My Vero: Does anyone here care
about spring training? P7
Charter High gets
15-year renewal. P12
Indian River continues
the fight to stop Brightline. P11
Texas man with For breaking news visit
big plans buys
INEOS facility Health Department’s tax funding
for indigent care cut 60 percent
Staff Writer chore – bringing in things like
Staff Writer proof of domicile and pay stubs
David Frankens is now the St. Paul’s dedicates new church. Story, Page 32. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD – has proven very difficult for
owner of a defunct ethanol A change 18 months ago people living in poverty, said
plant, 150 acres of land and a in the way the County Health clinic administrator Miranda
deep injection well. Department is funded by the Hawker. “It’s very challenging
County Hospital District has for our patients to bring in all
He’s got a half-dozen or so resulted in a drastic drop in that documentation.”
employees that were kept on, the number of patients going
the skeleton crew who con- to the Health Department for But the result of the huge
tinued to staff the abandoned free healthcare – from an av- drop-off in patients being seen
INEOS Bio facility after the erage of 80 visits a day to 18 – at the clinic was that the Hos-
bank took it back. and this in turn has forced ma- pital District “adjusted” the
jor staff cuts and a curtailment amount of money it was giving
Frankens said he just wrote of the agency’s adult and pedi- the Health Department down
a check for payroll for those atric primary care services. to $900,000 – a reduction of
folks. “And I bonused them,” more than 60 percent. This in
the 45-year-old said from According to officials, the turn has led to cutbacks of 21
his home in Lufkin, Texas, a plunge in patient visits came positions, including a doctor,
city of 35,000 people situated after the tax-levying Hospital a dentist, a nurse practitio-
about halfway between Hous- District – which had been fund- ner, several nurses and at least
ton and Dallas. ing the Health Department’s nine people involved in the
clinic through an annual block very process of getting those
When he heard that the grant of $2.5 million – switched patients approved.
tentative deal Alliance BioEn- to a fee-for-service reimburse-
ergy had to buy the plant from ment system which requires As a result, adult primary
the bank was falling through, non-Medicaid or Medicare care is now being offered only
Frankens said he got his heli- patients to bring in proof that on a “limited basis,” accord-
they qualify for indigent care ing to clinic officials. Mean-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 before they can be seen.
Sheriff’s deputy accused of using excessive Broken line repaired
force in subduing man having a seizure that spewed sewage
into Bethel Creek
BY BETH WALTON An attorney for Brian Gines
Staff Writer Jr. filed a civil complaint in the BY KATHLEEN SLOAN
19th Judicial Circuit alleging Staff Writer
A Vero Beach man claims he excessive force, negligence and
was having a seizure at the Indi- battery against the Indian River The City of Vero Beach
an River Medical Center when County Sheriff’s Office and its last week completed final
a Sheriff’s Deputy slammed employees for the incident. repairs to the sewer main
him into a wall, pushed him that drains much of the
onto the ground, handcuffed The then 36-year-old was
him and sat on his legs while being treated at the hospital CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
waiting for backup to arrive. for a seizure disorder in 2014.
February 22, 2018 Volume 11, Issue 8 Newsstand Price $1.00 Beatle maniacs
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
INEOS plant has new owner a man of faith. My heart is to help the currently a billionaire. He also says at Administrator Jason Brown on Jan. 23.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 community, by buying this land from the end of the day, the defunct INEOS Mehta said the meeting took place
a bank, from a lender at some reduced plant will be a $300 million project – a
licopter ready and flew down here to price,” Frankens said. “I have partners number that at this point in his life he in Brown’s office and lasted about an
look at the site. that own that [property] with me.” doesn’t bat an eye at. hour. “There were at least six people
from the Frankens Energy team,” in-
“A friend of mine knew about it,” The County Property Appraiser’s Indian River County, in response cluding Frankens and Alain Castro.
Frankens said. “He said, David, I know website lists the purchase price for the to a records request, confirmed that
this doesn’t fall exactly in your motto, INEOS property as $3 million. the county is exploring some options Castro is an MBA and engineer,
but I’d like you to fly out and look at with Frankens’ company, but that founder of two companies, Ener-Core
it. So I took the preacher and flew out Frankens said he puts up the major- nothing definite is in the works. Pub- and Energy Ventures, both heavily in-
and we prayed over it.” ity of the capital and brings in “really lic records show there have been two volved in renewable energy projects not
professional people” with specific in- meetings with Frankens – an initial only in the United States, but also in Eu-
As with any major life decision, Fran- dustry expertise needed for a particu- introduction with Solid Waste Direc- rope, Latin America and South America.
kens said he consults his pastor, his re- lar project. tor Himanshu Mehta, and a follow-
ligious advisor, and brings him along up meeting with Mehta, plus Utilities Frankens Energy LLC, the corpora-
to important business meetings. “I am Because of his success putting to- Director Vincent Burke and County tion that purchased the property, was
gether deals and matching investors established with the State of Florida
with opportunities, Frankens said he’s Division of Corporations on Jan. 18,
a few days before the closing and the
meeting with county officials. The cor-
porate paperwork lists only Frankens,
no other officers or directors, and a
registered agent that is not an attor-
ney, but an agency called Incorp Ser-
vices with an address in Loxahatchee.
Frankens Energy does not have a
website where someone could quickly
find out about the company.
The domain name www.frankensen- was purchased on Feb. 3.
“At one time I had nine websites and
people were getting so confused with
all the different companies, so I made
an executive decision to shut every site
down,” Frankens said.
Frankens says his business inter-
ests include 37 companies, more than
200,000 acres of land in Texas, real estate
developments, wind farms, solar farms,
medicinal cannabis, and investment
partnerships from the Pacific coast to
Frankens Investment Fund LLC, he
said, is his main company. The lim-
ited liability company was established
Dec. 6, 2017, according to the Texas
Department of State database.
He currently has at least six active
corporations on file under his name
in Texas, including several formed in
recent months. Big Country Land &
Ranches is the longest-established
company still active in the state data-
base, founded in January 1991. It lists
Frankens as one of the owners.
Frankens said he started his busi-
ness career by building a spec home
when he was 18, using a bank loan of
about $30,000 or $40,000, he doesn’t
remember the exact amount. “In four
years I was the biggest homebuilder in
the area,” he claims. “In the 2008 bust,
I bought Carlyle Homes. I bought sev-
eral tract home companies.”
A 2005 Washington Post story quotes
David Frankens as a real estate develop-
er who unearthed a faulty gas pipeline
underneath the mobile home park he’d
been building, so apparently he was in
the development business in his 30s.
But Frankens’ story gets shaky after that.
The Texas Association of Builders lists
one company by the name of Carlyle
Homes, in Troup, Texas, about an hour
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 3
from Lufkin. Project manager and civil maybe he can partner with them to Sheriff’s deputy Gines had a second seizure while
engineer Drew Carlyle answered the make ethanol at the plant, too. waiting at the emergency room and
phone Monday at the Carlyle Homes of- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 began acting violently and erratically,
fice. The company website says Drew’s Frankens said he’s already begun the lawyer contends in the complaint.
father Joe Carlyle founded the compa- working with a Realtor looking for The condition was so severe, his at- Sheriff’s Office Deputy David Russell
ny in 1990 and still serves as CEO. homes or homesites in Indian River torney claims in court filings, it could responded to the commotion and in-
County so he can have a home close “occasionally cause him to become tervened, even though several hospi-
Drew Carlyle said at no point during to the new project. He’s been viewing violent against his will.” This informa- tal staff told him the patient should
his dad’s 28-year history did anyone available parcels by helicopter, he said, tion, lawyer Jeffrey Fadley says, was not be approached.
else own the family business. “Either and would ultimately want some acre- well known to hospital staff.
he’s crazy or he’s not telling the whole age on water. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
truth. I’ve never heard of David Fran-
kens,” Carlyle said. NEW LISTING
Frankens said he has another Flor- Exclusively John’s Island
ida corporation called 301 Partners,
through which he set up a major solar Revel in the tranquility of this impressive 6-bedroom retreat poised to
energy project for Jacksonville Electric capture breathtaking water views with desirable southern exposure.
or JEA. Upon checking various itera- The remarkable infinity-edge pool with spa merges with the sparkling
tions of the name 301 Partners in the lake beyond, creating continuous vistas. Sited on .73± acres, this
state corporations database, no active 8,480± GSF home offers exceptional architecture, custom ceiling
or inactive companies listing Fran- details, hardwood floors, Mahogany French doors with pocket screens,
kens seem to exist. gourmet island kitchen adjoining the family room, handsome study,
luxurious master suite, bonus bunk room and a detached 3BR cabana.
In response to a request placed with 205 Waxmyrtle Way : $5,750,000
JEA’s media office, JEA spokesperson
Gina Kyle said Monday, “I did put out three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
some feelers and that name was not health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
familiar, but the way we do these proj-
ects is that we work with various con- 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
tractors and that person could be affili-
ated with one of the subcontractors.”
As part of a cursory look into Fran-
kens’ complex business interests, Vero
Beach 32963 was able to verify that he
is, in fact, listed as a board member
for an Australian medical cannabis re-
search company, NuCannaCo Science
Limited, which has a market capital-
ization of $17.1 million and is traded
on the National Stock Exchange of
Frankens’ bio on the corporate
website says, “Mr. Frankens is a life-
long resident of East Texas where he
started his business career as a cus-
tom homebuilder and expanded into
mortgage lending and farm and ranch
“Mr. Frankens is also the developer
of wind energy in the Southwestern
U.S. and brings a high level of experi-
ence in negotiations, deal structures
and worldwide business contacts
that will benefit and complement the
Frankens said he has a conceptual
plan for the former INEOS property,
but it’s still all in his head.
“When we flew down in the heli-
copter, I looked at it and I saw a lot of
things. I’m right now designing that,”
Frankens said. “It’s a beautiful site, a
beautiful place.”
The concept, he said, involves tak-
ing waste concrete from the Indian
River County landfill and making it
into usable gravel for construction
sites. He’s also interested in reclaim-
ing the methane gas currently being
burned off at the landfill and making
that into energy.
Frankens said he wants to sit down
with Alliance BioEnergy CEO Daniel
de Liege and their scientists to see if
4 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Sheriff’s deputy prosecute him for the alleged crime. above his head, the deputy recalls in Indian River Medical Center did not
This “violent ambush” caused severe his report. return a request for comment on the
emotional and physical harm to the pa- Russell says he approached Gines
“The law-enforcement officer ig- tient, Fadley alleges. The lawsuit claims wearing his deputy’s uniform, and as The Gines complaint is the second
nored warnings by the Indian River the attorney attempted to secure a fi- he reached for his radio to call for help, excessive force lawsuit filed against
Medical Center staff and approached nancial settlement out of the court from Gines jumped off the stretcher and the Indian River County Sheriff’s Of-
Mr. Gines while he was fully betrothed the Sheriff’s Office to no avail. Fadley is struck him in the head with a blanket. fice by Fadley since December. Such
in the violent seizure episode,” Fadley now demanding a trial by jury. cases can take years to litigate.
writes. “Since Mr. Gines was in a vio- “He then pushed the blanket into
lent seizure episode, he became ag- There is an expectation that law-en- my face with both hands,” the officer Frederick Luong, of Vero Beach, was
gressive towards the law-enforcement forcement consider a person’s physical writes. “I grabbed him around the neck also improperly arrested when he was
officer without awareness.” and medical condition when making an and shoulders and pinned him against “violently and forcefully” smashed
arrest, Fadley told Vero Beach 32963. wall. He continued to scream and fight into his vehicle during a 2013 traf-
The situation escalated to the point to get free at which time I directed him fic stop, the attorney alleges in court
where the deputy “snatched Mr. Gines “If it turns out the standard is grab to the floor.” documents filed with the 19th Judicial
by his neck and shoulders and pinned them and slam them, whatever you Circuit.
him against the wall,” the attorney want to do, then we’ll get to that,” said Emergency Department staff even-
alleges. His client, still in a medical the attorney who is awaiting a legal tually helped Russell secure the de- The Sheriff’s Office has moved to
emergency, was unable to respond to response from the Sheriff’s Office and fendant in handcuffs, he says. Russell dismiss the Luong case, which is now
the deputy’s verbal commands. “Thus, has yet to depose hospital staff. “At then sat on Gines’ legs and buttocks in federal court, denying any wrong-
the law-enforcement officer vigorous- this point I certainly feel [Gines] . . . until back up arrived. “The defendant doing.
ly and viciously took Mr. Gines to the was treated wrongly given his medical suffered no injury as result of the ar-
ground,” Fadley writes. condition, and that he needs a voice in rest or struggle,” he claims in the war- Southern District Court Judge Jose
this situation.” rant. “I sustained a laceration to my Martinez ordered Luong’s attorneys to
“The law-enforcement officer con- left elbow.” show additional cause by Feb. 28 in or-
tinued to brawl with Mr. Gines and Russell’s version of events is de- der for the case to go forward.
eventually was able to get handcuffs tailed in an arrest affidavit written by Sewage line fixed
on,” he adds. “However, Mr. Gines con- the deputy in January 2014. It states CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 “Everything was back online before
tinued to seize, so the officer sat on the he was at the Indian River Medical 5 o’clock, before people got home,”
legs and buttocks of Mr. Gines until Center Emergency Room working an northern part of the barrier island. Bolton said “The highest water usage
other officers arrived.” extra-duty detail around 2 a.m. when The rusting 50-year-old iron pipe rup- – 60 percent – is between 5 p.m. and
he heard a disturbance. tured in November, dumping 3.1 mil- 9 p.m.”
Gines, now 40, was arrested on lion gallons of raw sewage into Bethel
charges of battery on a law-enforce- Russell claims he saw Gines jump- Creek before temporary repairs halted The spill came to light on Nov. 16
ment officer and resisting arrest, but ing up and down in room 18 using the the spill. when residents complained of a foul
the State Attorney’s Office declined to reflection on a glass door. The patient odor along Bethel Creek, an inlet that
then ran into the hallway, jumped on a The city had to wait for seasonally connects to the lagoon near the city
stretcher and started waving his arms high tides to recede – they last from marina north of the Barber Bridge.
October through December – before
undertaking the complex repair. Even After a reporter called the city to
with the water table lower, the site re- check on the cause of the smell, Bolton
quired dewatering for work to proceed investigated and discovered the bro-
last Thursday and Friday. The break ken line.
was on the east side of State Road A1A,
in front of the newly-built Surf Club At that time, he estimated 100,000
townhomes, near Jaycee Park. gallons of sewage had spewed into
the lagoon, but after checking flow
Residents were asked to limit wa- records at the sewage plant he upped
ter usage while the line, which car- the estimate to 3.1 million gallons,
ries waste to the city’s sewage treat- making it the fourth largest spill along
ment plant, was cut for repair. At the the lagoon since 2015, according to re-
same time, 30 lift stations were shut cords provided by DEP.
off between Jaycee Park and the north
boundary of Indian River Shores, from All told, the repair will cost the city
about 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday to about $50,000, Bolton said. That in-
reduce the flow of sewage. cludes re-sodding and other land-
scaping at the dig site along A1A in
Vero Water and Sewer Department front of the multimillion-dollar Surf
Director Rob Bolton said the city hired Club townhouses.
Meeks Plumbing to run three pump
trucks to suck up the waste water ac- Water testing done by the Water and
cumulating at closed lift-stations to Sewer Department and state Depart-
prevent sewage from backing up into ment of Environmental Protection
businesses and homes. found high levels of dangerous bac-
teria in Bethel Creek for weeks after
About 25 feet of 12-inch iron pipe the spill. Residents asked the city put
was cut away and replaced with the up signs to warn kayakers and boat-
same material and then a protective ers not to touch the water, which was
sleeve, also of iron, was installed where done.
the sewage pipe runs through a large
concrete stormwater drain. The break “We stopped testing Dec. 20, when
was probably caused by the storm wa- the enterococci bacteria levels were at
ter pipe, which encased the sewer pipe acceptable levels,” Bolton said, but the
in corrosive salty water, but Bolton is signs are still in place and residents
sending the pipe away for analysis to remain concerned about the qual-
nail down the cause. ity of the water after so much sewage
poured into the Bethel Creek, which
has little natural flow to disburse pol-
To address those concerns, Bolton
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 5
consulted with scientists, including and better,” Trefry said. The oxygen en- Bolton. Following Trefry’s advice, his this week. He estimates the cost will be
Florida Institute of Technology Ocean livens the bacteria, which eats organic department will measure the creek’s between $35,000 and $40,000.
Engineering and Sciences Profes- matter, he added. And Bethel Creek is oxygen levels periodically to gauge
sor John Trefry, and decided to install a good candidate for aeration, which improvement. He also plans to purchase a chemi-
pumps in the creek to aerate the water. works best in an enclosed system. cal monitoring device for about $7,000
Bolton has solicited bids for an air that measures pH, organic content
“Aeration was developed for treat- Aeration will be needed for about a compressor and 10 aeration heads, and nitrogen levels in water. Some
ing sewage, to decompose waste faster year “to really see a good change,” said and expected to choose a contractor
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Sewage line fixed Health Department funding ment for communicable diseases such tire expense for those who qualify.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 as TB and HIV. The main offices of the Health Depart-
ment are in the County Administra-
residents living along the creek have while, the Hospital District is suggest- Along with adult primary care, tion complex south of Airport Road;
volunteered to be the sample takers, ing patients use two other low-income health department officials say pedi- it also runs the Gifford Health Center
he said. health clinics in Vero Beach: Whole atric and dental care are also provided Pediatric Clinic and WeCare, a pro-
Family Health and Treasure Coast now only “on a limited basis.” gram in which specialized care is giv-
Other remediation plans include Community Health. en through physician volunteers.
seeking grants, such as the “living The change brings the Health De-
shoreline” grant given by the National “We decided to pay the Health De- partment into line with other programs Some of the Health Department’s
Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- partment like we pay all the other pro- the District funds to provide healthcare patient load may be moving to two
tration, University of Florida branch, viders,” said Hospital District Trustee to the indigent, the vast majority of its other clinics with sliding fee scales as
to improve the creek environment Allen Jones. “It’s based on actual treat- budget going to indigent care at Indian well as Medicaid and Medicare: Whole
and water quality. ment for patients that meet the defi- River Medical Center – though that Family Health and Treasure Coast
nition of indigent, so we can show the could change if a takeover by Cleve- Community Health, which is also a
Bolton hopes the nearly $50,000 taxpayer that their money is going land Clinic pans out, and that system District beneficiary.
invested in aeration and monitoring specifically for indigent care.” agrees to provide indigent care.
equipment can be counted as match- Vicki Soulé, CEO of Treasure Coast
ing funds to secure money to plant Jones said while the Health Depart- The District-supported VNA mobile Community Health, said they have
seaweeds that “suck up nutrients,” put ment claimed that was already the health unit made a similar transition been getting more calls since the
in oyster beds that filter water natu- case, the numbers point to other uses. to fee-for-service in 2016 but needed Health Department staffing cuts took
rally, and plant mangroves and other “It appears that that money wasn’t “some extra support from the District,” effect. “Our call center staff recently
beneficial shoreline plants. spent just for indigent. It’s been used said District Board Chairman Mary- reported receiving calls from individu-
to support a broad swath of Health De- beth Cunningham. The mobile unit got als saying the Health Department sug-
County Commissioner Tim Zorc partment projects, which are all good a year’s grace period for the transition, gested they call TCCH,” said Soulé.
and a group of Bethel Creek neigh- for the community, but I think we need as did the Health Department. “The
borhood residents were slated to ap- to review the whole circumstance.” Health Department has taken longer Ironically, that clinic too was in a
pear at this week’s city council meet- so we actually gave them another year funding pinch for the past five months;
ing to press for cleanup action in the The staffing cuts mostly affect adult of transition (on top of the first year), it was resolved days after the last of
creek. primary care, which gets no funding covering their budget shortfalls.” the Health Department’s layoffs went
from the state. Other programs that into effect. Treasure Coast, along with
Zorc has floated the idea of a pipe are funded by the state are not affected Cunningham points out that the all Federally Qualified Health Centers,
system that would flush the creek with and are still offered, including family Health Department is not typical saw its federal appropriation – almost a
ocean water and that will be discussed planning, immunizations, and treat- among the state’s health departments fifth of its budget – expire in September
at the meeting. in offering primary care, and that the 2017 and then get stuck in limbo while
District, not the state, funds that en-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 7
Congress debated the Government raise income to 200 percent of fed- MY SPRING TRAINING
Spending Bill. That finally passed Feb. eral guidelines. Medicaid covers those VERO
8 and included funding for Commu- who earn only 120 percent of the pov- GAMES BEGIN NEXT WEEK.
nity Health Centers nationwide. erty guidelines. DOES VERO STILL CARE?
Last year, Treasure Coast Commu- Several Hospital District officials were BY RAY MCNULTY began dissipating a decade ago, when
nity Health Care centers saw nearly not aware of the layoffs at the Health De- Staff Writer the Dodgers packed up their bats and
20,000 patients. It gets a small portion partment or of the cutback in services. balls and moved their preseason camp
of its funding – 4.4 percent – from the Trustee Jones expressed hope that the The late, great Yogi Berra – the New to the Arizona desert.
Hospital District, which recently in- Districtcouldfindawaytohelp.Hepoint- York Yankees Hall of Fame catcher
creased support for a dental program. ed out that last year, the District added who went on to manage the crosstown “I go down to watch the Mets once a
$300,000 to the clinic’sWeCare funding as Mets to the 1973 World Series and will week and I usually take guys with me,
Treasure Coast has recently added a separate line item in its budget. be forever remembered for his color- but I don’t see a lot of people from here
providers in medical, dental and be- ful butchering of the English language at the games,” said McCarthy, an island
havioral health, Soulé said. It has also “There was a backlog of patients – is quoted as saying: resident and owner of Bobby’s, the Vero
opened two additional clinics in the that needed specialty care like hernia Beach restaurant and lounge frequent-
past year. “With Department of Health repairs, and some were waiting over a “Nobody goes there anymore. It’s ed by the Dodgers’ players, coaches
cutbacks, Treasure Coast Community year,” Jones said. “We said, Oh my gosh, too crowded.” and media types for more than 20 years
Health expects and welcomes more we’ve got to help these WeCare patients before the team moved west.
referrals, both from the community get treatment.” Big crowds, though, have had little
and from Indian River Medical Cen- to do with a scarcity of Vero Beach “I don’t get calls – ‘Hey, Bobby, can
ter’s emergency department.” Said Ann Marie Suriano, the District’s baseball fans at First Data Field in Port you get us tickets?’ – the way I used to
executive director, “There should be no St. Lucie, the spring-training home when the Dodgers were here,” he con-
Last week at its monthly Chairman’s change in accessing public health ser- of the Mets, who’ve enjoyed record- tinued. “I’m sure there are some Mets
meeting, the Hospital District agreed vices as that is the primary role of the setting attendance for their Grapefruit fans here, but, other than that, I don’t
to consider whether to raise its income Health Department.” League games the past two years. know anyone who goes down there on
limit to qualify as indigent, thereby ex- a regular basis.”
panding the number of people it serves. “The District and the trustees have According to Bobby McCarthy, Vero
By the District’s current standard, pa- been very kind to us and I’m grateful,” Beach’s affection for spring training CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
tients must have lived in the county for stressed Hawker. “If there is room to
six months; they must earn no more ask for some additional funding this
than 150 percent of the federal poverty coming year, we would do that, and
guidelines, and not qualify for other re- perhaps they’d be receptive. But I’m
imbursement including Medicaid. also very respectful of what their good
decisions are, and we are good part-
The board will debate whether to ners with them.”
8 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero “But I have no idea how many peo- dor – a geographical predicament that has been transformed into an all-sports
ple from Vero come to our games,” he would’ve required too many costly, training facility – said the nostalgic
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 added. “I do see the occasional Los time-consuming trips across the state complex continues to see a significant
Angeles Dodgers T-shirt, even a cou- to play exhibition games. number of spring-training visitors.
Fay Vincent, the former baseball ple of faded Vero Beach Dodgers hats
commissioner who lives in John’s Is- now and then, so I know we’re getting “The future,” Berra said, offering up “We get a lot of people this time of
land, agreed with McCarthy, saying at least a few of those folks.” another of his verbal gems, “ain’t what year,” Callan said. “They’re on their
he doubts that many baseball fans in it used to be.” way to spring training down south,
Vero – other than Mets fans, of course Probably not many, though. they see the Vero Beach exit sign on
– make the trip to Port St. Lucie more It was 10 years ago next month – Not for spring training in Florida, I-95 and they decide to stop by be-
than once or twice a spring. on St. Patrick’s Day 2008 – that the and certainly not for the Mets. cause of the history of the place. Some
Dodgers’ buses pulled away from Vero of them, particularly the ones who’ve
“It’s still a pretty good drive from Beach for the last time, moving their It’s better. never been here, say it’s like a pilgrim-
here,” Vincent said. spring-training headquarters to the The Dodgers’ departure from Vero age for them.
Phoenix suburb of Glendale and end- Beach, followed by the Nationals’
He said he still misses the festive six- ing a mostly wonderful, 61-year mar- move from Viera, left the Mets as the “Usually, it’s older couples, but we
week celebration of spring training in riage between the team and town. Grapefruit League’s northernmost also get people who say their father
Vero Beach, which brought the town Last year, the Washington Nation- team on the Atlantic seaboard – and would talk about Dodgertown, so
alive, but that the community has got- als transplanted their spring-training the team seems to be benefiting from they had to see it,” he added. “Some
ten past the pain of losing the Dodgers operations from Viera to a glitzy, new the new geography, with Port St. Lucie of them just drive through. Others will
and moved on. complex in West Palm Beach, where the first spring-training stop on I-95 walk around and take pictures, espe-
they share facilities with the world- for southbound visitors. cially of Holman Stadium.”
“Life went on,” Vincent said. “A lot of champion Houston Astros, who relo- “The last two years have been great,
the people who went to see the Dodg- cated their camp from Kissimmee. and this year looks just as good,” Ta- In many ways, Historic Dodgertown
ers were 65 and 75 years old when they The moves by the Nationals and As- glieri said. “The team has played well is as much as museum as a busy sports
left. Ten years later, a good number of tros saved spring training on Florida’s two of the last three years, which complex, which is fitting: Spring train-
them aren’t here anymore.” east coast, which almost certainly helps, and with no baseball in Vero ing, like the Dodgers, is part of Vero
would’ve been abandoned by Major and Viera, we’re probably seeing more Beach’s past.
“We don’t do demographic studies League Baseball if West Palm Beach spring-training traffic here.”
on who buys our tickets” said Paul Ta- hadn’t been added to the Grapefruit Surely, the presence of Tim Tebow Its future in this area is in Port St.
glieri, the Mets’ executive director of League map in 2017. – the University of Florida’s Heisman- Lucie, where the Mets will open their
minor league facilities. “Obviously, a There’s no chance the Mets, or the winning quarterback, who switched 31-game, Grapefruit League schedule
large share of our crowds are people Jupiter-based Florida Marlins and St. from football to baseball and signed Friday against the Braves – and where
visiting from the Northeast, especially Louis Cardinals, would’ve stayed with with the Mets after struggling in the a sellout crowd is expected on March
the New York area. We also get a lot of only three teams along the I-95 corri- NFL – also has had some impact on 7, when the Yankees come to town.
baseball fans who come to Florida on the crowds in Port St. Lucie.
spring-training trips and travel around And he’s back this year. “I go to a few Mets games now, and
the state. To quote Berra again: “If you don’t I go because I’m a baseball fan,” Mc-
know where you are going, you might Carthy said, adding that the spring-
end up some place else.” training weeks no longer impact his
That seems to apply, too, to spring business. “They’ve done a great job
training fans who still end up at Dodg- with their stadium down there, and
ertown – or Historic Dodgertown, as it’s they get nice crowds, but it’s different
now known – even though the stadium from what we had here.
has been without a team for a decade.
Craig Callan, who has been involved “The whole thing with the Dodgers
in Dodgertown’s management for 40 and Vero Beach and Dodgertown . . .
years and now serves as a vice presi- That was unique,” he continued.”
dent at Historic Dodgertown – which
Or as Berra once said, as only he
could say it: “If the people don’t want
to come out to the ballpark, nobody’s
going to stop them.”
BY BETH WALTON fice Lieutenant Justin Knott.
Staff Writer The memorandum clears Lozada, who
Moments before Susan Teel was fired the fatal shots, of administrative
shot dead, investigators say the sui- wrongdoing, even though he claimed to
cidal woman swore at the deputy who have shot the 106-pound woman three
had come to render aid and told him, times and an autopsy released earlier
“Go ahead, kill me.” this month found she had been shot four
times. A grand jury cleared the deputy of
Corporal Jonathan Lozada arrived criminal charges Jan. 4.
at the home on Carriage Lake Way in
Vero Beach at 8:04 p.m. July 26 after The family has notified the Sheriff’s
Teel’s daughter called 911 for help, Office of its intent to file a civil com-
according to a Feb. 1 report written plaint, said Attorney Guy Rubin of Ru-
by Indian River County Sheriff’s Of- bin & Rubin law firm in Stuart. There
are contradictions between what law
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 9
enforcement reports, and what has ful commands for Teel to back away. state investigators to intervene, said port from investigating prosecutors.
come forth in investigative docu- “Considering the forgoing, it is the in- Undersheriff James Harpring, who de- The proceedings are secret, but the
ments, he said, including the discrep- clined to discuss the Teel case any fur-
ancy about the number of shots fired. vestigative conclusion that no violation ther, citing the pending litigation. 21-member panel can call witnesses
of Agency General Orders, polices or and review evidence in its delibera-
It is unclear why the Florida Depart- procedures took place during the course “We did not feel the need to have an tions, he explained. At times, jurors
ment of Law Enforcement wasn’t called of this incident,” Knott writes. “As such, outside entity come in and make that will issue a statement or recommen-
in to oversee the investigation into her it is recommended that no further ad- sort of evaluation or determination,” dations on proposed policy changes in
death, and whether or not protocol ministrative action will be taken.” he said, noting there are already three addition to criminal charges. That was
was followed when the deputy know- layers of oversight, including the inter- not done in this case.
ingly approached an armed, mentally According to Teel’s Jan. 4 autopsy nal investigation, prosecutorial review
ill woman without waiting for backup. released this month, the 106-pound and grand jury findings, By Monday, no excessive force com-
woman was shot four times. One bul- plaint had been officially filed in state
“Teel was posing a danger to no one let went through her chest, another to In the case of an officer-involved or federal court. Rubin said last week
but herself,” Rubin said. her right hand, and two hit her abdo- shooting death, a grand jury is empan- his office was still waiting to review in-
men. She had traces of alcohol and eled to investigate criminal wrongdoing, vestigative records. Such lawsuits can
When Deputy Lozada arrived at drugs in her system. said Assistant State Attorney Chris Tay- take years to litigate.
the house, family members told him lor. They are presented with the Sheriff’s
Susan Teel was upstairs armed with a Teel had several cuts on both sides Office review of the evidence and a re- Reporter Nick Samuel contributed to
knife, Knott writes. They said she had of her neck and on her wrists. There this report.
been drinking and taking Ativan, an were multiple bruises on her body.
antianxiety medication.
According to Knott’s report, Teel’s
Just two days prior to Teel’s death, husband, Dr. Dudley Teel, checked on
her son attacked her at her home, his wife around 7 p.m. that day. The
something the family’s attorney has door to their bedroom was locked so
said was likely a major factor in her he removed the doorknob to get inside.
“He indicated he knew something
Lozada foundTeel, 62, lying face down was wrong because Susan Teel had
on her bed. He announced his presence been talking about killing herself for
and told her to show her hands, Knott 3 to 4 days prior to this incident,” the
explains. “She responded by standing investigator notes.
up and saying ‘[Expletive] you, kill me.’
At which time she began to make her “Upon making contact with Susan
way around the bed and approached Teel, Dr. Teel observed a big cut on
Corporal Lozada with a large knife.” Susan Teel’s wrist. He also observed
a large amount of blood within the
The blade was later measured to be bathroom.”
13 inches long.
Knott says Teel took a large knife
“She’s got a knife,” Lozada radioed from her dresser and told her husband
to dispatch. Though he was not wear- to stab her. She then said if he called
ing a body camera, the transmission 911, “she would stab them (referring to
picks up him telling her not to come the responding deputies.)” The doctor
any closer. “Don’t come” is broadcast then asked his daughter to call for help.
before the sound cuts out.
Lozada responded.
Teel continued to approach the The family never expected crimi-
deputy with the knife over her head, nal charges, but did expect more than
according to Knott. As Lozada backs a “rubber stamp no true bill” from the
up toward the door, he fires one round. grand jury, said Rubin. The Office of
She keeps advancing so the deputy the State Attorney can work with jurors
shoots her again and again. “Upon dis- to recommend changes to policies and
charging the third round, Susan Teel procedures without indicting the officer.
fell to the ground,” the report states. Somehow, instead of de-escalating
this situation, Lozada escalated it, Ru-
Eight seconds after his last dispatch, bin said. “When there is a 911 call for
Lozada is heard yelling “Shots fired! medical help and someone ends up
Shots fired! Need EMS!” over his radio. shot in the chest, there is something
It was 8:07 p.m., just three minutes af- wrong,” he explained.
ter he arrived at the home. The way Indian River County in-
vestigates officer-involved shooting
CPR was commenced, but Teel was deaths is flawed, Rubin added. The
pronounced dead at 8:17 p.m. Crime Sheriff’s Office assigns its own internal
scene photographs show the bathtub investigators often after their boss, the
filled with water and blood, writes Knott. sheriff, has publicly discussed what
A second box cutter knife was found he believes happened. “This is a sort
bloodied lying on the bathroom tile. of friction which skews investigators
away from a search for the truth.”
The images indicate the first shot was A second investigation is done by
fired “in relative proximity between the the State Attorney’s Office, but there,
bathroom and the bed,” the investiga- prosecutors are working alongside lo-
tor notes. “The subsequent shots were cal police every day, Rubin said.
fired near the bedroom entrance door. The Teel family repeatedly asked the
These findings indicate that Corporal Sheriff’s Office to allow the Florida De-
Lozada was in close proximity with the partment of Law-Enforcement to con-
advancing Susan Teel.” duct an independent review.
That did not happen. Indian River
Lozada testified that Teel presented County Sheriff’s Office did not ask
an immediate threat to his life, justify-
ing the use of deadly force, Knott con-
cludes. The deputy made reasonable
attempts to withdrawal and gave law-
10 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
School Board member pushes her personal agenda
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN Despite those polices, Justice, whose outcomes should be reported and and erase the vestiges of segregation.
Staff Writer comments are preserved in minutes evaluated for effectiveness before any The School Board filed a petition
published on the district website, has changes are made.
Indian River County School Board taken over direction of committee with federal court July 2017 to partially
Member Tiffany Justice wants to throw meetings and altered agendas while Warrior emphasized the plan is sup- get out from under court oversight,
out the African American Achieve- failing to clarify that she speaks as a posed to be founded on and modi- claiming it has achieved equitable
ment Plan to adopt one she thinks will private citizen, using her clout to direct fied according to evidenced-based treatment for black staff and students
be better, pushing her plan forward school staff on the committee while ig- research that shows success or failure, in three areas – faculty ratios, staffing
over the objections of achievement noring citizen volunteers’ recommen- not changed on the whim of a School ratios and facilities access.
plan committee members who say the dations. Board member.
change makes no sense. The NAACP, which is the plaintiff in
At the Feb. 5 meeting, Jacqueline She said the current plan took three the federal matter, does not agree.
The committee is composed of Warrior, the NAACP liaison on the years to create and has established
School District staff members and citi- African American Achievement Plan, baseline data that can be used to chart U.S. District Court Judge Kath-
zen volunteers. asked who decided the old plan should improvement or decline in African leen Williams ordered the parties go
be dropped. School District Equity Di- American student performance. A through mediation before consider-
Justice’s interference comes despite rector Deborah Long, the staff mem- new plan would waste three years of ing the district’s petition, as required
School Board policy that discourages ber assigned to run the meeting, said it effort, take until the end of this school by the desegregation order. Mediation
board members from attending in- was decided by “consensus” and asked year to establish a baseline, and an- began Jan. 29. Hearings are private,
dependent committee meetings, be- committee members “to speak up,” other year to accumulate comparative and not open to the public.
cause they may “unduly influence or but none confirmed the assertion. data, she said.
stifle committee deliberations.” Warrior is also concerned that Jus-
Committee member Margaret In- School District staff, however, took tice, by flouting district policy and in-
If a board member does attend a gram said it was Justice who wanted Justice’s lead. Peggy Jones, executive terfering with what is supposed to be
committee meeting, the policy says the old plan dropped in favor of one director of secondary education, said, an independent committee, is tamper-
they should “participate in commit- she said would be better aligned with “I don’t think any of us want to go ing with the School Board’s ability to
tee discussions as members of the the district’s strategic plan. backwards,” supporting Justice’s new make transparent decisions as a body.
public,” not as elected officials with plan proposal.
authority over School District policy, Citizen members Warrior, John “School Board members can’t speak
noting that “personal opinion will be Thornton, Michelle Scott and Eugene At the end of the meeting, Long stat- to each other outside of noticed meet-
clearly identified as such to commit- Wolff – who is running for School ed the March meeting will again take ings,” she said, “but Justice is skirting
tee members.” Board – all said the current plan's up the new-plan draft. Sunshine laws by making her position
[on the African American Achieve-
The African American Achievement ment Plan] known in these committee
Plan Justice is meddling with a re- meetings. The minutes are available to
quirement of a federal court order put the members, which is similar to send-
in place in the 1960s and amended in ing them an email, which is clearly a
1994 that is intended to bring about violation of the open meetings act.”
equal treatment of African Americans
and whites within the School District Justice did not respond to a request
for comment.
BY RAY MCNULTY allegedly saw him trying to remove a
Staff Writer sign at the same intersection.
Three weeks into Vero Beach's ef- "We had three signs that were taken
forts to curb panhandling at city inter- down," Vero Beach Police Chief David
sections, two homeless people have Currey said. "The first one, we weren't
been arrested and jailed for remov- sure who did it. The second one, Da-
ing – or attempting to remove – signs vid Miller was caught in the act. The
posted to discourage the roadside third one was Benjamin Daum, who
beggars and the motorists who give we believe was also responsible for
them money. the first one.
According to arrest affidavits, David "We've had issues with both of
Wayne Miller, 41, was charged with them," he added. "They're not cooper-
criminal mischief on Feb. 6, after he ative and they're usually under the in-
allegedly pulled one of the signs from fluence of something, usually alcohol."
the ground at the intersection of U.S. 1
and 17th Street. Currey said Miller has been arrested
more than dozen times locally, and
Three days later, Benjamin Daum, Daum has been jailed more than 40
34, was charged with disorderly intoxi- times since 2005, usually for nuisance
cation after a Vero Beach police officer crimes such as disorderly intoxication,
trespass and carrying alcoholic bever-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 11
ages in an open container in public. an accident or that they will obstruct Currey said his department received weeks and we're still getting feedback,
All of the downed signs were quickly traffic when they stop to hand money nearly 300 calls from January 2017 to but, overall, the response has been
out their windows. Panhandlers also January 2018 from people complain- positive," Currey said. "Were just try-
re-installed. are at risk of being struck by cars. ing about panhandling on the city's ing to get the message out so we can
In fact, Currey said signs have been streets. Police received more than 700 keep our streets safe, and I think it's
The city’s signs read: "DUE TO PUB- calls alerting officers to "homeless in- having an effect.
added at five locations, including the in- LIC SAFETY CONCERNS, PANHAN- dividuals on the corner."
tersections of State Road 60 and 43rd Av- DLING IS DISCOURAGED" in red "The signs might not discourage the
enue – adjacent to the Nino's restaurant lettering, with "Please Donate To Lo- He said many of the "homeless" calls panhandlers, but we hope they will de-
– and U.S. 1 and Aviation Boulevard. cal Charitable Organizations" under- probably involved the same people re- ter motorists from giving them mon-
neath in smaller black letters. ferred to in the panhandling calls. ey," he added. "The surest way to stop
There are now 12 such signs, which the panhandling is to stop giving them
cost $50 apiece, posted at some of the Panhandling is not illegal, so city of- As of last weekend, panhandlers money, because these people won't
city's busiest intersections. ficials had to choose the wording for could still be found at several intersec- stay out there if it's not productive.
the signs carefully, after researching tions, sometimes standing under the
"It's well worth the money to change what other Florida cities were doing to city's signs, and motorists were still "Besides, if your money goes into
the mindset in this community," Currey combat a growing problem with road- giving them money. their hands, we pretty much know
said, "because this is a public safety issue." side begging. where it's going to wind up."
"The signs have been up only a few
The fear is that drivers will be dis-
tracted by the panhandlers and cause
Indian River continues the fight to stop Brightline
BY BETH WALTON West Palm Beach through the Treasure “We don’t believe that these cross- to stop a privately funded transporta-
Coast before jetting west to Orlando. ings in highly populated areas can be tion project that is critical to Florida’s
Staff Writer made safe for trains traveling at 110 growth,” she said.
The proposed expansion would sig- miles per hour.”
Even as All Aboard Florida chugs nificantly increase the number of trains “The anti-progress vision of the
ahead with its plan to run high-speed passing through Indian River County A Brightline representative dismissed Treasure Coast has already cost tax-
passenger trains through Vero Beach where there are 31 at-grade road cross- the claims in a statement last week. All payers $7 million. Apparently, there is
and the rest of the Treasure Coast, lo- ings, many in need of safety upgrades. Aboard Florida has pledged to expand its no limit to how much more taxpayer
cal officials continue to fight the plan, rail safety efforts by putting up warning money they will waste.”
which they believe would bring seri- Safety concerns about the trains, signs and recruiting safety ambassadors.
ous safety problems and economic which travel 110 mph in some stretch- Funds for such legal actions in In-
harm to the area. es, have increased due to a multiple “This is the seventh lawsuit Trea- dian River County come from a pot of
collisions and fatalities involving sure Coast counties have filed in order
The latest move came earlier this Brightline trains since the company CONTINUED ON PAGE 12
month when Indian River County joined launched its West Palm-to-Lauderdale
Martin County and advocacy group service on Jan. 12. The most recent was
CARE-Florida filing a complaint in U.S. Feb. 14 when police say a 90-year-old
District Court of the District of Colum- Highland Beach man was unable to
bia, which names the U.S. Department get out his vehicle before it was struck
of Transportation and the Federal Rail- by a train around 8 p.m.
road Administration as defendants.
Witnesses told investigators the
The lawsuit alleges the DOT ignored man’s car was stopped on the tracks at
safety, maritime and environmental a red light when the gates dropped. He
problems and improperly subsidized was taken to Delray Medical Center for
the Brightline trains with tax exempt treatment.
bonds, while violating the National
Environmental Policy Act. This was the first time since Bright-
line began service that a train hit a car.
“Throughout the NEPA process, Two Palm Beach County residents were
Indian River County submitted com- killed in Boynton Beach trying to cross
ments to the [Federal Railroad Admin- the tracks in January. Melissa Lavell,
istration] demanding that the agency 32, was on foot when she died. Jeffrey
take a hard look at the environmental King, 51, was riding his bike home
impacts of the All Aboard Florida proj- from work. Both attempted to cross the
ect,” Indian River County Attorney tracks despite safety warnings.
Dylan Reingold said in a statement.
Others injured include a Wilton
“Unfortunately, after improperly wait- Manors pedestrian who police say was
ing 28 months, the [Federal Railroad Ad- attempting suicide; a Fort Lauderdale
ministration] issued a flawed and legally teen walking with friends along the
inadequate Record of Decision.” tracks; and a 55-year-old Fort Lauder-
dale man who walked into the train’s
The DOT announced approval for the path. Reports from Broward County
Brightline project in December. Shortly claim he survived the impact, but will
after, the private passenger train com- have to learn how to walk again.
pany reported a provisional $1.15 bil-
lion Private Activity Bond allocation and “While the death toll mounts day
approval from the South Florida Water by day, the fundamental issue is how
Management District to build tracks be- many more encounters between AAF/
tween Orlando and Cocoa Beach. Brightline trains and pedestrians, bi-
cyclists and motorists will occur,” at-
Brightline began phase one service torney Steve Ryan said in a statement
last month between West Palm Beach prepared by CARE-FL, Indian River
and Fort Lauderdale, and the high-speed and Martin counties.
rail project ultimately is set to run from
12 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Indian River Charter High gets a 15-year renewal
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN included academics, fiscal manage- members and parents filling the hall. and Sebastian River traditional high
Staff Writer ment, teacher oversight, student se- Cheering and applause resounded af- schools for the last nine years in the state
lection and school mission. The team ter the motion passed. Department of Education evaluations,
Indian River Charter High School recommended charter renewal unani- has 686 students enrolled this year.
has received a 15-year charter renew- mously, according to IRCHS Executive “We appreciate the scrutiny district
al from its sponsor, the Indian River Board Director Gene Waddell. staff put us through,” Waddell said. The state gave the charter an “A” rat-
County School District, after going “We enjoy that sort of thing.” ing for the past five years. In 2016, 92
through a half-year review process. The Indian River County School Board percent of graduates went to a four- or
likewise voted unanimously to renew the The mission of the charter high two-year college or into the armed ser-
About a dozen School District staff charter at its last meeting in January. school, which is known for its em- vices, and it was recently designated a
members evaluated the school in their phasis on the arts, is to serve students “school of excellence” for maintaining
areas of expertise. They graded the The charter school’s esprit de corps “who want or need a non-traditional high standards in several categories
charter on more than 20 criteria that was easy to see at the board meeting, structure and learning environment.” for three years running, earning loos-
with charter students, faculty, board ened state oversight and more flexibil-
The school, which beat outVero Beach ity in programing.
At the same time, the school has
room for improvement, according to
district personnel.
Waddell and IRCHS Assistant Direc-
tor Joseph Mezzina said the district
evaluators found the school needs a
better plan for attracting minority stu-
dents and staff to reflect the county’s
diversity, and that it needs to use the
same reporting method the school
district uses when a student is trans-
ferred out of the charter back into his
or her “assigned” district school.
Fixes will be included in the new
charter contract that will be negoti-
ated between now and July.
The charter high school’s application
materials state 5 percent of the student
population was African American in
2015-2016 school and 5.5 percent in
2016-2017. According to the 2016 U.S.
Census data, 9.3 percent of the county
population was African American.
In 2015-2016 the Hispanic student
population was 13 percent, rising to 14.4
percent the next school year. The county
Hispanic population in 2016 was 12 per-
cent, according to the U.S. Census.
Twenty percent of the charter’s 61
employees are minorities, according
to the renewal application submitted
by the school.
Fight to stop Brightline
nearly $2.9 million budgeted to fight
the expansion. At the end of January,
nearly $2.3 million had been spent,
the bulk on legal fees.
The Indian River County Commis-
sion agreed last month to another six-
month, $50,000 contract with law firm
McDemott Will and Emery to lobby
state and federal lawmakers against
the train.
County leaders also gave Reingold
permission to use additional taxpayer
funds to sue federal agencies if proper
vetting of Brightline’s publicly-subsi-
dized financing is not done.
14 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Ponying up for worthy causes at Windsor’s ‘Polo Cup’
Hilary and Galen Weston. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Jean Ueltschi and Ann Jones. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
Ray Oglethorpe with Nancy and Bob Puff.
BY MARY SCHENKEL Space Coast Region of Porsche Club to the estimated 5 million people who troduced the impressive lineup of
Staff Writer of America; and watching as talented live worldwide with Parkinson’s dis- international players, all of whom
youngsters took to the field for the ease,” said Brooks. “To date the Mi- donated their time: the Pezuñas
Bright sunshine and a lovely breeze Windsor junior player demonstration. chael J. Fox Foundation has funded Caliente team with Vero’s own John
greeted attendees of the fourth bienni- over $800 million in research, making Walsh, Juan Monteverde, Nacho
al Windsor Charity Polo Cup last Sat- “Today we have 800 people join- us the largest nonprofit funder of Par- Figueras and Lucas Criado playing
urday, co-chaired by the Hon. Hilary ing us for the luncheon,” said Hilary kinson’s research in the world.” against the Falasiri team of Salva-
M. Weston and Salvatore Ferragamo. Weston, welcoming guests and thank- tore Ferragamo, Carlos Gracida Jr.,
The flagship community fundrais- ing sponsors and all involved in the “We are so grateful to the Windsor Jesse Bray and Rodrigo Andrade.
ing event of the Windsor Charitable enormous undertaking. community and to the Westons for
Foundation, this year’s polo match the incredible support that you have Before the match, guests in the
supported equally the Michael J. Fox “As many of you know, Windsor is shown our organization,” said Cun- main pavilion dined on an elegant
Foundation for Parkinson’s Research our ‘Village by the Sea.’ We take great ningham, noting that their numer- luncheon created by Executive Chef
and the Alzheimer and Parkinson As- satisfaction that this cup has contin- ous programs and services offer sup- Robert Meitzer and impeccably
sociation of Indian River County. ued to grow.” port to families grappling with issues served by Windsor’s attentive staff
affecting memory and/or movement at tables with stunning floral center-
As guests arrived at the sold-out Representatives of the two ben- – all at no cost. Through their educa- pieces of roses and orchids.
event, they enjoyed a champagne re- eficiaries, Deborah Brooks, Michael J. tional initiative they hope to create a
ception, sipping from flutes of Lau- Fox Foundation co-founder/executive dementia-friendly community. “Our And across the field, J. McLaugh-
rent-Perrier La Cuvée and Ferragamo’s vice chairman, and Peggy Cunning- local organization is literally trans- lin CEO Mary Ellen Coyne and co-
Il Borro Toscana wines while brows- ham, Alzheimer & Parkinson Asso- formed by your support and allows founder Jay McLaughlin served as
ing the upscale specialty retail vil- ciation executive director, each spoke us to sustain an ability to be able to this year’s tailgate judges, taking on
lage, where a portion of sales was do- about the important work undertaken give all of these services to the resi- the difficult task of choosing from
nated to the charities; strolling among by their organizations. dents of Indian River County.” among many creative entrants’ in-
gleaming sports cars presented by the terpretation of this year’s Picnic with
“Generous events like the Windsor Match Director Max Secunda in- the Ponies tailgate competition.
Charity Polo Cup allow us to do more
to accelerate scientific breakthroughs
16 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 Delfina Blaquier and Nacho Figueras. Drs. Vipul and Sejal Patel.
Chrysty Cichella with Alex and Jack Cichella.
Brooke Powers, Lauren Powers and Eilis Powers. Roger Lynch with Kevin and Christine Barry and Lynn Southerly. Mark and Susan Burns with Patti and Mark Carlson.
Cynthia Pelaez, Diane Langevin, Page Franzel, Allyson Bootes, Patty Casale and Gregory Allan Ness.
Libby Allard with Skip and Kim Franco. Barbara Belanger and Rose Thron.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 17
Chance Falasiri, Ron and Zoe McCall, and Kayvon Falasiri. Janel and Brian Griffin with Don and Sheryl Herrema. Jennifer Kearney, Liz Mayo and Andrea Mignano.
Peggy Cunningham and Cynthia Bardes. Sandy and Randy Rolf.
David Busch, Emily Taft and William Peacock.
Peter Schmidt and Marsha Doucette. Angela, Reed and Kyle O’Brien.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Tyrell sates Supper Club’s appetite for soulful songs
Staff Writer
Riverside Theatre jazzed things up Jon Moses, Nancy Goodes, Steve Tyrell, Anna Bain Slater and Allen Cornell. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF Heidi Waxlax and Jane Tyler.
last Monday evening with the help of
award-winning singer and producer American Songbook, a canon of Amer-
Steve Tyrell at the ninth annual Riv- ican melodies and jazz standards,
erside Theatre Supper Club, hosted by which went down as smoothly as the
the Riverside Theatre Friends Com- hazelnut chocolate gelato the guests
mittee. savored for dessert. During their musi-
cal trip down memory lane, audience
Guests enjoyed cocktails in the Or- members hummed along as toe-tap-
chid Lobby then supped on a sumptu- ping music filled the room.
ous chicken Française dinner catered
by Elizabeth D. Kennedy & Co. The
Waxlax Stage had been transformed
into the sophisticated Skyline Room,
reminiscent of the intimate supper
club establishments that riddled New
York City when jazz was king.
Tyrell, known for his earthy, soul-
ful tone, had been the Supper Club’s
inaugural performer when theater ad-
vocate Nancy Goodes first brought the
idea to life in 2010. Goodes returned to
Vero for this year’s performance, am-
plifying the evening’s celebration and
bringing things full circle.
Tyrell crooned songs from the Great
Dick and Nancy Shoemate with Mary Lee and Bill Stallkamp.
Patty Morris and Sarah Riddick. eral songs from his most recent album
and, in a nod to his Italian heritage, the
“The music he sang really struck a FBI (Full Blooded Italian) sang “Bella
chord with the entire audience,” ob- Notte,” from “Lady and The Tramp,”
served Anna Bain Slater, event chair. ending the song in Italian.
“I think his music touched so many
people.” Other high notes of the evening were
Tyrell’s performance of “The Way You
With a nod to Valentine’s Day, Tyrell Look Tonight,” which he sang in the
performed “At Last,” which he declared movie “Father of The Bride,” and “Sun-
one of the best love songs ever written. ny Side of the Street,” which was used
He also treated the audience to sev- by NASA to wake astronauts in outer
“I fell in love with the theater several
years ago and when I became a mem-
ber of the Friends Committee, that en-
abled me to become more involved,”
shared Slater. “If you go to any of the
shows that we have at the theater you
see the fruits of our labor.”
The women of the Friends Com-
mittee, currently chaired by Rose-
mary Haverland, raise capital to
supplement annual operating costs
through the Friends Fall Luncheon,
Supper Club and the upcoming VIP
Premiere Gala.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 19
Cathy Padgett with Dale and Matilde Sorensen. June Bercaw, Libby King and Laurie Gaertner. Virginia and Warren Schwerin with Barbara Baldwin.
Don and Geri McGowan with Sue and Alan Jackson. Judy and Bill Schneebeck with Chris and Nick Evans. Peter Coxhead, Charlotte Stifel and Jan Waldner.
Bob and Judy Prosser with Jill and Paul Kaneb.
Linda Aronberg and MJ Grant. Nancy Lynch and Teresa Winslow.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Optimism overflows at The Source’s Night of Hope
Jan Lauffer and Liz Malik. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Margaret Anne Evans and Diantha Harris. John and Emilie Brady.
BY KERRY FIRTH ed by The Source. Guests indulged in duced from $1.2 million to $565,000,
Correspondent cocktails and hors d’oeuvres proudly all while providing more services” he
served by students and graduates of explained. “We have the first art ther-
An exuberant crowd filled the room the nonprofit’s new Dining with Dig- apy and culinary training programs
at Northern Trust Bank with love, nity Training program. They were for the homeless in Indian River
hope and support for those less fortu- even treated to a sampling of the County. We have Alcoholics Anony-
nate at the annual Night of Hope host- multiple-award-winning chili that mous every Friday for those that are
recovering, and we are the only cold
Bob and Sarah Hennessy night shelter in the county.”
program participants had served up Dining with Dignity, a three-
at two Chili Cook-off competitions. month program under the guidance
of kitchen manager Joe Wisor, is
The Source, “the trusted symbol transforming lives through culinary
of hope for the poor and homeless,” training and basic food service in-
was established in 1995 and now dustry skills.
serves nearly 100 homeless clients
daily, providing hot meals, clothing, “We work with adults willing to
hygiene products, shower facilities, turn their lives around” said Wisor.
laundry, mail and phone service, job “They must qualify for 12 weeks of
readiness and referral programs, hu- classroom and hands-on training,
man services and Christ-centered and commit to one week of volun-
recovery programs. The Source is the teer service. They are rewarded with
only homeless drop-in center in In- a weekly stipend, a graduation bonus
dian River County. and job placement upon comple-
Anthony Zorbaugh, executive di-
rector, proudly announced new part- “I joined the Dining with Dignity
nerships with the Gifford Youth Or- program and it changed my life,” said
chestra, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Nikki Cameron, a 23-year-old single
and Crossover Mission to provide mother, once homeless and unem-
meals to at-risk children. ployed. “As a graduate I was able to
find employment and housing. I am
“Our operating budget has been re- so thankful for the counseling and
training that I received.”
The evening ended with an uplift-
ing message from a young woman
who was so moved by last year’s Night
of Hope and a $10,000 gift made by
one of the supporters that she knew
she had to do the same; contributing
an equal amount.
“Jesus led me to The Source and my
life was forever changed,” she said, not-
ing that its mission is simple, “To see the
worth of all people and treat them with
Christ-like love and human dignity, no
matter what their condition.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 21
Larry Lauffer, Helen Crockett and Chuck Sinclair. Marcia Blackburn, Emmet Evans and Pam Nettune. Karen Holencsak, Nikki Cameron and Eric Smith.
Bob Lyes and Jeanmarie Hajla. Dudley Blossom and Jim Crockett.
Father Richard Murphy, Debbie True and Tony Zorbaugh.
Debbie and John Huryn. Mike Lyster and Susan Hahn.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Fore’ goodness’ sake: Pro-Am helps Meals on Wheels
Neill and Linda Currie with Sassy and Mike Smith. PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL Randy MacMillan, Trudie Rainone and Barbara Diemer with Barry and Lynn Wiksten.
BY MARY SCHENKEL ity Golf Classic Tournament to ben- eer Neil Saffer worked his magic, rais- we do surveys, it may be the only meal
Staff Writer efit the Senior Resource Association’s ing more than $150,000 through an that they get. We have many, many
Meals on Wheels program. auction of highly desirable items and volunteers that come every day, Mon-
“Even in strong economic times a paddle raise to provide meals to se- day through Friday, and they deliver
which we have obviously been blessed This was the third year for the sold- niors on a waitlist. these meals to these individuals. And
with, the gap has widened on the out event, which paired foursomes it’s not just about the meal; it’s about
number of Meals on Wheels folks still with 20 PGA golf professionals for a “Your generosity of time and mon- that daily check. It’s somebody mak-
looking to be served. And we are going spectacular day on the links at Vero’s ey toward our goal of feeding all the ing sure that they are OK, that that
each year a little deeper in this hole,” oldest golf course, the Riomar Coun- needy seniors here in Indian River person hasn’t fallen, that that person
said Mike Smith, co-chair with wife try Club. Players were joined later by County is just incredible. It’s just is still alive, even.”
Sassy of last Monday’s Pro-Am Char- dinner-only guests for cocktails and amazing what you’ve all done for us,”
a scrumptious dinner before auction- said Smith, thanking sponsors, pros Dennis Cairns, a former UPS driver,
and guests. has been a volunteer since 2006 when
he retired. He shared how visits often
Karen Deigl, SRA CEO/president, serve as a lifeline for the homebound.
reiterated her appreciation to all in-
volved, giving particular thanks to the “When I go into their places some-
Smiths, saying, “You have no idea how times and I talk to them, they say, ‘You
you have transformed the Meals on know, you’re the only person we see all
Wheels program here in Indian River week.’ And it really breaks your heart,”
County.” said Cairns. “It’s such a great way to
make a big impact in a short amount
She noted that they currently serve of time. The secret to being happy,
more than 60,000 hot, nutritious I’ve always said, is to help somebody
meals to roughly 250 homebound se- that really needs your help. I’ve always
niors, but said there are still 136 more thought, you have not lived until you
on a waitlist. As a result of donations can help somebody that can’t repay
from the prior events, 75 of those are you. But really, they do repay me every
receiving meals. day. When they give me that smile and
a thank you, that’s all you need. I’m
“These are seniors who have no telling you from my heart, I get way
means of getting out,” said Deigl. “This more out of it than I put into it.”
is their hot, nutritious meal served ev-
ery day. And in some cases, because
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 23
Denise Battaglini and Patrick McDougal. Judi Bradley with Art and Joan Wright. Jim and Carrie Adams.
Peter and Pat Thompson, Dawn Michael, and Marta and Bob Schneider.
Kelly Donovan, Kathy Mulvey, Sherri Wilson, Mary Sue Brown and Chris McKnight.
Tony Chateauvert, Randy Hedgecock, Pat DePalma, Michael Barbosa and Scott Bayman.
24 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Beatle maniacs ‘Come Together’ for Scholarship event
BY MARY SCHENKEL Jonathan Sternberg (Ringo); Michael Stutzke (John); author Kenneth Womack; “Maximum Volume” covers Mar-
tin’s early years and his unlikely part-
Staff Writer Bobby Sexton (Paul); and Tyler Puttick (George). PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL nership with the Beatles up to 1966.
“Sound Pictures,” due for release in
The Scholarship Foundation of In- Sheila McDonough, Nora Koontz and Kathy Sharp. September, continues the narrative up
dian River County hosted an evening to Martin’s death in March 2016.
to “Come Together” last Thursday at decided to write “Maximum Volume” scholarship. George is such an interest-
the Quail Valley River Club, getting a after discovering that no book, other ing part of that story that I thought that “’Maximum Volume’ is what George
little help from their friends at An Eve- than Martin’s own biography, had ever hole was unacceptable,” said Womack. was trying to do in the early days. He
ning with Kenneth Womack, author of been written about him. There was so much information he didn’t think the Beatles would last; he
“Maximum Volume,” about the life of split it into two volumes. thought it would be just a flash in the
the late Sir George Henry Martin, often “There just seemed to be a hole in the pan. So he wanted to make a big splash
dubbed as the “Fifth Beatle.” with a lot of volume; he recorded a lot
between 1962 and 1966. ‘Sound Pic-
Many got into the spirit of “Yester- tures’ is what you get with Sgt. Pepper;
day,” costumed in everything from songs that evoke soundscapes.”
go-go boots to flop-tops. Looking like
they’d just stepped off the cover of the Womack said he was born right be-
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band fore “Revolver” was released and was
album, were Jonathan Sternberg, Mi- introduced to the Beatles through an
chael Stutzke, Bobby Sexton and Ty- animated Beatles TV series.
ler Puttick, aka Ringo, John, Paul and
George, respectively. “The cartoons were really bad, but
they used their songs. I think it’s like
Guests enjoyed cocktails and hors everyone who experienced the Beatles
d’oeuvres while listening to Beatle after their heyday; it becomes imme-
songs sung by Jack Maravell, min- diately clear that they’re just better
gling out on the veranda and enviously than everybody else,” said Womack.
ogling several classic cars of the era. All The popularity of the Beatles clearly
guests went home with a copy of the hasn’t waned; he said their songs were
book, 10 of which had a little dot signi- streamed more than any other last year.
fying the holder as a winner of one of
the colorful Beatles lunch box center- The Scholarship Foundation has
pieces. awarded more than $11.1 million in
scholarships to 2,865 local students
“It’s fun to see everybody dressed since 1965.
up,” said Camilla Wainright, SFIRC ex-
ecutive director, crediting the idea be- “We’ve also evolved into a counsel-
hind the event to Jim Slevin. ing service, to help families make ap-
propriate selections financially,” said
An award-winning author and the Joan Cook, board president. “We want
Dean of Humanities and Social Sci- them to come out of school with no
ences at Monmouth University, Wom- debt to set them up to succeed.”
ack has penned a number of books,
including several on the Beatles. He For more information, visit SFIndian-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 25
Mark and Patricia Ashdown with Kenneth Womack. Laura Bass, Richard Schlitt and Jordan Wakeland. Mary Silva with Rick and Susan Hahn.
Kristin Casalino, Jan Pratt and Raquel Tilton. Ray and Sara Benson. Jim Slevin and Dennis Shea. Paul Muller, Richard Schlitt and Leah Muller.
Joan and Wiz Cook. Matilde Sorensen and Elizabeth Sorensen. Karl Zimmerman and Marcia Littlejohn. Rene Cox and Marsha Fromang.
26 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
We Care Mardi Gras raises a Big (Easy), Fat $200K
BY KERRY FIRTH Care program a reality. ing, dancing and fundraising. many as 3,000 local residents each
Correspondent The Oak Harbor Club was color- We Care was founded in 1991 as year, providing services valued at
more than $1 million annually.
Smiles and pride exuded from fully transformed for the night with a cooperative venture between the
guests at the fourth annual Mardi festivities that included casino pok- Indian River County Medical Soci- The We Care Clinic, located in
Gras celebration last Saturday eve- er tables and slot machines, New ety, the IRC Health Department and the Gifford Health Center, opened
ning to benefit the We Care Foun- Orleans-style cuisine and Brazilian the Hospital District to provide free in 2015 and is staffed by a full-time
dation of Indian River County and Samba dancers in elaborately feath- physician services for patients liv- primary care physician, services
honor the physicians and medical ered costumes. Nearly 250 revelers ing at 150 percent below the federal coordinator, social worker and
professionals who make the We donned their wildest Mardi Gras at- poverty level. More than 130 volun- eligibility specialist so that care
tire for a fun-filled evening of din- teer professionals donate care to as can be administered in a routine,
planned manner rather than on a
crisis basis.
“I was one of the doctors who
helped found We Care 26 years ago,”
said Dr. Dennis Saver. Saver contin-
ues to volunteer at the clinic twice a
month and also serves as president
of the We Care Foundation, which
raises funds to help the volunteer
physicians do more for their pa-
“The money raised tonight will
help expand programs for those
who otherwise have no options,”
Saver explained. “We Care pro-
vides needy patients with medicine,
transportation, medical appoint-
ments, cataract surgery and lenses,
special surgical supplies and sur-
gery center costs.”
Noting that they outsource when-
ever possible, he said that in 2017
nearly 20 Hepatitis C patients were
approved for free pharmaceutical
treatments, which would ordinar-
ily retail for $8,000 each, or nearly
$1 million. “Six of them have been
cured so far and the others remain
in treatment.”
“We are such a philanthropic
community,” said Ann Marie Mc-
Crystal, a volunteer and advocate.
“There is such a great need in this
community. The beautiful clinic in
Gifford was built entirely through
philanthropy and all the physicians
give back to the community by not
charging for their services. Tonight
is all about helping those less fortu-
An auction included some excep-
tional bottles of Jack Daniel’s whis-
key made available only to Navy
SEAL Command for special occa-
sions. The Navy SEAL Museum gen-
erously donated 12 bottles valued at
$2,500 each and a crystal embossed
decanter valued at $5,000.
The event raised roughly $200,000,
which will help enable the We Care
program to meet the non-physician
ancillary medical or medically re-
lated needs of its patients.
For more information, visit wec-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 27
Ann Marie McCrystal, Jeannie Saver, Dr. Willard and Ve Emch, and Carol Kanarek. Mark and Leigh Peterson with Dr. Hugh McCrystal and Dr. Dennis Saver. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Theresa Seiler, Diana Stark and Samantha Kudo.
Helen Shafer, Tracey Zudans and DeAnna Hines.
Joan and Al DeCrane with Gerri Smith.
Drs. Val Zudans, Rick Baker and Bill McGarry
28 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 27 Pam and Mike McDonald. Justin and Jennifer Pridgeon with Terra and David Mundy.
Wayne Ogden, Dr. Caroline Kedem, Angela Salierno and Dean Thresher.
Hala Laviolette and Liz White. Sonia and Dr. Arly Peter. Dr. John and Ru-Ying Suen. Dr. Brian and Tina Deonarine.
30 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Thousands enjoy tastes of ‘Craft Brew and Wingfest’
Chase Watkins and Miranda Williams.
Chris Davila. Robb Atkins and Diane Norair.
Ryan and Melissa Weaver, Agency Owners Julie Farmer, Kelly Langs and April Boudet. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
Ryan Weaver Insurance Inc. is a locally owned
and operated independent agency. Located in the Gorgeous weather and the prom-
CenterState Bank Building, just off of Miracle Mile ise of delicious craft beers and
and across from Classic Car Wash in Vero Beach. finger food once again drew
thousands to the sixth annual
Serving Vero Beach for over 10 years! Sunrise Rotary Vero Beach Flor-
All lines of commercial or personal insurance available. ida Craft Brew and Wingfest at
Royal Palm Point. Home-brew-
Contact any one of our professional agents for a quote! Ellen Ross and Roger Walker. ers competed for awards and
Patti and Tanner Laziman. bragging rights as did local busi-
855 21st Street – CenterState Bank Building nesses and organizations that
2nd Floor – Vero Beach showcased their very best wings,
and throughout the day, bands
(772) 567-4930 at east and west stages turned
up the heat. Proceeds from the
[email protected] family-friendly event support various Sunrise Rotary local and
international projects for youth,
seniors and the environment.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 31
John Vermeere, Kelly Peters and Tim Vezzi. Vero Beach Police Department’s William Offutt, Marcie Burdick, Eric Johnson with Doug and Gloria Sweet.
Jeremiah Willis and Sean Crowley.
Morgan Applegate and Miguel Santiesteban. Michelle Clarke and Mark Wheeler. Nicole and Evan Johnson. Teresa Hilton and Ken Blanton.
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32 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Three days of praise for St. Paul’s Church dedication
Staff Writer
Healing, praise and dedication Wintley Phipps. the consecration and official dedica- PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
were the main themes for a three-day tion was held Sunday morning.
service held this weekend at St. Paul’s years to build and had its construc- of Calcutta and South African Presi-
Church in honor of the official grand tion completed last month. “This is a day of celebration,” said dent Nelson Mandela, as well as for
opening of its new facility. Bishop Ron Kuykendall at the Sun- American presidents Jimmy Carter,
A special healing service was held day event. “A church is not (about) the Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush,
“This weekend is all about helping Friday evening, a patriotic concert building, but the people in it who love Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.
people to know what we’re about,” was held on Saturday afternoon, and Jesus Christ.”
said Jon Robbins, pastor at the new Twenty-dollar concert donations
church, located at 999 Flamevine Hundreds of people flocked went to benefit the Military Moms
Lane, just west of Ocean Drive and throughout the weekend to the Prayer Group, according to parishio-
across from the Portales de Vero church building where Kuykendall led ner Betsy Whisman. About 15 military
building. “It gives people a chance to the Friday and Sunday services and moms were at the concert, including
see the building and experience the world-renowned gospel singer Win- five American Gold Star Mothers who
ministry.” tley Phipps led the Saturday concert. lost sons or daughters while serving in
the U. S. Armed Forces.
Robbins said the church actually Kuykendall presides over St. An-
had its first service on Jan. 21 in the drew’s Church in Gainesville and has “It was festive, but very sentimen-
brand-new building, and patrons done healing missions in South Amer- tal,” Whisman said.
have been worshiping there for four ica, according to Robbins. Phipps, who
Sundays. Last weekend, on the fifth resides in Indian River Shores, is the Nearly 300 people attended the
Sunday, officials prayed over the founder of special projects such as the Sunday service, including Vero Beach
building and dedicated it to the Lord. U.S. Dream Academy, Songs of Free- Mayor Harry Howle and Council-
dom Publishing Company and Coral woman Laura Moss.
“As soon as we got comfortable in Records, according to media reports.
the new building, we wanted to have “I thought it was great,” Howle said.
a grand opening,” said Robbins of the Phipps has performed for notable “It’s a beautiful church.”
church, which took two and a half individuals including Mother Theresa
For more information on St. Paul’s
Church, visit its website at stpaulsirc.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 33
Senior Pastor Jon Robbins. PEOPLE
Ben Mello, director of music and youth ministries.
34 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Much to savor at delectable Food, Wine & Music event
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Maria Hart, Jacque Petrone and Margaret Wall. Christi Ferretti and Theresa Woodson. ganache and Cheerwine berries.
Staff Writer As they dined, epicureans were
as gourmands nibbled on an assort- ner created by Celebrity Chefs Graham
The Vero Beach Food, Wine & Mu- ment of delectable bites prepared by Elliott, Shaun O’Neale, Alex Thomo- treated to cooking demonstrations by
sic event made its culinary debut last Wild Thyme Catering’s Chef Travis polous and Christi Ferretti. Between the celebrity chefs.
weekend and the gluttonous grins on Beckett. Beckett created what he called courses, guests danced to the soulful
event-goers clearly demonstrated that a “charcudite,” piled high with anti- sounds of the Marcia Mitchell Band, “Whether it’s a table at a fancy res-
residents of Vero Beach are ever-eager pasto skewers, bacon wrapped dates, working off some of the deliciously taurant, a table here under the stars,
to ensure that the cups of local chari- meats, cheeses, hummus, stuffed decadent calories. or a table where you’re feeding the
ties runneth over. grape leaves, crackers and tomato ca- homeless, everything great in life
prese. Much to the foodies’ delight, courses happens around the table,” said Chef
The multi-day experience kicked off included assorted appetizers, a beet Elliot, while giving a step-by-step
Thursday night with guests mingling Saturday evening drew a crowd to and avocado salad, salmon BLT, pork demonstration on the creation of his
with celebrity chefs at a Fire & Ice VIP Riverside Park once again, this time tenderloin with amaretto squash pu- salmon BLTs.
party in the Crystal Ballroom at Costa tempting bon vivants to dine on gour- ree and chocolate cake with a bacon
d’Este to thank sponsors and give the met cuisine at a five-course wine din- pistachio crust topped with rosemary At the heart of the event was the
six beneficiary charities a platform vision of its founder, Fé Domenech,
from which to share their missions. Vero Beach Food, to support local nonprofits. An event
Proceeds will benefit the American Wine & Music Event planner for more than 20 years,
Cancer Society, The Source, H.A.L.O. VIP Cocktail Party Domenech has seen firsthand what it
No-Kill Rescue, Indian River Lagoon takes to pull off a successful affair.
National Estuary Program, United
Against Poverty and the Hibiscus Chil- “Who doesn’t love food, wine and
dren’s Center. music,” said Domenech. “The best
memories are related to those topics.
Students from The Source’s Dining Good positive memories come from
with Dignity culinary program, under a dish our parents or grandparents
the direction of Chef Joe Wisor, as- made, or when a song takes you back
sisted the various chefs throughout the to high school.”
Domenech said she was inspired
On Friday night, attendees gathered to do more for the community while
under the stars for an evening with recovering from a near-death experi-
Matteo Bocelli, son of acclaimed Ital- ence.
ian singer/songwriter Andrea Bocelli,
accompanied by pianist Eugene Kohn, “In 2015, I passed away and came
violinist Anastasiya Petryshak and vo- back,” she said. “I decided that every-
calist Jessica Brando. The open-air tent thing else I do from that moment for-
housed an intimate supper club with ward was going to be payback. These
music drifting down the river along people do so much, and I felt that I did
with the breeze. so little.”
Bocelli wooed the audience with love The weekend continued with a
songs in English and his native tongue Pups and Pinot Human & Canine
Couture Fashion Show and Lun-
cheon on Sunday; look for coverage
in our March 1 issue.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 35
Lou Ann Lindsay, Robin Fox and Joseph Wisor. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Tara Pawlowski with Matt and Rachel Mohler. Barbara Lowry, Kelli Martin and Nancy Forlines.
Zach Krabill and Tiffany Reuter. Dr. Nicholas and Elaine Coppola. Sandy and Rich Hennessey. Stefania and Giuseppe Colucciello with Mora and Mark Shantzis.
Wine & Music Event Dr. Val and Tracey Zudans.
VIP Cocktail Party
Shaun O’Neale and Dr. Daniela Shapiro.
36 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Matteo Bocelli performs.
Vero Beach Food,
Wine & Music Event
Matteo Bocelli Concert
Anastasiya Petryshak. Jessica Brando.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 37
Fé Domenech, Gene Atkinson and Jodi Harvey. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Mike and Leslie Swan, Raquel Tilton and Simon Jenkins. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 38
Duane De Freese with Sandy and Geoff Moore.
Keith Maynard and Carrie Nettleton. Christopher and Loretta Long.
Jennifer Rubio, Cathy Gill, Maggie Rubio and Stephanie Rubio.
Rich and Judy Polley with Margaret and Don Acton.
Vero Beach Food,
Wine & Music Event
Matteo Bocelli Concert
38 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 37 PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF Chef Alex Thomopolous. Chef Christi Ferretti.
Chef Graham Elliott.
Brian and Liz Mayo.
Kristina Lorusso and Stu Monaghan.
Bobbie Winger, Susan McDaniel and Eileen Liedholm.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 39
Tony Morales and Kristine Forgione. Kathy Entrekin, Diantha Harris and Beth Livers.
Andy Fiske, Maria Caldarone, Mary Colyer and Peter Caldarone.
Vero Beach Food,
Wine & Music Event
Chef Interactive Dinners
42 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Light and locale define Martin Lewis’ fetching ‘Etchings’
BY ELLEN FISCHER Jay Williams. It was brought to fruition VBMA has published a catalog of the look of the 54 prints on display: numer-
Columnist under the direction of the VBMA’s new same title for the show. That does not ous etchings in the drypoint technique,
director, Brady Roberts, in concert with happen every day; the last catalog the often combined with other techniques,
Good things come in small packages, the museum’s new curator, Danielle M. VBMA put out was for its George Rickey including sand ground, acid etch and
and the current Vero Beach Museum of Johnson. The passing of the baton from exhibition, back in 2007. aquatint. The show also includes two
Art exhibition of etchings by Australian- the emeritus to the current museum mezzotints and three lithographs.
born American artist Martin Lewis is a professionals could not have been done The prints in the current exhibition
very good thing. in a more graceful manner. are from the collection of Vero Beach Printed in rich black ink on paper
resident Stephen Holcomb, who also whose whiteness varies in tone from
The concept for the exhibition came Installed in the Titelman Gallery, sponsored the catalog. cool to warm, the etchings are mounted
about during the tenures of VBMA di- “Shadow and Light: The Etchings of in newer frames of dark wood discreetly
rector Lucinda Gedeon and curator Martin Lewis” is so virtuous that the Standing at the entrance of the gallery touched with gold leaf accents. Many
you might first be struck by the inviting
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 43
of them are double-hung, one above 18 or 19 when he left Australia for the press. The variety of tone as well as the steel over its surface.
the other, for an effect that suggests the United States, working his way to San richness of the black in a Lewis drypoint Lewis left New York for Japan in
comfortable environment of a private Francisco as a merchant seaman. By print is a thing of beauty to lovers of fine
collector’s home. age 25 he had found his way to New York prints. That beauty, however, is achieved 1920, initially with the intention of liv-
City. Already an accomplished draught- at the expense of the incised drawing on ing there permanently. After two years
The subjects of the prints include dra- sman and etcher, Lewis created his first the plate. Copper is soft, and the deli- spent studying Japanese art as well as
matic visions of New York City and en- etching in New York in 1915 while sup- cate burring, as well as the lines incised creating paintings and drawings of his
virons in the early decades of the 20th porting himself as an illustrator. It was into the plate, are soon worn down un- surroundings, Lewis returned to New
century. The earliest print on display, during his early years in New York that der the pressure of repeated printing. At York. The prints he made in New York
“From the River Front” of 1916, features Lewis showed Edward Hopper the ba- best, a couple dozen impressions can be after 1925 show how much he learned
the silhouette of a downtown skyscraper sics of etching. taken before the image begins to visibly about composition, texture and mood
that stands head and shoulders above its degrade. The electroplating process al- from his experiences in Japan. There is
high-rise companions. The immediate The early influence of Japanese print- lowed Lewis to print some of his plates in one print with a Japanese subject in the
foreground is occupied by a vastly more making on Lewis’ art at this time can larger editions. Electroplating protects current exhibition. Dated 1927, the dry-
humble district, whose denizens bustle be seen in two almost identical prints, the surface of an etched copper plate point shows a street booth on New Year’s
about in the feeble light of a crepuscu- hung one above the other, in the cur- by placing microscopically fine layer of Eve in Toyko, where passers-by are in its
lar sky. New York City’s juxtaposition of rent exhibition. “Moonlit Farm Scene” electrical brilliance.
the old and the new, the meek and the depicts a sleepy little house above which
mighty is just the thing to elicit wonder a full moon peeps between the drooping HOT GLASS
in the mind of a newcomer to the city. branches of a weeping tree. Both prints
The shadowy tones of Lewis’ print on were pulled from the same copper print- The Treasure Coast’s largest collection of
that subject foretell his career as a mas- ing plate; each is a variation on the same contemporary glass and one of America’s
ter of night scenes. image. The print hung topmost shows a Coolest Stores, right here in Vero Beach.
sharp, clear moon in a starless sky; the
And what scenes. Lewis had an affin- lower print shows a soft, hazy moon
ity for the City that Never Sleeps – not with two bright stars shining some dis-
only for the ship-churned Hudson with tance above it. At least three prints of
Gotham beyond it that he shows us in each variant are known to exist.
“Passing Storm” of 1919, but also for the
people of New York, who endlessly tread Although it is not specified which print
the electrically lit streets of the city. version came first, the assumption can
be made that the variation with the two
Over a career that spanned five de- stars was the latter state. Lewis used two
cades, Lewis’ fascination with portray- different techniques to create the image:
ing the effects of artificial light in his acid etching and drypoint. In that latter,
scenes of city and town never dimmed. a needle tool is manually drawn across
Like his contemporary and friend, Ed- the plate to incise lines into it. The soft
ward Hopper, Martin Lewis was a poet moon and stars in the lower print were
who used light and locale – the city and achieved by selectively flattening and/
its suburbs – to describe both the nostal- or scraping away the lines so they will
gia and essential loneliness of American hold less (or no) ink, thereby allowing
life during a time of rapid change. the white of the paper to show through
in those places when the plate is printed.
Unlike Hopper, who was born in 1882
not far from the city in Upper Nyack, Drypoint is a demanding technique
N.Y., Lewis was not American by birth. that requires a steady hand and a sense
Born in 1880 in the town of Castle- for the right amount of pressure with
maine, Victoria, Australia (a little over which to pull the needle to achieve thick-
80 miles northwest of Melbourne), Lew- er or thinner lines on the plate. As the
is arrived in New York as a young adult. needle carves into the copper, it throws
In his childhood, he took drawing les- up a ragged burr of metal on either side
sons before leaving home at 15 to travel of the needle’s path. When the artist inks
in Australia and New Zealand while the plate, the incised line and the burr
working as a manual laborer. He settled will both be filled. This results in a soft,
briefly in Sydney, where he studied at dense black line when the ink is trans-
Sydney Art School under the English- ferred from plate to paper in the printing
born painter Julian Ashton. Lewis was
7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
44 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: Neil Young never
gets old for Broken Arrow
BY SAMANTHA BAITA row website: Joe Mass (vocals, guitar,
Staff Writer piano, harmonica) is a “veteran vir-
tuoso Philly guitar player,” true to the
1 If the electric rock and steel-cen- original, but putting his own stamp
tic sounds of Buffalo Springfield on the music with “incendiary playing
and some cool segues and arrange-
and Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young are ments.” Danny Gold (bass, vocals) has
been a back-up artist on Philly’s live
your jam, “Heart of Gold,” “Only Love music scene since the ’80s. He owns
a guitar shop and hosts a TV show.
Can Break Your Heart,” “Southern On drums and vocal harmonies is
Man,” and others, join the crowd at
the Emerson Center Thursday, March
1, for “Broken Arrow – A Tribute to
1 Broken Arrow - A Tribute to Neil Young, this Thursday at the Emerson Center.
Neil Young.” Broken Arrow remains Larry Freedman, another Philly band
faithful to the music of the Canadian veteran. He owns a recording studio
singer-songwriter, producer, direc- and has played back-up for Daryl Hall
tor, screenwriter, of whom Wikipedia and many others. Marty Cohl’s soul-
says, “Young’s often-distorted elec- ful country rock/bluegrass-informed
tric guitar work, deeply personal lyr- electric and pedal steel guitar style is
ics, and signature tenor transcend the band’s “secret sauce, bringing his
his long career,” and you’ll get to hear twang-a-delic flavor to these classic
both Young’s Crazy Horse sound and tunes.” So look forward to faithfully
the pedal-pounding country-rock of delivered Neil Young classics, as well
the band he joined in 1969, Crosby, as Broken Arrow’s occasional “jam-
Stills and Nash. From the Broken Ar- ming excursions and tastefully tweak-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 45
age.” Come early and grab a drink and Orchestra website, “logging more than 3 Staatskapelle Weimar Orchestra. ter, who, according to Wikipedia, has
appetizers from Emerson’s café. Show 1,000 concerts in Europe and the U.S. appeared internationally, mostly in
time is 7 p.m. since 1971.” For the Indialantic concert, Founded in 1491, the world renowned European opera houses, performing a
Casaccia will charm the audience with Staatskapelle Weimar Orchestra is repertoire focused on dramatic roles
2 Bonjour, Trieste. From Italy to a program of opera and operetta’s most the oldest in Germany, and enjoyed in stage works by Strauss and Wagner.
Vero Beach come a pair of clas- popular works. Joining Casaccia will close associations with Bach, Liszt and Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Curtain is 7:30
be fellow Trieste native Roberta Borto- Strauss. For its inaugural North Ameri- p.m. Tickets are $80.
sically trained masters of their art to lin, a similarly well-traveled, musically can tour, the orchestra will be under
respected musician, pianist and piano the baton of Ukrainian conductor Kiril
present the intriguingly titled “Music professor. Bortolin comes from gen- Karabits. The program will include
erations of musicians, and began her “Death and Transfiguration Op.24,” a
own musical journey at age 4, studying tone poem by Strauss, dedicated to the 4 Join the Vero Beach Chamber Or-
at the same school attended by Franz composer’s friend Friedrich Rosch and chestra at the first concert of its
Liszt. From their rich repertoire, Casac- depicting the death of an artist. Also a
cia and Bortolin have chosen works by tone poem by Strauss, “Till Eulenspie- 10th Anniversary Celebration this Sun-
Offenbach, Bard, Lehar, Rossini, Verdi gel lustige Streiche,” Op. 28 (“Till Eu-
and more. This magical musical elixir lenspiegel’s lusty pranks”), chronicles day afternoon at the VBHS Perform-
will certainly conjure a thoroughly de- the misadventures and pranks of the
lightful evening. Curtain is 7 p.m. German peasant folk hero. Two works ing Arts Center. Directed by Maestro
by Wagner are the overture to Wagner’s
opera, “The Flying Dutchman,” the Colbert Page Howell Jr., the orchestra
tale of a ghost ship, and of love and re-
demption; and Wagner’s “Wesendonck will present Beethoven’s Overture of
Songs”, for female voice and piano, fea-
tures English soprano Catherine Fos- “Fidelio” (his only opera); Schumann’s
Symphony No. 1, “Spring” (his first
symphonic work); and Hue’s “Fantaisie
for Flute and Orchestra,” featuring
flute soloist Judi Lampert. Lampert has
3 Here’s a trio of classical concerts performed at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln
for you: At Community Church
2 Stefano Casaccia & Roberta Borolin. Center, Chicago’s Orchestra Hall, and
Becomes Elixir,” a free concert on piano this Sunday will be your (probably internationally with the Metropolitan
and recorder sponsored by the Space
Coast Symphony Orchestra, this Sat- first) opportunity to hear, live, an or- Flute Orchestra and the International
urday, at First Presbyterian Church. A
native of Trieste, Italy, recorder virtuoso chestra with a truly noble history, Ger- Flute Orchestra. As a fundraiser for
Stefano Casaccia studied Ancient Mu-
sical Instruments in Venice, and was many’s Staatskapelle Weimar Orches- the Vero Beach Chamber Orchestra
honored with the coveted Italian Soci-
ety of Recorder Award in 1991. He has tra, in their first North American tour. and the VBHS Orchestra, a one-of-a-
toured extensively, according to the
According to the orchestra’s website, kind-art work will be auctioned off
the twin institutions, Deutsche Na- during the concert. Well-known art-
tionaltheater and Staatskapelle Wei- ist (and bagpipe band member) Sheila
mar, make up the most important mu- Lougheed has created a 3-dimensional
sical and theatrical venue in Weimar, 19th century Industrialist-inspired art
Germany, a focal point of the German piece, featuring a violin. A very cool
Enlightenment in the 18th century. violin. The concert is free.
46 Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Young actress savors ‘dream role’ in Riverside’s ‘Gypsy’
BY SHELLEY KOPPEL audiences with songs such as “Every-
Staff Writer thing’s Coming up Roses,” “Let Me
Entertain You” and “Together, Wher-
Considered by critics as one of the ever We Go.”
greatest American musicals, “Gypsy”
contains one of the most complex From March 6 to 25, Riverside The-
characters in musical theater, Mama atre will present “Gypsy” on the Stark
Rose, a quintessential stage mother Stage.
who does not follow the Broadway tra-
dition of characters the audience can Playing the part of Louise, who
love. When at its best, the show takes would eventually take the stage name
this unlovable character and makes Gypsy Rose Lee, is Austen Danielle
you, at the very least, care about why Bohmer. Broadway’s Jacquelyn Piro
she is who she is. Donovan and Bob Walton will star as
Rose and Herbie, with Charity Van
The play is based loosely on the Tassel as Louise’s sister Dainty June.
memoirs of burlesque star Gypsy Rose
Lee and is focused on the efforts of her After graduating with honors in May
mother, Mama Rose, to thrust her two from the Conservatory of Theatre Arts
daughters into the stardom she never at Webster University, Bohmer moved
had; attempting to live life vicariously to New York and, in a story worthy of
through their success. Broadway, got a role as Louise in her
first production at the John W. Enge-
With a book by Arthur Laurents, man Theater this past fall. She will
music by Jule Styne, lyrics by Stephen reprise the character in her Riverside
Sondheim and staging by Jerome Rob- debut and spoke recently about the
bins, the show opened on Broadway role she loves.
in 1959 with Ethel Merman complet-
ing creative Dream Team as Rose. “Not only is Louise one of the most
Numerous revivals and productions wonderfully written roles in musical
since then have continued to enthrall theater, it is one of my dream roles,”
says Bohmer. “I’ve probably been sub-
Call To Artists! consciously preparing since I was a
Open to all photographers
$25 Fee Per Entry
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 22, 2018 47
couldn’t. It is selfish, but she cares so Herbie, Louise and Mama Rose. For
much her judgment is clouded. At the two to be women is so exciting. They
core is the mother-daughter relation- are not fragile ingénues whose goals
ship and that speaks to a lot of people.” are to find love, get married and have
children. That was really rare for the
The young actor is looking forward time period. They are really powerful
to the opportunity to play the same women. It’s exciting to forge your own
role just months later with different path and figure out where your place
artists and directors. is in the world.”
“One of my favorite things about do- Bohmer says playing the role twice
ing it multiple times is the intricacies may not be enough. “I’ll do it as many
actors find about playing the role,” she times as they’ll let me.”
explains. “There are so many ways
to do this. (For Mama Rose) there is The Riverside Theatre, 3250 Riverside
something within her that humanizes Park Dr., presents the musical “Gypsy”
her. These are great roles for women. March 6-25. Call 772-231-6990 or visit
The dynamic in the show is about
Vero Beach -- The talented four piece Broken Arrow performs
band of Broken Arrow - A Tribute to Thursday, March 1 at 7 p.m.
Neil Young covers the whole gamut of
little girl. Her (story) arc is very well the heart and mind,” she says. “They Neil Young’s career, with everything
written. Not so many roles go from give an inside peek. I can’t believe the from Buffalo Springfield, Crosby, Stills,
one extreme to the other. She is a scenes that are written in the book. Nash and Young, to his solo career and
small little girl, trying to make herself It could almost be a play and that’s Crazy Horse. Show Sponsors are The
smaller and suddenly she’s thrust into rare; for the song and book to both be Audiohouse and Alex MacWilliam Real
the spotlight and becomes a force to so strong. ‘Gypsy’ could exist without Estate.
be reckoned with. Gypsy Rose Lee was the music and we’d still be incredibly
a major figure. To figure out the mo- moved.” “1964” The Tribute focuses on the
ments of discovery and growth is re- quintessential moment in history when
ally exciting.” Bohmer feels that the family dy- the Beatles actually played before
namics resonate with many people, a LIVE audience. This is the most
Bohmer appreciates the way the despite Mama Rose being so extreme. authentic and endearing tribute to
show is constructed, finding just the the Beatles by talented professional
right balance of song and story. “I don’t think Mama Rose is a mon- musicians. Show Sponsors are The
ster,” says Bohmer. “I find her incred- Audiohouse, Rennick Real Estate and
“It has songs that are the epitome of ibly caring. She cares so much and GHO Homes.
character development, that look into wants her daughter to have the life she
Firefall has been around for more “1964” The Tribute performs
than 40 years and is best known Thursday, March 8 at 7 p.m.
for their biggest selling hits “You are
the Woman,” “Strange Way” and
“Just Remember I Love You.” Firefall’s
layered harmonies, backed by many
genres from rock to country brought the
band platinum and gold success. Show
Sponsors are The Audiohouse, Ocean
Grill and Alex MacWilliam Real Estate.
John Sebastian is an American Firefall performs Thursday,
singer, songwriter, guitarist and March 15 at 7 p.m. known as a founder
of The Lovin’ Spoonful! The audience
will remember the songs by heart when
asked to sing along with Sebastian: “Do
You Believe In Magic?” “You Didn’t
Have To Be So Nice,” “Daydream,”
“Summer In The City” and more. Show
Sponsors are The Audiohouse and
Barth Construction.
The Emerson Center is conveniently John Sebastian performs
located on the campus of the Unitarian Friday, March 30 at 7 p.m.
Universalist Fellowship of Vero Beach,
on the SE corner of 16th Street and 27th Avenue in Vero Beach.
Tickets are on sale now only at or
by calling (800) 595-4849. Concerts are presented by LIVE! from Vero
Beach. Presenting Sponsor of all concerts is Cindy O’Dare. Non-Profit
Partners are Cultural Council of IRC and Indian River Land Trust. Other
Sponsors are ABC Printing and Majestic 11 Theatre.
For more information call 772-234-4412.
The road from California’s Highway more genetically diverse as a defense which trees have the characteristics to “We’re trying to apply basic science
1 rises along the western slopes of the against rising man-made threats. best withstand increased moisture or to the basic decisions we’re making on
Santa Cruz Mountains, through vine- drought, heat increases or tempera- the ground,” said Emily Burns, director
yards and horse farms, to the steepen- When the three-year project is com- ture drops. The results will be available of science for the century-old nonprofit
ing Empire Grade. A dirt-road turnoff plete, scientists will have the genetic as an open online resource, a shared Save the Redwoods League, which is pay-
dips into a dank twilight, sun filtering fingerprints of hundreds of redwoods, tool for those managing the forests. ing for the $2.6 million project through
through stands of trees that John Stein- a sample large enough to determine private donations. “What we see around
beck called “ambassadors from anoth- ONLY 5 PERCENT OF THE REDWOODS THAT us is the result of environment and ge-
er time.” WERE STANDING BEFORE 1849 ARE STILL netics. Until now, we’ve been making
decisions based only on environment.”
The coast redwoods, ancient and ALIVE. THERE ARE ABOUT 1.6 MILLION ACRES
threatened, mix with towering Douglas OF REDWOODS LEFT. Since the mid-19th-century gold
firs and opportunistic tanoaks through- rush showcased the extent of Califor-
out this restoration project on a moun- REDWOODS ABSORB MORE CARBON THAN nia’s natural wealth, redwood timber
taintop just miles from the sea. The red- ANY OTHER TREE, MAKING THEM INVALUABLE has been prized by home builders and
woods here are youthful, none probably furniture makers for its quality and
more than a century and a half old. The IN REDUCING GREENHOUSE GASES. color. The trees’ harvesting acceler-
massive stumps of their old-growth an- ated around the turn of the last cen-
cestors are encircled by the young, clus- tury, when new rail lines quickened the
ters known as “fairy rings.” pace of the international lumber trade.
As California’s climate changes to Old-growth redwood forests once
one of extremes and humans continue extended from the now-arid north-
to harvest, the only coast redwoods on ern edge of southern California to the
the planet are in peril. The challenge to Columbia River Gorge in Oregon. Just
preserving them is here, in forests like 5 percent of the redwoods that stood
this one – and so, scientists believe, is before 1849 are still alive, and the tree’s
the key to a solution. footprint has shrunk by one third.
For the first time, scientists are map- About 1.6 million acres of redwoods
ping the coast redwood’s genome, a remain – an area roughly the size of
genetic code 12 times larger than that Delaware and Rhode Island combined
of a human being. By the end of the – and about a quarter of that is pro-
year, scientists hope to have mapped tected. Erratic weather patterns have
the complete genome of the coast red- raised the risk to the trees, including
wood and of the giant sequoia, a close changes in the frequency of fog, from
cousin that also is among the tallest which redwoods absorb the moisture
trees in the world, some reaching hun- at their crowns. Coastal erosion from
dreds of feet high. rising sea levels brings a future threat.
The genetic code of a single “We don’t know how the climate is
1,300-year-old redwood and of a going to change nor much about what
same-age sequoia will serve as base- effect those changes will have on these
lines and the first step in better un- trees,” Burns said.
derstanding how to make these forests
The best defense against the un-