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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2016-10-20 15:22:46

10/21/2016 ISSUE 10


To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | GAMES October 21, 2016 19


28 Food Truck Extravaganza. Every One common characteristic of most your target line. KKeuvreins’s
fourth Friday of the month. 4 p.m. to successful people is the consistent repe- 6. Adjust the right foot to facilitate prop-
8 p.m. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 5150 Rail- tition of healthy, fundamentally sounds
way Ave., Port Salerno. acts. Golf is no different. Sound, simple er ball position and square toe line.
fundamentals repeated over and over will 7. Make sure your knees, hips, forearms
28 Meet the Reptiles. Manatee Obser- make the difference in helping to play your
vation Center, 480 N Indian River Dr, best golf, or help you strive to reach your and shoulders are all positioned parallel
Fort Pierce. Crawl, swim or slither to the Man- goals and improve your performance. to the bodyline.
atee Center to learn all about our resident
reptiles and a chance to hold Diego, the red With this in mind, you must develop a 8. To reduce tension and the static start,
rat snake. 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. consistent, repeatable pre-shot routine waggle the club two or three times, mov-
that is fundamentally sound. After all, in ing your feet to correspond to the waggle
28 Halloween Bash. The Original Tiki many ways what you do and think the 45 and helping promote rhythm and lightless
Bar’s Annual Halloween Bash! 2 Ave seconds prior to executing each shot will on your feet. Look at the target two more
A, Fort Pierce. 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. determine the fate of that given golf shot! times, pause slightly, and then go ahead
and pull the trigger!
29 Port Salerno Green Market. Every I recommend the following eight-step
Saturday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. St. Luke’s pre-shot routine for all full-swing shots: Kevin Perkins is a PGA Master Profes- “Golf Everyone,” published by Hunter Text-
Episcopal Church, 5150 Railway Ave., Port sional. He operates his Golf Academy at The books. Perkins may be reached at 561-301-
Salerno. 1. First determine the effective distance Evergreen Club, has hosted and produced 3783. Email: [email protected] or visit his
the shot must travel and determine the his own television and radio shows, and website at www.kevinperkinsgolfacademy.
29 Palm City Green Market. Every Sat- best shot to execute. Off the tee, of course, has authored the golf instructional book com. 
urday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Immanuel Lu- determine the best drive to hit and move
theran Church, 2655 Immanuel Dr., Palm City. to the proper side of the tee to best fit that ANNUAL GOLF PASS
shot into the fairway (left side of the tee for NOW AVAILABLE
29 Creepy Creatures of the Sea! Man- a draw, right side of the tee for a fade). On 1,200Only $
atee Observation Center, 480 N approach shots into the green, begin with + TAX
Indian River Dr., Fort Pierce. Come meet the the yardage of the shot, factoring hole lo-
creepiest of creatures in the sea at the Mana- cation, wind, lie and surface conditions of $35 Play Fee in Season • $25 Play Fee in Summer
tee Center! This free family program features the green. Plan your strategy for the shot, Always $10 Less than outside rate in season
games, crafts, face painting and more. Wear middle of the green, avoiding bunkers, and $5 less in Summer
your costume to receive a special goody bag! etc. Then select the proper club to accom-
No registration necessary. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. plish your goal for the shot. Included Perks
• Complimentary Range Use • Complimentary Bag Storage • 10% Discount on Food and Beverage
31 Jazz Jam at the Sunrise Black Box. 2. Next, begin from behind the ball,
Sunrise Theatre, 117 S 2nd St, Fort where you will visualize and create the • 20% Off On Golf Shop Goods • 14 Days Advance Tee Times
Pierce. 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. shot, along with picking up the target line
and finding an intermediate target line (a VOTED THE BEST LOCAL GOLF COURSE THREE YEARS IN A ROW
NOVEMBER divot, broken tee, discolored piece of turf)
that is no farther than one club length in St. Lucie West & Tradition
1 Farm to Fork Fresh Market. Treasure front of the ball. Resident Specials!!
Coast Research Park, 2199 S Rock Rd,
Fort Pierce. Featuring local fruits and vegeta- 3. You should approach the ball from 29 25$ Before $ After
bles, meats, honey and much more. Wander the left side, positioning your eyes parallel 1pm 1pm
around and shop to your heart’s content for to the target line. When your eyes become Valid 7 days a week expires Oct 28, 2016
fresh, locally produced vegetables, fruits and accustomed to this slightly unnatural po-
goodies, all while listening to the Fort Pierce sition (it usually takes one to two seconds), Call us today at 772‐286‐2111
Jazz and Blues Society playing your favorite place the club head behind the ball square
songs. 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. to the target line. The vertical lines on the To book your preview round and see for your self why The Evergreen Club is your perfect golf‐get‐away.
clubface are the best way to sight the face
2 St. Lucie County Update Luncheon. to the line. You can also use the leading
Featuring County Administrator How- edge of the clubface, which will be per-
ard Tipton, who will provide an update on the pendicular to the line, as a way of a double
county. Pelican Yacht Club, 11:30 a.m. to 1 check. With your woods, use the writing
p.m. The cost is $30 and you MUST RSVP prior on the top of the club, placing the line par-
to this event. RSVP online at: http://stlucie- allel to the target line.
date-luncheon-2016-10-06_1130/ 4. Place your right foot at right angles
to the target line, using your clubface, in-
termediate target and target line for refer-

5. Place your left foot in position form-
ing a line with your right foot, parallel to


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