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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-03-15 14:23:19

03/15/2018 ISSUE 11


‘Eats and Beats.’ P2 Top-class ‘Cuizine.’ P29 Chefs’ surprises

Pair of mayors cooking up special Dining review: Satellite Beach
‘green’ festival next month. restaurant is thoroughly satisfying.

THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 2018 | VOLUME 03, ISSUE 11 A taste of Brevard generosity at
‘Cooking from the Heart.’ Page 8
A $2.5M blight idea ... | NEWSSTAND PRICE $1.00

Several factors behind rise in
enrollment at private schools

REMOVAL OF DEBRIS Enrollment at area private an open house from 9 a.m. to 11
schools favored by beachside a.m. Tuesday; Coastal Commu-
STORY BY HENRY A. STEPHENS CORRESPONDENT families is steadily growing, at- nity School in Satellite Beach,
[email protected] tracting parents and students which has open houses at 9:30
who are looking for hands-on a.m. today, April 12, April 26 and
Six months after Hurricane Irma hit learning, small class sizes and a May 10; and Florida Preparatory
Florida, costing Brevard County govern- sense of community, administra- Academy in Melbourne, which
ment more than $41 million in damages tors say. hosts an open at 9:30 a.m. on
and expenses for emergency responders,
enough of the storm debris remains in lo- “We have been very busy do- CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
cal waters to prompt officials to seek help ing tours and taking phone calls,”
from the state. said Kathleen Falk, principal
of Holy Name of Jesus Catholic
In a 5-0 vote March 6, the County Com- School in Indialantic.
mission authorized Chairwoman Rita
Holy Name of Jesus and Bre-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 vard County’s eight other Catho-
lic schools all have open houses
for prospective students from 9
a.m. to 2 p.m. today. Other pri-
vate schools popular with beach-
side families include Holy Trin-
ity Episcopal Academy – Upper
School in Melbourne, which has

Potential of fish kill
gives officials pause

[email protected]
Management Department Direc-
County officials, while hoping tor Virginia Barker has created an
for the best, are strategizing how emergency response team to map
they might clean up thousands of fish kills and to share river con-
dead fish if a fish kill results from dition data, and is coordinating
a current brown algae bloom that
eerily resembles conditions that CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
caused the massive 2016 fish kill
in Brevard’s portion of the Indian

There have been no fish kills
reported as of press time, but Bre-
vard County Natural Resources

ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 A wander-ful play

NEWS 1-6 DINING 29 PEOPLE 7-10 Imagination takes flight in
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 25-27 PETS 24 Henegar production of ‘Peter
BOOKS 23 HEALTH 15-18 REAL ESTATE 33-40 and the Starcatcher.’ PAGE 12


2 Thursday, March 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


‘Muddy sand’ protest carries little weight with SatBeach council

STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER Force Base to Flug Avenue in Indial- the possible environment impacts rent the current policy of widening
[email protected] antic. that caused the Mid-Reach to be the beach and burying the reef; and
excluded from previous beach re- to incorporate “more education and
Save the Mid-Reach supporters Undeterred, they vowed to come plenishment projects. In response to projection of the reef in city activi-
came away empty-handed on March back before council March 21. But those concerns, the Mid-Reach proj- ties.’’
7 when they took their “muddy the debate goes on, perhaps soon to ect will be more narrow to the shore
sand” protest to the Satellite Beach the county and state levels. Satellite than other projects and will have City Manager Courtney Barker
City Council, looking for the city to Beach is spending $8,000 to test the artificial reefs installed for Green said under current law, if property
push to end the dumping of upland sand to see if it meets criteria, with turtles. is in danger of falling into the ocean,
said on area beaches. so far inconclusive results. the property owners have the right
The resolutions included: to in- to put up seawalls which cause more
Activists say that silt-laden sand City Council members said nearly dependently test and monitor the damage to the surrounding beach.
will ultimately bury a natural near- 20 years of debate brought about the quality of the sand; to “end the cur- The city will be sued if the property
shore reef running from Patrick Air project and it was concerns about


[email protected] “But, the big opportunity is

Indialantic Mayor Dave Berkman bring our towns’ residents, who

and Melbourne Beach Mayor Jim already share so many activities

Simmons have been busy cooking such as church, schools, youth

up something big for south barrier sports and a beach-side lifestyle,

island residents. together for a relaxed night of

The inaugural Eats and Beats on good food, great music and a lot of

the Beach festival, a “green” event, fun,” Simmons said.

will debut the evening of April 6 at Police and fire vehicles and per-

Nance Park in Indialantic – a true sonnel from both towns will be

partnership of the two

neighboring towns.

It will feature 10 food

and dessert trucks,

live music by the Billy

Chapman Band, the

Long Doggers beer fire

truck, superheroes and

princesses, a raffle, a

scavenger hunt and

the Hoover Junior High

School Band to kick

off the event at 5 p.m.

Festivities run until 10


Simmons described

the joint effort, which

will benefit the Sebas-

tian Inlet Chapter of

the Surfrider Founda- The Billy Chapman Band will entertain at the Eats and Beats festival.

tion. “Over the past

four years, Dave and I have worked on hand, as will Indialantic’s new

together on many issues that are Community Policing Officer.

important to Indialantic and Mel- “This event allows us to bring

bourne Beach, especially in finding our communities together to have

ways to reduce plastic waste. Mel- a great night out while promoting

bourne Beach served as a pilot for how important it is to take care of

Surfrider’s reusable bag initiative our fragile environment,” Berk-

and, when Dave found out about it, man said. “We made it super fam-

he was quick to bring it to Indialan- ily friendly, we have several unique

tic,” Simmons said. activities for our kids and for our

“With Eats & Beats, we’ll have adults we have great music and

another opportunity to further our drink.” Admission is free, and pedi-

efforts to reduce plastic waste,” cabs will be at the ready to help

Simmons said, as paper products with parking.

will be encouraged, and Styrofoam Go to www.eatsandbeatsbeach.

and single-use plastic containers com for details. 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 15, 2018 3


owner is not allowed to armor his Frank Catino, noting the city had a later email that the group will be wards having the county vote to re-
land against the surf. The only op- purchased 40 percent of its beaches back with the resolutions on March duce the volume and improve the
tions for the city are to purchase the and would support the purchase of 21 because he feels “they would add quality of material that is planned
land, replenish the beach, or allow “coastal retreat properties” to stop value to the city, protect our beach, for placement on our beach. If you’re
seawalls, she said. shoreline development. and not constitute a significant cost wondering what people want, they
to the city budget.” are looking for the city to support
“Until that law is changed, we’re Save the Mid-Reach organizer that,’’ he said. 
stuck,’’ said Satellite Beach Mayor Matt Fleming notified the council in “We are absolutely working to-

4 Thursday, March 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly




Pritchett to send Gov. Rick Scott and the county had a similar situation fol- PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD April 21. Holy Trinity President Kathy
members of the local legislative delega- lowing Hurricane Matthew in the fall of Cobb said the school has 862 students
tion a letter asking for $2.5 million to 2016. Prosser said her effort to get extra planned to end by March 9 was extend- in its upper and lower schools com-
finish the job the state Department of help after Matthew was “at least partial- ed into this week. bined this year, the highest number
Environmental Protection started last ly successful.” since 2008.
fall. “Maybe the governor has some mon-
Scott’s office could not be reached for ey, but our budget is finished,” he said. This year there was a waiting list for
“While the state did hire contractors comment by press time. “I just wish the county understood how several grades, she said.
to do this work, the funds have since the budget process works.”
run out,” county Emergency Manage- And state Rep. Randy Fine (R-Palm “What we’re doing now is enrolling
ment Director Kimberly Prosser told Bay) said he couldn’t make any prom- Fine said county officials should have new students for next year, so if there
commissioners. “That left half the der- ises this late in the session. contacted him in early January with are interested families they really do
elict vessels, about 50, and 20 percent their request. He said he had to have his need to contact the school and come
of the waterway debris still here to be The House and Senate failed by the requested projects filed by Jan. 9. to visit, because there’s a good chance
collected.” March 6 deadline to approve a pro- that, particularly the upper school,
posed $87 billion budget for the fiscal County spokesman Don Walker said will be full.”
In a report to the commission, year starting July 1. The session that was the remaining Irma debris can be seen
Prosser said the county spent $12 mil- in the lagoon between Rockledge and Brevard County had 84 private
lion to collect Hurricane Irma debris on Cocoa. schools in the 2015-2016 school year,
land and dispose of it, and is seeking re- with 8,939 students enrolled, accord-
imbursement for 75 percent of the cost Prosser said removing the 50 remain- ing to the latest statistics available
from the Federal Emergency Manage- ing boats and the other debris would from the Florida Department of Edu-
ment Agency. cost about $2.5 million. Scott has the cation.
power, she added, to tap into reserves
But the state is responsible for navi- or other surplus money, or ask for help Pat Craig, Holy Trinity’s director of
gable waterways, such as the Indian from the Joint Legislative Budget Com- enrollment management, said fami-
River Lagoon and the Banana River, she mission, to help the county. lies are attracted to the school by its
said. So far, she added, the state DEP combination of religious training and
and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Con- “If the remaining portions of the high academic standards.
servation Commission were able to get state-owned navigable waterways
half the 100 sunken and abandoned within Brevard do not receive debris re- “One of the things is our pledge to
boats hauled away, as well as 80 percent moval (funds), this will leave significant educate the entire child, mind, body
of the broken docks and other debris. public health, safety and welfare issues and spirit, especially the spirit,” Craig
for residents and visitors of Brevard said. “We have opportunities for chil-
County Manager Frank Abbate said County,” Pritchett’s letter reads. dren to participate in worship, char-
acter, ethics courses.”
Life insurance is an essential Just like the county, the state is also
part of caring for your family. eligible for a 75 percent reimbursement She added that Holy Trinity also has
from FEMA. So Pritchett’s letter calls the a robust athletics programs, on par
Your Edward Jones financial advisor can $2.5 million a “temporary measure” to with public schools in the county.
help you find a life insurance policy that get the work finished. 
best suits your family’s needs. Call today. Many of the private schools are in-
troducing new initiatives in science,
Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states and technology and math, or expanding
Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P., and in on existing ones.
California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through Edward Jones
Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Holy Name of Jesus, for example,
Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency recently added a maker space where
of Massachusetts, L.L.C. students can do hands-on projects in
engineering and math. The school has
Cameron B Mitchell Colleen J Mitchell 241 students in grades pre-K through
Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Member SIPC eighth.

600 W Eau Gallie Blvd 7370 Cabot Ct “They build robots, they build cir-
Melbourne, FL 32935 Suite 102 cuits and they build bridges,” Falk
321-425-6493 Viera, FL 32940 said. “The program itself really helps
321-254-5202 to round out the child in terms of
problem solving.”

Coastal Community School, which


Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
George White, 321-795-3835 Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 For our advertising partners, we pledge [email protected]
to provide the most complete consulta-
Columnists tive and marketing programs possible for Corporate Editor
Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 the best return on your investment. Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
Cynthia Van Gaasbeck, 321-626-4701 [email protected]

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 15, 2018 5


has 80 students in pre-K through do all their enrichment classes like art beachside school, and that it empha- tors said concerns about school safety
eighth grade, takes an entirely new ap- and music one day a week. sizes faith and family togetherness. could be a small factor in why parents
proach to education. Principal Sarah She said the school has grown ever choose private schools, but none con-
Angrisani said the school is a “hybrid” “It’s a whole culture shift for the since it opened four years ago, and a sider it a factor in increasing enroll-
model, in which students have on- family,” Angrisani said. Feb. 27 open house drew more fami- ment.
campus classes two days a week, are lies than expected.
homeschooled two days a week, and Besides its unique model and flexi- “What I do see is parents desiring
ble system, Angrisani said parents ap- Angrisani and other administra- more of a school choice,” she said. 
preciate that Coastal Community is a

6 Thursday, March 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


POTENTIAL FOR FISH KILL pilots willing to go up because when weather being several consecutive looked like this that we didn’t have a
we get a call, we don’t know. We have days of cloudy warm weather. massive fish kill? Never, because we’ve
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 to verify and check the surrounding only had one,’’ she said.
area,’’ she said. During daylight, algae produce
procedures for volunteers and contrac- oxygen through photosynthesis, re- Blooms can burn themselves out,
tors to remove dead fish. If the kill is small, it will be noted plenishing oxygen levels in the water. but use up all the nutrients, if the
but nothing will be done. In case However, at night the algae consume weather stays cool and sunny.
“Conditions are ripening and we it’s large-scale like 2016, Barker is oxygen, causing a dip in the dissolved
ought to dust off the lessons learned checking with other state agencies oxygen. Duane DeFreese, executive director
from 2016 and we ought to prepare,’’ about the use of dead fish harvest- of the Indian River Lagoon national Es-
she said of the bloom that appears ing equipment. “We’re trying to fig- In addition, algae blooms, intensi- tuary Program added, “Our hope is for
more severe in the Banana River. ure out who has the resources, where fied by nutrients in the water, block good conditions and no fish kill, but we
are the resources so we can mobilize the sunlight and cause damage to sea- can’t predict when or if it will happen. If
Time is of the essence when removing them quickly on an emergency style grasses. With no sun to replenish on it does happen we have a lot of tools to
dead fish because the decomposition of response,’’ she said. cloudy days, the oxygen levels drop too track what’s going on. To keep fish kills
their carcasses removes additional oxy- low for fish to survive. from happening in the future we need
gen so that any sea life that survived the Watching the weather is a big part to put the lagoon on an aggressive nu-
initial fish kill will die, she said. of fish kill predictions, with the worst “You don’t want to cry wolf but it’s trient diet,’’ he said. 
really darn similar. When has it ever
“We have helicopter and airplane


About 125 people attended the
First Annual Recreational Boater
and Water Safety Day on Saturday
hosted by the U.S. Coast Guard
Auxiliary and the Melbourne
Beach Volunteer Fire Department
at the Town Hall Complex. Resi-
dents attended safety classes to
earn their Florida Boater Safety
Identification cards, and got free,
pre-arranged vessel safety checks.
Above, FWC Brandon Kearney
with Micah Rodriguez, who tries
on a safety vest below. 


Wendy Fine with Sharon Foster.

Cooking from the Heart:
Cuisine artists make it ‘Big’

8 Thursday, March 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Cooking from the Heart: Cuisine artists make it ‘Big’

Kelly Havens, Judy Drake. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER A’Keem Slaughter, Heidi Hunt, Stafford Slaughter, Nelly Slaughter and Chrissy Cuttita. Valerie Bruel with Sharon Foster.

STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT Melbourne Beach Commissioner Wyatt Hoover Boardmember Leon Fenn with a row for Take It Easy Chicken and
[email protected] with Dr. Liliana Marshall. BBBS Interim CEO Keith Padgett. Waffles, in a polite battle with In-
dialantic’s Rock Around the Crock
The aromas of dozens of dish- the Winter Park-based organization. Chef – Poultry (Victor Luebker, Meatballs and Palm Bay’s Ecuador-
es from around the globe filtered “What we do is help strengthen Cajun Key Lime Tacos); Top Chef – ian Ceviche and Cuban Imperial
through the partitions separat- Pasta, Seafood & Vegetarian (John Rice. Commissioner Wyatt Hoover
ing the chefs from the guests. Pots families one child at a time. One Graham, Plymouth Rock Cream of explained how store-bought (Pub-
clanging on one side and heads hundred percent of our children Crab Soup); Most Rocking Theme lix) chicken brought home the bacon
banging on the other. graduate high school and 99 percent (Stafford Slaughter Sr., Funkadelic for his city: “Last year we did a really
don’t get in trouble with the law or Turkey Dumplings) and Top Chef – complicated, pepper-crusted beef
Professional chefs and ordinary don’t reoffend after being matched Dessert (Rich Matthes, Megadeth by tenderloin with a horseradish cream
mortals with a flair for the culinary with a mentor,” she said. Chocolate). garlic sauce. But we are painting our
arts gathered Saturday night at the house right now and I had an event
Melbourne Auditorium for the 24th Goodwill alone doesn’t keep the They all fought the law this year in Melbourne Beach today, and the
Annual Brevard Cooking from the program running and the impor- and the law won, Top Chef Grand time was not there to do another
Heart competition, one of the coun- tance of this fundraiser cannot be Champion, that is. It was Ana Bar- crazy thing, so …”
ty’s tastier fundraisers. The cook-off overstated. Brevard has embraced ragan’s Cajun Turkey and Rice that
pits local restaurants, municipali- good food for a good cause, though, got the public’s attention. It’s a dish In a combined work space was
ties, government agencies, nonprof- and the house is full. By 7:15 p.m., she and Michelle Watson serve at the Slaughter family and Guardian
its, businesses and private citizens the partitions are open and the tast- the Brevard County Jail. Not to its ad Litem, represented by Stafford
against each other to the benefit of ings underway. guests, though. “We feed 200 to 400 Slaughter Jr., a recruiter for the or-
mentoring organization Big Broth- deputies and administrators a day,” ganization of volunteers; Heather
ers Big Sisters of Central Florida. This year, 43 teams with about 80 Watson said. Williams, child advocate manager;
people competed in 10 categories. and Jennifer James, assistant child
The night’s theme – Mentoring Winners are in parentheses: Tasti- In another win for the sheriff, advocate manager.
Rocks! – brought out the inner rock est City (Melbourne Beach, chicken deputies Keith Grosse and Taner
star in many as more than one Slash and waffles); Tastiest Eatery (Car- Primmer brought the winning en- The evening was a perfect op-
sauntered among the tables. The rabba’s); Guns-N-Hoses Champion- try, smoked pulled pork, in the com- portunity for them to introduce the
normally neatly-coiffed Greg Pal- ship (Brevard Sheriff’s Department, petition between law officers and public to the child advocacy group,
lone of Spectrum Channel 13 co- pulled pork); Top Youth Chef (Lu- firefighters. as anyone who is interested in men-
emceed the night as Poison front- cas Goldfarb, Oreo Speedwagon); toring a child may also desire to be
man Bret Michaels along with Stevie Top Chef – Meat (Jeff Gallop, Mo- Melbourne Beach was crowned the voice of a one before a court.
Nicks, who in her day job is Brevard Rockin’ Lamb & Vegetables); Top Tastiest City for the second year in
Supervisor of Elections Lori Scott. Deratany Goldfarb hopes to raise
$35,000 on this evening through
Very busy five-piece band the Um- ticket sales, a silent auction and
brella Thieves delivered the rocking raffle. “It’s very important; every
portion of the evening with spot-on $1,500 we raise supports one match
covers ranging from Led Zeppelin to in Brevard for a year.
Rush to Adele.
“A lot goes into trying to make a
Indialantic resident Brooke Der- really good match. We ask every-
atany Goldfarb, Brevard coordina- body to commit to at least one year
tor for BBBS, was remarkably calm of friendship. My husband had a Big
for someone who had to be in five Brother when he was 10 years old
places at once. and they are still friends,” she said.

She spoke in a quiet moment To learn more about Big Brothers
about the “Bigs” and “Littles,” say- Big Sisters, go to
ing that mentoring has always been
a priority for her and that she is liv- To learn more about Guardian ad
ing her mission as the local head of Litem, call 321-690-6823. 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 15, 2018 9


Kiwi serves up rising talent at Women’s Wildcard tourney

Jaleesa Leslie performs in a wild-card match at the Kiwi Tennis Club. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD

Audrey Ann Blakely.

The Kiwi Tennis Club in Indian Harbour Beach last week hosted a
festive three-day Women’s Wildcard tennis tournament, in which lady
players vied to earn a spot in Kiwi’s upcoming 13th Annual Space Coast
Pro Tennis Classic April 8-15. The wild card started on Wednesday with
eight women competing, including several local rising stars. Then on
Thursday the competition narrowed to four, with Garreth Leslie and
Salome Devidze in the finals in a special session of Kiwi’s popular Friday
Night Lights on Friday evening. Dozens of beachside youth players and
adult volunteers worked the tournament, serving as ball girls/boys or
helping with logistics. Volunteers are needed to fill many slots during the
week-long pro event in April. Amateur doubles teams can also get in on
the action during the fun Pro Am event on April 9, and kids age 6-12 can
enjoy a free day of hands-on tennis fun on April 14, (rackets supplied). Visit for details. 

12 Thursday, March 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Imagination takes flight in Henegar’s ‘Starcatcher’

STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH Correspondent is the imagined prequel to imaginary PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER
characters inhabiting Oz – the Wicked
Imagination. You can’t leave home Witch of the West, the Scarecrow, Cow- Justin Rupp, Shawn Mindel, Corrine Marie, Austin Rosenkrans and Zechariah Baker.
without it. Well, not if you’re going to ardly Lion, Tin Man, et al. – “Starcatch-
the theater at any rate. er” is the imagined prequel to the story
of the boy who would never grow up
Especially when seeing “Peter and and the rest of the cast of characters in-
the Starcatcher,” a most theatrical play habiting Neverland.
with music now on stage at the Hen-
egar. Indeed, imagination will be the But instead of big flashy hydraulics
necessary ingredient used by players and splashy musical numbers seen
and audience alike to stir into life this in “Wicked,” here, the story gets un-
backstory of Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Cap- plugged, so to speak. The dazzling
tain Hook and all those lost boys. special effects come courtesy your
own imagination.
“Right from the start of the play, the
audience is drawn in to the imagina- Actors take ordinary items like a
tive world of the play by the ensemble’s rope, a plastic yellow glove and flash-
belief in the circumstances,” said actor light and transform them into a ship
Austin Rosenkrans, who is the charac-
ter “Prentiss” in the show.

“The audience is asked to imagine al-
most every part of the show that is not a
specific action executed by a character.
Throughout the play, however, there
are ‘Narrators’ that guide the arc of the
story and assist the audience in follow-
ing along. This particular narrative de-
vice really leads the audience through
the show and keeps their imaginations
churning all the while.”

Written by Rick Elice with music
by Wayne Barker, “Starcatcher,” as it’s
called among theater folk, is based
on the novel by Dave Barry and Rid-
ley Pearson. Not to forget J.M. Barrie’s
“Peter Pan,” of course. It won five 2012
Tony Awards and has been produced by
regional and has become a favorite of
community theaters nationwide.

The story revolves around a girl (the
only one in the cast) named Molly who
finds herself aboard a pirate ship cap-
tained by narcissistic arch villain Black
Stache. She helps a group of orphan
boys escape certain death. They even-
tually find themselves in a magical
land of mermaids and stardust which
has quite the lasting effect on a certain
young orphan boy.

As the book to the musical “Wicked”

tossed about in the sea, a boy who can It’s part of being human.
fly and even a giant crocodile ready to It opens the door to creativity, Rosen-
gobble up an entire crew. krans said, the “light that never goes
out.” He believes that it has to be exer-
“It’s the closest thing to magic in our cised daily in order to keep the human
world,” said director Amanda Chey- spirit “glowing strong.”
enne Manis. “Imagination is really the “Allowing space for our minds to
most important part of theater. For the- dream, imagine and then create from
ater to work, everyone has to be imag- that space is critical,” he said. “Think
ining. The audience has to go with you of the history of the world. Without
where you pretend to be someone or people who imagined what could be,
something you’re not and they accept progress and positive change would
it. They imagine they are in these loca- never have occurred.”
tions with you.” And a good way to exercise that
imaginative spirit would be to see
But being able to let your imagina- “Starcatcher,” he said.
tion roam is key to something even
bigger, she said.

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 15, 2018 13

ARTS & THEATRE Donnie Gethers.

Justin Rupp, Zechariah Baker, Walter Clapp, Anthony Hampson, Matthew Duncombe, Raymond
Weber, David Diggle, Austin Rosenkrans, Shawn Mindel, Donnie Gethers and Anthony Santiago.

show could really change your whole
week,” she said.

“Peter and the Starcatcher” runs Tickets are $26 general, $23 seniors and
through March 25 at the Henegar Center military and $16 for students. There is a
for the Arts, 625 E. New Haven Ave., Mel- $3 handling fee per ticket. Call 321-723-
bourne. The show performs 8 p.m. Fri- 8698 or visit 
days and Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays.

“The imaginative narrative is the that everyone can escape to,” said Ma-
spine of the theatrical journey,” Rosen- nis. “Peter Pan is wild joy and excite-
krans said. “The audience is asked to ment. He is boastful, proud, assured in
imagine almost every part of the show a way we rarely are yet somehow it isn’t
that is not a specific action executed by annoying and we don’t dislike him. We
a character.” all want to run off to Neverland and just
stay a kid for awhile.”
Not to worry. Narrators guide the
arc of the story and assist the audi- And, she said, adults will love this
ence in order to keep their imagina- show as well. Many of the jokes may fly
tion churning. over a child’s head and land squarely in
an adult’s funny bone.
For instance, ropes are used as door-
ways, bowls and flashlights become “Dealing with the real world can re-
that fearsome crocodile, a yellow plas- ally make the day to day hard and if
tic glove becomes a bird. you haven’t taken the time to sit down,
relax and play recently I’ll bet this
Yes, this is akin to children’s theater
or even story theater, which invites au-
diences to enter a “Once upon a time”

But here, it’s not only familiar fod-
der for the young, but it also tickles the
youthfulness in an adult.

That is thematic when it comes to the
story of Peter Pan, the eternal boy.

“That is precisely where (the play’s)
strength and resonance lie,” Rosen-
krans said. “If only for a moment in
time ‘Starcatcher’ invites the audience
to remember what they have perhaps
chosen to forget, how beautiful and
tragic growing up is.”

“Peter Pan has always been the place

14 Thursday, March 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Cminucoesvnteotimivne!sboanfutesr Coming Up: One and only
‘Evita’ at Surfside Theatre
Ask us how in March
CALL TODAY FOR DETAILS! [email protected] Friday.

321.253.7440 1 “Evita,” the Andrew Lloyd Web-
ber/Tim Rice seven Tony-win-
You will love the difference in senior living at The Brennity
at Melbourne. Enjoy your retirement with the amenities ning Broadway musical (including Best
and services you deserve. New, blossoming friendships,
carefree living, and so much more await you in our senior Musical), continues a three-weekend
living community. Call to schedule a personal tour!
run this Friday on the Surfside The-
ASSISTED LIVING • MEMORY CARE atre stage. “Evita” opened on Broadway
7300 Watersong Lane • Melbourne, FL 32940
Sept. 25, 1979. It is the story of one of the
most fascinating, beautiful and enig-
matic public figures of the 20th centu-

ry: Maria Eva Duarte de Perón. Says the

Surfside promo, Evita was a provincial

Argentinian girl who “marries the pres-

ident, becomes an adored champion for

the poor of her country and dies at only

33 years of age.” The Broadway musical

ran for 1,567 performances, with Patti

Lupone as Eva Peron and Mandy Pa-

tinkin as Che Guevara. Surfside show playing that “generates ringing arpeg-
gios based on the banjo finger picking
times are Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m.; style McGuinn learned at the Old Town
School of Folk Music” in his hometown
Sunday, 2 p.m., through March 25. Tick- of Chicago. His post-Byrds solo career,
which began in 1973, has produced 10
ets are: adults, $25, senior/military/stu- albums, one Grammy nom, and a busy
performing schedule. Show time is 7:30
dents, $22. 321-783-3127. p.m. Tickets start at $68.75.

2 Alice Cooper has been rattling
cages and undermining the sta-

tus quo for decades, and he’ll be bring-

ing his own brand of grand, theatri-

cal shock rock to the King Center this 4 Make time this weekend to take
a pleasant little road trip to enjoy
Tuesday. At 70, Cooper maintains a

robust worldwide touring schedule, the Sebastian River Art Club’s Second

and his shows are, if anything, even Annual Beautiful Lagoon Fine Art Ex-

more macabre. According to his official hibition. It is free and will benefit the

bio, Cooper has drawn equally from Indian River Lagoon National Estuary

“horror movies, vaudeville and ga- Program. Sebastian boasts an impres-

rage rock,” and is known for filling the sive community of excellent artists,

stage with such diverse props as elec- and 100 or so of their works – paint-

tric chairs, guillotines, fake blood and ings, sculptures, and pieces in glass,

boa constrictors. His influence on rock wood, jewelry, pottery and more – will

’n’ roll is undeniable, and his long and be on display and available for pur-

impressive career includes “platinum chase, all depicting life along the river

albums, sold-out tours and numerous and lagoon-related themes. A com-

other honors and career achievement panion exhibit and a perfect exhibi-

awards.” Show time is 8 p.m. Tickets tion backdrop will be a selection of

start at $58.50. (mostly) water-related quilts created

by the talented fabric artists of the Se-

3 “Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play bastian Quilt Club. The 190-member
a song for me; In the jingle jangle
Art Club’s other gallery spaces will be

morning, I’ll come following you.” The open as well, including an unframed

Byrds, of course. This Friday, former “Off-The-Easel” collection of works in a

Byrds frontman Roger McGuinn will variety of subjects and media, all avail-

be at the King Center’s Studio Theatre able for $50 each, also supporting the

for one performance only. Led by Mc- Lagoon Council. The lagoon works will

Guinn, the influential ’60s rock group be judged, and unsold winning entries

created the folk-rock genre by “combin- will be displayed at the Environmental

ing the rock beat of the Beatles with the Learning Center in Wabasso and the

folk sensibilities of Bob Dylan,” says the Foyer Gallery at the Emerson Center in

show promo. That “jingle, jangle” lyric Vero. The Opening Reception is Satur-

likely refers to one of the innovative day, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., with an Awards/

and influential styles McGuinn devel- Appreciation Ceremony at 6 p.m.; and

oped: according to Wikipedia – “jin- Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 772-571-6632,

gle-jangle” is a style of electric guitar 772-581-8281. 

Need a hand surgery specialist?
Elementary … it’s Dr. Watson

16 Thursday, March 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Need a hand surgery specialist? Elementary … it’s Dr. Watson

STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER schoolers and so on, but as I aged, so Dr. Michael Watson.
[email protected] did my patients.
When orthopedic surgeon Dr. Mi- “What once was a busy sports
chael Watson was recruited by the medicine practice has kind of grown
Steward Medical Group to move his up with me and now a lot of those
practice here to the Treasure Coast, he people need their joints replaced. So,
admits he made one mistake. it’s morphed over time. The practice
went from youth and sports to joint
Leaving Illinois in late January, replacement and hand surgery.”
where U.S. Climate Data says the aver-
age temperature is about 28 degrees, It could well be that hand, wrist and
Watson forgot to get his car’s air-con- elbow problems will – at least initially
ditioning system checked. – be what drives many area residents
to Watson’s door.
He quickly found out it can be hot in
Florida, even in the winter, and that a Longtime hand surgeon Dr. Paul
shot of Freon can make a world of dif- Dell used to drive down to the Sebas-
ference while driving here in the Sun- tian River Medical Center weekly from
shine state. his home base at the University of
Florida’s Shands Hospital in Gaines-
A two-time Academic All-American ville to surgically repair age-related
defensive back at Illinois Wesleyan disorders of the hand, but Dell retired
University and a former college track in December.
sprinter and district long jump cham-
pion, Watson says when he began his Watson is ready to step into the void
26-year practice, he “was very focused he left behind.
on sports medicine.
He says people constantly ask him
“I was coaching [and] covered may- what types of orthopedic procedures
be six or seven high schools on the he performs most often. His reply:
field [taking care of players] … so, I “What I do mostly is what there’s
spent a lot of time on the fields and mostly of … which a lot of hand sur-
with kids that were playing and high gery is.”

Experience the fusion of
traditional values and

modern dentistry.

Collins & Montz


At Collins & Montz, DMD, That said, according to Watson, he brand new and patients are bringing
we will focus on improving every has “done over 2,700 joint replace- information from commercials. Do
aspect of your smile for optimal ments [and] … sort of pioneered some what you know how to do and do it
appearance, function, and of the minimally invasive knee re- well.”
comfort through our general placement [procedures now in use]
family dentistry, and restorative with 4-inch incisions.” There are advertisements and
procedures such as dental commercials everywhere promising
implants. Our comprehensive In fact, when it comes to knee and amazing results, but Watson takes a
range of services and dedication hip replacements, Watson has his own more measured path. “What I tell the
of quality set us apart. Call today personal and professional mantra. patient to do is just to bring the infor-
to schedule your appointment. mation [they’ve seen] into my office
“Do what you do best,” he says. and we’ll talk about it. I’ll give them
524 OCEAN AVENUE, MELBOURNE BEACH, FL 32951 “Not what’s in the news this week, not the facts based on the American Acad-
this particular prosthesis because it’s

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 15, 2018 17

Do what you do YOUR HEALTH

best. Not what’s in

the news this week,

not this particular

prosthesis because

it’s brand new and

patients are bringing

information from

commercials. Do

what you know how

to do and do it well.

-Dr. Michael Watson

emy of Orthopedic Surgery and solid
research, rather than testimonials
with somebody you’re going see on a

“I keep manuals from the AAOS
right in my office,” Watson continues.
“When a patient brings up something
[they have seen on TV] … I’ll open the
book to that particular section,” and
show the patient the research those
commercials never mention. Both
good and bad.

All that said, the athletically-in-
clined Watson says he has in no way
turned his back on his sports medi-
cine background.

“I enjoy taking care of kids,” he says,
“and I will do so here. I don’t have an
age limit. In fact, I’ve seen quite a few
already because not a whole lot of
people are seeing them.”

With a practice that includes hand
surgeries, hip and knee replacements,
shoulder procedures, osteoarthritis,
carpal tunnel and rheumatoid arthri-
tis as well as sports medicine, it’s only
reasonable to ask where he derives his
greatest satisfaction.

Watson has a ready answer.
“The biggest satisfaction – if you’ve
been practicing medicine for a long
amount of time – really comes from
seeing someone come back to the of-
fice, walking, without pain,” says Wat-
son. “Or from having someone with a
pinched nerve in their hand who has
missed months and months of work
and they’re coming back for their final
follow-up and they’re back working.
They’re back to normal again.”

Dr. Michael Watson is with the Stew-
ard Medical Group. His office is at 1715
37th Place, Suite 101 in Vero Beach. The
phone number is 772-778-0600. 

18 Thursday, March 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


It may sound funny, but shingles is no laughing matter

BY FRED CICETTI, 32963 COLUMNIST fever and weakness when the disease it is most common in people between lows a single nerve path to the skin. The
starts. Within two to three days, a red, 60 and 80. Each year, about one million shingles rash helps with its diagnosis;
Q. I heard a comedian make a humor- blotchy rash develops. The rash erupts Americans are diagnosed with shingles. the rash erupts in a belt-like pattern on
ous reference to “shingles.” I had shingles into small blisters that look like chick- only one side of the body, or it appears on
and I didn’t find any humor in the expe- enpox. And it’s very painful. The virus that causes chickenpox one side of the face. It usually begins as a
rience. Am I missing something? and shingles remains in your body for patch of red dots which become blisters.
Does this sound funny? I don’t think life. It stays inactive until a period when
Shingles is a painful skin disease so ... your immunity is down. And, when Physicians treat shingles with an-
caused by the chickenpox virus awak- you’re older, your defenses ain’t what tiviral and pain medications. The an-
ening from a dormant state to attack Anyone who has had chicken-pox they used to be. tivirals don’t cure shingles, but they
your body again. Some people report can get shingles. Half of all Americans weaken the virus, reduce the pain and
will get shingles by the time they are 80. The inactive virus rests in nerve cells accelerate healing. The antiviral medi-
Shingles occurs in people of all ages, but near the spine. When it reactivates, it fol- cations work faster if they are started
early -- within 72 hours from the ap-
pearance of the rash.

The disease’s name comes from the
Latin word cingulum, which means belt.
The virus that causes shingles is vari-
cella-zoster, which combines the Latin
word for little pox with the Greek word
for girdle. In Italy, shingles is often called
St. Anthony’s Fire.

If you have had chickenpox, shingles
is not contagious. If you have never had
chickenpox, you can catch the virus
from contacting the fluid in shingles
blisters. However, you will not get shin-
gles, but you could get chickenpox.

The pain of shingles can be severe. If
it is strong and lasts for months or years,
it is called postherpetic neuralgia (PHN).
Persistent pain is a common symptom in
people over 60. However, most victims of
shingles overcome their symptoms in
about a month. And the odds are against
them getting shingles again.

Outbreaks that start on the face or
eyes can cause vision or hearing prob-
lems. Even permanent blindness can
result if the cornea of the eye is affect-
ed. In patients with immune deficien-
cy, the rash can be much more exten-
sive than usual and the illness can be
complicated by pneumonia. These cas-
es, while more serious, are rarely fatal.

The Food and Drug Administration
last year approved the Shingrix vaccine
to prevent painful shingles in people 50
and older. Large international trials have
shown that the vaccine prevents more
than 90 percent of shingles cases, even
at older ages.

Zostavax, an earlier shingles vaccine
that remains on the market, prevents
about half of shingles cases in those over
age 60 and has demonstrated far less ef-
fectiveness among elderly patients.

A committee of The Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention (CDC) vot-
ed to make Shingrix the preferred vac-
cine and recommended it for all adults
over age 50. The committee also recom-
mended Shingrix for adults who’ve re-
ceived Zostavax.

Check your health insurance provider
to determine the coverage it offers for the
new vaccine. 

The rusting seaport called Kholmsk It was hardly the first time that North adopts new tactics, with the help of an country’s economy. “This will signifi-
is one of the sleepiest harbors in Rus- Korea has used subterfuge to fool its ever-shifting array of front companies cantly hinder the Kim regime’s capac-
sia’s Far East, a place that sees more adversaries and flout international and partners eager to make a profit. ity to conduct evasive maritime activi-
full moons than coal ships in a typical trade restrictions. But independent ties that facilitate illicit coal and fuel
year. Yet for a few weeks late last sum- analysts say the movement of coal “It’s a shell game that constantly transports, and erode its abilities to
mer, this tiny port was chockablock through Russia’s Kholmsk port last changes,” said David Thompson, a ship goods through international wa-
with vessels hauling outlawed North year was remarkable, because of the North Korea specialist and senior an- ters,” Mnuchin said.
Korean coal. timing – it came just as the U.N. Secu- alyst at the Center for Advanced De-
rity Council imposed new sanctions on fense Studies, a nonprofit organiza- But while such measures will make
At least four ships of different flags the sale of North Korean coal – and be- tion in Washington that tracks illicit it harder for North Korea to conduct
showed up in August and September cause of the ruse’s elaborate, multilay- networks. In the case of the Kholmsk foreign trade in the short term, the
to dump North Korean anthracite ered deceptions. affair, he said, “you’re looking at adap- effects will last only until Pyongyang
onto a pile near the harbor’s south- tation taking place in real time.” and its business partners develop new
ern tip, maritime records show. Then, To get around the ban, North Ko- methods for circumventing them, ex-
six other ships arrived to pick up coal rea developed a complex scheme It is precisely these kinds of sanc- perts say.
from the same spot and deliver it to that depended on stealth, falsified tion-busting schemes that prompted
foreign markets. documents and the heavily choreo- the Trump administration to impose Despite decades of economic isola-
graphed participation of officials and new economic sanctions last month tion, North Korea nearly always finds a
Between the voyages, the harbor businesses in at least three countries, on North Korea-related shipping. The way to get what it needs, because there
was witness to a kind of magic trick: according to documents and records measures announced by the Treasury are always companies willing to take
Illicit North Korean coal was trans- compiled by private investigators and Department specifically targeted doz- the risk, said Andrea Berger, a Lon-
formed into Russian coal, which can a team of U.N. experts. ens of shipping companies, individuals don-based specialist in proliferation
be legally sold anywhere. and vessels suspected of past involve- networks and export controls with the
Ultimately, North Korea was able to ment in practices such as transship- James Martin Center for Nonprolifera-
Some of it ended up in the most un- sell the coal – a crucial export com- ment, or the movement of illicit goods tion Studies in Monterey, Calif.
expected of places: South Korea and modity that accounts for about 40 between vessels to conceal the identi-
Japan, two of Pyongyang’s main rivals. percent of the country’s foreign in- ties of the original suppliers. “We spend so much of our time
come – in an episode that experts say trying to put obstacles in the way of
“They literally ‘laundered’ the coal,” illustrates the limits of U.S. policies Ships registered in nine countries North Korea, and in making the ob-
said a Western diplomat, speaking intended to force changes in Pyong- were blacklisted in a move that Trea- stacles higher and wider,” Berger said,
on the condition of anonymity to de- yang’s bellicose behavior. Confronted sury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said “but the North Koreans are simply
scribe new details from a confidential with new obstacles to its vital com- would hobble North Korean leader very practiced at getting around what-
U.N. investigation of the incident. “It’s merce, North Korea consistently Kim Jong Un’s ability to buy and sell ever we put in their path.”
the same tactic criminals use to laun- the commodities most essential to his
der ill-gotten cash.” How North Korea managed to launder

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 15, 2018 21


its coal in Russia – and then sell it to two concealing the location of a large cargo What the Yu Yuan was doing during relatively straightforward. On Sept. 2,
of its biggest adversaries – is essentially ship on the open sea is no longer a sim- those 11 days – and what cargo it car- transponder records show, the cargo
a tale of two ships. The Togolese-flagged ple matter. In addition to government ried – might have remained a mystery, vessel arrived in Kholmsk, a town of
Yu Yuan and the Panamanian-flagged spy agencies, at least a dozen com- except that a satellite photographed 30,000 people on Sakhalin island, a for-
Sky Angel, both Chinese owned, were mercial companies plot the movement the vessel in mid-August. The image, mer part of the Japanese archipelago
among two separate sets of cargo ves- of vessels traveling the world’s ship- provided to U.N. investigators and seized by the Soviet Union at the end of
sels that passed in and out of Kholmsk ping lanes, using data from satellites included in their confidential report, World War II. The town, a collection of
harbor in late summer and early fall of and harbor masters as well as from the shows the Yu Yuan docked at the coal Soviet-style apartment buildings clus-
last year, carrying coal that at least partly ships’ transponders, which broadcast terminal in the port city of Wonsan on tered on green hills above the harbor
originated in North Korean mines. unique electronic signals pinpointing North Korea’s east coast. and rail terminal, has lost nearly half of
individual vessels’ precise locations. its population since the fall of commu-
A chronology of the operation The operators of the Yu Yuan, like those The evidence from the photograph nism, but it still operates a small port
was pieced together by researchers of any other cargo ship, would have is buttressed by a second source: Har- with terminals for timber and, on the
from the Center for Advanced De- been aware that their vessel’s move- bor master records from port authori- harbor’s southern lip, coal.
fense Studies, using data supplied by ments were being tracked. ties in Nahodka. The Russian-language
Windward, a private company that documents, also obtained by C4ADS, A second satellite photo shows the
analyzes ship-tracking data collected Commercial shipping data obtained record the arrival of the Yu Yuan, a Yu Yuan berthed at Kholmsk’s coal ter-
by satellites and at ports around the minal. Port records would later reveal
world. The essential narrative also is by the Center for Advanced Defense THE YU YUAN CARGO VESSEL. that the Yu Yuan reduced its draft – a
contained in a confidential report by Studies – commonly known by its ac- measure of a ship’s weight determined
the United Nations Panel of Experts, a ronym C4ADS – show the Yu Yuan leav- THE SKY ANGEL CARGO VESSEL. by how low it sits in the water – by
technical committee appointed by the ing northeast China’s Wangjia Bay in about 10 feet, indicating an offloading
world body to investigate alleged sanc- early August and traveling around the vessel reported to have traveled from of cargo at the Russian port. Its decks
tions-busting activity. The draft of the Korean Peninsula into the Sea of Japan. Wonsan with a cargo of coal. were empty, documents show, when
U.N. report, due for release this month, the ship briefly returned to Nahodka
was reviewed by The Washington Post. Then, on Aug. 6, as the vessel was The Yu Yuan did not discharge its car- a few days later to pick up a load of
steaming north along the South Korean go in Nahodka. In fact, it did not enter timber before resuming its southward
Before last summer, there is no record coast, its transponder signal appears to the harbor but remained anchored just trek along the Korean Peninsula.
of recent visits to Kholmsk by any of the vanish from the maritime record. There beyond the sea wall, the Russian port
ships involved. Indeed, no North Kore- is no indication of its whereabouts un- documents show. A common practice Separately, on Sept. 21, just over two
an cargo vessels of any kind are known til Aug. 17, when its transponder signal among contraband runners is to lin- weeks after the Yu Yuan’s visit, the car-
to have docked there since at least 2015. reappears at Nahodka, a port about ger outside a port terminal for several go ship Sky Angel arrived at Kholmsk
The interest in the obscure port appears 100 miles from Vladivostok in Russia’s days – sometimes called “loitering” – to and docked at the same coal terminal,
to have begun in early August, just as Far East, the data shows. throw investigators off their trail, said maritime records show. The Sky Angel
the U.N. Security Council was meeting Thompson, the C4ADS analyst. left Kholmsk harbor on Sept. 26 after
to consider new sanctions punishing The temporary silencing of the tran- reporting to harbor officials an increase
North Korea after its July test of a new sponder is a common practice among While the Yu Yuan crew’s intentions in its draft almost identical to the re-
intercontinental ballistic missile capa- North Korean-flagged vessels moving can’t be deduced from the maritime duction in the Yu Yuan’s – about 10 feet.
ble of striking the United States. sensitive cargoes. Indeed, at least two record, anyone examining the ship’s
of the other ships that visited Kholmsk movements might conclude that the On Oct. 2, it discharged its coal at
U.N. sanctions banning all exports in August and September also appear to Yu Yuan had docked at Nahodka and Incheon, South Korea’s bustling harbor
of North Korean coal were formally ap- have stopped broadcasting their signals perhaps received its cargo there. Nei- a few miles west of the capital city of
proved Aug. 5. That week, two North for several days before arriving at the ther was true. Seoul. A customs certificate shown to
Korean-flagged ships entered Kholmsk Russian port, maritime records show. The Washington Post states only that
to deposit coal in an outdoor bin near “It sat anchored outside Nahodka the coal originated in Kholmsk.
the harbor entrance, according to mari- for three days,” said Thompson, citing
time records and the U.N report. There the Russian records. Then it left, he The pattern was repeated by five
would be seven such voyages over the said, “headed for Kholmsk.” other ships that picked up coal from
following month by four different ships, Kholmsk between August and Octo-
three North Korean and the Chinese- The rest of the Yu Yuan’s voyage was ber and delivered it to South Korea
owned Yu Yuan, which arrived Sept. 9. or, in one instance, to Rumoi, Japan.
None of the ships had previously visit-
The 305-foot-long Yu Yuan is man- ed Kholmsk in at least two years, ship-
aged by Rich Mountain Trading and ping records show.
is owned by Maple Source Shipping,
both based in China. Both companies Investigators say the Sky Angel broke
use the same office suite as Chang An no laws in hauling coal from a Rus-
Shipping, which was among the Chi- sian port to Incheon, although South
nese companies listed in the North Korean officials might have viewed
Korean sanctions announced by the the transaction differently if they had
Trump administration last month. known of the coal’s true origins.
Company officials in China did not re-
spond to requests for comment deliv- Shipping records shed no light on
ered by email and text message. what is perhaps the biggest remaining
mystery: whether, and how, the transac-
While the Yu Yuan is Chinese-owned, tions were coordinated. Who, or what,
it sailed under the flag of the West Afri- caused so many ships to converge on
can nation of Togo. There is no record an obscure port in Russia around the
of any connection to Togo among the same time, to move a few thousand
ship’s owners or managers. Analysts tons of coal that could no longer be sold
say the Yu Yuan’s operators appear to legitimately on the open market?
have adopted the common practice of
registering the vessel under a “flag of “Who is facilitating the transac-
convenience,” which in some cases al- tions? How high up does it go?” said
lows ship owners to enjoy advantages Thompson, the North Korea analyst.
in taxes, fees and labor rules. “What is without doubt is the fact that
this is North Korean coal and that ob-
Since the dawning of the GPS age, fuscation tactics are being used to get
around very specific restrictions.” 

CARDIAC TESTS, PART II is put into the catheter, your coronary arter- test. This test includes imaging to find out
ies become visible on a TV monitor that can whether any areas of the heart muscle are not
These tests look for problems in the “electri- show if plaque has narrowed/blocked your receiving enough blood flow during exercise.
cal” and “plumbing” systems of your heart coronary arteries, problems in your heart Usually two sets of images of your heart are
and for anatomical abnormalities. valves and congenital heart defects. taken – one while you’re at rest and another
after you heart is stressed, either by exercise
TEST TO DIAGNOSE ELECTRICAL STRESS TESTS or medication. A radioactive dye is injected
PROBLEMS  Exercise stress tests into a vein in the hand or arm. When the dye
Holter Monitor If your doctor wants to find out how your has circulated through the blood stream, a
A Holter monitor is a small device you wear for heart responds to exertion – i.e., how much camera takes pictures of the heart while
a day or two that records all of your heartbeats physical stress your heart can manage be- you’re lying down for the “rest scan” of the
to find irregular heartbeats that may not have fore you develop either an abnormal rhythm heart. Then you get up and go onto a tread-
shown up on your electrocardiogram (EKG). or evidence of ischemia (not enough blood mill. At peak exercise more dye is injected
flow going to your heart muscle), he or she into your vein. When the dye has passed
TESTS TO DIAGNOSE “PLUMBING” may order an exercise stress test. This stan- through the blood stream, the camera takes
(BLOOD FLOW), VALVE AND/OR dard-of-care test usually involves walking more pictures of the heart for the “stress
ANATOMIC ABNORMALITIES on a treadmill or pedaling a stationary bike scan” of the heart. Blocked arteries show up
Cardiac Catheterization at increasing levels of difficulty, while your as “cold spots” on the scans.
Cardiac catheterization is done to see if you electrocardiogram (EKG), heart rate and For patients unable to do the physical activ-
have a heart problem, or as a part of a pro- blood pressure are monitored. ity, medication can be given during the exer-
cedure to correct a heart problem. A long,  Nuclear stress tests (also known as thal- cise portion of the test that replicates how
thin, flexible tube called a catheter is put lium stress test, myocardial perfusion scan the heart would function if exercising. 
into a blood vessel in your groin or wrist and or radionuclide test) Your comments and suggestions for future
threaded to your heart. Through the cath- If your routine exercise stress test doesn’t pin- topics are always welcome. Email us
eter, your doctor can do diagnostic tests and point the cause of your chest pain, shortness at [email protected].
treatments on your heart, including place- of breath or other heart-related symptoms,
ment of a stent to keep an artery open. If dye your doctor may recommend a nuclear stress © 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved



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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 15, 2018 23


Although the characters in David rents of the day. The moment “A newspaper is a joke,” the city editor been spared are the abiding mysteries
Mamet’s new novel, “Chicago,” never you hear Mamet working in declares. “Existing at the pleasure of the of “Chicago.” But anyone hoping for a
sound like real people, they always 1920s Chicago, it’s obvious advertisers, to mulct the public, grati- hard-hitting thriller will Always Be Clos-
sound like David Mamet people, which that this bullet-ridden era fying their stupidity, and render some ing this book disappointed. Attitude,
is a strange indication of his success. We fits him as comfortably as a small advance on investment to the though, rolls in thicker than fog off Lake
would recognize these guys in a dark al- newsboy cap. Yet he’s often owners, offering putative employment Michigan. The whole story is lousy with
ley, not from any actual experience in felt like an on-the-money to their etiolated, wastrel sons.” attitude: grieving Mike trying to drink
dark alleys but from “Speed-the-Plow,” away his sorrow; confounded Mike try-
“American Buffalo” and “Glengarry Glen writer, catching the zeitgeist If nothing else, this dialogue makes ing to understand his survival; vengeful
Ross,” plays that have explored 86-proof even before the cigarette good prep for the SATs. Mike trying to find Annie’s killer.
masculinity for decades. smoke clears the room.
“Chicago” focuses on two daily He’s assisted in these various moods
In “Chicago,” Mamet returns once “Chicago” is not overly scribes “debauched by journalism”: by Peekaboo, the African American
again to the city where he was raised inconvenienced by the ac- Parlow and his best friend, Mike, a flier madam at a whorehouse called the Ace
and where he started to work in the- tual history of the 1920s. during the Great War still haunted by of Spades. (“Chicago” is an encyclope-
ater. The novel also marks a return to “Received chronology,” the carnage he witnessed. They’re both dia of early 20th-century slurs.) Hard
the Prohibition era of “The Untouch- Mamet notes at the open- men of deep sentiment but “jaded and philosophical, Peekaboo spins
ables” (1987), Brian De Palma’s gang- ing, “has been jostled into unto death,” constantly ready to mock off the kind of aphorisms you’d expect
ster film for which Mamet wrote the a better understanding of any wisps of sentimentality. “It was the from the African American madam of a
screenplay. But what’s striking is how reporters’ daily job to be brash and whorehouse conceived by a white man
little difference the time makes. Past its dramatic responsibili- unfeeling,” Mamet writes, “to steal the with a subscription to HBO. “There’s
or present, Mamet’s men must always ties.” (Leave it to Mamet photo portrait of the slaughtered infant only one known cure for a broken
contend with the rapidly changing cur- to be more responsible from the mother’s bureau; to taunt the heart,” she tells Mike. “It’s time; and that
than God.) But if this spouse murderer into an interesting don’t work.”
isn’t the exact history of outburst; to withhold pity for the youth
Chicago, it’s still the city sentenced to death. It was their job to “What gets you killed, more than the
you think you know. Italian and be not only brave but foolhardy. Cov- next thing, is the inability to let things
Irish gangsters rule competing halves ering the shootout, the school fire, the be.”
of the town. Al Capone makes a cameo. flood, the train wreck.”
With alcohol illegal and ubiquitous, Other sections glide along like the
the city government is an institution When the novel opens, Mike and Par- winning entry in a Hemingway contest.
of organized influence peddling. Every low, along with Chicago’s bloodthirsty (Mamet even misspells “alright” like
crime scene is picked over by sticky- readers, are fixated on a pair of assas- Hemingway.) At its best, this can make
fingered policemen shopping for their sinations involving the owners of Chez for irresistible passages of slick, noir
wives and girlfriends. Montmartre, along with a mistress and prose. But when Mike and Parlow fall
The professional narrators of this her maid. But even while Mike pursues into their self-mocking dialogues, the
roiling city are the intrepid reporters that story, he’s seriously distracted. Like stage suddenly thrusts through the pag-
of the Chicago Tribune, men – all men a fool, Mike has gone and fallen in love es, and they sound as gratingly artificial
– wholly devoted to the truth of a good with a young Irish Catholic lass named as characters in a Mamet parody:
story. These are writers and editors who Annie, a woman of “shocking virginal
sip romanticism at home but chug tan- beauty.” That he’s not Catholic is a bar- There’s a lot of that winking playact-
kards of cynicism in public. “Idiosyn- rier he’s willing to surmount, though he ing. If only Mamet had taken the city
cratic expressions of self-loathing” are suspects Annie’s parents will be less ac- editor’s advice: “We require bold, clear
reflexive for these guys. commodating. For sure, he knows that words and gruesome pictures.” 
If you know a male journalist – pres- if they find out they’ve been sleeping to-
ent, former or aspiring – give him this gether, he’s a dead man. But before that CHICAGO
novel. It’s full of wry advice like, “If one theory can be tested, someone bursts By David Mamet
can afford it, but one has nothing to say, into his apartment after an afternoon Custom House. 352 pp. $26.99
one should not write. That is not writer’s tryst and shoots Annie. Review by Ron Charles
block but common courtesy.” The Washington Post
Who this killer is and why Mike has



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24 Thursday, March 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Bonz hangs with Hunter, an ‘Ale’ fellow well met

Hi Dog Buddies! the piled-up snowbanks, try to bite

This week I had a great yap with a the snowflakes. But Mom couldn’t do
good lookin’ poocheroo, Hunter Ale
Reed, a young Border Collie/Heeler her job anymore, so we moved back
from Colorado. He’s just 4 anna half
and his story is in-SPY-ring. I bet you’ll to where she was from: Sebastian! An
think so, too.
now ah have a GRANDpa. We go out
Hunter an his Mom work inna ani-
mal hos-pittle, which is where me an in a boat on the laGOON, an we fish.
my assistant went to innerview him.
His Mom was sittin’ at the reCEPshun Ah even learned to SWIM. Finally. It
desk. I didn’t see him at first, but soon
as I introduced myself, Hunter popped took a while for Mom to convince me
up from behind his Mom’s chair.
about that. It’s not fluffy like snow.
“Howdy, Mr. Bonzo!” He trotted
around the desk for the Wag-an-Sniff. “My favorite toy’s a Teddy Bear
“Ah’m Hunter Ale Reed. Jus’ call me
Hunter. This is my Mom, Ciera. She’s ah’ve had since puppyhood. Ah push
a Veterinary Technician and Patient
Supervisor an ah’m Assistant Man- it all over the floor with my paws. Ah
ager. Ah also provide client support
in Difficult Times. Come’on back to also like retrieving. But ah Don’t Like
my office, take a load off, and I’ll tell
ya my story.” Squirrels. Those liddle fuzzballs scare

Hunter led the way back, and we me. They’re MEAN. An LOUD.
all got comftubble. He sat down
right smack next to his Mom, an “Ackshully, Bonz, most of my best
I opened my notebook. “Ready when
you are,” I said. “Say, how’d you get that buddies are human. Did you know
cool middle name, Ale?”
Ciera Rsuepepdowrtith ah’m the Only Male Member of the
“The first outing me an Mom went her Hunter. Junior League? An ah have lotsa frens
on was tourin’ a brewery. Ah was just dog here at the animal hos-pittle, employ-
a puppy, all excited an wiggly, an ah GORDON RADFORD ees an clients.”
knocked a glass of ale over. Embarrass- PHOTOS:
ing!” Hunter lowered his voice and spoke
behind his paw. “I have the humans
“That’s huh-LARRY-us!” I said.
“Anyway, we were born in Colorado. trained to bring me snacks. An
Perfectly good cattle dogs. But for some
reason, all eight of us got dumped by the staff ladies share their
the side of some random road, like
ol’ socks. But we got rescued, an our ice cream with me. It
pickshures got put on Craig’s List.
Mom’d been on line lookin’ for a Heeler kinda reminds me of
(an Australian Cattle Dog) an when she
saw my pickshure she called IMMEDI- eating snowflakes back
ATELY cuz ah was egg-ZACKLY what
she was lookin’ for. in Colorado. But only
“Well, Bonzo, ah couldn’t of ever
found a better Forever Mom. An, as it the vanilla. (Dogs aren’t
turned out, ah was perfect for her, too.”
“How so?” I asked. REE-lize she wasn’t s’pose to have choco-
“Mom had a lotta experience train- feelin’ right. Finally,
in’ pooches, an she got me up to speed she decided to go to late.) Ah like bacon an
pretty quick. Not to brag, but us herdin’ a dok-ter to find out
dogs are real smart, an real sensitive what was goin’ on.” pancakes, too, but ah
to our humans, too. So, when ah was
about 6 months old, ah began to REE- “What WAS goin’ don’t get to eat ’em much
lize somethin’ wasn’t right with Mom. on?”
Ah didn’t know exactly what, but ah cuz Mom keeps me on
knew fer SURE ah needed to stick close “The dok-ter told
to her like burrs on fur. To proTECT Mom she had Epi- a Dental Diet. She says
her. Sometimes ah’d whine, or pull her lepsy, and she’d
pantleg, an sometimes she’d wake up been havin’ SEE- when you’re in the Pub-
an ah’d be lying on top of her. And she’d zures an she didn’t
even know it. But lic Eye, you need Fresh
somehow ah had
sensed it an had Breath and Clean Teeth.
been tryin’ to alert her.”
Workin’ in an Animal Hos-
“The dok-ter said Mom’d need a spe- pital, you haffta Set The
cially trained dog to help her when she
was havin’ a SEEzure.” Standard, ya know?”
“But she had you already, right?” I
said. “I do indeed,” I replied. (I
“Yep, but pooches who are pets
aren’t s’posed to be SEEzure Dogs. wouldn’t dream of going on
Thank Lassie, the Humans In Charge
knew ah had natch-rull ability, so ah an innerview with Moose
got special permission to go through
the training.’ Ah hadda go to school in Breath.)
Montana for three months. Ah’d never
been away from Mom before, an ah against her so she won’t Heading home, I was
missed her so much. But ah learned ev-
erything ah was ’posed to, an now my get hurt. Ah wear a special vest when thinking how Hunter an his
Most Important Job is bein’ Mom’s Of-
ficial SEEzure Dog. Ah know how to do we’re Out In Public, so humans’ll know Mom had found each other, just when
stuff to protect her, like barkin’ to alert
humans called Caregivers when she’s I’m At Work.” they both needed it most. It’s amazin’
havin’ a SEEzure, or getting’ right up
“Woof! That is Serious Dog Biscuits!” how things work out. I was also think-

I hadda take a liddle breath and wipe ing maybe I’d check the freezer when

my paw across my eyes. I got home in case there was some va-

“So, Hunter, you’re A Pooch of the nilla ice cream.

West. How’d you get all the way down

-The Bonzto Florida?”
“It was great out in Colorado, special-
ly in winter. Ah was a real Snow Dog.
Loved to run around in it, jump into

Don’t be shy!
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
an interview, please email [email protected].

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 15, 2018 25


KJ942 A7 Q63
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist Q 10 5 4 AJ982
3 K Q 10 8 5 42
Bodhidharma, a Buddhist monk who lived in the 5th or 6th century, said, “Many roads AJ85 K 10 7 6 3 Q92
lead to the path, but basically there are only two: reason and practice.”
Trying to find the best opening lead at the bridge table requires reason, and one’s 10 8 5
judgment will be improved with practice. K763
Look only at the West hand. What would you lead against five diamonds? 4

North used the Unusual No-trump, showing at least 5-5 in the minors. East’s three- Dealer: West; Vulnerable: Both
spade raise indicated the values for a single raise: 6-9 points. (With a normal game-
invitational limit raise, East would jump to four spades. The theory is that West will play The Bidding:
the cards more accurately than usual, knowing so much about the deal’s distribution.)
South jumped to five diamonds, thinking that it might make or be a cheap save. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
5 Diamonds 1 Spades 2 NT 3 Spades
In a social game, West made the bad lead of the club ace. There was no reason to Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
believe that partner was short in the suit. West continued with a second club. South ??
won with dummy’s king and discarded a spade. He drew trumps ending on the board,
ruffed a club, crossed to the spade ace and ruffed another club, but now he could not
take 11 tricks. He still had to lose a spade and a heart.

Declarer would have survived if he had led a heart from his hand instead of a spade to
the ace, but much better would have been a heart toward his king after drawing trumps
(or even before touching trumps). Here, he would have cruised home.

If West had led a “boring” spade, the contract would have had no chance, the
defenders taking one trick in each side suit.

26 Thursday, March 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly

The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Flightless bird (4) 1 Cannabis (4)
4 Air movement (4) 3 United (6)
8 Nap (4) 4 Digital camera (6)
9 Something unimportant (5,4) 5 Wanted (6)
11 Not so light (6) 6 So-called black beetle (9)
13 Tardy (7) 7 Terror (4)
15 Jewelled headband (6) 10 Glowing (7)
16 Deny (6) 12 Hero (4)
18 Act unrestrainedly (3,3) 13 Slogan (6-3)
20 Winter vehicle (3-3) 14 Dictionary (7)
22 Swift feline (7) 17 Message (4)
23 Chemical compound; ostler 19 Impassivity (6)
20 Cutting line (geometry) (6)
(anag.) (6) 21 Uncouth (6)
25 Villainous (9) 23 Rescue (4)
26 Fluctuate (4) 24 Spring (4)
27 Sooty matter (4)
28 Expectation (4)

3AtYhgeeraePrCermLaiceleleanfsootefrF2DoYreetaarilss.! Boat, Trailer, Kayak, and Canoe How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
Melbourne Beach area, numbers one through
secure community, fenced in area nine appear just once
Storage area adjacent to in every column, row
boat launch onto Indian River. and three-by-three
Six miles north of Sebastian Inlet. square.
Boats $ 500 per yr / Kayaks $ 80 per yr

Contact Alice -
[email protected]


The Telegraph

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 15, 2018 27


ACROSS 71 On a slant DOWN one: abbr. The Washington Post
72 Jewelry-case liner, 68 Guitarist Paul
1 Cause of cling 1 Commonfolk? 76 A real turn-on? FINAL BALLOT By Merl Reagle
7 Amenhotep was often 2 Get ready for UPS 81 Draw around
73 First of the double 3 Soulful Franklin 82 Prefix meaning
one 4 Nervous reaction
14 Ristorante digits 5 Concert finale? “eye”
74 Certain microchip 6 Chocolate source 86 Actor Alastair
rundown 75 Top 7 Birds, at times 87 Type of agency or
20 Yacht spot 77 Maigret’s river 8 Henry V’s
21 Otalgia 78 Woodpile tool trailer: abbr.
22 Emulate Vlad 79 Recession nickname 88 Abbr. on a
23 Emetic plant 80 Fermentation 9 Tanker guy
24 Jefferson’s second 10 Campaigned (for) mountain sign
vessels 11 Use the Method 90 A tribute to the
VP 81 Truth, in 12 Cry of discovery
25 Actor Anthony 13 Muppet family? way things are
26 Holiday in Hué Tiananmen 14 Arouse run?
27 Invite Square 15 ___ Darya 92 Kicked off the
29 5-centime piece 83 Serb or Croat ticket
31 Abner’s radio 84 With 68 Across, a (Asian river) 93 “To everything
Bogart-Robinson 16 Home-gym there is ___”
chum film 95 Hit hard
32 “Whadja say?” 85 Mortarboard alternative 96 “... that England
33 Do one’s thing as features 17 “Old Rough and should crouch
87 Break in shooting down ___ and
a 89 They play to the Ready” yield” (Shak.)
responsible citizen balcony 18 Make reference 97 Anagram of AL
(continues at 39 91 “___ the pits” 19 Appeared GORE
Down, backwards 92 He never drinks ... 28 “The Racer’s 98 Old Pontiac model
to 105, and up wine 99 Mr. Symington
to 33 to form a 94 A letter from Edge” 101 Spanish money
square around Lesbos 30 He had 511 career unit
the “X”) 95 Nickname of 102 Vocalist Don or
40 To a Skylark, e.g. basketballer homers Phil
41 Bowler’s save Maurice Stokes 33 Do one’s thing as 103 Relatives of
43 Corporate head 98 Lacking decorum cappuccinos
44 No turns ___ 100 Strip of Chief Executive 106 Abrasive
46 And the rest, membership (continues at substance
briefly 104 Suffix for 105 Across, etc.) 107 Approves
48 Closet skeletons collectibles 34 Second in 114 Essential cell
49 Stop for the 105 See 33 Down command component
Sunset Ltd. 108 Duarte of 35 First name in 115 Tourmaline or
50 Word coined by Argentina bologna turquoise
Frank 109 High school 36 Flagging 117 Clark and
Lloyd Wright debate org. 37 Idyllic places Marilyn’s Misfits
54 Great effort 110 Janitor’s prop 38 Racetrack docs co-star
55 Controversial 111 Kamchatka bird 39 See 33 Across 118 H. Norman was
injection 112 Type of point or 42 House mbr. one
59 Lager cousin theory 45 Ford’s 34 Down: 119 Sky king?
60 Small glass vessel 113 Last king of inits. 120 They usually run
62 Some chart England 47 Big House E and W
checkers, 116 Bellerophon’s members 121 Tell tale site?
familiarly mount 49 Whoopi Goldberg, 123 Permit
63 Young Cleaver, 122 Victoria’s consort to Caryn Johnson 124 Cold remark?
to Wally 125 Breadwinner 50 Euro-nightspot
64 Introduction to 126 Part of EKG 51 Woodcutter in The
corn? 127 Dr. Seuss turtle Arabian Nights
65 Sloppiness 128 Exquisite 52 Orders a second
safeguard 129 Eats in front of the strike on
66 Fix firmly TV 53 Forms of relief?
68 See 84 Across 130 Animal Shelter 55 Like a lackey
69 Some Sun. truckload 56 Face on the
successes cutting-room floor
70 Hemic trio 57 Librarian, at times
58 Walt, Roy, et al.
61 “___ pray”
63 Cotton collections
67 Barney Fife, for

The Telegraph

28 Thursday, March 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Rebounds, personal fouls – and knowing the score

BY CAROLYN HAX insanity that sort of relationship entails. The two men No excuse. Please forgive me” – then that’s not a self
Washington Post could not be more different. I never gave up hope until around whom I want to spend much time.
the bitter end and nearly died from grief. My current
Dear Carolyn: I’ve been see- relationship is a welcome, healing relief. But, also always a red flag: Coming out of 16 years
ing a lovely man for a year. We of “passion, intensity, gaslighting and insanity” with
eased slowly into the relationship Am I oversensitive or seeing real red flags? a “violent drug addict” and still greeting your own
– friends for months first – as we – Red Flags? distrust with “Am I oversensitive?”
were both still hurting after recent
divorces. Red Flags?: People who can’t or won’t admit fault Questioning your reality is the emotional signa-
We are perfectly suited in so many ways – identical are always a red flag. ture of gaslighting. You know this. It’s when you re-
interests, shared friends, same-age children, paral- spond to something done to you that’s objectively
lel life experiences – and we enjoy one another very There are judgment calls, always, but – forget- bad – as in, something you’d never encourage any-
much, despite the time restrictions that running sepa- ting plans? If one can’t simultaneously be one’s un- one you care about to put up with – by wondering
rate households and raising children entail. There’s a filtered self and form the words, “Oh, no! I’m sorry. whether you’re the one at fault.
lot of laughter and a sense of relief and sanctuary.
So what’s the problem? I’m having a hard time Plus, the reasons you cite for his suiting you – be-
trusting him. His longtime marriage ended because of sides sanctuary, which I’ll get to – are ones of coinci-
an infidelity on his part. He takes full responsibility. dence, not character. Interests, kid ages, “parallel life
But he often doesn’t take responsibility for admit- experiences.” These are important for compatibil-
tedly minor things between us — saying something ity, but they won’t help you trust an untrustworthy
hurtful, for example, or forgetting plans we’ve made, person or like an unlikable one. Commonality and
or other mild but annoying, inconsiderate actions. character count.
There is always an excuse – a reason I don’t under-
stand or somehow misinterpreted. When you question your ability to judge charac-
When I raise my concerns, he says he certainly un- ter – especially when your history gives you cause to
derstands but that’s just the way he is – spacey, no fil- – then I urge you not to go it alone. Find a good ther-
ter. And, well, he is charmingly socially awkward and apist who can help you (re-)calibrate your boundar-
absent-minded-professorish. Which is all fine if he ies and judgment.
would accept the impact of his actions on me.
On the other hand, I was married to an occasion- That you find emotional relief in this man com-
ally verbally and physically violent drug addict for 16 pared with your ex is a character point in his favor,
years with all the passion, intensity, gaslighting and and could mean one of us is overstating the impor-
tance of your boyfriend’s defensiveness.

But he could just be less awful, too.
So there’s no overstating how important it is to
hear and trust your own voice. Please do not com-
mit further, to anyone, till you do. 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 15, 2018 29


Cuizine Restaurant & Lounge: Thoroughly satisfying

REVIEW BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER Board ($13) and the octopus salad ($13). Baked Chilean Sea Bass. Cast Iron 14-ounce
[email protected] We’ve both been under the weather so Parmesan Crusted Veal Chop.
our appetites were not up to par that in a Guinness Squid Ink Tempura batter
Sometimes you go out for dinner and evening, but we enjoyed what we could and delicately fried, served with hand- PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
the food is great, and the restaurant has finish and brought a couple of takeout cut fries and a traditional Macedonian
wonderful atmosphere, but it’s the peo- boxes home. The Charcuterie Board is Shopska Salad ($30). Hogfish is a treat Beef Bone
ple – or one person in particular – that a great platter to share or to snack on that we got spoiled on spending lots of Marrow.
you remember about your visit. The hos- over drinks after work, there’s so much time in the Florida Keys, and if you’ve
pitality industry is all about personal ser- creamy and savory goodness. The high- never tried it you’ll want to. It’s definitely We encourage you to send feedback to
vice and that’s what you’ll get at Cuizine. lights for me were the wild mushroom not the generic-tasting mahi you’re used [email protected].
pate, the wedge of warm baked brie and to eating. Hogfish has a richer, silky tex-
Our server Doris should be promoted the fresh mozzarella. The octopus salad, ture and a slightly sweet flavor, but don’t The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
to Chief Marketing Officer for Cuizine which my son ended up having as his en- be shocked when it comes to your table a dines anonymously at restaurants at the
Restaurant & Lounge. trée after filling up on bread, meats and purplish black. That’s the squid ink tem- expense of this newspaper. 
cheese, was fresh and tender, a mix of pura. Be prepared, the squid ink does
My son and I arrived last Saturday arugula, olives, tomatoes and onion all infuse the dish with a distinct smell that RESTAURANT HOURS
night for dinner and we’d never been tossed in a perfectly-balanced dressing you’ll need to get past to appreciate the 5 pm to 10 pm
to Cuizine before. The restaurant had that brought out all the flavors. fish – it’s not the fish itself.
been on our list of places to review for Monday through Saturday
some time, as we’d heard good things. For my entrée I succumbed to the fish Cuizine offers a decadent dessert BEVERAGES
There were only a couple cars in the special as Doris described it so tempt- menu ranging from crème brulee with Full Bar
parking lot when we arrived shortly af- ingly. It’s Cuizine’s twist on Fish ‘n berries to Key lime-mango pie and ADDRESS
ter 6 p.m., but the dining room was fill- Chips, featuring hogfish fillets, dipped bread pudding, but we were quite sat-
ing up when we left, and the live music isfied and probably couldn’t have eat- 1790 Hwy A1A, Suites 105-108
had kicked off in the lounge so Satur- en another bite. Satellite Beach
day night was in full swing. PHONE
(321) 779-3605
When Doris found out we were first-
timers, she regaled us with her whole
marketing pitch, telling us that Cuizine
is “a hidden gem” and how it’s a family-
owned and chef-owned steakhouse with
Chef Zoran Stanojkovski commanding
the kitchen, and brother Marjan run-
ning the front of the house. He gracious-
ly greets everyone who comes through
the door like he’s welcoming them into
the family home, and bids them farewell
just as warmly.

You can tell the staff is impeccably
trained and the standards are high at
Cuizine. If you’re looking for more of a
sophisticated, urban dining experience
on Brevard’s south barrier island, Cui-
zine is the perfect setting for date night,
an important business dinner or a spe-
cial birthday or anniversary celebration.
For the couple of hours you’re there, you
might forget you’re in Florida until you
walk outside and there’s no snow.

The interior is very classy and relax-
ing with subdued, decorative lighting,
and the dining room is designed and
arranged in a way that creates some pri-
vacy for a more intimate dining experi-
ence. The live music out in the lounge
area is just loud enough to provide a me-
lodic background, but not so loud that it
takes away from enjoying your meal.

About our meal, everything was fan-

Doris started us out with some cu-
cumber-infused water, a soft drink for
my son and a wonderful glass of the
house Grenache wine ($15) for me. A
basket of bread soon arrived, offering
tasty flatbread, crispy straw-like bread-
sticks and fresh-from the oven pretzel
breadsticks, served with a dish of butter.

For appetizers off the “small plates”
menu, we ordered the Charcuterie

30 Thursday, March 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 15, 2018 31


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32 Thursday, March 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Please send calendar information for our members, donors and non-members who
at least two weeks prior to your want to support the Archie Carr National Wildlife
Refuge. Heavy hor d’oeurves and silent auction.
event to
27 Free Introductory lecture on Tran-
[email protected] scendental Meditation, 6 p.m. at the
Melbourne Beach Library conference room 324
ONGOING Ocean Ave. All are welcome to find out about
Transcendental Meditation, the evidence-based
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 technique to dissolve stress, recharge the brain
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park and body, and develop “Strength in Silence.”

Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- 28 US-TOO Prostate Cancer Support
days at Ocean Side Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, Group meets from 6:15 to 7:45 p.m.
Melbourne Beach. the last Wednesday of the month at the Mel-
bourne Public Library, 540 E. Fee Avenue. Call
Music & Meditation, 8:30 a.m. Sundays March 23 | March into Turtle Season party 22 Advent Lutheran Church Women’s Vanita Gagliani at (321)432-5573 for details.
though March 25 at Eastminster Presbyterian Book/Bible Study and discussion 1:00
Church in Indialantic. The sermon-free service the parish office, 3050 N. Hwy. A1A, Indialantic. p.m. 1805 Oak St., Melbourne Beach . Last APRIL
is designed to be a time of individual intro- 321-773-2783. Thursday of every month. All are welcome.
spection, devotion and renewing, with music 6 Eats & Beats at the Beach family food truck
provided by a different guest musician each 20 Fashion Show and Luncheon to ben- 22 Satellite Beach Lions Club annual festival, 5 to 10 p.m. at Nance Park, Indial-
Sunday. efit the Children’s Hunger Project, Theater Night Fundraiser at the antic, hosted jointly by the Town of Melbourne
11 am Hilton Oceanfront. Sponsored by the Surfside Playhouse in Cocoa Beach. This year’s Beach and the Town of Indialantic with a portion
MARCH New Neighbors Club of South Brevard Beach- play is “Evita.” Advance tickets cost $25 and of the proceeds benefiting the Sebastian Inlet
es. Tickets cost $24 for members or $27 for include a buffet dinner. Wine will also be Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation. Ten food
16 Satellite Beach Police Athletic League guests. Call Marylou Russ at 321-723-0080 for served. The event includes raffles for prizes and dessert trucks, live music by Billy Chapman
Third Friday Food Truck Fest, 5 to 9 reservations. and cash, with winners announced at inter- Band, Long Doggers’ beer firetruck, Hoover Ju-
p.m. in the parking lot of the D.R. Schechter Rec- mission. Doors open at 7 p.m. Showtime is nior High kicks off the event at 5 p.m., Locked
reation Center. Food trucks, local vendors and 21-22 Melbourne Community Or- 8 p.m. Proceeds from Lions Club fundraisers InSide scavenger hunt in the park, superheroes
Kidz Korner. chestra goes Around the goes back to the public. Call Pete Dunn at 321- and princesses, fire trucks, police cars, rescue
World in 80 Days in back-to-back concerts at 446-7896.for tickets or info. boats and beach ATV on display. Raffle of a Bob’s
17 St. Patrick’s Day Dinner and Show at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday at the Mel- Bicycles bike. Pedicabs to help with parking. Free
Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Indial- bourne Auditorium. The 50-member group 23 March into Turtle Season party, 6:30 to admission.
antic, 6 p.m. in the Life Center. Dinner will be conducted by Mark Nelson is the Orchestra in 8:30 p.m. at the Barrier Island Center,
traditional corned beef and cabbage and the Residence for the City of Melbourne. Admission 8385 Hwy A1A, Melbourne Beach. The event is 6 Eau Gallie Arts District Eighth Annual April
entertainment will be the Irish Step Dancers, to all Melbourne Community Orchestra concerts not only in honor of our nesting sea turtles, but in Paris event in Eau Gallie Square. French
Hemmingways, and other Irish-themed perfor- is free. For details, call 321-285-6724 or go to food and café, beer, wine and champagne, mu-
mances. The cost is $20.00 for adults and $10.00 sic, children’s activities, and more. Foosaner Art
for children ages 4 to 12. Tickets available at Museum/FIT will kick off their annual French Film
Festival with the showing of “Faces, Places” about
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN a street artist. This street festival runs from 6-9
in March 8, 2018 Edition 1 CURIOUS 1 CLIMATE pm and the movie begins at 9 pm and is free and
5 CRESS 2 REINS open to the public. Special performances by the
8 ICING 3 ORGANISATIONS Brevard Ballet and French themed street charac-
9 CONTROL 4 SECRET ters, fun for all ages.
11 TATTY 6 ERRATIC 8 Second Sunday Coin Stamp and Collect-
12 EXCESS 7 SULKY ible Show 9:30 to 3 p.m. at the Azan Shrine
14 SLACKS 13 CHAPTER Center, 1591 W. Eau Gallie Blvd. Free Admission.
17 SMART 15 SPONSOR Buy, sell, trade and free appraisals. South Bre-
18 SHAMPOO 16 ESTEEM vard Coin Club. (321)428-5850.

Sudoku Page 2620 SudokuPPaaggee2631 CrosswordPPage 6202 CrosswordPPaaggee2631 (LEVELING THE PLAYING FIELD) 8-15 Annual Space Coast Pro Tennis
Classic, a premier women’s ten-
nis event at Kiwi Tennis Club in Indian Harbour


CERTIFIED Windows & Doors Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach
Siding & Soffit out to customers for your service or small business
“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s targeting the South Brevard barrier island communitites.
This is the only directory mailed each week into
CLAY COOK Car Ports homes in 32951, Indialantic, Indian Harbour and

[email protected] CGC 1524354 Satellite Beach. Contact Will Gardner, 407-361-2150
[email protected].
321.508.3896 772.226.7688


Visualize yourself in this
huge oceanfront condo

925 A1A No. 304 in Satellite Beach: 4-bedroom, 2.5-bath, 2,675-square-foot oceanfront condo offered
for $599,000 by Treasure Coast Sotheby’s broker associate Gibbs Baum: 321-432-2009

34 Thursday, March 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Visualize yourself in this huge oceanfront condo

STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER To help buyers get a better sense
[email protected] of the space, and bring out the full
appeal of the 4-bedroom, 2.5-bath,
When the owners of the big, beau- 2,675-square-foot condo, Treasure
tiful oceanfront condo at 925 A1A No. Coast Sotheby’s co-listing agent
304 moved out, they took the furnish- Gibbs Baum did what many agents
ings with them, leaving the rooms va- do and staged some of the rooms with
cant, which can make it hard for pro- rented furniture – but he didn’t stop
spective buyers to envision what the there.
home will look like when they move in.

Melbourne Beach is on the Rise

An actual room that has been virtually staged.

95 $298 113 Instead, he took the process a step the shadows of virtual objects did not
further, employing a technique called seem realistic.
PROPERTIES PRICE PER AVERAGE DAYS virtual staging to provide online pho-
SOLD SQUARE FOOT ON MARKET tos that show the condo’s rooms to The illusion has to look natural to
best advantage. be effective as a selling tool, Baum
said. The staging was designed via a
Baum said he had tried virtual back-and-forth consultation between
staging as a marketing strategy a the agent, the owner and the photog-
while back but the technology was rapher aimed at choosing the styles of
not as well-developed as it is now and furniture and décor, down to the last

Call today to make YOUR move!

Susan Williammee


[email protected]

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. 436 Fifth Ave. Indialantic, FL 32903

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 15, 2018 35


925 SR A1A, UNIT 304,


details, that will have the greatest ap- ideal, single-level beachside lifestyle. envision how they are going to live Neighborhood:
peal to current buyers. “The location is phenomenal with in the space and this is a good way to Majesty Palm Condominiums
do it,’’ Baum said of the virtual stag-
With an ideal location close to a spectacular view of the beach but ing buyers will see if they browse the Year built: 2001
Hightower Beach and near shopping honestly the condo just looks blah home online. Construction:
and restaurants, the condo offers an when it’s empty. The buyers need to Concrete block, stucco
Size: 2,675 square feet
Bedrooms: 4
2 full baths; 1 half-bath
Parking: One space in the
garage below the building
Views: Wide ocean views
Additional features:
Balconies, laundry room, access
to the clubhouse and recre-
ation/exercise room; heated
pool; private beach access, extra
storage space
Listing agency:
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s
International Realty
Listing agents:
Gibbs Baum, 321-432-2009;
Greg Zimmerman, 321 704-3025
Listing price: $599,000

36 Thursday, March 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


For the actual physical staging,
Baum hired a moving crew and set
up high-end furniture in three bed-
rooms, including three king-sized
bed suites, leaving the master bed-
room to be staged virtually.

“I had considered using queen-
sized bedroom suites but I think say-
ing it has three king-sized beds gives
a sense of how large the unit really is,’’
Baum said.

Virtual staging costs about $100 per
photo, which is less than the cost of
moving furniture in and out, and al-
lows for a more detailed, custom look.

The open floor plan condo is im-

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 15, 2018 37


maculate with a large master bedroom
suite complete with an ocean view and
access to the balcony. The master bath-
room has both tub and walk-in shower
with walk-in closets. There is an ample
laundry room and plenty of space in the
fourth bedroom for an office/library.

The unit comes with a dedicated
parking space underneath the build-
ing, access to a heated swimming
pool and private beach access.

An open house will be held at the
unit on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3

The condo is competitively priced
at $599,000. 

38 Thursday, March 15, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: March 2 to March 8

The real estate market started March with a solid week in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937.
Satellite Beach led the way with 7 sales, followed by Melbourne Beach, Indialantic and Indian Harbour
Beach with 4 each.
Our featured sale of the week is of a home in prestigious Lansing Island. The residence at 132 Lansing
Island Drive was placed on the market Dec. 16 for $1.2 million. The asking price was subsequently reduced
to $1.1 million. The sale closed March 5 for $1 million.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Kevin Hill of RE/MAX Alternative Realty. The purchaser
was represented by Lauren Merrell of Dale Sorensen Real Estate.


OCEAN GARDEN VILLAGE 5595 S HIGHWAY A1A 11/26/2017 $1,249,000 $1,249,000 3/7/2018 $311,000
INDIAN LANDING RVRSD 5328 SOLWAY DR 11/10/2017 $485,000 $475,000 3/2/2018
FLORIDANA BEACH 1ST 135 DUVAL ST 2/16/2018 $315,000 $315,000 3/2/2018 $390,000
SALES FOR 32903 $365,000

MAJESTIC SHORES A C 1525 N HIGHWAY A1A 501 2/1/2018 $395,900 $395,900 3/7/2018 $632,000
INDIALANTIC HGHTS 1 460 WATSON DR 1/28/2018 $365,000 $365,000 3/5/2018 $470,000
THE DUNES AT OCEANSI 163 BABYLON LN 1/19/2018 $389,500 $377,500 3/8/2018 $389,900


SOMERSET OCEANFRONT 2065 HIGHWAY A1A 1205 5/23/2017 $699,900 $669,000 3/2/2018
MARTESIA 107 MARTESIA WAY 10/16/2017 $490,000 $481,000 3/2/2018
VILLA DEL MAR SEC 1 210 LYNN AVE 10/24/2017 $435,000 $399,900 3/5/2018

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 15, 2018 39


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Floridana Beach 1st, Address: 135 Duval St Subdivision: Ocean Garden Village, Address: 5595 S Highway A1A

Listing Date: 2/16/2018 Listing Date: 11/26/2017
Original Price: $315,000 Original Price: $1,249,000
Recent Price: $315,000 Recent Price: $1,249,000
Sold: 3/2/2018 Sold: 3/7/2018
Selling Price: $311,000 Selling Price: $1,108,500
Listing Agent: Michael & Erika Rogers Listing Agent: Kurt Luft

Selling Agent: Premium Properties Real Estate Selling Agent: Premier Properties Real Estate

Joya Hoffard Kurt Luft

RE/MAX Alternative Realty Premier Properties Real Estate

Subdivision: The Dunes at Oceanside, Address: 163 Babylon Ln Subdivision: Villa Del Mar Sec 1, Address: 210 Lynn Ave

Listing Date: 1/19/2018 Listing Date: 10/24/2017
Original Price: $389,500 Original Price: $435,000
Recent Price: $377,500 Recent Price: $399,900
Sold: 3/8/2018 Sold: 3/5/2018
Selling Price: $365,000 Selling Price: $389,900
Listing Agent: Todd Ostrander Listing Agent: Sandy Legere

Selling Agent: RE/MAX Elite Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise

Paula Roopan Pattie Ross

Roopan Realty Inc Classique Properties of Brev.





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