Distraction action. P2 Devoted dancers. P10 Classic
SatBeach backs bill cracking ‘Nutcracker’-themed fundraiser Nini’s
down on texting while driving. benefits Brevard Ballet Academy.
fare and
win fans
at cheery
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2017 | VOLUME 02, ISSUE 45 www.melbournebeachsider.com | NEWSSTAND PRICE $1.00
Little intrigue ‘CUKI’ CASE JUST GOT KOOKIER Satellite Beach
in Indialantic as branches out on
incumbents win med pot centers
[email protected] spotlight last Thursday. In [email protected]
The biggest controversy what appears to be either a named The Cuki.
from Tuesday’s election in the The 45-foot sailboat that pure coincidence or a factor “It weighed in the neigh- Bucking what seems like
Town of Indialantic centered broke free from its Key West of the tides, a bundle of co- nearly every city and coun-
on a roughly 4-foot-by-6-foot mooring during Hurricane caine turned up on the same borhood of 50 pounds,” said ty in the state, the Satellite
piece of blue cloth affixed to a Irma and ended up near beach as the derelict boat Tod Goodyear, a spokesman Beach City Council is working
folding table. To the point, the Spessard Holland Beach for Brevard County sheriff’s toward allowing medical mar-
angst arose from what was office, about the cocaine. “I ijuana treatment centers in
written on the fabric: “Demo- the city in areas where phar-
cratic Party.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 macies are now allowed.
Some 50 feet away, Repub- The measure, an ordinance
licans fumed at the apparent amending the Land Develop-
breach of local election prac- ment Regulations allowing
tices, which are intended to for the centers, was approved
be void of partisan politics. on first reading Nov. 1 and is
The Democrats were unapol- expected to come up on sec-
ogetic. “We’re just exercising ond reading Nov. 15. On Oct.
our First Amendment rights,” 16, the city Planning Advisory
said one poll worker. Asked Board recommended council
if they’d been busy so far, action adding medical mari-
another said, “We had a few juana treatment centers to a
people stop by to yell at us.” permitted use within com-
mercial zones.
While the rancor was pre-
dictable, so was the outcome. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
Incumbents won back both
The higher profile race fea-
tured Dick Dunn running for
Honor above all at Veterans Day event
[email protected] Beach. ENDS IN RELIEF. P. 6
Laura Bierbaum pins flower on Jean Askew, wife of a veteran. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER The profound bond of military The small but respectful “second-
service at Veterans Day was shared ary event” was part of a very busy
Nov. 10 by members of the Patrick week for the honor guard, which fills
Air Force Honor Guard with elderly its ranks utilizing a Total Force Con-
veterans at a flag-folding ceremony cept, meaning Air Force team mem-
at the Zon Beachside Assisted Liv-
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Stealing the show
NEWS 1-8 DINING 31 PEOPLE 9-11 Young actors capture hearts
ARTS 13-16 GAMES 23-25 PETS 22 in old-timey ‘Music Man’ at
BOOKS 21 HEALTH 27-30 REAL ESTATE 33-40 Titusville Playhouse. PAGE 14
2 Thursday, November 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
SatBeach backs bill cracking down on texting while driving ELECTIONS
[email protected] Traffic Safety Administration show
about 10 people are killed and 390,000 If you are looking for a distracted a third term, this time challenged by
As texting and driving becomes people are injured every day in the driver, you may not need to look any Lawrence Maxwell, a resident of In-
more of a problem, law enforcement U.S. by distracted drivers. further than your rear-view mirror, he dialantic for more than 30 years and
officials are frustrated that the danger- said. owner of an architectural firm.
ous practice cannot be their primary The statistics are unmistakable, but
reason to pull a motorist over and is- more compelling for some Brevard “I had driven distracted often before Maxwell’s key issue is to revamp the
sue a ticket. County residents are memories of two Casey was killed. I was so angry at the town’s stormwater system, which is
lives lost to distracted driving. man who killed her and thought ‘how aging and in need of repair. After rais-
The Satellite Beach City Council could he do this?’ but I remembered ing the issue multiple times at town
passed a resolution Nov. 1 supporting In 2013, Garrett Viccaro, 24, and his that I had texted and emailed. It was council meetings, Maxwell claimed
a bill in the 2018 Florida Legislature friend, Justin Mitchell, 25 were fish- a turning point for me because I re- Dunn has now adopted the stormwa-
making texting while driving a pri- ing off the north side of the Eau Gal- alized I could have killed somebody ter drain project as his own.
mary offense, meaning texting drivers lie Causeway relief bridge when they else’s child,’’ Feldman said in a phone
could be pulled over. were struck and killed by a sport-utili- interview. Maxwell is ready should Dunn fail
ty vehicle driven by a driver looking at to make good on the storm drain
“I don’t think there is any doubt at all a text message. Wanting Casey to be remembered, pledge. “He’s on the record twice now
about it. You can’t go more than a few he set up the foundation and started as saying he’s for replacing the storm
hundred yards without seeing people Viccaro’s mother, Trisha Viccaro, giving presentations about distracted drains,” Maxwell said. “I just want to
looking down at their phones texting. later came out in support of a pledge driving. He has given presentations see it done.”
I see it every morning, every evening drive through AT&T called “It Can to about 125,000 students and nearly
and all times in between,’’ said Satel- Wait.” Her family was No. 25 of 100 vic- 20,000 adults. In addition to the stormwater drain
lite Beach Police Cmdr. Brad Hodge. tims chosen to have their stories told project, Indialantic’s new council was
through the effort. A small memorial ENDDD.com now has about 225 scheduled to act Wednesday on a re-
“Changing this to a primary offense remains on the causeway near the site regular speakers and will soon hit the newal of its water franchise with the
hopefully will deter those people who of the accident. milestone of 400,000 students who City of Melbourne. The document
know they shouldn’t and just need have heard the presentation, he said. reboots a 30-year pact that’s about to
that push to put their phones down, Joel Feldman of Springfield, Pa., “It’s a lot but it’s not a lot,” he said. expire. Melbourne currently provides
and then of course it gives law en- when also reeling from the loss of a Indialantic with drinking water and
forcement that extra authority to take loved one to texting, founded ENDDD. The main thing is to serve as a per- water for its fire hydrants.
action,’’ he said. ORG (End Distracted Driving) in 2009 sonal example, in all cases behind the
after the death of his daughter, Casey wheel, he said. “Our children are see- Dunn, sporting a borrowed vintage
Hodge said the issue reminds him Feldman. ing us drive distracted, so why would 1957 Chevrolet outside the polls at
of when seat belt-use laws were first we expect our children would not Eastminster Presbyterian Church, was
put in place. drive like us?” he said. a prohibitive favorite and, predictably,
won by a nearly 2-to-1 margin.
“It’s tough to find anybody not
wearing a seat belt these days, but Dunn touted keeping Indialantic a
when that went into effect you would “family friendly” community as part
see that hand slowly put the seat belt of his campaign. He’s also opposed
down and fastened. If texting and to short-term rentals, which he and
driving becomes primary, the act of others believe endangers beachfront
seeing a police car is going to be a neighborhoods. Dunn considers rent-
lot of incentive toward putting that als of three months or less to be short-
phone down. Eventually we hope they term.
will put the phones down altogether,’’
he said. Indialantic’s other race pitted in-
cumbent Councilman Randy Greer
According to the resolution, all but against two opponents: Laura Rankin,
four states (including Florida) in the a regular in local elections, and a
nation consider texting a primary of- promising newcomer, Simon Kemp. It
fense. turned out to be a lost opportunity for
shaking up the council.
Statistics compiled by the National
Greer, an Indialantic resident since
1985, joins Maxwell and Dunn in fa-
voring an upgrade to the storm drain
system. And, like Dunn, Greer prefers
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
Bill Sokolic, 609-457-5480 Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 For our advertising partners, we pledge [email protected]
to provide the most complete consulta-
Staff Reporter Columnists tive and marketing programs possible for Corporate Editor
George White, 321-795-3835 Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 the best return on your investment. Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
[email protected] Cynthia Van Gaasbeck, 321-626-4701 [email protected]
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 16, 2017 3
ditching metal pipes for concrete. it’s conceivable her 158 votes might’ve board in Miconapy, near Gainesville. fied to run for mayor this time around.
There’s potential for that to backfire gone to Kemp, which would’ve given Down the road in the Town of Mel- One of the first major jobs on the town
him 20 more votes than Greer. commission’s plate is to select and
on all three, since funding the project bourne Beach there was only one con- hire a new town manager to replace
will require adding another mill to the At just 36 years old, Kemp could tested seat, won by Incumbent Com- Tim Day. Commissioners were set to
tax rate. bring youth to the council if he runs missioner Sherri Quarrie by a narrow continue interviewing candidates on
again next time. And experience. When 32-vote margin. Mayor Jim Simmons Monday.
Greer received 435 votes, just under he was 23 he was elected to the town was unopposed as no one else quali-
half the votes cast. Had Rankin not run,
4 Thursday, November 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
VETERANS DAY around Veterans Day, at area THE CUKI
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 assisted-living communities CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
bers are comprised of Active Duty, Re- and skilled nursing facili- have no information that it is related to
serve and National Guard, and each the abandoned vessel.”
member is hand-selected by their ties, said Claudia Quin-
unit before attending a comprehen- Needless to say, the process by which
sive two-week indoctrination course. tana, VITAS public relations law enforcement hauled the illicit
Upon completion, that member is as- drugs off the beach was much faster
signed to an active flight and enters director. than the red tape involved in removing
continuous training to perform Mili- the sailboat. But, according to officials,
tary Funeral Honors (MFH) as well as “This week alone we held The Cuki’s days as a beachfront attrac-
secondary events. tion are numbered. In the next week, a
20 events in our communi- team from the U.S. Coast Guard, En-
In 2016, the full PAFB Honor Guard vironmental Protection Agency and
performed about 1,200 Military Fu- ties,’’ she said. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
neral Honors and 176 secondary Commission will visit the abandoned
events. “Honor Guard members are The solemn event, sailboat just below Spessard Holland
held to a very high standard of con- South Beach Park to develop a disposal
duct and professionalism. All mem- capped by certificates, pins plan.
bers are motivated and chose to be
part of an organization that serves and an authentic star from “The team wants to figure out the
our nation with dignity and respect,’’ best way to remove the boat with no
said Lori O’Donley, chief of media an American flag, began effect to the environment,” said Coast
engagement, 45th Space Wing Public Guard Petty Officer Elizabeth Borde-
Affairs. with a rousing sing-a-long. It lon. “Their removal is not as fast as
some would like.”
The Zon ceremony, smaller than started with “My Country Tis
the full honor guard, featured a flag- As of Nov. 7, the coalition of agen-
folding ceremony by MSgt Jessica Of Thee,’’ “America the Beau- cies and, in some cases, owners has
Skinner, a non-commissioned of- removed 1,643 Irma-impacted boats
ficer In charge of base honor guard, tiful,” “His Truth is March- throughout Florida. The Cuki was low
and MSgt Mark Victor, Ceremonial on the priority list. Vessels that are ac-
Guardsman, and ending with Taps ing On,” “Yankee Doodle tively polluting the environment got
first dibs, followed by those that posed
Dandy,” “This is My Coun- potential hazards to navigation.
try” and “You’re a Grand Old “Once the crews conduct the assess-
Flag,” and ended with the
“Star Spangled Banner.”
Intermittent sunshine
Flag-folding ceremony at Zon Veterans Day event. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER during the event lit faces
pleasantly smiling when
played by David Glick from Buglers their particular branch of the ser-
Across America. vice was mentioned. The ladies who
The event was coordinated and served also were recognized by be-
sponsored by VITAS Healthcare, a ing pinned with red corsages. Other
national hospice provider contracted uniformed reserve officers from the
with Zon. VITAS locations have part- Army also were on hand to help mark
nered with Patrick for years, mostly the occasion.
MEDICAL POT CENTERS allowed anyway, because of the 1-per-
10,000 residents stipulation. Dispens-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ing facilities also may not be located
within 500 feet of a school.
Mayor Frank Catino said the as-
sumption is that those other cities and Catino contends that cities should
counties passing bans or moratoriums consider voters, as well as the concerns
are playing a waiting game, hoping the among residents about the facilities, but
state Legislature will eventually set clear act in a timely manner to set rules un-
rules concerning the location and oper- der the state guidelines approved state-
ation of facilities for dispensing medical wide. “Why did we put it on the ballot
marijuana. and have folks vote on it? It passed by a
huge amount, therefore we need to find
But he believes that wait-and-see po- out how to do it successfully. That’s our
sition is a disservice to the citizens who responsibility,’’ Catino said.
overwhelmingly voted in favor of allow-
ing the facilities in a November 2016 City officials have sought informa-
referendum. In Satellite Beach, that tion from the Florida League of Cities
vote was 4,977 (72.2 percent) in favor, and attended seminars on the matter.
1,918 (27.8 percent) against.
“We feel comfortable that it’s the will
“As an elected official, if I don’t abide of the voters, they wanted it, and we
by their show of a vote for it, then what think we can live with how they are go-
good is any other vote that we take? I ing to open these. It’s a population thing
think it’s our responsibility to make sure and we may not get one but I don’t think
that we have an ordinance that allows it we can faithfully not make that attempt
and in an area that was conducive to to have it available. Why do people go to
our city,’’ he said. the polls? If they had voted it down, fine,
but they didn’t vote it down. It wasn’t
Medical marijuana treatment centers even close. Are you going against the
(MMTCs) are the only entities permit- will of the people?’’ he said.
ted to dispense medical marijuana and
they must be registered with the De- Added City Councilman Dominick
partment of Health. Montanaro: “I don’t think Satellite
Beach should be influenced by what
If municipalities don’t enact a ban or other municipalities are doing. I have a
continue with moratoriums – as have responsibility to the residents of my city
most in Brevard County except Palm and will make my decision based on
Bay – they by ordinance can determine comments residents make at our next
criteria for the location. In Satellite meeting,’’ he said.
Beach, only one such facility would be
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 16, 2017 5
ments, a decision will be made on how also slow the boat’s removal. it would tell you some story.” tion Center in Monroe County on vari-
to move forward with this particular Listing to its side, the boat has drawn Once the Coast Guard team removes ous charges.
vessel,” Bordelon said. “The removal
process is both time-consuming and in- the curiosity of people like Hannah An- abandoned boats, owners are often “If a notice is mailed to him at the jail,
tensive, requiring safety measures, pro- thony of Indian Harbour Beach. given 30 days to take possession. In or otherwise delivered there, we will
cedures and the mitigation of hazards.” the case of The Cuki, that might pose a work with him on the issue if he needs
“I have such a quiet life, so this is ex- problem as the owner, Jeffrey Ray Sun- to respond,” said Monroe County Sher-
Turtle hatchlings still in the area may citing,” she said as she paraded around dwall, remains in Stock Island Deten- iff’s Office Deputy Becky Herrin.
The Cuki. “I’ll bet if this boat could talk
6 Thursday, November 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Brazen cat thief flees with tabby, but Flounder is found OK
STORY BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER the cat room in the office. ing that a $300 reward had been put up his given name.
[email protected] An urgent Facebook post with pho- for Flounder’s safe return. Over the next week,
there were several
It’s a strange tale – luckily one with tos of Flounder stated that the cat thief “We are asking everyone to please, Flounder sightings
a happy ending for Flounder, the neu- “somehow knew code to cat room, please keep an eye out for any cats re- in east Indian Har-
tered tomcat who for more than a week stuffed him in duffel bag and charged sembling him that are being given away bour Beach, lifting
was at the center of a mad cat caper. out through our front door almost or strays/dumps! Please share and hopes high that the kitty did not meet a
knocking down receptionists who tried please be on alert,” the social media dreadful fate after all. But still, the nice
On Nov. 4, Aloha Adoptions, which to stop him. He was chased by five peo- post read. folks at Aloha said that Flounder would
operates out of Aloha Pet and Bird ple but jumped over fence to trailer park be traumatized by being in the wild be-
Hospital on Eau Gallie Boulevard in in back of Aloha.” Nearby residents searched night and cause in his four years, he had report-
Indian Harbour Beach, reported that day, calling for Flounder, because the edly never been outdoors.
a man, in what appeared to be a pre- “Flounder’s head was seen poking out post said the cat is friendly and “will
meditated heist, lifted Flounder from of the bag,” another post said, announc- come to name Flounder” as he knows On Nov. 10, Aloha Adoptions updated
those following the search for Flounder.
“We want to thank everyone who has
worked so hard trying to find Flounder
... we are hopeful that he will be found
soon ... we so appreciate you all.”
“Police are involved in the situation,”
read a black-and-white, photocopied
flyer wrapped in a plastic bag, tossed
in an Indian Harbour Beach driveway,
washed into the swale and ultimately
found on Nov. 11 by 10-year-old Jesse
Riggan of Satellite Beach, a Cub Scout
from Holy Name of Jesus Pack 380
who was out collecting canned goods
as part of the Scouting for Food cam-
paign. Deeply concerned, Riggan urged
his mother (who happens to be the edi-
tor of this newspaper) to dig into the
Flounder situation and write a story to
help find the cat.
The flyer continued with the BOLO
(be on the lookout) details, “Person of
interest is a white male late 30s early 40s
with blonde dreadlocks.”
The flyer described Flounder as a tab-
by cat and said he had no distinguish-
ing markings, but that he had a bonded
friend still left behind in the cat room
waiting to be adopted.
Just as the Melbourne Beachsider
was about to go to press, there was a
break in the case. Around 6:30 p.m.
Aloha Adoptions announced, “Awesome
news! We think we may have Flounder!
Found on Bay Drive in Indian Harbour
Beach ... will have him identified tonight
and will let you know as soon as we do ...
sure looks like Flounder.”
A photo of an obviously harried tab-
by cat, a dead ringer for the missing
Flounder, being held and examined on
a stainless steel veterinarian’s table, ac-
companied the post. Later Sunday eve-
ning, the cat was confirmed to be none
other than Flounder.
The staff and volunteers at Aloha
who chased Flounder’s captor and
printed flyers, and all the concerned
animal lovers in Indian Harbour Beach
who joined the search are to be com-
mended for their dogged pursuit of the
stolen cat. But the initial uncertainty
over Flounder’s identity begs the ques-
tion, does Flounder really know his
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 16, 2017 7
STORY BY STEPHEN M. THOMAS STAFF WRITER I appreciate the most,” says Patel, who “When I moved here and was looking trend many Florida communities like
is a past president of the homeowners for a home, my boss at the time told me, to claim, but here there is concrete evi-
The booming Brevard real estate association. ‘you have to live on Lansing Island!’” dence of the shift in the form of a play-
market is in full swing on Lansing Is- says Patel, who later founded Anuva ground on the clubhouse grounds that
land, the beach’s most exclusive gated There is only way on and off the is- Manufacturing, which operates in a was recently completed to give the for-
community. With half a dozen estate land, through a 24-hour guarded gate- recently expanded 40,000-square-foot tunate children of Lansing Island’s resi-
homes under construction and fewer house and then over a bridge at the factory in Melbourne. “My house is just dents – Patel says doctors, lawyers and
than a dozen lots remaining, the private western end of Desoto Avenue, a cross- 15 minutes from my factory, so it is very businessmen predominate – a place to
island enclave that was home to the town parkway that provides quick ac- convenient,” he says. play.
county’s largest home for many years is cess to Atlantic Ocean beaches a mile or
approaching buildout. so to the east. As the community nears buildout, “It is one of, if not the, best neigh-
the demographics are changing, with borhoods on the barrier island,” says
“This has been a good year for prop- “It is second to none when it comes younger families moving in. That is a Baum.
erty price appreciation on Lansing to security,” says Baum. “You can get
Island,” says Vinu Patel, a high-tech through most guarded community JUST LISTED IN THE CLOISTERS!
entrepreneur who has lived in the com- gates with just a realtor business card
munity since the 1990s. “The house but not on Lansing. There, you must Waterfrontbrevard.com
next to mine sold nine days after it went have an appointment where a property
on the market.” owner called and registered the date THE HOUSING MARKET IS MOVING FAST - DON’T GET LEFT BEHIND.
and time before you can get in.”
Houses on the island have docks, BUYING OR SELLING
pools and three-car garages and range The community was developed by WE’LL GET YOU WERE YOU NEED TO GO.
in size up to more than 16,000 square David T. McWilliams in five phases, be- 570 BAHAMA DR. • INDIALANTIC, FL 32903
feet. There are a variety of architectural ginning in the early 1990s, and he de-
styles, with designs overseen by an ar- signed it with privacy and security in JUST LISTED - $419,000
chitectural review committee. Property mind, along with the goal of maximiz-
values run from around $1 million to ing an extraordinary location, set apart 4 BEDROOM 2 BATHROOM 1620 SF
more than $4 million. between the river and the ocean, but SALT WATER POOL
close to everything on the Space Coast.
“The quality of houses you see here is CLOSE TO THE RIVER AND THE BEACHES!
more like what you would typically see “In early 1985, the dream of Lansing
in South Florida, someplace like Boca Island was first imagined as I flew over
Raton,” says Treasure Coast Sotheby’s this island so near to civilization and
broker associate Gibbs Baum, who has yet so far,” McWilliams wrote at the
specialized in beachside properties for time he launched the community. “My
more than a dozen years and is one of dream was of spacious home sites in a
the top realtors in Brevard County. natural setting . . . preserving the habi-
tat of Florida’s wildlife to be enjoyed
There are 10 Lansing Island houses by homeowners and their families. A
on the market, with the lowest-price grand entrance across a private bridge
home offered for $1,450,000 the high- to a single boulevard accessing the riv-
est-price estate listed for $2,990,000. erfront and Grand Canal would ensure
Four lots on the MLS are priced from complete privacy and security.”
$579,000 to $855,000. Lots are large,
from three-quarters of an acre to more McWilliams named the subdivision
than an acre. after William Lansing Gleason who was
mayor of Eau Gallie for a total of 15 years
Amenities in the 156-homesite sub- in the 1930s, ’40s and ’50s, and who in
division include a clubhouse with 1955 co-founded the city of Satellite
pool, fitness center, basketball court, Beach, where Lansing Island is located.
four tennis courts and a ballroom large
enough to accommodate 200 guests at a Gleason’s grandfather bought the
wedding or party. 170-acre island in the 1870s and the
family owned it before McWilliams ac-
But the amenity Patel and many oth- quired the land for development, built it
er residents most value is the privacy up and installed infrastructure, includ-
and security of the private island, which ing the private bridge, lakes, and wide
lays between the Grand Canal and the parklike avenues.
Banana River. “That is what my wife and
David Curri Stan Kirscher
Broker/Owner Broker/Owner
PHOTO: RYAN CLAPPER Get Your Home Value Today, Visit: value.myckhome.com
Dancers’ devotion
rewarded at
‘Nutcracker’ benefit
10 Thursday, November 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Dancers’ devotion rewarded at ‘Nutcracker’ benefit
STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT she had been recruited by the presti- kids. So I hope you don’t mind that we
[email protected] gious school as a 10 year old. thought we’d extend the cost out to
you,” Ivers said in a hopeful tone. He
“The Nutcracker” is a marquee Shokhina was a principal dancer was answered with applause.
event that heralds the Christmas sea- with Russia’s St. Petersburg Ballet
son with fairytale sets, twirling danc- and the Nevada Ballet Theatre, from Meanwhile, the smallish ladies
ers and the delicate melodies of Pyotr which she retired in 2008. room made for intimate backstage
Ilyich Tchaikovsky. quarters as the six young ballerinas
There was no leaving that world, dressed, adjusted makeup and hair
Performed across the world by though, and since then she has taught and held down butterflies as they
countless ballet companies during classical ballet to children and adults. awaited their debut. This night, they
the holiday season, it is, nonethe- Shokhina and Ivers poured love and would jete’ and plie’ to a support-
less, a major undertaking requiring money into opening the dance school ive crowd of more than 100 family,
months of devotion from dancers on Highland Avenue in the Eau Gal- friends and fans dressed in holiday
and instructors, set makers and cos- lie Arts District in 2014, also the year finery.
tumers. One more thing: It takes a they married.
significant financial investment. Ivers introduced each as her turn
Ivers emceed the evening, thank- came: Ella Steensma, 12, of Satellite
With that in mind, the three-year- ing hosts Johannes and Layla Steens- Beach; Vivien Levine, 13, of West Mel-
old Brevard Ballet Academy hosted bourne; Annabelle Scarlett, 11, of Vi-
a Nutcracker-themed fundraiser last era; Sophie Ludwig, 11, of Melbourne
Friday in the Tortoise Island club- Beach; Nilah Hnat, 10, of Melbourne
house in Satellite Beach. Beach and Imelia Morrison, 11, of
To help offset a $25,000 personal
investment, academy owners Elena “We are just trying to raise money
Shokhina and Scottwood Ivers of In- for the sets, costumes, the venue. She’s
dian Harbour Beach hosted the for- got guest principal dancers from New
mal party featuring a ballet perfor- York City. She also has a young man
mance; a strolling, crooning Frank coming from the Miami City Ballet.
Sinatra impersonator; casino tables; We are getting beautiful, hand-paint-
sumptuous hors d’oeuvres and ed backdrops. All this adds up,” Ivers
chances to win prizes such as dance said before the performance.
instruction and a bottle of Russian
vodka. “But we’ll be just fine. If she didn’t
make a penny tonight, she would still
Brevard Ballet Academy’s inaugu- be extremely happy. It’s all about the
ral presentation, to be held Dec. 10 at kids, all about them being able to per-
Eau Gallie High School Performing form in ‘The Nutcracker.’”
Arts Theater, is ready for the spot-
light. The dancers have studied their
parts, the costumes have been hand-
crafted and fitted, and the stage sets
envisioned, constructed and painted.
It’s a dream come true for Shokh-
ina, BBA’s founder, artistic director
and ballet mistress. Her pedigree is
authentic, having graduated from the
Vaganova Ballet Academy in St. Pe-
tersburg, Russia.
“Basically, she did eight years of
Russian ballet bootcamp,” husband
Ivers said with a laugh, noting that
ma. An inescapable decor note were
the dozens of colorful nutcrackers
on every table and in every corner.
“These are actually from Layla’s
house. So we know where we will go
for Christmas,” Ivers kidded.
He explained to all that he and
Shokhina knew going in that this la-
bor of love would be expensive.
“She could have gone to the par-
ents and said, ‘Registration fee: $200.’
But for some students that’s just too
much. Elana charged her kids $50. It’s
unheard of in the dance world. (Other
schools) extend the cost out onto the
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 16, 2017 11
Elena Shokhina and Ninfa Wilde. PHOTOS: RYAN CLAPPER Grady Wnek and Jennifer Peterson. Dasha Bondar and Hannah Bowling.
Felicia Brown and Joanna Godwin. Jeff and Kim Novak. Relf and Isabella Ludwig.
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12 Thursday, November 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Please send calendar information ing food trucks, live music and all kinds of creative Gleason Park, north side of lake. Donation of cooking event with Mrs. Claus. Entry is $5 per
at least two weeks prior to your activity. www.anti-gravityproject.com $5-$10. www.beachsideqigong.com person to festival, with children under 2 admit-
ted free. www.jlsb.net/kitk
event to Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 NOVEMBER
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park 18 Relay for Life Car Wash fundraiser, 10
[email protected] 16 Candlelighters of Brevard Vendor Par- a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Satellite Beach
ty, 5 to 8 p.m. at Hell n’Blazes Brewing Fire Department with volunteers from DeLaura
ONGOING Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- Co., 1002 E. New Haven Ave, Melbourne. Open Middle School and volunteer firefighters scrub-
days at Ocean Side Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, to the public, opportunity to do holiday shop- bing cars for a $5 donation to benefit the Ameri-
Melbourne Beach. www.melbeachrotary.org ping and support the 2018 Have-a-Heart event. can Cancer Society.
Anti-Gravity Project mural installation Nov. 24 Beginner Yoga Stretch and Meditation Class, 16 Cocoa Beach-Florida Surf Film Festival, 18 Hoot in the Park, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at
through Dec. 3 with daily happenings at multiple 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays at Siren Salon and 5 p.m. to midnight at Surfside Players, Wickham Park. Fun for four-legged and
locations in the Eau Gallie Arts District, including Spa Services, 3270 South Highway A1A, Suite 301 Ramp Road, Cocoa Beach. Tickets $5-$20. two-legged kids with a dog lure course, pet pho-
live art demonstrations, live music, gallery exhibi- 104 in Beachwoods Plaza. Free, all are welcome. www.floridasurffilmfestival.com tos with Santa and ambassador animals. Free
tions, illustration battles, interactive games and Mats , water and fruit provided. (321)614-7706. admission, proceeds benefit the Florida Wildlife
pop-up shops and local fun, culminating with the 17 Serene Harbor Silver Anniversary and Hospital and Sanctuary. Saturday, November 18
Anti-Block Party on Dec 2 on Highland Ave featur- Tai Chi and Qigong, 9:30 a.m. Saturdays at Awards Luncheon to celebrate 25 from 10am-2pm at Wickham Park
years of serving those impacted by domestic
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN violence, 11 a.m. at Eau Gallie Yacht Club, 100 18 Porch Music - come sing, play, dance,
in November 9, 2017 Edition 1 THUS 1 TAILBACK Datura Drive, Indian Harbour Beach. Tickets $40. enjoy jam music on the porch of the
3 HOOP 2 UNSPOILT www.sereneharbor.org Melbourne Beach Old Town Hall History Center,
9 REAMS 4 OPERAS 2373 Oak St. 1:00-2:30, First and Third Saturday
10 INSINCERE 5 PREPLAN 17 Satellite Beach Police Athletic League of the month. Rhythmic dulcimers form the core
11 POSER 6 GAGS Food Truck Rally 5 to 9 p.m. in the parking of the jam band. Free. Small donation to historic
12 BOOKSTALL 7 TSAR lot of the D.R. Schechter Recreation Center, with site appreciated. Call (321)327-4871 for details.
15 COLUMN 8 ONUS performances by the Brevard Hawaiian Dancers.
17 UNKNIT 13 INSISTED 18 Mojito Night Party, 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. at
19 DECEPTION 14 STANDSIN 18 Indian Harbour Beach Art Show, 9 a.m. to Nini’s Cuban Cuisine, 147 Fifth Avenue,
21 TORSO 16 MADONNA 5 p.m. at Gleason Park, 1233 Yacht Club Indialantic. Dress to impress, music by DJ EL Hack-
23 NOMINATES 18 ACUMEN Drive, open-air art show of hand-made items only er and fun in the flavor of Havana. (321) 821-4928
24 LEARN 20 PINK around the lake in the park. Registration deadline
25 ACNE 21 TALE Nov. 16. www.indianharbourbeach.org 19 Space Coast Thanksgiving Basket Bri-
26 ODIN 22 REAL gade, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Satellite High
18 Junior League of South Brevard Fes- School. Family event where locals help package,
Sudoku Page 2448 Sudoku PPaaggee 2459 CrosswordPPage 4284 tival of Trees, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the decorate and deliver Thanksgiving food baskets
Courtyard of The Oaks, 1800 W. Hibiscus Blvd, to families in need. This year’s goal is to deliver
Melbourne. See fabulously decorated trees 1,700 baskets. Cash and food donations needed.
available for purchase via silent auction, visit www.spacecoastbasketbrigade.com
vendor marketplace, take photographs with
Santa, enter raffles and register kids for a free 19 Space Coast Veg Fest, a free commu-
nity event designed to educate about
Crossword Page 4295 (ANYTHING GOES) and to promote a plant-based lifestyle, kindness
to animals and respect for the environment, 11
a.m. to 5 p.m. at Cocoa Village Park, 401 River-
edge Blvd, Cocoa. www.spacecoastvegfest.org
19 Space Coast Run through the Lights 5K,
6 p.m. at Wickham Park to benefit Cen-
tral Florida Council of Boys Scouts of America.
21 Reformation Hymn Festival celebrating
500 years since the Protestant Reforma-
tion, featuring a choir of 45 singers, organs and a
brass sextet, 2 p.m. at Advent Lutheran Church,
7550 North Wickham Road in Melbourne. Free
and open to the public. Call (321)426-9378.
CERTIFIED Windows & Doors Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting the
Siding & Soffit South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951, Indialantic,
“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach. Contact Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 [email protected].
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14 Thursday, November 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
‘Music Man’: Child actors capture hearts, steal show
STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH CORRESPONDENT Mary Henderson as Marian Paroo, Ryanne Itani as Cooper Mangini as Winthrop Paroo.
[email protected] Amaryllis singing “Goodnight My Someone.”
mination to perform on stage.
In a world consumed by politics PHOTOS BY: BENJAMIN THACKER “I hope I’m in another show like
and fraught with fear, it’s hard to
think of a time when one child’s dis- this,” he said.
appointment could change hearts. Mangini, who is home schooled, has
But that’s what happens in Mer- participated in Titusville Playhouse’s
edith Wilson’s “The Music Man,” on children’s program, which is direct-
stage through Dec. 3 at Titusville ed by Stamos. Other than children’s
Playhouse. shows at theater camps, he’s been
in “Shrek: The Musical,” in which he
Set in 1912, the musical tells the played Little Shrek and Grumpy.
story of Harold Hill, a con man who
convinces the townsfolk of River “He was pretty persistent about
City to spend their life savings on it,” said his mother, Ashley Mangini.
expensive band uniforms and in- “I love musicals so I always let them
struments. Eventually, the naivety watch them. He started imitating
and sweetness of the town touch them (and became) obsessed with
Hill and change his heart. ‘Newsies.’ I finally signed him up for
a camp. Niko encouraged me to let
Yes, there are the big numbers like him try out. He got ‘Shrek.’ This was
“76 Trombones,” “(Ya Got) Trouble” his second audition so he got this one.”
and “Marian the Librarian,” but
the dramatic key to the story is the For the five-week rehearsal period,
character of Winthrop, the little boy Mangini would be at the theater until
with the lisp.
“Winthrop affects Harold Hill,”
said co-director Niko Stamos said.
“He is Marian’s brother, their father
has passed away and they are living
with their mother. Harold brings to
Winthrop a father figure who be-
lieves in him. It makes the ending a
little more heartbreaking.”
And, key to a successful produc-
tion is finding the right boy to cast
in the role.
Stamos said that was found in the
person of 9 year-old Cooper Mangini.
After auditioning 30 children for
the show, Stamos said Mangini
stood out thanks to his energetic
and confident personality.
“Winthrop needs to go from a shy,
reserved child to someone who can
talk to a stranger, and someone who
has the confidence to sing the ‘Gary,
Indiana’ song.”
And for Mangini, playing Win-
throp has been a boon to his deter-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 16, 2017 15
The men on the train coming into Iowa. ARTS & THEATRE
Coming Up: Voices will soar
far, far away at ‘Opera Wars’
[email protected] (it’s not your grandfather’s sympho-
ny orchestra) and Orlando’s dynamic
1 Picture, if you can: a live, origi- new Opera del Sol. “Opera Wars” will
nal production of the world’s take place this Saturday at the Scott
Center for Performing Arts at Holy
most memorable and beloved op- Trinity Episcopal Academy in Mel-
bourne. SCSO conductor and artistic
10 p.m. or 11 p.m. He has to show up to make sure I’m always ready and eratic arias set in – wait for it – Out- director Aaron T. Collins calls Opera
a well in advance of curtain for each know all of my cues. del Sol “a fresh new company of some
performance. That means adjusting er Space. Wha-at? “Opera Wars” is of Florida’s finest voices,” with the
home schedules and other activities. “But, I love it. The show is so much mission of re-imagining the future
fun. I love all of the songs and dance a unique symphonic fundraiser, of opera, in partnership with other
“In addition to this, he does com- numbers. The adults have been really like-minded arts organizations. “Op-
petitive wrestling,” his mother said. nice and helpful to me too. I’m learn- broadly reminiscent of “Star Wars”:
“Today I’ll pick him up at 4 p.m. when ing so much and have made a lot of CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
the show ends, take him home to take new friends.” an intergalactic adventure of love
a nap, grab a bite, he’s requested Japa-
nese, then back to the theater at 6:45.” In working with both Mangini and and war set to some of opera’s most
Itani, Stamos says you have to treat
His biggest challenge has been stay- the adults and the child actors pretty treasured compositions, that goes
ing focused on cues and lyrics, espe- much in the same fashion, except not
cially his long “Gary, Indiana” song. as forcefully. where no opera has gone before. This
“He loves the costumes, that’s his “You have to be more patient with stellar program continues the collab-
favorite part,” she said. “He’s going to children,” he said. “You can’t be com-
try out for ‘Gypsy.’” pletely negative, you have to tell them oration between the well-established
what works as well as what doesn’t
His other favorite part is working work.”
with adults, especially Patrick Ryan
Sullivan, a professional actor who He also has to teach basic stage lan-
plays Harold Hill. guage, like “upstage,” “downstage,”
remind them to speak loudly, to face
His mom’s favorite part, other than the right direction and not to look at
seeing her son blossom, is the nur- the audience.
turing and safe environment she ob-
serves at Titusville Playhouse. Mary Henderson, who plays Mar-
ian the Librarian, and who becomes
“The people there are encouraging Harold Hill’s love interest, finds
him like we are,” she said. “They let working with the children in “The
us come sit in at any time, plus they Music Man” to be a real treat.
are always communicating with us.”
“This is my second time working
Another young person in a featured with Cooper and I couldn’t have
role is Amaryllis, played by Ryanne chosen a better little brother for
Itani. myself,” she said. “Offstage and on
he is funny, precocious, and kind,
Like Mangini, she showed a lot of and I genuinely enjoy spending time
“spunk and energy” at her audition, with him. Ryanne is wonderfully
Stamos said. talented and spirited, and her dedi-
cation shows through in every per-
“She’s a little spitfire,” he said. formance.
“She’s not shy with her words.”
“And I have to say, the old adage is
Amaryllis is the mayor’s young- true: kids steal the scene every time
est daughter who, early in the show, they walk on stage, and I think that’s
teases and flirts with Winthrop. She just as it should be.”
chides him for having a lisp and says
“You won’t say my name because it “The Music Man” runs through Dec.
has an ‘S’ in it.” 3 at Titusville Playhouse, 301 Julia
Street, Titusville. Tickets start at $23.
While Itani has been in a lot of chil- Call 321-268-1125 or visit Titusville-
dren’s productions, “The Music Man” Playhouse.com.
marks her first mainstage show.
“It’s a lot of hard work,” she said.
“Rehearsals run really late some-
times on school nights and I have
16 Thursday, November 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
era Wars” will be Opera del Sol’s in- 2 A meaningful cultural, spiri- ‘Tales Beneath a Northern Star.’
augural season opener. “This is opera tual and musical experience,
with both beauty and daring,” prom- opera, “Tales Beneath a Northern
ises Collins. Tickets at several levels “United in Thanksgiving” will take Star,” on stage this Friday at the
are available. Visit www.SpaceCoast- King Center. This holiday family
Symphony.org for details. Curtain is place this Monday evening at Ad- event will be performed by the Wiz-
at 7 p.m. ards of Winter, a 12-member ensem-
vent Lutheran Church in Suntree. ble composed of former members of
the Trans-Siberian Orchestra and
The public is welcome as Christians, rock veterans from Rainbow, Alice
Cooper, Ted Nugent Band and oth-
Jews and Muslims join to share mu- ers. The Wizards of Winter website
described their holiday rock con-
sic and food, and re- fection as “a musical journey inside
a snow globe in search of the true
flect on the blessings meaning of Christmas,” based on
the music of their self-titled CD and
of America, under their album, “The Magic of Winter.”
The King Center promises we’ll be
the guidance of Ad- transported to Decembers past via
amazing vocals and instrumenta-
vent’s Pastor David tion supporting a rich storyboard.
Wow. Show time is 8 p.m. Tickets
Jahn, Dr. Moham- start at $50.
mad Samarah of the
Islamic Society of
Brevard County and
Rabbi Patricia Hick-
man of Temple Is- ues in 1907, 10 years after the Phan-
tom’s disappearance from the Paris
rael, representing Opera House and subsequent escape
to a new life in New York, where he
the three Abrahamic lives amongst the “screaming joy rides
and freak-shows of Coney Island,” and
religions. Music from where he has finally found a place for
his music to soar. But he continues to
each tradition will be pine for his musical protege and great
love – Christine Daaé, now one of the
performed, and there world’s finest sopranos. Christine is
unhappy in her marriage to Raoul,
will be culturally di- whose drinking and gambling have
gotten out of hand, and she therefore
verse hors d’oeuvres excitedly accepts an invitation from
an unknown patron to travel from
and desserts. The Paris to New York to perform at a re-
nowned opera house. In a final bid to
event begins at 7 p.m. win back Christine’s love, the Phan-
tom lures her, Raoul, and their young
3 Any event in- son Gustave from Manhattan to the
volving the glittering and glorious world of Coney
Trans-Siberian Or-
chestra gets my an-
United in Thanksgiving. tennas up, as does
the holiday rock
Love Never Dies.
4 Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Love Island, not knowing what is in store
Never Dies: The Phantom Re- for them. According to the Daily
Mail, the sequel’s future was jeopar-
turns” continues the powerful tale of dized in May 2007 when Lloyd Web-
ber’s 6-month-old kitten Otto, a rare
love, passion, loss and revenge that Turkish Van, climbed onto his Cla-
vino digital piano and managed to
ruled Broadway as one of the most delete the entire score. Lloyd Web-
ber couldn’t recover any of it from
successful musicals of all time, An- the instrument, but was eventually
able to reconstruct the score, for
drew Webber’s “The Phantom of the which we musical theatre fans are
forever grateful. “Love Never Dies”
Opera.” This musical, a must-see for runs through Nov. 26.
musical theatre aficionados and es-
pecially Phantom fans, began its U.S.
tour in October, and opens Tuesday at
the Walt Disney Theater in Orlando’s
Dr. Phillips Center. According to the
show’s website, the story line contin-
18 Thursday, November 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Welcome to the “Island of Happiness.” is the first universal museum to be built in the the Eiffel Tower, plays with Gulf sunlight to form
Here, on a literal desert island off the coast of 21st century and the first ever in the Arab world. a “rain of light.”
the United Arab Emirates, a young, oil-rich -na- Across 12 galleries, the museum presents a chron-
tion-state is seeking to rise above its neighbors ological and thematic narrative of world history as As an exercise in cultural co-operation and
and catapult itself into history. At the same time, explained through art. “soft diplomacy,” it is unprecedented.
the world’s most famous museum is looking to ex-
pand its empire and to line its coffers for decades As a work of design, the museum, created by The more than $1.2 billion deal, signed back in
to come. Jean Nouvel, a Pritzker prize-winning architect, 2007, designated $525 million for the use of the
This is the story of the Louvre Abu Dhabi, the will count as one of the great buildings of his gen- “Louvre” title over the next 30 years and $750 mil-
long-awaited centerpiece of a multibillion-dollar eration. But the Louvre Abu Dhabi is no replica lion for French experts to oversee 300 loaned works
complex slated to showcase some of the most of the 18th-century institution born during the of art from 13 leading museums. Visitors Saturday
powerful names in the Western cultural universe: French Revolution. The play of light and shadow were able to view Leonardo da Vinci’s La Belle Fer-
the Guggenheim Museum, New York University under the dome gives the visitor the feel of being ronnière, on loan from the Louvre, or Vincent van
and the Sorbonne, among others. in a souk, of being in a grove of palm trees found Gogh’s self-portrait, formerly housed at the Musee
Abu Dhabi opened the museum last Saturday, in the oases of the UAE, he says. D’Orsay and Musée de l’Orangerie.
displaying of hundreds of works that it hopes will
draw visitors from around the world. The LAD The Louvre Abu Dhabi’s silvery latticed dome, But in France, scores of industry professionals
nearly 600 feet in diameter and comprised of still decry what they see as a beloved museum
8,000 metal stars that weigh together the same as and other institutions arguably selling their souls
for petrodollars.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 16, 2017 19
“The objective was never aesthetic – it was po- They see the Louvre Abu Dhabi as a pillar in the ef- staff is expected to grow to 150 by next year; many
litical,” said ¬Didier Rykner, a French art historian fort to turn the UAE away from its dependence on oil more will be employed indirectly.
who is among the project’s most outspoken critics. to becoming a modern, knowledge-based economy.
And it will be a draw for foreign tourists; 4.4
“The idea of selling or renting the Louvre brand It will be an important local employer, especially million visited Abu Dhabi in 2016. The city is al-
abroad posed one problem,” added Laurent Mar- of women, and not just in menial jobs. Hissa al- ready a busy transport hub. The emphasis on
tin, a professor of the history of cultural policy in Dhaheri, the deputy director, is an Emirati woman, culture distinguishes it from the shopping malls
France and Europe at the Sorbonne Nouvelle. as is the project’s finance director. The 60-strong and glitzy commercial tourism of Dubai, an hour
“To do so with a country that does not respect the down the road.
values of liberal democratic societies of Europe
posed another.” Most of all, the Louvre Abu Dhabi is seen locally,
and by neighbors like Saudi Arabia, as a bastion
One of the more concrete controversies to arise against what it regards as the forces of evil: Islamic
during the 10-year project was the abuse of mi- extremism and Iran. That Abu Dhabi feels itself
grant workers constructing the site, called out under threat cannot be underestimated, and the
by Human Rights Watch – not exactly the stuff of iconography of fear runs through the museum –
les droits de l’homme (human rights), declared from Abel Grimmer’s 1595 painting of the Tower of
in France in 1789, four years before the Louvre Babel to the final exhibit, AiWeiwei’s Babel-shaped
opened to the public. “Fountain of Light.”
But none of this was on the agenda this past week “Of course, we can say: ‘Why should we be
as the museum was inaugurated in the presence of here? Why should we be doing this?’ ” said Olivi-
kings and other rulers. French President Emmanuel er Gabet, the director of Paris’s ¬Musée des Arts
Macron called it a showcase, as a “bridge between Décoratifs. Gabet served for several years on the
civilizations,” of “beauty of the whole world.” new museum’s planning committee and taught
in the art history program at the Sorbonne’s Abu
Inside the UAE, the new museum is seen as a Dhabi campus, which trains local students to
means of recasting the nation’s public image from a enter the museum profession.
“playground in the desert” to a cultural powerhouse.
“But we could say the same in reverse. By the
“This is a major statement,” Sultan Sooud al-Qa- same token, why wouldn’t we want to be there,
ssemi, an Emirati royal and prominent art collec- in the midst of a social, educational and cultural
tor, said in an interview. “This is saying that we’re transformation like this?”
not playing in the little leagues – we’re playing in
the major leagues. It’s probably the greatest mu- Mohamed Khalifa al-Mubarak, the director of
seum in the world, and it will have not just a small Abu Dhabi’s culture department, said much the
branch but a massive presence.” same. In an interview, he highlighted one partic-
ular gallery as the essence of the entire museum
Manuel Rabaté, the French director, describes – a small, dark room that displays a medieval Ko-
Louver Abu Dhabi as an “adaptation or renewal” ran, a medieval Bible and a medieval Torah.
of the Enlightenment idea that led to the original
universal institutions – the British Museum, the This might appear an unusual presentation in
Hermitage and the Louvre in Paris. Abu Dhabi, where there are clear efforts to dis-
courage religious and political symbols of Judaism.
Some may feel that is a bit rich for a country that There are no synagogues in the UAE, which allows
has limited free speech to “see humanity in a new a limited number of other non-Islamic places of
light” or “recognize ourselves in each other,” as ex- worship such as churches and Hindu temples. The
horted to by the posters advertising the museum Israeli flag has been banned from many interna-
on the main highway to Saadiyat Island. But its tional sporting competitions.
fans are passionate.
“One of the most beautiful books we have is
the Yemeni Torah,” Mubarak said, referring to the
item on display, dated from 1498. “The message
of balance and acceptance will be broadcast from
this particular gallery.”
The Washington Post, The Christian Science
Monitor and The Economist all contributed to this
PATIENT SAFETY PART I healthcare providers, that’s not usually the case. Many errors are not due to
poor judgement or recklessness, but a result of normal human slips or lapses.
In modern times, the focus on patient safety goes back to the 1990s when the
Likewise, while it seems logical that high-risk procedures and medical spe-
World Health Organization first reported a staggering statistic: 1 out of 10 patients cialties would be responsible for most avoidable adverse events, that’s also not
true. Even though complex procedures entail more risk, adverse outcomes are
around the world experienced an avoidable adverse patient event (medical error). more related to the severity of the condition being treated, not due to error.
Furthermore, complications or side effects are not always due to an error, but
Today patient safety is a distinct healthcare discipline focused on improv- are more often a result of the underlying condition or treatment itself.
Adopting innovative technologies A milestone article entitled To Err is Human, published in 1999 by the Insti-
Educating providers and consumers tute of Medicine (IOM), reported a stunning finding: 44,000 to 98,000 deaths
Enhancing error reporting systems, and in hospitals each year are due to preventable medical errors. The report laid
Producing higher quality outcomes out a comprehensive strategy for government, healthcare providers, industry
and consumers to use to reduce preventable medical errors.
Some of the causes of healthcare errors reported in medical journals by Since then hospitals have made great progress toward implementing patient-
safety initiatives. The Joint Commission and others have developed meaningful
professional medical organizations include: safety standards. And the federal government and private companies have cre-
Human factors ated measurement tools and ratings that can be accessed by the public.
o Variations in providers’ training and experience RESOURCES FOR THE PUBLIC
o Time pressures The most standardized resource for the public is compiled by the Centers for
Medical complexities Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) at www.medicare.gov/hospitalcompare. All hos-
o Complicated technology; powerful drugs pitals that receive reimbursement from Medicare and Medicaid must report spe-
o Sicker patients requiring prolonged hospital stays cific information to CMS on a timely basis that is then entered into their national
System failures database to help hospitals – and the public – benchmark safety outcomes.
o Names of medications sounding similar or looking alike Another good resource for patient safety ratings is The Leapfrog Group at
o Relying on automated systems to prevent errors www.leapfroggroup.org.
o Systems not in place to share information about errors Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always welcome.
According to The Joint Commission, the nation’s leading healthcare ac- Email us at [email protected].
crediting organization, the cause of over half the serious adverse events is © 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
ineffective communication between healthcare providers, or between pro-
viders and patients and family members.
While one might think medical errors are the result of incompetent
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 16, 2017 21
In the spring of 1933, the Soviet industrial Soviet Union. Under his first that the revolution be economic. Stalin from the countryside, and accustomed
Union was in the depths of a class war. Five-Year Plan of 1928-1933, millions of wended his way toward power during to ample and cheap food, we have trou-
Soviet leader Joseph Stalin had sent peasants were to be moved to urban arguments among peers about how a ble imagining deliberate starvation as a
workers and communists from the cit- areas (and to the concentration camps country of peasants and nomads was to policy. However, as Harvard economist
ies to extract grain from the country- known as the gulag), and their farm- become a utopia of workers and engi- Amartya Sen long ago demonstrated,
side. “We realized,” as one of them put land was to be brought under state con- neers. His signature policy, associated famine is usually political. In the case
it, “that it was impossible for us to live trol; its product was to be sold abroad with his name, was the collectivization of the Soviet Union, the politics was
on the same earth as these bloodsuck- or used to feed the growing cities. Ad- of agriculture, which coincided with driven by coercive development, which
ers.” The suppression of private agri- olf Hitler, in his time, wanted to strip his consolidation of personal power. As made peasants landless and helpless
culture, combined with unreasonable Ukraine from the Soviet Union so that in all tyrannical systems, the errors of before it made them starve. In Au-
requisitions, caused millions to die that Germans could exploit its fertile lands, the leader had to be ascribed elsewhere. gust 1932, Stalin formulated a law that
year in the Soviet Union. As The Post’s gain agricultural self-sufficiency and Thus the massive resistance to collec- criminalized taking even a single grain
Anne Applebaum reveals in “Red Fam- become a world power. Germany in- tivization in Ukraine in early 1930 was of wheat from a collective farm. In the
ine,” Stalin and the Soviet leadership vaded the Soviet Union in 1941 to take seen as a result not of the entirely jus- ensuing months, Ukrainian peasants
enforced policies that ensured that the the Ukrainian breadbasket. It was with tified fears of peasants that they would were banned from leaving their repub-
disaster was worst in Ukraine. Accord- that invasion that the mass murder of lose their livelihoods and ways of life, lic and from traveling to cities to beg.
ing to the latest work of demographers, European Jews began. but rather of corrupt local communists Areas that did not meet requisition
some 3.9 million people died by starva- and distant capitalists plotting against targets were blacklisted, separated en-
tion in that Soviet republic. So Ukraine suffered for reasons of the regime. tirely from the Soviet economy, guaran-
economics and geography. Apple- teeing death. A meat tax was imposed
Until the Holocaust, the great fam- baum demonstrates that the causes The harvest of 1932 was worse than on peasants, forcing them to slaughter
ine in Soviet Ukraine was the largest of the great famine of 1933 were also expected, and requisition targets were their livestock; the milk or meat from a
policy of mass killing in Europe in the national and political. Using her pro- high. Ukrainian communists tried to cow had been the last protection from
20th century. As Applebaum notes, the digious original research, she develops explain to central authorities in Mos- starvation.
crimes of Stalin and Hitler shared a an interpretation that was first offered cow that fulfilling the targets would
similar impulse: the desire to control by the historian Terry Martin some 20 mean mass starvation. Their simple Applebaum re-creates a pastoral
the fertile black earth of Ukraine. For years ago. Her account will surely be- observation was rejected categorically, world so we can view its destruction.
Stalin, Ukraine was a source of capital come the standard treatment of one of and they were classified as enemies and And she rightly insists that the deliber-
that could be used to create a modern history’s great political atrocities. punished. Requisitions proceeded at ate starvation of the Ukrainian peas-
an entirely unrealistic level, absorbing ants was part of a larger policy against
The Soviet Union was founded in what the peasants needed to survive the Ukrainian nation. The cities fared
1922 after a series of civil wars fought the winter and even their seed corn for better than the countryside in 1933, but
largely in Ukraine. The major Bolshe- the next year. the new generation of educated Ukrai-
viks, Stalin included, were forced to ac- nians did not.
cept the reality of a Ukrainian nation, As Applebaum recounts, the Soviet
and they designed the Soviet Union as secret police provided Stalin with what The first show trial directed against
a federation in order to co-opt Ukraini- they knew he wanted to hear. They Ukrainian culture was organized in
an national aspirations into the larger passed along complaints they over- 1930. Applebaum counts 200,000 ar-
Soviet project. During the 1920s, when heard from Ukrainian communists rests in the Ukrainian republic at the
private agriculture was tolerated, the about the grotesque results of collec- time of the famine, directed dispropor-
Soviets also educated young Ukrai- tivization. Stalin, in turn, deemed the tionately at the new Ukrainian schools,
nian teachers, writers and artists. The Ukrainian communists to be nation- publishing houses, newspapers and
expectation was that an elite educated alists and corrupt agents of a foreign museums. Important backers of Ukrai-
in the Soviet spirit would one day lead power. In late 1932, as hundreds of nian culture committed suicide; the
its people toward a broader Soviet iden- thousands were dying of starvation, great writers and artists who survived
tity. This project, as Applebaum deftly Stalin and his closest comrades devised were murdered in the Great Terror a few
shows, had its opponents from the be- and enforced policies that guaranteed years later.
ginning, chiefly among the Soviet se- that death tolls in the Ukrainian repub-
cret police. lic would reach the millions. RED FAMINE
Stalin’s War on Ukraine
Yet these policies of the 1920s were a Our modern sensibilities expect a
kind of holding action. A political revo- modern kind of mass killing. We can By Anne Applebaum
lution created the Soviet Union, but imagine industrial extermination by Doubleday. 461 pp. $35
the ideology of its founders demanded gas. But as most of us are now distant Review by Timothy Snyder
The Washington Post
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22 Thursday, November 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Somber Bonzo dearly misses his amazin’ Mom
Hi Dog Buddies! my side the whole time an I got through
it. I ackshully had a liddle crush on Mad-
This week I didn’t do my usual yap cuz we’re so fabulous and cute, and they Jennifer Benjamin & Bonzo dy, as I recall.
with one of you poocheros cuz I want- picked – ME. You can see how cute I was
ed to have your ears to share some dog from the pickshur, right? she started grooming me (see what I After a few columns, I got to really en-
stuff, an I know you’ll unnerstand. did there?) for the job. I even got to be joy it, meetin’ all you poocheroos and
I was totally stoked when I found out featured in a special series called “The learnin’ all kinds of cool kibbles stuff. I
See, my Mom, Jennifer, got me when my new home came with a Buddy, but Picture Perfect Guide to Raising the remember Rocco Priziton, the leader of
I was just a fluffy little furball an, even Coco wasn’t that thrilled at first. About Perfect Puppy.” Well, Mom always said the 32963 Doberman Gang, who woof-
though I have lotsa cool kibbles pooch half an hour into our first meet-an-greet (and Coco agreed), “while the pictures mailed me about the newest members,
pals like you, she was always my Total she said, “Hey you.” may have been perfect and the guide Doberman puppies Kobi an Raina Rich-
Best Friend. An I’m pretty sure I was may have been perfect, Bonzo was not ardson, an their puppy pal Chancey,
hers, too. “Me?” I asked, timidly. perfect.” a liddle rescue retriever mix who was
“Yes. You. Isn’t it about time you went made an Honorary Dobie an got to join.
Anyway, I don’t know whether I men- back to wherever you came from?” I know that’s hard to believe, but as
tioned this before, but my Mom was my “Umm …” a pupster, I guess I did get distracted Then there was Leo the Lab and his
Official Assistant when I first started It was a liddle bumpy for a while, but a lot. I didn’t do my homework, I day- little adopted brother, who happened to
writing this column a buncha years ago she ended up being a wonnerful big sis, dreamed in class and, as Coco said, “as be the first “designer dog” I’d ever met.
(seven in people). But then she got real and taught me the ropes. Or tried to. far as learning to walk nicely at a per- His name was Osito, which means “lit-
sick, an she couldn’t do it anymore. So When she decided to retire from jour- son’s side, all I can say is he had better tle bear” in Spanish, and he was a Pom-
finally, in 2014, I hadda get another As- nalism, she made me her intern and not spot a bunny.” chi (Pomeranian/Chihuahua), a groovy
sistant. She was OK, but, you know, it little dude.
just wasn’t the same, an she gets tired I guess I can’t really argue with that.
too quickly when we play ball. But, in my own defense, bunnies are Then there was Fisher Badger, who
pretty irresistible. Plus, I knew how to had the coolest name EVER. Fisher was
Mom was in the hospittle a lot, but “Sit!” Had that down pat. an Australian Shepherd and had been
whenever she was home, I stuck by her all over competing in agility champion-
like glue, slept right next to her. At night, So, finally, Coco an Mom felt I was ships – a seriously pawsome pooch.
if she needed help, I’d go running. She ready to start writing the column. Woof,
called me her “First Responder.” She was I nervous. My very first innerview, When I wasn’t working, I’d hang out
was real brave and helped me be brave, back in 2010, was with our next-door with Mom. One of the funnest things
too. But last month it was time for her to neighbor, Maddy Hustead, an her hu- we did was go to the beach. Mom’d al-
go to Heaven. I stayed right there next to mans, Jayne an Bob. I had a terrible case ways bring my ball and we’d play Fetch
her, close as I could be. of Shaky Paws an kept dropping my for hours. I am Really Good at Fetch. I’m
notebook, but Mom was right there by not ready to go back to the beach yet,
I know she’s all better now, but I miss though, cuz she won’t be there. It takes
her all the time. I don’t think I’ll feel time, I think.
like snuggling’ for a while. I know you
pooches unnerstand. Some of you have Now, missin’ my Mom, I think about
lost your human, too, although mostly, something Coco told me shortly after
we go to Dog Heaven first cuz of dog I started writing the column, an she
years bein’ shorter. knew I’d be OK. We were curled up on
our mats an she told me she was get-
I hadda take a break from writing ting ready to go to Dog Heaven. I was
my column, but now I wanna share a sad and scared until she explained: “Us
liddle about me an my Mom. She had dogs are here for a liddle time to show
another Springer Spaniel before me, our humans unconditional love, loyalty
Coco, who wrote the original column, and how to be better versions of them-
“Island Dog,” with Mom as Assistant. selves. Then, when we have done all we
Then Mom and Grandma and Grandpa can, it’s time to move on.”
decided to get another Springer Spaniel,
I think it must be the same with hu-
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I miss you so much, Mom, an I’ll do
my best.
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 16, 2017 23
K 10 5
By Phillip Alder K 10 7
I am confident that you have heard the line: “Out of this nettle, danger, we pluck this Q J 10 7 6
flower, safety.” But from which of Shakespeare’s plays does it come?
At the bridge table, part of the art of being a successful player is spotting both the
danger to your contract and the safe route around that threat. A4 3
How does that apply in this week’s deal? South is in five spades doubled, and West AQJ97632 84
leads the diamond two. What happens next?
2 98653
West might have opened four hearts, but that would have risked missing a slam if
partner had a decent hand. After East responded one no-trump, South jumped to four 85 AK943
spades, of course. Then West felt obliged to bid five hearts. However, when South SOUTH
continued with five spades, West aggressively doubled.
K Q J 10 9 8 6 5
Clearly, West’s lead is a singleton, under which East should play his three as a suit-
preference signal for clubs. (Since he has no reason to play third hand high and count in —
the suit is irrelevant, he can signal suit preference.)
If South immediately attacks trumps, West will win with his ace, play a club to his
partner’s king and receive a diamond ruff to defeat the contract. 2
South must cut the defensive communication lines. He takes the first trick on the board, Dealer: West; Vulnerable: East-West
leads the heart king and discards his club. He loses only one heart and one spade.
The Bidding:
I discovered that Hotspur spoke that Shakespearean line in Henry IV part 1, act 2,
1 Hearts Pass 1 NT
4 Spades 5 Hearts Pass Pass LEAD:
5 Spades Dbl. All Pass 2 Diamonds
24 Thursday, November 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Outdoor blaze (7) 1 Loud fireworks (7)
5 Decipher (5) 2 Clamour (5)
8 Tacks (5) 3 Encourage (7)
9 Instalment (7) 4 Vigour (6)
10 Night (7) 5 Word linking cheese and roll (5)
11 Flamboyant (5) 6 Watchtower (7)
12 Method (6) 7 Foe (5)
14 Extents (6) 13 Appetiser (7)
18 Accuse (5) 15 Stretchy (7)
20 Currant bun (7) 16 Landscape (7)
22 Allure (7) 17 Social rank (6)
23 Commerce (5) 18 Explosion (5)
24 Trio (5) 19 Delete (5)
25 Community (7)) 21 Conscious (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 16, 2017 25
ACROSS 62 He had a hand in 122 Matthew Brady process The Washington Post
Kukla 62 Lovable camp
1 He gave the shade THE LOST FILMS OF JERRY LEWIS By Merl Reagle
English 63 FDR book, with 1 invader Simulcast Wagering
a lift Down 123 A, O, or AB 63 Burden Doors Open @ 11:45
66 Chorus syllable
5 Members of 64 It’s next to N. Mex. DOWN 67 Florida bird
Troglodytes 65 Jerry’s Hamlet? 68 Loud as lions
troglodytes 70 Shot clock abbr. 1 See 63 Across 69 VCR button
72 Rest and 2 Greek letter 70 Begins the
10 Like Godiva 3 Malice
14 Like Godiva? restricted, e.g. process of
18 23rd Psalm verb 73 Legendary potato aforethought, e.g. 71 Leave the scene
19 Diplomat, to Dirac 4 Actor’s walk-on? 75 Ankle-high work
20 Yemen’s capital chip inventor 5 Unites
21 Prizms and George 6 Trenton shoe
74 Jack and Jimmy 76 Car styles
Storms 77 Tic-tac-toe loser legislator’s I.D. 79 Made lace
22 Jerry’s tall-guy, 78 Mr. Mom tootsie 7 Least crooked 80 Left at sea?
79 Ring finales 8 A party-pooper 81 Indy safety feature
short-guy 80 Get 9 Searches 83 Take ___
comedy? 82 Feels the heat 85 Eon
24 Quotable-notable 84 Michigan county meticulously 86 Blanc, for one
volume on 10 Popular chocolate 89 Recipe instruction
26 Anagram of 21 Lake Michigan 90 Pilot’s shoe?
Across 86 Open, peaty bar 93 Ex-New Yorker
27 Jerry’s remake of wasteland 11 Cartwright in black
a Victor Herbert 87 TV’s The ___ 12 Showed again critic Pauline
work? Squad 13 Get on board 96 Like some movie
29 Tin man? 88 Ort entree 14 Curved
32 One noted for 89 Jerry’s visit-to- love scenes
cutting remarks a-crazy-planet construction 97 Photog Adams
33 ’60s battle zone comedy? 15 Oil giant 98 Liberator of
34 Team scream 91 A real swingin’ 16 “Aw, that’s a ___
35 “How can ___ this grp. Venezuela
...” 92 Given the nod, hooey!” 99 Blotch
36 Poker promises in headlines 17 Writing 101 Rex or Harrison
38 Rap, reggae, or 94 Lay odds 103 Whopper tellers
rock: abbr. 95 Like the biggest competition 104 Result
40 Compatible mach. airports, briefly 23 Notorious Manuel 106 Neckwear or
42 Grouper gatherer 96 Cover 25 Squirrel perch
43 Jerry’s comedy 97 Equus member 28 Turn ___ (lose racetrack
about 100 Milk-biz org. 108 Bond novel
a hobo who feeds 102 Say uncle crunch) 109 Girl’s name
squirrels? 105 Twirled items 29 Room with a
47 Tiny tunnelers 107 With 112 Across, ending
51 Teddy’s inits. Jerry’s comedy viewing 110 American Express
52 The Night of the about abstract 30 Tarzan’s one
Hunter scripter art? 31 Jerry’s film bio rival
James 110 Cuttings container 113 Cuckoo bird (or
53 Encouraged and 111 Ludlum’s The ___ about a singer?
then some Inheritance 32 Like Lamb Chop Wheel of Fortune
54 Grape or passion 112 See 107 Across 37 The yoke’s on buy)
follower 116 Land of blarney 114 Enjoy liqueur
55 Cliff is one, on 117 Football great them 115 Printemps follower
Cheers Ronnie 39 Breastbone
57 “ ... days ___ 118 The Colosseum, 41 Make imperfect
September ...” today 43 Personalized
58 U.S. law (enacted 119 Leave out
in 1970) aimed at 120 Nighttime host pin-ons
organized crime 121 Cafeteria slide- 44 Hangings that are
60 Go for along
61 Hall or Potts hard to watch
45 Jerry’s film bio
about a sports
46 Typical Lewis
48 Jerry’s comical
Indian saga?
49 Torus on a Taurus
50 Hellish river
54 Author’s note
56 Repose
57 Crayon choices
59 Team-reduction
The Telegraph EXIT 183 OFF I-95 MELBOURNE
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26 Thursday, November 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Need to ‘no’: Learning to say it is an essential life skill
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST ing you that saying no is an essential skill, though If you don’t want to plan Allison’s class sched-
she has no idea she’s doing it. This could be the ule, then say you have enough to manage with
Hello, Carolyn: I’m a college most valuable thing you learn in college. your own and suggest she see her adviser.
sophomore and I am close with a
group of girls from my freshman If you don’t want 2 a.m. crisis texts, then turn If you’re done being suckered, pick more ma-
dormitory. One of them, “Alli- off your phone. ture friends.
son,” relies on me too much and
I can’t handle it anymore. If you get a crisis text at a more reasonable hour, This stress you’re under isn’t a matter of Alli-
then define “crisis” before you agree to go anywhere. son’s asking too much, or her failure to spread it
Allison is constantly asking to If you get suckered, express your frustration and say around by asking Alex sometimes instead. That
borrow my car (she can afford you won’t rush there again. Then don’t. you see it that way makes Allison the one who
an Uber), get my help planning is in control of this situation, and of you – since
her class schedule or for support If you don’t want to lend your car anymore, then you’re just asking and waiting for her to make
in a crisis. Recently, she texted in a panic at 2 a.m., say you’re not lending your car anymore. (Really changes for you.
and I arrived breathless and worried only to real- – stop.)
ize she was overwhelmed because she loved her But you’re in control – of you, your time, your
boyfriend so much. phone, your car, your definition of crisis and your
A mutual friend, “Alex,” is equally close and yet availability to help with one real or imagined. All
Allison burdens only me with her problems. I’ve you.
tried to gently explain to her that acting as her se-
curity blanket is emotionally draining for me and Slide a peek over at Alex; I’m as confident as
that she should try to reach out to Alex or others as I can be about a complete stranger that Allison
well as me, but she acted deeply offended and was doesn’t badger her for anything because her hys-
angry with me for being “selfish.” terics don’t work on Alex.
I can barely remember the girl I befriended and
can hardly stand to be around her. She has yet to get When Allison accused you of being selfish, that
the hint that she needs to back off. was manipulation 101. Do you see it? Allison spun
If I just cut off this friendship, this would cause a her neediness into your fault.
huge rift in my other friendships. This would also
be devastating to Allison, and I still care for her. Any Until you do see it, you’ll be dogged by Allisons.
advice? They spot people more worried about losing their
– Burned Out friends than about losing themselves, and they
latch on. The powerlessness you feel is what los-
Burned Out: Thank Allison profusely for teach- ing yourself feels like.
It’s not uncommon, but fix it now, please – with
a counselor at school if need be – while your Al-
lison is just Allison and not your boss, child or
28 Thursday, November 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
‘We’re doing something’: Group pushes teen heart screenings
STORY BY LYN DOWLING CORRESPONDENT tice field, and it changed Ernst’s life.
[email protected] Five years later while studying at
Evan Ernst is a typical beach guy: Florida State University, he gathered
bright, inquisitive, cheerful, laid-back. a group of young Brevardians in his
fraternity house in Tallahassee to
The 26-year-old Cocoa Beach High form a foundation that would become
School graduate will talk soccer all day a national movement with more than
– coaching his avocation. But when the 500 chapters in seven states. Who We
subject turns to the events of Dec. 1, Play For has become a much-heralded
2007, he grows reflective. That is when nonprofit organization that tests high
he saw an ebullient 15-year-old named school-aged athletes for heart condi-
Rafe Maccarone drop dead on the prac-
In front of Rafe Maccarone’s retired jersey in the gym with Team Nina providing the screenings.
tions like Maccarone’s, which cause adolescence.”
young people to die without ever hav- Sometimes those who have the con-
ing felt sick. Ernst works full-time as
the Heart Screening Director, coordi- dition show symptoms like fainting,
nating this testing across the country. seizures, chest pains, shortness of
breath or fatigue. Often, in people like
Who We Play For picked up steam the notoriously fit Maccarone, one of
after Ernst connected with fellow ac- the state’s better soccer players, it does
tivists in Texas, and picked up the fi- not. Regardless, if not treated within
nancial backing of Health First. For the minutes, it usually causes death.
third year in a row, the company has
provided assistance, this time $30,000 That lethality is attested by statis-
for 1,800 screenings, to WWPF. tics. According to the Heart Rhythm
Society, SCA accounts for more than
Testing starts with high school ath- 450,000 fatalities in the U.S. annually:
letes but next school year it will extend one life every 90 seconds, more than
to younger kids, beginning at DeLaura breast cancer, lung cancer or AIDS.
Middle School in Satellite Beach, so
horribly touched by the sudden death “Ninety-five percent of people with
of a seventh-grader in August. Wheth- SCA die as a result, mostly because im-
er Zachary Sealey died of a heart con- mediate treatment is not accessible,”
dition is not the point, says Ernst. That Ernst says. “That’s what we’re trying to
the school is willing to bring in people change.”
to test for any condition that kills chil-
dren is. The changes started soon after Mac-
carone’s death, when Ernst and his
This condition that kills children is friends started the Play for Rafe Foun-
sudden cardiac arrest, or SCA, in which dation, which raised funds to buy au-
the heart abruptly and unexpectedly tomated external defibrillators (AEDs)
stops beating, causing blood to stop for Cocoa Beach High School and Bre-
flowing to the brain and other organs, vard County parks. The drives to col-
usually the result of arrhythmia (ab- lect funds for more went on, but that
normal heart rhythm) caused by elec- wasn’t enough.
trical or structural defects. It is not
heart attack (myocardial infarction), “We were determined that (SCA)
which usually is caused by blockage. should never happen to anyone else,”
Ernst says quietly. “We brought 15 Bre-
In 2010 Drs. Kelly Gajewski and vard County kids together in a room at
Philip Saul wrote in the Annals of a fraternity house (at Florida State Uni-
Pediatric Cardiology, “Hypertrophic versity): Rafe’s friends. We thought, ‘We
cardiomyopathy is the most common can talk about it or we can do some-
cause of (sudden cardiac death) in the thing,’ and we were determined to do
United States in people 30 years old or something. We’re going to fix this prob-
younger. The disease prevalence has lem. We became Who We Play For.”
been estimated as high as one per 500
in young adults. It is typically non-ob- The organization settled on a three-
structive and presents in mid- to late- way approach: AEDs, which it already
was buying; CPR training, taught every-
where by the American Red Cross and
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 16, 2017 29
YOUR HEALTH “At Health First, we focus on improv-
ing Brevard because we are Brevard,”
American Heart Association, which it al- At Team Nina’s walk with Nina (on left) Rector said. “We live and work here
ready emphasized; and screenings. They, and Lexi (SCA survivor on right). and want what’s best for our commu-
Ernst believes, are imperative because nity. It is a privilege for us to provide
“there’s a 90 percent chance you’re going funding to organizations like Who We
to catch it before it becomes a problem.” Play For that are making a positive im-
pact on the lives of people in our com-
Furthermore, Ernst and friends were munity.”
alarmed by the fact that unlike their
professional and collegiate elders, youth Ernst who naturally will be on the
and high school athletes are not tested pitch for the annual Play for Rafe Alum-
for heart conditions on a regular basis. ni Game Nov. 24 at Cocoa Beach High
Who We Play For pivoted toward screen- School, grows thoughtful again. “Fif-
ing alone. teen kids from Brevard County in a frat
house started this. Fifteen kids who
“They can’t or won’t do it because said, ‘We can talk or we can do some-
it’s expensive,” Ernst says, and so he thing.’ We’re doing something.”
set about making it less expensive,
forming a volunteer network of pedi-
atric cardiologists to read results and
therefore drop costs.
A student athlete now pays $20 to
have his or her heart tested for ab-
normalities, most screenings set up
through athletic trainers “because
it’s an easier point of reference,” in
Ernst’s words. If a student cannot af-
ford to be tested, WWPF finds a way
to do it.
Hundreds of thousands of electro-
cardiograms have been performed
across the country by what now is its
biggest heart screening nonprofit or-
ganization. Its board includes busi-
ness people and doctors, including
cardiologist Dr. Thomas DeBauche,
and though it has a staff of only six
people in Florida, Michigan and Tex-
as, thousands of volunteers are in-
Dr. Gregory Simmons, a pediatric
cardiologist/cardiothoracic surgeon
who practiced at Holmes Regional
Medical Center but who died earlier
this year, gave WWPF great impetus,
Ernst said.
“We have identified more than 70
people with life-threatening heart con-
ditions,” Ernst says. “Of those, all but
11 were able to be treated and return to
their sports or activities.”
Ernst the athlete sees Who We Play
For going well beyond those who play.
“I think that every single person
should have heart screening,” he says.
“For us, screening athletes is a trickle-
down: Test the athletes and the rest will
follow. Test the kids and the adults will
follow. We already see friends of ath-
letes, kids who are not in sports, who
come along and say, ‘Can regular kids
participate too?’ Of course they can.
That’s exactly what we want.”
He asks if finding 11 kids with heart
problems is not worth a few minutes
of screening and $20, and found his
conversation with Bobby Pruett, De-
Laura’s principal, “incredibly posi-
tive” about testing in the 2018-2019
school year.
Health First is “all in,” as Ernst puts
it, and Drew Rector, its chief strategy
officer, sounds very much like him
when discussing it, with emphasis on
the area where the movement started.
30 Thursday, November 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Doctors seeing increase in throat cancer caused by HPV
STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRTIER The Johns Hopkins School of Medi- of those viruses can be easily spread by saying, “There are several reasons why
[email protected] cine says “HPV now causes most of the through direct sexual contact” including your son should get vaccinated. Just be-
oropharyngeal cancers in the U.S.” and vaginal, oral and anal sex. cause he can’t get cervical cancer doesn’t
Say the word “cancer” and the first points out that “more than 20 million mean he can’t get one of the other types
medical specialties most people think Americans have some type of genital or The good news? There are effective of cancer,” including cancer of the penis.
about are “oncology” or “radiology” or oral HPV infection.” HPV vaccines available.
maybe even “hematology.” Moreover, getting vaccinated will help
Additionally, the National Institutes The bad news? Many parents are loath prevent him from spreading any of the
It’s probably a safe bet that “otolaryn- of Health claims, “the incidence of oro- to have their pre-teen children vaccinat- many HPV viruses out there to any fu-
gology” wouldn’t make anyone’s top 10 pharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma ed for HPV, at an age when the vaccine ture partner or partners.
list. is rising,” and goes on to report it is now could be most helpful.
the sixth most common cancer in the Given the demographics of this area,
Maybe that’s because “oh-toe-lair- world with 630,000 new cases being di- Tudor is sympathetic to parents’ di- it’s far too late for most people here to
in-goll-oh-jee” is just so darned tough agnosed each year resulting in 350,000 lemma. “Some people have this idea that seek out an HPV vaccine.
to pronounce. deaths annually. if you vaccinate kids for an STD it some-
how encourages them to engage in sexu- Children, however, can live their lives
Still, when it comes to spotting can- The reason doctors like Tudor are see- al behavior.” knowing they are immune from at least
cers caused by the sexually transmitted ing so many HPV-related cancers is fairly some forms of cancer and, as a result,
human papilloma virus or HPV, Dr. Seth obvious – people enjoy sex. But he also points out, “the whole can avoid some of the downright grue-
Tudor says he and his fellow ENT (ears, point of asking parents to vaccinate their some outcomes Tudor has seen.
nose and throat) physicians – as otolar- As Tudor explains, “HPV is most com- [pre-teen] children is because it’s well
yngologists are more commonly called monly transmitted through intimate before they’re even thinking about sex. “I’ve seen this sort of cancer [in pa-
– are uniquely qualified to identify and contact. That is something that is very That’s the way this vaccine works.” tients] as young as a 29-year-old guy who
help treat “oropharyngeal squamous common. And there are hundreds of had a horrible tumor in the back of his
cell carcinomas” or the head and neck HPV strains and something like 80 to 90 Then there are misconceptions which tongue that was HPV-related,” adding,
cancers that HPV can trigger. percent of people who had three or more include a ‘boy versus girl’ kind of pretzel “I’ve seen plenty of 30- and 40-year-old
sexual partners have been infected with logic. Most parents, Tudor explains, “are men who also have had it.”
“The oropharynx,” explains the tall, one strain [or another] and you would well aware of the link between HPV and
youthful-looking Tudor, “is one of the frequently never know.” cervical cancer” but they sometimes Tudor would like to help the next gen-
areas of the throat that involves the think that’s something their male child eration avoid all of that and he is eager to
tonsils, the soft palette, the base of the The National Cancer Institute says doesn’t have to worry about. explain how.
tongue, and the pharynx, or the back of HPVs “are a group of more than 200 re-
the throat” and that’s where many HPV- lated viruses” and that more than 40 Indeed, Tudor heard some parents say, Dr. T. Seth Tudor’s office is at 12920 U.S.
induced cancers hide. “Well, I have a boy. Why do I need to get a 1. Suite B in Sebastian. The phone number
vaccine for my son?” But Tudor responds is 772-228-9808.
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 16, 2017 31
Nini’s Cuban Cuisine: Winning fans with authentic fare
[email protected]
The phrase, “it’s a win-win,” is some- Tostones.
thing I almost never use, but on rare de Pollo. Tres Leches.
occasion it’s warranted. When you can Normally RESTAURANT HOURS
a strictly black-coffee drinker, the cafe Tues. to Thurs. 11:30am to 3pm
live in small-town seaside paradise and con leche was like a dessert itself to me
and it was a treat. The fantastic tres and 5pm to 9pm
stumble upon a place that makes you leches cake was both delicate and rich, Fridays 11:30am to 3pm
full of creamy flavor.
feel and taste the culture and flavor of and 5pm to 10pm
Taking in the colorful vibe of Nini’s Saturdays 11am to 4pm
South Florida without the traffic, the at the very end of lunchtime before they
closed at 3 p.m. to prepare to reopen and 5pm to 10pm
crowds, the crime and other hassles of at 5 p.m. for dinner, we imagined the Sundays 11am to 4pm
place could get pretty lively and full of
city life, that’s truly a win-win. When energy on the weekend, like this Satur- and 5pm to 9pm
day night when Nini’s will host a Mojito BEVERAGES
you can get a little white cup of Cafecito Party with entertainment and you can
bet even a little dancing. The poster says Beer, wine and wine cocktails
right on 5th Avenue in Downtown In- dress to impress and make reservations ADDRESS
for this fun night that runs until 2 a.m.
dialantic, or enjoy an authentic Cuban and promises a “One day in Havana” 147 Fifth Avenue, Indialantic
good time. If breakfast is more your PHONE
meal cooked with love in a warm, col- speed, Nini’s serves a hearty brunch un-
til 4 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. (321) 821-4928
orful atmosphere and sip cool Mojito a
We encourage you to send feedback to
short stroll from the boardwalk and the [email protected].
surf, you’re likely at Nini’s Cuban Cui- The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
dines anonymously at restaurants at the
sine. expense of this newspaper.
Wish I could take credit for “discover-
ing” this gem that opened last Decem-
ber when Havana native Jorge Morales
and his extended family moved to Bre-
vard after 20 years in the restaurant
business in Miami, but an avid follower
of our Beachsider dining column highly
recommended the place.
We visited Nini’s twice this month,
both times for a late lunch. The first time
I dined solo, and was so pleased with my cedes, Croquetas de Jamon.
who proud-
yummy beef and chicken empanadas
with truffle aioli ($6 for two) and deli- ly introduced
cious Scottish salmon entree with qui- her son-in-law Jorge
noa risotto and a side salad ($18), I knew as the owner and talented
I had to return with a dining compan- chef of the establishment. It’s evident
ion to sample more of the menu. the whole family has invested heart
Last week for starters, we ordered the and soul in Nini’s success.
home-made ham croquetas ($4.50 for Settling in to our table by the
five), and some simple tostones ($3.50), window overlooking cafe seating
which if you haven’t tried them are tasty and palm trees, we sampled two of
twice-fried plantains, served at Nini’s Nini’s tropical drinks, the Mojito ($7)
are served with a flavorful mojo dip- and the red sangria ($7) chocked full
ping sauce. Both were more of fresh fruit. Both were refreshing, but
than worth the deep-fried ca- I preferred the less-sweet Mojito for its
loric indul- blend of lime and mint. Nini’s does not
gence. have a full liquor license at present, but
Seating creates some impressive cocktails with
us was Mer- wine-based spirits.
I decided on the Pincho de Pollo con
Pina y Bacon entree and was amazed
when arrived, stacked nearly 2 feet high
were tender chunks of chicken breast,
wrapped in bacon, skewered with
pineapple and roasted to perfection,
served with sweet plantains. This
dish is generous enough to be shared.
My companion opted for the Palomilla
steak ($15), a tender beef steak pound-
ed very thin and served with caramel-
ized onion, which he said was good.
Both of our entrees were, of course,
served with nicely seasoned black
beans and rice.
For dessert, we skipped the tradi-
tional flan because the tres leches
cake ($5) sounded like a better accom-
paniment to my cafe con leche ($3.50).
32 Thursday, November 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
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Beachside living at bargain
price in Indialantic townhome
2413 Carriage Court in Indialantic: 2-bedroom, 2.5-bath, 1,500-square-foot townhouse a block from the beach
offered for $225,000 by Coldwell Banker Paradise Realtors Joe and Teresa Ferrara: 321-626-4192
34 Thursday, November 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Beachside living at a bargain price in Indialantic
STORY BY BRENDA EGGERT BRADER CORRESPONDENT ing space at 2413 Carriage Court in- this building is concrete block first opens to the kitchen and living areas.
cludes two bedrooms, two and a half and second floor, which is really un- Lovely French doors provide plenty of
A cozy townhome in Indialantic is bathrooms and an open floor plan for usual near the beach,” said Teresa sunlight and open to a large screened
a perfect habitat for those who want kitchen, living and dining areas. Ferrara, realtor with Coldwell Banker Florida room with tile flooring – a
to live beachside, walk to the Atlantic, Paradise. “It is built solid and is also great place to entertain while enjoy-
yet purchase a home that fits within “Normally townhomes are con- well protected. The proximity to the ing the warm Florida climate.
a budget. The 1,500 square feet of liv- crete block on the first floor only, but
TOP 1% OF BREVARD “Todd is highly motivated, very ambitious and is
COUNTY AGENTS cohnisstacnlitelyntgsowinigthththeeeirxbtreasmt iinlete.r.e.asltwinaymsisnedr!v”ing
TODD OSTRANDER Todd moved here from Minnesota and has been serving the citizens of beach is great. When you can walk Stainless appliances with large re-
Brevard County for 20 years with high energy, hard work and his unique way to the beach, that is probably one of frigerator are surrounded by light
“HALL OF FAME” PRODUCER with people. His vast knowledge of the many neighborhoods and communi- the best features of this home that is wood upper and lower kitchen cabi-
ties in the area, interest in real estate and willingness to go above and beyond priced at only $225,000.” nets with ample cream and gray-col-
321-749-8405 for his clients is a winning combination for either buyers or sellers! ored granite countertops with break-
He specializes in marketing unique properties and water properties by using Built in 1986, the updated concrete fast bar. Recessed ceiling lights make
[email protected] a professional photographer to capture the most beautiful pictures that at- block, brick and stucco townhome working in the kitchen a pleasure.
WWW.DOORTOTHEEASTSHORE.COM tract buyers from all around the world. He also has the experience and knowl- has tile and wood flooring down-
edge to help ANY seller that wants an agent that is hardworking, trustworthy stairs, with the two upstairs bed- Light hardwood stairs lead up to
and goes the extra mile to handle each of his clients on a “one on one” basis. rooms carpeted. Beside the main en- the bedrooms and a handy second-
Overall he has single handedly closed over 300 transactions which equals trance to the one-car garage, a paver floor laundry room with a full-sized
well over 125 Million Dollars of Real Estate since starting in 2007/2008. This walkway leads to the front door that washer and dryer hidden behind fold-
stature has made him one of the preferred agents in the area and landed him opens into a foyer with stairwell im- ing doors in the hallway. To the left
in the “Top 1% of Brevard County agents!” but the most important thing is mediately to the right. at the top of the staircase is a front
that all his clients are happy! bedroom overlooking Carriage Court.
The short first-floor hallway, that The master bedroom has a Juliet bal-
includes access to the half bath,
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 16, 2017 35
Year Built: 1986
Concrete block,
brick and stucco
Home Size: 1,500 sq. ft.
Bedrooms: 2
2 full baths and 1 half-bath
HOA: Low $350 bi-annual fee
Additional features: Open floor
plan, carpet, tile, wood flooring,
breakfast bar, ceiling fans, walk-
in closets, storm shutters, single
car garage, additional outdoor
assigned parking space, two
pets allowed.
Listing agency:
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Listing agent:
Joe and Teresa Ferrara,
321-626-4192 or 321-951-3300
Listing price: $225,000
36 Thursday, November 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
cony overlooking the quiet residential et offering an abundance of room for to the Juliet balcony. and that friend has moved on. Now
green space in the rear of the town- hanging clothing. Tall stacked shelv- “A single female owns the house the owner has decided to place it up
home. Each bedroom has its own ing offers storage for folded items like for sale.”
large bathroom complete with floor to sweaters. The French doors here open and got married,” Ferrara said. “She
ceiling tiled shower with elegant glass rented it for a while to a close friend The easy walking distance to local
door and rain shower spray. Tiled sur- restaurants and shops, and of course
rounds also circle the walls of each the beach in her backyard, were the
bathroom. Single granite vanity sinks, things the homeowner liked best
one in each bath, offer plenty of stor- about living at Carriage Court.
age. Each bathroom has a medicine
chest with mirror and a single ad- The homeowners’ association dues
ditional mirror over the sink. Both are $350 bi-annually and two pets are
bathrooms have recessed lighting. welcome.
The master bedroom with light To view this pleasant Indialantic
khaki carpet has a large walk-in clos- property, call Joe and Teresa Ferrara,
realtors, at 321-626-4192 or email: Te-
[email protected].
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38 Thursday, November 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Nov. 3 to Nov. 9
The real estate market had a solid Election Week in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937. Melbourne
Beach led the way with 6 sales, followed by Indialantic and Satellite Beach with 4 each, and Indian
Harbour Beach reporting 3.
The top sale of the week was of a new home in Matanilla Reef in the Aquarina Country Club. The residence
at 7451 Matanilla Reef Way was placed on the market June 27, 2016 ,with an asking price of $649,900. The
sale closed Nov. 3 for $841,350.
Both the seller and the purchaser in the transaction were represented by Renee Winkler and Carola
Mayerhoeffer of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s.
CRYSTAL LAKE 2ND ADD 5110 SEILER ST 9/3/2017 $415,000 $415,000 11/8/2017 $215,000
INDIAN LANDING PH1 531 MORAY PL 10/2/2017 $399,900 $399,900 11/3/2017
PEPPERTREE EAST COND 201 SIXTH A AVE 10/20/2017 $235,000 $235,000 11/9/2017 $440,000
SALES FOR 32903 $299,900
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 440 SEVENTH AVE 9/25/2017 $450,000 $450,000 11/3/2017 $557,798
NEW PROVIDENCE ESTAT 243 PROVINCIAL DR 10/13/2017 $369,000 $369,000 11/9/2017 $530,000
SOUTH SEA VILLAGE 1S 2112 REEF AVE 8/2/2017 $324,900 $299,900 11/6/2017 $406,750
ENCLAVE SUBD 130 ENCLAVE AVE 11/7/2017 $557,798 $557,798 11/7/2017
GARDENIA OCEANFRONT 2195 HIGHWAY A1A 201 9/28/2017 $530,000 $530,000 11/7/2017
MICHIGAN BEACH 9TH 3 230 SHERWOOD AVE 9/23/2017 $425,000 $425,000 11/3/2017
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 16, 2017 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Crystal Lake 2nd Add, Address: 5110 Seiler St Subdivision: Peppertree East Cond, Address: 201 Sixth A Ave
Listing Date: 9/3/2017 Listing Date: 10/20/2017
Original Price: $415,000 Original Price: $235,000
Recent Price: $415,000 Recent Price: $235,000
Sold: 11/8/2017 Sold: 11/9/2017
Selling Price: $405,000 Selling Price: $215,000
Listing Agent: David Settgast Listing Agent: Eva McMillan
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc
Kelly Place Gibbs Baum
Tropical Realty & Inv. of Brev Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Subdivision: Indialantic by Sea, Address: 440 Seventh Ave Subdivision: New Providence Estat, Address: 243 Provincial Dr
Listing Date: 9/25/2017 Listing Date: 10/13/2017
Original Price: $450,000 Original Price: $369,000
Recent Price: $450,000 Recent Price: $369,000
Sold: 11/3/2017 Sold: 11/9/2017
Selling Price: $440,000 Selling Price: $369,000
Listing Agent: Amanda Gonnella Listing Agent: Brad Fairman
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Alternative Realty Selling Agent: House Facts Realty
Avery Piantedosi Brad Kuhns
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl RE/MAX Elite
Subdivision: Enclave Subd, Address: 130 Enclave Ave
Listing Date: 11/7/2017
Original Price: $557,798
Recent Price: $557,798
Sold: 11/7/2017
Selling Price: $557,798
Listing Agent: Mark Fontaine
Selling Agent: Fontaine Property Group, Inc.
Mark Fontaine
Fontaine Property Group, Inc.
Subdivision: Gardenia Oceanfront, Address: 2195 Highway A1A 201
Listing Date: 9/28/2017
Original Price: $530,000
Recent Price: $530,000
Sold: 11/7/2017
Selling Price: $530,000
Listing Agent: Alexandra Shupe & Susan Breed
Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty
Not provided
Not provided