8050 luxury condo project
in Shores on hold. P9
SRMC expansion
set to proceed. P8
My Vero: Former baseball
boss shunned by game he loves. P10
For breaking news visit
Proposed takeover of County losing
Leisure Square by half of its judges
nonprofit unlikely to retirement
Staff Writer Staff Writer
A possible suitor interested PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD Come year’s end, the In-
in converting the city-owned dian River County courthouse
Leisure Square recreational Hospital officials tour Cleveland Clinic Florida will lose three of its six sitting
facility into a privately op- judges to retirement. The men,
erated enterprise has been BY MICHELLE GENZ Indian River Medical Center ity that since 2006 has been who serve on both the 19th Ju-
shooed away by protests from Staff Writer officials to take a close look – the famed health system’s dicial Circuit and the County
parents and kids involved in right down to the studs – as only Florida hospital gave a Court bench, collectively have
Vero Beach recreation pro- WESTON – Cleveland Clin- part of due diligence before dozen or so Vero Beach visi- spent more than 70 years mak-
grams, but a majority of the ic Florida put itself on the IRMC finalizes a Cleveland tors an intimate tour that ing decisions that shaped the
City Council is still seeking exam table Monday, allow- Clinic takeover in Vero. included donning hardhats county’s growth and develop-
ways to run the center more ing a sizeable contingent of ment and helped protect the
efficiently. The 155-bed Weston facil- CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 safety and wellbeing of the
residents who call it home.
Councilman Val Zudans
last month convinced his col- They’ve put murderers be-
leagues to hold off on a vote hind bars, tried to ensure fair
to approve a six-figure repair development, kept the court-
job on the bathrooms, show- house running smoothly, made
ers and locker rooms because tough decisions and held law-
he thought he could broker a yers accountable. Sometimes,
deal with a nonprofit to come their decisions are challenged.
in, lease Leisure Square long- Other times, they are celebrat-
term and assume manage- ed. At all times, however, their
ment, taking over the expense work has lasting impact.
of maintaining the aging
Indian River NAACP
Publix hoping to build ‘upscale’ asks School Board to
supermarket on island in Orchid curb Tiffany Justice
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA side of 510, adjacent to histor- How Publix might be sited; not what building would look like. PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY DAN ALEXANDER BY KATHLEEN SLOAN
Staff Writer ic Jungle Trail and just outside Staff Writer
the gates of Orchid Island Golf
For the second time, Publix and Beach Club community, The Indian River County
has approached the Town of which makes up virtually the Chapter of the NAACP is ask-
Orchid to discuss building an entire town. ing the School Board to rein
“upscale” supermarket on the in one of its members, Tiffany
north barrier island, eyeing a When Publix, a Florida- Justice, who has taken over
7-acre property on the north based company founded in
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Judges retiring As they prepare to watch judicial he drove north to Wisconsin with the University of Miami. Prior to becoming
candidates vie for their seats in the body of his victim in his car. a judge, Pegg had a private law practice
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 2018 election season, the outgoing in Vero Beach, specializing in criminal
judges talked with Vero Beach 32963 The man abandoned the car with- defense and personal injury claims.
“Overall, I think we are losing three about their decades at the bench and out removing the remains, Pegg re-
very good judges,” Bruce Colton, State how they’ve seen the workings of the called. The body froze in the icy winter Improvements in DNA gathering,
Attorney for the 19th Judicial Circuit said local justice system change. weather and the case went cold along ballistics review and microscopic anal-
of the impending departure of Judges with it. Come summer, though, when ysis have paved the way for so many
Robert Pegg, Joe Wild and Paul Kanarek. The Hon. Robert Pegg, who at age the corpse thawed and began to rot, more crimes to be solved, he said. “The
70 has reached Florida’s mandatory the putrid smell attracted attention crime scene people are so good at what
“These are people who are mak- retirement age for judges, spent nine and brought law enforcement to the they do, people who would have got-
ing decisions who can affect all of our years on the felony bench oversee- scene, leading to the murderer’s even- ten away 10 years ago now can’t believe
lives, even those that don’t have any- ing some of the region’s most serious tual arrest and conviction. they are getting caught.”
thing to do with the court system – criminal trials before moving to family
large civil cases, criminal cases – they court. He said he will never forget how It has been amazing to watch how Pegg ran for judge twice before be-
are setting the tone for how the law is a defendant in a Vero Beach murder advances in science and crime scene ing elected in 2006. He is now con-
enforced in our county.” investigation got caught months after forensics have changed criminal pros- sidering entering private law practice
ecution, said Pegg, a graduate of the again or becoming a senior judge.
Senior judges are retired judges who
return to circuit one year after retire-
ment on an as needed basis to preside
over cases when the docket is crowded
and additional help is needed.
“I wanted to be a judge for a long
time,” said Pegg. “I thought of myself
as a people person. I could listen bet-
ter than I could talk and thought that
would be a good job.”
It isn’t just the trials and hearings
that cause reflection, said the Hon. Joe
Wild, 62, who joined the county bench
in 1989 after serving as a top prosecutor
in Indian River County. His retirement
will come after 30 years on the bench
overseeing everything from property
disputes to animal welfare claims and
allegations of misdemeanor crime.
“There are so many different cases,”
he said. “There are all kinds of good
stories and bad stories and weird sto-
ries. It’s always been an interesting day
whenever you come to work.”
Wild, a graduate of Vero Beach High
School and Florida State University,
watched as a new courthouse was
constructed downtown, bringing with
it upgrades in technology that he says
improved communication and record-
keeping between agencies, such as the
offices of the public defender, state at-
torney and courthouse clerk.
He, too, is considering a role as a se-
nior judge. “It’s really been a pleasure
working with all the people that are in-
volved in the judicial system here and
it’s just a great community to live in,”
said Wild.
“Being a judge, it’s an important po-
sition and people ought to take serious-
ly their responsibility in picking a judge
for their county. I’m hoping people will
take it seriously in the next election.”
The Hon. Paul Kanarek, who, like
Pegg, is being forced to retire due to
age restrictions for judicial candidates
in the state of Florida, started working
as a judge on the 19th Judicial Circuit
in 1988.
One of his first major cases involved
Marriott’s proposed hotel and resort
hotel development in Central Beach.
The company was challenging munic-
ipal regulations preventing the con-
struction. Kanarek, 67, affirmed ear-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 3
lier rulings and the area just north of organization, and killed the idea of a "The facility is used a lot," said for- urged the city to weigh more than the
Conn Beach was preserved for single- public-private partnership with the mer councilman Ken Daige. "Your staff bottom line when looking at the cost
family homes. city at Leisure Square. is doing a stellar job there." of recreation programs. Don’t disregard
the intrinsic benefit to the community,
The Stuart native, who has worked Dozens of people showed up to ar- Daige reminded the council that he said, and the future civic and busi-
in all four counties in the 19th Judi- gue that people who use Leisure Square Vero Beach voters protected Leisure ness leaders that graduate through Lei-
cial Circuit, is proud to call Vero Beach don’t want anything to change. The Square in the city charter, saying it sure Square camps and instruction.
home. staff, camp counselors and students are cannot be sold without a referendum.
“a big family,” they said, pleading with Councilman Tony Young echoed the
Before becoming a judge, Kanarek, a council members not to break up that Recreation Director Rob Slezak point- concerns voiced by the public and em-
University of Florida graduate, served family. ed out how in-demand Leisure Square
as an assistant public defender and and the Center Stage programs are, and CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
also had his own private law practice.
He spent a significant amount of time NEW LISTING
in family and juvenile law trying to
make the best decisions for children Exclusively John’s Island
and their parents. He now sits on the
civil circuit court bench. Enjoying 130± feet of direct river frontage, this remarkable 5BR/7.5BA
retreat commands breathtaking sunset and Intracoastal Waterway views and
Judges’ decisions affect people they is sited on .85± acres. Quality construction and architectural details adorn
meet in the courtroom and people this 8,306± GSF residence offering a living room with coffered ceiling and
they will never meet, said Kanarek, fireplace, covered loggia with retractable screens, elevator, gracious island
who is also considering a role as a kitchen, butler’s pantry, library, luxurious master suite with a custom walk-in
senior judge. They preside over di- closet, and upper level guest suites, storage room and new Trex boat dock.
vorce, custody disputes and monetary 71 Dove Plum Road : $6,700,000
judgements that have lasting impacts.
“We deal with people every day and
we can’t forget that these are people’s
lives. No matter what we’re hearing,
we’re dealing with people’s lives and it’s
important to remember that,” he said.
Throughout his tenure Kanarek
watched the justice system grow to
meet the expanding needs of a grow-
ing community. The Indian River
County Courthouse in Vero Beach
now houses six judges working full
time at the circuit and county level,
but Kanarek remembers a time when
there were only two.
If it was allowed, Kanarek would
stay on the bench. “I still enjoy com-
ing to work every day, and given the
opportunity I would continue on in
this job,” Kanarek said.
“There is not a week that goes by
that something doesn’t happen that I
say, ‘I’ve never seen that before. That’s
amazing.’ That’s one of the things I
like about this job.”
Leisure Square
building, and staffing and marketing three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
the classes, camps, swimming pool health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
and fitness facilities.
772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL : JohnsIslandRealEstate.com
Zudans mentioned that a Vero
foundation that has been very suc-
cessful at raising funds might be inter-
ested in such a deal. That statement,
which Zudans now says was made off-
handedly, stirred up a petition drive
and protest that packed City Council
chambers on Feb. 20.
In the process, the Live Like Cole
Foundation, created by family and
friends of the late Cole Coppolla, inad-
vertently got caught in the crosshairs
of the controversy. The ire Zudans’
comments sparked among summer
campers, gymnastics students and
parents seems to have spooked the
4 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Leisure Square PHOTO BY BRUCE CADY In the current fiscal year which ends With the issue of repairs – with the
on Sept. 30, Vero is set to spend $2.2 possible exception of the restrooms –
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 of family and camaraderie at other fa- million on all recreational programs on hold, Vero is still ready to entertain
cilities just isn’t the same as among the and facilities. proposals for innovative ways to keep
phasized the value of Leisure Square stalwart group that works all year to all the benefits of Leisure Square while
for the greater good of the community. produce Vero’s renowned Aerial Antics Tiffany Justice shedding some of the cost.
Circus each August – the recreation de-
"The decision to stop the RFP that partment’s showcase event. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 The city also is interested in pro-
was submitted and not move forward, posals from people and companies
I think is a mistake," Young said, ask- Recreation employees, if they are full the African American Achievement Plan who might be interested in taking over
ing the council to go ahead and vote time or work enough hours throughout Core Committee in violation of board managing the Vero Beach City Marina,
to award a contract for the Leisure the year to qualify, are on the city health policy and the Open Meetings Act. which taxpayers subsidize most years
Square repairs. plan. Permanent fulltime personnel are with dollars from property taxes.
also on the city pension plan. It’s un- In a letter to board members, the
Zudans said there’s been a big misun- clear how many of the 19 fulltime and NAACP cites School Board policy, which There’s no doubt that the city
derstanding about the council’s action seven part-time employees would be states, “To ensure that the presence of wants the marina amenity, but Zu-
postponing the award of the contract to needed should Vero ultimately decide board members at committee meetings dans and others think it could be run
Bill Bryant Construction to remodel the to shed the responsibility for managing does not unduly influence or stifle com- better and cheaper if taken out of the
locker rooms and bathrooms. Leisure Square. mittee deliberations, their attendance hands of government. For example,
shall be in an observer status.” Zudans said a nonprofit or a com-
“All the people here who are here . . . mercial business could most likely
you think that someone is taking your If a School Board member does get the needed repairs done cheaper
gymnastics away,” Zudans said. “That speak at a committee meeting, “State- than the City of Vero Beach’s pro-
is the opposite of the intention here. ments by board members which re- curement process.
The intention was to find someone in flect personal opinion will be clearly
the community who is willing to do a identified as such to committee mem- Achievement committee. This District
bunch of fundraising to improve the bers,” according to district policy. used to be controlled by unacceptable
overall quality of the facilities, the en- strong arm intimidation tactics and I
tire place.” The NAACP said Justice has never certainly hope this is not the method
“identified her comments or staff of operation we are headed for.
Camp, swimming, fitness and other requests as personal opinion,” is in-
fees for adults, youth and seniors have terfering with the implementation of “The legal department has been in-
been increased over the past decade, the African American Achievement formed” of the NAACP letter, Searcy
but not enough to completely offset Plan, “is functioning as a School Board wrote, and he will ask that the orga-
the overhead. Leisure Square students member rather than as a private citi- nization’s requests be put on the next
and parents claim they cannot afford to zen” at the meetings, and “has given School Board meeting agenda.
enroll kids in private camps or gymnas- direction to District staff” at the meet-
tics programs. They also say the sense ings, all in violation of policy. Searcy did not specify what “high
level District employee” he was refer-
In addition, Justice’s opinions, pre- ring to, but Assistant Superintendent
served in minutes, could be construed of Curriculum and Instruction Pamela
as unlawful communication among Dampier has been backing Justice’s
board members, the NAACP said. “We actions and issuing instructions to
believe that her comments, available the committee, which is composed of
to fellow board members, come un- citizen volunteers and school district
comfortably close to being in violation employees.
of the Open Meetings Act.”
In addition to restraining Justice, the
Only while sitting as a body may NAACP wants the School Board to rein
School Board members communicate in the role of staff on the committee.
with each other and take action, sun- Currently any community member
shine laws state. may join the committee, but school
staff has been dictating the agenda
Asked for a comment on the situ- and running the meeting, sometimes
ation, Vice Chairman Charles Searcy in adherence to Justice’s instructions.
said in an email he was “very disap-
pointed a Board member and a high The NAACP is asking that the Af-
level District employee would team rican American Achievement Plan
up to intimidate the African American Core Committee be comprised of
School Board appointees that come
from the community. They want seven
members, six to be appointed by the
School Board and one appointed by
the NAACP, which is the plaintiff in
a federal lawsuit and party to a long-
running federal desegregation order
that gave rise to the African American
Achievement Plan.
The group asks that three district
staff members be assigned to sup-
port the committee’s work, one to take
minutes, one to analyze data and one
to disburse information and agendas.
The NAACP is also asking the School
Board to bring back four experts hired
to evaluate the effectiveness of the
plan to present their findings. The
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 5
district spent about $277,000 on the Intervention and Support program ican, at-risk and exceptional students. Leadership Center profiled 23 district
experts, but no reports or results have were hired to study the root cause of Equal Opportunity Schools was schools, identifying pedagogical and
been given and the School Board the district’s disproportionate disci- school-culture causes for achieve-
hasn’t held Superintendent Mark Ren- pline of African American, at-risk and hired to identify African American and ment gaps.
dell to account for the expenditures. exceptional students, while District other minority students who could be
Management Group studied academ- enrolled in upper-level classes and So far, none of the experts’ findings
Experts from the Southern Uni- ic achievement gaps for African Amer- suggest ways to remove barriers to has been presented. Despite lacking
versity of Florida Positive Behavior access, and the Urban Learning and
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Tiffany Justice Cleveland Clinic Florida treatment center to the $300 million whole feeling of being in an environ-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 patient tower and emergency depart- ment that is conducive to healing,”
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 ment slated to open this summer, the Barsoum said.
and dodging ladders in one section, various stages of transformation spoke
expert input, Justice has pushed for a basking in the serenity of art-filled halls to what lies ahead for Cleveland Clinic Barsoum, who as CEO of Cleveland
revised plan. in another just-completed section, and Indian River, as the Ohio marketing de- Clinic Florida will be the top boss of
in still another area, watching over a partment has already labeled IRMC. the blossoming division, already seems
“Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) doctor’s shoulder as a heart procedure like an old friend. After visiting Vero
requires the school district make ev- unfolded through a glass window. That name change of course pre- Beach in the fall for Cleveland’s initial
idence-based decisions in adopting sumes a deal to take over the hospital presentation of its plans for IRMC,
educational policies and programs “How are you doing?” asked the gre- goes through; a letter of intent – a few he has returned to talk to around 200
and we intend to follow this practice garious cardiologist, looking up at the weeks delayed and rumored to have caregivers and 100 physicians.
in the African American Achievement Vero group from his monitor on the been lawyered to the max – was signed
Plan; therefore it is essential we hear visitors’ side of the glass. “We’re doing last week. “I cannot tell you the number of
from these experts,” the NAACP letter great, and our patient’s doing great! follow-up calls and emails I’ve had,” he
states. That’s what counts!” Expansion, renovation, modern- said. If he made a good impression on
ization and integration are common the Vero staff, the feeling was mutual.
The African American Achievement That doctor’s eagerness to commu- themes on both sides of the final nego-
Plan is one of about 10 requirements nicate his love for his work may be one tiations, expected to conclude within “When I toured the hospital, every
laid out in the desegregation order of the first things Vero hospital staff 90 days, according to the letter of in- caregiver seemed incredibly engaged
the district has been laboring under members learn to emulate. As soon as tent. about what they do every day. That’s
for 50 years. The order was imposed the Cleveland sign goes up, commu- foundational. If you have that every
by the U.S. District Court in 1967 and nication training begins, said Dr. Wael During Monday’s tour in Weston, day, that makes everything easier,” he
amended in 1994. The court named Barsoum, an orthopedic surgeon who visitors saw areas built in 2001, when said of the transition to the Cleveland
the local chapter of the NAACP the is Cleveland’s Florida division CEO and the hospital first opened, but even brand.
representative of the people and the president. those are at the brink of change: A $50
plaintiff in the case in 1994. million sprucing up is about to get un- As the anticipated partnership with
“Communication classes, collegial- derway that will likely give the com- Cleveland Clinic moves ahead, the way
The School Board filed a petition July ity, grand rounds, creating education forting if vaguely dated front lobby, for forward is no longer a strategy meta-
2017 that seeks to remove three require- platforms. These are all things we can example, the same sunlight-drenched phor, it’s a two hour-plus drive into
ments from court oversight, claiming create right away,” Barsoum said. whitewashing that has become the the heart of Broward County. Hospital
equal treatment for African Americans Clinic’s signature. officials hired two black Lincoln Navi-
has been achieved in faculty ratios, staff From the Weston hospital’s some- gators for the slog south on the Florida
ratios and facilities access. what dated lobby to its stunning two- “We want folks when they walk into Turnpike.
year-old neurological and cancer Cleveland Clinic Florida to know they
The NAACP does not agree. are in a Cleveland Clinic facility, this Arriving at 9 a.m. the group toured
the stunning Braathen Center, home to
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 7
both the Maroone Cancer Center and For now, that brand reflects the repu- Cleveland Clinic Weston, like its parent dream of having a hospital, not just
the Pauline Braathen Neurological Cen- tation of its Cleveland hospital, ranked in Cleveland, is considered a quaterna- clinics, in Palm Beach County and, with
ter. The building, which opened three second in the nation by U.S. News, ry care center, seeing the sickest of the Boca Raton Regional Hospital about
years ago, has key aspects of the Cleve- with its heart program ranked No. 1 for sick, and they are less likely to survive to announce its partner of choice in a
land hospital – a minimalist design with 23 consecutive years. and more likely to be readmitted, both takeover strategy announced last sum-
maximum serenity and lots of sunlight, of which count against the hospital in mer, there are strong hints from in-
believed to aid in healing; thoughtful But the Broward hospital does not the CMS ratings. dustry insiders that Cleveland Clinic is
accommodations for patients and their share that same distinction; Weston’s very high on a very short list to acquire
families, including a wig boutique and cardiovascular center is not even “We’re not readmitting congestive the facility.
café; and onsite diagnostics, physical ranked “high performing,” though its heart failure patients,” he said. “We’re
therapy and pain management. cancer and geriatric programs are. The readmitting someone who’s getting a A 45-minute drive north and east
hospital has two nationally-ranked heart transplant.” from Weston, Boca Raton Regional
Alternative health treatments like specialties – gastroenterology (42) and serves an affluent market Cleveland
massage – free for patients and their orthopedics (31). Cleveland Clinic Weston is also Clinic has targeted for years. Built in
families – are available as well as art slammed with patients, with occupan- 1967, it has grown to a 400-plus bed
therapy as patients receive their infu- Weston also scores well in the treat- cy rates over 90 percent. As a result, ER tertiary care center.
sion treatment for cancers. ment of COPD, heart failure, colon waits for admission run long – another
cancer surgery and hip replacement. black mark in ratings, but one that is Asked about the potential acquisi-
Barsoum’s current territory extends about to be addressed when the new tion, Barsoum demurred. “It’s not my
well beyond the Weston hospital, span- Overall the hospital ranks eighth in tower opens with 75 more beds, and secret to tell,” he said. Then he pointed
ning Broward and Palm Beach Coun- Florida in the U.S. News listing, two space for 25 more. “Space has been a to his broad grin. “Do you see me smil-
ties with clinics and medical offices in spots behind Orlando Health and Ad- major limitation for us. The hospital is ing?” he asked.
Coral Springs and Parkland; and in West ventist, which tied at No. 6 last year. packed,” Barsoum said.
Palm’s CityPlace, Palm Beach Lakes Cleveland Clinic Weston ranked sec- There has also been speculation
Boulevard, Palm Beach Gardens and ond among south Florida hospitals, Just before the Vero visitors arrived about Jupiter Medical Center being a
Wellington. behind Baptist Health in Miami. And in Weston, a Cleveland Clinic physi- target of Cleveland.
Weston rates a weak two stars on Cen- cian an hour away was seeing the first
When the letter of intent was signed ter for Medicare Services’ Hospital patient at the new 75,000-square-foot Like Boca, an independent, non-
with Indian River, the Cleveland Clinic Compare. The most common ranking clinic in Wellington. profit hospital with 207 acute-care
brand had already nudged northward of hospitals is three stars, the website beds plus 110 for long-term care, re-
into Martin County. A January affilia- notes. That location, the fourth in Palm hab and hospice, it scored high on the
tion with Martin Health’s cardiovascu- Beach County, officially opened Mon- Hospital Compare analysis, receiving
lar program brings the familiar Cleve- That rating system, only recently de- day with primary care and cardiology four stars out of five, though none of
land Clinic signage into view for tens of vised, is problematic for Weston, Bar- services. Gastroenterology doctors will its specialties hit the U.S. News mark-
thousands more south Floridians. soum said, because of the severity of be place by summer. er of nationally ranked or high per-
the conditions of the patients it sees. forming.
Barsoum has openly shared his
8 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BY TOM LLOYD Enriquez now projects a completion “At the high point of construction, 1930 and currently one of the 10 larg-
Staff Writer date “by the end of next year” or “pos- there will between 150-200 construc- est-volume supermarket chains in
sibly even sooner.” tion workers on the site, but construc- the country, first floated the idea of a
The planned expansion of the Se- tion work will be conducted in a man- store in Orchid several years ago, the
bastian River Medical Center, which Architectural plans commissioned ner that minimally impacts patient proposal was summarily shot down by
will include a 3-story tower with by the previous owner and completed access to the current facility.” the Town Council.
94,000 square feet of additional space, by Gresham Smith and Partners, who
is back on track, according to hospital Enriquez called “a nationally recog- When completed the facility will This time around, the response has
president Kelly Enriquez. But it will nized architect we are pleased to have have added 48 additional private pa- been more positive since Publix ap-
not come close to completion by the on our team,” remain in place, but tient rooms along with 10 new oper- proached Town Manager Noah Pow-
originally forecast date of mid-2018. Steward has hired a new construction ating rooms while increasing SRMC’s ers early last month and word began
company. capacity from around 150 to just over to circulate.
The project was first unveiled in 200 beds.
June of 2016 when the Sebastian hos- Suffolk Construction, a Boston It is Powers’ understanding that Pub-
pital was still owned by Community neighbor of Steward Health that En- An additional 20,000 square feet lix has a purchase contract for the prop-
Health Systems, a financially-strapped riquez said has “vast experience work- within the facility's existing footprint erty, which is owned by Orchid resident
Tennessee-based conglomerate, which ing with Steward and other leading is also slated for renovation. and long-time Vero Beach business-
at that time owned some 200 hospitals hospital service providers on the con- man and auto dealer Ken Puttick.
in 29 different states. struction of new facilities and facility Sebastian River Medical Center has
expansions,” will build the major ad- had at least five different owners since “We don’t have details,” says Ofstie,
In April 2017, the Steward Health dition to the hospital. it opened as a 103-bed facility in 1974. “but clearly they have been talking.”
Care System of Boston bought the Se-
bastian facility as well as the Wuestoff What will the construction mean to In 1978 Humana Corp. purchased Shortly after Powers’ meeting with
medical centers in Melbourne and patients and staff? the hospital from the original owner; Publix reps, Orchid Mayor Harold Of-
Rockledge in Brevard County. 15 years later, Health Management As- stie sent newsletters to the 440-plus
According to Enriquez, “In the first sociates acquired the U.S. 1 institution Orchid residents, informing them of
“Steward has been full steam ahead phases of the construction, which and invested $28 million in various the preliminary discussions.
on this project from both a logistics is slated to occur over the next few upgrades between 2010 and 2011.
and funding standpoint since” buying months, there will be up to twenty Ofstie says he’s received no negative
SRMC, Enriquez said. “Any changes to construction workers in and out as In 2014, Community Health Sys- response so far. In fact, several residents
the originally reported timeline pre- they do surveying, investigation, fenc- tems bought HMA, taking over SRMC with whom he has spoken directly say
date Steward’s involvement.” ing and other important preliminary as part of its portfolio of healthcare a market on the north barrier island
work. properties, and then, in 2017, Steward would be welcome – but only if it was
Health purchased the hospital. appropriate to its surroundings and did
not diminish the island lifestyle.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 9
“We haven’t received a full presenta- nage, buffers, landscaping, parking, sociate Cindy O’Dare sees a market for times without success to get the Town’s
tion yet,” Ofstie said. ”The discussions building design and traffic. the north barrier island as a good idea approval for projects on his land.
have been more general. Publix is still “as long as it looks like it belongs, in
doing its due diligence. [So far] we are Ofstie doesn’t foresee increased keeping with the surrounding environ- In 2011, he proposed building 40
very positive about it.” traffic on the Wabasso Bridge; in fact, ment.” O’Dare mentioned Palm Coast courtyard homes, but the Town nixed
since island residents would no lon- and Coral Gables as examples of loca- the re-zoning needed to do a residen-
Powers says the proposal seems like ger have to cross the bridge to shop at tions where Publix has designed its mar- tial project. In 2016, Puttick tried to
a good fit – a commercial development the mainland Publix on U.S. 1 at 53rd kets to fit into upscale surroundings. push through an upscale senior living
on commercially zoned property – but Street as many now do, there could facility but, after detailed presentations,
emphasized there are several criteria well be less bridge traffic. Premier Estate Properties broker as- lengthy discussions and ultimately, liti-
that will have to be met, to ensure the sociate Bob Niederpruem also sees the gation, his plans were again thwarted.
project fits seamlessly into the aes- In addition to Orchid, other com- idea as “a positive thing” as long as it fits
thetic of the community and does not munities along A1A, such as Windsor, into the “fashion of the community, the So far, things are looking more hope-
diminish residents’ quality of life. north of Orchid, and John’s Island to the British West Indies architectural style.” ful this time around.
south, could benefit from the conve-
One long-time Orchid Island home- nience of a nearby market on the island, Making certain the building and Ofstie told Orchid Island residents
owner who asked that his name not said Orchid Island Realty broker Scott parking lot lighting are visually appro- that if Publix decides to go ahead
be used says there will certainly be Oberlink, noting the store would need priate and not an annoyance to neigh- with the store, “we anticipate having
concern about any possible negative to have a smaller footprint than a typical bors is vital, he stressed. a workshop/presentation to the Town
impacts such a highly-visible project Publix, more along the lines of Publix’s Council of their proposal prior to the
might have on the tony country club newly redesigned GreenWise markets. The property has long been a bone of end of the ‘season.’ As with all of the
community, including lighting, sig- contention between the Town and Put- Council’s meetings, residents will be
Premier Estate Properties broker as- tick who, since 2011, has tried several welcome to attend.”
8050 luxury condo project in Indian River Shores ‘on hold’
BY STEVEN M. THOMAS keted the project, called 8050 after its temporary design “to be one of the best the wait. The developer needed seven
address on A1A, with several large ver- attributes of the project. contracts to begin the project and that
Staff Writer million-colored planters at the site and just did not happen.”
placed another planter at the corner of “They loved the large square foot-
An 18-unit modernist condomini- A1A and Beachland in front of the Pre- age, the beautiful lanais, the light wells Harris said potential buyers were
um project that had potential to raise mier Estate Properties office. creating a bright home, and the level “excited and impressed” by the project
the level of oceanfront design in Vero of luxury finishes that were provided. “until they heard it was not out of the
Beach has been taken off the market Listing agent Kay Brown set up a ground.”
and put on hold after buyers failed to sales office for the project at the Pre- “I think they shied away because of
materialize. mier building, with an impressive
scale model and a virtual reality video
Timing seems to have been the prob- showing the architectural features and
lem. The developer wanted a certain dramatic ocean vistas being offered.
number of signed sales contracts to start
construction and anticipated a two- Alloy erected a timber platform at
year build process, and buyers were not the building site so potential buy-
willing to put down money and commit ers could see what their second-floor
to a $3-million purchase when it would views would be like.
be years before they could move in.
But construction never began and
The project began to take shape in Shores building department permit
October 2014 when Alloy Development, technician Shannon Kazen said no
a partnership betweenVero Beach busi- permits or approvals were ever issued.
nesswoman Katherine McConvey and
New York architect Jared Della Valle, When the project was unveiled in
paid $7,250,000 for a prime 4.8-acre 2015, Della Valle said he expected sales
beachfront parcel north of the Carlton. in short order. The plan was to build
out the entire project with no phasing,
The new homes, designed by Della and have homes ready for delivery in
Valle in a pure modernist style that drew the summer of 2018.
raves from many, were announced with
fanfare in April 2015. The plan included When buyers proved reluctant, the
3-bedroom oceanfront homes with 4 or developer tried to stimulate sales by
4.5 baths and 3,300 to 3,900 square feet bringing in high-profile out-of-town
of air-conditioned living space, along brokers to co-list with Brown, includ-
with 950 to 1,840 square feet of outdoor ing Jill Hertzberg and Jill Eber, known
terraces and balconies. Pre-construc- in the Miami market as The Jills, who
tion prices ranged from about $3 mil- sell more real estate in Florida than any
lion to $3.5 million. other team, and a top New York broker.
“I think the buyers here are quite The idea was that The Jills and the
sophisticated,” said McConvey at the New York broker would steer high-end
time. “They will see that our design re- clients who might not be familiar with
ally allows the incredible coastline to Vero to the 8050 project, but the star
be the main feature of the home. It will agents did not deliver.
be a simple design that blends the ex-
terior and the interior. The focus will When the project was announced,
not be on crown molding but on the a few local brokers doubted that Vero
world outside the windows.” was ready for the modernist product,
but Premier Estate Properties’ Jeanine
Over the next two years, Alloy mar- Harris, who works with Kay Brown,
said potential buyers found the con-
10 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
MY Former baseball commissioner shunned by game he loves
BY RAY MCNULTY ute conversation, however, there was Only once has Vincent been invited as baseball's acting commissioner from
Staff Writer a melancholy tone to his words, a no- to throw a ceremonial first pitch, and 1992 to 1998, when his fellow own-
ticeable pain in his voice. the last regular season game he at- ers formally elected him to the office,
Now 79 and more than a quarter tended was in June 1997. which he continued to occupy until his
century removed from his tumultu- The John's Island resident continues retirement after the 2014 season.
ous tenure as Major League Baseball's to be viewed by baseball's brass as a per- For all intents and purposes, Vin-
eighth commissioner, Fay Vincent sona non grata – a not-so-subtle shun- cent has been cruelly, spitefully and Rarely during his reign did Selig
won’t say he feels "hurt" by the shabby ning that began when he left the com- disgracefully banished by an influen- mention his predecessor's name –
way he was treated by his successor missioner's office in September 1992. tial faction of baseball's Sanhedrin led and certainly not in any positive way.
and the team owners who pushed him by team owners Jerry Reinsdorf of the
out of the game he still dearly loves. Not once during the past 25 years has Chicago White Sox and Bud Selig of "To do such a difficult job for them
Vincent been invited by the commis- the Milwaukee Brewers. and not be appreciated was very disap-
Too often throughout our 50-min- sioner's office to attend a World Series, pointing," Vincent said. "It would've
or an All-Star Game, or even the playoffs. AfterVincent was ousted, Selig served been nice to get even tepid applause
on the way out, but there wasn't even
that. They wanted me gone, and they
never regretted what they did.
"But I understand why," he added.
"They weren't happy with me as com-
missioner. I was there at the wrong time.
They were at war with the players. They
wanted to break the union. And they
thought I was too soft on the union.”
What galled the owners most was
Vincent's refusal to relinquish the
commissioner's power to act in the
"best interests of the game" in matters
pertaining to collective bargaining.
They hired him. They paid his sal-
ary. They wanted him to act in their
best interests – not conduct himself as
a fair and objective arbiter.
Vincent, though, couldn't do that.
In fact, Vincent admitted there was
collusion by the owners in the 1980s,
when the owners agreed to work to-
gether to avoid competitive bidding
for players. The union went to court
and the owners eventually settled
three claims for a total of $280 million.
What ultimately ended his run
as commissioner, though, was his
staunch opposition to owners who
wanted to bust the union.
"They wanted to destroy the union
and roll back the gains that the players
had made," Vincent said, "and they
knew I would've stood in their way."
A quarter century later, Vincent
believes the owners and players will
eventually "marry" and become busi-
ness partners.
Leading that effort is likely to be
Rob Manfred, who succeeded Selig as
Vincent hasn't been to a big-league
ballpark in more than 20 years. In-
stead, his connection with baseball
now is limited to watching games on
television. But he misses being at the
ballpark, talking with players and um-
pires, reminiscing with old friends,
being part of the game.
It would be wonderful if someone,
perhaps Manfred, reached out to Vin-
Someone needs to bring him back
to the ballpark for a World Series, or an
All-Star Game, or the playoffs.
Callie and Bailey Headdy.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Window on creative genius at ‘Art of Fashion’ event
Melinda Cooper, Brady Roberts, Simon Doonan and Karen Loeffler. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 over the years how to get people’s
attention, is world renowned for his
BY MARY SCHENKEL Long Island, Americana Manhasset. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE “celebrity” windows which often in-
Staff Writer Simon was at that point the window cluded “really bad puns.”
dresser for Barney’s New York,” said “I’m so excited they decided to
Fashion took center stage last Karen Loeffler, who co-chaired the have a fashion event,” said Trude “A good window is often a sight
Wednesday afternoon at an inaugu- event with Melinda Cooper, owner See, as guests mingled with Doonan gag,” said Doonan as he showed a
ral Art of Fashion: Eccentric Glam- of Cooper & Co. during a VIP sponsor reception. She, window that showcased the late
our event at the Vero Beach Muse- like many of the guests, used to work gossip columnist Liz Smith sitting
um of Art featuring Simon Doonan, Loeffler explained that Doonan in retail. “I’m a Neiman Marcus girl. atop a “gossip column” at a stable,
Creative Ambassador of Barney’s was also responsible for Barney’s I think it would be marvelous to have “getting it from the horse’s mouth.”
New York and former window dress- suburban stores and she got to know it become an annual event.”
er extraordinaire. The afternoon him when he visited them for a book “I always tried to do unconven-
also featured a Trunk Show of jew- signing of his first book, “Confes- Wearing a trademark floral shirt tional windows that nobody else
elry by Llobycats, created by former sions of a Window Dresser.” and, of course, bling, Doonan was doing,” said Doonan, a creative
Vero resident Stacy Boll. charmed the audience with witty artist whose edgy, often astonish-
“I hadn’t seen him in 20 years but stories of his more than 35 years as ing displays employed everyday
“I had worked with Simon 20 I knew what he could do and I knew “the world’s most famous window objects in not-so-everyday ways.
years ago. I was the fashion director it would be fun for the people of Vero dresser,” sharing a trip down mem- “There should be some element of
for an upscale shopping center on Beach,” said Loeffler. “He was an ab- ory lane with slides of just some of surprise.”
solute joy to work with; he got it.” his extraordinary displays.
“I think the women loved him.
Doonan, who said he figured out Anyone who went up to him, he
was very friendly and open,” said
Cooper. “I loved his caricature win-
dows. They were so thought out;
how he brought in every aspect of
their lives. I think we were so lucky
to have him here.”
Loeffler said her favorite part was
during Doonan’s opening remarks,
when he told the story of having to
dress at the last minute as the Queen
of England for a Barney’s event. “He
told the story in order to liberate
the audience from their feelings of
insecurity in their appearance. He
wanted to make them realize that
we are harder on ourselves then we
need to be.”
Proceeds from the event will sup-
port various VBMA educational pro-
14 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Amy Paterson, Trude See and Susan Kamer. Linda Teetz, Leslie Bergstrom and Gisela Kenyon.
Alet Filmalter, Anne Cooney and Julie Macrae.
Diane DeFrancisci, Lucinda Gedeon and Trudie Rainone. Sandy Souder, Becky Torbin, Meg Foley and Gina Johnson. Betsy Fox, Andrea Thibodeau and Colleen Bonner.
Laura Koontz, Stacy Bolls, Carol Koontz and Reilly Koontz.
Catalina Pines, Ron McCall, Michelle Rahilly and Melinda Cooper.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 15
Mary Anne Gargaro, Jean Ueltschi and Anne Cooney.
Fran Laserson and Sandy McManus. Danna Swarovski and Simon Doonan. Roma Wehde and Jenny Assaid. Christine Kahler and Cathy Curley.
Hillary Cappelen and Deb Daly.
16 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Magnificent munificence at ‘Polo with a Purpose’
Luke Webb and Molly Teter Webb.
Pam Payne and Patta Conboy. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF right now. The treatment options are
Staff Writer
To help enable those developments,
In the spirit of hope, BG Polo Vero the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Beach hosted the second annual Polo has allocated $46 million toward re-
with a Purpose Charity Ball last Satur- search in 2018.
day evening at the Quail Valley River
Club to benefit the Leukemia & Lym- Stressing the importance of that
phoma Society. LLS is working to fund research, Dr. Charles and Michele
research to combat leukemia, lym- Mackett shared how cancer changed
phoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myelo- their lives, recalling the journey which
ma, and to improve the quality of life eventually led to their precocious son
of patients and their families. Kyle losing his battle with Burkitt’s
lymphoma before his fourth birthday.
Guests enjoyed the music of the
Gypsy Lane Band while sipping cock- But their message was ultimately
tails and perusing enticing silent-auc- one of hope, citing breakthroughs
tion items before settling down for a in treatment that have doubled the
lovely gourmet dinner. survival rate to nearly 80 percent for
those suffering from this rare form of
Before introducing this year’s hon- blood cancer.
orees, Drs. James and Katherine
Grichnik, event chair and leukemia “How are these advances possible?”
survivor Luke Webb remarked that asked Dr. Mackett. “They were pos-
cancer is the leading cause of death in sible with help from people like you.
Indian River County. Your generosity touches so many
Dr. James Grichnik, a melanoma
expert, serves as director of the Scully- Emcee John Moore primed guests
Welsh Cancer Center at Indian River for the spirited live auction, noting,
Medical Center, and Dr. Katherine “What a story. It’s a story of family and
Grichnik, a cardiovascular anesthe- it’s a story of a challenge. It’s a story of
siologist, is the chief quality officer generosity over time. The advances
at IRMC. They have devoted their ca- that Chuck spoke about are possible
reers to healing and spoke of the pro- because of millions of little steps like
grams, facilities and access to highly we’re doing tonight.”
qualified medical professionals avail-
able today. Encouraging guests to bid gener-
ously, Moore added, “the disease is big
“You don’t want to ever have cancer, and scary and out there and unten-
but I can tell you that it’s certainly a able, but the reality is that the disease
better time to have cancer,” said Dr. hits home at times with families like
James Grichnik. “The advancements the Macketts and that’s what tonight’s
are happening at a very rapid pace about. It’s about the people.”
For more information, visit lls.org.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 17
Dr. Lilia Correa-Selm and Don Selm.
George and Rita Allen.
Susan Haller with Dr. Charles and Michele Mackett.
Drs. James and Katherine Grichnik with Joe Langer and Dr. Paul Pagnini.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Gaston Rodriguez, Rachael Hetson and Patrick Haywood.
Sean and Jayme Miller.
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Lila Pribula, Randy Mason and Mackenzie Rasmussen.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 19
Lori and David McCormick. Kim and Evan English. Casey Lunceford and John Moore.
Casey and Brenda Lunceford.
Molly Teter Webb and Irina Fernandez.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Crossover’ celebrates at-risk youth thriving and striving
BY MARY SCHENKEL Antoine Jennings and Cathy De Schouwer. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE built this organization,” said AJ. “So,
that also makes us very proud sons.”
Staff Writer
Later in the program, AJ was hon-
Two young friends eloquently wel- ored as the first student player to
comed guests to an inspiring ‘Build- graduate from the Crossover Academy
ing our Future Together’ luncheon Pro, an eight-course web-based pro-
last Monday at the Oak Harbor Club to gram, and as the first inductee into
benefit Crossover Mission. The event’s the Crossover Mission Hall of Fame.
keynote speaker was Jack Kemp, who
shared his emotional story of surviv- Jennings Sr. shared that his life be-
ing the horrific 9/11 World Trade Cen- gan a downward spiral at age 11 when
ter attacks. his father was sentenced to 31 years in
prison for drug dealing. His own vio-
The nonprofit, founded in 2014 lent lifestyle ended – almost perma-
by Antoine Jennings and Cathy De nently – when, as a gun was pressed
Schouwer, combines a Crossover Bas- to his head, Jennings reflected on past
ketball Training Program with an Ac- bad choices and missed opportuni-
ademic Mentoring Program for at-risk ties. When the gunman let him go, he
middle and high school students. vowed to turn his life around.
It was only fitting that Antoine Jen- “Who would imagine that God
nings Jr. (AJ), a ninth-grader at the would use my greatest pain to be my
Freshman Learning Center, and Louis greatest victory,” said Jennings. “God
De Schouwer, an eighth-grader at Gif- has put me in a place and given me an
ford Middle School, should start the opportunity to go back and talk to the
program, as it was their shared love kids in the community who made bad
of basketball which first brought their decisions just like I had; who put ath-
parents together. letics ahead of academics. We’ve got to
try to reverse that mindset.”
While looking for a basketball
coach, Louis shared that he Jennings thanked everyone who
noticed that AJ, coached has supported the goals of Crossover
by Jennings, was al- Mission to give vulnerable youth the
ready a standout play- structure and stability missing from
er. Despite Jennings’ their lives and provide them with pos-
then intimidating itive life skills.
appearance, Louis
and his mother knew “I think that this is the hardest work
he was the right man that I’ve ever done in my life, but it’s
for the job. also the most valuable,” said Jennings,
introducing some of the young men
“We not only love the who are now stellar examples of the
sport of basketball, we fruits of their labor.
love that our parents have
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 21
Nancy and Donald Stump with Tania Mills. Phil Chadeayne with Carolyn and Don White. Robert Parsons, Brad Lorimier and Bill Harris.
Antoine Jennings Jr., Louis De Schouwer and David Cyrius. Javien Patterson, Travion Solomon, Cristian Nodal and Kris Hyatt. Mark Rendell and Lucinda Gedeon.
Rev. Drs. Casey and Bob Baggott. Jack and Kathy Kemp. Patricia and Gregory Pitts. Jim and Helen Crockett.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bill and Ellen Kealy. Rian Burkart with Elaine and Chris Mahoney. Wanda Lincoln, Barbara DiMarzo and Louise Porter.
George and Marlen Higgs. Sandy and Robi Robinson. Tom and Betsy Otteson. Maureen Archer and Tony Zorbaugh.
Jay and Linda Knoll with Libby and Jim Crest.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 23
“It’s been my great pleasure and recipients of charities, participants of 72 percent of their students achieved passed their SATs, and they have seen
honor to work with Antoine Jennings Crossover Mission feel like they’re an a 2.0 or higher GPA; 56 percent are on positive results from a new Crossover
these last four years, learning, giving elite group of basketball players who the A/B Honor Roll. Nineteen of the Academy Prep Program for a targeted
and living the Crossover that is An- are being trained and invested in to 22 high school and middle school stu- population of high-risk students.
toine’s vision for uplift in the commu- become successful players on the dents who tried out for their school
nity through our young people,” said court and in life.” teams made those teams; five stu- “These are good kids; they have un-
De Schouwer. “Rather than feeling like dents, who had never done so before, limited potential,” said Brad Lorimier,
De Schouwer said that in January, board president.
24 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Pelican Island Wildlife Festival: Proudly for the birds!
Patrick Pitts, Dr. RIchard Baker and Paul Tritaik. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
William Lund with Lisa Casey and Terry Casey.
Reagan and Rylee McPartland. Caroline Medlen.
The 26th annual Pelican Island for their plumage. He appointed
Wildlife Festival last Saturday drew German-born Sebastian resident
huge crowds to Sebastian’s River- Paul Kroegel as the country’s first
view Park to celebrate the 115th refuge manager. Festival attendees
anniversary of Pelican Island be- enjoyed live wildlife shows, edu-
ing established as the nation’s first cational, historical and environ-
National Wildlife Refuge. President mental exhibits, arts and crafts,
Theodore Roosevelt interpreter Joe children’s activities, viewed sub-
Wiegand brought ‘Teddy’ to life, missions to an Amateur Photog-
relating how he had made history raphy Contest and got out on the
with the March 14, 1903, enact- water with boat tours to get a closer
ment to protect the area’s magnifi- look at Pelican Island, and the birds
cent birds from being slaughtered that call it home.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 25
Phyllis Blackman and Heidi Jarvinen. Jennifer Roberts and Alaine Roberts with Bonnie Swanson.
Jessica Bundy and Amy Selby.
Sheila Harnois with Julie Mars and her granddaughter Hannah Mars. Mike Harrell from A&D Hives. Sherry Hanna, Sherry Tibbetts and Sue Putney.
26 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Dream team: Clydesdales amaze at UP campaign kick-off
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Over the next few months, UP will was palpable. People clustered around, Poverty to help further its vision.
Staff Writer be working to pair up restaurants and lining up six-deep for the length of the UP board members, volunteers
businesses for the upcoming June 30 field from the Grand Pavilion to the
Vero Beach residents headed for Riv- Burgers & Brews burger contest. Rob- Vero Beach Museum of Art. and program participants welcomed
erside Park last Friday night to greet the ertson said they expect that more than the opportunity to raise awareness
Budweiser Clydesdales as they hitched 20 restaurants will sell sliders on the While many bragged of having seen about the programs and services
up their wagon to help kick off the street, all vying for both Judges’ and the exalted equines before, others ea- they offer to ensure that every family
United Against Poverty of Indian River People’s Choice Awards. gerly anticipated their first sighting. has access to basic needs, nutritional
County Burgers & Brews campaign. Weights and heights were debated, food, crisis care, education and em-
“The kick-off party opens the season ages and pull load too, but the one ployment training.
The crowds began to gather several for us to find people to participate,” she thing everyone seemed to agree upon
hours before the spectacular steeds explained. “We’re just really excited was the majestic beauty of the gentle “A lot of people don’t know what
were scheduled to make their appear- about tonight. People come from all creatures. we do in the community, and that’s
ance, with families taking full advan- over. It’s amazing what an institution either people who may be in need or
tage of the crisp nip in the air while the Clydesdales are.” Right before the team of draught people who have a heart for the mis-
chowing down on offerings from food horses was ready to take off on the pa- sion that we’ve undertaken,” added
trucks and watching children bounce As the horses were made ready for rade route, the Busch Family Founda- Robertson.
off excess energy in the kids’ zone. their grand entrance, the excitement tion donated $2,500 to United Against
They have had major achieve-
Geoff Moore kept the crowd engaged ments with the Success Training for
throughout the evening, peppering Employment Program (STEP), which
a playlist with beer-centric songs as focuses on enhancing job-readiness
Southern Eagle Distributing kept the skills for job placement and long-
beer flowing. term job retention.
“It’s a community-happy four “We had 109 people graduate from
hours,” explained Annabel Robert- STEP in 2017 and we currently have
son, UP executive director, noting 258 employed STEP participants,
that Southern Eagle was donating which is about $5.7 million in annual-
proceeds from beer and soda sales to ized wage impact,” shared Robertson.
the nonprofit.
For more information, visit upirc.
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 27
Michelle Griffin and Kelly Clemenzi. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Ginny Hunt with son Josiah.
Julia Busch-Dunford with daughter Alice. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 28
Savannah Smith and Kay Jenkins.
28 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Enid Curd, Lara Gormley and John Masotti.
Connie Lawson, Debbie Caldwell and Sally Lathrop.
Joan Busch, Annabel Robertson, Philip Keeling, Gerrit Topp,
Ginny and Austin Hunt, Philip Busch and Julia Busch Dunford.
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30 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Indian River Land Trust not resting on its successes
Staff Writer
Indian River Land Trust benefac- Laura and Bill Buck with Betsy and Howard Morgan. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Sally and Dick Brickman.
tors gathered at the Quail Valley Riv-
er Club last Thursday evening for the has sought to protect since it was
nonprofit’s annual Conservators’ first established in 1990.
Reception, hosted by Laura and Bill
Buck and Sally and Dick Brickman, “As you know, our mission is to
in support of the Land Trust’s quest preserve and protect the lands and
to “protect the land that protects the the water,” said Bill Buck, reflect-
lagoon.” ing on the IRLT goal of preserving
our extraordinary lagoon for future
As the setting sun made its descent
and illuminated the room in a show
of spectacular color over the water,
guests enjoyed cocktails and pe-
rused placards detailing coastal oak
habitat characterization, mosquito
populations and the water quality
research being conducted through
collaborations with the Harbor
Branch Oceanographic Institute and
Junior Scientists Program.
As if Mother Nature herself were
weighing in with an appreciation of
their efforts, the hues of red, yellow
and orange were a fitting reminder
of the natural beauty the Land Trust
David Heuberger, John Johnson, Natalie Holtom and Ken Grudens.
generations. “The variety of fish and collaborations and future plans.
birds here in this lagoon is as great as “The lagoon is really a special place.
any other body of water in the whole It’s our economic and ecological
country. That’s impressive.” backbone in this community. We
have some properties in our sights
Over the years the IRLT has pro- that are key properties in the puzzle
tected 1,000 acres and 10 miles of along the lagoon.”
lagoon shoreline, preserving envi-
ronmentally significant land, water The Land Trust targets properties
resources and scenic waterfront ar- that are ecologically important to
eas, and providing access for public the health of the lagoon, and they
recreation and education. are partnering with universities,
government agencies, nonprofit or-
“What makes Vero Beach really ganizations and the Indian River
special is that we have such incred- County School District to work on
ible natural resources in this com- ways to preserve water quality, im-
munity that are unmatched in Flor- prove habitats and educate youth
ida and the East Coast. We’ve got about the importance of these eco-
this incredible ocean, the beaches, systems.
turtles, oaks, world-famous citrus
right at our fingertips, and we’ve got Quoting Ansel Adams, Grudens
the Indian River Lagoon,” said Ken added, “‘Once destroyed, nature’s
Grudens, IRLT executive director, beauty cannot be repurchased at
thanking guests for their support. any price.’ We’ve had great success,
“Without you, we wouldn’t be here.” but our work is not done. We’re here
to make a difference.”
Grudens went on to outline the
nonprofit’s past successes, recent For more information, visit irlt.org.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 31
Dace and King Stubbs with Patsy Riefler. Peter Moor, Inga and William Rogers and Mary Juckiewicz. Suzi Shriner with Kit and Sue Barrow.
Helen and Henry Justi. Joyce Donahue, John and Emilie Brady and Joe Olekszyk. Paul Kaneb and Stephanie Smith.
32 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Drama and delight as Impact 100 finalists unveiled
Staff Writer
Representatives of seven nonprof- Felix Cruz, Youth Guidance; Jeffrey Shearer, Tykes & Teens; Tom Kindred, Indian River State College; Angela
it organizations were introduced
as the latest Impact 100 finalists at Davis-Green, Economic Opportunity Council; Kelly Sartain, Buggy Bunch; Col. Sam Kouns, Veterans Council;
a Meet the Finalists Reception last
Friday afternoon at the Vero Beach and Linda Merk-Gould, Vero Beach Rowing. PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL Brenda Cetrulo and Suzanne Carter.
Country Club.
today’s Impact 100 finalists,” said food, support and education. and dragon boats to improve access
“We are women who collectively Cetrulo. Recognizing all the hard- Indian River State College Foun- for the breast cancer survivors’ Row
impact the lives of individuals in working volunteers, she added, After Diagnosis program and other
our community through transfor- “they are the heart and soul and I dation: IRSC Pioneer Tech Camp. nonprofits.
mational giving,” said Suzanne thank you all.” Funds would help purchase equip-
Carter, board president of the all- ment and staff to teach underprivi- Veterans Council of Indian River
volunteer funding group. 2018 Indian River Impact 100 leged third- to eighth-grade stu- County: Veterans Helping Veter-
Grant Finalists: dents about robotics, video-game ans Program; Safety, Accessibility
Brenda Cetrulo chaired a Grant design and computer coding at the and Home Improvements. Funding
Committee that extensively vetted The Buggy Bunch: PlayFULL Vero IRSC campus in the summer, would enable the hiring of home
the applications of nonprofits vy- Education Groups. Funding would and at Gifford Youth Achievement improvement contractors to fix, up-
ing for the coveted $100,000 grants support growth and development Center during the school year. grade and increase handicap acces-
toward programs that would be im- of free groups to teach math and lit- sibility for impoverished veterans
pactful, sustainable and transfor- eracy skills to high-needs children Tykes & Teens: Little TYKES living in sub-standard housing at
mative. ages 0 through 5, while integrating (Teaching Young Kids Emotionally no cost to them.
evidenced-based parent education & Socially). Funding would pay for
The finalists will make their case and family support. two infant mental health therapists Youth Guidance Mentoring and
at the April 18 Annual Meeting, to train childcare center staff and Activities Program: Youth Guid-
where a record-breaking 460-plus Economic Opportunities Coun- families to recognize and respond ance Mentoring Academy S.T.E.A.M.
membership will vote to determine cil of IRC: Early Bird Program Ex- appropriately to problem behavior Magnet Program. Funds would de-
which four will become $100,000 pansion to Dodgertown Elementary in the preschool classroom. velop and staff an innovative learn-
grant recipients. The three other in Gifford. The program seeks to ing lab focused around Science,
finalists will equally split the re- close the gap in quality 3-year-old Vero Beach Rowing: Creating a Technology, Engineering, Arts and
mainder, as every $1,000 member care for children of low-income, Community of Caring; Vero Beach Math for academic enrichment and
contribution is distributed. high-risk homes through a holistic Rowing Serving Breast Cancer Sur- tutoring services for underprivi-
educational program by providing vivors. Funding would purchase leged youth.
“When Impact started 10 years lighter, more stable rowing shells
ago, we were idea people, commu-
nity leaders and community busi-
nesses who wanted to make our
Vero Beach a better place for those
less fortunate,” said Dace Stubbs,
10th Anniversary sponsor. “It was
energizing to see our mission un-
fold right under our very eyes. Im-
pact has contributed $3.7 million
to the community; over 450 women
have made our town a better place
to live.”
“I get the best part. It is an honor
to be part of Impact 100, chair of the
Grant Committee and announce
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 33
Suzanne Bertman, Dace Stubbs and Gay Blaicher. Debbie Kinney, Judith Shottes, Alma Lee Loy and Mary Graves. Bonnie Wilson, Amy Acker and Pilar Turner.
Susan Smith and Brenda Lloyd. Jane Coyle, Laura McDermott and Barbara DiMarzo. Stacy Golding and Judy Peschio. Jean Beckert and Betty Talley.
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34 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Winds rock boats at Youth Sailing’s Martin Memorial Regatta
Brisk winds made for some exciting sailing for the teams from around
the state competing in the fifth annual Steve Martin Memorial Regatta
last Saturday, hosted by the Youth Sailing Foundation of Indian River
County. The fourth leg of the 2018 Treasure Coast Youth Regatta Spring
Series, the regatta included four classes of boats. The late Steve Martin, a
dedicated instructor and supporter of YSF, passed away in 2013, and his
inspiring devotion to educating others about the sport he so loved was
the genesis for the first regatta. More than 100 local youth currently par-
ticipate in YSF programs, providing them with skills to become better
equipped to meet challenges both on and off the water.
Henry Taylor. Julianna DiSalvo.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 35
Robyn Flick with son Landon. Holly Gandolfo. Arron, Eileen, and Tenley Martin with Charlie Pope.
Shae Riley and Catherine Carlin. Mylee Smith. Alex Hardison and Emily Clark.
Hutchinson Island, Florida
6 Luxury Inlet Front Townhomes
Including Boat Slips
36 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Elegant night of ‘Opera on the River’ to benefit CASTLE
A brilliant full moon illuminated Alden and Valerie Bing, Matthew and Whitney Barnes, Kyle and Kristin Upwood. PHOTOS: KERRY FIRTH
the sparkling Indian River Lagoon,
creating the perfect setting for Opera beautiful voices filled the home with
on the River, hosted by Kurt and Mari- melodic joy, evoking a sense of hope
lyn Wallach at their waterfront home. and optimism to all who attended the
Roughly 60 guests arrived in their fin- annual event.
est cocktail attire for an elegant eve-
ning to benefit CASTLE Child Abuse Kyle and Kristin Upwood said they
Prevention. had never attended an opera before,
so this was a new and exciting experi-
Guests meandered past a gleaming
Rolls-Royce before lingering by the
outdoor pagoda with its panoramic
view of the water, sipping cocktails,
listening to live jazz and taking in the
crimson light show painted by the
sunset on the horizon. As the sky dark-
ened, couples ventured inside, where
an elegant spread of hors d’oeuvres
and champagne fountains spanned
three rooms.
The living room of the palatial
home was transformed into a mini
concert hall for a performance featur-
ing opera divas Janet Rabe Meyer and
Shirley Wang, whose breathtakingly
Richard and Tracy Mosher, Saintameme Calderon Valentin and Jose Valentin.
ence for them. programs of support and education.
“We came with a group of friends Recognizing that incidences of
knowing we’d be supporting a good stressful life circumstances such as di-
cause and looking forward to an el- vorce or financial problems can quick-
egant evening in an elegant home. ly escalate into abuse, CASTLE seeks to
It’s more than we ever expected,” said circumvent that action through parent
Kyle Upwood. “It’s like stepping into a counseling and teaching non-violent
movie set.” discipline. Representatives said that
their studies have proven that children
“I’m pleased to open my home to with a stable home environment will
such a worthy cause as CASTLE,” said perform better in school and be less
Kurt Wallach, who greeted and wel- likely to become involved with drugs
comed each and every guest as they and crime.
arrived. “All the proceeds from this
evening go to the prevention of child “The CASTLE family of profession-
abuse. In Florida alone there were 126 als, volunteers and supporters are so
children killed by boyfriends or fam- passionate about the cause,” said Jef-
ily members. It’s horrific, and CASTLE frey Rollins, current president of the
is working to prevent these deaths governing board. “Keeping children
from ever occurring again.” safe is the ultimate goal. Events like this
not only raise money for our organiza-
CASTLE was founded in 1981 tion but raise awareness about our mis-
as a way to teach better parenting sion. Hopefully, some of the patrons to-
skills and has since expanded to 27 night who came for the opera will also
states. Locally, Treasure Coast and answer a call to help children.”
Okeechobee parents who are at risk of
or who have had reported incidences For more information, visit castletc.
of child abuse or neglect are offered org.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 37
Bill and Karen Penney. Carole Lewis, Ted Walczak and Betty Hayes. Shirley Wang and Janet Rabe Meyer.
Brian and Barbara Herschkowitz. Cece Gilbuena and Bob Miller.
Traci and Jeffrey Rollins. Joan Chesley and Mary Pat Slater. Ryan and Melissa Weaver, Agency Owners
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Marilyn and Kurt Wallach. Jocelyn Kastenbaum and Judy Van Saun.
38 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Kids experience nature’s best at annual EcoFest
Molly Steinwald with Carol and Tim Buhl. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Sunday was a perfect day to com-
mune with nature and thousands
Julia Fonvielle. of people decided to do just that,
descending upon the Environ-
mental Learning Center for its
22nd annual EcoFest, enjoying a
brisk but sunny afternoon wan-
dering the diverse 64-acre cam-
pus. As part of its Nature Rocks!
theme, little ones were challenged
to take part in a scavenger hunt
among the winding trails to search
for painted rocks and to also create
some of their own. Visitors enjoyed
live music by the River Rats, nu-
merous educational exhibits and
interactive games, arts and crafts
with an ecological twist, canoe
trips through mangrove tunnels,
the always popular Discovery Sta-
tion Interactive Museum & Touch
Tank, and the newly opened Mack
Whiting Nature Playscape.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 39
Kaitlynn Rapp. Eli and Remi Wunderlich. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 40
Kaitlynn, Makayla, and Darlene Rapp with Anne Sleeman.
Arabella Hepler and Emma Hite. Torin Howle and George Henkel.
Caitlin and Patrick Hoy with their son, Silas Hoy. Luke Sammartino with a blue crab.
40 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Katie Nelson, Marty Nelson, Randy Nelson and Jenny Nelson.
Aiden Burdick and Joseph Tomberg.
Patrice Betz and Todd Giager from U.S. Fish and
Wildlife demonstrate radio telemetry equipment.
Ian Moore with Nolan and Tyler Young.
42 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Hobbs’ paintings reflect her fearless and fun persona
Margaret “Mags” Hobbs enjoys where she had focused on calligraphy,
spending time painting in her Vero lithography and textiles, she gave birth
Beach studio, taking full advantage of to their first child.
the natural light. It’s only fitting that
the artist, whose infectious personality “I took a 30-year sabbatical to
and sunny disposition make her hard raise our children,” Hobbs says with
to resist, would end up in a town listed a laugh. “David was racing like a
by “Coastal Living” as being among madman all over the place and I just
the top 10 Happiest Seaside Towns. stopped painting.”
After all, her journey as an artist be- To fill the creative void while her
gan on the other side of the pond in children were growing up, she pursued
Royal Leamington Spa, named last year other interests, explaining, “I had a
as the happiest place to live in the UK. couple of little companies and took off
on a big trekking experience.”
She and husband David moved to
Vero Beach several years ago to escape While in California for one of Da-
the brutal winters in Milwaukee, hav-
ing fallen in love with the area while
visiting friends during their jaunts to
Daytona Beach for David’s careers –
first as a race car driver and later as a
sports commentator.
The couple met when just 14 years
old, dated through college and mar-
ried just as his racing career took off.
Not long after graduating from the
Royal Leamington Spa College of Art,
vid’s races, she says she discovered After purchasing three “how-to”
macramé and thought, “Blimey, that’s books, she went home, put hooks in
marvelous, I’ve never seen it in Eng- the beams in her kitchen and taught
land before.” herself how to macramé. Setting up a
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 43
curlies, largely. It dictates pretty much ing to go big. Mags is happy when she’s
what you do. I don’t think a lot of us painting and that shows in her work.”
have much choice that way.”
Standing in her study, it’s hard not to
That said, after eventually settling in feel the joy in Hobbs’ paintings, where
to “life as an American,” Hobbs decid- farm animals frolic on canvases and
ed she was ready to get paint under her poppies burst with color.
nails again. “I never stopped thinking
about painting. It never left me. I had Hobbs always has several pieces go-
to make that big break myself and say, I ing at once and is currently juggling
am going to start painting again.” nine commissions. Among them are
roosters, horses and poppies. There is
Hobbs readily admits that, for her, also a portrait of her husband which she
writing the book was much easier than will be donating for auction at the 2018
painting. “That book is not fiction. So I Amelia Island Concours d’Elegance,
was really just rewriting my diary; there’s where David’s autobiography, “Hobbo,
nothing clever about it. My art is abso- Motor Racer, Motor Mouth,” will be
lute fiction. I find painting an endless launched on March 9.
puzzle. It requires enormous amounts
co-op with a friend for stay-at-home of thinking in my head all the time.”
mothers, they sold their creations by
the thousands all over England; Har- Fear was her biggest roadblock and
vey Nichols was at the top of their cli- nerves initially caused her to overwork
ent list. the pieces. “We always want to produce
a picture that people love. I think that’s
After a while, she says, “I ended up a mistake. It takes a long time and thick
feeling like I was feeding the rest and skin to get over that,” she explains. “I
starving myself, as they say. I felt, this didn’t know how to get started. I was
is not enough for me, and that’s when afraid of the blank canvas. One day
I turned to my textiles.” For that ven- I said, For Christ’s sakes it’s only a bit
ture, she organized a crew of women of canvas. It’s only a bit of paper. If it
from nearby villages to do piece work doesn’t work, do another. And then I
to make quilts. was all right.”
Hobbs’ next creative endeavor came She says her work in those early days
at age 45, the result of a chat in the was technically correct but felt cold.
pub with several friends. “After hold-
ing up the ladder for the rest of our “My style has evolved a lot. I think ab-
families, it was time to see what was at stract expressionism is a term that has
the top,” she explains. And by the top, been tagged onto me. It’s a very loose
they meant all the way. Once the idea and abstract approach to the subject.
took root, while husband David raced I’m not looking for photographic im-
around the world, she intermittently ages. That’s not me. I need to use my
trekked to Himalayan mountain tops imagination a great deal more. I like
with several friends. something that grabs my imagination
and excites me. In my book, abstract ex-
Initially more of a physical challenge, pression means you can do anything.”
Hobbs eventually wrote the book “Bet-
ter to Journey: Travels Across the Roof Hobbs says she has gone to numer-
of the World,” which chronicles three ous classes at the Vero Beach Museum
of the seven treks she made with her of Art, adding, “It was great for me be-
friends, focusing on events during trips cause I really enjoyed doing the classes
to the Everest Base Camp in Nepal, K2 and studios and then in no time at all
in Pakistan’s Karakoram range, and an made friends.”
expedition to Makalu in Nepal.
As a member of the Vero Beach Art
“My friends started this business – Club, Hobbs entered her “Abstract Art
‘You’ve got to write a book, Mags. You Class” piece in the recent Art on the
keep that diary.’ It is true I did keep a Island 3-Dimensional Fine Art Exhi-
very scrap of a diary,” she recalls. “It bition at the Marsh Island Clubhouse
was actually very marvelous of them to where it took First Place in the 2-D with
be so supportive.” Pizzazz category.
Hobbs takes readers to the moun- “The one comment I get all the time
taintops, where she and her com- is, ‘Why is it [her paintings] all so dif-
panions overcame the physical and ferent?’ Until people said those things
emotional challenges of their ardu- to me, I never thought about it. I’d just
ous journeys, dealing with monsoons, paint whatever I wanted to paint. The
leeches, earthquakes and the death of subject matter is not my main interest;
a young porter traveling with them. it’s the technique, the painting style.”
Eventually, with David spending Dawn Miller, VBMA instructor and
most of his time in the U.S. because of fellow artist says, “If I were to describe
his involvement in the racing industry, the way Mags approaches her paint-
he opened a car dealership in Milwau- ings, it would be fearless. She is just so
kee where they relocated. willing to throw in unique, bold col-
ors and marks and wash it out and try
Looking back over the years devoid again. I love watching her paint. She is
of painting, Hobbs says she has no re- just fearless and has fun with it; she’s
grets. “You don’t choose what you do very playful. She’s not uptight at all
in life; life has got you by the short and about what she’s doing and she’s will-
re Dame Club of Vero Beach44 Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
presents ARTS & THEATRE
Coming Up: Branch out for arts & crafts ‘Under the Oaks’
ThTehNe oNtroetrDe aDmaemCelCubluobfoVfeVroerBoeBaecahchBYSAMANTHABAITA
prespernetssentsStaff Writer
Notre Dame Club of Vero Beachpresents1
Say “Under the Oaks” and most
everyone knows you’re referring
to one of the most highly anticipated,
best-attended events of the season, the
Vero Beach Art Club’s Under the Oaks
Fine Arts and Crafts Show, now cel-
ebrating its 67th year. Be sure to carve
out time this weekend to fully enjoy the
carefully juried, absolutely excellent
works from more than 220 in- and out-
of-state artists – all displayed in one of
Vero’s most beautiful outdoor venues.
You’ll stroll along sunlight-dappled
paths under oaks that are, themselves,
works of art. In the food court, you’ll
find all sorts of tempting foodstuffs
and beverages, from some of Vero’s
most popular restaurants. More than
36,000 people typically attend this
popular show. The parking is ample
and free, and admission is also free.
Show hours are this Friday, Saturday
and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
12, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.2
“To Kill a Mockingbird,” based on 1 “Under the Oaks” this weekend at Riverside.
Harper Lee’s ground-breaking,
MMaracrhch121,22, 0210818ata7t :70:000p.pm.m. .High STchhTTehohNeeoNNol tooPrtterreeeDrDDfaaoammmrepemepprreeCCCsseeeillnnlnnuuutttsssbbgboooAfffVVrVeetrresooroBCBeeBeaaecncahhtcehr Pulitzer Prize-winning 1960 novel of dealing with race in America, and … At-
the same name, opens this Thursday, ticus Finch, the most enduring fictional
March 8, at the Vero Beach Theatre image of racial heroism.” In the hands
Guild. Lee’s classic work is known for of long-time director, actor and current
Guild president Jon Putzke, this show
c$h2152A, d2u0l1ts8•a$t170:0St0udpe.mnt.s6th Street • Vero Beach, FL 32960VeearVco1eh7Br0oH1e77aBig0c1ehh76atcS1Hhhc6ihStgHhtohrioSegSlethcrPtheS•eeocrtVohfo•leorPrVomoeleirPBrnfooeegrraBfAmcoehrriatnm,csgFhiCLn,AegF3rnLtA2tse93rCr6t2se09nC6te0enrtetiTeirttoivsshewrenewsnnucbatebsoorsjmofetwkhcMttaihitsot–halnoornrhaocodepscereeuevlfvryiaalerlnbmeneadd,ihsAlryenual,daemcnbaoieaoarnilrmg,Lhihnieeanbeerioq’snshrpueso1iaxtm9aelpi3nteeo6yd--f., should be a powerful and moving pro-
duction. “To Kill a Mockingbird” runs
through March 25. Tickets: $13 to $26.
Box office: 772-562-8300.
TicTkicektse:t$s:2$52A5 dAudltuslt•s $•1$01S0tuSdtuednetsnts07 16th Street • Vero Beach, FL 32960 according to Wikipedia. The plot re- 3 The University of Notre Dame
volves around a young girl, Scout, and Glee Club is without doubt one
kets: $25 Adults • $10 StudentsTluaigcbkThleiecttkshoeaneotvrslaBitanihlvoaerabxoilalueaOtgbohilfnenftlidhoicnneieealBinanottrexii7nvaOt7deiif2rnafsi-ndcc5riehai6vnao4etror-i7vs5lc7es5h2.rt3so-ic57oxh6l.so4c.ot-oi5lxsm5..tc3io7xm.comf2haeax0gelptrrsheelaaeltCyistnoeaetrnocdntcueduytrehsyffee:ead“nth‘bdToeoofrao,KrkAayi’tsplotleuiaci.nmuMAgspsoFabcciolnkatnccienhking,cbmwritirahthdinoec’ of the top all-male collegiate choral
groups anywhere, a century-old broth-
erhood that numbers more than 2,000
members since is first performance in
MMMaraacrrhcchh111222,,, 222000111888 aaattt777::00:0000pp..pmm.m.. .SkmrRePta7hoevJDOr7NoraiHCoach2ioNoSFkmlnu-JWloatrPN5oourg7SRebphreO6tP7hooblhoOHnCe72emDtrNmrFrrt-W-olioRoVR5fohoaecoou1STpcSofreT6okPmreJuonbe8iDOToSeeecPr7rVmnrVVNrmihg7WTlo8iikeeT1VT-ocBecoHaTcnTiReOfioi’17oheiFkcn57rSdeecoooBcknsrfmkiHrRCttoiik82oore1okc0SmNer1rsecNPacs1nreIrFofVeteore7te8e-oC7oWB77eklxso7oooteBakHketora5Ptmiho’0utOhBrsFt05Di0dre7sSnttvnsearrahrpececre617ePHtraa7eeCso7ot’vbaaaaeOsrkI2mfarhasSOhtohtBtvoeCNa67tvoTFmaciio:Do1mcPmrrmr1-1sslWrauc7Clstoailrrhtuoa-boiB5ho6oaao6fluHie:6ha:Roo7fi$ieh:ogemS1naluSbmaglpBuAftrcatT6ofietPee2atHrrhboHb$rhhg$hHi8CmF$lohligb2aOSbebediea-eSee7elCngomrhincesVh5rolmeioHA28Vlit2lH2teeCexSSeitcgSteH5h-grouimCh6oohagie’tRiFfWntreo5CooWd1ettln5haosnsP5t5hehCoohbhV7omunchTeeorfreeceAprrnpPSaPfOosnr8Ie,ronne-fbeeeneSAneealneSeCoeCeooSnBSl1rhTioorBmVAArimoielcAAePmlee8ifBr,ootBienocctftfitccen8ftHrrcnrtISinoetencihiotof’cotfeeeaFo5hd:odehhtmneo8censVeSeiIaed•rxSnerdB•rdnfeerLt•VxeTi•i7o:exnrecxv5ooaaonsrrIdi’Lf’lFeenFaud•bladsecauusoaCauOteVooooViVnocrsfVeooOla7rOsPamlOsrthttAoetAtorCCeeetlthAlrroom:elmllellmHlftlterraeteee:eaiiiiiof2fafCtroamofnotstnPStmnnnPBoorfBPVrrfrPoifiyriTrBTiryrcsirsislBoslBbcoibsdodobeeedln-iceicdoebaeeaeacoCeeeeleepeeohTlicieeiArea5eitAC•fCinr7a•arnsmB,a•seeaBeB7aatLenfntirca•LimBffaiahenenoeoaiaeceCCn6Chr7ftneeooscenffIeeaStoVfnr7ntttThrErrii$$oc7f:ar$eenseotatrro2aEaritiSirnLe,m4e$tt777s::inncecivvCtmmhr2hTeerai11nAcvccSel71:t7-cf777h,vttreeormhrli-hhnAr1cheehei6eacFiin-22:er70r0eii2,en025otrrcernpnhIlsSlsh,,6a--ot9rgi2yrl0ei-:Flsnccs5Ba5r:aomgLgen-5F5Fspyc,cS-hSh6Ll9S6Ar6n.lcFl55thL6L7arsgoaAiFlotAhL374A4-tSthehlt:6e6ro43uroio60r-7i7-uFLui33turroAsoe57ro5xE4yp-l2ltss2B-t8t2shns2s5245lo5dd-sudus9.hl-0.F3s.rCi5t930t5-9367alCd.upcLi6-CetieCes627txi5678x639nde7sn5r7.0iepnon.Fent.9093Een6x07dcsnc0i2Cen5dun.-7txot6m6hotttc0Fe-t7nsmetns.mes30o-8r6eceirud0nmpr0or79t87ntms6eF0d-ru708n0d7 is probably the most widely read book December 1915. We’ll have the oppor-
tunity to enjoy this heralded 60-voice
Notre Dame Club of Vero Beach Scholarship Fund
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 45
4 The Yale Spizzwinks (?) performing at St. John of the Cross Catholic Church March 15. 5 Firefall performing at the Emerson Center March 15.
group Monday, March 12, at the VBHS Club of Vero Beach Endowed Scholar- pedia describes as “known as much self-funded, they sell lots of CDs and
Performing Arts Center, as they make ship Fund. Tickets are $10 for students, for their stodginess as for their musical other merch. With their balanced blend
a one-night stop on their Spring-Break $25 for adults. The music starts at 7 p.m. excellence.” One of the four, a young of great harmony and tongue-in-cheek
Tour. Over the years, according to Box office, 772-564-5537. man from Iowa, suggested they name humor, the Spizzwinks(?) sing their
Wikipedia, the Glee Club has toured themselves after a mysterious, invisible own arrangements of music from Ger-
nationally and internationally, per- 4 The Yale Spizzwinks(?) are com- creature which, according to legend, shwin to Bernstein to the Beatles to
forming with headliners such as Dave ing to town next Thursday. was responsible for the Great Iowa Corn Adele. Show time is 7 p.m. Tickets are
Bubeck, Vince Gill, Ronan Tynan and Blight of 1906 – The Spizzwink. The free and required. 855-252-7276 or 321-
the South Bend Symphony Orches- Whether you’re thinking “say what?” editor of the school paper wasn’t sure 536-8580.
tra. You Notre Dame alumni will have of the spelling, so, in the article about
heard this group before home football or “Terrific! I’ll be there!” you’ll totally the new group, he included (?) after the
games and at Mass in the Basilica of name. The newly minted Spizzwinks
the Sacred Heart on the Feast of the enjoy this free, unique evening of music liked the way it looked and made it an
Immaculate Conception. Notre Dame official part of their name henceforth.
student Samuel Ward Perrott formed at St. John of the Cross Catholic Church The Spizzwinks(?), usually in tie-and- 5 The rock band from Boulder, Col-
the University of Notre Dame Glee Club tails, perform over 100 concerts a year, orado – Firefall – has scored gold
after singing in a glee club at Harvard March 15. The Spizzwinks(?) are said nationally and internationally, includ-
(where he also studied), and saw how ing performances in Madison Square
such a group should be run. The Mon- to be America’s oldest underclassman Garden, Carnegie Hall, the U.S. State and platinum with their music, from
day evening performance will benefit Department, Disney World, the White
the Women’s Care Center, the Hope for a cappella group, having been a cap- House, professional sports events and country to rock, for some four decades,
Families Center and the Notre Dame numerous other venues. Being entirely
pella-ing since 1914. And their story is a and they’re bringing those signature
good one. Back in 1913, four Yale frosh rich harmonies to the Emerson Center
were hanging out at Mory’s trying to next Thursday, March 15, as the next in
decide on a name for their new (a cap- the Live! From Vero Beach concert series.
pella) singing group, which they were We’ll likely hear such Firefall biggies as
launching as a light-hearted alternative “You Are the Woman,” “Just Remember I
to the Whiffenpoofs, Yale’s older, all- Love You” and “Headed for a Fall.” Ticket
senior a cappella group, which Wiki- are $25 to $65. Show time is 7 p.m.
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the next few in her home in the Gugulethu settle- AKENA DUBANGA, WHO We’ll eat less, I guess, and we’ll find a
months, the ment, an agglomeration of small con- OWNS A CAR WASH IN way to buy bottles,” she said.
faucets of Cape Town, South Africa crete homes and sheet-metal shacks GUGULETHU, SAYS IT
could run dry, the result of a protract- where water arrives via communal NOW USES BUCKETS Settlements such as Gugulethu have
ed drought and a government failure RATHER THAN HOSES long been marginalized. During de-
to provide an alternative water source TO USE LESS WATER cades of white-minority rule, blacks
to this city of 4 million. PER CAR. were forcibly relocated there, and resi-
In modern history, no city in the dents frequently clashed with police.
developed world has ever run out of A WORKER DRILLS A One day in 1986, seven young black ac-
water. Cape Town’s experience, then, BOREHOLE AT A HOME tivists were killed by security forces in
may be a Hobbesian test of the way Gugulethu, a landmark moment in the
people on opposite ends of the 21st IN CONSTANTIA. struggle against apartheid.
century’s income gap access the most
basic resources in the most dire times. taps, each shared by about 200 peo- Even after the end of apartheid and
Now, residents are scrambling to find ple. So far, it’s still flowing – most of the election of Nelson Mandela, the
their own private solutions. the time. neighborhood remained poor and
For the wealthy, that means hiring neglected. The public water taps were
companies to dig boreholes and wells. “If the water stops, what can we do? among the scant examples of govern-
It means buying truckloads of bottled ment assistance, and even they leaked
water, even at inflated prices. much of the time.
It means ordering desalination ma-
chines to make groundwater drink- “I don’t know what we’ll do if they
able – or safe enough to fill a swim- stop flowing,” said Richard Ndabezitha,
ming pool. 60, who is living on a $200-per-month
For the poor, it means waiting to see government pension.
what the government comes up with,
and contemplating whether you can In other parts of the city, the wa-
afford to cut back on food to be able to ter shortage has prompted a surge of
buy water. spending, families investing millions
“Inequity plays out in water very ob- of dollars to insulate themselves from
viously, and what we’re seeing in Cape the drought.
Town risks becoming an example of
that,” said Giulio Boccaletti, the global For $6,000, a borehole can be dug,
managing director for water with the tapping into underwater reservoirs.
Nature Conservancy. “The social con- For $2,000, a company sells a machine
tract breaks down, if the rich find their that claims to turn moisture in the air
own solution and leave the rest to fend into potable water. For $400, people
for themselves.” can buying special washing machines
A few miles from the city’s glitter- that use small quantities of water. In
ing coastline, Portia Ngqulana, 33, sat upscale parts of the city, bottled water
has been sold out for days at a time.
“The lesson here is that you can’t
trust the government to provide water
for you,” said Gabby De Wet, whose
family owns De Wet’s Wellpoints and