Rats on the beach. P4 BSO does Beatles. P15 Life’s a beach for Geach
Residents bemoan ‘disgusting’ Symphony adds spice to Classic Indialantic teen on quite a ‘role’
trash on Indialantic boardwalk. Albums Live’s ‘Sgt. Pepper’ gig. with ‘Baywatch.’ PAGE 9
THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 2017 | VOLUME 02, ISSUE 22 www.melbournebeachsider.com | NEWSSTAND PRICE $1.00
Cops: Teacher
threatened to
harm principal
[email protected]
Taxpayers fund easement for troublesome train Kimberly Loomis, the
speech and language pathol-
STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER Aboard Florida high-speed bled the matter more than sioners felt the price tag was ogist assigned to Surfside El-
[email protected] rail project barreling through once in an effort to improve inflated, as the county’s own ementary School in Satellite
downtowns and neighbor- the county’s negotiating po- appraisal called for $125,000. Beach, is out on $5,000 bond
The Brevard County Com- hoods at 110 miles per hour sition for the easement at facing felony charges for al-
mission finally caved last on its 32 treks per day be- the Pineda Causeway, initial- “Their price was lowered legedly threatening bodily
week, agreeing to spend tween Miami and Orlando – ly valued at $300,000 by the based on their assessment of harm to her principal.
more than a quarter million with no stops in Brevard. railway, with no appraisal to our appraisal, meaning that
local tax dollars on ease- back that price up. Commis- they felt the appraisal did According to an incident
ments needed to bring the All The commission had ta- report obtained from the Bre-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 vard County Sheriff’s Office,
Loomis, 47, an Indialantic res-
ident, had sent threatening,
expletive-laden text messages
to Principal Lori Masterson.
Masterson called police to her
Rockledge home and showed
them the text messages, the
last one of which was sent at
10:22 p.m. last Wednesday
Rash of suicides Gas line springs leak, but officials
prompts schools’ say there’s ‘no immediate hazard’
call to action
STORY BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER pacts to the sensitive Indian
STORY BY STACI DONOVAN Correspondent District 3 School Board Member Tina Descovich. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER [email protected] River Lagoon ecosystem are
[email protected] unknown.
A 50-year-old Florida City
Tina Descovich, District 3 Gas line buried 4 feet under A shrimper reportedly no-
School Board Member repre- the Banana River near the Co- ticed the gas bubbling up just
senting all the South Beaches, coa Beach Causeway sprung 50 feet south of the causeway
has long championed mental- a leak, prompting state offi- and 100 feet from the dock
health awareness, but putting cials to put out a notice that behind the Sunset Café and
that passion to work wasn’t the leak involved hazardous called it in around 9 p.m. last
materials and that it was not Thursday. Firefighters re-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 dangerous – but potential im-
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 ‘First’ and foremost
NEWS 1-6 GAMES 23-25 PETS 33 Surfers get sneak ‘Peak’ at
ARTS 13-16 HEALTH 27-30 REAL ESTATE 35-40 project to restore legendary
BOOKS 21-22 INSIGHT 17-26 Sebastian Inlet wave. PAGE 8
2 Thursday, June 1, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
ALL ABOARD FLORIDA Orlando’s public transportation system occur until the bidding process is com- Despite massive delays and dif-
to get to theme parks and resorts. pleted and a contractor is selected and ficulties marketing project revenue
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 contracts are signed. I can’t give dates to bonds due to bad press, permit chal-
In 2014, commissioners approved an these events as yet,” Denninghoff said. lenges and litigation, All Aboard
not properly include adjustment factors agreement with the Florida Department Florida says all systems are go. “We
and thus concluded the price should of Transportation for the design, right- With the easement purchase re- continue finalizing the environmen-
have been $290,000. They then agreed of-way acquisition and construction of solved, the board amended a prior ease- tal permits for the Phase 2 extension,
to reduce it to $245,000,” said John Den- an overpass on the Pineda Causeway ment approved in January for the aerial and we look forward to launching
ninghoff, assistant county manager of over the FEC right-of-way to the tune of railroad bridge, bridge support, drain- service between Miami, Fort Lauder-
development and public services. $26 million. The state is expected to re- age and temporary construction over dale and West Palm Beach in the fall,”
imburse all expenditures by the county, Pine Street in Canaveral Groves. The Soule said.
The train is slated to run on existing including purchase of the easement, bridge is part of the 40-mile extension
and enhanced Florida East Coast Rail- through a railway safety grant. of rail service from Cocoa to Orlando. While the two approvals have elimi-
way freight tracks, up the east coast and nated the major concerns, Denninghoff
then make a sharp turn west, then par- The construction of the Pineda Cause- “We appreciate the continued coop- can’t rule out future wrinkles. “No doubt
allel to the Route 528 Beachline to ter- way project expects to take about 18 eration and support from the Brevard that there will be routine minor matters
minate near the Orlando International months from the time the contractor is County Commission,” said All Aboard that will arise from time to time.”
Airport, where passengers can link with issued a notice to proceed. “That will not Florida spokeswoman Ali Soule.
Approvals aside, Commission Chair
Curt Smith is one of many elected of- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
ficials who have criticized All Aboard
Florida’s plans. But Brevard has been KIMBERLY
far more amenable than other counties LOOMIS
to the train, with Indian River, St. Lucie
and Martin counties banding togeth- night, the evening of the final day of
er and committing millions in legal school for students.
and consulting fees to bog the project
down in court and in its efforts to gain Two of the text messages shown to
needed environmental permits. police and allegedly sent by Loomis,
according to the report, said to the
A coalition of grassroots organiza- principal, “I’m going to (expletive) you
tions has also fought All Aboard Flor- up,” and “Karma is a (expletive).”
ida for four years. The groups doubt
the company will ever leave the sta- When police came to arrest Loo-
tion or succeed financially if they do. mis at her home on Riviera Boulevard
They also cite recent sales of both All based upon a probable cause order for
Aboard Florida’s parent company and the charge of “Written threat to kill or
Florida East Coast Railway. injure” at around 1 a.m. last Thursday
morning, she apparently made her
All Aboard Florida’s rail line – re- situation worse. “Prior to my arrival,
branded as Brightline several years into Deputy Thompson recorded Ms. Loo-
the project after the All Aboard Florida mis making spontaneous utterances
name became synonymous with con- about she is going to get Ms. Master-
troversy – will also build a second track
alongside existing freight tracks to ac-
commodate both passenger and freight
trains. The company will improve sig-
naling, upgrade crossings and construct
the new tracks from Cocoa parallel to
Route 528, all at a cost of $3 billion.
Local governments up and down
the proposed Brightline corridor have
bristled at cost-sharing proposals for
some of the improvements at cross-
ings in their communities, saying local
taxpayers should not have to subsidize
this private enterprise.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 1, 2017 3
son back, that principal is done,” the 18, 2014 for misdemeanor battery do- however, indicate that Loomis was held closed for the holiday weekend.
arresting officer wrote in his report. mestic violence, but court records show for two weeks in the Brevard County Jail Loomis had her first appearance on
that the charges were filed by her ex- before her release on Jan. 31, 2014.
The report states, “Ms. Masterson husband on behalf of their minor chil- Thursday where the second-degree fel-
was in fear for her life due to Ms. Loo- dren, and that the state did not pros- As of press time, Masterson was ony charge was read, and she was out
mis’ violent criminal history.” ecute, so charges were dropped about not reachable for comment regard- on bail Friday night. Her arraignment
six weeks later. Sheriff’s Office records, ing Loomis’ employment status with is scheduled for July 6 in Viera before
Sheriff’s Office booking records show the school due to the facility being Judge David Koenig.
Loomis has one prior local arrest on Jan.
4 Thursday, June 1, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Indialantic’s trashed beachfront draws ire MENTAL HEALTH
STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER The problem is not just careless- KBB relies on four utility vehicles, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
[email protected] ness. “It’s the shear increase in resi- emptying trash cans and picking up
dents and visitors in just the last loose litter on the beach daily. Four what she’d planned for her first term
Is Indialantic’s beachfront becom- four years,” said Tony Sasso, execu- years ago, one person worked about as an elected official.
ing a dump? tive director of Keep Brevard Beauti- five hours a day doing that. “Now, for
ful, which has partnered with Cocoa about eight to nine months a year, Grim reality on the ground inter-
By Sunday evenings, trash cans Beach to deal with its predicament we work two or three vehicles of- vened, calling her to action.
south of the Fifth Avenue board- and expects to do likewise with In- ten with two crews per vehicle from
walk routinely overflow with refuse. dialantic. “There’s way more trash sunup to sundown and on some “Since I have taken office, four kids
Disgarded beer bottles, cans, bags, than we ever experienced before.” crazy summer weekends, such as have taken their own life. Figuring out
pizza boxes and even broken beach Memorial Day, all four vehicles are the district’s role and what we can do
chairs sit where they were discarded Cocoa Beach got aggressive three working," Sasso said. to prevent any more loss has become
by beachgoers. years ago, including stepped up a top priority for me,” Descovich said.
enforcement of littering laws. Last In addition, Waste Management “People always ask if the job is what I
The makeshift blue plastic Max- month, the City Commission passed provides 20 solar powered Bigbelly expected. The answer is yes – with one
well House coffee cans nailed to an ordinance that allows Beach trash compactors, similar to those exception. I did not expect the emo-
posts up and down the boardwalk Rangers to write citations. It’s still deployed at Indian Harbour Beach tional weight of the position.”
are stuffed with cigarette butts and too early to gather data on its suc- parks. “The compactors have been
other miscellany. It’s an all too com- cess. But the first offense is a $100 extremely effective. Each container Satellite High seniors graduated last
mon site on weekends, and the fine and repeat offenses are $200. holds five times more than a regular week missing two of their own. Fami-
whole mess is way too tempting for “People pay it,” said Melissa Byron, container. Plus there is a chip in the lies and students expressed how bit-
beach rats to pass up. director of economic development containers that informs Waste Man- tersweet graduation was. The mother
and the CRA. agement that the container needs of one of the boys came to accept his
A parade of residents at recent to be emptied,” Byron said. The city diploma. “The place was in tears and
town meetings told horror stories of Indialantic Police Chief Michael will be looking into purchasing more cheers” said parent Nicole Shiels.
scavenger rats and careless visitors, Casey acknowledges that local trash compactors in the future.
while Mayor Dave Berkman is look- ordinances could use a tweaking. According to school officials, seven
ing north to the success of a Cocoa “You also have to witness this before Berkman met with Waste Man- Brevard County public school stu-
Beach trash turnaround for answers you can write a citation.” agement on May 19 to come up with dents committed suicide during the
to remedy the waste dilemma. a plan expected to appear on the 2016-17 school year. Of those, two
Cocoa Beach contracted with June council agenda. were Satellite High School seniors,
“It’s gone on for so long and is so Waste Management to put more their deaths just a few months apart.
disgusting. It’s not the image you trash containers on the beach. Waste “The company is going to loan
want,” Linda Postma said during Management then sub-contracted us a pair of Bigbelly solar compac- And though our serene, barrier is-
public comment on the matter. with Keep Brevard Beautiful to make tor cans to test at the boardwalk. land communities are far from im-
sure the beach cans were emptied at Assuming they work as good as mune, the problem is pervasive state-
Gary Van Zonneveld never saw so least twice a day. claimed and as successful as Cocoa wide. According to the Florida Suicide
many rats. “Feral cats used to take Beach we will buy some as part of Prevention Coalition, suicide is the
care of that,” he said. our service agreement.” third leading cause of death for teens
10-19 years old in Florida
Carrie Martin has lived in Indial- The two loaners, expected some-
antic since she was a kid and now time in June, will cost $3,200 over 10 Descovich, a Satellite High School
has two children of her own. “After years. The plan will also replace the alumna, met with Assistant Superin-
dark, there are always rats here,” she current cans with 96 gallon versions, tendent of Student Services Dr. Beth
said as she relaxed on the boardwalk costing $100 each. Waste Manage- Thedy last week. They spent time
with her children on a cloudless af- ment will take over trash pickup in brainstorming what a perfect suicide
ternoon last month. “They stay un- the boardwalk area. awareness/prevention and mental-
der the boardwalk.” health program would look like.
Changes require an amendment
Rose Marie Carr sees tons of trash to the existing service agreement “We are hoping to build a program
being tossed on the ground from her with Waste Management. here in Brevard that is a custom fit for
balcony. our community needs” she said. Desco-
vich has requested an $18,000 increase
“I’d be grateful for more of a police for Brevard County secondary schools
presence,” Carr said. to fund mental-health awareness. Since
the presentation in April, a Satellite
teacher has stepped up to start an after-
school club called “You Belong Here.”
“I’m suggesting that each principal
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
Bill Sokolic, 609-457-5480 Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 For our advertising partners, we pledge [email protected]
to provide the most complete consulta-
Staff Reporter Columnists tive and marketing programs possible for Corporate Editor
George White, 321-795-3835 Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 the best return on your investment. Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
[email protected] Cynthia Van Gaasbeck, 321-626-4701 [email protected]
Indialantic teen
on quite a ‘role’
with ‘Baywatch’
P. 9
J.T. Bartlett, Rachel Carroll,
Jackson Geach, Matt Brownlee
and Nick Hibbs.
8 Thursday, June 1, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Sneak ‘Peak’ at project to restore legendary wave
Marc Grimes, Aaron Adams and Maria Cochran. Jeremy Anderson, Dave L, John Robson and Justin Enjo. Neil Hamilton and Acacia Woodley.
Fran Buchness, Linda Ouellette and Karen Hedley. Roger Sinigoy, Jamison Fleming, Ed and Karen Toothe.
Fran and Alex Buchness. Miriam, Giuliana and Danny Trujillo. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Zach, Tom and Brett Shope.
STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT tian Inlet State Park. ers C.J. and Damien Hobgood of Sat- ets and underwater bolt-ons are a few.
[email protected] On the front porch of Surf and Sport, ellite Beach regularly trekked to the “The initial funding that we are try-
inlet to hone the skills that put them
With 72 miles of beaches, many Bre- the young engineer gave a short his- on the world stage of professional ing to raise is going toward a feasibil-
vard island residents live to grab their tory of the iconic wave to a crowd split surfing. ity study that involves physical mod-
favorite surf board and lose their trou- between longtime surfers and youth- els and computer models,” said Enjo
bles on the waves. But what happens ful shredders. “The jetty as we know it The wave was itself an unintended protege Jeremy Anderson.
when the wave itself is lost? was completed in 1972. In the late ’90s, consequence, produced by reflected
it was found to be falling apart, so the energy as incoming waves slapped The surfing community is a strong
If you’re Justin Enjo, you obsess best idea was to just build a new one against returning waves that had one, as evidenced by the event venue.
over the loss while earning your de- right on top of the old one,” said Enjo, bounced off the jetty’s rock and piling The Old Florida-style Surf and Sport
gree in coastal engineering. You surf who now lives in West Palm Beach. wall. The repair placed a row of pilings was literally business upfront and par-
the world’s best spots while carving in front of the old wall, dissipating ty in the back. Under a cloudless sky, a
out a career as a creator of man-made It was a simple and effective solu- the energy. “It just chews everything Miami artist spray painted a mural on
waves. And you vow to bring that lost tion. Except that it pulled the plug on up,” Enjo said. “It’s like a blender. The the shop’s rear wall. Beyond the pave-
wave home, where the Florida Insti- the legendary wedge that nurtured wave hits it, it mashes it up and when ment and under ancient, mossy oaks,
tute of Technology graduate spent his world champions. Superstars Kelly the wave reflects off it, it mashes it up booths dotted a path that led past a
youth in Melbourne Beach. Slater of Cocoa Beach and twin broth- again.” stage hosting four bands. Tickets sold
for food and drink all benefited the
Making good on that vow requires So what’s the fix? “All we really have cause and made for a relaxed experi-
awareness, community support, and to do is improve that reflection,” he ence. Local craft brewers and restau-
funding, and that’s what Saturday’s said. There are a number of ways to rants offered samples and the picnic
event was all about. A gathering of 200 create a wall on which the waves can tables, camp chairs and blankets
or so surfers at Sebastian Inlet Surf rebound and Enjo’s First Peak Project quickly filled up.
and Sport was Enjo’s first public fo- is exploring the options. Panels made
rum outlining his mission to restore of composites, steel restoration jack- To learn more about the project, visit
First Peak to the north jetty of Sebas- firstpeak.org.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 1, 2017 9
Indialantic teen actor on quite a ‘role’ with ‘Baywatch’
Miriam, Giuliana and Danny Trujillo. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER ers Theatre and in “The Music Man” can’t get enough of the parks.
and “Oliver!” at the Cocoa Village “Oh my gosh, I love Disney,” said
Playhouse – as well as commercials.
the boy whose path to stardom start-
Among other things, he is the boy ed with singing along to his sisters’
in Hanes’ “Follow That Sock” adver- Disney movie soundtracks. “I think
tisement and will be featured in an it started three or four years ago. It is
upcoming commercial for a major just so cool there.”
technology company. But Geach’s
reputation soared last year after he And then there is “Baywatch,”
was featured as Wei/Hennessey on which may lead to bigger things yet,
ABC’s “Fresh Off the Boat,” a situ- though the precocious homeschool-
ation comedy about a Vietnamese er takes it all in stride.
family in Orlando.
“It was an interesting (process)
“Television meant long, hard days, and Dwayne Johnson was really
8 o’clock in the morning until 11 nice. We had a quick conversation,”
o’clock at night, but Jackson loved Geach said.
it,” said his mother, Kelly Geach. “He
never wanted to go home.” He hopes acting will be in his fu-
ture and has taken classes with the
An athlete as well as entertainer,, likes of the Actors Group and noted
he has completed some of the area’s actor-teacher Robert Caso, but he
better-known foot races and lists also taking digital technology be-
mini-golf and soccer as sports in cause he enjoys computers too.
which he has participated. He was
a member of a competitive soccer “He’s really grounded. … He sees
team for three years. it as something he really likes to do.
Fame is not in his wheelhouse,” his
Jackson also is a Walt Disney-any- mother said.
thing fanatic who said he “obsessed
over going on the ship” before taking “I still want to be an actor, I guess,
his first cruise with his family and and I’d love to be a main cast mem-
ber of a TV series,” her son added. “I
guess we’ll see what happens.”
Miriam, Giuliana and Danny Trujillo. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER
Kelly Geach and Jackson Geach. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER
STORY BY LYN DOWLING CORRESPONDENT guard Lt. Mitch Buchanan, played
[email protected] by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. The
movie is in theaters now.
If you’re going to make a motion
picture, chances are you’re look- “I felt sure I wasn’t going to get
ing for an experienced actor, even the role because I thought it would
for the role of a child. If it’s about be all about blond-haired, blue-eyed
the beachside lifestyle, chances are people,” said the 14-year-old, who is
you’re looking for an experienced of Asian descent. “Then I came home
child actor who knows something one day and mom said, ‘You got the
about that, too. role!’ She was shouting and I was so
How lucky were the producers of
the new action-comedy movie “Bay- He takes it all with professional
watch” to have found Jackson “Jax” aplomb.
Geach, who has it all?
A model, actor, singer and dancer
The Indialantic resident plays since he was 5 years old, his face and
“Billy,” a boy who finds illegal drugs voice are familiar from TV and stage
on a beach and is counseled by life- – he was in plays at Sarasota’s Play-
10 Thursday, June 1, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Susan Adams and Beth Mitchell. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Bob Hickerson and Gene Muckridge. Jason Adams.
Chefs dish up ‘mmm mmm good’ riddance to lionfish
STORY BY MARY SCHENKEL STAFF WRITER Destructive Fishes- served by The Wave at Costa d’Este in served comfort food in the form of
[email protected] themed cookoff, vying to Vero Beach emerged victorious, with fried lionfish sliders topped with
take home the coveted Golden Plate a tight two-vote lead over the onion- fried onion and bacon.
Lionfish are an invasive species Trophy. In the end, the blacked li- crusted lionfish with caramel citrus
with venomous spines and few natu- onfish with mango habanero salsa glaze and side of slaw served by the Event chair Kendra Cope, Indian
ral enemies that are devouring native Yellow Dog Café in Malabar. River County Public Works sea turtle
marine life and causing reef habitat coordinator/environmental special-
havoc, but they do have one redeem- Some chefs offered versions of tra- ist, said they purchased the fish for
ing quality. They’re quite tasty, as ditional fare, such as the Old Fish the chefs from ReefSavers, a com-
more than 550 attendees of the House in Grant, which offered bowls mercial fishing organization working
second annual Sebastian of lush lionfish chowder, and Mic- to get lionfish into a broader market.
Lionfish Fest at Capt. Hi- co’s Chubby Mullet, which proffered
ram’s Resort can attest. smoked lionfish dip with jalapenos “I’m really excited that this event
and banana peppers. is encouraging these people to try
The festival was lionfish and see how delicious it is,”
held in conjunction Chelsea’s Gourmet in Vero Beach said co-chair Alexis Peralta, the IRC’s
with statewide Flor- served lionfish croquette morsels Storm Water Division coordinator.
ida Fish & Wildlife’s topped with rocoto (a type of pepper) The Sebastian River Area Chamber of
Lionfish Removal sauce or avocado remoulade, and Co- Commerce and a host of volunteers
and Awareness Day balt at the Vero Beach Hotel offered also assisted with the festival. “A big
festivals and tour- lionfish pozole with endive and ra- part of this is encouraging restau-
naments held annu- dicchio in a cilantro citrus crema. rants to serve more lionfish.”
ally the weekend after
Mother’s Day to raise Sebastian’s Captain Hiram’s en- “If we like them and we eat them,
awareness of the harm- ticed palates with blackened lionfish we are doing our part to get them out
ful impacts of lionfish on our nachos drizzled with wasabi crème of the waterways,” said Anna Valen-
coastal ecosystems. and teriyaki sauce, and Mulligan’s cia Tillery.
Chefs from eight local restaurants “I’d say it’s like a snapper; it’s a
whipped up tapas-style dishes at flaky, moist, delightful fish,” noted
the Making Delicious Dishes from Michael Natale.
YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY A number of educational organi-
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DO YOU WANT TO COLLECT IT? Brevard counties were also on hand
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showed how to filet lionfish safe-
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Marilyn J Dummitt (License P165201) “This was my high school sci-
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and you are satisfied with the payment by your insurer, you may disregard this advertisement. nior High School in Merritt Island.
She explained that she used a DNA
barcoding kit to send off some li-
onfish stomach content to a lab to
determine the species of its prey. “I
actually found that they were eating
other lionfish, a lot of shrimp and
other types of fish.”
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 1, 2017 11
Laura John and Jamie Sanchez. Yellow Dog’s Jennifer Stone, Michael Yarbrough and Nancy Borton. Vanessa Finkley and Alexis Peralta with Emily and Danny Guynn.
Emily Kerness and Ryan Cilsick. Cobalt sous-chef Thomas Dolan. James Gray. The Chubby Mullet’s lionfish smoked fish dip.
Dustin Veatch with son Kyle. Cpt Hiram’s lionfish nachos. Maria Hickerson.
Scott and Denise Schramm with Katie and Jake Jandreau.
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14 Thursday, June 1, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
‘Classic Albums Live’ concerts rock the King Center
STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH CORRESPONDENT seriously. Its touring bands perform 15 to 20, to Classic Albums Live and studio musicians frequently em-
entire albums, cut by cut, note by they loved it. ployed by big-name artists who need
Chances are, Pink Floyd’s not go- note and with all the same head- additional musicians for their re-
ing to be floating into town any time banging attitude you’d expect chan- “They had never been to a rock cordings.
soon. neling the original artists. concert before,” he said. “They got
to listen to Led Zeppelin as if Jimmy As Martin put it in a press release,
But Classic Albums Live is. And In the 14 years since the act has Page and Robert Plant were up front. “Think of it as a recital.” He said the
with them comes great, hard-driving been in existence, they have created It was awesome for me to watch them albums the band replicates are “his-
rock ’n’ roll music from iconic bands quite the loyal fan base. Enthusiasts appreciate that style of music.” toric and stand the test of time.”
like Led Zeppelin, Rush and Pink show up at the concerts dressed in
Floyd, whose music from the album appropriate T-shirts, get into the A pianist who studied at the Berk- The organization has presented
“Dark Side of the Moon” was fea- party atmosphere and then try to lee School of Music in Boston, and a live concerts of albums by the Doors,
tured in the first of a six-concert se- stay in their seats. supporter of the Brevard Symphony the Beatles, Creedence Clearwater
ries that launched last month at the Orchestra, Fredericks appreciates Revival, U2, Fleetwood Mac, the Ea-
King Center. That frequently proves impossible. the Classic Albums Live talent and gles and more. In this series they’re
The fans, most of them an older the attention to the musicality in focusing on Pink Floyd, Led Zep-
This Thursday, it’s the music of the demographic, may also drag their their concerts. pelin, Supertramp, Lynyrd Skynyrd
Beatles, and Brevard Symphony Or- teenage children, whose ughs quick- and performers at Woodstock.
chestra is joining in, in what prom- ly turn into shouts of woo when they “This is a great outlet,” he said.
ises to be a riveting concert. (See ac- discover this is not some cheesy trib- The visionary behind Classic Al- Rather than becoming tribute
companying story.) ute band, but instead, some seriously bums Live is Craig Martin. In 2003 bands, the groups touring in the
authentic rock ’n’ roll. he decided to form the organization Classic Albums Live concerts do not
The Classic Albums Live orga- Indialantic resident Dave Freder- to present the greatest rock albums dress up in costumes and imperson-
nization, made up of professional icks introduced his children, ages on stage, recreated by the best mu- ate musicians. They let the music do
musicians, takes the concerts very sicians. Many of the musicians are all the talking.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 1, 2017 15
“We just stand there and play,” Mar- grown in popularity to such a de- Brevard Symphony Orchestra
tin said. “All of our energy is put into gree that the venue regularly offers adds spice to ‘Pepper’ concert
the music. We want the performance affordable picnic meals before the
to sound exactly like the album.” concerts. STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH CORRESPONDENT fessore will make sure they find
the correct balance between elec-
The organization tours across Patrons arriving ahead of time Everyone’s getting in on the tric guitar and acoustic strings.
North American, performing more can buy hamburgers, hot dogs, soft Classic Albums Live act. He’ll also make sure that the or-
than 100 shows a year. drinks, beer and other drinks – and chestra musicians match length
they’re allowed to take them into the The Brevard Symphony Orches- of notes and articulations.
Dedicating themselves to the in- concert hall. tra joins forces with the rock ’n’
tegrity of the music is what separates roll group to celebrate the 50th “In faster songs there is a ten-
Classic Albums Live from tribute Classic Albums Live patrons Jim anniversary of the release of the dency for the orchestra to be
bands and every day cover bands, Merideth and his wife Melissa make Beatles “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely slightly behind the rock band,
Martin said. a point to arrive early to take advan- Hearts Club Band.” so we’ll look to play on top of the
tage of all the extras the King Center beat and that always fixes it,” he
Classic Albums Live musician offers. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. said. “The working relationship
Nicholas Hildyard has been per- on Thursday, June 1, at the King between the rock band and con-
forming with the organization since They have been enthusiastic fans Center – the actual 50th anniver- ductor is similar to a soloist with
it began in 2003, singing the “Zep- since the King Center first brought sary of the album’s release date. orchestra.
pelin IV” concert that year. He’ll be the show to the stage. They some-
performing again July 22 when the times wear T-shirts of the bands or While this marks the BSO’s first “We work together. And when in
group hits the stage at the King Cen- of Classic Albums Live. collaboration with Classic Al- doubt, we listen to the drum set.”
ter in that same concert. bums Live, it is not the first time
“They do an outstanding job,” Jim conductor Christopher Confes- The Classic Albums Live Presents
Hildyard has performed “count- Merideth said. “They are excellent sore has led a symphony with rock – The Beatles: 50th Anniversary
less albums” all over the country musicians. I tell everybody it’s pretty musicians. Sgt. Pepper with the Brevard Sym-
as vocalist, percussionist, guitarist, much like going home, putting on phony Orchestra concert begins
keyboardist and more. He’s also per- the album and listening to it.” “They’re always fun,” he said. 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 1 at the
formed live on radio and television. “No major challenges in preparing King Center, 3865 N. Wickham Rd.,
He even convinces his grown chil- this type of program. The primary Melbourne. Tickets begin at $43.
One of his favorite venues is the dren to accompany him and his wife issue for the tech crew is making Call 321-242-2219 or visit KingCen-
King Center because of the massive to the concerts. sure the orchestra can be heard.” ter.com.
enthusiasm displayed by the audi-
ences. He’s played there for sum- “It’s funny, they’re like ‘I don’t To that end, the orchestra will be
mer concerts as well as special New know that band, that music.’ But amplified. And, in rehearsal, Con-
Year’s Eve concerts. when they attend, it’s like ‘oh yeah!’
They’re just drawn into it. It’s clas-
“We have had a mutual love affair sic. You can’t put it any other way,”
with this crowd and venue since our he said. “You’ve got to go and try it.
first ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ show,” You’ll be a believer.”
he said. “The (audiences) are knowl-
edgeable and passionate music fans Along with this week’s Beatles con-
and support live music and Classic cert, the series includes: Rush – 2112 on
Albums Live faithfully.” June 17; Led Zeppelin – IV on July 22;
Supertramp – Breakfast in America on
Hildyard has seen the Melbourne Aug. 19; Music of Woodstock, Sept. 16;
audiences react with “shouts, cheers and Lynyrd Skynyrd on Oct. 14.
and exuberance from the first note
to the last.” Individual ticket start at $24.75.
Series tickets also available starting
“They sing along, close their eyes, at $138.
dance and sway, reliving whatever
amazing memories accompany the The King Center is at 3865 N. Wick-
feeling,” he added. ham Rd., Melbourne. Call 321-242-
2219 or visit KingCenter.com.
The King Center concerts have
16 Thursday, June 1, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Coming Up: All jazzed up about ‘Ellington for Lovers’
‘Ellington for Lovers.’
‘Finding Neverland.’
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER ‘Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.’
[email protected]
1 Enjoy jazz for a June night this
Saturday as the Dr. Phillips
Center Jazz Orchestra presents “El-
lington for Lovers” at the Dr. Phillips
Center’s Alexis & Jim Pugh Theater in
Orlando. The orchestra’s debut solo
performance will be under the direc-
tion of Rodney Whitaker. The mood
will be unabashedly romantic, with
Ellington classics such as “In a Sen-
timental Mood,” “Do Nothin’ Til You
Hear from me,” “I Let a Song Go Out
of My Heart,” “All Too Soon” and “So-
phisticated Lady.” Born in Washing-
ton, D.C., jazz legend Duke Ellington
was the son of a White House butler.
According to allmusic.com, Elling-
ton called his music American Mu- award. The show begins at 7:30 p.m. 4 With rave reviews of 2016’s inau- before most film screenings. Formal,
gural event, excitement mounts four-course waterside Vino Veritas
sic rather than jazz, and described Vintner Dinners will kick off the fes-
tival Thursday night, at Costa d’Este
things that impressed him as beyond 3 Ever wonder how Peter became in anticipation of the second an- and the Quail Valley River Club, fol-
Pan? Broadway in Orlando pres- lowed, appropriately, by the Florida
category. One of American music’s nual Vero Beach Wine and Film Fes- Premiere of “Decanted.” On Friday
night, June 9, it’s “Cinema Uncorked!
most influential figures, he led his ents the Broadway tour of “Finding tival, launching its sophomore year The Biggest Bash of The Weekend!” –
a stellar night honoring Florida’s very
orchestra over a span of more than Neverland,” opening this Tuesday at next Thursday, June 8. Last year, Vero own film legend Burt Reynolds with
the VBWFF Life Worth Living Leg-
50 years. Showtime is 8 p.m. the Walt Disney Theatre in the Dr. Beach 32963 wrote “They came for end Award. The Florida premiere of
Reynolds’ new film “Dog Years!” will
Phillips Center. “Finding Neverland” the wine, they came for the films, be screened, and you can expect an
impressive list of filmmaker lumi-
2 Celebrate the golden anniver- is based on the Oscar-winning film of they came to interact with the inde- naries at the Filmmaker Jury Awards
sary of the Beatles’ “Sgt. Pep- Ceremony. With a plethora of excit-
the same name, and was exuberantly pendent filmmakers and vintners ing choices, you’ll definitely want to
check out vbwff.com ASAP to view
per’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” al- brought to the Broadway stage by the – but, most importantly, they came. the movie trailers and investigate the
numerous opportunities this event
bum release this Thursday when creative team behind “Shakespeare And in impressive numbers.” With offers. Passes start at the single-day
$40 cinema pass, and range upward,
the King Center presents Classic in Love,” “Chicago” and “Pippin.” It is an activity-packed four-day schedule so you can go conservative or all-out.
All of net the proceeds will benefit
Albums Live’s “Beatles: 50th Anni- the story of playwright J.M. Barrie try- and planners anticipating a couple Suncoast Mental Health Center.
versary Sgt. Pepper with the Brevard ing to find inspiration. He meets four thousand attendees, this one should
Symphony Orchestra.” It’ll be the young brothers and their widowed be absolutely fabulous. Screening of
first time Classic Albums Live mu- mother, and becomes enchanted by more than 75 multi-award winning
sicians take the stage with the Bre- their make-believe adventures. In- independent short, feature and docu-
vard Symphony Orchestra, under spired, he begins writing a play that mentary films from filmmaker across
the baton of the BSO’s music direc- he hopes will impress London the- the globe, including U.S. and Florida
tor and principal conductor Chris- atergoers. That’s when the pixie dust Premieres, will take place at 10 local
topher Confessore. Released in 1967, kicks in and Barrie “discovers” Won- theater, restaurant and museum ven-
the album was critically acclaimed derland, where everything is possible. ues, including main screening venues
and became the soundtrack for “the After 17 months in New York, the show the Theatre Guild, Riverside Theatre
Summer of Love.” “Sgt. Pepper” won began its national tour last October. and the Vero Beach Museum of Art.
four Grammys, including Album of A great family show, “Finding Never- Wine tastings are scheduled at various
the Year, the first rock LP to take this land” runs through June 11. locations throughout the event, and
18 Thursday, June 1, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
In the beginning, they destroyed became a mini-empire, ruling over mil- comes with a bride we don’t like.” His bron, Eli, Shiloh and more; for Gal,
Egypt’s air force on the ground and lions of Palestinians. It was, in many words proved more prescient than he Jews “became drunk” with euphoria
knocked out the planes of Jordan, Iraq ways, an improvised conquest, “The imagined. at taking the lands of their biblical an-
and Syria. That was Monday. Then they Accidental Empire” (the title of a book cestry. And he thought that after such a
broke Egypt’s massive defenses in Si- by Gershom Gorenberg), but one which Old Israeli soldiers still tell their sto- defeat the Arabs would have to sue for
nai. That was Tuesday. Next, they took has endured. ries of the war day by day, hill by hill. peace. He breaks into a song from the
the old city of Jerusalem and prayed. Reuven Gal was a platoon commander time: “Tomorrow, when the army take
That was Wednesday. The war awakened Palestinian ir- in the Jerusalem Brigade, a unit of re- off their uniforms/All this will come
redentism and Israeli zealotry, and servists from the city who fought with- tomorrow, if not today/And if not to-
Then they reached the Suez Canal. added the intractable power of reli- in earshot of their homes. morrow, then the next day.”
That was Thursday. They ascended the gion to the forces of nationalism. The
Golan Heights. That was Friday. Then wall that divided Jerusalem has gone, After a battle to control the UN head- But peace did not come. Every gen-
they took the peaks overlooking the but Israel has erected many more bar- quarters the previous day, Gal recalls eration of Israelis must still put on the
plain of Damascus. In the evening the riers that atomize Palestinian society. advancing at dawn on June 7th towards uniform and prepare to fight. Gal be-
world declared a ceasefire. That was Israelis have grown rich, which makes Jordanian trenches on the hill of Jebel came the army’s chief psychologist and
Saturday. And on the seventh day the the misery of Palestinians all the more Abu Ghneim. To his relief the position later a senior national-security official.
soldiers of Israel rested. disturbing. In uniting the ancient land had been abandoned. As his men rest- “Little did we know what this military
of Israel, the victory has divided Israel’s ed, he heard the radio signal from Mot- victory would bring,” he reflects. “The
In just six days of fighting in June people and coarsened its democracy. ta Gur, commander of the paratroopers celebrations were the beginning of the
1967, Israel created a new Middle East. who had entered the walled city: “Har tragedy of the occupation. It has had a
So swift and sudden was its victory over That heady June day in 1967 when habayit beyadeinu” (the Temple Mount tremendous impact on our morality,
the encircling Arab armies that some Levi Eshkol, then Israel’s prime min- is in our hands). All around him, hard- democracy, the souls of our children
saw the hand of God. Many had feared ister, heard news of the capture of ened soldiers wept at the news. and the purity of arms [the morality of
another Holocaust. Instead Israel be- Jerusalem, he told party colleagues: the use of force].”
came the greatest power in the region. “We’ve been given a good dowry, but it After the war, Israelis loved to hike
in the ancient hills, rediscovering He- Palestinians, for their part, talk of
Naomi Shemer’s anthem, “Jerusa- their dismay at how Jordanian troops
lem of Gold”, acquired new lines after gave up Jerusalem’s Old City with
the war: “We have returned to the cis- barely a fight, and of their surprise at
terns/To the market and to the market- discovering that the armored vehicles
place/A shofar [ram’s horn] calls out on rumbling into the city were not Iraqi
the Temple Mount in the Old City.” reinforcements but Israeli.
This is a year of big anniversaries in On the edge of the Jewish Quarter
Israel: 120 years since the First Zion- of the walled city, Abu Munir al-Mu-
ist Congress in Basel; 100 years since ghrabi lives in a small one-bedroom
the Balfour Declaration promised the flat that is a makeshift museum to the
Jews a national home; and 70 years loss of Arab Jerusalem. On his wall of
since the UN proposed to partition pictures of the city, one shows him as
Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab a 25-year-old in a suit, standing amid
state. But the commemoration of the the rubble of his neighborhood, the
half-century since the six-day war will Mughrabi Quarter. It was demolished
be the most intense. by Israel immediately after the capture
of the Old City, turning the alleyway
The territories that Israel captured in front of the Western Wall, the most
in that conflict are the defining issue important place of Jewish prayer, into
of its politics and its relations with the the wide plaza it is today. He holds up
world; they are also at the heart of Pal- his hand-drawn map of the vanished
estinian dreams of independence. buildings and a list of the 138 families
that were cleared out.
The six-day war was the last unal-
loyed military victory for Israel, and Abu Munir had been in Amman
the start of a transition from existential when the war broke out. He slipped
wars against Arab states, which it always back across the border to reach Je-
won, to enervating campaigns against rusalem just as his home was being
non-state militias which it could never torn down. For a time he smuggled
wipe out. The threat of invasion across people to and from Jordan. He also
its borders has vanished, but the vio- smuggled weapons for Fatah, then a
lence within them is unceasing. rising militant movement, and spent
time in jail.
In 1967 Western arms decisively
beat Soviet ones. As America allied His story illustrates a change of
itself firmly with Israel, cold-war divi- mindset by Palestinians. In the war of
sions overlaid the Arab-Israeli conflict. 1947-48, when Israel was established,
And when Charles de Gaulle switched Palestinians fled or were pushed out
sides to align France with the Arabs in en masse. Hundreds of villages were
1968, in effect banning weapons sales destroyed. By contrast, in 1967 most
to Israel (notably of Mirage jets), he stayed on. “We were lucky that we were
unwittingly laid the foundation for defeated so fast and so massively,” says
Israel’s flourishing high-tech indus- Ali Jarbawi, now a professor of politi-
try. These days it is France that buys cal science at Birzeit, a Palestinian uni-
drones from Israel.
The embattled refuge for the Jews
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 1, 2017 19
versity in the West Bank. “Israel did not Extremists on both sides set out to fat’s death), did not bring peace either: brought a worse occupation: more
have time to kick us out.” destroy the deal with unprecedented Israel fought repeated wars against bloodshed, internal division, loss of
violence. A Jewish settler killed 29 Pal- Hamas and Hizbullah (a Lebanese Shia land to settlers and territorial frag-
There were also some unexpected estinians at prayer in Hebron in 1994. militia), both of which fired numerous mentation. Palestinians these days
benefits: Palestinians from the West Hamas and Islamic Jihad, both Islamist rockets at Israel. live as refugees in the Arab world; in
Bank, which had been annexed by factions, embarked on a campaign an open prison in the Gaza Strip run
Jordan, renewed ties with Palestinians of suicide-bombings. In 1995 a right- The decades of the “peace process” by Hamas; in a patchwork of isolated
from Haifa and Jaffa, which had been wing Jew murdered the prime minister, brought much process and little peace. autonomous enclaves in the West
part of Israel after 1948; and from Gaza, Yitzhak Rabin. For Israelis, land for peace became land Bank run by the nationalist Fatah
which had been occupied by Egypt. for suicide-bombs and rockets. “Most faction; as neglected “residents” of
“The Palestinian national feeling re- The second intifada, precipitated by people feel that the occupation is no Israel in Jerusalem; and as second-
emerged because of the occupation,” the failure of peace talks at Camp Da- longer our fault,” says Yossi Klein Hal- class citizens struggling for equality
says Jarbawi. vid in 2000, involved guns and bombs. evi of the Shalom Hartman Institute, a in Israel’s pre-1967 borders.
Arafat often seemed to tolerate, or even think-tank. “I came out of the first in-
That sentiment burst forth with the encourage, the militants. Unilateral tifada as a Labor voter. But the second The chaos in the Middle East since
first Palestinian intifada, or “shaking Israeli withdrawals from Lebanon in intifada moved me to the right.” the Arab uprisings of 2011 has hard-
off,” in 1987. Until then the Palestin- 2000, and from Gaza in 2005 (after Ara- ened Israel’s conviction that it is too
ians under Israeli rule had remained For most Palestinians, the Oslo deal risky to give up more land: what if
mostly placid, while the Palestine Hamas or Islamic State (IS) took over
Liberation Organisation (PLO), dedi- the hills of the West Bank overlooking
cated to the removal of Israel by force, Israel’s most populated areas?
conducted cross-border attacks from
abroad. Israel came close to returning the
Golan Heights in peace talks with Syr-
The armed struggle was, for the ia. Now that militias such as Hizbullah,
most part, a failure. The PLO lost a al-Qaeda and IS have implanted them-
civil war against King Hussein of Jor- selves on the frontier, many Israelis are
dan in 1970; embarked on a campaign grateful that the negotiations failed.
of international terrorism, including For their part, the Palestinian feel their
the massacre of Israeli athletes at the cause has been forsaken by Arabs that
Munich Olympics of 1972; helped to once held it dear.
precipitate the civil war in Lebanon in
1975; and was evicted to Tunis after Is- Pollsters say that opposition to the
rael’s invasion of 1982. idea of peace based on the creation
of a Palestinian state alongside Israel
By contrast, the intifada was marked is strongest among the young of both
mainly by stone-throwing clashes. It sides, those aged 18-24. Their parents
dashed the illusion that Israel could may have known a time with no inter-
hold on to the occupied territories at nal barriers and cordial if unequal re-
little cost. The Oslo accords of 1993 es- lations between Arabs and Jews. These
tablished an autonomous Palestinian days most young Israelis and Palestin-
Authority under Yasser Arafat, the PLO ians have little contact.
leader, who returned triumphantly in
July 1994. Life in Israel, safe behind the secu-
rity wall and the mental one that says
“there is no partner for peace,” is more
comfortable than it has been for most
of the country’s short life. Security
has improved, for now. The economy
is booming. And even as its politics
turns more chauvinistic, its society is
opening up in other ways.
Arab citizens of Israel, who lived un-
der martial law until 1966, are becom-
ing more integrated economically. In
Jerusalem, some Jews and Arabs chal-
lenge each other at backgammon and
dance the Palestinian dabke. Israeli
music is rediscovering the rhythms
and tones of the Orient. The army wel-
comes women and gays, despite ob-
jections by some rabbis. The old con-
flicts over sabbath observance are, for
the most part, a thing of the past.
Even in Jerusalem, islands of secu-
larism have emerged.
Visit the beaches or the pulsating
bars of Tel Aviv, eating non-kosher
Thai prawns, discussing the latest al-
gorithm and watching the handsome
youth drift by, and you might imagine
yourself in California. Fifty years after
1967, it has become too easy for Israel
to forget that, just a short drive away,
the grinding occupation of Palestinians
has become all but permanent.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 1, 2017 21
Two weeks ago I was reading The current national Ohio” and Sinclair Lewis’s “Main Jon K. Lauck
Washington Post’s obituary of con- politics. Street” quickly exemplified what has
servative power broker Roger Ailes been called “the revolt from the vil- led younger teachers to emphasize
and paused at this sentence about Jon K. Lauck’s lage.” City slickers like H.L. Menck- scholarly success among their peers
the disgraced head of Fox News: “He “From Warm en and magazines such as the New rather than commitment to the intel-
told a biographer that his dream for Center to Ragged Yorker further ridiculed the Midwest lectual well-being of their communi-
America was that it be allowed to Edge” surveys as a backward, second-class culture ties. In this section, Lauck looks hard
return to its best self, which he put “the erosion of of yokels and rednecks who lacked a at the opposing ideas of Richard Hof-
in the Midwest in about 1955.” As it Midwestern liter- dedication to the intellect, let alone stadter, author of “Anti-Intellectual-
happens, Ailes grew up in blue-collar ary and histori- sensitivity to the arts. ism in American Life,” and Michigan
Warren, Ohio, not far from my own cal regionalism” State’s Russell Kirk, author of “The
home town of Lorain. This is clas- between 1920 A few critics, such as Bernard De- Conservative Mind.” He also implic-
sic Rust Belt territory, where a lot of and 1965. This Voto, argued against these simplis- itly endorses the view – of historians
folks share the same nostalgia for a may sound dull tic orthodoxies. As Nebraska writer Frederick Jackson Turner and Chris-
better America, now lost. Even if this to those who be- Bess Streeter Aldrich movingly de- topher Lasch – that smaller commu-
is a false memory, it drives much of lieve that the “fly- clared, “A writer may portray some of nities and neighborhoods, not large
the desperation and acrimony of our over” states are the decent things of life around him cities, encourage a vigorous engage-
inhabited largely and reserve the privilege to call that ment in politics. As Lasch noted,
by clodhoppers, real life too.” Many writers, as well as conversation lies at the foundation
fundamental- artists such as Thomas Hart Benton of civic life. Not surprisingly, Lauck’s
ist zealots and and Grant Wood, found “succor and own previous book, “The Lost Region
loudmouthed support in the social institutions of ” called for a revival of Midwest-ori-
Babbitts. In fact, the rural and small-town Midwest.” ented history.
Lauck’s aim is to In general, Midwesterners tended to
examine “how reject what North Dakota historian “From Warm Center to Ragged
the Midwest as a James Malin called the “literature of Edge” is scholarly – there are as many
region faded from satire, sneer, and smear” and stood pages of notes as of text – and Lauck
our collective up for “the typical American, the does favor long sentences, which
imagination” and common man, and his institutions.” may take getting used to. But this is
“became an ob- an important book and these days,
ject of derision.” From an early date, the propo- especially, deserves to be read and
In particular, nents of regionalism recognized two debated.
the heartland’s powerful enemies: mass media and
traditional val- federalism. The first led to a bland FROM WARM CENTER TO RAGGED EDGE
ues of hard work, homogenization of culture and what The Erosion of Midwestern Literary and Historical
personal dignity Josiah Royce called a “monotonous-
and loyalty, the centrality it grants ly uniform triviality of mind.” The Regionalism, 1920-1965
to family, community and church, latter, starting with Franklin Roos- By Jon K. Lauck
and even the Jeffersonian ideal of a evelt’s New Deal, lessened the abil-
democracy based on farms and small ity of localities to govern themselves. Univ. of Iowa. 252 pp. Paperback, $27.50
land-holdings – all these came to be After World War II, international Review by Michael Dirda,
deemed insufferably provincial by fears of communism and atomic war The Washington Post
the metropolitan sophisticates of the further strengthened the power of
Eastern Seaboard and the lotus-eat- Washington, as federal institutions
ers of the West Coast. assumed more and more control over
Lauck traces the birth of this con- American civic life.
descension to the 1920s, when writ-
ers and critics began to attack life in Lauck’s last chapter looks at how
the Midwest as narrow-minded and historians have studied the heart-
repressive. Books such as Edgar Lee land. Initially, many academics at re-
Masters’ “Spoon River Anthology,” gional universities were born in the
Sherwood Anderson’s “Winesburg, Midwest and viewed themselves as
legatees of its values, but over time
an increased professionalization
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22 Thursday, June 1, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
By the early 20th century, American And that level of segregation persisted lin D. Roosevelt’s administration inher- Richard Rothstein
neighborhoods were highly segregated through 1970. ited reflected preexisting institutions,
along racial lines, contrary to promises of which restrictive racial covenants damage done by its predecessors (and
embodied in the post-Civil War consti- In short, the middle decades of the may have been the most important. by the Republican Eisenhower admin-
tutional amendments ending slavery 20th century were an age of ghet- They were still relatively new, however. istration, whose Interstate Highway
and establishing equal rights. toization. In “The Color of Law,” FDR might well have used his unprec- System sometimes displaced minor-
Richard Rothstein shows how and edented leverage over housing finance ity communities and facilitated the
Segregation was so far advanced by why this happened, and it wasn’t by to undo them. Instead, the New Deal growth of white suburbs).
1930 that neighborhoods in the average accident. Blacks did not move into did the opposite. The FHA promoted
U.S. metropolitan area could not have overcrowded slums as a matter of racial covenants and other instruments By outlawing overt discrimination,
achieved a random distribution of Afri- group preference. Nor was private ra- of segregation through underwriting the Fair Housing Act helped bring
can Americans and whites unless fully cial discrimination by white develop- standards discouraging home loans in about change. As of 2010, randomiz-
65 percent of blacks relocated, accord- ers, banks and homeowners’ associa- areas “infiltrat[ed]” by “inharmonious ing racial residential patterns in major
ing to studies of census data by modern tions exclusively to blame, though it racial or nationality groups.” The ratio- metropolitan areas would require 47
demographers. was certainly a key factor. Rather, the nale was the government’s need to pro- percent of African Americans to move.
federal government used its expand- tect its investment, and those of white This is down substantially from pre-
Twenty years later, after the Great ing power to promote apartheid-like homeowners, against the threat Afri- vious levels and 17 points away from
Depression and World War II, and after separation of whites and blacks in cit- can American neighbors would pose to the 30 percent level indicative of “low”
millions of African Americans left the ies and towns across the country. property values. neighborhood segregation, according
South for the North in search of eco- to University of Michigan demographer
nomic opportunity – and safety from When the U.S. housing market col- No data supported this ostensible William H. Frey.
racist violence – segregation had wors- lapsed in the Great Depression, Wash- concern, as Rothstein notes. The FHA’s
ened significantly. ington took control and attempted to pro-segregation policy reflected racist Neighborhood segregation also
revive it through New Deal agencies, assumptions that pervaded even pro- eased because of factors such as the mi-
In 1950, achieving a random racial such as the Federal Housing Admin- gressive circles in the 1930s – plus FDR’s gration of middle-class blacks to sub-
distribution of inhabitants in the av- istration (FHA) and Home Owners need to appease his Southern Demo- urbs in the South, including subdivi-
erage metropolitan area would have Loan Corporation. cratic supporters. sions that did not even exist prior to the
required nearly three-quarters of Af- Fair Housing Act. Urban sprawl, in that
rican Americans to change residence. The segregation that President Frank- When World War II began, the federal sense, has aided desegregation.
government constructed dwellings for
workers who flocked to defense-related As Frey shows in his 2014 book, “Di-
factories. This housing, too, was allo- versity Explosion,” some of the least-
cated by race. In some affected locali- segregated metropolitan areas in
ties, there was no housing segregation, America now are places like Raleigh,
nor even any particular history of Jim N.C., and Las Vegas. Immigration from
Crow, until the feds created it. Asia and Latin America has meanwhile
fostered the rise of what Brown Univer-
Rothstein tells the story of Richmond, sity sociologist John Logan has called
Calif., across the bay from San Francis- “global neighborhoods.”
co. From 1940 to 1945, nearly 14,000 Af-
rican Americans flowed into what was A discussion of such data would have
then a small Pacific Coast shipbuild- strengthened Rothstein’s otherwise ex-
ing city. The government housed them cellent book. The figures quantify how
in poorer-quality, officially segregated grievously mid-20th-century policies
buildings, setting aside better homes harmed African Americans, and the
for whites. This “established segregated country, but also how close we are – or
living patterns that persist to this day,” were – to undoing the damage.
Rothstein writes.
Black-white segregation is still
“The Color of Law” thus adds a nec- shamefully persistent, especially in
essary corrective to established narra- older Northern cities such as Chicago
tives about the impact of the New Deal and New York. Presidential adminis-
and World War II on U.S. domestic in- trations of both parties never fully en-
stitutions. Two decades of Democratic forced the most aggressive remedies in
dominance in Washington were in- the Fair Housing Act, which made local
deed a time “When Affirmative Action communities’ access to federal hous-
Was White,” as the title of historian Ira ing dollars contingent on their efforts
Katznelson’s 2005 book about the pe- to “affirmatively further” fair housing –
riod suggests. the opposite of federal policy in the ’30s
and ’40s.
And, as Rothstein shows, the effects
lingered for decades. Homeownership THE COLOR OF LAW
was a key path to wealth in postwar A Forgotten History of How Our Government
America, yet many blacks were exclud-
ed. Today, the median white house- Segregated America
hold’s net worth is 16 times that of the By Richard Rothstein
median African American household. Liveright. 345 pp. $27.95
Review by Charles Lane,
In 1948, the Supreme Court rendered The Washington Post
restrictive covenants unenforceable.
The postwar FHA eventually aban-
doned “redlining,” though not before
underwriting new whites-only suburbs
for returning veterans, including Long
Island’s iconic Levittown.
Not until 1968 would a different kind
of Democratic administration, that of
President Lyndon B. Johnson, bring
about the Fair Housing Act to undo the
26 Thursday, June 1, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
“Aww, you shouldn’t have.” Seriously. And here’s why ...
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST With your baby sit- of the iffy gesture,
ter example, repeti- though, then you
Dear Carolyn: If someone does tion is possible and express gratitude
something nice for you but it the relationship is for the intent and
turned out to be more of a has- right in your home – explain kindly why
sle or you didn’t appreciate the but you’re the boss. it missed its mark.
gesture, how do you politely tell So, provide clear en-
them that you truly wish they couragement and And finally, for
hadn’t? For example, someone instructions. “I love the loved one who
gave you some chocolates or cup- that you took the makes a clear, prec-
cakes when you are trying to lose initiative to do laun- edent-setting ges-
weight. Or the baby sitter folded dry, thank you – but ture, like, “I made
and put away all the clothes, but put everything in I had trouble find- your favorite [elab-
the wrong drawers, and you didn’t ask them to fold ing things, so next orate dish here],”
the laundry in the first place. time please just fold when [dish] jacks
– Wisconsin and I’ll put away.” Or your flatulence risk
go the extra step: “I to Defcon 1, you just
Wisconsin: Chocolate and cupcakes, you give can show you where say what you need
to me, along with any unwelcome cash. things go, too, be- to say. “You’re won-
cause I appreciate derful. You thought
Your examples well illustrate why there’s no the help.” of me and I love you
one answer: Conditions can widely diverge. An for it. Which is why
employee doesn’t get the same response as a The unwelcome it pains me to say I
friend, for one, and a one-time gift doesn’t get the gift from a friend or can’t eat [dish] with-
same response as a precedent-setting one. loved one is a little more complicated, because out consequences painful to us all.”
correcting kindness (vs. work) seems to sabotage Well – there is one more contingency, for the
As a general rule, respond in direct proportion it. But, too, someone close to you has a power- People Who Get Offended by Everything. With
to intimacy and repetition. The more of each, the ful incentive – maintaining your close bond – to those, the response is always just, “Thank you!”
more thorough your response needs to be. get a gesture right. People who really care about (I can feel the tight smile as I type this.) Which
making you happy will want honest feedback, serves as a helpful reminder that if we want to
That means the one-off gift from an acquain- even if it’s a bit awkward to receive. guarantee that no one will ever get close enough
tance is easiest: At the front door, express genu- to us to be honest about themselves, then being
ine thanks for their thinking to bring you cup- In that case, you hedge. You greet a first-time thin-skinned is the way to go.
cakes, then at your first opportunity, you head iffy gesture with warm thanks. If there’s a repeat
out the back door to locate the nearest food in-
cinerator teenage boy and hand over the goods.
Study: Screening technique
cuts colorectal cancer risk
28 Thursday, June 1, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Study: Screening technique cuts colorectal cancer risk
STORY BY MARIA CANFIELD CORRESPONDENT Dr. Daniela Shapiro. sands of lives.
[email protected] Preliminary screening tests shown
According to recent results from a below can look for polyps or suspi-
United Kingdom study, a screening cious areas; if anything is found, a fol-
test called a sigmoidoscopy cuts the low-up colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy
risk of developing colorectal cancer by is performed:
over 30 percent. The Flexible Sigmoid-
oscopy Screening Trial (UKFSST) A double-contrast barium en-
started in 1994 and is still ongoing; it ema involves putting a liquid called
has followed 170,000 people over an barium into the rectum. Air is then
average of 17 years, making it the lon- pumped in to spread the barium in a
gest study ever done on the effective- thin, smooth layer though the colon.
ness of sigmoidoscopy in the preven- X-rays are then taken. It requires bow-
tion of colorectal cancer. el prep, but no sedation.
Dr. Georgia Daniela Shapiro, a Vero In a CT colonography (also called
Beach oncologist, says that the UK virtual colonoscopy), air is pumped
study is sound and well-researched. into the rectum and colon, and a CT
She says, “While the study did not scanner is used to take images of the
compare sigmoidoscopy with other colon. Like the barium enema, it re-
screening techniques such as colo- quires bowel prep, but no sedation.
noscopy, it clearly shows the impor-
tance of colorectal cancer screening, Guaiac-based fecal occult blood
while attempting to illustrate an effi- test (gFOBT) and fecal immuno-
cient technique in which to screen the chemical test (FIT) are used to find
more commonly affected left side of tiny amounts of blood in the stool that
the colon.” could be a sign of cancer or large pol-
yps. (However, many times the cause
Although they have the same in- is a non-cancerous condition, such as
tent and are administered in a similar ulcers or hemorrhoids.) These tests
fashion, there are differences between are taken at home with a kit patients
receive from their doctor’s office.
DENTISTRYCollins & Montz COSMETIC & FAMILY a sigmoidoscopy and a colonoscopy. A
sigmoidoscopy requires less prepara- In a significant diagnostic advance,
At Collins & Montz, DMD, we will focus on improving every aspect of tion and does not involve sedation, the FDA approved a DNA test, Colo-
your smile for optimal appearance, function, and comfort through which makes it easier on the patient. guard, in 2014. The patient uses a kit
our general family dentistry, and restorative procedures such as dental However, a colonoscopy is more com- to collect a stool sample, which they
implants. Our comprehensive range of services and dedication of prehensive – it examines the entire mail to a lab. The lab then looks for
quality set us apart. Call today to schedule your appointment. colon, while a sigmoidoscopy only certain gene changes that are some-
examines the distal (left side) of the times found in colorectal cancer cells.
524 OCEAN AVENUE, MELBOURNE BEACH, FL 32951 colon. Dr. Shapiro says the preferred If the test shows possible cancer or
screening test in the United States is a pre-cancer cells, the patient would
(321) 725-6565 • MELBOURNEBEACHDENTISTRY.COM colonoscopy, when available. have a colonoscopy to confirm the re-
sults, and remove any polyps.
In sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy
procedures, a doctor inserts a thin Cologuard is not intended for every-
flexible tube equipped with a camera one – it’s only appropriate for people
to look at the colon. Both tests can find with no past history of colorectal can-
polyps – small growths – on the bowel cer or pre-cancerous polyps. Vero’s
wall, which can become cancerous if Dr. Shapiro says an advantage of the
left untreated. Polyps, if found, can Cologuard test is that it is non-inva-
be easily removed during the testing sive, but that it must be repeated every
process, usually by passing a tiny wire three years and currently has a false
loop through the tube. positive rate of about 10 percent.
Colorectal cancer (also known as Dr. Shapiro says prevention is the
bowel cancer or colon cancer) affects most potent treatment we have for
the colon, or large bowel, and/or the reducing the incidence of colorectal
rectum. It is a slow-growing cancer, cancer, and has this guidance for the
and may be present for up to 10 years community: “Colorectal screening
before it starts to spread. It is well is an absolute necessity for all adults
known that regular screening is one age 50 or older, and for others under
of the most powerful weapons for pre- the age of 50 based on specific criteria
venting this type of cancer. and history. While colonoscopy is the
preferred screening by the National
Approximately 135,000 new cases of Comprehensive Cancer Network, any
colorectal cancer are diagnosed in the alternative techniques should be con-
United States each year, and the dis- sidered for any individual unable to
ease causes about 50,000 deaths. Any receive a screening colonoscopy.”
test that reduces the risk by 30 per-
cent, such as shown by the UKFSST, Dr. Shapiro practices as part of Scott,
would potentially save tens of thou- Weeks, McGarry & Shapiro, located at
1460 36th St in Vero Beach; the office
number is 772-562-7777.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 1, 2017 29
Marijuana extract cuts seizures in rare form of epilepsy
STORY BY LENNY BERNSTEIN THE WASHINGTON POST should not be moving across the coun- Drug Enforcement Administration to seizures. It isn't addictive and causes
try. They deserve the right to have ac- would change that listing. no high. It may someday prove to be
An oil derived from the marijuana cess” to the drug, which GW calls Epid- valuable as a treatment for many kinds
plant sharply reduces violent seizures iolex. The company conducted 18 years The substance was difficult to obtain of epilepsy, which afflicts 3 million
in young people suffering from a rare, of basic research before beginning the even for research purposes, Devinsky people in the United States, he said.
severe form of epilepsy, according to development of the drug three years said. The lab had to install a safe that
a study published last week that gives ago, he said. was so heavy that it consulted with In an editorial that accompanied
more hope to parents who have been structural engineers to make sure the the study, the New England Journal of
clamoring for access to the medication. Marijuana remains a Schedule 1 floors would support it, he said. Devin- Medicine praised the study for finally
drug in the United States, which means sky said cannabidiol appears to bind to bringing academic rigor to the debate
Cannabidiol cut the median number it has no legitimate medical use. If the a receptor in the brain that dampens about medicine derived from canna-
of monthly convulsive seizures from FDA were to approve Epidiolex, the the excitability of nerve cells that lead bis.
12.4 to 5.9 in 52 children with Dravet
syndrome who took the medication
over a 14-week test period, according to
research published in the New England
Journal of Medicine. Fifty-six children
using a placebo saw the number of sei-
zures drop only from a median of 14.9
to 14.1 per month.
“Medical marijuana has been docu-
mented as a treatment for epilepsy go-
ing back 3,800 years,” said Orrin Devin-
sky, director of the Comprehensive
Epilepsy Center at NYU Langone Med-
ical Center, who led the research. But
the randomized, placebo-controlled
study represents the first research to
demonstrate the product's value in a
scientific way, he said.
Unlike THC, the compound in mari-
juana that produces a high when con-
sumed, cannabidiol is not psychoac-
tive. The main side effects suffered by
the children in the study, whose aver-
age age was just under 10, were vomit-
ing, diarrhea and loss of appetite.
But the product is not available any-
where in the world, except to about
1,500 children who are receiving it
from the manufacturer, GW Pharma-
ceuticals, under compassionate-use
rules for the condition. Dravet syn-
drome causes ongoing seizures, cogni-
tive problems and risk of early death.
There is no FDA-approved treatment
for Dravet, so many parents have been
traveling to Colorado and other states
that offer medical marijuana in search
of cannabidiol. Other medicines have
proven largely ineffective; the children
in the study had tried an average of four
anti-epilepsy drugs each.
GW Pharmaceuticals, which funded
Devinsky’s research, plans to submit
the drug for approval by the Food and
Drug Administration in the middle of
this year with the hope that it could
be available by prescription in 2018 for
children with Dravet and another se-
vere form of epilepsy, Lennox-Gastaut
syndrome. The company announced
in March 2016 that an earlier stage of
the study had shown the drug to be ef-
“The important thing for us is that
patients like this deserve a pharma-
ceutical solution,” said the company's
chief executive, Justin Glover. “They
30 Thursday, June 1, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Tiniest patients in excellent hands at Lawnwood NICU
[email protected] director of Women’s Services, and Dr. Jaideep Gupta.
Each and every year roughly PHOTOS: MITCH KLOORFAIN
500,000 tiny newborn babies in this
country spend their very first hours premature babies. quired level three care. Ivanelsie Delgado.
and days in a very strange new world. Seymour says, at Lawnwood, “we Calling her work with infants
here 24 hours a day, seven days a week,
That world consists largely of me- have micro-preemies that have a “highly rewarding,” Seymour admits as well as our nurse practitioners. We
chanical ventilators, incubators, as- very low birth weight of only about that “when things don’t go well it have the services available.
sorted rows of polyvinyl chloride 465 grams.” can be very devastating. We get very
tubing, and banks of digitized moni- emotionally attached to the family “What we want the community to
toring devices: It’s called a neonatal That is just slightly over 1 pound. members as well as the baby,” but know is that you have peace of mind
intensive care unit, or NICU. For comparison, the average full- she quickly bounces back to further when you choose to have your baby
term baby born in the U.S. weights praise her team. here or when you choose to bring your
A Norman Rockwell scene, it ain’t. about 7.5 pounds. small child here.”
That said, Parenting Magazine The unflappable Seymour then “We have an excellent OB hospi-
calls NICUs “the safest place for a points out that Lawnwood is “the talist group here at this facility,” Sey- “I think the staff in both [the NICU
sick or premature baby” and points only level three neonatal intensive mour states proudly. “They’re here and PICU] units are extremely proud
out NICUs boast an incredibly high care unit on the Treasure Coast, and 24 hours a day, seven days a week of the work that they do. We live in a
survival rate for premature births – I believe we’re the only pediatric around the clock, so if anything hap- community that is in desperate need
well over 90 percent. intensive care unit on the Treasure pens, somebody walks in and there’s of these intensive care services,” Sey-
Naomi Seymour, director of Coast, as well.” a dire emergency, they are here to mour concludes.
Women’s and Children’s Services at Neonatal ICUs are ranked from take care of them.”
Lawnwood Regional Medical Center level one to level four, with four be- To learn more about Lawnwood’s
in Fort Pierce, oversees both the hos- ing the highest certification. On a bit of an enthusiasm-powered level three NICU or the PICU, you
pital’s NICU and its Pediatric Inten- The American Academy of Pediat- roll, she then adds, “It’s the same can call the hospital’s main number
sive Care unit (PICU). rics says level three NICUs such as way with our neonatologists. They’re at 772-461-4000 or visit its website at
“In the neonatal intensive care Lawnwood’s “are differentiated by lawnwoodmed.com. Or, call 1-800-
unit,” Seymour explains, “we take their ability to provide care to new- 382-3522.
care of neonates from 22 weeks ges- born infants with widely differing
tation through full-term.” degrees of complexity and risk.”
The Stanford University Chil- And while it might seem both
dren’s Health Center in Palo Alto, complex and risky to transport frag-
Calif., says, “an NICU combines ile, newly born infants or premature
advanced technology and highly babies from, say, Sebastian or Vero
trained healthcare professionals to Beach down to Lawnwood, Seymour
provide specialized care for the tini- says it does happen.
est patients.” “We do about two to three trans-
That’s precisely what Seymour ports a month,” says Seymour. “We
along with Dr. Jaideep Gupta, Dr. have our own neonatal intensive
Ivanelsie Delgado and NICU clinical care transport team [and] … a spe-
manager Melanie Munar and some cial team of our nurses. The child
60 others who staff the entire second would need to be stabilized and then
floor at Lawnwood are doing: pro- we would come and get them and
viding highly specialized care to the bring them here,” using either a he-
youngest among us. licopter or an ambulance.
When a baby is born, the way its In 2016, nearly 60 percent of all
body functions has to change dra- Lawnwood’s NICU admissions re-
matically. Its lungs must take in and
let out air. Its heart and circulatory
system must operate independently
of its mother. Its digestive system
must process its own food and its
immune system is on its own, as
well. Even under the best of circum-
stances that can be a challenge, but
when a baby is born prematurely,
the adaptive challenge is far greater.
The March of Dimes lists anemia
and breathing problems – includ-
ing broncho-pulmonary dysplasia,
persistent pulmonary hypertension,
pneumonia and respiratory distress
syndrome – as among the most com-
mon problems affecting premature
Those and other health difficul-
ties can be caused or compounded
by extremely low birth weights in
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 1, 2017 31
Fiesta Jalisco: Indian Harbour Beach’s local cantina
[email protected]
The South Beaches are peppered
with festive, casual Mexican restau-
rants with outdoor café seating. They’re
all a little different, and every neighbor-
hood has its favorite right around the
corner, but what most have in common
is a family-friendly atmosphere, and
consistent food that’s a good value.
Because we live in Satellite Beach,
our go-to place is three minutes away
from home. But last Thursday we ven-
tured south on A1A to check out Indian
Harbour Beach’s locals’ Mexican bistro,
Fiesta Jalisco – the newest of the bunch
at only two years old – to see if it could
lure us away from our regular picnic
table a few miles up the road.
It was fairly packed for a weeknight,
but there is plenty of seating. The
friendly staff quickly cleaned a booth
and showed us the way.
The first test of a Mexican joint is the
chips and salsa it automatically brings
to the table. In this case, the chips were
fresh and crisp and the salsa was very
good – definitely house-made with a Chicken Tacos.
little kick, the way we like it. PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER
It was hot out and it was happy hour, and hot and looked quite appealing on
heavy stoneware platters.
time for a Dos Equis Amber, one of three
Though the dessert menu was tempt-
Mexican beers available on tap. Our Enchilada Laguna. ing, fried ice cream, flan and the churro
– because every culture has its own ver-
server brought it promptly, ice cold in a sion of yummy fried dough – we simply
had no room left in our bellies for any-
frosted mug and $3.25 on special. Do- thing else. In fact, we left with half my
Sunset Dinner in a take-out box.
mestic draft beer is $2.50 on happy hour
All in all, a pleasurable dining experi-
from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. and the bar also ence and a welcome change of pace, but
I don’t think Fiesta Jalisco won us over
has specials on wine, house Margaritas from our neighborhood cantina.
and well drinks, as Fiesta Jalisco offers I welcome your comments, and en-
courage you to send feedback to me at
a full liquor selection. The house recipe [email protected].
red sangria by the glass or by the pitcher The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
dines anonymously at restaurants at
also looked refreshing as it passed by us the expense of this newspaper.
on the way to another table. HOURS
Sun.- Thurs. 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Everything on the menu looked
Fri.- Sat. 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.
mouth-watering, from the nachos to BEVERAGES
Full bar
the chicken wings to the quesadilla op- ADDRESS
1906 N. A1A,
tions to the queso dip, but we opt-
Indian Harbour Beach
ed for the homemade guaca- PHONE
mole dip ($5.95) and a bowl of (321) 428-3509
the Azteca soup ($6.95). The
guacamole came in a large
bowl, enough for five or six
people, and it was fresh
and delicious. The soup
arrived piping hot Carne Asada
in its own generous
crockery and it was
a rich, creamy, zesty
vegetable soup with corn Churros.
and chicken. It was garnished with Sunset Din-
wide tortilla strips and cheese and it two soft-shell beef ta- ner. The “New York
cos with seasoned rice and refried beans
was scrumptious to the last drop – and ($10.95). The tacos were pretty standard steak” was cooked to order
fare. The meat was barely seasoned and
very filling. This soup plus an appetizer could have used a bit of hot sauce, but medium rare and had an excellent fla-
would suit diners who like their Mexi-
would make a meal or a quick lunch, can food mild. The marinated, grilled vor, though it was a bit chewy. The three
chicken breast was the best part of the
unless you were really hungry. Mexican scampi shrimp were just okay,
For our entrees, I ordered the Sun- basted with a reddish sauce. The rice
set Dinner ($18.50) and my companion was fluffy and the refried beans were
chose one of the combination dinners – as expected. Everything came out nice
32 Thursday, June 1, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 1, 2017 33
Bonz sure not ‘board’ at Puppy Paddle playdate
like he was still growing into his BIG
paws. He didn’t look scared, but he also
Hi Dog Buddies! didn’t look thrilled.
Well, there’s no chance I’ll EVER get I introduced myself, and he said,
bored as long as I’ve got this gig: I get
to meet pawsome poocheroos every “I’m Buddy Clark. My Aunt Mackenna
week (not to mention fab felines and
the occasional zebra or pot-bellied and my Daddy Taylor told me this was
pig). PLUS, I get to go to parties and
have adVENtures. gonna be FUN. But it’s a lot more water
Like, a coupla weeks ago, my pal Max than in my dish at home. I’m not sure
Dixon gave me an Ears-Up about an
event him and his Mom Cindi and some I’m s’pose to get IN it. And those floaty
other humans were doing over by the
Vero Dog Park. It was the Second Annual things are kinda small.”
Puppy Paddle. An you didn’t hafta be an
ackshul puppy. Grown-up pooches can Buddy’s aunt got on one of the floaty
do it, too. It was for FUN and socializing,
of course, but also to help the Dog Park, things while his Dad led him into the
which I know a buncha you go to.
So, anyway, Max and his Mom run
this nice dog spa, and they got together “EEK! Wait!” Buddy was sayin’ as his
with a coupla guys who have a kayak
and paddleboard place, and planned it Dad sorta schooshed him up onto the
all out. The pooches and their humans’d
meet on a Sunday morning, right on the board behind her. Buddy gripped with
river, near that big, tall bridge by the dog
park, and paddle around. Paddleboard all four paws and looked around. As
newbees could get lessons, too. AN,
there were reFRESHments! Buddy’s aunt began to paddle farther
A buncha paddleboards were neatly out into the river, Buddy slid off the back
lined up along the water’s edge, and a
few pooches an their humans were al- of the board and dog-paddled to shore.
ready out in the water when me and my
assistant arrived. It looked like a floating “So, whaddya think?” I asked him,
Puppy Play Group.
dodging the Shake-Off.
Max yoo-hooed me from his pad-
dleboard. Even tho he’s a fluffy little “Um. I’m not SURE. I mean, I just don’t
poocheroo, he’s a take-charge kinda
guy, real fren-ly. “Yo, Bonz! I’ll be right KNOW. It doesn’t feel BAD or anything.
in.” His Mom steered their board over
to the shore. Of course, as a spaniel, I An those OTHER pooches are doin’ it. I
was real excited. I’ll sign up for pretty
much anything that involves getting’ just don’t want my Daddy to be mad at
wet. However, since I was On The Job,
an takin’ notes, I hadda stay dry. (Full me for getting’ all WET. I’m still learnin’
Disclosure: I did manage to get my paws
in, right at the edge.) the ROOLS.”
“Woof Max, this is a Totally Cool Kib- “I’m pretty sure it’s totally OK to
bles idea!”
get wet this morning,” I assured him.
“I KNOW! Right?” Max grinned. “My
human buddies Chris Woodruff and A while later, I spotted Buddy, sitting
Brent Bernhard brought these cool
boards. Of course, us pooches wear life calmly on a board next to his Dad, nose
jackets. I mean, it’s fine to be a Hot Dog,
but NOT a Dumb Dog, right? Our first up to catch all the interesting smells on
Puppy Paddle, last year, was for our cus-
tomers, and it was real popular. So we’re the breeze, happily paddling along.
expanding. We get a lotta boaters from
Elsewhere who love the dog park, and “You really gotta TRY this, Mr. Bonz!”
this is extra added fun.”
he woofed.
A good-lookin’ brindle pooch came
down to the water’s edge, on leash, with Ginger Perosa, a beautiful Australian
his humans. He had that Puppy Walk
Shepherd, sat on the bank with her Dad
Ron, just watchin.’
“Are you gonna try it?” I asked her.
“Not today,” she said. “But it does
look pretty spiffy. Next Puppy Paddle
I’ll definitely give it a burl. I’ve al- Max and Cindi Dixon.
Gypsy Pinnell was sitting on the
way far end of the bank, ears up. She leste Bartoszewicz, a
barked as I approached, till her Mom 5-pound chihuahua with a 10-pound floated by. “The
told her it was okey-dokey. Gypsy is name, was floating up and down with salt spray! The cry of the gulls! The
an all-black German Shepherd, only her Mom, Vanessa. “I’m a nature girl so wind’s song! The dolphin jumping!”
7 months old, she told me. “I’m sorry I love anything outdoors,” she told me. “Woof!” I said to myself in admira-
I barked at you. I bark at strangers – “It’s my first time doin’ THIS, though. It’s tion. “That is one Salty Dog!”
pooches, humans, squirrels sometimes pretty Cool Kibbles, once you get over Back on shore, as Max was getting me
– but I’m still learning when I should the Wobble Paws.” some additional info, I noticed that his
and when I shouldn’t. An I’m still get- Bohdi Gear was at the very front of the stylish life vest was color-coordinated
ting used to bein’ around other dogs board as his Mom, Phaedra, paddled to his water bowl – AND his Jeep. They
and humans, so I’m sorta nervous.” smoothly along. He was a little pooch- were all chartreuse with black trim.
“No worries,” I replied. “We’ve all eroo, but he stood there, sure-pawed, Snazzy! “Thanks, Max! It’s been great!”
been there.” like the captain of a Really Big Ship. I waved goodbye.
Meanhile, back on the water, Ce- “Ah, THIS is the life!” he said as they Heading home, I decided to ask my
Don’t be shy! grandpa if we could maybe get one of
those paddle boards for the pool.
Till next time,
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up -The Bonz
an interview, please email [email protected].
34 Thursday, June 1, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
ONGOING Center of Brevard, Maxwell King Center for Per- 8-11 Vero Beach Wine + Film Festival tions and open bar and the chance to see a 300+
forming Arts, and Brevard County Sheriff’s Office at various locations throughout private car collection. $150. heelswheels.org
Melbourne Civic Theatre - The Glass Menag- Charity. $150. dancingforthespacecoast.com Vero Beach and surrounding area, featuring
erie thru June 25. mymct.org multiple vintner dinners, film screenings, wine 11 Community Band of Brevard pres-
3 Second annual Diamond All-Stars fund- tastings, seminars, music and ‘morning after’ ents Crowd Pleasers, 3 p.m. at Mer-
Foosaner Art Museum - Pan American Mod- raiser, 7 to 11 p.m. at Iron Oak Post Tavern, brunch, with a portion of proceeds to benefit ritt Island High School Auditorium. Free. 321-
ernism: Avant Garde Art in Latin America and Melbourne, with food drinks, raffles auctions SunCoast Mental Health Center. Visit VBWFF. 338-6210
the United States, thru July 29. and music by The Umbrella Thieves to benefit com for full schedule and ticket costs
South Beaches Little League and help fund the 14|15 Pack a picnic dinner and
EGAD First Friday in Eau Gallie Arts District, Flutie Athletic Complex. $30. Sbll.net 9|10 Sea Turtle Festival, 6 to 9 p.m. join Melbourne Communi-
5:30 to 8:30 p.m. every first Friday; and Mel- Fri.; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sat. in ty Orchestra for A Celebration of America ‘Not in
bourne Main Street Friday Fest, 6 to 10 p.m. 3|4 Boards and Waves Expo III, 10 a.m. Downtown Titusville and Canaveral National the Park Picnic’ concert, 6:30 p.m. at Melbourne
every second Friday. to 4 p.m. at Melbourne Auditorium, Seashore, with art and educational activities, Auditorium. Free. 321-285-6724
with 60+ exhibits of surfboards, paddle boards and and and downtown Turtle Crawl of shops, gal-
JUNE accessories, demos, contests, artists and raffles. leries, restaurants and breweries. Titusvillesea- 16 Drag Queen BINGO, 6 p.m. at Eau Gal-
$5 donation to benefit ocean related causes and turtlefestival.com lie Civic Center, with drinks, raffles and
2|3 Historic Cocoa Village’s BBQ & Melbourne High surf team. boardsandwaves.com extra drinks available for purchase. 21 & older.
Blues, 5 to 9:30 p.m. Fri., 11 a.m. 10 Book Signing and Sustainability Event $25. eaugallieartsdistrict.com
to 9:15 p.m. Sat., with world-class blues and 3|4 Cocoa Beach Uncorked, Noon to 4 featuring environmental experts Ro-
BBQ vendors, kids play area and People’s Choice p.m. at Alan Shepard Park, Cocoa saly Byrd and Laurèn DeMates, authors of ‘Sus- 17 Art and Wine Walk, 1 to 5 p.m. with
competition to benefit Aging Matters. Free; pri- Beach, with area chefs, restaurants and brewer- tainability Made Simple: Small Changes for Big stops at galleries, restaurants and
vate seating tickets available. Cocoavillagebbqa- ies offering signature selections of dishes, craft Impact,’ providing easy tips for everyday life, shops in Historic Downtown Melbourne host-
ndblues.com beers and wine. 21 & older. VIP $75; General ad- 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Barrier Island Center at ed by Waterscapes Gallery and Strawbridge
mission $55. http://cocoabeachuncorked.com Archie Carr National Wildlife Center. thesustain- Art Studios. $30 advance; $35 event day.
2-11 Surfside Playhouse, Cocoa abilitycooperative.net 321-917-5350
Beach presents Alice in Wonder- 4 32nd annual Pineapple Man Triathlon pre-
land, weekends 8 p.m. Fri. & Sat.; 2 p.m. Sun. sented by Rotary Club of Melbourne Beach, 10 Rock the Park Brevard, hosted by Bre- 17 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
$25; $22 student/senior/military. 321-783-3127 7 a.m. start from historic Melbourne Beach Pier, vard County South Area Parks and Rec- presents Broadway Showstoppers,
with .34-mile Indian River Lagoon swim,15.4-mile reation and Classic Shock, 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. at 7 p.m. at Scott Center for the Performing Arts.
3 Gnarly Charley’s Junior Pro Surf Series, 8 bike course along A-1-A, and 3.4-mile run through Wickham Park, with live music, entertainment, $20; free 18 and under. 855-252-7276
a.m. to 5 p.m. at Paradise Park, Indialantic beachside neighborhoods. pineapplemantri.com food trucks and family fun. Free.
for youngsters ages 16 or younger competing in 20 Business on the Beach Luncheon with
short boards and long board. 7 National Running Day, 6 to 11 p.m. with 10 Bottoms Up Beer Run, 6 p.m. at Wick- guest speaker Jarin Eisenberg, 11:30
3-mile run/walk for all ages and abilities, ham Park, a 4K run/walk featuring five a.m. at Hilton Melbourne Beach Oceanfront,
3 Dancing for the Space Coast, 5:30 p.m. at leaving from Running Zone, through Wickham different homebrews along the course to benefit empowering working women through network-
Florida Institute of Technology Clemente Park, ending with free cookout. 321-751-8890 St. Baldrick’s and SAAZ (Spacecoast Associates ing and professional development. Gentlemen
Center hosted by Brevard County Sheriff’s Of- for Advancement of Zymurgy). Saaz.org welcome. Chamber members $47; nonmem-
fice, teaming local celebrities with dance profes- 7|8 Bring your picnic dinner to Mel- bers $75. melbourneregionalchamber.com
sionals to benefit Parker Foundation for Autism bourne Municipal Band’s Planes, 10 Heels and Wheels Black Tie Gala, 6
and Child Development, Children’s Advocacy Trains and Automobiles-themed ‘Not in the Park p.m. at American Muscle Car Museum 23 To July 2 - Historic Cocoa Village Play-
Picnic’ concert, 6:30 p.m. at Melbourne Audito- to benefit the Brevard Alzheimer’s Foundation, house presents the comedy Nunsense
rium. Free. 772- 724-0555 with live music and dancing, elegant dinner, auc- II, The Second Coming. 321-636-5050
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 24 Shark in the Park 5K, 7:30 a.m. at
in May 25, 2017 Edition 7 SINGER 1 DISGRACE Gleason Park, Indian Harbor Beach
8 LINDEN 2 OGRE to benefit the Lupus Foundation of America,
9 OGLE 3 TRUSTY Florida Chapter, with breakfast, kids fun run and
10 SURROUND 4 FLORET awards. Runningzone.com
13 TUNNEL 6 KEEN 24 International Day of Yoga, 7:30 a.m. at
15 RESCUE 12 COCKEREL Wickham Park amphitheater taught by
17 DRENCH 14 EXCITING Brevard instructors. Free.
20 DOTE 17 DAYOUT 24 Space Coast Symphony Winds and
21 IMPELS 19 TOMS Chorus presents America the Beauti-
22 UNWIND 20 DOWN ful, 7 p.m. at Scott Center for the Performing
Arts. Free. 855-252-7276
Sudoku Page 2448 Sudoku PPaaggee 2459 Crossword Pagee4284 Crossword Page 4295 (MY SEDIMENTS EXACTLY)
WEB CONTENT CREATION Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting
the South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951,
• French-English Content Writing
• Graphic Design & Illustration Indialantic, Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach.
• Website Design Contact Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 [email protected].
36 Thursday, June 1, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
High-end living beckons in Waterford Bay home
BY GEORGE WHITE Steele, who now lives in his home- soaring fieldstone fireplace and two- to the Brevard County Commission,
Staff Writer town of Fort Lauderdale, custom- story vaulted ceiling, it has a dramat- eventually serving as chairman and
designed and built the home in 1983 ic look for beachside high-end living was involved with many other public
An oversized Melbourne Beach with enough bathrooms and big and is designed to reflect the family’s organizations.
home with fireplaces, a large private enough back yard and pool to raise love of hunting and outdoors, Steele
pool and a panorama view of the a large family. He also had the home said in a phone interview. “That lodge look was what we want-
Indian River Lagoon was the fam- equipped with a guest apartment ed and the stone actually came from
“It was great home to raise the kids Tennessee,’’ he said.
ily home of former Brevard County with separate entrance and attached but they were only there a few years. The favorite area in the home for
Commissioner Val Steele. garage for his mother-in-law. It was also great for entertaining, and the family was in the large 29-by-
being in politics we had a lot of that,’’ 16 kitchen and similar-sized family
The 5,312-square-foot home is lo- “We wanted her to move in with us he said. room, he said.
cated on a cul-de-sac in Waterford Bay, and at the time we had five boys and
an ocean-to-river gated condo com- five dogs,” he said. Steele was elected to the City Com- Most rooms on the first floor of
munity with tennis courts and beach mission of Melbourne Beach and the house are oriented with a view or
access, located just north of Publix on The Steele family’s personal flair served as mayor. Later, he was ap- access by glass sliding doors to the
SR A1A in Melbourne Beach. shows in the impressive front en- pointed and then elected three times 1,500-square-foot back porch, which
trance into the great room. With a
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 1, 2017 37
overlooks the 35-foot private swim- REAL ESTATE VITAL STATISTICS
ming pool. There also is a communi- 216 THE ROAD TO WATERFORD BAY
ty swimming pool in Waterford Bay,
along with beach access and a private Neighborhood: Waterford Bay
cabana. Year built: 1983
The back yard offers is a 180 degree Architectural style:
view of the Indian River. It includes California contemporary
plenty of room for a dock and plans
for one have made it through the per- Construction:
mitting process, Steele said. Concrete block, frame
Home size: 5,312 square feet
“It is an unbelievable view. I lived
in Florida my whole life but I’ve never under air
been a boater. I guess I just never got Bedrooms: 5
bitten by the bug,’’ he said. Bathrooms: 6
Acreage: .45 acres
The master suite upstairs, which Additional features: 1,500
also has a wood-burning fireplace, square feet of covered porches;
full guest apartment with sepa-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 39 rate one-car garage; oversized
private pool; two wood-burning
fireplaces, double master
bathrooms with walk in clos-
ets, jetted bathtub and walk-in
shower; formal dining room;
huge great room; vaulted ceil-
ings; new roof in 2007
Listing agency: Treasure Coast
Sotheby’s International Realty
Listing agents: Hank Saunders,
broker associate, 321 626-2432,
and Wendy Murray, broker as-
sociate, 321 243-3595
Listing price: $1,195,000
38 Thursday, June 1, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: May 19 to May 25
The real estate market remained active in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937. Indialantic and
Satellite Beach led the way, each reporting 9 sales, followed by Indian Harbour Beach with 8, and
Melbourne Beach with 7.
The top sale of the week was of an oceanfront home in Melbourne Beach. The residence at 5895 S.
Highway A1A was placed on the market Nov. 17, 2016, with an asking price of $1.89 million. The price was
subsequently reduced to $1.79 million. The transaction closed May 19 for $1.3 million.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Beth DeStefano of Re/Max Olympic Realty. The purchaser
was represented by Todd Ostrander, also of Re/Max Olympic Realty.
STERLING HS MLBRN P2 6307 S HIGHWAY A1A 253 7/1/2016 $524,999 $524,999 5/19/2017 $195,000
BEACH WOODS STAGE 8 3255 RIVER VILLA WAY 4/4/2017 $199,000 $199,000 5/22/2017 $1,027,500
DUNE CREST SUBD 200 MAR LEN DR 2/28/2017 $1,125,000 $1,125,000 5/22/2017 $290,000
OCEAN EDGE COLONY 220 RITA BLVD 4/5/2017 $275,000 $275,000 5/22/2017 $854,500
HARBOR EAST SEC 2 402 ANCHOR KEY 1/20/2017 $895,000 $895,000 5/24/2017 $350,000
MELBOURNE BEACH S R 1907 CEDAR LN 3/13/2017 $385,000 $365,000 5/24/2017
SALES FOR 32903 $479,000
INDIALANTIC VILLAS C 1145 N SHANNON AVE 13 2/20/2017 $136,000 $137,000 5/23/2017 $338,000
3/1/2017 $485,000 $485,000 5/23/2017 $110,000
SANCTUARY THE 654 HUMMINGBIRD DR 3/23/2017 $524,500 $499,900 5/19/2017 $272,500
3/26/2017 $349,900 $349,900 5/24/2017 $165,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 440 OAKLAND AVE 5/2/2017 $115,000 $115,000 5/24/2017 $328,000
5/18/2017 $295,000 $295,000 5/19/2017 $830,000
THE COMMODORE CLUB C 995 N HWY A1A 403 3/6/2017 $175,000 $175,000 5/19/2017
4/16/2017 $335,000 $335,000 5/24/2017 $290,000
PALM COLONY CLUB CON 2700 N HIGHWAY A1A 15203 7/14/2016 $890,000 $890,000 5/19/2017 $491,750
ASPINWALL 3520 TITANIC CIR 80 $295,000
SALES FOR 32937 $395,000
SERENA SHORES CND P2 1965 HIGHWAY A1A 201 12/16/2016 $325,000 $299,900 5/19/2017 $243,000
FORTEBELLO 120 MEDITERRANEAN WAY 3/28/2017 $500,000 $500,000 5/19/2017 $249,000
BURNS VILLAGE SEC 1 1135 STEVEN PATRICK AVE 3/26/2017 $144,900 $144,900 5/22/2017 $308,000
THE JAMESTOWN CONDO 933 S COLONIAL CT 142 4/1/2017 $117,700 $117,700 5/22/2017 $300,000
HARBOUR ISLES 2ND AD 514 ELEUTHERA LN 1/23/2017 $565,000 $549,000 5/23/2017
MARINA ISLE CLB U1B3 18 MARINA ISLES BLVD 104 3/13/2017 $299,900 $299,900 5/24/2017
HARBOUR ROYALE SOUTH 520 PALM SPRINGS BLVD 212 11/30/2016 $155,000 $127,500 5/24/2017
MANATEE POINTE RESER 806 VERONICA CT 10/3/2016 $319,000 $309,000 5/25/2017
AMHRST GRD SEC 2 430 CARISSA DR 2/16/2017 $299,900 $289,900 5/19/2017
WATERWAY ESTATES 1ST 430 NAUTILUS DR 4/3/2017 $199,999 $199,999 5/19/2017
AMHRST GRD SEC 2 340 DESOTO PKWY 4/6/2017 $293,000 $293,000 5/19/2017
VILLA DEL MAR S6 U3 670 VERBENIA DR 4/21/2017 $389,900 $389,900 5/22/2017
MONACO CONDO PH II A 579 HIGHWAY A1A 302 4/22/2017 $449,900 $449,900 5/23/2017
WATERWAY ESTATES REP 347 S LAKESIDE DR 3/17/2017 $249,000 $249,000 5/22/2017
NONE 137 FIRST ST SE 1/26/2017 $249,900 $249,900 5/23/2017
NONE 615 HIBISCUS DR 3/17/2017 $334,500 $318,500 5/24/2017
AMHRST GRD SEC 4 560 COCONUT ST 4/19/2017 $300,000 $300,000 5/25/2017
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 1, 2017 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Dune Crest Subd, Address: 200 Mar Len Dr Subdivision: Sanctuary The, Address: 654 Hummingbird Dr
Listing Date: 2/28/2017 Listing Date: 3/1/2017
Original Price: $1,125,000 Original Price: $485,000
Recent Price: $1,125,000 Recent Price: $485,000
Sold: 5/22/2017 Sold: 5/23/2017
Selling Price: $1,027,500 Selling Price: $479,000
Listing Agent: Michael Rogers & Erika Rogers Listing Agent: Karen DAlberto
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Curri Properties
Pamela Vanderveer Stephen Stanton
Vanderveer Properties Coldwell Banker Res RE
Subdivision: Indialantic By Sea, Address: 440 Oakland Ave Subdivision: Harbour Isles 2nd AD, Address: 514 Eleuthera Ln
Listing Date: 3/23/2017 Listing Date: 1/23/2017
Original Price: $524,500 Original Price: $565,000
Recent Price: $499,900 Recent Price: $549,000
Sold: 5/19/2017 Sold: 5/23/2017
Selling Price: $484,000 Selling Price: $515,000
Listing Agent: Don Wood Listing Agent: Frances Hadjilogiou
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Aerospace Realty Selling Agent: RE/MAX Olympic Realty
Shari Abbott Todd Ostrander
BHHS Florida Realty RE/MAX Olympic Realty
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 37 cess to backyard and pool area. While the home shares a similar ar- feeling of a rural beach area but it’s
Other features include, tile floors, a chitectural style as the Waterford Bay close [to restaurants and shopping].
features large high-end separate development, it is the largest and the For the money, for the square footage
bathroom suites with sauna, jetted formal dining room, vaulted ceilings, only detached single family unit. and what comes with it, it’s a bargain,’’
bathtub, walk-in shower and walk-in oversized two-garage and a separate said broker associate Hank Saunders
closets. The master suite also has its one-car attached garage for the guest “It’s totally custom-built and has an who is co-listing the home with Wen-
own private covered deck overlook- apartment with separate entrance. unobstructed view of the river. It’s a dy Murray for $1,195,000.
ing the river, with stairs providing ac- The roof was replaced in 2007. great location because it still has the