My Vero: Cycling groups should
drop push for sidewalk. P9
Services to expand at
Gifford Health Center. P10
Physician injured while jogging
settles suit against city contractor. P7
No decision likely For breaking news visit
on Vero electric
before New Year Red tide puts
big damper on
BY LISA ZAHNER outdoor dining
Staff Writer
Manned sub built by Triton Submarines will dive to deepest spot in world’s oceans. Page 8 BY RAY MCNULTY
The anticipated Oct. 1 clos- Staff Writer
ing date for the Vero electric
utility whizzed by, but in- The toxic red tide that has
stead of opening their first closed local beaches, killed
Florida Power & Light bills thousands of fish and caused
last week, Vero Beach, Indian throat irritation and respira-
River Shores and Indian River tory problems for some is-
County officials once again land residents and visitors
found themselves pleading has also left some beachside
for mercy from high rates be- businesses wheezing – espe-
fore an unelected five-mem- cially restaurants that offer
ber panel of utility regulators outdoor dining.
350 miles away in Tallahassee.
“I’d say my business is off
All the arguments on both about 80 percent every day,”
sides were tired ones at last Seaside Grill owner Dan Cu-
week’s meeting, like a bro- lumber said Monday from his
ken vinyl record, the needle open-air restaurant at Jaycee
Park. “It’s very slow and it’s
CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 hurting us, but the whole beach
area is going to be dead until
Steward moving fast the beaches reopen and people
to replace top execs feel it’s OK to be out here again.”
at Sebastian hospital
Staff Writer From Wabasso Beach Road, the proposed Orchid Publix may look like this
Steward Health is moving BY RAY MCNULTY tions limiting structure size, building company filed with the town last week
fast to replace top executives Staff Writer height, signage and hours the busi- the necessary applications, preliminary
at Sebastian River Medical nesses may operate. site plan and traffic study in hopes of
Center in the wake of several Having submitted its plans for a building a downsized, 31,000-square-
ousters and retirements. supermarket-anchored shopping area Publix has a contract to purchase a foot supermarket and five retail stores
on State Road 510 in Orchid, Publix is 7.21-acre parcel across the road from immediately west of Jungle Trail.
The chain, which took over asking the town to ease code restric- County Fire Rescue Station No. 11 from
the Sebastian hospital in May Vero Beach developer Ken Puttick. The CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
of last year, announced last
week it had hired Kyle Sand- According to plans furnished to Orchid by Kimley Horn, the rear of the proposed supermarket will face the street behind a 10-foot landscape buffer.
ers to replace Kelly Enriquez
as president. Steward Region-
al President Daniel Knell sub-
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Red Tide off a bit, and some people stayed out Vero Beach’s two resort hotels also added. “We didn’t have an excess of
there,” Olsen said. “But a lot of my em- saw a slight drop in business in the cancellations.”
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ployees were wearing masks.” wake of the red-tide headlines, which
prompted some would-be guests to Asked for a comment on how the red
Lee Olsen, general manager of Wal- Olsen said he has sent some of his cancel their reservations. tide was impacting business at Costa
do’s restaurant, offered a similar de- staff home each day because business d’Este Beach Resort & Spa, the hotel’s
scription of business at his oceanfront was so slow. Awet Sium, general manager of the sales and marketing director, Amanda
establishment since the red tide ar- Vero Beach Hotel & Spa, said some reser- Aucoin, replied with an emailed state-
rived in Vero Beach last week. Also feeling the effects of the red vations were cancelled but many guests ment:
tide was Mulligan’s Beach House Bar & decided to stay, including those who at-
Olsen said the red tide forced him to Grill at Sexton Plaza, where manager tended a wedding on the premises. “Costa d’Este is seeing business as
close down the restaurant’s deck area Justin Cornell said 70 percent of the usual this week, with the same expec-
and offer only indoor dining – some- seaside restaurant’s diners typically “It’s a tough time,” Sium said. “It’s tation for the weeks ahead, following
thing that noticeably impacted his choose to sit outdoors. very difficult for some guests to be some slowing last week due to red tide.
lunch receipts, which he said where out back, especially when the wind is Our guests are out and about, enjoying
down more than 75 percent on Friday. “We’re down significantly,” Cornell blowing the wrong way, but what I’ve the beautiful weather, our swimming
said. “There’s not a lot of business come to find out is that the effects vary pool and other resort amenities.”
“We attempted to open the deck coming off the beach. Since this thing with the person.
Thursday, when it seemed to back hit, there aren’t a lot of people coming She also wrote that the resort is stay-
over to the island.” “Still, we had a good weekend,” he ing in contact with city officials for in-
formation on when the beaches will
As for the Driftwood Resort, which
also offers timeshare rentals, the red
tide prompted some cancellations
and early departures.
“Usually, at 10 a.m. on the day of de-
parture, people are dragging their feet,
not wanting to leave,” Olsen said. “But
one day last week, I came in at 8 a.m.
and there were only four cars in the
parking lot.”
The Saturday morning crowd at
Vero Beach’s popular Farmers Mar-
ket Oceanside was noticeably smaller
than usual for this time of year.
“It was more like a summer market
than a seasonal market,” said Oceans-
ide Business Association Treasurer Al
Benkert, the group’s vice president for
events. “It was busy, but not crowded.
So the red tide is definitely having an
Despite the difficult times, the sea-
side business owners and managers
praised the city’s efforts to make a bad
situation more tolerable by quickly re-
moving dead fish from the beaches.
Vero Beach City Manager Jim
O’Connor said Monday he has received
no complaints of the red tide’s effects
on the mainland air quality.
The question the beachside busi-
ness owners are asking now: When is
this going to end? Several of them re-
ferred to news stories about another
batch of red tide moving through the
Florida Keys, wondering if it will come
up the east coast.
“The good news is that the season is
just starting,” Culumber said. “As bad
as it it’s been, it would be much worse
if this happened in January, February
and March.”
Orchid Publix
Town Manager Noah Powers said
Publix’s plans first will be reviewed by
the town’s outside planners – the Fort
Lauderdale-based Mellgren Planning
Group – who then will provide a writ-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 3
ten recommendation to Orchid’s Lo- the shopping center and Jungle Trail Indian River County Fire Rescue Station traffic signal and no right-turn lane for
cal Planning Agency. on the parcel’s east side. No. 11 on the south side of State Road westbound motorists. Again, eastbound
510, where a traffic signal would be in- motorists would enter the driveway
“We’ll send it to the professional The plan includes two driveways stalled. Eastbound motorists would from the State Road 510’s center lane.
planners and have them look at it in that would serve as entrances/ex- turn into the shopping center from
the context of our code, and then it its connecting State Road 510 to a the center lane. Westbound motorists A 50-foot buffer would separate the
goes to our LPA,” Powers said. “I’m sure 192-space parking lot, which would would have access to a right-turn lane. parking lot and property lines.
there will be some back and forth, even abut the Orchid Island Golf & Beach
before we get to any public hearing.” Club golf course. The second driveway would be lo- To accommodate the construction
cated on the east end of the parcel, just of the shopping center, Publix’s de-
Powers said the LPA is required by One driveway would be located at the west of Jungle Trail. There would be no veloper, the Orlando-based Windcrest
law to conduct a quasi-judicial public west end of the property, across from
hearing before offering its recommen- CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
dation to the Town Council, which
also must hold such a hearing. Exclusively John’s Island
“Then it’s up to the council,” Powers Located on a coveted tree-lined street where privacy is paramount,
said. sits this beautiful 3BR+Study lakefront home. Enjoy 234’ of expansive,
panoramic lake views throughout this 5,238± GSF residence with desirable
Powers didn’t venture a guess as southern exposure. Sited on a cul-de-sac on .85± acres, features include
to how long the process might take a voluminous living room with fireplace, island kitchen adjoining the
– council members haven’t yet re- family room with wet bar, bonus room/studio, private master suite with
turned from their summer homes – study/office, pool, outdoor living areas, new roof and a 2-car garage.
saying only that both Publix and the 60 Dove Plum Road : $2,400,000
town would like to reach a decision as
quickly as possible. three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
“Based on what we saw earlier,”
Powers said, “I suspect that we’ll see 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
some lively discussion during the pub-
lic-input part of the hearings.”
Homeowners from the town and
neighboring communities attended a
standing-room-only council meeting
on April 4, when Publix initially out-
lined its plans, which included attrac-
tive landscaping and an architectural
design consistent with the British
West Indies theme of the Orchid area.
Some residents say they’d welcome
the convenience of having a Publix on
the island’s northern tier. Currently the
nearest grocery stores are miles away
on the mainland – two Publix stores on
U.S. 1, one to the north at Barber Street
and another to the south at 53rd Street.
Others, especially residents of the
adjacent Old Orchid and Seasons com-
munities in the unincorporated county,
opposed having a shopping center so
close to their homes, expressing con-
cerns about lighting, noise, aesthetics,
security and increased traffic along
both State Road 510 and Jungle Trail.
Powers said there was no way to pre-
dict how Publix’s plan would be received
by town residents or council members,
because the paperwork was so recently
submitted. As of Friday, in fact, Powers
was still reviewing the site plan, which
was at least slightly modified from the
company’s initial proposal.
“From what I’ve seen so far,” Powers
said, “Publix seems to be paying atten-
tion to what people here have said.”
The site plan calls for two one-story,
north-facingbuildings – a31,047-square-
foot Publix and a 6,000-square-foot strip
mall that would contain five retail stores.
Separating the structures would be a
30-foot-wide patio for dining.
The typical Publix is about 45,000
square feet.
Walls would be built along the west-
ern and northern boundaries of the
property, as well as along the west
edge of a landscaped buffer between
4 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Orchid Publix code limits such buildings to one story
and not to exceed 20 feet in height.)
Publix also is proposing to install side-
Development Group, is seeking sev- walks along 510, a stormwater drainage
eral waivers to the town’s ordinances. system and all the necessary utilities.
The requested waivers include al- The Publix proposal is Puttick’s
lowing: third attempt to utilize the property,
located in the southeastern corner of
No tire stops in the parking lot. the town, since he purchased the par-
(The code requires such stops.) cel for $3.5 million in 2006.
A ground sign not to exceed 48 In 2011, the Town Council rejected
square feet and two wall signs not to his attempt to have the property re-
exceed a combined 275 square feet. zoned from commercial to residen-
(The code permits only one ground tial, killing his plans to build 40 two-
sign and one wall sign, neither to ex- story courtyard homes.
ceed 10 square feet.)
Two years ago, the council blocked
Wall signs with a maximum Puttick again, ruling that the town’s
height of 72-inch letters. (The code ordinances didn’t permit his pro-
limits such lettering to 10 inches.) posed adult-living facility in a zoned-
commercial district. Puttick took the
The stores to operate from 7 a.m. town to court and lost.
to 10 p.m. Monday through Saturday,
and from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday. Sebastian River hospital
(The code limits hours of operation CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
for such stores from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Monday through Saturday; Sunday sequently announced that Ralph Tay-
operation is not permitted.) lor will replace Anna Brooks as Chief
Nursing Officer, and will also serve as
A gross floor area of 31,047 square Chief Operating Officer.
feet for the supermarket. (The code
limits the floor area of such buildings Taylor was chief nursing officer at the
to 6,000 square feet.) recently shuttered Northside Hospital
in Youngstown, Ohio, a Steward Health
The construction of buildings with
a maximum height of 32 feet, 10 inches
for the supermarket and 29 feet, 8 inch-
es for the adjacent retail stores. (The
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 5
hospital acquired at the same time as place,” said Knell. “Steward has a high said, and marketing director Donna an accrediting board, were not an is-
Sebastian River. Sanders was president emphasis on quality and on safety.” Jones resigned. Jones’ assistant, An- sue in key personnel changes.
of St. Vincent’s Health Partners, a physi- drea Lundquist, is taking her place for
cian hospital network in Jacksonville. Knell confirmed that Matt McGill, now. Another nationally known safety
who served as senior director of oper- ranking agency, Leapfrog, has issued
“The first year is a big transforma- ations, was asked to step down, as was Knell said recent inspections by the a confidential preliminary letter grade
tion for us. I know we’ve got the team Enriquez, for reasons Knell declined state’s Agency for Health Care Admin- for Sebastian, and Steward executives
in place, and we’ll have quality in to specify. Brooks decided to retire, he istration and The Joint Commission,
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Sebastian River hospital left in the body after surgery: .320 Medical Center, Knell seemed stunned Vero electric
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 per thousand. The national average at the notion.
have seen it, though it won’t be made “We wouldn’t be putting $60 million
public until November. The previous The terminations of McGill and En- into a new patient tower we weren’t stuck in one spot for nearly a decade.
Leapfrog grade for Sebastian River riquez were not related to the inspec- going to keep hold of,” he said. The parties have grown visibly weary of
was an F. tions, Knell said. “Yes, I asked them to waging these battles.
leave,” he said. “It was something that “We’re investing substantial dollars
“There was nothing major on the was my decision. I have to look at the into the hospital and the community. Reinforcements have been brought
findings” in the inspections, Knell future of the facilities, and what you’re We’ve got a lot of growth strategies,” in, fresh blood on the Vero City Coun-
said. “Everything is embargoed, but going to do to bring on a bigger team.” Knell said. cil, or new legal minds, but the core
I fully expect to see a substantially cast of characters is the same as when
improved score. I think we’ll see im- That bigger team is going to have Knell also discounted any effect Florida Power & Light was first invited
provement across the board. We want to run a bigger hospital. Steward is on the Sebastian hospital from HCA’s to the negotiating table in 2009.
a five-star, A-rating, high quality in ev- resuming what CHS started: a three- plans to build a freestanding ER in
ery community.” story, $60 million wing with 48 private southern Indian River County, affili- Utility activist Glenn Heran and
patient rooms and seven “state of the ated with Lawnwood Regional Medi- state Sen. Debbie Mayfield testified
Earlier ratings were largely based on art” operating rooms. Currently the cal Center in Fort Pierce. about the rate disparity and how it
data from the previous hospital’s own- hospital has a mix of private and semi-
ers, CHS. But Knell opted to put a finer private rooms. Since May of this year, Knell has NEWS ANALYSIS
point on it. He blamed the F grade been the executive responsible for the
from Leapfrog on a “pre-merger cod- Even though it appears little is hap- eight hospitals Steward acquired from hurts the community as a whole. Rep.
ing issue.” pening in the construction zone be- Community Health Services in May Erin Grall addressed some of the po-
hind the hospital, Knell says a great 2017. By appearances, he has not had litical double-dealing that has played
Asked whether coding could have deal of work is going on underground, an easy time of it. In August, he had to a part in keeping this historic sale of a
affected Sebastian River’s dismal rate plumbing pipes and electrical cables close down one of those eight, North- municipal electric utility gummed up
on falls – the worst rate in the na- being buried, for example. Knell ex- side Medical Center in Youngstown, in the legal and regulatory morass.
tion – or bedsores, which were three pects the project to be completed by Ohio, citing declining patient volumes
times the national average, Knell said the start of 2020. “We’re definitely that predated Steward’s acquisition The battle cry remains the same, to
“there are things coded on admission. moving along very rapidly.” and that Steward failed to turn around. get Vero out of the electric utility busi-
If something comes in and we don’t ness for good, and to save the greater
document it, we own it.” Asked if Sebastian River might be Sebastian’s new chief nursing of- community a whopping $20 million per
headed for the same fate as the shut- ficer and COO, Taylor, was one of the year paid in extra electric costs com-
Sebastian River also showed an tered Northside hospital, or be sold, lucky ones at Northside, recruited pared to what consumers would pay
alarming rate of dangerous objects with major competition from Cleve- from that hospital for Sebastian River,
land Clinic taking over Indian River Knell said, when Brooks gave news of
her unexpected retirement.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 7
FPL for the same power. At the same truthfully, “Virtually every one. It’s ommendation, which is due Nov. 15. Indian River County, saying that Vero
time, the opposition still says the city been the No. 1 topic.” Based upon the totality of the evi- ratepayers paid an additional $8 mil-
rushed into the deal, despite the fact lion on their electric bills over FPL
that FPL’s first letter of intent arrived on Everything would have to proceed dence in the case, plus the staff’s take rates between the June and October
the steps of city hall in April 2011. perfectly – flawlessly might be a better on matters, the PSC is scheduled to hearings.
word – for Vero Beach to close on the vote on the matter at its special com-
In an attempt to bring to light this al- sale of its electric utility by Dec. 31, as mission conference on Nov. 27. After the vote – on Nov. 27 or Dec. 3 –
legedly shady, backroom deal, attorney outlined in the formal sale contract. a formal, final agency action will even-
Lynne Larkin – who had long-since been Up to now nothing has been remotely Last time around, the PSC staff rec- tually be published. Should Larkin not
voted off the Vero Beach City Council flawless about this process, so the Vero ommendation took an extra week like the decision, she’ll have to muster
when Jim O’Connor became city man- Beach City Council has given itself or so and if there is a delay, the PSC the resources to appeal to the Florida
ager in July 2011 – asked him how many three more months to make the $185 has another commission conference Supreme Court.
times since he took the position the elec- million deal happen. scheduled for Dec. 3 to clear its slate
tric sale had been discussed during pub- before the Christmas holidays. If that happens, Vero’s nearly 34,000
lic meetings. The next step is the filing of briefs by ratepayers could be looking at even
attorneys; those are due noon Oct. 29. PSC Commissioner Julie Brown more delays, and high winter heating
A beleaguered O’Connor answered Then the PSC staff has to issue its rec- pointed out the dear price of the ap- bills once again in early 2019.
peal by Larkin’s Civic Association of
Island physician settles injury dispute with drilling company
BY FEDERICO MARTINEZ Prominent podiatrist Keith J. Kalish, workspace near the 900 block of A1A. Coastal denied the allegations and
Staff Writer 57, and Coastal Drilling and Backhoe, During his pre-trial statement, Ka- maintained that it was Kalish’s own neg-
Inc. of Jensen Beach, reached an agree- ligence that caused the accident, claim-
An underground utility firm con- ment on Sept. 25, according to Indian lish said that he sustained serious ing that he was running in the dark and
tracted by the City of Vero Beach for River County court records. The case and permanent injury to his right not watching where he was going.
work along A1A has reached an out- was scheduled for trial Oct. 16. No de- leg during the fall which occurred on
of-court settlement with one of two tails of the settlement were disclosed. Sept. 14, 2016. A second lawsuit filed on Nov. 29,
island residents who filed separate 2017 by William Borrow, 81, against
lawsuits claiming they were injured Kalish filed the suit after alleged- He contended that Coastal Drilling the utility company is still pending.
due to the company’s negligence. ly tripping over a coiled steel cable negligently maintained the worksite He was injured when he ran into a pipe
while jogging past Coastal Drilling’s by placing the coiled cable partially on his bike near Bahia Mar Road.
in the sidewalk.
8 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Manned sub to dive to deepest spot in world’s oceans
BY SUE COCKING the world’s oceans – in addition to four Discovery Channel crew for a series to And Vescovo wanted to pilot the sub
Staff Writer other explorations to the bottoms of air in 2019/2020. himself.
the Arctic, Atlantic, Southern and In-
Sebastian-based Triton Submarines dian oceans. A dive to the World War II "It will do important work and have Lahey and his 30-person interna-
next month will launch the world's wreck of the U.S.S. Indianapolis in the access to large swaths of the deep tional team designed and built the
first manned expedition to the deep- Philippine Sea also is planned. oceans we don't know anything about," vessel out of 3 1/2-inch thick titanium
est point in each of the world's five said Triton president Patrick Lahey. "It's alloy to withstand near-freezing sub-
oceans. Along the way, the sub and its 224- the greatest project I've ever had the surface temperatures and external
foot support ship staffed by engi- privilege of being a part of in my life. pressures of more than 16,000 pounds
Over the next year, the company's neers and scientists will map the deep It's the realization of a lifelong dream to per square inch. Weighing a little over
brand-new two-person sub will dive oceans and collect and analyze geo- build something like this." 11 tons, the sub is about 15 feet long, 9
to nearly 36,000 feet in the Pacific's logical and marine life samples from feet wide and 12 feet in height. It runs
Mariana Trench – the deepest spot in the sea floor – all documented by a Lahey, who founded Triton 14 years on powerful batteries.
ago in Vero Beach and recently relo-
cated the company to a larger ware- At an average speed of three knots, it
house in Sebastian, was approached is expected to reach the ocean floor in
by Dallas financier and mountain a couple of hours and stay down for as
climber Victor Vescovo some 3 1/2 long as 12 hours. It is equipped with a
years ago with the idea of the project bank of 10 LED lights, four broadcast-
now dubbed "Five Deeps." quality video cameras, three wide view-
ports, a collection arm for sampling –
"In 2015, I was very surprised to dis- and even comfortable leather seating.
cover that no one had ever been to the
bottom of four of the world's oceans," The Five Deep support vessel is a
Vescovo, 52, wrote in an email to Vero refitted former National Oceanic and
Beach 32963. "I've always loved a Atmospheric Administration science
great physical and technical chal- ship.
lenge and, like those currently at-
tempting to push space technology Five Deep's inaugural mission is
to the limit, I thought it would be a slated for next month to the Puerto
great goal to push the absolute limits Rican Trench, where it will go down
of marine technology." more than five miles, descending to a
depth of more than 28,000 feet.
Indian River
District Seat 2
Paid political advertisment approved by
Tom Lowther, non partisan for IRC Mosquito Control Seat 2
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 9
MY Cycling groups should drop their push for new A1A sidewalk
BY RAY MCNULTY fered by state, county and Indian River would torpedo the cyclists’ attempts to traffic in both directions, which is saf-
Staff Writer Shores officials, as well as the local reduce the speed limit and sink their er because a driver turning from a side
Metropolitan Planning Organization. hopes for the upgraded bike lanes. street onto the highway will be looking
Local cycling enthusiasts warmly em- north and might not see a cyclist com-
brace the Florida Department of Trans- Recent FDOT policy changes actu- Worse, even though FDOT now plans ing from the south.
portation’s willingness to consider install- ally prohibit bike lanes on roads where to expand the road’s shoulder as part of
ing wider, buffered bike lanes as part of its the speed limit is 50 mph or higher, the resurfacing project, it could opt to What the cycling groups tend to ig-
planned resurfacing of a 6.74-mile stretch and the resurfacing project includes remove the existing bike lane along the nore, however, is the fact that there’s
of State Road A1A, north of Vero Beach. a 2.3-mile section of A1A where the stretch where the speed limit is 50 mph. no real demand in Indian River Shores
speed limit is 50 mph. for an east-side sidewalk. Generally
And they should – because the new- Let there be no doubt: The 7-foot- speaking, nobody there has asked for
and-improved bike lanes are an added Therefore, to get the better bike lanes wide, buffered bike lanes are needed one. Nobody there wants one.
safety measure everybody seems to they want, the local cycling groups along State Road A1A.
want, even people who haven’t ridden need to convince FDOT to reduce the There’s already a sidewalk along
a bicycle since grade school. speed limit in those areas – and that The cycling groups, which do a fine the west side of A1A, and it’s never
won’t be easy. job of promoting their activity and crowded, even during our busy win-
At the same time, however, these cy- advocating for safety, are on the right ter season. So town residents see no
cling enthusiasts are giving the cold The cyclists will need help. They’ll side of the bike-lane argument. And, need to waste millions of tax dollars
shoulder to FDOT’s willingness to re- need allies. They’ll need the support to be fair, they’re not entirely wrong on to build another one on the east side,
consider its decision to add an east-side of Indian River Shores residents who the sidewalk issue. where driveways would be disturbed
sidewalk as part of the same project. don’t want the sidewalk. and long-established landscape in the
Groups like Bike-Walk Indian River state-owned right-of-way would have
And they shouldn’t – because the So why push it? Why oppose and an- County and the Vero Cycling Club cor- to be ripped out.
sidewalk is an unnecessary intrusion ger the very people you need to back rectly contend that it’s silly to reject the
nobody else wants, especially the folks your play for the bike lanes? Why not state’s offer to make such improvements Shouldn’t the will of the people who
who live in Indian River Shores. compromise? at no cost to the local community. live there matter more than the prefer-
ence of the cyclists riding by?
But there’s also a more compelling Surely, there’s a better chance of They also argue that an east-side
reason for the cyclists to backpedal on convincing FDOT to reduce the speed sidewalk would minimize the need for That debate is likely to play out dur-
the sidewalk: It’s bad politics. limit and build the safer bike lanes pedestrians to cross A1A to use the ex- ing FDOT’s two-hour public work-
if everyone, including Indian River isting sidewalk on the other side of the shops, scheduled for 10 a.m. and 4:30
Fact is, getting the 7-foot-wide, buff- Shores residents, is on the same team. highway and allow sidewalk cyclists p.m. Nov. 1 at the Holiday Inn Ocean-
ered bike lanes isn’t a gimme, despite – those who don’t feel comfortable in front in Vero Beach.
the endorsements unanimously of- Conversely, any significant opposition bike lanes – to ride with the flow of
from the townspeople almost certainly
10 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Hospital District set to expand services at Gifford Health Center
BY MICHELLE GENZ at the Oct. 9 meeting. “Somebody take effort that could bring multiple agen- less formal Request for Information,
Staff Writer a picture.” cies into the Gifford center to provide hoping to generate a collaborative effort
a wide range of healthcare services that could include multiple agencies
For Gifford community advocates Nobody did. But the images evoked now missing from the community. providing services within their specialty,
Freddie Woolfork and Tony Brown, the in that meeting – from feral cats to including the Health Department.
Hospital District staff and trustees lin- infant mortality to the story of a man Last week a move to issue a Request
ing the conference room at the Gifford who became a father at age 12 – likely for Proposal, or RFP, that was per- The ambitious goal of the trustees
Health Center offered hope that the stuck with Hospital District trustees ceived by Gifford leaders as threaten- is to have those expanded services in
clinic was destined to recover from a Allen Jones, Ann Marie McCrystal and ing to the longtime tenant at the clin- place by Jan. 1.
years-long drought of services – and Marybeth Cunningham. ic, the County Health Department,
patients. was shelved. The Health Department currently
Those discussions are sure to be provides pediatric services at the clinic
“This is history!” exclaimed Woolfork shared with fellow members of the In its place, the Hospital District along with the We Care program of vol-
board in an upcoming collaborative Board unanimously agreed to issue a unteer physicians. It is a far cry from
the initial array of healthcare provided
when the clinic opened in 2003. Even so,
according to Woolfork and Brown, the
Gifford community has formed deep
bonds with its Health Department care-
givers and canvassers over the years.
The two Gifford leaders feared that
as a government-funded agency, the
Health Department would not have
the flexibility and financial clout of
private nonprofits like Treasure Coast
Community Health or Whole Family
Health Center, both of whom were ex-
pected to participate in an RFP.
Woolfork and Brown both firmly be-
lieve that the County Health Depart-
ment has done well at a difficult task
as the main provider of health servic-
es in Gifford. Since the mid-1990s, its
practitioners have managed to earn
the trust of the largely low-income
community of 5,000, even as programs
were slashed or relocated. That trust,
Woolfork and Brown argued, would
be next to impossible to replicate any-
time soon, no matter how competent
the replacement might be.
“We have a long history of service in
the Gifford community and have forged
strong partnerships to improve health
there,” said Miranda Hawker, adminis-
trator of the Health Department.
“It’s not just about a simple clinical
visit. Public health is so much more,”
she said.
Hawker pointed to the department’s
PACE program that studies health and
the environment. Led by Julianne
Price, the program has located and
replaced leaking septic tanks and con-
taminated wells. It has put street lights
in remote areas to reassure elderly
residents living in fear of crime. It has
promoted the creations of parks, play-
grounds and exercise paths in poor
neighborhoods. And it has worked to
raze or rehabilitate abandoned hous-
es used by addicts or sex workers.
At the most recent meeting of the
Gifford Health Council, Hawker passed
around a post card warning against put-
ting food out for the hundreds of stray
cats that roam through Gifford, gener-
ating a risk of rabies and – of particular
consequence to unborn children – toxo-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 11
plasmosis, which is spread to pregnant of health to the community.” Over the years, though, the Health De- other services, all from agencies fund-
women through cat feces in the soil. The Gifford Health Center opened partment had its funding cut by the state ed through the Hospital District. There
a number of times and, in 2014, it moved is pre-natal care provided by the Part-
“You have to look at where people with much fanfare in 2003, becoming adult healthcare services out of Gifford ners in Women’s Health program; there
live, work and play to improve health the first and still the only health cen- to its main building three miles away, is Healthy Start, a maternal counseling
and work,” Hawker said. “That is the ter in Gifford. The county had given leaving only pediatric care at Gifford. group, which recently moved seven
essential work we do through PACE. the land for the building, there was staffers into the clinic’s offices, includ-
All of the other clinical services $400,000 in donations, and the Hospi- Beyond the Health Department, Gif-
round out a comprehensive service tal District put up the rest of the money. ford Health Center does currently offer CONTINUED ON PAGE 12
12 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Gifford Health Center would include primary and urgent care In the next two weeks, Jones wants FOUR NAMED TO NEW
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 for adults and for children; extended to gather a broad swath of healthcare SCHOOL PANEL TO
hours to make it easier for working peo- providers, as well as the Gifford Health RESOLVE ISSUES OF
ing a nurse practitioner; and there is a ple to come; mental health counseling; Council, in one meeting. Among them: RACIAL INEQUALITY
therapist from the Mental Health As- an on-site lab; and maternal counseling. the County Health Department, the
sociation on premises one day a week. VNA, telehealth providers and Healthy BY KATHLEEN SLOAN
Jones made clear the District didn’t Start. He also expects representatives
In addition, a grant two years ago want to begin a program and have it fail. from the county’s two other low-cost Staff Writer
from the Impact 100 group funded a clinics, Treasure Coast Community
wing now staffed by a full-time doctor Instead, services needed to be stud- Health and Whole Family Health. Four members have been ap-
with We Care, a group of 120 volunteer ied to make sure there would be ade- pointed to the newly created Equi-
doctors who provide care for free. Like quate patient volumes to sustain them. Following that meeting, the District ty Committee, which was formed
the other groups, We Care gets funds will ask for formal suggestions. Those in accordance with a federal court
from the Hospital District. Said Jones, “I think it’s really vital that will lead to a final proposal for the order to monitor and resolve re-
when you go out into the community Trustees to vote on. maining areas of racial inequality
At the Oct. 9 meeting in Gifford, Trust- and say, ‘This is going to be there,’ that in the Indian River County School
ee Jones listed his priorities for a new, it’s going to be there, not just for a few “Hopefully we’ll develop a collabor- District, including the ongoing ac-
revitalized Gifford Health Center. Those weeks or a few months, but it’s there. If ative effort involving many healthcare ademic achievement gap between
you have to go back and change to, ‘It’s providers,” Jones said. black and white students.
going to be,’ oh, here we go again.”
The School Board and the NAACP
each chose two members. A fifth
person who is neither a school dis-
trict employee nor NAACP member
will be chosen by the four members
to be chairman of the committee.
The NAACP is the plaintiff in the
federal court case that led to the
desegregation order the school
district has been laboring under
for 51 years.
The School Board decided a dis-
trict-level employee and a school-
level employee would provide need-
ed perspectives to the committee.
They chose Director of Assess-
ment and Accountability Chris
Taylor as the district-level appoin-
tee. Vero Beach Elementary Assis-
tant Principal Rachel Moree was
the School Board’s school-level ap-
The NAACP chose Dr. Jacqueline
Warrior as a committee member.
She has served as the organization’s
education director and school-
district liaison for four years. Willie
Finklin, the NAACP’s second ap-
pointee, is CEO of PM3 Solutions, a
nonprofit organization that raises
money for at-risk students.
The NAACP was named as
plaintiff to represent black families
in the school district by deceased
Miami Federal Judge Clyde Atkins
in 1994, when the desegregation
order was last amended.
Miami Federal Judge Kathleen
Williams was assigned the case
July 2017. Williams ordered the
parties into mediation that result-
ed in an agreement signed by both
parties and approved Sept. 13.
The Equity Committee has no
independent power and can only
make recommendations to the
School Board, with the goal of
eliminating the need for contin-
ued court oversight within three
P. 28
Vanessa Bartoszewicz with Foolish,
Celeste and Rocky
14 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Great Duck Derby’ all it was quacked up to be!
Sandy Shikaly with Cindy and Jim Jordan. Lela Mitchell, Lori Sepulveda and Judi Miller. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
Colette Heid, Trisha Cartwright and Theda Holland.
Paula Galland, Patricia Tovar, Becky Garcia and Patty Ambriz.
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF more that we could do for them but for shore, where a massive yellow duck currently operates out of six locations:
Staff Writer the financial aspects on both sides.” stood as a beacon for the birds of a two in Fellsmere, one in Sebastian
feather to be drawn together. Among and in Vero Beach, two medical and
A paddling of bright yellow ducks Derby devotees arrived early to ma ke the fancy fowl with themed sponsor one dental facility.
was spotted at the Captain Hiram’s the most of the day – frolicking in the designs were a cowgirl, pirate, diva
Sand Bar last Sunday afternoon, the river, snatching up 50/50 raffle tickets, and caped crusader. Soulé said TCCH will open a new
flock of rubber duckies having flown in and enjoying Sand Bar hospitality and center at the 777 Building on 37th
for the sixth annual Great Duck Derby, the music of the SeaWind Duo. They As the crowd anxiously stood by, Street before the end of the year that
which supports patient services at could also ruffle feathers with a huge the little yellow ducks were released will offer medical and behavioral
Treasure Coast Community Health. collection of duck bling, including from the deck of a Sea Tow boat into health services, noting that the new
duck T-shirts, necklaces, sunglasses, the Indian River Lagoon. A crew of facility will help ease their wait list.
The mission of TCCH is to provide towels, quackers and hats adorned young volunteers, aided by an easterly
accessible, cost-effective, high- with duck bills and tail feathers. wind, happily provided the stragglers “We hired other providers, but we
quality, comprehensive care to with a swish and a nudge. didn’t have any place to put them.
individuals regardless of their socio- In the days leading up to the event, So we’re responding to the need of
economic circumstances through supporters had paid $5 to “adopt” In addition to patients with the community. We are not being
its medical, dental and behavioral the 4,150 ducks in hopes that their insurance, TCCH, the only Federally supported in any other way for the
healthcare programs. lucky ducky would emerge victorious, Qualified Health Center in the new opening. But it’s the right way
earning them the cash prize of $1,000. county, provides services to low- to take care of patients,” said Soulé.
“We anticipate that we’ll end up The annual duck migration is typically income families, homeless, under- “Today is about the community. It’s
serving around 22,000 unduplicated held in the spring but was moved to and uninsured, immigrants, migrants more of a fun-raiser than a fund-
individuals this year,” said CEO Vicki the fall this year to take advantage and seasonal farm workers, with raiser. We’ve met a lot of new people
Soulé, adding that they have already of warmer water temperatures, said payments on a sliding scale based on that are moving into the area, and so
served 1,500 more people than at this Soulé. an ability to pay. it’s an exposure to them that there is
point last year. “Some of them have help available in our community.”
insurance, some of them don’t. All of The course was framed with During its 25-year history, the
them need care. Honestly, there’s a lot floating bumpers to help funnel the nonprofit has continued to expand For more information, visit tcchinc.
raft of racing waterfowl toward the to meet the needs of residents. It org.
16 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 Deirdre McDonagh with Quackers.
Madison Capito, Summer Parmelee, Chesley Parmelee and Trey Capito.
Cindi Green and Roger Shepard. Vicki Soulé and Dennis Bartholomew. Kathy Johnson and Stacy Randall.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 17
Baking the most of it at ‘Charity Cupcake Challenge’
Staff Writer Jazmyn Morris, Baker 11-14,
The Heritage Center was overflowing PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 Pumpkin Spice Jr.
in ‘sugar and spice and everything
nice’ at the 2018 Jeane Graves Charity Janie Graves Hoover, Jeane Graves Bartlett and Julia Graves. PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL JUDGES CHOICES
Cupcake Challenge to benefit the JR. BAKERS 8-10:
Michael J. Fox Foundation and its attendees who decided the Voters Choice Award. Best Decoration: Jacquelin Anding,
efforts to find a cure for Parkinson’s “The cupcakes were fabulous, and quite a range,” said Glatz, adding S’Mores Campcakes
disease. Best Taste: Audrey Gold,
that many of the bakers were already talking about what they were Reese’s Honey Bears
Three categories of culinarians – going to do next year. “There isn’t a cupcake in this room I wouldn’t go Best Overall: Isabella Barsano and Grace
Junior Bakers ages 10 and under, Junior back and eat another one of. It’s exciting.” Graley, Magical Quest Cupcakes
Bakers ages 11 to 14, and Home Bakers
– each brought dozens of creatively “Every single one of them was delicious in its own way,” said Nanney JR. BAKERS 11-14
decorated cupcakes, hoping to entice in agreement. “There was not one bad cupcake there.” Best Decoration: Faith Rose Mueller,
winning votes from judges and
attendees for their deliciously sweet For more information on Team Fox, visit Cherry Frosted Cupcakes
concoctions. Best Taste: Anastasia Ciechonowski,
Sisters Julia Graves, Jeane Graves Dole Whip Pineapple Cupcakes
Bartlett and Janie Graves Hoover Best Overall: Isabelle Ann Burgener,
created the fundraiser nine years Autumn Dream Pumpkin Spice with
ago in memory of their mother Jeane
Graves, who loved cooking and who Salted Caramel Buttercream
passed away due to complications
from Parkinson’s, as did their father HOME BAKERS:
Hubert Graves a few years later. Best Decoration: Ivy Muthart,
Cupcakes ran the full gamut, from Garden Cupcake
deliciously traditional to ooey-gooey Best Taste: Natalie Bohanan,
chocolaty goodness and over-the-top Harry Potter Butterbeer Cupcake
creative. With a nod to autumn, there Best Overall: Sheri Anderson and Jessica
were several scrumptious pumpkin Schmidt, Hero Hot Fudge Sundae
spice variations, and even a S’Mores
Campcake – no campfire required.
For those with a sophisticated palate,
Asasia Benjamin offered up Coconut
Champagne Cupcakes with an Italian
meringue, champagne buttercream
frosting. Breakfast became desert with
the bacon-topped Breakfast Pancake
Cupcakes made by Kristen Perez. And
Harry Potter fans enjoyed Natalie
Bohanon’s Butterbeer cupcakes. “It’s
like butterscotch,” she explained.
“The Harry Potter one is excellent,”
said Susan Chenault Hahn, adding
with a smile, “they have a lot of icing,
which is how I judge most things in
Among the more unusual was Ivy
Muthart’s Garden Cupcake, made from
ube essence, a purple yam popular
in the Philippines, topped with a
buttercream frosting. “The purple yam
is not sweet, so when you combine it
with buttercream the flavors balance,”
Muthart explained.
Faith Mueller showed off her
creativity with an East meets West
presentation, offering up Cherry
Filled and Frosted Cupcakes alongside
colorful ‘sushi rolls’ made from Rice
Krispies, Fruit Rollups and other
yummy candies.
The judges, Chef Michael Glatz,
Leasa Nanney and Mellisa Toperzer,
had their work cut out for them, as did
18 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 Grace Graley and Isabella Barsano: Magical Quest Cupcakes. Patti Burgener and Isabel Burgener: Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes.
Judges Leasa Nanney, Chef Michael Glatz and Mellisa Toperzer.
Christina Wilson and Jazmyn Morris: Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes. Lynn Mueller-Nissen and Faith Mueller: Cherry Frosted Cupcakes. Jessica Schmitt and Sheri Anderson: Hero Hot Fudge Cupcakes.
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 19
Audrey Gold and Julie Gold: Reese’s Bears Cupcakes. Michael Ferguson and Jennifer Ferguson with Jessika Fabiano, Samantha Baudo and Thomas Baudo:
Lillian Ferguson and Natalie Bohanon: Butterbeer Cupcakes. Sam’s Pumpkin Patch Cupcakes.
Jacqueline Anding and Dayna Anding: S’mores Cupcakes. Cindy Goetz, Katie Toperzer and Liz Mayo. Kenya Moise, Asasia Benjamin, Nyiieli Benjamin and
Kourtnie Faulkner: Coconut Champagne Cupcakes.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Arc’ angels: Richmonds honored at Replogle Dinner
Staff Writer
Michael and Janine Richmond, Joey Replogle, Eliza McKendree, Coleman Replogle, Mary and Charley Replogle. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Michael and Janine Richmond.
owners of White Electric, were hon-
ored as the 2018 recipients of the have contributed in-kind donations he goes bowling – he’s very busy and palsy, autism and other developmen-
Replogle Family Award last Thurs- to numerous Arc building projects. he’s very, very happy.” tal and/or traumatic brain disabili-
day evening at the fourth annual Re- ties. Services include adult education
plogle Family Award Dinner Dance A highlight of the evening was an Heather Dales said The Arc pro- and recreation, youth outreach, be-
to benefit The Arc of Indian River exuberant performance by The Arc vides services to a very wide age havior analysis services and behavior
County. Chorus, singing and signing songs range, currently ages 15 to 82. Al- assistant services, residential group
from 1975, the year the nonprofit though primarily for adults, they do homes, supported living services, in-
The presentation took place at the was founded. have programs for transitioning stu- home support and personal care as-
Grand Harbor Golf Club, where sup- dents. sistance, transportation, supported
porters of the nonprofit also enjoyed Janice Paider said she was very ap- employment and respite care.
cocktails and hors d’oeuvres before preciative of the support The Arc has Dales, who was appointed as CEO
sitting down to a delicious dinner provided to her son, John Blank, who of The Arc in September, started her Funding support is critical. In-
and entertainment by vocalists Tony will soon turn 40 years old. affiliation with the organization in formation they provided noted that
and Holly. January 2000 as a member of the di- Florida ranks 50 out of 51 (inclusive
“He’s been there on and off; now rect care staff. She credits her longev- of Washington, D.C.) in terms of re-
On behalf of her fellow board he’s been there about six years,” said ity to the “very honest and heartfelt” imbursement rates. Even worse, the
members, Mary Beth Vallar pre- Paider. “I was very sick and could people they serve. Florida legislature has set current
sented the award, noting that it not take care of him. They did. They rates at 11 percent less than those of
was named after the organization’s kind of saved my life. He’s now a per- “They like you for you,” said Dales. 2003, for the same services.
founder, Mary Ellen Replogle, and manent resident in the brand-new “And they really appreciate all the
her family for their continued contri- home. He works in maintenance at little things.” For more information, visit arcir.
butions to people in the community The Arc, he has a companion and a org.
with special needs. For more than life coach, he’s in Special Olympics, Their clients are individuals im-
three decades the Replogle family pacted by Down’s syndrome, cerebral
has hosted Ocean Grill Night on the
second Tuesday of May, donating
net profits for the evening to provide
much-needed funding to The Arc.
“This award enables us to honor
outstanding individuals for their
longtime service to The Arc. These
people give unreservedly of their
talent, treasure and time to the
cause,” said Vallar. She noted that
the Richmonds have served The Arc
in various capacities for more than
20 years and, through their business,
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 21
Penny Odiorne and Mary Ellen Replogle. Steve and Rose Sadlek, Linda and Wayne Phillips, Mary Beth and Bill Vallar.
Heather Dales and Noreen Davis with members of The Arc Chorus. Leslie and Fredi Ash with Susan and Ed Smith.
Tom Hope and Chris Walker. Louisa and Ben Ussery. Beth and Tim Wright. Cathy and Willie LaCroix.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Clay Shooters target funds for child abuse prevention
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF child abuse prevention.
Staff Writer “The years that we don’t do air
The Exchange Club of the Trea- shows we do other things,” explained
sure Coast took aim at child abuse Kathy Kragh, fundraising co-chair
last Saturday morning during an with Jon Moses and Sam LaFevers.
inaugural Sporting Clay Shoot at “This is going to be our first time, so
the Indian River County Shooting it’s going to be fun and interesting.”
Range to help raise funds for lo-
cal nonprofit programs focused on The group contributes hundreds
of volunteer hours to the Vero Beach
Air Show, featuring the Blue Angels,
David Tillis, Will Scott, Andy Harvill and Lane Summerfield. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
where proceeds also benefit the Time with senior citizens at assisted
Exchange Clubs of Indian River and living facilities, and they help with
Vero Beach, as well as the Veterans hurricane relief efforts.
Council of IRC. In addition to hosting
golf tournaments to raise money and “I believe in the cause. I like the
awareness of child abuse prevention, idea of raising money and giving it to
they participate in local service people that need it most. We do a lot
projects such as beach cleanups, Tea for the community,” said Kragh.
On Saturday, shotgunners showed
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 23
Joe Walsh, James Faulk and Sam LaFevers. Mason Wonka, Robert Powell and Bradley Wonka.
off their tracking, sight picture, hand- participants gathered for lunch and
eye coordination and trigger control awards, many hoping to be the lucky
skills by taking shots at flying targets winner of the Cooler of Cheer and
during the sporting clay shoot – a 50/50 drawing.
competition that is often referred to
as golf with a shotgun. Active for nearly 30 years, the
Exchange Club of the Treasure Coast
Wielding said shotguns, individuals promotes Americanism, community
moved through 15 shooting stations service, youth programs and the
and fired 100 rounds at sporting clays prevention of child abuse through
on the 318-acre shooting range. The the promotion of the nonprofit’s
targets flew in a variety of trajectories, core values: family, community and
angles, speeds, elevations and country. They meet at noon for lunch
distances to mimic the unpredictable at C. J. Cannon’s Restaurant on the first
nature of winged birds during a live and third Thursdays of the month.
For more information, visit
After taking their best shots,
24 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘United’ they stand to applaud Community Leaders
BY MARY SCHENKEL John’s Island resident Fritz
Staff Writer Blaicher was honored with the
organization’s most prestigious
Leaders in business, government presentation, the Ralph T. King
and nonprofit agencies gathered at the Award, for his extraordinary service
Oak Harbor Club last Tuesday morning and commitment to the United Way
to recognize a continued legacy of for more than 25 years. Blaicher has
volunteerism and philanthropy at the served on the board and has taken
annual United Way of Indian River leadership roles in the John’s Island
County Community Leaders Breakfast. Neighborhood Campaign, the Alexis
Randy and Marge Riley with Mary and Kip Jacoby. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
de Tocqueville Society and the United have such great representatives in the
Way Foundation Board. community representing our business
Prior to that presentation, Pam
Rauche, vice president of External “We’re changing lives in Indian
Affairs and Economic Development River County through our Community
at Florida Power & Light, which Impact work,” said Michael Kint,
sponsored the event, told the crowd UWIRC CEO. “Our three specific focus
“it really always takes partnership areas continue to be in education,
and working together to make things financial stability and in health.
happen, and we are so grateful to And they are intrinsically linked to
Every 11 seconds, an older
adult is in the emergency room
due to a fall, and every 19
seconds, a fall results in death.
Carol DeFazio, MSOTR, a certified
occupational therapist for 21 years,
specializes in balance, strength,
and fall prevention. Carol is also a
certified provider of the LSVT BIG for
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Services are covered under
Medicare Part B and are
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For more information, or to schedule an informational
seminar in your community please contact me at:
Carol DeFazio, MSOTR Phone (772) 208-8662
Occupational Therapist Fax (772) 365-0217
Senior Wellness &
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email: [email protected]
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 25
our ability to grow and prosper as a PEOPLE
Fritz and Gay Blaicher. Jeff Smith and Brett Hall. Pam Rauch and Beth Mitchell.
He noted that when any part of the
community is struggling in any of Call Today and Get
those areas, it affects the prosperity of Your Birthday Month
us all. “And that’s what Living United
is all about,” said Kint. “A community FREE FOREVER!*
of connected individuals united in
working together for the benefit of all is Vero Beach
what’s at the heart of what United Way
represents.” 4150 Indian River Blvd.
Vero Beach, FL 32967
This year’s guest speaker was Tony
Carvajal, executive vice president of (772) 742-2466
the Florida Chamber Foundation,
who spoke about committing to 910 Regency Square
future generations by focusing on the Vero Beach, FL 32967
long term. He particularly stressed
the importance of early learning (772) 742-2475
opportunities to secure the success of
subsequent generations. *Expires 10/31/18. New residents only. Some restrictions may apply.
As a reference point, he noted that ALF# 11030 Like us on
roughly 3,000 days elapsed from the
time President Kennedy declared his
intent to put a man on the moon and
its successful completion.
“Three thousand days is about eight
years,” said Carvajal, equating that to
the time it takes for a child to get into
third grade or for a fourth-grader to
graduate from high school.
“The roots of success, or failure for
that matter, start with success in the
first 3,000 days of a child’s life; eight
years, third grade,” said Carvajal,
stressing that critical time in their
education and development can
ultimately lead to that child’s own
economic prosperity and that of the
Kint presented a special award
on behalf of Tallahassee-based
Ted Granger, United Way of Florida
CEO – unable to attend due to
Hurricane Michael – to Rep. Erin
Grall in recognition of her efforts
as a “champion for children in the
state,” particularly in the area of early
childhood development.
Jeff Smith, UWIRC board chair, and
Jeff Schlitt, chair-elect, alternated in
the presentation of the Richardson
Spirit of IRC Awards to businesses
with 25 or fewer employees, 26 to 100
employees, and 100+ employees. This
year’s winners were National Bank of
Commerce, IRC Clerk of the Court and
Publix, respectively.
They also presented the Agency
Excellence Award and a check for
$2,500 to the Economic Opportunities
Council of IRC for its efforts to
transition at-risk families from
poverty to self-sufficiency. A second
Agency Excellence Award and a
$1,000 honorarium were presented
to the Treasure Coast Homeless
Services Council for its coordinated
efforts during the hurricanes and its
continual work with the area’s most at-
risk population.
For more information, visit
26 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Reel’ joy at Cole Coppola fishing pier ribbon-cutting
BY MARY SCHENKEL Dr. Robert Brugnoli and Dr. Nicholas Coppola. Nicholas Coppola. “This is the way numerous people involved, some of
Staff Writer Cole would have wanted it. Believe whom also spoke about the project.
Like Cole boat; that’s all he wanted for me.”
Members of the Coppola family his 16th birthday. So we bought him a “This is honestly one of the best ways
continue to turn personal tragedy into boat and he never got to utilize it.” The turnout was replete with to commemorate my brother and I am
a pledge to “Take Action and Spread youthful exuberance, including many so thankful to the city and to all of
Kindness.” On Saturday morning Because it’s not used, she said of Cole’s schoolmates and friends, you guys to help make this a reality,”
hundreds of friends came out to they had problems with the battery members of the Vero Beach High said Melanie Coppola, closing out the
celebrate the grand opening of the and it broke down in the middle of School Pep Band, and the Storm Grove ceremony. “He would completely love
Cole Coppola Memorial Fishing Pier the lagoon – “which is probably Cole Middle School cheerleaders. and enjoy it and I can already tell that
at Riverside Park. making fun of us. It’s my son being he’s here and he’s with us and he’s so
silly. He is totally laughing at us.” “To finally see it here, and happy.”
The pier is one of several projects physically be able to walk on it and
undertaken by the Live Like Cole “It was pretty funny,” agreed Dr. touch it and see everyone’s treads, After the family cut the ribbon to
Foundation, founded in memory of is pretty incredible,” said Melanie the pier, supporters searched out the
Nicholas “Cole” Coppola, whose life Coppola, Cole’s sister and CEO of the treads they had purchased to honor
was cut short on Sept. 27, 2014, two foundation. “It’s bittersweet, but it’s their own family members as part of
days after his 16th birthday. more exciting and wonderful than the fundraising effort. As of Saturday,
anything else. It’s just a safe place for there were less than 30 treads
The 100-foot long, T-shaped pier people to relax and enjoy the wildlife available, now available for $500 each.
was planned in partnership with the or go fishing.”
City of Vero Beach and the Florida The foundation will next take on the
Inland Navigational District, and “All of you have stepped aboard rebuilding of the hurricane-damaged
built by Wilco Construction. to make this vision a reality,” said docks at the Fountains at Royal Palm
County Commissioner Joe Flescher, at Point, directly across from the fishing
“I’m just so thankful that everyone the start of a ceremony. “This is Cole’s pier. They are also working on a Bike
has come out here for the ribbon- day and you all have made it happen.” Sharing initiative, providing short-
cutting; that’s the most exciting part,” term bicycle rentals to help ease
said Cole’s mother, Elaine Coppola. “There are a lot of people to thank Oceanside parking issues.
Pointing to a boat being tied to the end and there are a lot of wonderful
of the pier, she said “that’s the Live people here today,” said Dr. Coppola, For more information, visit
before thanking and highlighting the
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 27
Cassie Schlitt, Mack Ciacci, Parker Schlitt, Bryce Migueles, Angela Guzenski with Paige and Haley.
Tony Ferretti and Melody Ferretti.
Madelief Raasveldt and Gina Miceli. Elaine, Mary Grace, Melanie and Nicholas Coppola with Victor and Eileen Basile with their children Ella and Luke.
Pasquale and Mary Lou Ciambriello. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
28 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Costumed canines charm at Howl-O-Ween Pawrade
Staff Writer
Cool water was the beverage of Jack. Bravo.
choice among participants in the 17th
annual Dogs for Life Howl-O-Ween Bobo. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Dog Costume Pawrade and Pet Expo
last Saturday afternoon at the four-
acre DFL Off-Leash Dog Park and
Training Facility. Human volunteers
kept the many water bowls continually
filled during the popular, free event;
the nonprofit’s signature fundraiser,
which draws hundreds of humans and
their pets.
For 364 days a year, the facility
serves a serious, important purpose
– training certified service dogs for
the hearing- and mobility-impaired,
including veterans with PTSD and
other challenges. Instructors also teach
veterans how to train other service dog
But Saturday it was all about fun –
and a whole lot of creativity.
Pawrade participants ranged from
retrievers and greyhounds to handy,
portable pooches like Yorkies and
chi-weenies (guess the mix). And
the costumes were equally diverse,
colorful and clever examples of the
owners’ creativity – and the pooches’
patience and good nature.
There were pirates and witches,
superheroes and cowboys, a princess,
lifeguard, hotdog (with catchup), an
elephant and even a Tootsie Roll.
Introduced by Shelly Ferger, DFL
founder and CEO, each and every pup
had his or her moment in the spotlight,
parading around a curving path to the
cheers and laughter of the crowd.
The afternoon began with always-
impressive demonstrations by the
K-9 teams of the Indian River Sheriff’s
Office, featuring K-9 Falko, a German
Shepherd-Malinois mix.
The Sheriff’s Office also provided a
color guard for the military recognition
ceremony. Again this year, live music
by Hobo Jim kept the energy up, Boy
Scout volunteers skillfully and politely
directed the parking, and bountiful
Doggie Baskets were raffled off to a few
lucky dogs.
The Dogs for Life mission is twofold.
Abandoned dogs are rescued, trained
and given a purpose. The service dogs,
in turn, assist veterans and others with
a variety of tasks, from providing ears
to hear smoke alarms, to paws that can
tap a 911 button in an emergency, or
legs to help with mobility.
For more information, visit
30 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Former St. Ed’s star basks in Riverside’s bright lights
Jamari Williams.
The stars have aligned well for Ja- room close to
mari Williams. the theater, which makes
it easier to get to rehearsals.
A talented young man who grew up “I love my family, but I’m here to do
in Vero Beach, Williams was once a fix- the shows,” he said. “I’ve been in and
ture with the Gifford Youth Orchestra. out of rehearsal but try to see them as
In high school he took the stage in star- much as I can.”
ring roles at St. Edward’s School, and he And then there are the friends who
started booking gigs almost immedi-
ately after graduating from the Ameri-
can Musical and Dramatic Academy
near Lincoln Center.
Now, at the tender age of 24, he’s re-
turned to Vero Beach to star in “Smokey
Joe’s Café,” which opened the new sea-
son at Riverside Theatre on Oct. 23.
“This is completely incredible,” said
Williams, who was taking care of a
sore throat.
“I’m taking all the things – lots of
tea, honey, Echinacea, natural things,
even some antibiotics,” he said. “But
the voice is still here.”
Thrilled to be back in his hometown,
Williams said this means more of his
family can come see him perform.
That includes aunts, uncles, cousins,
a great-grandmother and his two be-
loved grandmothers – “Grandma Wil-
lie and Grandma Theresa.” His par-
ents have moved to Georgia, but they
could make it as well.
Although family wants him to stay
with them while he’s in town, he’s stay-
ing with the rest of the cast in a hotel
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 31
didn’t get the chance to see him in the ford Youth Orchestra and stayed with of their body. Eating healthy, getting there’s a level you want to get to. If you
national tour of “Memphis,” or the them for 11 years. That experience exercise and sleeping well is para- want to rise to that level you have to take
shows he originated at Bush Gardens in was crucial in discovering his musical mount, he said. care of yourself. That’s the Capricorn in
Williamsburg, Va. talent. He started out learning to play me coming out.”
violin, then quickly picked up the viola “Everything in moderation, but
An old high school friend, Callie and cello. He discovered Wagner and His dedication and hard work does
Schnur, now the local sales manager learned to thrill with the bowing. not surprise Schnur, who remembers
for Treasure and Space Coast Radio, how loved and admired Williams was
shrieked when she saw him walking in Later, he picked up the tuba, trom- back in school.
for a radio interview. bone, piano and eventually voice.
“He has the brightest aura when he
The two of them performed musi- “The Gifford Youth Orchestra walks into a room,” she said. “I only ex-
cals at St. Edward’s together, including brought music into my life and my love pect he will become more of a star.”
“Beauty and the Beast.” She was the Tea for music,” he said. “It skyrocketed my
Pot, he was the Beast. growth. And my singing got me into “Smokey Joe’s Café” runs through Nov.
theater and where I am today. It’s a 11 at Riverside Theatre, 3250 Riverside
“He is extremely talented,” said domino effect.” Drive, Vero Beach. Tickets start at $35.
Schnur. “He has been since he was so Call 772-231-6990 or visit RiversideThe-
young. I know from the community Then, another door opened – St. Ed-
everyone is excited to see him back in ward’s School. Williams was awarded
town performing and we can see how an academic scholarship through the
far he’s come.” generosity of philanthropists Bill and
Marilyn Scully, who are also patron
Riverside’s show, “Smokey Joe’s,” is producers at Riverside Theatre. The
a musical revue featuring the works of John’s Island couple has been offer-
famed song writing duo Jerry Leiber ing academic scholarships to St. Ed-
and Mike Stoller, who were respon- ward’s for “quite a while,” he said.
sible for an array of iconic rock ’n’ roll
songs including “Yakety Yak,” “Hound “We’re very pleased he’s had this ca-
Dog” and “Spanish Harlem.” reer path,” said Bill Scully. “(The schol-
arship) gives kids a great opportunity. It
Williams, who appears throughout opens their lives to be able to do differ-
the show, said the favorites among those ent things.”
he sings are “Poison Ivy,” “Stand by Me”
and “On Broadway.” Just as the Gifford Youth Orchestra
exposed him to music, St. Edward’s ex-
He was cast in the show in New York posed him to even more.
City; the auditioners had worked with
Williams before in a Motown tour. “If I had not gone to St. Edward’s I
would not have discovered theater,”
“Smokey Joe’s” director DJ Salisbury, he said. “My family did not go to many
who also directed last season’s hit show plays as much as they do nowadays.
“The Mystery of Edwin Drood,” was When I went to St. Edward’s, I started
at those auditions. He said Williams an improvisation class. That involved
wowed them. so much craft and artwork that it
made me fall in love with acting. Jen-
“Jamari was incredibly impressive nifer Patty, the theater director, saw
in our New York City auditions,” Salis- something in me.”
bury said. “We brought him in to au-
dition for the role that featured dance In the school’s production of “Little
specialty, but when we heard his low Shop of Horrors,” Williams was the
vocal range, we asked to look at the comic, demanding voice of the plant,
role that sings bass.” Audry II, who has a big Motown voice
and sings out “Feed me, Seymour!”
Both his low “basement notes” and
strong dance ability inspired Salisbury “It’s my favorite musical to this day,”
to charge up the big dance number in Williams said. “It ran only a weekend,
act two. but it was one of the best weekends of
my life.”
“Additionally, and more important-
ly, Jamari has an electric, natural cha- In addition to musicals, Williams
risma which I believe to be what each has also done straight plays, includ-
of the nine performers in ‘Smokey ing taking on the big role of Petruchio
Joe’s Café’ must possess. I had no idea in Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the
he was from the area until the first day Shrew.”
of rehearsal.”
When he’s not in rehearsal or per-
His success at this audition was a forming or taking a class, he’s in the
far cry from his first big audition a few gym. He says one of the most impor-
years ago in New York City. That was to tant things an actor can do is take care
try to get into the Juilliard School, an
audition experience that still makes
Williams laugh.
“That taught me a lot,” he said. “It’s
not plain and simply how to audition
but also how to take direction. At
AMDA, it’s a bunch of kids who are
the cream of the crop in their schools.
They come to New York, the big world,
and it’s almost a slap in the face.”
For sure, he was a big star in his home-
town when he was growing up.
At age 9, Williams joined the Gif-
32 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: Organists converge for fun ‘Halloween Concert’
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA benefit for the Treasure Coast Guild’s ally acquired 100 acres, high on the
Staff Writer scholarship program, which supports sand ridge in Oslo, where they began
young organ students. Time: 7 p.m. construction of their home in 1908,
1 Don’t miss this one. Really. Or- Admission: free. A $10 donation would “tragically, the same year that Em-
ganists from all over the Treasure be lovely. 772-562-9088. ily Hallstrom passed away from the
lingering health problems that had
Coast are joining to present a free con- brought them to Florida.” Ruth was
only a toddler, but her father per-
cert at First Presbyterian this Friday, 2 If you’re intrigued by Vero’s severed and completed the beauti-
unique history and would like ful home in 1918. There, father and
Oct. 25 – “Phantasies and Phugues: A daughter remained for the rest of
their lives. Ruth left the Hallstrom
Halloween Concert.” Presented by the to learn a bit more, you’ll enjoy this Homestead to the Historical Soci-
ety at her death in 1999. Historical
Treasure Coast Chapter of the Ameri- special, dramatic presentation about trivia: the Hallstrom House is one of
the very few in the area with a base-
can Guild of Organists, this extra-spe- one of the county’s earliest and most ment. After the play, Hallstrom fam-
ily members will share their favorite
cial musical evening promises to be fascinating residents. The premier of memories of Ruth. Refreshments will
include some of Ruth’s own recipes.
fun and lighthearted. You might also the original, one-woman play “The Time: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tickets: $10.
You are asked to register on Event-
recognize one or two familiar faces at Life of Miss Ruth Hallstrom” will take Seating is limited, first
come-first served, so early arrival is
the keys, local church music directors, place next Thursday, Nov. 1, at the suggested. 772-778-3435.
performing alongside students, friends Vero Beach Woman’s Club. The work
and colleagues: Jacob Craig, First Pres- was written and will be performed
byterian; Marcos Daniel Flores, Christ by Indian River County Historical
by the Sea; Neal Campbell, Trinity Society Advisory Board member Pat 1 “A Halloween Concert” this Friday.
Episcopal; and Brady Johnson, Christ Kroger, who gives voice to an Indian
Church. Concert-goers can expect River County pioneer who led an ex-
to hear a variety of music, displaying traordinary life as student, teacher, Rienzo. You might choose to extend
this pleasant, low-key evening with
how versatile an organ can be under world-traveler and much more. Ac- a little supper, a beer or glass of wine
perhaps, and maybe a bit of music in
the touch of such gifted musicians. cording to, Ruth’s one of the nearby restaurants or pubs.
Gallery Stroll hours: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
There will be serious performances, of parents, Axel and Emily Hallstrom, 772-643-6782.
course, but in the spirit of Halloween, immigrated from Sweden to the area
much of the music will be performed first known as St. Lucie, then Indian 3 A pleasant evening in Vero’s vi-
brant art district: It’s the First Fri-
in parody fashion. “Phantasies and River County in 1904. They planted
Phugues: A Halloween Concert” is a citrus and pineapples, and eventu- day Gallery Stroll, Nov. 2, along 14th
Avenue between 19th Street and 23rd 4 Jerome Allen Seinfeld (perhaps
you know him as Jerry?), Amer-
"Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde" Street, sponsored by Main Street Vero
Beach. Gallery owners and artists will ica’s virtually undisputed premier
welcome you with refreshments and comedian, is bringing his standup
pleasant conversation. Take your time to the Kravis in West Palm this com-
exploring the galleries: You’ll discover ing Friday, Oct. 26. Seinfeld is best
wonderful, diverse works from many known for playing himself in the
of the area’s gifted artists. You’ll defi- sitcom “Seinfeld,” which he created
nitely want to see the beautiful work and wrote with fellow comedian
of historic map artist Lisa Middleton, Larry David and which scored a stel-
the Gallery Stroll featured artist for lar, award-winning 10-year run. By
November. A reception for Middle- its fourth season, it had become the
ton will take place in the Main Street most popular and successful sitcom
Vero Beach office, at 2036 14th Ave. on American television. He’s won a
And don’t miss Gallery 14’s reception Primetime Emmy, two SAG awards, a
for their November exhibits: “Living Golden Globe and an American Com-
the Vibrant Life” by master pastel art- edy Award, plus numerous noms.
ist Lynn Morgan, and “Quilts = Art: Show times: 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Tick-
Colorful Visions” by fiber artist Susan ets: start at $76. 561-832-7469.
Silent Film Presentation
Accompanied by
Andrew Galuska, Organ
Sunday, October 28, 2018
34 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BY SHANE HARRIS, SOUAD MEKHENNET Iran has assigned different units
AND JOBY WARRICK and organizations to conduct surveil-
lance of opposition figures, as well
The Washington Post as Jewish and Israeli organizations,
in the United States and Europe, the
On the evening of July 1, police in Activists in Berlin from the National Council of Resistance in Iran hold placards reading deliver the Iranian officials said. The Iranians are pre-
Germany surrounded the rented van diplomat-terrorist to Belgium at July protest. paring what one Israeli official called
of an Iranian diplomat after he pulled “target files” of specific people or
over at a gas station on the autobahn. from domestic protesters, Israeli in- country’s adversaries in the event of groups that Iran could attack.
Fearing he might be transporting ex- telligence operatives and the Trump open conflict, according to Ameri-
plosives, the authorities summoned administration, which is reimpos- can, European, Middle Eastern and One Middle Eastern intelligence of-
the bomb squad. ing economic sanctions lifted under Israeli officials and analysts who ficial, speaking on the condition that
President Barack Obama – are mak- spoke on the condition of anonymity his name and nationality be with-
The diplomat, based at Iran’s em- ing contingency plans to strike at the to discuss sensitive intelligence. held, cited a “definite uptick” in the
bassy in Vienna, had been under level of activity by Iranian operatives
surveillance for some time and was in recent months, adding that the Ira-
suspected of involvement in a plot to nians are “preparing themselves for
bomb a rally of Iranian dissidents in the possibility of conflict.”
Paris. Despite his diplomatic status,
he was arrested and extradited to Bel- Iran’s reach extends to the United
gium, where two others, suspected States. In August, the Justice Depart-
of planning to carry out the attack in ment arrested two Iranian men, one
France, were detained. a dual national with U.S. and Iranian
citizenship and the other an Iranian
The foiled plot has sparked grow- who is a legal U.S. resident, on suspi-
ing anxiety in France, Germany and cion of spying on behalf of Iran. The
several other countries, including the pair are accused of conducting sur-
United States and Israel, that Iran is veillance on a Jewish organization in
planning audacious terrorist attacks Chicago and rallies in New York and
and has stepped up its intelligence Washington that were organized by
operations around the world. the Mujahideen-e Khalq, or MEK, a
Iranian leaders – under pressure
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 35
dissident group that seeks regime President an Iran’s President
change in Iran. Donald Trump. dis- Hassan Rouhani.
But the case of the Iranian diplo- intelligence operatives. “This ex- sidents abroad, and Tehran has previ- thwarted Paris attack. But leaders
mat is the most alarming, officials tremely serious act envisaged on ously been linked to numerous plots in Germany and France, the official
and analysts said, and has strained our territory could not go without a involving Israeli, Jewish and Arab said, “would rather play the danger
Iran’s diplomatic relations with Ger- response,” France’s interior, foreign interests in the West. The level of Ira- and level of interference down,” in or-
many and France. Both countries and economy ministers said in a nian activity ebbs and flows, some- der to hold together the nuclear deal.
are trying to hold together a land- joint statement. “In taking this deci- times without a discernible reason,
mark 2015 agreement meant to curb sion, France underlines its determi- according to former U.S. officials and Norman Roule, who served 34 years
Iran’s nuclear weapons program, nation to fight against terrorism in Iran experts. in the CIA and retired last year as the
which the Trump administration all its forms, particularly on its own national intelligence manager for
has abandoned. territory.” In the first 15 years after Ayatollah Iran, said the lack of a tougher Euro-
Ruhollah Khomeini came to power as pean response, especially in the wake
The diplomat, Assadollah Assadi, French police also raided the head- supreme ruler in 1979, Iranian agents of Iran’s support of terrorism on the
has been a high-ranking official in quarters of one of the largest Shiite assassinated at least 60 people in four continent, has likely sent a message to
Iran’s embassy in Vienna since 2014 Muslim centers in France, which has European countries. The most notori- Tehran: “You can get away with pretty
but is also suspected of being the sta- links to Iran, according to European ous single attack was the 1992 assassi- much anything.”
tion chief of the Ministry of Intelli- officials, and arrested three people. nation of a Kurdish Iranian dissident
gence, or MOIS, according to officials leader and three of his colleagues, all Roule said that Iran has been test-
from the United States and Europe. Belgian officials contend that Assadi, shot inside a Berlin restaurant. ing the limits of European and Amer-
who was surrounded at the gas station ican resolve for decades. The regime
In late June, European intelligence while traveling with his wife and two Some experts now fear a return to has launched cyberattacks, sup-
services tracked Assadi as he met sons, is not protected by diplomatic im- those kinds of bloody operations. ported terrorist groups, and, in 2013,
with a married couple of Iranian de- munity from prosecution because he plotted to kill the Saudi ambassador
scent living in Belgium and – accord- was arrested outside Austria. In Germany last year, a Pakistani to the United States at a fashionable
ing to the couple, who spoke to police man was sentenced to four years in restaurant in Washington – an attack
after their arrest – gave them about The case has been closely watched prison for scouting out potential tar- Roule said would probably have in-
a pound of explosive material and a by the Trump administration. As- gets with links to Israel and Jewish flicted civilian casualties. All those
detonator, the officials said. sadi’s arrest “tells you, I think, ev- organizations on behalf of the Quds events saw little tangible response,
erything you need to know about Force, the external operations arm he said.
French, German and Belgian offi- how the government of Iran views its of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps.
cials say the couple, Nasimeh Naami responsibilities in connection with According to court documents, he “My fear is that Iran may well be-
and Amir Saadouni, who were both diplomatic relations,” White House had been in touch with his Iranian lieve they have yet to reach our red
born in Iran, planned to bomb a huge national security adviser John Bolton handlers since at least 2011. But the line, and this is a recipe for further at-
MEK rally in Paris, attended by thou- told reporters this month. Bolton, a “contact intensified” in the middle of tacks,” Roule said.
sands of people, including Rudolph prominent Iran hawk, has been lead- 2015, around the same time that au-
W. Giuliani, President Trump’s per- ing Trump administration efforts to thorities believe the couple planning While U.S. officials have accused
sonal lawyer and a vocal defender of place new sanctions on Iran, which to attack the MEK rally were first con- Iran’s top leaders of being behind
the group. he called “the central banker of inter- tacted by Assadi. the biggest plots, Iranian intelligence
national terrorism.” factions have sometimes acted in
European officials said the couple, Officials said that Iran has recruited competition with one another, with
who are cooperating with authorities, The MOIS has a long history of people from Pakistan, as well as from little apparent coordination with the
identified Assadi as their longtime conducting surveillance operations Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey, North Africa country’s ruling clerics, former U.S.
handler. Assadi professes not to know in Europe, but an attack at a major and Afghanistan, in order to obscure officials said. Some think that pattern
them, according to German officials, public gathering in Paris, attended the country’s role in overseas spying. may be repeating now.
who said Iranian authorities have by Trump’s lawyer, would invite
claimed he was set up. The Iranian massive retaliation from the French A high-level German official said “It is not always the case that a se-
government has said publicly that the and the Americans, prompting some Iran’s aggression inside Europe calls nior [Iranian] official says, ‘Go and do
plot was fabricated to falsely impli- experts to wonder why Iran would for a tougher response. this,’ ” said Matthew Levitt, a former
cate the regime in terrorism. take such a risk. counterterrorism official with the
“There are clear indications Treasury Department and the FBI.
A spokesman for the Iranian mis- Iran has in the past targeted Irani- for calling this a case of state ter-
sion to the United Nations denied rorism,” the official said of the CONTINUED ON PAGE 36
that Iran had planned to attack the
rally in Paris, calling the allegations
“categorically false.” And he accused
the MEK and Israel of staging the plot
“to sabotage Iran-E.U. relations.”
“The MEK had long been listed as
a terrorist group by the E.U. and the
U.S.; it also has a long history of propa-
ganda and false-flag operations,” said
the spokesman, Alireza Miryousefi.
The U.S. State Department re-
moved the MEK from a list of desig-
nated terrorist organizations in 2012.
The group has publicly denied any
involvement in the attempted attack
in Paris.
Authorities said that Belgium
would take the lead in the case for
now, since the couple were arrested
and have citizenship there.
French officials have publicly ac-
cused Iran’s Intelligence Ministry
of planning the attack and have
frozen the assets of two suspected
36 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 35 In light of the operations in Europe ligence officials in multiple countries. Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mo-
and the United States, it’s not clear One German official said that hammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s leaders
“Sometimes initiative – even stupid that the Iranian leadership is in con- understand that an attack in the heart
initiative, even initiative that fails – is trol of its own operatives, said intel- based on his government’s discus- of Europe could do irreparable dam-
smiled upon within this system.” sions with Iranian President Hassan age to their country’s relationship
with the remaining signatories to the
nuclear deal.
But there is also a parallel power
structure in Iran, and as domestic un-
rest grows and more Iranians die fight-
ing in Iraq and Syria, Iranian hard-lin-
ers elsewhere in the government could
push for a show of force against the
West, the German official said.
The regime has also been humiliat-
ed by recent Israeli spying operations
that laid bare huge troves of docu-
ments about Iran’s nuclear weap-
ons program. Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly
crowed about his spies’ prowess and
has pressed for a tougher internation-
al response to Iran.
In a speech last month at the Unit-
ed Nations General Assembly, Netan-
yahu cited the arrest of the two oper-
atives in the U.S. and the foiled Paris
attack as evidence of Iran’s continued
support of terrorism in the West, de-
spite the election of more moderate
leaders and the nuclear deal.
“If you think that Iran’s aggression
has been confined to the Middle East,
think again,” Netanyahu said.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 37
An Israeli official said that there is a suspicion of spying inside the United pressed for time. The alleged agent tration,” according to the complaint,
directive from the top levels of the Ira- States were under surveillance by the with dual Iranian and American because he wanted more time to get
nian government to develop targets FBI for an extended period of time, citizenship urged his associate, who the materials in order.
quickly, and that the Intelligence Minis- with their travel inside and outside lived in California, to hand over pho-
try has pushed its operatives to work too the country tracked, according to a tographs and other material he’d been “I don’t like to do it this way . . . I like
fast, leading to mistakes and arrests. criminal complaint filed in the case. gathering for target packages. But the to have a complete package, meaning
California man “expressed some frus- that there is no gap in information,”
The two Iranian men arrested on The two men also appeared to be he said.
38 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
This past Tuesday, Mega Millions held a drawing state lotteries offered lotto and, in some states, the among regular players, lottery commissions had clear
for a $1.6 billion jackpot, the largest lottery prize in game accounted for as much as 75 percent of lottery incentives to diminish the odds and let jackpots grow.
U.S. history. All over the country, hopeful gamblers revenue. Thanks to this tactic, the Florida Lottery offered the
lined up for tickets, putting a couple of dollars on nation’s first $100 million lotto prize in 1990.
the dream of a 1-in-303-million chance at a life- The emergence of lotto was facilitated in part by a
changing windfall. cultural shift in ideas about wealth. In the 1950s, 1960s Smaller states, however, did not have enough play-
and 1970s, popular culture had depicted “the good ers to offer such generous jackpots. Hurt by competi-
Lottery prizes weren’t always this big. In 1964, the life” as a comfortable middle-class life in the suburbs, tion from the bigger prizes offered in Massachusetts,
New Hampshire Sweepstakes awarded the first state a sanctuary from the threat of nuclear annihilation tiny New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine lotteries
lottery jackpot: a whopping $100,000 (the equiva- and a signal of the triumph of American capitalism. struggled to complete. As a result, they got together
lent of $815,000 today). in 1985 to form the first multi-state lotto game, the
By contrast, in the 1980s, Americans embraced Tri-State Lottery, a collaborative drawing that offered
Though many Americans have come to accept visions of luxury. The public peered longingly into jackpots much larger than any of the states could
jackpots over $500 million as routine, it wasn’t long the lives of the nation’s wealthiest citizens. From the have offered alone.
ago when gamblers were satisfied with much small- first edition of Forbes’s list of the richest Americans
er prizes, prizes that would barely receive a passing in 1982, to Donald Trump and Tony Schwartz’s best- The success of the Tri-State Lottery inspired other,
glance from today’s bettors. selling “The Art of the Deal” in 1987, to the popular- similar initiatives. In 1987, the District of Columbia
ity of shows like “Dynasty,” “Lifestyles of the Rich and and six states formed the Multi-State Lottery Associ-
But over time, state lottery commissions have ca- Famous” and “The Good Life,” popular culture re- ation (MUSL), which introduced Lotto America. By
tered to gamblers’ appetite for rising jackpots, offer- flected an obsession with wealth and opulence. 1992, MUSL had expanded to nine additional states
ing ever-increasing prizes that promise to catapult and replaced Lotto America with Powerball, which
winners into the highest reaches of the exclusive As wealth became more visible, it also became the frequently rolled upward of $100 million, the first
world of the very wealthy. new metric of a successful life. The percentage of col- such prize available to gamblers outside populous
lege freshmen who stated that their life goal was “to states.
In the 1960s, state lotteries offered irregular draw- be well off financially” rose from 40 percent in 1972 to
ings for small prizes. Through a complicated formu- over 70 percent in 1985. Mega Millions was formed under similar condi-
la, results were tied to horse races, and players could tions in the mid-1990s, and, like Powerball, it offers
not select their own numbers. As a result, lotteries Enter lotto: Lottery jackpots appeared to offer an massive jackpots because it caters to gamblers in
were effectively glorified raffles. Though these games otherwise unattainable chance for regular Ameri- all 44 lottery states. The two games are engaged in
proved enticing at first, sales quickly declined as the cans not just to find financial stability but to reach the an arms race, as each gradually worsens the odds of
novelty wore off. highest echelons of wealth. winning to offer the largest jackpot possible.
Then, in 1978, the Massachusetts Lottery tried to State lottery commissions were happy to cater Powerball dropped its odds in 2015, resulting in
change its luck by introducing a new game: lotto. In to players’ big, expensive dreams. But over time, a $1.5 billion jackpot in January 2016. That was the
lotto, players select numbers from a predetermined swelling prizes created what lottery officials deem largest in U.S. history. But Mega Millions reduced
range, for instance, six numbers between 1 and 49. “jackpot fatigue,” as jaded players expected increas- its odds in October 2017 and reclaimed the jackpot
If a player correctly selects all six, they win the top ingly large prizes to keep their attention. “We’ve had record this week.
prize. The bigger the range of numbers, the less so many people who’ve won a million or more, it
chance players have of winning the jackpot. now takes a pot of $10 million to generate the in- If history is any indication, gamblers will become
terest that $5 million did once,” a Michigan Lottery bored when $900 million or $1 billion prizes gradu-
But longer odds means fewer winners and jack- spokesman explained in 1988. ally become more frequent. Powerball and Mega
pots that roll over, resulting in bigger prizes for the Millions will continue to reduce their odds until
following drawing. With each rollover, the jackpot Accordingly, lottery commissions reduced the odds prizes reach unfathomable sums.
grows larger, as does anticipation. of winning, thereby increasing the chance of rollovers.
New York’s lotto game, for example, offered gamblers This column by Jonathan Cohen, which first ap-
After a slow start in the late 1970s, lotto took off in a 1-in-3.8-million chance of winning in 1978. By 1988, peared in The Washington Post, does not necessarily
the 1980s. In 1984, unprecedented rollover prizes in that number was 1 in 26 million. reflect the views of Vero Beach 32963.
Massachusetts ($15.6 million), New York ($22.1 mil-
lion) and Illinois ($40 million) whetted the public Because large prizes drew media attention, at-
appetite for lotto nationwide. By 1986, 19 of the 23 tracted new players and increased ticket purchases
FLU, PART V tors’ visits, and missed work and school, flammatory pain relievers, decongestants,
and prevent hospitalizations. For children cough medicine, nonsteroidal anti-Inflam-
There are several diagnostic tests your especially, the vaccine significantly reduc- matory drugs and analgesics can help ad-
doctor can use to help confirm you have es risk of dying from influenza. If you get dress symptoms. Antiviral drugs, which
the flu. “Rapid influenza diagnostic tests the flu even though you’ve been vaccinat- are different from antibiotics, are available
(RIDTs)” work by detecting the parts of the ed, data suggests your illness will probably in pill, liquid or inhaled powder form only
virus (antigens) that stimulate an immune be milder. by prescription. In addition to making the
response. Although results are available illness milder, they can shorten the time
in about 10 to 15 minutes, RIDTs are not Stop germs you are sick and may also prevent serious
as accurate as some other flu tests. More- � Avoid touching your eyes, nose and flu complications. Those who become se-
accurate and sensitive “rapid molecular as- mouth to avoid spreading germs. verely ill or who are at high risk of serious
says” detect genetic material of the virus in � Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects flu complications are advised to see their
15 to 20 minutes. that may be contaminated with germs doctor within 48 hours of getting sick to
Rapid flu tests appear to be better at de- like flu. receive the greatest benefit from an anti-
tecting flu in children than adults. Even if � Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue viral medication.
you have a negative rapid test result, your when you cough or sneeze; throw it in
healthcare provider may diagnose you the trash and wash your hands. IN CONCLUSION
with flu based on your symptoms and his � Limit contact with others.
or her clinical judgment. � Stay home for at least 24 hours after While no one can predict the timing, length
Most people with flu symptoms are not test- your fever (if you get a fever) is gone. and severity of a specific flu season, we can
ed since test results don’t usually change � Wash your hands often with soap and prepare ourselves by following preventive
how you are treated. water. If soap and water are not avail- measures, getting the flu vaccine, and get-
able, use an alcohol-based hand rub. ting started on an antiviral drug within 48
FIGHT THE FLU hours of first symptoms, especially if we are
Take flu antiviral drugs at high risk for complications from the flu.
Get your flu vaccination, if your doctor prescribes them To learn more, go
ideally by the end of October! The flu is treated primarily with rest
Flu vaccination can reduce illness, doc- and fluid to let the body fight the infec- Your comments and suggestions for future topics are al-
tion on its own. Over-the-counter anti-in- ways welcome. Email us at [email protected].
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42 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
A month after the 2016 elec- haps the presidency.” Brian Langan, a recently retired detective with the
tion, Ben Bradlee Jr. began in- Hazleton, the second-larg- Pennsylvania State Police, also a born Democrat, had al-
terviewing voters in Luzerne ready turned right to vote for Ronald Reagan in 1980. In
County, Pa., where Donald est city in Luzerne, was once the 2016 election, he didn’t believe that either party had
Trump won 77 percent of the the site of fierce struggles to much to offer. He told Bradlee: “I thought, Washington
vote. The county, a working- ban child labor in dangerous is broke, and I need someone to go down there with a
class Democratic strong- coal mines. In 1897, 19 strik- sledgehammer. That was Donald Trump.”
hold, hadn’t voted for a Re- ing miners were killed and 32
publican president since injured – an eruption that led Curiously, Trump also drove a wedge between one
1988. Pennsylvania was one to the birth of the United Mine conservative couple. Jess Harker was a nurse born into
of three historically Demo- Workers Union. Today, coal in a pro-union Democratic household. But when she mar-
cratic Rust Belt states that Luzerne County is gone, and ried Ray Harker, Bradlee writes, “he served as both her
unexpectedly swung the much of the manufacturing that religious and political mentor,” and Jess became an
election to Trump. By July replaced it is gone, too. Many evangelical Christian Republican.WhenTrump emerged
2018, Bradlee, a longtime young people have vanished, as the GOP nominee, she “went all-in for Trump.” But to
reporter and editor for leaving behind older, more con- her husband, Trump “is a satanic fraud.” In 2016 Jess vot-
the Boston Globe, had servative voters. The young who ed for Trump, and Ray cast a defiant vote for Clinton. He
talked to nearly 100 vot- remain work low-wage jobs with now tunes in to Rachel Maddow’s show on MSNBC and
ers, most of whom felt warehouse businesses such as calls his wife a “Trump bot.” Assessing Trump’s impact
that government and Amazon, Cargill and American Ea- on their relationship, Jess told Bradlee that “‘strain’ is too
the Democratic Party gle. The jobs are attractive to people pleasant a word to describe what this has done to our
had forgotten them. coming from even poorer places. In marriage. It has torn, ripped at, and tried to squash any-
They had. 2000, only 5 percent of Hazelton’s thing we built. We were, and still can be, in serious trou-
population was Hispanic, coming ble if we talk about Trump.” The couple is in counseling.
Among the flood of books explain- mainly from the Dominican Repub-
ing how we got Trump, “The Forgotten” serves as an lic. Today they make up 52 percent of “The Forgotten” reveals the political impact not so
unintended companion volume to Thomas Frank’s “Lis- the population. County per-capita incomes are low, av- much of poverty as of decline – and not simply decline
ten Liberal: Or, What Ever Happened to the Party of the eraging $25,000, about $4,500 lower than the state aver- in wages but in well-being and self-respect, especially
People?” Bradlee focuses on the impact of the growing age. If this weren’t enough, the opioid crisis in Luzerne among white blue-collar men. Research shows that
income gap. If we ignore the taxes the government col- County accounted for 154 fatal drug overdoses in 2017 these men have also become more socially isolated,
lects and benefits it distributes, from the middle of the – a rate four times higher than in New York City. less likely to go to church and to marry. They experience
Great Depression through 1980, the top 10 percent of During the 2016 campaign Hillary Clinton seemed what Princeton professors Angus Deaton and Anne Case
Americans received 30 percent of the nation’s income deaf to the hardships of Hazleton. Residents wanted identify as “deaths of despair” from suicide, drugs and al-
growth, and the other 90 percent took in 70 percent of it. realistic hope, but what they got from the Democratic cohol at a greater level than blacks and Hispanics of the
But from 1997 to the present, the top 10 percent took in Party was suggested by its choice of a campaign theme same age. Along with their loss of self-respect has come
all of the U.S. income growth, and the bottom 90 percent song – the cheery Pharrell Williams tune “Happy” from a loss of faith that government run by either mainstream
got none. This shift occurred partly under the watch of the soundtrack of the animated film “Despicable Me 2.” party could help them recover it. This is not a big-thesis
Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, and Trump Clinton lost women like hairdresser Donna Kowalc- book, nor a deep dive into new facts or ideas. But what-
surged into the void claiming leadership of what he zyk, a crime-fighting activist whose mother worked in ever the Russians did or the Koch brothers funded, this
called “the forgotten people,” Bradlee writes. “Trump cigar and sewing factories. Her father was a disabled searing portrait shines a light on the disheartened voters
connected strongly to his aggrieved constituency,” and alcoholic, and her husband maintained the grounds of the Democratic Party forgot.
nowhere more than in Luzerne County. Trump won the a local university. “I used to be the most liberal person
general vote in part because he captured Pennsylvania, you could imagine, fighting for everyone else’s rights,” THE FORGOTTEN
with strong support in its northeastern corner. And with- she told Bradlee. Her neighborhood fell under the blight
in that region, Luzerne County led the way. of drug dealers, car thieves and prostitutes. This lifelong HOW THE PEOPLE OF ONE PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY
Democrat was now very unhappy. She “switched parties
“It is not a stretch to say,” Bradlee writes, “that this to vote for Donald Trump,” Bradlee writes. ELECTED DONALD TRUMP AND CHANGED AMERICA
single county won Trump Pennsylvania – and per-
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44 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonzo is glad that sweet Sadie is no longer sad
Hi Dog Buddies! feelin’ very sad cuz her pooch, Si- Sadie. paw. Again. “So what’s life like
mon, had just gone to Dog Heav- now?”
I shoulda brought a bunch more en. When Amanda got home, she PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER
Klee-nexes to this week’s innerview. told Mom there was this dog lyin’ “I’m a Momma’s Girl. I sleep on
Thank Lassie, there’s a happy ending. by the side of the house. Mom an took me to PetSmart for a lovely my very own pillow, next to Mom. I
thought it was probly just pass- bath with flea shampoo. It was WUN- get two treats a day an all the pats
Sadie Lewis didn’t come right to ing through, and kept on workin.’ NERFUL! The nice humans cut all my an tummy rubs I want. I sit smack
the door; me an my assistant hadda When she was done, she remem- mats out an fixed up the places I had in front of Mom an look all EEE-
get situated first. I put on my frenliest bered about the dog and thought been bitin,’ cuzza the fleas. ger. If she forgets to pat me, I woof.
face an started up my Level 1 (slow- she might as well take look, but it’d I usta nip sometimes, cuz I’m so
speed) wag. Sadie was carried in by probly be gone by then.” “I’d been wearin’ a old, dirty col- liddle an the rest of the world is so
a grown-up human, accompanied lar with tags. Mom made out the big. But I’m much better now.
by two liddle humans in Halloween “Oh, woof,” I said, seeing where phone number, called, an the people
clothes. She was a dainty liddle white- this was goin.’ ackshully came to pick me up. They “I also love playin’ with Kaiya.
an-beige terrier mix, with curly hair, told Mom they had given me away We’re Girly Girls. She gives the
silky ears, sparkly eyes, and a sweet, “I’d been totally lost an roamin’ (to those other people I didn’t even Best Tummy Rubs Ever. (Kaden’s
VERY timid smile. around for days. I don’t know how know) cuz they couldn’t afford me, learnin,’ too.) My first Christmas
long. I was so tired I could barely but that they’d take me back, to get here, me an Kaiya wore matching
“Good afternoon, Miss Sadie. I’m put one paw in front of another, an me off Mom’s hands.” red plaid outfits. We were ador-
Bonzo the Columnist.” my mind was fuzzy. I remembered able! Up in South Duh-co-duh,
I had a family, then suddenly, I got “Oh, Woof.” I’m frens with Doonie, a rescue
Sadie was placed on the floor and handed to strangers. They didn’t “WELL, Mom did NOT have a Good Ragdoll cat. My pooch pals are
took a coupla steps toward me. “Hello, play with me or anything. They put Feeling about that. She said, ‘That’s Max, a Ridgeback, he’s pretty
Mr. Bonzo. I’m not very good at meet- me out every morning, but they OK, I’ll Keep Her!” old, an real gentle, cuz he could
ing new pooches. Or humans. Please didn’t bring me back in for a long “Thank Lassie!” totally smush me; an I have playdates
don’t be offended.” She had the soft- time. So I’d just wander around, ho- “For sure! See, Mr. Bonzo, me an with Levi, he’s a Shih Tzu.
est voice I’d ever heard. “I really am pin’ I wouldn’t run into any big dogs. Mom rescued each other. She’s not “When I’m home alone, I stay in
glad you came.” Then she approached Then this one day I was wanderin’ an I sad anymore an I have the Best Life Mom’s office, watch TV, an snuggle
for a very polite wag-n-sniff. ree-lized I didn’t know where I was, or Ever. And, I have a Purpose: to love an with my flopsy kitty toys. I don’t like
where home was. I was scared, hun- protect my famly.” swimming.’ Mom tried. An I did
“This is my FAM-ly: my Mom Ro- gry, thirsty an totally pooped. I had, She sat up straight, lookin’ strong swim. Once. Straight to the side an
chelle; my human sister Tali; an my like, a zillion fleas, an my coat was a an proud. I wiped my eyes with my outta there. Forever.”
liddle human cuzzins, Kaden, he’s matted mess. Finally I Just. Couldn’t. Headin’ home, I was thinkin’ about
still a puppy, he’s 3; an Kaiya, she 6, Walk. Another. Step. I made it to the how many pooches have the same
she’s my best fren.” nearest house and scratched on the kind of scary experiences Sadie had,
door, but I was too weak to make any but aren’t as lucky as her. Every pooch
“It’s a great pleasure to meet you noise. So I just clapsed by the side deserves to have a loving an safe
all. An I completely understand, Miss of the house, curled up in a ball an home. And two treats a day.
Sadie. I know you went through a lot started wonderin’ what Dog Heaven
before you found your Forever Fam- would be like. I musta dozed off, cuz The Bonz
ily.” next thing I remember was this hu-
man lady (Mom) scoopin’ me up an Don’t Be Shy
“Yes. I’m pretty sure that’s why I’m bringin’ me inside, fleas an all. I was
so shy.” too tired to even lift my head.” We are always looking for pets with
interesting stories.
Sadie curled up between her Mom “Oh, Sadie! What happened then?”
an Kaiya. “Should I start tellin’ my “First thing, Mom an Amanda gave To set up an interview, email
story, Mr. Bonzo?” me a liddle water an food. It was cat [email protected].
food, cuz Amanda only hadda cat.
“When you’re ready.” But I didn’t mind. When I was feelin’
“OK, well, about 5 years ago, Mom a liddle better, they wrapped me up
an my other sister, Amanda, were
livin’ out in Sandy A-go, that’s way
far away, by that other big buncha
water. Mom was workin’ at home an
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 45
Q 10 3 J9854 —
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist K Q 10 9 7 3 2 A6 85
J4 A32 Q 10 9 7 6
Henry Kissinger said, “The absence of alternatives clears the mind marvelously.” 2 J74 K Q 10 9 8
Yes, but this deal has two interesting alternatives with which to occupy the mind. SOUTH
When I described the play in four spades yesterday, South took the first trick with J4
dummy’s heart ace, cashed his spade, diamond and club winners, then endplayed West K85
by leading his heart jack. Fine, but what might have happened if declarer, instead of giving A63
West the lead in hearts at trick seven, had exited with a trump? Also, what could have
transpired if South had not won the first trick? Dealer: West; Vulnerable: East-West
North might have cue-bid four hearts over three spades to show a strong raise to four The Bidding:
spades (and promise nothing about hearts).
If South throws West in with his trump or ducks the first trick, the contract can be 3 Spades 3 Hearts Pass Pass
defeated. Pass 4 Spades All Pass LEAD:
K Hearts
In the first case, after winning with his spade queen, West must resist the temptation to
cash the heart queen. Instead, he must lead a low heart to declarer’s jack. Then South will
have to lose one diamond and two clubs to East, along with the spade already conceded.
That defense should not be too hard to find, but the other one really takes some
imagination. After the heart king and a heart to the ace, when declarer cashes his two top
trumps, West must throw the 10 and queen under them! Then he cannot be endplayed,
and the contract will go down one. After the deal, probably South would congratulate
West on his great play, then say that if only West had had the spade four and dummy the
spade three, the contract would still have made.
46 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Athletic (6) 2 Elementary (6)
4 Package (6) 2 Birdwatcher (13)
9 Boring (7) 3 Squad (4)
10 Natural dye (5) 5 Attachment (8)
11 Tardy (4) 6 Union (13)
12 Long pillows (8) 7 Communicate (6)
14 Collection (5) 8 Citrus fruit (5)
15 Inn (5) 13 Knick-knack (8)
19 Fragrant (8) 16 Walk (6)
20 Facts (4) 17 Booth (5)
22 Felt-like material (5) 18 Thick wires (6)
23 Breed of dog (7) 21 Hutch (4)
24 Property or land (6)
25 Racket sport (6)
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 47
ACROSS 98 Certain stickler for detail Peckinpah character of 1972 The Washington Post
1 Cheerful flowers 101 Midnight Cowboy author 45 Crazy as ___
6 Opera about a slave girl 46 Agatha’s works: abbr. WELL-ROUNDED PEOPLE By Merl Reagle
10 Early editorial cartoonist James ___ Herlihy 48 Taxco snack
14 Fall mo. 102 Khan who wed Rita 50 “___ Little Prayer” THE Art & Science
17 Well-rounded actor 52 Ignited anew
19 Well-rounded TV character Hayworth 55 Sweet and sour of Cosmetic Surgery
21 Well-rounded actress 103 Citrus drinks 59 Casablanca costar
22 Well-rounded actor 104 Breaks in the action 61 Booster rocket
23 First place? 107 “I Got You Babe” penner 62 Derek et al.
24 Workout places 109 Way to go 63 Big rig
25 Getaway place 113 Well-rounded humorist 64 Well-rounded Waltons
26 Major oil firm 116 Well-rounded pioneer in
27 Write briefly actress
28 Cheater in the cybernetics 65 Critical
game of love 119 Well-rounded French 66 Swiss mister of math fame
30 Little finger 67 Have as a customer
32 Enter architect 70 Turner of cinema
36 Well-rounded 120 Well-rounded South 73 Loner elephant
magazine figure 74 Old Italian coin
41 Great apprehension Pacific character 79 Completely
42 Girder type 121 Mother bear, to Lorca 81 Apex
43 With 51 Across, 122 Addition place 82 Cast off
a signoff 123 Nervous 84 Clark Kent’s dad
44 Bread spread 124 Tirades 85 Can. prov.
47 Old turntable feature 86 Slangy money
49 Well-rounded singer DOWN 87 Potpourri
51 See 43 Across 1 Well-behaved 89 Oh, Kay! lyricist
53 Bathroom, in Bath 2 Hard, head, or hot follower 92 Do something
54 Randolph Scott vehicle 3 By and by 95 Must
56 Wise man’s nickname? 4 Two-pronged: abbr. 96 Literary monogram
57 Son of Seth, in Genesis 5 Time of the year 97 Adagio, compared to
58 Betel palm 6 “Puppy Love” singer Paul
60 Secret doctrines 7 Belief systems andante
64 Middlemarch author 8 Crack-tracking grp. 98 David Rabe’s The Basic
65 Fizzicists? 9 TV journalist Compton
68 Well-rounded Russian, 10 Actor son of Rex Harrison Training of ___ Hummel
11 Farmland unit 99 Adams and Falco
familiarly 12 Narrow waterway: abbr. 100 Major record label, once
69 Troublemakers 13 Plaything 102 Against
71 Ark unit 14 SW Missouri’s ___ Mtns. 104 Bemused look
72 Brewer et al. 15 Ball-like bacteria 105 A long time
75 Breakfast cereal, 16 California-Nevada lake 106 For each
17 Evita character 107 Poirot’s nationality: abbr.
___ Meal 18 Proof of purch. 108 French airport
76 ___ Bator 19 AOR or MOR players 109 Lackey
77 Colleague of Bela 20 Some horses 110 “What are you, some kind of
and Boris 25 Pre-reception promise
78 A Shock to the System star 27 Well-rounded boxer ___?”
80 Abbr. after a navy base 28 Ali, before 111 Dick Tracy’s wife
83 To the point 29 Prefix for “high” 112 King or queen’s address:
85 Well-rounded Olympian 30 Preposition for Pepe
88 “Give him ___ and he’ll 31 Superlative ending abbr.
32 Switzer who played Alfalfa 114 There for all to see
take ...” 33 Homophone of 115 Sugar ending
90 The Mesozoic, e.g. 87 Down 116 Compass pt.
91 Swahili language family 34 Well-rounded Shaw 117 Big Brit. reference book
93 Actor Ray 118 ___ Man Answers, Hang Up
94 Oreo filling character
95 Well-rounded composer 35 “Once ___ I die” SPECIALTIES INCLUDE:
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48 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Trying to bridge the child-free/child-having divide
BY CAROLYN HAX Or is the child-free/child-having divide too much just speak their minds regardless, it’s simple emo-
Washington Post to overcome? tional math: She takes offense frequently, so you
learn to be vigilant in guarding what you say, so your
Hi, Carolyn: – Missing Sister-in-Law close relationship gets replaced by superficiality. It’s
I’ve always had a warm and sad.
close relationship with my sister- – Missing Sister-in-Law: It certainly isn’t in general,
in-law. Then, she had a baby, though it may well be with her. Hard to say, because And, for her particularly, it’s a recipe for loneliness.
and everything changed. She it’s such a personal thing. Being the primary caregiver of a small child is one
seems to resent me if I talk about of the toughest times to find the energy to be a good
things I’m doing for fun. She’ll say things like, “It One issue that is tough to overcome, almost uni- friend, and one of the toughest times to become
must be nice to have that much free time” or ends versally so, is thin skin. Someone who takes offense alienated from friends: The thing you need most is
conversations quickly if I mention a new hobby or no matter what you say is not capable of being close the thing you feel least equipped to cultivate. It’s like
somewhere cool I went. She’s also totally unwill- with anyone. Unless you’re one of the rare ones who depression in that way, and not by accident; your sis-
ing to socialize without bringing her now-toddler, ter-in-law could, like so many other new and newish
despite having an involved husband and tons of parents, be struggling with some degree of depres-
available family to babysit. I’ve specifically asked sion herself.
her to do something one-on-one with me, only to
have her show up with the toddler, which makes it Either way, the contradiction of pushing away
basically impossible to talk. something badly needed comes through in your de-
She knows I’m happily child-free, but I try very scription. She sighs out a bunch of must-be-nice la-
hard to support her and be there for her however ments about free time, but doesn’t accept free time
I can – babysitting, bringing meals when she was offered to her by other caregivers? Hmm.
pregnant – and I try to be very affirming of her
parenting choices, since I know it can be a hostile I think asking her about the mixed message, vs.
world out there for moms. I also try to keep our trying to game it out, is a chance to get a useful an-
conversations focused more on her and how she’s swer. “It sounds like you miss your free time, under-
doing. standably-slash-obviously. But it also appears you’d
But when she inevitably asks me what I’ve been rather bring Toddler than leave her home with Hus-
up to, I feel like I can’t say anything without offend- band. You seem torn – or am I misreading?”
ing her. It just doesn’t seem like we have anything
in common anymore. Will we ever be close again? You can also answer her questions with a bigger
answer: “When you ask what I’m up to, I feel un-
comfortable. I’m not sure what to say.” You’re clearly
making an effort to be sensitive to her needs; maybe
now, give her a chance to tell you what they are.
50 Vero Beach 32963 / October 25, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
For rotator cuff patients, Vero doc shoulders the load
BY TOM LLOYD Dr. Carl DiLella.
Staff Writer
Got an aching arm or shoulder?
The culprit may be one or more of
four muscles you’ve probably never
even heard of – or it could just be the
natural effects of aging.
Either way, Dr. Carl DiLella at the
Orthopaedic Center of Vero Beach is
someone who may be able to help.
“Most of my focus,” says the engag-
ing DiLella, “is on the shoulder. That’s
about 85 percent of my practice.”
Speaking softly, the 43-year-old fel-
lowship-trained DiLella continues,
“I’ve probably done more than 100 to
150 total shoulders” since arriving in
Vero Beach back in 2015.
“Patients may have weakness or
motion loss in their shoulder because
of a lot of golf or tennis they’ve played
over the years, and that can lead to
soft tissue [muscle and tendon] prob-
lems. If they don’t respond, say, to
therapy or a cortisone shot,” DiLella
will likely turn his attention to what’s
known as the rotator cuff.
According to Johns Hopkins Medi-