Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 51
dragon queen Daenerys in season five, “I think there will always be an in- their catwalks and thinks that Dynas- ers still reference these shows.”
and has since made dozens of unique herent relationship between the two ty, Cheers and Twin Peaks are among If you are still unsure whether “Game
pieces for the show. “There has been a industries,” says Joseph Altuzarra, the now-retro shows that are most fre-
major response to the pieces we make who happens to have been watching quently referenced. of Thrones” could stand up among
for the show, so we set up a sister com- another Clapton-clad show, Netflix’s the greats, though, consider this; Lyst
pany selling replicas,” Higginbottom The Crown, at the same time as he was “The prom queen, the kooky weirdos, confirms that they now see a spike in
tells us – she and her business partner drafting regal designs for his autumn the Fifties pin-up – ‘Twin Peaks,’ for ex- searches for the entire Daenerys look
Yunus Ascott launched a sub-brand, collection. And with a reported budget ample, had something for everyone and every Halloween. Surely that’s the final
MEY, in collaboration with Clapton of $130 million for the production of quite often the personalities were so test for any TV show hoping to achieve
last year, so that fans can literally shop the first series, it’s no surprise that the strong that they were like caricatures,” cult fashion status; will it be immortal-
from the screen. The key to success is visuals should be inspiring. she says. “The originality is why design- ized as fancy dress?
that these aren’t gimmicky souvenirs,
but fine jewelry pieces. “The Daenerys As well as being informed by what
Drogon Neck Sculpture is our best sell- he’s seen on screens, Altuzarra has had
er, despite the price point,” she adds the chance to reverse roles, designing
– at $2,500, it’s a serious investment. pieces for character Claire Underwood
The team worked closely with Emilia on “House of Cards.” “Sometimes it’s
Clarke to make sure the design struck the characters of films that inspire me,
the right chord. such as Sailor and Lula in Wild at Heart
[for his spring 2017 collection], some-
According to fashion search engine times it is the overall mood,” he adds.
Lyst, “Game of Thrones” is now so influ- “There’s a transformative power to the
ential that searches for Grecian dresses, medium that I’m drawn to – fashion al-
bodices and capes all increase when a lows for the wearer to engage with dif-
new season airs. Of course, this is not ferent parts of their personality.”
the first time that we’ve become infatu-
ated with a TV show wardrobe; and with Vogue contributing fashion editor
huge budgets being redirected from Bay Garnett agrees that “fashion is all
the big screen to the small, the fashion about characters.” Garnett cites Gu-
spectacles are only getting better. cci, Kenzo and Givenchy as labels that
love to create heroine-like figures on
52 Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Amalia Café: Tapas and Spanish paella in St. Thomas
Charlotte Amalie, picturesque capi- cooked in garlic and rosemary, and the the custom in many tapas restaurants Paella Valenciana.
tal of the U.S. Virgin Islands in the West almejas, clams prepared in a green gar- in Spain, no bread is served at the
Indies, has never been a gourmet’s lic sauce, were wonderful as always. Amalia Café unless you order it, and how can you not have bread with all of
paradise. A shopper’s paradise, maybe. you are charged $3 for a basket. But that wonderful garlic sauce just wait-
But Saint Thomas is not home to the Curiously, as seems to have become ing to be mopped up?
great restaurants you find on Carib-
bean islands like Saint-Martin, Saint As for Café Amalia’s paella, the sea-
Barts or Anguilla. food components on last week’s visit
were great as always – very fresh, very
However, years ago, while seeking well-seasoned calamari, shrimp, mus-
refuge from a tropical downpour, we sels and clams. But the saffron rice
stumbled into a Spanish restaurant this time was just a bit disappointing;
named the Amalia Café in one of Char- perhaps because we arrived on the late
lotte Amalie’s cobblestone alleys. side, the rice had been prepared sepa-
rately from the flavor lenders.
We had lunch on the porch while
waiting for the skies to clear, and ever However, lunch on the porch at the
since, on visits to St. Thomas, we have Amalia Café is always a great way to
made the Amalia Café our lunchtime decompress after a day of shopping in
destination. Charlotte Amalie. While my husband
says he plans on future visits to stick
Owned and managed by Randolph with the tapas, I am already thinking
and Helga Maynard, this open-air about the zarzuela de mariscos.
Spanish restaurant has had the same
chef forever – a rarity in the islands – I welcome your comments, and en-
and his zarzuela de mariscos ($24), a courage you to send feedback to me at
Costa Brava-style seafood casserole of [email protected].
snapper, grouper, salmon and hake in
a tomato brandy sauce with mussels, The reviewer is a beachside resident
clams and shrimp, draws raves from ev- who dines anonymously at restaurants
eryone who tries it. at the expense of this newspaper.
Generally, though, we arrive for a late
lunch hot and, tired from shopping,
order a carafe of the Amalia Café’s re-
freshing white sangria (they also have
red), and simply enjoy a selection of
some of the tastiest Spanish tapas you
will find anywhere.
On our most recent visit a week ago,
we ordered only two of our favorite
tapas – the gambas ajillo ($12) and the
almejas salsa verde ($14) – because I
insisted that we once again enjoy the
Amalia Café’s paella Valenciana ($21).
That meant we passed up one of their
great tapas, the very lightly battered
calamaris frito ($13), which is always an
exquisite rendition of this dish. Howev-
er, the gambas ajillo, beautiful shrimp
Gam.bas Ajillo Almejas Salsa Verde.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 53
To learn what you like, try your hand at blending wine
BY KRISTEN HARTKE plex, rich or bold, in any combination, California winemaker Billy Dim, who is in how much the wine can change by
tasting each variety for different flavors. will send you a box filled with all the putting in 10 or 15 or 20 percent of a dif-
The Washington Post tools to blend wine in the comfort of your ferent variety.”
For me, the “soft” cabernet held notes own home, from the measuring pipette
Sitting in a room full of wine barrels, of vanilla, while I found the “supple” va- to four single-varietal wines that you can A kit, of course, is not the only way to
winemakers and sommeliers seemed riety to have a slightly yeasty base that mix and match to your heart’s content. go. Because red wine grapes are typi-
like a dream come true until such terms reminded me of proofing sweet rolls, cally blended more often than white,
as “sub-appellations,” “malolactic fer- and “bold” held the scent of late sum- “We wanted to demystify the wine sommelier Sarah Young, who runs
mentation” and “diurnal fluctuation” mer roses and almost overripe berries. making experience,” says Dim, “and for the wine blending class at the Grand
started being bandied about with aban- people to feel comfortable. There are no Bohemian Hotel in Charleston, S.C.,
don. It was like I had landed on an island My palate gravitated toward wines right or wrong answers. If you like the suggests picking up four or five single-
where the natives speak a different lan- from central Napa Valley’s Rutherford result, then you’ve won.” varietal reds – such as cabernet, petite
guage, and I was just hoping to nod my AVA (American Viticultural Area), said syrah, malbec, merlot, cabernet franc
head at the correct time. to have a “dusty” quality from sandy soil The provided wines – syrah, Gre- and petit verdot – for a homegrown
and volcanic deposits, and the Calistoga nache, cabernet and merlot from Cali- blending experiment. A measuring
I’m a wine consumer, not a connois- AVA, closer to the Russian River, where fornia’s central coast – are all meant to cup and a set of wine glasses are the
seur, although I have a pretty good pal- hot days and cool nights provide rich be approachable and less intimidating only equipment you need, plus maybe
ate that I’m trying to hone, which is why flavors and bright acidity. to average consumers. “The products a plate of plain crackers to cleanse the
I was drawn to a wine blending class in that we like to put in our kits are great to palate between sips.
the heart of California’s Napa Valley. It’s chemistry, for sure, but utterly drink on their own,” Dim says. “The fun
subjective at the same time. After two
I imagined sampling different vari- tests, I came up with a base blend of
etals – cabernet, zinfandel, syrah – and 300 milliliters “supple,” 200 milliliters
blending them to find my personal fla- “bold” and 100 milliliters “complex” – a
vor profile, much in the way I might ad- combination that was just a bit buttery
just a cake recipe by adding a teaspoon with a savory floral undertone, like a
of smoked cinnamon or a touch of fresh not-too-sweet blackberry Danish.
orange zest. And once I got over being
intimidated by the winemaker’s lexicon, Once that base was created, it was
that is exactly what happened. In fact, time to add a total of 200 milliliters of
now I’m a bit of a wine-blending junkie. other varietals – merlot, cabernet franc,
malbec or petit verdot – for an even more
That, of course, is Conn Creek Win- personal twist, rather like adding fresh
ery’s goal. “Our hope is that our guests herbs, citrus or spice to a bowl of pasta.
enjoy the diversity of the wines and un- I found that 150 milliliters of merlot pro-
derstand what makes them the way they vided a mild peppery bite, and 50 millili-
are, ideally triggering a greater interest ters of a tannic petit verdot balanced out
in the complexities of wine,” says wine- all the fruit with a touch of dryness.
maker Mike McGrath, who teaches the
class. “Typically, we see guests gravitate Presto! In about an hour, I had my
toward the rich and bold section, but very own bottle of wine, which would
once they start blending, each creation be ready to drink after three months of
becomes unique.” resting in the bottle. And, surprisingly, I
did feel a bit like a winemaker, with an
The first task was to create a 600-mil- improved vocabulary to match.
liliter cabernet sauvignon base, using
California wines whose flavors were It made me want to figure out how I
categorized as either soft, supple, com- could blend wine on my own turf.
Enter Blendtique, the brainchild of
54 Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 55
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56 Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 57
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58 Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 59
Always show gratitude for offerings large and small
An old story tells of a small family Eventually he opened his fist to reveal the event. Why hadn’t he simply urged we might have needed or deserved what
whose youngest child developed a seri- the gift he had brought: one penny. The the miser to give the entire amount in the these people had to give, if they were in-
ous illness. Their local doctor told them delegation turned angrily to leave, but beginning? The priest responded, “Did capable of giving it to us, we can hardly
the only hope for the child was to seek the priest calmly took the coin and pre- you see how small that first offered gift blame them. We may have expected
treatment from a specialist in a far dis- sented an elaborate speech of gratitude was – just a single penny? A penny was too much. Perhaps they just hadn’t yet
tant city. But the family didn’t have the to the miser. “May God grant you health all he had the strength to give. But when learned to open their hands and hearts
means for such a venture. Concerned, and long life. May God increase your joy I accepted what he was able to give, that to give freely of their time, resources, af-
several of their friends went to the vil- and surround you with heaven’s love.” opened his heart to enable him to give fection or commitment.
lage priest to ask his advice. “Only the more, and more, and more.”
miser who lives at the edge of town The miser was clearly touched by the Next time we find ourselves disap-
has enough money to help the family,” priest’s expression of gratitude. “Wait a Well, that story revolves around the pointed by someone’s failure to meet our
he said. And so, a small delegation of minute,” he said. He ran back into his use of money, but it has a greater signifi- expectations, next time someone de-
friends went with the priest to visit the home and returned, bringing out a larger cance. It is also about our expectations clines to give us what we feel we deserve
miser and ask for his assistance. gift. Again the priest thanked the miser of giving and receiving. It’s about how and the other is capable of giving us,
graciously, and again the miser ran back our reactions to unmet expectations in- we might stop and think about our re-
The priest went to the miser’s front to get another gift. This pattern repeated fluence things. Don’t we all have people sponse. Anger at the other’s failure is un-
door and knocked. He carefully ex- itself again and again until the priest and in our lives who have failed to meet our likely to change anything. But perhaps
plained that a small child was very ill and the friends had collected all the money expectations from time to time? Wheth- if we try accepting what little is offered
the only effective treatment was very ex- necessary for the medical expenses. er a spouse, a child, a friend or a co- with gratitude and kindness, a whole
pensive and was only offered in a city far worker, undoubtedly we’ve all been dis- new realm of possibility will emerge, for
away. He explained that the child’s fam- As the little group of friends turned appointed now and then. Even though that person and even for us.
ily was poor and unable to pay for this. happily away, they asked the priest about
A bright and promising, beloved and
happy child was at risk of death.
To everyone’s surprise, the miser was
moved to tears and said, “Wait. I can
help.” He ran into his house and a few
minutes later he returned, holding out
his hand to the priest. But his fist was
clenched and his whole arm shook with
the effort he was expending to open his
fingers and release what he clutched.
60 Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ONGOING Lighten Up cooking demonstrations at McKee 21|22 Peter and the Star Catcher 23 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra pres-
Botanical Garden, 11 a.m. Saturdays in the Café featuring Riverside Chil- ents Fantasies, 3 p.m. at Community
Vero Beach Museum of Art – Watershed: Con- followed by lunch: 7/22 Demystifying Grains dren’s Theatre performers on the Stark Stage. Church of Vero Beach, featuring ‘The Sorcerer’s
temporary Landscape Photography thru Sept. 10. and Glutens; 7/29 Healthy Snacks; 8/5 Fun and 772-231-6990 Apprentice’, ‘Elsa’s Procession to the Cathedral’,
Healthy Cooking for Kids, a children-only work- and Symphonie Fantastique. $20. 18 & under
Riverside Theatre - Vegas Nights at Riverside shop. Registration required. 772-794-0601. 22 Christmas in July, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at free. 855-252-7276
Theatre, with live music, full bars and food ser- Riverview Park, Sebastian to benefit
vice, plus casino games with proceeds to ben- Free Healing Path Workshop series, 3 p.m. Shop with a Cop, with entertainment, auctions, 28-30 Vero Beach Pirate Festival,
efit Children’s and Family programs, 6 to 9:30 Wednesdays through Aug. 23 at IRSC Richard- vendors and Santa. Free. 772-978-6248 2 to 6 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m. to 8
p.m. weekends thru July 28. Free admission. son Center hosted by Cox-Gifford Seawinds p.m. Sat., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun. at Riverside Park.
Community Outreach. 772-562-2365. 22 Pet Adoption Day and BBQ, 10 a.m. to
2 p.m. at Dyer Subaru, which is spon- 29 Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup, 8
Sea Turtle Walks, 9 p.m. through July at Se- JULY soring no-fee adoptions of shelter cats and dogs. a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at marinas, boat
bastian Inlet State Park, Archie Carr NWR Bar- 772-388-3826 ramps, beaches and other waterways in the tri-
rier Island Sanctuary and Windsor Beach Club. 20-23 ‘Celebrating 60’ a Musi- county area.
Reservations required. and cal Review Concert show- 22|23 Audubon Field Academy, an casing the 60th Anniversary of Vero Beach accelerated summer session 29|30 Sea Turtle Conservancy’s
Theatre Guild, the Treasure Coast’s longest covering eight learning modules in two weekends Tour de Turtles begins with
Where’s Waldo Community Scavenger Hunt running community theatre, with songs from hosted by Pelican Island Audubon Society and Sat. 7 to 9 a.m. release of two loggerhead turtles
thru July 28. Have ‘passports’ stamped with 10 many of its biggest hits, 7 p.m. Thurs, 8 p.m. Audubon of Martin County. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. July at Disney’s Vero Beach Resort to be tracked in Tour
or more ‘I Found Waldo’ signatures at 25 partici- Fri. & Sat., 2 p.m. Sun. $12 students; $25 22 & 23 at Pelican Island Audubon House, and de Turtles ‘race’ to raise awareness of threats to
pating businesses and bring to Vero Beach Book adults. 772-562-8300 Aug. 5 & 6 at Savannas Preserve State Park Educa- marine life. Sat. 6 p.m. Kickoff Party at the Barrier
Center to enter prize drawing. 772-569-6650 tion Center. $125. 772-288-2637 Island Sanctuary at Archie Carr National Wildlife
Refuge with featuring refreshments, live music and
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword Page 43 (A HARD-DRIVING PUZZLE) silent auction to benefit sea turtle conservation ef-
in July 13, 2017 Edition 1 MILLER 1 MOROSE forts, and Sun. 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. release of two log-
4 KNEES 2 LAMBADA gerheads at Barrier Island Sanctuary. Kick-off Party
8 ROMEO 3 ELOQUENT $20 advance; $35 at door (if available); release
9 INERTIA 4 KEEP viewings free. 321-723-3556 or
14 GAIN 13 BANKROLL 3-5 Vero Beach Recreation Dept. pres-
15 APEX 16 EVASIVE ents Fire and Ice, the 43rd annual
18 TOW 17 JACKAL Aerial Antics Youth Circus, 7 p.m. at Saint Ed-
21 ASTI 19 WAFER ward’s School, featuring performers from ages
23 AWKWARD 20 ADVENT 3 to 33 showcasing gymnastic, aerial and dance
25 KARAOKE 22 TARDY routines. $7 & $8. 772-567-2144
Sudoku Page 42 Sudoku Page 43 Crossword Page 42
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702 Painted Bunting Lane in Old Riomar: 5-bedroom, 6-bath, 4,525-square-foot golf course home offered for
$1,650,000 by Kit Fields, Realtor, Charlotte Terry Real Estate Group of Alex MacWilliam, Inc.: 772-312-5165
62 Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Hacienda beneath live oaks overlooks Old Riomar fairway
BY STEPHANIE LABAFF expects to see golfers clad in knickers,
Staff Writer tweed jackets, and caps like the first
golfers wore when the neighborhood
Tucked away under a canopy of was originally developed in the 1920s.
live oaks is a Spanish-style hacienda
at 702 Painted Bunting Lane. The “I love this place,” says the homeown-
5-bedroom home is reminiscent of er, Jeff Daniels. “I have so many great
the bygone days of Old Riomar. While memories of hosting the people I love,
looking out at the spectacular view but it’s a lot more house than one per-
of the 12th fairway on the Riomar son needs. I’ve had as many as 12 peo-
Country Club golf course, one almost ple stay at the house for a week at a time,
and you can still have a good time.”
The house has quite a history, ac- Christmas classic “Silver Bells” with
cording to Daniels. It was originally Bing Crosby.
three separate structures that were
made into one and then the second A brick drive wends its way through
story was added. “What a lot of people a hammock of live oaks that have
don’t realize is that Carol Richards stood on the property since before the
lived in this house,” he said. barrier island’s first and only oceans-
ide golf course was built.
Richards was an American singer,
radio and television performer best “One of the best things about liv-
known for her appearances on “I ing on this street is that you can walk
Love Lucy” and her recording of the across the street to Quail Valley and
have a drink, walk to the end of the
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 63
road and go to the beach, the Beach house a weathered look. Details like
Club or to Riomar Country Club. It’s the crosshead molding with dropped
a really convenient location,” says Kit keystone paired with tall casement
Fields, Realtor, Charlotte Terry Real windows, exposed wood rafter tails
Estate Group of Alex MacWilliam, Inc. and wooden doors with iron features
And after playing a few holes of golf complement the Spanish Colonial
in the evening or puttering around in Revival architecture.
the potting shed, you can rinse off in
the outdoor shower. Inside, the house is a marriage
of timeless architecture and mod-
The hacienda was originally built ern amenities. Stepping through the
in the 1970s and has maintained rustic, double front doors, guests are
its old world charm while embrac- greeted by a wooden staircase leading
ing modern upgrades. Red-clay tiles to the second floor; the formal dining
atop the multi-level roof form an room is to the east and formal living
interesting asymmetrical roofline room to the west of the entryway.
creating a warm, rustic look, and
the roughly textured stucco give the At the rear of the house a beamed,
vaulted ceiling gives depth to the
64 Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
great room that opens out onto the fully appreciate the serenity of island cents, microwave and wine cooler. easy to unload groceries, give the dog
12th fairway of the Riomar Golf life, the relaxing sounds of a fountain For convenience, the laundry a bath and drop off wet towels from
Course through sliding glass doors add to the tranquil setting. the beach.
from every room on the main floor. room, a full bathroom and the garage
The kitchen has been updated, sit just off the kitchen area making it The staircase to the upper level re-
Take a few steps down to enter the and even the most discerning chef
master suite with his and her bath- would be happy to whip up a culi-
rooms, including a garden tub and nary masterpiece in this cozy space.
bidet, walk-in closets and plenty of Dark wood cabinets, travertine
space. The guest quarters are also on backsplash and granite countertops
this side of the house. With a private are complemented by the butler’s
entrance and full bath, visitors enjoy pantry with a second refrigerator,
privacy and a view of their own. To beadboard ceiling, dark wood ac-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 65
veals another classic feature: hand- REAL ESTATE
painted tiles on the stair risers leading
to three bedrooms and two bathrooms, “You feel almost like you’re in a
a great area for the children. Two of the tree house,” says Fields as she peeks
bedrooms can be opened up into one out through a second-floor window
large room or used as a craft room, sit- overlooking the expansive lawn. The
ting room or study area for the kids. idyllic setting lends itself to outdoor
living with lots of space. The terrace
is cool and shaded, and the fire pit
66 Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
invites you to linger outside while en-
joying a cocktail.
Old Riomar is conveniently lo-
cated between Vero’s two bridges,
with easy access to beachside and
mainland locations. One of the first
areas settled along the ocean, the
neighborhood is rich in history and
known for its plethora of live oak
trees. It’s just a short walk, bike or
golf cart ride to Quail Valley River
Club, Riomar Country Club, Riomar
Beach access, the City Marina, Riv-
erside Park, Riverside Theatre, Vero
Beach Museum of Art, Vero Beach
Dog Park and shopping and dining
on Ocean Drive.
Neighborhood: Old Riomar
Year Built: 1972
Lot size: 196’x175’
Home size: 4,525 square feet
Construction: concrete block
with stucco
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 6
Additional features: Oak-can-
opied double lot, 2-car garage,
chef’s kitchen, butler’s pantry,
granite countertops, stainless
steel appliances, tile and wood
flooring, guest quarters, impact
windows, wine cooler, irriga-
tion well, garden tub, outdoor
shower, fountain, golf course
and lake views
Listing agency:
Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Real Estate
Listing agent:
Kit Fields, 772-312-5165
Listing price: $1,650,000
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 67
New online tool can assess your home equity options
BY KENNETH R. HARNEY you need to know about Lending Tree
Washington Post and the accuracy of its estimates?
Do we really need another Zillow Lending Tree describes itself as
Zestimate-style online gizmo to tell “the nation’s leading online loan
us what a computer model says our marketplace” connecting “consum-
homes are worth? Probably not. There ers with multiple lenders who com-
already are scads of real estate and pete for their business.” Visitors can
mortgage websites that offer some get quotes from lenders on first mort-
type of automated home valuation gages, credit cards, student loans,
feature: Redfin,, Chase personal loans, reverse mortgages
Mortgage, RE/MAX,,
Bank of America Mortgage and Cold- CONTINUED ON PAGE 71
well Banker, to name just a handful.
cash, whether for home improve-
You’ve probably visited one or ments, kids’ college tuitions or some
more of them – and you know they other worthy purpose?
hardly ever come up with the same
value conclusions. And too often they This is where Lending Tree believes
don’t come anywhere near what lo- it has an edge: It’s got your mortgage
cal realty agents and professional ap- balance information and can provide
praisers tell you is the current market what it purports to be your home val-
range for your property. ue estimate – together. Once you’ve
indicated that you’d like to check rates
So why would a well-known com- and terms on home equity lines of
pany venture out with a new version credit (HELOCs) or home equity loans,
so late in the game? The popular mort- you’ll get preliminary offers from “up
gage site Lending Tree, which debuted to five” competing lenders from the
its own valuation model in June, can company’s network of 40 banks ac-
tell you why: Because none of the other tive in those products, according to
value estimators calculate your home Charles Battle, Lending Tree’s director
equity or suggest how and when you of product management.
might want to tap into it.
If you’re not quite ready to move
Is that important to you? ahead but instead prefer to track your
Maybe, maybe not. Say you don’t equity, credit and mortgage situation
pay much attention to what houses like on a regular basis, you can sign up for
yours are selling for lately so you’re not a more comprehensive “My Lending
quite sure what your home is worth. Tree” service, for which there is no
You probably have a better sense of the charge. It provides you monthly up-
balance on your mortgage, because it’s dates plus periodic “alerts” on your
typically shown on your monthly loan home equity movement. You get an
statements. But without a good fix on alert when there’s “an actionable op-
the home value, you’re missing the es- portunity” for you to tap into your
sential ingredient. equity on favorable terms, based on
Your equity at any moment is your “real-time market data,” changes in
home’s worth minus the debt against your credit files and equity levels, ac-
it. If you own a $400,000 house and cording to the website. There’s no re-
you’ve got a $250,000 mortgage, quirement that you take any action.
you’ve got $150,000 in home equity, “You can ignore it,” Battle says, but
exclusive of transaction expenses if it’s designed “to tell you when you can
you sold the place. save money.”
But even with that knowledge,
the question remains: What Before checking out this new entrant
would it cost to turn some of into the home valuation arena, what do
that equity into spendable
68 Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: July 7 to July 13
The week after the July 4th was a strong one for higher-end real estate on the barrier island with 8
transactions recorded, three of them for more than $2 million.
The top sale of the week was of an oceanfront home in Old Riomar. The residence at 1802 Ocean Drive was
placed on the market Dec. 16 for $5.6 million. The sale closed on July 7 for $5.25 million.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Hope Brovont of Dale Sorensen Real Estate. The
purchaser was represented by Cindy O’Dare of Premier Estate Properties.
It was a big week for O’Dare, who also represented both seller and buyer in the purchase of two $2+
million homes in the new South Beach subdivision of Sandy Lane (see facing page for details).
$489,900 $1,120,000
OLD ORCHID 9540 W MAIDEN COURT 4/18/2017 $489,900 7/13/2017 $2,425,000
VERO BEACH ESTATES 785 BOUGAINVILLEA LANE 11/3/2016 $1,195,000 $1,120,000 7/13/2017 $2,400,000
SANDY LANE 1425 SANDY LANE 7/18/2016 $2,450,000 $2,450,000 7/13/2017 $550,000
BERMUDA CLUB 1192 GOVERNORS WAY 4/27/2017 $540,000 $520,000 7/12/2017
SANDY LANE 1405 SANDY LANE 3/6/2017 $2,250,000 $2,250,000 7/12/2017
RIVER MEWS CONDO 2025 LAS RAMBLAS UNIT#2025 3/30/2017 $550,000 $550,000 7/12/2017
5810 HIGHWAY A1A UNIT#3C 1/11/2017 $429,000 $399,000
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 69
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Vero Beach Estates, Address: 785 Bougainvillea Lane Subdivision: Sandy Lane, Address: 1425 Sandy Lane
Listing Date: 11/3/2016 Listing Date: 7/18/2016
Original Price: $1,195,000 Original Price: $2,450,000
Recent Price: $1,120,000 Recent Price: $2,450,000
Sold: 7/13/2017 Sold: 7/13/2017
Selling Price: $1,120,000 Selling Price: $2,425,000
Listing Agent: Kay Brown Listing Agent: Cindy O’Dare
Selling Agent: Premier Estate Properties Selling Agent: Premier Estate Properties
Elizabeth Sorensen Cindy O’Dare
Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Premier Estate Properties
Subdivision: Sandy Lane, Address: 1405 Sandy Lane Subdivision: River Mews Condo, Address: 2025 Las Ramblas Unit #2025
Listing Date: 3/6/2017 Listing Date: 3/30/2017
Original Price: $2,250,000 Original Price: $550,000
Recent Price: $2,250,000 Recent Price: $550,000
Sold: 7/12/2017 Sold: 7/12/2017
Selling Price: $2,400,000 Selling Price: $550,000
Listing Agent: Cindy O’Dare Listing Agent: Cliff Lamb
Selling Agent: Premier Estate Properties Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Cindy O’Dare Bob DeWaters
Premier Estate Properties Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
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$1,200,000 $675,000
Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.
direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |
70 Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Old Orchid, Address: 9540 W Maiden Court Subdivision: Bermuda Club, Address: 1192 Governors Way
Listing Date: 4/18/2017 Listing Date: 4/27/2017
Original Price: $489,900 Original Price: $540,000
Recent Price: $489,900 Recent Price: $520,000
Sold: 7/13/2017 Sold: 7/12/2017
Selling Price: $475,000 Selling Price: $500,000
Listing Agent: Chip Landers Listing Agent: Elizabeth Sorensen
Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Janyne Kenworthy Paula Rogers
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Paula Rogers & Associates
Subdivision: Fountains Condo, Address: 5810 Highway A1A Unit #3C Subdivision: Oyster Bay, Address: 1635 Cherrystone Way
Listing Date: 1/11/2017 Listing Date: 12/8/2016
Original Price: $429,000 Original Price: $549,000
Recent Price: $399,000 Recent Price: $535,000
Sold: 7/7/2017 Sold: 6/13/2017
Selling Price: $399,000 Selling Price: $535,000
Listing Agent: Janyne Kenworthy Listing Agent: Bob Faller
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida
Janyne Kenworthy Bill Carroll
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl RE/MAX Classic
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 20, 2017 71
and home equity products. what you are when you indicate you’d credit and the like – the same as you Redfin? That’s hard to know because
In the fine print on its website, like to receive offers. would for any other mortgage appli- unlike those two, Lending Tree does
cation. If you’re not willing to do so, not divulge its model’s median error
though, the description is more le- Be aware that before you can get you won’t be able to get offers. rate. The company does say that its
gally precise. The company is “a mar- any competing offers, you need to di- accuracy is “regularly tested” and is
keting lead generator” and “a duly vulge some highly sensitive informa- How does Lending Tree’s valua- “similar to other high quality [valua-
licensed mortgage broker.” Lenders tion about yourself: name, address, tion model stack up against well-es- tion models] on the market.”
pay Lending Tree for “leads” – that’s Social Security number, income, tablished players such as Zillow and
Celebrating 68 Years as The Trusted Name in Real Estate
5 BR / 5.5 BA $3,470,000 6 BR / 4.5 BA $2,800,000 3 BR / 4.5 BA $2,275,000 3 BR / 2 BA $745,000
Alex MacWilliam, IV 772-473-6972 ML#181139
Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 ML#180847 Barbara Parent 772-633-3027 ML#175387 Karen Smith 772-559-1295 ML#184281
3 BR / 2 BA $699,000 3 BR / 2.5 BA NOW $689,000 3 BR / 2 BA $539,000 3 BR / 3 BA $529,000
Cheryl Gerstner 772-539-2100 ML#180598 Patty Valdes 772-473-8810 ML#187322 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 ML#177068 Carolyn Lange 772-473-7982 ML#183711
3 BR / 3 BA $528,500 3 BR / 2.5 BA $520,000 3 BR / 2 BA $417,000 2 BR + DEN / 2.5 BA NOW $385,000
Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 ML#180295 Roger Smith 772-473-0086 ML#181108 Cheryl Gerstner 772-539-2100 ML#191076 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 ML#188901
PRIVATE BEACH ACCESS $295,000 2 BR / 2 BA $285,000 3 BR / 2 BA $230,000 3 BR / 2 BA $199,000
Alex MacWilliam, IV 772-473-6972 ML#167442 Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 ML#188909 Teena Jackson 772-532-7655 ML#189176
Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 ML#143624
Integrity • Service • Professionalism • Results
4755 South Harbor Drive 2901 Ocean Drive 2911 Ocean Drive
Vero Beach, FL 32967
Vero Beach, FL 32963 Vero Beach, FL 32963
772-231-6509 772-234-8500