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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-03-10 12:34:18

03/09/2017 ISSUE 10


Easier does it. P5 Pooch paradise. P6 Flower power!

Melbourne Beach improves water County considering creating Melbourne Botanical Fest flora-shes
access for faster rescues. second dog-friendly beach. at downtown venue. PAGE 10


‘Remembering’ A sailboat beached at Eau Gallie Library. Paying a toll for
Florida through pushing beach
modern media PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER parking meters

[email protected] [email protected]
Just as his famous father, the [email protected] When Melbourne Beach Vice
late Patrick Smith of Merritt Is- Mayor Tom Davis first ran for
land, captured the spirit of Flor- The view behind the Eau town commission, he thought
ida’s pioneer past in his novel Gallie Library on Pineapple he had a winner of a campaign
“A Land Remembered,” Rick Avenue is almost postcard per- issue calling for parking meters
Smith, now of California, con- fect. Anchored boats bob in in town. Was he ever wrong.
tinues the family legacy of shar- the gentle breeze on the Indian
ing Old Florida, but with mod- River under a clear blue sky. “I changed that real quickly
ern multimedia storytelling. A small boardwalk leads to a when residents said no,” Davis
covered dock. Indian Harbour said.
Written in 1984, “A Land Re- Beach rises in the distance.
membered” is historical fiction Paid parking reared its head
covering more than a century The one blight in this pic- again at a March 1 workshop
of Florida history from 1858 to ture is an abandoned 36-foot initiated by Commissioner
1968. sailboat, partly on its side, Sherri Quarrie as a way to ex-
dashed against the rocks. A plore not just the increasing
It has been said people victim of Hurricane Matthew, demand for a finite amount of
should be issued a copy when the boat is tied mast to tree parking but the potential con-
they cross the Florida state frontations between residents
line because it shows the “real CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 and visitors for those scarce
Florida,” not merely the vaca-
tion destination most imagine CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
when they think of the state.
Major surf contest
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 on drawing board
for Sebastian Inlet
Token discussion
on pot-shop rules STORY BY CHRIS BONANNO
[email protected] A major new surfing
tournament could be com-
Brevard County commis- ing to Sebastian Inlet with-
sioners have decided to hold in the next year.
a public hearing to discuss
local regulations for medi- According to Eric Garvey,
cal marijuana dispensaries – executive director of the
which will be coming to the Brevard County Tourist De-
county soon, due to passage
of Amendment 2 in Novem- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2


ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Acting on a ‘Hunch’

NEWS 1-8 FAITH 22 PEOPLE 9-12 Henegar goes big and bold
ARTS 13-16 GAMES 23-25 PETS 33 with production of ‘Hunchback:
DINING 31 INSIGHT 17-26 The Musical.’ PAGE 14


2 Thursday, March 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


SURF CONTEST biggest professional surfing contest ABANDONED BOATS when it comes to sailboats. “They may
on the East Coast of the United States. have current registration but it does
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 not require an ID to pay registration
To attract a new tournament, the renewal fees. We are working on fixing
velopment Council, the tournament, TDC will put $125,000 towards the with rope for support. that now,” Culver said.
the World Surf League event would be event if a matching amount is com- The sailboat is one of more than
held at the inlet in January 2018. mitted through private sponsorships. If unable to find the owner, removal
50 derelict vessels awaiting disposal falls to the county or municipality.
Garvey hopes that the tournament Garvey believes he should be able to up and down both sides of the Indian
will fill what he sees as a void in the en- get that funding in relatively short or- River from Titusville to Grant, on the In Melbourne Beach, authorities
tire state. der, adding that he hopes to bring the mainland and island sides of the la- found an owner of a boat that broke
plan back to the TDC Board of Direc- goon. More than half ended up aban- loose from nearby Indialantic and
“I was talking with some of my team tors in the next month. doned in the wake of Matthew. ended up at Riverside and Avenue
and event promoter Mitch Varnes A earlier this year where it spent two
about how we better leverage surfing Sebastian Inlet was selected as the “Abandoned and derelict boats have weeks. “The owner had to make spe-
to draw people to come visit our area,” site for the event because of its unique always been a problem,” said Matt C. cial arrangements to have it lifted out
Garvey said. “As we talked through the surfing climate and all the surfing his- Culver, boating and waterways pro- of the water onto dry land. It was too
possibility of the event, we came to tory associated with “First Peak.” The gram coordinator for the Brevard badly damaged to be towed away,”
realize that there’s no high-level pro- wave has been muted in recent years, County Natural Resources Manage- Town Manager Tim Day said.
fessional surfing event in Florida now apparently due to jetty renovation in ment Department. “We’ve removed
– [even though] Florida has produced the early 2000s, but efforts are under- more than 150 derelict vessels in the But abandoned or derelict boats are
a whole string of amazing surfers, in- way to modify the jetty and bring back past ten years. We see all kinds, but the rare in Melbourne Beach.
cluding Kelly Slater, the man many the storied break. majority of them are sailboats.”
people say is the best surfer ever.” “We look at the identifying registra-
Garvey expects the tournament to Removal costs for each boat ranges tion on the boat,” Day said. “We track
Indeed, the Sebastian Inlet area be a big draw, but noted the location from $2,500 to $6,000. down the last owner and if we can-
was a legendary location in the surf- “does present some challenge from a not reach them we dispose of it our-
ing world in the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s, typical tourism perspective in that it’s The reasons for abandonment vary, selves. We make sure that all fuels are
as competitors rode the “First Peak” a little bit remote, and there are not a but damage and the inability to pay for removed. That’s priority number one.
surf break to fame and fortune. The lot of hotels.” repairs or removal are among them. A contractor will handle the removal
waters on the north side of the jetty from that point.”
groomed great surfers who went on to He added that the contest will be a According to the Florida Fish and
win eight Pipe Masters, 16 world titles not-for-profit event that it will attract Wildlife Conservation Commission, a Culver said most boats are left der-
and countless other championships, the major surfing stars from Brevard vessel is “at risk of becoming derelict” elict in the Indian River Lagoon, with
according to Surfer Magazine. including Slater and C.J. and Damien if it takes on water that it can’t get rid far fewer instances of abandonment
Hobgood, among others. of; if damage has left exposure to the on the ocean beaches. When it does
From 2005 through 2011 the inlet elements; if the boat breaks loose or happen, these are often homemade
was the site of the O’Neill Sebastian “We would love to have their partic- threatens to break loose from its an- boats, often used for drug running and
Inlet Pro Surfing event, which was the ipation and we think we’ll have them,” chor; if left unattended long enough abandoned in the ocean.
Garvey said.  to not function in the water.
To pay for removal, the county goes
VERO BEACH 32963 Media LLC Such boats present not only a dan- after grant money from Florida Fish and
PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER: MILTON R. BENJAMIN ger to the public, but become locales Wildlife and the Florida Inland Naviga-
for illegal activity, illegal housing and tional District. The latter is a taxing dis-
772-559-4187, [email protected] vandalism. trict that maintains commerce on the
CREATIVE DIRECTOR: DAN ALEXANDER Intracoastal Waterway. The district pro-
“If they are sunk along the shoreline vides assistance funding up to $30,000
772-539-2700, [email protected] for six months or more, people strip per county per year to assist with der-
MANAGING EDITOR: STEVEN M. THOMAS off every piece of metal and cable and elict vessel removal. Additional funding
772-453-1196, [email protected] you are left with a shell,” Culver said. comes through the county from boat-
ing registration fees.
To learn about the cost-effective advertising rates being offered in And taxpayers foot the bill for re-
The Melbourne Beachsider, please contact our advertising moval. “We hope the state and FEMA will
representatives listed below: remove Matthew-related derelict
DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING: JUDY DAVIS Culver works with law enforcement, boats,” Culver said.”
772-633-1115, [email protected] the sheriff’s office and Florida Fish and
ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Wildlife to identify derelict boats and The county acts as quickly as pos-
track down the owner, often a fruitless sible, but quick is a relative term. “If a
WILL GARDNER, 407-361-2150, [email protected] task. “Many times we cannot find the boat sinks today it might take a year to
KATHLEEN MACGLENNON, 772-633-0753, [email protected] owner. We’re not talking $100,000 boats. get it out of the water. Law enforcement
These are clunkers in need of repair to reporting can take some time and then
To talk about stories, or invite us to cover social and charitable events, begin with.” the processing on our end to get grant
call 772-453-1196 or email us at [email protected]. funding and hire a contractor can take
Florida law requires title transfers a long time. We hire a contractor long
every time a boat changes hands. Fail- term with a derelict vessel removal com-
ure to make the transfer could result
in criminal charges to the seller, but
the law hasn’t helped much, especially

6 Thursday, March 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


County considers creating second dog-friendly beach

[email protected]
“Parking is a challenge because of the
Canova Beach Park in Indian Har- number of visits, which increases in the
bour Beach – the only public beach in spring and summer. It’s well used from dusk
Brevard County where dogs are allowed to dawn seven days a week,” Lopez said.
to run on the sand and charge into the
waves – has become a magnet for dog The 9.1-acre park with three dune
owners who live on the barrier island, crossovers is unstaffed, but visitors are
mainland Brevard and nearby counties usually good about following posted
since it opened in 2012. regulations, Lopez said.

Due to its popularity, the county is
now seeking a location for a second dog-
friendly beach park, focusing on the area
just south of Patrick Air Force Base, near
the end of the Pineda Causeway.

“[Canova Beach] is a hot spot for sure,”
said Hector Lopez, Parks and Recreation
Department interim director. “It doesn’t
matter what time of day, you could be
waiting for a parking spot for a little bit.
It’s definitely a destination for everybody.

“Once they hear that this is a legiti-
mate park for the dogs to have access to
the actual beach it does become a des-
tination, even for neighboring counties.
We have noticed more cars from Osceo-
la and Orange and Seminole counties. I
don’t think they originally thought that
that was going to be the case.

“You have good days and better idea when I got 5,000 signatures in just
days, but I would say for the most part a matter of days,” Hurley said.
the average dog owner does follow the
rules. They police themselves. If they Hurley’s petition has not been offi-
see another dog owner who is not be- cially presented to the county commis-
ing respectful, you’ll see them going to sion, but her efforts may have prodded
those owners and say, ‘Be respectful. county officials to begin looking for
This is the only dog beach in Brevard places to create additional dog-friendly
County. You don’t want to abuse it or beach parks.
destroy it.’”
One area that has been studied is south
All dogs in the park must be on a of Patrick Air Force Base, Lopez said.
leash no longer than six feet and have
proof of current rabies vaccination and “We look for locations that may be
license. Handlers can have a maximum a little rockier, where the tourists or
of two dogs and must stop their dogs general beach users would not want
from digging and immediately fill any to come in. We try to look for locations
holes that are dug. that would benefit residents of Brevard
County and I think we wanted some-
Of course, handlers are responsible thing close to Pineda to handle the
for picking up and properly disposing central part of the county.”
of dog waste and they are required to
remove their dog from the beach if the Canova Beach, located at the end of
dog becomes aggressive. the Eau Gallie Causeway, “was for the
people living in the south,” Lopez said,
With an estimated 70,000 dog-own- adding that plans for another dog-
ing households in Brevard, and only friendly beach have not firmed up yet.
one small dog beach, Renee Hurley of
Cocoa Beach created a petition in 2016 “There has been interest in adding
to allow dogs on all Space Coast beach- other locations, but we have not gone
es before 9 a.m. and after 5 p.m. any further than researching the land
and asking the municipalities if there
“I knew there was support for the were sites they had considered,” he
said. 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 9, 2017 7


BEACH PARKING Much of the discussion non-residents see cars and park there, a single exit and entrance which would
centered on installing a you have an enforcement issue. It will allow an increased number of parking
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 paid parking system in the tie up the police force for parking en- spaces. And it might alleviate the dan-
lot at Ocean Park at the in- forcement,” he said. gerous curve in A1A while not impact-
spaces. The workshop brought to the tersection of Ocean Avenue ing beach views from the park.
fore the damned if you do, damned and A1A. Davis said traffic tickets are not
if you don’t nature of parking fees. “If we give people a reason not to worth writing in these situations, and “That seems reasonable and you get
Meters and permits risk alienating park in Ocean Park, they will go to Av- Town Manager Tim Day said the police more space,” Simmons said.
visitors and the dollars they spend, enue A or Avenue B and the problem is chief opposes any kind of paid parking.
by sending them to Satellite Beach already getting worse on A or B,” said The unanswered question is wheth-
or other communities where parking Simmons, who brought up the possi- “We need to be proactive, so it is er the Florida Department of Trans-
is free. Or parking fees on beachfront bility of residents-only parking on the not an enforcement problem,” Sim- portation would permit parking me-
spaces will end up driving beachgoers beach blocks. Then the issue would be mons said. ters or additional spots in the park. “To
to residential streets to the chagrin of which side of the street to park on as reconfigure the lot and the overlook
residents. the streets are too narrow for parking Walters recommended using some we need DOT approval. It would re-
on both sides. “You can alternate days of the parking in the shopping center quire design and eventually engineer-
“This is an emotional issue,” Mayor of the week. People will still bitch that adjacent to Ocean Park. “Maybe we ing to apply for a permit that may or
Jim Simmons said. someone is parking in the yard.” can lease 10 to 12 spaces for beach may not be successful,” Day said.
Or worse – as when a fight broke out parking only,” he said.
At the heart of the matter is not just Feb. 25 between residents and visitors The environmental people would
visitors who pour into Melbourne over a vehicle blocking a driveway. Day doesn’t hold out much hope also have a say. While the town over-
Beach to enjoy the town’s quintessen- Simmons threw out an option of for that. “I will look into it, but the sees the park maintenance, the Flor-
tial Florida beach town vibe, but the allowing a certain number of park- owners of the businesses are not so ida Bureau of Public Lands owns the
swelling mainland population that ing slots at the end of each of the two cooperative.” land and leases it to the municipality
flocks to the oceanside. streets that would be open to every- for 99 years. The lease is for preserv-
body. “Make the rest permitted park- Commissioner Wyatt Hoover said ing land for outdoor public recre-
“There’s more and more problems as ing. That solves the security issue. You the various ideas just shuffle the issue ation.
Palm Bay and Melbourne grow,” Sim- won’t have huge 40-50 person parties from one point to another. “We should
mons said. “We are the first town [they on the beach,” yet another space tak- have a study for evidence instead of “Can we craft a response to indi-
come to after crossing the bridge] with er, he said. being anecdotal.” cate that we need revenue for repairs
free parking.” Commissioner Steve Walters said in that area? We do have costs,” Day
residents do not like paid parking and Simmons, who has also heard the said.
do not want permits. “If Avenue A and anti-parking fee wrath, recommended
Avenue B residents can park and then holding a fact-finding hearing for resi- With so much unanswered, gauging
dents. “I get a lot of emails on park- the local reaction was deemed pre-
ing meters. People would like to see a mature. “At this point we are not go-
comprehensive solution. Ask them to ing to hold any public meetings until
help us come up with a solution.” the commission decides if it wants to
move forward with any changes.” 
Quarrie brought up reconfiguring
the entrance to the park so there is only

10 Thursday, March 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Melbourne Botanical Fest flora-shes at downtown venue

STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT Justin and Theodore Brown. PHOTOS: RYAN CLAPPER Joe and Jean Allen with Shelly Brown. Melbourne Main Street Executive Director Jarin Eisenberg.
[email protected]
Will and Georgia Orser. John Daly. Brian Marsland.
As anyone who has ever trans-
planted a favorite botanical from first-time event. But the turnout has friends and more than a few leashed ing,” helped Shields choose plants
one spot to another knows, planning been amazing,” said Jarin Eisenberg, canines strolled past booths and ta- that would survive Florida’s punish-
ahead works best, but a sprinkling Melbourne Main Street executive di- bles filled with colorful tropical and ing environment.
of hope doesn’t hurt. So when the rector. “People were here before we native shrubs and trees, vegetable
much-loved Botanical Fest decided even opened at 8 a.m. and it has been plants, fruit trees, herbs, garden sup- Melbourne Main Street also part-
to move from its longtime home at busy ever since. Our goal is to grow plies, whimsical decorations and nered with Green Gables at Historic
Florida Institute of Technology’s this festival. It has huge potential; we even bonsai. Vendors were frequently Riverview Village Inc., a group whose
Melbourne campus to a parking lot can turn this into a huge event.” heard offering impromptu lectures goal is to buy and restore the histor-
in Historic Downtown Melbourne, on the care and feeding of their stock. ic home built by William T. Wells in
its new organizers were nervous but Families, couples, groups of 1896, one of Brevard County’s oldest
optimistic. In a show of confidence vendor structures. Still in the family but un-
Justin Ling, whose family business, inhabitable, the house came close to
Melbourne Main Street, the same Elemental Bonsai & Tea Garden in demolition in 2010 before the organi-
organization that puts on wildly suc- Kissimmee, had attended the event zation formed to mount a preserva-
cessful monthly Friday Fests, knew at FIT for years, brought about 200 tion scheme
the festival’s roots were healthy. It plants worth $8,000. Initially worried
just had to convince vendors that about turnout they were “very busy” Its president, John Daly, led
they would thrive when transplanted throughout the day, selling about 150 groups of visitors on short hikes to
to an area dotted with restaurants, plants. the house throughout the day, draw-
bars and shops housed in buildings ing about 300 people. Guests sipped
restored and renovated from the “We have been here for years and tea, viewed Erika Masterson’s pho-
city’s early days. are interested in native plants,” said tographic series depicting life at the
Danita Bell, attending with husband house in the early 1900s, and filled
They approached nurseries and Bill and Shih Tzu Bailey. “These a donation jar with $1,200. A portion
gardening businesses, eventually plants (here) are gorgeous.” of proceeds from the Botanical Fest
signing up 33 vendors from across will also go toward their purchase
the state, and the public showed up Jessicah Nichols of Melbourne Vil- and preservation effort. The group
in droves last Saturday at the event’s lage and her mother, Evelyn Shields has until Dec. 31 to purchase the
new home, outside the prominent of Palm Bay, brought a little wagon house and save what they call “Mel-
1900 Building on the corner of U.S. 1 which they filled with new plants. bourne’s bridge to the past.” 
and Strawbridge Avenue. Nichols, who has “dabbled in garden-

“We were nervous, because it’s a

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 9, 2017 11


Arts and appetites in right place at Grant Seafood Fest

[email protected]
Megan McCook, Choloe Chase and Travis Bradley.
Busloads of hungry seafood lovers
followed the signs to the Grant Com- Dylan Schmitt and Andrew Lure.
munity Center this past weekend, roll-
ing into the Grant Seafood Festival to Stephanie Farris.
stroll around and visit with an abun-
dance of craft and food vendors. as she continued whipping up the des-
serts. She added that volunteering at
Humorous tropical signage, colorful the festival ran in her family.
tie-dye dresses, beautiful Bonsai trees
of all sizes, and intricate shell necklac- “My mother just passed away, but
es were just a few of the options avail- she was the one that did the Manhat-
able for guests to purchase, as well as tan clam chowder that everyone loves
a vast selection of paintings and art- and my dad was an oyster-shucker.
work. This event is good for the community
and it’s like family time together here.”
“I have been doing art ever since I
was a little girl, but as a business this Hundreds of diligent Grant Seafood
is my second year. Selling my pieces at Festival volunteers helped out to carry
this event is actually helping to pay for on the tradition, working to benefit the
my college,” said Merritt Island artist Grant community and ensure festival
Marion Speake, who uses bold colors goers left full of happiness … and sea-
to bring her beautiful paintings of sea food. 
creatures to life.

Not only was the art extraordinary,
but the people were as well, where ev-
ery single person working the festival
was a volunteer.

“This is our 51st year and it was
windy but we had the most beautiful
weather. This event is all about the vol-
unteers, kids and scholarships,” said
Monica Crowe, one of many volun-

All of the proceeds go back to the
community through such initiatives as
the Grant Seafood Festival scholarship
fund, Grant Community Library, Grant
Historical House and the Grant Com-
munity Center.

And for seafood lovers, this was the
place to be. Without a doubt, the food
was the highlight of the festival. Conch
fritters, fried scallops, clam chowder,
lobster rolls and fried clam strips were
some of the numerous food items that
were offered.

As they munched on their seafood
choices, attendees were entertained
by music from the band The Umbrella
Thieves. Some folks even brought lawn
chairs to sit front-and-center of the
stage to watch the performance. Lead
vocalist Sarah Jean Balarezo delivered
a particularly powerful performance,
rocking the crowd out to Journey’s
“Don’t Stop Believing.”

“This might be the biggest crowd I’ve
ever performed in front of!” exclaimed
Balarezo to the enormous crowd of

And for those hungry for more,
Grace Behnke, a Grant native, pre-
pared strawberry shortcakes (to die
for) with her daughter and several
other volunteers. “I’ve been volunteer-
ing here since I was 7 years old and I’ve
been doing it for 50 years,” said Behnke

Henegar goes
big and bold with

14 Thursday, March 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Henegar goes big and bold with ‘Hunchback’

STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH CORRESPONDENT Damon Dennin (Claude Frollo) and Amanda Manis (Esmaralda).

With Hank Rion’s production of PHOTOS BY RYAN CLAPPER
“The Hunchback of Notre Dame:
The Musical” opening Friday at Mel-
bourne’s Henegar Center, it seems
the director knows no fear.

First off, there’s the notion of
bringing to a community theater a
musical with such a dark story, com-
plete with smallpox and wars.

Then there’s wrangling more than
100 people to act, play in the pit or-
chestra, sing in the choir or help

Oh, and don’t forget the Latin –
Rion is over-the-moon ecstatic over
the choir singing in Latin.

“I have directed a lot of shows and
I have never just sat there and lis-
tened to the cast sing and have my
jaw fall open,” Rion says as he took
a rare break from his job as artistic
director for the Henegar. “It’s one of
the most beautiful scores I think I’ve
ever worked on in my life.”

The musical is based on the 1996
Disney animated feature film. The
music, much of it new for the stage
version, is composed by the incom-

parable Alan Menken, a Disney fa- acter of Quasimodo.”
vorite who also composed music for Set in 15th-century Paris, the mu-
“Aladdin,” “The Little Mermaid” and
“Beauty and the Beast.” Lyrics are sical revolves around Quasimodo,
by Stephen Schwartz, the musical deformed since birth, and Esmeral-
genius behind “Wicked,” “Godspell” da, a beautiful gypsy, who have both
and “Pippin.” taken sanctuary in the Cathedral of
Notre Dame. In it, there are life-and-
The book for the stage musical death moments and sinister threats
is by Peter Parnell. Like the film, of against social outcasts.
course, the story comes from the
1831 Victor Hugo novel. Rion calls the musical “grown-up
Disney.” But he says everyone, no
Rion says that although most of matter what age, can relate: “Every-
the music comes from the Disney one has felt like an outcast before.”
movie, the story follows the dark-
toned Hugo story. As the Henegar’s artistic director
since 2013, Rion has brought not only
“The show doesn’t shy away from big productions into the 500-seat
those darker elements,” Rion says. theater, but also staged in its second-
“It has amazing heart with this char- floor black-box theater some more

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 9, 2017 15


off-beat productions of provocative up to the plate on that one. COMING UP: ‘AIDA’ LEADS
plays such as “Spring Awakening,” Glenn has built many of those cos- A MARCH OF MUSICALS
“Venus in Fur” and “Hand to God.”
tumes. But she does have a crew of By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer slave; Amneris, the Pharaoh’s daughter;
Moreover, the Henegar has been volunteers – two lead seamstresses and Radames, a soldier in the Egyptian
the testing ground three times for that “really rock it,” she says, and 1 The Historic Cocoa Village Play- army, loved by both women, was origi-
musicals waiting to break into the- about a half-dozen others who do house production of Elton John nally written by a French Egyptologist.
aters around the country. some hand sewing, cutting and lay- and Tim Rice’s hit musical “Aida: The The opera was written by Giuseppe Verdi
ing out of patterns. Timeless Love Story” opens this Friday in 1871, and remains in the repertoire
The Henegar ventured into new for a 13-show run. The tale of a love tri- of opera houses worldwide today. The
territory when it became the first The most daunting to design for are angle between Ethiopian princess Aida, musical, based on the Verdi opera, ran
community theater to produce the the male actors, she says; they have captured by the Egyptians and now a
musical theater version of John Wa- the most costume changes. Those CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
ters’ “Cry Baby.” On that production, changes have to be easy, she says, and
Rion worked with the show’s libret- still true to the historical period. WHAT’S UP,
tist and composer, who flew from
New York City to Melbourne to see “This has probably been my most DOC?
first-hand their agreed-upon chang- challenging show since I started
es, made with the hope that more here,” Glenn says. “It’s a lot of fun, An artful combination
theaters throughout the country though. Not a dull moment. And I’m of found objects and
would pick up the musical. also on stage.” ceramic sculpture, our
one-of-a-kind Rabbit
He also got the rare permission to The role of Quasimodo is por-
stage “Witches of Eastwick: The Mu- trayed by Dillon Giles, who turns 22 is an uncommonly
sical,” which in turn led to getting the week after the show closes. charming character.
permission to stage “The Hunchback
of Notre Dame: The Musical.” Giles typically has been cast in SEE THESE AND OTHER FINE THINGS AT VERO’S FINEST
roles demanding both dramatic heft COLLECTION OF AMERICAN-MADE ART AND JEWELRY
Rion’s request of Music Theatre and a splendid voice. At Cocoa Vil-
International, a licensor for musi- lage Playhouse, he was Tony in “West THEL AUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM 2910 CARDINAL DR.
cals and plays, to do “Witches” was Side Story” and Perchik in “Fiddler VERO BEACH, FL
eventually approved by Cameron on the Roof.” Last season, he was the 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
Mackintosh himself. In the process, Scarecrow in the Henegar’s “Wizard
Rion brought up the idea of doing of Oz.”
Now, he twists his body into the
Surprisingly, “Hunchback” pre- role of the deformed hunchback.
miered in Berlin; Disney Theatrical’s This physicality of the role is the
first musical to premiere outside the most challenging part for him.
U.S. It ran there for three years and
eventually was produced at a few “Though I don’t do much dancing,
other regional theaters including the there are a lot of acrobatics climb-
famous Paper Mill Playhouse and La ing-wise, hunching over while sing-
Jolla Playhouse; but the show never ing. And I have to get those really
made it to Broadway. high notes,” he says.

Rion suggested letting a smaller Then there is the tough personal
venue in a smaller area mount a pro- challenge met by Rion. “Hunchback”
duction of the musical. is the sixth show he has directed,
back-to-back, since being diagnosed
“Disney Theatrical got back to me last summer with thyroid cancer.
and says they’d love for us to do it,”
he says. “So they’ve been guiding us. Right before the dress rehearsal
And it’s my continuing challenge to for “Witches of Eastwick,” he had
do new things in our area. And al- his thyroid removed. While rehears-
ways, working on new material is ing “A Christmas Story” he under-
something I love.” went radioactive iodine treatment;
and he’s recently begun taking syn-
It’s no secret that Disney is par- throid, which replaces hormones
ticular about how its properties are normally produced by the thyroid.
perceived. So it’s not surprising that
they would be pretty hands-on with During all of it, he never missed a
the Henegar’s production of a sel- curtain speech. He says his cast and
dom-produced musical. crew have put him “back on his feet.”

“Their contracts are very specific,” And so has “The Hunchback of
Rion says. “They don’t want any- Notre Dame: The Musical.” One
thing duplicated from the movie or of the show’s themes – struggling
other theatrical productions. So I’ve against all odds – resonates loudly
tried to be as clever as possible with for him.
the blocking and using non-conven-
tional items.” “The musical shows how one can
overcome personal struggles, be em-
The show retains its spectacle powered and be yourself,” he says.
thanks to Josh Huss’ lighting de- “I think the moral of the story is for
sign and David Robertson’s scenic everyone.”
design, the hallmark of which is an
18-by-18-foot stained glass window “The Hunchback of Notre Dame:
in the cathedral. The Musical” is at 8 p.m. Fridays
and Saturdays, and 2 p.m. Sundays,
There are almost 250 costumes March 10 through 26, at the Henegar
including some 500 separate pieces. Center, 625 E. New Haven Ave., Mel-
Designer Vanessa Glenn has stepped bourne. Tickets are $16 to $26. Call
321-723-8698 or visit 

16 Thursday, March 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


on Broadway for four-and-a-half years, score, and it’s a good deal darker than this Saturday at the King Center in Mel- Italian ice and popcorn to purchase.
winning four Tonys in 2000. “Aida” runs the usual Disney fare, softened by a few
through March 26. lighthearted moments. This most recent bourne, appropriately entitled “BSOlé.” The following evening, it’s the popular

‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame.’ stage adaptation features songs from the The concert will open with selections monthly Night Sounds concert at Sebas-
original movie score by Alan Menken
2 Opening at the Henegar Center and Stephen Schwartz, plus several new from what many consider tian Inlet State Park’s Coconut Point at 7
for the Arts in Melbourne this Fri- ones. “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”
day is “The Hunchback of Notre Dame.” runs for the next three weekends: 8 p.m. the most popular opera ever p.m. This month it’s Remember When,
This musical developed from the Disney Fridays and Saturdays, 2 p.m. Sundays.
animated film, inspired by Victor Hugo’s written, certainly with some four singers and a music mixer, bringing
classic novel, is the tale of Quasimodo, 3 In a presentation certain to sizzle
the tortured hunchback bell ringer of with color, rhythm and compelling of the most exciting and un- you oldies-but-goodies from the ’50s to
the Cathedral of Notre Dame and his melodies, the Brevard Symphony Or-
unrequited love for the beautiful gypsy chestra will celebrate the music of Spain forgettable music – Bizet’s the ’70s, with a helping of country and
girl Esmeralda. It’s a powerful piece
with a sophisticated, Oscar-nominated “Carmen.” Sure to be exciting some Elvis on the side. Standard park

as well is the guest musician, entry fee gets you in: $8 per vehicle, mul-

Pablo Villegas, international- tiple occupants; $4, single-occupant ve-

ly acclaimed guitar virtuoso, hicle; $2, pedestrians, bicyclists.

in his BSO debut. Villegas will

be showcased in Joaquin Ro-

drigo’s Concierto de Aranjuez,

which BSO Maestro Christo-

pher Confessore describes as

“a work whose gorgeous slow

movement has been covered

by countless artists including

Miles Davis, Chick Corea and

Deep Purple.”

Villegas has received nu-

merous awards, including at the age

of 15 the Andrés Segovia Award, which

launched a succession of international

wins and critical acclaim. Elizabeth

Bloom of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

wrote, “Mr. Villegas’ concert accom-

plished the best of chamber music per-

formances: It was intimate, it was honest,

and it was virtuosic. Such a recital would

be at home in Carnegie Music Hall.”

The final work will be the BSO premiere

of Manuel de Falla’s ballet score, “The

Three-Cornered Hat.” Performances are

at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Concert Conversa- 23rd International Carillon

tions with Maestro Confessore will pre- Festival at Bok Tower Gardens.

cede the concerts.

5 Well worth a road trip to
one of the state’s loveliest

venues is the final weekend of

the 23rd International Carillon

Festival at Bok Tower Gardens

in Lake Wales. In addition to

concerts by world-renowned

carillonneurs at 2 p.m. and 3

p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sun-

day, the Visitor Center offers

historical exhibits on the his-

tory, construction and sound

of the carillon from 9 a.m. to 5

p.m. daily. The Festival is sup-

ported by the State of Florida

Division of Cultural Affairs and

the Florida Council on Arts and

Culture. Bok Tower Gardens is

among the greatest works of

Pablo Villegas. renowned landscape architect
Frederick Law Olmsted Jr. (who

also designed New York City’s

Central Park). The meandering land-

4 This Friday, head down the road scape garden is a contemplative and in-
a bit to the oak-shaded Sebastian formal woodland, with romantic recess-

Riverview Park on the Indian River La- es and tranquil resting spots, charming

goon and enjoy a pleasant, informal vistas and breathtaking views of the

evening of excellent music by the tal- Singing Tower. Ferns, palms, oaks and

ented young musicians of the Sebastian pines provide a backdrop for flowering

River High School Jazz Ensemble and foliage, including azaleas, camellias and

Steel Drum Band. Bring your blanket magnolias in the spring bloom season.

or lawn chair to this free concert series. General admission includes the festival:

There will also be hot dogs, barbeque, $14 for adults, $5 for children 5-12. 

18 Thursday, March 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


It has been many years since France France’s borders. It could revitalize the the three decades of strong growth that Germany. Today it has dropped to
last had a revolution, or even a serious European Union, or wreck it. followed the second world war, it has 4% on that side of the Rhine, but in
attempt at reform. been debt, rather than growth, that France it remains stuck at 10%, and at
The revolution’s proximate cause has financed the high-speed trains, the 25% for the under-25s.
Stagnation, both political and eco- is voters’ fury at the uselessness and blooming municipal flower beds and
nomic, has been the hallmark of a self-dealing of their ruling class. The the generous provisions for child care, Of the French youths who have
country where little has changed for Socialist president, François Hol- ill health, job loss and old age that are jobs, few can find permanent ones of
decades, even as power has rotated lande, is so unpopular that he is not the hallmark of France’s splendid pub- the sort their parents enjoyed. In the
between the established parties of left running for re-election. The estab- lic sector. face of high taxes and heavy regula-
and right. lished opposition, the center-right tion, those with entrepreneurial vim
Republican party, saw its chances French public spending now ac- have long headed abroad, often to
Until now. This year’s presidential sink on last Wednesday when its counts for a greater share of GDP than London.
election, the most exciting in living standard-bearer, François Fillon, re- it does in Sweden. But no French gov-
memory, promises an upheaval. The vealed that he was being formally ernment has balanced its budget since But the malaise goes well beyond
Socialist and Republican parties, which investigated for paying his wife and 1974. stagnant living standards. Economic
have held power since the founding of children more than $1 million of pub- self-doubt has been compounded by
the Fifth Republic in 1958, could be lic money for allegedly fake jobs. Over the past 15 years, there has a sense of what Laurent Bouvet, a po-
eliminated in the first round of a presi- been a particular décrochage, or de- litical scientist, calls “cultural insecu-
dential ballot on April 23rd. Fillon did not withdraw from the coupling, between the French econ- rity”. Three big terrorist attacks within
race, despite having promised to do omy and that of Germany, its closest the space of 18 months, in 2015 and
French voters may face a choice so. But his chances of winning are ally. In 2002 the two countries enjoyed 2016, battered France’s confidence.
between two insurgent candidates: dramatically weakened. comparable GDP per head. Germany, The coming presidential election
Marine Le Pen, the charismatic lead- under Gerhard Schröder, began to will be conducted under a state of
er of the National Front, and Em- Further fueling voters’ anger is their reform itself. France, under Jacques emergency which has been renewed
manuel Macron, the upstart leader of anguish at the state of France. One Chirac, didn’t. Today, Germans have four times since November 2015. The
a liberal movement, En Marche! (On poll last year found that French peo- 17% more purchasing power per per- French have had to learn to live with
the Move!), which he founded only ple are the most pessimistic on Earth, son. Labour costs in France have ris- soldiers patrolling the streets and rail-
last year. with 81% grumbling that the world is en faster than in Germany, deterring way stations, a daily visual reminder
getting worse and only 3% saying that the creation of permanent jobs and of their vulnerability.
The implications of these insurgen- it is getting better. undermining competitiveness. The
cies are hard to exaggerate. They are country’s share of all goods exports Legitimate worries about terrorism
the clearest example yet of a global Much of that gloom is economic. between EU countries has dropped have supplied fertile ground for in-
trend: that the old divide between France’s economy has long been from 13.4% to 10.5%. sidious identity politics. As the home
left and right is growing less impor- sluggish; its vast state, which absorbs to one of Europe’s biggest Muslim mi-
tant than a new one between open 57% of GDP, has sapped the country’s Most devastating is unemploy- norities, France is more alert than,
and closed. The resulting realignment vitality. ment. In 2002, it was a tad higher in say, Italy or Spain to hints of religious
will have reverberations far beyond
Since the end of the trente glorieuses,

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 9, 2017 21


When Tupperware – the now-ubiq- detailed, Kealing’s thorough and Tupper, noticing her remark- tively built. In 1958, she was abruptly
uitous plastic-container brand – first engrossing account chronicles able sales, saw an opportunity fired and tossed aside like last week’s
hit retail stores in 1945, it sat on the the pair’s unlikely, dynamic and and astutely pulled Tupper- leftovers, with no stock, only a year’s
shelves gathering dust. The new kitch- often tumultuous relationship, ware off store shelves. He piv- salary (almost $35,000 today) and a
en helpmate needed to be demonstrat- and Wise’s meteoric rise and oted the company’s strategy to noncompete contract, while Tupper
ed and explained to consumers. subsequent precipitous fall from capi¬tal¬ize on Wise’s home par- left the business just a year later with
grace within the company she ties and promoted her to general $16 million.
“The product itself was revolution- made a success. sales manager.
ary,” Bob Kealing writes in “Life of the In 1992, Wise died at the age of 79
Party.” “Now it just needed someone Kealing aptly describes how, By the mid-1950s, Tupper- in Kissimmee, Fla., relatively un-
equally innovative to figure out how to before becoming the face and ware was employing more than known and uncelebrated. Yet her pro-
sell it.” force behind Tupperware, Wise, 10,000 people, mostly women. found impact on the company and
a divorcee and struggling single Selling Tupperware gave home- its iconic American product is still
Enter Brownie Wise, the trailblaz- mom, worked as an executive makers an opportunity to work evident, with home parties continu-
ing entrepreneur and executive whose secretary in Detroit and sold and excel outside the traditional ing as Tupperware’s main marketing
marketing genius and sales method Stanley Home Products – mops, domestic sphere. “Tupperware strategy. Her sales techniques also
of targeting women transformed cleaners, detergents – to supple- executives had the shrewd no- paved the way for other successful
Tupperware into the international, ment her income. Although she tion – untried in any organiza- big-name companies, such as Mary
billion-dollar business it is today. would eventually become a sales tion before them – that women Kay and Avon.
leader at Stanley, she was admon- would power the engine of this
Kealing’s book, originally released ished by her mentor, the compa- home-selling revolution,” Keal- Kealing’s book is a much-deserved
under the title “Tupperware, Un- ny’s founder, that management ing writes. “And they did.” tribute to Wise, shedding light on the
sealed” in 2008, has been revamped wasn’t a place for women. life and legacy of this groundbreaking,
to appropriately put Wise at the center By 1958, the company had hit $10 formidable and visionary woman. 
of the action alongside Tupperware Wise then discovered Tupper- million in sales (more than $80 million
founder and inventor Earl Silas Tupper. ware and realized firsthand the in 2016 dollars). Tupperware and Wise LIFE OF THE PARTY
Exhaustively researched and skillfully importance of hands-on home were quickly becoming household The Remarkable Story of How Brownie Wise Built,
demonstrations to effectively names. Wise was also becoming a PR
promote the product when she maven, planning buzz-worthy events and Lost, a Tupperware Party Empire
accidentally bumped a Tupperware such as the company’s annual Home- By Bob Kealing
bowl to the floor: It bounced and did coming Jubilees. The four-day events,
not break. Right away, she realized its designed for Tupperware’s national Crown Archetype.
durability as a key feature of its mar- top earners, were famously enormous, 298 pp. $26
ketability. extravagant and elaborate, filled with
She had found her niche. Capital- classes, motivational speakers and Review by Megan McDonough,
izing on her experience at Stanley, more than $75,000 in prizes. The Washington Post
she began buying and selling Tupper-
ware independently. She ingeniously In 1954, Wise was the first woman to
recruited suburban housewives to grace the cover of Business Week. The
sell the product at large gatherings story dubbed her a “Prophet in Plastic.”
of friends, relatives and neighbors in As Kealing writes, “She showed others
their homes, which soon became so- like her a golden road to a better life
cial events. paved through suburban America.”
In turn, they received merchandise,
a share of the proceeds and personal But Tupper’s displeasure with Wise’s
recognition. Her motto? “Build the self-promotion caused their relation-
people, and they’ll build the business.” ship, once collaborative and conge-
The growth was immediate and ex- nial, to sour. Don Hinton, a former
plosive: Within her first year of selling Tupperware advertising executive,
independently, her team garnered more explained that Tupper “was jealous
than $85,000 in Tupperware orders of her because she was the queen of
(close to $850,000 today), outselling de- Tupperware and he was nothing.”
partment stores across the country.
This, coupled with a series of mis-
steps that Kealing recounts, led to her
ouster from the company she effec-


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22 Thursday, March 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Adopt a divine perspective on humanity

STORY BY REV. DRS. CASEY & BOB BAGGOTT COLUMNISTS also numbered the whole host of stars ings. Approximately one in six White cult as counting the stars. We are as-
and calls them all by name, assuring Helmet volunteers has been killed or sured that all God’s people are not only
Numbering the stars is no easy task. that not one is missing. (Isaiah 40:26) seriously wounded while attempting named and numbered, that are pre-
Astronomers, however, have made a This claim stands as a reminder that rescues, mostly through the Russian cious in God’s sight, and honored and
determined effort to do so and have the same God whose creation is vaster and Syrian forces’ practice of “double loved. (Isaiah 43:1-4) That makes us
come up with an estimate. They cal- than our limited understanding also tapping,” or second bombings at sites wonder if we might adopt a divine per-
culate that there are approximately attends to infinite detail with caring where a first wave of bombs has re- spective, as the White Helmets have
100,000 million stars just in the Milky attention. cently exploded. done. Whether we risk life and limb
Way, not to mention the stars to be in rescuing victims of bombing raids,
found in the millions upon millions of With the earth’s ever-increasing According to Rev. Victoria Curtiss, or whether we seek and serve the lost
other galaxies in the universe. Any way population now standing at approxi- the While Helmets have been known and desperate close to home, we could
you look at it, that’s a whole lot of stars. mately 7.3 billion, that’s a comforting to dig through rubble in highly dan- share a sacred mission of concern.
reminder, isn’t it? If any of us is worried gerous circumstances without inter- There might be difficulty or even dan-
And that makes even more won- about getting lost in the shuffle, we ruption for hour after hour, aware that ger involved in assuring that each per-
drous the beautiful biblical claim that can remind ourselves that if the stars with time’s passing, the likelihood for son is acknowledged as precious, each
God, who created the heavens, has are all numbered and known, surely the survival of victims decreases. More is honored and loved. But imagine the
so are we. In God’s creation every star than once they’ve followed the faint rescue scene. Wouldn’t helping even
counts, every sheep, every sparrow, ev- whimpering of a small baby, trapped one floundering life to a new start be
ery human. somewhere deep in the debris, and cause for relief and joy and celebra-
hours later have pulled the child out, tion? 
We couldn’t help thinking of that re- still alive. And with each such rescue,
ality when we read recently about the there is relief and joy and celebration. THE BAGGOTTS
group called the White Helmets. This The White Helmets seem to have ad-
dedicated band of volunteers in war- opted the divine perspective that not Rev. Dr. Robert Baggott is Senior
ravaged Syria stands undaunted by one will be forgotten.
the staggering death toll of approxi- Minister of Community Church
mately 500,000 combatants and civil- Interestingly, while the biblical re-
ian men, women and children. De- cord talks of numbering and nam- of Vero Beach. Rev. Dr. Casey
termined not to allow even one life to ing, so that none are forgotten, it says
end which might be saved, the White more. It also speaks of a divine con- Baggott is Executive Minister.
Helmets perform urban search-and- cern for humanity so vast that tallying
rescue missions in response to bomb- its scope and size would be as diffi- The Baggotts write a regular faith


26 Thursday, March 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Honesty without cruelty was motive behind ‘white lie’

STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST And then: “What do you guys think, could I have today. (And really – is that so bad?) They might
given a better answer? If a friend didn’t want to question your reflex to give a reason, since “No,
Hi, Carolyn: A neighbor invited come to our house, what would you want that thanks” is a perfectly valid response.
my daughter for a play date, and friend to say?”
Daughter didn’t want to play Which brings us to the bigger problem that
with that friend. I told the mom This isn’t merely an elegant punt. It’s a way for “white lies” present than their dishonesty: They
I thought Daughter needed some you to engage your kids in moral reasoning, to in- grow out of a boundary problem. Our time and
down time, which isn’t untrue, but vest them in the way they choose to interact with choices and bodies are our own – so unless we’re
also isn’t the actual reason. Both of others, to help them cultivate empathy, to learn bailing out on an invitation we’ve already ac-
my kids, 8 and 10, questioned the from them yourself. cepted, we don’t need reasons to say no, and no
approach afterward and Daugh- one acquires entitlement to know our reasons
ter commented, “Well, honesty IS They might surprise you and say they’d rath- just by inviting us somewhere.
the best policy, but sometimes it’s not.” er friends just said they didn’t want to come over
Wow, THAT wasn’t the message I wanted to convey! So get your kids thinking, talking and phras-
Was I wrong to approach it the way I did? I couldn’t ing their way toward a position of strength, where
imagine saying my daughter just didn’t want to play they resist padding “no” with justifications, real
with her kid. How to help kids understand “white or manufactured, and do so with the kindest in-
lies” in a way that retains the value of being honest? tent.

– White Lies Dear Carolyn: My niece called off her wedding
a few months ago and returned the gifts. We got
Honesty without cruelty is a balance even adults a pricey gift returned to us that we didn’t give. I
struggle to achieve – as your story so aptly demon- have the same first name as the groom’s aunt and
strates. So present it to your kids that way, instead I think the bride may have just made a mistake.
of trying to come up with the definitive, parent- Would it be weird to send a private Facebook mes-
knows-best kind of message. sage to the aunt?

Taking your example from where you left off, you – Returning Gifts
could say: “That wasn’t the message I wanted to
convey! It’s important to be honest without being Obviously the person to notify of an error is
excessively so, and sometimes it’s hard to figure out your niece, but there’s no harm in trying this one
exactly where that line is.” back-channel first, to spare an ex-bride the extra
And then: “I was caught off-guard just now and
told a ‘white lie’ – that’s when you lie about some- Just make sure you follow up if you don’t hear
thing trivial to protect a person’s feelings.” back; not everyone reads their private messages.

28 Thursday, March 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Doc’s laser focused on removing unwanted tattoos

[email protected]
We all make mistakes. And for
many of the 45 million Americans Dr. Hal Brown with patient Nicole Vuyovich. Dr. Hal Brown with medical assistant Kristi Harper.
who have tattoos, getting “inked” in
the first place can – a few years later ments offered safer but often less- Brown then leans forward and dis- ond clip or one burst every one one-
– seem like an error in judgment, or then-ideal removal results. That’s in pels the idea that tattoo removals are billionth of a second.
at least a decision that changing per- large part, Brown says, because they just an in-and-out-done-the-same-
sonal circumstances have rendered are limited in the colors of ink they day process. Brown’s new enlighten laser, how-
regrettable. can break down. ever, generates its energy pulses in
“It depends on the type of the tat- “pico-seconds” or one every one-
Personal tastes change. Fashions Black ink they could handle, but too and the size of the tattoo,” Brown trillionth of a second and, Brown
change. So do girlfriends, boyfriends the red, green, blue and other ink explains, “but the more colors in- says, it offers substantially greater
and significant others. But tattoos colors tended to resist removal. And volved and the more intricate the ar- control of the intensity of those laser
don’t. And they don’t just go away those older-generation lasers still tistic work involved, the more treat- bursts. Those additional bursts allow
easily, either. caused fairly extensive skin damage ments it usually takes to remove. But Brown’s laser to break down all colors
and sores. the average I would say – the ballpark of ink.
Until now, that is. – is three to eight treatments with
Dr. Hal Brown at Reflections Aes- That’s not to say that even Brown’s this enlighten laser technology ver- Asked about pricing, Brown quite
thetics & Laser Solutions here in Vero state-of-the-art lasers are totally free sus eight to 20 or more sessions with candidly explains, “There is some
Beach and his Cutera “enlighten” la- of at least some discomfort. the older [nano laser] versions.” variability there with the size and the
ser system can now make those skulls intricacy of the tattoo. The more col-
and crossbones and hearts with out- “Different people,” says Brown, That’s in no small part because the ors and the larger the size, the more it
dated names disappear. “have different pain tolerances. So enlighten laser system Brown uses is costs. Roughly you could say a credit
The American Society for Derma- for some people it’s very uncomfort- fast. Really fast. card-sized tattoo would be about
tologic Surgery has one pointed piece able and for some people it’s not un- $300-$400 a treatment.”
of advice for those seeking a tattoo comfortable at all. And then there’s The older “nano” devices generate
removal: “Find the right doctor,” the some in the middle.” their laser pulses at a one nano-sec- Finally, Brown adds, “there are a
ASDS says, “choose someone quali- lot of people out there doing aesthet-
fied to perform tattoo removal proce- ics [and tattoo removals] and they do
dures.” it in all different ways. There are a lot
By just about any reasonable set of of machines out there, too. But this
standards, Vero Beach’s Brown is as [enlighten laser] is the top of the line
qualified as they come. and we only to use the top of the line”
In addition to being the medical di- equipment here.
rector at Reflections Aesthetics & La-
ser Solutions, Brown is also the chief That’s probably a good thing to
of staff at the Indian River Medical know if your relationship with your
Center as well as a longtime primary tattoo has reached the end of its line
care physician at Primary Care of the and you’ve decided to have it removed.
Treasure Coast.
The affable Brown, however, Dr. Hal Brown is at Reflections Aes-
doesn’t waste any time boasting thetics & Laser Solutions and Primary
about his own credentials. Instead he Care of the Treasure Coast, 1265 36th
dives straight into the topic of tattoo Street in Vero Beach. The phone num-
removal and a major advancement in ber at Reflections Aesthetics & Laser So-
laser technology. lutions is 772-567-7196. Their website is
“I think that the important thing,” at: 
says Brown, “is that this newer tech-
nology treats all skin types and all
tattoo colors in a fast, efficient fash-
ion so there are fewer treatments re-
quired [to safely remove tattoos] and
less tissue damage occurs. The end
result will be much, much nicer and it
will be less costly than the older tech-
nology because it will require fewer
The oldest forms of tattoo removal,
gruesomely enough, consisted of at-
tempting to peel away individual lay-
ers of living skin until the tattoo ink
was no longer visible. It was a time-
consuming and extraordinarily pain-
ful proposition that frequently failed
but still exposed the person with the
tattoo to a wide variety of debilitating
and sometimes lethal infections.
More recently, nano-laser treat-

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 9, 2017 29


Better equipment keeps Baby Boomers on the slopes

STORY BY CAROLEE BELKIN WALKER Another factor, McGuinness noted, after the body is already fatigued and Regardless of the sport, age-related
THE WASHINGTON POST that contributes to your level of fitness weakened. That transfers over to ski changes such as issues with balance,
is how quickly you become fatigued. trips, too, where you’re more at risk on decreased flexibility, decreased power
I just returned from skiing in Steam- There isn’t another sport, except may- the last run of the day or toward the and loss of muscle mass can increase
boat Springs, Colo., after more than a be tennis, which comes close to the end of a ski trip, he added. your risk of injury, McGuinness noted.
decade off the slopes. At the age of 59, intensity of skiing, he said, so knowing Yet there are benefits to being an older
I wondered whether I might be too old when you need to stop can be critical. Berry said that overall, U.S. ski re- skier. “Just as more-experienced ath-
to ski, or at least ski the way I did when sorts are doing a better job at groom- letes tend to have lower injury rates
I was younger. It turns out I was fine, Research across all sports tends to ing slopes and installing high-speed than less-experienced athletes, older
but older people have a lot to consider suggest that fatigue plays a huge role chairlifts, which reduce the risk of in- skiers may take fewer risks because
before downhill skiing. in injury risk, McGuinness said, with jury and make it possible for people they may understand their body better
more injuries occurring toward the who tire more quickly to put in a full and understand conditions better.” 
And not all of it bad. end of a game or the end of a season, day of skiing in half the time.
About 18 percent of skiers in 2016
were over the age of 55, according to
Michael Berry, president of the Na-
tional Ski Areas Association, up from
17 percent in the previous year.
“Ten or 15 years ago, we did some
research, and we anticipated this huge
exit of baby boomers that was going
to materially impact the total number
of skiers,” Berry said. “Our predictive
analysis proved to be wrong.”
I told Berry, 69, how surprised I was
at how well I skied after a lapse of 10
years, and with minimal soreness.
Even though I thought it might have
been because I exercise regularly, he
pointed out another possible reason.
“Skiing is so much easier now,” Ber-
ry said.
There are more seniors on the slopes
than ever because of better ski equip-
ment, better grooming on the moun-
tains and faster chairlifts, he said.
Today’s skis are shorter and para-
bolic – or hourglass – in shape rather
than straight, Berry said, making
them more maneuverable and easier
to turn. “All you have to do is think
about turning, and the skis turn.”
More specifically, “You don’t have
to jump and twist and do the kind of
stuff you used to have to do to make
your skis turn,” according to Tee Mur-
ray, 70, who’s been a ski instructor
for 46 years, the past 20 at Steamboat
Springs. “You simply put a little pres-
sure on the edge, and the ski turns.”
Boots, too, are more comfortable,
Murray said, and comfort is important
to older skiers. Murray added that he’s
noticed folks continuing to ski year af-
ter year, even in their later years, and
he agrees one reason for this is better
gear overall, including comfortable
and warm clothing.
I did feel as though the boots and
skis were doing all the work, but ac-
cording to Kevin McGuinness, a phys-
ical therapist and sports clinical spe-
cialist at Washington Orthopaedics
and Sports Medicine in the District,
your overall level of fitness is a factor.
“If you’re not regularly active, no
matter the age, you might feel like you
got hit by a truck the day after skiing,”
McGuinness said.

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 9, 2017 31


Blackfins at Captain Hiram’s: It’s about ambiance, not food

BY TINA RONDEAU Fresh Grilled Mahi Sandwich.

Over the years, Captain Hiram’s has Fried Green Tomatoes Shrimp Tacos.
expanded to the point that it now offers with Lump Crabmeat.
something for almost everyone. live music and tropical cocktails.
came by at regular intervals to inquire if Hiram’s is a fun spot to visit. At lunch- The food is not the attraction here.
It’s grown so large, in fact, that everything was great. Repeatedly told time, the view from Blackfins will
somewhere along the line Captain “no,” he appeared to have no idea how make your out-of-town visitors envi- The ambiance and the drinks are what
Hiram’s gave its restaurant a separate to handle that response. Each time, he ous. And in the evening, the adjacent keep people coming back. This is a
name: Blackfins. expressed regret and quickly left. Captain Hiram’s Sandbar is Sebas- place for fun, a real island feel – and a
tian’s “go-to destination” for cold beer, very Key West-like atmosphere.
What Blackfins does offer is daytime Whether by day or by night, Captain
drop-dead views of boats a bobbing, Just don’t go expecting fine dining.
pelicans a diving, fish a jumping, and Brevard restaurant reviewer I welcome your comments, and en-
dolphins cruising by. courage you to send feedback to me at
The Melbourne Beachsider is looking for a freelance food critic to write weekly [email protected].
What Blackfins doesn’t offer is very reviews of restaurants in Brevard County. Until we find the right person, we will The reviewer is a beachside resident
good dishes once you go beyond bar continue to run reviews in this space by our Vero Beach restaurant reviewer. If you who dines anonymously at restaurants at
food, and a recent visit did nothing to have food expertise and think you can help Beachsider readers with their dining the expense of this newspaper. 
change our long-standing view. choices, please send a resume and a 600-word review of a restaurant you recently
On this evening, for appetizers, I visited to [email protected]. Sun-Thurs until 10 pm,
started with a cup of “authentic Mary- Fri and Sat until 11 pm
land crab soup” ($5). All I can say is the
state of Maryland ought to sue. Far from BEVERAGES
being a rich tomato-based soup, this Full bar
was a watery concoction, long on veg-
etables and short on chunks of crab. ADDRESS
1606 Indian River Drive,
My husband and our companion
elected to start with salads – his a wedge Sebastian 32958
($8), hers a chopped ($8) – and these PHONE
were quite good (as well as huge).
For entrées, I ordered the grilled
shrimp skewers ($19), my husband de-
cided to have the broiled spiny lobster
tail ($35.79), and our companion opted
for the lobster mac and cheese ($21).

My husband’s lobster tail was a bit
chewy (probably overcooked) but on the
whole good – as one would have a right
to expect for what is a pretty stiff price.
But the other two dishes were less than

The lobster mac and cheese had
some nice chunks of lobster, but the
mac – overcooked ziti – was gummy
and tasteless, with all the cheese at the
bottom of the dish.

The two grilled skewers had decent
enough shrimp, but it appeared to have
been precooked – then briefly stuck on
the grill. It was greasy and had none of
the taste that you would expect from
anything actually grilled on a skewer. All
the sweetness you expect from shrimp
had been lost somewhere along the way.
And the rice that accompanied it was
cooked to the point of being inedible.

Our server – a very nice young man –

32 Thursday, March 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 9, 2017 33


Bonz says CookE the Calico is the cat’s meow

Hi Dog Buddies! the Sheltuh, just to browse. See, mah CookE, the Calico Cat. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD
Dad always wanted a Calico Cat. They
This week I continued to broaden looked at the cats that were spiffed up that little ol’ dragon was plenty mad. it was time to go. “Ya’ll come back
my journalistic horizons by doin’ an and ready to be adopted but The Right Gimme tuna any day. now!” she called, as she jumped onto
inter-species interview with a dainty Cat wasn’t there. So Dad asked, ‘Is this her window perch. Heading home I
little lady of the feline purr-suasion. all the cats?’ The Sheltuh person said “Oooh, and guess what Mom once was picturing annoyed lizards sailing
(See what I did there?) yep, ’cept for a buncha kittens that did, just for me? She and Dad got a through the air. And feeling honored
hadn’t been checked in yet. Dad said present from my Uncle Bob: a trip to I was the very first pooch Miss CookE
CookE Perkins is a Calico Cat from he’d REALLY, REALLY like to see. So the Singapore (which is as far away as you had invited into her home.
Tennessee, white, gold and black, with Sheltuh person showed ’em the Receiv- can get. Ah don’t even know how many
green eyes. I knew I was gonna hafta be ing Area and there we all were, a big pile potty box breaks I’d need). Anyway, Till next time,
extra polite and quiet and not make any o’ kittens way in the back. Well, Mistah they couldn’t find anyone to cat-sit me,
quick moves cuz CookE’d NEVER met Bonzo, ah dunno what got into me, cuz and they didn’t want me stayin’ in some -The Bonz
an ackshull dog. Closest she’d come was ah’m kinda shy, but, for some reason, cage, so Mom stayed home. Just for ME!
lookin’ at ’em passing by from her perch ah made mah way to the front. Mom Isn’t that So Nice?”
by the window. saw ah was a Calico and she called me,
you know, like humans do, ‘Here, kitty, I was enjoying CookE’s story, but
We knocked. I stood descreetly be- kitty, kitty, like that.’ THEN, Dad picked
hind my Assistant. CookE’s Mom me up and ah KNEW. So ah nuzzled, an Don’t be shy!
opened the door and ushered us in. I got snuggled an tried to look as adorable
my notebook out and looked around. as possible. Which was, of course, ex- We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
On the back of the couch was an all- tremely adorable. THEN, guess what, an interview, please email [email protected].
white cat, giving me that Inscrutable Mistah Bonzo?”
Cat Look. I gulped. 25th Annual Pelican Activities:
“What?” Island Wildlife Festival Raffles & Silent Auction
“Um, how do you do,” I said in my “Mom told Dad AH was his birth- Kids’ Activities • Photo Contest
most un-threatening voice. “I’m Bon- day present! Can you buhLEAVE it •••••• Arts & Crafts • Live Wildlife • Food Vendors
zo the Columnist. I’m here to inter- was his ackshull BIRTHday!” Saturday, March 18, 2017 Historical/Environmental Exhibitors
view CookE.” “No Woof!” I exclaimed.
“Ah KNOW. Mom said they hadda 10:00am – 4:00pm Entertainment:
“Humpf!” said the cat. “She’s probly have me, no if’s, an’s or but’s. So Mom an •••••• Live DJ
under something. She’s real shy, scared Dad went sightseein’ while the Sheltuh
of her own shadow, for Garfield’s Sake. got me ready, got mah shots, had the No Featuring “Teddy Roosevelt”
I’m Snowball. I’m not a big fan of com- Kittens Pro-cee-juh, all that stuff. Mom ••••••
pany, and I’m also not a big fan of dogs.” an Dad also got me a littah box, an food,
Then in this big, yowly voice, “COO- an a carrier for the car. I loved ridin’ in Boat Tours to Pelican Island
KEEEE! Get out here! The pooch from the car, but forget that carrier. Mom
the paper’s here!” Snowball jumped held me most o’ the way home. ($20/pp & $10 for kids under 10)
off the couch and disappeared. Then I “First time ah met Snowball, ah was,
heard a soft little sound coming from like, ‘That is one grumpy cat!’ So ah ••••••
the kitchen. I looked, and there was steered clear, but, after a couple days,
CookE, peeking around the corner. we were cool. I reckon we’re kinda Riverview Park, Sebastian
frien-emies. She mostly just ignores me 600 U.S. Hwy 1, Sebastian, FL
“You’re kinda big, but ya’ll don’t now. Ah’ll be 3 in April. Ah love zoomin’
look too scary,” she said. “Mom says around the house. An ah have this lit- ••••••
you’re OK and that you’re not gonna tle ol’ stuffed dog toy Mom’s friend Pat
chase me or bark or gurrrrrr. Are ya?” gave me. It’s all chewed up, but it’s still • Event is free.
mah favorite.
“Absolutely not, Miss CookE. I’m a “Ah’m a total Daddy’s Girl, too. We
professional. I’m just gonna ask some have this ritual: we snuggle and ah
questions and write down what you give Dad little sandpapery kisses an
say. Is that OK?” purr real soft. Me an Snowball get
Friskies snacks, and sometimes share
She sashayed over, swinging her tail. a can o’ tuna. We ALWAYS hear the
“OK. If you promise not to be bouncy sound of the can bein’ opened and we
or anything. You’re the first dog ah ever race to the kitchen. Every night, me
ackshully met in the fur. I’ll just sit over and Snowball and Mom and Dad have
here by mah Mom. Her name’s Rose- supper togethah.
mary. Mah Dad’s Frank.” “I ’specially like hangin’ out on
the screen porch. My favorite thing’s
“No worries, Miss CookE. I’d love to watchin’ the little ol’ dragons runnin’
hear your story.” around the yard. Sometimes (don’t
ya’ll tell, now) one of ’em gets inside,
She sat down, curled her tail around and we play chase! Ah’ve caught ’em
her feet and began, softly. “Mah first before, too. Ah toss ’em in the air,
mem-ries are of bein’ in an Animal Shel- which is wa-ay fun. Ah don’t eat ’em
tuh with a whole buncha other kittens. or anything. Well, one time ah did eat
It was up in Cookeville, Tennessee. Mah just the tail. It was kinda borin’. Plus,
Mom and Dad lived down here (they
weren’t mah Mom and Dad yet), and
they were visitin’ in Tennessee. When-
ever they were up there, they’d visit

36 Thursday, March 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Spacious condo in stylish building offers great views

STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER spent in the living room and balcony. The balcony space is also useful The large living room has a dining
[email protected] “We wanted an ocean view but we because of the added hurricane shut- area with a pass-through to the kitch-
ters, which create a tight seal against en, which features granite counter-
Bright and efficient with a layout didn’t think we could afford it and the weather. tops and new stainless steel Maytag
that celebrates the ocean view, this then we found this. We like how all appliances.
updated second-story unit in the the balconies in the entire building “When you close them, you can ac-
Buccaneer Condo Apartments at 1175 have a view of the ocean, which is re- tually use the balcony as an addition- The 17-foot by 14-foot master bed-
room, which opens onto the balcony,
A1A in Satellite Beach offers the best ally nice,’’ said Mary Ann Rosenbauer. al room because the air conditioning features a walk-in closet with orga-
lifestyle that Florida has to offer in a “I would say the balcony became goes in there from the living room and nizer unit and storage closets on both
location so close to the beach you can bedroom,’’ Mark Rosenbauer said. sides of a small hall to a full bath.
hear the waves. like an extended living room area. We
would go out there all the time, ev- Even without a single light on, the This lovely beach home has a sec-
Mark and Mary Ann Rosenbauer ery late morning and afternoon. We unit is bright because of the sliding ond bedroom with full bath, as well
have lived in the 1,479-square-foot unit have an electric grill that we use out glass doors and new light-gray tile as a full-size laundry.
for two years with their time mostly there,’’ she said. f loors.
Freshly painted and updated with
new electrical work and other details,
the condo is truly ready to move into,
said listing agent Tina Murphy.

“They did some extensive remod-
eling and the bathrooms have been
completely updated,’’ she said.

“We did every room and I even add-
ed a ceiling fan on the balcony,’’ Mark
Rosenbauer said.

A den is located adjacent to the
kitchen area with a smaller pass-
through with granite countertop. “It
could also be made into an office or,
if you put in a shutter, it could easily
be converted into a great guest area,’’
Murphy said.

What you see off the second-story
screened balcony – in addition to the
beach – is a manicured lawn wrap-
ping around the swimming pool
area: the visual centerpiece of the

Other amenities include a combi-
nation clubhouse/recreation room
which can be rented for events,
locked beach access, sauna in both
bathrooms and tennis courts.

1175 A1A, UNIT 208

Neighborhood: Buccaneer
Condo Apartments,
Year built: 1973

Home size: 1,470 square feet
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 2

Additional features: Walk-in
closet off master bedroom, stor-
age closets and new tile floors,

updated throughout with an
updated kitchen with granite
countertops and new stainless
steel appliances, one-car garage
Listing Agency: Treasure Coast
Sotheby’s International Realty
Listing Agent: Tina Murphy,

List price: $309,900

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 9, 2017 37


Because of the 8-story building’s of the condo unit and its spectacular
stylish, curved mid-century modern view out onto Satellite Beach.
architecture, residents on all floors
share the view of the spacious mani- “It’s nice to have the doors open
cured lawn and pool area with the and to be able to hear the waves. I
beach just beyond never used to like full moons but
when there’s a full moon coming up
“Once we saw the view, that did it,” over the ocean. Wow. It is beautiful,’’
Mark Rosenbauer said. Mary Ann Rosenbauer said.

The sellers plan to stay in the area The condo is being offered for
and will be take with them memories $309,900. 

38 Thursday, March 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Feb. 24 to March 2

The final week of February saw the real estate market turn red hot in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and
32937. While Indian Harbour Beach reported three sales, Satellite Beach had 8, Melbourne Beach had 9,
and Indialantic reported 14.
The top sale of the week was of an oceanfront home in Melbourne Beach. The residence at 6955 South
Highway A1A was placed on the market Sept. 2 with an asking price of $1.65 million. The price was
subsequently lowered to $1.549 million. The transaction closed Feb. 28 for $1.5 million.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Eva McMillan of Dale Sorensen Real Estate. The purchaser
was represented by David Settgast of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s.



LIGHTHOUSE COVE CN 1 123 CASSEEKEE TRL 3123 11/4/2016 $239,000 $229,999 2/24/2017 $470,000
HARBOR EAST SEC 2 1902 NEPTUNE DR 12/1/2016 $500,000 $500,000 2/27/2017 $935,000
SALTAIRE CONDO 3135 S HIGHWAY A1A 401 12/18/2016 $1,100,000 $1,059,000 2/27/2017 $192,500
HOMER RODEHEAVER RES 7790 WINONA RD 11/7/2016 $229,000 $223,000 2/27/2017 $138,000
THE HAMMOCK CONDO I 240 HAMMOCK SHORE DR 307 2/6/2017 $139,900 $139,900 2/28/2017 $299,000
CRYSTAL LAKES SUBD 275 RIGGS AVE 11/12/2016 $319,000 $299,900 2/28/2017 $330,000
OCEAN RIDGE II OF BR 165 CAPTIVA CT 1/18/2017 $349,900 $349,900 2/28/2017 $709,000
HARBOR EAST SEC 2 2002 NEPTUNE DR 12/3/2016 $715,900 $715,900 2/28/2017


BEACH CLUB CONDOMINI 1801 ISLAND CLUB DR 580 12/8/2016 $108,000 $108,000 2/24/2017 $107,000
THE REEF CONDO 1095 N HIGHWAY A1A 207 9/23/2016 $429,900 $399,900 2/24/2017 $390,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 333 2ND AVE 9/13/2016 $325,000 $309,900 2/28/2017 $285,000
THE REEF CONDO 1095 N HIGHWAY A1A 503 1/10/2017 $362,500 $362,500 2/27/2017 $352,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 309 MICHIGAN AVE 1/18/2017 $259,000 $250,000 2/28/2017 $255,000
MOSSWOOD 470 MOSSWOOD BLVD 12/9/2016 $459,900 $435,000 2/28/2017 $425,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 140 14TH AVE 12/6/2016 $514,900 $514,900 2/28/2017 $492,500
OCEAN SD VIL P2 3232 MONITOR LN 12/23/2016 $297,700 $288,800 2/28/2017 $278,000
BEACH CLUB CONDOMINI 1850 CHARLESMONT DR 123 1/7/2017 $113,500 $113,500 2/28/2017 $107,000
PALM COLONY CLUB CON 2700 N HIGHWAY A1A 11204 1/16/2017 $137,500 $134,500 2/28/2017 $129,500
PALM COLONY CLUB CON 2700 N HIGHWAY A1A 3-202 1/20/2017 $129,000 $129,000 2/28/2017 $125,000
OCEAN SD VIL P2 3250 MERRIMAC LN 9/3/2016 $279,900 $279,900 3/1/2017 $275,000
RIO VILLA UNIT IV 3085 RIO BONITA ST 11/23/2016 $400,000 $400,000 2/28/2017 $399,000
THE CASUARINA CLUB C 1101 MIRAMAR AVE S 207 1/13/2017 $315,000 $315,000 3/1/2017 $305,000

EAU GALLIE BY THE SE 792 OCEAN DR 10/30/2016 $650,000 $650,000 2/24/2017 $626,000
S PATRICK SHORES 3S 245 NE 1ST ST 1/12/2017 $359,500 $359,500 2/24/2017 $370,000
WATERWAY ESTATES 2ND 450 ATLANTIS DR 11/17/2016 $239,000 $225,000 2/27/2017 $212,000
DE SOTO PARK UNIT 2 480 KINGSTON RD 9/30/2016 $279,000 $269,000 2/27/2017 $256,500
MONTECITO 244 POINT LOBOS DR 9/2/2016 $450,000 $430,000 2/27/2017 $416,000
WATERWAY ESTATES 2ND 420 FINCH DR 1/3/2017 $285,900 $285,900 2/28/2017 $276,500
SEACOAST SHORES U2 110 TERRY ST 1/5/2017 $415,000 $415,000 3/1/2017 $405,000
INDIAN HRBR BCH S5 234 MICANOPY CT 11/17/2016 $399,000 $399,000 2/28/2017 $393,000
SEACOAST SHORES U5S3 216 MARION ST 9/21/2016 $289,900 $259,900 2/27/2017 $245,000
10/21/2016 $240,000 $250,000 2/27/2017 $250,000
12/7/2016 $370,000 $350,000 2/28/2017 $342,000

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 9, 2017 39


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Harbor East Sec 2, Address: 1902 Neptune Dr Subdivision: Saltaire Condo, Address: 3135 S Highway A1A 401

Listing Date: 12/1/2016 Listing Date: 12/18/2016
Original Price: $500,000 Original Price: $1,100,000
Recent Price: $500,000 Recent Price: $1,059,000
Sold: 2/27/2017 Sold: 2/27/2017
Selling Price: $470,000 Selling Price: $935,000
Listing Agent: Eva McMillan Listing Agent: Margret Cornell

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc Selling Agent: Cornell Real Estate

Eva McMillan Susan Williammee

Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc Salt Water Realty of Brevard

Subdivision: Harbor East Sec 2, Address: 2002 Neptune Dr Subdivision: Sleepy Lagoon, Address: 437 Red Sail Way

Listing Date: 12/3/2016 Listing Date: 10/30/2016
Original Price: $715,900 Original Price: $650,000
Recent Price: $715,900 Recent Price: $650,000
Sold: 2/28/2017 Sold: 2/24/2017
Selling Price: $709,000 Selling Price: $626,000
Listing Agent: Thomas & Susan Holt Listing Agent: Michelle Mckinney

Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise Selling Agent: RE/MAX Interactive

Barbara C Wall
Thomas & Susan Holt
BHHS Florida Realty
Coldwell Banker Paradise





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