Martin County schools cheaper
than ours, and better. P7
Holiday spirit pervades
Evening of Giving. P14
Commentary: Thanks,
but time for a new mayor. P8
For breaking news visit
MY VERO Major setback in
deal for troubled
One more amazing tale of
a good teacher wronged
Given the lack of wisdom An aerial view of the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute. PHOTO BY BRUCE CADY BY LISA ZAHNER
we've seen in too many of the Staff Writer
positions taken by Schools Harbor Branch Foundation fights for its endowment
Superintendent Mark Ren- The green energy firm that
dell the past 2 1/2 years, I BY BETH WALTON of the Harbor Branch Oceano- ware on a distant FAU campus. has been working for nearly
shouldn't be at all surprised Staff Writer graphic Institute Foundation The university disagrees two years to purchase the de-
to find him on the wrong side maintain they are the best funct INEOS bio plant west
of another issue. Just weeks before a mediator stewards of a $72 million en- about who should manage the of Vero has rescinded its last
seeks to resolve a high-stakes dowment that was intended money. offer and is in the process of
But I am. financial dispute with Florida to fund marine research – not renegotiating a price, based
I'm surprised that even Atlantic University, the leaders pay for new computers or soft- The Foundation came to upon costly discoveries made
Rendell would oppose paying be in 2007 when the Harbor during on-site inspections of
one of our most-experienced, the property.
most-effective high school CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
teachers at the rate she de- The good news, said Alli-
serves, based on her impres- ance BioEnergy CEO Dan-
sive evaluations and 30-plus iel de Liege, is that he hasn’t
years in the classroom. found any major environmen-
I'm surprised that an ad- tal contamination that would
ministrator who publicly require cleanup before the
claims to place so much value plant is converted to Alliance’s
in recruiting and retaining cellulosic ethanol production
quality educators wouldn't process. “It doesn’t appear
eagerly embrace the opportu- [that there is a problem] . . .
nity to correct an obvious in- there was a Phase 1 environ-
justice and properly compen- mental done in May,” de Liege
Federal judge orders School Board to Work underway on
mediation before hearing deseg lawsuit luxury Conn Beach
oceanfront condos
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN ing partial relief from federal
Staff Writer oversight. BY STEVEN M. THOMAS
Staff Writer
The School Board jumped Last Thursday, Nov. 9, U.S.
the gun when it filed a peti- District Judge Kathleen Wil- Excavation has begun for pilings for 4091 Ocean condo project. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD Developer Yane Zana
tion in U.S. District Court this liams ordered the School isn’t wasting any time get-
summer, claiming it had met Board’s petition for “par- ting work underway at his
some of the requirements of a tial unitary status” held in luxury condominium proj-
desegregation order first im- abeyance, agreeing with the
posed on Indian River County NAACP that mediation is re- CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
schools in the 1960s and seek- quired before the two parties
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Harbor Branch ic research, innovative engineering and an open checkbook to support Harbor million to the university, which incor-
deep-sea exploration to preserve the Branch, said Michael O’Reilly, chair of porated the research institute into its
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 environment and promote greater sci- the Harbor Branch Oceanographic In- academic structure.
entific understanding of the ocean. The stitute Board of Directors.
Branch Oceanographic Institution’s Fort Pierce laboratory soon became a At the same time, the old board be-
laboratories and research realm were world leader in its field, attracting top “They weren’t paying enough atten- came the new Harbor Branch Oceano-
acquired by FAU. scientists from all over the globe. tion on being efficient,” O’Reilly said graphic Institute Foundation and refo-
of the board. When insurance payouts cused its energies on investment and
John Seward Johnson Sr., the son But over time, finances at the non- came, instead of investing in infra- grant-making, determined to protect
of Robert Wood Johnson, one of three profit began to falter. Expenses outran structure, funding went to operations. John Seward Johnson Sr.’s endowment
founders of the Johnson & Johnson income in part because the Institute had “That got them a couple more years, and use it for the purposes he intend-
Corporation, had launched the Har- acquired costly research ships and sub- but it didn’t really solve the problem.” ed. The new foundation board also
bor Branch Oceanographic Institution marines and suffered extensive damage maintained control over an annual $2
in 1971 with the help of inventor Ed- in the 2004 and 2005 hurricanes. To save Harbor Branch, its board of million stream of revenue from the sale
win Link. directors agreed to let the storied in- of ocean-themed Florida license plates
After founding visionary John stitution be acquired by FAU, turning created to support marine research.
The two envisioned an independent Seward Johnson Sr. died, his heirs were over land, buildings, laboratories and
institute which would use oceanograph- less supportive. There was no longer other assets valued at more than $90 For a while, the arrangement that
divided Harbor Branch’s assets and
functions into two parts worked very
well. FAU acquired new prestige as a
research university and increased op-
portunities for its students, and the
foundation’s work thrived.
Focusing exclusively on maximiz-
ing investment returns and making
impactful scientific grants, the foun-
dation over the past 10 years grew its
endowment from $40 million to $70
million and channeled more than $28
million dollars to scientists, according
to figures in an annual report set to be
released this month.
“All we want to do is give money to
Harbor Branch,” said Katha Kissman,
president and CEO of the Foundation.
“We want to make large, impactful
grants that raise the visibility of Har-
bor Branch and we keep our overhead
very low. We operate very lean, very ef-
ficiently so we can maximize the mon-
ey to the scientists.”
The millions of dollars given an-
nually by the foundation have gone
to support graduate students enter-
ing the field of marine science, hire
new world-class scientists and fund
ground-breaking academic projects.
Researchers at the Institute are now
searching for cures for cancer in the
depths of the Atlantic and developing
robotic technology for more efficient
sea exploration.
The Foundation also sponsors an
extraordinary scientific lecture series
that is open free to the public and has
created an annual Love Your Lagoon
event to raise funds for local ecologi-
cal and environmental initiatives. The
Foundation spent $560,000 in 2015
to develop three land/ocean biogeo-
chemical observatories for real-time
water quality sampling in the Indian
“We understand that Harbor Branch
is an internationally renowned [ocean-
ographic] institute that has had signifi-
cant laurels in the past, but we also op-
erate here and want to make sure the
lagoon is healthy,” Kissman said.
The current dispute began earlier
this year when, during budget negoti-
ations, Daniel Flynn, vice president of
Research at FAU, proposed the Foun-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 3
dation merge its staff, accounting, le- My Vero There is no down side to compen- situation. It certainly would not break
gal representation and other adminis- sating this Vero Beach High School the budget. The amount at stake
trative functions with the university to CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 reading teacher for all her years of is chump change for a district that
save a projected $416,000. service and paying her what any other wastes hundreds of thousands of dol-
sate Martha Rubio, who, because of a similarly experienced educator in the lars defending bad decisions.
There is no need for an independent contractual technicality that affects district would earn.
executive director, Flynn explained to only her, continues to be paid $20,000 Simply put: There is no good reason
the president of the Foundation’s Board. less per year than she should be. To do so would not violate any dis- to not do the right thing.
Administrators should begin transfer- trict policy. Neither would it set any
ring accounting and legal affairs to ex- I'm surprised because this is such an precedent, because no other teacher "With my master's degree and 30-
isting personnel at the university. easy fix – and, surely, Rendell knows that. in the district finds herself in Rubio's plus years of experience, I should be
“FAU does a fine job proving staff- CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
ing and services to its other ... [Direct
Service Operations], some of which NEW PRICE
are far more complex than ... [Har-
bor Branch Oceanographic Institute Exclusively John’s Island
Foundation],” he writes an email.
Sited along the desirable 17th and 18th fairways of the South course,
The move alarmed the Founda- offering unobstructed views, is this beautifully updated 3BR+Den/4BA
tion’s Board of Directors, which feared retreat. Conveniently located near all Club amenities, the 3,328± GSF
that, without independent oversight, open floor plan boasts a gracious living room with tray ceiling and
funds placed in trust by John Seward custom built-ins, spacious sunlit kitchen, expansive lanai with T&G
Johnson Sr. and license-plate revenue ceiling and multiple impact-rated sliders showcases unmatched golf
designated by the state legislature for vistas, den with full bathroom, home sound system and 2-car garage.
marine research could be diverted to 140 Island Creek Drive : $1,795,000
other uses.
three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
“Fundamentally, it comes down health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
to intent. Mr. Johnson loved Har-
bor Branch and he founded Harbor 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
Branch,” said Kissman. “Our founda-
tion was not set up to support a uni-
versity. We were set up to support the
[marine research] Institute.”
The nonprofit filed a lawsuit in
March to block the university’s take-
over attempt, relying on a 2007 Memo-
randum of Understanding between the
two parties that stipulated the Foun-
dation’s distributions would be made
at the “sole discretion” of the Board for
purposes of defraying expenses, retir-
ing debt and benefiting the Institute.
Responding, FAU argues in its court
filings that the university has a legal
responsibility to oversee the Founda-
tion’s work, ensuring efficiency and
the interests of the state.
The Foundation is a “direct support
organization” of the school, writes At-
torney Richard Mitchell. It “submit-
ted to FAU a proposed budget that
needlessly funds personnel to provide
services that are redundant to service
available from existing University per-
sonnel and departments, and diverts
$400,000 from research purposes to
pay for this litigation.”
FAU merely seeks to reduce redun-
dant overhead and external expenses,
thereby freeing up hundreds of thou-
sands of dollars year after year to ad-
vance the Institute’s research and ed-
ucational endeavors, Mitchell argues.
“This is not a hostile ‘takeover’ as the
Foundation suggests.”
Sometime between now and the
end of the year, a mediator will try to
help FAU and the Foundation bridge
the disagreement. If mediation fails,
the lawsuit will proceed and a judge
will ultimately decide who should
control the tens of millions of dol-
lars in endowment and license-plate
4 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero "And he has not provided a reason Thus, Rubio has been bound by the for the pay to which she is entitled.
for his decision," Cannon told me. experience-compensation limit in ef- "They asked me to join and I said,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 fect when she returned to teaching in
So what, exactly, is the problem? 2014, even though the words "initial 'No, you don't really do anything to
making $68,000 to $69,000," Rubio Rubio retired from teaching in 2012, placement" are nowhere to be found help teachers,' " Rubio said. "They said,
said. "Instead, I'm making $47,000, when she and her husband, Miguel, went in the annual contracts she signed in 'What's your problem?' So I told them."
getting credit for only 13 years. That's into private business. Two years later, she 2015 and 2016.
a big difference. decided to return to the classroom. Since then, Cannon has tenaciously
Her timing was terrible. If you include her service from 2014 pursued the matter – and continues
"It's caused a lot of financial hard- She was offered a full-time teaching through 2016, Rubio currently gets to do so. She recently sent to Green a
ship and stress," she added. "All I can position at Vero Beach High School, credit for only 13 of the 36 years she memorandum of understanding seek-
do now is wait and hope the School but when she went to sign the con- has worked as an educator. By her cal- ing to remove the "initial placement"
Board will do something." tract, she was informed by then-Assis- culations, not being fully compensat- clause from the CBA, but she told Ru-
tant Superintendent William Fritz that ed for her teaching experience already bio that Rendell refused.
Liz Cannon, president of the local the district had changed its policy. has cost her $70,000.
teachers' union, is representing Rubio "He told me I would get credit for only When she addressed the School
and has taken her case to the district 10 years of experience, not the 33 years "Unfortunately for Mrs. Rubio," Board last month, Cannon smartly
– initially to Bruce Green, the assistant I had worked," Rubio said. "Apparently, Cannon told the School Board at its used Rendell's own words to make her
superintendent for human resources, the district didn't want people double- October meeting, "since she was hired case, citing a district press release in
and then the School Board. dipping – collecting on their retirement one year prior to the change in lan- which he was quoted as saying:
and getting paid to teach. guage . . . she was placed at 10 years
In a recent text message to Rubio, "I was told there was nothing I could experience, making significantly less "We cannot thank these teachers
Cannon said Green has informed her do about it, and I needed the job, so I than any teacher hired in 2015 and be- enough for their hard work and dedi-
Rendell would not sign off on a memo- took it." yond with the same experience." cation. They're exemplary educators,
randum of understanding that would The next year, however, the district and we are very fortunate to have
resolve the matter in her favor, but that and teachers' union negotiated a new How, in any way, is that fair? them in our classrooms. Our students
Green would put the matter before the 2015-18 Collective Bargaining Agree- Better yet: Why wasn't this matter re- are better every day because of them."
School Board, probably during an "ex- ment, which gave newly-hired teach- solved two months ago, when Cannon
ecutive session" at next week's meeting. ers pay-scale credit for all their years of first brought it to Green's attention? She also has discussed with Rubio
experience. Not only has Rubio earned "highly the option of resigning, then being
"He is trying for you," Cannon wrote That remains the policy today – for effective" or "exemplary" ratings from rehired the next day under the new
to Rubio, "but the decision is not in his everyone but Rubio. the district each of the past three years, policy, which would give her full credit
hands." That's because the agreement in- but she also has been recognized by – and her rightful compensation – for
cluded a caveat: "Years of experience the state as a "high-impact teacher." her years of experience in the class-
Ultimately, the decision rests with will be used for initial placement only." Yet it wasn't until Rubio was ap- room and service to our community.
the School Board, which will act on a proached in August about joining
recommendation from Rendell, who the union that she began her push But Cannon wisely wants assur-
has communicated with the union on ances from Green that Rubio would be
this issue only through Green. rehired and there would be no future
retribution taken against a devoted
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 5
teacher who simply wants to be on the Green directly, only through commu- "I'm afraid they'll just get rid of me. cause someone made another wrong-
same scale as anyone else with her ed- nications with Cannon. "I need the job, but I also need to headed decision.
ucation and experience.
"There's an open position for a make more money." The real shame, though, would be
"I'm worried they wouldn't rehire reading teacher at the high school, It would be a disgrace for this district finding out that the members of our
me, or tell me that I don't have a job and I'm also certified to teach Eng- elected School Board lacked the wisdom,
next year," Rubio said, adding that lish, but we're on annual contracts, to lose a teacher of Rubio's qualifica- principles and compassion to step in
she has not heard from Rendell or so you never know," she continued. tions and standing to a county to our and do what everyone knows is right.
immediate north or south, solely be-
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
INEOS “We finished our due diligence at redone. “It’s just going to cost us a lot that role. Senior U.S. District Judge
the end of October, and we uncovered more [than we thought].” Donald Graham was assigned to “en-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 a few things that were not disclosed,” ter a separate order regarding the
including the fact that a permit on a Where do things stand? time, place and procedures govern-
said. “But the piles of feedstock sitting deep-injection well was set to expire De Liege said he sent a new offer to ing mediation.”
there are deteriorating badly; it’s just on Nov. 5. The ethanol process Alli- the bank but has not heard back yet,
sitting there rotting away.” ance uses does not produce waste that and that he updated County Com- Events leading up to Williams’ re-
would need to be shot down the well, missioner Tim Zorc on the status of buke of the School Board began on
De Liege hoped to have the conver- but the well adds value to the property the deal last week because Alliance’s July 31, when the board filed its pa-
sion well underway if not completed because de Liege could lease its use to agreement to start accepting the perwork with the U.S. District Court
by the end of 2017 so he could begin someone who does need it. yard waste or “feedstock” that’s not in Miami.
turning those piles of yard waste into needed for cover at the Indian River
ethanol. But with the delays, he says “We relied on an engineering firm County Landfill has expired and will The court assigned the case to
the material being stockpiled on the called Harris Group” for due dili- need to be renewed. Williams, who in turn assigned pre-
site will be of no value to him by the gence,” de Liege said. “They were on Last July, when the U.S. Depart- hearing discovery matters to U.S.
time he takes ownership. “At this point the ground for about a month on the ment of Agriculture approved Alli- Magistrate Judge Shaniek Maynard
all timelines are off the table,” he said. site working with the people who were ance’s offer to buy INEOS’ monumen- in Fort Pierce, saving local parties a
there. We spent well over six figures tally unsuccessful ethanol operation, lot of driving.
For years, Indian River County com- [surveying the plant and property]. it looked like Indian River County was
plained that biofuel company INEOS We couldn’t take a chance on anything finally going to be free of problems In August and September, the
was too secretive about its activities, that was hidden, considering INEOS related to the defunct biofuel plant. It NAACP disputed the School Board’s
its progress, and what was actually and their secretiveness.” does not look that way now. claims it has sufficiently increased
happening at the plant it opened here African-American staff levels and
with tens of millions in federal, state That team of engineers found that School deseg lawsuit equalized treatment of black and
and local subsidies. the equipment at the plant, which CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 white students to be released from
ceased most activity in 2014, is not in federal oversight in those areas. The
De Liege said that same cloak-and- tip-top shape, and what is working is argue their case in court. School Board answered back and the
dagger attitude caused the problems not ready to be permitted because of Williams also rejected the School two sides were set to go through the
he’s now having with the sale. “They a lack of documentation of regulatory discovery process over the winter
should have just disclosed a lot more,” compliance. Board’s bid to hand-pick a media- and then appear before Williams in
he said. tor and granted the NAACP’s request the spring.
De Liege said some equipment that that she appoint a federal judge to fill
What caused de Liege to reduce was supposed to be useful is not, and That course was sidetracked when
what he’s willing to pay for the plant there is missing paperwork on all the the NAACP hired an additional legal
and surrounding acreage is not simple major components that will have to be firm in September.
to explain, he said.
That firm, K&L Gates of Miami,
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 7
filed a motion claiming that the de- and appointing a judge, not Grilli, as Weiss & D’Agresta and by John Borkows- ton, D.C. firm; Samuel Bookhardt of
segregation order requires the two mediator. ki of Chicago-based Husch Blackwell, a Miami-based Broad and Cassel; and
parties go to mediation before taking firm specializing in desegregation cases. Paul Hancock, Caitlin McCullough
court action. The School Board is represented and Olivia Kelman of Miami-based
by their contract-attorney Suzanne The NAACP is represented by Da- K&L Gates.
K&L Gates asked Williams to “hold D’Agresta of Orlando-based Garganese, vid Honig of the self-named Washing-
in abeyance” the School Board’s pe-
tition for partial unitary status until Martin County schools cost less, and results are better
mediation is complete, and that she
assign a U.S. Magistrate Judge as me- BY KATHLEEN SLOAN dent, Martin County was No. 8 out of year, compared to Martin County’s
diator. Staff Writer 67 districts in Florida in the state De- $5 million. It appears Martin County
partment of Education rankings in the pays cash for capital improvements
In its response, the School Board’s Indian River County School District 2016-17 school year, while Indian Riv- and borrows little, but doesn’t scrimp
legal team said the order requires taxpayers are not getting great value er County was mired in a tie for 32nd on its buildings. It will spend $64 mil-
“mediation techniques,” not “formal for their money, according to budgets place. lion on capital projects this year, while
mediation,” but agreed to mediation, submitted to the state for the current Indian River will spend $41.6 million.
just the same, and asked Williams to school year. The teacher-student ratio was 1-to-
assign Peter Grilli of Tampa as the 15 at both counties, according to 2016 The second major difference is “pur-
mediator “because he has significant According to the budgets, the slight- Comprehensive Annual Financial Re- chased services,” which the state de-
experience in mediating school de- ly larger Martin County School District ports submitted to the state, so Indian fines as “primarily personnel services”
segregation matters and is located in will spend about $18 million less than River’s higher spending is not the re- provided by outside contractors “with
Florida.” Indian River County School District sult of hiring more teachers than Mar- specialized skills,” such as architects,
while achieving dramatically better tin. engineers, auditors, medical doctors,
Grilli mediated various aspects of academic results. lawyers, consultants and accountants.
the Pinellas County School Board de- Instead, the difference is mainly re- The category also includes the cost of
segregation order, which also dates Martin County, which has 18,915 lated to how much the two counties issuing bonds, insurance premiums,
back 50 years and has been in con- students, will spend $269 million spend on debt service, purchased ser- travel costs, grounds upkeep, techni-
tention since 1999. He charges $360 this fiscal year, while Indian River, vices and instruction-related technol- cal-related repairs and maintenance,
an hour for mediation, preparation with 17,541 students, will go through ogy. lease rentals and communications.
and travel time, according to his web- nearly $287 million during the same
site, expenses that would be borne by period. Despite spending less per stu- Indian River will spend nearly $24 CONTINUED ON PAGE 9
taxpayers. million on debt service this school
Williams decided against the
School Board in all regards, saying
that mediation is indeed mandatory
8 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
One term’s enough. It’s time for a new Vero mayor
BY LISA ZAHNER the initial purchase price and even River County, and without nearly a
Staff Writer to agree to buy $25 million worth of decade of dedicated work by activists
wholesale power from Orlando Utili- Stephen Faherty and Glenn Heran, the
Vero Beach Mayor Laura Moss de- ties to end a dispute over a $50 mil- crusade for regulation of predatory
serves a great deal of credit for shep- lion exit penalty, the deal would be, practices would not have gained po-
herding the electric sale to a point once again, dead in the water as we litical and public momentum.
where it looks like it’s actually going to approach the end of 2017.
happen – but so do many others. Without the pressure placed on Vero
Without a very politically savvy new by the Indian River Shores effort to ne-
Without a partner like Florida Pow- CEO of the Florida Municipal Power gotiate a partial sale, there would not
er & Light that was willing to bend Agency in Jacob Williams, who realizes have been as much impetus for the
over backwards, to nearly double that helping Vero exit the FMPA is the city to get moving on the full sale.
Vero Beach Mayor Laura Moss. The Shores has battled in court, at
the Florida Public Service Commis-
only way to fend off more audits and sion and at the negotiating table – al-
attempts to regulate the co-op, the deal ways with the premise that the very
would be, once again, a non-starter. best possible outcome for all of Indian
River County would be to complete
Williams has put himself on the line the full sale of Vero electric. Mayor
to garner support from member cities, Brian Barefoot and Councilman Bob
and his persuasiveness has been and Auwaerter have been there every step
of the way.
Without a three-vote majority on the
will be a key factor in getting the FMPA City Council that grew to a four-vote
board to ultimately agree to release majority as Councilman Tony Young
Vero from its membership. realized the value of the package laid
before the city by FPL, the terms of the
Without the efforts in Tallahassee deal to sell Vero Electric to FPL would
of the lobbyists employed by Indian have never been approved.
It took considerable courage for
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 9
Young to vote in the affirmative last Moss has made the office of mayor around the country to pricey national The excuse is always that there is
month. Young’s base of support in- all about her. At one point over the leadership and economic conferenc- important work to finish. Mayors
cludes a good number of folks who summer, she even started calling her- es, staying in luxury hotels on the tax- need to remain in the lead until it is
are opposed to or seriously skeptical self the Queen of Vero. It was all tongue payer dime like he was the mayor of completed. Again, hogwash.
of selling the electric utility. Young in cheek, of course. New York. Former Mayor Sabin Abell,
showed leadership and foresight with when replaced by Kevin Sawnick, ac- When the City Council meets on
his vote. But politicians routinely need to tually refused to move out of his office Monday to swear-in Harry Howle and
be reminded that they are public ser- – for weeks. Vero Beach 32963 had to Val Zudans, and elect a mayor for the
And last but certainly not least, vants, emphasis on servant, and that shame him out of the space. coming year, the Council needs to
without a dogged attorney highly they play a small role in the long histo- signal a major change to the public.
motivated to carry out his marching ry of a city of less than 15,000 people. Former Council member Dick Wing- And Moss needs to accept that change
orders to get Vero electric sold, there er, after being elected mayor, changed without a tantrum.
would have been no contract to ap- Mayors move into that special City his promise to not run again for the
prove on Oct. 24. Hall office with the 1970s wood pan- Council in 2013 and sought re-election Appoint her to some important liai-
eling and their name on the door, and not once, but twice. When the time son position on the electric sale. Even
Under the watch of the city’s previ- the “power,” such as it is, goes straight came to give up the mayoral gavel, he give her a title. But please don’t allow
ous attorney, Robert Scheffel “Schef” to their heads. literally begged the Council to remain. her to preside over one more business
Wright, the electric sale stagnated for meeting of the City of Vero Beach.
three years and the city was mired in Former Mayor Tom White traveled
litigation and regulatory challenges.
Moss told the local daily last week
that she wanted to continue for an-
other year as mayor, and that Vero
would appear shaky on its commit-
ment to the electric sale should the
council this coming Monday not elect
her to another term.
This is a load of hogwash. Let Moss
retain her role as point person on the
electric sale, but Vero needs a new
Moss, who became mayor last year,
has done a good job of moving the
sale of Vero Electric forward, but in the
time she’s been mayor, Council meet-
ings have grown interminable and the
level of decorum has diminished.
Treatment of the public rising to
speak at the podium has been harsh
and at times embarrassing. At nearly
every meeting, members of the Coun-
cil wind up sniping at someone – most
often each other – and Moss can get
downright nasty when she does not
agree with someone else’s position.
That is not leadership.
Martin County schools
Indian River will spend $29 million
on purchased services in the current
year, more than double Martin’s bud-
geted $13.7 million.
The third major difference is “in-
struction-related technology.” Indian
River County will spend $10 million
this year while Martin County spends
only $2.8 million. Indian River has
spent similar amounts over the last
four years, using the money generated
by a voter-approved property tax.
Spending more than a nearby dis-
trict on new computers, instructional
software and digital infrastructure
might seem like a smart investment,
but the spending has not resulted in
widespread academic improvement.
In 2011, before the technology ini-
tiative was begun, Indian River was
rated an “A” district by the state; today
that rating has dropped to a “B.”
10 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Oceanfront condos years and developed a number of large of other prospects. I think we will have counters and solid wood cabinetry.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 projects here, needed three permits to another one or two under contract by In the six-unit configuration, there
build the condo: a stamped site plan the end of the month.”
ect known as 4091 Ocean. from the City of Vero Beach, a building will be three units with identical floor-
The day after he got his permit from permit from the county and the FDEP Wendy Wilson, the broker who is plans stacked on top of each other on
permit, required because the building handling sales for Zana, says one of each side of the building. The units
the Florida Department of Environ- is classified as oceanfront. the units was sold during the summer on the north side are No. 202, at grade
mental Protection, a bulldozer was and the other went under contract at level, No. 302 on the next level, and No.
moving dirt at the site on Ocean Drive, With those in place and two units the end of September. 402 on the top or penthouse level.
across from Conn Beach Boardwalk, sold, the developer hopes to complete
and a few days later 40-foot-deep the condominium – which will have In the most likely scenario, the Wilson says 202 and 302 are the
foundation piling holes were being either five or six units – in about 14 building will have six 3-bedroom, 3.5- units under contract, which leaves the
augured out and filled with concrete months. bath, 3,331-square foot units, with two north penthouse and the three south
and steel. on each floor and parking under the units for sale at pre-construction pric-
“January 2019 is our goal,” Zana building. All will have large, ocean-fac- es ranging from $1.4 million for the
Zana, a St. Ed’s graduate who has says. “We have two contracts in place ing balconies and luxury finishes that remaining ground-floor condo to $1.9
lived on the island for more than 30 with nonrefundable 20 percent de- include limestone flooring and gour- million for the penthouses.
posits and are working with a couple met kitchens with marble or quartzite
In an alternate scenario, Zana is of-
fering the entire top floor as an ultra-
luxe 6,600-square-foot penthouse for
“under $4 million.”
Wilson says the configuration that
gets built will depend on which buyer
steps up first. If someone signs a con-
tract for one of the 3,331-square-foot
penthouses, that will settle it. If a buy-
er for the full-floor penthouse shows
up first, that is what Zana will build.
Either way, project amenities will
include an elevator, a lap pool and “an
oversized aqua spa,” according to pro-
motional literature.
Zana bought the .67-acre property
at Conn Way and Ocean Drive for $1.9
million in October 2016, according
to county property records. The pur-
chase included two vacant buildings,
one facing Ocean Drive that formerly
housed Boardwalk Café & Ice Cream
Shop, and a storm-damaged building
facing Conn Way.
The buildings were torn down
in March but it took another seven
months to get all permits needed to
commence construction.
“The agencies we dealt with were all
cooperative and worked well with us,
but developing a multi-family ocean-
front property is a complex process,”
Zana says.
Wilson says people who have con-
tacted her about the condos have
been a 50-50 mix of locals and out-of-
towners, but both people who have
signed contracts are from Vero.
So far, all the serious potential buy-
ers have been interested in the condos
as primary residences, a surprise to
Wilson and Zana, who expected some
vacation home buyers.
“With the building coming out of
the ground and people back in town
for the season, I think we will end up
seeing some of those second-home
buyers,” Wilson says. “There has been
great interest and with two sold pre-
construction, I don’t think it will take
long to sell out.”
4091 Ocean is being developed by
4091 Ocean LLC, an entity associated
with Coastmark Development, where
Zana is managing director. Coastmark
Construction, an associated company,
is the general building contractor.
Hillary Cappelen, Deb Daly
and Nicole Cowette.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Grants are well received at Service League kickoff
Andrea Berry, Hope Woodhouse and Marlynn Scully. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Nivea Torres, Meredith Egan and Pat Thompson. Martha Kelly, Ellen Ferro and Rita Murphy.
Tina Nickle, Karen Drury and Marlynn Scully. Paula Shorts, Georgia Davala and Emilie Hinman. Rosemary Haverland, Mary Susan Lyon and Beth Werwaiss.
BY MARY SCHENKEL Citing some alarming county sta- Andrea Thibodeau, Buff Penrose, Francesca Anderson and Connie McGlynn.
tistics, she said 50 percent of mothers Nancy Stump, Heather Stafford and Nancy Young.
Staff Writer receive Medicaid services, 70 percent
have a high school diploma or less,
As guests began to arrive for the and 50 percent are unmarried. Seven
John’s Island Community Service percent are teen mothers; a number
League’s Opening Luncheon at the higher than neighboring counties, the
John’s Island Club last Monday, Hope state average and even that of Miami
Woodhouse, JICSL vice president, Dade County.
was eager for them to hear from guest
speaker Andrea Berry, CEO of Indian Berry spoke about the wealth of pro-
River County Healthy Start Coalition. grams they offer to all mothers, span-
In April, HSC received $35,000 for its ning prenatal to postpartum services
Doula Program from the recently and even Baby Boxes, which provide a
formed Strategic Grants Committee. safe sleep space for infants.
“I think the Healthy Start Coalition Of the new Community Doula pro-
is on an upswing,” said Woodhouse. gram, which provides women with
“There’s real collaboration going on a non-medical professional to pro-
with all the different county groups vide support before, during and after
and those collaborations are going birth, Berry said, “Indian River Medi-
great.” cal Center estimates that about 100
moms come in to labor and delivery
In her welcome, Pat Thompson, JIC- each year alone. Which means that
SL president, related that in 2017 more they are laboring, going through this
than $930,000 in grants was donated tremendously scary time, by them-
toward the operational expenses of 38 selves.”
nonprofit organizations and scholar-
ships to children of John’s Island em- Since receiving the $35,000 gift in
ployees. April, they have assisted with 20 births
and have already seen a dramatically
Emphasizing the luncheon’s decreased rate in early pre-term labor,
‘Bloom Where We Are Planted’ theme, the No. 1 cause of infant mortality in
Thompson added, “The seeds that black women.
we’ve sown in this community fos-
ter life-saving programs like Healthy “Healthy Start serves all mommies,
Start. We have planted a field of regardless of what their needs are,”
dreams and we are growing bigger said Berry. “We are here for them no
and better than ever before.” matter what.”
Berry said there are roughly 1,200 In closing, she introduced two
births annually in Indian River Coun- adorable babies, their mothers and
ty, but added that many are not born the doula who assisted them, saying,
into environments that immediately “These are some beautiful babies who
foster health, happiness and success. you all helped bloom.”
14 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Holiday spirit pervades delightful Evening of Giving
The annual Grand Harbor Com- Doug and Susanne Sweeny with Stacey and Don Clawson. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Simon and Eleanor Caldecott.
munity Outreach Evening of Giving
got its start as just a tree trimming gift from someone, they feel they are from events such as golf, bridge and ganization is made up of volunteers.
party 18 years ago, but has since not alone. That is what keeps me vol- game tournaments, and a gala, pro- Every dime of the money raised goes
grown into a full-fledged, season-of- unteering again every year.” viding funding for grants which are to charity through our programs,”
giving kickoff, with members com- awarded to deserving agencies. said Doug Sweeny, GHCO president.
ing together to raise funds and pur- In addition to Evening of Giving, “We decided to form a strategic part-
chase holiday gifts for community roughly $300,000 is raised each year “One-hundred percent of the or- nership with Gifford and now meet
organizations, children, seniors and with community leaders about once
veterans. a week as we support groups like
Gifford Youth Achievement Center,
The Grand Harbor Golf Club reno- Samaritan Center and Our Father’s
vations that had guests cozying up Table. We were responsive but now
in half the space, only increased the we are being more directive; to get
level of gaiety and spirit among the them to be more impactful. We’re not
guests, and the staff outdid them- just showing up and dropping money
selves, presenting a bountiful buffet and moving on.”
of scrumptious delights.
“The members at Grand Harbor
Members selected paper orna- are paying it forward in the best
ments representing gift wishes from way it can be,” added event co-chair
two enormous Christmas trees and Catherine Reichert.
were expected to return the gifts to
Outreach volunteers to be wrapped
and delivered before Christmas.
“It kicks off the holiday season and
reminds us that there are people who
are less fortunate than we are; we
show our gratitude by giving families
a helping hand. It’s a Grand Harbor
tradition,” said Susan Dailey.
“This event raises between $29,000
and $36,000,” said co-chair Tina Wil-
cox. “I have a whole bunch of thank-
you notes. One senior wrote last year
thanking us and said she didn’t think
anybody remembered her anymore.
Here is someone who is really alone,
but because they have a Christmas
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 15
Susanne Sweeny, Catherine Reichert and Tina Wilcox. Joe and Maureen Kane. Cynthia Falardeau and Sharon LaPoint.
Mark and Barbara Leswing. Dan and Susan Andersen with Peggy and Mark Anderson. Martin and Tess Donohue with Jeff Condon.
Rosemary Clancey, Steve Reyda and Anita Pew. Pat Andrus, Karen Rovick, Linda Bradley and Lil Cornett. Bridget Hyslop, Jack and Barbara Reis, and Nancy Forlines.
Don and Sheila Iodice.
Linda Fuller.
16 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Leadership Circle squarely in nonprofits’ corner
BY MARY SCHENKEL efforts on behalf of the community.
Staff Writer Comprised of roughly 50 couples
Ned and Emily Sherwood wel- and several individuals, the Leader-
comed John’s Island Foundation ship Circle represents about 10 per-
Leadership Circle donors to their cent of foundation donors, but 46.5
magnificent Gem Island home last percent of the total amount raised.
Wednesday evening, for a cocktail
reception sponsored by Northern Last year the John’s Island Foun-
Trust to celebrate their philanthropic dation raised $746,400 and grant-
ed $869,000, some from escrowed
grants, to 23 Indian River County
Ken Wessel with Emily and Ned Sherwood. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Jim and Ann Smith. Sandy and Randy Rolf.
Judy and Jay Anglada. Denise and Jim Daly.
Steve and April Anderson.
nonprofit agencies. Heading into its
19th year, the foundation has grant-
ed more than $9.9 million toward
nonprofits’ long-term capital ex-
penses, such as roofs, air condition-
ers, computers, vehicles, furniture
and equipment.
“A couple of people have come
up and said to me tonight that the
foundation does such a good job ac-
complishing its mission,” said Ken
Wessel, JIF board president. “John’s
Island is blessed with members who
really want to help other people.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 17
Mutual admiration at Ballet’s Whelan reception
Rick and Kathy Starr with Marion and Terry Martin. Wendy Whelan and Adam Schnell. Bonnie Caffray, Camilo Rodriguez and Barbara Stewart.
Mary Fran and Bill Driscoll. Donna and Alan Edelstein. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 18
George and Sandy Kahle with Laura and Bill Buck.
BY MARY SCHENKEL with the accomplishments of Ballet
Vero Beach, the only professional bal-
Staff Writer let company between Miami and Or-
Ballet enthusiasts were thrilled to
spend quality time with world-re- “I think it’s amazing,” said Whelan.
nowned ballerina Wendy Whelan, who “I’m excited about this young energy
retired as principal dancer with the that’s percolating and the intention
New York City Ballet in 2014 following that they have. It’s great for the dance
an extraordinary three-decade career. world to have another destination
Whelan’s visit last Monday evening to dance. And Florida in the winter?
came at the invitation of Ballet Vero They’ll be flocking here.”
Beach Artistic Director/CEO Adam
Schnell and included an exclusive Marion Martin said they first saw
screening of “Restless Creature: Wendy Whelan perform in the 1970s, adding, “I
Whelan.” would say that she is without question
the most famous American ballerina.
Before heading over to the Majes- She is revered by fans, audience mem-
tic 11 for a viewing and post-film dis- bers and particularly by other dancers
cussion, balletomanes mingled with in the community. She’s frequently
Whelan at a reception at Quail Valley at been a mentor to other dancers. Tyler
The Pointe, delighted to learn that she Angle, New York City Ballet principal
was equally captivating off stage. The dancer, told me a couple of years ago
event was underwritten by Marion and that everything he learned about part-
Terry Martin, and Majestic 11 owners nering he learned from Whelan. This is
Kathy and Rick Starr. so special to have her here.”
“For me, it’s meeting your hero. She “I’m really excited to meet her; over
not only had an illustrious career but the moon. I love ballet,” said BVB board
she also changed the industry in terms member Ann Alleva Taylor.
of longevity and what it means to be
a ballerina of a certain age,” said an Of the world premiere of Nutcracker
admittedly star-struck Schnell. “She’s on the Indian River, taking place Dec.
now moved on to doing all these amaz- 29-30 at Vero Beach High School Per-
ing things in contemporary dance at forming Arts Center, Taylor added,
an age where ballerinas are supposed “Ours is the only Nutcracker with a
to have disappeared. To have someone paid company of 40 professionals,
here like her in our fifth anniversary along with close to 40 kids. It’s quite an
season is just spectacular.” undertaking.”
For her part, Whelan was impressed For more information, visit balletver-
18 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 Wayne Phillips, Adam Schnell and Linda Phillips. Bill and Emily Furr with Mary Lou and Frank Christy.
Jeanne Jessup, Christina Pines, Catalina Pines and Camilo Rodriguez.
Jerry and Anne Blatherwick. Matthew Carter and Kathleen Weidenmoyer.
Elizabeth Jacobson and Aileen Hoguet. Marion and Terry Martin.
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20 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Oh buoy! Hope for Families
fundraiser lures ‘lifesavers’
Mickey Cooney, Millie Young, Lee Albro, Mariclaire Beggy, Gloria Pappalardo and Louise Schmitt.
Staff Writer
It was anchors away last Monday Dr. Bill Cooney and Diana Grossi.
evening at the nautically-themed
‘Be a Lifesaver’ Annual Dinner at to get them in and out quickly and
the Bent Pine Golf Club to benefit into permanent housing as soon as
the Hope for Families Center. possible,” added Diana Grossi, HFC
executive director. “That way we
After getting their sea legs, can service more families.”
guests enjoyed cocktails and hors
d’oeuvres and attempted to pick the Shipmates watched an informa-
lock on treasure chests to win some tional video and heard the testi-
very Vero treasure. A live auction monials of three recent HFC suc-
offered a smart car as well as six cess stories, with families sharing
exclusive experiences, from lunch their journeys out of homelessness
with macroeconomic strategist Da- through HFC assistance and sup-
vid Smick to dinner with author Ev- port.
elyn Wilde Mayerson.
“It’s no secret there’s a large
Fully embracing the theme, the homeless population here and
committee adorned the room with this is a place for families to be to-
red, white and blue maritime par- gether,” said Lee Albro, event chair.
aphernalia, including anchors, “There is a lot of need, but there are
buoys, fishing nets and life preserv- a lot of people stepping up to the
ers. The crew was also dressed to plate and doing really good things.”
set sail, sporting iconic “Dixie cup”
sailor hats as they served surf and On Dec. 16 and 17, HFC will host A
turf to the worthy seafarers. Citrus Christmas at Riverside Park,
and they are also gearing up for
Dr. William Cooney, HFC board their 10th Anniversary Vero’s Top
president, invited guests to get on Chef Challenge Qualifier on Jan. 15
board as lifesavers for homeless and the Feb. 5 Top Chef Finale.
families by helping them attain
employment and safe, permanent For more information, visit hope-
“Our mission is to take care of
homeless families. We’ve made
some changes and in our new mod-
el the key is to get families into per-
manent housing,” shared Cooney.
“We want them to not only not be
homeless but to also be productive
members of society by giving them
the tools they need to be success-
“Our focus is to bring them in
quickly and work with them on bud-
geting, correcting their credit, em-
ployment and putting money away;
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 21
Jane Watts, Susie McSorley, Susan Tedesko, Emilie Burr and Mickey Cooney. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Joe and Gloria Pappalardo, Mike and Doreen Sproule, Ned and Emily Sherwood.
Sandy Divine and Dee Reiser. Suzanne and Adam Bolinger. Laurie and Bill Stewart.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Restoring OUR Lagoon: In preservation they ‘Trust’
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Rhonda and Tom Lowe. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Tim and Kelly Ward. have is overwhelming and wonder-
Staff Writer ful. We’ve completed several coastal
High School students played sooth- Beach production premiering Dec. restoration projects that will be a
Nearly 400 preservationists gath- ing background music. Later, guests 29 which IRLT collaborated on to model for future management of our
ered under the stars among the tropi- dined al fresco on a sumptuous create environmental scenery. lagoon shoreline. And we’re excited
cal landscape of Rock City Gardens spread prepared by Elizabeth Ken- about the direction some of our new
last Thursday evening at Land Water nedy & Co., listened to big band mu- “The crowd tonight represents projects are taking.”
Wildlife: Restoring OUR Lagoon, a sic by the Jordan Thomas Orchestra how far we’ve come as an organiza-
fundraiser to benefit the Indian River and got a sneak peek of “Nutcracker tion and all we’ve done for this com- “It isn’t that we’re running out of
Land Trust. Organizers expected to on the Indian River,” a Ballet Vero munity,” said Ken Grudens, IRLT green lands to protect,” said Ned
raise $235,000 thanks to presenting executive director. “The support we Dayton, honorary chair with wife
sponsors Stephanie Smith and Lollie Sherry Ann. “There are so many
Stone and other generous sponsor- things that are happening that are
ships. going to affect the lagoon that is out
of our control. If the lagoon dies, we
“I became passionate about saving are all in trouble.”
land through my mother as a child,
and I do a lot of this to honor her,” said “You have made the Indian River
Lee Moore, event co-chair with Mary Land Trust the success that it is,”
Juckiewicz. Moore’s mother, Toni said Chuck Cramb, board chairman.
Robinson, is IRLT Director Emeritus. “Without you, we wouldn’t be what
we are. We have purchased and pro-
“The work the Land Trust does is tected 10 miles of lagoon shoreline
vital,” Moore added. “Once you sell and 1,000 acres of land. It’s our job,
land to a developer it’s gone forever. not only to procure things but it’s all
The Land Trust is saving land that about protecting that land, protect-
nobody else would.” ing the water and preserving it for
future generations of people. It’s not
Guests enjoyed hors d’oeuvres just land it’s also the lagoon and how
and cocktails while perusing auc- that land can impact that lagoon.”
tion items as Indian River Charter
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 23
Patricia and Juan Drago with Bonnie Myers. Diane Karper, Catherine Walker, Susan McDaniel and Marie Stiefel. Emilie and John Brady with Alice and Rene Donars.
Karen Meyer, George and Sheila Marshal with Barbara Blaze.
Nancy Briggs, Bob Gallagher, Karen Abell and Liz Briggs.
Eilis and Jeff Powers. John and Linda Johnson.
24 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Glamour in the air at Wine Women and Shoes benefit
Allyson Bootes, Page Franzel and Donna Dainiak. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Pam DeChellis, Ron Toperzer and Dr. Julie Vargo O’Brien.
BY MARY SCHENKEL lighted by a cloud formation formed tifully decorated tables and four the Closet drawing valued at $10,000
Staff Writer by hundreds of white balloons sus- special ‘diva dens,’ where VIPs were and other raffles.
pended from the hangar ceiling, served by their own personal butlers.
SunJet Aviation was strikingly while illuminated plane wings served “We wanted to do something to-
transformed for a high-octane, glitzy as the framework for auction items. Jennifer Downes, HSVBIRC events tally out of the ordinary,” said Mi-
Wine Women and Shoes fundraiser coordinator, credited Michael chael Mandel, HSVBIRC executive
last Thursday night to benefit the Later in the evening, shoe guys and Naffziger, owner of East Coast En- director. Canines and kittens are
Humane Society of Vero Beach and models in a fashion show presented core and director of the Indian River stars at every Humane Society event
Indian River County. by Seahorse Lane, Vine and Virtue, Charter High School Theater Depart- and this was no exception. Mandel
and Sara Campbell worked a raised, ment, with creating the custom art pointed to a particularly handsome
The remarkable décor was high- lighted runway surrounded by beau- installations with assistance from pup that was clearly loving all the at-
IRCHS students. tention, saying, “That’s Tucker; one
of our Shoe Guys. He was adopted
Chef Dean Evans, owner of Vero but the owner gave permission to
Ice Sculptures, carved an elaborate bring him. He’s raised almost $5,000
ice bar out of eight enormous blocks for the shelter.”
of ice, each about 350 pounds, which
even included a carved high-heel Tucker was one of 17 Shoe Guys
shoe that dispensed drinks. who raised more than $40,000 for
the cause; newly crowned King of
“This is so not Vero Beach,” said Sole Chris Sullivan raised $8,000.
Sally Fusco. “It’s so out of character
but it’s awesome!” Organizers expected to raise
$150,000 to help the shelter fulfill its
Before sitting down for the show mission of accepting all animals, re-
and dessert, the sold-out crowd of gardless of age, health, behavior or
500 glammed-up, stiletto-clad guests adoptability. Humane Society pro-
nibbled on tapas-style offerings from grams and services, from adoption
local chefs who donated their culi- and veterinary care to education
nary expertise and delicious goodies. and outreach, are all geared toward
They also perused numerous auction finding and keeping animals in lov-
items, using their cellphones to bid, ing homes.
and purchased chances for a Key to
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 25
Chris Sullivan, Michael Natale, Frank Mentzer and Miguel Santiesteban. Dan Chappell, Dr. Alan Durkin, Kristin Dobson and Chris Gurny. Michael Mandel, Jennifer Downes and Michael Naffziger.
Cal Zangre and Marcel Goncalves with Tucker.
Laura Stygar, Bobby Guttridge and Bonnie Mixon.
Renee Rennick, Mandy Robinson and Alaina Haas.
Ryan Norvig, Sara Labellarte and Don Weston.
26 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
McKee Gatekeepers feted as Garden’s mission grows
Staff Writer
McKee Botanical Garden was abuzz Jean Ueltschi and Liz Schroeder. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Matt and Olivia McManus.
with excitement at the annual in-
vitational Gatekeepers Dinner last $7.5 million needed.
Wednesday evening, with much to “It’s very humbling for me to be here
celebrate as nearly 100 of McKee’s top
donors were thanked for their support tonight in such an amazing build-
and heard about exciting recent devel- ing and to realize the labor of passion
opments. and commitment that you all bring to
keeping this place alive,” shared Em-
“This is one of the most exciting manuel Didier, Children’s Garden ar-
days I can remember at McKee Bo- chitect. “A garden can be lost so eas-
tanical Garden,” said Matt McManus, ily. Just a few years of not caring for it
board president. “Tonight’s all about and you could have everything disap-
you. There are a lot of different stake- pear.”
holders at McKee, but none of that
would happen without the Gatekeep- “It’s very exciting. This will bring
ers. In my opinion, it’s the cornerstone
of making this place tick.”
Earlier in the day, McKee hosted
a groundbreaking ceremony for the
Children’s Garden, a dedicated space
for children to interact and discover
nature. Christine Hobart, executive
director, said the projected year-long
construction would begin in January
and added they have raised $4.8 of the
Peter and Davis Benedict with Ron and Sandra Rennick.
more people into the garden so they “As Gatekeepers of the garden you
can get an appreciation of nature, are crucial to our continued success,”
particularly the children,” said John said Hobart. “Through your commit-
Schumann. ment, financial support and ambas-
sadorship McKee continues to be one
An eagle from the new ‘It’s a Jungle of the most treasured destinations in
out There’ sculpture exhibit kept a our community.”
watchful eye over the evening’s festiv-
ities from his perch atop the Spanish Holidays at McKee begins Dec. 20
Kitchen, where guests enjoyed cock- with twinkling lights and holiday
tails and hors d’oeuvres before sitting decorations scattered among the lush
down to a catered dinner by Elizabeth foliage, the famed model train display
Kennedy & Company in the historic and visits from Santa. For more infor-
Hall of Giants. mation, visit
28 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Celebrating generosity at Impact 100 power brunch
BY MARY SCHENKEL “Thanks to your generosity, Impact
Staff Writer 100 in Indian River County has totaled
$3.3 million,” said Suzanne Carter,
Philanthropic women packed the board president. “That is a remarkable
Oak Harbor Club last Wednesday achievement in nine years and could
morning to celebrate the 10th Anniver- not have been accomplished without
sary of Indian River Impact 100 with everybody’s generosity.”
a Membership Kickoff Brunch, rais-
ing their champagne glasses to toast By following the Impact 100 model of
‘Cheers to 10 years.’ one woman giving $1,000 and having
one vote toward each $100,000 grant,
Suzanne Bertman, Brenda Lloyd and Suzanne Conway. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Nancy Lynch, Wendy Steele and Suzanne Carter.
she said they have been able to award “The Impact model is simple; run-
$100,000 grants to 31 agencies, plus ning an Impact organization takes a lot
provide 21 smaller grants. of work,” said Steele. “It’s difficult, but
it’s worth it. It transforms lives.”
Members of the Indian River Char-
ter High School’s Theatre program, a Crediting the women of Indian River
2014 transformational grant recipient, Impact 100 for setting the bar in terms
got the morning off to a rousing start of leadership, she added, “It takes all of
with a cheer and a musical production us. When we come together we see our
number under the direction of Theatre community grow.”
Director Michael Naffziger.
Dace Stubbs, the 10th anniversary
Guest speaker Wendy Steele, who sponsor, recognized the visionary
founded Impact 100 in 2001 while liv- founders of Indian River Impact 100.
ing in Cincinnati, shared the history The event’s other sponsors were The
of the organization. She said the idea Hill Group and FPL.
came to her with the knowledge that,
“When we give our hearts, our minds Guests also heard from Shining
and our checkbooks to the commu- Light Garden founder Joel Bray, a 2014
nity, good things start to happen. Look Impact grant recipient, and Louise
around your community. You’re a part Carmack, a volunteer with Our Father’s
of that enormous transformation right Table, one of the many food kitchens
here.” receiving nutritious fresh vegetables
from Shining Light’s now 20-acre farm.
Since 2001, when 123 women pooled
their $1,000 contributions, Impact 100 In closing, President-Elect Denise
has grown to include more than 50 Battaglini encouraged additional
chapters worldwide with another 16 members to sign up, saying, “The more
in development. Collectively, women people who join, the more money we
have donated more than $56 million raise and the more impact we can have
back into their own communities, on the community.”
$1,000 at a time.
For more information, visit impac-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 29
Gladys LaForge, Suzi Locke, and Brenda Cetrulo.
Dace Stubbs and Wendy Steele. Jeff Pickering and Sandy Rolf. Tiffany Starr Padgett with Kathleen Starr.
30 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
New season’s greetings at Museum’s swanky soiree
BY MARY SCHENKEL Museum,” said Board Chair Sandy
Staff Writer Rolf. “With your generous support we
are able to reach out to the community
The Vero Beach Museum of Art ush- and provide all kinds of different art
ered in the season with its invitational experiences for children, for adults and
Director’s Society and Chairman’s all reaches of our county.”
Club Dinner last Friday evening, spon-
sored by Indian River Estates. In addition to a gourmet dinner
catered by Elizabeth Kennedy & Co.,
“Our Chairman’s Club and Direc- guests were treated to a lecture on
tor’s Society members are really the American landscape artist Thomas
backbone of our support here at the Cole entitled ‘A Closer Look: Thomas
Tom and Darlene Ryder with Brady Roberts. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Paul and Nancy Knapp with Joy and Bill Lane.
Cole’s Working Methods and Materi- house couple,” said VBMA CEO Brady
als.’ The talk was tied in to the mu- Roberts, introducing guest speakers
seum’s exhibit, DeWitt Boutelle after Elizabeth Mankin Kornhauser, who is
Thomas Cole: The Voyage of Life, on organizing an upcoming Thomas Cole
loan from the Manoogian Collection exhibition at the Metropolitan Mu-
through Jan. 7. seum of Art, and Stephen Kornhauser,
chief conservator at the New York His-
“We’re delighted to have with us torical Society.
tonight the New York art world power-
It’s a date.
Join us for a lunch that
you will remember.
Call with an opening on
your calendar.
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 31
Sandy and Randy Rolf, Susan and John McCord, and Carol and Pat Welsh. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 32
Jim and Marilyn Truesdell, Marjorie Turley and Lynn Merrell.
John and Suzy Mellott with Susan and Ed Smith.
Bill and Marlynn Scully. Bob and Ellie McCabe. Ryan and Melissa Weaver, Agency Owners
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Scott and Gail Alexander with Pat and Peter Thompson.
32 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 31 Herb and Vicki Aspbury with Karen and Bob Drury. Peter and Carol Coxhead with Beth and Michael Munz.
Bill and Anne Grealis with Connie and Ron McGlynn.
Carol and Dick Mahoney.
Barry and Annie Sullivan with Laura and Bill Buck.
George and Marlen Higgs with Jeanne and Jim Manley.
Bill and Laura Frick with Jean and Ray Oglethorpe.
34 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Plate Project: Raw Space knows how to dish out art
Art by Maria Sparsis
BY STEPHANIE LABAFF create a plate. The walls are all going to rina. Focusing whole Raw Space
Staff Writer be full of plates.”
on economi- mentality be-
All this month and part of next, Raw In addition to the Spanish artist,
Space, one of Vero’s most unconven- Pablo Lanuza, sending his six square cally chal- hind it.”
tional art galleries, is showcasing art- platters from Seville, Indian River
ists’ take on a very conventional object Charter High School students and lenged chil- The con-
– the plate. And for much of the day on teachers have created more than 100
Saturday, the gallery is setting the table plates especially for the show. They dren and cept for Raw
for families to celebrate the Vero-based and others went on display at this
initiative called the Plate Project. Ben- month’s Gallery Stroll Nov. 3, and families, Space was
efiting Vero’s Childcare Resources, the will be on exhibit through mid-De-
project evolved from the belief that a cember. In addition, this Saturday, Childcare born of an
plate artistically created is a symbol of the gallery will host an-all day festi-
what nourishes us inside: intellectual val celebrating the effort with family- Resources experimen-
reflection, love and solidarity. friendly activities.
provides tal space
The call for artists was answered by The collaborative philanthropic
dozens of artists – one from as exhibition was developed through a model Santamari-
far away as Spain – with independent curator Silvia Medina’s
plates of wood and of for qual- na set aside
clay, handcrafted Art Concept Alternative and real
and repurposed, estate broker Neli Santamarina’s ity childcare for artists to
square and round, downtown gallery Raw Space.
according to Raw It will benefit Childcare Re- and early “play in” in a
Space owner Neli sources, a nonprofit dedicat-
Santamarina. “We ed to elevating and promot- education, sup- small strip mall
sent out a call to ing quality early childhood
artists to repurpose, development and education ports and pro- she invested in on
reuse, manipulate or in Indian River County.
Childcare Resource’s mis- vides guidance to Old Dixie Highway.
sion resonated with Santama-
help maintain family After meeting several in-
stability, develops education- novative young artists – most
al outreach programs to support early well outside the arts district norm –
educators and provides tuition assis- she came to a realization. “Vero Beach
tance for qualified families. needs a multi-disciplinary art venue,
Santamarina created Raw Space as a which embraces the community,
multi-disciplinary arts venue. “Today reaches out to the community and ben-
there are plates on the wall and tomor- efits children especially,” she says.
row we might have performance art, That experimental space was
music, film or theater,” she explains. dubbed Project Space and after Sant-
“It’s organically grown and it’s been amarina saw how beneficial it proved
received with open arms by a lot of for the development and growth of
people. Not just this Plate Project, the arts in the community, she decided
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 35
Barry Shapiro. to raise awareness of child New exhibit shines light on
hunger. “It may not be the Muller’s abstract artwork
PHOTOS BY: DENISE RTCHIE most popular, pretty thing
in the show. It’s not sup- BY ELLEN FISCHER al leaf that is used in many of the mixed
to take things one step further. She posed to be,” he says. “It’s Correspondent media canvases on display.
opened a much larger gallery next supposed to be something
door, facing Dixie Highway with people look at that will The warm glow you will feel step- The Center for Spiritual Care exhi-
greater visibility. Lit but otherwise make them think.” ping into the Vero exhibition of Doraté bition, called The Healing Within, re-
unadorned, she called it Raw Space. Muller’s latest paintings comes not flects what Matisse called “an art of
Well-known potter and only from the earthy colors and gentle balance,” the subject matter not “trou-
The Plate Project is merely an exten- resident artist at Flame- geometric abstractions, but also from bling or depressing,” but rather, “some-
sion of her vision with a community- tree Clay Art Gallery, Ma- the shining gold- and silver-toned met- thing like a good armchair which pro-
outreach component. ria Sparsis, answered the
call for the Plate Project CONTINUED ON PAGE 36
“I feel that with the Plate Project it’s with a large stoneware
important to do that outreach to the platter aptly entitled “At the Edge of A CUT ABOVE
community for people to know this the Sea.”
venue is here. We’re here to do good Sparsis has captured sea-blue hued Elevate prep work and presentation with
things. We’re here to open the artistic swirls at the center and a “sandy” rim. our personalized maple cutting boards.
inventory. Doing different things that Between the color transitions lies a Handmade in Maryland, they make a great
are hopefully going to change it up a vast beach of shell impressions merg-
little bit. I’ll always push the buttons ing sand and sea. gift for the cooks on your list.
a little bit. Shake things up. Change is “Raw Space is one of the best things
good as long as it’s conscientious and that has happened to the downtown
sustainable.” area. It’s a very cutting-edge idea, and
we’re lucky to have it. I’ve seen some
As for using the plate as a prompt, art- incredible exhibits there. I like that
ists like Vero’s Barry Shapiro were quick there’s a new project every month and
to respond. not the same artwork over and over
again,” says Sparsis.
When asked to design a plate for the Shapiro too has high praise for San-
show, Shapiro approached it to make a tamarina and her gallery. “This is the
social statement. His piece, “The Amer- only space like this in Vero,” says the
ican Table,” seeks to raise awareness artist and former gallery owner. “This
about childhood hunger. woman has done an incredible thing
by opening it up and making this not
“I started looking at the statistics just a gallery but an arts center. She
of children who are suffering in this gives opportunities to people where
country from what they call food inse- there would be none otherwise. The
curity, which is a fancy name for starv- kinds of people that come here, the
ing. It was very disturbing and very kinds of events that she brings in – this
upsetting. The more I looked into it, is a very incredible resource. It’s a gift
the more Isaid I have to make a state- to Vero Beach.”
ment,” says Shapiro. The Plate Project exhibition runs
through Dec. 15. Artists paid a $35 ex-
His interpretation consists of bro- hibition fee, and the plates are for sale
ken plates and bent silverware inside for between $10 and $500.
a glass-topped table. Edged with sta-
tistics and words, the table is meant Saturday’s Plate Festival is from 11
a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Raw Space Plaza
with food, music, plate painting, per-
formances, puppets and face painting.
Raw Space is at 1795 Old Dixie Hwy.,
dog 2910 CARDINAL DR.
36 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
vides relaxation from physical fatigue.” the paintings in the Doraté Muller artwork. PHOTOS BY: GORDON RADFORD
Yet the story behind these creations show are “very, very
belies the unruffled mien they pres-
ent to the public: They represent the Most of the 30
artist’s finding herself after a time of works on display
loss. Doraté’s husband, Leonard, died were made within
in early 2015. the last five or six
months. That’s how
“I am very proud of this body of long ago the artist
work,” Doraté says, and adds that
got an invitation from the Center for Doraté’s “Step into the Light” is a
Spiritual Care’s director, Carol Ludwig, visual summation of the artist’s as-
to show her work there. sertion that she has “stepped into an-
other plane” in her art. The 42-inch
Doraté credits fellow painter Tim square painting is almost entirely cov-
Sanchez with helping her get back to ered in silvery metal leaf. Textures that
work in the months following her loss. she applied under the leaf make the
work’s shining surface look like a finely
“Tim Sanchez has been my mentor wrought relief sculpture. Over this,
and a very good friend to me. He told a collage of pink and yellow canvas
me, ‘I’ve been in that boat, when you scraps appears like a flotilla of boats on
don’t even want to hold a paint brush.’” a glittering sea, or a celestial village in
Doraté says that Sanchez would cri-
tique her tentative efforts to resume Most of the abstract works have an
painting, gently prompting her to take architectural underpinning to them
the next step in her creative journey. and, to make her sources clear, the art-
ist is showing along with the abstracts
“He is an incredible teacher, who some smaller paintings of home interi-
teaches without you knowing he is
teaching you. He makes suggestions
and it’s up to you to take them.”
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 37
ors. On the gallery’s south wall, a trio of canvases. Painted in various hues of she has an additional reason to add No glass obscures the artworks in
pictures includes “Interior VI (Hall into blue, warm ochre and white, the com- works to the continuing series. “The Healing Within,” all of which
Living Room)” and “Interior III (into plex painting appears at first glance to are executed on stretched canvas and
Bedroom)” hung one above the other to be a geometric abstract. Gaze upon it “If it has an inner meaning, a per- presented in narrow contemporary
the left of the long vertical of “Abstract a little longer, and the figures and fac- sonal meaning, I give it the name ‘Pas- frames. The two “Passage” paintings
Interior.” The former recalls the el- es of people in an atmospheric space sage.’” and all the interior pictures are oil, and
egant, light-filled interiors of Vuillard’s come into view. Whether those figures the ones with gold, silver and copper
later years; next to those paintings, the are strolling on a shop-lined street in Born Dorothee von Berg in Goch, leaf on them are done in acrylic be-
latter can be read as a high-ceilinged fin de siècle Vienna, or milling about in Germany, Doraté came to live perma- cause, according to the artist, the leaf
room hung with rectangular “pictures” the gloom of a museum whose lit cases nently in the U.S. in 1960 and settled in adheres better to it.
and furnished, in the lower third of the hold untold treasure depends entirely Stanford, Conn. There she began les-
composition, with velvety blue and on the color of your imagination. sons in watercolor, which soon became But for Doraté, technique is merely
deep fuchsia armchairs. the medium in which she excelled; she the means to an end.
In the past Doraté found inspiration still owns her first successful painting,
Amidst the glitter of the other pic- for the amorphous quality of her “Pas- a spray of flowers. “Anytime I can provoke a feeling
tures, one of the most magical on dis- sages” series of paintings in Viennese -- any kind of feeling -- with my work,
play contains not a glimmer of metal Secessionist Gustav Klimt’s figural Since moving to Vero Beach seven that is success.”
leaf. “Passage IV (diptych)” presents works, where figure and ground are years ago, she has added other water-
the best of Doraté’s abstract and rep- subsumed in an all-over composition based media to her repertoire, as well “The Healing Within” is on display
resentational worlds in two conjoined of decorative color and pattern. Today as oil paint. Her use of oil began when through Nov. 27 at the Center for Spiri-
she learned that “Vero Beach does not tual Care at 1550 24th St., Vero Beach.
want glass in front of their paintings.”
Coming Up: Snow doubt ‘yule’ love Chorale concert
1 The closest we’ll get to a white “Frozen” – “Do You Wanna Make A dar. One of Vero’s favorite Christmas at 9 a.m.: adults, $22; under 12, $18,
Christmas here on Florida’s Snowman” and “Let it Go”; Leroy traditions is the Festival of Trees, which includes festival admission.
Anderson’s iconic 1948 hit “Sleigh which has grown over the years
Treasure Coast will likely be the Trea- Ride”; medleys that will conjure into an absolutely must-see holiday
snowy winters and white holidays; season family event, and it’s taking
sure Coast Chorale’s free concert, solos; and small-group numbers. Af- place at Riverside Theatre this very 3 Perhaps you feel joy and excite-
ter all those snowy, hum-able tunes, weekend. Sugar & Spice is the theme ment, as I do, in watching young
“There’s No Business Like Snow Busi- you should be in the mood to join in and, if you’ve attended in the past,
the traditional sing-along. Featured you know that numerous incred-
ness,” this Saturday (not the usual, musicians include pianist Judy Cart- ibly creative folks grab the annual performers – musicians, vocalists, ac-
er, vocalist Glenn Orndorff, guitar- theme “ball” and run with it, com-
Sunday) at First Baptist Church. The ing up with some of the most gor- tors – hone their craft and see their tal-
ist Dave Mundy, geous, fancy, funny, elegant, amaz-
60-voice chorale, under the baton of drummer Richie ing evergreens you’ve ever laid eyes ents bloom. Our high school perform-
Mola and Vero’s fa- on. There’ll be the Festival Forest,
Director Dr. Michael Carter, will chill vorite “oldies” trio, Santa’s Village, Christmas Shoppe, ing arts departments nurture creativity
“The Dolls.” The Ice Skating Rink and Grand Festival
us out with a program of snow-cen- snow begins to fall Hall, all trimmed, decked and fes- on stage, off stage and back stage, and
(metaphorically) at tooned – a visual holiday feast. This
tric songs that celebrate the winter 7 p.m. A tip: doors festive fest benefits Riverside Chil- this season they continue to delight us
open at 6 p.m. Ar- dren’s Theatre. Friday at 6 p.m. is the
phenomenon in rive on the early Gala Preview Party, $175; the Festi- with their performances. This Friday,
side to grab a good val is open to the public Saturday, 10
all its crystal glory. seat. a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 Saturday and Sunday, for example,
p.m., adults, $10; under 12, $5. Break-
Rumor has it there fast with Santa Saturday and Sunday “Little Women, the Musical” will be
might even be a presented by the young thespians of
few snowflakes the Vero Beach High School Performing
drifting through Arts Department, in the PAC auditori-
the air and perhaps um. The show is from the beloved book
even a snowball or by Louisa May Alcott, based on her own
two. Look forward life, and tells the classic story of sisters
to enjoying rendi- Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy March and their
tions of Elvis’ “Blue adventures coming of age during the
Christmas”; a pair Civil War. Show times are Friday and
of tunes from Dis- Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m.
ney’s wildly popu- 2 Clear a spot In years to come, we’ll be able to say “I
on your calen-
lar animated film knew her/him when …”
38 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Praying for the Peaceable Kingdom
On Sept. 11 one recent year we trav- Flight 93 National Memorial Park and When we got out of our car we were some point in the prayer four leather-
eled to Pennsylvania to conduct a fu- arrived just an hour before closing. The stunned by the strength of the chilling clad bikers wearing red, white and
neral outside Pittsburgh. The day was setting was beautiful, encompassing wind that swept across the hills. Pulling blue bandanas had joined our circle.
gray and cloudy – a fitting backdrop for rolling hills, golden pastures and lush our coats more tightly around us, we All 10 of us had tears streaming down
a day that saw us mourning both the life trees. Earlier that morning the presi- quickly made our way down the walk- our windswept faces.
of an old friend as well as the many lives dent had been present at the memorial way to stand in the shelter of a wall. The
lost on that fateful day. site with a sizeable crowd, but now the wall, it turned out, was the memorial We were an unusual group, un-
crowd had thinned to a trickle. wall, inscribed with the names of the 40 known to one another until that mo-
When the funeral was concluded, we passengers and crew members who had ment, but drawn together to pray in
learned that we were only 11 miles from sacrificed their lives for others. gratitude for heroic lives. We prayed
the field where Flight 93 had crashed together with earnest hope for a holy
on Sept. 11, 2001, as heroic passengers As we stood, fittingly, in the shelter peace that will one day overcome all
overcame the terrorists onboard and of that wall, reading the names one by that divides the world. We prayed for
prevented the plane’s crashing in our one, we heard a woman’s voice behind an end to the fear and the hatred that
nation’s capital. Feeling a sacred obli- us say, “Would you pray with our fam- unleashes violence.
gation to pay homage to the heroic in- ily, please?” Wearing clerical collars
dividuals, we drove immediately to the sometimes elicits such requests from Many, many centuries ago, the
perfect strangers. We were glad to Prophet Isaiah faced the horrors of
comply, but were humbled, realizing war and the desolation of his people
we were standing among some of the and envisioned something different
victims’ family members and friends. to be granted by God’s grace. One
We asked the group to hold hands, and day, he said, the wolf will lie down
six of us stood closely together and be- with the lamb, the cow and the bear
gan to pray. The words of the prayer shall graze together, the child shall
were not especially memorable, but place its hand in safety upon an ad-
the outcome was. When the prayer der’s den, and the earth will be full of
concluded, we lifted our eyes to find the knowledge of the Lord. One day.
that our circle of six had become 10. At One day. We, too, pray the Peaceable
Kingdom may come, one day.
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42 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Welcome to the “Island of Happi- ern cultural universe: the Guggen- prize-winning architect, will count As an exercise in cultural co-oper-
ness.” heim Museum, New York University as one of the great buildings of his ation and “soft diplomacy,” it is un-
and the Sorbonne, among others. generation. But the Louvre Abu Dha- precedented.
Here, on a literal desert island off bi is no replica of the 18th-century
the coast of the United Arab Emir- Abu Dhabi opened the museum institution born during the French The more than $1.2 billion deal,
ates, a young, oil-rich -nation-state last Saturday, displaying of hun- Revolution. The play of light and signed back in 2007, designated $525
is seeking to rise above its neighbors dreds of works that it hopes will draw shadow under the dome gives the million for the use of the “Louvre”
and catapult itself into history. At visitors from around the world. The visitor the feel of being in a souk, of title over the next 30 years and $750
the same time, the world’s most fa- LAD is the first universal museum to being in a grove of palm trees found million for French experts to over-
mous museum is looking to expand be built in the 21st century and the in the oases of the UAE, he says. see 300 loaned works of art from 13
its empire and to line its coffers for first ever in the Arab world. Across leading museums. Visitors Saturday
decades to come. 12 galleries, the museum presents The Louvre Abu Dhabi’s silvery were able to view Leonardo da Vinci’s
a chronological and thematic nar- latticed dome, nearly 600 feet in di- La Belle Ferronnière, on loan from
This is the story of the Louvre Abu rative of world history as explained ameter and comprised of 8,000 met- the Louvre, or Vincent van Gogh’s
Dhabi, the long-awaited center- through art. al stars that weigh together the same self-portrait, formerly housed at
piece of a multibillion-dollar com- as the Eiffel Tower, plays with Gulf the Musee D’Orsay and Musée de
plex slated to showcase some of the As a work of design, the museum, sunlight to form a “rain of light.” l'Orangerie.
most powerful names in the West- created by Jean Nouvel, a Pritzker
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 43
But in France, scores of industry INSIGHT COVER STORY
professionals still decry what they
see as a beloved museum and other Sooud al-Qassemi, an Emirati royal
institutions arguably selling their and prominent art collector, said
souls for petrodollars. in an interview. “This is saying that
we’re not playing in the little leagues –
“The objective was never aesthetic we’re playing in the major leagues. It’s
– it was political,” said ¬Didier Ryk- probably the greatest museum in the
ner, a French art historian who is world, and it will have not just a small
among the project’s most outspoken branch but a massive presence.”
Manuel Rabaté, the French direc-
“The idea of selling or renting the tor, describes Louver Abu Dhabi as
Louvre brand abroad posed one an “adaptation or renewal” of the
problem,” added Laurent Martin, a Enlightenment idea that led to the
professor of the history of cultural original universal institutions – the
policy in France and Europe at the British Museum, the Hermitage and
Sorbonne Nouvelle. “To do so with the Louvre in Paris.
a country that does not respect the
values of liberal democratic societies Some may feel that is a bit rich
of Europe posed another.” for a country that has limited free
speech to “see humanity in a new
One of the more concrete contro- light” or “recognize ourselves in each
versies to arise during the 10-year other,” as exhorted to by the posters
project was the abuse of migrant advertising the museum on the main
workers constructing the site, called highway to Saadiyat Island. But its
out by Human Rights Watch – not ex- fans are passionate.
actly the stuff of les droits de l'homme
(human rights), declared in France They see the Louvre Abu Dhabi as
in 1789, four years before the Louvre a pillar in the effort to turn the UAE
opened to the public. away from its dependence on oil to
becoming a modern, knowledge-
But none of this was on the agenda based economy.
this past week as the museum was
inaugurated in the presence of kings It will be an important local em-
and other rulers. French President ployer, especially of women, and not
Emmanuel Macron called it a show- just in menial jobs. Hissa al-Dhaheri,
case, as a “bridge between civiliza- the deputy director, is an Emirati
tions,” of “beauty of the whole world.” woman, as is the project’s finance di-
rector. The 60-strong staff is expected
Inside the UAE, the new museum to grow to 150 by next year; many
is seen as a means of recasting the more will be employed indirectly.
nation’s public image from a “play-
ground in the desert” to a cultural And it will be a draw for foreign
powerhouse. tourists; 4.4 million visited Abu Dha-
bi in 2016. The city is already a busy
“This is a major statement,” Sultan transport hub. The emphasis on cul-
44 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ture distinguishes it from the shopping tremism and Iran. That Abu Dhabi feels “Of course, we can say: ‘Why should at the Sorbonne’s Abu Dhabi campus,
malls and glitzy commercial tourism of itself under threat cannot be underes- we be here? Why should we be doing which trains local students to enter
Dubai, an hour down the road. timated, and the iconography of fear this?’ ” said Olivier Gabet, the director the museum profession.
runs through the museum – from Abel of Paris’s ¬Musée des Arts Décoratifs.
Most of all, the Louvre Abu Dhabi is Grimmer’s 1595 painting of the Tower Gabet served for several years on the “But we could say the same in
seen locally, and by neighbors like Sau- of Babel to the final exhibit, Ai Weiwei’s new museum’s planning committee reverse. By the same token, why
di Arabia, as a bastion against what it Babel-shaped “Fountain of Light.” and taught in the art history program wouldn’t we want to be there, in the
regards as the forces of evil: Islamic ex- midst of a social, educational and
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 45
cultural transformation like this?” that displays a medieval Koran, a me- which allows a limited number of other said, referring to the item on display,
Mohamed Khalifa al-Mubarak, the dieval Bible and a medieval Torah. non-Islamic places of worship such as dated from 1498. “The message of bal-
churches and Hindu temples. The Is- ance and acceptance will be broadcast
director of Abu Dhabi’s culture de- This might appear an unusual pre- raeli flag has been banned from many from this particular gallery.”
partment, said much the same. In an sentation in Abu Dhabi, where there international sporting competitions.
interview, he highlighted one par- are clear efforts to discourage reli- The Washington Post, The Christian
ticular gallery as the essence of the gious and political symbols of Judaism. “One of the most beautiful books we Science Monitor and The Economist all
entire museum – a small, dark room There are no synagogues in the UAE, have is the Yemeni Torah,” Mubarak contributed to this article.
46 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Car lovers, unite! Resist the driverless dystopia!
Two iconic figures in the car industry summon to carry them someplace or billions of miles to demonstrate their enthusiast. Like the tech boosters, he
– former General Motors head of prod- deliver stuff. reliability in terms of fatalities and in- believes that self-driving cars will be
uct development Bob Lutz and Renault- juries,” the report said. safer than human-driven ones.
Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance Chairman These modules will move extremely
Carlos Ghosn – have recently outlined fast and extremely close to each other Last month’s safety report by Waymo But his vision is about alleviating the
competing visions for the future of on highways, unhindered by danger- says that its cars have driven 3.5 million stress of driving for private car owners
transportation. ous human drivers. miles on “real-world roads” in eight rather than taking away their ability to
years (and of course these real-world drive.
Lutz’s is a merciless dystopia of auto- Only the elite will teach children to roads are like the wide, well-marked
mated pods run by huge corporations, drive so they can spend some off-time streets of Chandler, a place where it Is Ghosn, one of the most visionary
with hobbyist drivers confined to dude on a race track or an off-road “dude never snows and there are 299 sunny figures in the car industry – after all, the
ranches. In Ghosn’s, alternative forms ranch.” days per year). Nissan Leaf, developed on his watch,
of transportation don’t kill car owner- was the first mass-market electric car –
ship but complement it. This means, Lutz wrote, that car As with most of their innovations, tech too timid in his vision? As far as I’m con-
dealers would go extinct and volume companies will push their irrelevant sta- cerned, he’s just advocating more choice.
Technological progress is often de- carmakers – the only relevant ones tistics at regulators with large lobbying
scribed in terms of inevitability. This – will either turn into transportation budgets and exhortations to keep up Today, one can own a car (and drive
is still a human world, however, and providers or become the equivalent of with progress and support innovation. it) to have the full control many people
progress is what humans decide it is. today’s contract manufacturers of mo- like, even if it entails certain risks. One
Both perspectives – Lutz’s and Ghosn’s bile handsets, brandless and left at the In the U.S., it’s conceivable that the can also use car-sharing services or use
– are based on human choices. mercy of fleet owners. government will give up without much an app to hail a ride – not in a driverless
of a fight and only start thinking seri- “module” yet, but that’s probably com-
We need to think about them now, The human choice in this scenario ously about regulation when it’s be too ing eventually. One can also opt for
before they actually have to be made. isn’t made by consumers but by legis- late, as it’s doing today with the social public transportation or ride a bicycle.
lators deciding to ban humans from networks only after they proved vul-
Lutz, who acknowledges that he’s public roads. That may sound im- nerable to abuse by foreign govern- This is a setup we consumers must
unlikely to be around to witness the plausible, but there are already signs ments and pretty much anyone else. push regulators to preserve. It would
world he paints with a certain sadistic that regulators, at least in the U.S., are be a shame to end up in Lutz’s world
relish, wrote in Automotive News that embracing self-driving vehicles faster In Europe, where the pushback against of huge faceless fleets simply because
in 15 to 20 years, “human-driven vehi- than expected. U.S. tech is strong, regulators may be we’ve given regulators too much power.
cles will be legislated off the highways.” more vigilant, and with good reason: Eu-
Driverless Chrysler Pacificas outfit- ropean cities aren’t at all like Chandler, Electric cars are already about to be
“The tipping point will come when ted by Alphabet subsidiary Waymo al- and driving in them requires more judg- foisted on us before they’re as conve-
20 to 30 percent of vehicles are fully au- ready ply the streets of Chandler, Arizo- ment and skill. To the contrary, Euro- nient to use and as reliable as tradi-
tonomous,” he wrote. “Countries will na, a suburb of Phoenix. It seems that pean urban planners have long plotted tional ones, and before they’ve become
look at the accident statistics and fig- the people in charge of making trans- kicking cars out of those cities. decisively superior environmentally to
ure out that human drivers are causing portation safer are buying the tech fossil fuel vehicles. This shouldn’t hap-
99.9 percent of the accidents.” companies’ argument that self-driving But in Ghosn’s vision, regulation-driv- pen with autonomous driving.
vehicles only get into accidents be- en change doesn’t obliterate consumer
Once that happens, Lutz thinks, only cause other cars are driven by humans. choice. Tightening emissions standards Societies are not always wrong when
a minority of people – clinging nos- would speed the switch to electric and they push back against “inevitable
talgically to the feeling of autonomy It’s too early to accept these claims. hybrid drivetrains, but without killing progress.” Mobility is just about ripe
a car confers on its owner – will want According to a 2016 Rand Corporation off the traditional car-ownership model. for pushback to preserve the variety
to buy their own self-driving vehicles. report, Americans have about 1.09 crash of available options – Ghosn’s world of
Most transportation will be handled fatalities per 100 million miles driven. “A lot of people think this is substitu- “addition rather than substitution.”
by companies such as Uber and Ama- tion,” he said last week. “It’s not – it’s ad-
zon, which will acquire big fleets of au- “Fully autonomous vehicles would dition.” This column was written by Leonid
tonomous “modules” that people will have to be driven hundreds of millions Bershidsky. It does not necessarily reflect
of miles and sometimes hundreds of Ghosn is an autonomous-driving the views of Vero Beach 32963 Media.
SMOKING Part II Nicotine in cigarette smoke doesn’t cause cancer; nicotine is the addictive © 2017 VERO BEACH 32963 MEDIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
agent that keeps you smoking. It’s the chemicals above, and others, that
In October 1492, Christopher Columbus was first introduced to tobacco when make smoking deadly.
friendly American Indians presented dried tobacco leaves to him as a gift.
Today, according to the World Health Organization, more than 1 billion people HEALTH HAZARDS FROM SMOKING
smoke worldwide. Tobacco kills more than 7 million people each year. Smoking, the leading cause of death in the U.S., kills more each year than the
following causes combined:
While some proclaimed health benefits from smoking – like Spanish physi- Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
cian Nicolas Monardes, who wrote a book in 1571 that outlined 36 ailments Illegal drug use
tobacco could supposedly cure – even early on others were convinced oth- Alcohol use
erwise. The health dangers of smoking are now well documented. Motor vehicle injuries
Firearm-related incidents
When one smokes tobacco, the combustion of the dried plant leaves vapor- According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cigarette
izes and delivers active substances into the lungs where they are rapidly ab- smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causes many diseases and
sorbed into the bloodstream and reach body tissue. After the gasses, which reduces the health of smokers in general. Asthma, colds, coughs and wheez-
include alkaloid nicotine, diffuse directly into the pulmonary vein, they ing are just the beginning. Smoking can cause fatal diseases such as emphy-
enter the heart and then move into the brain. Within less than a second sema, lung cancer and pneumonia. Eighty-three (83) percent of deaths from
of the first inhale, tobacco affects the user. The inhaled substances trigger chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 84 percent of deaths
chemical reactions in nerve endings in the brain. These reactions are similar from lung cancer are caused by smoking.
to naturally occurring substances such as endorphins and dopamine, which
the body associates with sensations of pleasure. The person experiences a Long-term smokers put themselves at risk for developing:
mild nicotine high. But, the incomplete combustion produced by burning Asthma
plant material also produces carbon monoxide, which, when inhaled, im- Cancer of the bladder, blood (acute myeloid leukemia), bronchus, cervix,
pairs the blood’s ability to carry oxygen into the lungs. colon and rectum, esophagus, kidney and ureter, larynx, liver, lung, orophar-
ynx (throat, tongue, soft palate and tonsils), pancreas, stomach and trachea
DNA DAMAGE CAUSES CANCER Coronary artery disease
Tobacco smoke is a complex mixture of over 5,000 identified chemicals, of Emphysema
which 98 are known to have specific toxicological properties. Seven carcino- Heart attack
gens in tobacco smoke that cause DNA alterations are: Impotence
1,3-butadiene Newborn infants with low birth weights (mothers who smoke)
Acetaldehyde Pneumonia
Acrolein Stroke
Acrolonitrile Vascular abnormalities such as stenosis
Ethylene oxide
Formaldehyde Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always welcome.
Isoprene Email us at [email protected].
48 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
In the spring of 1933, the Soviet a similar impulse: the desire to control tity. This project, as Applebaum deftly about the grotesque results of collec-
Union was in the depths of a class war. the fertile black earth of Ukraine. For shows, had its opponents from the be- tivization. Stalin, in turn, deemed the
Soviet leader Joseph Stalin had sent Stalin, Ukraine was a source of capital ginning, chiefly among the Soviet se- Ukrainian communists to be national-
workers and communists from the cit- that could be used to create a modern cret police. ists and corrupt agents of a foreign pow-
ies to extract grain from the country- industrial Soviet Union. Under his first er. In late 1932, as hundreds of thou-
side. “We realized,” as one of them put Five-Year Plan of 1928-1933, millions of Yet these policies of the 1920s were a sands were dying of starvation, Stalin
it, “that it was impossible for us to live peasants were to be moved to urban kind of holding action. A political revo- and his closest comrades devised and
on the same earth as these bloodsuck- areas (and to the concentration camps lution created the Soviet Union, but enforced policies that guaranteed that
ers.” The suppression of private agri- known as the gulag), and their farm- the ideology of its founders demanded death tolls in the Ukrainian republic
culture, combined with unreasonable land was to be brought under state con- that the revolution be economic. Stalin would reach the millions.
requisitions, caused millions to die that trol; its product was to be sold abroad wended his way toward power during
year in the Soviet Union. As The Post’s or used to feed the growing cities. Ad- arguments among peers about how a Our modern sensibilities expect a
Anne Applebaum reveals in “Red Fam- olf Hitler, in his time, wanted to strip country of peasants and nomads was to modern kind of mass killing. We can
ine,” Stalin and the Soviet leadership Ukraine from the Soviet Union so that become a utopia of workers and engi- imagine industrial extermination by
enforced policies that ensured that the Germans could exploit its fertile lands, neers. His signature policy, associated gas. But as most of us are now distant
disaster was worst in Ukraine. Accord- gain agricultural self-sufficiency and with his name, was the collectivization from the countryside, and accustomed
ing to the latest work of demographers, become a world power. Germany in- of agriculture, which coincided with to ample and cheap food, we have trou-
some 3.9 million people died by starva- vaded the Soviet Union in 1941 to take his consolidation of personal power. ble imagining deliberate starvation as a
tion in that Soviet republic. the Ukrainian breadbasket. It was with As in all tyrannical systems, the errors policy. However, as Harvard economist
that invasion that the mass murder of of the leader had to be ascribed else- Amartya Sen long ago demonstrated,
Until the Holocaust, the great fam- European Jews began. where. Thus the massive resistance famine is usually political. In the case
ine in Soviet Ukraine was the largest to collectivization in Ukraine in early of the Soviet Union, the politics was
policy of mass killing in Europe in the So Ukraine suffered for reasons of 1930 was seen as a result not of the en- driven by coercive development, which
20th century. As Applebaum notes, economics and geography. Apple- tirely justified fears of peasants that made peasants landless and helpless
the crimes of Stalin and Hitler shared baum demonstrates that the causes they would lose their livelihoods and before it made them starve. In Au-
of the great famine of 1933 were also ways of life, but rather of corrupt local gust 1932, Stalin formulated a law that
national and political. Using her pro- communists and distant capitalists criminalized taking even a single grain
digious original research, she develops plotting against the regime. Stalin, in of wheat from a collective farm. In the
an interpretation that was first offered other words, chose a national and a po- ensuing months, Ukrainian peasants
by the historian Terry Martin some 20 litical explanation over the truth. were banned from leaving their repub-
years ago. Her account will surely be- lic and from traveling to cities to beg.
come the standard treatment of one of The harvest of 1932 was worse than Areas that did not meet requisition tar-
history’s great political atrocities. expected, and requisition targets were gets were blacklisted, separated entire-
high. Ukrainian communists tried to ly from the Soviet economy, guaran-
The Soviet Union was founded in explain to central authorities in Mos- teeing death. A meat tax was imposed
1922 after a series of civil wars fought cow that fulfilling the targets would on peasants, forcing them to slaughter
largely in Ukraine. The major Bolshe- mean mass starvation. Their simple their livestock; the milk or meat from a
viks, Stalin included, were forced to ac- observation was rejected categorically, cow had been the last protection from
cept the reality of a Ukrainian nation, and they were classified as enemies starvation.
and they designed the Soviet Union as and punished. Requisitions proceeded
a federation in order to co-opt Ukraini- at an entirely unrealistic level, absorb- Applebaum re-creates a pastoral
an national aspirations into the larger ing what the peasants needed to sur- world so we can view its destruction.
Soviet project. During the 1920s, when vive the winter and even their seed
private agriculture was tolerated, the corn for the next year. RED FAMINE
Soviets also educated young Ukrai- Stalin’s War on Ukraine
nian teachers, writers and artists. The As Applebaum recounts, the Soviet
expectation was that an elite educated secret police provided Stalin with what By Anne Applebaum
in the Soviet spirit would one day lead they knew he wanted to hear. They Doubleday. 461 pp. $35
its people toward a broader Soviet iden- passed along complaints they over- Review by Timothy Snyder
heard from Ukrainian communists The Washington Post
1. The Rooster Bar 1. Endurance BY SCOTT KELLY 1. My Journey to the Stars
2. Killing England BY BILL O'REILLY
2. The Cuban Affair 2. The Mermaid BY JAN BRETT
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3. Two Kinds of Truth BY BRIAN KILMEADE & DON YAEGER 4. Turtles All the Way Down
5. The Dangerous Case of
4. Origin BY DAN BROWN 5. Three Dark Crowns
5. Quick & Dirty Donald Trump BY BANDY LEE
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 49
K 10 5
By Phillip Alder K 10 7
I am confident that you have heard the line: “Out of this nettle, danger, we pluck this Q J 10 7 6
flower, safety.” But from which of Shakespeare’s plays does it come?
At the bridge table, part of the art of being a successful player is spotting both the
danger to your contract and the safe route around that threat. A4 3
How does that apply in this week’s deal? South is in five spades doubled, and West AQJ97632 84
leads the diamond two. What happens next?
2 98653
West might have opened four hearts, but that would have risked missing a slam if
partner had a decent hand. After East responded one no-trump, South jumped to four 85 AK943
spades, of course. Then West felt obliged to bid five hearts. However, when South SOUTH
continued with five spades, West aggressively doubled.
K Q J 10 9 8 6 5
Clearly, West’s lead is a singleton, under which East should play his three as a suit-
preference signal for clubs. (Since he has no reason to play third hand high and count in —
the suit is irrelevant, he can signal suit preference.)
If South immediately attacks trumps, West will win with his ace, play a club to his
partner’s king and receive a diamond ruff to defeat the contract. 2
South must cut the defensive communication lines. He takes the first trick on the board, Dealer: West; Vulnerable: East-West
leads the heart king and discards his club. He loses only one heart and one spade.
The Bidding:
I discovered that Hotspur spoke that Shakespearean line in Henry IV part 1, act 2,
1 Hearts Pass 1 NT
4 Spades 5 Hearts Pass Pass LEAD:
5 Spades Dbl. All Pass 2 Diamonds
50 Vero Beach 32963 / November 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Outdoor blaze (7) 1 Loud fireworks (7)
5 Decipher (5) 2 Clamour (5)
8 Tacks (5) 3 Encourage (7)
9 Instalment (7) 4 Vigour (6)
10 Night (7) 5 Word linking cheese and roll (5)
11 Flamboyant (5) 6 Watchtower (7)
12 Method (6) 7 Foe (5)
14 Extents (6) 13 Appetiser (7)
18 Accuse (5) 15 Stretchy (7)
20 Currant bun (7) 16 Landscape (7)
22 Allure (7) 17 Social rank (6)
23 Commerce (5) 18 Explosion (5)
24 Trio (5) 19 Delete (5)
25 Community (7)) 21 Conscious (5)
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