Losing is winning. P26 Caribbean spice. P30 Brevard acts to follow!
Weight-loss surgery can have Dining review: Find flavorful fare Poised performances prove
wide-ranging health benefits. at Goombay’s Island Grill. we’ve ‘Got Talent!’ PAGE 8
THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2018 | VOLUME 03, ISSUE 4 www.melbournebeachsider.com | NEWSSTAND PRICE $1.00
A year after assault, cameras installed at beachside park
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER assault case that prompted Council unanimously voted main pavilions which will the system malfunctioned
[email protected] the $40,000 in safety improve- in October to add surveillance have new 180-degree pan- within a few months, said Po-
ments plods on against the cameras to monitor the beach oramic cameras. lice Chief Jeff Pearson.
Security cameras are being suspect as the year anniver- access, parking lot, entrance/
installed at Hightower Beach sary approaches. exit, the exterior of the rest- The park had a pilot pro- Crews with Miller Electric
Park, 815 SR A1A in Satellite room building and the two gram for video surveillance on site over the past week
Beach, while the brutal sexual The Satellite Beach City more than 10 years ago but
Bill Worsham, above, and Gudrun Diry, below, care for canines at the Brevard Humane Society. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD STORY BY JAN WESNER CHILDS CORRESPONDENT
BREVARD EMBARKS ON PET RULES REVISION Ten-year-old Luke Pendergrast used
to enjoy playing on the swings and
STORY BY HENRY A. STEPHENS CORRESPONDENT licit private donations toward running its own slides at South Beach Community Cen- Boy Scout Luke Pendergrast.
adoption, spaying and neutering efforts. ter in Melbourne Beach.
Theresa Clifton, executive director of the PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER
Central Brevard Humane Society, says her “They’re going to be competing with us and But now Luke says he and many of
agency depends on public donations in the any nonprofit animal-welfare organization,” his friends are aging out of the park’s
ongoing effort to provide homes playground equipment. If there were
for stray or abandoned animals. Clifton said. But then she talked more facilities and activities for that
with Ivey on Friday and came “tween” age, and for teens too young
So she was upset last week away a much happier animal res- to drive, that would make a huge dif-
when Sheriff Wayne Ivey pro- cuer. ference to families at the remote south
posed a revision to the county end of our county.
animal-control ordinance that, Ivey said he intended mainly to
in part, would allow his Animal aim for grants and sponsorships “I would definitely come down here
Control Division, which gets to supplement taxes and fees. and meet friends here,” Luke said,
county tax revenue, to also so- looking around the park on a recent
“The last thing we want is to afternoon. “It’s like, why even come
down here if there’s nothing to do?”
As a possible solution, Luke is lobby-
Teachers, schools end pay spat
STORY BY JAN WESNER CHILDS CORRESPONDENT ey, but we really pushed it as
far as we could this year,” BFT
A months-long impasse president Dan Bennett said.
between the Brevard Federa-
tion of Teachers and Brevard Teachers will vote on the
Schools ended last week when salary plan from Feb. 7 to
the school board offered an Feb. 9, with polling sites at
additional $200 bonus. each school. Bennett said he
expects they will accept it. If
“We’re still not real
thrilled with the mon- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 They’re two much!
NEWS 1-6 DINING 30 PEOPLE 7-10 Jokes are wild as ‘Sister Act’
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 25-27 PETS 20 and ‘Funny Money’ grace
BOOKS 19 HEALTH 25-28 REAL ESTATE 33-40 area stages. PAGE 12
2 Thursday, January 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
TEACHER PAY DISPUTE the campaign started in the wake of it’s not hurting the children.’ The School Board’s original salary
the salary negotiations, urging teach- “We’re not going to ever call that offer to teachers was a 1.5 percent
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ers to perform only the work they are raise, which equates to $875 a year for
paid for – nothing extra like tutoring off.” teachers rated “highly effective” and
they don’t, though, the School Board or after-school meetings. The union and the School Board $600 a year to teachers rated “effec-
can still approve the contract. Media- tive.” BFT countered that offer with a
tion with the union is not binding and “Once we start it, it’s really some- had been at odds since October over request for $200 more per year for all
the School Board can put a contract thing that should never end,” he said the teachers’ 2017-2018 contract. teachers.
into effect at any time, with or with- of challenging teachers to work to the They met last week to discuss some
out union approval. contract. procedural issues, and Bennett said In the end, the two sides tenta-
he was surprised when School Board tively agreed on the 1.5 percent sal-
Meanwhile, the union is encourag- “Teachers are famous for ‘We go representatives brought up the sal- ary increase, and a one-time $200
ing its members to continue to “work home and we grade papers all into the ary issue. The two sides had been bonus. The bonus would extend to
to the contract,” despite the tentative night, we write out our lesson plans.’ A scheduled to go before a special every member of the union, including
agreement. lot of the teachers, now that we start- magistrate on Jan. 23 to try and come those not in classroom settings such
ed working to the contract, they’re re- to an agreement. That meeting has as counselors and media specialists.
Bennett said the teacher’s union alizing ‘Wow, we can get it done, and now been cancelled.
will still use social media to keep up
John Taylor and Zane Bostwick install wiring for new security cameras at Hightower Beach Park. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
SECURITY CAMERAS AT PARK mouth, threatened to kill her and
sexually assaulted her. She suffered
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 serious injuries. DNA evidence col-
lected under the victim’s fingernails
have been able to utilize existing un- linked Page, who was serving time in
derground tubing for the new system Polk County for failing to report as a
after removing the old wiring, he said. sexual predator, a status he received
after being convicted for an attack on
The new system, greatly improved a Tampa jogger in 2000.
over the capabilities of the previous
equipment, will have real-time moni- He ended up spending 13 years in
tors for police dispatchers but they jail for the crime.
will not be monitored 24/7. In addi-
tion, the live video feed will be able to For the Hightower incident Page
be accessed if needed by patrol cars faces charges of attempted murder,
with laptops, but the system mostly aggravated sexual battery, robbery
will be used for evidence after the and false imprisonment. Depositions
fact, he said. are still being taken in the case. A
docket sounding in his case is sched-
“We’ll make sure to have several uled for Feb. 12 at the Moore Justice
weeks of storage which should be Center in Viera.
more than long enough to go back
and look something up because most Page is being represented by at-
arrests are made within that length of torney John Gray from the Office of
time,” he said. Criminal Conflict and Civil Regional
Counsel for the Fifth District. Assistant
Had the new video system been up Public Defender Calvin Gittens, origi-
and running at the time of the 2017 nally representing Page, successfully
sexual assault, it might have aided in- petitioned to withdraw from the case
vestigators with a quick license plate after because a conflict of interest that
number to track the suspect who lat- arose once the Public Defender’s office
er was arrested due to a DNA match: realized it had previously represented
Harry Page, 37, of Winter Haven, a reg- the victim as a defendant.
istered sexual predator.
The Hightower cameras will be fol-
According to police reports and lowed by a similar system to be in-
court documents on the Hightower stalled at Pelican Beach Park which al-
case, the 59-year-old victim was sit- ready is in the city’s long range budget.
ting at the park reading a book when Also being considered are cameras in
a man began punching her, dragged the city skate park and dog park.
her outside, shoved a towel in her
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, January 25, 2018 3
“We worked to financially recog- ship that has contributed to the cul- fences and moving on and working nate the raise, his second in a year, to
nize the efforts of our phenomenal ture and success of Brevard Public together,” he said. the Supply Zone, which provides free
employees in a way that was also fis- Schools.” school supplies to teachers.
cally responsible,” Superintendent In December – as the strain be-
Desmond Blackburn said. “This is Bennett said the union wants to get tween BFT and the School Board was In turn, BFT is also donating to
an opportunity for us to get back to past the divisiveness caused by the reaching a pinnacle – the board gave the Supply Zone the approximately
enjoying the collaborative relation- impasse. Blackburn a raise of about $3,300. $3,000 it would have spent on the
Blackburn later said he would do- magistrate hearing.
“We’re looking forward to mending
4 Thursday, January 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Aeration system tested in anti-muck crusade BOY SCOUT LEADS CHARGE
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER Tests on canals will check for decreases in organic matter and improvements in water quality. PHOTO COURTESY F.I.T. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
[email protected]
The result – without stirring up sedi- system and get what’s left behind to ing for a skateboard park at SBCC. And,
An experimental technique of add- ment or otherwise clouding the water decompose.’’ he said. he pointed out, since the slides get hot
ing tiny bubbles to a small canal in Sat- – is sort of like the concept of compost- in the summer, a splash pad would be
ellite Beach could provide an impor- ing, where oxygen helps make organic Possible changes to variables con- nice, too.
tant new option for reducing muck in material break down over time, except sidered for the study could be to
the Indian River Lagoon, if the results it is happening underwater, result- change the size of the bubbles even Luke’s a fifth-grader at Gemini El-
pan out. ing in an overall reduction of muck, smaller or to explore the possibility of ementary. His plea to make SBCC more
said Allied Group USA President Jay pumping pure oxygen, he said. tween- and teen-friendly is part of an
To that end, John Trefry and Aus- Barfield of Orlando. effort to earn a Boy Scout merit badge
tin Fox of Florida Tech are currently “We’ve gone from skeptics to want- for communications. It started after
conducting a year-long study of an “We’re generating small bubbles ing this to succeed,’’ he said. a petition drive attempt by a family
aeration system developed by Allied and some stay at the bottom where friend petered out.
Group USA, Inc. of Orlando, now in compost-type conditions exist. It’s not Allied Group USA is contributing
place in Redwood Canal with nearby a true analogy but it’s about 80 per- $13,000 toward the study, with Florida Youth soccer coach and firefighter
Anderson Canal serving as a control cent true. We can reduce the amount Tech contributing $15,000 and Satel- Gus Forero, said he gathered signa-
canal without having the bubbles in- of muck to help keep the canals navi- lite Beach providing $14,000 in match- tures from the community and sub-
troduced. gable while reducing the nutrients that ing money including in-kind services. mitted them to the SBCC office about
cause fish kills,’’ he said. 18 months ago but never heard back.
The tests on the 100-foot-wide, Dredging is well known and studied He thinks the community as a whole
1,000-foot canals will check for sig- The hope is that this could be anoth- as a method to address muck accu- would still support the idea. “I know
nificant decreases in organic matter, er means to control muck problems, mulations. Aeration is a new idea that the people want it,” Forero said.
decreases in nitrogen and phosphorus Trefry said. takes some convincing on the part
levels (found in fertilizers) and for sig- of many government officials, a con- Luke’s mom, Shelle Pendergrast, said
nificant improvements in water clarity “With some of these canals the cept that could be aided by the study, she’d also like to see more organized
and quality. dredges barely fit, but something’s Barfield said. events for young people at the park’s
got to be done. When you dredge community center building. Janu-
“We went into this because every- creeks and canals there’s a lot of “We self-funded what we’re doing ary offerings include Zumba and yoga
one around here wanted chemical muck left behind. Now maybe you over there because we have fish dying. classes, pickleball, mah-jongg, a 40
proof that it was working or not. We’re will be able to bring in an aeration I told them I will do it for free because I and over basketball league, and bridge.
there really to see if it is viable. At this know that it will work. We’re doing this There are homeschool activities, and a
point, muck management is pretty project on us,’’ he said. kid’s night out is scheduled in February.
much synonymous with dredging.
There are a lot of people who would Steve Kimball, recreation super-
like to see other options including intendent for South Area Parks, said
aeration but there have been no tests citizens are always welcome to suggest
in the lagoon to evaluate its effective- improvements to park employees, or
ness. It might improve water quality to present ideas to the Parks and Rec-
and cut down on the chance of fish reation Advisory Board. But Kimball
kids,’’ Trefry said. pointed out that park improvements
take time and money.
The study, being funded by Florida
Tech, Satellite Beach and Allied Group “Some of the hurdles to funding
USA, will eventually result in a report capital improvements are availabil-
to the Indian River Lagoon National ity of funds and the priority of the im-
Estuary Program (NEP). provement compared to other budget
requirements,” he said. “Additionally,
The system involves very low pres- the cost of operating and maintaining
sure pumps pumping regular air to a park improvement over time must be
ceramic diffusors to create micro- factored in.”
bubbles at eight locations along the
bottom of the canal where muck ac- Kimball said things like security and
cumulates until dredged out. basic operations take first priority in
the budget. The county also considers
how many people any capital improve-
ments would serve. He said the SBCC
does not have any major capital im-
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
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Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, January 25, 2018 5
provements planned at this time. that future events might include a kite Luke has big ambitions for the future: Regarding all those petitions resi-
“Our efforts at the park right now are festival or movie nights. He wants to be CEO of Ford Motor Co., dents signed in 2016, Luke’s friend
and for the past few years has been cor- Forero said he didn’t follow up much
focused on increased programming to Luke said he knows it’s important for responding as a pen pal with the cur- after he submitted them, but he might
try to get more people into the commu- kids to get at least an hour of outside rent CEO. So he’s not scared off by the now that Luke is taking up the cause.
nity center. We’re looking at additional time a day, and he thinks they shouldn’t idea of talking to powerful people to get
programs and special events to bring be “stuck in the house all day playing things done. “He’s kind of inspired me,” Forero
people into the park,” he said, adding video games.” said. “A kid doing that is awesome.”
6 Thursday, January 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
PET ORDINANCE OVERHAUL Tuesday. Ivey said he would ask com- also investigates animal abuse, a task and medical care as needed.
missioners to let him tweak the section the Humane Society once did but later Ivey said the cats would have to be
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 on donations and grants to remove any left to the county.
competition with the Humane Society spayed or neutered and vaccinated
compete with any organization that or the Society for the Prevention of Cru- Both agencies work to educate pet against rabies. The revised ordinance
provides help for pets,” he said. “We elty to Animals. owners and adopt out their healthy ani- also calls for their ears to be tipped.
don’t ask for donations now and we mals, they said. And the animal-control
don’t intend to.” Clifton said her organization works law needed to be updated, Ivey said, Clifton also hailed the new regula-
hand-in-hand with the sheriff. The dif- to reflect current state law and provide tions preventing people from leaving
It’s part of a massive overhaul of an ference, she said, is Ivey’s officers go out more efficiency. poisons, drugs, alcohol or other sub-
ordinance that’s so old, Ivey said, that to nuisance-animal or dangerous-dog stances out that could kill a stray pet.
he can’t find anyone who can tell him complaints and take the animal back to For one thing, he said, the revised And she liked the restrictions on teth-
when it was last updated. Ivey’s office the county shelter. ordinance would provide for a “com- ering dogs outside the home. There’s a
took over animal control in 2014, before munity cat” program that would let “clear link,” the ordinance states, be-
which it was a county function. Her shelter, Clifton said, receives people have free-roaming cats if some- tween tying a dog outside and the ani-
strays or surrendered animals if some- one steps forward as the caregiver and mal’s increasing aggression.
The County Commission was expect- one brings them in. She said the county provides ongoing food and water daily
ed to pass the updates in its meeting The revised law prohibits dog own-
ers from using chain tethers with links
measuring 2.5 mm thick. The tether
must not weigh more than one-eighth
of the dog’s own weight. A violation of
this provision would authorize an ani-
mal control officer to take the dog to the
county shelter in Melbourne.
The tether should allow the dog to
move at least 10 feet in all directions,
the law states, and the owner needs
to provide a shelter from the weather
within the dog’s reach. Even so, the or-
dinance bars owners from leaving their
dogs outside in extreme heat, freezing
cold or storms.
County animal control officers won’t
be issuing citations for violating the new
tethering regulations within the next six
months. The ordinance says they’ll be
taking that time to educate violators of
the revised law and giving them 30 days
to make corrections.
At press time, one issue remained un-
settled. The ordinance requires veteri-
narians to sell county pet tags, following
a rabies vaccination, and relay the fees
to the county. They can add $2 for their
own service in the transaction. Selling
tags is voluntary now.
Ivey said the county has 272,600 pet
dogs and cats, but sold just 64,209 li-
censes in 2017, for a 24 percent com-
pliance rate. And of those licenses sold,
county figures show, veterinarians vol-
untarily sold 37,080.
Dr. Jeff Godwin wasn’t one of them.
Godwin, a veterinarian with a 37-year
practice and offices in Melbourne
Beach, Indialantic and Melbourne, said
he provides pet owners with county
literature and directions to the Animal
Control Division.
“I’m opposed to the idea of paying a
pet license tax in the first place,” God-
win said. “Animal control serves every-
one, so everyone should pay (including
Under the revised law, veterinarians
who don’t collect the fees can be fined
from $100 on first offense to $500 and
a County Court appearance on the
Godwin said that shows him the
county just wants to make money off
pet ownership. Not so, Ivey said. “It’s not
about the fees, it’s about compliance
with licensing,” Ivey said.
Mia and London Pacitto.
Poised performers prove
‘Brevard’s Got Talent!’
8 Thursday, January 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Poised performers prove ‘Brevard’s Got Talent!’
[email protected]
Enrique Contreras won in the kids division. years and a half. Enrique dances for ballet for her piece.
Brevard’s Got Talent! Enough talent parties at Mango’s Tropical Cafe in Or- The Vocals category treated the au-
to draw a full house at the Melbourne “He learned just looking at videos; lando. He dances there, so he’s a pro,”
Auditorium, to be precise. Last Friday he’s never taken classes,” said his moth- she said of the 8-year-old. dience to opera by Sarah Donovan of
evening, creative Brevardians shook off er, Palm Bay resident Irene Ramirez. Indian Harbour Beach, pop by singer/
any self-doubt to hit the stage for votes “He started dancing when he was three Spoken Word was won by Elizabeth acoustic guitarist Zachary Klein and a
during the Second Annual Brevard’s Hernandez with a powerful statement heartfelt rendition of “I Believe in You
Got Talent competition to benefit the squaring up against recent instances and Me” by Sanquenetta Morris, who
Space Coast Cultural Arts and Business of police brutality. Dominic Pirozzi and won. A stellar performance by Ayla Bak-
Organization. Stacy Martin both delivered emotional er Kural rounded out the Vocals compe-
works. tition.
Co-emceed by saxophonist Carl
Lewis and comic Dorian Gayle, the If there were a prize for most mem- With each as good as the other, Rap
show presented finalists in six catego- bers of a troupe, the 47-child-strong was won by Tyon Davis wearing an or-
ries: Spoken Word, Dance, Rap, Vocals, Extreme Allstars would have won the ange jail outfit for emphasis. Sean Et-
Step and Kids. About 40 artists had au- dance category. Though they earned waru, Kenny Wade and Orville Smith all
ditioned for the coveted spots. a standing ovation, BB Mitchell won delivered powerful rhymes to an appre-
with his interpretation of Sam Smith’s ciative audience.
The competition is part fundraiser, “Writing’s on the Wall.” Henry Idom’s
part celebration as young people dis- one-handed cartwheel drew whistles Step went by default to Heritage High
played a range of talents from precision during his performance. Up until two School as Oak Ridge High’s bus broke
dance routines to thought-provoking months ago, Satellite Beach could down coming from Orlando.
rap and spoken-word examinations of claim Gia Barnes as a hometown celeb
life in America for people of color. for winning last year. Barnes, 18, now Just as well, though, with Heritage
of Suntree, blended gymnastics and impressing the crowd by presenting its
The Palm Bay nonprofit, affection- routine behind expressionless masks
ately known as SCCABO, is the calling of of gold.
Alberta Clinkscales, 51, of Melbourne.
“We are a community economic de-
velopment strategy. I grew up in Jamai-
ca, Queens, so I was surrounded by a lot
of poverty, a lot of despair. I will always
work with young people and try to get
them to be inspired to do something
positive,” Clinkscales said in the lobby
during a quiet moment.
Before the first competitor hit the
stage, the co-hosts welcomed the
14-member drumline from Orlando’s
Jones High School as they shook the
walls with about eight minutes of rapid-
fire percussion.
Competition began with perfor-
mances by London Pacitto, Micaela
Cosgrove and Enrique Contreras in the
Kids category. Being among the younger
competitors was no handicap, though,
as winner Contreras brought the crowd
to its collective feet with a spot-on Mi-
chael Jackson tribute.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, January 25, 2018 9
Board bonanza as Pro Surf event hits Space Coast
Rachel, Tommy and Michelle Carroll. Hometown hero Caroline Marks. Event organizer Mitch Varnes with Jodi Campbell. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
Ken Compayre with John Woodland.
Chiara Hannan, Martin Jeri and Maria Hannan.
Philippa Anderson and Claire Bevilacqua.
The Florida Pro Surf contest
was held at Sebastian Inlet State
Park last week, hosting a World
Surf League qualifying event
that drew top-level surfers from
all over the world. It was the first
such event on the Space Coast
in seven years, marking the re-
turn of professional surfing to
the area. It was also the return of
hometown hero Caroline Marks,
15, currently the youngest surfer
ever to join the world tour.
Major surf contests have been
held at Sebastian Inlet for de-
cades, providing an opportunity
for local surfers to perform on an
international level, and solidify-
ing the Space Coast’s place in the
world of surfing.
10 Thursday, January 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Kelly Casanova, Evelyn Courtenay and Eva McDaniel.
Katie and Brisa Hennessy. Sean Stanhope and David Pritzken. Braidyn Cunningham with Gabe Seehafer.
12 Thursday, January 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Jokes are wild in ‘Funny Money’ and ‘Sister Act’
Peter Olander as Vic, Steve Costner as Henry STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH CORRESPONDENT briefcase. It is filled with money.
and Terrence Girard as Davenport (rear). [email protected] Assuming the money comes from
Parking should be tight on week- some no-good activity, Henry de-
ends through February in Down- cides to keep the money. However,
town Melbourne. he also is smart enough to realize his
briefcase is now in the possession of
That’s because two new comedies, the person he assumes is a criminal.
one of them a musical, are drawing
audiences to Melbourne theaters. So he decides to leave town and
head to Barcelona with his con-
“Funny Money,” a comedy by fused wife, Jean (Victoria Smith). A
farce-meister Ray Cooney, runs sudden doorbell announces the ar-
through Feb. 25 at Melbourne Civic rival of the police (Randy Caldwell
Theatre; and “Sister Act,” a stage and Terrence Girard) and the be-
musical based on the 1992 movie, ginning of Henry’s chaotic attempt
runs through Feb. 4 at the Henegar. to weave a complex tale.
Just as Cooney has a well-de- Other featured characters include
served reputation for being the Henry’s friends, Vic and Betty (Pe-
go-to person when you’re looking ter Olander and Sarabeth Dawson).
for funny farces, MCT director Peg
Girard has the same well-deserved Girard, who grew up watching Lu-
reputation for being the go-to per- cille Ball and Carol Burnett, works her
son when you’re looking for farces cast to keep the play clipping along.
that are well done. Her farce credo is “pace and energy.”
Indeed, over the years, Girard has “I look at the talent of my cast
mounted at least one farce, usually and I use all my favorite madcap
more, per season. By this time, her moves,” she said.
comedy shows are half sold out be-
fore they even open. Currently, there are about 100
seats left for the entire run, said
That’s the case with “Funny box office manager Kathy Kett. The
Money,” for which tickets started theater is considering added per-
becoming scarce before its first formances throughout the week,
curtain. Currently, only 100 tickets which is becoming a recurring
remain for the entire run. motif for the very successful Mel-
bourne Civic Theatre.
Although Girard hates talking
seriously about herself, she did al- While Girard has a long track re-
low that “Honestly, I think I was just cord in Brevard community theater,
born with a funny gene.” Dominic Del Brocco has gained a
following with not even a hand-
Like Cooney’s other farces, such as ful of Brevard community theater
“Out of Order” and “Move Over Mrs. shows to his directorial name.
Markham,” Cooney’s play “Funny
Money” is awash with slamming Del Brocco has directed before,
doors, mistaken identity and rising but his directorial debut here was
confusion. with the Henegar’s high school age
production of “Singin’ in the Rain.”
It gives audiences a “comic spec- Then, he moved into the regular
tacle,” Girard said. main stage with a highly regarded
production of “Sweeney Todd.”
The story revolves around milque-
toast accountant Henry Perkins Now, he’s onto “Sister Act,” a mu-
(Steve Costner). It be- sical originally produced in Lon-
gins when don, in part, by Whoopi Goldberg.
he picks up
the wrong Based on the screen-
Steve Costner as Henry Perkins.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, January 25, 2018 13
ARTS & THEATRE Donnie Gethers.
play by Joseph Howard, “Sister Act” male characters).
the musical was written by Cheri and In addition to a big cast, Del Broc-
Bill Steinkellner with music by Alan
Menken and lyrics by Glenn Slater. co also has to deal with frequent
big scenic shifts. In fact, that’s the
Like the movie, it revolves around show’s biggest challenge, he said.
nightclub singer Delores Van Cartier
witnessing a murder and being put The show has a false proscenium
into witness protection program. and large set pieces that use up “every
She is sent to the Queen of Angels ounce of space that we can,” he said.
convent, a dilapidated spot run by
nuns who struggle to keep it open. “There are so many changes
within the first act that are very
Delores takes on the identity of cumbersome,” Del Brocco said.
Sister Mary Clarence and brings her “But (the tech crew is) able to ex-
showbiz know-how to the convent’s ecute them effortlessly.”
choir, creating a community appeal
so strong that even the pope comes Ironically, his favorite moment
to see a service. does not employ a big scenic shift.
Meanwhile, of course, the mur- “While the big show-stopping
derer, who happens to be Delores’ numbers are flashy and upbeat, for
boyfriend, pursues her. me, I think, my favorite part of the
show is a song Delores sings called
Del Brocco cast Lillie Thomas ‘Sister Act,’ which is a ballad that
into the lead role of Delores. He’s follows a disco dream sequence.
worked with her before when they
were in “Rock of Ages” at Titusville “For all the over-the-top, big
Playhouse. She was a backup singer bulky scenes, my favorite is when
in that show. Del Brocco is thrilled she’s just at a desk in the light sing-
that he could offer her a role that ing her song.”
shows off her “beautiful voice.”
And although he never lets any-
While this is the first time Thom- one sees him sweat, Del Brocco
as, an Orlando resident, has per- had quite a day before opening: Not
formed at the Henegar, there are only did he have to serve jury duty,
a few on stage who are quite well he also had to jump onstage for an
known to Henegar audiences. extra who had to suddenly drop out.
Karen Monks, who most recent- “They’re just two quick cameo
ly was grouchy Miss Hannigan in scenes,” he said. “Hopefully you
the Henegar’s popular production won’t even notice. I’ll be watching
of “Annie,” takes on the role of the like the rest of the audience, run up
doubtful Mother Superior. And Bre- there and do my little thing and get
vard’s legendary actress Joan Tad- back to enjoying.”
die, who has made multiple appear-
ances both on stage and as director “Sister Act” runs through Feb. 4 at
at the Henegar, is Sister Mary Laza- the Henegar Center, 817 E. New Ha-
rus, the crass and outspoken nun ven Ave., Melbourne. Tickets are $26
who learns a new skill from Delores. general, $23 seniors, military and
students and $13 for children. A $3
“Everybody will be pretty amazed handling fee applies to all tickets. Call
at (Taddie’s) ability to rap,” Del 321-723-8698 or visit Henegar.org.
Brocco said.
“Funny Money” runs through Feb.
Men who hate the idea of going 25 at Melbourne Civic Theatre, 817 E.
to see a show filled with women in Strawbridge Ave., Melbourne. Tickets
habits need not fear. “Sister Act” are $29 and $31. Call 321-723-6935 or
also has significant male roles so
husbands won’t have to grouse to visit MyMCT.org.
their wives (who usually have to sit
through plenty of shows with pre-
dominantly, and some-
times only,
Lillie Thomas as the lead Delores.
14 Thursday, January 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Coming Up: A breath of fresh
Air Supply at the King Center
[email protected]
1 Did you know that the song
“I Can Wait Forever” by the
1970s-’80s Australian soft rock duo Air
Supply was featured in a scene from
the movie “Ghostbusters”? Neither
did I, till I read it on Wikipedia. I did
know that singer-songwriter and gui-
tarist Graham Russell and lead vocal-
ist Russell Hitchcock (aka Air Supply)
will be in concert this Sunday at the
King Center. These guys were super-
hot in the ’80s, with eight Top Ten 1 Air Supply at
the King Center.
hits in the U.S., and in 1980 a single,
“Lost in Love,” which was the fastest-
selling single in the world and Song of
the Year. Together for more than 40 famous, dictatorial Great White
Way director Julian Marsh works to
years, Air Supply remains in demand mount an extravagant stage musical
during the Great Depression, and
and continues a robust international aspiring chorus girl Peggy Sawyer
comes to the Bug Apple from Allen-
tour schedule. Wikipedia relates that town, Pa., and lo and behold, lands
her first big job in the ensemble of
STAGING SELLS HOMES the band was scheduled to perform in Marsh’s glitzy new Broadway spec-
tacular! “42nd Street” runs through
Coastal Interior & Haifa on Friday Nov. 25, 2016, but had Feb. 11. Show times are: Thursdays,
the Gunter Real Estate Group 7:30 p.m.; Fridays, 7:30 p.m.; Satur-
of Salt Water Realty of Brevard to postpone due to fires raging in the days, 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.; and Sun-
Just Unveiled an Innovative Staging Alliance! days, 2 p.m. Tickets are $16 to $24.
region. The band decided to give 200
If you have decided to make the commitment to sell
your home, you need the Gunter Group to list your free tickets to the wives of the Firemen
home. Properties listed with the Gunter Group
includes professional staging by Coastal Interior through the Haifa Fire Department
at ZERO COST to you! Staged homes sell faster
and for more money than homes not staged! Staging workers union. Show time is 7 p.m.
is expensive, difficult, & time consuming, but
STAGING SELLS HOMES! Tickets are $58.
Call Mark Gunter at (321) 345-1464 2 In 1980, “42nd Street” won the
Tony for Best Musical and be-
to schedule an appointment to discuss how he can
sell your home fast and for top dollar! came a long-running hit, and this 3 OK, Star Wars fanatics, crank
up those Imperial Walkers and
Friday, the Historic Cocoa Village
Playhouse opens its run of the ever charge your light sabers because next
Thursday “Star Wars in Concert” con-
tinues with “Star Wars: Episode V – the
Empire Strikes Back – In Concert,” with
the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra,
at the Dr. Phillips Center in Orlando.
And it’s going to be amazing. The ionic
full-length film will be shown on the
big screen, while the Orlando Philhar-
monic Orchestra performs John Wil-
liams’s legendary score live. It doesn’t
get any better than that. Show time is
7:30 p.m. Tickets start at $49.50.
4 What’s your favorite song from
the global smash hit musical
2 “42nd Street” at the
Cocoa Village Playhouse. comedy “Mamma Mia”? You can still
popular musical. The show is “a catch the show and enjoy all those great
celebration of Broadway and the
people who make the magic of mu- tunes through Sunday at the Titusville
sical theatre,” says the promo, and
it duplicated its Broadway success Playhouse, and join the 60 million or
in London’s West End, where it won
the Olivier Award for Best Musical. so people all over the world who love
Making it three for three, the 2001
Broadway revival won the Tony for the characters, the story and the unfor-
Best Revival. The story is about a
show wherein, says Wikipedia, the gettable ABBA music. According to its
official website, “Mamma Mia” is the
eighth longest-running show in Broad-
way history and one of only five musi-
cals to have run for more than 10 years
on Broadway. The West End production
is now in its 18th year. Main stage tick-
ets are $22, balcony; $28, orchestra.
16 Thursday, January 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Winter usually means a lull in the es can now strike Taliban targets at will, As more than a half-dozen U.S. military and Syria and assets such as jets, field
fighting in Afghanistan. Taliban fight- whereas under the Obama administra- officers put it, “The gloves are off.” advisers and surveillance drones are
ers blend back into their villages, where tion they were restricted to defending redeployed in Afghanistan. U.S. bases
it’s warm, and U.S. forces hunker down Afghan forces under imminent attack. The blitz is set to intensify as U.S. here are abuzz with activity. Numerous
through the holidays. military operations draw down in Iraq military officers used a phrase often
repeated during this war: “We’re at a
But for the first time in 16 years, the turning point.”
cold has not slowed the war in the air.
U.S. and Afghan forces conducted 455 But whether the new strategy is a de-
airstrikes in December, an average of cisive step toward forcing the Taliban
15 a day, compared with just 65 the year to the negotiating table or just another
before. Even in December 2012, when curve along a seemingly endless road
there were nearly 100,000 U.S. troops of war depends on whom you ask.
in Afghanistan, barely 200 strikes took
place. High above Afghanistan’s spectacu-
lar snow-swept mountains, from the
All told, 2,000 airstrikes were carried vantage point of a KC-135 Stratotanker
out between August and December of on a recent re¬fueling mission, what
last year, nearly as many as in all of was clear was the quickening pace of
2015 and 2016 combined. the air campaign.
The huge spike in airstrikes is the Over the course of six hours cir-
product of new rules of engagement, ad- cling above the two most active areas
opted as part of a strategy that President of fighting – Helmand and Nanga-
Trump announced in August. U.S. forc- har provinces, which are hundreds of
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, January 25, 2018 17
miles from each other – F-16 fighter W. Bush era, when many Americans return to a “conditions-based ap- From a U.S. domestic standpoint,
jets swooped in again and again, tak- thought the Taliban could be van- proach.” The shift, they say, sends a the political cost of recommitting to
ing on tens of thousands of pounds of quished, many analysts doubt the signal to the Taliban and its regional years of more war has diminished as
fuel in midair. new goal is attainable. backers that the United States is “here Afghanistan has faded almost entire-
to stay.” They also argue that it boosts ly from the national conversation. In
“Where last year we’d do a 12-hour “U.S. strategy is so military-centric. private conversations, foreign officials
flight over Afghanistan and offload here say the U.S. military may be in
maybe 20,000 pounds of fuel, now AS MORE THAN A HALF-DOZEN U.S. MILITARY OFFICERS Afghanistan indefinitely, as it is on the
we do four hours and might offload Korean Peninsula and elsewhere.
50,000 pounds,” said Ronny, a senior PUT IT, “THE GLOVES ARE OFF.”
airman who controlled the “boom,” In the coming years, the U.S. mili-
a device lowered from the back of the Even 100,000 troops couldn’t finish the resolve of the Afghan government tary hopes to double the size of Af-
KC-135 that can refuel almost any mil- the Taliban, and ever since those days, and aligned forces by showing that ghanistan’s special operations com-
itary aircraft. they have been zealously confident,” the United States has recommitted to mando force and to triple the size of
said Borhan Osman, senior analyst keeping them in power. the Afghan air force. It has already
A year ago, the U.S. Air Force was for Afghanistan at the International committed to sending roughly 3,000
preoccupied with bombing the Islam- Crisis Group. “The U.S. is misreading more American troops, bringing its to-
ic State in Mosul and Raqqa, and the Taliban psychology. Their whole fight tal to 14,000 to 15,000. Many will em-
KC-135s were flown out of an air base is about saying, ‘We were a legitimate bed with beleaguered Afghan ground
in Qatar, concentrated mostly on that government and you toppled us and forces. With more ground troops, more
effort. That meant combat pilots in Af- installed a puppet government.’ This and more aircraft will be required to
ghanistan might often be able to stay in new U.S. strategy will only make them provide cover.
the air for just an hour at a time before more willing to fight.”
running out of fuel. Human rights groups have long ex-
U.S. military leaders acknowledge pressed concern that more airstrikes
Under the new strategy, KC-135s are that the Taliban controls or contests could result in an increase in civilian
based in-country at Kandahar Airfield, nearly half of Afghanistan’s districts – casualties.
enabling combat pilots to stay out a number that has slowly crept higher
much longer. through the past year, according to the Military officials are quick to point
Special Inspector General for Afghani- out that, per their own numbers, ci-
“How’s it going down there?” Ronny stan Reconstruction, a U.S. govern- vilian casualties decreased in 2017
asked one of the F-16 pilots while their ment watchdog. from the previous year, despite the
planes flew in tandem, connected by huge increase in airstrikes.
the boom. The pilot could see him But they also generally praise the
through the boom’s window and talk to scrapping of what Trump called Presi- Independent verification of that
him over a radio. After some small talk dent Barack Obama’s “arbitrary dead- claim is hampered by constant vio-
– college football, dormitory high jinks, lines” for troop withdrawal and the lence, and recent reporting from Iraq
preferred breakfast meats, “Game of by media and monitoring groups has
Thrones” – the conversation turned to uncovered systematic underreport-
the matter at hand. ing of civilian casualties by the U.S.
“We dropped two big ones on them
about an hour ago. The guys on the Despite being on his third deploy-
ground called it in, saying they were re- ment over the course of a decade, Air
sponding to sniper fire,” said the F-16 Force Brig. Gen. Lance Bunch, the
pilot. “We might need to come back for NATO mission’s director of “future
one more round [of fuel], but I’m not ops” – meaning he leads the mission’s
sure yet.” strategic planning – is almost unbri-
dled in his optimism.
That luxury of time is new. And al-
though defending friendly troops un- Brushing off comments by Army
der fire isn’t, many of the recent air- Gen. John W. Nicholson Jr., command-
strikes have taken full advantage of er of U.S. forces here, that the war is at
the new rules of engagement. Dozens a stalemate, Bunch said it is a “stale-
of them, for instance, have targeted mate where the momentum has clearly
labs where the Taliban turns poppy shifted.” He said that the new strategy
into narcotics such as heroin, which was having “tremendous impact” and
it uses to finance its operations. Hun- that what he wants people back home
dreds of Taliban fighters have been to understand is that the new strategy
killed. is a “game changer.”
“We’ve started to hear of Taliban To Barnett Rubin, a senior fellow
commanders saying they can’t sustain at the Center on International Coop-
this level of casualties,” a senior intel- eration who has studied and written
ligence officer said during a briefing about Afghanistan for decades and
this month in Kabul. “Not that there’s advised the U.S. government and
any shortage of fighters, but it is creat- NATO, the appropriate response to
ing friction within their ranks.” that optimism is to ask, “Okay, but, so
The new strategy presupposes that
U.S. and Afghan forces can pound the “I’m not skeptical in the sense that
Taliban so hard that it has no choice but they say its going great and I say it’s
to relinquish its war against the Afghan not,” Rubin said. “It’s more that it
government and instead join it in some doesn’t matter what happens on
sort of power-sharing agreement. The the battlefield. The Taliban cannot
intelligence officer said that the Taliban be eliminated. We can say we’ll wait
could even be given control of entire them out, but we can’t. We have the
provinces in such an agreement. option of leaving, and they don’t.
Eventually, one way or another, we’ll
Yet even though that would be a take that option.”
major walk-down from the George
BRAIN ATTACK, PART IV: aspirin or another antiplatelet medicine. In some creased pressure on the brain, such as restless- © 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
cases, the clot causing the symptoms is removed ness, confusion, trouble following commands
TREATMENT FOR STROKE with a medical device (rather than dissolved with and headache. Other measures will be taken to
medicine). keep you from straining from excessive cough-
If you think you or someone else is having a ing, vomiting or lifting, etc.
stroke, call 9-1-1 right away. TREATMENT FOR HEMORRHAGIC STROKE
If the bleeding is due to a ruptured brain an-
EMERGENCY Although hemorrhagic strokes account for only eurysm, surgery to repair the aneurysm may be
13 percent of strokes, they cause 30 percent of done. In some cases, medicines may be given
Your emergency treatment starts in the ambu- deaths from stroke. Hemorrhagic strokes occur to control blood pressure, brain swelling, blood
lance. The emergency medical technicians (EMTs) when an artery in the brain leaks blood or rup- sugar levels, fever, and seizures.
may take you to a Primary Stroke Center to ensure tures (breaks open). The leaked blood puts too
you receive the quickest possible diagnosis and much pressure on brain cells, which damages If a large amount of bleeding has occurred and
treatment. At the hospital, healthcare providers them. High blood pressure and aneurysms (bal- symptoms are quickly getting worse, you may
will ask about your medical history and about the loon-like bulges in an artery that can stretch and need surgery to remove the blood that has built
time your symptoms started. Brain scans will show burst) are examples of conditions that can cause up inside the brain and to lower pressure inside
what type of stroke you had. a hemorrhagic stroke. the head.
With an ischemic stroke (the most common type of cur when an artery in the brain bursts, flooding Since one in four stroke survivors has another
stroke), the artery that supplies oxygen-rich blood the surrounding tissue with blood; stroke within five years, it’s important to follow
to the brain becomes blocked. Blood clots often SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGES, which refer your physician’s recommendations regarding
cause the blockages that lead to ischemic strokes. to bleeding in the area between the brain and the medications, diet, exercise and other healthy life-
thin tissues that cover it. style habits.
Measures will be taken to stabilize your vi-
tal signs, including giving you medicines. If your Treatment includes efforts to control bleeding, REHABILITATION
stroke is diagnosed soon enough, usually within reduce pressure in the brain, and stabilize vital
three hours after the start of symptoms, you may signs, especially blood pressure. Rehabilitation can include working with speech
be given a clot-dissolving medicine called tissue therapists, physical therapists and/or occupation-
plasminogen activator (t-PA), which can increase You will be closely monitored for signs of in- al therapists.
your chances of recovery. You may also receive
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are
always welcome. Email us at [email protected].
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, January 25, 2018 19
In the days after the to their customers was stein shows that almost two decades of terabytes of data, far more than the in-
Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, it became clear the main promise of governmental efforts to make the global formation made public by WikiLeaks in
to intelligence agencies that tracking the most banks catering to financial system more transparent have 2010 or Edward Snowden in 2013.
funds of terrorist groups and individu- a wealthy international yielded scant results. While the system is
als was one of the most powerful tools clientele. now more tightly regulated and its con- But as Bernstein painstakingly docu-
at their disposal. Thus, “follow the mon- trols harder to evade, those who have ments, the impact of the Panama Papers
ey,” a Watergate-era dictum, acquired This needed to the motives and the money can still buy was not due to just the huge size of the
renewed relevance in the 21st century. change. Thus, the opacity, anonymity and secrecy for their leak but the details it revealed about how
Monitoring money flows would not only month after the at- financial dealings. the shadowy world works and who some
allow those fighting terrorism to disrupt tacks, Congress en- of its inhabitants are. Most of them are
al-Qaeda’s financial support, but, even acted the Patriot Act, Provided, of course, that they retain not household names, just very rich indi-
more important, it could provide ac- the assistance of experts like the lawyer I viduals. And because owning an offshore
tionable intelligence about the terror- a broad set of provi- interviewed in Zurich or Mossack Fonse- corporate entity is not illegal, many of
ists’ identities, their whereabouts and, in sions aimed at en- ca, a Panamanian law firm that until 2016 Mossfon’s clients use the complex legal
some cases, even their future targets. hancing domestic was one of the world’s largest providers structures the firm designed for them for
security against ter- of offshore financial services. But what legitimate purposes.
Unfortunately, it became equally ap- rorism, strength- are those? A leaked internal memoran-
parent that there were significant hur- dum from the firm helpfully explained Bernstein, however, is not that inter-
dles in tracking these money flows. The ening border con- that 95 percent of its work consisted of ested in the run-of-mill global rich who
international financial system was rife trols, boosting “selling vehicles to avoid taxes.” Moss- seek anonymity. Instead, he concen-
with centuries-old rules, institutions surveillance and fon, as the giant law firm is also known, trates on telling the stories of those who
and practices that made it very easy for improving intelligence gathering. The is the source that underpins Bernstein’s broke the law, evaded taxes, circum-
banks to shield their clients’ identities law also included a section “intended exhaustive investigation of what he calls vented international sanctions, hid as-
and hide their assets and transactions to facilitate the prevention, detection the “largely unregulated place known sets, cheated partners, or “normalized”
from the prying eyes of tax authorities, and prosecution of international money as the secrecy world,” where, in his esti- fortunes made through crime and cor-
law enforcement agencies, and litigious laundering.” This mandated strict new mate, 8 percent of the world’s household ruption. Among Mossfon’s best-known
business partners or former spouses. controls on financial transactions and financial wealth is hidden. clients are a dozen current or former
Guaranteeing secrecy and anonymity unprecedented banking regulations, heads of state, including dictators with
such as the obligation to know the iden- Bernstein, an experienced journal- immense fortunes that were impossible
tities of the ultimate owners of accounts ist, was a senior member of the Inter- to accumulate honestly.
held offshore and of those involved in in- national Consortium of Investigative
ternational money transfers. Moreover, Journalists (ICIJ) team that broke the In a brief epilogue, the author does
Washington vigorously pressed other Panama Papers story, which in 2017 won not discuss the broader context that
nations to adopt similar measures. the Pulitzer Prize for explanatory report- has shaped and is now changing the il-
Four years later, as part of my research ing. The Panama Papers consist of more licit world he so ably dissected. Instead,
for a book on global illicit trades, I in- than 11 million files stolen from Mossack Bernstein describes the details of the
terviewed in Zurich a well-known pri- Fonseca and anonymously obtained by predictable decline of Mossfon and then
vate banker who specialized in what he the German newspaper Süddeutsche goes into the organizational frictions
described as “wealth management for Zeitung, which turned for help in ana- that led the ICIJ to part ways with its par-
high-net-worth individuals from around lyzing them to the ICIJ. The consortium ent organization, the Center for Public
the world.” I asked him how much hard- then organized a massive investigative Integrity.
er it was now for his clients to hide for- effort that eventually involved journal-
tunes or move them around. He smiled ists from 107 media organizations in SECRECY WORLD
and calmly replied: “The main difference more than 80 countries. The large en- INSIDE THE PANAMA PAPERS
is that now I charge more.” deavor was necessary because of the INVESTIGATION OF ILLICIT MONEY
In “Secrecy World: Inside the Panama scale of the leak, which included files for NETWORKS AND THE GLOBAL ELITE
Papers Investigation of Illicit Money more than 200,000 Mossfon clients from
Networks and the Global Elite,” two- the past 40 years. The files contained 2.6 BY JAKE BERNSTEIN
time Pulitzer Prize winner Jake Bern- Henry Holt. 335 pp. $30
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20 Thursday, January 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz falls head over paws for delightful Duchess
Hi Dog Buddies! Famly. When we got here, I Duchess Davidson, English Springer Spaniel. PHOTO BY: GORDON RADFORD
met Mommy, an my human
This week I innerviewed Duchess brother, Graham. He was a “Pawsome!” I exclaimed, re-
Davidson, an English Springer Span- great Big Brother. Helped me
iel (like me). An I just wanna say … get used to my new home, lieved to learn that flush didn’t mean Same in the car. I sit
WOOF! I mean, she’s got it Goin’ ON! the rools an stuff. He’s in
She was right there at the door to greet Heaven now. I still miss what I had thought it meant. “Any fa- in the front seat in my halter, lookin’
me an my assistant, an she trotted over him.”
politely for the Wag-an-Sniff. vorite food?” out the window. I specially love drivin’
“I totally understand,
“WELLcome, Mr. Bonzo! I’m so very Miss Duchess,” I told her. “Well, Mr. Bonzo, I must admit this through the Shenandoah. There’s cows
pleased to meet you in The Fur. I love “So, tell about your life
your column. This is my Mommy, Wes- these days.” one little food thing: Dead Sea Crea- an silos an stuff. But, when I see Dad-
ley, an my Daddy, Sandy. Please, make
yourself comf-tubble. Can I get you “Mommy says I was the tures. I find the aroma irrresistubble. dy puttin’ on his loafers, that means
anything? Water? A liddle snack?” Perfect Puppy. I didn’t
whine, or chew stuff I Mommy an Daddy make sure I don’t they’re goin’ Out To Dinner an I hafta
She led us into the living room. shouldn’t. PLUS, I’m af-
“Um, I, er …” I stammered. Her coat fectionate. An puh-lite. ackshully EAT any, but I’ve come close. Stay Home. Which Isn’t FAIR. I lie on
was soft as a bunny, snow white, an a An smart. Me an Daddy
pretty color humans call ‘liver,’ but I’m have this morn- I’m tryin’ to get over it. It helps when the couch an POUT. I won’t even look at
thinkin’ dark chocolate. She had a cool
haircut, the back short, tummy, chest ing routine: Dad- Mommy gives me a peanut butter Kong. ’em, cuz my feelings are hurt. But don’t
an legs longer an wavy. And when she dy says, ‘Get the paper.’ I go out to the
walked away, it was like she was wea- front yard an stand over the paper an I also enjoy hors d’oeuvres. When we get me wrong, I’m a totally lucky girl.
rin’ dark chocolate pantaloons an Check Out the Day: nose to the breeze,
fluffy white boots. Uh-DOR-ubble. inhalin’ all those cool morning smells. have a party, I love hangin’ out with the Yummy food, lotsa toys. Cozy nests to
Pretty face, too: big brown eyes, dark Then I pick up the paper and toodle
chocolate nose, an a beauty mark, like into the TV room where Daddy is, with humans. If, perchance, there’s an hors nap in. Ribbons for my ears.”
that human model lady. Her tail was his cuppa coffee. He takes the paper an
bobbed, an her long, wavy ears were all gives me a Treat. d’oeuvre at the edge of the coffee table, I couldn’t buh-leeve how fast the
different colors, with natch-rull high-
lights. “Another thing I love (you can probly I sneak up on it: I casually move in, ap- time had passed. Heading home, I
OK, I admit it. I was staring. Fiddling relate, bein’ a Springer, too): Flushin’
with my notebook, telling myself firm- Pheasants. Didja ever flush a pheas- proaching the table sideways. Then, couldn’t stop thinkin’ about bunny-soft
ly to snap out of it. ant?”
“Right! So! Miss Duchess, tell me when the moment’s right, I NAB it!” fur, an those big brown eyes. Sigh.
about your journey.” “Ackshully, no. Not yet,” I managed.
“Well, up in New York state, Mommy “Umm, they’re birds, right?” “Rock on, girl! Any pooch pals?”
an Daddy had Daisy, a German Short-
haired Pointer, an a Beagle named “Of course, silly!” she laughed. “You “At the beach, I run around with Ed-
Duke. (All their dogs’ names start with MUST try it. When we go to Fishers
‘D.’) They’re up in Dog Heaven now. Island, on Long Island Sound, me an die, he’s a terrier. Up at Fishers Island,
Then Mommy an Daddy moved here. Daddy go lookin’ for pheasants. Not to
Their frens had Springer Spaniels, hunt. Just to flush. We wouldn’t hurt -The Bonzme an my cousins Birdie an Rory hang
which Mommy an Daddy thought were ’em. The pheasants are scwunched
Totally Cool Kibbles, so they decided way down in the underbrush, hopin’ out. Mostly, though, I’m a People Pooch.
that’s what their next pooch would be. we won’t notice ’em. But I always do. When we’re on walks, people are al-
Their frens told ’em about Kensington Stealthily I creep closer, then, POW! I ways stoppin’ to say how pretty I am.
Spaniels, in Hilton Head. Mommy an spring straight up in the air! My ears
Daddy called an told ’em they wanted a fly straight up, too. Mommy says I look Don’t be shy!
liddle girl puppy, not a Show Dog, just a like one of those Wile E. Coyote/Road- We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
plain ol’ Family Dog. So the kennel put runner cartoons, like I’m onna tram- an interview, please email [email protected].
’em on The List. poline. Well, you better buh-LEEVE
“Finally (it was ’09) the kennel called those pheasants take off like their tail-
an said they had the perfect liddle feathers are on fire.”
girl. ME! See, I couldn’t be a Show Dog
cuz of not havin’ a Full Collar, which
means my fluffy white fur didn’t go
all the way around my neck. ’Cept for
that, I was perfect. So Daddy picked up
my human sister, Leigh, at college (she
LOVES dogs) an they drove up to the
kennel. Well, they took one look at me
(not to brag, but I was an Irresistubble
Liddle Fluffball) an they Totally Melt-
ed. An I KNEW I’d found my Forever
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, January 25, 2017 21
Letitia Landon, a 19th-century English poet and novelist, wrote, “How disappointment AK54
tracks the steps of hope!”
All bridge players have had to suffer disappointing results. But in some cases, the loss K 10 8 5 2 EAST
was self-inflicted, declarer being unduly optimistic and running into an unfavorable Q J 10
distribution of the cards, one that would not have been fatal to the contract if he had J9 AQ
played more carefully. K76
In this week’s deal, South is in five clubs. What should he do after West leads the heart
queen, taken by dummy’s king? As a secondary issue, how would three no-trump have Q 10 8 7 2
An inexperienced player would have bid three no-trump with that North hand and
been very disappointed when West knew enough to duck the first round of clubs and SOUTH
restrict declarer to a pair of club tricks. If South has seven winners, as his pre-empt at
unfavorable vulnerability suggests, North has the four tricks that justify leaping to five 9
Declarer should see that he has three potential losers in his hand: one spade, one heart
and one club. He has only 10 top tricks: two hearts, two diamonds and six clubs. 63
An optimist would run the club nine at trick two. However, if West is in midseason form, A Q J 10 8 4 3
he will take the trick and return a trump to kill the contract.
Dealer: South; Vulnerable: North-South
South must ruff his heart loser on the board. He should cash the heart ace, then exit
with a spade to open up a communication line to his hand. East does best to take the The Bidding:
trick and shift to his trump, but declarer wins with his ace, trumps his last heart, ruffs a
spade in hand and sets about drawing trumps. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
3 Clubs Pass 5 Clubs All Pass
Q Hearts
Doors Open @ 11:45
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22 Thursday, January 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Contented sound (4) 1 Theatre fan (4-4)
3 Soggy mass (4) 2 Change direction (8)
9 Think up (5) 4 Without reward (6)
10 Holy books (9) 5 Ghost (7)
11 On edge, tense (5) 6 Famous person (4)
12 Musician (9) 7 Watery part of milk (4)
15 -- Hemingway, author(6) 8 Operatic song (4)
17 Blacken the name of (6) 13 Youngster (8)
19 Flat (9) 14 Something hated (8)
21 Custom (5) 16 Smash (7)
23 Small orange (9) 18 Large bottle (6)
24 Lifting machine (5) 20 Arduous journey (4)
25 Short slope (4) 21 Chop roughly (4)
26 Flat-topped hill (4) 22 Boyfriend (4)
The Telegraph
Steer, Mercer & Co. How to do Sudoku:
Gary Steer, CFP®, Enrolled Agent
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numbers one through
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(330) 726-6668. Gary Steer; Steer, Mercer & Co.; and Cadaret, Grant are separate entities.
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, January 25, 2018 23
ACROSS 76 ___ supra 5 Hair restraints 80 Museum piece The Washington Post
1 Murder, She 77 Adjutant, e.g. 6 Maroon 81 Out caller
78 Director 7 The cop in It’s A 82 Math homewk.
Wrote 84 Butler’s last
network Grosbard Wonderful Life
4 Delighted cries 79 Counterpart of 8 Kent’s love word, 1939
7 Unoriginal 9 Integra maker 85 Disneyland prefix
11 Holding tanks, in dim., 10 Dress line 86 Sufficient, old-
a way in music 11 Gray wolf
17 Small branching, 80 Spent 12 Quitter’s motto style
of a sort 83 Sexy subject 13 AT&T rival 87 Aphorisms
19 Dave Garroway’s 88 Race for Alain 14 Market types 89 Ghostlike
signoff Prost 15 Shoo-fly pie 91 Chef Potts?
20 Supernatural 90 With 4 Down, 95 Sucker
21 “Did ___ the one whose cow? ingredient 96 Ben and
about ...” 92 ___ handstand 16 Charon’s river
22 Spectacle 93 Actress Merkel 18 Stage: abbr. Gertrude
pioneers 94 Champaign’s 19 Invention 98 Of a continent
24 Basic sister 99 Design a garden
26 Director Howard 95 Sees or sites protection 103 Easter is one
27 Some salmon 97 Adjusted 22 Kukla’s creator 105 Kite’s props
28 Wall St. hotshot opening? 23 Florida wrecker 106 ___ off
29 Pyrite, e.g. 100 Altercation
30 Whistle-wetter in 101 Actress Patricia of 1992 (intermittently)
Watford 102 Actress Peeples 25 Lethal wrapper 107 Ultimate, in a
32 “___ in ‘Tom’” 104 1948 Oscar tune 31 British inc.
34 Fred’s neighbors, 108 Little marvel 33 Gulf E of Djibouti way
on TV 110 Rejuvenation 34 Turkey 109 Detector’s find
40 A pair, in Paisley station 35 Old Nick’s thing 111 James Garfield’s
42 Bounce on one’s 112 Night, in 36 “So long”
knee Glasgow 37 Wire cutter? middle name
45 Oogenesis 113 British verb 38 Stumble 114 Slips (away)
subjects ending 39 Slangy OK 115 In apple-pie
46 Govt. check 114 Like Alistair 41 Abe Lincoln’s
issuer Cooke: abbr. order
47 Where the 116 Immigrants take sign 117 Thes. entries
rubber meets the it: abbr. 43 Cast off 119 Resembling
road 118 Classy movie
49 Hartford foe duo inhibitions paddles
51 High-tech East 124 Personal assets 44 Callback? 120 Wins, in a card
Coast sch. 127 Dressing choice 48 Climactic cry
52 Paul Scott’s “The 129 Crime-world 50 Young ___ (kids) game
___ Quartet” go-between 53 Pertaining to 121 Actress
55 Old college cheer 130 Brings home
56 23rd Psalm verb 131 Dogfight pond scum Andersson
57 Livid participant 54 Evita’s guy 122 Actor Neeson
62 ___ corpus 132 Underpriced 56 It’s covered with 123 Actress Turner
64 Reminiscer’s items 125 Actress Thurman
word 133 Grant and March film 126 Actress Arthur
65 Help out on the 134 Kristi 58 Fratricidal guy 128 Actor Beatty
hwy. Yamaguchi’s 59 Baseball’s
66 Show shock surface BED AND BREAKFAST ALTERNATIVES By Merl Reagle
68 Poet’s word 135 Magazine Daniels
69 No-more-seats famous for its 60 Buñuel-Dali film
sign fold-in
70 Carl said he DOWN of 1929, An ___
never 1 ___ wolf Dog
said it 2 Bumbler 61 Double curve
75 Typical guy’s 3 Old, as milk 63 Ravel work
exclamation? 4 See 90 Across 67 Ling-Ling was
69 Cold shoulder
70 Completely,
71 Wild goat
72 Lobster catcher?
73 “Look what ___!”
74 Chan portrayer
75 Diving bird
79 “Son of” sequel?
The Telegraph
24 Thursday, January 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
How to tell annoying FaceTimer it’s time to turn it off
BY CAROLYN HAX What I hope you’ll ask – and what I’m answering later isn’t much better. Both hit your sister-in-law after
Washington Post whether you ask it or not: Is it really more “sensitive” the fact when mid-fact was available to you all along.
and less likely to “alienate or upset” someone to skip
Dear Carolyn: When does Face- right past talking to her and jump straight to icing If it wasn’t conceivable in the moment to respond
Time become an intrusion? her out? With “needless to say” certainty of your righ- in the moment and show her kindly to a room with a
teousness, no less? door, three minutes into FaceTime Part I, then make
My sister-in-law recently relo- it so next time: “I’m going to interrupt you for a sec –
cated to our area. We invited her to Answer: No. It isn’t. Silently blackballing someone let’s move you to the guest room where you can talk
join us for our traditionally quiet isn’t kind at all, it’s cowardly, and “confronting” days freely. It’s too chaotic in the family room. Hi [rela-
New Year’s Eve celebration. About tive’s name]!! [smiley-waving at iPad screen].”
two hours before midnight, she pulled out her iPad
and FaceTimed her daughter, son-in-law and grand- If your home is too small or thin-walled even for
daughter, and proceeded to talk for the next two hours that, then, after a polite time allowance for calls, you
or longer. Essentially three people were invited into step in with apologies and say you’re all unable to
our home, disrupted our evening and became a huge play with the calls going on – “thin walls, so sorry.”
Both my husband and daughter bemoaned the loss It was in fact dishonest of all of you to allow the
of our peaceful evening. We like the family she called, behavior to continue for two hours as if you had no
and I understand a brief phone call, but over two objection to it, only to attach consequences that
hours? kick in a full year after the fact and that your sister-
I’m for confronting her, but my very sensitive hus- in-law won’t even know she brought upon herself,
band doesn’t want to alienate or upset her. Needless to much less be able to address. With loved ones, you
say, we won’t be including her in future New Year’s cel- either voice your objection clearly or you waive your
ebrations, but what about other holidays? right to punish them for it.
– Angry and Frustrated As for what you do about it now, the short answer
is, nothing. It happened, it tanked your party, it was
Angry and Frustrated: FaceTime becomes an in- as much a result of your failure to stop it as of your
trusion when the people surrounding the call are sister-in-law’s choice to start it.
too distracted by it to carry on with what they were
doing, and I can’t see how other holidays will be But now you know.
any different from New Year’s. Invite her to whatever you normally would as a
forewarned, forearmed host. Be ready – as in, re-
That answers your questions, but they’re the spectful enough – to speak your mind and to give her
wrong questions. a chance to speak hers. And consider a no-devices-
in-communal-spaces rule, since all of us should.
I think this is the beginning of a beautiful hostship
Weight-loss surgery can
have wide-ranging benefits
26 Thursday, January 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Weight-loss surgery can have wide-ranging benefits
[email protected]
Medical definitions can be a very
tricky thing. Take, for example, one
seemingly clear-cut word: cure.
The Massachusetts General Hos-
pital website claims that bariatric
weight loss surgery does not “cure”
diabetes. But then the famed Boston
hospital’s Digestive Healthcare Cen-
ter goes on to say, “Weight loss sur-
gery causes profound changes in the
incretins – the hormones in the gas-
trointestinal tract that cause insulin
to be released. These changes lead
to significant improvement in type
2 diabetes and can cause long-term
changes in the pancreas that causes
diabetes to go away.”
“Long-term changes” that cause
“diabetes to go away” sounds an aw-
ful lot like a “cure” to most folks.
However the terms are parsed, Dr.
Jason Radecke, the vice-chair of sur-
gery at Steward Health’s Sebastian
River Medical Center and his partner
at the Riverside Surgical & Weight
Loss Center, Dr. Patrick Domkowski
– chairman of surgery for the Sebas-
“... there’s still a stigma
surrounding the idea of
surgery to lose weight... we are
one of only six hospitals in the
entire state to receive a five-
out-of-five-star Healthgrades
score [for these procedures].”
-Dr. Jason Radecke
tian hospital – appear to have come Radecke goes on to make it clear
about as close as anyone to healing there’s more at stake than insu-
patients with type 2 diabetes through lin shots in overcoming diabetes
some 1,500 gastric sleeve or gastric through weight-loss surgery.
bypass procedures.
He points to heart and blood vessel
“We say we put your diabetes into diseases, nerve damage, kidney dam-
remission,” Radecke says diplomati- age, eye damage, foot damage, hear-
cally, sidestepping the “cure” de- ing impairments, obstructive sleep
bate. “The gastric bypass will put apnea and all the other complica-
diabetes into remission 85 percent tions the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins
of the time.” and the National Institutes of Health
say excess weight and diabetes can
The gastric sleeve procedure, Ra- bring with them.
decke adds, “is close” to bringing a 75
percent remission rate. “What is the cost of treating hy-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, January 25, 2018 27
YOUR HEALTH River, Brevard or St. Lucie counties to
be certified by the American Society
of Metabolic Surgeons and the Amer-
ican College of Surgeons as a “Bariat-
ric Center of Excellence.”
Whether the weight-loss surgeries
performed there constitutes a “cure”
or a “remission” will be up to individ-
ual patients to decide.
Dr. Jason Radecke is with the River-
side Surgical & Weight Loss Center and
Steward Healthcare’s Sebastian River
Medical Center. His offices are at 14430
U.S. 1 in Sebastian. The phone num-
ber is 772-413-0678.
pertension?” Radecke asks. “What
are the costs of treating sleep apnea?
What are the costs of treating hyper-
cholesterol going to be? When I talk
about 85 percent [remission rates]
for diabetes after a gastric bypass,
it is a 90 percent cure of cholesterol
problems for the rest of your life. It
is a 90 percent chance that you will
come off of your C-PAP machine and
never require it again which, by the
way, decreases your heart attack risk
by about sevenfold and your stroke
risk fourfold.”
Weight-loss surgery has proved it-
self to the extent that Medicare now
pays for it, though some insurance
companies are still holding out,
keeping a closer eye on their bottom
line than on the waistlines of their
“All of them are different,” says Ra-
decke. Some will pay. Others won’t.
It makes sense for Medicare to pay
for bariatric surgery, in part, because
the cost of ongoing diabetes treat-
ments can range upwards of $100,000
to $200,000, depending on age and
sex, while the one-time cost for the
sleeve or bypass procedures are less
than one tenth of that.
As Radecke puts it, Medicare “is
saving taxpayers a ton of money” by
paying their share for the procedure.
At SRMC, according to Radecke,
“our private-pay sleeve is $9,900 and
our bypass is like $12,000,” without
any assistance from insurance.
But those numbers deserve an as-
terisk because, Radecke points out,
they are “all-inclusive.”
They include anesthesia as well
as everyone who has to see you be-
fore and after the procedure as well
as all pre-op visits and post-op vis-
its. Those are often separate charges
elsewhere, he says.
And, while Radecke admits,
“there’s still a stigma surrounding
the idea of surgery to lose weight,”
he proudly points out “we are one of
only six hospitals in the entire state to
receive a five-out-of-five-star Health-
grades score” for these procedures.
SRMC is the only hospital in Indian
28 Thursday, January 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Exercise judgment: Injury prevention gets harder as you age
STORY BY CAROLEE BELKIN WALKER specific guidelines yet for recreational which may be equipped with flash-
THE WASHINGTON POST athletes, what experts have learned so light-type technology to measure your
far can help us enhance our intuitive heart rate from your fingertip.
Aging athletes know we need more sense of readiness by throwing some
time to recover from our workouts, but objective measures into the mix. Sharp said individuals can mea-
how can we tell if we have recovered sure their heart rate first thing in
enough? Or whether we are not push- One way is to monitor your resting the morning, but often they wake up
ing hard enough for our exercise to heart rate, which can help you under- startled by their alarm or stressed
matter? When we were younger all we stand how well you are recovering from about getting ready for work or need-
had to do was lace up our shoes and go. your previous exercise session. If you ing to use the bathroom.
keep a log of your resting heart rate,
“Whether you’re a competitive ath- you will get a sense of what is normal Sharp recommends going to the
lete or a recreational one, either find- for you. If it is higher than usual, Mc- bathroom as soon as you wake up but
ing an intuitive understanding of your Guinness said, that is often a sign your then returning to a quiet room and ly-
readiness to exercise or using some nervous system may be overstressed, ing down or sitting for two to five min-
external measures can improve your indicating a lower level of recovery. utes before measuring your heart rate.
overall fitness and help you avoid
injury,” according to sports medi- “There is research that shows that Testing your grip strength is an-
cine specialist and physical therapist changes in your resting heart rate over other way to measure your readiness
Kevin McGuinness, who practices at time can be a measure of total stress for exercise, McGuinness said. While
Washington Orthopaedics & Sports level in the body,” Sharp said. “And significant grip strength research fo-
Medicine. Exercising, particularly as what you want to focus on is trends.” cuses on frailty and cardiovascular
you age, might also require a more sci- For example, over time with aerobic risk, there is a growing body of work
entific approach to how you are feel- training we should expect our resting connecting grip strength to sports re-
ing and how you are doing, he said. heart rate to decrease, which is a sign covery and performance.
of improved cardiovascular fitness,
The good news is there is some Sharp said. So if your resting heart rate Even if you’re a runner and think
promising research on exercise readi- is going up over time, that can be a sign grip strength has nothing to do with
ness, according to Carwyn Sharp, chief your body is experiencing too much running, McGuinness says you can
science officer at the National Strength chronic stress and needs more rest. benefit from testing your grip strength
and Conditioning Association in Colo- with a dynamometer, or grip trainer,
rado Springs. Although there are no You can take your resting heart rate commercially available in most sport-
by lightly pressing your index and third ing goods stores. You can start by get-
Experience the fusion of fingers on the inside of your wrist be- ting a baseline of how many pounds of
traditional values and low your thumb next to your tendon force you can squeeze easily on a good
and counting the beats for 60 seconds. day. Using that reading, stronger days
modern dentistry. There are also plenty of automated may indicate you are ready for a hard-
options, including using an exercise er workout, and weaker days may be a
Collins & Montz tracker, which can monitor your heart sign you need more recovery, he said.
rate as you sleep, or your smartphone,
DCOESMNETTICI&SFTAMRILYY Using sleep trackers to plot the
amount of quality sleep you are getting,
At Collins & Montz, DMD, based on the time you go to bed and the
we will focus on improving every time you wake up and your movement
aspect of your smile for optimal during the night, can also help you de-
appearance, function, and termine how well you are recovering
comfort through our general from your training, McGuinness said.
family dentistry, and restorative
procedures such as dental In fact, combining multiple mea-
implants. Our comprehensive sures of recovery and readiness to-
range of services and dedication gether, such as heart rate and sleep,
of quality set us apart. Call today to determine an athlete’s readiness
to schedule your appointment. for exercise, seems to be much more
valid than a single factor, Sharp said.
“If your heart rate is tracking up,
(321) 725-6565 • MELBOURNEBEACHDENTISTRY.COM that’s something, but you have to look
at your sleep, too,” he said. The reason
your heart rate is raised might be be-
cause you are not getting enough sleep.
Or you might not be getting enough
quality sleep. If you are getting enough
good-quality sleep, he added, but your
heart rate is still drifting up, it might
be because your volume or intensity
of training is going up too quickly and
you need to back off a bit.
You also want to track how you feel,
how tired you are. Sharp suggested
logging your level of fatigue on a scale
of 1 to 10 and noting any patterns. “A
little fatigue is good,” Sharp said, “be-
cause training should be causing some
low-level fatigue.”
30 Thursday, January 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Goombay’s Island Grill: Flavorful fare with Caribbean vibe
REVIEW BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER Surf and Turf Bowl. Filets of Mahi.
[email protected]
Chef’s Mac and Cheese Bowl. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
Dining solo. Some dread it, but I grew Seafood ala Goombay.
accustomed to it traveling a great deal Fresh Seared
for work in my 20s and 30s. Of course, gers, but refrained from turning around Tuna Blossom.
I prefer to break bread with my sweet and asking him if he was 10 years old. I
son, but when he’s away for the evening, was alone after all, my 6-foot-3 retired Match three soft taco dinner ($17) served RESTAURANT HOURS
and there’s live music playing, I enjoy Army boyfriend not there to keep me with Caribbean rice or a side of your Sunday-Thursday 11am-10pm
cozying up to the bar to take my dinner. out of a bar fight. Parents, please don’t choice. I opted for one taco each of jerk
Sometimes I meet interesting, chatty raise your kids to be that 50-year-old chicken, grilled steak and seared ahi Fri & Sat 11am-11pm
people and other times it’s nice to just dude who orders chicken fingers (likely tuna. All were good, but the jerk chicken BEVERAGES
absorb the atmosphere of a place. with a Bud Light). was the best. You can get salsa or cheese Beer & Wine
and I asked for both. The salsa was a win- ADDRESS
A little after eight on Saturday night My shrimp cocktail was very good, ner, the cheese sauce, I would skip.
there were only maybe 10 people at the shrimp were jumbo, carefully dev- 306 Florida A1A
Goombay’s Island Grill in Satellite eined and cooked just enough to be ten- Lexi the temptress tried to lure me Satellite Beach
Beach, which is a shame because the der and sweet, but not overcooked. The down the dessert path with cheesecake,
melodies coming from the makeshift Negra Modelo was cold and served with key lime pie or the specialty fried cheese- PHONE
stage were pretty great. Goombay’s has a lime wedge by Lexi behind the bar, cake with ice cream and chocolate sauce. (321) 425-4621
live music from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tues- who smiles and is extremely nice to ev- Next time maybe, because we’ll definite-
days, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sun- eryone – even the loud guys who tell bad ly be back to Goombay’s soon.
days, and David Southwood-Smith who jokes. Off to a good start.
hails from Kingston, Jamaica, appears We encourage you to send feedback to
to be one of the regular acts, playing I ordered a Red Stripe Jamaican beer [email protected].
reggae favorites and mellow tunes on ($4.50) with my entree, the Mix and
his guitar, with soulful vocals. I remem- The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
ber when a faded mural of Bob Marley dines anonymously at restaurants at the
used to grace the patio wall of Goom- expense of this newspaper.
bay’s, and while that’s gone now and the
building has been upgraded nicely since
the new owner took over in 2016, the
spirit of the islands still fills Goombay’s.
It’s a beer and wine place, so no rum
or tequila drinks to be had, but a good
selection of bottled beers, plus a few
drafts and a tasty-looking sangria. I
ordered a Negra Modelo ($4.50) and a
Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail ($10) to start,
and settled in to look over the colorful
menu. So many wonderful, flavorful op-
tions it was tough to choose.
Goombay’s calls its style CARIBECA-
JUNMEXIASIAN, which reminds me of
the made-up, all-inclusive Christmah-
anakwanzika holiday, but let’s unpack
that supercalifragilistic description.
Caribbean, lots of Caribbean offer-
ings, from tostones and empanadas
to Jamaican jerk everything and fresh
seafood, fruit and crisp vegetables
mingled in nearly every dish. Cajun, yes
there’s Gumbo on the menu — which I
will bring my son back to try next time
because he loves his gumbo — and
you can get most any meat item black-
ened. There’s Mexican, but it’s not your
cheese-laden, served with a heap of
refried beans Mexican food. It’s fresh
grilled meats and veggies in very light
sauces with sweet and tangy salsas
and chutneys. The rice is Caribbean,
or sweet with peas, and the beans are
black. There’s also a good selection of
burgers, wings, sliders, skewers, appe-
tizers and salads. Last visit I enjoyed a
fantastic salad at Goombay’s.
With all that delicious variety, I heard
a guy down the bar order chicken fin-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, January 25, 2018 31
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32 Thursday, January 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Please send calendar information child (Adult is free). For more information, call 25 League of Women Voters of the Space ops. Admission is $20 in advance or $25 at the
at least two weeks prior to your Denice Santos at (321)-806-0830. Coast Timely Topics luncheon “Civics door. Ages 18 and older. Doors open at 6 p.m.
Education and Students’ Right to Protest” with and pizza will be sold. www.www.egadlife.co
event to Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- guest speaker, Brevard Schools Superintendent
[email protected] days at Ocean Side Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, Desmond Blackburn, 11:30 a.m. at Indian River 26-27 Women’s Guild of Immaculate
Melbourne Beach. www.melbeachrotary.org Colony Club, 1600 Old Glory Road, Viera. Regis- Conception Church annual
ONGOING ter by Jan. 21 at www.lwv-spacecoast.org or call Rummage Sale 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and 8:30
JANUARY Doreen Archer at (321)622-4071. a.m. to noon Saturday at 3780 A1A, Melbourne
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 Beach, just north of the Publix/Driftwood Plaza.
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park 25 Opening session of 13th Annual Wom- 25 Adult finger painting class, 4 to 5:30
en’s Bible Study at the Melbourne p.m. at Art and Soul Studio, 664 South 27 Annual Sanctuary Island Golf Clas-
ABC Yoga literacy-based yoga class for kids Beach Community Center on Ocean Ave, Spon- Patrick Drive, Satellite Beach. Learn creative tech- sic at Aquarina Beach & Country Club
age 7 and younger, 3:30 to 4:15 p.m. Wednes- sored by Community Chapel. Theme this year is niques to paint freely. Bring your acrylic paint, in memory of co-founder John O’Brien. 8 a.m.
days at Bikram Yoga with Helena 1401 High- “Under his Wings” and a study of Solomon’s wis- canvas and a sense of adventure. Cost is $80 for registration, 9 a.m. shotgun start. Cost including
land Ave Eau Gallie Arts District; Cost: $5/ dom writings. $10 admission at the door. Register four sessions. Call (321)289-2592 to register. lunch is $80 per single player, $300 per foursome
by Jan. 22, Call Pat at (321)722-9117. with special rates for military. Call Dick Lanza
25 Burns Night, a celebration of the poetry of (321)473-8545 or Barbara O’Brien (732)778-
Robert Burns and all things Scottish with 9607 to reserve your spot.
bard Bill Mullen, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. at Nolan’s Irish
Pub, 204 W. Cocoa Beach Causeway, Cocoa Beach. 27 Breakfast and Workday, 8 to 11 a.m.
at Church of Christ Oceanside, 104 NE
26 Red Ginger Chinese Restaurant 17th 3rd Street, Satellite Beach. Meet at church build-
Anniversary Gala to benefit the Chil- ing for breakfast them work on the yard of Miller
dren’s Hunger Project and its effort to provide Building, removing debris, knocking down a fence
a reliable food source for Brevard’s needi- and working on a punch list for the building.
est school children, 6 to 9 p.m. at Melbourne
Square Mall, 1700 New Haven Ave., Melbourne. 27 Dream Retreat to map out your ideal
Tickets for the evening of festive food and drink outcome in each area of your life and
cost $65, $20 of which is a donation to the Chil- create a Dream Your Life Vision Board, 9:30 a.m.
dren’s Hunger project. www.eventbrite.com or at Innovation Yoga, 714 S. Patrick Drive, Satellite
call Grace Han at (321)951-8818. Beach. Also on Feb. 4 at Gleason Park in Indian
Harbour Beach. Call (786)399-4611 to register.
26 Community Shabbat Dinner mark-
ing 68 years of the leadership of 27 Rum Tasting Tour of the Caribbean,
Lubavitcher Rebbe, 5 to 8:30 p.m. at Jewish Bre- 7 to 10 p.m. at Jacono Studios, 1395
vard, 1190 Hwy A1A, Satellite Beach. Tickets at Highland Avenue in the Eau Gallie Arts District.
www.jewishbrevard.com. Presented by cocktail specialists The Straw Hat
Barmen. Sip rums from Jamaica, Guyana, Do-
26 Smokin‘ Hot Bingo real cash Bingo with minican Republic and Martinique and learn
the Melbourne Firefighters, 7 to 11 about the differences. Doors open for pre-tast-
p.m. at the Eau Gallie Civic Center 1551 High- ing cocktails at 7 p.m. and the session starting at
land Avenue Melbourne. Cash bar and photo 8 p.m. www.strawhatbarmen.com
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 27-28 Melbourne Mystic Faire, 11
in January 18, 2018 Edition 1 FALLS 1 FLABBY a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Mel-
4 SNOOZE 2 LABYRINTH bourne Auditorium. The largest psychic and
9 AMBER 3 STROLL metaphysical fair in the area, featuring more
10 MACHETE 5 NECTAR than 70 exhibitors under one roof. Also many
11 BURGLAR 6 OWE healers practicing various modalities. Free lec-
12 ANVIL 7 EVENLY tures all day long, mini psychic readings. Ad-
14 EAR 8 IMPREGNABLE mission is $5 per day or $8 for a weekend pass.
15 ANT 13 VISUALISE www.mysticfaires.com or [email protected]
18 PUN 18 PRAISE 28 Menu planning workshop, 10 to 11:30
21 ABHOR 19 SCARCE a.m. at South Beach Fitness hosted
22 ACCLAIM 20 AMENDS by Sunshine Wellness Institute. Learn to plan
23 TRIVIAL 24 ILL healthy meals using fresh ingredients. www.
25 REIGN sunshinewellnessinstitute.com
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CLAY COOK Car Ports homes in 32951, Indialantic, Indian Harbour and
[email protected] CGC 1524354 Satellite Beach. Contact Will Gardner, 407-361-2150
[email protected].
321.508.3896 772.226.7688
Spacious Grand Canal
home ideal for boaters
711 Tradewinds Drive in Indian Harbour Beach: 3-bedroom, 2.5-bath, 2,620-square-foot waterside home
offered for $549,900 by Coldwell Banker Paradise agents Paul and Beth Frommann: 321-591-0111
34 Thursday, January 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Spacious home on Grand Canal ideal for boaters
STORY BY BRENDA EGGERT BRADER CORRESPONDENT step off your large private deck, com- home in the area, said his family has the door to the garage, which makes
plete with screened-in section, onto enjoyed fishing and kayaking from bringing in groceries a breeze.
Nestled next to the Grand Canal, a green lawn stretching to the newly- their dock. “My son is a big fisherman.
the townhome at 711 Tradewinds in installed coquina rock sea wall and The first week we were here he caught A powder room off the foyer shares
Indian Harbour Beach occupies a then onto a private dock that is per- about 10 sheepshead. We have a slip hidden storage under the stairwell as
dream location right on the water. fect for fishing and has space to an- dedicated to this unit and we have a an extra bonus.
chor a 30-foot watercraft. shrimp trap, too. We watch dolphins
Located in the Sandy Pointe/Dock- swim in schools and come up here.” The large first-floor master suite
side Villas, the renovated two-story It is a short cruise to the Intracoast- has high ceilings, room for a king-size
home has an abundance of easy living bed and access through French doors
advantages and attractive features al Waterway from this 9-foot-deep A two-car attached garage opens at to the deck and the canal beyond. A
such as Bahama window shades, canal, and only about 15 miles up the the front of the townhome with the sliding barn door offers privacy when
making it a sought-after property. Waterway to the Atlantic Ocean inlet front door to the left through a pri- closed between the bedroom and
at Cape Canaveral. vate east-facing courtyard. Enter the master bathroom.
The top attraction is definitely the home into a foyer beside the dining
waterside location, directly across Homeowner Todd Burgess, whose room filled with sunshine from east- Walking up two steps, enter the
from ritzy Lansing Island. You can family is selling to move to another facing windows. With tile flooring master bathroom with its double
throughout, the foyer leads into the sinks in a lengthy vanity that holds
generous living room, which features lots of doors with roll-out stor-
a large ceiling skylight and French age, many drawers and an integral
doors opening to the out to the water clothes hamper. Across the back wall
view, screened lanai and deck. of the bathroom is the rain shower,
two steps down, with its own cascad-
Tile floors accent the gourmet ing waterfall and flanking benches.
kitchen that would please any chef Both a regular closet for storage and
with its Jen Air gas cooktop, wine a walk-in closet offer lots of space for
cooler, multiple maple hardwood 42- clothing.
inch cupboards, built-in wall oven
and wall microwave, granite counter- Upstairs from the foyer are two
tops and all stainless appliances. generous carpeted bedrooms with
window gables offering lots of light. A
Can lights and pendants give the large bathroom with double sinks ac-
kitchen a bright, cheery atmosphere commodates those sleeping upstairs.
shining down on a breakfast bar that
seats three and a niche with room for A loft overlooking the living room
a small breakfast table. The full-size is used by the homeowner as an of-
laundry room is off the kitchen, as is fice. The bonus space could become a
playroom or television area.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, January 25, 2018 35
This townhome is easy walking pleasant and Burgess says residents said Beth Frommann, realtor. “Most Year Built: 1988
distance to the community tennis gather monthly to socialize and share don’t do that.” Architecture: Frame/wood
courts and just a skip to the commu- refreshments. Home Size: 2,620 square feet
nity pool or off to the beach. This lovely canal-side home is listed
“The homeowners association for $549,900 by Coldwell Banker Para- Bedrooms: 3
Friendly neighbors make living takes care of the roof, which is huge,” dise agents Paul and Beth Frommann. Bathrooms: 2.5
Views: Water views
Additional Features: Located
on the Grand Canal, private
dock and boat slip, screened
porch and open deck, ceiling
fans, Bahama blinds, gourmet
kitchen with wine cooler and
wall microwave, pet friendly
Listing agency:
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Listing agents:
Paul and Beth Frommann
[email protected]
Listing Price: $549,900
36 Thursday, January 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Did the tax code overhaul kill home equity loans?
STORY BY KENNETH R. HARNEY WASHINGTON POST IRS Publication 530 – and do not ex- option for homeowners.” In mid-Jan- lief that the IRS will agree with their
ceed the $750,000 total debt limit, “it uary, TD’s rates for owners with solid interpretation of the law changes.
It’s a big and confusing question is deductible,” Rosica said. equity and good credit on a $100,000
for many homeowners in the wake of HELOC were 3.99 percent APR, about Bottom line: Despite rampant ru-
the December tax law changes: Are Banks and other lenders active in half a percentage point below the mors to the contrary, home-equity-
new interest-deductible home equity HELOCs and second-mortgage are- prime bank rate. based lending won’t be disappearing
credit lines (HELOCs) and second nas agree with this interpretation anytime soon. Borrowers who want
mortgages now totally out of reach and plan to continue offering home- A survey of HELOCs and second- to deduct interest will need to restrict
going forward? equity products. Bob Davis, execu- lien lenders active on the Lending- their expenditures to qualified home
tive vice president of the American Tree.com loan-shopping network improvements. Others who simply
The new law eliminated a long- Bankers Association, told me “HE- conducted for this column found a want to tap into their equity they’ve
standing section of the tax code LOCs will still be in the mix,” despite “consensus” that . . . lenders continue built up at attractive interest rates
that allowed homeowners to bor- widespread concerns that they might to offer such financing, according to and use the money for whatever they
row against their equity and use the disappear after the elimination of the spokeswoman Megan Greuling. choose will be able to obtain HELOCs
proceeds for whatever purposes they home-equity section of the tax code. or second mortgages, just as they did
chose, while deducting interest pay- Lenders generally won’t advise you in the past. And for those owners who
ments on their federal taxes. That Michael Kinane, head of TD Bank’s on interest deductibility, urging in- now plan to opt for the standard de-
provision of the new tax law took ef- extensive second-lien product offer- stead that you consult your tax advis- ductions of $12,000 or $24,000, there’ll
fect Jan. 1, so it’s logical to assume ings, said in a statement for this col- er. Also, the final word on interest de- be no issue at all. Since they will no
that popular tax-deductible HELOCs umn that HELOCs and home-equity ductibility will need to come from the longer be itemizing, no big deal. They
no longer will be available. loans remain available and popular, IRS. But the attorneys, CPAs and leg- won’t be thinking about interest de-
whether interest is tax-deductible or islative tax experts consulted for this ductions anyway.
They’re dead, right? Not quite! To not, and can be “the best, lowest cost column were unanimous in their be-
borrow a phrase from Miracle Max in
“The Princess Bride,” the tradition- STAGING YOUR HOME MIGHT SPARK A SALE
al uses of HELOCs may be “mostly
dead” – but not all dead. STORY BY ILYCE GLINK AND SAMUEL J. TAMKIN even quickly) falling into disrepair out doorknobs, fixtures and fans.
WASHINGTON POST with no one there to make sure me- How much of their advice you
A close reading of the final language chanical systems are working and
rushed through Congress last month Is it better to put a home up for the property is being maintained take is up to you (and your budget),
reveals that interest-deductible HE- sale when it is vacant or to leave the correctly. but it will give you the freedom to
LOCs and second mortgages should furniture in the home? move without worrying about sell-
still be available to homeowners pro- Vacant homes send the message ing a vacant property.
vided they qualify on two criteria: Most real estate agents will tell that the seller is willing to deal on
they use the proceeds of the loan to you it’s harder to sell a vacant home price and terms, and if you get an Now, if your home has furniture
make “substantial improvements” to than one that’s furnished, even offer, it may reflect a price that is that is so dated or period-specific
their home, and the combined total if the furnishings are a bit dated. below what the property would that few buyers would like today,
of their first mortgage balance and There are several reasons for this. your furnishings could detract from
their HELOC or second mortgage fetch if it had been furnished.
does not exceed the new $750,000 First, it’s hard for buyers This brings us to staging. When a sale. In that case, staging
limit on mortgage amounts qualified to visualize empty space. the home would be better;
for interest deductions. (The previ- When you have a couch, sellers have moved out of the prop- and if you refuse to stage
ous ceiling was $1.1 million for the two chairs, a table and sev- erty, they will often hire a profes- the home, having an empty
first mortgage and home-equity debt eral houseplants in a living sional home stager to make the home may be better than
combined.) room, for example, buyers home look like someone is living having the home with the
can mentally swap out their there, even if you’re not. They might furnishings that are cur-
“The key here is how you use the own furniture for yours and use your furniture or they might rently there.
proceeds” of the HELOC or second have a sense of size, space rent some very modern-looking
mortgage, Ernst & Young tax partner and what the room will furnishings to give the home a dif- A good real estate broker
Greg Rosica told me in an interview. comfortably hold. They can ferent look and feel. Their sugges- can give you advice as to
You can’t buy a car anymore. You sit down on your coach and tions may include everything from whether your furniture is
can’t spend the money on student envision themselves sitting repainting your walls to changing suited for the home. We re-
loans, business investments, vaca- on their own couch, enjoy- cently came across a home
tions or most of the things you used ing a calm Sunday morning. that is quite beautiful, but
to be able to do. Now, to take deduc- the furnishings made it feel
tions on the interest you pay, you’ve But in an empty house, buyers like a museum from the 1700s. Ev-
got to limit expenditures to capital wander around trying to assess just ery picture focused on the furni-
improvements on your house, or – how big the space is. Even if you ture and its look and feel from 300
less likely – buying or building your give buyers an architectural plan years ago. The sellers reduced the
principal residence. or floor plan, it’s still hard for them price of the home by 15 percent and
to visualize just how much of their wondered why buyers weren’t inter-
The reason, said Rosica, a widely possessions will fit. ested.
recognized expert on real estate tax We think this particular home
law, is that although Section 11043 Next, when a house is vacant, would have been more salable if
of the new tax law eliminated home- buyers naturally assume that the it had been vacant, given the de-
equity debt interest deductions, it left sellers have moved on with their cor. But it could have generated a
virtually untouched interest deduc- lives. They’re clearly no longer liv- lot more interest had it been better
tions for primary home mortgage ing in the property, so the assump- staged and photographed.
debt (“acquisition indebtedness”) tion is that the house is slowly (or
that is used to buy, improve or con-
struct a new home. As long as you fol-
low the rules on what constitutes a
capital improvement – spelled out in
38 Thursday, January 25, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Jan. 12 to Jan. 18
Real estate activity remained relatively quiet during the second full week of 2018 in island ZIP codes 32951,
32903, and 32937. While Satellite Beach reported 10 sales, Indialantic only recorded 4, Indian Harbour
Beach 3, and Melbourne Beach just 1.
The top sale of the week was of a home in the Harbour Lights section of Indian Harbour Beach. The home
at 231 Waterside Drive was placed on the market Nov. 21 with an asking price of $539,000, and a week later
the price was raised to $549,000. The sale closed Jan. 12 for $535,000.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Kevin Hill of RE/MAX Alternative Realty. The purchaser
was represented by Sheri Hufnagel of Surfside Properties.
A1A CONDO PARK CONDO 434 PEACE LN C-15 11/30/2017 $69,900 1/18/2018 $435,000
SALES FOR 32903 $247,500
CLOISTERS PHASE 1 T 605 NEWPORT DR 10/6/2017 $515,000 $435,000 1/18/2018
OCEAN SANDS SOUTH CO 2725 N HIGHWAY A1A 502 12/10/2017 $389,000 $389,000 1/16/2018 $487,100
NONE 3215 LUSITANIA LN 12/20/2017 $255,000 $255,000 1/16/2018 $465,000
OCEAN PARK 2ND ADDN 2150 PALM AVE 11/27/2017 $248,000 $248,000 1/18/2018 $460,000
MARTESIA 121 MARTESIA WAY 11/21/2017 $499,900 $499,900 1/16/2018
THE HORIZON CONDO P1 401 HIGHWAY A1A 121 11/24/2017 $509,500 $509,500 1/18/2018
MONACO CONDO PH II A 581 HIGHWAY A1A 302 10/17/2017 $482,500 $482,500 1/16/2018
EAU GALLIE BY THE SE 790 ATLANTIC DR 11/10/2017 $409,000 $389,000 1/17/2018
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, January 25, 2018 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Ocean Sands South Co, Address: 2725 N Highway A1A 502 Subdivision: Cloisters Phase 1 T, Address: 605 Newport Dr
Listing Date: 12/10/2017 Listing Date: 10/6/2017
Original Price: $389,000 Original Price: $515,000
Recent Price: $389,000 Recent Price: $435,000
Sold: 1/16/2018 Sold: 1/18/2018
Selling Price: $375,000 Selling Price: $435,000
Listing Agent: DeWayne Carpenter & Kirk Kessel Listing Agent: DeWayne Carpenter & Kirk Kessel
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc
DeWayne Carpenter & Kirk Kessel Lisa Lantrip
Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc
Subdivision: Martesia, Address: 121 Martesia Way Subdivision: Monaco Condo Ph II A, Address: 581 Highway A1A 302
Listing Date: 11/21/2017 Listing Date: 10/17/2017
Original Price: $499,900 Original Price: $482,500
Recent Price: $499,900 Recent Price: $482,500
Sold: 1/16/2018 Sold: 1/16/2018
Selling Price: $487,100 Selling Price: $460,000
Listing Agent: Nick Farinella Listing Agent: Thomas Englert
Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Res. R.E. Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise
Terry Theodorou Nick Farinella & Meaghan Lucas
RE/MAX Elite Coldwell Banker Res. R.E.
Subdivision: Eau Gallie by the Sea, Address: 790 Atlantic Dr
Listing Date: 11/10/2017
Original Price: $409,000
Recent Price: $389,000
Sold: 1/17/2018
Selling Price: $375,000
Listing Agent: Jody Donnelly
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Aerospace Realty
Tina Sinclair
Exit Elite Realty Group
Subdivision: The Horizon Condo P1, Address: 401 Highway A1A 121
Listing Date: 11/24/2017
Original Price: $509,500
Recent Price: $509,500
Sold: 1/18/2018
Selling Price: $465,000
Listing Agent: Vincent Keenan
Selling Agent: Vincent Keenan, REALTORS
Carolyn Schumann
Carnu Realty LLC