June 15, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 24 Newsstand Price: $1.00
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just needs to clear
By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer Cleveland Clinic anesthesiologist with residents and fellows. PHOTO FROM CLEVELAND CLINIC PSC review period
[email protected]
year could find itself offering rota- only hopeful one. As the Jan. 30 of the faculty at FSU-Fort Pierce; By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer
As Cleveland Clinic and the In- tions at as many as four Cleveland IRMC board vote for Cleveland Lomax-Homier called him “a cor- [email protected]
dian River Medical Center enter Clinic hospitals. was about to take place, a famil- nerstone of the medical educa-
the final stretch of partnership iar face appeared at the door: tion department at IRMC.” Just one final, nerve-wracking,
negotiations, one hospital board “Who would have ever thought Dr. George Mitchell, critical care three-week period hopefully re-
member finds herself in the sweet this could happen?” she asked. physician and a beloved member Still in his scrubs, Mitchell mains for stakeholders in the Vero
spot. Electric sale.
Lomax-Homier is not the CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
When Dr. Juliette Lomax-Hom- The Florida Public Service Com-
ier, a practicing gynecologist and mission is expected to issue a for-
dean of the Fort Pierce campus of mal ruling this week approving
Florida State University’s medical the sale of Vero Electric to Florida
school, cast her vote in January Power & Light, following up on a
for the Cleveland Clinic to take nail-biter 3-2 favorable vote last
over Indian River Medical Cen- week, but a 21-day review period
ter, she saw a bright future for follows the ruling.
her program and the students it
trains as well as for the hospital If there are formal objections
that serves Vero Beach. during that period, it is possible
the deal could still be delayed or
With the upcoming acquisi- derailed. If there’s no challenge by
tion, there is a strong likelihood the end of the review timeframe,
her students will train at a future the ruling will be final, and the par-
Cleveland Clinic Indian River, ties can proceed toward a closing.
and talks are underway for Cleve-
land to take over Martin Health’s CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
three hospitals, where FSU stu-
dents also train. Suddenly, a pro- RIGHT ON
gram that for a decade has quietly ‘TREK’!
trained 40 medical students a
INSIDE Beachside parking: Will valet stands or garage solve the problem?
NEWS 1-4 PETS 10 By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer
DINING B7 [email protected]
CALENDAR B16 Continuing their search for solutions to
REAL ESTATE 11 the parking shortage in the Central Beach
B1 business district, Vero city officials are now
ARTS exploring the possibility of putting as many
as four valet stands along Ocean and Cardinal
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 drives. They also heard a proposal for a park-
For circulation or where to pick up ing garage from longtime Vero businessman
your issue call: 772-226-7925 Mark Tripson.
The valet suggestion, introduced by Vice Actor George Takei of ‘Star Trek’
Mayor Lange Sykes at last week’s City Coun- fame accepts the Life Worth Living
cil meeting, could involve the use of smart Legend Award from Vero Beach
phones, municipal parking areas at Jaycee Wine & Film Festival founder
Jerusha Stewart. More, PAGE B5.
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. Parking congestion in front of Ocean Drives shops. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
2 June 15, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
OLD DODGERTOWN DEVELOPMENT VERO ELECTRIC Even though the expert he hired to analyze
PLAN SLOWLY MOVING FORWARD the deal found FPL is paying too much, Kel-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ly said he would not formally challenge the
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer might actually have some legs to it.” acquisition.
[email protected] Several other proposals to redevelop the The 3-2 vote came after nearly two hours
of testimony about the carefully crafted $185 Leading up to the vote, Kelly’s office put
Vero Beach City Manager Jim O’Connor former golf course property west of the air- million deal that was the result of a decade of FPL through its paces, with burdensome
said Friday a Lakeland-based builder and his port have been floated over the years, but effort. The PSC said the transaction involved interrogatories and information requests,
partner have decided to try to move forward none ever came to fruition. “extraordinary circumstances” that permit- and hired “nationally renowned expert”
with their plan to purchase the Dodgertown ted them to approve the deal, even though consultant Lane Kollen of J. Kennedy and
golf course property and transform it into a City Council members said they were in- FPL plans to pay $116.2 million more than Associates out of Roswell, Ga., to analyze the
mixed-use development that would contain terested in Hulbert’s presentation, especial- what the PSC staff said the Vero utility was financial terms of the deal and testify before
retail shops, restaurants, hotels, office build- ly if he was willing to delete the townhouse worth. the PSC. Kollen told the PSC last Tuesday in
ings and possibly townhouses, along with community from the development, which Tallahassee that he had “carefully reviewed
plenty of green space. would be built in a pedestrian-friendly, PSC staff had proposed that Vero custom- the FPL economic analysis ... [and found]
open-air style with trees, park-like fields and ers would need to pay a rider or surcharge numerous significant flaws in it.
When developer Mark Hulbert presented retention ponds, all enclosed by fencing. to make FPL’s existing 4.9 million ratepayers
a conceptual plan for the project to the City whole. But FPL, experts and local officials “These flaws overstate the savings claimed
Council last week, several council mem- But they wanted to see more specifics, convinced three members of the PSC that by FPL and make its analysis unreliable,”
bers expressed concerns about the idea of which Hulbert and Borcheller said were there would be no negative impact on those Kollen told commissioners, detailing what
building a residential community so close coming soon. customers from the sale, and that in fact he saw as 10 major problems with the calcu-
to the Vero Beach Regional Airport, and FPL’s customer base would reap substantial lations. Kollen’s conclusion echoed the PSC
Hulbert said he would consider pulling the One obstacle to a sale could be the pur- financial benefits through the addition of the staff’s – that Vero ratepayers should shoul-
townhouses from the plan if the project still chase price of the 35-acre property, located Vero system. der tens of millions of dollars in surcharges
makes financial sense without them. at the intersection of 43rd Avenue and Avia- to make FPL customers whole, a caveat that
tion Boulevard. Testifying at the hearing were Vero May- likely would have killed the deal.
“I called him the next day to see what they or Harry Howle, Indian River Shores former
thought about the meeting and ask if they The city bought the land for $9.9 million in mayor Brian Barefoot, Shores Councilman Kelly said that bringing inconsistencies in
were still interested,” O’Connor said of Hul- 2005, near the peak of the real estate boom, Bob Auwaerter, County Commission Chair the deal to light was his office’s job as counsel
bert, whose partner in the project is Terry but it recently appraised for much less than Peter O’Bryan and Commissioner Tim Zorc, for the people of Florida, but that, “Having
Borcheller, a race-car driver who lives in Vero that, just $3.5 million. O’Connor said the plus Florida State Sen. Debbie Mayfield and done that, we’ve discharged our duty. We will
Beach. “He said they’re moving forward and city should be prepared to lose money on Rep. Erin Grall. CPA and utility activist Glenn not ask for a hearing when the order comes
hiring a planner to turn their concept into an the deal. Vero Beach still owes between $5.5 Heran spoke on behalf of the 61 percent of out. We’re satisfied that the Commission, the
actual proposal. They’ve done similar proj- million and $6 million on the loan it took out outside-the-city customers who pay Vero staff, and the parties have taken into consid-
ects in the Lakeland area, so I think this one to buy the land, but O’Connor warned the rates without representation. eration what we recommended or what we
council not to expect Hulbert and Borcheller observed, and we’re satisfied with the results
to offer even the appraised value. The only person or agency Vero ratepay- today.”
ers can be sure won’t object to the ruling is
Florida Public Counsel James Ray “J.R.” Kelly. FPL and Vero are hoping to close the sale
on or before Oct. 1.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS June 15, 2018 3
CENTRAL BEACH PARKING their employers subsidized the cost. City Council members – who repeatedly In the meantime, the council voted to
In fact, Sykes asked O’Connor and his said they were committed to finding a per- temporarily go back to a three-hour park-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 manent solution to the beachside parking ing limit in the beachside business dis-
staff to engage the hotel and restaurant shortage before winter residents and visi- trict to give visitors more time to shop and
Park, South Beach and Riverside Park, and owners and managers in hopes of encour- tors return in the fall – did not seem enthu- dine without getting parking tickets.
shuttles to transport the valets to the lots. aging them “to work with us.” siastic about the parking garage.
The city went from a three-hour limit
“The technology in that industry has Another intriguing proposal came from They said they’d prefer to try to find to a two-hour limit in 2016 to keep more
advanced dramatically,” Sykes said, refer- Mark Tripson, who owns the Ocean Grill solutions to the beachside parking prob- spaces open, after beachside merchants
ring to drivers’ ability to use their smart- property at Sexton Plaza. He offered to lem by re-configuring the curbing to add complained hotel and restaurant employ-
phones to call the valet stands and request build a five-story, 230-space parking ga- spaces and better utilizing the facilities ees were using the on-street, public park-
their cars 15 minutes in advance. rage on the site of the landmark restau- already in place. ing spaces the businesses needed for their
rant’s current lot. customers.
Sykes said he believes beachside “I’ve been thinking about this for five
shoppers and diners, particularly those Tripson said the city officials have told years, but they don’t want to spend any The new three-hour limit is in effect
who complain that they can’t park close him that if he makes such an improve- money,” Tripson said. “So, I’m not holding until Oct. 5. Parking signs with the new
enough to their destinations, would opt ment to the property, he’ll be required to my breath.” time limit were installed last week.
to use the valet service, especially if their increase the restaurant’s parking capacity
only cost was a tip. from 80 to 110 to meet the city code.
City Manager Jim O’Connor said he and To make such a project worth his in-
his staff are just beginning to research the vestment, though – he estimated the cost
concept and he wasn’t sure who would of building the facility at $6 million – Trip-
operate the service, how it would work or son said he needs the city to grant a vari-
who would pay for it. ance that would allow him to build a 50-
foot structure and commit to a long-term
“We’re very early in the process, still try- lease of the 120 remaining spaces.
ing to wrap our heads around how to go
about it,” O’Connor said. “We’re looking He said he already has located a compa-
at a few different things, but we don’t have ny that would deliver the prefab structure,
any specifics. We might need to hire a con- which, if the city meets his conditions,
sultant to show us how to set things up. could be built within two months.
“The biggest challenge, though, is: “I’m still not sure I’d make any money,
Who’s going to pay for it, other than the but it would alleviate 90 percent of the
city?” city’s parking problem on the beach,” said
Tripson, Waldo Sexton’s grandson and
Sykes said he believes the beachside president of Sexton Inc.
hotel and restaurant workers – many of
whom use much-needed parking spaces “I could get it built pretty quickly, and
along Ocean Drive – also could be encour- it would be pretty,” he added. “We’d defi-
aged to use the valet service, particularly if nitely Waldo it up, so it fits with the local
4 June 15, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
MEDICAL EDUCATION and IRMC offers the exciting opportunity to their specialty involves, from the office exam Systemwide, Cleveland Clinic is currently
expand the collective academic enterprise as room to the hospital operating suite to con- training 1,900 residents and fellows in 200
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 an integrated pan-regional network,” Cleve- ferences on patient care. programs. At Cleveland’s Weston hospital,
land executives told Indian River. Along with which officially became a teaching hospital
slipped quietly into the first available chair, supporting the FSU programs, Cleveland “You’re really trying to teach the medical in January, there are 115 residents and fel-
but did not elude the notice of board chair- said it “would welcome the opportunity to student the foundation, the bricks and mor- lows, plus third- and fourth-year medical
man Dr. Wayne Hockmeyer, who acknowl- collaborate to advance and innovate educa- tar,” said Mitchell, who applied for a faculty students from Florida Atlantic University.
edged his presence with respect and affec- tion and research.” position when the FSU campus first opened
tion. The unanimous vote that day to join 10 years ago. Residents are medical school graduates,
Cleveland Clinic’s expanding Florida divi- Mitchell, who was awarded the Excellence officially doctors, who are still in training
sion opened the door for FSU med students in Teaching award at FSU’s med school grad- Today, Mitchell helps organize confer- under the supervision of more experienced
to train at a hospital affiliated with one of the uation last month, is one of more than 200 ences and grand rounds, where physicians physicians, participating in three years of
best and biggest teaching hospitals in the faculty physicians in Lomax-Homier’s pro- and students get together to exchange ideas graduate medical education.
country. It also raised the likelihood that res- gram, including 70 based in Vero, who cur- on an important topic, always with an expert
idents will be trained at IRMC. rently teach med students one-on-one for a present. He also hosts a monthly “journal Lomax-Homier and Mitchell hope the
four- to six-week period. The Fort Pierce stu- club” where articles on the latest research are FSU program will thrive under Cleveland’s
“The combination of Cleveland Clinic dents follow the doctors into whatever arena reviewed with students “to bring everybody leadership as a top academic health system,
up to date.” training residents as well as medical stu-
dents. Founded in 2001, FSU College of Med-
icine is a community-based medical school.
Along with Florida International University
in Miami and Florida Atlantic University in
Boca Raton, it is part of a movement that be-
gan in the 1970s.
Instead of being integrated with one main
teaching hospital, FSU uses community hos-
pitals surrounding its regional campuses in
Orlando, Pensacola, Tallahassee, Sarasota,
Daytona Beach and Fort Pierce. The inten-
tion is both to expose its students to diverse
populations and their health issues, and
to diversify where its physician graduates
choose to practice.
Florida is said to be facing a projected
shortage of 7,000 physicians by the year 2025,
with rural areas suffering the worst defi-
cits, particularly along the state’s southwest
coast. In 2013, policymakers in Tallahassee
undertook funding measures to increase
the number of residencies in the state in the
hopes that those doctors will set up practice
where they have trained.
In March, Cleveland Clinic Florida’s CEO
and president, Dr. Wael Barsoum, asked vis-
iting IRMC officials if there was sufficient
physician interest in a residency program.
Lomax-Homier would have answered with a
resounding “yes.”
“People absolutely want to donate their
time and talent,” said Lomax-Homier. “They
come in all the time and ask if they can give
a lecture. It’s a way to share your knowledge,
like a plastic surgeon who comes in and
shows people who have never seen how to
repair a burn on the skin, or how to repair
someone’s face after a car accident. We even
have a dentist from Indian River State Col-
lege who does a dean’s round for us on medi-
cal manifestation of disease in the oral cavity.
It’s great.”
Lomax-Homier has been head of the
FSU’s Fort Pierce program for three years.
She was recruited for the board of Indian
River Medical Center by CEO Jeff Susi, who
dreamed of having graduate medical educa-
tion at the hospital. Susi, like the CEOs of all
the hospitals in this area, was on the com-
munity board of the FSU Fort Pierce campus.
“He understood the need of FSU medical
students to go on to residencies,” she said.
A definitive agreement with Cleveland
Clinic is expected in July. If approved by the
boards of Indian River Medical Center and
the Hospital District, regulatory review and
approval will follow.
New ‘Cobra’ stent trial
is underway at SRMC
6 June 15, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
New ‘Cobra’ stent trial is underway at SRMC
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer Association, “help keep coronary arteries
[email protected] open and reduce the chance of a heart at-
tack. A stent is inserted into the clogged
Interventional cardiologist Dr. Charles artery with a balloon catheter. The bal-
Croft of Melbourne and nurse practi- loon is inflated and the stent expands and
tioner Jennifer Konowitz of the Sebastian locks in place. This holds the artery open
River Medical Center’s catheterization and allows blood to flow more freely.”
lab are operating on the cutting edge of
modern medicine, having just started Until it doesn’t.
work on a worldwide clinical trial for the Sometimes inflammation, cellular
FDA-approved Cobra PzF cardio stent by growth or fatty deposits can clog up a
CeloNova. stent.
“The Cobra stent is a new kind of
Stents are metal or plastic mesh tubes stent,” Croft says. “Normal stents are
that, according to the American Heart
Dr. Charles Croft and ARNP Jennifer Konowitz. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
Premier Women's Health is now open in Sebastian! made with metal scaffolding and then a “If you know someone on these types of
polymer coating; in the polymer is a drug medications,” Konowitz says, “they tend
At Premier Women’s Health, every patient is treated as an individual and receives to stop cells from growing into the stent to bruise easily and bleed longer, [and]
personalized, one-on-one attention. Several physicians and sta members are and blocking it off.” they even worry about it when they’re
Spanish speaking to help ensure that all your questions and concerns are addressed. not bruising or bleeding. Less time on the
Explore your options for vaginal rejuvenation, gynecologic surgery or annual wellness By contrast, the Cobra stent “is cov- dual antiplatelet therapy for my patients
ered in an inorganic nanometer layer of a would be a huge benefit.”
visits with one of our experienced physicians. polymer that has certain characteristics.
Number one, it stops inflammation, the Of course, clinical trials need patients
Call (772) 770-6801 to schedule an appointment. cause of stents blocking off. Number two, and getting into this trial starts with
it is antithrombotic, which means it stops Konowitz.
801 Wellness Way • Suite 109 • Sebastian, FL 32958 blood [and fatty deposits] from sticking
onto the stent and clotting it off.” “I telephone them and go through a
MD, FACOG DO, FACOOG MD, FACOG MD, FACOOG Another impressive quality of these coming in, and then do a physical exam-
new stents is their ability to radically re- ination when they come to the cath lab,”
The right women’s care. Right here. duce the amount of time patients have to she says. “If they are a candidate, I tell
be on blood thinners such as Plavix after them everything about the study – the
the stent is implanted. risks and the benefits. Then I ask them if
they would like for us to give all the de-
Croft says currently most patients tails to their primary care physician and
must be on Plavix for six months after a their cardiologist. They always do and
stent is put in place, but this clinical trial we much prefer that. After that, Dr. Croft
hopes to show that timespan can be re- speaks to them about the trial.”
duced to just two weeks.
If a patient is suited for the trial, he or
“That’s what we’re hoping,” says the she will find out fast.
meticulous Croft, “and we’re hoping that
the outcomes are going to be equivalent Once Konowitz submits her interview
to, or better than, the traditional stents.” and exam information to the study co-
ordinator – located right in Croft’s Mel-
If the trial yields positive results, it will bourne office – it takes mere seconds to
be a game-changer, according to Croft. determine the patient’s eligibility.
That’s because many patients are already
on other blood thinners, such as Elequis It’s entirely possible the data collected
or Xarelto, that don’t protect the stent here on the Treasure Coast, as well as in
from clotting, and have to take Plavix on Germany, France, Italy and other coun-
top of the existing meds, which increases tries around the globe, will revolutionize
the risk of excessive bleeding. cardio stent technology.
If the Cobra clinical trial is successful, Dr. Croft’s offices are at 1402 Oak Street
the device could cut the time patients in Melbourne. The phone number is 321-
need to take two blood thinners by more 722-3288. The number for Sebastian River
than five months, providing both a medi- Medical Center, where the cath lab is locat-
cal and emotional boon. ed, is 772-589-3186.
8 June 15, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
Study raises alarm over antibiotic use by older women
By Maria Canfield | Correspondent Cassie Jones, DO.
[email protected]
A study out of Tulane University in
New Orleans concludes that women 60
and older who take antibiotics – even for
a short time – may be at a higher risk of
In recent years, it’s become common
knowledge the widespread use of antibi-
otics has allowed infectious organisms
to adapt and become resistant to the
drugs’ intended effects – which is to cure
infections by killing or injuring bacteria.
Another unintended consequence
of antibiotic use is how even a single
course of the drug can disrupt the gut
microbiome – the complex community
of beneficial microorganisms that reside
in our digestive tract. This can lead to a
decline in “good” bacteria – including
the species that produce “butyrate,” a
substance that inhibits inflammation
and cancer formation in the gut.
Cassi Jones, DO, an internal medi-
cine physician associated with the Se-
bastian River Medical Center, says that
there is much ongoing research about
the importance of the gut microbiome
(sometimes more picturesquely called
gut flora) in our overall health. She cites
a study that found children who are fre-
quently treated with antibiotics for ear epidemiology at Tulane, says, “antibiotic
infections and other childhood ailments exposure affects balance and composi-
are at an increased risk for obesity. tion of the gut microbiome, even after
one stops taking antibiotics; so, it is im-
The results of the Tulane study, which portant to better understand how taking
was conducted in collaboration with antibiotics might impact risks for chron-
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public ic diseases and death.”
Health, provides yet another reason for
doctors to avoid prescribing antibiotics The findings of Professor Qi and his
unless they are absolutely needed. team were alarming: taking antibiotics
for at least 2 months in late adulthood
The researchers set out to investigate was linked with a 27 percent increase in
how antibiotic use during late adulthood risk of death. The link was even stronger
might be related to the risk of death. To for study participants who reported they
do so, they studied data collected on had also taken antibiotics during middle
37,510 women, aged 60 and older, who adulthood (between the ages of 40 and
did not have heart disease or cancer at 59).
the start of the study.
Women who took antibiotics for two
Study co-author Lu Qi, a professor of
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH June 15, 2018 9
months or more in late adulthood were Additionally, 50 million antibiotic rather than drugs that can affect the Medical Group, is located at 13480 U.S. 1
also at a 58 percent higher risk of death prescriptions are written for viral respi- whole body.” in Sebastian. The office phone is 772-581-
due to heart problems, compared with ratory infections, a condition for which 0334.
women who did not use antibiotics. they are ineffective. These incorrectly Cassi Jones’ practice, Sebastian River
However, the researchers did not find an prescribed antibiotics significantly con-
association between antibiotic use and tribute to the increasing resistance of
the risk of death from cancer. bacteria to many antibiotics and the rise
of “superbugs.”
They did find that the associations
between antibiotic use and an increased Dr. Jones says that doctors should do
risk of death remained strong when oth- a better job of educating their patients
er factors – such as lifestyle, diet, weight about the possible ill-effects of taking
and the use of other medications – were antibiotics unnecessarily.
taken into account.
“It’s just not that they are ineffec-
Sebastian’s Dr. Jones says that the tive against viral infections; they can
Tulane study has value, though some of be harmful. And there are alternatives
its findings are inconclusive. “Hopeful- that doctors should discuss with their
ly, this study will lead to other research patients. For example, boosting the im-
which takes a closer look at factors such mune system and reducing the risk of
as why the person was on antibiotics to viral infections by taking supplements
begin with. There’s a big difference in such as vitamin C or echinacea. Or treat-
expected health outcomes if the person ing ear infections with antibiotic drops,
was given antibiotics for a minor sinus
infection versus as part of a treatment
plan for a more serious illness.”
The findings of Professor Qi and his
team were presented in a scientific ses-
sion at a meeting of the American Heart
Association, held in New Orleans in
March of this year.
To be fair to antibiotics, they are an
essential part of modern medicine, and
are the only cure for a large number of
infectious diseases. When first used as
a medicine in 1942, penicillin became
the most effective life-saving drug in the
world, conquering such diseases as tu-
berculosis, gangrene, pneumonia, diph-
theria and scarlet fever. Since the early
1940s, scientists have developed more
than 150 different antibiotics to help
stop the spread of infections, and antibi-
otics are estimated to have saved at least
200 million lives worldwide.
However, at the same time, there is
little doubt that antibiotics are overpre-
scribed. In spite of the nearly universal
belief in the medical community that
colds are caused by viruses and are not
helped by antibiotics, the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
reports that each year in the United
States 18 million courses of antibiotics
are prescribed by doctors for the com-
mon cold.
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10 June 15, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS www.veronews.com
Holy Catnip! Bonz befriends a family of felines
Hi Dog Buddies! tle-fed, cuz he was so teeny. Now he’s the it back. There was this lid-
Woof! It seems like years since I innerv- dle snake Aubie’d caught.
iewed my First Cat. I was so nervous I even Relaxing on the lace tablecloth was a
borrowed a book from a pooch pal who has brown an white tabby. He licked a paw deli- We’d NEVER heard Mom-
a coupla cat stepsisters: “Basic Cat for Dum- cately. “I’m Big-Boned, thank you.”
mies.” I still think cats are Mysterious, But I ma holler that loud before.”
understand ’em better now, and I have sev- “Oh, right,” said Hector. “It has nothing
eral cat frens. to do with you an Papa Ben hangin’ out, “Musta been quite an ad-
eatin’ chips an hot dogs an watching foot-
So, when me an my assistant knocked at ball. Oh, an don’t forget the time you stole venture, moving all the way
the home of Hector Heyward an family, I kin- the bacon when Papa Ben was makin’
da expected a few meows an maybe a coupla baked beans.” from New Mexico,” I com-
toy mice lying around. But, when Hector’s
Mom opened the door, I saw no cats whatso- “Humph,” grumped Harley. mented, cleverly changing
ever. “This is Aubie,” said Hector, turning to
the piano, where a handsome, fluffy gold the subject.
Then, purposefully padding down the hall tabby reclined majestically, lion-like,
toward us came a dark gray mackeral tabby mane an all. “Oh, it WAS!” said Hec-
cat, with white paws an face, an a long, gray “I’m just 3,” said Aubie. “I got my name
tail. cuz of my auburn fur, an cuz Papa Ben tor. “We each had our own
graduated from a big school called Au-
“Hector Heyward, I presume,” I said, wag- burn. I just got my Summer Lion Hair- carrier. Momma had Chloe
ging in place, as per “Basic Cat for Dummies” cut. Whadyda think?”
Rule 1: “Let the cat come to you.” “It looks terrific,” I said. and Hooper in her liddle car,
“Come’on, let’s go out to the patio,”
“Indeed,” he said, approaching for a Nose said Hector. “The others are out there.” and Papa Ben had me, Har-
Bump. “And you’re Bonzo the Columnist, of Hector pointed to a liddle white an gold
course. Meet our Momma, Marilyn, an our cat hidin’ behind a plant next to the Cat ley, Aubie an Tobie in his big
Papa Ben.” Climb, way across the patio. “That’s Tobie,”
he said. “Hey, come’on over, Tobes! Bonzo’s one. When we left there was
Hector led us to some cozy-lookin’ couch- cool.”
es, by a shiny white piano. “Make yourselves “Hi, Mr. Bonzo,” called Tobie, not moving 16 inches of snow, an it was
cumf-tubble,” he said, snuggling next to his an inch. “I’ll just hang out over here. No of-
Dad on the couch, a paw over his hand. “As fense.” frosty-whiskers cold. The trip
the Family Spokescat, I am prepared to an- “None taken, Tobie. You look pretty comfy
swer your questions.” behind that plant.” was three days an two nights,
A fluffy dark an cream-colored cat ambled
“First off, I’d love to hear how your blended across the table and peered down at me. He Hector an (soon as we ree-lized we
family got together.” looked like a Siamese I met once, only fluff- weren’t going to the vet) we
“We all joined the family as kittens, back “I’m Hooper. I’m a Himalayan. NOT a Sia- PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD were Very Well-behaved. We
in Albuquerque: first Chloe, then Harley, mese, so be sure to get it right, if you please.
me, Hooper, Aubie an Tobie. Except for OK? Are all those notes about us? That is So mostly napped while we were
Chloe, we’re all rescues. Momma worked Cool Catnip. You don’t look scary. I thought
with a coupla no-kill shelters (still does), and you’d be scary. I wasn’t gonna come out, at riding, an then, at the motel, we
she’d keep getting’ kittens to foster an then first. It’s OK, Tobie,” he called. “You should
couldn’t part with ’em. She was a Foster Fail- come over.” even walk. Took me months were ready to play all night. But,
ure. Lucky for all of us!” Tobie didn’t budge.
“When me an Hooper were kittens,” Hec- to get better, and Hoop stuck with me the Mo m m a an Papa Ben, not so much.
“That’s what you’d call Cool Catnip, right?” tor said, “I got real sick an weak. Couldn’t
I said. “So, where are the others?” whole time. Well, look!” Hector turned. “Florida’s way different from New Mexico,
“Right! Oh, they’re around. See,” he point- “Here’s the Queen Bee! Bonzo, may I present but we love it. Out there, we never ever went
ed a paw toward the dining room. “That’s
Harley. You’d never guess he had to be bot- Chloe. She’s 17. She’s a Ragdoll.” outside, cuz an owl or coyote could grab us
Chloe was dainty, with bunny-soft white for lunch. Now we have our own owl- an coy-
and dark fur. “Happy to meet you, young ote-free outdoor space. We are happy cats.”
fellow,” she said. “If these boys start cattin’ Heading home, I was thinking about Hec-
around, you just let me know. I’ll set ’em tor’s frenly, easy-going, stylish cat family.
straight.” An wonderin’ what I’d look like in a Summer
“Thank you, Miss Chloe,” I told her polite- Lion Haircut. An if, by chance, there was any
ly. Then, “You all have a nice pool. Do you bacon in the fridge.
“NO!” said Hector emphatically. “We do The Bonz
NOT swim!”
“What about that time you leaned over too
far an fell in,” said Harley. “Boy, you were a Don’t Be Shy
hoot, draggin’ yourself out by your elbows,
all Wet Cat!” We are always looking for pets
with interesting stories.
“Thanks for reminding me, Baconator!” To set up an interview, email
Hector said. “We do enjoy chasing the occa-
sional lizard,” he continued. “Specially Aub-
ie. One time, Momma found us all in a circle [email protected].
staring at the rug, so she came over an pulled
Pointe West home hits sweet
spot on price, size and features
1440 Bunker Court in Pointe West’s East Village: 4-bedroom, 2- bath, 2,200-square-foot home
offered for $299,900 by Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Realty agent Chip Landers: 772-473-7888
12 June 15, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
Pointe West home hits sweet spot on price, size, features
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer Natural gas, a rarity in county develop-
[email protected] ments, is on tap at Pointe West, although
the second phase of the East Village, now
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services under construction, will not have it.
agent Chip Landers sells his own home ev-
ery couple of years, and when he does, he “This house has gas cooking, water
prices it to move. “I like to get in and get heater, gas dryer and barbeque. Clothes
out. I never get greedy. This house is very dry in a third of the time,” Landers said.
well priced, with a lot of added features.” “The community pool is gas heated, but
lots of people put in their own pool and
“Being in the business, I always pick there is room for one here.”
homes with resale value in mind,” Landers
said. “I tell my clients to do the same thing. Landers put in several upgrades with a
You’re eventually going to have to sell it.” contemporary aesthetic in mind. “DR Hor-
ton put a very nice package together and I
His current residence at 1440 Bunker customized it to make it a step above.”
Court is in the award-winning “traditional
neighborhood design” Pointe West devel- All the ceilings have steel fans, the light-
opment. There are four “villages” that put ing fixtures were updated and many more
big porches out front and garages in the were put in. Over-large ceramic tile was
back, narrowing streets to give room for laid throughout the house, a crisp, bright
walkable alleys in back. Each village has a look that’s easy to maintain and harbors
community pool, lovely landscaping, lakes no allergens. Bead board wainscoting was
and stroll-able sidewalks that create a bit of put in the kitchen, dining area and all the
a Mayberry ambiance – updated of course. bedrooms for a richer look. The counters
are granite in the kitchen and bathrooms,
Landers’ 4-bedroom, 2-bath, 2,200-square- which have dark-wood cabinets with
foot home is located in the East Village. brushed nickel pulls.
Built in 2016, it sits on a 60-foot-by-140- The kitchen has stainless steel applianc-
foot lot and is listed for $299,900. es, including a three-drawer refrigerator
that keeps Italian ices and white wine at
The neighbors are a mix of families, hand. Crown molding above the cabinets,
singles and retirees, Landers said. “The a pantry and a desk area make it a joy to or-
home is the perfect size for a retired cou- ganize a feast. The breakfast bar overlooks
ple looking to downsize who still want to a 27-foot by 15-foot open space “that can
spread out into extra rooms, who want be anything you want,” Landers said. The
2,200 square feet, but not 3,000 or more. I breakfast nook is about 10 feet by 11 feet,
turned the fourth bedroom into my man which the Landers family uses as their reg-
cave,” Landers said. “The house is also a
good size for a family.”
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E June 15, 2018 13
ular dining room. These common rooms has become downtown Vero to a lot of peo- Hurricane Impact Doors
overlook the screened lanai, keeping the ple. You’ve got the mall, theater and Out- & Impact Glass,
barbeque action close to the kitchen. back Steakhouse close by, but far enough We Have It All!
away so there is no traffic noise. And the
The oversize garage fits two cars with hospital has its own urgent care center on
room for lots of storage. A door at the Pointe West property. Home Depot, Loew’s
back leads to the laundry room, making and Publix are also nearby.”
de-sanding from the beach a snap.
Pointe West offers a la carte levels of
The owner’s suite has a big walk-in membership. All homeowners participate
closet and a tray ceiling. Landers redid in the association, which is $155 a month
the bathroom, taking out the puny show- and includes communal-property upkeep,
er and tub and installing a generous walk- yard maintenance and community-pool
in shower with marble and glass-tile. He use. Membership to the Country Club is
also put in a closet, lined with bead board $45 a month and includes social events
and fitted with wire shelving. A chande- and a fine restaurant. The Golf Club has
lier and vanity lights complete the high- two levels of membership, “Associate” for
tone look. $250 a month, with tee time after 11 a.m.
and noon during the season. “Reciprocat-
The yard is fenced, important for dog ing” membership is $365 a month, with
owners. New landscaping includes three no tee-time rules and includes use of the
palm trees along with other plants. Vero Beach Country Club’s golf course in
the summer.
“I love the area,” Landers said, who has
lived in several homes nearby. “The 58th
Avenue and [state road] 60 intersection
FEATURES FOR 1440 BUNKER COURT Transform Your Existing Door from
Boring to Beautiful!
Neighborhood: Pointe West • Year built: 2016
Home size: 2,200 square feet ■ Glass patterns for every style & budget
■ Customize to your style
Lot size: 60 feet by 140 feet, .19 acres ■ Impact Glass & Impact Doors
Construction: Concrete block and stucco ■ Wood Interior/Exterior Doors
■ Fiberglass Doors
Bedrooms: 4 • Bathrooms: 2 ■ Patio & Sliding Glass Doors
Additional features: Attached two-car garage, security system, ■ Framed/Frameless Shower Units
fenced yard, screened lanai, natural gas appliances, granite count- ■ Etching
ers, tile floors, wooden cabinets, wainscoting, all new lighting ■ Schlage Hardware
■ Mirror Wraps
Listing agency:
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Realty Regency Square
Listing agent/owner: Chip Landers, 772-473-7888
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured
Listing price: $299,900
14 June 15, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
Another strong week on the mainland real estate front saw 37 transactions of single-family resi-
dences and lots from June 4-8 (some shown below).
In Sebastian, the top sale of the week was the home at 86 Blue Island Street. First listed in June
2017 for $550,000, the 4-bedroom, 4-bathroom, 3,884-square-foot residence sold for $500,000
on June 5.
In Vero Beach, the week’s top sale was the house at 1440 56th Square W. First listed in April for
$415,000, this 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 2,670-square-foot abode fetched the asking price on June 5.
SEBASTIAN 86 BLUE ISLAND STREET 6/3/2017 $550,000 6/5/2018 $415,000
VERO BEACH 1440 56TH SQUARE W 4/24/2018 $415,000 6/5/2018 $362,000
VERO BEACH 1170 AMETHYST DRIVE 3/15/2018 $389,900 6/7/2018 $350,000
VERO BEACH 6405 PARKLANE COURT 3/23/2018 $360,000 6/7/2018 $349,212
VERO BEACH 6010 INDIANGRASS DRIVE 6/4/2018 $354,880 6/5/2018 $310,000
VERO BEACH 5246 ELEUTHRA CIRCLE 11/7/2017 $329,900 6/4/2018 $290,000
VERO BEACH 1016 24TH AVENUE 2/6/2018 $325,000 6/4/2018 $280,000
VERO BEACH 7835 15TH STREET 5/6/2018 $280,000 6/6/2018 $265,000
VERO BEACH 4902 WOOD DUCK CIRCLE 6/12/2017 $315,000 6/4/2018 $260,000
VERO BEACH 760 23RD AVENUE 2/6/2018 $280,000 6/8/2018 $259,000
VERO BEACH 7584 14TH LANE 3/7/2018 $259,000 6/7/2018 $255,500
SEBASTIAN 1526 HAVERFORD LANE 4/12/2018 $259,500 6/4/2018 $250,000
SEBASTIAN 443 QUARRY LANE 4/30/2018 $250,000 6/6/2018 $245,000
VERO BEACH 1253 38TH AVENUE SW 3/22/2018 $249,900 6/8/2018
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E June 15, 2018 15
1440 56th Square W, Vero Beach 1170 Amethyst Drive, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 4/24/2018 Listing Date: 3/15/2018
Original Price: $415,000 Original Price: $389,900
Sold: 6/5/2018 Sold: 6/7/2018
Selling Price: $415,000 Selling Price: $362,000
Listing Agent: Sam Robbins Listing Agent: Lynn Hundley
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Suncoast Realty & Rental Mgmt
Sherrie Coleman Beth Livers
Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC Berkshire Hathaway Florida
6405 Parklane Court, Vero Beach 6010 Indiangrass Drive, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 3/23/2018 Listing Date: 6/4/2018
Original Price: $360,000 Original Price: $354,880
Sold: 6/7/2018 Sold: 6/5/2018
Selling Price: $350,000 Selling Price: $349,212
Listing Agent: Kelly Spence Listing Agent: Megan Raasveldt
Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Kathy Slusser Megan Raasveldt
RE/MAX Masterpiece Realty Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
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Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee.
Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design.
199$ 3DAYS
Coming Up! Adam Schnell.
THE WATERLILLIES Artist Jemal Hayes turns ideas
into action paintings PAGE B2
By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 One of Vero’s most beloved
treasures since the 1930s,
McKee Botanical Garden will show-
case its own glorious “crown jew-
els” this Saturday when it presents
the 14th Annual Waterlily Celebra-
tion. While the Garden’s legendary,
tranquil beauty is there to enjoy all
year, this event is a color-drenched,
petals-up stand-out, with 80 kinds
of waterlilies, and more than 300
potted and free-range plants spot-
lighted throughout its ponds and
waterways. Wander the wind-
ing paths, follow the serpentine
streams, take in the colors and fra-
grances, check out the hands-on
potting demos, and get your plant
questions answered by horticulture
experts happy to share their knowl-
edge throughout the day. Displayed
in McKee’s “Great Hall” (itself a
unique jewel of the Garden), you’ll
find the diverse and impressive en-
tries in the annual Waterlily Photo
Contest (categories: Color, Black-
and-White, Manipulated, Youth).
The hundreds and hundreds of
Celebration visitors always include
professional and amateur photog-
raphers and horticulturists, and
you’ll see artists throughout the
garden creating their own interpre-
tations of all this beauty as well. If
you arrive first thing, you’ll be able
to catch the night-bloomers who
haven’t gone to bed yet. Hours: 8:30
a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission: Adults,
$10; Seniors, $9; Children 3-12, $5;
McKee members and children un-
der 3, free. 772-794-0601.
2 The Space Coast Symphony
Orchestra will travel down the
road a bit to kick off its 10th anniver-
B2 June 15, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
Artist Jemal Hayes turns ideas into action paintings
By Ellen Fischer | Columnist Jemal Hayes. shoots with his wife, whom he cites for her Hayes as the female figures he likes to de-
[email protected] “feminine touch.” pict. Many of the latter are shown dancing
PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD or twirling, their spinning skirts simultane-
You might think you know Jemal Hayes, Hayes’ painting studio is located at his ously created and adorned with well-placed
owner of Vero Beach-based Mr. J’s Media Hayes was still in his 20s when he began home; the front door opens into it. The
Productions. For more than 17 years he has his own business. He later added Jemal + spacious, cathedral-ceilinged room has an
worked in graphic design, portrait photog- Simmone Vero Beach Wedding and Beau- easel at its center, complete with a work
raphy and videography, building a client ty Photography to his services, working on in progress. Finished works, as well as
base that stretches throughout Indian River those that need a revisit, hang on the walls,
County. That business is still going strong, while other works and blank canvases lean
but Hayes has a brand new bag too: fine art. against them. Ample natural light is provid-
That pursuit is not quite a year and a half old, ed by two large windows that look out onto
but he has completed “easily 50 paintings” the street. An L-shaped seating area and a
since picking up the brush in early 2017. coffee table bearing books about Picasso
and American figural artist Fahamu Pecou
Hayes started by taking a class at the Se- complete the atelier.
bastian Art Club. He thought he had signed
up for a portrait class with Judy Burgarella, From many of the works on display, red
but it ended up being a palette knife class leaps out at you in all its passionate in-
with Louis Haynes. tensity; the color is as much a subject for
“The palette knife kind of stuck with me,”
says Hayes.
He now uses brushes in addition to dif-
ferent varieties of paint-applying knives and
tools. Working on stretched and primed can-
vas, he used to begin his compositions with
an acrylic underpainting before completing
them in oil. Now Hayes works in acrylic paint
from start to finish, only occasionally reach-
ing for his tubes of oil.
“Fast forward about a year,” he says with a
chuckle. “In January I was a featured up-and-
coming artist at Sebastian Riverfront Fine Art
and Music Festival.”
An art fair newbie, he hoped one (just
one!) of his paintings would sell. Instead, he
sold eight.
Not long afterward, he stopped by the Se-
bastian Art Club.
“I walked in and everybody stands up and
applauds. It was embarrassing,” he says, mod-
estly shielding his eyes and grimacing – but his
rictus has more pleasure in it than pain.
A native Floridian, Hayes has been a lo-
cal resident for all of his 43 years. His high
school sweetheart, Simmone (née Worrell),
was a candy striper at Indian River Memo-
rial Hospital back then; today she is a nurse
at Lawnwood Regional. The couple married
in 1995 and produced four children, two of
whom are still in high school.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE June 15, 2018 B3
was the “Mother Goose of the neighbor- skyline that appears in the background.
hood,” Hayes says. On weekend evenings Hayes’ grandfather, J.C. Wallace, worked
when the little kids – including Jemal—were
tuckered out from play, they slept four or for both the Sexton and Tripson families
five to the bed in grandmother’s home while when Hayes was growing up. It was he who
their parents danced and partied. brought 13-year-old Jemal to Sean Sexton’s
house for a few painting lessons.
When he grew to be a young man with-
out a clear sense of direction, Hayes’ grand- The first thing teacher and student did to-
mother prayed for him. gether was to cut a palette for Hayes out of a
piece of board.
“I honestly believe that was a real turning
point in my life. She blessed my hands. Af- Hayes wishes he still had it.
ter that I pretty much started my career and But while the memento is lost, the connec-
went on from there,” he says. tion remains.
In April, Hayes had a booth for his artwork at
Naomi Wallace died in 2011. Partly as the Hibiscus Festival and Sean Sexton stopped
a tribute to her, some of Hayes’ paintings by to say hello.
have religious themes; among others, a “Sean talked about me coming out to paint
portrait of Jesus and a large Crucifixion that at the ranch,” says Hayes.
Hayes titled “City of God” for the modern “I might take him up on that.”
sweeps of brush or palette knife. by an open red umbrella.
A recent painting of a spinning danc- “I find that I like art to try to tell a story, or
er shows a woman stopped in the moment evoke some type of emotion,” he says.
with her back to us and her flounced skirt To draw viewers into the action, Hayes says
flashing around her thighs. The perfectly
spaced pink and white stripes at the edges of that painting large work best.
the skirt were applied with a serrated knife; His “favorite” canvas size is 30 x 40 inch-
the dancer’s black bodice is laced tight with
knife-applied strands of white paint. The es; so far, he has painted as large as 36 x 48
painting’s background is an abstract com- inches. It is easy to imagine him going even
position of translucent ocher topped with bigger.
a syncopated rhythm of vertical red, black
and white brushstrokes. Amid all that bright “I just don’t like to paint small,” he says.
activity the woman’s solidly painted back an- Hayes says that to answer the question
chors the composition, while adding warm of why he suddenly jumped into painting
sensuality to it. with such dedication, he began keeping a
journal; writing down his thoughts about
Hayes says that Simmone is his muse when painting.
it comes to pictures of dancers. “It might sound like a cliché, but the can-
vas is a place where I can lose control and
“My wife likes Latin dancing, and I can’t not have to feel guilty about it. I can do it
dance,” he says, shyly adding that he wants and whether someone likes it or not, I really
to learn. don’t care.”
“I used to draw a lot when I was younger,”
Hayes has begun to put dancing couples he adds, noting that his grandmother, Nao-
into his pictures, as well as twosomes in mi Wallace, raised him and encouraged his
equally romantic situations. In one notable latent talent.
work, a pair is shown kissing on a rainy city “My grandmother was Mother,” he says.
street, their moment of intimacy shielded A generous, good-natured woman, she
B4 June 15, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 1 14th Annual Waterlily Celebration at 3 Comedian Kevin White.
McKee Botanical Garden this Saturday.
sary season this Sunday at the Community says White was that kid we all remember from
Church of Vero Beach with “On Broadway,” a guitar player in comedy. Or the best comedian often be found with his Dickens in one hand school, the “class clown, the wise guy, the one
sure-to-be-exciting melange of Beatles tunes in guitar playing.” Either way, it looks like you’ll and a can of Copenhagen in the other.” The with all the jokes – nice and not so much,” the
and showstoppers from the Great White Way. get music with the laughs at no extra charge. result: a well-read redneck. Several more years one everybody figured would either “be a co-
From “The King and I” to “Hamilton,” “South According to his bio, Hall’s hopes of becoming down the road, after surviving an almost fatal median or end up in jail.” White’s done some
Pacific” to “Chicago,” and then a wonder- a jockey went south when he grew to 6-feet-5. car wreck, the ever-quick witted Hall, guitar in film and TV, including, per his bio, singing
ful Beatles suite including “All My Loving,” Since basketball was apparently of no interest, hand, began a career in … stand-up comedy. the blues with Al Roker on the “Today Show.”
“Can’t Buy Me Love,” “Lady Madonna,” “Yes- Hall started playing guitar and began a career Kevin White is a “Bostonian Southerner” and No jail for him. Show times are 7:30 p.m. and
terday” and more. Conductor and Artistic as a singer/songwriter. As a native of West Tex- self-described “wounded veteran of two disas- 9:30 p.m. As always, if you get there around
Director Aaron Collins won’t be the slightest as with a love of the classics, he says he “could trous marriages.” OK, then. The show promo 6:30 p.m., you can get food and bevs (soft and
bit surprised if a lot of concert-goers burst hard), and enjoy free live music at Riverside’s
into song at this chock-full-of-favorites pro- Live in the Loop outside venue. Show times:
gram. Collins even predicts that people “will 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Admission: $12 to $18.
not be able to constrain themselves, and … 772-231-6990.
what better way to kick off our 10th season
than with Broadway and the incomparable 4 “Madagascar Jr.” is the first of the Riv-
Beatles?” Indeed. For you who are unfamiliar erside Theatre Education Division’s five
with this excellent orchestra, it’s comprised summer shows: all terrific entertainment for
of professional musicians, music educators the whole family to share. This Friday and Sat-
and very talented, mentored amateurs. Show urday, some of the area’s best young singers,
time: 3 p.m. Tickets: $25 in advance; $30 at dancers and actors, 12 to 18 years old, will
the door. 855-252-7276. take the stage in a live performance of the
animated hit musical movie “Madagascar.”
3 Hey, Hey, Hey. Riverside Theatre is get- In case you haven’t laughed your way through
ting a head start on Summer Fun with this hilarious film: Alex the lion, Marty the ze-
this Friday’s and Saturday’s the Comedy Zone bra, Melman the giraffe, Gloria the Hip-Hop
– Summer Nights. Bringing the laughs on the Hippo and the bonkers plotting penguins
last weekend of spring will be Greg Hall and take you along on the “musical adventure of
Kevin White. A Tennessee newspaper has said a lifetime” when this crack-a-lackin’ bunch
about Greg Hall that he’s “probably the best escape from their home in the Central Park
Zoo and embark on a wild and crazy journey
3 Comedian Greg Hall. to kooky King Julien’s mad-mad-Madagascar
(Jr.). Stark Stage curtain: Friday, 2 p.m. and 7
p.m.; Saturday, 2 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Tickets:
$10. 772-231-6990.
1. Before We Were Yours 1. Three Days in Moscow 1. Restart BY GORDON KORMAN
BY LISA WINGATE BY BRET BAIER 3. Everything, Everything
2. The President is Missing 2. Educated BY TARA WESTOVER BY NICOLA YOON
3. Assume the Worst
BY JAMES PATTERSON & BILL CLINTON 4. Third Grade Mermaid & the
3. Beneath a Scarlet Sky
4. The Soul of America 5. The Fates Divide
4. The Death of
Mrs. Westaway BY RUTE WARE 5. Killers of the Flower Moon
5. The High Tide Club BY DAVID GRANN
RICK BRAGG MIKE MADEN 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 | www.verobeachbookcenter.com
presents presents
Tales from My Momma's Table A Jack Ryan Jr. Novel
Alfred A. Knopf Books G.P. Putnam's Sons
Tuesday, June 19th at 6 pm Wednesday, June 20th at 6 pm
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE June 15, 2018 B5
Two thumbs up! Wine & Film Fest another smash hit
By Mary Schenkel and Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writers Mark Tchelistcheff and George Takei. day, with the first of the film screenings. with an easy bonhomie, chatting and sub-
[email protected] “We’ve made it so each one of them is their mitting to endless selfies.
PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE own little jewel of a screening this year. We
The Vero Beach Wine & Film Festival looked at each of these films individually Rex, a self-professed ‘Renaissance man’
surged into its third year last week, offer- nonprofit. and created or crafted something,” Stewart with a jaunty handlebar mustache, said
ing up sizzling days and nights filled with A new Wine Film + Fashion Show at the explained. he began making wine with his wife in
an even further expanded number of films, their garage in 1972 before opening Deer-
wines and special events. Each of the ven- Vero Beach Outlets had kicked things off Later that evening the sold-out Vino Ver- field Ranch Winery in 1982. “We still learn
ues was a hotbed of activity, offering film the Sunday before the main events, with a itas Vintner Dinner at Costa d’Este Resort something new every day,” said Rex, who
genres from comedy shorts to documen- ‘Sip! See! Style!’ adventure featuring wine featured wines by Robert Rex of Deerfield gets grapes from various organic, sustain-
taries and feature films, and the WOW samplings, culinary delights from Wild Ranch Winery in Sonoma County, awarded able vineyards and runs a very ‘green’ win-
(World of Wine) tent was THE place to be Thyme Catering and a showing of stylish 2018 Winemaker of the Year at the Ameri- ery.
for oenophiles. outfits from Outlet stores. can Fine Wine Competition.
Rex’s selections – Deerfield, White Rex;
Prior to the presentation of the Life “It’s like a dress rehearsal for the week- “This is like a family reunion!” whooped Arroba, Merlot; Arroba, Cabernet and
Worth Living Legend Award to actor/ac- end,” said Stewart. Stewart with her distinctive laugh, watch- Deerfield Red Rex – were deliciously paired
tivist George Takei at Friday’s Cinema ing as 100 guests sipped champagne, with outstanding gourmet dishes from Ex-
Uncorked Opening Night Awards Bash, The festival began in earnest on Thurs- packed shoulder to shoulder on the patio ecutive Chef Armando Galeas: crab-man-
VBWFF founder Jerusha Stewart and outside the Crystal Ballroom. “We built go ceviche, confit duck risotto with shitake
co-founder Susan Keller Horn made a spe- this really solid wine and film community mushrooms, sous vide coffee-rubbed ven-
cial announcement. and they’re all here having such a fun time. ison loin and dark chocolate panna cotta.
Today we had our first film at the Heritage
“When I had the idea to start the festival Center and practically all the seats were Crediting VBWFF wine director Bob
three years ago, Susan and her husband filled.” Stanley, Stewart said weekend tastings
Darrell Horn, the most loved veterinari- would include close to 100 different wine
an, I think, in town, were very generous to “What’s really enjoyable is to see how varieties; some so rare, “they don’t usually
loan the festival organization $20,000 to get the program has grown over the last couple come out to play.”
started,” said Stewart. of years,” said Vero resident George Taber,
author of “Judgment of Paris: California vs. Responding to a standing ovation, Takei
“It has been such a pleasure to be part of France and the Historic 1976 Paris Tasting elicited roars of laughter – and more than a
this festival,” said Susan Horn, announcing that Revolutionized Wine.” few Vulcan salutes – uttering his signature
that as the festival pays back the loan, the catchphrase, “Oh My!”
money will go directly to Suncoast Mental The excitement level ratcheted up with
Health Center, the beneficiary of the fes- the arrival of George Takei and husband Takei commented on the sense of
tival. The VBWFF is now its own 501(c) 3 Brad Altman Takei, who both charmed passion binding filmmakers and wine-
B6 June 15, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE www.veronews.com
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B5 of his life as a child impris- mental health is just as important as your
financial health and your physical health.”
makers who all love what they do, before oned with his family during
thanking everyone and signing off with, Vero’s own Chloe Cappelen received the
“Live long and prosper!” World War II simply for Next Up Award for “Poison Park,” enabling
her to spend time on location with director
At Friday morning’s Movies in the Morn- having “this face.” Later he Jeff Woolnough on the set of “The Expanse.”
ing at Grind + Grape, festival goers sipped Christian Garcia, former co-owner of the
mimosas while watching “The Root of would again be persecuted; Patisserie with the late Mark Edmonds,
Happiness” before chatting with its writ- announced that she will also receive $1,000
er/director Andy Truschinski. Throughout this time for being gay. Takei from the Mark Edmonds Foundation in his
the weekend, these sorts of intimate con- memory.
versations were well received by film buffs is now an activist for both is-
and aspiring filmmakers alike. The Vero Visions Award was presented
sues, likening his childhood to “¿Cómo Fue? A Cuban Journey,” about
Also Friday, the animated feature “My Guillermo Vidal, now a Vero Beach resi-
Life as a Zucchini” was presented by Sun- internment to the current dent, who arrived in the United States from
coast Mental Health Center. Now in its 20th Cuba as part of Operation Pedro Pan and
year, Suncoast provides counseling, case political climate with its overcame odds to become mayor of Boul-
management and psychiatric services to der, Colo.
children and adults on the Treasure Coast. frighteningly similar immi-
Afterward, a film panel hosted by Ly-
The poignant film showed abandoned gration policies ons with Vidal, Takei, “American” director
children in a foster home, struggling to Richie Adams and “Her Magnum Opus” di-
make sense of their new reality and learn- His advice to aspiring rector Marta Renzi provided an interesting
ing to trust new friends. contrast in viewpoints.
filmmakers? “Hang in there.
“I know this is an animated film, but it When asked what they draw from to cre-
really does depict the stories that the chil- One thing guaranteed is re- ate cinematic art, Takei replied, “I think all
dren in our four-county area deal with day artists are shaped by the human society
in and day out. One in five children and jection,” said Takei, noting that we live in.”
adults has mental health issues or con-
cerns, which impacts everybody,” said that to succeed, people must To which Vidal added, “All you can con-
Debra Engle, Suncoast CEO. Thanking or- trol is how you behave and how you tell
ganizers, volunteers and filmmakers, she Eric and Denise Campion with Jeffrey Lyons. have the strength to spring your story. So tell it as truthfully and as
added, “through film we can show what beautifully as you can, and then it is up
happens in the lives of people.” back. to everybody else to accept it and to learn
from it.”
Some of the 60 filmmakers and 30 wine day afternoon. Afterward, everyone made their way to
vendors paused to talk shop and network Additional Saturday events and VBWFF
with their contemporaries at a VSP (Very “We wanted to give them the red-carpet the WOW tent, where Chef Ashley had cre- Sunday events will be featured in next week’s
Special Person) Party at Grind + Grape Fri- issue – stay tuned.
treatment,” said Heather Stapleton, logis- ated a 40-foot grazing table – a cornucopia
tics director. “We love the fact that they of savory and sweets to pair with generous
come from all over the world to Vero Beach pours from the various vintners.
to be a part of our festival. This is a way to Saturday morning the Vero Beach The-
celebrate them.” atre Guild was abuzz with excitement with
Friday evening kicked off with Cine- the presentation of the Next Up Young
ma Uncorked at Riverside Theatre, fea- Filmmakers Award and the Vero Visions
turing presentations of VBWFF Awards Award to films reflective of “a life worth liv-
to winning filmmakers, the Life Worth ing,” representative of the festival’s theme
Living Legend Award to honoree George and beneficiary, Suncoast Mental Health
Takei, an interview with Takei and Emmy Center.
Award-winning film critic Jeffrey Lyons “It’s OK to ask for help,” said Stewart.
and a screening of the film “To Be Takei.” “The film projects are a way for us to have
With his instantly recognizable voice a discussion point for people to know that
and characteristic wit, Takei shared stories this is something you can talk about. Your
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING June 15, 2018 B7
Thomas Keller: Three stars by land, one great chicken at sea
Salmon Carpaccio. Server Ugur Acun Jumbo Lump
presenting the Crab Cake with
By TIna Rondeau | Columnist Roasted Free
[email protected] Range Chicken Spicy Aioli.
for two, carved
Talk to any veteran cruiser, and you are tableside. While on our first visit we savored
likely to hear the lament that cruise ship Snake River Farms rib-eyes from the same
dining is not what it was in the good old Souffle. purveyor who provides steaks served at
days. the French Laundry, on our second visit I
persuaded my husband to join me in the
This is for the most part true, and ac- roasted free-range chicken for two, a gor-
tually quite understandable. Ships – even geous bird carved tableside and served
those of upscale lines – keep getting larg- with thyme jus (along with sides of crème
er; it’s tough to prepare haute cuisine for fraiche whipped potatoes, wilted spinach
hundreds of diners, let alone thousands; and sautéed mushrooms scented with
and as cruise lines compete for passen- brandy).
gers, the cost-cutting needed to hold fares
down has impacted not just the quality of I love a good roast chicken, and the
ingredients, but service as well. classic Thomas Keller recipe produced
one of the juiciest and most delicious
Recently, a number of cruise lines have tasting roast chickens I have put fork to.
attempted to mask this decline through With crispy skin and tender breast meat,
high-profile deals with celebrity chefs, even my husband (not a chicken enthusi-
who variously serve as menu consultants ast) had to reluctantly agree it made for a
or lend their names to shipboard “spe- great meal.
cialty” restaurants (where passengers can
dine at an extra charge). While The Grill is not quite as difficult
to get into as the French Laundry, most
We have experienced the cruise ship nights on this recent cruise found us tak-
cuisine of Iron chef Jose Garcas, Food ing dinner in the Ovation’s gourmet din-
Network star Geoffrey Zakarian, celebrity ing room, named simply The Restaurant.
chefs Jamie Oliver and Todd English, and
James Beard Award-winning chef Michael My husband would tell you the best part
Schwartz, among others, and have gener- of these evenings came at dessert time,
ally been less than wildly impressed. when each night The Restaurant featured
a different souffle. Pistachio souffles,
But for the past two weeks, we have bittersweet chocolate souffles, hazelnut
been sailing aboard the newest ship of a souffles, tangerine souffles, bourbon
cruise line that has partnered with anoth- whiskey souffles – he had them all, each
er celebrity chef, Thomas Keller, and have airy creation a thing of perfection.
found the total dining experience unri-
valed by anything we’ve hitherto seen or And Keller’s influence is found in The
tasted at sea. Restaurant as well. Several nights a week,
the dining room features a “Thomas
Keller is, of course, founder of the Keller selection” not offered in his eatery.
French Laundry in the Napa Valley and
New York’s Per Se – both Michelin three- On one evening, I feasted on his Sono-
star restaurants – and his restaurant ma Duck Breast “Poele” with crispy “ril-
aboard the Seaborne Ovation, simply lettes,” glazed Harukei turnips and pick-
named “The Grill,” is his fifth for this ul- led blueberry “gastrique;” on another, I
tra-luxe cruise line. had a mouth-watering herb-roasted sad-
dle of Elysian Fields Farmlamb with rata-
This steakhouse is unlikely to win touille.
Keller more Michelin stars, but it’s mighty
fine dining with tableside preparations of These experiences were highlights of
everything from Caesar salads to Dover two weeks of cruising and dining aboard
sole meuniere. And with a menu that fo- the Seabourn Ovation. If there is a better
cuses on Keller’s versions of iconic dish- culinary experience to be had at sea, I ha-
es, I would rank The Grill overall right up ven’t yet found it – but I welcome reader
there with some of the best chop houses comments and suggestions.
in Florida.
The writer, who reviews restaurants for
Vero Beach 32963, currently is on holiday.
B8 June 15, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING June 15, 2018 B9
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B10 June 15, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING June 15, 2018 B11
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B12 June 15, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES June 15, 2018 B13
?4 K632 ?85
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist J 10 8 6 AK9753 Q4
A 10 7 6 2 Q3 854
Greg Norman said, “Setting goals for your game is an art. The trick is in setting them at 10 6 2 98543
the right level, neither too low nor too high.”
That applies to bridge. The trick is in setting the level of your contract neither too A J 10 7
high nor too low. However, often you only know the right level after you see how the 2
opponents’ cards lie. KJ9
In this week’s deal, how should the auction go after South opens one club, and North
responds one heart? If South gets to the elevated level of six spades, how should he Dealer: South; Vulnerable: East-West
play after West starts with the ace and another diamond?
The Bidding:
South, despite his heart singleton, should rebid two spades. With 19 high-card points,
he must force. Then North should either raise to three spades (which is stronger than SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
jumping to four spades) or make a four-club splinter bid. (With club support, North 1 Clubs Pass 1 Hearts Pass
quietly rebids three clubs.) Over three spades, South should control-bid four clubs, ?? LEAD:
North would control-bid four hearts, and the contract would be either six spades or (if A Diamonds
North-South use Roman Key Card Blackwood) perhaps only five spades when South
learns a key card (an ace or the spade king) and the spade queen are missing.
In six spades, South should not be influenced by West’s lead into thinking that he has
the spade queen. West’s lead is normal after any sensible sequence. The percentage
play is to finesse spades through East because declarer can pick up queen-fourth. Win
trick two with the diamond queen, cash the spade king, play a spade to the jack and,
assuming the finesse wins and West follows suit, draw the last trump and claim.
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Ask for details at the Golf Shop
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B14 June 15, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
1 Pantry (6) 2 Milky coffee (5)
4 Afternoon nap (6) 2 Consequences (13)
9 Violent storm (7) 3 Foe (5)
10 Group of ships (5) 5 Notifies (7)
11 Imp-like being (3) 6 Requirement (13)
12 Atomic number 70 (9) 7 Try (7)
13 Minor setback (6) 8 Condition (5)
15 Help (6) 13 Nevertheless (7)
17 Canals, rivers etc (9) 14 Noisy commotions (7)
19 Expert (3) 16 Big (5)
21 Pansy-like flower (5) 18 Japanese sliding door (5)
22 Increasing in size (7) 20 Keen (5)
23 Oppose (6)
24 Champion (6)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES June 15, 2018 B15
ACROSS 69 Wedding 122 Wild finish? 53 The L of 13 The Washington Post
1 Some belly accompaniment 123 Winged child Down
laughs 71 Wine city DOWN 55 Actors John and
5 Embryos, earlier 72 “Make me 1 Rope material Sean
8 Overload 2 Officer who
laugh,” etc.? 56 Born
safeguard 74 Half of a funny arrested Arlo in 58 Kiwi
12 “___ sight, man!” his Alice’s 59 Brigitte’s brothers
17 Poet’s pitch movie duo Restaurant tale 62 TV show chunk:
18 Comic’s opening 76 Bucky Beaver’s 3 Stays on too
long? abbr.
bit? 1950s toothpaste 4 Play for the 64 Pitiful
22 About 17 football 78 Asian nation impatient 65 ___-de-rol
79 Anatomical 5 Not working 70 Butt
fields 6 Bass ___ 71 Ethiopian of
23 Odd reason to do network 7 Pull up out front
81 Ex-Attorney 8 Tsk-tsk, old-style opera fame
standup? 9 Double-dot 73 Gershwin
25 Accelerator General Ed marks
27 Modena money, 82 Iditarod needs 10 Scotsman’s portrayer
84 City or state in S purse 75 Juiciest parts,
once 11 Dr. J
28 Seed coat, or 27 India 12 Miel-loving beast usually
86 Abbr. for a late 13 Defunct grid org. 77 Kal-Kan rival
Across spelled 14 The key to 80 Ontario-N.Y.
backwards listing comedy
29 City of N France 87 Dug in, perhaps 15 Transparent linen divider
30 Get-rich-quick 88 Televised Tour, 16 It may be nicely 83 Inner attitude
scheme, often turned, or twisted 84 Intro to term or
32 Place for dyeing familiarly 19 Prize for Stern
33 Spigoted servers 89 Grand ___ 20 What I saw sentence
34 ___-do-well 91 Check-cashing 21 South American 85 Dutch treat?
35 Peeper-thwarting electrifiers 89 To take, to 59
38 Antlered beast reqmts. 24 Always, to the
39 92 Down for gas 93 Concealed Bard Down
economy 94 “Darn Hot” lead- 26 Letterman’s time 90 Work like an elixir
41 Celeb 31 Cougar, e.g., 92 Record bk.
42 Passing time? in for short
43 Belonging to Li’l 95 Wilbur’s TV chit- 35 Of Saigon’s land, datum
Abner in 1960s 94 “Mommy, ___ a
44 Pirate’s chatter headlines
playground 96 Cats and dogs 36 Request from a story”
45 Hse.-call makers, standup who’s in 95 Pulled a
once make them the dark?
48 Parent co. of 99 Step into the surf 37 ___ avis “revealing” prank
Sheraton, ___ 102 Alert people are 38 Obedience 96 Entire range
Corp. school word 97 Singer Milsap
49 Tie type on them 39 “Hand ___ towel” 98 Encomium’s
52 Mulcahy of 103 The way, in 40 Broadway Joe
M*A*S*H 43 Injury inflictors point
54 Actor Hawke China 44 “Out!” 99 Fem. flyer in the
57 Old zither-like 104 Playwright 45 British comic
instrument during the military
(backwards, a Connelly 1980s?* 100 Betel nut palm
girl’s name) 105 As ___ 46 Performed as a 101 Expected by
58 Pryor’s ’do, once standup? 102 Chowderhead
60 Concealed (generally) 47 Like a wetsuit’s fit 103 Bean curd
61 Propositions 107 Habit 50 ___ a house 106 Spot
63 Surefire, as a 108 It means “all” 51 West Indian 109 The Dew Drop
standup’s 110 Mr. Sulu whammy
material? 52 Have a ___ bear and the Dolly
66 Very excited portrayer Wright, e.g.
67 First name in 113 Considers being 111 Sailor’s saint
cosmetics 112 Nature goddess
68 Thinks a 114 Letter before ar
standup? and ess
117 Societal 115 Dandy
sicknesses 116 “Are we having
118 Standup’s fun ___?”
119 It heads out on
120 Keep ___ on
121 Like a well
The Telegraph
B16 June 15, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR www.veronews.com
ONGOING 15|16 Madagascar, Jr. presented 15|16 RiversideTheatreSummerFun 16 Vero Classical Ballet presents Sleep-
by Riverside Theatre Edu- Comedy Zone, 7:30 p.m. & ing Beauty, 7 p.m. at Vero Beach
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Insight Astron- cation Div., Fri. 2 p.m. & 7 p.m.; Sat. 2 p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop free entertainment High School Performing Arts Center. $15.
omy Photographer of the Year exhibition thru 5:30 p.m. on the Stark Stage. $10. 772231-6990 and games at 6:30 p.m. $12 to $18. 772-231-6990 772-564-5537
Sept. 16.
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
Summer cooking classes at McKee Botan- in June 8, 2018 Edition 1 YORE 1 YOKEL
ical Garden: July 7 You’d Better Be-Leaf It; 3 KISSED 2 ROBBERY
July 14 Getting to the Root of the Matter; 9 KIBBUTZ 4 IRRITABILITY
July 21 Healthy Cooking for Children; July 28 10 RENAL 5 SINAI
Gluten Free Deliciousness; Aug. 4 Cooking 11 LIE 6 DELIGHT
for Diabetes; Aug. 11 Healthy Desserts. 772- 12 STARTLING 7 QUESTIONABLE
794-0601 13 STYMIE 8 EZRA
JUNE Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13 Crossword Page B14 (DON’T GET ME STARTED)
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