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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-07-20 14:41:15

07/20/2017 ISSUE 29


Positive reaction. P4 Tacking on tech. P6 Young foodies

High school students tackle County reluctantly approves Little ones veg out at library’s
FIT chemistry program. expansion of wireless equipment. Cooking Class for Kids. PAGE 10


Rep. Bill Posey Witness lives
pays $1 to rent to tell tale of
Brevard offices brutal slaying

STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER Brevard County commissioners will recommend that Frank Abbate, below, be named county manager. PHOTOS BY RYAN CLAPPER STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER
[email protected] [email protected]
In house candidate gets nod for county manager
Congressman Tom Reed of Robert Mell sat at the top
New York has a number of dis- STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER mission will end up going in- thus rejecting the three candi- of the bed in a house on East
trict offices upstate. He pays [email protected] house after all, choosing In- dates presented by the Mercer Riviera Boulevard, just north
between $472.50 and $1,500 terim County Manager Frank Group. of Indialantic. Scott Hyatt sat
a month of taxpayer money Faced with the departure Abbate to succeed Whitten, on an adjacent folding chair.
to rent each of these various of County Manager Stockton “Turns out I was probably Without warning, a man burst
offices to meet his constitu- Whitten on April 30, Brevard correct,” said Tobia, who intro- into the bedroom donning a
ents. Congresswoman Mar- Commissioners selected a duced a resolution last Tues- shiny red-and-gold mask and
Volusia County firm to lead a day to name Abbate as perma- armed with a gun.
Cogressman Bill Posey. national search. For a $15,750 nent manager. The resolution
fee, the Mercer Group scoured met with approval from three “He said, ‘give me the (exple-
cia Fudge of Ohio pays more the country for a replacement other commissioners, but the tive) pills,’” Mell told Brevard
than $5,666 a month for her to guide day-to-day affairs. motion was tabled until the County Sheriff’s Agent Nicho-
district offices. next meeting when Commis- las Walker. When Mell said he
Commissioner John Tobia’s sioner Kristine Isnardi will be had no pills, the intruder shot
But Congressman Bill suggestion that the county save in the house and they could him three times.
Posey, who represents Brevard the money and go in-house make it unanimous.
and portions of Indian River first did not get much support Mell survived, but Hyatt
County, pays a mere $1 for one at the time. When the search began, Ab- wasn’t so fortunate. The gun-
district office in Brevard and man shot him in the head af-
nothing for the second. And But in the end, the com- CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 ter catching him in a lie.
that includes water and elec-
tricity. That’s $1 a year, thanks Based on Mell’s voice rec-
to the generosity of Brevard ognition and a photo lineup,


Indian Harbour
Beach nearly said
no to dispensaries

[email protected]

Indian Harbour Beach ap-
peared to be one City Council
roll call vote away from ban-
ning medical marijuana dis-
pensaries, that is until they


ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 ‘Scope’ for future

NEWS 1-8 DINING 31 PEOPLE 9-12 Endoscopy center
ARTS 13-16 GAMES 23-25 PETS 33 being built at Vero
BOOKS 21-22 HEALTH 27-30 REAL ESTATE 35-40 hospital. PAGE 28


2 Thursday, July 20, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


MURDER CASE Medical staff said Mell was in discom- MARIJUANA DISPENSARIES cities that choose to allow them cannot
fort and pain but lucid enough to talk. limit the number of dispensaries within
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 their boundaries and such permitting
Mell said after Milman shot him, he requirements cannot be more restrictive
Sheriff’s deputies arrested Joseph Mil- demanded Hyatt turn over the Dilau- recalled that 70.5 percent of IHB voters than the zoning or permitting require-
man on Oct. 22, 2014, three days after did pills he just refilled. Hyatt said the had voted in support of allowing the ments for currently existing pharmacies.
the shootings. A grand jury indicted pills were in the truck in the driveway. dispensaries.
him on first-degree felony murder. Milman said “they better be.” Hyatt City Attorney Karl Bohne provided
The state also charged Milman with stood up to leave the bedroom when The catch is that those voters gave the council with the third option of re-
attempted first-degree felony murder, Milman noticed the bulge in his front the go-ahead for the dispensaries to op- taining the old ordinance until the sit-
robbery with a firearm and possession pocket pants. erate generally, vaguely in the state, not uation becomes more clear, perhaps
of a firearm by a convicted felon. His necessarily inside their city. Also, no one increasing the risk of future litigation.
trial begins Aug. 7. The episode which led to knew how the legislature would imple-
ment the law if it passed. The legislature City Manager Mark Ryan pointed
In addition, sheriff’s agents arrested the robbery and shooting didn’t even know until it convened a out that Cocoa Beach has already ap-
Justin Howard, who provided Milman special session to tackle medical mari- proved the measure. “If you elect to
with the gun, one of several owned by may have begun on Oct. juana after not finding a solution during ban these dispensaries, you will not
his mother. Charges against Howard the regular 60-day session. prelude access to these facilities by
included first-degree felony murder, 18, the day before, when our citizens,’’ he wrote.
attempted felony murder and robbery When the dust settled at the July 11
with a firearm. Howard will be tried in Millman grew impatient meeting, the Indian Harbour Beach Said council member Frank Guertin:
November. City Council – which legally had the “We have a lot of different places (con-
waiting for Mell to bring option to ban dispensaries – decided sidering approval of the dispensaries).
Mell, now 51, was no saint, according to continue to follow earlier action One or two of them may approve them
to depositions and interviews. Elvira him some marijuana. they took on the matter putting a one- and it may not be a problem for our
Hull, also known as Grandma, owned year moratorium on the issuance of people who voted for it (to travel to
a house on Avenida De La Vista, not far “You’re f-ing lying,” Milman said. Business Tax Receipts for the facilities. those cities).”
from East Riviera, where Hyatt and oth- That’s when he shot Hyatt, Mell re-
ers lived for a time. Hull warned Hyatt counted. He dragged the dead man’s Feeling that the matter of medical The bill divides the state into five re-
to stay away from Mell’s place because body across the floor, reached into his marijuana dispensaries would contin- gions (Northwest, Northeast, Central,
he was trouble. She accused him of pants pocket and took the bottle of pills. ue to come up, the City of Indian Har- Southeast, Southwest) and authorizes
stealing items from her house and “not bour Beach had in 2014 adopted an or- the Department of Health to determine
being a very nice person.” Mell pleaded “don’t kill me, man. dinance regulating medical marijuana the maximum number of dispensaries
You got the pills. Just don’t kill me.” operations within the community, in- allowed in each region based on popu-
Howard’s then 15 year-old girlfriend, cluding the prohibition of cultivation of lation within that region compared to
also charged with evidence tampering Instead, Milman gave Mell three medical marijuana in the city. the total state population. Under the
in the case, said Mell talked dirty. “Sex- pills and said “you’re going to need bill, medical marijuana is exempt from
ual stuff,” she said in her deposition. them” and ran out of the house. A revised state amendment did, in the state sales tax. The bill prohibits the
“He’s a pretty weird guy.” He also stole fact, return to the ballot in November smoking of medical marijuana, but au-
cigarette money, the teen said. Asked Seriously injured, Mell struggled to 2016 and was approved by 71 percent thorizes it to be vaped or consumed in
about his reputation, she said he’s a neighbor Patrick Marshall’s house. Mar- of the voters in Florida, 70.5 percent in pill or edible form.
crack head that no one really trusted. shall told a sheriff’s agent he was watch- Indian Harbour Beach.
ing football when he heard three loud “We don’t have to knee-jerk reaction.
Jeremy Morelli, a friend of the vic- knocks at his front door. He looked out Following passage of the November It’s all going to flesh out because there
tims and the suspects, saw Hyatt and the window and saw Mell “going down.” 2016 amendment, the city implement- is a lawsuit pending to allow smoking
Mell shooting up crushed pills hours He called 911 for an ambulance. ed a one-year moratorium (ending of it and, if that lawsuit is successful,
before the incident. “I’m scared to next January) to ensure the city’s regu- that may change everybody’s regula-
death of needles and that’s what they The episode which led to the robbery lations would comply with regulations tions. We just wanted to get you think-
were doing. They were both in Bobby’s and shooting may have begun on Oct. adopted by the Florida Legislature. ing about it. Before you know it it is go-
bedroom shooting up.” 18, the day before, when Milman grew ing to be January,’’ Bohne said. 
impatient waiting for Mell to bring him Cities can, by ordinance, ban medi-
Yet during his deposition, Morelli some marijuana. At the time, Mell was cal marijuana dispensaries. However, “From our point of view, we look for
said Milman never had a bad word for in Malabar waiting for Hyatt. Milman the best way to spend our budget,” Ce-
Hyatt or Mell. turned from impatient to irritated. POSEY cala said. “If rent is not a consideration,
we spend that money elsewhere or it
Walker interviewed Mell on Oct. 23, “They’re not going to do nothing for CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 goes back to the treasury.”
2014 from his hospital room in the trau- us. I think they’re just bull-ing,” Milman
ma unit of Holmes Regional Medical said, according to Morelli’s deposition.  County’s Board of Commissioners, Though Cecala could not pinpoint
Center in Melbourne, where he recov- which last week renewed the deal with any specific service or benefit that
ered from wounds to his arm and chest. Posey through Jan. 2, 2020. Posey can afford to provide for Bre-
vard constituents with the money
Posey, unlike Reed and Fudge, rents saved by not paying office rent, he
from a government agency as opposed noted that the congressman each year
to a private landlord, thus saving fed- returns a portion of the $1.34 million
eral dollars. he’s budgeted for district and capitol
operations back to the U.S. Treasury
But that savings comes at the ex- unspent. Before recent budget cuts,
pense of the county. when there was even more cash to
fund office overhead, Cecala said
Posey Communications Director Posey would routinely return more
George M. Cecala said the House Ethics than $100,000 annually.
Committee ruled members may accept
free office space in their districts when Posey gets a better deal than state
it is provided by a local government. Sen. Debbie Mayfield, who pays $150 a
month to rent an office in Melbourne
The Space Coast Association of Real- City Hall. Like Posey, her deal includes
tors pays $9 per square foot for their of- utilities but not phone service.
fice on Sarno Road in Melbourne. But
they looked at places as high as $12 a “We looked at the county, but they
square foot. At 2,200 square feet for the
county office Posey uses in Viera, an
equivalent commercial space at $9 a
square foot would run $1,650 a month.

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 20, 2017 3


had no space. The City of Melbourne is of the Court. Cecala agreed. “As I un- complex has ample meeting space as er Lagoon, beach re-nourishment and
more centrally located,” Mayfield said. derstand it, the county thought it would well as law enforcement protection. transportation issues,” Cecala said.
Mayfield also has an office in Indian be beneficial for residents and county
River County where she pays no rent. officials to have the congressman’s of- The location has forged a positive According to Teresa Camarata, coun-
fice located in the county complex to working relationship. ty central services director, Brevard has
“I am all for giving people the free increase access.” extended similar deals to Dave Weldon,
space as it guarantees easier access,” “There are many issues in which Tom Goodson, Randy Ball and Ralph
said Scott Ellis, Brevard County Clerk Equally important, Cecala said, the the congressman and the county work Poppell. 
closely together on, like the Indian Riv-

4 Thursday, July 20, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


ABBATE W.D. Higginbotham, Mercer’s senior But Walker said all three finalists Pritchett: “I could not have said that
vice president, spoke about the search. were already collecting salaries well better.”
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 over $200,000, which is more than
“Unfortunately we did not get the Whitten received. Commission Chair Curt Smith also
bate informed commissioners he number of applicants we hoped. After rejected the candidates Mercer select-
would not apply for the post. an extensive recruitment and exten- Even so, the commissioners had mis- ed. “If there is someone as qualified as
sive solicitation, we received almost givings with the results. “I asked that Frank I’d say talk to them. But the real
“He said he would not get in the 200 inquiries. Only seven met the qual- we hold off because some candidates key is that none of these bring to the
way of the national search,” said ifications. I eliminated one and spoke had large issues,” Tobia said. table the institutional knowledge we
Don Walker, county spokesman. But with six. I recommended three to you,” would gain from Abbate,” he said.
he would be willing to accept that he told the commissioners. Commissioner Jim Barfield was more
position if he had the support of the direct. “I did not get the impression A 5-0 vote at the next commission
commission. Once the finalists were The three included one from Miami, there was one who fit what we have. I meeting still doesn’t seal the deal.
named, the commission opted for one from Colorado and one from New saw similarities but nothing that they
support in recognition of Abbate’s Jersey. Two had experience with shore understood what we have in a county “They would have to enter con-
performance and because of his issues. that is 72 mile long. I think we should tract negotiations. So this will likely
knowledge of Brevard County. consider Frank,” he said. push into mid to late August be-
“These three exceed qualifications,” fore we no longer have an Interim
Tobia’s resolution made it official. Higginbotham said. Said Commissioner Vice-Chair Rita County Manager,” Walker said. 

Positive reaction: High schoolers tackle FIT chemistry program

[email protected]

Local high school students teamed
up with college faculty last week for
some rare, real-world chemistry expe-
rience in the Olson Research Labora-
tories at Florida Institute of Technol-

The Guided Research Apprentice-
ship program gets Holy Trinity Epis-
copal Academy science students out
of the classroom and into situations
to observe cause, effect and results in
real time – an experience most bud-
ding chemists don’t get to do until
their junior or senior year of college.
This early glimpse into applied chem-
istry helps students determine if the
sciences are a viable option to focus
on in college or as a career.

This is the fourth year that Holy
Trinity collaborated with Florida Tech
in this exclusive guided research op-
portunity. The program was led by
Florida Tech’s Director of Consulting
Patty Sellers, chemistry professor Dr.
Joel Olson, and Keiron Hylton, teach-
er of strategy, entrepreneurship and
management at the college.

Top from left: Franklin Thornburgh, LR Associate Professor Joel A. Olson, and Keiron Hylton, business professor.

Middle: Siddarth Ranganath, Christopher Farid, Kyle Go, Eamon Brennan; Bottom: Cameron Walcott, John Gani-

ban and Hari Dandapani. PHOTOS BY JULIAN LEEK

Seven hand-picked participants and antibiotic properties that might
presented their research last Friday to help to combat resistant bacteria. The
their school, faculty, peers, friends and students used quantum mechanics
family. Eamon Brennan, Chris Farid, calculations to simulate chemical re-
Hari Dandapani, Kyle Go, Siddarth actions to help develop a new theo-
Ranganath and John Ganiban tack- retical model.
led the chemistry research program.
Cameron Walcott participated in the Olson said of the process, “as part
business and career research program. of a 12-year drug design project in the
laboratory at FIT, the students used
The chemistry students performed the Spartan ’16 molecular modeling
simulations of reactions of tryptan- software to simulate possible reac-
thrin molecules to better understand tions for the nitration of tryptanthrin.
their chemical behaviors. Derived They quickly learned how to use the
from a natural product, tryptanthrins software, and they built hundreds of
are of interest for their anti-parasitic arrangements of molecular reactants

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 20, 2017 5


good work and I loved their presenta-
tions” he said.

Holy Trinity chemistry teacher Jo-
line Irvine showed up to support her
students. “I have tried to instill in
them that chemistry is everything”
she said. In fact, she shared that
Ganiban has even applied chemis-
try to surfing. He told her recently
that he finally understands what
she’s been telling them all these
years. Ganiban told her he’s applied
it to everything from diving to using
sunscreen on your skin. “It doesn’t
click right away, but sooner or later
they get it” she said. 

Siddarth Ranganath.

Patty Sellers with Eamon Brennan.

to calculate reaction energies in or- When asked what his takeaway was
der to find the most plausible reaction from this opportunity, he shared his
pathways.” appreciation of the process and the in-
depth study of tryptanthrin. Eamon
Through better understanding, Ol- Brennan of Indian Harbour Beach
son said, this research could perhaps said hopes to major in computer sci-
lead to a compound that may be used ence at FIT.
as a drug to treat these infectious dis-
eases. Olson has been part of this appren-
ticeship program since the begin-
“Some of what these boys have done ning, four years ago. “This is the larg-
here will end up in a research publica- est group we’ve had yet. I was a little
tion” Olson said. intimidated,” he confessed. “I wasn’t
sure I was going to be able to find
Three of these scholars are barrier enough work for them to do.”
island residents and rising seniors at
Holy Trinity. Ganiban of Merritt Island The students put in about 50 hours.
hopes to major in biomolecular engi- They were engaged directly with pro-
neering. On his list of hopefuls is Rice, fessors and continued to work at
John Hopkins and Georgia Teach. His home. “They worked very diligently”
mom Patricia hopes he applies to her Olson said. The study on tryptanthrin
alma mater Louisiana State University. was already an ongoing research pro-
gram that began in 2004. “They did
Kyle Go of Melbourne Beach is un-
decided about his college choice.

6 Thursday, July 20, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Reluctantly, county OKs expansion of wireless equipment

STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER the color of the pole and be flush comes available and demand for data the law is the law. “We have to follow
[email protected] mounted unless it’s demonstrated increases,” the ordinance said. it anyway,” said Scott Knox, the coun-
that flush mounting will interfere ty attorney.
While many proposals failed to be- with transmission. The ordinance goes on to say that
come law during the 2017 legislative proper management is necessary to Melbourne Beach has not yet ad-
session, the Advanced Wireless Infra- The wireless legislation speaks to “reasonably balance the potential in- dressed the wireless issue within their
structure Deployment Act did. the expansion of cellular communi- convenience to and negative effects town limits. “We do not own any tow-
cations. “Connectivity demands have from such facilities’ placement and ers or poles in this community,” said
With the goal of improving cellu- driven exponential growth in the maintenance in the public rights-of- Town Manager, Tim Day.
lar phone and wireless data service wireless communications industry way against the benefits.”
without the addition of new, huge cell and are anticipated to grow at an ac- Indialantic Manager Chris Chinault
tower structures, or in places that can- celerated rate as new technology be- Some county officials don’t like this said the attorney is reviewing the act
not host a large tower, the act created change being thrust upon them, but now. 
a uniform procedure for providers
to place small wireless transmitters
on utility poles or wireless support
structures within city or county public

The bill spells out that a local gov-
ernment may not prohibit, regulate
or charge for the “colocation,” as it is

Last week, Brevard County commis-
sioners approved its end of the wire-
less act for unincorporated parts of
the county, but they were not happy
about doing it.

Andrew Holmes, the county interim
public works director, said the act will
inject significant cost to the permit-
ting activity.

“It’s another unfunded mandate,”
Commissioner Jim Barfield said.

The act includes stringent permit-
ting requirements on local govern-
ments, including accelerated time-
frames, prohibition of permitting fees
for charter counties already charging
the local communications services
tax at a rate of 0.12 percent – which
includes Brevard – and allowing ap-
plicants to combine up to 30 small
wireless facilities into one application.
However, colocation does not include
installation of a new utility pole or
other wireless support structure.

But installation costs for the collo-
cation will be borne by the providers.
And the county ordinance will require
the antenna and equipment to match


Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
Bill Sokolic, 609-457-5480 Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 For our advertising partners, we pledge [email protected]
to provide the most complete consulta-
Staff Reporter Columnists tive and marketing programs possible for Corporate Editor
George White, 321-795-3835 Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 the best return on your investment. Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
[email protected] Cynthia Van Gaasbeck, 321-626-4701 [email protected]

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 20, 2017 7


Town rights-of-way sometimes have homeowners on edge

STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER boundary survey when a house is pur- “Legally they have the right to do it. ings for the drainage project, which
[email protected] chased will clearly visualize the limits But the ditch is so steep and so long. is some three years old, but no one
of his/her property,” Chinault said. It’s not safe for the kids to play near showed up.
Last month, Bill Hamilton Sr. want- there. It probably affects our property
ed to plant cattails to spruce up the In Indialantic, if a resident desires value,” Murphy said. Heidi Betts has lived on Hibiscus Trail
ditch created by the Town of Mel- to plant vegetation such as a bush or for 11 years and flooding has never been
bourne Beach to help reduce flood- shrub in the town right-of-way, the res- And the ditch didn’t entirely solve a real problem for her. They bought a
ing on the northern end of Hibiscus ident needs approval from the Public the problem. property with a stone wall demarcating
Trail. But the ditch and the cast iron Works Director. “In some areas, there where the municipal portion began.
grate that rested on one end of it were could be conflict with utilities like a “We’d get a puddle after a rain but it
not on Hamilton’s property, although water line, sewer line, storm sewer line was gone in 30 minutes. It would per- “We didn’t want the ditches,” Betts
you’d never know that on first glance. or fiber optic line,” Chinault said. “Or colate back into the ground. Now the said. “But now we have standing water
the resident might want to plant veg- water sits in those grates.” in the ditches and we see an increase
“I thought it was my property,” said in the number of mosquitoes.” 
Day says the town held public meet-

BIll Hamilton in front of his home and the area of land that is in question. PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER

Hamilton, a longtime homeowner etation that, depending on location,
who instead had the plants placed at could grow to obstruct a stop sign.
the edge of what belongs to him. Or the vegetation could grow into the
paved portion of the right-of-way and
Beachside municipalities such as become an obstruction to the motor-
Melbourne Beach and Indialantic re- ing public.”
tain the right-of-way not only on the
street but for a certain portion on the Numerous Melbourne Beach resi-
land beyond the paving, land some dents have installed boulders or bush-
homeowners might consider theirs. es in the right-of-way regardless of the
legality. But if a problem develops, the
“We own 25 feet from the center of homeowner has to remove the boulder
the roadway on either side,” said Mel- or tree or the town will. “It may come
bourne Beach Town Manager Tim Day. up when we do a drainage project or
“We need the right-of-way for storm a sidewalk. If we do a sidewalk down
water improvements, utility poles or Pine Street it will be an issue,” Day said.
Honor Murphy and her husband,
According to Chris Chinault, In- Patrick, were aware that a portion of
dialantic town manager, most of the what appears to be their front yard
municipal rights-of-way are 60 feet in was municipal land. But they were un-
width even though the streets them- aware just how much until the town
selves are just around 20 feet, with the put in the ditch and two grates in front
rest extending to the grassy sides of the of the house they lived in for 23 years.
properties. Some rights-of-way are as
little as 40 feet while others are 80 feet. She says the grates seem much too
big for the problem.
“Any resident who looks at his/her

Little ones veg out at library’s
Cooking Class for Kids

10 Thursday, July 20, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Raegan, Rosemary, and Gianna with Beverly Smith. PHOTOS BY JULIAN LEEK


Roman. Gianna.

Little ones veg out at library’s Cooking Class for Kids

STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT Class for Kids at the Eau Gallie Public that it is wildly popular among the paid attention and could recite the rec-
[email protected] Library brought together children, the younger set. ipe: “First we put in three cups of snap
children’s program director, Jessica peas, then we put in 3 tablespoons of
Presented with a bowl of sugar snap Sibayan, and the University of Florida Last Friday’s session began with an soy sauce, then 1½ tablespoons of vin-
peas, 6-year-old Aiden Lopez shook Agricultural Extension Service for a overview of the previous day with a egar, then 1½ tablespoons of water.
his head, shrugged his shoulders and series designed to instill in children a segue into the nutritional aspects of Then we stirred it and added 3 table-
offered, “pasta?” when asked to iden- love of veggies. The course was broken the day’s two recipes. spoons of sugar and stirred it until the
tify the green things therein. into four one-hour classes, held July sugar dissolved and then we put in
13-14 and July 20-21. “Today we are talking about sugar half a tablespoon of sesame seeds.”
“What are they?” grandmother Lau- snap peas. They have two major vita-
ra Newell leaned in and asked hope- Sibayan said the library’s volun- mins. What vitamin helps us fight off The fifth-grader says he is also plan-
fully. teer group, Friends of the Eau Gallie colds? Vitamin C. So yesterday we had ning to attend tennis camp and do “a
Library, sponsored the visit from UF/ peppers that are high in C and sugar bit of swimming” this summer.
“I don’t even know. Green beans?” IFAS extension agent Beth Shephard, snap peas are also high in C but they
the young Eau Gallie resident tried. who brought everything but the kids: also have another one called vitamin Gianna Gibbons, 5, of Melbourne
fresh sugar snap peas, baby carrots, K. Did you know there was a vitamin ate all her peas. What did she like
“What is this class, Aiden?” Newell, sauce ingredients, measuring cups K?” she asked with an idea of the an- most about the dish? “The sugar.”
also of Eau Gallie, asked. and spoons, bowls, mixing spoons swer. Mom Kristina Gibbons sighed.
and paper plates. Even the dreaded
“This class is about making food. ranch dressing. “I’m not going to lie. Carrying on, Shephard said: “What Alyssa Rivera, 11, of Melbourne said
You have to make food, and then you That is not one of the things I would we are going to do is get into groups. her mother found the class online. “I
eat it. There’s a different day that you ever want them to try,” Shephard said, Do you know about groups?” told her that I wanted to do a cooking
make a different kind of food,” he said acknowledging the dressing is less class this summer because I want to
confidently. than healthy but also acknowledging “It kind of sounds like Groot from learn to cook,” she said.
‘Guardians of the Galaxy,’” Lopez said
He’s right. This was a class about helpfully. Would she make the dish again? “If I
preparing food, vegetables in particu- coat it in ranch dressing, yes.” 
lar, and then eating it. Part instruc- Colin Mark, 10, of West Melbourne
tional, part inspirational, the Cooking

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 20, 2017 11


Fish counters dive right into REEF marine project

STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER “I work at a perfect venue to do Joy Winet. tles and selected invertebrate and
[email protected] this,’’ she said. algae species in temperate reef ar-
PHOTOS BY JULIAN LEEK eas (the West Coast of the U.S. and
Colorful reef fish visible at Sebas- Participants in the July 7 work- Canada, the South Atlantic States,
tian Inlet are a short snorkel or dive shop, several of whom lasted the pencil, a good reference book, and and the Northeast U.S. and Eastern
trip from being officially identified entire two hours, filled out survey access to the Internet to submit the Canada).
and counted by “citizen scientists” sheets and took quizzes. data online.
as part of the REEF Volunteer Fish Following the dive, each survey-
Survey. Among them was Brian Lind, a Species and approximate abun- or transfers the information about
member of the Surfrider Founda- dance scores are recorded on an un- their survey dive, including survey
Training for about 15 initial par- tion, and his family. Lind said dur- derwater slate. The goal is to find as time, depth, temperature and other
ticipants started with learning the ing group introductions that he was many species as possible so divers environmental information, along
top 50 fish during a July 7 workshop interested in the fate of the near- are encouraged to look under ledges with the species sightings data, to
at the Barrier Island Center in Mel- shore reefs in Satellite Beach now and up in the water column. the REEF database.
bourne Beach. slated for a beach re-nourishment
project, and the construction of arti- The project also allows volunteer Master Dive Instructor Joe Barto-
Education center coordinator Joy ficial reefs for marine life. Learning scuba divers and snorkelers to col- szek will lead a Sebastian Inlet Fish
Winet, who has achieved advanced- and helping tally reef fish as a REEF lect and report information on tur- Survey from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on July
level status and identified 43 species volunteer is just part of his approach 24. Meet at the BIC then carpool to
of fish in the REEF program, was in to living as an environmentally con- Sebastian Inlet. Cost $25. More in-
effect sharing her favorite hobby, in- scious surfer. formation at
cluding sharing many photographs
from local waters. Enthusiastic retirees Roger and “It’s a very active and very impor-
Donna Simons have lived in the tant program to determine the size
REEF’s mission, “to educate and South Beaches area two years, first of the fisheries. Sebastian Inlet is lo-
enlist divers in the conservation of volunteering at the Sea Turtle Preser- cated in a convergence zone so there
marine habitats,” is accomplished vation Society, helping with strand- are both tropical and temperate spe-
primarily through the Fish Survey ing and wash-back hatchlings. cies of fish that come out at different
Project developed in 1990 with sup- times of the year. There’s not enough
port from The Nature Conservancy The goal of participating in the scientists to go around so this pro-
and guidance by the Southeast Fish- REEF program – perhaps even re- gram gets the citizen scientists in-
eries Science Center of the National gaining SCUBA skills – is another volved,’’ Bortoszek said. 
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). way to stay busy, learn new informa-
tion, and help out the environment,
Scuba diving and fish counting Roger Simons said.
has been a fun hobby for three years
for Winet, originally from the Seattle And there might even be new dis-
area. coveries left out there, he said.

“When I relocated to Florida I got “We know more about outer space
into diving recreationally and I felt a than we do about what’s under the
little bit of ‘carbon guilt’ about driv- sea. Every time they go down on a
ing around the state to go scuba div- deep dive they always find some-
ing. This makes me feel a little bit thing that they’ve never seen be-
better about it because I am contrib- fore,’’ he said.
uting to the science data base,’’ she
said. The data is collected using a stan-
dardized method, and are housed
Part of achieving advanced status in a publicly-accessible database on
in REEF was a letter asking for her REEF’s website and used by a variety
to find participants to become in- of resource agencies and research-
volved and spread the word about ers.
the program.
REEF volunteers use the Roving
With the program needing data Diver Technique (RDT), a visual sur-
from nearby Sebastian Inlet, Winet vey method specifically designed for
decided to put on the REEF program volunteer data. The only materials
workshop. needed are an underwater slate and


14 Thursday, July 20, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Show of love: For theater couple, all world’s a stage

STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH CORRESPONDENT Alan Selby and his wife Nadine Antaillia prep for their play ering from dental surgery and actu-
[email protected] “A Funny Thing Happened On The Way to The Forum”. PHOTOS BY RYAN CLAPPER ally had his jaws wired shut.”

Theater demands much from an home, he’s typically so tired he heads tioned, they are there That didn’t stop him from giving her
individual. Marriage magnifies that straight to bed. for each other. their first kiss when she became upset
sacrifice. at not getting a role.
“There are weeks just before and If Antaillia goes out
Challenges usually include rehears- during tech week that I will see Alan for a role and does not A few years later, they were both
als stretching into late night hours when I wake up in the morning and get cast, she’ll some- working at James Madison Univer-
and gobbling up precious weekend that is about it,” Antaillia said. “And if times bring that disap- sity in Virginia when they decided to
time. Then, when you’re actually with we are both involved in the same show, pointment home and marry. Selby was in the working in the
your significant other, you’ve got your juggling things at home can be tricky.” rant a bit. Selby knows theater department’s scenic shop and
nose in the script, memorizing lines. the pain. He says all a Antaillia was working in its costume
The home has transformed: swatches Fortunately, they are not in the partner can do at that shop, which had received a donation
of fabric festoon a previously orderly same show that often. Selby sings, so point is commiserate. of inventory from a bridal store.
living room; the family car has to when he does audition for a role, it’s
make room for a scenic shop. usually in a musical. Antaillia does “We’ve all been “The costume designer sent Nadine
mostly straight plays (theater-speak there,” he said. into storage to find a wedding dress,”
But for Alan Selby and Nadine An- for non-musicals). “Thankfully, it doesn’t Selby said. “Can’t beat that.”
taillia, who are preparing to celebrate last too long.”
32 years of marriage this September, Whatever it is they are doing, they Working together throughout all
theater is part of what binds them. know exactly how to help. They also Selby’s interest in these years has been “most of the time
are sensitive enough to know if they theater began when wonderful,” Antaillia said. “Alan has a
“We understand each other’s pas- should stay quiet. he was a little boy and
sion for the theater,” Antaillia said. found himself in the bucket list with several roles in it that
When in a show together, they will crowd scene of a com- he really wants to do so when he audi-
Well known throughout Brevard’s help each other run lines. Otherwise, munity theater pro- tions for those shows, I know it means
community theater scene for their they just leave each other alone when duction of “Mame.” a lot to him. Unfortunately, I have
artistry, both on stage and behind the it comes to the task of memorization. Four months later he was Winthrop in aged out of several of the roles on my
scenes, the couple has lived “the fabu- “The Music Man.” bucket list.”
lous invalid” since they first set eyes “Alan always records my cue lines
on each other in their college’s theater with me onto a CD which I listen to in Antaillia had wanted to be a writer, Throughout, they remain always at
department. the car and that is a huge help to learn but seeing a production of “The Lion each other’s side, ever encouraging
the lines,” she said. in Winter” lit the interest in acting. each other to keep alive the theater
While he works as an IT analyst with artist within.
Health First, Selby wins continual ac- When Selby is working on design, he Antaillia was raised in Dearborn,
claim for his scenic and lighting de- has an artist by his side to help. Michigan and Cullman, Ala. Selby “I can always tell when she’s been
sign with Melbourne Civic Theatre. grew up in Gadsden, Ala., and went to away too long,” Selby said. “She gets
An art teacher at Palm Bay Academy “We do bounce ideas off each college 100 miles away at the Univer- twitchy.”
Charter School as well as the Foosaner other, talking through different ap- sity of Montevallo. He joined the the-
Art Museum (she teaches pottery and proaches, different looks,” Selby said. ater department and soon discovered You can see design work by Selby and
also serves as kiln technician), Antail- “Sometimes getting into the details Antaillia was also enrolled. Antaillia in “A Funny Thing Happened
lia has been celebrated for her work in of what materials or lines feel right. on the Way to the Forum,” which opens
costume and prop design at Satellite I start getting silly and giddy when “Auditions and classes and time in Aug. 11 and runs through Sept. 17 at
High School and at the theater, known things fall together.” the costume shop kept throwing us Melbourne Civic Theater, 817 Straw-
as MCT. together,” Selby said. bridge Ave., Melbourne. Call 321-723-
They rarely give suggestions about 6935 or visit 
They both act as well. Each has been characterizations. That, says Selby, “I remember noticing him for the
heartily praised for sensitive, well- would step on the director’s toes. He first time during auditions for ‘A
rounded portrayals in shows such as has seen many occasions where an ac- Caucasian Chalk Circle,’” Antaillia
“Come Back, Little Sheba,” “The Im- tor tries out someone else’s suggestion said. “I was wondering who this new
portance of Being Earnest,” “The Full and it becomes an issue. freshman was who never opened his
Monty” and “Angels in America.” mouth. I found out later he was recov-
But when it comes to not getting
“Nadine is one of the best actors cast in a role for which they have audi-
in the county,” said Melbourne Civic
Theatre producing director Peg Gi-
rard. “MCT would not be a quality
community theater without Alan Sel-
by. He is the best technical director
anyone could have. They have been
and are major parts of our Brevard
theater community.”

Currently, Selby spends almost all
his free time working on the scenic
and lighting design for MCT’s upcom-
ing production of “A Funny Thing
Happened on the Way to the Forum.”
Antaillia is working on a larger than
life gag prop (a character’s bosom) for
the same show, which opens Aug. 11.

It’s these long tech weeks, when
the cast and crew merge with light-
ing, props and sound, that take the
biggest toll. By the time Selby gets

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 20, 2017 15


Cast members of the Summer Show rehearse.

Guild ‘shows’ its hand with classic concert benefit

STORY BY MICHELLE GENZ STAFF WRITER Vero pianist, Jacob Craig, who directs what we want to do,” he adds. ing in “The Mikado,” mentioned he was
[email protected] the strong and multi-faceted music When rights do become available to also a drummer.
program of First Presbyterian Church.
To the favorites familiar from past big-name shows, Vero’s Guild tends to Money raised from tickets sales for
performances, the Vero Beach Theatre The as-yet unsung tunes – at least, pounce. Rights to “Evita” were final- the concert will go toward staging plays
Guild is adding songs from a wish list of not at the Guild’s home, a recently ex- ly made available to the theater last – for a change. For the past four years,
future shows as its summer benefit. panded playhouse on San Juan Avenue season. “It wasn’t available for a long the theater has been aggressively fund-
– include songs from “Book of Mor- time,” says Wygonik. “You’re always at raising for a new three-story expansion.
The annual fundraiser, which has in- mon,” “The Color Purple,” “Boy from the mercy of whether a theater within Completed last summer, that build-
cluded formats as varied as operettas Oz,” and “Spring Awakening.” All are 50 miles is going to be doing the show. ing expanded storage, added dressing
like “The Mikado” to readers’ theater shows that the Guild is hoping to stage We kept applying for it and applying rooms and bathrooms, and provided a
and avant-garde one-acts, this year is a – as soon as rights become available to for it.” rehearsal space so that while one show
classic concert, with some of the volun- community theaters. was mounted on the main stage, an-
teer guild’s top singers not in costume He says last year’s success getting other show could begin rehearsing.
but in formal wear, taking center stage “Some of these shows could be staged “Evita” was a lucky break: “We really
at the microphone. within the next five or ten years,” expected Riverside Theatre to be able Shows scheduled for the upcoming
Wygonik says. to do it.” season are Neil Simon’s “Laughter on
“A classy concert,” as longtime the- the 23rd Floor,” “Joseph and the Tech-
ater guild director and set designer One musical he particularly looks In addition to pianist Craig accom- nicolor Dreamcoat,” “Lend me a Tenor,”
Mark Wygonik puts it. forward to is “Waitress.” Now in its panying the singers, there will be one “The Fantasticks” and “To Kill a Mock-
second year on Broadway, it competed other musician in the ersatz pit: Nick ingbird.”
Wygonik is co-directing the benefit against “Hamilton” in the 2017 Tonys Keeler on drums. That he even knew
with Ben Earman who will also per- for Best Musical. The Broadway tour is how to play came as a surprise three Tickets for the concert are $25. 
form. Other singers include Vallery coming to Orlando’s Dr. Phillips Center summers ago, when Keeler, after act-
Valentine, a well-known Vero R&B and in March.
soul singer; Scott Freshley, who in sang Funk’s Antiquary
the title role in “Beauty and the Beast,” “‘Waitress’ is a wonderful show with
among many others; Derrick Paul, who really beautiful music,” says Wygonik. HIGHWAY MEN ART
played Che in “Evita” and the King in Music and lyrics were written by Sara ESTATE SALES, BUYOUTS & APPRAISALS, FINE ART,
“The King and I”; Sara Gordon, who was Bareilles, herself a singer/songwriter MILITARY, JEWELRY, ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES.
the Witch in “Into the Woods”; and Kel- and actress best known for her hit Thomas Funk • Call us Today (321) 427-6795
ly Clemenzi, who played Cinderella in song “(I’m Not Going to Write You a)
“Into the Woods.” Dana Rogers is also Love Song.” • 1402 Highland Ave (in the Eau Gallie Arts District)
in the show; she played Tracy Turn-
blatt in “Hairspray.” Jillian Lopes, who “It’s a very simple show,” says Wygon-
played Juan Peron’s mistress in “Evita,” ik, explaining that the show’s low-tech
will sing a song from “Secret Garden” qualities make it perfect for limited-
in the concert. Dan Hall will sing the budget community theaters.
‘90s Australian singer/songwriter Peter
Allen’s songs from “Boy from Oz,” and “Sister Act” is another show he’s
“Book of Mormon.” hoping to mount. That show was part
of the all-professional Riverside The-
Guild veteran Larry Strauss serves as atre’s 2016-17 season, after rights were
narrator. released to regional theaters. “And
high schools can get the watered-
Accompanying those voices is a top down kiddie version, which is not

16 Thursday, July 20, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Coming Up: Drop in for Henegar’s ‘Singin’ in the Rain’

STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER 2 Singer/songwriter Ace Frehley,
[email protected] founding member and former

1 Considered by many the great- lead guitarist of the stellar ’70s hard
est movie musical of all time,
rock band Kiss, is coming to the King

“Singin’ in the Rain” starts its three- Center for one night only, this Fri-

day run at the Henegar Center for the day. Since leaving the band (for the

Arts next Thursday, July 27. This be- second time) in 2002, the musical

loved musical is the culmination of maverick and iconoclast, according Rios Rock Band.
the high school portion of the Hen- to IMDb, continues to enjoy com-

egar’s Summer Theatre Workshop, mercial success: his first solo album

and you can expect to be delighted, went platinum. His most recent solo

impressed and entertained by these album, “Origins, Vol. 1,” was released

talented young people. The musical on April 15, 2016, and Guitar World

was adapted from the 1952 movie by magazine ranked him as the 14th

the legendary Broadway writing duo Greatest Metal Guitarist of All Time. Series creator Craig Martin has also
produced a series of boutique caba-
Betty Comden and Adolph Green. “With the debut of his current Top ret shows and has composed music
for TV and movies. Led Zeppelin, the
Taking place in the Silent Movie Ten Billboard 200, ‘Space Invader,’ Beatles’ “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts
Club Band” and the Eagles’ “Hotel
Era, just before talkies came on the Frehley continues to be the best sell- California” are only a few of the al-
bums Classic Albums Live has per-
scene and changed everything, it ing member of the original band.” formed in their cross-country tours.
Show time is 8 p.m.
tells the story of romantic leading Show time is 8 p.m.

man Don Lockwood, his pal Cosmo

Brown, aspiring actress Kathy Sel- 3 Taking the King Center stage
this Saturday is Classic Albums
don and Lockwood’s leading lady

Lina Lamont, whose unfortunately Live, a Toronto-based concert series

abrasive voice renders her ill-suited in which, according to Wikipedia,

for the new era of talkies. You’ll get musicians “perform classic rock al-

a kick out of each wonderful scene, bums in their entirety,” recreating

the comedy and the song-and-dance them live on stage. The concert series

numbers, especially, of course, the is a favorite of music lovers and pur-

iconic title number. Show times are ists, who want the albums they love

July 27, 7 p.m.; July 28, 7 p.m.; and performed live “without all the gim-

July 29, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. mickry and cheesy impersonations.”

‘PAW Patrol.’

Big Blues Machine. popular res-

4 Attention, parents with kids! The taurant and
PAW Patrol is on a roll with its
bar with the

first-ever live tour, and it’s coming to witty inte-

the King Center this Wednesday. “PAW rior decor,

Patrol: Race to the Rescue” is based right on the

on the hit Nickelodeon preschool se- ocean in

ries. The plot: Adventure Bay Mayor Indialan-

Goodway and Foggy Bottom Mayor tic? Friday

Humdinger are set to compete in The the Rios

Great Race, but Mayor Goodway can- Rock Band

not be found. But never fear – it’s PAW takes the

Patrol to the rescue. Ryder assembles stage from

Marshall, Chase, Skye, Rubble, Rocky, 9:30 p.m.

Zuma and the newest pup, Everest, to to 1:30 a.m.

rescue Mayor Goodway. Show times Saturday

are 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. A VIP ticket gets it’s Spanks

you a top set, special gift and a Meet from 9:30

and Greet with three PAW Patrol char- p.m. to 1:30 a.m.; and Sunday it’ll

acters post-show. be Big Blues Machine from 2 p.m. to

6 p.m., followed by Dave Kury from

Ace Frehley. 5 What’s cookin’ musically this 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Trivia tidbit: Lou’s
weekend at Lou’s Blues, the
Blues was originally known as that. 

18 Thursday, July 20, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


By Patrick Malone and R. Jeffrey Smith | Washington Post ernment oversight agencies, teams of able to make new plutonium cores to
nuclear safety experts and the lab’s replace those regularly withdrawn from
An extended shutdown of the na- America’s warhead production ex- own employees over the past 11 years. the nuclear arsenal for testing or to be
tion’s only scientific laboratory for pressed worries that the facility was fit into warheads, which are being mod-
producing and testing the pluto- ill-equipped to prevent an accident With key work at Los Alamos de- ernized for those missiles and bombers
nium cores for its nuclear weapons that would kill its workers and po- ferred due to safety problems, of- at a projected cost of billions of dollars.
has taken a toll on America’s arsenal, tentially others nearby. ficials and experts say the United
with key work postponed and delays States risks falling behind on an “The laboratory shut down an im-
looming in the production of com- Parts of the facility began renewed ambitious $1 trillion update of its portant facility doing important work,”
ponents for new nuclear warheads, operations last year, but with only nuclear arsenal, which former presi- said James McConnell, the associate
according to government docu- partial success. And workers there dent Barack Obama supported and administrator for safety, infrastructure
ments and officials. last year were still violating safety President Trump has said he wants and operations at the National Nucle-
rules for handling plutonium, the to “greatly strengthen and expand.” ar Security Administration (NNSA), a
The unique research and produc- unstable man-made metal that semiautonomous arm of the Energy
tion facility is located at Los Alamos serves as the sparkplug of the ther- During the hiatus, Los Alamos has Department, in a recent interview at
National Laboratory (LANL) in New monuclear explosions that American had to forego 29 planned tests of the the agency’s Washington headquarters.
Mexico, the birthplace of the U.S. bombs are designed to create. safety and reliability of plutonium “What we didn’t have was the quality
atomic arsenal. The lab’s director cores in warheads now deployed atop program that we want.”
ordered the shutdown in 2013 after Los Alamos’s persistent shortcom- U.S. submarine-launched and land-
the Washington official in charge of ings in plutonium safety have been based missiles and in bombs carried Ernest Moniz, the Massachusetts
cited in more than 40 reports by gov- by aircraft.The facility also hasn’t been Institute of Technology physicist who
served almost four years as President
Obama’s energy secretary, said in a sep-
arate interview that “we were obviously
quite concerned about” the shutdown
at Los Alamos. Moniz said he consid-
ered the situation there a “mess” and
the testing interruption “significant.”

“I don’t think it has, at this stage, in
any way seriously compromised” the
nuclear arsenal, Moniz said. But he
added that it was still his conviction
that “obviously we’ve got to get back to
that” work as soon as possible. A mock
plutonium core was made at Los Ala-
mos last year in a demonstration timed
to coincide with a visit by Ashton B.
Carter, then secretary of defense.

At a public hearing in Santa Fe last
month, McConnell said that while Los
Alamos is making progress, it is still
unable to resolve the safety issue that
provoked its shutdown four years ago,
namely an acute shortage of engineers
who are trained in keeping the plu-
tonium at the facility from becoming
“critical” and fissioning uncontrollably.
“They’re not where we need them yet,”
he said of the lab and its managers.

A February report by the Defense
Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, an
independent safety advisory group
chartered by Congress, detailed the
magnitude of the gap. It said Los Ala-
mos needs 27 fully qualified safety
engineers specialized in keeping the
plutonium from fissioning out of
control. The lab has 10.

The safety risks at the Los Alamos
plutonium facility, which is known as
PF-4, were alarmingly highlighted in
August 2011, when a “criticality ac-
cident,” as it’s known, was narrowly
averted, one of several factors prompt-
ing many safety officials there to quit.

A criticality accident is an uncon-
trolled chain reaction involving a fis-
sionable material such as plutonium
that releases energy and generates a
deadly burst of radiation. Its preven-
tion has been an important challenge
for the nuclear weapons program since
the 1940s. Criticality accidents have
occurred 60 times at various nuclear

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 20, 2017 19


sites in the last half-century, causing a though a criticality did not occur. experts commissioned by the lab de- materials, posing the risk of a chemi-
total of 21 agonizing deaths. Virtually all the criticality specialists clared in an internal report that “man- cal reaction and fire, according to an
responsible for helping to keep work- agement has not yet fully embraced internal Los Alamos report.
The problems at Los Alamos were ers safe at Los Alamos decided to its commitment to criticality safety.”
revealed by a year-long investiga- quit, having become frustrated by the A similar chemical reaction stem-
tion by the Center for Public Integrity, sloppy work demonstrated in the in- Shortfalls persisted in 2015, and new ming from the sloppy disposal of Los
which also found several unpublicized cident and what they considered the ones were discovered while the facility, Alamos’s nuclear waste in 2014 pro-
accidents at other privately run U.S. lab management’s callousness about still mostly shut down, was used for test voked the shutdown of a deep-under-
nuclear facilities. nuclear risks when higher profits runs. ground storage site in New Mexico for
were at stake, according to interviews the waste for more than two years, a
Los Alamos’s handling of plutonium and government reports. In January and again in April 2015, Department of Energy accident inves-
was the target of internal and exter- workers discovered tubes of liquids tigation concluded. That incident cost
nal criticism a decade ago, around The lab’s inability to fend off a containing plutonium in seldom-used the government more than a billion
the time of its takeover by three prof- deadly accident eventually became rooms at PF-4, with labels that made dollars in cleanup and other expenses
it-making firms – Bechtel National apparent to Washington. it hard to know how much plutonium
Inc., URS (now AECOM) and BWXT the tubes held or where they’d come Frank G. Klotz, the NNSA director,
Government Group Inc. – in an alli- Then-Defense Secretary Ashton from, the safety board said. In May, has tried to be upbeat. In March, he
ance with the University of California. Carter, center, visited Los Alamos. workers packed a drum of nuclear told hundreds of nuclear contractors
“We couldn’t prove we were safe,” said waste with too much plutonium, pos- packed into a Washington hotel ball-
Douglas Bowen, a nuclear engineer on Four NNSA staff members briefed ing a criticality risk, and in the ensuing room for an industry gathering that
the laboratory’s criticality safety staff at Neile Miller, the agency’s acting ad- probe, it became clear that they were PF-4 was fully back in business, having
the time, “not even close.” ministrator in 2013, in an anteroom relying on inaccurate and confusing “safely resumed all plutonium activi-
of her office overlooking the Mall that documentation. Safety experts had ties there after a three-year pause.”
In September 2007, the facility in year, Miller recalled. The precise risks miscalculated how much plutonium
question – technically known as PF-4 did not need an explanation, she the drum could safely hold. Klotz said the updated nuclear weap-
for Plutonium Facility Four and locat- said. She said that criticality is “one of ons would be delivered “on time and on
ed in a highly secure part of the Los Al- those trigger words” that should im- “These issues are very similar to the budget.”
amos campus in the mountains above mediately get the attention of anyone issues that contributed to the LANL
Santa Fe – was shut for a month while responsible for preventing a nuclear Director’s decision to pause opera- But a subsequent analysis by the Gov-
managers conducted new training and weapons disaster. tions in June of 2013,” safety board in- ernment Accountability Office clashed
created an internal safety board to fix spectors wrote. with Klotz’s description. In an April re-
its problems. With two of the four experts re- port on costs associated with the NNSA’s
maining in her office, Miller picked In 2016, for the third straight year, the ongoing weapons modernization, the
Alarms were sounded more loudly up the phone that day and called Energy Department and the Defense GAO disclosed the existence of an inter-
after a nuclear technician positioned McMillan at the Los Alamos com- Nuclear Facilities Safety Board each nal NNSA report forecasting that PF-4
eight plutonium rods dangerously close plex, which is financed by a federal listed criticality safety at Los Alamos as will be unable to meet the plutonium-
together inside what is called a glovebox payment exceeding $2 billion a year. one of the most pressing problems fac- pit production deadlines.
– a sealed container meant to contain She recommended that the key plu- ing the nuclear weapons program, in
the cancer-causing plutonium particles tonium lab inside PF-4 be shut down, their annual reports to Congress. “Re- Moreover, late last year when Los
– on the afternoon of Aug. 11, 2011, to immediately, while the safety defi- quired improvements to the Criticality Alamos conducted its first scheduled
take a photograph for senior managers. ciencies were fixed. invasive test of a plutonium pit since
Rods of plutonium placed pre- the shutdown of PF-4 more than three
Doing so posed the risk that neu- McMillan responded that he had cariously close for this 2011 photo. years ago, it did not produce the need-
trons emitted routinely by the metal in believed the problems could be solved ed results, according to NNSA’s annual
the rods would collide with the atoms while that lab kept operating, Miller Safety program are moving at an unac- evaluation of Los Alamos’s perfor-
of other particles, causing them to fis- said. He was“reluctant” to shut it down, ceptably slow pace,” the most recent mance last year.
sion enough to provoke more colli- she recalled. But as the telephone con- NNSA performance evaluation of Los
sions and begin an uncontrolled chain versation proceeded, he became open Alamos, released in Nov. 2016, said. The test involved the core of a refur-
reaction of atom splitting. to her view that the risks were too high, bished warhead scheduled to be deliv-
she added. So on McMillan’s order, the Hazardous operations at PF-4 slow- ered to the Navy by the end of 2019 for
As luck had it, a supervisor returned lab was shut within a day, with little ly started to resume in 2016, but prob- use atop the Trident missiles carried
from her lunch break and noticed the public notice. lems continued. In June, after tech- by U.S. submarines. A second attempt
dangerous configuration. But she then nicians working in a glovebox spilled involving a different warhead was can-
ordered the technician to reach into The exact cost to taxpayers of idling about 7 tablespoons of a liquid con- celed because the safety analysis was
the box and move the rods apart, and a the facility is unclear, but an internal taining plutonium, workers violated incomplete, NNSA’s evaluation said.
more senior lab official ordered others Los Alamos report estimated in 2013 safety rules by sopping up the spill
present to keep working. Both decisions that shutting down the facility where with organic cheesecloth and throw- Weapons designers say these tests
increased, rather than diminished, the such work is conducted costs the gov- ing it in waste bins with other nuclear are akin to what car owners would do
likelihood of an accident, because bod- ernment as much as $1.36 million a if they were storing a vehicle for years
ies – and even hands – contain water day in lost productivity. while still expecting the engine to start
that can reflect and slow the neutrons, and the vehicle to speed down the
increasing the likelihood of a criticality Initially, McMillan promised the road at the sudden turn of a key.
and its resulting radiation burst. staff that a “pause” lasting less than a
year wouldn’t cause “any significant At the public hearing in Santa Fe
“The weird thing about criticality impact to mission deliverables.” But at on June 7, NNSA’s McConnell said the
safety is it’s not intuitive,” Don Nichols, the end of 2013, a new group of safety agency is studying whether to keep
a former chief for defense nuclear safety plutonium-pit operations at Los Ala-
at NNSA, said in an interview. The cal- mos. Options being considered include
culations involved in avoiding critical- upgrading the facilities there or “add-
ity – which take account of the shape, ing capabilities or leveraging existing
size, form, quantity and geometric con- capabilities elsewhere in the country,
figuration of the plutonium as it moves at other sites where plutonium is al-
through more than a dozen messy in- ready present or has been used.”
dustrial processes – are so complex that
it takes 18 months of training for an Active NNSA sites that fit that de-
engineer to become qualified, and as scription include the Savannah River
many as five years to become proficient. Site in South Carolina, the Pantex
plant in Texas and the Nevada Na-
That’s why the consequences of the tional Security Site. The NNSA ex-
2011 incident were so severe, even pects to complete its analysis by late
summer. 

THE ABCS AND D OF MEDICARE, PART II nal Medicare, once you have paid deductibles and copays that
add up to specified annual out-of-pocket limit, the plan pays 100
Over the last 50 years, Medicare has evolved from one- percent of your medical bills for the rest of the year.
size-fits-all coverage to include multiple models of care.
Part I of this two-part series covered “Original Medicare.” PRESCRIPTION PLAN (PART D) WORK?
Medicare pays 80 percent of approved charges; beneficiaries
pay the remaining 20 percent. There is no limit to out-of- Medicare’s prescription plan, Part D, is optional. Gener-
pocket expenses for the patient. ally, if you buy a plan with a higher premium, you will pay
less out-of- pocket expenses when you actually use the plan.
Today we’ll cover Medicare’s supplemental plan called Part D coverage is divided into three phases: initial coverage
Medigap; Medicare Advantage plans (Part C); and Medicare’s that pays until you and Medicare have spent a specific dollar
prescription plan (Part D). amount; a “donut hole” phase in which you pay a larger share
of the drug costs up to a certain threshold; and then the cata-
WHAT IS MEDIGAP? strophic coverage phase where you pay only 5 percent of the
cost of your drugs until the end of the year.
Medigap is a supplemental plan that Original Medicare en-
rollees can purchase to cover most or all out-of-pocket costs. If you are considering purchasing a Part D plan, go to www.
If you select this option, you will continue to be covered by and click on “Find health & drug plans.” Type
Original Medicare. Medicare pays its share, then automati- in your zip code and list the drugs you take. Depending on
cally forwards the claim to your Medigap plan, which pays its where you live, you might have dozens of private plans to
portion of the bill. Medigap does not usually cover prescrip- choose from, with different premiums, co-payments, levels of
tion drugs. In most instances, you will need to purchase a coverage, and lists of drugs that are covered.
stand-alone Part D plan if you want drug coverage.
This year’s open enrollment period for Medicare ends Dec. 7.
Medicare Advantage plans work like managed care plans, i.e., For more information, go to For free one-
you must use doctors, hospitals and providers that are part of the on-one assistance, go to or call 1-800-
plan’s network. Care is delivered through a health maintenance 963-5337. 
organization (HMO) or preferred provider organization (PPO) ap-
proved by Medicare. Most plans include Part D prescription drug Your comments and suggestions for future topics are al-
coverage. In addition to paying your Part B premium as usual, ways welcome. Email us at [email protected].
you may have to pay an extra premium for the plan. Unlike Origi-
© 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved

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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 20, 2017 21


This new biography is the mas- pacing. Most of her her husband and was one of the most could follow his calling as spiritual
terpiece that the gadfly of youthful previous books are famous talkers of the day, full of wit seeker, philosopher, and poet; and
America deserves. I have been read- about either the and anecdote spiced with sarcasm, it offered a public stage on which he
ing Henry David Thoreau and read- American Tran- and blessed with that brisk efficiency could dramatize his one-person rev-
ing about him for 40 years; I’ve writ- scendentalists or that New Englanders call ‘faculty.’” olution in consciousness, making his
ten a book about him myself. Yet often the explorer and She remains a strong and witty pres- protest a form of performance art.”
I responded to Laura Dassow Walls’ naturalist Alexan- ence throughout.
compelling narrative with mutter- der von Humboldt, Thoreau was preoccupied with
ings such as “I never knew that” and and her broad Both of Henry’s smart and re- natural rhythms: day and night, sum-
“I hadn’t thought of it that way.” I grasp of the era’s sourceful sisters, Helen and Sophia, mer and winter, seed and harvest. He
found myself caught up in these New scientific issues in- influenced him – not least as in- celebrated their parade and exploit-
England lives all over again. tegrates Thoreau’s formed and passionate abolitionists, ed their symbolism. In Walls’ later
dawning ecological encouraging his activism. But no per- pages, as Thoreau battles tuberculo-
On a foundation of rigorous schol- conscience into a son in his life affected him more than sis and slips toward death at the age
arship, Walls, a professor of English b e t t e r-u n d e r s t o o d his handsome older brother, John Jr., of 44, she aptly employs his own im-
at Notre Dame, resurrects Thoreau’s context than most whom he adored. Henry imitated him agery: “As the days shortened and the
life with a novelist’s sympathy and writers on the topic in hobbies, romance and even – after leaves fell, a new Thoreau emerged:
can provide. John died of tetanus in Henry’s arms pensive and sadder, slower, deeper.
– in medical symptoms. John’s death As he fought to regain strength, fight-
Every biographer resulted in Henry’s breakdown, out ing the grave, he turned to the most
faces the challenge of which he climbed with difficulty. common activities and the most
of portraying and mundane needs with intentionality
deciphering a sub- Thoreau’s era is fascinating for and deliberation. Walden had been
ject’s parents — many reasons, including the Tran- his book of spring and summer. Now,
their history, their scendentalist reassessments of reli- willing his recovery, he was learning
mythic resonance gion and society during the 1840s, the a mind of autumn. In these darken-
throughout the bloody results of the Fugitive Slave ing and haunted pages of his Journal,
subject’s life. Walls Act of 1850, the war with Mexico be- Thoreau began to trace the outlines
does both with tween 1846 and 1848, and the start of of Walden’s sequel: he would call it
aplomb. “John Tho- the Civil War, which was still raging Wild Fruits, and it would be his final
reau would be re- when Thoreau died in 1862. Far from harvest.” 
membered as a qui- hiding out in the woods, Thoreau was
et man,” she writes passionately involved in these issues. HENRY DAVID THOREAU
of Henry’s father, His now-famous night in jail was an A Life
“unambitious and orchestrated public protest; he sup-
too decent to press ported the violent abolitionist John By Laura Dassow Walls
the hard bargains needed for success Brown. Decades later, both Gandhi University of Chicago Press. 615 pp. $35
in the cash-poor early republic. But and Martin Luther King Jr. credited
time and again, he met defeat by tak- Thoreau’s essay “Civil Disobedience” Review by Michael Sims
ing a forward leap, such as opening with helping inspire their own non- The Washington Post
his own store, and when it failed, try- violent activism.
ing again in Maine.” Walls builds up
John’s character scene by scene, and Walls is too well versed in Tho-
when he dies, I felt deeply sad despite reau’s life to accept his own often
knowing this story well. contradictory pronouncements or
Henry’s mother, a huge influence his semi-fictional first-person narra-
on her son and a woman whom many tor as necessarily factual. She teases
friends and neighbors memorialized, out nuances and implications, but
comes alive in this biography. “If few without unfounded speculation. And
noticed John,” Walls writes, “every- often she sums up a trait with a sly
one noticed the indomitable Cyn- image, such as the final clause of this
thia, who stood a head taller than sentence: “Moving to Walden Pond
thus had a double purpose: it offered
a writer’s retreat, where Thoreau


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2. Hillbilly Elegy BY J.D. VANCE 2. Who Pushed Humpty Dumpty
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2. A Gentleman in Moscow BY WILLIAM MCRAVEN
3. The Legend of Rock Paper
BY AMOR TOWLES 4. Rediscovering Scissors BY PETER BROWN
Americanism BY MARK LEVIN
3. Beach House for Rent 4. If I Had a Little Dream
5. Earnest Hemingway: A

4. Cocoa Beach 5. From Percy Jackson: Camp
Half-Blood Confidential
5. The Little French Bistro


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A Girlfriend Memoir

Thursday, July 20th at 6 pm

22 Thursday, July 20, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


The fires were big news, for a while. Fire,” has now been expanded into son, as crimes go, is really, really never really follows up), but she does
Accomack County, on Virginia’s East- “American Fire,” a brisk, captivating interesting. Second: A wave of a masterful job of portraying a com-
ern Shore, spent late 2012 and early and expertly crafted reconstruction unsolved crimes can have unex- munity finding its best self. “No-
2013 under siege, enduring 86 arsons of a community living through a time pected effects on the fabric of a body was driving drunk, nobody was
in five months’ time, most of them set of fear, confusion and danger. community, not all of them nega- burgling,” she writes. “The sense of
in abandoned buildings. No one died. tive. Finally, and most important community outrage and pride got
For a while, investigators wondered if What Hesse found at the end of to Hesse: Love is strange. larger, and the firefighters became in-
they had a criminal mastermind on her journey to the far side of the timately acquainted with the baking
their hands, but when the firebugs Chesapeake Bay was Trump coun- How strange? Boy meets girl, skills of every sympathetic household
were finally caught, they turned out to try, though no one called it that then. boy proposes to girl on bended on the Eastern Shore.” Later in the
be two locals, a pretty ordinary couple Rural and mostly white, Accomack knee at the local roadhouse, boy book, Hesse tallies the human effort
in a complicated kind of love, a love County was and is a close-knit com- and girl hit hard times, boy los- involved in fighting and investigat-
that found extraordinary expression munity battered by a long economic es the ability to perform in bed, ing the fires set by Charlie and Tonya:
in late-night flames. decline. Following the 2016 elec- boy and girl drive a gold minivan 41,302 hours, 14,924 of them overtime,
tion, reporters have fanned out to around with their eyes peeled for by the Virginia State Police alone. At
He confessed; she protested her in- such places, but aside from a couple unused, decaying buildings – of one fire station, volunteers play Call of
nocence, not convincingly; both of of pages of commentary about mass which the Eastern Shore has thou- Duty day and night until they’re inter-
them went to prison. In March 2013, media’s neglect of rural America and sands, just sitting there, ready- rupted by yet another alarm – and off
Monica Hesse, a writer for The Wash- a few stray observations about small- made symbols of decline, oddly they go, uncomplaining.
ington Post and a novelist (“Girl in town mores and shopping habits, beautiful in their dereliction and
the Blue Coat”), traveled to Accomack Hesse isn’t writing political para- oddly beautiful when set aflame. Arson is an offense tailor-made for
County to cover the trials of Charlie journalism. rural places full of old buildings, and
Smith and Tonya Bundick. The lengthy Hesse spends a chapter com- Hesse also delivers a great book about
feature story that resulted, “Love and Rather, her book is grounded on paring Charlie and Tonya to Bon- fire. In many places, “American Fire”
three core convictions. First: Ar- nie Parker and Clyde Barrow, reminded me of Sebastian Junger’s
and she makes the analogy work, essays on the subject, or even of Nor-
though you may need to squint man MacLean’s classic “Young Men
a little. Tonya, a lot like Bonnie, and Fire.” Hesse is interested in the
was a showoff with something to way fire moves, the way it’s set and
prove and a streak of poetry in her the way it’s fought, but most of all
soul. Charlie, like Clyde, was . . . in the power it has over the mind:
well, OK, Charlie wasn’t much like Why do we like to see things burn?
Clyde. Charlie was a high school By the time the culprits are caught,
dropout, a onetime volunteer a squadron of arsonist profilers has
fireman, a guy who thought he’d descended on Accomack County, and
found the love of his life, but who their insights form some of the most
found himself a world of trouble interesting portions of the narrative.
instead. Bruce Springsteen would
know what to do with this. Hesse’s story is built not out of ar-
chives but from interviews, dozens
By page 11, we know whodunit. of them: Just about everyone in town
And we know what been done. has talked to her, and the reader
The trick of “American Fire,” comes to understand that the au-
handled by Hesse with wonder- thor’s greatest strength is her ability
fully casual assurance, is that she to take people at face value, whatever
doesn’t show us her firestarters she thinks of them or what they’ve
starting any fires, not until very done. Only Tonya Bundick refused
near the end of the book. Rather, to do more than a cursory interview,
she shows us Charlie and Tonya but still Hesse bends over backward
living the noncriminal half of to make her a sympathetic figure
their lives, the normal part, and (still, by the end of the story, I was
she makes us care. Charlie tries convinced that not only was Bundick
to make ends meet doing auto- guilty, but that she was in the grip of
body work; Tonya opens a small some kind of advanced psychosis).
clothing boutique in the office of
Charlie’s shop. In one of the book’s The roads of Accomack County
best moments, Charlie and Tonya feel well-traveled; the houses feel
are sharing a Christmas Day meal lived-in; all of the people, by the time
at the Royal Farms gas station when the book closes, feel awfully famil-
they’re joined by a pair of police of- iar. There are echoes here of Tru-
ficers. They all know each other; ev- man Capote’s “In Cold Blood,” but
erything in this book is relentlessly for all that book’s majesty and dar-
local. “Y’all must be busy, with all ing, something clinical and superior
the fires going on,” says Charlie to hovers over its prose; Hesse, using a
the cops. It’s a banal scene, but given similar reporting style, is not so am-
what we know and what we suspect bitious or comprehensive. In the end,
by that point of the book, it’s also a however, she may tell a much more
small, delicious thrill. human story. 
One of the gladdest – and, in other
ways, saddest – aspects of the book AMERICAN FIRE
is the way the fires bring the people Love, Arson, and Life in a Vanishing Land
of Accomack together. Hesse mutes
the poisonous spread of suspicion By Monica Hesse
that invariably occurs in such situ- Liveright. 255 pp. $26.95
ations (she says that “people turned
on their friends and neighbors,” but Review by Scott Berg
The Washington Post

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 20, 2017 23


John Buchan, a Scottish politician and author who wrote “The Thirty-Nine Steps,” said, WEST 7 EAST
“The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual 87 10 5 3 9542
series of occasions for hope.” J 10 9 3 QJ765 AQ65
J974 A62
The same can be said about bridge. Whenever you make a bid or play, you hope it K 10 8 SOUTH 43
will prove best. More often than not, it is right to stick to the tried-and-true actions, but K 10 6
occasionally doing something unusual will work like a charm. K842
In this deal, look only at the West hand. What would you lead against three no-trump, A92
given that you know from the Stayman auction that dummy will have four spades and
declarer holds four hearts? Dealer: North; Vulnerable: Neither

If South had denied a four-card major, North would have rebid three clubs, which would The Bidding:
have shown game-forcing values, a four-card major and longer clubs. Perhaps five clubs
would have made and three no-trump failed due to a fatal heart weakness. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
Pass Pass
In a social game, sitting West was Susan Ludwig of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. 1 NT Pass 2 Clubs Pass LEAD:
Normally, one would have expected her to lead the diamond four. Here, that would have 2 Hearts Pass 3 NT All Pass ??
made the defense difficult. East would surely have won with his ace and returned a
diamond. Then, though, declarer would have established the club suit and cruised home.
To defeat the contract, East would have had to win the first trick and shift to hearts, a very
tough play to find.

Ludwig led the heart jack, which worked perfectly. The defenders easily took three hearts,
one diamond and one club.

24 Thursday, July 20, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly

7 Gown (4) 1 Bay (4)
8 Well-spoken (8) 2 Produce (8)
9 Discover (6) 3 Falcon that hovers (7)
10 Writer (6) 4 Majestic (5)
11 Director (7) 5 Brusque (4)
13 Fragrance (5) 6 Declare (8)
16 Different (5) 12 Self-rule (8)
17 Bike bag (7) 14 Real, solid (8)
19 Riddle (6) 15 Thirsty (7)
21 Root vegetable (6) 18 Elementary (5)
23 Discourteous (8) 20 Gleam (4)
24 Grass clod (4) 22 Sculls (4)

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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 20, 2017 25


ACROSS in the city 13 Evergreen “leaf” 76 Welles role The Washington Post
84 Puts the cuffs on 14 Browned quickly, 77 Nile avian
1 Canoe-bark tree 85 Handle shape, in 78 Mountain road RODENTS’ GALLERY By Merl Reagle
6 Tyke’s tender as tuna
10 Parts of a flight space 15 Edward K. shape The Art & Science
15 Live in sewers, for 86 Dental degree 80 President’s of Cosmetic Surgery
87 Greek sun god Ellington
example? 91 Musical Joplin 16 Mayberry moppet promise SPECIALTIES INCLUDE:
19 Palmer, to pals 92 With 97 Across, 17 Prop for 19 Across 82 Like a grate • Minimal Incision Lift for the
20 Biggest dessert at a line from a 18 Carefree, to 86 Units of force, Face, Body, Neck & Brow
in physics • Breast Augmentations & Reductions
the rodent fairy tale? Camille 87 Crackers brand • Post Cancer Reconstructions
Rodent Diner? 95 Fries lightly 20 Old bed condition 88 Composer Satie • Chemical Peels • Botox
22 The ___ Carta 97 See 92 Across 21 Extra-noteworthy 89 He was the • Obagi Medical Products • Laser Surgery
23 Related 99 Sapporo sash 26 “Bennie and the • Liposculpture • Tummy Tucks
24 Guinea pig tender 100 Investment in the Wolfman • Skin Cancer Treatments
25 Dry, cold wind Jets” 90 Popular business
of France and future? singer
Switzerland 101 Fine all around 29 16 Down’s pop mag
27 Docking place 102 Church section 30 Pooh pal 91 Styne at the
28 “Well, whattaya 103 Opp. of 8 Down 31 “___ in the wrist”
know!” 106 Exam adjective 32 Little Steinway
29 Jessye Norman 108 Name-change homewreckers 93 Lobster catcher?
selection 33 London restaurant 94 See 117 Down
32 Pitcairn, for one: nation hub 96 Tipper’s guy and
abbr. 110 Start of the 35 Fighting sound
34 Yasir, that’s his effect on TV’s others
baby: abbr. second half of the Batman 97 The elusive
36 SSW U-turn 6th century 37 Cozy recess
37 New pet rodent? 112 Walt Kelly 38 Mind’s I spondulix
42 Hidden hikers character 39 Secretariat rider 98 Ashbury crosser
44 Popular beverage 113 Radiated Turcotte 103 Rodentlike
at the Rodent happiness 40 Young lady of Sp.
Diner? 115 Most popular 41 1973 Orson insectivore
45 ___-schmancy dessert at the Welles film about 104 Too much sun or
46 Dance great Alicia Rodent Diner? frauds,
48 Soldier adjective 121 “And it won’t cost ___ Fake worry, for example
49 Latin word on a you 42 Soft or hard 105 Gleason’s
bill ___” products
51 Pisa’s river 122 Rodent tycoon? 43 Freud’s daughter bartender
52 Au alternative 123 Hollywood Hopper 45 Beatles adjective 107 Ingrid Bergman’s
53 Top bond rating 124 “___ old pappy 47 Puts
54 Shampoo brand used to say ...” 50 Bullshout character in
55 Rich rodents’ 125 Fish sandwiches 52 Canine comments Casablanca, Ilsa
home? 53 Piedmont town ___
61 Tony Randall film, DOWN 54 Game played with 109 “Gotcha!”
7 Faces of Dr. ___ mallets 110 Say (it) isn’t so
63 “Doo-dah” lead-in 1 Bingo call 56 Verve 111 Trip “vehicle” of
64 Munchkin kin 2 Her, to Hesse 57 Sword handle the 1960s
65 Locate 3 Bakker was one: 58 Ore ending 112 Worst
67 Literary 59 Abner’s pal, on 114 Educ. liaison
monogram abbr. radio 116 Shatner and
69 “___ man 4 Magnon intro 60 Escape route? Shak.
answers ...” 62 Exxon rival 117 With 94 Down,
72 Nile ophidian 5 Honey-sesame 66 Mr. Ferrari play on which
74 Rodent’s favorite seed candy 68 “Moonlight,” for Cabaret is based
snack? one 118 ___ de Cologne
79 Dixon’s colleague 6 Helens intro 69 “___ little 119 He lost to JFK
81 Enjoy 7 Asian gazelle confused ...” 120 Jamboree org.
empanadas, e.g. 70 Funny Girl subject
83 Capybara’s home (or a topless 71 Press adjective
Hawaiian island?) 73 Boringly
8 Musical abbr. explanatory
9 Cole Porter show, 75 Loose talk
Red, Hot, ___
10 Casablanca
11 Lobster catcher
12 Masterminded

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Ralph M. Rosato

26 Thursday, July 20, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Couple raising triplets doesn’t need unsolicited advice

STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST weirdly like picking a favorite. surefire cure I’ve found for unsolicited remarks
But even that stuff is several orders of magni- on one’s parenting is for the kids to grow up. Peo-
Dear Carolyn: My husband ple just can’t or won’t help themselves, and in my
and I have triplet boys, preschool tude easier than shaking off the steady rain of experience, at least, their resistance seems to get
age. We’re blessed, but one thing bystander opinions. weaker the more children you have in tow. Mul-
has become bothersome. tiples? Red capes to the meddling bull.
I wish I had a great solution for you, but the only
We usually dress them simi- So prepare a brief, perfectly civil response that
larly. It makes things easier be- you can have at the ready at all times. “Thanks
cause we can buy three outfits at for your concern” is a good one. Or, “I’ll keep
a time, they aren’t fighting over that in mind.” And if someone’s rude or oblivious
who gets to wear a certain shirt, enough to follow up: “We’ve got this.”
and we can easily pick them
out when they’re playing in the park. God forbid This is ideal for strangers and other drive-
if something were to happen to one, we could tell by butters-in. When you hear from people you
whoever is looking for him that he looks just like care about enough to attempt some retraining,
these other two, perhaps just in another color or you can say instead: “I know you mean well, but
pattern. managing kids in triplicate means advice in trip-
However, we often have well-meaning people, licate, too, and what’s most helpful is for people
from strangers to close friends and family, tell us to let us do our thing.”
that the boys will resent us for doing this in the fu-
ture. We often hear that we’re stifling their imagi- And what a thing it is – good for you guys and
nations and individuality by putting them in good luck.
matching outfits.
When my husband and I were little, we were Re: Triplets: For all I know, I got this from a col-
subjected to coordinating outfits with our siblings umn or chat of yours years ago, but I’m a big fan of,
and suffered no lasting damage. We know as they “Thank you, but I am not in the market for parent-
grow they’ll start to push back. ing advice right now.”
In the meantime, is there a polite way to tell peo-
ple to back off? Or to help us let this go? – Anonymous

– Matching Anonymous: For all I know, you did get it from
me, but I don’t recall saying it.
Matching: Another advantage you didn’t men-
tion: When I was dressing twins, there was al- I like it either way, thanks, in part because of
ways the nagging question, who gets the warmer its foundation in the fact that no parent on Earth
sweater/softer jeans/cuter shirt? It always felt is in the market for unsolicited parenting advice
right now or ever. Nothing like a universal truth
mixed in with your civil deflections.  

Construction gets
underway on new
endoscopy center

28 Thursday, July 20, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Construction starts on new endoscopy center at IRMC

STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER Dr. Gregory MacKay. intensive care unit or ICU that was Approximately 4,500 square feet,
[email protected] being vacated when the new surgi- according to Van Lith, will be on the
PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD cal ICU opened. We had an area that ground floor with a covered, drive-up
Having gastrointestinal issues? You we renovated on a fairly small bud- entrance, a reception area and an el-
are far from alone. At IRMC, endoscopy has grown ex- get but made it extremely functional evator that goes up to an additional
ponentially both in terms of patients and good for patient care. It worked 5,500 square feet on the second floor
The National Institute of Diabetes seen and procedures performed over very well for five years and delivered where the new endoscopy suites will
and Digestive and Kidney Diseases re- the past five years, becoming an in- excellent care to the community. [But be located.
ports that well over 70 million Ameri- valuable diagnostic and treatment now] our number of patients has been
cans are affected by various digestive tool. expanding and the procedures we’re Just the covered drive-up entrance,
health problems annually. doing have expanded.” says Van Lith, will be a welcome
Aside from its well-documented change for both current and future
That’s roughly one in every five peo- success in finding and removing co- Vero’s demographics account for patients. Currently those patients
ple in the country. lon cancers, endoscopy allows doctors a substantial part of the new patient have to park over by the hospital’s Pa-
to look for gastric, rectal, pancreatic, load. tient Pavilion and ER entrance and
Those digestive – or gastrointestinal esophageal, liver and other cancers – as Van Lith puts it – “traipse all the
– problems lead to well over 6 million while also tackling a staggering array “GI conditions,” MacKay says, “are way through the hospital to get here.”
in-patient hospital procedures each of gastroenterological issues includ- worse as we get older. That’s why
year. ing acid reflux, GERD, heartburn, this community has a tremendous That’s asking a great deal from pa-
dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome, amount of GI problems.” tients with wheelchairs, walkers, hip
Combine those numbers with the hemorrhoids, anal fistulas, peptic ul- or knee problems or a bad stomach
American Cancer Society’s April 2017 cers, abdominal pain syndrome, bili- Today, the center boasts five full ache.
prediction that colon cancer will ary tract disorders, gallbladder issues time gastroenterology physicians in-
claim some 50,000 lives this year, and and pancreatitis. cluding Dr. Ashley Canipe, Dr. Charles Van Lith says the endoscopy center
the overall gastrointestinal picture Eberhart, Dr. Bruce Grossman, Dr. was designed with future growth in
might seem somewhat bleak. That’s a massive workload and an Joseph Zerega and MacKay in what mind
even longer checklist to go through can now accurately be described as
In the eyes of Indian River Medical before any accurate diagnosis can be cramped quarters or – as MacKay dip- “If the demand does grow, we’ve
Center gastroenterologist Dr. Gregory made. lomatically phrases it – “an extremely been smart enough to do this expan-
MacKay, however, the local outlook is busy” workplace. sion in a spot where we can expand
much brighter now that construction MacKay knows that better than within the existing [building] foot-
has begun on the new Scully Endos- most. In 2012, he was one of the cur- Here Richard Van Lith, an IRMC print and not [have to] build more
copy Center at the Vero Beach hospi- rent center’s founding fathers and vice president, enters the conversa- building.”
tal. since then the number of patients tion saying that the new facility will
seen each year has nearly doubled. be “about 10,000 square feet.” The new $6.1-million facility is
“We’re thrilled,” says a smiling scheduled to open in early 2018. For
MacKay. “I think it’s going to be ex- “Five years ago when our group, That’s roughly twice the size of the more information, call the IRMC en-
cellent for patient care. We’re going to Vero Gastroenterology, joined with current center. doscopy center at 772-299-3511. 
be able to take care of more patients the hospital to improve GI care within
with this center. And, it’s going to be, I the community, we developed an out-
think, easier for patients to access our patient endoscopy center. It was in an

Pausing only briefly, MacKay adds,
“We’ll have areas for family to wait
and we are getting new scopes and
equipment to fully outfit” the new fa-

Endoscopy, in its simplest terms, is
the use of Lilliputian-sized cameras
attached to flexible tubing which al-
lows physicians to view, in real time,
areas or organs inside the body which
may be infected, damaged or cancer-

The U.S. National Library of Medi-
cine calls endoscopy “the keystone of
modern gastroenterology.”

Excess of opioids prescribed for Medicare recipients

STORY BY LENNY BERNSTEIN THE WASHINGTON POST reported last week. excludes people who had cancer or program’s optional prescription drug
In all, about half a million people were in hospice, who may require benefit. In 2016, 43.6 million people
Nearly 70,000 people on Medi- large doses of painkillers. were covered. Medicare primarily
care’s drug plan received “extreme” on the drug plan took amounts of the serves people who are older than 65.
amounts of narcotic painkillers in powerful drugs considered too large The report highlights another as-
2016 and more than 22,000 others ap- under standards set by the Centers pect of the prescription opioid epi- The opioid crisis has been most
peared to be “doctor shopping” for for Disease Control and Prevention, demic that killed more than 15,000 closely linked to people between the
drugs, patterns that put both groups according to the Inspector General’s people via overdoses in 2015: potential ages of 25 and 44, particularly eco-
“at serious risk of opioid misuse or office of the U.S. Health and Human abuse by older and disabled people nomically stressed whites and people
overdose,” a government watchdog Services Department. That number who qualify for Medicare Part D, the in rural and small-town America. But

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 20, 2017 29


the new report shows that older peo- treme amounts of the addictive pain- Every state but Missouri has estab- tion to begin considering the public
ple are far from immune. killers. lished databases that prescribers are health implications of new opioid
required or encouraged to check for medications and conduct a full re-
As pressure to rein in use of addic- One Florida physician ordered the signs of doctor shopping or abuse be- view of the safety and effectiveness
tive painkillers has grown along with equivalent of 1,239 milligrams daily fore authorizing the drugs. Some au- of all opioids currently on the market.
the epidemic, some older people and of oxycodone and fentanyl for a sin- thorities believe that these “prescrip-
patients in chronic pain have pushed gle patient. The doctor’s overall pre- tion drug monitoring programs” are The organization, which provides
back, worrying that they will not be scribing habits cost Medicare Part D helping to curb doctor shopping for independent guidance on a wide va-
able to obtain the medications they $1.6 million. painkillers. riety of policy issues, also called for
say allow them to function. the expansion of treatment for sub-
A third of the 401 prescribers who Also last week, the National Acad- stance abusers and improved insur-
In a Washington Post poll published showed “questionable prescribing emies of Science, Engineering and ance coverage for comprehensive
in December, a majority of long-term patterns” were nurse practitioners or Medicine predicted that it would take pain management using both drugs
opioid users said the drugs have dra- physician assistants. years to undo the harms of the pre- and non-pharmacological tech-
matically improved their lives by scription and illegal opioid crises. In a niques. The panel also recommend-
relieving intractable pain, and two- new report on pain management and ed explicit authorization of needle
thirds said the relief is well worth the the opioid epidemic, a panel of experts exchange programs, along with sale
risk of addiction. urged the Food and Drug Administra- or distribution of syringes. 

The nearly 70,000 extreme users
received the equivalent of 240 mil-
ligrams of morphine every day for
the entire year, Inspector General
Daniel R. Levinson’s office reported.
The CDC recommends avoiding con-
sumption of more than 90 milligrams
per day and says use of the drugs for
more than three months substantial-
ly raises the risk of dependence. The
most common drugs were Tramadol
and pills containing hydrocodone or

In the extreme group, 678 people
received more than 1,000 milligrams
a day for the entire year – a level that
might indicate they were selling or
otherwise diverting their drugs to
others. One person in New Hampshire
was prescribed 13 months’ worth of
80-milligram OxyContin, 13 months
of 60-milligram OxyContin, 13
months of 40-milligram OxyContin,
14 months of 30-milligram oxycodone
and 13 months of fentanyl patches.

The 22,308 doctor shoppers re-
ceived more than 120 milligrams of
controlled substances daily for at least
three months, and used at least four
prescribers and four pharmacies in

“Although beneficiaries may receive
opioids from multiple prescribers or
pharmacies for legitimate reasons,”
the report noted, “these patterns raise

The report found sharp differences
among states in opioid consumption.
In Alabama, 46 percent of Part D ben-
eficiaries had received at least one opi-
oid, and in Mississippi, the figure was
45 percent. At the low end of the scale
was Hawaii (21 percent) and New York
(22 percent). Overall, 1 in 3 Medicare
drug beneficiaries received an opioid
last year.

Those drugs were authorized by
more than 115,000 prescribers who or-
dered opioids for at least one person at
serious risk of misuse or overdose be-
cause of their consumption patterns
or doctor shopping, the inspector
general concluded. The vast majority
did so for just one or two patients, but
198 of them each prescribed drugs for
at least 44 beneficiaries receiving ex-

30 Thursday, July 20, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Don’t be a gluten for punishment: Supplement may help

STORY BY MARIA CANFIELD CORRESPONDENT Dr. Alejandro Perez. gluten-sensitive patients to feel safer,
[email protected] for example, when they are out with
PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD friends at a restaurant and cannot be
A new study from Sweden suggests sure whether something is 100 per-
that an enzyme found in an over-the- cent gluten-free.”
counter supplement can stop gluten
from reaching the small intestine, Some estimates indicate that up to
acting as a safeguard against gastro- 18 million people in the United States
intestinal distress for gluten-sensi- – about 6 percent of the population
tive people. – have some degree of gluten-sensi-
tivity, but celiac disease only affects
The findings were presented at about 1 percent of the population.
Digestive Disease Week 2017, an in- For those with celiac disease, eating
ternational conference for gastroen- gluten causes an immune system re-
terologists and other specialists in action which damages or destroys
related fields. the villi, the microscopic projec-
tions lining the small intestine that
Lead researcher Julia König, Ph.D. allow for the absorption of nutrients
is from the School of Medical Sci- into the body. The classic symptom
ences at the University of Örebro. is diarrhea; other symptoms include
She and her colleagues tested the bloating, gas, fatigue and low blood
enzyme, called AN-PEP, on patients count (anemia).
who reported themselves to be glu-
ten-sensitive. The participants con- Additionally, osteoporosis – weak-
sumed porridge and wheat cookies – ened bones – can be a complication
both of which contained gluten – and of untreated celiac disease. Vero’s Dr.
were then given either AN-PEP or a Perez says “the damage to the small
placebo. The team then monitored intestine prevents the proper absorp-
the levels of gluten in the stomach tion of nutrients such as calcium and
and small intestine over a three-hour vitamin D, which can eventually lead
period. to bone loss and osteoporosis.”

The results showed that those par- The government has made it a little
easier to buy gluten-free food at the
DENTISTRYCollins & Montz COSMETIC & FAMILY ticipants given AN-PEP had 85 per- supermarket; as of August 2014, any
cent less gluten in their stomachs food labeled “gluten-free” must com-
At Collins & Montz, DMD, we will focus on improving every aspect of than the placebo group; this was ply with the FDA definition (less than
your smile for optimal appearance, function, and comfort through regardless of whether they had re- 20 parts-per-million of gluten). Ad-
our general family dentistry, and restorative procedures such as dental ceived a high or low dose of the en- ditionally, there are many foods that
implants. Our comprehensive range of services and dedication of zyme. Earlier research had shown are naturally gluten free, including
quality set us apart. Call today to schedule your appointment. that AN-PEP broke down gluten when fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs and
ingested as part of a liquid meal, but dairy, unprocessed meats and poul-
524 OCEAN AVENUE, MELBOURNE BEACH, FL 32951 this is the first study to confirm the try, fish and seafood, beans, nuts,
results using solid foods. rice, corn and potatoes.
Alejandro Perez, D.O., who is Dr. Perez says there is greater
board-certified in gastroenterology awareness of gluten sensitivity now
and practices as part of the than there was a decade ago, which
had led to an increase in the number
Sebastian River Medical Group, of diagnosed cases. He cautions, “pa-
believes the findings of this study tients should not jump to a quick diag-
are intriguing but should not be con- nosis without an appropriate work-up.
sidered conclusive, as the number of Symptoms of gluten-sensitivity com-
participants was low. He says, “The monly overlap with other conditions,
study opens the conversation as to such as irritable bowel syndrome. And
what may be possible in the near often, a wide array of gastrointestinal
future for patients suffering from symptoms will improve on a gluten-
gluten-associated symptoms. Criti- free diet due to its overall healthier
cal in understanding these study dietary composition.”
findings is that even a small amount
of gluten – equal to the amount of a AN-PEP is available in a supplement
half-slice of bread – can be enough to called Tolerase G. It is intended for
cause symptoms in gluten-sensitive people who are gluten-sensitive but
people.” not for those with celiac disease.

Gluten is a protein occurring natu- “Patients who suspect they may
rally in wheat, rye and barley, and have gluten sensitivity or celiac dis-
may often be found in processed ease should seek the care of a special-
foods. Gluten-sensitive people usu- ist for an appropriate evaluation,” says
ally learn to eat a gluten-free diet, but Dr. Perez.
occasions may arise when they are
not sure if what they’re eating con- Dr. Perez’s practice is located at 920
tains gluten. The University of Öre- 37th Place, Suite 105 in Vero Beach; the
bro’s Dr. König says, “AN-PEP allows phone number is 772-567-4825. 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 20, 2017 31


Squid Lips: Delicious fare in family-friendly locale

[email protected]

If you’re reading a local dining review,
there’s a pretty good chance you’ve
heard traveling chef and foodie Anthony
Bourdain say, “Food tastes better with
sand between your toes.”

I agree, and would add that food tastes
better when enjoyed with good friends.
At Squid Lips in the Eau Gallie Arts Dis-
trict, we enjoyed both simple pleasures
last month when we gathered for a birth-
day celebration around one of the large,
umbrella-covered tables on the beach.

It was around 6 p.m. on a Saturday
and the heat was just breaking for the
evening. A nice breeze and our server
Katelyn greeted us. We ordered some
cold drinks and cocktails, domestic
draft beer is $2.65, a price good enough
to make up for the plastic cup. My son
has gotten hooked on virgin strawber-
ry daiquiris ($4), and said Squid Lips
makes the best ones.

The reason beachside families go

Chicken Wings. Spinach, Artichoke Calamari.
and Crab Dip.
across the bridge to Squid Lips is for kabobs with cole slaw ($4.99). The embarrassing and off-key rendition of Mon-Thu 11 am – 9 pm
the unique opportunity to have a place chicken fingers were standard fare, the “Happy Birthday” by our motley crew of Fri & Sat 11 am – 10 pm
where youngsters can run around and generous helping of fries was excellent relaxed parents and sand-covered boys
play, but as parents, we still feel like and the chicken kabobs were chunks of who’d been pretending to be pirates. Sunday 9 am – 9 pm
we’ve had an adult night out. We got juicy, marinated chicken breast grilled DECK HOURS
extremely lucky that night as the band with pineapple – so good. We stayed a while longer to listen to
playing in the bar was amazing. Rocket the band and no one rushed us out to Sun-Wed 11 am – 11 pm
City is not a regular at Squid Lips, but I ordered the 14 peel and eat shrimp turn over the table, despite it being a Thu-Sat 11 am – midnight
they’re scheduled to be back on Aug. 25 ($9.99) and the birthday girl ordered a busy Saturday night. If you’re looking
and we’ll surely be back to listen. large garden salad ($8.99) and the ahi for a laid-back, family-friendly spot for BEVERAGES
tuna tartar appetizer ($12.99) to put good food and cold drinks with your Full bar
We ordered a basket of calamari the tuna atop the salad to make an en- toes in the sand, out back at Squid Lips’
($8.99) and smoked fish dip ($7.99) trée. I’d had the tuna dish before and beach is the place. It might not be on the ADDRESS
with onions and jalapenos (99 cents) to highly recommended it. It’s sashimi- barrier island, but you get a gorgeous 1477 Pineapple Avenue
pass around the table. The fish dip was grade yellowfin tuna thinly sliced and view of home across the waters of the
yummy, served with crackers, but the served with wasabi, soy and ginger. Indian River Lagoon. For more a slightly PHONE
calamari disappeared after one pass, so The kitchen ended up comping the more formal experience, or on a stormy 321-259-3101
we ordered a second. It came out piping tuna because it got “lost” somewhere day, there’s always indoor dining with
hot, lightly breaded, crispy and tender, on the way to our table. the full menu available.
served with marinara sauce for dipping.
I walked up the beach and found our We courage you to send feedback to
Along with the appetizers I ordered a server, clueing her into the birthday [email protected].
cup of Squid Lips’ delicious conch chow- celebration and inquired about dessert
der ($3.99) and my son ordered a bowl choices. We agreed on the chocolate se- The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
($5.99). For entrees, the kids had chick- duction cake ($5.99) which got passed dines anonymously at restaurants at the
en fingers with fries ($4.99), and chicken around the table for bites after a slightly expense of this newspaper. 

32 Thursday, July 20, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 20, 2017 33


No Bull! Bonz says this Mastiff is one cool Dude

champion, a big deal pooch fer sure.

He just stole hearts right and left, in-

Hi Dog Buddies! cluding Bunn’s. He had about 50 kids

Woof! Wait’ll you hear who I inter- all together. So, Bunn totally wanted
viewed this week. I mean, this pooch-
eroo takes Cool Kibbles to a whole new one of King’s puppies. But all his kids
level. He’s a 110-pound Bull Mastiff
who everybody calls “The Dude.” I had families already, ’cept for the very
KNOW! Right? We met in his office over
by the HOS-pittle, where he works a last litter before he retired. The breed-
coupla days a week as a consultant and
patient support associate. er out in Cali told Bunn only one puppy

Soon as me an my assistant entered from that litter was still available – ME.
the office, we spotted a sign on the in-
side door that said, “The Dude Abides.” SHE says she told PopPop, but PopPop
The receptionist said The Dude’d be
with us in a minute, an pretty soon he says he doesn’t exactly remember that.
came strollin’ out, big, good lookin’
pooch, fer sure, lotsa character, black Anyway, by the time she got back in
around his sorta mushy face and gold
everywhere else. touch, it was Too Late: Somebody’d put

“Bonz! Dawg! Great to meet you! I’m a deposit on me, an poof! I was gone.
Dude Heskel: They call me The Dude.
This is my Pop Pop, Neil. My Mom – I “Bunn was bummed, but, just in
call her Bunn – travels a lot for work, so
me an PopPop are bachin’ it.” case, she called First Dibbs on me,

I noticed The Dude’s dad was wear- if they changed their minds. WELL,
ing this cool tie with Bull Mastiff sil-
houettes all over it. Sweeet. Bonz, as you probly figured out, the

“It’s a pleasure,” I told him. first deal fell through.”
After the Wag-and-Sniff, The Dude
led us back to his office. On the way, “Woof! That was a close one!” I ex-
I commented on “The Dude Abides”
sign and he showed me the back, claimed.
which they turn to the front when he’s
left the building. It says, “The Dude “You bet your biscuits it was! Bunn
has gone bowling.”
I was a little puzzled. “Bowling?” an PopPop had me flown all the way
He chuckled. (Most dogs don’t know
HOW to chuckle, but it totally suited from Cali, an they picked me up in
The Dude.) “See, I was named for that
guy in the movie “The Big Lebowski.” OrLANdo. I was only 4 months old
Back in the ’90s humans went barkin’
nuts for it. Anyway, a human called and sorta nervous at first. But not for
Jeff Bridges played The Dude, who
was Super Cool (for a human). And long. Now I have the coolest life. I love
he loved bowling. So, since I’m a cool
dude myself …” my family, an I have a ton of pooch
“Woof! That’s Way Pawsome! You’ve
sure got it goin’ on!” an people friends. At work, I’m really
“You bet yer Beggin’ Strips.”
“So tell me about yourself,” I urged. good at helping patients stay nice an
“Sure, Dawg! It can get a little con-
fusing, so stop me anytime.” calm, an I’m always available if they
“Roger that.”
“So, when my human sister Katie need a Second Opinion.
was startin’ med school, she decided
she wanted a dog, so she did some re- “I usta play in the ocean, but I
search an found out us Bull Mastiffs
are good at stayin’ home, and aren’t drank too much salt water and
super high-maintenance like some of
those fluff-muffin-y diva dogs (no of- barfed all afternoon. So that’s out.
fense). So she got King. He was a real
Other than goin’ for walks and the

occasional car ride, I’m cool just

hangin’ out at my place, right along The Dude. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD
river, with the fam. You know, that
peaceful, easy feelin.’”

“Word,” I said. soggy bear, and ambled over and laid

“You’ll get a kick outta this Bonz. his big head on his PopPop’s knee. gurt, I think. It was fabulous! My

You’d think cuz I’m a big, impressive “Any special pooch pals?” I queried. Gramma Helene up in Philly thinks

poocheroo I’m a fearless watchdog. For “I’m buds with all the neighborhood that’s a little nuts, and she shares The

example, this is my bark.” dogs, but my cross-the-street neigh- Dude stories with her friends, but then,

And he bellowed out this Big Deep bor, Quinnie Campbell, she’s special: she hasn’t met me yet.” He winked. “I

Bark that startled the kibbles out of prettiest little Yellow Lab you’d ever have another sister, too, Anne, she’s a

me. I picked up my pencil from the wanna meet.” He sighed and got That vet in New York City, so I can get Spe-

floor. “Dog! That was intense!” Faraway Look. cial Care if I get sick.”

“I KNOW. So that alone can keep “I hear ya, Dawg,” I said. “So, what’s I couldn’t believe it was time to go

bad guys away. But, truth be told,” your favorite snack?” already. “It was great yappin’ with

he leaned closer, “when there’s a car “Deer antlers! They last forEVER. you, Dude. You’re a dog after my own

backfire, or thunder or fireworks, I And Bunn makes me these pup-a- heart.”

hide under the bed.” licious Meat Pops. She mixes canned “Back atcha, Bonz. Hey, let’s get to-

“No woof!” food with water and freezes it in little gether one of these nights. We can

“Lassie’s Honor. PopPop’s thinkin’ cups. You gotta try one, Bonz! She even have coupla Meat Pops an watch ‘The

about getting’ me a Thundershirt.” The made a special gourmet cake for my Big Lebowski.’ It’s my fav!”

Dude’d been chewing on a toy panda, birthday. Just turned 3 July 7. It had “Lookin’ forward to it,” I told him.

and now he arose, dropped the slightly peanut butter, sweet potatoes an yo- Heading home, I was makin’ a men-

Don’t be shy! tal list: Tell Mom about Meat Pops. Put
antlers on the grocery list. Circle my
birthday on the calendar.

Till next time,

We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up -The Bonz
an interview, please email [email protected].

34 Thursday, July 20, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


ONGOING Recreation Center on the corner of South Patrick
Drive and Jackson Avenue.

YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 21 Cocoa Beach Main Street Big Summer
MAY OWE YOU A CHECK! p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park BBQ, 6 to 10 p.m. in downtown Cocoa
Beach in front of 147 Minuteman Causeway.
DO YOU WANT TO COLLECT IT? Saturdays on the Sand with Melissa Faith Yoga, 7 Food, free admission, kid-friendly.
a.m. Saturdays at the Indialantic Boardwalk across
Call now for a free inspection and claim review. from Starbucks. Free admission, mats and blankets 22 Soul Train Dance Party at Open Mike’s
provided. Bring water and other essentials. Coffee Lounge, starts at 8 p.m., 454 N.
Free summer kids’ movies, Tuesdays, 321-261-8719 Wednesdays and Thursdays through Aug. 3 at 22-23 Brevard Home and Garden
Marilyn J Dummitt (License P165201) Premiere Theatres, Hibiscus Boulevard, Mel- Expo, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Satur-
bourne. Movies start at 9:15 a.m. Popcorn and day and Sunday, Melbourne Auditorium, exhibi-
This is a solicitation for business. If you have had a claim for an insured property loss or damage, drink specials. (321)953-3200. tors and demonstrations, everything for the home
and you are satisfied with the payment by your insurer, you may disregard this advertisement. and garden, plus real estate, financial services,
JULY health and wellness.

20 Melbourne Municipal Swingtime Band 23 Seafood Fest and R&B Suite Day Par-
will pay tribute to three composers ty at Q’s Seafood Onestop, Satellite
known for their Big Band and jazz music at 6:30 Beach, 2 to 7 p.m. Great food and good music,
p.m. at the Melbourne Auditorium, 625 Hibiscus BG playing the best in trap soul, old/new school
Blvd. There is no charge for the concert and tick- R&B and reggae. No cover charge.
ets are not required. Doors Open at 5:30 p.m.
25 Christmas in July event to benefit the
20-21 Cooking class for kids, 3 to Walk to End Alzheimer’s, 9 a.m. to 1
4 p.m. at Eau Gallie Public p.m. at Zon Beachside, 1894 South Patrick Dr.,
Library, 1521 Pineapple Ave, Melbourne, spon- Indian Harbour Beach. Live holiday music, ven-
sored by the University of Florida Agricultural dors, food, drinks, early Christmas shopping,
Extension service. Kids will learn to cook with winter wonderland, bake sale, snow cones and
produce, therefore, encouraging them to eat silent auction. Free admission and kid friendly.
what they cook. Parents or Chaperones are re-
quired to stay throughout the class. One ticket 25 The Bourbon Kitchen cooking class, 6
per child is good for July 13, 14, 20 and 21. Space p.m. at The Gathering Table, 318 E. New
is limited. Haven in downtown Melbourne. Learn new skills
cooking various dishes with bourbon, from snacks
21 Satellite Beach Food Truck Festival, 5 and appetizers to entrees and dessert, BYOB, cost
to 8 p.m., hosted by Satellite Beach Po- is $65 per person.
lice Athletic League. Music, family fun and food
vendors in the parking lot of the D.R. Schecter 25 Space Coast Pride 2017 volunteer
meeting, 7 p.m. at 1403 Highland
Solutions from Games Pages Ave, Eau Gallie Arts District to plan the Pride
in July 13, 2017 Edition festival and parade.

ACROSS DOWN 27 The Parker Foundation and Spring
1 MILLER 1 MOROSE Forward for Autism Dance Social, 4 to
4 KNEES 2 LAMBADA 6 p.m. at Fitness on Fifth in Indialantic. Fitness,
8 ROMEO 3 ELOQUENT Movement, Dance and Yoga Open to Children
9 INERTIA 4 KEEP with autism and related disabilities, their sib-
10 STATUTE 5 EXTOL lings and families. Sponsored by Coastal Bloom
11 FLAK 6 SWANKY of Indialantic.
14 GAIN 13 BANKROLL 27 Family Fun Swim Night, Satellite High
15 APEX 16 EVASIVE School Pool, An evening of family pool fun
18 TOW 17 JACKAL from 6 to 8 p.m.. Use the diving board, lap swim,
21 ASTI 19 WAFER and bring your inflatables. For $5 per family. A par-
23 AWKWARD 20 ADVENT ent must remain at the pool with their children.

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Malibu Lane magnificence
on the river in Indialantic

847 Malibu Lane in Indialantic: 4-bedroom, 3-bath, 4,391-square-foot waterfront home with pool on half-acre lot
offered for $1.7 million by Coldwell Banker Paradise agent Anthony Scaramouche: 321-536-2775

36 Thursday, July 20, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Malibu Lane magnificence on the river in Indialantic

BY MARIA CANFIELD terra cotta; their soft red color provid- The Spanish tone is continued entire kitchen area (20 feet by 30 feet)
Correspondent ing a welcoming sense of warmth. in the spacious kitchen, where, in along with its view of the pool – with
a nice departure from granite, the the lagoon as a backdrop – makes this
Our area is graced with many Plantation shutters are in place multi-level kitchen countertops are an inviting space to spend lots of time.
homes that can accurately be de- on either side of the wide foyer; from laid with gleaming cobalt blue tiles.
scribed as beautiful, charming, gor- there, you step down into the large The risers that separate the levels are For entertaining or more formal oc-
geous or even stunning. But the 18-foot by 17-foot living room with Mexican-style glazed tiles; the colors casions, there is a good-sized dining
property at 847 Malibu Lane in Indi- beautifully hand-scraped hardwood in the attractive design both accent room; and for casual get-togethers or
floors that convey both character and day-to-day relaxing and a huge fam-

alantic is at an altogether different – coziness. There are sliding glass doors and provide a contrast to the coun- ily room with a floor-to-ceiling word-
and higher – level. from the living room to the sprawl- tertops. burning stone fireplace; it adds a
ing 43-foot by 19-foot paver-style pool touch of drama. Like the living room,
Situated at the mouth of a deep deck; the long pool is perfect for doing The kitchen’s stainless-steel appli- the hardwood floors of the dining
water canal that empties into the In- laps, if you are so inclined. The pool ances, newer wood cabinetry, break- and family rooms are perfectly main-
dian River Lagoon, with 316 feet of also has a spa for soaking (or for wind- fast bar and eating nook give this tained.
panoramic waterfront, the home is ing-down after swimming those laps). space a feel decades newer than its
a dream-come-true for boaters – or 1973 origin. The sheer space of the Walking down one of the home’s
for anyone whose soul is soothed long Spanish-tiled hallways, you’ll
by expansive water vistas. A large encounter a unique design choice;
boardwalk-type deck sits at the junc- “stunning” does not begin to ad-
ture of the two bodies of water; an equately describe it. It’s a high-ceil-
ideal place to read, write, chat with a inged rotunda, around which reside
friend, or simply renew your spirit by the master bedroom and en suite
gazing at the gently lapping water or bathroom, the home’s three other
enjoying the island sunsets. bedrooms, and a full bath. The ceil-
ings are wood-planked; an upscale
While the house defies easy de- rustic look.
scription, “Spanish Modern” perhaps
comes closest to capturing its remark- The master bedroom, with its hard-
able essence. The floors of the foyer, wood floors, plantation shutters, dec-
hallways and kitchen area are tiled in orative fireplace, and walk-in closet,

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 20, 2017 37



is 420 square feet of casual elegance. or and style themes with the kitchen. generously-sized work space. Year Built: 1973
The updated bathroom has a white The vanity is worthy of specific men- As if all of this isn’t enough, near Construction: Concrete block,
wood vanity with double sinks; it is tion: gleaming white tiles top an oak
topped with earth-toned granite. cabinet; the bowl of the round sink the kitchen there is yet another room stucco finish
There is a jetted tub, and an oversized depicts a swirl of flowers and foliage, that could serve as either an office or Home Size: 4,391 square feet
tile shower with built-in shelving and in happy colors of green, blue, orange a den.
plenty of room for a bench. and yellow. Lot: .52 acres
The exterior of the house is simply Bedrooms: 4 • Bathrooms: 3 full
Heading back to the other side of There is a large laundry room, be- lovely: yellow stucco accented by a
the house, there is another full bath – fittingly tiled in a utilitarian (yet at- coral-colored front door and Bahama Additional Features: 3-car
the home’s third – with easy access to tractive) gray. This room has cabinets shutters in a shade of tropical teal. garage, new A/C as of 2015, new
the pool and deck; it shares some col- to keep supplies in easy reach, and a The silver metal roof is enhanced by
metal roof as of 2015, private
CONTINUED ON PAGE 39 dock with electric and water,
boat lift, new seawall (2014),
ceiling fans, recessed lighting,
and crown molding throughout.

Listing agency:
Coldwell Banker Paradise

Listing agent:
Anthony Scaramouche,

List price: $1,700,000

38 Thursday, July 20, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: July 7 to July 13

The week after the July 4th holiday brought a resurgence of real estate activity in island ZIP
codes 32951, 32903 and 32937. Satellite Beach reported 10 sales, while Melbourne Beach had 8,
Indialantic 7, and Indian Harbour Beach 5.
The top sale of the week was of a large oceanfront home in Melbourne Beach. The residence
at 103 Oak Street was placed on the market May 1 with an asking price of $2.6 million. The
transaction closed July 7 for $2.55 million.
The seller in the transaction was represented by David Settgast of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s. The
purchaser was represented by Jeffery Cade of Keller Williams Realty.



WOODLAND ESTATES 200 WOODY CIR 1/22/2017 $619,000 $599,000 7/10/2017 $350,000
SOUTH SHORES PHASE 1 199 OCEANWAY DR 4/13/2017 $350,000 $350,000 7/7/2017 $574,000
INDIAN LANDING PH3 284 CLYDE ST 4/22/2017 $589,000 $589,000 7/10/2017 $405,350
SUNNYLAND BEACH 7354 S HIGHWAY A1A 5/9/2017 $425,000 $425,000 7/13/2017 $340,000
VILLAGE OF TRAMORE 176 TRAMORE PL 5/15/2017 $350,000 $350,000 7/10/2017 $312,000
OCEAN CLUB CONDO 2975 S HIGHWAY A1A 133 6/1/2017 $325,000 $325,000 7/12/2017 $328,000
ISLAND SHORES OF MEL 501 HIBISCUS TRL 3/31/2017 $369,000 $349,900 7/13/2017
CORAL PALM CONDO 2875 N HIGHWAY A1A N 505 $305,000
OCEAN OAKS 108 OCEAN BREEZE CIR 5/11/2017 $439,000 $439,000 7/10/2017 $300,000
CANOVA BEACH VACATIO 186 ATLANTIC AVE 2/5/2017 $420,000 $420,000 7/7/2017 $255,000
WINDWARD COVE AT OCE 3120 ATOCHA LN 5/21/2017 $337,500 $319,000 7/13/2017 $177,500
PART OF GOVT LOT 5 A 335 PARADISE BLVD 68 5/31/2017 $309,900 $309,900 7/10/2017 $348,000
OCEAN SD VIL P1 B8P6 312 SEAFARER CIR 6/7/2017 $264,900 $264,900 7/11/2017
5/22/2017 $189,000 $189,000 7/7/2017 $290,000
HARBOR BEACH CLUB A 1036 STEVEN PATRICK AVE 6/9/2017 $359,900 $359,900 7/10/2017 $285,000
INDIAN HRBR BCH S8 114 WIMICO DR SALES FOR 32937 $299,900 7/7/2017 $115,000
HARBOUR ROYALE NORTH 500 PALM SPRINGS BLVD 101 $289,500 7/7/2017 $345,000
LANTANA OCEANFRONT 1831 HIGHWAY A1A 3103 2/16/2017 $299,900 $310,000 7/7/2017 $540,000
WATERWAY ESTATES 3RD 461 PENGUIN DR 5/12/2017 $289,900 $129,900 7/7/2017 $254,000
NONE 505 ESPANA CT 505 3/23/2017 $310,000 $359,900 7/12/2017 $290,000
MICHIGAN BEACH 1ST A 380 CINNAMON DR 3/16/2017 $139,900 $549,900 7/7/2017 $260,000
S PATRICK SHORES 5S 115 SEA PARK BLVD 2/3/2017 $389,900 $268,000 7/7/2017 $290,000
SURFSIDE PARK 445 SAINT JOHNS DR 5/16/2017 $549,900 $289,900 7/7/2017 $268,000
SOUTH PATRICK PARK 1 100 BOMARC LN 1/5/2017 $285,900 $250,000 7/10/2017 $275,000
VILLA DEL MAR SEC 3 240 ROBERT CT 5/31/2017 $289,900 $329,000 7/7/2017 $350,000
VILLA DEL MAR SEC 1 215 LYNN AVE 6/15/2017 $250,000 $279,000 7/11/2017 $345,872
LA PLAYA EAST CONDO 1343 HIGHWAY A1A 3 C 9/15/2016 $329,000 $275,000 7/11/2017 $335,000
VILLA DEL MAR SEC 3 215 S ROBERT WAY S 2/3/2017 $299,000 $360,000 7/7/2017
6/3/2017 $275,000 $348,725 7/7/2017
4/14/2017 $360,000 $359,000 7/13/2017
5/5/2017 $348,725
6/5/2017 $359,000

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 20, 2017 39


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Ocean Club Condo, Address: 2975 S Highway A1A #133 Subdivision: Indialantic by Sea, Address: 128 Eighth Ave

Listing Date: 6/1/2017 Listing Date: 5/11/2017
Original Price: $325,000 Original Price: $439,000
Recent Price: $325,000 Recent Price: $439,000
Sold: 7/12/2017 Sold: 7/10/2017
Selling Price: $312,000 Selling Price: $427,500
Listing Agent: Laura Dowling Roy Listing Agent: David Settgast

Selling Agent: Premier Properties Real Estate, Inc Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

David Settgast Jim Udischas

Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Charles Rutenberg Realty

Subdivision: Ocean Oaks, Address: 108 Ocean Breeze Cir Subdivision: Waterway Estates 3rd, Address: 461 Penguin Dr

Listing Date: 5/21/2017 Listing Date: 5/16/2017
Original Price: $337,500 Original Price: $549,900
Recent Price: $319,000 Recent Price: $549,900
Sold: 7/13/2017 Sold: 7/7/2017
Selling Price: $305,000 Selling Price: $540,000
Listing Agent: Todd Ostrander Listing Agent: Matt Hausmann

Selling Agent: RE/MAX Olympic Realty Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker.

Deanna Davis Nancy Taylor

BHHS Florida Realty BHHS Florida Realty

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 37 palm trees are plentiful on the half-
acre of ground.
the dome of the rotunda, and there
is also a decorative dome for visual This must-see property is offered
balance. The home is situated on a by Anthony Scaramouche of Coldwell
private cul-de-sac, and Queen Anne Banker Paradise for $1,700,000. 





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