New life in lagoon? P2 Answering the call. P9
Brevard eco-tourism efforts may Holy Name’s Deacon Mike happily
include clam-seeding project. follows where divine hand leads.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2018 | VOLUME 03, ISSUE 36 Swinging into new season. Page 12
City officials return fire after
famed activist’s online attack
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER wake the hell up? The first step
[email protected] in solving a problem is admit-
A social media storm involv- ting that you have one...This is
ing an Aug. 29 Facebook post by a metal container... dug up in
famous activist Erin Brockovich a yard in your community to-
that was highly critical of day. It is part of a land-
Satellite Beach officials fill and toxic debris left
was sparked by a video behind by the Navy and
of a decades-old debris then the Air Force. The
field – later determined Satellite Beach area of
to be harmless – being Brevard County’s entire
unearthed in South Pat- Brockovich. barrio(sp) island is cov-
rick Shores. ered in this waste... vast
Brockovich reacted online unknowns.”
after viewing what the city Brockovich continued, pro-
calls a “highly edited” video of voking more than 1,200 com-
a 55-gallon barrel later deter- ments, “Digging up an old
Brevard Schools Superintendent Mark Mullins joined Gemini third-graders for lunch last week. mined to be located outside the container, weapons system
PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER city and containing dirt. components... even old jeep
STORY BY JAN WESNER CHILDS CORRESPONDENT That question led not only to a move to The original post reads: “Sat- and airplane parts is common
Indialantic some 25 years ago, but also to
Mark Mullins was scraping ice off the an accomplished career with Brevard Pub- ellite Beach & Brevard County, place.”
windshield of his future wife’s car on a cold lic Schools. Mullins was named superinten-
Chicago morning when she asked him: dent of schools in August, taking the helm Florida. Will you please CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
of the 10th largest school district in the state
“Do you think we could live in Florida af- and the 49th largest in the country. Teacher-turned-councilor has
ter we’re married?” studied hard for her new role
Mullins, who loves to tell this story, says
he replied: “Let me go get my stuff.”
[email protected]
STORY BY JENNIFER TORRES CORRESPONDENT with treasure ran aground during Jodi Rozycki.
a catastrophic storm. Five oth- For Jodi Rozycki, it’s the teacher going back
Seafarer Exploration believes ers faced the hurricane force PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER to school, this time to learn as much as
a spot just off the coast of Mel- winds and disappeared into she can about city government before
bourne Beach may hold one PHOTO: JULIAN LEEK the squall. Only one ship from she starts her term as a Satellite Beach
of the biggest treasures of all the 1715 Plate Fleet (Plata is City Council member. She was elect-
– an unsalvaged or “virgin” the Spanish word for silver) ed unopposed to fill the seat to be
shipwreck site that evidence traveled ahead of the rest and vacated this fall by Steve Osmer.
shows may contain part of the survived the voyage. Rozycki, a long-time teacher at
1715 Spanish Fleet. Nearly 1,000 lives were Surfside Elementary, has been told
by city leaders and others that join-
In the early hours of July 31, PHOTO: BENJAMIN CTHOANCKTEIRNUED ON PAGE 6 ing the City Council at this juncture
1715, six Spanish vessels laden will be intense, with the challenges
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 A hipster haven!
NEWS 1-6 DINING 28 PEOPLE 7-10 Dining: Café Surfinista
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 21-23 PETS 20 features a cool surf vibe –
BOOKS 19 HEALTH 25-27 REAL ESTATE 31-40 and healthy fare. PAGE 28
2 Thursday, September 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
County eco-tourism efforts may include clam-seeding project
STORY BY HENRY A. STEPHENS CORRESPONDENT the visitor-information manager with a new $1 million-a-year program, using tuary-related projects.
[email protected] the Space Coast Tourism Office, said tourist taxes to improve the lagoon’s en- County tourism officials expect to
last week. “This would be affiliated with vironment and boost tourism.
Later this month, county officials will the University of Florida and the Florida have $1 million a year left from their
set funding priorities for eco-tourism Fish and Wildlife Conservation Com- Starting after Oct. 1, in fiscal year beach-improvement program after
projects aimed at putting heads on mission.” 2019-20, the money would come from paying for beach projects. The lagoon-
beds, and one of them could be an effort the 5 percent “bed tax” the county tourism money would come from that
to restore once-plentiful clams to Bre- Bartosek declined to identify who was adds onto hotel and other short-term $1 million.
vard County’s stretch of the Indian River seeking the grant for this project, saying rental stays. County commissioners on
Lagoon after recent decades of scarcity. they’d rather not go public this early. Aug. 14 approved the concept, amend- But beach work is still the top priority,
ing the county’s tourist-development Beach Improvement Committee Chair-
“Yes, we have been approached with And there are no grants available ordinance to include lagoon- and es- woman Laurilee Thompson said.
a clam-seeding project,” Tom Bartosek, quite yet anyway. This would be part of
If the county needs the $1 million for
“I am in communication with medi- The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad was
cal professionals concerned about the
high rate of cancer in your community... called in to help clear a scene where debris was un-
you ignore them…,” she wrote, referring
to the ongoing research and testing. earthed in South Patrick Shores. PHOTO: JULIAN LEEK
The post drew an immediate reac- Satellite Beach Councilwoman Mindy
tion from Satellite Beach City Man- Gibson also jumped up to defend the
ager Courtney Barker, who sent a per- city against Brockovich’s accusations.
sonal letter dated Aug. 31 that blasted “I read this last night and was shocked
Brockovich for spreading disinforma- and disappointed that a person whom
tion and personal attacks. at one point in my life I looked at as a
hero in this arena, would not have con-
“Your Facebook post claims that we tacted us directly and offered her help
ignore these claimed and implies that or even advice having been through this
we are a part of a coverup, which is before,” Gibson said.
absolutely incorrect and defamatory,”
Barker fired back. On Aug. 30 Brockovich posted a fol-
low-up: “I try very hard to stay out of lo-
Barker’s response cited a list of efforts cal politics... which I am afraid is hard to
and agencies now involved in a com- do. My post was clearly written from a
plex undertaking led by a local oncolo- position of frustration with the scores of
gist to determine if a cancer cluster has emails I have received about the histori-
been caused by contamination from the cal contamination issues in the greater
nearby Patrick Air Force Base. She listed “Satellite Beach area”. I am encouraged
various efforts including the city paying by the response and believe there will be
for initial groundwater testing as soon some positive outcomes from the atten-
as the original Department of Defense tion called to the situation. Unfortunate-
report came out and efforts for a longer- ly... people are reading what they want
term “fact-based response” to concerns into the post from their individual politi-
about contaminants possibly causing cal positions... which is unfortunate.”
cancer clusters in the area.
Barker confirmed that Brockovich’s
One of the biggest challenges, accord- staff confirmed that she will visit Sat-
ing to the letter, is the dissemination of ellite Beach, probably within about a
inaccurate information via social media month.
including Facebook.
Barker requested that the Facebook
post be retracted or further explained,
specifically the “accusatory and deroga-
tory language regarding our City Coun-
cil and city staff and the location of the
barrel outside the city.”
She concluded to Brockovich that it
is hard to form a partnership when the
initial post described the council as “pa-
thetic” and Barker’s credibility as “in the
A long-time fan of Brockovich and her
public health advocacy, Barker wrote
that the post was “shocking” and “disap-
pointing” and “comes across as a bully-
ing tactic rather than an effort to engage
in professional dialogue to work togeth-
er toward solutions.”
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 6, 2018 3
beach-tourism work, she said, that’s of Engineers. If the Army has to pay to on a half-cent lagoon-improvement from fish and other marine creatures.
where it will go instead of the lagoon. restore part of the county’s beachfront sales tax. Its projects, such as muck re- The new program, however, is in-
after a hurricane, she said, the county moval, are aimed at removing or divert-
“I don’t anticipate this ever happen- must provide $50 million as a match. ing nitrogen and phosphorus from the tended to improve the lagoon habitat,
ing, but it could be we need that million lagoon. not remove excess nutrients. Some pos-
in a certain year,” Thompson said. “We Bartosek said residents are often con- sible projects would be restoring lagoon
put that clause in to protect ourselves.” fused between the new lagoon-tourism Nitrogen and phosphorous nour- shorelines, improving recreation areas,
effort and the existing Save Our Indian ish growths of algae that block sunlight supporting sport fishing and wildlife
She referred to an agreement the River Lagoon Plan. That plan is based from seagrasses and choke off oxygen viewing, and educating the public.
county has with the U.S. Army Corps
4 Thursday, September 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
NEW SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT ‘The horizon, the landscape, looking agencies and corporate partners to
forward is very good for all of our schools.’ offer information and programs to at-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tract and keep teachers.
the landscape, looking forward is very PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER
He started his career in education good for all of our schools.” As chief operating officer, Mullins
in 1994 as a math teacher and soccer BPS has put a strong emphasis in was in charge of reviewing every de-
coach at Cocoa Beach Junior/Senior Some schools, such as Delaura Mid- recent years on mental health, sui- partment to see where internal cost
High School, then went on to be assis- dle, which now has more than 800 stu- cide prevention and anti-bullying savings could be found. He cited
tant principal at Palm Bay High School dents, have grown faster than others. campaigns. Mullins plans to continue $800,000 saved last year by reviewing
and principal at Clearlake Middle The idea of building a middle school those efforts. bus routes throughout the county, for
School before moving to the district in Viera to take some of the strain off example. He plans to continue to lead
level as an area superintendent in July Delaura and other schools has been “I think we can always do more,” the charge to find other places where
2010, a position that no longer exists. discussed several times, but Mullins he said. “The reality is that kids come money can be saved.
Most recently he was a deputy super- said there is currently no plan to do so. to us with a lot of unknown circum-
intendent and chief operations officer stances. We don’t always understand “That’ll be a proven practice that
for the district before taking over the Mullins also discussed school secu- how that’s going to impact a child. I we’ll utilize going forward,” he said.
top job when Desmond Blackburn re- rity. While nearly all beachside schools call it ‘the things in the backpack we “Are there big-ticket wins? We haven’t
signed to work in the private sector. are covered by local law enforcement don’t see.’” found those yet.”
agencies, 30 educational sites in the
“It is very unique and I feel very county are still without a school re- Teacher salaries are another hot- Mullins added that teacher pay, and
blessed to have the opportunity, and source officer. Those schools are cur- button issue for the district. Board all other budget items, are a matter
stay where my heart is and serve the rently being secured by off-duty police members and district officials, as well of prioritizing and sometimes that’s a
community that captured my heart officers until full-time security guards as the teachers’ union, repeatedly say difficult process.
24 years ago when I started teaching,” can be trained. The school board’s BPS needs to do more to pay teachers
Mullins said. goal is that ultimately all 89 sites will on a higher scale. “There’s always going to be some-
have full-time SROs. Mullins said that thing we can’t do,” he said.
The Melbourne Beachsider spoke once that is accomplished, the secu- “Where will the money come for
with Mullins during a recent visit to rity guards will supplement security higher teacher salaries? That’s a tough Mullins also plans to continue the
Gemini Elementary. His wife Laurel, where needed. one and will continue to be,” Mullins strategic plan initiated by Blackburn,
maiden name Larsen, was raised in said. along with the strong community
Melbourne Beach and attended Gem- The School Board opted not to arm partnerships with local industries,
ini from kindergarten through sixth teachers, but with new blood coming “The priority is the recruitment and especially in the space, aviation and
grade. She, along with other Gemini in after the November elections that retention of the best work force, and tech sectors.
students, helped create the iconic mo- issue could be re-introduced. obviously compensation is a part of
saic tile mural inside the school that that. I’d love for us to be able to get to “Brevard County provides the op-
depicts the Gemini space program. Mullins wouldn’t say where he the point where we lead the way.” portunity for us as citizens (and) resi-
stands on arming teachers. “Ultimate- dents, but even more for our kids, the
The couple moved to Melbourne ly, it’s up to the board,” he said. But he said the district also has to opportunity to explore space, to ex-
Beach three years ago after living in look at other ways to retain teach- plore land and to explore sea,” he said.
Indialantic for 22 years. ers besides just higher salaries. Some
of those might be working with local Mullins’ own three children attend-
Gemini, along with Sea Park Ele- ed Indialantic Elementary, Hoover
mentary in Satellite Beach, struggled Middle School and Melbourne High.
with declining enrollment after the He appreciates the sense of commu-
shutdown of the space shuttle pro- nity beachside.
gram and the recession and housing
crisis a decade ago. Enrollment is up “I think in any community, it’s about
again at both schools, but Mullins said the neighborhood in which you raise
the district, much like any other orga- your family, and certainly that’s been
nization or business, rides the tide of our experience,” he said. “We enjoyed
the economy. not only raising the kids in our home
but in our neighborhood and having
“We’re all experiencing the benefits those extended relationships.”
of a strong economy and growth and
business growth and everything that One of his favorite things about liv-
comes with that – young families, a ing beachside? Walking to the river to
younger workforce, coming into the enjoy the sunset with his wife, often
area bringing children with them,” he joined by neighbors and friends.
said. “So I think certainly the horizon,
“We feel very blessed to be able to
have that opportunity,” he said. “I be-
lieve we live in a very special, unique
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 6, 2018 5
JODI ROZYCKI To help her hit the ground running, Self-described and known as a “rea- sides of the issues. “People have told me
Rozycki spent the summer meeting with sonable person,” Rozycki believes that that it’s going to be a lot of homework,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 the city department heads to under- having a level head and sense of balance but I am ready. It’s interesting to me.”
stand their roles and budget needs. will help her be an important part of
related to possible long-term contami- community decisions. And, as any good Born and raised in the Satellite Beach/
nation, development issues, and the “It seems like everybody is on the teacher knows, you have to be willing to Indian Harbour Beach area where her
ever-looming preparation and recovery same page and the feeling is the city is do the work in advance to understand all mother still lives in the same house, Ro-
from hurricanes. on a good path,’’ she said.
6 Thursday, September 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
JODI ROZYCKI 15 years old, Rozycki, who is also active turned to his council seat unopposed as TREASURE HUNTERS
in Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church, he and Rozycki were the only candidates
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 prides herself on maintaining a good to qualify. After serving from 2002 to CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
pace while keeping up with the details. 2009, Montanaro rejoined the council in
zycki attended Ocean Breeze Elemen- 2013 when he was appointed to fill a va- lost in the calamity which occurred in
tary, Hoover Middle School and was a Joining the City Council now is Ro- cancy. He has been active in the Florida the waters near Vero Beach, but the sev-
1990 graduate of Satellite High, where zycki’s way of preparing for her involve- League of Cities. eral hundred who did survive eventually
she got her first civic experience with ment once her children get to college got word back to the king, who was able
recycling efforts and met and became age, and putting in real effort toward a For the Indian Harbour Beach City to retrieve a vast amount of the treasure;
friends with city leaders. bright future for her hometown of Satel- Council, only Mayor David Panicola was however, millions of gold coins, silver
lite Beach. re-elected unopposed. Originally from and other artifacts remained, much of
After an education degree from the Long Island, New York, David Panicola it found by treasure hunters over the
University of Central Florida, she and “This is our home. I am a born and has lived in Florida for over 23 years and years, giving the region its moniker as
her husband moved back to Satellite raised beachside girl. I want it to con- in Indian Harbour Beach for 18 years. He the Treasure Coast.
Beach in 1996 and she started teaching tinue to feel the same charm. I want the has served on City Council since 2002
at Surfside Elementary School, teaching good parts to be stuck in time,’’ while and has served as deputy mayor for four Seafarer CEO Kyle Kennedy, who also
fourth grade this year. progressing in an intelligent sustainable one-year appointments. Panicola was chairs the boar of the underwater ex-
way, she said. elected mayor on Nov. 6, 2015. ploration, recovery and conservation
The youngest of seven children and company, believes that if the shipwreck
now with four active children from 9 to Dominick Montanaro was also re- lies where he thinks it is, the discovery
– rich with archeological significance
and untold treasures – would make Mel-
bourne Beach an integral part of the lost
fleet’s history. Kennedy has spent end-
less hours personally researching the
archives of 300-year-old documents,
including survivor testimonials given
to the king after the wreck, to assist in
identifying the ship.
So far, evidence has shown that two
artifacts found near the site – a silver
inscribed platter and a Ramirez pistol
– were aboard the Santisima Trinidad y
Nuestra Señora de la Concepción, one
of the five ships from 1715 Fleet that had
disappeared in the storm.
The most recent unsalvaged treasure
ship – the Nuestra Senora de Atocha
– was recovered in 1985 by renowned
salver Mel Fisher, about 35 miles off
Key West. It carried 40 tons of silver and
gold, and 71 pounds of emeralds.
Using four boats, including his pri-
mary boat – the Iron Maiden – for the
salvage operation, Kennedy says most
of the Melbourne Beach wreck could be
uncovered over the next two years with
the proper equipment.
“Sensitive archaeological work takes
time,” Kennedy said. “Wrecks salvaged
off the coast of Florida over 300 years
ago continue to produce treasure even
Kennedy has spent nearly $13 million
on his work so far, but the possible trea-
sures aboard an unsalvaged ship from
the fleet could exceed $4 billion. Sea-
farer has an agreement with the state to
give them 20 percent of the find.
“Seafarer’s operations will have a pos-
itive social, cultural and environmental
impact for Melbourne Beach and its
surrounding area,” Kennedy said. “Sea-
farer will actively be involved with edu-
cational institutions, public service or-
ganizations and government agencies.”
Melbourne Beach Mayor Jim Sim-
mons is looking forward to seeing the
“I’m really anxious to see what they
bring up, it’s an exciting operation,
and I’m looking forward to see how
they contribute to the community,” he
Deacon Mike
happily follows where
divine hand leads P. 9
8 Thursday, September 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Gushing about essential oils at ‘Incubator’ workshop
Debra Fillingim led a class on essential oils at the Art Science Incubator last Thursday evening. Shelley Chandler. Jo and Dave Foringer. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER
STORY BY BENJAMIN THACKER CORRESPONDENT Thursday night as she conducted an
[email protected] essential oils workshop at the new
Art Science Incubator on South Pat-
Allergies? Try lemon oil. Can’t rick Drive.
sleep? Go for a lavender blend.
Stomach pains? Oregano oil might “I use peppermint to clear my si-
help. nuses, and peppermint beadlets for
so many things,” she said. “I also
“Yes, there’s an oil for that” is have a sensitive stomach, so Digest-
Debra Fillingim’s mantra. She wore Zen is a lifesaver.”
a T-shirt with the same slogan last
She was referring to oils and guided in making their own rollers
products made by the popular and (think deodorant sticks but small-
trusted brand doTERRA, which is er and made of glass), using oils of
based in Utah, but sources its oils their choice.
with strict quality control interna-
tionally. More and more people of all ages
are turning to natural remedies in
Fillingim and her husband Marty lieu of pharmaceuticals, seeking to
have been using doTERRA oils for avoid high prices and scary side ef-
years, and are members and well- fects.
ness advocates for the company,
which gives them access to whole- “If I break my leg, I’m calling my
sale pricing on products. doctor,” says Fillingim. “But if my
tummy is upset, I cannot sleep,
The small group sat around a long I cannot breathe, I need a bit of
table in the well-lit studio space, cheering – I know exactly what oils
learning about different essential to use!”
oils and how they can be used to
regulate emotions and ease ail- The Art Science Incubator is a
ments from nausea to migraines to new collaborative creative space
hyperactivity to insomnia. located in the Suntree Cafe Plaza,
next to Innovation Yoga. Set up as
Fillingim’s giant wooden box of an art studio, with a variety of class-
oils (doTERRA makes dozens of dif- es, workshops and science lectures,
ferent single oils and blends) sat the space is open to anyone with an
open in the center of the table. As idea and motivation to share it.
she spoke about a particular oil, she
pulled it from the box and passed it For information on upcoming
around for everyone to smell. events or if you’re interested in getting
involved, visit www.artscienceincu-
Workshop participants were also or call 321-428-4800.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 6, 2018 9
Deacon Mike happily follows where divine hand leads
[email protected]
It could have gone another way. Deacon Mike Nussear. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
Michael Nussear was a young air-
craft maintenance specialist in the “I reflected on all these events MEDICARE HEALTH INSURANCE
U.S. Air Force, stationed at Clark Air throughout my life and they were
Force Base in the Philippines. all leading up to this point where FREE MEDICARE SEMINAR
One night, a call went out to Nus- God was asking me to do this,” said
sear and three other maintenance Nussear, 65, who was ordained in SEPTEMBER 18th @ 6:00 PM
specialists that a B-52 bomber had June 2016.
landed at the far end of a remote Melbourne Beach Library
airstrip on a dimly lit airfield. They Father Scott Circe believes Nus- 324 Ocean Avenue, Melbourne Beach, FL
needed to get there and get it back sear definitely is following his call-
up in the air. ing. • Turning 65? • In Open Enrollment? • About to retire?
As the four rode to the site, an • Unhappy with your current insurance?
alert from base security forces came “Deacon Mike is an excellent
over the truck radio: “Be aware that speaker. He is our homilist and is • You NEED to understand ALL of your Medicare options!
unfriendlies are headed in your di- good about bringing visual aids • An Uneducated Decision Could Be Costly $$$!
rection.” and very relatable homilies where
Nussear wondered if the airmen parishioners can take what he is “I didn’t realize I had so many options.
would get out of the situation alive. teaching and relate it in their own Thank you for educating me.”
“All we had was our tool boxes,” lives,” Circe said.
he recalls, pondering a potential -Richard L., Melbourne Beach
gunfight. “He always has a sense of joy;
“It was a situation where, for his enthusiasm for ministry is very “Very informative. I learned so much!”
the first time in my life, I really contagious.”
felt scared, even more scared than -Katie W., Melbourne Beach
when I had to ask Charlotte Keller to Nussear is one of four deacons
the high school prom,” he said, re- at the parish. The others are Eddie Questions: Please Call Or Text:
ferring to a high school friend. Struttmann, John Farrell and Vince Kim Adkinson-Cowles • Local Resident
Fortunately, the security forces Trunzo. 321.305.2554
were able to apprehend the un- This is not a Sales Presentation.
friendlies before they made it to the A Baltimore native, Nussear de-
plane and the B-52 was repaired. It veloped a spiritual connection with
was later revealed that the armed God at an early age thanks to his
group had planned to blow up the mother taking him and his four sib-
bomber. lings to Catholic Mass.
Only after it happened did Nus-
sear have time to reflect on the situ- That relationship sustained him
ation. in the military, where he never
He believes a divine hand was in- missed a Sunday service, even when
volved, a hand that went on to guide he was deployed halfway around
him through 21 years of military the world.
service – including work in Special
Ops before retiring as an Air Force “If I didn’t go to Mass, it would be
major; a hand that is still directing like there is something missing in
him in his new vocation as a dea- my life,” he said.
con at Holy Name of Jesus Catholic
Church in Indialantic. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
In a recent talk before a men’s dis-
cipleship group at Holy Name, Nus-
sear discussed his unwavering faith
in God and how he feels his spiritu-
al relationship helped to direct his
path through life from Special Ops
to church deacon.
“It was through a series of life
events that I came to understand
God’s will for me,” he told the group,
explaining that the Philippines in-
cident along with other charged
moments helped to shape his jour-
“Along the way, there was never a
doubt about God in my life,” he said
Even when he felt called to be-
come a deacon.
10 Thursday, September 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
His spiritual relationship nour- classes at global security company Circe said Nussear’s presentation
ished him after he retired and his Northrop Grumman. was inspiring and empowering.
family settled in Satellite Beach. The
father of three grown children, Nus- He then worked at Northrop “What was really nice and appli-
sear loves living there with Janice, Grumman, first as a technical writer cable for the other men that were
his wife of 43 years. and then as a cost schedule analyst. there was that the Lord was guiding
He worked there for 22 years before Deacon Mike throughout his life and
In the mid-1990s, Nussear, who leaving earlier this year. that wherever he went, he was open
had taught Aviation and Logis- to that guidance, which strength-
tics courses in the Air Force, began While Nussear says he may go ened his faith as well as strength-
teaching at the former Brevard Com- back into teaching in the future, he ened his identity,” Circe said.
munity College (now Eastern Florida is also looking at other professional
State College) and eventually taught endeavors. But his passion is spread- “That is a lesson we all can learn
ing the Gospel and helping others. and put into practice.”
Tune in as
Melbourne Municipal Band
swings into season
12 Thursday, SeptembeR 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Tune in as Melbourne Municipal Band swings into season
STORY BY ANNETTE CLIFFORD CORRESPONDENT year includes many noteworthy eve-
nings. Conductor Staci Cleveland says
Get out the poodle skirt and saddle a particularly appealing date in the sea-
shoes, or just come as you are. The son is the Nov. 15 tribute concert titled
Melbourne Municipal Band’s 2018- Salute to Our Veterans, commemorat-
2019 season debuts this month with, ing the 100th anniversary of the end of
among other concerts, a Sock Hop World War I in 1918. Veterans and mili-
Dance at 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 28 at their tary personnel are admitted free. Guest
customary venue, the Melbourne Au- conductors will include Col. Bryan
ditorium at 625 E. Hibiscus Blvd. Shelburne of Georgia, former director
of the U.S. Army Band known as Persh-
The show is a rock ’n’ roll review fea- ing’s Own. Col. Hal Gibson, a Brevard
turing music from the ’50s and ’60s, in- resident and former director of the U.S.
cluding lots of “doo-wop,” says Art Mar- Army Field Band, and Dr. Dan Bolin, for-
tin, MMB’s executive administrator, mer chair of music at Butler University
who also conducts the group’s 20-piece in Indianapolis, Indiana, will also wield
Swingtime Jazz Band in performances the guest baton.
each year. On sock-hop night, you can
shake a leg to the tunes of classic era stars “All the music will be patriotic and,
such as Elvis, the Platters and Connie in some way, linked to the war and
Francis. Most MMB concerts are free to that time period,” Cleveland says.
the public, but tickets for this dance will
be $10 at the door, and BYOB if you like. “We also have a guest vocalist, Kar-
en Monks, a local performer with a lot
The band’s roster for the upcoming of community theater experience,” in-
MMB concert band at King Center 50th anniversary.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, SeptembeR 6, 2018 13
‘We provide an evening out for people who Actual Staged Homes
otherwise might not be able to have that.’
- Conductor Staci Cleveland
Coastal Interior &
cluding at the Henegar Center for the concert is in line with everything we the Gunter Real Estate Group
Arts in Melbourne. do,” Cleveland says. The organization of Salt Water Realty of Brevard
would like to get local veterans’ groups Just Unveiled an Innovative Staging Alliance!
Cleveland signed on as conductor involved to raise awareness about vet-
to the Melbourne Municipal Band in erans’ issues and activities. Differentiate your home in a competitive housing market by having
2010. She’s a flutist and a graduate of your home professionally staged. Properties listed with the Gunter
the University of Florida with a mas- Other upcoming 2018 concerts in- Group include professional staging by Coastal Interior at ZERO
ter’s degree of music in instrumental clude an Oct. 10/11 Swingtime concert COST to you. Staged homes standout compared to neighboring
conducting and served as a public- called Name that Tune, a holiday dance properties. Let the Gunter Group help make your home standout.
school band teacher. on Friday, Dec. 7, and, for the first time, a According to the National Association of Realtors, not only do
New Year’s Eve gala at the Hilton Rialto in staged homes sell faster than homes not staged, they also sell for more
First established in 1965, the MMB’s Melbourne, with reservations required. money. Most people decide if they want to “walk through” based on
mission is and always has been broad. pictures online because 90% of potential home buyers search online
“We provide concerts and entertain- Little known fact: Before the month- first. Professional home staging is an important step in attracting
ment, especially to people who come ly concerts, the MMB often offers a buyers because STAGING SELLS HOMES.
from assisted living facilities. The con- pre-show featuring small ensembles,
certs are all free, and we’re primarily including the Clarinetics, an ensemble Call Mark Gunter at (321) 345-1464
run on grants and donations,” Cleve- of clarinet players that will play at the
land says. “We provide an evening out November Salute to Our Veterans show. to schedule an appointment to discuss how he can
for people who otherwise might not be sell your home fast and for top dollar!
able to have that.” The overall theme for the band’s 54th
season is “Music that Moves You.” For
Beyond entertainment and edu- a full list of MMB events for 2018-2019,
cation, the band, with more than 80 and lots of reasons to get up and get
members, also strives to promote pa- moving, go to www.melbournemunici-
triotism. “The [November] tribute
MMB Swingtime Jazz Band in concert.
14 Thursday, SeptembeR 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Coming Up: Comic genius Seinfeld is fit for the King
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER eventually copied and “industrialized”
by Europeans before being exported to
1 There’s no subject so insignificant Africa. Wax prints’ great popularity in
that Jerry Seinfeld can’t get a joke Africa is driven by many factors, such
as the culture, taste and desires of the
out of it. That sometimes uncanny gift African consumers. Clothing in Africa
serves an important means of com-
will be on display next Thursday, Sept. munication, sending secret messages
and retelling local proverbs. Clothing
13, when the man himself takes the also depicts a person’s social status and
position, political convictions, ambi-
main stage at the King Center. The man tion, marital status, ethnicity, age, sex
and group affiliations. The names and
the King Center calls “America’s pre- stories associated with the fabrics dif-
fer from country to country and region
mier comedian” got his start in the big to region. One fabric may have different
names in different countries, depend-
time in 1981 with an appearance on the ing on the symbolism that the consum-
er can read in the fabric. 321-674-8313.
“Tonight Show” with Johnny Carson.
His career took off like a rocket, hitting
the top when he partnered with fellow
comedian Larry David to create what
many consider one of the greatest and
most influential sitcoms ever made –
“Seinfeld.” The wildly popular sitcom 1 Jerry Seinfeld at King Center Sept. 13.
made a ton of money for NBC (and Sein-
feld) for almost a decade and nabbed
multiple Emmys, Golden Globes and 5 Oceanfront deck – check. Food
and beverages – check. Live mu-
People’s Choice awards. Show time: 7
p.m. Tickets: $78. 321-242-2219. sic Saturdays and Sundays – double
check. It’s Coppola’s at Sebastian Beach
2 Intrigued by conspiracy theories? Inn, where you can also ditch the shoes
You’re not alone. The Vero Beach
and go for a nice walk along the beach.
Theatre Guild lauds Steven Dietz’s This weekend at Coppola’s at SBI:
“Yankee Tavern” – the second show of Saturday, it’s the unmistakable steel
the Guild’s 2018-2019 season – as an drum-centric sound of the Caribbean
“edge-of-your-seat thriller,” and quotes by “Island Breeze.” A nice rum drink
a line from Joseph Heller’s 1961 novel could go great with that. Sunday, get
“Catch-22” to further peak your interest: on board for Unkle Dirty, bringing the
“Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t blues, swing, rockabilly, soul, and good
mean they’re not after you.” With di- old rock ’n’ roll. When the band gets go-
rector Jonn Putzke at the helm, the play ing, they like to say, “a party is sure to
tells the story of soon-to-be-married break out.” Although the band is rela-
Adam, who owns a run-down New tively new, the members are not: Unkle
York City bar and becomes increasing- 3 Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy at Dr. Phillips Dirty’s legacy includes members from
Center Walt Disney Theatre this Friday.
ly entangled in private and national in- the groups of Memphis Charlie Mussel-
trigue, stoked by his deceased father’s white, Luther Tucker, Evan Johns, Big
best friend, barfly and hardcore con- Joe Turner, Elvin Bishop, Gladys Knight
spiracy theorist. Amidst the mounting and Brewer Phillips. A bit of local trivia:
chaos, a stranger appears and quickly The Sebastian Beach Inn is housed in
blurs the lines between conspiracy Brevard County’s last remaining Coast-
theory and reality. Putzke wants au- al Watch Station, which served our na-
diences to know that, although “9/11 tion during World War II. Music: 1 p.m.
serves as the show’s backdrop, ‘Yankee to 5 p.m. (The hurricane caveat applies:
Tavern’ it is not a story about 9/11.” As weather permitting.) 321-728-4311.
the New York Times puts it, “Mr. Dietz
likes his symbolism heavy, but in ‘Yan- 6 A pleasant way to shift down into
weekend gear: It’s time for the
kee Tavern,’ he mostly just wants to
play with our heads.” Can it possibly be monthly stroll along historic Highland
a coincidence that the show opens this 4 “Wandering Spirit: African Wax Prints” at Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts. Avenue in Eau Gallie’s vibrant, very
coming Tuesday, Sept. 11? I think not. walkable art district this Friday, Sept.
Fierce. Funny. Gripping. Mind-bend- 7 (aka First Friday). Enjoy the galler-
ing. Pick one. I hear the set is fabulous, ful podcasts, including “My Brother, charts on iTunes. Show time: 7 p.m. ies, shops and taverns at your leisure,
My Brother and Me” and “The Ad- Tickets: $46.75. 844-513-2014.
too. Show times through Sept. 23: Tues- venture Zone.” According to Wiki- and do drop in to the opening recep-
pedia, “My Brother, My Brother and
day through Friday, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday Me” is a weekly comedy advice pod- tion of the Fifth Avenue Art Gallery’s
cast hosted by the McElroy brothers,
and Sunday, 2 p.m. Tickets: Adults, $30; which typically features the trio co- 4 “Wandering Spirit: African Wax new back-to-school exhibit, “Teacher’s
medically providing answers to ques- Prints” is the engaging title of
students, half price. 772-562-8300. tions usually submitted by listeners. Pet.” You’ll have the chance to chat
According to the show promo, each
receives upwards of 300,000 unique the exhibition currently on display with the artists as well; several of Bre-
downloads per episode and regularly
3 On stage at the Dr. Phillips Cen- at the Ruth Funk Center for Textile vard County’s private art instructors
ter Walt Disney Theatre this
Arts at FIT. Opening this month for a and a few of their students are showing
Friday, Aug. 31, is “My Brother, My 3.5-month run, this exhibition, says their works. There are always new and
Brother and Me” starring brothers the Funk promo, is “a tribute to the interesting things happening at this
Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy, the century-old handmade designs and free rain-or-shine event. Time: 5:30
force behind a series of very success- patterns” created in Indonesia and p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
16 Thursday, September 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE
of ruinous wars, has Baghdad been as
free and as fun as it is now.
“Every Iraqi has reached the con-
clusion that it is important to have as
much fun as you can before you die,”
said Alaa Kahtan, a theater director
who had come to Coffee and Books,
one of Baghdad’s hip new cafes that
attracts a mostly literary crowd.
The absence of bombings is not the
only reason for the new sense of free-
dom, Kahtan said. The Shiite militias
and their associated political parties,
which surged to prominence in the
wake of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq
in 2003, are now more powerful than
ever. They won big in the elections this
spring and are set to play a leading role
in whatever government emerges.
Their ascent, however, has also pro-
pelled the militias away from the petty
intrusions into people’s lives that once
characterized their attempts to assert
authority, such as forcing women to
cover their hair and blowing up liquor
Customers at the Kahwa wa Women and children walk Mutanabbi Street is the
Kitab cafe in Baghdad. by a stand selling fresh 1,000-year-old center for
juice on a Saturday night. booksellers in Baghdad.
It’s nearing midnight on a Thursday problem, the relentless suicide bomb- On Fridays, poets recite their works stores. A move to ban alcohol by the
and the streets are jammed with traffic. ings that deterred all but the hardiest and artists show off their paintings in Shiite religious parties that dominate
There are people heading home after revelers have abated since the territo- the Ottoman-era gardens surrounding parliament was voted down last year.
dinner with family and friends, and peo- rial defeat of the Islamic State last year. Mutanabbi Street, named for a 10th-
ple for whom the night has just begun. century Iraqi poet who lived when “The militias have left these things
And the city is starting to breathe a Baghdad was at the epicenter of the behind and have ambitions to a big-
At the newly opened Ibrahim Basha little easier. civilized world. ger role. They don’t care what you wear
club, the party is just getting going. A or if you drink alcohol,” Kahtan said. “I
Syrian singer with waist-length blond Cafes, clubs and bars are prolifer- The city still has a long way to go if it feel more free in my theater, more free
hair and sky-high pink heels is singing ating. There are shopping malls with is to reclaim its past glories as a capital in my passions. I have a girlfriend, and
Arabic hits, accompanied by a talented cinemas showing the latest releases, of culture and entertainment, Iraqis I can hug her in the street.”
Iraqi musician alternately playing the including a glitzy glass enormity with a say. But there’s a widespread consen-
saxophone, the piano and the oud. Dubai-style helicopter pad on the roof. sus that at no time in the past 40 years, He recounted the reception to a
When she breaks into old Iraqi favor- There are restaurants on the river and since Saddam Hussein acquired ab- scene in one of his recent plays in
ites, the mostly male customers sitting plays at the theater and comedy nights solute power and led Iraq into a series which a scantily clad woman wearing
at tables strewn with whiskey bottles at the coffeehouses. a niqab, or face veil, performs a pole
get up and dance dabka, the tradition-
al Arabic style that involves crescendos
of rhythmic stomping.
Fifteen years after the U.S.-led inva-
sion of Iraq plunged the country into
a cycle of insurgency, dysfunction and
war, Baghdad is undergoing a renais-
sance of sorts.
The insurgency still simmers and the
dysfunction is as pronounced as ever.
Iraqis angry at their leaders’ corrup-
tion and failure to deliver basic neces-
sities such as electricity and water have
spent the summer protesting in many
parts of the country. There is little in the
way of optimism among the wearied
residents of a war-weary city that has
been crushed too many times in the
past to dare hope for a brighter future.
But for the first time in as long as
anyone can remember, at least Bagh-
dad isn’t at war. Although there are
still explosions, and kidnappings are a
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 6, 2018 17
dance. He was summoned by a gov- A singer performs at the Families enjoy an evening out. “It’s not like in your country, where
ernment committee to account for the Ibrahim Basha in Baghdad. men and women can go together to a
scene and received a visit from repre- The Iraqi capital has seen a An old Iraqi film is screened bar and relax,” said the doctor, who de-
sentatives of the militia run by the cler- revival in its nightlife after during the exhibition of a clined to give his name because of the
ic Moqtada al-Sadr, who were worried years of war. private antique collection. bar’s reputation. “This place is cheap.
that he was insulting Islam. It could One of the somewhat more exclu- I mean morally cheap. It’s all prostitu-
have ended badly, but after explaining ans credit Iraq with the invention of li- sive locales is the recently reopened tion.”
that he intended only to make a com- quor some 7,000 years ago. “It is rooted bar on the rooftop of the Palestine
ment on the objectification of women, in the Iraqi culture to have fun. Iraqis Hotel, once a hangout for Baathist of- Many women are benefiting from
the matter was dropped. aren’t spiritual. They like to party.” ficials and now frequented by mem- the more liberal environment, too.
bers of Iraq’s new elite. They pay $100 Though most of the clientele at the
There is no guarantee the current Some of the partying has a distinctly for bottles of whiskey and can choose Ibrahim Basha club were men, a mid-
mood will last, said novelist Ahmed sordid air. The clubs lining Abu Nawas company for the night from among the dle-aged couple sat smoking shisha
Saadawi, who was sitting at a nearby Street, which runs along the Tigris River heavily made-up young women seated pipes and a family including women
table discussing a cover for the next across from the heavily fortified Green around the bar. and children clapped to the music.
edition of his book “Frankenstein in Zone – and is named for a beloved Iraqi A doctor nursing a beer alone in one of
Baghdad.” Set during the height of the poet who lived in the 8th century and the cushioned booths confided that he At the upscale Shawarma restaurant
sectarian killings of a decade ago, when wrote about wine and sex – are strictly didn’t like the place but said there aren’t earlier that night, an Iraqi singer enter-
Baghdad was consumed by heartache men-only. Men pay steep prices to drink many better alternatives to grab a drink. tained a majority-female crowd, some
and hate, it was shortlisted for the Man alcohol in the company of hostesses, wearing headscarves, some not, some
Booker International Prize. and female customers aren’t allowed. in all-women groups. They tapped
their feet and wiggled their shoulders
“All this could be reversed by the and looked like they wanted to get up
politicians, who have shown their and dance, but didn’t.
foolishness time and again,” he said.
“But we hope they have learned from Most Iraqis don’t drink, and it is ca-
the tragedies that went before, because fes, where women can go out alone
and freely mix with men, that have
neither Sunnis nor Shiites nor Kurds become the social focus. Until a few
have the energy for another conflict.” years ago, the dangers on the streets
deterred families from allowing their
He credits ordinary Iraqis and their daughters to go out alone, said Mari-
zest for life, rather than the inept gov- am Sultan, 24, who has a master’s de-
ernment, for the new spirit. The surge gree in medical chemistry and works
of sectarianism that followed the 2003 in a lab. She had come with a group of
invasion, when Sunnis and Shiites girlfriends to the Faisaliyah cafe, which
sought refuge in their religious identi- opened last year and draws a mixed
ties and set about slaughtering one an- crowd with its comedy nights and live
other, was an aberration, and Iraqis are rock bands.
reverting to their true selves, he said.
“People have become much more
“There is something about the Iraqi free in their attitudes,” she said.
character that dates back thousands
of years,” he said, noting that histori- For people who can’t afford cafes
or bars, the Jadriyah bridge over the
Tigris River serves as a sort of im-
promptu party venue. Typically, they
come with cans of beer, turn on their
car radios, and sometimes there is
The bridge is said to be the coolest
spot in Baghdad because of the breeze
that wafts down the river, and families
come, too, especially in the summer
when temperatures top 100 degrees
even in the middle of the night.
“It’s too hot at home, so we come
here, because there are lots of people
and we can relax,” said Imad Salman,
50, who was standing on the bridge
with his wife and three children.
Thursday night had become Friday
morning, a bit before 2 a.m.
Starting in mid-July, police have
sought to stamp out alcohol con-
sumption in the open air, and the
bridge has become a target. As
Salman spoke, a police patrol ar-
rived. “Run, run, the police are com-
ing,” someone shouted farther down
the bridge. Everyone jumped into
their cars and sped away.
Half an hour later, they were back.
The police came back, too, and the
people scattered again.
It was close to 3 a.m. and time for us
to call it a night.
AORTIC VALVE REPLACEMENT, Part II replaces the valve through small incisions in the chest. Special tools
and a camera are inserted through the small cuts. If your surgeon
Last time we learned that aortic stenosis (AS) is a condition in which uses a robotic instrument, he or she sits at a nearby computer and
the aortic valve in the heart hardens and narrows over time, making controls the robot’s movements inside the heart while looking at a
it more difficult to move blood from the heart to the brain and body. highly magnified image.
The newest treatment option is transcatheter aortic valve replace-
The most common treatment for aortic stenosis is traditional open ment (TAVR). This minimally invasive procedure repairs the valve
heart surgery. If the surgeon is unable to repair the valve, he or she without removing the old, damaged valve. Somewhat similar to a
will replace it with either a mechanical or a biological (tissue) valve. stent placed in an artery, the TAVR approach delivers a fully collapsible
replacement valve to the valve site through a catheter that is inserted
Mechanical Valves into either the femoral artery in the groin or through a small incision
Mechanical valves are made from materials such as titanium or car- in the chest. The replacement valve is wedged into the aortic valve’s
bon. Although they usually last a lifetime, there is an increased risk place. Once the new valve is expanded, it pushes the old valve leaflets
of blood clots forming with mechanical valves, which can result in out of the way and the tissue in the replacement valve takes over the
stroke. Therefore, mechanical valve recipients must take anticoagu- job of regulating the blood flow. The average hospital stay is 3-5 days.
lant (blood thinning) drugs such as warfarin for the rest of their lives,
which makes them more prone to bleeding. Also, the sound of me- Even select patients in their 70s, 80s and 90s may qualify for TAVR.
chanical valves may be heard which may decrease the quality of life.
Biological (Tissue) Valves
Tissue heart valves are made from animal (usually cow or pig) or If you or a loved one has aortic stenosis (a progressive condition in
human tissue. The tissue is treated to prevent rejection and calcifica- which the heart hardens and narrows over time), talk to your cardiol-
tion. Biological valves have a lower risk of blood clots and usually last ogist about treatment options. Thanks to advances in medicine, many
between 10 and 20 years. people who had valve problems once considered life-threatening are
now able to be treated and get back to enjoying full, healthy lives.
MINIMAL INCISION VALVE SURGERY (MIVS) / Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
ROBOTIC-ASSISTED SURGERY welcome. Email us at [email protected].
With minimal incision valve surgery (MIVS), the surgeon repairs or © 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 6, 2018 19
One of the Cold War’s jets and mobilized its nuclear arsenal for war. in the early 1980s deserve to be ranked in the up-
scariest years was 1983. Although detente had “Misunderstandings, the consequence of trying to per echelons of historic achievement,” he asserts.
eased superpower tensions in the 1970s, the United “They helped win the Cold War. They deserve credit
States and the Soviet Union were edging toward the control the uncontrollable, hurtled the world toward for that.” In his judgment, as tensions peaked, Rea-
precipice during Ronald Reagan’s third year in office. a conflict that not one single thinking person on ei- gan started to empathize with the Soviet leadership,
In March, Reagan called the Soviet Union “an evil em- ther side ever wanted,” Marc Ambinder writes in “The recognizing how much they feared him. He let them
pire,” rattling the men in the Kremlin. The president Brink: President Reagan and the Nuclear War Scare of know that he was not going to launch a first strike
backed up his words with deeds. He lavished the U.S. 1983.” His book describes the scare from the vantage and that he was serious about diplomatic negotia-
military with funding, issued national security orders point of the soldiers, spies, military commanders and tions. He dialed down the rhetoric and evolved dur-
directing his government to wage economic and polit- political leaders who had to try to manage it, and how ing his time in the Oval Office. After the close calls of
ical war against the U.S.S.R., and announced his plan leaders of good will on both sides were trapped in a cy- his early White House tenure, Reagan “began to try
for a Strategic Defense Initiative (aka “Star Wars”), cle of mistaken assumptions, mutual fears and human to understand the world through the minds of the
which was supposed to establish a nuclear shield that foibles. This deeply researched book is written with Soviet leaders.”
would take out any incoming ballistic missiles and verve, and serves as a study in the messy intricacies of
render “mutually assured destruction” obsolete. nuclear doctrine and the utter incapacity of humans This “Reagan-centric” view of how the Cold War
For their part, Soviet leaders started to fear that to faithfully control awesome arsenals of unfathom- ended is part of a growing trend in scholarship. But
the West was newly emboldened and that Reagan able destructive force. Although both Washington and it tends to shortchange Mikhail Gorbachev’s argu-
was willing to launch a first nuclear strike. The world Moscow extensively prepared for nuclear war and did ably more influential role in winding down the Cold
shuddered when a Korean passenger plane strayed their utmost to guard against nuclear accidents, the War, as well as decades-long developments – such
into Soviet airspace, the Russian military shot it down leadership understood that war meant decapitation as the lure of Western capitalism and the appeal of
and Reagan branded it a “crime against humanity.” of the government on each side, leaving all decisions Western materialism, as historian Stephen Kotkin
The pent-up fears, suspicions and tensions came to a in the hands of unelected or untested officials. “The has argued – in explaining the decline of the Soviet-
boil when Soviet leaders misread NATO’s Able Archer soundness and reliability of nuclear command and U.S. standoff. Nonetheless, Ambinder shows Rea-
83war game. Concluding that the exercise was actual- control was largely a myth,” Ambinder finds. gan and his team moving deliberately and thought-
ly the start of a first strike, the Kremlin put its soldiers fully to ease tensions in the wake of the war scare,
in garrisons, moved its nuclear missiles near military Other problems beyond the control of those re- contributing to our understanding of Reagan’s role
sponsible for safeguarding the nuclear arsenals were in this milestone.
equally concerning in that fear-drenched time. For
example, Capt. Lee Trolan, commander of the 501st At times, “The Brink” moves so quickly from scene
Army Artillery Detachment, who helped secure nucle- to scene and involves so many characters, plotlines
ar missiles in West Germany’s Fulda Gap, nursed legit- and acronyms (SIOP, RYAN, NMCC) that the arc of
imate fears that a left-wing, anti-imperialist terrorist the story can be hard to track; the themes of the
organization would attempt to invade his facility and book get obscured in the whipsaw-like narration.
sabotage his nukes. Ambinder reports how “Trolan’s Ultimately, however, “The Brink” conveys not just
site was regularly bombarded with phoned-in bomb the causes of the 1983 war scare but also how con-
threats.” Trolan took the threats so seriously that he trol of nuclear weaponry is inherently a flawed hu-
found them “scary.” man undertaking. In spite of safeguards and plans
put in place by the world’s most advanced militar-
The technology was imperfect and prone to fail- ies, political leaders had far less control over the use
ure. Once, Soviet satellites indicated that an intercon- of such weapons in 1983 than anybody cared to ad-
tinental ballistic missile launched from the United mit publicly. And even though the collapse of com-
States was heading toward the Soviet Union. But the munism reduced the threat of nuclear war between
satellites had merely picked up on “reflections from the superpowers, the continued existence of nucle-
high clouds passing over F.E. Warren Air Force Base in ar weapons remains a major threat to the human
Wyoming.” Even though war had been averted, it was race in the 21st century – a point Ambinder drives
a near thing. home in his haunting study.
“The Brink” is not all a bleak narrative about the THE BRINK
war that almost came to be in that terror-tinged
year. Ambinder also explains how the war scare be- PRESIDENT REAGAN AND THE NUCLEAR WAR SCARE OF 1983
came a seedbed for the unwinding of Cold War ten-
sions and communism’s collapse by decade’s end. BY MARC AMBINDER | SIMON & SCHUSTER. 364 PP. $27
“The politicians, strategic thinkers, generals, and REVIEW BY MATTHEW DALLEK, THE WASHINGTON POST
intelligence professionals who made hard choices
1. The Sunflower Girl 1. The Russia Hoax 1. The Burning Maze (The Trials of
2. The Marauder's Map Guide to
2. Beneath a Scarlet Sky 2. 12 Rules for Life
4. The Lost Continent (Wings of
3. An Unwanted Guest 3. Indianapolis
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ANDREW BOURELLE 5. The Things That Matter
presents 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
A Longmire Mystery
A Lincoln & Speed Mystery
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along with
Thursday, Sept 13th at 6 pm
Dr. Robert Taylor presenting
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20 Thursday, September 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz all ears as Snickers the rabbit tells his ‘tail’
Hi Dog Buddies! sugar. They’re just for treats. Mostly, we
This week’s innerview was a First. I eat hay.”
woof you not. Me an my assistant head-
ed off to innerview Snickers Yowonske, “Hay? No carrots? But what about
a rescue from The Keys.
Bugs Bunny?”
Snickers is a 6-year-old Holland
Lop. I hadn’t heard of that breed, so I “That’s just in his movies. They’re just
props. He doesn’t inhale. For my birth-
Turns out, Snickers is a rabbit. A RAB-
BIT! day, Mom made me a special treat: a big
Bein’ a spaniel, innerviewin’ isn’t the bowl of crispy ledduce, juicy strawber-
first thing that pops into my head when
I think of rabbits. More like: chasin,’ ries and carrot candles.”
huntin,’ retrieving.’ Maybe even lunch.
But then I realized: I’m a Journalist. I’m “Sweet!” I said.
civilized. I reach out to all species so we
can learn more about one another and “It WAS! My FAV-rut time’s Christ-
live in harmony. Or at least, not chase
one another up trees or down holes. mas. We watch Mom an Dad decorate
Hey, if I can learn to be friends with
cats, why not rabbits, right? the tree, then, me an Ophelia sit under
So, all the way to Snickers’ house, I it. It’s real cozy. An we never eat the or-
was repeating, “Rabbits are friends, not
food!” na-mutts.”
When the door opened, I was sur- A serious countenance crossed
prised to be politely greeted by two
Shetland Sheepdogs anna lady. “I’m Snickers’ liddle bunny face. “You see
Neptune,” said the larger. “This is Mojo,
a silly pupster, an our Mom, Jennifer. how fortunate I am, Mr. Bonzo, but
Our Dad Frank, Snickers an the others
are in the living room. Come on in.” Snickers. many are not. Me an my family run a
“The others?” I thought. Along the Rabbit Rescue, Hops-A-Lot (Ophelia
front wall was this big, nice wooden cause me distress. Is that correct?” he
house with a screen front an several said, in a small, very firm voice. named it). We save pet rabbits who get
tidy apartments. Bright bunny eyes and
fuzzy bunny noses peeped out from “You have my word as a Spaniel and a bought, often on Easter, then, when the
each. Their Mom reached in an lifted gentleman,” I assured him. “I only wish
out a large brown an white rabbit with to hear your story and take notes.” liddle humans get bored, they get re-
long brown, floppy ears. He sat on his
Mom’s knee and stared straight at me. “Cool Carrots!” Snickers hopped to turned; or stuck inna cage alone, out in
the floor and over to where another
“Snickers, I presume,” I said in my Sheepdog lay snoozing. He gracefully the yard, away from the family; or, the
most respectful voce calma. “I’m de- leaped over the napping pooch. “This
lighted to meet you.” is Coral, my best friend. We’ve been to- side of the road. I was confused an hun- WORST, let loose in the woods, cuz hu-
gether since I was a kit.”
“It is my understanding that you do gry, afraid to move a hare, when this mans think we’ll just hop over to some
not intend to chase me or otherwise A small white rabbit thumped over
to Snickers. They touched noses an she human girl driving by stopped and got wild rabbits and live hoppily ever after.
plopped down next to him. “This is my
girlfriend, Ophelia. So, shall I begin?” out. I hopped right to her. She scooped But wild rabbits DON’T get along with
“Absolutely.” I nodded to Ophelia. me up, stuffed me inna box and an took pet rabbits. They NEVER let us join their
Snickers tucked his paws under.
me to her Dad’s shop. An guess what? famly. We’re DIFF-runt.”
“I was born on a domestic rabbit farm
on Big Pine Key. Then, I don’t know why, She turned out to be my Mom an Dad’s “I had No Idea!”
they had to close. Before they could find
homes for us, there was an accident and daughter Brianna.” “Us pet rabbits don’t have a clue
we all got out and ran away. I got lost
from everybunny and ended up on the “Woof, Snickers, I guess rabbit’s feet how to survive in The Wild. We usually
really are lucky,” I blurted, immediately get sick, or run over, or eaten. It’s a Big
wishing I hadn’t. Fortunately Snickers Problem. We’re tryin’ to get Good Pet
had a sense of humor. Parents to not buy rabbits in stores, but
“Especially when they’re still on the to save a rescue rabbit instead. The shel-
rabbit,” he replied, not missing a beat. ters have many wunnerful Rabbits in
“Mom an Dad couldn’t find my owner, Need. We’re social, fas-TIDDY-us, an get
so they kept me, even though they didn’t along with other pets an humans. An,
know diddly about rabbits. I’ve been in of course, we’re Exceedingly Adorable. I
this wunnerful family ever since. Coral think things would be much better for
took me under her paw first thing. She domestic rabbits if humans unnerstood
said, ‘Don’t worry, little fuzzball. You’re more, don’t you, Mr. Bonzo?”
safe now.’ First off, she explained the “I hope so, Snickers. I think my
Potty Box Concept. Mom put a bunch of pooch pals can help spread the word.”
’em all over, an I got to pick my favor- Heading home, I was realizin’ how
ite one. Neptune showed me how to use clueless I’d been about rabbits. I knew
the Doggie Door. they weren’t rodents, cuz I’d Googled.
“Me an Mojo get along great. Some- (They’re Lagomorphs, which is cool,
times I hafta remind him what’s what. but not that important.) So let’s think
He likes to come into my apartment, about helpin’ our rabbit pals by spread-
mess up my blankets, eat my ledduce an in’ the word, OK?
hide my toys. But he’s very fun to bunny
-The Bonzaroundwith.”
“What DO you guys eat? Lotsa car-
rots, I bet.”
“Ackshully, no. Carrots have too much
Don’t be shy!
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
an interview, please email [email protected].
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 6, 2018 21
J983 652 K 10 7
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist J 10 9 7 643 82
8 K 10 5 4 9763
Tia Mowry, an actress and model, said, “Having a second chance makes you want to work A K Q 10 762 8543
even harder.”
Bridge players should work hard to try to spot a second chance to make or break AQ4
a contract. This week’s deal is similar to last week’s, but with one critical difference: AKQ5
Dummy’s diamonds are stronger. How does that affect South’s approach in three no- AQJ2
trump? West cashes his four club winners, then shifts to the heart jack. J9
South’s sequence, a strong, artificial and forcing two clubs followed by two no-trump, Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
showed a balanced hand with a good 22-24 points. North dredged up a raise, more in
hope than expectation. The Bidding:
Declarer starts with eight winners: one spade, three hearts and four diamonds. As in SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
last week’s deal, it seems that the ninth trick must come from either a successful spade 2 Clubs Pass 2 Diamonds Pass
finesse — a priori a 50-50 shot — or a 3-3 heart split — which is only a 35.53 percent 2 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass LEAD:
chance. So, yesterday, when South could try only one or the other, he banked everything A Clubs
on the spade finesse.
This week, though, declarer can afford to discard a high diamond on the fourth club,
keeping the spade ace-queen and all four hearts. Then, when South takes trick five in
his hand, he can cash his other top hearts to see if they divide 3-3. Here, they do not, so
declarer cashes his four diamond tricks, discarding the heart five, and takes the spade
Finally, note that if West has the spade king, he cannot be squeezed, because he discards
after South.
22 Thursday, September 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Trade (8) 1 Male deer or rabbit (4)
5 Lump of earth (4) 2 Arena (7)
9 Type of platter (7) 3 Sleepwear (12)
10 Fear (5) 4 Imp (6)
11 Totalitarianism (12) 6 Midday meal (5)
13 Countryside walk (6) 7 Interpret, solve (8)
14 Energetic (6) 8 Grateful (12)
17 Suspect, unproven (12) 12 Regular (8)
20 Radiate (5) 15 Unlawful (7)
21 Seashore gravel (7) 16 Tight bodice (6)
22 Towering (4) 18 Alike (5)
23 Spires (8) 19 Charges (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 6, 2018 23
ACROSS 51 Compass pt. tribesman 54 FDR’s Park
125 L.A. judge in the 57 Northern African
INSTRUCTIONS: In this 52 Dog’s cousin
puzzle, all 8-letter answers 53 Latin deeds news, 1995 capital
are noted personalities 54 Thatch dwelling 126 Gullible dog in 58 Gesturing G.I.
with 4-letter first and 55 Computer 60 Reputed founder
last names (like MORT Garfield
SAHL). Clues to their keyboard key 127 MOVIE of San Francisco
identities are listed in 56 Outfits 61 Worked at,
caps but in random order. 58 “Runaround” girl PRODUCER
For example, the answer 128 Quarterback as one’s trade
to 1 Across may appear of song 62 Tavern
in any 8-letter location 59 Confines to a Marino 63 Stole, for one
in the puzzle EXCEPT 129 “Boy!” 64 Little drum
at 1 Across. Use the sickbed 130 Some poems 66 TV BATMAN
crossing words to get you 62 Women’s wear 131 ACTOR 67 GODFATHER
started and cross off the
capitalized clues as you daily? DOWN COMPOSER
discover where names go. 63 ISRAELI 1 Impact sound 68 French pronoun
2 Nigerian native 71 Hear ___ drop
SCHOLAR 3 Wt. units 73 Home of the
65 Hefty chunks of 4 Scottish girls
5 Make (a bull) safer Ewings
rock 6 Rhyme scheme 76 Earth hue
69 Totaling job: abbr. 7 Nostrils 78 “Isn’t It ___”
70 Alfalfa’s amour 8 Picnic pest 80 Some rtes.
72 Seeped 9 “The deal’s off” 82 Run new lines
74 Concerning 10 Butter substitute
1 MADONNA 75 Fibber McGee’s 11 GENTLEMAN JIM on a ship
MARRIER 84 Rowboat need
9 First animal- medium STAR 85 Bridge coup
77 ACTRESS IN 12 Skater Sonja 86 EXODUS
rescue guy HAVANA 13 Breastbones
13 States, in the 14 Millennium AUTHOR
comics 79 Bout settings 15 Element in metal 87 CHINESE-BORN
81 Film’s blueprint
16 TV alien plating ACTOR
MEMBER 84 “... that married 17 “PUPPY LOVE” 91 Atticus Finch
dear ___”
20 Outdated, spelled SINGER portrayer
in an 85 E. Murphy’s old 18 Business card 93 Mt. St. Helens
outdated way show
88 Coop denizen number spew
21 You, in France 89 Singer Pinza 25 Takes a forbidden 95 Cozy, book-lined The Washington Post
22 Maude star
23 VAMPIRE 91 Buddies look rooms
92 Health haven 28 Bank confiscation, 96 Back-comb
CHRONICLER 94 German songs 97 Despicable
24 RUSSIAN-BORN briefly 98 Went too far with
ACTRESS 96 Horse’s gait 30 1970 film, The 100 Wax colorer
97 Aloe ___ 102 Zellweger and
26 It holds your hat 98 Singer Redding Mind ___ Soames
27 “___ the first on 31 OLYMPIC Fleming
your block” 99 JOSE JIMENEZ 104 “Ten Cents ___”
COMIC RUNNER 107 The Jungle Book GANG OF FOURS By Merl Reagle
28 Having more 101 Like 130 Across 32 EX-TV COP
space 34 ___-truth bear
29 Fargo director Joel 103 “He ___ the poor 36 Photographer 109 Tale
31 Muslim noble, from the sword” 112 Milk choice
(Job 5:15) Diane 114 Dust Bowl fleer
variantly 38 Business VIP 116 Knee neighbor
33 Home of the Mets 105 Complain 39 Seagoing 117 Fill with verbiage
35 Eloi girl in The 106 ___ bite 119 Greek letter
(eat on the run) affirmative 120 Ebony’s sister
Time Machine 108 Lodge members 40 Crossed home
37 Smoke passage magazine
39 1986 sci-fi sequel 110 Car damage plate 121 Writer LeShan
41 Jobs and 111 An ex-Supreme 42 Tied, as shoes 122 Entirely
113 Dry ___ (parched) 44 “___ pray ...” 123 Napoleon’s field
Wozniak’s baby 115 Peter I was one 47 Bullfight sound
43 SINGER 49 Inexperienced marshal
45 Talks incessantly 117 D.C. denizen
46 The Centennial St. 118 PLAYWRIGHT boxer
48 Poisonous snakes 120 M*A*S*H-ER 52 Madison’s st.
50 Elton’s partner 124 Philippine 53 Of hearing
The Telegraph
24 Thursday, September 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Don’t fight mother’s negative energy. Neutralize it
BY CAROLYN HAX won’t happen, some people find a sense of security in
Washington Post the reverse – in telling themselves they can see them all
coming. It is unfair, and joyless and sad, and, if it’s the
Dear Carolyn: reason your mother’s so negative, it’s also not about you.
Last night I told my mom that I’m Actually, it’s not about you if she’s clingy, controlling
or bitter, either – and that’s what you need to absorb. I
pregnant. Her reaction was: “What?! know, this is your mother, whose affirmation can feel
more than your own. But: This is her way. Don’t fight
You’re too young to raise a child! And it anymore. Instead, neutralize it. When she rushes to
the darkest emotional conclusions, meet her there,
how in the world are you going to without fear.
pay for everything? This is a big mis-
take.” Carolyn, I’m almost 24, I’ve been married for a
year and on my own for about three years. My husband
and I thought about this a lot – it was no accident – and
we are comfortable with our decision and very happy to
be starting a family. But my mother’s horrified reaction Dear Carolyn: Long story short: Difficult long-dis-
is bothering me more than I’d like to admit. I just want tance relationship is starting to unwind. Factors have
her to be happy for me and trust that I’ve thought this been discussed ad nauseam for months – youth, bad
through. By the way, she had the same reaction when I timing, lots out there, etc.
told her I wasn’t moving back home after college, and As this is happening a new guy appears on scene. My
again when I told her I was getting married. She’ll only girlfriend has admitted being curious/having feelings
get upset if I talk to her about this, and tell me how over- for new guy, who has told her the same, but she’s said
ly sensitive I am.Why can’t she ever say:“Oh, that’s great! pretty clear she’s not going to grant you that. nothing would ever happen while we are still figuring
Why? I can’t be sure, and it’s possible she isn’t, either.
Congratulations!” things out and it’s not a reason for the breakup.
Could be she feels increasingly irrelevant, that your
– Cleveland, Ohio gains are her losses. Could be she digs the power she Am I supposed to believe this? I really want to trust,
has over you. Could be she’s simply bitter.
and want things to end on a “good note” or whatever
Or, maybe she’s just like a lot of people who feel
– Cleveland, Ohio: Oh, that’s great! Congratulations! compelled to shoot down good news: scared. All the and maintain friendship after our long relationship,
Because it is great. So was your finding a way to live milestones you mentioned are happy ones, but each
independently right after school, and so was your get- also comes with some risk. Living on your own? Finan- but if there is more to this story than I think, that would
ting married. cial ruin. Marriage? Divorce, or death. A baby? Death,
I know hearing this from me wasn’t quite the valida- financial ruin, divorce. be impossible.
tion you had in mind, but it might be time to get used
to taking what you can get. Yes, you want the satisfac- Instead of assuming or even hoping these things – Unsure
tion of pleasing your mom, just once. But she’s made it
Unsure: She is interested in someone else and was
honest with you about it. There’s your good note. Now
end it.
For bariatric surgery,
it’s Dr. Domkowski
‘hands’ down
26 Thursday, SeptembeR 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
For bariatric surgery, it’s Dr. Domkowski ‘hands’ down
[email protected]
When Diane Muller went looking for
a bariatric surgeon to help her over-
come her serious obesity problems
– including a body mass index of 55,
hypothyroidism, lymphedema and
fatty liver disease – she probably didn’t
expect to find a self-described “four-
handed surgeon.”
But she did.
The tall, genial Dr. Patrick Dom-
kowski graduated from Washington,
D.C.’s Georgetown University’s medi-
cal school and served his internship,
fellowship and residency at Duke Uni-
versity. He also happens to be chief of
surgery at the Sebastian River Medi-
cal Center – this area’s only “Bariatric
Center of Excellence” as designated by
the American Society for Metabolic
and Bariatric Surgery and the Ameri-
can College of Surgeons.
Not impressive enough? SRMC is
also one of only three hospitals in the
state to receive Healthgrades’ ‘Five
Star’ rating four years in a row for bar-
iatric surgery.
But awards aside, there is a spoiler
Collins & Montz
Experience the fusion of
traditional values and
modern dentistry.
At Collins & Montz, DMD,
we will focus on improving every
aspect of your smile for optimal
appearance, function, and comfort
through our general family
dentistry, and restorative procedures
such as dental implants. Our
comprehensive range of services and
dedication of quality set us apart.
Call today to schedule
your appointment.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, SeptembeR 6, 2018 27
“I would tell them just don’t hesitate. trate on people and the relationships soon as possible does seem prudent.
Go ahead and do it. A year ago I could we’re making with those people. And And excellent medical profession-
not keep up walking with my husband. we concentrate on their outcomes.
We’d have to walk really slow and take als, including Dr. Domkowski, are
lots of breaks. Now, it’s like I can go to “We believe this is a five-star ser- close at hand at SRMC.
Disneyland all day, walk around and vice,” Domkowski continues. “We take
keep up and just be more active. It’s great pride in this. We are passionate “He’s very, very good,” Mullen says
like I’m a whole new person. So, yes, I about helping people with their obesity of her “four-handed” physician. “He’s
would say don’t hesitate. Just go for it.” disease and we’re blessed to take care truly a lifesaver. He made this so easy
of a lot of people that come from [both] and he just changed my life.
Domkowski, meanwhile, acknowl- inside and outside our community.”
edges SRMC’s growing reputation for Dr. Patrick Domkowski is with the
bariatric surgeries, saying, “I think According to the American College Riverside Surgical & Weight Loss Center
[in terms of the number of procedures of Surgeons, “the co-morbidities as- and the Steward Medical Group at Se-
done] we’re up about 35 percent this sociated with obesity range from dia- bastian River Medical Center where he
year. And, I think it’s because we con- betes to heart disease to certain types is the chief of surgery. His offices are at
centrate on two things. We concen- of cancers,” so “going for it,” as Muller 14430 U.S. 1 in Sebastian. The phone
suggests, and seeking medical help as number is 772-581-8003.
alert here: Domkowski doesn’t actu-
ally have four hands.
What he does have is the ability to
perform bariatric and other surgeries
both laparoscopically (using a slen-
der, flexible tool called a laparoscope
equipped with a miniaturized video
camera to see inside the body without
having to make major incisions) and
robotically, using another minimally
invasive technique – the DaVinci ro-
botic surgical system.
“The robot,” Domkowski says with a
smile, “adds a lot of technical ability in
terms of 3-D visualization and dexteri-
ty. It makes me a four-handed surgeon.
“I put my head into the console and I
put my two fingers into the controllers.
My feet also control several things. And
so, I have a camera and three arms at
my disposal. So I am transformed into
a four-handed surgeon with 3-D visu-
alization and all the points of dexteri-
ty. I’m right- or left-handed. I’m totally
ambidextrous with the robot. It makes
me a better surgeon.”
Diane Muller of Melbourne certain-
ly agrees. She says Domkowski per-
formed a bariatric sleeve procedure or
sleeve gastrectomy on her in Decem-
ber 2017.
As of early August, she had lost 140
“I’m off my hypertension meds,”
Muller exclaims. “I don’t have to take
them anymore. I’m also off of insulin
and diabetic meds.”
Pausing only briefly, she adds, “this
has been fantastic.”
The University of Maryland Medical
Center describes the sleeve gastrec-
tomy procedure this way: Approxi-
mately 85 percent of the stomach is
removed entirely. The remaining 15
percent holds considerably less food
which radically restricts calorie in-
take. The greater impact, however,
may be the effect the surgery has on
certain hormones that regulate hun-
ger and blood sugar control. Less food
feels like more.
Asked if she has any advice for other
people considering bariatric surgery,
Muller’s eyes light up.
28 Thursday, SeptembeR 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Café Surfinista: Hip surf vibe, with healthy and hearty eats
REVIEW BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER Santa Cruz Wrap. delicious! And I especially enjoyed my
[email protected] iced green tea ($2) which was a refresh-
PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER ing blend of green tea and peppermint.
It’s no secret that my “hipster” days
are long gone. I never even aspired to Wanting to see what Cafe Surfinista
be hip; I abandoned all that somewhere does with eggs and turkey bacon, we
back in the ’90s. At my age, I just try not ordered The Biarritz egg soufflé ($5.95
to fall down and break a hip. plus $2 for adding turkey bacon and
avocado) to-go and snacked on it later in
But eating healthy has no age limit, the day. The turkey bacon was surpris-
and if you want to feel like a hipster for ingly good and the soufflé, served on
an hour and leave feeling great about a toasted, flaky croissant with Havarti
what you’ve eaten, Café Surfinista in In- cheese was excellent.
dialantic is definitely worth a try.
Cafe Surfinista is not the most in-
It’s part restaurant and part surf shop, expensive place
with racks of T-shirts to eat, but
and string
Blame It On Rio Blue Crush
Acai Bowl. Toast.
bikinis harmo- posed to be blueberries, banana and The Eddie portions are
niously sharing space with apple juice but it lacked any sort of fla- Avocado Toast. more than generous and
tables and booths. Surfing competitions vor (I tasted it and concurred), so un- you’re paying for quality, organic ingre-
flash across flat-screen televisions. Surf fortunately that went in the trash. But chips. The tuna was very good, and dients sourced super-fresh and expertly
boards hang on walls and from ceilings, he went back to the counter and was thanks to the avocado, I almost did prepared. We’ll definitely return to try
creating an atmosphere fitting an eat- happy to find the Jarritos Mexican so- not miss the slathering of cholesterol- some more new dishes. Maybe you can
ery 50 yards from the ocean. A gorgeous das that he loves. laden Hellmann’s mayo I would have get hipper at nearly 50.
mosaic of the surf graces the wall be- mixed in if I’d made tuna salad at home We encourage you to send feedback to
hind the counter in the busy prep area My son and I split a Santa Cruz wrap (so not hip). [email protected].
where staffers whip up smoothies, acai ($10.95) made with white albacore tuna, The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
bowls and other healthy treats. cucumber, tomato, spinach, shredded I ordered some avocado toast as a cu- dines anonymously at restaurants at the
carrot, avocado and sprouts in a spin- riosity, but now I’m hooked. Who knew expense of this newspaper.
There is no red meat on the menu that ach wrap. The wrap is huge, enough for I needed avocado toast in my life? The
I could find. The only fowl I saw was tur- two people or for two meals, and it’s Eddie ($5.95) is two slices of whole grain RESTAURANT HOURS
key bacon. Eggs are available, as is alba- served with crispy blue-corn tortilla toast, smothered with fresh, crushed av- 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily
core tuna fish. Vegans and vegetarians ocado, baby spinach, diced tomato and
of all stripes who can get pretty frustrat- fresh mozzarella, all that drizzled with ADDRESS
ed eating out would have no problem a balsamic glaze. It’s very messy but it’s 2 Wave Crest Ave, Indialantic
finding lots of tasty dishes that adhere
to their dietary restrictions. Gluten-free PHONE
options abound, and practically every- 321-327-4570
thing is organic. The strongest drink
you’ll find is an energy potion or a high-
octane coffee.
My son ordered the Tropical acai
bowl ($10.95), which was a good por-
tion of blended acai sorbet topped
with mixed fruit and berries, bee pol-
len, granola and coconut flakes. It was
a huge container of acai and fruit and
he said it was yummy and ate every last
bite. The Hodad smoothie he ordered,
however, was not a hit. It was sup-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, SeptembeR 6, 2018 29
Available Daily 4:30 - 5:30
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When looking for a great place to dine check out
the Fine and Casual Dining Pages of The Melbourne Beachsider.
The area’s best restaurants, many offering weekly specials.
30 Thursday, SeptembeR 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Please send calendar information 8 Stars & Stripes gala to benefit Space Coast
at least two weeks prior to your Honor Flight at the American Muscle Car
Museum, 3500 Sarno Road, Melbourne. Space
event to Coast Honor Flight takes World War II, Korea and
[email protected] Vietnam War veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit
the memorials. Tickets $100 general admission at
ONGOING 6:30 p.m. or $200 VIP admission at 5 p.m. with
private tour. All tickets include hors d’oeuvres,
Bingo 4 to 7 p.m. Sundays at Veterans of For- wine, beer and soft drinks. Business casual attire.
eign Wars Post 4643, 1252 Hwy A1A, Satellite No one under 16 years old admitted.
Beach. or call (321)759-1063
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 9 Walk in the Park Bridal Show, 2 to 5 p.m.
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park at The Avenue of Viera, hosted by Nicole
Maree Bridal. Tickets $10 in advance at www. or $15 at the door.
Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- September 8 | Stars & Stripes gala to benefit Space Coast Honor Flight. 9 The Community Band of Brevard kicks off
days at Oceanside Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, their 2018-19 season with An Afternoon on
Melbourne Beach. (321)757.7377. Tickets are $75 per person with 8 Backyard Chicken Basics, 10 a.m. to Broadway, 3 p.m. at Merritt Island High School
$50 applied to Rotary Charities. Write checks noon at the D.R. Schechter Recreation Auditorium, 100 Mustang Way (off North Cour-
SEPTEMBER payable to the Indialantic Rotary Foundation. Center, Satellite Beach. University of Florida tenay Parkway, 32953). Led by conductor Marion
Extension Agent Joe Walter and Fantastic Scott, the program will feature selections from
7 Julia Babbitt, Rotary District 6930 Gover- 8 Turtle Krawl 5k, 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at 4H Leader Erika Maier teach everything the Broadway’s Golden Age, in addition to the music
nor, will be honored at the Rotary Club of Nance Park, Indialantic to benefit the Sea backyard chicken hobbyist or homesteader of newer shows. Free with no ticket required and
Indialantic 60th Anniversary Gala at the Indian Turtle Preservation Society. Registration $25 needs to know about varieties, coop and run no reserved seating. Call (321) 258-5580 or go to
River Colony Club in Viera. Proceeds from this to $25 for adults, $20 to $30 for students. Dis- requirements, health issues, predators, hot
benefit event will be used for Rotary projects counts for previous medal winners and Space climate care, composting waste and more.
and programs. In addition toa delicious meal, Coast Runners or Gecko members. First 2,500 Workshop is free and open to the public. Call 10 New Neighbors of South Brevard
there will be a silent auction, and entertainment registrants will receive a T-shirt. www.turtle- (321)633-1700 or email [email protected] for Beaches plays MAHJONGG at Papa-
by the Creative Arts musicians. Reservations information. gallo’s in Satellite Beach each Monday at 12:15
may be made by contracting Linda Nelms at pm. For information on joining the club contact
Toni Hanussey at [email protected]
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 12 Melbourne Beach Library is offering job
in August 30, 2018 Edition 1 SWIFT 1 SELECT seekers a “Soft Skills Training” informa-
4 MONITOR 2 INCONSPICUOUS tion session from 10am-12pm through Career
8 LOCALLY 3 TULLE Source Brevard. Learn the “soft skills” employers
9 REALM 4 MAYHEM desire such as professionalism, communication,
10 CONFEDERATION 5 NARRATE teamwork and critical thinking. Certificate upon
11 SPARE 6 TOADINTHEHOLE completion of free online training program and
13 HEATH 7 REMIND assessment. Registration required. Call the Ref-
17 ENCOURAGEMENT 12 ROUTINE erence desk at 321-956-5642 or CareerSource at
19 AIOLI 14 REVAMP 321-504-7600 for more information.
Sudoku Page 2420 SudokuPPaaggee2431 CrosswordPPage 4202 CrosswordPPaaggee2431 (A NUT AT THE OPERA) 16 Fall Love, Brevard’s largest bridal show,
1 to 5 p.m. at the Melbourne Audito-
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Endless ocean views
from renovated condo
5635 State Road A1A, #A704, in South Shores Oceanside: 3-bedroom, 3-bath, 2,427-square-foot,
seventh-floor modernist condominium offered for $1.1 million by Treasure Coast Sotheby’s
broker associate Janyne Kenworthy: 772 696-5110
32 Thursday, SeptembeR 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Enjoy endless ocean views in this renovated condo
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER high-end status in every way, with The sophisticated living room opens with a big, beautiful pool and under-
[email protected] top-quality materials and incredible onto the 7th floor corner unit’s wrap- ground parking.
attention to detail. around balcony that offers endless
A beautifully renovated, ocean views. Spectacular river views Starting with leveling the floors
2,427-square-foot condo with a wrap- The modernist kitchen and bath- are on tap in other parts of the condo. and removing the textured ceilings,
around balcony in a sleek oceanfront rooms are straight out of Architec- Hamilton coordinated all the materi-
building is available at 5635 SR A1A tural Digest and the home now has The recent renovation was con- als and design features of the project
on Brevard’s barrier island, offered all solid core doors with ball bearing ceived and orchestrated by seller to achieve a single thematic choice – a
for $1.1 million by Janyne Kenworthy hinges, extra thick impact-resistant Jess Hamilton, a commercial pilot, clean-lined, modern look.
of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Interna- windows made with an internal tint who on his first major renovation
tional Realty. to cut glare, and roll-down shutters project made it his personal quest to First to go were arches near the foy-
that enclose the balcony during bad create the perfect modern beach liv- er that seemed to enclose and limit
The open-floor-plan, 3-bedroom, weather or when the owners are away. ing space in an oceanfront complex the open feel in the unit, Hamilton
3-bath condo has been upgraded to said.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, SeptembeR 6, 2018 33
“I wanted to be able to step in and doorway had to be just right to get “What I really stressed to my trim Neighborhood: South Shores
pick up the ocean as quickly as pos- the look Hamilton wanted. He felt guys and my painters, I wanted ev- Oceanside Condominium
sible,” he added. no need to apologize for insisting on ery corner, every room, to be ‘art,’
perfection. and it really is. The painters made Architectural style: Modern
Every wall, every baseboard, every Bedrooms: 3
2 full baths, 1 half-bath
Year built: 1986
Concrete block, stucco
Additional features: Endless
ocean and river views; huge,
resort-style swimming pool;
underground parking; wrap-
around balcony; island kitchen
with breakfast nook and Brazil-
ian quartzite countertops; all
solid core doors with ball bear-
ing hinges; master bath with all
premium Kohler fixtures, Jason
brand bathtub with whirlpool
and MicroSilk hydrotherapy;
bathroom mirrors with dimma-
ble LED lights; impact resistant
Listing agency: Treasure Coast
Sotheby’s International Realty
Listing agent:
Janyne Kenworthy, 772 696-5110
Listing price: $1.1 million
34 Thursday, SeptembeR 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
the place seamless.” Hamilton spared no expense in essential to the modern look is the The master bathroom suite has a
The renovation is striking. Hamilton kitchen, which features a breakfast Custom Cuisine Cabinetry from Jason brand bath tub with whirlpool
area and dramatic marble island, Canada. and MicroSilk hydrotherapy.
achieved what he started out to accom- along with a GE Monogram Advan-
plish, with every aspect of every room tium oven and a GE Monogram In- Another example of an exceptional “I wanted everything to be clean,
– from colors and lighting to flooring duction cooktop with an Italian detail is a wet bar in the living room the whole visual appearance and
and appliances – contributing to the downdraft exhaust. Integral and with three-inch thick glass embedded style of the place. I just wanted it to
sophisticated modernist theme. with LED lights for selectable colors. flow,’’ Hamilton said.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, SeptembeR 6, 2018 35
Housing-price boom losing a bit of its oomph?
BY KENNETH HARNEY the highest rate since 2014. The city’s crease in the percentage of listings that June saw existing-home sales na-
Washington Post median cut was 3.1 percent. with reductions. Overall, according tionwide on the decline for the third
to Zillow, home-price appreciation is straight month – and inventories of
You might be relaxing at the beach Some of the largest cities and their slowing in nearly half of the country’s available properties slowly begin to
or in the mountains, but if you’re suburbs are also seeing growing 35 largest metropolitan markets. accumulate. Inventories of listings at
considering purchasing a home in numbers of price adjustments: the entry-level price range generally
the coming months, you should be Zillow’s study dovetailed with remain low and continue to sell fast,
aware of an important shift emerging • Nearly 1 of every 5 listings in Chi- new research by realty brokerage sometimes with multiple offers.
in the market: List prices on grow- cago saw a price cut averaging 2.7 Redfin, which found slowdowns
ing numbers of houses are being cut, percent in the survey. and price softness in the upper-end, Here’s what could be another
even in places where previous ap- luxury segments – the top 5 percent emerging trend, which turned up in
preciation has been strong and sales • In the D.C. metro area, 15.4 per- most expensive homes – of some cit- the Redfin luxury sales study: Small
at record levels. The great American cent of all listings had price reduc- ies and suburbs. In Boston, luxury but noticeable numbers of homeown-
post-Recession housing-price boom tions that averaged 2.5 percent. sales prices slumped by 16.7 percent ers who live in high-cost, high-tax
appears to be losing at least a little of year-over-year in the second quarter, states such as New York and Califor-
its oomph, opening opportunities for • In Miami-Fort Lauderdale, the compared with a 9.7 percent average nia appear to be fleeing to lower-tax
alert buyers. average decrease was 2.9 percent; increase in the non-luxury segment. markets.
metropolitan New York, 3.6 percent; Overall, however, luxury home prices
New research released recently by Boston, 3 percent; San Francisco, increased nationwide by about 5.2 Some communities in Florida, Ne-
realty marketing site Zillow found 4.2 percent; San Diego, 2.3 percent; percent, down from 7.3 percent the vada and Washington are seeing un-
that 1 of every 7 listings (14 percent) Charlotte, 2.4 percent; and Colum- previous quarter. usually large price jumps in sales of
across the country saw a price reduc- bus, Ohio, 2.7 percent. upper bracket homes. Buyers aren’t
tion during June, the latest month What’s going on? Multiple factors reticent about their reasons either:
covered by the study data. The rate • In San Diego, 1 of every 5 listings are at work. The recovery from the Congress’s $10,000 cap on deduc-
of reductions was higher than it has got pared back in June, a significantly Great Recession and housing bust has tions of state and local property and
been in some markets for years. In Se- higher rate than had occurred the been underway since at least 2012. incomes taxes. You might think local
attle, which has been scorching hot – year before, when 1 of every 8 listings But every major upcycle in home pric- taxes are no big deal for well-off own-
with multiple offers and double-digit (12 percent) was reduced in price. es eventually runs out of fuel because ers, but consider this: One house list-
appreciation routine – 12 percent of buyers’ incomes can’t keep pace with ed for $12 million in Massachusetts
listings got a price reduction in June, Of special note here: Reductions are price increases. Once buyers begin came with a $101,346 local real estate
occurring most frequently at the up- balking, sales start to soften – note tax bill.
per end of the price spectrum, where
the average share of listings with cuts
jumped to 16.2 percent. Lower-priced
homes actually have seen a small de-
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36 Thursday, SeptembeR 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: August 24th to 30th
The real estate market finished August with a strong week in island zip codes 32951, 32903, and 32937.
Satellite Beach led the way with 12 transactions, followed by Melbourne Beach with 7 sales, Indialantic
with 6, and Indian Harbour Beach reporting 3.
The featured sale of the week was of an oceanfront penthouse condominium in Melbourne Beach. Unit
301 in the Beachcomber at 4495 South Highway A1A was placed on the market June 20th with an asking
price of $729,000. The sale closed August 28th for $715,000.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Lucille Miano of Wind Sail Realty. The purchaser was
represented by Gregory Zimmerman and Gibbs Baum of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s.
NONE 5589 S HIGHWAY A1A 8/21/2018 $1,075,000 $1,075,000 8/27/2018 $918,000
HARBOR EAST SEC 3 AM 427 RIVERVIEW LN 6/16/2018 $999,900 $949,000 8/29/2018 $440,000
MELBOURNE BEACH S 209 ELM AVE 6/28/2018 $459,000 $459,000 8/29/2018
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 309 S RIVERSIDE DR S 8/30/2018 $620,000 $620,000 8/30/2018 $620,000
INDIALANTIC ONE COND 601 N MIRAMAR AVENUE 110 7/20/2018 $449,900 $449,900 8/27/2018 $410,000
VIZCAYA OCEANFRONT 925 N HWY A1A 601 2/26/2018 $349,900 $349,900 8/24/2018 $345,000
EAU GALLIE BY THE SE 745 ATLANTIC DR 7/10/2018 $449,000 $449,000 8/27/2018 $439,000
COLONIAL ESTATES 3 COLONIAL WAY 6/18/2018 $430,000 $430,000 8/24/2018 $425,000
MONTECITO PHASE 2B 75 REDONDO DR 3/28/2018 $323,653 $323,653 8/29/2018 $325,559
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, SeptembeR 6, 2018 37
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Melbourne Beach S, Address: 209 Elm Ave Subdivision: Harbor East Sec 3 Am, Address: 427 Riverview Ln
Listing Date: 6/28/2018 Listing Date: 6/16/2018
Original Price: $459,000 Original Price: $999,900
Recent Price: $459,000 Recent Price: $949,000
Sold: 8/29/2018 Sold: 8/29/2018
Selling Price: $440,000 Selling Price: $918,000
Listing Agent: Michael Belcher & James Listing Agent: Pamela Ann Wise
Selling Agent: Selling Agent: Dreyer & Associates R.E. Grp.
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Karen Wojnowski
Luanne Eddie
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Dreyer & Associates R.E. Grp.
Subdivision: Indialantic By Sea, Address: 309 S Riverside Dr S Subdivision: Villa Riviera Club I, Address: 2925 N Highway A1A 119
Listing Date: 8/30/2018 Listing Date: 8/11/2018
Original Price: $620,000 Original Price: $299,000
Recent Price: $620,000 Recent Price: $299,000
Sold: 8/30/2018 Sold: 8/30/2018
Selling Price: $620,000 Selling Price: $275,000
Listing Agent: David Curri Listing Agent: Audra Farley
Selling Agent: Curri Kirschner R. E. Grp. LLC Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise
David Curri James Warburton
Curri Kirschner R. E. Grp. LLC Coldwell Banker Paradise
38 Thursday, SeptembeR 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: None, Address: 5589 S Highway A1A Subdivision: Indialantic One Cond, Address: 601 N Miramar Avenue 110
Listing Date: 8/21/2018 Listing Date: 7/20/2018
Original Price: $1,075,000 Original Price: $449,900
Recent Price: $1,075,000 Recent Price: $449,900
Sold: 8/27/2018 Sold: 8/27/2018
Selling Price: $1,075,000 Selling Price: $410,000
Listing Agent: Not Provided Listing Agent: Anthony Gallo
Selling Agent: Not Provided Selling Agent: Salt Life Realty
Tracy Warren Dawn Atkinson
Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc The Real Estate Firm of FL,Inc
JUST LISTED IN THE CLOISTERS! Subdivision: None, Address: 290 Paradise Blvd 13 Listing Date: 6/8/2018
Original Price: $240,000
Sold: 8/30/2018
BUYING OR SELLING Selling Price: $240,000
WE’LL GET YOU WERE YOU NEED TO GO. Listing Agent: Anthony Scaramouche
Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise
PRICE REDUCED! $639,900 • .47 ACRES
Jonathan Lack
Exp Realty LLC
Subdivision: Colonial Estates, Address: 3 Colonial Way
Listing Date: 6/18/2018
Original Price: $430,000
Recent Price: $430,000
Sold: 8/24/2018
Selling Price: $425,000
Listing Agent: Walter Tymeson
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Aerospace Realty
Robert Petty
Island Tradition Properties
Subdivision: Eau Gallie By The Sea, Address: 745 Atlantic Dr
4 BEDROOM / 3 BATHROOM 2,715 SF Listing Date: 7/10/2018
.47 ACRES GATED PROPERTY • SPARKLING POOL Original Price: $449,000
Recent Price: $449,000
Selling Price: $439,000
David Curri Listing Agent: Maria Kaps
Broker/Owner Selling Agent: RE/MAX Aerospace Realty
[email protected] Cindy Manzo
321.890.9911 RE/MAX Aerospace Realty
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