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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-01-20 11:24:53



52 Vero Beach 32963 / January 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


For 5 million Americans, PBA is no laughing matter

BY MARIA CANFIELD pression is fundamentally different:
Correspondent It’s a continuous state of sadness or
hopelessness that can last for weeks,
There are several conditions that months or years, while the episodes
characteristic of PBA are relatively
affect around 5 million Americans in brief, and most often don’t reflect
how the person is actually feeling.
any given year – including Alzheim- However, PBA and depression can
co-exist in the same person, so it’s
er’s, fibromyalgia, heart failure and important that each condition be di-
agnosed and treated separately.
psoriasis. But there’s another condi-
Dr. Urfer says that the most fre-
tion, just as prevalent, that is much quent misdiagnosis is bipolar disor-
der, because PBA seems to show se-
less known: pseudobulbar affect vere mood fluctuations. In addition
to bipolar disorder and depression,
(PBA) – a neurologic condition that PBA can be mistaken for or misdiag-
nosed as generalized anxiety disor-
results in involuntary and uncontrol- der, schizophrenia or even epilepsy.
It can also go completely undiag-
lable outbursts of crying or laughing. nosed, due to a general lack of aware-
ness about the condition.
If you have heard of it, it’s likely be-
Based on their symptoms, patients
cause it has affected you or a loved suffering from PBA may first seek
help from a psychiatrist; Dr. Urfer
one, or because you have seen the says this specialty is well able to rec-
ognize the condition. For a formal
commercials with actor and direc- diagnosis, a thorough neurological
examination is needed, consisting of
tor Danny Glover, who has partnered a series of simple questions and non-
invasive tests that provide crucial in-
with Avanir Pharmaceuticals in a formation about the nervous system.

campaign to educate patients and Once diagnosed, the goal of treat-
ment is to reduce the severity and fre-
caregivers about PBA. quency of outbursts. Although PBA
has been recognized in medical liter-
Liana Urfer, a Vero Beach psychi- Dr Liana Urfer. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE ature for over 100 years, the first and
only drug specifically designed to
atrist, sees the campaign as a good treat it was approved by the FDA fair-
ly recently, in 2010. The drug – Nue-
thing. treated more often than it is now.” in effect causing a short circuit. dexta – is manufactured and mar-
keted by Avanir, the pharmaceutical
She says “it will increase knowl- PBA is caused by damage in the ar- Strokes are a common cause of the company that sponsors the Danny
Glover PBA awareness campaign. Ac-
edge about PBA for both patients and eas of the brain that control the ex- condition and up to half of all stoke cording to the Mayo Clinic, a study of
people with MS or ALS showed that
physicians, which will lead to it be- pression of emotion; this damage dis- survivors experience it at some time. those taking Nuedexta had about 50
percent fewer laughing and crying
ing correctly diagnosed and correctly rupts the brain’s signaling processes, Other neurological causes of PBA episodes than those taking a placebo.

are amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Although PBA is not depression,
antidepressants are sometimes pre-
(ALS), multiple sclerosis (MS), Par- scribed to treat it, typically at doses
lower than are used in the treatment
kinson’s and Alzheimer’s. (A team of of depression. Some people with PBA
find working with an occupational
clinicians affiliated with from Brook- therapist helpful, as they can de-
velop ways to better complete every-
dale University Hospital and Medical day tasks despite frequent episodes
caused by the condition.
Center in Brooklyn recently screened
Dr. Urfer says “an increased aware-
80 nursing home residents and deter- ness of PBA will help to destigmatize
it, and even more importantly, will let
mined that symptoms of PBA were sufferers know that it is treatable.”

present in nearly 45 percent of pa- Dr. Urfer’s practice is located at
641 17th Ave in Vero Beach; the office
tients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s phone is 772-978-9793. 

and other forms of dementia.)

A traumatic brain injury can also

lead to PBA. In 2015, football Hall of

Famer Barry Sanders went public to

raise awareness about some of the

serious, long-term neurological prob-

lems – including PBA – that can occur

SRMC from playing football and other con-
tact sports. Speaking of retired NFL
players, Sanders said, “Well over 90
percent of those guys have had a head

injury when they played, and a third

of those guys are suffering from PBA-

like symptoms, so we're just getting

the word out that they should visit a


In PBA, the outbursts of laughing or

crying are often inappropriate to the

situation, like laughing when a friend

shares a serious story, or crying dur-

ing a funny movie. And if the emo-

tion is appropriate, the eruptions can

be more intense or of longer duration

than warranted by the situation.

Because crying episodes are more

common in PBA than are eruptions

of laughter, the sufferer may mistake

the condition for depression. But de-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 19, 2017 53


Don’t just sit there! Walk your way to better health

BY DANIELLE DOUGLAS-GABRIEL The new findings build on a body enough insulin to convert blood sugar but researchers said their activity
of research that shows a relationship into energy. failed to entirely counteract the risks
The Washington Post between sedentary lifestyles and in- that came with prolonged sitting.
creased risk for chronic conditions Another study from the University
If you have a desk job, it is pretty and premature death. Health Network in Toronto concluded Still, incorporating exercise into
easy to spend most of your day on that people who sit too much every your day, in addition to cutting down
your bum. Even after you punch out at One study in the Diabetes Research day are not only at risk of diabetes, but the amount of time you spend sitting,
the end of the day, chances are there and Clinical Practice journal found a also heart disease, cancer and shorter can lower the risk for diabetes, heart
will be more time sitting during your connection between prolonged sitting lifespans, even if they work out. Peo- disease or stroke, Barlow said. Even
commute and the nightly intake of and Type 2 diabetes, which occurs ple who exercise are at lower risk of short, periodic bursts of activity can
your favorite shows. when the body fails to use or make developing those health conditions, do the trick. 

You know you should walk a bit
more during the day, but if you are like
most people, it is difficult to get moti-
vated. Recent research may push you
to try harder, however, especially if
you are a man.

In a study published last week by
the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, researchers looked at the
amount of time 4,486 men and 1,845
women spent sitting during work,
school and at home. They examined
obesity among participants, ages 20
to 79, by measuring the size of their
waistlines and percentage of body fat.
No matter the metric, the more men
sat, the likelier they were to be obese.

“Men who sat more were more likely
to be obese, and that held even when
we adjusted for their fitness level,”
said Carolyn E. Barlow, who led the
research team at the Cooper Institute
in Dallas. “The other risk factors that
we looked at – cholesterol and glucose
– were also not associated with sitting
time. That was a bit surprising.”

The research team asked partici-
pants to report the frequency and du-
ration of 11 types of physical activity,
including walking, running and bicy-
cling. Nearly half of the men reported
sitting three-fourths of the day, while
only 13 percent of women said the
same. But even women who sat for
long periods of time had lower levels
of obesity than men, according to the

Researchers did not pinpoint a root
cause for the higher rates of obesity
in sedentary men, and said further
research is needed to explore the rela-
tionship. Barlow said one limitation of
the study is participants self-report-
ed their activity level. Participants
were also primarily white, generally
healthy and well educated, making it
difficult to apply the results to more
diverse populations.

“We’re limited to some degree with
the population who comes in because
they’re all self-referred or corporate-
referred patients,” Barlow said. “We
definitely want to look at the changes
in sitting time and how that associates
with different risk factors among pa-
tients who come back to the clinic.”

54 Vero Beach 32963 / January 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Matter-of-fact advice for dealing with hemorrhoids

Staff Writer

Nobody really likes to talk about
hemorrhoids – well, nobody who isn’t a
gastroenterologist, anyway.

Fortunately, Dr. Ashley Canipe at
the Indian River Medical Center isn’t
bashful about how to best deal with
the swollen veins of the anus and low-
er rectum we call “hemorrhoids” or

“It really is routine,” says Canipe.
“It’s part of what I do.”

The Mayo Clinic reports that “nearly
three out of four adults will have hem-
orrhoids from time to time,” while add-
ing “the exact cause often is unknown.”

Symptoms include “rectal pain, itch-
ing, bleeding and possibly prolapse or
hemorrhoids that protrude through
the anal canal,” according to Harvard
Medical School. “Everyone has hemor-
rhoids: the pillow-like clusters of veins
that lie just beneath the mucous mem-
branes lining the lowest part of the rec-
tum and the anus. The condition most
of us call hemorrhoids develops when

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 19, 2017 55


those veins become swollen and dis- with gravity. It’s a gravity thing.”
tended, like varicose veins in the legs. And, Canipe warns, “No reading, no
Because the blood vessels involved
must continually battle gravity to get iPad. You just do your thing and get up.
blood back up to the heart, some peo- It’s not a place to hang out or watch TV.”
ple believe hemorrhoids are just part of
the price we pay for being upright crea- Increasing fiber in your diet is an-
tures.” other of Canipe’s suggestions. She is a
big fan of “My Fitness Pal,” a website
But since moving about on all fours and iPhone app to monitor fiber in-
isn’t really a desirable option for most take. “The typical American diet,” Ca-
folks, understanding as much as pos- nipe states flatly, “is about 15 grams of
sible about hemorrhoids is probably fiber a day. We need to be getting twice
the next best thing and Canipe is an that.”
approachable expert.
And, if hemorrhoids do become a
“Hemorrhoids are really a normal problem, says Canipe, don’t over-do
structure,” she says. “If you’ve ever your cleansing routine.
been pregnant or lifted heavy things,
you’re going to have hemorrhoids. The “You just want to wash yourself with
question is, really, do they bother you a mild soap and water and then just
or not. If they don’t bother you then we leave it alone,” say the matter-of-fact
don’t bother them. That’s the bottom Canipe. “No lotions, potions or loofahs.
line.” Don’t scrub it; don’t put a bunch of stuff
down there. Our anuses have these
But there are bottom lines and then normal mucus glands and it’s meant to
there are bottom lines. be a little bit acidic down there. When
you start to change the PH, that can ac-
For instance, Preparation H, one of tually contribute to the itching and the
the world’s best-selling hemorrhoid breakdown of the skin, which then can
treatments, was acquired by Pfizer contribute to the irritation.”
Pharmaceutical in a $68 billion deal.
And that was back in 2009. (It may be Sometimes, however, people do
a measure of how bashful people are need more than fiber and warm, soapy
about the condition, or how desperate water. Sometimes a procedure called
they are for relief, that BusinessInsur- “hemorrhoid banding” is the best bet says Preparation H to provide relief.
ointments, creams and suppositories
are among the most frequently shop- The quick, in-office procedure in-
lifted products in the country today.) volves a small rubber band being tied
off at the base of the hemorrhoid pillow
Despite the popularity of the over- making it shrink and disappear. Ca-
the-counter remedy, Canipe points to nipe explains, “There’s no sedation re-
what she calls “healthy toileting hab- quired and it’s a fast procedure. Just 10
its” as an infinitely better first step in minutes or less. The outcomes are very
treating hemorrhoids. good and the risks are very low.” But
it’s not something she expects or even
“That means only allowing two, wants people to come in and ask for.
three minutes, up to five at most,”
according to Canipe, “to have a bow- In a few very, very rare instances, it
el movement. When you sit on the is possible a full-blown surgical pro-
toilet you just want to let it happen. cedure called a “hemorrhoidectomy”
If it doesn’t happen you need to get might be indicated, in which case Ca-
up and do something else and then nipe would refer the patient to a sur-
come back when you feel the urge geon.
again. You don’t want to sit on the
toilet because that allows the con- Dr. Ashley Canipe is with the Indian
nections of the hemorrhoids to the River Medical Center. Her office is in the
rectal wall to prolapse down further new Health and Wellness building at
3450 11th Court, Suite 206 in Vero Beach.
The phone number is 772-299-3511. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 19, 2017 61


How to drink a bit less (but enjoy it a lot more)

BY VICTORIA MOORE ever will satisfy your taste buds. ing in, watching back-to-back films drinks – and no one will notice you’re
The Telegraph If it’s the switch from day to night, and going to bed at 10 p.m. It’s a nice not sipping from it.
way to get some rest, but if the aim is
What I want is to drink well, and to work to play, then find a new way to to rewire your drinking habits, putting Work lunches
do so at all times. achieve that – maybe with music, or life on hold is not the solution. I firmly say, “I never drink at lunch-
clothes, or a hot shower. If it’s the op- time.” You could soften it with, “I’m
I want to purge the alcoholic units portunity to switch your hectic brain Never waste an alcoholic unit hopeless with wine, can’t think straight
I don’t enjoy. That extra glass of wine, into neutral, that’s what yoga, running If you don’t want the second half of after half a glass, and I’ve got loads to
drunk to prolong a good evening, I can and meditation are for. I’m serious! For a glass of booze, don’t drink it. It’s just get through later.” Failing that, let them
replace with mint tea. The nights when those who don’t have enough time for as much of a waste to tip it down your pour you a glass of wine but just don’t
I open a bottle because I can’t think of themselves, 10 minutes with the Head- hatch as it is to pour it down the sink. drink it. That’s what the French do.
anything better to do; I don’t need that space app feels very luxurious. Not
either. I want the wines I open on drink- drinking need not be about denial – it’s Figure out a social strategy Nights out with friends
ing days to be better, and the soft drinks I about picking a different reward. One of the hardest parts of not drink- The trickiest of all to handle, as peo-
pour on non-drinking days to be tastier. ing is the pressure from other people. ple often feel you’ve chosen to down-
Break the wine o’clock habit It’s easier to handle if you have a plan. grade their time with you from full bells
I changed my drinking habits a cou- Willpower is a finite resource. We and spangles to pursed-lip non-drink-
ple of years before having a baby, by have only so much, then it runs out. So Parties ing. In the early stages of pregnancy, I
implementing my own version of the it’s better not to tax it. If pouring a glass I always imagined being at a par- used to get to the bar first then tell ev-
5:2 diet. This means not drinking for of wine at 6 p.m. is part of your routine, ty without a little social lubrication eryone my sparkling mineral water was
five days every week, and having as then create a mental diversion – for in- would be hard work, but now I prefer a ferociously strong gin and tonic.
much as I want on the other. I started stance walking to the bottom of the to go booze-free. I put my foot in my I also found that sheepishly claim-
buying half bottles, too, so as to be able garden and back instead. After a while, mouth much less. A couple of hours in, ing to have a massive hangover caused
to drink a glass or two of a good bottle your subconscious will send you to the you can go home and still use the sec- less umbrage and suspicion than pre-
without wasting it. garden instead of the wine cooler at 6 ond half of the evening. Bliss. tending to be on antibiotics.
p.m., getting you past the moment of Parties are the easiest social situ- Best of all is to be honest and gradu-
A drink is a present we give ourselves. peak temptation. ation to manage without fuss. Pick ally train everyone into the idea that
Why bother otherwise? So ask yourself up a glass on the way in – this signals you actually quite like not drinking.
what you most want from it. If it’s the Don’t hibernate that you’re participating, and will save Not all the time.
taste, then on non-drinking days redi- I know quite a lot of people who do you spending all night turning down But sometimes. 
rect your attention to food or non-alco- Dry January and get through it by stay-
holic cocktails. Buy a box of exquisite
chocolates, cook food you love – what-

62 Vero Beach 32963 / January 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Vero & Casual Dining

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 19, 2017 63

Vero & Casual Dining

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64 Vero Beach 32963 / January 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Vero & Casual Dining


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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 19, 2017 65

Vero & Casual Dining

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66 Vero Beach 32963 / January 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Feel helpless to help? Show the compassion of a lion


Do lions, the notoriously ruthless ingly guarded and then relinquished the wider human community follows. about the needs of those who are hurt-
kings of the jungle, possess a compas- such a tempting meal. Yet Stuart Wil- When a smaller local tragedy occurs, ing or in trouble as we might be? Some
sionate streak for the weak and the liams, a wildlife expert with the rural the community surrounding the fam- analysts say no. They argue that we all
injured? You wouldn’t think so, but ac- development ministry in Ethiopia, sug- ily or individual who is in trouble often now have a degree of compassion fa-
cording to an Associated Press article gested another perspective. He said that mobilizes in astonishing ways to offer tigue by virtue of the endless exposure
about an event that occurred about the whimpering of the injured young aid and support. we receive to news coverage of tragedy
350 miles southwest of Addis Ababa in girl might have been interpreted by the and suffering. They claim we all feel a
Ethiopia a few years ago, there may be lions as a mewing sound from a lion Yet even the most well-meaning little anxious, a bit uncertain of how to
more to lion behavior than we knew. cub. Perhaps the lions cared for the girl among us can grow weary when our improve things for those in need, pow-
because her utter helplessness remind- compassion triggers are over-taxed. erless to make a difference.
The article reported that a 12-year- ed them of the helplessness of their own Decades ago it was first noted that com-
old girl had been abducted by seven young, and triggered a deep-seated in- passion fatigue occurs among those Yes, the widespread needs of the
men whose intent was to force her to stinct for compassionate protection. whose careers ask them to face disease, human community may leave us feel-
marry one of them. Police Sgt. Won- hardship, or trauma on a continuous ing sadly useless and impotent, but
dimu Wedajo told reporters that when It’s fascinating to speculate about basis. Doctors, nurses, police officers, we aren’t. Undoubtedly in our very
the police eventually found the girl she compassion triggers, because we hu- firefighters, psychologists and welfare midst there is someone who could use
had been very severely beaten and was mans have them, too. Perhaps we are works were all prone to it and some our compassion and our protection.
lying injured on the ground near the wired with them, because when cata- demonstrated symptoms of anxiety and We don’t have to fix all the world’s
edge of a forest, in the company of three strophic events occur such as famines, hopelessness as a result. problems. Helping just one or two in
lions. The lions had apparently chased tornadoes, hurricanes, or tsunamis, an need could be a great gift. It could be
off the girls’ captors, then stood guard outpouring of help and concern from But how about us? Are we as com- miracle enough. 
over her for half the day. When rescuers passionate, as responsive, as caring
came, the lions slid quietly back into the
forest, leaving the girl, as Sgt. Wedajo
phrased it, “like a gift.”

Various writers and investigators
have doubted the likelihood of the sto-
ry. They have argued that such behavior
would be nothing short of miraculous,
as the lions would surely not have will-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 19, 2017 67


ONGOING Society of Florida’s Transitional Living Program/ 25 95th annual Chamber Awards Dinner, eracy Services of IRC. $100. 772-778-2223
Youth Transition Center. $80 includes lunch. 6 p.m. at Vero Beach Country Club.
Riverside Theatre - Chicago on the Stark 772-344-4020, X 224 $55. 772-567-3491 ext. 110 27 Sebastian Chamber of Commerce
Stage thru Jan. 22 and An Empty Plate in the Concerts in the Park featuring
Café du Grand Boeuf on the Waxlax Stage thru 23 Riverside Theatre Distinguished Lec- 26 Keep Indian River Beautiful Environmen- Crocked Creek, 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Riverview
Feb. 5. 772-231-6990 turer Series, 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. fea- tal Awards Luncheon, 11:30 a.m. at Oak Park. 772- 589-5969
tures economist Arthur Brooks, president of Harbor Club, honoring individuals, businesses and
Vero Beach Theatre Guild - Cash on Delivery American Enterprise Institute. 772-231-6990 organizations for initiatives in recycling, litter re- 27 Vero Beach Museum of Art Gala
thru Jan. 22. 772-562-8300 moval and beautification. $10. 772-226-7738 2017: The Triple Crown, begins 6 p.m.
23 St. Edward’s School invites prospec- with mint juleps and champagne followed by
King of the Hill Tennis Tournament, 6 p.m. tive college students to learn about 26 Love of Literacy Author Series pres- dinner and armchair horseracing, and dancing
Tuesdays at the Moorings Yacht and Country the admission process from representatives of ents US Army Col. Danny McKnight, to Dixieland Jazz. $550. 772-231-0707
Club to benefit Youth Guidance thru Feb. 21. Princeton, University of Virginia, Drew and Uni- author of ‘Streets of Mogadishu: Leadership at
$8. 772-770-5040 versity of North Florida, 7 p.m. at STEDs Waxlax its Best, Political Correctness at its Worst’ on 27 Live From Vero Beach presents folk-rock
PAC. Free and open to the public; no RSVP re- leadership skills in the 21st Century, 6:30 p.m. guitarist Al Stewart, joined by Dave Nach-
Vero Beach Museum of Art – The View out quired. 772-231-4136 at John’s Island West Clubhouse to benefit Lit- manoff, 7 p.m. at Emerson Center. 772-778-5249
of His Window (and in his Mind’s Eye): Photo-
graphs by Jeffery Becton thru May 7 and Larry
Kagan Object/Shadow thru May 21.

McKee Botanical Garden - Nature Connects:
Art with LEGO Bricks by artist Sean Kenney thru
May 7.


19 Live From Vero Beach presents Felix
Cavaliere’s Rascals, 7 p.m. at Emerson
Center. 772-778-5249

19-22 The Fellsmere Frog Leg Fes-
tival on grounds of historic
Fellsmere School, featuring food, hundreds of
vendor booths, music and rides, 4 to 11 p.m.
Thurs. & Fri., 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sat., and 11
a.m. to 6 p.m. Sun. Free admission.

20|21 Ballet Vero Beach pres-
ents Composers and Cho-
reographers, featuring In Which Cio-Cio San
Goes with Pinkerton, Ophelia, and Anything
You Can Do, 8 p.m. at Vero Beach High School
PAC. 772-905-2651

20-22 Art by the Sea presented
by Vero Beach Art Club, a
juried art show and sale featuring 200+ artists
at Vero Beach Museum of Art, 5 to 8 p.m. Fri.,
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun. to
VBAC college scholarships. Donations appreci-

21 Bark in the Park, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
at Riverside Park to benefit Humane
Society of Vero Beach and Indian River County,
with two- and four-legged activities, demon-
strations, vendors and family fun to benefit the
shelter. Free. 772-388-3826

21|22 Sebastian Riverfront
Fine Art & Music Festi-
val, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Riverview Park, with
100+ professional artists, craftsmen and mu-
sicians showcasing their talents. Sebastian-

23 Have a Heart Play Bridge for the Chil-
dren, 9 a.m. at Vero Beach Country
Club, with Duplicate, Party and Men’s Swiss
Tournament bridge to benefit Children’s Home

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 19, 2017 71


river on the other, you are removed
but still close to everything. The view
is fabulous with an endless parade of
boats passing by, reminiscent of old
Florida,” Bell explains.

The driveway is flanked by palms
swaying in the river breeze. Cool
blue, double inlaid doors open to the
formal living room and a wide-open
view of the river through a back wall
that is mostly glass.

Tall narrow windows allow for plenty
of light to enter from the west, explains
Sally. “These windows were designed
for function and aesthetics. The light
comes through, but the house doesn’t
get too hot from the sun.”

Vaulted ceilings and sliding glass
doors with transom windows open
the room out onto the screened ve-
randa, allowing the symphony of riv-
er sounds into the house.

“The boats start coming by in the
late fall [heading south], and in the
spring they start heading back. Some


Orchid Isle Estates

Year built: 2001
Lot Size: 118’X245’
Home size: 3,995 square feet

Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 3 1/2
Additional features: gated com-
munity, central vacuum, spa
bath, natural stone countertops,
cherry wood flooring, double
sink plus island sink, profile
refrigerator with wood façade,
Kitchen Aid dishwasher, heated
pool, hot tub, fenced back yard,
located across from nature pre-
serve, dock and boat lift, direct
Intracoastal access and river

Listing Agency:
Berkshire Hathaway
HomeServices Florida Realty
Listing Agent:
Debbie Bell, 772-774-4428
Listing Price: $1,375,000

72 Vero Beach 32963 / January 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


STONEY BROOK FARMS $549,000 of the ships that come by here are mal privacy. An en suite bath with his
3bd + den/ 3.5ba/ 3 car garage unbelievable,” shares Peter. “And if and her closets, double-vessel vani-
3200+ sq ft pool home there’s a night launch at the Kennedy ties and quartz countertops, a gar-
Premium lot on pond/preserve Space Center you can watch from the den tub and oversize doorless stone
Upgrades, outdoor living, more! dock. It’s spectacular!” shower create a spa-like atmosphere.
Sliding glass doors lead out to the
ROBLES DEL MAR $315,000 Just off the living room sits the den pool area and open the master bed-
2bd/ 2.5ba/ 2 car garage with a built-in desk and work area room to a sweeping river view.
Fully Remodeled - Modern kitchen with closet space allowing for its use
2,500 sq ft w/2 balconies as a bedroom. Across the hall, the ca- On the north side of the house, the
Close to beach, shops, dining bana bath opens to the pool area. The formal dining room overlooks the na-
custom-built bureau sink designed ture preserve. A wet bar with built-in,
ROYALE RIVIERA $220,000 by the owners adds contrast to the glass-fronted custom cabinets, mar-
2bd/ 2ba/ 1 car garage black and gold room. ble countertop and wine refrigerator
5th floor, steps to South Beach are conveniently located between the
Rooftop clubhouse w/ The master suite is tucked away at dining area and kitchen.
ocean to river view the end of the hall, allowing for opti-

What Our Clients are Saying

“Kim and Ron were delightful to work with. Responsive, knowledgeable
and refreshingly honest. Full service with a reduced fee, you can’t get better
than that.”

– Steve & Colleen, Vero Beach/Leominster, M.A.

“The Small’s were outstanding in every way. They worked very hard to help
us prepare our house to show and then to sell it. They were always available
to answer questions. We would recommend them to anyone.”

– Mike & Judy, Sea Forest, 32963

List Your Home, Save Money
Kim Small - Broker/Owner




625 Beachland Blvd  Vero Beach

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 19, 2017 73


The open-concept gourmet kitch- guests to settle in and feel at home.
en flows into the breakfast nook and With seven children, 17 grandchil-
family room. A large window seat dren, and four great-grandchildren
provides the perfect perch to snuggle this guest suite is an invaluable fea-
up and watch the comings and goings ture of the home.
on the lagoon.
“It’s nice to wake up to this view, but
Natural wood kitchen cabinets add once you’re out of your bedroom for
warmth to the dark, granite counter- the day you don’t see it again,” explains
tops, and the island, built-in desk, Sally. “Instead I designed around this
and double ovens create a highly area so you can sit and watch the river
functional kitchen. at any time of the day or night.”

Storage was a key factor in the de- Back downstairs, the living room,
sign of the house, with an enormous master bedroom, and family room all
walk-in pantry, second refrigerator open out onto the screened lanai and
and cabinets in the laundry room, fenced pool area with hot tub. Beyond
butler’s pantry and 3 1/2-car garage. the pool, a walkway through the man-
An above the garage, walk-up attic groves leads to the dock and boat lift,
area accessed by a staircase instead where adventure on the river awaits.
of a pull-down ladder is a rare feature.
Cherry wood flooring, vaulted ceil-
A beautiful custom wrought iron ings and built-in features showcase
rail graces the elegant main staircase the nature of this beautiful home lo-
that leads to a second-story with two cated on a quiet cul-de-sac street at
guest rooms, a balcony and two full the back of the neighborhood.
baths. This area was created with the
Blanchard’s large family in mind. It Orchid Isle Estates is a gated com-
provides privacy and a beautiful view munity located on Pine Island in the
of the river. middle of the Indian River Lagoon.
Located conveniently off the Wabasso
“Guests love to visit,” says Peter as Causeway in a protected nature pre-
he looks out at the river from the bal- serve the 300-acre subdivision has
cony. “You can see the river from ev- only about 60 home sites, adding to the
ery room in the house. I’m really go- privacy and allure of the serene setting.
ing to miss this view.”
If you would like to take a closer look
A small kitchen area and the large at this hidden beauty stop by the Open
balcony provide plenty of space for House from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Jan. 22. 

74 Vero Beach 32963 / January 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Escalation clause can make difference in bidding war

BY DEAN COTTRILL to-find price point, the end result
Washington Post is often the same — a bidding war
breaks out.
Even though much of the country
is in what we would consider a fairly While bidding wars are thrilling for
normal market, with moderate price sellers, they can be extremely frus-
increases and a climate that favors trating and even heartbreaking for
neither buyers nor sellers, there are buyers. Some buyers bid on multiple
some pockets that remain hot sell- properties without ever winning and
ers’ markets. Whether it’s the most eventually give up. That doesn’t have
sought-after neighborhood or a hard- to happen, though. Here in Washing-
ton, there is a form that can be added

to a purchase contract to help ensure that they have interest from several
the buyer has the winning bid. It’s buyers, and this will most likely be a
called an escalation clause. multiple-offer situation. The buyer’s
agent would then recommend to the
An escalation clause is just that — clients that their offer include an es-
a clause that escalates the offer price, calation clause.
as needed, to win the deal. For exam-
ple: A buyer is interested in a property Of course, escalation clauses aren’t
and their agent reaches out to the sell- right for every buyer. If a buyer is
er’s agent to let them know an offer is struggling to come up with a down
coming. The seller’s agent indicates

76 Vero Beach 32963 / January 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Jan. 6 to Jan. 12

The barrier island real estate market picked up steam as the New Year got underway, with nine
transactions reported including three for more than $1 million.

The top sale of the week was of a home in the Orchid Island Golf & Beach Club. The residence at 524 White
Pelican Circle was placed on the market May 13, 2015, with an asking price of $5.7 million. The asking
price more recently was $5.15 million. The sale closed on Jan. 12 for $3.8 million.

Both the seller and the purchaser in the transaction were represented by Matilde Sorensen of Dale
Sorensen Real Estate.


SEA OAKS 1538 SABAL COURT 8/31/2016 $295,000 $295,000 1/12/2017 $690,000
ESTUARY THE 110 LAKEVIEW WAY 7/7/2016 $1,095,000 $1,095,000 1/10/2017 $820,000
ORANGE PARK ESTATES 715 HIBISCUS LANE 11/25/2016 $725,000 $725,000 1/10/2017 $449,000
BERMUDA BAY 131 LAUREL OAK LANE 5/23/2016 $869,000 $869,000 1/6/2017
SUMMERPLACE 1831 E SANDPIPER ROAD 12/5/2016 $449,000 $449,000 1/6/2017 $625,000

SEAQUAY CONDO 4800 HIGHWAY A1A UNIT#207 12/2/2015 $695,000 $695,000 1/12/2017
VILLAGE SPIRES DEVEL 3554 OCEAN DRIVE UNIT#1101S 12/7/2016 $595,000 $595,000 1/10/2017
OCEAN PARK 1010 EASTER LILY LANE UNIT#110 11/18/2016 $1,350,000 $1,350,000 1/10/2017

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 19, 2017 77


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Estuary The, Address: 110 Lakeview Way Subdivision: Orange Park Estates, Address: 715 Hibiscus Lane

Listing Date: 7/7/2016 Listing Date: 11/25/2016
Original Price: $1,095,000 Original Price: $725,000
Recent Price: $1,095,000 Recent Price: $725,000
Sold: 1/10/2017 Sold: 1/10/2017
Selling Price: $1,000,000 Selling Price: $690,000
Listing Agent: Elizabeth M. Sorensen Listing Agent: Luis Carlos Van Cotthem

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty

Joan N Cook Kay Brown

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Premier Estate Properties

Subdivision: Bermuda Bay, Address: 131 Laurel Oak Lane Subdivision: Ocean Park, Address: 1010 Easter Lily Lane Unit#110

Listing Date: 5/23/2016 Listing Date: 11/18/2016
Original Price: $869,000 Original Price: $1,350,000
Recent Price: $869,000 Recent Price: $1,350,000
Sold: 1/6/2017 Sold: 1/10/2017
Selling Price: $820,000 Selling Price: $1,250,000
Listing Agent: Mara M. Puerner Listing Agent: Mary Pat Slater

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Meg Norris Kimberly Hardin Thorpe

Cliff Norris Real Estate Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S


Nature lover’s paradise! 4BR/4BA estate on 1+acre lot, East of A1A! 2BR/2BA home with den/office across from Oceanfront 18th floor 4BR/3BA penthouse, enclosed garage,
riverfront pool w/spa, 2 docks, access to Intracoastal the beach, impact windows, screened/heated pool & patio ocean to river views, gated community, pool, beach access
$990,000 Last Asking Price $525,000

Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.

direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |

78 Vero Beach 32963 / January 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Sea Oaks, Address: 1538 Sabal Court Subdivision: Summerplace, Address: 1831 E Sandpiper Road

Listing Date: 8/31/2016 Listing Date: 12/5/2016
Original Price: $295,000 Original Price: $449,000
Recent Price: $295,000 Recent Price: $449,000
Sold: 1/12/2017 Sold: 1/6/2017
Selling Price: $287,000 Selling Price: $449,000
Listing Agent: Fran Smyrk Listing Agent: Janet L Lawrence

Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: North Beach Realty, Inc.

Elaine Amy Janet L Lawrence

Phoenix Acquisitions, Inc. North Beach Realty, Inc.

Subdivision: Seaquay Condo, Address: 4800 Highway A1a Unit#207 Subdivision: Village Spires Devel, Address: 3554 Ocean Drive Unit#1101S

Listing Date: 12/2/2015 Listing Date: 12/7/2016
Original Price: $695,000 Original Price: $595,000
Recent Price: $695,000 Recent Price: $595,000
Sold: 1/12/2017 Sold: 1/10/2017
Selling Price: $625,000 Selling Price: $550,000
Listing Agent: Claudia F. Pascal Listing Agent: Beth Livers

Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida

Bobbie Holt Mac Thompson

Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC Seaside Realty of Vero Beach

3807 & 3855 65th Street, Vero Beach, FL 32967

(772) 778-2334  36,000 Square Feet in two buildings!
Ron Lambert  13 units plus outside storage available!
 5.7 Acres of Industrial Land, possible RR Spur!
 New Roof!, Loading Dock & 3 Phase Power!
 Price = $1,950,000 – **NOI = $164,000

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 19, 2017 79


payment or having a tough time se- er must provide a copy of the compet-
curing a mortgage, staying within a ing offer (with personal information
set budget is essential. And no buyer redacted) as proof of the offer being
should ever offer or pay more for a escalated against.
home than they’re comfortable with.
It’s important that the escalation
But if you have the extra cash and amount is meaningful to the seller.
really want the house, here’s how it It’s not “The Price is Right” — you’re
works: The buyer would submit an not going to win a home by outbid-
offer for a certain price, but the esca- ding other offers by $1. Sellers look at
lation clause increases the offer price terms as much as price, and if a com-
by pre-set increments up to a prede- peting offer is cleaner — all cash, no
contingencies, preferred closing date,
termined maximum in order to beat etc. — the seller will choose it over a
out any competing bids. slightly higher dollar offer.

So, say the offer on the property Another potential negative is that
is $500,000. The escalation clause escalation clauses can be frustrat-
might allow for the price to go up in ing for a seller when the other offers
increments of $5,000 up to a maxi- received aren’t high enough to acti-
mum of $550,000 to beat any other of- vate the escalation. But even though
fers. That means that if another offer the seller might look at the escalation
comes in at $515,000, the offer with clause’s maximum and think they’re
the escalation clause will automati- losing out on that money, the reality
cally go to $520,000 in order to beat it. is that escalation clause is ensuring
they’re receiving — and the buyers
For the buyer’s protection, the sell- are paying — true fair market value
for their home.

Any home buyer, seller or agent
operating in a competitive market
environment should take a moment
to learn about escalation clauses.
The form and the process are very
straightforward, and they can trans-
form a stressful, frustrating situation
into a win-win for all involved. 

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