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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2016-12-01 16:38:06

12/01/2016 ISSUE 07


MELBOURNE BEACH Shout-out to Scouts for making
Lightfest shine. P10
Brevard's South Barrier Island Newsweekly Triathletes rise to the challenge. P8

Pearl Harbor survivor recalls
‘date which will live in infamy.’ P4

MY TAKE Most of lagoon
tax will go to

No Shave November: Not BY CHRIS BONANNO
big worry at barber shop Staff Writer

Several years ago I partici- Heros & Legends: Celebrating space pioneers Brevard residents over-
pated in the National Novel whelmingly approved a refer-
Writing in November, known BY TERRY CONWAY in the late 1950s. Enter Mrs. After graduating from the endum last month that will up
simply as NaNoWriMo. I liked Correspondent Helen Bunger, an English Air Force Academy as a mem- the sales tax in the county by
the way my novel turned out teacher, and her husband, an ber of its first class in 1959, a half-cent, with money from
– a detective yarn about a for- Karol (Bo) Bobko was in engineer. With them as men- Bobko received a Master of the increase going to help the
mer LAPD cop. It had humor, need of some guidance while tors, Bobko found his direc- Science degree in aerospace Indian River Lagoon.
police work, shootings and a attending Brooklyn Technical tion and went on to a stellar engineering. He went on to
damsel in distress. High School in New York City professional career. Estimates say the tax in-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 crease will bring in more than
November is like that. $300 million over a decade to
Most folks think of Novem- fund ecological restoration of
ber as the month that gives the estuary.
us Thanksgiving turkey and
football games that matter But just how – and how
only to people who grew up much – will the money help
in Detroit or Dallas. But it’s so the lagoon?
much more as evidenced by
NaNoWriMo. For starters, about two-
November brings us Black thirds, or just over $198 mil-
Friday, Small Business Satur- lion, will go toward the
day and Cyber Monday. It is removal of muck from the wa-
also home to NativeAmerican terway, according to a project
plan prepared for the Brevard
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 County Natural Resources

Wyatt Hoover is CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
sworn in as new
commissioner Right Whale season again. Marine
Resources Council trains spotters
Staff Writer

The Melbourne Beach Stephen McCulloch in the bow of a Zodiac research boat photographs an BY GEORGE WHITE The dramatic event and
Town Commission has a new adult right whale just off the coast. PHOTO BY VASILIS TRYGONIS (NMFS PERMIT NO. 14233) Staff Writer eventual happy outcome lit
look as Wyatt Hoover, elected up social media and cap-
to the commission on Nov. 8, The south Brevard barrier tured national attention as
was sworn in at a special com- island went whale crazy last images of the whales strug-
mission meeting on Nov. 21. February when a right whale gling to get back out to sea
mother and calf were trapped were broadcast and shared.
Town Clerk Gwen Peirce in the Sebastian Inlet.
conducted the ceremony as CONTINUED ON PAGE 2


December 1, 2016 Volume 1, Issue 7 Newsstand Price $1.00 Thousands make
scene at Cocoa Beach
News 1-6 Editorial 22 People 7-10 TO ADVERTISE CALL Art Show. P12
Arts 11-14 Faith 24 Pets 33 772-559-4187
Books 23 Games 25-27 Real Estate 35-40
Calendar 34 Health 15-18 Style 29-30 FOR CIRCULATION
Dining 31 Insight 19-21 CALL 772-226-7925

© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™


Julie Albert.

Right whales Gerstein and two colleagues discov- to report it, why to report it, what we of a chance that we’re going to hear”
ered in 2002 that sound waves coming do once we get the information, just about the presence of whales and be
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 from the props of large ships deflect so they know what kind of role they able to alert ship captains.
down and out to the sides as the ships are playing and how important it is.
“It was all over the news, all over move through the water, creating an The whole reason the program got The Sebastian Inlet incident with
Facebook. We were trending world- acoustic shadow in front of them that started was to make sure the whales the mother and calf ended well, with
wide that weekend,’’ said Julie Al- becomes a trap for whales. were protected from close approach- the whales returning to sea, but it
bert, program coordinator for the es by boaters, mostly the big ships could have been a disaster had the
Marine Resources Council’s North The volunteers Albert will train going in and out of Port Canaveral,’’ pair become stranded or injured, Al-
Atlantic Right Whale Conservation next week will learn to identify right Albert said. bert said.
Program. whales and report sightings to a
hot line that warns ship captains of When Albert joined the program in “Somebody had documented them
Albert will present a training pro- whales in the area. Cruise ships en- 1999, there were 375 volunteer spotters entering and it was literally the current
gram for right whale spotters, “It’s tering and leaving the harbor at Cape along the East Coast and the endan- (tide race) that pulled them in. That’s
Right Whale Season Again,” at noon, Canaveral pose a high degree of dan- gered right whale population was esti- how they got out too. They waited for
Tuesday, Dec. 6 at the Ted Moorhead ger to the whales, but when captains mated to be 325-350. Today, there are the current and it just pulled them
Lagoon House. and harbor pilots are alerted, they more than 800 spotters including doz- right out, but they made 16 attempts
can coordinate efforts to steer clear ens in Brevard County and the right before it happened. She went back and
That night from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. the of the migrating mammals. whale population is 530, she said. forth, up and down that channel and
discussion of right whales will con- she looked like she was on a mission.
tinue during a free informal session “We offer the training so people “We want as many as we can get. She knew how to get out,’’ she said.
at the Hubbs SeaWorld Research In- know what they are looking at, how The more eyes watching, the more
stitute in Melbourne Beach. “We were out there handing out

North Atlantic right whales are the My Take Ellen’s dad and he opened the shop passed away from colon cancer.
most endangered species of great in 1952. “No-Shave November was start-
whales in the world. They got their CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
name because whalers viewed them “We’re the oldest business in Mel- ed as a way anyone affected by the
as the right, or ideal, whales to hunt. Indian and Alaska Native Heritage bourne Beach,” she says with pride. disease could give back and show
Month, World Vegan Month, Na- their support – regardless of age,
“They were big, with lots of blub- tional Adoption Awareness Month The shop must be doing some- gender or income level – by raising
ber and oil, and they were slow and and No-Shave November, where thing right after all these years, money to fight cancer, spreading
floated when they were dead, so the men give up the razor for a month and Ellen says they aren’t too con- awareness, and having fun doing
Yankee whalers loved them,” Ed- to raise money for cancer aware- cerned about business lost during it,” Hill said.
mund Gerstein, a professor of biology ness and research. National No-Shave Month.
and electrical engineering at Florida The event grew quicker than any-
Atlantic University, said in an inter- I passed on the novel this year “We don’t do much shaving any- one ever thought. “We’ve raised
view several years ago. and gave up shaving instead, which more,” Ellen said. over $3 million to combat cancer,”
seemed like a good idea anyway as she said.
Right whales live and feed in the the apartment I just rented runs out However, though the title pro-
cold waters off of New England and of hot water much too quickly to af- motes a shave-less month, the effort urges participants
the Canadian Maritime Provinces ford me time to shave in the shower. also encompasses a haircut-free to not only grow a beard, but culti-
most of the year. In late November, month, said Christine Hill, whose vate a mustache, let legs go natural
they began a long and somewhat Raising money to fight cancer is Chicago-area family founded no- – which I do already – and skip that
mysterious migration that brings a noble cause – the idea is to do-, a Web-based, nonprofit waxing appointment.
them to the warm shallow seas nate money that would have gone organization devoted to raising
along the Florida and Georgia coast. for grooming supplies or expenses funds to support cancer preven- I went a step further. I didn’t even
There, they give birth and nurture at the barbershop – but I wondered tion, research and education. make a waxing appointment to
their young for several months be- what the noble cause does for the skip.
fore heading back north in March or barbering business, and posed that “We encourage skipping haircuts
early April. question to Ellen Edmond, man- and waxing appointments also. We And I just had my hair trimmed
ager/owner of Bob’s Barber Shop in have men and women currently in late October – what little hair
The whales and calves are highly Melbourne Beach. Bob Edmond is participating,” Hill said. I have, that is – so participating
vulnerable to ship strikes because of wasn’t much of a sacrifice on my
the way motor sounds deflect around Hill and her seven siblings start- part. I won’t need another trim for a
ship hulls. ed No-Shave November in 2009 to couple of months anyway. 
honor their father, Matthew, who

Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 3


brochures and talking to people. It that people wanted to name the calf I hope they appreciate them more escaped from Sebastian Inlet: they
was amazing being legally that close Sebastian,” she said. and do something to help conserve were spotted in the Northeast this
to a Right Whale. For all those by- them,’’ said Megan Stolen, a Hubbs summer, proving that they were
standers out there, they got an eyeful. “We learned a lot and I think the SeaWorld researcher studying strand- healthy, Albert said.
That’s a once in a lifetime type thing. public also learned a lot. It also gave ing of marine mammals
It was phenomenal. People got into it people an up close and personal look “They made it. They dodged all the
at these very endangered whales and A final note about the whales that shipping lanes,” she said. 

4 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™


Brevard Pearl Harbor survivor recalls Heroes & Legends
‘a date which will live in infamy’
become a jet fighter pilot and a NASA
BY LISA ZAHNER career started, Sept. 24, 1940, like he “I looked up and saw the red ball astronaut, a veteran of three space
remembers every detail of his service. and knew it was the Japs. I watched flights who logged 386 hours in space.
Staff Writer the whole thing – from the position Bobko was a member of the astronaut
After boot camp in Newport, Rhode we were in, everything was to the east support crew for the historic Apollo-
Arnie and Lil Swichtenberg have Island, the Navy sent Arnie to San Di- of us,” Arnie said. Soyuz Test Project in 1975 and mis-
traveled to Hawaii many times with ego on a train, a seven day trip with- sion commander of STS-51-J aboard
their family to walk the ground where out all the modern conveniences. It “We had 130 men on board that shuttle Atlantis on a top secret space
the United States fleet was attacked was from there that he shipped out to morning. We didn’t have enough mission in 1985.
on Dec. 7, 1941, plunging Arnie, his Hawaii and ended up on the Trever, men to run the ship and to man all
shipmates and the entire country into working in the engine room and tak- the guns,” he said, but fortunately, “Looking back I was fortunate to
World War II. But this week the Na- ing care of the anchor and the 26-foot all the sailors were cross-trained. have some wonderful mentors who
tional Museum of the Pacific War in whale boats the crew used to ferry “When you were aboard the Trever, were my heroes,” Bobko recalled.
Fredricksburg, Texas will have to suf- back and forth from ship to shore. you learned to do everything.” “Mr. and Mrs. Bunger got me going
fice when they visit there on the 75th down the path of engineering which
anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack. “Hawaii should have been spelled Arnie was ordered to take the opened up so many incredible op-
H-E-A-V-E-N, it’s so beautiful,” Arnie whale boat and go ashore to find the portunities for me.”
As that anniversary approaches, said, adding that the women on the Captain, giving him an up-close and
Arnie, now 95 years old, is one of only island, a blend of different Pacific and scary perspective of the chaos that What does it take to be a hero?
a handful of local survivors who can Asian ethnicities, were just as lovely as ensued. When he got back to the ship, That is the theme that runs
tell the story of that “date which will he was put in charge of communicat- throughout new exhibition “Heroes
live in infamy” firsthand. And he ap- Arnie and Lil Swichtenberg. P HOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE ing orders down the chain for a while, & Legends” that opened at the Ken-
pears to be the only one still able to because he was (and still is) a self-de- nedy Space Center Visitor Complex
travel. the scenery. He remembers frequent- scribed “good talker.” on Nov. 11. Designed to be the first
ing a watering hole called the Mon- stop upon entering the complex, the
“There are less than 1,000 of us left,” key Bar, where sailors went to blow Over the past few weeks leading $20 million, 20,000 square-foot exhi-
Swichtenberg said, seated next to Lil off steam and mingle with the local up to the big 75th anniversary, Arnie bition transports guests back to the
in their matching wing-back chairs girls. “They called it the Monkey Bar said he’s been called on to share his early years of NASA’s manned space
in the living room of their Barefoot because they had monkeys in cages.” memories with media outlets all over program to explore the concept of
Bay home. His usual bouncy, boister- the world – there aren’t many guys heroism utilizing four unique set-
ous manner faded for a second as he Arnie said he and his fellow sail- like him left, and likely very few with tings.
stared off, thinking of all those he’s ors were enjoying what they knew in recollections as sharp. A NASA design specialist, Eric
seen pass on before him. their hearts would be their final days Stiles came up with the concept three
of peacetime before the uncertain- In August 1946 Arnie returned years ago.
Swichtenberg served for many ties of war. They saw the newspaper home from the South Pacific, got “We tell how the early pioneers
years as president of the Treasure headlines and the sketchy newsreels married, started a family and raised of Mercury paved the way for the
Coast chapter of the Pearl Harbor about what was happening in Europe dairy cows in California. He attend- Apollo and Space Shuttle missions,”
Survivors Association, but the group and Asia – Adolph Hitler rolling into ed agriculture classes for six years at Stiles explained. “Those seven as-
was forced to disband in 2011 for lack Poland, Benito Mussolini growing the University of California at Berke- tronauts’ courage and dedication
of active members. In 2009 there were in power in Italy and the Japanese ley, bought a dairy and built his herd built the foundation. There’s a com-
15 known survivors in the region, but invading parts of China. They had of cattle. He put his life on hold and mon thread that runs through all
now Arnie is one of only three and heard about American ships being went to serve his country again when these men – the attributes of a hero.
he’s not certain how the other two torpedoed in the North Atlantic. he was called back into active duty The challenge putting the exhibit to-
are doing, both ailing and in nursing during the Korean War. gether was not to do too much – not to
homes last he knew. “We knew it was coming. We just get into the specifics of the rockets or
didn’t know where or when or what day. Twenty years after World War II end- revolutionary technology.
Nearly 2,400 people perished in the We didn’t think it would be Pearl Har- ed, Arnie was a widower. He met Lil in “It’s all about storytelling, mak-
Japanese attack, while another 60,000 bor,” he said. “I got up at six, ate and got July 1966 and they were married by Oc- ing it a highly emotional experience.
watched, fighting back against the to my whale boat. We were going back tober. Arnie with three children and Lil We’ve taken the early space story
Zeros. Some manned the guns and to the states on Monday morning.” with two, they blended their family and and transformed it into an amazing
others rescued the wounded or tried had a sixth child together, a daughter. theatrical and multi-sensory experi-
to keep ships afloat. The ships, sitting Arnie remembers going on deck for A few weeks ago they celebrated their ence. Guests live the stories of those
in port, were not armed for battle; the the presentation of colors and short- 50th wedding anniversary. incredible experiences.”
captain of the U.S.S. Trever, where ly after, “hearing an ungodly roar of The building entrance is graced by
Swichtenberg was stationed, wasn’t aircraft engines like I’d never heard Arnie looks back on his war days a 30-foot-tall, 40-foot-wide digitally
even onboard, but at home with his before.” the same way he looks back on his de- sculpted bas-relief of the Mercury
wife and family. cades working the farm and raising a Seven astronauts on the exterior wall.
big family – with an unwavering opti- The first presentation takes place in
Swichtenberg grew up on a farm in mism and zest for life. the 360-degree Discovery Bay. Rap-
New Jersey, but his family lost their id-fire images flash along a curving
land 1934. His dad went to work in one “There were no bad days, every day wall as dozens of people from the
of President Roosevelt’s Civilian Con- was a good day,” he said. early astronauts to Elon Musk, Mark
servation Corps camps and the kids Twain, Carl Sagan and everyday peo-
were sent to live with relatives while Even Pearl Harbor? ple, including wide-eyed kids, deliver
they finished school. Arnie graduated “We laughed about a lot of things candid and spontaneous responses
from a technical high school in 1938 that day. We all did everything we to the question: what is a hero? The
and worked in a push-button radio were supposed to do. Everybody gave segment also touches on the rivalry
factory until he wandered into a U.S. 100 percent,” he said. “It’s hard to tell between the U. S. and the former So-
Navy recruiter’s office and signed up. you about the camaraderie among viet Union that was the impetus for
He remembers the day his military men when you are in battle. Every- America’s push toward the stars.
body does everything to the best of
their ability. It’s beyond compare.” 

6 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™


Wyatt Hoover Davis and Mayor Jim Simmons said Hoover said he wants to maintain as well, and expressed his thanks to
they are excited about Hoover’s election. the “residential aspect of the town” those who voted him back onto the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 and improve its “walkability.” commission.
“I think that he is very bright, obvi-
Hoover’s family watched. Shortly af- ously educated and open-minded and “When I say that [about walkabil- Dorfman was out of town and so
ter, those in attendance, including willing to learn and vice versa, he’ll ity], everybody kind of focuses on she was not sworn in at the meeting.
members of the commission, held a bring learning to us too, and the enthu- A1A, which is not my intent neces- Because of her absence, the commis-
small celebration. siasm he’s displayed, I think will be a sarily, but rather making sure that as sion put off its decision about who will
real attribute in our efforts,” Davis said. the population of our gateway com- serve as the town’s vice-mayor, a posi-
“I feel honored, humbled, privi- munities continues to grow, and we tion Dorfman held as of Election Day.
leged to serve my neighbors and “I’m really happy. I supported him in continue to see more and more road
friends here in Melbourne Beach,” the election,” Simmons said. “I met him vehicle traffic coming through and Additionally, Mayor Jim Simmons
the 34-year-old Hoover said. through the Rotary Club when I started into Melbourne Beach, that residents read a proclamation honoring outgoing
going there and people told me he was have the [necessary] pedestrian in- Commissioner Gail Gowdy for her con-
He was one of three candidates interested in running. He makes logic- frastructure so we feel safe having tributions to the community. Gowdy,
elected to the commission out of four based decisions from what I’ve seen . our children, our parents, ourselves who had served since November 2013
that ran. Incumbents Tom Davis and . . and from what I know he always is and our pets out on walks and beach was not reelected, and ended her term
Margot Dorfman were reelected to well-prepared. So I’m really looking cruisers enjoying our beautiful com- on the commission on Nov. 16.
serve new terms. forward to working with him.” munity,” Hoover said.
The commission’s next regular
Davis was sworn in at the meeting meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. on Decem-
ber 21. 

Lagoon tax could be obtained,” Trefry said. “The
reason we’re doing that is we’ve only
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 had year-to-year funding, with no time
to really plan. The big improvement of
Management Department. the 10-year plan is we can start to get
Dr. John Trefry, a professor of ocean permits, maybe lagoon-wide permits,
and my dream is that we’re dredging,
engineering and sciences at the Flori- say between Pineda Causeway and the
da Institute of Technology, explained [State Road] 520 Causeway in the Indi-
the science of how muck removal helps an River Lagoon – in the lagoon and in
the lagoon. the Banana River.”

“Wherever muck exists, it’s really But the muck dredging is just a part
fine-grained, it’s easily re-suspended, of what it will take to heal the Indian
it clouds the water and it can block River Lagoon, Trefry notes.
light needed by seagrasses. It can clog
gills of organisms and things like that,” “Step one is stopping ingredients
Trefry said. “Also, as a fine-grain sen- that create muck from coming in and
timent, it stores a lot of pollutants and some things have already occurred
nutrients, and that’s a problem.” [to accomplish that] . . . that’s num-
ber one,” Trefry said. “Muck is num-
Nutrient storage – and release – is ber two.”
the biggest problem with the muck,
which Trefry has likened to “black In addition to muck dredging, sales-
mayonnaise.” tax funds will be used to reduce pol-
lution from septic systems ($63 mil-
“The most important reason [for lion); clean up stormwater before it
dredging] that I’m pushing is that the enters the lagoon ($10 million); create
muck constantly releases nitrogen and and monitor oyster reefs that help pu-
phosphorous [which comes from de- rify the water ($10 million); upgrade
composing organic matter and fertil- reclaimed water services ($9 million);
izer runoff] back into the water,” Trefry and increase fertilizer management
said. “Almost half of the all the nitro- and public education regarding water
gen and phosphorus coming into the pollution and lagoon health ($600,000).
lagoon right now is coming [up from
the muck at] the bottom. It’s a legacy Trefry believes educating the public
load and it’s more important than is key to restoring the health of the la-
what’s washing in from the sides.” goon. He says taking even basic mea-
sures can make a big difference.
When nitrogen and phosphorous
load the water, the chemicals feed de- “Make sure that any lawn cuttings or
structive algae blooms that consume things that you wash off your land don’t
oxygen and block sunlight to seagrass go in the street, in the storm drains,
and other organisms. When the algae or, if you’re close to the lagoon, into
dies, it drifts to the bottom making still the lagoon,” Trefry said. “That’s one
more nutrient-filled muck that will be of the biggest problems we have, still.”
stirred up by future storms and wave He added that residents can seek state
action, starting the cycle over again. funding to repair or replace worn-out
septic systems that leak nutrients and
Currently, muck dredging takes other toxic chemicals into the lagoon,
place in offshoots of the lagoon, but and follow the Brevard County ban on
the new funds could allow for a much fertilizing during the rainy season.
greater reach.
If everyone cooperates, Trefry be-
“Right now, we’re doing dredging lieves it is a realistic possibility to have
in Turkey Creek, we’re dredging up in the health of the lagoon substantially
Cocoa, we’re dredging places that are restored within a decade. 
sort of off to the side, where permits

8 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly


Triathletes rise (early) to the Capt. Hiram’s Challenge

1 23
4 56


Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 9


9 10


1. Ben Elliott, Sam Vash and Richard Waugh.

2. Sean Alcorn and overall female winner

Sarah Manierre. 3. Overall male winner Buddy

Verderber with his father, Bud. 4. Overall female

winner is Sarah Manierre from Indialantic.

5. Capt Hiram’s River Challenge Triathlon.

6. Matt Price with Blake, Kenle and Michael

Harris. 7. Will Collins. 8. Capt Hiram’s River

Challenge Triathlon. 9. Brice Bass of Monticello.

10. Ramses Rodriguez from Pt. St. Lucie.

11. Dalton and Dalton Gornto cheer on the racers

with mom, Destiny, and grandmother, Lynn.

12. Officer Tegpreet Singh, with Anjani CIrillo and


11 Roughly 200 hearty triathletes were
undeterred by the early-morning
chill last Sunday as they dove into
the water at the start of the fourth
annual Capt. Hiram’s River Chal-
lenge to “Get off your ass and save
some seagrass.” A quick towel-off
after the quarter-mile swim and
participants were on to the next two
phases of the event, a 12-mile bike
ride and 5K run along Indian River
Drive. Event proceeds benefited the
Coastal Conservation Association,
Environmental Learning Center
and Ocean Research and Conserva-
tion Association in their efforts to
safeguard our ecologically diverse
Indian River Lagoon. 


10 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly


A shout-out to Scouts for making Lightfest shine

Staff Writer

Putting up 3 million Christmas lights Back row from left, Kristen Marotta, Shana Richardson, Paul Kreul, Andrew Kreul, Juliana Kreul;
is no easy task, but many of Brevard’s
Boy Scout Troops and Cub Scout Packs bottom row from left, Cole Marotta, Hudson Marotta, Jeremy Kreul. PHOTOS: RYAN CLAPPER
were up to the challenge, as usual,
working diligently to help set up the drew Kreul, who acts as a leader for this
17th annual Space Coast Lightfest at group.
Wickham Park in Melbourne. Lightfest
officially kicked things off the evening “It feels pretty good to help people
of Nov. 20 with a Tree Lighting and a see this kind of stuff on Christmas or
Run Among the Lights 5K, and will re- sometime near that time,” added Jer-
main open until Jan. 1. emy Kreul.

“It takes thousands of man hours; it Echoing those sentiments was Cole
takes hundreds of volunteers that all Marotta of Troop 57, based out of Palm
come together to pull this together,” Bay.
said Shanna Richardson, event orga-
nizer and senior field director with “It looks good,” said Marotta, adding
the Central Florida Council of the Boy that doing the work made him feel “re-
Scouts of America. ally good.”

The volunteers came primarily from And the scouts don’t just help with
more than 30 troops and packs in the putting up and taking down the lights.
county and they actually began the The Kreuls say they’ll be there volun-
task quite a while ago. The lights gen- teering to make sure all goes smoothly
erally begin to go up in early October, as patrons visit the exhibit.
though Richardson noted their efforts
were delayed just a bit his year due to Judging by the scouts’ words, peo-
Hurricane Matthew. ple who attend the event are likely to

“Each of them (troops and packs)
sort of owns a display,” Richardson ex-

Among the many volunteers in-
volved in the project were 16-year-old
Andrew Kruel and 12-year-old Jer-
emy Kruel from Melbourne-based Boy
Scout Troop 285. Andrew Kreul said
they enlisted the help of between 10
and 15 people, including adults, to help
set up the various displays.

“I set up a couple of displays. I believe
the story was ‘Christmas Story’; it’s by
the amphitheater,” said Jeremy Kreul.

The boys said that despite the obvi-
ous labor involved, they really enjoyed
helping out. “It’s hard work but it is fun
to see what you have set up,” said An-

Jeremy Kreul fastens the display with wire clips. be quite impressed. “I’ve seen it lit
up,” said Andrew Kreul. “It’s great.”

Lightfest is open from 6:30 p.m. to 10
p.m. every night, including on all holi-

Admission is $15 per vehicle and
Richardson said guests are able to ride
around as many times as they want.
All of the proceeds will benefit the Boy

Additionally, hayrides are available
for $5 per person on Friday, Saturday
and Sunday, and carriage rides can be
arranged by calling 321-917-8752. Oh,
and Santa Claus will be in attendance
as well.

For more information, visit space- 


12 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™


Thousands make the scene at Cocoa Beach Art Show

BY CHRIS BONANNO Crowds on Saturday morning.
Staff Writer

A Thanksgiving weekend tradition Paul Emig of Indian Harbour Beach. P HOTOS BY RYAN CLAPPER
was renewed recently as the 53rd in-
stallment of the Cocoa Beach Art Show Carlos Woodson of Woodson Wrap Shack in Sanford. Bruce Best of Nui Tiki in Cocoa Beach.
was held downtown.
The event attracted thousands of live bands that performed throughout patrons at the event, which had free ad-
“There’s every possible different shoppers and spectators who came not the weekend mission, wouldn’t go hungry.
type of art,” said Steve Romano, chair- just for art, but also to soak up the lively
man of the show, mentioning water scene, enjoy festival food and listen to A chili cook-off at a Cocoa Beach Fire For information about the show, go to
colors, oil painting, sculptures and Department station further ensured 

Artists came from as far away as Cali-
fornia, Wisconsin and New Hampshire
to participate in the event.

“Artists are almost like the PGA golf
tour,” Romano said. “They set their
schedule and they attend events based
on where they are.”

At the same time, many of the art-
ists were from close by, including three
from Melbourne Beach.

Lori Hlvasa, who displayed air-
brushed and acrylic painting that fo-
cused on the environment, was one
of the three representing Melbourne

“I’ve been drawing all my life, since I
was small in a corner like I’m sitting in
now. I just use my sketchbook. Every-
thing’s from imagination,” said Hlvasa.

Also from Melbourne Beach were na-
ture photographer Chris Wilson, and
Jennifer Grimes, who displayed an ar-
ray of glass jewelry.

Like Hlvasa, they both said it took
a lot of time for them to get skilled
enough to display their work in Cocoa’s
tradition-rich show.

“My husband and I do all of the glass-
work,” Grimes said. “All of these pieces
are hand blown on the torch … then
we take those pieces and we assemble
them to all original pieces of jewelry.
This is our 12th or 13th year, and we’re
still working and learning.”

“I’ve been shooting photos profes-
sionally for 27 years,” Wilson said. “I
was given a camera when I was about
9 years old.”

The trio is among a group of about
150 artists who participated in the jur-
ied art show, organizers said.

“It’s wonderful. There’s a nice mix-
ture,” said Cindy Kelley, who serves as
art director for the show, on what she
saw walking around.

More than anything, the show has
become a part of the beachside com-

“It’s a community art show,” Romano
said. “We don’t have big sponsors giving
us thousands of dollars. We have resi-
dents giving us $50, $100, $300, $500.”

“It’s great,” Wilson added. “There’s al-
ways tons of people here and it’s a really
good show.”

Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 13


Coming Up: Christmas stage shows ‘four’ everyone!

BY MICHELLE GENZ matinee. Melbourne Civic Theatre,
Staff Writer which dates back to 1952, is near
Melbourne’s historic downtown on
1 If you think putting up the East Strawbridge Avenue.
Christmas lights is a major ef-

fort your neighbors should thank

you for, imagine the work that goes

into the holiday productions on

four community theater stages this

month. How these mostly-volunteer ‘Messiah’ singalong.

shows find the time for rehearsals,

set-building and costume sewing –

never mind the productions them-

selves – is a Christmas miracle if ever

there was one.

This weekend at the Henegar Cen-

ter, “A Christmas Story – The Musi-

cal” opens, running through Dec. 18.

Author Jean Shepherd’s story, made ‘Meet Me In St. Louis.’

into a movie in 1983, has become

a Christmas TV tradition (news to

me, mother of three). The musical 3 Cocoa Village Playhouse is
staging “Meet Me in St. Louis”
version opened for a brief run on

Broadway in 2012, to good reviews. for one last weekend. The show ,

and a Tony nomination for Best Mu- about a turn-of-the-century Mid-

sical. Set in the 1940s, the classic sto- western family headed for the 1904

ry involves a boy named Ralphie and World’s Fair, stars Kyle McDonald as

his Christmas wish list that includes John Truitt the boy next door adored

a Red Ryder BB gun. His mother pro- by Esther Smith, the girl next door,

tests, “You’ll shoot your eye out.” But played by Kalyn Eastman. Just in

in the great tradition of Christmas case the show needed blessings from

Eve power plays, the dad prevails above, the grandfather is played by

and gets him one. And in the great the retired rector of St. Mark’s Epis-

tradition of mothers always being copal Church, Thomas Gibson.

right, Ralphie does indeed blow his

glasses off. There are a dozen sub- 4 And a study in miracles at the
Titusville Playhouse: “Miracle
plots that keep things lively.

‘A Tuna Christmas.’

2 Also opening this ‘Miracle On 34th Street.’
weekend is Mel-
on 34th Street” with Ben Charvet as
bourne Civic Theatre’s Kris Kringle and Sara Biggs as Doris
and Courtney Charvet – Ben’s real-
“A Tuna Christmas,” a life son – the attorney who falls for
Doris. As for Susan, the little girl
two-man, 22-charac- who melted hearts in the movie

ter comedy that takes CONTINUED ON PAGE 14

town. The insanity is set

in motion by the annual

Christmas Yard Display

Contest. There’s a van-

dal afoot, the mysteri-

ous Christmas Phantom, sabotag-

ing the decorations. Meanwhile, a

production of “A Christmas Carol” is

straining make it to curtain rise. 2910 CARDINAL DR.
“A Tuna Christmas” is directed by 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711

Peg Girard, the group’s artistic direc- THEL AUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM

tor. It runs through a Christmas Eve

14 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13 We Noel,” by the Indialantic Cham- Friday at Melbourne’s St. John the
ber Singers. The combined effort – Evangelist Catholic Church.
played by Natalie Wood, in this pro- a free concert – means St. John the
duction is played by another Char- Evangelist Catholic Church is going 6 It’s been a decade since Birming-
vet, Delilah, the 9-year-old daughter to be filled to the rafters with voices ham, Ala., native Taylor Hicks
of Courtney. The show runs through and orchestra.
Dec. 18. won “American Idol.” He hasn’t quite
The chamber singers will present
a Florida premier of “Magnificat,” topped the hit he released three weeks
a work composed by their interim
5 A glorious event evolved in director, Kyle Jones, organist and later, “Do I Make You Proud?” But he
Melbourne this year when two music director for Eastminster Pres-
byterian. They will also be joining certainly still has his Soul Patrol, the
together in a series of international
musical groups booked the same Christmas carols, accompanied by fans he garnered during the competi-
brass and percussion.
venue and made the best of things tion and who still follow him around
Then comes the singalong to
by merging their concerts. That dou- Handel’s “Messiah,” with featured so- on his tours. Hicks just had his 40th

ble-booking, for this Friday night, birthday in October, but he’s been an

resulted in the Space Coast Orches- old soul all his life, listening not to rock

tra’s annual Messiah Singalong tak- like his peers but to the vintage soul

Kyle Jones. ing place along with a concert, “Sing the grown-ups liked – Marvin Gaye,

Sam Cooke and Ray Charles. When he

Tayor Hicks.

loists including soprano Mary Anne hair started turning gray at 14, he re-
Kruger, an opera singer featured in fused to dye it – “What you see is what
Space Coast’s last concert; Tee Rock- you get,” he told his friends. Gifted
well, a Brevard County public school with perfect pitch, he had a natural
music teacher, also a soprano; Doro- love of performing and taught himself
thy Wright, alto; Matthew Coules, ten- guitar and harmonica by mimicking
or; and Michael John Foster, baritone. the everyday sounds around him – the
whine of a jet or an idling car motor.
It may turn out to be such a suc- He played in front of people every
cess that they do a combined concert chance he got, eventually including
from now on. Joyce Wilden, Space with Willie Nelson, Jackson Browne
Coast’s PR person, says that the Mes- and Snoop Dogg.
siah events are a hit because “the most
appreciative audience for a choral Hicks has been at work on a coun-
concert is always other choral sing- try album lately. When he stops at the
ers because we know what it takes to King Center next Thursday, Dec. 8, he
be really good – and the Indialantic may try out a few, performing in the
Chamber Singers ARE really good!” more intimate Studio Theatre. That
should make the Soul Patrol all the
The Melbourne Holiday Extrava- more devoted. 
ganza, as they’re billing it, takes place

16 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly


New cholesterol drugs: Promising but (very) pricey

BY TOM LLOYD tions from statins.” Dr. Alan Rosenbaum. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
The Harvard Medical School agrees.
Staff Writer cific protein inside the liver – propro-
It points out that while statins “have tein convertase subtilisin kexin 9, or
Two new cholesterol-busting drugs been shown to prevent repeat heart at- PCSK9.
are now on the market, but they both tacks in people who have already had
come with drawbacks. one and first heart attacks in a wide Knocking out this protein, accord-
range of at-risk individuals,” there is ing to researchers at Harvard, can
More than 75 million Americans a smaller subset of patients for whom “dramatically reduce the amount of
– roughly one-third of the country’s statins “don’t lower [LDL] cholesterol harmful LDL cholesterol circulating
adult population – have a low-density enough,” and that “some people can’t in the bloodstream. Lower LDL trans-
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol problem take a statin because of side effects lates into healthier arteries and fewer
– too much of it – according to the Cen- like muscle pain, liver damage or the heart attacks, strokes and other prob-
ters for Disease Control. development of diabetes.” lems related to cholesterol-clogged ar-
For the past 30 years, doctors have Rosenbaum says that between 10
successfully treated the vast majority percent and 30 percent of patients tak- However, the Wall Street Journal
of these patients using a class of drugs ing statins may experience some of points out both Repatha and Pralu-
called “statins.” Some of the most fa- those side effects, while Harvard takes ent carry a price tag of about $14,000 a
miliar names on that list are Lipitor, the middle ground, putting that figure year.
Pravachol, Crestor and Zocor, but now at 20 percent.
there’s a new class of LDL-reducing By comparison, an annual supply of
drugs on the market that offer an al- About 15 months ago, Rosenbaum generic statins costs about $140 – or 1
ternative to statins. and his colleagues were given another percent of the cost of the new drugs.
option for treating high levels of LDL Not surprisingly, as the Tampa Bay
Dr. Alan Rosenbaum, an adult car- when the Food and Drug Adminis- Times reported this November, almost
diovascular disease specialist at the tration approved two new, injectable all health insurance companies are re-
Indian River Medical Center, says, cholesterol-busting drugs known as fusing to pay for the new drugs.
“There’s been very good response clin- PCSK9-inhibitors.
ically with proven lower cardiovascu- While Rosenbaum calls the PCSK9-
lar events with patients on statins long The pharmaceutical giant Amgen’s inhibitors “an ingenious discovery,”
term, but there have also been lots of drug “Repatha” and another drug he, too, appears at least a little cau-
patients who have had adverse reac- called “Praluent” both target a spe- tious about fully embracing them.

CM While a study published in the Jour- 20,000 [patients in] large, multi-center
COLLINS & MONTZ DENTISTRY nal of the American Medical Associa- trials” to get a more accurate picture.
tion this November showed patients
cosmetic dentistry  preventive dentistry using PCSK9-inhibitors achieved “the The National Institute for Health
restorative dentistry  dental implants lowest average level [of LDL] in a major and Care Excellence concurs. “PC-
trial,” only 968 patients participated. SK9-inhibitors,” it says, “have been
Experience the fusion of traditional And, the study was funded by Repatha clinically proven to help more patients
values and modern dentistry. manufacturer Amgen. reach cholesterol treatment goals but
their high prices – and a lack of data so
Dr. J. Hunter Collins Dr. Roger Montz At the very least Rosenbaum calls far on the cardiovascular outcomes –
that study’s sample size “way too raise questions about their cost-effec-
524 Ocean Avenue small,” and adds, “We need 10,000 or tiveness.”
Melbourne Beach, FL 32951
(321) 725-6565 reports, “a study published in the New
England Journal of Medicine in April shows that Praluent causes higher in-
cidence of many of the same side ef-
fects as statins.”

Pfizer canceled its own PCSK9-
inhibitor program in October when a
clinical trial involving 27,000 patients
showed many had developed anti-
bodies to the drug, cancelling-out its
hoped-for benefits.

That said, there is no denying that
PCSK9-inhibitors show great promise.

Anyone who has been unable to
lower their LDL cholesterol levels with
statins, diet and exercise and who has
the means to pay upwards of $14,000
a year for monthly injections of these
new drugs should consult his or her
cardiovascular specialist for more in-

Dr. Alan Rosenbaum is with the Indi-
an River Medical Center. His office is in
the new Health and Wellness building
at 3450 11th Court, Suite 102. The phone
number is 772-778-8687. 

Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 17


Fit in some fitness amid holiday hustle and bustle

BY ARIANA EUNJUNG CHA tor Elizabeth Brooks says aerobic fit- no external loading such as dumbbells wary relatives and friends: walks, run-
ness for regular exercisers (three to or barbells – that you can do anywhere ning while sightseeing, push-ups and
Washington Post six times a week) starts slipping after and anytime. Exercises such as planks, sit-ups in hotel rooms, fitness classes
three days of inactivity; strength con- push-ups, squats, triceps dips and and yoga on the beach or in a cousin’s
The holidays – high on social and ditioning follows soon after. hamstring heel digs can take as little as living room.
food festivities and low on work and 10 to 15 minutes.
working out – are soon upon us. So, Brooks says, whatever you do, In the end, fitness is a way of life. The
don’t stop. “In fact, it’s better to reduce Then there are people – such as human body was made to move. My
But my wish, as a fitness trainer and your fitness activities rather than stop yours truly – who see the holidays, and wish for this season is that we all enjoy
general wellness enthusiast, is for you altogether,” Brooks says. vacations in general, as a time to ex- discovering, or maybe rediscovering,
to exercise not less but, if anything, plore new classes, stick to basic fitness our own holiday miracle – even if it’s
more, because you probably will con- She recommends body-weight ex- routines, and bring along sometimes only for 10 minutes at a time. 
sume greater-¬than-usual amounts of ercises – the type of drills that require
fat and sugar – great fuel for physical

You might say: I will be out of my el-
ement, visiting family where there are
no sidewalks and where I can’t go to
my favorite class or run with my best
run buddy.

But you could use this time to be-
come adept at sneaking in a fitness
routine no matter what the challenge.
Maybe check out a new class or do
body-weight exercises that you can do
anywhere, anytime and for just a few

Or, like Linda Samuel, a Washington
resident with a five-times-a-week fit-
ness habit, you could sign up to do a
“holiday streak group.” She and others
across the country and the world com-
mit to running at least one mile a day
from Thanksgiving to New Year’s.

One mile, even at a slow pace, would
take no more than 12 or 13 minutes. So
not a big time commitment.

The holiday streak group has a Face-
book page where members record
and post comments about their runs.
A snowy Chicago or a sunny Tucson
might be the backdrop.

“It’s inspiring and encouraging to
see other people doing it,” Samuel says,
“and there is also funny commentary
and pictures.”

Laura McPherson, another D.C.
resident, exercises three to four times
weekly and says she loves taking class-
es while traveling. In fact, she is going
on a surf-and-yoga retreat in Costa
Rica in a few weeks.

“I will be curious to see if I can stand
up more than 10 seconds,” she says
about surfing.

What’s harder, she says, is keeping
the routine going at home during the
holidays, with frequent late nights and

“If I can do twice a week, that’s at
least something,” she says, adding that
sometimes her routine is taking a walk.

“Part of my motivation is that if I stay
away from exercising for a couple of
weeks or more, it becomes so painful
to get back on track later.”

McPherson is right about the “snooz-
ing and losing” fitness fast.

Personal trainer and fitness instruc-

18 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly


Hormones can hurt seniors’ appetites ... and here’s YY


Loss of appetite is a common Dr. Felice Haake. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE “Many older people also Android smartphones. A pen and
problem in elderly adults, and it paper method will also work fine;
can have serious consequences, in- cal causes such as congestive heart have a decreased sense just be sure to track everything you
cluding unintentional weight loss failure, diabetes, gastrointestinal eat and (as close as you can) its as-
and undernutrition. Many chalk it complaints and COPD (or the medi- of smell and taste; food sociated calories, protein carbo-
up as a normal part of aging, but cations taken for those and other hydrates and fats. “The very act of
a study from the United Kingdom disorders). Emotional factors such simply doesn’t taste logging what you eat will make you
concludes increased production of as depression and grief can also more conscious of getting the right
a hormone called peptide YY may play a role. Dr. Haake says “many as good, and there’s amount of protein-rich foods,” Dr.
be to blame. older people also have a decreased Haake says.
sense of smell and taste; food sim- less desire to eat.”
Indian River Medical Center’s Fe- ply doesn’t taste as good, and there’s Anorexia of aging can have a sig-
lice Haake, DO, a diplomate of the less desire to eat.” – Dr. Haake nificant negative impact on the
American Board of Obesity Medi- quality of life of seniors, as well
cine and a member of the Obesity If you – or someone you care can. Sometimes, taking a short walk increase the risk of illness. It’s im-
Medical Association (OMA), says about – is having a problem with re- an hour or so before meals can help portant that those suffering from
that the role of peptide YY in ap- duced appetite, here are some tips you feel hungry. the condition are evaluated by their
petite is a well-studied area, with that may help: doctor, and that an individual care
strong evidence of a significant link.  Try varying the texture of the plan be developed to guarantee
 Eat small meals throughout the foods you eat. the intake of adequate amounts of
If challenged to name a human day – 4 or 5 is optimal. Try to include food. Says Dr. Haake: “There may
hormone, peptide YY is likely not protein in every meal.  Socialization can spark the de- be something that can be changed,
the first to come to mind – but we sire to eat. Eat at least some of your like a medication. Or there could
have all felt its effects. Produced  To keep from feeling full early, meals with family or friends. be a condition, like diabetes, that
by cells in the small intestine, it is avoid liquids with meals, or take needs to be better controlled.” She
released after eating and tells our only small sips. Dr. Haake recommends keeping says in some cases the involvement
brain that we are full. a food log as a way of making sure of a dietician is warranted.
 Eat your favorite foods any time enough calories and protein are be-
Researchers from Plymouth Uni- of the day. For example, if you like ing consumed. For those who are Dr. Haake is a Family Practitioner
versity in the United Kingdom en- breakfast foods, eat them for din- technologically adventurous, she and Medical Bariatrician affiliated
rolled 31 healthy adults in their ner. likes the free app “MyFitnessPal”; with the Indian River Medical Cen-
study, six of whom were over the age it’s available for both iPhone and ter. Her office is located at 880 37th
of 80. Participants fasted for several  Liquid dietary supplements can Place, Suite 105 in Vero Beach; the of-
hours before eating a meal that con- be an important tool to encourage fice phone is 772-562-9707. 
tained around 660 calories. The re- appetite. Brands include Carna-
searchers then measured their lev- tion Instant Breakfast, Boost and
els of peptide YY over a three-hour Ensure. You should drink these be-
period, and found that those aged tween meals, not as a meal replace-
80 or over demonstrated a higher ment.
production of the hormone than did
the younger participants. The older  Be as physically active as you
adults also reported reduced hun-
ger and found the food less pleasant
to eat. The results were published in
the journal Appetite.

Previous research suggested so-
called “anorexia of aging” – a term
for this loss of appetite – may be
caused by a reduced production of
ghrelin, a hormone called the “ap-
petite increaser.” Produced by the
stomach, it signals hunger to the
brain. The Plymouth University
study did not bear that out; there
was no difference in levels of ghre-
lin between the younger and older
adults. However, Vero’s Dr. Haake
says that larger studies have sug-
gested that a lowered level of ghre-
lin may be one cause for loss of ap-
petite in older adults.

Anorexia of aging is estimated to
affect up to 20 percent of seniors
and its cause is not limited to hor-
mone production levels. According
to Dr. Haake, there can be physi-

Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 21


Residents walk alongside a higher new metal wall installed by U.S. workers to replace fencing along the border between Juarez, Mexico, and Sunland Park, N.M., on Sept. 12.

a Democrat who represents the Texas United States if Trump won. In October, McAllen Mayor Jim Darling said in an “They told me: Trump doesn’t want
border and received budgetary approval Border Patrol apprehended 46,195 mi- interview. you here. He’s going to kick you out,”
for 55 more immigration judges in fis- grants, nearly 11,000 more than in the said Doris Medina, 43, taking shelter
cal 2016, said it was unrealistic to think same month during the immigration Ever Javier Palma Romero, a from the rain on a cot inside one of the
the courts could quickly accelerate their crisis in 2014. 24-year-old fish processor from coast- tents at the church shelter. About 20
processing of cases. al El Salvador, spent six weeks on the other adults and children, many of them
In McAllen, at the Sacred Heart Cath- road with his daughter, Jackeline, 4, coughing, sat around her.
“Right now, we’re backlogged half a olic Church, which takes in migrants to reach the U.S. border. Rival gangs
million [cases] with the current judges once Border Patrol agents release them control huge swaths of territory in his But analysts, lawyers and elected offi-
that we have,” he said in an interview. for their immigration court appear- country, and Palma said he had been cials on both sides of the border say it is
“Practically, you’re talking about years ances, there were days in October when beaten and robbed by gang members, a place that has always defied easy fixes
and years” to process those cases. nearly 500 adults and children arrived, who also killed his uncle. In his pock- and expensive barriers.
prompting authorities to erect tents et, he carried a folded copy of a state-
Two years ago, after a flood of families to house the Central Americans in the ment that his mother gave to police Medina was on her way from Hondu-
from El Salvador, Honduras and Guate- parking lot. last year saying two gang members ras to New Orleans to reunite with her
mala overwhelmed border authorities, had knocked on the family’s door and husband. She first came to the United
the Obama administration launched a “We’ve seen more people show up threatened to kill him. States in 1992, and she had spent most
public-relations campaign to discour- dehydrated, sick with scabies and chick- of her adult life in Los Angeles, working
age migrants from making the trip, enpox. We need to get more medical Two years ago, the border-crossers in a cafeteria at DreamWorks Studios
stepped up deportations of migrants treatment,” said Josh Ramirez, McAllen’s were mostly women and children, but a and making deliveries for Pizza Hut.
who were denied asylum and pressured health director. significant number of the families at the
Mexico to crack down on its own south- church shelter were single men travel- Medina won a form of asylum known
ern border. Spikes in illegal migration to the Unit- ing with children. Without the kids, they as “temporary protected status,” but
ed States occur for different reasons, in- said, their chances of being allowed to when her mother was diagnosed with
Fewer migrants arrived at the U.S.- cluding misinformation about potential stay would be much lower. cancer in Honduras, she went home
Mexico border in 2015, but the figures amnesties and fears of a stricter climate without permission and could not re-
have been climbing this year. Violence in the future. Several migrants who arrived at the turn legally.
and poverty continue to drive people Texas border in recent days said that
north, along with election-year fac- “I’m sure that the discussion about a Border Patrol agents taunted them A smuggler was her only ticket back to
tors: Some migrants had expected that wall and getting tough on immigration about Trump’s victory and threatened the United States, she said, and he had
it might be more difficult to enter the was used by people down there to say, deportation. told her that “I needed to get across be-
‘Get up here now before it’s too late,’” fore that man won.” 

22 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly

RATING HOSPITALS: exempt organization, might be considered tion is available for review online.
GOVERNMENT AGENCIES a quasi-government agency since a ma- Each state has its own agency for admin-
jority of state governments require hos- istering its Medicaid program. In Florida,
Among the hundreds of people entering a pitals to be accredited by TJC to receive the Agency for Health Care Administration
hospital on any given day, some are there Medicaid reimbursement. Likewise, since is the chief health policy and planning en-
on a mission to evaluate patient safety and 1965 when Medicare began, the federal tity. Last year AHCA managed the state’s
quality. Some site visits are announced; government has required hospitals to be $23 billion Medicaid program serving ap-
some are not. accredited by TJC to qualify for reimburse- proximately 3.5 million low-income Florid-
Who employs these surveyors? ment from Medicare. Another company, ians. AHCA representatives visit hospitals
The organizations that perform inspections Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Network Inc., to investigate patient complaints and re-
and evaluations can be split into three gen- has also been approved by the Centers for search possible fraudulent activity.
eral categories: 1.) quasi-government/gov- Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) as an ac- Finally, the government agency respon-
ernment agencies that perform mandated crediting organization. sible for safe and healthy working condi-
reviews; 2.) not-for-profit professional medi- Surveyors can appear for an unannounced tions is the Occupational Safety and Health
cal associations invited to ensure a hospital site survey at any time. To prepare, health- Administration. OSHA’s regulations per-
is adhering to best practices; and 3.) proprie- care organizations continuously examine tain to all workers, including healthcare
tary companies that assign ratings to health- and review processes, policies and proce- employees. OSHA inspectors make sure
care organizations. dures relative to stringent standards set by halls are not obstructed, equipment is well
This column will focus on the first category, their accrediting organization. Substantial maintained, and hospital staff receives rec-
quasi-government/government agencies, time, money and resources are committed ommended vaccines, etc.
which include: The Joint Commission (TJC), by healthcare organizations to prepare for While it can be challenging for a hospital
the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid and undergo accrediting surveys. to navigate the voluminous regulations re-
(CMS), the Agency for Health Care Adminis- Although CMS does not perform site sur- quired by numerous agencies, the ultimate
tration (AHCA), and the Occupational Safe- veys, all hospitals that serve Medicare/ goal of all of the agencies is the same — to
ty and Health Administration (OSHA). Medicaid patients are required to submit make sure patients benefit from health-
The other two categories will be covered in data to them on a regular basis. Infor- care’s “best practices” every day, every
future columns. mation on their website (www.medicare. time.
The Joint Commission, a not-for-profit tax- gov/hospitalcompare) provides the most
thorough, apples-to-apples, reporting for Your comments and suggestions for future topics are
consumers. Although data can be up to always welcome. Email us at [email protected].
two years old, patient satisfaction levels,
ER wait times, infection rates for specific © 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
types of procedures, and other informa-

Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 23


In the summer of 1839, when Lou- and all millennia. be familiar to any museum-goer, but anymore, they ask. Could we ever?
is Daguerre “forced the sun to take The history of pic- the authors enliven their tour by dis- In comparing paintings with pho-
pictures,” the first daguerreotypes cussing the commonalities of pic-
led to a mania that gripped all of tures, Hockney says, tures and the unique vision of their tos, both authors side with the for-
Paris. Chemicals, lenses and camera “begins in the caves creators. Chapters focus on shad- mer.
obscuras sold out of shops. Across and ends, at the mo- ows, mirror images, moving images,
the City of Light, men were seen ment, with an iPad.” staged photos and, finally, the future To prove their point, they juxta-
balancing bulky boxes on tripods. Hockney and Gayford of pictures. Hockney includes some pose a photo of France’s Mt. Sainte
“Everyone wanted to copy the view trace the history in a of his own works, including a stun- Victoire with one of Cézanne’s many
offered by his window,” one Pari- conversation, similar ning still life done on an iPad and a renderings of the mountain. Only
sian recalled. “The poorest pictures to the one in their 2011 collage he made on an early fax ma- the most evocative photos compare
caused him unutterable joy.” book, “A Bigger Mes- chine. Pictures, he notes, are “a per- with what Damien Hirst calls the
sage.” Again the cel- sonal angle on reality.” “yumminess” of paint. Yet whether
Pictures, two-dimensional models ebrated British artist made by hand or by camera, Hock-
of a 3D world, have captivated hu- proves as innovative Though Hockney knows his art ney insists, any image deserving our
manity since the first artist painted in thought as he is on history, Gayford is the expert, spic- attention must be “the product of
the first bison by torchlight. But the canvas. And Gayford, ing the conversation with rubicons hard looking, skill, and require the
typical art history is defined by its me- art critic for the Spec- in the long cavalcade of imagery. hand, the heart and the eye.”
dium, charting the progress of paint- tator, is a gentle guide, Opening the chapter on “Photogra-
ing, photography or frescoes. steering the conversa- phy, Truth and Painting,” Gayford re- But pictures may be too much
tion through a themat- counts an 1862 legal battle between with us now. The stirring self-por-
Artist David Hockney and art critic ic tour of the world’s French painters and photographers. traits of Rembrandt and van Gogh
Martin Gayford have a broader pur- images, some classics, Seems the painters had copied pho- have morphed into the ubiquitous
pose. Their big, beautiful book, “A but most little-known. tos onto canvas, leading the photog- “selfies” of everyone everywhere.
History of Pictures,” explores our long raphers to sue for violation of copy- Estimates suggest that nearly 400
love affair with pictures from all media Reading “A History right. But French copyright law only billion photos are taken each year,
of Pictures” is like applied to art. Was photography an more snapped every few minutes
touring a great muse- art? Painters protested that photog- than were taken in the 19th century.
um with an artist and critic chatting raphy was nothing more than “a se- Hockney is not encouraged by this
over your shoulder. The conversa- ries of completely mechanical ma- glut. Given its ubiquity and idiot-
tion sometimes drones on, especial- nipulations.” The judge sided with proof process, photography as we
ly when Hockney rehashes his “opti- them, but the photographers won once knew it is over, he laments.
cal theory” that artists from Jan van on appeal.
Eyck onward used lenses to project Gayford is less pessimistic. Smart
images onto canvas. But most of Like any conversation, the talk is phone cameras and other wizardry
the dialogue, abundantly illustrated sometimes bogged down by banal- have made, he says, “a revolution as
with full-page glossies, is original ity. “People like pictures,” Hockney profound as that brought about by
and surprising. says. “Pictures are a way of repre- printing.”
Where else would we find images senting the world,” Gayford chimes
from Giotto compared to Disney in. But once the talk turns to con- Even if Hockney complains about a
cartoons? Caravaggio to “Hollywood temporary pictures, our image- surfeit of photos, few of them mem-
lighting”? Plato’s cave to television? drunk world unfolds beneath the orable, the snapshots just keep com-
At times, Hockney and Gayford are eyes of these experts. Suddenly, the ing. Google any word, click “images”
encyclopedias of images, contrast- most iconic pictures are revealed to and the clutter fills your screen. Such
ing figures separated by centuries of have deep roots. The crowded cover clutter demands a clean-up, which
art history. Elsewhere, they are awe- of the Beatles’ “Sgt. Pepper” album makes “A History of Pictures” vital
struck amateurs, gazing in wonder at is compared to the group portraits reading. 
the beauty and power of a Velázquez, of Impressionists made by Fantin-
a Hokusai, a sepia-toned photo by Latour. We learn that, long before A HISTORY OF PICTURES
Eugène Atget. Photoshop, photographers manipu- FROM THE CAVE TO THE COMPUTER SCREEN
Some of the history, including a lated images in the darkroom or in BY DAVID HOCKNEY AND MARTIN GAYFORD
full chapter on Renaissance art, will the field. Can we trust photography
Abrams. 360 pp. $45
Review by Bruce Watson, The Washington Post


1. The Whistler 1. Settle for More 1. Diary of a Wimpy Kid #11:
- Launch Reception
Join us for a very special BY JOHN GRISHAM BY MEGYN KELLY Double Down BY JEFF KINNEY
party to celebrate the three 2. Into the Lion's Den
unique anthologies edited 2. Night School 2. Killing the Rising Sun
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published by 3. Give Please a Chance
Stories of You Books 3. This Was a Man 3. Best. State. Ever.
Tuesday, Dec. 6th at 5:30pm BY JEFFREY ARCHER BY DAVE BARRY
4. Take Heart, My Child
4. No Man's Land 4. Cooking for Jeffrey
5. What Do You Do With a
5. The Woman in Cabin 10 5. A Lowcountry Heart Problem? BY KOBI YAMADA


Saturday, December 3rd
between 1pm and 3pm

Grow Your Heart
Three Sizes!

392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |

26 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™



5 Perspicacious(11) 1 Deportment (6)
7 Swap (6) 2 Smooth, glossy (5)
8 Echo (6) 3 Book collection (7)
9 Fish basket (5) 4 Seaweed (4)
10 Vow (7) 5 Legacy (11)
12 Resilience (7) 6 Seethrough (11)
13 Customary (5) 11 Rearranged word (7)
16 Disconnect (6) 14 Sofa (6)
18 Milliner (6) 15 Neutral colour (5)
19 Delight (11) 17 Good fortune (4)

The Telegraph


Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

Vero’s Best kept Secrets with an exceptional selection at Center Stage with your most affordable front row seat in town. The Telegraph
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Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 27


ACROSS today and Travis 73 Minderbinder of The Washington Post
75 Mailroom 13 ___ moment Catch-22
1 Relish
5 City near St. employee (right now) 75 Inside line at the
76 Big name in 14 Deprive of a right track?
Petersburg 15 Olive genus
10 Richard Dreyfuss rackets 16 Ten Days That 77 Catch, as crooks
78 Bacchus fan 79 Coincidental,
film, 80 Land in Hawaii? Shook the World
Moon Over ___ 81 Transmit author with a twist
17 Type of 24 Across 82 Eikenberry-Tucker 18 Pack animal 83 T.A., e.g.
18 Antacids, for short 19 A ship’s shell 85 Baseball
20 Explosive series 20 Vigor’s partner
21 Car wobble? 84 Speaker of 22 Part of CO2 announcer Tony
23 Tot’s complaint 27 Beatles tune, 87 Right-hand pages
at a parade baseball “___ 88 Drive-in diner
24 Lead instrument 85 “You’re the bee’s in the Life”
on “Tequila” 28 Making bread server
25 Baggage ___” and pastry? 89 Dip with zip
checkers, 86 Part of E.O.M. 30 Gift from a 91 Telethon regulars
in a way 87 Barrister wear doctor? 93 Hoses down
26 Umpire? 88 Cucumber-like 32 Prohibit legally 94 Small monkeys
28 Clarinet socket 89 Terms of 33 Convex molding 95 Distort
29 Change 34 Caan jobs 96 At any time
31 Toshiro’s tender endearment 35 Resting places 97 “King of the road”
32 Legendary city of 90 Enzyme ending 37 Soft drink brand 98 Joyce’s home,
gold, El ___ 92 Proust character 38 Fol-de-___
35 G or bass, e.g. 94 Margin setters 39 Short run, or poetically
36 Curly coifs 95 Answer to “Where about a thousand 99 Nine-digit ID
40 Cough syrup amt. bytes 101 ___ nostrum (“our
43 Call up, as images are we, Mr. 41 Head on a ranch
44 “Where Dillon?” 42 Marty playwright sea,” the
prohibited” 100 5,280 feet 44 Use of everyday Romans’ name
preceder 102 Fergie’s kid, for events in opera for the
45 “Whizzer” White short 45 Back-breaking Mediterranean)
46 Falafel holder 105 Barnstormers amount of weight, 102 Be vague about
47 Tree trunk 106 Purring, fur- to Andy Capp? 103 Other than you
48 Takes sick licking, etc.? 46 Slinkies? 104 Unclean, as a
50 Chicago train 109 Song bird? 48 Caesar’s knee grate
52 Pagers and sirens 110 Sun rooms 49 Think yearningly 107 Gin guy’s first
54 Condo 111 Mawkish of name
alternatives amorousness 51 007 film, A ___ a 108 Playful pup
56 Quashed, as a 112 Tru’s playwright, Kill
news story Jay ___ Allen 53 Jousted PLACES, EVERYONE By Merl Reagle
57 The Lone Ranger 113 Nuclear reactors 55 Coming before:
theme composer 114 Cobras, to abbr.
58 Balearic island mongooses 58 Uris novel, ___
60 Abrasive powder 18
61 Audrey, about to DOWN 59 “Enid fell in
use 1 Hits with a phaser longing for ___”
Vanish? 2 Scat lady (Tennyson)
64 “This ticket 3 River to Hell 62 Argue at a bazaar
belongs 4 A Smothers 63 Tobacco kiln
to whomever ___” 64 Steppenwolf
(Lotto dictum) brother author
67 Wicked 5 Prometheus, e.g. 65 Denver tree
68 Dean and Frank’s 6 In need of Ben 66 “Gangway!”
clique 69 Befuddled
72 High regard Gay 70 Conceal, to
74 Schweitzer’s 7 Severinsen’s Camus
nation, 71 S.H. of dime-
Tonight store fame
Show heir
8 Supportive of
9 Opening letters?
10 Slightly, in music
11 Rachins of 82
12 Singers Newman

The Telegraph

28 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™


Hubby moves the goal posts on ‘start a family’ decision

BY CAROLYN HAX and given him the time he requested. I just want
Washington Post
an answer but don’t know how to ask for one
Dear Carolyn,
My husband and I have without getting overly emotional.
been together 10 years and
married for three. We have – K.
had a lot of conversations
about our relationship and Now he says we need to wait to discuss kids until K.: If you get overly emotional, so be it; it’s
future family aspirations. About 18 months the new puppy is at least 6 months old. not ideal, but it’s better than mutely accepting
ago, I indicated I was ready to start a family. He his (I agree) very clear if inadvertent process of
was hesitant and suggested we were not in the I am getting really frustrated with his continual dragging out this choice to oblivion.
right place (we both hated our jobs) but should pushing off of this decision. It is starting to feel like
work out a plan to move in that direction. So the timing will never be right, that he is leading me Just pick a good time when your attentions
we did. At the beginning of 2016, we both got on and isn’t taking my feelings into account, par- aren’t divided, summon all the reserves of calm
new jobs and purchased a house that would al- ticularly given that his two- to three-month time- you have and say it: “I am very frustrated by
low us to grow as a family. lines add up, and I am not getting any younger. I this series of postponements. First it’s the job,
In June, we decided we would “remove the have been completely open and honest with him then the vacation, now the dog. One is a fine
barriers” to start a family after my August va- idea, two are a concern, three are you not tell-
cation. ing me something – or not facing up to some-
Once the vacation was over, he expressed thing yourself.
doubt that he could give me what I wanted
when it came to kids, said the idea of kids “Is that fair?
scares him, and was worried we had not struggled “I’d like either to start trying now to start
enough as a couple. When I asked what he meant a family, or to hear you say definitively that
by that, he said he could not explain it. It was a you’ve changed your mind on kids. That way I
heart-wrenching conversation, and we left it that can start to make up my mind on what I will
we would discuss again at the end of October after need to do next.”
he could think about it more. Whether to have children (and when) is a huge
During this time, he expressed desire for a sec- decision, yes, and an even larger commitment,
ond puppy, which we brought home in October (a which means some flexibility is necessary toward
mutual decision we had talked about previously). a partner who has some serious thinking to do.
But this latest extension you’ve granted him puts
you at two full years of thinking and stalling, and
you’re apparently not 24; you have unquestioned
standing to say, “Enough.” I hope he opts for your
side of the fence. 

London calling. I am never disappointed


A night flight to London crammed into seat the seats,” is something my own mother might tapes. And there
29A but asleep thanks to modern pharmaceu- have said, but nothing you’d find in any public I was, far back in
ticals and fairly fresh and bright on arrival at conveyance in America, where a sign like that line, at 9:05 a.m.
Heathrow. Wrestled the bags aboard the train would only stimulate certain people to plant when my flight
and cruised into the city and lugged the lug- their shoes directly on the seats. Better not to to Glasgow was
gage upstairs and into a lovely quiet hotel. It’s mention it. boarding.
in the financial district, near St. Paul’s.
Beside it is another warning sign: “If you Anxiety builds,
Enormous anonymous buildings like filing soil this vehicle, a charge will be made.” This and then I see
cabinets nearby, and tucked in between is a one is certainly aimed at drunks who climb a short quick
pleasant little park on Newgate Street made into the cab with unsettled stomachs at 1 a.m. route to jump
from an old graveyard, some of the gravestones with a long ride ahead over rough streets. the line and go straight to the passport control
leaning against the wall like scrap lumber, and — I wouldn’t have to jostle anybody or apolo-
here is a lovely memorial to ordinary persons I am an American and certain things irritate gize, just duck down under two tapes and I’d
who lost their lives in attempting to save the me extremely, such as British flight attendants be home free — AND I COULD NOT DO THIS.
lives of others asking to see your boarding pass as you board. I could not jump the line. I told myself to and
You hold it up and they peer at it and smile I refused. It was deep-seated upbringing and
The big record stores are mostly gone, and and say, “Twenty-six D — that’s straight ahead also it was the fact that the people behind me in
the book business looks chancy, but stationery and on your left,” as if you were an utter de- line had introduced themselves as being from
stores abound where you can purchase beauti- mented drooling feckless idjit unaware that the Minnesota. They might judge me harshly for
ful writing tablets of every size and texture and low-numbered seats are up front and the higher this and word would get back: He did not wait
roller-ball pens that write smooth as butter, numbers toward the rear. his turn.
and as long as people still care to put their hand
to paper, then the old craft has a future. And yet I am descended from these people, Garrison Keillor, longtime host of “A Prairie
as I found out in the Dublin airport Saturday Home Companion,” writes a column for the
Like a good many English majors, I go to the morning, standing in an endless line at security Washington Post.
motherland for the language. The sign in the that wound back and forth and moved slowly
backseat of the cab, “Please keep your feet off slowly slowly between the poles and the plastic

Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 31

& Casual Dining

Scampi Grill: Great new home, same great food

BY TINA RONDEAU lars from the old Scampi Grill.
Columnist A few years ago, Alex took over as ex-

Like many long-time fans of the Stuffed Portabella ecutive chef from his father, Mimmo,
Scampi Grill, we were eager to see its Mushrooms. and in our view Chef Alex is the most
new home on 20th Street just west of talented of the younger generation now
U.S. 1 in Vero Beach. So last Friday, less PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE holding forth in several of Vero’s long-
than a week after it opened, our party of established Italian restaurants.
three arrived promptly at 7 for our res- Seafood Pasta.
ervation (don’t even think about going So what’s our preliminary verdict
without reserving). on the new Scampi Grill? The food, we
would have to say, is right there at the
Unlike the old Scampi, diners at the top of the Vero Beach dining pyramid.
new Scampi have three options: a de-
lightful rear patio area that seats about The ambiance of the new restaurant
40; the section nearest the door that is at this point is not as warm and intimate
lined with booths; and a section with as the old Scampi, but a few more of
bare wooden tables that has more of a Mimmo’s paintings and knick-knacks
trattoria ambiance. on the walls will remedy that – and the
noise level is much better.
The patio, however, was already full
when we arrived on a beautiful fall On the whole, with a cast of veteran
evening, and the booths had filled up servers, everything seemed to be going
as well. So we were shown to a table in remarkably smoothly, though servers
the far section, which by 7:30 also was and the kitchen were both still getting
packed. accustomed to a new electronic order-
ing system. All in all, the new Scampi
Our excellent server, Massimo, quick- Grill is off to a smashing start – and Chef
ly took our wine order, and returned Alex and his veteran servers are waiting
with a basket of hot garlic bread. to welcome both old and new customers.

For an appetizer on this evening, we I welcome your comments, and en-
shared an order of calamari fra diavolo courage you to send feedback to me at
($11.95), tender calamari sautéed with [email protected] .
roasted garlic, Italian herbs and olive
oil, tossed in a mildly spicy (oh, so good) The reviewer dines anonymously at
marinara sauce. A tremendous start. restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
32963. 
We then moved to the mixed salads,
baby field greens with sliced red onion Tiramisu.
in a balsamic vinaigrette, which are
complimentary with an entrée. Almond Crusted Penne Bolognese.
Yellowtail Snapper.
For main courses, I ordered one of the
evening’s specials, the seafood pasta Scampi Grill
($32.95); my husband went for another
special, the almond crusted yellowtail Hours: Nightly in season,
snapper ($28.95); and our companion 5 pm to 9:30 pm
chose the melanzane al forno ($18.95),
baked eggplant. Beverages: Beer and wine

My entrée consisted of clams, mus- Address:
sels, shrimps, calamari, lump crab 815 20th Street,
meat, and chunks of snapper and salm-
on, all served over linguine with a fra Vero Beach
diavolo sauce. Absolutely fabulous.
Phone: (772) 563-9766
My husband’s crusted yellowtail
snapper was perfectly prepared, and
finished off in a tasty chardonnay but-
ter sauce. Delicious. And our compan-
ion raved over her eggplant, which
was stuffed with ricotta and Romano
cheese, herbs and fresh spinach, and
backed with fresh mozzarella cheese
and a plum tomato sauce. Yummy.

For dessert on this visit, we shared a
slice of tiramisu – a great end to a great

Dinner for two with a modest bottle
of wine, before tax and tip, is likely to
run you $120.

As we were preparing to leave, Chef
Alessandro Amelio came out of the
kitchen and began chatting with regu-

32 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly

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Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 33


Howdy, pard! Bonz meets Max’s best bud Uber

Hi Dog Buddies! I replied. “So Uber, tell me about
yourself. Where are you from, origi-
This week I yapped with a real, Honest- nally?”
to-Snoopy ranch dog, Uber Richter. He
was in town visiting his Best Friend in the “Well, my ancestors were from
World, Max Shepherd, whom I had previ- Germany, but ah’m a Texas na-
ously met. Uber and Max had been BFFs tive. Mom and Dad had a ranch in
out in Colorado for 7 people years, ever Colorado and they were thinkin’
since Uber was a fluffball puppy. Then Max about getting’ a big ol’ dog who
hadda move to Florida. And they hadn’t could handle ranch life, ‘specially
seen each other in 2 whole people years. all the critters you run into.”
And THEN, Uber and his Mom and Dad
came to visit Max and his Mom and Dad, “Er, what kinda critters?”
Gail and Dan, for Thanksgiving, and they “Well, there’s the cows, of
hadda re-YOON-yun. course. And the horses. Then
ya got yer coyotes, yer bears,
Uber was right there at the yer mountain lions.
door for the


Wag-and- And the snakes, yep, “Since ah’m a hound tricked-out stroller. I go
Sniff, friendly as anything. lotsa snakes out there.” an all, when I catch a good scent where Mom and Dad go. If I can’t go, they
“Howdy! You must be The Bonz! Max told “Woof!” I exclaimed. “I guess I pictured I just, pretty much, GO! Once don’t go. We’ve been all over the West: the
me all about ya! Proud to make yer acquain- a ranch dog as, sorta, well, I mean not so me an Dad were on this looong Grand Canyon, the national parks, Santa
tance! Come’on in. Auntie Gail’s in the kitch- … er … ” Fe, Sedona. Vegas is one of my favorites.
en. This here’s my Mom and Dad, Margie “Small, right? I git that lot. I may not be ranch road when I caught a scent, I mean (all due respect), have you SEEN
and David.” big, son, but I got Guts! And Heart! Plus, ah’m and off I went, followin’ the ol’ the legs on those showdogs! The Wynn,
Then he hollered, “Hey, Max! Git yore Big-Boned. Mom and Dad had a friend with sniffer, about 160 yards into the Caesars Palace, the Bellagio, it’s real dog
fluffy caboose on out here. The Bonz is here!” a Doxie like me and just fell in love with the sagebrush. Turned out to be friendly out there. Me and Mom love gam-
Uber’s a Mini-Wirehaired Dachshund: breed. So they ordered one! And got ME! blin’, cuz I’m one lucky dog! I specially en-
black, nice long sniffer, a beard, a kinda Straight from the Lone Star State! Take about this deceased critter. Dog, Dad joy blackjack, know all the dealers and pit
wild topknot, and fluffy eyebrows! He says yer luck! I loved ranch life right away. My fa- was impressed. But he hadda bosses.
they remind his Mom and Dad of Andy vorite thing back at the ranch was the Cat watch me real close cuz, once
Rooney, a human who usta talk on TV, and Round-Up.” us hounds pick up a scent, we “We sure do have a heap o’ fun, but,” he
had bushy eyebrows. (I Googled.) He also “Beg pardon?” paused, “there was this time when Mom
shared that his Mom had once dyed his “There wuz a whole mob o’ cats on the git to concentratin’ and can got cancer, and went through some real
topknot purple. ranch: Minnie and Whiskers, Mazzie and git in Big Trouble.” serious, scary stuff. Well, Bonz, I did every
As we were getting settled, Max strolled Scooter, they were hard workin’ ranch cats, pooch thing I could think of to help her,
in. He nose-bumped Uber and turned to kept the critters away. Yessir, every night, “I’ll bet! How did you and mostly just being right there with her. She’s
me. “Good to see you again, young fella,” he 10 p.m. sharp, I’d round up all them cats, Max meet?” much better now. I think that was probly
said, then stretched out on the floor. herd ‘em into the garage, where they slept. “My folks and his folks were friends in Col- the most important thing I ever did, ya
Did I mention, Max is a cat. They got used to it. They’d start wanderin’ orado so we met when I was just a young’n. know?”
“Back atcha, Max. You’re lookin’ good!” in around 9:30 and sit in a row just lookin’ at Max is a good bit older’n me, and he kinda
me. Then, at 10, it was Cat Round-Up! Good took me under his paw. We hit it off right “I do know,” I told him sincerely, think-
times. away. He taught me a lot. But now we live in ing about my own Mom. Then it was time
New Mexico, so I’m indoors a lot more, no to go.
wide-open spaces, no cats to herd.”
“Bummer,” I sympathized. “So what was “I could listen to your stories all day,
it like, you and Max seeing each other after Uber! Thanks so much! Have a pawsome
14 (dog) years?” Thanksgiving! Take it easy, Max,” I added.
“It was like we’d never been apart. We
nose-bumped, ran all over the place. Heading home, I was smiling, picturing
Chased geckos! We share our food and Uber and the nightly Cat Round-Up.
water dishes, nap together. We go out on
the lanai every morning and hang out. Till next time,
Sometimes Auntie Gail chases me around
the house. That’s a-hoop-and-a-holler. The Bonz
And yesterday, Max took me to the ocean.
I’d never set eyes on it before. Dog that is Don’t Be Shy
one big dish o’ water. I’ve been swimmin’
before, but THAT water stayed put. THIS We are always looking for pets
water chased me! No woof! Those little ol’ with interesting stories.
birds were fun though. And I met this nice
little Havanese.” To set up an interview, email
“Sounds like you travel a lot.” [email protected].
“Bet yer boots! I got this super

34 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™


ONGOING 2-18 Henegar Center for the Arts in 14|15 Melbourne Municipal romantic comedy, It Shoulda Been You. hen-
Melbourne presents A Christ- Band Winter Wonderland
Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse- Meet Me mas Story: The Musical. Concerts, 7:30 p.m. at Melbourne Auditorium.
in St. Louis, thru Dec. 4. 321-636-5050 Free, but unwrapped toys and nonperishable 14 Friends of Sebastian Inlet State Park
2-24 Melbourne Civic Theatre pres- food items will be collected for South Brevard Night Sounds concert series features
Space Coast Lightfest, 6:30 to 10 p.m. night- ents the two-actor comedy, A Sharing Center. 321-724-0555 Four Shillings Short, 7 p.m. at Coconut Point pa-
ly at Wickham Park in Melbourne thru Jan. 1. Tuna Christmas (weekends including Dec. 22). vilions. Standard park entry fee. 321-984-4852 16-18 Historic Cocoa Village Play-
house Broadway Bonus 15 The Aladdin Society presents Play-
Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts at FIT - 3 Ocean Reef Beach Festival, 10 a.m. to Series presents Galmont Ballet’s The American house 101, a pictorial walk through the
Transformers: Re-contextualizing Our Material 5 p.m. at Pelican Beach Park in Satellite Nutcracker. 321-636-5050 Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse. 321-636-5050
Culture exhibit thru Dec. 17. 321-674-8313 Beach, with Chowder Cook-off, art vendors,
marine education, live music, food and bever- 20 Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse 17 To February 5 - Riverside Theatre
Foosaner Art Museum – Radiant Messenger: ages, and children’s activities. Free. oceanreef- Broadway Bonus Series presents Mi- presents An Empty Plate in the Café
Drawings by China Marks exhibit, thru Jan. 7. chael Law, The Holidays Unwrapped. 321-636- du Grand Boeuf on the Waxlax Stage. 772-
321-674-8916 5050 231-6990
3 Barrier Island Center Dune-to-Lagoon
EGAD First Friday in Eau Gallie Arts District, Guided Hike, 1 p.m. with Master Natural- 31 New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner and 20 Melbourne Chamber Music Soci-
5:30 to 8:30 p.m. every first Friday; and Mel- ist Jay Barnhart. 321-723-3556 Dance, 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Holi- ety presents the Lysander Piano
bourne Main Street Friday Fest, 6 to 10 p.m. day Inn in Viera hosted by Melbourne Munici- Trio, 7:30 p.m. at St. Marks United Methodist
every second Friday. 3 The Nutcracker, presented by Space Coast pal Band, with hors d’oeuvres, sit-down dinner, Church in Indialantic. melbournechambermu-
Ballet Company, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. at King dancing to 20-piece Swingtime band, floor-
Free Science Cafés hosted by Brevard Zoo Center for the Performing Arts. 321-242-2219 show by Swingtimers Vocal Trio, balloon drop
and FIT, every second Wednesday thru June at and champagne toast at midnight. $100. 321- 20 To February 26 - Melbourne Civic
Duran Golf Club’s Tradewinds Restaurant. Free. 3 Holiday Concert featuring Indialantic Cham- 339-7705. Theatre presents Calendar Girls, by
ber Singers, Brevard Youth Chorus and a Tom Firth.
DECEMBER brass quintet, 3 p.m. at Eastminster Presbyterian JANUARY
Church in Indialantic. Free. 321-723-8371 21 Brevard Symphony Orchestra pres-
1 Seahawks Dancing Under the Stars, 7 3-22 Riverside Theatre presents the ents The French Connection, 2 p.m.
p.m. at Satellite Beach Civic Center, with 7|8 Melbourne Community Orchestra Broadway musical Chicago on and 8 p.m. at King Center for the Performing
auction, food, beverages and entertainment to Holiday Celebration Concert, with the Stark Stage. 772-231-6990 Arts, showcasing cellist Cicely Parnas perform-
benefit SouthBeach Seahawks Youth Football beloved tunes of the season, 7:30 p.m. at Mel- ing Saint-Saens Cello Concerto No. 1. bre-
and Cheer Association. $15. bourne Auditorium. Free. 321-285-6724. 6-8 Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse
presents Gibson’s dramatic play,
2 Margaritas for Mangroves, 6:30 p.m. at 8-11 Town of Melbourne Beach Holi- The Miracle Worker. 321-636-5050 21|22 Brevard Renaissance Fair:
Melbourne BMW, with tapas and margar- day Fun: tree lighting 6:30 p.m. The Time of Excalibur, 10
itas, live music, auction and keynote speaker to Thurs., movie in Ryckman Park Fri. 6:30 p.m., 8 Space Coast Jazz Society presents Grammy a.m. to 6 p.m. at Wickham Park, Melbourne,
benefit Marine Resources Council. $25. 321- Christmas Parade Sat. 9 a.m., and Santa on the winner Robert Navarro, 2 p.m. at Cocoa with 34 acts on 5 stages, jousting, food, drink,
978-8862 Porch at Ryckman House, 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday. Beach Country Club to benefit SCJS Student Jazz artisan booths and craft demonstrations to Workshops. $20. support arts and education programs of local
2 Holiday Ball Swingtime Dance with Mel- nonprofits.
bourne Swingtime Jazz Band, 7 p.m. at 10 Harbor City Harmonizers presents 11 Atlantic Classical Orchestra conducted
Melbourne Auditorium, with $5 lessons 6 to 7 Sounds of the Season XIII, with The by David Amado features soloist Vy- 27 Indian River Symphonic Association
p.m. $7 advance; $10 at door. 321-724-0555. Platinum Show Chorus, 1:30 p.m. at Holy Trin- acheslav Gryaznov performing Tchaikovsky Pia- presents National Symphony Orches-
ity Episcopal Academy. $15. 321-6266726 no Concerto No. 1, 6:40 p.m. lecture; 7:30 p.m. tra of Ukraine featuring pianist Alexei Grynyuk
2 Space Coast Symphony and Aaron Collins concert at St. Edward’s School’s Waxlax Center performing Schumann Piano Concerto in A mi-
lead Central Florida’s Messiah Sing Along, 10 Friends of Sebastian Inlet State Park for Performing Arts, Vero Beach. 772-460-0850 nor, 7:30 p.m. at Community Church of Vero
7 p.m. at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Com- Night Sounds concert series features Beach. 772-778-1070
munity in Melbourne. 23 Treez, 7 p.m. at Coconut Point pavilions. 12 Indian River Symphonic Association
Standard park entry fee. 321-984-4852 presents Prague Philharmonia, fea- 27 To February 12 - Historic Cocoa Vil-
2 Melbourne Chamber Music Society pres- turing violinist Sarah Chang, 7:30 p.m. at Com- lage Playhouse presents the musical,
ents St. Lawrence String Quartet, 7:30 p.m. 11 Space Coast Jazz Society presents A munity Church of Vero Beach. 772-778-1070 On the Town. 321-636-5050
at St. Marks United Methodist Church in Indial- Tribute to Cole Porter by the NY jazz
antic. trio Under Hot Sun, 2 p.m. at Cocoa Beach 13-29 Henegar Center for the Arts 28|29 Brevard Renaissance Fair:
Country Club. $10 - $15. 321-960-4897 or in Melbourne presents the The Time of Excalibur, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Wickham Park, Melbourne,
with 34 acts on 5 stages, jousting, food, drink,
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN artisan booths and craft demonstrations to
in November 24, 2016 Edition 7 PARADE 1 GAMBLE support arts and education programs of local
8 AMULET 2 LADYBIRD nonprofits.
10 ARTISTIC 4 PARTIAL 31 To February 19 - Riverside Theatre
11 MERIT 5 HUGS presents Noel Coward’s Private Lives
12 PARSLEY 6 REFINE on the Stark Stage. 772-231-6990

Sudoku Page 4260 Sudoku Page 2471 Crossword Pagee4206 Crossword Page 2471 (THE PERIODICAL TABLE) 1|2 Jazz 4 the Soul presented by Mel-
bourne Community Orchestra,
7:30 p.m. at Melbourne Auditorium. Free. 321-

36 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™


Lagoon views abound in this spacious townhome

BY MARIA CANFIELD pursuing different activities.
The eat-in kitchen’s granite coun-
tertops, backsplash, and breakfast
The townhome located at 3260 Riv- bar are in shades of beige and cream;
er Villa Way in the Beach Woods com- with the crisp white appliances, al-
munity offers best-of-both-worlds mond-colored tile floors, and oak
living: traditional home ownership cabinets providing a nice contrast.
combined with extensive recreation- The same granite appears in the up-
al amenities, including tennis and dated half-bath located off the foyer.
racquetball courts, two heated pools,
and a health club fully outfitted with The upstairs has light-colored ma-
exercise equipment. ple hardwood flooring throughout the
hallways and bedrooms. The 20-foot
The home is situated on the Indian by 11-foot master bedroom has a ca-
River Lagoon with direct views of its thedral ceiling, adding space to what
abundant wildlife, notably egrets, is already a generously-sized room.
herons, pelicans, and playful bottle- It has its own boardwalk-style deck,
nose dolphins. The fiery golden sun- nicely pulling nature into the room.
sets provide a spectacular transition
to tranquil evenings. The tiled en suite master bath is sur-
prisingly large. It has a long, two-sided
Inside, you’ll find a spacious, two- vanity and a jetted tub with a large deck
story home with much to appreciate. for decorations or bath supplies; the
The 24-foot by 13-foot living room shower and toilet are tucked behind
has hardwood floors, a wood-burning a pocket door. The walls are finished
marble-faced fireplace, and a wet bar with a painting technique that creates
nestled under the steps leading to the soft streaks of color resembling fabric;
second floor; its mirrored wall pres- the blue-green color choice is quite
ents a reverse-image view of the la- pretty, and the look is carried through
goon as libations are being prepared. to the second full bath.

One of the home’s unique fea- Another bedroom is painted in the
tures is the screened-in lanai that same appealing sugar-cookie shade
spans the length of the living room as is the master bedroom. The third
and formal dining room. This la- room on the second floor is slightly
goon-facing expanse, with attrac- larger and is currently being used as
tive Spanish-look tile, is perfect a den; a closet could easily be added
for intimate get-togethers or larger to make it officially a bedroom. This
gatherings. For everyday living, it room, like the master bedroom, has
provides two separate yet adjacent its own lagoon-facing deck, making it
living zones, allowing people to be a lovely spot to read, catch up on pa-
within earshot of each other while perwork, or simply relax.

Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 37


The exterior of the house is lushly land- community with a variety of housing only a half-hour to Cape Canaveral.” beque grill and picnic table.
scaped and quite striking; its red haci- choices. Broker associate Wendy Mur- Other Beach Woods communi- This beautifully maintained home,
enda roof and white stucco finish evokes ray says, “People love Beach Woods be-
a Spanish Colonial feel, yet more under- cause it’s so well-located. Those that live ty amenities include a dry sauna, with its many places to perch and
stated. The geometric pavers that adorn on the river side can walk or ride their pickleball and basketball courts, a gorgeous lagoon views, is offered by
the driveway and walkway complete the bikes to the beach, and there’s a jogging pier with a fishing station, a bocce Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Interna-
exterior’s integrated appearance. path and golf courses nearby. It’s conve- court, a clubhouse where social ac- tional Realty for $539,000. 
nient to the Melbourne Causeway, and tivities take place regularly, and a
Beach Woods is an ocean-to-river playground area replete with a bar- VITAL STATISTICS

Subdivision: Beach Woods
Year Built: 1987

Construction: Combination:
Concrete block and
Wood Frame

Home Size: 2,085 square feet
Bedrooms: 3

Bathrooms: 2 full, 1 half
Waterfront: Expansive views of

the Indian River Lagoon
Additional features: Laundry

room, 2-car garage, electric
hurricane shutters, ceiling fans
throughout, walk-in closet in

master bedroom, rentals al-
lowed (1-month minimum).
Listing agency: Treasure Coast
Sotheby’s International Realty
Listing agent: Wendy Murray,

772-492-1002 (office),
321-243-3595 (cell)
List price: $539,000

Video Tour at GIBBS BAUM Video Tour at


Lakewood Estates | This 5BR, 5BA home boasts wide Indialantic, FL | Great opportunity to own or lease this
open spaces, large windows, high ceilings, a layout that iconic Indialantic building. High visibility location in
flows seamlessly, chef’s kitchen, 60” Wolf range, huge the heart of Indialantic by the Sea. Located just across
fireplace, outdoor kitchen, fruit trees, and sparkling A1A from the boardwalk. Approx. 17,500 cars drive by
pool and spa on five acres of fenced land. | $849,000 this location every 24 hours. 5,850 sq. ft. | $1,550,000

Video Tour at 321.432.2009 Exclusive Video Tour at

[email protected]

With over 12 years experience
as a Broker Associate, I offer
solid real estate marketing and
sales solutions for my clients.

w w w. G i b b s B a u m . c o m

Fairway Lakes At Viera | This house has all the upgrades Brevard County Division Melbourne Beach, FL | Built in 2002, this gorgeous 4BR,
including hurricane windows, zero grout-line marble 3.5BA home features filled concrete block construction
floors, and is on the largest lot in the neighborhood. Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated with poured concrete balconies, hurricane shutters,
The home boasts over 3,700 square feet, 3-car garage, impact windows, tile & hardwood floors, granite chef’s
sparkling pool & spa, lakefront and more! | $759,000 kitchen, and a master suite fit for a king. | $1,275,000

38 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Nov. 18 to 24

Real estate activity in the two South Brevard island zip codes, 32951 and 32903, slowed a bit for
Thanksgiving, with 4 properties sold in Melbourne Beach and 4 in Indialantic.

The top sale of the week in 32951 was of a waterfront home with a boat lift and private beach access in
Sunnyland Beach. The home at 375 Nikomas Way was placed on the market Sept. 23 with an asking price
of $459,900. The transaction closed Nov. 18 for $448,000.

The seller in the transaction was represented by Deborah Detwiler of Re/Max Solutions. The purchaser
was represented by Sandy Kilpatrick of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s.



ON THE BEACH CONDO 7135 HIGHWAY A1A A 1/21/2016 $399,000 $389,900 11/21/2016
SEA CLIFF CONDO 4815 S HIGHWAY A1A 106 6/30/2016 $389,900 $389,900 11/21/2016
SUNNYLAND BEACH 375 NIKOMAS WAY 9/22/2016 $459,900 $459,900 11/17/2016
NEW MELBOURNE BEACH 5221 HIGHWAY A1A 10/5/2014 $699,000 $499,000 11/17/2016


OCEAN SD VIL P2 57 CALCUTTA CT 7/1/2016 $215,000 $199,900 11/21/2016 $199,900
OCEAN SD VIL P2 B8P9 3328 CUTTY SARK WAY 5/15/2016 $215,000 $209,900 11/21/2016 $203,000
OCEAN PARK 251 AVENIDA CENTRAL 8/23/2016 $210,000 $210,000 11/20/2016 $185,000
PALM COLONY CLUB CON 2700 HIGHWAY A1A N 17-201 9/15/2016 $125,000 $125,000 11/17/2016 $124,500

Trump’s tax plans may impact real estate market

BY KENNETH R. HARNEY rate would be 12 percent. For those married joint filers. The capital- taxpayers from itemizing de-
Washington Post with incomes of $75,000 but less gains rate would remain capped at ductions on Schedule A of their
than $225,000, the rate would be 25 20 percent, and the controversial 3.8 returns, the Trump plan would
Could the election of Donald percent. From $225,000 up, the rate percent “Obamacare” surtax on cer- boost the standard deduction
Trump have unanticipated im- for married joint filers would be 33 tain investment income would dis- for joint filers to $30,000 (up
pacts on the federal tax code’s percent. Single-filer rates would appear. from the current $12,600) and
benefits favoring owing a home have the same brackets but be based raise it to $15,000 for single fil-
over renting one? on incomes half the amounts for Now it gets more intriguing: To sim- ers, instead of $6,300 at pres-
plify the tax system and wean more ent. For people with very high
To the extent that the House, income, there would be a limit
Senate and White House soon on all itemized deductions of
will be under one party’s con- $200,000 for married joint filers
trol, the answer may well be and $100,000 for singles.
yes. Although housing issues
got scant attention during the There’s no mention here of
campaign, Trump’s tax-change limits on mortgage-interest de-
plans, linked up with ideas al- ductions, so strictly from the
ready proposed on Capitol Hill, perspective of a homeowner or
could contain some jolts for buyer, nothing jumps out as ob-
many people. jectionable. Simplicity is good.
In fact, the original Trump tax
Late in the campaign, Trump plan exempted the mortgage-interest
revised his plans in ways that make and charitable deductions from the
it more compatible with House Re- sorts of modest limitations contained
publicans’ tax “blueprint” issued in Hillary Clinton’s proposal.
in June. Trump would collapse the But here’s a key question: With a
current seven tax brackets for in- substantially increased standard de-
dividuals to just three: For married duction ($30,000 for joint filers and
joint filers with incomes less than $15,000 for single files), how many
$75,000, the federal marginal tax

Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 1, 2016 39


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: On The Beach Condo, Address: 7135 Highway A1A Unit A Subdivision: Sea Cliff Condo, Address: 4815 S Highway A1A #106

Listing Date: 1/22/2016 Listing Date: 7/1/2016
Original Price: $399,000 Original Price: $389,900
Recent Price: $389,900 Recent Price: $389,900
Sold: 11/22/2016 Sold: 11/22/2016
Selling Price: $370,000 Selling Price: $372,000
Listing Agent: Laura L Dowling Roy Listing Agent: Joette Davis

Selling Agent: Premier Properties Real Estate, Inc Selling Agent: BHHS Florida Realty

Laura L Dowling Roy Joette Davis

Premier Properties Real Estate, Inc BHHS Florida Realty

Subdivision: New Melbourne Beach, Address: 5221 Highway A1A Subdivision: Romac Subdivision, Address: 1606 Atlantic St, #4

Listing Date: 10/6/2014 Listing Date: 9/19/2016
Original Price: $699,000 Original Price: $175,000
Recent Price: $499,000 Recent Price: $159,900
Sold: 11/18/2016 Sold: 11/15/2016
Selling Price: $412,000 Selling Price: $150,000
Listing Agent: Joette Davis Listing Agent: Andy Mindel

Selling Agent: BHHS Florida Realty Selling Agent: Re/Max Alternative Realty

Betty Hart Andy Mindel

Hart Real Estate, Inc. Re/Max Alternative Realty

homeowners would want to file for that have been made in recent years, Mediterranean Villa | 3BR, 2.5BA | Offered at $424,900
mortgage-interest or property-tax notably the landmark, bipartisan Your seaside retreat has arrived! Imagine yourself in an upscale
write-offs, as they do today? I asked Simpson-Bowles National Commis- Mediterranean Villa nestled in the gated beachside community of Aquarina.
the chief economist of the National sion on Fiscal Responsibility and Re- Fabulous layout with all the right spaces - great to entertain friends
Association of Home Builders, Rob- form, call for wholesale elimination and family. Unwind on your screened-in lanai overlooking the 18th hole
ert Dietz, and he estimates that the or sharp reductions of special-inter- surrounded by lush tropical landscaping. Aquarina provides an active
number of itemizers might drop est carve-outs in the tax code. resort-like lifestyle, including tennis, golf, explore the Indian River by
from the current 25 percent of tax- boat or kayak, exercise at the community center or relax at the luxurious
payers to 10 percent or even just 5 But could limiting or ending tax Beach Club overlooking the ocean. Your permanent vacation awaits!
percent. preferences for homeownership have Call today to schedule a private showing of this exceptional home.
the side effect of lowering home val-
Is that a problem? It depends on ues and selling prices? Academic re- Carola Mayerhoeffer
how you view the longtime tax-code searchers suggest the answer is yes. Sales Associate
preferences for encouraging owner- A new paper from an economist at
ship of homes over renting. One anal- the Federal Reserve estimates that Ich spreche deutsch - Je parle français Brevard County Division
ysis, provided by Evan M. Liddiard, eliminating the mortgage-interest
senior federal tax policy representa- deduction would cause the average 321.704.9769
tive for the National Association of household to lose “10.9 percent of the
Realtors, maintains that if you raise value of the house, with home owners [email protected]
the standard deduction dramati- losing 11.5 percent and home buyers
cally, “itemized deductions become 8.5 percent.” Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated
less relevant” and previously valu-
able and distinctive “tax incentives The Fed study did not address
[for] home ownership evaporate even the type of tax plan contemplated
while taxes are not necessarily being by Trump or Capitol Hill Republi-
reduced.” There’s less incentive to cans, but it appears to agree with the
own rather than rent. broad conclusion of earlier research-
ers: When you diminish the value
Dietz puts it this way: When you of a subsidy benefit from a favored
decrease the attractiveness of a long- asset category, the value of that as-
time subsidy devoted to encourag- set to potential buyers or owners is
ing purchases by lowering financing likely to drop.
costs, “the economics would reduce
the tax benefit for home ownership.” None of this is happening yet.
Such a change could “increase the af- Months of committee hearings and
ter-tax cost of paying the mortgage,” debate – and lobbying – are guar-
he says. anteed before any tax plan gets to
the president’s desk. But you should
Others see the issue much differ- at least know what’s on the line for
ently. Most comprehensive proposals real estate. 





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