Ocean Drive parking kiosk idea
draws scant support. P9
Runners fired up for
Tunnel to Towers 5K. P12
Jill Jaynes’ acupuncture clinic
still open – but is she involved? P10
For breaking news visit
MY VERO Caregiver charged
with stealing from
BY RAY MCNULTY Marbrisa woman
Historic Dodgertown BY FEDERICO MARTINEZ
needs old golf course Staff Writer
I’ve gotta admit: I was Former Dodgertown Golf Course property (foreground) key to county deal with Major League Baseball. PHOTO BY BRUCE CADY A 36-year-old Vero Beach
more than a little intrigued woman is facing charges of
by Lakeland-based devel- One seat seen up for grabs in Vero Council election stealing at least $26,000 from
oper Mark Hulbert’s “urban an elderly Marbrisa woman she
village” plan for the former BY LISA ZAHNER person race for three seats this comers Linda Hillman, Robert was hired to care for, allegedly
Dodgertown Golf Course Staff Writer November, with two popular in- McCabe and Robert Brackett. racking up personal charges on
property – a forward-think- cumbents seeking re-election. the victim’s credit card, forging
ing concept that would be Though anything can and Vice Mayor Lange Sykes, her name and altering the dol-
new to Vero Beach. does happen in Vero politics, On the Nov. 6 ballot will be the other incumbent, did not lar amount of checks.
only one seat on the City Coun- incumbents Tony Young and file for re-election after serv-
But it’s not worth the risk. cil is likely to change in a six- Laura Moss, former council- ing just one term. Fabiola Palominos, 1445 17th
The city must sell the man Brian Heady, and new- Court, was arrested on Aug. 29
land to the county – be- CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 and charged with “exploitation
cause the county needs the of elderly or disabled adult of
$20,000 or more, but less than
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 $100,000,” according to her ar-
rest warrant.
John’s Island plan
for pipeline under Palominos, a certified nurse’s
lagoon hits snag assistant, insists that she is in-
nocent and says she plans to
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN enter a “not guilty” plea when
Staff Writer she appears before Judge Cyn-
thia Cox on Oct. 2.
John’s Island Water Manage-
ment’s plan to build a 5-mile- “All anybody has to do is
long, 16-inch-diameter reuse
water pipeline that would run CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
under the lagoon for a mile of its
length has hit a major new snag. Be thankful for cold snaps. Not too many
iguanas are roaming around here – yet
An engineering firm hired by
the county to review plans for Iguana next to pool of South Beach home. PHOTO BY VICTORIA FEATHERSTONE BY SUE COCKING ness on the patio or devour-
the pipeline reported that “it is Staff Writer ing your ornamentals – it
our opinion that this project, can seem like a bad Jurassic
as currently presented, does Miniature green dinosaurs Park dream.
not represent a constructible aren’t exactly overrunning
design and does not assess Vero Beach, but when one Jenna Featherstone, who
or provide consideration for of these colorful, non-native lives just south of the 17th
mitigation of identifiable con- iguanas takes up residence Street Bridge on the oceans-
struction and design risks.” in your yard – doing its busi- ide of A1A, chose to just look
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© 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Iguanas While iguana populations are now of thousands” of the scary-looking search Center, told the Sun Sentinel.
well established in Miami-Dade and lizards enjoying a relaxed Florida life- “You could put any number of zeros be-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Broward counties and the Keys, where style in and around Miami and Fort hind a number, and I would believe it.”
they have become a major nuisance, Lauderdale, where they cause a range
the other way when a 3 ½-footer be- most of the animals found in Indian of serious problems. The Vero population had begun to
came her unwelcome tenant and bold- River County are believed to be aban- increase by the early 2000s, but then
ly lounged by her swimming pool. doned pets – their numbers kept in “Out of control iguanas infesting Mother Nature intervened.
check by cooler temperatures they South Florida,” was the title of a June
“We just put up with it,” Featherstone cannot withstand. article in the Sun Sentinel newspaper, Indian River County Animal Control
wrote in a Facebook post. “I thought it which reported that “packs of green manager Jason Ogilvie says his team
may have been someone’s pet who es- According to the Florida Fish and iguanas are swarming seawalls, roam- used to be called out to deal with rogue
caped or something. Either way, I don’t Wildlife Conservation Commission, ing yards and parks, and leaving a path lizards “once or twice a week. But the
bother him.” green iguanas are native to Central of destruction and filth in their wake. 2010 [cold snap] kind of like wiped
and South America and the eastern them out. The calls went down drasti-
Featherstone is probably correct that Caribbean, and were first spotted in “There’s no real way to come up with cally . . . It’s a mild thing for us now,”
the nuisance lounge lizard either es- Miami-Dade County in the 1960s. a valid estimate of the number of green with only about one call a month.
caped from its owner’s home or was let iguanas in Florida. But the number
go on purpose when it grew too large for The animals multiplied rapidly would be gigantic,” Richard Engeman, Vero Beach Animal Control Officer
the owner’s comfort. and there now are “many hundreds a biologist for the National Wildlife Re- Scott Lee agrees that iguanas are not
a big problem here at present. He has
only responded to about half a dozen
calls in the 2 ½ years he’s been on the
job, and has caught a grand total of two.
“The last one I caught, I could tell
she belonged to someone, because she
was a 5-footer and I could go right up
to her and pick her up,” Lee said.
Currently, he’s tracking an escapee
in the Riomar Drive-Painted Bunting
Lane area of the island. “Every time I
get the call and I go there, it’s nowhere
to be seen,” he said.
Iguanas are vegetarian, feasting on a
wide variety of trees, bushes and flow-
ers. Besides chewing up landscaping,
they damage public infrastructure such
as sidewalks and seawalls by digging
burrows beneath them, and cause pow-
er outages by chewing through cable. In
South Florida, they are the second-larg-
est animal cause of blackouts.
They also pose a health hazard be-
cause they can transmit salmonella
through their feces. On the plus side,
they’re not typically aggressive to-
wards people and usually flee when
Releasing a pet iguana into the wild is
not only damaging to the environment,
but illegal. The FWC advises turning
unwanted pets in through its Exotic Pet
Amnesty Program where they will be re-
homed, regardless of whether they were
kept legally or illegally.
The agency’s tips for deterring igua-
nas and other non-native lizards from
settling on your property include: Do
not feed them or leave pet food out-
side; protect gardens with cages or
screened enclosures; create a wire
fence barrier along seawalls to prevent
digging; and engage in humane haz-
ing such as spraying them with a gar-
den hose to drive them away.
If these measures don’t work, you are
legally entitled to euthanize the ani-
mals humanely, or call Animal Control
or a licensed wildlife trapper to remove
If you decide to call Animal Control,
Lee says you’ll make his job easier if
you don’t approach the intruder, but
instead keep an eye on it from a dis-
tance. He’ll get there as soon as he can
and capture it with a net.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 3
Marbrisa caregiver “driver and assistant,” had forged or that her signature differed from the though Church does not own any pets.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 altered several checks and had used ones on the allegedly forged checks. When Palominos was questioned by
her credit card at Sam’s Club without
look at my record and they can see authorization or consent. Police said it was “obvious” in several investigators on July 30, she initially
that I’m innocent,” Palominos said. instances that the amounts written on claimed she was never allowed to use
“I’ve never been in trouble before. I’ve She turned over bank and credit checks paid to Palominos had been al- Church’s credit card unless Church
received glowing recommendations card documents to investigators to tered to higher amounts, and Church was present.
from previous clients. Nobody has back up her allegations, and pointed showed police charges on her credit card
ever made a complaint about me.” out that check amounts were printed, for purchases she had no reason to make. When police showed Palominos
but that she only uses cursive when store video footage of her purchas-
This is the second case in recent filling out checks. She also pointed out For example, Church’s credit card was ing dog food and other items during
years in which a caretaker has been used to buy a large bag of dog food, even
accused of stealing money from an CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
elderly resident in Marbrisa, a small
north island subdivision that is home
to a number of retirees.
In 2013, George May, 81, who suf-
fered from dementia, was found dead
after his caregiver ignored signs of
dehydration and starvation. Police
say Gina Albrecht, 36, of Vero Beach
looted May’s finances to the tune of
$200,000, moved her family into his
home and enticed him to change his
will and make her his beneficiary be-
fore leaving him to die a slow death.
She was convicted of manslaughter,
crimes against the elderly, forgery and
fraud and is currently serving a 30-
year sentence at Lowell Annex, a cor-
rectional facility in Marion County.
The case involving Palominos doesn’t
appear to be as dramatic, although the
charges against her are serious and
Palominos was initially arrested in
early August and charged with steal-
ing less than $5,000 after the alleged
victim, Wendy Church, 78, of 100 Car-
mel Court, and a Merrill Lynch fraud
investigator contacted police about
concerns that Church’s caregiver was
stealing from her. Police found her
suspicions credible and took Palomi-
nos into custody.
Detective Ken Barrett, Indian River
Shores Public Safety Department, said
a second warrant was issued in late
August and new charges filed after in-
vestigators continued to find more ev-
idence of wrongdoing by Palominos.
“As we continued to investigate, we
discovered there was more money in-
volved,” said Barrett. “That total may go
higher as our investigation continues.
“I don’t know how she can claim she
is innocent. We have bank documents
and video as evidence. It is what it is.”
According to written reports provid-
ed by Indian River Shores Public Safe-
ty, the department was first contacted
on July 2 by Dan Peterson, a fraud in-
vestigator for Merrill Lynch.
Peterson told police he had evi-
dence of fraudulent activity involv-
ing Church’s checking account,. And
provided police copies of checks that
appeared to be altered or forged to the
tune of thousands of dollars.
Church subsequently told police
she had additional evidence that
Palominos, who she described as her
4 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Marbrisa caregiver My Vero believes the takeover “is going to hap- ness, which finally began making mon-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 pen,” but only if the county can assure ey two years ago.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred
weekend shopping trips when Church and his staff that the golf-course prop- “I’m happy with what we’ve done
was not present, Palominos changed old nine-hole golf course to back Pe- erty will be available when needed. the last five or six years, getting this
her story and told investigators that “it ter O’Malley’s pitch to Major League place to where it is now,” O’Malley said
was common for Ms. Church to allow Baseball, which he hopes will take The only way the county can make of Historic Dodgertown, which oper-
her to purchase groceries for herself over his Historic Dodgertown. He be- such a guarantee is to buy the land, ates as a year-round training facility
while shopping for Ms. Church,” ac- lieves a deal between MLB and the which the city has been trying to sell for sports teams of all ages and lev-
cording to police reports. county may be only weeks away. for years. The county, which owns the els, as well as a site for tournaments,
Historic Dodgertown property, last meetings, concerts and festivals.
Palominos stated that after shopping, Thus, the City Council no longer can week offered to purchase the adjacent
she delivers Church’s groceries, giving afford to sell those 35 acres to Hulbert, parcel from the city for $2.4 million. “I’m thrilled that we’ve been able to
back her credit card at the same time. no matter how much he might raise continue to have a positive impact on
his offer, which he already increased “That piece of property is impor- the local economy,” he added. “And
Palominos also told investigators from $2.1 million to $2.43 million. tant to both the city and the county,” I’m proud that we’ve been able to pre-
that she only purchases “non-perish- O’Malley said. “But it’s especially im- serve the history of what has been a
able products” on the weekends when The city can’t, in good conscience, portant to the county, which probably very special place for a lot of people.
she’s not working. sell the long-idle parcel to any other needs to own it to protect what it al-
developer, either, even if the proposed ready owns.” “I’ve always believed Dodgertown
When confronted with video show- project promises to generate much- was worth saving – that’s why I raised
ing her buying slabs of ribs, skirt steaks, needed tax revenue. O’Malley warned that, if he and the my hand six years ago, when it was
bags of chicken wings, orange juice county can’t strike a deal with MLB to about to be shuttered again – but now
and bags of avocados on weekend “I’m 80 years old, and I need a plan run the place, the future of Historic I want to see it go to the next level.”
days, Palominos stopped answering for succession,” said O’Malley, former Dodgertown could be in jeopardy –
questions about credit card purchases. owner of the Los Angeles Dodgers and, along with all the tourism and sales- He is certain Major League Baseball
for the past six-plus years the chief tax revenues the facility’s operations can make that happen.
When asked about the alleged forged executive officer of Historic Dodger- generate – because he doesn’t know
or altered checks, Palominos blamed it town. “That’s why I’ve been talking to what will happen after he’s gone. “The county owns the land, but re-
on Church’s poor penmanship. Major League Baseball, which is look- sponsibility for operating and main-
ing for a facility it can call its own to Remember: The once-celebrated taining the facility would transfer
“(Church) writes so bad, you can’t even host some of its flagship events. complex, deserted by the Dodgers in from me to Major League Baseball,”
understand,” Palominos told police. 2008 and reopened by Minor League O’Malley said. “Major League Baseball
“This is a way for Major League Base- Baseball in 2009, was about to be shut- would inherit the lease, then negotiate
During a 40-minute phone inter- ball to get that facility, one that also tered for a second time in 2011. a new one.
view with Vero Beach 32963, Palo- has so much history and tradition,” he
minos reiterated her innocence, but added. “And I believe that would be the That’s when Minor League Baseball, “It’s an ideal situation for both the
did not address the charges or explain best next chapter for Dodgertown.” citing heavy financial losses, planned county and Major League Baseball.”
the inconsistencies in her story. She to abandon its attempts to grow its
blamed her troubles on Church, who For that transition to happen, business in Vero Beach and close the County Commissioner Peter
she claims is often moody and con- though, the county must purchase facility. O’Bryan echoed O’Malley’s optimism
fused because of prescribed medica- the property, which Major League and justified the county’s investment,
tion she takes. Baseball would need to accommodate That’s also when O’Malley, with his saying at last week’s City Council
overflow parking for big-crowd events affection for our community and es- meeting: “The economic benefit will
“She gets very confused . . . that’s at Holman Stadium or elsewhere on pecially Dodgertown, rode to the res- explode when we bring in MLB.”
why nobody else wants to help her,” the nostalgia-filled grounds, where cue, heading a five-way partnership
Palominos said. “It hurts me because the Dodgers, from Brooklyn to Los An- that rebranded the all-sports training The county also could use a large
I’ve gone above and beyond to try and geles, conducted spring training for 61 and tournament facility as “Historic part of the property for a much-need-
help her. It’s like now she’s trying to mostly wonderful years. Dodgertown” and re-energized the ed park on the west side of Vero Beach
destroy my life.” place. – something many residents want.
O’Malley said MLB has a “keen in-
Church did not return phone calls terest” in Historic Dodgertown, and he He also committed to reinvest any If the sides do reach an agreement,
seeking comment. profits from the venture in the busi- O’Malley said, Major League Baseball
probably would “keep our core busi-
ness” and bring in some of its own,
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 5
including marquee events that would ing headquarters to Arizona in 2008. needed the extra space.” sion on selling the golf-course proper-
attract large crowds. In fact, O’Malley said the Dodgers So will Major League Baseball. ty until its Oct. 2 meeting – a move that
So does the county. could prompt Hulbert, who showed
Those events and crowds, however, regularly used that property as an aux- “I don’t want to say the county must up in Vero Beach with the right plan at
would require the county to provide iliary parking lot for Grapefruit League the wrong time, to withdraw his offer.
overflow parking on the former golf- games – while it was still a golf course. buy it,” O’Malley said, “but it certainly
course property, just as the Dodgers makes sense for the county to own it.” That’s a loss, but losing Dodgertown
did before moving their spring-train- “We’d close the course and use the would be worse.
fairways for parking,” he said. “We The City Council delayed any deci-
6 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero Council election the rails, he had a way of matter-of-factly meeting, including “Coffee with the not an election unless he’s on the ballot.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 getting the council back on task. Mayor” events. As a candidate, she has The twist this time is that he’s run-
used the town hall format to build her
Sykes said he’s backing three of the “I am proud of the work we com- name and face recognition and reach ning for Vero council while active liti-
six. “I’ll be supporting Robbie Brack- pleted in two years on the City Coun- any voters that she’d not already met gation is pending in the courts with
ett, Laura Moss and Tony Young. I cil, and I look forward to staying in- since being elected in 2016. Heady suing the city and its council for
know they will make sure the electric volved,” Sykes said. violating his rights, among other charg-
sale is completed should the closing Having worked hard to bring the es. Heady is also one of the remaining
date extend past the Nov. 6 election,” Young, grandson of Vero’s first mayor, Florida Municipal Power Agency to three objectors with challenges lodged
Sykes said on Monday. is in charge of the city’s 2019 centennial the negotiating table to move the sale at the Florida Public Service Commis-
and it would be a major upset for him to Florida Power & Light forward, Moss sion to the Vero electric sale.
Not running for re-election was a not to be on the City Council to preside often takes credit for making the sale
long-planned move, as Sykes found- over the 100-year birthday celebrations. happen. She can be bossy and hyper- Once hailed as a firebrand, popu-
ed a new company this year, Riomar critical. This approach has not worn list hero for people in Vero who lacked
Shoes, and said he promised his busi- NEWS ANALYSIS well with her colleagues, Mayor Harry a voice in the political discussion,
ness partners and investors he would Howle and Councilman Val Zudans, Heady may very well have worn out
bow out of his City Council job. Sykes A decorated Army colonel and com- and Moss may have lost some support his welcome with city voters.
was elected to the council in 2016 af- bat veteran, a Vero native and a dedi- from the more conservative,Tea Party
ter losing the Republican primary for cated community servant, Young does constituency of Vero. Linda Hillman, though she has re-
Florida House District 54 to Vero attor- an excellent job representing what cently tried to revise history and con-
ney and now Rep. Erin Grall. might be referred to as “Old Vero.” Sup- In recent months, she’s begun to vince Vero voters otherwise, has op-
ported by veterans groups, the public overtly reach out to people concerned posed the sale of the electric utility by
In the nearly two years he’s served, safety unions, and long-time residents about growth issues and to the “Keep vocally opposing pro-sale candidates
Sykes has delivered on his campaign on the mainland and barrier island Vero Vero” crowd that has backed for- and ballot initiatives related to the elec-
promise to push for theVero Beach elec- alike, Young will be incredibly tough to mer mayors Dick Winger, Jay Kramer tric sale. When challenged on this, Hill-
tric sale, while advocating that Vero be beat in November. and their cohorts. Showing she’s a true man was cagey, saying she supported
more proactive on Indian River Lagoon politician, Moss will surely benefit from the police, but did not oppose the elec-
issues. Overall, Sykes brought a calm, Moss, who was elected in large part this ideological hedge in November. tric sale, back when fearmongering was
reasoned and pragmatic approach to due to her pro-sale stance on electric rampant that Vero would need to shut-
the council at times when rhetoric got issues, made a name for herself in Every city has at least one official ter its cop shop after a sale to FPL.
heated and tempers flared. His demean- her one-year term as Vero’s ceremo- gadfly in its ointment, and Heady is
or was always professional and courte- nial mayor by doing retail politics at probably Vero’s biggest and most de- The post-sale 2019 city budget set
ous, but when a discussion had gone off every possible community event or termined one. It’s hard to keep count, forth by City Manager Jim O’Connor
but this is probably Heady’s 20th run proves this is not a rational fear. Hill-
for public office and he jokes that it’s man is a mainland resident, a long-
time cashier at Publix and will surely
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 7
be backed by the likes of former coun- Hillman, McCabe and Brackett in con- Coastal Conservation Association, rep- “I have designed or been involved
cilman Ken Daige and his buddies. tention for the third seat. resented by President Paul Fafeita, also with most of them. From this experi-
wants the pipeline rerouted, not just ence, the overall lesson learned is not
The last two candidates are new to With his community connections, because of the geological fault, but also to underestimate the level of effort
Vero municipal races, Robert McCabe Brackett will be tough to beat for Sykes’ because a break would be nearly im- needed for planning, engineering and
and Robert “Robbie” Brackett. Mc- vacated spot. possible to repair or remediate. construction to successfully complete
Cabe was hired in 2016 as President the project,” he said.
and CEO of the Vero Beach Chamber John’s Island pipeline The latest objections to the project
of Commerce founded by former Vero CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 emerged after the county utilities de- Williams was also asked to review
councilman Charlie Wilson. Before partment hired an engineering firm a presentation Shores resident Tom
moving to Vero, McCabe ran the Gen- Now, a start date for the $6 million with expertise in big-pipe horizontal Ether made to the County Commission
esee County, Ohio Chamber of Com- project has been pushed back from directional drilling projects to look that raised concerns about the project,
merce for a county of 415,000 people this year until next summer. over plans and procedures as part of along with a study looking at salt wa-
and had a 32-year career in the New its “due diligence before issuing utility ter seepage from the lower to upper
York-based treasurer’s office of Gen- The project has been under fire from construction permits,” according to Floridan Aquifer in the South Central
eral Motors Corporation. multiple groups, including residents of Utility Director Vincent Burke. Florida region due to geological faults.
The Shores subdivision, who claim the
The Brackett name is almost synony- pipeline route, which runs along the Austin-based Brierley Associates Se- He concluded that“a geologist should
mous with Vero Beach itself. Candidate edge of their property, crosses a fault nior Consultant JimWilliams found mul- evaluate the possible presence of faults
Brackett’s parents Robert and Sandy line as it passes under the lagoon that tiple problems with project plans, start- near the project and local geohydrology
have long been pillars of theVero Beach could cause the pipe to rupture, pollut- ing with the fact that the pipe material conditions” before construction begins.
business community, in a variety of ing the lagoon. They also fear vibration to be used was not specified, informa-
real estate and insurance businesses, from drilling could damage their homes. tion he said was “critical” for determin- “The construction plans are not real
and in the past two decades have set ing tensile strength and other properties specific because we haven’t hired a
the bar in terms of philanthropic im- In addition, Shores homeowners asked that impact guiding and steering control drilling contractor yet,” said Moller. He
pact in Indian River County. Brackett the FDEP to supply missing documents as pipe is run under the lagoon. said one contractor being considered
brings with him immense knowledge in the environmental impact assess- has its own expert horizontal drilling
of the community, its infrastructure, its ment, which failed to detect endangered John’s Island Property Owners As- engineering department, which would
needs and its residents. indigo snakes or gopher tortoises along sociation and John’s Island Water Man- design and drill the pipeline. He also
the route that have been documented in agement, Inc. General Manager Jim said he is in the process of hiring a ge-
City Council candidates run at photos taken by Pelican Island Audubon Moller said high-density polyethylene ologist to study the terrain.
large, so the top three vote-getters will Society President Richard Baker. or plastic pipe is being considered,
gain seats on the governing body. If but Williams warned that only about a The pipeline’s proposed route starts
Young and Moss hold onto their seats The Treasure Coast Chapter of the dozen projects of this length and diam- at the county’s reuse water tank at
as seems likely, that will leave Heady, eter have been done with plastic pipes. 77th Street and Old Dixie Highway,
8 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
John’s Island pipeline and building the pipeline at its own for its two island golf courses, and for grows and more homes are converted
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 expense. Upon completion, it will its 1,382 residents who live in large sin- from septic systems to sewer.
transfer ownership of the pipeline to gle-family homes with big lawns and
goes south along Dixie Highway and the county, which will maintain it in in condominiums with acres of lushly “We know John’s Island needs to ir-
then U.S. Highway 1, east to the la- perpetuity, a deal already approved by planted communal land. rigate and the county needs to dispose
goon, one mile under the lagoon at a the county commission. In exchange, of its wastewater, preserving the Flori-
90-foot depth, crosses the island along the county will sell John’s Island 1 mil- Up until now, the community has dan Aquifer for drinking water,” Ether
Old Winter Beach Road adjacent to lion gallons a day of reuse water at half gotten most of its irrigation water said in his presentation.
The Shores subdivision, and then goes price for 25 years, allowing the com- from the City of Vero Beach, but Vero
south along State Road A1A. munity to recoup project costs. doesn’t have any more to spare. “We’re in favor of that. But we need
to see and agree on facts and solutions.
John’s Island is getting the permits The 1,650-acre John’s Island com- The county meanwhile has an in- Why this tortuous route that leaves a
munity needs more reclaimed water creasing amount of reuse water it pipe in shifting sands that could break
needs to dispose of as the population and pollute the lagoon?”
Three in the running for two Shores Town Council seats
BY LISA ZAHNER two top vote-getters in the Nov. 6 elec- served the city for more than a decade. for council after serving a year on the
Staff Writer tion will win spots on the council. When not on council, he served on the Town’s Police Pension Board, which he
Finance Commission, analyzing the said was an “enlightening experience.”
Three candidates qualified to com- Foley applied for appointment to the town’s budget, which played to his ex-
pete for two seats on the Indian River seat vacated by former mayor Brian perience as a long-time corporate CFO Foley has owned property in Indian
Shores Town Council in November. Barefoot in April, but the council chose of an international sporting goods and River Shores for 12 years and been a
former councilman Tom Slater. apparel company. Ochsner has lived in full-time resident for four years.
Two seats are up for grabs because in- the Shores for more than 13 years.
cumbent Vice Mayor Michael Ochsner’s While Barefoot said Monday that he An attorney for the past 34 years, he
term is up this fall and Councilman would be supporting Carroll and Och- Carroll worked for 41 years as an in- retired in 2016 as Vice President and
Richard Haverland is term-limited after sner in the contest, Slater remained vestment representative, most of that General Counsel of TriStrata Company
nearly eight consecutive years of service. diplomatic, saying Ochsner has been a time with Morgan Stanley. His board Inc. in Princeton, N.J.
good vice mayor and the two newcom- service includes the Oceanside Home-
Ochsner, who hopes to hold onto ers are “both excellent candidates.” owners HOA, and Board of Governors Before law school, he played profes-
his seat, is in competition with Pebble of RedStick Golf Club Vero. sional tennis. He’s also an avid golfer
Bay resident Brian Foley and John’s Is- “Should be interesting on all levels,” and former Chairman of the Board
land resident Jesse “Sam” Carroll. The Slater said. Carroll said he was moved to run and President of Westchester Country
Ochsner, an Estuary resident, has
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 9
Ocean Drive parking kiosk idea draws scant support
BY RAY MCNULTY acquire and install paid-parking kiosks problem with allowing merchants to try a maintenance contract. I think when
Staff Writer for the spaces in front of their buildings. it. “They’re looking for a solution, and they see the costs, they’ll reconsider, be-
this isn’t going to cost the city anything.” cause it’s going to be expensive.”
An Oceanside Business Association The council informally approved the
board member said it’s unlikely more concept without a vote, instructing in- Padgett, one of many Ocean Drive However, OBA Treasurer and lo-
than a handful of Ocean Drive mer- terested merchants to work with City retailers frustrated by the congested cal realtor Al Benkert believes Ocean
chants will invest in street-side kiosks Manager Jim O’Connor and his staff. parking situation in the Central Beach Drive merchants could make the kiosk
and charge for parking in front of their business district during Vero’s busy plan work. In fact, he said the OBA’s
stores. O’Connor said the council “wants season, complained that the spaces in board is expected to discuss the pos-
to accommodate the merchants,” who front of her store are often occupied by sibility at its meeting this week.
“I doubt if more than one or two re- would be required to sign agreements beachgoers and hotel employees.
tailers will do it,” J.M. Stringer Gallery with the city, which would not bear “The Oceanside village is a tremen-
owner Caesar Mistretta said last week- any of the costs connected to Padgett’s The city explored the possibility of dous asset for this community – not
end. “I’ve already spoken to some of idea, except for Vero Beach police tick- contracting with a vendor to install just for those who live on the island
the other retailers about it, and their eting vehicles parked beyond the time parking kiosks along Ocean Drive ear- – so keeping those retailers alive and
response was, ‘What are you, crazy?’ the drivers paid for. lier this year, but O’Connor said reve- profitable is a benefit to all of us. And
nues generated by such systems rarely this may be a way to help,” Benkert
“It’s a ridiculous idea,” he added. “The spaces still belong to the city cover the expense. said.
“I pay taxes. I pay a lot in rent. This and they’re not restricted,” O’Connor
shouldn’t be my responsibility. The said. “Anyone can park there. You’re Both he and Mistretta said no ven- “All this does is give individual re-
whole thing doesn’t make sense. For just going to have to pay to do so, at dor would embrace Padgett’s plan un- tailers the option of reserving the
something like this to work, you have least for those spaces. And instead of less most, if not all, of the Ocean Drive spaces in front of their stores for their
to do it throughout the Central Beach a three-hour time limit, you can park merchants agreed to participate. customers.”
business district – or at least all along there for as long as you pay for, which
Ocean Drive – or don’t do it at all. will be up to the merchants. “No parking company is going to do it If nothing else, he added, the kiosks
for only a handful of stores, or for even would discourage hotel and restau-
“And if we’re going to do something “We’re just getting started, so there’s just one block,” Mistretta said. “If it’s not rant employees from parking in the
like this, the city should do it.” a lot to still be worked out,” he added. the whole beach business district, or at on-street spaces along Ocean Drive.
“We don’t know how many merchants least all of Ocean Drive, the vendor is not
Cathy Padgett, owner of the Veranda will want to do it.” going to make the initial investment.” “They’re not going to park in the
jewelry store on Ocean Drive, asked the paid spots,” Benkert said, “especially if
City Council at last week’s meeting to O’Connor said he knew of no other Said O’Connor: “The merchants the price is high enough to make park-
allow individual beachside retailers to community with such a piecemeal probably will have to buy the equip- ing there for several hours a significant
paid-parking approach, but he sees no ment from the vendor and then pay for expense.”
10 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Jill Jaynes’ acupuncture clinic open, but is she involved?
BY FEDERICO MARTINEZ Pegg made it a condition of her release The employee, who would not give her ler asked, noting that Jaynes needed
Staff Writer that she “not practice acupuncture name, directed all further questions to to wrap things up at her practice.
. . . not return to Absolute Integrated attorney Brooke Butler, who is repre-
The once-booming acupuncture Medicine . . . [and not] be in the acu- senting Jaynes. “They’ll figure it out,” Pegg respond-
clinic Absolute Integrated Medicine puncture business.” ed.
remains open for business, although Butler previously said she believed
it’s not clear if owner Jill Jaynes, who Despite that order, the business is Pegg’s release conditions would re- Jaynes’ clinic employs several other
is facing multiple charges of fraud and operating and Jaynes’ name is still on quire Jaynes to shut down her prac- licensed acupuncturists and an office
racketeering in connection with its the business license at Vero Beach City tice. When she asked for clarification manager who oversees day-to-day op-
operation, is still involved. Hall. at the Aug. 24 bond hearing, Pegg told erations. Jaynes also has at least one
her that Jaynes is “not to be in the acu- family member who is employed at the
When Jaynes was let out on $455,000 “We are still open for business,” puncture business, period.” clinic. It’s not known whether they are
bond three weeks ago, Judge Robert an employee at Absolute Integrated working independently of Jaynes or still
Medicine confirmed in a phone call. “What about calls to patients?” But- reporting to her, or if the current situa-
tion violates the terms of Jaynes’ bond.
“My bond settings have not changed
since I set them,” Pegg said in a terse
statement to Vero Beach 32963 when
queried about the matter.
Neither Jaynes nor Butler have re-
sponded to phone calls or emails
since the bond hearing.
Jaynes’ troubles began in Decem-
ber 2016 when Suzanne Boyll, the
county’s human resources director,
noticed the county’s health-insurance
plan paid out more than $1.1 million
to one local acupuncture practice –
Jaynes’ Absolute Integrated Medicine
– from October 2015 through Septem-
ber 2016. The money paid to Absolute
was far more than to any other non-
hospital healthcare provider during
that period.
County officials said Jaynes was at-
tracting so many customers because
she was waiving patient co-pays – es-
sentially offering them free services,
while billing the county and Florida
Blue Cross Blue Shield, which insures
county employees, for $1.5 million.
Jaynes’ office was raided last Oc-
tober as part of a state investigation
requested by the county. She was ar-
rested at her office on Aug. 22 on
charges that she conspired with oth-
ers to defraud an insurance company
by submitting false or incomplete
information, illegally waived patient
copayments and deductibles, and un-
lawfully paid others who referred pa-
tients for treatments.
Butler has called the allegations “in-
flated and exaggerated,” and said she
plans to enter a not-guilty plea. Jaynes
is scheduled to be arraigned Sept. 26.
If convicted, she could face a maxi-
mum of 135 years in prison and mil-
lions in fines, officials said.
After her arrest, Jaynes sat in jail
for three days while her attorney at-
tempted to get her initial $955,000
bail, set by County Circuit Judge Da-
vid C. Morgan, reduced. Pegg agreed
to lower Jaynes’ bail to $455,000, but
added several more conditions, re-
quiring Jaynes to give up her passport,
wear a GPS monitor and “not be in the
acupuncture business.”
12 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Tunnel to Towers 5K: Inspiration fuels fired-up runners
Vivian McFall, John O’Connor and Megan McFall. Craig Lopes, Chris Manning, Tasha Cruz and Craig Weyandt.
Bridget Nelson, Hailey Rhymes and Catalina Pratt. Firefighter Stacey Zedak and Cynthia Falardeau with Dep. Shane Joerger, Cynthia Ryan, Det. Rob Ryan,
(back) Sharon Stewart, Arleen Alter and Floyd Blackwill. Dep. Ryan Eggers and Shelby Plumb.
Batt. Chief Ron Angelone and Gina Kempf. Chief Tad Stone and Dori Stone. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Overall winner Joseph Granberg. Chief David Currey and Sgt. Frank Adamski.
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF City, 343 firefighters were among the ran to honor Siller and other fallen fire departments from around the
Staff Writer 3,000 whose lives were lost to the ter- comrades. world sent people to Ground Zero to
rorist attacks in New York, Pennsylva- help with the cleanup efforts and the
A line of flags fluttered in the morn- nia and Washington, D.C. The sidewalk at the north end of recovery efforts. The world truly be-
ing breeze as runners lined up at Riv- Riverside Park was lined with images came one through that act.”
erside Park for the annual Tunnel to A record-breaking 529 runners rose of the more than 400 first responders
Towers 5K Run & Walk Vero Beach, with the sun Saturday to honor their who lost their lives on 9/11, taking the Race proceeds help support the
one of a nationwide series of events memory, the largest turnout thus far, 1-mile Memorial Walk participants on families of first responders and mili-
created to ‘follow the footsteps’ of Ste- according to Gina Kempf, race orga- an impactful journey as the fallen be- tary personnel who have died in the
phen Siller, a New York City firefight- nizer. came faces rather than numbers. line of duty. In addition to a 9/11 Never
er who lost his life on Sept. 11, 2001. Forget Mobile Exhibit, which educates
Upon learning of the attack on the Bagpiper Dennis McCarthy set “Vero Beach has not forgotten. I’m citizens about the events of that day,
Twin Towers, Siller strapped on his a tone of somber reflection before so proud to be a part of this commu- the Stephen Siller Foundation assists
gear and, finding traffic into the city Dustin Hawkins, Indian River County nity and this event,” said Kempf, who injured service members through the
was blocked, ran through the Brook- Fire Rescue chaplain, gave his moving will run in the New York City Tunnel construction of mortgage-free smart
lyn Battery Tunnel toward the danger. invocation. to Towers 5K later this month, carry- homes. Families of first responders
ing the same flag Vero Beach runners lost in the line of service are helped
The mission of the Stephen Siller Firefighters from around the state conveyed during Saturday’s event. through trust accounts and mortgage
Tunnel to Towers Foundation is to joined a team of nearly 70 IRC fire- payoffs.
honor the sacrifices of first respond- fighters, running alongside members “You think back to that day and
ers and military heroes. In New York of local law enforcement, veterans where you were and what happened; For more information, visit tunnel-
and the community. Many of the race how many people stood in line to give 2towers.org.
participants donned full gear as they blood in the days after and how many
14 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero welcomes back ‘CAST’ of British stage characters
BY MARY SCHENKEL Susan Boyd, Antajuan and Elizabeth Pinkney with their son, Quinn (front), cess. And then we slowly allow them
Staff Writer Marie Stiefel, Susan Lovelace and Charlotte Terry. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE to work with the text and to not feel
quite so daunted by it,” said Day.
Talented members of the Cam- high school and college students. to familiarize students with Shake-
bridge American Stage Tour first hit “It’s amazing; we’re having a great speare’s works. She said the company – a new cast
our sandy shores in 2008 at the invi- and crew perform a new play every
tation of the Laura (Riding) Jackson time,” said Teuta Day, CAST educa- “They use a lot of the movement year – is comprised of Cambridge stu-
Foundation, and the response to the tion officer. She explained that the work that the cast has been doing dents and recent graduates who have
British theater group – a not-for-prof- workshops use various techniques and introduce students to that pro- mastered their skill sets.
it society at the University of Cam-
bridge founded by Dame Judi Densch “They’ve climbed every rung they
– was so positive that they have been can at Cambridge and they’re just
invited back every year since. waiting to tip over to the professional
level now,” said Day. “It’s quite excit-
Unlike last year, when Hurricane ing; it’s a nice group.”
Irma curtailed some activities, this
year’s tropical storm had already In England, students perform in
washed through by Monday evening, numerous productions at all their lo-
when the 18-member troupe arrived cal performance venues.
and began settling in with their host
families. “All of us are quite heavily involved
in the theater scene in university,”
In addition to a performance of said Louis Norris. “There’s a really
Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” at Se- massive, bustling student theater
bastian River High School’s Perform- scene at Cambridge.”
ing Arts Center last Wednesday, their
whirlwind visit included a welcom- Performances here have taken
ing picnic hosted by longtime LRJF place at each of the various high
board member Charlotte Terry, as school auditoriums over the years.
well as acting workshops for local
“We try to spread it around, so that
everybody in the county can have
access to it,” said Marie Stiefel, LRJF
board president. “It’s been a won-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 15
Cathy Walker, Sean Sexton and Carrie Adams. Toby Waterworth, Jack Parham, Rachel Kitts and Teuta Day. Eileen Hanley, Susan Jaramillo, Craig Hanley and Jacque Jacobs.
CAST members Milo Callaghan, Rachel Kitts and Jonathan Ben-Shaul. Conor Dumbrell, Shimali De Silva, Beth Hindhaugh, Rebecca Fry, Charlotte Stephenson, Nick Harrison and Georgia Holmes.
derful collaboration. They approach Veranda
theater education from a different
point of view; sort of a holistic point
of view.”
Workshops ranged from tips on
working as an ensemble to writing
and moving with the language.
“It’s always very interesting; very
instructive. It’s fun to learn Shake-
speare that way and that’s why we do
it,” said Stiefel. “Laura Riding Jackson
has two focuses. One of them is en-
richment; we do things that the pub-
lic schools don’t have time to do. The
other is instruction; and CAST comes
at it from a different way of teaching
English. And that helps the kids ad-
vance their skills, so it’s a fun proj-
In addition to preserving the his-
toric home of poet Laura (Riding)
Jackson, the foundation promotes the
written word through teen and adult
writing workshops at their Writing
Center on 14th Avenue.
“It’s getting busier and busier,” said
Stiefel. “I think it’s going to be a good
year. And we need to move the house,
so we need to have it be a good year.”
For more information, visit laura-
16 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
There’s a will and a ‘Way’ among Day of Caring volunteers
Staff Writer
More than 1,300 volunteers took Vero Beach High School Varsity Cheerleaders. PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL Kip and Mary Jacoby with Randy Riley.
the message of the United Way of
Indian River County to heart Satur- to register another 50,” said Ka- tures and then share them on social he added, “this is not an honorary
day, joining together to Live United tie Kirk, Day of Caring chair, who media. We want to celebrate Day position; this is a lot of work.”
at the annual Day of Caring. Fully with co-chair Michelle Dion led an of Caring with our community,”
half that number gathered early in industrious committee. “So I’m ex- encouraged Michael Kint, UWIRC “We’ve all worked at United Way
the morning at the First Presbyte- cited; maybe we’ll get to 2,000 next CEO. Relating that the 2018/19 Cam- for a number of years to support all
rian Church for a rousing kickoff. year.” paign co-chairs are Kip and Mary the wonderful things that United
Jacoby, and Randy and Marge Riley, Way does through people like you,”
Participants were fortified by a “Make sure you take lots of pic- said Mary Jacoby. She particularly
bountiful breakfast spread donated
by McDonald’s, before individu-
als and teams, children and adults
spread out across the county to help
spruce up the homes of fellow resi-
dents in need, churches, schools
and nonprofit facilities.
“We have more than 75 projects,
including the schools,” said Tracey
Segal, UWIRC Campaign director.
She said that 13 elementary schools
and all middle and high schools
had students participating, includ-
ing many helping to assemble 1,000
homeless care kits.
“We had people calling yesterday
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 17
Jessica and Ed Decker with Katie Kirk. Mary Cone, Freddie Woolfork and Georgia Irish. Wayne Smith and Nancy Cook with Liz Hunter
and children Samuel and Bella Hunter.
Toni Kouns, IRCSO Deputy Teddy Floyd, Maj. Eric Flowers, Miranda Hawker and Tom Manwaring. Rick Hahn, Elizabeth and Chuck Gerrald, Daphne Gerrald, Susan Chenault Hahn, Andy White and Colene Israel.
Linda Wells and Glenn Gandolfi. Max Moskowitz and Shae Riley.
thanked Publix for consistently be- Following several other cheers
ing the largest single contributor to and routines, ten young ladies
United Way, and also noted the gen- overturned cards indicating that
erous contributions of Torchbearers this year’s goal was a whopping
and Elite Sponsors. $2,970,000.
“The first step in the campaign is “Hopefully, with everyone’s help,
determining what our goal is going we’ll be able to achieve that, because
to be,” said Jacoby. “The number is please dear Lord, we really need
very important because it represents to,” said Jacoby. “It’s more than just
hope, and that hope represents the a number; it’s a community. It’s In-
help that we can afford the commu- dian River County and we know that
nity.” with wonderful people like you, we
will achieve this goal and we will
To introduce the goal with thun- Live United.”
derous spirit, members of the Vero
Beach High School Varsity Cheer- Before volunteers departed for their
leaders took to the stage, inviting various assignments, members of the
the crowd to join them in an upbeat Vero Beach High School Fighting In-
cheer: “Y-E-L-L everybody yell, Let’s dians Band galvanized the crowd
Live United!” with yet more spirited numbers.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Kicking in for Vero lifeguards at ‘Barefoot Beach Ball’
Staff Writer
Last Sunday was wet and wild Rokas Cesnakauskas, Erik Toomsoo, Ellis Baker and A.J. Nicholson. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Lee Olsen and Donna Roberts Mitchell.
and filled with activities to support
the Vero Beach Lifeguard Associa- erything from full-length gowns to VBLA statistics indicate that in Creek House of Refuge – the area’s
tion. The day concluded with the bow-ties and boas. Other amuse- 2017 more than 750,000 people first lifeguard station, built in 1876
fourth annual Barefoot Beach Ball ments included a live mermaid, visited the city beaches, keeping at the location of the present-day
at Waldo’s Restaurant to help the auctions and drawings, taco bar, lifeguards busy with nearly 14,000 Jaycee Park.
VBLA keep the ball rolling for water pie-eating contest and bidding on preventative actions, 350 medical
safety. dates with lifeguards. assists and 19 rescues. The one fa- Toomsoo said the centrally lo-
tality that year occurred in an un- cated tower and command center
Stormy weather that morn- At sunset, Souljam’s Brandon guarded area. would give the lifeguards a secure,
ing called a halt to the Race to the Putzke led the crowd down to the sheltered location, would improve
Wreck, a paddle and swim to the ocean to the beat of a djembe drum Since forming and beginning its command and control during emer-
Breconshire, but the rain didn’t for the ‘Hunk Dunk Plunge,’ with fundraising and advocacy efforts gencies, and would expand their
keep supporters from playing their guests, still dressed in their finery, seven years ago, the VBLA has re- field of vision.
hands at the afternoon Poker Pub jumping in beside them. stored 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. protection,
Crawl. Participants picked up their increased the number of lifeguards “Public safety is all about being
first card at Waldo’s before mak- “We need lifeguards; we need on duty and added ATVs to every proactive. We want to be proactive,
ing stops at the Wave Kitchen & Bar them on the beach. Not only is it tower. as we keep seeing more and more
at Costa d’Este, Mulligan’s Beach good for tourism, but it’s also good people on the beach. There are four
House and Grind + Grape, before for our locals,” said Mitchell. She “This year the focus is to get the miles of beach in the city and only
returning to Waldo’s to collect their shared that she broke her neck at Humiston lifeguard tower built,” 600 yards of guarded area,” said
final card and – if Lady Luck was on age 16 after being hit by a wave at said Erik Toomsoo, VBLA president. Toomsoo.
their side – prizes. Jaycee Beach, which was then an
unprotected beach. Plans are underway to erect a For more information, visit VBLA.
Players, joined by new partiers, tower reminiscent of the Bethel org.
then shifted gears to engage in the
annual “abnormal formal” orga-
nized once again by Donna Roberts
Mitchell and Sally Dillon of Idea
Garden/Planet Vero, and Waldo’s
manager Lee Olsen.
“Our proximity to Humiston Park
is very important as far as the life-
guards go,” said Olsen. “Our hotel
guests feel more secure because
they know there’s a lifeguard stand
within vision range.”
Souljam entertained the rowdy
revelers, who were dressed in ev-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 19
Greg and Diane Wagner with Chris and Charlie Pope. Eric Fritzsche and Shannon Mone with Anne and Jake Spruit.
Joel Brown, Ashley Reap and Douglas Klock. Brandee Anthony. Lee Hunter and Kyla Fontana with Molly Teter Webb and Luke Webb.
David Moore and Cassandra Lynne. Brandon Putzke playing the djembe. Tom and Coleen Klapasa. Aiden Feeback with mother Jill Feeback.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Healthy dose of info at ‘Cocktails and Conversations’
BY MARY SCHENKEL Karen Deigl and Vicki Soulé. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE pital’s operations. When Trustees enter negotiations with Cleveland
Staff Writer opted to lease the facilities to then- Clinic. Final documents will be dis-
patients was 1,986 and monthly op- Indian River Memorial Hospital in seminated to boards and the public
Invited guests gathered at a Cock- erating expenses were $934. 1985, a hospital board began over- on Sept. 27 at the IRSC Richardson
tails and Conversations reception seeing a management team that Center, before final decisions are
last Thursday afternoon at the Holi- After a new hospital was opened runs its operation. made by individual boards on Oct.
day Inn Oceanside, where Senior near the current County Adminis- 3.
Resource Administration CEO Kar- tration complex, the Hospital Dis- District trustees continue to rep-
en Deigl, a Hospital District board trict was created in 1959; its seven resent taxpayers as owners of the “We are not selling the hospital;
member, and Treasure Coast Com- elected officials managed the hos- land and the facilities, leasing them if this goes through, it is a leased
munity Health CEO Vicki Soulé to Indian River Medical Center. The situation,” said Deigl. “We still will
gave informative presentations on Indian River Medical Center Foun- be a taxing district. We still want
the State of Healthcare in Indian dation raises philanthropic dollars to continue to provide funding for
River County. to provide funding for capital build- programs like Treasure Coast Com-
outs. munity Health. We want to provide
“Sometimes the Hospital District services for everyone in our com-
is a little confusing; a lot of people “We have a very broad spectrum munity, because it is still a commu-
don’t understand who we are and of things that we actually can do as nity hospital. And that’s the impor-
how we affiliate with the Indian a taxing district,” said Deigl. Their tant thing.”
River Medical Center,” said Deigl. overall mission is to improve the
As an independent special taxing health of the community, including Soulé spoke of the growth of
district, she said they have taxing through partnerships with health- TCCH, from its founding as a Fells-
authority to support healthcare ser- care providers such as TCCH. mere clinic 25 years ago to its status
vices for local residents. as a Federally Qualified Commu-
When a 2016 Strategic Study indi- nity Health Center with six care fa-
Presenting some “fun factoids,” cated that IRMC could no longer fis- cilities, which in 2017 served 19,540
Deigl said that the area’s first hos- cally sustain operations as a stand- residents.
pital in 1932 had room rates of $4.50 alone hospital, the district, hospital
and $5 per day. Over its first seven and foundation boards established Its wide-ranging services include
years, the average yearly number of a partnership collaborative com- primary care, women’s health, den-
mittee, which eventually chose to tal care, psychiatry, behavioral
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 21
health, counseling, pediatrics, pedi- based on an ability to pay. Thanks to dence. We know we live in paradise nationally in the top 30 percent of
atric dentistry, pediatric psychiatry, federal funding, a unique benefit is and we want our healthcare to be the Community Health Centers.
on-site discount pharmacies, on-site that Medicare deductibles are always best we can offer.”
labs, EKG, X-ray services and health waived. “So I would encourage you to talk to
navigation. Services are provided to She said TCCH was recently pre- your friends and neighbors to let them
individuals with and without insur- “I’m so pleased that we’re able to sented with the Quality Leader Award know of these benefits,” said Soulé,
ance, with payments on a sliding scale help people,” said Soulé. “All of the from the U.S. Health Resources & Ser- adding that, with community support,
things we do, we do with clinical evi- vices Administration, placing them they hope to continue to grow.
24 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Firefighter Wiles blazes trail as fine art photographer
BY ELLEN FISCHER Rusty Wiles. and planes, so when I got into photo-
Columnist graphic minimalism – which I didn’t
PHOTO BY MARYANN KETCHUM even know was a thing – it all made
The slow month of September is usu- sense. It’s like, this is everything I’ve
ally when staff at the A.E. Backus Mu- always seen.”
seum and Gallery in Fort Pierce closes
to the public to rehang the permanent An artist needs a public setting in
collection and attend to the myriad de- which to show his work; for him, that
tails concerning the upcoming season, venue is Instagram. Wiles uploaded his
which begins in October with its “Best first photos there during Instagram’s in-
of the Best” competitive exhibition. fancy in 2013 and now has an audience
of 49,000 people following his work.
This year is different. Director J.
Marshall Adams is reopening in mid- In addition to sharing images in
September for a pre-season exhibition friendly rivalry with other photogra-
of fine art photography by Rusty Wiles, phers on Instagram, art dealers have
a native of Fort Pierce who also hap- come a-calling via the digital medium.
pens to be a firefighter and paramedic Wiles has been working with a company
with the St. Lucie County Fire District’s called Social Media Art Gallery, whose
Central Station in Fort Pierce. director has included his Instagram
photos in group shows in Hamburg,
Wiles’ photographic imagery fea- Germany (where the company is based),
tures close-up details of Florida’s The Photographs of Rusty Wiles” for whom a brief foray into abstraction and Johannesburg, South Africa. For
coastal architecture, rendered in in- promises to be a four-alarm show. in a high school art class was second both exhibitions his images were made
tense color against flawless blue skies. nature. Still is. into prints for real-time viewing; from
With works like these, “First Response: An imaginative sense for color and the latter, two of Wiles’ prints were sold.
composition comes naturally to Wiles, “I’ve always seen in lines and angles
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 25
Wiles did not see those shows in photographer’s fine art show. add a little contrast, saturation, maybe City for a live meet and greet with some
person and has never seen his images Five years ago, Wiles was a firefight- brightness, maybe sharpen it, and that of his Instagram fans.
made into prints, until now. was it; I would put it out on Instagram.”
er in Brevard County when he began to Does our local scene have to worry
“I feel honored to have my first solo take pictures in his off-duty hours. Now he’s shooting large, five-mega- about losing Wiles to the big time? If
show here at the Backus Museum in my byte images on his Canon, and able to some gallery bigwig comes up to Wiles
hometown,” says Wiles, confiding that “I was up on Merritt Island, Cocoa enlarge the image without losing de- at that event and says, ‘Rusty, I can
he and wife, Melanie – known by many Beach area – right there on the water. My tail. “Like, man, I can make this thing make you an art star in New York City –
as the director of St. Lucie County’s shift change was at 7 a.m. When I would the size of a wall now!” he says. but you’ll have to give up your career in
Boys and Girls Club – held their wed- get off of work, a lot of times I would Fort Pierce,’ would he do it?
ding reception at the museum some 10 drive right over to the beach where it was While he is understandably nervous
years ago. all bright colors and shadows.” about the reception for his work from After a pause Wiles says, “I don’t
his hometown fans, Wiles is excited know. I don’t think I could give up be-
“First Response” will open in the He was especially attracted to the about the doors his photography has ing a fireman right now. I’m fortunate.
museum’s south gallery on Sept. 14- Ron Jon Surf Shop, a neo-deco, baby- opened him. Remember Social Media I have one of those jobs where I get up
15. Also on those days, the unrelated blue behemoth with yellow trim. Art Gallery, which sold his work over- in the morning and I look forward to
Firefighter Combat Challenge will be seas? In conjunction with that gallery, going to work. I enjoy my photography,
held in the city parking lot adjoining Wiles took all his photos with his on Sept. 30 Wiles will be in New York too. I’m very blessed.”
the museum. Sponsored by 3M Scott, cellphone, using it exclusively for about
a major manufacturer of firefighters’ three years before he got his “real”
respiratory equipment, the Combat camera, a Canon digital SLR.
Challenge will showcase the strength
and endurance skills of firefighting People were his first subject matter.
teams from all over the U.S. Sometimes he would sit in his truck,
waiting for someone to walk in front
Wiles anticipates bouncing back and of a colorful wall or window, to inject
forth between the events on those days. some life into an otherwise rigidly ar-
Outside, he will be in the Combat Chal- chitectural scene.
lenge audience, cheering for his bud- “There had to be some sort of com-
dies on the St. Lucie County Fire District position in the background, and maybe
team; inside, he will play host to the mu- somebody wearing a big hat or what-
seum audience for his photographs. ever,” he says, adding that the cellphone
made it easy to photograph people with-
Wiles’ show in the Backus Museum out spooking them, or feeling bashful
will continue on Sunday, Sept. 15, himself, about taking candid pictures.
and be open again on the following He complains that his Canon camera is
two weekends. Sunday, Sept. 30 is the too big and obvious for comfort.
show’s final day. “People look at you weird when you
are taking pictures. ‘What is this guy
Director Adams sounds exultant doing?’” he asks in mock horror.
about this opportunity to show Wiles’ His “real” camera, however, is abso-
work. lutely necessary now that Wiles wants to
have his images enlarged to gallery-size
“It feels like Rusty’s on the edge of prints. To help him learn the technology
something big,” he says. behind digital printmaking, Adams di-
rected Wiles to Paul and Emily Kubica,
Adams explains that when he first the owner-managers of Laserchrome
met Wiles and saw his images last Technologies in Melbourne. Their com-
spring, he immediately wanted to ex- pany, which specializes in Cibachrome
hibit them at the museum. There was printing, is doing all the prints for Wiles’
one sticking point. show. Some of his prints are on thin
metal substrates with a reflective coat-
“I already had the next year’s sched- ing that will make the images glow as
ule blocked out and couldn’t fit anoth- though on a computer screen writ large,
er feature show in.” but without electricity.
Wiles marvels that “before meeting
When a city official alerted the mu- Paul and Emily, I was just using the In-
seum that the Firefighters Combat stagram setting on my phone. I would
Challenge would use the adjoining
parking lot in mid-September, Adams
did not envision an inconvenience. He
saw a timely tie-in for a firefighting
26 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: All symphonic roads lead to ‘Rome’ this Sunday
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA about in the shops and, of course, en-
Staff Writer joy the art. 772-202-2810.
1 Two of Ottorino Respighi’s most 3 What’s cookin’ on the Sand
glorious, soaring sonic master- Bar at Capt. Hiram’s this week?
works, “Roman Festivals” and “Pines This Friday, Sept. 14, at 7:30 p.m.,
of Rome,” will launch the Space Coast Kings County, out of Orlando, will
Symphony Orchestra’s 10th Anni- kick up the sand with high-energy
versary season this Sunday, Sept. 16. party rock and alternative/modern.
The full, 90-piece orchestra is pull- Saturday at 3:30 p.m., Jeff Marquis, a
ing out all the stops in this ambi- one-man band, takes your faves and
tious, not-to-be-missed concert at gives them a reggae twist. At 7:30
the VBHS Performing Arts Center. 2 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra season starts Sunday. p.m. Lua Pearl takes the stage: four
These two marvelous pieces con- guys and a gal out of Palm Bay, play-
jure fantastic images, distant sounds ing top-of-the-charts covers – pop,
and ancient grandeur, and, together composer’s tribute to scenes around 2 When is a pot not a pot? Often, rock, country, blues – and even jazz.
his country’s capital, some contem- when it resides at the Flametree
with Respighi’s “Fountains of Rome,” porary and some recalling the glory of On Monday, Sept. 17, guitar man
the Roman Empire, and has become
make up what became known as “The Respighi’s most frequently performed Gallery, where you will usually dis- and vocalist Kevin McCullers plays
work. Also on the concert program is
Roman Trilogy.” According to Brit- a one-movement concerto for English cover one-of-a-kind clay pieces from classic and contemporary coun-
Horn by Kenneth Fuchs, “Eventide,”
tanica.com, Respighi was drawn to performed by the orchestra’s English the hands, wheels, kilns and imagi- try rock starting at 6 p.m. Look for
horn principal player Kristin Naigus.
the sensual, decadent climate of the Inspiration for this pastoral piece nations of area potters. The current singer/songwriter Alex Rodriguez
came from spirituals such as “Swing
Rome depicted by the poet Gabriele Low, Sweet Chariot.” Time: 7 p.m. exhibition, now through Sept. 30, is on Wednesday at 6 p.m., easing you
General admission: $25, 18 and under:
D’Annunzio, and wrote big, colorful, free. 855-252-7276. entitled “Fun,” and the pieces you’ll through Hump Day with soft rock
brash works about his beloved city. find, created by both resident and and soul. Friday the 21st, get ready
In his suite, “Pini di Roma”/“Pines of guest artists, are variously described for Iris, a top 40 rock and pop coun-
Rome”(1923-24), a breathtaking ode as wacky, whimsical, weird, funky. try duo from Melbourne. A 7:30 p.m.
to nature and the iconic landscapes Flametree is one of several galleries it’s Hypersona, a “full throttle rock
of the Eternal City, Respighi “sought in downtown Vero’s 14th Avenue art band” who promises no style is off
to convey the subtlety and color of the district, a pleasant place to spend a limits – if you can think of it, they
poet’s imagination.” It is the Italian bit of time, stroll, grab a bite, poke can play it.
wAwpwpl.iBcaatcikounsaMvauislaebulme .actom CALL TO ARTISTS
Oil/Acrylic, Watercolor
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Entries Accepted
Sept. 16 - Oct 6,
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Photographs by Rusty Wiles
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Special Pre-Season
Sept. 14 - 30, 2018
Fridays - Saturdays 10 am - 4 pm and Sundays 12 n - 4 pm
500 N Indian River Dr • Fort Pierce, FL 34950
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made for decades as an inexpensive alternative to lot of shock in the industry,” Dupuy says. The 1996 and manufactured rubies, sapphires, and
mined stones for industrial purposes, are cracking brand is essentially big-footing an existing mar- alexandrites even before that, according to Chief
the consumer market. In recent years, the technol- ket; Stuller, Chatham Created Gems Inc., Lucent Executive Officer Tom Chatham. New York’s Pure
ogy to produce gem-quality stones has improved Diamonds, Pure Grown Diamonds Inc., and other Grown, founded in 1996, wholesales lab diamonds
dramatically; the new manufactured diamonds producers are already firmly established in the ranging in size from 0.01 carats to 5.5 carats in
are optically, physically, and chemically the same laboratory gemstone business. pink, yellow, blue, champagne, and other colors.
as mined stones.
Chatham, a family-owned company based in De Beers’s lab diamonds will be sold for $800 a
“They’re so identical that we never have them San Francisco, started diamond production in carat – deeply undercutting the market. “I saw a
out on the same desk at the same time,” says Har- guy selling lab-growns for $2,200 a carat at a trade
old Dupuy, vice president of strategic analysis at Lightbox Halo earrings with a 1⁄2-carat pink diamond, $500 show,” says Rob Bates, the news director of JCK, a
Stuller Inc., a Louisiana-based jewelry maker and jewelry trade publication. “But as soon as De Beers
gem wholesaler that produces laboratory stones. A 2-carat diamond announced their price, he reduced his price” to
from Pure Grown. $800.
The allure of these cheaper stones is so strong
that sometime this month, industry heavyweight According to Chatham, “De Beers has created
De Beers Group – whose advertising motto “A Di- predatory pricing to ruin the industry.” At these
amond Is Forever” was named the slogan of the prices, he adds, “I don’t think [De Beers] is charg-
century by Ad Age – will begin selling its own line ing enough to make money.” (Morrison says, “De
of lab-grown-diamond jewelry under the brand Beers decided three years ago to offer lab-created
Lightbox. stones as a result of consumer demand.”)
“We’re not trying to pass these off as natural dia- The initial Lightbox collection offers about 50
monds,” says Sally Morrison, Lightbox’s chief mar- simple styles in earrings and pendant necklaces,
keting officer. And they shouldn’t: The U.S. Federal available in two shapes and three colors in sizes
Trade Commission in July revised its guidelines for up to 1 carat.
the identification of the stones.
Offerings beyond those would dig into De
Diamonds are now defined as “a mineral con- Beers’s key bridal segment. According to Morri-
sisting essentially of carbon crystallized in the iso- son, the Lightbox collection is positioned to com-
metric system.” Previously the definition included pete against self-purchase items such as “accesso-
the word “natural,” which has now been omitted, ries, skin care, and cosmetics.”
opening the door for lab-grown stones to legally
identify as diamonds. The trend has gained enough steam that celeb-
rities are hopping on board. Leonardo DiCaprio –
But a manufactured diamond must be “quali- who starred in the 2006 film Blood Diamond and
fied by a clear and conspicuous disclosure” with in turn drew attention to the issue of gem mines
words such as laboratory-grown, “conveying that financing warlords – made headlines in 2015 by in-
the product is not a mined one.” vesting in Diamond Foundry Inc., a San Francisco
The De Beers announcement generated “a
It’s among a growing group of producers trying
to compete on a higher level by making premium-
Ángel Ring from
Atelier Swarovski
by Penelope Cruz,
looking jewelry using the diamonds. A four-stone luxury product. “We wanted red-¬carpet expo- collection with us, and she wanted to ensure that
cuff ring from its DF Atelier line is priced at $4,506. sure, but we needed diamonds. Celebrities don’t the pieces were eco-friendly.”
Collaborations with Jennifer Fisher, Pamela Love, want to wear cubic zirconia on the red-carpet,”
Eva Fehren, and other designers to produce ¬fine says Nadja Swarovski, a member of the executive Cruz, like DiCaprio, saw the PR benefit in align-
jewelry have raised the brand’s profile. board. ing with jewelry not associated with child labor,
conflict, or environmental destruction.
Swarovski, a crystal maker with a 2016 global So the company started sourcing them and
revenue of $3.7 billion, created its Atelier Swarovs- putting them into haute jewelry. This year, she “I am lucky to be in a position where I can help
ki subbrand 10 years ago in an effort to offer a adds, “we approached Penélope Cruz to create a shine a light on conscious luxury and create prod-
ucts that have a positive impact,” she said in a
statement. “Today when we buy something, we
want to know what it is, where it comes from, how
it was made, what it involves.”
The Atelier Swarovski by Penelope Cruz collec-
tion made its debut at the Haute Couture fashion
shows in Paris in July. Prices range from $5,000 to
It’s a fast-moving industry, but such stones have
been around for more than half a century. “Gen-
eral Electric created the first lab-grown diamonds
in 1954,” says Tom Moses, executive vice president
of the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). In-
dustrial-grade diamonds – which he says “look like
sand” – are used for cutting, drilling, and polishing
procedures, as well as for precision surgical tools.
A diamond is considered gem-quality when it
meets the GIA’s standards of clarity and color. In
1971, GE made the first gem-quality diamonds,
which are on display at the Smithsonian. It took
two more decades before the technology was pro-
ducing stones high-quality enough to compete in
the gemstone industry.
There are two ways to ¬create a diamond in
the lab: high pressure-high temperature (HPHT)
and the newer chemical vapor deposition (CVD).
“CVD is more advanced tech,” Moses says. In CVD,
a thin layer of diamond substrate or “seed” pro-
vides the base for the carbon atoms to grow into
30 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 INSIGHT COVER STORY Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 29 Left: Diamonds manu-
factured by Pure Grown.
A plasma reactor
at the Diamond Below: Chemical vapor
Foundry. deposition (CVD) gem-
making machines at the
Diamond Foundry.
a diamond crystal after being treated needs to be cut and polished just as out. “The mines are aging, and no new the resale market. At the high end, in
with a mixture of hydrocarbon gas one pulled from the Earth would. productive mines have been found in a auctions at Sotheby’s and Christie’s,
and hydrogen in a vacuum chamber couple of decades.” mined stones have consistently seen
heated to more than 900F. Both meth- “Mined-diamond production reached “record sales that clearly show strong
ods produce a “rough” diamond that a peak 10 to 12 years ago, with a yield For now, purists who buy mined demand,” Moses says.
of 170 million carats,” Moses points diamonds are likely to fare better in
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 31
Still, sellers of mined diamonds fear es]” and effectively did away with the Part of the appeal is that “lab-grown di- simply offer a lower-priced option. “If a
“a repeat of what Mikimoto did” to the natural pearl business. amonds contribute to the well-being of consumer has the opportunity to buy a
natural pearl industry, Chatham says. the planet,” Swarovski says. “For us it’s 50 percent larger diamond at the same
When the Japanese company derived a A recent study by MVI Market- a win-win – we get better bottom-line price, what is she going to go home
method of culturing pearls, “they were ing LLC, a research firm in the luxury results and have a positive impact on with?” asks Amish Shah, CEO of ALTR
the first to make a copy of a naturally space, showed that 70 percent of mil- the environment.” Created Diamonds. “No woman will
occurring gem [at vastly reduced pric- lennials would consider a lab stone as say one is too big for her finger.”
the centerpiece of an engagement ring. Plus, at the retail level, lab diamonds
32 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BY DAVID IGNATIUS | WASHINGTON POST The first Russian U.N. resolution appears to be American suspicion that Russia and China were
drawn largely from a Chinese-drafted “code of con- playing a double game on cyber conflict led the
Imagine a bully who’s pounding your head against duct” approved in 2015 by Russia, China and the oth- State Department in June 2017 to criticize nations
a wall. When you complain that it hurts and threat- er four members of the Shanghai Cooperation Or- that “seem to want to walk back progress made in
en to punch back, he offers to sign an international ganization. It features high-minded language about previous GGE reports.” The “Experts” dialogue has
agreement against bullying. Meanwhile, he keeps “the need to protect the Internet . . . from threats and withered over the past year, and the Russians are
pounding your head. vulnerabilities.” But it allows countries to muzzle in- now seeking U.N. General Assembly backing for
formation at home and restrict dissent. their code of conduct.
That’s a shorthand summary of the peculiar situ-
ation that has developed in the United Nations’ dis- The United States has negotiated intermittently Russia’s cybercrime initiative is a second leg of the
cussions about regulating cyberspace. The Russians with Russia and the United Nations on cyber issues, effort to steer cyber-regulation Moscow’s way. Rus-
are aggressively hacking U.S. and European infra- trying to build norms of behavior and confidence- sia was the only major European country that didn’t
structure, according to U.S. intelligence reports. At building measures without compromising Internet sign the 2001 Budapest Convention, partly because
the same time, they are pushing for international freedom. The main forum since 2004 has been the it allowed foreign law enforcement officials to di-
regulation of cyberspace – on their own terms. United Nations’ Group of Governmental Experts rectly query Internet service providers. Since then,
(GGE). Over the years, it has applied the rules of Russia has campaigned to replace Budapest with a
Russian plans to offer new U.N. cyber-regulation war to cyber conflict, extended international law to Moscow-friendly alternative.
pacts were floated last month by Anatoly Smirnov, a cyberspace, and pledged that nations will protect
top computer scientist at the Moscow State Institute “critical infrastructure” from cyberattack. Russia has tailored its new cybercrime conven-
of International Relations, in an interview with Ne- tion to fit its authoritarian needs. It includes 72 ar-
zavisimaya Gazeta. He said Russia would soon intro- Yet after endorsing the 2015 GGE report that suppos- ticles that experts say would allow countries to cen-
duce a cyber “code of conduct” and a pathway to a edly protected infrastructure, Russia this year allegedly sor internal debate, without adding significant new
new cybercrime convention to replace one signed in conducted cyberattacks against U.S. and European measures to curb malicious cybercriminals. Rather
Budapest in 2001. nuclear power plants and water and electrical systems, than pitching this new convention directly, Russia
according to the Department of Homeland Security. may offer a blander U.N. proposal to study an up-
It’s noteworthy that another faculty member of date to Budapest, as a first wedge.
Smirnov’s university is Andrey Krutskikh, the top
Kremlin adviser on cyber issues. At a private con- “We think we should have a continuing conver-
ference in Moscow in February 2016, Krutskikh said sation at the U.N. about responsible state behavior
menacingly, “I’m warning you: We are at the verge of in cyberspace,” including a resumption of the GGE
having ‘something’ in the information arena, which expert talks, says a senior administration official. It’s
will allow us to talk to the Americans as equals.” been clear for years that the United States doesn’t
want an arms-control approach that would man-
Russia’s tone on cyber matters, at once defiant and date unverifiable and potentially counterproduc-
defensive, reflects Moscow’s claim that America shot tive rules.
first in the Internet wars and Russia is struggling to
respond. For example, before quoting Smirnov, Ne- President Vladimir Putin touted his plan for a
zavisimaya Gazeta cited a Wall Street Journal report “working group” with the United States on cyber-
that the Trump administration had decided to “loos- security at the Helsinki summit in July. Fortunately,
en rules of engagement for U.S. cyberattacks.” the Trump administration appears to understand
that, for now, allying with Moscow to combat cyber-
Russia is conducting a quiet lobbying campaign crime would be like hiring a burglar to protect the
for its U.N. package. On Aug. 3, through the U.N. Of- family jewels.
fice on Drugs and Crime, Russia invited an alliance
of developing nations known as the Group of 77 (it’s This article first appeared in The Washington Post.
actually 134 countries now) to Vienna this week to It does not necessarily reflect the views of Vero Beach
discuss “preventing and combatting cybercrime.” A 32963.
European official said Russia offered to pay airfares.
ADVANCE CARE PLANNING, PART V I am Worried I won’t get enough care; Worried I’ll get
overly aggressive care; or Somewhere in-between.
Questions to Ask Yourself I Wouldn’t mind spending my last days in a hospital; Want
to spend my last days at home; or Somewhere in-between.
It’s time to start thinking about tough choices that need to be con-
sidered about end-of-life decisions. As you develop your personal- 3. ROLE DO I WANT LOVED ONES TO PLAY?
ized advance care plan, remember you can change your instruc- I want my loved ones to do Exactly what I’ve said, even if it
tions at any time – as you get older, if your health changes or if makes them a little uncomfortable; What brings them
your viewpoint alters. peace, even if it goes against what I’ve said; or Somewhere
Just as important as it is to prepare your last will and testament to in-between.
make sure finances and family matters are in order, so too should When the time comes, I want To be alone; To be sur-
you think about what you want and don’t want done medically if rounded by my loved ones; or Somewhere in-between.
you become near death, and are not able to speak for yourself. I Don’t want my loved ones to know everything about my
By answering the questions below, you’ll become better prepared health; Am comfortable with those close to me to know
to share your decisions with loved ones so they can make your everything about my health; or Somewhere in-between.
wishes known if you can’t. To locate advance directive (living will/appointment of a health-
WHAT… care surrogate to be your spokesperson) forms, contact your local
1. ROLE DO I WANT TO PLAY IN THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS? Area Agency on Aging by calling the Eldercare Locator toll-free at
I want To only know the basics; To know all the details; or 1.800.677.1116 or go online to www.eldercare.gov.
Somewhere in-between. Give copies to your primary doctor and your healthcare surrogate.
I want My doctor to make all the decisions; To be in- Keep copies – easily accessible – in your files as well. Hospitals
volved in every decision; or Somewhere in-between. might ask for a copy when you are admitted, even if you are not
I prefer Not to know how quickly my disease is progressing; seriously ill.
To know my doctor’s best estimate for how long I have to To help you start the conversation, go online to www.theconversa-
live; or Somewhere in-between. tionprojectirc.org. By thinking about it and letting others know how
2. KIND OF CARE DO I WANT TO RECEIVE? you feel now, the better prepared you and your loved ones will be
I want To receive medical care indefinitely, no matter how for the future.
uncomfortable treatments are; Good quality of life vs. Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always wel-
quantity of life; or Somewhere in-between. come. Email us at [email protected].
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34 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
It’s hard to imagine a more disturbing portrait of important about of sight is out of mind.
a president than the one Bob Woodward painted of The ploy buys time and
Richard Nixon in his final days: paranoid, poisoned Woodward’s meticu- short-circuits an impul-
by power, pounding the carpet and talking to the sive presidential decision
portraits on the walls. But the early days of Donald lous reporting in the that had gone through
Trump’s presidency, as recounted by Woodward in his none of the proper vet-
new book, “Fear,” are strikingly similar and in some 1970s is even more
ways even more gut-wrenching. ting channels. (If the
invaluable today: His reader should doubt the
In both “Fear” and “The Final Days,” which he co- authenticity of the anec-
authored with Carl Bernstein, Woodward shows how a utter devotion to “just dote, the prologue ends
federal criminal investigation clouds and then comes with a facsimile of the
to obsess a president and paralyze the operations of the facts” digging and unsigned letter.)
the White House. At a moment when feverish talk of
presidential impeachment dominates the political his compulsively thor- The suspenseful
discourse, “Fear” is full of Nixonian echoes, including scene sets up the story
Trump’s childishly short attention span and refusal to ough interviews, pre- to follow. “The real-
read briefing papers. Nixon’s aides were instructed not ity was that the United
to give him anything more complicated than a Read- served on tape for this States in 2017 was teth-
er’s Digest article. ered to the words and
book, make him a reli- actions of an emo-
“Fear” is an important book, not only because it
raises serious questions about the president’s basic able narrator. In an age tionally overwrought,
fitness for the office but also because of who the au- mercurial and un-
thor is. Woodward’s dogged investigative reporting led of “alternative facts” predictable leader,”
to Nixon’s resignation. He has written or co-authored Woodward writes.
18 books, 12 of them No. 1 bestsellers; broken other and corrosive tweets “Members of his staff
major stories as a reporter and associate editor of the had joined to pur-
Washington Post; and won two Pulitzer Prizes. His about “fake news,”
work has been factually unassailable. (His judgment posefully block some
is certainly not perfect, and he has been self-critical Woodward is truth’s of what they believed
about his belief, based on reporting before the Iraq were the president’s
War, that there were weapons of mass destruction.) gold standard. most dangerous impulses. It was
a nervous breakdown of the executive power of the
During Watergate, Woodward and Bernstein were At a moment when most powerful country in the world.”
often alone on the story. Now, the din of daily disclo- “Fear” supports this bracing assessment in a
sure and opinion is almost deafening. But what was social media and cable chronological trajectory, from the arrival of Bannon
to lead the campaign in 2016 to the resignation, in
television are filled with March, of John Dowd, the lawyer representing the
president in Robert S. Mueller’s probe. Over and over
journalists spouting in- again, there are vivid scenes that show feckless de-
cision-making by Trump and then mad scurrying by
vective about the White his aides to undo the damage.
The episodes from the campaign are more familiar
House and Trump blasts and less compelling, as is some of the palace intrigue
that fascinates Woodward, including strife between
the press as “the enemy advisers and Cabinet secretaries who are long gone
(like former national security adviser H.R. McMaster,
of the people,” Woodward former secretary of state Rex Tillerson and Bannon).
When Trump recedes for too many pages, as when
has clung to old-fash- Woodward gets bogged down in policy details, the
reader’s interest can flag.
ioned notions of journal- Some of the more explosive anecdotes, including
his current chief of staff calling Trump an “idiot” and
istic objectivity. “My job is Defense Secretary Jim Mattis ignoring an order from
the president to assassinate Syria’s President Bashar
not to take sides,” he told a al-Assad, leaked out before the book’s publication.
Porter, the staff secretary, is forever trying to derail
Vox interviewer in March. “I think our job is and delay Trump’s efforts to withdraw from treaties,
not only the South Korean trade deal but also NAFTA
not to love or loathe people we’re trying to explain and even NATO. These and other illustrations convey
the panicked frustration of aides who see themselves
and understand. It is to tell exactly what people have as protecting the public from an out-of-control pres-
ident. This is a recurring theme.
done, what it might mean, what drives them, and There are small, fascinating details scattered
throughout, including that Trump doesn’t ever touch
who they are.” a computer keyboard and that his answer in a depo-
sition to what he did for a living took up 16 pages.
There have been other Jaw-dropping anecdotes are mostly told in Wood-
ward’s signature, understated narrative voice.
insider accounts about
the dysfunction of the
Trump White House and
shortcomings, but none
have been as revealing
or convincing as “Fear,”
which is based on eyewit-
ness recollections, often
supplemented with dates
and transcripts of con-
From the very first
pages of the gripping
prologue it is a shocking
view. Woodward opens
the book with a killer an-
ecdote about how two
of the president’s clos-
est advisers purposely
thwarted his directives.
In one instance, Trump
had ordered up a let-
ter announcing the U.S.
withdrawal from a trade
agreement with South
Korea. His then-chief
economic adviser, Gary
Cohn, and then-staff sec-
retary, Rob Porter, who
are both obviously ma-
jor sources for the book,
recognize the letter for
the disaster it is, so Cohn
filches it off the presi-
dent’s desk. With Trump’s
fitful attention span, out
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 35
Steven T. Usdin’s “Bureau of Spies: The Secret ington Merry-Go-Round,” which, in 1931, claimed formation to Soviet handlers that his readers never
Connections Between Espionage and Journalism to deliver the juicy gossip newspapers wouldn’t saw. In late 1932, the Soviets were particularly fo-
in Washington” pulls back the curtain on 80 years print about Washington. The book was controver- cused on the issue of recognition for Russia. Allen
of propaganda and espionage emanating from the sial enough that it was written anonymously. When told his newspaper readers that in Washington there
corner of 14th and F streets in Northwest Washing- Allen was revealed to be one of the authors, he lost had been a “steady drift towards Russian recogni-
ton: the National Press Building. his job. (The sequel to the book, “More Merry-Go- tion,” but to his Soviet handlers he disclosed a bit
Round,’’ established the format for the daily syndi- more, telling them that the chairman of the Senate
When the building opened in 1927, the Washing- cated column by Jack Anderson.) Foreign Relations Committee, William Borah, had
ton Post cheered its completion “as ‘a dream come heard that Roosevelt was going to give the Russians
true’ and ‘a monument to journalism,’” Usdin notes. Allen wasn’t a communist, Usdin writes. Instead, what they wanted. “You are going to win out on Rus-
In an editorial, the Post said it was “less a mark of his motivation to work for the Soviets grew out of his sian recognition when Roosevelt takes office,” Bo-
the accomplishments of the members of the press ardent anti-fascism, and that, Usdin suggests, man- rah told Allen he’d heard from a lawmaker close to
than evidence of the power of the profession they aged to assuage any misgivings he might have had Roosevelt, adding that the incoming president had
represent.” The building even looked the part: At 14 about acting as an agent of a foreign intelligence said “he was going to act promptly on that as soon
floors, it was taller than the city’s height limit, which service. In fact, Allen decided his intelligence work as he takes over.”
was modified to permit its construction. Its very ex- was just an extension of his day job, providing in-
istence was meant to show that Washington’s press Stories about Soviet operations make good cloak-
corps had become a formidable force in the city. and-dagger reading, but Usdin’s reporting on the
influence operations of the British provide the most
Usdin catalogues the uproar over women being surprise. In the spring of 1940, Usdin writes, “Brit-
hired to operate the elevators (should men take off ish intelligence operatives, including American
their hats in the presence of these young women journalists in the National Press Building, worked
or stare at the ceiling with their caps on?) and how to elect candidates who favored U.S. intervention
members decided to ban women from the bar so [in the war], defeat those who advocated neutrality,
the men could gossip, drink and play cards without and silence or destroy the reputations of American
them in their midst. Women were not admitted as isolationists they considered a menace to British se-
full members of the National Press Club until 1971. curity.”
While the National Press Building’s general his- To achieve this goal, British intelligence created
tory is interesting, that’s not what captures Usdin. a front company that produced polls meant to in-
Instead, he focuses on what was going on behind fluence public opinion rather than measure it, Us-
the scenes when organizations, governments and din writes. British intelligence also spawned and
shady characters engaged in activities for which subsidized a news agency that served its interests.
journalism was nothing more than a front. Consider “Reporters, including several in the Press Building,
the stories the American Liberty League produced. infused American newspapers and radio programs
Working from a small office in the building, the news with fake news that had been generated in London,”
service turned out articles on the perils of President he reports. “The scale and audacity of the British
Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. Few had any idea Secret Intelligence Service’s (SIS) activities in the
that the operation was backed by titans of industry, United States in the eighteen months prior to Pearl
the men who ran U.S. Steel, General Motors, and Harbor were without parallel in the history of rela-
the Chase Manhattan and JP Morgan banks. They tions between allied democracies.”
hoped the stories that came out of the league would
plant the seeds for the New Deal’s demise. BUREAU OF SPIES
Usdin also introduces readers to Robert S. Allen, THE SECRET CONNECTIONS BETWEEN ESPIONAGE
Washington bureau chief for the Christian Science
Monitor. He worked on the 12th floor and has the AND JOURNALISM IN WASHINGTON
dubious distinction of being the first known Ameri-
can journalist in the building to work for the Soviets. BY STEVEN T. USDIN | PROMETHEUS 342 PP. $26
Allen was a co-author of a scandalous book, “Wash- REVIEW BY DINA TEMPLE-RASTON, THE WASHINGTON POST
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38 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Confidence and belief can help you conquer that giant
BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT shepherd boy like David can take on handling military weapons. And so, these words: “You have come to me
Columnists a battle-hardened giant like Goliath rather than attempting to enter the with sword and spear and javelin;
and triumph. skirmish with unfamiliar equipment, but I come to you in that name of the
One of our all-time favorite stories he fell back upon what he knew best. Lord of hosts.”
from scripture is the tale of David and No one would have predicted that He took only his sling shot and a few
Goliath from the book of First Samu- outcome, of course. Everyone saw the smooth stones. Then with one well- David clung fiercely to the belief
el. It’s perhaps the most famous un- glaring mismatch of battle readiness placed and perfectly timed shot, he that God may indeed choose unex-
derdog story of the Biblical cannon, between these two opponents. Who felled the giant with the simple tool pected people to employ unconven-
demonstrating to the delight of gen- would you wager would win in hand he had mastered. tional methods to accomplish un-
erations of readers the astonishing to hand combat – the enormous, sa- precedented things.
truth that a weak and inexperienced ber-rattling professional soldier, or But there is a second aspect to Da-
the skinny kid from the countryside? vid’s victory worth noting. David ig- Are you facing giants? Do you feel
nored all the naysayers. David’s older like the underdog in a battle against
Of course we’d bet on Goliath to brothers were scornful and wanted seemingly insurmountable odds?
win when pitted against the weaker to send him back to sheep-tending. Even if your fearsome giant is an ill-
and more vulnerable David. But Da- King Saul pointed out David’s inexpe- ness, a grief, an addiction, a fear or a
vid defied the odds. And perhaps, if rience and the certainty of his defeat. loss, it need not be the victor. Imag-
we find ourselves staring down any But David retained confidence in his ine facing your giant as David faced
giants of our own, reviewing David’s own abilities despite the voices that Goliath – confident you are endowed
strategy for success could be helpful. predicted his downfall. with capacities for success, unwilling
to be silenced or stymied by the nay-
So how did he do it? How did Da- And finally, the story shows us sayers who doubt you, and above all,
vid defeat the seemingly unconquer- that David’s victory hinged upon an reliant upon the presence of the One
able Goliath? Well, first he entered awareness that he could trust not whose loving care for you is more for-
the fray on his own terms, not Goli- only in his own capabilities, but also midable than anything that threatens
ath’s. Goliath was arrayed in heavy in the strength of One far more pow- you.
armor, with formidable weapons in erful than he. He could trust in God
his hands and a helmet on his head. to be present and to be a guard, a When the thunderous footsteps of
David was expected to dress simi- guide, and a stay. In fact, David even an approaching giant echo in your ears
larly. But he refused. David had no taunted his opponent, Goliath, with and shake you to the core, take heart.
experience with wearing armor and Even giants can be overcome.
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 39
K983 J52 10 7 6
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist J 10 9 7 643 82
8 K 10 5 4 9763
Fred Allen, a comedian who died in 1956, said, “I always have trouble remembering three AK54 762 Q 10 8 3
things: faces, names and — I can’t remember what the third thing is.”
So far, we have looked at similar deals in three no-trump. In one case, declarer had to AQ4
choose between line A and line B; in another, he could try line A and, if it failed, fall back AKQ5
on line B. Today’s deal is a third variation. Against three no-trump, West leads the club AQJ2
ace, under which East signals enthusiastically with the 10. West continues with the club J9
four (in case his partner has only queen-third of clubs). East wins with the queen, returns
the club three and takes the fourth trick with his club eight. (South discards the spade four Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
and a high diamond.) Then East shifts to a spade. What should South do?
The Bidding:
South showed a balanced hand with a good 22-24 points. North tried for the lucrative
vulnerable game bonus. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
2 Clubs Pass 2 Diamonds Pass
How should South play? The spade finesse is 50-50, and a 3-3 heart split is only a 35.53 2 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass LEAD:
percent shot. But there is a third, more complicated, line C. If a defender has four hearts A Clubs
and the spade king, he can be squeezed — that dreaded word!
Declarer can win trick five with his spade ace and run the diamonds, pitching his spade
queen. Dummy retains the spade jack and three hearts; South has four hearts. Here, West
cannot keep both the spade king and four hearts. He is squeezed.
Note that South does not need to count anything — he looks only for the spade king. If
that card has not appeared by trick 10, declarer hopes to run the hearts.
40 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Remain (4) 2 Hike (4)
4 Male animal (4) 3 Over there (6)
8 Looks at (4) 4 Bats in the -- (6)
9 Not rich (9) 5 Reduce (6)
11 Tempestuous (6) 6 Tiny hoard (anag.) (9)
13 Novice (7) 7 Crikey! (1,3)
15 Close (6) 10 Layer (7)
16 French city (6) 12 Rebuff (4)
18 Important person (6) 13 Ridiculous (9)
20 Uproar (6) 14 Shorten (7)
22 Bouncer (7) 17 Look for (4)
23 Rings (6) 19 Chitchat (6)
25 Very important (9) 2 China (6)
26 What shops do (4) 21 Baby’s toy (6)
27 King Edward, e.g. (4) 23 Price (4)
28 Simple (4) 24 Fish; male voice (4)
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 41
ACROSS 94 Ocean liner, familiarly 38 Murphy Brown colleague The Washington Post
1 Sphere starter 95 Milk-truck puller Frank
5 Debunks? 96 Up to this point and others HOUSE CAT By Merl Reagle
10 “Amo, amas, I love ___” 97 Dickensian exclamations,
15 House cat’s favorite violinist? 39 Before, once THE Art & Science
19 “Back ___?” or a homophone 40 Picketer’s bane
21 What the house cat uses on of a Dickensian pseudonym 42 Concerning of Cosmetic Surgery
98 How the house cat finds 43 “___ see it ...”
Chelsea? mouse burgers? 44 Actor and crossword fan Ely SPECIALTIES INCLUDE:
23 House coat? 101 Wt. losses 45 Org. of “seven dirty words” • Minimal Incision Lift for the
24 Michael Tucker in Diner 103 Chrysler product
25 Adding insult to injury 105 Rich soil fame Face, Body, Neck & Brow
26 Tías, to Tom 106 Have to cough up 47 Bike-wheel features • Breast Augmentations
28 It starts at g1, on a 108 Stick in the mud? 52 Chief, in Hawaiian
112 Organ with a drum 53 Former Mexican political & Reductions
chessboard 113 In two places at once? • Post Cancer Reconstructions
29 Toe the line 115 Rigg who hosted Mystery! leader Adolfo de la ___ • Chemical Peels • Botox
30 Nicosia’s isl. 1989-2003 55 Erin of Happy Days • Laser Surgery • Tummy Tucks
31 Newsroom unit 118 Frequenter of Café 59 Milk shake kin • Obagi Products • Liposculpture
32 Mbr. of “OAS” Nervosa, on TV 60 H’wood release • Skin Cancer Treatments
34 Losing line of a game 119 Zaire neighbor 61 Sometimes twisted joints
36 Something the house cat 121 House cat’s favorite 63 Zip a Ziploc
trading place? 65 In the past
practices? 124 Show up and tell 67 Believer’s ending
41 Word with rest or restricted 125 House cat’s second 68 Continues
43 Sandy says it favorite president? 70 House cat’s electric
46 Chicago trains 126 Actor Lew
48 Memento ___ 127 “The ___ falling!” treatment?
49 Fission commission, once: 128 Upbeat 71 Apr. addressee
DOWN 72 How replicas are built
abbr. 1 ___ of the times 73 House cat’s favorite native
50 Escapee emergs. 2 Holy city?
51 House cat’s favorite music 3 Middle of the 15th century American?
4 Go-aheads 76 Bausch’s buddy
maker? 5 Summaries or 77 Abby and Ann, e.g.
54 It retains water some tires 80 Hold your horses
56 Nth: abbr. 6 Rankles 82 Nora Charles portrayer
57 Peru people, once 7 TV programming vacancy 83 Jessica Lange’s biggest
58 Dislodge, as from 8 David Copperfield girl
9 ___ Tomé and Principe co-star
the sack 10 Helping hand: abbr. 84 Flight from D.C.
59 Hotbed of heavy breathing 11 “___ luck!” 87 “Lettuce”
62 Third largest island 12 Tempe sch. 88 A. Bell ringer
64 Compound microscope 13 House cat’s parting gift to 89 Top cops, Soviet-style
Millie? 91 Compass pt.
inventor Robert 14 House cat’s reaction to 93 Tree nut
66 Intending French fries? 94 Iran city
69 Receipt, in Rouen 15 Silo occupant, briefly 99 “K-K-K” girl and Jurado
70 House cat’s favorite 16 Dweller along the 118 Down 100 Powdered inks
17 Economy-size equine 102 Mavericks
expression? (coined by one 18 Mystery writer Marsh 104 San Diego player
of his movie-star buddies) 20 Wayne’s word 107 Like some floss
73 Prefix in acoustics 22 “Distasteful” desert plant? 109 In a pallid manner
74 Sphere starter 27 Like a jaybird? 110 Otto Preminger’s producer
75 A Fistful of Dollars director 30 Scorsese’s The ___ Money
76 Boys in the ’hood, e.g. 31 Greek letter brother (M*A*S*H, etc.)
78 Fool 33 Lamb’s commentary 111 Will of The Waltons
79 Lock of hair 35 Kisses, in love letters 112 Make a boo-boo
81 “Unhappily ...” 37 Andy’s pal 114 Buttram and butter
85 Diminutive ending, 115 Berth place
as for “hill” 116 Like raw eggs, to kids
86 Like Steinbeck’s Lenny 117 Japan electronics giant
88 House cat’s favorite mythical 118 Bangkok’s river, ___ Phraya
beast? 120 Hide/hair insert
90 Some semi stops: abbr. 122 “___ your old man!”
92 Coiling killer 123 Atlanta’s CDC, e.g.
The Telegraph Cleveland ClinicTrained
Proudly caring for patients over 26 years.
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Ralph M. Rosato
42 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Parents are remodeling around the elephants in the room
BY CAROLYN HAX childhood abuse and all the divorces, but my mom – Hate the Smile and Nod:
Washington Post is in complete denial about that. Is that the worst that could happen, though?
That parents you think are awful and wrong think
Hi, Carolyn: I don’t want to talk to them anymore. I want to you’re awful and wrong?
Dear Carolyn: My parents tell them that since they choose to live (what I con- Plus, if you’re not on the phone with them, then
(mom and stepdad) are in their sider) selfishly, they should not expect me to just it’s an awful-and-wrong falling in a forest. Who’s to
70s, retired, healthy and doing smile and nod. say it even happened.
well financially. They spend their But let’s back up for a second. You’ve presented
money on traveling the globe and But we are made to feel guilty if we don’t call as this as a two-item menu: either endure your mom’s
constantly remodeling their new Florida McMan- often as my mom thinks we should. affluenza, or stop calling your parents.
sion. That’s fine. They can spend their money on There’s a middle choice, though: truth. “Mom,
whatever makes them happy. Do I just ghost my own parents? Seems no matter [sister] and I are buried in legal and medical bills. I
They weren’t the most caring parents. They did what I do, they’ll think I’m awful and wrong. can’t sympathize over expensive renovations.”
provide what they thought they should, but any- She won’t respond well to that, right? So have this
thing extra – school activities, extra clothing, hob- – Hate the Smile and Nod handy: “OK then. Let’s talk another time.” [Click.]
bies, cars, etc. – my siblings and I were expected to This middle is where you set the agenda to your
take care of on our own. And we were expected to emotional limits, making time to converse with
move out at 18. Again, that’s fine. We are very inde- people – but not to be anyone’s audience. Draw
pendent. this line case by case, whenever and wherever you
My sister had joint-replacement surgery and has need.
high medical bills. I am going through a legal fight To back up even further: It’s hard for anyone to
with a previous employer, am unemployed for the rewrite the emotional terms of a long relationship.
first time in my life (I’ve had a job since I was 14) It’s harder still when the old terms are unhealthy
and legal bills are eating my 401(k). Our parents and lifelong. You mention “childhood abuse and
know the details. We’re not asking for any help. all the divorces” as a tangent, but how is that not
But I don’t want to get on the phone with my mom central?
and have to hear all the issues of remodeling rooms To have kids fend for themselves on the material
that looked perfectly fine when I visited a year ago. margins is a valid doctrine; to do so emotionally is
Plus they don’t even ask how things are going with an abdication of parental duty.
their children and grandchildren. It’s all talk about Some therapists will charge on a sliding scale, so
superficial things and how awesome they are doing. consider looking for a good one near you. Your par-
There are other old issues stemming from some ents’ legacy might run deeper than you know.
44 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The kids are all right: Pediatric doc works to make it so
BY TOM LLOYD the Indian River Medical Center from
Staff Writer Nemours, the world-renowned chil-
dren’s hospital system with centers
For someone who spends the bulk in Wilmington, Delaware, as well as
of her days working with a very small Jacksonville, Pensacola and Orlando.
cadre of colleagues – helping very
small people get well – Dr. Katrina Like all pediatric hospitalists, Le-
Leshanski has big hopes. shanski and her two colleagues, who
are employed by Nemours but work
Leshanski, a Navy veteran and at IRMC, are specially trained to care
mother, is one of only three pediatric for children in a wide variety of hos-
hospitalists currently contracted to pital settings.
Dr. Katrina Leshanski.
Depending on the hospital, that pediatric floor at the Vero hospital
might include a separate pediatric someday.
ward, labor and delivery rooms, a new-
born nursery, a special emergency de- Whether that’s in the cards or not,
partment, a neonatal intensive care one thing that’s clear is that treating
unit or a pediatric intensive care unit. children isn’t like treating a 65- or
75-year-old hip replacement patient.
The problem is, IRMC doesn’t have For starters, it’s unlikely a 75-year-
a designated pediatric ward. Or a old’s parents would be there in the
neonatal intensive care unit. Or a pe- room, but the parents of Leshanski’s
diatric intensive care unit. patients usually are present.
Children admitted to IRMC are typ- Nonetheless, Leshanski says, “I
ically interspersed within the adult tend to walk into a room and speak
patient population – which is where directly to the child, if they’re of an
Leshanski’s high hopes come in. age where I can speak to them. New-
borns aren’t, but if I have a kid who’s
Under repeated questioning, she 4, 5, 6 or 7, I’ll talk to them first before
admits she’d like to see an entire
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 45
I talk to their parents.” Cancer patients can count on Scully-Welsh support groups
Leshanski admits that sometimes
BY TOM LLOYD cancers at the Vero Beach facility. support group may fill a gap between
“parents will try to interrupt and I’ll Staff Writer Why? medical treatment and the need for
say, ‘Sorry, Mom, but Johnny is my Because as the American Society of emotional support.
patient. I’m going to talk to him first. While there is little evidence-based
As soon as I’m done with my ques- data showing that “cancer support Clinical Oncology says, “support groups “A person’s relationship with a doctor
tions, I’ll ask you.’ Most of the time, groups” prolong the lives of cancer pa- help many people cope with the emo- or other medical personnel may not pro-
parents are OK with that.” tients, the Scully-Welsh Cancer Center’s tional aspects of cancer by providing a vide adequate emotional support and a
volunteer coordinator, Scott Duncan, safe place to share their feelings and chal- person’s family and friends may not un-
Most parents, she says, know their still marshals his team on the last Tues- lenges. They also allow people to learn derstand the impact of a disease or treat-
children are likely to be bewildered day of the month to host support groups from others facing similar situations.” ment. A support group among people
and confused by unfamiliar hospi- for those with breast, prostate and other with shared experiences may function
tal surroundings, including all the The Mayo Clinic shares that view, say-
unfamiliar faces around them, and if ing “for many people, a health-related CONTINUED ON PAGE 46
the child is in pain that adds a whole
other dimension of stress.
“We need to work very much to-
gether,” Leshanski continues. “I know
it can look like I’m hurting their child
[drawing blood, for example], but I’m
doing it to help them get better. I just
constantly reassure parents that I’m
doing everything I can to get [them
and their child] out of here as fast as I
can and that the children are the one
driving the care.”
Pausing briefly, Leshanski adds,
“you have to be good at handholding
with kids and adults in pediatrics.”
Listening, she says, is even more
“Parents know their children bet-
ter than anyone.” says Leshanski,
“If they’re telling me something is
wrong, I would not be doing my job
if I didn’t listen and hear what they’re
telling me.”
Now approaching her second an-
niversary at IRMC, Leshanski points
out, “My first day here was Oct. 2,
2016. I got out of the Navy the last
day of September, traveled here and
started Oct. 2.”
And that decision wasn’t based on
a desire for cushy hours after a de-
manding military career.
“There are three of us [pediatric
hospitalists], total. So we do any-
where from five to seven days on at a
time and we’re on for the whole time.
We [also] take calls from home, so if
we’re not immediately in the house,
I’m available by phone 24 hours and I
can get here within 10 minutes.”
That’s in no small part because ba-
bies about to be born don’t have wrist
watches. They arrive when they want
to arrive, not when it’s convenient
and, as Leshanski points out, “we do,
I would say, 98 to 99 percent of new-
borns here. We do all the deliveries
that aren’t covered by the two private
pediatricians that see patients here.”
Despite personal tragedy – her
daughter drowned back in January
– Leshanski remains buoyantly op-
timistic about the pediatric care she
and her colleagues have been able to
provide here.
Whether or not she eventually gets
a pediatric floor at IRMC, she says,
“ultimately our goal is always to pro-
vide the best care of the child.”
46 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Dr. Paul Pagnini and Scott Duncan.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 45 and there are different side effects as-
sociated with those therapies,” Pagnini
as a bridge between medical and emo- explains. These support groups “allow
tional needs.” conversations about all of the options
available and they allow people to kind
Scully-Welsh radiation oncologist Dr. of work through their feelings about
Paul Pagnini, an occasional speaker at those options.”
Duncan’s support group, agrees. “There
have been some studies that the Na- Pagnini then adds, “some of the pa-
tional Cancer Institute published – at tients may have just been diagnosed and
least in abstract form – that cancer sup- maybe they haven’t had a therapy. They
port groups have shown … [a positive] just had a positive biopsy and they may
impact on patients’ quality of life.” come to the support group to find out
what was it like for those who have been
Scully-Welsh currently offers four sup- treated with surgery versus radiation.”
port sub-groups: one for breast cancer
patients, one for prostate cancer, one for IRMC’s cancer support groups actual-
general cancer and one for caregivers, ly pre-date the Scully-Welsh Cancer Cen-
though both Duncan and Pagnini appear ter. “We started with the prostate cancer
eager to add a lung cancer group to the support group before the building was
mix as well. completed,” says Duncan. “So, we held
it over in the physicians’ dining room of
According to Duncan, who “facili- the hospital back in 2015.”
tates” or leads the prostate cancer group,
“at 6 p.m. we all get together and we have The National Comprehensive Can-
our speaker. The speaker could be a nu- cer Network sees considerable merit in
tritionist, it could be a doctor, or some- cancer support groups. It says: “If you or
one to talk about exercise … It can pretty someone you love is coping with cancer,
much be on anything. Then at 6:30 we many experts suggest that you may find
break out into our groups.” comfort and strength through support
Joining Duncan at these group meet-
ings are a social worker as well as a team At Scully-Welsh, the cancer support
of registered nurses. groups meet on the last Tuesday of the
month – except for December, when
Of course, there is no ‘one-size-fits- there is no meeting due to the holidays.
all’ when it comes to cancer treatment.
For more information, patients and
Pagnini agrees it’s entirely possible for family members can call 772-563-4673
two patients diagnosed with the same and ask about the cancer support group
type of cancer to have very different program.
treatment plans based on a variety of
factors, and he sees that as a plus.
“There are different curative therapies
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 47
Heartburn common among elderly and should be treated
BY FRED CICETTI cause tobacco inhibits saliva that Call Today and Get
helps with digestion. Tobacco may Your Birthday Month
Columnist also stimulate acid production and
relax the esophageal valve. Lose FREE FOREVER!*
Q. Do you get more heartburn when weight. And, don’t eat two hours be-
you are older? fore you go to sleep. Vero Beach
More than 60 million Americans For infrequent episodes of heart- 4150 Indian River Blvd.
experience heartburn at least once burn, take antacids, such as Alka- Vero Beach, FL 32967
a month and more than 15 million Seltzer and Rolaids. Or, you can take
Americans experience heartburn an H2 blocker such as Pepcid and (772) 742-2466
daily. Heartburn is more common Zantac.
among the elderly. 910 Regency Square
ALF# 11030 Vero Beach, FL 32967
Heartburn two or more times
weekly may be caused by gastro- (772) 742-2475
esophageal reflux disease, or GERD.
See a doctor if you have heartburn *Expires 10/31/18. New residents only. Some restrictions may apply.
too often. The doctor can test for
GERD. www.HarborChase.com Like us on
In the upper GI series, you swal-
low a liquid barium mixture. Then
a radiologist watches the barium as
it travels down your esophagus and
into the stomach. Another test is an
endoscopy, in which a small light-
ed flexible tube is inserted into the
esophagus and stomach. And there
are other tests.
GERD makes stomach acid flow up
into your esophagus. There is a valve
at the lower end of the esophagus
that is designed to keep acid in the
stomach. In GERD, the valve relaxes
too frequently, which allows acid to
reflux, or flow backward.
A hiatal hernia may contribute to
GERD. A hiatal hernia occurs when
the upper part of the stomach is
above the diaphragm, which is the
muscle wall separating the stomach
from the chest. The diaphragm helps
the valve keep acid from coming up
into the esophagus.
When GERD is not treated, you can
suffer from severe chest pain, nar-
rowing or obstruction of the esoph-
agus, bleeding, or a pre-malignant
change in the lining of the esopha-
gus. One study showed that patients
with chronic, untreated heartburn
were at substantially greater risk of
developing esophageal cancer.
The following are some symp-
toms that may mean there has been
damage to your esophagus: diffi-
culty swallowing, a feeling that food
is trapped behind the breast bone,
bleeding, black bowel movements,
choking, shortness of breath, cough-
ing, hoarseness, weight loss.
You can control infrequent heart-
burn by changing your habits and us-
ing over-the-counter medicines.
For example, you should avoid
heartburn-producers such as choc-
olate, coffee, peppermint, tomato
products, alcoholic beverages, greasy
or spicy dishes. Quit smoking be-
48 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Beagle-lovin’ Bonzo wins Dixie’s friendship
Hi Dog Buddies! thinking about getting a dog. Well, for lized – it was ME. It was my DixiPeHOMTOaBYyD,ENtIhSEeRITBCHeIEagle.
the next five months, evry time they First Official Bay.”
This week I innerviewed Dixie May walked by, there I still was, an since they they’re hard to resist, but they make me
Kennedy, a super cute, three-color Bee- never stayed long, I didn’t get my hopes “What’s your typical day throw up, so I guess I should quit, don-
gull. She looks like the Bee-gull that hu- up. By the sixth month, they were feelin’ like?” I queried. cha think?”
man ardist, Norman Rockwell, put in real sorry for me, cuz obviously nobody
lotsa his pickshures. Dixie May’s a pure- wanted me. So Dad made the pet store “I get two daily walks “Abso–woofin’–lutely Miss Dixie May.
bred, with PAYpers an evrything, but guy an offer. They did that back-an-forth cuzza havin’ lots of energy. No More Bugs!”
she’s not a Snobnose. She’s got a great thing for a while, till Dad finally won, When me an Mom get back,
dog-onality an real nice posture, also. thank Lassie.” Dad’s waitin’ for us, and I Headin’ home, I was thinkin’ about
zoom right to him. I guess Miss Dixie May and her polka-dot knees-
Soon as my assistant knocked, there “Woof, Dixie May. They were lucky I’m a Daddy’s Girl. An I al- ox, an bouncy liddle trot. An how glad I
was a big, kinda startling ‘Ahhhh- to get you. I mean, you’re a PUREbred. ways hafta know where was she’d stopped eatin’ bugs. An won-
ROOOOOOooo.’ But, when the door With PAYpers. And you’ve got such a Mom an Dad are. They drin’ if I was too old to learn to dance.
opened an there was this perky liddle great dog-onality.” hafta keep the doors open
pooch, I’m like, ‘How did that big voice so I can see ’em both. Till next time,
come out of that liddle lady?’ “Yes, I ’spose that’s true. But I’m lucky, Then I feel Safe an Secure.
too. I mean, what if Mom an Dad’d liked The Bonz
She trotted up for the Wag-an-Sniff, an Italian food? At first I was sorta nervous, “I have tons of pooch
I introduced myself an my assistant. so I chewed stuff. Mom kept track. I to- pals I see at the Bark Park Don’t Be Shy
tally chewed up the hall runner; two or on walks or play dates.
“You’re even more hansome in the fur bathmats; two indoor/outdoor rugs; My BFF is Ava Walker, We are always looking for pets
than in your pickshur,” she said. Mom’s (very) special pillow; and Dad’s she’s a Cavalier King with interesting stories.
flip-flops. Mom still has to rescue her Charles. She loves to
I grinned like a doof, an mumbled shoes sometimes. But I learned the Rools dress up. Has lotsa out- To set up an interview, email
thank you. About Doing My Doody; an I can Sit an fits. But not ME. I have [email protected].
Give Paw an Stay (mostly). a boyfriend, Max, he’s
“This is my Mom, Cheryl an my Dad, a Mix. We put our front
Pat. My pooch fren Laci was in your “I admit I still like to hide stuff: shoes paws on each other shoulders
column an it was way Cool Kibbles, so or sox or bone chews. I bury ’em, usually an dance.” She sighed.
I Woofmailed, an here you are. See, I’m in the couch. Then I can refer to ’em later,
wearin’ my beauiful red collar so I look you know?” “An I have playdates with The Boyz:
my best, Mr Bonzo.” Sam, Cosmo an Willie Trotta. They’re
“Yup, I do.” like my brothers. I keep up with ’em,
She had brown an white polka-dot “I also love chewin’ ice. Whenever I too, cuz I’m real strong. Then there’s
kneesox, a white-tipped black tail, an big hear Mom getting’ ice out of the fridge, I Champ. We call him The Baconator. You
bright eyes. I guess I was just standin’ run right over. One time, I got a nice big can probly guess why. Oh, an Chase, he’s
there with a goofy smile cuz she said, piece of ice an buried it in the couch for my new neighbor, a 10-week-old Golden
“Did you wanna ask me some questions, later. But when I went back to get it, it was Retriever puppy. He looks like a liddle
Mr. Bonzo?” gone. I still don’t know what happened to teddy bear.”
it. I searched everywhere.”
“Right! Yes! Absolutely! So, Miss Di- “I noticed what a Big Bark you have,” I “Do you like travlin’?”
xie May, how did you find your Forever commented, tryin’ not to laugh. “Just to the Bark Park. I Barf in the car.
Family?” “Oh, that. See, I’m a hound, so bayin’ It’s embarrassing.”
comes natchrull – now – but since my “I see you have a nice pool,” I changed
“Honestly, I almost didn’t. I was on pooch Mom didn’t have a chance to the subject.
sale inna pet shop at the Melbourne teach me, I didn’t bark at all till I’d been “When I first got here, I accidently
Mall, but nobody was innersted, for here for two months. One day, there was fell in. It scared the kibbles out of me.
some reason. Meanwhile, once a month, a knock at the door. As I ran to check it Now I just do laps around it. I chase
Mom an Dad had this roo-teen: They’d out I heard this Big Loud Howl. It scared birds an lizards, but Mom an Dad say
go to dinner at the Chinese restrunt in me and I hid under the couch. Then I not to ackshully catch ’em. I usta eat
the Melbourne Mall, then walk around heard Mom an Dad laughin,’ and I ree- bugs. (Don’t tell, OK?) Mom an Dad
the Mall after. They had noticed me say No Bugs! They look so duh-licius,
in the pet shop when I was just a liddle
puppy. They’d paws, but they weren’t
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 49
What are women really wearing to work now?
The Telegraph
Once, when you took a scan of other erine Duggan. “I want to feel individual sonal trend or something from a new there is very little crossover between
drivers on the way to work, you could and feminine, yet appropriate. The so- designer. the outfits she will wear for each of her
tell very little about who your fellow lution for me is always good suiting and jobs, yet both infiltrate what she’ll wear
drivers were or what they did for a living. dresses with a quirky design twist.” The slashy on the weekends. “When teaching yoga,
The banker, the doctor, the small busi- Marketing job by day, illustrator/ naturally I am wearing casual active-
ness owner and the corporation execu- The entrepreneur blogger/candle maker by night? As more wear, but at my PR job, I mostly wear
tive were all dressed the same, more or “The tech scene is generally pretty people do two or more jobs, they subse- jeans and a shirt with loafers, or small
less. The look, generically, was just plain relaxed,” considers June Angelides, the quently require multitasking wardrobes heels for an event. I have all my yoga
and simple: “corporate.” founder of Mums in Technology, a busi- that can flex between vastly different gear split into sections in my wardrobe,
ness which delivers coding courses to industries. For Denise Higgins, a pub- but then everything else can be worn
But now, showing some personality women in other organizations. While lic relations manager and yoga teacher, any time anywhere.”
has become just as important as looking her small company might foster a more
appropriate in the workplace. Almost all casual office environment, she says that
businesswomen believe that their per- entrepreneurs like her spend a lot of
sonal style has helped them to achieve time pitching for investment, or meet-
certain objectives at work, according to ing external influencers, and her ward-
a recent Workwear Matters report pro- robe needs to match the flexibility.
duced by tailoring label The Fold. Indi- Throwing a statement jacket over the
viduality is the new priority when shop- top tends to do the trick; “I could turn
ping, even for suiting. up to some companies in jeans and a T-
shirt and fit right in, but if it was a talk or
“Power dressing for women was well meeting at a large corporate in the city,
understood in the 1980s thanks to films then I might add my Calvin Klein boy-
like ‘Working Girl,’” considers Cath- friend blazer or wear a dress.”
erine Duggan, chief executive officer
of the International Pharmaceutical The agile worker
Federation. “But some 30 years later, I More and more workers are being of-
believe it’s moved from power dressing fered some sort of flexible working ar-
to em-powered dressing. Your ‘power rangement. But are they working from
suit’ is anything you feel comfortable home in their pajamas, saving their two
in, and that will help you to deliver.” ‘smart’ outfits for days when they actu-
ally went outside to see people? “I work
The old workwear tribes have also at home, in cafes or at my sister’s house,
evolved to account for a whole spec- as she has a big kitchen with plenty of
trum of new career types. For some, people who can taste-test,” says chef
the very structure of the work day has Antonina Parker. “I can be scruffy and
changed, and agile, flexible working low-key wearing jeans, a T-shirt in the
arrangements might mean that you kitchen and have to change to some-
spend as much time at home as you thing smart and slick, like a Ganni dress,
do in the office. A calendar of differ- for meetings. Every day is different.”
ent events – from breakfast briefings
to partner drinks – can require a ward- The creative
robe of occasion-fluid things. Many are It’s all about the sartorial semantics
pursuing passion projects, side hustles for a creative. Flexing your knowledge
and secondary careers that start after of niche brands or showing awareness
their 9-5 day is done. Often the sartorial of a bubbling trend will show that you
lines are blurred completely. get your subject matter to colleagues
or prospective new employers. They’ll
Confused? So is the workwear land- be wearing an element of a key sea-
scape, but in a good way. Let’s unpick
the subtleties to determine who’s re-
ally wearing what ...
The new corporate
The look known as ‘power sheath’ is
certainly a thing, as the new city bosses
have turned to form-fitting dresses to
help them cut a razor-sharp figure in the
boardroom via brands like The Fold and
Libby London. But there is also a softer
power at play. Experimental shirts,
floaty skirts and dresses, and trainers,
are all serving to relax the look in board-
rooms, worn with tailoring separates to
keep things smart.
“Workplaces have become more ca-
sual but that’s made dressing for work at
a senior level more difficult,” says Cath-
50 Vero Beach 32963 / September 13, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The 40 things every woman should know about fashion over 40
BY SHANE WATSON It’s time to grade up ... complexion which occurs when Everyone goes on about arms. It’s
The Telegraph Your shoes women panic they need coverage but your knees that will let you down (see
Do not go quietly into the navy mid haven’t got their glasses/replaced the Kate Moss).
Cameron Diaz once said that the one heel pump, or the plain loafer, or the light in the bedroom.
thing she will never wear again (“No really useful (so comfy) sneaker. You Black
Way”) is … a tube top. This is Good to Your sunglasses So boring to be told to ditch black be-
Know. But as fashion tips for the post- can always do a fun shoe cause it’s draining on older skin. Hap-
fortysomething woman go, it’s dis- As a rule you want to go less mean pily it’s not quite true. Mat-dull black
appointing. Most of us over-40s last and display a well-turned ankle. and edgy, and more glamorous. LAPD. is draining. But lush black is fine (for a
wore a tube top (or, as they’re better More to the point, a shoe is where Bono. Billy Idol … these are all looks to few more years, especially if it’s glossy
known on these shores, ‘boob tube’) you score your fashion points when avoid, as is Tony Blair, in some very hot satin or velvet), so long as you ramp it
on a holiday in Greece two decades you are past Sex Pistols T-shirts and country, wearing white linen. up. Splashy earrings, red lipstick.
ago. floral coronets (which you are). Popcorn-colored highlights
Your smile
When glamorous women make age- Your hair Only because you will start to look
appropriate dressing statements (part of The just-got-out-of-bed, beach- like every other graying fortysomething
the deal once they hit 40), you hope for bleached hair days are on the way out. in the Western world. Why do you think
something more relevant to our daily Conditioner is everything now. And J Law and Taylor Swift went punky bone
lives: ideally a list of cracking tips that whatever you do, don’t over trim. A bob white blonde? Because safe blonde is the
will cut through all the confusion. at this stage could put a decade on you. color of middle age, that’s why.
Forty is nothing, now, by the way. It’s Makeup, but not foundation
the new 50. You barely have to make Watch out for the plaster-textured
any adjustments, but it’s a bit ostrich-
like to pretend everything stays the
same forever, and this is as good a point
as any to take stock of your options –
going forward.
So: 40 things every woman over
fortyomething woman should know
about fashion.
Going braless
Just saying it works for some, but don’t
cling on to the free spirit ideal at the ex-
pense of a sloppy silhouette. Sorry.
Come in and let us create a masterful blend of function I know that sounds creepy. But the Teeth
and esthetics for the kitchen of your dreams. sulky, not bothered expression which I like rough teeth. I missed Bowie’s
you may think cool (see Victoria Beck- after the refurb. But there is no doubt
f e at u r i n g : ham) will in your 40s start to look sour that yellowing teeth are not youthful.
and a bit ‘my back is killing me.’ Perk it
Established 18 Years in Indian River County up. Some youthful things you needn’t
put away
Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM It’s time to watch out for ...
• The Treasure Coast’s most Comprehensive, Professional Showroom Your knees Wearing bikini tops under clothes
in summer
• Extensive Collection of Styles and Finishes to Meet Your Budget
• Remodeling Specialists Sounds mad. But it does inject a
certain carefree, barefoot vibe. (Don’t
(772) 562-2288 | www.kitchensvero.com try this at work, obviously; works best
3920 US Hwy 1, Vero Beach FL 32960 when you are gardening).
Espadrilles and flip flops
Similar result. But, as of now, must
be worn with a pedicure. The un-
washed look is no longer a runner.
(This applies equally to men. David
Beckham post-match easily tips over
into Rhys Ifans the morning after a
very late night).
You are never too old for the latest
jeans if you look good in jeans. Same
goes for leather trousers (but you need
the legs).