Veterans Picnic is a salute to
community spirit. P24
Pair honored for
special needs. P14
Citrus Grillhouse chef
saves the (wedding) day. P11
For breaking news visit
MY VERO Hospital told to
negotiate better
BY RAY MCNULTY insurance rates
Post-traumatic stress
claims heroic firefighter
It was just over two years Aerial photo of Indian River Medical Center. BY MEG LAUGHLIN
ago – not long after a west- Staff Writer
bound car struck Cole Cop- Vero Beach wins lawsuit over old diesel power plant
pola's bicycle near the crest In an unprecedented move,
of the 17th Street Bridge and BY MICHELLE GENZ $1.5 million breach of contract well as an estimated $130,000 Hospital District trustee Val
knocked him into the Indian Staff Writer suit involving the city’s envi- in back rent on the plant, a Zudans has sent an open let-
River Lagoon below – that I ronmentally contaminated old claim arising from the city’s ter to the Indian River Medical
spoke with David Dangerfield An out-of-town judge has diesel power plant. countersuit. Center chairman of the board,
about the divers who recov- ruled in favor of the City ofVero calling for hospital CEO Jeff
ered the teen's lifeless body. Beach, nearly three years to Phil Barth and David and Attorney Buck Vocelle rep- Susi to negotiate better rates
the day after developers filed a Charles Croom are ordered to resented the developers’ com- with private insurance com-
Dangerfield, who lost his pay the city’s attorneys’ fees as panies to improve the hospi-
battle with post-traumatic CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 tal’s financial position, or quit.
stress syndrome and depres-
sion over the weekend, was Zudans, who was appoint-
an Indian River County Fire ed to the Hospital District by
Rescue captain and senior Gov. Rick Scott a year ago to
member of the agency's Dive fill a vacancy, said the gov-
Team. Besides serving as a ernor told him if IRMC were
Field Training Officer for the run by a for-profit company,
local special-ops unit, he also it would probably be making
traveled to train public-safety a $40 million profit instead of
divers across America. relying on millions from tax-
payers to break even.
His vast knowledge, unfail-
ing commitment and 25 years' The problem, Zudans said,
experience was so respected lies in the reimbursement
that Fire Rescue Assistant
Art Museum curator Island home construction booming
heading for the hills
BY STEVEN M. THOMAS “The homes will be in the $1
BY ELLEN FISCHER Staff Writer million to $1.5 million range,”
Staff Writer says John Genoni, president
New home construction has of Beachland Homes Corpo-
In his five years as cura- Jay Williams, curator at the Vero Beach Museum of Art. PHOTO BY MITCH KLOORFAIN roared back to life on the island ration. “Lots are priced from
tor, Jay Williams has quietly this year with several townhouse $250,000 to $295,000 and they
served up some spectacu- projects and small subdivisions. will only be sold as part of a
lar art at the Vero Beach lot-home package. We are the
Museum of Art. That’s how The latest project to be an- exclusive builder.”
nounced is South Shore, a 30-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 home addition to the River Genoni says site work, in-
Club community that recently cluding installation of roads
broke ground.
October 20, 2016 Volume 9, Issue 42 Newsstand Price $1.00 Black & White,
and dazzling
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© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Art Museum curator tirement of Lucinda Gedeon as CEO power-point talk as part of the selec- for a show of that artist’s work at Nash-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 and executive director, announced tion process. ville’s Parthenon.
in the spring, is being compounded
he views his role at the museum, look- by the just-announced retirement of “I figured the search committee “It was fine,” he says. “Wind me up
ing back as he prepares for retirement Williams, the museum’s curator and members would be sitting around and I talk about art.”
with his wife to a little cabin in the Gedeon’s right-hand man. some table and I’d just set up my lap-
North Carolina mountains sometime top,” he says. Apparently the committee liked not
before the snows settle in. Williams’ Oct. 28 departure leaves only Williams’ aptitude for electronic
incoming CEO Brady Roberts to name Instead Williams was escorted to the show-and-tells, but also his unflap-
"I think of myself as being a really a new curator, whose role will include Leonhardt Auditorium where he found pable knack for speaking about art to
lucky waiter in a good restaurant, who helping select and budget for exhibi- “a whole crowd” waiting for him. a range of listeners.
gets to serve really good food, and it’s tions, adding to the permanent col-
so much fun to see people enjoying lection, and writing and researching “They’d invited all the docents and That was more than five years ago,
eating it," says the ever-modest Wil- exhibit labels and catalogues. a bunch of board members. I was like, and Williams has given plenty of pow-
liams. ‘Wow – I’ve got an audience for this!’” er points since then.
Williams still remembers the inter- he recalls.
The impact of the impending re- view process that started him on his It was when he announced his re-
career here. He was asked to give a His talk was about American art- tirement plans to Gedeon in the spring
ist Elliott Daingerfield, a subject he’d that Williams learned she too was
discoursed upon a year or two earlier planning to retire.
“We agreed to try to coordinate
things to the point where I said I’d stay
through the end of the year.”
But then Williams and his wife Pen-
ny talked to the movers who would be
bringing their belongings up to their
new home, located at the end of a two-
mile gravel road in the mountains of
North Carolina. The movers said their
cabin might be inaccessible to the
moving van in January, and Williams
realized he had to leave the museum
by the end of October to be in the cab-
in by Thanksgiving.
The search has not yet begun for a
new curator, but Williams will be in
email contact with the museum exhi-
bition committee for another month.
That’s because he is in the process of
making proposals for future shows to
committee members, who may not all
be back in Vero before he departs.
“There are some things that we have
talked about in principle, but need to
finalize for next year,” he says.
The major shows have already been
planned through the summer of 2018.
“There isn’t going to be any hiccup
between now and a year from now,”
Williams says with assurance.
“By that time the new curator will be
on board and the shows for the smaller
galleries will be filled with no problem.
Most curators have a wish list of exhi-
bitions they’d like to do,” he says with
a smile.
That means the VBMA won’t have a
new curator until after new Executive
Director Roberts initiates a search for
one – a task he is well prepared for, hav-
ing served as chief curator at the Mil-
waukee Museum of Art before coming
to Vero.
“Because the curator and direc-
tor work so closely together, Cindy
didn’t think it would be right for her to
choose someone for the new director
to work with,” he says.
In his mountaintop existence, Wil-
liams does not expect to give up the
curatorial life completely.
“I’m not going to be punching a
clock, but I’m going to have a few proj-
ects to do,” he says.
That includes writing some bios for
a collection catalog to be published by
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 3
the Morris Museum of Art in Augusta, Williams also credits Gedeon for “We’ve done something here that Vero Beach came to visit.
where Williams was the curator from bringing stability and big-city profes- wouldn’t be unusual for, say, a mu- “They said, ‘We’re going to be build-
2004 to 2008. He has also been con- sionalism to the museum. With her seum in Atlanta or New York or Chi-
tacted by a South Carolina artist who background at university museums cago or St Louis – we’ve really been ing an art center in Vero Beach,’” Wil-
wants Williams to catalog and write including the Neuberger Museum trying to emulate a bigger-city model liams recalls.
about his work. Williams knows many of the State University of New York, of how to operate,” he says.
artists in the region from the nine Gedeon enlarged and brought more “We talked to them about lighting
years he worked as chief curator at the focus to the educational and interpre- Williams chuckles remembering and all that stuff. It was some of that
McKissick Museum in Columbia. tive aspects of the collection and exhi- that 35 years ago when he was head core group of people who got things
bition programs. of education at the Ringling Museum started.”
What he will miss is the camarade- of Art in Sarasota, a delegation from
rie he has enjoyed working at muse- “So it’s kind of odd – I’ve made a
ums throughout the South. From the full circle.”
sound of it, he has especially enjoyed
his tenure at the Vero museum.
“I think this museum is in as good a
shape as any place I’ve ever worked,”
he says. “Everybody works well togeth-
er. It’s a real professional team.”
He also praises the museum’s secure
footing in the community.
“There is real grass roots support
here spread out among so many in-
dividuals and that gives this museum
stability,” he says.
The generosity of the museum’s
supporters is a “luxury,” Williams says.
It meant he could plan two years in
advance for major exhibitions because
he knew the funding would be there.
My Vero Exclusively John’s Island
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Sited along the 4th fairway of the North Course is this beautifully designed
4BR/5.5BA residence showcasing lush pool and golf views. This 5,179±
Chief Brian Burkeen chose Dangerfield GSF retreat offers a voluminous living room with fireplace and French
to talk about the physical, psychologi- doors opening onto the cozy screened lanai. Additional features include
cal and emotional challenges regularly custom millwork, a center island kitchen with wet bar, sunlit family room with
confronted by the agency's divers. dining area, well-appointed master suite with walk-thru shower, spacious
guest bedrooms, tropically landscaped grounds and a 2-car garage.
Our conversation provided real-life, 581 Sea Oak Drive : $2,350,000
first-person insights into the danger,
difficulty and demands of an often- three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
unappreciated job that can offer ex- health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
hilarating rewards but also take a dev-
astating toll on the psyches of the men 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
and women who do it.
"We usually know before we don the
gear whether it's a rescue or recovery,
but even when you know you're dealing
with a recovery, it's still sad for us," Dan-
gerfield told me. "We know it's difficult
for the family, and we're very sensitive
to that. But, not to diminish the family's
pain in any way, it's difficult for us, too.
"It sticks with you."
Those four words echoed in my
memory Sunday, when I learned that
Dangerfield had taken his own life the
night before, shortly after posting on
his Facebook page an ominous mes-
sage about the impacts of Post-Trau-
matic Stress Disorder.
"PTSD for Firefighters is real," he
wrote, adding, "27 years of deaths
and babies dying in your hands is a
memory that you will never get rid of.
It haunted me daily until now."
Dangerfield then drove to a wooded
area along State Road 60 – midway
between I-95 and Yeehaw Junction –
parked his pickup truck and made a
4 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero gia from friends who recalled good "We can only hope that David's Team members: "They have fears.
times they had shared with him. passing will remind those in pain to They have hearts. They have families."
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 seek help before it's too late."
There were condolences and prayers They cope the best they can.
911 call to tell dispatchers where he for Dangerfield's family in the wake O'Connor, who wrote that Danger- In our conversation two years ago,
could be found. of the heartbreaking loss, as well as a field's brief Facebook post "speaks Dangerfield told me Fire Rescue does
genuine outpouring of love and affec- volumes," also provided jarring statis- provide counselors for divers struggling
Sheriff's deputies rushed to the area tion for a man who masked his pain tics about the damage the disorder is with the psychological and emotional
and located the truck, only to find the bat- with a smile and a relentless drive to inflicting on those in his profession. impacts of the job. More often than not,
talion chief's body a short distance away help people in need. however, team members troubled by a
in the woods. He was dead, the victim of a He cited a report in the Journal of Oc- particular operation opt to talk among
self-inflicted gunshot wound. He was 49. There were also expressions of con- cupational Health that approximately themselves about their experiences.
cern for others, particularly first re- 20 percent of firefighters and paramed- "We help each other out," he said.
Based on early comments in response sponders and especially firefighters, ics suffer from PTSD. He also included Sources in the local firefighter com-
to his Facebook post, some friends battling the same PTSD demons. a 2015 Florida State University study munity said they believed Dangerfield
seemed to know Dangerfield was trou- that revealed 46.8 percent of the fire- had sought and was getting profes-
bled and became alarmed, reaching out "This job throws a lot of baggage on fighters surveyed had thought about sional help in dealing with PTSD, but
to him on the social-media site: your back," wrote someone who appar- suicide, 19.2 percent had suicide plans I was unable to confirm it.
ently is familiar with the effects of trauma and 15.5 percent had made suicide And, by all accounts, Dangerfield –
– "Dave, call one of us. We love you and stress on firefighters. "Nothing wrong attempts. The study concluded that whose father, Bruce, spent 17 years as
and are willing to help or just listen if or weak about getting help and being those with PTSD are six times more the Vero Beach Police Department's
that's what you need. xoxo" happy. If you're carrying some load, hon- likely to attempt suicide than others. animal control officer before retiring
or your friend Dave and get some help." earlier this year – was a good man who
–"If you need to talk to someone, Like law-enforcement officers, fire- devoted his life to public service.
I'm here for you. I have dealt with this That seemed to be the message Dan- fighters and paramedics often encoun- In addition to serving as a firefighter
for a long time. Sometimes you need gerfield wanted to deliver in his final ter grisly, gut-wrenching scenarios – au- for nearly three decades and work-
to talk it out and cry it out. Call me." Facebook post. A statement released tomobile crashes, house fires, drownings ing with dive teams here and in other
Monday morning by John O'Connor, and shootings – some involving children, communities, Dangerfield donated
–"Dave, please don't do anything president of the International Associa- even babies. Many, if not most, of these countless hours to charitable causes.
crazy. Call and talk to someone. Call tion of Fire Fighters' local chapter, read: first responders take those haunting im- He created the popular Firefighters'
me if you want. Please." ages home with them. Charity Chili Cook-off, co-founded the
"With his family's blessing, we can- Wounded Warrior Charitable Founda-
As the tragic news of Dangerfield's not ignore David's last known words. Despite their training, courage and tion of Indian River and annually partic-
death spread – County Emergency Ser- PTSD is becoming more widely rec- a dedication to duty that enable them ipated in the Big Heart Brigade that fed
vices Director John King sent an email ognized as a major issue amongst to perform heroically under pressure hungry families on Thanksgiving Day.
late Saturday night to alert his co-workers firefighters, even though it has always in dangerous, life-and-death situa-
– the tone of the Facebook comments ex- existed. We, as a fire service family, are tions, they're also human.
panded, reflecting an array of sentiment. working hard to break the stigma at-
tached to asking for help. As I wrote in my column on the Dive
There was shock and disbelief, sad-
ness and sympathy, and even nostal-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 5
Professionally, he volunteered for de- It's no surprise that, as of Monday, Perhaps, once they recover from the couldn't ultimately save his own.
ployments to Colorado and other areas his Facebook post was "shared" more jolt of such a loss, their grief will be "While there's nothing like saving
to help other agencies fight wildfires. than 1,300 times and prompted nearly eased knowing he is no longer suffer-
400 comments. His family and friends ing, no longer haunted. a life," Dangerfield told me two years
O'Connor wrote that Dangerfield was a can take some solace in knowing so ago, "it can be emotionally devastat-
"treasured teacher, mentor and brother to many people cared. Still, it's tragically ironic that a man ing when you know it's too late and
every Fire Rescue team member he met." who was so dedicated to saving lives that the victim has already passed."
6 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Old diesel power plant progress of the cleanup effort. It also “vertical” rehab – improvements to thing to see that whole plant put to
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 argued that development could have the structure itself – after the team good use,” says Sean Mickley, one of
proceeded despite the ground con- invested more than $1.5 million in the city’s attorneys.
pany, B-B Redevelopment. Eugene tamination. cleanup and improvements to the site.
O’Neill served as lead attorney for the With the sale, Rechter assumed
City of Vero, along with Sean Mickley. The 5-day trial, which took place the The judge found that Barth and responsibility for cleanup of any re-
The city also hired John Frost, a Bar- last week of June, was held at the Indi- Croom did not delay vertical rehab maining contamination, and he has
tow-based attorney who is one of the an River Courthouse but it was presid- because of contamination but be- removed potentially tainted soil. The
top trial lawyers in the state. ed over by a Seminole County judge, cause they were waiting for a tenant first test for contamination since that
John Galluzzo. He was appointed to who might have specific alterations soil was removed was set to take place
Barth and the Crooms were rehab- the case when the judges in the 19th in mind. In fact, the judge noted, their Monday.
bing the derelict plant in the hopes of circuit, which includes Vero, recused loan for that second part of the project
turning it into a hub of the downtown’s themselves because the wife of one of was tied to having a tenant. Despite “That could be the end of it poten-
evolving arts and restaurant scene. the developers is Janet Croom, a judge marketing efforts starting in 2004 and tially,” notes Rechter. “Or not. ...”
The 45-year lease agreement went into in the circuit. running through the time the devel-
effect in 2005, at a time when environ- opers filed suit in 2013 – a timeframe Better insurance rates needed
mental contamination persisted at the In his ruling, Galluzzo noted that that spanned the real estate peak, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
site, the result of decades of diesel fuel the city “was in breach at the time of crash and recovery – no tenant was
being off-loaded from tanker cars on the entry of the commencement date ever secured. rates IRMC has negotiated with pri-
the adjacent railroad tracks. on the lease,” citing incomplete reme- vate insurance companies. Neighbor-
diation and failure to provide a certifi- In the middle of the June trial, the ing private hospitals like Sebastian
The fuel powered giant generators cate to that effect as the lease required. diesel plant – located just blocks away River Medical Center get paid more
garaged in the brick building that pro- But the judge went on to say that the from the courthouse – finally changed than twice as much per patient by
duced electricity for the city from the developers waived those conditions hands after nearly a century of city private insurers, while St. Lucie hospi-
1920s until the early 1990s. when they entered the start date on ownership. tals are paid almost three times what
the lease. IRMC gets.
The developers said the contami- Fort Lauderdale-based developer
nation forced them to halt their reha- Even without the waiver, the ruling Michael Rechter paid $500,000 for the “It is now clear that the fundamen-
bilitation project and claimed the city went on, the developers failed to es- property and is converting it into a tal financial issue for IRMC is the sig-
was disingenuous about the progress tablish that any breach by the City had craft brewery. Rechter says his Ameri- nificantly lower reimbursement rates
of the cleanup, for which the city was material consequences on its ability to can Icon Brewery project is moving that IRMC has negotiated with private
responsible according to the terms of proceed with rehabbing the plant. along “really well.” He will be submit- insurance companies relative to the
the lease. ting permit applications to the city in for-profits,” he said in his letter.
Vocelle had tried to make the case the next two weeks, he says.
The city countered it had thor- for his clients that limits on digging If better rates were negotiated, Zu-
oughly informed its tenants about the in certain areas of the property kept “On behalf of the city and its resi-
them from proceeding with so-called dents, we think it would be a great
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 7
dans said, “it would instantly change Hospital District trustee Val Zudans The answer came, he said, when care percentage reimbursement rates:
the hospital from a taxpayer expense hospital CFO Greg Gardner explained 141% (IRMC), 298% (Sebastian), 397%
to an incredible community asset,” as millions from the hospital founda- at a recent hospital finance committee (Hospital B in St. Lucie County), and
with no need for reliance on property tion just to “break even,” after suf- meeting what a state study of private 363% (Hospital C in St. Lucie County).
taxes and more money to pay nurses fering multimillion-dollar losses for insurance reimbursements at area
and staff. years. hospitals showed. “If IRMC were able to negotiate
these same higher rates that the other
He said if CEO Susi were able to During the past year as a new Dis- Area hospitals, said Gardner quot- hospitals did ... this would mean an
negotiate reimbursement rates even trict trustee, Zudans said he repeated- ing the study, negotiated contracts IRMC profit of $55 million (Sebastian
two thirds those received by Sebastian ly questioned how neighboring hospi- with private insurance companies rates) to $90 million (Hospital B rates)
River, the hospital would be making a tals operated with multimillion-dollar that resulted in the following Medi- per year instead of a break-even op-
profit of $20 million a year compared profits without financial help, while eration,” Zudans said in his letter.
to its present break-even status. IRMC didn’t.
One way of achieving this, he wrote,
“I think our CEO can and will get would be for the hospital to join a net-
our community hospital a fairly ne- work of nonprofit hospitals to be in a
gotiated contract” of this amount, stronger position to negotiate better
Zudans said. If Susi succeeds, wrote insurance rates. But this choice, he
Zudans, “I will thank him immensely said, had already been rejected by the
and praise him for a job well done. If hospital.
he cannot deliver, then he should re-
sign. “ The alternative, he said, is charging
its CEO Susi with negotiating better
Zudans, who sent the letter to private insurance rates.
hospital board chairman Dr. Wayne
Hockmeyer on Oct. 2, said he has to After hearing community com-
date received no response. So he took plaints that Susi’s yearly compensa-
the unusual step of making the letter tion exceeds $1 million and his $5.5
public in full page ads in this week’s percent pay cut was erased by a raise
issues of Vero Beach 32963, Vero News in overall compensation, Zudans pre-
and Sebastian River News. dicted that a successful negotiation
would be Susi’s “perfect opportunity
In the letter, the Vero Beach oph- to show us that he is earning it.”
thalmologist – who is running for a full
term on the Hospital District board Further, Zudans said, “this success
– pointed out that IRMC depends on will go a long way towards the District
over $7 million from taxpayers, as well and IRMC working in harmony to im-
prove the health of our community.”
8 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Home construction booming John Genoni. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE Sales in the new phase will be han- however possible. They are paid 3
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 dled by an in-house team consisting percent commission on the sale of the
Genoni says demand for new homes of Nicki Genoni, vice president of sales home at either the start of construc-
and utilities, will be complete by the in River Club has been strong. His and marketing, and custom home tion or closing of the loan.”
end of the year and the company has company previously bought 30 fin- consultants Bethany Smith and Elise
already taken three lot reservations. ished lots form Ironshore Capital two Kriss. They will be cooperating with John Genoni says design, engineer-
years ago, and has only four of those outside brokers. ing and permitting will take four to
“We hope to have several houses lots left. five months, once a buyer commits.
ready to start construction by the first “The process is simple,” says Nicki Construction will take another eight
of the year,” he says. “We currently have seven homes Genoni. “Realtors bring their clients to 10 months, depending on “the size
under construction and seven others in for the initial visit, register them and and complexity” of the house.
Beachland is an Arthur Rutenberg in the design and permitting phase,” we take care of the rest . . . We know
Homes franchise, which means they he says. their time is valuable and therefore do Genoni says his buyers are a mix of
can offer a wide range of Rutenberg all we can to streamline our process people from the northeast buying sec-
home models, all of which can be The company has a furnished mod- ond homes or retirement homes, and
thoroughly customized to suit buyer el home in River Club for prospective Vero buyers downsizing from larger
preferences. Homes in South Shore buyers to take a look at. homes elsewhere on the island. He
will be in the traditional British West says the strongest draw has been the
Indies style. advantages of new construction com-
pared to resale homes that require
River Club is located between A1A substantial upgrading.
and the Indian River Lagoon, north of
John’s Island and south of Palm Island “When people compare existing
Plantation. Created by well-known homes that need work, versus the
Vero Beach developer Mason Simpson value and convenience of buying a
more than a decade ago, the riverfront new home that is all up to code and
community has 179 lots spread across energy efficient, they see it is a bet-
120 landscaped acres stretching from ter value proposition. If you have to
A1A to the Indian River Lagoon with spend $50,000 or $100,000 or more to
15 acres of lakes. It has a guarded make an older home livable, new con-
gate, two clubhouses with pools, ten- struction becomes very attractive. That
nis courts and guest suites for visiting seems to be the strongest selling point.
friends and relatives. Ocean access is
directly across A1A, via a public beach “Our ability to customize the homes
access point, adjacent to the Carlton is another big selling point. We can
Condominiums. push the walls back, make the ceiling
higher, change the cabinet layout or
October 2, 2016 these same higher rates that the other hospitals did, the current $50 million in IRMC
Dr. Wayne Hockmeyer private insurance revenue would turn in to $105 million (Sebastian rates), $140 mil-
Chairman, Board of Directors lion (Hospital B rates), and $128 million (Hospital C rates) in total annual private
Indian River Medical Center insurance revenue to IRMC. This would mean an IRMC profit of $55 million (Sebas-
Dear Dr. Hockmeyer: tian rates) to $90 million (Hospital B rates) per year instead of a break-even operation.
This open letter represents my individual opinion, not that of the Hospital District. It has been suggested by some that there are also other issues on the cost side of the
Much if not all of the information below refers to facts that you already know as equation (excessive management to worker ratio, millions in losses on the hospital
Chairman of IRMC Board of Directors. The background is included because this employed physician practice, excessive management salaries, and others), but from
letter is intended to inform the public about the financial performance of IRMC as a financial perspective the primary issue clearly points to the negotiated insurance
well as the taxpayer owned facilities. rates. It appears that Governor Scott actually underestimated how much better the
On October 16, 2015 I interviewed with Governor Rick Scott for a vacancy on the In- hospital would perform financially if our hospital management was able to negotiate
dian River County Hospital District and was subsequently appointed to that position. insurance rates similar to for-profit systems.
Since then, I have learned a great deal about both our Hospital District and IRMC. There are at least three potential solutions to IRMC’s financial situation. The large
At the interview the Governor asked me how much IRMC made, how profitable for-profit hospital chains can get high rates because they have negotiating power.
IRMC would be if run by a for-profit system, and how much support IRMC ob- A 10,000 bed for-profit system has far more leverage than our community stand-
tained from taxpayers and philanthropy. As you are keenly aware, in the words of alone 300 bed non-profit hospital. However, our community has a strong sense
IRMC CFO Greg Gardner, IRMC is currently a “break-even” operation after many that IRMC is our hospital; proposals to sell IRMC to a for-profit in order to obtain
years of losing millions of dollars. IRMC currently pays no rent for the facilities high rates would meet strong resistance from the community that built that hospital.
leased from the Hospital District, pays no property taxes, has received tens of mil- Those sentiments would likely outweigh the increased ongoing tax revenue and the
lions of dollars from one of the best hospital foundations in the state of Florida, and substantial sales price that the District could garner for the taxpayers. The other
receives millions annually from the taxpayers through the Hospital District. negative side-effect of a for-profit sale would be a likely loss of philanthropic support
The District was created by Florida statute in 1959 and has seven members who have from the IRMC foundation.
the authority to levy property taxes throughout Indian River County, then use that The second option would be to join a network of non-profit community hospitals
money primarily for healthcare for the indigent. The District initially ran the hos- to gain negotiating power. Florida Hospital system is a large group of non-prof-
pital, but decided decades ago that it was not in the best interest of the community it hospitals in the Orlando, Tampa, and Daytona Beach areas. According to Mr.
for politicians to directly run a hospital. IRMC is a non-profit corporation that was Gardner, the Florida Hospital system has been able to negotiate private insurance
created by the District to run the daily operations of the hospital. The District owns reimbursement rates of approximately 200% of Medicare for the local member hos-
the property and the hospital buildings that are then leased to IRMC (currently rent pitals. If those rates were applied to IRMC that would result in over $70 million
free; IRMC previously paid rent when there were outstanding bonds). The value of of private insurance revenue and $20 million per year of profit compared to our
the taxpayer owned hospital property and facilities is unknown, but widely accepted current break-even status (even without any improvements in operations). I also
to be worth over $200 million (The District recently decided as part of our strategic understand, based on a conversation with a current IRMC executive who is a former
plan to evaluate all of the taxpayer assets held by the District and this should be clari- Florida Hospital system employee, that Florida Hospital system has multiple active
fied in the next year). The lease was designed to require monthly reporting by IRMC foundations at their community hospitals. This option of joining a non-profit net-
to the District of both operations and financial performance. The lease also requires work like Florida Hospital system appears to allow the community to maintain our
that IRMC comply with Florida’s sunshine laws and make available upon request any sense of ownership and maintain the foundation involvement in continuing to im-
additional information the District requests to fulfill the District’s duty to supervise prove the health of our community. Mr. Gardner reported at the last IRMC finance
IRMC and the taxpayers’ assets. The 2017 District budget calls for $7,188,036 in tax- committee meeting that this option was considered during IRMC’s recent strategic
payer payments to IRMC to reimburse indigent care and subsidize IRMC’s OB/GYN planning effort, but decided against. The explanation given by Mr. Gardner at the
outpatient department via the Partners program. This money represents 56.9% of the finance committee meeting was a reference to management concern about the loss
District’s $12,624,961 program expenditures. The remaining program expenditures of taxpayer and foundation support. Fear of loss of taxpayer support appears unwar-
include payments to non-profit community providers for qualified indigent care ranted when non-profit status is maintained and unnecessary if IRMC was making
(requirements include: six months residency in Indian River County, income below $20 million per year; the fear of loss of foundation support also appears unwarranted
150% of the poverty level, and no other medical insurance). Other than IRMC, the if Florida Hospital system has functioning foundations.
reimbursed providers include VNA, the Health Department, TCCH, and multiple The third option, and the one that our hospital management has chosen to pursue,
mental health related non-profits. is to negotiate better rates on their own. As you know, this is not an easy task with
At the October, 2015 meeting with the Governor, I did not have the answer to his limited negotiating power and with a potential alternative that likely generates 200%
question about how much IRMC would make if administered by a for-profit entity. of Medicare from private insurance. I have heard complaints from the communi-
The Governor, having run the largest for-profit hospital chain in the U.S., suggested ty that the hospital CEO makes over $1 million dollars in salary and benefits and
the margin should be 20%, resulting in an expected profit of over $40 million dollars reportedly received an increase in overall compensation while stating that he took
per year. That made a profound impression on me. If that was accurate, that would a cost-saving 5.5% base salary cut. I would suggest that this is our CEO’s perfect
mean that taxpayers were losing over $40 million per year of potential dividends from opportunity to show us that he is earning it. There are many negotiating tactics that
the facility that we own. A $40 million per year IRMC profit would mean the end of may work that have been discussed at the finance committee meeting and District
all District-related property taxes. The hospital would have far more available to pay meeting, including informing Florida Blue insurance that IRMC will not participate
nurses and staff, and rather than the taxpayers paying IRMC, IRMC would be paying in their plan. This would result in Florida Blue having to pay whatever rates IRMC
the taxpayers every year. It would instantly change the hospital from a taxpayer ex- sets for ER and non-elective inpatient services (such as the average rates of the local
pense to an incredible community asset. I was curious about the Governor’s thoughts for-profits [353%] or the lowest local for-profit rate [298%]). This would be quite
and suspected there might be some truth based on the fact that for-profit hospitals in costly to the insurance companies and financially beneficial to IRMC. There are also
Sebastian and St. Lucie County were reported to have profits of $20 million per year risks to this as many elective procedures would then be diverted from IRMC to other
and more despite the lack of taxpayer and philanthropic support. They also have fa- hospitals because of higher patient co-pays and deductibles. But, this too would be
cility costs and property tax burdens that IRMC does not have. I had also heard that quite costly to the insurers as they are already paying much higher rates at those oth-
the Governor had been interested in purchasing IRMC when he headed HCA. So, er hospitals. There are tens of millions of good reasons to believe that the insurance
as a new trustee, I immediately began asking and repeatedly asked the same question companies would want to negotiate to keep IRMC as a plan participant. This nego-
over and over to hospital management for the past year: “If the hospitals to the North tiation is ultimately the responsibility of the CEO. It is my hope that this open letter
and South of us can run highly profitable businesses without taxpayer support or in- will get that process off to a strong start by informing the public of the unfairness of
credibly generous philanthropy, why can’t IRMC do more than break even?” the current disparity between hospitals and setting the expectation of what IRMC
It is now clear that the fundamental financial issue for IRMC is the significantly low- should be able to achieve. The goal for our hospital, at a minimum, should be rates
er reimbursement rates that IRMC has negotiated with private insurance companies similar to what we could get if IRMC were part of the non-profit Florida Hospital
relative to the for-profits. For IRMC, private insurers currently make up about $50 system (200% of Medicare) and ideally a rate similar to the other area for-profits
million dollars of IRMC’s annual revenue. Mr. Gardner presented at the recent IRMC (300-400% of Medicare). I think our CEO can and will get our community hospital
finance committee meeting and September Hospital District meeting the rates for a fairly negotiated contract of no less than 200% of Medicare. And I think that this
private insurance reimbursement for hospitals in our area. This information became success will go a long way towards the District and IRMC working in harmony to
available within the last year due to new statewide reporting requirements and newly improve the health of our community. I will thank him immensely and praise him
available information from IRMC’s self-insurance reports from Florida Blue Cross. for a job well done. If he cannot deliver, then he should resign.
According to Mr. Gardner’s presentation, as a percentage of Medicare, the various Sincerely,
area hospitals negotiated contracts with private insurance companies resulted in re-
imbursement rates of: 141% (IRMC), 298% (Sebastian), 397% (Hospital B in St. Lucie Val Zudans, M.D.
County), and 363% (Hospital C in St. Lucie County). If IRMC were able to negotiate Trustee Indian River Hospital District, Seat 5
Paid for and approved by Val Zudans Campaign for IRC Hospital District Seat 5
10 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Home construction booming “Rutenberg Homes has a reputation
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 for quality and craftsmanship and they
have more than 80 models that are ac-
just about anything else. There is no tively being built throughout Florida
limit to changes we can do.” that we will offer. There is a team of 25
designers we can call on to streamline
Many of the services and features the process of customizing the homes
Beachland offers in River Club come if a buyer wants a larger master bed-
from its association with Arthur room or an additional bedroom or a
Rutenberg Homes. different roof line.
Brothers Arthur and Charles Ruten- “Rutenberg has done a really good
berg began building homes in Florida job of building camaraderie and com-
in 1953 and found quick success, ex- munication among the franchises.
panding across the state. They later There is no competition [since each
joined forces with other builders to builder has an exclusive area]. Our
create U.S. Homes, which grew to be model home in River Club is a Mo-
the largest homebuilder in the coun- naco model. If the guy in Tampa has
try. a customer who is interested in that
model, he can send them over here to
Arthur Rutenberg left a top position see it and we will treat them just like
with U.S. Homes in the 1970s to begin they were our customer. Same thing if
an innovative franchise system that al- there is a model in Tampa one of our
lows independent builders to partner customers is interested in. They can
with Rutenberg, adopting its business take a two- or three-hour drive and
practices, home models and brand. walk through the house to get a better
sense of it.
The Genoni family – which has
homebuilding roots in Brevard and “As an Arthur Rutenberg builder,
Indian River County going back near- we have back office support, soft-
ly 50 years – bought the Indian River ware, marketing and other big builder
County franchise several years ago, benefits that a small or medium-size
gaining access to a builder nameplate builder doesn't have,” Genoni says.
with considerable cachet and exten- “It puts us into a completely different
sive back office services. league.”
“It is a great system,” says Genoni.
Don’t get nervous, call Scott Tree Services
CELL: 772-473-7150
OFFICE: 772-569-3874
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 11
Citrus Grillhouse chef comes to rescue
of wedding party stranded by storm
BY RAY McNULTY drive up here," he said. "The island had
Staff Writer been evacuated and we had no power.
But she said she and her friend were
Two Tuesdays ago, with Hurricane flying down, anyway, and they would
Matthew headed for Florida, Citrus just spend the weekend in Miami if the
Grillhouse owner Scott Varricchio got wedding was postponed.
a call from close friend and fellow chef
Amanda Freitag – yes, of Food Net- "As it turned out, they had no trou-
work fame – who was coming to Vero ble down there, so they drove up."
Beach later in the week for a wedding.
When Freitag and her friend arrived
"She was planning to fly from New at South Beach Place, however – the
York to Miami that Friday, then drive first in the wedding group to get there
up to Vero," Varricchio said, "and – they were told the hotel was still
like the rest of us, she was concerned without power and wouldn't reopen
about the storm." until electricity was back on. In the
meantime, guests would have to find
With good reason, too: She was somewhere else to stay.
among 50 guests invited to the wed-
ding, which was scheduled for Saturday Not sure where to go, Freitag texted
at South Beach Place, and all of them Varricchio: "Are you at your restau-
were booked to stay at the 18-suite, rant? I need help."
boutique hotel on Ocean Drive.
That text – and Varricchio's response
SoVarricchio offered a warning when – would save the day for Freitag and her
Freitag called again Friday morning to friend, as well as the bride and groom
tell him she was on her way to the air- and about 10 others who arrived soon
port. after, a day in advance of the wedding.
"I told her it wasn't a good idea to "I had spent the night of the hur-
12 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Citrus Grillhouse As fate would have it, Matthew here, they were worn out and hungry It was like old times, Varricchio
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 stayed far enough offshore to prevent from traveling all day, so I told them to and Freitag working side by side in a
the accompanying winds from reach- go inside into the cool air, have a cock- kitchen, just as they had done so many
ricane in the restaurant," Varricchio ing catastrophic strength. tail and we'd see what we could do," times before in New York. Together,
said. "This place was built so far above Varricchio said. they made a beet-and-goat-cheese
standards, I knew it was like a fortress. As he surveyed the post-storm situa- salad, veal flank steaks and spinach
We have a massive generator that was tion,Varricchio actually mulled the pros- "I told them to call the bride and pasta with garlic butter.
full of fuel, so I knew I'd have power. pect of opening his restaurant Friday groom and have them come here – that
night, only to decide to remain closed I'd offer them my restaurant for the "We knew we could pull off a great
"I had air-conditioning, plenty of because his staff couldn't get to work. wedding if things didn't work out at meal with little effort, and it was per-
food, plenty to drink . . . I had every- the other place," he continued. So the fect," Varricchio said. "Then, just as
thing I needed," he added. "I've got to "I was ready to open," he said. "The bride and groom and a few other people we were finished eating and started
be honest, though. When I heard that kitchen was ready to cook." showed up, looking just as tired as the cleaning up, the hotel called and said
wind blowing at 2 in the morning, I others, and they were getting hungry. the power was back on, so everyone
started thinking: Maybe I made a mis- So when he read Freitag's text, he could go back and check in.
take. Being a New Yorker, I had never told her and her friend to come over. "I told the guests to take a seat, get
been through this kind of storm before." After they arrived and explained the a drink and we were going to cook for "The next day," he added, "the
situation, Varricchio opened his res- them," he added. "Then Amanda and weather was perfect and everything
taurant to the entire group. I headed for the kitchen." went off without a hitch."
"When Amanda and her friend got
FEMA assistance
still ‘under review’
Staff Writer
Local governments and residents
may be on the hook for most of the ex-
penses related to Hurricane Matthew.
The Federal Emergency Manage-
ment Agency said on Oct. 8 that Indian
River County and its municipalities
would be eligible for reimbursement
of debris removal – which it’s estimat-
ed will cost as much as $1 million – and
protection measures taken to harden
facilities in preparation for the storm.
But all other categories of assistance,
including reimbursement for damage
to government facilities, roads and
traffic signals, are still “under review.”
County and city water and waste-
water utilities have had mounting ex-
penses for disaster recovery, and Vero
electric brought in crews from out of
state to help restore power for 20,000
Those expenses may have to come
out of utility system reserves if FEMA
decides not to reimburse utility losses.
Eventually, ratepayers would need to
replenish those reserves.
County Administrator Jason Brown
said it is “very important” local govern-
ments get additional assistance from
FEMA. Damage to beaches alone, he
said, could be upwards of $13 million.
“I think we need to make sure that
we’re doing a good job of showing the
amount of damage to our beaches,”
Brown said. “Beaches are key to our
tourism. Tourism is the one of the
mainstays of our economy here.”
Brown said there’s a perception
that Brevard County suffered greater
damage to its beaches from the hurri-
cane, but said he and Coastal Engineer
James Gray are determined to keep
Indian River’s beach damage at the
forefront of state and federal officials’
priority lists.
14 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Arc triumph: Pair honored for special-needs efforts
23 5
1. Doug and Anne Clement with Cathy and Willie
LaCroix. 2. Stewart Dunn, Roger and Gloria
Schwartz and Anne Dunn. 3. (Seated) Dick
Pippert; (standing) Chuck and Brenda Bradley
with Pat Pippert. 4. Penny Odiorne, Mary
Ellen Replogle, John Replogle and Pam Black.
5. Marcia Littlejohn, Kurt Zimmerman and
Marsha Sherry. 6. Scott Morton and Joan Busch.
7. John and Letty Hurst. 8. Jesse Strang and
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Mary Ellen Replogle, who founded munity awareness, saying, “He has special performance by The Arc Cho-
Staff Writer the organization in 1975. While her dedicated his time and leadership rus, which shared two heartfelt songs
mission began as a personal jour- to move this organization to a new – “Thank You for Being a Friend” and
For the past four decades, The Arc ney, she has worked to ensure that all place. Under his leadership, we’ve “I Will Always Love You.” Both were
of Indian River County has contin- Indian River County residents with been able to build a new group home, signed and sung with an exuberance
ued to forge a path to “discover new special needs would be provided op- and we have turned a corner on fund- that cemented how community sup-
worlds” for people with intellectual portunities to reach their full poten- raising and donations. Dick lives and port has brightened their lives.
and developmental disabilities, and tial. breathes PR. With his leadership we
empower them achieve their life have made significant progress that “We can’t thank the Replogles and
goals. Two distinguished gentlemen Stalwart volunteer Doug Clem- has strengthened our board and im- the community enough for their sup-
who have worked tirelessly to sup- ent and board chairman Dick Pip- proved our donor base with brand port,” said Noreen Davis, marketing
port that objective were honored pert were each recognized for their awareness and marketing.” director. “We couldn’t do this with-
last Monday evening the second an- dedication to the development and out them.”
nual Columbus Day Replogle Family growth of The Arc and the inclusion “Thank you for this award; I don’t
Award Dinner, held at the Quail Val- of special needs individuals within believe I deserve it,” said Pippert. The Arc and its 75 full-time em-
ley River Club. the community. “This organization means a lot to ployees serves 180 special needs in-
me.” dividuals affected by intellectual,
“This is an award that is given to Bradley said Clement discovered developmental, emotional or trau-
an individual that has contributed to The Arc about seven years and fell in After enjoying cocktails by the matic brain disabilities through its
The Arc through time, treasure and love with it, adding, “He has sold tick- poolside Tiki bar, guests enjoyed a five residential group homes, adult
leadership,” explained Executive Di- ets for every single event since. He’s lovely dinner while listening to the day training, behavioral services,
rector Chuck Bradley. “This year is a not afraid to knock on doors and talk songs by the talented duo Tony and supported employment, supported
little unique. This year we have two.” to sponsors.” Holly. They later enticed patrons to living, transportation and youth out-
the dance floor to work off a little reach programs.
The recipients of the Replogle Fam- Bradley credited Pippert as being a post-Hurricane Matthew stress.
ily Award follow in the footsteps of major force behind the organization’s REPLOGLE PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
recent growth and growing com- A highlight of the evening was a
16 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
REPLOGLE PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 Lori and Russ Isaac. John and Karen Franke with Jesse Strang.
Ginny Blossom with Bill and Mary Beth Vallar.
Gerre Rhodes and Brian Connelly with Terry and Jim Higdon. Tony Schnur and Callie Hughes
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 17
Stepped-up fundraising at Making Strides walk
1 23
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF And the newest team, Real Men Wear added to sponsorships and money still framework for survivors to have a place
Staff Writer Pink of Indian River County, really being collected, was expected to put the to have the support they need, but also
stepped up the effort by adding more total amount at more than $100,000. from the scientific end to support re-
More than 500 participants laced than $40,000 to this year’s fundraising search. Making strides are the ultimate
up their sneakers, donned their best efforts. This local group of 16 promi- With each step, participants who events when it comes to raising funds
roseate finery and headed over to Riv- nent doctors and professionals is lead- take part in the non-competitive 5K to fight the disease.”
erside Park, puttin’ on the pink at the ing the State of Florida as a new arm of walk celebrate survivors and honor the
12th annual Making Strides Against the American Cancer Society’s breast memories of those who are no longer In Florida alone 16,770 people will
Breast Cancer Indian River County cancer fundraising efforts. with us. be diagnosed with breast cancer
walk to raise awareness and funds for this year and 2,880 will die from the
breast cancer research, education and In addition to their contributions, “Breast cancer is a terrible disease,” disease. Thanks to increased aware-
patient services. roughly 100 individuals and teams said Dr. Daniel Glotzer, MSABC com- ness, millions of lives are saved by
raised more than $52,000 which, when mittee chair. “The American Cancer early detection.
Society does a great job providing the
1. Walkers make their way around Riverside Park
during the annual 5K MSABC walk. 2. Top Real
Men Wear Pink fundraiser participant Dr. Charles
Eberhart, ACS Senior Manager Treasure Coast
Market Theresa Woodson and VP for Community
Engagement Glenn Callihan. 3. Elaine and Melanie
Coppola. 4. Jenny Fee and Jacquie Thatcher.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Masquerade Ball: Black & White & dazzling all night
BY STEPHANIE LABAFF Tony Donadio and Lori Schroeder. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF and a Wines for Humanity sampling. opted to replace the fishing tourna-
Staff Writer The Exchange Club of Indian River ment with the Black and White Ball
various raffle, live and silent auction and the Vero Beach Air Show.
After last year’s successful cele- items before Wesley Davis created a has been providing the community
bration, it came as no surprise that bidding frenzy during the live auc- with programs focused on youth ac- Members continue their focus to
the second annual Black & White tion. Among the items up for grabs tivities, community service and the create a way for future generations
Masquerade Ball hosted by the Ex- during the live auction were a highly promotion of Americanism since to get involved through Excel Clubs,
change Club of Indian River had sold sought-after Windsor Golf package 1973. Pathfinders and Youth Guidance at
out long before guests began to de- the high school level. They have also
scend upon the Vero Beach Country “It’s a busy club. We have 44 mem- begun to host clubs at the various
Club. The evening’s Let’s Have a Ball bers in our club, which was a spinoff middle schools.
fundraiser was reminiscent of Tru- of the Exchange Club of Vero Beach
man Capote’s lavish 1966 black and when a group of members wanted to “We’re trying to teach community
white ball at the Plaza Hotel in New start a club for younger members,” spirit and giving back. We want the
York City. said event chair Nancy Gollnick, kids to realize this is a life-long com-
adding that they hoped to raise at mitment,” Gollnick explained. “We
Guests Saturday evening hid be- least $10,000 from the Masquerade are all working to make our commu-
hind elaborately decorative masks Ball. nity a better place.”
– feathered, bedazzled and filigreed
– while enjoying cocktails and a The club participates in fundrais- Each year the club honors local
surf-and-turf dinner, took fun pic- ing events throughout the year, with volunteers with the Book of Golden
tures in a photo booth and danced all proceeds benefiting local proj- Deeds Award in recognition of their
to the sounds of DJ Fuzzy. A black ects and child abuse prevention, time and dedication toward making
and white concoction from Ace Cak- including parenting skills training, our community a better place to live.
ery had been placed temptingly in a counseling for homeless families,
place of prominence before the cake adoption awareness, swimming les- The club is already busy planning
was served up as a scrumptious af- sons, water safety, and tuition for additional fundraisers. On Dec. 1 it
ter-dinner treat. summer programs and field trips. will host a painting party at Painting
with a Twist, and it’s also working
Guests had a chance to peruse For more than 30 years the group on a progressive dinner to be held
relied on its annual Blue Water Open this spring on the new vintage-style
as the major fundraiser, but last year Treasure Coast Trolley.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 19
Laurie Niblock and Alan Herrick. George Blythe. Event Committee Sue Dempsey, Nancy Gollnick, Jaime Klekamp, Joan Barcus and Jessica Hawkins.
Terry and Rebecca Schlitt. Patricia and Mark Ashdown with Jennifer Frederick. Bob and Judy Rixom.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Think Pink Art Show benefits breast cancer patients
Deborah Segal, Dorothy Napp Schindel and Cheryl Caldwell. Lila Blakeslee and Barbara du Pont. PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL Joan and George Earnhart.
BY MARY SCHENKEL Mark Wygonik and Vitalii Vasko. Mia Lindberg and Shelley Weltman. sured breast cancer patients.
Staff Writer Friends in Pink President Cheryl
Gallery 14 was aglow with a pink Caldwell said that the nonprofit,
hue last Friday evening at the opening founded by the late Nancy O’Neill in
reception of the Think Pink Art Show, 2005, defrays the cost of medical bills
which runs through the end of Octo- associated with breast cancer, includ-
ber, National Breast Cancer Aware- ing diagnosis, surgery, treatment and
ness Month. The show was a benefit reconstruction. Before the Affordable
for Indian River County residents as- Care Act was enacted, insurance com-
sisted through Friends in Pink, which panies could, and generally did, re-
supports uninsured and underin- fuse coverage to anyone with cancer.
Companies are no longer allowed to
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
turn down people with pre-existing
conditions, but co-payments and de-
ductibles are often prohibitively high.
“It costs $350,000 to survive breast
cancer on the Treasure Coast,” said
Caldwell. “We help people with in-
adequate health insurance, which
means the uninsured or people who
have health insurance but have a high
deductible. We negotiate with the
healthcare provider because, hon-
estly, they have to be paid. Otherwise
they won’t be able to help people.”
Their funding comes from grants,
donations and fundraisers, with
Caldwell stressing, “We are not pub-
licly funded. On purpose.”
Friends in Pink originally began
in Martin County and has since ex-
panded into St. Lucie and Indian Riv-
er counties. Caldwell credits Deborah
Segal, a Friends in Pink volunteer,
with bringing their services into this
county. Segal was also instrumen-
tal in connecting the organization to
Gallery 14.
“Deb came to the gallery and found
me and I came up with the idea of
having a Think Pink show,” said Doro-
thy Napp Schindel, who chaired the
event. “I had been involved with a
Think Pink show in Massachusetts
and thought it would work well in our
She explained that the Think Pink
artwork had been created by Gallery
14 artist/owners as well as artists they
represent and several breast cancer
survivor artists. Pictures of the survi-
vors and a story of their battle with the
disease were posted alongside their
The color pink was emphasized,
and Schindel noted of the pieces,
“Some take a serious approach and
some are light-hearted or humorous;
that’s in the tradition of Think Pink
“We were inspired to create things
specifically for the show, which is
very special,” said artist/owner Lila
The event also featured the raffle of
a lovely Riding the Pink Wave sculp-
ture by artist Mia Lindberg, whose
work the gallery represents, and a si-
lent auction of a watercolor painting
created by tattoo artist Phil Sommers,
whose mother is a breast cancer sur-
Survivor Camille Work said the
stained-glass piece she created was
made in honor of her sister, who is now
receiving treatment for breast cancer.
“So with her in mind, I created this;
it’s called ‘Sister,’” said Work of the
graceful girl twirling a pink ribbon atop
a lotus flower. The girl has a butterfly on
her hand, which Work said is a symbol
of hope and change. “As I was working
on it I started thinking all of these wom-
en are sisters; it’s not just my sister.”
22 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Puppy love conquers all at Wine Women and Shoes event
BY CHRISTINA TASCON Crystal Lemley and Nicole Dugan. women of a younger demographic, dogs here with a whole mix of people.
Staff Writer seeing what’s going on at the Hu- None of our group has been to an
enticing bid items and glasses of fine mane Society and letting them know event like this before and we are just
Adorable pups hoping to find a new wine. that we need their help to keep the so impressed with the elegance. Plus,
home greeted roughly 150 ladies last shelter going,” said event chair Jen- we just love the dogs.”
Saturday evening at the We Are Fab- “This event is a wonderful combi- nifer Downes, who hoped the event
ulous Wine Women and Shoes fun- nation of introducing the animals to would match last year’s effort by rais- It was easy to fall in love with the
draiser to benefit the Humane Soci- ing at least $30,000. little puppies carried about by HSVB
ety of Vero Beach and Indian River staff, and within the first half-hour
County, held at the Bent Pine Golf After shopping, the stylishly fash- Charo Segura adopted a cute little
and Country Club. ion-forward women were ushered Chihuahua named Tom.
into dinner, where they enjoyed a
WW&S is a trademarked event, runway fashion show featuring svelte “I just had my husband pick the
teaming nonprofit organizations gentlemen, meticulously styled by dog up and take him home; he was
with vintners and upscale vendors for the Makeover Room, modeling Sea- shocked,” said Segura. “I put him in
an evening of fundraising designed horse Lane Boutique’s Fall Collection my arms for a second and he was just
as a ladies’ night out. Attendees could and footwear from Kemp’s Shoe Sa- shaking and started kissing me all
browse an enticing array of high- lon. over my face. Once he did that I could
fashion accessories and a variety of not let him go.”
items specifically selected for dis- A Key to Your Closet $5,000 package
criminating female shoppers while of fine wines, jewelry, spa treatments “We are hoping to raise money to-
enjoying some high-energy music. and other goodies topped the list of night for people who need assistance
desirable raffle items, with real es- with their animals,” said Chalmers
It’s designed as a way for women tate maven Cindy O’Dare capturing Morse, CEO of the Humane Society of
to shop, bid on raffle prizes and en- the big prize. Vero Beach and Indian River County.
joy each other’s company without the “Whether it is for medical issues or
distraction of men, other than the “I love the fact that there are they need some financial assistance
elegantly tuxedoed Shoe Guys. The younger people here,” said Gerri to help feed or take care of their pets.
suave Shoe Guys passed through the Smith, who attended with a group Our goal is always to keep animals
room carrying silver trays filled with of friends. “There is such energy and with their owners in any way we are
enthusiasm, plus you get to see the able to do so.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 23
Judy Van Saun, Stephanie Reeder and Bonnie Mixon. Page Franzel, Lynn Southerly, Allyson Bootes and Kimberly Thorpe. Scott Young, Milo Thornton, Ron Toperzer and Rick Daniel.
Emcee Geoff Moore and Janet Winikoff.
Karen Deigl and Brenda Lloyd.
Laura and Bobby Guttridge with Lisa Sarbak.
24 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Veterans picnic is a salute to community spirit!
Scott, Lex and Catherine Caddell. Marty Zickert, Don Wickstrand and Tony Young. PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL Ben Jenkins, Marvin Ross, Al Davis and Dan Aaron.
BY MARY SCHENKEL Sylvester McIntosh and Curtis Paulsin. “We wanted to bring it into the cen- Sylvester McIntosh, a Vietnam War
Staff Writer ter of the community and have the Marine veteran who was awarded a Sil-
whole community come together; have ver Star for his actions, said 500 people
There is nothing like a good old-fash- veterans bring their families and enjoy attended last year, so this year they had
ioned picnic to bring people together, the camaraderie we all miss from the prepared for 900.
and that’s exactly what happened Sat- military,” said Curtis Paulsin, Veterans
urday afternoon at the second annual Council first vice president. “We took “I’m the post adjutant, but today I’m
Veterans and Family Picnic at Gifford some proceeds from the golf tourna- in charge of taking care of the BBQ
Park, hosted by the Veterans Council of ment in June and then Post 181 and the chicken,” said Al Davis, who arrived
Indian River County, American Legion Vietnam Veterans and Veterans Coun- at the park at 5 a.m. to begin firing up
Post 181 and the Vietnam Veterans of cil of Indian River County all worked the smokers and grills. “We’re just here
Indian River County. on it together.” having a good time today.”
Davis and Paulsin spoke about a re-
Sylvester McIntosh and Curtis Paulsin.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 25
PEOPLE tion assistance, resource connection,
and transportation services to the VA
Rick Broderick, Bob Kwiecinski, Matt Cresta and Floyd Dean. Kryse Manson and Francy Caprino. Medical Center in West Palm Beach
and local appointments.
Throughout the afternoon, as the
mouthwatering aroma of grilled
chicken, hot dogs and hamburgers
wafted about, families clustered in
groups or sat at long picnic tables in
the pavilion to enjoy the free repast.
Little ones worked off some energy
bouncing and sliding on the inflat-
ables, and every hour several lucky
winners received donated door prizes
from local businesses.
cent $12,000 grant that Grand Harbor “We’re doing some painting, land-
Community Outreach presented to scaping, a little bit of minor repairs;
the Veterans Council and Post 181 to light work,” added Davis. “Right now
freshen up the homes of Gifford veter- we have completed four homes; we’re
ans. The grant also provided stipend working on a fifth home next week.”
pay to unemployed veterans who
worked on the beautification project. “Indian River County I think is one
Post Commander Leon Barnwell said of the best for veterans because of all
that Gifford’s Post 181 currently has the different services,” said Jerry Pi-
roughly 100 members, veterans from sano, manning the Korean War Veter-
all branches of the service. ans booth speaking of the roughly 28
agencies that deal directly with veter-
“The theme is veterans helping ans.
veterans,” Paulsin explained. “It’s for
veterans who live in the Gifford area, The Veterans Council of Indian
own their own homes and live at the River County supports veterans and
poverty level.” their families by providing emer-
gency financial assistance, transi-
26 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
VETERANS PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 25 Cory, Lenore and Steve Harp, Charles James and Jason Brown.
IRC Sheriff’s Office Deputy Teddy Floyd, IRC Commissioner Joe Flescher, Julianne Price and Freddie Woolfork.
Vic Diaz, Telly Antona, Joel Herman
and Craig Waskow
Tom Thompson and Pat Brannon.
Melisa and Jason Picaro with Sheriff’s Office Detective
John Finnegan and Sebastian Deputy Chief Greg Witt.
28 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bassist Taddy Mowatt still making musical memories
Correspondent The Shan Clan.
No sooner had longtime bassist PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
Taddy Mowatt sat down to talk that
the tune from nearby speakers pre-
empted the conversation.
“Get up, stand up – stand up for your
rights,” he sang softly, his Jamaican
upbringing resonating on the notes of
the classic Bob Marley anthem.
“We used to do this one,” he said
Mowatt, a resident of Port St. Lu-
cie, is a self-taught bass player whose
professional music career spans sev-
en decades and finds him playing
regularly at nearly all of Vero’s pri-
vate clubs and bars like Cobalt, Bun-
galow and Osceola Bistro. Even Riv-
erside Theatre’s “Live in the Loop,”
and the Vero Beach Museum of Art
have caught on to his talent and
broad appeal.
Born and raised in Montego Bay,
music has always been a part of his
life and his own music is infused with
his native island country’s culture.
Mowatt’s father played guitar. But
it was his brother Enos “Riff” Mowatt ral talent, Mowatt began to share his
who was his biggest inspiration and knowledge and enthusiasm of play-
the first professional musician of the ing with his young friends at school.
family. Four years older than Taddy,
Riff at 16 had instruments all around “Well, I wanted to play songs with
the house: guitars, basses, trumpets, other people and play music with my
drums, saxophones and steel pans. friends so I had to teach them – I had
no choice,” Mowatt laughs. It was
When Riff wasn’t playing them, through teaching his friends the dif-
little brother Taddy was picking them ferent instruments, bass being one of
up and slowly teaching himself to them, that he discovered his own af-
play. While nurturing his own natu- finity for bass. His early teaching is so
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 29
From the Casablanca and The couple moved to Port St. Lucie ety. An accomplished arranger and
in 1980 and Mowatt, at this time now composer, Mowatt also has a degree
other gigs around Montego a seasoned performer with a massive in piano tuning and repair and has
repertoire, was quick to find work as lent his professional services to the
Bay, Mowatt was hired as the bassist with the Hyatt Hotel’s house St. Lucie County school district for
band in West Palm. He later played many years. He continues to play
resident bassist and arranger The Colony in Palm Beach and for regularly around the area and is
many years performed with Ray a member of the Ambassadors of
for the Jamaican Broadcasting Thompson at Frances Langford’s Swing, a big band comprised of the
Outrigger in Jensen Beach (now the finest jazz musicians.
Corporation – the JBC. Cre- Dolphin Bar) and at Indian River
Plantation. Mowatt next performs with Ed
ating arrangements with lo- Shanaphy & Friends (along with this
Mowatt was honored to have been writer) Thursday, Oct. 27, at the Bun-
cal artists which aired on the inducted into Jamaica’s Jazz Hall of galow Bar on Flamevine Lane starting
Fame and is an active member of at 6 p.m.
network’s live television pro- the Fort Pierce Jazz and Blues Soci-
grams, he himself would ac-
company visiting internation-
al artists on air – a great perk.
“It was great fun,” Mowatt
recalls. Taddy got to meet and
play with some of the best:
singers Carmen McCrae, Sam
Cooke, Johnny Mathis and
Sammy Davis Jr.; saxophon-
ists Gerry Mulligan, Zoot
Simms and Paul Desmond;
and the great jazz pianist and
Taddy Mowatt fellow Jamaican Monty Alex-
“I was blessed to be part of
this nucleus of musicians in
etched in his mind that to this day he Montego Bay,” Mowatt says.
plays a right-handed bass with his left The demands of his JBC job cou-
hand – backwards, in other words, pled with his six-night-a-week gig
and the way a teacher would coach a schedule soon took a toll on Mowatt,
student facing him. and he found himself seeking a slow-
Mowatt soon found himself playing er pace. His friendship with calypso
trumpet, vibraphone and bass in his and reggae star Alston Bair evolved
brother’s Montego Bay-based group. into a paid position for his group The
The Riff Mowatt Band had taken the Taddy Mowatt Trio aboard the cruise
resident position at the prestigious ship TSS Starward, which traveled
waterfront hotel The Casablanca. from Jamaica to Miami.
Perched above the turquoise waters Mowatt also became the musical
of Doctor’s Cove Beach, the hotel was arranger and director for Bair’s inter-
a popular destination for internation- national performances and was pro-
al dignitaries such as King George VI vided the opportunity to play venues
and John F. Kennedy, as well as celeb- in Chicago, California, Canada and
rities like Errol Flynn and Noel Cow- Puerto Rico. His trio was also get-
ard. At only 17, Mowatt was playing ting booked on bigger ships with ma-
standards and dance music to a jet- jor cruise lines like Holland America
setting crowd. and Norwegian Caribbean, bringing
That was in 1945. His long career Mowatt’s music to international ports
as a professional musician would of call.
bring him a lifetime of memories on In 1972, he was aboard the newly
the high seas, introduce him to his launched cruise company Carnival’s
wife and best friend, and land him very first ship, the TSS Mardi Gras,
in musical venues around the globe when Mowatt met his wife, Jaqui, a
with some of the world’s leading talented vocalist from Wales who was
musicians. also on board as a performer.
30 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: Flock to the Birding Festival and its art show
BY MICHELLE GENZ includes a plein-air paint-out and art in the world. up and never
Staff Writer sale, plus an exhibit of nature-themed On the
paintings and sculpture with a num- leave home,
ber of local artists contributing. birdwatching
side, there’s helping their
Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. art- a 6:45 p.m.
1 If you’ve been following 3 a.m. ists will fan out over the oak-studded Owl Prowl at parents raise
tweets, you won’t have any prob- grounds and set up their easels to the ELC with
paint the lush grounds. That’s fol- bird-call ge- other babies
lowed by a reception and lecture Fri- nius David
lem rising early for the birdsongs of day night on Blue Cypress Lake, one of Simpson and and guarding
the largest osprey breeding grounds his wife, Dee,
the Indian River Birding Festival this also a major their territory
birder. Sat-
weekend. Based at the beautiful la- urday morn- as a clan.
ing at 7 a.m.
goon-front Environmental Learning there’s a car- The notion
pool from the
Center off the Wabasso Causeway, ELC to the Se- of a birding
bastian Inlet
the festival’s accompanying art show for a look at the shorebirds there and festival here
along Jungle Trail. Or you can drive
yourself to the Wabasso County Park was born a
to tour the Wabasso Scrub Jay Con-
servation Area. These birds make a few years
terrific introduction to bird-watch-
ing; big, nervy and curious, these back and
brilliant blue birds will scope you out
before you even see them. They also struggled
have a fascinating story: They grow
to get off
the ground.
One linger-
ing problems
seems to be putting enough info out
there. A complicated schedule with
a lot of activity options seems only
available on the festival’s Facebook
page – and you have to have the eyes
of a hawk to read it. And the contact
link doesn’t work, nor does the link
to the Pelican Island Preservation
Society, the organizer of the event
along with the ELC. The number
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 31
This Tuesday at the Majestic 11 Theatre in Vero.
Don Giovanni, simulcast at Vero’s Majestic 11 Theatre, Saturday
there is 772- 589-5050, but the center opera begins at 12:55 p.m. and is re-
was closed for hurricane clean-up peated Tuesday at 7 p.m.
through Oct 18. Best of luck!
2 With lechery in the news these 3 Also at the Majestic at the same
days, the Metropolitan Opera hour Tuesday, you can watch
a repeat of the wonderful Benedict
gives us a timely selection in “Don Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller al-
Giovanni,” simulcast at Vero’s Ma- ternating roles as Victor Frankenstein
jestic 11 Theatre Saturday with the and his creation in the 2011 produc-
57-year-old Simon Keenlyside mak- tion of “Frankenstein,” directed by the Art, with Mark Green and the Row- mini-power point presentations, it’s
dy Roosters starting off the season. PechaKucha night Friday in Orlando
ing his first Met appearance in the Oscar-winning Danny Boyle. Green, a native New Yorker, has Friday. The events, started in To-
played trumpet on Broadway, at Lin- kyo and now in 900 cities, celebrate
role of the legendary letch. Cumberbatch, whom you hopeful- coln Center and in Carnegie Hall. concise, 20-image presentations on
When he moved to Florida in 1988, any imaginable topic that only last
Keenlyside was sidelined last year ly have seen in BBC’s “Sherlock,” and he formed his New Orleans-style 20 seconds. The Facebook page says
jazz band. He regularly plays at the topics for this event include cops and
by thyroid surgery; the year before Miller, who was directed by Boyle in Sunrise Theatre’s Black Box stage kids, violence against women, and
and is on the board of the Treasure the shooting at the Pulse nightclub.
he’d had to leave the stage in Vienna the movie “Trainspotting,” shared Coast Jazz Society. Orlando’s Dr. Phillips Center hosts
several PechaKuchas a year since
mid-performance with a vocal cord 2012’s Olivier Award for Best Actor for The museum gathering begins at 5 p.m. 2010. Shows last an hour, and are at 6
p.m. and 9 p.m. in the 160-seat Pugh
injury. this play. The show’s run was a sell- Theatre.
This is a revival of theatrical di- out at London’s National Theatre. The
rector Michael Grandage’s 2011 pro- blurb on the NTLive website warns it
duction. Set in 18th century Seville, is “deeply disturbing.”
Mozart’s masterpiece is conducted
by Fabio Luisi. The Met Live in HD 4 Thursday marks the resump-
tion of the Concert in the Park
transmissions are now in 2,000 the- 5 If you’re curious about a world-
wide craze of, of all things,
aters around the world. In Vero, the series at the Vero Beach Museum of
32 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
With deep roster, St. Ed’s cross country hits its stride
BY RON HOLUB runners that I can count on consistent- Allan Ross crosses the finish
Columnist ly,” Garzon said. “The other seven are line to earn a first place.
involved in other sports and use cross
When Greg Garzon became head country exclusively for cross-training.” PHOTOS BY MITCH KLOORFAIN
coach of the St. Ed’s cross country pro-
gram two years ago, he went on a re- Those are some hefty numbers. The Nathan Zamerski in front of
cruiting binge to build up interest in the casual observer might notice some of Thomas Bockhorst.
sport. With that accomplished, a shift is the 25 boys and 17 girls pounding the
now underway to raise the bar in post- sidewalk pavement along A1A after
season competition. school. Or you might even find a few
training before dawn on Tuesday and
“We have a roster of 49, but I have 42 Thursday morning.
chael Burke and Kyle Mar- shall.
Ross is likely to qualify for states
as an individual.
Avery Gerber, Teana Tee, Elizabeth
Zoltak, Kylie Oakes and Olivia Lazorik
are expected to do well for the girls at
the district meet.
Kylie Oakes and “This is my first year running cross
Avery Gerber.
country and everything panned out the
Garzon says the boys and girls teams
are at different levels of development. way I thought it would,” Gerber said. “It
“The girls team is very young, with the
majority in ninth or 10th grade. It start- was definitely tough at first, especially
ed out as a social thing and that was
good in terms of getting some of the coming back from the summer break.
girls to at least come out for the team.
From there it just kind of built on itself. “But when you are running with
“They are getting more experience your friends, everyone is encouraging
and their times are improving. They
are getting stronger and learning more you to keep going. That just makes you
about running and how to be effective
in meets. They are doing well and we want to push yourself harder so you
are looking for them to advance to at
least the regional level next year. can do your best. It was also a good way
“The guys team is a little more estab- to meet new people and get in shape for
lished. More than half of the runners
from last year are back. The established the soccer season.”
guys see the benefits of running, being
successful in meets and winning. They This is the fourth year on the cross
also know how much fun it can be. The
boys team has more depth and more country team for Teana Tee. She told us,
talent than it did at any time over the
past two years. “I’m an avid runner and I’m there ev-
“The boys team should be able to ad- ery day for practice. Running is a good
vance to the regionals. Looking at the
times from the other schools and where thing to have in your everyday life. It’s a
we have been placing in our recent
meets, there is a greater than 50 percent good way to stay in shape and it’s some-
chance that we will advance to the state
meet in Tallahassee. thing everyone can do.”
“We are keeping our fingers crossed. On training days Tee says the girls will
The team is strong and we are healthy,
so we are looking at states as a decent do about 4.5 miles. The boys striving for
probability. That would be the first time
in school history that we have been able a run at states will stretch that out.
to advance that far as a team.”
“A lot of times Allan (Ross) and I will
Seven boys are eligible to represent
St. Ed’s in the postseason 5K races. The run 5 miles during practice and some-
likely candidates to fill those slots are
Allan Ross, Will Sternberg, Zach Alerte, times a little bit more,” Sternberg said.
Thomas Bockhorst, Tomas Botero, Mi-
“That helps us build up for race day.
“This is my first year as part of the
varsity cross country team. I always en-
joyed running on my own but I wasn’t
very competitive about it. Before this I
ran a couple of 5K races for charity or lo-
cal events. Soccer is my main sport, but
I actually like running so I decided to
do cross country for my fall sport.”
Ross has his eyes on Tallahassee. He
said, “My best time was 17:35 last year. I
expect to make it to states this season.
We have a really good team. This is my
third year as a cross country runner. I
started doing it just for conditioning
(he also swims and plays soccer) and
it turned into quite a competitive thing
for me.
“I’ve had a lot of fun with it over the
last couple of years. I just hope for the
34 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
When Europe abruptly closed its he is the “man of the family.” But he inside the tent, even though it makes alded as a remarkable show of “soli-
land borders last spring to refugees looks like a lost little boy. Like so many cold nights feel even colder. darity,” the rest of the E.U. agreed to
fleeing war, it made a much-heralded other families here, their family of five share the burden.
promise: Wealthy nations across the has been waiting for word to go some- “We’re never getting out of here,” he
European Union would take in tens where, anywhere but here. Caught in a said. “Never.” The E.U. would relocate 40,000 refu-
of thousands of desperate Syrians and broken system, they are losing hope. gees, mostly Syrians, to member coun-
Iraqis who had made it as far as near- In June 2015, as asylum seekers tries stretching from Portugal to Fin-
bankrupt Greece only to find them- Kamal swatted at the mosquitoes were rushing into Europe in growing land. They would be given shelter, aid
selves trapped. swarming his legs, both of them ban- numbers, E.U. leaders met until the and a chance to rebuild their lives. As
daged and infected after he could not wee hours in Brussels. Two countries the number of asylum seekers surged,
But one by one, those nations have stop scratching at the bites. To keep were bearing the brunt of the crisis the E.U. later boosted its pledge –
reneged, turning primitive camps the bugs at bay, they run a cheap fan – the Mediterranean entry points of promising to relocate up to 160,000.
such as this one into dire symbols of Greece and Italy. In what leaders her-
Europe’s broken pledge. But 16 months after its initial de-
cision, the E.U. has lived up to only
Amid allegations of Greek misman- 3.3 percent of that pledge, relocating
agement, the Diavata Refugee Camp 5,290 refugees – 4,134 from Greece
on the grounds of an abandoned toi- and 1,156 from Italy.
let-paper factory still lacks basic heat,
even as nighttime temperatures dip At first – and to some extent, still –
into the low 50s. the problem in Greece has been an
overwhelmed asylum system that
Mosquitoes infest the white canvas takes months to register migrants.
tents of refugee families stranded here Although the number of refugees en-
for months. A 14-year-old Syrian girl tering the program has recently in-
was recently raped. There are reports creased, its future faces an even great-
of stabbings, thefts, suicide attempts er obstacle.
and drug dealing.
Citing concerns about cultural dif-
“I won’t go out alone anymore,” said ferences and militants masquerading
Rama Wahed, a 16-year-old Syrian girl as migrants, nations are breaking their
hugging herself in her family’s tent. promises to take in refugees. Those
countries that are offering spaces are
In the opposite corner, her 17-year- offering fewer than they originally
old brother, Kamal, stared blankly pledged. Others are offering none at
ahead. Since their father died in Syria,
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 35
all. Last week, Austria’s foreign minis- at the Interior Ministry, resigned last
ter became the latest senior European month, protesting what he called
official to suggest the bloc should sim- a mishandling of the camps by the
ply drop the pretense and scrap what country’s Migration Ministry. He de-
he called a “completely unrealistic” scribed the Diavata refugee camp as a
program. symbol of a larger problem.
In Greece, the Office of the U.N. Initially, he said, a German non-
High Commissioner for Refugees governmental organization had pro-
(UNHCR) is laboring to get as many posed a camp here in the outskirts of
refugees as possible into hotels and Greece’s second-largest city, Thessa-
apartments, but most are still facing loniki, using 2.5 million euros in E.U.
harsh conditions in unheated camps.
There, according to a new report by funds. But the Migration Ministry over-
Amnesty International, they face seeing the camps insisted that it spend
threats because of poor security and much more – 8.5 million euros, includ-
the approaching winter, and there are ing hundreds of thousands earmarked
serious lapses in support for vulner- for a local construction firm.
able refugees, including minors and
pregnant women. Some of the refu- Voudouris said he then asked the
gees, the report charged, are going UNHCR to estimate the costs, to
without adequate food. which it replied that a camp for 1,500
refugees – there are now about 1,600
The Greeks say they are taking steps here – should run about 1.5 million
to improve conditions for the 50,000 euros. But, he said, the Migration Min-
refugees the UNHCR says remain in istry still insisted on spending far more,
the country. But given the amount of dragging out the process to the point
E.U. money available to aid refugees where there is still no agreement on
in Greece – more than $1.11 billion – what to build or by when.
critics say the camps should not be as
bad as they are. CONTINUED ON PAGE 38
Odysseas Voudouris, formerly
Greece’s general secretary for migrants
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38 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
“In the meantime, the conditions Lamis Wahed, 48, refugee children may carry contagious have been out of school for four years.
are bad, and these people are sleep- center, sits with two diseases and live in such unhygienic “They need to be settled,” he said.
ing outside,” he said. “Winter is almost of her four children, conditions that they pose a health risk.
here.” “They are missing out on their futures.
Rama, 16, left, In this former plant where the Wa- They need a real home.”
The Migration Ministry declined to and Kamal, 17. heds are forced to live, the best edu-
comment. But Maria Stavropoulou, All five have been cation on offer is a few hours a day in During Arabic class, their teacher
head of the Greek asylum service, a dif- stranded in Greece an impromptu schoolhouse run by tried to engage the few children who
ferent unit not directly involved with for seven months. Save the Children. Some of the chil- turned up – about 10 kids out of about
the camps, insisted that her country dren here, according to Ahmed – their 150 in the camp ages 6 to 14. Some of
was improving its handling of the refu- teacher and a Syrian refugee himself – the refugee parents said they are afraid
gee crisis every day. She said that she to send their children to school alone.
remained optimistic that European na- Others said their children don’t want
tions will ultimately fulfill their pledges to go and they don’t have the strength
to take in refugees – but that her coun- to force them.
try was prepared if they did not.
The teacher asked the class for a say-
“If the pledges don’t come in, then ing in Arabic to practice their writing.
[the refugees] will have to stay here,” Abdelwahab was the first to speak up.
she said. “They have to live with that,
and so do we.” “Heaven,” he said, quoting the Koran,
“lies under the feet of our mothers.”
An hour after dawn on a recent week-
day, Abdelwahab, 14, the youngest son Earlier at the family tent, his moth-
in the Wahed family, walked to school er, Lamis – a widow struggling to care
with his 10-year-old sister, Joudy. for four children – was doing what she
does best: trying to cheer them up.
“We used to walk to school together
in Aleppo,” he said. “It’s different now. She is a young 48. Spirited and jo-
Everything is.” vial, she comforted them two years ago
when the war didn’t kill their father but
For starters, school isn’t real school. cancer did. When they crossed the Ae-
The Greeks this week were rolling out a gean Sea in March in a packed raft, her
pilot program, allowing up to 1,500 ref- children came ashore in Greece wet
ugee children into public schools. But and afraid. She cracked a joke about
some Greek parents – including those wet cats. All the kids, she said, laughed.
who send their children to a school not
far from this camp – have staged pro- But humor is not working now.
tests to stop them. They argue that the Rama, her 16-year-old daughter,
said she is terrified after the recent
rape of another girl. The culprit, anoth-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 39
er Syrian refugee, was brutally beaten “Don’t say that,” Lamis said with an ing,” Rama said. “I told you – we never “Have you seen the pictures of Alep-
by camp residents soon afterward. Al- encouraging smile. “They promised should have left home.” po?” Lamis said. “There is nothing left,
though there are a few Greek police of- to let us in. They will keep their word. my daughter. Go back to what?”
ficers stationed at the camp’s entrance, It’s taking a little more time than we “It’s done, and we can’t go back,” La-
residents say they rarely intervene. thought. I’m telling you, they will keep mis said, suddenly growing serious. Lamis was crying now, and her
their word.” daughter relented.
“We are stuck here,” Rama said. “Why not? We should,” said Rama,
“Nobody cares what happens to us.” “That’s not true. We’re never leav- provoking her mother. “There is noth- “I’m sorry,” Rama said softly. “I just
ing here for us. They do not want us.” want to leave.”
40 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Is Florida’s orange industry entering the sunset years?
BY JUSTIN FOX | BLOOMBERG kills the tree. There is no cure once a cent of Florida oranges are turned into been doubly terrible for Florida grow-
tree is infected, but huanglongbing is juice), and orange juice has fallen out ers. Normally when a disease hits a
It’s going to be another terrible or- caused by a bacteria spread by an in- of favor as American consumers have crop, higher prices make up for some
ange harvest this winter in Florida. sect called the Asian citrus psyllid, so come to perceive it less as a source of of the volume decline. Not this time –
growers have had some success in con- vitamin C than a source of sugar. and as a result Florida orange growers’
The U.S. Department of Agriculture trolling the disease's spread by killing revenues fell from $1.8 billion in 2012
forecast last week that growers in the off psyllids with pesticides. The USDA’s measure of “orange juice to $905 million last season.
state will collect just 70 million boxes availability per capita,” a proxy for
of the fruit in the coming months, While the disease is probably not a consumption, has fallen from a peak Meanwhile, demand for fresh or-
down from 81.6 million in the previous death sentence for the Florida citrus of 6.27 gallons in 1997-98 to 2.74 gal- anges hasn’t collapsed. Happily for
harvest -- and down from the all-time industry – China is still the world’s No. lons in 2015-2016. As a result, orange orange eaters, the nation’s main pro-
peak of 244 million boxes in 1998. 2 orange producer, after all – it may juice prices have held steady despite ducer of fresh oranges isn’t Florida
leave it permanently smaller. the production collapse in Florida and but California.
"Although not unexpected, [the] a similar huanglongbing-induced de-
initial citrus crop forecast is disheart- Then again, the Florida citrus in- cline in Brazil, the world’s top producer Huanglongbing was detected in a
ening and further proof of the trying dustry was probably headed for a big of oranges and of orange juice. Los Angeles suburb in 2012 and has
times facing Florida's citrus industry," decline in any case. That’s because its been spreading since in Southern
state Agriculture Commissioner Adam main product is orange juice (95 per- That’s great for consumers, but it’s California.
Putnam said in a prepared statement.
Orange County, covered with 60,000
The Florida Department of Citrus, acres of its namesake fruit in 1950, was
which is funded through a tax growers down to just 65 acres of commercial
pay on each box of citrus, expressed orange orchards in 2015.
some optimism in noting the forecast
is higher than some people had antici- But the citrus greening disease has
pated. yet to hit the state’s commercial citrus
groves, most of which are located in
"Growers are striving to do every- the San Joaquin Valley in the central
thing we can to keep Florida citrus part of the state.
the best it can be," said Ellis Hunt,
chairman of the Florida Citrus Com- There’s a chance – because Califor-
mission. "This forecast is higher than nia’s growers have had more time to
initial estimates and I'm looking for- prepare, and new methods of fighting
ward to the day we can see this num- the disease are being developed – that
ber start rising again." the state’s citrus industry won’t get
hammered like Florida’s has.
The main cause of Florida’s big
orange-production decline is huan- If so, California may have a shot at
glongbing, or citrus greening disease. reclaiming its status as the top orange-
As you might guess, huanglongbing producing state, which it ceded in
has its roots in China, where it was first 1949 after the development of palat-
reported in 1919 (the name means “yel- able frozen orange-juice concentrate
low dragon disease.”) It was detected in transformed the juice from special
Florida in 2005, and has been decimat- treat to breakfast staple, and Florida
ing citrus groves ever since. growers took charge of the nascent in-
It shows up first as a yellowish dis-
coloration of the leaves, then turns the The age of orange juice may be end-
fruit lopsided and bitter and finally ing in the U.S. Let’s just hope the age of
oranges isn’t.
NUTRITION, PART IV eat two cups – you need to double the calo- trients are recommended per day for people
ries and other nutrient numbers, including who are on a 2,000 calorie diet in the foot-
PRACTICAL STEPS TO ACTUALLY the “Percent of Daily Values” (%DVs) found note area. Adjust accordingly if your recom-
USE NUTRITION LABELS as a footnote at the bottom of the label. mended calorie intake is higher or lower.
2. Check the calories and calories from fat
Everyone knows about food labels. But how next. Calories provide a measure of how much Make sure you get enough dietary fiber,
many people really use them? energy you get from a serving of food: vitamins A and C (A and C will not be included
In May 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Admin- 40 calories is low on food labels in the future), calcium and iron.
istration (FDA) officially revised nutrition label 100 calories is moderate Again, look at the footnote to see the ideal A,
requirements. But even today, before the new 400 or more calories is high C, calcium and iron levels a person on a 2,000
food labels are instituted, we can use the cur- The label on a macaroni and cheese box says calorie diet should strive for. Adjust according
rent nutrition labels in a logical way to help one serving (one cup) is 250 calories and 110 to your recommended daily calorie intake.
compare one product to another to assess of those calories come from fat. (To find out
which is healthier. They also help us limit nu- the recommended daily calories from fat for 4. Finally, study the footnote on the bottom
trients we want to cut back on and increase a person who consumes 2,000 calories a day, of the nutrition facts label. Percent Daily Val-
nutrients we need to consume in greater look at the footnote; then adjust how many ues (%DVs) are based on a 2,000 diet. Your
amounts. calories from fat you need according to your %DVs may be higher or lower depending on
PULL OUT A CAN OF FOOD FROM YOUR PAN- recommended calorie intake [it could be your personal calorie needs.
1. Start at the top of the label. Check out the 3. Look at the nutrients section. To find out your specific calorie needs, ask
serving size and servings per container. Ask Limit total fats (including saturated fats your primary care physician. Other great re-
yourself, “How many servings am I consum- and trans fats), cholesterol and sodium. sources to find a registered dietitian are your
ing?” If, for example, one serving of maca- Again, you can find how much of these nu- local hospital or the Academy of Nutrition
roni and cheese equals one cup, if you really and Dietetics’ website (
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are
always welcome. Email us at [email protected].
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
42 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
In the first pages of Ben Macintyre’s one of those people who thrive in parachute into the Libyan desert, in- tence, earning himself the nickname
riveting new history, you learn that the war, having failed at peace,” is how filtrate five airfields on foot, and blow ‘Captain What What.’”
idea for a revolutionary fighting force Macintyre succinctly puts it, and up as many German and Italian planes
– a commando unit that became the the story takes off from there. as the team could find. This is a book about war, and some
prototype for special forces around chapters make for uneasy reading. As
the world – was conceived not in the Hooked yet? You will be. It was, Macintyre writes, “an un- the desert war in North Africa wound
heat of battle but from the acute bore- “Rogue Heroes” opens with Stir- mitigated disaster.” Driving rain, gust- down, SAS forces moved north into
dom of a sickbed. ling at age 25 – skinny, grumpy and ing wind and whirling sand meant Europe and eventually into Germany
temporarily paralyzed from the the men were jumping blind. Stirling itself. On April 15, 1945, they became
Specifically, the sickbed of one waist down – moping in a hospital hit the desert floor with such force he the first Allied soldiers to stumble
David Stirling. A less likely war hero ward after a parachute jump gone blacked out. Fifty-five men parachut- on the Bergen-Belsen concentration
would be difficult to imagine. In col- badly wrong. Lying there, trying to ed into the gale that night; just 21 re- camp. “The smell hit them first,” Ma-
lege, Stirling misbehaved on a lavish wiggle his toes, Stirling cooks up a turned. The rest were dead or injured, cintyre writes. “The reek of pure evil,
scale. “If he ever opened a book,” Ma- scheme to insert small groups of missing or captured. it grew steadily stronger as they ad-
cintyre writes, “the event was not re- highly trained soldiers behind ene- vanced.” You know what they will find,
corded.” Nor did Stirling show prom- my lines, to carry out special opera- Somehow Stirling turned this de- but the details included here cause
ise as a young officer: “He lacked the tions against high-value targets. Put bacle into a learning experience. By you to catch your breath anew at the
most basic military discipline, could simply, Stirling was pondering ways December, the SAS had regrouped at a horror that transpired there.
not march straight, and was so lazy that “a team of just five men could new forward base and was busy plot-
his comrades had nicknamed him ‘the wreck an entire airfield in a matter ting assaults on the airfields of the Gulf World War II ended in the European
Giant Sloth.’” of minutes.” of Sirte. How fared morale? Most of the theater on May 8, 1945. The SAS was
It’s worth remembering just how men were “silently petrified.” But Ma- officially disbanded that October. But
But this sloth was also wily, charm- radical a concept that was, 75 years cintyre notes that even in these early it soon sprang back to life, as the ad-
ing and exceptionally clever, accord- ago. Today, we’re so conditioned to days of the SAS, a “peculiar camarade- vantages of deploying a small, elite
ing to “Rogue Heroes.” “Stirling was the concept of asymmetric warfare rie had already taken root, a strange team on missions beyond the capa-
as to find Stirling’s project unremark- esprit compounded in equal parts of bility of conventional forces slowly
able. But the generals to whom he re- ruthlessness, guile, competitiveness, dawned on commanders. “The SAS
ported understood war as two armies and collective determination.” changed the face of warfare,” Ma-
facing each other across a defined cintyre concludes. You can track its
battlefield. An experiment that called Macintyre bases his account on un- legacy today in special forces around
for sneaking soldiers into the adver- precedented access to SAS regimental the world, including America’s Delta
sary’s camp, sabotaging equipment, archives. Gathered by an SAS officer Force and Navy SEALs.
then sneaking off again into the night? after World War II in 1946, they’ve
Scandalous. No, worse – it seemed un- been held in secrecy for 70 years. And This is the spot in the book review
sporting. what details Macintyre has gleaned where I’m supposed to find some
“If [Stirling’s] idea was to have a from these dusty diaries and photo- point to quibble with, some omission,
chance, he would need to get the pro- graphs! Even minor characters bristle some historical inaccuracy, some
posal directly into the hands of the with life. We meet a resourceful Egyp- flaw. Sorry to disappoint. The fact is
most senior officers, before anyone tian butler who “possessed an uncan- Macintyre has produced yet another
lower in the hierarchy had a chance ny talent for simultaneously mixing wonderful book. As Captain What
to kill it,” Macintyre tells us. Valuable pink gins, obtaining ammunition and What might have put it, this is a rip-
advice for anyone navigating a bu- vehicle spare parts, and answering the ping good read.
reaucracy, military or otherwise, and it telephone.” Two hundred pages later,
worked for Stirling: On Nov. 16, 1941, we’re treated to an SAS officer invested ROGUE HEROES:THE HISTORY OF THE SAS,
the fledgling Special Air Service car- with “an enormous moustache, a bluff BRITAIN’S SECRET SPECIAL FORCES UNIT THAT
ried out its first mission. Code-named sense of humour, an upper-class ac-
Operation Squatter, the plan was to cent so fruity that the men barely un- SABOTAGED THE NAZIS AND CHANGED THE
derstood his commands, and a habit NATURE OF WAR
of saying ‘what, what’ after every sen-
Crown. 380 pp. $28.
Review by Mary Louise Kelly, Washington Post
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 43
Let’s stand as one and face life’s difficulties – together
BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT standable? Can’t we all appreciate the difficult choice to face it, move together volvement and commitment may be
Columnists sentiment behind the general’s words to toward it, and act to help somehow in required of us even in tough times – per-
the troops? Frankly, as violent incidents overcoming it. haps especially in tough times.
The story goes that a venerable old occur with ever greater frequency and
general who was serving in the Union severity in our country and around the Intriguingly, the American lawyer and So what can faithful people do to
forces during the Civil War had worked world, it almost seems that there is a war Civil War veteran Robert Green Inger- stem the violent tide? We won’t eas-
hard to prepare his troops for combat. raging near us now. The battle is getting soll once claimed that each of us must ily come to a universally accepted solu-
But, aware that they were hopelessly closer, and like the old general, many of walk steadfastly through life’s difficul- tion. But if we take our stand together,
outnumbered in a coming battle, he us are feeling a little lame. ties, whatever they may be, with deter- we will certainly be well-positioned to
lined his soldiers up and said this: “Gen- mination and courage, trusting that, as discover God-given possibilities in our
tlemen, I want you to fight vigorously for In the decades in which we have been he phrased it, “the road to holiness nec- midst for acting courageously to change
a bit and then run and save yourselves. in ministry, since the mass shooting essarily passes through the world of ac- our world and bring to it more compas-
As for me, because I am a bit lame, I am at Columbine High School, there have tion.” In other words, Ingersoll seems to sion, more understanding, more har-
going to begin running now.” been so many more: Virginia Tech; a say, a faithful stance is not a disengaged mony and holiness.
Sikh temple in Wisconsin; a theatre in one. If we are seekers of the sacred, in-
All right, running from a challenging Aurora, Colo.; Sandy Hook Elementary; Let’s not pull up lame now.
conflict isn’t noble, but isn’t it under- San Bernardino, Charleston, Orlando,
Dallas, just to name a few. And this is
not to mention 9/11, or the bombings in
Madrid, London, Paris and Brussels, or
the rampaging truck in Nice.
So maybe no one could really blame
us for saying, “Ladies and gentlemen,
run and save yourselves.” After all, who
doesn’t feel a little lame, a little unpre-
pared for the battles and skirmishes that
surround us on every side? We could
choose to turn away, distancing our-
selves as best we can from the escalating
violence. Or we could instead make the
John Loveland Kelsey
John Loveland Kelsey died at his home in John’s Island,
Vero Beach, Florida on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 after a
brief illness. He was 91.
Jack was born on May 20, 1925 to Frieda and James
Edward Kelsey in Long Branch, New Jersey, and grew up
in Allenhurst. Jack was a graduate of Asbury Park High
School, Indiana University, and the Wharton School of
Business at the University of Pennsylvania. He completed several hours towards a
Doctorate in Business Administration at New York University. Jack enjoyed a long
and rewarding career in investment banking, first as an associate at Union Securities
in 1950, and beginning in 1960, as a partner in charge of corporate finance at Eastman
Dillon, Blyth Eastman Dillon, and finally as a managing director at Paine Webber.
Jack served as a lieutenant and navigator in the U.S. Army Air Corps from 1943 until
1946. He was stationed in the Philippines, Okinawa, and Japan at the end of World
War II. His experience in the service was the most formative of his life.
Jack had a lifetime love of golf and, in addition to John’s Island, he was a member of
the Deal Golf and Country Club, the Pine Valley Golf Club, the Rumson Country
Club, and Eastward Ho, Chatham, Massachusetts. He was also a longtime member
of the University Club in New York. For many years he resided on his beloved Jersey
Shore in Rumson, New Jersey, and belonged to the Sea Bright Beach Club.
Jack is survived by his wife, Anne Hoagland Plumb Kelsey, his daughter Grayson
Hardman (James) of Louisville, Colorado, his son Jonathan (Patricia) of Narberth,
Pennsylvania, his step son Robert Plumb (Laura), of Wellesley Massachusetts, three
grandchildren and six step-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his first wife,
Shelby Leathers Kelsey, his brother, Dr. James Edward Kelsey, and by a stepdaughter,
Anne Plumb Root (Todd), of Avon Connecticut.
Jack was a man of probity, courage and conviction, and believed in the “glass half
full” throughout his entire life. He had an infectious joie de vivre and loved, in no
particular order, skiing, old movies, Broadway musicals, Cole Porter, Frank Sinatra
and Ella Fitzgerald, travel, the Yankees, Thanksgiving turkey, his many friends, and
his family. He was deeply loved and will be deeply missed.
A memorial service for Jack is planned for Saturday, November 5 at 11:00 a.m. at
St. George’s By the River in Rumson. A reception follows at the River House at the
Rumson Country Club.
Condolences may be shared online at
44 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonz enlightened by Frank the Guide Dog
Hi Dog Buddies! sive, or a ’fraidy cat. Through the whole time at school, we walked EVERY- Frank, the Guide Dog.
program, the trainers learn our strengths where, with the other dogs and
I had the most amazing interviewee and weaknesses and always look for rea- humans. We practiced commands, Center for the Visually Impaired make
this week: a pooch who’s dedicated his sons to fail us.” in the city, the country, escala- it possible for a qualified human to get
entire life to service, in the most highly tors, elevators, stores. The trainers a trained pooch at no cost to them, be-
trained level of Service Dogs. Frank “Woof! That’s harsh!” I commented. never called us by our names. Only lieve it or not,” The-Pooch-Known-As-
Cleveland is a Standard Poodle and a “That’s the point! Sixty to 80 percent of our Official Human can use that. Frank said.
fully trained Guide Dog for the Blind. pups who start the program don’t make So they'd say sternly, ‘Jennifer, sit
He lives with his Mom and step-sister (a it. I mean, think about it. We’re protect- your Poodle!’ ’Jennifer, down your “Totally PAWsome” I exclaimed.
senior-citizen Dachshund). ing the life of someone who’s blind, out Poodle!’ Akshully, Bonzo, Frank’s Heading home, I felt humbled and
in the dangerous world. While we’re not my real name. My real name’s honored to meet a pooch like him. I
When my Assistant knocked, there learning, we wear vests that say Guide a Secret between me and Mom.” think it was Rin-Tin-Tin who once said:
was lotsa barking, then Frank trotted Dog in Training. The trainers don’t let “Ask NOT what your humans can do for
out to the front porch, followed by his humans or dogs get too close. They want “Shut the Doghouse Door!” you. Ask what YOU can do for your hu-
Mom. He shushed soon as she told him us to feel safe so we’ll be able to concen- The-Pooch-Known-As-Frank mans!”
we were OK. Following the Wag-and- trate on keeping our human safe. The continued, “Then came the Big
Sniff, he said, “Please come in. This is my Rules are Very Strict. We aren’t allowed to Test. After tons of preparation, Till next time,
Mom, Jennifer, and my step-sister, Scar- play with balls or play tug-of-war or have me and Mom had to leave the
let. Let’s go sit down.” squeaky toys. Even though we’re trained School, catch a bus, go down- The Bonz
to obey our Human, we also learn some- town, buy something at CVS,
“So happy to meet you,” I said in my thing called Intelligent Disobedience; get on the bus and come back Don’t Be Shy
Serious Journalist Voice, because Guide like if she tells me to go somewhere and I to the school. Mom had to learn
Dogs are All Business when they're see it’s dangerous, like an obstruction on to trust me completely. And WE We are always looking for pets
working. “I know you're in an elite group. the sidewalk, I stop her.” DID IT! TOGETHER! We graduated and with interesting stories.
I'm eager to learn all about it.” I was getting more impressed by the I became officially Mom’s Dog! When we
minute. “How’d you get your Mom?” flew home, I sat at Mom’s feet. My life as To set up an interview, email
“Yes we are,” Frank said, “but it’s OK “She had to Apply. She flew to Pilot a Guide Dog had begun!” [email protected].
to relax, cuz, here at home, I can be Dog. She hadda bring letters from her “What’s life like now?”
pretty much a plain ol’ dog. ’Course, I doctors, plus five recommendations, “I’m happiest when I put on my spe-
help Mom if I need to, but mostly it’s saying she was a Good Person Who De- cial harness and go to work. But some-
Out In The World where things get Se- served a $30,000 Guide Dog. During the times humans don’t understand they
rious. It’s sorta like Secret Service hu- next 28 days, they learned about Mom. can’t pat me or let their dogs too close.
mans: I'm on the lookout every single (She’s very active, teaches yoga, travels Sometimes, they’re even mean. One
second, so I’ve gotta be focused and let a lot.) Before we even met, Mom went time Mom hadda call the police cuz a
nothing distract me.” through really tough training. Not every restaurant guy didn’t believe Mom was
blind human can qualify. blind. He said, ‘She doesn't look blind.’
“When did you decide to be a Guide “After Mom finished training, we fi- What does that even MEAN? I was mad
Dog?” I inquired. nally met. I was brought to her room, but I kept my cool.
then it was just me and Mom. We were “But we also have fun adventures,
“Akshully, Bonzo, I didn’t ‘decide.’ I nervous, but I instinctively liked her, so ’specially traveling. My favorite country’s
was bred for the program. I was born on I took a breath and came right up to her. Germany. The people really respect my
Christmas Day, which I personally think She gave me lots of pats, and I realized space and my work. Prague’s great, too!
was A Sign of what my destiny would be.” she was the human I was gonna protect We visited New York City on my birthday
for the Rest of My Life. Mom cried. It was and I got to see that Really Big Tree. Good
“Dog!” I said. real emotional.” thing I’m well-trained, if you know what
“I KNOW! Right? My school, Pilot Dog, Talk about emotional! I wiped my eyes I mean.”
is in Columbus, Ohio. I went straight with my paw. Didn't even try to hide it. I nodded.
from my breeder to my first trainer (aka Frank continued. “For the rest of our “Organizations of humans like the
Puppy Walker) when I was only 8 weeks
old.We went EVERYwhere together: I got
socialized with humans, learned obedi-
ence. She tested me to see if I was aggres-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 45
3 K 10 5 2 764
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist AKQ 9863 J 10 5 2
J8742 K9 Q 10
Warren Buffett said, “If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people 9764 853 K Q J 10
would be librarians.”
Every promising bridge player learns from books. But this week, we are primarily going AQJ98
to look at getting to game. In today’s deal, South opens one spade, and North raises 74
to two spades. What should South do now? A653
South has a hand that is not strong enough to jump to game, but has sufficient power
to think about game. To recognize a hand that falls into this bracket, count its losers. Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Neither
This one has one spade, two hearts, two diamonds (you worry only about the first
three cards) and one club: a total of six. This is the number for a game-try after partner The Bidding:
raises your major-suit opening to two.
South should rebid three diamonds, which is called a help-suit game-try. It implies 1 Spades Pass 2 Spades Pass
losers in diamonds and asks partner to look primarily at his spades and diamonds. ?? LEAD:
Here, North has great holdings in those suits, so, despite only six high-card points, he A Hearts
should jump to four spades.
West begins the defense with three rounds of hearts. After ruffing, how should South
Declarer has five losers: two hearts, two diamonds and one club. He has only eight
winners: five spades, two diamonds and one club. But he can ruff two diamonds on
the board.
South cashes the spade ace and queen, plays a diamond to dummy’s king, returns the
diamond nine to his ace, ruffs a diamond with the spade 10, plays a club to his ace,
trumps the last diamond with the spade king, and claims two of the last three tricks
with his high trumps.
46 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
7 Scottish river (3) 1 Veracity (5)
3 Swindle (3) 2 More youthful (7)
5 Filled with ennui (5) 3 Ring (4)
8 Normal (5) 4 Men of high rank (6)
9 Stability (7) 5 Blue lint (anag.) (8)
10 Massive (4) 6 Span (5)
11 Match officials (8) 7 Clothed (7)
13 Objective (6) 12 Strange (8)
14 Desired (6) 13 Vehicles (7)
17 Reports (8) 15 Most elevated (7)
19 A long time (4) 16 Phases (6)
22 Agriculture (7) 18 Freight (5)
23 Subject matter (5) 20 Manoeuvre (5)
24 Group of singers (5) 21 Remain (4)
25 Bashful (3)
The Telegraph 26 Rocky height (3)
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 47
ACROSS 74 Bradley and 7 Sci-fi expo 67 ___ Domini The Washington Post
others 8 Draught drink 69 Student housing
1 Valhalla fella 9 Evidence from a 70 Hogan’s birds THE ADD GAME By Merl Reagle
5 Unexciting drink 75 German rug 71 Bali, for one
10 Dr. Dith of industrial city 10 Page of music 72 It is written
11 Label anew 77 Obliterate, as in
The Killing Fields 76 Ideal location 12 Tattoos, e.g.
14 Actress Whelchel 77 Gunkus battle
78 Duck or shade of 13 Pitching coup 79 Wrap up
et al. 14 Longtime PLO 80 Hollywood
19 Short dog? blue supporter
20 Notorious 80 Monkey suit 15 Longtime PLO pariahs, once
82 Heat of passion? opponent: abbr. 81 Al Sr., Al Jr., and
bacteria 16 Tolerate
21 A flying prefix 89 Hula galas 17 Inventor’s middle Bobby
22 Basket fiber 90 Track numbers? name 82 Pampering, briefly
91 On Golden Pond
23 First fratricide 18 Move slowly, as 83 Shade
24 Great warrior birds sap 84 Subgroup of
92 Seceders’ assn.
known for 95 Introduction to 25 Egypt, once: abbr. Europe before the
his small 26 The bouncing wall came down
posterior? pool? bawl 85 Eats
27 Soviet 96 Commotion 86 Away from the
administrative 98 Eye drop 28 Say positively wind
division 99 OK Corral 32 London network 87 Laugh loudly
29 “... I could ___ 33 Canola, corn, etc. 88 In the arms of
horse!” participants 34 Insulting ___ (asleep)
30 Causing shivers 101 Maître d’s 92 ___ spilt milk
31 Two p.m. timeout 35 It may have kinks 93 Frasier, for one
32 Pay the price reservation in it 94 “Just ___ thought”
for not reading notation for Vito 96 Author James
the barbecue and wife? 36 ___ a long shot 97 Activities
manual? 107 Neighbor of 41 Eggs 98 Flog
37 Opposite of 91 Greece: abbr. 42 Form of 100 Fifth-century
Across 109 Wear for 89 invader
38 Sty list? Across meditation 102 Bugs chaser
39 It’s bruin in Baja 110 His word means 45 Anguish 103 Olympic symbol
40 The Wizard nothing 46 Blondie and 104 Suffered
trailers? 111 The Grifters co- 105 Front of a
43 Dance step? star Dagwood mausoleum?
44 Monroe’s Itch 112 Male nudist’s 47 Caterer’s 106 Champion rider
co-star formal wear? 107 Love from ___
46 Osculate 117 Actor-composer container 108 Tackle box item
49 Burner site Novello 48 Sand bars 113 Fighting Tigers’
50 Priest’s favorite 119 Came up 49 Woman’s robe of sch.
breakfast? 120 Willing to try 114 Do an annoying
54 Music for 121 Sister, to Simone ancient Greece finger thing
Chameleons 122 Hit the road 50 Coast Guard 115 Lovey-dovey
author 123 Happen again sound
57 Alphabet quartet 124 Went fast Acad. state 116 Plop preceder
58 Gull perch 125 Equine 51 Actress Lena 118 ACLU concern:
59 Stranded ___ 126 Pound chorus 52 “Were you born in abbr.
60 Orient Express DOWN ___?”
starting point 1 ___-Locka, Fla. 53 Bankruptcy,
63 Make use (of) 2 Burt’s surf-
65 Elvis’s longtime perhaps
label embrace partner, 54 Protection from
68 America under in a movie
Bush, according 3 Japanese art of the cold
to Mort Sahl flower 55 Symbol popular in
73 Letters from arrangement
Lucas 4 “Whoa” girl the 1960s
5 Like Ernest P. 56 60 Across’s Rue
6 Subspecies of de la ___
adapters 60 Madrid museum
61 Cabinet dept.
62 Took five
64 Neckline shape
65 Leave the driving
to them
66 Like most 69
The Telegraph
48 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Emotional scars from mom’s reaction still won’t heal
BY CAROLYN HAX setting Mother, losing her love, being bad-mouthed
Washington Post to the rest of the family, bringing on a gasping, winc-
ing, eye-shielding string of histrionics that call up old
Dear Carolyn, feelings of shame.
My mom spent a decade tell- The difference between the former and the latter
is simple: choosing from a position of strength vs.
ing me that if various family weakness.
members found out I’m gay, it Building that strength, of course, isn’t simple, al-
though I think a skilled therapist could make the
would make them depressed/ climb feel a little less steep.
have heart attacks/die. Finally, I also suspect the fundamental shift you need to
make in your thinking is from seeing your mother’s
I said enough, I’m telling my choices as a reflection on you to seeing them as a
reflection on her.
dad. Classic mom reaction: She
What you see, for example, as her putting “every-
gasped, put her hands over her eyes, winced, and then one else’s well-being ahead of my own” could well
have been her own fear taking control: She saw her
insisted she wasn’t trying to tell me what to do. child as an extension of herself (her first mistake) and
tried to micromanage your choices (second mistake)
One result of so many years of this, for me, is that to ensure they projected the public image she wanted
to project (third mistake). This says nothing of who
I’m scared of expressing my feelings and desires, of you are, what you need(ed) and what you could offer.
any kind, to anyone, for fear something awful will Which I’m sure infuriates you, rightly. If true, though,
it also means your mother’s fussing wasn’t personal;
happen. I’m guessing she meddled before even you knew you
were gay, micromanaging whatever fell outside her
Another is that, on some base and childish level, it “supposed to” walls. Because she was so fearful.
hurts that my mom puts everyone else’s well-being You’ve challenged this hard legacy once already;
your courage is there. Please consider getting help
ahead of my own. to guide you the rest of the way – and sharing your
feelings with people kind enough to prove that aw-
But now that I’m finally, totally out (no heart at- Dear 'Grown-Up or Sad Child': ful things won’t come to pass.
Dutiful conversation with your problematic
tacks ensued), my mom seems to think everything is mother is something a grown-up does, yes, but so
does a sad child.
peachy. It’s not! Even as I write this, I’m shaking, with Grown-ups pick up the phone (when they’re not
indisposed) because they’ve decided doing so is an
anger and sadness both. important part of their own good health. Their var-
ied reasons generally involve some level of forgive-
As I learn to better honor my own feelings, how do ness, though sometimes it is just a basic sense of
obligation – or an inoculation against future regrets.
I move forward with my mom? Sometimes I’m so an- Sad children pick up the phone because they’re
still afraid of the consequences of not calling – up-
gry about her wild lack of support, I want to scream.
Instead, I pick up the phone when she calls and have
cheerful conversations. Is this just what being an
adult is? Or am I still skipping over my feelings to ap-
pease my mom?
– Grown-Up or Sad Child?
50 Vero Beach 32963 / October 20, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Chemo savvy: New drugs more palatable for patients
Staff Writer
There are over 100 different types
of cancer that can attack the human
body and the National Cancer Insti-
tute estimates 1,685,210 new cases of
cancer will be diagnosed in the United
States this year. Nearly 600,000 Ameri-
cans die from some type of cancer an-
That’s the bad news.
The good news is the National Insti-
tutes of Health’s most recent “Annual
Report to the Nation on the Status of
Cancer,” published in March of this
year, shows cancer death rates are
declining, and Scully-Welsh Cancer
Center medical oncologist Dr. Stephen
Patterson,points to new medications
– including a variety of chemotherapy-
related drugs – as one of the top rea-
sons for the decline.
“All these new drugs are coming
out,” says Patterson enthusiastically,
“we get them almost every month it
He is not exaggerating.