Islander accused of murder
struggles in court. P8
Shores residents
win on sidewalk. P7
School district cheats its
employees on health insurance. P6
MY VERO For breaking news visit
BY RAY MCNULTY eVleercotiCoonusnacgial
not over yet
Can Orchid Publix attract
enough summer business? With the red tide gone, Conn Beach returns to normal. PHOTOS BY LEIGH GREEN BY LISA ZAHNER
Staff Writer
The more I write about Beaches back to normal after unprecedented red tide siege
Publix’s plans for Orchid, the Just when it seemed the Vero
more I hear from readers who BY SUE COCKING sand below are once more is gone from Vero and the rest Beach City Council election
keep asking the same question: Staff Writer enjoying the best of what of Indian River County. mess couldn’t get any more
Are there enough year-round this seaside community has baffling, a court order set this
residents on the northern tier The island’s ocean beaches to offer. But the local tourism eco- Tuesday’s election and would-
of the island to support a full- are again open, the sea air is nomy was taken by surprise be candidate Linda Hillman’s
service supermarket? fresh and clean, and strollers The noxious red tide and hit hard by the toxic al- court case on parallel journeys
on the Conn Beach board- that closed island beaches, gae's totally unprecedented – with a plot twist.
It’s a good question, because walk and sunbathers on the caused respiratory problems, two-week siege.
that part of the island is the and killed tons of ocean fish Hillman sued to be included
most seasonal section of the CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 on the ballot as a candidate for
county – much more so than City Council in a special elec-
the Central Beach and South tion, claiming she was unfairly
Beach areas. removed from Tuesday’s ballot.
So I called Publix. By the terms of the ruling,
Apparently, though, Publix’s Tuesday’s regular city election
media-relations folks don’t like omitting her was allowed to
talking on the phone. They’d move forward, but voters were
rather exchange emails, which to have no clue if the results
makes it difficult to conduct an would ultimately count.
actual interview, but makes it
easier to evade tough questions The only thing known for
and avoid follow-ups seeking sure was that the current five-
specifics. member Vero City Council will
Which is what happened. remain in office until the mys-
Unable to speak to Publix’s tery unravels and new mem-
corporate or regional spokes- bers are seated.
persons, I sent them an email
that included two questions: CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 New Shores Community Center coming along slowly
MLB seen making Vero BY LISA ZAHNER could be used as a polling place.
hub of youth programs Staff Writer Now the hope is it will be open by
Valentine’s Day.
BY RAY MCNULTY The original timetable for complet-
Staff Writer ing the Indian River Shores Communi- Just to be safe, town officials are
ty Center was overly ambitious. The not booking any meetings, weddings
Peter O’Malley's lifelong project was slated to be done in time or other functions into the facility
affection for Vero Beach and for Election Day, so that the center until April 2019.
connection to Dodgertown
has been well-chronicled, CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
November 8, 2018 Volume 11, Issue 45 Newsstand Price $1.00 Ladling out lunch
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Editorial 44 People 11-32 CALL 772-226-7925
© 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Beaches gram in counties afflicted by the red casses removed since Oct. 20 by Vero to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conser-
tide. Beach and county workers and con- vation Commission's Fish Kill hotline
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tractor Ceres Environmental Services. database. It's too soon to know if the
It's also applying for an $80,000 bloom damaged fish populations.
"It's safe to say losses are close to grant through VisitFlorida – the state's The cleanup effort got a major
a million dollars for beachside hotels tourism arm – to put together an ad- assist from the Florida Department FWC is recommending continued
and restaurants," said Allison McNeal vertising campaign beginning Nov. 19 of Environmental Protection, which water testing at county and city
of the Indian River Chamber of letting prospective visitors know that kicked in $522,000. Those funds were beaches and in Sebastian Inlet State
Commerce Director of Tourism, who beaches are open and it's business among a total of $1.3 million awarded Park.
conducted a survey of local businesses. as usual, and launching "Back to the to the five red-tide-affected counties.
"They've all suffered losses." Beach, A Restaurant Celebration" Nov. Said Indian River County Coastal
6-8, offering locals discounts at par- Fish killed by the red tide in Indian Engineer James Gray: "We had red
The Chamber is encouraging small ticipating restaurants River County included parrotfish, tide back in 2007-08, but it wasn't to
businesses to apply for no-interest, wrasse, croaker, sea robin, pinfish, the point that we had fish kills. From
short-term loans of up to $50,000 be- Meanwhile, the cleanup of dead fish mullet, sea trout, bonefish, surgeon- my standpoint, this was unprecedent-
ing offered by the Florida Small Busi- from the more than 22 miles of county fish, sardine, yellowtail snapper, blue- ed – absolutely the worst I've experi-
ness Emergency Bridge Loan Pro- beaches is nearing completion, with fish, catfish, grunt, sea bream, jack cre- enced in my 10 years with the county."
more than 150,000 pounds of car- valle, porgy, tarpon and eels, according
The red tide, which has plagued
Florida's Gulf coast for more than a
year, arrived in southeast Florida last
month, and was first reported in Vero
Beach Oct. 15.
Although it occurs naturally in deep
Gulf waters, it creates problems when
it comes ashore, causing sneezing and
coughing, itchy eyes and sometimes
respiratory distress. According to the
Florida Health Department, 14 people
went to emergency rooms in Indian
River County complaining of red tide-
related problems during the bloom,
and another 15 from the county called
poison control hotlines.
My Vero
1. Why did Publix decide to build a
store in Orchid, only four miles from
its supermarket at U.S. 1 and Barber
2. Why does Publix believe a store
in that area, where a great majority of
the residents spend only a few months
each year, can attract enough year-
round business to be successful?
Publix’s response?
“There are a number of variables
and evaluations utilized in making
a decision on investing in real estate
and building a facility,” Nicole Krauss,
the company’s media and community
relations manager for Southeast Florida,
wrote in her email. “These evaluations
are complex and proprietary.”
She used a lot of smart-sounding
words that, for all intents and purposes,
told me nothing – nothing I didn’t
already know, nothing that would
provide any insight into what Publix
was doing here and why.
As you’d expect, I tried again, asking
if she would provide examples of the
“variables and evaluations” Publix
used to reach its decision. There was
no response.
So I called her boss, Maria Brous,
Publix’s media and community relations
Brous, however, replied only via
email and referred me back to Krauss,
who sent another email that contained
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 3
the same statement she had given months,” he added. “Four months of highway A1A in northern Vero Beach, populated by more year-round residents.
me earlier, but with one additional the year, we lose money. Two months is only 6,000 square feet. Publix’s site “A large percentage of our customers
sentence. of the year, we break even. We make plan includes a 31,000 square-foot
money from January to March and supermarket and a separate 6,000 live in Central Beach and South Beach,
“As with all of the potential locations during a few weeks around the square-foot retail building that would where 60 to 65 percent of residents live
we look at,” Krause wrote, “we are doing holidays in November and December. contain five stores, both to be built on here year-round,” Keen said. “There
our due diligence and have no additional a seven-acre parcel on route 510 in the are also more families there, too, as
information to share at this time.” “And our store is five times smaller southeastern corner of Orchid. opposed to the North Beach area,
than what Publix wants to build up where you have a lot more two-person
Is that because it’s too complex? there.” Keen said his market also benefits households.”
Or too proprietary? Or might it be from serving a segment of the island
because Publix knows this might be a The Village Beach Market, located on CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
risky proposition?
Look, it’s difficult to question
Publix’s business decisions. It’s the
largest employee-owned supermarket
company in the United States, as
well as one of the nation’s 10 largest-
volume supermarket chains.
The Lakeland-based company
operates more than 1,200 stores,
nine distribution centers and 11
manufacturing facilities, employing
nearly 200,000 people in seven
southern states, where its retail sales
in 2017 reached $34.6 billion.
Publix also has a deserved reputation
of being a terrific company for which
to work, for its outstanding customer
service, and for its civic involvement
in and charitable contributions to the
communities it serves.
Still, it’s fair to ask why Publix, given
the seasonal challenges it surely would
confront, wants to put a store on the
northern part of the island – especially
knowing its proposed site plan,
submitted to Orchid officials last month,
is almost certain to face opposition
from some town residents and many in
the neighboring communities.
Several Old Orchid and Seasons
homeowners already have expressed
concerns about what they fear will
be the negative impact the shopping
area would have on the tranquil feel
of their communities, citing increased
noise, traffic and security issues, as
well as the intrusive aura of parking-
lot lighting.
It’s puzzling that such a successful
company wouldn’t embrace the
opportunity to ease any such concerns
and explain why it would be successful
in Orchid, despite the area’s seasonal
ebbs and flows.
Phone calls to four of the larger
communities from which the Orchid
Publix would attract shoppers revealed
that only a small percentage of their
residents live here on a full-time basis:
Orchid Island Golf & Beach Club (15
percent); John’s Island (20 percent);
Sea Oaks (35 percent); and Windsor
(fewer than 10 homeowners).
“If you’re asking for my expert
opinion, I don’t think there are enough
year-round residents to draw from on
that part of the island – not for a store
of that size,” said Jason Keen, chief
operating officer for the Village Beach
Market, which has been locally owned
and operated by his family since 1980.
“We lose money during the summer
4 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero such as the one Publix wants to build Dodgertown operations would be in MLB’s hands
to anchor a six-store shopping center? for at least the next decade.
“They’re a big, successful company Brown said the county has agreed
In the interest of transparency: Keen and they might know more than me, especially in recent years, as he to pay to renovate the facility, which
approached Orchid Town Manager but I don’t see how they’ll get a return fought to make sure Vero Beach's is in need of several new roofs, repairs
Noah Powers earlier this year to inquire with a store that size,” Keen said. “And once-iconic spring-training complex to Holman Stadium’s press box, and
about building another Village Beach what about those retail stores? didn’t dissipate into a foggy baseball other “deferred maintenance” before
Market on the same site if Publix opts memory. MLB arrives later this year.
to back out or its plan is rejected. “What are they going to say to Publix
when there’s not enough business That’s why the former Los Angeles “Those projects needed to be done,
Keen said operating a smaller store during the summer months to make Dodgers owner rode to the county- anyway, for anybody to continue
there, particularly with his family’s their rent payments?” owned facility’s rescue in 2011, putting to operate the facility,” Brown said,
roots in the community and familiarity together a five-way partnership that adding that the county currently
with the seasonal nature of the island Based on the company’s track pumped money and life into the place, spends roughly $325,000 annually on
community, could be profitable. record, you’ve got to believe Publix has preventing it from being shuttered maintenance there.
the answer – to that question and all after Minor League Baseball failed to
But a larger, full-size supermarket, the others. turn a profit and announced it was MLB will then contribute up to $10
pulling out. million in improvements – including
So why not tell us? $5 million for an indoor practice field
That’s why O’Malley made it his – with the county matching up to half
mission last year to find a successor to that amount in reimbursements over
take over Historic Dodgertown’s multi- the duration of the 10-year lease.
sport operations, which county officials
say has a $15 million annual impact on Brown said the county will use sales
the local economy. and tourist tax revenues to cover the
reimbursements, which could run as
That’s why O’Malley, at age 80, was high as $800,000 annually through
genuinely thrilled to learn last week the first five years of the lease, then
that his efforts to bring together the dropping to a maximum of $400,000
county and Major League Baseball annually through the last five years.
were successful – that the two parties
had agreed in principle on a long-term “Major League Baseball wants to
lease for Historic Dodgertown. preserve the business already there
and enhance the operations by
“The two sides have made great bringing in its own programs and
progress,” O’Malley said. “I think it’s activities,” Brown said. “With their
going to happen, and I’m glad it’s going resources, the calendar is only going
to happen. This is the best possible to get fuller, which will increase an
outcome for the county. already-significant impact on the
local economy.
“When everything is final and the
lease is signed, I’ll happily hand the “As Major League Baseball gets
keys to Major League Baseball and things going here, we expect that $15
offer to help in any way I can.” million annual impact to grow.”
According to County Administrator MLB is expected to bring to
JasonBrown,thecountyhasa“handshake Historic Dodgertown activities and
agreement” with MLB, which, if the deal tournaments related to its youth
is finalized, would assume control of programs, such as Reviving Baseball
Historic Dodgertown’s operations and in Inner Cities, Youth Academy and
make Vero Beach the hub of its youth Elite Development Invitational.
O’Malley said MLB is familiar with
Brown said the proposed lease is for the facility – where the players can eat,
10 years, with three five-year options sleep and play on campus – because
– a deal that requires the county and it has held programs there each of the
Major League Baseball to share the past three years.
costs of renovating and making other
improvements to the aging facility. Brown said MLB wants to embrace
the history of the complex, which
Brown hopes to present the lease to was the spring training home of the
the Board of County Commissioners Dodgers, from Brooklyn to Los Angeles,
in early December, after lawyers from from 1948 to 2008, when the team
both sides review the agreed-upon, moved its preseason headquarters to
five-page term sheet and draw up the Arizona.
necessary paperwork.
“That’s what drew them here,
“They’re still working on the especially the ties to Jackie Robinson,”
language, but I don’t anticipate anything Brown said, referring to the former
going wrong,” Brown said. “I’m quite Dodgers great who broke baseball’s
comfortable recommending the lease color barrier in 1947.
be approved, and I’m confident the
board will approve it. “Major League Baseball is well-
positioned and well-suited to elevate
“Major League Baseball has that history to a national stage,
indicated they’re in this for the long which would increase the county’s
haul.” exposure.”
Once signed, O’Malley’s lease Brown said the agreement requires
with the county would immediately the county to provide 2,000 parking
be terminated – it expires in May, spaces for MLB events at Holman
anyway – and Historic Dodgertown’s Stadium – an obligation that likely
will prompt the county to make
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 5
another attempt to buy the former open space. A developer offered $2.43 assuring the overflow parking MLB to have O’Malley as an ally who
Dodgertown Golf Club property from million in hopes of building an urban needs. used his connections and influence
Vero Beach. market that included a hotel, office to attract MLB, which he said is a
buildings and restaurants. The county currently has a parking “perfect fit and the best possible
The City Council rejected the agreement with the city to use the partner to write the next chapter for
county’s $2.4 million offer last month, O’Malley encouraged the county property when necessary. Historic Dodgertown.”
deciding to keep the 35-acre parcel as to try again to buy the property, thus
Brown said the county is fortunate
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
School district cheats employees on health insurance
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN which the School Board and the school Charles Searcy were on the School Other school district managers could
Staff Writer district committed to paying off out of Board when the promise was made to have been assigned to lead the nego-
district funds over a four-year period. the teachers, but they saw no problem tiations, said Cannon, who believes
When the county school district ran with the way things worked out. the failure to appoint a top negotiator
up a $7 million deficit in its self-in- The promise was memorialized in shows a “lack of good-faith effort.”
sured employee health plan two years an Oct. 17, 2017 letter from Assistant Initscurrentcontractnegotiationswith
ago, the School Board imposed stiff Superintendent of Finance Carter the school district, the teachers’ union is Executive Director of Human Servic-
rate increases on employees to make Morrison to the Florida Department of fighting to recover money it believes was es Edwina Suit and Assistant Principal
the fund solvent going forward, but Insurance, which oversees the financial unfairly taken from its members. Kelly Ward “have been sitting across
pledged not to make workers pay off viability of self-insurance programs like from us for several years,” Cannon
the shortfall, which had resulted from the one in place at the school district. The union is asking the board to pay said, yet the School Board didn’t give
poor management. The district had already paid $2.3 $60 more per month of each employee’s them authority to negotiate.
million into the health insurance fund insurance premium for 12 months, re-
Now the outgoing School Board has when the letter was written, Morrison ducing the amount employees have de- After months of delay, the district fi-
reneged on that promise. said, and $1.56 million would be paid ducted from their checks and adding up nally hired an outside attorney, Wayne
in each of the next three years. to approximately $1.56 million, union Helsby of Allen Norton & Blue, as its
At the time the $7 million deficit president Liz Cannon said. lead negotiator.
came to light, the teachers’ union tried The district made a second pay-
to fight off stiff premium hikes, claim- ment the following year, but this year That request has been on the table At Helsby’s first meeting with the
ing the district had the cash to make the the School Board passed a budget that for half a year but contract negotiations teachers union on Oct. 27, Cannon
fund solvent, but lost that fight when reneges on the third payment, claim- have been in limbo because of person- said, “They are willing to pay your fee
negotiations ended up in impasse. The ing the deficit is gone and no payment nel disarray at the district. and then tell us, ‘We don’t have the
School Board imposed the rate hikes on is necessary. money to pay for your proposals.’ We
1,100 teachers and the rest of the dis- The union’s three-year contract ex- feel that’s a slap in the face.”
trict’s employees in December 2016. That means the employee premium pired in June but Assistant Superinten-
hikes – which were supposedly calculat- dent of Human Services Bruce Green, Helsby repeatedly said, “I can’t do
But in several public meetings, the ed to only cover future costs – were actu- who had been negotiating for the school anything about what took place in
School Board promised the premium ally figured in such a way as to pay off a district, resigned the same month. Jayne the past,” and admitted he had no
hikes would only be used to cover cur- big chunk of the $7 million shortfall. Purcell was hired to replace Green, but authority to negotiate until he met
rent costs – not make up the deficit, then she went on leave, and the district with the new School Board later this
Shawn Frost, Dale Simchick and had no lead negotiator for months. month.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 7
INDIAN RIVER SHORES RESIDENTS Shores Community Center been made out to be. We’re putting in
WIN BATTLE TO BLOCK SIDEWALK CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 a building that’s going to be good for
us for the next 30 years and allow for
BY RAY MCNULTY Under the compromise proposal The new center will replace a donated a little growth in the community,” Au-
Staff Writer east-side sidewalk construction will 1,200-square-foot modular building waerter said.
be limited to two short sections in rel- that had been on the site since 1982. Its
The road through Indian River Shores atively “commercial” areas. sagging floor was in need of repair, and Auwaerter said he was pleased the
might be repaved with good intentions, could have eventually become a safety past week or so to see the walls start to
but not even the Florida Department of One section will begin at the hazard and a major expense. The old go up after months of site preparation
Transportation’s compromise proposal 7-Eleven store at the south end of the structure was taken down in April. and foundation work.
for resurfacing nearly seven miles of the project, extend north in front of the
A1A through the seaside town made ev- CVS Pharmacy and end immediately A half-million dollars was budgeted “We hit a couple stumbles along the
eryone happy. south of Pebble Beach Villas. for a modest 2,000-square-foot center, way, but overall I think it has been go-
but after some debate over how large ing OK. It’s been reasonable,” Auwaert-
Not yet, anyway. The second stretch will run from and elaborate a facility the town er said. “I’ll admit I’m no construction
FDOT Project Manager Donovan Beachcomber Lane, directly across wanted and needed, the budget was expert, that’s beyond my pay grade, but
Pessoa was cheered by the standing- A1A from Fred Tuerk Drive, north past upped to $800,000. Change orders think the process certainly has been
room-only crowd gathered in a confer- the Village Shops and end at Holloman have since added to that amount. transparent.”
ence room at Vero Beach’s Holiday Inn Drive, just north of the Bank of America.
Oceanfront when he announced, “The When completed, the center will Former vice mayor Jerry Weick
sidewalk on the east side is no longer.” A pedestrian crosswalk is planned span 2,995 square feet under air, plus does have experience dealing with
He was referring to FDOT’s decision for the intersection of Fred Tuerk have a large covered patio and covered construction projects, so he was put in
to remove from the $7.3 million project Drive and A1A. driveway, for a total of 4,326 square charge of shepherding the effort from
a planned sidewalk along the east side feet, according to engineering reports concept to completion. Weick lives in
of A1A. The decision came in response “Based on the first meeting, we had to and contract documents executed with nearby Bermuda Bay and has been
to a flood of letters, emails and phone go back and re-evaluate how we should project contractor Summit Construction. able to oversee progress firsthand.
calls from town residents and elected do things,” Pessoa said, adding that the
officials who pointed out there’s already limited east-side sidewalks were “two Councilman Bob Auwaerter, who “It’s going along just like we expected;
a not-much-used sidewalk along the little accommodations” FDOT believes served on the town’s finance commission I’m very happy with the construction,”
west side of A1A in the project area. are needed for safety reasons. prior to being on the council, and who Weick said. “Any time you build
is known to keep a close eye on town something, there are things that need to
No one in the room voiced an objec- expenses, says he’s satisfied with the be tweaked.”
tion to putting sidewalks in those areas. plans the council settled on.
Several change orders have come
CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 “It’s certainly not the Taj Mahal it’s back to the town, increasing costs
by about $30,000, including nearly
8 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BY FEDERICO MARTINEZ without his knowledge and said she his former residence to force them to
Pessoa was cheered again when he Staff Writer continually nagged him. turn over the floor plans to the house
announced, “We’re also going to widen where the alleged crime took place –
the road to put in the 7-foot bike lanes” Asbury Lee Perkins, who is represent- Perkins told investigators that he had although Perkins admitted he didn’t
– something cycling groups pushed for ing himself in his first-degree murder planned to put his wife’s body in the trunk know if they had those documents.
after the original plan failed to include case, hasn't gotten any more skillful at of the car and drive it into a lake, but ran He also wanted to subpoena “public
any widening or buffering of the exist- lawyering since his last court appear- into “complications with his plan,” ac- records” to obtain the floor plans.
ing 4-foot-wide bike lanes on A1A. ance year ago. cording to the arrest affidavit.
“You can’t just issue subpoenas if
The only hitch was that the widened At a hearing on Oct. 30, Judge Cyn- Cox rejected Perkins’ motions last you don’t know if they have them,” Cox
shoulder won’t be an official bike lane, thia Cox rejected 10 out of 12 motions week because the documents “don’t said. “You can’t just harass people.”
with special striping and signage, filed by Perkins, as he scrambles to find exist,” were “already provided” or
along a third of the 6.7-mile project. documents and evidence to build a de- because the requests were so vague, Cox also explained that Perkins
fense against changes of premeditated they can’t be addressed. needed to specify the name of any
Pessoa said a recently adopted FDOT murder in the shooting death of his es- entity he is seeking public records from
policy prohibits bike lanes from being tranged wife at her South Beach home Perkins’ motions became more baf- and exactly what records he wants.
installed on roads where the speed limit on Seagrape Drive. fling as the hearing went along, even-
exceeds 45 mph. The speed limit along tually trying the judge's patience. “I don’t know who has [floor plans],”
a 2.3-mile stretch of A1A is 50 mph. Perkins, 60, was arrested Nov. 4, Perkins replied.
2015, and charged with the shooting “Why are we here?We’ve already dealt
Cyclists say A1A is the most heavily death of Cynthia Betts. 63. with most of these,” a visibly agitated Cox did approve two motions – Per-
traveled bike route in the county, and Cox asked Perkins at one point. “What kins was previously granted permission
they want FDOT to reduce the speed When Indian River County Sher- is it you’re asking?” to undergo hypnosis, but said he had
limit to 45 mph and include bike-lane iff Deputies arrived at the house in not received a response from any hyp-
signage and buffering along the entire Oceanside, they found Betts’ body Perkins first motion was to try to notists.
6.7 mile stretch. wrapped in carpet in the laundry room subpoena another judge for unspecified
with multiple gunshot wounds. questioning, which Cox quickly rejected Weary of delays, the state attorney
Pessoa said FDOT has no plans to do because, “well, you just can’t do that.” volunteered to help Perkins schedule
so – but that, too, could change. “We Deputies said at the time that Per- that procedure.
can talk to the people at traffic opera- kins admitted to killing her because By law, a judge is not subject to de-
tions and see what we can do,” he said. she took money out of a bank account position. The state attorney also agreed to help
Perkins obtain phone records from
The new start date is January 2020. Cox then rejected a motion by AT&T.
The project, which also includes Perkins to subpoena the new owners of
traffic-signal and drainage improve-
ments, is expected to take one year.
10 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Shores Community Center ment codes. It needed to be done to regular renters, using the center on the Vero Beach City Council – but the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 comply.” their game and meeting day. order was provisional.
$12,000 for unanticipated tree remov- Weick said repurposing plumbing Anyone wishing to book an event The twist was that Kanarek’s injunc-
al. Two other expenses, for added tile parts and nearly new sinks from the can do so through town hall. tion would only go into effect if and
in the bathrooms and a kitchen grease old center, plus finding some gently when plaintiff Hillman paid a $25,000
trap, Weick said, came about due to used lighting fixtures, has saved tens Vero election saga bond to the Clerk of the Court to cover
state health regulations that changed of thousands of dollars. “You have to CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 the cost of the special election she seeks.
midway through the project. be budget-conscious when spending
the taxpayers’ money.” Circuit Judge Paul Kanarek Monday Election results are scheduled for cer-
“We did not know we were going to issued a temporary order preventing tification at 10 a.m. Nov. 17 at city hall,
have to tile 5 feet up in the bathrooms, Town officials say the center will the three-memberVero Beach Canvass- when City Manager Jim O’Connor, City
and the grease trap was needed due give residents an option for host- ing Board from certifying the results of Clerk Tammy Bursick and City Attorney
to new laws,” Weick said. “This came ing wedding receptions, anniversary Tuesday’s election in which four candi- Wayne Coment would normally read
after the building was designed, [due parties and other events if they don’t dates were competing for three seats on the vote tallies publicly and declare the
to] changes in the Health Depart- belong to one of the island’s private winners to be sworn in.
clubs, or if club facilities are booked.
Clubs, such as the bridge club, will be But Hillman’s lawsuit has called that
into question. She sued city officials
after saying she was wrongly removed
from the ballot due to a blank signa-
ture page in her qualification packet.
Since it was too late to add her name
back on the Nov. 6 ballot, Hillman want-
ed a special election re-do as a remedy,
but the City Council rejected this op-
tion, tossing the decision to the court.
Kanarek’s order on Monday allowed
Hillman to make her case in court after
Tuesday’s election.
Hillman and her Tallahassee-based
attorney Mark Herron claim that City
Clerk Bursick bore the responsibility to
alert Hillman and give her a chance to
correct the incomplete paperwork.
Kanarek has not ruled on that ques-
tion; he only said Hillman met the
threshold to temporarily prevent the
city from seating the winners of Tues-
day’s vote – if she puts up the money to
pay for a possible special election.
If the court eventually finds that
the city was at fault, meaning Hillman
should have been on the ballot, the
city will have to pay the $25,000 cost
of a new election to Supervisor of Elec-
tions Leslie Swan.
By not telling Swan to alter her nor-
mal course of action, which includes
reporting ballots cast Tuesday for Vero
incumbents Tony Young and Laura
Moss, plus challengers Robbie Brack-
ett and Robert McCabe, the order pre-
serves the outcome of that vote while
Kanarek decides whether or not that
election is valid.
Kanarek’s order did not impinge
upon Election Day.
“The order enjoins the city from tak-
ing certain actions, but does not im-
pact the conduct of the Supervisor of
Elections during tomorrow’s election,”
County Attorney Dylan Reingold said
Monday, in his capacity as counsel for
The parties are scheduled to appear
at noon Friday before Kanarek to re-
view what actions each party has taken
to comply with the injunction and to
move the case forward.
Should the court ultimately find that
Hillman was wrongfully removed from
the ballot, and a re-do is in order, Swan
needs 60 days’ notice to conduct a spe-
cial election.
Caleb Gillespie.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
To dine for: Tides hosts sumptuous shindig for Hibiscus
Matt and Karen Markley. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Chef Leanne Kelleher and Claudia Arens. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
BY MARY SCHENKEL Jerry and Kym Benford.
Staff Writer
them some skills to use so that they can
Guests at a special wine-tasting din- John and Pamela Halvorsen with Jeannette and John Corbett. always work. Basic cooking skills can
ner at The Tides last Wednesday eve- Dr. Bob and Carole Butler with Laura and Dr. Nick Rendon. really open a lot of doors,” said Kelle-
ning ran out of superlatives as they her. “There’s a lot to being a chef be-
spoke about the exceptional dining Bill and Henriette Churney with Maya Peterson and Wivi-Anne Weber. sides cooking. You learn a lot of charac-
experience presented to them by Chef ter, a lot of hard work ethic and how to
Leanne Kelleher and her staff. use your judgment. There’s all sorts of
skill sets chefs tap into on a daily basis
For good reason, The Tides is con- that these kids can learn just by being
sistently ranked as one of Vero’s finest in this environment; sort of osmosis.”
restaurants. So the accolades were not
simply about the superb, six-course Four of the men on her staff are fa-
gourmet meal, each outstanding dish thers of sons and have enjoyed work-
perfectly paired with an equally excel- ing with the teens, but she said the
lent French wine, or the always impres- program isn’t limited to boys. “What’s
sive competence of the staff, or even interesting is I’ve got five women chefs
the unique menus, personalized with in the kitchen on a regular basis and
each guest’s name. that’s really unusual for Vero Beach;
for anywhere actually. And I’m really
What made it most extraordinary proud of that fact.”
was that Kelleher sponsored the entire
evening, donating 100 percent of pro- As for the amazing feast, “Chef Le-
ceeds to the Hibiscus Children’s Cen- anne has made a great, great dinner
ter, which assists abused, abandoned menu as you can see, that will pair
and neglected children and teens. Ad- superbly with our wines,” said An-
ditionally, every staff member donated toine Collet, Southeast French portfo-
their time to the cause. lio Manager at Kobrand, who spoke to
diners about each of the wines.
“She paid for every nickel of every-
thing,” said Armund Ek, who with wife This description barely does the
Marie regularly dines at the restaurant. affair justice, but courses featured a
“All those employees were volunteers; smoked salmon and cured salmon
they were happy to give the night for ‘pastrami’ amuse bouche, a rich scal-
the benefit of Hibiscus. I think it’s mar- lop bisque, savory roasted Brussel
velous; every nickel went to Hibiscus. sprout salade, crispy duck breast with
You couldn’t ask for nicer people.” confit and fois gras, an icy lemon sor-
bet intermede, sumptuous veal tender-
Explaining how it came about, Ma- loin with crispy schnitzel and, for des-
rie Ek said, “We’ve just become good sert, a lush buttercream opera cake.
friends with Leanne and Claudia [part-
ner Claudia Arens]. They joined us on a “This is my first big charity event, my
vacation in San Francisco and she said, inaugural outing,” said Kelleher, who
‘What can I do for Hibiscus? What if I plans to host another next year. “I think
do a dinner?’” the biggest investment we can make is
with our children. They need mentor-
Kelleher has taken some of the teens ship, they need guidance. They’re part
living at Vero’s Hibiscus Village under of my team now so I’m going to support
her wing through an internship pro- them.”
gram, including two young men who
were excited to be working in the kitch- There is no doubt her diners will be
en that evening. right there to support them as well.
“I’m trying to mentor them; give For more information, visit hibis- or tidesofve-
14 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Jean and Jim Kelly. George Fetterolf, Brenda Lloyd, Elke Fetterolf and Robin Lloyd.
Armund and Marie Ek. Drs. Seth and Mary Baker. Kevin Brown and Heather Dean. Antoine Collet and Lorraine Amaral.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 15
Shell yes! It’s the Sebastian Clambake Lagoon Festival
Mary McGee, Diane Nicolini, Barbara Munson, (back row) Ruth Hills, Pat Lockwith and Eileen Faust. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Janet Bissonnette, Chief Michelle Morris and Jim Hill.
Folks enjoyed a weekend of clam- throughout the weekend besides
min’ and jammin’ during the 16th dining on scrumptious seafood.
annual Sebastian Clambake Lagoon Attendees enjoyed craft vendors, a
Festival at Riverview Park. Periods kids zone, live musical entertain-
of rain didn’t deter visitors as they ment and various demonstrations.
clamored for a taste of the festival’s The Sebastian Clambake Foun-
namesake, cooked every which way, dation distributes proceeds to lo-
including steamed, fried, in chow- cal nonprofit capital projects. This
der or in sauces poured over lin- year’s beneficiaries are the North
guine, as well as a host of other tasty County Ecumenical Food Pantry,
fare. Pareidolia Brewing Co. was City of Sebastian, Treasure Coast
on hand with craft beers to wash Rugby Foundation, Kashi, Elks 2714,
down the mouthwatering mollusks. Roseland United Methodist Church,
Among the popular choices? Clama- Sebastian Sharks Football and SRHS
Jama. There was also plenty to do Rowing Club.
Andrew Allocco and Donna McDowall. Craig Gunkel and Jim King.
Robert Timmons.
16 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Strolling for dollars at popular Walk to Remember
Bruce McEvoy with Este Brashears and Randolph McEvoy. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Saige and Crystie Lupo. Supporters of the Alzheimer
and Parkinson Association of
Indian River County stepped up
in a big way for the 15th annual
Walk to Remember last Saturday
Roughly 550 walkers gathered
at Riverside Park to help the local
organization support, educate
and empower individuals im-
pacted by memory and motion
disorders and their caregivers.
This was the fifth year that Tif-
fany Tripson chaired the event,
which was expected to meet
an ambitious goal of raising
$123,000, the largest in its 15-year
A quiet walk through Veterans
Memorial Island Sanctuary was
included in the roughly 2-mile
route. “We are the only ones who
get to do this; we ask for permis-
sion every year,” said executive
director Peggy Cunningham.
She explained that Alma Lee
Loy was instrumental in getting
them that privilege, recognizing
that many of our local veterans
rely on the programs and services
provided by the nonprofit, which
in turn relies solely on charitable
For more information, visit alz-
Sandy Ross with Raylynn Fish. Lauren Suriano, Dina DeGroat, Alexys Limberger and Erin Montegut.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 17
Lori Long with Lani Montgomery and Marie Smith. Tiffany Tripson with Janean Barrows. Alet Filmalter, Brian Shambo and Baerbel O’Haire.
Lucinda Gedeon, Wayne Phillips, and Marta Wallace. Aiden, J.J. and Logan enjoy the breakfast treats.
Brooklyn, Danielle and Grant Eury. Peggy Cunningham, executive director of Alzheimer &
Parkinson Assn. of IRC, takes a turn in the dunk tank.
Front: Charla Hall and Kendrick Joseph. Back: Kaden Wheeler, Hanna Barrows,
Peggy Cunningham, Katelyn Joseph and Sandra Hall.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Visionary Miller honored for seeing the ‘Big’ picture
Staff Writer
Despite the sweetness of the lush, Armund Ek, Wivi-Anne Weber, Marie Ek and Ken Penrose. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Judi Miller and Chris Miller.
chocolate desserts created by six
generous chefs, the 10th anniversary and to help lead you along the way,” to be a part of Big Brothers Big Sisters by Chefs Tim Blouin, Grand Harbor
Chocolate Champagne & Chefs event said Bonna, adding that through the and what a blessing it has been for al- Club; Ashley Cupp, Quail Valley Riv-
last Monday evening at the Quail years, he truly became part of the most three decades now,” said Miller. er Club; Adrienne Drew, Catering by
Valley River Club was also slightly Miller family. “I’ve seen more kids than I can count Adrienne Drew; Lori Young, Sweet
bittersweet. This year’s honoree was grow up to become wonderful young Creations by LS Young; Jan Neu-
Judi Miller, who recently retired after Grateful for their mentorship, Bon- men and women, like Anthony. Many bauer, U Take the Cake; and Scott
27 years as CEO of Big Brothers Big na graduated from Georgetown Uni- of them come home and they tell Varricchio, Citrus Grillhouse. Each
Sisters of St. Lucie, Indian River and versity with a degree in finance and, you what a difference their mentors had also generously provided raffle
Okeechobee Counties. upon returning home, joined the at Big Brothers Big Sisters made on items.
board of BBBS and became a mentor their lives and how special that was.”
“When Judi arrived, we were serv- himself. “Today I’m serving St. Lucie Attorney John Moore presided over
ing 35 children in one county. We are County as a County Commissioner Thanking the many people in- a live auction with his usual per-
now serving 1,435 children in three and actually had the opportunity to volved in the organization, she said, suasive panache, enticing bidders
counties,” said Joanna Meyers, in her honor Judi with a resolution at our “this honor tonight is not about me; to purchase a host of items and ser-
welcome address, before introducing last board meeting, which was a very it’s about each and every one of you.” vices, before making an impassioned
new CEO Stacey Watson Mesley. special thing to do.” plea for bids on shiny new bicycles
After a superb beef tenderloin and and ‘Hooties Helmets’ to brighten
“I will do everything in my power He added that Miller’s impact on lobster timbale dinner by Executive children’s lives.
to make sure that I take Judi’s vi- the hundreds of children BBBS has Chef Joe Faria, served by his efficient
sion and the vision of all of the board served over the years will continue staff, guests got a very grownup treat For more information, visit
members and sponsors and move it for many generations to come. with an assortment of decadently de-
forward in the coming years,” said licious chocolate desserts prepared
Mesley. “I had the wonderful opportunity
“Honoring Judi Miller is very per-
sonal to me,” shared Anthony Bonna,
relating that he had been raised by a
single mother who worked two jobs
and, while in middle school, began
a mentor/mentee relationship with
Miller’s late husband Allen.
“Allen really unpacked everything
for me, because you can have the val-
ues sometimes and you can have the
knowledge, but you need someone
to unpack that potential. And you
need someone to give you that con-
fidence and give you that boost up
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 19
Lee and John Moore with Diana Stark. Michelle and Walter Borisenok with Carolyn Stefanco. Matilde Sorensen with Judge Paul and Carol Kanarek.
Stacey Watson Mesley, Michael Mesley and Joanna Meyers. Faye Potts, Jennifer Berlin and Glennie Bowland. Cathy and Mike Curley with Elizabeth Sorensen.
Jan Harrell and Linda Teetz. Tim Blouin and Adrienne Drew. Marty and Isabel Brophy. George and Elke Fetterolf.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Citrus Classic scores big for Scholarship Foundation
Staff Writer
The Friday Night Lights burned Carson Yates. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE AND LEIGH GREEN
brighter than usual last week at
Vero Beach High School as the Cit- right, executive director, PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 22
rus Bowl filled with a sea of red and noting that recipients at-
blue for the 13th annual Scholarship tended 19 colleges and universities tonight. So thank you to all who at-
Foundation of Indian River County in seven states and Washington, D.C. tended and helped make it possible
Football Classic and Pre-Game VIP “We are fortunate to benefit $2 for us to continue our mission of
Barbecue. from each ticket sold for the game serving the students in Indian River
County,” she added.
Fans didn’t let the rain deter them,
turning out in force to cheer on the “The need in this community is
Vero Beach High School Fighting In- still huge,” said board member Gaye
dians and the visiting Sebastian Riv- Ludwig. “We have a range of people
er High School Sharks, while at the with different income levels and dif-
same time making a touchdown ferent abilities to pay. But at almost
for education. every level – middle class to people
with great need – it’s very difficult
The Scholarship Founda- to cover their cost of school. We’re
tion, founded in 1964 by Dan K. helping kids go to college, but more
Richardson and members of the significantly, reducing the amount of
Rotary Club, has since awarded debt. Some of these kids couldn’t go
need-based scholarships to the tune at all if we weren’t helping them.”
of $11.8 million to 2,920 Indian River
County students. “Dollars for Scholars made it more
possible for me to go on to college,”
“This past May we awarded 112 said Courtney Smith, a 2009 schol-
scholarships to 55 students for a total arship recipient and University of
of $699,500,” said Camilla B. Wain- South Florida graduate, who now
teaches second grade at Osceola
Magnet. “It gave me extra money, Julia and Jim Keenan.
where I wouldn’t have tons and tons
of student loans.”
A tradition since 2006, the Football
Classic is one of the most anticipated
games of the season with its north/
south county rivalry. The Fighting
Indians again trounced the Sharks
with a final score of 21-0 amid a tor-
rent of raindrops and mud puddles,
continuing their undefeated 2018
season with a 10-0 record.
Scholarship applications are avail-
able now for 2019 awards; the appli-
cation deadline is Jan. 30, 2019.
For more information, visit sfindi-
22 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 Jon Sternberg with Chris and Alan Ryall, and Gaye Ludwig. Eleanor Sexton, Bobby Sexton, Isabel Sexton and Natalie Sexton.
Mary Ellen Replogle, John Replogle, Karen Egan and Diane Parentela.
Dr. Marc McCain with daughters Mollie and Rebecca McCain. Rylee Skidmore, Da’Jah Farr and Mychaela Mathews.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 23
Camilla Wainright, Gail Fredrickson and Mary Johnston. Bill Miller with Russell and Karen Mann and Norm Miller. Brenda Smith, Courtney Smith and Reggie Smith.
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24 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Chimps’ Kitchen was ’Zee place to be to help sanctuary
BY KERRY FIRTH Pete and Nancy Small with Nina and Mark Heyer. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE A behind-the-scenes private sanctu-
Correspondent ary tour was one of the coveted silent-
supporters swapped stories about who haven’t been there a glimpse of auction items, as were framed artwork
If the residents of the Save the their chimp connections. their daily life.” by resident chimp artists and many
Chimps sanctuary could have at- other items.
tended the 10th annual Chimps’ “Save the Chimps supports 250 The chimpanzees live in fam-
Kitchen at Cobalt at the Vero Beach chimpanzees that came to the sanc- ily groups of 25 on 12 man-made is- “All proceeds from this event goes
Hotel & Spa last Thursday evening, tuary from biomedical, entertain- lands on the 150-acre property in to the care of the chimps,” said Laura
they would surely have been touched ment and pet trade backgrounds,” Fort Pierce, where they can live out Guttridge, event co-chair with Judy
by the outpouring of support given said Molly Polidoroff, STC executive the rest of their lives frolicking in the Van Saun. “This is my ninth year as
to their plight. Sharing 98.6 percent director. “It’s very hard to describe sun. The sanctuary is closed to the co-chair and it’s always one of my
of our DNA, they are surprisingly hu- the sanctuary unless you’ve been public but offers tours to members a favorites, as it tends to be the same
man-like in their displays of emotion there, so this evening gives those couple of times a year. beautiful, compassionate people year
and would most certainly have felt after year. Once you become involved
the love in that room. in Save the Chimps you are hooked.
And if you get the opportunity to meet
Chimps’ Kitchen is the signature them, they change your life.”
fundraising event for the nonprofit,
founded as a permanent sanctuary Astronaut Robert Crippen, pilot of
in 1997. Patrons come every year to the inaugural Space Shuttle mission
support the chimpanzees in a heart- and commander of three subsequent
warming and entertaining evening. flights, currently serves on the advi-
About 175 guests were treated to deli- sory board of Save the Chimps.
cious culinary delights by local chefs
from Cobalt, Grand Harbor, Windsor Reflecting that some of the original
and the Raw Vegan Life Coach. Oth- chimpanzee residents at STC were res-
er-worldly music by Duo Vida perme- cued from the space program, he said
ated the air with haunting sounds “I’m here to support the chimps. They
from bamboo instruments, while were used extensively early on in the
space program and I think they should
retire to Florida just like I did.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 25
Laura and Bobby Guttridge with Judy Van Saun. Astronaut Bob Crippen with Pandora Crippen. Pam and Clay Price with Marcia Marks.
Gary and Linda Mastro with Jerusha Stewart and Bob Stanley. Mary Johnston and Scott Smith. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 26
Monica Naranjo, Jane Ringgold, Shawn Nelson and Georgia Wells.
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26 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 25 Lora Amelio with Priscilla and Bob Joy.
Angela Perry and Jen Harris with Kelsey Alvira and Anthony Souders.
Michael Donovan and Deb Novack. Chef Amy Elise from The Raw Vegan. Grand Harbor Chef Tim Blouin
28 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Ladling out luscious lunch at Samaritan ‘Soup Bowl’
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF “The Samaritan Center is a
Staff Writer homeless center that focuses
not just on temporary housing
Hungry residents spread out Aly Nanney, Ellyn Giordano, Pam Sommers and Rose Simpson. PHOTOS: LEIGH GREEN for families that are homeless,
countywide last Thursday, visit- but it helps them get on their
ing more than 40 locations for the feet. It helps them with em-
26th annual Samaritan Center ployment, education and life
Soup Bowl to benefit the Samari- skills,” said Linda Schlitt Gon-
tan Center, a program of Catholic zalez. “We got involved 27 years
Charities. ago. We make our livelihood on
housing, so doing something
Folks had their pick of a mouth- to help people who don’t have
watering myriad of liquid lunch housing is near and dear to our
donated by 75 of Vero’s finest chefs hearts.”
plus a whole slew of soups donated
by volunteers. Offerings were a The Vero Beach Museum of
veritable alphabet soup, with ev- Art enjoyed its second year as a
erything from bisque and bouilla- soup stop, with the added draw
baisse to chili and chowder. of a display of artistic soup tu-
reens created by local potters,
Attendees also purchased from which were being raffled off to
a selection of 1,000 hand-crafted support the cause.
bowls, created by volunteer pot-
ters over the summer. The Samaritan Center is a
long-term transitional residen-
Coldwell Banker Paradise Ed tial facility for homeless fami-
Schlitt Realtors took their popular lies, where residents can re-
show on the road this year, relocat- group and develop the life skills
ing to Bethel Creek House where needed to reestablish their lives
they dished up a divine display of and gain self-sufficiency.
nearly 30 culinary concoctions.
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 29
Sean Clinton and Shotsi Lajoie. Leonard Markir and Annie Wettlaufer. Dawn Miller and Bonnie Wetherell.
Jenna Hogan.
Virginia Schwerin and Sally Smith.
30 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Attitude of gratitude at Education Foundation fete
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF thanked supporters for their help in Foundation has provided profes-
Staff Writer continuing the nonprofit’s mission sional development opportunities to
of funding the types of meaningful teachers and mentors.
The Education Foundation of In- school programs and services that
dian River County hosted an inaugu- foster greater opportunities for stu- “We decided to have our first ever
ral Donor Reception at Quail Valley dents from Pre-K through grade 12 to thank-you donor party and reception
at the Pointe last Tuesday evening to achieve academic success. because without you, we would not
express gratitude to its donors, share be able to fund the amazing adminis-
future plans and present its first an- For more than 25 years, its pro- tration, teachers and students in this
nual report. grams have helped students develop district, as well as our privates and
academically, socially and emotion- other students, such as homeschool
Cathy Filusch, board president, ally. At the same time, the Education and charters,” said Filusch.
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Guests enjoyed cocktails and a de-
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Vero Beach area schools, all of which have ben-
efited from Education Foundation
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“Thank you for being partners with
us in this journey to educate the chil-
dren in our community,” said SDIRC
Superintendent Mark Rendell. “We
have a daunting task to provide the
best education possible for every
single student in our community. We
can’t do that without your help.”
Rendell noted that the school dis-
trict’s relationship with the Educa-
tion Foundation is a special one.
“The thing that I love the most
about this partnership with the Edu-
cation Foundation is you ask how you
can help,” said Rendell. “‘What are
you working on?’ ‘What do you need
help with’ and ‘How can we be that
partner that can help?’”
The Education Foundation has
helped enrich students and edu-
cators through programs such as:
Speak Up, the R.E.A.L. Lab at Wa-
basso School, Step into Kindergarten,
Algebra Counts 2, the Indian River
Regional Science & Engineering Fair,
the Sneaker Exchange, Vision for
Reading, and High-Impact Innova-
tion grants.
For more information, visit edfoun-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 31
Cathy Filusch, Cynthia Falardeau and Wanda Lincoln. Mark and Heidi Rendell with John O’Steen. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 32
Marsha Sherry, Anne Bieber and Carolyn Redfield.
Katherine Pierandozzi, Mary Lewisy, Cindy Emerson and Scott Simpson. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF
Ron Chesley with Dr. Babar and Mehr Shareef.
Brian Elwell, Bill Wallace and Keri Elwell.
32 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 31 Chris Bieber with Jennifer and Chip Watson. Marion Manchester, Cindi Dixon and Amanda James.
Margot and Harvey Kornicks with Natalie Kornicks.
Lori Lazorik and Bill Wallace.
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34 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Pride marches to beat of Vero Beach Pipes and Drums
BY MARY SCHENKEL Our own home-grown Vero Beach
Staff Write Pipes and Drums formed in 2015 and,
under the direction of Pipe Major Jacob
Love it or hate it, there is no mistak- Craig, Drum Major John Thompson
ing a bagpipe’s distinctive sound. To and Pipe Sergeant Jack Anderson, cur-
some, it’s akin to a caterwaul, but to rently numbers 12 bagpipers and five
others, its rich resonance can elicit a drummers.
range of emotions, from poignant tears
while listening to an emotional lament, Craig, who is also an accomplished
to a swelling of fierce, cultural pride as pianist, is director of Music and Arts
a band marches by during a parade. at First Presbyterian Church of Vero
Beach, where the band holds its prac-
Drum Major John Thompson, Kevin Swanson, Ron Dunbar, Liam Ritchie, Marion Hamilton, Pipe
Major Jacob Craig, Pipe Sergeant Jack Anderson, Alex Ross, Richard O’Connor, Stephen Mallow,
Betty Ledingham and Shelia Lougheed. PHOTOS BY LEIGH GREEN
tices. He credits piper Ian Clark with the Celtic Club,” says Craig. The concert
the band’s creation, adding that it took also includes a fiddle performance by
a little over a year to develop a core Vero Beach High School graduate Emri
group committed to the idea of weekly Stenn, home for a semester from Ireland
rehearsals, performances and eventu- where he’s pursuing a degree in Irish
ally competitions. Music at the University of Limerick.
The youngest player is Liam Ritchie, Over the next five to 10 years, Craig
now 13, who started from scratch with says they hope to accomplish three
Craig three years ago. Craig also pro- goals: to become competitive, to begin a
vides instruction to some of the other juvenile pipe band, and to possibly host
band members, including Stephen a Scottish Games here in Vero Beach. “If
Mallow, 17, who comes down from Mel- that’s a 10-year plan, let’s make that year
bourne every week. nine,” says Craig with a smile.
“We’re a traditional regimental Scot- “There’s a town in Florida that has
tish pipe band,” says Craig, stating that captivated the whole pipe band scene
they hope to enhance the community over the last year and that’s Dunedin,”
by expressing culture through music. says Thompson. “They have set a model
The band frequently plays at commu- up for how a community embraces the
nity and private functions, and will be whole pipe band concept and the tra-
highly engaged in Vero Beach Centen- dition of that. They have pipers in the
nial activities. middle schools, they have pipers in the
high schools and they have their com-
On Nov. 10, the band will be joined munity band.”
by the Vero Beach High School Celtic
Club String Ensemble for its only fun- Thompson says they would like to
draiser of the year. do something similar here, offering in-
struction to students and establishing a
“It’s going to be the two groups for juvenile pipe band that could feed into
the whole night. We’re going to be do- the community band. “We’ve got some
ing some collaborative pieces and some really good guidance already. There’s
individual pieces by the pipe band and
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 35
no reason why Vero Beach can’t be- look at it; it’s barely an octave. But to have her,” says Craig. “She’s out-
come a Dunedin as far as the pipes go.” while you can sit down at the piano standing. We love Annie!”
and in a few minutes play a couple of
“What we really want to do is com- simple tunes, you can’t do that with Noting that the reception the
pete,” says Craig. “Every one of us is the pipes.” band receives has been as-
striving to get better with our instru- tounding, Ross says, “I think
ments, whether it be pipes or drums. “With the bagpipes, there’s not an it’s because there’s some-
The best way to mark your progress option to dabble. You have to dedicate thing so different about this
is through different types of perfor- yourself fully until you can actually instrument. It’s really inter-
mances and, of course, competition.” make a sound,” agrees Craig, explain- esting and fun. People are re-
ing that there is no option to just try it ally drawn to it.”
Competitions, whether as bands or out. “In order for you to play tunes on
individually, take place at sanctioned the bagpipes, just to make the instru- The Vero Beach Pipes and
Highland Games, including the five ment function, you have to have already Drums fundraising concert with
that are within three hours Vero – Or- learned fingering, tunes and those types VBHS Celtic Club String Ensemble
lando (Winter Park), Sarasota, Dune- of things. It’s probably a minimum of takes place 7 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 10
din, Jacksonville and Fort Lauderdale. a year before you can make any sound at First Presbyterian Church. No tick-
that’s actually close to good.” et needed; $10 donation appreciated.
Bagpipes of varying designs and
construction date back several millen- “The more you get into it the more
nia – by some accounts to Egypt before you realize that it’s really complex and
2500 BC – with numerous nationalities compelling,” says Thompson.
boasting their own versions. Bagpip-
ing angels and shepherds are even in “It’s very difficult to put into words,”
paintings celebrating the birth of Jesus. Craig adds. “There’s a very unique,
quality of pride that comes from the fact
But it’s surely the Scots who can be that you can say you’re a piper. There’s
credited for making them famous. something very specific about it but
something very hard to make tangible.”
“Playing the bagpipes is unlike a lot
of other instruments. It’s really strongly As drum major, Thompson leads the
tied to a deep and rich culture; almost band in marches and appreciates its
more than any other instrument,” says traditional regimental aspects, explain-
piper Alex Ross, the group’s treasurer. ing: “Because I’m the drum major, I’m
“And that’s a very important element the guy who has to do the drilling and
of it. What we’re bringing is not just the deportment. I’ve got a military back-
music; we’re bringing a rich traditional ground so I like that aspect of marching.”
culture to a society that has rejected a
lot of deep, rich, cultural traditions.” He remarks that dress is also very
important, noting that their kilts are
“If you think about the rich tradition custom made in Scotland using the An-
of the tunes that we take for granted – cient Ramsey Blue tartan. The thought
‘Amazing Grace,’ ‘Scotland the Brave,’ behind that choice was that the color
‘Old Lang Syne’ – these things all origi- is reflective of our beachside location.
nated from our roots,” says Thompson The downside is that it’s only available
in agreement. in heavy wool, more conducive to the
wilds of Scotland than the tropics.
“All of us have some ancestral heritage.
At some point we have to consciously Thompson says they are seeking to
choose to embrace it. Pipe bands allow hire a drum sergeant who could grow
an opportunity for an awakening of that; and take over the drumline, which cur-
or a reclaiming of it in some fashion. For rently has two bass, two tenor and one
me it was just a personal thing; I really snare drum. “To be a competitive pipe
liked the bagpipes,” says Craig, whose band we need two snares,” he explains.
family is Scottish “on both sides all the
way back as far as we can go.” They also gave a shout-out to Annie
Padnuk, an accomplished piper among
“It takes some work; the pipes are other instruments, who plays in Kilt
more intimidating from the start than the Messenger, a “Celtic punk and all-
a lot instruments are,” Ross explains. American rockabilly” band. “We’d love
“It’s very simple instrument when you
7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
36 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: Broadway Tenors bring magical music to Riverside
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA replace Donny Osmond as Joseph in will, of course, be appreci-
Staff Writer the national tour of “Joseph and the ated. 772-562-9088.
Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.”
1 We love Broadway musicals! Riv- Cudia is a standout as the only ac- 3 On the 100th anni-
erside Theatre promises an eve- tor to have performed on Broadway versary of Armistice
as both the Phantom in “The Phan-
ning filled with music from “some of tom of the Opera” and Jean Valjean Day, this Sunday, Nov.
in “Les Mis.” He’s only the 12th per-
the most exciting Broadway shows former to play the Phantom in its 11, the Vero Beach Cho-
record-breaking, 25-year Broadway
in history” this coming Wednesday. run. Also a classical crossover artist, ral Society will perform
Cudia sang lead roles in “La Traviata”
You mustn’t miss it. None other than and “Rigoletto,” and has performed its fall concert, “Songs of
at the Lyric Opera of Chicago, the
the Broadway Tenors take the stage Irish Repertory, Indianapolis Opera Home,” at the Commu-
and Vancouver Opera. Show time:
to perform a program that runs the 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $45. 772-231-6990. nity Church of Vero Beach.
musical gamut from “Broadway’s Special guest artists will
Golden Age to the newest hits cur- be Tapestry Brass. Society
rently being performed on stages creative director and choir
around the world,” thrilling, iconic master Jason Hobratschk
songs from “Phantom of the Opera,” began working on the con-
“Les Misérables,” “West Side Story,” cert program last spring,
“Wicked,” “My Fair Lady,” “South Pa- choosing the concert title 3 At Riverside Theatre Nov. 14.
and each piece with great
cific,” “Jesus Christ Superstar,” “Kiss 2 Linking the physics of music to
motion and emotion, the Trea-
Me Kate” and many more. Leading care and respect. “By
men – all multi-award-winning – sure Coast Youth Symphony concert making the concert program ‘Songs what you’d immediately associate
Brent Barrett, David Burnham and “Dance Vibrations: Hoedown to Ballet of Home,’ I was thinking about those with a German guitarist. Until you get
John Cudia have performed in origi- to Mexican Danzon” may surprise you soldiers in war to whom the thoughts an earful of multi-faceted, Grammy-
nal productions and revivals of all with its sophistication and challeng- of home must have been foremost in winning, platinum-selling guitar-
these beloved musicals. According ing college-level orchestral repertoire. the mind,” he explains, adding that the ist, songwriter and producer Ottmar
to the Riverside promo: Barrett has It will most certainly engage you, as concert adds other musical concepts of Liebert, who is actually best known,
performed on Broadway, the West the most talented young musicians se- home as well. The blend: Americana; says Wikipedia, for his Spanish-in-
End, concert halls, recording studios lected by annual audition from Indian selections from the Sacred Harp; the fluenced music. He has 38 gold and
and television, recently reprising the River, St. Lucie, Martin and northern spiritual “My Lord, what a mornin,’” the platinum certifications in the United
role of Billy Flynn in “Chicago.” He Palm Beach counties explore power- Gospel-style “Unclouded Day”; patri- States, and certifications in Canada,
received an Olivier Award nom for ful dance themes by composers from otic favorites such as “God Bless Ameri- Australia and New Zealand. His 1990
his starring role in the London pre- around the world, this Monday, Nov. 12, ca” and “Battle Hymn of the Republic”; debut album “Nouveau Flamenco”
miere of the “Kiss Me, Kate” reviv- at the First Presbyterian Church. The songs of remembrance, including “In became the biggest-selling guitar al-
al, and debuted as the Phantom in premise: “A desire to physically express Flanders Fields” and Dvorak’s “Goin’ bum of all time. Liebert’s fascinating
Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Phantom oneself through movement is a univer- Home”; songs of dedication, “I Vow to background certainly set the stage
– the Vegas Spectacular,” reprising sal human reaction to the vibrations Thee, My Country,” a famous English for his musical leanings. According
the role in a production in Germany of musical instruments.” According to hymn to the Jupiter theme from Holst’s to Wikipedia, Liebert was born in
(performed in German). Burnham the Symphony promo: the composers “The Planets”; and Mechem’s “Blow West Germany to a Chinese-German
just ended a two-year run starring in – Stravinsky, Khachaturian, Copland, Ye the Trumpet.” Time: 4 p.m. Tickets: father and a Hungarian mother, and
the glitzy, uber-glamorous produc- Strauss, Gliere, Marquez – “sound their general admission, $20; students, $5, spent most of his childhood travel-
tion “Showstoppers” at the Wynn stories for ballet and dance, often in-; at ing throughout Europe and Asia with
Resort in Vegas. He played Fiyero on cluding motifs from the folk music of the Cultural Council of Indian River his family. He began playing classical
Broadway in the mega-hit musical their own countries,” including the County; or at the door. 772-494-5011 guitar at 11, and studying flamenco
“Wicked,” and scored Helen Hayes United States, Mexico, Armenia, Aus- guitar at 14, so the story goes, “after he
and Garland Awards for Best Actor as tria and Russia. The 2018-2019 season 4 Hear him for yourself at the found a Flamenco LP in the bargain
King Center this Friday Nov. 9. bin at a local supermarket.” Time:
Fabrizio in “The Light in the Piazza” marks the orchestra’s 31st year bring-
national tour. He first received criti- ing music to the Treasure Coast. Time: (And bring your castanets.) The tor- 7:30 p.m. Tickets: start at $79.50. 321-
cal acclaim when he was chosen to 7 p.m. Admission: free. A $10 donation rid chords of flamenco music are not 242-2219.
38 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
An aerial image of an oil slick in the
Gulf of Mexico, taken in April 2018.
An oil spill that has been quietly offshore spill is threatening to overtake The Interior Department is fighting who specializes in remote sensing of oil
leaking millions of barrels into the Gulf BP’s Deepwater Horizon disaster as the an effort by Taylor Energy to walk away spills, said there were several instances
of Mexico has gone unplugged for so largest ever. from the disaster. The company sued when the NRC reported low estimates
long that it now seems likely to become Interior in federal court, seeking the on the same days he was finding heavy
one of the worst offshore disasters in As oil continues to spoil the Gulf, the return of about $450 million left in a layers of oil in the field.
U.S. history. Trump administration is proposing a trust it established with the government
large expansion of leases for the oil and to fund its work to recover part of the “There is abundant evidence that
Between 300 and 700 barrels of oil per gas industry, with the potential to open wreckage and locate wells buried under supports the fact that these reports
day have been spewing from a site 12 nearly the entire outer continental 100 feet of muck. from NRC are incorrect,” Garcia-Pineda
miles off the Louisiana coast since 2004, shelf to offshore drilling. That includes wrote.
when an oil-production platform owned the Atlantic coast, where drilling hasn’t Taylor Energy declined to comment.
by Taylor Energy sank in a mudslide happened in more than a half century. The company has argued that there’s The Gulf is one of the richest and
triggered by Hurricane Ivan. All that is no evidence to prove any of the most productive oil and gas regions
left of the doomed Taylor platform are The Taylor Energy spill is largely wells are leaking. Last month, the in the world, expected to yield more
rainbow-colored oil slicks that are often unknown outside Louisiana because of Justice Department submitted an than 600 million barrels this year
visible from the air for miles. the company’s effort to keep it secret, independent analysis showing that the alone, nearly 20 percent of the total
according to a lawsuit that eventually spill was much larger than the one- U.S. oil production. Another 40 billion
Many of the Taylor wells have not forced the company to reveal its to-55 barrels per day that the U.S. Coast barrels rest underground, waiting to be
been capped, and the broken wells are cleanup plan. The spill was hidden Guard National Response Center (NRC) recovered, government analysts say.
releasing so much oil that researchers for six years before environmental claimed, using data supplied by the oil
need respirators to study the damage. watchdog groups stumbled on oil slicks company. About 2,000 platforms stand in the
while monitoring the BP Deepwater waters off the Bayou State. Nearly
Federal officials estimate that the Horizon disaster a few miles north of The author of the analysis, Oscar 2,000 others are off the coasts of its
spill could continue through this the Taylor site in 2010. Garcia-Pineda, a geoscience consultant neighbors, Texas and Mississippi. On
century. With no fix in sight, the Taylor top of that are nearly 50,000 miles of
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 39
active and inactive pipelines carrying Scott Eustis of the Gulf Restoration the company that the spill had been
oil and minerals to the shore. Network checks the Gulf of Mexico deemed “a continuous, unsecured
during a flight out of New Orleans. crude oil discharge” that posed “a
For every 1,000 wells in state and significant threat to the environment,”
federal waters, there’s an average of The drill ship Rowan Resolute, in the according to a lawsuit between Taylor
20 uncontrolled releases of oil – or Gulf of Mexico near the Louisiana coast. Energy and its insurer.
blowouts – every year. A fire erupts
offshore every three days. Taylor Energy made a deal with
federal officials to establish a $666
On average, 330,000 gallons of crude million trust to fund efforts to stop the
are spilled each year in Louisiana from spill.
offshore platforms and onshore oil
tanks, according to a state agency that It would be a delicate, risky operation.
monitors them. Taylor and the contractors it hired were
asked to somehow locate wells in a
BP has paid or set aside $66 billion nearly impenetrable grave of mud and
for fines, legal settlements and cleanup debris, then cap them. Failing that, it
of the 168 million-gallon Deepwater could create a device to contain the
Horizon spill – a sum that the oil giant leak.
could, painfully, afford. But many
companies with Gulf leases and drilling But they were forbidden from boring
operations are small, financially at-risk or drilling through the muck for fear
and would be hard-pressed to pay for that they would strike a pipe or well,
an accident approaching that scale. risking a catastrophe on the scale of
the BP disaster a few miles south. That
One of these smaller companies was precaution slowed the pace of the
Taylor Energy. salvage operation.
Owned by Patrick F. Taylor, a magnate Taylor Energy spent a fortune to
and philanthropist who launched an pluck the deck of the platform from
ambitious college scholarship program the ocean and plug about a third of the
for low-income students, it was once wells. It built a kind of shield to keep the
the only individually owned company crude from rising.
to explore for and produce oil in
the Gulf of Mexico, according to his But no matter what it did, the oil kept
namesake foundation. leaking.
Taylor made what was arguably his In 2010, scientists studying the
most ambitious transaction in 1995, BP Deepwater Horizon spill realized
when he took over an oil-production something was amiss with the oil
platform once operated by BP. Standing slicks they were seeing.
in more than 450 feet of water, it was
about 40 stories tall. Its legs were pile- “We were flying to monitor the BP
driven into the muddy ocean floor and disaster and we kept seeing these slicks,
funnels were attached to 28 drilled oil but they were nowhere near the BP spill,”
wells. said Cynthia Sarthou, executive director
of the Gulf Restoration Network, which
At its peak, the oil company helped monitors the water from boats and
make Taylor and his wife, Phyllis, the planes.
richest couple in New Orleans.
Satellite images confirmed the oddity.
That investment was obliterated on “It was there all the time, longer than
Sept. 15, 2004, when Hurricane Ivan the BP spill,” said John Amos, founder
unleashed 145 mph winds and waves and president of Sky Truth, a nonprofit
that topped 70 feet as it roared into the organization that tracks pollution.
Gulf. Deep underwater, the Category Under the Oil Pollution Act, companies
4 storm shook loose tons of mud and are obligated to report hazardous spills
buckled the platform. to the NRC, which maintains a database
of chemical pollution.
The avalanche sank the colossal No law compels the companies or
structure and knocked it “170 meters the federal government to raise public
down slope of its original location,” awareness, but the Clean Water Act
researcher Sarah Josephine Harrison clearly calls for citizen involvement. So
wrote in a postmortem of the incident. environmentalists took Taylor Energy
to court.
More than 620 barrels of crude oil The accused Taylor Energy and
stacked on its deck came tumbling down the Coast Guard – which is part of a
with it. The sleeves that conducted oil Unified Command of federal agencies
from its wells were mangled and ripped that includes the Interior Department,
away. A mixture of steel and leaking oil National Oceanic and Atmospheric
was buried in 150 feet of mud. Administration and the Environmental
Protection Agency – of failing to“provide
Less than two months after the storm, the public with information regarding
Patrick F. Taylor died of a heart infection the pace and extent of the oil leaks and
at 67, leaving a fortune for philanthropy Taylor’s efforts to control the leaks.”
and a massive cleanup bill. It would take another three years
before the government revealed an
Taylor Energy reported the spill to even deeper truth. Taylor Energy had
the Coast Guard, which monitored the been playing down the severity of the
site for more than half a decade without
making the public fully aware of the STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 42
mess it was seeing.
But four years after the leak started,
in July 2008, the Coast Guard informed
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42 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 INSIGHT COVER STORY Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 39 A gas pipeline cuts the landscape in
St. Bernard Parish, La. Pipelines run
from the Gulf of Mexico to refineries
in coastal Louisiana.
spill. An Associated Press investigation Nearly a decade after the oil platform and is more than three years behind a to expand offshore leasing. But in that
in 2015 determined that it was about went down, the government determined deadline to issue a biological determi- region, where beaches and tourism
20 times worse than the company had that the actual level of oil leaking into nation of the BP spill’s impact on ma- enrich nearly every state, distrust over
reported. the Gulf was could be as much as 55 rine life. offshore drilling is bipartisan.
barrels per day. Now, the new estimate
Taylor Energy had argued that the leak dwarfs that: up to 700 barrels per day. In July, Earthjustice, a nonprofit Governors, state lawmakers and
was two gallons per day; the Coast Guard Each barrel contains 42 gallons. legal organization that represents attorneys general have lashed out at
finally said it was 84 gallons or more. conservation groups, sued NOAA for the administration’s proposal. New
Despite that finding, NOAA is still in failing to produce a timely study. Jersey passed a law that forbids oil
“There’s a fine for not reporting, but the early stages of a resource assess- and infrastructure in state waters
none for underreporting,” Amos said. ment of marine life that could explain Against this backdrop, Amos said three miles from shore, crippling any
“If it’s only three gallons a day, who the impact of the Taylor Energy spill, Atlantic coast residents should be effort to run pipelines from platforms
cares, that’s a trivial problem.” wary of the Administration’s proposal
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 43
to the shore. Other states passed Secretary Ryan Zinke to rethink the plan. obligation to clean up the mess. Taylor wanted to recover $450 million, arguing
similar laws. Meanwhile, in the Gulf, Taylor Energy Energy had been sold to a joint venture the spill could not be contained.
of South Korean companies in 2008, the
In the Carolinas, where Hurricane was down to a single employee – its same year it started the $666 million “I can affirmatively say that we do
Florence’s winds topped 150 mph and president, William Pecue. trust. A third of the money had been believe this was an act of God under the
produced a monster 83-foot wave as it spent on cleanup, and only a third of the legal definition,” Pecue said. In other
neared landfall, governors who represent At a 2016 public forum in Baton leaking wells had been fixed. But Pecue words, Taylor Energy had no control
both political parties implored Interior Rouge, Pecue made the case for allowing over the hurricane.
the company to walk away from its
44 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Globalization strikes again. The latest The report confirms this. In the early 1990s, the half,” the study found. It counted the
target is entrepreneurship. United States represented about 95 percent of number and value of more than 100,000
worldwide venture-capital investment. By 2015- venture-capital deals in about 300 cities
For decades, promoting start-up 2017, the U.S. share was only “a little more than worldwide from 2005 to 2017.
firms through venture capital and other
methods of business investment seemed It’s not that U.S. venture-capital investing
a peculiarly American strength. It has has lagged. Actually, it has rebounded
nurtured countless tech firms, including fairly strongly from a collapse after the
titans such as Facebook, Google and dot-com boom of the late 1990s. In 2017,
Apple. Americans have been duly American venture-capital spending totaled
proud. It reinforced a sense of national $91 billion, according to Hathaway, who
exceptionalism, because other countries authored the study with Richard Florida,
couldn’t easily duplicate it, if at all. a well-known scholar on urban policy. But
foreign spending grew faster, raising its
No more. share of the total.
A new study shows that the United
States’ capacity to foster high-tech firms Glance at the table on this page,
is increasingly emulated abroad. The distilled from the report. It shows that
U.S. monopoly on entrepreneurship has venture-capital spending remains highly
been broken and almost certainly can’t concentrated. The top 10 global cities
be restored. American venture capitalists represent almost two-thirds of total
are investing in foreign start-ups, and venture-capital spending.
foreign investors are pouring money into
U.S. start-ups. But the dominance of Silicon Valley
This adds a new layer to globalization. (San Francisco and San Jose) and the
The know-how of creating new United States is fading, with China as the
companies is spreading abroad. Earlier, major challenger.
manufacturing was globalized, as firms
adopted worldwide supply chains. The United States needs to protect its
Portfolio investment – the buying and position as the world’s most attractive
selling of stocks and bonds – was also location for start-ups, the report argues,
globalized, as instant communication by – among other things – creating a
and new laws made it possible to shift special visa for immigrants who will
funds rapidly between domestic and commit to working on start-ups. Whether
foreign stocks and bonds. this is possible or practical in today’s toxic
“The issue now is the competition for political climate involving immigration
global talent,” says Ian Hathaway of the issues is unclear.
Center for American Entrepreneurship,
a small advocacy group that sponsored But the main message is unmistakable:
the report. “For years, the U.S. had a “The notion that successful startups
huge transfer of wealth from foreigners must launch and scale [expand] in Silicon
who came here to start new firms. Now people Valley or another leading American city
[foreigners] don’t have to do that anymore. They no longer holds true. Increasingly, the
have VC [venture-capital] markets in their own world’s high-tech entrepreneurs are
countries.” choosing to stay in their home city or nation.”
This column by Robert Samuelson, which
first appeared in The Washington Post, does not
necessarily reflect the views of Vero Beach 32963.
MEDICARE OPEN ENROLLMENT 2019 automatically forward the claim to your Medigap you will have less out-of-pocket expenses when
plan, which pays its portion of the bill. Medigap you actually use the plan. In the past, Part D
PART II does not usually cover prescription drugs. In most coverage included a “donut hole” phase in
Medicare’s annual open enrollment period, instances, you will need to purchase a stand- which you paid a larger share of drug costs
which began Oct. 15, continues through Dec. alone Part D plan if you want drug coverage. up to a certain threshold before catastrophic
7. If you are a Medicare beneficiary, or will be coverage kicked in. In 2019, the donut hole will
turning 65 in 2018, this is the time to make WHAT IS MEDICARE close for brand-name medications by requiring
important decisions. ADVANTAGE (PART C)? some drug manufacturers to bear more of the
costs for Part D enrollees when they reach the
Last time we covered Original Medicare. In Medicare Advantage plans work like managed coverage gap. Enrollees will only pay 25 percent
general, Original Medicare Part A covers about care plans, i.e., you must use doctors, hospitals of the cost of their brand name prescriptions.
80 percent of approved inpatient costs for the and providers that are part of the plan’s
first 60 days of hospitalization. Part B pays for a network. Care is delivered through a health If you are considering purchasing a Part D plan,
portion of doctor visits, some home health care, maintenance organization (HMO) or preferred go to and click on “Find
medical equipment, outpatient procedures, provider organization (PPO) approved by Medicare, health & drug plans.” Type in your zip code and
rehabilitation therapy, laboratory tests, X-rays, operated by a health insurance company. Most list the drugs you take. Depending on where
mental health services, ambulance services and plans include Part D prescription drug coverage. you live, you might have dozens of private
blood. In addition to paying your Part B premium as plans to choose from, with different premiums,
usual, you may have to pay an extra premium copayments, levels of coverage and lists of drugs
Today we’ll explain Medigap, Part C (Medicare for the plan. Unlike Original Medicare, once you that are covered.
Advantage [HMO and PPO] plans) and Part D have paid deductibles and copays that add up
(Medicare’s prescription plan). to specified annual out-of-pocket limit, the plan That’s where Medigap, Original Medicare’s
pays 100 percent of your medical bills for the supplemental plan, comes in.
WHAT IS MEDIGAP? rest of the year.
Your comments and suggestions for future
Medigap is a supplemental plan that Original HOW DOES MEDICARE’S topics are always welcome. Email us at
Medicare enrollees can purchase to cover most PRESCRIPTION PLAN (PART D) WORK? [email protected].
or all out-of-pocket costs. If you select this
option, Original Medicare will pay its share, then Medicare’s prescription plan, Part D, is optional. © 2018 VERO BEACH 32963 MEDIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Generally, if you buy a plan with a higher premium,
46 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
There’s an old joke about the golden age of science and reinvigorate Astounding. Age giants. Did you know
fiction being 12 – that is, the age when young people From then on, like other ground- that Heinlein, Asimov and
discover and then devour as much of it as they can find. breaking editors, he focused all L. Sprague de Camp (co-
Alec Nevala-Lee even quotes the remark in this enthrall- his creative energy on the maga- author, with Fletcher Pratt,
ing account of science fiction’s other golden age – the zine, tirelessly passing along plot of the humorous fantasy
period between 1939 and the mid-’50s when John W. ideas to his contributors. For in- “The Incomplete Enchant-
Campbell Jr. edited the magazine Astounding. stance, Campbell suggested to a er”) all worked together in
young Asimov that there might be a Philadelphia Navy labo-
Until recently, science fiction took particular pride in a story in Ralph Waldo Emerson’s
its past. New fans were expected to know such influential speculation about how humanity ratory during World War
works as Robert Heinlein’s Future History stories, A.E. would react if the stars appeared II? Or that Heinlein prac-
van Vogt’s “Slan” and Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Tril- only once in a thousand years. The ticed nudism and open
ogy. Contrary to a present-day misperception, the genre result? The haunting classic “Night- marriage? Asimov, alas,
– while overwhelmingly a boys club – didn’t post a sign fall.” Campbell largely formulated relentlessly pawed young
on its treehouse reading “No Girls Allowed.” Nevala-Lee the Three Laws of Robotics, which women, fancying himself
lists just some of the distinguished female writers that energize many of Asimov’s early a lovable Dirty Old Man,
Campbell published, among them Leigh Brackett (who stories, and even helped fashion and, shockingly, died
mentored the young Ray Bradbury and at the end of her what became the Foundation Tril- from AIDS acquired from
career scripted “The Empire Strikes Back” ) and Cath- ogy, long judged the best science fic-
erine L. Moore (creator of the sexy and formidable war- tion series of all time. a blood transfusion. Hub-
rior Jirel of Joiry), as well as Katherine Maclean, Judith bard, no surprise, enthu-
Merril, Anne McCaffrey and James Tiptree Jr., a.k.a. Alice Though Asimov worshipped siastically participated
Sheldon, one of Washington’s two supremely influential Campbell, the editor probably felt in sexual rituals master-
science fiction writers. (The other, Paul M.A. Linebarger, closest to Heinlein, the genre’s great- minded by the legendary
also used a pen name, Cordwainer Smith.) A few years est natural-born storyteller since H.G. Wells. Heinlein Jack Parsons, co-founder of California’s Jet Propulsion
back, Maclean – who is still with us – attended Reader- could do it all, whether writing about a generation star- Laboratory.
con, where the reverence paid to her would have excited ship in “Universe,” playing with time paradox in “By His Sad to say, in his later years Campbell fell for various
the envy of a movie star or member of the British royal Bootstraps” or turning out the best juvenile science fic- harebrained schemes to transform mankind and even
family. tion novels ever, including my favorite, “Citizen of the foolishly changed the name of his magazine to “Analog:
Galaxy,” which opens unforgettably: “‘Lot ninety-seven,’ Science Fact and Fiction.” Still, not long before he died
Still, I once heard a Hugo Award-winning author de- the auctioneer announced. ‘A boy.’” at age 61 in 1971, he managed one last major coup by
clare that the only American science fiction that mat- serializing an epic novel about a desert planet called
tered appeared after 1960. Nonetheless, he was proud While Heinlein’s fiction frequently imagined“the com- Arrakis, Frank Herbert’s “Dune.”
to accept his award named after Hugo Gernsback, who petent man,” a protagonist who could cook a gourmet Yet Campbell’s influence persists even now. When
founded Amazing Stories in 1926. (For details, see “The meal or lead an army, L. Ron Hubbard actually seemed George R.R. Martin was asked whether “A Game of
Gernsback Days: A Study of the Evolution of Modern to bring him to life. Campbell and Heinlein were certain- Thrones” had been inspired by the ideas of mythologist
Science Fiction from 1911 to 1936,” by Mike Ashley and ly taken in by Hubbard’s self-mythologizing accounts of Joseph Campbell, he answered, “The Campbell that
Robert A.W. Lowndes.) During the 1920s and ’30s, Amaz- his derring-do as an explorer and naval officer. But, hard influenced me was John W., not Joseph.” In the end,
ing, along with the early Astounding and other pulp though it may be to swallow, the founder of Scientology Nevala-Lee’s “Astounding” isn’t just Arrakisian spice for
magazines, duly fed the imaginations of adolescents really was a major pulp author, and novels such as “Final science-fiction fans – it’s also a clarion call to enlarge
who would grow up to write science fiction’s early mas- Blackout” – set in the aftermath of a future nuclear war American literary history.
terpieces. – and “Fear” are still worth reading. The latter, first pub-
lished in Campbell’s wonderful fantasy magazine Un- ASTOUNDING
One of these masterpieces was young Campbell’s 1938 known, is – to quote Stephen King – “a classic of creep-
novella, “Who Goes There?,” which Nevala-Lee calls “the ing, surreal menace and horror.” JOHN W. CAMPBELL, ISAAC ASIMOV, ROBERT A. HEINLEIN,
greatest science fiction suspense story of all time.” In it
a murderous shape-shifting alien devastates an Antarc- Throughout the book “Astounding,” Nevala-Lee L. RON HUBBARD, AND THE GOLDEN AGE OF SCIENCE FICTION
tic expedition. Though an exceptional writer, Campbell smoothly interweaves a wide variety of sources, writ-
set aside his own work when he was asked to take over ten and oral, as he tracks the careers of his four Golden BY ALEC NEVALA-LEE | 532 PP. $28.99
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Sentinel/Penguin Random House Books BY JOHN GRISHAM Miracle of New Orleans
Autograph Line Tickets with Book Purchase 3. A Dog's Way Home BY BRIAN KILMEADE & DON YEAGER
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Entangled Press
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 47
J62 A4 Q 10 9 8 7
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist KQ654 92 J873
985 KJ72 643
Albert Einstein said, “Nature hides her secrets because of her essential loftiness, but Q8 97643 K
not by means of ruse.”
Bridge experts sometimes hide their secrets by means of ruse — as in this week’s deal. K53
It was played by Australian junior international Andy Hung (South) and was described A 10
by Ron Klinger, that country’s most prolific writer-teacher-player. A Q 10
A J 10 5 2
East’s two-diamond opening showed a weak major two-suiter. (This gadget is becoming
increasingly popular in the tournament world.) Hung started with a takeout double, Dealer: East; Vulnerable: North-South
being a tad wary about his short holdings in the majors, but when West pre-empted to
three hearts, Hung bid three no-trump, hoping for the best. The Bidding:
After West led the heart king, and East encouraged with the three (upside-down SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
signals), what did declarer do? 2 Diamonds
Dbl. 3 Hearts Pass Pass LEAD:
South had eight winners: two spades, one heart, four diamonds and one club. Extra 3 NT Pass Pass Pass K Hearts
winners could have been established in clubs, but that involved losing the lead and,
presumably, watching the opponents run their hearts. Was there a possibility?
Hung found a play that would have occurred to almost no one. At trick two, he returned
the heart 10! Yes, West, given his partner’s signal at trick one, should have played low,
but he won with his queen and shifted to a spade.
Declarer won with dummy’s ace, cashed the diamonds, then played the ace and another
club. The heart suit was blocked, so the defenders took only one club and three hearts.
If South’s ruse had not worked, he would have rued not being in five — or, here, six! — clubs.
48 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Consequently (4) 1 Traffic queue (8)
3 Circular band (4) 2 Natural (8)
9 Lots of paper (5) 4 Musical dramas (6)
10 Not genuine (9) 5 Plot in advance (3-4)
11 Puzzle (5) 6 One-liners (4)
12 A station shop (9) 7 Russian ruler (4)
15 Pillar (6) 8 Burden (4)
17 Smooth out (eyebrows)(6) 13 Maintained firmly (8)
19 Illusion (9) 14 Acts as sub (6,2)
21 Trunk (5) 16 The Virgin Mary (7)
23 Proposes (9) 18 Shrewdness (6)
24 Find out (5) 20 Rosé colour (4)
25 Skin problem (4) 21 Story (4)
26 Norse god (4) 22 Authentic (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 49
ACROSS 106 Lemony cooler 61 Talked and talked The Washington Post
1 Cusack and Rivers 107 77 65 Imparting a false true to
6 “Co-starring ...” 114 Start of a Faulkner title 66 Salt Lake players
10 Slug, for example 115 Tall folks do it 67 “___ sow ...”
14 High one from Hingis 116 71 + 79 68 Eldest of the Pleiades
17 Classified info? 120 Marsh 69 Certain capture, in old chess
19 Mental morsel 121 Agreement
20 Aware of 122 Director Riefenstahl notation
21 Family Ties production 123 They’re in the army now 70 “Mio” intro
124 Work unit 71 Trade
company 125 Setting 72 Rice dish
22 78 126 Actor Morales 76 Inits. on some jets
24 Photographer Adams 127 “No turn ___” 77 Kelly’s possum
25 “Peace,” to Pasternak 79 Uh-uh, in Ulm
26 75 DOWN 80 Huguenot’s “huh?”
29 Wood whacker 1 Moonbeam carrier, 81 Extremely
32 Bible bk. 82 “___ a vacation”
33 Farm girls? in a song 83 Cup, in Caen
34 Fanny follower, 2 Lyric poem 86 N.Y.C. div.
in finance 3 Rainbow, for one 90 Driving force
35 Buy alternative 4 Lye formula, in chem. 91 Paint using dots
37 72 5 Great advances 92 Marner and Lapham
43 Collar 6 “As a man ___ a dish” (II 94 Conductor
45 Hero of The Knight Templar 96 Spanish article
46 “___ way!” Kings 21:13) 97 Like Robin’s men
47 Lili St. ___ 7 Day in Caesar lore 98 “___ gettin’ through to ya,
49 Norma Rae director Martin 8 Cranky infant, perhaps
50 Hinge part 9 “If this ___ an actual kid?”
53 Entrance hall 99 Year da Vinci was born
55 ___ San Lucas emergency ...” 100 With “school,”
56 73 10 Old gas-pump sound
60 Dollar bill image 11 Facto lead-in a teacher
62 Ancient Greek theaters 12 British gun 105 Sleeveless attire
63 Throw ___ 13 Part of a Chinese menu? 107 In there, at Fenway
14 Chopping centers 108 Exploitive one
(get really mad) 15 “Alice’s Restaurant” officer 109 Vocalist Tennille
64 The fruit of Chapman’s 16 Godzilla star Raymond 110 Houlihan portrayer
18 Slight lead 111 Head over there?
labors 20 Medieval merchants’ guild 112 Comedian Carvey
65 76 23 Not ajar 113 Not quite immediately
71 Malice 27 Gary’s place: abbr. 117 Rocky hill
73 With “ball,” a boardwalk 28 ___-jongg 118 Pal of George of the Jungle
29 Tocsin 119 Subject of Huxley’s The
game 30 Having desertlike conditions
74 Dog breed, Lhasa ___ 31 Jimi Hendrix’s “third stone Doors of Perception
75 Learns one’s lesson
78 74 from the sun” PUZZLE OF THE DECADE By Merl Reagle
84 Cry of regret 36 Bristle
85 Like a judge 38 All ears THE Art & Science
87 First name in English tea 39 Cheer word
88 Radius’s partner 40 One of 12, in AA of Cosmetic Surgery
89 Comrade 41 Modest reply
90 Shakespearean ensign 42 Danning, but not Shepherd SPECIALTIES INCLUDE:
91 Govt. checks to those in 44 Jack Webb Marine drama of • Minimal Incision Lift for the
need 1957 Face, Body, Neck & Brow
93 Plays to the balcony 48 Took Greyhound • Breast Augmentations
95 70 51 In ___ (quickly)
101 Part of a South American 52 K-ration stuff & Reductions
53 More clement • Post Cancer Reconstructions
capital 54 Reversible name • Chemical Peels • Botox
102 Space 55 Fear or Horn • Laser Surgery • Tummy Tucks
103 Literary boy detective 57 Gets the short end • Obagi Products • Liposculpture
104 Early man’s home 58 She’s a loaner, sometimes • Skin Cancer Treatments
59 Have a pot ___
The Telegraph Cleveland ClinicTrained
Proudly caring for patients over 26 years.
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Ralph M. Rosato
50 Vero Beach 32963 / November 8, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Couple’s all over the map about the decision to move
BY CAROLYN HAX imity to his people, so there’s no net gain for you as but what do I actually want? Suggest the same exer-
Washington Post a couple as far as family. cise to your husband.
Hi, Carolyn: Is the chance of a better job worth all this angst? You have to know your priorities to know how
Hello, Carolyn: My husband Or is this really about your preference for your best to serve them.
and I are at a crossroads, try- family over his? And if so, is he OK with that?
ing to decide between staying in Maybe you’re clear about what you ultimately Built into the process of setting priorities is ac-
our current city, near his family want, but your letter isn’t. And if the letter is a re- ceptance that you won’t get everything; you can’t be
and where we have established flection of your state of mind, then it makes perfect near both your family and his, so which do you pre-
friends, or moving back to where I am from origi- sense that you don’t know where to live. fer? You can’t both maximize your career potential
nally. We would be closer to my parents and in a So, stay right where you are and go back a few and remain near your established friends, so which
(hopefully) better job market. steps in your thinking. Not this place vs. that place, matters more to you?
We are both torn by the decision. My siblings and
friends no longer live in that city so we would be Plus, any decision needs to include as broad a
starting over in many ways. There will always be vision as possible, to minimize unintended conse-
reasons to stay here and always reasons to leave. quences. A job-market upgrade can mean a higher
Any advice on how to make the decision and cost of living; family proximity changes the calcu-
when to know it is right? Sometimes I feel if we lus of major illness; culture and climate can dictate
don’t move now we never will, even though I know how you feel, whom you meet and where you spend
that’s not necessarily true, but each year we are your time – doing what. “Home” is a simple feeling
more ingrained in our lives here. I have applied that comprises more variables than we know.
your advice about making the decision and living
with that for a while to see how it feels, but I still If you cite the job market because you’re strug-
feel so torn. gling financially, to the point it’s wearing on you,
then skip the introspection and just apply for jobs
– Moving Cities. in your parents’ city. Give yourselves an actual point
of comparison.
Moving Cities: So, by my count, the only reason
to move is the possibly better job market? You’d And, don’t be so quick to backpedal on this:
gain proximity to your parents, yes, but lose prox- “Sometimes I feel if we don’t move now we never
will.” There’s a lot of truth to it. Ask anyone who
planned to move “soon” and now has, say, re-
sponsibility for an ailing nearby relative or a kid
who just started high school: The longer you stay,
the more connections you form, and the harder it
gets to leave.