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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2021-11-11 23:58:02

11/11/2021 ISSUE 23


City revamps plans

A11 A12 B5OK’s more industrial space
Beware pickleball perils A.C.T.’s ‘Designer Shorts’

Doctor’s tips to avoid injuries Plays are perfect fit for holiday


Push to make key Huge ‘Logistics
thoroughfare more Center’ eyed for
livable, attractive Kings Hwy. site

[email protected] [email protected]
As new construction skyrock- An Atlanta-based industri-
ets in Port St. Lucie, the city wants In the leadup to Veterans Day, the annual muster at al developer plans to build and
to upgrade the quality of life and manage a 1.3-million square-foot
development along the southern the National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum in Fort Pierce warehouse and distribution cen-
half of its namesake boulevard ter on Orange Avenue near the
as part of a $50 million-plus road last Saturday included a demonstration of a terrorist Interstate 95 interchange.
widening project.
takedown by Navy SEALS and their K-9s. Meanwhile, Stonemont Financial Group
The Treasure Coast Regional proposed constructing the South
Planning Council is studying the retired U.S. Navy Cmdr. Grant Mann, the museum’s Florida Logistics Center 95 on a
3.5-mile stretch of PSL Boulevard 103-acre tract on the southwest
between Becker Road and Gatlin executive director, was recently a guest speaker at corner of Orange Avenue and
Boulevard for ways to make it Kings Highway, just west of Love’s
more walkable, convenient and the Navy League Treasure Coast Council’s 2021-2022 Truck Stop.
Speaker Series. See Story, Page B8.  PHOTOS: LINDA KLOORFAIN It’s the third million-square-
The assignment includes analyz- foot-plus industrial project pro-
ing the land use and infrastructure posed along I-95 in St. Lucie Coun-
along the corridor to facilitate more ty in the past two years. Amazon is
mixed-use development, a variety building a 1.1-million square-foot
of transportation modes and new fulfillment center at Midway Road
public parks, art and amenities. and Sansone Group is building a
5-million-square-foot industrial
Port St. Lucie Boulevard South park at Becker Road.
is an important gateway to the
city from Martin County, as well County commissioners voted
as Interstate 95 and Florida’s unanimously Nov. 4 to approve
Turnpike, said Kim DeLaney, the the site plan for the South Florida
planning council’s strategic de- Logistics Center 95. Demand for


for vaccine efforts
BY MICHELLE GENZ | Staff Writer vacancy rate in nursing positions,
with one in four nurses leaving BY GEORGE ANDREASSI | Staff Writer
Improved pay, signing bonuses, their jobs in the past year. [email protected]
better benefits, even a new en-
try-level job aimed at luring new- And hospitals aren’t the only en- New COVID-19 cases in St. Dr. Mark Pamer.
comers to the field. tities with unfilled openings. Lucie County dropped to their
lowest levels since June as more residents were vac-
All are attempts at boosting the “The staffing shortage is still cinated against the virus and the pandemic seemed
number of nurses here amid warn- severe,” said Lundy Fields, pres- to be waning.
ings that the shortage locally is ident and CEO of the VNA of the
about to get worse. Treasure Coast. He said the agen- Port St. Lucie and Dr. Mark Pamer scheduled a

This spring, the Florida Hospital CONTINUED ON PAGE A3 CONTINUED ON PAGE A8
Association reported an 11 percent
Patricia Gagliano, dean of IRSC College of Nursing. PHOTO: KAILA JONES

IN THIS ISSUE Artist pours ‘a little
bit of everything’
LOCAL NEWS A1-A11 PETS A20 into her work. P. B2




© 2021 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

To Advertise (772-633-1115) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | NEWS November 11, 2021 3

NURSE SHORTAGE Leona Joseph goes over procedures with nursing student Lindsay Sward during the beginning of her shift tion accreditation organization.
“We have the support for our program,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE A1 in the cardiac step-down unit at Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital. PHOTO: KAILA JONES
and we have the outcomes,” she said.
cy, which provides more than 100,000 home Barry University that looked at predictors campus – plus a dozen at Vero Beac’s Muel- Gagliano says the passing rate of IRSC’s
visits a year, has increased its RN sign-on bo- of nursing school success. ler campus. And she is looking forward to
nus to $5,000 to help attract applicants. expansion. “We’ve actually seen an uptick registered and practical nursing students
She also cited high school nursing pro- in applications,” she said. That increase on the national exam is above the national
The thinning ranks were becoming evi- grams that award some students a CNA in applications has been consistent since and state average, and retention rates are
dent even before the pandemic. This fall, a certification on completion. Enrollment at 2019, she said. “At the same time, we have also high.
study based on pre-COVID-19 data predict- IRSC can drastically speed up the path to an made some modifications and increased
ed a shortage of 60,000 nurses in Florida by RN, though increasingly hospitals expect a our capacity by 14 percent.” Her nurses-to-be are also resilient; she
2035. The study relied on data only through BSN degree – bachelor of science in nursing saw no increase in withdrawals from the
2019, a year before the pandemic drove – within a certain time frame after hiring. Gagliano is already making plans for the program during COVID-19. “We were only
thousands of frontline nurses into burnout, school to grow even more, a process that out of the classroom a short amount of time,
in many cases resulting in early retirement Today, Gagliano oversees a current en- requires approval from a nursing educa- and we were back in the clinical facilities by
or a change of careers. rollment of around 900 at the Fort Pierce August of 2020,” she said.

Others sought higher compensation by Those clinical facilities, of which there are
becoming travel nurses, an agency assign- around 100, include local hospitals, where
ment that often involves moving temporari- IRSC nursing students train without pay
ly but that pays far higher rates. while following the facilities’ protocols.

That phenomenon – some have called it Recently, two student nurses were on site
price gouging – has been a major financial at dawn ready to train at Cleveland Clinic In-
strain on hospitals. AdventHealth’s chief dian River’s 3 East wing, starting their shift
clinical officer, Neil Finkler, told a Florida in the cardiac step-down unit, the next stop
House committee in September that 79 per- after the surgery ICU. The students reviewed
cent of the health system’s nursing openings the day’s scheduled surgeries and proce-
were being filled by agencies. His solution: dures with Gagliano, who makes regular
expand nursing education. “We need more on-site visits to partner facilities, and Leona
students, we need more professors, we need Joseph, master instructor of nursing at the
more seats,” said Finkler. college and a former intensive care nurse at
Cleveland Clinic Tradition who has a doctor-
Dr. Patricia Gagliano, dean of Indian ate in nursing practice.
River State College’s school of nursing, be-
lieves a key driver of future nurses is a focus Joseph, one of only 22 instructors on the
on science in elementary and secondary IRSC nursing faculty, drew praise from one
school classrooms. That notion arose out student nurse training at the hospital. Lind-
of Gagliano’s 2014 doctoral dissertation at say Thornton Sward called Joseph “vital to
my success this semester.” Like many nurs-



NURSE SHORTAGE Sward already has her AA in pre-nursing ple,” Sward said. “Making my way through said. “Nursing school is like a puzzle: You’re
from IRSC, completed in 2005. In the inter- nursing school has its challenges, but I always building and adding to the finished
CONTINUED FROM PAGE A3 vening years, working as a strength training wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s been an product. I learn something new and valu-
coach and raising two daughters who are amazing experience and the teachers are all able every day,” she said.
ing students, Sward is back in school after now teenagers, she “always wanted to go amazing and supportive.”
a significant break and saddled with life re- back and finish my degree,” she said. “My As a lull in the region’s COVID-19 num-
sponsibilities that could get in the way were goal is to work in trauma or ICU someday.” This is Sward’s first semester training at bers allows once-reeling healthcare pro-
it not for inspiring instructors. Cleveland Clinic Indian River, and so far, it’s viders to regroup, there is heightened
“I truly love nursing and caring for peo- been her favorite clinical experience, she awareness of just how critical nurses at all

Lectures, expanded tours offered as Harbor Branch celebrates 50 years

BY PATRICK McCALLISTER | Correspondent Malcolm McFarland, research associate, will FILE PHOTO ing their ways into studying the oceans.
discuss the algae blooms in Florida’s coastal Computers, for one. More importantly, per-
Pontiac Grand Safaris and AMC Javelin and inland waters. Admission into the muse- first Earth Day happened in 1970. It was an haps, satellites.
AMXs were cruising U.S. 1, their radios blast- um for the lectures is $14. exciting time for ocean research as more
ing “Me and Bobby McGee,” “Have You Ever people were becoming aware of its import- “Now we can do something we couldn’t
Seen the Rain” and “Joy to the World.” Reubin Harbor Branch is offering expanded tours ant role in life everywhere. before – we can look at the whole earth at
Askew was Florida’s new governor. A place to celebrate 50 years. The daily FAU Harbor once,” Sullivan said.
was opening in Central Florida called Walt Branch Immersion Tour (10:30 a.m. to noon) “Most of your life is dependent on the
Disney World. is a look at the 144-acre campus. Tickets are ocean,” Sullivan said. “Half of the oxygen you Auguste Piccard had introduced bathy-
$20; reservations must be made at the latest breathe came from the ocean.” scaphes in the 1950s. That got people ever
It was 1971, and another new place was by 4 p.m. the day before. deeper, but they were limited to small win-
opening in St. Lucie – the Harbor Branch Throughout history diverse and disparate dows to look around. In the next decade,
Oceanographic Foundation. Today it’s the The Ocean Exploration Tour is offered on cultures learned a lot about the oceans and Link introduced ways to allow submersibles
Florida Atlantic University Harbor Branch the second Thursday of each month. This is how to travel incredible distances on them. to take divers to great depths to leave and
Oceanographic Institution. The institution a visit to the FAU Harbor Branch Exploration But, that knowledge went only so deep. The return to them. Submersibles were giving re-
hopes locals will help it celebrate the quin- Command Center. Those tours (1 p.m. to 2:30 launch of the HMS Challenger in 1872 – only searchers ever deeper looks under the waves.
quagenary. p.m.) are limited to 20 visitors. Again, reser- 99 years before Harbor Branch’s founding – By the end of the 1970s, the world knew
vations must be made at the latest by 4 p.m. started changing everything about how we about many previously unknown wonders,
“A 50th anniversary is a good time to re- the day before. Tickets are $25. (Reservations understand the ocean. The crew did a lot of such as the deep-sea vents.
flect on all that’s happened over that time,” can be made by calling 772-242-2293.) amazing scientific work making numerous
said Jim Sullivan, executive director. discoveries with the most rudimentary tools. “Back (when Harbor Branch opened) we
J. Seward Johnson founded Harbor Branch That expedition started whole new sciences. knew very, very little about our deep oceans,”
Harbor Branch is doing a few things to with Edwin A. Link. At the time, the modern The more scientists learned, the more they Sullivan said. “To this day there are many
mark the milestone anniversary until April. environmental movement was young. The realized there was much more to learn. parts of the ocean that are not explored.”
Some will be at the Ocean Discovery Visitors
Center, 5600 N. U.S. 1, Fort Pierce. The center By the 1970s new technologies were mak- The innovations and discoveries kept
is opened to visitors 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tues- coming, and Harbor Branch has been in the
days to Saturdays, and closed on state-rec- thick of it all. Along the way, its neighbors
ognized holidays. Admission is free, but $5 have benefited not just educationally.
donations are encouraged.
“We can benefit the local economy while
Harbor Branch has teamed up with the also doing science,” Sullivan said. “We em-
Elliott Museum – 825 NE Ocean Blvd., Stuart ploy over 200 people. We have over 200
– to display one of the iconic Johnson-Sea- people on campus. Some are students who
Link submersibles. That’s part of the “Ocean are research assistants. We have our own re-
Science for a Better World” exhibition and search faculty. We hire scientists.
lecture series.
“We’re like a small city. We’re a pretty big
Lectures at the Elliott will be on Wednes- campus.”
days, Nov. 17, Dec. 15 and Jan. 19, all start-
ing at 7 p.m. Jim Masterson will be the first Harbor Branch gets a lot of research dol-
speaker. The assistant research professor lars into the area economy, too. “Now we’re
will discuss Harbor Branch’s history. In De- up around $27 million (a year),” said Sulli-
cember, John Reed, research professor at van. “That’s a big change. That’s a very suc-
FAU, will talk about the Johnson-Sea-Links’ cessful institute.”
missions and accomplishments. In January,
For move, visit 

To Advertise (772-633-1115) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | NEWS November 11, 2021 5

levels are to their efforts. the Melbourne area and by 14 percent in the But the shortages aren’t evenly distribut- COVID-19 pandemic will not prove signif-
The pre-COVID study that predicted the Fort Pierce-Port St. Lucie area. ed. Big cities appear to be headed toward icant to the nursing shortfall in the long
having plenty of RNs, who mostly work in term; their projections run to 2035. Instead,
60,000-nurse shortfall 13 years from now The report, commissioned by the Flori- hospitals, but not enough LPNs, who tend the report sees Florida’s escalating rate
showed that in 2019, Vero and Sebastian had da Hospital Association and the Safety Net to work in doctors’ offices and care facilities. of growth as driving the shortages. That
1,720 RNs, but needed 2,244, a shortfall of 23 Hospital Alliance of Florida and released last Rural areas will have the reverse, not enough growth is expected to be highest among
percent. That was a worse shortage than the month, anticipates a statewide 12 percent RNs, but plenty of LPNs. retirees, who typically have more intensive
metro areas to the north and south, where shortfall of registered nurses and a 30 per- needs for healthcare. 
demand exceeded supply by 16 percent in cent shortfall of licensed practical nurses. The nursing study’s authors believe the


PSL BOULEVARD SOUTH where they can walk to parks, schools, inquire about their development plans so and Port St. Lucie Boulevard, DeLaney
shopping areas, employment centers and they can try to figure out the future devel- said. That would be a good place to create
CONTINUED FROM PAGE A1 entertainment venues within 15 minutes, opment patterns, DeLaney said. a well-planned gateway to Port St. Lucie.
DeLaney said.
velopment and policy director. The city should consider quickly pur- “Port St. Lucie is a city that’s been build-
“It’s the entry to the heart of the city,” “That’s what makes cities competitive chasing lots in strategic locations along ing at warp speed,” DeLaney said. “The
these days,” DeLaney said. “That’s what Port St. Lucie Boulevard South for parks, population growth in Port St. Lucie is un-
DeLaney told the city’s Planning and Zon- buyers are looking for. Those are buyers utilities and other public facilities before paralleled. The city doesn’t have to recruit
ing Board Nov. 2. “It’s the road that brings in all ranges -- young families, millennials the land is developed, DeLaney said. development at this point. The city is in
you to City Hall. and empty nesters -- all looking for that the driver’s seat of those communities that
convenience that makes for a sustainable “Even though a parcel looks vacant are positioned to be able to control and set
“We’ll be looking at ownership patterns, place. today, there is site development activity expectations for development. The market
age of structures, water, sewer, stormwa- that is in motion rapidly along the corri- brings you that opportunity.”
ter, other infrastructure aspects -- trying to “The corridor provides an opportunity dor that begets the need to move quickly
identify not just the redevelopment oppor- to infill some of those uses in a manner through a corridor plan if you want to do Port St. Lucie could grow to a population
tunities, but the infill development oppor- that’s walkable, that makes for a healthy something meaningful to effect change,” of 350,000 in the next 10 to 15 years, DeL-
tunities,” DeLaney said. community,” DeLaney said. DeLaney said. aney said. Approximately 1,000 people per
day are moving to Florida, just like during
Research indicates new homebuyers Planners will be contacting the owners Developers have been looking at oppor- the growth boom of the 1980s.
generally want to live in a neighborhood of the vacant land along the corridor to tunities at the intersection of Becker Road
“That rate of growth is predicted to in-
crease for the foreseeable future,” DeLaney
said. “We’re not just in a boom, we’re in a
‘superboom,’ according to the realtors and
the development industry, as to the pace of
development in motion at this time.”

Planners are currently conducting re-
search and interviewing stakeholders for
the Port St. Lucie Boulevard South corridor
study, DeLaney said. Public workshops will
be scheduled in January and April.

A final report with regulatory, financial
and policy recommendations for enhanc-
ing the quality of life along the corridor is
due to the City Council by July 2022, DeL-
aney said.

However, the corridor study will not
change the design of the widening of Port
St. Lucie Boulevard, DeLaney said.

The expanded thoroughfare will consist
of two 11-foot-wide travel lanes in either
direction and a 5-foot landscaped buffer
separating traffic from a 10-foot-wide side-
walk and bicycle path on each side of the
road, city records show. It will feature an
18-foot-wide landscaped center median.

Construction is underway on $8 million
in improvements to the .6-mile segment of
PSL Boulevard from Gatlin to Darwin bou-
levards, including dual turn lanes, side-
walks and multiuse paths.

The city plans to spend $13.5 million
in 2022 and 2023 expanding Port St. Lucie
Boulevard along a .7-mile stretch between
Darwin and Alcantarra boulevards, city re-
cords show.

Construction is to start in October 2024
and be completed two years later on a
1-mile-long segment of PSL Boulevard
between Alcantarra Boulevard and Paar
Drive, city records show. It’s expected to
cost $16.4 million.

It will cost $15 million to $20 million to
expand Port St. Lucie Boulevard between
Paar Drive and Becker Road. The project is
expected to start in October 2026 and last
two years.

The corridor study will help the City
Council figure out ways to enhance the ad-
joining neighborhoods as part of the mas-
sive expansion of Port St. Lucie Boulevard.

“This corridor provides that opportu-
nity for the city to add in this next layer of
investment a greater mix of uses that are
more walkable, more sustainable and more
connected,” DeLaney said. 

To Advertise (772-633-1115) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | NEWS November 11, 2021 7

LOGISTICS CENTER basis, said Dusten Estes, the company’s vice yet,” Estes said. “But we work with a large for Fortune 500 companies,” Estes said. “We
president of originations. number of national users and we’ve already also do some spec industrial deals, as well
CONTINUED FROM PAGE A1 received a good deal of interest from For- as specializing in creating and laying out lo-
The company plans to build a 1.1-mil- tune 500 national retailers and some others, gistics parks around the country.”
industrial space in St. Lucie County is so lion-square-foot facility for lease to a na- as you might imagine, grocers, some other
great, Stonemont Financial is building the tional user and a 245,000-square-foot facili- bigger groups. The 245,000-square-foot building would
massive logistics center on a speculative ty for lease to a regional user, Estes said. enable Stonemont Financial to attract re-
“We specialize in build-to-suit projects
“That million-footer, we don’t have a user CONTINUED ON PAGE A8


COVID-19 Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. our citizens. Your caring spirit shines forth can’t tell you how many weekends have
The City Council honored Pamer and his in your good work.” been spent just doing nothing but vaccine
CONTINUED FROM PAGE A1 paperwork. ... We’ll never know how many
staff during Monday night’s meeting for ad- Pamer thanked city officials for agreeing lives have been saved or changed by all of
free vaccine clinic for this Friday, Nov. 12 ministering more than 5,500 vaccinations at to the partnership and helping process the this. We know it’s many.”
from noon until 4 p.m. at Keiser Universi- 25 events since March 25 and participating large amount of paperwork generated by
ty’s campus in Tradition, 9400 SW Discovery in two COVID-19 health information ses- the vaccination clinics. A total of 719 county residents were vac-
Way, Port St. Lucie. sions on the city’s television station. cinated against COVID-19 during the week
“This started with a quick conversation ending Nov. 4, the state Health Department
No appointment is needed and walk-in “Dr. Pamer has been a steadfast partner – you had needs and we had desires to get report shows. That compares to 832 the prior
patients are welcome, said city spokes- to the city in battling COVID-19 and the people vaccinated,” Pamer said. “It was a week and 788 the week before.
woman Sarah Prohaska. pandemic,” said Mayor Shannon Martin. beautiful, rapid partnership between pub-
“The City of Port St. Lucie sincerely appre- lic and private and it has worked out. Altogether, 195,300 county residents
The clinic will be administering Pfizer, ciates your ongoing hard work on behalf of have received COVID-19 vaccinations as of
“It’s been our mission,” Pamer said. “I

LOGISTICS CENTER Lucie County as part of its efforts to build at the intersection of Kings Highway and “They have beautified the project,” Wood
new projects, Estes said. “We think we’re Orange Avenue, said Kara Wood, a county said. “They have agreed to put in water fea-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE A7 ahead of the game here,” Estes said. “We’ve planner reviewing the project plans. tures in each of the lakes, as has the Kings
pinpointed this location for much bigger (Logistics) Center, so these features will be
gional users and diversify the project, Estes plans and hopefully for some more devel- The developers will split the costs for a complimentary.”
said. “It’s a great way for us to increase our opment projects in the future.” traffic signal and other intersection modi-
business. We have a lot of interest. fications, said Kori Benton, another county Currently there is a dry retention area
The South Florida Logistics Center 95 site planner. that borders Orange Avenue, but the ap-
“We’re working in Dallas, Chicago, Atlan- is owned by BHT of Maryland 0337 LLC of plicant has already indicated they may
ta, Minneapolis, all over the country,” Estes Davie, county property records show. The Plans call for the South Florida Logistics reconsider where the lakes are located so
said. “We have about 12 million square feet subsidiary of BHT Manager LLC bought the Center 95 to have entrances and exits on those water features and lake retention ar-
of industrial real estate under construction land for $3,330,000 on Aug. 24, 2020 from Orange Avenue, Kings Highway and Rock eas can be brought further toward Orange
around the country. Weekley Eleven Fort Pierce LLC, of Pem- Road, Wood said. The project is expected to Avenue. Nearly 6 acres of wetlands on the
broke Pines. attract an average of 2,226 vehicles per day, site will be filled, Wood said. The developer
“This is one of our highlight projects including 262 during the evening rush hour, will purchase credits at the Bluefield Ranch
around the country here in Fort Pierce,” The project will share an intersection county records show. wetlands mitigation bank to compensate
Estes said. “This is a highlight project for us on Kings Highway with the Kings Logistics for the loss.
here internally. ... We’re longtime holders. Center, a 658,000-square-foot warehouse The developer plans to improve Rock
We hold about $4 billion in industrial real and distribution facility Seefreed Industri- Road from Orange Avenue to the project Projects consisting of 1 million square
estate under management today. We would al Properties is building on a 67-acre tract entrance, Wood said. Stonemont Financial feet of space are a new phenomenon in St.
hold this long term and basically be a land- south of Love’s Truck Stop. will also provide strips of land along Orange Lucie County, Wood said. “I have to admit,
lord and be a partner with you all.” Avenue, Kings Highway and Rock Road to when I opened this site plan, I realized I had
Both developers are working with county expand the right-of-way and add turn lanes. never seen a site plan with 1 million square
Stonemont Financial is also working with and state transportation engineers to figure feet in one place,” Wood said. 
the Economic Development Council of St. out the improvements that will be needed Parking and drainage will take up large
sections of the project, Wood said.

To Advertise (772-633-1115) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | NEWS November 11, 2021 9

Nov. 4, about 69 percent of those age 12 and The positivity rate of those tested for dents and one employee tested positive for since March 2020, the state Health Depart-
older who are eligible. COVID-19 plummeted to 3.4 percent during COVID-19 during the past week, school dis- ment report shows. That’s nearly 15 percent
the week ending Nov. 4 and the average num- trict records show. Overall, 1,551 students and of the county’s 322,154 residents.
Just 217 county residents were diagnosed ber of cases per 100,000 dropped to 44.7. The 291 employees have been diagnosed with the
with COVID-19 during the week ending Nov. figures were the lowest since June when the virus since the school year started Aug. 10. Port St. Lucie is scheduled to receive
4, a Florida Department of Health report pandemic was last in decline. $24.7 million from the federal government
shows. That’s the lowest number since the A total of 47,878 St. Lucie County resi- as part of the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Re-
week ending June 24 when there were 175. Just six St. Lucie County public school stu- dents have been diagnosed with COVID-19 covery Fund. 


Chicken finger drive-through coming to St. Lucie West MEDICAL EXAMINER
BY GEORGE ANDREASSI | Staff Writer Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers hopes to redevelop the former UPDATED FACILITY
[email protected] Harbor Community Bank and open for business next summer.
BY RAY McNULTY | Staff Writer
Louisiana-based Raising Cane’s Chick- are neck-and-neck as far as entitlements get chicken fingers. How many do you want?”
en Fingers wants to redevelop the former and permitting are concerned. It will defi- Long lines should not be a problem at The medical examiner for the four-coun-
Harbor Community Bank property in St. nitely be the first in St. Lucie County and ty region that includes St. Lucie is seeking
Lucie West into one of its first fast-food Port St. Lucie and we’re excited about that.” the drive-through because the simplicity a new, state-of-the-art facility to meet the
restaurants in Florida. of the menu makes it is easy to process growing demands on her office as a result of
Founded in 1996 in Baton Rouge, Lou- orders quickly, Belt said. The only other the steady influx of new residents flocking to
Raising Cane’s has proposed building a isiana, Raising Cane’s has grown to 550 things on Raising Cane’s menu are soft the communities she serves.
3,181-square-foot restaurant with drive- restaurants in 23 states, Belt said. Owner drinks and three side dishes: cole slaw,
through service and a 642-square-foot Todd Graves believed in the concept of Texas Toast and French Fries. “It’s a very Dr. Patricia Aronica, medical examiner for
outside seating area on the 1.72-acre par- serving only chicken fingers and made it efficient drive-through,” Belt said. the 19th Judicial District, said the existing fa-
cel at 1549 NW St. Lucie West Blvd. work. cility – located on Indian River State College’s
“There are several other fast-food main campus in Fort Pierce – is too small, ill-
Raising Cane’s anticipates opening “by “Raising Cain’s does one thing and they restaurants with drive-throughs along the equipped and outdated to accommodate the
summer of next year,” said Kristina Belt, an do it really well. They serve chicken fin- north side of St. Lucie West Boulevard, so agency’s needs.
engineer representing the property owner, gers,” Belt said. it does fit in well with the nature of that
VYBE SLW, Inc., of West Palm Beach. area,” Belt said. Aronica was hired in May 2020 and moved
“The menu’s very simple. It’s very easy. You from Baltimore to take the job upon the re-
The Port St. Lucie City Council is ex- The restaurant’s hours of operation will tirement of Dr. Roger Mittleman, who served
pected to vote on a special exception be 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 a.m., Sunday through as the Treasure Coast’s medical examiner for
permit for the drive-through service later Thursday, and 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 a.m., Fri- nearly 20 years.
this month. The related site plan is under day and Saturday, Belt said.
review by city planners. Not only does the facility lack the space
Raising Cane’s restaurants typically hire needed to store bodies in a dignified way, she
The city Planning and Zoning Board 75 to 125 workers and four to six manag- said, but there’s also not enough room for
voted unanimously Nov. 2 to recommend ers, Belt said. The company offers benefits new employees, an ever-increasing number
council approval of the special exception and opportunities for advancement. of files, or separate areas to conduct autop-
permit. sies on decomposed remains or “infective
VYBE SLW purchased the property for cases,” such as those involving tuberculosis
The restaurant proposed on the north- $1.7 million on July 21 from Harbor Com- and meningitis. “The bottom line is we have
east corner of St. Lucie West Boulevard munity Bank FSB, St. Lucie County records outgrown this building,” Aronica told mem-
and Central Park Plaza Drive could be show. The 4,500-square-foot bank build- bers of the St. Lucie, Indian River and Martin
Raising Cane’s first in Florida, Belt told ing was constructed in 1994.  county commissions during a joint meeting
the Planning and Zoning Board. at the college last month.

“This will be one of the first in Florida,” In addition, she said the building is sorely
Belt said. “There are a couple of others that in need of upgrades and repairs to provide a
safe, healthy work environment for staffers,
who are currently enduring roof leaks, cool-
ers that spray aluminum oxide and chiller-
fan shutdowns.

Rather than spend money restoring and
expanding a building built in the 1970s,
Aronica asked the commissioners – along
with their counterparts in Okeechobee
County – to help fund the construction of

To Advertise (772-633-1115) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | NEWS November 11, 2021 11

a new building, preferably on the college’s HONORING
campus. She provided the commission- TOP PROS OF
ers with the architectural floor plan used to WORKPLACE
build a 17,000-square-foot medical examin-
er’s facility in Cobb County, Georgia, but of- Dr. Rafael Sanchez Jr. speaks after
fered no cost estimates.
receiving the Human Resources
College President Timothy Moore en-
dorsed Aronica’s request, saying the building Professional of the Year award for
that currently houses the Medical Examin-
er’s Office on his campus is “at the end of its St. Lucie Public Schools, while Na-
service life,” adding that trying to patch the
problems would be “throwing good mon- talie Cabrera accepts the Human
ey after bad.” He said the college’s Board of
Trustees wants to keep the facility on campus Resources Professional of the Year
– there’s available land adjacent to the Trea-
sure Coast Public Safety Training Complex – award for the City of Port St. Lucie
and would embrace any efforts to seek state
grants and other funding for the project. during the recent Best Places to

Moore estimated the cost of building a Work Awards Ceremony in Port
new facility at $800 per square foot, which
would push the total price into the $15 mil- St. Lucie. PHOTOS: LINDA KLOORFAIN
lion range. But he suggested the commis-
sioners “start small” and begin the process Port St. Lucie updates plans for 3,600 acres west of I-95
by providing Aronica’s office with the funds
to hire a firm to produce a conceptual design. BY GEORGE ANDREASSI | Staff Writer for retail space, 1.2 million square feet for trial development, instead of commercial
“Financing a new facility isn’t easy,” Aronica [email protected] research and development facilities and 1.4 development.
said, adding that she has been searching for million square feet for office buildings.
grants and communicating with the gover- The increasing demand for industrial In addition, the updated plan relocated
nor’s office, but has come up empty. space prompted Port St. Lucie to revamp The new development order also extend- a 20-acre school site and a 10-acre park site
the master development plans for 3,600 ed the deadline for completing construction from the northeast corner of Becker Road
Indian River County Commission Chair- acres west of Interstate 95 where construc- to 2041 from 2032. In addition, the new de- and Community Boulevard to an area west
man Joe Flescher, who presided over the an- tion is booming. velopment order ensures that Marshall Park- of the FPL substation on Becker Road.
nual Tri-County Meeting, said the individual way, an east-west thoroughfare, will be built
commissions must approve any funding for The City Council voted unanimously by Mattamy Palm Beach and GL Homes, A traffic analysis by MacKenzie Engineer-
the project, including that needed for the ini- Monday to approve an updated develop- which is developing the neighboring River- ing & Planning Inc., determined the chang-
tial planning expenses. ment order for the Tradition, Southern land project to the west, when they build a es to the development order would result in
Grove and Western Grove projects that specific number of homes. a substantial reduction of vehicles on the
He also recommended the counties enlist nearly doubled the amount of industrial road network.
the help of the Treasure Coast’s state legisla- space permitted to 8.8 million square feet. The updated master development plan
tors and make a joint pitch for any available for the 3,600 acres also removed or relocated The changes to the development order
state funds to build a new facility, which he The changes affected about 1,200 acres several public facilities. had been recommended by the Treasure
said was “very necessary.” in Tradition Commerce Center obtained by Coast Regional Planning Council following a
Port St. Lucie and 2,400 acres of residential The council eliminated the proposed Paar year-long community planning process.
Flescher said the shortcomings of the ex- land purchased by Mattamy Palm Beach Drive Overpass, which would have traversed
isting Medical Examiner’s Office are “not a LLC, both in June 2018 from Tradition Land I-95, and the section of the Paar Drive exten- “It included an extensive market study
new-found problem,” adding that the issues Company. sion between I-95 to Anthony F. Sansone Sr. that analyzed trying to come up with what
were discussed when Aronica was hired. Boulevard. was the best development for Southern
The amended development plans also Grove that would make it the most econom-
Aronica said a new building would al- added 286 residences and 260 hotel rooms The proposed overpass would have cost ically competitive for the land,” said Bridget
low her to provide proper storage facilities to the construction projects underway be- tens of millions of dollars and disrupted the Kean, a city planner working on Tradition
for decedents’ bodies and enough autopsy tween I-95, Tradition Parkway, Community neighborhood east of I-95 without providing Commerce Center issues.
rooms to handle an increasing case load, as Boulevard and the C-23 Canal. Now a total much benefit to the road network, planners
well as office space and bathrooms for the of 1,051 hotel rooms and 7,674 residences reviewing the master plan determined. Port St. Lucie acquired nearly 1,200 acres
new staffers she’ll need to hire. are permitted. in the Tradition Commerce Center, which is
The Paar Drive extension was deleted at part of the Southern Grove project, in June
She said her office this year had handled To make room for the additions, the coun- the request of the Sansone Group, which is 2018 for free after the developer decided not
130 cases more than it had at this time last cil decreased the projects’ development en- developing 5 million square feet of industrial to pay more than $5 million per year in an-
year, and she expects that trend to continue titlements by 1.8 million square feet for retail space on 400 acres along I-95, north of Beck- nual property taxes and special assessments.
as the region’s population increases.  space, 1.3 million square feet for research er Road and west of Village Parkway.
and development facilities and 1 million At the same time, Mattamy Palm Beach
square feet for office buildings, records show. The updated plan also reclassified a 7.8- LLC purchased roughly 2,800 acres in the
acre lot on the northeast corner of Paar Tradition, Western and Southern Grove proj-
That still leaves 1.8 million square feet Drive and Village Parkway to allow indus- ects from Tradition Land Company. 



BY KERRY FIRTH | Correspondent shoes. “So many new pickleball players important preventative measure is the risks of injury in pickleball, but you
have to play smart.”
Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in show up to the court in running shoes stretching. “This sport is cut from the
the U.S. and pickleball injuries are grow- Most of the injuries associated with
ing right along with the fast, fun racquet which are not suited for the sport. Players same fabric as tennis and it’s very de- pickleball are soft tissue injuries that can
game. take up to four weeks to heal. “I don’t see
need to invest in a good pair of court or manding on the feet,” Dr. Caballes con- too many fractures from the sport but soft
The Sports and Fitness Industry re- tissue injuries like plantar fasciitis and
ported that the number of people playing tennis shoes which typically have a flatter tinued. “Players should stretch before, tendinitis can be very painful and debili-
pickleball increased by a fairly amazing tating,” Dr. Caballes warned.
21 percent in 2020. Of the 4.2 million U.S. sole and have a different grip adapted to during and after the match to keep the
players counted in the report, 2.8 mil- The most common symptom for plan-
lion were ‘casual’ players who play one the surface of the tennis or pickleball ligaments loose. A simple stretch is to tar fasciitis and tendinitis is heel pain.
to seven times a year, while 1.4 million There is a deep tenderness in the back
were ‘core’ players who play eight or more court. It’s a hard court so they need face a wall and lean against it with of the heel that makes it difficult to walk.
times a year. Older adults are flocking to Other patients experience lateral heel
pickleball because it promotes competi- a lot more lateral stability in the your leg straight and the heel on pain toward the outside of the heel. The
tiveness and socialization, and 60 percent pain is intense, especially when someone
of ‘core ‘players are 55 or older. But, along structure of the shoe itself,” he the ground. If you can feel a tight first gets up after sleeping, and it needs to
with the increase in participation comes be treated aggressively.
an increase in pickleball pain. said. pull on the calf, you are doing the
“The first thing we’ll do is try to immo-
“Pickleball is a great playing field for Since running shoes are of- stretch correctly.” bilize the patient as much as possible to
the Average Joe to really excel in an activ- calm the inflammation,” said Dr. Caballes.
ity even during later stages of life,” Trea- ten constructed with a mesh Thirdly, players should have “It can take up to a week for the swelling
sure Coast podiatrist Dr. Robby Caballes to subside. After that we can prescribe an
said. “Seniors are excitedly hopping into material, they aren’t best for the realistic expectations about their anti-inflammatory medication and give
the sport, but they are not doing enough them stretching exercises.
stretching and not wearing the right lateral ankle movement in pick- performance. “It’s an easy sport
shoes. So many of the injuries I see like “Sometimes, in severe cases, physical
plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, pero- leball or tennis. Supportive to excel in and everyone therapy may be needed, but in most cases
neal tendinitis and ankle sprains could be the injury will heal on its own with time,
prevented with a little education.” court shoes can be wants to be the best,” and rest.”

According to Dr. Caballes, the No. 1 found online at sites Dr. Caballes said, Stretching is the passkey to recovery as
culprit of pickleball injuries is improper well as prevention. Should you experience
dedicated to tennis “but players should heel pain, a good remedy is the ice bottle

shoes, specialty acknowledge their

shoe stores or limitations and

even from a accept that

catalogue in a they may not

doctor’s of- be able to run

fice. Players back and

should run forth or side

their shoe to side as

choice by their much as they’d

podiatrist as the like to. With the

doctor can make right preparation and

recommendations. Dr. Robbie Caballes. PHOTO: KAILA JONES attitude, the benefits of
The second most exercise far outweigh

To Advertise (772-633-1115) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | HEALTH November 11, 2021 13


roll. Simply freeze a water bottle and roll feet and ankles. Fall Special Includes Exam,
your foot back and forth over the bottle. “The majority of what I do in this prac-

Another good stretch: When seated tice is surgical from flat foot reconstruc-
or in bed, use a stretching band to pull a tion to total ankle replacement. The field
straightened leg forward for a period of of podiatry is a broad field and has ad-
10 to 15 seconds and repeat the repetitive vanced as a surgical field, so if the injury
motion for three or four sets. is below mid shin, a podiatrist can address
it. We like to say our treatment covers the
Eventually the pain will go away. After smallest tissue to the biggest issue.”
that, it is wise to continue stretching daily,
making it a part of your daily routine just Dr. Robby Caballes was born and raised
like brushing your teeth. in Miami where he played competitive
high school tennis. He attended Florida
While soft tissue injuries are fairly sim- International University and pursued his
ple to treat, more serious injuries like an doctorate at Barry University School of
ankle or metatarsal fracture require more Medicine. After he completed his three-
complex treatment. year surgical residency at Bethesda Hos-
pital in Boynton Beach, he moved to Vero
“Not every fracture needs surgery,” Beach to join his brother Dr. Timothy Ca-
Dr. Caballes assured. “Some fractures balles in his podiatry practice – Advanced
can be treated conservatively as long as Foot and Ankle of Indian River County –
they are within an acceptable parame- which has offices in Sebastian at 13852
ter with minimal gapping and anatomic U.S. 1 and in Vero Beach at 3735 11th
alignment and the bone is not really dis- Circle, Suite 201. To schedule an appoint-
placed. If surgery is needed, I can do that ment, call 772-299-7009. 
as well. My patients don’t need to go to an
orthopedic surgeon for a foot injury. My
training encompasses all injuries to the

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High-tech aortic stenosis procedure can help prolong lives

BY KERRY FIRTH | Correspondent Beach for about three years. survival rate in many pa-
“Now that people are living longer we
As we age, not only our joints get stiff tients.”
– so does the aortic valve, in many cases. see more of this condition,” said Dr. Mari-
This condition, known as aortic stenosis, ano Brizzio, a cardiac surgeon with Cleve- The aortic valve is locat-
affects 20 percent of the population over land Clinic Indian River. “This is a serious,
the age of 80. Up until a decade ago, life- [potentially] lethal condition; if it’s not ed between the left lower
saving valve replacement could be done treated within two years of the diagnosis
only through open heart surgery, but the the mortality rate is about 50 percent. As heart chamber (left ventri-
operation can now be done with a mini- we age, the aortic value gets calcified and
mally invasive procedure known as tran- it narrows so it can’t open fully. By devel- cle), which pumps blood
scatheter aortic valve replacement. The oping this new technology, we expand the
procedure has been available in Vero treatment to everyone and prolong the throughout the body, and

the body’s main artery

(aorta). If the valve doesn’t

open correctly, blood flow

from the heart to the body

is reduced. Transcatheter

aortic valve replacement

(TAVR) can help restore

the blood flow and reduce

the signs and symptoms of

aortic valve stenosis such

as chest pain, shortness

of breath, fainting and fa-


“When it comes to treat-

ing aortic stenosis, there

are two options – either Dr. Mariano Brizzio.
open heart surgery or tran-

scatheter aortic valve re-

placement,” Dr. Brizzio explained. “Tran- valve, moving it out of the way.

scatheter aortic valve replacement is safer “The most common way to do this pro-

and far less invasive because the chest cedure is from an artery in the groin called

doesn’t need to be open and recovery is the femoral artery,” Dr. Brizzio said. “We

almost immediate. The patient’s hospital insert the catheter into the blood vessel

stay is only 24 hours and they are back to and go against the circulation all the way

normal activities within two weeks com- around the heart. When we reach the

pared to open heart surgery that takes heart, we use X-ray images to deliver the

four to six weeks for recovery.” replacement value directly into the heart

The transcatheter aortic valve replace- without ever stopping the heart or using

ment procedure involves replacing the any other support by machine.

damaged aortic valve with one made from “We don’t take the old valve out. We

cow or pig heart tissue. Unlike open heart push it to the side of the aorta and use

surgery which requires a long incision the old valve to retain the new implanted

down the chest, TAVR is somewhat similar one. There are two types of valves. One is

to placing a stent in an artery. The proce- delivered by a balloon and the other one

dure involves small incisions and a thin, is self-expanding and opens when the old

flexible tube (catheter) used to deliver the valve has been pushed aside to hold the

valve to the heart. new valve in place. This is truly minimally

In conventional open-heart surgery, invasive because the only access that we

when the aortic valve is replaced, the old use is through the groin.”

valve is removed and a new valve sew Most patients undergo the TAVR proce-

into place. In the TAVR procedure, the dure with local anesthesia and sedation

new valve is placed inside the existing with an anesthesiologist monitoring their


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To Advertise (772-633-1115) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | HEALTH November 11, 2021 15

vital signs, including blood pressure, heart Understanding myasthenia gravis, and how it’s treated
rate and rhythm, and breathing. The re-
placement valve should last about 10 to BY FRED CICETTI The following are some specific weakness. There’s a theo-
15 years, and since the procedure is com- signs of MG: drooping eyelids, double ry that the thymus gland,
monly done on patients 75-80 years and Q. My brother-in-law was diagnosed or blurred vision, difficulty speaking/ a part of your immune
older, that can be for the rest of their nat- with myasthenia gravis. Could you do swallowing/chewing, inability to smile, system located under
ural lives. one of your columns on this subject so ev- shortness of breath, and a change in the breastbone, may be
eryone in our family can understand it? your stride. responsible for making
Dr. Brizzio explained that this tech- these antibodies. The
nology was actually introduced about 20 THE HEALTHY SENIOR When MG strikes, the immune sys- thymus gland is abnor-
years ago but was only approved in the tem produces antibodies that inter- mal in most MG cases.
United States for commercial use in 2011. Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a muscle fere with the muscles’ ability to receive
The TAVR procedure was implemented in disease. The name comes from Greek nerve signals. This interference causes MG symptoms can
Vero Beach only three years ago as Cleve- and Latin words meaning grave mus- be intensified by stress,
land Clinic boosted its heart program and cle weakness. Myasthenia gravis (my- illness, fatigue, extreme
made it available for more people. us-THEEN-ee-uh GRAV-us) affects the heat and drugs such as
muscles that control the eyes, face, beta blockers, calcium
“It really has changed the way we treat breathing, chewing, talking, swallow- channel blockers, quinine
aortic stenosis,” Dr. Brizzio said. “Ten ing and limbs. and some antibiotics.
years ago, we would have done open heart
surgery, now it’s a much more minimally MG usually strikes adult women un- Myasthenic crisis is a
invasive procedure assessable to every- der the age of 40 and men over the age life-threatening condi-
one.” of 60. However, MG can affect people tion that occurs when
of any age and ethnic group. MG is not the muscles that control
Dr. Mariano Brizzio is a cardiac surgeon contagious and is not inherited. breathing become too weak. Emergen-
at Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital. cy treatment is necessary to recover the
He received his medical degree from Uni- The cause of MG is a breakdown in ability to breathe properly. People with
versidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. He the communication between nerves MG are more likely to have the follow-
speaks multiple languages including Span- and muscles. This breakdown causes ing additional problems: a malfunc-
ish. He specializes in adult cardiac surgery, muscle fatigue and weakness, which tioning thyroid gland; lupus, a chronic
aortic surgery and cardiovascular surgery, worsens with repeated use of the mus- inflammatory disease; and rheumatoid
and is experienced in coronary artery dis- cle. Symptoms usually improve with arthritis, an immune-system disorder.
ease, aortic aneurysm, adult congenital rest. Drugs for treating MG include cho-
heart defects and minimally invasive tran-
scatheter valve therapies. His office is locat- Treatment can help MG symptoms, CONTINUED ON PAGE A18
ed in the Scully Welsh Heart Center, 3450 but there is no cure for the disease.
11th Court, Suite 105. The phone number is
772-563-4580. 

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THE HEALTHY SENIOR communication between nerves and globulin. In plasmapheresis, blood is A thymectomy is the surgical removal
muscles. Corticosteroids inhibit the im- routed through a machine that removes of the thymus gland. This surgery is done
CONTINUED FROM PAGE A15 mune system, limiting antibody produc- the antibodies interfering with nerve sig- for people with MG who have tumors, as
tion. Immunosuppressants alter your im- nals to the muscles. Intravenous immune well as for some who don’t have tumors.
linesterase inhibitors, corticosteroids mune system. globulin gives your body normal anti- The surgery improves symptoms in most
and immunosuppressants. bodies, which alters your immune-sys- MG patients.
Among the therapies for MG are plas- tem response.
Cholinesterase inhibitors enhance mapheresis and intravenous immune There are other ways to deal with MG:

To Advertise (772-633-1115) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | HEALTH November 11, 2021 19

 If you have double vision, use an  Eat slowly and rest between bites. next to the bathtub. became a standard treatment for MG.
eye patch. To avoid eyestrain, periodical- More frequent, smaller meals may be MG was first described in detail in the In the 1960s, researchers discovered the
ly switch the patch from one eye to the easier to handle. Also, try soft foods and autoimmune nature of MG, and began
other. avoid sticky foods that require lots of late 19th century when the outlook for attacking the disease at its roots using
chewing. patients was dark. Many died of respira- immunosuppressant drugs.
 Save physical energy by using appli- tory failure.
ances such as electric toothbrushes and  Install grab bars or railings in plac- Today the mortality rate of MG is less
screwdrivers. es where you may need support, such as In the 1930s, the nature of MG was bet- than 5 percent. 
ter understood; cholinesterase inhibitors


Bonz sings her praises: Brandy, you’re a fine girl

rose attached at the side.) “This downsizing, so Mommy got me
for a Spesh-ull Reduced Price.
Hi Dog Buddies! is my Very Own Mommy, Tina.
“Mommy started my ed-juh-
This week I innerviewed a fascinatin’ She got me when I was a 9-week- kay-shun right away. She says I’m
young lady, Brandy Tubaugh, an Austra- a Smart Cookie (not an ackshull
lian Shepherd/Poodle mixture. She won’t old fluffball. Now I’m almost a cookie). I just love learnin’ stuff
be 2 till January, so she still has a whole an pleasin’ Mommy. For IN-
buncha “pupper” goin’ on. But she’s real grown-up grrrl.” stance: I nailed that potty train-
smart, and oh-beedee-unt, always looking ing thing in just two weeks! AND
up at her Mom and turnin’ her head to the “It’s a great pleasure, Miss I NEVER did what humans call
side, ears forward, makin’ sure she’s doin’ Number 2 in the house, which I
the right stuff. Impressive. Brandy!” I replied with sincerity, hear is a Very Good Thing!”

Plus, she’s built like a brick doghouse: fiddlin’ with my notebook. “How “Woof! Miss Brandy, it totally
long legs, beautiful gray-an-black poo- IS!” I told her.
dle-y hair, trimmed sorta short ’cept for did you an your Mom find each
her paws, which were fluffy, like liddle “I hafta admit,” she continued,
boots. Exceedingly Cook Kibbles. (“Get a other?” “I did chew plastic (A LOT) cuzza
grip, Bonz! You’re On The Job!” I sternly bein’ a liddle nervous. But now I
reminded myself several times during the I turned my notebook right- don’t. PLUS, I NEVER chewed a
innerview.) SHOE, or anything like that.
side-up. Brandy began her tale.
Brandy an her human were outside “I’m also trainin’ with my fren
to greet me an my assistant. Brandy was “My Mommy had this Totally Mr. Marcel, learning a buncha
woofin’, frenly, eager woofin’, like how us ways to help humans. He even
pooches say ‘Hi!’ in our dog voices, an she Crispy Biscuits job travelin’ all taught me to NOT go NUTS when
trotted up for the Wag-an-Sniff. those liddle squirrels want to
over the WORLD on big YOTS. play chase. (An I LOVE chase.)
Inside, Brandy said eagerly, “Oh, Mr. But I just sit there. It feels like a game, but
Bonzo! It’s so ick-CITING that I’m gonna She even got her captain papers, it’s important Cool Kibbles stuff. Like, I
be in the PAYper! I wore my speshull collar know how to pull a laundry basket from
with a rose on it. See?” (It was a black whatever that means. Anyway, the bedroom to the laundry room to help
collar with white hearts, an a big white Mrs. Marcel, who drives a cool liddle chair
a few years ago, Mommy was in around the house instead of walkin.’ Mr.

Ohio with a fren who was visiting

a famly member in a nursing

home. Mommy took the fren’s

liddle dog to say hello to some of

the other residents. WELL, when Brandy. PHOTO: KAILA JONES

she saw the JOY that liddle pooch

brought to the humans, she

started dreamin’ of havin’ a Smart, Loving When that duh-ZEES thing happened

Pup BFF (like me) and, together, they’d an all the humans hadda stay home,

visit special humans who need Extra Love Mommy kept studyin’ On The Line, an

an Support. decided it was time to get A DOG. She did

“Mommy PON-dered an PON-dered a lotta REE-search an discovered me in

and decided to go to school to be a nurse. a PetFinder ad. My breeder was majorly

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To Advertise (772-633-1115) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | ADVICE November 11, 2021 21

Marcel told Mommy I learned Super Fast! Help! Skylux Discount Travel is keeping my Delta refund
Mommy hugged me an she got wet eyes.
After Delta Air Lines cancels Alan Rubin’s like a travel agency. Your airline refund has to
“I’m also good at Not Barkin’. ’Cept flights to Greece, the airline says it issued a go through another company, creating a po-
when we have cump-nee. I LOVE cump- prompt refund to his travel agency. Why won’t tential for delay. Why did Skylux Discount Trav-
nee! I guess you noticed. Whenever I hear Skylux Discount Travel pass the money along to el keep your money for almost a year? Maybe
Mommy say ‘Hi!’ I start lookin’ around him? it was experiencing an IT problem handling
an waggin’ an barkin’. On leash walks, all the COVID refunds? Or maybe it wanted to
she’s always sayin’ ‘Hi!’, an stoppin’ to Q: My wife and I made reservations through keep the money as a kind of microloan.
talk to other humans. I wanna say ‘Hi’ to Skylux Discount Travel for a Delta Air Lines
’em, too, in my dog voice, but she keeps flight from San Francisco to Paris and Athens I often wonder what would happen if the
shushin’ me. So I shush, but it’s kinda a for October 2020. Delta canceled the flight be- roles were reversed. How would travel agencies
bummer.” cause of COVID-19. I asked for a refund. respond if customers decided to take their time
paying for their plane tickets? What if we could
“Awww, that’s really sweet,” I said. “Got Delta refunded my fare to Skylux Discount take months or years to pay for our travel, long
any pooch frens?” Travel last November. Since then, despite nu- after taking our trips? Of course, the travel in-
merous calls and emails, I have been unable to dustry would descend into anarchy. So why is it
“Mosta my pals are fluffy liddle white get them to refund my money. I keep being told OK if travel companies do it to us?
pooches. And there’s a new doggie in the it is coming, but it never does. Can you help me
neighborhood. I heard the humans say get my $7,399 back? When I checked on your case, it seemed as if
he’s a shepherd from Germany. That mus- Delta was looking into who had the money. But
ta been a really a long car ride, doncha A: Skylux Discount Travel should have returned the money to a few months later, it appeared as if your refund was still in the
think? I hope he got to hang his head out you as soon as it had the refund from Delta. Under federal regu- works. I found the Skylux executive contacts and reached out to
the window. I can’t wait to play with him! lations, when an airline cancels a flight, you’re owed an almost them on your behalf.
immediate refund to your credit card. “At first we could not see any incoming funds from the car-
“Then there’s Boomer,” Brandy said rier for this ticket,” a representative told me. “We contacted the
with a soft liddle laugh. “He’s the hand- So what happened? Like so many other refund cases that have carrier’s travel agency support desk to clarify it. We are happy to
somest Papillon! He was my first puppy crossed my desk in the last year, I can only chalk this up to the confirm that the funds are to be received by us next week, and
love.” COVID effect. Companies dragged their feet with refunds – in once that happens the refund will be immediately processed. We
your case, it wasn’t the airline but the travel agent. sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused in connection
She sighed, looked straight at me with with this request.”
her big, dark eyes, then moved on. I You handled this one by the book. You kept your correspon- You received every penny of your fare back.
picked up my notebook. dence in writing, both with Delta and Skylux Discount Travel. You
had case numbers and emails that you could pass along to me, Get help with any consumer problem by contacting
“Me, Casey an Logan ride to Doggie which you did. Good work! Christopher Elliott at 
Day Care together, an watch sunsets
together, an play on the BEACH! When This is one of the drawbacks of working through a third party
it’s real hot, I flop down in the breakers,
an sometimes swim around. Also, me Spouse yearns to move closer to family, but won’t speak up
an Mommy go out in our Boston Whaler
boat. I sit up front cuz I’m First Mate: I Hi Carolyn: My husband and I have a toddler and
love that feeling of salty air in my nose,
an my ears flappin’ back in the breeze. It’s want another child. Since college, I’ve lived away
PAWSOME runnin’ all over those liddle
river islands. from my entire extended family. I yearn to live near

“My human frens are: Mr. Dennis, he them and give my child(ren) the experience of grow-
gives the Best Tummy Rubs EVER!; an,
when Mommy hasta go somewhere with- ing up near grandparents, aunts/uncles and cousins.
out me, I stay with Mr. Dave an Virginia.
An, guess what? I got my very first taste I’m also the eldest, and feel the need to live closer to
of fill-LAY from Mr. Dave. It was the most
duh-LISH-shus thing I EVER ate! Mr. Dave care for my parents.
also lets me share his nice soft pillow.
I’m trying to figure out how to even broach this
“Of course, my Very Best Fren Forever
is Mommy. We talk all the time. Ackshully, CAROLYN HAX topic with my
mostly, she talks an I listen. I’m a great husband, other
listener. She named me Brandy after a
song, the part where it says ‘your eyes than my random
could steal a sailor from the sea,’ cuz now
Mommy stays here with me instead of quips every now and then: “I miss my family so much,”
sailing those big YOTS.”
and, “Gosh, I wish we lived closer.” He did not grow
Woof, had the time gone fast. Headin’
home I was thinkin’ about sweet, funny up living near grandparents/aunts/uncles/cousins, so I
Miss Brandy, an her big dark eyes, an
fluffy paws. An about a nice big hunk of don’t know if he understands my underlying desire.
Fairness is important. I understand we will see my family to your life partner? Besides “quips?” I just don’t understand
Till next time, not saying how you feel. All along. Trusting your marriage
more than his if we move. But it is an effort for any family enough to be yourself inside it.
The Bonz
member to visit us where we are – mine or his. Long drives, Obviously you don’t want to badger or guilt-trip anyone
DON’T BE SHY! into anything, but those are just possible bad outcomes that
We are always looking for pets plane rides, etc. We are pretty balanced right now, but I am are easily preventable through honesty, transparency and
with interesting stories. To set maturity. “I have had a strong pull toward [hometown] late-
much closer to my family than he is to his. ly.” And you say why, and say you understand he might have
up an interview, email reservations, and will hear him out.
[email protected]. Maybe I can just ride this feeling out for 5 or 10 more years,
Say you ask only that he be willing to discuss it vs. jump
when long-distance travel isn’t as hard as it is with toddlers? to an answer. It would be a big deal to move or stay put, so
considering it carefully is in both of your interests.
However, I want to stand up for the life I want.
But, again – why are you speaking through quips and
How do I do this when (I think) I know this isn’t what my hints and interpretive dance? Say what you think and feel.
Listen to what he thinks and feels. Live on your founda-
partner wants? It would mean a new job and city for him. He tion of mutual respect – or, alas, realize you don’t have one
(which would also explain a pull to move home). 
could easily find work in this new city.
– Helpless, Sad and Stuck

Helpless, Sad and Stuck: This isn’t your typical gobsmacky
topic, but my gob is smacked.

It’s this: “I’m trying to figure out how to even broach this
topic with my husband, other than my random quips.”

You are years into these thoughts, and you’ve said nothing


Mortgage rates reverse course – but
are expected to continue their climb

BY KATHY ORTON | The Washington Post percent two weeks ago and 2.89 percent a
year ago.
Mortgage rates fell for the first time in a
month, but their upward march is expect- “Mortgage rates have reversed their
ed to continue. recent upward trend, decreasing for the
first time in several weeks,” Paul Thom-
According to the latest data released as, vice president of capital markets at
last Thursday by Freddie Mac, the 30-year Zillow, wrote in an email. “With inflation
fixed-rate average fell to 3.09 percent with indicators largely meeting expectations
an average 0.7 point. (A point is a fee paid last week, rates got some relief as markets
to a lender equal to 1 percent of the loan recalibrated interest rate expectations
amount. It is in addition to the interest during the week. The Federal Reserve an-
rate.) It was 3.14 percent two weeks ago nounced [last Wednesday] they will be
and 2.78 percent a year ago. tapering bond purchases that were in-line
with market expectations at $15 billion
Freddie Mac, the federally chartered per month ($10 billion in Treasuries and
mortgage investor, aggregates rates from $5 billion in [mortgage-backed securi-
around 80 lenders across the country to ties]) for November and December and
come up with weekly national averages. gave themselves [the] flexibility to adjust
The survey is based on home purchase the pace going forward if warranted by
mortgages. Rates for refinances may be economic conditions.”
different. It uses rates for high-quality
borrowers with strong credit scores and Since early in the pandemic, the Fed has
large down payments. Because of the cri- been buying $120 billion in bonds each
teria, these rates are not available to every month to stabilize the financial market
borrower. and hold down interest rates. The central
bank will reduce its purchases by $15 bil-
The 15-year fixed-rate average slipped lion starting this month and continuing
to 2.35 percent with an average 0.6 point. in December. If it carries on at that pace,
It was 2.37 percent two weeks ago and 2.32 it could wind down its bond-buying pro-
percent a year ago. The five-year adjust- gram by June. 
able-rate average crept down to 2.54 per-
cent with an average 0.3 point. It was 2.56

Special qualities
abound in ‘magnificent’

Heatherwood home

425 SW Crabapple Cove in Heatherwood: 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 2,022-square-foot home
offered for $425,000 by Lisa Baetzold, 772-618-0026 of Keller Williams of Port St. Lucie

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Special qualities abound in ‘magnificent’ Heatherwood home

BY SHELLEY KOPPEL | Columnist as well as offering privacy and shade. The breakfast nook is a delightful place to ing tub. This is truly your own private re-
[email protected] You enter the house through the dou- have morning coffee or catch up with family treat. There are two additional bedrooms
news, and there is a formal dining room (13- (13-by-12 and 12-by-8) and an additional
It is always fun to turn the spotlight on ble-etched glass door and look toward the by-10) with a unique outdoor sitting area. bath. There’s room for family and for guests.
a community that’s not been featured in family room, a spacious 18 feet by 19 feet.
the House of the Week, and this house, at The view extends through the screened patio The master suite starts with a master For Lisa Baetzold of Keller Williams Real-
425 SW Crabapple Cove in the Heather- and beyond. The kitchen, a generous 10-by- bedroom that is a spacious 15-by-18. All ty of Port St. Lucie, the word for this house is
wood section of St. Lucie West, starts with 12, has bright white cabinetry and wainscot- of the bedrooms have wood floors and are “magnificent.”
that elusive quality, curb appeal. Lovely ing with granite countertops and upscale, warm and inviting. The master suite has
landscaping, including trees and shrubs stainless-steel appliances. It has a contem- dual walk-in closets and the master bath “From the moment you enter the dou-
leading to the entrance, provides beauty porary look that is on trend, but not trendy. has dual sinks, a separate shower and soak- ble-etched glass doors and see the family
room and patio beyond, with its gorgeous

To Advertise (772-633-1115) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | REAL ESTATE November 11, 2021 25


Neighborhood: Heatherwood • Year built: 2003 • Construction: CBS
Square footage: 2,022 sq. ft. • Total square footage: 3,777 sq. ft.

Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 2 • Flooring: tile, wood • Security: unmanned gate
Additional features: lake views, panel shutters, summer kitchen, outdoor fireplace,

hot tub, waterfall fountain
Community amenities: playground • Listing brokerage: Keller Williams of Port St. Lucie

Listing agent: Lisa Baetzold, 772-618-0026 • Listing price: $425,000

lake views, you know this is a special house,” kitchen, outdoor fireplace and giant hot enjoying an outdoor experience usually tertaining a group of friends or just enjoy-
she said. “Inside, all of the main living areas tub. You’ll want to read that list again. The found at exclusive spas and resorts. It is ing the luxury by yourself.
have designer touches, custom paint col- lake and greenery offer privacy and it is a rare, indeed, to see an outdoor space with
ors, window treatments, crown and custom place made for entertaining, relaxing and all that this one offers, whether you are en- Heatherwood is located in St. Lucie West,
moldings and high-end fixtures, and the and is close to fine dining, shopping, mov-
bedrooms have wood floors.The formal din- ies, bowling and the New York Mets spring
ing room has a unique outdoor courtyard training. You have easy access to I-95 and
sitting area featuring a waterfall fountain. are only one hour from Palm Beach Interna-
The attention to detail is found throughout tional Airport and 90 minutes from Orlando.
this lovely home, inside and out.”
You may not know Heatherwood, and
Indeed, outside is an amazing re- if you haven’t seen it, this home makes it
sort-style paver patio. It’s a “Wow,” a word I worth a trip. The features inside and outside
don’t often use, with lake views, a summer this home are special and you may well find
that it is the place you want to call home. 

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Another busy fortnight of real estate sales in the Tradition and St. Lucie West market saw 46
transactions of single-family residences and lots reported (some shown below).
The top recent sale was of the home at 10059 SW Visconti Way. First listed in August for
$650,000, this 3-bedroom, 3.5-bathroom PGA Village residence sold for the asking price on
Oct. 29.
Representing the seller in the transaction was agent Rebecca Layne of Lang Realty. Represent-
ing the buyer was agent Patricia Conner of Lang Realty.

PORT SAINT LUCIE 10059 SW VISCONTI WAY 8/20/2021 $650,000 10/29/2021 $628,500
PORT SAINT LUCIE 11548 SW APPLE BLOSSOM TRAIL 9/8/2021 $639,000 10/29/2021 $600,000
PORT SAINT LUCIE 11709 SW APPLE BLOSSOM TRAIL 7/5/2021 $679,000 11/1/2021 $502,000
PORT SAINT LUCIE 12347 SW KEATING DRIVE 10/6/2021 $450,000 10/25/2021 $485,000
PORT SAINT LUCIE 1601 SW REALTY STREET 9/27/2021 $479,900 11/4/2021 $460,000
PORT SAINT LUCIE 257 NW BENTLEY CIRCLE 9/22/2021 $395,000 10/28/2021 $445,000
PORT SAINT LUCIE 5356 NW MIMS COURT 5/20/2021 $528,000 11/1/2021 $440,000
PORT SAINT LUCIE 5372 NW W PADEN CIRCLE 7/21/2021 $450,000 10/29/2021 $435,000
PORT SAINT LUCIE 11363 SW WYNDHAM WAY 8/28/2021 $435,000 10/28/2021 $433,715
PORT SAINT LUCIE 1175 NW LEONARDO CIRCLE 8/16/2021 $433,715 10/27/2021 $430,000
PORT SAINT LUCIE 631 SW LAKE CHARLES CIRCLE 10/7/2021 $425,000 10/27/2021 $399,000
PORT SAINT LUCIE 917 NW DEMEDICI ROAD 8/26/2021 $399,000 10/25/2021 $394,900
PORT SAINT LUCIE 7408 NW GREENSPRING STREET 8/31/2021 $394,900 10/25/2021

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To Advertise (772-633-1115) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | REAL ESTATE November 11, 2021 27


11548 SW Apple Blossom Trail, Port Saint Lucie 11709 SW Apple Blossom Trail, Port Saint Lucie

Listing Date: 9/8/2021 Listing Date: 7/5/2021
Original Price: $639,000 Original Price: $679,000
Sold: 10/29/2021 Sold: 11/1/2021
Selling Price: $628,500 Selling Price: $600,000
Listing Agent: Manuel Diaz Listing Agent: George Hoge

Selling Agent: La Rosa Realty Kendall, LLC. Selling Agent: Hoge Realty Co

Karen Gordon George Hoge

Turtle Reef Realty, Inc Hoge Realty Co

12347 SW Keating Drive, Port Saint Lucie 1601 SW Realty Street, Port Saint Lucie

Listing Date: 10/6/2021 Listing Date: 9/27/2021
Original Price: $450,000 Original Price: $479,900
Sold: 10/25/2021 Sold: 11/4/2021
Selling Price: $502,000 Selling Price: $485,000
Listing Agent: Mona Leonard Listing Agent: Patricia Johnson

Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty Selling Agent: RE/MAX Masterpiece Realty

Deborah Williams-Nolte Manuel Rey

Pinnacle Real Estate Group Berkshire Hathaway Florida Realty





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PGA VILLAGE $449,000 PALM CITY $299,900

FAIRVIEW PLAN ON OVERSIZED LOT! • Move right in to this recently updated 2BR+Den/2BA/2CG home BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME! • Spacious corner lot in the desirable Palm City community of Windstone! Can’t beat the location close to
in PGA Village! Light & bright kitchen with white cabinetry, granite counters, new SS appliances, pendant all Martin County has to offer. Neighborhood is comprised of beautiful estate sized homes and located in an A-Rated school zone. Rare
lighting, breakfast bar and elegant backsplash. Oversized master suite w/ dual closets, walk in shower and opportunity to create a new construction gem in an established neighborhood!
wall-to-wall vanity. Screened and covered lanai overlooks private back yard! RX-10752916 3271 SW Rivers End Way
9008 Pumpkin Ridge Road


PGA VERANO $534,900 VERO BEACH $1,700,000

BINGO! LAKEFRONT LAGO IN VERANO! • PRACTICALLY NEW, BUT BETTER! Desirable Lago floor plan LAKEFRONT STUNNER IN INDIAN TRAILS! • Room for everyone! 5BR+Den/4.5BA/2CG pool home in Vero Beach. Beautifully updated
built in 2020 with gorgeous upgrades t/o. Sleek light fixtures & window treatments and stunning built with fenced back yard, circular driveway, metal roof and spacious screened lanai. Chef’s kitchen w/ commercial Viking range, SS appli-
in fireplace feature in the great room. White kitchen w/ pendant lighting, massive island, tile backsplash, ances, white cabinetry, new quartz counters, subway tile backsplash, under cabinet lighting and more. Elegant master suite with marble
quartz counters, SS appliances and walk in pantry. Back patio overlooks the lake views. Move in ready! clad en-suite. In-law apartment located upstairs - perfect for extended visits. Community has access to the beach and river. Call today!
8738 SW Montova Way 930 River Trail



LAKES AT TRADITION $425,000 PGA VILLAGE $325,000 PGA VERANO $539,000 VERO BEACH $325,000
LOCATION, LOCATION! 3BR+Den/2BA/2CG home with SPACIOUSTOWNHOUSEW/GOLFVIEWSEver popular 2BR+Den/2BA/2CG LONG LAKE VIEWS IN VERANO! Amazing lake views on this extra deep lot with long VERO BEACH HOME BRIMMING W/ CHARM! Lovely
beautiful lake views! Hard surface flooring t/o, newer SS appli- Hyannis plan in the Willow Pines neighborhood ofPGA Village. Recent updates driveway! Popular Alessa plan with 3BR/2.5BA/3CG. Interior features include newer 3BR/2BA/2CG home located on a quiet street with no thru traffic.
ances, newer WH & W/D, screened entry and neutral interior include wood flooring, AC (2016), interior paint, landscaping, frameless glass shower WH, plantation shutters, upgraded lighting & fans, carpeted bedrooms, tile through Short drive to beaches and downtown Vero. New roof in 2018. Circu-
paint. Elegant light fixtures add a special touch. Screened and door and more. Spacious living area and open kitchen w/ granite, white cabinetry, SS main living areas, new W/D and more. Kitchen with center island, butler’s pantry, gran- lar driveway with charming front porch. Oversized .42 acre lot with
covered patio to enjoy the relaxing setting. Special home! appliances and large breakfast bar. Screened & partially covered patio overlooks the ite counters, SS appliances, pendant lighting and pantry w/ wood shelving. Extended plenty of room for a pool, storage shed and gardens with endless
10906 SW Candlewood Road golfcourse. Located on a cul-de-sac right across from the subdivison pool! Call today! patio to enjoy the gorgeous Florida sunsets on this special lot within Verano! potential. Master suite with walk-in closet and en-suite. Call today!
10131 Wild Quail Drive 10730 SW Visconti Way 2976 59th Ave


2BR/2BA/2CG ‘Capri’ plan in The Lakes at Tradition. Hard 3BR/2BA/1CG ‘Essex’ plan in Castle Pines with lake views. Features include tile on Move right in to this 2BR+Den /2BA/2CG home with elegant fin- lake views. Multiple living areas, cabana bathroom,
surface flooring throughout, granite counters throughout, diagonal in main living areas, vinyl plank flooring in the master, updated bathrooms ishes throughout. New roof in 2019, vaulted ceilings, large screened covered front porch and screened in lanai. Master
kitchen with stainless steel appliances, vaulted ceilings, and some newer appliances in the kitchen. Living area features vaulted ceilings pool, updated bathrooms and kitchen. Master suite with access to suite with access out to the patio, multiple closets and
closet organizers and more. Both bedrooms can be closed as well as an abundance of light. Access to the screened & covered lanai from the the patio and spa-like ensuite. Kitchen w/ quartz counters, stain- dual sided bathroom. Walking distance to Tradition!
off and used as full suites. Move in ready condition! master suite and living room. Just steps away from the community pool and spa. less appliances and subway tile backsplash. Hurry to this one! 11266 SW Olmstead Drive
RX-10736748 12135 SW Elsinore Drive RX-10718431 9201 Wentworth Lane RX-10738688 7226 Marsh Terrace

fun, food SECTION

Coming Up!


BY PAM HARBAUGH | Correspondent James Molino and Dawn Briell
of the band Midnight Dawn
1 When it comes to comedy
and music, Sunrise Theatre perform at the Halloween Party
has some good entertainment in at Shindig Irish Restaurant &
store for you. First, it’s the Comedy
Corner which comes alive Friday, Pub on Oct. 30 in Port St. Lucie.
Nov. 13, with raucous stand-up.
The headliner is Chris Cope, who PHOTO: LINDA KLOORFAIN
has been seen on the old Conan
O’Brien show, on Jimmy Kimmel, RROOLCLK-OAWNEDEN
Dry Bar Comedy Special, Tosh.o
and more. Raised in Florida, Cope
lives in Los Angeles where he’s
also appeared on Laughs on Fox
and even “Grey’s Anatomy.” His
first full-length comedy album,
“White Trash Super Computer,”
was released in 2014 and ended
up on Amazon’s Top 10 list. Cope
also won the 2015 Big Sky Comedy
Festival and appeared as a judge
on “Cooking on High.” The show
host, Casey N Spaz will also pres-
ent more comedians. It begins
7 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 13. Tickets
are $20 and $25. Sunrise Theatre
is also presenting the iconic band
“America” in its 50th Anniversary
Tour. The show begins 8 p.m. Nov.
20, with tickets starting at $64.50.
The show had originally been





Two-dimensional mixed media artist

Christine Peloquin was just a child when

she declared that she was going to be an

artist, an ambition she has successfully


“Art is my therapy. If I didn’t have art,

ARTIST yoga practice and my
family, I would not be

PROFILE the person that I am,”
says Peloquin, who will

join mosaic artist Anita Prentice as a guest

artist throughout November at Gallery 14 in

downtown Vero Beach. Peloquin’s exhibition

is called Facing Truth.

“I was drawing at 3 years old,” recalls Pel-

oquin. Throughout her childhood in Rhode

Island, and later in high school after her

family relocated to Orlando, she enrolled in

every art class possible to further her desire.

After graduation, she headed off to Rollins

College in Winter Park, Fla., where she ma-

jored in art with a minor in business.

Peloquin worked for several theme parks

as a scenic artist in Orlando, before starting

her own company, initially traveling around

the U.S. painting commercial murals and

faux finishing. Over the past 30 years, her

artwork has garnered national attention,

and can now be seen in private collections

and art galleries across the country. She cur-

rently lives in Sorrento, Fla., with fiancée

Heather and sons Nate and Nick.

Peloquin says she was greatly influ-

enced by her mother, grandmother

and aunts, who exposed her at an er she ever knew who color and pattern and design,” says Pel- over the years through experimentation,
was designing wallpa- oquin, who first sketches with charcoal, and she has since created a stockpile of
early age to the fiber arts and en- per,” Peloquin recalls. which she says can be easily altered if she collages. “That way, I have an inventory of
Today, while she contin- makes a mistake. different panels so that when I do get an
couraged the pursuit of her talents. ues to dabble in watercolors image in my head or my heart, then I pick
and oils, Peloquin’s preferred Although her subjects are typically the the panel that works with it the best.”
She quickly learned that she was only faces and figures of women and children,
medium is drawing she also enjoys working on landscapes and To create a collage, she arranges fab-
limited by her own imagination and and painting on abstracts. ric and paper in patterns akin to a quilt,
fabric and paper before adhering the pieces to wood panels.
would later branch out to culti- collage. “I love drawing, love painting, love col- Peloquin uses a myriad of materials for the
“I grew up lage. I came up with this style over the last collage – what she calls the understory of
vate a palate of assorted sewing, but I’d couple of decades, incorporating all those the final piece.
much rather things that I love into one piece, because I
forms of media. glue things wanted a little bit of everything in there,” Materials have included antique textiles,
down. I love says Peloquin. contemporary fabrics, tablecloths, vin-
“My mom said I tage dictionary pages and sheets from old
Her process, she explains, has evolved
drew a floorplan of our

house when I was 4. I

was designing dress-

es as a kid, and my

cousin told me I was Christine Peloquin. PHOTOS: KAILA JONES
the only sixth-grad-

To Advertise (772-633-1115) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | ARTS November 11, 2021 3

children’s schoolbooks, atlases, capturing an essence,” Peloquin explains. COMING UP 2 Not that they’re in competition
architectural plans and wallpaper. “I do some portraiture, but they’re not re- with Sunrise Theatre, but the
You might also spot napkins, lace, CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Event
buttons, flowers and leaves, along ally specific people. They are autobiograph- Center is also the place for some rock
with myriad other papers and 2D ical, because instead of capturing a likeness, scheduled for March 9, 2021, but had ’n’ roll by iconic bands on Nov. 20.
found objects. I’m trying to capture emotion and a feeling to change the date because of the pan- This time, it’s Molly Hatchet & the
with the piece; to capture a moment in time demic. If you have a ticket to that orig- Fabulous Thunderbirds who will be
When inspired to do so, she with an expression.” inal date, it will still be honored at the performing 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Molly
can also print and design her own Nov. 20 show. The Grammy Award-win- Hatchet, which is a multi-platinum
fabric and paper, the choices all Two years ago, Peloquin branched out ning America had some great hits, in- band, had its debut album in 1978 as
driven by what she feels at the into publishing with her first children’s cluding “Ventura Highway.” In addition art of the so-called “British Invasion.”
time. “I’m constantly buying and book, “If You Could Tell Time, What Would to regular tickets, enthusiastic patrons Gates open at 5:30. Tickets start at
making papers and fabrics. I just You Tell It?” featuring mixed media and might want to consider a $250 VIP pack- $25. You can purchase tickets at ETix.
let them speak to me. Then I just watercolor illustrations. age which includes one front-row tick- com. The show was originally sched-
start cutting and ripping and et, special CDs, a special America Tour uled for last February, but had to be
shredding and placing things, Gallery 14 is located at 1911 14th Ave., T-shirt, an Amer- postponed because of the pandemic.
letting them organically grow Vero Beach. For more information, call ica tote bag, a set Tickets purchased for the original date
from there.” 772-562-5525 or visit gallery14verobeach. of America guitar will be automatically transferred to
com.  picks, the oblig- the new show date. The Event Center
After applying a translucent atory America is at 9221 SE Event Center Place, Port
matte or polymer medium atop keychain bottle St. Lucie. For more information, visit
the collage, it needs to cure for about 24 opener and a lot
hours. Once dry, Peloquin draws her figures of other “merch.”
using charcoal, before employing acrylics If that’s a little 3 And finally, it would be a great
and other media to fill in the details. A final pricey, but your Chris Cope. idea to save your appetite for the
acrylic glaze ensures that the paint will love of the band Chili Cook Off at the 2nd Annual St.
adhere to the canvas without overwhelming still urges more than a regular ticket, Lucie County Fire Fighters and Surfers
the collage underneath. then consider the $199 VIP Tour Pack- for Autism event this Saturday, Nov.
age, which includes one ticket in rows 13 from noon to 6 p.m. at Hop Life
Although her collages and paintings 2 through 10, and that merch. The VIP Brewing, 679 NW Enterprise Dr., Port
could easily stand on their own, she says she items will be shipped directly to cus- St. Lucie. Tickets are $25 and include
sees her collages as the collective story and tomers. Sunrise Theatre is at 117 S. 2nd one bowl, five tastings and one Reel
personality of the images she superimposes St., Fort Pierce. Call 772-461-4775 or visit Lite beer. There will be raffles and live
on her canvases. music too! 

“The collage coming through a face is
symbolic of all the layers of personality
and experience and thought. My faces and
figures are not about portraiture in the
sense of capturing a likeness, but about



MusicWorks Concerts, producer Beach, visit PHOTO COURTESY OF INDIAN RIVER STATE COLLEGE
of LIVE! From Vero Beach, is looking or call 1-800-595-4849. Tickets are now
ahead to a new year of enjoyable live on sale, so plan well ahead. IRSC’s instrumental music director
entertainment. Upcoming are 15 di- Southall eager to strike up the band
verse musical performances for all of The LIVE! From Vero Beach 2021-
the Treasure Coast to wrap their arms 2022 season is as follows (with ticket
around. prices):

Our ninth year of concerts will be  Thursday, Dec. 30: Classic Albums BY SHELLEY KOPPEL | Staff Writer mal’ holiday season,” Southall said. “The
like, if not better, than those fans have Live Performing the Stones’ “Let it [email protected] Concert Choir and Symphonic Band will
come to expect from Live! From Vero Bleed” ($30-$80) perform to potentially a full house. There
Beach … namely, great classic folk and For Dr. John Southall, director of instru- will be a sing-along of everybody’s favorite
rock bands performing the music you  Thursday, Jan. 13: Classic Albums mental music at Indian River State Col- holiday tunes. We did not have a full live
want to enjoy once again. The concerts Live Performing the Who’s “Who’s Next” lege, becoming head of the department of performance last performance season.
will be performed by both the original ($30-$80) performing and visual arts this year was a There were some outdoor and indoor con-
artists and nationally recognized trib- challenge for him and for his students. He certs with social distancing, and we could
 Thursday, Jan. 20: The Rocket Man remembers February 2020, and a live per- only accommodate 94 in the McAlpin.
Herman’s Show … A Tribute to Elton John ($35- formance of the Port St. Lucie Community We’re now cleared to fill the house, which
Hermits $85) Band, which he leads. holds over 500. We’re very, very excited.”

with Peter  Thursday, Jan. 27: Gary Puckett & “All went well,” he said. “Then in March, The concert will feature holiday mu-
Noone will the Union Gap ($40-$95) we had spring break and we didn’t come sic from around the world. In addition to
back until spring 2021. We came back to more traditional music, there will be Ha-
be at the  Thursday, Feb. 3: Do it Again: The some degree. This semester, we will have nukkah songs and music written for the
Emerson Music of Steely Dan ($30-$75) more face-to-face classes, and we will still season, like “It’s the Most Wonderful Time
Center on have virtual ones. While they are having of the Year.”
March 24.  Thursday, Feb. 10: The Hit Men – face-to-face rehearsals, they are adhering
Classic Rock Super Group ($35-$80) to CDC guidelines. Our instrumental mu- Southall said that some students were a
ute bands – a perfect blend of talent and sic students have special masks to insert little nervous being face-to-face after such
music that crosses all age groups and  Thursday, Feb. 17: Classic Albums mouthpieces. I even wear a mask when re- a long time. “In the very beginning, they
tastes. The series will begin on Dec. 30, Live Performing the Beatles’ “Let it Be” hearsing. COVID was devastating for music. seemed a little nervous,” he said. “Two
timed perfectly for an uplifting family ($30-$80) We couldn’t do anything. In the fall 2020, weeks into rehearsals, they seemed to em-
holiday experience. all ensemble classes were virtual. It’s hard brace and enjoy the live rehearsal environ-
 Thursday, Feb. 24: Jonathan Ed- to conduct a virtual rehearsal. You have to ment. We’re making meaningful music in
All concerts will be held at 7 p.m. at wards-Livingston Taylor ($35-$80) have very expensive technology and equip- the safest environment.”
the Emerson Center, 1590 27th Ave., ment, and everyone has to have the same
Vero Beach. Seating will begin at 6  Thursday, March 3: Broken Arrow: streaming services and monitors.” For Southall, whose main instrument
p.m. Ticket prices range from $30-$135 The Music of Neil Young ($30-$70) is the trumpet, this was a difficult time
based on each concert and seat selec- Southall’s musicians will be heard Nov. for him as a musician, as well. “I was not
tion. For complete information or to  Thursday, March 17: Loudon 18-20 at the “This One’s for You!” concert conducting or performing on my trumpet
purchase tickets for LIVE! From Vero Wainwright 111 ($35-$85) and again Dec. 2-4 with “Home for the professionally,” he said. “Last year was the
Holidays.” Both concerts are part of the first time I have not either performed or
 Saturday, March 19: Space Coast McAlpin Music series and each will also conducted since high school. It was diffi-
Symphony Rocks! ($30-$95) feature the school’s vocal music students, cult to keep a daily practice routine with-
under the direction of Dr. Dale Rieth. “The out an end to work for, whether it’s a con-
 Thursday, March 24: Herman’s Her- symphonic band will perform spirited hol- cert or a gig in an ensemble. ... Students
mits, starring Peter Noone ($45-$135) iday music, as sort of a kick-off to a ‘nor- realized it was hard for them. Now they

 Thursday, March 31: Classic Al-
bums Live Performing Pink Floyd’s
“Dark Side of the Moon” ($30-$80)

 Thursday, April 7: “One Night in
Memphis” – The #1 Tribute to Presley,
Perkins, Lewis & Cash ($35-$80)

 Thursday, April 14: Touch & Go:
The Ultimate Cars Tribute Band ($30-

For additional information, call 772-

234-4412.  ­– CONTRIBUTED

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To Advertise (772-633-1115) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | ARTS November 11, 2021 5

have goals and events to work towards.” A.C.T.’s ‘Designer Shorts’: Perfect fit for Thanksgiving
Among the events which have returned
BY SHELLEY KOPPEL | Staff Writer ing each play its own subtheme. The
is the four-county Honor Band Festival,
canceled in 2020. Featuring hundreds of [email protected] first play is sub-themed ‘New Begin-
student musicians, this will be its 43rd.
“We didn’t have it last year and now we’re Take seven 10-minute plays, all nings’ and another is ‘Regrets.’ Each
emailing invitations,” Southall said. “It will
happen in January.” written by local playwrights. Add of the plays has a sub-theme which

Becoming chair of a department in the 10 actors filling 17 roles. The result ties into the main theme so it feels
middle of a pandemic was a whole oth-
er brand of challenge. “It was a challenge is “Designer Shorts,” a collection of more like watching seven scenes in
but it’s been a wonderful experience and
I’ve learned more about the challenges plays woven together around the one play, rather than seven plays.
administrators face,” he said. “This is my
33rd year of teaching and I’ve been on theme of connections. The plays will The great thing about the concept
other boards, so I understand how boards
work. It’s interesting to see how the admin- be presented at Stuart’s A.C.T. Stu- of 10-to-12-minute plays is that if
istrators, who are wonderful, work. I am a
support person for the faculty and staff, dio Theatre Nov. 26-28 and director someone doesn’t like one, it’s over.
helping them achieve their goals.” As if
Southall’s current responsibilities were not Richie Lester spoke recently about In a scene from “Designer Shorts,” all appears to be going well on Eliza They appeal to everyone; there are a
enough, he also conducts the Port St. Lucie this special project. lot of comedies, they’re sometimes
Community Band. For the first time, they (Becca Roy) and Jonas’ (Michael Beecher) first Zoom date, until Jonas poignant, and they’re all entertain-
will be presented at the McAlpin Fine Arts “A.C.T. has long supported local
Center and will take place Dec. 8, Feb. 23 begins hearing a voice from “beyond.” PHOTO COURTESY OF A.C.T. STUDIO THEATRE
and March 30.
artists,” he said. “During the pan- ing. They offer insights into how im-
“Home for the Holidays” will take place
Dec. 2-4 at the McAlpin Fine Arts Center, demic, (owner and artistic director) Dennis O’Donovan and I re- portant connections are to our daily lives.”
3209 Virginia Ave., Fort Pierce. Tickets are
$15 for non-subscribers and $10 for sub- flected on how disconnected everyone felt. When the theater made Lester, who is directing the show, said it will be as if it were one
scribers. Call 1-800-220-9915. The Port St.
Lucie Community Band will perform Dec. plans to reopen, we talked about a good opportunity to do something play. “It will flow seamlessly from one scene to the next,” he said. “The
8, Feb. 23 and March 30 at 7 p.m. at the
McAlpin Fine Arts Center. These events are about people being connected. We sent out invitations to local south way we’re doing it is unique. It’s almost like little skits.”
free and open to the public. 
Florida playwrights for a festival around the central theme of connec- The event is taking place over the Thanksgiving weekend. When

tion, whether meeting for the first time or reconnecting or any inter- O’Donovan and Lester talked about it, they saw an opportunity.

actions between people. We received more than 20 plays and set up “Family will be coming in,” Lester said. “It’s an opportunity to put

a blind committee of two men and two women to read all the plays. on a show about connections when they’re with their families.”

They picked the ones they felt were representative.” Lester said that he and O’Donovan hope that this is the first of an

The playwrights include Ellen Gillette, who will also perform in annual event. “Our goal is to have different ‘Designer Shorts’ every

several, although not her own; Jose Torres; Todd Caster, who had two year supporting local artists,” he said. “Each year there will be a differ-

plays chosen; and Donna Warfield and Richie Lester, who also had ent theme. It’s a chance for local artists to have their work (produced)

two plays chosen. The blind readings ensured that no one knew who in the place where they live. Most are new plays that have never been

wrote which plays. produced or it’s the first time they’re seeing them produced.”

Lester noted that the idea of several short plays in an evening is not

new, but that they often lack an over-arching theme. A.C.T. Studio Theatre, 2399 S.E. Ocean Blvd., Stuart, presents “De-

“Our challenge was to mesh the plays together for one cohesive signer Shorts” Nov. 26-28. Call 772-932-8880 or visit actstudiotheatre.

show,” he said. “We wanted to link them together. One way is by giv- com. 

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Therapist has ‘write’ ideas on helping kids, adults cope A FIRST FOR HER VERSE:
[email protected]
Port St. Lucie poet and writer Dorothy Kamm won
Anna Svetchnikov and her family moved to Port St. Lucie
in July and she has already been named Mrs. St. Lucie Coun- first place in the Free Verse category for her poem
ty. A former Mrs. Massachusetts USA Universal, she will
compete for the Mrs. Florida America, as well. Her reason “Satori” in a contest sponsored by the Florida State
for competing is to have a platform and opportunity to talk
about mental health, her life’s work. The marriage and fam- Association of the National League of American Pen
ily therapist is always looking for creative ways to help par-
ents and kids build resiliency and coping skills, and to call Women (NLAPW). Her award, which included a cash
attention to the need for more mental health professionals
and more money for mental health issues. prize, was announced at the state’s virtual confer-

Svetchnikov and her husband, Michael, are the founders ence on Oct. 23.
of Longwood Care, a 501©3 nonprofit organization that pro-
vides licensed marriage and family therapy services. Begun Satori is a Japanese Buddhist term for enlighten-
in Massachusetts, where the family lived, they have opened
services in Florida. Choosing the Treasure Coast to relocate ment, when one has an epiphany that alters one’s
her family was not difficult.
consciousness. Satori is a sudden intuitive illumina-
“I did my research,” she said. “We lived in a small town in
Massachusetts and were looking for a similar thing in Flori- tion, creating an understanding and awareness not
da. I love it here. It’s getting really cold in Massachusetts, but
here, it’s nicer.” previously known. According to Kamm, oftentimes

The pandemic has made the delivery of medical ser- when one is seeking clarity in a situation or trying to
vices of all kinds a challenge, and with health services,
there are more people seeking help and fewer providers. find the solution to a particular problem, the answer
Svetchnikov is especially concerned about children. She
has three boys, Anthony, 8, Adrian, 6, and Apollo, 2. To help remains hidden. This situation is described in the
alleviate some of the anxiety her boys were feeling during
the lockdown, she created “The Awesome Team,” three poem’s opening stanza:
boys who become superheroes to vanquish villains includ-
ing Corona Vera (Vera is Svetchnikov’s mother’s name and Early morning
she was willing to be the villain).
Mist envelops
“I wrote the script and took photos for a comic book,”
Svetchnikov said. “I used Photoshop for the speech bubbles. The landscape
Anthony is the muscle, Adrian is the brains and Apollo is the
secret agent. I included therapeutic exercises for anxiety and A person “seeks/But cannot find …” When one
shared it with clients. It had to be creative to engage kids and
everyone loved it. I sent out a press release and found an stops trying, the answer comes spontaneously.
amazing illustrator, Wagner Paulo.”
Kamm describes this in the poem as:
There were two more books, “Mr. Perfect” and “Lady Cha-
meleon,” and Svetchnikov began self-publishing. Two of her That flash of insight that arrives
books received recognition from the National Indie Excel-
lence Awards. One, “I Deserve More,” is for pre-teens and Author and therapist Anna Svetchnikov. PHOTO COURTESY OF ANNA SVETCHNIKOV When looking elsewhere:
tells the story of 10-year-old Claire and her cat Archie, who
find a magic wand which gives them the chance to change to separate out negative emotions like anger and anxiety.” Evaporating mist.
their lives. The other honored book was “Always Together,” the story of
“What a pleasure to read this beautiful poem,
“I was trying to develop their Emotional Quotient and cop- a Berber girl named Illi and her fox friend, Fennec, who make
ing skills,” Svetchnikov said. “The book has exercises to prac- a long journey to find water for Illi’s grandmother. which seems to emerge from mist itself to clarity
tice at home. Pre-teens are never happy; they have everything
and nothing. It’s about appreciating what you have and how “I wanted to explore other cultures,” Svetchnikov said. or enlightenment, effortlessly,” said Karen Morris,
“I wanted a heartwarming story about a girl who wants
to help her grandma. During the trek, they face many ob- Florida State Associ-
stacles, but their fortitude, resilience and friendship help
them along the way.” ation NLAPW presi-

Svetchnikov has more plans for helping parents and dent. “And the image of
kids. One of her new projects is parenting books. They will
be available in March 2022 and will feature practical advice the black bird is like a
for parents, regardless of the age pf the child.
stroke of ink.”
“It’s not just for new parents,” she said. “Parents feel up-
set when their children misbehave.” Kamm has been a

Svetchnikov said that she loves being busy, finding time member of the NLAPW
to write at night. “I love creating new things and thinking
outside the box,” she said. in the Art category since

Anna Svetchnikov’s books are available at and 1989 and in the Letters
other retailers. For information about mental health services,
contact her at [email protected].  Dorothy Kamm. category since 1993,
and is a member of the

Vero Beach Branch. She

has won numerous awards for her poetry, articles

and books in competitions sponsored by this orga-


For more information about the NLAPW, visit  ­– CONTRIBUTED

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To Advertise (772-633-1115) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | PEOPLE November 11, 2021 7


Left: Rob Medina, Lt. Victor Aponte and Peter Petrelis. Center and right: The St. Lucie West Centennial High School NJROTC Color Guard. Below: Jay Rinchack, left, and National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum Executive Director Grant Mann.

Mann SEALs and delivers as inspirational Navy League speaker

BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF | Staff Writer “Our main job is preserving the history and

Retired U.S. Navy Cmdr. Grant Mann, who heritage of the Navy SEALs and, more important-
serves as executive director of the National Navy
UDT-SEAL Museum, was the guest speaker re- ly, our (UDT) predecessors. More than the muse-
cently at the first of the Navy League Treasure
Coast Council’s 2021-2022 Speaker Series, held in um, we need to give back to the community,” said
Vero Beach.
The St. Lucie West Centennial High School
NJROTC color guard, one of several ROTC He explained that through their Trident House
groups supported by the league, presented the
colors, before guests took a moment to honor Charities, they support military veterans and
past council president Don Wickstrand, U.S.
Navy Capt. Ret., who recently passed away. their families with scholarships, K-9 support

“He was a man of principle, integrity and dogs and the Trident House, a place of refuge.
strength. A patriot passionate about the Navy
and about our veterans. He was a mentor, advi- He explained that Basic Underwater Dem-
sor and valuable member of the board,” said John
Beckert. olition/SEAL training was designed to tease

In addition to a delightful luncheon, there was out the qualities needed to perform in various
the ceremonial cutting of a cake with a sword by
the oldest and youngest sailors present, to sym- terrains, often under hostile conditions. Chief
bolize the passing of knowledge and celebrate
the 246th Birthday Anniversary of the U.S. Navy. among those attributes are honor, courage and

League president Jay Rinchack shared details of Mann’s commitment. He noted that during the most re-
distinguished 34-year career as a Navy SEAL, which in-
cluded two tours on board DD 986 as a Boatswain Mate, cent ‘Hell Week,’ only 33 students graduated out
two deployments at SEAL Team 5, and seven years at SEAL
Team 6, including as a Commanding Training Officer and of a class of 139.
Mobility Squadron Commander.
“Each student ran over 2,000 miles and swam
Mann said the irony of ending up back in Vero Beach
wasn’t lost on him. Born in Toronto, Canada, he was raised 128 miles,” said Mann, likening it to swimming
in Vero Beach and didn’t enroll in the Navy until he turned
25. “I was having too much fun in Vero Beach, working at from Cuba to the southern tip of Florida and run-
the Ocean Grill and Bobby’s, drinking, chasing girls and
sailing my Hobie Cat.” ning to New York City.

The mission of the Navy League is to support
PHOTOS: KAILA JONES members of the sea services and their families,

In essence, his link to the Navy SEALs began, and con- educate others about the importance of sea power for

tinues today, where the original “frogmen” first gained their economic prosperity and national security, and to build

sea legs, along the shores of the Treasure Coast. Mann ex- America’s future through youth programs. The council

pounded on the evolution of the SEALs, beginning in 1943 awards scholarships, supports the Coast Guard Station in

when the military discovered they needed specially trained Fort Pierce, has sent more than 21,000 paperback books to

soldiers to handle changes in military warfare tactics service members, and participates in various veteran cer-

during World War II. emonies.

“They started training in Fort Pierce to get ready for Nor-

mandy. They lived on the south side of Fort Pierce Inlet and For information about the Navy League Speaker Series,

trained on the north side of the inlet,” said Mann. The area visit For more information

is now home to the National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum, about the National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum, visit navy-

which opened in 1985. 

To Advertise (772-633-1115) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | CASUAL AND FINE DIN ING November 11, 2021 9


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‘day in life of lagoon’
Port St. Lucie resident Logan Bryce Daily
was 30 years old when a car accident took John Carroll High School Marine
his life in 2019. Those who knew him were Biology honor students recently expe-
devastated, but little did they know that he rienced a Day in the Life of the Indian
would still positively impact the lives of 543 River Lagoon with the Ocean Research
other people around the world. He was able and Conservation Association (ORCA).
to do it because Logan was registered as a
tissue and eye donor. The program consisted of a one-
day study of the Indian River Lagoon,
Logan’s story is inspiring to say the least. including chemical analysis of the wa-
That’s why his family and Legacy Donor Ser- ter. Forty-three John Carroll students
vices Foundation (LDSF) hosted an event joined ORCA at two locations, includ-
on what would have been Logan’s birthday, ing Harbour Pointe Park and North Is-
Oct. 22, to celebrate his life and gift of do- land Causeway in Fort Pierce, studying
nation. During the celebration members of over 40 sites throughout the lagoon.
his family, including his mother, sister and
two sons, completed a floragraph which Students assisted with testing for
will be featured on the 2022 Donate Life nitrite, nitrate and phosphate, which
Rose Parade Float. A floragraph is an artis- indicate the level of pollution in the
tic rendering of his portrait made from in- water and facilitate algae blooms. They
dividual roses and various flowers. also tested physical properties such as
salinity, temperature and turbidity.
His mother Trina Long recalls Logan de- Students seined, meaning to net fish,
cided to register as a donor at 16 years old, collect inventory and release the fish,
following an accident he had while playing
paintball that required a cornea transplant. From left: Terry Bridges (Logan’s aunt), Tammy Pritchard (Logan’s aunt), Levon Hooper (Logan’s grandmother),
He was extremely grateful to his donor for Trina Long (Logan’s mother) and Tony Hooper (Logan’s uncle) pose with the floragraph of Logan Bryce Daily
having saved his sight, so he decided to that will join others on a Rose Parade float on New Year’s Day.
pay it forward. “Logan was the most lov-
ing, giving, kindhearted person I know! He ny by LDSF representatives and Tissue Do- Currently, there are more than 100,000
would give the shirt off his back to anyone. nation & Transplantation Community Part- people awaiting organ transplants. Almost
He would pay for other people’s meals at ners, including: Patricia A. Aronica, MD, one person dies each hour because organ,
a restaurant without them knowing. He Chief Medical Examiner, Office of the Med- eye and tissue donations are not received in
would drop whatever he was doing to help ical Examiner, District 19; Chinetta Neal, time. Every single one of these lives could
someone in need. Being a donor was truly Trauma Injury Prevention Educator for be saved if enough people agree to be a do-
his last act of kindness,” Trina said. Lawnwood Regional Medical Center; and nor.
representatives from the St. Lucie County
Logan’s floragraph is now en route to Pas- Tax Collector’s office. LDSF fosters community partnerships
adena, California, where it will join others
on the float honoring healthcare heroes, or- “I have been blessed knowing how many that are vital to educating the public
gan, eye and tissue donors, and transplant people Logan has gifted with his life,” said
recipients during the 133rd Rose Parade on Amanda Griggs, Logan’s sister. “Now the about the importance of registering to be
New Year’s Day. entire world will have the opportunity
to experience some of the joy he spread an organ, eye and tissue donor, to help ad-
Logan’s family was joined at the ceremo- through his life.”
dress this significant need. To learn more

about becoming a donor, visit legacyds  ­– CONTRIBUTED

Ale’s well and good at Treasure Coast Brew Fest ... PHOTOS COURTESY OF BEAU ROBERTS

Ryan DeBerry of Hop Life to document types of fish found in the
Brewing Company in Port area. They also studied core sediments
St. Lucie serves up a brew and shoreline vegetation.
to Ashley DeSantis, while
Johnny Debt, right, pro- “I had a great time during our Day
vides musical entertain- in the Life of the Indian River Lagoon
ment at last Saturday’s field trip,” said Kate Lewis, John Car-
Treasure Coast Brew Fest roll junior. “I personally participated
in Stuart. in habitat surveying, as well as sein-
ing through the lagoon. It was such
PHOTOS: LINDA KLOORFAIN a great opportunity for JC students
to participate in citizen science and
to contribute to ORCA, as well as our

“All of the data collected will be put
into a data bank to help determine the
health of the lagoon,” Roberts said. “I
am proud of our students’ interest in
studying and preserving the lagoon.”

For more information about John

Carroll High School in Fort Pierce, visit or call 772-464-

5200.  ­– CONTRIBUTED

To Advertise (772-633-1115) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | COMMUNITY November 11, 2021 13

Firefighters from near and far accept the ‘Challenge’ SALVATION ARMY SEEKING
Team St. Lucie County,
below, is welcomed The fall season has only just begun but the Salvation
as host county for the Army is already gearing up for the upcoming holiday
3M Scott Firefight- season, actively recruiting bell ringers and sponsors for
er Challenge World their red kettle fundraising campaign.
Championship, held
in Fort Pierce Nov. 2-6. “The Salvation Army Red Kettle program is our largest
Firefighters came from fundraiser of the year,” says Captain Jeff Marquis, corps
around the globe to officer for the Salvation Army in Martin, St. Lucie and
compete in the event, Okeechobee counties. “Even though this program is only
which promotes fire- at Christmas time, we rely on these funds to sustain our
fighters’ fitness and mission of serving the community year-round.”
allows the public to
view the rigors of the The Salvation Army provides basic needs such as food,
profession. Below left, shelter, clothing and financial assistance to thousands
Bayne of Boca Fire of people in crisis along the Treasure Coast every year.
competes. Below right, Every donation given in a red kettle stays in the county
the 42-pound hoist in which it was raised to support those services but, in
– an event in which order to ensure a successful campaign, the more than 50
competitors raise the red kettles in the three counties must be manned.
hose up a five-story
tower – was part of the “Anyone can volunteer to be a bell ringer,” says Kim
challenge.  Johnson, director of development for the local corps.
“Individuals, families, social clubs, school clubs, church
PHOTOS: LINDA KLOORFAIN groups and musi-
cal groups. Some
volunteers will re-
ally have fun with
it and dress up or
play an instrument
or sing and dance
along with Christ-
mas music. Others
just bring a chair

and sit and ring the RED KETTLE CAMPAIGN

bell and say ‘thank
you’ when a donation is given. We’re flexible. We just ap-
preciate every volunteer.”

She explains that the bell ringing schedule is set up
in two-hour timeslots. If a group books a full day of bell
ringing, from 10 a.m. to roughly 8 p.m., the Salvation
Army will recognize them on the kettle sign and on so-
cial media.

Businesses can also receive recognition as kettle spon-
sors. Sponsorships range from $125 per kettle per day to
$1,500 for the holiday season. In return, businesses will
have their name or logo on the kettle sign at their chosen
location and be recognized on social media.

To sponsor a kettle, visit or

call 772-288-1471, ext. 202. To volunteer to ring bells for

The Salvation Army, visit or call 772-

288-1471, ext. 216.  ­– CONTRIBUTED


‘Turkey Trot’ first
... then the feast!

Above left: Sherri Monds, Development Coordinator/Scholarships, and Julia Keenan, Director of Development, IRSC Foundation, point to the engraved BY PATRICK McCALLISTER | Correspondent

brick with the name of the IRSC Foundation (also inset below). Above right: PSLBW Charter Member Lee Hicks, PSLBW President Donna DeMarchi, PSLBW Ah, Thanksgiving. The food, the family,
the football, the 5K first thing in the morning.
Treasurer and City Councilwoman Stephanie Morgan and PSLBW Founding Member Charlotte DeVane. PHOTOS: DIANE GALLAGHER/DIANE S. GALLAGHER PHOTOGRAPHY
Yes, it’s Turkey Trot in Tradition time
City honors PSL Business Women’s 40 years of community commitment again.

The Port St. Lucie Business Women received a proclama- dent of Port St. Lucie Business Women Charlotte DeVane; Greg “The Turkey Trot is historically older than
tion from the City of Port St. Lucie in recognition of National Childress, owner of G. Alan’s Fine Jewelry & Coin; and many the Boston Marathon,” said Dana Bradley,
Women’s Small Business Month and the organization’s 40-year small business owners and nonprofit representatives, as well race director for the local celebration of the
commitment to community action, service and leadership at as Port St. Lucie Business Women members. long-running Thanksgiving event.
the City Council meeting on Oct. 25. Port St. Lucie Business
Women President Donna DeMarchi accepted the Proclama- The Port St. Lucie Business Women’s partnership with Indi- The run and walk will kick off at 8 a.m. on
tion from Business Women member and City Councilwoman an River State College has benefited 74 local women through Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 25 at Tradition Town
Stephanie Morgan. the award of $130,500 in scholarships. The Business Women Hall, 10799 SW Civic Lane.

The proclamation was read by Coun- recognizes the importance of continuing The route will take walkers and runners
cilwoman Morgan to Business Women education to further professional and ca- on Southwest West Park Avenue to South-
members and their guests at their Path- reer development pathways. west Rowley Way for the route’s only right
way Dedication and Ribbon Cutting Cer- turn. They’ll hang a left onto Southwest
emony held in front of City Hall the next With funds raised from the annual Village Parkway, then another at Westcliffe
day. Since its inception in 1980, the Port Fashion Show – a sell-out event which is Lane. The walkers and runners will make
St. Lucie Business Women has operated the talk of the town – more than $200,000 another left at Southwest Community Bou-
as an independent organization, one that in grants to local nonprofit agencies levard and their last left at Southwest Meet-
has grown strong and evolved into a professional women’s or- serving women and children have been ing Street. Then they’ll pick up the kick to
ganization representing a variety of businesses and levels of awarded. In 2020, the Port St. Lucie Busi- the finish in front of Town Hall.
management, government officials and entrepreneurs. “Even ness Women awarded its highest number of grants, further
throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Business Women demonstrating its commitment to the community and dedi- Raised funds will benefit HANDS of St.
stayed true to its focus on meeting community needs through cation to fulfilling the mission of the organization, even during Lucie County, New Horizons of the Treasure
their engraved brick pathway project – the brainchild of Ruby challenging times. Coast and Okeechobee, and Family Meals.
Jubilee committee chair Diane Gallagher,” said DeMarchi at The Port St. Lucie Business Women invites the community
the dedication. Yellowstone Landscape donated the design, to be part of Phase II of its brick pathway project to continue “This year we have extended our bene-
materials and labor to install the brick paver pathway. The assuring the futures of women attending Indian River State ficiaries to include not only HANDS of St.
pathway leads to a live oak tree planted in 2015 for the organi- College and providing much-needed funding to local nonprof- Lucie County, but also New Horizons and
zation’s 35th anniversary. it agencies serving women and children. You may purchase an Family Meals, which provides food for
engraved brick to honor a family member or friend, memori- those in needs,” Bradley said. “We wanted
All proceeds from the engraved brick pathway project go alize someone special, celebrate a special event or showcase to cover more bases and we felt now we
toward scholarship awards and Community Action & Grants. a business in front of City Hall. Each personalized brick be- have medical, mental health and helping
Port St. Lucie Business Women supporters and brick pur- comes a lasting tribute that will be seen and remembered by those in need covered.”
chasers who attended the ceremony included Sean Mitchell, visitors, guests and members of our community.
District 2 and Vice-Chair, St. Lucie County Board of County People in the running community are
Commissioners; Julia Keenan, Director of Development and Each engraved brick costs $100. To order, go to familiar with Thanksgiving morning Tur-
Sherri Monds, Development Coordinator/Scholarships, IRSC key Trots. The Buffalo Turkey Trot, a 5-mile
Foundation; St. Lucie County Property Appraiser and Business and click on the “Buy A Brick” tab, or go to brickmarkersusa. event, is likely the oldest continually-run
Women member Michelle Franklin; Founder and first Presi- footrace in the U.S. It started in 1896.
com/donors/pslb.html. For more information, contact Diane
As America grew through the 20th centu-
Gallagher at 772-260-2097 or by email at dsgdesigns@comcast. ry, so did Turkey Trots. They now exist from

net.  ­– CONTRIBUTED Plymouth, Mass., to
Silicon Valley. They
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN attract many serious
in October 28, 2021 Edition 1 WART 1 WATTLEANDDAUB runners looking to
3 EARL 2 RUBUP get qualifying times
6 OOH 4 ATONED for selective runs.
9 TABLEFOOTBALL 5 LUTE They also attract run-
10 LOPSIDED 6 ORANGES ners who dress up in
12 AGUE 7 HELTERSKELTER holiday themes.
13 DAL 8 DECIBEL Much of the Turkey Trot fun, too, is the
15 ADDLED 11 DAM self-appointed cheerleaders who get their
18 MOSSES 14 LOGBOOK lawn chairs and add a bit of humorous
19 LAG 16 DEFICIT goading to the run.
21 DEFT 17 DAB “We get people who joke about standing
22 BARBECUE 20 GALORE outside with their mimosas,” said Bradley.
25 ARCHAEOLOGIST 23 CRIME Tradition, like other Turkey Trot towns,
26 BAT 24 GAME turns out to support the runners and
27 EDEN walkers. “They sit outside and say, ‘Happy
28 GEAR Thanksgiving,’ and wave everybody on,”
Bradley said. “It makes it really exciting.”
Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13 Crossword Page B14 (THE AND GAME) Bradley grew up in Clearwater, which
has a big Turkey Trot every year. After Brad-
ley moved to Tradition, she missed the Tur-
key Trot. “In 2017 I made a Facebook post,
just as a little idea to go out to Tradition
Square and do an unofficial walk around
the lake on Thanksgiving morning,” she

To Advertise (772-633-1115) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | COMMUNITY November 11, 2021 15

said. “I did a Turkey Trot with my family was in 2018. It was a smash. In 2019 the 5K “If you don’t get one of our 1,000 spots
growing up and wanted to continue that attracted 1,100 walkers and runners. Of (as of Nov. 6, there were only 282 spots left),
tradition. The response I got was pretty course, in 2020 … well, there was a Turkey we’d love to have cheerleaders,” Bradley
great. About 20 or so people showed up; Trot, but Bradley made the call to only have said. “That makes it all the more fun – to
some of whom I’d never met before. From 500 spots for pandemic safety. This year’s have the community support.”
there a couple of us decided to make it an spots are going quick. Would-be trotters
official thing moving forward.” should probably run to their computers to FILE PHOTO COURTESY OF DANA BRADLEY Registration is $40 at traditionturkeytrot.
sign up. com. 
The first official Turkey Trot at Tradition


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1 Gourd (5) 2 Voter (7)
4 Sheepdog (6) 3 1/16 of a pound (5)
10 Rigid, tough (5) 5 Supervise (7)
11 Gemstone (7) 6 Exit (5)
12 Thespian, artiste(7) 7 Eternal (7)
13 Velvety leather (5) 8 Continent (4)
14 Titbit (6) 9 Thick and heavy (5)
16 Revolutionaries (6) 14 Pungent condiment(7)
19 Elegant (5) 15 Intense (7)
21 Certain (7) 17 Serious, sincere (7)
24 Illness (7) 18 Belief, trust (5)
25 Perfect model (5) 20 Book of maps (5)
26 Banish (6) 22 Excel (5)
27 Arrears (5) 23 Sure enough (4)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

To Advertise (772-633-1115) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | GAMES November 11, 2021 17

ACROSS 90 Fate 39 Walton or Waterston The Washington Post
1 Dublin-born literary giant 92 Stinger 40 Cold desserts
5 Thomas of That Girl 93 Tiny hairs 41 Hunger’s cousin TWAIN OF THOUGHT By Merl Reagle
10 Knack, as for writing 94 ___ headache 42 Netman Nastase
15 Cuts with a cleaver 96 Owns 43 The Sundance Kid’s girl
19 “I’ll take one of ___” 97 Stopped flying 45 Antifreeze company
20 ___ a high note 98 Twain quote, part 6 49 Evita character
21 Longest river in France 102 Secluded valleys 50 All time
22 Theater award 103 Baseball’s Wagner 51 Bothers big-time
23 Start of a Twain quote 104 Rain cats and dogs 53 Produces milk
105 Worshipped one 55 “Now hold on!”
(paraphrased slightly) 107 Miserable 57 Film excerpts
26 Bank service 110 Rain-dance accompaniment 59 Smoqui, for example?
27 Little Luke’s sister on The 112 Piano pieces 62 They’re on the plus side
116 Jai ___ 63 Crooner Chris
Real McCoys (now this is 117 End of the Twain quote 65 Basis
trivia) 120 Connector 68 One-word question
28 Rogues 121 Jeannie, for one 69 Play opening
29 “Nobody was home” 122 Arrive at 71 Crop-friendly
followup 123 Common verbe 72 Accumulate
31 Shoulder warmer 124 Theater seat 73 Showers in winter?
33 Jessica of Fantastic Four 125 Idyllic settings 75 Cause of needless anxiety
34 Star of the 1968 Winter 126 Newark’s county 78 Wyo. time
Olympics 127 Over a fielder’s head 79 Some math lines
35 Hiding place 80 “What’s ___ for me?”
38 Twain quote, part 2 DOWN 81 Chop shop?
44 “Alice’s Restaurant” singer 83 Finished
45 It’s got a Tiger in its ranks 1 Funnyman Meyers 85 Fine violin
46 Info-gathering 2 Gag reflex? 87 Resembling a platter
47 There’s a lot of money in it 3 Experts 89 Reasons
48 Pre-V trio 4 Volumes of people 91 Who sells seashells on the
49 Piano man Floyd 5 Greek sorceress
52 Out of the bus. 6 Either you know it or you seashore
53 Runs: slang 94 Blown away
54 Twain quote, part 3 don’t: abbr. 95 Beat decisively
56 London’s Old ____ 7 Dosage suggestions: abbr. 97 Made sly references
58 Sand bar 8 OK for a dieter 99 Infuriate
60 British East India Co. 9 In stores 100 Power problem
product 10 Sticky stuff 101 Fumbles
61 Sign of Big Macs 11 Stock setback 102 ___ bat for
62 Attorney Melvin 12 Have the blahs 106 A drug
64 Slobby sportswriter 13 Employee’s last words
of TV 14 Related again treatment ctr.
66 Hostess snack cake 15 Fool around 107 Leaves time?
67 Twain quote, part 4 16 A woodwind 108 Eclectic group
70 They’re a rowing concern 17 “La vie en rose” singer 109 Pealed
74 ___ to all mankind 18 Snail-mailed 110 Elvis had one
76 Kirk’s backyard 24 Old pizza dough? 111 1969 World Series champs
77 Without principles 25 Brownish-yellow 113 Heap affection (on)
79 It’s on top of things 30 Randy Newman tune 114 Tipperary’s place
82 Like bachelors and 32 Heathen 115 Plant your foot
bachelorettes 34 Wood feature 118 How some rivers run: abbr.
84 Rested 35 1948 remake 119 Fwy. abbr.
85 Twain quote, part 5
86 Jittery of Algiers
88 Coxcomb 36 Conductor Toscanini
37 Brood of chicks

The Telegraph


A K 10 9 5 4 J8 632
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 10 3 K94 QJ8752
2 10 9 8 3 764
Sherwood Smith, an author of fantasy and science fiction, said, “When I turned 13 Q 10 8 5 AJ92 7
and took a typing class, with typical early teen enthusiasm and total lack of critical
ability, I started sending my stuff to publishers once I’d baby-sat long enough to earn SOUTH
the postage.” Q7
If you can count to 13 at the bridge table, you will quickly win the money to buy sheets AKQJ5
and sheets of stamps — assuming you are playing for greenbacks. K643

How did that ability help South in this week’s deal? He was in five diamonds. West Dealer: South; Vulnerable: East-West
cashed his two top spades (East showing three by following suit in ascending order),
then shifted to the heart 10. The Bidding:

West made a weak jump overcall. South’s three-spade cue-bid asked his partner to SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
bid three no-trump with a spade stopper. When North could only admit to some club 1 Diamonds 2 Spades 3 Diamonds Pass
values, South signed off in five diamonds. 3 Spades Pass 4 Clubs Pass LEAD:
5 Diamonds Pass Pass Pass A Spades
The key to the contract was avoiding a club loser. The normal line would have been to
cash the king, then play low to dummy’s jack. But the original declarer decided to find
out as much as he could about the deal.

He took the third trick with his heart ace, drew trumps, played a heart to dummy’s king
and ruffed the heart nine. What had he learned?

That West had started with six spades, two hearts, one diamond ... and therefore four

South cashed his club king to see East’s singleton, then played a club to dummy’s
nine. When it held, he returned to his hand with a trump and played a club to the jack.

The number 13 is lucky for bridge players.

The basics of the Beatles sto- But here is what he does tell us. was their biggest-selling single in the United King-
First, he owes it all to Black artists. dom. (Can you imagine singing along to a song that
ry are a matter of public record “When you get right down to it,” says begins “She loves you / Yes, yes, yes”?)
McCartney, “in everything I’ve ever
– cynical John meets happy-go- done – in the Beatles, Wings, solo But no matter how inventive you become, stay
– there’s an undercurrent of Black grounded in the real world. Use ordinary language:
lucky Paul, then George and, music. You could say it’s the blues, “She loves you,” for example. “I like to use common
but it could be soul.” Even the white phrases and put them in some kind of context where
later, Ringo join a group that they sound uncommon,” says McCartney, adding “I
performers the early Beatles based think a lot of creative people do that.” After all, the
cranks out song after song for themselves on, a group that includes idea was “to get more and more people to like us,” he
Elvis, Buddy Holly, and Jerry Lee says. That’s why so many of the early songs have per-
BOOK an all too brief Lewis, were all influenced by Black sonal pronouns in the titles: “Love Me Do,” “Please
period, then musicians like Chuck Berry and Lit- Please Me,” “I Want to Hold Your Hand” and “From
tle Richard, so “that’s definitely the Me to You,” about which he notes that “we managed
REVIEW the world’s underpinning of almost everything I’ve done.” to get two of them in on that one!”
greatest Next, work with – and steal from – good people.
Their late-career bitter clashes notwithstanding, Almost 60 years later, the Beatles are still an
hit-making machine explodes in Paul makes it clear how much sheer fun it was amazing story. McCartney’s comment here on “All
to write with John. But he also credits classically My Loving” begins with the four on a bus tour with
a welter of personal and business trained producer George Martin, his jazz trumpet- Roy Orbison and other musicians and ends with the
er father, Jim, and his high school lit teacher Alan band’s appearance on “The Ed Sullivan Show” on
squabbles. And yet, as Adam Durband as influences. As far as musical theft goes, Feb. 9, 1964, an event said to be watched by 73 mil-
McCartney points out that the Beatles stole the lion people, including some you might not expect:
Gopnik pointed out in a 2016 New Beach Boys’ vocal harmonies but that “of course, “The story goes that the crime rate went down too;
they were nicking from us. Everybody was nicking even the robbers were tuning in.” The Beatles had
Yorker article, “something myste- from everybody else. There was a circularity to the conquered America, claiming all five of the top slots
whole enterprise.” on the Billboard charts in a matter of days. And the
rious remains, and that mysterious thing, as always That said, be your own person. Jim McCartney’s last sentence of this chapter reads, “A few months
knowledge of music-hall standards shaped the whole later I turned twenty-two.” 
in the lives of artists, is how they did what they did.” “Sgt. Pepper” album and many more Beatles songs,
but when he complained about Americanisms creep- THE LYRICS: 1956 TO THE PRESENT
Till now. With the publication of “The Lyrics: 1956 ing into the queen’s English and suggested the lads
use the word “yes” in the refrain of “She Loves You,” BY PAUL MCCARTNEY, ED. PAUL MULDOON. LIVERIGHT.
to the Present,” a massive two-volume collection of the four musicians stuck to their guns, and the result 960 PAGES IN TWO VOLUMES. $79.99

Paul McCartney lyrics, at last we know where the REVIEW BY DAVID KIRBY, THE WASHINGTON POST

songs (at least the ones he wrote or co-wrote) came

from. Or let’s say we know as much as we ever will:

McCartney’s comments on each of these 154 songs

that he wrote either himself or with a partner like

John Lennon or, later, Linda McCartney are gener-

ous, but they’re also conversational, meaning they

are intimate yet incomplete.

Reading “The Lyrics” is like standing in a master

chef’s kitchen as he prepares a dish, adding a dash

of this and a spoonful of that and talking to us so

winningly that we don’t realize till later that he has

withheld an ingredient, one that, because he was

so deeply engaged himself, he didn’t know he was


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