MELBOURNE BEACH School bus safety is focus of
transport officials. P5
Brevard's South Barrier Island Newsweekly Surf’s up for a wave of Santas. P9
Creatures are featured
during Jolly Days at the Zoo. P8
MY TAKE Town gets new
BY WILLIAM SOKOLIC and vice mayor
Resolving to set smart
goals for the New Year
At week’s end, we will bid Passion for angling hooks female fishing guide BY CHRIS BONANNO
farewell to 2016 and welcome Staff Writer
2017. Another year zipped by BY GEORGE WHITE fishing guides on the wa- from when I used to fish with
in the twinkling of an eye. Staff Writer ter. The owner of Reel Kayak my mother, starting when I Melbourne Beach was
Fishing Charters in Mel- was a couple years old when thrust into a bit of a quandary
What do I have to show for Former child angler Dee bourne Beach, Kaminski is my parents built the family in November when Commis-
2016? I started the year liv- Kaminski is all grown up well-respected nationwide cottage in Ontario, Canada. sioner Margot Dorfman, who
ing off a meager freelance now and earning a living as as an angler. My parents didn’t have a had just been re-elected, sud-
income. I will end the year one of the few female kayak denly resigned, leaving the
with a staff writer position at “Most of my memories are CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 five-member town governing
a new print weekly. That cer- board a member short and in
tainly calls for a toast when a numerical position where
the ball drops. tie votes could have ham-
pered town business.
I began the year living
in Ventnor, New Jersey, my That quandary has now
home for some 30 years at the been resolved by the ap-
Jersey Shore. I finish the year pointment of Sherri Quarrie,
living in Palm Bay, Florida. who was selected and sworn-
Not a bad trade-off. Yeah, in to fill the vacant seat at a
the beach is 20 minutes away special meeting on Dec. 21 at
instead of five, but it’s 70 de- Town Hall.
grees as I write this instead
She has “a lot of years with
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 planning and zoning, cer-
tainly a personal investment
Police chief swings
into action, nabs CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
suspected burglar
Founded in U.S. space heyday, Gemini
BY CHRIS BONANNO school motivated by its mission to excel
Staff Writer
A suspected serial burglar BY GEORGE WHITE north at Kennedy Space Center. Principal Joe Loffek with the two students who came up with
is being held without bond Staff Writer It was the heyday of the U.S. the time capsule idea, John DeMari (L) and McKenna Slaughter.
in the county jail after being
chased and arrested by Mel- When Gemini Elementary space program and many of the
bourne Beach Police Chief opened its doors to 760 students in children had parents employed
Dan Duncan last Wednesday, September 1966, many of the kids at the Cape, working night and
Dec. 21. were no doubt daydreaming about day in the run-up to the first
rockets and astronauts as the world Apollo Mission, striving for the
Palm Bay resident James focused on the launch pads 40 miles great national goal of landing hu-
Forrest Hardesty, 24, alleged-
ly tried to steal from an open CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
December 29, 2016 Volume 1, Issue 11 Newsstand Price $1.00 County offers
sea oats to
News 1-6 Editorial 22 People 7-10 TO ADVERTISE CALL protect beach. P2
Arts 11-14 Faith 24 Pets 33 772-559-4187
Books 23 Games 25-27 Real Estate 35-40
Calendar 34 Health 15-18 Style 29-30 FOR CIRCULATION
Dining 31 Insight 19-21 CALL 772-226-7925
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
County offers sea oats to islanders to keep dunes in place
Staff Writer
At George Maul’s place along A1A George Maul. segue into sea grapes, which segue build dunes when the grassy foliage
south of Melbourne Beach, clumps into other kinds of plants like palm and tall seed plumes trap windblown
of tall, slender sea oats rise landward PHOTOS BY JULIAN LEEK trees. “Sea oats stabilize the lower sand. The sand in turn builds up at
of the scarped beaches battered by portion of dunes. Sea grapes stabilize the plant base and stimulates the
Hurricane Matthew. Come February, “Sea oats are the first plant the wa- the dune itself.” plants to grow taller.
Maul will pick up trays of fresh sea ter runs into,” Maul said. “The exten-
oats to replenish the stock lost along sive root system grabs into the sand The plants, which are native to “The dunes provide habitat for
the beachfront of his property during and prevents erosion.” Brevard coast, also have the ability to wildlife such as turtles as well as pro-
the storm. tect upland property during storms,”
Erosion caused by Matthew Berntson said.
Maul purchased the trays as part stopped where sea oats started, he
of the 14th annual sea oats sale cour- said. On Maul’s property, the plants Sea oats can tolerate wind-driven
tesy of Brevard County’s Natural Re- salt spray and sand better than any
sources Management Department other dune plant, reads a brochure
and Keep Brevard Beautiful, Inc. published by Brevard County. Due
to their dune stabilizing importance,
“The sea oats are offered at cost picking sea oats is prohibited by
once a year to make it easier for resi- Florida law. The plants can grow up
dents to purchase and plant them,” to seven feet tall.
said Paula Berntson, beach programs
assistant for the department. “From time to time, sea oats are
[planted as] a component of a beach
Easy indeed. “I go down on the or dune project after sand place-
beach, dig a hole, and put little pack- ment,” she said. “This year, sand
ets of gel so it sticks to the plant and will be placed in areas of the South
fill in the dirt and it’s good to go,” said Beaches in response to erosion
Maul, professor of ocean engineering caused by Hurricane Matthew and
and science at the Florida Institute of some sea oats will be planted as part
Technology and former chairman of of that project. The South Beaches
the department of marine and envi- planting project is completely inde-
ronmental systems. pendent of the annual sea oats sale.”
My Take There are changes they want to don’t keep resolutions is they are The City of Melbourne Beach and
make. But the tendency is for the too broad. Becoming more physi- members of the Melbourne Beach
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 changes to dissipate over time as cally fit is broad. But going to the Environmental Advisory Board pur-
engagement declines.” gym three times a week is more chase trays of sea oats each year so
of 40 degrees. And no chance for specific.” volunteers can plant them at town
snow. Making goals that are hard to parks and at street ends, Berntson
achieve is a psychological thing, In truth, cutting out Diet Coke said. “Last year, 1,248 plants were
That said, it’s time to take stock Steelman said. seems to fit into the smart goal cat- planted at Loggerhead Park, Sixth
of life as a New Year dawns. Create egory. But it still takes will power. Avenue and Avenue B,” she said.
another batch of broken promises Like me, Don Walker, the Brevard
known as New Year’s resolutions. County spokesman, is your typical Set intermediate goals as well, The advisory board got involved
Promising to lose weight is always resolution maker and breaker. like losing X number of pounds, she with the sea oats sale around 10
on the list. Somehow the pounds said. years ago after the purchase of two
do not shed away like I want de- “My resolution this year is to beachfront lots which became Log-
spite meticulous record keeping. exercise more and to stop drink- Steelman doesn’t make resolu- gerhead Park Preserve.
I already exercise a lot, so that’s a ing Diet Coke,” he said. “That was tions. “I have the same goals all the
resolution I keep. Don’t waste so also my resolution last year, but I time. I do not go into a new year To protect the beach, the town has
much money on frivolous impulses started New Year’s Day drinking a with any additional ones.”
like wanting to buy a Fitbit for those Diet Coke and then conceded my
days when I exercise. failed resolution by having about Goals, she said, are essential to
four more Diet Cokes that day. This get anywhere. “I make more short-
Here’s another annual resolu- year I intend to cut it out completely term goals to lead to longer-term
tion that sounds good on paper but – starting Jan. 1, of course! My wife ambitions.”
doesn’t come true: selling a screen- always says, ‘Why do you have to
play I wrote. Get that big paycheck. wait? Why not today?’ Nope, not to- So where does all this leave me?
See my name on the silver screen. day! Diet Coke is not the breaking point.
Chocolate is. So let me set my smart
We make resolutions knowing we “Why didn’t I keep my resolu- goals for 2017. Exercise four days a
will break them – often sooner rath- tion? Well, obviously I have no will week for 30 minutes. As I said, that’s
er than later. So why do we do it? power. But, recognizing that, I’m an easy one to keep. Lose a pound
determined to develop will power every other week for four months.
“People are optimistic going into for 2017.” That will require more portion con-
a new year,” said Dr. Lisa Steelman, trol than I use now, especially when
senior associate dean of the col- For Steelman, the answer to will chocolate is involved. Will power,
lege of psychology and liberal arts power lies in creating smart goals, Sokolic. Will power.
at Florida Institute of Technology. goals that are specific, measurable,
“They consider it a new beginning. obtainable, relevant and time- And that screenplay? How do I
bound. “The reason a lot of people make smart goals out of that, I won-
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 3
purchased trays of sea oats each year. 30 percent every year. But otherwise be available for pickup on Feb. 4 at Planting guidelines and pre-hy-
“The Sea Turtle Conservancy they’ve taken off and held the beach the Melbourne Beach Community drated planting gel will be provided.
together. The roots go 4 to 5 feet deep Center, 509 Ocean Ave., between 8 For more information and the order
should be able to support us also,” so the sand does not just wash away.” and 11 a.m.,, or at the Cocoa Beach form, visit
said Environmental Advisory Board Public Works Complex on Minute- docs/default-source/natural-resourc-
Chairman Curtis Byrd. “Last year, Trays of 96 plants costs $48 while man Causeway between 1 p.m. and e s - d o c u m e n t s / 2 017- s e a - o a t s - i n f o -
they provided us with 20 trays, al- supplies last. Sea oats must be or- 3 p.m. and-order-form.pdf?sfvrsn=0
most 100 plants. We lose around 20 to dered and paid for by Jan. 27 and will
4 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Fishing guide “Regardless of species, I loved the and location. After many successful One place she has found bias is in
challenge,’’ she said. fishing trips with friends, I wondered kayak fishing tournaments where
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 if being a kayak fishing guide was they have a lady anglers category.
Her life and fishing changed for- something I could do,’’ she said. “Why have that category when wom-
babysitter when we vacationed there ever during a 2004 vacation in Mel- en are just as capable in landing a fish
so I had to go along when they went bourne Beach, she said Looking into it, she found there as a man?”
fishing. Once they put a fishing pole were only two other kayak guides in
in my hand and I landed my first fish, “That amazing week is why I de- the area at that time. Kaminski will be sharing her fish-
I was ‘hooked’! Out of the three sib- cided to move here. My father rigged ing savvy at the George Poveromo
lings I was the most avid fisherman up some surf rods with pompano “This seemed completely possible Salt Water National Seminar Series
and now they seek to keep up with rigs and some Carolina rigs for roll- and it was. I am currently proud to at Florida Tech in Melbourne Feb. 11.
me,’’ she said. ing bait in the troughs. Back then, it be well known in the kayak fishing Tickets are $55.
was amazing action right in front of community across the country. I hold
Kaminski learned to catch all the our beach home. We landed black multiple promotional staff positions “I will be speaking on recreational
freshwater species, starting with pan- drum, redfish, pompano, whiting representing many companies in the fishing tactics and techniques that
fish and bass with her mother, and later and sheepshead to our heart’s con- industry,” she said. will help the newcomer, seasoned
graduated to the adventure of North- tent,” she said. veterans, boat captains or tourna-
ern Pike and Muskie with her father. Kaminski says her gender has not ment pros increase their fishing
“It was a wonderful adventure held her back in her chosen career. knowledge,’’ she said.
filled with all the things I wanted to
enjoy on a constant basis and the lo- “Women unquestionably encoun- As a pioneer woman in an emerg-
cation was perfect, with the ocean to ter gender bias in the fishing com- ing sport, Kaminski is a little disap-
the east and the Indian River to the munity [at large]; however, I have not pointed she has not been asked by
west.” experienced any as a kayak fishing other females about becoming a kay-
guide. On the contrary, I find that ak fishing guide.
After moving to Melbourne Beach many of my clients seek me out be-
in early 2007, she purchased her first cause I am female and explain that “I have had multiple men ask how to
Native Watercraft kayak. they feel women tend to be better achieve what I have but they seem to
teachers as they are more patient only romanticize being a kayak fish-
“I started fishing almost every day and pay more attention to the needs ing guide. They usually don’t have the
to hone my skills and learn the feed- of clients, giving a better overall ex- time to commit to what it takes for
ing habits of fish by logging each catch perience. My peers have accepted great customer service to be success-
along with other pertinent informa- me equally.” ful,’’ she said.
tion like time of day, weather, bait used
Town selects commissioner Sherri Quarrie being sworn in. PHOTO BY JULIAN LEEK
in the town and the quality of the ing, commissioners Steve Walters mission voted unanimously to ap-
town,” said Commissioner Tom Davis and Tom Davis expressed their sup- point her.
about Quarrie. “She’s lived here most port for Wilson, citing his experience
of her life, is a very active Realtor and on the commission, though Walters “I think it worked out well. Sherri
has served on our boards.” also suggested Quarrie and Jay Ma- has a lot of experience with the town,”
guire would be good choices. Hoover said.
The decision to appoint Quarrie
wasn’t an easy one for the commis- Simmons said he preferred some- Commissioners also chose a new
sion, in part because of a series of tie one with fresh blood and a new per- vice mayor on Wednesday night after
votes, and also because eight candi- spective, while Commissioner Wyatt Quarrie was sworn in, with Davis get-
dates, many with impressive qualifi- Hoover said he wanted to see some ting a unanimous nod.
cations, applied for the position. diversity in the ideas brought to the
commission and suggested Douglas “I consider that a compliment from
Commissioner Davis said the selec- Hilmes for the position. my members on the dais with me and
tion process was painful for him “be- I’m honored to do it for the town,” Da-
cause the candidates actually are in the Following the discussion, Wilson vis said.
audience and watch you and they’re was nominated, but the commission
residents; a lot of them are friends, or split 2-2 on a motion to appoint him. “Tom’s a great guy. He’s a great person.
acquaintances at a minimum, so it’s an Hilmes was then nominated, which He’s a great commissioner and it was a
uncomfortable position.” led to another 2-2 tie vote. Quarrie pretty easy decision,” Hoover added.
was then nominated, and the com-
Candidates submitted a resume Contact Bonanno at ChrisBonan-
and/or letter explaining their quali- and follow him on
fications before the special meet- Twitter @FTChrisBonanno.
ing and four candidates spoke at the
meeting, addressing the sitting com-
Mayor Jim Simmons said he spent
at least half an hour talking to each of
the candidates prior to the meeting as
well, with the exception of Sandy Wil-
son, a former commissioner.
“I was willing to go with what the
rest of the commission wanted, as far
as new candidates,” Simmons said. “I
wanted to look to the future for new
candidates ... I thought that they were
equally qualified and I was happy
with any of them.”
After the candidates finished talk-
6 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Gemini’s 50th throughout the year. The school’s When the school opened, the com- speakers and some of them are au-
space logo has been made into key munity was full of young engineers, thorities on math and science. They
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 chains using a 3-D printer. scientists and other space work- go on field trips with kids.”
ers, many with young families that
mans on the moon for the first time Despite the celebratory mood and have since grown up. Other families Gemini parent volunteers contrib-
and returning them safely to Earth. the school’s excellent reputation in moved away when major programs at uted more than 5,800 hours during
the community, however, its student the Cape wound down. the 2015-2016 school year, records
This year, the school is looking population has been in steady de- show, a number worthy of its own cel-
back on those early days and the five cline. “In the 1960s, the Kennedy Space ebration.
decades of educating island children Center was the motivation for Bre-
that followed as it celebrates its 50th Enrollment had dropped to 650 by Cathy Austin, school secretary of
anniversary. the time Principal Joe Loffek arrived
at Gemini, home of the JetStars, eight
There’s a brand-new school sign years ago, and this year there are only
sporting a space-related logo, a stain- 454 students.
less-steel time capsule to be opened
in 50 years, banners, celebrations Loffek speculates the reduction in en-
and other reminders of the milestone rollment is linked to the post-space shut-
tle decline of the U.S. space program.
Principal Joe Loffek and school secretary Cathy Austin, who headed up the 50th anniversary celebration.
vard Public Schools to build addi- four years, headed up the anniversary
tional schools,” says Loffek. “At that efforts, starting with creation of the
particular time this was math and new logo, which includes the phrase
science county. We still have en- “50 years of excellence in education.”
gineers, FIT people, doctors, a lot
of medical people, a lot of self-em- She is especially proud of the key
ployed,’’ he said, “but not as many chain logos created by students pro-
young families are coming in and graming a 3-D printer. “It’s so cool
the community is aging. K went to to see something they create in their
one, one went to two, two went to mind and then it comes out of the
three ... I have watched it.” printer,’’ she said.
As the southernmost public school Loffek said the school is “a posi-
on the beach in Brevard County, tive, upbeat, enjoyable place to work;
Gemini “pulls kids from Miami Ave., I think our relationships with adults
just south of 192, all the way down to allow us to really push forward and
Sebastian Inlet,” Loffek said. provide great opportunities for kids.
Student achievement is very impor-
Even with declining enrollment, tant to us. I think if you create the
the school is thriving. [right] culture, student achievement
“It’s a highly active community
and they are very invested in their And with a new national goal of
children’s education,” Loffek said. putting a person on Mars and private
“It’s a professional community, space contractors ramping up mis-
math and science backgrounds. sions at the Cape, who knows? Maybe
Most of our kids will be expected the number of students walking in
to go to college. Our parents come the front door at Gemini will increase
in and volunteer in the classrooms in coming years along with their
and front office. They serve as guest achievements.
8 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
The Siamang was in Christmas spirit. PHOTOS: RYAN CLAPPER Hazel making Christmas Pine Cone Art. The Rhinos.
Fiona creating artwork.
The meerkats lunchtime feeding. Tyler and Dylan Yarbrough.
Braird’s Tapir. Mr. and Mrs. Claus. Jeannette Tucker.
Creatures featured during Jolly Days at the Zoo
BY CHRIS BONANNO Jacques of the meerkats. “Tons of fun every year. “It’s worth
Staff Writer The presentation of gifts to the it,” added Alison Carver.
The Brevard Zoo celebrated the animals wasn’t the only holiday- The zoo isn’t done with its holiday
Christmas season Dec. 22-23 with themed activity at the zoo, Hill not- festivities; it will host a New Year’s
its annual Jolly Days at the park. ed. Eve event at noon next Saturday.
Special events, such as giving “We also have holiday-themed “We have a ball drop at noon and
presents to animals that are part games and crafts for the kids to do,” we give out apple juice for a toast;
of Jolly Days, were included with she said. it’s for everyone that just can’t make
the regular zoo admission price so it to midnight to celebrate New
there was no upcharge to partici- Park visitors had an opportunity Year’s,” Hill said.
pate, said zoo Marketing Director to meet and take photos with Mr.
Andrea Hill. and Mrs. Claus.
Gifts to the animals are special “He loved it,” said Heather Cole-
foods and enrichment activities man of Titusville, referring to her
that mentally stimulate them – for son Samuel. “He’s seen him on TV
instance, the meerkats received and he takes it very seriously,”
meat, veggies and greens in a hol-
iday-themed box, with volunteers “It’s wonderful. We come every
adding in some festive shaved ice as year,” said Alison Carver of Palm
well. Bay, with son Ashlyn. “This is the
first year that he’s sat by himself on
“They were a little nervous at first Santa’s lap. Last year I had to be the
but some of them are starting to dig buffer in between Santa and him
through it,” said zookeeper Sam but he did great this time.”
The event has been going on for
about a decade, Hill said.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 9
Surf’s up for a wave of Santas at Christmas Eve event
Corey Howell and Dalton Smith preparing to jump. Clifford Peanut. PHOTOS: RYAN CLAPPER Alan Almont and Gino Tomnasello.
Angela Noble and Bruce Matthews. Andy Stefanek and Susan Bradshaw.
BY CHRIS BONANNO Surfing Santas event but said that he
“stoked” and that he would return for
Staff Writer next year’s event. “It weighs you down
a bit but it was pretty cool out there,
One of the Space Coast’s most pretty fun … I was surprised at how
unique and entertaining holiday tra- many people came out. It’s really a
ditions was renewed on Christmas great thing that they’re doing here. ”
Eve as the 8th annual “Surfing Santas
of Cocoa Beach” gathering was held at Proceeds from the happening go to
the end of Minutemen Causeway. support two good causes, including
cancer charity Rise and Grind.
The event attracted thousands,
many of whom were dressed, appro- “This event raises a lot of money to
priately enough, in Santa or elf cos- help people who have to travel out of
tumes. state for cancer treatment and it also
raises money for the Florida Surf Mu-
“It’s just unbelievable to see,” said seum where we can tell the history of
George Trosset, who referred to him- Florida surfing to all the people who
self as the “Chief Fun Officer” of the visit our beautiful state,” said Rise
event. “It’s a sea of red and white and and Grind’s Mike Rogers, who went
green and smiling faces. People hav- through two battles with sarcoma
ing fun. There’s standup paddleboard cancer.
Surfing Santas, longboard Surfing
Santas, shortboard Surfing Santas, “It’s always good to come out for a
boogie board and body surfing San- worthy cause,” Rich said. “Cancer af-
tas. Anything goes. Dress up in a fects everybody, each and every one
Christmassy outfit and come join the of us pretty much, so, yep, it’s great
fun.” anytime you can come out and help
people out and have fun too.”
“We look forward to it every year
now because it is getting bigger and The event, Trosset noted, has
bigger and it’s just such a fun day for grown exponentially in a very short
everybody to get together,” said Rick time; there were three surfing Santas
Call of Cocoa Beach. the first year compared to more than
700 this year.
Many of the Santas actually hung
10 with holiday apparel on, includ- “It might even be a thousand,” Tros-
ing Ed Rich of Merritt Island, who was set said.
decked out in a Santa apparel with a
wetsuit on underneath. “It’s growing every year,” Call add-
ed. “I mean it just continues, every-
“It’s very hard to paddle in the cos- body hears about it and wants to be a
tume,” said Rich, who was at his first part of it.”
12 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Artistic talent flows in ‘Our Beautiful Waters’ exhibit
BY ELLEN FISCHER artists who look forward Christopher Domis - Pelican Prince - Scratchboard. mann third place. In that composition,
to showing their work at a lone angelfish plays hide and seek in
Columnist Gallery 14,” says Beauti- comet-like streaks of cadmium orange a crowd of manatees. The somber gray
ful Waters chairperson – fly through a patchwork atmosphere mass is enlivened by red ribbons of sea-
Once again Gallery 14 in downtown Barbara Landry. of blue on blue. grass that snake through the group.
Vero presents “Our Beautiful Waters,”
a juried exhibition with a theme that Landry notes that the Landry says the judges, for whom In addition to Kathleen Staiger, merit
includes everything people like about prizes awarded by the the artworks were identified by entry awards honored Diane Feuer for her
Florida: its beaches, birds and sea life. judges are a bit more in- numbers and not the artists’ names, green-white-and-blue-striated glass
teresting this year. Best were particularly moved by the ethereal charger, and Mike Ricciardi for “Beauty
This year’s show was organized by in Show honored its win- “Dawn Reef.” and the Beast,” a photograph of a bris-
two of the gallery’s 14 owner-artists, ner with a Laserchrome tling lionfish before a living branch of
Barbara Landry and Shelley Weltman; digital capture and re- “It really evokes emotion,” they told coral.
the full contingent of owner-artists production of the artist’s her.
juried the exhibition. The quality of work, a prize Landry says An additional prize judged by the art-
the work submitted suggests that the is worth an estimated The jurors Kubica awarded Best in ist-owners of Gallery 14 was also pre-
jurors’ job was pretty easy. Out of 93 $250. First-, second- and Show to Paul Davis for his oil painting sented. The Gallery Choice Award went
artworks submitted, some 85 made third-place awardees re- “Tidal Water Rest.” Executed in Da- to Eduardo Uttridge for his bentwood
the cut for display; of those, eight were spectively earned checks vis’ signature glazing technique, the kinetic sculpture “Infinity.”
awarded prizes by two invited judges. for $200, $100 and $75. work depicts a spectral sailboat gliding
This year’s prize winners were selected In addition, merit awards through deep water. Like previous juried shows at Gallery
by Emily and Paul Kubica. The couple of $50 were awarded to 14, this one is chock full of delightful
own Laserchrome Technologies, a digi- three artists this year. First place went to Melbourne artist artworks.
tal printing company in Melbourne. Sandy Johnson for her pastel painting
In addition to distribut- “An Indian River Morning.” The atmo- Brent Greene’s “Stan the Lagoon
“We have been doing a show about ing prizes at the Nov. 2 re- spheric work shows orange clouds tow- Keeper” is a fishy-looking personage
Florida’s waters for approximately six ception, this year the judges presented ering above the Indian River; distant made of palm frond ribs and bases with
years,” says Dorothy Napp Schindel, an their points of view on the award selec- condos glint redly on the lagoon’s far detritus details culled from Greene’s
artist-owner who handles the gallery’s tions to the assembled throng. edge. A member of the Pastel Society of yard.
PR. America, Johnson has two other works
“These moments were very mean- in the show. Mounted head-high on a metal
The annual event began as Our Beau- ingful to the artists and well received by stand, Stan looks you straight in the eye
tiful Ocean, but the title changed a cou- attendees,” says Landry. Marie Morrisey took second place for and dares you not to laugh first.
ple years ago to Our Beautiful Waters “The Hunt,” a sculpture created from
to include not only Florida’s ocean and For Shelley Weltman, one of those a large carved and painted gourd. It Margaret Goembel, celebrated in
gulf, marshes, rivers and lagoons, but moments was tearful. depicts a soaring osprey homing in on these parts for her assemblages of
also the lakes and springs of the state’s some tasty fish that appear just over feathers, shells, coral, driftwood and
interior. The wildlife dependent on “My heart took a leap when they an- the gourd’s horizon. The ingenuity of jetsam that she finds on the beach, has
those habitats is often featured. nounced a merit award for Kathleen the design, which incorporates sculpt- two works in the show. “Beach Blondes
Staiger,” she says. ed clay for the 3-D details in bird and II” is named for the sun-bleached ob-
In the past the show has been a fund- fish, has to be seen to be properly ap- jects she used in it, including bamboo,
raiser for charities that included Harbor Gravely ill, Staiger was not present to preciated. Another of Morrow’s gourd a length of sisal rope, sand and surf-
Branch Oceanographic, ORCA (Ocean receive the award, which was her last. sculptures, “Night Dive” shows an oc- battered seashells. Her “Folkestone”
Research Conservation Association) The highly-regarded artist and teach- topus clinging to a whimsically painted is more of the same, in rosy tones.
and the Environmental Learning Cen- er died two days later, on Dec. 4. She “coral” gourd whose surface, punctu- Nestled among the sand and shells in
ter. Artists have turned over part of the learned of the award in her final hours. ated with tiny holes, emits light from a that one are such items as a pair of old-
proceeds of any sales of their works to bulb hidden within it. Coral skeletons, fashioned faucet handles, a weathered
those efforts. Staiger is represented in the current driftwood and shells complete the un- wood clothespin and, at the composi-
show by two abstract oil paintings. derwater tableau. tion’s center, a small skeleton key and a
This year, however, marks the first “Dawn Reef,” with its shining palette of gull’s feather.
that Our Beautiful Waters is not being translucent blues, pink, orange and yel- The watercolor “Manatee Heaven II”
presented as a fundraiser. The com- low was the prizewinner. “Celebration,” earned Port St. Lucie’s Luduine Bek- Animal subjects abound in the show.
petitive exhibition will instead be a way painted in similar colors and the more Of particular note are “Pelican Prince”
for Gallery 14 “to give more back to the abstract of the two, is a breezier com- by Christopher Domis, whose lovingly-
position whose gestural markings – detailed bird is limned in scratchboard;
and “Ocean Embrace” by Susan Todd
SAT, JAN 14, 2017 · 7:30 PM Martin, a pointillist painting of a sea
turtle baby afloat in curlicue waves is
FOLKSINGER irresistibly cute. Lora Ann Connelly’s
LIVINGSTON TAYLOR oil painting “My Buddies” depicts five
royal terns standing on the sand; their
Enthralling audiences with a diverse stern expressions might remind you of
original repertoire of Country, Folk, a disgruntled family on a day too chilly
Bluegrass, and Blues through stories for the beach.
and instruments.
For sheer beauty, Susan Hale’s wa-
AT THE KING CENTER · 3865 N. WICKHAM RD., MELBOURNE, FL tercolors “Quiet Storm” and “Of Two
Worlds” were remarkable, as was Elise
BUY TICKETS NOW! Weinrich Geary’s oil painting “Moon-
WWW.KINGCENTER.COM light Water.” The fluidity with which
OR CALL THE BOX OFFICE AT 321-242-2219 these artists handle their respective
media is a natural as the rhythm of the
Our Beautiful Waters continues
through December.
16 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Shining an endoscopic light on Barrett’s esophagus
BY TOM LLOYD ing of the cells in the stomach are Dr. Ashley Canipe. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
Staff Writer very much used to acid. However, the
lining and the cells of the esophagus
Barrett’s esophagus, according to are not built for acid, so when people
Indian River Medical Center gastro- have gastroesophageal reflux disease,
enterologist Dr. Ashley Canipe, is a the acid that is normally in the stom-
complex condition that is “signifi- ach refluxes up into the esophagus
cantly more common” in older Cau- and can irritate or damage the cells
casian males than any other age or lining the esophagus. As a result of
ethnic group. that injury, it’s thought that the cells
there in the esophagus change to look
If left untreated, Barrett’s can cause more like intestinal or gastric cells
a range of problems and potentially as opposed to esophageal cells. It’s a
lead to esophageal adenocarcinoma – metaplasia, which basically means
a type of cancer. that the cells have changed.”
The National Institute of Diabetes “When we see that,” Canipe con-
and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, tinues, “we biopsy it. Then when our
however, says the exact cause of Bar- pathology colleagues look at it under
rett’s esophagus remains unclear. the microscope, they’re looking for
specific changes in those cells and
There appear to be strong anecdot- if those changes are present – called
al connections between Barrett’s and intestinal metaplasia – they also do a
gastroesophageal reflux disease – or special staining. Then if both the en-
GERD – obesity and smoking, but per- doscopic and the histologic features
haps the most fascinating aspect of are there, that’s when we make a di-
Barrett’s is the cell-shifting it causes. agnosis of Barrett’s esophagus.”
“How I like to explain it to patients,” The Mayo Clinic states that “al-
says Canipe, “is basically that the though the risk is small” of Barrett’s
stomach is built for acid. Its job is to
make acid and contain acid. The lin-
CM developing into full-blown esophageal signs of Barrett’s.”
COLLINS & MONTZ DENTISTRY cancer, “it’s important to have regular If the disease is detected, Canipe
checkups for pre-cancerous cells.”
cosmetic dentistry preventive dentistry says the next step might be to deter-
restorative dentistry dental implants Dr. Richard Battafarano, director mine if the Barrett’s is smooth or if
of the Division of Thoracic Surgery it has “nodular features or features
Experience the fusion of traditional at Johns Hopkins, agrees, saying of aberrant blood vessels. So, we
values and modern dentistry. “without surveillance endoscopy, look at it very closely using a spe-
there’s no way to tell if the condi- cial clear cap that we affix to the tip
Dr. J. Hunter Collins Dr. Roger Montz tion is progressing toward cancer,” of our endoscope with special light
and the National Institutes of Health called narrow band imaging to ac-
524 Ocean Avenue points out “esophageal cancer is of- centuate any mucosal abnormalities
Melbourne Beach, FL 32951 ten diagnosed at an advanced stage that might be present in the Barrett’s
because there are no early signs or segment.”
(321) 725-6565 symptoms” without regular endo-
scopic exams. After a lengthy description of en- doscopic procedures involving “en-
Canipe, who joined IRMC in Au- doscopic mucosal resections, metal
gust 2015, notes again that Barrett’s lassos or snares, electric cautery,
esophagus is “exceedingly more endoscopic ultrasound and radio-
common in elderly, white males who frequency ablation,” Canipe says, “I
smoke and have a long history of re- use no scalpels. I never cut the skin.”
flux symptoms.”
While Canipe admits “I’m the only
WebMD says approximately 10 one that does endoscopic muco-
percent of people with chronic GERD sal resections or EMRs in the whole
symptoms will develop Barrett’s, area,” she is quick to praise the work
and those symptoms can include of her colleagues, singling out Dr.
indigestion, heartburn, hoarseness, Bruce Grossman and his work in
chronic dry coughing, laryngitis, radio frequency ablation, citing the
chest pains and even bad breath. need for what she calls “a multi-
modality approach to treatment” for
“If you are having symptoms,” this complex condition.
cautions Canipe, “especially of any
sort of indigestion, heartburn or Dr. Ashley Canipe is with the Indian
trouble swallowing, you should defi- River Medical Center. Her office is in the
nitely touch base with your primary new Health and Wellness building at
[care physician] or your gastroenter- 3450 11th Court, Suite 206 in Vero Beach.
ologist, because those are the earlier The phone number is 772-299-3511.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 17
Why the spike in deaths in week after Christmas?
BY ARIANA EUNJUNG CHA “winter effects.” “Persons who die from a cardiac event, even that patients hold back on seeking
Josh Knight, a research fellow at the in or out of hospital, during the Christ- medical care during the season as be-
Washington Post mas period are younger by almost a ing factors causing the jump in deaths.
University of Melbourne in Austra- year than those who die from the same
As the Christmas season kicks into lia, and his co-authors wrote that the or similar condition during the re- Another idea Knight described is
high gear and we’re surrounded by gor- paper “helps reaffirm that there is no mainder of the year.” more philosophical.
geously decorated fir trees and songs apparent correlation between any ob-
of yuletide gay, it’s easy to forget that served Christmas holiday effect and Knight said in a statement that this He explained it could be that termi-
the holidays represent a grim time in the impact of temperature or seasonal- still leaves many other theories unad- nally ill patients may be hanging on
terms of health statistics. You’re more ity.” dressed, including the possibility of to spend the holiday with their loved
likely to die of natural causes from Dec. reduced staffing at medical facilities or ones and then feel ready to let go and
25 through New Year’s Day than at any The researchers also noted that, say goodbye.
other time of the year.
This spike, identified by sociolo-
gist David P. Phillips while combing
through death certificates in the Unit-
ed States, has been confirmed in sub-
sequent studies using Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention and other
large data sets. It holds true for all ages
except for children and for numerous
conditions including heart disease, re-
spiratory problems and cancer.
Speculation about why this happens
has ranged from in-law stress to the ex-
cesses of eating all that fruitcake and
drinking all that eggnog, but the pre-
vailing theory accepted by many doc-
tors and researchers has always been
about the weather. The colder it is, the
more vulnerable people’s bodies might
be to having a complication from a
heart attack, flu or other ailment that
they can’t recover from.
The logic may be perfectly reason-
able, but it’s likely wrong. According
to a new study published in the Jour-
nal of the American Heart Association
on Thursday, the rise in deaths during
the holidays doesn’t appear to have
anything to do with the cold winter
To try to separate the season from
the weather, researchers looked at
death data from the opposite side of
the world – in New Zealand, which is
in the Southern Hemisphere, where
Christmas falls in the summer.
The study focused on the 197,109
deaths due to cardiac issues in a 25-
year period from 1988-2013 and found
a jump in heart-related deaths dur-
ing the holidays, a pattern similar to
that seen in the United States. The
methodology they used for the analy-
sis involved calculating an expected
number of deaths based on month
and season and found a 4.2 percent in-
crease from Dec. 25 to Jan. 7. Unlike in
the United States, the holiday season
doesn’t represent the absolute peak of
cardiac deaths, which happens in June,
July and August during the New Zea-
land winter.
The researchers said the findings
clearly suggest that the “holiday ef-
fect” in deaths is separate from any
18 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Progress on diagnosing Alzheimer’s at earlier stage
Researchers at the Washington Dr. James Shafer. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE tion, may also be administered. The level of impairment deter-
University School of Medicine in St. Compact amyloid plaques. But before all of that, there is a mined by the discussion and the
Louis have developed a chemical tests drives the treatment options.
compound that could potentially a thyroid deficiency – that might be simple discussion. Dr. Shafer says, And while early detection (which
be used to detect Alzheimer’s dis- causing the symptoms that caused “I’ll ask the patient ‘What is differ- the Washington University re-
ease in its earliest stages. We spoke the patient to seek help. An MRI of ent today than it was a year ago? searchers tout as an advantage of
to Vero Beach neurologist S. James the brain can show tumors, nerve What can’t you do now that you fluselenamyl) is key in most dis-
Shafer about the significance of this injury or bleeding. A formal cogni- could you do then?’ It’s really im- eases, Dr. Shafer says it’s somewhat
finding. tive assessment, using diagnostic portant for the spouse or caregiver different with Alzheimer’s, as it’s
tools designed to map mental func- to be part of this discussion, be- a progressive disease – there are
Most people know that clusters of cause sometimes the patient does medications that can slow its pro-
abnormal matter in the brain play a not have a full awareness of what gression, but it can’t be stopped.
role in Alzheimer’s disease. These has changed.” However, he does say that diagnos-
clusters, made of protein fragments, ing Alzheimer’s early can be helpful
are called amyloid plaques and they While many people think of for planning purposes regarding
build up between nerve cells. Amy- memory loss as being an early sign current lifestyle and care that will
loid plaques are classified as either of Alzheimer’s, Dr. Shafer says that be needed in the long run.
compact or diffuse (more spread is actually a later manifestation.
out). “What is usually seen first is a prob- What Dr. Shafer is really excited
lem with language; having trouble about is the possibility of com-
Scientists have long known that finding the right word to name pounds being developed that will
compact amyloid plaques are asso- something,” he says. This problem help cure Alzheimer’s, rather than
ciated with Alzheimer’s disease and is called aphasia, a reduction in the just diagnose it. “This is an area of
there have been three compounds brain’s ability to use and interpret research that is going to grow,” he
approved by the FDA in the last few language appropriately. In addition says. “If we can develop compounds
years to detect their presence; these to not being able to come up with that devour and destroy amyloid
compounds are used in conjunc- the right word, the person may also plaques, that will be a really big
tion with imaging tests such as PET have trouble following and partici- deal.”
scans. pating in conversations.
Dr. Shafer sees patients and con-
The prevailing belief has been Another early indication of Al- ducts research at the Vero Beach
that there is no relationship be- zheimer’s is a condition called Neurology and Research Institute,
tween diffuse plaques and the dis- apraxia – the inability to carry out located at 1040 37th Place, Suite 201,
ease; however, the Washington a previously-learned motor activity in Vero Beach. The phone number is
University researchers believe that (such as dressing or making a sand- 772-492-7051.
the diffuse plaque – which the com- wich).
pound they developed detects – may
be an indicator of the earliest stages
of Alzheimer’s.
Vero’s Dr. Shafer does not ques-
tion this not-yet-approved com-
pound, called fluselenamyl, detects
diffuse amyloid plaques and says
that imaging tests are valuable as
an “adjunct” method of diagnos-
ing Alzheimer’s. The Washington
University research was conducted
using brain slices of patients who
had died of Alzheimer’s and other
diseases. In addition to finding
that fluselenamyl detected much
smaller clumps of amyloid protein
than did the three FDA-approved
compounds, the study also showed
another advantage – their new com-
pound did not interact with the
healthy “white matter” in the brain
slices; such interaction can cause
false positives.
As explained by Dr. Shafer, the
evaluation to diagnose Alzheimer’s
disease is multi-faceted.
A full medical history is taken,
and blood tests are conducted to
see if there are any conditions –
such as inflammation, infection or
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 21
culturally viable. “They have killed print, sity students prefer printed textbooks lishers are ignoring the writing on their In her book, Chyi quotes a study in
their core product, with all of their focus over electronic ones, according to monitors. Chyi writes in her book that which an unnamed newspaper pub-
online,” Chyi told me in an interview. surveys. And independent and used “a well-known newspaper association, lisher says, “Our website wouldn’t exist if
bookstores have made a comeback. which is supposed to inform its mem- we didn’t have the print edition, because
To help explain her position, Chyi bers with research relevant to the state it wouldn’t make money.” The publisher
devised a metaphorical symbol for Yet as book publishers double down of the industry, once declined to pub- was then asked, “Would the print prod-
news online: Ramen noodles. Com- on print – even raising the price of e- lish a research synopsis they invited me uct exist without the online edition?”The
pared to dinner in a nice restaurant, ra- books to make paper more attractive to write.” In a letter explaining why, the publisher was a bit perplexed.
men noodles are an inferior good. They – the cost of printed newspapers is go- group told her that because her findings
are cheap. You can cook and consume ing up, not down. Publishers are water- showed that moving to digital might not “Now that’s a good question,” he
them just about anywhere, includ- ing down the lemonade and asking for be the best strategy for newspapers, the said, “and one that I’m sure has oc-
ing a dorm room sink, in five minutes. more quarters. You don’t have to be an organization didn’t want to share them curred to everybody in our industry:
To make them profitable, you have economist to see this won’t end well. with its members. ‘What if we just didn’t do it?’ We are
to sell them by the metric ton. As for batting our heads against the wall. All
their taste, typing the phrase “Ramen It’s undoubtedly true that Ameri- Fidler, Chyi, and others concerned the effort that is going into the website
noodles taste like…” into the Google cans read less print news year after about digital news aren’t just worried is hurting the print edition. Could we
search box produces this result: “Ra- year. In fairness to the digital gurus, about the future of journalism; they’re just not do it? I don’t know.”
men noodles taste like soap.” I won’t hide this fact: The number of worried about society. In recent years,
print newspaper readers has been a flurry of studies has shown that the At least one publisher is trying. Mi-
In her book, Chyi writes that “the halved in the last 20 years. reading experience online is less im- chael Gerber is not a scion of the Sul-
(supposedly dying) print edition still mersive and enjoyable than print, zberger family. He has never worked at
outperforms the (supposedly hopeful) But what if the big decline in print which has implications for how we a newspaper. He’s a humor writer. Last
digital product by almost every stan- readership has more to do with a lack consume and retain information. year, he launched The American By-
dard, be it readership, engagement, ad- of quality than a lack of interest? By stander, a humor magazine publishing
vertising revenue,” and especially will- cutting staff, eliminating sections, and Studies show that readers tend to some of the biggest names in comedy
ingness to actually pay for the product. moving up deadlines hours (further skim and jump around online more writing, including George Meyer, the
aging the news before it’s delivered), than they do in print – not just within genius behind The Simpsons, and car-
In a paper published earlier this publishers have communicated that individual stories, but from page to toonists such as Roz Chast. Gerber has
year, Chyi examined data collected by print really is only useful for lining the page and site to site. Print provides a website, but there is no writing from
Scarborough, a market research firm bottoms of bird cages. the magazine on it. The site exists solely
owned by Nielsen, for the 51 largest a more linear, less distracting way to let readers pay for printed copies,
US newspapers, finding that the print Corporate titans often say that you of reading, which in turn increases which are then mailed to them.
edition reaches 28 percent of circula- must be willing to sacrifice your best comprehension
tion areas, while the digital version products to develop new and potentially “If you put quality content online,
reaches just 10 percent. Digital readers bigger ones. Apple killed the iPod with “The cornerstone of democracy,” you are tethering it to a business mod-
don’t linger. Pew Research Center data the iPhone.We all know how that worked Thomas Jefferson once wrote, “rests el that is cratering and dying,” Gerber
shows that readers coming directly to out. But what if newspapers are killing on the foundation of an educated told me, adding that it’s undeniable
news sites stay less than five minutes. their iPod without an iPhone in sight? electorate.” But how educated can a that “very, very few formerly print
Readers coming from Facebook are society of skimmers really be? A 2013 publications are better off now than
gone in less than two minutes. Newspapers still get the vast majority study in the Newspaper Research Jour- they were prior to the Web.”
of their revenue from print. Meanwhile, nal found that Times readers recalled
Publishers argue that print readers a growing number of online readers more stories and specific details in The American Bystander is printed
are just getting older while younger use ad blockers, less than 10 percent of print than they did online. The study’s on thick paper and looks and feels
readers move further away from even readers are willing to pay for more con- authors blamed the poor online re- substantial. The first two issues had
considering print, but Pew surveys tent online, and the digital advertising sults on distractions (ads, links, etc.) more than 100 pages each. Gerber just
and Chyi’s analysis of the Scarborough business stinks – and not just because and fewer design cues about which raised nearly $40,000 for the magazine
data show that considerable inter- of the oversupply of ad space. articles were newsy and significant. on Kickstarter. He gets the irony, but
est in print still persists, even among “[w]e are going for it,” Gerber says.
young readers. In October, executives at The Guard- The results are important, the study “We’re going where everyone else isn’t.”
ian bought ads on their own website said, in elucidating “the modern role
Pew reports that print-only is still to see how much money they were newspapers play in maintaining an By that, he means paper. He’s plac-
the most common way of reading left with after Google and the various informed citizenry.” The electorate ing a bet on the future by choosing the
news, with more than half of readers ad auction companies took their cuts. has never been fully informed, but past. “There’s this assumption that
last year opting for ink on their hands The result? Thirty cents on the dollar. that’s typically by voter choice. On- online is inevitable, that it is like the
every day. The percentage who only Given all this, you might think there line news, the research says, could steam engine or something,” Gerber
read news via a computer? Five percent would be some serious soul searching make it impossible to be informed – says. “Maybe it is. But maybe it’s not.
in 2014…and in 2015? Also 5 percent. in the industry. You would be wrong. even for those who want to be. Maybe it can’t be.”
Chyi’s findings show that among Instead, there is evidence that pub- I logged into Kickstarter the other
18- to 24-year-old news readers, 19.9 night and made a pledge.
percent had read the print edition of a
newspaper during the past week. Less Journalism is about reporting. Re-
than 8 percent read it digitally. porting is paying attention and tak-
ing good notes. For me, that means
Chyi has been making this argument using a good pen – a fountain pen.
for several years, but when I spoke to her
this past summer she told me that few I used to spend a lot of time search-
people in the industry were paying at- ing Staples for the best gel pen. I had
tention, including media reporters. Now crushes, but I never fell in love. Then I
they are. Jack Shafer, a sharp media critic tried a fountain pen. Love. They glide
at Politico, highlighted her research in an over the paper. There are a million dif-
October column on the enduring value ferent ink colors. They aren’t messy.
of print, but missed the larger context – They’re fun to play with. And you can
that her numbers don’t exist in a vacuum. get a great one without spending a
fortune. The best part: I find that I pay
Print is rebounding or stabilizing in closer attention to note-taking. Now
other areas of daily life. Sales of print that’s innovation.
books have risen every year since
2013, while e-books have leveled off This article was written by Michael
and in some genres declined. Univer- Rosenwald of The Washington Post.
26 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
7 Cypriot cheese (8) 1 In abundance (6)
8 Scarce (4) 2 Confederation (8)
9 Concoction (6) 3 Slake (6)
10 Tense (6) 4 Fluid (6)
11 Bridle strap (4) 5 Genuine (4)
12 Pleasure seeker (8) 6 Potato snacks (6)
14 Evaluated (8) 13 Designate (8)
18 Camouflage (4) 15 Hues (6)
20 Raillery (6) 16 Leftovers (6)
22 Haphazard (6) 17 Dashed (6)
23 Intend, plan (4) 19 Type of cake (6)
24 Reputation (8) 21 Bivvy (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 27
ACROSS 65 The Revolution’s 3 Like Pinocchio, 66 Remove from The Washington Post
other George in the end granny’s grasp?
1 Cosmic THE LABEL DEPARTMENT By Merl Reagle
“scorecard” 66 See 57 Across 4 Computer, 67 Israel native
71 It means there are familiarly 68 By way of
6 Some oinkers
10 Of atmospheric boom days ahead 5 “Wait ___!” 69 Noel Coward
72 ___ consequence 6 Somewhat tune,
weight 73 It’s nothing “Someday ___
15 Purchase from a 74 Word before smith sugary You”
7 Like some
nursery or stitch 70 Boitano surface
18 Girder 75 Nutritionist’s fixations 71 Henner-Hirsch
19 Finish filming 8 “Where ___ I?”
20 Per ___ income exclamation 9 Surveillant series
21 On-off switch of amazement? 10 Munchhaüsen, 75 “Batmania,” e.g.
80 Chocolate giant 76 A Bradley
abbr. 84 Basic rule for one 77 Part of RFE:
22 How nutritionists 85 Doesn’t pass, in 11 Part of a st.
football abbr.
take 86 Top Saudi address 78 “___ Love Her”
things? 88 Put on the radio 12 Hervé’s co-star,
24 Little character 89 Item with pips (Beatles)
seen on a 90 On the train once 79 ___ de triomphe
nutritionist’s wall? 93 Loot in the Boot 13 Bellini, Cellini, 81 “The Miller’s,” for
26 Soothing stuff 94 Boston and Eton: or Fellini
27 Seasonal song abbr. 14 Colombian city one
28 Nutritionist’s 96 Fiber source 15 Parsley piece 82 Leslie Caron role
remark about how 97 German
the old career is nutritionist’s 16 Due (to) 83 It may precede
going? opinion about his 17 Remains in a “while”
29 Force to leave rising business?
30 Advice seeker’s 100 Soliloquy start bottle 87 It may recede
addressee 103 Moon vehs. 20 Colt or Mustang after a while
32 Relative of “me 106 Eccentric 23 Nibble
neither” 107 Wheel-spinning 25 It’ll cook your 91 South Pacific
33 You can beat places standard
them 108 With 115 goose
34 Nutritionitht’th Across, British 28 Holiday, for one 92 Minimum battery
favorite thinger- passengers’ 29 “Nice bull- power
thongwriter? gripe to a speedy
39 When to sing an nutritionist? dodging!” 93 Eye shade?
aubade 111 Interest sharer 30 Of love 94 AAA offering
41 Say likewise 112 Serenade 95 Checks off
42 Non-cash deal 115 See 108 Across 31 Briskness 96 Goldilocks tried
43 Terrorizer of 116 Puzzle-solving 34 N.Y.’s Public
1920s Chicago nutritionist’s three of them
46 Dumbo memento comment to a Theater founder 98 Panda park
49 Nose variety kibitzer? 35 Feverish fit 99 Alban Berg opera
50 At the drop of ___ 119 Dusk, to the Bard 36 Impulse 100 Aggressive, as a
51 Fish alternative 120 Danson role
52 Shelters of a sort 121 Pavlov’s first 37 Farthest from the personality
54 Paul Reubens 122 Cart way pin, in golf 101 ___ and ahed
persona 123 Hullabaloo 102 Good, to Guido
57 With 66 Across, 124 Locations 38 Biol. branch 104 Ancient capital of
nutritionist’s 125 Directory item 40 Tread reducer
advice to a boxer 126 Feeds (on) Ethiopia
who thinks he can 44 Barley bristle 105 Knocks
beat the champ? DOWN 45 Skirt feature
61 Actress-wife of 60 1 Sgt. Preston’s 46 Mencken was senseless
Down, ___ San one 109 Spinning speeds,
Juan dog 47 What the
63 Cell info 2 Rose lover? Morlocks have for briefly
64 911 result lunch in The Time 110 Dessert suffix?
48 Turow topic 111 With 12, a show
50 Lesbians’ sea 112 Hip
113 Exclusively
51 Displays brazenly 114 Klopstock works
53 Little lizards 116 Original ___
117 Targets of
55 Isn’t satisfactory
56 Right wing? “fertilizers”?
58 Sinaloa single 118 Peace, in
59 Xanax container
60 Actor O’Brien Russian
62 Appt. person,
The Telegraph
28 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Getting sick of being sad is post-breakup progress
BY CAROLYN HAX giveaway. It’s not feeling bad that motivates us to I don’t mean to sound like a complete lizard
Washington Post reach for something different, it’s getting annoyed here; I understand the intense pain you’re in. But
with feeling bad – annoyed enough to face the dif- when surging emotions seize control of all your
Dear Carolyn: I’m 25 and my ferent kind of struggle that comes with moving on. executive functions, a little lizardry can help.
boyfriend of five years just broke
up with me. I was completely In that sense you’re also further along than you It can remind you that relationships of five years
blindsided – I had been going realize. You don’t have to agonize about whether don’t end over five weeks of self-absorption. Gen-
through a difficult time at a new your relationship is working, whether you’d regret eral reflection is important and useful, but this
job and for a few weeks was ad- leaving or regret staying, etc. Your ex handed you big breakup was coming regardless, so don’t second-
mittedly absorbed with my own changes as a fait accompli. All you need to sort out guess what you said two weeks ago Thursday.
problems. I was leaning on him now are the particulars of your new circumstances.
too heavily for support. I would have tried my best It can remind you that new breakups are like
to make the relationship work if he’d said he was new jobs, handing you an unfamiliar routine re-
unhappy. He said this isn’t something that can be quiring intense presence of mind where your old
fixed – though he misses and loves me. circumstances were comfortably reflexive. It’s
I know heartbreak is part of being human. I normal to feel overwhelmed by a learning curve
know that I’m young, that I shouldn’t expect to – and progressively less so as familiarity starts to
spend my entire life with my first boyfriend, that kick in.
I’m lucky he didn’t wait until we lived together,
and that I’m lucky to still have supportive friends. It can remind you that being with someone re-
But we did everything together, we talked about quires a specific kind of effort: of accommodating
everything (except, apparently, his doubts), and someone’s habits, emotions, preferences, auton-
everything reminds me of him. I’m exhausted from omy, etc., while remaining fully yourself. Now no
feeling sad and scared all the time. such effort is required – home is all you! – which is
I know this is not a unique experience, but how do convenient because that energy can go toward an
I start to accept this? I’m amazed to realize I don’t effort you’ve neglected, building “d[o] everything to-
have any single friends – I don’t know where I fit gether” friendships. You didn’t lose everything; you
now. I’m tired of feeling pathetic all the time. just traded one emotional challenge for another.
Have your sad and scared jags, of course; they’re
– Help a normal and cathartic part of a lousy process. In
You’ve already started to accept this, you just between, though, try to listen for what the lizard
don’t see it yet. has to say: This was unavoidable, it hurts intensely,
Your weariness with feeling pathetic is a dead intensity fades. Trust time and trust your own re-
sourcefulness – if you do, then together they’ve got
this, I swear.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Style Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 29
The best red carpet moments of 2016
From Bella Hadid’s barely-there dress at the
Cannes Film Festival, to Julianne Moore’s
showstopping Oscar gown, there have been
plenty of oh-ah red carpet moments this year.
30 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 Style Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
The fashion industry wants you to wear PJs out. Don’t do it!
BY ROBIN GIVHAN This feels like another effort by designers and the Dolce have for years included a few
fashion industry to impose some abstract vision on us. pajama looks in their runway shows.
The Washington Post
— Marlene Hu Aldaba But the trend picked up momen-
Designers really want to turn fancy tum in the last few seasons. “All the
pajamas into glamorous streetwear. cater to the idea that people should director of Nylon, a fashion and cul- cool fashion editors started wear-
The average shopper seems uncon- wear fancy pajamas on the street. ture magazine based in New York. He ing pajamas,” Errico says. They wore
vinced. The Italian brand F.R.S. (both the likes the idea of it; Errico owns a Prada them with their kangaroo-fur-lined
founder’s initials and an abbrevia- pajama shirt that he bought way back Gucci slides. They tossed Céline coats
Yet the fashion industry will not let tion of “for restless sleepers”) uses in the early ’00s. And he’d use it for a over their pajama-clad shoulders.
this idea go, despite your reluctance fabrics patterns and rich colors that fashion shoot. But he just can’t see it
to wear a pair of silk pajamas to a call to mind life in a Medici palazzo. finding a niche in real life. And there is more to come in the
cocktail party. Indeed, in an unchar- Piamita was founded by two fashion season the industry calls pre-fall,
acteristic display of independence, editors in 2011 with fashion pajamas “Does it walk down the street or just notes Roopal Patel, fashion director
confidence and adherence to civil- as its early focus. They ooze charm. from a chauffeured car to a private of Saks Fifth Avenue. “I don’t think
ity, consumers have been immune event?” Errico wonders.“I don’t think pajama dressing is going away any-
to the concept. They’ve ignored the All of these garments have luxurious it’s going to break out.” time soon,” she says.
celebrity endorsements and the ca- fabrics, elaborate patterns, saturated
chet of designer labels. colors, comfortable silhouettes. They In the nation’s capital, there is no There is a certain logic to it. Re-
are, in fact, quite handsome. But they love for PJ style – not even at one of the member Kate Moss in her sexy Cal-
The nation is bravely refusing the look precisely like what they, in fact, city’s great bastions of fashion, Hu’s vin Klein slip dress? Women wear
normalization of pajamas. Shoppers, are: Pajamas. Wear. camisoles as shirts and don’t mind
stay strong. showing off an especially sexy or
And they are thriving – within the “Do people even wear pajamas to frilly bra. And folks delight in board-
Mind you, designers are not tout- fashion ecosystem, anyway. In the bed these days?” emails an incredu- ing airplanes or heading to brunch
ing basic cotton PJs, flannel onesies spring, Dolce & Gabbana hosted a lous Marlene Hu Aldaba from the in sweatpants, leggings and T-shirts
or even filmy nightgowns. They want “pajama party” in Los Angeles, where fashion trails in Europe, where she is that make up in comfort what they
you to wear extremely fancy silk pa- guests Naomi Campbell and Jessica looking at clothes for the next season lack in style. “There’s a degree of
jamas and dressing gowns – the sort Alba were decked out in pajamas. The and avoiding pajamas at all costs. function in athleisure,” Errico says.
that you might sleep in, if you had Hollywood Reporter‘s Booth Moore “This feels like another effort by de- “There’s this assumption that there’s
a manservant dressing your bed in recalls the model Gigi Hadid wear- signers and the fashion industry to a stop at a gym along the way.”
Pratesi sheets and Hermès throws. ing a pajama jumpsuit on the red impose some abstract vision on us
The point of these pajamas, howev- carpet. Moore has also seen the look . . . Sure, some of the softer ‘pajama’ Pajamas, however, are intimate
er, is not sleep. They are intended to at fashion-y Los Angeles parties. She, looks are feminine and flowing, but without the sex appeal. They are all
be glammed up with chic shoes and herself, owns a lovely pajama shirt, are designers just sitting around comfort without even the pretense
a handbag, a slash of red lipstick and purchased from a shop in Paris. But scratching their temples trying to of function. There was a period when
a significant amount of chutzpah. have any of these looks really been figure out, ‘Where have we not been rebellious teenagers or overtaxed
Perhaps a robe top over trousers spotted in the wild? before: pajamas to dinner! That’s it!’ parents wore their jersey or flannel
and a dress shirt. You’re supposed to Pure shtick.” sleepwear out to coffee shops or the
wear this look to a holiday party. Or Moore, author of “Where Stylists dog park. This iteration of pajamas
celebratory dinner. Or to the mall. Shop,” says she hasn’t seen it. Not The fashion industry’s fascina- exuded laziness. They were a decla-
even in Los Angeles, the city that tion goes back more than a decade. ration of surrender – or, at their silky
A significant portion of the fash- turned pink velour track suits into a In the Prada 2002 spring collection, best, an affectation. (See: Hugh Hef-
ion industry has gotten behind this fashion statement. the designer included metallic gold ner, Julian Schnabel.)
notion. This week, a Givenchy flo- shirts cut precisely like a pajama top
ral pajama top was for sale on the Meanwhile, on the East Coast: “It’s a and shorts that looked like the lower Fashion pajamas are more com-
Neiman Marcus website for $811, look I haven’t seen hit the streets very half of a pajama set. And the design- plicated. They require a certain level
marked down from the original much,” notes Joseph Errico, fashion ers Stefano Gabbana and Domenico of fashion savvy – to make clear that
$1,690. That was just for the top; the the look was intentional, not happen-
bottoms were extra. At Saks Fifth stance. That requires work. Selena Go-
Avenue, customers will find a Gucci mez was recently photographed wear-
corsage-print silk pajama top priced ing pajamas on a shopping trip. Her
at $2,200 and the bottoms at $1,300. hair was in a low ponytail; she wore
And in September, when Bouchra bright red lipstick and black stiletto
Jarrar debuted her spring 2017 Lan- pumps. She looked fashionable, but
vin collection, the focus of the line she did not look comfortable.
was boudoir looks, including a par-
ticularly striking black-and-white Still, Patel is committed to fashion
striped robe worn as a blazer. pajamas. She says they have sparked
more interest in for-the-bedroom pa-
Further down the fashion food jamas from snazzy brands like Fleur
chain, Victoria’s Secret is selling “af- du Mal. And, yes, people really are in-
ter hours satin pajamas.” And J. Crew corporating them into their everyday
has paired with jeans as well as a pa- lifestyle. Well, fashion people.
jama jumpsuit styled with one of its
black Regency blazers and black flats. Beware of fashion people. But if you
cannot resist their siren song, Patel of-
To be clear, these are not pajama- fers this: “Layer a pajama top under a
style garments, nor trousers that sim- blazer with jeans and a little slipper or
ply borrow the loose fit and drape of loafer,” she says. “Try a striped pajama
sleepwear. Ostensibly, these are pa- bottom with a solid top to give it bal-
jamas, promoted for both men and ance.”
women. Indeed, in recent years, en-
tire brands have been born solely to “It’s really about having fun,” she
says. Whether you like it or not.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 31
& Casual Dining
Two tastes of Lebanon: Skewers and Sammy’s
Columnist Tabouleh.
Years ago, my husband used to return Skewers’
home from trips to Beirut with stories of Butterfly Combo.
the exotic dishes he had enjoyed there.
Alas, I am probably never going to Dolmades.
make it to Lebanon, but there are a
couple of restaurants in this area that Sammy’s Tabouleh.
feature this most popular of all Mid-
dle Eastern cuisines. PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
Both restaurants, Skewers Mediterra-
nean Grille in Indialantic and Sammy’s
Mediterranean Café in Vero Beach, of-
fer a selection of familiar Greek and
American dishes for the timid diner.
But for the more adventuresome,
both also offer the traditional Leba-
nese tastes my husband remembers
from cafés along Rue Hamra, which
in the ’60s and ’70s was Beirut’s
Champs Elysées.
On a recent visit to Skewers, which
was packed on a Wednesday evening, mato and red onion, tossed with olive edges. Served with tahini (a sesame go visit, either Skewers in Indialantic
our party of three started with falafel oil and fresh lemon juice – was very seed paste), this dish was divine. or Sammy’s on the edge of Vero’s old
($7.90), stuffed grape leaves ($7.90), baba light and refreshing. downtown are very much worth a try.
ghanouj ($6.75) and tabouleh ($7.25). Then for main courses, I had the sa-
Then for entrées, I had the New juk ($15.95), this time my husband tried I welcome your comments, and en-
The baba ghanouj, grilled eggplant Zealand lamb chops ($23.90), my hus- the lamb chops ($26.95) and our com- courage you to send feedback to me at
blended with tahini, fresh garlic and band ordered the kibbeh ($19.90) and panion opted for the dolmades ($9.95).
lemon, was excellent, as were the dol- our companion decided to go with the
mades, as the grape leaves were called butterfly combination ($19.90). Sajuk is a semi-dry spicy lamb sau- Better yet, try both.
in Lebanon. The tabouleh – a parsley sage that has its roots in Lebanon’s Ar- The reviewer dines anonymously at
salad with bulgur wheat, vine-ripe to- The lamb chops were tasty (though menian community. Sammy sautées it restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
not the choicest cut). The kibbeh – a with fresh mushrooms, onions and to- 32963.
Sammy’s finely ground sirloin and bulgur mato, and serves it with rice pilaf and
Mediterranean Café wheat shell, encasing sautéed ground pita. If you like sausage, this is a won- Skewers
sirloin, red onions and pinenuts – was derful dish. It may even have been bet- Mediterranean Grille
Hours: 11 am to 9 pm, good, but the best dish of the three ter than Sammy’s four beautiful little
Monday through Saturday was the butterfly combo: humus, New Zealand lamb chops, perfectly Hours: 11 am to 9:30 pm
tabbouleh, sirloin grape leaves, kafta grilled medium rare and very tender. daily, 10 pm Fri. and Sat.
Beverages: Beer and Wine and garlic chicken over jasmine rice. Opens at noon Saturdays
Both of these restaurants have their
Address: On a visit a couple of nights later to strong points (the service at Skewers and 4 pm Sundays
1130 20th Place, Sammy’s, which by the way also was was fantastic, and they occasionally fea-
packed, we started with the caramel- ture a belly dancer; Sammy personally Beverages: Beer and Wine
Vero Beach ized cauliflower ($9.95) and kibbeh tries to make every customer happy).
($6.95) appetizers ($6.95). Our com- Address:
Phone: 772-217-3897 panion tried a cup of lentil soup ($4.95). One thing you can say about both 144 5th Avenue, Indialantic
is they are authentic. Skewers was
The cauliflower appetizer was a named the Lebanese Gourmet before Phone: 321-727-8944
winner. When you roast cauliflower 9/11, and the Lebanese dishes of both
to the point that you think you might restaurants are the real deal.
be overdoing it, the high heat cara-
melizes it, leaving a slightly sweet in- If you are craving tastes of Lebanon
terior and a crispy crunch around the and the Levant during a difficult era
when not many of us are inclined to
32 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
& Casual Dining
ebrate A Special New Year’Come Cels Eve At
At the Surfcaster Inn
Italian Grille • Great Old World Pizza • Fine Wine
New Year’s Dinner
$29.95 per person
5 Course Dinner including a glass
of wine or other beverage
Seatings at 4PM, 6PM & 8PM
• Reservations Required •
5395 S. A1A, Melbourne Beach, 32951 • 321-723-0383
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 33
Bonzo says Salty’s one pepper pot of a pupster
Hi Dog Buddies! “Good for you Salty!” (That’s Salty the Labradoodle. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
not always easy for us pooches
Recently I yapped with a pupster who to figure out. Some of us, not on ‘em. I still stay corner of my notebook and thinking how
was discovered on the inner-net. Salty me, ask forgiveness instead of right in the middle. But I love my lucky I am to get to meet so many cool
Collings is a black Labradoodle with a permission.) vet. I’m not even scared of Shots.” poocheroos.
puppy personality, really sweet and funny
and playful. And, even though he’s only 15 “Whaddya do for fun?” I “Wow! So, Whaddya like to eat?” Till next time,
months old, he Follows the Rules. Mostly. inquired. “I get kibbles and froot and veg-tubble
snacks: strawberries, cucumbers, sweet The Bonz
Salty lives right on a little lake. When me “I chase geckos and frogs. potatoes. An looky what I can do!”
and my Assistant knocked, Salty was right But I don’t catch ‘em. I pro- Salty’s Mom held up a snack and said,“Sit!” Don’t Be Shy
there at the door, bouncing. His Mom was bly could, but I just don’t “Shake!” and “High Five!” And he did ‘em!
holding his collar cuz he was So Excited. But wanna. I mean, they creep “Cool, huh, Mr. Bonzo?” We are always looking for pets
he had the Wag-and-Sniff down, and wasn’t me out. I’m a good swim- “Totally!” with interesting stories.
the least bit shy. mer but I don’t like the “At night, we watch TV together. I usu-
pool, just the lake. When ally sleep with Mom, when Dad’s at work. To set up an interview, email
“HeLOO, Mr. Bonzo! Please come in. I’m it’s real hot I like to sit in it Sometimes I hog the bed, but I’m soft and
Salty Collings and this is my Mom, Laurie. up to my nose. I don’t do fluffy so it’s OK.”
My Dad’s Joaquin and my human brother’s that much anymore cuz The time had passed quickly. Heading
Rowan, he’s 10. Come’on, let’s go sit down. it makes Mom nervous. home, I was looking at the munched-on
But NOT on the couch. It’s for Humans Something about a big
Only. Wow! That’s a nice notebook.” lizard who lives there,
who could bite my nose
We all sat down and Salty started off.
munching my notebook (just the edges)
till his Mom suggested he should stop cuz I “Balls are fun, too. I
needed it to write about him, and told him can crush a tennis ball.
to go get his toy. And I like to break a co-
conut open and munch
“Oh, right. Sorry Mr. Bonzo. I’ll be right for hours. Totally Yum-
back.” my! I also like chewing
pencils and paper. One
He trotted off and came back with a pur- time, I accidentally ate
ple and green Halloween squeaky toy with Mom’s special sandals.
a ball on one end. It said, “Black Bat Chews, And her flip-flops. You
Sweet and Salty.” know how chewy they
“These are yummy. You should get your
Mom to get you one. I can share if you “Yes. Yes I do,” I
want,” he offered, slurpily. admitted.
“That’s very thoughtful, Salty. But I’ve “I go to work with
gotta take notes. Tell me about yourself.” Mom sometimes. I
love humans. I get
“Okay. I was the first dog Mom and Dad two walks a day.
ever got as a puppy. They saw my picture on Sometimes Mom
the inner-net and went to Orlando to meet drives the golf cart
me. We played for three days and we were and I run along.
comPATibble. That means I like to get patted Weekends we
and they like to pat me. It also helped that I ushully go to the
was On Sale, cuz I don’t have a tail. I was only Dog Park. I usta
8 weeks old when I got here. Rowan named go to the Canine
me. He said I’m a Salty Dog. He’s pawsome!” Country Club, To-
tally Cool Dog Biscuits.
Salty was taller than me, and he had big We didn’t hafta stay in cages. We were sort-
fluffy paws. His hair was wavy and silky, ed by size, in our play groups. And we slept
not curly like a poodle, and it flopped rak- together in one big room on soft mats, like
ishly over his face. A real Chick Magnet. human puppies in kindergarten. But I got-
ta admit, Mr. Bonzo, some stuff scares me.”
“Mom and Dad thought Labradoodles
don’t shed, which was Very Important to “That lizard in the pond?” I suggested.
them. Then they discovered – I shed. It’s “Nope. It’s TRUCKS. They’re Real Scary.
cuz I’m only a first-generation Labradoodle, Even our car and boat. They’re so LOUD.
more Lab than Doodle. I was afraid they’d And BUSHES. They’re always rustling and
demand a refund, but thank Lassie, they I’m pretty sure there’s something in there
love me anyway and would NEVER return that’s gonna jump out and GET me.
me. Plus, when I shed, it makes soft little “Mom says I’m a Fraidy Cat, but I say I’m
black Dust Bunnies, which are very cute. being cautious, cuz you just never know. Ya
know? And another thing. STAIRS. When I
“I usta be crated. Didja see my big crate was little, I’d stand at the top and bark my
by the door? But not much anymore. See, I ears off. Then I’d tumble down ‘em. Took me
am Very Tidy and don’t jump up on the fur- the longest time to get up the nerve to step
niture, even when I’m home alone. And I
have this special Potty Bark. When Mom or
Dad or Rowan hear it, they know they hafta
let me outside Right Away to Do My Duty.”
34 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
ONGOING sored by Melbourne Beach History Board and 14 League of Women Voters of the Space a.m. to 6 p.m. at Wickham Park, Melbourne,
led by town historian Frank Thomas, with a Coast host Senator Bob Graham and with 34 acts on 5 stages, jousting, food, drink,
Space Coast Lightfest, 6:30 to 10 p.m. night- reception in Community Center following the Chris Hand, authors of ‘America, the Owner’s artisan booths and craft demonstrations to
ly at Wickham Park in Melbourne thru Jan. 1. walk. Free. 321-723-2655 Manual: You can Fight City Hall and Win’, 11:30 support arts and education programs of local a.m. at Radisson Resort at the Port. $28; ad- nonprofits.
3-22 Riverside Theatre presents the vance purchase required.
Foosaner Art Museum – Radiant Messenger: Draw- Broadway musical Chicago on 21|22 Sebastian Riverfront Fine
ings by China Marks exhibit, thru Jan. 7. 321-674-8916 the Stark Stage. 772-231-6990 14 Friends of Sebastian Inlet State Park Art & Music Festival, 10
Night Sounds concert series features a.m. to 5 p.m. at Riverview Park, with 100+ pro-
EGAD First Friday in Eau Gallie Arts District, 5:30 6-8 Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse Four Shillings Short, 7 p.m. at Coconut Point pa- fessional artists, craftsmen and musicians show-
to 8:30 p.m. every first Friday; and Melbourne Main presents Gibson’s dramatic play, vilions. Standard park entry fee. 321-984-4852 casing their talents.
Street Friday Fest, 6 to 10 p.m. every second Friday. The Miracle Worker. 321-636-5050
15 The Aladdin Society presents Play- 25-30 Space Coast Birding and
Free Science Cafés hosted by Brevard Zoo 7 Cops and Robbers 5K Run, 8:30 a.m. at house 101, a pictorial walk through Wildlife Festival at Eastern
and FIT, every second Wednesday thru June at Wickham Park to benefit Melbourne Po- the Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse. 321-636- Florida State College, Titusville, with world-
Duran Golf Club’s Tradewinds Restaurant. Free. lice Foundation, with ‘robbers’ given a one-min- 5050 class speakers, field trips, workshops and ex-
ute head start before ‘cops’ give chase. $25; $20 hibits.
DECEMBER students. 17 To February 5 - Riverside Theatre
presents An Empty Plate in the Café 27 Indian River Symphonic Association
31 New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner and Dance, 8 Space Coast Jazz Society presents Grammy du Grand Boeuf on the Waxlax Stage. 772- presents National Symphony Orches-
8 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Holiday Inn in winner Robert Navarro, 2 p.m. at Cocoa 231-6990 tra of Ukraine featuring pianist Alexei Grynyuk
Viera hosted by Melbourne Municipal Band, Beach Country Club to benefit SCJS Student Jazz performing Schumann Piano Concerto in A mi-
with hors d’oeuvres, sit-down dinner, dancing to Workshops. $20. 20 Melbourne Chamber Music Soci- nor, 7:30 p.m. at Community Church of Vero
20-piece Swingtime band, floorshow by Swing- ety presents the Lysander Piano Beach. 772-778-1070
timers Vocal Trio, balloon drop and champagne 11 Atlantic Classical Orchestra conduct- Trio, 7:30 p.m. at St. Marks United Methodist
toast at midnight. $100. 321-339-7705. ed by David Amado features soloist Church in Indialantic. melbournechambermu- 27 To February 12 - Historic Cocoa Vil-
Vyacheslav Gryaznov performing Tchaikovsky lage Playhouse presents the musical,
31 The Classic Albums Live Rockin’ New Piano Concerto No. 1, 6:40 p.m. lecture; 7:30 On the Town. 321-636-5050
Year’s Eve Party, 10 p.m. hosted by p.m. concert at St. Edward’s School’s Waxlax 20 To February 26 - Melbourne Civic
King Center for the Performing Arts and the Center for Performing Arts, Vero Beach. 772- Theatre presents Calendar Girls, by 28|29 Brevard Renaissance Fair:
Brevard Music, listening and dancing to hits of 460-0850 Tom Firth. The Time of Excalibur, 10
Creedence Clearwater Revival and the Rolling a.m. to 6 p.m. at Wickham Park, Melbourne,
Stones. 12 Indian River Symphonic Association 21 Brevard Symphony Orchestra pres- with 34 acts on 5 stages, jousting, food, drink,
presents Prague Philharmonia, fea- ents The French Connection, 2 p.m. artisan booths and craft demonstrations to
JANUARY turing violinist Sarah Chang, 7:30 p.m. at Com- and 8 p.m. at King Center for the Performing support arts and education programs of local
munity Church of Vero Beach. 772-778-1070 Arts, showcasing cellist Cicely Parnas perform- nonprofits.
1 Historical Walk of Old Melbourne Beach, ing Saint-Saens Cello Concerto No. 1. bre-
10 a.m. from pier at Ocean Avenue spon- 13-29 Henegar Center for the Arts 31 To February 19 - Riverside Theatre
in Melbourne presents the presents Noel Coward’s Private Lives
romantic comedy, It Shoulda Been You. hen- 21|22 Brevard Renaissance Fair: on the Stark Stage. 772-231-6990 The Time of Excalibur, 10
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword Page 4237 (TWO-SAINT OVERTURE)
in December 22, 2016 Edition 5 STORYTELLER 1 TOLERANT 1|2 Jazz 4 the Soul presented by Mel-
7 GATEAU 2 SYRUP bourne Community Orchestra,
8 TISSUE 3 VENTURE 7:30 p.m. at Melbourne Auditorium. Free. 321-
9 BLEAK 4 PLUS 285-6724
13 STUTTER 6 ROUTE 3-5 Brevard Renaissance Fair: The Time
15 USUAL 11 ASSISTED of Excalibur at Wickham Park, Mel-
18 SACHET 12 CERTAIN bourne, Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. school day; Sat/
20 MASTER 14 TIARA Sun 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., with 34 acts on 5 stages,
21 APPOINTMENT 16 ALERT jousting, food, drink, artisan booths and craft
17 EMPTY demonstrations to support arts and education
19 HOPE programs of local nonprofits. brevardrenais-
Sudoku Page 4262 Sudoku Page 2473 Crossword Pagee4226
Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your service to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753
This directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the beachside community an
opportunity to make themselves known to island readers at an affordable cost. This is the only service directory
mailed each week during season to all 8,000+ homes on the South Brevard barrier island. If you are interested
in a listing in the Melbourne Beach 32951 Business Directory, please contact marketing representative
Kathleen Macglennon at or call 772-633-0753.
36 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Inspired design details define dreamy oceanfront home
BY GEORGE WHITE After thinking it over, Andrew em- The family was only in the home – damaged the family’s dream home
Staff Writer barked on an extensive redesign of their escape from the South Florida presented “an opportunity, so we re-
what was then a 2,100-square-foot traffic congestion – about a year when did the house.”
Nestled at the top of a secluded house with pitched roofs, north and the 2004 storms hit.
driveway at 8875 SR A1A in Mel- south, and a mostly-open, patio-like, The goals for redesign: expand the
bourne Beach is the second incar- ground-level floor. The result was “We lived in Boca Raton and we top level by making the roof flat, fin-
nation of a three-level dream home, an impressive contemporary home wanted to get away from the hustle ish and enclose the first floor for their
now nearly double its original size, graced with Mediterranean design el- and bustle and find our dream home, two sons, now 15 and 19, create views
with features reflecting the European ements, including tilework, travertine but down there, a house like this one on all levels and add quality details
travels of homeowner Tom Andrew, stone arches and wrought-iron bal- is $10 million on the beach,” Andrew visually referencing favorite family
an assets trader who faced tough de- usters on the main interior staircase, said. “This was just like a paradise for trips to Europe.
cisions after the devastation caused which ascends in a tower-like structure us: an oasis and an opportunity for us
by the 2004 hurricanes. with views of the Intracoastal Water- to live our dream. If you want privacy, “The house had a very asymmetri-
way. The main views are through win- if you want your own piece of para- cal and irregular shape to it. Num-
The 5,300-square-foot, 5-bedroom, dow walls that take in a wide sweep of dise [this is it]. This is where the traf- ber one, they didn’t capitalize on the
5-bath home sits on a 1.08-acre ocean- beach and blue Atlantic. fic on the beach is not.” views, and number two, they had a
front lot and is listed at $2.395 million. footprint here that would support
He said the hurricanes that badly 5,000 square feet but they weren’t
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 37
utilizing it. We put in floor to ceiling REAL ESTATE
windows on every floor. Our previous
home was filled with art work. Here’s
our artwork [now],” Andrew said,
pointing the expansive windows.
“There’s not a lot of wall space to hang
art work but this [view] is magical.”
As for the Mediterranean feel: “We
intended that, too, with the rounded
drywall edges and the arches. We
spent a lot of our time in Europe and
the Greek Islands. We wanted to bring
that in,” he said.
An architect friend from Argen-
tina supplied the plans; Mark Steven
Construction of Melbourne Beach
and builder Mark Mihlebach handled
the renovation and construction. In-
spired interior design was by Sharon
Pachan from Sanibel Designs.
Starting a tour at the top of the
home after taking the elevator to
the third level, there are spectacular
ocean views from a 1,000-square-
foot master suite with custom cherry
woodwork surrounding a gas fire-
place. New during more recent reno-
vations was the addition of a wet bar,
an under-counter refrigerator and
laundry facilities on the third level.
“We spend a lot of time up there
because it’s a bedroom you can live
in and not just sleep in. There’s a fire-
38 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Dec. 15 to Dec. 21
The last full week before Christmas was a relatively quiet one in the South Brevard island ZIP codes 32951
and 32903, with 5 properties sold in Melbourne Beach and 2 in Indialantic.
The top sale of the week in 32951 was of a canal front home in Harbor East. The property at 409 Anchor
Key was placed on the market Sept. 11 with an asking price of $756,500. The price was subsequently
reduced to $746,400. The transaction closed Dec. 15 for $715,000.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Justin Torpy and Cristina Faherty of the Curri Kirschner
Real Estate Group. The purchaser was represented by Jason Cheek of Space Coast Realty.
$219,000 $219,000
KIRKTON RICHARDS SUB 175 RICHARDS RD 10/30/2016 $340,000 $219,000 12/19/2016 $325,000
VILLAGE OF TRAMORE 164 TRAMORE PL 11/3/2016 $513,579 $340,000 12/18/2016 $513,579
$549,900 $516,000
HARBOR EAST SEC 3 AM 424 RIVERVIEW LN 12/6/2016 $756,500 $513,579 12/15/2016 $715,000
MELBOURNE SHORES 2ND 250 HERON DR 10/25/2016 $549,900 12/15/2016
HARBOR EAST SEC 2 409 ANCHOR KEY 9/11/2016 $746,400 12/15/2016
RIO VILLA UNIT II 588 RIO CASA DR N 9/14/2016 $479,000 $479,000 12/19/2016 $465,000
INDIALANTIC 290 PARADISE BLVD 43 10/3/2016 $210,000 $210,000 12/15/2016 $198,000
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 37 cally, Andrew said. and large covered porch next to a VITAL STATISTICS
A gourmet kitchen features two dune crossover with seating space. 8875 SR A1A
place and in the morning you can
have tea with the sunrise,” Andrew dishwashers, Subzero refrigerator, Andrew says the first floor provided Year built: 1993
said. There are dual vanities, a walk- Thermador gas cooktop, double oven, a place for his sons “to watch TV and Construction: Concrete block
in shower and an extra room with a microwave oven and a Uline wine play and have space to themselves.
claw-foot soaking tub with a view of cooler. They loved it but they go to school in Lot size: 1.08 acre
the Intracoastal Waterway. Vero now and most of my clients are Home size: 5,233 square feet
The bottom floor, now completely in south Florida, ’’ he said.
The main or second level, entered built out with two bedrooms and a Bedrooms: 5
by the silo-like stairs, now features large general purpose room, almost The magnificent oceanfront home Bathrooms: 5
an electric fireplace with a hearth seems like a second master suite. is listed with Mary Frances Driscoll Additional features: Unsur-
surround by color LED panels that Sliders lead out to the back yard with of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Interna- passed ocean views as well as
change by remote or cycle automati- a summer kitchen featuring a grill tional Realty. Indian River Lagoon views;
beautiful interior materials,
finishes and design details;
extensive use of marble and
mosaic tile in bathrooms and
elsewhere; central vacuum
system, gas fireplace, summer
kitchen, private beach crossover
and deck
Listing agency: Treasure Coast
Sotheby’s International Realty
Listing agent: Mary Frances
Driscoll, 772-766-5942
Listing price: $2.395 million
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 29, 2016 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Kirkton Richards Sub, Address: 175 Richards Rd
Listing Date: 10/31/2016
Original Price: $219,000
Recent Price: $219,000
Sold: 12/20/2016
Selling Price: $219,000
Listing Agent: Eric S Van Dam
Selling Agent: Melbourne Beach Properties,Inc
John A Miceli
Grand Star Realty of Brevard
Subdivision: Village Of Tramore, Address: 164 Tramore Place
Listing Date: 11/4/2016
Original Price: $340,000
Recent Price: $340,000
Sold: 12/19/2016
Selling Price: $325,000
Listing Agent: Sarah & Alan Munkacsy
Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise
S Munkacsy & C Daninger
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Subdivision: Harbor East Sec 3 AM, Address: 424 Riverview Lane
Listing Date: 12/7/2016
Original Price: $513,579
Recent Price: $513,579
Sold: 12/16/2016
Selling Price: $513,579
Listing Agent: Not Provided
Selling Agent: Not Provided
Dori Greer
Century 21 Indian River Realty
Subdivision: Melbourne Shores 2nd, Address: 250 Heron Dr
Listing Date: 10/26/2016
Original Price: $549,900
Recent Price: $549,900
Sold: 12/16/2016
Selling Price: $516,000
Listing Agent: Dori Greer
Selling Agent: Century 21 Indian River Realty
Teresa Schick
National Realty of Brevard
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.