June 2, 2017 | Volume 4, Issue 22 Newsstand Price: $1.00
of Sebastian River
BY RAY MCNULTY A Memorial Day service a concern for IRMC
held on Veterans Island.
No reason for ouster By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer
of Beachland principal PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD [email protected]
It wasn’t too long ago that School District cleans house at Gifford Middle It was probably not the of-
Schools Superintendent Mark fer of a free salmon dinner that
Rendell tried to fire a successful, By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer principal have been fired. fended Principal Roxanne Deck- drew such a large crowd to Cos-
respected and beloved teacher at [email protected] At the time the articles were er, denying there were problems ta D’Este Resort on a recent
Sebastian River High for doing ex- at the school. Wednesday night. What packed
actly what his job required him to Four months after Vero Beach written, School District Superin- the hotel’s chandelier-lit Crystal
do. 32963 began reporting on prob- tendent Mark Rendell and School But district documents re- Ballroom was curiosity about
lems at Gifford Middle School, Board members Tiffany Justice leased on May 23 show that em- Steward Health Care Systems,
Fortunately, a state administra- both the principal and assistant and Dale Simchick staunchly de- the rapidly expanding Massa-
tive law judge stopped him, mock- CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 chusetts-based chain that re-
ing Rendell’s wrongheaded allega- cently bought Sebastian River
tions in what most of us saw was Medical Center.
a trumped-up case, and strongly
recommending that the School What attendees may not have
Board return the teacher to the learned was that the new home-
classroom. town hospital chain was poised
to become the largest private-
Now, Rendell is at it again, this ly-held for-profit hospital sys-
time firing Caroline Barker, the tem in the nation.
successful, respected and beloved
Beachland Elementary School Just two days after the Costa
principal who, throughout her two event, Steward signed a deal to
decades as an educator in this dis- acquire IASIS, a Franklin, Tenn.-
trict, has done exactly what her job based chain of 17 hospitals in
required her to do. five states spanning Louisiana
to Utah. That total, added to
And, again, somebody needs to the eight hospitals added in the
stop him. Sebastian hospital deal, brings
Steward’s total to 36 hospitals in
The School Board, thus far, has 10 states. Revenues for the con-
shown no inclination to do so. For solidated group are projected
at $8 billion in 2018, according
CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 to the company. The deal is ex-
pected to close this summer or
INSIDE Regulars turn out early fall.
for Seaside Grill’s
NEWS 1-12 PETS 18 25th anniversary At Costa d’Este, doctors did
DINING B7 hear about Steward’s healthcare
HEALTH 13 GAMES B12 model of delivering affordable
CALENDAR B15 quality care through ACOs, or
REAL ESTATE 19 Accountable Care Organiza-
B1 tions, and sharing the savings
ARTS with physicians. The savings
come from treatment plans
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer that include healthcare outside
For circulation or where to pick up [email protected] of hospitals, including clinics,
your issue call: 772-226-7925 out-patient services, in-home
On a sun-splashed, postcard-per-
A surprise 25th anniversary party for Seaside Grill. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD fect Friday afternoon at the east end CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
of Jaycee Park, a festive crowd gath-
ered to reminisce and share stories as
the Seaside Grill celebrated its 25th
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 June 2, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
Premier Estate Properties team eyes record year amid changes
By Steven M. Thomas | Staff Writer be weaker, saw an opportunity to go after Cindy O’Dare and Richard Boga. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE “I feel this move adds another layer
[email protected] French & O’Dare clients; others thought to our ability to sell property. In his new
O’Dare, a highly-regarded agent with of the private client group at Concierge. role, Clark will be exposed to a whole oth-
The barrier island real estate commu- more than 30 years’ experience and an “We are not moving to Austin,” French er avenue of high-end buyers and serve
nity is both close-knit and fiercely com- extraordinary client list, might be ripe for as another important conduit of qualified
petitive, and when news leaked out re- poaching. says. “I will be traveling more, but we are buyers coming into Vero Beach that we
cently that Clark French, a high-profile East Coast people and we are staying in would not otherwise have a chance to be
island agent, had “suddenly” taken a job “Every office in town has asked me to Vero.” in front of.”
with Concierge Auctions, the rumors be- join them,” O’Dare said.
gan to fly. “This was a planned strategic move,” The high-profile job at Concierge, the
As it turns out, the move was not abrupt says Joseph Liguori, co-owner/broker of most successful luxury real estate auc-
Along with his partner Cindy O’Dare and French is not leaving Premier or Vero, Premier Estate Properties, which with of- tion company in the country with more
and their associate Richard Boga, French despite his new job as managing director fices in four South Florida markets as well than $1 billion in sales, is an extension of
has been a leader in luxury sales in Vero as Vero, sold more $700 million in real es- French’s recent involvement with home
for a decade. tate last year. auctions.
In 2015, the French & O’Dare team at Concierge has sold eight properties via
Premier Estate Properties sold $168 mil- auction in Vero in the past several years,
lion in real estate and ranked 79th among including four of the five highest-dollar
all teams in the country. This year, the sales in the market in that timeframe, and
team is on pace for an even stronger year French & O’Dare have been the listing
with $42 million in closed sales by mid- agent in all those sales and brought some
May and another $59 million under con- of the buyers as well.
But what is less known is that French
“This is the best year we have ever had was a key player in dozens of other Con-
– so far!” says O’Dare. cierge auctions around the country
during the same period.
That level of success fueled the ques-
tions surrounding French’s acceptance of “We have a large book of clients, many
a job with Concierge. What was behind of whom own property in different places
the seemingly abrupt “departure”? besides Vero,” French says. “The auction
process has become increasingly attrac-
According to rumors, French was leav- tive to many of them. Homes in the $8
ing town and moving to Austin, where million and up range often stay on the
Concierge has a center of operations.
Some brokers, believing the team would
President and Publisher | [email protected] | 772.559.4187
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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
Zahner, Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Tom Lloyd, Ray McNulty, Sa-
mantha Rohlfing Baita, Kathleen Sloan, Columnists: Claudia Balint, Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Siobhan
McDonough, Tina Rondeaux, The Bonz, Christina Tascon, Staff Photograhers: Gordon Radford, De-
nise Ritchie, Graphic Designers: Robert Simonson, Jennifer Greenaway, Tania Donghia-Wetmore,
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS June 2, 2017 3
market for a year or more before selling in stepfather while still attending Florida At- SEBASTIAN RIVER cian recruitment strategies, the secret
a traditional sale, but an auction provides lantic University, where he earned a busi- to Steward’s apparent success like-
a way to move them in six weeks.” ness degree. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ly owes much to the deep pockets of
Cerberus Capital Management, the
“Our first partnership with Clark was in “My first sale was a $2 million proper- care and preventive medicine. private equity firm that backed Stew-
August of 2014, when he referred a client ty in an equestrian community in Boyn- Dr. Mark Girard, president of Stew- ard, which went into business in 2010.
to us in Rancho Santa Fe, California,” says ton Beach,” Boga says. “That gave me an
Laura Brady, founder and president of appetite for real estate and I decided to ard Health Care Network, led the pre- The current growth spurt is a man-
Concierge. “That was our first entry into make it my career.” sentation at the oceanfront hotel. In a ifestation of Cerberus’s effort to “cut
the Rancho Santa Fe market, which has phone interview later, he said Sebas- Steward in two,” according to Eileen
since been a very successful market for He joined French & O’Dare in late 2009 tian River Medical Center is similar to Appelbaum, who is with the Center for
us.” and has played an expanding role ever the hospitals Steward runs in Massa- Economic Policy and Research.
since. chusetts: community hospitals serv-
Since that California sale, French has ing medium-size communities. “The Last September, Cerberus sold
brought 15 sellers to Concierge, and has “Probably because of his background, populations are similar as are the doc- Steward’s real estate holdings to a real
brought 43 buyers to successful Con- he has a way with international clients,” tor mix and the payor mix. This is a estate investment trust. Now, Stew-
cierge auctions, according to Brady. says O’Dare, noting that she and Boga very replicable model.” ard leases back its hospitals from the
are well-matched in terms of preferred REIT, meaning it has to pay rent be-
That track record is what led Brady to schedules. Payor mix refers to the proportions fore turning a profit on its healthcare
recruit French to oversee and develop the of patients using private insurance, services.
private client group, a growing coterie of “Cindy is up at 5 a.m. sending emails,” Medicaid or Medicare.
high-net-worth people who track all of says Boga, “but it takes me a while to get Steward has its roots in a nonprof-
Concierge’s auctions, looking for desir- going in the morning.” “It’s a totally different business it chain led by Harvard cardiologist
able personal properties or money-mak- model from what this community has Ralph de la Torre, who took over as
ing investments. “But if you drive by our office at 7 p.m., had before,” said Dr. Val Zudans, an CEO for the failing system owned by
Richard’s car is in the parking lot.” O’Dare ophthalmologist. “It sounds very in- the archdiocese of Boston.
“We are honored he would want to says. teresting and compelling.”
come and join our team,” says Brady, Torre’s original mission was to
whose company has been ranked as one The pair have had to put in long com- Zudans said Steward passed out a provide less expensive care to work-
of the fastest growing private businesses bined days this year, when they say they sample provider agreement in which ing-class communities in Massachu-
in the U.S. three years in a row, moving have averaged 15 to 20 showings a week, the doctor delegates authority to setts. He proved visionary in his belief
up steadily on the Inc. 500 list. “He clear- all of properties valued at $1 million or Steward to negotiate private insur- that healthcare shouldn’t just focus on
ly has enormous interest and expertise more, Premier’s calling card. ance contracts. “The incentive is be- the sick; it should keep people from
in what we do, and we have had a great cause they have negotiating leverage getting sick, saving money in the pro-
relationship throughout the past several “This is the first week it has slowed with insurance companies, they can cess.
years and many deals.” down at all and started to feel a little bit get you higher reimbursement rates.”
like summer,” Boga said last week. The shared-risk plans he started
French says he will continue to work Beyond its care-giving and physi-
to spur new development and sell new O’Dare attributes the team’s success to CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
construction in Vero, where he has been fat rolodexes, consistent, tightly targeted
involved with most of the recent residen- marketing, and good relationships with
tial developments on the island, as well as other island brokers who bring buyers to
handling auctions here, consulting with the team’s listings.
O’Dare and Boga on traditional sales and
referring buyers to Premier. “The secret of our success is that we
market to the other realtors,” she says.
In conjunction with French’s new role “We make it so easy for them. Agents say
at Concierge, Boga has been promoted to all the time, ‘If I get a last minute buyer, I
full partner in the restyled O’Dare, Boga know I can call you and you will drop ev-
and French team. erything to help me get them in.’
A bit of real estate prodigy with an in- “Every time I have a showing with an
ternational background, Boga is highly outside agent, I am encouraging and sup-
regarded by his colleagues and others in portive and do everything I can to help
the real estate community. them get a deal done,” O’Dare says.
“Cindy had chosen a fabulous new “Cindy is very nice and easy to work
partner in Richard!” says Charlotte Ter- with,” says Debbie Bell, a top producer at
ry, a top agent with Alex MacWilliam Inc. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Flori-
Real Estate. “I think they will be a dyna- da Realty, “I look forward to continuing to
mite team and I look forward to working work with her and Richard in the future.”
with them in the Vero Beach luxury real
estate market.” Boga says new development has been
another key factor in their success.
“We are thrilled to have Richard as-
sume this new role. His market knowl- “We are the island leader in new con-
edge, negotiating skills and level of per- struction and the appetite for new con-
sonal service are top tier in the industry,” struction is and has been high the past
says Liguori. “He has big shoes to fill, but couple of years. A lot of our success is at-
I am optimistic he can fill them. We are tributable to new construction.’
fortunate to have such exceptional repre-
sentation in our Vero office.” O’Dare, Boga and French are listing
agents for more than $50 million in new
Born in Sweden to an international construction at Sandy Lane Subdivision
businessman father and interior design- and the Surf Club and 21 Royal Club
er mother, Boga grew up in India, Ger- townhome projects, new developments
many, Malaysia and Singapore, arriving where they have also brought many of the
in the U.S. at age 10, after his parents buyers. They co-list the two townhouse
split up and his mother married a gen- projects with fellow Premier broker asso-
eral contractor and developer in South ciate Kay Brown and co-list the multi-mil-
Florida who builds homes in the $2 mil- lion Sandy Lane homes with developer
lion-to-$30 million range. and Premier agent Dolf Kahle.
Boga started selling real estate for his “Their sales have been extraordinary,”
says Liguori, “and we fully expect that to
continue with Richard as a partner and
Clark continuing to make important con-
tributions to the team.”
6 June 2, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
MY TAKE for her years of service, no acknowledge- According to the letter: “Dr. Rendell re- upon learning of Barker’s ouster.
ment of her accomplishments, no expla- plied that he did not have to get into the “I have observed her interaction with the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 nation as to why her contract was not re- reasons for his decision and would not dis-
newed. cuss them. However, he indicated by using faculty, staff, parents and students,” Melvin
some inexplicable reason, the people elect- hand gestures that we did not meet his level wrote. “She is a person of deep integrity and
ed to represent us have chosen to stand by Surely, after 22 years as a teacher and of expectation. The faculty was left feeling personal caring for the children in her care.
their man instead of standing up for what’s administrator, Barker deserved more than that we had failed our students.” She is respected by her team.
right. two lousy paragraphs – a cold, impersonal,
plug-in-the-name form letter. The letter closed with Beachland’s faculty “I am in shock that her contract was not
Maybe it’s a lack of conviction. Maybe it’s and staff referring to the school as a family, renewed and that, at minimum, another
a lack of courage. Either way, it’s now up to She deserved advanced notice that her stating that, “Caroline Barker has always put position was not offered to her,” he add-
us. It’s up to the people of this community job was in jeopardy. At the very least, she children first and has always been there for ed. “As a leader and manager of people for
to remind board members that we put them was owed some reason for her non-renew- them, as well as for her teachers.” over 35 years, it is difficult to understand an
there. It’s up to you to change their minds al. employer’s decision to release an employee
and correct Rendell’s mind-boggling mis- If that show of loyalty and devotion when they have had very fine reviews.
take. Rendell’s handling of her dismissal was doesn’t move you, maybe this one will.
as gutless as it was disgraceful. It was well “If there is any way to change this deci-
Technically, Barker wasn’t fired. Her con- beneath what we should expect and de- Margaret Ingram – the 1988 Florida sion or find her another position within the
tract wasn’t renewed. But the result is the mand from our school district. And if we Teacher of the Year and Christa McAuliffe county school system, where she has devot-
same: As of July 1, she’ll no longer be the allow him to get away with this, then shame Ambassador for Education who spent 29 ed a great deal of her life, many people in
principal at Beachland, or even a district on us, too. of her 35 years in the district at Beachland this community would be appreciative.”
employee. – was so disturbed by Rendell’s decision
Contacted by phone, Barker said she did to dump Barker that she felt compelled to Rendell’s response?
Unless she gets rehired by the district not wish to comment on her situation. speak at last week’s School Board meeting. “Making a change in leadership at any
– she has applied for principal positions school or department is an extremely tough
at another elementary school and middle District sources, speaking on the con- There, she praised Barker’s efforts and decision,” Rendell wrote in a May 21 reply
school, as well as an opening for a high dition of anonymity because they feared her school’s success despite a “significant that was copied to Barker. “I do value the ef-
school assistant principal – she’ll be out of retribution, said Barker can’t comment be- change in the diverse make-up of the stu- fort that Mrs. Barker has put in at Beachland
a job. cause she doesn’t want to hurt her chances dents Beachland serves,” and asked the and throughout her career in the school dis-
of getting rehired here – or getting a good board to reconsider the move. trict. She will be duly considered for other
Probably, with her impressive creden- reference that she might need to get hired positions in the district.”
tials, she wouldn’t be unemployed for long. elsewhere. Ingram pointed out that, in 2016, the Let’s hope so.
Surely, someone in a neighboring county number of students receiving free or re- Let’s hope Barker gets more than consid-
would be smart enough to hire her. It would Fortunately, others have rushed to her duced-price lunches at Beachland in- ered. Let’s hope she gets one of the jobs for
be their gain and our loss. defense and have spoken on her behalf. creased to 53 percent – up from 38 percent which she has applied. Better yet: Let’s make
when Barker became the school’s principal sure our School Board makes sure we don’t
Rendell, whose two years as superinten- Last week, 28 members of Beachland’s five years ago. lose a valuable educator, especially when no
dent have been marked by an alarming run faculty and staff sent a letter to the School reason was given for getting rid of her.
of district controversy, has told one of the Board, stating that they were “stunned and “We know that there is a direct correla- For the record: Rendell did say at last
best principals on Florida’s Treasure Coast concerned” by Rendell’s decision to not re- tion between economically disadvantaged week’s School Board meeting that any
that she’s no longer wanted here. new Barker’s contract and “wish to have her students and performance,” Ingram told changes in leadership are made “based on
remain at our school.” the board, adding, “Yet Mrs. Barker and her what we think is best for the school,” that “a
That’s not only wrong; it makes no sense. team weathered this change and pressed lot of factors” are considered, and that such
Barker isn’t merely very good at her job, The letter, acknowledging that a school’s forward with fervor and innovation.” decisions are not “made in a vacuum.”
but she’s also a credit to our community. “success” is now “measured in terms of data He did not specifically address the deci-
This move should make all of us, including and test scores,” cited Florida Department Ingram noted that Beachland, which also sion to not renew Barker’s contract, howev-
the members of our School Board, wonder of Education and district statistics to bolster is undergoing a massive reconstruction er. Also, he did not respond to my emails,
whether someone else should be making the teachers’ case. project that causes considerable disruption sent to his administrative and executive
these decisions. to normal school activities, remains among assistants, requesting a comment on the
Beachland had the “highest gains in the the highest-scoring elementary schools in matter.
Worse than Rendell’s decision, though, entire district this academic year,” the letter the district. Perhaps he was too busy. Or maybe he
was the way he broke the news to Barker, read, crediting the school’s performance to doesn’t deem us worthy of an explanation.
who received a two-paragraph letter, dated Barker’s leadership. “Even in the face of recent change I mean, who are we to question his deci-
May 16, that stated: “I will not be recom- brought on by shifting demographics in stu- sions?
mending the renewal of your contract for “A school is defined by the climate that it dent population, Beachland has remained Sure, we pay his six-figure salary, but does
the 2017-2018 school year.” creates due to the leadership of the princi- steadfast in its mission,” Ingram said. “And that mean we have a right to know why he
pal, as well as the performance of the fac- for the last five years, Caroline Barker has decided to fire a successful, respected and
The second paragraph informed her that ulty and staff,” the teachers and staff wrote, led the charge.” wildly popular principal who devoted the
her job-related benefits would be terminat- adding, “Our students love school because past 22 years of her life to educating our
ed on June 30 and she would be receiving of the climate we have.” She reminded board members of the children?
COBRA information for any health, dental “effective” evaluations Barker received “That’s his job,” School Board Chairman
or vision plans in which she participated. The letter also described the May 15 throughout her five years as Beachland’s Charles Searcy said of Rendell’s authority to
emergency meeting, called by Rendell to principal and the “highly effective” rating make personnel decisions. “We trust him.”
There was no expression of appreciation inform Beachland’s faculty and staff of his she received for the 2015-16 school year. But should we?
decision – a session at which he was asked Should we trust that Rendell had compel-
why Barker would not be back. “I would not be here tonight if I did not ling reasons for making this decision, even if
think that she deserved another chance to he won’t share them with us?
continue championing the uphill battle of Should we trust his judgment, despite
making the students at Beachland among some of his previous decisions, including
the brightest 21st-century learners,” Ingram his ridiculous push to fire Sebastian Riv-
said. er High School teacher Joe Nathaniel, who
physically subdued a classroom thug?
Schools sources said Barker also has re- Is it possible that Rendell is right and ev-
ceived strong support – through phone calls eryone else is wrong?
and emails to the district and School Board Apparently, the members of our School
offices – from parents who were surprised Board think so. Now it’s time to tell them
and upset by the news Barker had been what we think.
One such email was sent to Rendell by
Cliff Melvin, pastor of Christ by the Sea
United Methodist Church, who wrote on
May 18 that he has known Barker since she
was an assistant principal at Beachland.
He expressed “deep concerns and sadness”
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS June 2, 2017 11
GIFFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL student is going to be seriously hurt.” Add beauty and
“This has gone from an unfriendly, ac- natural light to your
cusatory workplace to a dangerous, hostile
ployment contracts for Decker and Assis- work environment and this administrator in about an hour!
tant Principal James Monds Smith were should be removed from her position. ...
not renewed, and Rendell has since con- Would love to elaborate but fear retalia- • Glass patterns • Patio & Sliding
firmed the firings, saying “it is time for new tion.” for every style Glass Doors
leadership” at Gifford Middle School. and budget
Despite those remarks from veteran • Framed /
Vero Beach 32963 reported problems teachers familiar with conditions at the • Customize to Frameless
at the school in a series of three articles, school, Rendell, Justice and Simchick un- your style Shower Units
documenting serious discipline problems, accountably continued to defend Decker
dangerous conditions and exceptionally and deny problems at Gifford Middle. • Impact Glass • Etching
high teacher turnover.
Rendell quibbled about the percentage • Wood Interior/ • Schlage &
The first article, published in January, of teachers that had fled the school saying Exterior Doors Fusion Hardware
included on-the-record comments from it wasn’t quite 20 percent, and Simchick
two long-time teachers rated “highly effec- was dismissive of the two teachers who • Fiberglass • Mirror Wraps
tive” by the district who said disruptions spoke on the record – the ones who said Doors
in their classrooms made it impossible to they feared for their own safety and the
teach. safety of their students – as “disgruntled 463-6500
employees.” Regency Square
The teachers said they had been threat- 2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart
ened and physically assaulted by students Justice complained that reporting by
but that Decker would not take action be- Vero Beach 32963 had upset her daughter Licensed & Insured
cause removing the disruptive students who was attending Gifford Middle at that
from regular classes would reflect poorly time.
on the school.
It was therefore somewhat surprising
Disciplinary referrals, arrests and alter- when Rendell called an emergency faculty
native school placements were kept to a meeting three weeks ago at Gifford to in-
bare minimum to hide problems from the form them Decker would not be returning
state Department of Education, the teach- as principal. Three sources, all wishing to
ers said. remain anonymous, informed 32963 of
the meeting, and the firing was confirmed
A second article, published in February, by the May 23 school board agenda pack-
confirmed problems at the school, reveal- et. That document revealed the district
ing that 10 out of 48 teachers at Gifford was cleaning house at the supposedly
Middle, more than 20 percent, had already well-run school, letting go both Decker
left – quit, retired or been fired – by the and Assistant Principal James Monds, who
middle of the school year. By the end of were not listed among the hundred or so
the year, that number was up to 16, mean- administrators Rendell recommended for
ing a third of the teaching staff had fled the reappointment.
school Decker was in charge of during the
school year. A termination letter sent by Rendell to
Decker on May 16 stated simply, “I will
The third article, which appeared in ear- not be recommending the renewal of your
ly March, quoted from a survey conducted contract for the 2017-2018 school year.”
by the Indian River County Education As- The rest of the short letter refers to bene-
sociation that was designed to elicit feed- fits. Decker signed the letter, acknowledg-
back from teachers on their principal. ing its receipt.
Thirty-three Gifford teachers responded Asked why Decker wasn’t reappointed,
with comments including these: Rendell said, “As principal of Gifford Mid-
dle School, Roxanne Decker had a positive
“This principal is extraordinarily an- impact on the school and enacted much
ti-teacher. She does not value staff input/ needed change. I believe that at this time
opinions and regularly goes against teach- in order for the school to move to the next
ers’ input or suggestions. The mass exodus level it will require different leadership.
of SKILLED teachers over the years sup- I value Mrs. Decker’s work and hope that
ports this statement.” she will be able to continue to serve our
school community in another role.”
“[Decker] seems to follow unquestion-
ingly anything sent down from the ... [dis- Gifford Middle School, located at 4530
trict administration] office. She denies 28th Ct. in Vero Beach, had 812 6th-, 7th-
that there are problems when faculty pres- and 8th-grade students in 2016. During
ents concerns and she lashes out at those the five years Decker was principal of the
who speak up. Faculty is overwhelmingly school, the annual grade it receives from
afraid of retaliation for speaking up. This the state Department of Education trend-
administrator is a bully and has become ed downward.
Gifford received an A in 2012, the first
“This administrator routinely under- year of Decker’s tenure, a B in 2013, a C in
mines staff, refuses to listen and continu- 2014, a B in 2015 and a C in 2016, accord-
ously refuses to address student behavior ing to state Department of Education doc-
on any meaningful level.” uments.
“I feel that the students at GMS are out Rendell said he hopes to name a new
of control and their chaos causes an un- principal and assistant principal by the
safe environment. Likewise there are far end of June. Decker and school board
too many students wandering around members did not respond to a request for
during classes unsupervised. Car and bus comment for this article.
duty are both understaffed and I fear that a
12 June 2, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
Chefs dish up ‘mmm mmm good’ riddance to lionfish
By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer couraging these people to try lionfish and Clockwise from above left: Cobalt sous-chef Thomas Dolan; Andrea Ross, Madison Quinones, Kendra Cope,
[email protected] see how delicious it is,” said co-chair Alexis Monica Swartley, Luke Robinson and Logan Peralta; Jason Adams. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Peralta, the IRC’s Storm Water Division coor-
Lionfish are an invasive species with ven- dinator. The Sebastian River Area Chamber
omous spines and few natural enemies that of Commerce and a host of volunteers also
are devouring native marine life and causing assisted with the festival. “A big part of this
reef habitat havoc, but they do have one re- is encouraging restaurants to serve more li-
deeming quality. They’re quite tasty, as more onfish.”
than 550 attendees of the second annual Se-
bastian Lionfish Fest at Capt. Hiram’s Resort “If we like them and we eat them, we are
can attest. doing our part to get them out of the water-
ways,” said Anna Valencia Tillery.
The festival was held in conjunction with
statewide Florida Fish & Wildlife’s Lionfish “I’d say it’s like a snapper; it’s a flaky, moist,
Removal and Awareness Day festivals and delightful fish,” noted Michael Natale.
tournaments held annually the weekend
after Mother’s Day to raise awareness of the A number of educational organizations
harmful impacts of lionfish on our coastal and ecologically-oriented vendors spanning
ecosystems. Indian River and Brevard counties were also
on hand to provide information on resourc-
Chefs from eight local restaurants es available to the public, FFWC showed
whipped up tapas-style dishes at the Mak- how to filet lionfish safely, and one young
ing Delicious Dishes from Destructive Fish- lady had a most unique display.
es-themed cookoff, vying to take home the
coveted Golden Plate Trophy. In the end, the “This was my high school science fair
blacked lionfish with mango habanero salsa project,” said Emily Kerness, a junior at El-
served by The Wave at Costa d’Este in Vero wood Junior Senior High School in Merritt
Beach emerged victorious, with a tight two- Island. She explained that she used a DNA
vote lead over the onion-crusted lionfish barcoding kit to send off some lionfish stom-
with caramel citrus glaze and side of slaw ach content to a lab to determine the species
served by the Yellow Dog Café in Malabar. of its prey. “I actually found that they were
eating other lionfish, a lot of shrimp and
Some chefs offered versions of tradition- other types of fish.”
al fare, such as the Old Fish House in Grant,
which offered bowls of lush lionfish chow-
der, and Micco’s Chubby Mullet, which prof-
fered smoked lionfish dip with jalapenos
and banana peppers.
Chelsea’s Gourmet in Vero Beach served
lionfish croquette morsels topped with ro-
coto (a type of pepper) sauce or avocado re-
moulade, and Cobalt at the Vero Beach Ho-
tel offered lionfish pozole with endive and
radicchio in a cilantro citrus crema.
Sebastian’s Captain Hiram’s enticed pal-
ates with blackened lionfish nachos drizzled
with wasabi crème and teriyaki sauce, and
Mulligan’s served comfort food in the form
of fried lionfish sliders topped with fried on-
ion and bacon.
Event chair Kendra Cope, Indian River
County Public Works sea turtle coordina-
tor/environmental specialist, said they pur-
chased the fish for the chefs from ReefSavers,
a commercial fishing organization working
to get lionfish into a broader market.
“I’m really excited that this event is en-
OCEAN DRIVE RESTAURANT Barkett said the 69 spaces in the park- the beach, and it meets the city code.” the wisdom of giving Sony the go-ahead
ing lot behind the building, along with He continued: “With 90 percent of the without first addressing the parking sit-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 the 20 spaces on the street in front, were uation.
more than enough to accommodate the projects that come to this town, there’s
added. “If the parking lot is full when the restaurant’s customers. opposition, because people don’t like “I think we’ve already lost,” Mistretta
restaurant’s customers show up, what change. What usually happens, though, said last week. “The best we, as tenants,
then? I know The Tides customers, be- He said he and Paul Parent, whose is that the project gets approved, the can do is go to our landlord and ask him,
cause we share the same clientele. If they Vero Beach-based construction compa- place gets built and everybody uses it, ‘What about us?’
can’t get a space in the parking lot, they’ll ny will build the restaurant, have reg- even the people who were opposed to it.”
go somewhere else. ularly monitored the parking lot and “But one good thing did come out of
found numerous open spaces. Barkett said he was “confident” the this,” he added.
“So the only practical solution is for council would “do the right thing.”
the restaurant to have monitored park- “This isn’t some tipping point,” Bar- “The city finally seems to be aware of
ing, like they have at the Ocean Grill.” kett said. “This project is not going to Mistretta, too, expected the Council the parking issue on Ocean Drive and fi-
make or break the parking situation on to approve the project, though he dis- nally seems to be taking it seriously. It’s
puted Barkett’s numbers and questioned now on their radar.”
Study: Screening technique cuts
colorectal cancer risk
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16 June 2, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 diatric intensive care unit on the Treasure a month,” says Seymour. here to take care of them.”
Coast, as well.” “We have our own neo- On a bit of an enthusi-
respiratory distress syndrome – as among natal intensive care asm-powered roll,
the most common problems affecting pre- Neonatal ICUs are ranked from level transport team [and] she then adds,
mature babies. one to level four, with four being the high- ... a special team of “It’s the same way
est certification. our nurses. The child with our neonatologists.
Those and other health difficulties can would need to be sta- They’re here 24 hours a
be caused or compounded by extremely The American Academy of Pediatrics bilized and then we day, seven days a week, as
low birth weights in premature babies. says level three NICUs such as Lawn- would come and get well as our nurse practi-
wood’s “are differentiated by their ability them and bring them tioners. We have the ser-
Seymour says at Lawnwood, “We have to provide care to newborn infants with here,” using either vices available.
micro-preemies that have a very low birth widely differing degrees of complexity
weight of only about 465 grams.” and risk.”
That is just slightly over 1 pound. And while it might seem both complex
For comparison, the average full-term and risky to transport fragile, newly born
baby born in the U.S. weights about 7.5 infants or premature babies from, say,
pounds. Sebastian or Vero Beach down to Lawn-
The unflappable Seymour then points wood, Seymour says it does happen.
out that Lawnwood is “the only level three
neonatal intensive care unit on the Trea- “We do about two to three transports
sure Coast, and I believe we’re the only pe-
Ivanelsie Delgado.
a helicopter or an ambulance. “What we want the community to
In 2016 nearly 60 percent of all Lawn- know is that you have peace of mind
when you choose to have your baby here
wood’s NICU admissions required level or when you choose to bring your small
three care. child here.”
Calling her work with infants “highly “I think the staff in both [the NICU
rewarding,” Seymour admits that “when and PICU] units are extremely proud of
things don’t go well it can be very devas- the work that they do. We live in a com-
tating. We get very emotionally attached munity that is in desperate need of these
to the family members as well as the intensive care services,” Seymour con-
baby,” but she quickly bounces back to cludes.
further praise her team.
To learn more about Lawnwood’s level
“We have an excellent OB hospital- three NICU or the PICU you can call the
ist group here at this facility,” Seymour hospital’s main number at 772-461-4000
states proudly. “They’re here 24 hours a or visit its website at lawnwoodmed.com.
day, seven days a week around the clock, Or, call 1-800-382-3522.
so if anything happens, somebody walks
in and there’s a dire emergency, they are
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH June 2, 2017 17
Study: Screening technique cuts colorectal cancer risk
By Maria Canfield | Correspondent Dr. Georgia Daniela Shapiro. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE Guaiac-based fecal occult blood test orectal screening is an absolute necessity
[email protected] (gFOBT) and fecal immunochemical test for all adults age 50 or older, and for oth-
prep, but no sedation. (FIT) are used to find tiny amounts of blood ers under the age of 50 based on specific
According to recent results from a Unit- in the stool that could be a sign of cancer criteria and history. While colonoscopy
ed Kingdom study, a screening test called or large polyps. (However, many times the is the preferred screening by the Nation-
a sigmoidoscopy cuts the risk of develop- cause is a non-cancerous condition, such al Comprehensive Cancer Network, any
ing colorectal cancer by over 30 percent. as ulcers or hemorrhoids.) These tests are alternative techniques should be consid-
The Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Screening taken at home with a kit patients receive ered for any individual unable to receive a
Trial (UKFSST) started in 1994 and is still from their doctor’s office. screening colonoscopy.”
ongoing; it has followed 170,000 people
over an average of 17 years, making it the Dr. Shapiro says prevention is the most Dr. Shapiro practices as part of Scott,
longest study ever done on the effective- potent treatment we have for reducing the Weeks, McGarry & Shapiro, located at 1460
ness of sigmoidoscopy in the prevention incidence of colorectal cancer, and has 36th St in Vero Beach; the office number is
of colorectal cancer. this guidance for the community: “Col- 772-562-7777.
Dr. Georgia Daniela Shapiro, a Vero
Beach oncologist, says that the UK study
is sound and well-researched. She says,
“While the study did not compare sigmoid-
oscopy with other screening techniques
such as colonoscopy, it clearly shows the
importance of colorectal cancer screening,
while attempting to illustrate an efficient
technique in which to screen the more
commonly affected left side of the colon.”
Although they have the same intent
and are administered in a similar fashion,
there are differences between a sigmoid-
oscopy and a colonoscopy. A sigmoidos-
copy requires less preparation and does
not involve sedation, which makes it easier
on the patient. However, a colonoscopy is
more comprehensive – it examines the en-
tire colon, while a sigmoidoscopy only ex-
amines the distal (left side) of the colon. Dr.
Shapiro says the preferred screening test in
the United States is a colonoscopy, when
In sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy pro-
cedures, a doctor inserts a thin flexible
tube equipped with a camera to look at the
colon. Both tests can find polyps – small
growths – on the bowel wall, which can be-
come cancerous if left untreated. Polyps,
if found, can be easily removed during the
testing process, usually by passing a tiny
wire loop through the tube.
Colorectal cancer (also known as bowel
cancer or colon cancer) affects the colon,
or large bowel, and/or the rectum. It is a
slow-growing cancer, and may be present
for up to 10 years before it starts to spread.
It is well known that regular screening is
one of the most powerful weapons for pre-
venting this type of cancer.
Preliminary screening tests shown be-
low can look for polyps or suspicious areas;
if anything is found, a follow-up colonosco-
py or sigmoidoscopy is performed:
A double-contrast barium enema in-
volves putting a liquid called barium into
the rectum. Air is then pumped in to spread
the barium in a thin, smooth layer though
the colon. X-rays are then taken. It requires
bowel prep, but no sedation.
In a CT colonography (also called
virtual colonoscopy), air is pumped into
the rectum and colon, and a CT scanner
is used to take images of the colon. Like
the barium enema, it requires bowel
18 June 2, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS www.veronews.com
Bonz sure not ‘board’ at Puppy Paddle playdate
man buddies Chris Woodruff proached, till her Mom told her it was
okey-dokey. Gypsy is an all-black Ger-
and Brent Bernhard brought man Shepherd, only 7 months old, she
told me. “I’m sorry I barked at you. I bark
Hi Dog Buddies! these cool boards. Of course, at strangers – pooches, humans, squirrels
sometimes – but I’m still learning when I
Well, there’s no chance I’ll EVER get bored us pooches wear life jackets. I should and when I shouldn’t. An I’m still
as long as I’ve got this gig: I get to meet paw- getting used to bein’ around other dogs
some poocheroos every week (not to men- mean, it’s fine to be a Hot Dog, and humans, so I’m sorta nervous.”
tion fab felines and the occasional zebra or “No worries,” I replied. “We’ve all been
pot-bellied pig). PLUS, I get to go to parties but NOT a Dumb Dog, right? there.”
and have adVENtures. Meanhile, back on the water, Celeste
Our first Puppy Paddle, last Bartoszewicz, a 5-pound chihuahua with a
Like, a coupla weeks ago, my pal Max Dix- 10-pound name, was floating up and down
on gave me an Ears-Up about an event him year, was for our custom- with her Mom, Vanessa. “I’m a nature girl so I
and his Mom Cindi and some other humans love anything outdoors,” she told me. “It’s my
were doing over by the Vero Dog Park. It was ers, and it was real popular. first time doin’ THIS, though. It’s pretty Cool
the Second Annual Puppy Paddle. An you Kibbles, once you get over the Wobble Paws.”
didn’t hafta be an ackshul puppy. Grown-up So we’re expanding. We get Bohdi Gear was at the very front of the
pooches can do it, too. It was for FUN and so- board as his Mom, Phaedra, paddled smooth-
cializing, of course, but also to help the Dog a lotta boaters from Else- ly along. He was a little poocheroo, but he
Park, which I know a buncha you go to. stood there, sure-pawed, like the captain of a
where who love the dog Really Big Ship. “Ah, THIS is the life!” he said
So, anyway, Max and his Mom run this nice as they floated by. “The salt spray! The cry of
dog spa, and they got together with a coup- park, and this is extra add- the gulls! The wind’s song! The dolphin jump-
la guys who have a kayak and paddleboard ing!”
place, and planned it all out. The pooches and ed fun.” “Woof!” I said to myself in admiration.
their humans’d meet on a Sunday morning, “That is one Salty Dog!”
right on the river, near that big, tall bridge A good-lookin’ brindle Back on shore, as Max was getting me
by the dog park, and paddle around. Paddle- some additional info, I noticed that his stylish
board newbees could get lessons, too. AN, pooch came down to the life vest was color-coordinated to his water
there were reFRESHments! bowl – AND his Jeep. They were all chartreuse
water’s edge, on leash, with black trim. Snazzy! “Thanks, Max! It’s
A buncha paddleboards were neatly lined been great!” I waved goodbye.
up along the water’s edge, and a few pooches with his humans. He had Heading home, I decided to ask my grand-
an their humans were already out in the water pa if we could maybe get one of those paddle
when me and my assistant arrived. It looked that Puppy Walk like he boards for the pool.
like a floating Puppy Play Group.
was still growing into The Bonz
Max yoo-hooed me from his paddleboard.
Even tho he’s a fluffy little poocheroo, he’s a his BIG paws. He didn’t Don’t Be Shy
take-charge kinda guy, real fren-ly. “Yo, Bonz!
I’ll be right in.” His Mom steered their board look scared, but he also We are always looking for pets
over to the shore. Of course, as a spaniel, I with interesting stories.
was real excited. I’ll sign up for pretty much didn’t look thrilled.
anything that involves getting’ wet. Howev- To set up an interview, email
er, since I was On The Job, an takin’ notes, I I introduced my- [email protected].
hadda stay dry. (Full Disclosure: I did manage
to get my paws in, right at the edge.) self, and he said,
“Woof Max, this is a Totally Cool Kibbles “I’m Buddy Clark.
My Aunt Macken-
“I KNOW! Right?” Max grinned. “My hu-
na and my Daddy Max Dixon, Cindi Dixon PHOTO DENISE RITCHIE
Taylor told me this
was gonna be FUN. But it’s a lot
more water than in my dish at home. I’m not WET. I’m still
sure I’m s’pose to get IN it. And those floaty learnin’ the ROOLS.”
things are kinda small.” “I’m pretty sure it’s totally OK to get wet this
Buddy’s aunt got on one of the floaty things morning,” I assured him. A while later, I spot-
while his Dad led him into the water. ted Buddy, sitting calmly on a board next to
“EEK! Wait!” Buddy was sayin’ as his Dad his Dad, nose up to catch all the interesting
sorta schooshed him up onto the board be- smells on the breeze, happily paddling along.
hind her. Buddy gripped with all four paws “You really gotta TRY this, Mr. Bonz!” he
and looked around. As Buddy’s aunt began to woofed.
paddle farther out into the river, Buddy slid Ginger Perosa, a beautiful Australian Shep-
off the back of the board and dog-paddled to herd, sat on the bank with her Dad Ron, just
shore. watchin.’
“So, whaddya think?” I asked him, dodging “Are you gonna try it?” I asked her.
the Shake-Off. “Not today,” she said. “But it does look pret-
“Um. I’m not SURE. I mean, I just don’t ty spiffy. Next Puppy Paddle I’ll definitely give
KNOW. It doesn’t feel BAD or anything. An it a burl. I’ve already RSVP’d.”
those OTHER pooches are doin’ it. I just don’t Gypsy Pinnell was sitting on the way far
want my Daddy to be mad at me for getting’ all end of the bank, ears up. She barked as I ap-
Desirable Millstone Landing
home could be yours
2041 Albany Terrace SW in Millstone Landing: 4-bedroom, 3-bath, 3,300-square-foot home in gated community
offered for $299,999 by Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices agent Chip Landers: 772-473-7888
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E June 2, 2017 21
more room to stash perfume and toilet- WHAT IF CONGRESS KILLS THE CAPITAL GAINS TAX EXCLUSION?
ries. The garden tub has a big surround for
stacking fresh towels or plants, which will By Kenneth R. Harney | Washington Post about that potential change because law, you can be eligible for the exclu-
get plenty of light from three large win- the deduction benefits millions of own- sion if you own and use the property
dows that rise from the tub’s skirt nearly to It’s often the biggest pot of gold avail- ers who pay property taxes, especially as your main home an aggregate two
the ceiling, giving a view of the pond. able to any homeowner, yet its fate re- those who live in the high-tax states years of the five years preceding the
mains unclear under the main plans along the East and West coasts. sale. Under Camp’s plan, that would
The large back yard provides lots of for a tax code overhaul proposed so far have been extended to five of the pre-
room for children to play or for a gardener on Capitol Hill. But what about the tax-free exclu- ceding eight years.
to realize landscaping dreams, the pond sion? Curiously, both plans are silent
offering the ideal backdrop. The capital gains “exclusion” al- on the subject. One tax expert on Cap- L● imited the frequency with which
lows eligible owners to pocket up to itol Hill told me that the failure of the owners can claim tax-free cash from a
FEATURES FOR $250,000 (taxpayers filing singly) or up House blueprint plan to even mention home sale from once every two years to
2041 ALBANY TERRACE SW to $500,000 (joint filers) from the net the exclusion could mean that it’s des- once every five years.
gains on their home sales, tax-free. tined to be eliminated. Another said it
Neighborhood: was much more likely that the House L● imited the exclusion for higher-in-
Millstone Landing Along with mortgage interest and come owners – those making $250,000
Lot size: 52 feet by 125 feet state and local tax deductions, it ranks tax writers ultimately will reach back (single filers) and $500,000 (joint filers).
among the major federal inducements three years to an earlier “reform” plan
or .15 acres encouraging Americans to own – not that sought to tighten the rules govern- The Camp plan on the tax-free exclu-
Home size: rent – a home. Between 2016 and 2020, ing who’s qualified to take the tax-free sion would have increased federal rev-
3,300 square feet unless changed by forthcoming legisla- exclusion and how often. enue by nearly $16 billion over a 10-year
Bedrooms: 4 tion, the $250,000/$500,000 exclusion period, according to an estimate by the
Bathrooms: 3 is expected to result in $166.3 billion in That plan, proposed by Dave Camp Joint Tax Committee – enough to make
Additional features: Locat- uncollected tax revenue for the federal (R-Mich.), who was then the House it a seductive option for tax writers
ed within a gated communi- government, according to the congres- Ways and Means Committee chair- looking to save the government some
ty with a club house, com- sional Joint Committee on Taxation. man, would have: serious money.
munity pool, tennis courts, That’s money that stays in owners’
library, work-out equipment pockets rather than getting sent to the L● engthened the minimum period What might be the impact on home-
and events room with treasury. that taxpayers need to own and use a owners of an elimination or severe cut-
dance floor, all for a low house as their principal residence to back on the exclusion? J.P. Delmore, tax
monthly home-owner’s Both the House Republican “blue- qualify for the tax-free exclusion from lobbyist and assistant vice president
fee; paver driveway; 2-car print” tax plan and the Trump admin- two years to five years. Under current at the National Association of Home
garage; plantation shutters; istration’s summary of its forthcom- Builders, says it could be disastrous.
kitchen with large island, ing tax proposals would effectively Not only would it “lay a direct and un-
granite countertops and limit the two other hefty benefits for expected tax bill on homeowners who
stainless appliances; tray homeowners. Although the mortgage expected to use housing equity as a
ceilings, chair rails, 8-foot interest deduction technically is re- source of retirement wealth,” but it also
doors and arched entry- tained as a benefit in both plans, its would lower demand for ownership
ways; covered porch; irriga- likely use and attractiveness would be and depress home values – “thereby
tion well; overlooks pond limited by the doubling of the stan- inflicting a windfall loss on existing
Listing agency: Berkshire dard deduction. With that deduction homeowners.”
Hathaway HomeServices pushed up to $24,000 for joint filers
Florida Realty ($12,000 for single filers), the vast What’s the outlook here? Most fun-
Listing agent: Chip Landers, majority of owners who now itemize damentally, it depends on whether a
772-473-7888 are expected to opt for the standard tax overhaul plan can move through
Listing price: $299,900 deduction. That would water down a fractious Congress this year or even
the long-standing special tax status next – which is no sure thing. It also
of ownership over renting, critics turns on whether Republicans in Con-
say, and probably lead to a decline in gress and the administration want to
home values. risk the political firestorm they would
surely face if they limit or take away
Under both the Trump and House the benefit many homeowners – es-
Republican plans, deductions for state pecially boomers in their 50s and 60s
and local taxes would be scrapped. –have hard-wired into their financial
Housing proponents are up in arms future.
22 June 2, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
The mainland real estate market experienced another strong sales week, as 46 single-family resi-
dences and lots changed hands from May 22-26.
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the home at 4 Sea Gull Avenue. First listed in Decem-
ber for $725,000, this 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 1,441-square-foot residence sold for $615,000 on
May 26.
In Sebastian, the week’s best sale was the home at 1526 Stonecrop Street. Originally on the market
in April for $269,000, the 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom residence fetched the asking price on May 24.
VERO BEACH 4 SEA GULL AVENUE 12/30/2016 $725,000 5/26/2017 $615,000
VERO BEACH 1536 50TH COURT 10/14/2016 $739,900 5/26/2017 $450,000
VERO BEACH 702 HAMPTON WOODS LANE SW 3/9/2017 $469,000 5/22/2017 $440,000
VERO BEACH 2530 FAIRWAY DRIVE 2/13/2017 $495,000 5/25/2017 $380,000
VERO BEACH 471 28TH COURT 8/16/2016 $399,000 5/26/2017 $355,000
VERO BEACH 2960 PEACHTREE STREET SW 1/3/2017 $363,500 5/22/2017 $355,000
VERO BEACH 4422 5TH PLACE SW 3/17/2017 $358,600 5/26/2017 $333,500
VERO BEACH 2019 CORTEZ AVENUE 2/8/2017 $349,000 5/26/2017 $327,000
VERO BEACH 4410 55TH STREET 4/21/2017 $327,000 5/23/2017 $320,000
VERO BEACH 6459 53RD CIRCLE 4/10/2017 $335,000 5/22/2017 $315,000
VERO BEACH 7595 15TH STREET 1/16/2017 $325,000 5/24/2017 $284,000
VERO BEACH 5555 43RD COURT 1/16/2017 $289,900 5/22/2017 $280,000
VERO BEACH 5299 ELEUTHRA CIRCLE 10/27/2016 $309,000 5/24/2017 $274,000
VERO BEACH 5915 BRAE BURN CIRCLE 8/19/2015 $279,900 5/22/2017 $269,000
SEBASTIAN 1526 STONECROP STREET 4/24/2017 $269,000 5/24/2017 $265,000
VERO BEACH 4625 5TH PLACE 2/1/2017 $277,500 5/26/2017 $265,000
VERO BEACH 1455 43RD COURT 2/15/2017 $299,000 5/23/2017 $250,000
VERO BEACH 2215 55TH SQR 4/17/2017 $255,000 5/24/2017 $250,000
VERO BEACH 1080 4TH COURT SW 4/13/2017 $225,000 5/22/2017 $249,000
SEBASTIAN 966 GENESEE AVENUE 4/12/2017 $249,000 5/24/2017 $247,000
SEBASTIAN 991 GEORGE STREET 2/1/2017 $258,000 5/25/2017 $229,000
VERO BEACH 615 FOX TRAIL SW 4/23/2017 $229,000 5/22/2017 $217,000
VERO BEACH 2024 PLAINFIELD DRIVE 12/28/2016 $261,500 5/22/2017 $216,000
SEBASTIAN 169 SPRING VALLEY AVENUE 3/7/2017 $229,500 5/23/2017 $215,000
VERO BEACH 5956 RIDGE LAKE CIRCLE 1/31/2017 $219,900 5/26/2017 $209,000
VERO BEACH 6355 OXFORD CIRCLE UNIT#101A 3/14/2017 $209,000 5/22/2017 $207,500
VERO BEACH 1261 25TH TERRACE SW 2/8/2017 $227,500 5/23/2017 $195,800
VERO BEACH 528 7TH SQUARE UNIT#201 11/17/2016 $215,000 5/22/2017 $189,900
SEBASTIAN 143 EMPIRE TERRACE 4/10/2017 $189,900 5/22/2017 $189,500
SEBASTIAN 1404 SEAHOUSE STREET 3/2/2017 $195,000 5/22/2017 $184,000
VERO BEACH 7953 ASCOT PLACE 3/24/2017 $188,000 5/24/2017 $181,000
SEBASTIAN 780 TULIP DRIVE 5/4/2017 $184,900 5/22/2017 $180,000
VERO BEACH 106 GROVE ISLE PLACE 8/12/2016 $204,500 5/22/2017 $172,000
SEBASTIAN 1144 CROQUET LANE 3/23/2017 $182,000 5/25/2017 $157,500
VERO BEACH 1575 29TH AVENUE 3/23/2017 $159,000 5/23/2017 $157,450
VERO BEACH 1709 25TH AVENUE 1/2/2017 $169,900 5/23/2017 $150,000
VERO BEACH 2455 30TH AVENUE SW 3/15/2017 $150,000 5/22/2017 $132,000
VERO BEACH 304 GROVE ISLE CIRCLE UNIT#304 4/7/2017 $132,000 5/25/2017 $129,900
VERO BEACH 685 TIMBER COURT SW UNIT#102 3/15/2017 $139,900 5/22/2017 $127,500
VERO BEACH 1650 N 42 CIRCLE UNIT#304 5/6/2017 $134,900 5/22/2017 $110,000
VERO BEACH 2800 INDIAN RIVER BOULEVARD UNIT#F8 2/21/2017 $119,000 5/22/2017 $100,000
VERO BEACH 1915 45TH AVENUE 4/19/2017 $129,000 5/25/2017 $90,000
VERO BEACH 735 17TH AVENUE 4/20/2017 $99,000 5/26/2017 $80,000
VERO BEACH 2106 16TH STREET 12/6/2016 $99,900 5/26/2017 $75,000
VERO BEACH 3980 47TH STREET 2/1/2017 $84,000 5/22/2017 $72,500
VERO BEACH 57 WOODLAND DRIVE UNIT#203 2/21/2017 $75,500 5/22/2017
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E June 2, 2017 23
1536 50th Court, Vero Beach 702 Hampton Woods Lane SW, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 10/14/2016 Listing Date: 3/9/2017
Original Price: $739,900 Original Price: $469,000
Sold: 5/26/2017 Sold: 5/22/2017
Selling Price: $615,000 Selling Price: $450,000
Listing Agent: Karen Morris Listing Agent: Peggy Hewett
Selling Agent: Laurel Agency, Inc. Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida
Matilde Sorensen Peggy Hewett
Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Berkshire Hathaway Florida
2530 Fairway Drive, Vero Beach 471 28th Court, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 2/13/2017 Listing Date: 8/16/2016
Original Price: $495,000 Original Price: $399,000
Sold: 5/25/2017 Sold: 5/26/2017
Selling Price: $440,000 Selling Price: $380,000
Listing Agent: Andrew Harper Listing Agent: Mike Boyd
Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise
Barbara McCarthy Not Provided
Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Not Provided
B2 June 2, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
Harp-guitar duo’s ‘Journey’ produces dynamic CD
By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer for the cantatas. She obliged him by pro- Gretchen Cover.
[email protected] viding a harpist – and paying the fee – but PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
she refused to play herself. “I paid some-
It took some arm-twisting to get Gretch- one else to play so I wouldn’t have to,” she
en Cover to take up the harp again. After says with a laugh.
minoring in the instrument in college,
then studying with a world-class harpist in The third year, Flores insisted. “You
Washington, D.C., she found she had no- yourself are going to play this time,” he
where near the three hours a day it took to told her.
keep up her skills while raising her son and
working full time. “The same switch that went off in col-
lege just went off again,” Cover recalls.
It would be 25 years before she took up Having sold her harp years ago, she rented
the instrument again. one and began to play, building up both
the mental and physical endurance she’d
Today, she and Vero-based classical gui- had so many years ago.
tarist Miguel Bonachea have just released
their first CD, “Sketchbook of a Journey,” In March 2013, Flores introduced her to
playing works written specifically for them Miguel Bonachea, a Cuban-born classical
by an American-born composer in Flor- guitarist who had left Cuba for Cali, Co-
ence, Italy. lombia. Bonachea had a long career per-
forming and teaching at universities before
Cover has lived in Vero Beach since moving to Miami in 2010. Not long after,
1999, when she and her family left Wash- when he moved to Vero, he tapped into
ington and bought a home on the south the town’s unusually strong church-based
barrier island. music programs. He soon found himself in
demand for concerts and services.
A few years ago, she became involved
with the annual Cantata at Christ-by-the- It was Flores who suggested Cover give a
Sea Methodist Church. Once music direc- duo concert with Bonachea. The response
tor Marcos Flores learned Cover could play to their music was so enthusiastic that the
harp, he begged her to provide harp music
Miguel Bonachea. two decided to form Vero Duo and market signed on with a top-tier Orlando record-
P HOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE themselves as music for not only church ing studio, Phat Planet Studios, discovered
services but parties and events. through the Grammy Award-winning pro-
ducer of a harpist friend of Cover’s. Phat
Bonachea’s classical guitar repertoire Planet was the only place around that the
rarely includes parts for the harp. When level of equipment required to produce the
the two decided to record, they turned to “special feeling,” as Bonachea puts it, that
composer Sidney, himself a classical gui- the two were after.
tarist, to create works that also featured
harp. It turned out that his composition for Phat Planet, accustomed to recording
harp was extremely challenging: “He hears pop and rock music, proved masterful at
harp but he thinks guitar,” says Cover. “His delivering classical music. But because
music is very, very difficult on the harp.” they were new to the genre, it took much
longer to set up. The first day, it took eight
Start to finish, the CD has been a two- hours to set up the mics for the harp and
year process, including the time it took to five more for the guitar, Bonachea says.
find and commission the composer. Then
there was a pause while Cover’s finger Session results were tossed out for
healed from being smashed in a car door seemingly esoteric reasons. Once, it was
on vacation in Hawaii. Things were further the sound of Cover’s English-made harp
delayed when first her father died, and strings; she switched to French-made, at
then her mother. her harpist friend’s suggestion and it made
all the difference. “We had to eat a studio
Finally, score in hand – or rather, on their session,” Cover says ruefully.
iPad Pros, which they both rave over – they
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE June 2, 2017 B3
Another time, reviewing a day’s worth ‘CLASSIC ALBUMS LIVE’ CONCERTS
of recording, they noticed an irritating ROCK MELBOURNE’S KING CENTER
scratching sound from Cover’s track – it
turned out her pant leg was brushing By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent Rush and Pink Floyd, whose music from the concerts very seriously. Its touring bands
against the harp. the album “Dark Side of the Moon” was fea- perform entire albums, cut by cut, note by
Chances are, Pink Floyd’s not going to be tured in the first of a six-concert series that note and with all the same head-banging
As for Bonachea, he had an even more floating into town any time soon. launched last month at the King Center. attitude you’d expect channeling the origi-
peculiar issue: ping pong balls. Because nal artists. Thursday, it was the Beatles’ “Sgt.
classical guitar requires strumming with But Classic Albums Live is. And with The Classic Albums Live organization,
fingernails, he has for 25 years improvised them comes great, hard-driving rock ’n’ roll made up of professional musicians, takes CONTINUED ON PAGE B4
fake nails with pieces of ping pong balls, music from iconic bands like Led Zeppelin,
attaching with Crazy Glue to the inside
of his natural nail. As the studio session
loomed, however, the local Sports Author-
ity only carried the brand in orange. So
that the sound would remain consistent,
he sported orange nail tips for a year, the
time it took to rehearse and record the CD.
“They gave me the sound that I wanted,”
he says. “I couldn’t change back to white
because it would change the sound.”
Cover commissioned two works from
the composer, Anthony Sidney: “Sketch-
book of a Journey,” a 30-minute work of
seven segments; and “Sonata for Harp and
Guitar.” The album also includes 1993’s
“From a Chinese Waterfall” for harp and
classical guitar. And there is one more Sid-
ney piece, played by only Bonachea: “Flo-
rentine Preludes,” composed in 2011 for
solo guitar.
The CD is available through CDbaby.
com, and it can be streamed from Amazon,
iTunes and Spotify. The trailer for the CD
was shot at the Moorings by Ian Rosaaen,
one of Bonachea’s students.
B4 June 2, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B3 to stay in their seats.
That frequently proves impossible.
Pepper’s” album and for the first time in The fans, most of them an older demo-
the act’s history performing at Melbourne’s
King Center, the Brevard Symphony Or- graphic, may also drag their teenage chil-
chestra joined in the concert. dren, whose ughs quickly turn into shouts
of woo when they discover this is not some
Along with Pink Floyd and the Beatles, cheesy tribute band, but instead, some se-
the organization has presented live con- riously authentic rock ’n’ roll.
certs of albums by the Doors, Creedence
Clearwater Revival, U2, Fleetwood Mac, Indialantic resident Dave Fredericks
the Eagles and more. Still to come in this introduced his children, ages 15 to 20, to
year’s series are the albums of Led Zeppe- Classic Albums Live and they loved it.
lin, Supertramp, Lynyrd Skynyrd and per-
formers at Woodstock. “They had never been to a rock concert
before,” he said. “They got to listen to Led
In the 14 years since Classic Albums Live Zeppelin as if Jimmy Page and Robert Plant
has been in existence, its talent as well as were up front. It was awesome for me to
its marketing team have created quite the watch them appreciate that style of music.”
loyal fan base. Enthusiasts show up at the
concerts dressed in appropriate T-shirts, A pianist who studied at the Berklee
get into the party atmosphere and then try School of Music in Boston, and a supporter
of the Brevard Symphony Orchestra, Fred- Side of the Moon’ show,” he said. “The (au-
ericks appreciates the Classic Albums Live diences) are knowledgeable and passion-
talent and the attention to the musicality ate music fans and support live music and
in their concerts. Classic Albums Live faithfully.”
“This is a great outlet,” he said. Hildyard has seen the Melbourne audi-
The visionary behind Classic Albums ences react with “shouts, cheers and exu-
Live is Craig Martin. In 2003 he decided to berance from the first note to the last.”
form the organization to present the great-
est rock albums on stage, recreated by the “They sing along, close their eyes, dance
best musicians. Many of the musicians are and sway, reliving whatever amazing mem-
studio musicians frequently employed by ories accompany the feeling,” he added.
big-name artists who need additional mu-
sicians for their recordings. The King Center concerts have grown in
As Martin put it in a press release, “Think popularity to such a degree that the venue
of it as a recital.” He said the albums the regularly offers affordable picnic meals be-
band replicates are “historic and stand the fore the concerts.
test of time.”
Rather than becoming tribute bands, Patrons arriving ahead of time can buy
the groups touring in the Classic Albums hamburgers, hot dogs, soft drinks, beer
Live concerts do not dress up in costumes and other drinks – and they’re allowed to
and impersonate musicians. They let the take them into the concert hall.
music do all the talking.
“We just stand there and play,” Martin Classic Albums Live patrons Jim Meri-
said. “All of our energy is put into the mu- deth and his wife Melissa make a point to
sic. We want the performance to sound ex- arrive early to take advantage of all the ex-
actly like the album.” tras the King Center offers.
The organization tours across North
American, performing more than 100 They have been enthusiastic fans since
shows a year. the King Center first brought the show to
Dedicating themselves to the integrity the stage. They sometimes wear T-shirts of
of the music is what separates Classic Al- the bands or of Classic Albums Live.
bums Live from tribute bands and every
day cover bands, Martin said. “They do an outstanding job,” Jim Mer-
Classic Albums Live musician Nicholas ideth said. “They are excellent musicians.
Hildyard has been performing with the I tell everybody it’s pretty much like going
organization since it began in 2003, sing- home, putting on the album and listening
ing the “Zeppelin IV” concert that year. to it.”
He’ll be performing again July 22 when the
group hits the stage at the King Center in He even convinces his grown children
that same concert. to accompany him and his wife to the con-
Hildyard has performed “countless al- certs.
bums” all over the country as vocalist,
percussionist, guitarist, keyboardist and “It’s funny, they’re like ‘I don’t know that
more. He’s also performed live on radio band, that music.’ But when they attend,
and television. it’s like ‘oh yeah!’ They’re just drawn into it.
One of his favorite venues is the King It’s classic. You can’t put it any other way,”
Center because of the massive enthusiasm he said.
displayed by the audiences. He’s played
there for summer concerts as well as spe- “You’ve got to go and try it. You’ll be a
cial New Year’s Eve concerts. believer.”
“We have had a mutual love affair with
this crowd and venue since our first ‘Dark Still to come in the series: Rush – 2112
on June 17; Led Zeppelin – IV on July 22;
Supertramp – Breakfast in America on
Aug. 19; Music of Woodstock, Sept. 16; and
Lynyrd Skynyrd on Oct. 14.
Individual ticket start at $24.75. Series
tickets also available starting at $138.
The King Center is at 3865 N. Wickham
Rd., Melbourne. Call 321-242-2219 or visit
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE June 2, 2017 B5
COMING UP larious!” Tickets are $16 and $18. Shows blowing back into Florida, appearing at day, before heading for the Bahamas,
are at 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. the Lyric Theatre in Stuart this Thurs- the next stop on their tour. According to
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 Allmusic.com, singer/guitarist sibs Kev-
‘Watershed.’ in and Michael Bacon were making mu-
Juanita Lolita. sic together as kids in Philadelphia, but
took divergent paths as adults: Younger
brother Kevin became wildly successful
in films, while older brother Michael
built a solid career in music, recording
two albums, fronting the folk-rock band
Good News, then moving into compos-
ing, and winning an Emmy for his score
of the documentary “The Kennedys.”
The brothers formed their band in 1994
for a charity event in their hometown,
took their show on the road and scored
a lot of press from their already estab-
lished fame. The band continued to
tour and cut several LPs, developing a
following along the way, with their sig-
nature gritty, blue-collar country-folk
sound. The six-member Bacon Brothers
Band plays 6 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
3 A visually breath- ‘The Bacon Brothers Band.’
taking collection,
Zone is just the ticket, bringing you two “Watershed: Contem-
heaping helpings of live, stand-up com- porary Landscape Pho-
edy this Saturday and Sunday. Deliver- tography,” opens this
ing the giggles this week will be actor/ Saturday at the Vero
comedian Philly Plowden and native Beach Museum of Art
Floridian Juanita Lolita. Plowden paces Schumann and Titelman
the stage, chatting up the audience and Galleries. The brochure
keeping his rapid-fire routine fairly PG. explains that the exhi-
Plowden’s subjects range from his own bition focus is a subject
real-life experiences – his mom, kids of global concern – the
and spouse – to observations about “the “fraught relationship
human condition.” IMDB.com speaks of between humankind
his “fun, outspoken nature” and, says and the environment.”
his film, theater, stage and commercial It features works from
roles “have ranged from comedic side- the permanent collec-
kick to darker/dramatic characters.” tion of the Telfair Mu-
Plowden is also said to be a great cook. seum in Savannah, Ga.,
Wife, mother and grandmother, Juanita and is divided into four
Lolita’s career in comedy began in ’08 sections – Objective,
when she won an open-mic contest at Atmosphere, Exposure,
a local club, then placed fourth in the Narrative – covering
Florida’s Funniest Person competition. the trends in landscape
Since then, the blue-eyed blonde with a photography beginning
“Latin flare and a hillbilly heritage” has in the 1970s.
appeared in venues across the state. Her
bio states she’s “out to change the face of 4 Hold on to your
comedy and prove that clean can be hi- bonnets! The Ba-
con Brothers Band is
1. The Fix BY DAVID BALDACCI 1. Two Paths BY JOHN KASICH 1. Third Grade Mermaid
2. Slightly South of Simple 2. Portraits of Courage
2. Keep Curious and Carry a
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BY AMOR TOWLES BY WILLIAM MCRAVEN 3. Captain Underpants and the
Terrifying Return of Tippy
4. No Middle Name 4. The American Spirit Tinkletrousers (#09)
5. Marathon BY BRIAN FREEMAN 5. Jimmy Buffett BY RYAN WHITE 4. Double Down (Diary of a
Wimpy Kid #11) BY JEFF KINNEY
5. Wandmaker BY ED MASESSA
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING June 2, 2017 B11
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B12 June 2, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
7 Harbour (6) 1 Utopia (8)
8 Rouse (6) 2 Tube (4)
9 Adieu (8) 3 Strong winds (5)
10 Current, ebb (4) 4 Lobby (7)
11 Trench (5) 5 Fragment (8)
13 Crepe (7) 6 Post (4)
16 Forbear (7) 12 Gala (8)
17 Groups of cattle (5) 14 Fish, rice and egg dish (8)
19 Cab (4) 15 Ewer (7)
21 Candle maker (8) 18 Strong and resilient (5)
23 Look out (6) 20 Maple (4)
24 Main meal (6) 22 Submerge (4)
The Telegraph
HOPE RESALE How to do Sudoku:
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING June 2, 2017 B13
ACROSS 82 In ___ (worried) 17 Sheen or Short newlywed-style The Washington Post
1 Police officers 85 Uncooked 18 Actress Susan 90 Begin to wake
7 Prairie product 87 ___ bone to pick 24 Baldfaced item 91 Texas city
12 Mayberry’s 88 A 1981 film 25 Lacking 92 Removal: abbr.
90 A 1938 film 31 French girl’s 93 More than one
perennial 94 Anagram of
self-incarcerator name moray
16 Terhune pooch LABOR DAY 32 The Limeliters 95 Gnomish
19 “Forget it!” 95 Latin abbr. 98 “Wait just ___”
20 Oprah’s 96 Germ-free were one 99 City on the
aptly named 97 Lemon drink 33 Present opener?
production 98 Choreographer 34 The Baskervilles’ Somme
company 101 Dome home
21 La ___ (Beijing’s Alonso backyard 102 The Prince of
land, in Italian) 100 Surgery tool 35 “Don’t look ___!”
22 Film editors’ org. 101 A 1953 film 36 “Really?” Tides
23 A 1948 film 107 Says, in 37 Keep these off nominee
26 The sow palace? 103 Banks or Ford
27 N to the zeroth teenspeak the table 104 Buckboard
power 108 Fishing need 38 Hard worker controls
28 Sermon topic 109 Bachelorhood 39 Moving crowds 105 Notices in the
29 Like a cold day in 40 Wound (up) paper
hell adieu 44 Alfonso’s queen 106 Spinner, in either
30 Type of solvent, 110 The bride 45 One-man-army direction
briefly 113 Start of a 110 Like Sharon
32 A 1981 film of filmdom Stone
37 Erstwhile Remarque 47 The way, in 111 Microwave
anesthetic classic 112 Fix in the mind
41 Overacts 114 A 1950 film Chinese 113 Pt. of speech
42 Attila, to his wife? 121 Part of the i 48 Essential cell 115 Aquarius, for one
43 More like a toon 122 Not “fer” 116 Roman goddess
46 Agro or astro 123 Sunni reading component of night
ending 124 Mexican state 49 Prize decliner, Le 117 Three in the
47 Port of Spain’s 125 Slangy coffee front?
island 126 Supports for ___ Tho 118 Sunlight shield
52 A 1990 film Couples 50 Afflict 119 Cheer
54 A 1987 film 127 Out doors 51 Noted molecule 120 Cheers guy
55 Renaissance 128 Blues partner 53 Suspicious
Fair adjective DOWN 54 Four years YESTERDAY I LOOKED OUT A CAFE WINDOW AND SAW ... By Merl Reagle
56 Medical grp. 1 Boom stuff
57 Dagger’s 2 Hostess cake before the
companion 3 Actress Barbara Norman
58 Where John 4 Magazine or Conquest
Wooden cereal 57 Lyricist Sammy
coached 5 Pressure 60 Gal of song
59 A 1987 film preceder 62 Actor Warren
61 Timber-hewing 6 Like a corgi 63 Turn over ___
tool 7 Evan Hunter leaf
65 Take to court novel, Strangers 64 Gen.-turned-
67 Some golfers: ___ Meet pres.
abbr. 8 Piece of sardonic 66 “Guh-ross!”
68 A 1975 film laughter 69 Blew a secret
72 Suspend, to a 9 Tarzan creator’s 70 Withered
Cockney inits. 71 W.C. Fields
75 Hades, to a 10 Car loan abbr. exclamations
Cockney 11 Competition, in 72 Some video
76 More minuscule brief games
77 A 1967 film 12 Earth hue, to an 73 Maker of Quik
79 Kin of FYI earl 74 Starsky portrayer
13 Watch company 75 Fix in the mind
14 Balin or Claire 78 Catherine or
15 Sahara sight Maureen
16 Will Rogers prop 79 Get ___ for effort
80 EMK, familiarly
81 Uxmal uncle
83 Sonora sun
84 Apply oneself
86 27th pres.
89 Quarreled,
The Telegraph
B14 June 2, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
G.K. Chesterton, an English poet who died in 1936, said, “Nowadays a citizen can hardly WEST 872 EAST
distinguish between a tax and a fine, except that the fine is generally much lighter.” 10 6 5 3 K 10 9 4 K94
K954 A 10 9 A 10 6 3
How is “lighter” relevant to bridge? A8 7532
742 SOUTH Q3
Fine play at the money-bridge table will leave the opponents with lighter wallets. Also, the Q72
best players are opening and responding lighter and lighter these days. QJ
Look at the North-South hands — which is the stronger? Do you agree with the auction, KJ865
or would you prefer a different sequence?
Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Neither
Less experienced players, who like guidelines, may apply the rule of 20. You add your
high-card points to the number of cards in your two longest suits. If the total equals at The Bidding:
least 20, you are supposed to open at the one-level.
In this deal, South’s hand qualifies, but North’s does not. However, that South hand is not 1 Spades Pass 1 Diamonds Pass
an opening bid, because it has a potentially useless two-honor doubleton in spades and a 1 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass LEAD:
load of quacks (queens and jacks). A minimum opening should contain at least one ace or 4 Hearts
two kings. The North hand, in contrast, fails the rule but is definitely an opening bid. It has
two aces, one king and great intermediates.
The given auction reaches a hopeless spot. Even if North had 10-third of hearts, the
contract might fail. I believe that the auction should proceed: pass - one diamond - two
no-trump - pass.
Note that even two no-trump goes down if West shifts to a spade before declarer has
driven out the diamond ace. The defenders can take one spade, four hearts and one
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR June 2, 2017 B15
ONGOING 17 Waterlily Celebration: A Spectacle of tian, with 8:30 a.m. Fourth of July Parade fol- mal formal’ with music by Dave and the Wave,
Color, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at McKee Bo- lowed by Freedom Festival at Riverview Park. refreshments, raffles and a 7:50 p.m. ‘hunk
Vero Beach Museum of Art – Deborah But- tanical Garden, adorned with the state’s largest dunk’ to benefit the Vero Beach Lifeguard Asso-
terfield: Horses thru June 4. collection of waterlilies, with repotting demon- 4 City of Vero Beach annual 4th of July Cele- ciation. $20. 772-778-2832
strations, plant sale and waterlily photo con- bration, 4:30 to 10 p.m. at Riverside Park.
Riverside Theatre - Summer Nights Block Par- test. Standard admission. 772-794-0601 22 Christmas in July, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at
ty, 6 to 9:30 p.m., with live music, refreshments 5-14 Vero Beach International Music Riverview Park, Sebastian to benefit
and games, plus wine tastings on Saturday 17 To Sept. 3 - Vero Beach Museum of Art Festival hosted by Mick Block Shop with a Cop, with entertainment, auctions,
nights thru June 24. Free admission. presents Dan Gunderson: A View from String Camp at First Presbyterian Church, fea- vendors and Santa. Free. 772-978-6248
Above. 772-231-0707 turing world-class folk, bluegrass, Celtic, Ameri-
JUNE cana, rock and jazz musicians. Wed. 7/5 Artist/ 28-30 Vero Beach Pirate Festival,
24 Vero Pride 2017 hosted by Amend- Faculty Concert; Sat. 7/8 Student concert & 2 to 6 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m. to 8
2 Discussion by Kendra Cope, Indian River ment One Activists IRC, 5 to 10 p.m. Barn Dance; Wed. 7/12 Artist/Faculty Concert; p.m. Sat., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun. at Riverside Park.
County coastal environmental specialist/ at Heritage Center to support Vero’s LGBTQ Thurs. & Fri. 7/13 & 14 Faculty-led Advanced
sea turtle coordinator on sea turtle biology community through an all-inclusive event fea- Student Concert. Donations to MBSC Scholar- AUGUST
and local impacts on sea turtles, 10:30 a.m. to turing food, drinks, best-dressed contest, en- ship Fund of $10 student concerts; $20 faculty
Noon in McKee Botanical Garden’s Richardson tertainment, followed by after-party at Kilted concerts appreciated. 3-5 Vero Beach Recreation Dept.’s 43rd
Education Building. $10 McKee members; $12 Mermaid. $45. veropride.com annual Aerial Antics Youth Circus at
non-members. 772-794-0601 15 Third annual Barefoot Beach Ball, 5 Saint Edward’s School. 772-567-2144
30 To July 28 - Vegas Nights, 6 to 9:30 p.m. at Waldo’s Restaurant, an ‘abnor-
3 Donuts With Dad, 9 to 11 a.m. at Vero p.m. weekends at Riverside Theatre,
Beach Book Center, with fresh coffee and with live music, full bars and food service, plus
juice. 772-569-2050 casino games with proceeds to benefit Chil-
dren’s and Family programs. Free admission.
3 To Sept. 10 - Vero Beach Museum of Art
presents Watershed: Contemporary Land- JULY
scape Photography. 772-231-0707
1 Burgers & Brews Festival – An American MAY RATES Iinlasdln_iHOneigtEh_050517 Ask About Our
3 A Celebration in the Vineyard, 4 to 8 p.m. Heritage Celebration to benefit United $30 $25 $20 Frequent
at Summer Crush Vineyard and Winery Against Poverty, 11 a.m.to 3 p.m. Best Burger
to benefit CASTLE, a casual afternoon of spirits Competition featuring top local chefs at Heritage Before 11 AM After 11 AM After 2 PM Player Programs
and food, live entertainment, raffles and auc- Center ($30 to taste all sliders with two beers or
tions. $50. 772-465-6011 $3 per slider); 1 to 7 p.m. free street festival with (All Rates Include Cart and Tax)
live entertainment in historic downtown Vero
3 Champions for Charity Golf Shamble, 8:30 Beach. VIP Pavilion passes (includes sliders and 1600 SOUTH 3RD ST., FORT PIERCE 772-465-8110
a.m. tee off at Moorings at Hawk’s Nest bloody Mary bar) $80. $80 772-770-0740
Golf Club followed by awards lunch to benefit From US1, turn East on Ohio Ave., Directly behind TD Bank
Exchange Club of the Treasure Coast and CAS- 4 45th annual Freedom Festival, hosted by
TLE. $150. 772-321-8308 Lions Club of Sebastian and City of Sebas-
8-11 Vero Beach Wine + Film Festi- Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
val to benefit SunCoast Mental in May 26, 2017 Edition 7 SINGER 1 DISGRACE
Health Center. VBWFF.com 8 LINDEN 2 OGRE
10 Tropical Night Luau, 7 p.m. at Grand 10 SURROUND 4 FLORET
Harbor Golf Club to benefit Youth Guid- 11 PATCHY 5 ANNOUNCE
ance Mentoring and Activities Program, with 13 TUNNEL 6 KEEN
tropical buffet, silent and live auctions and danc- 15 RESCUE 12 COCKEREL
ing to Gypsy Lane band. $125 772-770-5040 17 DRENCH 14 EXCITING
17 Live Like Cole Foundation’s Charity Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13 Crossword Page B14 (MY SEDIMENTS EXACTLY)
Golf Tournament, 8 a.m. shotgun start
at Grand Harbor Golf Club followed by BBQ
lunch, to raise funds for a Riverside Park fishing
pier and lagoon related charities. 772-559-5907
Our directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the community an opportunity to make themselves known to our readers at an affordable cost.
This is the only business directory mailed each week during season. If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753.
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