Vero plows ahead with contested
City Council election. P10
Autumn in the Park
has raft of crafts. P15
Orchid Island Club fete suits
tournament golfers to a tee. P22
MY VERO For breaking news visit
BY RAY MCNULTY Electric hearing
delayed a week
Dodgertown Golf not the by real tempest
key to keeping Vero Vero
Marybeth Cunningham (left), chair of Hospital District, and Wayne Hockmeyer (right), chair of IRMC. PHOTOS: LEIGH GREEN / DENISE RITCHIE BY LISA ZAHNER
For years, I’ve been driving Staff Writer
past the former Dodgertown ‘The stars have aligned’: How two Midwesterners
Golf Club property, occasion- led the way in forging the Cleveland Clinic deal Interested parties were al-
ally glancing over at the nostal- ready in Tallahassee, or en route
gia-filled parcel and remem- BY MICHELLE GENZ the Indian River Medical the two boards involved – the Monday, for a Tuesday hear-
bering the afternoons spent Staff Writer Center board and the public IRMC board and the Hos- ing on the Vero Electric sale to
walking the nine-hole course. Hospital District trustees on pital District board – were Florida Power & Light when the
It was, after a quarter of a the future of medical care in obvious lockstep. After a Florida Public Service Com-
Not once, though, have I century of bickering, back- for our community. nearly two-year process, the mission announced it was re-
looked over and thought: This biting, and open hostility, two were even talking alike. scheduling all of its business
grassy knoll is all that stands an amazing moment of uni- By the time the final votes for the rest of the week due to
between Vero Beach and an ty – unprecedented unani- were taken approving the “This is one of the most Hurricane Michael.
army of developers who want mous agreement by both hospital’s takeover by Cleve- important things I think the
to invade our community and land Clinic, the chairmen of Tuesday’s hearing had been
Browardize our seaside slice CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 called because four parties had
of heaven. challenged a June 5 vote of the
PSC to approve the terms of
Because it isn’t. the $185 million sale of Vero
Contrary to the conspiracy Electric and its 34,000 custom-
theories you might be hear- ers to FPL.
ing from the “Keep Vero Vero”
crowd, which seems to care Of the four parties, the
about those 35 acres only Florida Industrial Power Us-
when someone wants to buy ers Group (FIPUG) had dis-
them and build on them, the
Central Beach woman
County to file suit to gets nine months for
make section of beach Shores jewelry theft
in Summerplace public
Staff Writer
A Central Beach woman was
Indian River County is likely sentenced to nine months in jail
to become the first jurisdic- and more than $15,000 in fines
tion in Florida to file suit to and court costs after pleading
make a section of its beach ‘no contest’ to stealing more
public as required by a new than $21,000 worth of jewelry
law that went into effect July 1, from Belle Cose last March.
according to county officials.
“I’m ashamed of my behav-
The “dry sand” part above ior which led to my arrest,”
the “mean high water mark” is
October 11, 2018 Volume 11, Issue 41 Newsstand Price $1.00 ‘Touch a Truck’
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Summerplace beach County Attorney Dylan Reingold but he previously was identified in sponse had been received at deadline.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 said the suit is being filed because for Vero Beach 32963 as Robert Jaffe of The county must file the “Com-
the first time in the county’s known 1802 E. Barefoot Pl.
at issue. The “wet part” of the beach is history, there is a dispute over the plaint for Declaration of Recreation-
already public under the Florida Con- right to use the beach. Summerplace Improvement Asso- al Customary Use in circuit court in
stitution. “Customary use” or histori- ciation President Walter Garrard pro- which the properties subject to the
cal use by the public of the dry sand “... the County has received a com- vided documents he claimed showed notice of intent are located” within
portion must be proven by the county plaint from various citizens that an the beach is owned communally, not 60 days of the Oct. 2 public hearing,
to win a favorable judgment from the individual who owns a parcel of real individually, by those living in the de- Reingold said.
court, according to the new law. property in Summerplace develop- velopment, and said the development
ment has erected a barrier on the has always welcomed the public. The law gives the private property
The county gave “notice of intent” beach to prevent public access,” Re- owners 45 days after the county files
to file the suit on Oct. 2. The suit will ingold said. Several Summerplace residents to “intervene” or counter the custom-
only focus on 2,000 feet of beach in testified that they wanted the beach ary-use claim. The County Commis-
front of Summerplace, just north of County Natural Resources Man- to remain accessible to the public. sion approved up to $30,000 to pay
Wabasso Beach Park. ager James Gray did not name the for expert witnesses, the legal work
owner who he said had “put up a bar- Jaffe was not at the public hearing. to be done in-house by Reingold and
ricade” and “no trespassing signs,” His lawyer, David Earle of Stuart, was Kate Cotner.
asked if Jaffe cared to comment. No re-
My Vero
golf-course property is not sacred
ground that must remain untouched
until the city deems it worthy of con-
version to another of its many munici-
pal parks.
Other than providing overflow park-
ing for Historic Dodgertown a few
times each year, that parcel isn’t espe-
cially pivotal in determining the future
of Vero Beach.
If it were, it wouldn’t have sat idle
and ignored for more than a decade,
during which the city has been mak-
ing annual payments in excess of
$660,000 on the $9.9 million loan it
used to buy the property in 2005 and
spending another $15,000 per year to
cover the costs of mowing, mainte-
nance and liability insurance.
But it has.
And now, it appears, that oft-forgot-
ten property, which the City Council
declared to be surplus in 2015 and
put on the market in 2016, will remain
an empty, unused field for the fore-
seeable future – unless, of course, we
get an October hurricane and need a
place to dump storm debris.
The City Council rendered that ver-
dict last week, when, after four fun-
filled hours of discussion and public
comment, it voted 3-2 to retain own-
ership of the property, rejecting a pair
of seemingly fair, $2.4 million offers
from an award-winning, certified-
green developer and Indian River
County, which owns the adjacent, 72-
acre Historic Dodgertown complex.
The developer – a partnership be-
tween Lakeland-area builder Mark Hul-
bert and retired sports-car driver Terry
Bortscheller of Vero Beach – wants to
create an urban market containing a
hotel, restaurants, office buildings and
plenty of green space that would give
the place a park-like feel.
The county, which didn’t come
forward with a bid until after city of-
ficials were seriously considering the
developer’s offer, wants the land for
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 3
an overflow parking area to accom- “A healthy Dodgertown is a healthy on its own,” Bortscheller said. “My to $2.4 million when the county en-
modate big-crowd events at Historic prospect for us,” he added. “The peo- perspective might be skewed by all the tered the conversation and then was
Dodgertown. ple who go to those events over there time, work and money we’ve already bumped to $2.43 million in an attempt
will find their way to our establish- invested in this project, but I don’t see to get the inside track.
In fact, county officials say they ments, especially those who park on anything better than what we’re pro-
need the parcel to enhance their pitch our property. We’ll not only be com- posing to do with that property.” The developers also predicted that
to Major League Baseball, which they patible, we’ll complement each other.” their project would create 250 jobs
hope will take over Historic Dodger- Vero Beach Mayor Harry Howle and and generate at least $300,000 in an-
town’s operations from former Los An- And if MLB doesn’t come to Vero? Councilman Val Zudans agreed, pub- nual tax revenues for the city. “From
geles Dodgers owner Peter O’Malley, “Even if Historic Dodgertown isn’t licly supporting the developers’ offer, a fiscal standpoint, the developers of-
whose five-way partnership has run there, our development would stand which began at $2.1 million, increased
the longtime spring-training facility CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
for the past six years.
Exclusively John’s Island
County Administrator Jason Brown
told council members the county needs Rarely on market! This exceptionally renovated 3BR/4.5BA architectural
the golf-course land to “protect and masterpiece provides a peaceful retreat from life’s demands. Designed by
preserve what we have there,” allud- Moulton Layne Architects and built by The Hill Group, quality craftsmanship
ing to the $15 million per year in “direct and detailed finishes are beyond definition. The Mahogany foyer and
spending” County Commission Chair- wet bar, coffered ceiling living room with fireplace, lush landscaping,
man Peter O’Bryan said Historic Dodg- pool and soothing fountains tantalize the senses. Impressive features
ertown generates for the local economy. include 3,884± GSF, American walnut flooring, custom gourmet island
kitchen, detached 2BR/2BA cabana w/ office, and 2-car garage.
“Our concern is that if we can’t se- 100 Paget Court : $2,995,000
cure a deal with Major League Baseball,
we might not be able to secure a deal three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
with anyone,” Brown said in the coun- health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
cil’s jam-packed chamber, later adding,
“If we’re not able to find a successor to 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
Peter O’Malley, the county may have a
for-sale sign on our property.”
He was referring to Historic Dodg-
ertown, where O’Malley’s lease with
the county expires in May.
O’Malley, 80, said he has met with
MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred
multiple times to discuss the potential
takeover, and he remains optimistic.
Brown said a deal between the county
and MLB could be done “in a couple
of months.”
Let’s hope so, because the alterna-
tive isn’t pretty.
Had it not been for O’Malley, whose
lifelong affection for Dodgertown and
Vero Beach spurred him to ride to our
rescue in 2012, the complex almost cer-
tainly would’ve been shuttered in 2011.
That’s again a possibility: Brown
said MLB officials believe the golf-
course parcel is crucial to their future
plans for the complex.
If so, the council – to act in the best
interests of the community – would
have little choice but to sell the land
to the county, even though the city
would be forfeiting the much-needed
tax revenue a private enterprise would
generate on the property.
Or so I thought.
Then I spoke with the developers,
who, in response to the county’s com-
peting bid, said they would “put in writ-
ing in perpetuity” their commitment to
provide the overflow parking Historic
Dodgertown needs for its marquee
events, if the city sells them the land.
“Nobody wants the county to secure
a lease with Major League Baseball
more than we do,” Bortscheller said.
“What we want to do on that prop-
erty will do nothing but enhance what
they’re doing at Historic Dodgertown,
and it will benefit everyone – Dodger-
town, us and the community.
4 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero property that currently contains the Hockmeyer, who joined the IRMC Automotive Systems, a company with
Vero Beach power plant and wastewa- board of directors in 2011, became $5 billion in annual revenues.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 ter treatment facility. That could take chairman in 2015 just as Cunningham
up to five years. was taking her seat on the Hospital Dis- She joined the Hospital District board
fered the best deal for the city,” Howle trict Board of Trustees. The board elect- after besting Laura Moss, who subse-
said. In the meantime, the city would ed her chairwoman in January 2017. quently became a Vero City Council
continue to write annual checks for member, in the November 2014 elec-
County officials, on the other hand, $660,000 to pay back its loan and spend “Shortly after, I met with Wayne tion. That race drew a record number of
said they would use the land primar- another $15,000 per year on mowing Hockmeyer and suggested we needed voters for the low-profile, unpaid post.
ily for overflow parking on the grass and insurance – through 2026. to look to the future and do some-
field, adding that they might install a thing,” Cunningham recalled for Vero Cunningham was viewed as a sup-
stormwater treatment area and build Cleveland Clinic Beach 32963 last week. “Shortly after, porter of the hospital and expressed a
walking trails. we started the collaborative commit- belief to Vero Beach 32963 that a more
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tee. And you know the rest.” diplomatic approach to asking tough
Brown said the county would not questions of the hospital would result
rule out future development on the board will ever do for this communi- “The stars aligned to have you and in less divisiveness. The relationship
property, because it didn’t want to ty,” Chairman Wayne Hockmeyer told Marybeth Cunningham as chair- between the hospital and the district
“place a limitation” that could hinder the IRMC board of directors gathered men at the same time,” said Hendrix was finally showing signs of improve-
MLB’s plan. O’Bryan mentioned the in a hospital conference room. to Hockmeyer on the day of the final ment, and Cunningham said “con-
possibility that MLB might want to vote. “I think that enabled the process frontation undermined confidence in
build dormitories there. And across the street at Hospital Dis- to run much more smoothly.” the hospital and hurt donations.”
trict headquarters: “This is the most
For now, at least, none of that mat- important vote we will ever have as a Hockmeyer is an affable, optimistic That tenuous truce would prove
ters: Vice Mayor Lange Sykes and group,” said Chairwoman Marybeth innovator of vaccines and immuno- crucial to IRMC’s future. As Hock-
Councilman Tony Young voted with Cunningham. “The outcome will have therapy, a retired Army officer and chief meyer said at both the initial presen-
Councilwoman Laura Moss to not sell ramifications far beyond this year, or of the department of immunology at tation on the definitive agreement
the property at this time. the following few years, but for de- Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. with Cleveland and the final vote a
cades to come in this community.” A graduate of Purdue with a Ph.D. from week later, the board of directors of
“Were we voting to do nothing with the University of Florida, Hockmeyer the hospital had been debating the
the property in perpetuity, or just for Hockmeyer and Cunningham, both founded MedImmune in 1988, which issue for years, including through the
now? I still don’t know,” Howle said. Midwesterners with high-powered became one of the top biologics com- worst of the battles with the Hospital
“But Laura found a way to walk down business backgrounds, proved a panies in the world. District trustees.
the middle of the road and say, ‘Let’s match made in negotiation heaven, a
do nothing,’ which is essentially what point made by IRMC board member Cunningham is daughter of a presi- “This board really has been engaged in
we decided to do.” Kathy Hendrix just before the final dent of General Motors, the late Jim discussions on this very topic for at least
vote last Wednesday. McDonald, a longtime resident of Vero. four or five years,” he said. That would
Moss hinted that she’d prefer the She retired in 2009 as executive director take discussions back to at least Janu-
city keep the parcel until voters de- of global operations for Delphi Packard ary 2014, when Hospital District trustees
cide what to do with the lagoon-front
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 5
were locking horns with IRMC officials, ing some covered in Vero Beach 32963. “This hospital is sinking downhill mittee invited nationally known con-
complaining about opacity on the part Those accounts in turn were souring do- to a dangerous level,” said the late Dr. sultant Jamie Orlikoff to speak in the
of hospital administrators and balking at nors, provoking bitter complaints from Burton Lee, a District trustee and re- fall of 2017, Hockmeyer and Cunning-
requests for more taxpayer funds. former hospital CEO Jeff Susi. Those vered figure in healthcare. He blamed ham’s joint alarm had sounded, and
donations, along with the Hospital Dis- “most of the hospital board” for rarely Orlikoff’s warnings were a call to arms.
At the same time, patients were tell- trict’s reimbursement for indigent care, questioning anything, in his words. “Your model is the most particularly
ing horror stories of their experiences were keeping the hospital afloat.
in the IRMC Emergency Room, includ- By the time the collaborative com- CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Cleveland Clinic there was nostalgia for the leadership it,” explained Lou Glaser, the hospi- for a committee designed to make sure
that had built the hospital – board mem- tal’s lead attorney in the partnership those promises are fulfilled and can
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 ber emeritus Dr. Hugh McCrystal point- process. “The district was concerned, bring an action if they are not, Glaser
ed out attorney William Stewart sitting because they lease the facilities, that if said.
compromised model for hospitals that in the gallery, and reminisced about the money wasn’t committed the facility
there is right now,” he told IRMC officials. vote in 1984 to let a separate company, could in theory be allowed to fall into There was resistance at the Hospital
IRMH Inc., take over the running of the disrepair.” District’s meeting, too, chiefly voiced
A year later, as leaders hoped, the vote hospital from the Hospital District. by two of the seven trustees, Tracey
to become part of Cleveland Clinic’s Along with routine maintenance, Zudans and Michael Weiss. Zudans
new Florida expansion was unanimous There was no mention of the lead- the agreement mentions non-rou- called it “the perfect partner and the
by both boards, taken separately but at ership that had brought IRMC to the tine development; improvement and wrong deal.”
the same hour last Wednesday, Oct. 3 – brink; former CEO Susi’s unexpected expansion of facilities; information
high noon, as one director put it. retirement, announced in the wake of technology; and strategic capital in- “I have been disappointed since Day
a $4 million loss that prompted pur- vestments including the acquisition 1 with the minimum $250 million being
Directors and trustees had spent nine suit of a takeover, was effective this of businesses. There is also mention of the lowest capital expenditures of the
days reading over a multi-hundred- past December. an outpatient surgical center. four (candidate health systems),” she
page agreement, drawn up at a cost of said. “So I was hoping the capital expen-
multiple millions in attorneys’ and con- While the final vote was unanimous, Notably absent from the list is a bed diture would be presented as higher.
sultants’ fees. That didn’t include the each board had its naysayer. At the tower, the industry term for a wing of
costs to the other health systems com- IRMC board’s meeting, the doubter was patient rooms. That long-hoped-for “Second, we were given a verbal
peting for IRMC, eight with preliminary Keith Morgan, a retired CPA. He ques- addition to IRMC may be dropped agreement that indigent care would
proposals and four with both prelimi- tioned the priorities listed under Cleve- if anticipated changes in healthcare be covered on the day we selected the
nary and secondary proposals. land’s $250 million capital commitment, make hospital stays increasingly rare. Cleveland Clinic as our finalist. Not only
which included routine maintenance. is Cleveland Clinic asking for $15 million
For the final four systems vying to take “One of the things that makes Cleve- over the next three years, there’s nothing
over Indian River Medical Center, there “In my mind, routine maintenance land Clinic such a good partner is that in the contract preventing them from
were also hours of presentations from is fixing something that’s broken, ex- these decisions should be made in coming back and continuing to ask for
C-suite executives – plus some very isting things. It’s not a capital project,” light of whatever the dynamic is in $6 million or so every year in the future
busy physicians – both in Vero and at said Morgan. the community at the time,” said at- from the Hospital District,” she went on.
their top hospitals, where visiting IRMC torney Glaser. “We didn’t want to lock “It’s our responsibility to fix these issues
and Hospital District board members It turns out, it was the Hospital Dis- in something two years from now if before we vote.”
were welcomed with red-carpet tours. trict that requested routine mainte- it didn’t make sense in light of what’s
nance be included in the list of priori- happening in healthcare in a rapidly Transaction attorney William Boyles
IRMC had likely never felt so desir- ties since it owns the buildings and is challenging environment.” pointed out that while Cleveland Clin-
able. Not that it went to anyone’s head, leasing them to Cleveland Clinic. ic Florida does have the right to change
but at the final votes on Wednesday, In addition, the agreement provides its indigent policy statewide, Indian
“The parties insisted on including
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 7
River’s new policy will be the same as big deal and it’s scary and I get that. A of Cleveland’s additional coverage of feel welcome and they left. Shame on
the Cleveland, Ohio hospital’s policy. lot. From my perspective, I prefer to indigent care, which it provides to pa- us if we let that happen. I think we’re
“For that to change, it would have to go into it believing that they’re going tients with incomes that fall under 250 doing the right thing for the whole
be a systemwide change.” to be a great partner, and that they’re percent of federal poverty guidelines community, and we ought to figure out
going to stick to their word, and their – far more generous than the District’s a way to make them not only proud,
Weiss agreed with Zudans’ concerns, words have continually been, ‘We be- current ceiling of 150 percent for free but obligated to be here and fulfill ev-
and voiced his own about a clause in lieve in staying in the community. We care. And beyond that, Cleveland will ery single thing they have in this con-
Cleveland’s 10-year commitment to believe in building here.’ They’ve told give discounts to people earning up tract. I agree with Ann Marie: Some of
maintain certain critical services like us that continually.” to 400 percent of poverty guidelines. that requires faith.”
obstetrics at the Vero hospital. The All that, added to the rent the District
clause says Cleveland can terminate She said it seemed implausible that would receive after 30 years, and “you McCrystal had hit the church-going
those services if “comparable care” is Cleveland Clinic would send its Vero start to get close to $1 billion,” he said. Zudans with a little pressure from on
provided within a 25-mile radius. Weiss patients to another provider under the high. “I said a little prayer last night that
brought up a possibility: What if the “comparable care” proviso. The infer- “I actually have more faith in Cleve- I hope we will vote unanimously. That
comparable care is at another Cleve- ence: Cleveland Clinic’s care is incom- land Clinic knowing what’s happening would say something to the community.”
land Clinic location? parable. “They are very, very concerned in healthcare than I do in myself or even
about their reputation,” she said. the board of IRMC. I think we’re going Zudans, seated to her right, is ad-
At that point, Cunningham made to be at a whole other level,” Jones said. mired for her diligence but known on
the case for the old saying: “A good When Trustee Ann Marie McCrystal the board as nixing nearly everything.
deal is when neither side is happy.” had her turn, she found her voice as his- Then he brought up a bit of history She had come in as a ‘no,’ she admit-
torian. “I can remember when we were that would have made Cleveland Clin- ted later, and changed her mind only
“Could we have made a better deal? looking for the land to build this hospi- ic Florida uncomfortable: the closure at the last minute. “I’ve been talking to
Maybe. Could we, with somebody else, tal,” she said. “There was controversy: of the only other hospital it ever tried a lot of people in the community and
have had more money? Probably. But it’s too close to the airport; somebody to open beyond Weston. Built in 2001 they already think Cleveland Clinic is
I think when you’re putting together a owns too much land. There was contro- – the same year the Weston hospital here, so I wouldn’t want to disappoint
30- or 75-year lease, in healthcare, you versy even building Indian River Boule- opened – the Naples 90-bed hospital them. I will vote ‘yes.’”
have to be able to look at all the chang- vard. So, you know, you have to have a shut down less than five years later,
es or potential change. From Cleve- little bit of faith. I think we chose wisely because, among other issues, neigh- “Good girl!” exclaimed McCrystal.
land Clinic’s point of view, they’re for this community. I think the plan boring hospitals persuaded the state “It’s your first ‘yes’ vote!”
saying, I don’t know in 20 years what they have for Cleveland Clinic Florida is not to issue it a Certificate of Need for
healthcare is going to be like. There exciting. We will be a part of that.” cardiac surgery, the Clinic’s signature As for Weiss, he looked stricken
may not be any bed towers in 25 years. medical specialty. on his first two tries to say “yes,” and
It could be that they’re doing acute Trustee Allen Jones, a notorious barely mouthed the word on the third.
care services from their home. numbers guy, had been at it again. He “They went to Naples,” began Jones, Two other trustees, Karen Deigl and
calculated the value to the community “and for whatever reason, they didn’t Barbara Bodner, also voted yes. It was
“It’s scary,” she went on. “This is a
8 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Cleveland Clinic torneys in the room. together and develop an outcome for “Our message to these other people
“We’re making you people famous the community in this way. And there is if they’ve got the right leadership and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 are more and more district hospitals, the right attitude, they too can come up
across the country,” said Barry Sa- county hospitals, hospital organiza- with an outcome like this. The future
Cunningham who cast the final vote. graves, managing director of Chicago’s tions with a government entity and doesn’t have to look like the past. Thank
“Absolutely,” she said. Juniper Advisory, hired by IRMC to a nonprofit entity, that are consider- you for being part of our pitchbook.
chart the path to partnership. “We’ve ing these things, most of whom have You’re going to see yourselves men-
That moment of accord struck even never seen two groups that used to some history of difficult relations. tioned around the country.”
the most jaded of consultants and at- want to kill each other actually come
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 9
MORE HOSPITAL NEWS FROM Vero Electric hearing in one or on the road during an evacu-
SEBASTIAN, STUART & ST. LUCIE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ation. That is asking too much,” Lar-
kin wrote on Monday.
BY MICHELLE GENZ Then a few days later, SRMC mar- missed its protest, and local residents
Staff Writer keting director Donna Jones an- Brian Heady and Michael Moran were Indian River Shores Mayor Tom
nounced she was also leaving as of removed from the case on Oct. 3 af- Slater had already boarded a plane to
To the south and the north of Vero, this past Wednesday. ter failing to appear for a pre-hearing Tallahassee when he heard the hearing
other hospitals were also making news conference to discuss issues, one of was rescheduled.
last week. A statement from Sebastian River which was the standing of the par-
barely thanked Enriquez for her ser- ties. Only attorney Lynne Larkin and Former Indian River Shores Mayor
The day before the final vote on vice – four years’ worth – before mov- her Civic Association of Indian River Brian Barefoot was already in Tallahas-
the acquisition of Indian River Medi- ing on to a broad proclamation of County remain of the four objectors. see when he heard Larkin was request-
cal Center by Cleveland Clinic, Martin Massachusetts-based Steward Health ing a continuance. Initially, Barefoot
Health announced it had signed its Care System good intentions including The Florida Office of Public Counsel said he was confident the hearing
own definitive agreement to become “aggressively investing in the hospital.” has also joined in the proceedings to would go on and that delay was un-
a part of the Cleveland Clinic system. reiterate the OPC’s position presented necessary.
Steward acquired the hospital from in June that FPL should not be able to
Martin has three hospitals – two in Community Health Systems a year book a $116.2 million acquisition ad- Then just after noon, PSC spokes-
Stuart and a large new hospital in Tra- ago along with two other hospitals in justment above and beyond what the person Cindy Muir confirmed that the
dition in St. Lucie County – as well as Brevard County. Vero system is worth on the books, hearing had been rescheduled. About
10 other clinics, labs and offices. according to the PSC staff and to the two hours later the PSC issued a notice
The president of one of those Bre- OPC’s hired consultant. postponing the entire week’s business.
Martin negotiated a deal to get twice vard hospitals, Rockledge Medical
the capital expenditure from Cleveland in Center, is taking over as interim pres- AfterTallahassee was among the areas Indian River Shores and Indian River
half the time – $500 million in five years, ident in Sebastian. where Gov. Rick Scott declared a state County have joined the case to sup-
compared to Vero’s $250 million over ten of emergency on Sunday in advance of port Vero and FPL in getting to a final
years – but its Stuart hospital still has Andy Romine is a former nurse who Michael’s approach, both FPL and OPC approval so the deal can close.
some semi-private rooms and desperate- became president of what was then asked to have some of their witnesses
ly needs a bigger emergency department. Wuesthoff Medical Center in May of excused from the Oct. 9 hearing. Larkin had wanted the Shores tossed
last year. He was previously that hos- out as a party, asserting that Indian
Meanwhile, up the road from IRMC, pital’s chief operating officer. Romine Larkin also sent out a notice request- River County represents the Shores, so
Sebastian River Medical Center’s CEO, came to Florida from Birmingham, ing that the hearing be rescheduled. the town did not need separate recog-
Kelly Enriquez, last week found herself Ala. where he was chief nursing offi- nition.
was out of a job. cer at Trinity Medical Center. “I can’t travel to a storm area dur-
ing a state of emergency. I am actually The hearing will begin at 9 a.m. Oct.
shaking just writing this. I’ve been in 18 with technical presentations by the
hurricanes, and I have no desire to be parties, and public comment sched-
uled for 2 p.m., with a continuation of
the technical and evidentiary hearings
on Oct. 19, if necessary.
10 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero plowing ahead with contested Council election
BY LISA ZAHNER vote for three seats on the Vero City Robbie Brackett. Councilman Lange vassing Board consisting of City Manag-
Staff Writer Council up to the courts. Sykes is not seeking re-election. er Jim O’Connor, City Attorney Wayne
Coment and City Clerk Tammy Bursick
Faced with a confusing set of circum- Only Councilman Tony Young, who Hillman and Heady had been placed met and decided to send an ordinance
stances, and a proposed solution in the is seeking re-election, voted to place on the ballot that Supervisor of Elec- to the City Council that would cancel
form of a Dec. 18 special election, the the question of whether to hold a spe- tions Leslie Swan sent to the printer the Nov. 6 city election, re-open the
Vero Beach City Council voted 4-1 to go cial election on the Oct. 16 City Coun- on Sept. 17. But the next day the city’s qualifying period, and schedule a spe-
forward with the Nov. 6 municipal elec- cil agenda for a public hearing. legal team issued a statement declar- cial election in December.
tion with the ballot as is – without Linda ing Heady and Hillman disqualified
Hillman and Brian Heady on the ballot. Young is a qualified candidate on the due to one missing signature in each But Councilman Val Zudans made a
ballot, along with incumbent Council of their election packets. Their names motion not to place the special election
This move, unless reversed, likely member Laura Moss, Vero Chamber of were then removed from the ballot. legislation on the Oct. 16 meeting agen-
leaves the validity of the upcoming Commerce CEO Robert McCabe and da and Sykes seconded the motion.
Vero businessman and philanthropist Two days later the Vero Beach Can-
When asked to clarify what the action
would mean, City Attorney Coment ex-
plained, “Basically you kill this right now.”
Prior to the vote, which came about
six hours into the marathon meeting
last Tuesday night, both Heady and Hill-
man rose to the public podium and en-
gaged the council in a back-and-forth
about various issues, including some
matters that are the subject of active liti-
gation – despite a stern warning by At-
torney Coment that anything said dur-
ing a council meeting was fair game to
be used in court.
Jewelry theft
Dawn Jeannine Van Dorne, 55, told
the court before her sentencing.
Van Dorne, who was credited with
160 days already served in the Indian
River County Jail, is also being held
without bond on a Felony Fugitive of
Justice Warrant from California.
After completing her nine-month
sentence in Indian River County, she
will be extradited to California where
she is wanted on unspecified criminal
charges, according to Judge Cynthia
Cox and court and police records.
Van Dorne was convicted of third-de-
gree grand theft charges for stealing two
pink tourmaline and diamond rings val-
ued at $15,000 and $6,100 from the top
of a display case at the Belle Cose bou-
tique on March 27 during a trunk show.
After Indian River Shores police
posted a very clear surveillance cam-
era image of Van Dorne on social me-
dia, a Riomar resident called to say
she recognized the blonde woman.
The white jeep registered to Van
Dorne was also captured on Shores li-
cense plate cameras entering and leav-
ing the town on the date of the theft
during the time frame of the incident.
Investigators were able to use the ev-
idence to track down Van Dorne, who
was living at her parents’ residence.
Police obtained a search warrant on
April 26 and recovered the stolen jew-
elry and arrested Van Dorne.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
What a blast! ‘Touch a Truck’ fest thrills the kids
Raegan Khorasani. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Jay and Lily Barwick.
BY KERRY FIRTH honor guard truck and patrol car. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 tending with his mom, dad and little
Correspondent “Kids love to honk the horn and brother, disagreed with that assess-
“This is a great family event and it ment. “The garbage truck stinks,”
Honking horns on great big trucks we’ll turn on the lights every so of- gives us a chance to interact with the he said. His favorites by far were the
blasted away at last Saturday’s Touch ten,” said Dep. Fletcher McClellan. preschoolers when they are so im- tractors.
a Truck Family Festival hosted by pressionable.”
the Kindergarten Readiness Collab- Inside the pavilion nearly 30
orative and sponsored by the PNC In all there were more than 40 groups sponsored play areas.
Grow Up Great Program. Thousands vehicles at the event, including a Squeals of laughter ricocheted off
of youngsters and parents showed collection of tractors ranging from the walls as little ones crawled
up at the Indian River County Fair- massive to pint size. Children ran through plastic tunnels, played with
grounds to touch, climb and expe- excitedly from jeeps and buses to a Tonka trucks and building blocks,
rience the thrill of sitting in trucks trolley, and stood mesmerized by and colored to their hearts’ content.
that are normally viewed from afar. the size of huge dump trucks and Bubbles the Clown created balloon
cranes. A moving van filled with animals and several volunteers were
“We are all about civil service and bubble wrap gave youngsters an op- kept busy painting sweet faces. Free
this gives the kids a glimpse of what portunity to make even more noise. books and dental-care bags were
we do,” said Indian River Battalion given to children, and free Starbucks
Chief David Kiernan, as a long line “My kids are having so much fun,” coffee energized the parents. Of
of children waited patiently to climb exclaimed Nicole Hollen, attend- course, many also indulged in snow
into the cab of a firetruck and honk ing with her husband and children cones and ices in the true spirit of an
its emergency horn. “Seeing their ages 7, 5 and 16 months. “I think the outdoor festival.
faces light up is the greatest joy of garbage truck was their favorite be-
the day. This is something they will cause they see it weekly. Now when “We are thrilled at the turnout to-
likely remember the rest of their it comes by they can visualize the day,” said Shannon Maitland, com-
lives.” interior of the cab.” munity engagement manager for
the Kindergarten Readiness Collab-
Children could play the role of po- Three-year-old Max Cathcart, at- orative. “I’m amazed and humbled
lice officers too, by clamoring into at the sheer number of businesses
the Indian River County Sheriff’s and organizations that have come
together to stage this event. No one
is collecting a paycheck today. Liter-
ally everyone is volunteering their
time. We recruited the teen volun-
teers from schools, giving them an
opportunity to earn community
service credit that can be reflected
on their college applications. Most
signed up for a two-hour shift but
they are having so much fun that
they stay all day.”
The Kindergarten Readiness Col-
laborate helps prepare children for
kindergarten in five areas: social/
emotional, physical health and well-
being, cognitive, communication,
and adaptive learning.
For more information, visit krcirc.
14 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Matthew, Julie and Edward Dobriner. Jeremiah and Dee Lewis.
Hudson Alexander.
Maria Berec with Jennifer and Raymond Gellner, and Madison Landers. Norah Guanch, Tagan Davis and Naomi Guanch. Payton and Brian Biegel.
Lindan Greenaway and Leo Karam. Melanie and Colton Eaton.
Genesis Cross and TJ Woolfork. Ashton and Jodee Lillie with Mason Caskey.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 15
Autumn in the Park entices with vendors’ raft of crafts
Bobbie Matus. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Beverly Dillon and Wendy Freshley. Troy Brown and Marylou Bottomley.
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF After shopping their fill, attendees butions. The club’s primary focus is on banks, host a dinner and party for
took a break in the shade to cool off projects that benefit people with brain lower-income senior citizens, vol-
Staff Writer with ice cream, nibble on authentic disorders, but they also encourage unteer at the Firefighters’ Fair, and
Greek fare or treat themselves to sug- leadership development, community participate in the Walk to Remember
Unlike last year, when torrential ary funnel cakes. service and patriotism. and Making Strides Against Breast
rains forced a cancelation of the event, Cancer walks and the Cookies for
Mother Nature christened the 31st an- Local artist Barbara Sharpe said that Proceeds from Autumn in the Park Soldiers program. The group’s an-
nual Autumn in the Park, hosted by the for her, the show serves two purposes – help fund Project Lifesaver, a program nual Pancake Breakfast at the Com-
Treasure Coast Pilot Club, with just a showcasing her work and exposing it to administered by the Alzheimer & Par- munity Center during the Hibiscus
sprinkling of rain this past weekend. a different group of buyers, while also kinson Association of IRC that provides Festival helps fund these and other
supporting the Pilot Club’s mission to radio-frequency tracking bracelets to efforts.
Sandie Davis and Donna Ganley “sponsor worthwhile service projects residents at risk of wandering off. If
were delighted that the two-day juried to improve the quality of life in their that should happen, the transmitters “We’re a group of women dedi-
arts and crafts show at Riverside Park, communities.” help the Sheriff’s Office to locate them. cated to service and friendship,” ex-
an annual fall favorite, was able to re- plained Tammy Bursick, event chair.
turn better than ever, with nearly 100 The Treasure Coast Pilot Club, The Pilot Club also supports stu- “It means so much to me to be able
vendors showcasing their wares from founded more than 20 years ago, is a dent scholarships, Special Equestri- to give back to the community.”
near and far. group of professional businesswomen ans of the Treasure Coast and bike
who support the community through safety. They collect socks for the For more information, visit tcpc.
“We love craft shows,” Ganley ex- service projects and financial contri- homeless and canned goods for food info.
claimed, clutching a cache of purchas-
es. “We come out looking for unique
items; whatever jumps out at us.”
Davis added, “I have four daughters
and I always try to buy them a different
kind of jewelry. This year I found beau-
tiful bracelets made from recycled bits
of glass.”
An eclectic array of handcrafted
items was available for attendees to
peruse – everything from wind chimes
and furniture to jewelry, photography
and fine art. Sui generis finds included
pallet furniture, liquor bottle lamps,
charm earrings, sea glass sun-catchers
and copper yard art.
Much of the artwork was ocean-
themed, featuring flora and fauna
native to the area along with tropical
fish, seabirds and native reptiles. Palm
fronds were painted to resemble local
fish and serene beach scenes were cap-
tured with the stroke of a paintbrush or
snap of the camera shutter.
A touch of shabby chic décor was
prevalent in the offerings, with painted
mason jars and reclaimed wood, wind
chimes and sun catchers crafted from
repurposed chandeliers, candelabras
and vintage pins attracting a crowd.
For nature lovers, there were plants,
shell art, birdhouses and bat houses,
16 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
At Hunt for Hope, a pink-y promise to educate about IBC
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Dr. Holly Hamilton and Sue Skirvin. was moved to start Hunt for Hope
Staff Writer Florida in honor of her friend Dr.
of themselves performing planks, Lori Grennan, who lost her battle
A pink hue settled over Sebastian counting pepperoni, pilfering coast-
recently, as folks set out for the sixth ers, reading books, flossing a team with IBC five years ago.
annual Hunt for Hope Florida, a scav- member’s teeth, playing thumb While combating the dis-
enger hunt designed to raise aware- wars, running through a sprinkler,
ness of Inflammatory Breast Cancer making a sand angel and singing the ease, Grennan founded the
and fund clinical research through National Anthem. first Hunt for Hope in Ohio to
the IBC Network Foundation. help provide funding to the IBC Net-
As each group trekked through work Foundation, which was estab-
Kicking off Breast Cancer Aware- Sebastian, their rosy attitudes be- lished by IBC survivor Terry Arnold.
ness month in a big way, participants lied the seriousness of IBC, a little- Since its inception, Hunt for Hope
popped into local businesses in a known killer. Although considered events nationwide have raised more
rosy flurry, drawing the attention of the most fatal of all the breast can- than $1.1 million, with 100 percent of
passersby with an unabashed dis- cers, IBC receives minimal research the proceeds funding IBC research.
play of pink hair, socks, tutus, boas, funding. IBC is a highly aggressive form
suspenders, fairy wings and beads as of breast cancer that generally af-
they performed more than 60 wacky The message of the nonprofit is fects younger women. This rapidly
tasks during the three-hour scaven- clear: “No lump, still cancer!” progressive cancer is often misdiag-
ger hunt. nosed and/or undetected until it has
Dr. Holly Hamilton, owner of Riv- reached stage III or IV. Left untreat-
Flush with excitement, teams erside Family Dental in Sebastian, ed, the cancer spreads to other areas
with monikers such as the Hakuna- of the body, significantly reducing
Ma-TaTas, IBC Boobie Brigade and survival rates.
Team TaTa visited local venues to “Most of the people that come to
complete as many tasks as possible our events and most of the people
while also educating everyone they that we encounter in the community
encountered about IBC. Teams sent aren’t even aware of IBC,” said Ham-
back smartphone photos and videos ilton, adding that by the time IBC
presents symptoms it’s usually too
late. That’s why awareness and edu-
cation are so important, said Ham-
ilton. “If I can even educate one per-
son, that’s a success for me.”
While cancer survivor Kathleen
Brown said she didn’t have IBC, she
joined the hunt knowing firsthand
the importance of cancer research.
“I am a recent survivor. The best
advice I can give to anybody is how
important early detection and a posi-
tive attitude are to recovery. That’s
what got me through,” shared Brown
of her experience with surgery and
recovery. “I look forward to the day
that cancer has been cured.”
For more information visit theibc-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 17
Kathleen Brown and Angie Stokes. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Jaclyn Addeo, Tambi Cobb, Lucy Brobst and Kelley Smith. Team B.B.M. Moms at Pareidolia Brewing.
Christine Marshall, Jennifer Roberts, Amy Speak, Jessica Ogonoski, Delanie Ogonoski, Front: Randy Miller. Back: Jessica Emert, Cierra Nancy Wilkinson, Alicia Wilkinson,
Alaina Roberts and Kelly Speak (front). Kelly Beuth and Sherrie Beuth. Flores, RIchie Hope, Dylan Gronley and Jessica Baker. Steven Southall and Nicky Talkington.
Front: Katie Rapach and Michael Payne. Back: Stephen Gould, Adam Ogilvie and Rob McKinney.
Don’t get nervous, call Scott Tree Services
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18 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Awe, yes: Island View Cottages ‘reveal’ impresses
Staff Writer
Dr. Neil and Christy Heskel host- Lorne and Jane Coyle with Shelly and Randy Yeager. PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL Christy and Dr. Neil Heskel.
ed Design for a Cause last Saturday
evening, treating guests to a Grand said, ‘That’s the wrong thing to say to Dr. Heskel has been involved with from his 30th trip there.
Reveal unveiling of their new ven- Christy.’ So guess who got it done.” Haiti Clinic since its founding a lit- He explains that in addition to
ture – the stunningly redesigned tle more than a decade ago by local
Island View Cottages in Sebastian, Of the former 12 cottages, two were physician Dr. Dirk Parvus. The clin- conditions such as heart disease,
which will officially open in No- combined into one, a resident home ic operates out of the Haiti Partners diabetes and cancer, they must also
vember. After almost seven decades, for the full-time manager was reno- Children’s Academy and Learning tackle diseases of poverty created
the cottages of the former Ferndale vated, and a garage was converted Center in Baocia and in the slums of by a lack of regular medical care,
Lodge, built in 1949 along the In- into a social room. Cité Soleil, near Port au Prince. fresh water, nutrition and sewer
dian River Lagoon, have been spec- systems.
tacularly transformed by a group “We didn’t want to change it too People receive a wide range of
of über-creative local and national much; there’s so much history in this services at the clinics – staffed with “The kids have worms; this is a
decorators. old place,” said Christy Heskel, a ter- Haitian physicians, dentists and third world. This is real poverty;
ritory manager for gen-E. “The rooms other personnel – including prima- some of these kids are really mal-
More than 200 guests enjoyed hors now are just amazing. They’ve all in- ry, prenatal, pediatric and preven- nourished. I go down there and I
d’oeuvres donated by Sebastian Riv- corporated something that’s Haitian- tive healthcare, vaccinations and say, ‘This is why I went to medical
er Medical Center, kegs of local craft themed, which is really awesome. immunizations, medicines and nu- school.’”
beers donated by Mash Monkeys It’s been a community effort getting tritional supplements, and desper-
and Pareidolia, and music by the ready for this event. It’s been incred- ately needed dental care. He said they envision Island View
nationally acclaimed band Naked ible.” Cottages as another way they can
Blue as they wandered throughout “They saw up to 15,000 people last support the clinic, adding, “I’m ex-
the charmingly renovated property, All money raised at the event will year, so they’re quite busy,” said Dr. cited about it.”
which maintains its old Florida cha- benefit Haiti Clinic, a nonprofit dear Heskel, who just recently returned
risma. to their hearts. For more information visit island- or
“So many people have contrib-
uted to this; it’s the work of a lot
of people,” said Dr. Heskel, a Vero
Beach dermatologist, who was quick
to give credit to his wife. “It was all
her idea to get the decorators in, for
each one to have a room, and to have
this Grand Reveal party for Haiti
He said they took possession of the
property after Memorial Day. “Ev-
erybody laughed and told her ‘You
can’t get this done in four months.’ I
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 19
Kristen Knudsen, Warren Dill and Donna Keys. Doreen Kantzler and Alyssa Hatfield. Gerri Smith, Dr. Laurie Welton and Terry Pryor.
Amanda Johnson and James Witteck. Barbara and Victor Aprea. Sue and Alan Curtis. Lisa and Chad Morrison.
Page Franzel and Allyson Bootes. Rod Mickley and Suzanne Conway. Gene and Jean Cravens. Jeff and Nancy Donner.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Puttin’ on the glitz at Black & White Masquerade Ball
Jennifer Frederick, Nancy Gollnick, Marnie Howder and Barbara Parent. Rene Cox, Michelle Griffin and Marnie Howder. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF “We do this to raise funds for the a result of that abuse. wine tastings, a Jake Owen package,
Staff Writer prevention of child abuse, which is “Locally, we support Youth Guid- diamond earrings, vacation packages
the national project of the Exchange and more.
The Vero Beach Country Club was Club,” explained Nancy Gollnick, ance, Children’s Hibiscus Center,
brimming with glitz and glamour last current president and chair of the CASTLE and Dasie Hope Center; as “The work we do is important. We’ve
Saturday evening at the fourth an- event. According to the American long as a nonprofit has a program that become a family, but it’s more than
nual Black & White Masquerade Ball Society for the Positive Care of Chil- is helping prevent child abuse,” said the camaraderie. It’s about being part
to benefit the various programs sup- dren, a report of child abuse is made Gollnick. of a civic organization that gives back
ported by the Exchange Club of Indi- every 10 seconds in the United States, to the community,” said Gollnick.
an River Foundation. with five children dying every day as More than 100 guests attended the
festivities to help shine a light on the She added that the Exchange Club
reality of the issue, even in our com- also honors veterans and local stu-
munity, with proceeds from the event dents. “We give the ACE (Accepting
supporting programs that assist af- the Challenge of Excellence) Award to
fected youth or that have a focus on its a student that’s had to struggle with
prevention. something but has been able to stay on
track and in school. We give a Student
On the brink of Halloween, guests of the Quarter Award to an outstand-
donned masks of gold and silver, ing student who has accomplished a
black and white and every other color lot in school.”
imaginable, with many elaborately
adorned with feathers, sequins and Upcoming events include a beach
filigree; spotlighting the concept of cleanup on Oct. 27 with students from
‘unmasking’ the nonprofit’s mission Youth Guidance as part of the Na-
to protect children. tional Day of Caring. Then on March 9
you have a chance to throw your most
After dining on a gourmet dinner ‘amaizing’ bean bag toss during the
of filet and shrimp, guests enjoyed an third annual Cornhole Tournament at
evening of dancing to the tunes of DJ Walking Tree Brewery.
Fuzzy and could take on a new perso-
na in the photo booth. Lucky winners For more information, visit exch-
received raffle prizes and others bid
on assorted auction items, including
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 21
David LoPresti with Jan and Joe Binney. Kelly Menger and Judy Landgrave. Kim Prado, Sam LaFevers and April Lesperance.
George Blythe and Sue Dempsey. Travis Whitfield and Haley Macon. Sue Dempsey. Angela Cletzer and Chantel Kouns.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Orchid Island Club fete suits tourney golfers to a tee
BY MARY SCHENKEL Bruce and Laura Carson. Between contributions and volun- the Women’s Open. There’s about 14
Staff Writer teers, easily two-thirds of club mem- championships and each one has its
to 300 invited guests. bers were involved. The membership own personality,” said Marcia Luigs,
The Orchid Island Golf and Beach “The Environmental Learning Cen- was very much behind the effort.” explaining that each venue club has
Club pulled out all the stops last its own committee that is in charge of
Thursday evening with a Welcome Re- ter is the charity beneficiary; all pro- A section in the artfully designed all the local details. “This has been ab-
ception for competitors and support- ceeds in excess will go to them,” said Championship program notes that solutely lovely; everything is in tip-top
ers of the 57th U.S. Senior Women’s Ted Hutton, chair of the Orchid Island their support of the Environmental shape. I think Orchid and the USGA
Amateur Championship. Earlier in host committee. “This has been a Learning Center, which advocates for have done a great job of organizing
the day, some of the 132 competitors, great partnership. It benefits the club, everyone to become active stewards the championship.”
representing six countries and 34 U.S. it benefits the ELC and it gives back to of the environment, ties into the envi-
states, had teed off for some practice the game of golf. The generosity of the ronmental stewardship of the Orchid A Vero resident, Luigs began volun-
rounds, gearing up for the actual tour- Orchid members has been incredible. Island Club, a certified Audubon Co- teering with the United States Golf As-
nament, which began Saturday, Oct. operative Sanctuary, with its conser- sociation in 1985 and, as a highly-re-
6 and ends with the Championship vation, protection and preservation spected rules official, has volunteered
Match this Thursday, Oct. 11. efforts. at innumerable USGA-related events,
from junior championships to U.S.
The setting couldn’t have been more Laura Carson, the only local golf- Opens, including a stint as chair of the
perfect as guests enjoyed the impec- er in the tournament, said she was USGA Women’s Committee.
cable hospitality of the club, mingling looking forward to representing Vero
poolside while relishing a lovely ocean Beach as she competed on the Arnold “It’s like old home week. We get to
breeze, visiting with some delight- Palmer-designed course; her husband see each other every year,” said Judith
fully friendly parrots, and listening to Bruce served as Orchid Island Club’s Lyn Stine of Mesquite, Nev., another
charming Caribbean-style music. Led first director of golf. USGA rules official volunteer. “We
by General Manager Robert Tench, the have a great committee; there’s about
wonderfully efficient food and bever- “It’s just been beautiful; the course 35 of us from around the country.
age staff presented a huge assortment is in excellent shape,” said Carson. “It I’ve been on the committee about 13
of delectable passed and buffet-style will be a good test of golf. It’s going to years; it’s a lot of fun.”
hors d’oeuvres and cocktails to close be a great championship.”
For more information, visit orchidis-
“Every championship has its own
personality, from the Men’s Open to
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 23
Rob Tench, Georgie Hutton, Stephanie Hahn and Ted Hutton. Maryann Ghadiri, Donna and Howard Thrailkill, and Joan Gully. Margaret Kearney, Molly Steinwald and Lesley Lichko.
Patti and Jim Gaede. Marcia Luigs and Carol Hankins. Jeff and Stephanie Pickering. Meg Cavanaugh. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
24 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
And they’re arf! Dachshunds dash in ‘Wiener’ races
BY MARY SCHENKEL PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER working out really well,” said Lynn Dachshunds of all colors and
Staff Writer Anderson. Pareidolia owners Pete coat types competed in the wiener
and Lynn Anderson moved the craft class, vying for bragging rights and
“And we have a wiener!” bellowed brewery last year to the larger facility a Golden Wiener Dog trophy plaque.
Pete Anderson, after one of several on Cleveland Avenue. The new set- So as not to leave out other pooches
heats in the Pareidolia Brewing Com- ting was perfect, with an area large itching to stretch their legs, there
pany’s fourth annual Running of the enough for the straw-lined ‘race was also an open class for all breeds.
Wiener Dog Races last Saturday af- track,’ pockets of tree shade and the
ternoon, to benefit the HALO No-Kill brewery’s dog-friendly deck, where In between heats, folks were en-
Rescue Shelter. people could refresh themselves with tertained by great music by the Se-
food and a cold brew. bastian band The Mixers, as their
“This is our new location; it’s four-legged friends – all on their
best behavior – partook of the tra-
ditional wag-and-sniff ritual with
fellow competitors and accepted
friendly pats from admiring fans.
Some got into the Halloween spirit
early with creative costuming, in-
cluding Great Danes Maddie and
Gator, dressed as colorful hot dogs,
who towered over their short-legged
“The starting gate is new this
year; Jill Jones of the Vero Beach
Dog Park loaned it to us,” said Pa-
reidolia assistant brewer Lee Spitz-
kopf, ready to wield the checkered
flag. He added with a laugh, “they
have to cross the finish line com-
pletely – so they’re going to win by a
tail, not by a nose.”
Animated owners attempted all
variety of coaxing to lure their dogs
down to the finish, often to no avail
as some of the little wieners ran in
circles or off the course completely.
“Come to grandpa!” yelled De-
lainey Ankney, cheering on Tessa, a
therapy dog at the Willow School in
Vero Beach. “It’s her first race and
we’re so excited about this.”
“Pareidolia puts this event on for
us. We need these events to gain
exposure in our community,” said
Jacque Petrone, who founded HALO
in 2005. She brought along two oh-
so-sweet puppies that are currently
being fostered and will soon be up
for adoption. “These are from a lit-
ter of 9 rescued pitties born on 9/11.”
The nonprofit has expansion
plans for a HALO Enrichment Cen-
ter next to its current facility on
Jackson Street in Sebastian, where
she says they will offer high-value,
free to low-cost spay and neutering,
as well as an indoor training center
for the rescues.
“Our builders, architects and en-
gineers have already started on the
plan and we expect to break ground
January 2020,” said Petrone, noting
that the need is great. “We’re get-
ting a big rescue load from the Ba-
hamas next week; 18 are flying in.”
For more information, visit halores- or
26 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
From Sanchez, a ‘collage’ education in sophisticated art
Tim Sanchez needs no introduction
to his Vero Beach public. His paintings,
which comprise expressionist abstracts
with collaged-on elements, as well as
moody landscapes and spare interior
scenes, can be seen in a number of pri-
vate collections in the 32963 area, as well
as a public one; the Vero Beach Museum
of Art added a large Sanchez painting to
its permanent collection in 2014.
“The collectors here have responded
to my work so positively,” says Sanchez.
He notes that demand for his work
– especially his collage paintings – is
associated with the increased sophisti-
cation of art lovers who, like him, have
come to live on the barrier island.
When Sanchez and husband Jim
Haigney moved here from Long Island
17 years ago, a taste for nonrepresenta-
tional painting had not yet been estab-
lished among the art-buying public.
“People looked at art in a more deco-
rative way,” Sanchez says, tactfully.
He attributes the rise in interest in
post-World War II art, from abstract
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 27
expressionism to digital projection, to the brush. Connected Panels.” The paintings were at opposite ends
Vero’s Museum of Art, as well as its con- The painting currently on probation Each of the diptych’s panels was in- of the studio when, says Sanchez, “I
temporary retail galleries. thought, ‘Wait a minute!’ and I pulled
in the bedroom is named “An A and an tended as a stand-alone piece, though them together.”
With affection, Sanchez recalls gal- Arrow” for two collage elements San- Sanchez, who likes to have a few paint-
lerist Martha Lincoln, whose epony- chez has adhered to the painting’s sur- ings in progress at one time, worked on After adding some touches to the
mous gallery was located at 675 Beach- face – a commercially printed arrow the two pieces simultaneously. wider, right hand panel to complete the
land Boulevard (a real estate office now on a rectangle of metal and a similarly visual transition between its serenely
occupies the building). In the early printed “A.” The two were united only after one of open composition and the left hand
aughts, the gallery specialized in works the paintings was all but declared fin- panel’s dynamically active one, the two
by living artists whose oeuvres featured In an old apartment house, an “A” ished; the other was still in progress. paintings became one. “It gives the
bright, impressionistic landscapes and like this one might be stuck on the first viewer a tremendous amount of power
floral pieces. The abstracts sold by the mailbox in a foyer row, while an arrow to be able to look at these pieces (togeth-
gallery had pleasing and clearly defin- would point the way to the nearest fire er) and pull what she, or he, wants from
able subject matter. extinguisher. But this is a painting and, them,” Sanchez enthuses.
although they catch the eye, the sym-
“Martha was very good to me; she bols’ conspicuous placement merely And that is “so much more delightful”
gave me a little show in 2002. She under- announces their superficiality. As in a than the way they started out.
stood my work, but she couldn’t sell it. McGuffin in film (think of that classic
She knew what was marketable in that “Rosebud” in “Citizen Kane”), you are SEE THESE AND OTHER FINE THINGS AT VERO’S FINEST
time and place,” Sanchez says. initially led to believe the story is about COLLECTION OF AMERICAN-MADE ART AND JEWELRY
them, but soon find yourself engrossed
Today, he notes, not only is there more in an entirely different adventure. THEL AUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM 2910 CARDINAL DR.
new art to see in Florida, there are more VERO BEACH, FL
opportunities to buy it. In Sanchez’s painting, the journey 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
begins with a color somewhere be-
That includes the big art fairs in Palm tween salmon pink and paper-bag
Beach or Miami, but also the number of beige. A good deal of the canvas has
contemporary artists right here in Vero been collaged over with translucent
who, like Sanchez, open their studios to plastic sheeting which, in the lacunae
those who not only want to see where between the passages of pigment with
the sausage is made, but purchase it which it has been covered, is still tanta-
fresh off the easel. lizingly see-through-able to an earlier
paint strata.
Sanchez welcomes collectors year-
round to his studio by appointment, The topographical aspect of this
but the annual reception at his seaside many-layered work is enhanced by a
residence is a must-have invitation for patina of age; it appears as though the
cognoscenti who crave the artist’s bold- work has languished for years in an
ly visceral work. On that date, existing atmosphere of dust and soot. Sanchez
clients and collectors intent on buying achieved the effect with an application
their first Sanchez flock to the house, of transparent acrylic gel medium into
which is hung from parlor to pantry which he had mixed crushed particles
with the prolific painter’s recent work. of vine charcoal.
The home’s garage is Sanchez’s studio,
proper. There, stacks of canvases lean For now, Sanchez seems satisfied with
against the walls and a paint-spattered the painting’s current state; it just might
easel holds the latest work in progress. be finished. A visitor gazing upon the
unified complexity of the piece might
One of the paintings currently on wonder how it all began.
display in the master bedroom is hot
from the easel. There is a reason why “I deliberately try not to make the pro-
Sanchez has placed this newest of cess the same, so that the outcomes are
paintings in seclusion. unique and different unto themselves,”
says Sanchez, who is willing to speak in
In the mid-1970s, while working to- general terms about his method.
ward a degree in art education at the
State University College of Buffalo (he “Especially with the non-objective
subsequently received his MFA from abstract expressionist stuff, I will start
Long Island University), Sanchez first with collage, rather than paint. And
experienced the issue of not knowing then I’ll draw on top of that. Sometimes
when to deem a painting “finished.” I will just start drawing with brush or
That’s when his teacher, a recent Yale graphite and see where that takes me,
Art School graduate named Richard and then start adding paint and then
Baumlier, offered Sanchez some memo- adhere maybe collage pieces on top of
rable advice. “He said, ‘Hang it on the that.”
wall and live with it,’” Sanchez recalls.
Leaving himself open to the possibly
And what better way to consider the of change is perhaps the most important
“doneness” of an artwork than to con- part of Sanchez’s non-process process.
front it first thing in the morning (before
coffee, at that) and prior to closing your “This one came rather easily,” he
eyes at night? says of a 4-four-foot tall, nearly 7-foot-
wide abstract diptych he calls “Two
If the work is not finished, the artist
will sooner or later detect the fact. For
example if, after consideration, a col-
or is seen to show itself too proudly, or
to cower when it should be bold, the
artwork is whisked off the wall and
back into the studio for a revisit with
28 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: Hoot and Howl at Riverside’s ‘Oktoberfest Nights’
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA Moon experience centers on a pair of show, there’s always free music and “broad connections to be made with
Staff Writer terrific pianists – this Friday and Sat- lots of food and bevs (full bar) outside the art exhibition’s major themes:
urday, Oct. 12-13, Amy Keith and Ken On the Loop. It’s there, starting at 6:30 artists and artworks.” The film will
1 October is the month when Gustafson – facing off on stage across p.m., that you’ll get a free, live concert. be screened in the Leonhardt Au-
you’re pretty much required to a pair of baby grands. Then you, the This Friday it’ll be the Bob Houston ditorium. Time: 4:30 p.m. Admis-
audience, get to pick the songs. You’re Quartet, an “authentic Oom-Pah-Pah sion: free with museum admission:
Howl at the Moon. Happily, you’ve got always challenged to find one that German Oktoberfest Band.” Satur- adults, $12; seniors, $10; under 17,
these entertainers don’t know, but lots day’s Live in the Loop band Nightfly free. 772- 231-0707.
a designated venue: Riverside The- of luck with that. Their repertoires are will bring “classic rock and roll and
vast. You can choose tickets for either more.” Tickets for the Howl Experi-
atre, going all out with Oktoberfest the 7:30 p.m. or 8:30 p.m. seatings. Pre- ence: $12 to $22. 772-231-6990.
Nights, especially designed for sing-
ing, dancing, laughing, eating, drink- 4 Spend a relaxing, low-key week-
end enjoying art and nature this
ing and – howling. The Howl at the
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Oct.
2 All it takes is one: Reader’s The- 12-14. Sound appealing? If you’re
atre Productions at Vero Beach
not yet familiar with North County’s
Theatre Guild will present the classic rich artistic presence, this would be a
courtroom drama “12 Angry Men” wonderful time to remedy that. The
this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Pelican Island Preservation Society
Audiences will find themselves en- is hosting the fourth annual Indian
grossed as the compelling story un- River Bird and Nature Art Show at
folds on stage in front of the Grand the Sebastian Art Club, adjacent to
Drape: the fate of a 19-year-old man the beautiful North Sebastian Con-
who has just stood trial for murder – servation Area, hosted by the Pelican
the fatal stabbing of his father – is now Island Preservation Society. On Fri-
in the hands of the jury, and, observes day’s schedule: see the pigments fly
a guard, “He doesn’t stand a chance,” during a fascinating, fun-to-watch
he’s going down in what is seen as Plein Air Paint Out, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.,
an “open and shut” case. Then, as followed by an artists’ reception, 6
the clocks ticks inside the bleak jury p.m. to 8 p.m. Then, for you early-
room, one of the 12 begins opening birds, rise and shine and be ready by
the eyes of his fellow jurors to the facts 8 a.m. to join nature activist an scrub
of the case. Show times: Friday, 7:30 jay advocate/expert Jane Schnee on a
p.m.; Saturday, 2 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m. Florida Scrub Jay tour. The wonder-
Tickets: $12.50. 772-562-8300. ful artworks will be on display (and
for sale) Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
3 In conjunction with its pow- and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. You’ll
erful and compelling current
have another opportunity to com-
exhibition “Made in Germany: Art mune with the area’s precious, truly
Since 1980,” the Vero Beach Muse- unique, natural environment at Capt.
um of Art presents a trio of provoca- Hiram’s on Saturday, 5 p.m., when
tive films, the first, “Wings of De- you join the sunset wine-and-cheese
sire” (1987), this coming Thursday, pontoon boat cruise to the Pelican
Oct. 18. The film, explains the pro- Island Willdlife Refuge. Also at Capt.
mo, “explores German social con- Hiram’s, at 3 p.m., Missi Hatfield will
sciousness through imagery and el- provide some historical back story
ements drawn from the real world.” with “National Wildlife Refuges and
There will be a short intro by the the Migratory Bird Treaty – 100 Years
museum’s film studies coordinator, of Conservation.” Sunset cruise: $45.
Diane Thelen, who will highlight 772-202-0697 or 772-494-6306.
30 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Capitals and Wizards owner Ted Leonsis. INSIGHT COVER STORY
One-time Vero Beach resident Ted - Charlie Ebersol Capitals. So when he talks about how
Leonsis was never a big-time gambler. Alliance of American Football founder, legalized sports betting will change the
on his new league’s mobile betting service fan experience, he’s thinking about ev-
An entrepreneur, a businessman, a ery sports league and every sports fan
philanthropist, an investor – but never typically associated with casino-style in Washington. “I think it will be a game in the United States.
much of a gambler. So he’s perhaps an gambling. of skill, just like you can be a day trader
unlikely torchbearer for one of the big- – you can be at Goldman Sachs, making For years, most American sports
gest shifts the sports world has seen in “I liken sports betting more to Wall billion-dollar bets on companies.” leagues have resisted gambling of any
the 21st century. Street. . . . I don’t believe it’ll be consid- sort, scarred by match-fixing and point-
ered a game of chance,” says Leonsis, Leonsis, 61, has the distinction of own- shaving scandals that still stain history
But here he is, with something that the former AOL executive who heads up ing seven professional sports teams, in- books. But in recent years, public at-
feels more like a grand vision than a Monumental Sports and Entertainment cluding the NBA’sWizards and the NHL’s titudes have relaxed, and many of the
high-stakes bet: a certainty that legal- major stakeholders slowly have shifted
ized sports gambling will soon change their stances.
the way fanatics who fill stadiums and
arenas, who wave signs, who slather In May, the Supreme Court effec-
colorful paint on their bodies and tively shut down the federal law that
scream themselves hoarse, will experi- outlawed sports betting in most places
ence live sports. outside of Nevada, allowing individual
states to decide on their own if they
In some ways, it’s inevitable, he fig- want in on the lucrative sports gam-
ures. Society has become more accept- bling business. It’s an industry that
ing of gambling, but that’s almost be- some believe topped $100 billion as an
sides the point because Leonsis – and underground market and some ana-
much of the sports world – is starting lysts think could grow into a $6 billion
to view sports betting as a distant rela- to $16 billion industry, depending on
tive to the dice-throwing, backroom how many states get onboard.
card games and jangling slot machines
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 31
Five states have cleared the way for Many believe legalized sports betting will usher in an influx of statistical information, which bettors will crunch in real time a new professional football league. He
sportsbooks, and more than 20 oth- to make informed wagers. In this scenario, they might consider the shooting percentage of the Washington Capitals’ Lars felt there was an opening in the mar-
ers are debating legislation and could Eller and the likelihood that the Pittsburgh Penguins’ Evgeni Malkin commits a penalty or Justin Schultz has a takeaway. ketplace – a hungry, football-loving
start taking bets in the coming year or audience and certain avenues the NFL
two. As sports gambling becomes more Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban says sports betting will force more people in the venue to focus on the action. and other leagues weren’t exploring.
widespread, it will become increasing- “In order to be effective betting, you have to pay attention to the game,” he says.
ly folded into the fabric of the games When the Alliance of American
Americans love to watch. Fresh off his franchise’s first Stanley Cup championship, Capitals owner Ted Leonsis has some big plans for the future Football launches in February, it will
of professional sports, in which he is deeply invested. include a digital platform that allows
It’s potentially a booming business fans to play a fantasy-type game tied to
that could bolster teams and leagues While there are obstacles to over- which surely will draw the interest and the action on the field, and it will allow
while changing the way even nongam- come, Leonsis’s vision isn’t a far- curiosity of owners and league officials and encourage fans to place real-time
blers engage with the action. If Leon- fetched, distant scenario. In fact, one across the sports world. bets on the action in front of them.
sis’s vision proves true, it will transform professional league is on the verge of
arenas, intellectualize the games and testing the gambling waters next year, Charlie Ebersol saw a huge oppor- “Every single play, you have a 12-
beef up the statistics and data used in tunity when he began brainstorming to 17-second pause at a minimum in
each sport. which you can enter a bet on a play that
has a plethora of potential outcomes,”
Leonsis’s vision is particularly grand. Ebersol says, “bordering on an impossi-
He thinks his 20-year-old arena in bly high number of possible outcomes.”
Washington, the home of the Wizards
and Capitals, in addition to one of his Leonsis loves to note that an aver-
Arena Football League teams, will be age football game has somewhere in
transformed in the near future to an the neighborhood of 10 minutes of
entertainment super-plex of sorts, actual action, giving fans plenty of idle
buzzing with life and action. time between plays.
The arena will open in the morning
and attract crowds during the lunch Ebersol’s team has created propri-
hour, happy hour and every hour in be- etary technology to set real-time odds
tween. The allure: sports betting. Televi- and has partnered with MGM Resorts
sions and betting windows will abound. to host the gambling services on a mo-
“Screens everywhere,” Leonsis says. bile platform. The league begins play in
The area around the arena and in eight cities next year – none of which is
many spaces inside the building will located in a state that currently offers
resemble high-tech sportsbooks, the legal sports betting, so the gambling in
kind found in high-end, Las Vegas- the league’s first season will be done at
style casinos. There will be betting win- brick-and-mortar sportsbooks or via
dows and sporting events from all over mobile in places where fans can watch
the world being broadcast on walls of only on television, such as Las Vegas or
television screens. New Jersey.
The sportsbooks won’t be limited to
traditional wagers – winner, loser, total “We believe we have mirrored the
points scored – but will have a variety social experience of sitting in a sports
of prop bets, and perhaps the biggest bar with your friends or sitting in your
development of all: in-game betting living room with your family,” Ebersol
options. said. “We’ve mirrored that experience
That means fans can bet on specific and socialized it so you don’t leave our
plays nearly in real time. Will the Capi- platform to go to Twitter or Facebook
tals score on the pending power play? or wherever.”
There will be a line instantly. Will LeB-
ron James miss this next free throw? Mark Cuban, the owner of the NBA’s
Fans are a couple of taps away from Dallas Mavericks, also sees teams and
placing a bet. Will the Wizards make a leagues increasingly catering to sports
basket on their next possession? There bettors. He does not think it will de-
will be odds for that, too – and every- tract from the product. If anything, he
thing imaginable over the course of thinks, it’ll force more people in the
the game, potentially keeping fans arena to lock in on the action.
engaged at the times when the action
lulls and games turn dull. “In order to be effective betting, you
Leonsis calls it the “gamification” of have to pay attention to the game,” he
sports, a new reality in which, like the says.
athletes in the spotlight, the fans in the
stands also will find themselves rooted Chris Grove, managing director at
in competition that’s centered around Eilers and Krejcik Gaming, a gambling
the action in front of them, staking research firm, says that group is the
their money on informed speculation target audience – and the ones who
as much as a lucky hunch. will push the industry forward.
“I try not to call it gambling. Gam-
bling to me sounds like rolling the dice, “Sports fans watching a game are the
not knowing what the outcome is,” he most valuably situated consumers from
said. “And gamification, powered by big a sportsbook’s point of view,” he said.
data, you have all of the information
that you need to make a very, very rea- Five months removed from the
soned decision.” Supreme Court decision that struck
down the Professional and Amateur
Sports Protection Act, hints of a new
direction have formed. This season for
the first time, fans who attend a New
York Giants or New York Jets game in
East Rutherford, N.J., for example, can
make wagers from their seat.
32 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
When the NHL season opened ear- Matt Kalish, co-founder and chief sportsbooks. In states that permit mo- just six weeks after launching and is
lier this month, fans of the Golden revenue officer of DraftKings, is one of bile betting, virtually every fan could be easily topping 100,000 each football
Knights in Las Vegas could place bets many who believe the future of sports just a couple of taps away from a wager. Sunday.
from the stands. The team entered into gambling can be held in your hand.
a multiyear agreement last month with Already, 90 percent of gambling ac- Across New Jersey, more than $95.6
William Hill that will allow fans to see and telling them what you want to do,” tivity on DraftKings is coming through million was wagered in August, the
updated odds on the scoreboard dur- says Matt Kalish, co-founder and chief its sportsbook app. It’s averaging latest figures available, accounting for
ing intermissions. revenue officer of DraftKings, “ . . . the 53,000 bets per day, beating the com- gross revenue of $9.1 million – and that
process is slow, and it’s not really con- pany’s projections by 300 percent. It was before the football season began
While Ebersol’s fledging start-up ducive to something like real-time live had already hit 2 million sports bets and other casinos had fully launched
will be active in leading fans to sports betting.” their mobile and online platforms.
gambling opportunities, Leonsis says
he thinks leagues will have to remain Grove estimates that online bet- Nearly every sport has undergone
a step or two removed from the actual ting eventually will make up about 75 a statistical revolution in the past
placement of bets. Third-party enti- percent of revenue for regulated U.S. decade or so. Every part of an orga-
ties and casinos will handle the money, nization, from the fan to the general
but teams will have to beef up the in- manager, is now armed with more in-
frastructure in arenas and stadiums. formation than ever before. But the an-
That’s because tomorrow’s bookie is alytics explosion is only just beginning;
portable, accessible via an app on ev- sports gambling could force open an
ery phone in every purse or pocket. untapped treasure trove of data.
DraftKings built its name on daily Gamblers don’t flip coins; they
fantasy sports but jumped headfirst crunch numbers in ways that casual
into the gambling space this year. The sports fans can’t fully appreciate. And
company partnered with Resorts Casi- leagues will now collect more data
no Hotel in Atlantic City and began ac- than ever as they look to spot betting
cepting mobile bets in August, the first trends and identify suspicious activity.
online sportsbook out of the gate.
All that data will become a resource
Everyone in the industry agrees that for gamblers, too, especially those
the future is mobile, which will allow betting in real time. A Nielsen report,
gamblers to bet on sports in stadiums, commissioned by the American Gam-
on their couches, at their jobs or when ing Association, released last month
sitting at a red light. suggested the sale of league data could
net $30 million per year in revenue for
“If you think about the experience the NFL alone.
of walking up to a teller at a casino
Sports betting will be the meeting
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 33
point of the monetization of that data and potentially place automated bets lic sentiment, they’ve slowly come sis and Cuban – might be first in some
and ramped-up technology. But with with little human involvement. Cuban around. While the NBA and Major areas, but others won’t be far behind.
technology comes concerns. While calls technology the “biggest wild card” League Baseball have been leaders in
algorithms and artificial intelligence that sports betting faces. this space, all the leagues recognize the “As an entrepreneur, I’ve always
will be used to set real-time odds, the potential for new revenue streams and been shocked at how long it takes for
sharps – highly skilled professional A quarter-century ago, every Ameri- new ways to engage with their fans. some of these things to take off,” Le-
gamblers – can run their own models can sports league was adamantly Basketball – and owners such as Leon- onsis says. “And then, once they hit,
against sports betting. Following pub- how fast and how big they become.”
34 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BY DANIEL MORGAN That means 51 people would have understand that many of the tests mild respiratory problems, the test
positive results, but only one would they rely on are deeply fallible. In a does not improve patient outcomes,
Every year, doctors in this coun- really have the illness. So if your study I published last year with sev- and it can lead to false positives.
try order more than 4 billion tests. test comes back positive, your true eral colleagues, we reviewed the treat-
They’ve gotten more sophisticated chance of having the disease is actu- ment of 177 patients admitted to hos- Often, the test shows small lung
and easier to execute as technology ally 1 out of 51, or 2 percent – a heck pitals with a wide range of problems, nodules that can lead doctors to fol-
has advanced, and they’re essential of a lot lower than 95 percent. from broken bones to severe intestinal low up with a high-risk surgical biop-
to helping doctors understand what pain. sy for cancer – which is very unlikely
might be wrong with their patients. A 5 percent false-positive rate is to be the cause of the symptoms.
typical of many common tests. The We found that nearly 90 percent of The scan also exposes patients to ra-
But my research has found that primary blood test to check for a heart these patients received at least one un- diation, a risk in itself; studies have
many physicians misunderstand test attack, known as high-sensitivity tro- necessary test, as judged by the latest found that between 1.5 and 2 percent
results or think tests are more accurate ponin, has a 5 percent false-positive medical guidelines, and overall, nearly of all cancers in the United States are
than they are. Doctors especially fail to rate. U.S. emergency rooms often ad- one-third of all the tests were superflu- caused by radiation from CT scans.
grasp how false positives work, which minister the test to people with a very ous. When patients receive tests that
means they make crucial medical de- low probability of a heart attack; as a aren’t needed, there is a reasonable To be fair, it is not surprising that
cisions – sometimes life-or-death calls result, 84 percent of positive results chance doctors are using the results doctors tend to overestimate the pre-
– based on incorrect assumptions that are false, according to a study pub- to make choices about treatment; by cision and accuracy of medical tests.
patients have ailments they probably lished last year. These false-positive definition, these choices have a higher The companies that provide tests
don’t. troponin tests often lead to stress danger of being flawed. work hard to promote their products.
tests, observation visits with expen- Doctors often think ordering more
The first problem that doctors (and sive co-pays and sometimes invasive In another paper, from 2016, my tests will protect against lawsuits.
thus, patients) face is a basic misun- cardiac angiograms. colleagues and I interviewed more
derstanding of probability. Say Dis- than 100 doctors to gauge their un- There is no simple solution. One
ease X has a prevalence of 1 in 1,000 In one study, gynecologists esti- derstanding of the risks and benefits key step is for doctors to acknowledge
(meaning 1 out of every 1,000 people mated that a woman whose mammo- of 10 common medical tests or treat- the gaps in our understanding and to
will have it), and the test to detect it gram was positive had a higher than ments. We found that nearly 80 per- improve our knowledge of what each
has a false-positive rate of 5 percent 80 percent chance of having breast cent of our subjects overestimated test can accurately tell us. Medical
(meaning 5 of every 100 subjects test cancer; the reality is that her chance the benefits. schools and professional associa-
positive for the ailment even though is less than 10 percent. Of course, tions can also do a much better job of
they don’t have it). women who have a positive mammo- Basic misunderstandings about how educating doctors to understand how
gram often undergo other tests, such tests work and how accurate they are risk and probability work.
If a patient’s test result comes back as an MRI and a biopsy, which can contribute to a bigger problem. Every
positive, what are the chances she offer more precision. But researchers year, many thousands of patients are Patients must also play an impor-
actually has the disease? In a 2014 have found that even after the bat- diagnosed with diseases that they don’t tant role. They should realize that
study, researchers found that almost tery of exams, about 5 of every 1,000 have. They receive treatments they doctors, even quite capable ones,
half of doctors surveyed said patients women will have a false-positive re- don’t need, treatments that may have may not fully understand the statis-
who tested positive had a 95 percent sult and be told they have breast can- harmful side effects. tical underpinning of the tests they
chance of having Disease X. cer when they do not. use. Asking your doctor about disease
Doctors also tend to overuse some probability can reduce hassles and
This is radically, catastrophically Studies have found doctors make tests. In a paper last year, my col- anxiety – and sometimes even save
wrong. Imagine 1,000 people, all with similar errors with other tests, in- leagues and I highlighted some key lives.
the same chance of having Disease X. cluding those for prostate and lung examples: One was computed to-
We already know just one of them has cancer, heart attack, asthma and mography (CT), a high-tech scanning This article by Dr. Morgan, an epide-
the disease. But a 5 percent false-pos- Lyme disease. technology that is increasingly used miologist, which first appeared in The
itive rate means 50 of the remaining in patients with nonspecific respira- Washington Post, does not necessarily
999 would test positive nonetheless. Too many of my colleagues do not tory symptoms. In cases with only reflect the views of Vero Beach 32963.
FLU, PART III EGG ALLERGIES While symptoms may vary from person to © 2018 VERO BEACH 32963 MEDIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Most flu vaccines are produced using an egg- person, whether your cold is caused by a
Influenza (also known as “flu”) is a conta- based manufacturing process and thus con- rhinovirus, an adenovirus, or another type
gious respiratory illness caused by influenza tain a small amount of egg protein called ov- of virus, they will be pretty similar.
viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness, albumin. Egg allergy is rare, affecting about Most people experience:
and in some cases lead to death. 1.3 percent of all children and 0.2 percent of o Runny or stuffy nose
It takes about two weeks after vaccination all adults. People who are able to eat a lightly o Congestion
for antibodies that protect against flu to de- cooked egg, such as a scrambled egg, with- o Cough
velop in the body. The Advisory Committee out reaction are unlikely to be egg-allergic. o Headache
on Immunization Practices (ACIP recom- For those who are allergic, an egg-free flu o Sore throat
mends that people ages 6 months and older, vaccine is available. o Itchy or watery eyes
who have no contraindications, get their flu WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE o Fever (rare in adults but may occur in
vaccination by the end of October. Children BETWEEN A COLD AND THE FLU? children)
ages 6 months through age 8 may need two While both the common cold and flu are There’s still no cure for the common cold.
doses of the nasal spray flu vaccine four caused by respiratory viruses – and symp- But determining whether your symptoms
weeks apart so it’s especially important to toms can be very similar – it’s important to indicate you have a cold or the flu is cru-
get the first dose now. determine which you have. Generally, be- cial. If you think you have a cold, evaluate
If you miss the October deadline, get vacci- tween 5 and 20 percent of the U.S. popula- the symptoms that are bothering you most.
nated as soon as possible. The vaccine can tion gets the flu each year. This is a more Then determine which over-the-counter
still provide protection. Flu shots will be of- serious illness that claims thousands of lives. medication you can use to relieve those
fered as long as the vaccine is available, even SYMPTOMS OF A COLD symptoms.
into January or later. Colds usually develop gradually, are not as Next time we’ll cover symptoms of flu, and
Research indicates that a person who re- severe as flu more.
ceives the flu vaccine and then gets sick with Colds often start slowly. You beginto feel a
the flu is more likely to experience a milder little worn out, next you notice a sniffle, and Your comments and suggestions for future topics are al-
illness than if he or she wasn’t vaccinated. then the full-blown congestion, sore throat ways welcome. Email us at [email protected].
and coughing start.
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38 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Rereading a favorite book is a pleasure and skill, one of can be enhanced by the aptly named ‘chopblock’ of time to read well on those devices or manage time on them.
many that neuroscientist Maryanne Wolf fears we might we are all experiencing, or by 34 gigabytes of anything That requires active guidance from adults in the class-
be losing in this era of screen immersion. In “Reader, per day,” Wolf argues. room and at home. She also wants more (and is involved
Come Home,” she recounts an experiment she did on in) research on how best to support learners, including
herself: She tried to reread Hermann Hesse’s “Magister Wolf sees good reason to be alarmed, but “Reader, people with dyslexia, who are not served by traditional
Ludi,” a novel she calls “one of the most influential books Come Home” veers away from despair over the life approaches to literacy. It’s one of the brightest prospects
of my earlier years.” digital. This isn’t Nicholas G. Carr’s “The Shallows.” Wolf sparked by the digital leap.
thinks (hopes) that a “biliterate brain” will evolve in
Her first attempt did not go well. “My grafted, spas- young humans, who could learn to develop “distinctly Digital technology can perpetuate inequalities as well
modic, online style, while appropriate for much of my different modes of reading from the outset.” She wants as solve them. Not every kid grows up with books in the
day’s ordinary reading, had been transferred indiscrimi- kids to become “expert code switchers,” able to move house; not every kid has access to a computer or the
nately to all of my reading, rending my former immer- among media and from light reading to deep analysis Internet either. And that’s only the first hurdle, as Wolf
sion in more difficult texts less and less satisfying,” she and back again the way bilingual people switch between knows. “Merely having access does not ensure a child’s
writes. Wolf soon tried again, forcing herself to start with languages. We can hope. ability to use digital devices in positive ways,” she writes.
20-minute intervals, and managed to recover her “for-
mer reading self.” Practical interventions will be necessary. Wolf rec- Even as it keeps one eye on the future, “Reader, Come
ommends that early-childhood education continue to Home” embodies some old-fashioned reading plea-
But the vexed question behind the experiment – focus on print materials, with digital devices and les- sures, with quotes from Italo Calvino, John Dunne, Toni
“What would now become of the reader I had been?” – sons added over time. That includes how to code — es- Morrison, Marcel Proust, Elie Wiesel and other illustri-
winds throughout “Reader, Come Home.” sential for learning “that sequence matters,” whether it’s ous word-workers. It unfolds as a series of letters ad-
in a piece of writing or a piece of software – and how to dressed to “Dear Reader” from “Your Author,” a call to
Wolf wants to understand what’s happening to our handle time and distractions. Wolf calls for teachers to remember that books come alive as exchanges between
reading brains at this historic juncture between the old be better trained to use technology effectively in class- writers and readers.
ways and the new. A lifelong book lover who turned rooms. Handing out iPads does not teach children how
her fascination with reading into a career as a cognitive That structure can make “Reader, Come Home” feel –
neuroscientist, she continues to explore how humans in a corny but charming way – like a throwback to an era
learned to do such an astonishing thing as read in the already gone, if it ever existed. Wolf offers a persuasive
first place. catalog of the cognitive and social good created by deep
reading, but does not really acknowledge that the ability
Unlike sight and vision, as Wolf explained in her 2007 to read well has never been universal.
book, “Proust and the Squid,” the ability to read did not
naturally evolve in humans. In her new book she ex- Still, she makes a sound case that if we don’t protect
plores neuroplasticity – the amazing adaptability of our and cultivate what Dunne called the “quiet eye,” we
brains – and sketches out the “neurological circus” set in could not only lose the pleasures of reading but also has-
motion when a reader encounters words. She compares ten the erosion of core democratic values, already under
the many elements that reading sets in motion – vision, siege in American public and private life.
language, cognition – to the interactions among the per-
formers in a three-ring circus. Wolf pushes the analogy In “Reader, Come Home,” Wolf spells out what needs
harder than she needs to, but it does convey a sense of protecting: the knowledge, analytical thinking, capacity
the neurological acrobatics the reading brain performs. for sustained attention and empathy for others inspired
by immersion in books. She’s right that digital media
While neuroplasticity allowed humans to develop our doesn’t automatically doom deep reading and can even
“deep-reading circuit,” she explains, it also makes us vul- enhance it. She’s also correct that we have a lot to lose –
nerable to constant streams of digital input. Clutching all of us – if we don’t pay attention to what we’re doing
cellphones, scrolling through Instagram feeds, browsing with technology and what it’s doing to us.
websites all day, “we inhabit a world of distraction,” she
One of many useful studies she cites found that the THE READING BRAIN IN A DIGITAL WORLD
average person “consumes about 34 gigabytes across
varied devices each day” – some 100,000 words’ worth BY MARYANNE WOLF | HARPER. 260 PP. $24.99
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 39
‘If your life is your sermon, what are you saying?’
BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT see a sermon than is your sermon, or faithfulness? What do others learn
Columnists hear one any day; I’d what are you say- by observing you? What does your life
rather one should ing? Would oth- proclaim?
Years and years ago at a preaching walk with me than ers come away
seminar, the leaders distributed mate- merely tell the way from an hour If poet Edgar Guest is right, we aren’t
rials to those of us in attendance which … I might misun- with you – or a fooling anyone. Our lives’ sermons are
included a warning. We, who were au- derstand you and week or a de- perfectly apparent and quite instruc-
dacious enough to attempt the practice the high advice you cade – and have tive in what they declare about our
of preaching, were given a cautionary give, but there’s no learned humility commitments and our beliefs. Now,
little poem by Edgar Guest to alert us misunderstanding from you by the that may be a little intimidating to
to preaching’s greatest hazard. Here how you act and how acknowledge, because it implies that
is an excerpt of that poem: “I’d rather you live.” way you offer re- every aspect of our lives is potentially
spect and deference revelatory about our deepest and tru-
Yes, there it is. Preaching’s to all those you encoun- est selves. But the potential of our lives
greatest hazard is that it has the ter, regardless of their appar- for conveying matters of enormous
capacity to make obvious the preach- ent rank or importance? Would the importance also means that each of us
er’s hypocrisies. Of course what we say witnesses to your life’s sermon learn is granted a great opportunity. Day by
ought to correlate with what we do, but gratitude from you by the way you day we climb out of bed and into a pub-
sadly the two are not always perfect re- exhibit contentment with what you lic pulpit to speak through our actions
flections of one another. But that’s true have and appreciation for all you’ve about what we think matters most. We
whether we are preachers in a formal received? Would those who witness get to live out the principles and con-
sense or not, isn’t it? And since actions your life’s sermon learn hope from you victions we cherish.
speak so much more loudly than words through your unwillingness to suc-
ever do, our lives are inevitably our cumb to despair in difficult circum- So let’s make it matter. Let’s use
most audible and eloquent sermons. stances? Would they learn compas- the platform our lives offer by con-
When you think of it that way, every sion through your helpful response to veying what we care about clearly
one of us preaches every single day. those who struggle? Would they learn and carefully and well. Or, as St.
patience through your life’s story, or Francis is said to have phrased it:
Have you thought about what you’re perseverance, or kindness, or mercy “Preach the Good News at all times.
preaching by how you live? If your life If necessary, use words.”
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40 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonz leaves happy after meeting Phil and Scrappy
Hi Dog Buddies! Scrappy and Phil. At that point, covered Face. He can open doors, too.
Scrappy took a Once he got in the pantry an ate potato
This week I innerviewed Phil an PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE flying leap and mix, soup mix, an chocolate chip cookie
Scrappy Hopmayer. It was so fun, the landed on Phil, mix. Huge mess. It was delicious. He
time went by super fast. Phil’s a 5-year- nize (an bark at) propeller planes and and they be- stayed in his bed then, too.”
old Parson Russell Terrier, wirey white motor boats. I Can’t Stand motorcycles gan wrestling
hair, very trim, tidy an alert; Scrappy’s or bicycles. An I can run like the wind.” around, pretend- “OK. Scrapman,” innerrupted Phil.
probly about 8, of Mysterious Origin, growling, an roll- “I’m changin’ the subject. I don’t like
cool salt-an-pepper hair that totally cov- “Oh, brother” Scrappy said. ing over an over. thunder. Or that big noisy thing on a
ers his eyes. He looks like an Ewok. They “Well, it’s true!” Just then, a propeller leash Mom pushes all over the floors.
were, like, the dog version of “The Odd plane flew by, an Phil immediately shot “So, fellas, I always attack it an save her. An I bark
Couple.” out to the backyard an started barking what’s your day to remind Mom to GO when the traf-
like crazy. usually like?” I fic light changes. Dad says I’m a Linear
Everybody greeted me an my as- Scrappy innerupted. “Mom an Dad asked in my out- Thinker. I dunno what that even means,
sistant: Phil (Official Spokespooch); would never bring a new pooch into the door voice. but I think it means I can figure stuff out.
Scrappy (Unofficial Spokespooch) and family without consulting me, so they I patrol the bushes for lizards. An we dig
their mom an dad, Lisa an Marc. After arranged a ‘Meet an Greet.’ I brought my The roll- the Dog Park. We hafta stay in the Liddle
Wag-an-Sniffs, we got comftubble by special chewing ball in case he’d like to ing ceased. “Sometimes we go to the Dog side, but I go right up to the fence
the pool. “So, what wouldja like to know share.” beach,” said Phil. “So fun! I rush out into an race the Big Dogs back an forth. I usu-
first, Mr. Bonz?” Phil asked. “ThatWAS really nice,” conceded Phil, the waves an body surf in. I also love our ally beat ’em, cuz I’m so Fleet of Paw. An
prancing back. “We’ve been BFFs ever pool.” dinnertime’s extra fun cuz Mom always
“I usually start with how evrybody got since, even though we’re pretty differ- sings the Doggie Dinnertime song.”
together.” ent.” He looked at his Dad, got the go-
“How so?” I inquired. ahead, then jumped in and began swim- “Hey, Phil,” said Scrappy. “Show Mr.
“Ah cabe FURFT,” Scrappy said, “Well,” Scrappy replied, “I’m just a min’ in circles. “This is great! Come’on Bonz that cellphone thing.”
around a mouthful of tennis ball. good ol’ basic pooch. But Phil’s a Pure- in, Mr. Bonz!”
bred. Hasta know what’s happenin’ ev- Their Mom opened a video on her
“Beg pardon?” ery single second. An SOMEtimes he Being a spaniel, I, too, love the wa- phone of Phil watching a video of him-
He petooied the tennis ball. “I came can be a bit of a Snobnose.” ter, but I was On The Clock. When Phil self on her phone. He jumped into her
first. It started in Mass-uh-choo-sits, “Hey, Scrapman, I just want what climbed out, drippin,’ I could see his lap an watched it intently. When it was
where Mom was at the time. She got me I want when I want it is all. Like, if I’m skin was all spotty, like a Dalmatian. Or a over, he bopped the screen with his paw
at a rescue.” not in the mood for takin’ a walk, why giraffe. Or a cow. It was Super Cool Kib- to start it again. Amazin.’
Phil said, “Then, down here, Mom an should I? After all,” he turned to me, “my bles, an I told him so.
Dad decided Scrappy needed a room- breed originated in 19th century Eng- “Me, I’m way more chill than Phil,”
mate. So they visited the Humane So- land. We were fearless hunters. I come “Confidentially,” said Scrappy, “Phil said Scrappy. “Like, when Mom’s gone,
ciety. This one day, a new bunch of from a long line of VIDs.” can be a liddle mischievous. Like, I no- Phil’s mizz-rubble. Totally Soggy Dog
pooches was being processed: a coupla “Er …” ticed there was a box of chocolates on Biscuits the whole time. I remain cool.
pit bulls, three chihuahuas. An me. My “Very Important Dogs.” the top shelf of the pantry, so I inno- ’Cept if he tries to grab my Antler Chew.
name was even on my liddle cage: ‘Phil.’ cently pointed it out to Phil.” He smiled. Some things are just Off Limits.”
The humane society human told Mom “How was I to know he could get all the
an Dad I’d been wanderin’ around the is- way up there?” He smiled a bigger smile. I was smilin’ all the way home.
land, lookin’ lost. A pleeceman brought “It’s amazin’ how Phil got that box down,
me to the Humane Society, handed me and carefully unwrapped every piece The Bonz
over an said, ‘This is Phil.’ He had no clue of chocolate without leaving a single
what my ackshull name was, an I didn’t toothmark. Don’t Be Shy
remember either. So Phil it was. The
humane society people were surprised “Whenever Phil does something he We are always looking for pets with
nobody claimed me; Mom an Dad think shouldn’t when Mom an Dad are gone, interesting stories.
I was a Pooch of Privilege, maybe even he gets in his bed an doesn’t rush to
a jet-setter, cuz I was healthy, very well- the door with me as usual when they To set up an interview, email
trained and Very Smart. I always recog- return. So Mom knew right away there [email protected].
was Something Up. Sure enough, there
was Phil on the bed with The Guilty Dog
Look, Droopy Sad Ears, an a Chocolate-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 41
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist A Q 10 6 5 4
Andrew Lloyd Webber said, “What strikes me is that there’s a very fine line between Q92
success and failure. Just one ingredient can make the difference.”
Sometimes, that ingredient is being in the right place at the right time, not pure talent. J96542 EAST
In today’s deal, what do you think of the auction, and what should West have led against 10 7 5 K Q 10 3
five diamonds? AK3
North, especially given the favorable vulnerability, might have made a three-heart weak
jump overcall, but that would not have worked well here. South, fearing a bad misfit, 4
would probably have passed throughout. When North passed, East added 3 points for
his singleton and made a game-invitational limit raise. Now South might have bid four no- Q85
trump to show his minor two-suiter, but with longer and stronger diamonds, he chose to
intervene with four diamonds. In a way West did well to bid four spades, because it would SOUTH
have made, but it persuaded South to persevere with five clubs. West doubled that and,
on less firm ground, North’s correction to five diamonds. A
There is a reliable rule: When the opponents are sacrificing, lead a trump. Here, as long 7
as West then wins the first and second rounds of clubs to continue leading trumps, the
defenders will take three club tricks for down one. AKJ863
At the table, West started with a spade. Now declarer played on clubs, eventually J 10 6 4 2
benefiting from the 3-3 break, losing only two clubs and scoring plus 550.
Dealer: West; Vulnerable: East-West
The Bidding:
1 Spades Pass 3 Spades
4 Diamonds 4 Spades Pass Pass LEAD:
5 Clubs Dbl. 5 Diamonds Pass ??
Pass Dbl. All Pass
42 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Overseas (7) 1 Stage when tempers are
5 Poorly (4)
7 Blacksmith’s block (5) lost (10)
8 Insect’s middle (6) 2 Dream (7)
10 Listen! (4) 3 Doing nothing (4)
11 Bitter feud (8) 4 Aromatic spice (6)
13 Wild cat of Central and S 5 Plant with drooping white
America (6) flowers (8)
14 Pointy beard (6) 6 Art; ship (5)
17 In theory only (8) 9 Tender of birds killed for
19 Ice cream holder (4)
21 Adieu (2,4) sport (10)
22 Supply with (5) 12 Exclusive control (8)
23 Separated part of milk (4) 15 Excess (3,4)
24 Jug (7) 16 Pub nag (anag.) (4,2)
18 Canine or incisor? (5)
20 Garment under a shirt (4)
The Telegraph
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nine appear just once
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and three-by-three
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 43
ACROSS 83 Actress Danes 50 75 percent of a thousand?The Washington Post
1 Experiences follicle fallout 84 Inveigles 51 Put ___
6 Agriculture secretary, 1971- 85 Taste
86 His Highness, (act superior)
76 53 Rod Stewart’s ex
14 Determinant in Qatar 54 Reasonable
20 Some income outgo 87 Droves
21 Hardly any 88 Grouses amount of money, work-wise
22 Like a farm animal 89 Yield 55 Insignificant domain
23 Like a farm animal 90 Test the horsepower 57 Oscar-winning animated
24 Just-baked item 91 Cosi fan ___
25 Really groovy? 92 Shakespearean effort short of 1981 (based on
26 Furry favorites 93 Avis predecessor? the sound of a tree being
27 Batch of new furry favorites 94 Bring out chopped down)
28 Prince Harry’s mom 96 Examined 58 Aquatic park features
30 10-10, for one 98 Slangy stadium ticket 60 Body extreme
31 Peel 99 Cassiterite 63 Canadian Indian
32 Garden worry 100 Orpheus’s heartthrob 65 French frigate on which the
33 Galactica’s patriarch 101 Unsettling Statue of Liberty was
34 Uma’s role in The Producers 102 Green coups brought over
35 Actress Gasteyer 103 Made doubly clear 66 Robert’s list
36 Detach, in a way 104 Mix 69 Most in need of TLC
37 The Tin Man’s first request 71 Makes jump
38 Jodie Foster film DOWN 73 Covered in Berber
39 School of whales 1 Strike, euphemistically 74 Smart aleck
40 Bad-tempered 2 ___ to grind 75 Fossil fuel fallout
41 Lengthwise, at sea 3 Way off? 76 Won twice in a row
43 It’s on the fast track? 4 Slow to understand 78 Lair
45 The heart, for one 5 Wilkes-Barre to Philly dir. 79 Super’s concern
46 Kip spenders 6 Extinct horse 81 Cylindrical or slightly
49 “ ’Twas ___ I was born” 7 One more tapering
8 Tommy who played Jeff on 82 First name of the author of
(Shak.) Last Flight
50 Veteran Lassie 84 Judge who
52 Run off, in a way 9 Like our ears became the first
53 Throws in 10 Winter comment commissioner of baseball,
55 Make hard 11 Salt Lake City athlete Kenesaw Mountain ___
56 1970 Beatles hit 12 Poppycock 88 Female students, in old lingo
57 Staff symbol 13 Concerning sky signs 89 Unrelentingly severe
58 “Hey you” reply 14 The French Connection 91 Flag
59 Meat on a stick with 92 Terrier island
costar 95 Klink’s rank: abbr.
Thai peanut sauce 15 Bluish-green 97 Esposito teammate, once
61 Arrived home? 16 Set shout 98 Ball celeb
62 Indy sight 17 Gossip
64 “Heav’n” has one 18 Beyond the Horizon WHITE OPEN SPACES By Merl Reagle
66 Mother of Zeus and
playwright THE Art & Science
Poseidon 19 Announcement after a card
67 Have ___ the ground of Cosmetic Surgery
68 What “I wouldn’t be” foul-up
69 Singer Johnny’s boy 27 Woolly SPECIALTIES INCLUDE:
70 Places for WACs to relax 29 Start of a famous • Minimal Incision Lift for the
72 The King James, for
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example: abbr. 33 Gauge reading at a gas • Breast Augmentations
73 Era of the Cuban Missile
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Crisis 34 Like Schubert’s Eighth • Post Cancer Reconstructions
77 Consoling words 36 Addicts • Chemical Peels • Botox
79 The going price 37 Vigor • Laser Surgery • Tummy Tucks
80 Water cooler 41 Certain chocoholics • Obagi Products • Liposculpture
81 “The Miller’s” or 42 Fighting, perhaps • Skin Cancer Treatments
44 Cardinal memento
“The Monk’s” 45 Smoke shapes
47 Old region of Africa
48 Went over the limit
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44 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
No college pals to replace those from high school
BY CAROLYN HAX out less to old ones, then you wouldn’t have been re- are possibly depressed. Certainly each can cause the
Washington Post jecting them – right? You’d merely have been living in other.
your moment, just as they’re now living in theirs.
Hi, Carolyn: So I urge you to go to your school’s health services
I graduated from high school So the issue you face is, again, not that your old to set up a depression screening and/or session with
with a close-knit group of friends friends don’t make an effort or that you’re an idiot or a counselor. Tired, empty inside, sad, no desire – ev-
who were all going to different col- anything else: The issue is just that you didn’t get any ery one of these is a symptom, and every one, there-
leges. We tried to be realistic about social traction at your school. It also sounds like you fore, has the potential to improve with treatment.
being separated and busy in the
coming year, but were going to stay friends despite it. Concurrently, please put some things in your
During my freshman year, I only interacted with schedule that force you to interact with people in a
one girl semi-regularly. No one ever made the effort nonacademic context. Make yourself go. In my ex-
to contact me, although they responded when I did, perience, volunteer groups are the most welcoming
and eventually I got tired of doing all the work. and have the lowest barriers to entry, plus you get
I just feel like such an idiot, because everyone to feel a little extra yay-me boost for doing some-
says this happens, but I’m so sad. I never made any thing useful. But if there’s something centered on
friends my first year of college, so I often went for physical activity (running, dance, yoga, intramural
days without speaking to someone. I don’t even have anything) then that would bring the added benefit
the desire to make new friends anymore. I’m tired, of a natural depression fighter. Exercise is clutch.
and I feel empty inside. Is there a way to make this
hurt less? And, if it doesn’t backfire on you, keep placing
. occasional calls to the high school friends; if they’re
– Feeling Let Down receptive to your presence in their lives, then it’s
OK to decide that’s enough. Plus, if you spread the
Feeling Let Down: I’m sorry. It sounds like you fell calls around, then you could conceivably not talk
into a crack during a normal transition, drifting away to any single one of them more than once a month
from high school friends but not toward new college or two – hardly clingy – and yet have someone to
friends. talk to once or twice a week. Potentially a huge dif-
ference as you work your way toward better social
I can see how that would hurt. But your old friends health.
aren’t rejecting you, per se. If you had made new col-
lege friends last year and therefore, naturally, reached But do start with the health service, and let your
adviser know you’re struggling. Use the supports
available to you and be patient (with yourself es-
pecially) as they do their work.
46 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Surgeons favoring tourniquet-free knee replacements
BY TOM LLOYD orthopedic surgeon Dr. Kenneth
Staff Writer Sands has seen more than his share
of traumatic bleeding after spend-
Everybody has heard of tourni- ing more than a dozen years as a U.S.
quets. In cases of traumatic bleeding Army surgeon.
a tourniquet can save your life.
That said, Sands has also spent the
In a total knee replacement proce- past six years performing “total knee
dure, however, there’s now ample ev- arthroscopies” or knee replacement
idence that tourniquets may actually surgeries at a rate of close to 60 proce-
do more harm than good. dures a month and, as he puts it, “one
of the things we are doing now that’s
Sebastian River Medical Center
different is something called tourni- cedure,” Sands explains, “we’d put
quet-less total knee replacements.” a tourniquet on the thigh to de-
crease blood loss during the opera-
Bucking a more than half-cen- tion. That’s been standard care for
tury-old formula, Sands and many 60-some-odd years.” But Science Di-
other orthopedic surgeons have now rect’s Seminars on Arthroplasty says
turned to the tourniquet-less tech- “we have encountered no difference
nique to help speed recovery times in blood loss or transfusion rates” be-
and allow patients to comfortably tween the two approaches.
leave the hospital in less than 24
hours after surgery. Sand then adds, “the downside of
using a tourniquet is, patients end up
“In a traditional total knee pro-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 47
having a lot of thigh pain after the op- HEALTH
eration. If you have a lot of thigh pain
after the operation, that tends to de- ment patients could only expect
crease your ability to [start on] your their prosthetic implants to last 10 to
physical therapy.” 15 years, but Sands flatly states that
“now we can confidently tell people
The National Institutes of Health [their implant] will probably last
agrees. It says that in clinical trials them 20 to 25 years.”
comparing patient outcomes with
and without tourniquets, “patients Dr. Kenneth Sands is with the Stew-
in the non-tourniquet group showed ard Medical Group and also has offic-
a better outcome in all knee replace- es in Melbourne at First Choice Medi-
ments and better early knee range of cal Group at 709 S. Harbor City Blvd.
motion.” In Vero Beach he is at 1715 37th Place.
The phone number for both locations
And then there’s the pain factor. is 321-725-2225. He performs hip and
NIH also states “postoperative pain knee replacements as well as other or-
and analgesic consumption were less thopedic procedures.
when a tourniquet was not used.”
That “analgesic consumption” line
is, in many ways, just as important as
the pain reduction.
As Kinamed Corporation, a de-
signer and manufacturer of implants
and instruments for orthopedics and
neurosurgery puts it, “the ability to
reduce opioid consumption is signif-
icant since opioid addiction has be-
come a national crisis and protocols
that result in reduced patient pain
are highly sought after.”
For that reason, Sands and his col-
leagues are adjusting how they treat
pain, as well as how they perform
knee replacement operations.
Instead of relying strictly on opi-
oids, Sands says, “we use this special
cocktail that we inject into the pa-
tients. It helps control pain post-op-
eratively so that patients actually feel
good the next day and they want to go
home. It [also] cuts down on some of
the post-operative nausea that makes
many people want to come back into
the hospital.
“It’s a combination of different
medications,” Sands continues, “that
they’ll get during the operation and
then there’s also some medication
that they’ll get prior to the operation
to cut down on pain receptors.”
Simply put, using fewer and lower-
dose opioids combined with other
medications substantially reduces
the risk of post-operative addiction.
The overall goal, according to
Sands, is just as simple. “We want to
get people back to just being active.
Like I said, the surgical techniques
that we’re using nowadays, removing
tourniquets, using the analgesic cock-
tails, all of those things are assisting a
lot people to get back sooner.”
How soon?
According to Sands, “most of our
patients here only stay for 23 hours.
With making some of these changes,
if you came in to have your surgery
done on Monday, you would usu-
ally leave on Tuesday afternoon. And
that’s for 95 percent of the patients.”
Finally, Sands can’t resist adding one
more piece of positive information.
In the recent past, knee replace-
48 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Shot of confidence: Why this flu vaccine may work better
BY TOM LLOYD Dr. Aisha Thomas-Cyr.
The Florida Department of Health
is adamant. Everyone should get vac-
cinated for influenza by the end of
this month.
Infectious disease specialist Dr.
Aisha Thomas-St. Cyr at Sebastian
Infectious Disease Care and Steward
Health agrees wholeheartedly with
the FDH, saying “yes, I recommend
everyone – 6 months of age and up –
get vaccinated.”
Let’s start with this: According to
Dr. Robert Redfield, the director of
the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, some 80,000 Americans
lost their lives to the flu last year.
That’s the highest death toll in this
country in more than 40 years.
Also, this year’s vaccine is expected
to work better than last year’s.
The 2017-18 flu shot was only about
26 percent effective against last sea-
son’s dominant influenza strain, the
H3N2, but Thomas-St. Cyr says that
“this year’s vaccine will be a better
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 49
match than last year’s.” spray. portant, “because as you age, your tee you won’t be affected by the flu?
Additionally, after a two-year hia- Seniors have even more options for immune system may weaken and is No.
not as powerful, so giving you more Some flu viruses may not appear
tus, the FluMist nasal spray is back the 2018-19 vaccine. of the antigen would make you react
on the market, providing another As Thomas-St. Cyr explains: “Age more and make your immune system or begin circulating until well into
option for protecting your health. In rev up.” the flu season, long after the vaccines
fact, the FluMist may actually have over 65, you can get a special high dose have been formulated and distribut-
an edge over the shots this year. vaccine. It pretty much has four times Does getting the 2018-19 flu vac- ed. Still, the CDC says if you are vac-
the antigen as the regular vaccine.” cines provide a 100 percent guaran- cinated, you’re likely to have a much
The current process for producing less virulent reaction to any such new
shots requires the flu viruses to be That, she continues, can be im- strain and that, alone, could save
grown in eggs, per FDA regulations. your life.
In the 2017-18 shot, that turned out
to be a problem. Last year’s H3N2 And speaking of saving lives,
strain may well have packed such Thomas-St. Cyr strongly urges every-
a deadly punch because it is one of one to go online to and
a handful of flu viruses that grows check their Adult (or Children’s) Im-
poorly in eggs. munization Schedule.
FluMist nasal spray, however, uses You, your children or even your
a live, inactive virus, not one grown grandchildren may have gotten im-
in eggs. munization shots years ago for any
number of life-threatening disease
Because of that, Thomas-St. Cyr and felt secure ever since, but you
believes this year’s spray may repre- could well be due for a booster.
sent “a more natural immunity. It’s
what we find in nature rather than Thomas-St. Cyr suggests checking
when it grows from an egg culture, the CDC website right before your
so they think it might be a little more next annual wellness exam because
effective.” sometimes booster shots are “the last
thing” a busy primary care physician
This year’s nasal spray contains is likely to think about.
the same four flu viruses as the flu
shots: an influenza A (H1N1) virus; Dr. Aisha Thomas-St. Cyr is at Se-
an influenza A (H3N2) virus; and two bastian ID Care at 7955 Bay Street,
influenza B viruses – the B/Colorado Suite 2, directly south of the Sebastian
and B/Phuket. River Medical Center. The phone is
And, no. You can’t “catch the flu”
by getting the shot. Or inhaling the
Every 11 seconds, an older
adult is in the emergency room
due to a fall, and every 19
seconds, a fall results in death.
Carol DeFazio, MSOTR, a certified
occupational therapist for 21 years,
specializes in balance, strength,
and fall prevention. Carol is also a
certified provider of the LSVT BIG for
Parkinson’s disease.
Services are covered under
Medicare Part B and are
provided in the privacy of
the client’s home.
Life Enrichment & Wellness
Promoting Independence & Graceful Aging
For more information, or to schedule an informational
seminar in your community please contact me at:
Carol DeFazio, MSOTR Phone (772) 208-8662
Occupational Therapist Fax (772) 365-0217
Senior Wellness &
Fitness Specialist
email: [email protected]
50 Vero Beach 32963 / October 11, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Shake up your breakfast routine … with dinner
BY CASEY SEIDENBERG March birthday and dreams about
The Washington Post matching family Halloween costumes
that would make her brothers cringe;
My teenage boys don’t need Taco they won’t want to dress as unicorns.
Tuesday or Wacky Wednesday to make But even the most mature or jaded of
meals interesting. They are generally us can get behind a playful concept
so hungry when they get home from once in a while.
football practice they just want to eat,
and right away. But my second-grade Our recent family favorite is Back-
daughter loves a good theme. She al- ward Day. We serve dinner for break-
ready has nine possible motifs for her fast and breakfast for dinner. And
frankly, this flip thrills everyone. My
daughter relishes the theme. My boys •Grits with a fried egg and cheese
get to eat some of their favorite foods. (shrimp is a great addition)
I appreciate that my kids head off to
school having consumed a healthy Of course, these hearty breakfast
and hearty breakfast, and everyone meals would work better in the morn-
seems a little more relaxed at the ta- ing than the doughnuts, muffins and
ble when I serve breakfast for dinner. cereals Americans usually reach for.
There is nothing wrong with making But a hearty breakfast doesn’t have to
mealtime fun. be confined to the traditional Ameri-
can paradigm.
There are abundant breakfast-for-
dinner ideas. My in-laws overachieve So, consider. Sometimes a bowl of
by serving eggs Benedict and cham- steaming chicken noodle soup is more
pagne every Christmas Eve. If you comforting on a cold morning than
don’t have time to whip up a hollan- yogurt just out of the fridge. Leftover
daise sauce on a Monday night, no spaghetti and meatballs might better
sweat, breakfast foods can be some of suit the palate and hunger level of a
the simplest and cheapest to make. quickly growing teen than a bowl of
cereal. Eating such a hearty meal can
Here are some ideas: also help if your child’s lunch hour is
•Hash: use leftover salmon, sausage on the late side. Most of these dinner-
or beans, and veggies for-breakfast ideas will keep a child
•Avocado toast full a lot longer than a pancake.
•Eggs any way: quiche, frittata, cas-
serole, egg sandwiches, egg bake Here are a few to try:
•Breakfast burrito or quesadillas •Grilled cheese and tomato soup
•Omelet waffles (mix omelet ingre- •Chili and a corn muffin
dients and pour into a waffle maker) •Quesadilla, burrito, or taco with
•Oatmeal: top with a fried egg or fillings of choice, including guaca-
nuts and seeds mole
•Pizza: top with sausage, egg and •Fried rice with leftover chicken or
cheese eggs, and vegetables
•Tofu scramble •Black beans and rice
•Waffle tacos: wrap ingredients of •Risotto
choice into a folded waffle (a big hit in •A polenta bowl with vegetables and
our house) cheese
•Fried chicken and waffles •A baked potato with toppings of
•Smoked salmon and tomato slices choice
on bagel •Leftover lasagna
•Oatmeal, almond flour or sweet •Leftover pizza (toss a fried egg on
potato pancakes top)
•Pancakes with cheddar and scal- • There is also nothing wrong
lions (or another savory combination) with a burger for breakfast or a
•Ham and cheese crepes sandwich of any kind, and it doesn’t
•Steak and eggs have to be of the sausage, egg and
cheese variety.