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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-06-15 15:56:53

06/16/17 ISSUE 24


June 16, 2017 | Volume 4, Issue 24 Newsstand Price: $1.00




MY TAKE Vero Beach Wine and Film Fest New delay in
sale of INEOS
BY RAY MCNULTY Another successful Vero Beach Wine + Film Festival wrapped up over the weekend. See story on Page 10. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD ethanol plant

Andy Capak recovering TIME MAY HAVE COME TO CONSIDER PAID PARKING By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer
from Grove bar shooting [email protected]
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer more attention to the issue,” be the only way to ensure the
Janet Capak said her broth- [email protected] Vero Beach City Manager Jim necessary turnover of available West Palm Beach-based Alli-
er’s recovery is progressing well O’Connor said. “We’re certainly spaces, especially along Ocean ance Bio Energy is still hopeful that
– which is saying plenty, con- The planned construction of looking to address it, and we’re Drive. it can purchase the defunct INEOS
sidering that just 2 1/2 months a new, 143-seat restaurant along exploring our options.” Bio ethanol plant west of Vero this
have passed since he was shot Ocean Drive has made the Cen- It likely will be the last option summer, but the timeline Alliance
four times outside his down- tral Beach business district’s One of those options is paid considered, however. CEO Daniel de Liege had projected
town pub. parking shortage the talk of the parking – a suggestion that has for opening the doors and employ-
town. been rejected by city leaders “That’s the feeling I get,” Vero ing local people to make ethanol is
“Physically, Andy is doing for years but, ultimately, might Beach Vice Mayor Harry Howle now on hold.
fine,” Capak said last week. “He “It’s definitely brought a lot
was in the hospital for about a CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 De Liege had upped his sealed
week, then he stayed with my offer for the plant twice in an ef-
parents for three weeks before fort to avoid an open bidding war,
going home. but that strategy may not have
achieved its goal.
“He’s been through a lot and
he’s still got some work to do, Instead, ArborOne Bank, which
but he’s getting there,” she add- holds title to the shuttered ethanol
ed. “He’s limping a little, but he’s production facility, “decided to test
up and about, doing stuff at the the market and conduct a request
bar again. He chose not to go for proposals that is due by close of
to physical therapy. He said he business June 13th,” de Liege said,
wanted to do it on his own. noting that the brokers and bank
have been very gracious through-
“He’s actually doing it right out the process and that he’s not
now.” bitter about the business decision.

Capak said her brother, a “We resubmitted an official offer
2003 St. Edward’s School gradu- under this RFP with details of our
ate, spent last week fishing with plan to reopen, build a technology
friends in the Bahamas. incubator with UCF and put up-
wards of 150 people back to work,
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 soon,” de Liege said. “We under-
stand that as of last week there was
INSIDE interest from a few other groups
that want to scrap the facility and
NEWS 1-12 PETS 18 sell off the land and assets but no
DINING B6 hard offers had been submitted at
HEALTH 13 GAMES B12 that time.”
REAL ESTATE 19 Alliance has been raising tens
B1 of millions of dollars in capital to
ARTS help convert the plant and hire
skilled workers to run it. It also
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 Educator who knows Gifford Middle returning as principal plans to continue research and
For circulation or where to pick up development efforts in search of
your issue call: 772-226-7925 By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer
[email protected] CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
Gifford Middle, the troubled mainland school where
many island 6th-, 7th- and 8th-grade children are educat-
ed, has a new leader.

Indian River County School District Superintendent Dr.
Mark Rendell said he “personally went and asked” Tosha
Jones to be the next principal of Gifford Middle School be-


2 June 16, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MY TAKE Capak said her brother told her his him in the abdomen.” His spinal column escaped unscathed.
memory of the shooter wasn’t clear, Upon arriving at the hospital, infor- Two of the four bullets entered and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 “even though he was looking straight exited his body. What happened to the
at the guy.” She said her brother recalls mation was scarce. With police inform- two bullets that hit his abdomen, howev-
As for her brother’s psyche, however, seeing the shooter and his companions ing Lawnwood officials that the shoot- er, remains a mystery to doctors, Capak
Capak said he’s still traumatized by the in the bar. He even remembers what they er was still at large, the place went into said.
shooting, which occurred minutes be- ordered. lockdown. “They couldn’t find the bullets in his
fore 2 a.m. March 31, when he tried to body, and they couldn’t find where they
break up a fight just outside The Grove, But once he began trying to break up So when Capak asked about her broth- came out,” she said. “They have no an-
the 14th Avenue bar he co-owns. the fight, his mind became fuzzy. er and his whereabouts, hospital officials swer. That’s something that could come
wouldn’t tell her. She was told the lock- back to haunt him later.”
“He has a long way to go in dealing “Going through something like that, it down policy prevented staff from provid- Capak said her brother lost a lot of
with the trauma,” she said. “Like most would behoove him to work with a trau- ing information about shooting victims, weight and muscle mass – especial-
men, he doesn’t want to think about it. I ma counselor,” Capak said. even to victims’ families, unless the visi- ly in his abdomen – after the shooting.
took pictures of him in the hospital, but tors had a secret security code. Though he has added some weight, he’s
he hasn’t even looked at them. “I know it’s going to take time for him still rebuilding his core strength.
to be able to fully confront what hap- “We had to get the secret code, which For that reason, she said, it might be a
“He’s looking forward, not backwards.” pened, but I really think some counsel- was a hellacious experience for our fam- while before customers at The Grove see
Contacted via text message last week- ing would help.” ily,” Capak said. him working behind the bar.
end, Capak’s brother Andy declined an “He’s not bartending yet,” Capak said.
interview for this column, saying he was That said, Capak said she’s thrilled “I understand why they need to pro- “He’s gone back to work on a part-time
“tired of seeing articles about The Grove her brother has come this far this quick- tect victims, but it took me 2 1/2 hours basis, but just fixing stuff and doing odd
shooting in the papers” because it was ly. She still vividly remembers the wee- of fighting with people to get the code. jobs. Standing for a long period of time
“not good for my business.” hours phone call from his fiancée, Tiffani Nobody would give it to me, and I’m an might be a problem until he gets his core
In fact, Capak said her brother doesn’t Atteo, who told her he had been shot. attorney. strength back.
remember much about the incident, and “But that’s his business,” she added.
she wasn’t sure how much help he has Bad as that was, Janet Capak’s night- “Andy has some important friends “He’s planning on coming all the way
been able to offer Vero Beach police de- mare was just beginning. down there,” she added, mentioning St. back, and his workers want him to re-
tectives, who, as of Monday, still hadn’t Lucie County Sheriff Ken Mascara and turn. Did you know his staff actually
arrested anyone in connection with the First, she called her mother to deliver Southern Eagle Distributing President saved his tips from that night?
shooting. the shocking news. Soon, she was driving Phil Busch. “I know my brother . . . He’s not going
“He remembers the gun going off,” she to Lawnwood Regional Medical Center’s to shy away from it.”
said. “He said it felt like he was shot with Trauma Unit in Fort Pierce, fearing the “But until I got that code, all I could And for those wondering: Yes, he still
a blank, because he was still standing. He worst and not knowing what to expect. find out was that Andy was in the build- plans on getting married, though a new
thinks that’s why the guy shot three more ing somewhere.” wedding date has not yet been set.
times – because he didn’t go down after All she could do was hope the gun-
the first one.” shots weren’t lethal and that doctors Capak said her brother underwent two
would save her brother’s life. He was, af- major surgeries to repair damage to his
ter all, only 31. And his wedding day was colon, intestines and “pelvic area.” He
just a week away. was shot twice in the abdomen, once in
the thigh and once in the pelvic-groin
“Did I think we could lose him?” Ca- area.
pak said. “Absolutely. Two of the shots hit



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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
Zahner, Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Tom Lloyd, Ray McNulty, Sa-
mantha Rohlfing Baita, Kathleen Sloan, Columnists: Claudia Balint, Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Siobhan
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925

6 June 16, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

Add beauty and NEW GIFFORD PRINCIPAL she’s positive, but there is little fol-
natural light to your low-through,” said the last.
Jones was most criticized for lack of
in about an hour! cause she fit his “ideal requirements.” communication.
Teachers are the most important
• Glass patterns • Patio & Sliding There were eight written respons-
for every style Glass Doors factor in a child’s learning environ- es to the prompt, “This administrator
and budget ment, Rendell said, but the principal is uses appropriate verbal and written
• Framed / the second most important factor. communication skills when presented
• Customize to Frameless with various situations,” and only one
your style Shower Units Rendell introduced Jones and was positive, if vague: “In my expe-
five other new-principal hires to the rience with Tosha, she has been very
• Impact Glass • Etching School Board at a special meeting last professional,” one teacher said.
• Wood Interior/ • Schlage & Other responses included these:
Exterior Doors Fusion Hardware He said he wanted someone with “Lack of communication is the big-
experience as a principal who knew gest issue. Emails go unanswered,
• Fiberglass • Mirror Wraps the school, including its staff, as well concerns are ignored. I feel like I don’t
Doors as the Gifford community. know what is going on. This has been
brought to Ms. Jones attention and her
463-6500 Jones said she started her teach- response was: If everyone would read
Regency Square ing career at Gifford, teaching for five her emails, their questions would be
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart years and serving as assistant princi- answered.”
pal for 10 years. For the past two years
Licensed & Insured she was principal of Storm Grove Mid- “Email is often full, so gets returned.
dle School, which she said “has been a Very often, responses to emails aren’t
true, hit-the-ground-running learning made. There is a lapse or lack in com-
experience, which will be invaluable munication and it is significant.”
when I return to Gifford.”
During Jones’ first year at Storm
Last month Rendell fired five-year Grove the school dropped from an A to
Principal Roxanne Deck-
er without giving reasons to a B school, according to the district’s
the public. He also pushed “School Report Card.”
out Assistant Principal James
Monds. Parent participation in the school’s
“satisfaction” survey was 8 percent –
Gifford teachers were too low to record results – which re-
harshly critical of Decker last quires 20-percent participation.
year, complaining about her
leadership style and disci- Attendance by the school’s 905 stu-
pline problems at the school. dents dropped from nearly 97-percent
The school lost more than 30 daily attendance the prior year to 93.5
percent its teachers during percent.
the 2016-17 school year, a shocking
percentage compared to the average However, the Florida Standards As-
teacher turnover rate at other schools, sessment results under Jones were
which the district pegs at eight per- above the state average and rose
cent. during her two-year tenure at Storm
Because of the exodus, Jones will
need to fill 17 teaching positions be- The English Language Arts score for
fore school starts in the fall. the whole school was a 57 percent pass
rate compared to the state’s 52 percent
Jones got mixed but predominant- in 2016.
ly favorable reviews from teachers at
Storm Grove Middle School, according In math the school did even better,
to the teachers’ union survey, which is with 64 percent passing compared to
administered in May each year. the state’s 56 percent.

At the end of her first year as prin- Eighth-grade English Language Arts
cipal in 2016, 23 of about 50 teachers scores are deemed critical for future
at Storm Grove responded to the sur- academic success. In 2016, 62 percent
vey. Of those 23, six said Jones “always” of 8th-graders passed the ELA com-
supported teachers in their efforts to pared to 61 percent the year before.
discipline students who were out of Improvement continued this year with
order. Nine others said Jones was “of- 65 percent of Storm Grove’s 8th-grad-
ten” supportive, while five said “some- ers passing the ELA compared to the
times” and one said “rarely.” state’s 55-percent pass rate.

Of the five written comments, two Jones did not respond to a request
were favorable, reporting that Jones for an interview. 
was “approachable” and “receptive
and offers fair and immediate disci-
plinary action.”

But three comments were nega-
tive. “Discipline is horrible,” said one.
“Seems to be strongly influenced by
parents and sometimes teachers feel
they need to defend themselves,”
said another. “When she is available,

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS June 16, 2017 7

Sheriff, deputy cleared in 2015 death of prisoner

By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer brooks found that there was “no evidence with CPR that day are to be commended.” security camera in the hallway connecting
[email protected] from which a reasonable jury could find” Sharkey could not be reached for com- the holding area to the sally port shows
that Sharkey: Sharkey walking back into the holding
A federal judge has ruled there was not  Acted in “bad faith or with malicious ment. area only 14 seconds after the sally port
enough evidence to support allegations purpose” or “took any actions with evil in- Martinez, who was charged with three video froze.
of negligence or insufficient training in a tent toward Martinez.”
wrongful death lawsuit filed by the ex-wife  Used “physical force” against Marti- counts of aggravated assault in April 2013, “When the sally port video resumes, the
of a 37-year-old Vero Beach man who died nez, “attempted to injure” him through was out on bail 25 months later when Cir- door of the front compartment of the van
in police custody two years ago. his driving, or made any stops during the cuit Judge Robert Pegg revoked his bond was closed with Martinez inside,” Mid-
eight-minute drive to the jail. for contacting the victim in the case. dlebrooks wrote. “The holding area video
U.S. District Court Judge Donald Mid-  Acted with “wanton and willful disre- shows that no person went into or out of
dlebrooks, who previously dismissed three gard for Martinez’s rights or safety,” or that Remanded back into the custody of the sally port via the holding area, and no
of the seven counts in the lawsuit, issued the deputy “drove in a manner that would the Sheriff’s Office, Martinez was still in inmate exited the van, during the time
a summary judgment order in favor of the put an unbuckled passenger at risk of inju- street clothes when he was handcuffed in Deputy Sharkey left the sally port.”
defendants – Sheriff Deryl Loar and Depu- ry,” much less that he did so intentionally. front of his body and his legs were placed
ty Christopher Sharkey – on the remaining in shackles. He and seven other inmates The judge stated that Sharkey did not
counts last week. In addition, Middlebrooks rejected Al- were loaded into a transport van at the restrain Martinez with a lap belt because
exander’s allegation that Sharkey acted courthouse. deputies usually give inmates the option
That means the case is closed and will with “deliberate indifference” to a risk that of buckling themselves in, adding: “It is
not go to trial, unless Middlebrooks’ rul- Martinez would take his own life, writing: Martinez was placed in a separate com- undisputed that Deputy Sharkey’s entire
ings are successfully appealed. partment, where neither deputies nor the interaction with Martinez at the court-
“There is no evidence that Martinez had inmates would have access to him during house was limited to telling him to watch
The lawsuit was brought by Jill Alex- ever threatened or attempted suicide, or the short trip to the jail. his step getting into the van, Martinez
ander as representative of the estate of had been considered a suicide risk. Fur- stepping into the van, Martinez sitting on
Mitchell Brad Martinez, who was found thermore, the undisputed evidence show Middlebrooks’ ruling describes in detail the bench and Deputy Sharkey closing the
unconscious and unresponsive after being that all deputies that had contact with the loading process and disputes Alexan- door.”
transported from the County Courthouse Martinez reported that he appeared to be der’s claim that Sharkey left the sally port
to the County Jail in a van driven by Shar- ‘fine.’” for “several minutes,” writing in a footnote Middlebrooks described the drive from
key on May 29, 2015. He died four days lat- that “video evidence conclusively shows” the courthouse as “normal,” without any
er at the Indian River Medical Center. Middlebrooks also dismissed Alexan- Sharkey returned after only 55 seconds. unusual stops or detours. He wrote that
der’s claim that Loar’s negligence in train- Sharkey did not hear “kicking or banging
Kevin Smith, Alexander’s West Palm ing and supervising Sharkey, who became It also addresses the 69-second freeze coming from inside the van,” nor did the
Beach-based attorney, said Monday he a transport deputy in August 2010, made in the sally port video immediately after deputy hear inmates in the rear compart-
will file an appeal with the U.S. Court of the sheriff “vicariously liable” for Marti- Sharkey opened the door to the forward
Appeals 11th Circuit in Atlanta. nez’s death. compartment for Martinez – a glitch that CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
prompted suspicion of a cover-up.
“We feel we have sufficient facts to get The judge cited testimony that Shar-
to a jury,” Smith said. “I’m not going to get key had “consistently demonstrated good However, Middlebrooks stated that the
into specifics because we’re going to ap- knowledge of policies and jail rules, ex-
peal it and it’s an open case.” hibited good judgment, made sound
decisions, and correctly performed his
Chief Medical Examiner Roger Mittle- duties,” and that he was “noted to place
man conducted an autopsy on Martinez security and safety at the top of his pri-
and, according to court records, deter- orities.”
mined the cause of death to be “cardiac
dysrhythmia” due to an adverse reaction There was no evidence, Middlebrooks
to Adderall, a drug often prescribed for at- wrote, that Loar had “any actual or con-
tention deficit disorder. structive notice of problems” with Shar-
key’s fitness as a deputy.
However, a private pathologist, hired
by Martinez’s mother, performed a sec- “The court’s ruling shows what we knew
ond autopsy and countered Mittleman’s all along – that our deputies did nothing
opinion, stating that the primary cause of but try to save Mr. Martinez’s life when they
death was a “short period of blunt force found him unresponsive,” Loar said. “Dep-
trauma to the neck,” consistent with con- uty Sharkey and everyone who assisted
tact with a strap or belt.

However, in making his rulings, Middle-

12 June 16, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

WINE AND FILM FEST was the first film star to earn $1 million per Burt Reynolds. havioral and/or mental health
picture. issues in Indian River, St. Lucie,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 The Next Up! Young Filmmaker Awards Martin and Okeechobee coun-
“I’m really proud of this. Thank you very, were presented Saturday morning, with ties.
Burt Reynolds and view his most recent, very much,” said Reynolds, accepting the first-place winner Caleb Wild given the
somewhat retrospective film “Dog Years,” award from Stewart. “A life worth living. It honor of shadowing Jeff Woolnough on And over at the Wow Tent, the
which filmmaker Adam Rifkin said he is worth living, isn’t it? Considering the al- his next production. The young filmmak- wine was flowing freely at the
wrote specifically for Reynolds. ternative. It’s really nice to look out and see ers later chatted with Woolnough, Lyons Grand Tasting.
so many sweet people. Let’s all go back to and actor Geoff Stults, who provided a
“We’re having a great time at the film my room.” unique combination of input into the “All the tables have individ-
festival; it’s so nice to see all the filmmakers filmmaking process. The three profes- ual sale sheets and these wines
and the winemakers coming here together He also gave a good-natured poke at the sionals were in agreement that the best are being sold at well, well be-
to make this event successful,” said Debra Vero Beach High School football team, re- way for filmmakers to hone their craft is low retail,” said wine chair Rob
Scuderi, acting CEO of Suncoast Mental calling when he played against the Indians to just make films. Wayne, owner of Varietals and
Health, pleased to have had a platform to and noting, “We won.” More. “We’ve got wineries and
raise mental health awareness. “It’s amaz- The afternoon saw entertainment writ- winemakers, and we’ve got a lot
ing that Jerusha [Stewart, festival founder], er Xaque Gruber moderating a panel dis- of my distributors helping out
Susan [Horn, festival co-founder] and all cussion at the Heritage Center with Debra Vero tonight. Hopefully, futuris-
of the volunteers have been able to put on Scuderi, Mickey Hofmaier and Art Ciasca tically, if they are supported by
such a successful event.” of Suncoast Mental Health, which provides the community we’ll be able to
clinical and case management services to get these guys back again.”
“I don’t know about you, but I am hav- close to 1,400 children and adults with be-
ing the weekend of my dreams,” exclaimed “The overall quality of the
Stewart. wine, and I’ve been a wine
drinker for more than 40 years,
“Wouldn’t it be really funny if there was is incredible,” said Gary Dulac. “Anybody
an envelope mix-up?” quipped Aaron that’s a wine enthusiast or wants to learn
Mendelsohn, before presenting the various about wine needs to come to this event.”
film awards with “La La Land” producer After a quick cleanup of the tent, Sat-
Molly Smith. urday evening’s bash added beer to the
mix with a Bubbles, Brews and BBQ bash,
Reynolds, who received several standing where attendees sampled yet more wines
ovations, spoke about his 40-year career plus IPA beers while nibbling on southern
with film critic Jeffrey Lyons and was pre- barbecue sandwiches, baked beans and
sented with this year’s Life Worth Living potato salad. Fully sated festival-goers
Legend Award. were then treated to a screening of “Un-
Renowned for his boyish charm and Vero has clearly embraced this latest
quick wit, Reynolds didn’t disappoint. Ly- addition to its active social scene, with
ons reminded the audience that Reynolds organizers declaring that attendance was
roughly double that of last year’s festival.
Their advice? Don’t wait until the last min-
ute to purchase passes next year or you’ll
miss out on the fun. 

CALIFORNIA REAL ESTATE BUYERS week and averaged as many as 180 auctions
a year,” he says. “Now it is more like 50 per
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 year. Part of that is due to people who offer to
buy distressed property for cash.”
$409,000. The standard 10-percent buy-
er’s premium upped the market price to Nevertheless, Rennick’s auction business
$449,900. seems to be fairly brisk. He says he has sold
five or six homes on the island so far this year
“The buyers have rented in the Moorings and has two more auctions coming up next
for the past couple of years and their broker week.
called them and told them this was an op-
portunity to get a good deal and a beautiful At 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 24, Rennick
property,” says Rennick. will auction another waterfront Moorings
condo located at 402 Spyglass Lane in the
Nor’ West Passage, a 12-unit complex with South Passage neighborhood.
its own pool, sits directly on the water at
the tip of a peninsula. Looking out the back The 3-bedroom, 3-bath, 1,886-square-
sliders, the new owners of the condo at 901 foot, two-story unit has balconies and porch-
Bay Road No. 102 will overlook a mile-wide es that overlook Head Cove on the Indian
stretch of the Indian River Lagoon with clean River Lagoon and comes with a private boat
water and healthy grass flats that offer some dock.
of the best fishing in Florida.
At 2 p.m. the same day, Rennick will hold
The ground-floor unit built in 1985 has a an absolute auction at 5601 Highway A1A
fireplace and glass-enclosed waterfront lanai No. 308 N. in the Robles Del Mar condo com-
and comes with a 1-car garage. plex in Indian River Shores. The 2-bedroom,
2-bath unit built in 1977 has 1,637 square feet
Though auctions – especially absolute, of air-conditioned living space and comes
no-reserve auctions – have been in the news with an underground 2-car garage.
recently, with several high-end sales in ex-
cess of $10 million on the island, Rennick Four days later, on June 28, Concierge
says there are actually fewer auctions in Vero Auctions will offer two more island homes
now than there were several decades ago. at absolute auction, both oceanfront. One is
currently listed at $5 million, the other at $20
“In the 1980’s, we sometimes did five a million. 

16 June 16, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 who imagine either some kind of auton- Dr. Daniel Glotzer. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
omous 1950s movie-type robot wielding
which procedure to use. a scalpel, or a glorified video game con-
In chronological order, those options sole on which doctors and nurses com-
pete for high scores – Glotzer quickly
include traditional or open surgery, the moves to allay those fears.
newer laparoscopic technique, and the
newest procedure of all, robotic-assist- “I tell them that the robot doesn’t do
ed surgery. anything on its own,” Glotzer says calm-
ly, “I tell them it’s only a tool that’s at
There’s no doubt about which camp our disposal so we can do a better job at
Glotzer is in. what we do. We are able to do more com-
plex procedures – more complex repairs
“In the old days,” says Glotzer as he – that would be difficult to do with a lap-
prepares for a procedure, “surgeons aroscopic procedure … [and] that would
used say the bigger the cut, the better otherwise require much larger incisions.
surgeon you are. Then in the ’90s, we
started with [the less invasive] laparo- “The laparoscopic instruments are
scopic procedures. Now, we’ve moved like sticks and a robotic instrument is
on from laparoscopic and into robotic like having your fingers and your hands

Fully aware that the term “robotic” is
sometimes disquieting to some patients

inside the patient because they move in “hands and fingers” of the robot, work-
three dimensions.” ing in very small spaces, are giving to-
day’s surgeons an important edge.
Glotzer also cites the “advanced mag-
nification” of the surgical area with ro- Looking for a non-medical opinion?
botic surgeries along with the ability Goldman Sachs just issued a “strong
to superimpose different technologies buy” recommendation on a surgical ro-
such as CT or ultrasound scans, “in botics manufacturer in no small part
front of your screen so you know exactly because it predicts “robot-assisted pro-
where to go.” cedures will rise by 100 percent in the
next two years due to increasing usage
Or, put even more simply, Glotzer says, during hernia, gall bladder and other
“robotic surgery has the advantage of be- surgeries.”
ing more precise,” and that “results in less Meanwhile, Glotzer, who obtained his
patient pain and faster recovery times.” medical training at New York’s Memo-
rial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and
Glotzer is far from alone in his high the New York Hospital-Cornell Universi-
opinion of robotic surgery. IRMC car- ty, says, “I think that the robotic surgery
diothoracic surgeon Dr. Mark Malias is here to stay.
and Glotzer’s fellow general surgeon “I’m very proud,” he adds, “to say that I
Dr. Edward Murphy are among a grow- chair a group of surgeons who are interest-
ing number of physicians who have em- ed and devoted to this technology and who
braced robot-assisted surgeries. are doing what is best for our patients.”

Indeed, in just two short years, some Dr. Daniel Glotzer is a general surgeon
800 such procedures have taken place at with the Indian River Medical Center. His
the Vero hospital and Glotzer predicts offices are at 3450 11th Court, Suite 204.
that number will continue to climb. The phone number is 772-770-6850. 

Specifically, Glotzer points to impres-
sive results from urological and gyne-
cological procedures, where the nimble

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH June 16, 2017 17

Alarms raised over toddlers’ handheld screen time

By Maria Canfield | Correspondent Dr. John Suen. vides direct stimulation to the nerve end- and the actual activities, which are, by
[email protected] ings in the optic nerve, and those nerve design, stimulating rather than relaxing.
PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE endings connect to the hypothalamus, Dr. Suen emphasizes is the importance
We’ll start with a one-ques- the part of the brain which houses our of “good sleep hygiene”: no computers or
tion quiz: How many these devices interferes with the broca, a circadian clock, throwing off our circa- handheld devices in the bedroom, and
18-month-olds use hand- region in the brain’s frontal lobe respon- dian rhythm.” He says that the effect is no interaction with any such devices for
held screens, such as smart- sible for the development of speech. more severe in children under the age of at least two hours before bedtime.
phones and tablets? two, as their circadian rhythms are not
The study showed no link between yet fully developed. Sleep Disorders Center Florida is an ac-
The answer, according to handheld device screen time and delays credited medical treatment center for all
research from the Universi- in other communication types, such as In addition to the problems caused by sleep-related issues. It is located at 3735
ty of Toronto, is 20 percent social interactions, body language and the computer-generated light, Dr. Suen 11th Circle #103 in Vero Beach; the phone
– 1 in 5 – for an average of 30 gestures. says device content may also have an number is 772-563-2910. 
minutes a day, and Ameri- impact on sleep – the colors, the noise
can Academy of Pediatrics Another study from the United King-
reports usage is increasing, dom looked at the relationship between
with more children, even in screen time and sleep in young children
economically challenged ages 6 months to 3 years, and concluded
households, using newer that more time on touch-screen devices
digital technologies on a equates to less overall sleep. Each hour
daily basis. of screen time was linked to 26 fewer
minutes of nighttime sleep, and a corre-
But does the use of such sponding 11 minutes more of nap time
devices cause harm? Our during the day (for a net loss of 15 min-
initial reaction – and that utes of sleep per 24 hour period).
of the medical communi-
ty –may be that it can’t be good for little A n earlier study from King’s
brains, but until recently the scientific College in London
evidence has been slim. found a similar link
between screen
Wanting to learn more about “screen use and sleep
time” and problems in speech devel- among older chil-
opment, the University of Toronto re- dren: More screen
search team gathered information from time leads to less
the 18-month check-ups of nearly 900 sleep. The researchers
children. Parents completed a question-
naire about their child’s use of handheld reached that conclusion
devices, and also filled out a screening by doing a meta-analysis
tool designed to pick up potential signs
of trouble. of 20 previous studies.
Dr. Suen says that
The team found that handheld screen
time was associated with potential de- for both children and
lays in “expressive language” – the use of adults, it is the light
words to convey meaning and messages from such devices
to others. In other words, the toddlers that most signifi-
who used such devices were at cantly impacts sleep:
higher risk for speech de-
lays, and every half-hour “The light pro-
of daily use increased that
risk by 50 percent.

Dr. John Suen is the
medical director of Sleep
Disorders Center Florida,
located in Vero Beach. Board
certified in sleep medicine, in-
ternal medicine, critical care
and pulmonary disease, Dr.
Suen has read the study
and says it is important
and relevant.

He noted that the
study did not indicate
why the association
exists; he says one
hypothesis is that
exposure to

18 June 16, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Bonz says Lady Kai’s a real princess of a pooch

had another Malinois, age). We have a canoe, too, and a pad-
dleboard, which I haven’t tried
named Chinook. Him an yet, but I’m gonna. We play in
the river all day. We also have a
Hi Dog Buddies! Gage were Besties, and
total blast in the ocean. Another
This week I learned about a breed new to everybody just loved the cool place to play is Capt. Forster
me: a Belgian Malinois. Lady Kai Adache lives Hammock Preserve. We explore
with her Mom, Marcia, and her big brother, stuffin’s outta him. Then and pretend we’re fearless wolves.
Gage, a German Shepherd. “Me an Charlotte have Play
he got sick an went to Dates at each other’s houses. We
They came right up to me an my assistant have this one ball that we both grab
with lotsa frenly barkin’ an waggin’. While both Dog Heaven. Gage’d at the same time, and both hold on
were impressive pooches, Gage was bigger. I to, then we run around the house to-
felt like a pipsqueak. Lady Kai was beautiful. sit by the ocean for gether trying to get it away from each
At first glance, she resembled a German Shep- other.”
herd, but slimmer: fawn-colored coat, long hours just lookin’ out Suddenly, Kai leaped up, ran to the
black snout an ears (big triangles that stand sliding glass doors, bumping against
straight up an look like boat sails) and an ex- and missin’ Chinook. them and barking. A squirrel was sitting
pression that says she’s always payin’ atten- on the backyard fence.
tion. Mom decided they Kai’s ear were in Alert Mode. “Lemme at
’em! Lemme at ’em,” she barked, bouncing
After the Wag-and-Sniffs an the intros, I both needed an- up and down.
got my notebook out. Gage, a very handsome Gage lifted his head off the mat. “When
poocheroo, plopped his almost-100-pound other pooch. So it comes to squirrels, that girl is a Nut Case
self onto a soft mat and began chewing on a (no pun intended). Hey, Little Sis, give it a rest!
basketball-sized ball – an mumbling. Once in she started lookin’. You’ve already got a lotta squirrel notches on
a while, he’d walk over and give my assistant your belt.”
some nosebumps, then go back to the ball an “Then, last At that point, the squirrel, who had been
the mumbling. The entire time. swishing his tail and smirking at the silly
September, she pooch bouncing up an down on the other
“I’m delighted to meet you an your family, side of the glass, wisely decided to vacate
Lady Kai.” was online and the premises.
“Sorry, Mr. Bonzo. Maybe I should go to
“Thank you, Mr. Bonzo. Just ‘Kai’ is fine. found Dogs In Lady Kai Adache, Belgian Malinois that squirrel support group Charlotte told me
Mom added the ‘Lady’ cuz the little boy who Crisis, a rescue so he usual- about. Squirrels are my weakness.”
first found me and brought me to the shelter (I “I totally understand,” I sympathized.
was a stray) called me Lady.” place down in Home- “Bread’s mine.”

“Well, it’s a very nice name. Could you tell stead. There was a pikshur of this dog PHOTO GORDON RADFORD The Bonz
me a little about your breed. And, of course,
your rescue.” that looked ’zackly like Chinook.” Don’t Be Shy

“Sure. I’m totally proud to be a Malinois. “Let me guess,” I interjected. “Was that – ly hasta stop playin’ We are always looking for pets
Didja know that most of the dog members of with interesting stories.
the Navy SEALs are Malinois? One of us, Cairo, you?” before me. Anyway, he’s 9 an I’m some-
was a member of the secret SEAL commando To set up an interview, email
team that parachuted in an got that really bad “It WAS! So Mom called right away. But it where around 2. [email protected].
human, Osama bin Laden. Cairo and his team
got to meet the PRESident an everything.” was too late. I was already taken.” “Right after I came here, Mom hadda take

“Woof! I had no idea!” I exclaimed, total- “Wha-at?” Gage to the doctor for a check-up. Since he
ly impressed. “That is Extremely Cool Dog
Biscuits!” “Then one day Mom got a call from the was always great home alone, she thought

“I KNOW! Isn’t it? So, before me, my Mom Dogs In Crisis people. My family hadn’t a short time away’d be OK for me. Well, it

worked out. They were nice an all, but I was WASN’T! I had a Meltdown. I thought I’d never

just too much dog. I need a LOT of exercise, see them ever again, an I went barking nuts.

ya know. I ALWAYS hafta have a TASK. But, be- I jumped all over everything, cleared all the

fore Mom could adopt me, she hadda qualify, counters, desks, an tables. I think I might have

do an inner-view an everything. She passed, broken some stuff, too. After that Mom crated

cuz she’s a dog trainer and she understands me when they were out. I’m fine now. Me an

about keepin’ us big, active pooches busy and Gage both still love our comfy crates.

well-behaved.” “Mom’s been teaching me agility, which is

“Was it hard for you and Gage to get used zooming in an out an around an though an

to each other?” over stuff as fast as you can without fallin’ on

“At first Gage wasn’t sure about me. At your caboose or knockin’ stuff over. Gage usta

all. He really doesn’t care much for other be super at that, and I think I’m gonna com-

pooches, anyway. So Mom kept him in his pete like him. Not to boast, but I’m really good

crate (which he loves) when I first came at it. It’s AKC, and I’ll start with Trials, then

home, and I politely didn’t pester him. I’m Open, then Excellent, just like my Big Brother.

a pretty laid-back girl. It only took a coupla He’s gonna be so proud of me!

of days for him to figure out I was okey-do- “Me an Gage love to kayak over to the la-

key. Now we’re Total Besties. He’s a great Big goon islands, with Mom and Aunt Becky and

Brother. But he has problems with his back, Charlotte (she’s a Labrador, about my same

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E June 16, 2017 21

and it has five inventory homes ready for EXTERIOR PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
occupancy at Sandcrest.

Buyers wanting a home built to order can
expect to wait six to eight months after per-
mits are issued before being able to move in,
according to Jackson.

SandCrest is just the latest “in-fill” devel-
opment in Sebastian and others are expect-
ed to follow.

Sebastian City Planner Dori Bosworth
pointed to a handful of properties that, if de-
veloped, could bring in approximately 800
more new homes.

She explained that the city approved several
annexations in the early 2000s, before the real
estate crash – most of which had been tenta-
tively approved for residential development.

River Oaks is one of them, located along
County Road 510 west of Cross Creek. It was
originally planned for 493 homes – but de-
velopment hasn’t begun at the site.

Forty acres east of Sebastian High School
was previously platted, but that has since
expired. Any development plans would have
to start from scratch. Nearly 100 homes were
originally approved for that site.

And two units in the Sebastian Highlands
have a combined 180-190 homes platted but
no infrastructure installed to date.

Bosworth said it would be 18 to 20
months before construction on any of those
sites could begin, given they’d all have to go
through the planning processes first.

In the meantime, construction on single
lots around town continues at a steady pace 




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22 June 16, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



Last week saw an easing of the recent frenzy of activity on the mainland real estate market, but a
healthy 32 single-family residences and lots still changed hands from June 5-9.
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the home at 920 Wood Haven Lane SW. First listed in May
for $695,000, the 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 3,113-square-foot house sold for $625,000 on June 5.
In Sebastian, the week’s top sale was the house at 398 Belfast Terrace. First on the market in April
for $274,900, this 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 1,993-square-foot house residence fetched $265,000
on June 6.


VERO BEACH 920 WOOD HAVEN LANE SW 5/4/2017 $695,000 6/5/2017 $310,000
VERO BEACH 6235 PADINGTON PLACE 1/15/2017 $335,000 6/9/2017 $289,000
VERO BEACH 5965 RIDGE LAKE CIRCLE 3/20/2017 $310,000 6/7/2017 $289,000
VERO BEACH 820 32ND AVENUE 5/1/2017 $309,900 6/7/2017 $287,000
VERO BEACH 980 WHITE TAIL AVENUE 12/24/2016 $313,900 6/6/2017 $285,000
VERO BEACH 144 40TH COURT 12/15/2016 $329,900 6/8/2017 $265,000
SEBASTIAN 398 BELFAST TERRACE 4/14/2017 $274,900 6/6/2017 $257,000
VERO BEACH 4100 61ST AVENUE 3/24/2017 $259,000 6/6/2017 $257,000
SEBASTIAN 1659 FATIMA COURT 2/16/2017 $264,900 6/8/2017 $252,400
SEBASTIAN 871 SALEM AVENUE 2/21/2017 $249,900 6/9/2017 $245,000
VERO BEACH 4626 PALADIN CIRCLE 3/10/2017 $249,000 6/8/2017 $235,000
SEBASTIAN 13570 WESTPORT DRIVE UNIT#203 12/11/2016 $265,000 6/8/2017 $234,000
VERO BEACH 1831 RED OAK TERRACE 11/28/2016 $234,040 6/6/2017 $232,500
VERO BEACH 4580 69TH STREET 5/9/2017 $240,000 6/9/2017 $228,000
VERO BEACH 1526 34TH AVENUE 1/26/2017 $249,900 6/8/2017 $225,000
SEBASTIAN 209 STONY POINT DRIVE 2/23/2017 $235,000 6/5/2017 $216,000
VERO BEACH 355 21ST AVENUE 5/1/2017 $229,000 6/6/2017 $204,100
SEBASTIAN 426 WARREN STREET 4/13/2017 $217,500 6/5/2017 $196,000
VERO BEACH 435 19TH LANE 2/18/2017 $215,000 6/6/2017 $185,000
VERO BEACH 1815 47TH AVENUE 2/10/2017 $185,000 6/5/2017 $180,000
SEBASTIAN 437 THOMAS STREET 3/6/2017 $189,500 6/5/2017 $175,000
SEBASTIAN 6409 RIVER RUN DRIVE N UNIT#6409 3/31/2017 $184,900 6/5/2017 $167,000
VERO BEACH 3015 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD 1/5/2017 $189,900 6/7/2017 $165,000
SEBASTIAN 831 CLEARMONT STREET 3/15/2017 $169,900 6/5/2017 $161,000
VERO BEACH 1105 28TH STREET 3/15/2017 $179,900 6/5/2017 $153,000
SEBASTIAN 697 CAPON TERRACE 4/5/2017 $157,500 6/9/2017 $145,000
SEBASTIAN 1337 HAVERFORD LANE 3/17/2017 $149,900 6/5/2017 $125,000
VERO BEACH 3526 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD 5/15/2017 $124,900 6/7/2017 $125,000
VERO BEACH 290 20TH AVENUE SW 10/26/2016 $149,000 6/9/2017 $121,000
VERO BEACH 651 N CENTRE COURT SW UNIT#101 1/27/2017 $137,900 6/5/2017 $87,000
VERO BEACH 9 PLANTATION DRIVE UNIT#204 4/17/2017 $95,000 6/9/2017 $70,000
VERO BEACH 543 4TH PLACE SW 5/9/2017 $84,900 6/5/2017

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E June 16, 2017 23


6235 Padington Place, Vero Beach 5965 Ridge Lake Circle, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 1/15/2017 Listing Date: 3/20/2017
Original Price: $335,000 Original Price: $310,000
Sold: 6/9/2017 Sold: 6/7/2017
Selling Price: $310,000 Selling Price: $289,000
Listing Agent: Denver Harlon Reynolds Listing Agent: Zachary Coletti
Selling Agent: Selling Agent:
Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC Keller Williams Realty

Not Provided Tonya Coletti

Not provided Keller Williams Realty

820 32nd Avenue, Vero Beach 980 White Tail Avenue, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 5/1/2017 Listing Date: 12/24/2016
Original Price: $309,900 Original Price: $313,900
Sold: 6/7/2017 Sold: 6/6/2017
Selling Price: $289,000 Selling Price: $287,000
Listing Agent: Rebecca Durando Listing Agent: Regina Cupp
Selling Agent: Selling Agent:
RE/MAX Crown Realty Coldwell Banker Paradise

Ron Rennick Not Provided

Rennick Real Estate Not provided

B2 June 16, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE


By Ellen Fischer | Columnist Barry Shapiro.
[email protected]
“Any Given Sunday” by Raynelle Benjamin.
“Art and politics have mixed for a long P HOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
time,” says Megan Hoots. “Art history is
political.” the show – Hoots and Mitts – who are mem- It can’t even be said that the exhibitors are section of vinyl privacy fence plastered with
bers of the organization.
She should know. Hoots holds a BFA in political firebrands. Most of the art on dis- Hoots’ very own “Misinformation Times”
art history from Savannah College of Art The show is not entirely composed of
and Design, which she recently put to use young artists, either. Only five of the dozen play speaks to global concerns; the environ- – handbills that highlight some of the in-
in organizing The Future is Now!, a politi- exhibitors are in their 20s, while three in the
cally-minded art exhibition on display at over-30 set have at least 60 summers under ment and self-determination for women are flammatory headlines splashed across the
Raw Space through June. their belts.
popular themes here. Internet of late. These include “Pizzagate En-
Hoots is one of the 12 artists with work
on display in the show; she is represented With a couple exceptions, the political snares Alt-Right,” “What About Her Emails?”
by a freestanding wall sculpture. The oth-
er sculptors in the exhibition are Jesse El- content of the show is broad and agreeable and “Bowling Green Massacre.”
der, who constructs mixed media pictures
from found objects; and Joseph Grow, who
sculpts animals from reclaimed wood.

The paintings on view range from pure
abstraction by Barbara Krupp to figural al-
legories by Brianna Beard, Raynelle Benja-
min Chapman, Farrah Fisher and Ashleigh
Whitfield. Photography in the show is by Jef-
frey Berger, Heather Mitts and Tanya Sockol
whose respective subjects are nature, por-
traits, and female fashion. Barry Shapiro is
showing drawings of trees.

Although The Future is Now! is sponsored
in part by the Florida Young Democrats of
Indian River, there are only two exhibitors in

enough to be barely perceptible, let alone Positioned a few feet inside the entrance

controversial. to the exhibition, the artwork forces the gal-

Hoots says she lery-goer to confront

finds it “interesting” Megan Hoots with her piece “The Wall.” its message before
that most of the art- PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD the rest of the show

ists did not use the can be viewed.

opportunity the “Literally, you

show provided to have to get past it –

address the current because it’s a wall. It

state of U.S. politics. is aggressively politi-

Only one of the cal,” says Hoots.

artists dared to Born and raised in

grasp that bull by Panama City, Flori-

the horns – Hoots da, the 29-year-old

herself. Her installa- Hoots says that she

tion, “Trump’s Wall,” has always been po-

is front and center litical. Although her

in the exhibition. parents, a law librar-

The work features a ian and an engineer,

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE June 16, 2017 B3

Pottery winner: Clay artistAshleighWhitfield’s“Connected.”
pursues her passion full time

were not politically active during her child- “I hope that visitors will come away hav- By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Now the mess is one of her own making.
hood, Hoots credits them with being well- ing learned how serious the problem is,” he One year Hill asked for pottery classes as a
read and interested in discussing the topics says, and quips, “And maybe they’ll buy one Potter Heidi Hill finds herself up to her el- Christmas gift. She yearned for adult con-
of the day with her. of my drawings.” bows in mud on a daily basis and couldn’t be versation and a chance to remember who
happier about it. At the Hill house, there’s a she used to be. She got her wish.
“My mom would quiz me at the dinner Raynelle Benjamin Chapman achieves a bit of a role reversal. Instead of mom calling
table: ‘Can you name all the Supreme Court compelling social-political message through the kids in for dinner, someone usually has to “It was great to have one night of the
Justices?’” her graphically powerful narrative paintings. drag her out of her studio. week when I didn’t fall asleep reading
‘Green Eggs and Ham.’”
When it came time to choose a college, One of these, a 36-by-48-inch acrylic on What began as a way to meet people
Hoots was torn between heading south to canvas, features a partially reclining Tita- when she moved to Vero Beach with her The group of people Hill met while tak-
study political science at the University of ness whose mahogany brown body all but husband Geoff in 1991 has ing these classes became her “mud sisters”
Miami, and heading north to Georgia’s Sa- fills the picture’s foreground. Around her become a vocation for Hill,
vannah College of Art and Design to study neck is a heavy chain; beneath her breasts one of Flametree Clay Art and those relationships are
art history. The decision finally came down protrudes the tip of a cartoon sword blade Gallery’s resident artists. still as strong as ever. Over
to where she wanted to spend the next four that runs her through. the years, Hill began to pur-
years of her life. “My mother-in-law took sue her “hobby” at a friend’s
It is her suffering martyr’s face, however, to pottery classes at the Vero house and gradually picked
“Politics fell by the wayside, because Sa- which you will continuously return. Except Beach Museum of Art and up her own equipment here
vannah is so enchanting. And Miami was less for the shiner that closes her right eye, it is encouraged me to take a and there.
enchanting,” she says. the face of every Mater Dolorosa you’ve seen class,” says Hill. “We had
on the walls of a museum or printed on the just moved here, and I didn’t “We would hang out and
The other Young Democrat in the show, side of a glass votive candle. know anybody in town. I throw pots for the Samari-
Heather Mitts, has a slide show in a room enjoyed it a lot but stopped taking classes tan Center’s Soup Bowl each
adjoining the gallery of her digital black- The picture’s title, “The Slander,” refers to when I had our sons, Brett and Max.” year. At first, my pots weren’t
and-white portraits. Shot in black and white, the way in which Woman has been defamed very good. They were always kind of heavy
these elegant images of energetic- and hope- from time immemorial by the world’s major Laughing, Hill recalls, “It was an end- and lopsided. As a diversionary tactic, I
ful-looking young people comprise a picture religions, says Benjamin Chapman. A small- less cycle of diapers, feeding, cooking started to wax resist them to distract from
of the future at its brightest. er variation on the same theme is also part and cleaning up. I remember my husband the fact that they were imperfect,” confides
of this artist’s lineup, as well as a prediction would come home at the end of the day Hill.
Artist Barry Shapiro stuck to the show’s of environmental disaster (“Any Given Sun- and look around and say, ‘So what did you The Soup Bowl potters are a competitive
political theme with a series of six unframed day”) and a harem scene. do today?’” bunch; Hill always had to make sure she
drawings on paper that he suspended from
the ceiling in one corner of the gallery. Cre- Born in Guyana, Benjamin Chapman CONTINUED ON PAGE B4
ated variously in pastel, charcoal and se- came to the U.S. in 1977. Although she has
pia-colored ink, the drawings depict the long sketched her ideas onto paper, she be-
tightly-spaced trunks of trees in a mature for- gan painting as recently as 2009. Two years
est, as well as a couple studies of branches. prior to that she began designing her own
denim clothing line, blending and bending
On the drawing at the center of the display the line between art, political statement, and
Shapiro has hand-lettered bullet points with fashion by painting similar allegorical figures
startling facts about global deforestation; one on her couture creations.
of these is the fire prediction that if wild for-
ests continue to be cut down at the present Raw Space is at 1795 Old Dixie Highway
rate of 32 million acres a year, there will be no in downtown Vero. The hours to view “The
rainforests left before the century is through. Future is Now!” exhibition are Wednesday
through Friday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. and
“I’m concerned about what all govern- Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 
ments – not only here in the United States –
are doing about deforestation,” says Shapiro.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING June 16, 2017 B7

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B8 June 16, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING June 16, 2017 B9

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B10 June 16, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING June 16, 2017 B11

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All You Can Eat Menu Nino’s Cafe: 1006 Easter Lily Ln•Vero Beach•772.231.9311
Hours: Sun-Thurs:11am-9pm•Fri-Sat:11am-10pm
Fish & Chips - Tuesdays • Tacos - Thursday Evening

Fried Shrimp - Sunday

Fishack 1931 Old Dixie Highway, Vero Beach Homemade Cannoli Pepperoni
Lunch & Dinner Open Tuesday - Saturday 11:30 am - Close • Sunday 4pm - Close Chicken Parmigiana

772.770.0977 • • Like us on Facebook!











B12 June 16, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


7 Insignia (6) 1 Crash (6)
8 Paths (6) 2 Toss a pancake (4)
9 Flier (8) 3 Meander (5)
10 Remain (4) 4 Pig’s foot (7)
11 Broth (5) 5 Bother (8)
13 Scrap (7) 6 Keep (6)
15 Indian condiment (7) 12 Rural dwellings (8)
17 Moorland (5) 14 Dwells (7)
20 Brass instrument (4) 16 Hunting dogs (6)
21 Commerce (8) 18 Serving dish (6)
23 Stick (6) 19 Modify (5)
24 Launch (6) 22 Performance (4)

The Telegraph

HOPE RESALE How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
Designer Clothing • Furniture • Home Decor & More! numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

Proceeds Benefit: The Telegraph

The ARC • Childcare Resources
Boys and Girls Club • Dasie Hope

A Different Kind of Thrift Shop

Donations needed! • Free Pickup!

Mon. - Fri. 9:30 - 5:00 • Sat. 9:30 - 4:00
8860 N US Hwy 1 (just north of Hwy 510)

772-918-4640 • Like Us On Facebook!

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING June 16, 2017 B13

ACROSS 74 Complicated, as a DOWN 54 Debauchee The Washington Post
breakup 58 African nation
1 Dumbstruck 1 Barks heard by 59 Sheds tears THIS ’N’ THAT By Merl Reagle
6 “Proud” guys 75 Word in Robin Annie 61 Canvas mount
11 Bottom layer exclamations 63 Sour
15 Healthcare prefix 2 Airplane/copter 65 Flower parts
19 Avis, to Hertz 76 Tubby water hybrid 67 Exonerate
20 Singer Turner’s animals 69 Vibrated
3 Of grandparents 70 Greek island
autobio 77 Long­haired bird 4 Notorious box 71 Knot­tying spot
21 Let Us Now dog 73 Japanese stringed
Praise Famous 79 “Give ___ a few” 5 Antlered one instrument
Men author 81 Hellish fellow 6 Galileo, by birth 74 Amahl’s creator
22 A brother 83 The ___ (name for 7 RFK’s post, under 76 Old call for
23 The ___ (name a bar that shows JFK attention
for a Hee Haw reruns?) 8 Moe’s missiles 78 An airline
hofbrau?) 87 The end ___ 9 Have ___ (know 80 thirtysomething
25 The ___ (name perfect day
for a 88 Rock concert somebody) star
butcher shop?) sufferer? 10 South Carolina 82 Belg. neighbor
27 Auction declara­ 90 Scowl or frown
tion 92 Schwarz of toys river (with “the”)
28 The ___ (name 93 Selma’s home: 11 “One Planet, One 84 Kelly sang in it
for a abbr. 85 Ms. Korbut
tanning salon?) 94 Name for a shop People” group 86 He starred in TV’s
30 The dog on owned by two 12 Blow ___
Frasier guys? 13 Religious faction Wiseguy
31 Simian, for short 97 Love nest falling­ 14 Rodent reviler’s 89 Mythical avian
33 Composer Satie out 91 Carnival city
34 Go over again, 99 Chicken choice cry 95 Gewgaw
as a line 101 Rolls’ colleague 15 Erred in sketching 96 Exterminate nits
35 Elite squad 102 Blood of the gods 16 Outwit, as a posse 98 Sun spot?
38 Presbyterian 104 Of musical sounds 17 Roman province 100 Rug makers
officer 105 Able to get around 102 Holiday, for one
41 Omit, as a syllable 108 Actress Turner that became 103 Reagan’s
43 Shake like ___ 110 Farm refrain Romania
44 Snick­or­___ 113 Certain Arab 18 Signed Weinberger
(machete) 114 The ___ (name 24 New Deal agcy. 105 Code name?
45 Name for a fast­ for a Chinese 26 “They ___ a 106 Mutual of ___
food joint? eatery?) physician, but 107 Salad bar nuggets
49 + : abbr. 117 With 40 Down, they are sick” 109 Soap Box Derby
50 Geo. Lucas alma immersed (Matt. 9:12)
mater 121 The ___ (name 29 Yossarian’s city
52 Stiller married her for a Spanish roommate 111 “No need to tell
55 Earth’s beginning? Inquisition 32 Tax returns?
56 Acapulco aunt museum?) 34 Most mature me”
57 The ___ (name 123 The ___ (name 35 Daisy Mae’s 112 Double curve
for a pet shop?) for a drawer 114 Sported
60 Space vehicle lingerie boutique?) 36 Shampoo ingredi­ 115 Fork point
62 Ferry island 125 Comic strip ent 116 Gerund finishers
64 Singing brother created by Jeff 37 Children, and 118 Uncluttered
who went solo MacNelly children’s 119 Perry’s creator
66 On the Road guy 126 Approximately children: abbr. 120 Exxon, before
68 N.Y. neighbor 127 Part of WASP 39 Moon lander 122 Porter’s “You’re
69 Works like a fax 128 Some tests 40 See 117 Across
machine 129 Brooklyn Bridge’s 42 Break a ___ the ___”
72 The ___ (name river 44 Shrimp in garlic 124 Bally follower
for a 130 Hammer part 45 Native Israelis
binoculars store?) 131 Darn that hole 46 Klemperer and
again Kruger
132 Prelude to porosi 47 Legal claims on
48 Jong’s Hackabout­
51 Splashy resort
53 The ___ (name
for Noah’s
carpentry shop?)

The Telegraph

B14 June 16, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES



K Q J 10 6 5

Stacy Keach said, “I can’t think of anything that requires more finesse than comedy, both J4
from a verbal and visual point of view.”
In bridge, everyone is taught how to finesse very early, and — no joke — almost everyone, J 10 9 4 EAST
especially below the expert level, loves to finesse. But do you know anyone who was 7
warned that unless the contract is on the line, not to finesse when the failure of that 9853 652
finesse would result in more tricks being lost than if the finesse had never been taken? K752
This week, South is faced with two minor-suit finesses. Which should he take, if any, in
either six no-trump or seven no-trump after West leads the spade jack to declarer’s ace? K762

North’s weak-two opening promised a good six-card suit and 6-10 high-card points. 10 8 6 4 3
South, wishing to protect his ace-queen minor-suit holdings at trick one, jumped to six
no-trump. SOUTH

South starts with 11 top tricks: three spades, six hearts, one diamond and one club. To AKQ
get a guaranteed 12th trick is easy: Cross to dummy with a heart and run the diamond
jack. Even if the finesse loses, declarer gets a second diamond trick to bring his total up to A9843
A Q 10
In seven no-trump, though, South seems to have a choice — but he doesn’t. If the club
finesse is winning, that only gets him up to 12 tricks. Declarer needs to assume that the AQ
diamond finesse is working. Then he gets three diamond tricks and 13 in all.
Dealer: North; Vulnerable: North-South
If you are thinking about contracting for a grand slam that needs a finesse to work, bid it
when the finesse is winning and do not bid it when the finesse is losing! The Bidding:

6NT Pass 2 Hearts Pass
Pass Pass LEAD:
J Spades

CURRENT RATES Iinlasdln_iHOneigtEh_060917 Ask About Our
$25 $20 $15
Player Programs
Before 11 AM After 11 AM After 3 PM
(All Rates Include Cart and Tax)

1600 SOUTH 3RD ST., FORT PIERCE 772-465-8110

From US1, turn East on Ohio Ave., Directly behind TD Bank

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR June 16, 2017 B15

ONGOING 24 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra itage Center ($30 to taste all sliders with two Student Concert. Donations to MBSC Scholar-
Winds and Chorus present America beers or $3 per slider); 1 to 7 p.m. free street ship Fund of $10 student concerts; $20 faculty
Vero Beach Museum of Art – Watershed: Con- the Beautiful, 2 p.m. at the Emerson Center. festival with live entertainment in historic concerts appreciated.
temporary Landscape Photography thru Sept. 10. Free. 855-252-7276 downtown Vero Beach. VIP Pavilion passes (in-
cludes sliders and bloody Mary bar) $80; and 5 15 Celebrate National Ice Cream Day
Riverside Theatre - Summer Nights Block Par- 24 Vero Pride 2017 hosted by Amend- to 7 p.m. Apple Pie Contest and Sale hosted by with a cool treat, 1 to 3 p.m. at Vero
ty, 6 to 9:30 p.m., with live music, refreshments ment One Activists IRC, 5 to 10 p.m. Vero Heritage Inc. at Heritage Center. 772-770- Beach Book Center. 772-569-6650
and games, plus wine tastings on Saturday at Heritage Center to support Vero’s LGBTQ 0740
nights thru June 24. Free admission. community through an all-inclusive event fea- 15 Third annual Barefoot Beach Ball, 5
turing food, drinks, best-dressed contest, en- 1 Bubble Wrap Explosion and Patriotic Par- p.m. at Waldo’s Restaurant, an ‘abnor-
Sea Turtle Walks, 9 p.m. through July at Se- tertainment, followed by after-party at Kilted ty, 11 a.m. at Vero Beach Book Center, mal formal’ with music by Dave and the Wave,
bastian Inlet State Park, Archie Carr NWR Bar- Mermaid. $45. with songs, crafts, a parade and the great bub- refreshments, raffles and a 7:50 p.m. ‘hunk
rier Island Sanctuary and Windsor Beach Club. ble wrap stomp. Free. 772-569-6650 dunk’ to benefit the Vero Beach Lifeguard Asso-
$10 & $15; reservations required. fsispturtle- 24|25 Gota Get on the Air Field ciation. $20. 772-778-2832 and Day hosted by Vero Beach 1-28 Where’s Waldo Community
Amateur Radio Club, a public demo of emer- Scavenger Hunt; have ‘pass- 22 Christmas in July, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at
JUNE gency communications with Ham Radio oper- ports’ stamped with least 10 ‘I Found Waldo’ Riverview Park, Sebastian to benefit
ators on air 2 p.m. Sat. through 2 p.m. Sun. at signatures at 25 participating businesses and Shop with a Cop, with entertainment, auctions,
16 Pirate Story Hour with Miss Erin, the Del Mar Condominium Clubhouse. Free. bring it to Vero Beach Book Center to be entered vendors and Santa. Free. 772-978-6248
10:30 a.m. at Vero Beach Book Center, 770-905-9821 in drawing for prizes. Visit verobeachbookcen-
with seafaring books, activities, and songs. for list of participants. 772-569-6650 23 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
25 All Paws Matter Charity Golf Outing presents Fantasies, 3 p.m. at Commu-
16|17 Sebastian Inlet Sportfish- to benefit Humane Society of Vero 4 45th annual Freedom Festival, hosted by nity Church of Vero Beach. $20. 18 & under
ing Assn. 45th annual Fish- Beach & Indian River County, 10 a.m. shotgun Lions Club of Sebastian and City of Sebas- free. 855-252-7276
ing Fun’ament, with Fri.6 p.m. Fun’ament Meet start at Indian Pines Golf Club, Ft. Pierce. $65. tian, with 8:30 a.m. Fourth of July Parade fol-
& Greet & Calcutta registration at Capt. Hiram’s 772-388-3331 lowed by Freedom Festival with live entertain- 28-30 Vero Beach Pirate Festival,
and Sat. 5 to 6 p.m. weigh-in. 321-537-6084 ment, vendors and craft booths at Riverview 2 to 6 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m. to 8
30 To July 28 - Vegas Nights, 6 to 9:30 Park and fireworks at dusk. p.m. Sat., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun. at Riverside Park.
17 Waterlily Celebration: A Spectacle of p.m. weekends at Riverside Theatre,
Color, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at McKee Bo- with live music, full bars and food service, plus 4 City of Vero Beach annual 4th of July Cele- 29|30 Tour de Turtles, hosted by
tanical Garden, adorned with the state’s largest casino games with proceeds to benefit Chil- bration, 4:30 to 10 p.m. at Riverside Park. Sea Turtle Conservancy at
collection of waterlilies, with repotting demon- dren’s and Family programs. Free admission. the Barrier Island Sanctuary at Archie Carr Na-
strations, plant sale and waterlily photo con- 5-14 Vero Beach International Music tional Wildlife Refuge, with at 6 p.m. Sat. Kick-
test. Standard admission. 772-794-0601 JULY Festival hosted by Mick Block Off Party featuring refreshments, live music and
String Camp at First Presbyterian Church, fea- silent auction to benefit sea turtle conservation
17 Live Like Cole Foundation’s Charity 1 Burgers & Brews Festival – An American turing world-class folk, bluegrass, Celtic, Ameri- efforts. Sunday morning 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. watch
Golf Tournament, 8 a.m. shotgun start Heritage Celebration to benefit United cana, rock and jazz musicians. Wed. 7/5 Artist/ release of live sea turtles to be tracked in Tour
at Grand Harbor Golf Club followed by BBQ Against Poverty, 11 3 p.m. Best Burger Faculty Concert; Sat. 7/8 Student concert & de Turtles ‘race’ to raise awareness of threats to
lunch, to raise funds for a Riverside Park fishing Competition featuring top local chefs at Her- Barn Dance; Wed. 7/12 Artist/Faculty Concert; marine life. Kick-off Party $20 advance; $35 at
pier and lagoon related charities. 772-559-5907 Thurs. & Fri. 7/13 & 14 Faculty-led Advanced door (if available). 321-723-3556

17 To Sept. 3 - Vero Beach Museum of Art Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
presents Dan Gunderson: A View from in June 9, 2017 Edition 1 THUMB 1 TEACHES
Above. 772-231-0707 4 ARCH 2 UNRESERVEDLY
18 Father’s Day Car Show, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 9 MEDIAEVAL 4 ARDOUR
at Elks Lodge of Vero Beach hosted by 10 HOST 5 CHASTITY
Elks and Vietnam Veterans Chapter #1038, with 11 SULTANAS 6 EVENINGDRESS
music, raffles and food to support Elks charities 12 WAR 7 ALMS
and Veterans assistance programs. 772-299-6225 13 SORROW 11 SAW
18 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra 16 PAY 14 SAT
presents Broadway Showstoppers, 3 17 REEFKNOT 15 SINGERS
p.m. at Community Church of Vero Beach. $20. 18 ODIN 16 POROUS
18 & under free. 855-252-7276 20 VELODROME 17 ROVE
21 EYE 19 VETO

Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13 Crossword Page B14



Our directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the community an opportunity to make themselves known to our readers at an affordable cost.
This is the only business directory mailed each week during season. If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753.


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ABC Medicare • Authorized Birkenstock Repair
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NEW ADDRESS • 2682 U.S. HWY 1 • VERO BEACH, FL • • 772.562.9045

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