Home rule ‘heroes.’ P2 Bad, bad bacteria. P26 Enlighten up, people
Officials honored for taking on Malicious and flesh-eating
Tallahassee over local issues. ‘Vibrio’ lurks in our waters.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2018 | VOLUME 03, ISSUE 38 ... at One Zen Place gallery. Page 12
STUDENTS FLOURISH www.melbournebeachsider.com | NEWSSTAND PRICE $1.00
SUPER SCIENCE LAB Advocates seek
a budget boost
for bus service
STORY BY JAN WESNER CHILDS CORRESPONDENT Student lab manager and senior Nina Reddy addresses a class at Satellite High School’s renowned science lab. PHOTO: JULIAN LEEK STORIES BY HENRY A. STEPHENS CORRESPONDENT
[email protected]
A poster hangs on the wall of the Sat- vanced research on just about any topic us grow as young scientists.”
ellite High School science lab, featuring they choose. Just how professional is the SHS lab? Melbourne resident Ca-
a former student’s doctoral research at mille Tate and a dozen or so
Yale University – to motivate budding “It’s a lot of hands-on experience and It’s a designated Bio Safety Level II facil- friends, most of them visually
scientists, and to demonstrate that the we’re lucky to have a professional lab to ity, which means it is set up to handle impaired, had at least one re-
sky’s the limit. work in,” student lab manager and se- microbiological research on toxic sub- quest last week for the County
nior Nina Reddy said. “That really helps Commission: Don’t cut the
Centrifuges, high-speed micro- CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 Space Coast Area Transit’s $21
scopes, sensitive specialized scales, million “shoestring” budget
commercial refrigerators and bio waste any further.
containers fill the facility’s two rooms,
waiting and ready for student projects. And when the commission
There’s even an incubator where sev- approved County Manager
eral students have grown cancer cells Frank Abbate’s tentative $1.3
and an autoclave that sterilizes items at billion spending plan, which
temperatures up to 121 degrees Celsius, would go into effect Oct. 1,
equal to 250 degrees Fahrenheit. the countywide bus service’s
budget remained intact.
The lab, tucked away in a quiet corner
of the campus, gives students a unique In fact, Tate observed, there
opportunity to conduct their own ad- was some $75,000 more for
Historic canoe washed up by Irma will have Space Coast home STORM-DAMAGED
[email protected] a few remaining mysteries.
Hall, 100 Polk Ave. It will have After a year of delays and
Hurricane Irma’s most fa- The Florida Division of a prominent permanent dis- postponed reopenings, the
mous local historical artifact Historical Resources has se- play in the C.A.P.E. Center, hurricane-damaged SunTrust
– a now well-studied 13-foot lected Cape Canaveral where the city’s first arts and cul- Bank branch at 500 N. Mira-
Southern Red Cedar dugout the ancient canoe will re- tural institution, which is mar Ave in Indialantic will not
canoe that washed up north main in the Community Ar- currently in the design phase return.
of Cocoa on Sept. 11, 2017 – is tifacts Room located in City and on target for comple-
SunTrust spokesman Hugh Suhr said “unforeseen issues”
CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 led to the company’s decision not to reopen this branch lo-
“The storm damage combined with other structural is-
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 ‘Eire’ we’ll go again!
NEWS 1-6 DINING 28 PEOPLE 7-10 Dining review: Comfort food at
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 21-23 PETS 20 Melbourne’s Cottage Irish Pub
CALENDAR 30 INSIGHT 15-24 is pretty terrific. PAGE 28
2 Thursday, September 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Home rule ‘heroes’ honored for taking on Tallahassee
STORY BY JENNIFER TORRES CORRESPONDENT was the founding tenet for home rule. venting municipalities and counties tial neighborhoods,” Montanaro said.
It’s been a guidepost of the state con- from creating their own ordinances on “People buy homes in neighborhoods
One size does not fit all. stitution since 1968. In granting home issues like marijuana dispensaries, guns expecting a certain quality of life, the
It has become the battle cry of sorts rule, the state gave broad power to local and vacation rentals. Legislature wants uniformity across the
for local government officials across officials by enabling them to make de- state on this issue but we all know that
the state who feel their ability to make cisions they feel are in the best interest That didn’t sit well with four local one size does not fit all.”
informed decisions for their commu- of their residents, as long as those deci- beachside officials, whose advocacy
nity is being hampered by Tallahassee sions comply with state laws. on behalf of their towns and cities was Satellite Beach has had an ordinance
legislators. recently acknowledged by the Florida prohibiting them since 2007.
The idea that government is at its But recently legislators have been at- League of Cities with the Home Rule
best and most responsive when closest tempting to pass laws preempting cer- Hero Award. “Large corporations are buying up
to constituents and local communities tain powers to the state, thereby pre- homes especially in beachside cit-
The honorees include: Deputy Mayor ies and turning them into rentals that
of Indialantic Stu Glass, City Manager of sleep anywhere from 15 to 40 people,”
Indian Harbour Beach Mark Ryan, City Montanaro said.
Manager of Satellite Beach Courtney
Barker and Vice Mayor of Satellite Beach “Infrastructure in most cities are not
Dominick Montanaro. adequate to house these type of rent-
Allison Payne, manager of advocacy
programs and federal affairs for the Indialantic Deputy Mayor Stu Glass
Florida League of Cities, says they were agrees and says recently proposed House
chosen for being instrumental in voicing and Senate bills related to short-term
their opposition to legislation that would rentals would have resulted in problems
preempt municipalities from having any for the small beach-town neighbor-
say in regulating vacation rentals in their hoods with the influx of short-term tran-
neighborhoods. sient renters, noise and traffic. “With no
two municipalities being the same, a
“Vacation Rentals are not a terrible bill that is positive for one municipal-
thing, but they do not belong in residen- ity may not be beneficial to another or
The vessel weighs 7,800 tons and
The USS Indiana, a nuclear pow-
ered-attack submarine, will be com- is 377 feet in length with a beam of
missioned in a special ceremony Sept. 34 feet, and can operate at more than
29 at Port Canaveral. 25 knots submerged. Its specially de-
signed reactor plant does not require
A limited number of ceremony tick- refueling during the planned life of
ets were available to the public but the boat, which the Navy says reduced
have already been reserved. There are lifecycle costs and increases the
two remaining events that the public amount of time the submarine can re-
can attend marking the celebration. main underway at any one time.
The first is a 5K fun run at 7 a.m. The sub is outfitted to support Spe-
Sept. 29. The race runs from Explora- cial Operations missions, including a
tion Tower to the Port Canaveral locks torpedo room that can be reconfig-
and back. Cost is $30 and registered ured to accommodate larger numbers
participants will receive a T-shirt. of personnel on prolonged missions.
Instead of traditional periscopes, it
The second is a prayer service at 8 has two visible and infrared digital
a.m. on Sept. 30 at Jetty Park. cameras atop telescoping arms. The
cameras are maneuvered by a video
The USS Indiana is the 16th Virgin- game controller.
ia-class submarine to join the fleet,
and was built at Huntington Ingalls
Industries-Newport News Shipbuild-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 20, 2018 3
harmful to another,” Glassman said. as playgrounds and athletic field grand the opportunity to speak, other times Melbourne; John Titkanich, City Man-
Indian Harbour Beach City Manager stands. some or all of the public could not speak ager, City of Cocoa; Commissioner Mike
on the proposed legislation.” Miller, City of Cocoa Beach.
Mark Ryan says that in addition to hav- “I probably made a half-dozen trips
ing control over vacation rentals, he to Tallahassee to testify before various Statewide, 89 officials were honored as “Tallahassee should not be interfer-
worked on legislation that would allow committees in the Florida House, the Home Rule Heroes. ing in cities’ ability to do what’s best for
municipalities to establish smoke-free Florida Senate, and the Florida CRC,” their residents; government closest to
zones in public parks around areas such Ryan said. “Sometimes I was afforded Other winners from Brevard County the people is best,” Montanaro said.
include: Mayor Kathy Meehan, City of
4 Thursday, September 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Faculty member Joseph Scott addresses students in the Satellite High School science lab, a designated Bio Safety Level II facility. PHOTOS: JULIAN LEEK PROPOSED COUNTY BUDGET
SCIENCE LAB Seasoned student researchers gath- bourne High was not available. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
ered at the lab on a recent Saturday At the annual Brevard County Sci-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 to train a dozen or so newbies on how buses than she had anticipated.
to use the equipment, as well as brief ence Fair, Satellite and West Shore are “It’s a tiny $75,000, but you have to
stances such as infectious diseases. them on important safety rules and traditionally top winners in their re-
Every high school in Brevard County policies. They were supervised by spective divisions, and often send sev- take baby steps before you can walk
has a science lab, as do many area pri- teacher Joseph Scott, one of three fac- eral students to state and international and run,” Tate said later. “It’s still a
vate schools and other public schools ulty members who oversee the lab. science fairs each year. drop in the bucket.”
throughout the state. But the BSL II
designation sets Satellite above of its Since it was just training and non- “Science research is one of the Tate, president of the Melbourne-
peers. researchers were present, students courses that is student-driven,” ac- Space Coast chapter of the National
weren’t in their full lab gear or using cording to Maggie Molledo, one of the Federation of the Blind, approached
And while they don’t actually work actual specimens. They demonstrated faculty members who oversees West the commission, as did six of her 18
with hazardous substances in the lab, some of the advanced techniques used Shore’s lab. “They work to their ability members in the audience.
the designation holds special cachet in the facility, including things as sim- level and higher. It is also a team ap-
when students present their projects ple as hand washing to how to prepare proach. Everyone supports each other They called for such things as an
to science fair judges or college profes- specimens for the incubator. and encourages them to improve and addition to the bus fleet’s 30 vehi-
sors. do more.” cles, so they wouldn’t have to wait an
“You’re going to have to learn to do hour or more for a ride, or wouldn’t
Reddy said students at most other a lot of things with one hand,” Reddy Teachers at both schools say their need four hours for a bus ride that
schools often have to go to a college lab told the new researchers as she dem- faculty teams and student researchers would take just an hour for someone
to do advanced biomedical research. onstrated how not to contaminate a spend so much time together that they driving a car.
specimen when placing it in a test tube bond like family and keep in touch for
“The judges want to see that we did or on a microscope slide. years after high school is over. Commissioner Jim Barfield, in a
our own work,” Reddy said. “When we later session, asked the Space Coast
say, ‘Oh, we did this at our high school,’ Satellite has 60 students enrolled in Many students start working on Transportation Planning Organiza-
they’re impressed. We have a very good science research this year. West Shore their projects over the summer, and are tion to look into charging “mobil-
reputation here in this lab.” High School, which is a smaller school often in the lab on weekends and dur- ity fees” to new developers. Such fees
but has grades seven through 12, has ing other school breaks. could be used to expand mass transit
The lab gets funding from the School 128 students enrolled. The number in the wake of development.
Board and grants, and gets equipment of science research students at Mel- “It’s not uncommon to have one of
donated from the local scientific com- them in here on Christmas Day,” Scott With Barfield not seeking a second
munity. said. term, Tate said she will work with Vice
Chairwoman Kristine Isnardi on how
to meet the blind group’s additional
bus needs.
Meanwhile, under the tentative
budget, the typical resident on Bre-
vard County’s barrier island will see
a reduction of about 6.35 percent in
the property taxes they pay for most
county services.
Outside the bus issue, there was lit-
tle discussion. In his reports, Abbate
has noted his $1.3 billion proposal,
despite its reduced tax rates, is actu-
ally a 10.25 percent increase from the
$1.17 billion budget the commission
approved last fall.
Half of that increase, he has said,
comes from $60 million in revenue
from the half-cent sales tax for Indian
River Lagoon cleanup projects.
Overall, the budget calls for spend-
ing $240 million on general govern-
ment operations, up 3.38 percent
from $232 million the current year.
Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
Community Editor ADVERTISING We are here to provide Brevard barrier [email protected]
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 island readers with the most comprehen-
[email protected] Key Accounts Manager sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, Creative Director
Tim Bird, 407-927-6451 Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 20, 2018 5
Those expenses are to be matched by the general fund, the Library District, The typical home on the barrier is- in the current year.
similar amounts in various taxes and the Mosquito Control District and the land is valued at $227,000, according Commissioners are required to
fees. But $148.6 million would come Environmentally Endangered Lands to the county Property Appraiser’s
from property taxes, up from $143.2 management and debt service add up Office. Subtracting $50,000 in home- present the budget in a second hear-
million this year. to about $4.69 for every $1,000 in tax- stead exemption, that home would be ing before it becomes final. That
able property value. That’s a 6.2 per- taxed at $830 to support the five taxing hearing is set for 5:30 p.m. Sept. 25 in
For the barrier island, the com- cent drop from $5 this year. units. That’s down $55 from the $885 the County Government Complex in
bined tentative tax rates to support Viera.
6 Thursday, September 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 PHOTO COURTESY OF RANDY LATHROP exhibit will be opened to the public
from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
tion in 2020. “It was a big surprise
and we’re thrilled to get it. Irma was “The Irma dugout is one of over
devastating but I like it when good 400 examples of historic canoes
things happen during a hurricane. Its from Florida. No single dugout is the
discovery was a bright point in a dark same as the next, and all are worthy
time,’’ said Molly Thomas, Cape Ca- of study. But, the amount of research
naveral cultural programs manager. conducted on the Irma dugout sets it
apart from all others previously dis-
A welcome event will be held at 4 covered — it is the single most well-
p.m. Sept. 28 at City Hall featuring researched logboat from Florida,’’
the canoe finder, historical shipwreck said Paleo West Office Principal Julie
salver Randy Lathrop, and presenta- Duggins.
tions by archaeologists from Paleo
West Archaeology, Tallahassee. The Techniques applied to the study of
the canoe included dendrochronol-
ogy, radiocarbon dating, thin-section
wood identification and pXRF analy-
sis, she said. Last fall, University of
South Florida Libraries created a 3D-
image computer rendering of the ca-
“Scientists have collected a large
amount of data from the Irma dugout
and have worked collaboratively to
interpret its unique history,’’ she said.
But, even after all the study to date,
there remains questions about its ori-
gin and use other than it was made by
Europeans rather than Native Ameri-
cans and was used in several different
periods. Radiocarbon dating has de-
termined there is a 50 percent prob-
ability the canoe dates from between
1640 to 1680.
“I’m really glad it’s coming back to
the Cape. I think it’s cool because it’s
a mystery still,’’ Lathrop said.
sues was much more than initially
anticipated,” Suhr said.
“We are in the process of notifying
our clients.”
On Sept. 11, 2017, a small tornado
caused by Hurricane Irma damaged
the building.
Indialantic Mayor Dave Berkman
said after repairing their roof, Sun-
Trust officials found structural dam-
age in the foundation due to corrod-
ing steel.
Before the decision to close was
announced, local SunTrust custom-
ers expected the branch to reopen
this month and some, like Randall
Wood, have been frustrated.
“My only comment and those of
my neighbors that utilize that Sun-
Trust branch is the frustration of this
seemingly endless process,” Randall
“It has been a year since Hurri-
cane Irma, and the pace of renovat-
ing that building has been exceed-
ingly slow.”
Other nearby SunTrust Bank loca-
tions include 314 E. Eau Gallie Blvd.
in Indian Harbour Beach, and 1303
S. Babcock Ave. in Melbourne.
Carissa and Dorien Moore.
At ‘Youngest Yogi’ class,
the pose helps with prose
8 Thursday, September 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
At ‘Youngest Yogi’ class, the pose helps with prose
STORY BY BENJAMIN THACKER CORRESPONDENT “‘J’ is for jellyfish!” exclaimed Denice impressive resume, says she was notic- herself. “Yoga is the perfect balance
[email protected] Santos. “Wave your arms like tenta- ing a lack of basic reading comprehen- between mental, emotional and physi-
cles!” sion skills in students she was tutoring cal.”
Green and red laser light constel- a few years ago.
lations circled around the mirrored The boys and girls, ranging from 2 After each student had selected a
walls and bounced onto the floors and to 10 years old, squirmed and wriggled She had the idea to combine her new- card and the class had mastered the
ceiling, transforming the studio at on their mats, waving their imaginary found love for yoga and her passion for corresponding poses, it was on to the
Melbourne Beach Fitness into a calm tentacles gracefully through the water. teaching, to create the Youngest Yogi next activity.
and surreal space. class, with an emphasis on developing
Santos, a career educator with an and nurturing students’ literacy skills. Throughout the majority of the
45-minute class, Santos led her stu-
The next student came up to the dents through a variety of poses, many
front of the class to select a card with with alternate names she says kids re-
a letter on it. spond better to.
“‘C’ is for camel!” she called out, She says she created the class as a
prompting the kids in the front row “means for emerging readers to kines-
to come to their knees and arch their thetically learn letter recognition and
heads backwards, hands resting on sounds, sight words and multi-layered
heels. directions,” which she says are im-
portant skill sets for early elementary
The moms in the back row followed learning.
suit, breathing deeply as they eased
into the stretch. “We all learn better by doing, and
learning this way sticks with you,” she
Rebecca Novo sat on the far side of said. “You won’t forget!”
the room with her daughter Bea, one of
the youngest yogis in attendance at age The Youngest Yogi class takes place at
one and a half. Melbourne Beach Fitness every Thurs-
day at 3:30pm. For more information,
“I’ve been waiting to find a class like please follow Youngest Yogis on Face-
this since my daughter was born,” said book, or call 321-806-0830.
Novo, who practices yoga regularly
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 20, 2018 9
Rebecca Novo with daughter Bea. Pierce Anderson with mom Monica.
Larry Sola and Alison Pojanowski of Melbourne Beach Fitness.
10 Thursday, September 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Kiwi Tennis Club well served by outgoing GM Lilley
[email protected] Giving back to the community has
three years he made the New Zea- the next few years coaching the Ca- been a big part of Lilley’s legacy.
They say home is where you hang land National Team and by the time nadian National Squash Team. Through tournament funds, Kiwi
your hat. he retired from the sport, he was has donated tens of thousands of
ranked No. 8 in the world. He spent In 1992, Lilley and his family dollars to community organizations
In the case of Murray Lilley, it’s moved to Indian Harbour Beach, including Florida Tech’s Scott Cen-
always been a place to hang his rac- where he ran a local tennis program ter for Autism Treatment, the Parker
quet. for several years until the Kiwi Ten- Foundation for Autism and Child
nis Club was founded by fellow New Development, and Candlelighters of
Now, after nearly two decades, the Zealander Ed Scott in 2001, and he Brevard, Inc.
71-year-old Lilley will retire on Sept. installed Lilley as tennis director. Lilley said he plans to continue do-
27 as general manager of the Kiwi Within six years he was named gen- ing charitable work in his retirement,
Tennis Club, and return home to his eral manager. helping “kids and causes.”
native New Zealand. As Kiwi’s director of business de-
Memories Made velopment, Jill Connolly said Lilley
“I feel I am one of the fortunate Lilley said some of his best mem- will be a hard act to follow.
few who got to work in a fun envi- ories of Kiwi are of the people he’s “I never met a more dedicated,
ronment with a second family of met, and they include some big hardworking 71-year-old, that’s for
friends,” Lilley wrote in a letter to names like Grand Slam champ Andy sure. Whatever he does, he does it
Kiwi members announcing his re- Roddick, and world No. 1 doubles 100 percent, from tennis to cycling
tirement. duo Bob and Mike Bryan. to drinking beer, the man gives it
“We have had some of the great- his all,” Connolly said. “I have a tre-
Marketing director and pro shop est players here,” Lilley said. “One of mendous appreciation for Murray’s
manager Anna Stroman will take my favorite times was when we got a commitment, not only to Kiwi Ten-
over the top spot. match with Todd Martin.” nis Club but to his friends and the
Martin was ranked as the world community. Murray will be, beyond
Native Kiwi No. 4 on the ATP World Tour in the a doubt, missed but never forgotten;
Born in New Zealand, Lilley start- 1990s and is now CEO of the Inter- he is truly one of a kind.”
ed playing tennis at 4 years old. By national Tennis Hall of Fame & Mu- Lilley’s wife of 45 years, Karin, is
the age of 12 he was a member of the seum. already back in New Zealand, getting
Provincial Tennis Junior Team and Other memorable moments in- things ready for retirement.
by 17, the senior team, where he won clude the battle of brothers -- an ex- “She has always been very support-
the championship and ranked No. 1. hibition match between world-class ive,” Lilley said.
At 19 and ready for a change, he surfers C.J. and Damien Hobgood, The couple have two grown chil-
took up the game of squash. Within and the Bryan brothers -- with pro- dren, Nigel, 38, and Christine, 33,
ceeds from the event going to cancer who both live in Canada.
research. “My children learned to play ten-
And he said one of his favorite nis in British Columbia. I think it re-
events is the Space Coast Pro Ten- ally has helped them in their lives,”
nis Classic, Central Florida’s biggest Lilley said. “You make so many con-
women’s tennis event where more tacts and meet so many great people
than 100 professional players have through tennis.”
competed over the last 13 years; Passing the torch
money raised helps to support local Kiwi will host a retirement party in
charities. Lilley’s honor on Sept. 20.
He said the most challenging thing
about his job was “keeping every-
body happy.”
As the new general manager, Stro-
man’s initiatives include offering
more flexible memberships, increas-
ing the number of social events, and
working on various capital improve-
ments around the facility.
“Both Murray and I were born in
New Zealand and we refer to our-
selves as kiwis,” Stroman said. “In-
teresting that one kiwi is taking
over from another kiwi in the gen-
eral manager position at Kiwi Tennis
His advice for the new general
manager is simple – keep it fun.
“Make it fun for everybody,” Lilley
said. “People don’t come here to get
stressed, they come here to have fun.”
Enlighten up at One Zen Place
music/art gallery
12 Thursday, September 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Enlighten up at One Zen Place music/art gallery
A 25-year Melbourne firefighter has Amy Dyson and John Ryan.
found his happy place, his Zen place
to be exact, in opening an arts studio PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
and performance venue in Vero Beach
where he and his wife can fully express but listen … not just to look, but to see
their creativity. … not just to think, but to experience.”
John Ryan and Amy Dyson have Adding a hint of mystery to the ven-
spent a lifetime devoted to exploring ture, the music/art studio is located
the arts and have recently opened One off the beaten path. But despite that,
Zen Place to share their multiple tal- the concept has already been well-
ents with others. It’s a fitting undertak- received; the salon is full on most eve-
ing for the married couple, who settled nings. The pair introduced their Friday
in Vero Beach roughly eight years ago. night soirées this summer with a series
of Summertime Blues performances.
In an intimate, salon-style setting,
Ryan, an accomplished pianist, com-
poser and lyricist, entertains the audi-
ence with his music while Dyson, an
experienced artist, creates a visual ac-
“Zen basically defies definition, but
for One Zen Place it means that we cre-
ate art and music in the moment,” Dy-
son explains, noting that their goal is to
create an atmosphere in which patrons
can immerse themselves in art and
music. They bill it as a place that offers
the “opportunity to not merely hear,
They kicked off the series with trumpet with
Ryan tickling the ivories of a Bösen- him and, to every-
dorfer Gustav Klimt piano, playing one’s delight, joined in for a few tunes.
classic blues interspersed with some By day One Zen Place is a working
of his original compositions. Klimt’s studio and gallery. Ryan spends his
exquisite “Woman in Gold” is re- time writing and composing while Dy-
produced on the inside of that pia- son explores and creates her vision, as
no’s lid, which segued into Dyson’s evidenced by the eclectic array of art-
showing and discussing the works of work on display in the gallery and the
Klimt. The Atlantic Music Center in diverse mix of pieces in various stages
Melbourne provides Ryan with a dif- of completion around the studio.
ferent piano to use every few months. “One thing this place has offered us
is freedom, as artists, to be able to do
“It’s a small space,” says Ryan. “Ev- the things we want to do. To spread
eryone is only a few feet away from our wings and have a platform to do
what’s going on and we can interact
with them.”
That interaction is part of the fun.
Ryan gives a history of the genre du jour
and the highlighted musical artists, in-
termittently interrupted by Dyson, who
adds to the background history, dem-
onstrates art techniques and creates
pieces in tune with Ryan’s music.
One evening former astronaut and
retired U.S. Navy Capt. Winston Scott
was in the audience. A talented musi-
cian, he just so happened to have his
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 20, 2018 13
what we want,” shares Ryan. sons and causes for things,” said Dy- person to compose the music for sev- I’ll see it on the canvas,” says Dyson.
Ryan began playing the piano at a son. “That’s what I do in art.” eral animated films she had written. Pointing to three panels on the wall
young age; undeterred even after his While shooting a show at the Na- Now, the couple’s relationship has she adds, “he was playing some very
piano teacher told his parents they were tional Gallery of Art, Dyson rediscov- become deeply rooted in the arts, each big, expansive pieces when I came up
wasting their money. He began perform- ered the Natural History Museum and finding inspiration from the other’s with this. We play off each other a lot.”
ing publicly at age 13 as a church organist ultimately changed the trajectory of work. “I’ll hear him start playing and
for the whopping sum of $5 per Mass. her work. After becoming fascinated “The Piano Man,” a musical comedy
with prehistoric art, she began ques- Dyson has written, is based on some of
He is predominately a self-taught tioning the way the Upper Paleolithic the comical events of Ryan’s 35-year
musician and attributes his natural paintings in the Caves of Lascaux in career behind the piano. They eventu-
ability to genetics. His father was a France, which had been closed since ally plan to share the entire process,
classically trained pianist, as well as a 1963, were depicted in various texts. from writing the songs to casting the
Pentagon cryptologist. play, through an interactive experi-
She wrote numerous letters to the ence at One Zen Place.
Ryan’s family moved to Melbourne French Ministry, which eventually
when he was in high school, after which agreed to look into 40 of the 200 depic- Through October, Ryan and Dyson
he became a firefighter for the City of Mel- tions she had mentioned. Six months will host evenings featuring differ-
bourne. Throughout his 25 years of ser- later, the ministry contacted Dyson, ent themes each week – from prehis-
vice, he continued with his music, hon- inviting her to visit the caves and con- toric art to the music of the late Aretha
ing his skills while performing along the sult with them regarding the paint- Franklin. In November they plan to un-
east coast of Florida as a solo performer. ings. In the end, Dyson was proved veil “Piano Night Live,” which will be
Locally, he has performed at Strawberry correct, resulting in the reclassifica- live-streamed at OneZenPlace.com for
Mansion Restaurant (the original), Sun- tion of 250 of the cave drawings. folks who want to watch from the com-
tree Country Club, Eau Gallie Yacht Club, fort of their own homes.
Djon’s Steak & Lobster House, Continen- Dyson does a lot of commission work
tal Flambé, Moonstruck Wine Bar and and is always in the midst of a variety The possibilities are endless, they say,
Florida Keys Piano Bar. of projects. Currently in the works are envisioning One Zen Place as a blank
a series of composer paintings in the canvas to be filled with new experienc-
In addition to having some of his style of Rembrandt, Solo Stones (cairn es. Future performances will include
original compositions featured in sev- rock sculptures to be used for neuro- sand animation, guest singers, jazz trios
eral HBO television series, Ryan wrote science-based meditation), Enso (a and possibly even working on paintings
and performed an original song for Japanese art form created with a single while hanging from aerial silks.
Panasonic for the 2008 Olympics. An- brushstroke), Miksang (a form of con-
other piece that holds special meaning templative photography), Sumi-e (Jap- One Zen Place is located at 4005 43rd
for him is “Never Forget,” an American anese ink painting), and prehistoric Ave, Vero Beach, FL. For more informa-
anthem honoring the lives lost in 9/11. art designs. There are also sculptures tion, visit onezenplace.com, johnryan-
He has also written songs for Austra- of marble, wood and metal she designs piano.com or amydyson.com.
lian singer Jerin-Lei and has released and commissions out to her protégé, a
his own album, “Words Alone.” professional welder who previously
worked on the NASA shuttle platform.
After putting herself through col-
lege as an advertisement model, Dy- Although raised as children not far
son eventually decided she preferred from each other in Maryland, the cou-
being behind the camera, doing what- ple didn’t meet until Dyson flew to Mel-
ever she needed to do to further a ca- bourne to conduct an art appraisal. Dy-
reer as a photographer, before eventu- son heard Ryan playing at a restaurant
ally exploring other avenues. and decided that he would be the ideal
“I am an etiologist; I find the rea-
14 Thursday, September 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Coming Up: Arts aflutter at King Center extravaganza
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER ro’s Riverside Theatre; Historic Cocoa guitar” approach in
Village Playhouse; Surfside Playhouse;
Brevard Arts Academy; Melbourne City his live performances,
Dance Center; Central Brevard Art As-
1 The King Center for the Perform- sociation; Foosaner Art Museum; Space using a D’Angelico hol-
ing Arts leads the Melbourne ar- Coast Art Festival; Space Coast Weavers
and Fiber Artists; Brevard Zoo; Brevard low body, Fender Stra-
Renaissance Fair; and way more than I
ea’s arts and music parade this week: can possibly list. But you get the idea. tocaster and Cordoba
Bring the kids, for sure. Time: noon to
A dazzling day of performing arts is in 5 p.m. Concert: 2 p.m. Admission: free, Nylon string, creating
no tickets required. Culturalartsshow-
store this very Sunday, Sept. 23. And it’s case.com. some cool switch-offs
free! It’s “Brevard’s Ultimate Perform- during the same song.
ing Arts Festival,” lovingly created for Illinois born and raised
the whole family and presented by the contemporary jazz Blake Aaron, Brian Simpson & Paul Taylor
at King Center this Saturday.
highly regarded Brevard Symphony 3pianist and composer
Orchestra in partnership with the King Simpson had “very mu-
Center. This dynamic cultural arts sic-oriented parents,”
showcase is Brevard’s best, pull-out-all- according to Wikipedia. His dad was a most thrilling, innovative pioneers on
stops celebration of the arts: a day filled 2 Three seasoned musicians – Blake jazz fan and, Simpson is quoted as say- the contemporary jazz scene,” heralds
Aaron, Brian Simpson and Paul
with displays, cultural demonstra- ing, “Our house was filled with music. I the show promo. Smooth jazz sax man
tions, (really cool) family activities and Taylor – take the King Center’s Studio never really considered any other life- Taylor, says Wikipedia, is known for his
live performances across three stages. Theatre stage this Saturday in a terrific style.” After graduating college with a soulful sweet sound and innovative mu-
A highlight is the not-to-be-missed evening of music on behalf of Brevard B.A. in music, Simpson headed for L.A. sic. He has released 11 albums since his
special family concert by the Brevard Music Group’s annual concert for Bre- and its hot music scene, developing an debut “On the Horn” in 1995; chalked
Symphony Orchestra, made possible vard’s less fortunate. In town from the “eloquent approach to playing, and so- up literally thousands of performances
by music patrons Harry and Wendy Left Coast, the Southern California- phisticated harmonics sense,” his work worldwide; and set new standards for
Brandon, and hosted by Lite Rock 99.3’s based Aaron is, says the show promo, a flavored with bluesy overtones. Simp- the “sonic possibilities of contemporary
own Mike and Mindy. All your favorite multifaceted guitarist, composer, pro- son’s keen sense of songcraft has made urban jazz.” After logging a slew of hit
music, theatre, dance and visual art en- ducer and media personality, who “cre- him “the go-to man for many” pop, jazz albums since “On the Horn,” Taylor’s
tities will be there. Here’s a tiny sample: ates a masterful fusion of jazz, R&B, soul, and blues notables. With Janet Jackson, new album, “Countdown,” launches his
Brevard Community Chorus; Space rock, blues and Latin sounds,” drawn he co-wrote the pop hit “The First Time,” third decade as a solo artist. Show time:
Coast Jazz Society; Brevard Symphony from a life’s worth of diverse musical and his latest release, “Persuasion,” 7:30 p.m. Tickets: start a $64. 321-242-
Youth Orchestra; Henegar Center; Ve- influences. Aaron’s employs a “multi- should further assert him as “one of the 2219..
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BY KIERAN MULVANEY now stood, just the very fact that we past, of those who sought to be where were clear of the port, which is home
THE WASHINGTON POST were now here, that we were standing we now stood, to meet, in the words of to the Russian nuclear fleet; but as the
at the top of the world, placed us in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the “challenge ship slipped from its moorings, as the
The North Pole is a destination rarefied company. of human daring.” It is also, increas- mood lightened and as the celebratory
without a marker. Unlike its southern ingly, to consider the future – to wonder on-deck toasts loosened inhibitions,
equivalent, which is located deep with- Less rarefied, however, than it used whether, just as the window of accessi- that admonition was soon forgotten.
in the frozen continent of Antarctica to be. bility is cracking open, the opportunity
and delineated with an actual pole and to see the North Pole as we know and Cameras and cellphones clicked
a nearby scientific base, the North Pole In 1977, another nuclear-powered imagine it is already starting to close. away as Victory eased quietly out of
is in the middle of a constantly shifting icebreaker, the Arktika, became the first harbor, into Kola Bay and northward
mosaic of ice atop the Arctic Ocean. surface vessel to reach the Pole. The If, as Robert Peary claimed, he, Mat- into the Barents Sea.
journey has been completed multiple thew Henson and a team of Inuit were
There are no mountains, no per- times by several vessels in the four de- the first men to stand at the North Pole Within two days, we had reached
manent topographical features of any cades since; our voyage was the 123rd. Franz Josef Land, an archipelago of
kind, just a jumbled, jagged icescape. The ship spent several hours searching 192 islands that is the most northerly
Historically, to be at the North Pole has The top of the world has become a for an area that was suitable to park. land in Eurasia – at its northernmost
been to feel as removed from the rest of tourist destination: an extraordinari- point, a mere 560 miles from the Pole.
humanity as it is possible to feel, isolat- ly expensive one, certainly, and one on April 6, 1909, they did so after more We would visit it again on the way
ed in a harsh environment, thousands reached only infrequently. It is none- than a month of hard slogging from south, but in between, once the archi-
of miles from civilization and warmth. theless achievable with far greater ease Canada’s Ellesmere Island. pelago had slipped over the horizon
than anyone might reasonably have astern of us, we would see no land.
It is a place that as recently as 1846 imagined even 50 years ago, when the Sixty years later, when Wally Herbert
was described by Sir John Barrow, an became the first person universally The journey to the Pole was devoid
English statesman who midwifed the A white rainbow across the acknowledged to have walked to the of craggy cliffs and stunning vistas, the
Victorian age of Arctic exploration, arctic sky as seen from the Pole, he and his team had been on the only variants the extent and thickness
as “the only thing in the world about Russian icebreaker ice for fully a year, having been forced of the ice floes that surrounded us, the
which we know nothing.” Long after 50 Let Pobedy. to make camp over the long Arctic amount of water that separated them
its true nature has been unveiled, it winter and wait until currents carried and the wildlife that crossed our path
has continued to bedevil and torment number of expeditions that had tra- the sea ice in a favorable direction. or tailed in our wake.
many who have dared to impinge on it. versed the sea ice and stood at the Pole
could be counted on the fingers of one In 2017, those on board 50 Let Pobe- Our first sightings of ice came as we
For decades, men and women have hand with a digit or two to spare. dy made the trip in less than five days. made our way past the archipelago, but
striven to reach the top of the world; they it was in the evening that we left the is-
have struggled on skis, hauled sleds and Its accessibility is not the only way in We arrived in Murmansk, the sec- lands behind us that the sea ice shifted
endured a litany of miseries – including which the Pole and its environs differ ond- largest port in northwestern Rus- from being an occasional interloper
death – in pursuit of that goal. But when from half a century ago – a difference sia, on an August afternoon and began to the dominant feature of our sur-
I went to the North Pole, all I had to do that was evident during our journey. our smooth, steady journey northward roundings. The ship rattled and shud-
was board a flight to Helsinki and catch that evening. We had been instructed dered as it entered the Arctic Ocean ice
a charter to Murmansk, Russia, where I “I have been working in the area not to take any photographs until we pack, crushing and plowing through
boarded a ship. From there, all that was for 30 years and been doing North the floes. Smaller ones were tossed ca-
required of me was to kick back and Pole voyages for 24 years, and I’ve sually to one side, but even the larger
enjoy the scenery, the wildlife and the seen many changes in the ice condi- sheets offered little to no resistance.
three multicourse meals per day. tions,” Captain Lobusov said during
the voyage north. “As we approach the “The experience of hearing and
After we reached the Pole, that ship, North Pole, you can see we have many watching the ship break ice is as mes-
a 500-foot, 28,000-ton, red-and-black stretches of open water.” merizing as watching fire,” advised So-
nuclear-powered Russian icebreaker lan Jensen, a hyper-efficient Alaskan
called 50 Let Pobedy – or, in English, To travel to the North Pole is to be with a Zen mien who functioned as as-
50 Years of Victory – towered over us, acutely aware of not only the isolation sistant expedition leader for Quark Ex-
about 130 fee-paying passengers from of the present, but also the weight of the peditions, the adventure travel com-
around the world, accompanied by a pany that had chartered the vessel.
small handful of scientists and journal-
ists, as we stood in a large circle, each As if to prove him right, I leaned over
of us wearing expedition-issued bright the bow for hours on end and watched
yellow parkas. as a crack would appear in the ice then
race ahead in jagged fashion, splitting
The ship’s captain, Dmitriy Lobusov a floe asunder then widening and ul-
– tall, gray-bearded and looking every timately separating the floe into two
inch a Russian sea captain – spoke or more pieces as Victory waltzed ar-
into a microphone, his words trans- rogantly through.
lated by an aide by his side.
Victory makes only five trips to the
“Congratulations to you all on North Pole with paying passengers each
achieving your dream,” he said. And year, chartered alternately by Quark
if none of us could lay claim to any and Poseidon Adventures; it spends the
achievement even remotely on the bulk of its life breaking through the ice
scale of those who had danced with of the Northern Sea Route, which con-
death as they battled to be where we nects the Barents Sea to the Bering Sea
across the top of Russia, opening path-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 20, 2018 17
ways at the head of convoys of cargo Polar bears often lie an open patch of water next to the ship
and container ships. at the edge of a floe, con- provided an opportunity to leap – while
serving energy and perhaps securely tethered – into the freezing Arc-
It is a working ship, not a cruise liner, hoping a seal might pop out tic Ocean and emerge as swiftly as pos-
and the accommodations – notwith- sible.
standing the journey’s starting price of the open water.
tag of $27,000 for the 11-day round Once we descended on the ice, most
trip – reflect as much. Still, if the cabins Russian sea captain of us took short walks. A few played
were not ornate, they were functional Dmitriy Lobusov. soccer. At lunchtime, we sat at picnic
– the one I shared with friend and fel- tables and had a barbecue.
low Arctic obsessive Geoff York had a which we barreled were largely flat and expressing a disconnect I shared at
pair of bunks, a desk, a small bathroom new. reaching such a formidable location A hundred yards or so from the ship,
with shower and plenty of storage in such pampered fashion, “it feels a a replica British phone booth marked
space – and replete with nice touches, Captain Lobusov supported our little like we just summited Everest by the spot at which Quark staffers stood
including daily housekeeping service suspicions: “Now, we hardly see the helicopter.” But the ease of our jour- with a satellite phone, so every one
topped with a nightly treat of 50 Let thick, multiyear ice we used to have ney did not diminish the significance of us could call a loved one – briefly –
Pobedy-branded chocolate. two decades ago,” he acknowledged. of the destination. from the North Pole.
My first Arctic voyage 20 years pre- By the evening of Day 5, the goal was The passengers partied into the night; Soon all signs of our presence
viously had been on a 950-metric-ton, in our grasp, and with just a couple of as they did so, the ship got underway would be gone: the barbecue tables,
ice-strengthened converted sealing hours to go, Solan Jensen, in the wheel- again. Captain Lobusov was forced to the soccer goal, the phone booth and
ship; the vessel coped admirably with house, began counting down the re- spend several hours overnight steam- then even 50 Years of Victory itself,
all but the very thickest of ice floes, maining time and distance over the ing around in search of an area that was disappearing over the horizon. In
but its captain dealt with them cau- ship’s PA system like a NASA controller. suitable for him to park the ship. two weeks it would return, for the last
tiously, slowing down on approach, At a little after midnight, we came to a time in the season, and then it would
avoiding them whenever possible, halt, to several long, loud blasts of the Once he had done so, the Quark team be gone again, taking with it the last
pushing them out of the way when he ship’s whistle and an eruption of cheers set up the site to be as safe as possible for signs of life at this most remote of lo-
could and riding on top of them and from the 130 or so passengers assem- passengers to disembark. Flags marked cations.
breaking them when necessary. bled on deck. a trail deemed sufficiently secure, across
thick enough ice and away from treach- Summer would be over, the temper-
On board Victory, Captain Lobusov “I’ll be honest,” said Palle Weber, a erous water. For the more daring sorts, ature would plummet, and the North
had no such cares; even as the din- passenger from Southern California, Pole would surrender anew to the cold
ner plates and wineglasses rattled, and the dark.
the ship plowed through the ice as if it
were wet tissue paper. On the first day of our journey
south, we encountered an iceberg,
Initially, our wonderment was at looming out of the gloom in the dis-
Victory’s immense strength, a product tance. As we approached, the sun
of twin nuclear reactors driving en- punched its way through the haze,
gines that generate an almost-unfath- shining a spotlight on the cathedral
omable 75,000 horsepower. of ice that lay before us and illumi-
nating it in all its glory. It was im-
The ship’s log underlined just how mense, an ice island with mountains
little opposition the ice offered: In and valleys. It had almost certainly
open water, its daily average speed traveled hundreds of miles, break-
was between 18 and 18.5 knots, ing off from an ice shelf in Greenland
and although it naturally slowed and drifting slowly east, gathering
as its path grew increasingly sea ice around its base as it did so,
frozen, on the day of our ap- until it stood before us, a vast, soli-
proach to the North Pole, it was tary sentinel of ice seemingly visiting
still clocking an impressive 13 us from an Arctic era long gone. It
knots as the would-be resis- was undoubtedly ancient, an emis-
tance yielded meekly before it. sary millennia in the making, and its
size suggested it should exist for mil-
There was substantially more lennia more. But once it had broken
sea ice on the surface of the Arctic free, it was doomed, vulnerable to the
Ocean than there was open water. But wind and the waves, slowly shrinking
there should have been: We were, after day by day until, in a matter of years,
all, closing in on the North Pole. What it would be gone.
was notable was the seeming absence
of meaningful progression in the ex-
tent and, especially, thickness of that
sea ice as we journeyed north.
Even in August, at the height of sum-
mer, as Arctic sea ice cover is racing to-
ward its minimum extent for the year,
the outer reaches surrounding the Pole
should have been guarded by old, thick
floes, those that had survived melt sea-
son after melt season, piling on top
of one another and growing over the
years, wizened icy sentinels forming a
barrier to further easy progress.
But wherever we looked, and how-
ever far north we steamed, such old
ice just was not there; even when at
their most extensive, the pans through
ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY STUDIES Doctors use EP studies to determine why someone’s heart beats © 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
abnormally. Electrical signals usually travel through the heart in a
Like your house, your heart has a plumbing system and an electrical consistent pattern. However, heart attack, aging and blood pressure
system. sometimes cause scarring of the heart which may cause irregular
heartbeats. Congenital heart defects can also cause arrhythmia.
Cardiologists diagnose and treat electrical problems (irregular
heartbeats) with medicine and by prescribing lifestyle changes. WHAT IS THE DOCTOR LOOKING FOR?
When that approach doesn’t work, they refer their patient to an Where an arrhythmia is coming from
electrophysiologist. How well certain medicines work to treat your arrhythmia
If he or she should treat a problem by destroying the place inside
Cardiac electrophysiologists focus on your heart’s timing, or electrical your heart that is causing the abnormal electrical signal. This
system. They diagnose and treat irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias). procedure is called catheter ablation.
If a pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD)
The majority of electrophysiologists are cardiologists who went on for might help you
one or two more years of extra training in the sub-specialty of elec- If you are at risk for heart problems such as fainting or sudden car-
trophysiology. However, some electrophysiologists come from other diac death due to cardiac arrest (when your heart stops beating)
disciplines – such as anesthesiology or surgery.
ELECTROPHYSIOLOGISTS ARE HEART-RHYTHM SPECIALISTS During the procedure, the electrophysiologist inserts a thin tube
Electrophysiologists called a catheter into a blood vessel (usually in the groin) that leads
Perform electrophysiology studies to your heart. A video screen shows the position of the catheters. A
Ablate (burn or freeze) specialized electrode catheter lets him or her send electrical signals
Implant and manage cardiac devices to your heart and record its electrical activity. The doctor sends small
electric pulses through the catheters to make your heart beat at dif-
ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY (EP) STUDIES ferent speeds. Electrical signals produced by your heart are picked up
These studies test the electrical activity of your heart to find where by the special catheters and recorded. This is called cardiac mapping
an arrhythmia is coming from. Results can help you and your doctor and allows the doctor to locate where arrhythmias are coming from.
decide whether you need medicine, a pacemaker, an implantable car-
dioverter defibrillator (ICD), cardiac ablation or surgery. If the type and location of the arrhythmia is identified and an appro-
priate therapy decided, cardiac ablation or insertion of a pacemaker
These studies are performed in a special room in a hospital called an or ICD may be performed during or immediately after the EP study.
electrophysiology (EP) lab or catheterization (cath) lab while you are
mildly sedated. Electrophysiology studies usually last between one to four hours.
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
EP STUDIES: TO FIND CAUSE OF IRREGULAR HEARTBEATS welcome. Email us at [email protected].
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 20, 2018 19
The Global War on Terror- Hand,” “Coun- fight? Chivers gives the thrill of combat and its hor-
ism War Memorial Act that terinsurgency” ror equal time. What he vividly portrays in the char-
Congress passed last year and “Reckon- acter sketches is a group of fighters eager to kill yet
calls for a new monument ing.” This di- also afraid of death. His extended section on Army
on the Mall. Like the Vietnam vision loosely Spec. Robert Soto, a former theater major from New
Veterans Memorial, it will be follows the arc York who found himself in Afghanistan’s Korengal
designed by the winner of a of both wars Valley, captures the duality of war as powerfully as
national competition. Unlike and is kept anything I’ve read.
the Vietnam project – or any
other war memorial on the Mall intentionally Here is the horror after Soto is caught in an am-
– it must solve this riddle: How simple. It’s bush: “Block, he thought. Block, block, block. Shut
does one memorialize a war still as if Chivers down emotions. You can’t dwell. You can think
being fought? The question ex- doesn’t want about this now or we can get back safe and you can
tends beyond architecture. C.J. to burden or think about it later. Soto chose later. At eighteen, he
Chivers, a Pulitzer Prize-win- distract the had learned how to switch himself off.” And here is
ning correspondent for the New reader with the thrill of Soto initiating an ambush a few weeks
York Times, has taken it up in an overly byz- later, against more than a dozen of the same Taliban
his second book, “The Fighters: fighters who had ambushed him and his comrades:
Americans in Combat in Afghani- antine ren- “Adrenaline rushed through Soto. His heart rate
stan and Iraq.” dering of his spiked. His muscles seemed coiled to pounce. … He
subject. The entered the peculiar mind-set that can settle over a
When erecting a war memo- complexity combatant in the seconds before battle, a feeling of
rial, in stone or in words, it can he seeks is a absolute, intoxicating clarity.”
be difficult to say anything new: moral one.
the lives cut short, the misguided Much of the “reckoning” in the last section of
strategies of politicians, the so- One of the Chivers’ book occurs as the fighters return from war
cietal journey from idealism to most com- and attempt to reconcile the thrill with the horror.
disillusionment. We’ve heard it all pelling sto- A decorated veteran I know who is often invited to
before, haven’t we? After nearly 20 ries in “The speak about the actions that earned him his medal
years, our wars in Iraq and Afghani- Fighters” equates the experience to being continually hon-
stan have exhausted our collective attention spans. is that of Chief ored for the worst day of his life. Can the worst day
I’m a veteran of both conflicts, and I admit that they Warrant Officer Michael Slebodnik of the Air Cav- of your life also be the best day of your life? This, ob-
have come to exhaust my attention span, too. I was alry, pilot of a Kiowa Warrior helicopter who flew viously, isn’t a question only veterans wrestle with.
hesitant to pick up “The Fighters.” What a mistake missions in both Iraq and Afghanistan. In one par- It’s universal. And so is the appeal of “The Fighters.”
that would have been. This book is remarkable. ticularly vivid passage, he and his co-pilot, Mariko
Kraft, catch three insurgents setting up a rocket in Although the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan haven’t
Authors like Steve Coll (“Ghost Wars,” “Director- broad daylight. They gun two of them down, with ended, they have wound down. The building of a
ate S”) and Tom Ricks (“Fiasco,” “The Gamble”) the third managing to escape. That night, Slebodnik memorial on the Mall, scheduled to be completed
have written sweeping and definitive accounts of finds Kraft: “‘I feel bad for their families,’ she told by 2024, seems to be a point of departure, a gesture
the so-called global war on terror. “The Fighters” Slebodnik. “…‘They did not just sacrifice them- that these wars might finally begin to consign them-
belongs alongside those volumes, but it achieves its selves. They sacrificed their families.’ … Slebodnik selves to the past. Like many veterans, I am curious
own broad scope by relying on the more intimate was unmoved. … He sat down and wrote home, to see what design is selected. Whatever it is, I hope
canvas of individual experience. Chivers writes in sharing with [his wife] Tanja a detailed account. to one day take my children there. If the memorial
the prologue, “This human experience of combat is ‘Today I killed a man,’ he began. For years he had is done well, perhaps it will convey to them a sense
often unexpressed by the public relations special- trained for a moment that at last had played out – no matter how ephemeral – of what it was like for
ists and senior officers who try to explain the pur- in front of his Kiowa windscreen. … ‘My only real those of us who fought. If it doesn’t, we’ll have books
poses of operations rather than describe the experi- thoughts,’ he wrote later, ‘have been how could I like “The Fighters,” which is a memorial in pages.
ence of them.” have done it better to get all 3.’”
A singular aspect of our most recent wars is that THE FIGHTERS
Chivers, then, chooses to follow six primary char- they are the first protracted conflicts to have been
acters from the Army, Navy and Marines through fought by an all-volunteer military. Chivers doesn’t AMERICANS IN COMBAT IN AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ
multiple deployments. Their stories are told in frag- shy away from the moral complexity of volun-
ments across four themed sections: “Storm,” “Bad teerism. What does it say about us that we chose to BY C.J. CHIVERS | SIMON & SCHUSTER. 356 PP. $28
1. The Glass Ocean 1. Fear BY BOB WOODWARD 1. Dog Man: Lord of the Fleas
2. The Russia Hoax
BY GREGG JARRETT 2. Kristy's Big Day: The Baby-
3. The Best Cook in the Sitter's Club #6 BY ANN MARTIN
2. Robert E. Parker's World BY RICK BRAGG 3. Lemons BY MELISSA SAVAGE
Colorblind 4. Captain Underpants and the Big,
4. Rocket Men
BY REED FARREL COLEMAN Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger
3. Depth of Winter 5. Short BY HOLLY GOLDBERG SLOAN
5. Small Fry
4. Unbound
presents presents
5. The Tattooist of Auschwitz
Northwestern University Press
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20 Thursday, September 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz sings praises of Pointer siblings Jeff and Abby
Hi Dog Buddies!
This week I innerviewed a coupla Abby & Jeff.
sleek, snazzy German Short-haired PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
Pointers, Jeff an Abby Krieger. I was su-
per happy to find out they weren’t gonna Abby spoke up. “I’ll tell this part. Doody. Mom an Dad were REAL happy admit), we sometimes might, kinda tear
ackhully be speakin’ German, cuz the Sometimes I wish I couldn’t remember
only German I know is “Blieb weg vom my story either.” She sounded very seri- about that.” stuff up, cuzza all that unused energy.
Brot!” (stay away from the bread!) Don’t ous. “I was what humans call a ‘breeder’
ask. at a Dog Business in Georgia. I was a “Fer sure,” Jeff said. “Pretty soon, her It’s juh-NED-ic. But Mom an Dad make
purebred so, as soon I could have pup-
They greeted me an my assistant at pies, I did. Over an over. But I never got hunter in-stinks kicked in. Now she SURE we get enough.”
the door for the Wag-n-Sniffs. Jeff was to name ’em or cuddle ’em or teach ’em
taller an very Dog-About-Town. They anything, cuz they got sold soon as they chases lizards, rabbits, squirrels. She “Where do you sleep?”
were both long-leggedy an had great didn’t need Mommy Milk any more.
poss-chure. Then, I guess the humans went outta wants to play All The Time.” “We have our own beds. We also like
business or something, cuz Mom an Dad
“Come on in, Mr. Bonzo. I’m Jeff Krieg- saw a pickshure of me for sale on Craig- “On land only,” said Abby. sleepin’ with Brody in his bunk bed. But
er, I’m 7, this is my adopted sister Abby, slist at the low, low price of $65. Woof,
she’s probly 5. This is our Mom, Gillian. was I lucky. Mom an Dad bought me for “True. Me, I love swimimin.’ When I it’s getting’ a liddle crowded since we’re
Our Dad Jason’s at work.” Jeff an I was SAVED.”
see Brody getting’ his swimmin’ pants, I big dogs now and he’s growin,’ too,”
“Great meeting you both! I gotta say, “What was it like with your new famly
you look like the models in those fancy at first?” go Crazy Kibbles. I grab my favrite ball, Abby said.
dog bed ads.”
Jeff an Abby looked at each other. an we jump in the pool an play fetch: “Any pooch pals?”
“Ree-lee? That’s so sweet, Mr. Bonzo,” “Um,” Jeff said.
Abby said, tossin’ her long, floppy, brown back-an- forth, back-an-forth, back-an- “I have lots, but Abby prefers just us
ears. “Well,” said Abby, “since I hadn’t
had any normal interaction with other forth, back an …” two hangin’ out.” Jeff lowered his voice
Jeff trotted over and sniffed my note- pooches, on a long-term basis, I wasn’t
book. “Thanks! We’re built strong an what you’d call well socialized.” “Bonzo gets the idea,” said Abby, then, an said, behind his paw, “I love my liddle
streamlined so we can run ’n hunt ’n
swim an not get pooped out.” He friffled “To say the least,” Jeff laughed. “You to me, “Jeff’s a total water dog. I mean sis to the moon, but I do have a girlfriend,
the pages with his nose. “So you’re gonna just wanted evrybody to know who was
write all about us in this? Cool Kibbles! boss. An it sure wasn’t me. But, hey, it TOTAL. Soon as we go out in the boat, he Lucy, she’s a Vizsla. Don’t tell Abby.”
Oops. Sorry about the drool.” worked out fine.” He turned to me. “I’m
an easy-going, laid back kinda pooch- leaps in and starts paddlin’ around. He Heading home, I was thinking about
“No prob, Jeff. It always dries out be- eroo, an she’s a take-charge, energetic
fore I get back to the office. So, how did liddle gal.” likes to fish. Me, I don’t like to be WET. rescue pooches like Jeff an Abby, an
you all find each other?”
“We got it figured out pretty quick,” It’s ickky.” all the places where humans can find
“Well, Mom an Dad loved German Abby said. “At first I did have a liddle
Shorthaired Pointers, an already had problem with what humans call house Jeff nosed my notebook. “Are you get- Wunnerful Dogs in Need. I was also
two they got from Florida Pointer Res- training. I’d never been outside. All I
cue. When one of ’em went to Dog Heav- knew was concrete and cages, but I fi- ting’ all this? Should we talk slower?” hopin’ all the Carolina pooches who
en, the other one, Gidget, was real sad nally got used to the tickly feel of grass.
an droopy. So Mom an Dad decided to An Jeff helped me learn where to Do My “You’re good, thanks,” I said. “Seems got lost in the hurry-cane an floods get
get another rescue pointer for Gidget.
An they picked ME! Dog, was I happy! At like you two get lotsa exercise.” found again.
that time, my name was Bodie. Not a bad
name. But, guess what! One of Mom an “Yep,” said Jeff. “Plain ol’ runnin’ You an me are Lucky Dogs.
Dad’s human sons was Brody, an even I
could see how confusin’ that was gon- around. An two 3- or 4-mile walks a day.”
na be. So Mom an Dad let Brody an his
brother Colin pick my new name.” -The BonzAbby innerupted. “We always pick
“How’d they come up with Jeff?” I our Walk Sides. I HAFTA be on Mom
wondered. or Dad’s right, an Jeff HASTA be on the
left. Always. If us hunting dogs don’t get
“Because they’d never heard of a dog
named Jeff.” enough exercise (I’m embarrassed to
“Cool Dog Biscuits!” Don’t be shy!
Jeff continued. “I don’t remember We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
anything before I got to the Pointer Res- an interview, please email [email protected].
cue place. I don’t think I’d been treated
bad or anything. It musta just been Un-
foreseen Circumstances. Anyway, me
an Gidget got along great, but she was
lots older, an went to Dog Heaven at 13.
There I was, mopin’ around, missin’
Gidget, so Mom an Dad went online to
find me a Pointer Pooch Pal, like I’d been
for Gidget.”
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 20, 2018 21
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist AQ
Jean Nidetch, a co-founder of Weight Watchers, said, “It’s choice — not chance — that K85
determines your destiny.”
A Q 10
That is not always true at the bridge table. Sometimes, as we have seen over the last few
weeks, you make your choice for a line of play, and it is up to chance whether it works or WEST EAST
not — unless it has a probability of 100 percent. —
?872 96
Does declarer have a guaranteed line in today’s deal, or must he choose the approach that 9643
is mathematically most likely to work? ?8652 ? 10 9 5 4
West leads a low heart against South’s six-spade contract. What should declarer do? J 10 2
North blasted straight into Blackwood, eventually putting his partner into six spades when ?73
he learned that two kings were missing.
South starts with 11 winners: six spades, one heart, three diamonds and one club. There
are two obvious chances to make this small slam: Either the heart or club finesse works. A J 10 8 5 2
But there is a third line; do you see it?
If East has the heart king, the slam is laydown with an endplay. Declarer wins with
dummy’s heart ace, draws trumps, cashes his diamond winners and exits with a heart. AQ7
Assuming East takes that trick, he must either lead a club around to the dummy or
concede a ruff-and-sluff (South sluffs a club from his hand and ruffs on the board). Note J4
also that if West does produce the heart king, the club finesse is still available.
Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
Finally, yes, it would have been simpler if North had signed off in six no-trump. North has
12 tricks after taking the club finesse, even if it loses. The Bidding:
1 Spades Pass 4 NT Pass
5 Hearts Pass 5 NT Pass LEAD:
6 Clubs Pass 6 Spades All Pass 2 Hearts
22 Thursday, September 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Bloke (7) 1 Bedlam (5)
5 Lap (5) 2 Idiotic (7)
8 Farewell (5) 3 Chubby (5)
9 Gives (7) 4 Tolerate (6)
10 Captain (7) 5 Realm (7)
11 Thick (5) 6 Consumed (5)
12 Fashionable (6) 7 Doubt (7)
14 Convey (6) 12 Morsels (7)
17 Catches (5) 13 Fate (7)
19 Severe (7) 15 Mediocre (7)
22 Envisage (7) 16 Stroke (6)
23 Proverb (5) 18 Prize (5)
24 Alas (5) 20 Jargon (5)
25 Portion (7) 21 Occasion (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 20, 2018 23
ACROSS (anagram of AS A CLUE) 52 The Beatles’ The Washington Post
1 Razor by Gillette 103 Ottoman VIP “Let ___”
5 Little Gilbert on the prairie 105 Little actor Billy 53 “And lived MY MIND IS RACING! By Merl Reagle
12 Mil. outfit for Drew Carey 107 “To ___ not to ...” ___ about it”
16 Abundance of racing 108 ___ fizz (cocktail)
110 Most important 55 Kool-Aid container
victories? 57 Sewing cases
19 Minister of “positive thinking” 112 On the debit side 58 Chihuahua coat?
115 H-deux-O 60 Lie on a ___ nails
fame 116 Subject of Morita’s Made in 64 Monkey’s uncle
21 Compulsion to race? 65 Headlong scramble
23 Fiber from old ropes Japan 67 Classic Bobby
117 No-way-out situation
24 Strip 119 Clark’s love Hebb tune
25 Tallow source 121 ___ in the bucket 68 Fades
123 Speedway feature? 69 Root for the frontrunner?
26 Hairpin or U 127 Coil guy 70 Treacherous speedway?
28 Latin shortening 128 First-place finisher’s 72 Straight-arm
29 Salinger girl 73 Vichyssoise, e.g.
expression? 79 Pointer
30 Beverly Hillbilly Max Jr. 129 Burgundies 81 Mint, as condition
32 Spacious 130 “___ and say we did” 82 Allegro, e.g.
34 Verb ending 131 Tips 84 ’60s drug
35 The British and the Greek, 85 Eddy Arnold’s “What’s He
DOWN Doing ___”
e.g. 1 Lower forty, e.g. 86 Enervate
37 Villain’s visage, maybe 2 Postprandial sweets 87 LBJ VP
40 Old game show, ___ Clock 89 Hang-glide
42 All-news network 3 Bob Hope 91 Long, narrow inlets
44 Chase out of Hollywood specials, e.g. 92 Columbo, Tragg,
4 See 84 Down
46 Not yet anted 5 A Little Woman et al.
48 Like some cheddar 95 Bill used at Disneyland Paris
49 Flail one’s fists 6 Obliterate
51 Gets a flat? 7 Madagascar primates 98 Kobe robe tie
54 ___ of Two Cities 8 “___ delighted!” 99 Jousting weapons
56 Key to success, in racing? 9 Type of ball, curl, 101 Pound ___
or fire (patrol on foot)
59 Supercilious sorts 10 Convened 102 Warbled
61 Cornfield sound 11 “Just ___ thought!” 104 “___ my position can’t afford
62 Comic section, formerly 12 Second word in a fairy tale
13 The Black, Red, to take chances”
63 Joist or lintel or Yellow 106 On the road ___
66 Soleil time 14 Builds speedways? 109 Breckinridge or Hess
15 Gear-shifting stratagems? 111 Part of a renter’s address:
67 Terrier type
68 Start of the 8th century 17 Vanished author Fletcher abbr.
18 Dog that exposed 113 Mischief makers
71 Racer Al or Bobby 114 Darin’s darling
went by? the Wizard 116 Curative springs
74 Nation that found 20 Host 117 Mrs. Dumbo’s dress?
21 Cold War pres. 118 Ex-pres. and son
breaking up hard 22 Novocained 120 Pinnacle
to do: abbr. 27 Yeasty-sounding breads 122 Clichéd
75 Hot rod org. 31 One way to learn 124 Tool common in
76 I, in Innsbruck 32 Bull Run victors
77 Tokyo, before 33 Cookies in ice cream Concentration rebuses
78 Bank offer 34 Coup d’___
80 ___ culpa 36 Oft-numbered print, briefly 125 Rock ’n’ roll will never do it,
81 ___ in the arm 38 Bawlroom? says Neil Young
83 Racing anticlimax? 39 Double-bond suffix
88 Sex, Italian-style 41 Brainstorming shouts 126 One of two dimensions:
90 How racing judges might 42 Tai ___ abbr.
argue? 43 Little louse
93 Birdbrained talker 45 Member of a Philippine tribe
94 River through the Alps 47 Melodies
96 Utters 50 Heart parts
97 Pineapple producer
100 Racing abbr.
101 Poet friend of Sappho
The Telegraph
24 Thursday, July 5, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Tell daughter she’s always right … except when she’s not
BY CAROLYN HAX cushion between yourself and her drama. ter with your whole heart while still retaining suf-
Washington Post Either way, it doesn’t affect your path now, just ficient objectivity to know unkindness when you
see it. Say this to her outright.
Hi, Carolyn: your relationship’s prospects: Be loving, be princi-
My 27-year-old daughter re- pled, be firm. You can recognize and respect that If she doesn’t like your assessment of the situ-
cently broke up with her live-in she’s in pain and offer your support accordingly; ation, then she can respectfully disagree like an
boyfriend. Now she wants me to you can also do this while acknowledging that adult, or lash out or go silent like a child. Up to
tell her I’m on her side of every her behavior was not above reproach. Yes, it’s her her.
dispute. right to leave this relationship, and yes, he’s no
It’s her life, she’s an adult: Got it. But should I re- doubt partly to blame for their unraveling – but How she acts/reacts doesn’t affect your posi-
ally be expected to tell her she acted well when she there are still kind and unkind ways to get out. You tion; that’s the beauty of principled choices. Care-
didn’t? She was needlessly cruel, and she doesn’t are capable of loving and supporting your daugh- ful thought + loving action = the power to with-
care at all that she insisted we welcome him as stand pressure. It’s difficult, but it’s not chaotic
family for three years – no problem, we loved him the way a life submitting to an emotional black-
– and now we’re supposed to forget him. I dread mailer tends to be.
seeing her again. Help.
As for the closeness she “insisted” on and the
– Mothering an Adult Who Wants to Be Told forgetting you’re “supposed to” do, please see the
She’s Right who-demanded-what as outside the scope of your
concern. You welcomed her boyfriend into your
Mothering an Adult Who Wants to Be Told She’s life because you chose to, when your daughter
Right: I hope I can say without sounding like an welcomed him into hers, and he won’t be a part of
utter twit that you’re about 26 years, give or take, your life now because they’ve parted ways.
past the ideal time to put up this emotional guard-
rail. This is just the business of kids and their friends,
and it isn’t appreciably different from when she
If you have indeed held to your principles all was 6 and refused to play with little Dana any-
along against her emotional strong-arm tactics, more even though you thought Dana was a cutie
then please accept my apologies – and my sympa- and you and Dana’s parents had become friends.
thy, too, for wanting a break from her. Some per- You respect her right to choose her people at any
sonalities just won’t be denied. stage, for any reason, and you adapt your role ac-
“Dread,” though, is so strong – devastating, re-
ally – that I suspect you haven’t kept a healthy Certainly some ties among exes and families
can survive beyond the primary friendship or ro-
mance, but those are exceptions, not rules, an-
chored to a family’s core of trust and respect.
Beware! Flesh-eating ‘Vibrio’
lurks in our waters
26 Thursday, September 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Beware! Flesh-eating ‘Vibrio’ lurks in our waters
STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER Dr. George Mitchell, Dr. Charles Callahan and Diane Bain, RN. PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
[email protected]
As a nation we’ve grown blasé when
it comes to bacteria.
Maybe that’s because we’ve spent
years going through store aisles lined
with antibacterial everything: soaps,
sprays, deodorants, cosmetics, kitchen-
wares, house paint, clothing, humidi-
fiers, foot warmers and even yoga mats.
We think we’re bacteria-proof.
But we’re not.
At Indian River Medical Center, criti-
cal care specialist Dr. George Mitch-
ell, infectious disease specialist Dr.
Charles Callahan, and registered nurse
and Infection preventionist Diane Bain
are raising the alarm about an all-too-
common water-borne bacterium: Vibrio
What exactly is this worrisome bug?
You might know it better by its horror
movie-like nickname: the “flesh-eating
bacteria,” or perhaps as “necrotizing
fasciitis.” By any name, it is a potential-
ly lethal bacterium found naturally in
salty or brackish water, particularly dur-
ing the warmer months – a malicious
microbe that can and does kill people.
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 20, 2018 27
Quickly. Especially here in Florida. HEALTHY SENIOR
As the Centers for Disease Control
Vibrio Vulnificus. a fish he’d caught pierced the skin on his
said in a statement this past July, about calf which then came into contact with
a dozen Vibrio species can cause hu- saltwater containing bacteria. It took
man illness, but Vibrio Vulnificus seven surgeries over five weeks to save
stands out from the pack. It causes the man’s leg. That is a powerful and
an estimated 80,000 illnesses and 100 painful punch from an organism that
deaths in the United States every year. measures a mere 0.00039 inches in size.
“Most people with a mild case of vib- Mitchell reiterates that “patients with
riosis recover after about 3 days with no liver disease need to be particularly care-
lasting effects,” according to the CDC, ful, because for some reason that is the
but “people with a Vibrio Vulnificus in- one organ that tends to attract this bac-
fection can get seriously ill and need in- teria,” so if you notice any unusual symp-
tensive care or limb amputation.” toms – especially pain – after downing a
plateful of raw oysters or wading in the
The Florida Department of Health lagoon, river or ocean, seek medical help
says Vibrio Vulnificus infected 346 peo- as soon as possible.
ple here between 2008 and 2017, 99 of
whom died.
Generally, a Vibrio Vulnificus infec-
tion presents in one of two ways: either
it attacks the skin and soft tissue of the
body, or the gastrointestinal tract, after
contaminated food has been eaten.
As Mitchell puts it, “If you get an in-
fection and you have the skin type of
infection and you go longer than 24
hours [without treatment], the mortal-
ity rate is 50 percent, but if you go 72
hours, it’s 100 percent.”
It gets worse. Especially for gour-
mands. Eating uncooked seafood in
general and raw oysters in particular is
the most common way this particular
pathogen finds its way into our system.
Additionally, Mitchell adamantly
warns that the risk of infection and
death is much higher for very elderly
people, those with chronic liver disease,
immunocompromised patients who
have HIV or are on chemotherapy to
treat cancer, people who are on dialysis,
and those who have other chronic medi-
cal conditions.
He flatly states those people should
not eat uncooked seafood or wade in
the Treasure Coast’s brackish waters,
especially between the months of April
and October when that water is at its
Callahan says Vibrio Vulnificus bacte-
ria “can exist in high salt content such as
the ocean, but it prefers brackish water.”
Bain points out “the goal here is to
increase the awareness in the commu-
nity that this organism does exist and
that there are measures you can take to
protect yourself. Those include wearing
shoes when you’re walking in the water
so you don’t cut yourself on those shells,”
because another prime way for Vibrio
Vulnificus to enter your bloodstream is
when a cut, puncture or open wound is
exposed to water the pernicious patho-
gen calls home.
And while Florida leads the nation in
the number of Vibrio cases, as global
temperatures continue to climb, the
bacteria is expanding its range.
In June of this year a Maryland man
nearly died from a Vibrio infection while
fishing on the Chesapeake Bay, some 900
miles north of here. A spine on the fin of
28 Thursday, September 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
First Bites: Cottage Irish Pub in Melbourne Arts District
[email protected]
Headline News: This “first bites” re-
view is a couple months late. The Cot-
tage opened while I was away on vaca-
tion and a friend’s recent check-in on
social media jarred my memory that,
yes, there is a new Irish Pub in town!
And it’s pretty terrific.
Look and feel: The Cottage is a main Cottage Pie. Guinness Reuben Sandwich.
pub building flanked by spacious front Beef Stew.
and back courtyard areas for eating, PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER
drinking and gathering. This setup re-
minds me of pubs all over Ireland where RESTAURANT HOURS
everyone huddles inside on a “soft” day 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.
of Irish weather, but the party moves
outside, and so does the band, when- Sunday-Thursday
ever conditions permit. There’s a fes- 11:30 a.m. to midnight
tival atmosphere, and things can get a
bit boisterous. The layout of the place Friday and Saturday
allows for a variety of experiences, from BEVERAGES
an intimate conversation or date night Full Bar
in the “snug” – the sunken room ADDRESS
on the south side of the pub
with low tables, stools 1385 Highland Ave.
and a cozy fireplace Eau Gallie Arts District,
– or enjoying the
band with friends Melbourne
out front. But PHONE
if you want to
bring the kids 321-610-1935
and the fam-
ily dog out for a
more laid-back
meal, there’s the
back patio with pic-
nic tables. That’s where
we sat last Thursday eve-
ning because the inside of the
pub was packed at 8 p.m.
Décor: It’s your typical Irish pub with with my son’s bangers. I Cheesecake with Irish
bric-a-brac on the walls, a few mis- opted for the Guinness Whiskey Caramel Drizzle.
matched pieces of furniture and a very beef stew ($14), and a pint
nicely appointed bar because, priorities! of Guinness ($6.25) to ac- petitive with
If you grew up going to the pub, or you company it. The stew was other pub-like
preferred Saturday nights of listening as good as mine, and made establishments on the barrier island
to traditional Irish music and singing me wistful for cold weather and the near-mainland. Maybe a buck
along to the nightclub scene in your 20s, when we make those kinds or two more for some items, a buck or
you’ll love the Cottage. It’s very homey of dishes at home. The beef two less for others. Our tab for three
and authentic. was fall-apart tender, the veg- people, with one shared appetizer,
etables were well-cooked and the three entrees, one pint, and one shared
Food and Drink: Comfort food, nicely broth was peppery and had a great dessert totaled $65 plus tip.
seasoned and well-cooked, plus good im- flavor. I sopped up every last bit with
ported beer on draft is a recipe for happy the two slices of yummy, traditional Irish We encourage you to send feedback to
Irish pub customers. Our party of three brown bread served with the stew. [email protected].
all enjoyed our entrees, and our Irish
nachos appetizer ($8). My son ordered Service: Our server, Melissa, was The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
one of his fave dishes, bangers and mash friendly, efficient and attentive and dines anonymously at restaurants at the
($14), enjoyed it and had no complaints. seemed really enthusiastic about her expense of this newspaper.
Our guest, after finding out the fish and job and about the pub in general. She
chips was made from haddock ($12), or- checked on us several times and was
dered that and said it was a good-quality knowledgeable about the menu. So you
fish cooked crispy and served hot. The can expect great service.
fries were good, too, and a few may have
gotten dipped in the gravy that came Prices: The Cottage is pretty com-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 20, 2018 29
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30 Thursday, September 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Please send calendar information 26 US-TOO Prostate Cancer Support
at least two weeks prior to your Group meets from 6:15 to 7:45 p.m.
the last Wednesday of the month at the Mel-
event to bourne Public Library, 540 E. Fee Avenue. Call
Vanita Gagliani at (321)432-5573 for details.
[email protected]
ONGOING 27 Designer Bag & Bling Bingo ladies‘ night
out, 6 to 10 p.m. at Holy Name of Jesus
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 Catholic Church. Come dressed as your dream
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park night out, occupation, in pajamas or bring your
own idea. The $40 entry buys all rounds of Bingo,
Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- a raffle ticket, coffee and dessert. Proceeds bene-
days at Oceanside Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, fit the Maker Space at Holy Name of Jesus School.
Melbourne Beach. www.melbeachrotary.org
28 “Sock Hop”, a dance with music by the
Bingo 4 to 7 p.m. Sundays at Veterans of For- September 28 | “Sock Hop”, a dance with music by the Rock and Roll Revue. Rock and Roll Revue, Dance to mu-
eign Wars Post 4643, 1252 Hwy A1A, Satellite sic of the 50s and 60s provided by an 8-piece
Beach. combo with a male vocalist and a Doo-Wop
trio, 7 to 10 p.m. at Melbourne Auditorium,
SEPTEMBER house in Cocoa Beach, running through September Advance ticket purchase and menu selection 625 E. Hibiscus Blvd. Tickets $10 available at
23 (two weekends), under the direction of Bryan are required. Entrée choices are London Broil, door or any Swingtime or Melbourne Municipal
20 Melbourne Municipal Band Concert Bergeron. Performances at 2 and 8 p.m. Tickets are Vegetarian Lasagna, and Strawberry Salmon. Band event. BYOB. Snacks, soft drinks and ice
“Why So Serious?” Free Concert by an $22-$25, available at the door or through the the- RSVP by Sept. 15 at www.lwv-spacecoast.org available for purchase. Dance Instruction avail-
80 member Concert Band, 7:30 p.m. (pre-show atre website at www.SurfsidePlayhouse.org. (events/timely topics). For more information, able 6-7 pm for $5.00 payable to Laura Beers,
at 6:30 by the Rock and Roll Revue). Doors open contact Doreen Archer at 321-622-4071 or do- www.ADancersVoice.com. Call (321)339-7705
at 6:30 p.m. at the Melbourne Auditorium, 625 22 Smithsonian’s Free Museum Day [email protected]. or email auxiliary@melbournemunicipalband.
E. Hibiscus Blvd. Tickets not required. Go to event, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Florida org. http://www.melbournemunicipalband.org
www.melbournemunicipalband.org Tech Foosaner Art Museum, 1463 Highland Ave, 23 Screening of “Won’t You Be My Neigh-
Melbourne. bor,” the Mr. Rogers Movie, 3 to 5 p.m. 28-29 Space Coast Pride Festival
20 Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church pres- at the Moose Lodge of Satellite Beach, 1815 S. events kick off on Friday
ents Christian contemporary artist Sarah 22 The League of Women Voters of the Patrick Drive. Tickets cost $3 per person includes with the Rainbow Run family run/walk 5k at 6:30
Kroger in concert, 7 p.m. in the Life Center. Tickets Space Coast will hold a Timely Topics the movie, popcorn and a commemorative post- p.m. at the Eau Gallie Civic Center, Melbourne
cost $15 at the door, or $10 in advance at www. Luncheon on the 13 proposed Florida Constitu- age stamp, to benefit Aging Matters in Brevard. and then the annual gay pride parade and festi-
itickets.com. A small number of $30 VIP tickets are tion amendments on from 11:30 to 2 p.m. at Call (321)779-5794 for info. val from 1 to 7 p.m. Saturday, also at and around
being sold to guests who will enjoy a pre-concert the Suntree Country Club from 11:30 AM until the Eau Gallie Civic Center. Go to www.space-
Q&A and meet and greet with the artist. 2:00 PM. Please attend this event to fully under- 24 New Neighbors of South Brevard coastpride.org for more information.
stand the concepts covered in the amendments Beaches plays MAHJONGG at Papa-
20-23 Noël Coward’s comedy classic, and to be able to submit an informed vote in gallo’s in Satellite Beach each Monday at 12:15 OCTOBER
Blithe Spirit at the Surfside Play- the November election. Event cost is $22 for pm. For information on joining the club contact
League members and $25 for non-members. Toni Hanussey at [email protected] 5 Eau Gallie Arts District Dog Days, resched-
uled from August, 6 to 10 p.m. in the Eau
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Gallie Square and on Highland Ave. Bring the
in September 13, 2018 Edition 1 STAY 1 TREK gang down for fun, dog contests with prizes and
4 BULL 3 YONDER ribbons, music, food, beer, vendors and Camp
8 EYES 4 BELFRY Bow Wow activities for the dog and kids. Free
9 PENNILESS 5 LESSEN and open to the public, and donations accepted.
11 STORMY 6 HYDRATION www.EGADlife.com
15 NEARBY 10 STRATUM 6 Brevard Public Schools 13th annual “Par-
16 NANTES 12 SNUB enting in Today’s World” workshop. Free
18 BIGWIG 13 LAUGHABLE workship from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Brevard
20 FURORE 14 ABRIDGE Schools headquarters in Viera. Keynote speaker
22 DOORMAN 17 SEEK will be Emily Tonn on the topic, “Nurture Yourself,
23 CLANGS 19 GOSSIP Empower Your Family” for parents of children
25 ESSENTIAL 20 FRIEND ages 3-18. Free continental breakfast, breakout
26 SELL 21 RATTLE sessions and giveaways. Contact Joy Palatucci at
27 SPUD 23 COST 321-633-1000 ext.319 for details or to register.
Sudoku Page 2420 SudokuPPaaggee2431 CrosswordPPage 4202 Crossword Page 2431 (HOUSE CAT)
CERTIFIED Windows & Doors Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out
Siding & Soffit to customers for your service or small business targeting
ALUMINUM AND WINDOWS INC. Aluminum Structures the South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the
“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951,
CLAY COOK Car Ports Indialantic, Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach.
Contact Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833
[email protected] CGC 1524354 [email protected].
321.508.3896 772.226.7688
Classic island home with
ample beach frontage
9025 State Road A1A: 3-bedroom, 3.5-bath beachfront home on 1-acre lot with 114 feet of ocean
frontage offered for $1,350,000 by Premium Properties listing agent Mike Rogers: 321-508-7660
32 Thursday, September 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Classic island home with ample beach frontage
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER surroundings with Old Florida rus- themes. The home has a total of three Not surprisingly, the overall focus
[email protected] tic rough-sawn wood paneling and full bathrooms and one half-bath. The of the home is the world-class view
countertops, an exposed wood beam master bedroom, located on the sec- of more than 100 feet of pristine
A 3-bedroom, 3.5- bath beachfront cathedral tongue and groove liv- ond floor, has a walk-in shower built beachfront. Large windows look out
getaway built by a Miami area survey- ing room ceiling, and a handsome with extra hand rails and seating. over the water and there is a wrap-
or in 1976 that’s now available for sale wood-burning fireplace built of
at 9025 State Road A1A in Melbourne stone. The floors are a combination
Beach is a perfect combination of a of tile and carpet.
secluded seasonal beach house and a
lucrative vacation rental property. The ground floor features a more
contemporary feel with drywall fin-
Located on a spacious 1-acre ishing accentuated by modern elec-
wooded lot, the custom-built, 2-story trical fixtures and hardware.
beachfront home sits at a high eleva-
tion (for the island), two miles north The two levels are connected by a
of Sebastian Inlet. Well-designed, main staircase with an electric stair
it makes the most of its modest size lift for those with mobility issues.
– 1,425 square feet under air, 2,000
square feet under roof. Both floors have similar-size bunk
rooms containing four oversized
The interior design theme upstairs beds, each carrying forward the rus-
in the main living area fits the beach tic vs. modern contrasting design
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 20, 2018 33
around balcony on which to enjoy The original owner’s favorite place it provides a spectacular 360-degree Year built: 1976
the scenery and sea air. A wooden in his later years was said to be in an view. To the north of the home is a Construction:
boardwalk connects the property to adjoining observation deck added in state-owned buffer lot left in natural Concrete block, frame
the beach. 2002. Built 28 feet above the beach, vegetation. Bedrooms: 3
3 full baths, 1 half-bath
Home size:
1,425 square feet under air;
2,000 square feet under roof
Lot size: 1.04 acres
Oceanfront footage: 114 feet
Additional features: Wood
burning fireplace, wood beam
and tongue and groove ceilings
upstairs, ocean views from liv-
ing room and kitchen area, stair
lift between first and second
floors, breakfast bar, ceiling
fans, walk in closets, walk in
pantry, laundry, observation
deck 28 feet in elevation above
the beach, oversized 2-car ga-
rage with workshop
Listing agency: Premium
Properties Real Estate Services
Listing agent:
Mike Rogers, 321-508-7660
Listing price: $1,325,000
34 Thursday, September 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Including the master bedroom, the There is an oversize 2-car garage
home sleeps 10 and has walk-in clos- with workshop space, and the home
ets and extra storage, making it ideal is wired for a whole-house propane
for purchase as a vacation rental, said generator with an underground pro-
listing agent Mike Rogers of Premier pane tank nearby.
Properties. He said there is enough
room to add a small kitchen down- Of course, with an acre on the
stairs, possibly enabling the floors to beach, and a house with a relative-
be rented as separate units. ly small footprint, options include
building a separate house and keep-
“You could stay in it as long as you ing the original house as an Old Flor-
want each year as your beach house ida-style guest home, Rogers said.
and then help pay for it by renting it
out when you are not there,’’ he said. The home is being offered for
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 20, 2018 35
Grow older gracefully in home adapted to meet your needs
STORY BY BRENDA RICHARDSON WASHINGTON POST Here are some home improvement ideas that safety in the home. Sensors can keep a virtual eye
might allow you to comfortably remain in your on you and your home to improve comfort, securi-
Rebecka Snell, 65, says she knew that if she and home rather than having to move elsewhere as you ty and energy efficiency. As you move around your
her husband Vic Labson were to continue living in get older: home, the devices can report back to a caretaker or
their 1960s ranch home in Lakewood, Colo., im- a loved one about your daily routine.
provements would have to be made to create a safer ● Invest in smart-home products. Technology is a
and more enjoyable space. game-changer for remaining independent in your Voice-controlled personal assistant devices give
home and staying connected with others, says Erik you the ability to turn on or off household items
Moving the washer and dryer from the walk-out Listou, co-founder of the Denver-based Living In such as lights, a TV or a thermostat. Moreover, with
basement to the main level was high on her wish list. Place Institute, which trains professionals in the a push of a button, you can control connected-home
housing and medical fields on accessibility and systems around the house, including sprinklers,
“It was not just going up and down stairs; it was windows and locks.
carrying laundry baskets up and down the stairs,”
Snell said. ● Fall-proof your home. The National Institute on
Aging reports that six out of every 10 falls happen at
She consulted with Barbara Barton, a master home. By making a few modifications, you can in-
kitchen and bath designer and certified Living In crease your safety and comfort and reduce your risks.
Place professional in Littleton, Colo., who laid out
a plan to provide a suitable and comfortable space. For starters, install handrails on both sides of a
stairway to prevent nasty tumbles, being sure they
To accommodate Snell, “we included the stack- extend beyond the top and bottom of stairs.
able washer and dryer hidden behind cabinet doors
on the main level,” Barton said. “Then, we knew Modifying the front entryway so the surface
we needed to add better railings on the stairs going from the exterior to the interior is level will reduce
down to the basement.” the risk of falling and make the transition from the
outside to the inside easier.
For many older adults, there’s no place like their
own home. The problem is that most of the nation’s “If the house has front steps, add a handrail on
housing is not designed to accommodate physical each side,” Listou said, noting that, ideally, you
and cognitive challenges that come with aging. would reconfigure the entryway to have a sloping
walkway rather than steps.
Steep stairways, narrow hallways and other struc-
tural barriers can make an older home feel like an A door overhang at the main entrance can shield
indoor obstacle course. A few universal design modi- you from the elements and reduce the risk of slip-
fications can go a long way in helping residents of all
ages live safely and comfortably in their homes. CONTINUED ON PAGE 39
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36 Thursday, September 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Sept. 7 to Sept. 13
The real estate market slowed considerably this past week in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937.
Satellite Beach and Indialantic led the way with 6 transactions each, followed by Melbourne Beach with 3
sales and Indian Harbour Beach with 1.
Our featured sale of the week was of a home in the heart of Melbourne Beach. The residence at 408
Ocean Avenue was placed on the market March 5 with a pre-completion price of $699,000. The price was
subsequently raised to $751,000. The sale closed Sept. 7 for $751,000.
Both the seller and the purchaser in the transaction were represented by Carola Mayerhoeffer and Renee
Winkler of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s.
FLORIDANA BEACH 5TH 127 CARMEN ST 1/18/2018 $675,000 $599,000 9/7/2018
FLORIDANA BEACH SUBD 117 FONTAINE ST 6/18/2018 $279,500 $259,500 9/12/2018 $950,000
SALES FOR 32903 $469,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 914 S RIVERSIDE DR 9/6/2018 $950,000 $950,000 9/7/2018
CLOISTERS PHASE 1 T 585 NEWPORT DR 5/14/2018 $515,000 $515,000 9/12/2018 $460,000
CLOISTERS PHASE 1 T 410 NORMANDY DR 8/5/2018 $469,000 $469,000 9/11/2018 $394,900
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 326 OAKLAND AVE 4/9/2018 $449,000 $415,000 9/10/2018 $310,000
EMERALD SHORES A CO 1405 HIGHWAY A1A 201 7/14/2018 $479,000 $479,000 9/7/2018
VILLA DEL MAR SEC 4 235 N MARCO WAY 7/20/2018 $399,900 $399,900 9/10/2018
VILLA DEL MAR SEC 4 255 N MARCO WAY 7/28/2018 $310,000 $310,000 9/11/2018
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 20, 2018 37
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Floridana Beach 5th, Address: 127 Carmen St Subdivision: Indialantic By Sea, Address: 326 Oakland Ave
Listing Date: 1/18/2018 Listing Date: 4/9/2018
Original Price: $675,000 Original Price: $449,000
Recent Price: $599,000 Recent Price: $415,000
Sold: 9/7/2018 Sold: 9/10/2018
Selling Price: $575,000 Selling Price: $403,500
Listing Agent: Laura Dowling Roy Listing Agent: David Settgast
Selling Agent: Premier Properties Real Estate Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
David Settgast Andrew Barclay
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl RE/MAX Elite
Subdivision: Emerald Shores A Co, Address: 1405 Highway A1A 201 Subdivision: Villa Del Mar Sec 4, Address: 235 N Marco Way
Listing Date: 7/14/2018 Listing Date: 7/20/2018
Original Price: $479,000 Original Price: $399,900
Recent Price: $479,000 Recent Price: $399,900
Sold: 9/7/2018 Sold: 9/10/2018
Selling Price: $460,000 Selling Price: $394,900
Listing Agent: Kyle Hogan Listing Agent: Gidget Frese
Selling Agent: My Florida Homes For Sale Selling Agent: RE/MAX Elite
Donna Thompson Marianne Hendrix
RE/MAX Aerospace Realty Keller Williams Realty
38 Thursday, September 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Floridana Beach Subd, Address: 117 Fontaine St Subdivision: Indialantic By Sea, Address: 914 S Riverside Dr
Listing Date: 6/18/2018 Listing Date: 9/6/2018
Original Price: $279,500 Original Price: $950,000
Recent Price: $259,500 Recent Price: $950,000
Sold: 9/12/2018 Sold: 9/7/2018
Selling Price: $245,000 Selling Price: $950,000
Listing Agent: Herve Barbera Listing Agent: Not Provided
Selling Agent: Bar Invest Realty LLC Selling Agent: Not Provided
Karen Coville Thomas Donnelly
Exp Realty LLC RE/MAX Alternative Realty
JUST LISTED IN THE CLOISTERS! Subdivision: Cloisters Phase 1 T, Address: 410 Normandy Dr
Waterfrontbrevard.com Listing Date: 8/5/2018
Original Price: $469,000
Sold: 9/11/2018
BUYING OR SELLING Selling Price: $469,000
WE’LL GET YOU WERE YOU NEED TO GO. Listing Agent: Jim Britton
1421 ROCKLEDGE DR. • ROCKLEDGE FL. 32955 Selling Agent: Britton Group, Inc.
JUST LISTED! - $999,000 • DIRECT RIVER! Emily Caron
Palm Realty Properties,LLC
Subdivision: Cloisters Phase 1 T, Address: 585 Newport Dr
Listing Date: 5/14/2018
Original Price: $515,000
Recent Price: $515,000
Sold: 9/12/2018
Selling Price: $505,000
Listing Agent: John Curri & Starleigh Martinez
Selling Agent: Curri Properties
Nancy Taylor
BHHS Florida Realty
Subdivision: Villa Del Mar Sec 4, Address: 255 N Marco Way
5 BEDROOM 4.5 BATHROOM 4,532 SF Listing Date: 7/28/2018
.74 ACRES • 3 CAR GARAGE • PRIVATE DOCK Original Price: $310,000
Sold: 9/11/2018
David Curri Selling Price: $310,000
Listing Agent: Karen Court
Selling Agent: Better Homes & Gardens RE Star
[email protected]
James Iverson
Surfside Properties & Mgt.
Get Your Home Value Today, Visit: value.myckhome.com
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 20, 2018 39
ping during inclement weather. place doorknobs with lever-type han- she said. “I wanted to use the space bend over, add seated work spaces for
Eliminate slipping and tripping dles with end returns. The bent back for things that matter to me. If I could food preparation.
returns help prevent clothes from get in the tub, I couldn’t get out.”
hazards indoors by removing floor snagging on the knob or handle and Snell’s revamped kitchen includes
mats and throw rugs. Choose floor keep hands from sliding off the end of The bathroom makeover was ex- an induction cooktop, which offers
coverings that are slip-resistant, du- a regular door lever handle. tensive, involving widening the door- the safety of no open flame. The con-
rable for wheelchair or walker use way, adding luxury vinyl tile, which trol panel is operated by the touch of
and able to smoothly make the tran- ● Create an accessible bathroom. is softer on feet, a walk-in tub and a a finger. Pullout drawers provide easy
sition to adjacent rooms. If the budget Consider replacing your tub with a curbless shower with two grab bars. access, and the dishwasher is raised
allows, install a stair lift or elevator. walk-in shower instead of one with The shower wall was prepped with six inches from the floor for easy ac-
a step-over threshold. Install sturdy bracing for a future fold-down seat. cess and less bending. Two ovens
● Widen doorways. Narrow door- grab bars at the entrance to the show- that are separate from the cooktop
ways are problematic for people of er, inside the shower and by the toilet ● Modify the kitchen. Convenienc- are raised to prevent leaning over. At
all ages, but especially for people to provide stability and support. A tall- es such as rollout shelves and a mi- the center of the kitchen, the island
with limited mobility. Make your er toilet will aid in sitting and rising. crowave oven at counter height can is convenient and accessible for meal
doorways at least 36 inches wide in- Bidets or bidet toilet seat conversions help you maintain independence in preparation.
stead of the standard 30 inches. Lis- can significantly improve hygiene. the kitchen. Ideally, you would have
tou said if a resident or visitor is car- open space beneath the sink to pro- “What’s surprising is that the re-
rying groceries or using a walker or Snell’s master bathroom had a jet- vide wheelchair accessibility. An modeling was seamless,” Snell said.
wheelchair, that’s the perfect size for ted tub that occupied about a third of electric cooktop with controls on the “Everything seems so natural now. I
navigating through a home easily. To the room. “I didn’t want a tub in the front will eliminate the need to reach feel comfortable that I’m less likely to
make doors easy and safe to use, re- bathroom, because I never used it,” across hot burners. To avoid having to injure myself.”