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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-07-06 12:28:11

07/06/2017 ISSUE 27


It’s about time! P4 Beef over reef. P5 Overgrowing pains

Merritt Island residents cheer Surfrider Foundation decries Towns to share $70K cost to
new schedule for drawbridge. beach replenishment project. unclog stretch of canal. PAGE 6


Firefighters KO Curious cast
propane gas leak ionf mchuardrearcctaesres
in Harbor East

[email protected] [email protected]

The Melbourne Beach Fire As more details emerge from
Department responded to a the murder case file prosecu-
propane gas leak in an un- tors have built against defen-
derground tank at a house on dants Joseph Milman and
Pelican Key in the Harbor East Justin Howard, the cast of char-
neighborhood on June 28. acters surrounding shooting
death of Scott Hyatt on the af-
Oktoberfest is being talked about as a means to raise funds to maintain the historic Ryckman House. PHOTO BY BENJAMIN THACKER ternoon of Oct. 19, 2014, keeps
getting more and more bizarre.
Oktoberfest event floated for Ryckman House
An intruder shot Hyatt to
death inside a house on East
Riviera Drive north of Indi-
alantic. The gunman also
wounded Robert Mell, who
survived. The investigation by
the Brevard County Sheriff’s
Office led to the arrest of Mil-
man and Howard three days


CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER Restaurateur Djon Pepaj explains details of his Village Market project. PHOTO BY BENJAMIN THACKER Djon Pepaj’s planned
[email protected] Village Market will
Scene of propane gas leak. PHOTO BY JULIAN LEEK make gourmets’ day
The Ryckman House has
Como Oil and Propane of Vero long served as one of the cen- STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER
Beach discovered the leak at terpieces of Ryckman Park in [email protected]
the filler assembly valve while Melbourne Beach and not just
filling the tank. because of the name connec- From the outside, little
tion. Bequeathed to the town has changed. The pink ex-
The leak resulted from a in 1980 by Ruth Ryckman, the terior and neon signage
cracked fitting which had to Ryckman House is the oldest of City Tropics Bistro on
be changed. beachside dwelling, built in Fifth Avenue in Indialan-
1890. tic seems ready to beckon
“We were there in a support- hungry guests for an eve-
ing role,” said Deputy Chief But the aging structure re- ning of dining and mirth.
Gavin Brown. The fire depart- quires a lot of tender loving
care, and a lot of TLC costs CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 money. The town budgets
funds for repairs and main-


ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Sea and be seen

NEWS 1-8 GAMES 23-25 PEOPLE 9-12 Professional mermaid has an
ARTS 13-16 HEALTH 27-30 PETS 33 interesting ‘tale’ to tell about her
DINING 31 unusual hobby. PAGE 10


2 Thursday, July 6, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


MILMAN CASE She also told agent Marlon Buggs the But according to police records, she face charges levied by the sheriff’s
day of the shooting she was at Howard’s never saw the gun even though she office and has fully cooperated with
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 house with a friend when Milman ran knew Howard had access to a black the investigation. In exchange for
through the backyard saying he had to handgun with two wooden handles. her testimony in the upcoming tri-
after Hyatt died. The motive: money leave town because he did something als, Milman on Aug. 7 and Howard in
and drugs. bad. She heard Milman say he took In a second interview on Oct. 22, November, the teenager received 100
$40 and a full bottle of pills from Hyatt. the teenager named the backpack community service hours, plus pro-
Sheriff’s authorities identified Mil- He gave $25 and eight Dilaudid pills to brand, and remembered a mask in- bation – with stipulations for even
man as the shooter, but charged both Howard before leaving. She heard Mil- side the backpack. Milman alleg- the most minor infraction – until her
Milman and Howard with first-degree man say he did not like Hyatt or Mell. edly wore a mask during the crime. 19th birthday. 
felony murder, attempted first-degree The teen turned herself in Nov. 4 to
felony murder and robbery with a fire-
arm – with possession of a firearm by a Cars wait for a drawbridge to
convicted felon tacked on for Milman. open to cross the Mathers Bridge.

But a third person ended up arrest- PHOTO BY BENJAMIN THACKER
ed on Nov. 4, charged with accessory
after the fact for first-degree felony Island residents cheer new drawbridge schedule
murder and tampering with evidence.
The then-15 year-old girl turned up in STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER half hour and hour between 6 a.m. and vehicle traffic backups on the roads in
the wrong place, dating the wrong boy [email protected] 10 p.m. Sundays through Thursdays, and around the bridge, said longtime
at the wrong time. Faced with the pos- with the same 30-minute intervals 24 Dragon Point resident Vince Lamb,
sibility of a criminal record and time Prompted by complaints lodged by hours a day on Fridays and Saturdays. who filed a comment in support of the
in the juvenile detention facility, the Merritt Island residents, the increas- change with the Coast Guard and ral-
teenager agreed to testify against both ingly busy Mathers Bridge drawbridge District 4 Brevard County Commis- lied neighbors to do the same.
men at the trial. will soon start opening and closing on sioner Curt Smith said he is getting
the hour and half hour rather than on frustrated at the pace of the change “When we moved here in 1974 we
Talk about scared straight. Accord- demand from boaters on the Banana which he initiated in June 2016. He made a resolution that we were not
ing to agents, the incident shook the River north of Dragon Point. first consulted with county public going to let the drawbridge bother us
teenager to her core. works officials because maintenance and we would plan extra time. Most
The exact schedule would be on the and staffing of the bridge is county re- of the time it worked out that way,”
On Oct. 21, agent Colin Kearns sponsibility. Lamb said.
stopped Howard at a traffic stop on
Canterbury Drive. Howard and the Public comments on both sides “In the past few years it’s hard to
teenage girl he’d been dating for about of the proposed change were taken come out on a time it’s not open and it
18 months were handcuffed and by the Coast Guard online until June seems to be getting worse. Sometimes
placed in a patrol car where officers 23, but Smith said he had earlier this it opens and you can’t see a boat for
turned on the in-car video to record year been assured by Coast Guard of- several minutes,’’ Lamb said.
any conversation. Their talk did not ficials that the change was expected go
reveal anything of interest. through. The county studied traffic patterns
and reviewed bridge logs. Studies
Upon arrival at the Criminal In- “It’s been approved, it just hasn’t showed the change would alleviate ve-
vestigation Services building, the girl been finalized. Unfortunately, the hicle traffic without adversely affect-
was separated from Howard. Agent Coast Guard has their own timetable ing vessel traffic.
Nicholas Walker read her the Miranda and their timetable doesn’t make any
rights before asking what she knew sense. We’re still waiting for the paper- Additionally, vessels that can transit
about Milman. She said she met the work to be issued to say we can do it,’’ under the bridge without an opening
man through Jeremy Morelli, a mutual Smith said. may now do so. The bridge as a vertical
friend of Howard’s. clearance of 7 feet at mean high water
The inconsistent bridge openings in the closed position and a horizontal
“I stopped the interview and con- for vessels passing through the “swing clearance of 74 feet and 81 feet.
fronted (juvenile’s name withheld) bridge” have been increasingly causing
with the gravity of the moment and Smith said the staff has been trained
advised her this was neither the time
nor the place to be anything less than
truthful,” Walker said.

According to investigation records,
the teenager told Walker she disposed
of a black backpack containing bloody
clothes, a story confirmed by Howard.

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 6, 2017 3


to follow traditional rules for the open- “people will approach the bridge The one exception to the new rules “The more times you open and close
ings but added, “I get people telling me knowing that it’s going to open every is the bridge will open on signal if at it, the sooner (large and expensive
that they don’t have proper etiquette. half hour.” least two-hour notice is given by the brass bearings) are going to wear out.
It seems like they just open and close boater. This is going to save taxpayers’ money
the bridge at will.” Comments opposing the change as well,’’ he said.
noted that many larger boats to the Smith said the change should de-
The scheduled openings will be an north in the Grand Canal area will now crease the total openings and thereby Coast Guard officials did not have a
improvement, Smith said, because be delayed access to the Indian River. save the county maintenance costs. date for the change to go into effect. 

4 Thursday, July 6, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


RYCKMAN HOUSE flatly. While Founder’s Day included completed by press time, costs $4,000 of a baby grand piano, perhaps small
alcohol service, he said an Oktoberfest thanks to damage caused by a wood- recitals are in the future.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 might be little more than a beer fest. pecker who decided to make its home
at Ryckman House. “It got into the sid- The Ryckman House was built by
tenance. Donations and other fund- Still, Day realizes the costs to main- ing with some pretty good size holes. Captain Rufus W. Beaujean for Jacob
raising efforts contributed $382 to tain and operate the Ryckman House We get quite a lot of woodpeckers.” Fox. Both men were original investors
the cause in 2016. Thanks to a lec- are never ending and donations help. in the Melbourne Beach Company,
ture series, the Historical Preserva- “All of the donations go to the house Efforts are underway to create a later named the Melbourne Beach
tion and Awareness Board has raised and stay in the fund designated for the diversion to keep the woodpeckers Improvement Company. Fox and
$971 already this year. But generating house,” he said. “For 2018, we have al- away from the Ryckman House. In his family spent several seasons liv-
revenues via rental fees is somewhat located $5,000 for the roof and $12,000 the meantime, additional sources of ing here. Garrett E. Ryckman, a vint-
problematic, since renting the house for siding (if the budget I proposed is funds could be realized from rental ner from Brockton, N.Y., and a major
out for functions carries a lot of re- passed by the commission). The town fees. Ryckman House is available for shareholder in the original Melbourne
strictions. treats the house as any other town- rent for $25 to $35 an hour depending Beach Company, acquired the house
owned structure and when repairs on residency of the renter. in 1908. The Ryckmans and their chil-
It would seem a natural for those are needed, the town ensures it is cor- dren, Lawrence and Ruth, lived there.
most passionate about the historic rected.” “I don’t see an issue with allowing Ruth passed away at 89, leaving the
building to stage an event in the park the public to use the space once the house to the town. 
to raise money to help pay for future The current project, expected to be damage to the house is patched up,”
maintenance work on the house. said Councilman Wyatt Hoover. GAS LEAK

Martha Remark, chair of the Histori- But because of restrictions, such us- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
cal Preservation and Awareness Board, age is rare. “The house is very small
thinks Oktoberfest in the park is a so I’m not sure it would be a suitable ment stood by in case an unexpected
splendid idea. “It’s a great way to raise venue for weddings,” Hoover said. reaction occurred.
funds,” she said. “We talked about it at
our last board meeting.” Nancy Wilson, the town clerk, said “We also warned residents what was
there are no curtains on the windows, going on,” Brown said.
Remark has broached the idea of no bathrooms in the building and
marrying an Oktoberfest with a poten- somebody from the historical board He said Como took care that there
tial proposal by the Melbourne Beach needs to be in the building during an was no further hazard as they pumped
Rotary Club to host an event this fall event. Occupancy is limited to 25. the gas out of the tank and into the
in the park. truck. “They were in charge of the situa-
“I don’t believe we’d feel comfort- tion. These things normally go smooth-
Popular with weddings and other able having people use the second ly,” Brown said.
celebrations, the park hosts the an- floor because the staircase is steep and
nual Founder’s Day celebration. The the stairs are narrow,” she said. There were no injuries or evacua-
May 6 event this year featured food tions of the single-family home area.
and libations, crafts and entertain- But the board has gotten inquiries Como Oil and Propane declined com-
ment. A good time was had by all. The to rent the house as a bridal waiting ment on the incident. 
town charged alcohol vendors $550, room for those getting married in the
and $225 for food vendors. park. And thanks to a recent donation

“The Rotary talked about an art
show. It’s a good time do that at the
same time as Oktoberfest, with a band
and food,” she said.

The Rotary Club has had some very
preliminary conversations on staging
an arts festival in the fall in conjunc-
tion with an Indian River Lagoon Fes-
tival, said President Amy Sullivan. The
Rotary will continue the discussions
during its July 11 meeting.

The arts festival has municipal back-
ing, but an Oktoberfest would require
winning over skeptics in town hall.

“No one is in favor of an Oktober-
fest,” Town Manager Tim Day said

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 6, 2017 5


Reef beef: Group decries beach replenishment project

STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER tection to the upland community, pub- The new coquina mats not only He pointed to the relative success
[email protected] lic infrastructure and tourism econo- provide protection, they have shown of other Brevard beach replenish-
my,’’ according to the county. they can recruit natural organisms ment projects.
The start of the first phase of a long- used for food.
anticipated beach replenishment But in a detailed June 30 statement, “After years of planning with input
project in Satellite Beach and Indian Surfrider Foundation said it opposes “We listened closely to our envi- from scientists and the public, we
Harbour Beach has pitted county of- the combination of beach replen- ronmental biologists, brainstormed expect the same performance in the
ficials trying a new type of environ- ishment and artificial reefs. “Beach and came up with the flat reef. That’s Mid Reach,” he said.
mentally-friendly reef design against nourishment (better described as a why we did small scale experiments
the Sebastian Inlet Chapter of the Sur- sand dump) doesn’t work to fulfill its so we know that the type of food Despite the explanations and high
frider Foundation, which opposes all claimed purpose.” grows on the reefs at that depth,’’ Mc- hopes, Surfrider Foundation said it
beach replenishment projects. Garry said. had to “come out against a well-inten-
Surfrider also contends that the sand tioned but bad idea.’’ 
Surfrider Foundation leaders con- does not match the natural sand and
tend that artificial reefs don’t make up causes sediment to be suspended in
for the sand damage to the existing, the water and carried by currents; that
natural reef. the beaches in question are healthy
and not eroding away; and that the ar-
Crews started in late June installing tificial reefs are too deep underwater
the first of 1,600 flat coquina-embed- to serve as ‘natural nurseries.’
ded concrete mats in 15 feet of water
about 1,000 feet off Pelican Beach Park. “This is not mitigation, this is cre-
This engineered “reef” is one of 10 sites ation of alternative temporary habitat,’’
designed to mitigate, or compensate the statement reads, ending with a sec-
for trucked-in sand expected to even- tion urging that funds be instead used
tually cover an estimated 10 percent of for cleanup of the Indian River Lagoon.
near shore reefs now used by fish, juve-
nile green turtles and other aquatic life. “To be clear and up front, some di-
rect burial will occur but a very limited
County officials plan to eventually amount,” said Mike McGarry, Beaches
truck in up to 573,000 cubic yards of Program Manager for Brevard Coun-
sand on 7.8 miles of beach, from just ty’s Natural Resources Management
south of Patrick Air Force Base south Department.
to Flug Avenue to widen the beach by
10 to 20 feet, a project put off for years But, contrary to recent misinforma-
because of the reefs. tion, the reef will remain healthy and
the project will be much more limited,
Of the 42.5 acres of nearshore rock adding about 10 to 20 feet of width to
reef mapped in central Brevard, less the shore, compared to massive previ-
than 3 acres (approximately 7 percent) ous replenishment projects in Cocoa
are expected to be impacted by sand Beach that widened the beach up to
placement. Sand placement is expect- 120 feet.
ed to begin in 2019, after mitigation is
complete. The sand will be trucked rather
than pumped to avoid burying too
“The project carefully balances the much nearshore reef. The source of
need to minimize impact to the natural the sand may include upland mines
rock reefs while maintaining a healthy or shoals several miles offshore of
beach and dune system to provide pro- Cape Canaveral.

DJON’S VILLAGE MARKET mediately after the approval,” Pepaj
The conversion brings a new con-
But inside, demolition of the interior cept to the town. “I always thought
nears completion this week as part that a gourmet market was part of
of a metamorphosis of one of Djon a missing puzzle. I thought that our
Pepaj’s culinary investments in Indi- town deserved to have our own mar-
alantic. ket, so I decided to go forward with
my idea instead of continuing with
Come the fall, the restaurant – and the eatery. This would make much
the four buildings to the east - will get more sense and fill the void of local
a new name and a new purpose, con- culture.”
verted into Village Market, a multi-
faceted gourmet gathering for foodies. Pepaj said the Village Market will
Pepaj’s restaurant, The Copperhead highlight many different food op-
Tavern, at the eastern end of the block tions, from groceries to ready-to-
will remain in business as a comple- eat foods to table service dining. It
ment to the complex. will also feature a coffee bar, bakery,
fresh juice and smoothie bar, oyster
An engineering design package, and noodle bar, charcuterie bar, taco
which took over a year in develop- stand and roof top bar.
ment, will be ready for submittal to
the town’s building department by “Our mission is to provide the com-
July. “We will begin construction im-

6 Thursday, July 6, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Towns to share $70K cost to unclog stretch of canal

STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER “Certainly our community has out the overgrowth it will eventually Unclogging the canal south of Satellite
[email protected] changed the maintenance in recog- choke the flow,’’ he said. Avenue will cost an estimated $70,000.
nition of the impact herbicides have
A critical but costly project to man- on the environment and the lagoon Cooperation has been ongoing PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER
ually claw out vegetation overgrowth and being good stewards. We are as access was granted from the In-
from a 2,700-foot canal shared be- very careful and aware of what type dian Harbour Beach side for the ear- for a long time but in this situation
tween Satellite Beach and Indian of herbicides we can use and not use lier work on the trees, said Satellite it got to be where we needed to get
Harbour Beach shows the impact of on city grounds and during certain Beach Public Works Director Allen a hard answer to it (the percentages)
lagoon-friendly bans on spraying times of the year. If you don’t clean Potter. for a big clean. We used to spray it but
herbicides on canal bank overgrowth. we don’t do that anymore because of
“It’s been a shared responsibility all the issues with the lagoon so now
A total of $70,000 is expected to be we have to find a better way to do it
spent soon to unclog the canal south without spraying poison into the wa-
of Satellite Avenue and near Indian ter,’’ Potter said. 
Harbour Beach’s Algonquin Sports
Complex to prevent flooding and
property damage from a major storm
event this season.

The same ditch became clogged
by several large trees after Hurricane
Matthew last October, requiring Satel-
lite Beach crews to remove the trunks
and branches. Now, after several years
without spraying, the canal has be-
come overgrown with not only trees
but brush and fast-growing exotic
species, prompting the cooperation
on the current project.

The cost is being split based on old
drainage basin maps, with Indian
Harbour Beach shouldering 75 per-
cent for its share of the area and Sat-
ellite Beach picking up the other 25

The key canal drains about 20 per-
cent to 25 percent of each city, mean-
ing it would be critical to keep clear
during a storm, said Indian Harbour
Beach City Manager Mark Ryan.

“Ditches and canals play a big role
in both rain events and hurricane
events, because they act as a natural
filtration and assimilation of pollut-
ants and dampening for freshwater
surges prior to discharges into the la-
goon system,’’ he said.

It used to be cheaper and less la-
bor-intensive to spray the canals but
the practice is thankfully no longer
allowed, he said.


Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
Bill Sokolic, 609-457-5480 Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 For our advertising partners, we pledge [email protected]
to provide the most complete consulta-
Staff Reporter Columnists tive and marketing programs possible for Corporate Editor
George White, 321-795-3835 Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 the best return on your investment. Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
[email protected] Cynthia Van Gaasbeck, 321-626-4701 [email protected]

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 6, 2017 7


DJON’S VILLAGE MARKET and explained the concept. We have
nothing like it here and he should do
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 very well. I have been to markets like
what he is creating in New York and
munity with local organic produce, California where you can buy quality
non-genetically modified food prod- organic and gourmet items.”
ucts, natural grazed meat products
and fresh seafood options. We will Because the final project incor-
have a large wine shop along with a porates four other buildings, over-
cigar shop.” crowding should not be an issue
when it comes to cars.
While the Green Turtle Market in
Indian Harbour Beach offers some “We will have plenty of parking,”
of the same types of products, Pepaj Pepaj said.
said they are not alike.
He expects the Village Market to
“My concept is similar to Eataly in take four months to complete. “How-
New York City,” said the restaurateur, ever it will be done when it is done
who moved to Indialantic in 1995. correctly,” he said. 

Eataly has made a name for its ar- praised the new venture. “I think Djon’s David Curri & Stan Kirschner Top 1% of Brokers Sales
ray of high quality food and drink new market will be a fantastic addi- Brokers/Owners on the Beachside
from around the world, with loca- tion to our town and for beachside as
tions in Japan, Turkey, Monaco, Italy, a whole. Djon has shown me the plans
and in the U.S., in New York, Chicago,
Los Angeles and Boston.

“Indialantic is a very special place,”
Pepaj said of his decision to expand
his investments. “The people, the
culture is unlike any other town

Indialantic Mayor Dave Berkman

Marine Bank plans full service Office: 321.729.6000 I Direct: 321.890.9911
branch in Brevard County I [email protected]


STORY BY RAY McNULTY STAFF WRITER long been involved with community NEW LISTING - $1,990,000
[email protected] causes such as the Children’s Hunger
Project, Devereux Florida (children’s EXCLUSIVE N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE ESTATE HOME
Marine Bank & Trust celebrated its welfare), Serene Harbor (domestic vi- 130 FT. OF INDIAN RIVER WATERFRONT
20th birthday this week by continuing olence), the Women’s Center, Brevard
to expand in what its president and Zoo, Junior Achievement and the Mel- 406 FOURTH AVE. • MELBOURNE BEACH
CEO believes is the right direction – bourne Regional Chamber of Com-
north. merce – as a Marine Bank vice presi- CUONNDTERRACT CUONNDTERRACT
dent in April.
On the heels of acquiring a Sebas- TO BE BUILT - $749,000 VACANT LAND - $275,000
tian branch last October, now the only “When we decided to do this, I
bank rooted in Vero Beach is prepar- started asking friends and colleagues, COASTAL COTTAGE II • NEW CONSTRUCTION
ing to open a full-service banking cen- ‘Who is the best banker up there?’ and TO BE BUILT • 4 BD/3BATH 3000+SF
ter in Rockledge, a city where Marine I kept hearing Malak’s name,” Penney
already has a loan production office. said. “She’s an amazing person, not MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! SPACECOAST
just a terrific banker, and her connec- ARCHITECTS
Penney doesn’t believe he’s going tions will provide us with many op- Mary Goodwin
out on a limb. “The banking business, portunities.” E: [email protected] P.A.
to me, is all about the people, and P: 321.544.1933
we’ve assembled a great team of lo- The new branch will have five em- 333 A FIFTH AVENUE
cal bankers ready to introduce Marine ployees, including Hammad. INDIALANTIC, FL 32903
Bank’s customer-first service to that
community,” Penney said. “So we’re Penney said he has wanted to ex- 321.728.4422
very excited about this. pand into Brevard County for more Member of American
than a year, and his efforts intensified Institute of Architects (AIA)
“We’re looking to buy or lease a fa- after Marine purchased Valley Nation-
cility in that area,” Penney said. “We’re al Bank’s Sebastian branch last fall. The ENERGY EFFICIENT AND
exploring a few possibilities. If all goes acquisition added 565 new customers SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE
well, we could be open for business as and $13 million in customer deposits
soon as three to six months. It’ll defi- during the fourth quarter of 2016. Get Your Home Value Today, Visit:
nitely be in the next several months.”
“The bank is doing well,” Penney
When Marine opens the Brevard said. “We’ve got great people on our
branch, it will be managed by Malak team and our customers are happy.
Hammad, a 10-year Melbourne resi- This is an exciting time for us, and
dent and former PNC Bank vice presi- as we celebrate our 20th birthday,
dent who managed that bank’s Bay- we believe this is the right time to do
tree/Viera branch. this.” 

Penney hired Hammad – who has

10 Thursday, July 6, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Sea and be seen: A professional mermaid’s tale

STORY BY STACI DONOVAN STAFF WRITER forming into a mermaid is no day Alexa Roque with all of the children at James Nance Park. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER
[email protected] at the beach. The tail alone weighs Melody, Ezra and David Miyamoto.
40 pounds. After lathering it with
Though she started out as a life- conditioner to help her slip it on, Sarah Donovan, Hannah Harris, Jordan Donovan and Taylor Donovan.
guard and through that job found her she scoots herself to the shore. She
tail, Alexandria Roque says being a shimmies her way onto her pearl
professional mermaid is something seashell float and puts on her mer-
she’s felt called to do since she was a maid crown made of turret shells.
little girl. After story time, questions, pictures
and “shell-fies,” she scoots herself
“One day a little girl with a fabric into the water to remove her tail. She
mermaid tail came to the pool and emerges out of the water with feet.
I thought, I bet I can do that!” said One little girl watched the whole
Roque, 22. Her “mer-mom,” Virginia thing. Three-year-old Juliet won-
Hernandez, remembers her daughter dered where her tail went.
running around the house as a child
singing the songs from the Disney Roque still goes back to the pool
classic “The Little Mermaid.” where she first started and swims
around for underwater photos. Recent-
At 16, Roque made her own fabric ly, she met a few other girls with pro-
mermaid tail. She saved her money to fessional tails. “It’s so exciting to share
buy her first professional tail at age 20. this adventure with girls who are doing
the exact same thing,” she said. 
Custom made, these tails can cost
anywhere from $1,000 up to $5,000.
“It’s an expensive hobby,” Roque
said. Her business, East Coast Mer-
maid Florida, is a part-time job right
now. Her weekends are booked doing
social events and birthday parties.
Currently a student at Eastern Florida
State College, Roque plans to finish
her business degree at the University
of Central Florida. During the week,
Roque works for iHeart Radio, doing
sales, voice-overs and advertising.

When asked how she reacted to her
daughter’s aspiring mermaid dreams,
Hernandez said, “I told her to go for it!
Life is short, if this is what you want –
go for it.”

One of Roque’s passions is to use
her mermaid tail for good in her com-
munity. One of her passions is reading
stories to kids at James Nance Park in
Indialantic, and that’s where the Mel-
bourne Beachsider caught up with
her last Thursday, reading “Norman
the Nurse Shark” by Jillian Morris.

In the epic adventure, Norman jour-
neys to the Bahamas to find his fam-
ily and finds exciting twists and turns
along the way. All proceeds from the
book go to Sharks4kids, a nonprofit
organization whose mission is to
bring education and awareness about
sharks and the critical roles they play
in balancing our ecosystem.

Roque’s custom-made turquoise
and gold tail matched the waters
beautifully. The midday storytime
drew a nice crowd of kids of all ages,
a much-needed distraction from the
heat. At one point during the story we
saw a big dark something swimming
in the water. Could it be a well-timed
shark photobomb? No, a lifeguard
came over and pointed out that it was
a manatee, a long-lost relative to the

As glamorous as it looks, trans-

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 6, 2017 11


Brevard bursting with UF pride at Gator Gathering

STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT Scholarship recipients with incoming President Amanda Ferguson.
[email protected]
UF basketball head coach Mike White. Denise (class of 1982) and Tyrone Carter. Jackson Vaughn. PHOTOS: JULIAN LEEK
Outside of Gainesville itself, there
may be no greater concentration of ra- Carter: “We just love to support the
bid University of Florida fans than in Gators. I got my enthusiasm by being
Brevard County, with the Space Coast in the Gator band.”
Gator Club providing a virtual home
to displaced Gators and those who After a dinner catered by Old School
love them. Pizza, coach White bounded to the
stage amid a standing ovation. White
The club convened last Thursday at spoke in detail of the young men on his
the Melbourne Auditorium for its 2017 team and their collective and individ-
Gator Gathering, an evening of din- ual futures. His admiration for them
ner and drinks, auctions and vendors, was apparent. Confident yet humble,
scholarships and support. The big White could not have made the par-
draw, of course, was guest of honor UF tisan crowd happier. That is, until he
basketball head coach Mike White, spoke earnestly about his ties to the
whose love for Brevard was especially area, in particular Satellite Beach.
endearing to the crowd.
Parents Kevin and Jane White
The nearly 300 fans present in a bought a home there 15 years ago and
club with 2,800 members spanned the extended family have been meet-
the age range from tots in strollers to ing there ever since. He and his wife,
103-year-old Jackson Vaughn of Mel- Kira, have five children 10 years and
bourne. The 1939 graduate of the UF younger, so family activities are para-
College of Law had been practicing mount. “There is not a better place for
until recent health problems forced her and I and the kids to run around
him to retire. “He was practicing on the beach than Brevard County,”
up until a few months ago,” said his he said. “To attend (the Gator Gather-
daughter, Elise Vaughn, also a UF law ing) is near and dear to my heart. We
graduate and attorney in Melbourne. absolutely love this place. It’s like a
second home to us.” 
The evening was a chance for mem-
bers to get to know incoming Presi-
dent Amanda Ferguson. The Merritt
Islander, a 2002 UF marketing major,
said the club is instrumental in bring-
ing UF to Brevard. “We do a kick-off
party leading into football season, we
host local watch parties at various res-
taurants. We do a lot of local sporting
events with various teams from UF.

“One of the main things we do is
fund-raise for scholarships. We were
very excited to award 14 $1,000 scholar-
ships to Brevard youths,” Ferguson said.

A group of friends from Indian Har-
bour Beach were enjoying a party
within the party as one couple cel-
ebrated their wedding anniversary
among the like-minded. “Our friends
here got the table and invited all of
us,” said Micah Haney, who studied
business administration at UF.

Dawn Vavera surprised her hus-
band, Keith Vavera, a 1994 graduate
of the UF College of Dentistry, with a
table of friends for their anniversary.
One needn’t ask why: “We are huge UF
supporters!” She added: “We wanted
to come out and show our support to
Coach White.”

Among the guests were Tyrone
and Denise Carter of Indian Harbour
Beach, who live in a house divided
with him being an engineering gradu-
ate of Florida Atlantic University and
her receiving a degree in political sci-
ence from UF. Tyrone Carter says he
is a “Gator by marriage.” Said Denise


14 Thursday, July 6, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Silent stars: Theater volunteers play essential roles

STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH COLUMNIST The volunteers of the area’s com- VBTG Summer Rehearsal. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
[email protected] munity theaters number anywhere
from 40 at Surfside Playhouse to In fact, the hardest
No matter how dynamic the cast more than 500 at Melbourne Civic thing about getting in-
or compelling the direction, a sensa- Theatre. Vero Beach Theatre Guild volved is making that
tional theatrical production simply has about 350, Titusville has about initial contact, and all
will not happen without hundreds 100, the Henegar Center has nearly theaters strive to smooth
working behind the scenes. 200, and Cocoa Village Playhouse has that process as much as
about 200. possible.
They include the people keeping
the lights on at the box office, man- Don’t let that number stop you “The bottom line, we
ning the phones, guiding you to your from contacting the theaters. They love our awesome volun-
seats and selling concessions at in- always welcome new volunteers with teers. … It’s a great way
termission. They’re also painting the open arms. to make new friends and
scenery, sewing the costumes and support the arts,” said
finding the props. “We wouldn’t be able to put on the Kathy Kett, front of house
seasons we do without the support manager at Melbourne
They form the boards, raise money of the community,” said Niko Sta- Civic Theatre. “And, we
and even clean the restrooms. And in mos, associate director at Titusville have fun.”
community theaters, they are almost Playhouse. “The jobs that are asked
all volunteers. of volunteers throughout a year have Katherine McElhinny PHOTO BY BENJAMIN THACKER To get involved, contact:
varied from taking out garbage after Cocoa Village Play-
“Volunteers are everything,” said a show to feeding goats and chickens ly a talent we can use at the theater.” house, 300 Brevard Ave.,
Bryan Bergeron, artistic director of to working a spotlight – all important Others are just interested in “join- Cocoa, FL 321-636-5050
Surfside Playhouse in Cocoa Beach. roles that are sometimes looked over Henegar Center, 625
“Nothing happens without them. and forgotten about. We would not be ing in and learning new things.” E. New Haven Ave., Mel-
They drive our fundraisers, produce able to continue expanding the way “I have a lot of tech people who bourne, FL 321-723-8698
our shows, manage the building, ev- we have without both our commu- King Center for the
erything.” nity and our volunteers.” came in without specific skills,” said Performing Arts, 3865 N.
Bergeron. “Now they are go-to people Wickham Rd., Melbourne,
Other theater managers call volun- Volunteering at a theater can also for getting things done.” FL, download an appli-
teers the family, the heartbeat, the fill an empty spot in the heart, easing cation for volunteers 18
backbone of their organizations. loneliness and providing a social life. You may not be able to sew, but per- years and older, at http://
haps you can iron. Building wooden w w w.k i nteer
And while that love flows liberally After Beverly Couch Burns lost her platforms may feel daunting, but Melbourne Civic Theatre, 817
from the organizations to the volun- husband, she knew she needed new maybe you can slap on paint. Or Strawbridge Ave., Melbourne, FL 321-
teers, it goes the other way as well. activities in her life. A friend took her maybe you’d like to fold newsletters 723-6935
It’s a giant love fest, said Mary Cole- to Melbourne Civic Theatre produc- or greet patrons as they enter the the- Riverside Theatre, 3250 Riverside
man Jennell, a 30-year volunteer for tion. A year later, she joined its volun- ater. Cocoa Village Playhouse even Park Drive, Vero Beach, FL, fill out
Melbourne Civic Theatre. teer crew. uses volunteers to supervise child- an application online at http://www.
care during performances – not to r i v er sidet he at r e.c om/v olu nt e er- op -
“First, it was ‘hold this while I nail She sold tickets, served as an usher mention that goat-feeding at Titus- portunities.
it together’ and then (director) David and sold concessions. ville Playhouse. Surfside Playhouse, 301 Ramp Road
Beyer asked me during tech week of a (5th Street South), Cocoa Beach, FL,
show if I’d like to run props,” she said. “I enjoy the interaction with other 321-783-3127.
“Eventually I graduated to stage man- volunteers as well as with the audi- Titusville Playhouse, 301 Julia St.,
aging. I love the work and the people. ence members,” she said. Titusville, FL, 321-268-1125
I miss doing the shows, I’m not able to Vero Beach Theatre Guild, 2020 San
do those anymore, but I still do the pro- Another MCT volunteer, Steve Bud- Juan Ave., Vero Beach, FL, 772-562-
gram and help with mailings and such. kiewicz, says helping out the theater 8300 
They have become my second family.” is a healthy activity for a senior.

And that family is certainly cel- “The friendships and bonds that
ebrated. It’s de rigueur for theaters are established are priceless,” he
to make a fuss over their volunteers. said. “You become a public relations
They will host social gatherings, ap- representative for an organization
preciation dinners and holiday par- that has become your family … I have
ties for the volunteers. And, there are always felt the benefits I receive as a
the birthday cakes and spontaneous volunteer far surpass those the orga-
social functions. nization receives from my service.”

“A lot of volunteers are social with Even if you don’t know what you have
each other,” said Mark Wygonik, ar- to offer, your neighborhood theater
tistic director of the Vero Beach The- still wants you. They all offer on the job
atre Guild. He says various Guild training and volunteer orientation.
groups get together for dinners, af-
ter-show parties, theater excursions, When Surfside Playhouse gets calls
even cruises and road trips. from people wanting to volunteer, the
first thing asked is how much time
While professional theaters use they’d like to spend, said Bergeron.
union crews in their scenic, costume, The next question is whether they
lighting and music departments, have a particular “itch that needs to
Vero’s Riverside Theatre has a roster be scratched.”
of some 500 volunteers to usher, take
tickets and run concessions. In Mel- “Are they a seamstress, an uphol-
bourne, the King Center draws on a sterer, a carpenter, artist, business per-
list of more than 300. son?” he said. “Some people organize
their closets really well. That’s definite-

16 Thursday, July 6, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Coming Up: Sybil Gage all the rage at Heidi’s

STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER sons to Kitt, Washington, Bailey and
[email protected] Joplin. In 2008, Space Coast Living
Magazine named her “Best Musi-
Dan Gunderson. Sybil Gage. cian in Brevard County,” and her
fans label themselves “Sybilized.”
and yellow broom handles (sans the Gage’s glam persona is as engaging Joe Thompson.
bristled ends). The telephone pole, as her voice, with feather boas and
which is held off the floor in a hori- statement hats bespeaking her New sculptures of horses,
zontal position by the leggy broom- Orleans roots. She shares that her won best-in-show, and
sticks, “looks like a wooly worm,” band, the Catahoulas, are named was awarded a “One-
Gunderson says. for the Catahoula Cur, the state dog Man-Show” at the mu-
of Louisiana (known for its loyalty, seum, only the second
Gunderson next found that he had she adds, with a nod to the band). time such an honor has
collected enough injection-molded Fridays, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., it’s pianist been awarded. Under a
happy-meal type toys (from flea (and retired dentist) Steve Kirsner State of Florida grant,
markets, yard sales and resale shops) and Friends, from the Space Coast Frits was named Artist-
to begin forming sculptures with Jazz Society. Kirsner plays by ear and in-Residence at the Mu-
them. He would drill and then skew- – with Al Dodds on bass, Stan Soloko seum, where he taught,
er toys onto metal rods, like beads on drums, Len Bentley on trumpet off and on, for three de-
on an abacus, before assembling the and Steve Lomazzo on sax – keeps cades. Gallery hours are
rods into 10-foot-high stick figures or the music, energy and laughter mov- Tuesday through Satur-
house shapes. ing along. The Ron Teixeira Trio (aka day, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
the House trio) takes the stage Fri-
According to his wife, this series days and Saturdays from 8:30 p.m.
took an emotional toll on Gunderson. till midnight. On Saturdays, through
July, Israeli writer and singer Hella
“It just broke his heart to destroy the Ayelet Gal will join the Ron Teixeira
objects,” de Parry declares. Trio. Hella began performing at 18,
while fulfilling her duty with the Is-
“So Dan started to think, ‘Maybe I raeli Defense Forces, and since has
don’t need to do that. Maybe I can just performed all over the world.
assemble and reassemble and reas-
semble, and never use the toys up.’” Frits Van Eeden.

And with that, Gunderson “kind of Steve Kirsner and
fell into” arranging intact toys to be Friends.
photographed and shown as prints,
says de Parry. 1 On the Space Coast, jazz lovers
and jazz musicians have been
You might ask yourself, why use
toys? Why not arrange seashells or hanging out at Heidi’s Jazz Club (in
cicadas or steak knives into rhyth-
mic compositions? the Heidelberg Restaurant) in Co-

For Gunderson, it’s been “a very in- coa Beach since it opened its doors
teresting thing” to take someone else’s
creativity (those artists who originally in 1992. The cool, easy ambiance
designed the characters the toys de-
pict) and use them as a starting point includes lots of polished wood, soft 2 Two new artists, Joe Thomp- 3 At Lou’s Blues Bar and Restaurant
for his own art. Because most people son and Frits Van Eeden, have in Indialantic the visuals alone
will already have a relationship with recessed lighting, a well-positioned
the cartoon figures he employs, they
will be able to connect with an idea stage, and walls tastefully hung with joined Melbourne’s Fifth Avenue Art are enough to keep you interested for at
that Gunderson has taken into the ab-
stract realm. jazz-compatible art – original works Gallery, where you will now be able least a couple of hours. But, of course,

“It’s a lot like a mandala, too,” he by Brian Dowdall, Kurt Zimmer- to enjoy their work. Thompson is a there’s more. Live music nightly is a big
says. “A mandala does the same kind
of thing: When you are drawn into it man, Sooz Momofuku and Wayne self-taught sculptor who got his start draw at this popular local hangout and,
into it, you can lose yourself – your
physical self” in his photographs. Coombs. The Heidelberg cuisine fo- with found objects and still finds coming up this weekend: Friday at 9:30

And that’s why “Dan Gunderson: A cus is, no surprise, German, but the “cheap materials” a source of in- p.m. Katty Shack is back with all your
View from Above” is just like that page-
turner you simply can’t put down.   musical main dish is the jazz, live spiration. He says, “I go to my shop faves from the ’80s; Saturday brings

Wednesdays through Sundays, fea- every day and give ART a place to singer/songwriter/guitarist Jay DiBella

turing regular artists and frequent happen.” Sculptor and painter Van at 1 p.m.; at 5:30 p.m., enjoy a couple of

special guest artists. Thursdays 7 Eeden was a member of the highly brews, and grab that microphone – it’s

p.m. to 10 p.m., you will definitely get respected Puchri Studio, a spacious karaoke with Cindy till 9:30 p.m., when

your jazz on with Sybil Gage and the artist-run gallery in The Hague, Rocket City brings the tunes, served

Catahoulas. A New Orleans native, Netherlands, which hosts more than you way, from the retro era to current

the deceptively petite (5-foot-3, 110 50 exhibits each year. On a trip to hits. Sunday, it’s popular blues guitar-

pounds wringing wet) Gage posses- Florida, he entered a juried com- ist Joey Gilmore at 2 p.m., followed by

sives an impressive set of pipes, and petition at the Artist Forum of the Shain at 7 p.m. Lou’s Blues is right on

knows her way around the genres – Brevard Art Center and Museum of the river, there’s a great menu – and al-

jazz, blues – earning her compari- Melbourne. His work, two life-size ways live music. 

18 Thursday, July 6, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Twenty feet under water, Nature ters out of Key Largo to the local fish- The importance attached to the rier reef, although much less famous
Conservancy biologist Jennifer Stein ing industry’s catches of spiny lobsters, reef system defies the usual politi- than Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.
swims over to several large corals and grouper, snapper and other species, cal divides. Here in the Keys, people
pulls several laminated cards from her nearly everything in the Florida Keys voted 51 percent to 44 percent in favor But less than 10 percent of the reef
dive belt. is tied in some way to the reefs. of Donald Trump in the presidential system is now covered with living cor-
election – but they seem to differ from al. Scientists anticipate that as early
“Disease,” reads one, as she gestures Diving, snorkeling, fishing, and eat- the president in their support for gov- as 2020, it could be in line for almost
to a coral that exhibits white splotch- ing seafood are among the key tourist ernment-funded programs to protect yearly bleaching events, in which heat
es. “Recent mortality,” reads another activities that could be harmed if the the environment. stresses upend the metabolism of cor-
card. Along the miles of coral reef off reef continues to suffer damage. als, in some cases killing them. The
the Florida Keys, Stein and her fellow In March, amid fears that the admin- reefs experienced back-to-back major
divers have found countless examples Cece Roycraft and a partner own the istration might try to defund Environ- bleaching events in 2014 and 2015.
of this essential form of ocean life fac- Dive Key West shop, which sells scuba mental Protection Agency programs
ing sickness and death. gear and runs boat charters. Their oper- that protect the reef system, Monroe An influential 2016 study in the
ation depends on a healthy reef system, County’s board of commissioners journal Scientific Reports found that
The pattern of decay is shaping up because divers naturally are not as in- called for sustaining the EPA’s role and coral declines were just as likely to
as one of the sharpest impacts of cli- terested in exploring dead or damaged declared in a board resolution that “a occur in remote, pristine reefs, such
mate change in the continental Unit- reefs, which do not attract as many fish healthy marine environment is essen- as the northern sector of the Great
ed States – and a direct threat to eco- and can be covered in algae. It is an eco- tial and the most important contribu- Barrier Reef, as they were to occur in
nomic activity in the Keys, a haven for nomic reality accepted by residents of tor to the economy of the Florida Keys.” non-remote reefs, such as the Florida
diving, fishing and coastal tourism. the Keys but not yet widely recognized Reef Tract. That is despite the fact
by other Americans, she said. The EPA’s South Florida program, that reefs closer to human commu-
The debate over climate change which received $ 1.7 million in federal nities probably experience a lot more
is often framed as one that pits jobs “It’s equal to the Yellowstone Park, funds in fiscal 2017, conducts coral
against the need to protect the planet okay?” said Roycraft, who worked to surveys, studies of the health of sea
for future generations. In deciding to help create a federal program that grasses and carries out more-general
exit the Paris climate agreement and certifies vessels that train their crews water- ¬quality assessments. Trump’s
roll back domestic environmental in proper coral protection practices, proposed 2018 federal budget seeks to
regulations, the Trump administration including following proper mooring eliminate the allocation.
said it was working to protect jobs. rules and ensuring that divers do not
poke and prod the reefs. In recent years, the islands have
But what is happening here – as spent millions of dollars, including
the warming of the sea devastates the Tourism“is the economic engine of the some federal money, to convert to
coral reef – is a stark example of how Florida Keys. There is no other way for central sewer systems, ending the
rising temperatures can threaten ex- people to make money,” Roycraft said. damaging practice of allowing hu-
isting economies. man waste to seep into the ocean
Three and a half million people from septic tanks.
The 113-mile-long Overseas High- visit the Keys each year – nearly 47
way between the mainland and Key for each of the area’s 75,000 full-time But what is coming into focus is that
West – linking islands that themselves residents. Tourism supplies 54 percent the threats to the reef system cannot
emerged from an ancient coral archi- of all island jobs and fuels a $2.7 bil- be countered locally.
pelago – is lined with marinas, bait lion economy, according to Monroe
and tackle shops and an abundance of County, which includes the Keys and Ecologists describe the 360-mile-
seafood restaurants. a significant portion of Everglades Na- long Florida Reef Tract as a global trea-
tional Park. sure. It is the world’s third-largest bar-
From the visitors who fill dive char-

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 6, 2017 21


On Jan. 22, 2003, the Boston Red Sox to faraway greats such talking about everything that in- perhaps more entertainment to Boston
signed a $1.25 million contract with as Ken Griffey Jr., and volves. His first season in Boston cul- readers, is the chapter summarizing
a 27-year-old first baseman who had concluding with his minated in a legendary playoff series the brief entry of Bobby Valentine into
been released the month before by the 2016 retirement tour, that ended in a devastating extra-in- our lives. Valentine’s one-year tenure
Minnesota Twins. They saw in him a the memoir is largely ning loss to the archrival Yankees. As with the Red Sox is generally accepted
potential complementary bat for their a straightforward nar- any New Englander alive at the time as the low point of the past two decades
high-powered offense, one who was rative of Ortiz’s time in can attest, the mood in the region af- of the franchise, and Ortiz makes it
worth the modest financial gamble. baseball. Those look- terward can best be described as fu- clear that it was even worse inside the
Thirteen years, three World Series ing for a deep dive into nerary. Ortiz took it as the moment he clubhouse.
wins and almost 500 home runs later, the inner life of a base- understood his fans: “I never wanted
David Ortiz retired from baseball as ball star or the intricate to see faces that sad again.” Less gossipy but frankly more in-
arguably the most important player in strategies of a modern teresting are the insights Ortiz offers
the history of the Boston franchise. franchise will probably A year later, he’d live up to that goal, into the way Boston’s management has
be disappointed. As leading Boston to an unprecedented worked with star players over the years.
The rise of Ortiz from scrap-heap the unpolished reflec- comeback victory against the Yankees, Sports fans have become used to stories
bench player to Hall of Famer is an un- tions of one of the few followed by the franchise’s first World of the Patriots, the Red Sox’s National
likely and entertaining story, and en- ballplayers to redefine Series win since World War I. Had he Football League neighbors, taking a
gagingly told in “Papi: My Story” (by a club, though, it works retired at that moment, he’d have ce- ruthless stance on player negotiations,
Ortiz with co-author Michael Holley). perfectly. mented his legend. But of course, he but Ortiz casts the Fenway ownership
Starting with his early life in the Do- had a great deal of baseball left, and as being no less committed to hardball.
minican Republic, when he looked up The casual, con- he grew into one of the best hitters in From his own difficulties in working
versational tone of the league over the remainder of the out long-term deals to his bafflement
the book reflects one decade. Injuries and age started to at Boston letting established veterans
of Ortiz’s best quali- sap this a bit between 2009 and 2011, such as Pedro Martinez and Jon Lester
ties as an icon of the leading to the grandest of Boston tra- walk away, Ortiz does very well in de-
game: his felicity with ditions: the moment when “What a scribing the bizarre nature of profes-
his second language player!” turns into “What have you sional sports as both a kids’ game and
when addressing both done for me lately?” Ortiz speaks can- a billion-dollar entertainment venture.
media members and didly of disrespect from local writers
his fan base. His skill and perceived disrespect from Red The intended audience for “Papi”
with the blunter An- Sox management during contract ne- is clearly those of us for whom Ortiz
glo-Saxon elements gotiations, as his production dipped: is a defining feature of our baseball
of English (most famously in the post- “In a lot of ways, it’s the media in New experience: the New Englanders who,
Boston Marathon bombing declara- England who run the ball club. Once before 2004, as Ortiz puts it, “looked
tion that now graces a million T-shirts they start hounding you, in print, on forward only cautiously” for fear of
throughout New England) is evident the radio, on TV, it’s constant.” another heartbreak. For that group,
throughout the book, which adds a who cried in 2003, cheered in 2004,
refreshing directness to his voice but It’s in these moments that the mem- 2007 and 2013, and still hasn’t fully
is probably worth considering before oir lives up to its “no holds barred” adjusted to Ortiz not playing every
giving a copy to the 10-year-old Sox billing. Many of the most vivid pas- day, this book will provide an engag-
fan in your life. sages in the book are devoted to ad- ing few hours of nostalgia. Baseball
Still, it’s in that voice that the mem- dressing slights and grudges, pri- fans of other loyalties will certainly
oir’s true strength lies. Freed of the marily involving former coaches and enjoy its clubhouse vignettes, colorful
beat reporters and columnists who media members. That so much time language and insights on hitting; fans
normally filter the interaction be- is spent on these in what is overall a of the Yankees, however, may wish to
tween player and fan, Ortiz shines story of remarkable success is a fasci- skip Chapter 7 entirely. 
when he discusses the unique cir- nating window into the motivations of
cumstances of playing baseball in star athletes. It’s clear that even after PAPI
the league’s harshest spotlight. The more than a decade, Ortiz is still ran- My Story
Boston fan base has a well-deserved kled by his treatment in Minnesota By David Ortiz
reputation for passion verging on ex- and that to some extent it fueled his Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
tremism, and Ortiz does not shy from play in Boston. 262 pp. $28
Review by Brendan O’Toole
Of less importance to his career, but The Washington Post


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22 Thursday, July 6, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


It was no small feat that Abraham broadening its appeal, as Blumen- ing,” studied “peculiar nuances ily estate to the leader of that move-
Lincoln was able to maneuver his re- thal’s former boss Bill Clinton sought of power that could not be com- ment, fused in Lincoln’s mind.”
election in 1864. The last president to to do in the Democratic Party of the manded by fiat” and belonged to
win a second term, Andrew Jackson, 1990s. Lincoln’s efforts proved less “the first American generation President Zachary Taylor died dur-
did so in 1832 with his party united successful. In 1849, he returned to innovating in party organization, ing that same cholera epidemic in
and without the weight of a bloody, Illinois as a one-term congressman, mass media, and public opinion.” 1850. His death empowered Whigs
three-year-old war. Lincoln was, in a capable lawyer and a minor cog in who supported slavery or were will-
the words of Doris Kearns Goodwin a creaky Whig political machine that Blumenthal knows that world ing to compromise on its expansion.
and others, a “political genius.” soon disintegrated. better than anyone else who has When Clay died in 1852, Lincoln,
examined Lincoln. Two political increasingly conscious of the key
Sidney Blumenthal would agree. But just as Winston Churchill had his figures – Sen. Albert Beveridge, issue, gave a eulogy that made the
Blumenthal, a longtime journalist “wilderness years” to ready himself for an early 20th-century Progressive Kentuckian sound more anti-slavery
who worked for a president who won bigger things, so did Lincoln. In 1860, and biographer, and George Mc- than he really was. But, writing to a
two terms, believes that Lincoln ac- five years after the Whig Party col- Govern, who carried the baggage Kentucky lawyer shortly afterward,
complished what he did because he lapsed, Lincoln was elected president. of a Ph.D. in history when he ran Lincoln privately called Clay’s view
was a politician from his toenails to How he emerged from that wilderness for president – have written biog- of slavery “bankrupt.”
the top of his stovepipe hat. How Lin- – how “he entered his wilderness years raphies of Lincoln, but they did
coln balanced politics and principle a man in pieces and emerged on the not focus, as Blumenthal does, on Lincoln’s letter, Blumenthal ob-
is central to “Wrestling With His other end a coherent steady figure” – Lincoln as the political operative serves, “transformed the Revolution
Angel,” the second of Blumenthal’s is the story Blumenthal tells with pa- who also wrote editorials and fi- into a slave revolt and the Declara-
projected four volumes on Lincoln’s nache and understanding. nanced newspapers. Blumenthal tion of Independence into a kind of
political career. It follows last year’s has spent his life in the intercon- Emancipation Proclamation.” In-
“A Self-Made Man,” which examined Lincoln grasped that “when the nected worlds of politics and jour- deed, Lincoln showed signs of eman-
Lincoln’s first 40 years. events changed he had to change to nalism, and it shows: He grasps cipating himself from his party’s at-
align himself with them.” As Blu- that political genius in ways oth- tempts to compromise on slavery.
In that volume, Lincoln was a menthal puts it, “The self-made man ers could not, making Lincoln
mostly a local politician who tried to educated himself in the politics of more politically plausible. Ironically, Douglas enabled Lin-
stick to his party’s principles while democracy,” “apprenticed in logroll- coln to break his old shackles by
In explaining Lincoln’s transi- brooking no compromise. In 1854,
tion from just another Whig to a hoping to gain support from the
rising Republican, Blumenthal increasingly rigid South, Douglas
keeps the man himself off the drove Congress to pass the Kansas-
stage. Indeed, Lincoln was in Nebraska Act, which obliterated
the wings, watching and analyz- existing limits on slavery and per-
ing events as they unfolded. Blu- mitted it to extend north and west.
menthal explains those develop- He split the Democratic Party and
ments and the personalities at prompted Northern anti-slavery
the center of them, from the rigid men to plan a new party.
and manipulative Jefferson Davis
(Blumenthal clearly delights in When Lincoln responded to Doug-
discussing Davis’ herpes, which las in a speech at Peoria, Ill., in Oc-
caused serious vision problems, tober 1854, he claimed the Found-
and his extramarital affair with ing Fathers and the Declaration of
an Alabama politician’s wife) to Independence on behalf of aboli-
the ceaselessly pandering Ste- tion. “Many had undoubtedly been
phen Douglas, the longtime po- spectators before at his amusing,
litical rival whom Lincoln (and sharp, and clever performances,”
Blumenthal) disdained. Blumenthal writes. “But it was at this
moment that the perception of Lin-
Blumenthal begins his story by ex- coln altered.” Blumenthal calls it a
plaining cholera, which ends up be- “transfiguration,” but the politician
ing crucial to Lincoln’s – and America’s survived. Blumenthal shows how
– political evolution. In 1849, a cholera Lincoln maneuvered himself and
epidemic killed Mary Lincoln’s father, others toward the new Republican
Robert Todd, requiring Lincoln to go to Party without entirely leaving the
Kentucky for a lawsuit over his estate. Whigs, at least at first. Still a politi-
At the time, Kentucky was debating a cal warhorse, Lincoln mapped cam-
new constitution. Pro-slavery forces de- paigns that seemed to benefit others
feated efforts for gradual, compensated more than himself.
emancipation led by allies of Henry
Clay, Lincoln’s “beau ideal of a states- Lincoln once said, “I am slow to
man” and a friend of Mary’s father. learn and slow to forget that which
Lincoln lost the estate case to some I have learned.” During the first half
of those pro-slavery politicians. Blu- of the 1850s, he continued to learn
menthal’s understanding of politics about politics and about himself.
leads him to the logical conclusion Blumenthal guides us through what
that losing the legal battle to those Lincoln learned and how he learned
waging the political battle-hardened it as he wrestled with slavery and
Lincoln’s views. “Lincoln was brood- politics, and matured into someone
ingly silent but smoldering for years” who could find the better angels of
about the case. “The tragic death of our nature. 
his father-in-law as he was attempt-
ing to preserve the old Kentucky, the WRESTLING WITH HIS ANGEL
aggressive triumphalism of the pro- The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln Vol. II,
slavery forces in destroying it, and
the definitive loss of the Todd fam- 1849-1856
By Sidney Blumenthal

Simon & Schuster.
581 pp. $35

Review by Michael Green
The Washington Post

26 Thursday, July 6, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Preferring a baby boy doesn’t make dad inherently bad

STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST you picture yourself bringing them to life in a new This isn’t gendered, either; the version
generation. of your dilemma I’ve gotten most over the
Dear Carolyn: My daughter is years is from moms-to-be bummed to
expecting her second baby, anoth- Poof, you learn the baby’s of the opposite sex. Dis- have sons.
er girl. We are thrilled. However, appointment, sadness.
our daughter told us her husband Plus, some just want one of each.
said he wanted a boy, which frus- Those emotions are often faster to our tongues So please, find any doubt you can about
trated her. than logic is. So, a man enjoying warm memories your son-in-law’s motives and then give him
of Dad, freshly stirred up by his own impending the full benefit of it. Consider how he treats
We will be babysitting for them fatherhood, might stammer out “… but I wanted a your daughter, and their baby girl, how good
soon (so they can have a baby- boy!” before the full implications thereof had time a spouse and parent he is in general, how
moon). Knowing our son-in-law, to form in his brain. good a person he is overall.
he will make that statement to us. If he’s a doink, then you won’t fix that with
What can we say that will convey dismay at this at- your dismay, no matter how aptly conveyed.
titude? And please recognize that telling him
We think girls are just as valuable as boys, and the how he “should” feel is not the way to lift
baby’s health, not sex, should be the main concern. anyone, doink or not, up to the high ground
you think you’re occupying.
– Anonymous Do I think babies’ health “should” mat-
ter most? Sure. But this also “should” be
Anonymous: Ooh, said the fish. A big fat worm on for him figure out for himself, and for
a hook. you to express only for yourself and only
where appropriate.
Of course it’s terrible if your son-in-law’s reason Otherwise he will have grounds to convey
for preferring a boy is a belief that girls are less valu- his dismay that you jumped to sexism when
able humans than boys are and if he goes on to act maybe he was just having a primal nostalgia mo-
on that preference in the way he treats his girls. ment for Little League and mud and trucks.
Which, yes, girls like, too.
But this fish knows bait when she sees it, and I Which he’ll learn from his girls, if he needs to and
urge you to do the same: Recognize the “ifs” as a if he’s not a doink.
sign of multiple possibilities instead of acting on the Which you can encourage by saying, “Yeah, it’s
most inflammatory, son-in-law-shaming one. normal to prefer a boy or girl. But, then, kids end
up being themselves regardless of what we might
Your son-in-law could just as easily be mourning want, don’t they?” And we fall for them hardest
the death of his Mini-Me visions, which I think every that way. 
parent-to-be harbors to some degree. You know –
where you conjure your favorite parent-child mem-
ories as a kid, and you gender those activities more
out of reflex than any real notion that girls can’t go
fishing or boys can’t plant flowers with Mom, and

Why wait? Get ‘healthier now’
with weight-loss surgery

28 Thursday, July 6, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly

Dr. Jason Radecke. YOUR HEALTH


Why wait? Get ‘healthier now’ with weight-loss surgery

STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER been shown to reduce obesity, improve him, “I’m tired of taking 22 pills a day. bariatric “Center of Excellence” – the
[email protected] mortality and decrease the health risks I’m tired of being obese. I’m tired of my Sebastian River Medical Center.
from chronic diseases such as cardio- joints hurting. I’m tired of injecting my-
Dr. Jason Radecke has a radical idea. myopathy and diabetes.” self with needles six times a day.” There isn’t one in Vero or in Mel-
This particular bariatric surgeon, bourne or down the road at Lawnwood.
who has a 5-star rating from WebMD – Indeed, just last year the Cleveland All too often, says Radecke, patients
says it’s an idea he shares with the new Clinic released its five-year follow-up just come right out and say, “‘I don’t Centers of Excellence can only
ownership team at the Sebastian River to the peer-reviewed and widely ac- want to live like this anymore. I’m look- achieve that coveted accreditation by
Medical Center, Steward Health Care claimed STAMPEDE (Surgical Treat- ing into the next 10, 20, 30 years of my following a rigorous review process dur-
LLC. ment and Medications Potentially life and I see I’m headed into these ing which they prove they can maintain
“The Steward relationship with their Eradicate Diabetes Efficiently) study golden years but what’s so golden about certain physical resources, human re-
patients,” says Radecke, “[is focused on] which, in uncharacteristically plain being a diabetic and having a pill box in sources and standards of practice along
preventative medicine. It’s ‘let’s actu- English, stated simply “over 88 percent front of me and not being able to walk to with having certain types of equipment
ally get you healthier now.’” of gastric bypass and sleeve gastrecto- the mailbox and back without hurting geared specifically toward the bariatric
With that in mind, and it light of a na- my patients maintained healthy blood like you wouldn’t believe?’” patient and meeting or exceeding a pre-
tionwide obesity problem, Radecke is glucose levels without the use of insu- defined number of bariatric cases per
determined to challenge what he sees lin” for five years after the initial trial. Most of his patients already know year.
as misconceptions about surgery in their obesity can – and probably will
general and bariatric (or weight-loss) Moreover, the clinic concluded, – lead to diabetes, hypertension, hy- SRMC, say Radecke, meets or exceeds
surgery in particular. “overall weight loss was significantly percholesterolemia, sleep apnea and a all of those standards each year.
“There is still a push [by some physi- greater” with bariatric surgery than host of other problems which, statisti-
cians] to keep people out of surgery, but with traditional diet and exercise regi- cally, will likely lead to a heart attack or So, getting “healthier now” through
with all the medical problems these mens still favored by some primary a stroke. bariatric weight loss surgery is Ra-
people have,” Radecke explains, sur- care physicians. decke’s radical – or maybe just com-
gery is statistically the fastest, safest Meanwhile, Radecke points out, the mon-sense – idea.
and the best path to a healthier life. So what exactly is Radecke’s radical odds of having a complication during
He’s got some impressive backup, too. idea? bariatric weight loss surgery are almost As Radecke puts it in closing, “Bariat-
Both the American College of Sur- ridiculously small: around .05 percent ric surgery is, in my opinion, the poster
geons and the American Society for Do the bariatric surgery now and to 1.5 percent, he says. child for preventative medicine.”
Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery flatly reap the rewards of being – and stay-
say “the co-morbidities associated with ing – healthier for years to come rather While it is true the youthful-looking Dr. Jason Radecke is with Riverside
obesity range from diabetes to heart than putting it off as a last resort. Radecke does have hyper-specialized Surgical & Weight Loss Center and the
disease to certain types of cancers fellowship training, he also has another Sebastian River Medical Center. His Se-
[but] bariatric surgical procedures have Besides listening to his colleagues, important advantage when treating bastian office is at 14430 U.S. 1. His Vero
reading medical journals and studying obese patients. With offices in both Vero office is at 3745 11th Circle, Suite 103.
all the clinical trials carefully, Radecke and Sebastian, he performs his surger- To make an appointment to talk about
also tunes into his patients’ feelings. ies at the Treasure Coast’s only certified safely losing weight now, call 772-581-
8003. 
He says many patients are telling

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 6, 2017 29


Nurse On Call offers range of in-home healthcare

STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER courage them to leave if they’re on a work continues. And intensifies. reach by phone, somebody’s out there
[email protected] barrier island or close to the water, “The first thing we do as soon as checking as soon as we can.”
but we make sure that we have a list
When one of the nation’s largest se- of those patients that refuse. If they there’s an all-clear is we’re back in Uniquely, NOC also provides local
nior-living, assisted-living and memo- need help in making arrangements, the office. There’s an after-hurricane doctors’ offices with hurricane pre-
ry-care facility providers – Brookdale with the help of our social workers, team and they’re calling every one of paredness kits which those physicians
Senior Living – started diversifying we try and get them to a safe place. those residents [and] patients, to find can then hand out to their patients –
its holdings, a key acquisition was the We physically can’t get them out, but out where they are, if they’re home, if whether they are NOC clients or not
2015 purchase of in-home nursing we can help make arrangements to they’re safe. We do drive-bys if it’s a – as a subtle but useful reminder that
care specialists Nurse On Call. get them to another place.” safe area to get into. As long as it’s safe making arrangements in advance
for our clinician to get in, we check saves lives during a natural disaster.
Nurse On Call, a Medicare-certified After a hurricane passes, NOC’s on everyone. Anybody that we can’t
home health agency with deep roots CONTINUED ON PAGE 30
along the Treasure Coast, provides
registered nurses, licensed practical
nurses and rehabilitation therapists in
47 of Florida’s 67 counties.

With 83 “in-house” employees in
Vero Beach, 75 in Melbourne and 58
more in Port St. Lucie, Nurse On Call
gets high marks from local physicians.

One of Vero Beach’s most respect-
ed doctors, urologist Dr. Hugo Davi-
la of Florida Cancer Specialists, for
example, points out “as Americans
age and live longer, increasing num-
bers of them will live with multiple
chronic conditions and urological
diseases. One of the greatest health-
care challenges facing our country
today is to keep them as indepen-
dent as possible.”

“Our success with this challenge,”
Davila continues, “will help ensure
that Americans age with dignity in
a manner that meets their expecta-
tions, preferences and their urology
care needs. Nurse On Call has pro-
vided this to my practice and to my

That’s the kind of buzz any busi-
ness would want and the already
buzzing beehive that is the Nurse
On Call office on 7th Terrace in Vero
Beach kicks into an even higher gear
this time of year.

In addition to what Nikki Parris, a
Nurse On Call physical therapy assis-
tant, says is “the urgency for patient
care, the urgency for discharges from
the hospital and the same-day starts,”
NOC is also now getting ready for Flor-
ida’s hurricane season.

Mary Spear, a registered nurse and
director of clinical services at NOC,
jumps into the conversation with a
forceful, “Ah, that’s important!”

“We are in emergency management
mode right now,” Spear explains.
“We’re prepping now. In fact our staff
meeting next week will be all about
preparation for hurricane season. We
do shelter. We help our patients with
shelter applications and we even have
the dog-friendly shelters available.”

“Every patient,” Spear empha-
sizes, “is called prior to us shutting
down for a hurricane. I mean e-v-
e-r-y patient is called. We try to en-

30 Thursday, July 6, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Jessica Perkins and Joan Trinker. SCIENTISTS HIT PAY DIRT IN

Senior Housing News reports that scope of service that the combined STORY BY JENNA GALLEGOS THE WASHINGTON POST teria.” Lewis, who was not involved
the Brentwood, Tennessee-based forces of Nurse On Call and Brookdale with this study, calls PUM’s discovery
Brookdale (NYSE symbol BKD) op- Senior Living have to offer. Scientists have discovered a new “very surprising and completely un-
erates more than 1,125 senior living kind of antibiotic – buried in dirt. anticipated.”
communities with well over 100,000 “No other company can cover care Tests in animals show that it is effec-
residents in 47 of the 50 states. It em- from A to Z” like we can, says Brent At- tive against drug-resistant bacteria, Most antibiotics kill bacteria that
ploys more than 80,000 healthcare well, executive director of Brookdale and it could lead to desperately are happily multiplying in infected
workers coast to coast. senior living solutions of Vero Beach. needed treatments for deadly
antibiotic-resistant infec- patients. But PUM is predicted’s “Best of 2017 Nurse On Call is at 3755 7th Terrace, tions. to also kill dormant bac-
Awards” put the company in its top Suite 202. The phone number is 772- teria, such as those that
spot nationwide with 121 first-place 770-1167. Almost our en- persist in slime layers on
honors, including top honors for its tire arsenal of an- our desks and door
Vero Beach facilities, says marketing Brookdale Senior Living Solutions tibiotics was dis- handles. It does this
coordinator Teresa Hilton. of Vero Beach can be reached at 772- covered in soil, but by inhibiting an en-
770-2401 and can assist those looking scientists haven’t gone zyme that is required
While there any number of nursing for home-care and senior living solu- digging for drugs in de- for virtually every
services available throughout Florida tions in Brevard and St. Lucie coun- cades. That’s because function in every or-
and the rest of the country, it seems ties as well.  “screening microbial ex- ganism: polymerase.
few – if any – offer the breadth and tracts from soil is thought to Polymerase transcribes
be a tapped-out approach,” said Rich-
DENTISTRYCollins & Montz COSMETIC & FAMILY ard Ebright, a scientist at the Waks- DNA into molecular messag-
man Institute of Microbiology at Rut- es called RNA. RNA serves as instruc-
At Collins & Montz, DMD, we will focus on improving every aspect of gers. tions for the construction of all our
your smile for optimal appearance, function, and comfort through cellular proteins.
our general family dentistry, and restorative procedures such as dental Soil has been “over-mined,” agreed
implants. Our comprehensive range of services and dedication of Kim Lewis, director of the Antimicro- Ebright specializes in polymerase.
quality set us apart. Call today to schedule your appointment. bial Discovery Center at Northeast- He and his team have been searching
ern University. But it turns out there for more than a decade for compounds
524 OCEAN AVENUE, MELBOURNE BEACH, FL 32951 is still a wealth of useful compounds like PUM that disrupt polymerase. In
under foot; researchers just have to the new study, they show that PUM
(321) 725-6565 • MELBOURNEBEACHDENTISTRY.COM take a closer look. not only inhibits polymerase, but it
does so in a surprising way.
The “golden age of antibiotic dis-
covery” began 65 years ago with a PUM mimics one of the building
simple strategy: Scoop up dirt, grow blocks of RNA. These building blocks
the soil-dwelling bacteria in the lab, fit into polymerase like a key into a
and screen them for useful com- lock. To evolve resistance, the bacteria
pounds. Bacteria in the soil compete would have to change its polymerase
fiercely for nutrients. To get an ad- just enough to exclude the impostor
vantage, they produce toxins that kill PUM while still allowing all the right
their neighbors. According to Lewis, keys to fit. That makes PUM about 10
soil bacteria “fight with each other. times less likely to trigger antibiotic
We borrow those compounds and use resistance than traditional antibiot-
them as medicine.” ics.

The last time scientists discovered a In the lab, PUM killed 20 species
truly new antibiotic was in 1984 – un- of bacteria. It is primarily effective
til now. against strains that cause strep and
staph infections, some of which are
A study published in June in the resistant to multiple antibiotics. PUM
journal Cell describes a compound also cured mice infected with a strain
called pseudouridimycin (PUM for of bacteria that causes scarlet fever.
short) discovered in Italian soil by
scientists at the Waksman Institute Importantly, PUM specifically in-
– named for Selman Waksman, who teracts with polymerase in bacteria
developed the soil-screening tech- and not human polymerase. This is
nique – that could be a game changer surprising, because the polymerase
in bacterial defense. for bacteria and humans is thought to
have a very similar shape.
The scientists combined the tried-
and-true soil-screening approach Compounds that act by imperson-
with new technologies to discover ating RNA building blocks have been
this revolutionary weapon in the mo- used in the past to treat viruses in-
lecular arms race against killer patho- cluding HIV and hepatitis C, but sci-
gens. entists didn’t think that was possible
for bacteria.
Ebright described PUM as the in-
augural member of “an entirely new Now that this approach is known to
class of antibacterial compounds ef- work against bacteria too, libraries of
fective against drug-resistant bac- polymerase inhibitors that have been
used against viruses can be screened
as possible antibiotics. 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 6, 2017 31


The Jungle cooks up colorful, flavorful organic treats

[email protected]
Over the years, we’ve dined at The
Jungle organic restaurant probably five
or six times and been delighted with our
meals every visit, so it was a pretty safe
bet for a couple of hungry wanderers
two Thursdays ago.

First of all, and this is mostly for the
manly men reading this, don’t think
“health food.” Those two words are a
huge turnoff to me, too. Think of the
made-from-scratch dishes The Jungle
lovingly turns out of its kitchen as real
food – food that hasn’t been altered,
doused with pesticides, processed or
generally messed with the way most
of the food we eat has. Yes, The Jungle
is joined at the hip to a health food
store – which I’d refer to as a nutrition-
al paradise – but you won’t find any-
thing to turn your nose up to on the
restaurant side.

We noticed the interior had recently
been remodeled, in February, accord-
ing to our server, but the exotic, tropical
atmosphere was carried through and
the giant aquarium remains. We slid
into a booth and knew we wanted soup,
but the rest was a mystery.

I ordered a glass of Tiamo pinot gri-
gio, an Italian wine made from organic
grapes ($7) which was fruity and re-
freshing in the heat, and my son or-
dered the slightly sweet forever fruit

Seafood Smoked Salmon Black Bean and
Stew. Crostini. Avocado Salad.

We welcome your comments, and en-
courage you to send feedback to lisamel-
[email protected].

The reviewer is a Brevard resident
who dines anonymously at restaurants
at the expense of this newspaper. 

Fresh Catch Chicken and
Tacos. Bleu Cheese Crepe.

blend tea ($4). Our drinks arrived, and Jungle before and is also a great veg- flaky flatbread. I found spinach, roasted HOURS
so did one of our favorite parts of din- etarian option. onion and tomato, topped with melted Monday through Saturday,
ing at The Jungle – the soup samplers. cheese and finally, slices of fresh avo-
Placed before us was a selection of four If you’re a craft beer aficionado, you’ll cado. Perfection. 11 am to 8 pm
freshly made soups for tasting. We loved find some regional Florida organic beers Sunday, 10 am to 3 pm
all four, it was tough to decide, but we with fun names like Alligator Drool pale My son ordered the kids’ grilled
chose bowls of the spinach-kale soup ale and Due South caramel cream ale. cheese ($5), delicious melty cheese BEVERAGES
($9) and the chili ($10). The Jungle also offers gluten-free beer, tucked between slices of lightly grilled Beer and wine
and if you fall in love with one of these rye bread.
The spinach-kale soup tasted like a brews, you can pick up a six-pack in the ADDRESS
really wonderful, mild cream of broc- market on your way out. For dessert, we ordered one slice of 2500 Hwy A1A
coli, not at all like kale. I don’t really like strawberry cheesecake and a cup of
kale but I felt good sneaking the super- For our entrees, I ordered the roasted organic coffee for me. Lunch or din- Indialantic
food into my meal. The chili was hearty veggie and basil pesto flatbread ($14). ner with soup or appetizers, wine and PHONE
and slightly spicy and could have made This dish had me at “pesto” because I’ll dessert will cost $50 to $60 for two (321) 773-5678
a meal if we hadn’t been too busy to eat try virtually anything slathered in the people, plus tip. The Jungle is a great
lunch that day. The runner-up was the heavenly green stuff, but the pesto was destination for date night, families or
lentil soup, which I’ve enjoyed at The just the catalyst to pull together all the groups dining with a friend with di-
vibrant flavors piled on this crisp and etary restrictions.

32 Thursday, July 6, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 6, 2017 33


Bonz is fast friends with fun-loving greyhounds

dja know our breed is like 2 thousand

years old? Royal humans in YOUR-up

Hi Dog Buddies! usta have us as pets, and a buncha
them had big fancy pik-shures painted
of them with us, all dressed up. Queens

and kings, even.”

“Pawsome!” I exclaimed. “I’m eager

Couple weeks ago I got a Woofmail to hear your stories.”

from Scooter Zwerner to see if I’d like After sharing nosebumps with

to interview him and his best buddy, my assistant, they both (gracefully)

Sophia. He said, “We are two really jumped up onto this sunny, really

kewl Italian Greyhounds that wood long, Totally Cool Kibbles window seat,

just wuv to meet The Bonz.” Well, of with a whole buncha pillows. Scooter

COURSE I would! There’s nothing I like curled (elegantly) on a black and white

better than hearing from you pooch- zebra-lookin’ pillow that Perfectly

eroos and getting’ to meet you in the Matched His Coat, and rested his chin

fur. (Bread comes in a close second.) on another. Sophia reclined right next

So, anyway, we set it up. Before the to him, crossing her paws (delicately),

door opened, me an my assistant could displaying a pooch-perfect pedicure.

hear teeny little toenails on the floor “I bet these two are ALWAYS ready for Sophia, the Italian Greyhound. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
an somebody bark-bark-barkin’ like their close-ups,” I thought.
mad. When the door opened, there
“So, how did

they both were – a you find your noticed I seemed a little glum, so she

Forever Home?” decided to get a pal for me. Her human in our bowls.”

Scooter was kids saw Soph in Dania and told Mom. “Even baths?”

s p o k e s p o o c h . Mom said to Text her a pik-shure. But “’Specially baths! At first Mom tried

“Our Mom had they brought her the whole puppy in- the shower, but we scratched up the

an Italian Grey- stead. shower door tryin’ to escape. Now we

hound named “I was 2 by then. Me an Soph hit it off get tub baths, an Mom hasta hold us,

Spresso. Then right away. I was so happy to have a lit- cuz we whine an wiggle. Thank Lass-

there was a tle sis, even though she’s kinda a goof- ie we have super short coats an don’t

T R A - j u d e e . ball and I’m laid back, not a goofy bone need lotsa grooming.”

Spresso got hit in my body. Now I’m 7 an she’s 5, and “Well, you both look shiny an paw-

by a car and we’re Total Besties. At first, though, she some!” I told them. “Even your toe-

went to Dog had this Chewing Issue. Mostly pil- nails. But with such short hair, don’t

Heaven. Lat- lows. But she outgrew it, thank Lassie, you sometimes get chilly?”

er Mom was cuz we LOVE our pillows, as you can “Thanks, Mr. Bonz,” Sophia chimed

on line and see.” He rearranged his head on the ze- in. “We just had pedi’s yesterday. We

saw my pik- bra pillow, and continued. do love to sit in the sun. When it gets

shure. Well, “We love bein’ in the car! Specially really cold outside, Mom puts sweaters

Scooter, the Italian Greyhound. you know goin’ to the Dog Park! When we’re on us so we stay snuggly.”
how super, crossin’ the bridge, getting’ closer, we “Well it sounds like you pooches
barfingly, irresist- start wigglin’ an whinin’, we’re SO ex-
have a pretty happy life,” I commented.

ibly cute we all are when we’re pup- cited. Cuz we’re greyhounds, the hu- “We do!” they said.

couple of the snazziest little pies, right?” mans always tell Mom they wanna see Scooter added, “These days, we’ve

poocheroos I’ve ever seen – one black “Fer sure!” I replied. us run. But we don’t run much at the been concentratin’ on keepin’ Mom

an white, an the other silvery gray (that “I was, like, the size of a softball. So Dog Park. We just chillax with Mom. cheered up, cuz she’s been sorta sad

color humans call blue for some rea- Mom an Dad adopted me. Dad’s Josh. Not that we CAN’T run. We’re Super lately. We sleep with her in our nice big

son). Him and Mom had something called Speedy. Just not there. Let the other bed. She thinks it’s hers, but we don’t

The “blue” one was real excited, a duh-VORCE. (That’s when humans pooches run all over the place. Then, mind. We snuggle right up on each side

bouncing and barkety-barkin’ non- hafta decide who gets the DVD’s.) So after the Dog Park, we go to Casey’s for and make a Mom Sanwich.”

stop. Wagging, too. The black-an-white Dad lives Elsewhere now. They have a snack. Me and Soph share half a hot Heading home, I remembered hea-

one said, “We’re SO happy you could Joint Custody of me an Soph.” dog, and Mom gets the other half. Her rin’ somewhere that we’re in the Dog

come see us! Can we call you Bonz? I’m “Soggy Dog Biscuits!” I sympa- half has sauerkraut (which is some sort Days of Summer. Do you know what

Scooter. This little bark-box is Sophia. thized. of veg-tubble, I think). We like our half that even means? I didn’t. So I Googled.

She’s my silly adopted sister. An this “Ackshully, it’s workin’ out OK for just plain.” It’s when that Dog Star, Sirius, gets up

is our Mom, Linda. Come’on in. Hey, us. Dad’s close by, so they share dog- “I notice you have a pool. Do you at the same time the sun does, an the

Soph, turn down the vocals.” sitting duty. An we get lotsa snacks. swim?” weather’s hot an everybody’s s’pose

After the Wag-and-Sniffs, while we Anyway, after a coupla years, Mom “No! Never! We don’ like water, ’cept to be droopy and lazy. Well, I say – are

got settled, I noticed how elegant they Don’t be shy! you SIRIUS? (See what I did there?) I’M
looked. Like regular greyhounds but gonna frolic an play an run around!
lots smaller, real graceful, with flipped-
over ears and long, slim sniffers. As long as I can get to the A/C.

Coming to a halt, Sophia said, “I’m Till next time,

way excited to meet you, Mr. Bonz! I’ve We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up -The Bonz
just always had lots of energy and I an interview, please email [email protected].
love to sing the songs of my people. Di-

34 Thursday, July 6, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


ONGOING Paddles Park, Indian Harbour Beach. Three-day ties, BB range, bass casting buckets, outdoor 15 Thirteenth annual Turtle Splash, Noon
clinic costs $100. games area. Continues July 15 and 22. at Morgan’s Place Garden Sensorium
to benefit the M.O.R.G.A.N. Project, support-
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 7-29 The Stripes Run Through Us 8-9 Sixteenth annual Indialantic Craft ing children with special health care needs, with
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park art exhibit by Babz Lupoli with Festival, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Nance adoptions of $5 plastic turtles launched into the
opening at 5:30 p.m. July 7 at Fifth Avenue Art Park on A-1-A, featuring artists and crafters from splash course for a chance at donated prizes, in-
Free summer kids’ movies, Tuesdays, Gallery, 1470 Highland Avenue, Eau Gallie Arts the American Craft Endeavors. Free. 561-746- cluding a 7-day cruise.
Wednesdays and Thursdays through Aug. 3 at District. 321-259-8261 www.fifthavenueart- 6615
Premiere Theatres, Hibiscus Boulevard, Mel- 15 Executive Director and Chief Curator
bourne. Trolls July 7-8. Doors open at 8:45 a.m. 9 Hightower Beach Cleanup, 9 to 10 a.m. of University Museums Carla Funk will
and movies start at 9:15 a.m. Popcorn and drink 8 Space Coast Baby and Kids Expo, 10 a.m. join the Humanist Community of the Space lead a free public gallery tour of the Flora and
specials. (321)953-3200. to 3 p.m. at Melbourne Auditorium, with Coast in this twice monthly event every second Fiber exhibition on display at Florida Institute of
important topics on everything from pregnancy and fourth Sunday. Technology’s Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts
JUY to child care, with free children’s activities and at 1 p.m. The exhibit continues through Aug. 26
screenings. www.sunshinefamilyexpos. 9 Space Coast Jazz Society presents Ron
Teixeira and the unique sounds of the B3
7 Eau Gallie Arts District First Friday, 6 to 10 8 Reef fish identification workshop, 2 p.m. at organ, 2pm at the Cocoa Beach Country Club. 15 Apollo II Anniversary Gala with Buzz
p.m. Eau Gallie Square. Live music, art ex- the Barrier Island Center, register at www. Tickets cost $10-$15. www.spacecoastjazzsoci- Aldrin, 5:30 p.m. VIP reception; 6:30
hibits, food and craft vendors. p.m. dinner, lunar celebrations and auctions at
Kennedy Space Center to benefit ShareSpace
7-9 8Adult learn-to-row program by Free family summer camp, noon-5pm at 11 Eastern Florida State College Mel- Foundation, inspiring children’s passions for
ROW Brevard, 5:30 p.m at Oars and Bass Pro Shops in Palm Bay. Free activi- bourne Campus Open House, 4 to 7 S.T.E.A.M. subjects. $1,000 and up. www.asef.
p.m. for current and prospective students the
chance to apply and register for classes and
YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY learn more about new programs available this 17-19 Banana River Power Squad-
MAY OWE YOU A CHECK! fall. ron Junior Safe Boating
Course at D.R. Schecter Recreation Center, Satel-
DO YOU WANT TO COLLECT IT? 12 ENGAGE Young Professionals Social, lite Beach, 9-11:30 a.m. for ages 11-17. Registra-
5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Ole Fire Grill in his- tion required, cost is $10.
Call now for a free inspection and claim review. toric downtown Melbourne, hosted by the Mel-
bourne Regional Chamber of Commerce. www. 19-20 Melbourne Municipal
Swingtime Band will pay
13-21 Cooking class for kids, 3 to
4 p.m. at Eau Gallie Public tribute to three composers known for their Big
Library, 1521 Pineapple Ave, Melbourne, spon-
sored by the University of Florida Agricultural Ex- Band and jazz music both evenings at 6:30 p.m.
tension service. Kids will learn to cook with pro-
duce, therefore, encouraging them to eat what at the Melbourne Auditorium, 625 Hibiscus
they cook. Parents or Chaperones are required to
stay throughout the class. One ticket per child is Blvd. There is no charge for the concert and tick-
good for July 13, 14, 20 and 21. Space is limited.
ets are not required. Doors Open at 5:30 p.m.
Crossword Page 2453 (REPEAT PERFORMANCE) 321-261-8719 25 The Bourbon Kitchen cooking class, 6
Marilyn J Dummitt (License P165201) p.m. at The Gathering Table, 318 E. New
Haven in downtown Melbourne. Learn new skills
This is a solicitation for business. If you have had a claim for an insured property loss or damage, cooking various dishes with bourbon, from snacks
and you are satisfied with the payment by your insurer, you may disregard this advertisement. and appetizers to entrees and dessert, BYOB, cost
is $65 per person.
Solutions from Games Pages
in June 29, 2017 Edition ACROSS DOWN 27 The Parker Foundation and Spring
5 MERGE 1 GREETING Forward for Autism Dance Social, 4 to
6 AMASS 2 NEGATE 6 p.m. at Fitness on Fifth in Indialantic. Fitness,
8 RUDE 3 HARASS Movement, Dance and Yoga Open to Children
9 ACADEMIC 4 FAKE with autism and related disabilities, their sib-
10 REVISE 5 MAUVE lings and families. Sponsored by Coastal Bloom
11 SYSTEM 7 SPINE of Indialantic.

Sudoku Page 2442 Sudoku PPaaggee 2453 CrosswordPPaage 2442 29 Long Doggers’ Beachside Birthday
Bash to celebrate 20 years in business,
2 to 10 p.m. at Nance Park, Indialantic. Food
trucks, live music and beach/surf related ven-


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Siding & Soffit South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951, Indialantic,
“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach. Contact Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 [email protected].


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36 Thursday, July 6, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Townhouse offers grace and space on the Indian River

BY MARIA CANFIELD practical choice, the screens (when like quality. This space is bathed in a sized closets between the bedroom
Correspondent closed) are sealed with high-quality soft light by the filtered rays stream- and the bathroom; one is a walk-in.
durable plastic, making this a room ing from the living room’s skylight;
The two-story Beach Woods town- usable in all weather conditions. it could easily be used as an office, All of that makes the master suite
house at 3120 River Villa Way in Mel- sitting room, or as a sleeping area for attractive enough, but – as a huge bo-
bourne Beach is full of light, with If so desired, part of the Florida guests. nus – it also has a balcony off the bed-
stunning views of the Indian River room could be portioned off for use as room; the view is of the river, punctu-
from all first-floor living areas. An a bedroom; this would take good ad- The master bedroom is large, 12 ated by lush palm trees.
open floor plan enhances its spa- vantage of the fact that there is a full feet by 23 feet. The vaulted ceiling
ciousness – the home has over 2,000 Consistent with the home’s expan-
square feet under air. The overall ef-
fect of the home is upscale yet unpre-

The exterior is stucco, painted in a
shade of light biscotti; this color and
the home’s deep red barrel roof evoke
the pleasant feeling of being at a haci-
enda. Entering from a nicely-private
side entrance into the tiled foyer, a
left turn takes you to the main living
areas, comprised of a vaulted-ceiling
living room, dining room and gleam-
ing eat-in kitchen – all generously

The masterpiece of the first floor bath on the first floor. and sandstone-colored walls add to sive spaces, the second bedroom, at
is the screened-in Florida room; this Tucked beneath the attractive nat- the room’s airy feel. The light and 12’8” by 14’2”, is quite a nice size. A
nearly 400-square-foot space affords bright tiled en suite bathroom has a full bath (the home’s third) is just a
the closest view of the river and its ural wood stairs is a lighted closed- similar color scheme (gentle but not few steps away.
wildlife, including frequently seen door storage space; there is also a dry boring), a corner-spanning vanity
bottlenose dolphins. The room’s rust- bar that adds both visual interest and with double sinks, a jetted tub, and Back downstairs, to the right of the
colored tile floors contrast nicely with room for supplies, libation-related an oversized stall shower. The toilet is entry foyer is a laundry room with a
the neutral palettes of the adjacent or otherwise. Upstairs, you arrive at tucked away in a water closet, provid- vanity-style sink and ample cabine-
living room, and, in a tremendously a large landing; its positioning over- ing privacy. There are also two good- try; even this room is bright, as the
looking the first floor gives it a loft- long, east-facing window welcomes

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 6, 2017 37

in the morning sun. The 2-car at- REAL ESTATE VITAL STATISTICS
tached garage is made even bigger 3120 RIVER VILLA WAY, MELBOURNE BEACH
and more practical by the workshop
area nestled in one corner. Subdivision: Beach Woods
Year Built: 1990
Beach Woods is an ocean-to-river
community with a variety of housing Construction: Concrete block, stucco finish
choices. Those that live on the river Home Size: 2,048 square feet
side can walk or ride their bikes to Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 3
the beach, and there’s a jogging path
and golf courses nearby. Community Additional features: Dual central heat-
amenities include a dry sauna, pick- ing and A/C, motorized hurricane shut-
leball and basketball courts, a pier ters on some doors/windows, ceiling fans
with a fishing station, a bocce court, a throughout, rentals allowed with 1-month
clubhouse where social activities take minimum, close to the beach and conve-
place regularly, and a playground
area replete with a barbeque grill and nient to the Melbourne Causeway
picnic table. Listing agency: Coldwell Banker Paradise

This large and gracious river- Listing agent: Sarah Munkacsy,
front townhouse is offered by Cold- 321-890-2382
well Banker Paradise agent Sarah
Munkacsy for $480,000.  Listing price: $480,000

38 Thursday, July 6, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: June 23 to June 29

The final full week of June produced another strong showing for the real estate market in island ZIP codes
32951, 32903 and 32937. Indialantic led the way with 7 sales each, followed by Melbourne Beach and
Satellite Beach each with 6 and Indian Harbour Beach with 5.
Our featured sale of the week was of a home in Maritime Hammock in Melbourne Beach. The home at
7628 Kiawah Way was placed on the market Feb. 24 with an asking price of $624,000. The transaction
closed June 28 for $622,000.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Susan Williammee of Salt Water Realty. The purchaser was
represented by Cynthia Paulsen of Coldwell Banker.



TURTLE BAY 4885 HAWKSBILL CT 3/9/2017 $599,900 $579,900 6/27/2017 $181,400
WILCOX MELBOURNE BEACH 1500 ATLANTIC ST 8 5/19/2017 $185,000 $18,500 6/26/2017 $1,075,000
MELBOURNE BEACH S 8035 S HIGHWAY A1A 8/1/2016 $1,350,000 $1,350,000 6/29/2017 $287,000
BAUJNS MELBRN TBD OAK ST 2/17/2017 $335,000 $315,000 6/23/2017 $275,000
MARKS LANDING 6231 WINDWARD LN 1/9/2017 $299,900 $285,000 6/26/2017
SALES FOR 32903 $140,000
NONE 101 MELBOURNE AVE B 1/31/2017 $349,000 $329,000 6/23/2017 $243,000
CASA DEL SOL BY THE 140 HACIENDA 5/3/2017 $157,800 $157,800 6/23/2017 $620,000
NONE 350 COCONUT DR 6/1/2017 $399,900 $399,900 6/26/2017 $320,250
PART OF S 1/2 OF N 1 2273 VENETIA PL 2/6/2017 $255,000 $245,000 6/23/2017 $315,000
THE BARRINGER PHASE 1845 N HIGHWAY A1A 203 11/4/2016 $665,000 $650,000 6/26/2017
INDIALANTIC ONE COND 601 N MIRAMAR AVE 209 4/11/2017 $409,900 $390,000 6/26/2017 $359,900
RIVER SHORES EAST 507 ROYSTONIA PALM DR 5/9/2017 $324,000 $324,000 6/26/2017 $347,500
SALES FOR 32937 $365,000
INDIAN HARBOUR BEACH SEC 5 109 WIMICO DR 5/19/2017 $359,900 $359,900 6/23/2017 $155,000
5/6/2017 $354,900 $354,900 6/26/2017 $194,000
INDIAN HARBOUR BEACH SEC 11 1107 SEMINOLE DR 4/26/2017 $269,000 $269,000 6/27/2017 $268,000
3/29/2017 $369,900 $368,900 6/28/2017 $194,900
GOLDEN BEACH ESTATES 1ST ADDN 1197 YACHT CLUB BLVD 5/9/2017 $389,000 $389,000 6/28/2017 $325,000
4/7/2017 $178,000 $178,000 6/23/2017 $345,000
INDIAN HARBOUR BEACH SEC 12 370 EUTAU CT 5/14/2017 $199,900 $199,900 6/26/2017
2/14/2017 $300,000 $275,000 6/23/2017
INWOOD ISLES SUBD 506 INWOOD LN 5/25/2017 $194,900 $194,900 6/26/2017
4/13/2017 $330,000 $330,000 6/27/2017
SOUTH PATRICK SHORES 1ST SEC 200 PELICAN DR 3/10/2017 $380,000 $350,000 6/29/2017






Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 6, 2017 39


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Turtle Bay, Address: 4885 Hawksbill Ct Subdivision: The Barringer Phase, Address: 1845 N Highway A1A 203

Listing Date: 3/9/2017 Listing Date: 11/4/2016
Original Price: $599,900 Original Price: $665,000
Recent Price: $579,900 Recent Price: $650,000
Sold: 6/27/2017 Sold: 6/26/2017
Selling Price: $560,000 Selling Price: $620,000
Listing Agent: Barbara Wall Listing Agent: Sherra Cameruci

Selling Agent: BHHS Florida Realty Selling Agent: Cameruci Realty, Inc.

Susan Williammee Roger Hall

Salt Water Realty of Brevard Brevard Properties

Subdivision: Indialantic One Cond, Address: 601 N Miramar Ave 209 Subdivision: Golden Beach Estates 1st Addn, Address: 1197 Yacht Club Blvd

Listing Date: 4/11/2017 Listing Date: 4/26/2017
Original Price: $409,900 Original Price: $269,000
Recent Price: $390,000 Recent Price: $269,000
Sold: 6/26/2017 Sold: 6/27/2017
Selling Price: $320,250 Selling Price: $263,500
Listing Agent: Sheryl Fritz Listing Agent: Natalie Carter
& Patricia Corcoran
Selling Agent: Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Res RE
Allison-James Estates & Homes
Leslie Bryan
Bobby Norton
BHHS Florida Realty
RE/MAX Solutions


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