Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 8, 2016 51
Vero & Casual Dining
Thai & Japanese Cuisine Live Music and Jazz
Tues – Thurs, 6 pm - 9 pm
Beer, Wine, Sake & Fri & Sat, 6 pm - 10 pm
Full Liquor Bar
$2 Off Martini Tuesdays
Dine in & Take Out
Mon - Sat 11:30am - 3 pm
Nightly 4:30 pm -10 pm
713 17th Street|(17th Shoppes Center)
52 Vero Beach 32963 / September 8, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero & Casual Dining
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 8, 2016 53
Tender is right when cooking summer vegetables
BY EMILY HORTON for an hour or more, with a little gar- liquid, too. But there’s an easy fix: “If to suffer in cooking old veg, try braising
lic, a glug of oil and a few tablespoons the cooking water is to be consumed as some just-harvested greens alongside a
The Washington Post of water, Romanos are transformed. a part of the dish . . . then overall nutri- bunch you purchased a week ago and
They are dense and meaty, exquisitely ent retention will be high, regardless comparing the results.)
Cooking vegetables to total tender- beany, the texture tender and supple. of temperature (usually simmering) or
ness — until, some would say, they’re They beg to be eaten from the pot over time,” Robert Parker, professor of nu- What you should assign to this ap-
done — isn’t the American way with the stove, from the refrigerator with tritional sciences at Cornell University, proach are your oversized and over-
the vegetables of summer. Braising and fingers. Paired with some good cheese told me in an email. grown, those mature specimens
stewing and sweating are techniques and a hunk of bread, they can stand in whose time on the vine or the stalk
we turn to in cooler months, when for dinner on a low-key night. So use as little liquid as possible, and has left them deeply flavorful but a
spending time at the stove feels more serve the vegetables with their concen- little callous. Cooking them slowly
respite than duty. In the hot months, The same general idea can be ap- trated juices. The heat should be low to and gently lends them some grace
our inclination is toward the salad bowl plied to zucchini, string beans, green moderate, the liquid barely enough to and puts a finer point on their com-
and the grill, for summoning sensa- peas, asparagus, leafy greens, bell pep- burble around the vegetables’ contours. plex flavor.
tions of taste and texture that contrast, pers, broccoli, cabbage, fennel. If your vegetables are juicy enough to
rather than align, with the summer start, you may not need liquid at all. This is especially apt for leafy greens,
heat and humidity. For every vegetable, the precise particularly brassicas such as turnips,
cooking time and the amount of liq- Higher-water-content summer squash cabbage, mustards and kale, which
But look to the silky braised greens uid you may add will vary depend- or broccoli will soften more quickly than often lose sweetness and tenderness
of the deep South, or the slowly cara- ing on variety, age and size. “It’s not denser, lower-water-content choices while picking up pungency in the sum-
melized medley of peppers, onions really about length of time; it’s more such as kale or pole beans, but this is not mer heat. It’s in a covered pot this sea-
and zucchini known in Turkey as about the yield that determines when a process to rush. son, not a salad bowl, that they find re-
marmouma, or the sweet and creamy they’re done. Each vegetable will tell alization, and some submission.
eggplant-sauced pastas of Italy, and you,” says chef and author Gabrielle My favorite recipes for long-cooked
you’ll see a powerfully delicious rea- Hamilton. vegetables take around an hour on the
son to keep summer vegetables on stove, but it’s a relatively idle one; they
the stove. Cooking vegetables low and She compares soft-cooked vegeta- mostly take care of themselves, as long
slow develops flavors that brief cook- bles to slow-cooked meat, clarifying as you’re free to offer a turn of the spat-
ing merely skims. It coaxes them into that the process isn’t about overcook- ula every now and again.
denser, sweeter, more mellow and yet ing: “It’s about opening the vegetable
more intensely flavored versions of up until it starts to get juicy and starts One advisory: Best not to look to this
themselves. to run and has a more slippery and deli- method as a means of salvation for
cious quality.” produce that should have been cooked
My favorite example of this trans- days before.
formation is the flat, mossy-hued If the heat is too high, the vegetables
green bean typically referred to as a will cook unevenly, breaking down be- You can, to a degree, hide a tired veg-
Romano bean. Even when raw, this fore sufficiently cooking through. Too etable’s shortcomings by overwhelm-
type of bean can have remarkable much water, and they’ll leach much of ing it with other flavors, whether in a
depth of flavor; the integrity of its their flavor into the cooking liquid – a soup, a stew or a vegetable stock, al-
snap is something to marvel over. recipe for good pot liquor, but only if though it won’t pull its own weight in
Sauteed or steamed until al dente, its you’ll be drinking it. contributions to the dish.
character is little moved, the flavor
still a little grassy, its juicy crunch Too much of both is just a short step When that vegetable is standing
subdued but still intact. away from boiling, a likely cause of alone, there’s nothing to hide behind,
many long-held vegetable grievances. not heat or salt or fat. Those things only
Cooked slowly over a gentle flame It’s also the surest route to nutrient loss, amplify what you have to begin with,
as those vitamins go into the cooking so the more you have – the more you
have. (If you don’t believe there’s much
54 Vero Beach 32963 / September 8, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ONGOING support first responders and military members 17 Jerry and The Dolls, 6 p.m. at Sebas- Deputy Chief of Electrical Division of Engineer-
and to benefit the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Tow- tian Elks Lodge to benefit various Elk ing, on Women of NASA, 2 p.m. at Vero Beach
Vero Beach Museum of Art – Out of this ers Foundation. charities and scholarships. $10. 772-589-1516 Museum of Art. Free. 772-231-0707
World: The Art and Artists of NASA thru Sept.
25; Masters of Studio Glass thru Sept. 11; and 10 Boating Safety course offered by Vero 17 Friends of Sebastian Inlet State Park 24 Mauldin Memorial Rodeo, 3 p.m. at
From Exhibition to Collection thru Sept. 4. 772- Beach Power Squadron, 9 a.m. to 5 Night Sounds concert series features Fellsmere Riding Club. 772-473-0989
231-0707 p.m. on navigation rules, boat handling, traile- The Ladies of Soul and the LOS Band, 7 p.m. at
ring and lifesaving equipment. $35. 772-532- park’s Coconut Point pavilions. Standard park 24 To December 18 - Vero Beach Muse-
SEPTEMBER 6893 entry fee. 321-984-4852 um of Art presents David Drake: Pot-
ter and Poet. 772-231-0707
8 Breakfast roundtable discussion on pov- 10 Shakespeare’s comedy, As You Like It, 17 To Jan. 2 - Vero Beach Museum of
erty and hunger - Hidden in Plain Sight: presented by the Laura Riding Jack- Art presents landscape artist Bruce OCTOBER
Lifting up Vulnerable Populations in IRC, 8 a.m. son Foundation and performed by the cast of Marsh. 772-231-0707
at United Way of IRC hosted by Treasure Coast the Cambridge University American Stage Tour, 1 Lines in the Lagoon Tri-County Junior
Food Bank. 772-489-3034 2 p.m. at Sebastian River High School PAC. $20 24 Fins & Pins Golf Tournament, 8 a.m. Fishing Tournament, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. with
donation appreciated. 772-569-6718 at Sebastian Municipal Golf Course Awards Dinner 4 p.m. at Captain Hiram’s to
8 Shakespeare’s comedy, As You Like It, pre- to benefit Sebastian River High School Boys & benefit ORCA, Everglades Foundation and CCA
sented by the Laura Riding Jackson Foun- 13 USA Dance celebrates National Ball- Girls Golf Team. $50 includes golf, range balls Florida.
dation and performed by the cast of the Cam- room dance week with 6 p.m. youth and lunch. 772-564-4398
bridge University American Stage Tour, 7 p.m. jazz band, 7 p.m. lessons, 8 p.m. general danc- 1 Party at the Pineapple Plantation, 11 a.m.
at Vero Beach High School PAC. $20 donation ing and 9 p.m. showcase. Dance hosts avail- 24 National Estuaries Day, 9 a.m. to 1 to 3 p.m. at historic Hallstrom House,
appreciated. 772-569-6718 able. Free. 772-770-9684 p.m. at Environmental Learning Cen- with BBQ, tours, educational activities, crafts
ter, with educational and entertaining activities and vendors to benefit Indian River County His-
9|10 Acting and Writing Work- 16 Sebastian River Area Chamber of including music by Lonnie & Jenni of Heart of torical Society. 772-778-3435
shops for 11 & 12 grade stu- Commerce Media Auction, 6 p.m. at Oak Music, canoeing and dip-netting. $5; chil-
dents taught by Cambridge American Stage the Sebastian Chamber office, with bidding op- dren 12 and under & ELC members free. 1|2 Dialogue: Racism, a two-day
Tour instructors and performers presented by portunities on marketing and advertising from workshop examining racism
Laura Riding Jackson Foundation. Acting Fri. 1 local media and businesses. $10 & 20. 772-589- 24 Celebrate the Arts Festival, 10 a.m. through films and discussion, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
p.m., Writing Sat. 9 Sebastian River High 5969 to 4 p.m. at Riverside Park hosted Sat., 1 to 5 p.m. Sun. at Unitarian Universalist
School. Free. 305-860-0940 by Cultural Council of Indian River County, Fellowship of Vero Beach. $25 includes Sat.
17 Indian River Lagoon Cleanup along with displays and demonstrations by non- lunch. 772-778-5880
10 Tunnel to Towers Vero Beach, 7:30 beaches and waterways, foot or boat, profits, artists, authors and more. Free. 772-
a.m. at Riverside Park, a 5K run/walk with collected trash to be dropped off at Vero 770-4857 6-28 Think Pink Art Show at Gallery
to honor those lost on September 11, 2001, Beach Marina Fuel Dock, and the docks at St. 14, with a portion of proceeds
Edward’s School and Capt. Hiram’s. 772-643- 24 Guest presentation by Becky Thomp- from sales and 100 percent of raffle proceeds
4616 son Murray, Kennedy Space Center benefitting Friends in Pink. Gala reception 5
to 8 p.m. Oct. 7 during Gallery Stroll. 772 785-
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 8730 or 772 562-5525.
in September 1, 2016 Edition 7 NAME 1 MARINATE
8 AROMATIC 2 WEAK 7|8 Beach Town Music Festival at In-
9 TICKET 3 CASTLES dian River County Fairgrounds,
10 SCREEN 4 BOAST featuring Fri. Bret Michael, Gin Blossoms, Ed-
11 DAISIES 5 MARRIAGE win McCain and L.A. Guns; Sat. Jake Owen,
13 CAKES 6 DINE David Nail, David Ray, Clare Dunn, Scotty
16 FEMUR 12 SAUCEPAN Emerick and Adley Stump. Beachtownfesti-
Sudoku Page 50 Sudoku Page 51 Crossword Page 50 Crossword Page 51 (BATMAN MEETS BATBOY) 8 United Way Day of Caring at various lo-
cations around the county begins with 8
a.m. welcome breakfast at First Presbyterian
Church. 772-567-8900 x 117
Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your service to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753
This directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the beachside community an opportunity to make themselves known to island readers at an affordable cost. This
is the only service directory mailed each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a listing in the Vero Beach 32963 Service
Directory, please contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.
1290 Olde Doubloon Drive in Castaway Cove: 4-bedroom, 3-bath, 2,983-square-foot home on a
1-acre lot offered for $2,999,999 by Jonathan Arsenault of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s
International Realty: 772-492-1002
56 Vero Beach 32963 / September 8, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Castaway Cove oceanfront offers classic features
Staff Writer
The crisp rectangles that inform
the interior and exterior design of this
beautiful home at 1290 Old Doubloon
Drive, coupled with the warm crim-
son of the Mediterranean stone-coat-
ed steel roof, make this exceptional
oceanfront home a standout.
Located in the private and peaceful
gated community of Castaway Cove
just south of Vero Beach on A1A, this
spacious (2,883 square feet under air)
2-story home has been extensively
remodeled, and boasts spectacular,
panoramic ocean views from virtu-
ally every room, with a generous 108
feet of ocean frontage.
The windows and glass sliders are
all PGT impact glass. The size, shape
and placement of the windows not
only welcome the seaside sunlight,
but also create clean, appealing de-
sign elements throughout the home.
Gorgeous mahogany wood is prom-
inently featured throughout, starting
with the double-door entrance. Step-
ping into the creamy, stone-tiled foy-
er, the gaze is immediately drawn to
the stunning lines of the uncarpeted
mahogany staircase and open-balco-
nied, second-floor hallway, further
enhanced by the high, vaulted white
ceiling, and alabaster and metal
The first floor is designed in a con-
tinuous and convenient rectangle
around the staircase. To the left from
the foyer is the living room, the fo-
cal point of which is a magnificent
mahogany floor. The 2-story vaulted
ceiling adds to the feeling of spa-
ciousness. Here as throughout the
home, walls and ceilings are white,
setting off the rich, dark wood to best
advantage and enhancing the clean,
crisp interior style.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 8, 2016 57
The living room flows east into a dishwasher and cooktop occupy this
formal dining area, with its alluring “U” as well.
view of the seagrape-covered dune
and the sparkling Atlantic, present- Opposite the sink wall are the
ed through a floor-to-ceiling win- KitchenAid side-by-side fridge/freez-
dow wall. er, a stacked, built-in microwave and
oven, and a roomy desk/computer
From the foyer, to the right, is a space with storage and file drawers,
door to the oversize, 3-vehicle garage, all surrounded by lots of cabinetry
a space that will certainly excite the above and below, and well-lit by re-
family Do-It-Yourselfer. Along a mini- cessed fixtures.
hallway is a powder room and, across
from it, a deep, roomy storage area, Beyond the kitchen is a second din-
nicely utilizing the often dead space ing area, with views through glass
directly beneath a staircase. sliders of the pool sundeck and the
The little hall leads east into the
huge kitchen/wet bar/family/living Farther on, anchoring the family
area, is a fabulous 2-level wet bar with
area, bound to be THE gathering place sink, plentiful storage and room for a
for family and friends. Throughout trio of bar stools.
this space, mahogany crown molding
provides a bold accent to the white The focal point of the family room
walls and ceiling. seating area is a wood-burning fire-
place built into an impressive white
The kitchen cabinetry is mahog- coral rock wall with rock hearth and
any, and configured into a large U- mantle, and three small, half-circle
shape, with a generous stretch of shelves to display sea treasures. The
handsome granite countertop, and entire unit is flanked by floor-to-ceil-
a trio of broad windows over the ing windows.
sink, enabling the designated Chief
Cook and Bottle Washer to enjoy the From the second-floor landing/
ocean view while hard at work. The hallway, one has a dramatic view of
the vaulted ceiling, and down to the
58 Vero Beach 32963 / September 8, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
IntegrIty - ServIce - ProfeSSIonalISm - reSultS artistic entry area and living room.
All the home’s four bedrooms are on
“The Trusted Name in Real Estate Since 1949” the second level, each with access to
the wide, stone-tiled rear balcony,
RIVER CLUB AT CARLTON CASTAWAY COVE V CASTAWAY COVE IV which stretches the entire length of
Direct intracoastal waterfront home w/dock. Exceptional riverfront built 2007. 3/4.5, 3 car garage, Spectacular contemporary Key West style river- the house, the perfect retreat from
5/5 w/ over 10,000 SF U/roof. Custom Built. which to gaze at the ocean and re-
heated saltwater pool. Billiard room. front home in coveted Castaway Cove. charge; or maybe spend a serene early
$3,895,000 (#167165) $2,450,000 (#175387) $1,790,000 (#172241) morning, sipping a steaming cup of
Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 coffee, inhaling the salty air and tak-
Barbara Parent 772-633-3027 Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 ing in sunrise over the ocean.
The master suite is a spacious oa-
sis of relaxation and indulgence, with
mahogany floors, white vaulted ceil-
ing, recessed lighting and panoramic
ocean views on the east and south
sides. Louver doors open into a sur-
prisingly large walk-in closet with
custom drawers, shelves, hanging
spaces and its own window to provide
ambient, outside light, which reveals
true colors, and helps prevent dis-
covering one black and one navy blue
sock in that board meeting.
Exquisite French styled home. Custom built. Beautiful ½ acre waterfront lot with dock. Cleared and 3/3.5 CBS courtyard home on a beautiful lake front 1290 OLDE DOUBLOON DRIVE
Classic exterior with single story 3/3 floor plan.
ready to build. Easy access to waterway. lot. Open plan w/almost 3,400 Sf living space. Neighborhood:
$1,350,000 (#155000) $975,000 (#164909) $649,900 (#171746) Castaway Cove, Wave VI
Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388
Roger Smith 772-473-0086 Roger Smith 772-473-0086 Year built: 1987;
extensive recent renovation
Gracious home on preserve offering garden views. New look to this 3/3 CBS pool home. Live in Indian Understated elegance - graciously decorated Lot size: 1 acre
3/3 with garden views. New paint, new carpet. Construction: concrete block/
New roof 2016. Den + 3 /3. Upgrades. Private. River Shores rated as the safest city in Florida.
$549,000 (#171646) $499,000 (#165538) $498,000 (#172977) frame with stucco
Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 Home size: 2,983 square feet
Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 Roger Smith 772-473-0086
Bedrooms: 4
2901 Ocean Drive Vero Beach, FL 32963 • 772-231-6509 • Bathrooms: 2 full baths;
4755 South Harbor Drive Vero Beach, FL 32967 • 772-907-6028 •
2 half-baths
Additional features: Fireplace;
heated pool with spa; ceiling
fans; washer/dryer; vaulted/ca-
thedral ceilings; central vacuum;
homeowners association; pet-
friendly; irrigation sprinkler/well;
outdoor shower; crown molding;
Listing agency: Treasure Coast
Sotheby’s International Realty
Listing agent:
Jonathan Arsenault, 772-492-1002
Listing price: $2,999,999
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 8, 2016 59
The master bath is yet another smoke detector, and Castaway Cove
beautiful, generously-sized space. is a gated, security-guarded commu-
Here, a BIG Jacuzzi tub dominates nity. A community beach access pa-
the room, and light enters through vilion has a shower, bike racks and a
two discreetly placed windows. The boardwalk over the dunes.
master bath also features a shower
and water closet alcove and a sizable Castaway Cove is ideally located,
double sink with twin mirrors and close to St. Edward’s School, and just
cabinet storage. a short drive away from the wonder-
ful shops, resorts and restaurants of
The three roomy guest bedrooms Vero’s quaint beachside community.
each have closets and double glass Also on the island, you’ll find Riv-
sliders letting out to the sunrise/ erside Park, offering boat launches,
pool-view balcony. The corner bed- tennis and racquetball courts, jog-
room on the north end offers views ging trail, Riverside Theatre (Equity)
both north and east. The second lev- and the Vero Museum of Art, as well
el also has a full bath. numerous festivals and various other
events throughout the year. Nearby
With double slider access to the pool/ is the popular, 5-acre Vero Dog Park,
sundeck from the kitchen and family and the Vero Beach Marina.
room, this home is terrific for entertain-
ing. In addition to the ample space in-
side, with sliders open, the party can
pour out onto the huge, PVC-fenced
pool deck. Depending on the party
theme, guests can even dive right into
the big, heated, curved oval pool (with
spa), or head off along on a path over the
seagrape- and sea oats-covered dunes
to the pristine beach beyond. The pool/
sundeck has a cabana bath and shower
surrounded by tropical foliage.
The house sits high up on a full acre
of land, which allows for a nice area of
lush green lawn in front and in back,
edged with low, tropical landscaping,
as well as spectacular ocean views
across the dune.
The home has an alarm system and
60 Vero Beach 32963 / September 8, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Aug. 26 to Sept. 1
The week before Labor Day brought a surge in barrier island real estate sales,
with 18 transactions recorded, including four for more than $1 million.
Two John’s Island homes sold for over $2 million. The property at 180
Oleander Way (photo at left) was placed on the market Nov. 15, 2015, with
an asking price of $2.45 million. The sale closed on Sept. 1 for $2.25 million.
The property at 295 Coconut Palm Road (photo at right) went on the
market Feb. 10 for $2.35 million. The sale closed Sept. 1 for $2.075 million.
Both the sellers and purchasers in the two transactions were represented
by John’s Island Real Estate.
$695,000 $690,000
$487,000 $492,300
OCEAN PEARL 131 N WHITE JEWEL COURT 5/31/2016 $625,000 $695,000 9/2/2016 $475,000
$2,575,000 $2,270,000
ISLAND CLUB RIVERSIDE 1349 W ISLAND CLUB SQUARE 5/13/2016 $649,000 $487,000 9/2/2016 $645,000
$1,490,000 $1,125,000
SEAGROVE 1762 BAY OAK CIRCLE 10/5/2015 $889,000 $575,000 8/31/2016 $855,000
$710,000 $640,000
WINDSOR 3755 N SAVANNAH PLACE 3/30/2016 $479,900 $2,575,000 8/31/2016 $426,500
SANDPOINTE 1621 W SANDPOINTE PLACE 5/16/2016 $649,000 8/31/2016
BETHEL BY THE SEA 515 LIVE OAK ROAD 5/31/2016 $1,395,000 8/31/2016
CASTAWAY COVE 1225 NEAR OCEAN DRIVE 6/2/2016 $889,000 8/30/2016
SEAGROVE WEST 210 RIVERWAY DRIVE 11/18/2015 $710,000 8/29/2016
CASTAWAY COVE 1295 ADMIRALS WALK 4/4/2016 $479,900 8/29/2016
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 8, 2016 61
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Windsor, Address: 3755 N Savannah Place Subdivision: Bethel By the Sea, Address: 515 Live Oak Road
Listing Date: 3/30/2016 Listing Date: 5/31/2016
Original Price: $2,575,000 Original Price: $1,490,000
Recent Price: $2,575,000 Recent Price: $1,395,000
Sold: 8/31/2016 Sold: 8/31/2016
Selling Price: $2,270,000 Selling Price: $1,125,000
Listing Agent: Betsy Hanley Listing Agent: Jane P Schwiering
Selling Agent: Windsor Properties Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida
Laurin Marie Lott Susie Perticone
Windsor Properties Cliff Norris Real Estate
Subdivision: Castaway Cove, Address: 1225 Near Ocean Drive Subdivision: Seagrove West, Address: 210 Riverway Drive
Listing Date: 6/2/2016 Listing Date: 11/18/2015
Original Price: $889,000 Original Price: $710,000
Recent Price: $889,000 Recent Price: $710,000
Sold: 8/30/2016 Sold: 8/29/2016
Selling Price: $855,000 Selling Price: $640,000
Listing Agent: Rosanne M. Moler Listing Agent: Stacy Miller Katz
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida
Jane P. Schwiering Kristi L White
Berkshire Hathaway Florida Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S
Lakefront 3BR/3.5BA plus office, over ½ acre prime lot, Beautiful 4BR/3BA on desirable corner lot, move-in ready River view building lot in prestigious, gated community,
2 master suites, fireplace, pool, gated/guarded community w/fireplace, screened patio/pool, walk to beach access amenities include 2 clubhouses, fitness center, 2 pools
$695,000 $529,000
Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.
direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |
62 Vero Beach 32963 / September 8, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Ocean Pearl, Address: 131 N White Jewel Court Subdivision: Island Club Riverside, Address: 1349 W Island Club Square
Listing Date: 5/31/2016 Listing Date: 5/13/2016
Original Price: $695,000 Original Price: $487,000
Recent Price: $695,000 Recent Price: $487,000
Sold: 9/2/2016 Sold: 9/2/2016
Selling Price: $690,000 Selling Price: $492,300
Listing Agent: Mary Frances Driscoll Listing Agent: Paula M. Bushell
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Claudia Faye Johnson Sally K Daley
Berkshire Hathaway Florida Daley & Company Real Estate
Subdivision: Sandpointe, Address: 1621 W Sandpointe Place Subdivision: La Mer Condo, Address: 5536 Highway A1a Unit#209
Listing Date: 5/16/2016 Listing Date: 3/24/2016
Original Price: $649,000 Original Price: $675,000
Recent Price: $649,000 Recent Price: $675,000
Sold: 8/31/2016 Sold: 9/1/2016
Selling Price: $645,000 Selling Price: $585,000
Listing Agent: Jeff Van Dyke Listing Agent: Christine M. Hughes
Selling Agent: Billero & Billero Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Rhonda J. Dykal Janyne F. Kenworthy
Coldwell Banker Paradise Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Don’t get nervous, call Scott Tree Services
CELL: 772-473-7150
OFFICE: 772-569-3874