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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2016-06-16 13:40:40



Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 16, 2016 51


ACROSS 75 End up like Lucia 6 Bathtub liners 70 Eleanor, to Teddy The Washington Post
78 Galley with three 7 Just manage 71 Stuck in Mexico?
1 Cyclotron morsel 75 Enjoy Vegas
5 Endorsement of tiers of oars (with “by”) 76 Certain finals
81 More like a 8 Actor Beatty 77 Early American
a sort 9 Crucial move
9 Rifle shot certain citrus 10 Frat celeb militia member
83 Give ___ (phone) 11 Really appreciate 79 Isl. volcano off
12 1957 musical,
The ___ Game 84 Nelson and 12 Have a share (of) Italy
18 The Crimson Norton 13 Landers or Jillian 80 Steinbeck’s
14 Iwo ___
Tide, 85 Pennsylvania 15 Singing brothers middle name
for short Avenue’s “plain 16 Rough up 82 Bathroom
19 Chad, for speaker”
17 Mutable product,
example 88 Top gun 23 Played snares Janitor ___
20 Beatles tune, 89 Observation, Part 25 When école is 86 Where the
“___ Loser” Golden Spike
21 Twenty 5 fini? was driven
94 Azure, in Arezzo 27 Sydney 87 Unpub. works
Questions 95 Whiz preceder 90 A Sandra
question 96 Tables, as a Greenstreet types 91 Pancake-mix
22 Feminist’s 29 Give the OK Aunt and Potter’s
observation proposal Puddleduck
about the 97 Type of serve 31 Adenauer’s 92 As a ___ an end
Constitution, Part 98 Easy guitar nickname, Der 93 He’s ahead of
1 ___ everybody
24 Observation, Part chord, briefly 99 Beauty preceder,
2 101 Literary 32 Actor Claude at times
26 Middles, in 34 Word (or its 100 Post-coup group
Middlesex collection: abbr. 103 All-sides attack
27 Zelda’s guy 102 Haile Selassie plural) that 104 Brunch time
28 Remains to be appears 22 times 105 Houston player
seen? follower in this diagram 107 Zeal, to Zapata
30 Farewell 106 CEOs 37 “You’ll ___!” 108 Crispness
31 “I smell ___!” 109 Tennessee (words of 110 From ___
33 Stationery warning) (completely)
amount lizard? 38 Young ___ (kids) 111 Look through
35 Mr. Parseghian 111 Concentrates on 39 Snub quickly
36 Walks around 113 End of the 41 “___ for the whole 112 Soy product
40 Chiang ___-shek family!” 114 See 122 Across
42 Yea counterpart observation 43 It means “ten” 115 ___ de plume
43 Observation, Part 115 Chauvinist’s 44 Pontiff’s vestment 116 Bullish
3 45 Church law expression?
49 NOW cause response 46 Used a trimming
50 Ancient to the tool MALE INDEPENDENCE By Merl Reagle
Palestinian observation 47 Fracases
51 Ox tail? 117 Kuala Lumpur’s 48 Northumberland
52 Room with a vue land was one
53 “You ___ this to 118 Sassy Seat 54 Expensive,
me!” occupant decorative
55 ___-toothed 119 Christianizer glass
58 Grants liberty of Norway 56 Sharp
59 The Time 120 Shirley Temple’s 57 Author Bombeck
Machine race John 61 Member of a
60 Bleachers shout 121 Faulkner family Latin trio?
63 Like Pollyanna’s 122 With 114 Down, a 62 Moses’s
outlook class of coloring language, in
65 Observation, Part agents French
4 123 Computer-screen 64 A Man author
72 Flit listing Oriana
73 Mr. Monella? 124 Nautilus guy 66 Chestnut
74 Hodgepodge 67 Characters in old
DOWN Domino Pizza
1 Rope fiber ads
2 Broke, as a bronc 68 Pops
3 Saudi’s eastern 69 Of a pelvic bone

4 Woman’s cloak
5 Insect wings

The Telegraph

52 Vero Beach 32963 / June 16, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Relationship mess: When your partner is a slob …

BY CAROLYN HAX You say your partner is “wonderful,” “definitely”
Washington Post a keeper “as long as we both shall live.” That’s not a
tribute to someone of poor character, so she doesn’t
Dear Carolyn, sound like a “won’t,” and that plus your 35 years of fu-
tility suggest your lovely partner is a “can’t.” She can’t,
My longtime partner is in for whatever reason, clean up.

many ways a wonderful woman. If you’re choking on this idea because she has op-
posable thumbs and working limbs and a cupboard
I definitely will be her commit- full of cleaning products, then please broaden your
definition of “can’t” beyond what is physically im-
ted companion for as long as we possible to include what is pragmatically impos-
sible. As in, for whatever reason, just not going to
both shall live. However, she is a happen.

total slob. Although our living room is kept up fair- Again – she either leaves a mess out of some sense
of entitlement or the expression of a certain kind of
ly well, the bedroom looks as if a tornado has just disability. She’s either a jerk or she’s not.

come through. The bathroom has cosmetic-type Either a won’t or a can’t.
This either/or construct can apply to partners who
junk strewn all around. The kitchen has flies buzz- don’t hug, or don’t talk about their feelings, or don’t
shut up, or whatever else.
ing around the unwashed dishes. We all have excesses and deficits, optional or in-
grained. And that means pairing off eventually brings
She has been like this for as long as I have known us all to the same crossroads: Stay or go. Accept or
insist upon changes.
her (about 35 years). I myself am conscientious about You’ve stayed and insisted and insisted into de-
cades of setting her up to fail. You won’t leave. “Ac-
cleanliness. However, I will absolutely not clean up cept” is all you’ve got left.
So please look to things your partner has, in abun-
after her. She would like it if I did, but I know if I do dance, that benefit you. Imagine you’re bartering –
your cleanliness for these gifts of hers.
she will never take responsibility for herself. So the Fair enough? Good. Then do her stinkin’ dishes or
jointly hire someone who will. Amen. 
situation never gets resolved.

I have tried everything I can think of to get her

to change. Being firm, being easy, ignoring it, gentle To be fair, I’m basically built to agree with you; the
expectation that I’ll clean up someone else’s mess
shaming, being insistent, educating, logical reason- can send me from 0 to outrage in seconds.

ing. Nothing has worked. But I’m never outraged by, say, an infant’s mess –
naturally, because babies can’t clean, right? So there’s
I don’t want to give up on this and still have hope a difference between “won’t” and “can’t” here.

for some remedy. Can you give me any advice? Someone who won’t clean up lacks character and
betrays a deal-breaking comfort with letting others
— D. do all the work. Someone who can’t clean up lacks
skills and betrays a physical/mental/emotional lim-
Dear 'D.': itation that prevents them from doing the work.
Maybe, but I’d rather give you a Golden Mule award:
Thirty-five years of not making a dent is an epic
amount of time to keep believing you can make a dent.

A beauty in NATURE
her own right


Isn’t she a beauty? Often the female of a bird species is less colorful than
the male. This Northern Cardinal, with her bright orange, seed-crushing
bill and orangey breast would certainly be more admired as a unique, col-
orful bird if she did not have such a gorgeous red partner. Viewing her by
herself, in the detail allowed by John A. Middleton Jr.’s Nikon TC14E-II with
a 300mm lens, we can savor even the tiny red-orange facial feathers, her
erect crest and watchful gaze.

Often during mating season, male Cardinals may attack your windows or
even your car’s side-view mirrors. What is he doing? Likely warning the ap-
parent rival Cardinal he perceives in his reflection that this is his territory
and don’t intrude! Also, the reflection of trees and sky in your windows can
deceive birds into thinking it is a clear escape, especially when startled or
chased by a predator hawk. It is estimated millions of birds in the U.S. die
from window collisions annually. Scientists have found that birds can see
the ultraviolet spectrum and avoid windows with ultraviolet decals, less
visible to us. Save millions of bird’s lives: make home and business win-
dows less reflective – pull shades, especially during migration and breeding
seasons, design buildings differently, or use glass with decals or implanted
UV patterns.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / June 16, 2016 53

Donatella Versace on causing controversy

BY EMMA SPEDDING ing if we all did the same thing.” sible happen. We travelled to the most opened and closed several shows for
The Telegraph exciting places in the world, such as the house so is now a firm favorite. “As
Versace has always worked with Buenos Aires. It was in the days before soon as I met Gigi, we clicked,” Versace
These days ad campaigns have be- supermodels digital, and no one had cameras on says of her relationship with the model.
come just as much about creating a their phones. It was a magical time.” “Gigi is a true supermodel because not
talking point as showing off nice bags Given Versace’s long history of only is she stunningly beautiful, she
and shoes. Versace’s AW16 ad cam- working with the biggest supermod- Why Donatella loves Gigi is also gracious and works incredibly
paign released last week is no different. els of the day – her brother Gianni Gigi Hadid starred in her first Ver- hard. She is a natural supermodel, and
Donatella Versace enlisted photogra- was famous for forming close part- sace campaign last year, and has a perfect Versace woman.”
pher Bruce Weber for the first time in nerships with the likes of Naomi
17 years to create a family-centric set Campbell, Claudia Schiffer and Kate Hadid’s huge following online is
of images starring Gigi Hadid, 21, and Moss, who would always walk in his often regarded as a key part of her su-
Karlie Kloss, 23, alongside their imag- shows – it’s hardly surprising that permodel status. Donatella joined Ins-
ined children and boyfriends. Hadid and Kloss are the no-brainer tagram herself a year ago, posting her
choices for Versace now. first selfie on set of the AW15 campaign
A leather-clad Kloss is seen exit- with Gigi. “It was a very happy coinci-
ing a car with two children – who are But Donatella says it’s more about dence that my first post was with some-
definitely around school age – and a the models’ integrity and attitude than one who understands social media so
partner, while Hadid walks through just their impressive follower count and well,” Versace explains. “So many peo-
Chicago holding her “son’s” hand as fame. “Versace is about individuality. It ple are scared of social media, but it’s
her fictional boyfriend/husband/baby is about believing in yourself and show- amazing to watch young people today
daddy pushes their “daughter” in a ing your true character to the world. and see how much it is a part of their
buggy. This glamorized spin on real I love Gigi and Karlie because of their lives. The new way that they commu-
life is a world away from the previ- amazing strength of character. They nicate is very inspiring to me. They are
ous autumn/winter campaign which are their own women who will not com- so curious about the world, following
showed models lying in the snow in promise their individuality for anyone. people of so many different nationali-
animal-print bikinis. I wanted to create imagery that was all ties and backgrounds. Getting to know
about their brilliant individuality.” Gigi has made me fall in love with social
The campaign is all about “real life” media, and the new way it lets me see
“With my collections, I’ve been Weber’s ’90s ads the world.” 
thinking more and more about the When Weber and Versace worked to-
real life of Versace, and the complex- gether almost twenty years ago, their
ity of women’s lives,” Donatella Ver- work was equally provocative. Think
sace explains of her thinking behind a topless Helena Christensen being
this campaign. “They run their own touched by a male model as she takes
business, look after their family, trav- pictures of him, mixed-race couples
el, share time with friends, all often embracing and not wearing very much,
in the same day. I wanted to show the and a denim campaign which shows
fullness of the Versace life in our cam- groins pressed up against each other. In
paign, and Bruce was the only photog- short, just the sort of thing which would
rapher who could capture that mood.” still elicit a reaction now.
“Shooting our first campaigns with
Why it’s controversial Bruce are some of my most special
The campaign has sparked plenty memories of my Versace life. It was a
of reaction online, with many com- different time then, no constrictions
plaining that it’s unrealistic to show or constraints,” the designer says of
twentysomethings Hadid and Kloss how much has changed since they
as mothers, especially given that last worked together. “We could shoot
the age of children they’re posing for days, dream big, make the impos-
with means they’d have given birth
aged 16 or younger. Meanwhile oth-
ers have claimed it’s racist to show
Hadid front and center with a black
partner and children, one of whom
is chained into its buggy – although
many have also retorted that those
people “really need to get a grip.
You’re looking for something that
isn’t there.”
“My name is Versace – I don’t know
how to do things quietly,” Donatella
“That is just my blood and my fam-
ily. We make a noise, shout loud, nev-
er hold back on our opinions. This is
why our campaigns have always been
so bold, because my family has al-
ways provoked. Life would be so bor-

54 Vero Beach 32963 / June 16, 2016 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Powerful women know it pays to adopt a fashion uniform

BY EMILY CRONIN means about the state and movement you’re in power. And, in what’s both a under a boxy jacket.
The Telegraph of women in the higher echelons of blessing and a curse, women in pow- 3. Jewel-Toned Crew: Leading this
business, here on the fashion desk er have greater scope to send messag-
Congratulations, Angela Merkel! we’d like to turn our attention to their es with their clothes than most men, category are Oprah, Sheryl Sandberg
The German chancellor, despite fac- looks. Because, like it or not, as Tony for whom a seasonal shop consists of and Melinda Gates, who know that
ing a backlash against her open-door Blair discovered when there was end- availing themselves of corporate dis- jewel-toned, waist-conscious dresses
refugee policy at home, can take less speculation over whether he’d counts at Charles Tyrwhitt. are the patrician way to do dressy –
heart from news that she is still of- dyed his hair, image counts when mainly because they hold their own
ficially the most powerful woman in Run a Google Image search on each on TV.
the world. That’s according to Forbes, of the top 30 entrants, and a remark-
the American business magazine ably cohesive picture of her public 4. Expressive Scarf Unit: Lagarde,
(and headline-grabbing list factory), style emerges. Most fall into one of Yellen and Pepsico CEO Indra Nooyi
which just released its 13th annual the following categories: use a draped silk scarf as a more strik-
Most Powerful Women List. ing adornment than jewels.
1. Pant Suit Team: Politicians’ sar-
Merkel tops the list for the sixth year torial heartland. Merkel, Clinton, Yel- 5. Monochrome Maniacs: Apple
running, followed closely by Hillary len and many more swear by the co- exec (and ex Burberry chief) Angela
Clinton, Federal Reserve Chair Janet ordinated jacket-and-trouser combo. Ahrendts, EU Commission VP Fed-
Yellen, philanthropist Melinda Gates, Clinton is so identified as a trouser- erica Mogherini and UN Develop-
IMF MD Christine Lagarde, Facebook suit queen that she put it into her ment Administrator Helen Clark are
COO Sheryl Sandberg (she leaned Twitter bio, in which she says she is: rarely photographed in anything
right into the No. 7 spot), and a trio of “Wife, mom, grandma, women+kids other than black and white. Maybe
CEOs (YouTube’s Susan Wojcicki, HP’s advocate, FLOTUS, Senator, SecState, cream. Navy if they’re feeling wild.
Meg Whitman and Banco Santander’s hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, 2016 Because restraint = power.
Ana Botin). The next 90 entries on the presidential candidate.”
list are similarly stellar – think Anna 6. Symbolic Squad: Nods to heri-
Wintour (No. 28) and Aung Sun Suu 2. Blazer Brigade: Technically a tage in dress can resonate with the
Kyi (No. 26). subset of (1), this is the comfort zone public. President of Chile Michelle
for the list’s CEOs, who never met a Bachelet dresses almost exclusively
There aren’t many surprises. silk blouse they wouldn’t like to hide in the colors of her country’s flag
But rather than question what that (red, white and blue). Aung San Suu
Kyi is instantly recognizable, in part
thanks to consistently appearing in
a traditional longyi. Indra Nooyi and
State Bank of India Chair-MD Arund-
hati Bhattacharya opt for saris for el-
egant occasions.

7. Michelle Obama: A category unto
herself for her aplomb and total fash-
ion wizardry. There is only one, there
will only ever be one.

What’s remarkable is the consis-
tency with which each power-mover
hews to her preferred look. The wom-
en of the power list have come around
to the view their male counterparts
have held for decades – that when it
comes to wardrobe, the biggest pow-
er move is adopting a uniform.

Steve Jobs had his black polo necks.
Mark Zuckerberg has all but trade-
marked the gray T-shirt. The biggest

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / June 16, 2016 55

think about bigger things. Even if that’s uniforms, even if they don’t think of
only what to eat for breakfast. their outfits as such. They’ve hit on a
formula that always works and stuck
There are plenty of ways to play it. with it, experimenting within param-
Think of the fashion editor who al- eters. A limited panel of wardrobe op-
ways wears Commes des Garcons, tions can be liberating.
the Breton-and-jeans purist at the
school gates, the “anything as long as “But wouldn’t wearing the same
it’s black” graphic designer. All wear thing every day get boring?” you won-
der. Well, the fundamental thing about
a uniform is that, like all fashion, it’s
there to help, not hinder – and some-
times you can take it off and live a little.

Which takes us back to Clinton:
When Lena Dunham interviewed
Clinton for her Lenny newsletter, she
waited until the end of the interview
to raise the topic of fashion – admit-
ting she was nervous about bringing
up clothes with a politician. Perhaps
that’s why she asked not about the can-
didate’s suits or the challenge of dress-
ing for the road, but about the cold-
shoulder dress by Donna Karan that
Clinton wore to one of her first events
at the White House in 1993.

“I do love to fool around with fash-
ion and have some fun with it,” Clin-
ton said. “And so I wore this, and a lot
of the political pundits [said]: ‘What is
the meaning of this?’ and everything.
I thought it would be fun! You’ve got
to still have fun in all of these differ-
ent roles that you’re in or I’m in or
anybody is in their life.”  

decision most male professionals interview, joking that “my memoir will
have to make every morning is which be called: Does This Come in Navy?”
cufflinks to wear with that suit.
That’s the thing about a uniform –
Women have a broader panel of it makes everything easier. No more
choice, but Kate Moss and Sofia Cop- standing in front of a disaster-zone
pola – neither of whom made The wardrobe and feeling hopeless about
List, but who objectively rank as busy, finding the one right thing to wear to
high-achieving women with the op- work.
portunity to wear anything they
like - advocate it. “A kind of uniform And a uniform doesn’t just save time:
helps,”Coppola said in a recent Stella It serves as a visual reminder that you,
the dresser, are in charge, and free to

56 Vero Beach 32963 / June 16, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Ristorante di Mare: Summer menu is something special

BY TINA RONDEAU Veal Chop Forrestiere. PHOTOS BY LEAH DUBOIS with angel hair pasta and veggies.
Columnist Cheese Platter. But my husband’s triggerfish – part

Over the last couple of years, our of the very reasonably priced sum-
reviews of Ristorante di Mare have mer menu – was at least the equal
tended to neglect this South Beach bis- of the more expensive snapper. This
tro’s specialty – Mediterranean cuisine is a great bargain! The triggerfish fi-
from the French and Italian Rivieras. let was topped with a lemon beurre
blanc, and accompanied by rice and
Sure, we continued to visit di Mare. a vegetable medley. Our companion’s
But we couldn’t resist writing about eggplant parm was a nice rendition of
its Wild Game Mondays and its Pol- this dish, with a light marinara sauce,
ish nights – two dining experiences mozzarella and, of course, parmesan
unique to Vero. cheese.

Last week, we decided it finally was For dessert, we shared a slice of a
time to get back to basics. And the grand marnier cheesecake (not includ-
basics at Ristorante di Mare proved ed in the summer special). Very light
mighty good. and tasty.

Arriving at 7:30, our party of three The summer specials are served all
was seated at a pleasant table by the evening – no absurdly early cut-off here
front window, and our server brought – and are an excellent dining value.
a plate of bruschetta topped with
chopped tomato and basil. Blood Orange
Mascarpone Cake.
For starters, we shared two of the eve-
ning’s featured appetizers. We couldn’t, Delicious. But the blue crab ravioli, Our sense is a lot of good things are
needless to say, pass up the pierogies topped with a lobster cream sauce, going on at di Mare, which seems to be
($12) – one of the big Polish night attrac- was, if anything, more sinful. emphasizing its French culinary roots
tions – and we also ordered the Mary- more than its Italian. If you haven’t
land blue crab stuffed ravioli ($14). We followed that with a salad course. been there recently, try the summer
I chose di Mare’s mixed green salad, menu. And if you don’t want to be
The pierogies, hand-made Polish and my husband and our companion hooked, stay away from the pierogies
dumplings stuffed with mashed po- both opted for Caesars. A very nice in-
tatoes and farmer cheese, are served terlude after the very rich appetizers. I welcome your comments, and en-
here with something resembling a car- courage you to send feedback to me at
bonara sauce that may be even better At that point, we went in two differ- [email protected].
than the traditional sour ent directions. I chose one of the eve-
cream. ning’s featured entrées, the yellow tail The reviewer dines anonymously
snapper ($31), while my husband and at restaurants at the expense of Vero
Lamb Tenderloin with our companion decided to sample Beach 32963. 
Port Wine Sauce. di Mare’s special summer menu for
two ($49), which included the salad Ristorante di Mare
(you can have a cup of soup instead),
a choice of five entrées, and a bottle of Hours:
house wine. Tuesday through Saturday,

From the entrées, my husband 5 pm to 9 pm
picked the fresh fish of the day, trigger-
fish, and our companion went for the Adult Beverages: Full bar
eggplant parmesan. The other sum-
mer dining options were veal picatta, Address:
shrimp fra diavolo, or penne a la vodka 1517 South Ocean Drive
with chicken.
Phone: 772-234-2809
My yellow tail snapper was a beauti-
ful piece of this flaky mild fish, topped
with a lobster cream sauce and served

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 16, 2016 57


Winemaker’s success with stems was ferment to be

The Washington Post

Wine has been made since bibli- Whole-cluster “Everyone focuses on the desiccat- Corby and Rollin Soles.
cal times. Oak barrels, glass bottles, fermentation. ed grapes and their concentrated fla-
corks and screw caps have defined vors, but no one mentions the stalks,” Roco Willamette Valley pinot noir,
modern innovation. New technolo- – meaning the grapes slowly decom- he said. Since they were drying, with black cherry fruit and subtle
gies can reinvent wine, the way tem- pose at cold temperatures for a week too, they may be losing some of that earthy tannins. Pinot fans will rec-
perature control allowed vintners or more until fermentation begins. green, unripe character, he figured. ognize both as Oregon wines. The
to produce the crisp white wines we This technique heightens fruit fla- Stalker is more voluptuous, with a
enjoy and demand today. But Rollin vors in the wine and extracts color So in 2011, Soles experimented. fuller feel and texture that improves
Soles thinks he’s onto something no from the skins. Instead of composting the stems he as the wine breathes over a day or two
one else is doing. removed from his pinot noir grapes, after opening.
“I’ve always wanted to make wine he saved them and dried them dur-
Soles is a familiar name to fans of that tastes of the vineyard, of fresh ing the seven-to-10-day period the Soles made only 100 cases that first
Oregon wine. He co-founded Argyle fruit,” Soles told me during a recent grapes were cold-soaking. Once fer- vintage, and just 625 cases in the cur-
winery in 1987 with Australian wine interview. “With whole-cluster, the mentation began, he added the stems rent release, 2013. Despite his enthu-
legend Brian Croser, specializing wines too often tasted green and veg- back to the juice. siasm for the results, he doesn’t plan
first in sparkling wine, later adding etal. I could only taste stalks.” on expanding production beyond
pinot noir, chardonnay and other va- “I expected to get a lot more tan- that level in future vintages.
rieties. He left Argyle in 2013 to focus Then one year, Soles traveled nin in the wine while preserving the
on Roco, the label he created in 2003 through the U.S. Midwest on a mar- fruit,” he said. “And the tannin was “It’s a lot of hard work pushing
with his wife, Corby. Now he’s excited keting tour with Dario Boscaini, a not- measurably higher, about 20 percent. those stems down into the grapes as
about a new variation he has created ed producer of Amarone, the powerful But when I tasted the wine, I noticed they’re fermenting,” he said wryly.
on whole-cluster fermentation of pi- red wine from northeast Italy made a voluptuous texture.” But the effort is worth it.
not noir. from air-dried grapes. As he listened
to Boscaini describe how he made Soles bottled the wine as the Stalk- “It’s exciting for me to come up
Bear with me while I indulge in a wines from the dried grapes, Soles re- er. It has a similar character as the with a completely unique way to fer-
little wine wonkiness: Whole-cluster alized the stalks were left on the clus- ment red wine,” Soles told me. “I nev-
fermentation means the grape clus- ters, and they were drying, too. er thought I’d come up with some-
ters are poured into the fermenting thing that I don’t believe anyone else
bins with their stems, or stalks. has ever done.” 

The stalks add tannin and struc-
ture to the wine, and some pinot noir
producers favor this technique be-
cause pinot noir is a less tannic grape
than others, such as cabernet sauvi-
gnon. It’s actually an old winemaking
method, as de-stemming machines
are a relatively recent invention that
helped winemakers emphasize fruit
flavors in the wine.

Soles favors the modern method of
de-stemming pinot noir, chilling the
grapes and letting them “cold soak”

58 Vero Beach 32963 / June 16, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Vero & Casual Dining

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 16, 2016 59

Vero & Casual Dining

Thai & Japanese Cuisine Live Music and Jazz
Tues – Thurs, 6 pm - 9 pm
Beer, Wine, Sake & Fri & Sat, 6 pm - 10 pm
Full Liquor Bar
$2 Off Martini Tuesdays
Dine in & Take Out

Mon - Sat 11:30am - 3 pm


Nightly 4:30 pm -10 pm

713 17th Street|(17th Shoppes Center)

60 Vero Beach 32963 / June 16, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Vero & Casual Dining

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 16, 2016 61

62 Vero Beach 32963 / June 16, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


JUNE 16 World Sea Turtle Day Scavenger Wildlife Refuge, with prizes while they last. 18 Waterlily Celebration, 8:30 a.m. to
Hunt, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. through- 321-723-3556 2 p.m. at McKee Botanical Garden,
out the Barrier Island Center at Archie Carr showcases the state’s largest collection of wa-
17|18 Riverside Children’s The- terlilies in bloom plus repotting demonstra-
612 Indian Lilac Rd. atre presents Disney’s tions, a waterlily photo contest and plant sale.
Aladdin, Jr. at Anne Morton Theatre. $6 & $12. Standard admission. 772-794-0601
Quintessential beach cot- 772-231-6990
tage, recently renovated, 18 Summer Kick-off Party hosted by
3 BR, 2 ½ bath, heated sa- 17|18 Summer Nights Comedy Kindergarten Readiness Coalition, 10
line pool. Steps to Conn Zone Experience with co- a.m. to 2 p.m. at corner of 45th St. and 40th
Beach, convenient to all medians John Carfi and Brian Thomas on Wax- Ave., with food, music, games and activities.
Central Beach has to offer. lax Stage at Riverside Theatre, 7:30 p.m. and Free. 772-617-4350
To view this fine proper- 9:30 p.m. $16 -$18. Summertime games and
ty, please contact George free music at Live in the Loop. 772-231-6990 19 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
Nagy, BREC Properties. presents Bright Lights of Broadway,
18 Veterans Outreach Golf Tournament, 3 p.m. at Community Church of Vero Beach.
772-321-7880. 8 a.m. shotgun start at Sandridge Golf $20; students and under 18 free. 855-252-
E-mail [email protected]. Course followed by lunch. $60. 772-563-7183 7276

Listed for $525,000. MLS #170514. 18 14th annual Hurricane Expo, 10 a.m. 20 Scholastic Summer Reading Tour, 1
to 3 p.m. at Indian River Mall, with in- p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Vero Beach Book
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN formation from local businesses and organiza- Center, with costumed characters such as Clif-
in June 9, 2016 Edition 7 MISS 1 CINEMA tions. 772-770-9404 ford the Big Red Dog, author visits, children’s
8 BEE 2 ASSEMBLE activities and crafts. Free. 772-569-2050
9 LEAF 3 OBJECT Crossword Page 51 (BASEBALL NOTES)
10 DELETE 4 DEARTH 24 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
11 REASON 5 PLEA presents Land, Air, Sea: An Armed
12 CAT 6 CAJOLE Forces Tribute, 7 p.m. at First Presbyterian
13 GAMBIT 15 MAGICIAN Church of Vero Beach. Free; call to reserve.
14 HAMPER 17 EQUINE 855-252-7276
19 ANGLER 19 ANNUAL 24|25 Howl at the Moon Experi-
21 DEN 20 ELATED ence, a high-energy music
22 MUESLI 23 SAGE show to sing, dance and howl along with fea-
24 NECTAR turing rock, pop and dance hits from the ’80s,
25 SNAG ’90s and today, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. on
26 ERA the Riverside Theatre Waxlax Stage, with free
27 AMEN music at Live on the Loop outdoor stage. $16 -
$22. 772-231-6990
Sudoku Page 50 Sudoku Page 51 Crossword Page 50


Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your service to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753

ECCO • FLORSHIEM • THINK • DANSKO • MERRELLS This directory gives small business people eager
TROTTERS • HELLE • SPERRY • BROOKS • NEW BALANCE to provide services to the beachside community an
OOFOS • NAOT • MBT • BIRKENSTOCK • ROCKPORTS opportunity to make themselves known to island readers
LA PLUME • FINN COMFORT at an affordable cost. This is the only service directory
mailed each week during season to all 11,000+ homes
on the Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a
listing in the Vero Beach 32963 Service Directory, please
contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.


295 Coconut Palm Road in John’s Island: 4-bedroom, 3.5-bath, 5,402-square-foot lakefront home
offered for $2,450,000 by John’s Island Real Estate Company: 772-231-0900.

64 Vero Beach 32963 / June 16, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


John’s Island lakefront home offers gorgeous views

BY SIOBHAN MCDONOUGH a lake; we love how peaceful it is,” said
Staff Writer Julie Parker. “There is an abundance
of birds.”
Rod and Julie Parker find the priva-
cy one of the finest parts of living in Normally, the couple wouldn’t
this part of the sprawling, beautifully budge from the home they cherish
developed John’s Island Club. They and have thoughtfully renovated,
consider their lovely home at 295 Co- but practical matters have come into
conut Palm Road a slice of paradise play. Now, with grandchildren in the
on the barrier island. picture, it’s time for a slightly larger
house to accommodate a growing
“The main thing we love is living on crowd during family visits.

Still, the Parkers are so enamored pany for $2,450,000.
of the neighborhood and the lovely In a setting carefully landscaped to
views, they decided not to go far;
they are moving right across the wa- afford maximum privacy, this retreat
ter from their current 4-bedroom, is a rare find.
3.5-bathroom house, which is listed
with John’s Island Real Estate Com- The 0.35-acre property overlooks
serene views of sparkling Lake Reams
and entertains well around a tropical

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 16, 2016 65


poolside terrace. Custom millwork
and finishes, French doors and classic
Georgian architecture add warmth
to the home anchored by a gracious
22.5-foot by 19-foot living room with
fireplace, flooded with natural light.

The updated gourmet island
kitchen is a chef’s delight with ample
storage and custom cabinetry; it ad-
joins a spacious dining area and the
16-foot by 22-foot family room with
vaulted ceiling.

Beautifully composed in ambi-
ence and neutral color schemes, the
luxurious 16.5-foot by 18-foot master
suite with office provides a peaceful
respite from life’s demands The new,
spa-like en suite bathroom is beau-
tifully appointed with custom tile,
built-ins, walk-in glass shower, tub
and large his and her walk-in closets.

Fresh colors and a relaxed style
ensure hospitable comfort through-
out the house. Additional features
include a handsome den, spacious
guest bedrooms and two single-car

“It has a very crisp, fresh, young feel
to it,” said Ba Stone, listing agent. “It’s
a wonderful family house in a great
neighborhood. It has lush tropical
surroundings with beautiful live oaks
and original foliage dating back to
when the island was first developed.
The spaciousness of the house allows
for diversity in the living areas and is
conducive to entertaining with nice
indoor and outdoor areas.”

Since purchasing 295 Coconut
Palm Road in 2008, the Parkers have
done major improvements to the
5,402-square-foot home built in 1997.

“It’s simple but elegant,” Julie
Parker said. “It’s very classic and un-
derstated. I tried to do everything in
a way I thought a house in Florida
should be.”

The high ceilings, spacious in-
door and outdoor living areas and
flexibility of the floor plan all pro-
vide for easy living. Avid golfers and

66 Vero Beach 32963 / June 16, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


IntegrIty - ServIce - ProfeSSIonalISm - reSultS tennis players, the couple decided
to utilize one of the two garages for
“The Trusted Name in Real Estate Since 1949” sports equipment.

NEW They opted to utilize the dining
LISTING room as a den/office, and converted
a den into a bedroom located on the
OAK HARBOR-St. Anne’s Island RIVER CLUB AT CARLTON GRAND HARBOR - River Club north side of the house across from
Gracious home on preserve offering garden views. Direct intracoastal waterfront home w/dock. 5/5.5. Best Deal! Exquisite 3/3 + office. 3,000 SqFt. with family the master suite.

New roof 2016. Den + 3/3. Custom upgrades. Over 10,000 SF U/roof. Custom Built. room. Amazing lanai/pool. Panoramic views. In recent years, the couple added
$549,000. (#171646) $3,895,000 (#167165) $849,000 (#167192) a new pool, spa and patio, and a new
family room with French doors out
Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 Stacey Clawson 772-559-7984 to the patio. The landscaping was
completely redone, the chimneys
GRAND HARBOR - Coventry Island BERMUDA BAY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY were rebuilt and new outdoor light-
Spectacular “HGTV” turnkey home! Everything 3/3.5 CBS courtyard home on a beautiful lake front Event venue for weddings & parties. Owner receives ing was installed. The kitchen and
included. Impeccably remodeled 3/3.5 with pool. family room renovation included all
lot. Open plan w/almost 3,400 Sf living space. $4,000 per event. Incl. 10 acres & facilities. new wood floors, new cabinets and
$749,000 (#167175) $695,000 (#168219) $695,000 (#167727) counters and a new Wolf oven. The
Stacey Clawson 772-559-7984 hall bathroom was completely reno-
Roger Smith 772-473-0086 Buzz MacWilliam 772-473-6973 vated with a new tub/shower and
vanity floors, and high-quality sound
system speakers were wired and in-
stalled in several living spaces.

A new roof, including plywood,
membrane, flashing and more, was
installed in 2012; and hurricane shut-
ters and garage doors were brought
up to current code.


PEBBLE BAY ESTATES OAK HARBOR – St. James Island DUNMORE Community: John’s Island Club
New look to this 3/3 CBS pool home. Live in Indian Rarely available lakefront pool home. 2/2.5 + den. Build you dream home on this cul-de-sac lot. Year built: 1997; major renova-

River Shores rated as the safest city in Florida. Fireplace, high ceilings. Spacious kitchen. This property is truly one of a kind. tions 2013-2014
$499,000 (#165538) $474,900 (#165811) $295,000 (#167442) Architecture: Georgian

Roger Smith 772-473-0086 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 Alex MacWilliam IV 772-473-6972 Lot size: 0.35 acre
Home size:
2901 Ocean Drive Vero Beach, FL 32963 • 772-231-6509 •
4755 South Harbor Drive Vero Beach, FL 32967 • 772-907-6028 • 5,402 gross square feet
Bedrooms: 4

Bathrooms: 3.5
Additional features: Extensive
upgrades, chef’s kitchen, lake

views, tropical landscaping,
pool, spa, two 1-car garages
Listing agency: John’s Island

Real Estate Company

Listing price: $2,450,000

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 16, 2016 67


In 2013, the master bath was com- There are two good-sized guest
pletely renovated and some new rooms that share a Jack-and-Jill bath.
impact-resistant windows were in- These rooms offer easy access to the
stalled. kitchen and family room, as well as
A year later, the rest of the win-
dows were replaced except for the John’s Island Club is a private,
small round windows and the French member-owned golf, tennis and
doors in the living room. The master beach club nestled between three
bedroom office was renovated. A crib miles of sandy beaches along the At-
niche was installed with easy access lantic Ocean and the Indian River La-
from a guest bedroom, and the north goon. The club offers classic to casual
garage was renovated. dining facilities, three 18-hole cham-
pionship golf courses, 18 Har-Tru clay
Last year, a child safety pool/lake tennis courts, singles and doubles
fence was installed. squash courts, a state-of-the-art fit-
ness center, two croquet lawns and
Ed Reilly of Reilly Construction did an outstanding calendar of social and
the renovations. recreational activities. 

“It’s a very happy house because of
the light,” said Julie Parker.

68 Vero Beach 32963 / June 16, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: June 2 to June 8

The first full week of June saw continued strong real estate activity on the barrier island, with 13
transactions closing including three for more than $1 million.

The top sale of the week was of a home in Riomar. The residence at 2320 Club Drive was placed on
the market Sept. 28, 2015, with an asking price of $1.995 million. The sale closed on June 8 for $1.85

The seller in the transaction was represented by Charlotte Terry and Barbara Parent of Alex
MacWilliam, Inc. The purchaser was represented by Michele Ritchie, also of Alex MacWilliam, Inc.


$1,250,000 $905,000
ORCHID ISLAND 111 SEASPRAY LANE 3/22/2016 $1,278,000 $1,250,000 6/9/2016 $510,000
CASTAWAY COVE 1285 OLDE DOUBLOON DRIVE 3/5/2015 $545,000 $1,100,000 6/7/2016 $445,000
$525,000 $215,000
CASTAWAY COVE 920 WINDING RIVER ROAD 6/5/2015 $275,000 $525,000 6/6/2016 $372,500
ISLAND CLUB OF VERO 979 ISLAND CLUB SQUARE 12/15/2015 $479,000 6/6/2016 $505,000
PEPPERTREE 101 PEPPERTREE DRIVE 10/22/2015 $240,000 6/6/2016 $240,000
CASTAWAY COVE 1130 POITRAS DRIVE 9/24/2015 $385,000 6/3/2016


OCEAN SHORES CONDO 4101 OCEAN DRIVE, #3D 11/4/2015 $570,000 $520,000 6/8/2016
OCEAN CLUB 4410 HIGHWAY A1A, #310 9/4/2013 $185,000 $210,000 6/7/2016
OCEAN TOWERS 2743 OCEAN DRIVE, #38E 1/14/2016 $275,000 $245,000 6/3/2016
COQUINA PLACE 800 COQUINA LANE, #103 4/21/2016 $199,000 $199,000 6/3/2016

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 16, 2016 69


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Orchid Island, Address: 111 Seaspray Lane Subdivision: Castaway Cove, Address: 1285 Olde Doubloon Drive

Listing Date: 3/22/2016 Listing Date: 3/5/2015
Original Price: $1,250,000 Original Price: $1,278,000
Recent Price: $1,250,000 Recent Price: $1,100,000
Sold: 6/9/2016 Sold: 6/7/2016
Selling Price: $1,150,000 Selling Price: $905,000
Listing Agent: Heidi Levy Listing Agent: Sally Woods

Selling Agent: Orchid Island Realty, Inc. Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Heidi Levy Kimberly Hardin Thorpe

Orchid Island Realty, Inc. Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Subdivision: Orchid Island, Address: 100 Beachside Drive, #301 Subdivision: Palm Isl Plantation, Address: 110 Island Plantation Terrace, #201

Listing Date: 12/19/2014 Listing Date: 11/13/2015
Original Price: $1,349,000 Original Price: $945,000
Recent Price: $1,349,000 Recent Price: $945,000
Sold: 6/3/2016 Sold: 6/1/2016
Selling Price: $1,150,000 Selling Price: $899,000
Listing Agent: Bob Niederpruem Listing Agent: Jim Knapp

Selling Agent: Orchid Island Realty, Inc. Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam

Bob Niederpruem Jane Schwiering
& Lucy Hendricks
Orchid Island Realty, Inc.
Berkshire Hathaway Florida

I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S


Beautiful waterfront 3BR/4BA home on deep water canal, Beautiful 4BR/3BA on desirable corner lot, move-in ready River view building lot in prestigious, gated community,
screened heated pool w/spa, dock, access to Intracoastal w/fireplace, screened patio/pool, walk to beach access amenities include 2 clubhouses, fitness center, 2 pools
$695,000 $495,000
Last Asking Price $890,000

Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.

direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |

70 Vero Beach 32963 / June 16, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Castaway Cove, Address: 920 Winding River Road

Listing Date: 6/5/2015
Original Price: $545,000
Recent Price: $525,000
Sold: 6/6/2016
Selling Price: $510,000
Listing Agent: Lillian Ellis

Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida

Cheryl Burge

Berkshire Hathaway Florida

Subdivision: Island Club of Vero, Address: 979 Island Club Square

Listing Date: 12/15/2015
Original Price: $525,000
Recent Price: $479,000
Sold: 6/6/2016
Selling Price: $445,000
Listing Agent: Janyne Kenworthy

Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Janyne Kenworthy

Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl





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