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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2022-07-08 17:45:03

07/07/2022 ISSUE 27


July 7, 2022 | Volume 9, Issue 27 Newsstand Price: $1.00

For breaking news visit

MY TAKE Covid infections
here hold steady
BY RAY MCNULTY through June

Will this sheriff ever give
the community answers?

It’s difficult to muster much By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer
sympathy for Jamall Frederick, [email protected]
the 19-year-old convicted felon
who was shot multiple times PHOTO: ROSS ROWLINSON The number of new COVID-19
when he allegedly grabbed a infections locally held relatively
handgun and ran from sheriff’s Wabasso Causeway landscaping nearly finished steady during the month of June –
deputies during a traffic stop in neither surging nor receding, but
Gifford last month. By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer Australian Pines that had, for decades, provided inching up to 65 people per day
[email protected] shade and (many thought) beauty along the river testing positive through a lab that
But this isn’t about him. in the little parks along the causeway were removed reports to the Florida Department
This isn’t even about wheth- The Florida Department of Transportation says by the FDOT at a cost of approximately $112,000 of Health – plus an unknowable
er the deputies were justified the planting of new landscaping along the Wabas- because they are officially considered “invasive number of positive results on at-
in shooting him, though we still so Causeway should conclude this week, but that non-native species detrimental to our Florida en- home COVID-19 test kits.
don’t know enough about what work will soon start on removing the stanchions vironment.”
happened to say with any con- that line both sides of the high bridge that carries Last Friday’s state report showed
fidence that they were left with traffic across the lagoon to the barrier island. Over the past several weeks, the pines have 464 weekly cases, only 5 cases more
little choice. than on the June 17 weekly report
This is about the questions Area residents were dismayed last year when the CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 and up only slightly from the 433
that remain unanswered more cases on the June 3 report. At the
than three weeks after the June state level, Florida started the
11 incident that resulted in dep- month with 74,389 weekly cases,
uties filling the night air of a res- and ended it at 74,481 weekly cases
idential neighborhood with two – a difference of little more 1/10th
separate flurries of bullets. of 1 percent.
This is about Sheriff Eric
Flowers not providing any up- Locally, hospitalizations have
dates on the case since the June fluctuated very little over the past
14 news conference when he re- month as well, with total new
hospitalizations as reported by
CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 the CDC hovering in the low 20s,
and Cleveland Clinic Indian Riv-
INSIDE er Hospital reporting in-house
COVID-positive patient numbers
NEWS 1-5 ARTS B1 each week in the high teens.

HEALTH 6 GAMES B9 Going into the July 4th holiday
weekend, Cleveland Clinic spokes-
PETS B8 CALENDAR B12 person Erin Miller said: “We have


To advertise call: 772-559-4187 Former County Administrator Joe Baird charged with stalking ex-girlfriend
For circulation or where to pick up
your issue call: 772-226-7925

© 2022 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer Baird, 65, was arrested on June In a probable-cause affidavit Baird’s attorney, Andy Metcalf,
[email protected] 27, after returning to Vero Beach used to obtain an arrest warrant disputed the allegations and dis-
from a rented summer home in on June 24, Vero Beach Police De- missed them as the remnants of
Former Indian River County Rhode Island and turning him- tective Jennifer Brumley wrote a “bad breakup,” referring to the
Administrator Joe Baird plans to self in at the County Jail, where that Baird “willfully, malicious- couple’s romantic-but-tumultu-
plead “not guilty” and go to trial he spent the night before being ly and repeatedly followed, ha- ous, eight-year relationship that
to fight a misdemeanor charge released the next morning after rassed and cyberstalked” his for- the woman claims to have ended
that he stalked his ex-girlfriend in posting a $2,500 bond. mer longtime girlfriend.
May, his attorney said last week. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

2 July 7, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

JOE BAIRD The next day, the woman returned to After reviewing the texts, Brumley the sidewalk in front of the woman’s home
her Ocean Club I home and noticed Baird spoke with Baird by phone and told him and staring at the building.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 in his car, parked across the street. Nearly the woman no longer wanted any contact
four hours later, as she left her residence, with him and that, if the harassment and  Repeatedly circling the block in his
in February. The couple had lived togeth- she saw Baird pulling out of a parking lot stalking continued, he could be criminally car while the woman and her mother were
er on an on-and-off basis in Baird’s Indian across A1A. charged. having dinner at The Tides.
River Shores home since April 2019.
At one point, she pulled over and, when “Baird said he understood and agreed The woman, who has owned a summer
Metcalf said he was “shocked” the po- he stopped nearby, told him: “I know he would not have any further contact” home in Newport, Rhode Island, for the
lice pursued the case after the woman’s ef- you’re following me. I noticed you parked with the woman, the affidavit states. past five years, told Brumley that Baird re-
forts to obtain a restraining order against across the street earlier, and now you’re cently signed a four-month lease to rent a
his client were denied by Circuit Judge here again. Quit stalking me, or I’m going Three hours later, the woman saw house less than a half-mile away.
Robert Meadows after a four-hour hearing to get a restraining order.” Baird’s car parked across the street from
on June 7. her home. She said she doesn’t plan to go to New-
The woman then drove to her parents’ port this summer “because she is afraid of
“This case was already litigated,” said Central Beach home with Baird still fol- She also noticed him following her as Baird, and believes he rented the house
Metcalf, who represented Baird at the lowing her, the affidavit states, though he she drove to an appointment near Conn there to intimidate, stalk and harass her,”
hearing. “She had an attorney. The judge didn’t turn onto the same street. Minutes Beach. Once there, she observed him driv- the affidavit states.
gave them all day to make their case, and later, however, Baird phoned her parents ing in the area.
they couldn’t do it. He determined there and began “rambling” to her father. Metcalf, though, said Baird has begun a
were no acts of stalking, and he denied the When the woman returned home, she new relationship with a different woman
injunction. Her father quickly cut him off, telling again saw Baird’s car parked across the and was living with her in Newport before
him, “This has gone too far,” and warning: street. The affidavit states that she took learning of the arrest warrant and return-
“There are no new facts.” “If you don’t leave my daughter alone and photos of his car whenever she noticed it ing to Vero Beach to answer the stalking
The woman said last weekend, howev- quit following her, I will personally take near her home. charge.
er, that Meadows didn’t consider all of the her to the police station and file a report.”
facts – because, she claimed, the judge re- Realizing the stalking wasn’t going to In fact, Metcalf rejected the woman’s
fused to view visual evidence collected by The affidavit states that the woman no- stop, the affidavit continues, the woman claim that she ended the relationship, say-
a private investigator she had hired. ticed Baird’s car parked across the street hired a private investigator, who she said ing, “Joe asked her to move out.” He also
She said the investigator, who was al- from her home “several times” from May documented each time he observed Baird offered a far different story as to what hap-
lowed to testify at the hearing, wasn’t per- 11 through May 17, and she took photos to following and stalking her. Those episodes pened in the months since the couple’s
mitted to support his testimony with pho- document his presence. included Baird: breakup.
tographs and videos that showed Baird
stalking her. She finally contacted the Vero Beach Po-  Standing on the boardwalk across Metcalf said the woman returned to
According to Brumley’s sworn affidavit, lice Department on May 17 and said she from the woman’s condominium and star- Baird’s home “10 or 12 times” and phoned
the woman said the stalking began May 1, had received multiple text messages and ing at the building. him a “hundred times” between February
when she noticed her 2021 Porsche had phone calls from Baird, and she believed and May. He said the woman also sent
been “keyed.” She suspected Baird, but he was stalking her.  Driving past, parking near and pac- Baird text messages asking if she could still
when she confronted him, he denied it. ing back and forth – occasionally ducking share his membership at Quail Valley.
The woman told Brumley she texted behind trees and bushes – in front of a Car-
Baird on May 1 to say, “Don’t contact me,” dinal Drive bank in which the woman was The woman said last weekend she left
but his texts and calls kept coming. doing business. Baird’s home on Feb. 11 due to “domestic vi-
olence,” and asked Shores police to accom-
 Riding his bicycle back and forth on


★ FOR ★



Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS July 7, 2022 3

pany her as she removed her belongings. for July 19, served as county administrator
She said she hoped the breakup would from 2004 to 2016.

be amicable and tried to remain cordial The woman, who asked that her name
with Baird, whom she claims allowed her be withheld under Florida’s victims’
to continue to share his Quail Valley mem- rights law, has lived in the Vero Beach
bership. area for 13 years, most of the time on the
barrier island. 
Baird, whose arraignment is scheduled

WABASSO CAUSEWAY in 1970 to replace the historic wooden swing
bridge constructed in 1920. Last September,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 FDOT’s $180,000 bike and pedestrian safety
project – which included a 3-foot chain link
been replaced with native trees and palms fence along both edges of the bridge – hit a
that FDOT deems more appropriate for the snag when residents drowned the plan in a
coastal environment: gumbo limbo, with a flood of complaints that the fence would de-
maximum height of 16-18 feet; Pigeon plum, stroy the iconic river view.

12-14 feet; Sabal palms, 10-30 feet; and but- While stanchions for the chain link fence
tonwood, 12-14 feet. Most of the new trees had already been put in place, FDOT shifted
are already in the ground and stabilized with to a Plan B which met with residents’ approv-
supports. While critics generally feel the new al. The original contractor, however, then
vegetation is quite sparse, trees and palms ceased operations. The state sought bids for
grow very rapidly in Florida. Plan B, but those came in an unacceptable
$1.5 million higher than the original cost.
The high span over the lagoon was built Finally, working closely with the county Mu-
nicipal Planning Organization, FDOT decid-
ed to design a stand-alone project for which
state funding is available.

According to Grace Ducanis, communica-
tions officer for FDOT District 4, “The high
span project (Wabasso Railing) has been let
(out for bid) and selection of the contractor
is under way. Once the selection has been
completed, the contract will be executed.
The project is still on schedule to begin in the
Summer of 2022.” 



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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa Zahner,
Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Ray McNulty, Samantha Rohlfing Baita,
George Andreassi, Columnists: Kerry Firth, Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Tina Rondeau, The Bonz,
Photographers: Kaila Jones, Graphic Designers: Robert Simonson, Jennifer Greenaway, Tania

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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925

4 July 7, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

Sheriff’s Office investigating a rash of
residential burglaries in Grand Harbor

By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer According to the spokesperson, detec- the premises for a short period of time, forming residents about the burglaries
[email protected] tives said there were no signs of forced and report any suspicious activity they and urging them to lock their doors when
entry and they believe each case was a see during their daily routines. leaving their homes and, if they have
The Sheriff’s Office is continuing to “crime of opportunity” that occurred them, activate their security alarms.
investigate a rash of residential burglar- where doors had been left unlocked. The detectives also recommended the
ies that occurred from mid-May through installation of home-security cameras. The chairman of Grand Harbor’s Com-
mid-June in the Grand Harbor commu- Detectives have been in contact with munity Safety Board did not respond to
nity, an agency spokesperson said last homeowners, Grand Harbor’s security On June 16, the community’s property multiple phone messages. 
week. team and the country-club community’s manager sent out an email message in-
Safety Board. They have encouraged res-
Three of the burglaries were at townho- idents to lock their doors, even if leaving
mes on St. David’s Lane.

COVID INFECTIONS LOCALLY but have not gotten a booster shot.
Ninety-five percent of local seniors
age 65 and older are fully vaccinated,
17 COVID positive patients in-house. but only 43 percent of those people
None of which is in the ICU.” have received at least one booster shot.

With several highly contagious vi- “We encourage those who are cur-
rus variants swirling around the globe, rently eligible for a booster to get one,”
closer and closer to home, and clinical the FDA said.
research showing somewhat dimin-
ishing effectiveness of each addition- “As we move into the fall and win-
al booster shot in vulnerable popula- ter, it is critical that we have safe and
tions, public health officials predict effective vaccine boosters that can pro-
that this somewhat stable trend might vide protection against circulating and
be the proverbial calm before the next emerging variants to prevent the most
COVID storm this fall. severe consequences of COVID-19.
Following a thorough discussion on
In the face of that, the U.S. Food and June 28, 2022, an overwhelming major-
Drug Administration last week gave ity of the advisory committee voted in
Pfizer and Moderna the green light favor of including a SARS-CoV-2 omi-
to push forward with preparations to cron component in COVID-19 vaccines
mass-produce a new version of the that would be used for boosters in the
COVID-19 vaccine targeting the new U.S. beginning in fall 2022.
Omicron subvariants. The FDA invited
the drug makers to present their data “We have advised manufacturers
and keep testing these tweaked vac- seeking to update their COVID-19 vac-
cines. cines that they should develop mod-
ified vaccines that add an omicron
The FDA released a statement on BA.4/5 spike protein component to the
June 30 saying, “The COVID-19 vac- current vaccine composition to create
cines that the FDA has approved and a two component (bivalent) booster
authorized for emergency use have vaccine, so that the modified vaccines
made a tremendous difference to pub- can potentially be used starting in ear-
lic health and have saved countless ly to mid-fall 2022.”
lives in the U.S. and globally. Howev-
er, SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Very preliminary results from clin-
COVID-19, has evolved significantly, ical trials of modified vaccines with
with recent surges around the world an Omicron BA.1 component have al-
associated with the rapid spread of ready been reported and appear prom-
highly transmissible variants such as ising, but the FDA wants a continued
omicron.” stream of new data this summer.

But officials don’t want un-boosted “Manufacturers will also be asked
people to wait for the modified vaccine to begin clinical trials with modi-
to get their next shot. The new vaccine fied vaccines containing an omicron
would only be given as a booster — not BA.4/5 component, as these data will
as a first or second dose. Sixty-eight be of use as the pandemic further
percent of Indian River County resi- evolves,” the statement concludes,
dents age 5 and older are considered adding that the FDA has been plan-
“fully vaccinated” with a two-dose regi- ning to guide the development of
men or one Johnson and Johnson dose, modified vaccines after seeing how
the virus has rapidly mutated over the
past two-plus years. 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS July 7, 2022 5

MY TAKE He said the deputies’ willingness to the deputies or pointing a gun at them. volved shootings occurred in our county
riddle the scene with bullets showed a Flowers admitted during his June 14 since Flowers took office in January 2021,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 “disrespect” for the community. or if any of the deputies in the June 11
news conference that “nothing in this shooting were also involved in the March
leased an edited version of footage from “We believe they fired as many as 40 video” shows Frederick “pointing the 26 fatal shooting of a patient at the hos-
the deputies’ body cameras. rounds,” Brown said. “We counted 23 gun.” pital, or why the sheriff shared the body-
bullets that hit a nearby home under con- cam footage with Brown one day before
This is about Flowers not responding struction. Then add the bullets that him. The video does show, however, that the releasing it to the public.
to a list of questions emailed to him and Beyond that, we still don’t know.” deputies did not conduct what in law-en-
his agency last week – a list that includ- forcement lingo is known as a “felony We don’t know because Flowers didn’t
ed questions not asked during his same- But he wants to. stop,” – sometimes called a “high-risk respond to my questions.
night and three-days-later sessions with Brown said he’s so troubled by the stop” – a tactic officers are supposed to
the local news media. deputies’ lack of concern about the pos- employ when stopping a vehicle contain- And I have more now:
sibility of collateral damage that he has ing a driver and/or passengers suspected  Where did deputies recover Freder-
Whether the sheriff likes it or not, the spoken with national and state NAACP of having committed a felony. ick’s gun, and was he still armed when a
county residents who pay his salary have leaders and they will ask both the U.S. second round of shots were fired by dep-
a right to know how many times Freder- Justice Department and Florida Depart- Remember: Flowers said his depu- uties as they pursued him deeper into the
ick was shot, where on his body he was ment of Law Enforcement to investigate ties train for such scenarios, adding that darkness?
struck by deputies’ bullets, his current the incident. those involved in the traffic stop were  Why didn’t the Sheriff’s Office re-
condition and whether he has been re- Obviously, he doesn’t trust the Sheriff’s “actively watching” the car because its lease any video of the latter part of the
leased from the hospital. Office’s Internal Affairs Division. driver and/or passengers were suspected deputies’ pursuit and Frederick’s cap-
“I’ve told this sheriff exactly what I told of having been connected to a “flurry of ture?
We certainly have a right to know how the previous sheriff: When you do your shots” earlier and “some burglaries that  What was edited out of the footage
many rounds the deputies fired that night. job right, I’ve got your back. But when were occurring in our community.” that was made public?
you do it wrong, I’m going to be your Flowers was correct when he said that
The sheriff said at his news conference worst enemy,” Brown said. So why not follow their training and the entire incident could’ve been avoid-
that investigators would ask the deputies “Those deputies put my community in conduct a felony stop? ed if Frederick had obeyed the deputies’
involved in the traffic stop what they saw danger, and the sheriff said they did no command to not touch the gun.
as they shot and pursued Frederick in the wrong,” he added. “All that does is give a If they had, the deputies would have As the sheriff put it: “The second he
darkness. group of rogue cops the go-ahead to have remained at least two car lengths from armed himself, he changed the scenario.”
open season on our community, knowing the suspects’ vehicle, providing them That may be true.
What exactly did they see? Did Fred- there won’t be any consequences.” with a safer position from which to con- But about all that we know for sure is
erick ever point a gun at them? Or when While Brown acknowledges that Fred- trol the situation. that the innocent bystanders who live in
he turned to look over his right shoulder erick was wrong to grab the gun and flee, that Gifford neighborhood got very lucky.
while fleeing, was he merely checking to he also expressed concern that the depu- Frederick still could have grabbed the And no matter how much our sheriff
see if the deputies were gaining on him? ties began shooting almost immediately, gun and run, but if he did turn and shoot, might want this story to go away, they –
even though Frederick was running away the deputies were farther away and could and we – deserve something, too.
Perhaps he turned because he was from them. use their vehicles for protection. It’s also Answers. 
struck by one of the first bullets fired by “You see him get out of the car and possible that he might have reassessed
the deputies, who began shooting almost start running,” Brown said, referring to his chances.
immediately after he started running. the body-cam footage released by the
Sheriff’s Office. “Count one, one thou- We don’t know.
Flowers owes us answers. sand … two one-thousand … You don’t Nor do we know how many deputy-in-
He also should explain why he repeat- get to three before they opened fire.
edly tried to link the deputies’ thought “The video is vivid until he took that
process during the traffic stop to a second step,” he added, “but there was
gun-related “homicide” that occurred in no way he turned to shoot at them.”
the same neighborhood two days earlier, To be sure, the footage is inconclusive,
when he knew, or at least strongly sus- despite Flowers’ assertion that Frederick,
pected, the June 9 shooting was self-in- after moving a gun from his left to right
flicted and possibly accidental. hand while running away, can be seen
“I told him not to make that inference,” “turning back to face the deputies.”
said Tony Brown, president of the local Frederick does turn his head, as if
NAACP chapter. “I told him: Don’t put looking back over his right shoulder, but
that false narrative out there.” even when the video is viewed in slow
Brown has publicly criticized the dep- motion, he doesn’t appear to be facing
uties’ actions, particularly their decision
to “fire gunshots indiscriminately and
recklessly in a residential neighborhood
– a walking neighborhood – at 9 o’clock
on a Saturday night.”

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6 July 7, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Aquablation therapy major advance in prostate treatment

By Kerry Firth | Correspondent curring phenomena and any male that lives
long enough will eventually have it,” Dr. Jus-
If you are a man over the age of 50, chances tin Muskovich, a urologist with HCA Florida
are you already have or will soon be develop- Lawnwood Hospital, explained. “It occurs
ing an enlarged prostate. It’s simply a natural in response to the testosterone production
part of aging. But at some point, it can lead to through our lifetime.
an uncomfortable condition called benign
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). “Our urethra, the tube that carries urine
out of our penis, runs right through the cen-
The good news is that BPH isn’t prostate ter of our prostate, so as the prostate grows
cancer and doesn’t make you more likely to in a natural fashion it starts to clog. The way
get it. And there are a lot of treatments for we feel prostate enlargement is through our
BPH, from lifestyle changes to medication to bladder. It’s like taking a garden hose that
surgery. flows freely and squeezing it. You have to

“An enlarged prostate is a naturally oc-

Dr. Justin Muskovich.


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH July 7, 2022 7

put more pressure on it to release the same that uses heat energy has the potential to pass
amount of water. that energy to those nerves,” Dr. Muskovich
continued. “Heat damages nerves and some
“Our bladders work the same way. When of these procedures have the potential to in-
that blockage occurs, our bladder muscles terfere with sexual function.”
have to generate more strength and the blad-
der will end up growing thicker which will If the prostate is too big for the treatments
cause spasticity and irritation. Left untreat- listed above, a surgical procedure called a
ed, BPH can cause urinary tract infections, prostatectomy can be performed using either
bladder or kidney damage, bladder stones open or robotically assisted surgical tech-
and incontinence.” niques to cut out the excess prostate tissue.

Obstructive symptoms of BPH include But now there is another option.
having trouble starting to urinate or hav- “Rather than doing open surgery for very
ing to stop and restart repeatedly; having to large prostates, there is a new technique
strain or push when you urinate; and having called robotic aquablation therapy, which
a weak urine stream. uses heat-free, high-pressure jets of water to
remove prostate tissue. While a simple pros-
BPH symptoms caused by changes in the tatectomy might take two hours under gen-
bladder include feeling an urgency to urinate; eral anesthesia, this procedure can get the
a high frequency of urination; the feeling that same results in about five minutes. Plus, it
even after you go, your bladder is not empty; has zero impact on erectile function, orgas-
and waking up often in the night to relieve mic function and sexual desire.”
yourself. Aquablation therapy is the only proce-
dure that uses a cystoscope (a camera that
“The main reason to treat BPH is to protect goes through the urethra into the bladder)
the bladder long term,” Dr. Muskovich said. in combination with ultrasound imaging to
“As the prostate gets larger, the treatment gets enable the surgeon to see the entire prostate
more involved. With that said, the overall size (from the inside of the prostate) during sur-
of the prostate doesn’t necessarily correlate gery. Using ultrasound to map the prostate,
to how severe the symptoms are. I’ve seen the robot system comes up with the treat-
small prostates with big problems and large ment. It shows where to spray the water and
prostates with no problems. The treatment, how much tissue to remove, and monitors it
however, is based on the size.” in real time. It is also designed so that when
it gets near the muscles controlling sexual
While some lifestyle changes such as functions it alters the way it works to preserve
drinking less caffeine and alcohol, and fewer ejaculatory function.
liquids before bedtime, may ease some of the “We are the first hospital in central Flori-
symptoms, there are medications and mini- da and the first HCA facility on either of the
mally invasive options that may be more ef- coasts in this country to have this machine,”
fective. Dr. Muskovich said proudly. “For HCA to in-
vest so heavily in this advanced technology is
Minimally invasive options include: an amazing resource for people in this area.”
• Rezum water vapor therapy, which in- Dr. Justin Muskovich received his medical
jects steam into the prostate gland causing degree and completed his surgical internship
death of the excess prostate tissue. and urologic residency at the University of
• Transurethral microwave therapy, which Toledo School of Medicine. He is trained in
uses microwave heat to kill off excess pros- the use of minimally invasive treatment mo-
tate tissue. dalities for the treatment of kidney stones,
• Laser treatments that vaporize excess bladder stones, bladder tumors and enlarged
prostate tissue by shooting laser energy from prostates. He is affiliated with HCA Florida
the inside of the prostate. Lawnwood Hospital and HCA Florida St.
• Transurethral resection, which removes Lucie Hospital, and his office is located in
all but the outer part of the prostate by cut- the Heart and Family Health Institute, NW
ting and shaving pieces of the prostate with Peacock Boulevard, Port St. Lucie. For an ap-
a scope. pointment, call 772-336-6601. 
“The problem with some of these proce-
dures is that the nerves that control sexual or-
gasms, erectile function and ejaculations run
right outside the prostate, so any procedure

8 July 7, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Easing chronic back pain – with and without medication

By Hallie Levine fort, here’s a look at the research behind
The Washington Post nondrug treatments, and advice on how
to use medication effectively.
Is your back always aching? About 40
percent of people 18 and over and almost The power of the mind: Research sug-
half of older adults experience this, typ- gests that talk therapy may help you re-
ically in the lower back, according to a train your brain so you experience less
2019 survey of almost 32,000 people. pain and can cope with it better. “This isn’t
suggesting that your pain is not real or that
Back pain is considered chronic if it it’s ‘all in your head,’” says Tor Wager, pro-
continues for more than 12 weeks. In old- fessor in neuroscience and director of the
er adults, chronic low-back pain may be Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Lab
overtreated with inappropriate medica- at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H.
tions such as muscle relaxants or opioids,
says Yury Khelemsky, program director A study published last September in
of the pain medicine fellowship program the journal PAIN Reports, for example,
at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount looked at psychophysiologic symptom
Sinai in New York. It may also be under- relief therapy (PSRT), which address-
treated, he says. es stress and other psychological issues
that can contribute to persistent dis-
As it turns out, some of the most effec- comfort, and helps break associations
tive back pain strategies for those of us in that may set off pain, such as bending or
this age group require no medication. sitting. This study found that 64 percent
of back pain sufferers who tried PSRT re-
But you might not know this. “Old- ported being pain-free 6½ months later.
er adults may not be offered behavioral
treatments for pain due to an assumption Also promising is pain reprocessing
that they won’t be interested, or a per- therapy (PRT), which “teaches people to
ceived stigma associated with such ser- perceive pain signals sent to the brain as
vices,” says Sara Davin, a psychologist at less threatening,” Wager says. In a study
the Center for Spine Health at Cleveland published in JAMA Psychiatry, 66 per-
Clinic. “But these are the people that can cent of participants with chronic back
really benefit from these treatments.”
To help you ease chronic back discom-


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10 July 7, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 “We’re not meant to sit at computers for also beneficial. “Losing just five pounds same goes for prescription anti-inflam-
eight to 10 hours a day at any age.” takes about 20 pounds of pressure off of matories.) Instead, you can try acetamin-
pain reported much less or no pain after your spine,” Park says. ophen (Tylenol, generic) for a week or two,
four weeks of the therapy. To help with posture-related pain, staying under 3,000 mg a day, he says.
Khelemsky suggests opting for a chair – But strengthening your back and core
Because PSRT and PRT are relatively not a couch – while using a computer or muscles – those around your pelvis, low- Rx drugs: If pain persists after a few
new, and considered experimental, they tablet. Sit with your back straight and er back, hips and abdomen – may be the months, you can ask your doctor about
are not always easily accessible or covered your shoulders back, your rear end touch- key, Louw says. These naturally weaken the antidepressant duloxetine (Cymbal-
by insurance. Other talk therapy often is – ing the back of the chair, and your feet flat as we age, leading to a loss of back sup- ta, generic). Muscle relaxants should be
and may be available in programs where on the floor. You can use a small, rolled- port. That can cause chronic pain and, used with caution in older adults, says
patients work with a team of experts. up towel to help support your back, and a in turn, make common activities such as Chou – they can cause dizziness and hike
footrest, phone book or step stool to help reaching to grab an item from an upper fall risks. Groups such as the American
For instance, Cleveland Clinic’s Back on your feet reach the ground while sitting. cabinet challenging. College of Physicians advise against opi-
TREK program partners spine specialists, If you don’t have a chair that provides oids like oxycodone (OxyContin, generic)
physical therapists and behavioral med- good back support, consider buying one. Though core and back exercises are as a first-line therapy for similar reasons.
icine experts. A study published in the plentiful online, Louw recommends ask-
journal Spine in 2019 found that people Take frequent movement breaks, as well, ing your doctor about physical therapy, How to handle a ‘back attack’: If your
who participated for 10 to 12 weeks said says Colleen Louw, a spokesperson for the where you’ll be taught strengthening back starts to hurt suddenly, consider
afterward that their pain was less debil- American Physical Therapy Association moves that are safe and effective for you. this expert advice:
itating and they felt less depressed and and director of therapeutic pain specialist “These should all be tailored to your spe-
anxious. “We also know these approaches certification for Evidence In Motion, which cific needs and challenges,” she says. • Ice it intermittently. After a few days,
can help reduce stress, which is important offers courses for health-care profession- try applying a heating pad or heat wrap.
because pain triggers the release of stress als such as physical therapists. Every half- Pain medications: Medication for
hormones that make muscles tighten up,” hour, get up and stretch or take a short walk chronic back pain “should be an adjunct for • Take acetaminophen, following pack-
says Davin, lead author on the study. to relieve pressure on your spine. older adults, and not the main treatment,” age directions, for three to five days.
says Roger Chou, a professor of medicine
Interested? Davin suggests working Practice good standing posture, too: at Oregon Health & Science University in • Move around as you can.
with a psychologist or therapist who fo- Whenever you’re on your feet, remind Portland. “It’s important to be cautious, • At night, lie on your side with your
cuses on pain management. Your doctor yourself to stand straight and tall with and try to use the lowest dose possible, for upper knee bent and a pillow between
may be able to suggest one, or you can shoulders back, abdomen pulled in and the shortest period of time.” Here’s what to your knees.
check the American Psychological Asso- feet shoulder-width apart. know about over-the-counter (OTC) and Alert or see your doctor as soon as possible
ciation’s therapist finder ( prescription medication options. if you have fallen or been injured; have osteo-
Care for your core: While it may hurt porosis and back pain is sharp and jolting; or
A good posture prescription: “Pan- to move around, staying active can help OTC drugs: Nonsteroidal anti-inflam- you experience unusual symptoms such as
demic posture” from, say, slouching over to relieve back pain, says Daniel Park, a matories such as ibuprofen (Advil, gener- incontinence and pain or weakness in your
a computer or tablet from the comfort spine surgeon at Beaumont Hospital in ic) are usually the first treatment of choice legs. These may signal a serious issue.
of your couch, has caused a rise in back Royal Oak, Mich., and a spokesperson for but might not be appropriate for older Likewise, contact your doctor if the pain
and neck pain. Spending a lot of time on the American Academy of Orthopaedic adults, says Chou – frequent use may raise lingers for more than a week or you have fe-
electronics may also lead to back mus- Surgeons. Weight loss, if appropriate, is heart attack and GI bleeding risks. (The ver along with sudden back pain or are in
cle spasms and fatigue, Khelemsky says: discomfort even when lying down. 

Cozy Harmony Island condo
has light, bright interior

5030 Harmony Circle, Unit 203 in Harmony Island, Grand Harbor: 2-bedroom, 2-bath, 1,368-square-foot home offered for $379,000
by Diane DeFrancisci, 772-538-1614, and Brenda Montgomery, 772-532-4170, of AMAC Alex MacWilliam Real Estate

12 July 7, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

Cozy Harmony Island condo has light, bright interior

By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]

One of the first communities to be de-
veloped in Grand Harbor, the residences
of Harmony Island were built as charming,
cozy little getaways used mostly for short
periods of time, explained listing agent Di-
ane DeFrancisci.

But then, as development continued
and more and more people discovered the
treasure that is the Treasure Coast, Grand
Harbor’s pristine riverside location drew
longer-term residents and, today, Harmo-
ny Island is home to seasonal snowbirds as
well as year-round residents who enjoy the
beauty of the natural surroundings, neigh-
borly atmosphere and outstanding coun-
try club amenities.

Although it was constructed in 1988,
the Harmony Island community was com-
pletely restored and renovated following
2004’s Hurricanes Jeanne and Frances.

The lovely, light-filled residence at 5030
Harmony Circle, Unit 203, has great appeal
– it is low-key, restful and welcoming, the
design making excellent use of space, with
clean lines, wonderful balance and flow,
and a split bedroom plan with two mir-
ror-image primary suites.

The interior is open and airy with soft
hues, sand-tone ceramic tile flooring,
white baseboard molding, volume ceilings
and a wall of glass windows and French
doors welcoming a flow of natural light
and accessing a long, screened, covered
balcony with golf course views. The balco-
ny is an inviting space where you’ll want to
spend lots of recharge and unwind time,
enjoying your first cup of morning joe as
you greet the sunrise and watch the early
birds, grab a midday snooze, or share an
evening Sauvignon with your SO.

The condo’s furnishings – which are ne-
gotiable – are pristine, clean-lined and in
tranquil shades of soft blue, adding to a
calm, pleasant room-to-room flow.

The living room/dining room space
suits both needs without crowding, taking
advantage of the natural light and verdant

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E July 7, 2022 13


view from the balcony. A simple, graceful On either end of the home, the two pri- By Kevin Brasler | The Washington Post Get a copy of the warranty from the man-
chandelier above the dining table offers el- mary bedroom suites are mirror images, ufacturer of whatever roofing materials are
egant illumination for an after-dark repast. both cool retreats with nice, big walk-in There’s nothing more basic than the used. Also get a warranty on the roofer’s
closets, and two sets of double French shelter a roof provides. Fortunately, roofs work, ideally for five years or more.
There are great options for entertaining, doors, one to the screen porch and one to a are quite durable and will protect you from
with French doors open to the balcony and smaller balcony extension. the elements for a long time before needing On asphalt composite shingle roofs, man-
an open kitchen with bar/serving counter replacement. But eventually, your roof will ufacturers’ guarantees range from 20 years
facing the living room. In an alcove off the One bathroom sports white tile and need work. When it does, the cost is like- to 50 years. On built-up, modified bitumen,
dining space, a long, mirrored wet bar with a white tub, the other a large glass-front ly to be steep. And unless you choose your or single-ply flat roofs, warranties range
white storage cabinetry and recessed light shower and tan grass-cloth walls. Each has contractor carefully, you can spend way too from less than 15 to more than 25 years.
further enhances gatherings. a w/c and a white, wall-to-wall, two-basin much for a lousy job.
vanity with white countertop, full-width Roofers’ guarantees of their workman-
The kitchen offers white cabinetry with mirror and gold pulls. To ensure success and avoid roof goofs, ship usually run from one to two years,
gold-tone pulls, white appliances and new hire a reliable roofing contractor, get in but you may be able to get one for five or 10
stainless-steel dishwasher, double porcelain Located just off Indian River Boulevard, writing exactly what will be done, and keep years, or even longer. Have the roofer write
sink and a nice stretch of mottled gold, faux Grand Harbor is a five-minute drive from a close eye on the job as it progresses. into your contract: “In addition to all other
marble countertop. Just off the kitchen is a the bridge across the Indian River to Vero’s warranties, if roof leaks within five years
spacious laundry room with storage, dryer, charming seaside village with its wonderful Quality of work should be your biggest [or, better still, 10 years], except as a result
and new washer and hot water heater. restaurants, pubs, salons and boutiques, concern. No job is a bargain if your roof of accidental damage, contractor will bear
live professional theater and an excellent leaks or looks terrible. But once you have the cost of labor and materials to eliminate
art museum; or turn west from the boule- identified roofers that measure up on quali- all leaks.”
vard into the mainland commercial centers ty factors, price becomes critical.
and downtown arts and restaurant district; Get a fixed-price contract. Specify exactly
as well as a huge medical complex. , a nonprofit organization what roof areas are to be covered and oth-
with a mission to help consumers get the er details, such as whether old shingles are
FEATURES FOR 5030 HARMONY CIRCLE best service and lowest prices, worked with to be removed, whether flashings are to be
three homeowners to get bids on roofing replaced, who is responsible for cleaning up
Neighborhood: Harmony Island, Grand Harbor jobs for their homes. and hauling away debris, and exactly what
Year built: 1988, completely redone following the 2004 hurricanes types and weights of materials are to be
The roofer-to-roofer price differences on used.
Construction: CBS • Home size: 1,368 square feet the same job were striking. For one project,
Bedrooms: 2 • Bathrooms: 2 prices ranged from $11,223 to $17,848 – a While you should be able to obtain a
difference of $6,625. For another job, quotes binding contract at the estimate price, most
Additional features: Gate staffed; large, screened balcony; 3 ranged from $7,133 to $10,958 – a difference roofers will insist on provisions for extra
ceiling fan lights; French doors; wet bar; volume ceilings; smoke of $3,825. For the third, prices ranged from charges if they find damaged fascia, sheath-
detector; split bedrooms; walk-in closets; window treatments $13,000 to $15,965 – a difference of $2,965. ing or structural lumber. Most contracts
furnished; central heat /air; heated community pool with spa; 1 state that required carpentry will be per-
assigned, covered parking space with storage; pets allowed with The message is obvious: Get several bids. formed on a “per-foot” or “time-and-mate-
tenant approval (2 max); condo association fee includes cable Get at least three bids from companies rials” basis. Make sure your contract states
TV, common areas, insurance, exterior maintenance, parking, rated high for quality. Don’t assume a low how charges will be computed, typically per
recreational facilities, reserve fund, security, trash removal; golf, bid signifies you’ll get lousy work: For each square foot or linear foot.
of these three jobs, our shoppers received
social and tennis memberships are available. low prices from top-rated outfits. Contrac- Arrange to pay for all or almost all the
Listing agency: AMAC Alex MacWilliam Real Estate tors charge high prices for some jobs and job after the work has been completed.
Listing agents: Diane DeFrancisci, 772-538-1614, and Brenda low ones for others. Most roofers allow customers to withhold
If you can’t be present during the esti- all payments until the job is complete. Try
Montgomery, 772-532-4170 mate, email your specifications in advance. to arrange to withhold at least a portion of
Listing price: $379,000 Use estimators as your consultants, getting the price until your roof has been tested by
feedback from them to determine what stormy weather.
needs to be done. Then return to them with
the final description of what you want and Report problems immediately. First,
invite them to bid on the work. negotiate directly with your roofing con-
Before deciding on any contractor, ask for tractor. If that doesn’t work, complain to
proof that it is licensed and carries liability the state’s contractors licensing depart-
and workers’ compensation insurance. ment. 

14 July 7, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



A rush of mainland real estate transactions saw 63 sales of single-family residences and lots re-
ported from June 27-July 1 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week was in Vero Beach, where the 4-bedroom, 4-bathroom home at 5510 E
Harbor Village Dr. – listed on June 13 for $2,100,000 – sold for $1,850,000 on June 30.
Representing both the seller and the buyer in the transaction was agent Sherrie Coleman of ONE
Sotheby’s International Realty.


VERO BEACH 5510 E HARBOR VILLAGE DR 6/13/2022 $2,100,000 6/30/2022 $1,625,000
VERO BEACH 190 SEA GULL AVE 4/18/2022 $2,100,000 6/29/2022 $1,450,000
VERO BEACH 4735 SAINT JAMES AVE 5/23/2022 $1,450,000 6/29/2022 $1,350,000
VERO BEACH 6465 FRANCES MNR 2/16/2022 $1,350,000 6/27/2022 $1,000,000
VERO BEACH 2465 PINE VALLEY RD SW 4/18/2022 $969,000 7/1/2022 $900,000
VERO BEACH 5380 W HARBOR VILLAGE DR #301 5/9/2022 $1,150,000 6/27/2022 $850,000
SEBASTIAN 5530 95TH ST 5/5/2022 $850,000 6/30/2022 $850,000
VERO BEACH 5565 LAS BRISAS DR 4/8/2022 $1,100,000 6/27/2022 $695,000
VERO BEACH 4055 CHARDONNAY PL SW 2/11/2022 $695,000 6/28/2022 $635,000
VERO BEACH 573 44TH AVE SW 5/11/2022 $630,000 6/28/2022 $573,000
VERO BEACH 5060 TOPAZ LN SW 4/13/2022 $539,900 7/1/2022 $554,000
VERO BEACH 6005 INDIANGRASS DR 5/27/2022 $535,000 6/30/2022 $540,000
VERO BEACH 745 34TH TER 5/24/2022 $525,000 6/28/2022 $522,000
VERO BEACH 711 FORTUNELLA CIR SW 5/6/2022 $489,000 6/29/2022 $519,078
VERO BEACH 5359 ANTIGUA CIR 3/25/2022 $549,000 6/28/2022 $495,000
VERO BEACH 4424 BEAUTY LEAF CIR 5/10/2022 $525,000 6/30/2022 $480,000
VERO BEACH 391 W KEY LIMESW 4/29/2022 $489,900 6/30/2022 $470,000
SEBASTIAN 1453 WHITMORE ST 5/6/2022 $550,000 7/1/2022 $467,500
VERO BEACH 5850 MAGNOLIA LN UNIT#16 3/26/2022 $495,000 6/27/2022 $465,000
VERO BEACH 285 53RD CIR 5/24/2022 $450,000 7/1/2022 $460,000
VERO BEACH 4820 48TH AVE 5/3/2022 $495,000 6/28/2022 $450,000
SEBASTIAN 331 WATERCREST ST 6/6/2022 $459,331 6/29/2022 $450,000
VERO BEACH 1740 BERKSHIRE CIR SW 6/2/2022 $465,000 6/30/2022 $450,000
VERO BEACH 4934 CORSICA SQ 5/9/2022 $500,000 6/30/2022 $435,000
VERO BEACH 5875 39TH LN 5/2/2022 $435,000 6/30/2022 $430,000
VERO BEACH 141 35TH SQ SW 4/29/2022 $435,000 6/30/2022 $420,000
VERO BEACH 6770 49TH CT 4/22/2022 $420,000 6/29/2022 $399,500
VERO BEACH 2777 W BROOKFIELD WAY 6/3/2022 $399,900 6/30/2022 $399,000
VERO BEACH 1825 BRIDGEPOINTE CIR UNIT#12 5/27/2022 $399,000 6/29/2022

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E July 7, 2022 15


190 Sea Gull Ave, Vero Beach 4735 Saint James Ave, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 4/18/2022 Listing Date: 5/23/2022
Original Price: $2,100,000 Original Price: $1,450,000
Sold: 6/29/2022 Sold: 6/29/2022
Selling Price: $1,625,000 Selling Price: $1,450,000
Listing Agent: Josh Stalls Listing Agent: Stacey Morabito

Selling Agent: Indian River Real Estate LLC Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Patti Martin Kieran Hickey

Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

6465 Frances Mnr, Vero Beach 2465 Pine Valley Rd SW, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 2/16/2022 Listing Date: 4/18/2022
Original Price: $1,350,000 Original Price: $969,000
Sold: 6/27/2022 Sold: 7/1/2022
Selling Price: $1,350,000 Selling Price: $1,000,000
Listing Agent: Rita Curry Listing Agent: Peggy Hewett

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida

Anthony Fulcher Peggy Hewett

Atlantic Shores Realty Execs Berkshire Hathaway Florida



Committed To Exceeding Expectations

634 Old Dixie Hwy. SW
Vero Beach, FL 32962

O: (772) 999-5136
C: (772) 563-8377

Licensed & Insured LIC #16674

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH July 7, 2022 B1




By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent

1 One of the most popular stage
musicals based on a movie is
opening at the Vero Beach Theatre
Guild. It’s “Footloose the Musical,”
and from all the buzz at the theater,
tickets are selling fast. The stage
musical came out in 1998 and was
based on the 1984 movie starring
Kevin Bacon, Lori Singer and John
Lithgow. The storyline follows Ren,
who, after being abandoned by his
father, moves with his mother from
fast-paced, open-minded Chicago
to a small farming town of Bomont.
Ren soon discovers that the town is
under the thumb of a local preach-
er, who has banned dancing in or-
der to control the town’s youth. As
expected, the preacher’s daughter,
Ariel, falls for Ren. In comes Ariel’s
boyfriend, Chuck, who spreads false
rumors. Of course, the town’s youth
rebel and go “footloose” with some
great Oscar- and Tony-nominated
songs by Tom Snow, Jim Steinman
and Dean Pitchford. Odds are, you’re
probably humming the theme right
now. The show’s storyline also digs
a little deeper about a son longing
for his father who walked out and
a father longing for the son he lost.
“Footloose the Musical” performs
7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, and
2 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, from
July 8-31 at the Vero Beach Theatre
Guild, 2020 San Juan Ave. Tickets are
$20 to $40. Call 772-562-8300 or visit

2 Now, if the idea of danc-
ing sticks with you, consid-
er heading to First Presbyterian
Church of Vero Beach when it wraps
up the Vero Beach International
Music Festival. There’s a main stage
concert 7:30 p.m. Friday, July 8 fea-


B2 July 7, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Adam Conard: Making surreal impression on arts scene

BY DEBBIE TIMMERMANN | CORRESPONDENT Adam Conard. finish his first painting. He eventually de- shells, which make music as water rushes
ified the odds through physical therapy over them and retreats. Remarkably, the
Adam Conard’s first foray into painting, PHOTOS: JOSHUA KODIS and was able to play basketball again, but painting delivers that sense of music.
at age 12, barely raised his father’s eyebrows, his affinity for art continued.
despite that his painting wasn’t on paper, his paint brush- His painting [out of darkness] “Into the
or even on canvas. Conard had decided to es and a note: As luck would have it, his high school Light” is from a continuing dream where
paint the inside walls of their house in Jack- “Adam, Keep art teacher, Floyd Thompson, was also a he floats a few feet off the ground to ob-
son Hole, Wyoming, and had finished by the painting. Michael.” renowned artist. serve, then back to earth and up again.
time his father came home at the The gift coincided with a basketball ac- The painting pictures birds, a red balloon,
end of the day. cident that resulted in a broken back. His “I still talk with him frequently and he and a boat that is floating on clouds.
upper body was encased in an immobile continues to inspire me. He was a pas-
His father, whose child rear- cast for 18 months, and doctors said he’d sionate and amazing art teacher who put “The bird symbolizes anybody trapped
ing philosophy was to give his never be able to play basketball again. his students first. We never knew [while in in darkness. The balloon bursts, and the
children a lot of freedom, simply To release pent-up energy, he began school] that he was a well-known artist.” bird flies off to freedom, finding more grat-
responded with, “Hmmm, what painting with the brushes, although with itude, positivity and light,” he explains.
does this mean?” limited movement it took six months to Conard and his family arrived in Vero
Beach during the first winter of COVID and In a black and white drawing, a man
Nicknamed “Zoto” by his that spring made plans to move here per- holds an open umbrella over his head, but it
dad, the name means freedom manently from Colorado, where they had is only raining under the umbrella and onto
to Conard, who signs his paint- been living. the man. “He’s creating his own storm.”
ings with Zoto and named his
website “If we were going to be shut down, it Although Conard tries to paint just one
might as well be in some place warm. It was piece at a time, his brain is frequently
His father’s patience was a blessing. I had time to paint, and time for moving on to the next one.
again tested with Conard’s sec- my family. I could never go back to working
ond painting, which involved in an office again,” Conard explains. “I get excited to the point that I can’t
ripping up his bedroom carpet to paint a sleep. I have to force myself to finish a
large mural on the floor, which he periodi- Additionally, he says he appreciates life painting before I move on.”
cally added to over the years. and the time we have on earth to celebrate
it, adding, “I’ve lost a higher number of The paintings’ titles are also important
At age 16, Conard says his uncle, Michael people than anyone I know.” to Conard, such as with “Whole Again,”
Ciasullo, a well-known Austin, Texas, artist which he says represents a message of
passed away “somewhat abruptly.” Having Conard is often inspired by their 8-year- hope and new life. In that one, a bird’s
been aware of Conard’s habit of frequently old daughter – to be joyful and to do things nest is depicted to the left. Mid painting,
sketching, Ciasullo left him a box filled with he wouldn’t otherwise do as an adult. Just the nest is broken apart, but a new nest,
like his own father, Conard wasn’t fazed stronger and better than the old one, with
when she painted the walls of his current a beautiful egg in it, lies on the right.
studio, saying, “It is wonderful to let the
artistic desire flow.” While Conard’s older works had a drip ef-
fect, or were photo realistic, his newer ones
Indeed, she creates a few pieces of art are more impressionistic. The background
each day, starting on her own with no composition is not too detailed, whereas
coaxing from her parents. the subject matter pops out in realism.

“It brings whimsy in my art. I really want “The dichotomy of spontaneous back-
that sense of emotion in my paintings, that ground and detailed subject is my go-to
sense of life and being alive. It’s so precious. style,” he says, adding that his artistic
To capture this life, it’s like a race to do as styles evolved innately.
many paintings as I can while I’m here.”
Although he was a student of classical
Conard paints one or two paintings artists, who painstakingly detailed their
each week, working five to six hours at a work, he describes his own style as classic
stretch, often well into the night. surrealist.

“I have a frequent and vivid dream life,” he “Surrealism isn’t a popular style, but it’s
says. “I always look for some deeper symbol- the only way I can capture the realness,”
ism [in dreams], and the images and symbol- he says.
ism often make their way onto a canvas.”
“My early paintings could be mistak-
His painting “Sea Shell Sonata” resulted en for photographs, but I was looking for
after dreaming of a conductor directing more freedom. I blended them to capture

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE July 7, 2022 B3

in a surreal way, but not so surreal that you exchanged, but he judges new colors, and
can’t believe it, a wholesome, real earth.” receives free paint.

He also continues to be painstakingly A collector of vintage clothes, cars, hats
dedicated to detail, wanting proportions and instruments, Conard enjoys listen-
to be believable. ing to records from the 1940’s and 1950’s
while painting in his studio.
“I often paint a real sky, one that I took
a picture of. [The images] are all real-life “The old blues records; each song tells
things, portrayed in a surreal way. With- a story of the time period. The resilience
out the refinement, the viewer might not of the people is so inspiring,” he explains.
focus and get my message,” says Conard.
Conard believes he has found what he
“I wanted to be different. My quest is to calls true wealth and inspiration in Vero
rebel against the status quo, and I think Beach, noting: “True wealth is not in mon-
my art shows that as well.” ey, but in values; time with family and re-
spect for other people.”
His favorite paints are the highly pig-
mented, hand-made oils made by Wil- Active in the Vero Beach Art Club, Conard
liamsburg Oils. In fact, his immense ap- will co-chair the 2023 VBAC Under the Oaks
preciation for their product resulted in Fine Arts and Crafts Show, and recently
his being named a key influencer in the became the administrator of the Cultural
company’s artist program. No money is Council’s Art in Public Places project. 

CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 Art is at 3001 Riverside Park Dr. Call 772-231-
0707 or visit
turing Americana, Bluegrass, Brazilian, Celt-
ic, Folk, Jazz, Pop, Rock and more from the 4 Riverside Theatre’s Comedy Zone
Mike Block String Camp. The student concert presents headliner Earl David Reed,
from the Mike Block String Camp will be held feature act Jesse Blanco and emcee Joshua
7:30 p.m. Saturday, July 9. The dancing part Armenteros this weekend, 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.
comes on after the Saturday concert when Friday and Saturday, July 8-9. When Reed
the festival ends with a Barn Dance with a was called “an urban Don Rickles” by the
live band. Performances are free, but a $20 Las Vegas Review-Journal, Rickles joked
donation is encouraged. Those donations “this guy works the room like a Las Vegas
benefit the scholarship fund for the Mike showgirl.” Reed has been seen on “The To-
Block String Camp. The First Presbyterian night Show with Jay Leno,” HBO, Showtime,
Church of Vero Beach is at 520 Royal Palm FOX’s “Comic Strip Live,” and much more.
Blvd. Call 772-562-9088. He’s currently on “The People’s Morning
Show” running on 105.7 The X. Blanco has
3 Plan now for the space-limited gallery performed along the East Coast and has
talk “Celebrating the Everyday with worked with both Reed and Rob Schneider.
Doris Lee,” scheduled for noon Wednesday, As the evening’s emcee, Armenteros is a co-
July 20 at the Vero Beach Museum of Art. The median who draws on the big Cuban family
gallery talk is held by the VBMA education in which he grew up. Tickets to the Comedy
staff and docents. They are scheduled month- Zone are $23. For its free outdoor pre-show
ly and present an in-depth look at selected “Live in the Loop” concerts, Riverside The-
artwork from current exhibitions and the atre is offering something new – reserved
permanent collection. They begin at the main table seating under covered tents. While
entrance and move en masse into the galler- the concerts are free, you can be guaran-
ies. The next one will explore artist Doris Lee’s teed a comfortable seating for $5 a person
“uncomplicated concept of an ideal view of (no refunds). This weekend’s lineup in-
life” as shown in the current exhibition “Sim- cludes the British Invasion Guys Friday, July
ple Pleasures: The Art of Doris Lee” exhibition 8 and the Melinda Elena Band on Saturday,
running through Sept. 18. Admission to the July 9. Food and drinks available for pur-
gallery talks is free with paid museum admis- chase throughout the evenings. Riverside
sion, which is $8 general, $7 seniors, and free Theatre is at 3250 Riverside Park Dr., Vero
to children under 17 years of age and muse- Beach. Call 772-231-6990 or visit Riverside-
um members. You must register in advance as” 
space is limited. The Vero Beach Museum of

B4 July 7, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | WINE


By Victoria Moore
The Telegraph

I trace my relationship with rosé back a fuller, more succulent hit of red ber- takeaway. Other mid or dark rosés are like- Although many producers have
to a summer holiday in the late 1990s. A ries, both to smell and to taste: think wild ly to be dry, or at least no sweeter than the strained every sinew to make their wines
friend and I drove around Provence, The strawberry, raspberry and watermelon New Zealand sauvignon blanc that’s usual- paler to please ‘the market,’ you can
Delfonics blaring from a cassette player compared to the white peach and some- ly thought of as dry. still find mid-pink – or at least wines a
in the back of the rental car, looking for times grapefruit flavors found in the very few shades darker than ballet pump-
lavender fields and beaches, eating salade pale wines. There is generally a little more The classic region for darker rosé is pale pink – from other parts of southern
niçoise, lamb daube and tomatoes and body to darker pink wines, too. Tavel, which is tucked into the south- France, such as Costières de Nîmes, as
courgettes stuffed with garlic and thyme, ern Rhône, not far from Avignon and just well as Navarra in north-eastern Spain,
and drinking beakers of pale rosé every- A common misconception is that darker across the river from Châteauneuf-du- Basilicata and Abruzzo in Italy, and oth-
where from Gassin to Nice. pink wines are always sweet, which simply Pape. Earlier in spring, I took a bottle of er countries where the sun shines more.
isn’t true. White zinfandel from California Tavel the color of raspberries to a friend’s These can be incredibly good value and a
Rosé was unfashionable then; a cheap is usually sweet and that’s not a bad thing if we were staying at for the weekend. We refreshing change of rosé pace. 
sunshine wine. But I loved it and turned you’re planning to drink it with an Indian drank it in the kitchen.
to it every time the sun came out, not
least because it reminded me of those
sunny days and umbrella pines on the
Côte d’Azur.

I also learned to appreciate rosé’s sub-
tleties and distinctions. To my surprise, at
first, I found that in blind tastings (when
the label of the bottle is hidden) it was easy
to pick out the more expensive wines and,
no, you didn’t find them by looking at the
color. Good pale rosé feels silky in your
mouth but it also has a quiet strength.

An example? The brilliant (and large-
ly unheralded) pale rosés made by Pierre
Duffort at Domaine de Rimauresq. They’re
mostly stocked by small independents, so
the easiest way to find one near you is to
Google. Don’t be afraid to buy a 2020 vin-
tage: with rosés of this sort of pedigree, the
slightly rested wines can be better than the
fresh, new ones.

Of course, having come a long way since
the 1990s, via the beach bars and yacht
decks of Saint-Tropez, pale rosé is now gi-
gantically popular. Darker rosé is not. It’s
not that I’m always contrary, but recently
I’ve been pouring wines that are a darker
pink in color and really enjoying them.

Rosés with a richer color usually have


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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING July 7, 2022 B5



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B6 July 7, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING July 7, 2022 B7








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B8 July 7, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Bonz says it’s a wonderful life for lovable li’l Louie

Hi Dog Buddies! pa, my uncles an my Mom, who was 9 at so much I do a special twirly Louie
the time, were livin’ in New York with two dance whenever we’re get-
I’ve never seen a poocheroo like Lou- Labs, Bailey an Cinnamon. Mom REAL- tin’ ready. When I hafta stay churs elsewhere.”
ie Wallace. He’s a dachshund, which I LY, REALLY wanted a tiny pooch to cud- home, I have a cozy liddle “I hear ya,” I sympathized.
HAVE seen before: spruce an stylish, dle with. But Gramma an Grampa said hideaway under the table
long hound nose, black floppy ears; that NO MORE POOCHES. PERIOD. ABSO- sorta like a tent, with a spe- “Any fav foodstuffs?”
dachshund long-loaf-of-bread middle; LUTELY NOT. THE END. But Mom kept cial Temper-Pedic pad so “I’m trying to lose a few pounds. I’ve
legs shorter than snoot. But what amazed sayin’ pleeze pleeze pleeze so Gramma I won’t get what humans
me was his Super Cool Kibbles color, gold an Grampa thought ‘Hummm, ah ha!’ call ang-ZIE-uddy. dropped some but you know what they
around the eyes, an big black and white then said ‘OK, if you can raise the money say: Those last few are the hardest. So I’m
patches all over. I thought he was some yourself.’ Since Mom was 9 they figured “The hardest thing I on an Holistic diet: mostly ground beef
sort of mix-chur. the chances were slim-to-none.” remember about learnin’ an veg-tubbles. I also enjoy non-fat Greek
Basic Dog Stuff was yoghurt.”
When we knocked, there was lotsa Since Louie was sittin’ right in front of tryin’ to conker this
barkin an, when the door opened Louie me, I sensed what was coming. one liddle HAH-butt: I was going to ask him what flavor he
was standin’ there barkin’ away (not fuh- Chewin’ Furnichur preferred when I noticed he had dropped
ROW-shus, just loud) next to a lady, who “Well,” Louie continued, “right before Corners. There were a off to sleep.
invited us in. Mom’s 10th birthday, she announced whole bunch of ’em to
that she had enough money for a pup- chew, too! But finally I transitioned Heading home, I was thinkin’ about
“Good morning, Mr. Wallace,” I said. py, PLUS, her an her BFF Jenny’d been to a more acceptable item, which I still the sturdy liddle piebald dachshund
“Thank you for meeting on such short searchin’ On The Line an found my ken- haffta have with me when I go to bed: My with his cool ride; his pig ear binky; an
notice. I had a last-minute cancellation nel AN my bran new litter. Gramma an Pig Ear Binkie. It’s perfect! It’s not a cor- his dedication to his loving family. An I
anna early deadline.” Grampa were VERY suh-PRIZED (an also ner, but it lasts furever. So far.” hadda agree with his Mom, he DOES just
impressed with Mom’s duh-ter-mu-NAY- look like a Louie.
As I spoke, my assistant, with an OK shun an engine-NEW-itty), so they all “Whaddy do for exercise? Any pooch
from the lady, produced a yoghurt-an-ap- drove to my kennel to meet us in the fur. pals?” Till next time,
ple snack from The Satchel an offered it I kept comin’ up to ’em for pats an snug-
to Louie, who accepted it, munched, then gles, an we liked one another right away. “Well, I’m 12, gettin’ up there, so I get at The Bonz
approached for the Wag-and-Sniff. An that was that. Mom named me Louie least five short neighborhood walks every
cuz she said I just look like a Louie.” day. An, if I get tired, I ride in my tricycle Don’t Be Shy
“Good morning, Bonz! May I call you buggy. Wanna see?”
Bonz? Call me Louie. Happy to help. This “So how was it when you got to your We are always looking for pets
is my Gramma, Barb. Grampa Tom’s Furever home?” His gramma disappeared, returning with interesting stories.
around somewhere. My Mom Caitlin’s in with this Extremely Crispy Biscuits black-
college. I do come on strong, I know. Tho “I met my uncles, who were 17, an som- and-orange-sherbet buggy with treat To set up an interview, email
small of STAH- chur, I am very protective ma their pals, who all thought I was To- pocket, comfy-lookin’ mattress, an sun [email protected].
of my famly. Nothing personal. PLUS, as tally Adorable, of course. Bailey an Cin- hood.
you likely noticed, all the humans outside namon, were less than enthusiastic. They
tidying the grounds with those loud muh- sniffed me an were like, ‘Who in Lassie’s “Woof! Louie! That is one suh-
SHEENS are gettin’ on my last nerve. Let’s name is THIS liddle muggins?’ I was com- WEEEEET ride!”
go sit down. I understand you wanna pletely pooped so I just flopped over into
KNOW where I’m from, how I found my their (empty) food bowl, curled up an fell “I KNOW! Right? All my pals agree.
furever famly, that sorta thing?” asleep. From then on, we were totally in- There’s Bernie an Rusty. An (he lowered
separable. They were the Best! (When I his voice) My Grrrlfren Bella, a Cairn
“Exactly!” I opened my notebook. got all grown up, I became, an still am, Terrier. She’s beautiful. But, alas, she’s
“Great! Here goes. First off: I know I The Boss.) Later, when they hadda go to also a Canadian snowbirddog and she’s
don’t look like a normal dachshund. But I Dog Heaven, I was sad for a long time. But gone for the summer. But I still have my
AM a purebred, just a more unusual color I was always Mom’s baby. Me an Mom mem-rees.” Louie sighed, hopped into his
call PIE-bald.” grew up together. Crispy Biscuits carriage, an settled in.
“Well, you’re very striking and han-
some!” “Now I’m attached to Gramma an “Another great spot is the screen porch.
“Thanks, Bonz! My life began at a very Grampa. I protect ‘em and wanna be with I gaze out at the pond, an contemplate the
nice kennel Up North. Gramma an Gram- ‘em all the time. I love ridin’ in the car birds. The squirrels I find, well, annoying,
even though I know they’re fellow cree-
churs. I just wish they go be fellow cree-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES July 7, 2022 B9

A75 K J 10 6 4 93
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist KQ75 984 10 3
10 9 8 3 Q KJ7542
Ambrose Bierce defined a dentist as a prestidigitator who, putting metal in one’s mouth, 43 QJ76 K 10 5
pulls coins out of one’s pockets.
Now, I guess that would be bills, not coins. Q82
In this week’s deal, South reached four spades. West led the heart king: four, 10, ace. A6
How should South have proceeded? A982

In the bidding, North transferred to spades, then showed his second suit. Since five Dealer: South; Vulnerable: North-South
clubs did not rate to be best, and with that singleton diamond queen, I would have rebid
three no-trump, which South would have corrected to four spades. (Yes, three no-trump The Bidding:
is slightly aggressive, but two no-trump would be even more cautious.)
At trick two, South led a low trump. West rushed in with his ace, cashed the heart 1 NT Pass 2 Hearts Pass
queen and gave his partner a heart ruff. East exited with the diamond king and waited 2 Spades Pass 3 Clubs Pass LEAD:
for a club trick to materialize to defeat the contract. 4 Spades Pass Pass Pass K Hearts

Before touching trumps, South should have cashed his diamond ace and ruffed the
diamond six on the board. Then, when West won with his spade ace and gave his
partner the heart ruff, East would have been endplayed.

If East led a diamond, South would have ruffed in his hand and sluffed a club from the
board. Then he would have drawn trumps, taken a successful club finesse, played a
club to his ace and discarded dummy’s last club on the heart jack. Or, if East shifted to a
club, declarer would have won as cheaply as possible and had no club loser.

That extraction of East’s safe diamond-king exit card is called a dentist’s coup.

B10 July 7, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Tall; expensive (4) 2 Mosque prayer leader(4)
4 Impressive success (4) 3 Intense fear (6)
8 Fair; barely (4) 4 Humour (6)
9 Female farm worker (9) 5 Allied (6)
11 Angry state of mind (6) 6 Fan (9)
13 Very young child (7) 7 Celebrity (4)
15 Floor of a building (6) 10 Muslim ascetic (7)
16 Czech composer (6) 12 Second-hand (4)
18 Hesitate (6) 13 Appetising (9)
20 Approval (6) 14 Grow; elaborate (7)
22 Tanned hide (7) 17 Bird of prey (4)
23 Convention (6) 19 Delete; take away (6)
25 Chemical element (9) 20 Raid (6)
26 Military; large number(4) 21 Fluctuate (6)
27 Bird’s bill (4) 23 Cajole (4)
28 Compass point (4) 24 To-do (4)

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES July 7, 2022 B11

ACROSS 106 Took Trigger 56 “Daniel” singer The Washington Post
1 Backbone cushion 107 With 117 Across, dancer 59 America’s godfather of
5 Size up THE LAST NAME GAME By Merl Reagle
11 Order to Frankenstein who can’t help disrupting safety
15 With 37 Down, a singer sermons? 60 Ex of Frank and André
19 Home of Flaming Gorge 110 Mrs. McKinley 61 Violinist Mischa
20 With 24 Across, loser of the 111 Tense beginning? 62 Presentation aid
113 Sorts chickens, e.g. 64 Enjoys a hammock
first really serious pie fight? 117 See 107 Across 67 Kovacs et al.
21 City near Carson City 121 Nana author 68 Precisely right
22 Yucky stuff 122 Wally of cookies 69 Sans corrections
23 Actress Rooney or Kate 123 Dodge model 70 “You ___ ..... a chicken!”
24 See 20 Across 124 Singer who gardens? 71 Olivier’s title
27 Christian’s captain 125 Bothers 72 Soccer ___
29 Ex-fighter? 126 Five-year-old’s recitation 73 Slave who told tales
30 “May ___ on?” 127 “Interesting!” 76 Revolutionary hero
31 Actor who plays slippery 128 Howard and Isaac 77 Driving-speed abbr., in
129 Caustic cleaners
characters? Britain
32 White House bloomer DOWN 78 Vow to pony up
34 Scull need 1 Speechless 79 Topic: abbr.
35 Oklahoma city 2 Bold alternative, perhaps: 80 The pituitary, for one
36 Singer who can’t keep a 81 Green plum
abbr. 83 Fleece-seeking vessel
secret? 3 Gift for a Madras Mrs. 84 Docking place
43 Derby prize 4 Mortification 85 Money for personal
47 Delicately pretty 5 Philanthropist ___ Khan IV
48 “___ I say!” 6 Waitperson projects, in D.C.
49 Our team, to their fans 7 A bit 91 Disapproving words
52 Bridge sur la Seine 8 While opening 93 Viscera
53 Business abbr. 9 Friday, for one: abbr. 94 Toon dog, Scooby ___
54 Self-satisfied 10 Continuing crises? 95 Pimlico posting
55 Discipline with a kick 11 “Answer yes ___” 96 Young Zappa
57 “Me ___!” 12 Implore 98 Extinct birds
58 SAT taker 13 Ink, in Paris 100 Press secretary,
60 Actress who puts up her 14 “Whose side
for one
own posters? are ___?” 101 Where Coos Bay is
63 Lon Nol or U Nu, for 15 Misbehaved 103 Greeting to a spouse
16 Highland hillside 104 Slug evidence
example 17 Singer Ives 107 Movie-rating org.
65 Grant counterpart 18 Swirling effect 108 Metrical foot
66 Very efficient, as a ship 25 Mean man 109 Burgermeister Ray
67 Actor who never gives 26 Small piece 110 “What’s ___ for me?”
28 Parasite’s need 111 Corn bread
100 per cent? 33 Infiltrator 112 German industrial area
73 Field of knowledge 34 Tulsa-area Indians 114 Chromosome choice
74 Mellencamp’s “R.O.C.K. in 36 Change your story 115 Actress Sommer
37 See 15 Across 116 Bratty talk
the ___” 38 Failing 118 ___ tight budget
75 TV innovator Arledge 39 Halley of comet fame 119 Fold-up sleeper
76 Statesman with mono? 40 Bad-tempered 120 “___ on another
82 Reindeer raiser 41 Humbles
86 “Try ___ might ...” 42 Actor Russell line ...”
87 Coffee urn features 44 Low-grade hooch
88 Touch down 45 Pig nose
89 Tropic of Capricorn city 46 Harrow’s main cricket rival
90 Leopold’s accomplice 50 Lamb’s lament
92 Centers 51 “The racer’s edge” fuel
93 Shakespearean bad guy
94 Koufax was one additive
97 Derby site, ___ Downs 54 German industrial area
99 Actress who likes to build 55 It may be “bended”

her own sets?
102 ___ and ahs
105 Nonaffiliated one: abbr.

The Telegraph

B12 July 7, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

ONGOING 16|17 Vero Beach Octopus Ul- 4-6 City of Vero Beach Recreation De- 21 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra pres-
tra, ‘slay the Kraken’ (100 partment’s 48th annual Aerial Antics ents the Sound of Music in Concert, 3
Check with organizations directly for updates/ miles) or run any or a combo of: 15.47-mile Youth Circus, 7 p.m. at St. Edward’s School, with p.m. at Vero Beach High School PAC. Space-
cancellations. Sunrise, 11.5-mile Gilligan’s Island, 6.17-mile dancing, gymnastics and aerial routines choreo-
Paradise, 17.85-mile Oasis, 12-mile Howl at the graphed to ‘Hero and Villain’ themed music. $8
Vero Beach Museum of Art: Simple Pleasures: Moon, 15.74-mile Purgatory, 20.46-mile Twi- adults; $7 seniors and children over 5. 772-567- SEPTEMBER
The Art of Doris Lee, through Sept. 18. 772- light Zone, and/or 2.25-mile Pyromania, from 2144
231-0707 OctoBase camp Environmental Learning Center. 7 Vero Beach Theatre Guild’s monthlong 10 5|6 Ballet Vero Beach presents Chicago X Tenn festival with 10 events by or about
Dance Crash, a troupe that fuses Tennessee Williams, begins with a Welcome Wil-
Riverside Theatre: Weekly Friday and Saturday 22|23 Riverside Theatre for Kids Hip Hop and Contemporary dance, 7:30 p.m. at liams Wine Party on the patio, followed by the
Comedy Zone and Live on the Loop concerts. presents Into the Woods Riverside Theatre. $10 to $75. Balletverobeach. film, Tennessee Williams’ South. VeroBeachThe-
772-231-6990 Jr., performed by students ages 8 to 12, 5:30 org or 772-905-2651 or 772-562-8300.
p.m. Fri; 1 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Sat. 772-231-6990
First Friday Gallery Strolls in Downtown Vero or 6 Riverside Dance Festival student perfor- 9-30 Vero Beach Theatre Guild pres-
Beach Arts District, monthly from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. mances on the Stark Main Stage, with ents Tennessee Williams’ “Cat
24 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra pres- members of Chicago Dance Crash. Free; no tick- on a Hot Tin Roof.”
JULY ents Scandinavian Road Trip, 3 p.m. at ets required. or 772-562-8300
Community Church of Vero Beach. SpaceCoast-
6-9 Vero Beach International Music Fes- 7 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra presents 10 Tunnel to Towers Vero Beah, 7:15 a.m.
tival at First Presbyterian church, child prodigies Jacob Velazquez and Skylar at Riverside Park, to honor the sacri-
with performances by world-class musicians/ 30 Back to School Family Fun Day, 11 a.m. Ray, 3 p.m. at the Emerson Center. SpaceCoast- fices of first responders and military heroes and
singers in Americana, Rock, Celtic, Americana, to 1 p.m. at LaPorte Farms in Roseland, benefit the Stephen Siller Foundation.
World, and Jazz, plus Mike Block String Camp with children’s activities, games and bookbag
students. 7:30 p.m. faculty concerts Wed. and giveaways starting at 1 p.m. 12 Sebastian River Area Chamber of 11 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
Fri., and 7:30 p.m. student concert Sat. followed Commerce Grill Out Night, with shops presents Remembering 9/11, a tribute
by barn dance with live band. Suggested $20 AUGUST and businesses opening their doors for a Sweet to victims, survivors, their families and first re-
donation to support MBSC Scholarship Fund. & Sunny Citrus themed evening. Sebastian sponders, 3 p.m. at Community Church of Vero 3 64th Birthday Par-Tee to benefit the Men- Beach.
tal Health Association, 5:30 p.m. at Big-
8-31 Vero Beach Theatre Guild Shots Golf, with 2 hours of golf, unlimited appe- 19 End of Summer Luau, 7 p.m. at Hea- 17 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra pres-
presents the musical “Foot- tizers and soft drinks, cash bar, raffles and cake. ton’s Vero Beach, with light bites, a ents A Heart for Ukraine, 7 p.m. at First
loose,” with a cast of 30 local actors. VeroBeach $55 per golfer or $330 for team of 6 in private complimentary welcome cocktail and DJ (open Presbyterian Church. or 772-562-8300 tee-box. 772-569-9788 or seating). Advance tickets required $50. Heatons- 18 to January 8 Vero Beach Museum of Art
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN presents Picasso, Matisse & Friends:
in June 30, 2022 Edition 1 CAULS 1 COMBAT Crossword Page B15 (BUT HEY...) Drawings from a Private Collection, in the Stark
4 ENTERS 2 UNDER Gallery. or 772-231-0707
10 CHOIR 5 NICOTINE 19 36th annual Citrus Golf Tournament,
11 AURA 6 EGOTISM 1:30 shotgun start at Grand Harbor
12 CUTTING 7 SHRUGS Golf Club to benefit United Way of IRC, with box
13 YAK 8 SMOCK lunch and awards. $200. 772-567-8900 x 117 or
18 WOE 17 HERMES 20 Bids, Brew & Boards, Lifestyle & Media
20 ENDORSE 18 WEARY Auction, 5:30 p.m. at Rib City in Grant
21 PAIR 19 BRONZE to benefit Sebastian River Area Chamber of
24 MOTTO 22 ACORN Commerce, $20; $25 nonmembers. Plus, Target
25 RACCOON 23 ACID Market ‘Cornament’ Cornhole Tournament, $35
26 STROKE per team.

Sudoku Page B14 Sudoku Page B15 Crossword Page B14


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