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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2019-12-26 15:47:49

12/26/2019 ISSUE 52


Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 51

The best dresses and outfit combinations for New Year’s Eve



The Telegraph

Now that Christmas is taken care of,
our thoughts have turned to New Year’s
Eve, and most importantly, what we’ll be
wearing to see in the new year in style.

From embellishment and sequins to
cashmere and statement outerwear, our
team has solved every NYE dressing di-
lemma you may be facing ...

Hosting in velvet I hate wearing anything tight when
In my opinion, going out on New it comes to partying for two reasons:
Year’s Eve is highly overrated, expen- one being you can’t fully enjoy the
sive and fraught with issues – like how canapes and the second, you can’t do
you’ll get home when there’s a 3x surge any dramatic motions when you’re
on Uber. I do like to be surrounded by spinning around on the dance floor
my friends and loved ones though, so to Kylie Minogue. This Tom Ford se-
I’ll stock up on bubbly and host them quined dress has quite a djellaba (a
all at home. I’ll want to look glam, but Middle Eastern riff on a kaftan) feel
also relaxed, so Ann Demeulemeester’s about it. HM
pajama-like silky separates will be my
vibe. I love the pink tonal palette, the An easily dressed-up co-ord
layering and the sexy, I’ve-tried-but-I- Party at Soho House or party on
haven’t-tried aesthetic. TA my sofa? I may not have decided how
high- (or low-) energy I want to be this
Going out out in glam sequins New Year’s Eve, but I’ve identified an
Paco Rabanne’s AW19 collection was outfit that would suit either scenario.
made for New Year’s Eve. Inspired by Sleeper’s party pajamas would look
Old Hollywood movies with a dash of slick and sophisticated with pointed
’70s glam thrown in for good measure, courts and a red lip, or feathery and
Julien Dossena’s mix of bold prints, luxe festive for a lower-key celebration at
fabrics and snazzy sequins is what I’ll home. The best part? Should I decide
be donning come the 31st. SW to turn in at 10 p.m., there’s no cos-
tume change required. EC
A shimmery mini dress for cocktails
I’m heading out for drinks before
counting down come midnight back at
a friend’s house. Typically, I’d find this
easier to dress for as jeans-and-a-nice-
top is my go-to, but seeing as it’s New
Year’s and my last chance of the year
to go for all-out-glamour, I’ll opt for a
lamé mini dress with sheer tights.
I can wear it with heels and state-
ment earrings for drinks, then change
into embellished flats (or cashmere
socks, I’ll see how festive I’m feeling)
when we’re back indoors. KT

A draped jumpsuit for luxe loung- A warm party option
ing I want to be warm, and I want to
feel fabulous. This velvet dress (made
I’m hosting at home this New Year’s of sustainably-sourced natural vis-
Eve, so comfort is my priority. A col- cose and silk) with boiled-sweet
league introduced me to the brand sized pearly buttons ticks both of
Onjenu which makes the most in- those boxes, and will be useful year-
credible draped jumpsuits in soft- round for smart work events or eve-
but-party-ready fabrics. I’d wear the nings out. It’s the perfect foil for bold
‘Megan’ style with jeweled flats at the accessories, too, which means I can
start of the night, and my fluffy slip- dust off my favorite satin party shoes
pers at the end. CL – impractical in winter, yes, but that’s
half the fun. CGE 
A slouchy sequined frock for dancing

52 Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

The 9 best dressed women of 2019



The Telegraph

Welcome to our best dressed women but it doesn’t necessarily reveal their So, here they are, in no particular our – and continuing to tweak it nearly
of 2019 list. Even if you don’t agree with natural sartorial instincts. That said, order ... 30 years on. In October, Sharon Stone
all our choices, we hope you find some there are always those rare performers reimagined her famous “Basic Instinct”
style inspiration here. whose blazing sense of style and flare Phoebe Waller-Bridge, 34, writer, look – she went longer and looser but it
shines through, even when the styl- producer and actor retained that devastating chic/sexy vibe.
Best dressed lists are always some- ists have helped them. Phoebe Waller Elsewhere, Stone’s style is anything but
what controversial for who did and Bridge, Sienna Miller and Zoe Kravitz: From the award-winning “Fleabag” basic; at 61, she’s doing everything from
didn’t make the cut. But these days, ar- we salute you for your bold statements and “Killing Eve” to her sell-out one glitzy Yves Saint Laurent minidresses to
guably, their very existence could be and natural elegance. woman show at Wyndham’s theatre leather jumpsuits and tuxedo trouser
called to account. Of course women and a script writing credit on the latest suits. Also: she’s found the perfect flat-
are more than the sum of their outfits, Bond film, Waller-Bridge’s star is on the tering shade of creamy blonde. BH
but we think these lists can be instruc- ascendant. Perhaps a merit of wearing
tive, not only for what they tell us about so many hats is being able to dress for Katie Holmes, 41, actor
the way women have chosen to present whichever she likes – sometimes in a It takes a lot for a person to coin a new
themselves to the world over the past glamorous gown (this one is by A Teo- fashion term, yet Katie Holmes did ex-
twelve months, but what those choices doro), but more often in minimalist, actly that back in August when she de-
reveal about wider issues. Clothes are androgynous tailoring. No one wears buted the ‘bradigan,’ a matching knit-
part of a whole armory of tactics that can a trouser suit better and having made ted bra and cardigan by cult New York
help or hinder our way, and it’s fascinat- headlines with the black jumpsuit she label Khaite. Holmes’ soft-but-sexy look
ing to see how they’re deployed here. wore on screen in “Fleabag,” she’s add- went viral, prompting think pieces on
ed several of those to her arsenal too. It whether the bradigan could be the new
We’ve avoided the usual roster of red seems that the same principle applies twinset and copies on the high street.
carpeteers who employ armies of styl- to her wardrobe as her career: when The pictures also signalled the start of
ists, or are paid by specific brands to be you can do so many things well, why an autumn style renaissance from the
ambassadors. There’s nothing wrong limit yourself to one? CGE lesser-spotted Holmes, who took excel-
with what they do – it’s good business – lent fashion risks in Saint Laurent mini-
Sharon Stone, 61, actor dresses and sheer tights, or satin Phi-
There’s something to be said for find- losophy Di Lorenzo gowns with Khaite
ing your look – classic Hollywood Glam-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 53

knee-high zebra print boots. CL without her yoga-honed figure; a tan ish”) wore six different outfits includ- et al. 2019 has been the year that Sienna
suede mac with lime green trousers, or ing Erdem, Richard Quinn and Sim- has finally been able to overwrite that
The Duchess of Sussex, 38 plaid kilts with stomping patent boots. one Rocha, proving, if ever there was with a sleeker, sharper, grown-up new
The Duchess of Sussex’s mater- And then there was her wedding look any doubt, that women over 40 can look. She still does off-duty well, now
nity wardrobe at the start of the year this October: a pearl-studded net lay- wear anything. Look to her Instagram in blue jeans, cashmere jumpers and
spanned Victoria Beckham dresses ered over a satin bra and cycling shorts. for camp outfits like her pink Chris- ankle boots or loafers, and she scrubs
and vintage Courrèges couture coats. Never could anyone accuse Kravitz of topher John Rogers dress (above).Like up beautifully in monochrome or me-
When she introduced Archie to the being a boring dresser. CL mother, like daughter. Last year, she tallic gowns from big name designers:
world in May, she did so wearing a be- told Vanity Fair that, “I feel like I came Chanel, Miu Miu, Valentino, Erdem.
spoke trench dress by young, up-and- Dana Thomas, 55, author out of my mom’s (Diana Ross) womb But it’s her tailored looks that earned
coming British designer Grace Wales Dana Thomas has always been like, ‘Where’s the beads!?!’” HM her a place on this list, like the beige
Bonner (above), who is best known for ahead of the curve when it comes to Ralph Lauren suit she wore to Wimble-
her menswear designs, making this an style with substance. And a cham- Sienna Miller, 37, actor don this summer, or these pinstriped
unexpected choice. But since his ar- pion clothes renter. Her 2007 debut Nearly two decades have passed, but trousers from Chloe. The one constant
rival, Meghan has had a notable change “Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster,” the name Sienna Miller still conjures up is that slightly beachy hair, which keeps
of sartorial tack. If her tour in Morocco timelining the luxury industry, was images from the early 2000s, when she everything youthful. CGE
in March was all about big labels (Caro- an instant bestseller and in 2019, she became a poster girl for that era’s bo-
lina Herrera gowns for day and Dior published another book, “Fashion- hemian style – cheesecloth skirts, low- Zendaya, 23, actor
kaftan-gowns for evening) then Octo- opolis: The Price of Fast Fashion and slung metal studded belts, floppy hats Ever since her Met Gala debut in
ber’s South Africa tour was compara- the Future of Clothes,” tracing the 2015 wearing a custom Fausto Puglisi
bly understated. Meghan re-wore old consequences of our shopping hab- dress, Zendaya has become known
outfits for almost the entire tour (a big its. Sustainability and ethics are now for her bold fashion choices both on
statement for someone who typically the two main topics of conversation and off the red carpet. And as the star
has couture on tap) and has barely been in the fashion industry. In 2019, Time of HBO’s “Euphoria” and “Spiderman:
seen wearing anything new since. The magazine named Greta Thunberg as Far From Home” in 2019, she’s walked
‘Duchess of Downplaying It,’ indeed. CL the person of the year, Gabriela Hearst enough red carpets and made enough
presented the world’s first carbon neu- TV appearances to really hone her
Zoë Kravitz, 31, actor and singer tral catwalk show and the Queen an- personal style. For someone so young,
The “Big Little Lies” actress (and nounced her decision to stop wearing her outfits feel polished, though she
daughter of Lisa Bonet and Lenny fur. Let’s hope the conversation turns isn’t afraid to experiment, swinging
Kravitz) stood out on the red carpet to more action in 2020. HM from choices like this floral Givenchy
this year as she always picked the edgy couture top and trouser combination
option over anything safely pretty. Tracee Ellis Ross, 47, actor (above) to a two-piece suit by Italian
The results included a black sequined Hosting the Fashion Awards in menswear label Berluti. HM 
gown with the front cut out at the Met London earlier this month crowned
Gala, and a gold bra with a black maxi Tracee Ellis Ross’ year in fashion. The
skirt at the Oscars after-party. Her off- daughter of Diana Ross, the actor (best
duty style was perhaps easier to copy known for her roles in TV series “Black-

54 Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Riverside Café: A number of attractions, including the food


When someone mentions the River- Grilled Skirt Steak. Mahi Caprese.
side Café, I generally think of it as the
bar with all the big-screen TVs where PHOTOS BY KAILA JONES Seafood Special This is
my husband watches the pathetic Wash- with Flounder one of the top
ington Redskins on fall Sundays. Or the wine is likely to run around $80 before and Shrimp. casual places to
late-night spot where if you’re lucky, you tax and tip. Appetizers will add a bit dine on the beach.
might catch Vero’s very own country more to your tab. And for those want-
star, Jake Owen, sitting in for a set when ing to squeeze in a tasty
he’s in town. The Riverside Café has a number of at- dinner before catching
tractions beyond food. Beyond the TVs this season’s shows at the
I don’t tend to think of it as a place for with the football, there are DJs, bands, Riverside Theatre, this is a
gourmet dining. contests, and overall, the ambiance very good option.
is a bit frenetic. The bar area is not I welcome your comments, and
But while it is by no means a white- a place you would seek out for a encourage you to send feedback to me
table-cloth restaurant, the food is pretty quiet dinner; but if it is at [email protected].
darned good – a fact I was reminded of The reviewer is a beachside resident
last week when my husband and I decid- Tuna Nachos. who dines anonymously at restaurants at
ed to grab an early dinner there before the expense of Vero Beach 32963. 
heading home to watch another inter-
minable debate. (Actually, he snuck away too cool
half-way through to watch the Lakers- for the porch,
Bucks game, but that’s another story.) there is a front room
that is a bit quieter.
When we arrived at the Riverside Café
shortly after 6, the hostess asked us if we Hours:
wanted to dine inside or out. Since the Daily, 11 a.m. to 1 a.m.
main area with the bar was already pret-
ty crowded and noisy, we decided to try Beverages: Full Bar
a table out on the porch overlooking the
Indian River lagoon. It turned out to be Address:
a near-perfect night for dining al fresco. 1 Beachland Blvd.
(On the river at the foot
We decided to pass-up appetizers – of the Barber Bridge)
the Riverside’s bang-bang shrimp served
with a tangy sweet chili sauce are very Phone: 772-234-5550
tasty – and start with a soup or salad,
which is included with all meals. I opted
for the house salad with a vinaigrette
dressing and my husband chose the
soup of the day, which was a New Eng-
land clam chowder.

My salad was perfectly fine, and
though my husband – a clam chowder
purist – once again pointed out that Riv-
erside’s version would not measure up in
Boston, suffice it to say that he keeps or-
dering it. Must be tasty.

Then for entrées, my husband chose
the catch of the day – blackened grouper
($26.99) – and I ordered the seafood spe-
cial ($22.99), which consisted of flounder
stuffed with shrimp.

My husband’s grouper was a very nice
piece of fish, topped with citrus cream
and served with rice and vegetables.
But my seafood dish would have done
any chef in town proud – beautiful
fresh flounder filets wrapped around a
shrimp, shallot, bread crumb and par-
mesan stuffing, and again topped with
citrus cream. A successful dish.

For dessert, we shared a slice of a Key
Lime pie ($6.99) with a graham cracker
crust. Our server Dana showed us how
to enhance it by poking holes in the pie
with a fork, and squeezing a lime over it.
An excellent upgrade.

Dinner for two here with beer or

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 55


Want a wine from Leonardo da Vinci’s bombed vineyard?

BY NICK SQUIRES dropped by the Allies in 1943. “It’s dry, aromatic and very partic- to identify the exact same variety. Mal-
The Telegraph It has been reborn by a team of ular,” said Giovannella Fugazza, who vasia di Candia is very aromatic, with
produced the wine at the estate she the fragrance of fruits and flowers.”
To the long list of dazzling cultural scientists and wine enthusiasts who owns south of Milan, the Castello di
treasures that Leonardo da Vinci be- dug beneath the rubble and, amaz- Luzzano. Leonardo was a passionate wine-
queathed to humanity can now be ingly, found the remains of the origi- lover. “He was born in the village of
added another marvel – wine. nal vines. “We made it using the techniques of Vinci in Tuscany, where wine was
the past, including terracotta ampho- made, and his father” had 50 acres of
He may be best known as the Re- They subjected the remnant vines to rae. It is exactly the wine that Leonar- vines, said Maroni.
naissance polymath who gave the DNA testing and found that they were do would have known 500 years ago.”
world the Mona Lisa, the Vitruvian from a variety of grape called Malvasia The first vines were planted in 2015.
Man and blueprints for war machines, di Candia Aromatica. The wine has been produced in the The vineyard is located inside a walled
parachutes and helicopters, but Leon- year in which Italy and France have garden attached to a palazzo, the Casa
ardo was also passionate about wine, It is originally from Crete – the is- been commemorating the 500th an- degli Atellani.
which he described as “the divine li- land was known as Candia under niversary of the Renaissance genius’
quor of the grape.” centuries of Venetian rule – and was death in 1519. The scientific aspect of the project
brought by merchants to Venice, from was led by Professor Attilio Scienza,
Five centuries on, a team of experts there spreading to other parts of Italy. The quest to resurrect the vine- an Italian expert on the DNA of vines.
has resurrected a vineyard that he yard took years. It started more than
once owned in the middle of Milan, The variety is still grown in Italy to- a decade ago when Luca Maroni, a “We had to dig deep down beneath
from which they have produced the day and vines were brought from the renowned oenologist and editor of the rubble and then the soil to find
first, rarefied batch of a white wine that hills around Piacenza, in the Emilia- wine guides, began to wonder if any the stumps of the original vines,” said
would have been familiar to Leonardo. Romagna region south of Milan. of the roots had survived after so Scienza, a professor at the Università
many centuries. degli Studi in Milan. “They had been
The vineyard was given to him by The first grapes were harvested last preserved by the ash and rubble.
Lodovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan, as year and the wine, called simply La Vi- “I thought to myself, how is it pos- We’ve managed to exactly recreate
payment for the Last Supper, which he gna di Milano, or the Vineyard of Mi- sible that this vineyard existed in the the vineyard from maps that Leon-
painted on the walls of the refectory lan, is now ready and bottled. center of Milan, yet no one knows any- ardo drew. It’s been an extraordinary
of the nearby Convent of Santa Maria thing about it?” said Maroni. experience.”
delle Grazie between 1495 and 1497. But wine buffs hoping it might turn
up on the shelves of their local liquor “The vineyard had been covered For those lucky enough to get hold of
The little vineyard survived for store will be disappointed. in rubble from the Second World War a case or two, there will be the chance
centuries but was all but obliterat- but when we dug down we found the to taste the “divine liquor” that gave
ed by an incendiary bomb that was Only a tiny quantity has been pro- remains of the vines. We analyzed inspiration to one of the world’s most
duced – just 330 bottles – and they are them with DNA testing and were able remarkable minds. 
to be sold at auction, although the date
and location are, for now, under wraps.

56 Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 57

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58 Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 59

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60 Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


ONGOING 29 Mother/Daughter Duo Concert, with 5 HALO’s Chase Your Tail 5K Run/Walk, 7:30 exhibitions, games and vendors to benefit Hu-
cellist Abigail Lorimier and her mother, a.m. from Sebastian Community Center mane Society of Vero Beach and Indian River
Vero Beach Museum of Art - L’Affichomania: pianist Sue Lorimer, playing pieces by Prokofiev and along the Indian River to benefit HALO No- County. Free. 772-388-3331
The Art of French Posters exhibit thru Jan. 12. and Piazzolla, 3 p.m. at the Emerson Center. Free Kill Rescue. 772-589-7297
will offerings benefit Gifford Youth Orchestra. 11 Live from Vero Beach presents We’ve
Wildlife Tours at Pelican Island National 5 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra presents Only Just Begun: Carpenters remem-
Wildlife Refuge, Wednesday mornings thru 30|31 Ballet Vero Beach presents Stars Sing Broadway, 3 p.m. at St. Edward’s bered, 7 p.m. at the Emerson Center. $30 to $95.
Dec. 772-581-5557 the original production, Waxlax Center for Performing Arts. 855-252- 800-595-4849
Nutcracker on the Indian River, an Indian River 7276
DECEMBER Lagoon-centric version on the original ballet, 11 Mangroves and Moonlight Ben-
8 p.m. Mon., 2 p.m. Tues. at Vero Beach High 7-26 Riverside Theatre presents the efit Gala, 5:30 p.m. at Environmental
27 Live from Vero Beach presents Classics School PAC. 772-905-2651 Tony Award-winning musical Learning Center, with buffet, entertainment and
Album Live’s The Beatles-Sgt. Pepper’s “Thoroughly Modern Millie” on the Stark Stage. auctions to support ELC programs. $250. 772-
Lonely Hearts Club Band, 7 p.m. at the Emerson JANUARY 772-231-6990 589-5050
Center. $30 to $95. 800-595-4849
1 Run Vero Race Series Resolution Run 5K, 6-26 Watch the creation of a new 11-18 Quail Valley Charity Events,
27-29 Holiday Nights of Lights, 6 to 10 a.m. from Vero Beach Museum of Art ‘Stickwork’ sculpture by artist 5K Walk/Run 8 a.m. Sat
8 p.m. at McKee Botanical and returning for post-race festivities. 772-643- Patrick Dougherty at McKee Botanical Garden 1/11; Gourmet Wine Dinner, 6 p.m. Mon 1/13;
Garden, with holiday lights and decorations, vin- 7010 (except Jan. 18 & 19). Standard admission. 772- Bridge, Tennis, Mah Jong and Golf Tournaments
tage band organ and multi-layered model train 794-0601 1/8 to 1/18; and Grand Gala 6 p.m. Sat 1/18.
display. Standard admission. 772-794-0601 3|4 Riverside Theatre for Kids presents 772-794-8700
Thoroughly Modern Millie Jr. on 11 Bark in the Park, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at
the Waxlax Stage. $10. 772-231-6990 Riverside Park, with canine-centric 12 Book reading and signing by Sue
Trew, author and illustrator of the
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Turtle Tracks Family book series, 11 a.m. to
in December 19, 2019 Edition 1 REAPER 1 REMUNERATE 12:30 p.m. at the Environmental Learning Cen-
4 RUBBLE 2 AUTONOMOUS ter. 772-589-5050.
9 TERRIER 4 ROSE 12 Vero Beach Opera presents the Rossini
12 NONOS 5 BLUR opera, The Barber of Seville, 3 p.m. at
13 TUBER 6 LODE Vero Beach High School PAC. 772-569-6993
16 ELITE 10 INVINCIBLE 14 to March 3 - King of the Hill Tennis
17 RABID 11 RELENTLESS Tournaments to benefit Youth Guid-
19 ASCOT 14 REDALERT ance Mentoring Academy, 6 p.m. Tuesdays:
20 ECSTASY 18 BUYS 40s & 50s Divisions Jan. 14 to Feb. 4 at the
24 ASSEMBLE 21 CAMP Boulevard Tennis Club; Open Division Feb. 11
25 SPHERE 22 TAKE to March 3 at the Moorings Yacht and Country
26 STRESS 23 SAFE Club. 772-492-3933

Sudoku Page 50 Sudoku Page 51 Crossword Page 50 Crossword Page 51 (THIS ’N’ THAT 2)


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SERVICE: I, personally, will clean your carpets and furniture.
PRICE: Two (2) Rooms (any size)...$77, 6’ Sofa or 2 Chairs...$66

Maxfield Carpet Cleaning • 772-538-0213
5300 N. A1A, Vero Beach • SINCE 1979

This directory gives small business people eager
to provide services to the beachside community an
opportunity to make themselves known to island readers at
an affordable cost. This is the only service directory mailed
each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the
Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a listing
in the Vero Beach 32963 Business Directory, please
contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.


1371 Indian Mound Trail in Castaway Cove: 3-bedroom, 4.5-bath, 4,730-square-foot riverfront home
offered for $2.5 million by Alex MacWilliam agents Kate Weeks and Charlotte Terry: 772-538-6193

62 Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Castaway Cove home offers elegant living, wide river views

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA shaped lot that broadens to the west coming carriage lights, the driveway in a beautiful foyer. The home’s 12-
Staff Writer to encompass 145 linear feet of river leads into the parking courtyard by foot ceilings, open design and pale
frontage. The home’s above-grade the columned east-facing entrance sweep of tile floors create an airy,
The lovely home at 1371 Indian elevation enhances its considerable veranda that is spacious enough for spacious feeling.
Mound Trail in Castaway Cove sits curb-appeal. several seating areas.
well back from the street on a pie- To the south, through double
Past a low wall and a pair of wel- The home’s exterior colors – creamy French glass doors, the foyer opens
walls and soft sea blue/green shut- into an office where ambient light
ters – provide a fine contrast for the pours in through a large front win-
dramatic dark wood entrance door, dow. On the opposite side, the foyer
framed with slender glass sidelights becomes a cozy seating area.
and crowned with an arched glass
sunburst transom. Straight ahead from the foyer is an
elegant, octagonal room with wonder-
Stepping inside, you find yourself ful white crown molding, chair rail and

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 63


wainscoting, and a soaring octagonal Be you gourmet cook or simple
tray ceiling. There is a beautiful chan- tuna sandwich fan, you’re going to
delier – one of many in the home – and love this big, beautiful kitchen. There
a gas fireplace with white woodwork is a walk-in pantry with etched glass
mantle and black stone surround. door (“Pantry”); light-filled breakfast
nook; plentiful handsome honey-
Although it would, most anywhere toned cabinets with under-cabinet
else, be the grand living room, in this lighting; a 3-sided island with farm
special home, the space has been sink, snack bar and display shelving;
transformed into a stunning dining a coffered ceiling from which another
room, starring a 13-foot-long wooden chandelier illuminates the smaller is-
dining table. land; 6-burner gas cooktop with pot
filler and cabinet-style hood; large
With windows galore, including a Thermador double oven; wine cooler;
broad bay facing the river, the views glowing gray/green glass tile splash;
from the dining room are sensation- and a side-by-side cabinet-front
al, taking in the verdant back lawn KitchenAid fridge.
with seagrape and mangroves abut-
ting the sea wall, the peaceful cove Off the kitchen is the spacious family
and, beyond that, the storied Indian room, aglow with ambient light from
River Lagoon itself, with the north large picture windows on three sides,
bridge in the distance. and featuring an entertainment/shelv-
ing unit with gigantic wall TV. Another
Separating the dining room and magnificent tray ceiling crowns this
kitchen is a long, open, granite coun- room, which opens to the pool and la-
ter pass-through in shades of mottled nai through three double French doors.
black, tan and cream, a material that
carries over onto the kitchen’s two is- The north wing is also home to a
lands and counters.

64 Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


powder room; laundry room; ga-
rage access; and two lovely, identi-
cal, back-to-back en suite guest bed-
rooms, each with walk-in-closet.

The south wing houses the magnif-
icent master suite, where brilliant use
of space, light, color and design come
together to create an unparalleled re-
treat. The hexagonal master bedroom
is a wonder, with dark wood-look
floors and recessed lighting glowing
from behind the tray ceiling molding.
Here, wide transom-topped windows

offer the home’s best vistas. Wake up
to a glorious river view without lifting
your head off the pillow.

The master bath is another stunner,
with delicate flowered tile work, dark
wood cabinetry with brass fixtures
and white rectangular vanity basins
with gold fixtures. The tub sits in all its
glory on a broad surround within a pil-
lared bay window, much like a theatre
set, elegant within the proscenium
arch. There is even a padded bench
with comfy looking pillows. And, of
course, a wonderful chandelier.

Three walk-in closets, a second office
and a cabana bath complete the suite.

Upstairs is a spacious loft-style flex-
room with large bay alcove perfect
for seating and room for two king-
sized beds. Originally a billiards

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 65


room (aka Man Cave), it currently
serves as an overflow bedroom.

You absolutely must see this ex-
traordinary home in person to fully
appreciate it. As you tour it, keep in
mind that the fine, perfectly selected
furniture can be purchased along
with the house for an additional cost.

The popular Castaway Cove subdi-
vision is only a short drive away from
Vero’s charming island village, with its
many shops, salons, resorts, restau-
rants and pubs. The Vero Beach Muse-
um of Art, Riverside Theatre (Equity),
as well as the tennis and racquet ball
complex, jogging trail and boat launch
all are nearby in Riverside Park, and
there is a large, well arranged dog park
along the river as well. 


Neighborhood: Castaway Cove
Year built: 2007

Extensive improvements:

Concrete block/stucco

Lot size: .43 acre
Home size: 4,730 square feet
View: Indian River Lagoon
Additional features: New A/C
unit; new tankless water heater;
all new interior/exterior light-
ing; new landscaping; new bar
ice maker/outdoor beverage
center; new kitchen tile back-
splash; new exterior hardware;
two kitchen sinks; new master
closet and office carpet; new
master bath sinks; intercom/
sound system; new metal roof;
gas-heated pool/spa; indoor/
outdoor gas fireplaces; central
vac; plank walkway/dock with
water, power, boat lift; storm
shutters; 3-bay garage; excep-

tional river views
Listing agency:
Alex MacWilliam Inc. Real Estate
Listing agents:
Charlotte Terry, 772-538-2388,
and Kate Weeks, 772-538-5193
Listing price: $2,500,000

66 Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



BY MICHELE LERNER peal buyers for a sale, choosing the sign of a home,” Chuber wrote in an these homes are historically associ-
The Washington Post right color to match your goals and to email. “The perfect door color can ated with earth tones like brown and
complement the rest of the house is create a warm, ‘welcome home’ feel- green, a cobalt blue works perfectly
If you’re looking for a quick up- essential. ing that sets the tone for the overall for the houses’ strong lines and deep
lift to the exterior of your house, one experience the house provides.” porches.
you can accomplish yourself or hire We asked Kristen Chuber, a certi-
someone to do in a day, adding a coat fied color consultant at Paintzen, a Some of Chuber’s tips for choosing  When going for a modern ap-
of paint to your front door provides service that connects homeowners front door colors include: proach, use green: I once heard a
big impact at a small cost. and painting contractors. saying that goes, “You can’t please
 When in need of a spirit-boost, everyone; you’re not an avocado.” I
Whether you’re painting your front “I consider choosing the right color use yellow: I love yellow for a front take this to mean that the color avo-
door for your own pleasure or to ap- for your front door to be particularly door when the homeowner’s goal is to cado, which is particularly popular in
important when considering the de- boost the mood of anyone who sees modern design right now, will please
the home, let alone enters it. Yellow everyone on a front door.
adds a feeling of life to the house’s
exterior. A yellow door works particu-  When looking for an unexpected
larly well with facade colors like gray, neutral, use gray: When you think
light green, beige or white. deep, elegant gray, you probably think
of offices, dining rooms or shutters,
 When elegance is a priority, use but I love a classic gray for the front
purple: Purple may not be the first

color you think of when it comes to door. It adds a tasteful, sophisticated
front doors, but a soft purple can add appeal.
whimsy and polish to the exterior of
a home. I think there’s something  When wanting to stick to the clas-
soothing and graceful about the color sics, use black: I love a black front
when paired with white or cream. door, especially when paired with a
traditional brick home. It gives off a
 When wanting a cozy feeling, classic vibe and a refined tone. Your
use orange: I love burnt orange hues home will have instant curb appeal.
for an entrance, especially when it’s
paired with cream and beige. I think  When in need of a feminine flair,
it feels familiar and warm – and of use blush: I think a blush pink front
course, it’s incredibly welcoming. door makes an unexpected playful
statement without overdoing it. The
 When wanting to make a subtle color is perfect for sweet summer
statement, use blue: I think rich blue homes, farmhouses and cottages. A
is perfect for bungalows, Craftsman- soft pink also pairs nicely with white,
style homes and cottages. While pale yellow or green. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 67


Mortgage rates were flat heading into holiday week

BY KATHY ORTON finished the week largely in line with rate movements appear unlikely in Becker, a retail branch manager at Si-
The Washington Post where they began,” said Matthew the coming days.” erra Pacific Mortgage in Lutherville,
Speakman, a Zillow economist. “The Md. “Equity markets are setting all-
Mortgage rates were unaffected by fact that mortgage rates haven’t taken However,, which time highs on an almost daily basis.
progress in the U.S.-China trade talks off like a rocket in response to either puts out a weekly mortgage rate trend Treasuries are selling off and yields
and toward Brexit last week. or both of these developments speaks index, found that more than two- and mortgage rates are rising. I think
to the complexity of the two situa- thirds of the experts it surveyed pre- this pattern will continue into the
According to the latest data re- tions and the remaining work needed dict rates will rise in the coming week. holidays and we will see higher rates
leased last Thursday by Freddie Mac, on both fronts. Investors also appear in the coming week.”
the 30-year fixed-rate average was “With news that phase one of the
trade deal between the U.S. and Chi- Meanwhile, mortgage applica-
na has been agreed upon, markets are
in full risk-on mode,” said Michael CONTINUED ON PAGE 71

unchanged at 3.73 percent with an to be learning the value of patience
average 0.7 point. (Points are fees and waiting for more concrete de-
paid to a lender equal to 1 percent of tails on these topics – particularly the
the loan amount and are in addition U.S.-China trade deal – before adjust-
to the interest rate.) It was 4.62 per- ing their positions.”
cent a year ago.
Money flowed out of bonds and
The 15-year fixed-rate average also into stocks as investors were buoyed
didn’t move, holding on a 3.19 percent not only by the China and Brexit de-
with an average 0.7 point. It was 4.07 velopments but also by news the Fed-
percent a year ago. The five-year ad- eral Reserve is unlikely to raise its
justable rate average ticked up to 3.37 benchmark rate in the near future. As
percent with an average 0.4 point. It demand for U.S. Treasuries fell, prices
was 3.36 percent two weeks ago and dropped and yields rose. The yield on
3.98 percent a year ago. the 10-year Treasury climbed to 1.92
percent last Wednesday, its highest
“Mortgage rates had a volatile few level in more than a month. It hasn’t
days following notable developments been above 2 percent since July.
in both the ongoing Brexit and China
trade pact discussions, but ultimately Despite the modest rise in yields,
investors continue to be skeptical
about where the economy is headed.

“The bond market still doesn’t be-
lieve in the higher growth story for
2020,” said Logan Mohtashami, senior
loan officer at AMC Lending Group in
Irvine, Calif. “Bonds aren’t telling us
a recession story, but they’re not say-
ing better growth next year either.”

Heading into the last few weeks of
the year, mortgage rates are not ex-
pected to spike or plummet.

“Rates typically don’t stray much
from established levels in the weeks
that end one year and begin another,”
Speakman said. “So despite key read-
ings on consumer spending and sen-
timent due [last] Friday, significant

68 Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Dec. 13 to Dec. 19

The barrier island real estate market last week was wrapping up the decade on a strong note with
16 transactions reported, including seven for more than $1 million.

The top sale of the week was of an oceanfront condo in John’s Island. Unit 3D at 250 Ocean Road
was listed Sept. 5 for $2.75 million. The sale closed on Dec. 16 for $2.65 million.

Both the seller of the property and the purchaser were represented by John’s Island Real Estate.


$2,095,000 $1,950,000
ORCHID ISLAND 529 WHITE PELICAN CIR 10/18/2018 $1,998,000 $2,095,000 12/16/2019 $1,295,000
RIOMAR 856 RIOMAR DR 9/4/2019 $1,695,000 $1,998,000 12/13/2019 $850,000
$875,000 $815,000
RIOMAR BAY 2207 COVE DR 1/25/2019 $925,000 $1,395,000 12/19/2019 $780,000
$799,000 $670,000
ORCHID ISLAND 811 PEMBROKE CT 10/21/2019 $715,000 $875,000 12/19/2019
SHORES 100 ISLAND SANCTUARY 4/18/2019 $925,000 12/16/2019 $2,137,500
VEROMAR 3605 EAGLE DR 11/6/2019 $799,000 12/13/2019

BONITA BEACH 2086 CAVALLA RD 10/10/2019 $715,000 12/19/2019


OCEAN PARK 1010 EASTER LILY LN, #105 3/25/2019 $2,595,000 $2,395,000 12/16/2019
JOHN’S ISLAND 30 DOVE SHELL LANE 9/20/2019 $2,250,000 $2,250,000 12/13/2019
ORCHID ISLAND 50 BEACHSIDE DR, #101 11/8/2019 $1,775,000 $1,775,000 12/18/2019

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 69


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Orchid Island, Address: 529 White Pelican Cir Subdivision: Riomar, Address: 856 Riomar Dr

Listing Date: 10/18/2018 Listing Date: 9/4/2019
Original Price: $2,095,000 Original Price: $1,998,000
Recent Price: $2,095,000 Recent Price: $1,998,000
Sold: 12/16/2019 Sold: 12/13/2019
Selling Price: $2,050,000 Selling Price: $1,950,000
Listing Agent: Bob Niederpruem Listing Agent: Cindy O’Dare & Richard Boga

Selling Agent: Premier Estate Properties Selling Agent: Premier Estate Properties

Nancy Hardy Talle Genoni

Premier Estate Properties ONE Sotheby’s Int’l Realty

Subdivision: Ocean Park, Address: 1010 Easter Lily Ln, #105 Subdivision: John’s Island, Address: 30 Dove Shell Lane

Listing Date: 3/25/2019 Listing Date: 9/20/2019
Original Price: $2,595,000 Original Price: $2,250,000
Recent Price: $2,395,000 Recent Price: $2,250,000
Sold: 12/16/2019 Sold: 12/13/2019
Selling Price: $2,150,000 Selling Price: $2,137,500
Listing Agent: Kimberly & Mike Thorpe Listing Agent: John’s Island Real Estate

Selling Agent: ONE Sotheby’s Int’l Realty Selling Agent: John’s Island Real Estate

Wendy Franco John’s Island Real Estate

Water Pointe Realty Group John’s Island Real Estate

I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S


East of A1A! 4BR/3.5BA Villa in small private enclave, Lakefront 3BR/2BA Bimini floor plan w/water views from Beautiful 4BR/3BA great room floor plan, upgrades galore,
elegantly appointed, short walk to shops & restaurants master suite, paver patio, pool & spa, gated community impact glass windows, 3 car garage, minutes to the beach
$925,000 $419,000

Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.

direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |

70 Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Orchid Island, Address: 811 Pembroke Ct Subdivision: Riomar Bay, Address: 2207 Cove Dr

Listing Date: 10/21/2019 Listing Date: 1/25/2019
Original Price: $875,000 Original Price: $1,695,000
Recent Price: $875,000 Recent Price: $1,395,000
Sold: 12/19/2019 Sold: 12/19/2019
Selling Price: $850,000 Selling Price: $1,295,000
Listing Agent: Heidi Levy Listing Agent: Jane Schwiering &
Lucy Hendricks
Selling Agent: Orchid Island Realty Selling Agent:
Berkshire Hathaway Florida
Kelly Fischer
Cami Kanner
ONE Sotheby’s Int’l Realty
The Land Corporation of Fl

Subdivision: Veromar, Address: 3605 Eagle Dr Subdivision: Orchid Island, Address: 50 Beachside Dr, #101

Listing Date: 11/6/2019 Listing Date: 11/8/2019
Original Price: $799,000 Original Price: $1,775,000
Recent Price: $799,000 Recent Price: $1,775,000
Sold: 12/13/2019 Sold: 12/18/2019
Selling Price: $780,000 Selling Price: $1,715,000
Listing Agent: Jane Schwiering & Listing Agent: Bob Niederpruem
Lucy Hendricks
Selling Agent: Selling Agent: Premier Estate Properties
Berkshire Hathaway Florida
Anne Torline
Patty Valdes
Orchid Island Realty
Alex MacWilliam, Inc.

1289 Island Club Square West,
Vero Beach FL 32963
• River & Intracoastal Views
• 4 Bed plus Den, 3.5 Bath
• Crown Moldings
$825,000 • MLS 227530

9485 W Maiden Ct,
Vero Beach, FL 32963
• Newly renovated kitchen
• Beautiful lanai
• Just minutes from the ocean
$399,000 • MLS 222471

3870 N Highway A1A #602,
N Hutchinson Island, FL 32949
• 6th Floor Oceanfront
• 2 Bed / 2 Bath
• Beautifully Renovated Kitchen
$359,000 • MLS 226987

[email protected]

Gene Billero, Broker

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 26, 2019 71


tions pulled back heading into the clined 7 percent, while the purchase purchase activity declining but show- few months. Fortunately, recent data
holidays. According to the latest data index slipped 2 percent. ing strong year-over-year growth,” showing rising housing starts and
from the Mortgage Bankers Associa- said Bob Broeksmit, MBA president permits, as well as increased home
tion, the market composite index – a The refinance share of mortgage and CEO. builder optimism, are evidence that
measure of total loan application activity accounted for 62.2 percent of prospective buyers will likely have
volume – decreased 5 percent from a applications. “Increased demand from low mort- more available listings to choose
week earlier. The refinance index de- gage rates has strained inventory lev- from in early 2020.” 
“Mortgage applications were mixed els in parts of the country in the last
last week, with both refinance and


Orchid Cove is a luxury riverfront enclave offering every AERIAL VIEW OF ORCHID COVE
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estuary as well as direct access to the Sebastian Inlet and
the azure blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Orchid Cove
is perfectly situated minutes from the quiet sophistication
of Vero Beach and the perfect place to enjoy a small-town
charm that’s enriched with a world-class art museum, top-
shelf street shopping, scenic natural wonders, and - perhaps
best of all - you’re within walking distance of Wabasso Beach
- the jewel of Florida’s Treasure Coast!

Contact Lisa Krynski at 772.521.0954.

Visit our gorgeous new Vanda model located at
9378 Orchid Cove Circle, Vero Beach 32963

Mon.- Sat. 10am to 5pm or Sun. 12 to 5pm


772.521.0954 GHOHOMES.COM

Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents
required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design.

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