Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 51
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist A952
Benjamin Disraeli, a British prime minister in the 19th century, said, “As a general rule the 10 9
most successful man in life is the man who has the best information.”
At the bridge table, the most successful player is the one who not only has the best
information but also puts it to best use. For example, in today’s deal, how should South WEST EAST
plan the play in four spades after West leads the heart jack? 8
J 10 8 7 52
South had a minimum two-club opening, with only eight winners, not the textbook nine. Q8652
Thus when North showed some values with his three-spade raise, South signed off in K 10 5 K63
game. (South might have bid three no-trump over three spades, but North probably would
have corrected to four spades.) KJ43
East took the first trick with his heart king and shifted to the club two, his lowest card Q762
guaranteeing at least one honor in the suit. South put in the nine, but West won with his
10 and continued with the club king. Declarer took that and ran his trumps, but West SOUTH
retained two hearts, and South lost one heart, one diamond and two clubs.
A K Q J 10 9
When West led the heart jack, every declarer had the information that West had started
with the jack and 10. But only an expert would have thought to throw his queen away Q4
under East’s king. Then, after the club shift, South could have taken the first or second
club, drawn trumps and played a heart to dummy’s nine. Declarer would have claimed A7
these 10 tricks: six spades, two hearts, one diamond and one club.
Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
The Bidding:
2 Clubs Pass 2 Diamonds Pass
2 Spades Pass 3 Spades Pass LEAD:
4 Spades Pass Pass Pass J Hearts
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52 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Funeral pile (4) 1 Jerk (4)
4 Close (4) 3 Ted (6)
8 Circle (4) 4 Idea (6)
9 Blizzard (9) 5 Dawn (6)
1 Rowing (6) 6 Took legal action (9)
13 Gun store (7) 7 Keen (4)
15 Riband (6) 10 Lay poem (anag.) (7)
16 Place for keeping bees (6) 12 Bitter (4)
18 Golf club (6) 13 Weapons (9)
20 Customer (6) 14 Wealthy (7)
22 Deanery (anag.) (4-3) 17 Himalayan monster (4)
23 Soft fabric (6) 19 Hold onto (6)
25 Bold (9) 20 Nook (6)
26 Songbird (4) 21 Influx (6)
27 Deadly sin (4) 23 Valley (4)
28 Cover (4) 24 Continent (4)
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NO PROBLEM. numbers one through
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(772) 213-8403 in every column, row
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The Telegraph
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 53
ACROSS 100 Opera girl 59 Electrolysis thingiesThe Washington Post
1 Actress Scacchi 102 Digestive tracts 61 Mini-tales (anagram of
6 Deals with 104 Pole worker
107 Signs of summer OTIS STREET)
democratically 109 Worshipper of Ahura Mazda 62 Follicularly challenged
13 Eight English kings 114 Coat-of-arms cat 65 Boss Tweed’s nemesis
20 Is the coolest! 116 Charms 66 The CBS eye,
21 “What’s ___?” 118 HI hi
22 Lush greenness 119 Targetable for one
23 New relative 120 Rank above a knight 67 Shake hands with
24 Stopped fidgeting 121 Our Gang’s ring-eyed dog 68 Whacks
25 Lasting 122 Sheldon et al. 69 John Wayne film
26 Spelunking sightings 123 Clear again 73 Resident of a certain emirate
28 Author Hamsun 124 Cheese varieties 74 Hosp. sections
29 Living reserve 79 Vicinity
30 Give an aura to DOWN 80 Eye shades
31 Pearl Mosque city 1 Gray, in Aix 82 Top guns
34 Baste a seam, for 2 Little litter member 84 Phony moniker
3 Scat queen 86 Package-opening strip
example 4 Bit of fortune-telling flora 89 Narrow, as a road
36 Zealots’ outpost 5 Nile diverter 90 Combined action
39 Asner’s Mr. Grant 6 Peace Corps cousin 92 Indicates
41 Criticize 7 Eugene and Jennifer 93 In a tangle
42 Adds personnel 8 Monkey on your back, 97 Venus’s sis
46 Relatives of craft shows 101 Sky blue
48 Kweisi Mfume once headed perhaps 103 Sample
9 Heraldry term 104 George Bush
it: abbr. 10 Chile concoction
50 Frozen dessert 11 “___! O Life!” (Walt and alumni
51 1, for one 105 Filmmaker Riefenstahl
52 Curie, for one: abbr. Whitman) 106 Mustang, for one
53 Of a pelvis bone 12 Homer’s neighbor 108 Dedicated oeuvres
55 Turn on an axis 13 Author Hunter 110 Swan genus
56 Castle protection 14 Pelléas et Mélisande 111 Teeny bit
58 Container often found on 112 “Pardon me” sound
composer 113 Some votes
move-in day 15 Mailing directive 115 Sweep
60 Fireproof stuff: abbr. 16 Throw in, in recipes
63 P.O. concern 17 The “Spanish Chaucer,” (the camera)
64 ? 116 Like some dicts.
68 Hilton alternative Juan ___ 117 Ginnie or Fannie follower
70 ? 18 007 villain
71 Alter-ego of “It’s Now 19 Utah flower A DASH OF THEME By Merl Reagle
27 The Chosen one
or Never” 28 Greek letter
72 ? 32 British author or
75 O.J. trial judge
76 Ring result Oscar-nominated actor in
77 Italian cardinal Dances with Wolves
33 Tout’s world
and statesman (1664-1752) 35 Barb deliverers
78 Freshwater duck 36 “Just the facts” follower
81 Spanish hors d’oeuvre 37 Mythical ship
83 Femmes ___ 38 Unsealed without ripping
85 Surfing arena 40 Suffering from ennui
87 Hindi’s “mister” 43 Pardon of a sort
88 Puts up 44 Tutti-___
91 Get dark 45 Headphone effect
92 Stringy, as meat 47 “By ___ insanity”
94 Like Conan the Barbarian 49 Deserving of being
95 Wrath suspected
96 Jargon ending 53 Ill. neighbor
98 Tucker and others 54 Lake Geneva city
99 Beaver or Wally, 57 Spelling or Amos
for example
The Telegraph
54 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Some tips on how to manage severe job-interview anxiety
BY CAROLYN HAX clueless or clearly lying about their qualifications to clear up my reply on the
Washington Post – just nervous. Bonus points for a self-aware intro- question of X/Y. Thanks for
duction like, “I know I don’t give the strongest in- your time, it’s a very inter-
Dear Carolyn: I’m 40 and have terviews, but I’m a very strong employee who could esting position and I’d ap-
a master’s degree and plenty of ex- help your organization by [specifics].” An interview preciate being able to flex
perience. Yet I have severe anxiety should only be one part of the equation. my skills in Z.”
around job interviews, I think due
to lack of confidence. The more I My approach is to always be applying for new I’m terrible at inter-
want the job, the more anxious I jobs, with the goal of having about one interview a views. In the most recent
become. I’m like a 16-year-old interviewing for her quarter, so I’m not out of practice when it matters. I one they asked the typical,
first job, sweating and stammering and rambling. I tell my supervisors I’m doing this so they don’t freak “Anything else you want us
thought this would improve with age, but it might out when they find out. to know?” And I just said it:
actually be worse. I’ve been wallowing in self-hatred “I’m bad at interviews. But,
since I bombed an interview yesterday. I don’t even My local community college has a whole depart- I’m really good at my job.” I
know what my question is. I’m just so angry at myself. ment for helping their students and community got that job.
members. You can do practice interviews, get help
– Anxious with your résumé, network, do aptitude testing. Alison Green has really good tips on interviews and
applying for jobs.
Anxious: Oh no, don’t be angry at you. You aren’t Reach out to the bombed interviewer: “That
doing this to yourself on purpose – and you don’t didn’t go as well as I would have hoped. Would like I wear black to avoid having to be concerned
stay angry at people who do things to you that are about visible sweat stains.
clearly by accident, do you?
I take charge and ask a lot of questions instead of
Presumably your question is, “How do I fix this?” sitting there and trying not to say something dumb.
I’ll give you the start of an answer, by advising you
to find a career coach or useful friend who can give Next time you get nervous (or self loathy), re-
you some mock interviews. Practice makes calm. member my college professor. He had the same issue
Consider talking to your doctor about your anxiety, – terrible sweating in job interviews. He was bald, so
too, to see if treatment makes sense. he would bring a handkerchief with him to dab his
The rest is collective wisdom from readers: head. One time he wiped his whole dome and after
I’ve hired several people who gave lousy inter- a while realized he wasn’t sweating. He walked out
views, when they were exceptionally strong candi- thinking he nailed the interview and things were
dates. Note that “lousy” here doesn’t mean hostile, changing … turns out he grabbed the handkerchief
he had recently used to wax his bowling ball. No
sweating, but a very shiny interview.
56 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Gifted teen hones rare musical talent in Charter program
BY DEBBIE TIMMERMANN | CORRESPONDENT looked up to, to give inspiration,”
McFall recalls.
Vivian McFall, a senior at In-
dian River Charter High School’s But then fate intervened. McFall
Schumann School for the Visual and had been given an opportunity to join
Performing Arts, has had an amazing the Charter School for her senior year
senior year at this specialized school and knew she had to make a bold deci-
in Vero Beach, to the point where it’s sion. Should she continue at a school
hard to believe all that she has accom- where she already knew, liked and
plished. worked well with the orchestra, or
should she take a leap of faith and go
McFall, who says music is impor- to a completely new place – academi-
tant to her whole family, became a cally as well as socially – to further her
member of the Gifford Middle School talents with an unfamiliar orchestra
orchestra in sixth grade and learned director?
a great deal from Matthew Stott, the
orchestra director there and at Vero In the end she recognized the ben-
Beach High School. efits of attending Charter, where she
could also add vocals and theater to
McFall next attended VBHS, again her repertoire.
working closely with Stott, where she
focused on the violin, thinking she Although it was intimidating to en-
might make it her career. ter a new school, where there were so
many talented people, McFall says
By her junior year, Stott had taken a she was excited to prove herself, “to
job elsewhere and McFall, as Concert conquer both passions, creating art in
Master that year, felt she had a duty to both theater and music.”
the orchestra; to give back to them as
a mentor and to teach them as Stott Mission accomplished. McFall will
had taught her. have spent only her senior year at Char-
ter, but in that one year her career focus
“I wanted to be that one they and life would change dramatically.
Michael Naffzinger and Vivian McFall.
McFall is First Violinist in the in November 2021, a competition for
school’s orchestra, plays seven instru- Florida District 15 consisting of some
ments, makes costumes, paints, draws 20 schools, Charter’s theater director,
and writes poetry. She, and many oth- Fednike “Nikki” Nozistene, suggested
ers, were soon to discover that she is to McFall that she sing the song “I am
also an enormously talented vocalist. Here” from the musical “The Color
Purple” for the solo competition, and
Michael Naffziger, the artistic di- McFall took First Place.
rector at Charter who has guided her
this year, describes McFall as “a Swiss Next, the students from the Florida
army knife of talents.” District 15 held a Critics’ Choice Show-
case at VBHS, which McFall participated
When she was considering enter- in, and her solo was picked Best in Show.
ing a Florida State District Festival
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 57
ARTS & THEATRE ‘After I experienced what
it’s like to perform for 7,000
other thespians and theater
kids who are also passionate
about the same things I am,
it lit a spark in my heart.’
– Vivian McFall
McFall had been leaning toward an challenges life has to offer her.
education major, thinking to become Although so much has happened in
an arts-related or art history teacher,
and had already been accepted at a short period of time, McFall knows
Stetson University, the University of she made the right decision to change
Central Florida and the University of schools for her senior year.
North Florida.
“I opened a new chapter in my
All seemed to be going as planned life, and it was the right move, even
until she entered the Florida Thespi- though I will only have spent one year
ans “Top Honors” showcase, held at here. I would not be in the same place
the Florida Thespians State Festival if I had stayed at Vero. And that’s not
in Tampa this past March. This is the necessarily a negative thing, because
largest high school theater competi- Vero was a great school for that chap-
tion in the world, with about 7,000 ter in my life. I have opened a new
participants. chapter, and this is the school I need-
ed to be at,” says McFall.
Again, McFall sang her solo “I Am
Here.” “There is a lot more funding in the arts
at Charter. Students are here because
“It is such a powerful piece. You def- they want to be here,” says McFall.
initely have to be into the character,
and to do your research, and it’s all Compared to the thousands of stu-
about delivery. That was something I dents attending Vero Beach and Se-
was definitely challenged on by the- bastian high schools, Charter is small,
ater director Nozistene,” says McFall. and puts an emphasis on production,
design, dance, acting, musical the-
“After I experienced what it’s like to ater, orchestra, jazz band, tech design
perform for 7,000 other thespians and and stagecraft.
theater kids who are also passionate
about the same things I am, it lit a Having been immersed in it, McFall
spark in my heart.” says she has a new-found respect for
the various areas of study and special-
As a result, McFall began thinking, ties it takes to put on a production.
“I don’t know what I have to do or how
long I have to wait, but this is what I “It is groundbreaking and inspiring
want to do – musical theater. I love when you go through the dry run for a
acting and I want to be taught acting.” production; it’s a monster, a beast to
tackle,” reflects McFall. “It makes me
At the Thespian Festival, there is enjoy the show, and the production so
a three-hour open mic where those much more.”
with top honors can sing.
She says she also finds the smaller
She sang her song twice and the class sizes more intimate and reward-
second time, Hans Weichhart, coor- ing. She can see her fellow students
dinator of the entire festival, was as- grow and “see the intimate connec-
tounded to discover she was a high tion between students, and other stu-
school student, thinking she had been dents and teachers.”
one of the Broadway stars they had in-
vited to the event. The poise of this young woman, and
the grasp of her many gifts, is hum-
Taking notice of her talent, Weich- bling to see.
hart asked if she had committed to a
college yet. Not yet, was her reply, al- But, McFall says, “I come from hum-
though McFall says her main goal is ble beginnings, and I never want to act
still to be part of a college. pristine or act like I deserve the best,
because as long as I get to do what I
“That will challenge me,” says Mc- love, I’m content and I am grateful. I’m
Fall, adding that as long as she can do just going to take it one day at a time,
what she loves, she will remain moti- and just perfect my craft every day.”
vated and happy.
McFall would like to provide others
While McFall’s eyes sparkle with with the same type of inspiration and
excitement, she seems grounded and guidance she received.
steady, and ready to meet the next
“I still have some doubts, as anyone
58 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Sky’s the limit for excitement at Vero Air Show
would have in this situation. But just
having the support of my family, my
friends, my teachers, I can still feel
grounded knowing where I’m com-
ing from and knowing that I still have
those people by my side, no matter
how far in life I go.”
At the International Festival, June
21-24 in Bloomington, Indiana, Mc-
Fall will again perform her solo piece.
This time the audience will be full of
scouts from colleges and Broadway,
among others, hoping to snag the next
up and coming talent.
It will be the biggest venue yet for
McFall, and Naffziger expects she will
receive multiple offers for college op-
portunities. But McFall seems to take
the journey in stride.
“I was given the opportunity and I
plan to be there.”
There, where the audience will be
wowed off their feet by this talented,
charming and engaging 18-year-old.
BY PAM HARBAUGH Command Parachute Demonstration
Correspondent Team – will free fall for about 2 miles
and still maintain precision in land-
1 Don’t be surprised by the sounds ing. There will also be a variety of ci-
of jets overhead this weekend. It’s vilian aviators performing, including
Franklin’s Flying Circus featuring Kyle
the Vero Beach Air Show featuring the Franklin, who learned to fly when he
was 8 years old and performed his first
U.S. Navy Blue Angels. The Blue An- “wingwalk” when he was 14 before be-
coming a stuntman at age 17. Visitors
gels Flight Demonstration Team will will be able to enjoy military and civil-
ian aircraft displays. There will be 30
perform their jaw-dropping, heart- food trucks offering a variety of food
and beverages for sale. It’s a family-
pounding maneuvers in their Super friendly event with bounce houses and
live music by Collins & Company. Be
Hornet jets. See loops, rolls and bomb sure to bring your cameras, because
members of the U.S. Navy Blue An-
bursts in close formation for the clas-
sic aerobatic routine in T-6 Texans. An
F-16 Viper Demonstration Team will
show precision aerial maneuvers of
the Fighting Falcons. The Black Dag-
gers – a U.S. Army Special Operations
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 59
gels Flight Demonstration Team will
make themselves available for photo
ops and to sign autographs. No back-
packs, pets, coolers or weapons al-
lowed on the event grounds. The Vero
Beach Air Show will also have a special
night airshow, its first ever. Gates for
the night show open 6 p.m. on Friday,
April 29 at 3060 Airport West Dr., Vero
Beach. Tickets for the night show are
$15, advance online sales only. Parking
is free. The main show runs Saturday,
April 30 and Sunday, May 1 with gates
opening at 9 a.m. Tickets for the main
show range from $10 to $125. Proceeds
benefit the Veterans Council of Indian
River County and Exchange Clubs
of Indian River County, the Treasure
Coast and Vero Beach. Parking is $10
per car. Discounted tickets available
for military service members both
active duty and veterans. Bring your
ID to the Victory Center in the Indian
River Mall or to the SEAL Museum in
Fort Pierce. The Vero Beach Air Show
will be held at 3400 Cherokee Dr., Vero
Beach. For more information, visit
2 Children take the focus Satur-
day at the Vero Beach Museum
of Art. The museum will present the
Children’s Art Festival, where children
can get involved with the “Vero Col-
60 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
lects” exhibit, play art hunt games, and
enjoy artsy activities in the museum’s
school studios. There will also be mu-
sic and dance performed by area youth
groups. To make it all even more fun,
the Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
will perform its “Once Upon an Orches-
tra” program. The entire festival runs
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and it’s free. The “Once
Upon an Orchestra” program begins at
12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. The Vero Beach
Museum of Art is at 3001 Riverside Park
Dr. For more information, call 772-231-
0707 or visit
3 If you feel like taking a little ride
north, consider heading to the
Henegar Center in Melbourne to see
Gains Kelly Eric Grady
Elton John and Tim Rice’s “Aida: The tus to deliver relatable humor. He was a
Timeless Love Story.” The musical tells finalist in the Gulf South Comedy Chal-
the story of Aida, a Nubian princess lenge in New Orleans and has been on
abducted from her country, Amneris, the road for 15 years. Grady also comes
an Egyptian princess, and Radames, from the south, where he’d be called a
whom they both love. The musical won “tall drink of water.” He moved to New
the 2000 Tony Award for best original York City, where he estimates that he
musical score. The Henegar has been performed about 2,000 shows in two
gaining much acclaim for the quality years. He currently lives in Los Ange-
of its shows. Tickets start at $32. The les. The shows begin 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.
Henegar is at 625 E. New Haven Ave. Friday, April 29 and Saturday, April 30.
Call 321-723-8698 or visit Tickets are $23. Live in the Loop pres-
ents free concerts before the shows
4 The Comedy Zone at Riverside with Souljam on Friday, April 29 and
Theatre brings headliner Gains the Jacks Band on Saturday, April 30.
Riverside Theatre is at 3250 Riverside
Kelly and feature act Eric Grady to town Park Dr., Vero Beach. Call 772-231-6990
or visit
this weekend. Kelly takes advantage of
his Southern drawl and blue-collar sta-
62 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Cleveland Clinic doctor: HPV vaccine could save your child’s life
It is difficult to think about your Dr. Kruti Yagnik.
child contracting a sexually trans-
mitted infection. But you should, PHOTO: KAILA JONES
according to infectious disease doc-
tors, and the time to give it thought estimated to cause nearly 36,500 first recommended in 2006, infec- cervical precancers caused by HPV
and consider vaccinating your child cases of cancer in men and women tions with HPV types that cause have dropped by 40 percent.
against the Human Papillomavirus every year in the United States. HPV most HPV cancers and genital warts
(HPV) is during their preteen years. vaccination could eliminate 33,700 have dropped 88 percent among After decades of research, the
of these cancers by preventing the teen girls and 81 percent among United Kingdom implemented a
HPV, the most common sexually infections that cause them. young adult women. Among vac- human papillomavirus (HPV) vac-
transmitted infection, “is spread by cinated women, the percentage of cination program for teenage girls
sexual contact – vaginal, anal and Since the HPV vaccination was in 2008 and the results of a study re-
oral,” said Dr. Kruti Yagnik, an in-
fectious disease doctor with Cleve-
land Clinic Indian River Hospital.
“It can even be spread by close skin
to skin contact. There are no signs
or symptoms, but it can put you at
risk for pre-cancer and cancer of the
cervix, vagina and vulva in women,
the penis in men, and the throat in
men and women. That’s why every-
one, male and female, should get
the vaccine between the ages of 11
and 12 to reduce their risk of infec-
According to the CDC, HPV is
*Not in combination with any other offer. Offer
good for new patients only and cleaning in absence
of periodontal disease. Xrays are non transferable.
(D0150) (D1110) (D0210) (D0330)
Call 772-562-5051
The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for
payment for any other services, examination, or treatment that is preformed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding
to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination, or treatment.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 63
leased last November were astound- cally be tested for HPV because by with the HPV vaccination. the HPV vaccine,” Dr. Yagnik said.
ing. Research funded by Cancer that time it’s assumed that they’ve Cervical cancer was once the “A series of two or three shots could
Research UK found that the HPV vac- already been exposed to the virus. If save their life.”
cinations reduced cervical cancer they test positive for HPV, then the leading cause of cancer death
rates by almost 90 percent in women tests will be repeated every year or among women in the U.S., but Dr. Kruti Yagnik received her med-
their 20s who were offered the vac- two and tracked closely. The key is HPV vaccines and cervical cancer ical education at Nova Southeastern
cine at age 12-13. to catch any abnormal cells in the screening have greatly reduced the College of Osteopathic Medicine in
cervix and remove them before they incidence of the disease and made Fort Lauderdale, her internship and
“Studies like this are life-changing turn into cervical cancer.” it one of the most preventable and residency in Internal Medicine at
for physicians,” Dr. Yagnik revealed. treatable cancers. Shands at the University of Florida,
“Thanks to medical science we can Those who develop a cancer and her fellowship in Infectious Dis-
save so many lives with this pre- caused by HPV will need treatment Boys and men are not immune to eases and Geographic Medicine at
ventative vaccine. We’ve got over 15 that can sometimes limit their abil- HPV. The CDC states that four out of the University of Texas Southwestern
years of data with over 140 million ity to have children due to a hyster- every 10 cases of cancer caused by Medical Center. Her office is in the
doses of the vaccine administered ectomy, chemotherapy or radiation. HPV occur among men. Each year, Health and Wellness Building, Suite
and there are no side effects other More than nine out of 10 cases of more than 14,000 men in the U.S. 203, 3450 11th Court, Vero Beach. To
than perhaps a sore arm at the shot cervical cancer are caused by HPV, contract an HPV related cancer. schedule an appointment, call 772-
site.” but almost all can be prevented 794-5631.
“There’s really no good reason not
Children ages 11-12 years should to have your child vaccinated with
get two doses of the HPV vaccine,
given six to 12 months apart. The
vaccines can be given as early as
age 9. Children who start the HPV
vaccine on or after their 15th birth-
day need three doses, given over six
months. Once a child is fully vacci-
nated, the protection lasts the rest of
their lifetime. Early protection works
best because it protects children be-
fore they have contact with the virus.
Doctors say everyone through the
age of 26 should get HPV vaccine if
they weren’t fully vaccinated as a
child, and in some cases adults age
27-45 might choose to get the HPV
vaccine after speaking with their
doctor about their risk for new HPV
infections. The vaccine is less effec-
tive in adults, however, because most
have already been exposed to HPV,
giving the virus a foothold in the
“HPV can cause several different
kinds of cancer, but only cervical
cancer can be detected early with a
PAP smear screening,” Dr. Yagnik ex-
plained. “The HPV vaccine protects
against nine different strains, even
the ones that show no symptoms and
are not detected until they are more
While almost every unvaccinated
person who is sexually active will get
HPV at some time in their life, only
a small percentage will end up with
some type of cancer. And most HPV
infections will eventually go away
on their own. But the fact remains
that 13 million Americans, including
teens, will be infected with HPV ev-
ery year. With such an effective vac-
cine available to fight such a wide-
spread risk, vaccination is strongly
“Most of the time your pediatri-
cian will bring up the timing of get-
ting the HPV vaccine, but the par-
ents should also be made aware,” Dr.
Yagnik said. “And of course, young
adults whose parents didn’t chose
to have them vaccinated should be
proactive. Women over the age of 30
who get a pap smear will automati-
64 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Slugging’: The viral beauty hack skin-care experts actually like
BY JANNA MANDELL As of press time, the hashtag #slugging of skin or skin barrier) to protect the as a skin protectant is nothing new. In
The Washington Post has 235.5 million views on TikTok. skin from the environment while pre- the 15th century, members of the Na-
venting water loss.” tive American Seneca tribe, who dug
It’s rare for TikTok beauty trends to Petroleum jelly, which is also known oil pits in northwestern Pennsylvania,
hold merit with dermatologists and as petrolatum and was first sold by By forming this seal – which keeps used petroleum jelly on human and
aestheticians. Whether they’re ridic- Vaseline, is a white or yellowish semi- dirt and bacteria out and moisture in animal skin to protect wounds, stimu-
ulous (#lubeprimer, #snailfacial) or solid substance made up of a mixture – the petroleum jelly creates the ideal late healing and keep the skin moist.
dangerous (#diymoleremoval, filing of complex hydrocarbons by dewax- environment to allow your skin to re-
teeth), most TikTok “beauty hacks” are ing crude oil. According to Joshua pair itself, Zeichner said. And slugging In the late 19th century, American
quickly debunked by skin-care profes- Zeichner, a dermatologist and associ- doesn’t require much petroleum jelly. chemist Robert Chesebrough, visiting
sionals – with the overwhelming ex- ate professor of dermatology at Mount You can use a pea-size portion for your oil fields in the same area of north-
ception of “slugging.” Sinai Hospital in New York City, it is an entire face. western Pennsylvania, observed oil
occlusive ingredient: “It forms a seal workers applying the residue from
Slugging is a catchy term that means over the stratum corneum (outer layer Though slugging is a new name for their oil drills on their wounds. Che-
slathering your face with petroleum it, the act of applying petroleum jelly sebrough brought a sample back to his
jelly as the last step of your evening Brooklyn lab, purified it, tested it on
skin-care routine. The practice leaves his self-inflicted wounds and in 1870
your face as slimy as slug mucus branded his “miracle jelly” as Vaseline.
(hence the name).
When Tiffany Clay, an Atlanta-
Supposedly initially a K-Beauty based dermatologist, saw slugging be-
trend, the term slugging appears to ing promoted on Instagram, she was
have first surfaced in the United States amused. “I laughed because I’ve been
in a 2014 post in a Reddit subgroup. But doing it my whole life.” Clay credits her
it didn’t go viral until Charlotte Paler- “Black grandmothers who slathered
mino, a New York City-based licensed Vaseline on my cousins and me when
aesthetician and co-founder of skin we got out of the bath.”
care company Dieux, introduced the
concept to her TikTok and Instagram Now, Clay finds herself recommend-
followers in September 2020, telling ing petroleum jelly in her dermatology
them it had made her dry skin “juicy.” practice “at least 10 times a day” – for
dry skin, wound care, surgical after-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 65
care and “especially for my eczema pa- oil that have been deemed probable line. “Petrolatum has been around for ford is far more likely to have an ef-
tients who have a compromised skin human carcinogens. so long and scrutinized by regulators fect on the fossil fuel industry than
barrier and tend to be on the dry side.” for so long that refined petrolatum has tamping down sales of Vaseline.”
Signs of a compromised skin barrier The experts I spoke to said that while gone through the gamut of testing to
can include redness, dryness, peeling, unrefined petroleum jelly (which is ensure safety before it hits the shelves.” There are many alternatives to pe-
flaking, burning or stinging. not permitted in the United States) troleum jelly, such as mineral oils,
can be contaminated with PAHs, the Another concern raised by critics of plant oils and animal waxes, but
Ranella Hirsch, a dermatologist petroleum jelly you see on the shelves slugging is that petroleum jelly, as a Hirsch and Zeichner cautioned that
based in Cambridge, Mass., agrees. of your drugstore has been highly re- byproduct of crude oil, is not a sustain- products other than petroleum jelly
“I tell parents to coat their kids with fined. able product. But Anthony R. Kovscek, are not as occlusive, are more ex-
Vaseline when they first get out of the a Stanford University professor and se- pensive and have risks of contami-
tub to seal in the moisture,” Hirsch “Petrolatum is essentially a waste nior fellow at the Precourt Institute for nation.
said. “We’ve been using that as stan- product from the petroleum indus- Energy, said eliminating sales of pe-
dard practice because the petrolatum try that goes through several rounds troleum jelly would do little to reverse “Plants are bio-accumulators so
really functions as a top coat, trapping of refinement until all the impurities climate change. something like shea butter needs to
in the moisture and preventing tran- have been removed,” said Victoria Fu, be highly refined before it hits the
sepidermal water loss.” a skin-care science educator, cosmetic “Changing your driving and com- market,” Palermino said. And, she
formulation chemist and co-founder muting behaviors, as well as driving concluded, the refinement process
Research has shown that in addition of Chemist Confessions, a skin-care the most fuel-efficient car you can af- creates a large carbon footprint.
to reducing transepidermal water loss
(TEWL), by 99 percent, petrolatum has WHY HEARING TESTS ARE IMPORTANT?
anti-microbial properties and acceler-
ates skin healing. Aaron Liebman, Au. D. noticeable hearing loss should is what really differentiates me
have their hearing tested every from a traditional hearing aid
Palermino recommends using pe- Doctor of Audiology three to five years. More frequent salesman. I have a Doctorate in
troleum jelly in a “moisture sandwich” hearing tests are recommended Audiology and my diagnosis is
to trap in the most hydration. “In aes- We tend to take our hearing particularly to people over the based on years of education,
thetician school, one of the first things for granted, assuming it will age of 60. not a few months of hearing
you learn is you hydrate your skin, you always be there for us, even aid salesmanship. I will take
moisturize your skin, and then you though hearing loss affects 1 out Regular hearing exams can the time to screen and assess
trap it all in with an occlusive.” of 3 adults aged 65 and older. help an audiologist offer a all the data prior to making a
Hearing impairment develops treatment solution to those who recommendation for hearing
But because of petroleum jelly’s oc- so gradually that many aren’t might otherwise experience the aids. Even AARP says that you
clusive nature, Hirsch cautions against even aware of a problem until it debilitating social and emotional are more likely to be successful
applying any active ingredients, such has advanced beyond an easily effects of living with a hearing with a hearing aid fitting by
as retinoids, exfoliants or topical vi- treatable stage. This could be impairment. Cognitive decline seeing an audiologist than a
tamin C before slugging, because you avoided if we treated our ears and social withdrawal are hearing aid salesman.”
could damage your skin. “You can take with the same care and attention eventual difficulties individuals
an ingredient that is fairly mild, and paid to our eyes; much like with untreated hearing loss can Florida requires licensed
turn it into something very potent by routine vision exams, regular possibly experience. audiologist to have a doctorate
sealing it with petrolatum.” hearing exams are an excellent in audiology requiring years
first line of defense. Early Dr. Liebman recommends having of study concerning hearing,
Although petroleum jelly is consid- detection increases the odds of a hearing test whenever you feel hearing rehabilitation, anatomy,
ered non-comedogenic (meaning it successful treatment. that you are experiencing more and function of the hearing
won’t clog pores) because its molecu- difficulty understanding. “Most mechanism and hearing aid
lar size is too large to penetrate deep Some degree of hearing loss is people are not aware when they technology. Dr. Liebman utilizes
into the skin, Hirsch warned that slug- natural as we age. Few adults need help. They’ll often blame a range of manufacturers and
ging is not for everyone. give their hearing much thought it on other people mumbling, technologies and does not believe
unless they are experiencing background noise, or say the TV one manufacturer is “the best”.
“Generally speaking, I don’t tend to a noticeable loss in hearing or radio volume is too low”, said
recommend it [slugging] for people ability. By then, their options Liebman. “So they’re surprised “If we determine that it is not the
who are prone to milia, oily or acne. I for treatment may be more when they are tested and realize best for you, then we’ll change to
just find occlusives aren’t a good mar- limited. The American Speech- what they can’t hear.” At least by a different style or manufacturer
riage for them.” Hirsch recommends Language-Hearing Association’s the age of 60 you should have a to determine which is best for
patch-testing first for these skin con- (ASHA) guidelines state that hearing screening. If you have you.” “Furthermore”, he adds, “in
ditions and if you are prone to allergic healthy adults aged 18-40 been told you have a hearing addition to providing the best
reactions. who are not experiencing any loss but you have not been fit technology possible, it is also vital
with hearing aids, then you that the “fitter” understands that
For severely dry skin, Susan Taylor, a should be checked annually. In technology, so the chosen hearing
Philadelphia-based dermatologist and addition, at age 65 you should aid can benefit the patient at the
founder of the Skin of Color Society, be checked annually. highest possible level possible,
warns that petroleum jelly, alone, will in terms of comfort and sound
not moisturize the skin. “I have my “First and foremost, my goal as quality.” Dr. Liebman works with
patients put the petroleum jelly over an Audiologist is to perform a patients to ensure they have the
a moisturizer that has humectant and proper diagnostic hearing test appropriate device for their needs,
emollient ingredients.” Taylor also tells so I can decide whether a patient expectations and budget.
patients to apply petroleum jelly when needs to be referred to an ear,
skin is damp to “trap in the moisture.” nose and throat physician for Aaron’s Hearing Care is located
a medical evaluation, or if this at 925 37th Place in the Citrus
The Food and Drug Administration is strictly a permanent hearing Medical Plaza of Vero Beach.
regulates petrolatum as an over-the- loss that needs help with hearing Call (772)562-5100
counter drug and deems it a safe and aids,” Dr.Liebman said. “That
effective skin protectant when the
concentration range is 30 percent to
100 percent. But the public has a cou-
ple of concerns about petroleum jelly.
One is worry about contamination
by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAHs), which are naturally occurring
chemical compounds found in crude
66 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BPPV – what is it, and why does it make you dizzy?
BY FRED CICETTI Other symptoms besides can help determine if dizziness is
Columnist spinning include: dizziness, caused by inner-ear problems by
loss of balance, blurred vi- measuring involuntary eye move-
Q. My grandmother told me she sion, nausea and vomiting. The ments while your head is placed in
has BPPV and that it makes her head symptoms of BPPV can be ir- different positions.
spin. What exactly is this BPPV? regular. They usually last less
than a minute. Episodes can The MRI uses a magnetic field and
BPPV stands for benign parox- disappear and then come back radio waves to create cross-section-
ysmal positional vertigo. It usually later. al images of your head. MRI may be
strikes when you change the posi- performed to rule out lesions that
tion of your head. BPPV is caused by a problem may cause vertigo.
in the inner ear, which con-
We have to define terms first. Ver- tains crystals that make you A common treatment for BPPV is
tigo is the feeling that either you or sensitive to movement. If these known as the canalith reposition-
your surroundings are spinning. It crystals are dislodged, you can ing procedure. This is done in a
is more than being just lightheaded feel dizzy and experience ver- doctor’s office. The procedure con-
or dizzy, because you are subjected tigo. sists of maneuvers for positioning
to the illusion of movement. If you your head. The aim of the treatment
feel your body is moving, you have Besides aging, a head injury is to move troublesome crystals that
subjective vertigo. When you sense or any other disorder of the have been dislodged.
that your surroundings are moving, balance organs of your ear may
you have objective vertigo. make you more susceptible to The canalith repositioning pro-
BPPV. cedure is usually effective after
BPPV occurs most often in peo- one or two treatments. However, in
ple 60 and older. It is rarely a seri- Among the diagnostic tools rare situations when the procedure
ous condition unless it makes you for BPPV are electronystag- doesn’t work, doctors may recom-
fall. The odds of falling each year mography (ENG), videonystag- mend corrective surgery.
after age 65 in the United States are mography (VNG) and magnetic
about one in three. And falls are the resonance imaging (MRI). Medicine can help with severe
leading cause of injury and injury- vertigo that makes you sick to your
related death among older adults. The ENG, which uses elec- stomach. But using this kind of
trodes, or the VNG, which medicine can lengthen the time it
is done with small cameras, takes to stop the BPPV.
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68 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero style! All dressed up and putting on a show for Hibiscus
Staff Writer
The latest in spring and summer fash- Cooper & Co.
ions from Vero Beach boutiques took Frances Brewster
center stage once again, following a two- Island Cashmere
year forced hiatus, at the Blue Ribbon J. McLaughlin
Luncheon and Fashion Show to ben- Melange and Tendencies
efit the Hibiscus Children’s Center. The
show, held at the Oak Harbor Club, was Son Wu and Connie Roberson. Sara Campbell
again produced by Miami-based Sobol “Fashion is huge. COVID’s over, we’re Sassy Boutique
Fashion Productions, whose 10 profes- Cooper & Co.
sional models showcased the designs out of our pajamas and I think people
with their customary panache. are ready to dress up again and be out,” PHOTOS BY KAILA JONES
said Motta. Asked about trends, she
Boutiques included Cooper & Co., said, “I think color. Prints are big, but
Frances Brewster, Island Cashmere, prints are always big in Florida. I think
J. McLaughlin, Sara Campbell Ltd., things are very feminine again and ev-
Sassy Boutique and, for the first time, erything is crisp.”
Melange and Tendencies. Additionally,
as guests arrived, they were greeted by Another trend, a possible nod to
‘Male Ambassadors’ dressed in dapper unwanted pounds gained during the
fashions by Vernon Scott. shutdowns, was the gravitation toward
“We’re just glad to be back,” said
Cathye Motta, store manager at Fran-
ces Brewster, which carries a variety
of designers, including Bessie, Hin
salon • spa • boutique generous and forgiving fashions, rather Veronica Beard dress with a lacy de-
than form-fitting designs, and dresses sign from knee to mid-calf. Long puffed
and skirts were decidedly on the longer sleeves decorated a maxi length, Zim-
side. Puffed sleeves and ruffles added mermann peasant-style dress, with at-
the aforementioned femininity factor tractive eyelet designs positioned from
into dresses and blouses alike. the neckline to the scalloped hem.
Among the Cooper & Co. fashions Shorter Cooper & Co. dresses in-
was a graceful, multi-colored Etro cluded a playful Sara Roka dress, with
outfit, pairing a long-sleeved top and yellow vertical stripes on the sleeve-
silken parero wrap that flowed gently less bodice, and violet and periwinkle
along the runway. striped flounces, reminiscent of ribbon
candy, on the skirt.
Puffed sleeves to the elbow high-
lighted a comely, ballerina length white Another crowd favorite was Sara
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 69
Roka’s blue and white striped palazzoFrances Brewster less knee-length dress with a ruffled col-
pants with a crisp blue button-down Island Cashmere lar, and the Fanny dress, a charming
shirt, set off with a chartreuse cloth J. McLaughlin below-the-knee dress with long balloon
belt. Another pants ensemble featured Melange and Tendencies sleeves and a ruffled V-neck.
hot pink ankle pants with a lovely blue Sara Campbell
and white striped Maison Common The designer’s Clair dress, a short
wrap blouse, with puff sleeves adorned blue and white number with a pert bow
with a floral applique. at the neckline, was a perfect example
of a fit and flair dress.
“We’re showing a lot of loose and
flowy,” said Jenny Tipton, from Sara Several of their ankle-length Sheri
Campbell. “We’ve got lots of prints, ging- pants were paired with a selection vi-
ham and taffeta, and we’ve also got fit brantly colored blouses and jackets.
and flair dresses, which gives you a fit on “They’re a great fit, stretchy, pull-on,
top and then it’s softer through the hip.” ready-to-wear, washable, and they come
in lots of colors,” said Tipton.
Campbell’s designs included two
multi-colored dresses: the Lina, a sleeve- New to the show were Ocean Drive
Sassy Boutique
Cooper & Co.
Frances Brewster
Island Cashmere
J. McLaughlin
Melange and Tendencies
Sara Campbell
Sassy Boutique
Cooper & Co.
Frances Brewster
Island Cashmere
70 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
J. McLaughlin
Melange and Tendencies
Sara Campbell
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 69 Geo design, and the sophisticated, short
sleeved Eilidh jumpsuit, in Navy blue.
boutiques Melange and Tendencies,
whose fashions Dominique Reed de- Their long, white hoop skirt, with its
scribes as casual chic European designs, ruffled eyelet design on the bottom, was
such as those you would find in the paired with a blue button-down shirt
Mediterranean or south of France. tied at the waist.
“We do a lot of linen. It’s free flow- “We’re very high on the dresses;
ing,” said Reed, adding with a laugh, dresses are very, very in this year,”
“It takes 10 years off your age. That’s said Begien.
good to know.”
Among the dresses perfect for sum-
Her shorter dresses included a cute, mer were the Christa dress in tan, which
balloon sleeved, pink and purple kiss- also comes in French blue, a Persian
designed dress, paired with a deep pur- denim, sleeveless mid-length Lavinia
ple shawl, and a sherbet-colored, short- dress, and their new Harriet dress in cor-
sleeved, linen day dress. Longer designs al, a very lightweight silk mid-calf dress
looked perfect for Florida’s climate, in- with elbow length sleeves.
cluding loose-fitting linen dresses, with
varying sleeve lengths and colors. The only bathing suit in the show
was McLaughlin’s Koa, a one-piece in
Wide white pants with a button de- Navy blue and red, with a matching ki-
sign down the leg were ultra-comfy mono coverup.
looking paired with a beige top. And a
white top and straight-leg linen pants Island Cashmere showcased their
were complimented by a long paisley spring collection, including Italian ven-
kimono jacket. dors Caliban and Hin Son Wu, a new
vendor for them.
Flowing fashions were also the hall-
mark of many of the J. McLaughlin de- “We’ve got our traditional anytime
signs from their brand-new collection. of the year, every year items,” said Niki
Ryba, Island Cashmere manager.
“At J. McLaughlin, we’ve spread our
wings in many different areas,” said A short, collared Caliban dress of
Kim Begien. “Our colors, our prints, our blue and beige floral, with elbow-length
styles are terrific. Traditional but not tra- sleeves was first on the runway, but most
ditional. They’re perfect for Vero.” of the Island Cashmere dresses kept to
the longer look, with a below the knee,
There were two stylish jumpsuits: collared taupe dress with three-quarter
the sleeveless Hermione in McLaugh- sleeves and soft flounces. And, perfect
lin’s blue, white and orange Plumage for summer, a sleeveless maxi dress in
Sassy Boutique
Cooper & Co.
Frances Brewster
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 71
Island Cashmere
J. McLaughlin
Melange and Tendencies
Sara Campbell
Sassy Boutique
muted, summertime colors simply glid- sequined, Connie Roberson evening top brown. The first was a long-sleeved, – one with short sleeves and one a hal-
ed down the runway. with three-quarter length sleeves. Figue dress with a deep V-necked and ter-top, both slim waisted with ruffled
ruffled skirt. The other sported a round- necklines.
They showcased a number of more Eyelets took center stage with a tea- ed neckline and this season’s popular
casual yet chic outfits, pairing white length dress in pink with scalloped edg- elbow length balloon sleeves. “C.K. Bradley are known for their fun
pants with colorful tops, a gorgeous es on the sleeves and hem. And white unique prints, always having ruffles,”
scarf knotted at the neck, and a stun- lace Alem Bika pants had a matching “Figue is known for sophisticated said Marchant.
ning thigh-length, cutout leather jack- white top with lace on the short sleeves. prints that are seasonless and effortless,”
et in white. said Deana Marchant, Sassy co-owner A long Hemant Nandita dress, a line
Sophistication came into play with with Tammy Reilly. Also illustrating the out of India that Marchant said is known
Frances Brewster outfits included a classic black and white Bessi cocktail point was Figue’s golden Eliza kaftan, as for their embroidered cotton, radiated in
ankle-length Crazy Larry pants in a pert dress, as well as with a deep fuchsia, For- perfect for the beach as for dining out on shades of pink, showcasing a romantic
shoe design, paired with a ruffled white tuny pleated dress and matching duster, a summer evening. resort look, with a V-neck, rouching at
blouse and blue sweater, and soft gray and in a softly multicolored, full-length the waist and a high, sexy slit.
pants and tank paired with a flowing silk skirt by Connie Roberson. Other full-length dresses were the
pink and green kimono. Elegant black ultimate in femininity, including two With such a great collection of bou-
pants were strikingly paired with a black Sassy Boutique showed off two an- C.K. Bradley dresses in blue and white tiques, the right fashions are yours for
kle-length dresses in shades of blue and the asking.
72 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Eastern European wineries in turmoil as war rages in Ukraine
BY REBECCA HOLLAND storing humanitarian aid, and a state- quickly turned into molotov cocktails. mediate, is the volatility of the local
The Washington Post ment on GoodWine’s website said that Wineries in Ukraine, Georgia, Hun- currency,” said Frigye Machán-Cset-
it had been “delivering goods from vei, who runs a winery with his wine-
John Wurdeman was about to depart our suppliers from all over the world, gary, Moldova and elsewhere in Eastern maker wife, Krisztina Csetvei, in Mor,
for Kyiv, Ukraine, on Feb. 24 to attend preparing and sending ready meals to Europe have been thrown into uncer- Hungary. “And partners from abroad
the SuperNatural Wine Festival when hospitals, territorial defense and the tain territory, including changing pro- have issues with the price of trans-
he was told not to board the plane. Armed Forces.” duction to housing refugees, bottle sup- portation because of inflation and
ply issues, transportation problems and because of the price of gas increasing
“I got a phone call saying Kyiv is be- In western Ukraine, at Chateau rising inflation. day by day.”
ing bombed, and not to come,” said Chizay in Transcarpathia, about 3
Wurdeman, who is the founder of miles from the Hungarian border, the Swiss glass storage container maker Annamaria Reka Koncz, a wine-
Pheasant’s Tears Winery in Georgia. winery’s vice president Ilan Radom Vetropack has a large plant near Kyiv, maker whose vineyards straddle the
said 10,000 refugees were arriving ev- where much of Eastern Europe’s wine Hungary-Ukraine border, said im-
Wurderman said he also had a ship- ery two hours in the first days of the bottles are made. When Russia invad- porters have been asking about prices
ment of wine destined for Ukraine’s war. The chateau housed as many as it ed, nearly 600 workers were forced to for the next vintage.
GoodWine warehouse, which was could fit and quickly switched its pro- stop production and about 300 tons
destroyed on March 4 with about duction from making wine to prepar- of molten glass solidified inside, the “The market is always very price-
$16,200,000 worth of product inside. ing food for refugees and the military. New York Times reported. sensitive, and now that everything
Around Ukraine, wine bottles were costs 30 to 40 percent more for bottles,
The same warehouse had also been “The prices go up, but even with labels, for cardboard boxes, for work-
higher prices, there are no bottles force, for everything.”
Enj available,” Hungarian winemaker Zol-
tán Heimann said. Reka Koncz’s base wine costs about
fresh seafood craft cocktails $9: If she raises prices to keep up with
And bottles made elsewhere are inflation, it would cost about $12.
and fantastic wines while r getting more expensive. “The bottles “That’s just impossible. They couldn’t
that I use in Romania, I buy them buy it and I would lose my market,”
overlooking the ocean from Austria, because they are pro- she said.
duced in Austria, but they have nearly
beachfront seating doubled in price,” from about 38 to 64 In pre-pandemic, prewar times,
cents a bottle, said Edgar Brutler, who tourism helped small wineries stay
3500 ocean drive, vero beach | @heatonsverobeach | with his family owns a small winery afloat. At Chateau Chizay, the 2022
in Romania and works as a winemak- goal was to sell about 50 percent of
er in Austria. wine on-site. After internal travel re-
bounded following the first year of the
At Purcari Winery in Moldova, chief pandemic, Radom had high hopes for
operating officer Eugen Comendant this year – before the invasion.
said he was having issues shipping to
Japan, South Korea and China, impor- Beykush Winery, near Odessa,
tant new markets for the winery that opened a hotel in December and was
usually receive shipments through about to receive a prestigious award
Odessa, Ukraine. Wineries around from a Ukrainian hotel association.
Ukraine are dealing with transporta- Now, its general manager, Svetlana
tion issues as well. Odessa is the main Tsybak, is focused on providing hu-
port, and importers balk at higher fees manitarian aid.
caused by inflation.
Tourism in Ukraine is not likely to re-
“We have to pay with euros, so the cover soon, but even neighboring coun-
biggest impact of the war, which is im- tries are worried about the effect.
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 73
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76 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Conversing with cute Corgis was a royal treat for Bonz
Hi Dog Buddies! splash around in it all day! BUT,” he “You’re a Showoff
looked at me with a Very Serious Expres-
This week I visited a lady fren from sion, “Don’t drink it! You totally shouldn’t sometimes,” Reagan
Back in the Day, when she was a liddle EVER drink it. I found that out.”
puppy, with tons of energy an dognal- noted, lookin’ at Evie.
ity, Reagan Link-Hall, an met the two “He sure did!” agreed Evie. “As for me,
newest members of her pooch famly, I don’t enjoy getting all soggy an sandy. “Talk about bein’
Evie an Royce Gunderson. Reagan’s a I’m still adjusting to Sandy Toes.”
beautiful Pembroke Corgi an so’s Evie, a Showoff!” retorted
an Royce is a Cardigan Corgi, a fine “I hear ya,” I sympathized. “Um, if you
lookin’ trio if I do say so. don’t mind my askin,’ Miss Evie, you said Evie. “I’m not the one
you’re the Princess Royal. That sounds
Following Wag-an-Sniffs all ’round fascinating. How’d you get to be that?” who insists on walkin’
an “How’ve you been? You’re lookin’
swell’s” buh-tween me an Reagan, Evie “Indeed it IS fascinating, Mr. Bonzo. in front, with that liddle
stepped up. I shall elaborate. You prolly already
know that a very important human prance thing goin’ on.” Evie, Royce & Reagan.
“SO, since I’m the Princess Royal of lady called Queen Elizabeth, who lives “Now, ladies,” Royce
the famly, I’ll start. Reagan an I are haff across what humans call the Pond (but PHOTOS: KAILA JONES
sisters, an we all three come from the it’s really not, it’s an ocean, anyway),
same EGGS-suh-lunt breeder in Min- she LOVES Corgis, she always has a said. “You’re both beautiful mination.
nie-SODA. My Important Papers Name whole bunch of ’em. They’re the Royal
is Evie Noel Gunderson an Royce’s is Pooches. So, since WE’RE Corgis, TOO, princesses.” I had noticed, when they weren’t
Rolls Royce Gunderson! Crispy Biscuits, we’re also royal, right?”
Doncha think?” Turning to me, he whispered, “some- talkin’, Reagan, Royce an Evie had this
“Ummm, right!” I agreed.
“The crispiest!” “PLUS, guess what’s even MORE times I have to keep the peace between intrestin’, kinda hilarious, way of lyin’
“This is mine, Royce’s an Reagan’s amazing? Corgis are magical!”
Full Time Staff, errr, I mean, our hu- “Wait! Wha-at?” those two.” down – flat on their tummies with their
mans: me an Royce’s Mom Emily, an our “It’s TROO! Cuz, long, long ago, even
cousins Samantha an Jakob. They’re longer ago in Dog, fairy warriors rode Hurriedly changing the subject, I com- legs out in all directions. I tried it my-
here for Spring Break from CAH-ludge. our ancestors into battle, aboard the fur
Our Dad Ryan’s workin’. We’re enjoyin’ saddles we have on our backs!” mented, “I bet you all do lotsa traveling.” self an toppled over in a heap. They all
stayin’ here with Aunt Jane, Uncle Bob “An also cuz we are BRAVE an BOLD,”
an Reagan for a liddle bit. Mom an Dad Royce added. “I sure do,” said Reagan. “Cars an laughed an Royce said, “Oh, Mr. Bonzo,
just started bein’ Snowbirds in March.” “Shut the Doghouse Door!” I ex-
“Congrats!” I exclaimed. “I imagine claimed. “That is, like, the Cool Kibble- airplanes. I ackshully have Frequent no offense. It’s just sorta a Corgi Thing.
it’s way different down here in warm est thing I ever heard!”
Florida than Minnie-SODA, way up at “I KNOW! Right?” Agreed Evie. Flyer Miles, and I’m a Hilton Honors It’s called A Sploof.”
the tippy top.” “Well, in LOO of Fairy Warriors,” I
“TROO DAT!” Interjected Royce. “It continued, “whaddya you like to do for pooch, too.” “Good to know,” I replied. “Any fa-
was fun playin’ in the snow, makin’ exercise?”
snow mazes, an tunnels an stuff, but we “I like playin’ with my red tennis ball,” “I love ridin’ in the car,” Royce added. vrite snacks?”
LOVE it here in VERO Beach. Speshully said Royce. “I can catch it in the air.”
the warm part. An the beach part. It’s “An I like barkin’ at him while he’s “I DON’T!” said Evie. “Not even a lid- “Mom gets out our Pure Bites Beef
WAY fun jumpin’ around in that big doin’ it,” piped up Evie. “To cheer him on.
buncha water …” “Sometimes he accidently gets into dle. I get ang-ZIETY!” Treats when we aren’t listening to her
“It’s called The Ocean,” corrected Reagan’s gi-normous collection of ten-
Evie. nis balls. All different colors. We also like “Any pooch pals?” I inquired. like we’re s’pose to. She knows we’re
“Yeah, THAT!” said Royce. “I could goin’ on leash walks in the neighbor-
hood, all three of us together – tails held “Just each other so far,” said Royce. open to bribery,” said Evie.
high, boodies wigglin’.”
“Up in Minnie-SODA, we lived out in “We agreed to call it Positive Rein-
the country, with lotsa room to run an forcement,” Royce reminded her.
play, fields an woods an stuff. Our frens I couldn’t buh-leeve an hour had
were mostly squirrels, rabbuts an deer. passed already. Heading home, I was
No other pooches. We’re not fuh-mill- imagining’ Reagan, Royce and Evie,
yer with City Life yet. We’re still, you wearing beautiful fairy harnesses, flyin’
know, gettin’ USE to it. So far, with fellow above a magical wood with fairy war-
pooches – we mostly bark at ’em.” riors on their backs, savin’ the kingdom
“Cuz that’s what Reagan does,” not- from Bad Guys. (When I tried the Sploof
ed Evie. again at home, I toppled over again. I
“Gotta admit, that’s true,” said Rea- hope gramma an grampa didn’t see me.)
gan. “I am a liddle bit Over the Doghouse Till next time,
when it comes to barkin.’ An, you might
have noticed, us Corgis have pretty Se- The Bonz
rious Barks. Ackshully – full disclosure Don’t Be Shy
– I am currently in a Program. I have
a trainer who’s workin’ with me to cut We are always looking for pets
WAY down on my, shall I saw, constant with interesting stories.
verbalizing. I guess I just wanna be sure
Everybody knows that, even though I’m To set up an interview, email
the smallest, I’m still Big Pooch in the [email protected].
Neighborhood,” she added, with deter-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 77
Except where noted, hours are by appointment Website:
or chance. Hours: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tues. to Fri., and 11
a.m. to 3 p.m. monthly on first Sat.
BEACHSIDE GALLERIES Artist Owners: Sue Dinenno, Barbara Glover,
Chuck Haaland, Sherry Haaland, Judy Mercer,
Koman Fine Art Dawn Mill, Patricia Padoll, Judy Rixom, Fran
2905 Cardinal Drive. 772-231-4500 or 772- San Miguel and Rita Ziegler
473-1646 Associate Artist: Johnson Hagood
Instagram: komanfineart
Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon. to Sat. Vero Beach Art Club Annex & Gallery
Collection of living artists, from realism to 1903 14th Avenue.
abstraction 772-217-3345
Laughing Dog Gallery Hours: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tues. to Fri.
2910 Cardinal Drive. 772-234-6711 Exhibit April 2 to May 21: Inspired by 2020
Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues. to Sat. GALLERIES ELSEWHERE
Contemporary American craftsmen, including
the Treasure Coast’s largest collection of art Barbara Krupp Fine Art Studio/Gallery
glass 4315 U.S. 1. 440-574-4662
Meghan Candler Gallery HISTORIC DOWNTOWN ARTS DISTRICT GALLERIES J.M. Stringer Gallery of Fine Art Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wed. and Thurs or by
6160 Hwy. A1A at the Village Shops. All are open during 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. First Friday appointment.
772-234-8811 Gallery Strolls 2465 Ocean Drive. 772-231-3900 Current Series: Exploring Beauty
Website: Resident Artist: Barbara Krupp, original acrylic
Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues. to Sat. Raw Space Website: paintings
Curated paintings and sculpture by more than 1795 Old Dixie Hwy. 772-410-9126
40 contemporary artists Website: Hours: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tues. thru Sat. The Rowe Gallery
Hours: 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Wed. to Fri.; 11 a.m. to 46 Royal Palm Pointe. 302-521-4175
Ocean Drive Gallery 2 p.m. Sat. Exhibit Through May 31: Masterworks, Website:
3349 Ocean Drive, Suite 8, 2nd Floor. Then and Now: 19th and 20th Century Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wed. and Thurs.; 10
772-579-7667 Gallery 14 Antique Painters plus recent works a.m. to 6 p.m. Fri. and Sat.
Website: 1911 14th Avenue. 772-562-5525 of John Phillip Osborne and John C. Resident Artist: Lori Rowe, impressionism,
For an appointment call Andrea Lazar, 772- Website: Traynor abstract and instinctualism
915-9962 Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues. to Fri., 10 a.m.
Gallery Artists: Elise Geary, Andrea Lazar, Gail to 4 p.m. Sat. Working artists, antique paintings, fur-
Fayerweather and Sherrie Petermann April Exhibit: Southern Light: Watercolors by nishings, sculptures, object d’art, and
Reed Dixon private collections
Palm House Gallery & Studio Partner Artists: Edgardo Abello, Lila
3227 Ocean Drive (2nd floor). Blakeslee, Barbara du Pont, Mary Ann Hall,
772-231-6816 Barbara Landry, George Pillorgé, Deborah
Website: Morrell Polackwich and Dorothy Napp
Gallery Artists: Wendy Douglas, Dede Gilbert, Schindel
Rick Kelly, Madeline Long, Suzy Mellott, Jack
Staley, Barbara Tiffany and Emily Tremml Main Street Vero Beach Studios & Gallery
2036 14th Avenue, Suite 103. 772-643-6782
Steve Diossy Marine Art Gallery Website:
3247 Ocean Drive. 772-205 2973 Hours: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Mon. to Fri.
Website: Resident Artist: Clair Brunetti
Hours: Closed Mondays; check website for April Exhibit: Charles Blake – Birds of a Feather
Artwork by the designer of Florida’s ‘Protect Artists Guild Gallery
Wild Dolphins’ license plates 1974 14th Avenue. 772-299-1234
78 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ONGOING Memorial Island Sanctuary, a celebration of life children’s art activities, music and dance perfor- Clinic Indian River Foundation, with VIP recep-
for those lost to crimes in our county. mances, docent-led tours and Space Coast Sym- tion at 3 p.m. and concert at 4:30 p.m. VIP $225;
phony Orchestra presentations of its Once Upon Lawn tickets $30 at gate. 772-226-4960
Check with organizations directly for up- 29 to May 1 – Vero Beach Air Show at the an Orchestra musical series, with performances
dates/cancellations. Vero Beach Regional Airport, featuring at 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. Free. 2 VNA & Hospice Foundation’s annual Golf-
the Blue Angels, F-16 Viper Demo and Aeroshell A-Thon, with 13 IRC golf pros attempting
Mardy Fish Children’s Foundation Tennis Aerobatic Teams, Matt Younkin, Jodi Rueger Air- 30 to May 1 - Marine Flea Market and to play 135 holes of golf, this year at the Moor-
Championships at the Boulevard Tennis Club shows, Kevin Coleman, Jim Peitz Aerosports, Mc- Seafood Festival, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at ings Yacht & Country Club to fund charitable
thru May 1. Cart Jet Motorsports and more to benefit Veterans IRC Fairgrounds, with new and used boats, fish- health care.
Council of IRC, and Exchange Clubs of IRC, Treasure ing equipment, seminars, marine antiques and
Vero Beach Museum of Art: Vero Collects: Coast, and Vero Beach. a wide variety of seafood. $7; children 12 and 3 Vero Beach High School Chorus Concert,
Hidden Treasures Revealed exhibition, through under free. ‘Children will Listen,’ 7 p.m. at VBHS PAC.
May 15. 772-231-0707 29 to May 15 – The Henegar Center in $10 & $12. 772-564-5537
Melbourne presents Elton John and MAY
APRIL Tim Rice’s Aida: “The Timeless Love Story.” Hen- 5 Vero Beach High School Spring Jazz & or 321-723-8698 1 May Pops Concert featuring the Brevard Chamber Music Concert, 7 p.m. at VBHS
Symphony Orchestra and guest soloists PAC. 772-564-5537
28 30Indian River County Victims’ Rights Co- Children’s Art Festival, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dee Roscioli and Ben Davis to benefit Cleveland
alition Annual Vigil, 6 p.m. at Veterans at Vero Beach Museum of Art, with 6 SebastianConcertsonthePark,
Riverview Park with Chemistry. Free; BYO chair.
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
in April 21, 2022 Edition 1 PITCHER 1 PEDESTRIAN 7 Mother of All Races, 7 a.m. children’s run
5 WING 2 TOURIST followed by 7:30 a.m. 5K Run/Walk from
7 DOUGH 3 HAHA the Buggy Bunch Family Center, with decorated
8 VOTERS 4 REVEAL stroller contest.
11 HARDSHIP 6 NORTH 7 Pelican Cup Golf Tournament, 8 a.m. shot-
13 RETAIN 9 APOLOGISES gun start at Sebastian Golf Club to benefit
14 BARREL 12 BISCUITS Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce, fol-
17 ARTICLES 15 RELIEVE lowed by buffet lunch and raffles. 772-589-5969
Sudoku Page 52 Sudoku Page 53 Crossword Page 52 Crossword Page 53 (MIKE TYSON EXPLAINS) 7 Live with the Florida Brass, a performance
for the Indian River Gold Star Mothers, 7
p.m. at Vero Beach Elks, with cash bar open at 6
p.m. $20.
Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753
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Our directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the community an opportunity to make themselves known to our readers at an affordable cost.
This is the only business directory mailed each week. If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call
772-633-0753 or email [email protected].
3756 Ocean Drive in Veromar: 6-bedroom, 8-bath, 7,000-square-foot, two-story,
oceanfront home offered for $15 million by Joseph Schlitt and Joseph O’Neill
at Douglas Elliman Real Estate: 772-360-6824 or 772-643-6824
80 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Redesigned Veromar estate features modern, seaside elegance
Staff Writer
A seashell’s throw from the south tom designer details are paired with a two-story formal living room filled the upper level. Spectacular ocean
end of the boardwalk at Conn Beach subtle modern touches and a black with an abundance of natural light. views take center stage through the
sits an impressive, two-story ocean- and white schematic to create mod- wall of windows and doors that opens
front estate. With 100 feet of beach ern, seaside elegance. To the right, an impressive gas fire- onto the veranda.
frontage, it’s a rare property for the place adds warmth to the room. To
Central Beach area. A staircase leads to the welcom- the left, a sweeping wooden staircase Along the hallway leading to the
ing front porch that runs the width of leads to the family living spaces on southern wing of the house are an
“Due to the 100-foot lot width, this the house. The front doors open into
house was built 60 percent wider
than six of the other eight ocean-
front homes [nearby]. The wider
home allows for significantly more
ocean views throughout the house,”
said listing agents Joseph O’Neill
and Joseph Schlitt at Douglas Elli-
man Real Estate.
“I never would have bought this
place had it not been for my dear
friend Luis Lapitz,” says Rory Dough-
erty, who purchased the home at 3756
Ocean Dr. several years ago and gave
the designer the freedom to create in-
triguing spaces.
Dougherty notes the symbiotic re-
lationship between the art and the
décor strategically placed to comple-
ment the sui generis pieces Lapitz
This grand Mediterranean-style
home somehow fits the tropical set-
ting. The automatic gate that stretch-
es across the brick-paved drive cre-
ates a sense of mystery about what
lies inside the meticulously main-
tained home.
“The house has many enviable fea-
tures, including a beautiful island
kitchen, renowned interiors, culti-
vated landscapes and generous liv-
ing areas,” said O’Neill about what
lies behind the imposing front entry
door. “The luxurious master suite fea-
tures a spa-like bath, soothing ocean
breezes and vibrant sunrises.”
Clean lines, elegant moldings,
trim, and an abundance of other cus-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 81
office, a powder room and two guest The central feature of the bath-
bedrooms. Each bedroom has an room is the round, jetted tub. Dual
en-suite bath, with the bathroom in sinks, an oversize shower with rain
the rear bedroom also serving as the heads and a water closet complete
pool bath. the space. A passageway off the
bathroom features the walk-in clos-
Lapitz created an under-stair wine et and provides private entry to the
room beneath the secondary stair- workout room.
case that leads to an upstairs laun-
dry room, three upper-level en-suite Back downstairs, the gourmet
guest bedrooms and a shared loung- kitchen, dining and family room are
ing area. strategically placed on the northern
side of the house with easy access to
From the mezzanine, you can sit the pool through French doors. The
in the library loft just off the north kitchen has a gas range, custom wood
wing, where the elevator and gym are cabinetry, an expansive island coun-
conveniently located adjacent to the tertop and high-end appliances, in-
owner’s suite. A wrap-around balco- cluding a Wolfe gas cooktop.
ny provides plenty of outdoor spaces
to view the beach. Toward the front of the house, a
hallway leads to the garage access
The spacious owner’s suite encom- and houses two large pantries, a pow-
passes the northern wing. A sitting der room, a cleaning supply closet, a
area provides a quiet space for the laundry room, a desk nook and the
owner to watch television and enjoy elevator. Doors open to the carpark
the warmth of the gas fireplace with- at the end of the hallway, where you
out interfering with the sleeping area. can access the three-car garage via a
With windows on three sides of the breezeway.
room, you can watch the sunrise and
enjoy the sounds of the ocean. O’Neill says this seaside estate fea-
tures “alluring outdoor living, a cap-
tivating pool and widespread coastal
vistas.” Especially the expansive la-
nai, heated saltwater pool, splash pad
and hot tub.
There are numerous places to enjoy
the ocean breeze from a shady spot or
soak up some sunshine. “Depending
82 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
on where the sun is, you can chase it Lapitz created a tropical, beach-
or avoid it,” says Schlitt. side resort by bringing the beach
into the backyard. Hammocks sway
The home is situated for optimal in the wind between palm trees sur-
privacy without giving up the long rounded by sand. You can hardly
view of the ocean, offering indoor- tell where the beach ends, and the
outdoor living at its best. There’s even backyard begins, even though there
a gated path alongside the house that is a seawall that provides protection
is handy when guests drop by to hang from erosion.
out at the beach. “That way, they don’t
track sand through the house,” says “The house showcases panoramic
Dougherty, noting the heavy, iron ocean views in one of Vero’s most de-
gate was salvaged from an old estate sirable locations,” said Schlitt. “This
in Georgia by Lapitz. oceanfront estate is in the center of
Vero’s Ocean Drive, allowing for a
“You have a natural flow in the ter- short walk to boutique shops, mar-
rain. It’s really like the beach is your kets, the arts and restaurants.”
backyard,” said Schlitt.
Neighborhood: Veromar • Year built: 2011
Construction: Concrete block, frame with stucco
Lot Size: 100 feet by 277 feet • Home size: 7,000 sq. ft.
Bedrooms: 6 • Bathrooms: 6 full baths and 2 half-baths
Pool: Heated, saltwater swimming pool with spa
View: Sweeping Atlantic Ocean views
Additional features: Gated; security system; three gas fireplaces; eleva-
tor; central vacuum; gourmet kitchen; wet bar; garden tub; three-bay
garage; propane tank; seawall; and private, gated beach access.
Listing agency: The Joseph & Joseph team at Douglas Elliman Real Estate
Listing agents:
Joseph Schlitt, 772-360-6824; and Joseph O’Neill, 772-643-6824
Listing price: $15,000,000
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 83
Report: Majority of renters can’t afford to buy in their city
BY MICHELE LERNER investors will have to wait 30 days
before they can bid on some prop-
The Washington Post erties owned by HUD.
Double-digit rent increases in the Previously buyers only had 15
past year make many renters long to days before investors were al-
lock in their housing costs by buying lowed to bid on the properties.
a home. These one- to four-unit homes
must be eligible for FHA 203(b)
But a recent analysis by Porch, a financing, which can be used to
home services platform, found that wrap repair costs into a 30-year
61 percent of renters can’t afford to fixed-rate loan.
a buy a home in their city. High rents
also make it difficult for tenants to
save more to buy in the future.
Porch’s study compared the aver-
age home price in each metro area
and the median income for renter
households in that area, then cal-
culated how many renters would
spend 30 percent or less of their
income on a mortgage payment
for the average home in their area.
Most financial experts recommend
keeping housing costs to 30 percent
or less of household income for af-
Porch’s researchers found that:
· The average home in the U.S.
costs seven times the average nation-
al household income.
· Homeownership is unaffordable
for the majority of renters in 71 per-
cent of metro areas.
In 13 metro areas, 10 of which
are in California, at least 90 percent
of renters are priced out of owning a
home. The three metro areas outside
of California are in Cape Cod, Hawaii
and Boulder, Colo.
In the Washington, D.C. met-
ro area, 70 percent of renters can’t
afford to buy a home, according
to Porch’s analysis. Their calcula-
tions found that the average home is
priced at $526,296 and that 30 per-
cent of households rent in metro ar-
eas. Those renter households have a
median income of $56,400, while the
median income needed to buy the av-
erage house in the area is $64,055.
Numerous housing programs
are in place to help renters become
homeowners, including down pay-
ment assistance programs, and loan
programs through the Federal Hous-
ing Administration (FHA), Veterans
Affairs (VA) and the Department of
Agriculture (USDA).
Prospective buyers can search for
down payment assistance through
To help first-time buyers compete
against investors, the Department
of Housing and Urban Development
recently extended the period during
which owner-occupant buyers can
bid on foreclosures now owned by
HUD. As of March 1, businesses and
84 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Advice for house hunters who can’t pull trigger on a purchase
BY ILYCE GLINK AND SAMUEL J. TAMKIN back on the market in this time. We
The Washington Post have put offers in, but feel consumed
by the constantly inflating market and
Q: My mom gave me a copy of Ilyce’s can never accrue enough cash while
book “100 Questions Every First-Time renting (Boston area, so it’s expensive)
Home Buyer Should Ask” for Christ- to feel secure.
mas, back in 2019. My husband and I
have been looking for our first home for Is there any advice you could give
about five years now. us about the current market? We have
agreed we don’t want to overpay, buy
I’ve been to almost every open house above an assessed value or get emo-
and have actually seen houses come tionally involved in bidding wars (like
we have in the past). Our preapproval buyers. In February 2022, first-time
expires again soon. Should we wait? buyers accounted for 29 percent of
home sales, near 2014 levels, according
A: Five years of looking! Wow. We to the Realtors Confidence Index. With
wonder what you’re waiting for. Five interest rates rising along with home
years ago, prices in the Boston area prices, it’s going to be even tougher for
were far below where they are now, first-time buyers to afford a home.
and interest rates were lower. Your
dollar would have had far greater Which brings us back to what
buying power than it does today. you should be doing. In general, we
think the best time to buy a home is
Most of the country is experiencing when you can afford to live in your
soaring home values, and we get it. neighborhood(s) of choice, even if
Combined with rising interest rates, you buy a smaller home on a smaller
it’s scary. It might feel as though every lot. Can you afford to buy something,
week your dollar buys less. somewhere? Surely in five years your
income has risen, even if it hasn’t kept
We suspect the answer to why you’ve pace with home value increases.
been sitting on the fence for five years,
though, is more psychological. It’s hard We’ve long said that if you’re really
to commit to buying a home if you be- ready to buy, today is the right time. If
lieve something better is just around you can buy something you’ll be hap-
the corner: a better house, on a bet- py with, then you should buy. Don’t
ter lot, with better finishes, in a better fool yourself into thinking that if you
neighborhood, with better schools. aren’t buying your “forever” home, it
“Something better” is a mind-set that isn’t worth getting in the game. It is.
befuddles many first-time buyers. But you may have to settle for a smaller
home with fewer amenities right now.
If it isn’t waiting for “something On the other hand, you’ll be building
better,” you might be worrying about equity with each payment and hope-
whether you’re overpaying, no matter fully will find a place you can stay for
what price you wind up paying. That at least five to seven years.
can stymie your home shopping ef-
forts and create a lose-lose scenario Most first-time buyers who get
where you regret winning the bid (be- stuck eventually get up the nerve to
cause you’re worried you overpaid) make a winning offer after they’ve
and you regret losing the house (be- missed out on a few homes. That
cause you’ve missed out on another hasn’t happened to you, but don’t let
opportunity to be a homeowner). fear rule the day. If you pay $24,000
per year to rent, that’s money that
By the way, we understand what it’s could be spent on a mortgage, with a
like to feel as though prices are escalat- portion of each payment going to pay
ing beyond reach. According to Redfin, down your loan balance.
home prices reached new highs in the
four-week period ending March 20, as Consider this: Unless you’re living
fewer homeowners listed their homes with your parents, the cost of rent-
for sale. The study found median home ing is also skyrocketing. Redfin notes
sale prices rose 17 percent year-over- that asking rents increased an aver-
year, the number of active listings on age of 15 percent year-over-year, ris-
the market fell to an all-time low, and ing 40 percent in some locations.
half of homes sold for above list price.
So, unless you plan to move from a
First-time buyers everywhere are high cost neighborhood to a lower cost
feeling the pinch with more pain to one, consider buying, especially if the
come. In the 2022 National Associa- cost of ownership is less than what you
tion of Realtors Home Buyer and Seller pay in rent. Do the numbers, take a
Generational Trends report, first-time deep breath and call your agent.
buyers made up 34 percent of all home
86 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BY KATHY ORTON these rates are not available to every week, it jumped to 2.93 percent last a ceiling over the next few weeks or
The Washington Post borrower. Tuesday before closing at 2.85 percent months and then remain steady or even
last Wednesday. Yields move inversely come back down from there.”
What a difference a year makes. A The 15-year fixed-rate average from prices. The speed of the 10-year
year ago, you could find a 30-year fixed climbed to 4.38 percent with an aver- yield’s ascent has been striking. Rising mortgage rates are starting to
rate mortgage for under 3 percent. To- age 0.8 points. It was 4.17 percent two have a chilling effect on the housing
day, it is over 5 percent. weeks ago and 2.29 percent a year ago. “We saw a major sell off of mortgage- market. The National Association of
The five-year adjustable rate average backed securities (MBS) and Trea- Realtors said this week that existing-
According to the latest data re- grew to 3.75 percent with an average surys (TSY) in the secondary market,” home sales were down 2.7 percent last
leased last Thursday by Freddie Mac, 0.3 points. It was 3.69 percent two Robert Heck, vice president of mort- month from February and are 4.5 per-
the 30-year fixed-rate average in- weeks ago and 2.83 percent a year ago. gage at Morty, an online mortgage cent lower than a year ago. But Heck
creased for the seventh week in a row, marketplace, wrote in an email. said concerns about a housing bubble
rising to 5.11 percent with an average “The Freddie Mac fixed rate for a 30- oversimplify what’s happening.
0.8 points. (A point is a fee paid to a year loan kept marching up this week, “The sell in bonds (when prices
lender equal to 1 percent of the loan following the continued surge in the drop, yields go higher) year-to-date “The actions the Fed takes are de-
amount. It is in addition to the inter- 10-year Treasury,” George Ratiu, man- is one of the sharpest moves higher signed to stamp out inflation and pre-
est rate.) It was 5 percent two weeks ager of economic research at Realtor. in recent history, rivaling the bond serve the overall health of the econo-
ago and 2.97 percent a year ago. The com, said. “Markets are also pricing in crisis of 1994.” my, not tank the housing market,” he
30-year fixed rate hasn’t been this a likely 50-basis-point hike at the cen- wrote. “Of course, if inflation were to
high since February 2011. tral bank’s next meeting on May 4, so The 10-year yield has gone up more spiral out of control and the Fed took
we expect mortgage rates to continue than a percentage point since early more aggressive action, rates could
Freddie Mac, the federally char- to rise.” March. Investors have been selling rise to a level at which they could send
tered mortgage investor, aggregates bonds over fears about inflation. demand and affordability into a steep
rates from around 80 lenders across A sharp sell-off of Treasurys has They are concerned about the Fed- downward spiral.”
the country to come up with weekly caused yields to skyrocket. And be- eral Reserve increasing the size of its
national averages. The survey is based cause mortgage rates are closely tied interest rate hikes in an effort to con- It is not only rising rates that are
on home purchase mortgages. Rates to the movement of long-term bonds, trol rising prices. making home loans more expensive.
for refinances may be different. It uses it is worth paying attention to the 10- As of April 1, the Federal Housing Fi-
rates for high-quality borrowers with year Treasury yield’s rapid rise. “Inflation remains rampant but it’s nance Agency implemented a fee in-
strong credit scores and large down also important that rates don’t hit a crease for some Fannie Mae and Fred-
payments. Because of the criteria, The yield on the 10-year Treasury level that makes it highly restrictive for die Mac home loans. Mortgages that
is fast approaching 3 percent, a level people to purchase homes,” Heck wrote. the FHFA considers “high balance” or
not seen since December 2018. This “It’s even possible that rates could hit
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 87
mortgages for a second home are now ue ratio. Fees for second home loans cent from a week earlier, according to 37.1 percent of applications.
more expensive. increased between 1.125 and 3.875 Mortgage Bankers Association data. “The recent surge in mortgage rates
percent, tiered by loan-to-value ratio.
High-balance loans are mortgages The refinance index fell 8 per- has shut most borrowers out of rate/
above the conforming national base- Meanwhile, mortgage applications cent and is 68 percent lower than term refinances, causing the refinance
line limit ($647,200). Fees for high- were down again. The market com- a year ago. The purchase index slid index to fall for the sixth consecutive
balance loans increased between 0.25 posite index – a measure of total loan 3 percent. The refinance share of week,” Joel Kan, an MBA economist,
and 0.75 percent, tiered by loan-to-val- application volume – decreased 5 per- mortgage activity accounted for said in a statement.
88 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: April 15 to April 21
The days following Easter saw real estate action on the barrier island slow with just eight
transactions recorded, including three sales for more than $1 million.
Our featured sale this week was of a corner unit in the gated condo community of La Mer in
Indian River Shores. Unit 107 at 5558 Highway A1A was listed on March 7 for $1.295 million. The
sale closed on April 15 for $1.15 million.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Talle Genomi of ONE Sotheby’s International
Realty. The purchaser was represented by Tim Burklew of Dale Sorensen Real Estate.
$860,000 $1,035,000
BERMUDA CLUB 8980 PALM BREEZE TER 2/17/2022 $860,000 4/20/2022
SEA OAKS 8814 S SEA OAKS WAY, #305 3/16/2022 $2,277,777 $2,277,777 4/15/2022 $2,400,000
LA MER CONDO 5558 HIGHWAY A1A, #107 3/7/2022 $1,295,000 $1,295,000 4/15/2022 $1,150,000
VILLAGE SPIRES DEVEL 3554 OCEAN DR, #902S 3/15/2022 $895,000 $895,000 4/20/2022 $895,000
VISTA DEL MAR 5400 HIGHWAY A1A, #G11 3/14/2022 $500,000 $500,000 4/20/2022 $525,000
CALEDON SHORES CONDO 4600 HIGHWAY A1A, #212 2/16/2022 $500,000 $500,000 4/20/2022 $500,000
OCEAN CLUB 4450 HIGHWAY A1A, #104 3/18/2022 $395,000 $395,000 4/18/2022 $395,000
JASMINE VILLAS 900 JASMINE LN, #6B 2/24/2022 $345,000 $345,000 4/21/2022 $355,000
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 89
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Bermuda Club, Address: 8980 Palm Breeze Ter Subdivision: Village Spires Devel, Address: 3554 Ocean Dr, #902S
Listing Date: 2/17/2022 Listing Date: 3/15/2022
Original Price: $860,000 Original Price: $895,000
Recent Price: $860,000 Recent Price: $895,000
Sold: 4/20/2022 Sold: 4/20/2022
Selling Price: $1,035,000 Selling Price: $895,000
Listing Agent: Meg Hickey Listing Agent: Beth Livers
Selling Agent: M&M Realty Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida
Susie Wilson Kelly Spence
Susie Wilson Real Estate PA Berkshire Hathaway Florida
Subdivision: Ocean Club, Address: 4450 Highway A1A, #104 Subdivision: Sea Oaks, Address: 8814 S Sea Oaks Way, #305
Listing Date: 3/18/2022 Listing Date: 3/16/2022
Original Price: $395,000 Original Price: $2,277,777
Recent Price: $395,000 Recent Price: $2,277,777
Sold: 4/18/2022 Sold: 4/15/2022
Selling Price: $395,000 Selling Price: $2,400,000
Listing Agent: Cheryl Burge Listing Agent: Susie Wilson
Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: Susie Wilson Real Estate PA
Jackie Ripple Jill Tench
ONE Sotheby’s Int’l Realty Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
90 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2022 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Jasmine Villas, Address: 900 Jasmine Ln, #6B Subdivision: Caledon Shores Condo, Address: 4600 Highway A1A, #212
Listing Date: 2/24/2022 Listing Date: 2/16/2022
Original Price: $345,000 Original Price: $500,000
Recent Price: $345,000 Recent Price: $500,000
Sold: 4/21/2022 Sold: 4/20/2022
Selling Price: $355,000 Selling Price: $500,000
Listing Agent: Kevin Howard Listing Agent: Tripp Hernandez
Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
John DiGirolomo Bob Faller
Billero & Billero Properties Berkshire Hathaway Florida
Subdivision: Vista Del Mar, Address: 5400 Highway A1A, #G11 Subdivision: Kentucky Club Condo, Address: 1536 Ocean Dr, #602A
Listing Date: 3/14/2022 Listing Date: 2/25/2022
Original Price: $500,000 Original Price: $695,000
Recent Price: $500,000 Recent Price: $695,000
Sold: 4/20/2022 Sold: 4/14/2022
Selling Price: $525,000 Selling Price: $670,000
Listing Agent: Steven Zeuner Listing Agent: Gretchen Hanson
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida
Bill Carroll Bob Faller
Classic Homes of Treas Coast Berkshire Hathaway Florida
The Vero Beach Barrier Island Newspaper
April 28, 2022 Volume 15, Issue 17 Newsstand Price $1.00