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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-10-12 15:15:29

10/13/2017 ISSUE 41


October 13, 2017 | Volume 4, Issue 41 Newsstand Price: $1.00



key evidence in
By Rusty Carter | Staff Writer er two companies that have one major thing Triton’s facility just off Interstate 95 in Vero ‘pill mill’ case
in common: both cater to a customer base Beach. “They are for people who have two
Aston Martin, best with money to spend. Lots of money. yachts – one for traveling and the other for By Beth Walton | Staff Writer
known for the iconic cars hauling their toys.”
featured in a number of “These are not for people who have a Judge Cynthia Cox has sup-
the James Bond films, may yacht,” Haley explained during a tour of CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 pressed key evidence in three
soon add submarines high-profile “pill mill” cases in
built in Vero Beach to its Indian River County, putting in
portfolio of high-perfor- doubt prosecutors’ ability to con-
mance luxury autos and vict defendants – who they say ran
stunning speedboats. a statewide criminal organization
– of drug trafficking, money laun-
Talks are underway dering and racketeering.
between the British
auto maker and Tri- Prosecutors and law enforce-
ton Submarines, which ment have long maintained that
manufactures multimil- fraudulent pain management
lion-dollar recreational clinics, including the now closed
submersibles, to team up Stuart Pain Management Center
for “Project Neptune” – a in Vero Beach, broke the law by
code name which itself prescribing excessive and unnec-
sounds like something essary pain killers. Patients from
right out of a Bond movie. as far away as the Midwest trav-
eled to Florida for easy access to
Aston Martin an- drugs like Oxycodone, while cul-
nounced the collabora- pable doctors and other health-
tion on Sept. 28, posting care professionals made millions
an image of a sleek pro- of dollars off their growing addic-
posed $4 million sub on its website. tion and pain, prosecutors say.

“A contract hasn’t been signed,” said Mi- But the cases against three par-
chael Haley, Triton’s U.S. director of sales
and marketing. “But I think it will happen.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
The potentially lucrative deal brings togeth-

INSIDE MY Man convicted of slaying as Lagoon water levels unusually high
TAKE juvenile should not go free
NEWS 1-12 PETS 18 By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer
DINING B7 [email protected]
CALENDAR B15 The Indian River Lagoon has
REAL ESTATE 19 Would you want to give him a been full to overflowing since Hur-
B1 second chance, not knowing if all ricane Irma blew by with heavy
ARTS By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer those years behind bars, where he winds and flooding rains – so much
[email protected] was institutionalized and social- so that high water has rivaled play-
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 ized in a harsh environment in off baseball this past week as a top-
For circulation or where to pick up Would you want Brooks Bellay which he was surrounded by some ic of conversation. Docks that usu-
your issue call: 772-226-7925 as your neighbor? of Florida’s worst criminals, made ally have a several feet of daylight
him a better man or a bigger mon- beneath them have been awash
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. Would you want to live next ster? Flooding near Oslo Road boat ramp and at times submerged, and the
door to a middle-aged, just-re- to lagoon. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD lagoon has crept up over low-lying
leased convict who, as a young You don’t get a say. roads and covered riverside land.
teen in Vero Beach in 1979, bru- As a result of two of the Unit-
tally beat a 4-year-old girl to death ed States Supreme Court’s most CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
– he might have sexually assaulted
her first – then pleaded guilty to CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
murder, received a life sentence
and essentially grew up in prison?

2 October 13, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MY TAKE In other words, Mirman must find a “He deserves to be in prison,” said Nik- ly convinced the parole commission to
way to go back 38 years to that hot, Au- ki Robinson, one of two assistant state at- keep his daughter’s killer in prison.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 gust day when the nude, battered and torneys working on Bellay’s resentencing.
lifeless body of 4-year-old Angel Ann “The crime was heinous. A 4-year-old girl The commission again took up Bellay’s
wrongheaded decisions – made worse by Halstead was found under some vege- was murdered, beaten to death, and there case in 2008, when it denied his bid for
the Florida Supreme Court’s absurd rul- tation in a wooded area only 100 yards was some type of sexual contact. Then he parole but allowed him to be interviewed
ing that those decisions be applied ret- from her 25th Avenue home. goes through the process of pretending by a commission examiner in 2013. His
roactively – hundreds of inmates serving to search for her? next chance for parole won’t come un-
life terms around the state for murders He must sift through the grisly details til May 2020 – if Mirman doesn’t set him
they committed as juveniles must be re- of how an innocent child suffered such “It’s frightening to think a 14-year-old free.
sentenced. a horrific death at the hands of a beefy, boy was capable of something like that,”
14-year-old boy who lived around the she added. “And to now unleash this in- “It hurts the family, but it’s more about
So Bellay’s fate now rests with Cir- corner. dividual back into the public and hope the community,” said Staci Teague,
cuit Judge Lawrence Mirman, who will he is reformed? It’s terrifying, absolutely Halstead’s sister.
preside over a mandatory resentencing He must try to make sense of Bellay terrifying.”
hearing on Oct. 23 in Stuart. participating in the massive, communi- “He’s still young enough to where he
ty search for the missing child, leading Not only could Bellay be released from can still hurt a small child. If he gets out,
Mirman’s choices are these: police to the area where Halstead’s body prison – it is possible there would be he’s a free man. He can do anything and
 He can deem that 37 years in prison is was discovered 36 hours after she had no parole-like restrictions on him; nor live near anyone. We don’t want another
sufficient and order Bellay’s release. mysteriously disappeared and, accord- would there be any warning to the com- family to go through this.”
 He can reduce his sentence to some- ing to court records, eventually confess- munity in which he might choose to re-
thing less than life, which means Bellay ing to killing her. side. Nor does the man who prosecuted Bel-
could eventually get out. lay’s case nearly four decades ago.
 He can resentence Bellay to life, which He must get inside Bellay’s teen As Robinson put it, if the judge decides
means only a state parole commission mind and determine whether the boy’s to release Bellay: “This wouldn’t be pa- Former State Attorney Bob Stone ques-
could someday set him free. not-yet-fully-developed brain rendered role. There would be no probation. There tions the wisdom of even considering the
him incapable of fully recognizing the would be no sex-offender notification, possibility of allowing Bellay to walk free.
Whatever Mirman decides, howev- barbaric nature of his crime and fully because he was never charged with a sex
er, the U.S. and Florida supreme courts appreciating the consequences of his ac- crime. Once he’s out, he’s out. He would “The guy has been in prison so long,
ruled that he must do more than weigh tions. have served his sentence. He’d be a free he’s fully institutionalized,” said Stone,
the arguments made at the resentencing man.” who still lives in Vero Beach and has a law
hearing by both the State Attorney’s Of- Ultimately, Mirman must decide practice here. “He grew up incarcerated.
fice and Bellay’s lawyer from the Public whether Bellay, at age 14, possessed the If such a possibility concerns you, That’s all he knows.
Defender’s Office. mental and emotional maturity to be imagine how Halstead’s family members
held fully culpable for the murder – as feel. They want Bellay, now 52, to spend “How is he going to adapt to being back
The judge also must consider Bellay’s he was in July 1980, when, shortly before the rest of his life in prison. in society? There’s no way to know how he
age and maturity at the time he commit- his first-degree murder trial was to begin will react,” he added. “Does he have any
ted the murder, his background – includ- in Vero Beach, he pleaded guilty to sec- In fact, when Bellay first came up for family? Does he have somewhere to go?
ing his conduct in prison – and other po- ond-degree murder and accepted a life parole in 1991, Halstead’s father, George, Will he be homeless? Who’s going to give
tentially mitigating factors. sentence. collected a petition containing more him a job, so he can support himself?
than 3,000 signatures and successful-
“They better have a re-entry plan.”
Stone worries about the possible harm
Bellay could do.



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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
Zahner, Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Tom Lloyd, Ray McNulty, Sa-
mantha Rohlfing Baita, Kathleen Sloan, Columnists: Claudia Balint, Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Siobhan
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS October 13, 2017 3

Though police reports and court re- that risk, based merely on the hope that $8.2M SLIPPED INTO SCHOOL
cords indicate that Halstead was sexually he won’t. BUDGET REMAINS A MYSTERY
assaulted, and possibly raped, before she
died, an autopsy failed to confirm such “If a kid was doing this kind of stuff at By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer on Aug. 1. But when the second hearing
an attack. age 13, 14, 15 years old, what is he capa- [email protected] was held, another $8.2 million had been
ble of doing as an adult?” she said. “God slipped into the budget, bringing expens-
That’s why Bellay was never charged help us if something happens.” In the month between the first hear- es up to nearly $287 million.
with a sex crime. That’s also why Stone, ing on its tentative budget and the pub-
lacking the forensic evidence needed to “People need to realize just how hor- lic hearing where the final version of the The prior four “budget workshops”
prove Halstead was raped and secure a rible this crime was,” Stone said. “Her budget was revealed, the Indian River given by Morrison gave no detail, most-
first-degree murder conviction, made the name was Angel, and she really looked County School District tacked on an un- ly concentrating on state funding, over
plea offer. like one . ... This was very tough on the explained $8.2 million in expenditures which the board has little control. The
whole community.” that went unnoted by School Board $140 million in local taxes the board does
“Without sexual assault, we didn’t have members, who approved the inflated have control over was not discussed.
a first-degree murder case, so we made a Teague said she hopes and prays Mir- budget with little comment. There was no discussion of salaries, edu-
deal for second-degree murder with a life man keeps Bellay in prison, but, for the cational programs or departmental bud-
sentence,” Stone said. “My understand- first time, she now worries that freeing The hall was empty for the final budget gets – in short, no rationale for spending
ing was that he’s going to spend the rest him is a real possibility. hearing on Sept. 7. Although school had all those millions.
of his life behind bars.” been cancelled due to Hurricane Irma,
Let’s hope that doesn’t happen. the public hearing was not. School Board Member Laura Zorc was
Halstead’s family thought so, too. The hard truth is: Actions have con- the only board member who complained
Now, however, because the nation’s sequences – an often-unpleasant and Assistant Superintendent of Finances about the process and voted against the
and state’s high courts have embraced sometimes-painful lesson most of us Carter Morrison didn’t mention or give budget both times.
science that says teenagers lack the brain learned throughout our childhoods and reasons for the increase and none of the
development to fully comprehend – and, long before our 14th birthdays. board members asked questions. In the “The budget review process is flawed
thus, be held fully responsible for – their We were taught, early on, the differ- month since, Superintendent Mark Ren- and lacks true transparency,” Zorc said.
violent criminal behavior, the Halsteads ence between right and wrong, good and dell has not responded to a request for “It does not give back-up information or
must re-live a 38-year nightmare. bad. The rules at home were every bit as comment on the unexplained $8.2 mil- rationale for line items. When questions
“We sold the victim’s family on a deal important as the law of the land, and the lion budget increase. are asked, it takes weeks and sometimes
that he’d be in prison for life,” Robinson enforcement was usually far stricter. months to get a reply.
said, adding that she has been in contact Apparently, Bellay never learned those The district published a legal advertise-
with the Halsteads. childhood lessons, or they weren’t en- ment in late July stating it would spend “As your elected representative, I can-
“They believed, at that time, this was forced. By age 14, though, his brain sure- about $278 million from July 1, 2017 to not vote yes for the use of $287 million of
over – that this person was gone. Now ly was developed enough to know that June 30, 2018, which matched the tenta- taxpayers’ money if I do not have access
there’s a chance he could be back on the beating a young girl was wrong and kill- tive budget approved by the School Board to information to know what is in it.” 
streets.” ing was a crime.
Asked whether Bellay, if set free, posed That hasn’t changed, and neither
a threat to the public, Robinson won- should his sentence.
dered why anyone would want to take I don’t think any of us want Brooks Bel-
lay as a neighbor. 


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4 October 13, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

PILL MILL rants for residences that were outside of dian River County – one of which includes with the sheriff’s office to influence judges
Indian River County, in areas where he was a defendant whom police say was the ring- in other localities where he had no right to
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 not an officer of the law. leader of the statewide criminal enterprise. so, they said.

ticipants in what has been called “Florida’s Lawyers for the accused claimed that No evidence was presented that Det. He told judges he was a detective. He re-
pill mill epidemic” were put on hold Sept. Flowers had no authority to secure warrants Flowers was a sworn officer statewide, in vealed details of a year-long, sealed wiretap
19 after Cox ruled that a detective with the outside his own jurisdiction and that evi- Broward or Palm Beach counties, or that – information only law-enforcement could
Indian River County Sheriff’s Office acted dence obtained using the warrants should he solicited those jurisdictions’ help in ob- access. Had he not presented himself to the
illegally when obtaining search warrants be inadmissible, and Judge Cox agreed. taining warrants, the judge wrote. “Search judges as an officer of the law, it is unlike-
for residences outside of his jurisdiction. warrant applications would not have been ly the warrants would have been obtained,
Defense attorneys were correct in their available to an ordinary citizen.” they said.
In 2011, Detective Eric Flowers legally allegations that Flowers “illegally went out-
obtained a warrant for a phone tap in In- side of his Indian River County jurisdiction, In court the day before Cox’s ruling, de- “He has no authority to conduct an inves-
dian River County that yielded information ‘under the color of [his IRSCO] office’ to fense attorneys pointed to case law which tigation outside of his jurisdiction without
about pain clinic activities in other coun- obtain search warrants to gather evidence explains that officers may investigate and obtaining any assistance from that locality
ties throughout the state. He then went to from residences in Broward and Palm gather evidence outside their jurisdiction, or that jurisdiction,” argued Vero Beach de-
judges in those counties to get search war- Beach Counties,” Cox wrote in her order, but only in a manner similar to that of a fense attorney Andrew Metcalf. “That’s the
which impacts three cases being tried in In- private citizen. Flowers used his position case law ... You can’t just go outside of your
jurisdiction and effectuate investigations
and arrests.”

While Cox’s ruling was specific to the
three Indian River County cases before her,
there are a number of other defendants
who will likely file similar motions if the
decision is upheld, Metcalf said after the
hearing. “This was something that hap-
pened on way more than one occasion,” he
explained. “A great deal of evidence will be

An affirmative ruling won’t make the
charges against the defendants go away,
but limiting the allowable evidence will
put in question the strength of the state’s
case, said Fort Lauderdale defense attorney
Daniel Aaronson. “I don’t think these were
pill mills,” he said. “I think these were pain
management clinics run by reputable doc-

Assistant Statewide Prosecutor Priscil-
la Prado tried unsuccessfully to counter
Metcalf’s and other’s arguments at a July
27 hearing. Flowers was part of a statewide
investigation that began inside his juris-
diction, she said. His job on the team was
to listen to the wire and track warrants. He
did not execute any of the warrants. He re-
mained at home while local law enforce-
ment and the DEA searched the homes in
other counties.

“The clinic that began this whole inves-
tigation is in Vero Beach,” Prado told the
judge. Flowers had been “tasked with the
job by the group to go and get the search
warrants done all over the State of Flori-
da. And he did. He went to all the different
counties of the state.”

Indian River County Sheriff’s Office em-
barked on a year-long investigation into
the Stuart Pain Management Center in Vero
Beach in 2011. Those efforts led to the ex-
panded investigation targeting a complex
web of doctors and clinics that extended
from Miami to Pensacola and resulted in 14
high-profile arrests in 2012.

Among those arrested were Lewis
Stouffer, 37, of Coconut Creek; Clark Jeffrey
Thompson, 38, of Pompano; and Craig Tur-
turo, 38, of Boca Raton. All three men lived
outside of Indian River County at the time
their homes were searched using warrants
filed by Flowers. All have posted bond and
are now awaiting trial. Charges include
racketeering, money laundering and deliv-
ery of a controlled substance.


6 October 13, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

LAGOON WATER LEVELS the overflowing estuary. rated from Irma, the lagoon just kept getting PILL MILL
And then there is global warming. higher as September merged into October.
“My canals are full but they’re not backing
Record-breaking rainfall in September ecologist with his own consulting up,” Gunter says. “It’s rolling into the lagoon “Basically, this organization has blanket-
and October, during Irma and after, is the firm, both say worldwide warming as fast as it can,” with the main relief canal ed the State of Florida with their ‘franchise’
main reason for the brimming lagoon, but is contributing to rising water levels dumping nearly 1,000 cubic feet per second clinics in an effort to attract pill seekers
other factors are at play too, including wind that magnify storm events. into the waterway on Oct. 5, up from 50 cu- from all corners of the state and beyond,”
conditions, a full moon and global warming, bic feet per second on Sept. 29. A cubic foot according to Flowers. Some 2 million oxy-
according to local scientists and water man- “It will continue to get higher,” is nearly 7.5 gallons. codone tablets allegedly were distributed in
agers. Gilmore said. “It is not surprising for a single year. The clinic in Vero Beach was
me to say – wow, this is higher. Ant- The lagoon’s height at Wabasso reached one of this largest with some 644,000 pills
Vero Beach, Fort Pierce and Melbourne arctica and Greenland are melting 3.1 feet above mean sea level on Oct. 4, ac- scripted by a physician there.
all set one-day rainfall records on Sept. 10, and the ocean is heating up, expand- cording to the United States Geological Sur-
with more than 13 inches dumped in some ing more.” vey website, up a foot and a half from the Judge Cox granted the defense motion
locations, and all three cities received more prior week. to suppress the warrant-related evidence
than double the normal amount of rain be- Gunter, who oversees the county’s canal on July 28. On Sept. 19, at the request of the
tween Sept. 1 and Oct. 4 when, according to system, agrees the ocean is rising due to The lagoon subsided to about 2.7 feet attorneys involved, she approved a stay in
one expert, the lagoon may have reached a higher temperatures, but does not use the above sea level by Oct. 6, but since the land some of the proceedings until the Fourth
historic high. term global warming. is still saturated, it could fill up again with District Court of Appeals reviews her ruling,
fall rain events. which is being appealed by Prado.
“It’s higher than I’ve ever seen it in my 45 In 1929, the “North American Vertical Da-
years here,” said Dr. Grant Gilmore, a marine tum” established a baseline for sea level that “Until the lagoon drops down, it will Though present at the July hearing,
biologist at Harbor Branch Oceanographic is still used today. It was measured again in take weeks for the flooded inland areas to Flowers was not called to testify. The law-
Institution for 32 years and now senior sci- 1988, “and it was 1.8 feet higher than 1929,” dry out,” said Cox, who mentioned seeing man, who joined the Indian River County
entist at Estuarine, Coastal and Ocean Sci- Gunter said. “Sea level has been rising since cows wading around in fields near 58th Av- Sheriff’s Office in 2003 and once served
ence, Inc., who has observed the lagoon for the last glacial maximum 16,000 years ago. enue.  as an undercover agent, has since risen in
more than four decades. the ranks from detective to major and now
“It was 350 feet below what sea level is serves as the agency’s main spokesman.
Besides rainfall, Gilmore said easterly now. So if you want to follow that trend, then
winds have been driving ocean water onto yes, the lagoon is getting higher.” Flowers was recently accepted into a
the lagoon, noting there were two days last prestigious training program with the FBI
week with steady 20 mph winds out of the The temperature of the water has risen “a National Academy in Quantico, Virginia,
east, pushing water in the inlets. degree or two,” Gilmore said, and “thermal and did not respond to a request for com-
expansion of the Atlantic Ocean” is contrib- ment while on professional leave.
The waxing moon, full on Oct. 5, added its uting to the ocean’s rise. The Atlantic Ocean
gravitational force, said Gilmore and Indian is hottest this time of year – in September The Indian River County Sheriff’s Office
River Farms Water Control District super- and October – because water reacts slow- and the Office of Statewide Prosecution
visor David Gunter, making for three king er than air and continues to warm up after also declined to respond to inquiries about
tides last week, pulling still more water into summer ends. the ongoing investigation. 

With ocean temperature and rainfall
peaking in early October, and land still satu-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS October 13, 2017 7

Teachers often spend own money for classroom supplies

By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer percent low-income students). “We feel cer balls, basketballs and Frisbees are reinforcement,” she says.
[email protected] bad,” she said. needed, and teachers end up paying for The personal funds elementary
The Indian River County School Dis- “They should have the same supplies teachers pull from their own paychecks
trict is flush with taxpayer funds. The as the other students. I spent $100 my- “They love the balls,” Irish says. “We are over and above the $252 they receive
district’s $287 million annual budget self,” buying materials kids’ families can’t keep playing duck-duck-goose for for supplies from the Florida Teachers
allows it to squander millions on ill-ad- could not afford. 20 minutes.” Classroom Supply Assistance Program
vised and fruitless legal battles and pays and other sources that include private
for administrators’ stays at Waldorf As- This year, the state-required recess Fourth-grade teacher Lisa Skinnider donations and grants from the Educa-
toria hotels when they attend out-of- period was increased to 40 minutes, 20 stocks up on tchotchkes as rewards for tion Foundation of Indian River County,
town meetings. of which must be “structured play,” says good behavior. which was created to fill funding gaps
Irish. In order to keep a playground full within the School District. 
But for some reason, there doesn’t of energetic kids focused, items like soc- “While students should be intrinsi-
seem to be enough money for classroom cally motivated, they also need positive
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Superintendent Mark Rendell just IA<nAsBugeretantneccryeSNSoaelumrtveiioc>nes Vero B<eCaitcyh Seb[<aCstitiyan
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What sorts of supplies are teachers BlueMedicare means more
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*O*nOenEenEtnetretartianimnmenetnStaSvaivnigngSSpprereeebbooookklelettpprroovviiddeedd ffrreeeettooeeaacchhaatttetennddeee,ew, withithnonoobolbigliagtiaotnio.nTh. TehEentEenrttaeirntaminemnteSnatvSinagviSnpgrSeeprbeoeobkloeot kisleotnilsyoanvlayilaavbaleilaabt le
Notebooks, markers and pillows. Also, atsseemmiinnaarrsstthhrroouugghh1111//2222//1177.. FFlloorriiddaaBBlulueeisisaaPPPPOO, R, RPPPOPOanadndRxR(xPD(PPD)Pp)lapnlawnitwhitahMaeMdeicdairceacroenctorancttr.aFclto.rFidloarBidluaeBHluMeOHMis OaniHs aMnOHpMlaOn wpliathnawMithedaicMareedi-
marshmallows and Oreos. These might cacroenctorancttr.aEcntr.oEllnmroelnlmtiennFtloinridFaloBrliudeaoBrlFuleoroidraFBloluriedHaMBlOuedeHpMenOdsdoenpceonndtrsaoctnrecnoenwtraalc.Ftorerancecwomal.mFoodraatciocnomofmpeordsoantisownitohfsppeercsioalnnseweditshastpsaelceisaml neeeetidnsgas,tcsaallles
sound like frivolous “school supplies,” atBmgbipeyelueoad<BnpnBneefeleAulFldistugacCgielèanodaseeervSgirnboossniihCsucdstlscneiye,rsaeèydooncp,FldaptdaisIchsenndhsiloppoladdciona<fsoo.lenencFiTBAusnrr>elhdiaiolcgg>mulelraiBüeeisócndi(elínninTusgSvaTccatei,hsiYloytkIceiernSmieuapirgcohd.lsvhdp.Lnhei,iieoscalDrtoatplisnsnhdoBm:foeiles1eAaFon>esb-wglFf8iobaaa(lrsF0Torarlsileag0riTd1otsiunr-dIY-ar9ona8idia,tdf5tud5oIiBrdans5se5asl,eocp-ucp-8dI6r.eeneons7eT0,nc:.ou7ch1H.d1ao,t0eo--esMDl9d8),06ecALRcnsc-5rinoae9ocaiFmcel5mlt(veeliTine5oaoisTpnrs-1nprYal8eiaai-:daeng78etnl1raege75ssio-eo05üoiB8orssi)n-íf7lgn.s6outaAwt7ih0fteinrfc-h1eeie.9s,lae-lraHaB5I9e.bnglbl45MLedeude6al-sebap,8eOp5sdmyrCp7iees(iHcr7eTsersoooas3neeTsfoabvnad)Ysr.lenilt:aelatA1irwh1ctwnna-Ty-e8iOtdAgi,8tl,5hoLlNe0pBc5bir0itcSloin-isues-eo6Ylef9eoonon0Opx5rSr1ssf.,rN5mf,eAeh-en-I9:eTs8inraae4SEees7cttl6iiNind.d7ooo,5wt0CDnAfnbw)(IpBts.aTayÓhsiYalAnTtHoNeohl0dYFec:er0B:liiaisoaKna1g1lpiturflr1-iihtiopen8oedh_ayrl,7na9imbCòOca7.0BallgWr-aa4ptlo9Aeuit8eto5eysi,eio4ssnio5cdspnH-s0onayi8a.s9mMenasñH7a,1nnd7obpOIe7,dn3lBlaig,,lycC)ialat.lett.iuwpn,hyMeAn,eDinpaTctoSshoeSflABèrifvcAhiaaAvNsleaiipiecsaesrtSFupcaxitloèYedleg.lodidnOApoceriAassfiTptiNd.pbseBsEoHsaoldo:lueNousSfeBfceiFlCieacalieuCiawrlInótdeÓetrhngiodepoHNscrskbanasoeMi:lyl.earvdscWvBnOeiiiKivslhdcrueip,raialeoBeaogrcbsylinCnoueglògariaehmlboirsefatASsfspgtisoshlyulplrifaayiaiaifesatwnettwyoleñiddrsesseiotondhlf,,
but when grade-school teachers are try-
ing to instruct fidgety, easily-distracted pou ou. Rele 1-855-601-9465 (TTY: 1-800-955-8770).
kids, the iconic cookies and other hum- Y0011_90484 0917 CMS Accepted
ble items can become serious teaching

During the summer, elementary
school teachers prepare not only their
materials, but also their classroom en-
vironments. Second-grade teacher Janet
Olsson created a reading nook with pil-
lows (not chairs), “a cozy place, to en-
courage reading,” spending “$20 here,
$20 there” on cushions and other nook

To comply with certain Common Core
requirements, Olsson also purchased
pocket binders, tabs and notebooks for
each classroom “station.”

At the beginning of each school year,
teachers send parents a list of basic sup-
plies to provide for their child, but fam-
ilies can’t always afford to buy enough
for the entire school year.

This, Irish says, is a big problem in
Title I schools (those with at least 40

8 October 13, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

Hurricane Impact Doors
& Impact Glass,
We Have It All!

British Paralympic athlete Scott Meenagh works out at St. Edward’s School. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD


Transform Your Existing Door from By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer Members of the British Armed Forces
Boring to Beautiful! [email protected] Para-Snowsport Team, based at the Scot-
tish Institute of Sport and training pri-
■ Glass patterns for every style & budget Visiting Vero Beach for a few days of marily in England and Germany, they are
■ Customize to your style sunshine and relaxation after two of them preparing for a World Cup season running
■ Impact Glass & Impact Doors competed in Canada in the 2017 Invictus from November to March.
■ Wood Interior/Exterior Doors Games for wounded and disabled war vet-
■ Fiberglass Doors erans, three British Paralympic athletes They also hope to qualify for the 2018
■ Patio & Sliding Glass Doors and their coach were shopping in the Pub- Paralympic Games in PyeongChang,
■ Framed/Frameless Shower Units lix at Miracle Mile when an island woman South Korea, in March.
■ Etching heard one of them speaking.
■ Schlage Hardware “These boys do some amazing things,”
■ Mirror Wraps “My mother noticed the accent and im- said Simon Allanson, a British Army ser-
mediately started a conversation,” Louise geant who coaches the three cross-coun-
Regency Square Kennedy explained. try skiers.

2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured That’s how the four men – two who lost Steve Arnold, 38, was a staff sergeant
their legs in combat, one who lost the use in the British Army’s bomb disposal unit
772.463.6500 of his left arm in a cycling accident, and serving in Afghanistan in 2011 when a
a British Army sergeant serving as their bomb detonated and blew off both of his
cross-country skiing coach – wound up legs.
spending a rainy Tuesday night last week
dining at the Riomar Bay II home of Dr. He now walks with the use of prosthe-
Alastair Kennedy and his wife, Marion. ses, but he has no regrets.

The Kennedys’ daughter, Louise, was “I’d do it again,” the Englishman said.
there, too; she’s the head of the English So would Scott Meenagh, 28, a former
department at St. Edward’s School and rugby player who joined the British Army
arranged for the Brits to use the St. Ed’s in 2009, became a paratrooper and rose to
weight room to train while here. the rank of lance corporal before he, too,
lost both legs in Afghanistan in 2011.
She also took the first-time Vero Beach He said he was on a “routine patrol”
visitors to their first-ever pep rally and when an improvised explosive device
American high school football game – (IED) went off.
both were part of St. Edward’s Homecom- “Every now and then, I think about
ing festivities last Friday – then introduced what happened and how it changed my
them to the Walking Tree Brewery. life,” said Meenagh, whose Scottish accent
caught Marion Kennedy’s ear in Publix.
“They loved it,” Louise Kennedy said. “But if you ask me now if I would go back,
“We had a great night at the game and the answer is no.
then the brewery. Lots of laughter ...” “The people I’ve met, the experienc-
es I’ve had in sport, the life I have now
All three of the British competitors are ... These things happen for a reason,” he
former soldiers and now full-time athletes added. “You don’t know how strong you
supported by Help For Heroes – a charity
similar to the Wounded Warriors Project in CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
the U.S. – and Britain’s Ministry of Defense.

10 October 13, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS


Expires 10-31-17 By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer “Taxpayers have a fuzzy memory.
Expires 10-31-17 [email protected] They’re going to forget the refund more
Expires 10-31-17 than they’re going to forget the big tax hike
Unexpected road-repair costs derailed the year after,” Ochsner said.
a $2 million tax rebate last week when the
Indian River Shores Town Council voted Councilman Dick Havilland was the
3-1 to cancel a planned, one-time cut in lone dissenting vote, contending that the
the property tax rate. town’s $2.1 million emergency reserves
plus its $1 million line of credit, if needed,
Faced with a $4.4 million windfall from would be sufficient to take care of the road
the auction of a city-owned piece of land concerns and the $2 million from the pro-
to Naples-based Lutgert Companies for ceeds of the land sale should be returned
the development of a luxury residential to the taxpayers.
community, the Town Council voted this
summer to consider drastically reducing Councilwoman Deb Pension said, “I
the property tax rate – temporarily. don’t want it to appear as if we’re jerking
people around. What I would like to sup-
The one-time tax reduction would have, port ... is getting the millage rate down and
in effect, rebated nearly half of the wind- keeping it that way for the foreseeable fu-
fall back to residents in a manner propor- ture.”
tional to the taxes they pay on their homes,
businesses and land. The idea was that the Councilman Bob Auwaerter said in his
tax rate would return to normal next year. opinion, the council will just have to “ex-
hibit discipline,” as it’s accustomed to do-
In the meantime, though, the town got ing, to spend its windfall money wisely.
hit with a one-two punch of bad fiscal “I like a tax decrease as much as the next
news. First, it turns out a major recon- person; however, we’ve been hit with some
struction of Old Winter Beach Road is not new information.”
going to benefit from grant funding Town
Manager Robbie Stabe thought was proba- Auwaerter said the town could always
ble. Second, a periodic engineering assess- return some or all of the money later on
ment of other town-owned roads revealed when it gets a better handle on the cost of
the need for additional expensive repairs the road projects. “If we make this decision
that will total $500,000 or more. to rescind ... [the rebate], that money is not
going away; it’s not going into a lock box,”
The combined price tag for all the road he said.
work is projected at $1.5 million to $2 mil-
lion. There were already some concerns
about the process of hiking the tax rate
“What seemed to be a prudent deci- back up after the temporary drop, but Fi-
sion [earlier in the year] now seems to be nance Director Heather Christmas and
an irresponsible decision,” said Vice May- Town Attorney Chester Clem had re-
or Mike Ochsner, who presided over last searched the matter and said it would not
Thursday’s council meeting in Mayor Bri- be a problem – though it might require a
an Barefoot’s absence. unanimous vote of the council to do so.

Ochsner, a retired chief financial officer Since there is no scheduled election in
who for years chaired the town’s Finance the Shores, council members said they
Committee, said he felt it was best to avoid were comfortable that the same five mem-
“gyrations” in the millage rate, which is bers who voted in the rebate would have
down slightly this coming year due to the political mettle to vote for a much
gains in property values. The rate billed higher tax rate next year.
this fall will be $1.37 per $1,000 of taxable
property value. That concern is now moot. 

PARALYMPIC ATHLETES massive impact on me.
“Sports gives you a chance to redefine
yourself,” he added.
can be until it’s forced on you.” “It gives you a why in life. It gave me a
Getting past the loss of his legs wasn’t
chance to prove what I was capable of – that
easy, but his involvement with sports – he I wasn’t just a guy who lost his legs. So I’m in
spent two years on Great Britain’s Paralym- this for the long haul.
pic rowing team before moving to Nordic
skiing – helped the transition. The Brits said they’re enjoying their
time in Vero Beach – they’re staying in an
“After it happened, it took me about a apartment owned by the parents of a Help
year to start over,” Meenagh said. “You For Heroes supervisor – and hope to come
have to own your injury and accept what back someday.
your new life is going to look like. Some-
times, you have to hit rock-bottom first, “The people we’ve met here have been
but you have to find a reason to get out very nice, especially Louise and her mom
of bed every day. That’s where sport had a and dad,” Allanson said.

“You never know who you’re going to
meet at the supermarket.” 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS October 13, 2017 11

ASTON MARTIN SUBMARINE morphed over the years.
“We started off making two-man subs,
sort of like a Ferrari,” Haley said. “It turns
“Project Neptune marries Triton’s div- out that was the wrong model. You want
ing and operational expertise with Aston to drive the Ferrari yourself, not be chauf-
Martin’s design, materials, and craftsman- feured, but most wealthy people who own
ship,” the announcement states. “Aston yachts don’t actually drive them. They
Martin Executive Vice President and Chief have a crew. They also want someone to
Creative Officer Marek Reichman and his drive the submersible.
team have ... [created] a vehicle with inher-
ently beautiful proportions.” “A 3-man sub works because you can
have your girlfriend or grandson or your sig-
The 5.9-foot-high, 8,800-pound sub- nificant other with you, along with the driv-
marine will be the lightest and smallest er. That was our sweet spot.”
three-person sub in the world, capable
of descending to depths of 1,650 feet and You can also stay submerged for up to
slipping through the seas at 3.5 mph (three 12 hours. “That’s longer than your bladder
knots). Of course, it will be air-conditioned. will last,” Haley deadpanned. He also not-
ed an occasion when a group of Japanese
The new submersible will be “defined by scientists took one of Triton’s submersibles
its sleek, elegant exterior,’ says Reichman, for a long trip. “They brought Depends.”
‘we have used forms and proportions that
express the same devotion to design, engi- Triton continues to evolve. Its 1650
neering and beauty that shape our cars.’” model holds three people, but its observa-
tion dome is made with 4-inch-thick acryl-
Aston Martin’s foray into submersibles ic rather than 6-inch acrylic, which reduc-
comes almost exactly a year after it ven- es the weight.
tured into the marine industry with its first
powerboat, the AM37. Aston Martin part- Haley noted that the company recently
nered with Quintessence Yachts for that came up with a 7-person design. It’s not
project, much like it is expected to do with intended for private sales. In fact, the tar-
Triton. get customer is cruise ships. “There’s more
and more adventure-based tourism,” Ha-
Submersibles don’t come cheap. Triton’s ley explained. “Going up the fjords, even
regular one-person model goes for about the Amazon maybe.
$1.85 million. The company’s most popu-
lar version is a 3-man sub that sells for $3.3 “We’ve had several conversations with
million. And there’s also a deep-dive sub- high-end companies that have talked about
mersible that can go 36,000 feet below the making a super-luxury, super-expensive sub-
surface – roughly 7 miles. That model sells mersible,” Haley added.
for a little more than $6 million.
Back to the Aston Martin deal, Triton
Those are base prices, by the way. Among President Patrick Lahey said the British car
the extras available are a manipulator arm brand “represents a deeply held passion
to pick up objects on the ocean floor, sonar for technology, engineering and timeless,
and a navigation system that automatically elegant design. From our first interaction,
communicates with the ship above. it was apparent that Triton and Aston Mar-
tin were natural partners and our compli-
Getting your hands on a Triton sub- mentary values will be realized in this truly
mersible requires patience as well as lots exciting project.”
of money. Build time is about one year. Tri-
ton’s record for annual production is just “Aston Martin knows how to make a car,
four submersibles. and make it look cool,” Haley continued.
“They don’t know how to make a subma-
The lengthy build time is in part due to rine. We do. They’ll make it look cool.”
quality control. During construction, the
clear acrylic globe in each submersible While several actors portraying James
is shipped to San Antonio, Texas for test- Bond have driven Aston Martins, includ-
ing. Water pressure one and a half times ing the famed DB5, in the 007 films, iron-
the craft’s maximum is applied, then the ically the auto steered by Roger Moore that
globe is examined for cracks or evidence converted into a submersible in the movie
of stress. “The Spy Who Loved Me” was a Lotus.

Triton has been around since 2008. Its That Lotus Espirit was bought at an auc-
primary product is personal submarines tion in London in 2013 for $1 million by
that are yacht-based. Many of the com- billionaire tech entrepreneur Elon Musk,
pany’s roughly two dozen U.S. employees owner of Tesla Motors.
previously worked at Harbor Branch, the
oceanographic institute in Fort Pierce now “It was amazing as a little kid in South
operated by Florida Atlantic University, Africa to watch James Bond ... drive his
where some of the world’s first submers- Lotus Esprit off a pier, press a button and
ibles were built and deployed for deep sea have it transform into a submarine under-
research decades ago. water,” said Musk in a statement. “I was
disappointed to learn that it can’t actually
“The whole concept is observation,” Ha- transform. What I’m going to do is upgrade
ley explained. “You go down to take a look. it with a Tesla electric powertrain and try to
Navy submarines don’t have portholes be- make it transform for real.”
cause they’re not for looking around. They
are made for getting from point A to point While that still hasn’t happened, it raises
B and then firing off something.” a key question. Any chance a Triton-Aston
Martin submersible could show up in a fu-
Triton’s concept of submersibles has ture 007 movie?

Haley, after a brief pause, said: “Talk to
me in January.” 

12 October 13, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SPORTS

Vero football and marching band a tough combo to beat

By Ron Holub | Correspondent coordination. These musicians practice “I started playing the drum when I Vero High School student band member Alice Riley,
for endless hours. They deserve enor- was in sixth grade at Storm Grove mid- left. Above, Jonathon Bryant rushes for positive
Vero Beach High celebrated homecom- mous recognition for the entertainment dle school,” freshman Alice Riley told us. yardage in Vero Beach’s win. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
ing by defeating Olympic Heights, 42-7, they provide and the perspiration it takes “I went to middle school band night (at
this past Friday night as the seemingly to get there. The uniforms can be un- VBHS) when I was in eighth grade and time show but we got to play and it was
endless rainy weather finally gave way friendly in the heat and humidity, and that inspired me to try out for the (VBHS) really cool to see everybody walk around
to a relatively pleasant evening. The field some band members tote cumbersome band over the summer. I really wanted to the track and see all of the floats go by.”
was still soggy and the turf was soft, but instruments. One student band member join. I made it and now I’m on fourth bass
Vero was able to mix short passes in with described her first homecoming. drum. It is very unusual for a freshman to The outcome of the football game was
a pounding ground attack to build a com- achieve that and it was a proud moment determined early in the second period.
fortable 35-7 lead before the halftime fes- in my life. Vero took the opening kickoff and drove
tivities unfolded. from their own 32 yard line for a quick
“There was a lot of preparation for seven. A defensive lapse in the secondary
Football is, of course, the centerpiece of homecoming. We didn’t have school on allowed the Lions to hit a wide-open re-
homecoming. However, the events asso- Friday, but we had practice from 8 until ceiver for 30 yards and a tie. What looked
ciated with the weekend allow many oth- 12:30. Then we came back around 4 to get to be a tight game quickly went south for
ers to join in and make this ritual unique prepared for the game. There was a lot of the visitors from Boca.
and memorable. For example, the cheer- work that we put into it.
leaders were joined by their alumni coun- A long return of the ensuing kickoff by
terparts. The halftime parade of floats “Band helped me get involved in school Jamar Trusty gave Vero a short field at the
around the stadium track preceded the life. There’s a lot of schoolwork too, and Lions’ 46. On third-and-9 quarterback
introduction of the homecoming court as I had to learn to balance that with band Nick Celidonio scrambled to avoid a sack
young royalty dressed to the nines exited and all of the other school activities. But I and shoveled a short pass to Akeem Dix-
from a stretch limo. The grandstand was got to meet a lot more people and band is on for a 27-yard gain. Dixon (4 TDs on the
packed with students, parents, faculty, like its own family. I get along with every- evening) took it in from the 1 for a 14-7
alumni and just plain folks from the com- body in the band because we all connect lead.
munity interested in a good time under - we all love music and marching. The
the Friday-night lights. whole homecoming event was exciting. The Indians intercepted three passes
We didn’t get to march during the half- in the first three minutes of the second
The football players weren’t the only quarter and converted each one into sev-
ones working hard to add spice for the en points. It was 35-7 about the time the
audience that packed the house. The mu- band departed the grandstand to prepare
sic and maneuvers of the VBHS marching for halftime.
band require a great deal of training and
The only score of the second half was
a TD toss from Celidonio to Jacob Bell.
Vero featured a balanced offense with 161
rushing yards and another 133 through
the air. 

‘See’ change:Eye surgery benefits
from high-tech advances P.16


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A14 October 13, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

All ‘write’! MasSpec Pen detects cancerous tissue

By Maria Canfield | Correspondent When surgery is used as a treatment MasSpec Pen. complications.
strategy for cancer, the goal is to detect Vero’s Dr. Shapiro believes a potential al-
Researchers from the University of Texas and remove cancerous tissue, preventing it works by identifying tissue metabolites
at Austin believe their newly-created de- from spreading to other parts of the body. – substances necessary for metabolism – ternative to cryosection, such as offered by
vice, called the MasSpec Pen, may trans- However, it can be difficult for surgeons to that are unique to cancer cells, using an the MasSpec Pen, is important. In addition
form cancer treatment by vastly improving distinguish between healthy and cancer- analytical technique called mass spec- to the slowness of the cryosection process,
the accuracy of cancer surgery and reduc- ous tissue, which can result in surgeons trometry. she says the MasSpec Pen “could help re-
ing the risk of recurrence, and Vero Beach removing healthy tissue to be on the safe duce the number of procedures, and thus
oncologist Dr. Georgia Daniela Shapiro side, making surgery more traumatic, or in In developing the MasSpec Pen, the re- reduce both the physical and emotional
agrees, saying the device has tremendous cancer cells remaining in the body. search team “trained” the device’s soft- stress that is endured with repeated biop-
potential to more effectively and efficiently ware to distinguish between cancerous sies related to the continued presence of
detect cancer cells during oncologic sur- That’s where the MasSpec Pen comes in. and non-cancerous tissue by inputting disease.”
gery. Without getting too technical, the device data from hundreds of human tissue sam-
ples. Later, when tested on 253 tissue sam- Cancer is the second leading cause of
ples from both healthy patients and pa- death in the United States; only heart dis-
tients with cancer, the device took around ease claims more lives. One of every four
10 seconds to identify cancerous tissue, deaths in the United States is due to cancer.
with 96.3 percent accuracy. In 2016, more than 1.6 million new cases
were diagnosed, and nearly 600,000 people
Dr. Shapiro inserts one caveat in the face died from various forms of the disease.
of these impressive results. “While it does
have significant potential, it should be not- Study leader Livia Schiavinato Eberlin
ed that there was a relatively small number says, “If you talk to cancer patients after
of tissue samples utilized in the study,” she surgery, one of the first things many will
says. “As such, further confirmation of the say is ‘I hope the surgeon got all the can-
results on a larger scale sample would be cer out.’ It’s just heartbreaking when that’s
ideal.” not the case. Our technology could vastly
improve the odds that surgeons really do
Currently, “frozen section analysis” remove every last trace of cancer during
(cryosection) is commonly used to assess surgery.”
tissues as being cancerous or non-cancer-
ous. In this technique, a tissue sample is Dr. Shapiro agrees, saying, “It is extreme-
taken from the patient during surgery and ly exciting to see this type of technology on
transferred to a laboratory, frozen, and the horizon. For any patient and their fam-
then assessed by a pathologist. But this is ily, a more accurate method to detect can-
sometimes a slow process, which can in- cer – whether it be before surgery, during,
crease a patient’s risk of surgery-related or after – would be invaluable in the fight
against cancer. It would also be incredibly
impactful in helping alleviate the anxiety
that patients and their loved ones often
experience as they wonder if all the cancer
cells were removed.”

The MasSpec Pen will have to undergo
further testing and be approved by the FDA
before it can be used in surgical settings.
In the meantime, there is a device, called
MarginProbe, which won FDA approval in
2013 for use in breast lumpectomies. It uses
radio-frequency electrical fields to differ-
entiate between cancerous and normal tis-
sue in real time.

Dr. Shapiro practices as part of Scott,
Weeks, McGarry & Shapiro, located at 1460

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A16 October 13, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

‘See’ change: Eye surgery benefits from high-tech advances

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer new additions to the New Visions optical Dr. Stephen Tate.
[email protected] arsenal: the Ocular Refractive Analysis
system, or ORA, for cataract surgeries; PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Dr. Paul Minotty, dean of the New Vi- and the VISCO 360 visco-surgical system,
sion Eye Center team, was struck by a which is described as the world’s first
quote from a recent conference he at- non-implantable micro-invasive glauco-
tended in Orlando. The speaker’s words, ma surgery device.
according to Minotty, were these: “The
future doesn’t exist because we haven’t If these new additions aren’t the future,
created it yet.” they are – at the very least – the current
state of the art in ophthalmology surgery.
But Dr. Stephen Tate, also with New Vi- That’s good news for the many millions
sion, might just disagree. of Americans in Vero Beach and across
Specifically, Tate points to two brand- the country who have cataracts, as well

as to the 3 million more who suffer from Ophthalmology, the ORA “uses a wave-
glaucoma. front analysis of the eye during surgery at
the point after a cataract is removed and
“Cataracts,” explains Tate, “are just before the replacement intra-ocular lens
a clouding of the lens inside the eye. By is inserted. The information obtained is
the time that you’re 60, 70 or 80 years then plugged into a mathematical for-
old, the lens in your eye is 60, 70, 80 years mula that can then calculate the proper
old. It just starts to get hazy and cloudy intra-ocular lens” for each individual pa-
and typically will get a bit yellowish and tient.
brown over time. Eventually it gets cloudy
enough that it starts to affect the vision.” In other words, it provides eye surgeons
like Tate with accurate, real-time analysis
The solution? A surgical replacement of of your eye during surgery so that they se-
that lens. lect the best-fitting replacement lens.

According to the American Academy of

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH October 13, 2017 A17

can minimize or even Glaucoma is caused by a build-up of cedure, nothing is left inside the eye but
pressure on the optic nerve, and if left un- the procedure can dramatically ease the
eliminate the need treated can and does result in permanent pressure on the optic nerve. In fact, Tate
blindness. says it is “more powerful at lowering eye
for a patient to wear pressure” than any stent.
“Traditional glaucoma surgeries like
glasses after their the trabeculectomy or tube shunts, are Pausing only briefly, Tate then adds,
surgeries that very powerfully lower eye “We do currently have a clinical study
cataract surgery. pressure,” Tate explains, “but the prob- going on for patients with cataracts and
lem with those older surgeries is they glaucoma. People having cataract surgery
Tate puts it more have a relatively high complication rate who also have glaucoma would qualify. It
and a relatively high failure rate. And so, is a post-approval FDA study, so anybody
simply. “It is a sys- traditionally, those procedures have been interested in that should call the [New Vi-
sort of saved for patients who are really in sion] office” and see if they qualify.
tem designed to in- trouble or who really don’t have any other
options available to them. Dr. Stephen Tate is with New Vision Eye
crease the percent- Center at 1055 37th Place in Vero Beach, di-
The VISCO 360, according to Tate, is rectly across from the hospital. The phone
age of people who part of a MIGS – or micro-invasive glau- number is 772-257-8700. 
coma surgery – trend. Unlike a stent pro-
are glasses-free” af-

ter cataract procedures,

Alcon Ocular Refractive adding, “It also helps to
Analysis sytem. improve astigmatism cor-
rection outcomes.”

Minotty says this wavefront analysis “The ORA,” Tate explains, “can take

system is not available anyplace else on extremely accurate measurements of the

the Treasure Coast; when asked what it astigmatism and also extremely accurate

cost, all he would reveal was that it was measurements of what type of implant to

“in the six-figure range.” put in the eye.”

In earlier versions of cataract surgery, “Let’s pretend you’re somebody who’s

measurements were taken before any in- very, very near-sighted,” Tate continues.

cisions were made, but even the most ac- “If you decide that you want to have clear

complished surgeons would admit there vision at distance after your cataract

was always a margin of error to deal with surgery, we then select the lens implant

in selecting the proper replacement lens. strength that would be appropriate to put

Factors including any irregularities of in the eye that would then correct your

the cornea or the presence of an unusual- near-sightedness for you.”

ly thick or dense cataract could throw off Clearly excited about the new, high-

those pre-operative calculations. tech tools in his optical toolbox, Tate

Because the ORA system provides re- turns the conversation to the VISCO 360.

al-time calculations during the surgery – It is, he says, “part of an increasing

including after the eye’s natural lens is re- trend in ophthalmology of trying to find

moved – it allows Tate and his colleagues less invasive, safer surgeries for patients

to select the ideal replacement lens based with glaucoma that can be used earlier in

on the eye’s physiology. In many cases it the disease process.”

A18 October 13, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Bonzo meets pretty Pixie, an itsy-bitsy Mini Miki

Hi Dog Buddies! I think. Mom had seen a piksure of Pixie. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD then at the bowl, then
a Miki and thought it was the cutest her ex- her, then the bowl … till
I’m pretty sure Pixie Hadley is the liddlest poocheroo she’d ever seen. Then she ercise. I don’t swim, she gets the hint. I mean,
pooch I’ve ever met. She sent me a Woofmail saw a piksure of ME on my breed- but I like to float around on Mom’s air mat- even though it’s only for 5
a while back wonderin’ whether I’d be inner- er’s Facebook page and called right tress. An I love my baths, ’specially the part seconds, I think one’s meal
ested in interviewing her. Of course I would, away, but they were all out of pup- where Mom dries me off with a warm, fluffy should be served at precisely
so we set it up. I was especially intrigued cuz pies by then. Mom was bummed, towel right out of the dryer. I get a kick out- the right temperature to en-
she said she was from a place I’d never heard but then the lady said she had ta watchin’ birds an squirrels an lizards, but sure maximum enjoyment,
of – Far-Go, North Duh-coda – and she was one pooch left, ME, but I was 8 I never chase ’em. Once, one of those big don’t you? Do you think that
also a breed I’d never heard of – a Mini Miki months old (most humans buyin’ Sandhill Cranes squawked at me an flapped makes me spoiled?”
(which made me think of those two mouse purebreds want liddle puppies). her wings cuz she hadda buncha babies, but “Um, I, well, uh …” I re-
movie stars). So I got busy and Googled. She said me an my sister had I remained cool. I believe in Live an Let Live, sponded suavely. “I noticed
been adopted by a lady in Dal- don’t you?” you’re not very barky. That’s
I think it’s called Far-Go cuz you hafta las, but the lady went to heaven sorta unusual for a pooch of
go really far to get there. You go wa-ay up, an we went back to the breed- I nodded, deciding not to mention several your, well, your diminutive
then you turn left and go way farther. And er. Then my sister was adopted squirrels of my acquaintance. stature.”
you should bring lunch an a sweater. Any- an moved to New York City. So “That’s true. I only bark at the
way, then I Googled Mini Mikis and found there I was. Well, Mom didn’t “I get treats, too! When Dad comes home, doorbell. When Dad can’t find
out they were only invented in the ’80s, an care that I wasn’t a liddle pup- an when I Do My Doodie, an before bed. me, he just rings the doorbell,
humans consider ’em rare. They look like a py. She just wanted a smart, Soon as I hear Dad opening the treat bag, I then follows the barks. Ackshully,
cross between a Japanese Chin, a Maltese an cute, quiet pooch – which I zoom over an do pirouettes.” I also bark when me an Dad are
a Papillon. (Didja know Papillon is French was. The minute we saw each watchin’ the Chicago Bears on TV.
for ‘butterfly,’ an Papillon pooches have big other We KNEW! Her Dad got out the treat bag and Pixie But he barks wa-ay louder than
fluffy, fringy ears that ackshully look like but- executed several graceful twirls. When she me. Come’on out front, I’ll show
terfly wings, which Pixie’s totally do. They’re “Cool Dog Biscuits,” I ex- had daintily scarfed down her treat, she said, you the special place Dad made
SO cute.) claimed. “Sometimes Mom forgets to microwave my me, Pixie’s Park.”
dinner. Then I sit by my bowl an look at her, It was an enclosed semi-circle of
So, we rang the bell, heard some barks, “Totally. So Mom flew out to Far-Go and hedge, with plants, bushes and toys
then the door opened and out she pranced picked me up an off we went. I didn’t know for playin,’ sniffin’ and snoozin,’ an a secret
for the Wag-a-Sniff like she was in the ring where I was going but I knew I was on an ad- path leading in. Pawsome!
at Westminster, this liddle white an gold VENture. We flew back home to Missouri an I Heading home, I was thinking of petite
poocheroo, Big Sparkly Eyes, those butterfly got to travel a lot with Mom on her job, an do Pixie pirouetting for a Pup-Peroni, an won-
ears and a fluffy curvy tail. Woof! a lotta fun stuff. Then we moved to Florida dering if I could increase my snack allotment
an Mom and Dad met each other. Dad had by mastering that maneuver. Then I glanced
“Oh, goody, it’s Mr. Bonzo! Hello, Mr. Bon- a Lab called Essie. Mom an Dad an Me an down at my clumsy paws. Perhaps I’ll just
zo! I’m Pixie Hadley and this is my Mom Essie hit it off right away. So we all Got Mar- stay with my Irresistible Spaniel Eyes.
Doris an my Dad Steve. I’m so excited you ried. Everything was great. Then Essie went Till next time,
answered my Woofmail! I’m a liddle nervous to Dog Heaven. I still miss her a lot, but I’m
cuz I never had an innerview before. So, happy here with my Mom and Dad. The Bonz
come’on, let’s go sit down.”
“I’m totally chill with other animals: me Don’t Be Shy
An off she trotted, into the living room. an my neighbor Bella (a Maltese) yap back-
This was gonna be fun. an-forth through our screen-rooms. The We are always looking for pets
cross-the-street neighbor cat Percy even with interesting stories.
“No need to be nervous,” I assured her as stayed with us when her humans were away.
we got settled. “Just tell how you found your We’re Cool Catnip with each other. But I like To set up an interview, email
Mom an Dad, an a liddle about your life, too. to hang with humans mostly. I have a bed in [email protected].
I must say you look like a Showdog.” every room, an I get a lovely evening walk.
If I’m too pooped (I just turned 13), Mom
She giggled. “I get that a lot. Most of us are, pushes me in my carriage so she can get

Updated Old Savannah home
full of family-friendly features

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20 October 13, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

Updated Old Savannah home full of family-friendly features

By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer
[email protected]

Old Savannah, a gated community off
16th Street near 44th Avenue, is part of a
larger neighborhood Vero Beach natives
call “Doctors’ row,” said Berkshire Hatha-
way Home Services agent Steve Owen,
who recently listed the handsome 3-bed-
room, 3.5-bath home at 4770 Lafayette

“Since mid-century,” Owen said, “all the
established families have lived here. It’s
quiet and a great location. You’re two min-
utes from the mall, Publix, Wawa, Home
Depot, good restaurants and schools.”

There are about 40 homes in the Old Sa-
vannah subdivision and it’s built out with
high-quality homes in a similar architec-
tural style – Spanish Colonial Revival with
a modern flair – with curved concrete-tile
roofs reminiscent of terracotta, arches and
arched windows, tower-like architectural
elements, stucco exteriors, wooden doors,
courtyards and patios.

The home on Lafayette Place is on a cor-
ner lot that is slightly pie-shaped, widen-
ing at the back, making room for a curvy
heated pool with an integrated hot tub.
The yard is made more intimate by the
2,000-square-foot screened lanai and wall
at the property’s edge. There is also a large
covered porch beyond the pool skirt, mak-
ing the outside-living area nearly as large
as the house.

The 3,000 square-foot home is a “classic
‘H’ design,” Owen said. As you enter, “at
the middle of the H, you can look straight
back to the pool. The right side of the H is
the master suite. The left side has the guest
rooms, kitchen and garage.”

This house improves on the classic lay-
out, adding more luxury and privacy to

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E October 13, 2017 21

the two guest bedrooms. “It’s not the usual worker bee free from distractions going on
Jack and Jill guest bedrooms,” Owen said. at the back of the house.
One is a master bedroom suite, with his-
and-her walk-in closets, a master bath Big-ticket 2005 items have recently been
with his-and-her vanities and a tub sepa- replaced with more energy-efficient mod-
rate from the walk-in shower. The second els, including two air-conditioning units,
guest bedroom is at the back of the house pool heater and pump and hot-water
with a pool view, the bathroom connecting heater. The paver driveway was recently
to the pool – forming what Floridians call a resealed and the tile flooring re-grouted to
“cabana bath and bedroom.” perfection.

Chores are eased by a laundry room

The owners of the house had their Both master bedrooms have high tray The kitchen, family room and breakfast with an industrial-size sink. The adja-
daughter’s husband and children stay for ceilings. Crown molding flows throughout nook flow together. The kitchen has gran- cent half-bath is another practical fea-
six months “and none of them felt they the house; the common rooms have high ite counters with a desk area and two-level ture. The garage, however, is more about
were on top of each other,” Owen said; a ceilings that give a sense of spaciousness island at chopping- and counter-height, showboating than practicality. It’s huge.
testament to the privacy afforded by this and elegance. Windows topped with lu- perfect for serving canapés and cocktails. It will accommodate three cars, with a
floor plan. nettes and transom windows maximize two-car and one-car sized door, both in-
sunlight, while plantation shutters man- The kitchen cabinets are 42 inches high sulated, as is the rest of the garage. “It’s
The master suite on the other side of the age the glare. The sliding glass doors at the with crown molding on top. The refrigera- four-feet deeper than usual,” Owen said.
house has the same features on a slightly back have corresponding sliding planta- tor and dishwasher are brand new. The work desk, counter and storage ar-
grander scale, the walk-in closets contain- tion shutters. eas make it a great place to tinker while
ing a more built-in storage features. A formal dining room at the front of the drinking a beer. 
house can accommodate holiday feasts.
The office, also at the front, will keep the


Neighborhood: Old Savannah • Year built: 2005
Lot size: .37 acres • Home size: 3,000 sq. ft.
Construction: Concrete block with stucco
Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 3.5

Additional features: Gated community, three-car garage,
heated pool and hot tub, two master bedroom suites, cabana

bedroom and bath, tray ceilings, crown molding, lunette win-

dows, transom windows, paver driveway, kitchen island, gran-

ite counters, corner lot

Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
Listing agent: Steven C. Owen II, 772-473-0828
Listing price: $559,000

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22 October 13, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



Brisk activity was evident in the first week of October on the mainland real estate market, as 36
single-family residences and lots changed hands from Oct. 2-6.
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the home at 775 Fortunella Circle. Originally listed in
February for $452,120, the 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 2,284-square-foot house sold for $442,000
on Oct. 2.
In Sebastian, the week’s top sale was the house at 103 Harbor Point Drive. First on the market in
July for $445,000, the 4-bedroom2,658-square-foot residence sold for $427,000 on Oct. 3.


VERO BEACH 775 FORTUNELLA CIRCLE 2/23/2017 $452,120 10/2/2017 $427,000
SEBASTIAN 103 HARBOR POINT DRIVE 7/1/2017 $445,000 10/3/2017 $344,000
VERO BEACH 1465 56TH SQUARE W 5/2/2017 $349,000 10/3/2017 $340,000
VERO BEACH 1125 ST. GEORGE’S LANE 4/3/2017 $349,000 10/4/2017 $306,000
VERO BEACH 380 11TH SQUARE SW 8/3/2017 $319,900 10/6/2017 $305,000
SEBASTIAN 985 CLEARMONT STREET 8/15/2017 $320,000 10/2/2017 $290,000
VERO BEACH 5566 55TH AVENUE 6/27/2017 $300,000 10/2/2017 $284,900
VERO BEACH 370 25TH AVENUE SW 5/8/2017 $309,900 10/2/2017 $277,000
SEBASTIAN 104 SALAZAR LANE 8/14/2017 $279,500 10/2/2017 $261,945
VERO BEACH 443 11TH SQUARE SW 5/18/2017 $267,945 10/5/2017 $260,000
VERO BEACH 646 BROADWAY 9/5/2017 $275,000 10/4/2017 $259,000
VERO BEACH 5021 4TH PLACE 2/25/2017 $314,900 10/3/2017 $253,000
VERO BEACH 4550 BRIDGEPOINTE WAY UNIT#131 6/26/2017 $289,900 10/4/2017 $245,000
VERO BEACH 2052 CORTEZ AVENUE 1/27/2017 $310,000 10/2/2017 $235,000
VERO BEACH 2509 12TH SQUARE SW 8/8/2017 $235,000 10/2/2017 $235,000
VERO BEACH 2017 GREY FALCON CIRCLE 5/12/2017 $249,900 10/5/2017 $225,000
VERO BEACH 2201 BONITA AVENUE 7/18/2017 $269,000 10/2/2017 $220,000
VERO BEACH 1535 34TH AVENUE 5/1/2017 $229,900 10/2/2017 $220,000
SEBASTIAN 103 KARRIGAN STREET 8/7/2017 $220,000 10/2/2017 $203,000
VERO BEACH 720 24TH SQUARE 7/28/2017 $225,000 10/5/2017 $185,000
SEBASTIAN 120 MELTON AVENUE 7/25/2017 $185,900 10/2/2017 $167,000
VERO BEACH 2325 17TH AVENUE 8/4/2017 $175,000 10/4/2017 $153,000
VERO BEACH 2444 1ST PLACE SW 7/14/2017 $169,900 10/2/2017 $149,900
VERO BEACH 4805 8TH PLACE 8/8/2017 $149,900 10/5/2017 $140,000
VERO BEACH 1834 77 DRIVE 8/21/2017 $145,000 10/2/2017 $139,900
SEBASTIAN 5730 PELICAN POINTE DRIVE UNIT#3 9/5/2017 $139,900 10/6/2017 $137,900
SEBASTIAN 425 ENGLAR DRIVE 8/9/2017 $144,900 10/2/2017 $137,000
VERO BEACH 645 24TH STREET SW 8/7/2017 $139,000 10/2/2017 $122,500
VERO BEACH 32 PLANTATION DRIVE UNIT#202 8/30/2017 $135,000 10/6/2017 $102,000
VERO BEACH 2021 BALBOA AVENUE 6/1/2017 $169,900 10/2/2017 $87,700
VERO BEACH 534 4TH PLACE SW 8/1/2017 $85,000 10/4/2017 $82,000
VERO BEACH 8 VISTA PALM LANE UNIT#207 7/28/2017 $84,900 9/30/2017 $60,000
VERO BEACH 97 SPRING LAKE DRIVE UNIT#204 7/24/2017 $67,500 10/3/2017 $57,000
VERO BEACH 4610 39TH AVENUE 7/8/2017 $85,000 10/4/2017 $53,000
VERO BEACH 1555 14TH AVENUE UNIT#112 1/16/2017 $55,000 10/5/2017 $48,100
VERO BEACH 1276 17TH AVENUE SW 8/15/2017 $33,900 10/6/2017

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E October 13, 2017 23


103 Harbor Point Drive, Sebastian 1465 56th Square W, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 7/1/2017 Listing Date: 5/2/2017
Original Price: $445,000 Original Price: $349,000
Sold: 10/3/2017 Sold: 10/3/2017
Selling Price: $427,000 Selling Price: $344,000
Listing Agent: Susan Lynn Maitner Listing Agent: Ken Blackman

Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise

Not Provided Tracy Savoie

Not provided David Walsh & Associates RE

1125 St. George’s Lane, Vero Beach 380 11th Square SW, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 4/3/2017 Listing Date: 8/3/2017
Original Price: $349,000 Original Price: $319,900
Sold: 10/4/2017 Sold: 10/6/2017
Selling Price: $340,000 Selling Price: $306,000
Listing Agent: Jim Knapp Listing Agent: Shane Reynolds

Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Wendy Peyman Eckert Lynda Jayne Robinson

Alex MacWilliam Keller Williams Realty

199$ 3DAYS


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE October 13, 2017 B1


Coming Up! Gruber shines
a bright
CHORAL CONCERT light on Vero
By SAMANTHA BAITA | Staff Writer
[email protected]

1 Sure-to-be-heavenly
classical and contem-
porary choral music is on the
program when the Indialantic
Chamber Singers present their
annual fall concert “The Heav-
ens Are Telling,” this Sunday
at Trinity Episcopal Church in
Vero Beach. Works by classical
composers Haydn, Mozart and
Beethoven, as well as Randall
Thompson, Eric Whitacre and
John Rutter will be performed,
under the baton of interim ar-
tistic director Beth Green. The
group’s founder and director
emeritus David Vogeding will
accompany on the pipe organ
during two of the classical
pieces. The concert centerpiece
is Franz Josef Haydn’s “The
Heavens Are Telling,” from his
enduring oratorio “The Cre-
ation.” According to BBC Mu-
sic Magazine, during the 1791


B2 October 13, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Gruber shines a bright show-biz light on Vero

By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer Then again, not everyone here thinks will be played by Isabel Garrett and Anne Gruber has been visiting Vero long
[email protected] they’re ready for the silver screen. When Talbot. Nick Keeler is the fumbling repeat enough to hear a few. His parents came
Gruber drove over to the Theatre Guild to burglar nabbed by Garrett’s brassy charac- here since 2003; he moved here to be close
When Hollywood transplant Xaque to them. “And that’s a million times more
Gruber shoots his short film “The Pistol” Xaque Gruber holds rehearsal for his upcoming film “The Pistol”. Cast members (L-R) Anne Talbot, meaningful than working in Hollywood,”
in December, he’ll have an all-Vero cast Nicholas Keeler and Isabel Garret (seated) along with Gruber (above left) and Jared Thomas. he says. “Besides, there’s so much to do in
from the community theater, a Vero-born Vero Beach.”
producer; a chance to enter it in the Vero drop off audition flyers, one actress he ap- ter wielding her late husband’s gun.
Beach Wine and Film Festival; and a pos- proached said, “You don’t want me! I’m 88!” “It’s about older people conquering their “People are open to things here, even
sible screening at the Vero Beach Muse- if it’s conservative,” he goes on. “Maybe
um of Art. He’s even got the big perfect “Perfect!” came Gruber’s reply. “The Pis- fears,” says Gruber. “I love telling older it comes with retirement age, but they’re
low-budget set: Vero’s beach. tol” has two female leads in their 80s. They people’s stories.” into living, as opposed to being stressed
out with the world and bogged down with
All of which suits Gruber just fine. His debt and traffic and the weight of it all like
unbridled love for the town was revealed in L.A.”
when he wrote a piece in the Huffington
Post that warmed the heart of every real This is not the first film Gruber has
estate broker in town, to say nothing of worked on. In graduate school at Boston
the Chamber of Commerce. “I hear it’s still University where he was studying for a
selling houses,” he says with a smile. second master’s in TV production (his first
was from Tufts in art education; he also
Promotion aside, in the short time he’s has a BFA from Pratt Institute), he followed
been here – just over a year – Gruber has around a failing, bizarrely comedic night-
become something of an ambassador for club singer and created the documenta-
the arts of Vero Beach with his hand in a ry, “Laurel Casey: The Hurting Truth.” It
half-dozen arts organizations and a social showed at several film festivals.
life packed with its offerings.
Early next year, after shooting “The Pis-
Never mind that Vero proved short on tol,” Gruber flies to London to work on a
aspiring film actors, though “the line feature film, “Sallywood,” the screenplay
would have been around the block in of which he wrote after working as Kirk-
L.A.,” he said on a recent afternoon when land’s assistant. Kirkland is best-known
only a handful had turned out for open au- for her Academy Award-nominated per-
ditions at producer Jared Thomas’ Project formance in the 1987 movie, “Anna.” Julia
Space gallery.

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE October 13, 2017 B3

Rose Grammino paints during a class at Full company with director Dominic Del Brocco. PHOTOS BY: BENJAMIN THACKER

Taylor-Stanley is producing, Gruber says. screenwriting workshop at the Vero Beach ‘Sweeney Todd’: Surprises
In Hollywood, Gruber found work peo- Wine and Film festival in June and anoth- in store for macabre musical
er at Project Space in February. Still an-
ple might not even know exists. He wrote other is slated as part of the Laura Riding By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent ous young man played by Raymond Weber
questions for red-carpet interviewers at Jackson Foundation’s writer’s workshops. [email protected] in his first mainstage show at the Henegar.
awards shows. He was a hand model for Tar-
get (his agent handles only up to his elbows, Perhaps most meaningful to Gruber are Audiences will see a sweet mix of new One of the big surprises was the cast-
he notes). And he played the fictitious par- the classes he teaches in the memory care and familiar when “Sweeney Todd: The ing of a virtual unknown, Joshua Doyle,
ty planner Francisco on Gordon Ramsay’s center of Harbor Chase, the assisted living fa- Demon Barber of Fleet Street” opens Fri- in the role of Sweeney. But when director
“Hell’s Kitchen,” a reality show that techni- cility. “It’s very intense, but I love it,” he says. day at the Henegar. Dominic Del Brocco saw him at audition,
cally shouldn’t use actors anyway. he knew immediately he had his Sweeney.
There are days when Gruber’s father, Familiar faces include those of: Terrence
Gruber’s only direction for the impro- who suffers from Alzheimer’s, wants to Girard (soon to be entering into “veteran “I don’t know where he’s been hiding,”
vised role to be annoyingly happy. “Happy join in the class; other days he doesn’t. Brevard performer” status) as the cruel Del Brocco said. “With his ability and tal-
people always make angry people crazy,” he His illness has been hard on Gruber’s Judge who, 20 years before the story begins, ent, I’m surprised he doesn’t do this all the
says. “That was my job, to stir up the set.” mother and in September Gruber did banished Sweeney in order to have his way time.”
some real-life party planning for a deeply with Sweeney’s wife; as the Judge’s servant,
The gig, which ran from 2011 to 2013, meaningful event: He staged a 50th wed- Beadle Bamford, is Greg Galbreath, a per- Moreover, this is Del Brocco’s first job
had at least one fan in Vero: Marcia Little- ding anniversary party for his parents at former who first let loose his strong pres- directing a mainstage season show. He first
john, local TV personality, who spied Gru- Harbor Chase. “We made it as nice as we ence in the role of Jean Valjean at Titusville hit the Henegar in his winning portrayal of
ber at a shopping plaza, and like some- could, given the enormous sadness that is Playhouse; and Shane Frampton, a profes- Clopin in last season’s “The Hunchback of
thing out of a Christopher Guest movie, going on,” he says. “My father has been my sional actress and a Henegar favorite, in Notre Dame.”
begged him to be on her fawning, small- mother’s whole life.” the role of Mrs. Lovett, a lady who makes
town talk show. and sells the “worst pies in London” and And, he’s bringing a courageous, fresh
“My family is my priority and always who never takes a dead cat for granted. concept to the show – “steampunk” styling.
“She said, “’Oh my god, you’re Francisco will be,” says Gruber. “I left everything in
from ‘Hell’s Kitchen’! This is the most ex- L.A. on a dime to be here when they need- Newcomers are Kaitlin Ruby, familiar For sure, composer and lyricist Stephen
citing thing to ever happen in Vero Beach!’ ed me. It’s extremely enriching to be able to Vero Beach residents as a former Miss Sondheim showed courage when he de-
And she invited me on her show,” recalls to help your family.” Hibiscus who played in the title role in the cided to turn a “penny dreadful” melodra-
Gruber. “I just went along with it because I Theatre Guild’s “Evita” last year. At Hen- ma into “Sweeney Todd.” When the show
signed these papers that if I’m recognized, When a trove of similar vintage books egar she takes the ingénue role of beautiful opened in 1979 Broadway was saturated
I have to go into character. I talked about was about to be discarded at the Vero Johanna, Sweeney’s unsuspecting daugh- with feel-good shows like “Annie” and
all the parties I’m planning in John’s Is- Beach Museum of Art, which is closing its ter who falls in love with Anthony, a virtu- “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.”
land. It was a total lie. It was so nuts.” library after many years, Gruber rushed in
to rescue them. But his grisly and misanthropic musical
Gruber hasn’t seen her since, and hasn’t
straightened her out. The books numbered in the thousands, CONTINUED ON PAGE B4
most of them donated. Those purchased
Asked by email if she remembered in- by the museum and still relevant were sal-
terviewing Francisco, Littlejohn said yes, vaged by staff and the rest headed for the
but only vaguely. She didn’t recognize the Dumpster after years-long efforts failed
name Xaque Gruber “other than in one of to curb mold growth in the books. With
the wild novels I was reading.” a simple query, Gruber got permission to
haul them home in multiple truckloads to
Even minus Littlejohn, Gruber’s social the garage of his island condo.
circle is dizzying for Vero, from Broadway
actress Stacey Logan to well-known box- Now, as the museum library space is
ing trainer Gus Curren; they hang out at converted into a new family-friendly area,
the Ocean Grill. Gruber has plans to make the sentimental
collection available to the public again.
Recently Gruber was invited to lunch He’s envisioning shelves and shelves of
by Brady Roberts, the executive director them, with some sort of checkout arrange-
of the Vero Beach Museum of Art. They ment, in a new artists’ studio he is open-
talked about having him screen one of his ing in a downtown space. He expects to
short films at a gala in March, Gruber says. sign a lease any day.

Teaching is another passion. For 20 “I couldn’t live with myself if even one
years, he taught art to public school kids of those books went into a garbage can.
in Massachusetts and was nominated for There’s somebody out there for those
Teacher of the Year, he says. In just one books,” he says. “Even the 20 on needle-
year in Vero, he has taught watercolor at point.” 
the museum as well as a summer series
on the films of Wes Anderson. He taught a

B4 October 13, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE


about a murderous barber, and his landla- The cast has a total of 22 performers.
“Within that I’ve created cast differenc-
dy who turned his leftovers into meat pies,
es between upper and lower class. I uti-
won an astounding eight Tony Awards. It lized the ensemble through many scenes
throughout the show with different sto-
has, throughout the decades, become a ry lines. I didn’t change the material of
course, just the staging of it.
favorite of professional, regional and com-
“For those who know the show, toward
munity theaters. the end of the first act, two major songs will
have a ‘pleasing’ surprise.”
Del Brocco hopes that a similar reward
He was referring to two of the musical’s
happens for his unique “steampunk” take. most iconic numbers, “Epiphany” and “A
Little Priest.”
The retro-futuristic style combines a
In “Epiphany,” Sweeney discovers that
Victorian aesthetic with elements of the in- the cruel judge has slipped through his fin-
gers. His bloody course accelerates and he
dustrial revolution. Think Jules Verne with sings he will have vengeance.

high top hats and goggles, women in velvet “You see change in his character where
he becomes enraged,” Del Brocco said.
skirts decorated with bronze gadgets, and
That is followed by “A Little Priest,” a
jewelry made of gears. gloriously gruesome song sung by Sweeney
and his landlady, Mrs. Lovett, the purveyor
“I changed the overall look so it’s not the
Director Dominic Del Brocco.
same old, same old,” Del Brocco said. “Typ-
of the worst meat pies in London. In it, she
ically, ‘Sweeney Todd’ is done with a turn- muses how burying the dead victims is “an
awful waste.”
of-the-century gothic theme. With my ap-
So she comes up with her ghastly plan on
proach, I shuffled the time line a little bit to how to grow her pie shop.

the industrial revolution. “That is typically just two performers
singing their song to each other, but I have
“And I added more flair, especially to added a couple of elements to breathe a lit-
tle life into that scene,” Del Brocco said.
costumes and set pieces. It’s not over-
“Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of
whelmingly steam punk. Just a little nod Fleet Street” runs through Oct. 29 at the
Henegar Center, 625 E. New Haven Ave.,
to it.” Melbourne. Tickets are $26 general, $23 mil-
itary and seniors and $16 students with $3
Just as this is something new for a mu- handling fees per ticket. Call 321-723-8698
or visit 
sical nearly 40 years old, directing a show

like this is definitely something new for a

man who’s been in love all his life with ev-

erything Disney.

Born and raised with two older sisters in

a working class household, Del Brocco had

wanted to become a Disney animator. But

after getting bitten by the acting bug, he

set his sights on performing at the Magic


Twenty years ago, Disney held auditions

in Baltimore. Del Brocco went and got a

call back. He dashed home quickly to tell

his family the good news.

“I remember running to my mother and

father, who were both there, and I think I Terrence Girard as Judge Turpin and Joshua Doyle as Sweeney Todd.
played it down, like ‘Oh, that was just an-

other audition.’ They were like, ‘Oh, I guess

it didn’t go well.’ Then I erupted into excite- on the production teams for “Mickey’s Not charge of the Disney ar-

ment and told them what happened.” So Scary” and “Mickey’s Very Merry.” chives and who gave him

He scraped together some money, flew “I could wow you with an endless sea of a tour of the back lot and

to Orlando and was cast. useless Disney knowledge,” he said. “I’ve old animation studios.

For 13 years he performed in all four of been to Marceline, Missouri, in the mid- So, indeed, “Sweeney

Disney’s main theme parks, doing shows dle of nowhere, Walt Disney’s hometown. Todd,” which has not

from “The Lion King” to “Hunchback of I’ve been to the house where he was born only dark themes but me-

Notre Dame,” in which he performed the and raised. To his grave. To the original lodic dissonance as well.

role of Clopin, which, in 2016, would be- studios.” “I’ve done a great deal

come his first stint at the Henegar. He even went to Disneyland in Anaheim, of thinking about that,”

He later went into management and was Calif., where he befriended the man in Del Brocco said with a

laugh. “Coming from a

NOopwen We Are at the Corner of 10th Avenue background like Disney
on the Miracle Mile. Take a Tour Today! 772-562-8491 – make everyone smile and make everyone
happy – this is the opposite.

“When I was first working on ‘Sweeney
Todd’ and sketching out my ideas, I had to
tap into a darker place. It’s a challenge but
rewarding. And it is being so well received

Assisted Living & Memory Care l by the cast. They think it’s fantastic.”
2100 10th Avenue l Vero Beach, FL 32960 Greg Galbreath, who portrays the Bea-

dle, the corrupt Judge’s servant, says work-

ing on Del Brocco’s concept has been fun

and positive.

“The cast has been fantastic,” Galbreath


“I’ve enjoyed meeting a lot of new faces.

I’m still amazed at how much talent (the

area) continues to produce.” Del Brocco

AL 13068 has also kept the ensemble a tight one.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE October 13, 2017 B5

Indialantic Chamber Singers.

Collins and Company.

COMING UP Sebastian River Art Club. fun at Riverside Theatre’s frighteningly will be by the very popular classic rock
popular Howl at the Moon and Live in band Collins and Company. These four
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 ninth decade with an art show and recep- the Loop Oktoberfest Nights. Howl is an perform all over the area, and they sure
tion this Saturday, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., in the often rowdy, always fun experience fea- know how to get the Saturday night juic-
Handel Festival in London’s Westmin- Sebastian River Art Club Art Center, 1245 turing dueling pianos and excellent mu- es flowing. You needn’t lug any food or
ster Abbey, Haydn was overwhelmed Main St. in Sebastian. If this will be your sicians. This week it’ll be a battle of the beverages in; there are lots of vendors
by the “monumental sublimity of the first time there, expect to be quite pleas- sexes, as Rhoda Johnson and Howl reg- and lots of choices. When the final song
choruses” in Handel’s “Messiah,” an antly surprised at the artistic range and ular Ken Gustafson face off across a pair ends, cruise on over to one (or more) of
experience that set him on the path to talent that can be found in North Indian of blazing 88s, with the audience calling the nearby restaurants, hotels and pubs
his own masterpiece, “The Creation, ” River County. There will be an exhibition most of the musical shots. This duke- and keep the evening going.
the greatest triumph of his career. The of recent works by member artists, who out takes place in the Waxlax stage, and
“Hallelujah” from Beethoven’s dramat- will be present and ready to chat with you. you can pick general, table or VIP seat- 5 Artists have always looked to the
ic oratorio “Christ on the Mount of Ol- Refreshments and free raffles of artworks ing (you get some food with this choice). natural world for inspiration and,
ives”; the quiet and introspective “Alle- are also on the afternoon’s menu. You Show times are 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. this weekend, you’ll have the opportuni-
luia” composed by Randall Thompson might just discover the perfect holiday gift Arrive early, you’ll get to enjoy the free, ty to see more than 40 “nature art works”
during WWII; and “Lux Aurumque” or, even the exactly right painting to go on pre-Howl outside music “Live in the during the Indian River Birding Festi-
(light and gold), a Christmas piece by that bare, problem wall. It’s definitely hap- Loop.” This week it’s Bob Houston’s Ok- val and Nature Art Show. Hosted by the
Eric Whitacre, based on a Latin poem pened to me. The center’s regular hours toberfest Band Friday and the classic Pelican Island Preservation Society and
of the same name, are juxtaposed with are Tuesdays, Thursdays and most Satur- rock music of The Jacks Band Saturday, the Pelican Island Audubon Society at
energetic spirituals to complete the pro- days from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. both nights. And the delightful Audubon House on Oslo
gram. Chamber Singers president and you absolutely never need to go hungry: Road in Vero Beach, the juried exhibition
bass Tony Spadafora says, “It is impos- 3 This Friday and Saturday you can there’s an alfresco grill and bar set up will feature works by many of the area’s
sible to hear this in performance and put a little “oom-pah-pah” in your at Live in the Loop the entire time, this gifted and prolific artists. You’ll enjoy in-
not be moved. I believe each audience month serving Oktoberfest-appropriate terpretations of local wildlife in acrylic,
member will find a musical selection foodstuffs: roast pork, German Spaetzle oil, watercolor, pastels, porcelain, mixed
that resonates with (him or her) person- dumplings, pretzel burgers, brats and, media and photography, bearing titles
ally.” The concert is free and begins at of course, seasonal beer in souvenir such as “Splish Splash Spoonie,” “Drift-
7:30 p.m. steins. Das ist sehr gut, ja? wood Sailboat,” “Spirit Owl,” “Blue Her-
on,” “The Ancient Live Oak” and many
2 Did you know that the Sebastian Riv- 4 If you’re spinning around in the more, all, happily, available for purchase.
er area is home to a number of quite Saturday “What do you want to do? On Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., you can watch
exceptional artists? Or that the Sebastian I don’t know. What do you want to do?” nature artists at work in the great out-
River Art Club is celebrating its 80th anni- cycle, here’s a suggestion: the Sunset doors, their subjects’ natural habitats.
versary this month? Founded in 1937, the Saturday Free Concert Series on Ocean Visit the juried art exhibit 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sebastian River Art Club will launch its Drive in Vero Beach. It’s this Saturday, Saturday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday,
5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and the music and call the Audubon House or check
out their website for a complete weekend
schedule. 


November 1st at 7pm 1. The Cuban Affair 1. Protecting the President 1. I Am Sacagawea BY BRAD MELTZER
2. The Spooky Express Florida
presents 2. Sulfur Springs 2. Killing England
3. The Wild Robot BY PETER BROWN
A Year in Space,
A Lifetime of Discovery 3. Don't Let Go 3. Alone BY MICHAEL KORDA BY DAV PILKEY
Knopf Books BY HARLAN COBEN 5. The Paradigm 5. Duck and Goose Honk! Quack!
The Scott Kelly event is being held at Saint Ed- 4. A Column of Fire BY JONATHAN CAHN
ward's School Waxlax Center for the Performing
Arts. Call the Book Center for ticket information. BY KEN FOLLETT



392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |

B6 October 13, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE

Picken winners at The Arc’s Replogle Award fete

Doug and Anne Clement. Bill and Mary Beth Vallar.

Mary Ellen Replogle, Joey Replogle and Penny Odiorne. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE

Chris and Dick Picken. Christina and Randy Wunsche. Stacey and Mark Rodolico with sons Joseph and Jacob. Al and Betty Sammartino.

By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer of this year’s Replogle Family Award, were Luke Webb and Molly Teter Webb with Sara Beth and Dillon Roberts.
[email protected] honored as heroes to the organization.

At The Arc of Indian River County’s third Poised and confident, Christina Wun-
annual Replogle Family Award Dinner last sche spoke to guests about the numerous
Saturday evening, the emphasis was on the and varied daily activities she enjoys at
heroes who provide hope and support to The Arc, among them: chorus, cooking,
individuals affected by Down’s syndrome, creative arts and crafts, computer, read-
cerebral palsy, autism and other develop- ing, math and science classes, exercise,
mental and traumatic brain disabilities. photography, sewing and gardening.

Enthusiastic members of The Arc Choir “The Arc is really important to us,” she
rocked the dining room of the Grand Har- said. Thanking everyone for their support
bor Club as they sang and signed Mariah she added, “I love you guys very much.”
Carey’s “Hero” and Bonnie Tyler’s “Hold-
ing Out for a Hero,” dedicating the songs to Fittingly held around Columbus Day,
their heroes – the directors and staff of The the dinner celebrates those advocates who
Arc. And Dick and Chris Picken, recipients enable The Arc to ‘discover new worlds’
for people with intellectual and develop-

mental disabilities. The award was named Brackins, board president. “Not only
in honor of Director Emeritus Mary Ellen has he served as a board member, he’s
Replogle and her family, who each May the only board member I know who has
since 1982 have hosted Ocean Grill Night to served as the acting executive direc-
support the nonprofit. tor as well, during a time we really were
hurting. He’s been in the trenches. And
“This award goes to folks that have gone of course, without Chris he would never
above and beyond the call of duty to help have made it; I guarantee. I’ve seen a lot
our organization,” said Chuck Bradley, ex- of awards in my time, but this one is the
ecutive director, noting that Dick and Chris most well-deserved that I’ve ever seen in
Picken epitomize those qualities. “They’ve my whole life.”
been involved with the organization in ex-
cess of 20 years. They have literally given “What you have to realize is that the re-
hundreds of thousands of dollars to the ward you get when watching these people
organization. We’ve cried together, we’ve perform and succeed in life is all you need,”
worked together, we’ve worked through said Dick Picken. “And that’s what we’re
the dark times, we’ve celebrated the good trying to do; to give them a chance to suc-
times.” ceed in life.”

“Dick has recruited more board mem- “We’re very lucky to have The Arc here,”
bers than anyone I know,” said Reese said Mary Ellen Replogle. 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING October 13, 2017 B7

Ay Jalisco: Out of guacamole, cabernet ... and excuses


Once upon a time, we liked Ay Jalisco.
This was never, as the restaurant boast-
ed, “outstanding Mexican fare,” but for a ba-
sic Tex-Mex fix – nachos, fajitas, enchiladas
– it was not bad.
After the main Vero outpost of Ay Jalisco
moved a year ago from Miracle Mile to its
new home on U.S. 1, we found it so disap-
pointing we decided not to write a review.
But we returned last week to give it an-
other try, and found things had actually
gone downhill – so far south, in fact, we de-
cided in fairness to readers to recount our
The evening got off to an astonishing
start when we saw the sign on the front door
saying, “We are out of guacamole.”

I’m sorry. A Mexican restaurant with no Chips and Salsa. Mild Jalapeno Poppers. Fajitas.
guacamole? How can this be? Well actually,
the server apologetically told us, Ay Jalisco the server said. How is this possible at 7:30 Enchiladas Durango. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
has had no guacamole for a couple of months, on a Thursday evening? The bottles are in
because avocados are too expensive. the office, we were told, and the office is an evening before we found out what else Ay Banana Pepper Rellenos.
locked. At that point, we decided to call it Jalisco might be out of.
Well, I understand that avocado prices guacamole. Ay, caramba!
have soared in the past year – and I could But overall, this experience was very dis- I welcome your comments, and encour-
easily understand jacking up guacamole heartening. A Mexican restaurant with no
prices to compensate – but how does a Mex- age you to send feedback to me at tina@ver-
ican restaurant decide to simply stop serv-
ing guacamole. Loco!
The reviewer dines anonymously at restau-
So as our waiter left to bring back a cou- rants at the expense of this newspaper. 
ple of glasses of wine and a margarita for
our companion, all we were left with for our Hours:
basket of chips was a small cup of Ay Jalis- Daily, 11 am to late
co’s watery salsa. Since we were hungry, we Beverages: Full bar
decided to move ahead quickly and order.
I chose the camarones a la plancha 1902 U.S. 1, Vero Beach
($11.99), my husband went for the steak ran- Phone: (772) 778-8489
chero ($14.99) and our companion ordered a
shrimp quesadilla ($8.99).

When my “grilled” shrimp arrived, it
was immediately obvious that these sorry
looking, tasteless shrimp had never seen
a grill. So our server proposed exchang-
ing them for shrimp fajitas ($12.99). Same
hurting shrimp, but at least served with
some pico de gallo in a fajita, they had a
bit more taste.

Our companion’s quesadilla was okay, as
was my husband’s steak ranchero. But the
next somewhat odd surprise came when
he decided to accompany the grilled skirt
steak with a glass of cabernet.

“I’m sorry, but we are out of cabernet,”
the server said. “Would you like a glass of
merlot?” Well, not really. But the merlot ac-
tually wasn’t bad, so midway through the
meal, my husband asked for another.

“I’m sorry, but we are now out of merlot,”

B8 October 13, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING October 13, 2017 B9

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B10 October 13, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING October 13, 2017 B11

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B12 October 13, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


1 Loft (5) 1 One of the seasons (6)
4 Perplex (7) 2 Browned bread (5)
8 Sport’s shoe (7) 3 Refectory (7)
9 Heather genus (5) 4 Looking-glass (6)
10 Nacre (6-2-5) 5 Doze (5)
11 Dried plum (5) 6 Copy (7)
13 Frequently (5) 7 Annually (6)
18 Global (13) 12 Hideaway (7)
21 Foe (5) 14 Comrades (7)
22 Jogging (7) 15 Abandon (4,2)
23 Design (7) 16 Rabbit burrow (6)
24 Lustre (5) 17 Catchphrase (6)
19 Verse (5)
20 Inexperienced (5)

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in every column, row
and three-by-three

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Hardware Store & Lumber Yard
62 years Family Owned and Operated
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES October 13, 2017 B13

ACROSS comedian 131 Astaire and Hugo 56 “One ___ days, The Washington Post
before he Alice ...”
1 Top-of-the-line switched DOWN SPACE EXPLORATION II By Merl Reagle
7 Redness instruments? 58 Gin fruit
74 Call off 1 Letters on Sputnik 59 Apple or capital Certified Collision
exemplar 75 The ___ Marbles 2 Showgirl in 65 Ft. Knox bar Repair Center
11 Tranquillity Base 76 Improve, perhaps 66 Carpet style
77 One antacid Manilow’s 68 Folies Bergère
transit 79 “The” end “Copacabana”
15 Word on a bulb 82 Actress Ruby 3 Hear ___ drop designer, once
19 Plagiarized 84 Slangy money 4 Serenades 70 Remove a
20 Carbon and Iron 85 “You mean,” ___, 5 Unshakable
“I’m gonna be in 6 A word for God beaver’s work
are two of its The Godfather?!” 7 Insecticide 71 How Lindy did it
counties 88 Famous scene in 8 WWII theater 72 Floor for a spore?
21 Song for Don Fiddler Crab on 9 Turned on one’s 73 Elbower
José the Roof? ___ 78 Painter Édouard
22 Zeno’s place 93 Ransom’s baby 10 Casey was at it 79 “No matter how
23 Eastwood 94 Serengeti beast 11 He looked
discussing his 95 The British Isles, mahvelous hard ___ ...”
bloodier movies? for one 12 “Able was I ___ 80 Strawberry’s field,
25 Zsa Zsa on 96 “___ ...” (palindrome
darning socks? reconsidered” start) once
27 Eating reminder 97 Label 13 Home of Lake 81 One of three
28 Stubby end 99 Paintings by Paul Wobegon
29 Reason for 101 China-Korea 14 Hopalong’s sit- squares?
Madonna’s border river upon 83 Parts of sacs
bathroom clog? 102 Leader of the 15 “___ on together
31 Killy event pack, ...” (line from around hearts
34 Come-ons, of a perhaps “Suspicious 86 Fireplace prop
sort 103 Oil shortage? Minds”) 87 Luxuriant
35 Dash 107 Gilda’s Wawa 16 Jai ___ 89 Tom Collins
36 Flu, mono, etc.? 109 Chinese 17 Crockett’s birthpl.
40 Contact cleaner Casanova, maybe 18 Make, as doilies ingredient
suffix 110 George 24 Amounting to zip 90 Memorable role
41 Speed instrument, Washington 26 Rainy-day acct.
briefly portraitist 30 They’re on the for Anne Baxter
45 The dog’s 111 First thing you infrastructure 91 Wd. after bike
problem in learn repair list: abbr.
Turner and Hooch in vase class? 32 Dey job, once or business
46 “Camptown 114 Ugh relative 33 Samoa studier 92 Reacts to a long,
Races” horse 115 “Test’s over!” Margaret
47 Italian possessive 119 Spend time with 36 Mus. chord hard day
48 Home near Nome The 37 Exhorted 98 Argued heatedly
49 “___ to Pieces” Quayle Crayon 38 60 Minutes
50 Melmac wiseguy Book? curmudgeon about
53 Reason the Parks 120 Sequel to the film 39 Scorsese’s alma 100 Trellis, often
Service outlawed Thug Takes a mater, briefly 102 On
Pictionary picnics? Vacation? 40 Combustion need 103 Coal measure
57 Main thing that 124 Wait on the line 42 He’s Thicke 104 Monopolized, in a
happens in David 125 Fight night site 43 Fuel or drink
Mamet movies? 126 Word over a door 44 Oprah or Rosie way
60 Seuss character, 127 Puget Sound port 47 Playwright-director 105 Pinch from a
Sam-___ 128 She, in Florence David
61 Back on a bark 129 When most 48 Words said over a chain reaction
62 Puck stopper people work drumroll 106 North or South
63 N.J. neighbor 130 Mauritius sight, 51 Hero’s girl
64 Period for Pedro once 52 Dracula’s pain in place
65 Fritters (away) your neck 108 Great Rift Valley’s
67 Number of coins 54 Home delivery
in la fontana person? loc.
69 Story of a 55 Late actress Ina 109 First Oscar film
111 Contented

112 Social woes
113 Lots
116 Valentino, once
117 Roz Russell role
118 Young hawk,

in falconry
119 Ernesto Guevara
121 Tic-tac-toe line
122 Planet’s end
123 Penrod, for one

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B14 October 13, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES




A.N. Onymous said, “The best defense against the atom bomb is not to be there when it A J 10 6 5 4
goes off.”
Finding the best defense against any contract is always satisfying. East-West were K52 EAST
happy at the end of this deal. 9432
9 A863
First, though, let’s look at the auction. North was a tad weak for the two-heart reverse, J9832
which promised a very good 16-20 points. In the tournament world, after this type of K 10 8 7
reverse, responder’s rebid of fourth suit or two no-trump, whichever is the cheaper,
artificially warns of a very weak hand. This North-South pair did not have that agreement, KQ8
so South rebid two no-trump to show his club stoppers, wondering if they belonged in
no-trump or diamonds. North, aware of the previous overbid, suddenly passed. 54

West led his fourth-highest club. South might have won dummy’s king with his ace to SOUTH
take a diamond finesse, but that would not have worked well here. Instead, declarer won
on the board and played a spade to his jack. West made a commendable smooth duck. QJ97
Now South cashed his top clubs (East throwing a spade) and took the heart finesse (an
error here — a club would have been more successful). East won and worked to strand 6
declarer in the dummy. East cashed the spade ace, then led the heart 10 (in case South
had started with nine-doubleton). South won on the board and cashed the heart ace, 732
under which West carefully played the nine.
A Q 10 7 6
East won the next heart and led a spade to partner’s king. West cashed the club jack,
then pushed a diamond through the dummy to defeat the contract. Dealer: North; Vulnerable: North-South

The Bidding:

1 Diamonds Pass
1 Spades Pass 2 Hearts Pass LEAD:
1 NT Pass Pass Pass 3 Clubs

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From US1, turn East on Ohio Ave., Directly behind TD Bank

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR October 13, 2017 B15

ONGOING up for community improvement projects. 772- 15 Indialantic Chamber Singers present 21 Howl-O-Ween Dog Costume Pawrade
567-8900 ext. 117 Heavens are Telling, 3:30 p.m. at Trin- and Expo, 2 p.m. registration; 4 p.m.
Downtown Vero Beach – monthly 5 to 8 p.m. ity Episcopal Church. Free; $10 donation appre- Pawrade at Dogs for Life. 772-567-8969
First Friday Gallery Strolls. 14 Save the Chimps Member Day - tour the ciated. 321-426-0360
150-acre sanctuary, home to roughly 21 Family Fall Festival, 2 to 6 p.m. at
Vero Beach Museum of Art - DeWitt Boutelle 250 rescued chimpanzees. 772-429-2225 20-28 Leo, A Ghost Story at Riv- Summer Crush Winery in Ft. Pierce to
after Thomas Cole: The Voyage of Life thru Jan. erside Children’s Theatre. benefit Senior Resource Association – BBQ, live
7 and Masters of American Photography thru 14 Fashion Show presented by Vero 772-231-6990 music, games and cash bar. $15.
Jan. 14. Beach High School Drama Competi-
tion Troup 2047, 2 p.m. at VBHS PAC, with stu- 21 Dan K. Richardson & William L. Ma- 21 ELC EcoTalks Speaker Series: Myths
Riverside Theatre - Oktoberfest Nights, dents modeling clothing from local boutiques. rine Golf Classic to benefit Scholarship & Amazing Facts about Manatees, 11
weekends 6 to 9:30 p.m. with music, German Adults $8; students $5 at the door. Foundation of IRC, 8:30 a.m. shotgun start at a.m. at Environmental Learning Center. discov-
food and beer. Grand Harbor Golf Club. 772-569-9869
14 Pineapple Party at historic Hallstrom
OCTOBER House, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. hosted by IRC 21 IRC Veterans and Family Picnic, Noon to 4 21 Black & White Masquerade Ball, 6
Historical Society. 772-778-3435 p.m. at Gifford Park, Vero Beach hosted by p.m. at Vero Beach Country Club to
12 Emerson Center’s Florida Humanity Veterans Council of IRC, American Legion Post 181 benefit Exchange Club of Indian River Founda-
Series presents Craig Callan on The 14 Sebastian River Art Club’s 80th Anni- and Vietnam Veterans of IRC, with BBQ, music and tion projects to combat child abuse - cocktails,
Dodgers Came to Town: How Big-Time Baseball versary Celebration, 4 to 6 p.m. at the children’s activities. BYO lawn chairs. 772-538-7347
Found Vero Beach, 7 p.m. at Emerson Center. SRAC Art Center, 1245 Main St. Free. 772-581-
Free. 772-778-5249 8281 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12TH 6–9PM

13 Catch & Release, 1 to 4 p.m. at Camp 14 OBA Sunset Saturday Night Concert CELEBRATE
Haven, with ‘Big Fish’ caught and hosted by 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Humis-
tasked with raising donations to be released. ton Park on Ocean Drive. Free. 772 532-7983
14|15 Marine and Wildlife Art AT COBALT
13 Sebastian River Area Chamber of Festival and Craft Show,
Commerce Lifestyle and Media Auc- Nautical Flea Market & Seafood Festival and $40 PER PERSON
tion, 6 p.m. at Springhill Suites Vero Beach - live Treasure Coast Boat Show, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at
and silent auctions. [Postponed due to storm] Indian River County Fairgrounds. 954-205-7813 INCLUDES A VARIETY OF LOCAL SEASONAL BEERS
14-31 Christ by the Sea Pumpkin
13 Beer-B-Q & Auction, 6 p.m. at Walking Patch, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. dai- OTHER GERMAN DELIGHTS, AND LIVE POLKA BAND
Tree Brewery to benefit Coastal Con- ly, with variously sized pumpkins and gourds,
servation Assn. Treasure Coast Chapter – live gourmet foods and pies. TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE AT
music, auctions and 14 Bones BBQ. $50; $80/
two. 321-271-7723 15 Book Panel, Reception and Launch of ‘I HTTP://TINYURL.COM/COBALTOKTOBERFEST
Didn’t Cause It, I Can’t Change It: How
13-15 Indian River Birding Festival Mothers of Adult Children with Co-Occurring Dis- 3500 Ocean Drive Vero Beach, FL 32963 | 772.469.1060
and juried Nature Art Show orders Have Coped’ by Mary Ryan Woods, 3 p.m.
hosted by Pelican Island Preservation Society at Oak Harbor Club hosted by Mental Health As- CobaltRestaurant
and Pelican Island Audubon Society at Audubon soc. and Westbridge. Free. 603-634-4446 x 161
House on Oslo Road, with Mini-Gala 6 p.m. Fri.
($50), continuing Sat. & Sun. with tours and lec- Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
tures. 772-494-6306 in October 6, 2017 Edition 1 ALMOST 2 ASPECT
13|14 Trident Fitness Warrior 9 PANACHE 3 SUCCUMB
Grind, riding 250 miles in 36 10 ROCKS 5 THROB
hours from Orlando to Ft. Pierce and back, with 11 CORFU 6 PICCOLO
a night at U.S. Navy SEAL Museum, to benefit 12 DUBIOUS 7 ASSESS
Operation Restored Warrior and Homefront K9. 13 COMBINATION 8 LEADINGLADY
Also Sat., 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bud/s and Beyond Ops 18 TRIVIAL 14 ORIGINS
Course for ages 10 to 15. 772-595-5845 20 COACH 15 TACTFUL

14 United Way Day of Caring, 8 a.m. to Sudoku Page B12 Sudoku Page B13 Crossword Page B12 Crossword Page B13 (HELLO, I MUST BE GOING)
Noon - kickoff breakfast and check-in
at Freshman Learning Center before teaming


Our directory gives small business people eager to
provide services to the community an opportunity

to make themselves known to our readers at an
affordable cost. This is the only business directory
mailed each week during season. If you would like

your business to appear in our directory,
please call 772-633-0753.

B16 October 13, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

dinner, dancing, live and silent auctions. $100. October 21 | American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk at Riverside Park. on Main Street, 7:30 p.m. at 1036 Main Street (by Sebastian United Methodist Church); not suggested
memorating 500 years of the Reformation. 26 Concerts in the Park: Dave Mundy & for small children. $8.
21 American Cancer Society Making Free. 772-567-2253 Soulfege, 5 to 7 p.m. at Vero Beach
Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk, 9 Museum of Art. $10 & $12. 772-231-0707 26 to November 2 - Samaritan Center
a.m. at Riverside Park to raise awareness and 23 Signature Chefs Auction, 6 p.m. at Soup Tureens display in the Vero
funds for breast cancer research, education, Quail Valley River Club, with culinary 26 Read, Write & Brew, 6 to 9 p.m. at Amer- Beach Museum of Art Atrium. 772-231-0707
advocacy and patient services. 772-562-2272 creations by local chefs and unique auction ican Icon Brewery to benefit Education
items to benefit March of Dimes efforts to pre- Foundation of Indian River County. 772-564-0034 27 Half-Haunted Halloween, 4 to 7 p.m. at
21 Run Vero’s Frightening 4K, 6 p.m. vent birth defects, premature babies and infant Environmental Learning Center, with na-
from South Beach Park - Hallow- mortality. $250. 561-290-0905. 26 Vero Beach High School Performing Arts ture nightmares and spooky sounds, live music and
een-themed race followed by free 6:45 kids Dept. presents Orchestral Spooktacular canoe trips. Costumes optional.
race and festivities to benefit IR Elite Youth 24 to November 12 - Riverside Theatre Concert, 7 p.m. at VBHS PAC. 772-564-5497
Track Club. 772-569-7364 presents Hank Williams: Lost High- 27 Downtown Friday Street Party hosted
way, a musical tribute on the Stark Stage. 26-31 Sebastian River Junior Woman’s by Main Street Vero Beach, 6 to 9 p.m.
21 HALO’s Hoedown, 7 p.m. at Indian 772-231-6990 Club’s Haunted House: Terror on 14th Avenue. Free. 772-643-6782
River County Fairgrounds to benefit
H.A.L.O. No-Kill Animal Rescue - live country 27 ‘Getting to Know You’ reception, 6:30
music and dancing, BBQ, live and silent auc- p.m. at Grand Harbor Beach Club
tions. $75 & $100. 772-589-7297 hosted by Gifford Youth Orchestra to meet GYO
muscians. $60. 772-213-3007
21|22 Sebastian River Junior
Woman’s Club’s Haunted 28 City of Vero Beach Recreation De-
House: Terror on Main Street, 7:30 p.m. at 1036 partment’s 59th annual Halloween
Main Street (by Sebastian United Methodist Parade & Costume Contest, 9:30 a.m. lineup at
Church); not suggested for small children. $8. Vero Beach Women’s Club; 10 a.m. walk north along 14th Avenue to Community Center for
children’s costume contest (up to age 17) and
22 Space Coast Symphony Jazz Orchestra goodie bags. Free. 772-567-2144
presents Big Band Favorites, 3 p.m.
at VBHS PAC with music of the 1920s, ‘30s and 28 Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, 10:30
‘40s. $20; students free. 855-252-7276 a.m. at Indian River Mall to benefit
SafeSpace, with walkers donning red stilettos
22 Reformation Hymn Festival, 4 p.m. to stand against domestic violence. 772-223-
at Our Savior Lutheran Church, com- 2399




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