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54 Vero Beach 32963 / February 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
angry. But it will be heard, and it will – in a very sincere way, without skipping mate who later became chairman of the Kennedy. With his impressive creden-
not be shouted down.” a beat – was supportive and has been Republican National Committee. “But tials, Gorsuch decided against the pre-
since then. . . . I remember how much of Neil was very curious about other people dictable route of joining a prestigious
Gorsuch also promoted his conser- a relief it was that it was not an issue.” and learning what they had to say.” law firm and instead opted for the ex-
vative ideas by running for Columbia’s citement of a legal start-up. He signed
student senate. When Berg and his boyfriend, Ron- Mehlman, like Berg, would later come on with the boutique Washington firm
ald Riqueros, got married in 2012, Gor- out to Gorsuch as gay and also recalled of Kellogg, Huber, Hansen & Todd. The
That year, the student newspaper such sent them a note telling them to the sensitive way he took the news. two-year-old firm was so new and small
asked every candidate whether the consider his house their house if they that a year earlier, when a client had re-
U.S. Marine Corps should be allowed are ever in Colorado. “I would be surprised if any of our quested a meeting at their offices, one
to recruit on campus. While most can- classmates had an unkind word to say of the partners ran out to buy furniture,
didates brought up the military’s dis- returning with a mismatched dining set
crimination against gays as a problem, Justice Antonin Scalia and Neil Gorsuch in October 2014 on the Colorado River near Kremmling, Colorado. to serve as the conference table.
Gorsuch cited the Marine recruiters’
First Amendment right to free speech. President Donald Trump with Gorsuch and his wife Louise on stage in the East Room of the White House. Once on board, Gorsuch had to decide
exactly what kind of lawyer he wanted to
“The question here is not whether Berg said Gorsuch was constantly es- about him,” said Norm Eisen, a classmate be. He could focus on appellate law, fun-
‘the Marines should be allowed to re- tablishing such connections with others, who would later become a high-ranking neling his energy into writing legal briefs,
cruit on campus’ but whether a Uni- regardless of their political philosophy. official in the Obama administration. or go the academic route and counsel
versity and its community . . . has the clients on policy matters. But Gorsuch
right or obligation to determine who “He would have a real conversation Gorsuch returned in 1995 from Ox- chose instead to apprentice under one
may speak on campus or what may be with people from the top professors to ford with several surprises in store. of the partners, Mark Hansen, a trial law-
said,” Gorsuch wrote. waiters and waitresses at a restaurant. yer who spent his days in the courtroom
He sort of put himself in their shoes,” While in England, he met his future crucible of litigation.
At Columbia, and in the years that fol- he said. “He made you feel like you wife, Louise, a champion equestrian on
lowed at Harvard Law School and Ox- were the only person in the room when the Oxford riding team. A year and a half “It was a risk for someone like Neil,
ford University, Gorsuch enjoyed engag- he was talking to you.” after their first date, they were married. from the establishment life, who wasn’t
ing on the hot-button issues of the day. necessarily a swashbuckler. He looked
Classmates and acquaintances – “I laughed,” said David Jarden, a col- like he had never walked against a Don’t
One issue in particular became a kind from his time in college, law school lege friend. “Neil went off to Oxford to Walk sign,” said Hansen. “Not everyone
of laboratory for his conservative ex- and Oxford – uniformly describe him get a PhD in law. You think of Oxford as likes the confrontation that comes with
plorations: the sanctity of life and how in such effusive terms. the long, black gowns and the ancient litigation. Some people used to win-
to define it. At the time, Michigan doc- buildings. But, he came back with a ning their whole lives don’t like the risk
tor Jack Kevorkian was making national “There are a whole lot of people at Har- wife and a horse.” of losing. You could tell it made him un-
headlines by championing the right to vard Law School who are interested in comfortable. He pushed himself.”
die for terminal patients through phy- talking and want you to think that they’re Gorsuch clerked with Supreme Court
sician-assisted suicide. This and similar the most important person in the room,” Justices Byron White and Anthony M. The same empathetic, affable man-
controversies made a deep impression said Ken Mehlman, his Harvard house- ner that had endeared Gorsuch to lib-
on Gorsuch. He was eager to debate as- eral classmates despite his firebrand
sisted suicide with fellow law students conservatism now helped him put
at Harvard, and it became the subject of clients at ease. His plain, Midwestern
his PhD thesis after he won a Marshall way of talking came across to juries as
Scholarship to Oxford. down-to-earth.
In his dissertation, later published In his first case as a lead attorney,
as a book entitled, “The Future of As- Gorsuch represented a property own-
sisted Suicide and Euthanasia,” he er suing a construction company for
makes his legal case against assisted stealing gravel, Hansen recalled.
suicide and argues for the “inviolabil-
ity” of human life. “It’s not complicated. Here’s what
they did to my poor client,” Gorsuch
It is the closest Gorsuch has ever come told the jury in closing arguments. He
to revealing his thoughts on abortion, reached into his pants pockets and
in his academic writings as well as in turned them inside out. “They picked
his judicial opinions. But with abortion his pocket.”
continuing to be one of the marquee
issues confronting the Supreme Court, A jury member ran up to Gorsuch
the book has been cited by Gorsuch’s after the trial, Hansen said, and com-
conservative backers as reason to rally pared him to Perry Mason.
behind him, and by abortion rights ad-
vocates as the basis of their worst fears. For a decade he worked under and
with Hansen. Then, over beers one
Many of those who knew Gorsuch evening after an especially tough day
during his student days noted that in court, he told Hansen that he want-
he was as affable in person as he was ed to accept an offer to work in Bush’s
fierce in his writings. Justice Department. “At the time, I
thought he would do it for a couple of
As a member of a Harvard social years and come back,” Hansen said.
club called Lincoln’s Inn Society, Gor-
such met a classmate named Phil But after just a year and half, Bush
Berg, sparking a friendship that has tapped Gorsuch to become a federal
lasted 30 years. appellate court judge.
A few years after they met, Berg de- As a judge on the U.S. Court of Ap-
cided to come out as gay, and Gorsuch peals for the 10th Circuit based in
was one of the first friends he told. Denver, Gorsuch has won a following
in legal circles for his clear, often en-
“It was a time that was very fraught tertaining style of writing opinions.
and difficult for me,” Berg said, recall-
ing his conversation with Gorsuch at a Gorsuch’s signature move is to open
dinner gathering in the early 1990s. “He
66 Vero Beach 32963 / February 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Is it worth trying to rekindle a long-dormant flame?
BY CAROLYN HAX hold off until you can override, for real, your impulse
Washington Post to project. When you’re ready, tell her she’s been on
your mind lately – then see where you both want to
Dear Carolyn: take it from there.
Several years ago, I was in a
long-term relationship that kind Dear Carolyn:
of fizzled out. I have two children, 1 and 3. My husband and
Before that both of us had talk- I always talked about having two. I am having a
ed about getting married, but it hard time coming to terms with not having more
always seemed like real-world circumstances got in children.
the way. One of her parents was sick, and she trav- I don’t think he would be on board with more –
eled constantly. The other of her parents meddled in we haven’t discussed it – and I wouldn’t do anything
her relationships to the point of causing real trou- behind his back. But how do I know if I’m done?
ble. I was drowning in grad school. I realize couples – Not Sure
make it work when they want to make it work, but I
think both of us got exhausted by the circumstances. Dear ‘Not Sure’:
This will come out snarky, but its intent is sincere:
Now, five years later, I’m done with school, my fi- Please don’t consider having any more children until
you’re able to talk to your husband about things like
nances are in great shape and I’m ready to make a whether to have more children.
I think I can read your intent between the lines,
commitment to her. But I have no idea where she that you anticipate resistance to the idea so you want
to have your argument straight before you bring it up.
is, whether she’s single or married, or anything. All I Understandably so.
But when you include the “behind his back” possi-
have is her old email and phone number. bility out of the blue, even to rule it out, you give your
whole question an antagonistic slant, you vs. spouse.
Is it fair to call and try to rekindle something with And that’s the exact opposite of the approach I’d sug-
gest in making plans for your family’s future.
someone who may (or may not) be in a relationship then you don’t call again. I strongly recommend, Just talk to the guy, please. Finding a way to dis-
though, that you add a “d” to your careful rationale cuss the children you want will also serve the chil-
now? Should I apologize for my part in this situation, for getting in touch. You say she’s “someone whom I dren you have.
know I adore,” but in fact she’s someone you know you
even if I didn’t have any bad intentions? How should adored. Note that little “d.” Because you clearly fell far
enough out of adoration to let the relationship go or
I approach someone whom I know I adore but whom because each of you is now five years from who you
used to be – take your pick.
I haven’t spoken with in years?
Either way, your expectations in making this call can
– R. be the difference between congenial and creepy, so
Dear ‘R.’:
Of course it’s fair. You call, you ask, you find out.
If she isn’t receptive to having you back in her life,
68 Vero Beach 32963 / February 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Home sleep-testing gizmo could help zap apnea
BY TOM LLOYD tentially lethal affliction called “ob- Center, insurers are making it even
Staff Writer structive sleep apnea.” more difficult to detect. Or, more
complicated, anyway.
According to the Centers for Dis- The American Journal of Respirato-
ease Control and Prevention, more ry and Critical Care has linked sleep “If you are a non-Medicare pa-
than a quarter of the U.S. population apnea to an increased risk for devel- tient,” explains Butler, “and you have
suffers from some kind of sleep dis- oping diabetes, depression, memory Blue Cross, Aetna, Cigna [or any of
order, and the National Institutes of loss or confusion, sexual dysfunction, several other insurers] and you don’t
Health estimates between 12 million high blood pressure, weight gain and have a lot of other things wrong with
and 18 million Americans have a po- stroke. you, your insurance is not going to
approve a regular in-lab sleep study
Unfortunately, doctors are rarely anymore.”
THE HEART ATTACK AND Apnea means “without breath,” and
STROKE PREVENTION CENTER that’s exactly what those who suffer
from this condition experience: They
OF VERO BEACH actually stop breathing as they sleep
though they are rarely aware of it. Ep-
PRACTICE Lauren Butler. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE isodes can be as brief as a few seconds
or they can last much longer and the
A NEW STRATEGY TO SAVE YOUR LIFE . . . able to detect this problem during consequences can be dangerous and
AND HEART AND REVERSE ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. routine office visits and there is no sometimes even fatal.
blood test to help diagnose it.
MICHAEL MATTICE, M.D. “We had a 49-year-old who coded at
Worse, according to Lauren Butler, home a few years ago,” Butler recalls.
now offers you a unique comprehensive and science-based a sleep technologist at the Sebastian “He had apnea so bad but didn’t want
approach to detecting, preventing and treating Cardio Vascular River Medical Center’s Sleep Disorder to get it taken care of. Fortunately his
Disease* that has been shown in two peer-reviewed studies to wife was there with him and was able
halt or reverse the disease and prevent heart attacks and strokes. to get 911 over in time. They brought
Dr. Mattice is on the Speakers Bureau for the Cleveland Heart him back, revived him, and they
Lab from the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio and for the Bale Doneen blamed his entire problem on sleep
Method. The Bale Doneen Method has been successfully
watching people’s arteries get younger for 16 years.
Written Guarantee using our protocol will rid the inflammation in your arteries
and will not have another heart attack, stroke or develop Type 2 Diabetes.
3725 10th Court • Vero Beach, Florida 32960
Office: 772-213-3621 • Fax: 772-213-3631
* treatment shrank the size of plaque in the neck arteries by
52.7% over a two-year period.The study included 324 HASPC
patients, whose response to treatment was analyzed by
scientists from Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for Prevention
of Heart Disease — Dr. Bale
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 23, 2017 69
apnea.” Traditional sleep apnea recording apparatus. Portable sleep apnea the sensors to check on you through-
Forty-nine is a fairly young age for recording unit. out the night.”
As Butler puts it, “Home sleep test-
such severe apnea. The Mayo Clinic ing has become the new wave in sleep. “Some people,” Butler points out, A sleep specialist will then review
says “sleep apnea occurs significantly All the [sleep] labs now are trying to do “in the middle of the night will rip the findings and determine if you
more often in older adults,” and then the home sleep study, because insur- them off, because it is just a natural have sleep apnea and how severe it is.
adds, “men are twice as likely to have ance wants it basically like a screen- instinct to tear something off of you. He or she will then use the results to
sleep apnea, but women increase their ing tool.” With the home sleep studies, if you plan treatment.
risk if they’re overweight, and that risk tear it off, it is an unsuccessful test.
also appears to rise after menopause.” These downsized devices have belts Then the insurance will say, ‘OK, do The most common treatment is
that go around the chest and belly to it again.’ So you do it one more time a CPAP, or continuous positive air-
Despite the dire risks associated measure breathing effort, oxygen lev- at home and if the patient pulls it off way pressure machine, which uses a
with sleep apnea and the difficulty of els and air flow again it is [another] bad test.” breathing mask and “mild air pres-
diagnosing it, most insurance com- sure to keep your airways open while
panies will not pay for an in-lab over- They are not, however, foolproof. Or Only then will many insurers final- you sleep,” according to the NIH.
night test – which was the standard di- even people-proof. ly approve an in-lab sleep study.
agnostic tool up until a few years ago, Fortunately for patients, CPAP tech-
when insurance companies started The National Heart, Lung & Blood nology has improved over the years.
declining payment – until other at- Institute flatly states that these in-lab Once large and loud, CPAPs are now
tempts at diagnosis have been made. PSG tests are painless and that pa- sleek and very nearly silent with much
tients “will go to sleep as usual, except more comfortable systems to deliver
So, if insurers won’t immediately they’ll have sensors attached to their that continuous air flow.
approve a sleep lab test called a poly- scalp, face, chest, limbs and a finger.
somnogram (PSG) – during which the The staff at the sleep center will use And, as Butler points out, even if
patient spends a night at a sleep dis- someone has been using a CPAP for
order center with a series of wires at- years, it’s a good idea to have a “re-
tached to his or her body to measure titration” or re-setting of the device.
and record brain activity, eye move- “You really should,” she explains as
ment, heart rate, blood pressure, the diplomatically as possible, because
amount of oxygen in the blood along with age, “your muscle tone changes
with air movement through the nose and your weight changes,” so making
while the patient sleeps – what’s to sure your CPAP is at the right setting
prevent a problem from getting much, for you now is important.
much worse?
The Sebastian River Sleep Disorder
The answer is to think small. About Center is located well south and west
as small as a cellphone or a USB wall- of the hospital’s campus at 705-A Com-
charger: a home sleep-testing device. merce Center Drive. The phone number
is 772-581-5655.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 23, 2017 79
There’s time travel in a vertical wine tasting
BY DAVE MCINTYRE months after my wedding is drinking a similar model: They feature indig- vignon or syrah. This combines au-
The Washington Post beautifully after more than three de- enous (and often unpronounceable) thenticity and novelty with familiarity.
cades. And the vintage of my teenage grape varieties blended with interna-
Some wine lovers revel in older vin- daughter’s birth is, like her, maturing tional varieties, such as cabernet sau- My corkscrew travels have recently
tages of rare, expensive wines. They into a beautiful and promising adult- taken me back to Australia, which
line up the bottles from each baccha- hood. As Kakaviatos said: “It’s just en- pretty much disappeared – aside from
nal like trophies and post photos on tering its drinking window. Five years the ubiquitous Yellow Tail brand –
Instagram, Facebook and wine col- ago it was tough as nails.” from U.S. retail shelves after a torrid
lector apps such as Delectable and love affair in the 1990s.
Vivino. There’s much to be said for opening
one fine vintage and enjoying it over And we’re missing a lot by ignoring
Such events can be fascinating. At the course of an evening, rather than Australia.
a recent dinner organized by wine glugging a taste and rushing on to the
writer Panos Kakaviatos, I was able to next one, but I recommend a “verti- Many Aussie winemakers are steer-
taste 16 vintages of Château Montrose cal” tasting like this for its educational ing away from the ultra-ripe, jammy,
dating to 1970. Montrose is in Saint- value for collectors and wine students high-alcohol shiraz reds that once
Estèphe, the northernmost appella- alike. As one of my fellow diners, who defined Australian wine. They are
tion on Bordeaux’s left bank, within has several vintages of Montrose in following the model of the great syr-
spitting distance of the Gironde River. his cellar, remarked, “I enjoy each ahs of the northern Rhone Valley in
wine less this way, but I learn more.” France rather than a “bigger is better”
The wines were postcards from philosophy.
time. We enjoyed second-guessing the A vertical tasting is time travel, but
winemaker’s decision to harvest early wine can take us to faraway places as
in 1986, yielding a green-tasting, un- well. Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia and
der-ripe wine, while praising the same Armenia have appeared frequently in
decision in the warmer, riper year of my recommendations over the past
1976, when picking later might have several months.
been disastrous.
These are not new wine regions by
I was pleased to record in my Mole- any stretch, but they have improved
skine that the wine harvested a few dramatically in modern winemaking.
Many of the wines I’ve tasted follow
Attention cocktail
Due to an editing error, last
week’s dining review failed
to note that the Amalfi Grille
has a full liquor license, and
serves cocktails as well as
beer and wine.
80 Vero Beach 32963 / February 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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82 Vero Beach 32963 / February 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 23, 2017 83
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92 Vero Beach 32963 / February 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Celebrating 68 Years as The Trusted Name in Real Estate pointed out that anyone tromping
NEW LISTING up the sandy path from the beach
must take the ground floor route,
RIVER CLUB at CARLTON OCEAN RIDGE WINDSOR passing through the outdoor shower
5 BR / 5.5 BA $3,895,000 6 BR/4.5 BA $2,800,000 6 BR / 3Full 2Half BA $2,100,000 (men love this, she says), half-bath
Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 ML#180847 Alex MacWilliam, IV 772-473-6972 ML#181139 Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 ML#152414 and laundry room, instead of track-
ing sand into the house. Clever.
A stairway from the foyer leads
SEAGROVE WEST GRAND HARBOR – RIVER CLUB THE ESTUARY up into the breathtaking great room
4 BR / 3.5 BA $1,250,000 3 BR / 3.5 BA $939,000 2 BR / 3 BA $725,000 on the second level, a living/dining
Roger Smith 772-473-0086 ML#180180 Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 ML#181147 space in which the vaulted white,
Stacey Clawson 772-559-7984 ML#180885 wood ceiling soars two stories, and
NEW LISTING NEW LISTING a wrap-around window wall show-
cases a panoramic ocean view. An
CACHE CAY PEBBLE BAY ESTATES BEACHWALK organically designed coral stone cor-
3 BR / 2.5 BA $520,000 3 BR / 3.5 BA $499,000 3 BR / 2 BA $498,000 ner fireplace is a striking element be-
Roger Smith 772-473-0086 ML#181108 Roger Smith 772-473-0086 ML#165538 Lois Work 772-559-2399 ML#181063 tween window walls.
PRICE CHANGE The kitchen includes a breakfast
bar that encourages conversation
2 BR / 2 BA $475,000 2 BR / 2.5 BA Now $429,000 2 BR / 2.5 BA $384,900 oak cabinetry is as functional as
Karen Smith 772-559-1295 ML#180575 it is beautiful. For alfresco dining,
Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 ML#182204 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 ML#178589 there is access from the kitchen to
the deck, which wraps around the
Integrity • Service • Professionalism • Results
4755 South Harbor Drive 2901 Ocean Drive 13030 A1A
Vero Beach, FL 32967 Vero Beach, FL 32963
www.AlexMacWilliam.com Neighborhood:
www.GrandHarborProperties.com Ambersand Beach
772-907-6028 772-231-6509
Year built: 1986
Lot size: .56 acres
Home size: 2,066 square feet
under air
Construction: Frame;
engineered with deep pilings
and steel straps
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2.5
Additional features: Shades/
blinds; irrigation sprinkler; out-
door shower; fireplace; tile roof;
deep water riverfront; 2-bay
garage; oak floors; HOA; central
vac; dock permit
Listing agency:
Premier Estate Properties
Listing agent: Cindy O’Dare,
772-713-5899, and Clark French,
Listing price: $1,650,000
94 Vero Beach 32963 / February 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
New Listing main floor living spaces much like to the spacious, vaulted master suite,
the bow of a yacht. a serene retreat filled with light and
SEAGROVE WEST | 220 OSPREY COURT designed for perfect privacy. There is
4 Bedroom | 5.5 Bath | 4,700+/- SF One of the two guest bedrooms on a roomy walk-in closet and a dress-
this level opens onto an oceanfront ing table alcove with a stylish, frosted
Beautiful river views from almost every room in this impeccably deck, suggesting a morning cup of 5-LED fixture that is make-up-appli-
cared for property. Florida living at its finest with 2-story living coffee as you greet the sunrise; the cation friendly, and which is dupli-
room, formal dining room, first floor master, gourmet kitchen with second has a balcony facing the riv- cated over the bathroom sink.
breakfast nook, large family room with bar, office, library, pool, hot er, a lovely spot to share sunset, per-
tub, summer kitchen, 3-car garage and dock with lift. $1,725,000 haps with a pleasant sauv blanc. Both At this lofty level, the ocean views
guest rooms are served by a full bath. are nothing short of magnificent, and
JOHN’S ISLAND The versatile den opens to the deck. a deck off the bathroom affords a riv-
401 SILVER MOSS DRIVE er view. Joanna designed the renova-
Enjoy sweeping double fairway and lake At the end of a short hallway, with tion of the master bath, a work of art
views of the South Course from this windows along the west and north in itself, with natural stone and mar-
recently renovated two bedroom, two bath sides, is a window seat, where Joanna ble the color of the beach and a sump-
golf cottage. Light bright interiors, with likes to curl up and watch storms roll tuous corner tub and a glass walk-in
1,800+/- SF of living space, trayed ceiling in across the river. shower accented by rich, deep blue
living room, dining room, new kitchen,
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 23, 2017 95
tiles. Joanna used the extra tiles to up – and head off to see the world.
accent a painting she created for the Listed for $1,650,000, the home is
opposite wall.
“the absolute best buy on the ocean in
After so many years in the home she Vero Beach!” according to Premier Es-
loves, Joanna says it’s time to down- tate Properties broker/associate and
size. The children and grandchildren listing agent Cindy O’ Dare. “Joanna’s
are grown and busy with their own home has been lovingly maintained,
lives, and the wonderful house is no and in addition to the magnificent
small task to maintain single-handed- ocean views, you get extensive river
ly. Joanna plans to move to a smaller views and have the ability to build a
place nearby, where she can just lock dock and bring your boat!”
96 Vero Beach 32963 / February 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Mortgage rates remain stuck in a holding pattern
Washington Post
Mortgage rates barely budged last
week, essentially remaining flat for
the third week in a row.
According to the latest data re-
leased last Thursday by Freddie
Mac, the 30-year fixed-rate aver-
age slipped to 4.17 percent with an
average 0.4 point. (Points are fees
paid to a lender equal to 1 percent
of the loan amount.) It was 4.19
percent a week ago and 3.65 per-
cent a year ago.
The 15-year fixed-rate average
dropped to 3.39 percent with an av-
erage 0.4 point. It was 3.41 percent
a week ago and 2.95 percent a year
ago. The five-year adjustable-rate
average fell to 3.21 percent with an
average 0.4 point. It was 3.23 per-
cent a week ago and 2.83 percent a
year ago.
“Rates are at about the same level
at which they started the year and
have stayed within a two-basis-
point range over the past three
weeks,” Sean Becketti, Freddie Mac
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 23, 2017 97
creased for the fifth consecutive
month in January, driven by increased
availability of jumbo loan programs,”
said Lynn Fisher, MBA’s vice president
of research and economics. “We saw a
particular increase in agency jumbo
programs that focus on loans in high-
cost areas that exceed the baseline
conforming loan limit of $424,000 but
which are still eligible for purchase
by the GSEs. While the change in GSE
loan limits may have had an indirect
impact on the jumbo MCAI, there
were other factors at play as several
investors rolled out new jumbo loan
programs in January.”
chief economist, said in a statement. drop, however, will be minor.”
“Mixed economic releases such as Meanwhile, mortgage applications
Friday’s jobs report and uncertainty
about the Administration’s fiscal pol- increased last week, according to the
icies have contributed to the holding latest data from the Mortgage Bankers
pattern in rates.” Association. The market composite
index – a measure of total loan appli-
Bankrate.com, which puts out a cation volume – rose 2.3 percent from
weekly mortgage rate trend index, last week. The refinance index and
found experts it surveyed were split purchase index both grew 2 percent.
on where rates were headed. Forty-
four percent said they would head The refinance share of mortgage
down, another 44 percent said they activity accounted for 47.9 percent of
would remain relatively unchanged all applications, its lowest level since
and the remainder said they would June 2009.
“Mortgage rates continued to show
Shashank Shekhar, chief executive volatility from week to week,” said
of Arcus Lending, is one who thinks MBA economist Joel Kan. “Applica-
rates will fall slightly in the coming tions for home purchase mortgages
week. increased last week and were 3.6
percent higher than the same week
“The stock market is increasingly a year ago, potentially an early sign
looking soft,” he said. “After the ini- that the spring housing market pick
tial enthusiasm, investors are re- up is around the corner.”
thinking many of the elements that
set off a very optimistic reaction The MBA also released its mortgage
to Trump’s election, realizing that credit availability index this week
those positives may not take effect that showed lending standards loos-
this year. The softness in the stock ened in January. The MCAI increased
market, coupled with falling oil pric- 1.1 percent, to 177.1, last month. A de-
es, should help mortgage-backed se- cline in the MCAI indicates lending
curities, resulting in lower mortgage standards are tightening, while an
rates for consumers this week. The increase indicates loosening credit.
“Mortgage credit availability in-
98 Vero Beach 32963 / February 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Lenders reporting more of your mortgage info to IRS
BY KENNETH R. HARNEY interest deductions, that appears to be reasons other than” buying, building while, your home increases in value
Washington Post the case. As one of the largest write- or improving your primary or second to $700,000 and you refinance into a
offs in the tax code – with a projected home. If your acquisition debt exceeds new loan of $500,000, paying off the
If you’re like millions of homeown- revenue cost of $357 billion between the $1 million limit, you can use up to $300,000 balance. But you spend the
ers, you recently received a familiar, fiscal years 2016 and 2020 – the mort- $100,000 of home equity debt to extend $200,000 remaining proceeds on stu-
innocuous-looking document from gage deduction is a fat target. In addi- the total deductible limit to $1.1 million. dent loan debt, a new car, new furni-
your lender. Called Form 1098, it totes tion, the rules governing eligibility for ture and credit card bills.
up how much interest you paid on your taking deductions are complex, and Among the areas of potential expo-
mortgage last year. Your lender is re- government watchdog agencies have sure with the new Form 1098 for some In this scenario, your acquisition
quired by law to fill it out and send it been critical of the IRS’s oversight of homeowners, tax professionals say, are debt remains at $300,000 and your
to the IRS. this area in years past. certain refinancings. Charles Benway, home equity debt limit is $100,000,
a CPA and certified financial planner giving you $400,000 in mortgage
But there are key differences in this The lack of crucial data points in the with Main Street Financial in Mount debt that qualifies for interest deduc-
year’s form that are easy to miss yet po- previous version of the 1098 form made Kisco, N.Y., told me many owners are tion. But that’s $100,000 short of the
tentially important to you – differences it challenging for the IRS to determine not aware that when they pay down $500,000 amount you borrowed in the
that could trigger an audit by the IRS. whether some properties qualified their original mortgage amount over a refinancing. The $400,000 is 80 per-
for interest deductions and whether period of years, their acquisition debt cent of your $500,000 mortgage bal-
Under an obscure statutory change the claimed amounts were in sync for federal tax computation purposes ance, and that means “only 80 percent
buried in a federal highway bill that with reported incomes or were based declines. When they later refinance of the interest is deductible” on the tax
passed Congress in the summer of on mortgage amounts that exceeded into a larger loan and use the pro- return you’re filing.
2015, your lender must now disclose the tax code’s limits of $1 million in ceeds for purposes other than buying,
more information to the IRS about “home acquisition debt” and $100,000 building or improving, a portion of the Bottom line for you: Be aware of the
your loan, including the amount of the of “home equity debt.” mortgage interest they pay to the lend- important changes to Form 1098. Just
outstanding principal balance at the er may not be deductible. because your 1098 says you paid a cer-
beginning of the year, the origination Acquisition debt, according to tain amount of interest last year doesn’t
date of your mortgage and the address IRS Publication 936, is the mortgage Benway offered this hypothetical ex- automatically mean that’s what you can
of the home securing the loan. amount you use to “buy, build or sub- ample, which was also included in an deduct. Download a copy of the IRS’s
stantially improve” your principal article he wrote for Kiplinger.com: Publication 936 at irs.gov to review the
What’s up with these changes? Al- residence or second home. Home eq- mortgage interest deduction rules, and
though the IRS had no immediate com- uity debt is mortgage money secured Say you buy a house with a $500,000 consult a tax professional if you’re not
ment when I asked whether it is ratch- by your residence that you can use “for mortgage and, over time, you pay certain how you might be affected.
eting up its scrutiny of home-mortgage down the principal to $300,000. Mean-
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