Follow the heart. P8 Don’t get burned! P28 Siblings riding high
Area Legal Aid attorneys Melbourne dermatologist warns ‘Soul Surfing Sisters’ make waves
answer a special calling. of skin cancer ‘epidemic.’ on national stage. PAGE 9
Women’s Hall of An impressive
Fame nod fitting show of ‘Hands’
for ‘Scotty’ Culp at beach protest
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER People take part in the Hands Across the Sand event to draw attention to their concerns about beach-replenishment project. PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER STORY BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER
[email protected] [email protected]
Rail progress: Deal reached on Pineda overpass
Remembered by Satellite Nearly 200 people joined
Beach pioneers as small in STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER hands and fanned out across
stature but large in positive [email protected] the sand Saturday just be-
impact, Kathleen “Scotty” fore noon at Pelican Beach
Culp led by example until she The process took months to show their concern over a
passed away in 2013 at age 91, to complete with haggling large-scale, engineered beach
and on Sept. 27 her legacy will on each side, but Florida replenishment project they
be recognized in a big way as East Coast Railway and Bre- say endangers a local natural
Culp is inducted in the Florida vard County finally brokered treasure.
Women’s Hall of Fame. an agreement that enables
the county to construct a Organizers Matt Fleming
Ron Culp, son of Kathleen “Scotty” Culp. $26 million overpass where and his cohorts fear that the
Pineda Causeway traffic 573,000 cubic yards of sand
The Florida Women’s Hall now meets the tracks. slated to be dumped in 10
of Fame was created by the locations along 7.8 miles of
Florida Legislature in 1982 to “We worked out all the beach from Patrick Air Force
honor women who have made Base south to Flug Avenue –
significant contributions to CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 widening the beach by 10 to
the improvement of life for
women and for all citizens of CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
Florida. Ten finalists were cho-
sen by the Florida Commis- Challengers for
sion on the Status of Women. local offices make
Gov. Rick Scott selected Culp their initial pitch
[email protected]
Candidates for local offices
in Melbourne Beach and Indi-
alantic completed their quali-
fying applications in time for
the deadline last Friday. In
Melbourne Beach, two chal-
lengers seek to unseat incum-
bent Commissioner Sherri
Quarrie. Mayor Jim Simmons
is running unopposed.
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Florida on display
NEWS 1-6 DINING 30-31 PEOPLE 7-12 Juried show in Eau Gallie
ARTS 13-16 GAMES 23-25 PETS 22 provides local artists with
BOOKS 21 HEALTH 27-29 REAL ESTATE 33-40 ‘100%’ affirmation. PAGE 10
2 Thursday, September 7, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
HANDS ACROSS THE SAND and some impassioned speeches from Matt Fleming. part for the pristine beaches teeming
people saying what the reef and the with life and she doesn’t want that to
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 area’s beaches mean to them, the join- show up at meetings and let the powers change. She links protecting the reef
ing of hands protest lasted less than 10 that be know that they are opposed to and other natural resources, as well as
20 feet – will end up smothering the minutes. As mothers and babies, kids the sand project. “We need volunteers. limiting development, with tourism
rare, near-shore reef referred to as and teens, middle-aged folks and re- We need ideas. We need help!” he said and fishing and property values.
Brevard’s Mid-reach. tirees spread out as far as they could over a loud speaker to the crowd before
stretch, calm waves gently lapping they lined up at the shore. “We love the reef and we have stud-
The protesters, many of whom at their toes, smart phones snapped ied the environmental concerns and
wore white “Save the Mid-reach” T- away and recorded the event for so- Kimberly Newton and her three teen- we’re aware of the damage from the
shirts, did not camp out on the beach cial media. Several drones buzzed agers showed up to join the chain of ac- poor quality of sand that they use,”
in order to block the work from tak- a few yards overhead capturing the tivists.They just moved to Satellite Beach she said, noting that the reef, which
ing place. And Saturday’s effort was overall scene as the nearly 200 people from Orlando six months ago, in large becomes exposed at low tide, serves
not a marathon demonstration, but chanted, “Save our reef! Save our reef!” as a nursery and protective habitat
more of a publicity stunt or photo and at one point did “the wave” before for juvenile fish, and also for sea tur-
opportunity designed to raise aware- cheering themselves and disbanding. tles. The reef provides sustenance for
ness about their cause. Fleming pat- other species, including birds.
terned the demonstration on the Some gathered in tents to sign their
successful “Hands Across the Sand” names and contact information on clip- “We want to be involved, we want
event in Cocoa Beach in response to boards, for the protest is just the begin- to know what’s going on,” Newton
the BP oil spill. ning. Fleming said he wants people to said. Find out more at www.savet-
After about an hour of socializing
KATHLEEN ‘SCOTTY’ CULP bourne. In 1958, she and her husband mentor for the juvenile justice pro- OVERPASS
did move into the city where they gram for more than 20 years, as well
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 would raise their twin boys. as providing community service hours CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
for honor students on their way to col-
along with Mary Lou Baker (1915- Fast forward to one highlight among lege. details,” John Denninghoff, assistant
65), the second woman elected to the many: Culp ran the Olympic torch county manager, said prior to the
Florida House of Representatives who through Satellite Beach in 1996, and “She had both ends of the spectrum, commissioners’ vote. “We also found
helped pave the way for the 1947 deci- that torch is now a cherished artifact really. One of the stories about her, it necessary to amend the lease agree-
sion to admit women to the University on display at City Hall in shadow box- kids there for detention saw her and ment for the existing ground crossing
of Florida, and Katherine Fernandez es created by one of those twins, her thought it was going to be easy. They in the interim period of time during
Rundle, 57, of Miami-Dade County, son, Ron Culp, 58, of Satellite Beach. started working with her and decided construction of the overpass. We’re
who in 1993 was elected Florida’s first it wasn’t so easy. When they asked, she very happy with the agreement as it
female Hispanic state attorney. Culp’s leading by example in Satellite told them ‘I don’t take breaks,’ ‘I don’t is.”
Beach began just as the city was being eat much,’’’ said former Mayor David
Culp was born in 1921 in Norwood, founded by the late Percy Hedgecock Schechter. The overpass is just one part of
Massachusetts. After graduating from in the late 1950s. His brother, Herbert All Aboard Florida, the high-speed
high school in 1938, her first job was “Hub” Hedgecock, 89, now of Suntree, “From the beginning she took right rail line expected to bring passen-
weaving shroud lines for parachutes. remembers Culp being recruited to off and made this place go. She never gers from Miami to Orlando in three
After Pearl Harbor she joined the the fledgling community. “We knew held elected office but she served on a hours all while roaring through Bre-
Women Appointed Voluntary Emer- she had to be an angel. lot of committees. She got people fired vard County 32 times a day at a swift
gency Service – the WAVES – and at- up,” he said. clip of 80 to 110 mph. The rail line has
tended parachute riggers school, later “I have never seen anybody do what not been greeted with enthusiasm
requesting and being granted permis- she could do and she made it look Culp’s legendary patriotism is what by county officials. Not only is there
sion to jump along with the men, easy. She volunteered for everything. many remember most, including the no stop in Brevard, but many see the
and becoming the first woman in the It didn’t matter, she would say ‘I’ll do 21-day flag salute around the pond in train as potentially hazardous, and
armed forces to make a planned free- it,’” Hedgecock said. “She never com- front of the municipal complex that also detrimental to property values
fall parachute jump. She remained ac- plained, never tired. Where she got now bears her name, he said. and quality of life.
tive in the reserves for 12 years. her energy, I’ll never know. We can’t
give her enough credit. She’ll never be “Never once did she falter in her be- According to county spokesman
Known for taking charge and being forgotten.” lief of the greatness of this country,” Don Walker, the start date of work on
organized, Culp was encouraged by Ron Culp said. “It was amazing to look the overpass is unclear. “This could be
city founders to relocate to Satellite Culp ended up logging more than at her closet and it was pretty much anytime in the very near future,” he
Beach from the Eau Gallie area of Mel- 30,000 hours in various beautification only shades of red, white and blue. said. “Once we have the FEC permit,
and patriotic projects, and served as Part of patriotism is serving your com- we can advertise the project for bid-
munity. That’s what my mom did. ding.”
“Her patriotism came from early Between advertising for bids, analyz-
childhood living during the Depres- ing those that come in and awarding
sion, World War II and then respecting a contract for construction, the time
and understanding the greatness of frame could be 60 days. Once awarded,
our country and our flag. She lived it the pre-construction conference and
every day. She was red, white and blue actual construction should take around
beyond belief,’’ Culp said. 21 months to complete. The state will
reimburse all expenditures by the
He is so pleased about her being county, including purchase of the ease-
named to the Florida Women’s Hall of ment, through a railway safety grant.
Fame that he has purchased several
3-foot-by-6-foot banners to be placed In May, commissioners agreed to pay
around town. $245,000 for the easement needed by
FEC for associated track enhancements.
“I think her legacy will be everlast- The railway had submitted an inflated
ing. She was truly one of a kind, but the bid of $300,000 with no appraisal to
memory is still there of the example she back it up. The county appraisal called
set. The legacy is still there. We just need for $125,000. The board also agreed to
a reminder and that’s what the Hall of
Fame award is about,’’ he said.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 7, 2017 3
an amendment to a prior easement All Aboard Florida’s rail line – dubbed communities on the Treasure Coast, Ali Soule, an All Aboard Florida
requested by All Aboard Florida for an Brightline – will utilize the existing rancor about perceived environmen- spokeswoman, said service between
aerial railroad bridge, support, drainage Florida East Coast Railway freight tal impacts, plus the surrounding bad Miami and West Palm Beach expects
and temporary construction over Pine tracks from Miami to Cocoa. The com- press dampened planned efforts to to launch in the fourth quarter. “We
Street in Canaveral Groves. The bridge pany has dangled the idea of adding a raise needed capital from investors, are still finalizing the environmental
is part of the 40-mile extension of rail station in Cocoa – if the train proves but the company has found other cre- permits for the Phase Two extension,”
service from Cocoa to Orlando. profitable. Legal challenges, mostly by ative ways to fund construction. she said.
4 Thursday, September 7, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
CANDIDATES Left to right: Dick Dunn, Doug Hilmes and Simon Kemp. four years. A former environmental
specialist, Kemp is a stay-at-home dad
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Left to right: Larry Maxwell, Laura Rankin and Randy Greer. who served two terms on a municipal
governing body in Micanopy. “I want
In Indialantic, incumbent Randy will show respect for the other com- serve this small-town community, as a to make the town better for our chil-
Greer also faces two challengers for his missioners and to the citizens. I do safe place with amenities for families to dren’s future. I think the whole barrier
seat, while incumbent Dick Dunn will not come to the commission with an enjoy.” island has issues with the Indian River
go head to head with local architect agenda. When faced with an issue, I Lagoon. I want to help alleviate our
Larry Maxwell. The sometimes-divisive will keep an open mind.” Up the road in Indialantic, Randy town’s impact.”
nature of council is expected to be part Greer, 59, a resident since 1985 and
of the campaign. Incumbent Quarrie was appointed to councilmember for the past seven A newcomer to local politics, Rankin,
fill a commissioner vacancy last Novem- years, handles environmental regula- 61, bought a house in Indialantic in
Melbourne Beach Mayor Simmons, ber. She spent 10 years on the planning tory work for the City of Melbourne. 2013. She is a comedian-filmmaker. “I
62, assured of his re-election, is looking and zoning board. A resident since 1990, Greer defends his seat against chal- want to bring kindness to the coun-
beyond November. “I want to continue she’s retired from a career in office man- lengers Simon Kemp and Laura Rankin. cil. Can’t we just get along? My slogan
the significant progress we have made agement and real estate. is Make America Hug Again. My goals
over the past four years. We developed “I love this community and the way it for Indialantic are to get the crosswalks
lean budgetary practices which ensure “The town comprehensive plan in is now,” Greer said. “I am a fiscal conser- painted on A1A; get rid of plastic bags;
operating expenses are addressed and my opinion is one of the most impor- vative who wants to maintain what we and build a dog park that does not an-
tax dollars are spent efficiently; priori- tant items of business on the horizon. I offer without going overboard on taxa- noy anybody.”
tized infrastructure maintenance; and want to see this through to completion. tion.”
partnered with local organizations on My motivation has been to help pre- Dick Dunn, a council member since
projects of ecological significance.” Kemp has lived in Indialantic for 2013, grew up in Indialantic and, after
a career in the Army and the U.S. Trea-
Jay Maguire, Doug Hilmes and Sher- sury Department, returned to the town
rie Quarrie all want the lone seat on in 2003. “I am running to continue rep-
the ballot. resenting the citizens of my community.
My goal and desire is to maintain this
Maguire, 57, a manufacturing en- community as a family-friendly home
gineer, has lived in Melbourne Beach town while and preserving the small-
for 19 years. “It’s my turn in the barrel. town character and values. I’m a young
I’ve been on various boards over many and energetic 74 years of age.”
years. People say you should do this so
I’ll try it. I don’t have much of an agen- Dunn’s challenger, Lawrence “Larry”
da. I’ll take things as they come. But I Maxwell, 65, has been a homeowner in
want to be responsible for the town.” Indialantic for 32 years and in business
here as an architect for 25. “Council
Hilmes, 53, is in telecommunica- seems to have gotten too contentious. I
tions sales and education, and has want to bring some stability back. I want
lived in Melbourne Beach since 2010. to work on environmental issues such as
“I think the citizens of Melbourne the impacts of climate change and im-
Beach would like a fresh voice to rep- pacts on the lagoon.”
resent them on the commission. I will
bring civil dialogue to the position. I
Mind the gap? Questions remain over sidewalk project
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER intersection to connect sidewalks al- complete. They run a total of about ramps for American Disabilities Act
[email protected] ready created on Patrick Air Force Base nine miles from just north of U.S. (ADA) improvements, minor drain-
and those planned by the state Depart- 192/Fifth Avenue in Indialantic to just age work with pipe installations and
Halfway through extensive road im- ment of Transportation. north of Pineda Causeway. drainage structure upgrades, bus ac-
provement projects on State Road A1A cess pads and mid-block crossings for
from Satellite Beach down to Indial- Two resurfacing projects currently Improvements include milling and the safety of pedestrians trying to cross
antic, there remain questions about a are underway on SR A1A in Brevard resurfacing the roadways, updating A1A to go to the beach.
sidewalk gap at the Pineda Causeway County and both are about halfway pedestrian signals and installing curb
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
Bill Sokolic, 609-457-5480 Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 For our advertising partners, we pledge [email protected]
to provide the most complete consulta-
Staff Reporter Columnists tive and marketing programs possible for Corporate Editor
George White, 321-795-3835 Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 the best return on your investment. Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
[email protected] Cynthia Van Gaasbeck, 321-626-4701 [email protected]
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 7, 2017 5
Residents near the Pineda intersec- However, filling the gap apparently (Patrick Air Force Base) where sidewalk to last eight more weeks to construct
tion have been excited about the side- remains a question, said Jessica Otta- will not be constructed as part of either mid-street median crossings at seven
walks on the east side of A1A because, viano, spokesperson for Florida Depart- project,’’ she said. Overall work is about locations for beach access near the in-
with the construction of the PAFB ment of Transportation-District 5. 50 percent complete and on schedule to tersections of Satellite Avenue, Sunrise
sidewalk segment, there will soon be be finished in spring 2018. Avenue, Magellan Avenue, Royal Palm
a new short walk to the southernmost “While sidewalk construction and/ Boulevard, Elwood Avenue and Grant
Patrick beach access. or upgrades are part of both A1A proj- Crews are currently working dur- Avenue.
ects, there is an area between the two ing the day and lane closures expected
6 Thursday, September 7, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Officials renew push to ban shark fishing from beaches
STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER of along bathing beaches. The prob- found unconstitutional, according to Commissioner Sole called the meet-
[email protected] lem could be exacerbated when those an FWC spokesperson. ing this summer with Simmons and
who fish for shark from the surf chum others a “good opportunity to share
Melbourne Beach town leaders in close proximity to swimmers. With that in mind, Melbourne data and hear concerns regarding
hope banning shark fishing from Beach passed a resolution in 2014 beach shark fishing. I believe it is es-
beaches will help keep sharks away But the Florida Fish and Wildlife discouraging shark fishing and sential to hear from multiple sources.
from tourists and locals alike. Conservation Commission promul- chumming within municipal lim- Public safety will always be a priority
gates the rules over who can fish and its. Mayor Jim Simmons pitched the of mine.”
In April, a 23-year-old woman wad- where. town’s case to the FWC, without suc-
ing in the ocean off Ocean Park in cess. When shark fishermen elected Based on the input at the meeting,
Melbourne Beach suffered a shark Municipalities can only regulate to move their fishing away from Mel- Sole concluded the agency should do
bite on her left hand. While such epi- fishing on property they own. Any bourne Beach, the issue moved to the a better job to inform and educate
sodes are rare, they are not unheard ordinance otherwise would likely be back burner. the public. “I will continue to work
to discern what additional steps are
Recently, others asked Simmons needed.”
to resurrect the concern. The mayor
met last month with FWC Commis- Simmons has support from George
sioner Michael Sole, who was non- H. Burgess, director of the Florida Pro-
committal. gram for Shark Research at the Uni-
In 2014, Simmons wrote, “For the versity of Florida’s Florida Museum of
past several years, Melbourne Beach Natural History.
has experienced a situation which
increases the always-present risk of “The mayor is right on a certain
shark bites while swimming and surf- level,” Burgess said. “You are going to
ing.” need to have boundaries to see who
gets what pieces of the recreational
At the time, a small group of shark pie. No one is ever happy when you
fisherman consistently fished with do these divisions. Some think the
chum and other blood bait at the entire pie belongs to them. It’s a mat-
busiest municipal beaches during ter of enforcement to allow multiple
the busiest time for other recreation- users to share a common resource. Or
al users. else there’s mayhem at some level.”
“Shark fishing at known bathing Shark attacks are exceedingly rare,
beaches, especially when there are fatalities rarer still.
open beaches 10 minutes away, is ir-
responsible and increases the risk of But among the rare incidents, the
bites, however marginally,” Simmons numbers are highest in Florida; and
wrote. “I am for reasonable rules that in Florida, the numbers are high in
allow shark fishing and swimming ac- Brevard County. The International
tivities to coexist in Florida.” Shark Attack File operated by the
Florida Museum of Natural History
Simmons asked the state to allow says since 1882, Brevard County has
municipalities to regulate shark fish- recorded 134 shark attacks, second
ing locations and methods. “I am only to Volusia County at 290. Since 2007,
authorized to promote home rule on Florida leads the country in attacks
this issue,” he said last week. with 244, with Hawaii second at 65.
Area Legal Aid attorneys
answer a special calling
8 Thursday, September 7, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Area Legal Aid attorneys answer a special calling
STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT Pamela Bress and Robert L. Johnson Jr. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER Carol Jewell of Guardian ad Litem,
[email protected] an organization of non-attorney vol-
ty Legal Aid, Bress spent two years “It is more of a heart condition,” unteers that looks after children not
As an attorney ad litem, Mel- on the above juvenile’s case, hefted Bress said, “than a financial condi- necessarily following the express
bourne Beach resident Pamela Bress 10 others, and carries two cases on tion. You have to have heart for this wishes of the child, but in the inter-
stood up for the rights and wishes of her own outside her job, pro bono. because we are a nonprofit funded est of the child, gave a statistic. “Right
her special-needs, 17-year-old client by grants and donations.” now there are 567 cases in court in-
in Judge Charles Crawford’s crowd- volving 934 children.”
ed Dependency Court last week. Many cases are heartbreaking for
Bress, a mother of a special-needs Children also deserve an attor-
Bress, a court appointed attorney, daughter who is successfully ac- ney ad litem, said attorney Robert L.
represents children and juveniles. cepting the roles of an adult. Of- Johnson, an Indialantic resident and
Bress acts more from a sense of call- ten, Bress said, her cases involve executive director of Brevard County
ing than employment. The pay, as special-needs children who act out, Legal Aid.
attorney pay goes, is peanuts work- and autistic children who might be
ing for the abused, misunderstood unnecessarily placed in psychiat- “We have a 30 percent volunteer
and abandoned. ric lock-downs against their will, participation of attorneys in Bre-
but don’t need to be there. She also vard County. There are about 1,000
More often than not, when an at- represents children whose drug- attorneys in the county. There are
torney from Legal Aid such as Bress involved parents want them back also other county attorneys that do
is assigned a case, at most $1,000 is so that they can sell them as sexual pro bono work that nobody knows
allotted from the state for the entire traffic. about,” Johnson said. “About half the
drawn-out proceeding. It goes to attorneys make contributions in lieu
the Brevard County Legal Aid orga- The story Bress tells of an ad- of participation.”
nization. That payment carries over dicted couple goes to point. The De-
years during representation for a partment of Children and Families Johnson pointed out those dona-
special-needs child. along with its trained staff, a guard- tions account for $50,000 toward the
ian ad litem, an attorney ad litem Legal Aid budget. He added, “Legal
“We never quit a case,” Bress said. and others came up with a case plan Aid clearly provided more than $1
“We stay on a case for as long as it for the couple to get straight and million, $1.5 million in pro bono ser-
takes, and until we are discharged follow. vice through our program.”
by court order.”
“They couldn’t do the case plan,” There is no law that says an attor-
As an employee of Brevard Coun- Bress said. “They were still on ney must do pro bono work, but there
drugs, had no house, no residence is a requirement by the Florida Bar
and were disruptive. And wanted that members must report participa-
their child.” tion in pro bono cases.
A relative wanted to adopt the As Crawford said in court, “Let’s all
child, so Bress went into action and get together to do whatever we can
filed motions to terminate the drug- for the child. That’s why we are here.”
addled couple’s parental rights. It
worked. The parents’ rights were For the last eight years Bress, whose
terminated and the relatives adopt- 20-year law career included corpo-
ed the child. rate practice, has involved herself
with Attorney ad Litem. She became
Bress said, “They adapted their active in coordinating the planned
entire house into an autistic house. Sept. 13 pro bono Attorney ad Litem
It was amazing.” training class at the Holiday Inn Con-
ference Center, 301 Tucker Lane, Co-
Attorneys who want to get involved
and receive 2.5 hours of Continuing
Legal Education can reach attorney
Bonnie Klein Rhoden at 321-631-
0506 or [email protected]. The
training is also sponsored by the Bre-
vard County Bar Association, and the
Inn of Court in Brevard County orga-
nization. Multiple phone calls to the
Inn of Court organization were not
The training encompasses the de-
pendency system, how children may
be entitled to an AAL, the role of an
AAL, and other processes or issues
to be aware of when serving as a pro
bono AAL. At the end of training at-
torneys should take on one client pro
bono to hopefully, as an email stated,
“make a difference in a child’s life,”
Johnson said. “That’s why I went to
law school.”
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 7, 2017 9
‘Soul Surfing Sisters’ make waves on national stage
STORY BY SUE DEWERFF CORRESPONDENT support from national sponsors. Audrey and Rachel at Surfing America 2017. “I began working with Rachel when
[email protected] Her most recent accomplishments she came to my training camp in
Audrey and Rachel Presti. Costa Rica back about five years ago.
It wasn’t long after Melbourne include winning the National Scho- She has a great attitude, something
Beach sisters Rachel and Audrey lastic Surfing Association (NSSA) in California and competing in sev- that is most important in this sport.
Presti learned to swim that they Junior High School women’s title eral area contests. My goal now is to help both girls to
learned to surf – and compete in lo- in California in June, as well as the master bigger, heavier surf; a neces-
cal contests. NSSA Regional Open Women’s and Though she admits she may be a sary component to achieve success
the Explorers Girls Championships few waves back from her sister, Au- on both World Surf League world-
Ever since they have shared a pas- in New Smyrna Beach last April. drey has proved during the past year wide platforms,” said Hogan.
sion for the sport and now describe she is a viable competitor at the lo-
themselves as “soul surfing sisters.” Audrey, 12, will be a first-year rep- cal level. Her dominance as one of “Surfing entails learning a lot of
resentative of the organization’s Ju- the top three finishers in the ESA fundamentals, as well as adjusting
“I remember spending hours nior Development team. Her interest regional competition and title as the equipment for individual growth,” he
pushing them into the waves and I to compete was spurred by her older NSSA Regional Explorers Super Girl added. “We are buckling down going
got really good at treading water,” sister’s success. Under-12 Champion has proved she forward. As in any sport, being able to
said their mom, Myriam Presti, with is serious about surfing. continue to stay positive is extremely
a laugh. “After attending a summer After sitting on the beach and important. I’ve coached several indi-
surf camp about six years ago, they cheering on her sister at contests “Surfing makes me feel free,” ex- viduals who have made it to the World
became hooked and I have now be- during the past few years, Audrey pressed Audrey. “I am glad I have an Championship Tour and through my
come a ‘Surfer Mom.’” decided two years ago to step up and opportunity to share something I own experiences have learned while
start competing herself in local con- love with my sister Rachel, and hope success isn’t permanent, failure is not
Fast-forward to this June: Both tests. to be able to surf together for a life- fatal.
siblings were chosen by the Interna- time.”
tional Surfing Association (ISA) to Both spent this past summer “I believe both girls have great
represent this year’s 2017-2018 USA training with fellow team members Jim Hogan, an Association of Surf- potential and a bright future in the
Surfing America team. ing Professionals tour surfer in the sport.
late 1990s, has been coaching the sis-
The La Jolla, Calif., organization ters for the past several years. “With the inclusion of surfing
– recognized by the International added last August to the 2020 Olym-
Olympic Committee as the world pic Games, it is very possible either
governing authority for surfing – re- or both of these young ladies could
cruits America’s best junior surfing be representing the USA’s team by
talents with a goal of preparing them then,” he added.
to improve upon his or her personal
character, teamwork and competi- For Rachel and Audrey, the oppor-
tive surfing skills. tunity would be a dream come true.
Rachael, 15, who will enter her “I always try to support my sister
fourth year as a member of the Surf- and push her to do well,” said Audrey.
ing America team, was chosen as one
of four females in the Under-18 divi- “Mentoring my little sister and be-
sion who will travel to Hygua, Japan, ing able to give her advice from my
to compete in this year’s ISA World own experiences has been a huge pos-
Junior Championships. itive for both of us,” Rachel expressed.
Set to take place Sept. 23-Oct. 1 at “As sisters, they are always com-
Okuragahama Beach, the largest ju- pelled to out-do one another,” said
nior world surfing contest will wel- Myriam Presti. “I think this is how
come more than 371 athletes from 40 they strive to be the best competitors
countries. they can be.”
“I am honored to have this oppor-
tunity and a chance at a world junior
title, not to mention visiting a coun-
try like Japan is amazing,” Rachel
She was chosen to compete on the
travel team based on her outstand-
ing performances in national Surfing
America Prime events and her fin-
ishes in the World Surf League Junior
Pro and Qualifying Series competi-
tions during the past year.
Rachel is currently ranked eighth
on the 2017 Women’s Junior Pro
North American tour among 36 com-
“To be a strong competitive surfer,
you have to put time and effort into
your physical and mental state of
mind,” she explained. “It’s all about
gaining confidence.”
A Ron Jon Surf Shop Team rider
since 2013, Rachel has gained huge
10 Thursday, September 7, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Juried show provides local artists ‘100%’ affirmation
STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT of the very best artists across our
[email protected] state,” she added.
To be an artist in Florida is to be one As an artist working behind the
of thousands toiling away in studios scenes at the A.E. Backus Museum
as they bring forth their creations. in Fort Pierce, Georgina Love under-
stands the intense work that goes into
To set themselves apart from the presenting a juried art show. “Jurors
rest, and to earn well-deserved rec- are really looking for the best they can
ognition, artists of merit enter juried get out of it. They don’t hang shows
shows. just for fun. Artists are up against re-
ally good work from throughout the
One noted show is right here in the state,” she said.
Eau Gallie Arts District. The Fifth Av-
enue Art Gallery on Highland Avenue Love had two trompe l’oeil works
last Friday held the opening recep- in the show: “Broken Dreams and
tion for its 12th Annual 100% Florida Reward.” “I’m honored to be in it be-
exhibit showcasing 57 pieces by 42 cause it’s highly competitive,” Love
artists. The monthlong exhibit began said.
with a juried show judged by Central
Florida artist Kellie Moore. Vanessa Bates, a longtime Brevard
County artist, won Best of Show for
“This year’s chosen participants her giclee piece called “Motoring,” a
work in very diverse mediums … oil, whimsical depiction of a giraffe driv-
acrylic, watercolor, colored pencil, ing a vintage Mercedes Benz. The
photography, digital, assemblage, Cocoa-based artist also had an acryl-
sculpture, fabric, mixed-media, en- ic in the show called “Dreaming of
caustic and pastel,” said Renee De- James.” This is the third year she has
cator, a Juried Art Show Committee entered the show.
“I entered because the gallery has
“A visit to the gallery during Sep- an exceptional collection of artwork
tember gives our patrons a wonderful and I wanted to be a part of it,” Bates
opportunity to see the work of some
Vanessa Bates. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Lori Jenkins and Renee Decator.
Barbara Lyons and Neil Bebbington. made it into the show, “Classy” and
“Snoozy,” which are part of a series of
said the day after her big win. For her pictures of “adjectives ending in ‘y.’”
effort, Bates received $500 and will be Winning the award was “Classy,” an
given a solo exhibition in June 2018. 18”-x-28” work depicting a cat family
portrait made of 450 pieces of fabric.
Winning a merit award and $100 “Snoozy,” featuring a pile of sleepy
was Kestrel Michaud of Melbourne. bulldogs, is made of 650 pieces of fab-
Hard to believe upon seeing, her work ric.
is fashioned of hundreds of pieces
of quilting fabric. Two of her works “I entered because I’m proud of my
work and I’m always looking for op-
portunities to show it off,” Michaud
said the next day as she prepared for
a portrait drawing session at the Art
Students’ Guild of Brevard in Down-
town Melbourne.
Lovers of fine art have the entire
month of September to enjoy these
artists’ works and those of the 39
other Florida masters chosen for the
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 7, 2017 11
Ellen Paflakos. Kestral Michaud with K.C. Grapes. Don and Anne Martin.
Marlis Newman with Frits Van Eeden.
Rick Dillen and Kaye Shannon. Shirley Warholic Popovich. Hap and Carmen Beecher.
Elizabeth Page and Barbara Felton. Lynne Adams and Sandy Johnson. Margaret Johnson.
Musical ‘Dogfight’
examines regret,
14 Thursday, September 7, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Musical ‘Dogfight’ examines regret, forgiveness
Cast of “Dogfight” at Henegar Center rehearsal.
STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH CORRESPONDENT Evan Hansen.” Portraying Eddie Birdlace is Chris “Rose is a kind-hearted and awkward
[email protected] Set in 1963 San Francisco, “Dogfight” Fallows, who has not been on the stage girl with such a tenacious spirit,” she
for three years. When he heard that the said. “She discovers her own power and
Upstairs at the Henegar expands its revolves around a group of young Ma- Henegar was producing the show in the inner beauty and forms a special bond
reputation for provocative theater with rines on their last night before heading intimate Upstairs venue, he knew he with Eddie.”
this weekend’s opening of “Dogfight.” to Vietnam. Full of bravado, they com- wanted to audition for it.
pete to see who can find the ugliest date Like Fallows, though, she finds the
Opening Thursday, the show runs for for the night. Hence, the word “dog” – a “Eddie is a complex character,” he emotions the biggest challenge in her
two weeks in the 85-seat venue, which pejorative for a woman considered by said. “He embellishes his stories and portrayal.
has director Amanda Cheyenne Manis some to be unattractive. puts on a tough guy persona. But truth-
very nervous. fully, he is an awkward 18-year-old who “The show is kind of an emotional
Think a fraternity “pig party” which hasn’t figured out who he is.” roller coaster for Rose,” she said. “The
“The show having such a short run, has the same cynical theme; or the hardest part is definitely portraying her
if people wait to get their tickets, they 2010 Steve Carrell movie “Dinner for Rose reveals a “softer side” to Eddie, sadness, her anger and everything in
aren’t going to get in,” she said. Schmucks.” It’s all the same concept who eventually deals with post-trau- between.”
with the ironic theme that the ugliest matic stress disorder.
Indeed, that’s exactly what happened people are actually the exploiters. Manis said her talented cast are such
with three Upstairs at the Henegar pro- That brings the hardest layer for Fal- decent people and so kind to one an-
ductions – “Spring Awakening,” “Hand And, sentimentally, we want to see lows – a “plethora of emotions.” other, it has been difficult for them to
to God” and “Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar one of the misanthropic men discover plumb the deeper, darker parts of the
& Grill.” that reality. We want to see him touched “I have to laugh, cry and deal with a characters and to realistically portray
by the heart of a young woman whom deep depression I have never person- being mean to each other on stage.
“The show is going to sell out,” she society has used only as an object of rid- ally gone through,” Fallows said. “It is a
said. icule and discarded. privilege to have such a challenging ex- “My actors, who are all pretty young,
perience as an actor.” leave feeling stretched as people and ex-
“Dogfight” is a musical re-telling of And “Dogfight” delivers that, Manis hausted as performers,” Manis said.
the 1991 River Phoenix film written by said. Bella Rohrer is the socially awkward
the late Bob Comfort. The stage version Rose in “Dogfight.” Rohrer had listened Both Fallows and Rohrer have learned
was written by Benj Pasek and Justin In the story, character Eddie Birdlace to the original cast recording and had a lot about 1960s American history by
Paul, the duo who wowed Broadway this meets Rose, a young woman whose lov- a basic understanding of the story’s being in this show.
past season with their lyrics and music ing soul captivates him. theme.
to another provocative show, “Dear Knowing her young cast needed to
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 1, 2017 15
Amanda Cheyenne Manis directs Bella Rohrer (character
Rose Fenny) and Chris Fallows (character Eddie Birdlace).
learn about the period, Manis asked to a human being than appearances or
Vietnam vet Jack Maloney to speak to first impressions. It’s a musical I hope
them. Maloney, who lives in Melbourne will get the love it deserves.”
and is active in the community theater
scene, was in the Marines from 1968 to For Rohrer, “Dogfight” has taught her
1972. about the resiliency of the American
He spoke to the cast about Marine
camaraderie and what it felt like to be “And that men, especially Marines,
a 17-year-old Marine on liberty. As a love to drink and swear,” she laughed.
former clinical social worker with the
Department of Veterans Affairs, he had While the storyline may repulse gen-
a lot to tell them about PTSD. Maloney tle souls, it has a redeeming resonance,
also discussed what it was like coming Manis said. It looks at loss, regret and
home in the 1960s and being spat on forgiveness, “forgiving each other for
and called “baby killer.” poor behavior and forgiving them-
selves,” as Manis put it.
“It was hard for (the actors) to under-
stand,” he said. “Considering today’s at- “There is so much beauty in that, in
titude towards the uniform.” the human condition. Much more than
you can find in any mirror.”
Fallows said the musical underscores
major themes in American history and “Dogfight” runs Sept. 7-17 in the Up-
society, from pre-hippie America to the stairs at the Henegar studio theater, 625
sexual revolution E. New Haven Ave., Melbourne. Tickets
are $26 general admission, $23 for se-
“I sincerely hope that people will take niors and military and $16 for students.
away a respect for veterans in our Armed There is a $3 handling fee per ticket. The
Forces,” he said. “I also hope people will show is not recommended for young au-
appreciate the theme that there’s more diences. Call 321-723-8698 or visit Hen-
16 Thursday, September 7, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Coming Up: Two true talents jazz up the King Center
[email protected] Steve Oliver.
1 A great evening of jazz is in store 1
this Saturday at the King Center’s
Studio Theatre. The stellar double bill
brings together multi-talented singer/
songwriter/guitarist Steve Oliver and
internationally renowned saxophon-
ist and composer Marion Meadows.
Oliver, according to Wikipedia, is best
known for contemporary or “smooth”
jazz, but also performs in other styles
including pop, rock, Latin, electronic
and world music. Oliver maintains a
busy touring schedule and has scored
multiple hit singles on the Billboard
contemporary jazz chart. His website
has announced that Oliver has just
released his first all-vocals, “full-on
adult contemporary” pop album, “Pic-
tures and Frames.” Meadows started
playing the clarinet and studying clas-
sical music at the age of 9, and took up
the sax in high school, according to his
bio. Meadow has released 13 albums,
and, says Wikipedia, has collaborated
over the years with Brook Benton, Ear-
tha Kitt, Michael Bolton and the Temp-
“Every Day is Veterans Day: Tree Frogs. Bob Lauver.
A Patriotic Musical Salute”
tations, among other such luminaries. at 4 p.m. Tickets are free. may be addicting. Please consult your observations into everybody’s con-
Show time is 7:30 p.m. physician to see if the Tree Frogs may versations. He likes to say “It’s a sick,
be right for you!” The Tree Frogs play sad world and I’m a happy guy,” and,
2 The Space Coast Symphony 3 Do your music preferences lean from 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. when he has delivered a bit of sage
Wind Band and Chorus will toward mid-’60s to mid-’70s, to advice, he concludes with, “That’s a
tip from your Uncle Lar.” Lauver grew
the glory days of classic rock – Cros- up in rural central Pennsylvania, then
joined the Navy and saw (a good bit
present “Every Day is Veterans Day: A by Stills & Nash, Neil Young, Simon 4 If you’re in the mood for some of) the world. He was a “gentlemen’s
stand-up, grown-up comedy club” manager for a while as well, and
Patriotic Musical Salute” this Satur- and Garfunkel, Bob Dylan, the Band, that unusual combination of expe-
riences left him with an interesting
day at the Scott Center for Performing the Kinks, the Rolling Stones and on (and can’t we all use a few laughs these perspective on life, and a great source
of fodder for his routines. Lauver
Arts in Melbourne. This will be the and on? Then consider heading over days?), head for Riverside Theatre this has worked with some of the biggest
names in the biz: Tom Arnold, Bill Bel-
fifth year One Senior Place has pre- to Sunset Waterfront Grill and Bar Friday or Saturday because it’s Com- lamy and John Witherspoon among
them. Show times are 7:30 p.m. and
sented the patriotic concert “celebrat- in Cocoa Beach to spend a little time edy Zone time again. You always get a 9:30 p.m. And, P.S.: If you didn’t have
time to grab a bite before, you can get
ing the men and women who have with the Tree Frogs Saturday evening. two-fer at Riverside’s “hilarious, wild, food and drinks at Riverside.
worn America’s uniform.” The audi- These guys are the real deal, a classic untamed” Comedy Zone: this week-
ence will be treated to several beloved rock duo whose specialty is “great, but end it’ll be Larry Reeb and Bob Lauver.
Sousa marches and other patriotic not overplayed classic tunes from the Well-known on the stand-up circuit,
favorites, and there will be guest ap- Vietnam era.” Hang out, watch the sun Chicago native Reeb has had a good
pearances by an award-winning color set (the Grill is right on the Merritt Is- bit of TV experience, primarily with
guard unit, the Space Coast Highland- land Causeway) and reminisce. The fellow comic Rodney Dangerfield. His
ers bagpipe and drum corps, and so- band wants you to know, full disclo- alter ego, Uncle Lar, is that sarcastic,
prano Lt. Col. Cynthia Watkins (Ret). sure: “Tests have shown that the Tree often raunchy uncle (every family has
The concert will open with “Reveille” Frogs’ music promotes nostalgia and one) who is compelled to interject his
Cassini’s last days in orbit.
The planned end of Cassini will
occur on September 15th, 2017.
October 1997 - Nighttime launch of
rocket with Cassini orbiter aboard seen
from water with ship in foreground.
This graphic shows Cassini’s path since
April, showing its 22 ring dives in blue and
its final half orbit in orange.
In just two weeks, NASA’s Cassini Cassini’s last dives also are also giv- day-to-day process – gather as much bit of the spacecraft’s momentum – and
spacecraft, having used up almost all of ing scientists front-row seats to chemi- data as possible – is basically the same that will mean that the next time it flies
its fuel by circling Saturn for 13 years, cal interactions happening between as it’s always been. by Saturn, it won’t be able to escape.
will wave goodbye to Earth and plunge the rings and the outermost layer of
into its old companion, melting within the planet’s atmosphere, which have And, of course, photographs are a On that last ride in toward the mas-
minutes. turned out to be much more complex huge priority for these last dives. The sive planet, Cassini will snap one last
team has been particularly intrigued burst of photographs on September
This will be a particularly poignant than scientists had expected. And the 13 and 14. These last postcards home
moment for space enthusiasts like spacecraft has already dipped cau- by the increasingly close views of the will include a last view of Titan’s
Beachsider publisher Milton R. Benja- tiously into the heavy atmosphere to rings, which are showing unexplained weather, a glimpse of the moon Ence-
min, who 15 years ago was part of the gather data about what it’s made of. patches of clumpiness and streakiness. ladus setting behind Saturn, a color
media at Cape Canaveral for the spec- montage of the aurora that circles
tacular nighttime launch of the Cassini- “All of this is actually good news,” As Cassini leaves the rings for the Saturn’s north pole, and a checkup on
Huygens spacecraft – one of the largest, says Spilker. “Scientists love mysteries, final time, it will swing back out into Saturn’s tiny, wanna-be moon, nick-
heaviest and most complex interplan- and the grand finale is providing mys- space, sliding near Titan, Saturn’s named Peggy, which may be breaking
etary spacecraft ever built. teries for everyone.” She added that largest moon, in what project man- free of the planet’s rings.
although the dramatic circumstances ager Maize calls the “final kiss.”
The huge Titan IVB/Centaur rock- and exotic location are new, the team’s At about 4:22 p.m. Eastern time on
et that carried the Cassini spacecraft The pull of Titan’s gravity, even from September 14, the spacecraft will turn
turned night into day as it thundered more than 74,000 miles away, will steal a toward Earth one last time, sending
aloft from the Cape. In the decade and home all the images and data collected
a half that followed, Cassini became not so far.
just the first mission to orbit Saturn but
one of history’s most successful inter- With all its knowledge safely sub-
planetary expeditions. mitted, the spacecraft will transform
itself from an orbiter into an atmo-
The scientists who have led the spheric probe. Late in the night, it will
mission are sad to see it go, but they stop storing data, setting up a stream
always knew this was coming. “We straight to Earth, with only seconds of
planned this end,” said Linda Spilker, delay to suck as much science as pos-
a project scientist. sible out of its last dozen hours.
“We had the fuel last exactly the Then, with eight of its instruments
amount of time we needed to get to turned on, Cassini will plummet into
Saturn’s summer solstice, so it’s time.” Saturn’s thick atmosphere. “There is
Even better, the bitter end will make absolutely no coming out of it on this
sure that nothing contaminated by one,” Maize said. “We are going so
Earth’s microbes can reach potential- deep into the atmosphere, the space-
ly habitable moons like Enceladus. craft doesn’t have a chance.”
But before Cassini meets its fate, it As it goes, it will gather data for as
has a whole lot of science to get done. long as it can – including the sort of
And because NASA didn’t want to risk measurements scientists can’t take
the spacecraft earlier in its mission, from Earth.
what’s left are some of the coolest and
most dangerous maneuvers. Now, even In its last moments just before 8
if everything goes wrong, NASA doesn’t a.m. Eastern time on September 15,
have much to lose, Cassini project Cassini will be traveling at 76,000 miles
manager Earl Maize said. per hour into the gas giant. “We’ll basi-
cally disintegrate,” said Julie Webster,
Right now, Cassini is 20 loops into its who oversees the spacecraft’s health.
closest ever tango with Saturn, during “We’ll melt long before we hit any sur-
which it slips through the gap between face of Saturn.”
the planet and its rings, then dances
away to approach again from the same The first to go will be the thin, gold-
angle. Each orbit takes less than a week colored thermal blankets that have
in Earth time, and its last skim beneath kept Cassini warm on its journey, then
the rings is scheduled for September 9. the aluminum that shields its recorders.
Next, the small plutonium heart that
The dives, 22 in all, offer not just a new has helped power the spacecraft will
perspective on the rings, but also the melt, safe inside the box designed to
chance to learn how they were formed. isolate it in case anything went wrong
during the spacecraft’s launch 20 years
The key piece of information scien- ago. That box, made of sturdy iridium,
tists are missing here is how much ma- will be the very last piece of Cassini.
terial is actually in the rings. If they’re
larger, that means they’re older – possi- Then it, too, will melt away, dissipat-
bly just as old as Jupiter itself. If they’re ing into the vastness of Saturn, leaving
smaller, which is currently looking the questions and answers of scientists
more likely, it means they’re younger, here on Earth as Cassini’s only legacy.
and possibly created by a comet or a
moon creeping too close to Saturn and This story was written by Meghan
being shredded by its massive gravity. Bartels of the Washington Post Writer’s
Perform monthly head-to-toe skin self-exams and alert your physi-
To stay happy and healthy, it’s important to do all we can to pre- cian of abnormalities. Remember the ABCDEs of skin cancer, looking
vent or detect medical problems early. for changes in asymmetry, border, color, diameter and evolution.
SCREENINGS FOR MEN Have your doctor check your skin for cancer at regular intervals
While the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) no lon- based on your skin cancer risk.
ger recommends the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test as a EYE SCREENINGS
screening tool for prostate cancer, the American Cancer Society and Changes in vision are a normal part of aging. Eye diseases, how-
the American Urological Association urge men in their early 50s to ever – such as age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma and cata-
start a discussion with their physician about whether the PSA test is racts – shouldn’t be considered normal.
right for them. o COMPREHENSIVE EYE EXAM
PROSTATE CANCER SCREENING Adults age 18 to 60 should have an eye exam every two years, or
Men should talk to their doctor at age 50 about screening for pros- more often if they have diabetes, hypertension or a family history of
tate cancer with the PSA blood test and digital rectal exam. African- ocular disease. Starting at age 61, exams should continue annually.
American men and others at high risk for prostate cancer should talk 14 RECOMMENDED SCREENINGS
to their doctor by age 45. Some health plans now cover the cost of preventive healthcare,
BONE, COLON, SKIN AND EYE SCREENINGS FOR BOTH including: 1. One-time abdominal aortic aneurysm screening for men
MEN AND WOMEN who smoke or have smoked; 2. Alcohol counseling; 3. Blood pressure
BONE DENSITY SCREENING checks; 4. Cholesterol screening; 5. Colorectal cancer screening; 6.
Per the American Academy of Family Physicians, women should Depression screening; 7. Diabetes (type 2) screening; 8. Diet counsel-
be screened for osteoporosis at age 65; men at age 70. Screenings ing; 9. HIV testing; 10. Immunization vaccines for adults, such as the
should also be performed on anyone who breaks a bone after age 50 flu shot; 11. Obesity screening and counseling; 12. Sexually transmit-
and for those at increased risk for osteoporosis. ted infection prevention counseling; 13. Syphillis screening; and 14.
COLORECTAL CANCER SCREENING Tobacco use screening and cessation interventions.
The USPSTF recommends screening for colorectal cancer using Have a conversation with your physician. Together, you can create
high-sensitivity fecal occult blood testing, sigmoidoscopy, or colonos- a personalized screening plan.
copy beginning at age 50 years and continuing until age 75. People at Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always wel-
higher risk of developing colorectal cancer should begin screening at a come. Email us at [email protected].
younger age, and may need to be tested more frequently. The decision © 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
to be screened after age 75 should be made on an individual basis.
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 7, 2017 21
his time. between the courage of the
parents and the greed of their
Le Carré is 85 offspring.
now and has a new Because George Smiley
can’t be found, one of the
book, “A Legacy survivors is suing Guillam,
although he was far from be-
of Spies,” his 24th ing the architect of Leamas’
failed operation. As Guillam
novel. If “Lega- searches his memory, pores
over old intelligence reports
cy” isn’t among and answers the questions of
government lawyers, we learn
Le Carré’s very much more about the decep-
tions at the heart of the 1963
best, it’s entirely novel.
readable and of- “A Legacy of Spies” thus
operates on two levels. It re-
ten ingenious, in constructs Leamas’ doomed
operation even as it shows
part because it Guillam 50 years later trying to es-
cape punishment for actions hailed
amounts to a se- as heroic at the time. The novel
can be challenging as it often leaps
quel, more than 50 between past and present, but le
Carré’s books usually repay our pa-
years later, to “The tience. This one does, as Guillam’s
troubles extend beyond the lawsuit
Spy Who Came in to the murder of his friends, an at-
tempt on his own life, corruption in
from the Cold.” high places, a search for Smiley and
an unexpected life as a fugitive.
The earlier
“Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy” (1974),
book focused on often called le Carré’s finest work,
can at times be baffling but we push
an English op- on to its brilliant ending – when Smi-
ley unmasks a traitor near the top
erative named of British intelligence – because we man – nasal, monotonous, and irri-
know le Carré is taking us as deep table as a spoilt child’s.”
Alec Leamas who inside the murky world of espionage
as we’re ever likely to venture. It’s a “The tortured are a class apart. You
infiltrates the world where no one can be trusted, can imagine – just – where they’ve
little is what it seems to be and the been, but never what they’ve brought
East German spy good often suffer while the guilty back.”
thrive. Le Carré knows the spy game
agency – he is ac- too well to glorify it. The elusive Smiley, found and
asked what book he’s reading: “Oh
cepted as a defec- Le Carré’s work is often praised for my dear boy, don’t even ask. An old
its authenticity but perhaps not often spy in dotage seeks the truth of ages.”
tor although in enough for his lovely writing. Here
are samples from the new novel: Few writers publish first-rate nov-
truth he’s a double els for 50 years or more. Death claims
“The voice is knife-thin like the some while others see their skills or
agent – but whose their energy fade with the decades.
In this country, Philip Roth, a con-
deception is fi- temporary and admirer of le Carré,
is another member of that elite.
nally found out. The two men’s subject matter could
hardly be more different but since
Several of Leamas’ the 1960s both have combined liter-
ary excellence with tireless produc-
colleagues, minor tivity. Roth recently retired from
writing novels, and if le Carré should
In August of 1961, a 30-year-old figures in the first book, became ma- make “A Legacy of Spies” his last, it
British intelligence agent named Da- would be an honorable exit.
vid Cornwell looked on with “disgust jor figures in later ones, notably spy-
and terror” as the Berlin Wall went A LEGACY OF SPIES
up. Cornwell, who had published master George Smiley and a young By John le Carré
two previous, little-noticed novels,
felt such rage at that moment in Ber- agent named Peter Guillam. Penguin Random House. 264 pp. $28
lin that he spent the next five weeks Review by Patrick Anderson
writing a novel that began and ended In “A Legacy of Spies” Guillam is The Washington Post
with good people being shot dead at
the infamous concrete barrier. The retired and living in France where he
book was written, as required by his
agency’s policy, under a pen name, owns a farm and has taken his young
John le Carré. Published in 1963, “The
Spy Who Came in from the Cold” housekeeper as his lover. Then he’s
became an international bestseller
and, as le Carré, Cornwell would be- abruptly summoned back to London,
come the preeminent spy novelist of
where trouble waits. Three people
who died during the operation de-
tailed in “The Spy Who Came in from
the Cold” each left a surviving child;
amazingly enough, all three, now
well into middle age, are suing Brit-
ish intelligence, seeking damages
for their parents’ deaths. Le Carré
clearly views with scorn the contrast
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22 Thursday, September 7, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz meets jumpin’ Jennifer, a water-lovin’ Lab
Hi Dog Buddies! “ A n y w a y , out sayin’ ANYthing.
Mark’s a surfer: If Watch!”
he was a pooch,
She stood by the
I’m pretty sure pool like a statue,
This week I interviewed Jennifer he’d be a Lab. So nothing movin’ but
Groepler, a chocolate Lab who loves he’s all excited to her tail, real slow,
water about as much as any pooch I’ve have a pal to play staring at Mark.
ever met. She was super waggy when with in the pool. Then, her tail
her Mom answered the door. But I had this one stopped, an Boom!
“You must be Miss Jennifer,” I said. teeny little secret. The Frisbee an Jen-
“It’s a pleasure.” I’d never been in the ny were in the air.
“I’m happy to meet you, Mr. Bonzo. water. Ever. And I Pow! She nailed it.
An you can call me Jenny. This is my wasn’t interested in Then, with Jenny
Mom, Mickey. Come’on back and I’ll starting, either.” in the pool, Mark
innerduce you to my brother, Mark. “But you’re a stood at the edge
He’s my Best Friend In The World. My LABrador ReTREEV- with a big piece of
dad Bill’s restin’ on the porch.” er. That’s kinda your rope. She grabbed
When we were all sittin’, I asked Jen- thing,” I blurted. it an hung in
ny how she found her Forever Family. “Yeah, I’d heard while he did a
“Well, my Mom an Dad an Mark that rumor, but I the pool. buncha Pooch-Ups. Next, he jumped
were dog shopping. They’d had a hadn’t had so much as WELL, for a second, I was all in an said, ‘Bunny Rabbit.’ Jenny stood
buncha Labs before me cuz they say a toenail in water my whole life, ’cept my ‘Aagghhhhhhhhhhh!’ But then I ree- up on her back legs, put her front paws
Labs have the Best Dispositions. It’s water bowl. And the occasional bath. lized my legs were kickin’ like mad, up by her chin, lifted her head way out
TRUE, I’m sure you’ve noticed.” The first day in my new home, Mark my tail was swishin,’ my nose was out of the water, and hopped like a bunny.
I nodded. All the Labs I’ve met so introduced me to the pool. I was Very of the water, an I was MOOVIN! Then I It was hiLARious! Then she got out of
far are frenly an happy, with lots of Nervous. I didn’t get too close in case REE-lized … I can SWIM! An that was the pool and did The Big Shake. Me
energy. it wanted to grab me. Mark jumped in it! Now I love it better than anything, an my assistant enjoyed a refreshing
“Plus,” Jenny continued, “they’d and said, ‘Come on, come on, come on, ’cept maybe a nice bone. I’m in the shower.
pool every day! Mark says I’m half “Cool Kibbles, right? Mark says I
otter. I can do a lotta cool stuff, too! have a very strong Muppy.”
Jennifer Groepler, a Chocolate Lab. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD Wanna see?” “Er, Muppy?”
”I’d love to!” “That’s our word for ‘mouth.’ We go
We went out to the pool an sat un- through a lotta frisbees. I save ’em,
der one of those big umbrellas. Mark like trophies.” She pointed a paw to-
got a cool lookin’ frisbee that wasn’t ward the side of the house where 10
made outta plastic. It was cloth. or 12 deceased frisbees hung onna
“Watch THIS!” Jenny said. She string, like a buncha of fish.
stood right at the edge of the pool, “Do you like the ocean?” I inquired.
didn’t move a muscle, just watched “Totally! I LOVE runnin’ on our Se-
Mark real close. He counted, one, cret Beach. I race out and leap over
two, three, four, FIVE! and threw the that white foamy water, and SPLASH!,
frisbee. Soon as FIVE! was outta his right into the waves! One time when
mouth, before he even threw, Jenny me an Mark were playin’ frisbee, I no-
was in the air, and grabbed that fris- ticed this liddle girl, looked like 2 or 3
bee before she or it hit the water! in People Years. Her family was there,
“Woof!” I exclaimed. “That was playin’ around, an she was just stan-
PAWsome!” She did it a couple more din’ an lookin’ at the water. So I trot-
times. Mark counted to different ted over politely, with my frisbee, an
numbers and Jenny always knew plopped it down right in front of her
when to jump. Then, she’d paddle to to see if she wanted to play catch. She
the stairs, slosh over to Mark, drop DID! She’d throw it, not real far, an I’d
the frisbee, then take her position bring it back. Then she gave me a big
by the pool again. hug! We found out later she was deaf.”
“How do ya know when he’s gon- “Awww, that’s so sweet! So, when do
na throw it?” I asked. “Do you know you just chill-lax?”
had all the other color Labs ’cept Jenny.’ But I didn’t wanna. how to count?” “I have my own chaise in front of
chocolate. I was about a year an a half “Next day he tried again. But I still Jenny laughed. “Everybody thinks I the TV. We all watch together every
old, residing at that pawsome shelter didn’t wanna. So he picked me up can. But,” she whispered, “it’s really a evening. I’m a lucky girl.”
in Sebastian, when they stopped in. (carefully) and just plopped me into silent mouth signal. We can do it with- Heading home, I was thinking about
I’ve never been too interested in other Don’t be shy! Jenny flyin’ through the air with her
pooches (no offense)m but I’m a fan frisbee. And thinking maybe I’d take a
of humans. We all hit it off right away, We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up little dip in the pool myself later.
so we adopted each other. My shelter an interview, please email [email protected].
name was Maya, but Mom an Dad an -The Bonz
Mark changed it to Jennifer cuz that
was the name of their FAV-rit other
Lab, which was fine with me.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 7, 2017 23
Oscar Wilde wrote, “I always pass on good advice. It is the only thing to do with it. It is WEST 10 9 5 2 EAST
never of any use to oneself.” 9532 KJ A8
K AQ8 764
These days, every bridge player tries to find a reason, however thin, not to pass. 10 9 8 7 4 AQ63
Occasionally, though, a pass passes on valuable information — as in this deal. How 653 SOUTH 10 9 4 2
should South play in four hearts? West leads the diamond 10. East wins the first trick Q 10 6
with his queen, cashes the diamond ace, and shifts to the club two. (What was East’s AQJ83
stronger defense?) 52
In the auction, North’s two-no-trump response was the Jacoby Forcing Raise: four-plus
trumps, at least game-forcing values and, usually, no singleton or void. (Otherwise, he Dealer: East; Vulnerable: Both
would have made a splinter bid.) South, with a minimum and no shortage either, jumped
to four hearts. The Bidding:
South has to play the trump suit without loss. This would normally involve taking a SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
finesse. A priori, the chance that East has the king is 50 percent and West a singleton Pass
king only about 6.25 percent. But sometimes those numbers are worthless. 1 Hearts Pass 2 NT Pass LEAD:
4 Hearts Pass Pass Pass 10 Diamonds
South would like to know who holds the spade ace. He should lead a spade, taking a
slight risk that East will get a club ruff. Here, East produces the ace. Then South should
know that West must have the heart king. If East had that card — and a total of 13 high-
card points — he would have opened the bidding. Declarer should play a heart to his
East would have done better to shift to a trump at trick three, before South could find
out who had the spade ace. Then surely declarer would have gone with the odds and
taken the finesse.
Call Today About Our 0%
Hurricane Deductible!
Serving all of Brevard County
24 Thursday, September 7, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
7 Consolation (6) 1 Educate (6)
4 Orient (4) 2 Boundary (5)
9 Border (3) 3 Companion (7)
10 Butter substitute (9) 5 Scare (5)
11 Externally facing (7) 6 Accolade (7)
12 Manhandles (5) 7 Self-esteem (5)
13 Iron alloy (5) 8 Feel (5)
15 Pains (5) 14 Roar (7)
20 Fit out (5) 16 Blood-red (7)
22 Gourmet (7) 17 Sordid (5)
24 Pharmaceuticals (9) 18 Mock attack (5)
25 Chop (3) 19 Expose (6)
26 Discourteous (4) 21 Walked (5)
27 Illusory (6) 23 Custom (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 7, 2017 25
ACROSS 77 Invertible 7 Launder again 71 Collar-and-tailcoat The Washington Post
palindromic cry 8 “Love ___ two- college
1 Given to giving FILM CRITICISM MADE SIMPLE By Merl Reagle
orders 78 Bk. before Job way 72 Sotheby’s signals
81 “___ ... my street” 73 Sea salt? Simulcast Wagering
6 War-loving 9 Simon follower 74 Manny of baseball Doors Open @ 11:45
goddess sentiments 10 Seasickness, to 79 “Fancy ___!”
exactly” Cousteau 80 “Java” trumpeter $7500 GUARANTEED
10 Poet at Bill’s 85 Drift, as of events 11 Starting bet 82 Asian desert TOURNAMENT
inauguration 87 Hillbilly 12 Basic monetary 83 Bakery topper
possessive unit of China 84 1963 book by Bob $130 BUY-IN, 13,000 IN CHIPS
14 Tear down (its 89 Tiebreaking 13 Fruit with a pit SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH
homophone periods: abbr. 14 Went on a tear Hope, ___ Russia
means the 90 Garbage vessel 15 “Eri tu,” for one $1,200 12 PM START TIME
opposite) 92 Supercollider tidbit 16 Penultimate 86 Photog’s soak
93 Mountain lake element 88 Nap takers COME PLAY OUR NEW GAMES – PAI GOW AND 1 CARD POKER!
18 Truly ticked off 94 Co-founder of 17 Do a dele? 91 Name that’s
19 Tableland TriStar Pictures 20 Demi-diameters almost POKER ROOM OPENS @ 9:45
20 Accumulated, as 95 Small working part 23 Kitchen device for a direction
98 Shearing subject a 93 Any and all THE ONLY POKER ROOM IN BREVARD COUNTY
a bill 99 “___ ... but not gambler? responsibility
21 Extra dry this one” 29 Working on 94 Munich mister
22 “___ ... my least 104 Respond “like a 30 Russian space 95 The world of
rug” station metropolises
favorite movie” 105 Hockey legend 32 Mideast grp. 96 Eightsome
24 Where to vow to 106 Parent sub for a 33 “Watch yourself 97 Phone co.
night now” 100 Scram, on the
your partner 107 “___ ... on a scale 36 Small green thing range
25 Smaller size of in your soup 101 Scent of a Woman
26 Criticize 1-to-10” 37 Whence the Magi director Martin, or
113 It’s looking at you, came a French city
mercilessly kid 38 Sgt. Snorkel’s dog 102 Journalist Salinger
27 ___ huff 114 The goldfish in 39 One-third of a war 103 Waif
28 “___ ... thud!” Pinocchio movie 107 In the cellar
31 Directed skyward 118 Broadway 40 Test 108 Come again?
34 Baked good beginning 41 Poodle’s name 109 Stash
35 Org. for moles? 119 Parrying weapons 42 First game 110 Church section
36 “___ ... and with 120 “___ ... my 43 Torn from today’s 111 Illuminating
attention” headlines subject?
good reason” 123 “Get away!” 49 Agreeable, to 112 Mild exclamation
44 Take back (your 124 Of ___ teens 115 Escape from, as
(somewhat) 51 Frolicking fish- trackers
words) 125 Spanish artist lover 116 It vies with Vogue
45 Bauxite, e.g. Joan 52 Emperor’s dog, 117 Feats of Keats
46 Stark from Randy 126 Path to “I do” perh. 121 Trouble
127 Boys or Boom 53 Type of Bags or 122 Table wood
Andy’s past 128 Addition place rags
47 Big turnoff? 129 Pre-teeners’ sch. 56 Tom’s role on
48 Mighty 130 Strike-zone Roseanne’s show
50 On the subject of boundary 57 Fertile loam
52 According to 58 Bob Randall play,
53 Tennis star DOWN 6 Rms ___ Vu
54 Promotional 1 Son of Willy 59 Twin Peaks
product Loman 61 Dogie catcher
55 “___ ... that’s what 2 Like slander, as 62 It means “bone”
66 Metric weights
the studio should opposed to libel 68 Factory
order” 3 Miss Toga? 69 Gauguin’s
60 Minderbinder of 4 Delay bedtime getaway
Catch-22 5 Desire 70 Jinx
63 Revival prefix 6 Arise (from)
64 Carriage for Boris
65 Shaggy Tibetan
67 Too
69 “___ ...sure
seemed that way,
all right”
74 Some dwellers in
75 And the like: abbr.
76 More muumuulike
The Telegraph EXIT 183 OFF I-95 MELBOURNE
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26 Thursday, September 7, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
A big display isn’t the only way to say ‘I love you’
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST notions. Sure, on some level, you’re going to want proof her synapses work. She has experienced
what you want – someone who remembers your adulthood, all 20 minutes of it, only with you.
Dear Carolyn: I am a die-hard birthday and listens to you and doesn’t say too
romantic. I tried to fight it and many obnoxious things – and you shouldn’t want If you marry now, you, too, will never have lived
say I wasn’t, but it’s true. My anything less. a conscious day without a certainty in your future
ex-boyfriend told me that what – first school, then fiancee. So grieve, of course,
I wanted didn’t exist, but I still But no one wants to follow a script, yours or but also let your synapses take the hint: Go find
believe that out there somewhere anyone else’s, for what romance “should” be. And out who you are without anything else to define
are people who love somebody so even if you found someone who did, please tell you.
much they show it in big or car- me you wouldn’t want him; you’d never be sure
ing ways. Am I holding out for it wasn’t an act. Real people showing real love
something that doesn’t exist? I in their own real ways can hurt you (never mali-
have never broken up with someone because the ciously), frustrate you and spill wine on your fa-
romance wasn’t there, but I am afraid I can’t be vorite shoes – and surprise the hell out of you ev-
happy without it. ery single day with the number of ways they show
love. That is, if you get your head out of your rose
– Romantic at Heart petals.
Romantic at Heart: So wait. If people don’t Dear Carolyn: I have been with my fiancee 4½
show their love in big or caring ways, they don’t years. We met our freshman year in college and got
love you “so much”? engaged five months ago. My fiancee recently ex-
pressed feelings of doubt because she doesn’t know
Grab the Harlequin off your nightstand and “what else is out there.” I am crushed and don’t
slap yourself with it. know what to do. I never thought she would be the
one to go through something like this.
You’re being rigid, not romantic. There are as
many ways to show profound love as there are – Hurting in Ga.
profound loves.
Hurting in Ga.: Rule No. 1: Never think some-
You want someone who both loves you deeply thing can’t happen. Loss is always possible. The
and loves you flashy; that’s fine, but don’t make strongest hearts are the flexible ones.
the mistake of assuming one means the other.
If the size of the display were a true measure of Rule No. 2: Never take it personally when fi-
depth, then “If you really loved me, you’d put me ancees you met in freshman year say they don’t
on the side of a bus” would be a cliche. Which know what else is out there.
would actually be an improvement. So never
mind. Instead of seeing that as proof she isn’t in love,
and therefore proof you’re a bad person, see it as
The bigger mistake would be to believe the
greatest love is the one that fits your preconceived
Don’t get burned:
Doc warns of
skin cancer
28 Thursday, September 7, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Don’t get burned: Doc warns of skin cancer ‘epidemic’
STORY BY LYN DOWLING CORRESPONDENT Drs. Terrence Cronin Jr. and Terrence Cronin Sr. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER He saw skin cancers then, but noth-
[email protected] ing close to what he sees now.
other disease. That’s how prevalent it when what he refers to as the “univer-
The Sunshine State also is the Sun- is. … And the season doesn’t matter. sal doctor draft” took him and “gave “There are so many reasons,” he
burn State, where, according to the Skin cancers are year-round prob- me a free ticket to Southeast Asia.” says. “Think of the evolution of wom-
U.S. Environmental Protection Agen- lems. And they’re … preventable.” He served as an advisor in Vietnam’s en’s swimsuits, from (the past cen-
cy, 37.7 percent of Caucasian adults Mekong Delta, returned to take a resi- tury) until now. … They’ve become
suffer at least one sunburn each year. An affable Jersey City native, Cro- dency at Los Angeles County Hospital smaller, and so you are exposing more
No surprise, then, that Florida is sec- nin was a recent graduate of Seton and, in 1972, moved here. skin; every bit of sun is remembered
ond only to California in the number Hall University and its medical school by your skin.”
of melanoma cases diagnosed, and
17.7 to 25.8 of every 100,000 people Tanning beds are a source of dis-
in Brevard County will be diagnosed gust because “they bring cancers to
with the deadliest form of skin cancer younger girls. Malignant melanoma,
according to the agency. which we used to see almost (exclu-
sively) in older women, now is being
The numbers are rising, the ages of seen in increased numbers of younger
patients are dropping, and as he has women, from 18 to their 30s. Overall,
done for decades, Dr. Terrence A. Cro- we’re seeing more cases of melanoma
nin works to stem the tide. in younger patients.”
He has practiced dermatology in The EPA’s statistics bear out his
Melbourne since 1972, longer than words: Melanoma now is the second
anyone in the area, and estimates most common form of cancer for
that he has treated 30,000 to 40,000 adolescents and young adults (15 to
incidences of skin cancers in sun-ob- 29 years old). One in 53 people born
sessed Brevard. He shouldn’t have to. in 2006 will be diagnosed with it this
year, 30 times the rate of people born
“Skin cancer is absolutely at epi- in 1930.
demic proportions, the most common
of all cancers,” he says, fires off more It not the only form of skin cancer,
statistics and then reflects on his prac- of course. According to the American
tice. “We cannot see anyone for any Academy of Dermatology, the most
At Collins & Montz, DMD, we will focus on improving every aspect of
your smile for optimal appearance, function, and comfort through
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 7, 2017 29
common form of the disease – as many with dermatologists, doing a large cerous bumps frequently found in States each year; and the fight.
as 75 percent of all skin cancers diag- facial cancer with Mohs never costs older people), but one day there may “One human dies every hour from
nosed – is basal cell carcinoma, com- more than $1,500 and you’re under lo- be a wolf hiding among the sheep. Get
monly seen on parts of the body most cal anesthesia, which has fewer risks. checked. Pay attention to your skin. malignant melanoma. One human
frequently exposed to the sun, such as Under a local, everything is better and Be aware of things that should con- dies every six hours from squamous
the head, neck, backs of hands or feet. the scars usually are non-apparent.” cern you. We give lectures about what cell carcinoma. One human dies ev-
It grows slowly and rarely spreads, but the danger signs are and we give out ery four days from neglected basal
it can be wide and deep, destroying The war against skin cancer starts pamphlets that have (photographs of) cell carcinoma. The tragedy of skin
tissue and bone as well as skin. with those potentially affected by it. examples (of lesions) for self-exam- cancer is that it is preventable, but
ination, and we do have a few saved we are making strides. We expect to
About 700,000 cases of squamous “The important things are preven- lives because of it.” cure every basal cell melanoma we
cell carcinoma, the second deadli- tion, obviously – stay out of the sun, treat and as many as 98 percent of
est skin cancer, are diagnosed in this and use sunscreen on every exposed He always goes back to the num- the squamous cells. Think of this:
country every year, according to the part of your body if you must go out – bers, such as that more than 1 million In my first year, I did five melano-
AAD, and although it is most frequent- and (awareness). There’s no reason to cases of non-melanoma skin cancer, mas; now we see them about once
ly seen in areas unprotected from the go out in the sun unless you have to. the most common form of cancer in a week. The fight goes on but we’re
sun, it can be found anywhere on And see your dermatologist. Spots on humans, are diagnosed in the United making strides.”
the body, including the inside of the the skin may be keratoses (noncan-
“A lot of older women get squa-
mous cell on their feet and lower legs
because they are exposed,” Cronin
says. “The older you get, the smaller
the blood vessels become, plus you
see lots of varicose veins, so the blood
doesn’t (circulate as it should) and the
skin becomes thin. That can make
things difficult.”
The only way to diagnose these skin
cancers is through biopsies and the
norm for treating them is with exci-
sion by micrographic Mohs surgery,
referred to as “the gold standard” by
the Skin Cancer Foundation.
“I knew Dr. (Frederick) Mohs; he was
a friend of mine, and when my son (his
partner, Dr. Terrance A. Cronin Jr.) got
interested in dermatology, he became
an expert in it. He now is president of
the American Society for Mohs Sur-
gery, and I speak at its meeting every
year. Mohs surgery is popular (among
dermatologists) because they get the
(entire growth) with a much smaller
scar, and that is very important if the
(growth) is on the face,” Cronin says.
He adds that immunomodulators –
drugs frequently used in conditions
like inflammatory bowel disease –
have proven “very useful” in combat-
ing some skin cancers, and results of a
study published in 2010 by the Journal
of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology
addressed advances in that area.
“Newer (nonsurgical) therapies,
such as interferon, Imiquimod, reti-
noids, and 5-fluorouracil, can be used
effectively (alone or in addition to sur-
gery) for the treatment of superficial
nonmelanoma skin cancers and pre-
malignant lesions. These newer thera-
pies have achieved significant reduc-
tions in morbidity and mortality,” the
study said.
Still, the “main line of treatment,” in
Cronin’s words, remains surgery, and
there, dermatology has a distinct ad-
“In other specialties, you have to
have people go to the hospital, which
means, among other things, you have
general anesthesia, you miss work and
you pay a lot of money,” he says. “But
30 Thursday, SeptembeR 7, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Nippon Thai Sushi Bar &Thai Cuisine: A hidden gem
[email protected]
“Can we go out for Thai tonight?”
my 10-year-old asked one afternoon
last week.
We headed out the whole five and
a half blocks to Nippon Thai, not in-
tending to do a dining review, but the
food is consistently good and it’s a go-
to takeout place for busy beachside
families to pick up a sack of yummy
sushi rolls or Thai specialties on the
way home from work.Sometimes
when you have a great little family-
owned restaurant so close to home,
you take for granted that every-
body else knows about it.
Nippon Thai is one of a hand-
ful of our regular haunts on school
nights after we’ve pored over home-
work at the Satellite Beach library for
a couple of hours and I’m too beat to
go grocery
Pad Thai Chicken. Red Sakura Roll. Spicy Basil Chicken.
shopping and cook from scratch. The get a table and get on ful noodle dish and [email protected].
place makes you feel like someone your way in good time. Nippon’s pad Thai strikes just The reviewer is a barrier island resident
else’s mom (who is not ready to pull the right balance of being light and
her hair out from fifth-grade math) Though we have enjoyed sushi on hearty at the same time. The slightly who dines anonymously at restaurants at
lovingly shopped the market for the many occasions there before, our sweet, ground peanut sauce is very the expense of this newspaper.
freshest ingredients and spent the most recent visit was about Thai en- good. The meat in the beef fried rice
day preparing a home-cooked Asian trees. While we looked over the huge is tender and the vegetables were HOURS
meal for you. menu – 50 Thai dishes plus 70 Japa- cooked just the right amount. The fla- Tues.- Thurs. 11:30 a.m.- 3 p.m.
nese options – our server brought the vor is much livelier than your garden-
It’s a small, stand-alone place with edamame ($4.95) appetizer we or- variety Chinese takeout fried rice. and 4:30p.m.- 9:30 p.m.
decent parking. Not sure what the dered. My son loves nibbling on the We wanted some mango and sticky Friday 11:30 a.m.- 3 p.m.
previous iteration of the building was steamed, salted pods to ferret out the rice, and our server offered to pack up and 4:30 p.m.- 10 p.m.
but maybe some sort of fast-food joint. tender soybeans and I’m less excited some to go, but we’d enjoyed enough Saturday noon to 10 p.m.
Though there’s nothing particularly about them but they’re pretty nutri- satisfying carbs for one evening and Sunday noon to 9:30 p.m.
fancy about the interior, I like its clean tious. declined.
Asian lines and light wood furniture. Dinner and appetizers for two here, Closed Mondays
It’s a peaceful, zen kind of place where We also enjoyed a plate of Thai out the door with tip, is easily less BEVERAGES
you can have a quick lunch break from spring rolls ($4.45) stuffed with veg- than $50, plus whatever you choose to Beer and wine
work stress, or a quiet meal where you etables and glass noodles wrapped enjoy from the selection of beer, wine ADDRESS
can talk about your day. It’s also the in egg roll skin, which were freshly and sake.
kind of place where they will gladly prepared, served piping hot, not at So please try our little hidden gem 1114 Hwy A1A, Satellite Beach
push tables together and entertain all greasy and overall delicious. And in Satellite Beach, but maybe for PHONE
your large family or group. my son had his fave miso soup ($1.95) lunch, or not all on the same night. Lo-
which is yummy at Nippon Thai. We cals like being able to slide in without (321) 773-0700
The service is always friendly, and sipped on hot green tea. waiting for a table.
as fast as the crowd, the volume of
takeout and delivery traffic, and the My son’s beef Thai fried rice entree We encourage you to send feedback to
complexity of your order allow. On a ($10.50) was excellent, and so was
weeknight, you can walk right in and my chicken pad Thai ($10.50). Every
culture has its version of the flavor-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, SeptembeR 7, 2017 31
When looking for a great place to dine check out
the Fine and Casual Dining Pages of The Melbourne Beachsider.
The area’s best restaurants, many offering weekly specials.
32 Thursday, September 7, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
ONGOING 9 Take Stock in Children “Reach for the Stars” 16|17 Regular Joe Surf Festival at 23 Space Coast Race to end Alzheimer’s at
Gala, 6:30 to 10 p.m., Eau Gallie Yacht north jetty, ‘a contest for the Riverfront Park in Cocoa Village. Reg-
Bottled water collection for Houston, daily Club. Proceeds benefit college scholarships for rest of us’ to benefit Surfrider Foundation Sebas- istration 8 a.m. for 9:30 a.m. walk. Volunteers
through Sept. 13 at the Eau Gallie Arts District local needy students. www.brevardschoolsfoun- tian Inlet Chapter. needed.
bandshell. Donations will be collected at the
end of each day and driven to Texas on Sept. 19 Seniors’ Shredding Party and Informa- 27 League of Women Voters of the
14. 9|23 Beee Rock the Porch Jam — tion Security talk, hosted by the Indian Space Coast luncheon and panel dis-
1:00 to 2:50 p.m. second and Harbour Beach Police Department. Shredding cussion “Current Perspectives on Health Care
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 fourth Saturdays at Melbourne Beach Old Town from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. with tips from police de- Access and Delivery in Brevard County and
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park Hall History Center, 2373 Oak Street (by A1A). tectives on how to avoid scams and keep your Beyond”from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Sun-
Free. private information and identity secure at 11 tree Country Club, 1 Country Club Drive. Cost is
a.m. Indoors at Gleason Park Recreation Center. $22-$25 for non-members. RSVP by Sept. 20 at
Saturdays on the Sand with Melissa Faith 11|25 US MEN Prostate Cancer Free and open to the public. or call Doreen Archer
Yoga, 7 a.m. Saturdays at the Indialantic Board- Support Group, 6 p.m. at at 321-622-4071.
walk across from Starbucks. Free admission, Melbourne Library located at 540 E Fee Ave. For 21 Celebrity Chef Diabetes Academy
mats and blankets provided. Bring water and men who have been diagnosed, or treated for welcomes Doreen Colondres, 10:00 30 Long Doggers Kids’ Marathon and Half
other essentials. prostate cancer. Guest speakers including urolo- to noon at the Holiday Inn, N. Wickham Rd. Marathon, 7:30 a.m. from David R.
gists and radiation oncologists, information on Melbourne. Celebrity Chef and creator of “The Schechter Center, Satellite Beach to benefit Sat-
Tai Chi and Qigong, 9:30 a.m. Saturdays at treatment options for treatment and dealing Kitchen Doesn’t Bite” brand and Novo Nordisk ellite High School AFJROTC.
Gleason Park, north side of lake. Donation of with side effects after treatment. Call 321-432- diabetes educators for a healthy cooking dem-
$5-$10. 5573. onstration and educational workshop. Refresh- 30 Living Docks Project, 9 a.m. to noon at
ments and samples will be served. Free and Ryckman Park in Melbourne Beach by the
SEPTEMBER 12|19 Auditions and rehears- open to the public. Indian River Lagoon Research Institute and Florida
als for Brevard Commu- Tech. Volunteers needed to show up, get wet and
8 Dude Looks Like a Lady: Men Against Do- nity Chorus Baroque Christmas: From Venice to 21|22 “Playing with Fire,” a pro- attach oyster wraps and bags to docks, and also to
mestic Violence cocktail party, 6:30 p.m. Versailles, 7:00 PM on Tuesday, September 5 in gram of hot, dangerous assist on land.
at Radisson Resort at the Port, with Brevard’s Building 9, Room 160 on the Melbourne Campus and fiery music, will kick off the Melbourne Mu-
finest ‘made-over’ men raising funds to combat of Eastern Florida State College, 3865 N. Wick- nicipal Band’s (MMB) 53rd concert season on 30 For the Girls 5K, 5 p.m. at Wickham
domestic violence. $75. ham Road, 32935. The 100-plus member group September 20 and 21 at 7:30 p.m. at the Mel- Park to benefit For the Girls Founda-
performs on Dec. 9. Call 321-433-7629 bourne Auditorium, 625 E. Hibiscus Blvd. There tion, providing Doctor of Women’s Health PT
is no charge and tickets are not required. Doors & OT treatments and compression garments to
9 Turtle Krawl 5K Run/Walk, the largest 5K in 13|14 Melbourne Community open at 6:30 p.m. patients in need.
Brevard, 7:30 a.m. at Nance Park in Indial- Orchestra’s 2017-18 con-
antic to benefit Sea Turtle Preservation Society. cert season launches with Overture Escapades, 22 Swingtime launches its 2017-18 dance OCTOBER 7:30 p.m. both evenings at the Melbourne Au- season with a Fall Kick-off Dance at 7
ditorium, featuring the instrumental introduc- p.m. at the Melbourne Auditorium, 625 Hibiscus 7 Seventh annual Sprint for Sight 5K run/
9 One Senior Place presents “Every Day is tions from a variety of composers. Free. www. Blvd. Dance tickets are $7 in advance at various walk fundraiser for the Brevard Association
Veterans Day” patriotic concert featuring outlets, or $10 at the door or online. Dance les- for the Advancement of the Blind (BAAB), 7:30
the Space Coast Symphony Winds and Chorus, 2 sons are available from Laura Beers from 6 to 7 a.m. at Gleason Park, Indian Harbour Beach.
p.m. at the Scott Center for the Performing Arts, 16 Eagle Pride 5K and 1-Mile, 7:30 a.m. p.m. for $5 per person. Call 321-339-7705 or vis- Register at
5625 Holy Trinity Drive, Melbourne, Free. Call at and to benefit Ascension Catholic it for ticket
321.751.6771 or go to School, Melbourne. outlet locations. 7 Will Run for Chocolate, Won’t Stand for Vio-
lence 5K, 7:30 a.m. at Field of Dreams Park,
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Melbourne to benefit Zonta Club of Melbourne,
in August 31, 2017 Edition 7 INHALE 1 SNUG raising awareness of violence against women and
8 INCOME 2 LADDER girls worldwide.
10 CREATURE 4 LIBERAL 14 Rocky Water Brewfest, 1 to 5 p.m. at
11 SCORE 5 SCYTHE Eau Gallie Square presented by Eau Gal-
13 PATELLA 6 UMBRELLA lie Rotary Club, with unlimited samples of craft
15 CERTAIN 12 CREATION beers from some of Florida’s best breweries.
17 OCEAN 14 RINGLET Adults only; no pets.
Sudoku Page 2440 SudokuPPaaggee2451 CrosswordPPage 4204 Crossword PPaaggee 2451 (FINAL X-AM) 14 Witch Way 5K Run/Walk, 5:30 p.m. at
Nance Park, Indialantic to benefit In-
dialantic Beautification Programs and Brevard
County Sheriff’s Office Charity.
CERTIFIED Windows & Doors Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting the
Siding & Soffit South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951, Indialantic,
“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach. Contact Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 [email protected].
[email protected] CGC 1524354
321.508.3896 772.226.7688
Riverfront home is
‘paradise’ in Indialantic
1745 Shore View Dr. in Indialantic: 5-bedroom, 4.5-bath, 5,146-square-foot riverfront house with
pool offered for $1,650,000 by Curri Kirschner Real Estate agent David Curri: 321-890-9911
34 Thursday, September 7, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Riverfront home is a ‘paradise’ in Indialantic
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER wanted the whole back yard to flow
[email protected] for entertaining,’’ she said.
An Indialantic shoreline gem built The large foyer and staircase has
as a single-story home in 1970 was led to other entertaining opportuni-
completely transformed in 2006 with ties, including serving as the visually
a former garden court covered and dramatic location for a large party
made into two-story foyer with grand prior to the Viera High School prom,
floating stairway leading to a large she said.
second-floor master bedroom suite.
“When we first bought the house I
The addition that was added to the was intimidated by the grand foyer,
spacious, now 5-bedroom, 4.5-bath but now it’s my favorite thing. It’s put-
home has several windows that over- ting your best foot forward.
look a resort-style backyard with one
of the area’s best views of the annual “During the holiday, when you put a
Fourth of July fireworks on the Mel- tree up there, it’s gorgeous and it’s so
bourne Causeway. great to have that space to decorate,’’
she said.
Other exterior highlights include
special pavers used as deck and Other interior features include
walkways to help visually connect vaulted ceilings in the living room
the pool and spa with riverside fire with views to the back yard, renovat-
ed gourmet kitchen with island cook-
pit, summer kitchen cabana and tiki from the home by a lanai entrance.
bar. “The problem with this house
Sellers Heidi Sedaros and her hus- when we first bought it was that there
band Dr. Steve Sedaros lived in the was no continuity, just a lot of really
5,146-square-foot home for three unique fun spaces.
years and made many improvements
along the way with great attention to “The outdoor living is incredible
detail, making sure the construction here, being able to entertain, hav-
methods and materials fit their vi- ing the outdoors as well as indoors is
sion of a backyard paradise, accessed the best. We tried to use the stone to
bring the whole back yard together. I
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 7, 2017 35
ing, Viking appliances, and a Subzero room, billiards table and play room. including the Melbourne Causeway, property is positioned perfectly: you
refrigerator. Location along the shoreline is an- said listing agent David Curri. are in a neighborhood but there’s a
wow factor when you walk out back.
The natural light-filled home has other plus, with 146 feet of river front- “The way these home are situated For waterfront in the center of Indial-
a formal living room, formal dining age in a small bay, giving a wide view it it’s like you are center stage. This
36 Thursday, September 7, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
antic, this is paradise,’’ Curri said. “In this market, this is the new angles. It’s just very soothing and its appraised value, Curri said.
The high-end property in the River norm. It ends up that there is unique comfortable,’’ he said. “Another home of this stature in
floor plan with two master suites in-
Shores area is unique for Indialantic, cluding one on the ground floor. All things considered, the offering Indialantic does not exist. It stands
especially with the extensive nature represents a spacious riverfront home alone,” he said.
of the additions, he said. “The house doesn’t have any weird with a high-end feel priced well below
The home is listed at $1,650,000.
Year built: 1970
Architectural style: Contemporary coastal
Construction: Concrete block • Lot size: 0.58 acre
Square footage: 5,146 square feet under air;
5,626 square feet under roof
Bedrooms: 5 • Bathrooms: 4 full baths and 1 half-bath
Additional features: Two-story grand foyer entrance
with wooden staircase to second-floor private master
suite; remodeled kitchen with breakfast bar with Viking
appliances and Subzero refrigerator; ceiling fans,
vaulted ceilings; Travertine and wood flooring; window
treatments and crown molding throughout; formal
dining room; formal living room; guest suite; resort-
style back yard with fire pit, pool, spa, outdoor shower,
fully equipped summer kitchen and tiki hut; 146 feet of
river frontage with dock with boat lift; attached two-
car garage with circle drive; established landscaping
including a variety of palm trees.
Listing agency: Curri Kirschner Real Estate
Listing agent: David Curri, 321-890-9911
Listing price: $1,650,000
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 7, 2017 37
Fannie and Freddie say appraisals not always necessary
STORY BY KENNETH R. HARNEY WASHINGTON POST few appraisers available – or willing – to
perform home valuations in some mar-
Would you welcome the option to kets. A new survey of members by the
buy a house without having to pay National Association of Realtors found
hundreds of dollars for an appraisal? that appraisal issues were involved in
17 percent of all delayed home sale clos-
Are you kidding? Sign me up, you ings, second only to problems in ob-
might say. Who doesn’t want to save taining mortgages.
$500 or $700 for someone to con-
firm that the price you and the seller Anthony Lamacchia, broker-own-
agreed to makes sense? Appraisals er of Lamacchia Realty in Waltham,
are mainly for lenders, right? Mass., told me he thinks appraisal-
free loans are “a good thing,” pro-
If an appraisal-free home purchase vided buyers have made significant
sounds intriguing, you might be inter- down payments. But he worries that
ested in groundbreaking new policy if Fannie and Freddie waive apprais-
changes by the two largest sources of als at lower equity levels, “it will lead
home financing – Fannie Mae and Fred- to what happened in the bust.”
die Mac. Both government-chartered
companies are now willing to waive One of the mortgage industry’s
their decades-old appraisal mandates most prominent leaders supports the
for certain home purchases, provided companies’ new tech-driven initia-
their automated valuation models – tives but has some words of caution
loaded with previous appraisal and cur- for buyers. David Stevens, president
rent market data – flash a green light. and chief executive of the Mortgage
Bankers Association, says automated
You as a buyer won’t have to do a valuations might satisfy a lender’s
thing; the entire process will be han- purposes, but they “may not neces-
dled between your mortgage lender sarily be the best assessment” of “the
and either Fannie or Freddie. Your right price to pay for a property.”
lender will submit your loan file for
underwriting analysis by the com- Good point to remember.
panies’ proprietary online systems
with a property value estimate but no or the seller’s disclosures. Foreclosed
appraisal. If an underwriting model homes are barred as well.
determines that there is sufficient
information available on the house, Not surprisingly, opinions on the
you’ll get a choice: Do you want to do two giant companies’ departure from
a traditional appraisal, at your cost, or strict dependence on traditional ap-
go with Fannie’s or Freddie’s in-house praisals vary widely. Appraisers think
valuation, which will cost you nothing? the idea stinks. In a statement for this
column, the country’s largest apprais-
Simple as that. If you opt for no al group, the Chicago-based Appraisal
appraisal, you’ll know immediately Institute, predicted that eliminating
whether your contract price is accept- humans from the process – even a
able for the mortgage amount you’re little to start – will be dangerous for
seeking. That’s impossible with the lenders, Fannie and Freddie, and the
traditional approach, where you have public. The group warned that the
to wait for the appraiser to bless the changes could “result in a race to the
deal, which sometimes doesn’t hap- bottom” in terms of loan quality, “and
pen because the appraisal comes in create more risk for taxpayers.”
lower than the contract price.
Carl S. Schneider, an appraiser in
Properties eligible for Fannie Mae’s Tulsa, said appraisers function as
version of the program include sin- the lender’s and consumer’s essen-
gle-family homes, second homes and tial “eyes and ears,” and no computer
condos. Cooperatives, multiunit and program “can replace” them. They
manufactured homes aren’t allowed. inspect interiors, which comput-
You’ll need to have at least 20 percent ers cannot do. “Buyers may want to
equity going in, so this is not an op- avoid the cost of an appraisal,” he
tion for people buying with skimpy added, “and that is their prerogative.”
down payments. But he foresees trouble ahead when
investors in Fannie’s and Freddie’s
Freddie’s program is slightly more mortgage bonds discover “loans were
restrictive. It is limited to single-fam- made to unscrupulous borrowers
ily, single-unit houses that are used and the collateral is crap.”
as the borrower’s principal residence
– no second homes. Houses valued at Real estate brokers generally see the
more than $1 million are not eligible. companies’ limited moves as worth-
It requires a 20 percent equity stake. while, particularly given recent frequent
Freddie won’t go appraisal-free if the delays in delivery of appraisals, higher
lender knows of “adverse physical fees to buyers because of surcharges by
property conditions,” whether noted appraisal management companies and
in the sales contract, an inspection
38 Thursday, September 7, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Aug. 25 to Aug. 31
The final full week of August brought a flurry of real estate activity in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and
32937. Satellite Beach led the way with 15 sales, followed by Indialantic with 10, Indian Harbour Beach
with 8, and Melbourne Beach reporting 5.
Our featured sale of the week was of an oceanfront home in Melbourne Beach. The residence at 9515
South Highway A1A was placed on the market July 14 for $1.35 million, and the sale closed 48 days later for
that price.
Both the seller and the purchaser in the transaction were represented by David Settgast of Treasure Coast
OCEAN BREEZE AT AQUARINA 184 WHALER DR 5/18/2017 $759,000 $759,000 8/29/2017 $585,000
MARKS LANDING 115 REGATTA ST 6/21/2017 $599,900 $599,900 8/25/2017 $375,000
VERSAILLES SUR LA ME 3037 S HIGHWAY A1A 2C 5/17/2017 $399,999 $399,999 8/29/2017
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 401 MIAMI AVE 8/31/2017 $760,000 $760,000 8/31/2017 $760,000
RIO VILLA NORTH P1 607 BELLA VISTA CORTE 6/18/2017 $474,900 $464,900 8/25/2017 $464,900
SHADY SHORES 584 OAK RIDGE DR 8/29/2017 $450,000 $450,000 8/30/2017 $450,000
LANSING ISLAND PH1 139 LANSING ISLAND DR 5/3/2017 $2,800,000 $2,800,000 8/25/2017 $2,525,000
TORTOISE ISLAND P2U2 859 LOGGERHEAD ISLAND DR 5/12/2016 $859,000 $765,990 8/25/2017 $735,000
WINDWARD COVE 117 WINDWARD WAY 7/7/2017 $599,900 $599,900 8/25/2017 $575,000
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 7, 2017 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Ocean Breeze at Aquarina, Address: 184 Whaler Dr Subdivision: Indialantic by Sea, Address: 401 Miami Ave
Listing Date: 5/18/2017 Listing Date: 8/31/2017
Original Price: $759,000 Original Price: $760,000
Recent Price: $759,000 Recent Price: $760,000
Sold: 8/29/2017 Sold: 8/31/2017
Selling Price: $759,000 Selling Price: $760,000
Listing Agent: Renee Winkler Listing Agent: Terry Henderson
& Carola Mayerhoeffer
Selling Agent: Selling Agent: Curri Kirschner Real Estate Group LLC
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
David Curri
Shane Burgman
Curri Kirschner Real Estate Group LLC
Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc
Subdivision: Lansing Island PH1, Address: 139 Lansing Island Dr Subdivision: Windward Cove, Address: 117 Windward Way
Listing Date: 5/3/2017 Listing Date: 7/7/2017
Original Price: $2,800,000 Original Price: $599,900
Recent Price: $2,800,000 Recent Price: $599,900
Sold: 8/25/2017 Sold: 8/25/2017
Selling Price: $2,525,000 Selling Price: $575,000
Listing Agent: Kevin Hill & Nick Farinella Listing Agent: Bernadette Day
Selling Agent: Re/Max Alternative Realty Selling Agent: RE/MAX Elite
Stephanie Moss Dandridge Stephanie Moss Dandridge
Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc
Subdivision: Pineda Ocean Clb P2, Address: 155 N Highway A1A #202
Listing Date: 7/3/2017
Original Price: $379,000
Recent Price: $369,000
Sold: 8/25/2017
Selling Price: $350,000
Listing Agent: Todd Ostrander
Selling Agent: Re/Max Elite
Todd Ostrander
Re/Max Elite
Subdivision: Tortoise Island P2U2, Address: 859 Loggerhead Island Dr
Listing Date: 5/12/2016
Original Price: $859,000
Recent Price: $765,990
Sold: 8/25/2017
Selling Price: $735,000
Listing Agent: Linda Coleman
Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise
Lourdes Sliwa
Curri Properties