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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2016-12-22 14:15:52

12/22/2016 ISSUE 10


Melbourne Beach hopes to renew
its Waste Pro Pact. P5
Island revels in
Christmas cheer. P8

Most ‘Speak Up Brevard’
requests fall on deaf ears. P5

MY TAKE Fish kill almost
meant ruin for a
BY WILLIAM SOKOLIC local business, too

Identical twin sisters
share a unique bond

Today is my wife’s birthday. Brilliant ideal: Striving for a living shoreline BY GEORGE WHITE
Carol turns 65. Her identical Staff Writer
twin, Carolyn, also turns 65 BY WILLIAM SOKOLIC a fishing line or simply relax the Brevard County Natu-
today. They are now eligible Staff Writer and enjoy the view. In be- ral Resources Management The devastating mid-
for Medicare. tween docks, the water laps Department, researchers March 2016 fish kill in the
Many Melbourne Beach against the shoreline, paint- at the University of Central Indian River Lagoon hit the
You may find their names homes have docks extending ing an idyllic picture. Florida have embarked on a Brevard environment and
cute, in a twinsie sort of way, into the Indian River Lagoon, 10-month project to answer tourism industry hard. Ev-
especially if you figure out places to moor a boat or cast But how ideal is it really? erybody along the river felt
the reason why. December Thanks to a contract with CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 the effects – no one more so
22. Carol. Carolyn. Chestnuts than Richard Goode Jr., own-
Roasting on an Open Fire. Si- er of Harry Goode’s Outdoor
lent Night. Shop in Melbourne.

Carol and Carolyn have the Goode, 47, who runs a busi-
same raspy laugh. The same ness that has been in his fam-
smoky voice. Carolyn has ily for generations, says his
picked up a bit of an accent entire operation could have
since moving to the North- pivoted the wrong way had the
west. But otherwise, their vo- fish kill not motivated a refer-
cal gyrations remain identical.
I’ve seen photos of Carol
and Carolyn in their for- Working Christmas
mative years. They indeed is another sacrifice
looked identical. Not so for first responders
anymore. But during a fam-
ily reunion several years ago,
the twins wrapped towels


A high degree of satisfaction for BY GEORGE WHITE
grads of two Melbourne colleges Staff Writer

BY CHRIS BONANNO final steps in a 12-year Most people look forward
Staff Writer journey that culminated with happy anticipation to
with a doctorate degree in spending Christmas Day re-
When Melbourne-beach ocean engineering. laxing and enjoying the holi-
resident Travis Hunsucker day with friends and family,
walked across the stage at Hunsucker, who previ- but not everyone has that
FIT’s Clemente Center on ously earned his master’s opportunity.
Saturday, he was taking the in ocean engineering from
“I’ve worked more Christ-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 mases here than being off,”
said Detective Sergeant Mela-
nie Griswold, with


December 22, 2016 Volume 1, Issue 10 Newsstand Price $1.00 Santa rides high
at Satellite Beach
News 1-6 Editorial 22 People 7-10 TO ADVERTISE CALL Boat Parade. P9
Arts 11-14 Faith 24 Pets 33 772-559-4187
Books 23 Games 25-27 Real Estate 35-40
Calendar 34 Health 15-18 Style 29-30 FOR CIRCULATION
Dining 31 Insight 19-21 CALL 772-226-7925

© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™


Working on Christmas Officer Alvin Moore. Fish kill
the Melbourne Beach Police Depart-
ment. “At this point, I’m used to it. I endum to fund cleanup of the estuary.
knew that this was the type of job that “Had it not passed, I think it would
I was getting into so the shift work and
working holidays was just a sacrifice.” have said a lot about what people feel
about their river and estuary. They’re
Police Chief Dan Duncan, who’s doing the right thing and they have
been in law enforcement for 39 years, something drawn up, some type of
many with the City of Melbourne, plan . . . as long as the money goes there
says working on the holiday is a way and they can show that it’s document-
of life for police. ed, people will be very happy,’’ he said.

“Your family becomes accustomed In the meantime, Goode says the
to re-aligning and restructuring when perception that water quality in
they open gifts and when they have Brevard County has damaged local
dinner,” Duncan said. “The most for- fisheries hurts every business that
depends on the tourists who come
tunate thing to have is a spouse and on Christmas this year. to Brevard for fishing, boating and
a family that understands the work “Many people don’t realize that other river recreation.
that you do.”
while they are home celebrating the “It absolutely impacted our busi-
Griswold says it is somewhat the holidays with family and friends, ness from the day it happened
luck of the draw whether she has to there are first-responders on duty through today. As we speak it cer-
work on a holiday but that she knows keeping watch over the community,” tainly is one of the big topics [of
well in advance, which makes plan- said Schollmeyer in a message to Mel- conversation]. With everybody who
ning easier. She said some of her fam- bourne Beach 32951. “As someone comes in, it always comes up.”
ily’s Christmas gatherings have been who has grown up in the department,
held both before and after the 25th. I know what it is like to work on your Goode says the ecological disaster
child’s birthday, holidays, anniversa- in March was “the worst thing I’ve
“We know when our holidays are ries and children’s soccer games. I am ever seen” and that it came as an un-
going to be,” Griswold said. “In No- proud to lead such a selfless group of welcome surprise.
vember, I always tell my family if I’m individuals that put on that uniform
going to be off on Christmas.” each day to protect and serve the “I think we always kind of know,
community they love, especially dur- here comes August and we’ll have an-
Still, working holidays can be espe- ing the holidays.” other algae bloom, it’s pretty common
cially tough on those who have chil- – that’s no surprise. But certainly I did
dren and grandchildren, says Officer Melbourne Beach Volunteer Fire De- not see that [fish kill] coming. We’re
Alvin Moore, who has been with the partment Deputy Chief Gavin Brown taking about a massive kill with the
department for about two years. said volunteer firefighters are on-call shoreline full of dead fish. It was really
throughout the holiday as well. tough. It seemed like the tarpons were
“The hardest thing is just trying to the only ones that had a chance.”
get them to understand what you’re Meteorologists with the National
doing with them being so young,” Weather Service work on Christmas, Tarpon can survive low oxygen
Moore said. too, helping to keep residents and conditions created by algae blooms
visitors coming into town informed because they can take oxygen out of
So what’s a typical day like working about weather conditions. the air by gulping at the surface.
on Christmas? Griswold says it’s often
routine. “Generally, it’s quiet just be- “All of our staff, not only the me- “You could see it coming: this
cause we are [a small community]. teorologists, but also our electronic orangish, brownish water. The river
technicians, take the NWS mission looked just horrible. I had never seen
Moore says that his in law enforce- of protection of life and property very it like that in my life.”
ment experience, there’s an attempt seriously,” said Scott Spratt, warn-
to be festive at work, with Christmas ing coordination meteorologist with Goode says the kill received nation-
music not uncommon. He also notes the National Weather Service in Mel- al coverage and local fishing guides
that there’s a bit of a difference when bourne in an email to Melbourne were hit with a slew of cancellations
he’s out on patrol. Beach 32951. as fishermen saw the dead fish float-
ing on scummy water on their TV or
“We do more close patrol where “They all took on their jobs know- computer screens and called to pull
we’re out talking to people, saying ing that they’d have to work rotating the plug on planned trips.
hello, shaking hands, that makes it a shifts, including occasional holidays,
lot nicer,” Moore added. and while it’s not always easy, they “When somebody comes in and the
perform to the same high standard conversation comes up, I just say I am
The community seems to have a day or night, weekday, weekend or hearing good reports to the south. All
handle on the sacrifices that police holiday.” the creeks didn’t get affected. There
officers make, not just on Christ- were areas that didn’t get it as bad. The
mas, but throughout the year, with Give a thought on Christmas as well water has always been clean from Eau
Duncan noting that residents have to hotel, restaurant and airport work- Gallie down to the Inlet and maybe
brought them everything from des- ers, retail and gas station clerks, mili- that’s because of the inlet,’’ he said.
erts to full meals. tary personnel and others who often
must work on Christmas and other The yes vote on the river cleanup
“We’re very blessed that our resi- holidays, missing time with their fam- referendum was absolutely critical
dents are good to us throughout the ilies and friends to provide important to Goode’s hopes for the future of the
year but especially during the holi- services to the community. river environment and local economy.
days,” Griswold said.
Contact Bonanno at ChrisBonan- “I was very nervous because so
Brevard firefighters sometimes [email protected] and follow Chris on many people just acted like they didn’t
miss holidays with their families, too. Twitter @FTChrisBonanno.  care. It seemed like a lot of the main-
landers said that. I think it’s absolutely
According to Mark Schollmeyer, wonderful [there was an overwhelm-
Brevard County Fire Rescue chief, 136 ing yes vote]. My only concern is, we
people in his department will work

Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 3


have voted on these before. I hope that most unique estuaries in the country it’s irreversible. I know it won’t be some- concern. If I could magically make it
this money that is mandated for . . . [riv- if not the world,’’ Goode said. thing that is going to change overnight. gin-clear with [sea] grass, that’s what I
er cleanup] used for cleanup,’’ he said. It’s going to take many years to figure it would do. I would say make it like I re-
The state of the Indian River now? out and fix it,’’ Goode said. member back in the 1980s and early ’90s
“As a business owner I was 100 per- “I think there are a lot of things that when it was a pristine, beautiful place.
cent for it. I think it’s bettering our we need to be concerned about. The What would Goode do if he could Living here all my life I can remember
environment and bettering our riv- state of the river is, I would say, fairly wave a magic wand? how beautiful it was,’’ he said. 
er system that used to be one of the poor quality, but it doesn’t mean that
“Obviously, the water quality is a big

4 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™


My Take Who am I to argue the psychic con- Despite that title, Segal can be are homosexual will have a co-twin
nection? I have a sister four years old- swayed. “As scientists, we must re- who is heterosexual.”
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 er than me. Not the same as having a main open to new evidence that may
twin. I didn’t feel her pain when she say otherwise” about the whole psy- To quote “Seinfeld:” Not that there’s
around their heads so only their faces gave birth to my first nephew. chic thing, she says. anything wrong with that.
were visible. Uncanny. Eerie even.
On the other hand, Dr. Nancy Se- “Identical twinship is the closest They don’t talk much these days,
In our 33 years together, I heard gal is more than qualified to argue of human ties. Identical twins have the Christmas twins. They see even
all the clichés about identical twins. against such a link. genetically-based similarities that less of each other. Carol lives here in
That they think each other’s thoughts predispose them to have similar re- Palm Bay. Carolyn resides in Port-
and feel each other’s pain, even if sep- “There is no hard scientific evi- actions and responses to people and land and works in Seattle. But their
arated by 3,000 miles. dence of such a psychic connection,” events.” thoughts are never far from each oth-
said Segal, a Cal State Fullerton psy- er.
When my wife went into labor, chology professor and director and Here’s another oddity about the
Carolyn had abdominal pain, so I am founder of the school’s Twin Stud- two twins who celebrate their birth- “We live in two different worlds,”
told. And she didn’t even know Carol ies Center. “You don’t hear about the day today: Carolyn is gay; Carol is Carol said. “I don’t have to see her or
was in labor. When Carolyn had a misses, only the hits. I do not doubt anything but. Did Carolyn get more touch her or talk to her. But Carolyn
burst aneurysm in Seattle a couple the events, only the interpretation.” testosterone when the egg split? is there for me and I’m there for her.”
years ago, Carol had a headache. Car-
ol also went to the neurologist and It may just reflect a stronger con- Let’s see what Dr. Segal has to say Amen to that, Segal said. “Identi-
had the same aneurysm in the same cern for and attentiveness toward on the subject. cal twins enjoy a special relationship.
location of the brain. Just not large one another, said Segal, author of the A close confidant all their lives. They
enough to warrant anything more forthcoming book “Twin Mythcon- Genetics contributes around 20 trust in one another.”
than a wait and see approach. ceptions: False Beliefs, Fables, and percent of the individual differences
Facts about Twins.” in female sexual orientation, she said. To find out more about twins, visit
“So some identical female twins who Dr. Nancy Segal’s website drnancy- 

Graduations ment’s new police chief just a few seemed to be settling in. Florida Tech president T. Dwayne Mc-
days prior to graduation. He said he “It’s tough to describe,” Hunsucker Cay, who was installed in September.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 completed his classes a couple of
months earlier and he thinks com- said of the emotions he felt after com- “Florida Tech graduates have re-
Florida Tech and his bachelor’s in me- pleting those classes may have helped pleting his studies. “As when you fin- sponded to problems for more than
teorology from Florida State, was one him to earn his new position. ish any monumental task, you would 58 years,” said McCay in an address
of thousands celebrating in Brevard think there would be this giant sense to thousands at a packed Clemente
County last week as commencement “I was just made the chief of po- of elation, but there wasn’t, at least for Center. “You are now part of that tra-
lice,” Michael Casey said. “I wasn’t me there wasn’t. You get so focused, dition.”

Travis Hunsucker. PHOTO BY BRUCE CADY Michael and Corey Casey.

exercises were held on Dec. 15 at East- that before, so hopefully my degree so driven on finishing this, that when Ceremonies were also held at The
ern Florida State College and on Dec. helped me out.” you finish it’s kinda of like a ‘huh, King Center at Eastern Florida State
17 at Florida Tech. what now?’ College in Melbourne on Dec. 15.
But there’s even more – a few weeks Those who earned bachelor’s degrees
Among those thousands were Mi- before commencement, Corey, who “I mean of course you’re happy were clad in green while those earn-
chael Casey and his son Corey, both works as a patrol officer with the Rock- and you’re relieved but . . . there’s not ing associate degrees wore blue.
of whom received master’s degrees ledge Police Department, welcomed a this big exhale. It takes weeks if not
in Public Administration at the FIT baby daughter, who was present with months to get over that push, because In remarks to the crowd, EFSC Pres-
commencement. the family at Florida Tech. the final push to finish it is daunting. ident Dr. Jim Richey welcomed the
It’s all-consuming.” graduates to the school’s alumni base.
“It was even better walking across “It was a very proud moment. To “When you walk across the stage, you
with my son. It’s something you don’t have my daughter be there to see me Hunsucker currently works as a will join more than 100,000 that have
get to do very often,” said Michael do it, even at just 3 weeks old, made it research hydrodynamicist for a pri- earned their diplomas,” he said.
Casey. even more of a special moment,” said vate company in south Florida but
Corey Casey. he says “he’s looking to get back into He also praised them for their ef-
That a father and son were able to academia or possibly the aerospace forts that led to their graduations.
participate in commencement exer- Hunsucker, the new Ph.D., spent 12 industry.”
cises together is pretty noteworthy in years in school and wrote a disserta- “I’m extremely proud of each and
and of itself, but their story gets even tion entitled “Quantification of Fric- The FIT commencement exercises every one of you and you should be
more remarkable when one considers tional Drag Due to Biofouling on In- were noteworthy for reasons beyond very proud of yourselves,” Richey
some of what the two men have had Service Ships” to earn his advanced the achievements and emotions of said.
to deal with in the past several weeks. degree. students and families from the island
and elsewhere: They were the first Contact Bonanno at ChrisBonan-
For starters, Michael was sworn After the long grind, the signifi- graduation ceremonies led by new [email protected] or follow Chris on
in as the Indialantic Police Depart- cance of what he accomplished still Twitter @FTChrisBonanno. 

6 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™


Living shoreline other elements of the shoreline as do the same, Hart said. throughout Brevard County,” Walters
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 habitats for oysters, clams, sponges Dozens of volunteers working with said. “There is a lot of hard armoring
and other creatures and vegetation in Titusville and a large amount of
that question and more. The survey to help create “a living shoreline” that UCF will collect data from Malabar, eroded shorelines that would benefit
will study 175 miles of coastline on will benefit the lagoon. Melbourne Beach and elsewhere from living shoreline stabilization.”
both sides of the Lagoon, including along the riverfront. But the survey,
Melbourne Beach’s river shore: Is the “Living shorelines increase habitat expected to be completed by Sept. 30, Last month, Brevard voters ap-
river healthy? Is the shoreline reced- for fish, birds and other marine or- is not just about collecting data. The proved a referendum that will fund,
ing? Can it be improved? ganisms and support uses of many team will also perform a wind and among other projects, the installa-
terrestrial animals as well,” said Jane
Survey results will form the tem- Hart, environmental specialist with
plate for a shoreline habitat restora- Natural Resources Management.
tion and management plan carried
out by the county. Proponents hope The plan will also help coastal
the plan convinces residents along managers make decisions regarding
the riverfront to use their docks and development and restoration projects
along the shoreline and provide guid-
ance for private property owners to


wave analysis and create a geograph- tion of 20 miles of living shorelines
ic information model to help with the over the next 10 years, Hart said.
design of restoration programs.
“Water quality improves when
“It is our hope that the survey in- shorelines are well vegetated with
forms the restoration to follow,” said native plants which slow the rate of
Professor Dr. Linda Walters, of the bi- runoff and allow time for nutrients
ology department at UCF, who over- and sediments to be removed before
sees the project. entering the lagoon,” she said.

The survey will provide informa- Living shorelines also stabilize and
tion on vegetation, shellfish, ero- control long-term erosion, eliminat-
sion, shore slope and the presence of ing land losses and improving re-
shoreline structures like seawalls or silience to future sea level rise, said
other concrete designed to protect Kathleen Hill, a spokesperson for the
against erosion. Indian River Lagoon National Estuary
Program, the funding source. “There
“This project supports efforts to are basically two ways of protect-
restore the natural filtration and im- ing shorelines: gray and green. Gray
prove water quality through wetland infrastructure uses concrete, stone
and oyster restoration, in response to and other methods to just harden the
the declining health of the Indian Riv- shoreline to prevent erosion. Green
er Lagoon in recent years,” Hart said. infrastructure not only prevents fur-
ther erosion but can actually help
UCF comes with expertise in shore- build up shoreline areas,” she said.
line surveys, coastal habitats and
restoration. Walters and Dr. Melinda This work will identify “appropri-
Donnelly have been working with ate areas where shoreline restora-
federal, state and local agencies since tion work would be beneficial,” Hill
2005 to study coastal wetlands and said. “Most living shorelines these
focus on the science of living shore- days use a multi-species approach by
line stabilization to improve habitat planting mangroves and shoreline
along the east coast of Florida. grasses as well as using oyster reefs
to dampen the effects of wind and
The university completed a simi- waves. This approach can be more
lar but smaller survey for a 14-mile economical than hardening the
stretch on the Indian River in Titus- shoreline, and is certainly more aes-
ville earlier this year in conjunction thetic and ecologically preferable.
with the St. Johns River Water Man- One added benefit is that, from the
agement District. That project was day it’s installed, gray infrastructure
funded by a 2015 grant from the In- is pretty much as good as it’s ever go-
dian River Lagoon National Estuary ing to be, while green infrastructure
Program, the same agency funding gets better with age.” 
the latest survey work.

“That model will be expanded

8 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly


12 3

456 7


1. Melbourne Municipal Band’s Brass Ensemble.
2. Detectives Anthony Lubrano and Lisa German.
3. Indian Harbour Beach lifeguards hand out cookies
and hot chocolate. 4. Don Monopoli of the The
Learning Station. 5. John, Suzy and Baxter Seling.
6. Liz Fagen with granddaughter Nina Grand.
7. Blaise, Kayden, Sandra and Valerie Leone.
8. Tom Stauffacher and Bill Dodds 9. Santa greets his fans.


Indian Harbour Beach revels in Christmas cheer

BY CHRIS BONANNO High School also performed for the holiday season, including the Indian bedecked with Christmas lights. Af-
Staff Writer crowd. Harbour Beach Police Department, terward, joined by helpers from the In-
which gave out hot beverages and dian Harbour Beach Fire Department,
Hundreds of residents flocked to “It’s great during the Holiday Sea- glow-in-the-dark sticks. Santa sat next to a towering tree and
Gleason Park in Indian Harbour Beach son. It’s like something that we can do patiently posed for photos with and
to enjoy the town’s Christmas in the (that’s) so easy to brighten someone’s “This is a great opportunity,” said spoke to the long line of children ea-
Park event last Friday evening. day and we enjoy it a lot,” said Kiernan Police Chief Dave Butler. “Our citizens gerly waiting to see him. 
Epperly, part of the group. come over and there’s so many citizens
The festive family gathering featured that come to this event. It gives them
a variety of entertainment, including There was more entertainment in- an opportunity to meet and mingle
performances by the Melbourne Mu- side the community center where Don with the local police department.”
nicipal Band’s Brass Ensemble, whose Monopoli, lead performer with Mel-
members seemed to relish playing in bourne-based The Learning Station, A group of City of Indian Harbour
front of the robust and enthusiastic put on a holiday-themed show aimed Beach lifeguards were happily hand-
gathering. primarily at a younger audience. ing attendees free holiday-themed
cookies, and drinks of cider and hot
“It adds a little energy to what we “It’s happy. It makes me happy and cocoa with marshmallows.
normally do,” said tuba player Tom I’m sure they’re pretty happy,” said
Stauffacher. Monopoli. “We talk about Christmas, “It’s great. It’s just a blessing to be
Hanukkah and Kwanza. Those are the able to come out and watch all the
“Normally the audiences are sepa- three major holidays in December that smiles, wish everybody a Merry Christ-
rated from us but they’re up close we celebrate anyway, and we just try to mas and today I think we’re to capac-
and we can hear them; there’s a lot of get them into the holiday spirit about ity. I don’t even think they can park out
them.” sharing and caring and being a friend, there this year,” said lifeguard Lisa Mc-
and we do that through interactive Carrigle.
“It was a lot of fun,” added Bill Dodds. music and movement.”
“We normally don’t have this kind of a To top it all off Santa Claus made an
crowd for what we do.” Various public service agencies were appearance about halfway through
on hand to help residents enjoy the the event, riding on in a fire engine
A group of students from Satellite

Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 9


Santa rides high at Satellite Beach Boat Parade

That’s when reports started com- the docks, where groups were thrilled
ing in that gaps were forming and at the close-up encounters with San-
lengthening, causing some boats ta.
to lose sight of each other. Eventu-
ally the lead boats needed to stop for “This happens every year. The
close to 20 minutes to let the remain- problem is that some boats go faster
ing boats bunch up again. than others and all it takes is one boat
going slow to clog it up. Some people
In the meantime, Eric Story deftly ask about having a captain’s meeting
maneuvered his large vessel, which but I don’t know really what can be
was being blown by the wind toward done about it,’’ he said. 


BY GEORGE WHITE their way north to the staging area near
Staff Writer Pineda Causeway. Passengers, some
who said they rarely get to ride aboard
The Christmas Boat Parade 2016 in a large boat, marveled at the sight of a
Satellite Beach, sponsored by the Ba- dolphin playing in the bow-wake of the
nana River Sail and Power Squadron, colorful boat behind them.
was led for the second year in a row by
Story Time, with co-captains Eric and All along the Grand Canal were lit
Julie Story ferrying in Santa (aka Dave docks where crowds began to take
Hixenbaugh) as he rode on the bow. their places to shout greetings and
cheer at the boats, some groups con-
There were 21 passengers and crew siderably louder than others. The
on board the 45-foot boat, which youngest voices cut across the water,
served as the official “pace car” for cheering for Santa. On larger yachts
more than 100 vessels. The goal: keep and sail boats, passengers filled every
the wide range of boats in a single file, deck space, calling out to their friends
correctly spaced, safe distance apart on the docks.
for the enjoyment of thousands of
residents, family and friends watching The staging area was an excited
from along the Grand Canal and Lake blend of every type of vessel, from big
Shepherd. to tiny, powered to paddled, each cov-
ered in Christmas lights, their crews
“The weather was rougher last year,” wearing red Santa hats. As the wind
said Julie Story, who started things off picked up, the smaller boats anchored
with a detailed safety briefing. “We’re near the mangrove shorelines, some
excited to be the lead boat again, right tying up with similar size vessels.
behind the Satellite Beach Patrol Boat.
It’s a great community event that the At 6:30 p.m. the police boats briefly
power squadron is involved in. We re- sounded the horn and Story Time
ally look forward to it every year.” started the parade, with boats pro-
ceeding south on the Grand Canal;
As dusk approached, Story Time the patrol boat chirping an occasional
and a few of the other lead boats made horn. All seemed normal.


12 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™


Galmont Ballet’s ‘Nutcracker’ delights
audiences at Cocoa Village Playhouse


The Galmont Ballet this year continued what has become a cherished holiday tradition in
Brevard County, bringing its signature Nutcracker Ballet to capacity audiences at the historic
Cocoa Village Playhouse for the eighth Christmas in a row, putting on four performances with
outstanding student and professional dancers, and superb costumes and sets.

Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 13


Coming Up: Show ’em some love with gift tickets

BY MICHELLE GENZ 2 You could make it a guitar-themed 4 If your list includes a lover of the be Orlando’s with a 9 p.m. start time.
Staff Writer package deal with tickets to see old “Tonight Show,” you’ve got a That’s on April 7.

It’s a sly way to get yourself a date, Richard Thompson, a personal favorite choice of three dates in three months in The Sunrise is on a school night,
including one with your grand- of mine and a lot of other people – Roll- Thursday, Feb. 16, and is slated to start
1 ing Stone has him at No. 16 in its list of three cities to see Jay Leno. at 7 p.m., perfect if you couldn’t stay
100 Greatest Guitarists, and declares up for his TV show. At the Kravis, he
children. And with so little time left, you he’s the best of the best among English The comedian is great in these live plays Sunday night, Jan. 15, at 8 p.m.
folk-rock artists. That’s just one of the Tickets sell out fast to this one, so your
may have to draw a picture of a ticket to genres he excels at – he’s just an aston- appearances, we hear, and he’s coming gift is likely to increase in value.
ishing talent. I tapped into his music
tuck into a stocking or envelope under through his first wife, Linda Thomp- to Florida first in January at the Kravis More points, less effort – that’s our
sonIt isn’t hard to find Richard Thomp- gift-giving goal here. 
the tree. But with a click of the mouse son’s name with any of the greats in Center in West Palm; in February to the
British rock. I love Orlando’s Plaza Live,
and a credit card, you can book seats where he’s performing Feb. 15. There’s a Sunrise Theatre in Fort Pierce; and in
warmth to the aging room not far from
to a wide range of great events in the Orlando’s downtown, and the patrons April to Hard Rock Live in Orlando.
are always so happy to share their fan-
months ahead and have a thoughtful, dom with fellow concert-goers. This I’d guess the liveliest audience will
should be a great crowd to join.
generous and – if you tag along – socia-

ble present for the hard-to-please … or

the almost-forgotten. Here’s my annual

last-minute gift ticket ideas in a wide

range of tastes.

Anyone who hasn’t ever heard the

Brevard Symphony Orchestra – and,

for that matter, anyone who has – can’t

help but be wowed at the March con-

cert that includes Spanish classical

guitarist Pablo Villegas. Even a teenage

garage-band type would find fascinat-

ing the technique demonstrated by

this 39-year-old guitarist, who is said

to wear the mantel of the great Andrés

Segovia, who made the modern classi-

cal guitar hugely popular starting in the

1920s. Played off the left leg instead of

the hip, the acoustic, nylon-string clas-

sical guitar has a distinctive sound and

the strings are typically plucked with Four Tops & The Temptations.
the fingernails.

Villegas, who plays with the intensity

of a rock star (and possesses the looks 3 For lovers of soul music, the King
of a movie star), has performed with Center is offering a double dip of
some of the world’s most renowned
orchestras, including the Boston Sym- a concert April 12 featuring the equal-
phony Orchestra, the Los Angeles Phil-
harmonic and the Israel Philharmonic. ly delicious Four Tops and the Temp-
He’ll be joining the Brevard group in a
night of Spanish music – they’re bill- tations. How can that not be fun? The
ing the March 11 concert BSOlé! The
orchestra performs at the King Center two groups had parallel careers in the
where it serves as resident orchestra.
1960s, and just to trigger that stuck
And a little gifting tip: Villegas was
born in the La Rioja region of Spain; a song syndrome, you can think about
nice bottle of Rioja wine might be nice
to tape those tickets to. the Four Tops’ “Baby I Need Your Lov-

ing” and “I Can’t Help Myself” and the

Temptations’ “My Girl” for the rest of

the day. This concert includes Four

Tops co-founder Duke Fakir, a tenor,

and Temptations baritone Otis Wil-

liams. Performing with Fakir are Ron-

nie McNeir, Lawrence

Richard Thompson. Payton and Spike Bon-
hart. Williams leads The

Temptations’ lineup of

Larry Braggs and Wil-

lie Greene Jr. The two

groups have toured to-

gether before and con-

certs have been sellouts,

including in England

in October. They’ve got

the same smooth gen-

tlemanly moves down, 2910 CARDINAL DR.
even if their belts are 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711

little strained – vocally, I THEL AUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM


16 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly


New primary care doc eager to build her practice

BY TOM LLOYD Company’s Dr Miciara Hernandez-Perez. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
Staff Writer Why are there so few primary care
Internal Medicine saying, “For every That’s something of an anomaly in
The healthcare system in this coun- doctors these days? hour spent with patients, [primary the current healthcare scene. Never-
try is – hands down – the most ex- MarketWatch points to the money. care] physicians spend two hours on theless, the Marcus Welbys of today
pensive in the world, yet it also ranks electronic health records and desk remain most patients’ first line of
at the very bottom in terms of health Beginning salaries for primary care work.” health defense.
outcomes among 19 developed coun- physicians in this country are less
tries recently studied by the U.S. Na- than half of what a rookie specialist Dr. Stephen Schimpff, a former CEO The American Academy of Fam-
tional Library of Medicine. such as an orthopedic or general sur- of the University of Maryland Medical ily Physicians points out that primary
geon gets paid. Center, adds that simply processing care doctors are charged with, ”dis-
The National Institutes of Health paperwork for insurance companies ease prevention, health maintenance,
says it knows why. “One of the most Merritt Hawkins, a nationwide phy- and Medicare costs primary care doc- counseling, patient education as well
important reasons,” according to NIH, sician-recruiting firm, reports that a tors an average of $58 for every patient as the diagnosis and treatment of
“appears to be our failure to empha- beginning orthopedic surgeon can they see. acute and chronic illnesses in a vari-
size primary care.” In fact, NIH goes expect to be paid $488,000 annually ety of healthcare settings including
on to say, “Countries that do focus while a primary care doctor can look That, Schimpff says, is forcing many in their offices, inpatient care, critical
on primary care have better health at forward to roughly $188,000: A differ- of these frontline care providers to in- care, long-term care and home care.”
lower costs.” ence of more than a quarter of a mil- crease the number of patients they
lion dollars a year. see while often having to decrease the Moreover, it is usually a primary
So when a bright, eager primary amount of time they can spend with care physician who refers patients to
care physician like Dr. Miciara Her- Not surprisingly, the lower pay, lon- those patients in order to help offset those much better-paid specialists
nandez-Perez opens a family care ger days, lesser prestige and added their expenses – including student and surgeons.
practice here it should probably be administrative headaches faced by loan repayments as well as operating
considered good news. primary care physicians have led to- and staffing costs. While the ever-optimistic Hernan-
day’s medical students to turn away dez-Perez admits that technologically
That’s especially true given that in droves from family medicine and Compounding matters further for impressive gadgets, gizmos and gear
Florida currently has 42 percent concentrate instead on more lucrative the future, the Association of Ameri- are constantly introduced for assorted
fewer primary care providers than it specialty fields. can Medical Colleges says that in just specialists, the tried and true “sphyg-
needs, according to an April article eight years, the nationwide shortfall momanometer” or blood pressure
that appeared on the Dow Jones & In September of this year the New of primary care physicians will soar to reading device – invented in 1881 –
England Journal of Medicine pub- well over 45,000. might well be one of the newer pieces
lished a report from the Annals of of equipment being produced for pri-
Still, after three years of family prac- mary care physicians.
CM tice in Alabama, Hernandez-Perez has
COLLINS & MONTZ DENTISTRY joined the Sebastian River Medical Product developers follow the mon-
Group and is clearly eager to roll up ey and it’s clear that the big bucks
cosmetic dentistry  preventive dentistry her sleeves and start meeting new pa- aren’t in primary care.
restorative dentistry  dental implants tients here on the Treasure Coast.
But Hernandez-Perez doesn’t seem
Experience the fusion of traditional “I like to be part of my patients’ to mind.
values and modern dentistry. lives,” says Hernandez-Perez, “and get
to know both the patients and their “I never get bored with family medi-
Dr. J. Hunter Collins Dr. Roger Montz families. That’s what I like about pri- cine,” she says with a smile, “because
mary care.” you treat everything,” as a primary
524 Ocean Avenue care physician.
Melbourne Beach, FL 32951 The Cuban-born Hernandez-Perez
continues by adding, “I hope to build Dr. Miciara Hernandez-Perez is with
(321) 725-6565 my practice and have patients for 15 or the Sebastian River Medical Group. Her
20 years. I hope to become the doctor office is at 13840 U.S. Highway One in for my patients’ kids, too.” Sebastian. The phone number is 772-
581-0334. 

Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 17


How new moms can avoid injury when exercising

BY MASHA RUMER certified personal trainer in North- in a neutral position, engage the core ration for women with diastasis recti.
ern California who specializes in core and belly, breathe. Replace burpees with squats or squat
The Washington Post and diastasis recti rehabilitation. jumps.
Ditch the crunch
One morning, while attempting Get moving Avoid movements that put pres- Don’t do it alone
my first jog since the birth of my As soon as you feel well enough to sure on the abdominals, includ- More resources are becoming
6-week-old baby, I was taken aback leave the house, start walking – first ing push-ups, mountain climbers, available to new mothers, such as
by my low endurance as I plodded around the block, then slowly in- planks, Pilates 100s and, especially, physical therapists specializing in
along, hyperventilating and draped creasing to three to five miles daily, crunches, which focus on the outer prenatal, postnatal and pelvic floor
over the stroller’s handle. if possible, Bjornson says. Remember abdominals but don’t develop the health, as well as books and online
during any activity to have the spine entire core and can worsen the sepa- programs. 
I soon discovered endurance was
only the beginning of the physical
challenges I’d experience as a new
mom. Pregnancy and childbirth can
also weaken abdominal muscles,
loosen ligaments and cause struc-
tural changes in the rib cage and pel-
vis. All of this makes a woman prone
to injury if she pursues a bikini body
too quickly.

Pregnancy hormones stay in the
body for about three months post-
partum, continuing to loosen joints,
muscles, tendons and ligaments as
they did in preparation for delivery.
For those breast-feeding, hormones
can have a loosening effect even a
few months after nursing stops.

Marianne Ryan, owner of Mari-
anne Ryan Physical Therapy in Man-
hattan and author of “Baby Bod: Turn
Flab to Fab in 12 Weeks Flat,” urges
new and especially breast-feeding
mothers to exercise carefully. “Don’t
do too much too soon,” she says.

Women’s health experts empha-
size rehabilitation before fitness.

Here’s what specialists recom-
mend for new mothers.

Rehabilitate with daily activities
Everyday movements such as pick-
ing up a baby, loading a stroller into
a car and walking are opportunities
to engage the core muscles, which
refer collectively to multiple muscle
groups including the transverse ab-
dominis (deep corset-like muscle),
six-pack, obliques, diaphragm, lower
back and pelvic floor.
Sit on your sit bones, not your tail-
Physical therapist Kelly Dean says:
“Visualize a cable from the crown of
your head drawing you up. Keep arms
in line with your torso and eyes on the
horizon.” This gets the spine into a neu-
tral position with the rib cage stacked
directly above the pelvis and perpen-
dicular to the ground, and shoulder
blades resting back and down.
Diaphragm or “belly” breathing
is another simple way to engage and
strengthen the abdominals. “When
you inhale, fill your rib cage up with
air. When you exhale, bring your belly
to the spine,” says Cheryl Bjornson, a

18 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly


New drugs can help when diagnosis is thrombosis


The bad news about deep-vein Dr Diego Moldonado. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE come up with the right dose for the that are lower in vitamin K, includ-
thrombosis (DVT) – in which blood new drugs than it is for Coumadin. ing tomatoes, peppers, carrots, cau-
clots form in the deep vein of the from DVT. As many as 900,000 peo- And because of that, regular blood liflower and squash.
leg – is that the clots can break free ple in the United States are affected tests – which are required when
and travel through the blood stream by VTE in any given year; and esti- patients are on Coumadin – aren’t As surgery or any long hospital-
to the lungs, with serious or even fa- mates suggest that it causes 60,000 needed.” Dr. Maldonado also says ization is a risk factor for DVT, Dr.
tal consequences. The good news is to 100,000 deaths. that the newer drugs don’t interact Maldonado says that preventative
that DVT is largely preventable and, with as many medications as does measures are taken in those situ-
if it does strike, there are more treat- While classic causes of DVT are Coumadin, reducing the likelihood ations, such as intravenous doses
ment options available now than in extended periods of immobiliza- of dangerous reactions. of the blood thinner heparin, and
the recent past, including Eliquis, tion, any situation that limits cir- the wearing of compression stock-
Pradaxa, Savaysa and Xarelto. culation should be avoided. In April Coumadin does have one feature, ings until the patient is able to move
of 2003, while covering the war in not seen in the other drugs, that is around freely. The predisposition to
Dr. Diego Maldonado, MD, a pul- Iraq, NBC’s David Bloom died at age both an advantage and disadvan- develop clots can run in families,
monary and critical care specialist 39 after a blood clot broke free and tage. If a dangerous bleeding prob- and Dr. Maldonado says extra pre-
at the Indian River Medical Center, is traveled to his lungs, causing a pul- lem occurs, there is an “antidote” cautions should be taken in hospital
excited about the availability of the monary embolism. His work forced available: typically a dose of vitamin settings if there’s a family history of
new drugs; he says that they work as him to sleep in cramped quarters K. (Dr. Maldonado says that, with DV T.
well as Coumadin – the traditional and this was thought to be a factor additional research, an antidote to
treatment – and have certain advan- in his death. bleeding will likely be developed for Dr. Maldonado wants the commu-
tages over that older drug. He also Eliquis and the other newer drugs.) nity to know that DVT is a serious
spoke to us about preventing DVT, If you have pain in the back of condition, one that people should
which is caused by limitation of your calf – like a charley horse that The flip side is that too much vita- be aware of and take care to pre-
circulation in the legs. Many of the won’t go away – you may be expe- min K in the diet can clot the blood, vent. “DVT that goes undiagnosed
preventative techniques are fairly riencing DVT. The pain is usually interfering with how well Coumadin can lead to a pulmonary embolism,
easy to follow: accompanied by swelling, redness, works. Vitamin K is primarily found which can lead to sudden death,”
tenderness and increased warmth, in leafy green vegetables such as he says. “Talk to your doctor about
 Avoid sitting still for too long. but it is possible to experience DVT spinach, kale, broccoli and Brussels your family history, your lifestyle,
If you’re home, get up and walk with no symptoms. sprouts; doctors advise that people and your possible risk factors to help
around frequently. On long car trips, taking Coumadin should aim for prevent it, and if you have any symp-
Dr. Maldonado says you should stop DVTs are treated with blood thin- moderation and consistency in the toms, don’t let them go untreated.”
every hour or so to stretch your legs. ners; until recently, the only drug amount of vitamin K in their diets
available in pill form was warfarin – no sudden increase in intake, and Dr. Maldonado’s office is in IRMC’s
 Take special precautions when (brand name Coumadin), which supplements that contain vitamin K new Health and Wellness Center, lo-
flying. When on a plane, try to walk was approved by the FDA way back should be avoided. Fortunately for cated at 3450 11th Court, Suite 201.
– or at least stand – occasionally. If in 1954. But now there are four oth- vegetable lovers, there are choices The office phone is 772-794-5800. 
you can’t, exercise your lower legs er choices: brand names Eliquis,
by raising and lowering your heels Pradaxa, Savaysa and Xarelto.
while keeping your toes on the floor,
and then raising your toes while Dr. Maldonado says, “It’s easier to
your heels are on the floor. It’s also
important to stay hydrated, not
overeat, and limit alcohol consump-

 Don’t cross your legs. If you are
sitting for a while (as we sometimes
unavoidably do), try not to cross
your legs, as it can limit blood flow.

 Exercise. Dr. Maldonado says
“exercise helps with muscle com-
pression, which helps the veins re-
turn blood back to the heart, pre-
venting blood from pooling and

Not unexpectedly, the guidance
that applies in so many other situa-
tions applies here too: Lose weight if
you need to, and if you smoke, quit.
Obesity and smoking increase the
risk of DVT.

Dr. Maldonado says that DVT is
part of a condition called venous
thromboembolism (VTE); the con-
dition also includes pulmonary
embolisms – blockages of the blood
supply in the lungs – that can result

Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 21


makers who also have an interest in keeping him at A new class of “donju,” or “masters of money,” has cials,” he said, noting that the younger Kim execut-
the helm. When he convened the congress in May, emerged in this space between state and private ed many fewer people than his father did – about
he put more of his core supporters into positions activity, using their positions in the regime – many 2,000 – during his own transition period. “These ex-
of power. Regimes like this stay intact by spend- travel to the outside world, where they can trade – to ecutions show that he has absolute power.”
ing money on the military and the apparatchiks enrich their leader and themselves.
instead of on the masses. For one of the world’s most threatening figures,
But while tinkering at the margins, Kim has oper- very little is known about Kim as a person.
And for the loyalists of Pyongyang, life is the best ated very much according to the playbook written
it has been in decades. by his grandfather. He has elevated the standing of Intelligence from inside the isolated state is no-
the Workers’ Party and emphasized economic devel- toriously thin, and only a handful of outsiders have
There are new high-rise apartment buildings opment, both of which under his father were subor- met him. The only Americans to have spent any time
popping up everywhere, although the lower floors dinated to the military and nuclear weapons. with him are Dennis Rodman, the former Chicago
are most desired since there isn’t enough electrici- Bulls basketball player, who visited the country three
ty to power the elevators. There’s a pizza restaurant There is no doubt that the economy is a shadow of times, and his entourage.
in the city and a German beer hall, amusement what it could be. State factories remain stuck in the
parks and swimming pools. Supermarkets stock Soviet era, if they are operating at all. Tough multilat- Joe Terwilliger, a New York geneticist who accom-
Japanese mayonnaise and French wine. Taxis are eral and direct sanctions imposed after nuclear and panied Rodman on two of his trips, said Kim is very
everywhere. With money, anything is possible. missile tests are biting. different in person from the outside world’s carica-
ture of him.
And increasingly, people have money. Those sanctions threaten the foreign-currency
Once reliant entirely on the state, North Koreans earnings that Kim needs to continue underwriting “He’s charming and gregarious, and very friend-
have been increasingly allowed to operate in capital- the lifestyles of the North Korean upper crust and ly. He told a lot of jokes, and we had open conver-
ist ways. Factory managers and co-operative farmers keeping them happy. sations about every imaginable topic, like hanging
have more freedom to innovate, as long as they meet out with old friends,” said Terwilliger, who went
their state quotas, and private trade in products from But the country is still in its best economic shape jet-skiing with Kim at his summer house and sang
television sets to chewing gum is now tolerated. A re- in decades, with growth of about 2 or 3 percent, ac- karaoke in front of him. “He especially likes sports,
cent study from Seoul’s Korea Institute for National cording to private-sector analysts, much better than music and movies, and even asked about Sylvester
Unification estimated that the North Korean govern- in the years of contraction under his father. Stallone.”
ment collects between $13 million and $17 million
each day in fees from market traders. If Kim, who turns 33 on Jan. 8, maintains the sup- Since taking over, Kim has cultivated an image
port of North Korea’s top tier, he could remain in as a man of the people. He’s gone on rides at one of
power for decades to come, said Sue Mi Terry, a for- Pyongyang’s new amusement parks. Unlike his fa-
ther, who never appeared in public with any of his
mer North Korea analyst at the CIA. wives, Kim is often accompanied by his fashionable
“The junior Kim has already ruled for five years spouse, Ri Sol Ju.

and could conceivably rule for another 50 years,” Kim and Ri, who are believed to have two or
she said, “if he maintains the support of North Ko- three young children, have visited Pyongyang resi-
rea’s elites, ‘the shareholders’ in his regime.” dents in their apartments, sitting on the floor with
them. Kim has even poured drinks for his hosts – a
But there will be challenges. humble gesture in a culture that prizes seniority
“While the elites as a group by and large still sup- and protocol.
port him, there are signs of growing discord among
the ruling class as it struggles for power and influ- State media shows Kim with a much smaller reti-
ence,” Terry said, noting that there have been sever- nue than his father had, and he is tactile, often slap-
al high-profile defections from the regime this year. ping backs and clasping hands, a huge smile on his
But Kim doesn’t just use money to curry favor; face.
he uses Stalinist-style purges to instill fear. Since he
took power, at least 100 top-level officials have been Experts have been trying to psychoanalyze
purged or executed. North Korea’s leaders for decades, but it’s hard giv-
Most notably, he had his own uncle, Jang Song en how few clues there are. The popular view is of
Thaek, hauled out of a meeting at the end of 2013 – a nuclear-armed madman, but such mockery risks
broadcast on television – and denounced as a “trai- underestimating Kim.
tor for all ages,” then killed.
“The elites know that if Kim can turn on his uncle “People like him are not crazy, and they are not
and other high-ranking officers like he did, any of erratic,” said Bueno de Mesquita, the NYU political
them could be next in his gun sights,” Terry said. scientist. “They are carefully calculating.”
Cheong Seong Chang, a leadership expert at the
Sejong Institute outside Seoul, said the purges are a But given Kim’s capacity for brutality, his short
sign of Kim’s strength. temper and his apparently impulsive tendencies,
“If Kim Jong Un’s power base was weak, it would there is reason to be concerned about his hot-head-
have been risky to execute these high-ranking offi- edness, said Jerrold Post, a psychiatrist who found-
ed the CIA’s personality analysis center.

“This is all about big boys and their big toys,” Post
said. “I must say I’m concerned about words leading
to actions between him and President Trump.”

Indeed, Kim has proved quick to escalate ten-
sions, as in the summer of 2015, when a confron-
tation with South Korea over a land-mine attack
brought the two countries to the brink of war.

The next two or three years will be critical for
Kim, analysts say, as he solidifies his control and
confronts the unconventional Donald Trump ad-

But if the past is any guide, it would be prudent to
avoid making predictions about the North Korean
regime’s imminent demise.

“There has been a lot of wishful thinking going on
since the 1990s,” said Gause, of CNA. “I’m not saying
that their days are not numbered, but North Korea is
a very resilient country. You can’t go on expecting the
Kim family to crumble.” 

RATING HOSPITALS: PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS such as the Society for Thoracic Surgeons, for heart and lung © 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
surgery outcome ratings. Hospitals are prohibited from publi-
How can you tell if a hospital is delivering quality medical cizing their ratings. Readers must purchase a magazine or sub-
care? The answer depends on whom you ask. scribe to the online magazine to see the rankings.

Many national organizations rate hospital quality and safety Hospitals are unable to opt out of any of these rating sys-
– CareChex, Cleverley + Associates, Consumer Reports, Health- tems. While these organizations use similar sources of data,
grades, Medicare’s Hospital Compare, The Joint Commission, they measure different things in different ways and sometimes
The Leapfrog Group, Truven Health Analytics, U.S. News & report conflicting ratings.
World Report, plus others. Today we’ll focus on a few.
For example, a hospital in Michigan received an “A” from
Healthgrades, a for-profit corporation, calculates ratings using Leapfrog, earned designation as one of America’s best hos-
a proprietary methodology. Although mostly based on Medicare pitals by Healthgrades, but failed to make The Joint Commis-
claim data, the reliability and validity of what some have called sion or U.S. News & World Report best hospitals’ lists and only
Healthgrades’ “black box” rating scales have been questioned. Hos- scored 47 on a scale of 100 points for safety in Consumer Re-
pitals must pay a licensing fee if they want to publicize their ratings. ports. At the same time, its Medicare payments were reduced
slightly due to quality issues.
The Leapfrog Group, a nonprofit company, was created
by a group of large employers who wanted to purchase high How can you be sure your hospital provides quality care?
quality, affordable healthcare for their employees. While Look for accreditations/certifications by The Joint Commis-
Leapfrog does not charge hospitals to participate in their sur- sion, the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer,
veys, if a hospital doesn’t submit data to them, it is exempt American College of Pathologists, American College of Radiol-
from scoring for certain measures. Some hospitals protest ogy, American Heart/Stroke Association, etc. Does it have an af-
missing data hurts their score. Leapfrog charges a marketing filiation or partnership with nationally-recognized academic or
licensing fee to hospitals that want to promote their ratings. other medical centers?

U.S. News & World Report publishes an annual rating of ac- And be aware that some companies charge marketing licens-
ademic medical centers and hospitals. In 2014, it tweaked its ing fees to hospitals in order for them to promote their ratings.
hospital-ranking methodology after being criticized for flaws
in its criteria which are largely based on reputation, survival Although information can be as much as two years old, to-
rates and patient safety indicators. It also charges a fee for day’s most standardized hospital quality and safety reporting
hospitals to publicize their rankings. is always available on the federal government’s website www.
Consumer Reports doesn’t collect its own data to rate hospi-
tals. It relies on information hospitals submit to the Centers for Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and use other sources, welcome. Email us at [email protected].

26 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™



7 Raconteur (11) 1 Patient (8)
7 Dessert cake (6) 2 Sugary ingredient (5)
8 Handkerchief (6) 3 Dare (7)
9 Gloomy (5) 4 Add (4)
10 Fantasist (7) 5 Diminutive (5)
13 Falter (7) 6 Course (5)
15 Typical (5) 11 Helped (8)
18 Packet (6) 12 Sure (7)
20 Virtuoso (6) 14 Diadem (5)
21 Meeting (11) 16 On the ball (5)
17 Vacant (5)
19 Wish (4)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 27


ACROSS 74 Opera offering 9 From the ___ 76 Mystery man, The Washington Post
75 Irangate 10 1969 Redford briefly
1 Turns inside-out
7 Prof. Kingsfield’s controversy role 79 Press-on item
77 Setting of 60 11 Mythical monster 81 A word to the
field 12 “___ or lose it”
10 End of the Down 13 Yesterday’s news captain
78 Mideast gulf 14 Actor ___ an 82 Sports figures
turkey? 80 Corrupting Oscar Boozer
14 What influence nomination and Fittipaldi
homemakers 15 Enough and then 83 “Band of Gold”
put up with 82 Language ending some singer Payne
18 Longfellow fellow 83 Sprint long- 16 Fishing or film 84 It helps you row
19 “Many moons ___ items with the flow
...” distance card 17 They’re made 86 Unsavory
20 Bear, up there 85 Adj. for the by jerks 89 Catapulted path
21 A little relief? 21 Semi front 90 Faux pas in cards
22 Malcontent Beatles 24 Architect 91 Use the blower
23 Actor ___ off the 87 Part of 88 Across, Saarinen too long
set in a huff 25 Little boys 92 Odyssean O
26 Actress ___ perhaps 27 “How do ___?” 94 Oklahoma Indian
reporters’ 88 Semester tester (boutique query) 96 Twosomes
questions 90 Ceasefires, e.g. 31 Top-secret govt. 97 Shampooing
28 Patron of 93 Oldsmobile org. stages
Columbus 33 Flub 99 Board fun
29 Start of the song precursor 34 What “algia” 100 Eskimo boat
“Mother” 95 Wayne-Clift means 101 Prefix meaning
30 Actress ___ an 35 The better half “straight”
interview classic 37 TV “moments” 103 Junior hooter
32 Legis. meeting 98 Jell-O cast 39 Mr. Peanut? 104 The least-seen
33 Sweeping story 41 Med. grp. Gabor
35 Rainy seasons 99 Worshiped expert 42 Undo 105 Producer Carlo
36 Show weariness 102 Actor ___ 44 Birds’ words 107 Jethro Tull’s
38 Encountered 45 Guest ___ Anderson
40 Honeymoon in Hollywood (oxymoron) 109 Canadian flag
Vegas Boulevard 46 Carter and Irving symbol
co-star 105 Short film? 49 Double-R Bar, 110 Behold, to Brutus
43 Black Sea villa 106 Midwest university e.g. 111 Energetic one
47 Disposed (of) town 50 Hankering 113 Confederate
48 Raise a point of 108 Actress ___ 52 Water wheel
order, for example herself in her 54 Actress ___ TWO-SAINT OVERTURE By Merl Reagle
49 “See ya” dressing room through her lines
51 Place where guys 112 Actor ___ a million 55 Pie ___ mode
go on his sitcom 56 “Aggie” goddess
53 Boys’ Town st. 114 Caruso or Fermi 57 Moscow site
55 It might be a lot 115 “All gone” 60 It turns out badly
57 Shakespearean 116 Tree of life’s for Hector
schemer location 61 Order in the court
58 Overly curious 117 Canal site 62 Between vous
59 Director ___ 118 Posthaste et moi
toward literary 119 Lack-of-traction 64 Myrmecologist’s
works action specimen
63 Copper catches 120 Keep ___ on 67 Short, in a way
65 Master anew (watch) 68 Glenn Ford TV
66 More severe, as a 121 Foxlike role
cut 122 Identify for the 69 God, he’s
68 Linen variety police belligerent
71 Designer ___ 70 Russian planes
the costume DOWN 72 The thing is
department 1 Units of work 73 Removing,
2 Miles or Ralston as a priest
3 Mephistophelean
4 Copy
5 Fours beat them
6 Doer of the lord’s

7 Triangular sails
8 Immortal

The Telegraph

28 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™


Hubby’s affair changes everything in 25-year marriage

BY CAROLYN HAX when things get confusing. Another simple truth traying you, yes, and falling in imagined love.
Washington Post to embrace is that your love will, in fact, never be You also learned, though, that he’s not a smooth
the same. operator in the slightest and telegraphs his mis-
Hi, Carolyn: I recently caught behavior to anyone paying attention; that’s use-
my husband, 66, in an emotion- You can’t get new information – on who your ful, to know how the alarm system sounds.
al and sexting affair with an- husband is, on what is possible – and not change
other woman, 53. We have been how you feel. That just doesn’t make sense. Also among your new information is that his
married 25 years, and there has response to being caught was to make an effort
never been the slightest hint of But it also makes no sense to take the emotional to fix the marriage.
infidelity in our marriage before. affair as the last new information you’re willing to
receive on your husband and marriage. You just These all matter, they all tell part of the story of
I knew pretty quickly that learned he’s capable of sneaking around and be- where you are now, and they all change the love
something was going on: He took his cell every- between you in their own way, as they should.
where, never leaving it unattended for a second, The way you’re responding to this crisis is also
he took walks to the store at night, he rushed me informing and changing his love for you.
off to bed claiming that he had work to do and
needed quiet. Most upsetting was the love he ex- And while it’s a singularly lousy way to shove
pressed to this figment of his imagination. How a marriage out of its rut, you are in fact out of it
can I compete with someone that is always loving, now, putting thought into the way you live your
pleasant, hot for sex and never has any chores? lives together.

I am wondering whether this is a fluke born of You don’t have to be lying to yourself to see
the ruts of a long-term marriage with its predict- the promise in all of these developments, even
able ups and downs, or a clear message that the as you live with the understandable pain. You
marriage is over. We have re-connected emotional- don’t have to be delusional to place your hope
ly and intimately and are rebuilding our marriage; in someone whose frailties you’ve just seen up
it seems hopeful. But I can’t dismiss this nagging close.
feeling that I am lying to myself, and our love will You just need to be honest with yourself, with
never be the same. him and about what a “happily ever after” looks
like now: lumpy and fragile and not always in your
– Doubtful control. But, then, I could argue that’s always been
true, you’re just aware of it now. Give yourself time
Well, your marriage isn’t over, so any message to get used to this different perspective. And trust
to that effect is far from clear. This may seem like yourself, too. You’ve managed ups and downs and
a “duh,” but simple places to start can be useful ruts and this, and you’ll manage whatever comes
next. 

Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Style Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 29

Why plaid is the perfect winter style classic

The Telegraph
Christmas sweaters
I decluttered my wardrobe recently.
And let me tell you, there is nothing ... there’s
better to make you realize precisely something
a) what you like and b) what you ac- very reassuring
tually wear than having to clear the about plaid
whole lot out. And then there was all that makes it
that plaid I’d accumulated from living loved by all.
in the States.
“In my opinion it’s these codes that
But if there’s a certain time of year make it enduring as it offers the con-
you can revive those traditional tar- sumer a false sense of stability in an
tans, it’s Christmas. increasingly unstable world,” he says.

Whether your favorite item is that “If fashion is in its own nature a
tartan scarf you always wear on long, conscious expression of the times
walks with the family, or those check- through clothing, then as the world
ered fleece slippers that are perfect for becomes more and more unsettled,
lounging by a fire, it’s true what they ‘safe’ materials such as tartan, plaid,
say: Pretty-in-plaid pieces are timeless. velvet, denim and domestic checks
From Braveheart battling in tartan to will become more and more visible
Madonna strutting around the stage as we retreat into the safety of the
draped in the stuff, plaid has evolved past.”
into one of the world’s favorite fabrics.
In fact, it was reported in The New
This Christmas, as some designers York Times in 2001 that there was a
rejuvenate their classic preppy style, huge rise in the number of New York-
I’m not just dreaming of mistletoe, ers wearing tartan in the months fol-
pumpkin pies and mulled wine – I’m lowing 9/11 – simply because it was
after lumberjack shirts and studded seen as a “safe” material.
boots, thick knitted sweaters and
blanket coats. From outerwear to Perhaps this is why so many design-
cocktail dresses, I want my wardrobe ers have made tartan an integral part
to ooze plaid in a clean and subtle of their work – because it represents
kind of way. that back-to-basics feel. From the be-
loved symbol of kin to the Scots, to
And tartan certainly isn’t just for serving as inspiration for refined fash-
women (or die-hard kilt wearers). If ion, it doesn’t really matter what else
you’re struggling to think of the perfect is happening in the fashion world –
Christmas present for the man in your or even in the world at large – there’s
life, what better gift is there than a clas- something very reassuring about plaid
sic rustic flannel? Button-down shirts that makes it loved by all. 
offer the perfect union of day-long
comfort and heritage-inspired style.

“Due to the endless colors, patterns
and material variations, plaid is a per-
fect go-to Christmas present,” says
Amy Neville, model and fashion blog-

“Not only is it stylish and acts as a
statement piece to finish off a look,
but in the cooler months it’s also very

Worn with straight-leg jeans, plaid
shirts are ideal for those casual days
in the office, helping you effortlessly
transition from work to weekend.
Throw one over a crisp white T-shirt
for a laid-back look or wear one under-
neath a navy blazer for a more sleek
and professional finish.

So what is behind its enduring ap-
peal? And why is tartan such a safe op-
tion for gifting?

John Boddy, head of fashion design
at Falmouth University, thinks that
tartan is loaded with codes and mes-
sages – symbolizing legacy, history,
tribalism, tradition, heritage and pride.

30 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 Style Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly

Christmas outfits for every occasion


The Telegraph

The Christmas period poses myriad
wardrobe dilemmas. With an un-
naturally high concentration of social
events and a desire to dazzle more so
than we do throughout the rest of the
year, it’s hardly surprising that we can
be left struggling for inspiration.

From the work Christmas party to
shopping and New Year’s Eve, our chic
outfit ideas will solve all your festive
wardrobe quandaries.

4. 5. 7.

1. Post-work drinks Opt for a romantic suit, with a Best Party Bags
A pair of statement earrings is a silky pussy bow blouse underneath (à
great tool for tackling the endless la Gucci) for the most twinkly of eve-
string of desk-to-dinner dates.Be- nings. Pair with platforms or pointy
jewelled, shoulder-grazing pairs add flats accordingly.
sparkle to plain blouses, while wear-
ing one large metallic earring will give 5. Christmas morning
your office outfit a little edge. Opt for Matchy-matchy pajama sets are a
a pair of fancy flats that enable you to no-brainer for present opening. Stay
trot between soirées at ease. snug by layering a sumptuous night
gown or cosy cashmere throw over the
2. Christmas party top. Finish with sheepskin slippers.
Set yourself apart from your fellow
party-goers and opt for a jazzy midi 6. Christmas Day
dress over a sequin mini. The high Something with a little sparkle,
street is awash with sophisticated be- flare or embellishment. It’s Christmas
low-the-knee dresses (think patterns, after all. Wear a shirt with an embel-
metallics and voluminous sleeves). In- lished collar peeping out over a color-
vest in one, and then accessorize with ful knit. Pair the duo with relaxed tux-
the pricier, designer accessories you edo trousers or (loose-fitting) flares
have accrued over the years. and a block heel. Prefer a skirt? Opt for
something glitter-strewn or pleated.
3. Supermarket sweep
A backpack stuffed with reusable 7. New Year’s Eve
shoppers will be your best accessory A jumpsuit is a fabulous New Year’s
on the dreaded supermarket run. Eve option; comfortable for when you
Leave your jacket in the car and rush want to hit the dance floor, but per-
round the store in a lightweight knit, haps not a party piece you’ve exhaust-
slouchy pants and sneakers. You’ll look ed throughout the rest of the year. Try
cool and comfortable – ideal for when adding some asymmetric earrings for
you inevitably bump into someone a modern take on disco jewelry, and a
else on a turkey mission. glitzy cross-body bag. 

4. Christmas Eve

Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 31

& Casual Dining

Wind & Waves Grill: New restaurant at Vero Disney


At Disney’s Vero Beach resort, the Cheeseburger
fine-dining restaurant is gone – but Flatbread.
the dining, minus the white table
cloths, may be finer than ever. Wood-Grilled Brick Oven-Roasted
Grouper. Clams.
During the summer and fall, Disney Flounder
ripped out Sonya’s, its stuffy formal came atop a bed of sliced baby pota- with clams.
restaurant, and Shutters, its casual toes and Applewood bacon, surround- House Smoked
restaurant. It then replaced Shutters ed by five clams, and all in a creamy Pork Belly.
with the Wind & Waves Grill. sweet corn chowder broth. Luscious. Bread Pudding.

Unlike Shutters, which had a dis- For dessert, our excellent server Kathy old – and if you live on the south Bre-
tinctly nautical motif with sailboats, talked us into an order of pineapple vard barrier island, the Wind & Waves
buoys and life-preservers, the Wind & cinnamon bread pudding with caramel Grill is definitely worth a try.
Waves Grill is a brighter, airy restau- sauce and a scoop of Dole Whip ($8).
rant with more of a beachy vibe. Dinner for two, accompanied by a glass I welcome your comments, and en-
of wine or one of the Wind & Wave’s courage you to send feedback to me at
The menu of the new Wind & Waves Floridian craft beers, should run in the [email protected].
Grill, which opened last week, is
heavily focused on local seafood The reviewer dines anonymously at
and produce, offering a variety restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
of creative appetizers and din- 32963. 
ner entrées.
neighborhood of $100-$120 before tip. Wind & Waves Grill
On a visit last Friday, I decid- As for Sonya’s, at one point mysteri-
ed to start with the brick oven- Hours: Daily, 5 pm to 9 pm
roasted clams ($14), my husband ously rated by Florida Trend magazine
ordered the house-smoked pork the top restaurant in Vero, it has been Beverages: Full Bar
belly ($12), and our companion started turned into the Wind & Waves Market
with a bowl of seafood chowder ($6.50). – a “grab and go mart” serving burgers, Address:
sandwiches and sweets for guests to en- Disney’s Vero Beach Resort
The chowder, a creamy concoc- joy poolside or take back to their room. Highway A1A just south of
tion with potatoes, corn and chunks
of conch, was delicious. And my hus- So where there were two Disney res- CR 510
band raved about his tender roasted taurants, now there is one. But the new
pork belly, which sat atop a bed of one may be better than either of the Phone: 772-234-2180
pureed cauliflower surrounded by an
apple cider gastrique.

My tender Sebastian clams were
served in a broth made from Cigar City
Jai Alai IPA ale, butter, parsley, fennel,
garlic and shallots. The pale ale impart-
ed a slight bitterness to the broth that
paired well with the clams.

Then for entrées, I chose the wood-
grilled grouper filet ($29), my hus-
band opted for the Atlantic flounder
with local clams ($30), and our com-
panion decided to go with one of the
only carryovers from the old Shutters’
menu, a flatbread.

The Wind & Wave Grill’s flatbreads
seem somewhat more creative than
at the old Shutters, with three of-
fered: cheeseburger, Florida BLT, and
smoked chicken and apple (all $14).

Our companion went for the cheese-
burger flatbread, which included crispy
bacon, romaine lettuce, local tomato
jam and lemon mayonnaise. She said it
was as good as it looked, with just a bit
too much mayonnaise.

My perfectly grilled local grouper filet
was served atop Florida hearts of palm
and an avocado/cucumber salad, sur-
rounded by an inner ring of charred red
onion sauce and an outer ring of herb
vinaigrette. A very flavorful dish.

My husband’s Atlantic flounder

32 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly

& Casual Dining

ebrate A Special New Year’Come Cels Eve At

New Year’s Dinner
$29.95 per person
5 Course Dinner including a
glass of wine or other beverage

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3830 HWY A1A, Melbourne Beach - (In Publix Shopping Center)
O P E N 11 A M L U N C H & D I N N E R - P I C K U P & D e l i v e ry - PH: 321.914.0995

Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 33


Bonz two-steps with Tex, who’s blind and so kind

Hi Dog Buddies!

I had a great interview with a rescue dog Us pooches’d go into the read- Tex the Chihuahua. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
this week. I know all you poocheroos are
happy, like me, that more and more hu- ing room one atta time and she’d read to us snooze on their
mans are decidin’ to rescue, right? I dunno
why, but those stories really give me wet for a half hour each. It was great. I’d usu- laps and get carried around as
eyes, ‘specially when it’s the Christmas
Season. ally sit in her lap, and close my eyes and much as I want, which is most of the time. old, blind pooch. But now I have
a Pawsome Family, and a Mom who’s to-
Tex Martin’s an old fella, around 10 and snooze and listen. I always felt so safe an I have three toys but I don’t really play with tally dedicated to me and other Pooches
a half, close as they can figure. He’s a light In Need. She’s even thinking about moving
chocolate-colored chihuahua, good bit of comf-tubble. Humans think we just enjoy ‘um so I’ll probly donate ‘em to Pooches to Switzerland for college, ‘cuz they’re Very
gray around his face. And he’s blind. Totally. Big On Dogs. She’s teaching me all about
the sound, but we like the stories, too. My Less Fortunate. I also get to go to the Bark Animal Rights and helping my Fellow Dog.
We knocked, and a grownup man opened Mom’s my Hero.”
the door. There were two girls with him. The favorite’s ‘Harry Potter.’ So, me and Mom Park and play with other dogs. I’m not
older one was holding Tex, who was sniffin’ Heading home, I was thinking about
like mad in our general direction. just bonded. When me an Mom were hav- scared or anything and I NEVER cower. But sweet, laid-back Tex, and the girl whose
love and determination gave one small, el-
“Come right on in, young fella. An your ing my last session of reading and it was I am gettin’ up there, so I just run around derly, blind pooch the best Christmas pres-
helper, too. I’m Tex Martin. This is my ent anyone could wish for – a safe, happy
Grampa Keith, and my Mom, Fallon, she’s time to find a foster family for me, I was in little circles and for not very long. And I Forever Home and a loving family.
12, and my Aunt Kyla, she’s 9.”
sad cuz I wanted to still be with Mom. And play with a nice poodle neighbor. I’m gon- Till next time,
Tex kept wigglin’, till his Mom set him
gently on the floor. He made a couple Mom said that, when she was reading to na get up the nerve to ask her name one of The Bonz
small circles, his toenails clicking on the
floor. me, I was all happy and relaxed and she these days. Don’t Be Shy

“Pleased to meet you,” I said loudly was, too. “I don’t get to go to work with Grampa We are always looking for pets
so he could go toward my voice. He with interesting stories.
perked up his ears – well, one of ‘em. “Well, My Grampa had planned to get a cuz he has a rest-runt and there are Rules.
The other was sorta flopped over, gave To set up an interview, email
him a rakish look. Boink! He bumped German Shepherd cuz he’s a Big Dog Guy. But, when he gets home and takes his [email protected].
into my Assistant. “Oops, sorry,” he
said. “I’m blind as a bat. Always run- But my Mom persuaded him to adopt me. boots off, I sit right in front of ‘em till he
nin’ into walls and trippin’ over my
water bowl.” So, instead of getting a big, young, brand picks me up. Then we watch TV and he

He located me pretty quick and ex- new dog, he got a little bitty, old, pre- scratches my head and neck and feet. It’s
ecuted a perfectly nice Wag-and-Sniff.
Then his Mom scooped him up and we all owned dog! And now he’s glad. He says I’m our nightly ritual.”
settled around the dining room table, Tex
comfy in his Mom’s lap. “Thanks so much for a Goofball, and that I’m so laid back I’d be “Any favorite food?” I inquired.
making time to share your story,” I told him.
a good surfer. Mom says if I didn’t already “Humm, I’d say, pretty much, anything.
“I’m happy to do it. Maybe it’ll get more
humans to think about adopting us older, have a name, she’d call me Dude.” If there’s eating going on, I’m IN!”
handicapped pooches. So – I started goin’
blind quite a while back. My other fam- “Tell me what your life’s like now.” “Sounds like this’ll be a really Merry
ily, they were always nice to me, but they
didn’t know to take me to a vet. So, when “It’s great. I sorta know my way around Christmas for you.”
they realized I couldn’t see ANYthing, they
didn’t know what to do, so they brought here: I still bump into stuff, but not hard “The Best, Bonz! My first Christmas with
me to the Humane Society shelter.”
or anything. Mom and also Aunt Kyla and my Forever Family. I never thought I’d get
“Oh, Woof! That is Seriously Soggy Dog
Biscuits!” I sympathized. Grampa all love me to pieces and I get to another chance, or that anybody’d want an

“Yeah, pretty much. The humans there
are real nice, and I even got an Angel spon-
sor, but I figured my chance of getting
adopted was basically slim to none, what
with my age and bein’ blind and all. I was
pretty sure I’d never have an actual Forever

“Yet here you are.”
“I KNOW! Amazin’, right? Here’s what
happened: The Humane Society has a
bunch of young volunteers, and some of
‘em read to us.”
“Say what? Read to you?”
“Yep. And my Mom’s one of the readers.

34 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™


ONGOING bourne Main Street Friday Fest, 6 to 10 p.m. 31 New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner and JANUARY
every second Friday. Dance, 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Holi-
Melbourne Civic Theatre - A Tuna Christmas, day Inn in Viera hosted by Melbourne Mu- 1 Historical Walk of Old Melbourne Beach, 10
weekends thru Dec. 24. Free Science Cafés hosted by Brevard Zoo nicipal Band, with hors d’oeuvres, sit-down a.m. from pier at Ocean Avenue sponsored by
and FIT, every second Wednesday thru June at dinner, dancing to 20-piece Swingtime band, Melbourne Beach History Board and led by town his-
Space Coast Lightfest, 6:30 to 10 p.m. night- Duran Golf Club’s Tradewinds Restaurant. Free. floorshow by Swingtimers Vocal Trio, balloon torian Frank Thomas, with a reception in Community
ly at Wickham Park in Melbourne thru Jan. 1. drop and champagne toast at midnight. $100. Center following the walk. Free. 321-723-2655 DECEMBER 321-339-7705.
3-22 Riverside Theatre presents the
Foosaner Art Museum – Radiant Messenger: 24 Eighth annual Surfing Santas event, 31 The Classic Albums Live Rockin’ Broadway musical Chicago on
Drawings by China Marks exhibit, thru Jan. 7. 8 a.m. at Minuteman Causeway, New Year’s Eve Party, 10 p.m. the Stark Stage. 772-231-6990
321-674-8916 Cocoa Beach, with hundreds of Santas riding hosted by King Center for the Performing
the waves and live entertainment to benefit Arts and the Brevard Music, listening and 6-8 Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse
EGAD First Friday in Eau Gallie Arts District, the Grind for Life nonprofit and the Florida dancing to hits of Creedence Clearwater Re- presents Gibson’s dramatic play,
5:30 to 8:30 p.m. every first Friday; and Mel- Surf Museum. vival and the Rolling Stones. BrevardMusic- The Miracle Worker. 321-636-5050

Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 7 Cops and Robbers 5K Run, 8:30 a.m. at
in December 15, 2016 Edition 1 REAPER 1 REMUNERATE Wickham Park to benefit Melbourne Po-
4 RUBBLE 2 AUTONOMOUS lice Foundation, with ‘robbers’ given a one-min-
7 MATTRESS 3 EUROSTAR ute head start before ‘cops’ give chase. $25; $20
9 TERRIER 4 ROSE students.
13 TUBER 6 LODE 8 Space Coast Jazz Society presents Grammy
15 RUMBA 8 STAB winner Robert Navarro, 2 p.m. at Cocoa
16 ELITE 10 INVINCIBLE Beach Country Club to benefit SCJS Student Jazz
17 RABID 11 RELENTLESS Workshops. $20.
20 ECSTASY 18 BUYS 12 Indian River Symphonic Association
24 ASSEMBLE 21 CAMP presents Prague Philharmonia, fea-
25 SPHERE 22 TAKE turing violinist Sarah Chang, 7:30 p.m. at Com-
26 STRESS 23 SAFE munity Church of Vero Beach. 772-778-1070

Sudoku Page 532 Sudoku Page 353 Crossword Pagee5322 CroPsasgweo3r3d Page 53 (A CURRENT AFFAIR)



Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your service to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753

This directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the beachside community an

opportunity to make themselves known to island readers at an affordable cost. This is the only service directory

mailed each week during season to all 8,000+ homes on the South Brevard barrier island. If you are interested

in a listing in the Melbourne Beach 32951 Business Directory, please contact marketing representative

Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.

36 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™


Boater’s dream home on half-acre lot in Crystal Lakes

BY MARIA CANFIELD kitchen, with its long L-shaped coun-
Correspondent tertop and abundant cabinetry.

The spacious one-story home at The carpeted living room is gen-
410 Ross Avenue in the Crystal Lakes erously-sized, and has a nice view of
community is ideal for boaters and the lanai and pool. It is in the middle
others looking for peaceful, canal- of the house, separating the fam-
front living. There is easy access ily room and kitchen from the bed-
from the private dock – with its boat- rooms and baths.
lift – to the Indian River Lagoon and
Sebastian Inlet. For ocean lovers, a The master bedroom, comfortably
public-access beach is just a couple carpeted like the living room and
of minutes away; characteristic of the other two bedrooms, overlooks the
community’s low-key style, many res- canal, reinforcing the home’s serene
idents travel there via golf cart. appeal. It has a good-sized walk-in
closet, and an en suite master bath
Situated on a substantial half-acre tiled in an attractive shade of sand-
lot, the house boasts a large screened- trap beige. The bath has efficient and
in lanai, home to an oversized pool. sleek-looking high hat lighting and a
Mediterranean-style arches separate wall-to-wall vanity with widely-sepa-
the concrete pool area from the area rated double sinks. An open, step-in
used for dining, relaxing or viewing shower can easily accommodate a
the beautiful orange-hued sunsets. safety chair, if needed.

The one-story home is roomy, with The second full bath, located in
over 2,300 feet of living space. The the hallway, is surprisingly large
tiled family room has a wood-burn- for a home built in the 1970s. Like
ing fireplace with stone facing that the master bath, it has a long vanity
stretches from floor to ceiling. This with double sinks; the color scheme
room is conveniently open to the is a pleasing combination of brown,
beige and rosy cream. The floor tiles

Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 37

have an appealing Spanish-feel. REAL ESTATE
There’s a formal dining room,
nestled in its own cozy corner of the 410 ROSS AVENUE
house. East-facing, it’s protected
from the afternoon and evening sun; Subdivision: Crystal Lakes
a perfect place to enjoy a cool late- Year Built: 1978
day meal.
Construction: Concrete block
The entrance to the home is quite Home Size: 2,366 square feet
striking, with its expansive front
lawn and mature trees, long and Lot Size: half-acre
slightly winding driveway, and tiled Bedrooms: 3
U-shaped outside foyer. The Mediter- Bathrooms: 2
ranean feel of the home is very much
in evidence here, with the crisp white Additional Features: 2-car
stucco walls and hacienda-style roof. garage, ceiling fans throughout,
Two tall arched windows, framed in
rustic brick, surround the entry door, intercom system, bulkhead
which has a lovely leaded-glass panel seawall
in an oval shape.
Listing Agency: Treasure Coast
While the house itself has much Sotheby’s International Realty
to offer – and much potential for the Listing Agents: Dave Settgast,
buyer who wants to put their own 321-543-1187; Laura Downey,
stamp on their home purchase – the
ultimate attraction here is the prop- 321-795-6866
erty and its views, and the lifestyle List Price: $549,900
that living on the canal provides. The
Crystal Lakes community has a casu-
al, laid-back feel and Ross Avenue is a
cul-de-sac, ensuring peace and quiet.

The owner is also selling a vacant
property across the street with its
own dock and boat ramp, allowing
for a unique canal-to-canal owner-
ship experience. 

38 Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Dec. 8 to Dec. 14

Real estate activity in the South Brevard island ZIP codes 32951 and 32903 roared to life this past week,
with 9 properties sold in Melbourne Beach and 3 in Indialantic.

The top sale of the week in 32951 was of a riverfront home in Crystal Lakes. The property at 471 Spoonbill
Lane was placed on the market Feb. 23 with an asking price of $2.35 million. The price was subsequently
reduced to $2.25 million. The transaction closed Dec. 9 for $2 million.

The seller in the transaction was represented by Eva McMillan of Dale Sorensen Real Estate. The
purchaser was represented by Mitch Ribak of Tropical Realty of Suntree.



$595,000 $550,000
HIDDEN COVE 143 HIDDEN COVE DR 3/31/2016 $575,000 $571,000 12/13/2016 $375,000
CRYSTAL LAKE 2ND ADD 445 RIGGS AVE 10/1/2015 $350,000 $399,999 12/13/2016 $335,000
$349,000 $333,000
MELBOURNE BEACH 421 6TH AVE 7/8/2016 $549,000 $350,000 12/12/2016 $465,000
$230,000 $230,000
BEACHCOMBER CONDO OF 4495 S HIGHWAY A1A 201 10/27/2016 $499,000 $349,000 12/11/2016 $494,000
$373,900 $367,500
RIVER WALK BY THE SE 225 W BEACHWOOD BLVD N 6/9/2016 $499,000 12/11/2016

FLORIDANA BEACH SUBD 134 DELESPINE ST 12/8/2016 $230,000 12/8/2016

RIVERSIDE LANDING OF 4947 IDLE HOUR CT 10/27/2016 $499,000 12/8/2016

BEL VISTA 201 RIVER DR 7/1/2016 $399,900 12/8/2016


RIVER OAKS EAST 498 S RIVER OAKS DR 3/1/2016 $595,000 $550,000 12/14/2016 $542,000
OCEAN SD VIL P2 B8P9 3480 TITANIC CIR 84 11/7/2016 $249,982 $249,982 12/12/2016 $249,900
RIVER OAKS EAST 1019 E RIVER OAKS DR 6/30/2016 $529,000 $489,900 12/11/2016 $470,000

’17 forecast: Boomers are in, low mortgage rates are out

Washington Post

Various real estate entities have 1. Millennials and boomers will als are clamoring to live in Madison, 4. Fewer homes on the market and
weighed in with their prognostica- dominate the market. Wis.; Columbus, Ohio; Omaha; Des fast-moving markets. Inventory is
tions for the 2017 housing market. expects these two massive demo- Moines; and Minneapolis. down an average 11 percent in the top
Most observers expect home sales graphic groups to power demand for 100 metro markets, and it is not ex-
and prices to moderate in the coming the next decade. 3. Slowing price appreciation. Re- pected to improve next year. Homes
year. They say suburbs will make a forecasts home prices will are selling 14 percent faster.
comeback while the days of low mort- 2. Midwestern cities will continue grow at 3.9 percent annually, com-
gage rates are over. to be hotbeds for millennials. Ac- pared to an estimated 4.9 percent in 5. Western cities will continue to
cording to, millenni- 2016. lead the nation in prices and sales. Re-
Of course, a lot depends on the
actions of the new administration.
Although President-elect Donald
Trump said little about housing dur-
ing the campaign, some of the issues
he highlighted will have an effect on
the residential real estate market,
such as infrastructure spending, reg-
ulatory and tax reform, and immigra-
tion policies.

Below is a roundup of what the ex-
perts say buyers, sellers and renters
can expect in 2017: predicts “a year of
slowing, yet moderate growth.” The
listing service for the National As-
sociation of Realtors compiled five
housing trends for 2017:

Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | December 22, 2016 39


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Hidden Cove, Address: 143 Hidden Cove Dr Subdivision: Crystal Lake 2nd Add, Address: 445 Riggs Ave

Listing Date: 4/1/2016 Listing Date: 10/2/2015
Original Price: $595,000 Original Price: $575,000
Recent Price: $571,000 Recent Price: $399,999
Sold: 12/14/2016 Sold: 12/14/2016
Selling Price: $550,000 Selling Price: $375,000
Listing Agent: L Whitney & P McLoughlin Listing Agent: Laura Downey

Selling Agent: National Realty of Brevard Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

David Settgast James Warburton

Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Coldwell Banker Paradise

Subdivision: River Walk By The Sea, Address: 225 W Beachwood Blvd N Subdivision: Riverside Landing Of, Address: 4947 Idle Hour Ct

Listing Date: 6/10/2016 Listing Date: 10/28/2016
Original Price: $549,000 Original Price: $499,000
Recent Price: $499,000 Recent Price: $499,000
Sold: 12/12/2016 Sold: 12/9/2016
Selling Price: $465,000 Selling Price: $494,000
Listing Agent: Russ Pappas Listing Agent: Laura Dowling Roy

Selling Agent: Salt Water Realty of Brevard Selling Agent: Premier Properties Real Estate, Inc

Russ Pappas Cyndi Jones

Salt Water Realty of Brevard National Realty of Brevard predicts prices to increase 6. Home values will grow 3.6 percent. the market an average of 52 days this “Strong household formation cou-
5.8 percent and sales to increase 4.7 “Those looking for more affordable year, according to Redfin. It expects pled with further job growth, rising
percent in this region. housing options will be pushed to them to sell even faster in 2017. wages and continuing home price ap-
areas farther away from good transit preciation will drive strong growth in
One prediction you can always options, in turn leading more Ameri- 3. New-construction growth will purchase originations in the coming
count on: No matter what’s happen- cans to drive to work,” said Svenja slow. Construction is “much lower years,” said Mike Fratantoni, MBA’s
ing with the economy, NAR is always Gudell, Zillow chief economist. than historical averages due largely to chief economist.
going to say it’s a great time to buy. “Renters should have an easier time labor shortages. Given that nearly one
Its fourth quarter Housing Opportu- in 2017. Income growth and slowing in four construction workers are for- MBA expects rates on the 30-year
nities and Market Experience survey rent appreciation will combine to eign-born, stricter immigration poli- fixed rate mortgage to remain below
found that 70 percent of people say make renting more affordable than it cies from the Trump administration 5 percent through the end of 2018.
now is a good time to buy a home. has been for the past two years.” are likely to make the problem worse.”
NAR also predicts the rate on a 30- Redfin predicts “strong buyer in- “Historically low and, in some cas-
year fixed mortgage will rise to 4.6 terest, better access to credit and a 4. Mortgage rates will increase but es, negative rates around the world
percent by the end of 2017. modest and much needed increase not too much. Redfin expects mort- continue to put downward pressure
in inventory will allow home sales to gage rates to rise but no higher than on long-term U.S. [bond] rates, keep-
Zillow says the homeownership grow but not as much in 2016.” The 4.3 percent on the 30-year fixed rate ing them lower than the domestic
rate will bounce back even as renting national real estate brokerage made next year. growth environment would other-
becomes more affordable. The real six predictions: wise warrant,” Fratantoni said.
estate data firm also sees a reversal of 1. The housing market will continue 5. More people will have access to
a recent trend, predicting that “more to grow but at a slower pace. Redfin ex- home loans. Next year, Fannie Mae Many times over the past few years
Americans will drive in from the af- pects median home sale prices to rise and Freddie Mac will raise its loan the refinance boom has been de-
fordable suburbs for work, despite ur- 5.3 percent annually in 2017 compared limits for the first time since 2006, in- clared over only to have world events
ban development efforts.” Its predic- to 5.5 percent this year and existing creasing them to $424,100 for most of conspire to revive it. Although he adds
tions are: home sales to increase 2.8 percent an- the country and to $636,150 for more a caveat to his expectation, Fratanto-
nually in 2017 compared to 3.4 percent expensive markets. “This change ni said he expects fewer refinances in
1. Cities will focus on denser devel- last year. Although Redfin predicts in- makes it easier for more homebuy- the coming year.
opment. ventory will be up slightly, it noted that ers to qualify for a mortgage in high-
“because we haven’t seen any increase priced markets,” Redfin said. “The world is an uncertain place,
2. More millennials will become in supply in the most affordable third and there is always a chance that
homeowners. of the housing market in more than 6. Millennials will move to sec- rates could drop again in response
eight months, we expect most of next ond-tier cities. According to Redfin, to global turmoil,” Fratantoni said.
3. Rental affordability will improve. year’s increase to be in the most expen- among the places millennials are “But we expect that refinance volume
4. Buyers of newly built homes will sive third of the market.” looking to buy are Raleigh, N.C.; Aus- will most likely be much lower over
have to spend more to cover rising 2. 2017 will be the fastest real estate tin; and North Port, Fla. the next few years as homeowners
costs of construction. market on record. Homes stayed on have repeatedly had the opportunity
5. The percentage of people who The Mortgage Bankers Associa- to lower their rates, and there will be
drive to work will rise for the first time tion predicts mortgage rates will rise fewer households with an incentive
in a decade as homeowners move far- slightly but remain low, purchase ap- to refinance if rates follow the path
ther into the suburbs seeking afford- plications will increase and refinance we are projecting.” 
able housing. applications will decrease.

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