Meet the new boss. P2 Chilling at hotspot. P10 Oceanside excellence!
Ocean Breeze Elementary principal New Satellite Beach cafe/surfshop
has experience in school security. hosts Fourth of July pre-party.
THURSDAY, JULY 5, 2018 | VOLUME 03, ISSUE 27 Dining review: Coppola’s. Page 29
Pew beginnings ... | NEWSSTAND PRICE $1.00
Sand renourishment pacts
protect public beach access
[email protected] bourne Beach, excluding the
section at Patrick Air Force
New state beach access laws Base. Further south in the Ar-
that went into effect July 1 will chie Carr National Wildlife Ref-
not impact Brevard County’s uge there are sections of beach
beaches because most private not covered by the county
beachfront property owners agreements but with other
already signed agreements for types of permission granted
sand renourishment projects from the property owners, said
that guarantee public access Mike McGarry, Beaches, Boat-
along the beach, according to ing and Waterways Program
county officials. Manager for Brevard County.
Those sand renourishment The change in state law “is
agreements cover the beaches
from Port Canaveral south to CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD Paramedic program becomes 24/7 boon
Pastor John Forsythe and congregation members have spent weeks preparing the new headquarters of the Calvary Chapel Surfside STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER
at 505 Cinnamon Drive. “We’re really excited about this being our home for the next several years and are not sparing any expense,” [email protected]
Forsythe said recently. Since the summer of 2009, the congregation has occupied space in a small strip mall at 950 Pine Tree Drive in
Indian Harbour Beach. The first service at the new building was held Sunday. SEE STORY, PAGE 6. What started as a Sat-
ellite Beach Fire Depart-
Water quality testing COUNTY EXTENDS PERIOD ment fall-prevention study
was already in works FOR FREE PET ADOPTIONS
has, with the help of a state
[email protected] [email protected] grant award, blossomed
Satellite Beach officials, includ- After a week of cost-free pet adoptions, Brevard into a 24/7 medical ser-
ing two Satellite High School grad- County Sheriff Wayne Ivey has extended the program
uates, are so concerned about the through July 6 to better reduce the animal popula- vice for seniors, including
possibility of water contamination
that they approved and initiated tion at his agency’s shelter, which help with medications and
testing and digging four wells, long is close to exceeding capacity.
before the growing social media “We have extended it for transportation as part of
talk about the possibility of a “can- seven more days starting
cer cluster” in Satellite Beach near (June 30) morning,” Ivey the Community Paramed-
Patrick Air Force Base. said last week.
Sheriff’s spokesman Tod ic Program.
City Manager Courtney Barker Goodyear last week said
(SHS Class of 1991) and City Coun- the free adoptions, which The department in
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 2007 began analyzing
data from every fall in the
city to identify causes and
trends. Within the first six
months of the program, Firefighter paramedic Eric Tippins. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER
fire department officials
realized the most com- for a medical reason, like
mon reason for elderly falls standing up too fast or lack
was prescription errors. The of balance because of loss
second leading cause was CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 For Peter’s sake
NEWS 1-6 DINING 29 PEOPLE 7-10 PTSD/Suicide Awareness
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 21-23 PETS 20 Walk/Run 3K calls attention
BOOKS 19 HEALTH 25-28 REAL ESTATE 33-40 to silent epidemic. PAGE 8
2 Thursday, July 5, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Ocean Breeze’s new principal brings experience on school security issues
STORY BY JAN WESNER CHILDS CORRESPONDENT ementary School. Michaud’s appoint- Hering’s resignation came the community, and keeping
ment is effective July 9.
New principals have been appoint- after a tumultuous tenure kids safe and staff safe is a
ed at Ocean Breeze Elementary and Buster Burt Clark is moving to
Hoover Middle School, the latest in a Hoover from his position as assistant at Ocean Breeze. In March, part of that. And once they’re
series of top administration changes at principal at Bayside High School. Clark
beachside schools. was previously assistant principal at a sixth-grader at the school safe and we have good rela-
Hoover and also an assistant principal
Shelley Michaud, an elementary at Melbourne High. He will take over compiled a “kill list” in his tionships, students succeed.”
school principal from Connecticut, July 2 from Hoover’s current principal,
will take over at Ocean Breeze from Bradley Merrill, who will become prin- head of people he wanted to Michaud comes to Ocean
Laurie Hering, who resigned and will cipal at Rockledge High School.
become a teacher at Anderson El- harm. The student had previ- Breeze from Brooklyn Ele-
ously said he wanted to be a mentary School in Brooklyn,
school shooter when he grew Conn. She and her husband
up. Police and the FBI inves- have owned a house in Sat-
tigated but no charges were Shelley Michaud. ellite Beach for several years
filed. Angry parents alleged and decided to make the
more should have been done sooner move south to escape the New Eng-
in response to the threat. land winters.
Last year Hering was placed on paid Brooklyn Elementary is in a rural
leave for a month and then was formal- community with only two schools,
ly reprimanded for her mishandling of but it is about the same size as Ocean
a bullying incident that resulted in a Breeze. Connecticut’s school perfor-
fourth-grader suffering a concussion. mance indicators show the school
Michaud said in a phone interview scored well above the state average on
Friday that she is aware of the issues at standardized testing in English, math
Ocean Breeze. and science.
“That’s something that we will work Patricia Buell, superintendent of
to address and ensure that those things Brooklyn Schools, praised Michaud
don’t continue to happen,” she said. for her connection to students.
“My philosophy is about relation- “I think she knows every student’s
ships with students, staff and fami- name,” Buell said. “She’s a person that
lies. I am very much a part of all that builds real strong relationships with
happens in a school. I attend PTO the kids. They just love her.”
meetings, I attend events, I go to soc- Michaud previously worked as a
cer games. Those are all things that teacher and principal in West Stafford,
would be part of that. It really is about Conn., less than 90 minutes from San-
Stores damaged in auto accident
A car driven by an elderly gentleman who is believed to have had a
medical issue drove into the front of a thrift store on 1118 A1A in Satellite
Beach late Saturday afternoon, then
placed the car in reverse and hit the
gas going backwards, ending up inside
the Beach Side Grille located at 1124
A1A, three stores to the south. Both
stores received substantial damage.
The driver refused medical treatment
at the scene; responding agencies
included the Satellite Beach fire and
police departments.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 5, 2018 3
dy Hook Elementary School, where sponse to the February killings at Mar- dows and doors with certain numbers and see what kinds of things need to
a gunman killed 20 students and six jory Stoneman Douglas High School. so if first responders were coming in be moved along.”
adults in 2012. they knew where they were entering or
“After Sandy Hook in Connecticut we where there might be a concern,” she Michaud said she was specifically
The state of Connecticut under- took a whole new directive in how you said. “I have already walked the pe- asked during the hiring process here
went a sea change in school security even look at your building, your floor rimeter with the outgoing principal of about her experience in school secu-
after the Sandy Hook shootings, much plan, your signage, everything was sort Ocean Breeze just to kind of take a look rity and crisis response. “That’s a place
like is happening in Florida now in re- of adjusted right down to labeling win- I’ve been,” she said.
4 Thursday, July 5, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
COMMUNITY PARAMEDIC PROGRAM hired from within the department ic Eric Tippins says the program is a TESTING OF WELL WATER
to fill that post. Today, the program variety of evolving tasks, sometimes
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 serves, on average, 100 patients, with helping make contact with relatives CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
about 30 or 40 of those patients re- to give them peace of mind, helping
of feeling in their feet. “We noticed quiring a lot of “hands on coordina- with medicines especially post-sur- cil member Mindy Gibson (SHS Class
that patients were on multiple meds tion,” he said. Some start out needing gery, and getting seniors to recognize of 1992) support the city-sponsored
from multiple doctors filled at mul- a great deal of help, but as they get early on that as they get older they testing to assure them about the
tiple pharmacies. Many were on two more organized and stable, require have different safety needs. He now health of their hometown.
or three blood pressure medications much less, he said. looks for seniors who could benefit
instead of the one they were told to from the program during calls as fire- “We had no reason to believe that
take. That told us that, in order to get The medics also manage doctors’ fighter paramedic. there is a problem, but we had so
into the fall issue, we’re going to have appointments and help when pa- many people who are concerned we
to get into the health care side of tients return home from surgery. “We “They become almost like family. thought we’d at least give them peace
this,’’ said Satellite Beach Fire Chief provide medical clarity to the doc- It’s a very social interaction and I get of mind,’’ Barker said.
Don Hughes. tor and provide info on the field as- to be a problem-solver. As they get
sessment so the doctor has a clearer older they recognize they need help The Facebook group Satellite
To that end, the Community Para- picture of what needs to be done,’’ he but don’t know where to go,’’ Tippins Beach Health & Hope for Tomorrow
medic Program was established in said. said. (now with more than 1,500 members)
April 2008, and initially focused on was founded by Julie Greenwalt, a
targeting people who dialed 911 a lot. Surprisingly, one of the biggest Besides medical help and advice, Satellite Beach native and radiation
wellness factors doesn’t have to do the program is partnered with SCAT oncologist in Jacksonville after she
“As we started the program we re- with medicine or doctors’ appoint- Volunteers in Motion which has two noticed and remembered several
alized very quickly that we were only ments. vans at the Satellite Beach Fire Sta- cancer cases through the years. The
scratching the surface for what the tion ready to get seniors to doctor’s group sponsored a standing-room-
true problem was. Started develop- It’s the direct link between social appointments as well as to non-med- only informational meeting June 24
ing a profile of a patient likely to be stabilization (friends, groups, etc.) ical events and activities. at Kiwi Tennis Club about the cluster
a high user of 911 using factors like and healthcare stabilization. possibilities and possible causes.
support structure and if the patient “We try to get them matched up
lived at home,’’ Hughes said. “They are linked together. We have with something that would make “We’ve never had anybody indi-
noticed that it’s harder for somebody sense for them. We’re not a cruise cate to us that there were abnormal
In 2008-2009 the program took care who lives alone, is trying to maximize director. They tell us what they want cancer rates beachside. If she’s (Gree-
of 20-25 people and remained very financial resources and has no sup- to do and we’ll make the magic hap- enwalt) able to find information on
low key during tight budget times. port system. Many of these citizens pen,’’ Hughes said. that, we’ll support her in trying to
become isolated in their home and find a cause. We haven’t established
That changed in 2014 when that isolation might hurt their quality A recent grant from the Florida De- there’s a problem yet,’’ Barker said.
Hughes’ administrative assistant re- of life and health,’’ he said. partment of Health of about $60,000
tired and Hughes created the position will allow the department to increase The city will pay about $7,000 to
of full-time Community Paramedic. After two years as a community the number of hours for community dig two shallow wells and test two ex-
In January 2015 Melanie Drake was medic part time, firefighter paramed- paramedics to have one on duty 24/7. isting deep wells, with one near City
Hall, one near Satellite High School,
As Hughes prepares to retire, he be- one at South Patrick and the Indian
lieves the community medic program River Lagoon, and another in the
will be a lasting legacy. South Patrick Shores area. Results are
expected to be presented to the City
“I created a healthcare system for Council in about a month, at which
senior citizens in our city. They don’t time the results will be released to the
teach you that in fire chief school.’’ public.
For more information, call the Sat- What if contaminants are found?
ellite Beach Fire Department week- “We have no idea,’’ Barker said. The
days from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 321 773- city must first establish that there is a
4405, Ext. 4. problem, she said.
COST-FREE PET ADOPTIONS them loose. And if the owners choose
the latter, rescuers say they pick up the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 abandoned animal – if it’s lucky – and
bring it to the shelter.
Ivey dubbed Operation: Take Me Home
with You, saw 33 dogs and 36 cats go to Ivey on June 22 reacted by proclaim-
forever families. ing the seven-day Operation: Take Me
Home with You, a free adoption spe-
That left 77 dogs and 84 cats still in cial. The nonprofit Sheriff’s Pet Posse
the South Animal Care Center at 5100 underwrote adoption fees and other
W. Eau Gallie Road as of June 28. costs with free spaying or neutering,
free vaccinations and microchips, a
In the previous week, he said, the month of free food, a kennel, leash,
shelter – which has room for 85 dogs collar and toy.
and 98 cats, each at one animal per
cage – was nearly filled at 83 dogs, or 98 Goodyear said he had heard the
percent of capacity, and 106 cats, or 8 shelter would continue the free adop-
percent over capacity. tions, possibly through July, but said he
couldn’t confirm it. And Ivey wouldn’t
“We’ve dropped a little below our ca- go that far.
pacity,” he said. “But that’s still not too
far away.” Ivey couldn’t be reached to say what
other actions he is considering if free
The crowding happens each summer adoptions don’t make a dent while new
at the shelter. Animal rescuers call it the animals come in.
“dumping season,” because many pet
owners go on vacation and, refusing to However, Ivey often points with pride
pay fees to board their animals, either to the shelter’s no-kill status.
take them to the shelter or simply let
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 5, 2018 5
“The minute we start telling people people just need to rest easy until a particular type of cancer found to be moved to Satellite Beach in 1987.
solutions, they freak out and I don’t problem has been found. That hasn’t most prevalent, she said. “The testing wells are really what
want to do that. We need to establish happened,’’ she said. needs to happen now. I am hoping
that there’s a problem. I want to get “If there is a cause that creates a that the results are good and that
across to people that we’re simply Nobody knows whether or not if need for a solution we will provide it will provide peace of mind for all of
providing information to people and the cancer rates are higher, if the type at that time,’’ Barker said. us,’’ she said.
of cancers are rarer or if there is one
City councilwoman Gibson
6 Thursday, July 5, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
In recent weeks it was not surprising to hear the sounds he said. “Fortunately, our roof stayed on, but we had a only an issue if an oceanfront prop-
of drilling, hammering and sawing coming from the church whole lot of ceiling tiles get soaked and saturated. There erty owner decides to make some ef-
building at 505 Cinnamon Drive. also was some water damage.” fort to prohibit people from walking
along the beach on the edge of their
The sign in front of the structure said it all: “Future Home That’s why he attributes the church’s move to divine in- property. The change means it’s a little
of Calvary Chapel Surfside.” tervention. more challenging and you have to go
to court for each individual property’’
Calvary’s pastor, John Forsythe, and congregation mem- “The move was very much necessary. We’d been looking to establish if public access is allowed
bers have spent the last few weeks renovating the property for about a year when we found this church building. God’s anyway under historical or customary
in preparation for the church’s move. timing prevented us from going through another hurricane use, McGarry said.
season in that location,” Forsythe said.
They had their first worship service at the new location While not required under the legisla-
on July 1. The sanctuary in the new location was built in 1961, with tion, Satellite Beach is considering tak-
the fellowship hall added in 1996. Calvary Chapel Surfside ing the extra step of contacting each of
“We’re really excited about this being our home for the is leasing the property from the Florida District of the Wes- its beachfront property owners to seek
next several years and are not sparing any expense,” For- leyan Church. voluntary agreements. The documents
sythe said recently during a brief break from working to ex- would indicate that the beach areas be-
tend the main stage in the church sanctuary. The property is perfect for the congregation of 50-60 hind their homes have been open for
families that regularly attend Calvary Chapel Surfside, public use in the past and will remain
Workers have already moved the church pews in order which averages between 120-150 attendees each Sunday. so, said Satellite Beach City Manager
to pull up the old carpet. They repainted the sanctuary and While the majority of members are beachside residents, Courtney Barker.
adjoining fellowship hall, and framed out two new class- some drive from as far as Port St. John, Cape Canaveral and
rooms. Port Malabar. “Quite frankly, it’s really unneces-
sary because the beach renourishment
“Everybody has been pitching in to help with renova- In addition to the lease, Forsythe said the church also public easements really have taken
tions; it’s fun when church family works together,” he said. purchased the residential lot next door to build a new wing care of all that. Legally, those residents
for a children’s ministry.
Family and fellowship are important facets of Calvary Matthew Fleming of Save the Mid-Reach speaks with a
Chapel Surfside, second only to glorifying the Gospel of Je- “We will have more room in here for fellowship activities,
sus Christ through worship, prayer, and knowing His Word. potluck dinners, and wedding receptions,” he said. group of residents. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER
The church began in September 2008. The congregation also plans to go beyond church walls gave up the right to block off public ac-
The previous year, Forsythe was on staff with Calvary to volunteer and contribute to the surrounding commu- cess when the accepted the sand, but I
Chapel Melbourne when he felt a calling to minister to nity. “We couldn’t have asked for a better location. Out our would like for us to do it (get voluntary
those living on the beachside. After much prayer with his front door is the Satellite Police Department, and out our public use agreements) out of an abun-
wife, Opal, he was led to start an independent surfside back door is Surfside Elementary,” Forsythe said. dance of caution,’’ Barker said.
church, which is also affiliated with the national Calvary
Chapel church movement. For more information on Calvary Chapel Surfside, log on While officials assure the state beach
The congregation initially met at DeLaura Middle School to or call 321-821-0706. access law change is no big deal locally,
in Satellite Beach. many residents remain vigilant includ-
Since the summer of 2009, the congregation has occu- ing those involved with the July 1 “Ev-
pied space in a small strip mall at 950 Pine Tree Drive in In- eryone’s Beach” Facebook gathering,
dian Harbour Beach, across the street from the Lowe’s store sponsored by the Save the Mid-Reach,
on Highway A1A. spearheaded by Matt Fleming, which is
“The place was about 50 to 60 years old, and a bit run- focused on renourishment sand quality
down, but we made it beautiful,” Forsythe said. and the impact of adding sand to local
This included stringing lights on the ceiling above the near shore reefs.
front stage in the sanctuary along with a wooden wall fa-
cade with a large cross in the center.
Forsythe said the strip mall’s owners knew they eventu-
ally wanted to demolish the building and did not make re-
pairs. Demolition is now set for August.
“Last year, they tore down the other half of the strip cen-
ter when part of the roof blew off during Hurricane Irma,”
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Columnists Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
George White, 321-795-3835 Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 For our advertising partners, we pledge Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Jan Wesner Childs, 941-725-0970 to provide the most complete consulta- [email protected]
Michelle Cannon Epting 407-579-4853 tive and marketing programs possible for
the best return on your investment. Corporate Editor
Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
[email protected]
For Peter’s sake:
Walk/Run calls
attention to PTSD
8 Thursday, July 5, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
For Peter’s sake: Walk/Run calls attention to PTSD
Suzanne Snow, Amilliyon Alsippi and Major Cathleen Snow of the 920th Rescue Squadron. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Bob Mazur, Jerry Strickland, Donny and Naida Danielson, Michelle Mazur and Chrystal Holaway.
Diane Quintana, Collin Kisiel and Amber Close. Jerry Strickland of Mission 22. organized the first annual PTSD/Sui-
cide Awareness Walk/Run.
STORY BY BENJAMIN THACKER CORRESPONDENT was clearly not letting up. ter Sgt. Peter John Pavenski, an Air
[email protected] Stacy Pavenski didn’t know what to Force aerial gunner with 10 years of Statistics show that 22 veterans
active duty and 10 years as a full-time take their own lives each day in the
Roughly 300 people huddled under do. Should she call off the event? Try to reservist, committed suicide last year U.S. — a staggering number that in-
the pavilion at Tables Beach across wait out the rain? Finally, she climbed after losing a battle with post-trau- spired Mission 22 on its mission to
from Patrick Air Force Base as a mas- up onto a picnic table and spoke into a matic stress disorder, leaving them fight veteran suicide.
sive storm dumped buckets of rain microphone. devastated and looking for answers.
and sent giant claps of thunder crack- After Pavenski spoke, her father-in-
ing across the sky. “As you can see, it’s raining,” her From the relative safety of the beach law and sister-in-law each gave heart-
voice quivered. “I prepared a little park pavilion, friends and family felt testimonials about losing their
They were there for the first an- speech.” members looked on somberly as Stacy beloved Peter to the horrors of PTSD,
nual PTSD/Suicide Awareness 3K Pavenski told the story of how she met and how it has affected their family
Walk/Run, but the torrential rain For Pavenski and her family, life will Peter, and how the trauma of war took so drastically.
never be the same. Her husband, Mas- the man she loved from her in the ug-
liest of ways. “Suicide doesn’t end PTSD,” Pe-
ter’s sister said between sobs. “It just
The driving rain and thunder and spreads it around to the people who
lightning continued, growing louder love you the most.”
as she spoke.
The thunder clapped loudly as
Also an Air Force veteran, Pavenski she came to the end of her prepared
was all too familiar with the stigma notes.
surrounding psychological disorders,
including PTSD, so she decided to do “It’s my turn!” She shouted in re-
something to honor her late husband, sponse, looking up to the sky with a
while bringing awareness to the epi- slight smile.
Then, as if on cue, the rain stopped
“My goal is to remove the stigma so and the sky began to clear.
those hurting can get the necessary
help they need for themselves and “I know this was raw and emo-
their families,” she said. tional,” said Pavenski, taking the mic
and hugging her sister-in-law, “but it
With the help of PTSD and brain needs to be seen.”
trauma support group Mission 22, she
“I can’t tell you to walk or not,” she
said, motioning to the dark storm
clouds lingering in the distance, “but
I’m walking!”
A swarm of moist-eyed participants
followed Pavenski and her comfort
dog Memphis down to the beach,
walking northward on the sand.
When they returned to the pa-
vilion, everyone sat down to share
a BBQ dinner, provided by Mission
BBQ of Oviedo.
If you know someone who is battling
PTSD or is having suicidal thoughts,
please help them get help by calling the
national suicide prevention hotline at
1-800-273-8255, or by becoming an am-
bassador at
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 5, 2018 9
Stacy Pavenski hugs her sister-in-law after sharing her story.
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Stacy Pavenski and therapy dog Memphis lead walkers at Saturday’s
PTSD Suicide Awareness/Memorial Walk/Run at Tables Beach.
10 Thursday, July 5, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Wicked Pineapple pre-4th bash: Chilling at new hotspot
Ashley Stevens and Madi Garrett. Ben Locke and Bekah Richmond. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Wicked Pineapple owner Brian Schipper.
Josh, Gracie and Gail Hudson with Treehouse Distribution. Alex Warner. Candice McNaughton and Erin McLoney.
Ribbon cutting ceremony with Cocoa Beach Regional Chamber of Commerce. Keith Becher, Mark Quavillon and Xeni Lopez Matos.
STORY BY BENJAMIN THACKER CORRESPONDENT fee, along with a selection of snazzy past seven years. made with fair-trade beans, or the
[email protected] surfboards and accessories. “We thought this area was great,” house specialty Cold Tap Coffee,
which the Schippers produce and
The mid-morning sun beat down Did I mention the cold brew? More says Brian Schipper. “We committed distribute themselves. The nitro pour
on the barrier island with a ven- on that in a minute. before we even sold our other shop.” cold brew is definitely worth a try,
geance, making for another sweaty with half the acidity of regular coffee
Saturday. Even the plants were feel- Festivities kicked off at 10 a.m., “We try to do activities every month and twice the caffeine, but be warned
ing helpless, casting wilted shadows with yummy samples of baked goods to get the community together,” says – it is highly addictive.
for the lazy lizards and sunburnt but- and musical entertainment by sing- Jenni Schipper. “Response has been
terflies to hide out in. er/guitarist Alex Warner inside, and overwhelming; we weren’t sure at all Wicked Pineapple also offers an as-
a bustling apparel sale outside by lo- going into this.” sortment of gluten-free pastries and
Luckily, unlike the crispy critters cal brand Villon Clothing. Treehouse goodies, baked by Jenni Schipper,
stuck outside, smart humans know Distribution was also on hand with The luxurious interior is spacious including the popular gooey pea-
that the perfect remedy for the swel- a colorful assortment of skateboard and airy, offering several different nut butter cookie called the Game
tering summer heat can be found at decks and accessories under their seating areas, a kids corner and big- Changer, and an array of mini-mason
Satellite Beach’s newest hotspot, the tent. screen TVs playing surf and skate vid- jar cakes and cremes.
Wicked Pineapple, which hosted its eos.
first annual Fourth of July Pre-Party Owners Brian and Jenni Schip- Store hours are Tuesday-Saturday,
Saturday morning. per opened the Wicked Pineapple A steady stream of customers lined 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Sunday, 8
a month and a half ago in the unas- up at the granite counter to order re- a.m. to 4:30 p.m., closed Mondays for
The trendy Acai Cafe/Surfshop suming, stand-alone building at 1296 freshing bowls with names like the now. You can also call ahead for curb-
might be better described as a cool A1A, formerly a tile showroom. Dawn Patrol, the Pura Vida and the side service 321-610-7026, or check
spot – an air-conditioned oasis offer- Hyper Monkey, made with fresh and them out online at www.thewicked-
ing delectable healthy treats and re- The couple relocated from Charles- frozen fruits and berries, and other
freshing high-octane cold brew cof- ton, S.C., where they owned and op- delicious natural ingredients.
erated a successful surf shop for the
Some ordered pour-over coffees,
12 Thursday, July 5, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
A wrinkle of irony in Funk’s exhibits on aprons, sewing
STORY BY ELLEN FISCHER COLUMNIST “Apron Strings: Ties to the Past” and “Maggy ment in the gallery explains that she
Rozycki Hiltner: Not Quite Sew” exhibits. buys vintage embroideries (she calls
Aprons and embroidery: Didn’t them “discarded treasures”) to reuse
those go out with ant farms and bee- PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD in her art works. She cuts the hand-
hive hairdos? stitched flowers and cute animals from
the show, as well as a Seminole-made the tea towels, dresser scarves, and
Don’t be deceived. “Apron Strings: geometric beauty from Florida, rep- samplers she finds, and reunites them
Ties to the Past” and “Maggy Rozycki resenting 1960s tourism on Seminole in all their kitschy glory with line-em-
Hiltner: Not Quite Sew” at Florida reservations, according to Navaroli. broidered “drawings” of her own. The
Institute of Technology’s Ruth Funk latter feature boys and girls engaged
Center for Textile Arts are two exhi- A dress-up/selfie station between in investigations, adventures, and the
bitions you don’t want to miss. the gallery area that holds Apron occasional misfortune. For example,
Strings and those that hold Not Quite in the mural-sized installation “Pink
On view through Aug. 11, Apron Sew invites you to try on an apron. Cloud” of 2006, the children are de-
Strings traces the 20th century evo- An olfactory station engages visitors
lution of its subject from workaday with aromas from the kitchen. picted joyfully eating sweets (a
cover-up to frilly hostess accessory. stand-in for all things tempting);
Not Quite Sew outlines Maggy Hilt- All the works in Not Quite some, however, suffer the results
ner’s personal history from not-so- Sew are on loan from Billings, of overindulgence (one of the
innocent childhood to married (and children is shown vomiting little
harried) mom in embroideries that Montana-based Hiltner, flower-shaped candies).
combine vintage pieces of fancy work whose artist’s state-
All the artworks on display
with her own stitchery. those gave homemak- are autobiographical, some of
Keidra Navaroli, assistant direc- ers more time to play them intimately so.
the lady of the house,
tor of FIT Galleries and curator of rather than its drudge. An artwork made especially
the Ruth Funk Center, said “we had for the exhibition is “Devil’s
a women’s group whose members at As women’s aprons in her Pocket” of 2018. In
first did not want to come, because became an accessory, a nod to the Apron Strings
they thought it was regressive.” they became smaller show in the adjoining gallery,
and frillier. A woman Hiltner constructed a black apron
After touring the show and finding might have a drawer edged with found floral embroi-
that aprons were treated as artifacts full of them for differ- dery, over which she stitched styl-
from another (long-past) era, the ent occasions, from ized flames. Three embroi-
group was “pleasantly surprised.” Christmas and Valen- dered red devils protrude
tine’s Day, to presid- from the apron’s pocket.
The traveling exhibition from ing over a coffee klatch “We really like this
Mid-American Art Alliance features or a cocktail party. one,” Navaroli
aprons from several unnamed collec- said.
tions. The earliest apron (c. 1900) is The collection in-
a long, white cover-up from the days cludes aprons with
when it was more practical to scrub flowers and polka-dots
a soiled apron than an entire skirt. and rickrack, aprons
That crochet-edged number is accom- made of handkerchiefs,
panied by a few others that represent tulle, and lace. Some
pre-World War II protective garments. itsy-bitsy, wedding-veil
sheer ones on view en-
The bulk of the exhibition, how- sured that their wears
ever, focuses on aprons from the late looked sexy while pre-
1940s through the garment’s golden senting hubby with his
age in the 1950s, when women were after-dinner martini
essentially “dressing up to stay at – with or without the
home,” according to Navaroli. little black dress un-
After the war “there was this monu-
mental shift in technology,” she says. Aprons were the sou-
Navaroli explains that women – most of venir T-shirt of their
whom still bore sole responsibility for day, says Navaroli. Ex-
household laundry chores – increas- amples that commem-
ingly took advantage of such innova- orate visits to Califor-
tions as the electric wringer washer nia and Portugal are in
and wash-and-wear (synthetic blend)
fabrics. Modern conveniences like
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 5, 2018 13
Coming Up: Magical musical 17TH ANNUAL
‘Joseph’ hits King Center stage
1 July 13-15 at King Center.
FeCsrtaivfat l
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER p.m., there’s a sure-to-be-jumpin’ jam An Outdoor Craft Show
session. Kirsner and friends return at Nance Park
1 “Joseph and the Amazing Tech- Wednesday, July 11 at 6 p.m.; and the vi- July 7th – 8th
nicolor Dreamcoat” is one Sum- vacious Big Easy native Sybil Gage and Sat./Sun.
the Catahoulas take the stage at 7 p.m. 10am – 4pm
mer Musical Theatre Project you really, on Thursday, July 12. Jazz and blues N. Miramar Avenue
singer/songwriter Gage been compared in Indialantic
really do not want to miss. A project to Eartha Kitt, Dinah Washington, Pearl (near Melbourne, FL)
Bailey, Corinne Bailey-Rae, Laura Nyro Free Admission
of the King Center for the Perform- and Janis Joplin. 321-783-4559.
ing Arts and the Historic Cocoa Village
American Craft Endeavors
Playhouse, it takes the stage at the King
(561) 746-6615
Center next Friday, Saturday and Sun-
day, July 13-15. The show itself, a classic
Broadway musical, is among theater’s 3 Another of Florida’s unique and
beautiful destinations is Bok
most enduring musicals, and the young
adults from the intensive five-week- Tower Gardens in Lake Wales, and it’s
long Summer Musical Theatre Project open all year long. If you’re up for a road
are ready to knock our socks off. The trip this coming Friday, July 13, you can
show is, says the King Center website, catch one of the Gardens’ Summer Cel-
a “re-imagining of the Biblical story of ebration events, Sunset in the Gardens,
Joseph,” his father Jacob, his 11 brothers which features live music: Travis and
and, of course, the coat of many colors. Adrienne, aka AcousticDose, a “pitch-
With lyrics by Tim Rice and music by perfect post alternative rock duo, with
the incomparable Andrew Lloyd Web- a touch of guy/girl harmony, who play
ber, this “magical musical” is full of across the state, including several Dis-
terrific songs in several styles, from the ney venues.” The music takes place in
French ballad parody “Those Canaan the Gardens’ Blue Palmetto Cafe. Mu-
Days,” to country/western “One More sic, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Music included
Angel in Heaven,” and calypso “Benja- with general admission: adults, $14;
min Calypso,” plus the memorable clas- children 5-12, $5; under 5, free.
sics “Any Dream Will Do” and “Close
Every Door.” “Joseph” is almost entirely 4 Weekends are full of music at
Capt. Hiram’s Sandbar, an even
sung, though, with very little spoken
dialogue. Show times: Friday and Sat- shorter drive south, on the beauti-
urday, July 13-14, 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, July ful Indian River Lagoon in Sebastian.
15, 2 p.m. Tickets: adults, $18; students, This Friday, starting at 3:30 p.m., the
seniors and children 12 and under, $12. Day After Duo will shake the Sandbar
321-242-2219. with ’80s, ’90s dance, pop and clas-
sic rock hits with a punk rock twist.
2 The jazz lovers and jazz musi- At 7:30 p.m., get ready for high-energy
cians among you know Heidi’s
rock “straight from Sebastian” with 21
Jazz Club in downtown Cocoa is the to Burn. On Saturday at 5 p.m. in the
jazz go-to venue in these parts, with Ramp Lounge, it’s guitar man Ricky
regulars and guest musicians bringing Ray; then, at 7:30 p.m., batten down
some seriously sweet sounds Wednes- your hatches for Metalucious, billed
day through Sunday. This Friday at 5 as “The Ultimate ’80s party band.”
p.m., it’ll be regular Steve Kirsner and They’re bringing songs from such
friends, followed at 8:30 p.m. by the Ron rockin’ groups as Poison, Motley Crue,
Teixeira Trio. Saturday it’s Hella Ayelet Van Halen, Warrant, Whitesnake, Bon
Gal, a writer and singer from Israel, Jovi, Ratt, GNR and a whole lot of other
known for her unique, international bands that partied hard (and helped us
style; and the Teixeira Trio; Sunday, 7 party hard) in the ’80s.
14 Thursday, July 5, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Robin and Eddy: Positive vibes flowing for musical duo
STORY BY ANNETTE CLIFFORD CORRESPONDENT Fischer says sardonically, his pleas- “Tuesday Morning,” “The Drummer’s Robin Krasny and Eddy Fischer.
ant, youthful face belying his seasoned Song” and “Shadows on My Wall.”
From Cleveland to Fort Lauderdale history. Born in Cleveland in 1950, he PHOTO BY JULIAN LEEK
to California to Melbourne Beach, mu- recalls one of his first musical experi- Krasny’s life story is just as adven-
sician Eddy Fischer has traveled with a ences – listening as a boy to tunes on turous as Fischer’s. Born in Brevard website they refer to their style as “con-
song in his heart and radio waves on his an old “crystal set” radio receiver with a County, she comes from a musical fam- scientious folk rock,” but Krasny likes to
mind. wire antenna, small amplifier and ear- ily and recalls singing with her siblings call it “Now-Age” music. Both musicians
phones. in four-part harmony on car trips and are spiritually inclined and laughingly
Fischer, one half of the musical part- at the holidays. She’s a yoga and Qigong refer to their work as a “ministry of mu-
nership now known as Robin and Eddy He moved to Fort Lauderdale at 16, instructor, massage therapist, published sic in a church of good laughs.”
and the Secrets, has lived in Melbourne then took off for California in 1968, poet and lifestyle consultant who just
Beach for decades, and been active on worked extensively with Denny Doherty, happens to also play clarinet, flute and The two musicians are currently re-
the local entertainment scene with gigs former lead performer with The Ma- piano and specialize in singing “The cording at The Zone Productions stu-
from Ichabod’s beachside restaurant to mas & the Papas, and other well-known Star-Spangled Banner” at venues such dio in West Melbourne, aided by sound
the Henegar Center, at area benefits for country-rock, ’70s- era musicians, in- as the Indian River Colony Club. engineer Mark Brasel. Their songs are
the Haven for Children, Relay for Life cluding folk singer Bob Gibson, Barry available on Sound Cloud, iTunes, via
cancer fundraisers and popular events McGuire and Fred Neil. “I was the new Also a member of the Melbourne Mu- their website and Facebook pages, and
such as the Melbourne International kid in town,” Fischer says, perhaps in a nicipal Band, Krasny has a busy upcom- on other digital sites.
Film Festival. tip of the hat to the old Eagles’ ballad. ing calendar that includes a soon-to-
be-scheduled one-woman show at the
Robin Krasny, the other half of the Fischer is credited with serving as Derek Gores Gallery in the Eau Gallie
Secrets band equation, a Brevard a sort of “musical director,” as well as Arts District, where she’ll integrate mu-
County native with a new business songwriter and guitar player for the core sic with her holistic and healing exper-
venture in the works, is a new-age guru band Doherty put together then. tise. She’s working on another new ven-
of sorts, though neither she nor Fischer ture, called Sacred Beach, in Indialantic,
think their musical style fits neatly into Because of Fischer’s friendship with which will offer classes, musical events
any one genre. What is certain is that Doherty, the Canadian native visited and cutting-edge PEMF (Pulsed Electro-
the pair are making an all-out effort to Melbourne Beach frequently, before magnetic Field) therapy sessions.
get their songs played to broader audi- passing away in 2007. In the recently
ences, including through the “Masters remastered ABC/Dunhill CD “Of All Fischer and Krasny songs are getting
of Love” CD they’ve recently produced the Things,” a complete compilation of play these days on a wide variety of ra-
and released. all Doherty’s solo recordings, Fischer is dio outlets, from Christian to Americana
credited with helping write the songs and coffeehouse channels. On their
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16 Thursday, July 5, 2018 THE MELBOURNE
The computer in the spotter car 325xi. He twisted in his seat. “It’s right beats,” said Patrick Altes, a veteran agent plates, each one trumpeted by a video-
shouted “Hide!,” and repo agent Derek there,” he said. in Daytona Beach. “It seems like a differ- game-like bing. The system picked up
Lewis knew that meant to keep driving ent environment than it’s ever been.” passing cars. Parked cars. Cars stashed
like nothing had happened. He’d just Technology has made the repo man in driveways. As many as 10,000 every
found another wanted vehicle. He was ruthlessly efficient, allowing this fa- Repo agents are the unpopular foot eight-hour shift.
about to ruin someone’s day. Best not miliar angel of financial calamity to soldiers in the nation’s $1.2 trillion auto
to draw attention. capitalize on a dark corner of the loan market. They don’t make the loans Lewis works for Relentless Recovery,
United States’ strong economy: the or issue the repossession orders that, for the largest repo company in Ohio and its
It helped that he wasn’t in a tow truck, soaring number of people falling be- some high-risk customers, can come as busiest collector of license plate scans.
the stereotypical image of a repo man. hind on their car payments. soon as a single payment is days late. Last year, the company repossessed
Lewis drove a beat-up Ford Crown But they are the closest most people more than 25,500 vehicles – including
Victoria sedan. It had four small cam- No longer tethered to a tow truck and come to a faceless, sophisticated finan- tractor trailers and riding lawn mowers.
eras mounted on the trunk and a lap- able to use big data to find targets, the cial system that can upend their lives.
top bolted to the dash. The high-speed repossession industry is booming at Business has more than doubled
cameras captured every passing license an unexpected time. Although the U.S. Lewis rolled to a far corner of the since 2014, the company said. Even
plate. The computer contained a grow- economy recently entered its second- parking lot, next to an apartment build- with the rising deployment of remote
ing list of hundreds of thousands of longest-ever period of expansion, the ing overlooking Lake Erie, and called engine cutoffs and GPS locators in
vehicles with seriously late loans. The auto loan delinquency rate last year the BMW’s lender. cars, repo agencies remain dominant.
system could spot a repossession in an reached its highest point since 2012,
instant. Even better, it could keep tabs driven by souring subprime auto loans. “I’m sitting on a live hit for you,” he said. Relentless scanned 28 million li-
on a car long before the loan went bad. He texted for a company tow truck. cense plates last year, a demonstration
And the repo man has noticed the It was seven minutes away. This was the of its recent, heavy push into technol-
Now, Lewis had a live hit in a park- change. hard part. He had to just hope the vehicle’s ogy. It now has more than 40 camera-
ing lot. He glanced at his laptop. The driver didn’t come out and drive away. equipped vehicles, mostly spotter cars.
plate matched a blue 2006 BMW “So much of America is just a heartbeat He sat in silence, one of the few Agents are finding repos they never
away from a repossession – even good times his spotter car wasn’t logging new would have a few years ago.
people, decent people who aren’t dead-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 5, 2018 17
The company’s goal is to capture every loans alone, according to a report by about what’s going on – from fading Solutions, which provides the plate
plate in Ohio and use that information to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. attachment to vehicles to an increased scans to law enforcement, including
reveal patterns. A plate shot outside an willingness to walk away, a lesson police and U.S. Immigration and Cus-
apartment at 5 a.m. tells you that’s prob- Affordability is one factor. The aver- learned from the housing crisis. One toms Enforcement. Both companies
ably where the driver spends the night, age new car price has soared 20 per- national list of active automobile re- declined to respond to questions about
no matter their listed home address. So cent over a decade, to $35,500, while possession orders reached 360,000 this their operations. The potential misuse
when a repo order comes in for a car, the wages have been sluggish. Auto loans year, more than double what it was at of the plate data has drawn criticism
agent already knows where to look. now carry higher balances and longer the same time last year. from privacy groups. A federal court in
terms, stretching out the timeline for Nevada ruled in January that the scans
“It’s kind of scary, but it’s amazing,” trouble to appear. The camera systems have made do not amount to unwarranted sur-
said Alana Ferrante, chief executive of agents more productive but also veillance because they are essentially
Relentless. Analysts point to a period from opened them up to new challenges. snapshots taken in public.
2014 to 2016, when auto lenders got
Lewis, 33, tries to follow one main too loose with credit. That helped the Repo agents are responsible for the For repo companies, one worry is
rule: “Don’t make someone’s bad situa- United States sell a record number of majority of the billions of license plate whether they are producing informa-
tion worse.” So he avoids hospital park- automobiles in 2016. But it also pushed scans produced nationwide. But they tion that others are monetizing.
ing lots. But he loves shopping malls, the delinquency rate higher. don’t control the information. Most of
especially the last row of lots, where the that data is owned by Digital Recog- Now it was after midnight and Lewis
employees park. Discount stores are “As a result, the markets pulled back nition Network (DRN), a Fort Worth was back at work, trying to rouse him-
another target. a little bit,” said Amy Crews Cutts, company that is the largest provider self with Red Bull. This time he drove a
chief economist at Equifax. tow truck. And he had his eye on a po-
“For getting a live hit, this is the place to tential repo: a 2016 Chevy Cruze.
be,” he said earlier, weaving his way past RELENTLESS RECOVERY’S CAR LOT IN CLEVELAND.
rows of cars outside a Dollar General. The order was only a few hours old.
While it could feel like he was prey- within the first two days. After 10 days,
ing on the poor, Lewis said agents The rate of auto loan write-offs – of license-plate-recognition systems. most vehicles disappear.
today get assignments for high-end which includes repos – is trending And DRN sells the information to in-
brands such as Mercedes-Benz. They higher but remains below its 2009 surance companies, private investiga- But Lewis had a plate scan for the
take the new cars of Uber drivers. The peak, according to Equifax numbers. tors – even other repo agents. Chevy taken five days earlier, at 8:39
only cars still rarely seen are Subarus a.m. outside an apartment complex.
and Volvos. Repo agents have their own theories DRN is a sister company to Vigilant He bet that was the car owner’s home.
Now, Lewis kept his eye on the Lewis loved being back in a hulk-
blue BMW, a vehicle that might cost ing Ford F-450. Moving to a spotter car
$37,000 new but after more than a de- had been “like getting neutered,” he
cade was worth less than $8,000. The said. But he realized the change was
tow truck rolled up. Lewis slipped on a better for business.
pair of work gloves.
“I had to ask myself, ‘Do I want to
“You ready?” he shouted at the tow make money, or do I want to look like
truck driver. a tough guy in a tow truck?’ ” he said.
The best repo is a quick “hook and He pulled up to a quiet garden-style
roll.” This wasn’t one of them. The apartment complex. The plate scan’s
BMW had all-wheel drive. All four GPS coordinates pointed to exactly
wheels needed to be off the ground. where the car should be. And it was.
The tow truck swung its lift under
the rear tires of the backed-in BMW. The tow truck’s rumble seemed im-
Lewis and the tow driver jumped out possibly loud. Darkened apartment
to assemble a metal dolly to raise windows lined the parking lot. Lewis
the front tires. Time crawled. Lewis backed up the truck and guided the
scanned the lot. A woman walked to- lift. He jumped out with a flashlight
ward them. He watched with relief as and verified it was the right car. He got
she climbed into a different car. back in, lifted the vehicle higher and
pulled away. A real hook and roll.
“See you, guys,” the tow truck driver
shouted, pulling away with the boun- Safely out of sight, he pulled over
ty – worth about $400 to Relentless. to inspect the vehicle. He could see a
woman’s sunglasses in the front con-
First repo of the day. sole. A “black ice” air freshener and
Although there are no national auto knickknacks dangled from the rearview
repossession statistics, other measures mirror. In the back was a child’s car seat.
point to a growing problem. More than
4 percent of auto loans were at least 90 Lewis didn’t flinch. He knew that a
days late at the end of 2017 – the highest mother was probably going to walk
rate in five years. That number jumps outside in the morning and realize her
to almost 10 percent for subprime auto car was gone. She had to have known
this moment was coming after a flurry
of lender late notices and phone calls.
After her car was towed to Relent-
less, the woman’s personal items would
be stored in a cardboard box, amid the
stacks of boxes from other repos. The
car might be gone, the missed payments
and repo fee too much to make up, but
she could get her items back for $50.
The repo man also had a policy, part
of that aim to not make a bad situa-
tion worse.
The child’s car seat was always re-
turned for free.
CHOOSING THE RIGHT NSAID: IBUPROFEN (ADVIL AND MOTRIN) pills, heart or blood pressure medicine, steroids
OVER-THE-COUNTER PAIN KILLER, PARTII Like all NSAIDs, ibuprofen (Advil/Motrin) is an and/or if you smoke or drink alcohol, talk to your
anti-inflammatory drug. It reduces hormones doctor before taking Advil or Motrin.
IBUPROFEN (ADVIL AND MOTRIN) AND which regulate inflammation and pain-related NSAID: NAPROXEN (ALEVE)
NAPROXEN (ALEVE) responses. In addition to treating the same con- One of the most striking features of Aleve is its
Last time we discovered that over-the-counter ditions as Tylenol (acetaminophen), Advil and ability to relieve pain for a longer period of time
(OTC) pain killers fall into two classes: NSAIDs and Motrin can be used to relieve menstrual cramps, than Advil and Motrin. However, like most OTC
non-NSAIDs. NSAID stands for nonsteroidal anti- minor injuries and arthritis as well. pain medicines, taking higher doses or for longer
inflammatory drug. A big plus Advil and Motrin have over aspirin is duration increases your risk for stomach or car-
that irritation of the esophagus and stomach lin- diovascular problems.
Popular NSAIDs include aspirin, Advil, Motrin and ing is seen less than with aspirin. Ibuprofen is a Also, as with other NSAIDs, if you have atrial fi-
Aleve. The most well-known non-NSAID is Tylenol. better choice for alleviation of pain for those who brillation (irregular heartbeat) and are on blood
may have ulcers or are suffering from acid reflux thinners to lower your risk of blood clots and
Both NSAIDs and non-NSAIDs provide benefits as disease. An overdose, however, can cause severe stroke, beware of using Aleve.
well as risks. A key consideration when choosing damage to the stomach and intestines. Next time we’ll conclude this three-part series
an OTC pain reliever is your personal medical his- A benefit of Advil and Motrin over Tylenol is that, with a discussion about Tylenol. We’ll also sum-
tory. as anti-inflammatory drugs, they can relieve marize which OTC pain killers are considered
symptoms of menstrual cramps, minor injuries best for what ailments, based on information
If you are at high risk for gastric issues, kidney or liver and arthritis. Tylenol can’t. from the National Institutes of Health, Harvard
problems, or if you’re on prescription blood thin- Advil and Motrin intake should be monitored care- Medical School, Columbia University and the
ners to prevent a heart attack or stroke, you need to fully. Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs increase sodium Cleveland Clinic.
find out which medications to avoid. Your physician and fluid retention which can worsen heart failure. Your comments and suggestions for future topics are al-
can help you determine the best pain killer for you Long term usage increases the risk of heart and ways welcome. Email us at [email protected].
based on your particular health issues. blood circulation issues; even heart attack.
If you are taking aspirin, anti-depressants, water © 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
In Part I, we discussed the benefits and risks of as-
pirin, the first NSAID. Today we’ll cover the other
two types of NSAIDs: ibuprofen and naproxen.
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 5, 2018 19
There are traitors, and contrast, abandoned Still, Maclean was such a committed alcoholic it’s
then there’s Donald Ma- their youthful ideol- a wonder that he got any spying or diplomatic work
clean. Now here was a card- ogy when Stalin made done, and that he didn’t betray his double life, given
carrying turncoat. Maclean a surprise pact with how outrageously impolitic he was when he was
rose swiftly and efficiently the Nazis just before drunk, which, in Philipps’ portrayal, was most of the
through the diplomatic the war. As author Ar- time. At a Georgetown party hosted by the Wash-
ranks of the British Foreign thur Koestler put it: ington Post’s Katharine Graham, he picked a fight
Office, all the while deliver- “No death is so sad with another guest and peed in Graham’s garden
ing reams of documents to (a version of this anecdote made it into Graham’s
his Soviet handlers. He was a and final as the death memoir). Maclean had to leave Cairo, his final for-
lesser-known member of the of an illusion.” But eign posting, after he and his drinking buddy, writer
Cambridge Five – a group of communism was no Philip Toynbee, ransacked and defiled an apartment
top-drawer British men who illusion for Maclean. while scavenging for booze. In his London days,
spied for the Soviets before, Communism would before he fled, Maclean was drunk and belligerent
during and after World War secure world peace. when he muttered to Toynbee a reference to Alger
II and well into the Cold War, And world peace, Hiss, an American accused of spying for the Soviets:
whose ranks included Kim in Philipps’ telling, “I am the English Hiss.” How happy Maclean must
Philby and Anthony Blunt. Af- have been to reach Moscow, with its tubs of vodka
ter 15 years, Americans uncov- is what animated flowing from proletariat-plated taps!
ered Maclean’s treachery (the Maclean’s ideology,
Brits were willfully blind to it), even when that ide- Maclean, whose first code name was Orphan and
and the spy defected to Russia, ology warred with his last Homer, told no one of his secret life except
never to set foot on Her Majes- his patriotism. He his American wife, whom he met in Paris before the
ty’s soil again. He was 38. betrayed his coun- war. He must have been hell to live with, but Melin-
da Marling stuck with him, fleeing with their three
“A Spy Named Orphan: The try but not his con- children to join him in Russia a year or so after his
Enigma of Donald Maclean,” a science. He hoped escape with Burgess. Maclean died in Moscow in
scrupulous new biography by Roland Philipps, fol- his country would 1983 at age 69.
lows Maclean from boarding school in the English catch up.
countryside to Cambridge University, London and None of the Cambridge Five took money for their Philipps provides plenty of evidence for his ver-
Paris, to Washington, New York and Cairo, back to work, according to Philipps. At the end of the war, sion of the mysterious Maclean, and the details
London and then on to Moscow. Maclean left be- the Soviets wanted “to reward the agents who had make for gripping, enlightening and occasionally
hind no journals or memoirs, so much of his life made the most significant contributions to victory” exasperating reading. He is sometimes repetitive
has remained in the shadows. Philipps does an ad- with annual pensions, Philipps writes. All refused. in conjuring the purity of his “tall, distinctive” pro-
mirable job of piecing together the spy’s tale, rely- Guy Burgess, the Cambridge Five spy with whom tagonist’s motives. He also doesn’t fully reconcile
ing heavily on a trove of previously classified files Maclean fled to Moscow, relented, accepting “ex- Maclean’s near-constant insobriety with his tal-
released by the British security service MI5 in 2015. penses,” and “bought a gold, soft-topped, second- ent for both his taxing jobs. Details from Maclean’s
Philipps also has a family connection to Maclean’s hand Rolls Royce on the grounds that he was such three decades in the Soviet Union are understand-
story: His grandfather was Sir Roger Makins, Ma- a terrible driver that a ‘sturdily built’ car was a life- ably sketchy, but there are enough to make the case
clean’s colleague in Washington at the Atomic En- saving necessity.” But Maclean made few such con- that Maclean found a life among the favored class
ergy Commission (whose secrets Maclean pilfered) cessions to capitalism and didn’t even like the work there and never regretted his choices. “His life in
and also in London, where he was the last person in of being a spy, Philipps reports. It was “like being the Soviet Union was always characterized by an ex-
the Foreign Office to see Maclean before he slipped a lavatory attendant,” Maclean said. “It stinks but ceptional absence of nostalgia,” Philipps writes. An
away from the dolts who had finally caught on to someone has to do it.” And he did it well. He was absence of nostalgia could apply to “A Spy Named
him. methodical in lifting documents from his offices, Orphan,” too. Philipps does not make the life of his
photographing them and delivering copies to his unhappy antihero seem fun.
The man Philipps wants us to see is equal parts handlers. Hundreds and hundreds of pages. Several
contradiction and constancy. Maclean threw off his of his handlers were recalled to Moscow and ex- A SPY NAMED ORPHAN
father’s Calvinism early, adopting communism as ecuted in Stalin’s purge, but Maclean just kept go-
his creed at Cambridge. Maclean never wavered in ing. He excelled at his diplomatic job, too. Philipps THE ENIGMA OF DONALD MACLEAN
his commitment to communism, which was ground- writes that both the British and the Soviets found
ed in his fervent anti-fascism. Many comrades, by his ability to analyze and synthesize foreign policy BY ROLAND PHILIPPS | NORTON. 440 PP. $28.95
1. Beneath a Scarlet Sky 1. Th Best Cook in the World 1. Restart BY GODRON KORMAN
2. The Perfect Couple 2. Three Days in Moscow BY NICOLA YOON
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5. The Fates Divide
4. The Great Lone 4. Born Trump
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392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
20 Thursday, July 5, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz inspired by Tucker,, who’s blind but blessed
Hi Dog Buddies! dog door so I could find the exit. And
This week’s innerview reminded me vanilla on my water dish. An lavender
what a lucky dog I am.
on pathways to Important Places. So
Tucker Davis is a 9-year-old Rat Ter-
rier. Last September, he got a disease by the time my lights went out, I knew
that made him blind, an a couple
weeks ago he Woofmailed me to ask how to use my nose to find stuff.”
if he could share some of the tricks he
learned to help him find important “Woof! Tucker, that’s uh-MAZ-ing!!
stuff like his food an water bowls, an
bed, an Mom an Dad, and not bump YOU’RE amazing. But I thought I heard
into things.
bells, when we first came in. What’s up
When the door opened, a chocolate-
colored pooch was standing there, with that?”
next to a lady, an Tucker was right be-
hind, real close. He had a black sniffer “I also learned to use my ears more.
and very big, very dark eyes. An the
BEST. EARS. EVER. Big pointy ones Mom an Dad an Hershey wear bell
that looked like sails onna boat. He
may not be able to see, I thought, but bracelets so I always know where they
I bet he can hear a mouse in sneak-
ers, tip-toeing. are.”
After a coupla woofs, they came up “Woof! So you can run around an
for Wag-and-Sniffs, Tucker leaning
against the chocolate-colored pooch play with Hershey an stuff like that?”
a liddle bit.
“Sure, since Hershey showed me
“I’m Tucker, this is my liddle sister,
Hershey, an this is our Mom, Sandra. how to play. I don’t do as much zoo-
Our Dad’s Tom. Thanks for coming,
Mr. Bonzo.” min’ around as she does, though. I’m
“Thanks for having me,” I replied. a Momma’s Boy. I like snoozin’ on the
“I gotta say, you seem to get around
nicely. If I didn’t know you were grass, in the sun. Hershey says I snore,
blind, I don’t think I wudda sus-
pected.” but I’m not so sure. She’s a Daddy’s
“Well, I hadda learn a lot pretty Girl. They watch football, an she helps
quick. It was frustrating for a while,
but, with Mom and Dad an Hershey him in the garden. She’s a hunter, too.
and my special trainer helpin’ me,
it’s all good now.” She’ll hunt anything that moves. Liz-
“So why don’t you start from when ards, squirrels, snakes.”
you first got your Forever Family,” I
suggested. “You got THAT right!” Hershey inter-
“K. Well, I was 5 anna half when Mom jected. “I’m good at it, too. Except, one
and Dad found me at the Brevard Hu-
mane Society. I’d been very well cared time, on the beach, I ate one of those
for by my previous owners, probly even
a little spoiled, but they had to let me blue, bubble-looking thingys with the
go cuz of Unavoidable Circumstances.
I wasn’t mad at ’em or anything, but long blue strings on ’em. THAT was a
I was sad. And kinda concerned. But
my new Mom an Dad were super nice. BIG Mistake.”
Since I wasn’t used to ridin’ in a car or
going on leash walks, I was Very Ner- “HUGE!” Tucker agreed. “She was
vous at first, so nervous that I’d tuck
my caboose under. So Mom an Dad Tucker. sicker than a – well, you know. She had-
changed my name (Victor) to Tucker. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
(Which I like better anyway.) I didn’t da have SUR-gery. Now we’re mostly
even know how to play, if you can be- PAT-ibble. It was sorta my fault, I guess,
lieve it. I only knew how to watch TV cuz, see, since I didn’t understand back to normal. We share everything.
and snuggle on the couch. Playin’ back then, I kept trying to save
Mom from Idaho when they were just Except food. When we hear Mom run-
“When I first got here, Mom an Dad playin’ Tug-of-War. We finally worked
had another pooch, Idaho, a Jack Rus- out a Semi-Peaceful Co-existence, and, ning the bath water, we run an hide
sell. We weren’t what you’d call come- when Idaho went to Dog Heaven, I re-
ally missed her, and I moped and mo- together. But it doesn’t do any good.
When we figure out we’re going to the
“Mom an Dad figured I needed an-
other pooch pal, so they went to a Rat vet, we sit and give Mom the ‘No, we
Terrier rescue down in Miami and
found Hershey. Only half of her is a Rat don’t think so,’ look. That doesn’t work
Terrier. I’m not sure which half. The
rest is Jack Russell and Chihuahua. either.”
She’s a wunnerful liddle sister. She
even taught me how to play by run- “Well Thank Lassie, things turned
ning laps around the coffee table, an
bouncing at me, an waggin’ an stuff. Tucker on out OK,” I told them. “I sure appreciate
An, when I got blind, she figured out
how to help me by stickin’ real close the nose. “Awwww, thanks, bro.” you sharing your experiences, so may-
and kinda bumpin’ me along. She’s
Awesome Dog Biscuits!” “Well, it’s true,” he told her. “Anyway, be it’ll help other pooches in the same
Hershey trotted over and licked last September, Mom an Dad ree-lized spot. It’s been a pleasure.”
something was wrong, an took me to a Heading home, I was feeling fortu-
specialist. When they found out it was nate. And inspired. And, just in case
SARDS and I was probly gonna totally your humans wanna know: SARDS is
lose my sight, they got a special train- Sudden Acquired Retinal Degenera-
er for me, A.J., to help us Prepare. A.J. tion Syndrome. I Googled it.
taught us some Cool Kibbles stuff. Like
using my sniffer: while I could still see a
-The Bonzliddle, Mom’d put different smelly stuff
(she calls ’em Essential Oils) on places
I need to be able to locate. She made
Smell Paths for me to follow. Like, pep-
permint on the furniture feet and patio
Don’t be shy!
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
an interview, please email [email protected].
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 12, 2018 21
93 74 Q J 10 8 6
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 4 J 10 8 5 2 96
K Q 10 6 5 AJ3 98742
Robert L. Schwartz said, “The entrepreneur is essentially a visualizer and an actualizer. He K Q J 10 5 A63 7
can visualize something, and when he visualizes it, he sees exactly how to make it happen.”
A top bridge player is good at visualizing where the missing key cards lie. AK52
West used the Unusual No-trump to show at least 5-5 in the minors. North’s three-club —
cue-bid (the cheaper) promised at least game-invitational values in the lower-ranking of the 9842
other two suits; here, hearts. (A response of three hearts would have indicated the values for
a single raise. A three-diamond cue-bid would have guaranteed five-plus spades and game- Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Neither
going values. A response of three spades would have been natural but nonforcing.)
The Bidding:
After East leapt aggressively to five diamonds, South closed his eyes and bid a slam, hoping
that if the opponents could cash the club ace and king, West would start with a diamond. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
1 Hearts 2 NT 3 Clubs 5 Diamonds
When West led the club king, South experienced a sinking feeling — until he saw the club 6 Hearts Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
ace on the board. Still, though, he seemed to have two club losers. What did he do? K Clubs
South possessed a key piece of information: that East had only one club. So, declarer won
with dummy’s club ace, drew trumps ending on the board, cashed the diamond ace, ruffed a
diamond, took the top spades, ruffed a spade and ruffed the diamond jack. Then he led the
spade five and discarded a club from the board.
East took the trick, but on his spade or diamond return, South ruffed in his hand and sluffed
dummy’s remaining club to gain the slam bonus.
22 Thursday, July 5, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Garish (5) 1 Writing on the wall (8)
5 Scottish lakes (5) 2 Brings together (6)
8 Overweight (5) 3 Sprightly (8)
9 Farewell (5) 4 Sauce; savour (6)
10 Width (9) 5 Seep; disclose (4)
11 Enemy (3) 6 Convincingly argued (6)
12 Too compassionate? (4-7) 7 Bodies of water (4)
15 Acting without mercy (2,4,5) 13 Explosive causing huge cloud (4,4)
19 Atmosphere (3) 14 Humiliates (8)
20 Explosive causing little cloud 16 Oven (6)
17 Busted (6)
(5-4) 18 Flower, often ball-shaped (6)
22 Greased (5) 20 Comic routine (4)
23 Shine brightly (5) 21 Border; advantage (4)
24 Small number (5)
25 Big animals (5)
The Telegraph
FOR 2018-2019 SCHOOL YEAR numbers one through
nine appear just once
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Grades PreK– Grade 4
Call for further information SunCoast School (772) 778-0892 or Send resume to
[email protected] or send by post to 3050 43rd Avenue Vero Beach, FL 32960.
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 5, 2018 23
ACROSS 79 Contribute, as to 6 It’s going around 68 “Full of” suffix The Washington Post
1 Famous last a 401(k) the office 71 Gallery eyeball-
words 80 Wonderland 7 Redness benders
6 Entrepreneur’s vehicles, standard 72 Front for cene or FULL-SERVICE
deg. at Disneyland 8 Quick lithic CLEANING MENLBOOWURINNE!
9 Jeanne’s last 82 Lorgnette event 9 Get in here? 73 Every ___ the
84 Cinema computer 10 Stockpile
name 85 Aristocrat 11 Noted riveter way
13 “___ Slow Boat to 88 Crow’s-feet 12 Stashable bed 75 Expel, as lava
89 Plop preceder 13 Petro faction 76 Thessaly peak
China” 90 Large omelet 14 From Mexico 78 Inflatable vessels
16 Chicks’ favorite that’s 81 Hebrew letters
just for show? City to Monterrey 82 Slices of slime in
snack food? 94 Int’l carrier 15 Chicken feed?
19 Melville novel 95 Home, not bus. 17 Move like a joey gumbo
20 Visit briefly: slang 96 Drum along the 18 Oprah in The 83 “Quiet, you
23 What chickens Mohawk
Color Purple chicks!”
always hope 97 Newshounds 21 So what, to a 84 Kin of compost
Farmer Brown 99 Jungle-movie suit 86 Luxuriates
won’t do? 100 Mustangs’ chicken? 87 K-P contents
25 Brave souls, to 22 Designer’s initials 91 Sex appeal
Kipling campus: abbr. 24 The 92 Letters on a
26 Cole Porter was 101 Chinese dish that
one Fountainhead Detroit truck
27 High weed? chickens never author 93 Parking place
28 Iranian language order? 29 Wedding setting 98 Mercedes model
29 Real 107 Rx scribblers 31 Earth Day prefix 102 Solemn promise
30 Window sections 109 Sibilant “hey you” 32 FX’s ___ 103 Has a Chiclet
33 Idolatry, for one 112 Hot tubbers’ Anarchy 104 Actress Ryder
34 Market words 33 Clockmaker 105 “Let me ___
36 Antlered animal 113 ___ mickey Thomas et al.
37 Hen’s favorite (incapacitate) 35 Truman’s saying ...”
Saturday Night 114 “God ___ a birthplace (speaker’s intro)
Live sketch? cheerful giver” (II 38 Artist’s deg. 106 TV’s Sagal et al.
42 ___ distance Cor. 9:7) 39 ___ tears (fill with 108 Flower part
44 Mon. night scores 116 Banana box ennui) 110 Joe, the jerk
46 Hiking 118 Mayberry aunt 40 Elaborate 111 Process for
47 Unanimously 121 Take-home fabrication Shapiro
50 Oldsmobile 122 Filch 41 Violin sec. 114 Shreveport
ancestor 123 Reassurance to 43 Choice words campus: abbr.
51 Essen an antsy fried- 45 “... out of a ___ 115 Hardy heroine
exclamation chicken lover? ear” 117 Metropolis near a
54 Hen’s favorite 127 Last of the 48 Mid-broadcast marble
actress? Mohicans 49 Spanish mausoleum
57 Missile wobble 128 Decorated statesman and 118 Like a tuna’s fin
58 South American Bradley dramatist, 119 Old Persian Gulf
plain 129 Chicken’s favorite López de ___ kingdom (with a
60 Former legislator, Dionne Warwick 51 Crooked, old- matriarchal social
in headlines hit? style system, despite
61 Swiss river 130 Subway relatives 52 Board game what it spells
62 Australian gems 131 J’accuse author that’s murder backward)
64 Groggy 132 Coll. term 53 Chick raiser’s 120 Charlotte’s Web
66 Put ___ on 133 Pencil shadings greeting? author: inits.
(follow) DOWN 55 Small and round, 123 From A ___
68 Utah city 1 Don’t fight (it) as eyes 124 Mental
69 Iron-pumper’s 2 Smackeroos 56 Beginning the yardsticks,
pride 3 Henhouse raider betting familiarly
70 What French 4 DC-10 course 59 Citadel denial 125 Reading from the
hens 5 100 Across 63 Joe of heart?
sit on? or 114 Down GoodFellas 126 Cannes Film
74 Indifferent 65 The ___ Age Festival award,
77 Take on 67 Ex-San the Palme ___
Francisco mayor
The Telegraph per month special*
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24 Thursday, July 5, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
For hard-working parents, a lot of unrest at bedtime
BY CAROLYN HAX easier if you did not do bedtime at all.” Only kidding. I’m typing this only because the
Washington Post flashback finally passed.
I think because she is with them more, it seems
Dear Carolyn: There’s a lot going on in the scene you’ve de-
My wife and I are both hard- unfair to her that the kids “love dad more.” But it’s scribed, so I’ll start with this: Everyone’s feelings
working professionals. We have are normal.
a 3-year-old son and 2-year-old all just phases, in my opinion – they come and go.
daughter. We do our best to di- And on your kids’ part, they’re uncomplicated,
vide duties fairly and wisely, but, I’d appreciate your opinion. too. They see their mom more so they see time
generally, I work significantly more, and she runs with you as special. I’m sure your wife thinks her
the house and kids significantly more. – Dad version is rational – more time invested = more
By and large, we are a happy family and the rou- love – and time might prove her right, but at the
tines go well. Dad: moment, it’s adult thinking. Kid thinking is that
But sometimes there’s an issue at bedtime. When Huh … when our three were little, bedtime nev- mom is spinach and dad is cake.
she takes one kid and I the other to read one last er unraveled.
book and put each child in bed, they sometimes Your wife is acting on her feelings inappropri-
whine over who gets to go with me. This bothers ately, but the feelings themselves are normal to
my wife and hurts her feelings, and she voices that, set a watch by – of losing herself to all this.
sometimes in dramatic fashion – storming out and
saying, “Fine, then Dad can just put you both to Your dismay at your wife’s acting out is also nor-
bed,” and not coming back. Then the kids just get mal and apt. You want your kids to grow up mind-
quiet and seem confused as to what just happened. ful of others’ feelings but not feel responsible for
My concern is the kids will feel they have to exer- them, and your wife’s out-storming – if it becomes
cise caution to make sure their mom’s feelings are a habit – will indeed send them the message that
not hurt, and feel guilty when they are. I feel it’s it’s their job to keep Mother happy.
our job as parents to take these things in stride and
provide unconditional love. I generally want them This precursor to eggshell-walking could war-
to be living free and unhindered in our presence, as rant counseling, for you alone if your wife refuses.
long as they are not being disrespectful. However, she might have veered close to an an-
I have expressed these feelings to her, and get a swer herself. You don’t “stay out of it,” though –
couple of responses: 1. “This is between me and the she does. You do bedtimes solo, just through this
kids, stay out of it”; and 2. “Then it would just be phase, canceling the competition and giving your
wife some time for herself. It checks every box:
more you for your kids; more kids for you; less of
everyone for your wife; less emotional pressure
on kids. Ahh. Ask her, kindly, to grant you this rare
one-on-one time with the kids.
IRMC unveils
its latest hi-tech
imaging equipment
26 Thursday, July 5, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
IRMC unveils its latest hi-tech imaging equipment
STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER Dan Cameron, director of
[email protected] Diagnostic Imaging Services.
According to Dan Cameron and PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Dr. Heather Nagel, “the Force” is
now officially with the Indian River
Medical Center.
They don’t mean a “Star Wars”
character has arrived armed with a
light saber, but rather that the Sie-
mens Somatom Force – a 384 slice,
dual-source, dual-energy computed
tomography (CT) scanner – is now in
operation at the hospital. It is one of
the newest, most powerful and flex-
ible imaging devices on the market.
And it’s just one of three new imag-
ing devices recently installed there.
There’s also a new positron emis-
sion tomography (PET) scanner by
General Electric and an upgrad-
ed 3D tomosynthesis scanner for
mammograms, which, Nagel says,
“now allows us to do something
that we could not do before – direct
a biopsy using 3D imaging.”
Cameron, the hospital’s direc-
tor of imaging services, is clearly
pleased with all three of the new de-
Experience the fusion of Dr. Heather Nagel.
traditional values and
modern dentistry.
Collins & Montz
At Collins & Montz, DMD, vices but seems most excited about for any programs here at the hos-
we will focus on improving every the Siemens machine. pital, now and in the future. We’ll
aspect of your smile for optimal be able to provide the best imaging
appearance, function, and “In the CT scanner, we’re [now] possible and it prepares us for prob-
comfort through our general able to do any type of imaging. Car- ably five or 10 years out, as far as our
family dentistry, and restorative diac, neuro, orthopedic, oncology, capabilities.”
procedures such as dental urology,” says Cameron. “What it
implants. Our comprehensive means is that we’re now prepared Nagel, the director of the Wom-
range of services and dedication
of quality set us apart. Call today
to schedule your appointment.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 5, 2018 27
en’s Imaging Center at Vero Radi- YOUR HEALTH match” begins.
ology Associates and a five-star Line item by line item, Cameron
rated diagnostic radiology special- Laura Clark positions a patient for a Tomosynthesis 3D mammogram.
ist on, jumps and Skalko pointed out to vendors
in to point out, “the new Siemens’ that their competition has a lower
applications for oncology imaging price here or there and after much
are tremendous for differentiating haggling, they’re confident they
tumors and differentiating cancer reached the lowest price on the best
versus hemorrhage.” machines.
Pausing only for a quick breath, Dr. Heather Nagel is the director of
she adds, “the cardiac imaging is the women’s Imaging center at Vero
tremendous, [too]. We can image Radiology Associates at 3725 11th
the heart in one beat. We no longer Circle. The phone number is 772-
have to give [patients] a drug to slow 562-0163. Dan Cameron is the Indi-
their heart rate down to get that an River Medical Center’s director of
snapshot image of the heart.” imaging services.
The new equipment will be a boon
to the hospital’s nascent stroke cen-
ter, as well.
“We’re now developing a very ag-
gressive stroke program,” Nagel
reveals, “and the new CT scanner –
the ‘Force’ – has profusion capabili-
ty for looking at people that come in
with acute symptoms to see what’s
going on – on a physiologic level – in
their brain.”
And, perhaps best of all, Cameron
says, “the new CT scanner reduces
the radiation dose [patients receive]
up to 80 percent.”
With his new equipment up and
running, the normally soft-spoken
Cameron makes a bold claim: “I say
if we can’t scan the patient, nobody
can scan the patient. We’ve got the
best machine, literally, in the world
right now.”
These new capabilities, however,
didn’t come cheap.
Cameron puts the collective price
tag for the Siemens and GE devices
at more than $5 million – which
Nagel says was a good deal for the
equipment. “The hospital really has
done its due diligence. We looked
at every possible vendor. What they
had and what they could provide.
“John Skalko and Dan [Cameron]
did a tremendous job working these
vendors against each other, getting
the best possible deal. It wasn’t like
we were a kid in a candy shop or we
can get whatever we want. It was re-
ally, what can we get and who can
provide the best quality machine at
the best price? It really came down
to economics.”
Cameron explains the bidding
and buying process by saying, “we
do this thing called total cost of
ownership when we do these proj-
ects. We look at the purchase of the
equipment, and then we look at
what is called the service mainte-
nance agreement. We negotiate not
only on the purchase, but also on
the servicing over a five-year period
and then add those up and say ‘OK,
that’s what it’s going to cost us to
run this thing for six, seven years.’”
Then, says Cameron, a “cage
28 Thursday, July 5, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Transitional care critical to patients’ lasting well-being
STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER Nursing home administrator Gloria Tausch tional care is espe- manager, calls and makes follow-
[email protected] and TCU Director of Nursing Virginia Currie. cially important for up discharge appointments with
older adults,” ac- primary care doctors. If they have
“Transitional care,” says regis- PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE cording to the Na- a specialist that is following them,
tered nurse Virginia (Ginny) Curri- tional Library of such as an orthopedic surgeon, she
er, director of nursing at Sebastian the hospital license.” Medicine. also makes that follow-up appoint-
River Medical Center’s transitional Which has obvious advantages ment.
care unit, “is the bridge between The need for tran-
hospital and home” for patients that – few, if any, stand-alone skilled sitional care is reinforced by Ameri- “Even if [the patient is from] out-
need additional care after an opera- nursing units have fully staffed can Nurse Today, which reports of-state, we try to follow-up with
tion or illness. emergency departments, operating “fewer than 50 percent of patients that too, and with the families, to
rooms and a full-time staff of high- see their primary care provider make sure that patients follow-up
According to Currier, the goal of ly-trained physicians and surgeons within two weeks of a hospital dis- with their physicians when they go
the program and its skilled nurs- just a few steps away in the same charge.” home and make sure they have all
ing facility “is to help people regain building. the documentation they’re going to
their strength and safety aware- That’s a figure that clearly raises need,” says Tausch. “We give them a
ness, so that they can return home The transitional care unit’s ad- Currier’s hackles. “We don’t allow card so they can feel free to call us
safely. And, hopefully, stay at home ministrator, Gloria Tausch, joins that,” she says. “Before any of our back if they have any questions.”
and not end up back in the hospital the conversation to point out “there people are discharged home, we’ve
again.” aren’t that many transitional care already made their follow-up ap- “We also give them also an entire
units in Florida.” pointments for them, and the dates print-out of their medications and
A typical transitional care patient and times are written on their dis- we tell them to take that to their fol-
could be a hip or knee replacement For that reasons, SRMC’s TC unit charge paper work.” low-up appointment so their doctor
patient who is still unsteady on takes patients from other area hos- can review and make any changes
their feet or someone who is other- pitals, as well. “We take patients “Our discharge planner,” Cur- [he or she] wants. And, if they are
wise too weak or fragile – due to age, from all the surrounding areas, and rier continues, “who is also our case put on any new medications while
anesthesia, prescription medica- we do direct admits from physi- they are in our care, we do a com-
tions or surgical-related complica- cians’ offices.” plete educational print-out of the
tions – or someone who lives alone new medication for them.”
and has no one to help care for them The availability of the unit is vital
at home upon release. given this area’s high concentration Currier adds that “any equipment
of retirees. “High-quality transi- patients used while they were in
The need for transitional care therapy, if they don’t have that at
and its success in helping patients home, we get that for them before
is well documented. they leave. Everybody goes home
with home health nursing and
Beckers Hospital Review writes home health physical therapy and
that on average, 20 percent of Medi-
care beneficiaries discharged from occupational therapy. If they don’t
hospitals are re-hospitalized within want it they can cancel it, but it is
30 days, but a large series of “ran- ordered and set up for everyone that
domized controlled trials” have leaves here.”
shown that transitional care pro-
grams like the one at SRMC can Both Currier and Tausch are
“significantly lower those readmis- keenly aware that patients want to
sion rates,” according to American leave the hospital and return home
Nurse Today. as soon as possible. They just want
that return to be as safe and long-
These programs incorporate ser- lasting as possible.
vices such as comprehensive dis-
charge planning, post-discharge Both Tausch and Currie are with
telephone outreach, patient-cen- Steward Health’s Sebastian River
tered discharge instructions, fol- Medical Center transitional care unit
low-ups with primary care provid- at 13695 U.S. 1 in Sebastian. The
ers and medication reconciliations. hospital’s phone number is 772-589-
SRMC’s transitional care unit is
located at the hospital, but not in
the acute care part of the building.
“They’re actually discharged as a
hospital patient and then they come
here for a brand-new admission,”
Currier says. “They come from up-
stairs straight down to us, after
they are discharged,” to do physi-
cal therapy, occupational therapy,
speech therapy and otherwise pre-
pare to return home.
“This is a skilled nursing unit,”
Currier continues, “so, it’s the same
as if they were to go outside to a
stand-alone skilled unit. It’s the
same principle. Except we’re under
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 5, 2018 29
Coppola’s Bar & Grille: An oceanside treat with fair prices
[email protected]
The Sebastian Beach Inn for more
than 100 years has served as a place of where it’s apparent that the view jacks Fried Apple Pie Hand Dipped
rest and refuge for many a soul, from up the price of everything from the a la Mode. Beer Battered Haddock.
stranded seafarers and Navy seamen drinks to the food by a buck or two per
to weary travelers and celebrities, and item, SBI keeps prices reasonable so Crocked Baked RESTAURANT HOURS
today it’s still the perfect spot to enjoy a you’ll come back often – not just on a Clam Chowder. 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Wed.-Sun.
spectacular, unspoiled view, a good meal special occasion. My margaritas were $5 (Closed Monday and Tuesday)
and libations. each and my companion’s cabernet was We encourage you to send feedback to
$4.50 per glass. The food portions were [email protected]. BEVERAGES
The plan was to meet friends at Cop- large and a decent value. Full Bar
pola’s at the Sebastian Beach Inn two The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
Saturdays ago to listen to the live music Due to its location about six miles dines anonymously at restaurants at the ADDRESS
out on deck, but thunderstorms shifted north of the Sebastian Inlet, SBI attracts expense of this newspaper. 7035 Hwy A1A,
our plans to Sunday evening, which pro- its share of sightseeing tourists, but it Melbourne Beach
vided us with a puffy-clouded blue sky appears that the bread-and-butter of its
and a nice breeze which enhanced the business is a nice group of laid-back lo- PHONE
whole breathtaking oceanfront experi- cals who don’t take that spectacular view (321) 728-4311
ence as we settled in at our table and for granted. We very much enjoyed our
looked at menus. meal and our time at SBI and will make
a point to return more often.
I live roughly five blocks from the
ocean, and I’ve lived in coastal Florida
all my life, but on a beautiful day (or
even in dirty weather) the Atlantic never
ceases to both relax and amaze me with
its vastness and its sheer power. Food
and drink always taste better the closer
to the ocean you go. My first trip to SBI
was after the current owner Gary Cop-
pola refurbished the place and it used to
draw people in to catch amazing blues
acts from all over the country. I saw
Koko Taylor perform there in maybe
1996 or 1997 and remember the food
being excellent even then and on every
subsequent visit.
For those of you who also remember
SBI as a great place to watch a live band,
that tradition is still alive, but it happens
on the deck now, just on Saturday and
Sunday afternoons. Depending on the
weekend, the music ranges from classic
rock to Jimmy Buffett covers, with may-
be some blues, country and Southern
rock thrown in. The deck is where we
enjoyed our wine and margaritas with
some peel and eat shrimp ($12 for a half
pound) and a chicken quesadilla ($12)
while our entrees were being prepared.
The shrimp were good-sized, fresh and
sprinkled with a Cajun-type seasoning
and they were good. The quesadilla was
served hot and melty, filled with cheese
and tender chicken breast. A nice start-
ing point.
For entrée’s, I ordered the chicken
Thai tacos ($10), which was a basket of
three fantastic soft tacos, with a twist of
Thai seasoning. My companions both
ordered the SBI Burger with cheese ($11)
which they both said were very good. We
ordered an apple pie a la mode to share,
which was good but nothing really spe-
cial, and I washed that down with a mug
of good, strong black coffee, which they
brewed fresh for me.
Unlike some direct oceanfront spots
30 Thursday, July 5, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
REVIEW BY DAVE MCINTYRE the wine’s texture ground meat. These coagulants attract “Time, and good picking decisions,
The Washington Post by softening rough all the impurities in the stock, which you are the best fining agents,” says Alison
tannins. then skim off, leaving the clear broth. Crowe, winemaker at Garnet and Picket
The wine was a Vietti Barolo Cas- If you’re an old-school Fence wineries in California. Crowe
tiglione 2012, from Italy’s Piemonte cook and have made consommé, you Fining works the same way, using pro- says customers often ask if her wines are
region. Barolo is one of Italy’s top red probably started with a rich stock that teins such as albumin from egg whites, vegan, so she needs to explain the wine-
wines, and I was anticipating some you clarified with a raft of egg whites and casein from milk, or isinglass from, well, making process to consumers who be-
beautiful juice. But my attention was fish guts. Way back in the day, ox blood lieve the use of animal products is more
drawn to a conspicuous symbol on the was used. Bentonite – a clay, and there- widespread than it actually is.
bottom right of the back label: It said fore vegan – can also be used. The fining
Vegan, with the capital V stylized as the agent and whatever it extracts from the If you’re concerned about the use of
leaves of a sunflower, inside a circle sug- wine fall out of solution, so they aren’t in animal products in wine production,
gestive of the sun. the bottle you take home. you could also favor wineries who list in-
gredients on their labels.
Wait a minute, you might ask: Isn’t But if you’re a purist, there’s no way
wine just fermented grape juice? How to guarantee there is absolutely no resi- For example, the Bonny Doon 2017
could it not be vegan, a description that due from the fining agent in the wine. Vin Gris de Cigare label lists the grape
rules out animal products? The answer So vegans often look for wines labeled blend as ingredients, then adds, “tar-
is complicated. It touches on how wine as “unfined.” Kosher wines are also taric acid, enzyme, and sulfur dioxide.
is made, and perhaps as importantly, vegan by definition, as kosher rules In the winemaking process, the follow-
how it is labeled. prohibit the use of animal products in ing were utilized: yeast, yeast nutrients,
wine production. and bentonite.”
As consumers are increasingly inter-
ested in the provenance of their foods Here’s the rub: Use of animal-based Vegan skeptics ask about “MOG,”
and beverages, they are more accepting fining agents may not be all that wide- winemaker’s slang for “matter other than
(and demanding) of labels such as or- spread. Given time, those impurities will grapes.” As in, insects and other things
ganic, sustainable or biodynamic. More settle naturally out of a wine, so it’s only on the grapes at harvest. Vintners try to
wine drinkers want to know how their the cheap, mass-produced wines that are sort these out before crush, of course, but
wines are made and what goes into them. being rushed to market that need to use if you’ve ever found a bug in your organic
them. Granted, that accounts for the ma- salad mix that has been washed three
The movement for “natural” wines is jority of wines on our retail shelves. But times before you buy it in the store, you
in part a rebellion against the dozens if you’re willing to spend a little more for know how difficult that can be.
of additives approved for use in quality, you’re probably buying a “veg-
winemaking. The United States an” wine, even if it’s not labeled as such. Just rely on time, bentonite and filtra-
and other governments gener- tion, and don’t ask, don’t tell.
ally do not require producers
to divulge what ingredients
they use; we just assume they
use only grapes, and maybe
added yeast.
The vegan question stems
from the use of animal products
in a winemaking process called “fin-
ing.” Fining clarifies and stabilizes a
wine, making it less likely to turn cloudy
after bottling, especially if subjected to
high temperatures. It also helps improve
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Caesar Salad or BLT Iceberg Wedge
Carolina BBQ Pork, Chicken, Scottish
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Zagat Rated Reservations Highly Recommended
2013 - 2017 Proper Attire Appreciated
Wine Spectator Award Open 7 Days
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(772) 234-3966
3103 Cardinal Drive, Vero Beach, FL
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 5, 2018 31
32 Thursday, July 5, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Please send calendar information a ladies social club for residents of the Beach-
at least two weeks prior to your side (Merritt Island south of 520 and the Pineda
Causeway south to Sebastian Inlet). For informa-
event to tion on joining the club and/or attending the cof-
fee, contact Toni Hanussey at newneighbortoni@
[email protected]
ONGOING 14 Big Band Sounds concert presented by
the Space Coast Symphony’s Sympho-
New Neighbors of South Brevard Beaches ny for Everyone program, 7pm at Eastminster
plays MAHJONGG at Papagallo’s in Satellite Presbyterian Church, 106 N Riverside Dr, Indial-
Beach each Monday at 12:15 pm. For informa- antic.
tion on joining the club contact Toni Hanussey
at [email protected] 14 The Rossetter House Museum is excit-
ed to host a book club once again, this
Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- July 9-12 | Junior Dog Trainer Summer Camp at Paws for Veterans time inspired by the literary work of Zora Neale
days at Oceanside Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, Hurston. We will be reading “Their Eyes Were
Melbourne Beach. tique cars, trucks and Bikes need to share their fessional trainers. Friday afternoon at 12:00 we Watching God.” The meeting will be held July
ride. All years welcome. For information, call Bill will have a demonstration show for the kids 14th from 1pm to 4pm, and the fee is $10. We
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 Antonetz at (321)725-3648. to proudly show their parents what all they will have snacks, drinks, discussions, and even a
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park learned. Please send your child with a lunch, showing of the Oscar-winning film adaptation of
7-8 Seventh Annual Indialantic Craft water bottle and snack. Proceeds benefit Paws the book! We will also be including a tour of the
JULY Festival, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday for Veterans. Camp is help Monday through Fri- Rossetter House Museum. Please contact us in
and Sunday in Nance Park, Indialantic. Hosted day 10am to 3pm. For information, call (321) advance to reserve a spot at site-manager@ros-
5 Family Night Out at Satellite High Pool, use by American Craft Endeavors. Crafts, food, mu- 425-4189 or email [email protected]., or by phone at 321-
the diving board, lap swim and bring your sic and fun. 254-9855.
inflatables from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursdays through 12 Free Summer Youth Band Concert
July 26 for $5 per family. A parent must stay with 8 Brevard County Bridal Association Summer under the direction of Swingtime 17 New Neighbors of South Brevard
children at pool. 2018 Wedding Show, 1 to 4 p.m. at Hilton Conductor Art Martin and featuring the Beaches monthly meeting and lun-
Melbourne Beach Oceanfront, 3003 Highway graduates of the Melbourne Municipal Band cheon at the Doubtree Indialantic. Members
5 City of Cocoa Beach fireworks over the ocean, A1A, Indialantic. Tickets at www.brevardwed- Summer Program, 6 p.m. at the Melbourne $19, non-members $22. Reservations required.
visible from the beach, starting at 8:45-9 p.m. Auditorium, 625 E. Hibiscus Blvd., Melbourne, Call Phyllis (321) 777-9370
FL 32901. Tickets not required. Go to www.
6 Family Shabbat Dinner, 7 to 9:30 p.m. at 9-12 Junior Dog Trainer Summer 18-19 Music to Cool You Off, a free
Jewish Brevard, 1190 Highway A1A, Satel- Camp at Paws for Veterans, 63 Swingyime concert by the
lite Beach. Tickets Ocean Blvd., Satellite Beach. Bring your own 13 New member coffee, hosted by New Melbourne Municipal Band, a free Swingtime
dog friendly dog, or learn with ours from pro- Neighbors of South Brevard Beaches, concert, 6:30 PM. Doors open at 5:30. Mel-
7 Beachside Dunkin Donuts Fun Car Cruise, bourne AuditoRium. Tickets not required
8 to 11:30 a.m. at Dunkin’ Donuts, 1220 N.
Highway A1A, Indialantic. All classic, muscle, an- Cal 724-0555 or email: info@melbournemu-
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
in June 28, 2018 Edition 1 BIRD 2 IDYLL 21 Run the Tide, on the beach in Indialan-
4 SOP 3 DASHING tic. Run or walk a 5k, 10K or a 2 mile
6 PRAY 4 SAMBA fun run on our awesome coastline at low tide!
8 GYPSUM 5 PIRATED The 10K and 2 mile fun run are new distances for
9 RANKLE 6 PINCH 2018 for folks that want to go a longer or shorter
10 CLAIMANT 7 ALLOWED distance. After party hosted by Longdoggers.
11 HAWK 10 CUR Free beer and hog dog for finishers with race
12 ROUGHANDREADY 13 OSTRICH bib. Awards for Overall, Masters and 5-year age
17 STOW 14 AIRSHOW group divisions for 5K and 10K. Register at www.
23 SHAGGY 18 WREST 25 US-TOO Prostate Cancer Support
24 SHUT 20 CUSHY Group meets from 6:15 to 7:45 p.m.
25 WAY 21 EAGLE the last Wednesday of the month at the Mel-
26 NOEL bourne Public Library, 540 E. Fee Avenue. Call
Vanita Gagliani at (321)432-5573 for details.
Sudoku Page 2420 SudokuPPaaggee2431 CrosswordPPage 4202 Crossword PPaaggee2431 (WAY OUT OF AFRICA)
CERTIFIED Windows & Doors Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting the
Siding & Soffit South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951, Indialantic,
“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach. Contact Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 [email protected].
[email protected] CGC 1524354
321.508.3896 772.226.7688
Crystal Lakes pool home
on large lot ideal for family
250 Ross Avenue in the Crystal Lakes subdivision: 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 1,856-square-foot pool home
offered for $399,500 by Treasure Coast Sotheby’s listing agent Laura Downey: 321-795-6866
34 Thursday, July 5, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Crystal Lakes pool home on large lot ideal for family
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER Dramatic vaulted ceilings are the glass pocket door that opens the is comprised of the master bedroom
[email protected] most noticeable architectural fea- dining room to a lanai-like area on suite, with his and hers walk-in closets
ture upon entering the home, with the pool deck, which is covered and leading to the master bedroom suite
Filled with natural light, with an some higher walls with openings to screened and expands the space with tub and walk-in shower. The
open floor plan centered around a share sunlight from skylights in the available for entertaining. master suite has direct access to the
pool and private patio, the three-
bedroom, two-bath home at 250 Ross kitchen and other living areas. The The updated eat-in kitchen and pool area through double glass doors.
Avenue in Crystal Lakes, Melbourne 1,856-square-foot home continues breakfast area, overlooking the fam- Two large guest or kids bedrooms,
Beach, is ideal for a family that enjoys the natural light theme with large ily room and media viewing area,
entertaining. windows throughout and a special features granite countertops with an located off the family room and
island/breakfast bar and space for a kitchen area, have a full bathroom
traditional table. leading from the pool area to the
hallway to separate recreation and
One side of split-floor-plan home living spaces.
Todd Ostrander Top 1% of Brevard
“Door to the East Shore” ® County Agents
Over 150 Million
Hall of Fame
[email protected]
Opening Doors To the Beaches & More!
Waterfront in Indian Harbour - $779,000 Melbourne Beach Pool Home - $495,000
Buccaneer in Satellite Beach - $359,000 Indian Harbour Beach Home - $ 295,000
Representing Both Buyers and Sellers With Their Best Interest in Mind!
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 5, 2018 35
250 ROSS AVE.,
The contemporary-style home fea- Sellers Midge and Richard Finch, moving to another home nearby. Neighborhood: Crystal Lakes
tures a formal dining room, formal originally from Ohio, built the home They initially designed the home to Year built: 1995
living room, in-house laundry room in 1995 and are now motivated to sell Bedrooms: 3
and attached two-car garage. because they are downsizing and be visually centered around the pool Bathrooms: 2
and yard to feature the beauty of their Square footage:
1,856 square feet under air;
2,535 square feet under roof
Lot size: .26 acres
Concrete block, stucco
Interior features: Vaulted ceil-
ings, sky lights, walk-in closets,
ceiling fans, window treatments,
Island kitchen with breakfast
bar, breakfast area, family room,
formal dining room, formal
living room, laundry room, at-
tached two-car garage.
Listing agency:
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s
International Realty
Listing agent:
Laura Downey, 321-795-6866
Listing price: $399,500
36 Thursday, July 5, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
meticulously maintained and well- the time and relatively close proxim- sale in the neighborhood, which pro- Florida living experience, the Finches
established landscaping. ity to Sebastian Inlet, located about vide direct canal access to the Indian enjoyed having beach access just a
14 miles to the south. Avid boaters in River. short walk away and the convenience
They chose the .26-acre lot in Crys- the earlier days, the Finches also took of the home located two miles south
tal Lakes 23 years ago because of the advantage of dock lots sometimes for “I liked it because it was rural. It felt of the Publix plaza. But it was the
development’s relatively rural feel at like it was Old Florida, and it’s about friends in the neighborhood, often
the biggest back yard in the subdivi- throwing get-togethers and going
sion,’’ Richard Finch said. to the beach and boating, that the
Finches will remember most.
Added his wife Midge: “Because the
house goes in the shape of an ‘L,’ we This lovely island home is being of-
have all this privacy in our pool.’’ fered for $399,500.
To complete their Crystal Lakes
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 5, 2018 37
Homeowners cash in on surge in real estate values
STORY BY KENNETH R. HARNEY WASHINGTON POST deterred. Not only have new borrow- Some economists have worries, but Nothaft suggests that although the
ings for HELOCs risen sharply this most point out that today’s market country is not in a “valuation bubble,”
If you’ve got it, don’t piggy-bank it – year, but another form of equity-tap- and regulatory conditions are mark- there are “many urban areas where
borrow against it. ping – cash-out refinancings – has edly different. Most banks now require prices appear to have become de-
hit its highest level since the housing borrowers to have relatively high credit linked to the long-term relationship
That seems to be the prevailing sen- boom. In a cash-out refi, a homeowner scores and a cushion of equity – gener- with income” and thus affordability.
timent among tens of thousands of pays off an existing mortgage and re- ally 20 percent of the estimated home That “raises the specter of a new bub-
American homeowners who have seen places it with a new, larger loan. The value – and to document everything. ble forming within the next few years,”
their property values surge and then owner can pocket the difference, tax- he warns.
decided: Hey, we’ve got a ton of equity free, and spend the money on what- Back in the funny-money heydays
sitting here, let’s do something with it. ever he or she chooses. of the boom, some lenders essentially Today’s owners appear to be mak-
required no equity and no documen- ing more responsible use of their
According to the latest estimates In the first quarter of this year, 68 tation – even negative equity was oc- home-equity borrowings. In a study
from real estate analytics firm ATTOM percent of all refinancings at investor casionally OK. Today’s credit scores, of equity-loan requests on its network
Data Solutions, 347,875 new home-eq- Freddie Mac involved cash-outs. Al- by contrast, according to Amy Crews of banks and mortgage companies so
uity lines of credit (HELOCs) were tak- though total volumes of refinancings Cutts, chief economist for Equifax, far this year, LendingTree, the online
en out during the first quarter of this are down significantly, cash-outs are are high: A median 770 Vantage score shopping-comparison platform, found
year – up a surprising 18 percent from at their highest percentage since the for HELOCs and 713 for home-equity that 81.2 percent of owners said they
the final quarter of 2017 and 14 percent fourth quarter of 2007, just before the loans or second mortgages. plan to use the loan proceeds either for
higher than the same time last year. crash. home improvements or debt consoli-
But there are concerns. Frank No- dation. The latter can be a smart move
The increase is eye-opening in part Are the sizable jumps in equity-tap- thaft, chief economist for CoreLogic, a because it allows the owner to pay off
because last year’s changes in federal ping portents that we shouldn’t ignore? real estate valuation and data analytics credit card bills and other high-cost
tax law were seen as a major nega- In the years immediately preceding firm, notes that one-third of the largest debts with relatively low-cost home-
tive for home-equity borrowing. The the financial crisis, many homeowners metropolitan markets are now “over- equity dollars.
law removed interest deductibility for used HELOCs like credit cards or ATMs valued”: There’s a mismatch between
home-equity loan balances – new and – hocking their inflated property val- the frothy growth rate in median home But remember this about home eq-
existing – that are not used to renovate, ues to finance boats, autos, even daily prices compared with growth in per uity: It’s not money in the bank. It’s
build or acquire a home. The loss of de- living expenses – until the game ended. capita incomes. During the lead-up wealth that depends on market move-
ductibility made tapping home equity Home prices sagged and crashed; own- years to the crash, two-thirds of all ments, and it can melt if the market
more expensive on an after-tax basis ers’ equity holdings turned to vapor. metro markets were overvalued. turns.
for many borrowers.
But owners apparently haven’t been
Eva McMillan 7595 Highway A1A, Melbourne Beach • LISTED $1,150,000
• Luxury Beachside & Waterfront Specialist Premiere oceanfront residence with breathtaking views of blue Atlantic. As
• Multi-Million Dollar Producer a member of Aquarina Beach & Country Club you will enjoy the only gated
• Multilingual International Top Producer 18 hole golf course in the area, nestled in an exquisite tropical setting. Other
• Fluent in 6 languages amenities include 6 tennis courts, a community center, boat ramp, boat storage
area and soon a beach clubhouse. This luxurious 4 bed 3.5 bath home is sold
call: 321-327-6761 fully furnished.
text: 772-584-0412
[email protected] 505 N Highway A1A # 503, Indialantic 8150 Highway A1A, Melbourne Beach 127 Algonquin Terrace, Satellite Beach SOLD $440,000
Luxurious direst oceanfront condominium in LISTED $1,350,000 UNDER CONTRACT $350,000
Royal Palm complex. Custom built Office/3rd
bed, granite counters, porcelain cut tile at a Spectacular DIRECT RIVERFRONT estate Super prime location & family neighborhood.
diagonal thru-out living space. Fabulous master situated on 1.40 acres of private land in pris- Totally remodeled 3 bed 2 bath residence with
suite, granite counters, custom dbl vanity cabi- tine location and highly desirable Melbourne the private pool & backyard. Walking distance
netry, dbl headed roman shower, jetted tub, dbl Beach. 100 feet of breathtaking DIRECT too beaches, library, school, skate park, shop-
closets, one walk in. Guest suite, engineered RIVER front with stunning OCEAN VIEWS. ping, tennis courts. Spacious kitchen, enclosed
wood flooring, Huge walk in closet, all wood Custom designed 100% concrete block three oversized family room great for entertaining.
cabinetry, travertine. story mansion with 5,439 of total sq.feet. Underground electric, new panel, resurfaced
Plenty of rooms for a custom pool, tennis pool, , pool screen, privacy fence, double paint
court, guest house or designated private windows, paved driveway.
helicopter pad.
38 Thursday, July 5, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: June 22 to June 28
The real estate market slowed a bit last week in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937. Satellite Beach
led the way with 6 transactions, followed by Melbourne Beach with 4 sales, and Indialantic and Indian
Harbour Beach with 3 each.
The top sale of the week was of a home on Lansing Island in Indian Harbour Beach. The residence at 143
Lansing Island Drive was placed on the market March 8, 2017, with an asking price of $3.2 million. The
asking price most recently was $2.8 million. The sale closed June 27 for $2.6 million.
Both the seller and the purchaser in the transaction were represented by Elisia Chan of RE/MAX
OCEAN RIDGE II OF BR 303 SANIBEL WAY 1/25/2018 $989,000 $939,000 6/27/2018 $485,000
NONE 8280 S HIGHWAY A1A 3/5/2018 $549,000 $495,000 6/26/2018 $480,000
RIVER COLONY EAST 613 CITRUS CT 5/16/2018 $475,000 $475,000 6/22/2018
INDIALANTIC SEC D 232 COCOA AVE 3/20/2018 $724,900 $699,900 6/22/2018 $665,000
INDIALANTIC SEC D 245 DELAND AVE 3/29/2018 $599,000 $549,900 6/22/2018 $520,000
MAGGIE JOHNSONS PLAT 208 CHALET AVE 6/22/2018 $215,000 $215,000 6/22/2018 $215,000
GARDENIA OCEANFRONT 2195 HIGHWAY A1A 402 12/28/2017 $539,900 $529,900 6/25/2018 $520,000
FLORES DE LA PLAYA C 245 HIGHWAY A1A 404 3/27/2018 $549,000 $519,000 6/26/2018 $507,500
MONTECITO PHASE 2B 690 VENTURA DR 5/31/2018 $311,900 $311,900 6/22/2018 $312,000
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 5, 2018 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Hidden Cove, Address: 146 Hidden Cove Dr Subdivision: None, Address: 8280 S Highway A1A
Listing Date: 2/20/2018 Listing Date: 3/5/2018
Original Price: $462,500 Original Price: $549,000
Recent Price: $439,900 Recent Price: $495,000
Sold: 6/22/2018 Sold: 6/26/2018
Selling Price: $439,900 Selling Price: $485,000
Listing Agent: Danita Bell Listing Agent: David Settgast
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Aerospace Realty Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Maria Malinowska David Settgast
Coldwell Banker Paradise Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Subdivision: Ocean Ridge II of Br, Address: 303 Sanibel Way Subdivision: Gardenia Oceanfront, Address: 2195 Highway A1A 402
Listing Date: 1/25/2018 Listing Date: 12/28/2017
Original Price: $989,000 Original Price: $539,900
Recent Price: $939,000 Recent Price: $529,900
Sold: 6/27/2018 Sold: 6/25/2018
Selling Price: $915,000 Selling Price: $520,000
Listing Agent: John Curri & Starleigh Martinez Listing Agent: Gibbs Baum
& Gregory Zimmerman
Selling Agent: Curri Properties Selling Agent:
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Not Provided
Andy Waterman
Not Provided
Waterman Real Estate, Inc.