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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-02-08 16:25:22

02/09/2018 ISSUE 06


To Advertise (772-559-4187) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | SPORTS February 9, 2018 19

Golf is a bilateral game. What I mean by these areas of the right side to a degree that tendencies with a swinging action. At the
this is the motion involves both the left side you should have almost 50 percent less grip start of the downswing, you should sense low your wrists to re-cock the clubhead over
and left arm, and right side and right arm in pressure on your right hand compared to that gravity will take the right arm and right your left shoulder, as your arms fold, into a
a harmonious and well-timed manner, with your left hand. shoulder downward and inward, and that nice relaxed, beautiful finish.
each side making its contribution in sup- gravity and the weight of your arms and
porting the motion and golf club. 2. Grip: Make sure you are holding the shoulders are playing a role in the motion. Kevin Perkins is a PGA Master Profession-
club in the middle joints of the fingers of This happens quite naturally, as the upper al and operates his Golf Academy at 76 Golf
I have often stated and written that the your right hand. Most players hold the club body follows the downward, forward and World in Stuart. Kevin has authored the golf
left arm is the master arm of the two. It is too much in the upper joints of the fingers rotational movement of the legs and hips. instructional book Golf Everyone, published
the hand/arm that is in front of the club and and too much in the palm of the right hand. Through impact you will sense that the by Hunter Textbooks. Kevin may be reached
on the front side of the grip, at the end of the Also, be careful not to place too much grip right wrist stays cocked because of the good at 561-301-3783, email: [email protected],
club, and is the straighter of the two arms. pressure in the thumb and forefinger of the swing of the right arm. Also feel the heel of or visit his website at www.kevinperkinsgol-
Therefore, the left arm must give structure right hand. Just rest them softly on the grip. the right hand bearing pressure against the 
and shape, and must control and bear the left thumb, which will help the right wrist
stress and pressure of the right arm and side 3. Address: Makes sure that your right el- stay cocked and bent back slightly at impact.
to stabilize in order to control the path and bow is slightly bent and the right shoulder is Continue to swing through feeling a releas-
angle of approach of the clubhead, and to down lower than the left shoulder, and that ing action, free of tension, as the weight of
ensure proper clubface control.. the shoulders are square to the line of play the clubhead and the weight of your arms
and that they are not open and facing left. swing you through, helping both arms ex-
However, today I want to give you a few tend nicely just past impact. Continue to al-
thoughts on how to use the right arm and 4. Backswing: Again, feel a swinging
right side more effectively. Generally, be- force with the clubhead, shaft and the
cause of our subconscious hit impulse and right wrist, arm and right shoulder, as the
subconscious desire to hit the ball long dis- club whirls and swings back and up. Feel a
tances, we very often misuse the right arm swinging motion with a noticeable lack of
and right side. One of the best descriptions tension so that at the top of the backswing
I’ve ever heard regarding the right side is your right elbow should fold to 90 degrees,
that the right arm and right side must be and the right elbow will be away from your
a swinging and releasing force. Contrast side but be pointing down. Again, feel a
that to what most golfers are doing, which swinging and a whirling force with the club
is pushing, shoving, shot-putting, throwing and arms, which will aid and help move the
the hands/wrists and clubhead, or over- right shoulder back, around and up. Feel a
working and over-rotating their right shoul- swinging force and the force of gravity as it
der and right side. Here are a few “Kures” to affects your club, right arm and right side, to
help facilitate the proper use of your right move effortlessly and free of tension.
arm and right side:
5. Downswing and Through Swing:
1. Relax: Dramatically reduce the tension Again, let’s refer back to the right arm and
in your right shoulder, right arm/elbow, right side as being a swinging and releas-
and hand and right wrist. Please relax all of ing force. Guard against shoving, pushing
and lifting, and replace those subconscious

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