neighbors an
a Standard Poodle. I knew she was from humans call Show Quality. I was those Diesel Trucks. dog-walkers in Riverview
Jersey and that she liked humans a lot more what they call A Leftover.” Park give me lotsa pats
than dogs. So I was prepared for a pooch “In my younger days, I was A Chewer. same as my Jersey frens! An
with some ’Tude, and reminded myself to “Oh, for Lassie’s Sake!” I ex- One time Mom bought a new rug, then me an my neighbor Hubble
be Courteous and Tactful No Matter What. claimed. went out to do a liddle errand. When she have lotsa fun! He’s a Part
got back, I had pretty much chewed the rug Poo. I like tennis balls, too,
Julie’s Mom opened the door, all nice “Ackshully, it worked out great: to bits. Now, I have lotsa stuffed animals. I but not canned, only fresh,
and smiley. Peeping out from behind her I was 5 months old and on sale at hug ’em an fling ’em around an dance with like Penn. Me an Dad play
was Julie: pretty as anything, smaller than a bargain price. My human Mom ’em. But No Chewin’! catch every day at 3 p.m.
I’d expected, short curly black hair, sparkly and Dad were between Poodles “Any food favorites?”
eyes, a little dusting of white on her nose. cuz their other Poodle, Molly, “Everybuddy in our Jersey neighbor- “Oh, woof, yes! ROMAINE!
Woof! had gone to Dog Heaven. The hood always said how pretty I was an gave Those crunchy end parts. An
top dogs in my litter were al- me lotsa pats. It was a fun life. Then, when ice CREAM! Since I’ve gotten
“Um ... Yes … Err …” I mumbled. Julie ready sold. I was the last one. I was 6, the doctor told my Dad that winter older, I’ve broadened my culi-
stepped out from behind her Mom and Mom and Dad just wanted a wasn’t his friend anymore, an we should nary horizons. Now I also enjoy
gave a soft growl. Her Mom patted her head family Poodle, and I didn’t move somewhere warm. Dad retired from green beans, CELLry, apples
and told her I was OK, that I was the report- wanna be a silly ol’ show dog bein’ a pastor an a teacher, an we made a an zooKEEnee. Even when I’m
er who was gonna do her story. anyway. So I found my Forev- buncha car trips to Florida to check stuff nappin’ in the other room, I can
er Family. out. At first, I tossed my kibbles. A lot. Mom hear Mom opening the bag an I
“Oh! Well OK then! Hello, Mr. Bonzo! I hadda always bring a pile of towels. So we come zoomin’ into the kitchen.
wasn’t sure it was you. I thought you’d be “My litter name was Pretty practiced. Mom’d drive me a few blocks ev- Since we’re in Florida, I insist on
more, well, more …” Girl, which I thought sound- ery day. With towels. Now I’m Fine. ice cubes in my water.
ed like a parakeet, so I was “I know Mom an Dad’s rou-
“Coherent?” I said, feeling like Doof of relieved when Mom and “So we moved to Sebastian, which I love! TINE and I only tap ’em on the
the Year. “Sorry about that. It’s a pleasure. Dad named me Julie, cuz I arm when they’re sleepin’ if I hafta
It’s just that I was expecting someone a lit- was born in July, an Jewel go Do My Doodie. I like to sit on Mom’s or
tle, um, bigger. Not so, um …” cuz I’m a jewel to them. Isn’t that so sweet?” Dad’s lap to snuggle, usually on Monday or
when I feel Under the Weather. I’ve got the
She laughed. “I know. I was the runt of “It sure is.” best Mom an Dad ever.”
the litter. I’ve always been small for my “Mom and Dad brought me home two Heading home I was thinkin’ about,
breed.” days before Christmas, and they had a well, pretty much about, mostly about –
buncha family over. I was so shy that I’d Miss Julie. Sigh.
I had been about to say “beautiful,” so I just curl up in my crate and shake. My Till next time,
was glad she spoke up first. human sister Helen’s huzbun Mark hadda
crawl in my crate an gently drag me out. The Bonz
“Let’s sit down and you can tell me what Thank Lassie I outgrew my shyness. An my
you wanna know.” And off she trotted on crate. Don’t Be Shy
those long legs, moved like a racehorse, the “Pretty soon I got stuff figured out: I
pompom on the tip of her tail bouncing. became an old hand at ridin’ the Cape We are always looking for pets
“Get hold of yourself, Dog!” I told myself May-Lewes Ferry. I’d sit on deck an watch with interesting stories.
sternly. the bouncy water. I could even zoom up an
down the open ferry stairs without bein’ To set up an interview, email
After she’d introduced me to her Mom scared one bit. (’Cept that first time, when [email protected].
and Dad, Joann an Don, I asked, “How did Dad was in back pushin’ my caboose and
you get your forever Family, Miss Julie?” Mom was in front pullin’ the rest of me.)
“Akshully, NOTHING scares me ’cept
In between trotting over to give my As- Diesel Trucks. I hafta have a special leash
sistant frenly slurps, Miss Julie told her so, if I freak out, I won’t pull Mom or Dad
story. over. It gives me the Utter Willies just

“I was born in 2008 in Brick Township,

Casa Bella home feels secluded
but is close to everything

4140 E. 16th Square in Casa Bella: 3-bedroom, 3-bath, 1,700-square-foot single-family home offered for $299,900 by
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services listing agent Chip Landers: 772-473-7888



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16 September 15, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

Casa Bella home feels secluded but is close to everything

By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer Dayco is also responsible for “The Flor- ending in a cul de sac. A pond separates The home for sale is painted yellow with
[email protected] ida Apartment Club” apartment develop- the two roads. The homeowners’ associa- a dull-red tile roof. Like all the homes, a
ments, found in seven cities on the east tion fee is $262 a month and includes all smooth paver driveway blends with the
It’s rare when a home comes on the mar- coast, including one in Vero Beach at 1530 lawn care, for private and common areas, paver walkway.
ket in Casa Bella – a 36-home development S. 42nd Circle, as well as in Naples. including irrigation from the pond.
off 41st Street, between Indian River Boule- The owner recently cleaned the tile roof,
vard and U.S. 1 – and when one does, it goes Schlitt Builders, a local contractor, was The streets have a mountable curb or “Mi- painted the interior and exterior, put in
quickly, according to Berkshire Hathaway hired to construct Casa Bella by Dayco. “All ami curb and gutter,” Landers said, “which new carpet and re-grouted and resealed
Home Services listing agent Chip Landers. the Schlitts have good reputations,” Land- helps with drainage and is good looking.” the tile floors. The air conditioning and
ers said. hot water heater were also replaced. “It’s
The development feels secluded, yet it’s The homes are of similar design with like new,” Landers said.
close to the Indian River Medical Center, There are two roads with houses on ei- slight variations on finishes, but all are one
making it popular with doctors and nurs- ther side within the development, each story and have tile roofs. The air conditioner unit is attached to

es, and not far from downtown Vero and the ceiling of the garage, maximizing stor-
the island. age in the two-car garage. A laundry room
with a deep sink next to the garage makes
“It’s a very good value,” Landers said. for a handy de-sanding station when com-
“This home is under $300,000. It’s next to ing back from the beach.
Lily’s Cay and Diamond Court, with homes
over $400,000, and River Wind with homes The formal dining room, great room and
in the $500,000 to $600,000 range.” kitchen are open floor space and all tiled.
Arched doorways and windows, crown
Dayco Holding, a Miami-based con- molding, 9-foot ceilings, 8-foot doors and
struction and development company cultured-marble window sills spell quali-
formed in 1971, built Casa Bella in the ty-home construction.
early 2000s. Landers’ listing at 4140 E. 16th
Square was built in 2003. “So it meets hur- The kitchen counters are rich “Baltic
ricane code,” Landers said. “It has shutters brown” granite. The refrigerator is new, the
and it’s not in a flood zone.” white kitchen cabinets original, but what

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E September 15, 2017 17


designers are specifying now. in shower and a mirror running to the ceil- BY KENNETH R. HARNEY | The Washington Post er would have to pay an extension fee,
Each of the three bedrooms comes with its ing, as well as two sinks. which could be significant if the loan
Wells Fargo, the controversy-battered amount was large.
own bath.The first bedroom is to the left of the The well-designed floor plan makes the big bank, has a new problem — this one
front door and could be used as a den or office. 1,700 square feet feel like 2,000. directly affecting mortgage applicants. The plaintiff in the new class action,
Last month, a first-time home buyer Victor Muniz, says he decided to buy a
All the bathroom counters are off-white The plantings in the common areas and filed a class-action suit against the com- home in Sandy Valley, Nev., near his par-
tumbled marble and the bathroom tile yards have matured over 14 years, further pany, alleging widespread abuse of a ents, and turned to Wells Fargo for his
goes up to the ceiling, confirming quality complementing the architecture and roads, procedure well known to most mortgage mortgage. Wells offered a rate lock on the
construction and attention to detail. making this a choice find in a great location. borrowers: interest-rate locks. loan commitment, but when the closing
was delayed – not by Muniz, according
The master suite has a walk-in closet Landers will hold an open house from 1 The suit alleges that Wells Fargo en- to the suit, but by an appraiser who was
with built-in shelves. The bath has a walk- p.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 17.  gaged in “a systematic effort” to charge out of the country – Wells charged him
unwarranted rate-lock extension fees – a fee of $287.50. This was despite assur-
FEATURES FOR 4140 E. 16TH SQUARE sometimes costing thousands of dollars ances to Muniz by a bank employee that
each – to borrowers who should not have he would not be charged anything.
Neighborhood: Casa Bella been required to pay them.
Lot size: 58’ x 105’ Although Muniz’s extension fee was
The Consumer Financial Protection relatively modest, consumer agencies
Home size: 1,700 square feet Bureau is investigating the same prac- around the country have received com-
Bedrooms: 3 tices, according to Wells Fargo’s most plaints about Wells Fargo’s rate-lock
Bathrooms: 3 recent quarterly filing with the Securities extension practices, with some fees ex-
and Exchange Commission. The CFPB ceeding $1,000 and ranging as high as
Additional features: Full lawn care comes with $262-a-month generally does not confirm or discuss $4,500. “We ended up paying a rate lock
HOA fee, hurricane shutters, premium location convenient to ongoing investigations and declined to extension of $4,500 purely because our
beach and hospital, new carpet, air conditioning, paint and tile do so for this column. rate was great and the cost of not getting
grouting, crown molding, cultured-marble sills, paver driveway, that rate was far worse,” the suit quotes
A Wells Fargo spokesman, Tom Goyda, a complainant to one consumer agen-
two-car garage said the company could not comment cy. Another borrower complained about
Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services on the suit, but he added that “we are re- being charged $500 extra even though “I
viewing the complaint in detail” and that did not cause any delay.”
Listing agent: Chip Landers, 772-473-7888 “our current processes are designed to
Listing price: $299,900 ensure that our rate-lock extension-fee A whistleblower letter sent to con-
policy is interpreted and applied consis- gressional committees by a former Wells
tently.” Fargo employee estimated that the com-
pany’s practices have led to overcharges
Rate locks guarantee interest rates amounting to “millions of dollars” in the
quoted to borrowers for specific periods, Los Angeles area alone.
typically ranging from 30 to 90 days, al-
though some can be as short as 15 days The suit quotes a former Wells Fargo
or as long as 120. During the covered branch officer as having told ProPublica,
period, the lender cannot raise the rate, the nonprofit investigative news group,
even if market interest rates have spiked. that the bank’s approach to rate-lock
When a loan is not closed within the lock expirations amounted to “just stealing
period, the guarantee expires and the from people.”
borrower must request an extension.
The takeaway here: Whatever the ulti-
In Wells Fargo’s case, according to the mate judgment by the courts in Muniz’s
suit, the company assured clients that litigation, when you are obtaining a rate
they would not have to pay for lock ex- lock on a mortgage, focus on the details.
tensions if a delay causing an expiration Ask whether the lender has specific pol-
was the bank’s fault. If the delay was at- icies on fees for rate-lock extensions. 
tributable to the borrower, the borrow-



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18 September 15, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



With Hurricane Irma looming, only eight single-family residences and lots changed hands in the
mainland real estate market from Sept. 4-7.
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the home at 2320 Cordova Avenue. First listed last Novem-
ber for $399,000, the 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 2,825-square-foot house sold for $330,000 on Sept. 6.
In Sebastian, the week’s top sale was the residence at 909 Greenbrier Avenue. Originally listed in
July for $229,900, this 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 1,858-square-foot home sold for the asking price
on Sept. 6.


VERO BEACH 2320 CORDOVA AVENUE 11/15/2016 $399,000 9/6/2017 $220,000
SEBASTIAN 909 GREENBRIER AVENUE 7/7/2017 $229,900 9/6/2017 $160,000
VERO BEACH 4316 9TH LANE 7/21/2017 $235,900 9/5/2017 $125,000
SEBASTIAN 309 BENEDICTINE TERRACE 6/29/2017 $230,000 9/5/2017

SEBASTIAN 602 COLLINS STREET 8/8/2017 $163,900 9/6/2017

VERO BEACH 731 23RD PLACE SW 7/17/2017 $152,000 9/2/2017

VERO BEACH 1590 S 42ND CIRCLE UNIT#203 7/15/2017 $129,000 9/5/2017

VERO BEACH 1755 42ND AVENUE 8/8/2017 $120,000 9/5/2017

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E September 15, 2017 19


909 Greenbrier Avenue, Sebastian 4316 9th Lane, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 7/7/2017 Listing Date: 7/21/2017
Original Price: $229,900 Original Price: $235,900
Sold: 9/6/2017 Sold: 9/5/2017
Selling Price: $229,900 Selling Price: $220,000
Listing Agent: Gustav Brugger Listing Agent: Beverly Lombardo

Selling Agent: RE/MAX Crown Realty Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Opey Angelone Bob Douglass

Action Realty LLC Atlantic Shores Realty Exec’s

309 Benedictine Terrace, Sebastian 602 Collins Street, Sebastian

Listing Date: 6/29/2017 Listing Date: 8/8/2017
Original Price: $230,000 Original Price: $163,900
Sold: 9/5/2017 Sold: 9/6/2017
Selling Price: $215,000 Selling Price: $160,000
Listing Agent: Holly Gorman Listing Agent: Shane Reynolds

Selling Agent: Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Holly Gorman Thomas Yates

Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC Coldwell Banker Paradise

199$ 3DAYS


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE September 15, 2017 B1


Backus and forward:
Museum taps Vero’s
Adams as director


Coming Up! and Saturday for another Howl at the Cee-Jay Jones. ous stuff? This one should fill the bill: A
Moon: Dueling Pianos night of unbridled pair of hot, fresh and hilarious comedic
WHERE TO GO … IF musical entertainment. Riverside Howl talents – Cee-Jay Jones and James Yon
THE SHOWS GO ON regular Gustafson moved from his native – take the stage at Riverside Theatre’s
New Orleans to Florida in 2005 after his Comedy Zone in Vero this coming Fri-
By SAMANTHA BAITA | Staff Writer home and possessions were destroyed in day and Saturday. Jones, raves Riverside,
[email protected] Hurricane Katrina. With three decades of is “wild and totally outrageous,” with his
entertaining under his belt (two of which own unique style of comedy, quick wit
Hopefully, you’ve made it through the included dueling pianos), Sands is very and a zero-to-60-in-one-second delivery
storm in one piece. Of course, any of the familiar with these musical face-offs. He that keeps his audiences breathless with
following events could have been can- has shared the stage with such diverse laughter. This North Carolina native’s
celed or postponed since our deadline, so luminaries as James Brown, Cher, Cheap gigs include appearances on BET’s “Com-
call first. And be careful out there. Trick and the Goo Goo Dolls, and his arse- ic View” and Showtime’s “At the Apollo”
nal includes lightning wit and a repertoire and, if you have cruised with Carnival,
1 Armed with a pair of blazing 88s, of songs that stretches from the 1950s to you may well have seen him perform
two of the dueling piano world’s right now. He also has a powerful set off on the high seas. Yon is a Florida native
most experienced combatants, Ken Gus- pipes. Remember, you, the audience, get whom you can catch every Sunday host-
tafson and Orin Sands, will take the Wax- to pick much of the music. Show times are ing his own show, “Viral Breakdown,” on
lax stage at Riverside Theatre this Friday 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Dish Network. Says Riverside’s promo,
Yon’s performance is a blend of “hilarious
2 Aren’t we all more than ready for a stand-up, musical impressions, and some
few hours not thinking about seri-

B2 September 15, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Backus and forward: Museum taps Vero’s Adams as director

By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer PHOTOS BY: GORDON RADFORD
[email protected]

Marshall Adams, education director of
the Vero Beach Museum of Art, has left to
head Fort Pierce’s A.E. Backus Museum.

The much smaller and more focused
museum in Fort Pierce had been searching
nationwide for a new director after the an-
nounced retirement of its longtime leader,
Kathleen Fredrick, later this month.

For nine years, Adams was a key mem-
ber of the Vero museum’s management,
responsible for public programs including
an art school that last year served 2300 stu-
dents, multiple humanities and art lecture
series, and a noted docent program of 36

Trading an 80,000-square-foot museum
complex for a virtual one-man operation
– himself, in the 8,000 square-foot Backus
– Adams comes to Fort Pierce’s art muse-
um at a time of significant growth, charged
with implementing plans for expansion of
its own education programs.

Fredrick did not look forward to having
to initiate a new director in the museum’s
profound ties to the community of Fort
Pierce. Her own background could hardly
be replicated, having grown up as a “Back-
us brat” hanging around the artist’s home
and studio. But it was clear as she and the

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE September 15, 2017 B3

Marshall Adams and Kathleen Fredrick. ing the education wing where a crowded ida Highwaymen, Backus painted from
schedule of classes has nourished tens of his home not far from the downtown Fort
museum’s board years later, the thousands of adults and children, Adams Pierce gallery he helped found – now the
reviewed ap- work of build- selected and trained the museum’s highly museum of his works, among others. From
plicants from ing support for regarded docents, what he proudly calls the 1950s through the mid-1990s, Backus
around the coun- the gallery fell “the front line to visitors.” The docents was host to a troupe of visitors – including
try for her post, to those who now number 36. “They were the most pro- an adolescent Kathleen Fredrick, among
the gallery that had known and fessional volunteers that I’ve ever worked dozens of Fort Pierce teenagers.
on her watch loved him, Fred- with. They were amazing,” Adams says.
grew into a full- rick chief among At the Backus Museum, one of Adams’
fledged museum them. Last week, those docents threw a big par- first initiatives will be the creation of an art
should never lose ty for their departing leader. curriculum for public school students. It
sight of its local The museum will be tied in to academics covered in stan-
roots. holds many of his “He is well-loved,” says Shotsi Lajoie, an dardized testing. The curriculum, geared
works as well as artist and mental health counselor who to fourth and fifth graders, will enrich their
It was a great top examples of leads a class in art for Alzheimer patients experience at the museum when they visit
relief when an those artists he and their caregivers. “He was in charge of a on field trips, Fredrick says, meshing, for
application came in from just up the road: mentored. The Backus and Highwaymen big chunk of the museum’s offerings.” example, art history with Florida history,
Marshall Adams, the highly-regarded and paintings, while having gone on to acquire says Fredrick.
well-loved education director at the Vero national renown, remain part of the town’s Having grown up in Jackson, Mississippi,
Beach Museum of Art. cultural iconography. Adams graduated in studio art from Tulane “Every museum in this country has to
That connection is critical to the survival University in New Orleans. His concentra- reach out to the youth or they will cease to
“We were really searching for someone of the museum. “We don’t have a cadre of tion was drawing, opting to earn a B.A. de- be relevant in very short order,” declares
who would mesh well with this communi- wealthy donors like some museums,” says gree rather than a B.F.A. because it allowed Fredrick.
ty. We didn’t imagine we would find some- Fredrick. “We have always been sustained more art history classes.
body this close to home,” a much-relieved by the community.” “This program is consistent with Back-
Fredrick. She isn’t the only one relieved. The On Sept. 24, a Sunday, Adams and Fred- He came to Vero Beach in 2007 from us’s own philosophy and practice,” adds
beloved Backus, which dates to 1960 when rick will be hosting an ice cream social to Jacksonville, where for five years he was di- Adams. “His doors were always open to kids
it opened as a public gallery, had as its main introduce Adams to Backus supporters, rector of education and exhibitions at the throughout the community. He wanted to
support a community of artists and art lov- while bidding farewell to Fredrick. Museum of Contemporary Art. During that make sure creativity and learning were ac-
ers, led by Backus himself. “We’re trying to create this smooth tran- time, he earned a master’s degree in muse- cessible to everybody.”
sition,” says Adams, who has already begun um education leadership from Banks Street
Trained in summer sessions at Parsons putting regular hours in at the museum, on College in New York. Another big change will be the expan-
and influenced by the French impression- the Fort Pierce downtown waterfront. sion of art classes for “lifelong artists.” For
ist, Backus focused his painting on land- Adams will be a significant loss to the Adams says he is particularly excited to some time, art classes have fallen by the
scapes around Fort Pierce. He lived mod- Vero museum. Over the course of close to be involved with a museum dedicated to wayside at the Backus as the focus has been
estly and generously, sharing tips with a decade there, Adams began or expanded an artist like Backus, considered a lead- on growth and financial support.
African-American painters living nearby a number of programs. Along with oversee- ing American landscape artist. Known for
(they became known later as the Florida mentoring the African-American ‘outsid- And a more adventurous exhibition
Highwaymen). When Bean Backus died 30 er’ artists who call themselves the Flor- schedule is expected to take shape. This


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B4 September 15, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

year, the signature show was Fredrick’s house on a coffee plantation in Boquete. Ballet Vero Beach basks in
choice: On the Edge of Madness, featuring Tentatively titled “Motel Art,” her novel has Whelan’s legendary glow
works by Salvador Dali and other surreal- a good start: she has six chapters written,
ists. but the effort was interrupted by the sud- By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer in November. Whelan will be appearing in
den loss of her husband four years ago. “I [email protected] conjunction with the screening of a doc-
As for the two well-respected juried art put it away when he died. I just want to umentary film, “Restless Creature: Wendy
shows the museum holds, Adams will as- know if I can do it.” It’s only five years in, and already Ballet Whelan,” which captures her emotional exit
sume their staging too. The labor-intensive Vero Beach has mustered the kind of star from a life in ballet and the start of a new fo-
preparations include physically taking in Adams is fervently hoping for a decent power Vero donors respond to best, hosting cus on contemporary dance.
all submission for both the Best of the Best cellphone connection, and by Fredrick’s esti- the legendary former New York City Ballet
show and for the photography show, The mation, he’ll need one. “It’s a very multi-fac- prima ballerina Wendy Whelan at a benefit The screening will take place Nov. 6 at the
Eye of the Camera. eted job and your almost a staff of one,” she Majestic Theatre, preceded by a meet-and-
says. “I have a tremendous amount of insti- greet with Whelan at Quail Valley.
Those exhausting efforts are being re- tutional knowledge that I couldn’t possibly
placed by a new creative effort by Fredrick cram into his head at once.” Following the screening, Whelan will sit
in her retirement: She wants to finish a nov- down for an on-stage interview with Ballet
el. To that end, she heads off at the end of “She promised not to forget us,” Adams Vero Beach’s founder and artistic director
November for a year in Panama, renting a joked.  Adam Schnell.

Schnell, whose pre-performance remarks
are always marked with composure, will
test his mettle speaking to Whelan. He was
so moved by her retirement that he and the
company’s ballet master, Camilo Rodriquez,
went to her New York City Ballet retirement

“I can recall many performances of hers
that absolutely shaped my consciousness as
a dancer, choreographer and director,” says
Schnell. “One of my favorite teachers says,
‘Dance with the body you have, not with the
one you wish you had.’ Wendy really em-
bodies that. She took her (own) instrument
and not only made it sing, she made it into
one of the greatest instruments of her gen-

Schnell checks himself with his reflec-
tions of her past dancing, noting that since
retirement, Whelan has gone on to dance
in innovative programs. “She continues to
do great things for combating ageism in
dance,” he says.

Whelan’s record-breaking 30-year ten-
ure with the New York City Ballet ended in
October 2014. New York Times dance crit-

Wendy and Soto Whelan In New York
City BalletAfter the Rain World Premiere


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE September 15, 2017 B5

Wendy Whelan ed in collaboration with four young chore- COMING UP 4 Here’s a summit meeting that won’t
ographers. cross your eyes or leave you de-
Wendy Whelan performance bows. CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 pressed: It’s the Vocal Jazz Summit this
Contemporary dance has been a prov- Friday and Saturday at the Dr. Phillips
ical Alastair Macauley wrote a moving as- en winner with the Ballet Vero Beach audi- of the most outrageous dance moves Center for the Performing Arts in down-
sessment of Whelan’s remarkable character ence, with its season-opener traditionally you’ve ever seen.” Show times are 7:30 town Orlando, featuring the wonderful
reflected in her final performance with the featuring a guest modern dance company. p.m. and 9:30 p.m., Sept. 22 and 23. Dr. Phillips Center Jazz Orchestra, under
company. The New York modern dance company Ari- the baton of Rodney Whitaker. Jazz enthu-
el Rifkin Dance performed in August. Then ‘Woodstock’ at the King siasts will be treated to hits from the Great
“She’s resolute and vulnerable, incisive in December, the company debuts its “Nut- Center. American Songbook, plus “blues, soul and
and responsive, rapturous and bleak, angry cracker on the Indian River,” a major feat of jazz faves, by some of Orlando’s top jazz
and funny, implacable and compassionate, costuming, sets and choreography. In Janu- 3 This Saturday, the popular Classic and R&B vocalists,” says the show pro-
enthusiastic and inquiring. Above all, she’s ary, Camilo Rodriguez has a program of his Albums Live concert series takes us mo. Michelle Amato currently performs
an ideally modern woman, dancing with own choreography, including a world pre- back to the Age of Aquarius, ganja, tie-dye, with Cirque Du Soleil’s “La Nouba,” and
men as if part of a team, together on equal miere set the music of Vero composer Paul Serious Hair, Flower Power and, of course – the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, and she’s
terms.” Gay. love, as the talented musicians and vocal- performed and recorded with the likes of
ists of Classic Albums Live present “Wood- Liza Minnelli, Al Green, Michael McDon-
In an interview for the documentary she Tickets for the Quail Valley meet-and- stock” at the King Center in Melbourne. ald, Yanni and a slew of equally stellar
talks about retirement as “shedding a skin greet, and the screening and interview at the On the Center’s Main Stage, the troupe others. Linda Cole was a mere 3 when she
that was covering my whole being,” a pro- Majestic, are $125. General admission for the recreates albums from the soundtracks started singing with her folks – the Singing
cess that was deeply painful. In the film, the film and talk-back are $25. They can be re- of our lives, literally note-for-note, just the Cole Family – according to her bio. After 17
camera follows her into surgery for an injury served at  way we music lovers remember them. The years, she headed off into the world of R&B,
that, at 46, kept her from performing. shows are treated like recitals with a clas- and has since performed from New York
sic rock album being performed in its en- City to Detroit, releasing several hits sin-
Whelan has turned her artistic attention tirety followed by a ‘greatest hits’ set of the gles. Cole’s honeyed and haunting voice is
to contemporary dance. The film centers on featured artist or artists, says Wikipedia. widely known among Central Florida jazz
“Restless Creature”: four short pieces creat- No cheesy impersonations or lip-syncing audiences. Michelle Mailhot counts Mel
here. The journey back to “Woodstock” Torme, Chita Rivera, Bobby McFerrin and
begins at 8 p.m. Liza Minnelli among the big names with
whom she’s performed and, in Florida, she
‘Vocal Jazz Summit.’ sings with the Orlando Philharmonic, the
Central Florida Jazz Society and the Space
Coast Jazz Society. Rick Melvern is a famil-
iar face on Orlando stages, and has worked
extensively for Universal Studios Motown
Cafe, and American Vybe, Disney’s origi-
nal contemporary a cappella group, as well
as Royal Caribbean cruise lines. Melvern
is also a popular band leader and enter-
tainer, and has shared the stage with art-
ists such as Smokey Robinson and Gloria

Estefan. He re-
cently ventured
into the world of
musical theater,
debuting in the
role of Bobby in
the State The-
atre’s production
of “Memphis.”
Show time is 8
p.m. 


A 1. The Late Show 1. Make Your Bed 1. Danger! Tiger Crossing

T 2. The Identicals 2. The Swamp BY ERIC BOLLING BY LIN OLIVER
H 3. Hue 1968 BY MARK BOWDEN
E BY ELIN HILDERBRAND 4. The American Spirit 2. The Day the Crayons Quit


BY JOHN GRISHAM 5. Churchill's Ministry of 3. Descendants 2 Junior Novel
Ungentlemanly Warfare
4. The Late Show BY ERIC GERON
5. We're All Wonders BY R.J. PALACIO
5. Cocoa Beach


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Sfrom the Vero Beach Book Center.
Wednesday, Sept. 27th at 7 pm Thursday, Sept. 28th at 4 pm

B6 September 15, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE

Late summer tempest disrupts British troupe’s tour

Susan Jaramillo, Charlotte Terry and Marie Stiefel.

Cambridge American Stage Tour cast and crew get ready to paddle. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Helen Vella Taylor and Dolores Carbonari. Alice Atlee and Xanthe Burdet.

By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer concerned about rough water,” said Ma- Plus they get to see the lagoon, which is there were some students from St. Ed-
[email protected] rie Stiefel, LRJF board president. “But something they couldn’t get anywhere ward’s today and one from Lincoln Park
the lagoon is a very special place; they’re else.” Academy. And then in the past we’ve had
Timing is everything, but unfortu- excited about it.” the workshops on Saturday and they
nately the timing didn’t quite work out Virginia was the next stop on the have been open to students from every-
this year for members of the Cambridge While the students paddled around, month-long international tour. where. It’s been a lot of fun.”
American Stage Tour. The group arrived LRJF supporters were busy setting out a
in Vero Beach last Monday, but Hurri- huge spread of picnic fare at one of the “Sooner than later. We would love to She noted that CAST members have
cane Irma threatened to turn the tal- Riverside Park pavilions including, by have them stay but they need to stay gone on to work as cast and crew in
ented Cambridge University students’ special request, key lime pies. safe,” said Susan Lovelace, who intro- movies and professional theatre pro-
presentations of Shakespeare’s “A Mid- duced the tour to Vero Beach. ductions, adding, “One of our girls just
summer Night’s Dream” into a night- “I bet they’re having a ball,” said Su- starred in the Amanda Knox movie and
mare. san Boyd. “I think this turned out to be Prior to retiring as director of the In- then we had another young man here a
better, actually, because it didn’t look ternational Baccalaureate Program at couple of years ago who is now the star of
Sponsored locally by the Laura (Rid- like many of them had been kayaking. SRHS, Lovelace had tutored Cambridge ‘War Horse’ on the West End in London.”
ing) Jackson Foundation, this was the University Students in a summer pro-
10th annual visit by the British theater gram through the Florida Consortium of The students are housed by local host
troupe founded by Dame Judi Dench Students. families such as Eileen Hanley, who be-
and their visits heretofore had gone off gan hosting when her daughters were in
without a hitch. And, while the group “This is now the 10th year that they’ve the SRHS IB program.
was able to perform Wednesday at the been over. First time in a hurricane
Indian River Charter High School, their though; we’ve avoided that until now,” “We’ve done this for five years,” said
planned Thursday workshops and that said Lovelace ruefully. “We’re usually Hanley. “It’s such a great rewarding ex-
evening’s performance at Sebastian Riv- the first stop on the tour and then they perience. They love coming here and
er High School had to be canceled. travel up the east coast of the United learning about us.”
States, stopping at various universities
On the plus side, they did thoroughly and schools before flying back in the be- The Laura Riding Jackson Foundation
enjoy the jam-packed, albeit shortened, ginning of October.” also offers nine teen writing workshops
time they did have. each year and has doubled the number
After Virginia, the group was headed of adult workshops to six. “The work-
Tuesday evening the 18 cast and crew this year to Pennsylvania, Maryland, shops get bigger every year; people seem
members were treated by the foundation New York, Connecticut and, fingers to really like them,” said Stiefel.
to a wonderful Indian River Lagoon kay- crossed, to Grand Cayman before re-
aking trip led by Ronda Cox of Tropical turning home. Their annual Poetry & Barbecue fund-
Kayak Tours and her assistant Madelyn raiser, Beyond Water and Walls, will take
Russell. Lovelace said the group also holds place April 15 at the Laura (Riding) Jack-
acting workshops for local students, son home on the campus of the Environ-
“We usually take them to the beach adding, “Those are very performative, mental Learning Center. For more infor-
but we couldn’t get a lifeguard and were up-on-your-feet workshops. This year mation, visit 
they were doing it with charter students;

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING September 15, 2017 B7

Pomodoro Grill: Island favorite at top of its game


No aroma makes me feel as content and marinara, and baked in their oven with a diavolo sauce – and my husband picked the Penne ala Grill.
happy as the smell of garlic. And nothing ra- side of rigatoni. This is one of the best egg- mahi mahi limone. To his surprise, howev-
diates this tantalizing fragrance better than plant parms to be found in Vero. er, the server told him that on this evening Personal Brick
the garlic knots at the Pomodoro Grill. Pomodoro was substituting grouper for the Oven Pizza.
My husband’s grouper was outstand- dolphin. Even better! And it was served in a
You smell the scent of hot baking rolls ing, a perfectly cooked piece of fish served delicious chardonnay crème sauce. dition to its colorful dining room, Po-
and lots of garlic the minute you come with a great assortment of grilled veggies. modoro has an attractive outside garden
through the door of the attractively dec- Our companion’s pizza was a big winner – On both visits, we enjoyed too many of that when the weather cools is perfect for
orated Tuscan trattoria. It’s all I can do to topped by cheese, peppers, mushrooms and the garlic knots (we even used them to mop dining al fresco (or enjoying a cappuccino
concentrate on the menu as I wait for a bacon. It had a very thin crust, neither limp up the broth from the mussels and the cala- after dinner).
basket of those olive oil-basted beauties to nor cracker-like, but crisped to perfection.
come to the table. mari) to even consider dessert. For consistently well-prepared seafood,
On another visit on a Thursday, my hus- Dinner for two, accompa- veal, chicken and pasta dishes (along with
For more than two decades, we have been band and I decided to take advantage of nied by a modest bottle of great brick-oven pizzas) at reasonable pric-
dining at this unpretentious restaurant a Pomodoro summer special which on wine, typically comes es, this island favorite remains a restaurant
tucked back in the corner of an office build- Wednesdays and Thursdays lets diners or- to about $100 be- that is hard to beat.
ing at the southern end of Cardinal Drive. der from the trattoria’s $16.95 Sunset Menu fore taxes
After a couple of visits in recent weeks, I (usually only available from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.). and tip. I welcome your comments, and en-
would have to say the dishes (as well as the In ad- courage you to send feedback to me at
garlic knots) have never been better. I opted for the Oceano – little neck [email protected].
and baby clams, jumbo shrimp and
On a recent evening, our party of three mussels over penne served with fra The reviewer is a beachside resident who
started by sharing an order of calamari fra dines anonymously at restaurants at the ex-
diavolo and the cozze fra diavolo. pense of this newspaper. 

My husband’s calamari sautéed with gar- Pomodoro Grill
lic, white wine and basil was served at his
request in a bianco (white) sauce. Very ten-
der and tasty. But the Prince Edward Island
mussels, also sautéed with garlic and white
wine but finished in a spicy tomato herb
broth, were to die for.

Following the appetizers, we moved to
the field greens-and-tomato salads that are
included with entrées – I had mine with a
tangy tomato basil vinaigrette, while my
husband and our companion opted for the
creamy Vidalia onion dressing.

Then for entrées, I chose the eggplant
parmigiana, my husband had the evening’s
seafood special, grouper piccata in a lem-
on butter caper chardonnay sauce, and our
companion decided to have a 12-inch per-
sonal brick-oven pizza.

My entrée consisted of slices
of breaded eggplant lay-
ered with fresh basil,
Romano and moz-
zarella cheese,
topped with

Penne Oscar. Hours:
Mon. - Sat., 5 pm - 9 pm

Closed Sunday

Beverages: Beer and wine

3055 Cardinal Drive,

Vero Beach

Phone: 772-234-1123

B8 September 15, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING September 15, 2017 B9

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B10 September 15, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

A Modern Diner with fresh local ingredients

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING September 15, 2017 B11

Casual Happy Hour
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England Seafood Wednesday

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DiTnea-kIenout On The Beachside 5pmD-eclliovseery

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Hours: Sun-Thurs:11am-9pm•Fri-Sat:11am-10pm

Homemade Cannoli Pepperoni
Chicken Parmigiana

B12 September 15, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


7 Overexcited (5) 1 Respect (6)
4 Hogwarts’Harry (6) 2 Radioactive element (9)
9 Squeaky creature (5) 3 Jacket; joint (6)
10 May Day baby, say? (7) 5 Sum of all works (6)
11 Brick? (4,3) 6 Lower digit (3)
12 Crest (5) 7 Marathon athlete? (6)
14 Sheep (3) 8 Actor’s fear (5,6)
15 Take a pew (3) 13 New Orleans jazz (9)
16 Chopper (3) 17 Tickled (6)
18 Grate (3) 18 Collection sold together (3,3)
21 Caribbean dance (5) 19 Parrot noise (6)
22 Post-mortem (7) 20 Underline (6)
23 Sound of boot in mud (7) 24 Vase (3)
25 Ease (5)
The Telegraph 26 Give (6)
27 Glory (5)

Sturgis Lumber How to do Sudoku:
Hardware Store & Lumber Yard
POWER TOOLS, MASONRY TOOLS, Fill in the grid so the
SIDING, PAINTS,CEMENT, STUCCO, nine appear just once
MOTAR MIX, CYPRESS V-JT, in every column, row
HARDWOOD,METAL ROOFING, and three-by-three

62 years Family Owned and Operated
4645 US-1 • (772) 562-4171

Certified Collision
Repair Center

VeArou’tsoPbroedmy!ier All Insurance The Telegraph

(772) 978-1351 • 463 4th Place SW • Vero Beach, FL

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES September 15, 2017 B13

ACROSS 73 Chevalier costar, 11 Worded like a Dumpty’s luck The Washington Post
1958 telegram 79 Swab anew
1 Bonneville Salt 80 Not counting:
Flats state 74 Becomes 12 Klee Museum city
weatherworn 13 Scary 1978 abbr.
5 Burns on 82 One of Richelieu’s
M*A*S*H, e.g. 76 Cooper’s tool sequel,
77 At the ___ a hat Damien—___ titles, in French
8 Lucite layer 79 Sign on a Hertz 14 Gift for a 85 Runs
12 ___ Raton mechanic dad? 86 Hairy prefix
16 A handful, maybe truck 15 Unalaska denizen 87 Petropartnership,
17 Jerk’s work 81 Put through a 17 A slave, not a
18 A fairy-tale wave briefly
kitchen device 19 Megaflop 88 Russian city
beginning 83 “___ Buttermilk 20 Renamed oil co. 91 Loch of song
19 Cow or sow 22 Cigarette brand 92 Wrinkle
21 Gift for a dad Sky” 23 Smear on the 96 From ___ stern
84 Gift for a Crisco 98 “___ the money,
who’s a British 28 Treasure of Sierra
sports fan? bodybuilding dad? Madre author B. two ...”
24 Peaceful women, 89 Coal product ___ 99 “O woe ___!”
perhaps 90 Last syllable of a 29 That bleeping 100 Coliseums (Latin
25 1988 Olympics droid
site word 30 Big Stuf cookie plural)
26 Outback critter 93 Act introducer 31 Host who’s into 101 Feel like ___
27 Containing tin 94 Lunch time funny headlines
29 Gift for a 95 Tie or track 32 Not quite right again
firefighting dad? 97 Discotheque 33 Lanai 102 Chocoholic’s bean
34 As ___ say 38 Song syllable 104 Edged (out)
(implying) description 40 Counting 105 Dutch cheeses
35 Like many silent 99 Vacation bookings everything 106 Kid on My Three
comedies 101 Money mkt., e.g. 41 Jewish festival
36 Big movie-biz 103 Gift for an auto- 42 Enzyme ending Sons
union 44 Down, a spa; up, 107 Rowan and
37 When Aïda dies racing dad? artless
39 Retreat for dad 108 Scrolled Japanese 46 Peat and Spanish Marino
40 Make ___ (fly 47 Thinks 109 Fannie and
over) wall hanging 49 Rapturous rhyme
43 Actor Howard 110 Island neckwear 50 Perch for the Ginnie, e.g.
45 “Super” film size 111 Daytime soap undecided 114 Ironic
48 Gift for a poker- 112 O’Neill title word 51 Bear market 115 Bob or Tom?
playing dad? 113 Gift for an actor frenzy 116 Bounce
52 Tree-lined st. 54 Org. that pads its 117 Speechlessness
53 Pear variety dad? membership? 118 See 65 Down
55 Marina ___, Calif. 119 Went quickly 57 House debt
56 Warming 120 Mr. Rubik 58 “___ Rainbow” JUST A SUPER GUY By Merl Reagle
phenomenon in 121 Author Kingsley 60 Nova Scotia, once
the Pacific 122 Music Man state 61 Gift for a hotel
59 Hubbub 123 Goldilocks met clerk dad?
60 “Well, ___ the 62 Intro to bat or
lucky one!” tres of them phobia
62 Actress Valli of 124 Color man? 64 Something to waft
Third Man fame 125 “Prufrock” penner: over me
63 Case for a 65 Agent 86
lawyer? inits. 67 Popular lab
65 Mr. Peepers 126 Acme bacillus
taught 68 Surveyor’s aide
it: abbr. DOWN 69 Logic
66 Gift for an 1 Mark McGwire’s 72 Hee or vee
astronomer dad? preceder
70 These, to Yves alma mater 75 “___ Bones”
71 Maker of Chatty 2 Hard-to-climb hill 78 Like Humpty
Cathy 3 Cherbourg chum
4 Cartoon magpie
5 The Bates, e.g.
6 Loser to Dwight

7 ___ alai
8 Spotlight sharer,

in a way
9 With bread as a

10 Great one

The Telegraph

B14 September 15, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES

Cory Doctorow, a Canadian-British blogger, journalist and science fiction author, wrote, WEST 8652 EAST
“Abnormal is so common, it’s practically normal.” A2 KQJ 83
K3 K3 A74
At the bridge table, the abnormal happens rarely, and most of the time it is missed, 10 8 7 4 2 965
especially on defense. It is hard to make a play that would normally be suicidal but is the Q J 10 6 SOUTH 97542
only winner on a given deal. J 10 9 6 5
Q J 10 9
How should West analyze this layout? South is in four spades. West leads the club A3
queen. South wins with his ace and plays a low trump. From where should West hope A8
to find four tricks?
Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
North’s Jacoby Forcing Raise showed four-plus trumps and at least game-forcing
values. South, with a minimum opening bid and no short suit, jumped to game. The Bidding:

Most defenders sitting West would immediately play second hand low at trick two. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
Then, though, declarer would win on the board and lead another trump. He would lose 1 Spades Pass 2 NT Pass
only one spade and two hearts. 4 Spades Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
Q Spades
When the dummy appears, the defenders should ask for a timeout so that they can
analyze the deal. Here, West can see two defensive tricks: his spade ace and heart
king. He should next count the high-card points. He has 10, and dummy holds 14. That
leaves 16 for the other two players. East can have just one high card. Which one would
be useful?

Only the heart ace. West must win the second trick and shift to the heart king. Here,
that works perfectly; the defenders take the spade ace, two top hearts and a heart ruff.
But if it turned out that South had the heart ace, this play would cost only an overtrick.

Keep counting those points.

CURRENT RATES Iinlasdln_iHOneigtEh_060917 Ask About Our
$25 $20 $15
Player Programs
Before 11 AM After 11 AM After 3 PM
(All Rates Include Cart and Tax)

1600 SOUTH 3RD ST., FORT PIERCE 772-465-8110

From US1, turn East on Ohio Ave., Directly behind TD Bank

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR September 15, 2017 B15

ONGOING 30 Golf Tournament to benefit Wom-
en’s Refuge of Vero Beach, 8:30 a.m.
Downtown Vero Beach – monthly 5 to 8 p.m. shotgun start at Orchid Island Golf Club fol-
First Friday Gallery Strolls. lowed by lunch and prizes. $125; $475/four-
some. 772-770-4424

SEPTEMBER October 7 | Fire Truck Pull Competition to benefit St. Baldrick’s Foundation 30 Hunt for Hope Florida scavenger hunt
to fund IBC research through the In-
14 An Evening in Paris, 5 p.m. at Heritage 22 Weiner Dog Races, 2 p.m. at Pareido- ing artists, authors, musicians and nonprofits. flammatory Breast Cancer Network Founda-
Center - Parisian-themed vendors, lia Brewing Company in Sebastian to Free. tion, 1 to 6 p.m. at Sebastian Riverview Park.
wine tasting and Moulin Rouge-style entertain- benefit HALO No-Kill Shelter, live music, food 772-589-1140
ment to benefit Vero Heritage Inc. $25. 772- and drink specials, an All-Breed Fun Run and 23 Dogtoberfest at Humane Society of
770-2263 raffles. Dog registration $15. 772-589-7297 Vero Beach and IRC, 12:30 to 4 p.m. 30 Jeans, Stilettos and Pearls Scholarship
- German food, beer, hayrides and canine activ- Gala, 7 p.m. at Pointe West Country
14-24 Vero Beach Theatre Guild 23 Lines in the Lagoon Tri-County Junior ities. 772-388-3826 Club to fund Lambda Beta Zeta Vero Beach
presents Eleanor Dixon in Fishing Tournament to benefit ORCA, Chapter scholarships for local students. $50.
The Lady With All the Answers, about the life/ Anglers for Conservation and CCA Florida, 7 24 IRRC Game Show Series and Jackpot
letters of Ann Landers. 772-562-8300 a.m. lines in, 2 p.m. lines out, followed by 4 #1 at Indian River Riding Club, 8:30 30 20th Street Jazz Band at Sebastian
p.m. Family Awards Dinner at Capt. Hiram’s. a.m. exhibition, 10 a.m. jackpot barrels fol- Inlet State Park Night Sounds concert
15 Sebastian River Area Chamber of $25 includes dinner. lowed by game show. series, 7 p.m. at Coconut Point pavilions. Free
Commerce Lifestyle and Media Auc- with park entry fee. 772-388-2750
tion, 6 p.m. at Springhill Suites Vero Beach - live
and silent auctions. $10/$20. 772-589-5969 OCTOBER

16 HALO Rescue’s Chase Your Tail 5K, 7:30 3 National Night Out, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Humis-
a.m. at Sebastian Community Center ton Park, to meet members of local law enforce-
to support the no-kill rescue. 772-589-7279 ment, fire rescue, EMA agencies and more. Free.

16 International Coastal Cleanup hosted 3 Opening reception of Bodyscapes, pho-
by Keep Indian River Beautiful, 9 a.m. tography by Allan Teger to benefit Friends
to Noon at locations throughout the county. in Pink, 5 to 8 p.m. at Gallery 14. Show runs or 772-226-7738 thru Oct. 27. Free. 772 562-5525

16 Treasure Coast Ride to Fight Sui- 23 National Estuaries Day Celebration, 24 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra pres- 6-28 Oktoberfest Nights, 6 to 9:30
cide, kickstands up at 11 a.m. from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Environmental ents An American in Paris, 3 p.m. at VBHS p.m. weekends at Riverside
Suncoast Mental Health Center in Vero, with Learning Center, with dip-netting, mangrove PAC, with remastered film, and music by Gershwin, Theatre - live music, German food and seasonal
after-ride party at Treasure Coast Harley Da- potting, canoe trips, seining, Discovery Station Gould, Ellington and Saint-Saens. 855-252-7276 beer. Free admission.
vidson in Martin County to benefit Suncoast. Interactive Museum & Aquariums and family
772-812-8338 activities. 30 Save the Sea: Go Plastic Free state- 7 Fire Truck Pull Competition, 2 p.m. to 10
wide campaign launch at Jaycee Park, p.m. at Walking Tree Brewery, a fire truck
16 ELC EcoTalks Speaker Series: Nature 23 Celebrate the Arts Festival hosted by 8 a.m. donation beach yoga, 9 a.m. beach tug of war among competing teams to benefit St.
Photography Workshop, 11 a.m. at Cultural Council of IRC, 10 a.m. to 4 cleanup and 11 a.m. family BBQ hosted by Flor- Baldrick’s Foundation, funding childhood cancer
Environmental Learning Center. discoverELC. p.m. at Riverside Park - fine art and perform- ida Young Democrats of IR. research. $15 per contestant. 772-473-7741
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword Page B13 (FILM CRITICISM MADE
16 Run Vero Twilight 2-Mile evening in September 184, 2017 Edition 1 SOLACE 1 SCHOOL
race, 6:30 p.m. (7:10 p.m. kids run) 4 EAST 2 LIMIT
from MacWilliam Park, with post-race festivi- 9 HEM 3 COMRADE
ties to benefit VBHS Cross Country team. 772- 10 MARGARINE 5 ALARM
569-7364 11 OUTWARD 6 TRIBUTE
16|17 Regular Joe Surf Festival 13 STEEL 8 SENSE
at north jetty to benefit 15 ACHES 14 THUNDER
Surfrider Foundation Sebastian Inlet Chapter. 20 EQUIP 16 CRIMSON 22 EPICURE 17 SEAMY
20 National Suicide Awareness Month 25 AXE 19 REVEAL
Community Health Forum, 5:30 p.m. 26 RUDE 21 PACED
at Brackett hosted by New Horizons followed by 27 UNREAL 23 USAGE
a light supper. Free. 772-672-8333
Sudoku Page B12 Sudoku Page B13 Crossword Page B12


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mailed each week during season. If you would like

your business to appear in our directory,
please call 772-633-0753.

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