That’s so cool! P8 At your service. P30 Sense of community
City Council chambers become Hearty eateries stay open to feed Advent Lutheran’s new pastor
comfort stations after storm. storm-weary residents. reaches out to neighbors. PAGE 10
Storm damage Bfwoeoragnce’httsIsirdomeornas
substantial but
not devastating
[email protected] [email protected]
Irma came. Irma saw. Irma
conquered … the Virgin Is- Matt Voshall has the kind
lands, Key West, Naples and of physical stature you don’t
Jacksonville. But Brevard Coun- want to tangle with. But he
ty escaped the worst of the hur- didn’t hesitate to admit he
ricane. cowered in his apartment in
Still, the storm left its mark the corner of the oceanfront
throughout the county. Beach House Motel during
“Damage is widespread,” the height of Hurricane Irma’s
said county spokesman Don wrath in Indialantic.
Walker. “Cocoa’s water system And for good reason. The
suffered multiple water main storm ripped the roof off the
breaks that cut off water to mid-rise section, with debris
about half of the county. We damaging the low-rise building
had flooded roadways and that contained the apartment
some flooding in houses. Irma he shares with his wife, Staci,
dropped more than half as who manages the property.
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 Many storm-damaged boats were half-submerged in the Indian River Lagoon in the wake of Hurricane Irma. PHOTOS BY JULIAN LEEK CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
Hurricane does divers’ work as Power play: Sea of crews converges on county
historic canoe rises out of lagoon
[email protected]
As the saying goes, not all
Longtime commercial trea- Bow of the found dugout canoe. superheroes wear capes. And Power companies from 30 states sent crews across Florida. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER
sure diver Randy “Shots” Lath- as Floridians know, many su-
rop has gone down deep to post-hurricane bike ride along perheroes arrive in high-vis-
salvage riches and artifacts in River Road north of SR 528. ibility vests, steel-toed boots,
the Atlantic Ocean off Brevard hard hats and bucket trucks.
County. “I knew for sure what it was
and there was a front-end loader Before the winds died
Thanks to Hurricane Irma, down and while parking lots
perhaps his most significant CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 still resembled lakes, men
find – an ancient 15-foot cy- and women from across the
press dugout canoe – came nation descended on Bre-
out of the Indian River Lagoon
on its own and only required a CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 To flee, or not to flee
NEWS 1-8 DINING 30-31 PEOPLE 9-12 We asked the question ... and
ARTS 13-16 GAMES 23-25 PETS 22 Beachside bards provided their
CALENDAR 32 INSIGHT 17-26 poetic answers. PAGE 14
2 Thursday, September 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE
HURRICANE IRMA thew,” Voshall said, referencing last
October’s hurricane.
Replacing the roof at the motel is
“We were hiding,” he said. “People not an option.
told me they saw a tornado come over
the motel.” “It has to be completely knocked
down. The owner will rebuild,” said.
Voshall’s story is one of the more har-
rowing for a hurricane which spared Melbourne Beach Mobile Home Park,
Brevard’s barrier island the full brunt along A1A, may also have experienced
of the storm when it turned west to- a tornado since six homes in a row got
ward the Gulf Coast. Yet Irma left tons whacked. But the tornado spared Phil
of debris everywhere. She knocked out Howell’s home on an adjacent street. How-
power to some 90 percent of the coun- ell rode the storm out in his property and,
ty, including virtually all beachside like Voshall, he hid – under a mattress.
communities. Schools closed for days.
“I’ll never do that again,” he said
“This was by far worse than Mat- of his decision to stay put. “It was the
scariest thing.”
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 21, 2017 3
Howell’s home suffered minor roof a neighbor’s house and flew like missile elected to stay with family in Orlando. erwise his home intact. The church
damage. His neighbor, Shirley Lindstrom, into Lindstrom’s patio, destroying it. “We always evacuate. We don’t take lost a portion of the fence and had
counted her blessings when she returned some water damage.
home Sept. 12 from a weekend wedding “I’m about the luckiest person in these storms lightly,” Walkup said.
in New Hampshire. Not only did the the world,” she said. “I had two good He got back to his home in Flori- “All in all, we’re good,” he said.
storm leave her home alone, but she had friends who lost everything.” Walkup believes Matthew was worse.
power. During Matthew, the roof blew off dana Beach last Monday to find shin- “There was more damage and more
Rev. David J. Walkup, pastor of the gles missing from his roof – enough to
Chapel by the Sea in the South Beaches, require a new roof, he said – but oth- CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
4 Thursday, September 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
HURRICANE IRMA tained was a downed light at the tennis County spokesman Don Walker said Still, an inch or two seeped into her
courts and some shingles off the little power outages to the wastewater plant house.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 shed behind the tennis courts. So, over- and lift stations let some wastewater
all, I think Melbourne Beach fared very mains fill to capacity. “In some cases, “We did everything humanly possi-
debris and trash. Maybe most of the well,” said Town Clerk Nancy Wilson. in an effort to relieve pressure in the ble. After the storm, our street still had
debris came down last year,” he said. system and avoid backup in homes, water while others were dry. It did not
Jim Wigham and his family planned discharges were necessary into ditch- go down for two days,” she said.
Charlie Zubi kept his Melbourne to evacuate their Indialantic home es or conveyances that ultimately lead
Beach Supermarket open for business as when forecasters predicted a category 5 to the Indian River Lagoon.” Kohler knows where the problem
long as he could, until 5 p.m. on Sept. 10. hurricane roaring up the Eastern coast. lies – improving the drainage.
“But when it turned west, we decided to Hence the flooding.
“I stayed here during the storm,” he said. stay. Some people lost homes or lives. I Kim Kohler had a different battle “We had more commercial than
Zubi expects to lose $100,000 in busi- lost some roof tiles. I feel fortunate.” with floods. With the help of neighbors, residential damage,” Indialantic Town
ness and lost inventory. He expects to she tried to keep water from breach- Manager Chris Chinault said. “We saw
take a similar financial hit on his ad- Riverside Drive flooded across from ing her Indialantic house. She used a roof damage, the Sun Trust branch
jacent deli restaurant, Ocean 302. The Wigham’s Miami Avenue home. pump to divert water away during the was wiped out. Signs were down. But
café also took a blow when the storm storm. Neighbors came to her aid, dig- the sea wall at Douglas Park that was
ripped its roof away. “I can’t say it was a break in the sewer ging trenches. “This is how the com- recently repaired after damage caused
Historic structures like the Ryckman line,” he said. “But the whole road was munity comes together,” Kohler said. by Matthew held up fine.”
House in Melbourne Beach escaped under water. None of the water got in the
unscathed. So did the Melbourne Beach house because we had it sandbagged.” At the Indialantic Council meet-
Pier, which in May just completed re- ing Sept. 13, Irma was not far from
pairs from Matthew. anyone’s mind. Councilman Dick
“I’m thankful we did not get what we Dunn thanked the police and fire de-
could have,” Mayor Jim Simmons said. partments for all they did during the
“We dodged another bullet.” storm. The mayor called the response
Simmons said the debris seems dif- incredible. “Words don’t describe
ferent in nature than with Matthew. how these people worked. People
Trees twisted more. Broken branches don’t realize.”
were bigger.
“The only damage the town sus- Council set aside $12,000 to offer all
full- and part-time town employees a
HURRICANE DAMAGE South Melbourne Beach, where nearly all the months, to assess the overall damage there’s a bright side of the story for many
turtle nests washed away. PHOTO: JULIAN LEEK and its costs. But an initial damage as- of the turtles, as volunteers and envi-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 sessment listed impacts on 49 prop- ronmentalists were able to rescue more
and limbs, along with some construc- erties in Indialantic, six in Melbourne than 1,500 hatchlings called “wash-
much rain in a 12-hour period as Tropi- tion rubble such as fences, docks and Beach, 313 in Indian Harbour Beach backs” and through a bucket brigade
cal Storm Fay dropped in a 72-hour pe- roofing shingles. The collection will cov- and 200 in Satellite Beach. of handoffs get them into good hands
riod in 2008. We had three confirmed er all unincorporated areas of Brevard at the Brevard Zoo. Zoo personnel ex-
tornado events that damaged more County – South Beaches, for example Mother Nature also put her own in amined and cared for the baby turtles
than 21 structures. But we had no inju- – and municipalities that are part of an peril as experts estimate that approxi- for a few days before transporting them
ries and no deaths reported through the interlocal agreement, including Indial- mately 70 percent of the active sea tur- to South Florida on Thursday. They did
entire storm event.” antic, Indian Harbor Beach, Melbourne tle nests were washed out by Irma. But not release them in Brevard and Indian
Beach and Satellite Beach. River where they were found, they said,
Residents who lived beachside, from because of Hurricane Jose churning
Pineda Causeway south, were asked to Meantime, it will take weeks, if not up the surf and rip currents along the
reduce water usage after a lift station Space Coast.
for the area lost power on Sept. 10. That
meant cutting back flushing toilets, County officials said the U.S. Army
laundry and long showers, all in hopes Corps of Engineers was being dis-
of minimizing the chances of backups patched to survey beach erosion on
into homes, streets and the river. the many miles of federally controlled
shoreline, and those numbers are need-
The county has begun the cleanup ed to compile good numbers for how
phase for debris. Based on ongoing much precious beach sand was chewed
windshield surveys, the county esti- away by Irma.
mated that Irma generated more than
200,000 cubic yards of trees, branches
already out clearing the roads that would
get it. From diving, I knew it is not un-
usual to have a weather event expose this
type of history,’’ the Cocoa resident said.
Canoes hand-carved out of single cy-
press logs were used both by Florida’s
early pioneers and by Native American
tribes that lived and fished along the
Indian River Lagoon.
After posting photos of the water-
logged canoe on Facebook, social media
went viral with thousands of views and
shares, network news reporters started
calling and state archeological experts
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 21, 2017 5
became abuzz with excitement, espe- belongs to the people of Brevard county the water, preserved in a Brevard pond in it has an environment conducive to
cially after a positive initial assessment and I am hoping it gets preserved and a secret location pending further study preservation of wood.
that the canoe “appears to be a legit arti- stays here,’’ he said. and preservation, he said.
fact” Sept. 14 by a local archeologist. Carbon dating results of the canoe are
Lathrop reported the find to the Flor- Florida has the highest concentra- expected in the next few weeks, said Sar-
“Finding it was a big surprise to me ida Department of State’s Bureau of Ar- tion of archeological dugout canoes in ah Revell, Director of Communications
but the amount of interest on Facebook cheological Research in the Division of the world with more than 400 found for the Florida Department of State.
and in the media is the major surprise. It Historical Resource. The canoe is back in in the state. Because Florida is so wet,
6 Thursday, September 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
CANOE ARTIFACT Duggins is an Archeology Supervisor pears to be a seat. Overall, its appearance could be history among the trash.
for Public Lands Archaeology within and the presence of a cut nail suggests “It is feasible that other canoes and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 the Bureau of Archaeological Research, it is not a pre-contact canoe. In other
Division of Historical Resources at the words, it is only a maximum of several vernacular watercraft will be unearthed.
“The Division of Historical Resources Florida Department of State. hundred years old and at a minimum Please know that if on publicly-owned
is working local museums to provide a probably several decades old. There parcels these are subject to Florida’s an-
short-term and long-term plan for its “The squared-off form is commonly are several uncommon but not unique tiquities law,’’ said Donna L. Ruhl, col-
conservation, preservation and ultimate seen in the historic period, but the seat things about this particular canoe: its lections manager and archaeobotanist
public display in Cocoa,” she said. and the compartments are a little un- overall shape, construction and point; at Florida Museum of Natural History.
usual. It is not possible to say there are the nature of the find; and the location of
What is to be learned may be an in- no other seats in historic canoes from the find adjacent to the Indian River and “The storm has disturbed other ar-
teresting blend of history because the Florida because a seat can mean a lot the probable association with saltwater.” chaeological sites and unearthed or
canoe has square nails, paint and rope of things,’’ she said. displaced artifacts. If other items are
marks, and the unique water-dynamic Brevard County residents along lo- found and suspected to have a historic
configuration of the front of canoe. It Added Revell: “The construction is cal shores are urged to keep their eyes value, people are encouraged to con-
may be that it is ‘historic’ in nature, as atypical, with not only a squared-off out for artifacts in the piles of debris tact the Division of Historical Resourc-
compared to ‘ancient’ canoes which form commonly seen in the historic pe- following Hurricane Irma. There es at the Florida Department of State to
can be as old as 6,000 years, said Julie riod, but compartments and what ap- report their find,’’ Duggins said.
vard County in a massive show of sup-
port to replace the power lines, poles
and transformers laid to waste by Hur-
ricane Irma.
Power companies from 30 states and
Canada sent crews across Florida, fan-
ning out to 29 staging sites set up by
Florida Power & Light. With virtually all
of FPL’s 307,600 Brevard customers ex-
periencing some level of power failure,
1,200 line workers of the 21,500-strong
restoration workforce were assigned to
the Space Coast’s staging area in Mel-
bourne, FPL spokesman Chris McGrath
said last Saturday.
With military precision, FPL rolled
into town Sept. 11, unpacked tons of
equipment and supplies and became
mayor of a city within a city. Line work-
ers, supervisors and support person-
nel settled into state-of-the-art disas-
ter accommodations on the 76 acres
comprising the Club 52/Melbourne
Greyhound Park on Wickham Road
and adjoining 42 acres of the American
Muscle Car Museum on Sarno Road.
In a matter of 24 hours, says John
Niebler, director of operations at MGP,
a miniature city was constructed and
With perhaps a more-the-merrier at-
titude in play, MGP President and CEO
Jim O’Brien donated the facility’s ken-
nels for evacuees’ pets and offered his
property as a sandbag distribution site.
Said Niebler: “On Thursday and Fri-
day and half a day Saturday, as the
storm approached, we had the Mel-
bourne Parks Department here distrib-
uting 10 free sandbags to every citizen
of Melbourne. The line of cars was two
miles down Sarno Road,” he said, paus-
ing for effect.
“Our kennel compound was taken
over by the Brevard County Sheriff’s
Office Animal Services for use as an
evacuation site for pets of people with
special needs. We had about 55 dogs,
30-some cats and one parrot. And, as
soon as the wind starts to die down,
FPL comes in literally with hundreds
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 21, 2017 7
Aerial view of the FPL staging site at the Club 52/Melbourne Greyhound Park acreage. Solar panels at the temporary sleeping quarters. STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER
[email protected]
of trucks and equipment and men and McGrath explains its genesis: “We Ramos, a 13-year veteran lineman,
they build a tent city,” Niebler said as he know that we need to get our crews as wanted to speak of the locals’ hospital- Two days after Hurricane Irma left
drove a golf cart past two colossal rows close as possible to the impacted ar- ity and gratitude. town, Rev. David Walkup and his wife
of sleeper trailers. eas. Everything is about speeding res- caught an oldie but goodie film at
toration so we do it with staging sites. “All of us here – every lineman here the multiplex in Viera, some 30 miles
The first thing that may strike visitors We have about 30 set up just like this has talked about it – thank you for being from their Floridana Beach home.
to the massive FPL staging site is the ex- across the state. Crews come in here to as nice as you are. They bring us dough- They took in a screening of “Close
treme organization on display. Lighted get their equipment, get their work or- nuts, they bring us Gatorade and coffee Encounters of the Third Kind.” The
portable signs indicate where bucket ders, fuel up, get a hot meal, get water, (they prefer the Gatorade); they bring us couple doesn’t spend too many
trucks are to be parked, where crews can get their ice and they’re on the road to anything we want,” said Ramos, whose weekdays at a movie, especially in
drop off broken power poles, where they restore power. own house lost power during 2012’s the aftermath of a hurricane, but this
can pick up new transformers, and where Hurricane Sandy. decision made sense.
they may find food and sleeping quarters. “What we learned during Hurricane
Power companies’ mobile command Matthew was that when you have im- “I went to a pharmacy up the block “The movie lasted two and a half
posts dot the parking lots, supervisors pact to a large area, hotel rooms are lim- here and the guy there saw the truck. hours when we got to sit in an air-
whizz by in golf carts, handmade signs ited, they’re at a premium. So we went It’s got a big ‘NJ TO FLORIDA’ on the conditioned theater,” Walkup said.
warn of a 15-mph speed limit and secu- out, and through a vendor, got these side and he saw it and was like, ‘What The alternative was to spend that time
rity personnel sit under canopies with mobile sleeping units. The alternative do you want?’ and I said, ‘I just need in the stifling heat at a home devoid of
cases of bottled water nearby. would be to put linemen on a tour bus powder.’ He goes, ‘Take what you power, thanks to Irma.
and drive them to a hotel, which could want.’ I went to Dunkin’ Donuts yes-
be in Daytona orVero or Orlando. It’s out terday and I pull in the back and a Hurricanes and other violent storms
of Brevard County and every second we lady walked up and gave the coun- can plague communities with floods,
have en route to a hotel is time lost in the terperson money and says, ‘You buy ripped-off roofs and collapsed build-
field restoring power,” McGrath said. them what they want.’ It’s amazing. It ings, but losing power ranks as one of
means a lot to us.” the worst impacts. Almost 5 million
Once onsite, crews wasted no time and Florida Power & Light customers lost
spread out north, south, west and beach- Ramos, who very likely will miss his power. In Brevard County alone, power
side to assess damage and begin repairs. son Ralphie’s 14th birthday, continued: outages affected some 90 percent of
“It’s great to see everybody coming to- the 307,600 FPL customers.
One visiting lineman, 43-year-old gether. And I’ve been to other places
Ralph Ramos of Bayonne, N.J., typified where we get yelled at all the time. You For days, traffic lights at major in-
the passion for the mission found in the get yelled at because the power is out tersections and roadways throughout
men and women who keep the electric- for seven days. I understand. In Super- the county failed. Downed power lines
ity flowing. As a member of a four-man storm Sandy I was out 15 days myself. and outages closed Sebastian Inlet
crew from Public Service Electric and It’s hard, really hard.” State Park. The wheels of government
Gas Co. of New Jersey, Ramos will stay in Indialantic and Melbourne Beach
as long as it takes, he says. PSE&G sent When asked if he is bringing home shut down in the wake of power fail-
154 people and 85 vehicles to Brevard to any souvenirs, he already had an an- ures. Just about every government en-
assist in the recovery. swer in mind. “The other day we were tity that opened last week ran on gen-
working behind this house and, you erator power.
know, there’s a lot of sand down here. I
looked down and there was a little shell. FPL worked round the clock to re-
It wasn’t broken, and I thought wow, this store power, receiving assistance from
is so cool, so I picked it up and shook companies in 30 states and Canada,
out the sand and kept it. But I like those such as New Jersey’s PSE&G. As of Sept.
little geckos you guys have here. I’d like 14, 93,570 were still without power. By
to take one of those home.” 8 p.m. Friday, only 61,130 customers
remained powerless. And as of Satur-
day morning at 11:30, 48,440 custom-
ers still lacked power. The hope was
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
Bill Sokolic, 609-457-5480 Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 For our advertising partners, we pledge [email protected]
to provide the most complete consulta-
Staff Reporter Columnists tive and marketing programs possible for Corporate Editor
George White, 321-795-3835 Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 the best return on your investment. Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
[email protected] Cynthia Van Gaasbeck, 321-626-4701 [email protected]
8 Thursday, September 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
IMPACT OF POWER LOSS Tbehcaotm’seccoooml:fCoorut nstcailtciohnasmbers
to have everyone on the barrier island PHOTO: JULIAN LEEK STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER
back by the end of the past weekend. [email protected]
each year we should put money
The loss of power can be deadly, but away,” Taranto said. Hurricane Irma left many weary bar-
can such losses be reduced? rier island residents hot and without
FPL spokesman Peter Robbins said means to charge their phones and oth-
Indialantic resident Vinnie Taranto that approach is not the panacea it er electronics. The solution: The Indian
Jr. suggested at the Sept. 13 council seems on the surface. “We have about Harbour Beach and Satellite Beach City
meeting that the town ought to con- 40 percent of our system under- Council chambers became welcoming
sider a long term plan for placing ground, but that does not mean you comfort stations which seemed to take
power lines underground. won’t have an outage. Underground on a neighborly life of their own.
lines are more vulnerable to flooding,
“It would help prevent some power for example.” At the peak of the storm, 5,400 of
outages,” he said. And if there are outag- Indian Harbour Beach’s 8,500 Florida
es, the fix may be easier to accomplish. Power & Light electric customers were
without power. Days later, there still
“It would be very expensive, so was still 40 percent of the homes with
residents and families that remained
JUST LISTED IN THE CLOISTERS! dark. In all 303 homes were damaged by
Hurricane Irma with none destroyed,
Building Confidence Through Relationships said IHB City Manager Mark Ryan. A similar gathering in the Satellite
Beach City Council Chambers includ-
321.890.9911 321.729.6000 Opening the council chambers as a ed Alex Rudloff of Satellite Beach, who
cooling center seemed like a no-brain- works from home and hadn’t been able er that was well-used by the citizenry, to connect to the Internet.
he said. “To me, it’s what the city is all
THE HOUSING MARKET IS MOVING FAST - DON’T GET LEFT BEHIND. about. It’s something we can do to help “We got the dirty side of the hurri-
our residents get through this chal- cane with a lot more tornados and I
BUYING OR SELLING lenging time,’’ he said. think it was a longer storm. My mem-
WE’LL GET YOU WERE YOU NEED TO GO. ories of these storms growing up was
Taking advantage of the cool in the you go to bed and wake up and the
1745 SHORE VIEW DR. • INDIALANTIC, FL 32903 IHB council chambers was Ann Par- storm was gone. And back then we
sons, a four-year beachside resident didn’t have smart phones with alarms
JUST LISTED - $1,650,000 who rode out the storm in her home. going off. I think there’s more anxiety
now. I think this is a wonderful use of
5 BEDROOM + 4.1 BATHROOM 5,146 SF • COVERED SUMMER KITCHEN “I didn’t think it would have been this space that was just sitting here.
146 OF DIRECT WATERFRONT • GRAND FOYER ENTRY so bad if it hadn’t lasted so long. It just Anybody who questions if Internet is
stayed over us and kept blowing. I heard a utility, take it away for a week,’’ he
SPARKLING POOL & SPA SURROUNDED BY STONE PAVERED LANAI about this from my neighbors. It’s nice said.
and we live right here so why not use it?”
RECENT ACTIVITY Ron Hinebaugh has lived in Satel-
UNDER CONTRACT! 604 N RIVERSIDE DR. John Ruch, still without power at nearby lite Beach for 15 years and was without
JUST SOLD! 2640 N RIVERSIDE DR. $1,400,000 Telemar Bay Marina near Mathers Bridge power for four days. Even after power
in Indian Harbour Beach, lives aboard a returned, he needed a place to get on
JUST SOLD! 401 MIAMI AVE - $760,000 40-boot Bristol. He used the cooling sta- his laptop for work.
tion for his laptop and to cool off.
“I went to a friend’s house but he’s
He said he also took advantage of a 45 minutes away. My wife saw the post
dip in the IHB municipal pool as a way about this being available and sent it to
to beat the heat. me. It’s a great idea. ... I think it’s fan-
tastic that they opened up city hall for
“This is what people love about living this and it makes me really proud of the
in Indian Harbour Beach. All of us are city,” he said.
suffering the same and it brings us all
together. This is a good idea,’’ he said.
Dennis McWilliams, Alex Rudloff and Ron Hinebaugh
take advantage of electricity and wifi at Satellite Beach
C: 321.890.9911
E: [email protected]
Get Your Home Value Today, Visit:
Advent’s new
pastor connects
with community
10 Thursday, September 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Advent’s new pastor connects with community
STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT themes: connection and community. Pastor Rick Funk.
[email protected] Both direct his vision and focus his
The sign outside Advent Lutheran
Church in Melbourne Beach reads “One of the things I want to do with
“Welcome to Your Neighborhood this community is say, ‘What are
Church.” True, without a doubt, re- your spiritual needs? What are your
garding its location in the middle of interests? Your questions? Your fears?
blocks of homes surrounding Oak Your worries?’ And then to say, ‘How
Drive south of Ocean Avenue. can we address that? How can we
equip you for life?’ I want to help pro-
But the sign has a deeper meaning, vide that sense of purpose or mean-
as it speaks of community, and the ing and hope,” Funk said one recent
new pastor overseeing Family Minis- morning after offering a tour of the
try and Pastoral Care is making it his sanctuary and preschool.
mission to reach out to the neighbors.
Right from the start, the West Point
Pastor Rick Funk, a former mili- graduate had a few ideas on how to
tary chaplain, formally took over the infuse his congregation with new life
ministry in August after signing on to and open doors to locals seeking a
full-time duty earlier in the spring. closer connection to God.
In 2013, Advent Lutheran Church “We really need to expand our
in Suntree and Grace Lutheran children’s ministry, so that was one
Church in Melbourne Beach merged of the first areas that I focused on:
to become a single church with two We’ve done two things, immediately.
locations. The retired Army helicop- Previously to me arriving here, we
ter pilot divides his time between the would do confirmation, which is for
two, starting out from his home in 6th-, 7th- and 8th-graders, only at
Rockledge. the Suntree location, so the kids from
this location would have to drive up
Conversation with Funk, who to Suntree. This year, we’re going to
may rightly be called pastor or ma-
jor or doctor, turns frequently to two
do confirmation at both locations,” open to the littlest of parishioners but
he said. Funk saw a need to engage the area’s
older youths.
“The other thing that we are doing
new is there was no children’s pro- “What’s lacking here at this lo-
gramming here. So in our evening cation is an afterschool program
service we’ve begun a children’s pro- for elementary-age kids. We only
gram in the middle of the service. We have a preschool. It’s going to be on
take the kids out and they can have Wednesdays because they have early
their own time of reading and play release then. We will have a variety
and story about the same lesson that of activities, like tutoring, homework
the adults are having in the sanctu- help, music, kickball. It will be very
ary,” he said. interactive,” he said of the soon-to-
be-implemented program.
With children’s programming
shaping up nicely, Funk turned his So how does one go from being a
attention to the community at large. soldier to being a healer of souls? The
connection is as direct as tracer fire
“The next thing that I’ve done is to in a night sky. Chaplains have long
consider more community engage- ministered to those who put their
ment activities,” he said, tossing out lives on the line for their country. The
the intriguing possibility of a com- anxious questions about what hap-
munity garden. What better way to pens when things go very wrong are
get to know the neighbors than to answered with more urgency, per-
invite them over to nurture a garden haps, than in a Sunday morning ser-
for all? vice, but the answers are the same.
Funk emphasizes his desire to Funk recalls one instance while
open new pathways to share the word serving during Operation Desert
with families surrounding the cam- Shield/Desert Storm.
pus. The church’s Grace Preschool is
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 21, 2017 11
“The last mission of our unit was Irma largely spares churches
to blow up ammunition bunkers the
size of a small house. Our soldiers Both locations weathered
were asked to set the charges and Hurricane Irma well, Pastor Rick
light a fuse and drive away. The night Funk said last Thursday. Lost
before that mission, I was talking shingles, a little water intrusion
with a bunch of soldiers and one said and plants having had the green
to me, ‘What happens if something stuffing knocked out of them
goes wrong and the charge goes off?’ seemed to be the extent of the
And I said, ‘It’s likely that you’ll die.’ damage.
So this soldier said, ‘Then what hap-
pens?’ And I said, ‘Well then, you’re “I walked around the neigh-
likely to meet God.’ And he said, ‘I’m borhood a little bit after the storm
not ready for that.’ And I said, ‘Do you and just saw people putting
want to get ready?’ And he said, ‘Yes.’ fences back up. That sort of thing.
So we prayed together. I did a lot of Everybody says they have shingles
baptisms in the sea there and I had a off or tree limbs down or maybe
bible study that the soldiers wanted a pool enclosure damaged. But
six nights a week.” nobody’s talked about catastrophic
damage or anybody being injured,”
Funk and his wife of 35 years, Kathy he said.
Ann, a fellow West Point graduate
(from the first class to admit women), Funk was quick to praise the
moved to Florida in 2015 with an eye spirit of cooperation before and
to retirement. But the father of two after the storm. “One of the neat
grown daughters really wasn’t ready things was the community spirit
to putter around the house. that we observed. Like the trash
collection guys trying to get rid of
“My original idea was I’ll come stuff that would have blown away,”
here, work in hospice a couple of he said. A beachside tire shop took
years, then retire,” he said. He began care of the flats on a hand truck
volunteering at the church and saw that was needed to move items to
that there was a need for his exper- safety and a group of Boy Scouts
tise. had good deeds in mind with
a visit to the Melbourne Beach
“We have an extraordinary spot campus. The Scouts brought water
here, a wonderful building, great before the storm and cleaned up
land and I think we are poised to re- the considerable amount of yard
ally serve Melbourne Beach. That’s debris afterward. “The community
what we want to do.” spirit was very evident, with people
saying, ‘We are in a storm together;
we are going to help out.’”
14 Thursday, September 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Beachside bards, we asked thee: To flee, or not to flee …
[email protected] In hushed tones I’ll whis- For in that file of claim, what deduct-
“Calling all theater nerds!!” wrote our per, “Happily would I give ibles may come,
Melbourne-based arts writer Pam Har- All my fame for a pot of When we have submitted all the pa-
baugh on her Facebook page, the Friday
before Hurricane Irma staged its own ale and safety.” perwork,
tempest Sunday night. “Finish this: TO Must resubmit anew. Where’s the pa-
EVACUATE OR NOT TO EVACUATE, LaFortune understands
the subtleties of parody: That sees us through the appraiser’s re-
Harbaugh, a playwright and director
herself, has curated a particularly liter- She played Sonia in the port:
ate and witty chorus of friends on the For who would bear the cost of home
social media site. Her challenge struck a Chekhov send-up “Vanya
nerve among those in the path of Irma, repairs,
who no doubt had been wrestling with and Sonia and Masha and To replace only half of a roof storm
the very question of whether to leave
their homes. Spike” at Melbourne Civic torn?
The pain of depreciated value, the long
What issued from them were argu- Theatre last year.
ments pro and con, far more fun to lis- delays
ten to than the loop in so many people’s Costume designer Jen- The insolence of office, and the quotes
minds. which in themselves add insult to
nifer Frandsen was a nat-
Margaret Cross, an actress and cab- damage
aret singer who directs the choir at ural for the contest – she inflicted by the winds?
Melbourne’s Palmdale Presbyterian
Church, swapped Hamlet’s voice for JenniferFrandsen. PHOTO BY: BENJAMIN THACKER performs regularly at the This time Frandsen faced the storm
Henry V’s, then changed a word or two Brevard Renaissance fair, with a much stronger house: a new roof
to turned the famous St. Crispin’s Day and impact windows, installed in incre-
speech into a relevant, winking jab. most recently as Peter ments as she could afford it. “The insur-
ance company would only pay for half
We few, we happy few, we band of ing in New York, grew up in Florida, so Quince in the Bard Lite staging of “Mid- the roof, so I paid for the rest with my
brothers; income tax refund.”
Irma was hardly her first hurricane. It summer Night’s Dream.”
For he to-day that boards his house By noon Saturday, Michael Paul had
with me may have been the hardest to predict, This year, well before Irma hung that abandoned Hamlet like an Escalade in
a fuel shortage. He switched to Macbeth
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile, though; even her alma mater, Florida fateful right turn, Frandsen got the dis- to spew this dig at forecasters:
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in Georgia now a-bed State University, where she studied mu- appointing news that she would not be While Irma creeps in her petty pace
Shall think themselves accursed they from Labor Day to today to the last up-
were not here, sic, was rescheduling football games. debuting her latest costume creation date in three hours time.
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles
any speaks Another well-known Brevard ac- at the third annual Space Coast Comic As all these recent yesterdays have
That hunkered with us upon Saint Ir- undone Islanders on their way to gusty
ma’s day. tress and a columnist for Florida To- Con, which was to have taken place death.
Georgia, of course, is where tens of day, Christine LaFortune, produced Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Instead, Out, out Barbuda!
thousands of Floridians had fled, only Irma’s but a churning squallow – a Cat
to find themselves smack in the center this Shakespeare knock-off by the next she’ll be donning the steampunk witch 5 (no 4 ... no 3 ... no 4 again) that struts
of the weakening Irma’s cone. and frets her hours upon TWC and then
morning, as a Cat 5 Irma was smashing doctor costume for Orlando’s Imagina- will be heard of no more.
Cross, who spent seven years act- She is a tale told by histrionic idiots,
across Cuba’s northern coast. rium this Saturday. enamored by their own sound and fury,
signifying ad revenue.
Frandsen, who moved to Palm Bay
As for our arts writer Harbaugh, she
Whether ’tis wiser in the end to suffer in the mid-1990s, endured hurricanes shuttered her beachside home and
booked a room at Orlando’s Grand Bo-
The wind and shrapnel of the raging Frances and Jeanne, and lost half her hemian Hotel. But as Irma tacked west-
ward, she says, she noticed more and
cyclone roof in Matthew last year. That experi- more of her Facebook friends were stay-
ing put. “I had to make a decision by Fri-
Or to take refuge from the furious tem- ence, and the battle with her insurance day before the storm in order to cancel
the hotel reservations,” she says. That’s
pest, company in particular, served as inspi- when “the greatest question of all time
popped into my head – ‘To be or not to
By crossing o’er the causeway. We know ration when she checked Facebook last be,’ Hamlet’s iconic soliloquy. I mashed
that up with my current situation and
we’ll sleep weekend and saw Harbaugh’s prompt. put that out on Facebook.”
No more, ’til Nature’s tantrum has “I thought about last year, and said, And then she herself did flee. What
blew her away more than Irma was the
passed. oh, I got this one!” she says. response of her “smart, witty friends” to
her Facebook post. “I’m happy my goofy
But through the passionate sturm und An avid fan of Shakespeare, Frand- impulse prodded all that out of them,”
she says.
drang we’ll find sen says her own poetry tends to be in
Welcome shelter in the company of sonnet form. With phrases like “Must
friends, and fine resubmit anew,” she quaintly nailed
Distilled spirits. For when my heart is the 21st century lose-lose proposition of
o’ercome evacuating a storm that, when you re-
At the height of Irma’s blustering ram- turn, turns out to be only the beginning
of the trauma.
To Flee or not to flee, that is the ques-
Whether it is wiser in the mind to en-
The trials and tensions of unmoving
Or to take up wood against a storm of
the ages
And by enduring it: To thrive, to keep
Our homes, and by to thrive, to say we
the struggle, and the pounding mete-
oric storms
that Florida is heir to? Tis a destiny
despised and accepted. To Thrive, to
To keep, perhaps to improve, aye,
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 21, 2017 15
Coming Up: Gershwin gem is Symphony’s ‘suite’ treat
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER progressive, vorite on the Indian River in Sebastian,
[email protected] dance, you where there’s always food, drink and
name it), 9:30 live music. This Friday, it’s Frankie Lis-
p.m. to 1:30 sard (classic rock to current hits), at 3:30
a.m., with a lit- p.m.; and Ladies of Soul (Motown, disco
tle karaoke in and pop) at 7:30 p.m.; Saturday it’ll be
between. Head Marvin Parish (roots rock) at 3:30 p.m.;
a little farther and the Divas (five ladies, five big voices,
south to Capt. big hits, Ba backed by top Brevard musi-
Hiram’s, a local cians) at 7:30 p.m.; Sunday brings Jason
and visitor fa- Wright (one-man-band) at 6 p.m.
1 Gershwin’s masterpiece, the
iconic ballet suite from the musi-
cal film classic “An American in Paris,”
headlines the Space Coast Symphony
Orchestra’s concert this Saturday at
the Scott Center for Performing Arts in
Melbourne in what looks to be one of
the most exciting programs in the or-
chestra’s strong 2017-18 season. Who 2 In spite of losing power in the wake
of Hurricane Irma, and dealing
can forget what the show promo calls
Gershwin’s “rich blue harmonies” jux- with a flooded orchestra pit, the His-
taposed with the vibrant city’s blaring toric Cocoa Village Playhouse will raise
taxi horns? Under the baton of Aaron the curtain on its 28th Broadway on
T. Collins, Gershwin’s love letter to the Brevard season opener -- the musical
City of Lights will combine the orches- “Beauty and the Beast” -- this Friday.
tral music with live dance and newly “Beauty and the Beast” will run at the
remastered footage from the wonder- popular community theater through
ful classic film starring Gene Kelly and Oct. 8.
Leslie Caron. The toe-tapping favorite
“I’ve Got Rhythm” will be performed by
pianist Marius Tesch. Then, renowned
Seattle-based tap dancer Alex Dugdale
joins the orchestra for a breathtaking
version of Gould’s “Concerto for Tap
Dancer.” Next on the bill is a perfor-
mance by special guest and principal
ballerina for the Orlando Ballet, Kate-
Lynn Robichaux. She’ll perform one of
ballet’s the most iconic solos, the Dying
Swan, dancing the classic 1905 Mikhail
Fokine choreography made famous by
the great Anna Pavlova, to music from
Saint-Saen’s “Carnival of the Animals.”
For the final performance in this amaz-
ing evening, the orchestra gets its jazz
on with Duke Ellington’s lush and so-
phisticated “Three Black Kings.” Ac-
cording to the American Dance Theatre
website, this was the last major work
by Ellington, who gave instructions for
its completion and orchestration to his
son, Mercer, in 1974, as he was dying in
the hospital. Ellington is said to have
drawn his inspiration from a stained-
glass window he saw in the Basilica of Jay DiBella.
Santa Maria del Mar, the great Catalan
Gothic cathedral in Barcelona, when
one of his sacred concerts was per- 3 If you’re looking for a nice spot to
chill and enjoy a little live music
formed there. The opening movement,
Ellington has explained, “represents this weekend, here are a couple. Right
Balthazar, the black king of the Magi.” on the ocean in Indialantic, it’s Lou’s
King Solomon is next, with “the song Blues, upstairs and downstairs, always
of jazz and perfume and dancing girls an eclectic visual treat. On Saturday, it’s
and all that; then the dirge for Dr. King.” Jay DiBella (acoustic pop rock) 1 p.m. to
Show time is 7 p.m. 5 p.m.; and Luna Pearl (rock, metal, pop,
18 Thursday, September 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Cold political truth
emerges in Arctic
REVIEW BY DAN LAMOTHE mercial traffic in an area that is still un- ington that the situation in the Arctic breakers aren’t being built just to tran-
The Washington Post predictable and deadly. could someday resemble the conten- sit polar ice but to fight in it. One kind of
tious disputes in the South China Sea, ship in the works, the 374-foot Project
ABOARD THE USCGC HEALY IN Adm. Paul Zukunft, the Coast Guard where China has built man-made is- 23550-class, is designed to be nimble in
THE ARCTIC OCEAN – Coast Guard commandant, recently warned that lands and military installations over this environment while carrying naval
Ensign Ryan Carpenter peered north Russia and China are already encroach- the objections of its neighbors. Russia guns and cruise missiles. The Krem-
through a front window of this 420-foot- ing on Arctic waters over the extended already has made contested claims lin also has disclosed plans to build
long ship, directing its bright-red hull U.S. continental shelf. The region is that stretch to the North Pole and pos- or expand numerous bases along the
through jagged chunks of ice hundreds about the size of Texas and rich with oil, sesses more than 25 icebreakers, with northeastern Russian coastline, north
of miles north of Alaska. minerals and other resources that could more on the way. of the Arctic Circle, including on Wran-
be extracted as technology improves. gel Island, Kotelny Island and at Cape
It was only the second time that Car- The next generations of Russian ice- Schmidt.
penter, 23, had driven the 16,400-ton Zukunft said last month in Wash-
USCGC Healy, one of the U.S. military’s Meanwhile, China also has arrived
two working polar icebreakers. He Ensign Ryan Carpenter and Ensign Taylor Peace navigate the USCGC Healy on July 31 in the Arctic. in the Arctic, sailing research and ex-
turned the ship slightly to the left in the ploration vessels while arguing that no
sapphire-blue water, and a few seconds nation has sovereignty over these wa-
later, the ship’s bow rumbled through ters and the natural resources below.
the crusty white ice floe at about 10 mph. Chinese military officials have said
Metallic shudders rippled throughout that sovereignty disputes in the Arctic
the vessel, a feeling that Arctic rookies could require the use of force, accord-
often find unnerving. ing to an assessment written for the
Naval War College Review.
Carpenter is part of an increasingly
pointed U.S. strategy to prepare for The Obama administration pro-
competition – and possible conflict – in posed building new icebreakers in
what was once a frosty no man’s land. 2015, citing the warming seas and con-
cerns about Russia’s intentions. But the
The warming climate has created effort to do so has gained new atten-
Arctic waterways that are growing freer tion in recent months. Despite Presi-
of ice, and with China and Russia in- dent Trump’s skepticism about climate
creasingly looking toward the region for change, he marveled at the power of
resources, the United States is studying polar icebreakers during a May 17 com-
how many new icebreakers to build, mencement speech at the Coast Guard
whether to arm them with cruise mis-
siles, and how to deal with more com-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 21, 2017 19
Academy and promised his adminis- The Healy’s route is recorded on a nautical chart July 28 during a voyage to the Arctic Ocean. summer, the Healy spent four days
tration will build “many of them.” wiggling out of an ice floe that wouldn’t
started coming to the Arctic in 2012, decks in thick snowsuits, steel-toed let go of the ship.
Zukunft said that a fleet compris- there was ice nearly all the way south to boots and hard hats, and anyone
ing three new medium icebreakers and Alaska’s northern shores until June or leaving the Healy on a smaller sea- “No one flipped out,” said Peace. “You
three heavy icebreakers would allow the July. That is no longer the case, prompt- craft used for exploration must wear just keep trying. All you’re doing is wait-
service to retire its older ships and keep ing the service to evaluate what kind of a winter suit with a rubberized shell ing for the wind to change direction so it
one icebreaker perpetually patrolling in new equipment it might need if a crisis to extend how long they can survive can relieve the pressure, or so you can at
both the Arctic and Antarctic. emerges. if they fall in the water. least make five inches in an hour.”
Officers piloting the Healy said
The Healy was commissioned in “There was no need for the Coast that they do their best to avoid ice, The harsh environment was on full
1999, but the other working polar ice- Guard to be up here,” Tripp said. “This but in areas where it is inevitable, display July 29, as the Healy carried out
breaker, the USCGC Polar Star, is more was frozen, and now it’s not. So now it is considered safer to use the re- two consecutive missions on the water
than 40 years old. It deploys each year there are waterways and cruise ships inforced front of the ship to punch in a smaller sea craft. In the first, the
to Antarctica, but crew members have coming up, so you run into the pos- straight through it, rather than Healy lowered a small landing craft car-
resorted to searching eBay for some sibility of disaster with one of those.” “shouldering it” and taking a rying members of the scientific team to
parts because they are so hard to find, glancing blow. Even then, sticky examine the usefulness of the Minion
according to Healy crew members fa- Even with the warming climate, situations still emerge. and other equipment as the drone boat
miliar with the sister ship. the Arctic environment is unforgiv- Ensign Taylor Peace, 23, bounced between craggy ice floes. The
ing. The summer water and air tem- who is on her second Arctic ¬banana-yellow vessel, carrying solar
The cost of the new icebreakers is un- peratures are about 30 degrees, and tour, said that panels and a camera, got stuck only af-
certain at this point. Estimates are often winds often howl at 30 to 40 mph. last ter its battery died, prompting the crew
reported to be about $1 billion each be- Coast Guard members to tow it back to the Healy.
cause of the reinforced hull and robust work the
engines needed to operate in ice, but “This is a good chance to try it in a
Zukunft said he thinks it will be less. harsh environment, coming out here
A report by the National Academies of to work these vehicles,” said Jason Sto-
Sciences, Engineering and Medicine ry, a Coast Guard naval architect who
published in July recommended that designed the Minion.
a single class of four heavy icebreakers
be purchased in one block buy to save Winds picked up and fog thickened
money and suggested that time is run- during the second mission of the day as
ning out to do so. divers marked a return to something that
had not occurred in the Arctic since Aug.
“The nation is ill-equipped to pro- 17, 2006: Coast Guard ice diving. The long
tect its interests and maintain leader- hiatus followed the deaths of two Healy
ship in these regions and has fallen be- crew members – Lt. Jessica Hill, 31, and
hind other Arctic nations, which have Petty Officer 2nd Class Steven Duque, 26
mobilized to expand their access to – during an ice dive that a service investi-
ice-covered regions,” the report said. gation found was poorly supervised.
A Washington Post reporter and pho- The Coast Guard subsequently
tographer sailed on the Healy from July started its own ice-diving school and
28 through Aug. 6, arriving on a Coast made diving a primary occupation,
Guard helicopter off Alaska’s Cape Lis- rather than a collateral duty. The div-
burne and departing on a small sea- ers can perform maintenance on the
craft in the port of Nome, Alaska. In ship, assist other vessels that are in
between, the ship meandered at least trouble or perform salvage operations
230 miles northeast of Point Barrow, involving ships that have sunk.
the northernmost point in the United
States, before turning back. “When we deploy to the Arctic, there
is no bench strength nearby,” said Capt.
The Healy, which travels annually Greg Tlapa, the Healy’s commanding of-
to the Arctic, deployed this year on ficer. “No one is coming to save us. So,
June 27 from its home port in Seattle the more self-sufficient you are in terms
with about 85 Coast Guardsmen and of underwater inspection and hull repair,
40 scientists. It will make several trips the less risk there is to a deployment.”
to and from the Arctic Circle this sum-
mer, with stops in Alaskan port cities On a bone-chilling afternoon, teams
such as Seward to swap out scientists of two divers dove among the floes
and gather supplies. while a third diver sat ready in case his
help was required. The sea craft was an-
Missions on the Healy vary, based chored to a hulking piece of ice on the
on what the scientists aboard need. On ocean’s surface.
this trip, the ship carried members of
the Coast Guard Research and Develop- The divers marveled at the clearness
ment Center as they tested unmanned of the water and the crystallized ice –
boat systems among the ice floes, in- about 85 percent of the sea ice floating
cluding an oil skimmer, a quadcopter in the Arctic is beneath the surface.
and a 10-foot yellow vessel that was
named the “Minion,” after the popular “It’s like diving in outer space,” said one
cartoon characters. of the divers, Chief Petty Officer Chuck
Scot Tripp, the chief ci- Ashmore. “I think that’s the clos-
vilian scientist on est comparison I could make.
the mission, said You’re seeing some just
that when he incredible struc-
tures down
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vation status. Many hospitals have designated observation areas,
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be admitted, you are assigned observation status. The observation considered a decision-making period to determine if the patient
period is a decision-making period that is most frequently less than should be admitted based on findings and response to treatment.
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The decision to admit you to the hospital as an inpatient is de-
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doctor’s judgment. Inpatient admissions are generally appropriate
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sidered an inpatient, your doctor must order the admission, and percent. You are also responsible for paying a copayment for each
the hospital must formally admit you. individual outpatient hospital service. Fortunately, your copay-
ment for a single outpatient hospital service can’t be more than
WHAT IS OUTPATIENT STATUS? the inpatient hospital deductible. However, your total copayment
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You are considered an outpatient if you’re getting emergency de- tient hospital deductible.
partment services, observation services, outpatient surgery, lab tests,
X-rays or any other hospital services, and your doctor hasn’t written Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
welcome. Email us at [email protected].
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 21, 2017 21
pects melt away. tle rich girls. We are soon reminded, eral of his most famous works: the
however, that in a situation such as scandalous nude statue of Diana that
And Isabella Stew- Fuller’s, a stormy market can devour twirled atop Stanford White’s plea-
wealth in an instant. Her father’s sure palace, Madison Square Garden
art Gardner, born railroad and real estate investments – and his winged bronze angel Amor
were destroyed in the depression of Caritas, meaning ‘love is charity,’
in Manhattan and 1893. Although her family tried to though Gussie, the artist’s deaf and
keep up appearances, Lucia barely cranky wife, might not have thought
long frozen out of scraped by. Palmer, Chanler and so.”
Gardner inherited and maintained
New England so- their fortunes, but money didn’t Gardner provides Lucey with par-
spare their families the ravages of ticularly picturesque material. At the
ciety, astounds untimely deaths, physical and men- unveiling of her museum home in
tal ailments, suicides, war and other 1903, Belle, as she was called, “wel-
Boston Brahmins tragedies. Merciless out-of-the-blue comed her opening-night guests
infections, a spine-snapping toss from a landing at the top of a curving
with her private from a horse, an aviator’s fatal plum- stairway.
met at the hands of a World War I
museum. German gunner – these are just a few She was a regal presence in black,
of the myriad misfortunes battering slathered with jewels: a ruby, pearls
Like characters these lives of privilege. (149 of them), and two enormous dia-
monds named ‘Rajah’ and ‘Light of
from the writings The era prescribed the social India,’ which she wore atop her head
graces for these women, but their on gold spiral wires so that they’d
of Edith Whar- well-educated minds and yearning bob and sparkle as she talked.” They
temperaments urged them toward don’t make ’em like that anymore.
ton, these women social revolutions. Sargent’s sensi-
tive renderings of these maverick Even after strokes had taken away
were smart, pas- souls may have been enhanced by his most of her movement, at 82 she in-
own unconventional circumstances: spired Sargent to paint “Mrs. Gard-
sionate, willful, The convivial and workaholic artist ner in White” (1922).
was drawn partly or wholly to men;
adventurous and he was, at the least, cagey about his Unlike the controversial, brassy
personal life. oil portrait of her that he had created
striking-looking – decades before, this watercolor “was
Lucey’s prose is invitingly con- a work of peace, a heartfelt tribute to
particularly when versational and quick-flowing. Her the woman he’d grown to love and
character sketches are colorful and admire.” She died soon after. And
immortalized by she is not, thank goodness, above the next year so did he, in bed at his
conveying some wonderfully catty London home, a copy of Voltaire’s
John Singer Sar- gossip. For instance, as Lucia’s mar- “Dictionnaire philosophique” beside
riage to the talented but astonish- him.
gent. Their en- ingly self-centered artist Harry Full-
er crumbled in the New Hampshire Perhaps in his last hours Sargent
ticing collective arts colony, fellow Cornish residents, stumbled upon this musing from
the painter Maxfield Parrish and the that compendium: “People have de-
mini-biographies sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens, claimed against luxury for two thou-
carried on affairs with their favorite sand years, in verse and prose, and
make up “Sargent’s models. people have always delighted in it.”
Women: Four Saint-Gaudens even “had his own SARGENT’S WOMEN:
shadow family, conceiving a child Four Lives Behind the Canvas
Lives Behind the with model Davida Clark, his vision
of ethereal beauty who posed for sev- By Donna M. Lucey
Canvas,” by Donna W.W. Norton. 336 pp. $29.95
Review by Alexander C. Kafka
M. Lucey. We learn
The Washington Post
something of Sar-
gent’s personality,
his technique and
his circumstances,
but Lucey primar-
At a museum, do you ever wonder ily uses him as
where those grand portrait subjects
go when they step out of the canvas a portal through which to glimpse
back into their lives? Let’s follow a
few and find out. these assertive spirits of the Gilded
Elsie Palmer, daughter of a rail- Age.
road-baron father, is trapped “like
some fairy-tale princess imprisoned” In Fuller’s case, the author per-
in her family’s Rocky Mountain cas-
tle. Lucia Fairchild Fuller, a beloved forms an eyebrow-raising sleight
member of the Cornish art colony
in New Hampshire, sacrifices her of hand, for it is Lucia’s sister Sally
health for her family and her artistic
ideals. Elizabeth Chanler, fabulously whom Sargent painted in his well-
wealthy but hobbled by a damaged
hip, helps watch over her siblings known blue-veiled portrait. But Lu-
while her youth and marriage pros-
cia is by far the more interesting of
the two, and Sargent was an inspira-
tion to her own work. Ultimately, we
forgive this bait-and-switch as we
grow infatuated with the endearingly
openhearted and bohemian Lucia.
We’re tempted, at first, to regard
each of these women only as poor lit-
A 1. A Legacy of Spies 1. What Happened 1. The Mermaid BY JAN BRETT
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22 Thursday, September 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz meets Pearl, who’s blind, deaf … and all heart
Hi Dog Buddies! gan in Texas. Believe “Finn started ta-
I had great new experience this it or not, Mr. Bonzo, kin’ care of me right
week when I interviewed Pearl Rob-
erts, a 2-year-old Great Dane. Pearl there are some hu- away. He guided me
lives with her human Mom and Dad,
Linda and Ron, and her big brother mans who want Great all over til I knew
Finnegan, a Harlequin Great Dane
(an one of my pooch buddies). Danes with unusual my way around.
Pearl is super pretty, tall and long- coloring SO MUCH He watches over me
leggedy, bein’ a Great Dane an all.
She’s almost totally white, just a few that they do some- at the dog park, an
small black patches on her caboose,
and one black eyebrow; an pink skin, thing they should lets me flop right up
including her sniffer (which is all pink
’cept for three black polka dots). She Never Do. They breed against him when
looks kinda magical, ackshully.
two pooches with the we’re snoozing.”
Her Mom met me an my assistant
at the door, with Pearl right behind same Merle coloring Pearl began pat-
and Finn waiting in back. If I didn’t
already know (cuz Finn had told me), and patterns.’” tin’ an sniffin’ my
I wudda never realized that Pearl
is Totally Deaf and Blind. Has been “Why’s that bad?” I notebook, an I gave
since birth. Finn said soft little grow-
ly things and did nosebumps and paw wondered. her some liddle
pats with Pearl, then Pearl came over,
sniffed me an my assistant and gave “She says it’s cuz a nosebumps. “So,
us some nose bumps, a coupla slurps,
an more soft little growly things. She buncha of puppies in what’s homelife
moved very daintily and sniff-sniff-
sniffed constantly. the litter are always like?” I asked Finn.
“Good seein’ you, Bonz!” said Finn. deaf an blind an …” “Lots of fun!”
“Like we discussed, I’ll be your woof-
terpreter. Pearl’s official name is Hel- Finn pawsed. he said. “Pearl’s a
en Pearl Keller, an Mom an Dad call
me Annie Sullivan. Do you know the Pearl gave him a lid- smart, happy liddle
story of those two humans?”
dle slurp on the nose, sis! When she feels
I nodded.
“Ever since Pearl first joined our an he continued, real bouncy, she kinda
famly (I was around 5 and she was
only 15 months), we’ve had a special serious. “She says the goes crazy on the
relationship. I showed her around
right away, an it didn’t take her long to bad humans sell the rug (cuz the tile’s
map out the house, usin’ Careful Paws
an a lotta Nose. After a while, I don’t pretty-colored pup- real slippery). Mom
know ’zackly how it happened, but it
just did, we could communicate! And pies for lotsa money calls it Zoomy Time.
she has no idea she’s what humans
call ‘handy-capped.’ She knows she an … an,” he shook his Her toes can tell by
can always count on me cuz I make
her feel seCURE, an she’s the best lit- head. “An the blind the texture when
tle sis a pooch could ask for.”
We were all three sittin’ right to- and deaf puppies get she accidentally
gether, an Pearl was real interested
in my notebook: every so offen she’d Put To Sleep, unless steps on the tile.
friffle it with her paw or sniffer, and
lick the pages. She can open all the
“Could you tell her I’d like to know
how she found you guys,” I asked doors, too, could
All during the innerview, we’d stop even reach the ga-
for nosebumps, growly stuff and paw
pats. Pearl gave me a frenly nose- rage door button to
bump, an Finn began. “Pearl says,
‘I’m happy to tell you my story. It be- Pearl Roberts, Great Dane. PHOTO GORDON RADFORD let herself out, so
Mom an Dad hadda
go High Tech. Mom
asked whether they’d consider adopt- says Pearl’s like a pack of toddlers.
ing a pooch who couldn’t hear or see. She climbs up on the dining room
So Mom, Dad an Finn came down to table in case there’s something yum
meet me. A buncha us Great Danes on it. She ’specially likes milk. An cof-
were in a big fenced-in pen with a trail- fee. An butter. An she can be pretty
er. I was back by the trailer when I got sneaky.
This Feeling. I followed my Sniffer over One time Mom was lookin’ every-
to the fence and there was a lady there. where for this bran new bag of bagels.
It was Mom, which I didn’t know at the Finally she found it. Turns out, Pearl
time, but I could sense she was a good had a Secret Stash, in case she wanted
human and I wasn’t scared at all. I put a liddle snack.
my paws up on the fence and she pat- “Mom teaches her stuff, sit an lie
ted me and friffled my ears. I’d never down an stay, by touch. It’s amazin’!
felt that comftubble before. It was sorta hard at first so Mom
nice humans find out an rescue ’em.” “Then a man with another dog watched that Helen Keller movie
I was speechless. Every dog knows came over with the Rescue Human about a zillion times an learned a
about ‘Put To Sleep.’ an asked where the blind an deaf dog lot about patience an per-suh-VEER-
Finn continued. “Pearl says, ‘I was was. It was Dad an Finn. Mom an Dad ence. An love. We have The Best fam-
a lucky dog, cuz humans from a South didn’t even REElize the pooch Mom ily EVER! Oh, an Pearl wants you to
Florida Great Dane Rescue saved us was pattin’ was ME. (Finn knew. He’s see this.”
just in time. They knew Mom an Dad amazin.’) So Dad an Finn and me took It was the pink heart-shaped ID tag
were Big Great Dane Fans so they a liddle Test Walk. An I had a FAMly. on her collar. It said, “I am deaf and
Don’t be shy! blind. I feel with my heart.”
Heading home, I was feeling a lotta
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
an interview, please email [email protected]. stuff with my heart, too.
-The Bonz
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 21, 2017 23
George Eliot, a 19th-century English novelist whose real name was Mary Ann Evans, WEST A J 10 6 EAST
wrote, “Life is measured by the rapidity of change, the succession of influences that KQJ 10 5 3 10 3
modify the being.” 5 4 72
K74 Q9862
In bridge, if you have to change suits, do it rapidly. In today’s deal, South is in five hearts. Q 10 9 5 3 2 SOUTH KJ86
West leads the spade king. South wins with his ace, draws trumps in two rounds (West A65
discarding a low club), and returns a spade. After East completes a high-low with his KQ9843
doubleton, what should West do? AJ
In the bidding, North’s jump to three hearts was pre-emptive. With game-invitational
values (or more), he would have cue-bid three clubs. East’s raise to four clubs was Dealer: South; Vulnerable: North-South
brave (especially given that he had no singleton or void), but the vulnerability was in his
favor. Then, when South bid game, West sacrificed in five clubs. Since South did not The Bidding:
have a short suit, probably he should have doubled. If South had obtained a diamond
ruff (which would have been a tough assignment), the contract would have gone down SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
three. 1 Hearts 2 Clubs 3 Hearts 4 Clubs
4 Hearts 5 Clubs Pass Pass LEAD:
At trick five, West was not sure what to do. If East had the club ace, leading that suit 5 Hearts Pass Pass Pass K Spades
would have likely resulted in down two. Here, though, it would have cost the contract.
Instead, West shifted to a diamond, which gave the defenders two spades and one
diamond. But if it turned out that South had the ace-queen of diamonds, when West got
in with his spade queen, he would have tried a club. Assuming East had the ace, this
defense would have cost only an undertrick.
If something else has occurred to you, tune in next week.
Call Today About Our 0%
Hurricane Deductible!
Serving all of Brevard County
24 Thursday, September 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Moan; fish (4) 2 Gets down (7)
4 Help (3) 3 Students (6)
6 Root vegetable (3) 4 Snakes (4)
8 River horse (12) 5 Affectionate (6)
10 Maintain (6) 6 Delicious (5)
12 Protein (catalyst) (6) 7 Hotch-potch (10)
13 Litigating (5) 9 Shades (10)
14 Blast (wind) (4) 11 Quilt (5)
15 Post (4) 12 Admission (5)
17 Condemn (5) 16 Drifting (7)
19 Notice; promo (6) 17 Reveries (6)
21 Beefeaters (6) 18 Flunkeys (3-3)
23 Product identifier (6,6) 20 Gusto (5)
24 View (3) 22 Hitch (4)
25 Slump (3)
The Telegraph 26 Hooter (4)
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 21, 2017 25
ACROSS in an omelet, renderings Superman into the The Washington Post
perhaps 8 Rich salad star of filmdom’s
1 “This looks like a 81 U.S. broadcast in 9 Sister of Teddy Superman? JUST A SUPER GUY, TOO By Merl Reagle
___ for Superman” Eur. 10 Philip who played 69 Fisherman, at Simulcast Wagering
82 Carnival characters times Doors Open @ 11:45
4 Andy’s young un, 83 It means “false” Master Kan on 71 Something wrong
casually 84 Hourly, in Rome Kung Fu 74 Arizona’s zone:
86 Raison ___ 11 Barbara’s Beaches abbr.
7 Floor for axels 88 Superman’s 26 costar 76 Take to court
10 “Rock-Hard ___ in Across can’t 12 List of events 77 Room guarded by
penetrate it 13 With 130 Across eunuchs
Just 8 Weeks!” 89 Idle, as a machine in mind, what 78 Group of whales
13 Ex-Clinton Cabinet 92 Halting word Superman might 80 ___ Lanka
94 The NeverEnding do as an encore? 83 Pocket protector
member Story author 14 Hellenic H item
17 Gold in them there 96 Assassin Princip 15 Small drink 85 “Do you have
was one 16 Snoopy’s WWI Prince Albert ___?”
cerros 97 Chills persona (old phone gag)
18 Pronto 98 A Yale song 20 907.18 kilograms 87 Oil or coal, e.g.
19 Flagstaff AZ contains a lot of 21 Janet, Jean, and 90 ___ generis
them Kelly (unique)
campus 100 Harbor scooper 24 Role(s) for Joanne 91 Poetic time of day
20 Jon Lovitz cartoon 104 Waif 25 Lavish affection 92 Pugilistic org.
106 No. 1 (on) 93 Half of a chocolate
series 108 Old Chinese weight 27 More land drink
22 Decline 110 Mauna ___ 31 House mbr. 95 Carson’s
23 What Superman’s 111 Tense 32 Superman’s first carcinogen
112 Going by Lois at urge every time he 96 Some promgoers
tailor might spend? the Daily Planet? comes to a door? 99 Beggar boy in a TV
26 Man of Steel 115 Peek, Superman- 33 Opposite of long. opera
style? 34 Pinkerton symbol 101 Where David met
ability? 119 Cat’s dog 35 Escher and Goliath
28 Run distance 122 Matchbox toys Hammer 102 Bust, as an
29 Slangy sailor 123 Broadcast 36 Mugful for attorney
30 Put into effect, 124 Giant standout Muggeridge 103 Like pre-electricity
125 Nev. neighbor 37 Impatient words lamps
as a law 126 Vostok launcher from Lois to 105 Formal insult fests
31 Fold twice 127 Vacation time, a colleague? 107 Summer ermine
35 Big leagues in Paris 39 Leonard, Myron, 109 Wildebeest
38 Homer’s home 128 Inalienable items: and William 112 Movie ratings
40 Sermon coda, abbr. 43 Sans date 113 All-purpose army
129 Leak sound 44 Mantilla wearers folks: abbr.
“Let ___” 130 Superman is lifting 46 Nancy Hanks’s kid 114 Big picture?
41 Siskel and Ebert one on the cover of 49 Arms assn. 115 Mustangs’ campus
Action Comics No. 50 Two hours before 116 Canon camera
sample 1 (1938) prime time type
42 Largemouth 51 “___ wise guy!” 117 Wynn et al.
45 Gem from Australia DOWN 52 Chamois’s perch 118 Text ending?
47 Rodin’s thinker? 1 Superman 54 U2 Incident figure 120 Nabokov work
48 Florida Stater 57 Hearing aid 121 It kicks the L out of
50 June 1998 marked co-creator Shuster company “glory”
(with Jerry Siegel) 59 Do nothing
Superman’s ___ 2 Royal symbol 60 British composer
birthday 3 Hope and Hoskins Thomas
53 Major port of 4 Roughly even 61 Rocky eminence
Mozambique 5 Actor who seems 62 Hilltop
55 Strand perfect to play 65 Something
56 Actress Cates Superman? Superman doesn’t
58 Friend of Fran 6 Pitcher do, since they just
61 Show woe 7 Illustrator’s bounce off?
63 Krypton’s is 36: 67 How to make the
abbr. star of TV’s
64 River and WWI
65 Military region
66 Hud director Martin
68 Mainz man
70 Offed, in the Bible
72 Main Mongol
73 “Ain’t That” this
75 He had morals
79 Number of huevos
The Telegraph EXIT 183 OFF I-95 MELBOURNE
321-259-9800 • MGPARK.COM
26 Thursday, September 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Should she tell hubby to take a hike (with other woman)?
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST Should trust be absolute? Or can logic come to bear Nothing untoward has ever happened. But I’d nev-
— in this case, on his assertion that “there’s nothing er take a social-only trip or meal alone with another
Dear Carolyn: My husband and there between them”? They don’t know that yet be- woman. And my wife wouldn’t with another man.
I are apparently at very different cause they don’t know each other yet. Not in person. Hiker hubby is not being cool.
points as to the shape opposite- And you haven’t seen them together yourself, obvi-
gender friendships take. He is an – Liberal Married Guy
avid, hardcore hiker. He met a ously, which is the
woman (also married) on a hiking way people figure Re: Drawing lines: My husband has a female best
forum and wants to take a week- out whether they friend. She is also a dear friend of mine and he and I
long hiking trip with her to an ex- feel comfortable talk about everything, and I trust them implicitly. He
tremely isolated location. or threatened. also has other female friends I have no problem with
He’s flying blind, him spending time alone with. I’d STILL be upset if
He says that since there’s nothing and pushing you he said he wanted to spend a week alone in a remote
there between them, it’s fine to take a trip like this. I to board. No fair. location with a woman I’d never met and probably
feel uncomfortable and think it’s weird to take an ex- never would.
tended, super-isolated trip with an opposite-gender Re: Hiker: Hiker
friend. I’ve never met this woman and probably never wife should ex- – Anonymous
will, as she lives across the country. So this isn’t a pal press interest in
whom I know and who knows me. Thoughts? going along. His Re: Hiking: I truly would not mind if my husband
reaction would wanted to do that. 1) I trust him, and 2) if he wanted
– Drawing Lines tell a lot. As a lib- to [cheat], then he’d find a way.
eral guy married
Drawing Lines: Make sure it’s not the Appalachian 30 years, – Would Not Mind
Trail. What would bother me most is that my husband
put me in this position to begin with. Maybe it’s all I’d never ask Re: Hiking: It should be with someone he knows he
the most innocent progression ever, from the moment anything even re- can depend on and has his back. What if he realizes
they laid pixels on each other. motely similar of she’s a flake an hour after meeting her?
my wife for the
But he’s asking for such an outsize degree of trust reasons expressed – Backup Plan
that in a way you can’t win. You say no and you’re pos- here. I have traveled internationally with (married
sessive, jealous and distrustful. You say yes and you’re and unmarried) women other than my wife for work. Backup Plan: Different but excellent point,
a rube. I take business-related meals (lunches and dinners, thanks.
with alcohol in moderation) with women without my
If I presented it to him that way and he didn’t see my wife.
point, then I’d start thinking hard about what we owe
each other in the form of comfort vs. trust.
28 Thursday, September 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER countable care organizations); SGRs of dollars, by finding diseases earlier Cassie Jones, DO., ARNP Tamsin Blanchard, and
[email protected] (sustainable growth rates); FFSs (fee- rather than later. Dr. Miciara Hernandez. PHOTO BY: DENISE RITCHIE
for-service models); and, as of January
Primary care physicians – or PCPs – 1, 2017, MACRA (the Medicare Access President Barack Obama’s Affordable will the specialists.
are, simply put, the keystone that holds and CHIP Reauthorization Act). Care Act mandated the switch from And the rest of that alphabet soup?
the ever-widening arch of modern paper to electronic medical records,
healthcare together. Regarding one of the most impor- or EMRs. That single move has prob- The Medicare Access and CHIP Reau-
tant acronyms in the evolving medical ably saved more lives than anyone ever thorization Act or MACRA went into ef-
Primary care doctors are charged landscape, Dr. Hernandez says, “For us, imagined at the time. fect just this year. It transitioned away
with the delivery of preventive care, it’s not a huge a change. Dr. Jones and from the old fee-for-service (FFS) ap-
as well as lowering “rates of mortality, myself and Tamsin are very pro-pre- You don’t have to look any further proach with the aim of incentivizing
emergency room visits and hospital ad- ventive medicine [and] we try to get our than your own backyard to see why. healthcare providers to deliver lower-
missions,” while also reducing overall patients here every year to have their cost care.
healthcare costs, according to Modern [Medicare-mandated] annual well- As early as 2004, Dr. Dennis Saver
Healthcare’s website. ness visits, so that’s not going be a huge of Primary Care of the Treasure Coast Dr. Miciara Hernandez, Dr. Cassi
change for us. We have been doing this noted that through electronic medi- Jones and nurse practitioner Tamsin
That’s a tall order for anyone, but Dr. since we started.” cal records, a simple keystroke could Blanchard are currently accepting new
Cassi Jones and Dr. Miciara Hernan- “show me all my patients who have dia- patients. Their office is at 13840 U.S. 1
dez, along with family nurse practitio- Jones concurs, explaining, “In our betes who are taking a certain medica- in Sebastian. The phone number is 772-
ner Tamsin Blanchard, are taking on training we were already seeing this tion.” Saver then added, “That’s basi- 581-0334.
the challenge at their practice across and were already focusing on Medicare cally impossible with paper charts.”
the street from the Sebastian River annual wellness visits to make sure our
Medical Center. patients] get all their preventative mea- Today the capabilities of EMRs have
sures. We were trained that way.” grown exponentially.
Today, their field is absolutely jam-
packed with acronyms most people Maybe no one looks forward to the Physicians like Hernandez and Jones
wouldn’t recognize if their lives de- list Hernandez then rattles off, includ- can now, almost instantly, spot po-
pended on it. And, as it happens, in ing colonoscopies, mammograms, PAP tentially dangerous drug interactions.
many cases their lives might well de- smears, rectal exams and prostate can- When one specialists prescribes drug A
pend on it. cer screenings included in those AWVs, for one of their patients while another
but the cold hard facts are that those already has that same patient taking
That alphabet soup includes AWVs tests do save lives, as well as billions drug B and taking both A and B togeth-
(annual wellness visits); EMRs (elec- er poses a problem, these primary care
tronic medical records); ACOs (ac- doctors know it immediately. And so
At Collins & Montz, DMD, we will focus on improving every aspect of
your smile for optimal appearance, function, and comfort through
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 21, 2017 29
What it takes for your kids to have healthy bones
STORY BY CASEY SEIDENBERG THE WASHINGTON POST greens such provide calcium and zinc. Homemade and other nutrients. Inflammation can
as spinach bone broth, which my daughter drank strip minerals such as calcium from the
For the first time in his 14 years, my and kale are from her baby bottle, is a flawless bone- bones, weakening them.
oldest son brought home the bacon good op- building food. Beans such as chickpeas,
with two paid summer jobs. Boy, did he tions, as well navy beans and edamame are a great Weight-bearing exercise such as run-
relish the reward of the paycheck. He as broccoli, source of calcium. Blackstrap molas- ning, hiking and lifting weights sup-
has always spent whatever money he artichokes ses, delicious in oatmeal, makes a bone- port bone growth and strength, so
acquired through birthdays or allow- and other healthy breakfast. Salmon, sardines keep those kids on the move. Children
ance on the newest baseball glove, the green veg- and other oily fish are good foods for shouldn’t require a calcium supple-
hottest pair of basketball shoes or, dare etables. Nuts bones because they help reduce inflam- ment, as bone health is a balance of
I say it, candy. But this summer, he said and seeds mation while also providing vitamin D minerals and vitamins, not just large
there was something about devoting amounts of calcium.
long days to work that made him want
to save his pennies.
At the same time, he hit a growth
spurt, and comparable to how the
paycheck changed his perspective on
money, his rapid growth altered his
perspective on health. He is much more
interested in what will keep him on this
upward trajectory. He used to eat with-
out thinking, but now he is making the
food-health connection when he choos-
es what to eat.
While experiencing some pretty in-
tense growing pains, he asked about his
bones. I explained that although bones
appear to be hard and static, they are
made of living tissue that is constantly
changing. Little pieces of older bone are
continually being replaced by newer,
healthier bone. His bones are kind of like
that bank account he has been building
with paycheck deposits; throughout
his childhood and adolescence, he will
deposit healthy tissue into his bones.
Skeletal development peaks in the 20s,
so ideally he should make as many nu-
tritional deposits as he can now to build
a strong skeleton for adulthood.
Bones are made of the minerals cal-
cium, magnesium, zinc, copper, man-
ganese and potassium, as well as vita-
mins D and K. Calcium is your body’s
most abundant mineral, with 99 per-
cent found in your bones and teeth, and
the all-important vitamin D helps your
bones and teeth absorb it. In fact, stud-
ies show that only 10 percent to 15 per-
cent of the calcium in food is absorbed
without vitamin D. Zinc regulates a hor-
mone that supports bone growth, and
vitamin K activates proteins that deposit
calcium into your bones and teeth while
keeping it out of places it doesn’t belong.
Although the milk mustache has led
many of us to believe that milk is the
magic bullet of bone health, there are
better ways to build bones. Cow’s milk
is a good source of calcium and is often
fortified with vitamin D, yet milk has
downsides for some people. A large por-
tion of the world is lactose intolerant,
which can cause digestive distress, and
others who consume milk experience
consequences such as acne.
Instead of dairy, try alternative sourc-
es of bone-building nutrients. Leafy
30 Thursday, September 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
On serve: Restaurants feed storm-weary beachsiders
REVIEW BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER Top: Charlie Zubi, owner of Melbourne Beach Supermarket, stayed open as long as he could before Hurricane Irma Gregg Gargan
[email protected] hit. Bottom: Ocean 302 sustained roof damage after Irma and now has blue tarps. making pizza
PHOTOS BY JULIAN LEEK at Puzino’s Pizza.
In lieu of the dining review we usu-
ally publish in this spot, I wanted to couldbeworse and #BePositive. always a happy place to visit, to shop PHOTO BY BENJAMIN THACKER
try to tell the story of several beachside If you’ve ever been to the Melbourne and to dine. The Jungle Organic Res-
eateries and grocers who pushed the taurant and Market lost power during cranked-up their pizza-making opera-
limits of Hurricane Irma to stay open Beach Supermarket (and you’re not Irma and with a restoration date un- tion to feed the island, including the
as long as possible, and to open back a vegan), you’ve likely drooled over known, instead of cleaning out their good folks on duty at nearby Patrick Air
up as soon as they could. Zubi’s gourmet meat case. Those are freezers and coolers, or sealing them Force Base. Puzino’s Pizza opened last
some serious steaks. Plus, I had to up and hoping for the best, The Jun- Tuesday for lunch, less than 48 hours
These men and women literally laugh at the offer because I’ve heard gle made the bold decision to give the after Satellite Beach got clipped by the
serve our community day in and day that Zubi opened the market in 1999 perishables away to whoever showed northeast side of Irma as she barreled
out. They work weekends and late after moving from Chicago. My whole up to get them. They posted on face- across the state, entering at Marco Is-
nights, they work holidays serving maternal family is from Southside book, “Free food at the Jungle. Steaks, land, slamming Orlando dead-on and
us dinners and brunch buffets while Chicago and I’ve heard stories about bacon, burgers, chicken and more. We then inundating St. Augustine and
their families wonder when they’re how not only needed services, but also lost power . . . We don’t want it to go to Jacksonville with flood waters before
coming home. So it’s no surprise that votes were bought back in the day with waste,” with a note for people to please blowing through Georgia and points
our barrier island restaurateurs and a sedan trunk full of tasty steaks driv- share the post with friends. north.
food retailers would be some of the
last people to lock up their shops, and ing around the neighborhood. After the storm, residents began Puzino posted on Facebook to let
some of the first people to open their Ocean 302 finally opened emerging from their plywood and alu- customers know he was open, noting
doors after the storm. minum cocoons, or returning from his phone and credit card machine
at 4 p.m. Saturday for dinner, hotel rooms and friends’ couches to were still down, but that they were
While Melbourne Beach residents and Zubi posted on Facebook – find almost no power and non-exis- “Still slingin’ dough!”
were boarding up, loading up and ei- which became local business- tent or rationed water throughout the
ther bugging out or getting ready to es’ main contact with custom- South Beaches. People couldn’t cook I tell people about Puzino’s all the
shelter in place, Charlie Zubi, owner ers as phone service was out all conventionally, and they were tired time when they ask where to get pizza
of the Melbourne Beach Supermarket, over the island and cellphone and hungry from traveling, from clear- on the island and they respond, “You
was sending hot pizzas out to feed the service was dismal – “Irma ing storm debris and from cleaning up mean that place in the gas station?”
hungry masses. may have caused some dam- Irma’s mess.
age to our roof, but she did not First of all, Puzino’s is absolutely
Even when curfews and conditions kill our spirit. Melbourne Beach Somehow, Puzino’s Pizza on the not in the gas station. The store is a
forced him to finally close, he put out is a strong-knit community that corner of Jackson Avenue and South separate storefront and their pizza
the word to locals that he was going to always perseveres.” Patrick Drive never lost power, accord- and wings and subs and salads are
weather the storm inside his store, so Just up A1A in Indialantic that spirit ing to owner Richie Puzino, so they the best. Puzino’s is my family’s go-to
if they needed anything, they should of community was thriving in what is pizza place as we live within walking
just knock hard and he would open up distance. We love it, and the guys are
and oblige. always friendly and upbeat and fast.
They can seriously turn out some vol-
Zubi is known to be perennially ume and they always look like they’re
armed with a smile and a joke, and he having a great time doing it.
kept his good humor intact despite the
trying circumstances. His other enter- These are just a few examples of lo-
prise, Ocean 302 restaurant next door, cal, small businesses who got it right
sustained major roof damage thanks before, during and after Hurricane
to Irma. And his power was out at both Irma. There were dozens more out
places all week. On Thursday evening, there doing the same and we wish we
Zubi was not above dangling some- could recognize each one. We applaud
thing much juicier than a carrot in all the beachside restaurants who left
front of power crews. He changed the whatever they found at home post-Ir-
supermarket marquee to read “FPL: ma to come to work, clean up the mess
Steaks for Power” and posted on face- and open their doors to feed the mass-
book at 7 p.m. Thursday, “At this point es of hungry, sweaty, haggard people
. . . laughter is the best medicine,” with of the barrier island.
the hashtags #it-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 21, 2017 31
32 Thursday, September 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
ONGOING and fiery music, will kick off the Melbourne located at 540 E Fee Ave. For men who have Free. Call 321.751.6771 or go to www.OneSe-
Municipal Band’s (MMB) 53rd concert season been diagnosed, or treated for prostate cancer.
Melbourne Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 on September 20 and 21 at 7:30 p.m. at the Guest speakers including urologists and ra-
a.m. Tuesdays at Ocean Side Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. Melbourne Auditorium, 625 E. Hibiscus Blvd. diation oncologists, information on treatment OCTOBER
#6, Melbourne Beach. There is no charge and tickets are not required. options for treatment and dealing with side ef-
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. fects after treatment. Call 321-432-5573. 7 Seventh annual Sprint for Sight 5K run/
walk fundraiser for the Brevard Association
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 22 Swingtime launches its 2017-18 27 League of Women Voters of the for the Advancement of the Blind (BAAB), 7:30
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park dance season with a Fall Kick-off Space Coast luncheon and panel dis- a.m. at Gleason Park, Indian Harbour Beach.
Dance at 7 p.m. at the Melbourne Auditorium, cussion “Current Perspectives on Health Care Register at
Saturdays on the Sand with Melissa Faith 625 Hibiscus Blvd. Dance tickets are $7 in ad- Access and Delivery in Brevard County and
Yoga, 7 a.m. Saturdays at the Indialantic Board- vance at various outlets, or $10 at the door or Beyond”from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Sun- 7 Will Run for Chocolate, Won’t Stand for Vio-
walk across from Starbucks. Free admission, online. Dance lessons are available from Laura tree Country Club, 1 Country Club Drive. Cost is lence 5K, 7:30 a.m. at Field of Dreams Park,
mats and blankets provided. Bring water and Beers from 6 to 7 p.m. for $5 per person. Call $22-$25 for non-members. RSVP by Sept. 20 at Melbourne to benefit Zonta Club of Melbourne,
other essentials. 321-339-7705 or visit www.melbournemunici- or call Doreen Archer raising awareness of violence against women and for ticket outlet locations. at 321-622-4071. girls worldwide.
Tai Chi and Qigong, 9:30 a.m. Saturdays at
Gleason Park, north side of lake. Donation of 23 Space Coast Race to end Alzheimer’s 30 Long Doggers Kids’ Marathon and 7 The Rotary Club of Melbourne Beach an-
$5-$10. at Riverfront Park in Cocoa Village. Half Marathon, 7:30 a.m. from David nounces Golf-tober-at Aquarina Beach &
Registration 8 a.m. for 9:30 a.m. walk. Volun- R. Schechter Center, Satellite Beach to benefit Country Club located at 7500 S Hwy A1A, Mel-
SEPTEMBER teers needed. Satellite High School AFJROTC. Runningzone. bourne Beach, FL 32951 to benefit Nana’s House
com home for neglected, abused, needy, or aban-
21 Rosh Hashana Shofar Experience, 5 23 & 24 Regular Joe Surf Festival at north doned children Cost is $85 per player or $325
p.m. hosted by Jewish Brevard, 1190 jetty, ‘a contest for the rest of us’ to 30 Living Docks Project, 9 a.m. to noon per foursome for golf, cart and awards luncheon.
A1A, Satellite Beach. benefit Surfrider Foundation Sebastian Inlet at Ryckman Park in Melbourne Beach Registration deadline Sept. 25. Sponsorships
Chapter. by the Indian River Lagoon Research Institute available. Sign-up sheets are available at Aqua-
21 Women Empowerment New Moon and Florida Tech. Volunteers needed to show rina G.C. clubhouse, Melbourne Beach Market,
Magic, 7 p.m. Seagull Park, Satellite 23 Beee Rock the Porch Jam — 1:00 to up, get wet and attach oyster wraps and bags to or by contacting Adam Wilke (321) 412-9940.
Beach. 2:50 p.m. second and fourth Satur- docks, and also to assist on land. https://give.
days at Melbourne Beach Old Town Hall History 14 Rocky Water Brewfest, 1 to 5 p.m. at
21 Celebrity Chef Diabetes Academy wel- Center, 2373 Oak Street (by A1A). Free. www. Eau Gallie Square presented by Eau Gal-
comes Doreen Colondres, 10:00 to noon 30 For the Girls 5K, 5 p.m. at Wickham lie Rotary Club, with unlimited samples of craft
at the Holiday Inn, N. Wickham Rd. Melbourne. Park to benefit For the Girls Founda- beers from some of Florida’s best breweries.
Celebrity Chef and creator of “The Kitchen Doesn’t 23 Wine Tasting, Art Show and Grand tion, providing Doctor of Women’s Health PT & Adults only; no pets.
Bite” brand and Novo Nordisk diabetes educators Opening, 4:30 to 7 p.m. Yoga Art OT treatments and compression garments to
for a healthy cooking demonstration and educa- Lounge 1301 South Patrick Dr. Suite 60, Satellite patients in need. 14 Suntree United Methodist Church at
tional workshop. Refreshments and samples will Beach. Free to the public. Art will be for sale and 7400 N. Wickham Road, 32940 pres-
be served. Free and open to the public. donations the local dog rescue, local Venture 30One Senior Place presents “Every Day is ents Buster Keaton’s The Cameraman, the lat-
Crew 993 and musicians will be appreciated. Veterans Day” patriotic concert featur- est in their series of Suntree Silent Cinema clas-
21|22 “Playing with Fire,” a pro- ing the Space Coast Symphony Winds and Cho- sics. Church organist, Tom Taylor will screen
gram of hot, dangerous 25 US MEN Prostate Cancer Support rus, 2 p.m. at the Scott Center for the Perform- the action-adventure-comedy from 1928, while
Group, 6 p.m. at Melbourne Library ing Arts, 5625 Holy Trinity Drive, Melbourne, providing historically accurate organ accompani-
ment. A 5:30 PM ice cream social in the church
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN dining room will start the evening, Doors open at
in September 14, 2017 Edition 1 HYPER 1 HOMAGE 6 p.m. and an audience sing-along will precede
4 POTTER 2 PLUTONIUM the 6:30 p.m. screening of the comedy classic.
9 MOUSE 3 REEFER Call 321-242-2585 for tickets.
11 GOODEGG 6 TOE 14 Witch Way 5K Run/Walk, 5:30 p.m. at
12 RIDGE 7 RUNNER Nance Park, Indialantic to benefit In-
14 EWE 8 STAGEFRIGHT dialantic Beautification Programs and Brevard
15 SIT 13 DIXIELAND County Sheriff’s Office Charity.
18 JAR 18 JOBLOT 21 Sprint for Shade 5K and 1-Miler, 7:30 a.m.
21 MAMBO 19 SQUAWK from David R. Schechter Community Cen-
22 INQUEST 20 STRESS ter, Satellite Beach to benefit Surfside Elementary
23 SQUELCH 24 URN Parent-Teacher Organization.
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CERTIFIED Windows & Doors Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting the
Siding & Soffit South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951, Indialantic,
“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach. Contact Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 [email protected].
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Lovely Indialantic house
offered for bargain price
300 Bahama Drive in Indialantic: 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 1,641-square-foot house a block from the
beach offered for $275,000 by Coldwell Banker Paradise Realtor Audra Farley: 321-663-3534
34 Thursday, September 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Lovely Indialantic house offered for bargain price
STORY BY BRENDA EGGERT BRADER CORRESPONDENT a small foyer faces into a long living ond living space, office or children’s insula that welcomes a few bar stools.
room. Double doors open from the playroom. The appliances are stainless steel.
This charming Indialantic home, living room into a very large dining Adjacent to the kitchen is a generous
located a short walking distance to the room that also could be used as a sec- The U-shaped kitchen with plenty space that accommodates not only a
beach, has generous room sizes and of counter space, features a long pen- dining table, but still has abundant
great over-sized bedrooms. Located space for family activities. Sliding
at 300 Bahama Drive, the 1,641 square glass doors in the family room offer
feet of space rebuilt in 1981 is in the an exit to the private covered patio in
Indialantic Heights subdivision. the fenced backyard on the northside
of the home.
The Spanish-themed south-facing
stucco over concrete block home The yard is large enough to pro-
with tile roof, has three bedrooms, vide room to park a boat or recre-
two bathrooms and three living ational vehicle, brought in through a
spaces surrounding a U-shaped large gate that already exists in the
kitchen. fencing.
“No beachside homes in Indialan- The very bright and cheery interior
tic that are one block from the beach features windows that allow plenty of
cost under $300,000,” said Audra Far- light within the structure making it a
ley, Coldwell Banker Paradise Realtor welcoming Florida home.
and certified relocation specialist,
noting the exception of the home she The three large bedrooms, off a
has listed for $275,000. common hallway, can accommo-
date king-size beds. One bedroom
Entrance to the Spanish-style comfortably houses two twin beds
home is from a porch with roof sup- with room for dressers and side ta-
ported by three arches that add bles while another has room for a
character to the home. Once inside,
TOP 1% OF BREVARD “Todd is highly motivated, very ambitious and is
COUNTY AGENTS cohnisstacnlitelyntgsowinigthththeeeirxbtreasmt iinlete.r.e.asltwinaymsisnedr!v”ing
TODD OSTRANDER Todd moved here from Minnesota and has been serving the citizens of
Brevard County for 20 years with high energy, hard work and his unique way
“HALL OF FAME” PRODUCER with people. His vast knowledge of the many neighborhoods and communi-
ties in the area, interest in real estate and willingness to go above and beyond
321-749-8405 for his clients is a winning combination for either buyers or sellers!
He specializes in marketing unique properties and water properties by using
[email protected] a professional photographer to capture the most beautiful pictures that at-
WWW.DOORTOTHEEASTSHORE.COM tract buyers from all around the world. He also has the experience and knowl-
edge to help ANY seller that wants an agent that is hardworking, trustworthy
and goes the extra mile to handle each of his clients on a “one on one” basis.
Overall he has single handedly closed over 300 transactions which equals
well over 125 Million Dollars of Real Estate since starting in 2007/2008. This
stature has made him one of the preferred agents in the area and landed him
in the “Top 1% of Brevard County agents!” but the most important thing is
that all his clients are happy!
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 21, 2017 35
king-size bed and space for all the VITAL STATISTICS easy-to-maintain laminate and ce-
bedroom amenities. All closets are 300 BAHAMA DRIVE, INDIALANTIC ramic tile.
spacious, offering plenty of room for
clothing and storage. Subdivision: Indialantic Heights A two-car garage offers protection
Architecture: Stucco over concrete block from the salt air for the owners’ ve-
The master bedroom has a master Lot size: .17 acres • Home size: 1,641 square feet hicles. The laundry facilities are just
bathroom featuring a big tiled and off the bedroom hallway through the
glass shower on one side, flanked by Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 2 door to the garage and can easily be
sinks in the center and a walk-in clos- Additional features: Two-car garage facing Shannon Street, front en- walled to be separated from the ga-
et with separate linen closet on the trance off-street parking pad, covered patio, parking for boat or recre- rage. The home features a tankless
opposite side. hot water heater and the air con-
ational vehicle behind fence with gate; laminate and tile flooring ditioning is only two years old. An
Flooring in the home consists of Listing agency: Coldwell Banker Paradise
Listing agent: Audra Farley, 321-663-3534
Listing price: $275,000
36 Thursday, September 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
off-street parking pad with room for small town feel and we are very itself with younger families moving time buyer with children,” she said.
two vehicles is surrounded by yard close. There is low crime, low traffic in. It is such a great area with a fam- To view the home, contact Realtor
in front of the home adding conve- and the residents know each other. ily focus.
nience for visitors without having to The neighborhood is regenerating Audra Farley at 321-663-3534 or au-
park in the street. “This is a perfect home for a first- [email protected].
“Shopping is close with restau-
rants, food, hardware and banking
all within close proximity to the
home,” Farley said, knowing the
neighbors and the subdivision well
as she also lives down the street.
“The home is within walking dis-
tance to the elementary and mid-
dle schools a quarter mile from the
“I moved here a year ago with my
husband and daughter,” Farley said.
“It is a great small-town community
where people walk to the beach or
walk their dogs. You see people out
walking all the time. It has a very
Lawsuit: Wells Fargo abused interest-rate lock procedure
STORY BY KENNETH R. HARNEY WASHINGTON POST guarantee expires and the borrower the country – Wells charged him a fee gressional committees by a former
must request an extension. of $287.50. This was despite assuranc- Wells Fargo employee estimated that
Wells Fargo, the controversy-bat- es to Muniz by a bank employee that the company’s practices have led
tered big bank, has a new problem – In Wells Fargo’s case, according to he would not be charged anything. to overcharges amounting to “mil-
this one directly affecting mortgage the suit, the company assured clients lions of dollars” in the Los Angeles
applicants. Last week, a first-time that they would not have to pay for Although Muniz’s extension fee was area alone. The suit quotes a former
home buyer filed a class-action suit lock extensions if a delay causing an relatively modest, consumer agencies Wells Fargo branch officer as having
against the company, alleging wide- expiration was the bank’s fault. If the around the country have received told ProPublica, the nonprofit inves-
spread abuse of a procedure well delay was attributable to the borrow- complaints about Wells Fargo’s rate- tigative news group, that the bank’s
known to most mortgage borrowers: approach to rate-lock expirations
interest-rate locks. er, the borrower would have to pay an lock extension practices, with some amounted to “just stealing from peo-
extension fee, which could be signifi- fees exceeding $1,000 and ranging as ple.”
The suit alleges that Wells Fargo cant if the loan amount was large. high as $4,500. “We ended up paying
engaged in “a systematic effort” to a rate lock extension of $4,500 purely Muniz’s suit claims the rate-lock
charge unwarranted rate-lock exten- The plaintiff in the new class ac- because our rate was great and the policy was overseen by regional and
sion fees – sometimes costing thou- tion, Victor Muniz, says he decided cost of not getting that rate was far area managers, who routinely turned
sands of dollars each – to borrowers to buy a home in Sandy Valley, Nev., worse,” the suit quotes a complain- down local branch requests to ex-
who should not have been required to near his parents, and turned to Wells ant to one consumer agency. Another empt from the extra fees clients who
pay them. Fargo for his mortgage. Wells offered borrower complained about being had not caused delays. One former
a rate lock on the loan commitment, charged $500 extra even though “I did bank official quoted in the suit said
The Consumer Financial Protec- but when the closing was delayed – not cause any delay.” that “99 percent of the time, our re-
tion Bureau is investigating the same not by Muniz, according to the suit, quests [were] denied” at the regional
practices, according to Wells Fargo’s but by an appraiser who was out of A whistleblower letter sent to con- level. If a borrower refused to pay the
most recent quarterly filing with the fee, “we just canceled the loan,” the
Securities and Exchange Commis- former employee said.
sion. The CFPB generally does not
confirm or discuss ongoing investi- Filed in U.S. District Court in San
gations and declined to do so for this Francisco, Muniz’s suit claims viola-
column. tions of, among other statutes, the
Real Estate Settlement Procedures
A Wells Fargo spokesman, Tom Act, which prohibits receipt of un-
Goyda, said the company could not earned fees in mortgage transactions.
comment on the suit, but he added The proposed class of victims could
that “we are reviewing the complaint involve thousands of borrowers.
in detail” and that “our current pro-
cesses are designed to ensure that our The takeaway here: Whatever the
rate-lock extension-fee policy is in- ultimate judgment by the courts in
terpreted and applied consistently.” Muniz’s litigation, when you are ob-
taining a rate lock on a mortgage, fo-
Rate locks guarantee interest rates cus on the details. Ask whether the
quoted to borrowers for specific pe- lender has specific policies on fees
riods, typically ranging from 30 to 90 for rate-lock extensions. If you are
days, although some can be as short required to pay money for all exten-
as 15 days or as long as 120. During sions – even when the lender screws
the covered period, the lender cannot up the process – is that fair to you as a
raise the rate, even if market inter- consumer?
est rates have spiked. When a loan is
not closed within the lock period, the
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 21, 2017 37
Homeowner desire for outdoor amenities grows
STORY BY JON COILE WASHINGTON POST erything from jets, slides and water- ing room, such as bedrooms, bath- – even hammocks or swings – can
falls to a hot tub in the middle of the rooms and, of course, outside. Local bring the cozy environment of a liv-
Home is no longer just about per- pool and even the occasional moat. In agents are seeing everything from the ing room fire to the great outdoors
sonal retreat and comfort – more and addition to the pool itself, buyers are simple fire pit to custom fire features right in your own back yard.
more, we are seeing people place a also seeking beautiful terraces and built into the deck or landscape.
high value on how well it can serve lounges overlooking the pool area to If you’re looking to up your home’s
and entertain family and friends. Ac- help create the feel of a relaxing oasis To make the most of your outdoor outdoor appeal, consider incorporat-
cording to many real estate agents, fireplace, big or small, gas or wood- ing some of these features. Whether
outdoor living and entertainment at home. Keep in mind, though, that burning, you’ll want to make sure you’re preparing to sell or want to
spaces are gaining momentum as the pools are a very personal preference that you have plenty of seating op- enjoy your home’s outdoor space
next big trend and must-have ame- and best designed for your own en- tions for your friends and family to with your friends and family, outdoor
nity for homes. joyment, not for resale. gather around – or for buyers to imag- amenities could be worth the invest-
ine their own guests doing so. A com- ment as we continue to see interest in
If you’re looking to add value to Open access: An exciting newer bination of couches, chairs, benches them grow.
your property before selling during trend agents are seeing is the creation
the fall home-buying season, or you of a nearly seamless transition be-
simply want to create a space for you tween indoor and outdoor spaces. At
and friends and family to enjoy, con- the higher end of the market, home-
sider these features: owners are installing collapsible win-
dow walls that allow your outdoor liv-
Outdoor kitchen: Outdoor dining ing areas to become a true extension
used to be pretty simple – a dining set of your indoor space, while French and
and a grill was all you needed. Now, sliding glass doors accomplish this feel
agents say that as cooking and food at more affordable price points.
preparation have become as much a
part of entertaining as the meal itself, These features can make your in-
more and more buyers are seeking ad- door spaces more attractive and ac-
ditional amenities, such as an outdoor cessible by bringing the benefits of the
refrigerator, sink and counter space. outdoors in, while still retaining all
the comforts of indoor amenities and
In luxury markets, we’re seeing protecting them from the elements.
full-on outdoor kitchens complete
with bar areas, islands, ovens, stoves Recreation & entertainment: Like
and extra storage space. These fea- pools, recreation amenities such as
tures allow a homeowner and host to basketball and tennis courts remain
be present with their guests outside perennial favorites for outdoor fea-
even as they prepare the meal. The tures. We’ve also seen sand volleyball
days of the home cook tucked away courts and putting greens. To health-
from the party in the kitchen are over, conscious homeowners and families
and now that trend extends outside as with active children, these types of
well. features are especially appealing, al-
lowing them to get in a game without
Pool & spa: It’s no secret that wa- having to go to the gym.
terfront properties are high value. For
those without access to a waterfront Of course, these features are also
setting, a swimming pool remains great for entertaining. For those look-
one of the most popular outdoor liv- ing for a more relaxed gathering, we’re
ing features, bringing a waterfront also seeing increased interest in out-
feel right to your own back yard. door home theater amenities, including
While many homes in Florida already speaker systems and screening areas,
have pools, agents are seeing a shift in complete for backyard movie nights.
the way pools and the spaces around
them are designed. Outdoor fireplaces: Fireplaces
have long topped homebuyers’ wish
To set their home apart, owners lists, but the up-and-coming trend is
are getting creative with shapes and toward incorporating fireplaces into
unique pool designs – we’ve seen ev- spaces other than the traditional liv-
38 Thursday, September 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Sept 1 to Sept. 14
The first two weeks of September saw very few real estate closings in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937,
with none taking place during the past week of recovery from Hurricane Irma. Indialantic led the way with 5
sales, followed by Satellite Beach with 3, Indian Harbour Beach with 2, and Melbourne Beach reporting none.
Our featured sale of the week was of a home in the gated community of the Cloisters in Indialantic. The
residence at 356 Southampton Drive was placed on the market July 14 for $589,900, and the sale closed
Sept. 1 for $575,000.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Catherine Schubert of BHHS Florida Realty and the
purchaser was represented by Leslie Bryan, also of BHHS Florida Realty.
$589,900 $575,000
THE CLOISTERS P3D 356 SOUTHAMPTON DR 7/14/2017 $399,900 $589,900 9/1/2017 $500,000
TOPAZ OCEANFRONT CON 735 N HIGHWAY A1A 404 7/31/2017 $460,000 $499,900 9/1/2017 $454,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 815 S SHANNON AVE 7/15/2017 $340,000 $460,000 9/1/2017 $328,000
RIVIERA 1ST ADDN 365 E RIVIERA BLVD 7/1/2017 $114,900 $336,000 9/1/2017 $105,000
BEACH CLUB CONDO 650 ISLAND CLUB CT 147 5/22/2017 $108,900 9/8/2017
SALES FOR 32937 $405,000
SLEEPY LAGOON 413 RED SAIL WAY 7/10/2017 $495,000 $495,000 9/5/2017 $245,000
INWOOD ISLES SUBD 506 INWOOD LN 7/10/2017 $424,900 $424,900 9/1/2017 $219,000
GOLDEN BEACH ESTATES 961 GOLDEN BEACH BLVD 6/20/2017 $325,000 $314,900 9/1/2017
S PATRICK SHORES 4S 209 SE 2ND ST 6/5/2017 $245,000 $248,900 9/1/2017
SKYLINE SUBD 114 SKYLINE BOULEVARD 7/7/2017 $229,000 $229,000 9/8/2017
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 21, 2017 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Indialantic by Sea, Address: 815 S Shannon Ave Subdivision: Riviera 1st Addn, Address: 365 E Riviera Blvd
Listing Date: 7/15/2017 Listing Date: 7/1/2017
Original Price: $460,000 Original Price: $340,000
Recent Price: $460,000 Recent Price: $336,000
Sold: 9/1/2017 Sold: 9/1/2017
Selling Price: $454,000 Selling Price: $328,000
Listing Agent: Anthony Scaramouche Listing Agent: Jeffrey DiMuria
Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise Selling Agent: Waves Realty
Scott Schuetz Heather Hatchett-Boesch
Hoven Real Estate Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc
Subdivision: Topaz Oceanfront Con, Address: 735 N Highway A1A 404 Subdivision: Golden Beach Estates, Address: 961 Golden Beach Blvd
Listing Date: 7/31/2017 Listing Date: 6/20/2017
Original Price: $399,900 Original Price: $325,000
Recent Price: $499,900 Recent Price: $314,900
Sold: 9/1/2017 Sold: 9/1/2017
Selling Price: $500,000 Selling Price: $300,000
Listing Agent: Rick Caplin Listing Agent: Steven M Munich
& Steven F Munich
Selling Agent: We Say Sold Inc Selling Agent:
Sheridan Shores Realty LLC
Donna Ellis
Nancy Tupper
National Realty of Brevard
Cameruci Realty, Inc.
Subdivision: Inwood Isles Subd, Address: 506 Inwood Ln
Listing Date: 7/10/2017
Original Price: $424,900
Recent Price: $424,900
Sold: 9/1/2017
Selling Price: $405,000
Listing Agent: Kevin Hill & Nick Farinella
Selling Agent: Re/Max Alternative Realty
Matt Canina
Florida Elite Real Estate
Subdivision: Sleepy Lagoon, Address: 413 Red Sail Way
Listing Date: 7/10/2017
Original Price: $495,000
Recent Price: $495,000
Sold: 9/5/2017
Selling Price: $468,000
Listing Agent: Meg Scott
Selling Agent: Atlantic Real Estate Brokerage
Karen DAlberto
Curri Properties