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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-11-16 14:47:30

11/17/2017 ISSUE 46


November 17, 2017 | Volume 4, Issue 46 Newsstand Price: $1.00

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MY TAKE Major setback in
deal for troubled

One more amazing tale of
a good teacher wronged

Given the lack of wisdom An aerial view of the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute. PHOTO: BRUCE CADY By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer
we’ve seen in too many of the po- [email protected]
sitions taken by Schools Superin- Harbor Branch Foundation fights for its endowment
tendent Mark Rendell the past 2 The green energy firm that has
1/2 years, I shouldn’t be at all sur- By Beth Walton | Staff Writer maintain they are the best stew- about who should manage the been working for nearly two years
prised to find him on the wrong ards of a $72 million endow- money. to purchase the defunct INEOS
side of another issue. Just weeks before a mediator ment that was intended to fund bio plant west of Vero has re-
seeks to resolve a high-stakes marine research – not pay for The Foundation came to be scinded its last offer and is in the
But I am. financial dispute with Florida new computers or software on a in 2007 when the Harbor Branch process of renegotiating a price,
I’m surprised that even Ren- Atlantic University, the leaders distant FAU campus. Oceanographic Institution’s lab- based upon costly discoveries
dell would oppose paying one of of the Harbor Branch Ocean- oratories and research realm made during on-site inspections
our most-experienced, most-ef- ographic Institute Foundation The university disagrees of the property.
fective high school teachers at CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
the rate she deserves, based on The good news, said Alliance
her impressive evaluations and BioEnergy CEO Daniel de Liege,
30-plus years in the classroom. is that he hasn’t found any major
I’m surprised that an admin- environmental contamination
istrator who publicly claims to that would require cleanup be-
place so much value in recruit- fore the plant is converted to Alli-
ing and retaining quality educa- ance’s cellulosic ethanol produc-
tors wouldn’t eagerly embrace tion process. “It doesn’t appear
the opportunity to correct an [that there is a problem] . . . there
obvious injustice and properly was a Phase 1 environmental
compensate Martha Rubio, who, done in May,” de Liege said. “But
because of a contractual techni- the piles of feedstock sitting there
cality that affects only her, con- are deteriorating badly; it’s just
tinues to be paid $20,000 less per sitting there rotting away.”
year than she should be.
De Liege hoped to have the
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 conversion well underway if not
completed by the end of 2017
INSIDE so he could begin turning those
piles of yard waste into ethanol.


NEWS 1-10 PETS 18

To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer Last Thursday, Nov. 9, U.S. District THANKS ...
For circulation or where to pick up [email protected] Judge Kathleen Williams ordered the BUT TIME
your issue call: 772-226-7925 School Board’s petition for “partial uni- FOR NEW
The School Board jumped the gun tary status” held in abeyance, agree-
when it filed a petition in U.S. District ing with the NAACP that mediation is Vero Beach Mayor Laura Moss MAYOR
Court this summer, claiming it had required before the two parties argue IN VERO
met some of the requirements of a their case in court.
desegregation order first imposed on Page 9
Indian River County schools in the Williams also rejected the School
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. 1960s and seeking partial relief from Board’s bid to hand-pick a mediator
federal oversight.

2 November 17, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MY TAKE amount at stake is chump change for a tially to Bruce Green, the assistant super- district didn’t want people double-dip-
district that wastes hundreds of thou- intendent for human resources, and then ping – collecting on their retirement and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 sands of dollars defending bad decisions. the School Board. getting paid to teach.

I’m surprised because this is such an Simply put: There is no good reason to In a recent text message to Rubio, Can- “I was told there was nothing I could do
easy fix – and, surely, Rendell knows that. not do the right thing. non said Green has informed her Rendell about it, and I needed the job, so I took it.”
would not sign off on a memorandum
There is no down side to compensat- “With my master’s degree and 30-plus of understanding that would resolve the The next year, however, the district and
ing this Vero Beach High School reading years of experience, I should be making matter in her favor, but that Green would teachers’ union negotiated a new 2015-18
teacher for all her years of service and $68,000 to $69,000,” Rubio said. “Instead, put the matter before the School Board, Collective Bargaining Agreement, which
paying her what any other similarly ex- I’m making $47,000, getting credit for only probably during an “executive session” at gave newly-hired teachers pay-scale cred-
perienced educator in the district would 13 years. That’s a big difference. next week’s meeting. it for all their years of experience.
“It’s caused a lot of financial hardship “He is trying for you,” Cannon wrote That remains the policy today – for ev-
To do so would not violate any district and stress,” she added. “All I can do now to Rubio, “but the decision is not in his eryone but Rubio.
policy. Neither would it set any precedent, is wait and hope the School Board will do hands.”
because no other teacher in the district something.” That’s because the agreement included
finds herself in Rubio’s situation. It cer- Ultimately, the decision rests with the a caveat: “Years of experience will be used
tainly would not break the budget. The Liz Cannon, president of the local School Board, which will act on a recom- for initial placement only.”
teachers’ union, is representing Rubio mendation from Rendell, who has com-
and has taken her case to the district – ini- municated with the union on this issue Thus, Rubio has been bound by the
only through Green. experience-compensation limit in effect
when she returned to teaching in 2014,
“And he has not provided a reason for even though the words “initial place-
his decision,” Cannon told me. ment” are nowhere to be found in the
annual contracts she signed in 2015 and
So what, exactly, is the problem? 2016.
Rubio retired from teaching in 2012,
when she and her husband, Miguel, went If you include her service from 2014
into private business. Two years later, she through 2016, Rubio currently gets credit
decided to return to the classroom. for only 13 of the 36 years she has worked
Her timing was terrible. as an educator. By her calculations, not
She was offered a full-time teaching being fully compensated for her teaching
position at Vero Beach High School, but experience already has cost her $70,000.
when she went to sign the contract, she
was informed by then-Assistant Superin- “Unfortunately for Mrs. Rubio,” Can-
tendent William Fritz that the district had non told the School Board at its October
changed its policy. meeting, “since she was hired one year
“He told me I would get credit for only prior to the change in language . . . she
10 years of experience, not the 33 years I was placed at 10 years experience, making
had worked,” Rubio said. “Apparently, the significantly less than any teacher hired
in 2015 and beyond with the same expe-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS November 17, 2017 3

How, in any way, is that fair? option of resigning, then being rehired HARBOR BRANCH the Harbor Branch Oceanographic In-
Better yet: Why wasn’t this matter re- the next day under the new policy, which stitute Board of Directors.
solved two months ago, when Cannon would give her full credit – and her right- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
first brought it to Green’s attention? ful compensation – for her years of expe- “They weren’t paying enough atten-
Not only has Rubio earned “highly ef- rience in the classroom and service to our were acquired by FAU. tion on being efficient,” O’Reilly said
fective” or “exemplary” ratings from the community. John Seward Johnson Sr., the son of the board. When insurance payouts
district each of the past three years, but came, instead of investing in infra-
she also has been recognized by the state But Cannon wisely wants assurances of Robert Wood Johnson, one of three structure, funding went to operations.
as a “high-impact teacher.” from Green that Rubio would be rehired founders of the Johnson & Johnson “That got them a couple more years,
Yet it wasn’t until Rubio was approached and there would be no future retribu- Corporation, had launched the Harbor but it didn’t really solve the problem.”
in August about joining the union that she tion taken against a devoted teacher who Branch Oceanographic Institution in
began her push for the pay to which she simply wants to be on the same scale as 1971 with the help of inventor Edwin To save Harbor Branch, its board of
is entitled. anyone else with her education and expe- Link. directors agreed to let the storied in-
“They asked me to join and I said, ‘No, rience. stitution be acquired by FAU, turning
you don’t really do anything to help teach- The two envisioned an independent over land, buildings, laboratories and
ers,’ “ Rubio said. “They said, ‘What’s your “I’m worried they wouldn’t rehire me, institute which would use oceano- other assets valued at more than $90
problem?’ So I told them.” or tell me that I don’t have a job next graphic research, innovative engineer- million to the university, which incor-
Since then, Cannon has tenaciously year,” Rubio said, adding that she has not ing and deep-sea exploration to pre- porated the research institute into its
pursued the matter – and continues to do heard from Rendell or Green directly, only serve the environment and promote academic structure.
so. She recently sent to Green a memoran- through communications with Cannon. greater scientific understanding of the
dum of understanding seeking to remove ocean. The Fort Pierce laboratory soon At the same time, the old board be-
the “initial placement” clause from the “There’s an open position for a reading became a world leader in its field, at- came the new Harbor Branch Oceano-
CBA, but she told Rubio that Rendell re- teacher at the high school, and I’m also tracting top scientists from all over the graphic Institute Foundation and refo-
fused. certified to teach English, but we’re on globe. cused its energies on investment and
When she addressed the School Board annual contracts, so you never know,” she grant-making, determined to protect
last month, Cannon smartly used Ren- continued. “I’m afraid they’ll just get rid of But over time, finances at the non- John Seward Johnson Sr.’s endowment
dell’s own words to make her case, citing me. profit began to falter. Expenses outran and use it for the purposes he intend-
a district press release in which he was income in part because the Institute ed. The new foundation board also
quoted as saying: “I need the job, but I also need to make had acquired costly research ships and maintained control over an annual
“We cannot thank these teachers more money.” submarines and suffered extensive $2 million stream of revenue from the
enough for their hard work and dedica- damage in the 2004 and 2005 hurri- sale of ocean-themed Florida license
tion. They’re exemplary educators, and It would be a disgrace for this district to canes. plates created to support marine re-
we are very fortunate to have them in our lose a teacher of Rubio’s qualifications and search.
classrooms. Our students are better every standing to a county to our immediate After founding visionary John
day because of them.” north or south, solely because someone Seward Johnson Sr. died, his heirs were For a while, the arrangement that
She also has discussed with Rubio the made another wrongheaded decision. less supportive. There was no longer divided Harbor Branch’s assets and
an open checkbook to support Harbor functions into two parts worked very
The real shame, though, would be find- Branch, said Michael O’Reilly, chair of
ing out that the members of our elected CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
School Board lacked the wisdom, prin-
ciples and compassion to step in and do
what everyone knows is right. 

4 November 17, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

HARBOR BRANCH “All we want to do is give money to Har- developing robotic technology for more here and want to make sure the lagoon is
bor Branch,” said Katha Kissman, pres- efficient sea exploration. healthy,” Kissman said.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 ident and CEO of the Foundation. “We
want to make large, impactful grants that The Foundation also sponsors an ex- The current dispute began earlier this
well. FAU acquired new prestige as a re- raise the visibility of Harbor Branch and traordinary scientific lecture series that year when, during budget negotiations,
search university and increased oppor- we keep our overhead very low. We op- is open free to the public and has creat- Daniel Flynn, vice president of Research
tunities for its students, and the founda- erate very lean, very efficiently so we can ed an annual Love Your Lagoon event to at FAU, proposed the Foundation merge
tion’s work thrived. maximize the money to the scientists.” raise funds for local ecological and en- its staff, accounting, legal representa-
vironmental initiatives. The Foundation tion and other administrative functions
Focusing exclusively on maximizing in- The millions of dollars given annually spent $560,000 in 2015 to develop three with the university to save a projected
vestment returns and making impactful by the foundation have gone to support land/ocean biogeochemical observato- $416,000.
scientific grants, the foundation over the graduate students entering the field of ries for real-time water quality sampling
past 10 years grew its endowment from marine science, hire new world-class in the Indian Lagoon. There is no need for an independent
$40 million to $70 million and channeled scientists and fund ground-breaking ac- executive director, Flynn explained to
more than $28 million dollars to scien- ademic projects. Researchers at the In- “We understand that Harbor Branch the president of the Foundation’s Board.
tists, according to figures in an annual re- stitute are now searching for cures for is an internationally renowned [oceano- Administrators should begin transferring
port set to be released this month. cancer in the depths of the Atlantic and graphic] institute that has had significant accounting and legal affairs to existing
laurels in the past, but we also operate personnel at the university.

“FAU does a fine job proving staffing
and services to its other ... [Direct Ser-
vice Operations], some of which are far
more complex than ... [Harbor Branch
Oceanographic Institute Foundation],”
he writes an email.

The move alarmed the Foundation’s
Board of Directors, which feared that,
without independent oversight, funds
placed in trust by John Seward Johnson
Sr. and license-plate revenue designat-
ed by the state legislature for marine re-
search could be diverted to other uses.

“Fundamentally, it comes down to in-
tent. Mr. Johnson loved Harbor Branch
and he founded Harbor Branch,” said
Kissman. “Our foundation was not set up
to support a university. We were set up to
support the [marine research] Institute.”

The nonprofit filed a lawsuit in March
to block the university’s takeover attempt,
relying on a 2007 Memorandum of Un-
derstanding between the two parties that
stipulated the Foundation’s distributions
would be made at the “sole discretion” of
the Board for purposes of defraying ex-
penses, retiring debt and benefiting the

Responding, FAU argues in its court
filings that the university has a legal re-
sponsibility to oversee the Foundation’s
work, ensuring efficiency and the inter-
ests of the state.

The Foundation is a “direct support or-
ganization” of the school, writes Attorney
Richard Mitchell. It “submitted to FAU a
proposed budget that needlessly funds
personnel to provide services that are re-
dundant to service available from existing
University personnel and departments,
and diverts $400,000 from research pur-
poses to pay for this litigation.”

FAU merely seeks to reduce redundant
overhead and external expenses, thereby
freeing up hundreds of thousands of dol-
lars year after year to advance the Insti-
tute’s research and educational endeav-
ors, Mitchell argues. “This is not a hostile
‘takeover’ as the Foundation suggests.”

Sometime between now and the end
of the year, a mediator will try to help
FAU and the Foundation bridge the dis-
agreement. If mediation fails, the lawsuit
will proceed and a judge will ultimately
decide who should control the tens of
millions of dollars in endowment and li-
cense-plate funds. 

6 November 17, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

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Regency Square Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
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2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured mantha Rohlfing Baita, Kathleen Sloan, Columnists: Claudia Balint, Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Siobhan
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS November 17, 2017 7

Festive ‘fly-in’ for Piper party

By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer pearances throughout the year. creased 25 percent and sales are up near- PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
[email protected] Carlon said the invited aircraft owners ly 30 percent in 2017. That demand has
prompted the company to add 237 em- the past 18 months.
Pilots of nearly 70 airplanes partici- and aviation enthusiasts – most, but not ployees this year and more than 300 over Most of those hires have been “on the
pated in an invitation-only “fly-in” Sat- all, of them were piloting Piper products
urday at Vero Beach Regional Airport as – flew in from up and down the eastern assembly side,” Carlon said, and have ex-
part of Piper Aircraft’s 80th anniversary seaboard of the U.S. and from as far away panded Piper’s workforce to 850. 
celebration, which continues with a din- as Utah and Texas.“Some of them made
ner-and-dancing banquet for employees a weekend of it, others came just for the
and their families Friday at the compa- day,” Carlon said. “But everyone seems to
ny’s headquarters. be having a good time.”

“The exact date of the company was The fly-in included tours of the Piper
founded was Nov. 1, so the anniversary is factory and aviation-related seminars,
always at the start of the season here and which included Garmin technicians dis-
we’re also able to do this around Veterans cussing after-market upgrades to avion-
Day,” said Jackie Carlon, Piper’s marketing ics and Pratt & Whitney representatives
and communications director. offering tips on maintaining turbo-prop
“We’ve done this a few times before,”
she added. “Our 75th anniversary was a In addition, there was a contest in which
big one, but this isn’t just our 80th anniver- judges selected their favorite vintage air-
sary. The company moved to Vero Beach in craft among those that landed in Vero for
1957, so it’s also our 60th anniversary here. the fly-in, which also attracted several avi-
ation-connected vendors.
“Most people don’t realize we’ve been
in Vero Beach longer than we’ve been any- “It was great to see the old paint schemes
where.” from the different eras,” Carlon said.

Piper officials began organizing the Piper President and CEO Simon
event in January, when the company, Caldecott joined the festivities and ad-
which was born in Lock Haven, Pa., start- dressed the gathering during a casual
ed branding its 2017-made products with luncheon attended by Vero Beach May-
an 80th anniversary logo. Carlon said the or Laura Moss and Indian River County
anniversary theme was incorporated into Commissioner Tim Zorc.
trade shows and other promotional ap-
Carlon said Piper’s production has in-

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8 November 17, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

INEOS a month on the site working with the peo-
ple who were there. We spent well over six
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 figures [surveying the plant and property].
We couldn’t take a chance on anything that
But with the delays, he says the material was hidden, considering INEOS and their
being stockpiled on the site will be of no secretiveness.”
value to him by the time he takes owner-
ship. “At this point all timelines are off the That team of engineers found that the
table,” he said. equipment at the plant, which ceased most
activity in 2014, is not in tip-top shape, and
For years, Indian River County com- what is working is not ready to be permit-
plained that biofuel company INEOS was ted because of a lack of documentation of
too secretive about its activities, its prog- regulatory compliance.
ress, and what was actually happening at
the plant it opened here with tens of mil- De Liege said some equipment that was
lions in federal, state and local subsidies. supposed to be useful is not, and there is
missing paperwork on all the major com-
De Liege said that same cloak-and-dag- ponents that will have to be redone. “It’s
ger attitude caused the problems he’s now just going to cost us a lot more [than we
having with the sale. “They should have thought].”
just disclosed a lot more,” he said.
Where do things stand?
What caused de Liege to reduce what De Liege said he sent a new offer to the
he’s willing to pay for the plant and sur- bank but has not heard back yet, and that
rounding acreage is not simple to explain, he updated County Commissioner Tim
he said. Zorc on the status of the deal last week
because Alliance’s agreement to start
“We finished our due diligence at the accepting the yard waste or “feedstock”
end of October, and we uncovered a few that’s not needed for cover at the Indian
things that were not disclosed,” including River County Landfill has expired and will
the fact that a permit on a deep-injection need to be renewed.
well was set to expire on Nov. 5. The eth- Last July, when the U.S. Department of
anol process Alliance uses does not pro- Agriculture approved Alliance’s offer to
duce waste that would need to be shot buy INEOS’ monumentally unsuccessful
down the well, but the well adds value to ethanol operation, it looked like Indian
the property because de Liege could lease River County was finally going to be free
its use to someone who does need it. of problems related to the defunct biofuel
“We relied on an engineering firm called It does not look that way now. 
Harris Group” for due diligence,” de Liege
said. “They were on the ground for about

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS November 17, 2017 9

One term’s enough. It’s time for a new Vero mayor

By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer council this coming Monday not elect her to minable and the level of decorum has dimin- about her. At one point over the summer,
[email protected] another term. This is a load of hogwash. Let ished. she even started calling herself the Queen of
Moss retain her role as point person on the Vero. It was all tongue in cheek, of course.
Vero Beach Mayor Laura Moss deserves a Treatment of the public rising to speak
great deal of credit for shepherding the elec- COMMENTARY at the podium has been harsh and at times But politicians routinely need to be re-
tric sale to a point where it looks like it’s actu- embarrassing. At nearly every meeting, minded that they are public servants, em-
ally going to happen – but so do many others. electric sale, but Vero needs a new mayor. members of the Council wind up sniping at phasis on servant, and that they play a small
Moss, who became mayor last year, has someone – most often each other – and Moss role in the long history of a city of less than
Without a partner like Florida Power & can get downright nasty when she does not 15,000 people.
Light that was willing to bend over back- done a good job of moving the sale of Vero agree with someone else’s position. That is
wards, to nearly double the initial purchase Electric forward, but in the time she’s been not leadership. Mayors move into that special City Hall of-
price and even to agree to buy $25 million mayor, Council meetings have grown inter- fice with the 1970s wood paneling and their
worth of wholesale power from Orlando Moss has made the office of mayor all
Utilities to end a dispute over a $50 million CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
exit penalty, the deal would be, once again,
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the full sale of Vero electric. Mayor Brian [<City [<City
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have been there every step of the way. StreAetnandudraelssNotice of ChanSgtereeftroadmdreFslsorida
DaBtelu, teimteo>s] ee all the awesoDmatee, tcimhea>n]ges in
Without a three-vote majority on the City
Council that grew to a four-vote majority as store for your 2018 coverage!
Councilman Tony Young realized the value of
the package laid before the city by FPL, the BlueMedicare means more
terms of the deal to sell Vero Electric to FPL
would have never been approved. *One Entertainment Saving Spree booklet provided free to each attendee, with no obligation. The Entertainment Saving Spree booklet is only available at
It took considerable courage for Young to FeodfeFrloalricdiavi,lInrigc.hTthselsaewcsoamnpdadnoiesnoartedInisdcreipmeinndateentoLnictehnesebeassiosfothferaBcleu,ecCorloosrs, nanatdioBnluael oSrhigieinld, Aagsseo,cdiaistiaobni.liWty,eocrosmepx.lyAwTiEthNaCpIpÓliNca:bsliehFaebdlaereaslpciavñilorilg, htitesnlaewassu
vote in the affirmative last month. Young’s disapnodsdicoiónnotsdeirsvcircimiosingartaetounittohsedbeasaisiostferancceia,cloinlogrü,nísatticioan. aLlaomrigeina,la1g-e8,5d5i-s6a0b1il-i9ty4,6o5rs(TeTx.YA: T1E-N87C7IÓ-9N5:5s-i8h7a7b3l)a. AesTpAaNñSolY,OtieNn:eSaiswudpiaslpeoKsirceióyònlsAeryviiscyieosng, graetunitsoèsvis
base of support includes a good number of èddpeoausislatenngcikai ldinisgpüoínstiibcag.rLalatims peoaul 1o-8u.5R5e-6le011--984556-560(T1T-Y9:416-587(T7T-9Y:515--880707-395).5A-8TA7N70S)Y. OY0N0:1S1i_w90p4a8le4K0r9e1y7òlCAMyiSsyAencc, egpentesdèvis èd pou lang ki disponib gratis
folks who are opposed to or seriously skepti- Noptoauffoiluia.tReedlew1it-h85th5e-6C0i1ty-9O46f 5V(eTrToY:B1e-a8c0h0.-955-8770).
cal of selling the electric utility.Young showed
leadership and foresight with his vote. Y0011_90484 0917 CMS Accepted

And last but certainly not least, without a
dogged attorney highly motivated to carry
out his marching orders to get Vero electric
sold, there would have been no contract to
approve on Oct. 24.

Moss told the local daily last week that she
wanted to continue for another year as may-
or, and that Vero would appear shaky on its
commitment to the electric sale should the

10 November 17, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

SCHOOL DESEG LAWSUIT saving local parties a lot of driving. K&L Gates asked Williams to “hold in TIME FOR NEW MAYOR
In August and September, the NAACP dis- abeyance” the School Board’s petition for
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 partial unitary status until mediation is com- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9
puted the School Board’s claims it has suf- plete, and that she assign a U.S. Magistrate
and granted the NAACP’s request that she ficiently increased African-American staff Judge as mediator. name on the door, and the “power,” such as
appoint a federal judge to fill that role. Se- levels and equalized treatment of black and it is, goes straight to their heads.
nior U.S. District Judge Donald Graham was white students to be released from federal In its response, the School Board’s legal
assigned to “enter a separate order regarding oversight in those areas. The School Board team said the order requires “mediation Former Mayor Tom White traveled around
the time, place and procedures governing answered back and the two sides were set techniques,” not “formal mediation,” but the country to pricey national leadership
mediation.” to go through the discovery process over the agreed to mediation, just the same, and and economic conferences, staying in lux-
winter and then appear before Williams in asked Williams to assign Peter Grilli of Tam- ury hotels on the taxpayer dime like he was
Events leading up to Williams’ rebuke of the spring. pa as the mediator “because he has signifi- the mayor of New York. Former Mayor Sabin
the School Board began on July 31, when cant experience in mediating school deseg- Abell, when replaced by Kevin Sawnick, ac-
the board filed its paperwork with the U.S. That course was sidetracked when the regation matters and is located in Florida.” tually refused to move out of his office – for
District Court in Miami. The court assigned NAACP hired an additional legal firm in Sep- weeks. Vero Beach 32963 had to shame him
the case to Williams, who in turn assigned tember. That firm, K&L Gates of Miami, filed Grilli mediated various aspects of the Pi- out of the space.
pre-hearing discovery matters to U.S. Mag- a motion claiming that the desegregation or- nellas County School Board desegregation
istrate Judge Shaniek Maynard in Fort Pierce, der requires the two parties go to mediation order, which also dates back 50 years and has Former Council member Dick Winger, af-
before taking court action. been in contention since 1999. He charges ter being elected mayor, changed his prom-
$360 an hour for mediation, preparation and ise to not run again for the Council in 2013
travel time, according to his website, expens- and sought re-election not once, but twice.
es that would be borne by taxpayers. When the time came to give up the mayoral
gavel, he literally begged the Council to re-
Williams decided against the School main. The excuse is always that there is im-
Board in all regards, saying that mediation is portant work to finish. Mayors need to re-
indeed mandatory and appointing a judge, main in the lead until it is completed. Again,
not Grilli, as mediator. hogwash.

The School Board is represented by their When the City Council meets on Monday
contract-attorney Suzanne D’Agresta of Or- to swear-in Harry Howle and Val Zudans,
lando-based Garganese, Weiss & D’Agresta and elect a mayor for the coming year, the
and by John Borkowski of Chicago-based Council needs to signal a major change to
Husch Blackwell, a firm specializing in de- the public. And Moss needs to accept that
segregation cases. change without a tantrum.

The NAACP is represented by David Ho- Appoint her to some important liaison
nig of the self-named Washington, D.C. firm; position on the electric sale. Even give her
Samuel Bookhardt of Miami-based Broad a title. But please don’t allow her to preside
and Cassel; and Paul Hancock, Caitlin Mc- over one more business meeting of the City
Cullough and Olivia Kelman of Miami-based of Vero Beach. 
K&L Gates. 




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A12 November 17, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Sobering study is wake-up call to tackle sleep apnea

By Maria Canfield | Correspondent the number of stress hormones produced by
our bodies.
There is important news for the more
than 25 million U.S. adults who suffer from Dr. John Suen is the Medical Director of
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA): A study from Sleep Disorders Center Florida, located in
Johns Hopkins University has shown that Vero Beach. He is familiar with the study,
the condition, if left untreated even for a few published in the August issue of the Journal
days, can negatively impact important met- of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism,
abolic functions. and says its results were highly anticipated.

OSA occurs when the upper airway closes “Other studies have reached similar con-
off during sleep, temporarily interrupting clusions,” Dr. Suen says, “but this one was
breathing, and the study found untreated particularly well-designed and the results
OSA can elevate blood pressure, increase are very convincing.”
sugar and fat levels in the blood, and raise


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A14 November 17, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

CONTINUED FROM PAGE A12 Vero’s Dr. Suen says the in- the risk of sleep apnea that uncomfortable and claustrophobic. A good
crease in fatty acids and starting point is to choose the right CPAP
Previous studies in patients with OSA blood pressure can raise people who are a nor- mask for your face shape and sleeping
usually collected data while participants the risk of strokes and habits; there are a range of styles and siz-
were awake, only documenting the after- heart attacks and, in mal weight people do. es available. Dr. Suen says that there have
math of OSA. Jonathan Jun, MD, assistant another cardiovascu- been many improvements in CPAP masks
professor of medicine at the Johns Hop- lar consequence, the Fat deposits around in recent years: they are lighter and small-
kins University School of Medicine and increase in cortisol er, often covering just the nose rather than
the paper’s senior author, says, “This is can cause damage to the upper airway the nose and mouth.
one of the first studies to show real-time blood vessels.
effects of sleep apnea on metabolism may obstruct their The machines themselves have also
during the night.” While OSA has long evolved. “Most machines now have adjust-
been linked to obesity, breathing. ments that allow the air pressure to ramp
The study reinforces the importance of diabetes, and cardio- up gradually, which helps the person get
treating OSA every night; treatment usual- vascular disease, the  Neck circum- acclimated,” Dr. Suen says. “And water
ly takes the form of a “continuous positive researchers say their chambers within the machine provide a
airway pressure” (CPAP) machine. CPAP study provides evidence ference. People humidifier effect, which helps avoid the
machines deliver air pressure during sleep, that sleep apnea isn’t just dryness that can result from the use of this
through a mask placed over the nose. With a manifestation of these with thicker necks type of device.”
CPAP, the air pressure is higher than that of conditions; it can also di-
the surrounding air, which keeps the upper rectly aggravate them. may have narrower Dr. Suen also says that for those who
airway passages open. can’t tolerate a CPAP machine (or are sim-
The most common symptoms airways. For men, ply looking for an alternative), “oral ap-
To better understand how OSA affects of OSA include loud snoring, pliance therapy” may be a viable option.
metabolism – the life-sustaining chemi- abrupt awakenings accompa- the risk increases if A custom-fit oral sleep appliance is made
cal processes that occur within our bodies nied by shortness of breath, using digital or physical models of the pa-
– the researchers performed a number of trouble staying asleep, and neck circumference tient’s teeth; these models are sent to a
metabolism-related measurements when excessive daytime sleepiness. dental lab where the appliance is made.
the sleeping study participants were using There are also often notice- is 17 inches (43 cen-
a CPAP machine and when the CPAP ma- able signs upon awakening, A doctor, dentist or a sleep specialist can
chine was withdrawn. including a dry mouth, sore timeters) and larger. help sufferers make the right treatment
throat or headache. choice; the important thing is that OSA
Dr. Jun and his colleagues found that In women, the risk in- must not go untreated.
CPAP withdrawal caused increased levels While OSA can affect any-
of fatty acids, glucose, and cortisol (a stress one, there are certain key creases if neck circum- Sleep Disorders Center Florida is an ac-
hormone); blood pressure also increased. risk factors: credited medical treatment center for all
Significantly, the more severe the OSA, the ference is 15 inches (38 sleep-related issues. It is located at 3735 11th
more those measurements increased when  Excess weight. People Circle #103 in Vero Beach; the phone number
the CPAP was withdrawn. who are obese have four times centimeters) or more. is 772-563-2910.  

 Use of alcohol, sed-

atives or tranquilizers.

These substances relax

the muscles in the throat

and increase the risk.

Other risk factors in-

clude being male, being

older, smoking, a fam-

ily history of OSA,

and any sort of

CPAP mask and hose. difficulty with


The use of a

CPAP machine

can, at first, be both

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH November 17, 2017 A15

Tear not? Fear not: Dry eye disease is very treatable

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer isn’t suffering to some degree from dry eye The condition is so common – and relief is an expert in the treatment of dry eye, in
[email protected] disease or dry eye syndrome. so actively sought – that pharmaceutical part because he has the condition himself.
giant Allergan Pic generated nearly $1.5 “I have dry eye and I treat it really aggres-
The expression “there wasn’t a dry eye The National Library of Medicine says billion in revenue from its Restasis dry eye sively doing everything I ask patients to do,”
in the house” definitely did not originate in “dry eyes are one of the most frequently medication last year alone. O’Brien says.
this part of Florida. encountered [eye] problems worldwide,”
and the condition affects millions of The risk of developing dry eye increases Perhaps surprisingly, the basic physiolo-
In fact, it might be difficult to find many Americans. with age and, generally speaking, women gy of dry eye is relatively simple.
household hereabouts in which someone have a higher incidence of dry eye than
men. According to the National Eye Institute,
Dr. David O’Brien. “in a healthy eye, lubricating tears called
Dr. David O’Brien, an ophthalmologist basal tears continuously bathe the cornea –
PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE at New Vision Eye Center in Vero Beach the clear, dome-shaped outer surface of the
who is fellowship-trained in what he calls eye.
“diseases of the external part of the eye,”

A16 November 17, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH


“With every blink of the eye, basal tears

flow across the cornea, nourishing its cells

and providing a layer of liquid protection

from the environment. When the glands

near each eye fail to produce enough basal

tears, or when the composition of the tears

changes, the health of the eye and vision are


That, the Eye Institute continues, can

lead to the symptoms commonly associat- MEDICARE ADVANTAGE
ed with dry eye, including an unpleasant

scratchy sensation or the feeling that some-

thing is in the eye, stCinogimngeortbouranisneg msenin- ar where you’ll get your questions answered.

sations, episodes of excessive tearing fol-

lowing periods of dryness, pain and redness ple” part. After all, the fluid most of us know eyes from being bathed in helpful, remedial
in the eye, and blurred vision. simply as “tears” is actually a complex mix- tears.
ture of more than 1,500 different proteins
QuBelcueshMtieoodinciasrce emeasns .moreButthatprettymuchwrapsupthe“sim- along with fatty oils, water and mucus that “Dry eyes,” O’Brien explains, “are
multi-factorial, meaning you’ve got to

help keep the surface of the eye functioning take a [patient’s] history and then untan-
gle it a little bit and take the time to figure
About HealthCome to a Florida Blue seminar to learn more about surprise here might just be the it out. If you listen, 90 percent of the time,
Get answers to your Medicare questions, and choose a plan that’s lriisgthotf ftohrinygosut.hat can trigger dry eye symp- the patient will tell you what’s wrong with

Insurance?A BlueMedicare Advantage plan is an affordable choiceto.mThs.e affable and approachable O’Brien them.”
It provides the same coverage as Medicare Parts A and B first points to medications such as antihis- And while O’Brien is quick to sing the

praises of many over-the-counter eye prod-

plus additional benefits and services. tamines and antidepressants as well as cer- ucts and supplements – such as flax seed

We’Gveet cogveroedtwaithna swers. taRiencebilvaedadecromcopnltirmolenmtaerdyicines which, he oil – he also points out that self-medicating
bsoaoy“ksT,lhe“cetarfeon’rsmastatokemenydeotihnuigrneagysebesmloveoinrmyairdntrghy.r”oaullgyheNaor v. 2pw2rio,th2bo0leu1mt7sh.*.aving an eye exam first can pose
BlueMedicare plan.Stop living without health insurance! We can help you:
round here in Florida,” O’Brien explains, People who have red eyes, for example,
“and so people take antihistamines all the may run out and buy an over-the-counter

• Can TI shteillreg’seot nheeathltaht’sinrsiguhrat nfocreyonue!xt year? time to stop their stuffy noses but they’re product that claims it will “get the red out.”

[also] drying their eyes out as well.” But O’Brien cautions, “Those very com-

• WhatFodr moorethineformcahtioan:nges in health care Medications used in hormone replace- monly irritate your eyes further and make
mean for me ?
ment therapy, Parkinson’s disease and high eyes even more dry because they constrict
• Will I e<vAegnebnecyabNleatmoese>e a doctor?
blood pressure can have the same effect. blood vessels, which decreases tear pro-
• Will su[AbgseidntieNsasmtiell]be available to help me
Beyond that, O’Brien continues, propel- duction … if anyone is ever in a pinch, a
pay f<orAmgyeinnscuyrapnhcoenpere>mium?
ler-like dry beeyde-raoCgohimtoao.tosersahsaenmgininarntehaartlyweovr-ks fopyroryeuos”uear:nvadtmivea-yfrpereovairdteifaictilaelatsetasromwoente’tmhpuor-t
• What<eAlgseencdyowIenbseitee>d to know? ery Florida

“Ceiling fans are a real culprit here,” rary relief.
say<sCOit’yBrien, “and they definitely[<cCaintyex-
“I think,” says the man who has suc-

acVeerbnautee the problem. If you simVepnlyuerun cessfully battled dry eyes himself, “the
St[ryeoeut ar]ddArCes, syou’ll cool the roSotmreeatnadddtrheses overall take-away is dry eyes are extreme-
(TTY users: 1-800-955-8770), 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. local time, Mon. Dcaetiel,intigmfea>n won’t dry the eyesDoautte”, taims yeo>u] ly common, extremely under-diagnosed
and yet very treatable” with professional
The 2018- FrOi. topspeeank toEanlicreonslelmd ageennt.t Period runs from sleep. advice.
November 1 to December 15, 2017
SDttlraehetmV[eeeCP<ite,.erotnaCoimcdmuipotdeyplmeeru>epttsee]usrntsedcranmnootantlositoobcrlsoinmaknpdwothuhSDinatlredatetktwV[ee<hete,aeetnaCtipdcpmuitshdreyeotirn>hebsge-]s Dr. David J. O’Brien is with New Vision Eye
Center at 1055 37th Place in Vero Beach. The
phone number is 772-257-8700. 

For more information contact: Is The One-Stop Location
BlueMedicare means moforer All of Your Medical Services
A Better Solution*One Entertainment Saving Spree booklet provided free to each attendee, with no obligation. The Entertainment Saving Spree bookletCisaolnllyfoavraialanbleaaptpointment: 772-567-6340
Insurance Servicesc<soeAnmggtreienanncactcry.ysEpptnhhhroroonolnelum>eg>ehn(1tT1iTnY/2Fu2lso/er1ird7s:a.1FB-ll8ou0rei0do-ar9FB5ll5our-e8id7ias7Ba0l)Pu.PeAOHsa,MlReOPspPdeOerpsaoennnddwRsixloln(bPecDopPnr)terpsaelcantnrtewwnieitthwhiaanlf.MoFroemrdaaicctcaioornemacmonandortdareaapctdpitoOel.inFcdualoiotcrfiropaiBdnetaesros.dBaoHlnrtueodsaewlptCHhirtMehcorosOvtvpiieifdesirciaeaingadnglenHIitesnMheotedefOfsrebpnareetlaadsslnatblMemwysBieetmlhddueaeiieccCMtaiirnnloegedscssiaa,cacarnnareddellfForamyoiulyaPnhdyysoicuiarnfasmily.

BlueShieldofFlorida,Inc.,DBAFloridaBlue.HMOcoverageisofferedbyHealthOptions,Inc.,DBAFloridaBluWeHEMOOF,aFnEaRffilTiaHteEofFBlOueLCLroOssWanIdNBGlueOSNhi-eSldITE SERVICES:

772-257-8600ofFlorida,Inc.ThesecompaniesareIndependentLicenseesoftheBlueCrossandBlueShieldAssociatCioLnI.AWCeecortmifipeldywLiathbapplBicaobnleeDFeednesriatylcTiveilsrtiignhgtslawAsCR Certified Ultrasound

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2961 W. Midway Road 1265 36th Street, Vero Beach, FL 32960
801 Wellness Way, Sebastian, FL 32958

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH November 17, 2017 A17

Tailored exercise program can be good fit for seniors

By Gabriella Boston | The Washington Post

Three years ago, she couldn’t do a single to design a workout program. low – will see increased strength quickly. seniors as a way to improve balance and
push-up and certainly had never heard of If, for instance, he finds that a client los- I would say within a month,” Burgett says. proprioception (spatial awareness and the
a “reverse fly.” Today, Solveig McCulloch, However, if you’re aiming for body compo- ability to move effectively and efficiently),
79, can easily do 10 push-ups and rocks her es his or her balance easily, he might look sition changes – looking cut, for example which are key in preventing falls.
five-pound dumbbell flys. at strengthening the gluteus, because hip – that takes much longer. It also requires
muscles are crucial for balancing. Gluteus making nutritional changes. “I can lift things like garbage bags and
“I am definitely stronger, and my balance muscles can be strengthened with the glu- packages, and gardening has become much
and flexibility are better, too,” says Mc- teus bridge – lying on your back on the floor, Generally speaking, though, older adults easier,” Solveig McCulloch says of her new-
Culloch, who started exercising regularly – feet planted close to the hips and lifting the are very different from the younger set when found fitness. “I can do it without taking
twice-a-week strength training, in addition hips – and squats. it comes to fitness goals, says Mullner. breaks. I can dig holes and bend over with-
to daily walking – for the first time at age 76. out any problems.”
Many older adults also have weak back Young people are often looking to im-
For her generation, she says, working muscles, causing them to hunch forward. prove athletic performance, such as their And although she is not looking to be in
out was not a thing. That said, the Nation- Burgett might have them do a seated row running pace, or trying to attain an ideal a bodybuilding competition anytime soon,
al Council on Aging reports that more than (a pull motion) and a squat with a shoulder body image. But for seniors, fitness is often she did show her grandkids how a push-up
50 percent of seniors are active at least four press to strengthen their upper back. He a way to stay independent: strong enough is done, and she has expanded her routine
times per week. might also include planks for core strength to lift boxes off shelves, walk up and down to include power yoga. Just a few years ago,
(helps with posture) and a modified pull-up stairs, carry groceries and do laundry. she didn’t know what a downward dog or
It’s never too late to start working out, (helps strengthen the upper back). pigeon pose was. Now they’re among her
says Justin Mullner, a Washington, D.C. “It’s about functional fitness,” says Mull- favorites. 
sports medicine doctor. “You can see dra- “People – especially if their baseline is ner, who recommends tai chi and yoga for
matic benefits from exercising in older
adults,” he says.

These benefits include prevention of os-
teoporosis and muscle loss, as well as im-
proved blood pressure and blood-glucose

Government guidelines suggest adults
over 65 should get at least two and a half
hours of moderate exercise per week –
brisk walking, for example – and do mus-
cle-strengthening activities that work all
major muscle groups twice a week.

There are risks as well as major benefits
for older people who begin a new exercise
program, so it is a good idea to clear any
new routine with a doctor and solicit ad-
vice from resources such as the National
Institute on Aging ( or
a trainer.

When he works with older clients, per-
sonal trainer Stephen Burgett tries to iden-
tify goals and design a program that will
help clients stay injury-free while working
on endurance, strength, balance and flexi-
bility – all important components of fitness.

“The first thing I do is an assessment. I
look at their range of motion, their move-
ment patterns, how well they sit and stand,”
Burgett says. Then he uses that information

A18 November 17, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Somber Bonz dearly misses his amazin’ Mom

Hi Dog Buddies! wasn’t that thrilled at first. About half an Jennifer and Bonzo.
hour into our first meet-an-greet she said,
This week I didn’t do my usual yap with “Hey you.” Then there was Leo the Lab and
one of you poocheros cuz I wanted to have
your ears to share some dog stuff, an I know “Me?” I asked, timidly. his little adopted brother, who happened to our humans unconditional
you’ll unnerstand. “Yes. You. Isn’t it about time you went
back to wherever you came from?” be the first “designer dog” I’d ever met. His love, loyalty and how to be better versions of
See, my Mom, Jennifer, got me when I was “Umm …”
just a fluffy little furball an, even though I It was a liddle bumpy for a while, but she name was Osito, which means “little bear” themselves. Then, when we have done all we
have lotsa cool kibbles pooch pals like you, ended up being a wonnerful big sis, and
she was always my Total Best Friend. An I’m taught me the ropes. Or tried to. in Spanish, and he was a Pomchi (Pomera- can, it’s time to move on.”
pretty sure I was hers, too. When she decided to retire from journal-
ism, she made me her intern and she started nian/Chihuahua), a groovy little dude. I think it must be the same with humans.
Anyway, I don’t know whether I men- grooming me (see what I did there?) for the
tioned this before, but my Mom was my job. I even got to be featured in a special series Then there was Fisher Badger, who had My Mom taught me to be brave an frenly an
Official Assistant when I first started writ- called “The Picture Perfect Guide to Raising
ing this column a buncha years ago (seven the Perfect Puppy.” Well, Mom always said the coolest name EVER. Fisher was an Aus- polite an always Think of Others, cuz that’s
in people). But then she got real sick, an she (and Coco agreed), “while the pictures may
couldn’t do it anymore. So finally, in 2014, have been perfect and the guide may have tralian Shepherd and had been all over com- how she was. When it’s time for me to go to
I hadda get another Assistant. She was OK, been perfect, Bonzo was not perfect.”
but, you know, it just wasn’t the same, an she I know that’s hard to believe, but as a peting in agility championships – a serious- Dog Heaven, I hope I can leave the same
gets tired too quickly when we play ball. pupster, I guess I did get distracted a lot. I
didn’t do my homework, I daydreamed in ly pawsome pooch. kind of legacy my mom did.
Mom was in the hospittle a lot, but when- class and, as Coco said, “as far as learning to
ever she was home, I stuck by her like glue, walk nicely at a person’s side, all I can say is When I wasn’t working, I’d hang out with I miss you so much, Mom, an I’ll do my
slept right next to her. At night, if she needed he had better not spot a bunny.”
help, I’d go running. She called me her “First I guess I can’t really argue with that. But, Mom. One of the funnest things we did was best.
Responder.” She was real brave and helped in my own defense, bunnies are pretty irre-
me be brave, too. But last month it was time sistible. Plus, I knew how to “Sit!” Had that go to the beach. Mom’d always bring my
for her to go to Heaven. I stayed right there down pat.
next to her, close as I could be. So, finally, Coco an Mom felt I was ready ball and we’d play Fetch for hours. I am Re- Till next time,
to start writing the column. Woof, was I ner-
I know she’s all better now, but I miss vous. My very first innerview, back in 2010, ally Good at Fetch. I’m not ready to go back The Bonz
her all the time. I don’t think I’ll feel like was with our next-door neighbor, Maddy Hu- to the beach yet, though, cuz she won’t be
snuggling’ for a while. I know you pooch- stead, an her humans, Jayne an Bob. I had a there. It takes time, I think.
es unnerstand. Some of you have lost your terrible case of Shaky Paws an kept dropping
human, too, although mostly, we go to Dog my notebook, but Mom was right there by my Now, missin’ my Mom, I think about Don’t Be Shy
Heaven first cuz of dog years bein’ shorter. side the whole time an I got through it. I ack- something Coco told me shortly after I start-
shully had a liddle crush on Maddy, as I recall. ed writing the column, an she knew I’d be OK. We are always looking for pets
I hadda take a break from writing my col- After a few columns, I got to really enjoy it, We were curled up on our mats an she told with interesting stories.
umn, but now I wanna share a liddle about meetin’ all you poocheroos and learnin’ all me she was getting ready to go to Dog Heav-
me an my Mom. She had another Spring- kinds of cool kibbles stuff. I remember Roc- en. I was sad and scared until she explained: To set up an interview, email
er Spaniel before me, Coco, who wrote the co Priziton, the leader of the 32963 Dober- “Us dogs are here for a liddle time to show [email protected].
original column, “Island Dog,” with Mom man Gang, who woof-mailed me about the
as Assistant. Then Mom and Grandma and newest members, Doberman puppies Kobi
Grandpa decided to get another Springer an Raina Richardson, an their puppy pal
Spaniel, cuz we’re so fabulous and cute, and Chancey, a liddle rescue retriever mix who
they picked – ME. You can see how cute I was was made an Honorary Dobie an got to join.
from the pickshur, right?

I was totally stoked when I found out my
new home came with a Buddy, but Coco

4091 Ocean: Construction
begins on luxury condo project

20 November 17, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

Construction begins on 4091 Ocean luxury condo project

By Steven M. Thomas | Staff Writer refundable 20 percent deposits and are million for the remaining ground-floor “The agencies we dealt with were all co-
[email protected] working with a couple of other prospects. I condo to $1.9 million for the penthouses. operative and worked well with us, but de-
think we will have another one or two un- veloping a multi-family oceanfront prop-
Developer Yane Zana isn’t wasting any der contract by the end of the month.” In an alternate scenario, Zana is offer- erty is a complex process,” Zana says.
time getting work underway at his luxury ing the entire top floor as an ultra-luxe
condominium project known as 4091 Ocean. Wendy Wilson, the broker who is han- 6,600-square-foot penthouse for “under $4 Wilson says people who have contact-
dling sales for Zana, says one of the units was million.” ed her about the condos have been a 50-
The day after he got his permit from sold during the summer and the other went 50 mix of locals and out-of-towners, but
the Florida Department of Environmen- under contract at the end of September. Wilson says the configuration that gets both people who have signed contracts
tal Protection last week, a bulldozer was built will depend on which buyer steps up are from Vero.
moving dirt at the site on Ocean Drive, In the most likely scenario, the build- first. If someone signs a contract for one of
across from Conn Beach Boardwalk, and ing will have six 3-bedroom, 3.5-bath, the 3,331-square-foot penthouses, that will So far, all the serious potential buyers
this week 40-foot-deep foundation piling 3,331-square foot units, with two on each settle it. If a buyer for the full-floor pent- have been interested in the condos as pri-
holes were being augured out and filled floor and parking under the building. All house shows up first, that is what Zana mary residences, a surprise to Wilson and


with concrete and steel. will have large, ocean-facing balconies and will build. Either way, project amenities will Zana, who expected some vacation home
Zana, a St. Ed’s graduate who has lived luxury finishes that include limestone floor- include an elevator, a lap pool and “an over- buyers.
ing and gourmet kitchens with marble or sized aqua spa,” according to promotional
on the island for more than 30 years and quartzite counters and solid wood cabinetry. literature. “With the building coming out of the
developed a number of large projects here, ground and people back in town for the
needed three permits to build the condo: In the six-unit configuration, there will Zana bought the .67-acre property at season, I think we will end up seeing
a stamped site plan from the City of Vero be three units with identical floorplans Conn Way and Ocean Drive for $1.9 mil- some of those second-home buyers,”
Beach, a building permit from the county, stacked on top of each other on each side lion in October 2016, according to county Wilson says. “There has been great inter-
and the FDEP permit, required because of the building. The units on the north side property records. The purchase included est and with two sold pre-construction, I
the building is classified as oceanfront. are No. 202, at grade level, No. 302 on the two vacant buildings, one facing Ocean don’t think it will take long to sell out.”
next level, and No. 402 on the top or pent- Drive that formerly housed Boardwalk
With those in place and two units sold, house level. Café & Ice Cream Shop, and a storm-dam- 4091 Ocean is being developed by 4091
the developer hopes to complete the con- aged building facing Conn Way. Ocean LLC, an entity associated with
dominium – which will have either five or Wilson says 202 and 302 are the units un- Coastmark Development, where Zana is
six units – in about 14 months. der contract, which leaves the north pent- The buildings were torn down in March managing director. Coastmark Construc-
house and the three south units for sale at but it took another seven months to get all tion, an associated company, is the general
“January 2019 is our goal,” Zana says. pre-construction prices ranging from $1.4 permits needed to commence construction. building contractor. 
“We have two contracts in place with non-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E November 17, 2017 21

Vero’s revised ‘comp’ plan gives developers flexibilty

By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer American Icon Brewery. be used for improvement projects within
[email protected] the district.
mixed use when a 2008 ordi-
The draft of Vero Beach’s updated com- So far about $18,000 has accrued in the
prehensive plan is hurtling toward Talla- nance added an overlay zone on fund but that number will go up now that
hassee for review and a quick turnaround, the American Icon Brewery has opened in
according to Planning and Development top of the existing commercial the old diesel power plant.
Director Tim McGarry. He said if big
changes aren’t required before final adop- zone. Royal Palm Pointe was also “That is the biggest thing that has hap-
tion, developers will be likely to “show pened in the district” so far, McGarry said.
more interest” in doing projects in the city zoned mixed use, and the change
in the future. A tax advisory board has been formed to
has helped make the three areas make recommendations to the city council
“I think . . . [developers] should be hap- about which improvement projects the city
py because we’re trying to add flexibility among the most walkable and Cultural Arts Village. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD should pursue. TIF funds might be used to
and opportunities for infill and redevelop- interesting in the city. put in a turn lane to a new business, or to
ment projects while [also] protecting Vero replace sewer and water lines, for example,
Beach’s unique quality of life,” McGarry The comprehensive plan up- enticing developers to come to the down-
said. town area. The money in the fund has been
date makes it possible for four other areas rule-making process that includes partici- too little to make much of a difference so
McGarry added that the revised comp far, McGarry said, but the brewery should
plan has “a menu of tools that helps the to be zoned mixed use: Miracle Mile, U.S. pation by businesses and residents before boost the fund’s bottom line.
city and developers think outside the box.”
1, Beachland Boulevard and the Cultural new zoning ordinances are presented to Another development incentive is tax
One of the most powerful tools is “mixed abatements, which the city council de-
use development” that allows a combina- Arts Village, which encompasses a vintage the Planning and Zoning Board and then clared available to property owners in
tion of land uses within areas that were the Downtown district. Any improvement
single-use residential, commercial or in- residential district adjacent to downtown. the City Council. Any zoning changes will made to a building that increases the tax-
dustrial. Across the country, downtowns able value is tax exempt up to 10 years.
are revitalizing their cores with mixed-use The first three areas are commercial have to be approved by the Council. Other neighborhoods could be considered
projects. for the same tax break.
zones that would allow hotels and resi- The plan update also includes greater
Instead of workers evacuating down- Incentives for “infill” development, to
towns at sundown as they head to sin- dences above stores. In the Cultural Arts use of “development incentives” to en- keep new business downtown instead of
gle-use residential areas ringing a city, they increasing urban sprawl, could waive set-
travel a much shorter distance to down- Village – which takes up 12 blocks south courage reuse and renovation of neigh- back or “Floor-Area-Ratio” requirements,
town dwellings. Apartments above stores, McGarry said. If the building usually starts
restaurants or art galleries create neigh- of the “Twin Pairs,” including 18th Street, borhoods, including “tax Increment fi- 25 feet from the front lot line, 10 feet might
borhoods where people live, work, play be allowed. If 10,000 square feet of land
and watch out for each other. Everything 19th Street and 19th Place, bounded by nancing.” were required for a certain number of
is within strolling distance, further break- dwelling or business units, a greater num-
ing down the social isolation a car culture 20th Avenue to the west and 14th Avenue One “TIF district” has been declared ber might be allowed, each application
tends to foster. In large urban areas, mixed going through board reviews and public
use can significantly reduce fossil fuel use to the east – artists, musicians and oth- and others could be designated in the fu- hearings.
and road congestion.
er residents will be allowed to use their ture under the guidelines of the revised The city has 180 days to pass the final
Mixed use, said McGarry, is already al- version of the comprehensive plan after
lowed in three sections of Vero Beach. In homes and outbuildings as studios and comp plan. it gets the state’s draft approval. “I hope it
2015 the downtown area was zoned mixed doesn’t take that long,” McGarry said.
use; the rezoned section extends three shops, where they can display and sell The City Council made the downtown
or four blocks either side of the railroad The City Council approved the draft
tracks and is bounded by Aviation Bou- their work. Bed and Breakfast establish- area a TIF district in 2015 when it deter- “transmittal” to the state at its Nov. 7 meet-
levard to the north and 17th Street to the ing by a three-to-two vote, with Tony Young,
south. ments will be allowed if the owners are in mined the area suffered from blight and Dick Winger and Harry Howle voting yes,
while Mayor Laura Moss and Lang Sykes
Cardinal and Ocean Drive became residence. decreasing tax assessment values that sought more time for amendments. 

The comprehensive plan doesn’t make would continue without capital invest-

land-use changes automatic, McGarry ments. Any downtown property tax reve-

said. Each neighborhood will go through a nue increases from that time forward will

22 November 17, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



Election Week saw a modest 22 single-family residences and lots change hands in the mainland
real estate market (some shown below).
The top sale of the week was in Sebastian, where the 4-bedroom, 4-bathroom, 3,330-square-foot
house at 13895 Ruffner Lane – first listed in April for $450,000 – sold for $387,000 on Nov. 8.
In Vero Beach, the week’s best sale was the residence at 4739 61st Circle. Originally on the market
in July for $405,000, this 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 2,016-square-foot home sold for $312,000 on
Nov. 6.


SEBASTIAN 13895 RUFFNER LANE 4/15/2017 $450,000 11/8/2017 $312,000
VERO BEACH 4739 61ST CIRCLE 7/5/2017 $405,000 11/6/2017 $280,000
SEBASTIAN 115 CURTIS CIRCLE 7/19/2017 $290,000 11/7/2017 $237,500
SEBASTIAN 106 SALAZAR LANE 8/27/2017 $245,000 11/7/2017 $225,000
VERO BEACH 765 18TH STREET SW 8/12/2017 $239,900 11/7/2017 $198,000
VERO BEACH 1097 NORMANDIE WAY 6/23/2017 $198,900 11/9/2017 $191,500
SEBASTIAN 13570 MYSTIC DRIVE UNIT#201 5/4/2017 $210,000 11/7/2017 $190,000
SEBASTIAN 1085 GUAVA STREET 9/28/2017 $189,900 11/9/2017 $175,000
VERO BEACH 1616 5TH PLACE 9/29/2017 $205,000 11/7/2017 $175,000
VERO BEACH 1386 21ST PLACE SW 9/29/2017 $175,000 11/8/2017 $175,000
VERO BEACH 2635 12TH SQUARE SW 8/8/2017 $175,000 11/7/2017 $169,000
VERO BEACH 1396 24TH PLACE SW 10/3/2017 $178,900 11/9/2017 $148,000
VERO BEACH 553 10TH PLACE 10/6/2017 $152,500 11/6/2017 $146,000
VERO BEACH 915 11TH AVENUE 1/26/2017 $159,900 11/9/2017

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E November 17, 2017 23


115 Curtis Circle, Sebastian 106 Salazar Lane, Sebastian

Listing Date: 7/19/2017 Listing Date: 8/27/2017
Original Price: $290,000 Original Price: $245,000
Sold: 11/7/2017 Sold: 11/7/2017
Selling Price: $280,000 Selling Price: $237,500
Listing Agent: Nancy Marquez Listing Agent: Russell Salmon

Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise Selling Agent: RE/MAX Crown Realty

Jim Fisher Jan Malcolm

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. RE/MAX Crown Realty

765 18th Street SW, Vero Beach 1097 Normandie Way, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 8/12/2017 Listing Date: 6/23/2017
Original Price: $239,900 Original Price: $198,900
Sold: 11/7/2017 Sold: 11/9/2017
Selling Price: $225,000 Selling Price: $198,000
Listing Agent: Jim Fisher Listing Agent: Midge Selzer

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: David Walsh & Associates RE

Jaqueline Coleman Ron Mashburn

Weichert, REALTORS Hallmark David Walsh & Associates RE

199$ 3DAYS


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE November 17, 2017 B1


Coming Up! Plate Project:
Raw Space knows
SNOW DOUBT ‘YULE’ how to dish
By SAMANTHA BAITA | Staff Writer
[email protected]

1 The closest we’ll get to a
white Christmas here on
Florida’s Treasure Coast will
likely be the Treasure Coast
Chorale’s free concert, “There’s
No Business Like Snow Busi-
ness,” this Saturday (not the
usual, Sunday) at First Baptist
Church. The 60-voice chorale,
under the baton of Director Dr.
Michael Carter, will chill us out
with a program of snow-centric
songs that celebrate the winter
phenomenon in all its crystal
glory. Rumor has it there might
even be a few snowflakes drift-
ing through the air and perhaps
even a snowball or two. Look
forward to enjoying renditions
of Elvis’ “Blue Christmas”; a pair
of tunes from Disney’s wildly
popular animated film “Frozen”
– “Do You Wanna Make A Snow-
man” and “Let it Go”; Leroy An-
derson’s iconic 1948 hit “Sleigh


B2 November 17, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Plate Project: Raw Space knows how to dish out art

By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer dition, this Saturday, tors and provides tuition to the community and benefits children es-
[email protected] the gallery will host assistance for quali- pecially,” she says.
an-all day festi- fied families.
All this month and part of next, Raw val celebrating Santama- That experimental space was dubbed
Space, one of Vero’s most unconventional the effort with rina created Project Space and after Santamarina saw how
art galleries, is showcasing artists’ take on family-friendly Raw Space as beneficial it proved for the development and
a very conventional object – the plate. And activities. a multi-disci- growth of arts in the community, she decided
for much of the day on Saturday, the gal- plinary arts ven- to take things one step further. She opened
lery is setting the table for families to cel- The col- ue. “Today there a much larger gallery next door, facing Dixie
ebrate the Vero-based initiative called the laborative are plates on the Highway with greater visibility. Lit but other-
Plate Project. Benefiting Vero’s Childcare philanthrop- wall and tomor- wise unadorned, she called it Raw Space.
Resources, the project evolved from the ic exhibition row we might have
belief that a plate artistically created is a was developed performance art, The Plate Project is merely an extension of
symbol of what nourishes us inside: intel- through indepen- music, film or theater,” her vision with a community-outreach com-
lectual reflection, love and solidarity. dent curator Silvia ponent.
Medina’s Art Concept she explains. “It’s organ-
The call for artists was answered by doz- Alternative and real es- ically grown and it’s been re- “I feel that with the Plate Project it’s im-
ens of artists – one from as far away as Spain tate broker Neli Santamarina’s ceived with open arms by a lot of portant to do that outreach to the commu-
– with plates of wood and of clay, handcrafted downtown gallery Raw Space. It will ben- people. Not just this Plate Project, the whole nity for people to know this venue is here.
and repurposed, square and round, accord- efit Childcare Resources, a nonprofit ded- Raw Space mentality behind it.” We’re here to do good things. We’re here to
ing to Raw Space owner Neli Santamarina. icated to elevating and promoting quality The concept for Raw Space was born open the artistic inventory. Doing different
“We sent out a call to artists to repurpose, early childhood development and educa- of an experimental space Santam-
reuse, manipulate or create a plate. The walls tion in Indian River County. arina set aside for artists to “play things that are hopefully going to
are all going to be full of plates.” in” in a small strip mall she in- change it up a little bit. I’ll
Childcare Resource’s mission resonated vested in on Old Dixie Highway. always push the buttons
In addition to the Spanish artist, Pablo with Santamarina. Focusing on econom- After meeting several innovative a little bit. Shake things
Lanuza, sending his six square platters from ically challenged children and families, young artists – most well outside up. Change is good as
Seville, Indian River Charter High School Childcare Resources provides a model for the arts district norm – she came long as it’s consci-
students and teachers have created more quality childcare and early education, sup- to a realization. “Vero Beach needs entious and sustain-
than 100 plates especially for the show. ports and provides guidance to help main- a multi-disciplinary art venue, which able.”
They and others went on display at this tain family stability, develops educational embraces the community, reaches out As for using the
month’s Gallery Stroll Nov. 3, and will be outreach programs to support early educa- plate as a prompt, art-
on exhibit through mid-December. In ad- ists like Vero’s Barry Sha-
piro were quick to respond.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE November 17, 2017 B3

When asked to design a plate for the “Raw Space is one of the best things that
show, Shapiro approached it to make a
social statement. His piece, “The Ameri- has happened to the downtown area. It’s a Doraté Muller.
can Table,” seeks to raise awareness about
childhood hunger. very cutting-edge idea, and we’re lucky to

“I started looking at the statistics of have it. I’ve seen some incredible exhibits
children who are suffering in this country
from what they call food insecurity, which there. I like that there’s a new project every
is a fancy name for starving. It was very
disturbing and very upsetting. The more month and not the same artwork over and
I looked into it, the
more I said I have to over again,” says Sparsis.
make a statement,”
says Shapiro. Shapiro too has high praise for Santama-

His interpreta- rina and her gallery. “This is the only space
tion consists of bro-
ken plates and bent like this in Vero,” says the artist and for-
silverware inside a
glass-topped table. mer gallery owner.
Edged with statistics
and words, the ta- Barry Shapiro. “This woman has
ble is meant to raise done an incredible
awareness of child PHOTOS BY: DENISE RTCHIE
hunger. “It may not be the most popular,
pretty thing in the show. It’s not supposed to thing by opening it
be,” he says. “It’s supposed to be something
people look at that will make them think.” up and making this

Well-known potter and resident artist at not just a gallery
Flametree Clay Art Gallery, Maria Sparsis,
answered the call for the Plate Project with but an arts center.
a large stoneware platter aptly entitled “At
the Edge of the Sea.” She gives oppor- Exhibit shines light on
Muller’s abstract artwork
Sparsis has captured sea-blue hued tunities to people
swirls at the center and a “sandy” rim. Be-
tween the color transitions lies a vast beach where there would
of shell impressions merging sand and sea.
be none otherwise.

The kinds of people

that come here, the

kinds of events that she brings in – this is a

very incredible resource. It’s a gift to Vero


The Plate Project exhibition runs By Ellen Fischer | Columnist The Center for Spiritual Care exhibition,
[email protected] called The Healing Within, reflects what
through Dec. 15. Artists paid a $35 exhibi- Matisse called “an art of balance,” the sub-
The warm glow you will feel stepping ject matter not “troubling or depressing,”
tion fee, and the plates are for sale for be- into the Vero exhibition of Doraté Muller’s but rather, “something like a good arm-
latest paintings comes not only from the chair which provides relaxation from phys-
tween $10 and $500. earthy colors and gentle geometric ab- ical fatigue.”
stractions, but also from the shining gold-
Saturday’s Plate Festival is from11 a.m. and silver-toned metal leaf that is used in Yet the story behind these creations
to 6 p.m. at the Raw Space Plaza with food, many of the mixed media canvases on dis- belies the unruffled mien they present to
music, plate painting, performances, pup- play.
pets and face painting. Raw Space is at 1795 CONTINUED ON PAGE B4
Old Dixie Hwy., Vero. 


Visit or call (800) 595-4849


FRI, JAN 12, 2018



JAN 25, 2018 MAR 30, 2018

FEB 8, 2018



FEB 15, 2018 MAR 8, 2018

FEB 22, 2018 THURS,
MAR 1, 2018

Presented by MusicWorks, Inc. and Paris Productions

Alex MacWilliam Real Estate, Barth Construction, CenterState, GHO Homes,

New Vision Eye Center, Ocean Grill, Rennick Real Estate, Rob Callery and Bruce
McDonald of Ocean Oaks Dental Group. NON PROFIT PARTNERS: The Cultural
Council of Indian River County, Indian River Land Trust, Quail Valley Charities Inc.


B4 November 17, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

CONTINUED FROM PAGE B3 Doraté Muller artwork. PHOTOS BY: GORDON RADFORD Textures that she applied
under the leaf make the
the public: They represent the artist’s work’s shining surface
finding herself after a time of loss. look like a finely wrought
Doraté’s husband, Leonard, died in relief sculpture. Over
early 2015. this, a collage of pink
and yellow canvas scraps
“I am very proud of this body of appears like a flotilla of
work,” Doraté says, and adds that the boats on a glittering sea,
paintings in the show are “very, very or a celestial village in
recent.” Paradise.

Most of the 30 works on display Most of the abstract
were made within the last five or six works have an architec-
months. That’s how long ago the artist tural underpinning to
got an invitation from the Center for them and, to make her
Spiritual Care’s director, Carol Ludwig, sources clear, the artist
to show her work there. is showing along with the
abstracts some smaller
Doraté credits fellow painter Tim paintings of home in-
Sanchez with helping her get back to teriors. On the gallery’s
work in the months following her loss. south wall, a trio of pic-
tures includes “Interior VI (Hall into Living
“Tim Sanchez has been my men- Room)” and “Interior III (into Bedroom)”
tor and a very good friend to me. He hung one above the other to the left of
told me, ‘I’ve been in that boat, when the long vertical of “Abstract Interior.”
you don’t even want to hold a paint The former recalls the elegant, light-filled
brush.’” interiors of Vuillard’s later years; next to
those paintings, the latter can be read as a
Doraté says that Sanchez would cri- high-ceilinged room hung with rectangu-
tique her tentative efforts to resume lar “pictures” and furnished, in the lower
painting, gently prompting her to take third of the composition, with velvety blue
the next step in her creative journey. and deep fuchsia armchairs.
Amidst the glitter of the other pictures,
“He is an incredible teacher, who one of the most magical on display con-
teaches without you knowing he is tains not a glimmer of metal leaf. “Passage
teaching you. He makes suggestions IV (diptych)” presents the best of Doraté’s
and it’s up to you to take them.”

Doraté’s “Step into the Light” is a
visual summation of the artist’s as-
sertion that she has “stepped into
another plane” in her art. The 42-
inch square painting is almost en-
tirely covered in silvery metal leaf.

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE November 17, 2017 B5

abstract and representational worlds in COMING UP 3 Perhaps you feel joy and excite- other one individual to mold the character
two conjoined canvases. Painted in vari- ment, as I do, in watching young of Vero Beach. The idea for the show came
ous hues of blue, warm ochre and white, CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 performers – musicians, vocalists, ac- about when Chris Sexton, widow of Wal-
the complex painting appears at first tors – hone their craft and see their tal- do’s son Ralph and IRCHS founding dance
glance to be a geometric abstract. Gaze Ride”; medleys that will conjure snowy ents bloom. Our high school perform- instructor, came upon some unpublished
upon it a little longer, and the figures and winters and white holidays; solos; and ing arts departments nurture creativity correspondence between Waldo and Zora.
faces of people in an atmospheric space small-group numbers. After all those on stage, off stage and back stage, and Chris envisioned the precious documents
come into view. Whether those figures snowy, hum-able tunes, you should be this season they continue to delight us as the foundation for some unique story-
are strolling on a shop-lined street in fin in the mood to join in the traditional with their performances. This Friday, telling about Indian River and St. Lucie
de siècle Vienna, or milling about in the sing-along. Featured musicians include Saturday and Sunday, for example, “Lit- counties’ pioneer days, as only those two
gloom of a museum whose lit cases hold pianist Judy Carter, vocalist Glenn Orn- tle Women, the Musical” will be pre- iconic pioneers could tell it. If you’ve pre-
untold treasure depends entirely on the dorff, guitarist Dave Mundy, drummer sented by the young thespians of the viously attended a VAPA performance,
color of your imagination. Richie Mola and Vero’s favorite “oldies” Vero Beach High School Performing you won’t be surprised that the multi-dis-
trio, “The Dolls.” The snow begins to fall Arts Department, in the PAC auditori- cipline program is written, composed,
In the past Doraté found inspiration for (metaphorically) at 7 p.m. A tip: doors um. The show is from the beloved book staged and performed entirely by students
the amorphous quality of her “Passages” open at 6 p.m. Arrive on the early side to by Louisa May Alcott, based on her own and faculty. A Thursday ticket is $20 and
series of paintings in Viennese Secessionist grab a good seat. life, and tells the classic story of sisters includes a buffet-style light meal. A Friday
Gustav Klimt’s figural works, where figure Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy March and their ticket is $90 and includes a full sit-down
and ground are subsumed in an all-over 2 Clear a spot on your calendar. One adventures coming of age during the meal with all the trimmings and a vege-
composition of decorative color and pat- of Vero’s favorite Christmas tra- Civil War. Show times are Friday and tarian option. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. to
tern. Today she has an additional reason to ditions is the Festival of Trees, which Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. allow time to browse the educational dis-
add works to the continuing series. has grown over the years into an abso- In years to come, we’ll be able to say “I plays. The show begins at 7 p.m. Call 772-
lutely must-see knew her/him when …” 567-6600 for ticket information.
“If it has an inner meaning, a personal holiday season
meaning, I give it the name ‘Passage.’” family event, and 4 The complete- Haley Thompson-King.
it’s taking place at ly original mu-
Born Dorothee von Berg in Goch, Ger- Riverside Theatre sical show “Ameri- 5 For lovers of the pipes: The Vero
many, Doraté came to live permanently this very weekend. can Jazz 1890-1945,” Beach Pipes and Drums Scottish
in the U.S. in 1960 and settled in Stanford, Sugar & Spice is being presented this style pipe band, in full regalia, will pres-
Conn. There she began lessons in water- the theme and, if Thursday and Friday ent a Celtic concert this Saturday at First
color, which soon became the medium in you’ve attended in in dinner theater Presbyterian Church. Pipe major is First
which she excelled; she still owns her first the past, you know format by a troupe Presbyterian’s own director of music an
successful painting, a spray of flowers. that numerous in- of young perform- arts, Jacob Craig. Also on the program will
credibly creative ing artists from the be Haley Thompson-King, a singer, com-
Since moving to Vero Beach seven years folks grab the an- Indian River Charter poser, producer and multi-instrumental-
ago, she has added other water-based me- nual theme “ball” High School Visual ist graduate of New England Conservatory
dia to her repertoire, as well as oil paint. and run with it, and Performing Arts of Music, known for her complexly char-
Her use of oil began when she learned that coming up with program, combines ismatic voice; Kilt the Messenger, a “Celt-
“Vero Beach does not want glass in front of some of the most gorgeous, fancy, funny, one of the country’s ic punkabilly band” (I have no idea); and
their paintings.” elegant, amazing evergreens you’ve ever beloved musical genres with one of the the Celtic Strings from Vero Beach High
laid eyes on. There’ll be the Festival For- most fascinating and significant eras in lo- School. Show time is 7 p.m. A $25 donation
No glass obscures the artworks in “The est, Santa’s Village, Christmas Shoppe, cal history. And the inspiration came in a is appreciated but not required. 
Healing Within,” all of which are executed Ice Skating Rink and Grand Festival Hall, wonderfully serendipitous way. The show
on stretched canvas and presented in nar- all trimmed, decked and festooned – a focuses on the history of the Treasure
row contemporary frames. The two “Pas- visual holiday feast. This festive fest ben- Coast through the eyes of Zora Neale Hur-
sage” paintings and all the interior pictures efits Riverside Children’s Theatre. Friday ston and Waldo E. Sexton between 1890
are oil, and the ones with gold, silver and at 6 p.m. is the Gala Preview Party, $175; and 1945. According to Wikipedia, Hur-
copper leaf on them are done in acrylic be- the Festival is open to the public Satur- ston was a writer, folklorist and anthro-
cause, according to the artist, the leaf ad- day, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sunday, 10 a.m. to pologist known for her contributions to
heres better to it. 5 p.m., adults, $10; under 12, $5. Break- African-American literature, and lived in
fast with Santa Saturday and Sunday at Fort Pierce during her later years. Sexton,
But for Doraté, technique is merely the 9 a.m.: adults, $22; under 12, $18, which of course, was the entrepreneur and citrus
means to an end. includes festival admission. man whose enterprises, cleverly eccentric
creativity and vision did more than any
“Anytime I can provoke a feeling -- any
kind of feeling -- with my work, that is suc-

“The Healing Within” is on display
through Nov. 27 at the Center for Spiritual
Care at 1550 24th St., Vero Beach. 


1. The Rooster Bar 1. Endurance BY SCOTT KELLY 1. My Journey to the Stars
2. Killing England BY BILL O'REILLY
2. The Cuban Affair 2. The Mermaid BY JAN BRETT
3. Andrew Jackson and the 3. The Getaway (Diary of a Wimpy
BY NELSON DEMILLE Miracle of New Orleans
3. Two Kinds of Truth BY BRIAN KILMEADE & DON YAEGER 4. Turtles All the Way Down

5. The Dangerous Case of
4. Origin BY DAN BROWN 5. Three Dark Crowns
5. Quick & Dirty Donald Trump BY BANDY LEE

ELIN HILDERBRAND Saturday November 25th 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
from 11am to 1pm
Our Annual Holiday

Little Brown and Company with SANTA CLAUS!!

Monday, November 20th at 1 pm

B6 November 17, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE

Holiday spirit pervades delightful Evening of Giving

By CHRISTINA TASCON | Correspondent Doug and Susanne Sweeny with Stacey and Don Clawson. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Simon and Eleanor Caldecott
[email protected]
nior wrote last year thanking us and said ments, and a gala, providing funding for once a week as we support groups like Gif-
The annual Grand Harbor Community she didn’t think anybody remembered her grants which are awarded to deserving ford Youth Achievement Center, Samaritan
Outreach Evening of Giving got its start as anymore. Here is someone who is really agencies. Center and Our Father’s Table. We were re-
just a tree trimming party 18 years ago, but alone, but because they have a Christmas sponsive but now we are being more direc-
has since grown into a full-fledged, sea- gift from someone, they feel they are not “One-hundred percent of the organi- tive; to get them to be more impactful. We’re
son-of-giving kickoff, with members com- alone. That is what keeps me volunteering zation is made up of volunteers. Every not just showing up and dropping money
ing together to raise funds and purchase again every year.” dime of the money raised goes to charity and moving on.”
holiday gifts for community organizations, through our programs,” said Doug Swee-
children, seniors and veterans. In addition to Evening of Giving, rough- ny, GHCO president. “We decided to form “The members at Grand Harbor are pay-
ly $300,000 is raised each year from events a strategic partnership with Gifford and ing it forward in the best way it can be,” add-
The Grand Harbor Golf Club renova- such as golf, bridge and game tourna- now meet with community leaders about ed event co-chair Catherine Reichert. 
tions that had guests cozying up in half
the space, only increased the level of gaiety
and spirit among the guests, and the staff
outdid themselves, presenting a bountiful
buffet of scrumptious delights.

Members selected paper ornaments rep-
resenting gift wishes from two enormous
Christmas trees and were expected to re-
turn the gifts to Outreach volunteers to be
wrapped and delivered before Christmas.

“It kicks off the holiday season and re-
minds us that there are people who are less
fortunate than we are; we show our grati-
tude by giving families a helping hand. It’s
a Grand Harbor tradition,” said Susan Dai-

“This event raises between $29,000 and
$36,000,” said co-chair Tina Wilcox. “I have
a whole bunch of thank-you notes. One se-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING November 17, 2017 B7

Johnny D’s: A South Beach neighborhood favorite

Pizza Trigger Fish.

BY TINA RONDEAU that mussels appetizer) and asked if I would Antipasto Della Casa. actly the zuppa di pesce I remembered and
Columnist like to proceed with the zuppa di pesce with Limoncello Mascarpone love.
more clams added instead. I said “sure”
In the half-dozen years since it opened, but in retrospect, I probably should have Cheese Cake My husband’s grilled trigger fish, on
Johnny D’s Market and Bistro – in the white switched to another dish. the other hand, was excellent. You don’t
and blue building on South A1A – has be- Absent the mussels, the calamari and see this fish, found in relatively shallow
come a popular neighborhood restaurant shrimp in a bianco sauce (Johnny D’s ver- waters off our coast, on restaurant menus
among residents of South Beach. sion of the zuppa doesn’t include fish) were very often, and it is excellent eating with a
overwhelmed by the chopped clams they firm white flesh that has a sweet, buttery
Night after night, a goodly crowd can added to augment the Little Necks. Not ex- taste.
be found dining in this easygoing Tus-
can bistro, enjoying a dependable variety No review of Johnny D’s would be com-
of well-prepared veal, chicken, seafood plete without mentioning the bistro is also
and pasta entrées, most very reasonably continuing to serve its excellent prix fixe,
priced. Their pizzas also are among the best offering soup or a salad, and a choice of 16
around. entrées, for $16.

We’ve found on a variety of visits that an During the offseason and into the fall, you
excellent way to begin an evening at Johnny can take advantage of these specials all eve-
D’s is by ordering one of their starters. The ning. During season, you need to be seated
Sambuca-steamed Prince Edward Island by 6 p.m.
mussels are a particular favorite of mine,
served with tri-color bell peppers, Bermuda And while it is not part of the prix fixe, you
onions, and leeks in a Sambuca basil buerre don’t want to leave without trying a slice of
blanc (yum). Johnny D’s limoncello mascarpone cake – a
definite ‘don’t miss.’
But on our most recent visit, I decided to
start with the antipasto della casa ($12), and I welcome your comments, and encour-
my husband opted for the calamari vesuvio age you to send feedback to me at tina@

My antipasto consisted of house mari- The reviewer dines anonymously at
nated grilled zucchini, eggplant, fire roast- restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
ed bell peppers, Kalamata olives, fresh 32963. 
mozzarella and vine ripened Roma toma-
toes. Very nice. And my husband’s calamari Hours:
vesuvio was delicious – calamari simmered Nightly 5 pm to 9 pm
in a spicy broth of tomatoes, herbs and hot Beverages: Beer and wine
We then enjoyed Johnny D’s simple house 1409 South A1A
salads, one served with either a creamy on-
ion and the other with a sun-dried tomato Phone: (772) 234-4181
balsamic dressing.

For entrées, I ordered an old favorite,
the zuppa di pesce ($26), and my hus-
band decided to try one of that evening’s
specials, trigger fish ($24) garnished with

Shortly after we ordered, however, the
waiter came back and said they were out
of mussels (there must have been a run on

B8 November 17, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Reservations Highly Recommended  Proper Attire Appreciated

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A Modern Diner with fresh local ingredients

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reservations strongly suggested

2950 9th St. S.W. #105 Open Tues.-Sun. 5pm-9pm
Vero Beach

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING November 17, 2017 B9

Thai & Japanese Cuisine Live Music and Jazz
Tues – Thurs, 6 pm - 9 pm
Beer, Wine, Sake & Fri & Sat, 6 pm - 10 pm
Full Liquor Bar
$2 Off Martini Tuesdays
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Mon - Sat 11:30am - 3 pm


Nightly 4:30 pm -10 pm

713 17th Street|(17th Shoppes Center)

B10 November 17, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING November 17, 2017 B11

Our featured artist this November is Gerald O’Sullivan.

Come enjoy delicious homemade specialties for breakfast, lunch or snack time too!
The finest coffee and teas, the freshest baked goods, a full line of beverages

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Fishack 1931 Old Dixie Highway, Vero Beach
Lunch & Dinner Open Tuesday - Saturday 11:30 am - Close • Sunday 4pm - Close

772.770.0977 • • Like us on Facebook!

B12 November 17, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


1 Outdoor blaze (7) 1 Loud fireworks (7)
5 Decipher (5) 2 Clamour (5)
8 Tacks (5) 3 Encourage (7)
9 Instalment (7) 4 Vigour (6)
10 Night (7) 5 Word linking cheese and roll (5)
11 Flamboyant (5) 6 Watchtower (7)
12 Method (6) 7 Foe (5)
14 Extents (6) 13 Appetiser (7)
18 Accuse (5) 15 Stretchy (7)
20 Currant bun (7) 16 Landscape (7)
22 Allure (7) 17 Social rank (6)
23 Commerce (5) 18 Explosion (5)
24 Trio (5) 19 Delete (5)
25 Community (7)) 21 Conscious (5)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES November 17, 2017 B13

ACROSS 62 He had a hand in 122 Matthew Brady process The Washington Post
Kukla 62 Lovable camp
1 He gave the shade THE LOST FILMS OF JERRY LEWIS By Merl Reagle
English 63 FDR book, with 1 invader
a lift Down 123 A, O, or AB 63 Burden
66 Chorus syllable
5 Members of 64 It’s next to N. Mex. DOWN 67 Florida bird
Troglodytes 65 Jerry’s Hamlet? 68 Loud as lions
troglodytes 70 Shot clock abbr. 1 See 63 Across 69 VCR button
72 Rest and 2 Greek letter 70 Begins the
10 Like Godiva 3 Malice
14 Like Godiva? restricted, e.g. process of
18 23rd Psalm verb 73 Legendary potato aforethought, e.g. 71 Leave the scene
19 Diplomat, to Dirac 4 Actor’s walk-on? 75 Ankle-high work
20 Yemen’s capital chip inventor 5 Unites
21 Prizms and George 6 Trenton shoe
74 Jack and Jimmy 76 Car styles
Storms 77 Tic-tac-toe loser legislator’s I.D. 79 Made lace
22 Jerry’s tall-guy, 78 Mr. Mom tootsie 7 Least crooked 80 Left at sea?
79 Ring finales 8 A party-pooper 81 Indy safety feature
short-guy 80 Get 9 Searches 83 Take ___
comedy? 82 Feels the heat 85 Eon
24 Quotable-notable 84 Michigan county meticulously 86 Blanc, for one
volume on 10 Popular chocolate 89 Recipe instruction
26 Anagram of 21 Lake Michigan 90 Pilot’s shoe?
Across 86 Open, peaty bar 93 Ex-New Yorker
27 Jerry’s remake of wasteland 11 Cartwright in black
a Victor Herbert 87 TV’s The ___ 12 Showed again critic Pauline
work? Squad 13 Get on board 96 Like some movie
29 Tin man? 88 Ort entree 14 Curved
32 One noted for 89 Jerry’s visit-to- love scenes
cutting remarks a-crazy-planet construction 97 Photog Adams
33 ’60s battle zone comedy? 15 Oil giant 98 Liberator of
34 Team scream 91 A real swingin’ 16 “Aw, that’s a ___
35 “How can ___ this grp. Venezuela
...” 92 Given the nod, hooey!” 99 Blotch
36 Poker promises in headlines 17 Writing 101 Rex or Harrison
38 Rap, reggae, or 94 Lay odds 103 Whopper tellers
rock: abbr. 95 Like the biggest competition 104 Result
40 Compatible mach. airports, briefly 23 Notorious Manuel 106 Neckwear or
42 Grouper gatherer 96 Cover 25 Squirrel perch
43 Jerry’s comedy 97 Equus member 28 Turn ___ (lose racetrack
about 100 Milk-biz org. 108 Bond novel
a hobo who feeds 102 Say uncle crunch) 109 Girl’s name
squirrels? 105 Twirled items 29 Room with a
47 Tiny tunnelers 107 With 112 Across, ending
51 Teddy’s inits. Jerry’s comedy viewing 110 American Express
52 The Night of the about abstract 30 Tarzan’s one
Hunter scripter art? 31 Jerry’s film bio rival
James 110 Cuttings container 113 Cuckoo bird (or
53 Encouraged and 111 Ludlum’s The ___ about a singer?
then some Inheritance 32 Like Lamb Chop Wheel of Fortune
54 Grape or passion 112 See 107 Across 37 The yoke’s on buy)
follower 116 Land of blarney 114 Enjoy liqueur
55 Cliff is one, on 117 Football great them 115 Printemps follower
Cheers Ronnie 39 Breastbone
57 “ ... days ___ 118 The Colosseum, 41 Make imperfect NOopwen It’s a date.
September ...” today 43 Personalized
58 U.S. law (enacted 119 Leave out AL 13068 Join us for a lunch that
in 1970) aimed at 120 Nighttime host pin-ons you will remember.
organized crime 121 Cafeteria slide- 44 Hangings that are
60 Go for along Call with an opening on
61 Hall or Potts hard to watch your calendar.
45 Jerry’s film bio
about a sports
legend? Assisted Living & Memory Care
46 Typical Lewis
48 Jerry’s comical 2100 10th Avenue l Vero Beach, FL 32960
Indian saga?
49 Torus on a Taurus
50 Hellish river
54 Author’s note
56 Repose
57 Crayon choices
59 Team-reduction

The Telegraph

B14 November 17, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES



K 10 5

By Phillip Alder K 10 7

I am confident that you have heard the line: “Out of this nettle, danger, we pluck this Q J 10 7 6
flower, safety.” But from which of Shakespeare’s plays does it come?
At the bridge table, part of the art of being a successful player is spotting both the
danger to your contract and the safe route around that threat. A4 3

How does that apply in this week’s deal? South is in five spades doubled, and West AQJ97632 84
leads the diamond two. What happens next?
2 98653
West might have opened four hearts, but that would have risked missing a slam if
partner had a decent hand. After East responded one no-trump, South jumped to four 85 AK943
spades, of course. Then West felt obliged to bid five hearts. However, when South SOUTH
continued with five spades, West aggressively doubled.
K Q J 10 9 8 6 5
Clearly, West’s lead is a singleton, under which East should play his three as a suit-
preference signal for clubs. (Since he has no reason to play third hand high and count in —
the suit is irrelevant, he can signal suit preference.)
If South immediately attacks trumps, West will win with his ace, play a club to his
partner’s king and receive a diamond ruff to defeat the contract. 2

South must cut the defensive communication lines. He takes the first trick on the board, Dealer: West; Vulnerable: East-West
leads the heart king and discards his club. He loses only one heart and one spade.
The Bidding:
I discovered that Hotspur spoke that Shakespearean line in Henry IV part 1, act 2,
1 Hearts Pass 1 NT
4 Spades 5 Hearts Pass Pass LEAD:
5 Spades Dbl. All Pass 2 Diamonds

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR November 17, 2017 B15

ONGOING and Grand Festival Hall. Fri.6 p.m. Gala Preview ings to benefit Boys & Girls Clubs of IRC. $50. 18 Treasure Coast Chorale presents
Party with hors d’oeuvres, open bar and holiday There’s No Business Like Snow Busi-
Vero Beach Theatre Guild - Little Shop of Howl at the Moon show, $175; Sat. 10 a.m. to ness - A Celebration of the Winter Season, 7
Horrors through Nov. 26. 8 p.m. & Sun. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. $10 adults; $5 18 Jordan Thomas Orchestra’s Tribute to p.m. at First Baptist Church. $10 donation ap-
under 12. Breakfast with Santa, 9 a.m. Sat. & Ella Fitzgerald, featuring NYC vocalist preciated. 772-231-3498
Vero Beach Museum of Art - DeWitt Boutelle af- Sun. $22/$18 (includes festival admission). riv- Thana Alexa, 4:30 happy hour; 6 p.m. dinner/
ter Thomas Cole: The Voyage of Life thru Jan. 7 and or 772-231-6990 preshow at Italian American Civic Assn. Bella 19 Capt. Hiram’s River Challenge Sprint
Masters of American Photography thru Jan. 14. Italia Ballroom $50 dinner & show. 772-778- Triathlon: Tri-ing to Save our River,
17-19 Vero Beach High School 1522 7:30 a.m. at Capt. Hiram’s -500M river swim,
McKee Botanical Garden - It’s a Jungle out Performing Arts Dept. pres- 12-mile bicycle ride and 5K run to support CCA,
There Exhibition thru April 29. ents Little Women, the Musical, 7 p.m. Fri./Sat., 18 Viva Stouthouse, 7 p.m. at Marsh Is- ELC and ORCA.
2 p.m. Sun. at VBHS PAC. 772-564-5497 land Clubhouse to benefit the Stout-
Downtown Vero Beach – monthly 5 to 8 p.m. house stipend and building fund - classical 19 Inaugural Trap/Skeet Shoot, 9 a.m. at
First Friday Gallery Strolls. 17 Symposium on Poverty and Justice guitarist Miguel Bonachea, refreshments and Indian River County Shooting Range
Reform hosted by United Against Pov- silent auction. $125. 772-589-8826 to benefit For the Love of Paws Senior Pet Sanc-
NOVEMBER erty, 8:30 a.m. at IRSC Richardson Center fea-
turing national, regional and local speakers and Thanksgiving Feast
16|17 Environmental Learning panelists focusing on “Implementing Innovative
Center’s 25th annual Gol- Local Services to Reduce Incarceration and Re- Serving 1:00 to 4:00PM, $32 per Person
fin’ for the Lagoon Charity Golf Tournament & cidivism.” Free. 772-770-0740
Dinner at Bent Pine Golf Club. Thurs. 6 p.m. Begin with an Included Bottle of House Wine Per Couple.
cocktails and dinner (non-players welcome); 17 Women’s Refuge 20th Year Anniversa- Then Savor an Appetizer of Our Mixed Fried Mushrooms and Delicious Stuffed Jalapenos;
Fri. tournament, lunch and wards reception. ry Gala, 6 p.m. at First Church of God, with keynote speaker Dr. Wayne Creelman, mu- Next, You Will be Offered a Choice of our Famous Bean and
sical entertainment and gourmet dinner. 772- Kale Soup, or A Cool House Salad with Multiple Dressing Options.
16|17 American Jazz 1890-1945, 770-4424
performed by Indian River Our Thanksgiving Entrée will Delight You with Generous Filets
Charter High School Visual and Performing Arts 18 Tactical 10K and 2-Mile Run/Walk, 7 of Turkey Breast Smothered with Cajun Gravy and Sliced Pit Ham Topped with a
students,6:15 at CHS, $20 Thurs; $45 & $90 Fri- a.m. from South Beach Park to raise
day dinner & show. 772-567-6600 x 118 fund for Vero Beach Police Dept. equipment. Grilled Pineapple Ring. Our Entrée Sides are Cajun Dressing, Green Beans,
772-978-4679 Marshmallow Candied Yams and, of Course, Cranberry Sauce.
16-19 House of Art, Culture &
Design to benefit Cultural If you Request, We will Finish your Feast with an option of Bourbon Bread Pudding or a Hot Beignet.
Council of IRC - Old Oak Lane home becomes
a Designer Show House. Thurs. 6 p.m. Opening 18 Children’s Day Plate Festival, 11 to 6 89 Royal Palm Pointe l 772-617-6359
Night Gala with cocktails & dessert, $135; Fri. p.m. as part of the Plate Project Collab- Regular Menu Available
5 pm. Wine Tasting and Cigar Bar, $50; Sat. 12 orative Philanthropic Exhibition at Raw Space to Reservations Suggested
p.m. Luncheon and Fashion Show, $100; Sun. 12 benefit Childcare Resources. 772-410-9126
p.m. Classic Car Show; and 3 p.m. High Tea with
panel of designers, $50. House open to public 18 Vero Vino Wine & Food Festival, 4 to
Fri. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. at Heritage Center hosted by
Sun. 12 to 5 p.m., $25 each day. 772-770-4857 United Center of VB - wine, beer and food pair-

16-19 53rd annual St. Helen’s Har- Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
vest Festival at Historic Dod- in November 10, 2017 Edition 1 THUS 1 TAILBACK
gertown – carnival midway rides and games, fes- 3 HOOP 2 UNSPOILT
tival food, Lady Bug Boutique and old-fashioned 9 REAMS 4 OPERAS
family fun, 5 to 9:30 p.m. Thurs.; 5 to 11 p.m. 10 INSINCERE 5 PREPLAN
Fri.; Noon to 11 p.m. Sat.; Noon to 6 p.m. Sun. 11 POSER 6 GAGS
Free admission & parking. 772-567-5457 12 BOOKSTALL 7 TSAR

17-19 Sugar & Spice-themed Fes- Sudoku Page B12 Sudoku Page B13 Crossword Page B12 Crossword Page B13 (ANYTHING GOES)
tival of Trees to benefit Riv-
erside Children’s Theatre – Festival Forest, San-
ta’s Village, Christmas Shoppe, Ice Skating Rink


Our directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the community an opportunity to make themselves known to our readers at an affordable cost.
This is the only business directory mailed each week during season. If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753.



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TBheefohrireinygouofdaeclaiadwneyd,eear xsispkeaurniseintmocpepo.rrCotavliinedtnedt eyreocsiuspiwoonnitshtihbfalreteesfohwrorucioltdtsetnnooiftnsbfoueritmbaaatstiesodentstaloeblmeolueytnoto.nuradqvuearltiifsiceamtieonntss.

B16 November 17, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

tuary. $75 includes shooting, prizes and lunch. 7:30 a.m. at Riverside Park (7:15 free children’s 4 p.m. (rain date Sunday) at Riverview Park in 4 to 8 p.m. Sat. at ELC, with musical entertainment,
772-539-2417 ¼-mile) to benefit United Against Poverty. 772- Sebastian. nature crafts, photos with tropical Santa and canoe-
770-0740 ing a mangrove winter wonderland.
23 11th annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner, 25 ELC EcoTalks Speaker Series: Prehis-
11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at First Church 24 Main Street Vero Beach Downtown toric Pottery, 11 a.m. at Environmen- 30 to December 3 Sebastian River High
of God. Free to all. 772-562-2256 Friday Street Party, 6 to 9 p.m. on 14th tal Learning Center. School Prism Concert at SRHS PAC, 7
Avenue. Free. 772-643-6782 p.m. Thurs. & Fri., 2 p.m. & 7 p.m. Sat., and 2
23 Tenth annual Thanksgiving Day Trot 30 To December 2 - Sunset Holiday Lights Ca- p.m. Sun. showcasing Concert, Jazz and March-
Against Poverty, 5K Walk/Run fol- 25 Art by the River Fine Art Show hosted noe Trips, 5 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. at Environ- ing Sharks bands, Flag & Dance Line and Choral
lowed by free sweet potato pancake breakfast, by Sebastian River Art Club, 10 a.m. to mental Learning Center and WinterGreen Night Lights program. 772-564-4315

Enjoy Chef Armando’s Thanksgiving Brunch featuring a raw
bar and selection of seafood, herb roasted turkey, maple glazed

pork loin, omelet station, an assortment of seasonal desserts
and much more!

11:30AM TO 2:30PM | 772.410.0100 TAX & 18% GRATUITY APPLIES

Limited Seating. Reservations Required.



Take $500 Off Any New Car Purchase!*

BRAND #7166 MSRP $19,950 #7118 MSRP $22,090

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Power doors, mirrors, and windows, steering Equipped with: A/C, Automatic Transmission,
wheel radio controls, fog lights, Bluetooth, Power Windows & Locks, 7 Airbag System, Keyless
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alloy wheels, back up camera link system with Bluetooth





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$12,475 $13,200 $15,750 $16,980 $18,650

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*plus tax, tag, title, destination, and $349 Dealer fee. Price includes all factory rebates, cash back, and dealer discounts. Vehicles subject to prior sale. Not responsible for typographical errors. Offers Expire 11/30/17.
$500 Black Friday discount is in addition to any factory rebates you may qualify for. Must take vehicle delivery by 11/30/17. Only valid on new 2017 and 2018 Mitsubishi models. Not valid on any used cars or trucks of any make or model.

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