Lots of work in progress
A7 B6 B15County’s jobless rate dips again
Theater gig’s a perfect fit Live here and learn
Stuart native at home at Lyric Fla. history lecture at Elliott
Owner of Lawnwood, Port St. Lucie hospitals makes first cut for Vero
BY MICHELLE GENZ | Staff Writer cash-strapped hospital, they were which owns Orlando’s Florida pital chain in the U.S. and owner in the coming weeks with an eye
a good-looking lot. Hospital among its 44 hospitals of Lawnwood Regional Medical toward taking over the hospital.
The dance card of potential nationally; Orlando Health, a Center in Fort Pierce and St. Lucie
partners for Indian River Medi- The Cleveland Clinic, ranked nine-hospital Florida chain that Medical Center in Port St. Lucie. Whether that takeover is in
cal Center was narrowed to four second in the country by U.S. includes Orlando Regional Medi- the form of a purchase, a lease or
suitors last week, and to the gov- News and World Report; faith- cal Center; and HCA, largest hos- All will have a chance to visit some hybrid of the two, the goal is
erning boards of the stand-alone, based Adventist Health System, and be visited by IRMC officials
A stroll to remember ... CREWS CLEAR TREES TOSSED
[email protected]
The North Fork of the St.
Lucie River is a little safer
for boaters thanks to the
work of crews last week who
removed 50 trees that were
bobbing just below the riv-
er’s surface.
Debris strewn through-
out the City of Port St. Lucie
from Hurricane Irma was
not restricted to just yards
and streets.
“We’ve got the same situ-
ation in the water,” said Sgt.
Rick Schichtel of the Port St.
Lucie Police Marine Unit.
Sgt. Schichtel said Hur-
ricane Irma knocked down
Participants set off in the Beach Stroll Remembrance Walk in Fort Pierce Saturday to benefit Treasure Health’s grief support services. PHOTO: MITCH KLOORFAIN a number of trees along the Steven Barton hauls a log pulled from the
March groundbreaking eyed for Copas veterans home CONTINUED ON PAGE A12 waterways. PHOTO: MITCH KLOORFAIN
Flooded-out School District leases IRSC digs
BY PATRICK McCALLISTER | Correspondent meeting. The council is made up of large and BY DEBBIE CARSON | Staff Writer flooded following Hurricane Irma, leav-
small veterans organizations from through- [email protected] ing them inhospitable for continued use.
Circle March 20, 2018, on the calendar. out the state. One of its tasks is helping or- Four inches of flood water worked its
Steve Murray, communications director at ganizations promote legislative proposals Several offices that have been scat- way into the building, which also affect-
the state veterans department, told the Flor- tered throughout the county will be re- ed the Supervisor of Elections office and
ida Veterans Council that’s the next import- CONTINUED ON PAGE A4 located under one roof following a deal a non-profit daycare serving children
ant date for the Ardie R. Copas State Veterans’ struck between the St. Lucie County with special needs.
Nursing Home. School District and Indian River State
“On March 20, there’ll be a groundbreak- College. “It was just nasty,” said Tim Bargeron,
ing ceremony in the Tradition community in chief financial officer for the School Dis-
Port St. Lucie,” he said at the council’s Nov. 16 Administrative offices located at Or-
ange Blossom mall in Fort Pierce were CONTINUED ON PAGE A3
IN THIS ISSUE Bet your bottom dollar
that StarStruck’s ‘Annie’
LOCAL NEWS A1-A12 will be a delight. Page B2
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
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DISTRICT LEASES SPACE GROUND only pays for such expenses if those expens- Kerry Padrick, the district’s chief commu-
CONTROL es are incurred. nications director, said the district is consid-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE A1 ering its long-term needs and weighing the
Diego Silva (white) of The district has an 18-month lease with options. She said the district wants to come
trict. “Everywhere we went, it was wet.” Treasure Coast High IRSC that calls for a monthly lease payment up with a solution that will make the com-
The flooded offices forced the district to School and Adrian for the first 12 months. After that, the district munity happy and serve the county for years
Ponce De Leon of St. does not need to pay for the lease provided to come.
relocate its various departments to numer- Lucie West Centennial it moves out by June 1, 2019.
ous school campuses around the county, High School race for Those options really boil down to
segmenting the staff. ball control during a “We want to be out as quickly as possi- just two, according to both Padrick and
match last Friday at ble,” Bargeron said. Bargeron: return to Orange Blossom mall,
“We’re all over the place,” Bargeron said. South County Regional which has a history of getting swamped
Moving the financial, human resources Stadium. The Centen- The district, according to Bargeron, has during major storms, or build an admin-
and student assignment departments to nial Eagles came away no desire to remain at IRSC permanent- istrative building that would house all de-
IRSC’s Pruitt campus in St. Lucie West will with the 4-0 District ly. Other departments are still under other partments together.
help bring much of the staff back together. 10-5A victory. roofs. And, despite the renovations, the IRSC
“The St. Lucie County School District space is not exactly an office setting, he said. A third option, according to Bargeron,
has always been a valued educational PHOTO: MITCH KLOORFAIN would be to find a long-term lease else-
partner to Indian River State College,” said where, but it’s not something he believes is
IRSC’s Andrew Treadwell, administrative Already, the district has paid its first worthwhile pursuing.
director of legislative and executive com- month’s rent of $7,750 and a contractor has
munications. “Following Hurricane Irma, been hired to renovate. The School District moved into Orange
it’s been a pleasure to work with them to Blossom in 2003 after having been split
establish office space for the District at a Bargeron said he hopes to have the IRSC among various annex buildings around the
facility that recently became available on space ready for move-in by the end of Win- county. That location gave the district the
our Pruitt campus.” ter Break. ability to consolidate and bring together all
The School District’s insurance policy is the departments.
footing the bill for the relocation expenses, Bargeron said one of the biggest concerns
the lease and even the renovations the dis- he’s heard in the community is the expense After Hurricane Irma, the district is back
trict will be undertaking to make the IRSC associated with moving and renovating – to its pre-Orange Blossom days – scattered.
space compatible with its short-term needs. why not just take the insurance money and
Bargeron said the district is moving into stay scattered? While the finance, human resources and
an area of the campus that, until recently, student assignment departments will move
housed a charter school. Under the insurance policy, Bargeron ex- to IRSC, the School Board will remain at Al-
“It’s somewhat rundown,” he said, and plained, if they don’t relocate and renovate, lapattah Flats K-8, located at 12051 Copper
in need of about $200,000 in renovations, the district doesn’t get the money. The policy Creek Dr., Port St. Lucie. Board meetings
including new flooring, paint and walls to continue to be recorded and broadcast on
provide privacy for the departments. the District’s TV station as well as uploaded
to YouTube.
Meetings are held in the cafeteria starting
at 5 p.m.
OPEN HOUSE! Baetzold
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4 November 24, 2017 ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | NEWS www.stlucievoice.com
The roundabout near the entrance to PGA Village in St.
Lucie West is adorned with lights for the holiday season.
COPAS HOME After 2004, construction went silent. build in Port St. Lucie. Lots of folks excitedly about design standards for the home caused
That didn’t sit well with many veterans. At turned to Teegardin as a sort of liaison be- many of the delays.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE A1 the time the youngest World War II veterans tween the state veterans department and
were octogenarians. The youngest Korean the community. But, with only a few mo- That was resolved earlier this year when
in Tallahassee. The Florida Department of War veterans were in their 70s. The youngest ments of big developments scattered here the newest Secretary of Veteran Affairs – Dr.
Veteran Affairs regularly gives the council Vietnam-era veterans were in their 50s. Vet- and there, Teegardin only had an agonizing David Shulkin – directed his department to
updates about its activities. erans feared that many who needed nursing trickle of news from Tallahassee to share for greenlight the state’s existing designs.
care wouldn’t get it unless the state revived three years.
The council has pushed the state to ex- construction of the homes. The VA is paying for 65 percent of the con-
pand its veterans nursing homes network With the opening of Lassen came hope “It’s getting a little old,” he said. “The struction of Copas through a grant, so must
for more than a decade. The newest of the that the state was resuming the site-selec- questions at some point dropped off. They approve designs. Once the home is built, the
existing six state veterans nursing homes tions and constructions of homes. But the said, ‘Just let us know what happens.’” state is responsible for maintenance and op-
opened in 2010. That’s the Clyde E. Lassen drought wasn’t over. It’d be another four eration costs.
State Veterans Nursing Home in St. Augus- years before the state was again looking for The state has given timeframes – but not
tine. Construction started in 2008. a place to put a new veterans nursing home. dates – for groundbreaking on the Copas The federal veterans department believes
After a contentious site-selection process, home a few times. The last time was when that Florida needs about 4,050 nursing
Before Lassen, the state opened four St. Lucie County got news the state would Al Carter, deputy director of the state’s veter- home beds for veterans. It now has fewer
nursing homes in five years. The Baldomero build the next 120-bed home on 28 acres ans department, told the Port St. Lucie City than 900. The state has about 1.5 million vet-
Lopez State Veterans’ Nursing Home opened the Tradition Land Company donated to the Council and St. Lucie County Commission erans. About 773,000 are 65 or older.
in 1999 in Land O’ Lakes six years after the county to get the home. that there’d likely be a groundbreaking cer-
state opened its first – the Emory L. Bennett Spearheading St. Lucie’s bid for the home emony in July. At the Florida Veterans Council meet-
home in Daytona Beach. Two years later, the was the manager of the county’s veterans ing, Murray said there are no more ques-
Alexander “Sandy” Nininger home opened services, Wayne Teegardin. There was a lot of Obviously, that didn’t happen. tion marks about getting the Copas home
in Pembroke Pines. The Clifford C. Sims buzz in the veterans and broader communi- The state isn’t solely responsible for the built. “We do have money for Port St. Luc-
home, Panama City, followed in 2003. A year ty after the state’s announcement it would seeming delays to getting the Copas veter- ie,” he said.
later, the Douglas T. Jacobson State Veterans’ ans home built.
Nursing Home opened in Port Charlotte. A yearlong spat between the state and Once construction starts it’ll take about
federal Department of Veterans Affairs two years for the state to build the Ardie R.
Copas State Veterans’ Nursing Home. It’ll be
at the western end of Tradition Parkway.
6 November 24, 2017 ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | NEWS www.stlucievoice.com
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To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | NEWS November 24, 2017 7
Lots of work in progress: County jobless rate dips again
BY PATRICK McCALLISTER | Correspondent started, December 2007. The nation lost ing the local Great Recession and last out,” employment rate was 5.7 percent.
about 8.7 million jobs over a year and a half Peter Tesch, president of the St. Lucie Coun- The national and state unemployment
In the spirit of the holiday, here’s some- and didn’t recover them until the summer of ty Economic Development Council, said.
thing to give thanks for: St. Lucie County’s 2014. “That was probably experiencing job losses rates are calculated using a variety of meth-
not-seasonally-adjusted unemployment due to the mortgage meltdown.” ods. Among them are telephone interviews
rate eased closer to 4 percent in October. Florida didn’t feel the sharpest pains until with workers. Those that are able to work
2010. The state’s unemployment peaked in The last month of double-digit unem- and report not having jobs, but looked
The Florida Department of Economic August that year at 11.5 percent. St. Lucie’s ployment in St. Lucie County was October for employment in the previous 30 days,
Opportunity released its monthly jobs re- was 14.8 that month. The county beat the 2013, when it was an even 10 percent. are counted as unemployed. Discouraged
port for October on Nov. 17. state to double-digit unemployment the workers – those who are able to work and
year before. It went over 10 percent in Au- Looked at year to year, St. Lucie County want jobs, but have not sought employment
The department reported that St. Lucie gust 2008. was down to 7.2 percent unemployment by in the previous 30 days – are not counted in
County had a not-seasonally-adjusted un- October 2014. By 2015, it was at 5.9 percent. the unemployment figure.
employment rate of 4.1 percent last month. “St. Lucie County was the first in regard- Again, last year in October the county’s un-
The county hasn’t had employment num-
bers that strong in more than a decade. MEDICARE ADVANTAGE
The last time St. Lucie County’s unem- CoSmeeeatnoaagesnetmwihnearrewyohue’lrlegeytoyuo’lulrgqeuteystoiounrsqauneswsteiroends. answered.
ployment rate was below 4 percent was
2006. In May that year, the rate was 3.7 BlueMedicare means more
percent. The next month – June 2006 – the
unemployment rate went higher than 4 choices.
percent and has stayed that way since. Just
two months before the county had what’s CommeettooaaFFlolorirdidaaBBluleueofsfiecme itnoalreatornlemaorrnemabooruetaobuoruptlaonusr. plans.
possibly its lowest unemployment ever, 3.3
percent. Get answers to your Medicare questions, and choose a plan that’s right for you.
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Seasonal adjustment is a statistical to ac-
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a 4.9 percent increase; and trade, trans- isDaBte,AtimCe>]K!!!
portation and utilities, with a 2.3 percent
increase. “Other services,” which includes [<City [<City
things such as automobile mechanics, beat VenBue sure to open and reVveienuwe your
the state average with a 6 percent increase StreAetnandudraelssNotice of ChanSgtereeftroadmdreFslsorida
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Professional and business services store for your 2018 coverage!
picked up about 1,700 jobs over the year;
education and health services 1,300. Man- BlueMedicare means more
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vices gained 500 jobs. Other industries F*a7FaFnn7leo<osBcl2dddooerfl-AieurnmF2BdBigrgeldt5alolareiuue7SnaalrnBene-ichaccd8BtlcriyiuS.Sa6veyslEpuehi,h0lpltndIheih0inroeheroiorogcrliol(nodsfd.TlFnhelFuTmTalo>telhogoosY>fePfehrrlFiisnaPFudd(1elwtTlOsoaao1iTcens,rYro,/BiIri2danFmdsRulu2:nlacaPsop.e/d1,e,,Pr1aI-DirIHnOdd87snnB:ca0M.oci1eA.0Fa.B,snT-Ol-nFl8oD9uoahld0ro5redetBie0r5dRsdeoiA--dIaexr9pni8saFBF57decc(lPBl7lo5orenouiDl0pr-mmdure8i)iedPse.d7piinna).sAoa7aHdapBan0nBteMsllea)Piucanle.unoPeOlAtoseeOnLHwnscsa.itao,cpMrriHtetleRavheehnOeMcPersIrntsspaPdaOeobrdeOgeeMenaerepnsscsapeoweeoioinssednnwfvidolontidelwcahfdRfsrfbaleiea.rxelorealrFgBenne(bcoPelptdeeuccrDoLro,iebpeasiPncncyrCsco)oteeteHcrrrpsflaononaofeelcesstacmrnats,ertnrlwetn.atmeewhdwnFainstoitOhdleitoboitdhowhpBfryianniitaltdaniHtuhfaolioaf.oeMleoenFronBSrasmoBemr,hlrloditlIuagauihnafieetcciectpinlcOaio.doHo,e,CrnDnpeAmarMrsgBtsoaacoimsOooAnensonsnd,ndoFcsidtsaldisaroawa,inaapstrapIicidtianptonidtphobcl.nBailnH.Fciis.,llcBalipuWoMotDatlyefeuirt,oeBpOiicedooSneAciHaahnrsorpls.issFmMBeoHln.ealllnoepOuHxdenser.lae,eiyAwwAddlatHawnhsTsaiilttsMtiEhhaacthoBhofNtsOcfalvcupsiaiCleaaoiieMepasrtlIvcpeaÓtiHaeieoeglasnidrNnMlocemanai.Hfc:giObWBeseasMeelolier,eueedhfOtaifeFsisaecnnceCpabroogodeatlrlmfasnoadesff,efnatsripbecralslriaeweyasllaaycspcldBtinltitemwavAlh.dubñiiEoelgtBaeyohrenfeliCMlugtBrB,aniorenhtlploecuiulgteSlydspsmeesshnipll,ciaaeieCCccaehwnnaarlrraoddelootbslnsssilueness
that gained jobs in the Port St. Lucie area disapnodsdicoiónnotsdeirsvcircimiosingartaetounittohsedbeasaisiostferancceia, cloinlogrü, nísatticioan. aLlaomrigeina,la1g-e8,5d5i-s6a0b1il-i9ty4,6o5r s(TeTx.YA: T1E-N87C7IÓ-9N5:5s-i8h7a7b3l)a. AesTpAaNñSolY,OtieNn:eSaiswu dpiaslpeoKsirceióyònlsAeryviiscyieosng, graetunitsoèsvis
over the year were mining, logging and èddpeoausislatenngcikai ldinisgpüoínstiibcag.rLalatims peoaul 1o-8u.5R5e-6le011--984556-560(T1T-Y9:416-587(T7T-9Y:515--880707-395).5A-8TA7N70S)Y. OY0N0:1S1i_w90p4a8le4K0r9e1y7òlCAMyiSsyAencc, egpentesdèvis èd pou lang ki disponib gratis
construction, with 300 jobs, and financial Noptoauffoiluia.tReedlew1it-h85th5e-6C0i1ty-9O46f 5V(eTrToY:B1e-a8c0h0.-955-8770).
activities with 100.
Y0011_90484 0917 CMS Accepted
Three sectors lost jobs. Leisure and hos-
pitality went down 700 jobs over the year.
Some of that loss can be attributed to Hur-
ricane Irma. Government lost 600 jobs and
information 100.
Florida’s seasonally-adjusted unemploy-
ment rate in October was 3.6 percent. The
nation’s was 4.1 percent.
The county, state and nation are ap-
proaching the 10th anniversary of when
most economists hold the Great Recession
8 November 24, 2017 ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | NEWS www.stlucievoice.com
Providing You With Exceptional & Compassionate HOSPITAL SUITORS land Clinic got the nod from both boards,
Care During Your Time Of Need . . . as did Adventist. The District Trustees
CONTINUED FROM PAGE A1 voted to consider HCA, while the hospital
board opted for Orlando Health.
AYCOCK FUNERAL HOMES to put the hospital’s future into the hands
of a much larger operation, one healthy That mix likely pleased the consultants,
who had urged hospital leaders not to rule
enough to fund a $270 million renovation out for-profit companies, and not to lim-
it themselves to their first pick – Cleveland
while withstanding ongoing turmoil in Clinic – on the chance things don’t work out.
healthcare industry. The nonprofit faith-based Adventist
Health System, with more than $8 billion
In a crowded room at the hospital nor- in revenues, owns 25 hospitals in Florida,
the best known among them being Florida
mally used for training, members of the Hospital. Interestingly, IRMC’s best known
surgeon, Dr. Cary Stowe, was lured to Vero
IRMC board of directors and the elected from Florida Hospital.
Trustees of the Indian River Hospital Dis- Adventist’s competitor in the Orlando
Market, Orlando Health has nine Florida
trict listened as a Chicago consultant hired hospitals including the downtown giant
Orlando Regional Medical Center. A non-
FERNHILL MEMORIAL GARDENS to help the hospital find a suitable partner profit, it has a good reputation among doc-
presented acquisition proposals on Friday.
tors, according to Vero doctors present Fri-
Eight proposals from nonprofit and day, but its revenues of only $3 billion gave
some board members pause.
for-profit healthcare chains were reviewed.
Sagraves was particularly bullish on
The proposals were received last week af- HCA. That behemoth stepped up with
pockets bulging, its $41.4 billion in annual
ter consultants put out feelers to 33 com- net revenue backing the best financial of-
fer of the eight submitted to IRMC.
They were the first glimpse at Since the partnering process began,
NOW OPEN boards of both the hospital and the coun-
outsiders’ notions of what IRMC ty’s elected Hospital District Board have
might be worth to a partner. envisioned a cash-rich healthcare system
taking over the Vero hospital, currently in
While all eight bidders envis- urgent need of a $270 million upgrade of
its patient rooms and other facilities.
aged trying to work out a deal with
Not surprisingly, HCA, with 226 hos-
the Hospital District to continue pitals, 49 of them in Florida, has an un-
even reputation among its vast portfolio.
leasing the hospital buildings, Longtime residents of Indian River County
recall the good and the not-so-good repu-
which are owned by Indian River tation of nearby HCA-owned Lawnwood
over the years. Today, though, with a heart
County taxpayers, rather than at- institute and stroke center, the hospital
has grown into a regional Level II trauma
WHEN YOU PLAN AHEAD tempting to buy the facility out- center and the pediatric hospital of choice
along the Treasure Coast. HCA also runs St.
CrSeWekStWoanyy right, the proposals for taking over Lucie Medical Center in Port St. Lucie.
SW Tradition Lakes Blvd.
SW Hartwick Dr. the hospital business varied. There were also deep concerns about
considering a for-profit partner and HCA
Two of the finalists, Cleveland Clinic and was the only for-profit chain among the
four selected for a second look. The fear
Adventist Health System, proposed acquir- is there might be negative consequences
for patients and staff alike if Vero’s small
ing the IRMC hospital business through hometown hospital, the buildings of which
have belonged to taxpayers since the
what is called in the non-profit hospital 1950s, is turned into a profit center for a
vast publicly-traded company.
world “member substitution,” a model
Still, HCA’s whopping offer – a purchase
in which the larger hospital group takes price of $150 million plus a promise of
on the liabilities of the smaller hospital, CONTINUED ON PAGE A10
An unforgettable makes a commitment to spend capital,
memorial and becomes the corporate member of the
takes planning. acquired organization.
The other two finalists, Orlando Health
Great for Any Special OccasionWHEN YOU PLAN AHEAD, you can design every detail of youraonwdn HCA, instead proposed acquiring the
final tribute. That way, your loved ones won’t have to guess whatIyRoMu C hospital business by buying some or
• Anniversaries would have wanted, & you’ll have true peace of mind. When you’rearlelaodfyits assets.
to get started, your Dignity Memorial® professionals can help. Because of the different approaches,
• Receptions SERVICES INCLUDE: comparing the size of the offers was a bit
• Birthday Parties like comparing apples and oranges, but
• Personalized Professional Planning Consult what certainly caught the eye of everyone
in the Powerpoint presentation were the
• Traditional Funerals or• End of Life Commemorative Services
• Funeral Re-Planning
Celebrations of Life figures for total financial consideration
Get started on your personalized plan today & take advantage of speciawl shaivcihngsr.a* n as high – in the case of health-
Aycock at Tradition care giant HCA – as $415 million includ-
Life Celebration Center
ing gross proceeds and 10 years’ worth of
Port St. Lucie
772-618-2336 promised capital expenditures.
Bayshore Blvd. AYCOCK Additional prospective partners were
Aycock, Byrd, Young & Prill Chapel not ruled out in Friday’s four-hour ses-
1170 SW Bayshore Blvd. AT TRADITION sion, led by associates of Juniper Advisory,
772-879-9300 a Chicago-based firm specializing in the
LIFE CELEBRATION CENTER complex business of healthcare systems.
Floresta Drive 12571 SW TRADITION PKWY. After hearing explanations of the various
1504 SE Floresta Drive proposals, the two boards separated to
port st. lucie hash out their top three picks for further
Port St. Lucie consideration.
772-878-0049 772-618-2336
Fernhill Memorial *Subject to change without notice. Restrictions may apply. Please contact us for details.
Gardens, Stuart
772-283-6246 SUPPLEMENT TO OCEAN MEDIA SOLUTIONS • 772-214-3663 • OMS407
Aycock Funeral Home SW Tradition Lakes Blvd.
Hillcrest Memorial Gardens,
“We’re delighted that you’ve got goodAycockFuneralHome-INSERT-0091-1517-OMS411
Fort Pierce
772-461-8912 SW Stony Creek Way SW Keating Dr. options, and it’s going to be hard to whittle
them down,” said Juniper’s Barry Sagraves
Tradition Pkwy. SW Stony Creek Way SW Elsinore Dr. as he charged the hospital board with nar-
Tradition Pkwy. rowing the field.
The debate among each board resulted
in choices that nearly meshed: The Cleve-
To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | OBITUARIES November 24, 2017 9
ROBERT J. SCHILLING, 81 Survivors include her daughter, Marua Treasure Coast Hospice
St. Lucie West McCann of North Carolina; son, Kevin Tray- Has Grown to Become
nor (Robin) of Port St. Lucie; brother-in-law,
Robert J. Schilling, 81, passed away in his Hugh Traynor (Shelia) of New York; sister-in- Treasure Health!
home in St. Lucie West in Port Saint Lucie on law, Una Santo of California; six grandchil-
Nov. 12. dren; eight great-grandchildren; and many Treasure Coast Hospice has always treasured life. Now,
nieces and nephews. we’re offering an expanded family of services, including
He is survived by his wife, Mary Ellen;his
stepson, Charles Mitrano Jr. (June Hershey) VERONICA O’HARA, 79 palliative care, pediatric care and grief support, to
of Sarasota, Fla.; his stepdaughter, Natalie Port St. Lucie better meet the needs of our community.
(Richard) Demorest of Shortsville, N.Y.; a
granddaughter, Hilary Reiss (Adam Johnson); Veronica “Ronnie” A. O’Hara, 79, of Port Licensed since 1982.
and two great-grandchildren, Zander Lewis Saint Lucie passed away Monday, Nov. 13.
and Quinn Lewis of West Palm Beach. She was born June 30, 1938, in Scranton, Pa. Treasuring Life | To learn more,
visit TreasureHealth.org or call 866.999.4550
EILEEN TRAYNOR, 90 After high school, Ronnie studied nursing
Port St. Lucie at Our Lady of Victory in Buffalo, N.Y. She
raised her family in Buffalo with her husband,
Eileen Traynor, 90, of Tradition in Port St. Paul, until they relocated to Port St. Lucie.
Lucie passed away peacefully on Nov. 14. Ei-
leen was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, to Ronnie is predeceased by her husband,
her loving parents, Thomas and Ellen McCo- Paul; son, Edward (Katie) O’Hara; and sister,
nvery. Jane (Chet) Chesslock.
She moved to New York and graduated Ronnie is survived by her sons, Michael
from the City University of New York – Brook- O’Hara and Brian (Cathy) O’Hara; grand-
lyn College with her Master’s of Science De- children, Christopher (Jenna) O’Hara,
gree in Education. She worked as a teacher Courtney O’Hara, Ryan O’Hara, Brandon
for the City of New York until her retirement O’Hara, Kelly (Austin) Cox, Patrick O’Hara
to Florida. and Kevin O’Hara; great-grandchildren,
Alanna O’Hara and Connor O’Hara; broth-
Eileen is predeceased by her husband and er-in-law, Brian (Bonnie) O’Hara; and
best friend, Desmond Traynor; and son-in- nieces, Beth (Chris) Thurston and Shelia
law, Patrick McCann. Chesslock.
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10 November 24, 2017 ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | NEWS www.stlucievoice.com
HOSPITAL SUITORS In the consultants’ view, HCA needed total net revenue of the for-profit Steward recently been acquired by the four chains
at least a second look. The chairman of Health Care System, one of the hospital in the hopes of hearing how the transac-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE A8 the hospital board, Dr. Wayne Hockmeyer, companies not selected. Steward’s offer tions went and how transitions are going
agreed. “I personally think size matters,” was almost as generous as HCA’s, yet it was now.
$265 million in capital expenditures – got Hockmeyer said. “If you’re not generating hardly mentioned Friday.
some pulses racing at last Friday’s after- $8 billion in annual revenues, you’re not of Final proposals will be submitted in Jan-
noon meeting. In addition, HCA said it a size that will be sufficient for the future.” Vero hospital leaders will meet with the uary with the hospital and District boards
would not re-sell IRMC for 15 years. finalists this month and next and will visit voting on their choice of partner that
That figure – $8 billion – is the estimate their hospitals, including some that have month.
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To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | NEWS November 24, 2017 11
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12 November 24, 2017 ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | NEWS www.stlucievoice.com
Stuart RIVER DEBRIS By the end of the day, Schichtel estimat-
ed they had hauled out enough to fill two
Shop CONTINUED FROM PAGE A1 and a half 30-yard dumpsters.
With shoreline, many of which landed in the riv- “It was tough,” Schichtel said of coor-
er and have since been floating along. dinating all the agencies, though all were
US quick to approve support.
They’re brown. The water’s brown. And
SHOP SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY! boaters can’t necessarily see them unless Public Works is still working to clear de-
November 25, 2017 they’re watching for them. bris from throughout the city. FWC was busy
with derelict vessels in the Florida Keys.
Every business has a story and ours begins with caring about the community where we live. Schichtel recalled the danger the un-
Our customers are the reason that we are here, and we appreciate you every day. We love the derwater trees pose. A boater struck one “We couldn’t have done it one day soon-
opportunity to provide quality apparel at affordable prices to the women in our community. of the trees back in September, after Irma, er,” Schichtel said, explaining that the
and caused $12,000 worth of damage to biggest challenge was merging five or six
Black Friday was amazing! We are restocked and ready for our ladies to celebrate his boat. Worse still, the sergeant said, a agencies’ calendars. “But we pulled it off.”
small business Saturday with us! passenger was thrown from the boat and
fractured a couple of vertebrae in his back. He said boaters need to continue to be
vigilant on the water as downed trees re-
Last Wednesday, crews from the Police main in the river. He expects another sim-
Marine Unit, the Florida Fish and Wildlife ilar river cleanup this coming spring, once
Conservation Commission, the Florida the river’s level goes down.
Department of Environmental Protection,
Port St. Lucie Public Works, Port St. Lucie Schichtel explained that the river is
Parks and Recreation, and St. Lucie County higher this time of year due to the moon’s
Parks and Recreation and Facilities gath- effect on the tide. Come spring, the moon’s
ered at the North Fork and went to work tidal effect is less and the river sits 1 or 2
dragging the fallen trees out of the water, feet lower than normal.
or, at least, moving them to the banks.
Waiting for the lower level will allow the
crews to find the trees that aren’t currently
causing a problem.
Thursday: Closed (Happy Thanksgiving!)
Friday: 9am-9pm ( Black Friday)
Saturday: 9am-9pm (Small Business Saturday)
Sunday: 12pm-6pm Connect with us A planned new green market featured in be held at the Polish American Club in
a story in last week’s issue will not be open- Port St. Lucie, it was decided – subsequent
Regency Square Plaza, 2414 SE Federal Highway • Stuart, FL 34994 772-288-3212 ing Nov. 26 after all. to publication of the story – that, logisti-
cally, the plans could not go forward at this
www.Style-EncoreSTUART.com With the sudden death of Arthur D’Am- time.
ato, who was spearheading the project to
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I-95 DIRECTIONS: Take I-95 to St. Lucie Indoor Shooting Range & Full Gun Store
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To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | PETS November 24, 2017 13
Bonz’s heart warmed by Puerto Rican pooches’ rescue
they’d been through. Puerto Rican pooches they didn’t
even KNOW.”
Hi Dog Buddies! First I was introduced to
Beba, a little gal, wiggly and “Woof!” I repeated, getting a
slurpy, who appeared well uh- little sniffly-nose. “That’s a lotta
JUS-ted. My assistant got to pounds of stuff.”
A while back I got a woof-mail about a big hold Beba, who gave her lots of “The rescue trip started on
Tuesday, Oct. 24. HALO’s pri-
buncha pooches who were livin’ in Puerto frenly slurps. vate charter, loaded with food
and supplies, took off for our
Rico with their humans, when that hurry- “Ola, Senorita Beba. Como little island. Soon as it landed,
a buncha human volunteers
cane, Maria, came along and pretty much estas,” I inquired. started handing out the stuff to
the shelters in need. Then – I’ll
blew everything away, an the humans and “Bien. Muy bien,” she re- never forget the date, Thursday,
Oct. 26 – 62 of us were chosen
pooches lost their homes, and hundreds of plied, “But, Senor Bonzo, we for a Freedom Flight on the
plane back to the states. I can’t
pooches lost their families and didn’t have all speak English. Puerto Rican even describe, Senor Bonzo, how it felt when
a human picked me up an put me in a little
even any food or anything. They were in Dire puppies – humans and dogs – crate for the flight. I was afraid to even be-
lieve it was true. We were ackshully going
Straits. are required to learn English.” Katilyn Holland and Dr. John Clark help to have a chance for a new life. During the
with the new arrivals. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD flight, several of us were talkin’ about it and
Anyway, with lotsa help from really nice Next a human brought out we all felt pretty much the same way. Like it
was dream.
humans, the Puerto Rican pooches got res- a chocolate colored puppy, “But it was REAL! At about 5 p.m., our
plane landed at the Fort Pierce airport.
cued. The humans gathered ’em all up, put looked like a Lab, only 4 weeks There was a real efficient, pooch-frenly team
of HALO volunteers and frens, an a real kind
’em onna plane an flew ’em to Fort Pierce! All old. “I’m only 4 weeks old but I’m not scarda Finally the nice lady brought out this itsy dog doctor and assistant on the ground to
welcome us and make sure we were all muy
62 of ’em! THEN, guess what, they all got de- NUFFIN’! I didn’t even do my duty on the big little chihuahua with Super-sized ears, and bueno. One by one, our crates, with us in
’em, were unloaded an handed down the
livered to HALO, that shelter up in Sebastian. ol’ plane like some other puppies did, an I gold-colored hair that stuck out in every di- line. We all had to go through the airport
check-in, then we were loaded into three
I wanted to talk to one of ’em and get the only whined once.” rection. I had to smile. “I’m Rafael. I’m going vans for the drive to HALO. It was the same
when we arrived here. We were all sorta ner-
story first-paw, an I thought you pooches “You’re one brave puppy,” I said, with on 1. I have been chosen to be Spokespooch.” vous, but the humans are real kind an gentle
an patient with us. Now we’re all tidied up
would be innersted, too. So I got permission great admiration. “I’m honored to meet all of you, and I can’t and eating right again and making sure to
hydrate, an getting’ used to bein’ in Florida.
to do an innerview. The next pooch the shelter lady brought wait to hear about your adventure,” I told Then, when we’re ready, we can start look-
ing for our Forever Families. That’s what I’m
All the Puerto Rican pooches were in a out was Zeus, an he was almost too long-leg- him, adjusting my notebook, pencil poised. most excited about now.”
“Rafael, I don’t think I’ve ever heard such
special big room, each in their own little gedy an wiggly to carry. He had nice short Rafael began. a dramatic story,” I told him. “It been a real
pleasure yapping with all you courageous
cage, cuz they were all still in QWAR-un-teen, black and white hair and, at only 6 months “We were still scared to pieces from goin’ canines, and I wish you muy buena suerte in
your new life.”
which means they have to be sure they’re not old, was still full of puppy energy. “I wanna through the hurrycane, thinkin’ we were Heading home I was hoping all those
homeless pooches would quickly find loving
sick or have ang-ZI-utty or anything like that. run! I love to run! An PLAY. I can’t sit still. I gonna get blown or washed away. We didn’t homes, and I was looking forward to seeing
my Grandma and Grandpa, and givin’ ’em
Plus they hadda get over all the scary stuff tried it once but it didn’t work.” know it then, but the lady who’s the Boss of extra snuggles to show ’em I know what a
lucky dog I am.
EXTENDED GROOMING HOURS! here, Miss Jacque, heard about us hurrycane
orphans and knew she hadda Do Something. Till next time,
Mon,Tues,Wed, Fri until 6pm, Saturday - until 3pm When she found out there were already lotsa
supply trucks stuck at the airport in Puerto The Bonz
Rico and couldn’t even get to the humans, DON’T BE SHY!
We are always looking for pets
never mind the animals, she got real deter- with interesting stories. To set
mined, like humans do sometimes. up an interview, email
[email protected].
“Us pooches were scattered around a town
called Rincon, in several small rescue places,
and even more of us, around 700, were liv-
in’ in a big sanctuary, Santurario Canita, and
PROVIDING EXCELLENCE SINCE 1986 nobody had food or water or medicine. We
were all hungry an thirsty, some were sick
A FULL SERVICE VETERINARIAN CLINIC and lots Didn’t Make It. That was a scary, Dis-
We at Kelly’s Animal Hospital are the mal Dog Biscuits time for us, buh-lieve me.”
one-stop practice for all your best friend’s needs:
“Woof,” was all I could say.
• Computerized state of the art facility, Patrick A. Kelly, D.V.M. “Then,” Rafael continued, “Miss Jac-
with 4 large exam rooms Jessica Khodadad, D.V.M. que found out from this buncha humans
called Guardians of Rescue that they could
• Digital radiography help HALO charter an ackshull AIRplane
• Cancer medicine for much less money than usual that could
• Affordable vaccine packages bring food and medicine and other stuff all
the homeless pooches needed, then load up
available with as many pooches as possible an fly back
• Wellness plans from all stages of life to here.
“An here’s the really cool kibbles part.”
for dogs & cats. Rafael got quiet, then said, “Honestly, Se-
• Fully stocked pharmacy nor Bonzo, I was never a big fan of humans,
• In house laboratory which allows us I mostly fended for myself, was never, like,
pals with one. But I’m lookin’ at things dif-
to do most blood- work in house ferent since I heard what the HALO humans
and have results in 30 minutes
an frens did.”
772.336.8111 150 NW CENTRAL PARK PLAZA “Why? What did they do?”
• PORT ST. LUCIE “They got busy and donated enough mon-
ey to charter the plane AN fill it with more
visit our website @ www.kellysanimalhospital.com than 3,000 pounds of food an water an med-
icine! For US! A bunch of raggedy-muffin
Hours: Monday 7:30-8:00 • Tuesday 7:30-8:00 • Wednesday 7:30-8:00
• Thursday 7:30-5:30 • Friday 7:30-8:00 • Saturday 8:00-4:00 • Sunday - Closed
14 November 24, 2017 ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | HEALTH www.stlucievoice.com
‘VeriStrat’ test may be a revolutionary cancer diagnostic
BY TOM LLOYD | Staff Writer Dr. Kali Freeman.
Dr. Kali Freeman, hematopathologist PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
and medical director at the Indian River
Medical Center’s pathology department,
isn’t prone to hyperbole.
So, when she starts using words like “in-
credible” and “exciting” and “impressive”
about a new kind of diagnostic test, it’s
probably time to start paying close atten-
For the record, the American Associa-
tion of Medical Colleges calls hematopa-
thologists like Freeman “truly the doctor’s
doctor,” because they are board-certified
in both clinical and anatomical pathology
and, it says, “they form the basis of every
physician’s thinking about the patient and
that patient’s treatment.”
So what triggered Freeman’s initial out-
burst of enthusiasm? A newly-approved
blood-based genetic test that may very
well revolutionize the way cancer in gen-
eral – and non-small-cell lung cancer in
particular – is treated.
As the American Lung Association
points out, “lung cancer (a non-small-
cell type of cancer) is the nation’s leading
cause of cancer deaths and every year
11,943 Florida residents are diagnosed
with the disease.”
That’s where the “VeriStrat” blood test
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To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | HEALTH November 24, 2017 15
created by pharma company Biodesix WAYS TO GET PLENTY OF PROTEIN – WITHOUT MEAT
comes into play.
QUINOA BY CASEY SEIDENBERG | The Washington Post childhood, and adolescence, and for ath-
Bloomberg describes Biodesix as “a mo- BLACK BEANS letes.”
lecular diagnostic company that discov- One of my son’s eighth-grade friends
ers, develops and commercializes cancer recently became a vegetarian. He joins There are many athletes who have ris-
tests that help patients and their doctors the approximately 4 percent of youths in en to the top ranks of their sports while
to make informed decisions about treat- this country (up from 2 percent 10 years being meat-free, including tennis legend
ment based on a patient’s unique molec- ago) who eat meatless. As much as my Martina Navratilova, football hero Joe
ular profile.” boys respect his choice and recognize his Namath, 1998 Heisman Trophy winner
passion for the environment that spurred Ricky Williams, Olympic track star Carl
The company’s VeriStrat test was ap- the decision, neither of them truly under- Lewis, baseball slugger Prince Fielder and
proved by the FDA in June 2016. stands it. tennis icon Venus Williams.
“It’s called a liquid biopsy,” says Free- Although my sons eat plenty of veg- There is no doubt that meat provides
man, “and it’s incredible.” etables, their most requested dinners protein, but so do beans, eggs, nuts, yo-
include sausage, pork or ground beef. gurt and even broccoli. The following
“For patients with lung cancer,” Free- In fact, their favorite meal is grilled pork non-meat foods contain plenty of protein:
man continues, “in order to make a di- tenderloin with bacon corn relish.
agnosis [and then determine a course of Nuts and seeds (4-10 grams per 1
treatment] we have to go into the lung with The boys asked how their friend could ounce serving): walnuts, cashews, pump-
a bronchoscope or with a CT-guided nee- put on enough muscle, possess enough kin seeds, pistachios, sunflower seeds, al-
dle and take a biopsy. Then after we get the energy or be such a good athlete without mond butter, hemp, chia and flax seeds.
biopsy and pathology and process it, we meat. I told them that meat can be very
do our specials stains and then we send it good for growing boys and athletes, as its Beans and legumes (7-10 grams per
out for molecular studies.” protein helps to build muscle, repair tis- half-cup): black beans, white beans, len-
sue, provide energy and balance mood tils, chickpeas, hummus and green peas.
All of that takes time; usually at least a – but it is by no means necessary. If he’s
month and sometimes longer before treat- eating enough vegetarian sources of pro- Grains (5-8 grams per cup): quinoa,
ment can begin. Until now. tein, iron and B vitamins, their friend will brown rice, oats, millet and barley.
perform just as well. In fact, the Acade-
Almost gleefully, Freeman points to a my of Nutrition and Dietetics’ position S● oy (9-16 grams per ½ cup): tofu,
recent case at IRMC using the VeriStrat liq- on vegetarian diets is that “well-planned edamame and tempeh.
uid biopsy. vegetarian diets are appropriate for indi-
viduals during all stages of the life cycle, Fruits and veggies such as avoca-
“We had a patient recently in the emer- including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, do (4 grams per cup), dark leafy greens
gency room who was found to have a mass (about 5 grams per cup) and broccoli (4
– a lung mass – and within 11 days that grams per cup).
patient was able to start [targeted] chemo-
therapy. Eleven days. I think right now the ● Dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese) and
median national time from diagnosis to
therapy is 30 days.” CONTINUED ON PAGE A17
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To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | HEALTH November 24, 2017 17
BLOOD TEST FOR CANCER Again, it’s a time-saver and way of tar- PROTEIN WITHOUT MEAT the non-meat foods listed above.
geting cancer most effectively. The goal Babies: 10 grams a day.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE A15 – in essence – is to avoid putting patients
into therapies and treatments which, sta- CONTINUED FROM PAGE A15 School-age kids: 19-34 grams a day.
The 19-day difference might not sound tistically, do not fare well against that pa-
huge to some people, but time is not on tient’s specific type of cancer. Teenage boys: 52 grams a day.
the side of cancer patients and starting
treatment sooner rather than weeks lat- “I think it’s incredible,” Freeman re- eggs provide 6-9 grams of protein per Teenage girls: 46 grams a day.
er can make a big difference in outcomes peats, but … “I think it’s going to take a
with aggressive cancers. couple years for the medical community serving. Adult men: 56 grams a day.
to kind of adapt to it, because it’s a new
Freeman shares a personal story which way of thinking.” Here’s a surprise: raw cacao nibs Adult women: 46 grams a day
– in no small part – explains her enthusi-
asm for the rapid diagnosis allowed by the “Right now we still have the traditional M E D I C Aprovide 4 grams of protein (plus anti- (more if pregnant or breast-feeding).
new test. mentality of thinking the patient needs to
have imaging and then needs to have a bi- oxidants, vitamins and minerals) per 1 There are many benefits to eating a
“I’m very passionate about this,” she opsy and then it goes to pathology and that
says. “When I was in medical school my whole process can take weeks,” Freeman ounce serving. well-balanced vegetarian diet including
mom was diagnosed with pancreatic can- says, “but with [these tests] the patient
cer and it literally took her probably two can have their bronchoscopy today and According to tCheomInsetittuote aofseMmediin- arcowsthseavriengys,oloua’dllsgofeftibyeor (uwrhiqchueaisdtsions answ
and half months to start chemotherapy. three days from now they could potential-
She died a month and a half later.” ly know if they have the bio-markers to get cine, we should all consume between 10 in digestion), less saturated fat (good
special chemotherapy. So, it’s speeding up
So what does this new VeriStrat test do? the process from diagnosis to therapy.” for the heart), and a wider variety of vi-
In short, tumors have their own DNA and tamins and minerals proven to reduce
“shed” tiny pieces of that DNA into the “It is important to understand,” Free- diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
bloodstream. “Capitalizing on that,” Free- man concludes, “that at this point we can’t BlueMedicare means morepercent and 35 percent of our daily cal-
man explains, “the VeriStrat blood tests use [these blood tests] to diagnose [the
finds those little fragments of DNA, am- existence of] cancer. It’s only to identify ories from protein. This really is not that
plifies them and then looks for targetable mutations that will lead to targeted ther- much and can be easily achieved with
mutations.” apy,” but it’s also clear she expects that to Quecshtioonisces.
change, too. About HealthCome to a Florida Blue seminar to learn more about our pla
Depending on the test results, the pa- Get answers to your Medicare questions, and choose a plan that’s right f
tient may be started on a program of “There are people who are investing Insurance?A BlueMedicare Advantage plan is an affordable choice.
Tarceva, a drug which interferes with the a lot of money into liquid biopsies,” she It provides the same coverage as Medicare Parts A and B
activity of a specific protein called “epider- says, and someday in the not too distant plus additional benefits and services. Recei
mal growth factor receptor,” or that same future, a simple blood test may, indeed, re- We’Gveet cogveroedtwaithna swers. bookle
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To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | HEALTH November 24, 2017 19
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High-end oasis awaits
in Reserve Plantation
11167 Lands End Chase in Reserve Plantation, PGA Village: 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 3,445-square-foot pool home
offered for $799,000 by Ryan Reagan of the Reagan Team, 561-308-0807 of Lang Realty
22 November 24, 2017 ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | REAL ESTATE www.stlucievoice.com
High-end oasis awaits
in Reserve Plantation
BY SHELLEY KOPPEL | Correspondent ered lanai and pool. To the right is a guest
[email protected] bedroom, 13-by-14, that could also be used
as a den or office. The guest bath, and all of
The house at 11167 Lands End Chase in the baths, are expansive, and this one has
the PGA Village Reserve Plantation is sim- custom cabinetry made in Costa Rica.
ply stunning. As you drive up, you see the
lake behind the house and you want to lin- The master suite is a private enclave you
ger, maybe stay outside. That would be a also won’t want to leave. The bedroom is
mistake, because while the house is large 18-by-19, and it has a wall of windows and
and has 20-foot ceilings, it is also one of the doors, an opening to the pool, and views
brightest, airiest houses I have seen. From of the water, the island and lush landscap-
he ifference the moment you step into the entryway, you ing. There is a huge walk-in closet and the
are struck with how welcoming this home is. bathroom is as generously-sized as I’ve
When exceptional assisted living is most important to you, ever seen. Its cabinetry is custom made by
you’ll notice The Brennity at Tradition difference. To the left of the entryway is a formal din- the Amish in Ohio. There are double sinks,
ing room, 12 feet by 15 feet, with that high granite countertops, a tub with whirlpool
•Established team of care associates ceiling and custom molding. Straight ahead jets and a privacy wall outside that allows
•Friendly residents waiting to greet you is the living room, a spacious 24-by-23, with for lots of windows and lots of natural light.
•Activities geared for your personal interest three sliding doors opening onto the cov-
•Award-winning assisted living
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To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | REAL ESTATE November 24, 2017 23
A frameless shower completes the room. There are two more bedrooms, both with AFFORDABLE
Ryan Reagan of Team Reagan at Lang Re- high ceilings, molding, natural light and FLOORING
large closets. The bath has the Amish cabi-
alty agreed that this is a special home. netry and can double as a cabana bath, as Lenny Agin • Tile Marble
“It is a magnificent home and the owner there is an exterior door.
Over 25 Years In Business!
has continued to do things through the last For the owner of the house, who is downsiz-
10 years,” he said. ing, this home is very special. She loved to en- 2014, 2015 & 2016
tertain and frequently had parties. Even from VOTED #1 FLOORING
“The way it was laid out is perfect. Out- the kitchen, she could oversee all the fun. STORE in St. Lucie Co.
side, you don’t see neighbors to the left,
there’s privacy to the right and long lake “My friends called this ‘The Mother AGAIN!
views from both sides. There’s such a breeze Ship,’” she said. “We had parties all the time.
off the water, It makes you want to sit down It’s a party house.” Plush WATERPROOF
and stay here all day.” VINYL
Indeed, you can certainly see how per- $18.99 sq. yd.
Back inside is the kitchen, another spa- fect the house is for entertaining, but it’s PLANKING
cious room at 20-by 13. It has a center island also a serene and peaceful home where you Installed
with cook top and down draft, an oven that can relax, sit back, and enjoy watching the Starting at
is both regular and convention, and lots of docks in the lake and a bird, perched high Carpet Starting at
counter space and storage. It opens onto on a tree on the island. It’s not that easy to $14.99 sq yd Installed 5$ 29
the 19-by-19 family room that has a working find a home that is ideal for entertaining Sq. Ft.
wood fireplace with tile backsplash, a bar and is also a quiet oasis where each space I 12mm Laminate
area with built-in ice chest, and a panoram- one in which you want to linger. This is such Flooring Installed
ic view of the lake and the pool, with its hot a house and it is very special.
tub and double waterfall. Starting at $3.99 sq ft
5Wood $ 99
Flooring Sq. Ft.
Starting @ Installed
Made in the U.S.A. $329sq. ft. Installed
Laminate padding
FEATURES FOR 11167 LANDS END CHASE Kitchen 18x18 Porcelain
Cabinets Tile
Neighborhood: Reserve Plantation, PGA Village Ceramic Tile
Year built: 1990 • Construction: CBS Now Available! 4$ 29
High Quality 3$ 49 Sq. Ft.
Size: 3,445 sq., ft. • Total sq. footage: 6,215 at The Best Sq. Ft.
Bedrooms: 4 • Bathrooms: 3 Price INSTALLED
Flooring: ceramic tile, wood, carpet Reg. $3.99 Sq. Ft. Includes
Security: manned gate, alarm system
Additional features: plot between two and three acres, lake Thin Setting Grout
views, private island, 20; ceilings, pool and spa, new air condi- & Rip out of Old Carpet
tioner units in 2015, working fireplace, metal roof that looks
like tile, rubber material in garage to prevent slipping ESFTRIMEEATES Complete, Bath Shop at
Community amenities: clubhouse, exercise room, game room, Remodeling Home
golf course FINANCING NOW AVAILABLE Available
Listing brokerage: Lang Realty
Listing agent: Ryan Reagan of the Reagan Team, 561-308-0807 6-12-18 MONTHS SAME AS CASH!! CALL FOR DETAILS
Listing price: $799,000 1602 Village Green Dr. PSL
214 Orange Ave - Downtown Ft. Pierce
PSL Office Visit our Showroom in
Historic Ft. Pierce
201-1888 Cell 409-4117
24 November 24, 2017 ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | REAL ESTATE www.stlucievoice.com
A robust week on the regional real estate market saw 20 single-family residences and lots sell from
Nov. 12-16 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week in Port St. Lucie was the home at 15365 Navion Drive. First listed in April for
$499,900, the 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 1,938-square-foot residence sold for $435,000 on Nov. 17.
The second-best sale was the residence at 10918 SW Blue Mesa Way. Originally on the market in August
for $389,000, this 4-bedroom, 4-bathroom, 2,487-square-foot abode fetched $383,000 on Nov. 17.
PORT SAINT LUCIE 15365 NAVION DRIVE 4/15/2017 $499,900 11/17/2017 $383,000
PORT SAINT LUCIE 10918 SW BLUE MESA WAY 8/18/2017 $389,000 11/17/2017 $359,000
PORT SAINT LUCIE 11129 SW MAPLE TREE LANE 8/28/2017 $375,000 11/17/2017 $348,000
PORT SAINT LUCIE 206 NW LISERON WAY 9/27/2017 $360,995 11/15/2017 $330,000
PORT SAINT LUCIE 11260 SW WYNDHAM WAY 8/25/2017 $334,900 11/13/2017 $286,500
PORT SAINT LUCIE 5773 NW CANADA STREET 9/26/2017 $298,900 11/15/2017 $269,000
PORT SAINT LUCIE 386 NW SUNVIEW WAY 10/10/2017 $269,000 11/15/2017 $265,000
PORT SAINT LUCIE 5427 NW WISK FERN CIRCLE 6/23/2017 $274,900 11/14/2017 $251,000
PORT SAINT LUCIE 158 NW BERKELEY AVENUE 10/11/2017 $249,900 11/16/2017 $199,900
PORT SAINT LUCIE 5707 NW ZENITH DRIVE 9/28/2017 $199,900 11/14/2017 $197,000
PORT SAINT LUCIE 1248 NW BENTLEY CIRCLE UNIT A 8/16/2017 $198,000 11/13/2017 $193,000
PORT SAINT LUCIE 611 SW TREASURE COVE 10/17/2017 $199,000 11/17/2017 $185,000
PORT SAINT LUCIE 9597 SW LINDALE TRACE BOULEVARD 3/7/2017 $214,900 11/17/2017
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All dimensions, features, specifications and square footages are approximate and subject to change without notice. Maps, plans, landscaping and elevation All dimensions, features, specifications and square footages are approximate and subject to change without notice. Maps, plans, landscaping and elevation
renderings are artist’s conceptions, are not to scale, and may not accurately depict the homes or lots as they are built. renderings are artist’s conceptions, are not to scale, and may not accurately depict the homes or lots as they are built.
To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | REAL ESTATE November 24, 2017 25
10918 SW Blue Mesa Way, Port Saint Lucie 11129 SW Maple Tree Lane, Port Saint Lucie
Listing Date: 8/18/2017 Listing Date: 8/28/2017
Original Price: $389,000 Original Price: $375,000
Sold: 11/17/2017 Sold: 11/17/2017
Selling Price: $383,000 Selling Price: $359,000
Listing Agent: Vickie Smith Listing Agent: Glenn Krumenacker
Selling Agent: Bowen Realty, Inc. Selling Agent: RE/MAX Masterpiece Realty
Vickie Smith Donald Baetzold
Bowen Realty, Inc. Lang Realty
206 NW Liseron Way, Port Saint Lucie 11260 SW Wyndham Way, Port Saint Lucie
Listing Date: 9/27/2017 Listing Date: 8/25/2017
Original Price: $360,995 Original Price: $334,900
Sold: 11/15/2017 Sold: 11/13/2017
Selling Price: $348,000 Selling Price: $330,000
Listing Agent: Bonnie Meyo Listing Agent: Donna Little
Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Fl Realty Selling Agent: AlexusRealty.com
John Heaning James Weix
RE/MAX of Stuart The Real Estate Company, Inc.
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26 November 24, 2017 ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | REAL ESTATE www.stlucievoice.com
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To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | REAL ESTATE November 24, 2017 27
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To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | REAL ESTATE November 24, 2017 29
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Diane Gault 772-342-7455 Kay Rodriguez 772-486-2126; Chris Rodriguez 772-828-9963 Linda MacCormack 772-812-0469 Chris Chapdelaine 772-529-3748; Linda Olsinski 772-359-2227
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32 November 24, 2017 ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | REAL ESTATE www.stlucievoice.com
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fun, food SECTION
TAKE TWO, OR MORE, ... for superior
TO ‘TANGO BUENOS singer/songwriter
1 Seductive. Passionate. Ro- Singer/songwriter Karla Bonoff.
mantic. “Tango Buenos
Aires: The Spirit of Argentina” is PHOTO COURTESY OF MUSICWORKS, INC.
all that and (waaa-ay) more, and
the internationally lauded tour
is coming to the Sunrise The-
atre this Sunday, where it will
most surely continue to capti-
vate. “Tango Buenos Aires,” says
the show promo, has become
one of Argentina’s great cultural
exports, known throughout the
Americas, Europe and the Far
East as the most authentic and
uncompromising representa-
tive of the Tango. The company’s
2017 tour is a celebration of and
an homage to “The King of Tan-
go,” Carlos Gardel, a French Ar-
gentine singer, songwriter, com-
poser and actor, and the most
prominent figure in the history
of tango. According to Wikipedia,
Gardel died in an airplane crash
at the height of his career. Sun-
day’s audience can count on an
evening of “swirling, fast-paced
tapestries of movement, laced
with proud postures and sensual
couplings,” as a Washington Post
critic described it. Whew. Tickets
2 November 24, 2017 ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | ARTS www.stlucievoice.com
Bet your bottom dollar StarStruck’s ‘Annie’ will delight
BY SHELLEY KOPPEL | Staff Writer Madeline Miss Hannigan. It looks right visually.”
[email protected] Schoppe plays Jones returned to why she loves the show so much.
the optimistic “The music is fantastic,” she said. “Everyone knows
The sun’ll come out if you come to the StarStruck The- orphan in
atre and Academy in Stuart Dec. 14-17 to see the musical StarStuck ‘Tomorrow.’ I’m a huge fan of the radio station scene. I
“Annie.” The feel-good music about the comic-strip or- Theatre’s love teaching about the historic nature of the show. In
phan is a perennial favorite and is perfect for visiting fam- upcoming ‘Annie,’ I’m telling them about the Depression and we
ily and friends or as an early holiday gift. performance talk about politics. They didn’t know what a radio show
of “Annie.” was. There is a fantastic scene of a radio show and one
StarStruck’s Jennifer Jones is both directing and cho- kid is the sound-effects man. They think it’s pretend and
reographing the show. She spoke recently about why she PHOTO COURTESY OF STARSTRUCK THEATRE AND ACADEMY I explain that it was real, that people listened to radio and
chose this show for her students. did voice-overs.”
said. “I have been teaching her musical theater, dance,
“It’s one of my favorite shows on the planet,” she said. “I acting and voice since she was 5. I have 18 little orphans Jones said her favorite part of the show is how Daddy
love if for a million reasons. It’s about optimism and hope who are all phenomenally talented. Since I’m mixing ages, Warbucks is changed by Annie.
and it’s so beloved for that and why people see it multiple the older teens are playing roles like Daddy Warbucks and
times. It’s really nice for people to drop out for a while, turn “You see the hardened businessman who becomes a
their phones off and see a musical about a young girl who changed man because of a little girl who comes into his
triumphs over adversity and maintains an optimism and life. He starts to take a night off. In the fast-paced world
positive energy, regardless of what is thrown her way.” we live in, it’s important to remember to take a break. The
song ‘NYC’ happens because he’s about to send his secre-
The cast includes students from 8-18, a mix Jones loves. tary to take Annie out and Annie is not happy, so he takes
“It’s always exciting,” she said. “I love working like that. her on the town and they have a wonderful time.”
It’s a blend of the community with the ages leaning to work
together. The little ones look up to the older kids they see The fact of the matter is that this is a show with the irre-
in the teen shows and are so excited to be working with sistible combination of kids and a cute dog.
them. The older ones set the example. It’s important for
them (to learn that) before they go off to college. They “What is there not to love?” Jones asked. “He adopts a
show the little ones about hair and makeup and keeping little girl who needs him and helps other children. It’s a re-
the dressing rooms airy and neat. There are lessons people ally important story.”
don’t realize. The kids listen with a different ear than when
their parents are telling them.” StarStruck Academy and Theatre, 2101 S. Kanner
Madeline Schoppe, a 10-year-old, will play the role of Highway, Stuart, presents “Annie” Dec. 14-17. For more
Annie. “I have a wonderful little star playing ‘Annie,’” Jones information, call 772-283-7787 or visit www.Star-
StruckFl. Org.
Don't just give a gift,
let them create their own
Lyric experience!
“G“LGiftyi“fGCrtieCicfrteTtirCfhtiiecefiracattiatefrti”ceea”.cteo”m 772-286-7827ThTehLeyTLrhiyceriTcLhyTerhaicetraTethreeatreGiftGFCierfStorFtCeimfrSwieccoGriea:ttnmiitifdcfew_Fiotco_tS:iCmnarn_wiot__doee:ue_b_orsmncO_t_metwi_f:_wtfbriuo_:c_ibcOei_rso_naee__ht_rdtrn_f_eeb_pBoeco__d:_eurwms__ho_eerO__r_tceexue_bp_r_hmrs_ds_uae_aOct_e_e_rfts_ocb_deh_Rrif_nhr_ef_ame_eiagoa__c_ret_s_swpRe_tetd_ii_h_nctud_o_:_erkgar7e__c_waeAte_B7_t_htti_ms__cAoh2:aR_!__kxese-_A__eoS2idO_B_n_tA_sw_8e_gfoa_f!__i6xat_c_St:_i_-et_Otc_hAe7__:k_fe5__8fae_Ai_c_Bt2t_se_:o_7S!5__x_e_Oa_f_fti_c:_e5_
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4 November 24, 2017 ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | ARTS www.stlucievoice.com
BY SHELLEY KOPPEL | Staff Writer Down Beside Me,” became so associ- like ‘Heat Wave.’ That’s changed. Peo-
[email protected] ated with Ronstadt that many people
don’t know Bonoff wrote it. The writ- ple’s taste has changed and people are
Karla Bonoff has had great success as er said that like many of her songs, it
both a singer and songwriter in a career didn’t come out of a particular expe- willing to accept woman balladeers. It
that spans four decades. She was, in fact, rience.
a “founding mother” of the 1970s singer/ is more competitive.”
songwriter era. Songs such as “Someone to “It’s a mystery,” she said. “A lot of
Lay Down Beside Me” and “Lose Again” have songs come out of the ether. It’s a com- The artist had to think for a mo-
attracted the attention of artists including bination of self-consciousness and a
Linda Ronstadt, Bonnie Raitt and Wynonna gift from the creative gods. When I get ment about her favorite cover of one
Judd, and she has charted with own rendi- out of my own way, good creative stuff
tions of her work, as well. comes to me.” of her songs. She finally said it was the
Bonoff comes to the Emerson Center in Bonoff said that on her first tour, Bonnie Raitt cover of “Home.”
Vero Beach as the “special guest” of fellow she opened for Jackson Browne.
singer/songwriter Livingston Taylor. She “That was a big deal for me,” Bonoff
spoke recently from her home in Santa Bar- “I assumed people knew I wrote the
bara, Calif., about her career. songs and then it dawned on me that said. It was just before Linda recorded
they thought I was covering a Linda
Bonoff said that Kenny Edwards and Jack- Ronstadt song,” she said. “When they it. She did a great job.”
son Browne were two of the earliest influ- got it, they were totally on my side.”
ences on her. Her own favorite song to sing is
Bonoff performed frequently in Ja-
“Kenny was the first real musician I met pan and found the audiences very dif- “The Water is Wide,” a traditional folk
as a teen,” she said. “He introduced me to ferent from those in the U.S.
so much musically and artistically. Jack- tune. “I learned it at 15 and it stayed
son was 19 at the Troubadour (night club). “The Japanese are very loyal,” she
I was forming my idea of what I wanted to said. “Once they are fans, they stay with me,” she said.
do. Both led me to being a songwriter. Linda your fans. They’re not as fickle as in the
Ronstadt was in the Stone Poneys with Ken- U.S. They all had translations and under- Bonoff said that while she doesn’t
ny and he brought my songs to her. She was stood them and knew who the players
the first person to recognize me as a song- were. They have a deep understanding of tour as much as she did, she still en-
writer. She recorded three of my songs and the whole process, which I really appreci-
that changed everything.” ate. At that time, they loved Western sing- joys everything about it except the
er/songwriters. They didn’t yet have their
One of those songs, “Someone to Lay own pop music so there was an opening travel.
“I’m so appreciative the audience is
Singer/songwriter Karla Bonoff. still there and has grown up with me,”
she said. “People bring their kids and
PHOTO COURTESY OF MUSICWORKS, INC. even grandkids. It’s wonderful to stay
in touch with them. Playing the music
for that. We had so much fun.” is fun, but traveling is not. I’m grateful for
The singer/songwriter said that the cli- the opportunity (to play).”
mate for women in music is much better
than it was in the 1970s, when it was hard for Karla Bonoff and Livingston Taylor
a woman singing ballads to get air time. appear at the Emerson Center, 1590 27th
“Radio didn’t embrace me because it Ave., Vero Beach, Jan. 12 at 7 p.m. Call
wasn’t an upbeat tempo,” she said. 1-800-595-4849 or visit www.musicwork-
“Even Linda had to come up with cover sconcerts.com.
S U N R I S E T H E A T R E The Best Entertainment on the Treasure Coast
“Swirling, fast-paced “They are so skillful. The costumes
tapestries of movement, are gorgeous. It was visually
laced with proud postures beautiful in every way. I truly
and sensual couplings” loved the show.”
-The Washington Post -Nora
The Spirit of Argentina National Martial Artists & Acrobats of The State Ballet Theatre of
Featuring Live Orchestra & Dancers Tianjin People’s Republic of China Russia Presents
Tango Buenos Aires China Soul A Charlie Brown Christmas Christmas Wonderland The Nutcracker
Sun. Nov. 26 • 7pm Thurs., Nov. 30 • 7pm Thurs., Dec. 21 • 7pm Sat., Dec. 23 • 7pm Fri., Dec. 29 • 7pm
For a Complete List of Shows Visit Us Online www.SunriseTheatre.com 20%
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* Additional shows and attractions will be added throughout the season.
To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | ARTS November 24, 2017 5
“A foot stompin’ Classic Country music concert, just plain fun!”
—Nashville Music Scene
A Tribute to Billy Joel – TURNSTILES FroTmUaTlhn&e“ieAnvRDtem”hFir,sseyaOnatrmeihlpcySmreayW’tdsluaKdoGnRiirdonoold,sgtd, se!o
Friday, December 8th 2017 at 8PM Directed By Famed
Nashville Music Director
The finest Billy Joel Tribute in the country! Turnstiles renditions of Billy’s classic
songs are certain to move the casual listener as well as the hard core “Joel fan” to Don Edwards
their feet and have them singing along with all the classics! This show is a not to be
A marvelous musical tribute with selections
missed concert for sure! from America’s Most Beloved Country Stars!
This is a BIG star-packed classic-country-music
tour not to be missed! Fantastic!
Friday, January 19th 2018 at 8PM “Oh my! a Foot Stompin’ Super Classic Country Experience!”
The Italian Hurricane of Comedy is coming to Port St. Lucie! He’s been called a – Music Scene
“cross between Rodney Dangerfield and Ralph Kramden,” but comedian Vic
DiBitetto is truly a talent like no other. Famous for his frenetic pace, vivid language Radio legend and concert Producer Jack Starr and Starbrite Musical Productions
and punchline-a-second style, DiBitetto whips the crowd into a hilarious frenzy until present “Nashville Music on Tour”…Star-packed with Talent:
the audience is gasping for breath in between laughs • An act that has packed the showrooms of Vegas and has Nashville talking - the fabulous Highwaymen”…
The Ultimate Tina Turner Tribute – SIMPLY TINA a look-alike, sound-alike trio that sings the great hits of Willie, Waylon and Johnny Cash
• Nashville recording star and “Georgia Country Star of the Year” five-time Country Music nominee Faith Jackson
Friday, February 16th 2018 at 8PM • Special guest artist,“Country Music Television Next Superstar” Matt Mason
• From “America’s Got Talent” and Opryland, the famed Rodeo Rhythm Kings, an outstanding group
Reserve your seats now for the World’s Best Tina Turner Tribute Band! Simply Tina
captures the energy of the artist while performing her hit songs as well as other of musicians masterfully representing the fiddle, bass, banjo, and steel guitar playing that made
songs that she has covered throughout the years. This amazing live, high energy the classic country stars what they were and still are today
show will always have the audience singing and up on their feet. • Also performing, Nashville’s Recording Star Tyler Branch
The Ultimate Midget Wrestling Show Lyric Theatre
- MICRO CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING Saturday, November 25 • 7pm
February 23rd 2018 at 8PM www.LyricTheatre.com or call For Tickets: 772-286-7827
MCW is a high powered, explosive, athletic show with just the right touch of
comedy thrown in to make it an event for all ages and demographics! These micro
athletes may be short in stature but are giants in the world of entertainment where
they will keep you on your feet, screaming and crying from laughter at the same time.
MCW is the #1 Midget Wrestling company in the USA.
THE EDWARD TWINS – Direct from Las Vegas!
Friday, March 2nd at 8PM
THE EDWARDS TWINS: An Evening with Cher, Elton, Midler & Streisand!
Combined, they have a repertoire of more than 100 celebrity impressions! This all
singing, all dancing group is a favorite all over the country! Come find out why when
they come to the civic center and blow you away with an unbelievable performance
you won’t forget!
Comedian SARGE
Friday, March 9th 2018 at 8PM
A triple-threat: comic-singer-pianist, Sarge is known for his amazing sense of
humor, spot-on impressions and exceptional piano skills! He is an entertainer
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touching vocals and stunning display of dexterity as a pianist have wowed crowds
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Saturday, March 17th at 8PM
With a style inspired by such legends as Bob Hope, Jerry Lee Lewis and George
Burns, Bobby Collins’ comedy is a throwback to an earlier era. He’s had his own
Showtime special, hosted VH1’s Stand-Up Spotlight, earned a Grammy Award
nomination for his album Out Of Bounds, and has toured with all top comedians
like Jerry Seinfeld to Tony Bennett just to name a few. Come see why the NY Times
rated him “the most natural working comedian today.”
Tickets at www.cityofpsl.com/civic 9221 SE Civic Center Place,
or call (772) 807-4488 M-F 8am-4pm Port St Lucie FL. 34952
6 November 24, 2017 ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | ARTS www.stlucievoice.com
Buy One Burger, Get a $5 Off One Free Small Plate with Theater-lover Lauren Epsenhart
Second One 1/2 Off $25 Purchase! purchase of 2 Galley Plates right at home with Lyric position
Must present Must present Must present BY SHELLEY KOPPEL | Staff Writer although Lozano lives in New York and Ep-
coupon to redeem. coupon to redeem. coupon to redeem.
Only one offer per Only one offer per Only one offer per [email protected] senhart in Stuart. She tries to make it up to
table. Not to be table. Not to be table. Not to be When Stuart native Lauren Epsenhart New York several times a year.
combined with any combined with any combined with any
other offer. Expires other offer. Expires other offer. Expires
11-30-17 11-30-17 11-30-17
wanted to get more involved in area theater, “Children of Salt” was one of 13 plays
she sent an email to Kia Fontaine, executive worldwide presented at the 2016 New York
director of the Lyric Theatre. She thought it Musical Festival in Manhattan, opening
might be a way to get more involved in the off-Broadway at the Pearl Theatre. The show
local theater community. Epsenhart, who won several awards. Epsenhart is also the
teaches theater history at Indian River State author of the play “Pushing Daisy,” and is
College, wasn’t looking for a job. She got one working on a new musical and song cycle.
anyway. “Pushing Daisy” became personal to Ep-
Fontaine met with Epsenhart and was im- senhart some years ago when she was diag-
pressed with her credentials that include a nosed with cancer. She started a non-profit,
Master of Fine Arts in musical theatre writing the Pushing Daisy Project, to use theater to
from the prestigious Tisch School of the Arts raise cancer awareness and funds.
at NYU, productions of her work off- Broad- “I wrote about my experiences having
way, as well as an education background cancer and being just out of college,” she
and teaching certification. Fontaine had an said. “I raised funds and gave them to Mar-
opening for the position of director of educa- tin Memorial. I wrote it and produced it for
tion/operational coordination, which means something greater than myself. It’s very im-
educational and com-
The NGeawstersotpFulborHidaasKLeaynsd-Iends!pired munity outreach in real
speak. Epsenhart seemed
perfect for the job.
I sat down with her
a few weeks ago, only a
few weeks into her new
Come experience a Buccaneer’s Bounty of the finest job. I asked her about her
Grub and Grog in all the 7 Seas featuring
teaching at IRSC.
“I’m currently teaching
Free Slice of Key Lime Pie Intro to Theater History
with purchase of Galley Plate
three nights a week at the
Must present coupon to redeem.
Only one offer per table. Not to be combined Stuart and Vero Beach
with any other offer. Expires 11-30-17 campuses, she said. “I
Full Liquor Bar! wasn’t seeking it out. I
was in the right place at
the right time. I went to
the Main Campus, look-
ing for a theater rental Stuart native Lauren Epsenhart, the Lyric’s new director of education/operations
for my own work. I was coordination, teaches theater history at IRSC. PHOTO COURTESY OF RHEA LEWIS PHOTOGRAPHY
asked to come in and met
Dinner Only Happy Hour David Moberg (head of the department of portant to serve those who need help. When
• Daily Fresh Mon-Fri 3-6pm Covered performing and visual arts). He’s one of the I see the opportunity, I go for it. The arts are
Ocean-To-Table Draft Beer Outside Bar
Seafood Craft Beer and Patio Live nicest people I’ve ever met. He offered me a such a great platform for awareness or for
• Hand-Cut-Steaks Premium Well Entertainment
• Hickory Wood House Wine Thursday-Friday job one night a week. My background is in those who don’t have a voice. I guess it was a
Fire Grille Saturday-Sunday
• Daily Dessert Specials musical theater so he lent me books from his big thing to do, but I loved it and wanted it. I
library to refresh.” had enough friends and family to complete-
Epsenhart has been teaching the course ly support me. My family is instrumental in
for nearly five years, and still finds it chal- supporting my endeavors.”
lenging. “Every semester is a new challenge The nonprofit has been on hold while
to make it inviting and engaging to a new Epsenhart pursued other project, but she
Black Sails Bar & Grille group pf students,” she said. “I’m a student hopes to get it going again.
as well, a student of life.” Now Epsenhart is looking forward to her
Epsenhart is modest about her back- new position at the Lyric. “I’m so thrilled
ground, but it is probably easier to win the to be here at the Lyric,” she said. “It’s been
529 NW Prima Vista Blvd. lottery than to be accepted into the Tisch part of me since I was a child. My first per-
Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983
SSuFanMrtdiudoarandyydayay -OTphuernsda7y1122D3--39-1-a11p11pym0mpspmm program for musical theater writing. In her formance was at the Lyric through school;
year, only 18 people were accepted world- I went to Jensen Beach Elementary School
wide. “I had no experience writing them, but and I was 8. I sang a Disney song.
I liked musicals,” she said. “I wrote one and “Everyone looked so large,” she remem-
they accepted me. For my cumulative the- bered. Then, she tears up. “It was the last
sis, my writing partner, Jaime Lozano, and I time my grandfather saw me perform. I
wrote came to this theater while going through
‘Children of Salt.’” Epsenhart wrote the cancer treatment. I can’t think of a better
book and lyrics and Lozano the music. place to be. Everyone here has been ridicu-
They’ve been working together for 10 years, lously kind.”
To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | ARTS November 24, 2017 7
Sponsored by Art Link International The Pineapple Playhouse Presents
SpSopnosnosOroerpeddebbyny AAinrrttgLLininkRkIneItnectreneranptiaottniiaoolnnal and Holiday Sale Holiday PaloozaThe Junior Troupe’s
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Tickets at the door
Tickets available at the box office or by calling (772)465-0366
**Please bring an unwrapped gift to support the men, women and children of Safe Space of St. Lucie County
8 November 24, 2017 ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | ARTS www.stlucievoice.com
COMING UP 3 whole family this holiday sea- to fill a whole season of ‘Swan Lake.’”
son, Disney’s “Newsies: The Mu- “Newsies” runs through Dec. 17.
sical” opens this Tuesday at the Maltz 4 “Nashville Music onTour” is bring-
are $49 and $55. Curtain is at 7 p.m. ing its Music City classic-country
Jupiter Theatre. The show was created music tribute to the Lyric Theatre stage
2 Now in its 14th Season, the Trea- this Saturday at 7 p.m. This major tour
sure Coast Community Singers by the stellar Broadway team of Alan is directed by Nashville’s own Don Ed-
will again joyfully help wards, and it’s packed with tunes from
the community cel- Menken, music; Jack Feldman, lyrics; America’s most beloved country stars
ebrate the season of songbooks. Music Scene calls this tour
good cheer with their and Harvey Fierstein, book. A hit on “a foot-stompin’ super classic country
annual holiday concert, experience.” Among the performers: a
“’Tis the Season,” Dec. Broadway, “Newsies” is based on the look-alike, sound-alike trio that sings
1-2 at the North Stuart ‘Newsies.’ the hits of Willie, Waylon and Johnny
Baptist Church. Tick- real-life 1899 New Cash; from “America’s Got Talent” and
ets are $20, a portion City soon recognizes the power of “the Opryland, the Rodeo Rhythm Kings; guest
of which will go to the York paperboy strike. little man.” The singing and dancing artist “Country Music Television’s Next
group’s concert partner is non-stop, ultra-high energy. As Ben Superstar” Matt Mason; and Nashville re-
this year, the Salvation Disney’s musical tells Brantley of the New York Times described cording star and “Georgia Country Star of
Army. Certain is 7 p.m. the dancers, “they keep coming at us in the Year” Faith Jackson. This jam-packed-
Friday and 3 p.m. Satur- the story of Jack Kel- full-speed-ahead phalanxes … back flips, with-talent show should satisfy us country
day and Sunday. cartwheels, somersaults and kick lines music fans’ desire for some real, live, au-
A fine choice for the ly, a rebellious news- galore, not to mention enough pirouettes thentic country.
boy who dreams of a
life as an artist away
from the big city.
After publishing giant
Joseph Pulitzer raises
newspaper prices at the
newsboys’ expense, Kel-
ly and his fellow newsies
‘Tango take action. With help
Buenos from a beautiful female
reporter, all of New York
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Raffle Fundraiser
To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | ARTS November 24, 2017 9
BY ELLEN FISCHER | Columnist Eric Olson teaches a class at the Vero Clay Center. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD know, how much they know. And then it’s a
matter of paying for the membership.”
If you haven’t yet realized that a ceramic dio will be a beacon not only for clay art- requirements, says Olson.
art renaissance has been underway right ists, but their patrons, too (more about that “First you have to know how to work The studio has space for 13 members,
here in Vero Beach, it’s time to wake up and later). says Olson, who proudly notes that six art-
smell the coffee in a locally crafted cup. with clay, because the memberships don’t ists have signed on with Vero Clay since its
Becoming a member artist of Vero Clay include any instruction. I do a short inter- Oct. 16 opening.
Utilitarian ware, fine craft objects and is simple, as long as you meet its minimal view with people to get an idea of what they
ceramic sculpture abound in galleries With 28 years of professional experience
along downtown Vero’s 14th Avenue. These in creating, marketing and selling his work,
include Flametree Clay Art Gallery, which Olson knows a successful venture when he
focuses exclusively on homegrown clay art, starts one. As the sole proprietor and artist
as well as The Artists Guild Gallery, Tiger behind Common Ground Pottery, Olson
Lily Studios and Gallery 14, each of which specialized in Arts and Crafts Revival vases
consistently exhibits its members’ ceramic that look right at home on a Gustav Stickley
works alongside art in other media. Earlier sideboard next to a Christopher Dresser tea
this month the annual Samaritan Center service. His work in that vein sells for hun-
Soup Bowl event reminded us for the 25th dreds of dollars at auction.
time that local clay artists are a force for
good in Vero. Many of those artists first got Being a self-supporting artist is not easy.
their hands muddy in clay classes at the Olson says that although his retail sales
Vero Beach Museum of Art School. paid the bills for many years, his expens-
es began to encroach on his income after
The clay concern in our city has recent- the great recession of 2008-09. Olson, who
ly expanded to include a facility aimed at moved to Vero Beach in 2010, closed his pri-
artists who want to share a spacious clay vate studio in January 2017.
studio equipped with work tables, slab roll-
ers, wheels and kilns. Aptly named The Vero “I sold some of my equipment and put
Beach Clay Center (“Vero Clay” for short), the rest in storage. Then I taught three
the membership-based workspace is locat- classes at the art museum between January
ed in an unremarkable office plaza at 1174 and March,” he says.
South U.S. 1. Vero Clay is easy to miss in the
rush of traffic just south of Oslo Road, but Olson knows how hard the clay bug can
if founder Eric Olson has his way, the stu- bite the student potter. He was 32 and oper-
ating the greenhouse business he owned in
................................................................... (Recipe No. 14)
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10 November 24, 2017 ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | PEOPLE www.stlucievoice.com
SYNC FOR YOURSELF! JennyTomes, right, Project Coordina- PHOTOS: MITCH KLOORFAIN
tor-Utility Outreach for the City of Port St.
Lucie, and daughter Molly show that their
boots are made for walking during the Second Annual Lip Sync Battle benefiting the Parent Academy of St. Lucie
County last Saturday at the Sunrise Theatre. Above, Will Armstead, CEO of the Boys & Girls Club of St. Lucie County,
gets a leg up at the popular competition.
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To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | PEOPLE November 24, 2017 11
St. Lucie County Library Seeks Au- involved, space at each location is limit-
thors for 4th Annual Book Fair March 17 ed to 20 authors. Priority will be given to
first-time exhibitors. Any remaining slots
There is still time for local authors to will be awarded to eligible authors based
submit their entry form and meet the Dec. on the date their completed application is
2 deadline to participate in the 4th Annu- received.
al St. Lucie County Library System’s Book
Fair. Participants will meet other authors Interested authors must complete and
and share writing, editing and publishing submit an application packet, containing
tips as well as meeting the public, to pro- a completed form, a copy of the writer’s
mote and sell their books. driver’s license and a copy of a printed
book or a link to any e-book intended for
The Book Fair will be held at the Kilmer sale. Preference will be given to authors
Branch Library in downtown Fort Pierce who did not participate in previous book
and at the new Lewis Branch Library in fairs. Authors who did participate in last
Port St. Lucie on Saturday, March 17 from year’s fair will be accommodated on a
10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Entry Forms are available space-available basis.
on the library’s website www.stlucieco.
gov/library and at all branch libraries. Entry packets must be submitted to the
library by Saturday, Dec. 2. Packets can be
Last year’s event drew nearly 45 Trea- delivered to any St. Lucie County Branch
sure Coast authors, with a waiting list, so Library or mailed to Program Coordinator
those interesting in participant should Carolyn Hammer, Paula A. Lewis Branch
register early. Library, 2950 SW Rosser Blvd., Port St.
Lucie, FL 34953
Writers of adult fiction and nonfiction,
who live in St. Lucie, Martin and Indian The St. Lucie County Library staff will
River counties, whose works are pub- review all entries and send a follow-up
lished in print or as an e-book are invited letter or email confirmation by Jan. 13. An
to submit entry forms with copies of the author whose work is not selected may
book or link to the e-book that they wish appeal to the library director for a review.
to display and sell. In general, any book
a writer plans to exhibit must meet the For more information about the Book
same broad criteria as books purchased Fair, contact Carolyn Hammer at 772-871-
by the library. 5482 or [email protected].
To ensure a quality experience for all – CONTRIBUTED
12 November 24, 2017 ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | COMMUNITY www.stlucievoice.com
VERO CLAY STUDIO ee and monitor. fordable electric potting wheels to satisfy there,” he says.
“Maybe I’m crazy, maybe I’m stupid, his projected membership of 13 clay art- Olson’s diligence rewarded him with 10
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B9 ists, Olson hit the road, driving over 6,000
maybe I’m just not afraid of taking a risk,” miles to pick up the used wheels he’d ad- electric wheels.
Madison, Wisconsin when he signed up for says Olson, who was encouraged in his vertised for over social media. Most of the “Being able to find things used like
a potting workshop. decision to open a cooperative clay studio wheels cost him a fraction of their $1,200
by one of the founders of Flametree Clay retail price new. Some people gave him that, it opened up money for other equip-
“I knew the first night I put my hands on Art Gallery, Maria Sparsis. wheels gratis, as well as kilns and a slab ment, as well. I was able to buy a second
clay, that’s what I was going to do for a liv- roller. Olson’s quest took him to Dayton, slab roller and a pug mill for reprocessing
ing,” he says. “Maria has been telling me for, like, the Ohio, before he was forced to return to clay.”
last five years that Vero needs a clay stu- Vero to prepare for Hurricane Irma.
Six months later he sold his business dio,” he says. There are a few activities at the studio
and embarked on the life of a studio pot- “Two and a half weeks after Irma, I took for which Olson assumes full responsi-
ter. To support himself while he made a After shopping around for a large stu- off to Minnesota to pick up four wheels bility, and working the pug mill is one
name for himself with his work, he taught dio space, Olson began to seek equipment of them. Olson also does the potentially
classes. Olson started selling his work at with which to furnish it. To find enough af- hazardous jobs of firing kilns and mixing
art fairs before moving on to the big time: glazes for the studio members.
collectors’ shows. After moving to Vero he
changed his focus from vases and chargers Only a month into his brave new en-
(large, decorative plates) to handmade terprise Olson is planning for the future,
art tile and custom sink bowls. He also He wants to rent the unit adjoining the
formed a band that plays American Roots studio, which would add an additional
music (a mix of folk, blues and country) at 2,500 square feet for Vero Clay’s use. He
weekend gigs. The four-member Low Key envisions installing a gallery in part of the
band features Olson on rhythm guitar and space.
“That would be the draw to the pub-
Earlier this year Olson’s teaching stint lic. It would be all clay center work, there
at the Vero Beach Museum of Art School wouldn’t be any other work allowed,” he
introduced him to students who wanted says.
to spend way more time in the clay stu-
dio than their allotted class and lab time After being away from creating in clay
allowed. Olson recognized in them the in- for the past 10 months, Olson is starting to
satiable bite of the bug. think about getting back to his own work.
That’s when he decided to open a coop- “I’ve got projects in my head, but I ha-
erative where he and his fellow sufferers ven’t started to work on them yet because
could spend as much time with clay as I’ve been tweaking little things around
they wanted. At present the studio is open here every day,” he says.
42 hours a week; Olsen is its sole employ-
“Typically I’ve been a wheel potter. I want
to do more hand-built sculpture projects.
The nice thing is I don’t have to sell a single
piece to keep the doors open.”
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To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | COMMUNITY November 24, 2017 13
JazzScat: Bring yourself to Ring-a-Ding-Ding Big Band Swing Thing
One of the highlights for all the members and sup- ever achieve holiday bliss. just why you chose to call this place
porters of the Fort Pierce Jazz and Blues Society comes in If you’re looking for a respite from the hassle of prepar-
December, when we pack up our instruments, check our home, after all. Best of all, when you
lists twice, and head out to Summer Crush Vineyard and ing for the holiday season, this will do the trick very nicely,
Winery for an evening that is holly and spice and every- and we highly recommend the wine slushies as the signa- purchase from the Saturday morning
thing nice. There’s dancing, wine, laughter and music, and ture drink of the evening’s festivities. However, if you’re
if you’re lucky, you may even find a sprig or two of mistle- still running around looking for the perfect gifts to fill the Jazz Market, you’ll be helping to sup-
toe hanging around in inconspicuous places for a surprise stockings and slip under the tree this year, might we sug-
smooch under the stars. gest stopping by the Saturday morning Jazz Market, which port the live performances, special
is adjacent to the weekly Farmers’ Market on Melody Lane
On Wednesday, Dec. 20, we’ll host this year’s crazy annu- in historic and beautiful downtown Fort Pierce? There are guests, waterside concerts, master
al bell-ringing, soul-swinging, arm-flinging, wild-singing scores of artisans and crafts persons who have worked
Ring-a-Ding-Ding Big Band Swing Thing at Summer Crush long and hard to help create the perfect, unique gift for ev- classes, and scholarships provided
Vineyard and Winery. Starting at 6:30 p.m., Summer Crush eryone on your list.
will be reverberating with the sounds of our 17-piece big by Fort Pierce Jazz and Blues Soci-
band, FDO, and the dance floor will be open for business, You’ll find handcrafted artwork, natural lotions and po-
so you can dance the night away under the stars, by the tions, jewelry, woodcraft, clothing and textiles, and even ety all year long. Instead of heading
crackling fire, or beneath the thatched roof of the surf- places where you can snag a gift certificate that will delight
board Tiki. It’s the last big party before the holidays, and if the most difficult person on your gift lift. It’s one-stop shop- for the mall and fighting the crabby
you don’t leave this event in the holiday spirit, you may not ping, and there’s always plenty of parking, friendly folks,
a light and briny breeze, and a view that reminds you of crowds and angry motorists, why not just take a leisure-
ly stroll, and get all your shopping done before noon in a
place where you’ll actually enjoy the experience and help
support a local organization and the arts?
If you’d like to know more about Fort Pierce Jazz and
Blues Society, how to give a gift membership and receive
discounts and early notification of area performances and
events, visit www.jazzsociety.org or call 772.460.JAZZ right
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To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | COMMUNITY/CALEN DAR November 24, 2017 15
Live here and learn: Elliott Museum lecturer talks Florida history
BY PATRICK McCALLISTER | Correspondent Turns out that the St. Lucie River has The lecture is part of a series. er how we are just now discovering many of
been a valuable resource for food gather- “Our season starts in November,” the damages our past actions have had on
Speaker Elliot Kleinberg will take an au- ing and production since pre-Columbian Simbritz said. “We’ve got almost every oth- the river. The March 15 lecture will contin-
dience from pre-Columbian Florida to the days. That’s what had people like James er Thursday some sort of a lecture going on ue on February’s theme.
present in one lecture. Hutchinson – as in Hutchinson Island – till March.”
interested in and moving to the area from December is quiet on the lectures as the The Literature Lecture series also kicks
“He’s got a lot of great stories to tell,” said Spanish colonial days onward. By the end museum hosts other, mostly holiday-relat- off in January. In the first, Robert Van Del-
Al Simbritz, educational program coordi- of the 19th century, pineapples, fishing and ed events. They pick up again on Jan. 4. An- len will discuss George Orwell’s political
nator at the Elliott Museum in Stuart. cattle were the order of the day in what is nie Potts, co-curator at the museum, will messages in his classic books, such as
now St. Lucie. A couple guys named Mackle speak about the coming exhibit “Celebrate: “1984.” That’s on Jan. 25. On Feb. 25, Van
Kleinberg is a South Florida native and saw potential to build on that agricultural Art of the Bahamas.” Dellen will discuss two American poets,
four-decade journalist who has written ex- base, so they bought up a lot of land along On Jan. 18, environmental filmmaker Robert Frost and Walt Whitman. On March
tensively about area history. Oh, and he’s the St. Lucie River and started a project John Nelson will start a three-part series, 29, he’ll cover the poetry of Mary Oliver and
also written nine books about the Sunshine called Port St. Lucie. Yes, they owned the “Troubled Waters.” That lecture set will Maya Angelou.
State, including “Weird Florida,” a collec- General Development Corporation. cover the past, present and future of the
tion of stories about some of the state’s St. Lucie River focusing on the ecologi- The lectures are included in regular ad-
most surprising places. “His lecture will fo- “If it wasn’t for the St. Lucie River, none cal problems that have, and continue to, mission, $14. Museum members are free.
cus on our history and what the future of of us would be here,” Simbritz said. plague it. The Jan. 18 lecture will cover the The museum is at 825 NE Ocean Blvd., Stu-
Florida looks like,” Simbritz said. 1880s to 1920s. The Feb. 15 lecture will cov- art. For more about the Elliott Museum and
Kleinberg’s lecture will be on Thursday, its upcoming events, visit www.elliottmuse-
But, is there any history in St. Lucie Nov. 30, starting at 7 p.m. um.org.
County? Yes, Simbritz said. “It’s hard to be-
lieve, but agriculture,” he said.
Each of us owes a debt of gratitude to p.m. and go until 10 p.m., and there will D.C., to visit the memorials created in their for you, your children, neighbors and col-
the men and women who put their lives be food and fun courtesy of Big Apple Piz- honor. leagues to thank them for their service to
on hold, donned the uniform of one of za and Pasta and music courtesy of Traxx our country.
our country’s armed forces, and offered to Entertainment. As always with a Van Du- For the veterans involved, it’s a once-in-
sacrifice their own lives to defend the free- zer Foundation fundraiser, 100 percent of a-lifetime trip that they count as one of the To learn more about the Van Duzer
doms we all hold so dear. On Wednesday, every slice, wing, pizza, beer, soda or sub top moments of their entire lives, right up
Nov. 29, why not make your dinner choice you purchase – along with all staff sala- there with their weddings and the births of Foundation or to donate, please visit www.
count and help honor veterans by ordering ries and tips that evening – will go to help their children. For the community, it’s an
pizza, wings, subs, or beer and joining the Southeast Florida Honor Flight, a fully vol- opportunity to show gratitude and honor thevanduzerfoundation.org or call 772-
Van Duzer Foundation as it raises funds to unteer-run nonprofit organization which to the men and women who were willing
support Southeast Florida Honor Flight? sends World War II and Korean War veter- to pay the ultimate price to ensure and 528-3467. – CONTRIBUTED
ans on an all-expenses paid trip of a life- defend our freedom. Several World War II
Held at Big Apple Pizza at 2311 S. 35th time to our nation’s capital in Washington, and Korean War veterans will be on hand Jennifer
St. in Fort Pierce, the fun will begin at 4 for the event, so it’s a great opportunity
NOVEMBER 2199 S Rock Rd, Fort Pierce. Featuring lo- Tradition grades 1-8. The event, at The Bren-
cal fruits and vegetables, meats, honey and nity on Dec. 3 at 4 p.m., will have approxi-
26 Tradition Green Market. The Land- much more. Best of all, it’s completely free mately 110-150 in attendance. Port St. Lucie
ing at Tradition, Southwest Village to stop by, wander around and shop to your Mayor Gregory Oravec has agreed to attend
heart’s content for fresh, locally produced as well to present the first-, second- and
Parkway, Port Saint Lucie. Shop local vendors for vegetables, fruits and goodies, all while lis- third-place winners with their prizes, which
tening to members of the Fort Pierce Jazz and will be provided by local business partners
fresh produce, arts & crafts, and more! Every Blues Society playing your favorite songs. 3 and sponsors. The Brennity will be providing
p.m. to 6 p.m. the venue and refreshments and is working
Sunday. Event is subject to change without no- with our affiliates to provide a fun and edu-
DECEMBER cational event for our neighbors and future
tice. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. generations. For more information, please
3 Spelling Bee. The Brennity at Tra- contact me Cherene Topping, Assisted Living
27 Jazz Jam. Sunrise Theatre, 117 dition is hosting a Spelling Bee for Lifestyle Director at The Brennity at Tradition, New Client Specials
S 2nd St., Fort Pierce. Jam at the the children of Renaissance Charter School in at 772-345-2725.
50Custom Color $ 00
Sunrise Black Box. 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
& Cut (includes Style) Reg. $7500
28 Farm to Fork Fresh Market. Haircut & $25 00
Treasure Coast Research Park, Blow-dry Reg. $4000
Partials 50$ 00
Foils Reg. $7500
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Sudoku Page B12 Sudoku Page B13 Crossword Page B12 Crossword Page B13 (THE LOST FILMS OF JERRY LEWIS) 1006 Port St. Lucie Blvd.
Port St. Lucie
16 November 24, 2017 ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | GAMES www.stlucievoice.com
1 Empathy (13) 1 Increase (7)
8 Jargon (5) 2 Business agreements (5)
9 Gauche (7) 3 Routine (7)
10 Settle, conclude (7) 4 Journey (6)
11 Lawn flower, weed (5) 5 Bare (5)
12 Whole (6) 6 Visualise (7)
14 Plan (6) 7 Light-headed (5)
18 Precious gem (5) 13 Shoe for sports (7)
20 Vague (7) 15 French country home (7)
22 This evening (7) 16 Factor (7)
23 Shun (5) 17 Edible pulse (6)
24 Farmer (13) 18 Type of flatbread (5)
19 Reasoning (5)
21 Japanese porcelain (5)
The Telegraph
JASON SINCLAIR is YOUR Trusted How to do Sudoku:
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BRAND NEW 2017 built 4/3/2 PLUS office located in the quiet & serene Torino area! As soon as you enter,
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To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | GAMES November 24, 2017 17
ACROSS 77 Toward the front 11 Getting 101 81 “Elvira, ___ of The Washington Post
79 Hesitation Across the Dark”
1 Type of wolf, not
shark indication 12 Hindu writings 82 Stubborn ones
82 Hard drive 13 Common verb 86 “We ___ in our
5 Casino equipment 14 (“Boo-hoo-hoo”)
9 Tropical fruits measure 15 Bridge bid streets”
15 Like a giant 83 House mbr. 16 Stereo’s precursor (Lamentations)
84 Author Levin 17 Fondly 88 Bilko, for one:
squid? 85 Independent abbr.
21 First law of remembered 89 Deli bread
group Douglas planes 91 Evita role
astrodynamics, 87 John Cusack, to 18 Tres preceder 92 Vietnamese
made simple? 19 Tucson campus, holiday
23 Make a minister Joan familiarly 93 Like crosswords,
24 Sends out 88 Sweetened 20 Shortly to fans
25 ___ nutshell 90 The Idi Amin 22 ___ school 98 Release
26 One for their side 29 Move obliquely 99 Sirens
27 Ansel’s orig. Hall of Fame? 31 My, to Maigret 100 Erminelike
28 Rejections 94 Bounce 32 Regular animals
30 Devil’s tail? 95 Teen’s adjective alternative, once 101 “Lustrous ___ of
31 Canned soup 96 Salt Lake player 33 Testing room sun”
ingredient 97 Western star Jack 35 The Bering, for (Walt Whitman)
32 African antelope 101 40, as opposed to one: abbr. 102 Hard on the ears
34 Mine matter 37 Western 103 Chan’s creator,
36 Gambler’s last 39 Hemisphere Earl ___ Biggers
resort 104 Explosive alliance: abbr. 104 “By ___ was really
38 Cheer, or type of 105 Took off 39 Tout’s concern mad ...”
beer 107 Hardly any taste 40 The same, on the 106 Eager
40 Greek’s H Seine 108 Sno-cones
41 Those !@#$%*! at all? 42 Devastation 109 Novelist John
people 110 Lilly of drug fame 43 Actress Verduco Cowper ___
next door? 111 Future perch 44 Dieter’s request 112 Bit or jot
49 Slaves 112 A personal 45 The Roscommon 113 Italian TV network
51 Ref. tome people 114 A ways away
52 Wagon question 46 Shoot 116 Tim Daly’s actress
53 Member of the 113 Oscar de la ___ 47 Naturally followed sister
pod squad 115 Monroe’s Niagara 48 Goofball 118 Puppy’s bite
54 Wrath 49 Stalwart 119 Noted
55 Neckline shape co-star performers hydroelectric proj.
56 Intro to Nova? 117 What one well- 50 Ruled 120 Chant sounds
58 Woozy 54 German pronoun 121 Never, to
59 Mind game timed 56 Voice of Daffy Nietzsche
60 Nixon’s Chuck power surge 57 Addis ___
62 Jabbering jabber, could do to 61 Frequent flyer, DOUBLE BILLS, THE SEQUEL By Merl Reagle
once Manhattanites at familiarly
63 Spike Lee’s breakfast time? 62 Hubbub JAZZ JAMS
Get on the ___ 122 Film sequel about 64 Handle
65 Serengeti a chauffeur who 65 Navel wear? Wednesday
stampeder talks incessantly? 67 “Friend,” to early Dec. 20, 2017
66 Real-life reason 123 Barbecue sites New England
for some high- 124 Time gone by Indians $18- Members
level indictments 125 Collections 68 Haitian dance $20-Non Members
in 69 On ___ (busy)
the late 1980s? DOWN 70 Viking in the
68 Swatter’s goal? 1 “Vatican Rag” comics
72 S.F. time 71 Slangy assent
73 Spectacular span singer Tom 76 Backtalk
74 Wartime prez 2 Nervous 77 Can’t stand
75 Descendant of an 3 Zola novel 78 Turkey
ark passenger 4 Field Marshal 80 Workplace
76 Kareem, before watchdog
5 Article for Helmut
6 Off the job
7 Element in
8 Genus of razor
9 Country colleen
10 Not in the book
Summer Crush Winery
4200 Johnston Rd., Ft. Pierce
6:30 PM - 9PM
Food Trucks will be available
for dinner or snacks
117 S. 2nd Street, Ft. Pierce
2410 Westmoreland Blvd., PSL Full Bar available • 7-10PM
6:30 -9:30PM
$7 Cover, Member $6
$6 Cover, Members $5
Nov. 29 • Dec. 13, 27 Nov. 21, 28 • Dec. 5,12,19, 26
Jan. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 • Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27
Jan. 10, 24 • Feb. 7, 21
For more information, and/or updates go to: www.JazzSociety.org
The Fort Pierce Jazz & Blues Society is dedicated to its mission of keeping
two great American music art forms alive in our communities and schools
through Jam sessions, concerts, festivals, master classes and scholarship
The Telegraph See you there! Web: www.jazzsociety.org
Email: info.jazzsociety.org
For more info, contact Phone: 772.460.JAZZ(5299)
the FPJ&B Society.
18 November 24, 2017 ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | GAMES www.stlucievoice.com
Marcus Buckingham is an English author who bases most of his writing on extensive 98653
survey data from interviews with workers in countries around the world. He said, “When
you feel as though you can’t do something, the simple antidote is action: Begin doing it. AK943
Start the process, even if it’s just a simple step, and don’t stop at the beginning.”
This is last week’s deal rotated by 90 degrees. Then, East was in five spades after South 72
had led his singleton diamond. To make the contract, East won the first trick in the K 10 5 K Q J 10 9 8 6 5
dummy, led the heart king and discarded his singleton club to stop North from getting K 10 7
on lead — a textbook scissors coup. Today, South is in five hearts doubled. After West Q J 10 7 6 —
leads the spade seven, what should declarer do?
South might have opened four hearts, but that would have risked missing a slam if his
partner had a useful hand. After North responded one no-trump, East jumped to four 2
spades, of course. Now South felt that he had to bid five hearts, which West was happy
to double. East thought about overruling his partner and pulling to five spades, but SOUTH
eventually chose to pass.
It is easy to overlook the danger to this contract. Suppose South wins with the spade
ace, ruffs his second spade and plays on trumps. West gets in with his king and leads AQJ97632
a diamond to partner. Then a spade through declarer promotes West’s heart 10 as the
setting trick. 2
Instead, South, after ruffing the second spade, should lead a heart to his ace, 85
then play three rounds of clubs, discarding his sole diamond to cut the defenders’
communications — another scissors coup. Dealer: South; Vulnerable: North-South
The Bidding:
1 Hearts Pass 1 NT 4 Spades
5 Hearts Dbl. All Pass LEAD:
7 Spades
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