On the money. P2 Paving the way. P8 Stages set for season
Melbourne High’s biz academy Lily Park ‘brick’ project benefits ‘Presenting’ a blizzard of holiday
creates entrepreneurial spirit. students and nature lovers. entertainment options. PAGE 12
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2017 | VOLUME 02, ISSUE 49 www.melbournebeachsider.com | NEWSSTAND PRICE $1.00
upgrades to sewage system
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER streets and homes in Indian
More than a month [email protected] Harbour Beach and Satellite
has passed since Brevard Beach.
County issued a letter no- County utilities officials
tifying residents and own- were put on the hot seat Dec. Nearly two hours of public
ers of condominiums at 5 to detail plans for improve- comments, and often point-
Versailles Sur La Mer in ments to the beachside sewer ed questions from county
Melbourne Beach that they system which required the commissioners, were evi-
would have to find a new discharge of nearly 20 million dence of the intensity of the
place to live. gallons of raw sewage into smelly situation, with many
an Indian Harbour Beach residents with expensive
The four-story build- canal during and just after homes describing the un-
ing some of them have Hurricane Irma to keep the thinkable floating by their
called home for more than sewage from backing up in
three decades has been CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
condemned, the result of WOMAN’S CLUB
sparse maintenance, ne- KEEPS UP THE
glect and damage from GOOD WORKS
Hurricane Irma. The order,
ficial Michael McCaughin,
bars anyone from enter- projects, but to condo Raise your hand if you imag-
ing the property save two associations such as Versailles Sur La Mer ine that a meeting of the Sat-
exceptions: removing per- that existed prior to the bill’s passage. ellite Beach Woman’s Club
sonal belongings from con- involves a lot of sitting and
dominium units, or being Fort Lauderdale attorney Joseph Adams knitting, sandwiches and tea.
authorized to take part in blogged about condominiums and hurri-
the currently unscheduled Now imagine a quiet, calm
demolition of the building. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 force for positive change in
Satellite Beach and beyond,
The reality of the coun- and you’ll be on the right track.
ty’s order began to take
hold last week as a steady CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 Club member Maryann Risi. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER
line of cars, trucks and
moving vans lined the en- Police dispatch going digital
trance, hauling away the
belongings of the residents STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER ing phased in to enhance and
who remain. [email protected] expand the Brevard County
Public Safety Radio System.
For the residents of Ver- Indian Harbour Beach is
sailles Sur La Mer, legal recourse is murky at spending $55,000 to upgrade The Brevard County Public
best. Florida’s statutes regarding condomini- a 20-year-old analog dispatch Safety Radio System supports
ums, which the state legislature amended system to digital in anticipation 67 county and local agencies
following hurricanes in 2004 and 2005, es- of sweeping improvements be-
tablished new procedures for post-storm CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
repairs. The mandates apply not only to new
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Jake’s beach party
NEWS 1-6 DINING 30 PEOPLE 7-10 Country star and pals sing
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 21-23 PETS 20 hometown’s praises at
CALENDAR 32 INSIGHT 19-24 music fest benefit. PAGE 10
2 Thursday, December 14, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Melbourne High’s right on the money with biz academy UTILITY OFFICIALS GRILLED
STORY BY JAN WESNER CHILDS CORRESPONDENT Students Allie Fischer, Faith Vindroux and Peter White speak with instructor Jake Schweich. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
Melbourne High School’s Acad- possibly, a career. “Even if I don’t go management skills. homes and docks. Many asked how
emy of Business and Finance is one into anything with business or fi- Schweich, 39, worked in the busi- the Indian River Lagoon can be saved
of more than 50 career and specialty nance I still have a lot of knowledge and freed from muck when such sew-
programs at high schools throughout on how to handle my money or oth- ness world before returning to college er discharges adversely impact water
Brevard County preparing tomorrow’s er’s money if needed,” Lemke said. in 2013 to finish his degree and be- quality.
work force, whether they’re headed come more marketable as a manager.
for a university, a vocational college or Lemke dreams of playing baseball But a family friend encouraged him to Brevard County was already ad-
straight into the broader job market. in college, but he said he’ll also likely think about teaching as a way to work dressing the need for sewer upgrades
focus on a career in business, maybe toward his ultimate goal of running a through a 10-year, $134 million pro-
One of several focused-curriculum as a stockbroker or entrepreneur. ranch for disadvantaged youth. gram, but considering the discharg-
areas at Melbourne High where South es, the plans clearly were not enough
Barrier Island residents attend class- Schweich points out that the busi- “I look at this as an opportunity to to satisfy the crowd that all was being
es, the business academy opened ness academy, like many of the acad- take what I learned in the business done to avoid a repeat.
its doors in 1997 and now serves 70 emy programs throughout the coun- world and pass this on to the stu-
freshmen to seniors. The academy ty, teaches students skills relevant to dents,” Schweich said. Suggestions from commission-
aims to teach students how to be ac- many different career fields, as well as ers included considering dipping
countants, chief financial officers and preparing them for college. The U.S. Department of Labor says into Save Our Indian River Lagoon
even entrepreneurs, as well as how to career fields like statistics, software de- funds and supporting House Bill 585,
budget and handle their personal fi- “If the person running the business velopment, applications development, sponsored by state Rep. Randy Fine
nances. doesn’t understand how bookkeeping information security analysis and op- of Palm Bay, which would enable
works, that’s where problems hap- erations research analysis are among the use of Brevard Tourist Develop-
“My goal is to treat the students in pen,” Schweich said. the fastest growing in the country. ment taxes, currently earmarked for
here more like applicants in a business tourism-related projects, to be used
incubator program than students in a Lemke and his freshman class- Schweich hopes he can convince for infrastructure improvements that
classroom listening to a teacher go on mates earned certifications in MS local and state officials to modernize ultimately benefit the Indian River
and on,” academy director Jake Sch- word, Excel, Power Point, Access and the business academy curriculum to Lagoon.
weich said. Outlook. “That’s just something I fell be geared toward more of those areas.
like I’m always going to use whether He’d especially like to see program- In the end, the commission decid-
In his second year teaching – and it’s creating inventory in a job later or ming added in order to help students ed to take three measures immedi-
first at Melbourne High – Schweich in my own finances,” he said. better understand the automation ately, including: approving money for
is breathing new life into a program and software engineering behind engineering and construction on a
that had stagnated as business mod- As students progress through the business and finance. Understanding replacement pipe on North Riverside
ernized. He especially wants those academy they focus on things like every aspect of what makes a busi- Drive which had broken four times
students in the academy who are not economics, marketing, personal and ness tick, he said, is critical for both in the last five years; authorizing the
considering college to know that, with business finance and accounting. entry-level employees and CEOs. county to seek a $10 million low-
a business background, they can do Students also learn leadership and interest loan for replacement piping
anything. on Riverside Drive; and approving
$184,130 for inflow and infiltration
“The idea is to put them in a dif- smoke testing for a portion of 5,400
ferent environment where they are residents and businesses in Satellite
with a cohort and will maybe change Beach on the sections of wastewater
their minds about college,” he said, pipe that are on private property, and
noting that like many of the specialty which therefore are the residents’ re-
programs, students in the business sponsibility to repair. The City of Sat-
academy take several of their classes ellite Beach is a partner on the smoke
together. testing program, with City Manager
Courtney Barker appearing before
Chad Lemke, a junior at Melbourne the commission.
who lives in Melbourne Beach, sees
the business academy as a way to get Barker said it is hard to know how
a step up on financial planning and, much the other improvements will
impact total capacity – or the po-
tential for needed sewer discharges
– until the smoke testing determines
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
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Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 14, 2017 3
the amount of infiltration in residen- “It impacted their lives. Citizens Save Our Indian River Lagoon Project quality. As a county, we are paying the
tial areas. couldn’t utilize their yards,’’ he said. Plan. price for ignoring the needed invest-
ment too long, however, diverting
Indian Harbour Beach City Man- Responding after the meeting was “We could spend all the (lagoon) (lagoon) trust fund money” would se-
ager Mark Ryan described living in Terry Casto, a member of the board trust fund money building a bullet- verely impact critical efforts to lessen
“ground zero” for the discharges, re- of directors for the Marine Resources proof sewer system and we would still environmental problems damaging
quiring businesses to close and resi- Council who also serves on the Citi- have algae blooms, fish kills, much the lagoon, Casto said.
dents to hide inside. zens Oversight Committee for the accumulation and degraded water
4 Thursday, December 14, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
CONDEMNED CONDOS pays a monthly fee, current- ous places, mostly cracks and missing $297,470 this year, accord-
ly $675. Homeowner docu- plaster. Looking to the upper floors, ing to Brevard County prop-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ments indicate the money walkways between units rely on sheets erty records.
is used to cover insurance, of plywood as the primary walking sur-
canes in a late October post on his own landscaping, pool main- face, and many of the balconies were Mike McAdams, lead
website. He addressed some of the is- tenance, water and sewer inaccessible because air conditioning inspector for A.E.C.I., per-
sues now facing Versailles Sur La Mer. costs, trash pickup, and se- units had been placed on them. formed inspections on
curity. There’s no mention five key structural compo-
“For homeowner associations it’s of building upkeep. A recent indicator of decline at Ver- nents at Versailles Sur La
pretty easy,” Adams wrote. “The associ- sailles Sur La Mer emerged in the local Mer: walls, columns/piers,
ation repairs damage to common area “I have seen disputes real estate market well before the No- floors, ceilings and ingress.
and the owner repairs damage to his or over post-hurricane repair vember condemnation. As properties All five were assigned the
her home. Things are a bit more com- efforts still going on five along Florida’s Treasure Coast bucked lowest rating: Each needed
plicated for condominiums.” years after a storm, and a predictions and fetched higher prices to be repaired or replaced.
few cases that last substan- throughout 2017, the condos at Ver-
Here’s the gist, according to Adams: tially longer,” Adams cau- sailles Sur La Mer – with a few hundred In numerous condo units
Under the new rules enacted in 2008, tioned. feet of ocean frontage – lost 10 percent throughout the building, in-
condo associations must insure all of of their assessed value between 2015 spectors found stress cracks
the original improvements installed by Last fall Versailles homeowners ap- and 2017. As an example, one condo in and around windows, doors, walls
the developer. That appears to place proved projects to repair porches, bal- valued at $330,440 in 2015 slipped to and ceilings. One unit had a cracked
the onus on the legal owners of the conies, decking and walkways in front mirror, the result of what McAdams
condominiums. of the building. The former president of called “racking.” In layman’s terms, the
the HOA stepped down in September wall had physically twisted.
There are exceptions: floors, walls, and has since moved away. It’s unclear Mark Daniel was among the handful
ceiling coverings, appliances, built-in if any of the work was performed. of people removing items from a condo
cabinets and countertops, and window unit last week. Property records reveal
treatments in individual units are the “It was once a beautiful place,” said his parents, Rene and Yvonne Daniel,
responsibility of the individual owner. one Versailles Sur La Mer resident last bought their condominium in June
In short, items that serve only a specific week. He asked to withhold his name 1982, shortly after the Versailles devel-
condominium and not the entire com- because he wasn’t the primary tenant opment opened.
munity. of the condo in which he lived. “From “I used to come here as a child,” Dan-
every window the view is of the ocean. iel said. “I was just 9 years old. I still
A condo association’s list of respon- It was spectacular.” love the place.” The Daniels family may
sibilities includes things like air con- come out of the ordeal in a better posi-
ditioning equipment and interior The beauty of the ocean, however, tion than most. Their unit cost roughly
drywall. Adams cautioned that the re- can’t mask problems in the condomin- $145,000 in 1982, and by now is likely
sponsibility to insure differs from the ium tower. owned free and clear.
obligation to regularly maintain and
repair units. Along the front of the building, ex-
terior walls are damaged in numer-
At Versailles Sur La Mer, each unit
DIGITAL DISPATCH SYSTEM bourne Police or the Brevard County
Sheriff’s Office require a multi-step pro-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 cess to get connected.
and provides interoperability with the The enhanced system will provide
State of Florida Law Enforcement Radio Pro-Voice digital communication be-
System (SLERS) and Florida Region V tween user radios and consoles county-
(east Central Florida). wide. The county will operate old and
new systems together during the tran-
When the project began in 2013, the sition to allow municipalities to budget
current Brevard County 800 MHz Public for a gradual migration to the new stan-
Safety Radio System was a 25-year-old, dard, said Kimberly Prosser, director of
four-multisite EDACS trunked system Brevard County Emergency Manage-
utilizing Harris Corporation Technol- ment. “Municipalities are able to pur-
ogy. Enhanced Digital Access Com- chase and install new consoles and ra-
munication System (EDACS) is a radio dios as budget is available, since we will
communications protocol and product maintain bandwidth to operate analog
family invented in the in the mid-1980s. and digital systems simultaneously as
needed,’’ she said.
The enhancement project currently
in progress involves reconfiguring the The new system is not expected to
four multisite-system into a nine-site, block the use of emergency scanners
three-cell GPS Simulcast design to im- except on specific channels dedicated
prove countywide radio coverage with for special functions such as SWAT,
new cell towers in Scottsmoor, Cocoa Prosser said.
Beach and Indian Harbour Beach. Si-
mulcast is an abbreviation for simulta- Since 1994 the City of Indian Harbour
neous broadcast, and in the context of Beach Police Department has been
land mobile radio, it means simultane- dispatching police and fire calls utiliz-
ous transmission from two or more re- ing an analog dispatch console. “This
peater sites on the same radio frequency is outdated technology. This new digi-
and with the same modulation. Simul- tal system will align our city with other
cast has been around since the 1960s, agencies throughout Brevard County
but its popularity has increased recently and help to provide the best commu-
– in part because modern technology nication for our public safety personnel
has made simulcast more reliable. and protection for our citizens, busi-
nesses, and visitors,’’ said Indian Har-
Currently in Indian Harbour Beach, bour Beach City Manager Mark Ryan.
emergency communications with Mel-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 14, 2017 5
Also inspected by AECI was the sub- architectural or structural tests con- port Versailles Sur La Mer. McCaughin sailles Sur La Mer falls squarely on the
terranean bottom floor of Versailles Sur ducted by McAdams. said as much in his Nov. 6 report that ownership. Inspections are not routine,
La Mer, where owners park their cars. shut down the condominium complex, according to Don Walker, communica-
McAdams found that both the garage Some two-dozen tropical storms and and specifically singled out Hurricane tions officer for Brevard County. “The
ceiling and walls needed to be repaired hurricanes have impacted Florida’s Irma’s winds as exacerbating “extreme Building Code Division does not per-
or replaced. Put simply, the condomin- Treasure Coast since 1981. Over time, structural support issues.” form periodic inspections of existing
ium building failed to pass any of the the constant pounding potentially buildings.”
weakened steel beams used to sup- Upkeep of buildings such as Ver-
6 Thursday, December 14, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
SATELLITE BEACH WOMAN’S CLUB A handful of club members gathered An everlasting evergreen was un- snowman dressed in a flowered shirt
recently at the Satellite Beach Public packed from its cardboard box and a and sunglasses.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Library to decorate a Christmas tree plastic tub of ornaments soon were
and light a menorah, a tradition they glinting and swaying among the The five women spoke of the club
Any beachsider who has enjoyed the say dates back to the founding of the branches. Most of the ornaments are and their reasons for joining, with the
playground equipment at DeSoto Park library itself. It was a low-key affair, store-bought but pretty. most common being a desire to serve
or appreciated the paved lot at Peli- and one of the smaller contributions the community.
can Beach Park has encountered the the 68-member group makes to the “We used to meet at someone’s
work of the SBWC. If your school-age community. house and make our own ornaments, Castillo, past president and General
children have been mentored; if their remember?” Late asked the others, Federation of Women’s Clubs Florida
teachers have been given supplies; Rebecca Castillo, Roma Carlisle, adding, “We had clear ornaments and District 6 director, has been a member
if you have ever played the piano, Carol Late, Maryann Risi and Ann Kin- we would fill them. What a mess!” for about 10 years.
watched the clock, enjoyed a movie or tigh arrived and got to work bringing
saluted the city flag at the Scotty Culp holiday cheer to the children’s section Late came dressed for the job in a “One of my neighbors asked me if I
Municipal Complex, you’ve benefited of the library. President Margaret Brug- sweater that could be described as would like to join and I went to a few
from these ladies’ love of their com- man was unable to attend because of a Florida Christmas chic: a beach scene meetings and found them very inter-
munity. death in her family. of seagulls and pelicans flying in esting. I wanted to do some communi-
with wrapped gifts in their bills and a ty service and get involved,” she said.
She noted one of the club’s civic
projects was right outside the li-
brary’s doors.
“We are working with the city and
the library to get native plants in the
ground to help beautify the library.
This is a project of our conservation
chairman, Carol Robitschek,” she
Risi says she is the second-newest
member. “I’m a retired teacher. I went
to the first meeting and there were
so many activities I could join and so
many creative things I could do for the
community that I stayed,” she said as
she hung a red bulb on a branch.
Kintigh, whom all agreed does not
look 83, has been a member for 27 of
those years. Fans of the Satellite Beach
Founders Day parade may know her
by her 1964 silver stingray Corvette.
“I’ve been in the parade for 28
years,” said the 50-year Satellite Beach
Carlisle joined SBWC six years ago. “I
was looking for ways to help the com-
munity and do some service, some
volunteer work for this and that. And
to make friends,” she said.
The Satellite Beach chapter was
founded in 1964 and is a member of
the General Federation of Women’s
Clubs International. Founded in 1868,
the United States GFWC is made up of
8,500 clubs with 350,000 members.
Locally, the club’s other contribu-
tions include raising $3,000 to repair
dune crossovers, donating two tra-
cheal intubation kits to the Fire De-
partment, furnishing the game room
at the David R. Schechter Commu-
nity Center, raising money for Satellite
High band uniforms, purchasing the
emergency call button at Hightower
Beach Park and donations to dozens
of charities, including Daily Bread,
Serene Harbor, Florida Wildlife Hospi-
tal, Hacienda Girls Ranch and Special
“It’s a great club. You can pick which
charities you want to work for. I be-
long to the International Committee.
At our Christmas party, we had an
auction and we raised $450 to pay the
yearly salary of a teacher in Haiti,” Late
said, adding, “that reminds you of how
many people need our help.”
Shelley Johnson and Susan McKee.
Lily Park paving the way
for students, nature lovers
8 Thursday, December 14, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Lily Park paving the way for students, nature lovers
STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT end of the retention pond and 200 on brick offers a hint at the affection for garden club, the town and the Flor-
[email protected] the other.” her felt by other members. ida Department of Environmental
Protection. We developed a drainage
One of the more pleasant aspects of One of the first sold, bought by Givens, who passed away in the retention area and added some pipe-
Indialantic’s snail’s-pace speed limits the club itself, is a brick to honor the early 1980s, was one of the first club work to remove the water that was
is that passing drivers have the time park’s namesake, Lily Givens. En- members. flooding South Riverside Drive. It’s
to see roadside roses, if not actually graved with her name and, intrigu- nice to be able to showcase environ-
smell them. ingly, “A Real Steel Magnolia,” the The aptly named Lily loved hor- mental efforts to protect the lagoon
ticulture and was instrumental in with a park, as opposed to just being
The meandering route of one road- the seaside town’s fledgling beau- a drainage retention area,” Chinault
way in particular, South Riverside tification projects. Givens could of- said.
Drive, takes drivers through neigh- ten be seen at the park in her broad-
borhoods and past private gardens. It brimmed gardening hat, weeding Before the toast, the park’s gazebo
also leads residents and visitors alike and pruning, planting and watering. proved a comfortable place for Sims
to one little oasis named Lily Park. and at least three past presidents to
On this day, 23 members of the discuss their passion for foliage. Pres-
The acre-sized park on the corner 50-member club arrived to celebrate ent were Pam Dunn, whose mother-
of 8th Avenue is a beautiful example the paver project and enjoy a little in-law, Hazel Dunn, was the first
of citizens and government working holiday cheer. Already naturally or- president of the club, and Susan Val-
together, as it is owned by the city and nate, the park was dressed in the col- lette, who has been a member for 15
jointly maintained by it and the Gar- ors of the season with gold bows and years. Jennifer Marx informed a visi-
den By The Sea club. ruby-red potted poinsettias. Mem- tor that the park’s gazebo overlooks
bers provided baked goodies and an a butterfly garden. Club members
On a sunny and mild day last week, ice bucket held the chilling bubbly as planted milkweed to attract them and
the ladies of the garden club raised well as water and juice. it clearly did the job, as small clouds
champagne flutes to toast the public of butterflies bumped into each other
reveal of one of their favorite projects: Indialantic Town Manager Christo- as they flitted among the flowers.
engraved brick pavers that lead to a pher Chinault stopped by for the cel-
specially constructed retention area. ebration. Marx is excited about plans for the
retention area. She says it isn’t merely
The paver project benefits both “This is a partnership between the a hole in the ground.
the park and upcoming generations
of nature lovers as sales of the bricks “It will be an opportunity for a rain
fund scholarships for Brevard County garden. There will be plants that are
students. perennials that don’t need to have
standing water but can live in it and
“It’s for people who want to major which filter pollutants before they
in horticulture, biology or environ- can get into the water table,” she ex-
mental sciences,” said club President plained.
June Sims. “We hope they are going
to come back and help. Generally, But she also put into words a sen-
we have three finalists and they get timent that was obvious on this day:
$1,000 each or a little more, depend- “This is the most compassionate and
ing on how much we’ve raised.” wonderful group that not only reach-
es out to the community but is always
For the past year, the club has been there for its members.”
selling the bricks for $100 apiece and
engraving them with the owner’s
message, said Shelley Johnson, chair-
woman of the Ways and Means Com-
Said committee member Susan
McKee: “We’ve sold about a quarter
of our pavers. There are two separate
pads that have them, with 200 on one
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 14, 2017 9
5 6
Steer, Mercer & Co.
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10 Thursday, December 14, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Jake & Friends sing Vero’s praises at benefit gig
STORY BY STEPHANIE LABAFF STAFF WRITER doing the Jake Owen Foundation golfers headed to the greens for the the Mardy Fish Foundation. Nation-
[email protected] concert. And without a community Hale Groves Indian River Grape- ally, Owen’s foundation supports the
like this we wouldn’t be raising the fruit Pro-Am, also at the Vero Beach St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Fans doubled down on country money we’re raising for the people Country Club, where Owen raised for children battling cancer and oth-
music last weekend as hometown that need it and I wouldn’t be stand- even more money for the founda- er childhood diseases.
stars Jake Owen and Scotty Emerick ing on this stage here today play- tion playing with champion golfer
took to the stage during the Beach ing for you guys. I’m proud of Vero John Daly. Other dedicated music fans re-
Town Music Festival. Festival-goers Beach.” turned to the Beach Town Music
were thrilled to finally settle into The Jake Owen Foundation has Festival, trekking through the mud
their beach chairs for the two-day On Saturday night some fans en- raised more than $1.25 million, Saturday night for performances by
concert in Vero Beach, the inaugu- joyed a more intimate evening with with 80 percent of the funds re- Beyond Blondes, David Ray, Edwin
ral event having been postponed their hometown hero at An Evening maining in Indian River County to McCain, the Gin Blossoms and head-
when Hurricane Matthew made its with Jake to benefit the Jake Owen benefit such nonprofits as the Boys liner Bret Michaels. The Festival re-
visit to Florida in 2016. Foundation, held at the Vero Beach & Girls Clubs of Indian River Coun- turns to Vero Beach next Dec. 7-8 fea-
Country Club. Guests packed the ty, Hibiscus Children’s Center and turing Vince Neil of Motley Crue.
Two large screens ensured every- VIP reception and enjoyed a boun-
one could see the performers, which tiful buffet, drinks and a silent auc- Funk’s Antiquary
also included Clare Dunn and Da- tion before auctioneer Wesley Da-
vid Nail, and cute little 6-year-old vis cajoled them into a live-auction Late Holiday shopping fun in the Eau Gallie art district
J.D. Sorensen singing a duet with bidding frenzy that raised more sponsored by funks antiquary. Stores are open till 9 pm.
Emerick. The crowd surged to their than $63,000.
feet to welcome home headliner Sing with the Carolers.
Jake Owen, who peppered his per- After the dust settled singer/song- Dress your pets and kids for xmas and win a prize at funks!
formance with references to his fa- writer Scotty Emerick joined Owen Lots of drinks and snacks and music and artists on the street!
vorite old haunts, such as Riverside on stage and the two got down to Don’t miss this chance to finish your shopping list with class!
Café and Waldo’s, roller skating and business, playing some of their fa-
hot summer days. vorites and reminiscing with the Funks Antiquary and all merchants wishing you
audience about growing up in Vero a peaceful and joy filled holiday season.
“I don’t care if I’m at Walmart Beach. The guests, comprised in
buying fishing lures or out to din- large part of friends and family, had HIGHWAY MEN ART
ner, year after year the people of this plenty of tales to tell about the pair ESTATE SALES, BUYOUTS & APPRAISALS, FINE ART,
community say the nicest things,” as well, giving the evening the feel- MILITARY, JEWELRY, ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES.
said Owen, giving heartfelt thanks ing of a laid-back family reunion.
to his fans. “I just hope you guys Thomas Funk • Call us Today (321) 427-6795
know how much you mean to me. Sunday morning the day dawned funksantiques.com • 1402 Highland Ave (in the Eau Gallie Arts District)
It’s been 11 years that we’ve been bright with a crisp nip in the air as
12 Thursday, December 14, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Brevard’s stages set for holiday entertainment!
STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH CORRESPONDENT house, 300 Brevard Ave., where radio station OKKK brings
[email protected] Cocoa. Tickets are $24 agricultural reports and news of the
general, $22 seniors, stu- extremely quirky nature.
It may be halfway through the sea- dents and active military,
son, but from ballet and concerts, and $16 children. Call The show performs 8 p.m. Friday
to comedies and variety shows, the 321-636-5050 or visit Co- and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday.
performing arts community still coaVillagePlayhouse.com. Tickets are $25 and $29. Titusville
has plenty left to entertain you and Playhouse is at 301 Julia St., Titus-
guests. THEATER: ville, FL. Call 321-268-1125 or visit
You’re not going to TitusvillePlayhouse.com.
DANCE: Maria Slate as the Sugar Plum Fairy find anything funnier
One of the best ways to get you into nor more heartwarming If you have tickets to “Christmas
the holiday mood is Tchaikovsky’s PHOTO BY: BENJAMIN THACKER than “A Tuna Christmas,” with Dino” at Melbourne Civic The-
classic ballet, “The Nutcracker.” which runs through Sun- atre, then consider yourself in luck.
Indeed, the ballet is a favorite of homeland of Cuba. day at Titusville Play- Otherwise, you’ll have to get on the
dance companies around the world, Galmont Ballet Reagan Ramsey house. ticket wait list in order to see this
with annual productions almost ev- The show is a tour de very popular Christmas variety
erywhere. And Brevard indeed is no and Maria Slate, who share the role force for two professional show.
exception. In fact, it has two compa- of the Sugar Plum Fairy; and Avery actors, Broadway per-
nies performing “The Nutcracker.” Hammond is Clara. former Patrick Ryan Sul- The show stars Alfie Silva, a pop-
One, the Space Coast Ballet, has al- livan and Titusville Play- ular entertainer who brings style
ready performed their annual show. “Our Nutcracker production house artistic director and panache to his take on Dean
Up next is the Galmont Ballet. has become very magical over the himself, Steven Heron. Martin’s old television show. Sur-
Its production of “The Nutcracker” years,” said Lucia Montero, Galvez’s Together, the two take rounded by a bevy of beauties, Silva
opens Friday and runs through Sun- wife and a former dancer with the on 24 eccentric citizens sings and jokes and sets the stage for
day at the Cocoa Village Playhouse. Bellas Artes Theater in Venezuela. of Tuna, Texas, the state’s comic sketches.
First staged in Fort Lauderdale, “Frank is immensely happy with Ian third smallest town
the Galmont production has been in Cook’s lighting design who has cre- It performs 8 p.m. Fridays and
Brevard since 2004. Originally con- ated many of our special effects.” Saturdays, 2 p.m. Sundays, 8 p.m.
ceived as the “American Nutcrack- Dec. 21 and 2 p.m. Dec. 24 at Mel-
er,” with a cowboy motif, choreogra- Those include snow flakes ani- bourne Civic Theatre, 817 E. Straw-
pher Frank Galvez changed it back mation for the Waltz of the Snow
to the classic German setting. In it, Flakes. ‘A Tuna Christmas.’
little Clara falls asleep holding her
nutcracker doll and her mysterious The Galmont Ballet’s “The Nut- bridge Ave., Melbourne. Tickets
Uncle Drosselmeyer turns the toy cracker” performs 7:30 p.m. Friday are $30. Call 321-723-6935 or visit
into a real man who fights maraud- and Saturday and 2 p.m. Saturday MyMCT.org.
ing mice and introduces Clara to and Sunday at the Cocoa Village Play-
the Sugar Plum Fairy and the Land CONCERTS:
of Sweets. Surfside Playhouse will be the go-
Galvez, who danced for the leg- to place for swing when it presents
endary Rudolf Nureyev, will per- “A Big Band Christmas” Saturday
form the role of Uncle Drosselmey- and Sunday.
er. Another professional dancer in The show features the 17-piece
the ballet is Josue Justiz Brito, who Space Coast Big Band, and singers
will dance the role of the Nutcrack- Michael Mirand and Maddy Winer.
er Prince and Cavalier. Both Galvez It includes holiday classics hearken-
and Brito were dancers with pro- ing to the era of swing.
fessional ballet companies in their “A Big Bang Christmas” performs
8 p.m. Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday at
‘Christmas with Dino.’ Surfside Playhouse, 301 Ramp Road
(5th Street South), Cocoa Beach, FL.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 14, 2017 13
Tickets are $25 in advance and $30 day Night Live” will be celebrat- ‘A Christmas Flute Fantasy.’
at the door. The show is expected to ed by the New York Bee Gees and
sell out. Call 321-783-3127 or visit Rainere Martin as Donna Summer. Coming Up: Take flight with
SurfsidePlayers.com. The show includes great hits such ‘Christmas Flute Fantasy’
as “Stayin’ Alive,” “Night Fever” and
Cocoa Village Playhouse presents “To Love Somebody.” It performs 8 STORY BY SAMANTHA BAUTA STAFF WRITER ty piece, “Santa’s Symphony,” com-
one of its favorite performers to its p.m. Saturday. Tickets begin at $47. [email protected] bining Mozart, Tchaikovsky and
stage in “Michael Law: The Holi- “Jingle Bells” with familiar carols.
days Re-Gifted.” The Ten Tenors, the Australian 1 A free concert entitled “A “A Christmas Flute Fantasy” begins
group known as “rock stars of the Christmas Flute Fantasy” will at 3 p.m.
Law, who won CVP hearts in his opera,” come to the stage in “The
powerful performance as Emile de Ten Tenors – Home for the Holi- be presented this Sunday by the
Becque in “South Pacific,” starred in days.” The group has enjoyed 17
last season’s Christmas show. It was years of sold-out performances and Space Coast Flute Orchestra, con-
so well received that the decision expectations are the same for their
was made to bring it back this year. King Center show. The stylish, so- tinuing its Christmas tradition, at 2 “Santa’s Workshop,” a fun-
phisticated production includes filled, family-friendly romp
The performance also features holiday favorites such as “Sleigh Suntree United Methodist Church.
special appearances by Sally Kal- Ride,” “White Christmas” and
arovich and Roger Guthrie. “Winter Wonderland.” It performs Perhaps I shouldn’t admit I had of a show for parents and kids to
7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 19. Tickets
“Michael Law: The Holidays Re- start at $32. been unaware that there was a flute share, is coming to the Henegar
Gifted” performs 7:30 p.m. Tuesday,
Dec. 19. Cocoa Village Playhouse You can’t have Christmas with- orchestra in the area. There most Center this Saturday and Sunday. It
is at 300 Brevard Ave., Cocoa. Call out the Dickens’ classic “A Christ-
321-636-5050 or visit CocoaVillage- mas Carol.” And every year the certainly is and, as a matter of fact, takes place, where else, at the North
Playhouse.com. King Center for the Performing Arts
brings a professional touring pro- it is considered “one of the largest Pole, where the star of the show
KING CENTER HOLIDAY EVENTS: duction to its stage.
The King Center presents four regularly rehearsed flute orchestras – You-Know-Who – is leading his
more holiday treats this season: Amidst sumptuous costumes and
Steve Earle, Friday; the 40th An- scenery, 23 performers and live in the world,” according to the SCFO merry mob of Elves in hectic prepa-
niversary of Saturday Night Fever, musicians bring to life the story of
Saturday; the Ten Tenors, Dec. 19; curmudgeonly Ebenezer Scrooge website. The orchestra’s more than rations for The Big Night. The Elves
and “A Christmas Carol” Dec. 23. finding redemption thanks to the
An American rock, country and efforts of three ghostly spirits – the 30 flutists (pronounced in British are leading the audience in lively
folk singer, Steve Earle is also a past, present and future.
Grammy Award-winning songwrit- usage as flautists) will perform on Christmas songs and everything
er whose works have been recorded The show performs 7 p.m. Dec.
by big country names including 23. Tickets start at $26.50 for gen- the piccolo and the standard con- is going swimmingly. That is, until
Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings and eral audience and $19 for children.
Travis Tritt. He performs 8 p.m. Fri- cert or C-Flute, as well as the more a pair of sneaky, selfish business-
day. Tickets start at $42.40. The King Center is at 3865 N.
The “40th Anniversary of Satur- Wickham Rd., Melbourne. Call 321- exotic alto, bass and contrabass men suddenly appear and finagle
242-2219 or visit KingCenter.com.
flute family members. Conducted the unsuspecting toymeister into
by Cindy Bruce, the orchestra will taking a break while they take over.
present traditional holiday pieces Things quickly go South. Will the
both sacred and secular, among Elves get Santa back in time to save
them “Three English Christmas Christmas? What about that Panic
Carols,” “How Far is it to Bethle- Button? Can some boys and girls
hem?” and the lovely “Greensleeves in the audience help? Round up the
Fantasia,” as well as a lighter novel- CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
14 Thursday, December 14, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
kids and find out for yourselves. ‘ We Sing Noel.’ Art By The River.
Show times are 2 p.m. Saturday and
7 p.m. Sunday. Tickets are $7.
3 A combined choir of dedicated
singers from several churches
in southern Brevard and northern In-
dian River counties have given extra
time in the busy holiday schedules of
their own church music departments
to rehearse, as a combined choir, for
a free Christmas cantata, “We Sing
Noel,” this Sunday at First Christian
Church of Melbourne. With its very
recognizable slanted roof, First Chris-
tian is a well-known Babcock Street
landmark. The musical afternoon, led displayed already. Proceeds from
by First Christian Choir Director John this project support the Ecumeni-
Hays, will include soloists, and a spe- cal Council Food Pantry. There will
cial performance by U.S. Army vet- be some refreshments, and you may
eran Kara Brooks of “I’ll be Home for choose to make a day of it by check-
Christmas,” in recognition of absent ing out one of the nearby riverside
military personnel. The cantata will restaurants. Show hours are 10 a.m.
be followed by a sing-along of favorite to 4 p.m. Sunday is the rain date.
holiday carols and hymns. The music
begins at 2 p.m. and a cookies-and- 5 “Christmas on the Avenue,” Vi-
punch reception for everyone will era’s big holiday celebration,
conclude the afternoon.
takes place this Saturday and features
a free mega-concert by the marvelous
4 It’s always a pleasant day at musicians of the Space Coast Sym-
“Art By The River,” the Se-
phony, in the third year of this holiday
bastian River Art Club’s seasonal/ partnership between the Symphony
monthly fine art show, set up along and The Avenue Viera. Under the di-
the winding, oak-dappled side- rection of Orchestra Conductor/Artis-
walks of Sebastian’s Riverview Park, tic Director Aaron Collins, there’ll be
just across Indian River Drive from favorite Christmas songs we all know
the beautiful Indian River Lagoon. and love, plus an exciting assort-
This Saturday will be especially fes- ment of famous film scores, including
tive as artists and art lovers share a “Sound of Music,” “Harry Potter,” “Pi-
bountiful array of original work in rates of the Caribbean,” “Star Wars”
myriad media – paintings, draw- and more. No Christmas celebration
ings, sculpture, photography, jew- worth its sugar cookies would be
elry, art glass, pottery, prints and complete without a visit from the Jolly
more – with a decidedly holiday Old Elf and his lovely wife; and the
ambiance. An especially fun aspect concert concludes with an invitation
of this December show: the charm- for everyone to join in a festive carol
ing “Little Gems” stocking stuffers, sing-along. You are encouraged to
small original paintings created bring blankets or lawn chairs, as this
by club artists all during the year. will be a cozy, casual event. The con-
I have mine from previous years cert begins at 7 p.m.
7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
16 Thursday, December 14, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
The death last week of Ali Abdullah equipment to run with what little fuel Perhaps that is why it has gained inter- for ships using the Suez Canal. Like it or
Saleh, Yemen’s former dictator who it has. national attention, while the conflict in not, the West is involved. The Saudi-led
was killed outside the capital Sana’a, Yemen is overlooked. coalition is fighting with Western war-
seems likely only to escalate a three- Perhaps the worst of it is that much planes and munitions. Western satel-
year civil war that has laid waste to the of the world seems unperturbed, cal- Yet the world ignores Yemen at its lites guide its bombs.
country. The assassination was also a loused by the years of bloodshed in peril. Set aside for a moment the ob-
microcosm of the Yemeni war’s com- Syria and other parts of the Middle ligation to relieve suffering and pro- Like so much else in the Arab world,
plexity: Saleh was killed by former foes East, and despairing of its ability to ef- tect civilians. Hard security interests Yemen’s agony can be traced to the
who had become allies, only to become fect change. are also at stake. The world can ill af- Arab-spring uprisings of 2011. Mass
enemies again. protests, a near-assassination of then
Shiite rebels, known as Houthis, hold up their weapons president Saleh, and a shove from
Yemen already was the poorest to protest against Saudi-led airstrikes. neighboring petro-states forced him to
country in the Middle East even before step down in 2012 in favor of his vice-
the outbreak of war in 2014 between At least 10,000 people, most of them ford another failed state – a new Af- president, Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi.
government forces and the Houthis, a civilians, have been killed by bullets ghanistan or Somalia – that becomes a
Shia militia. Over the decades, Yemen and bombs. Around 40 times more breeding-ground for global terrorism. A draft constitution in 2015 pro-
had suffered civil wars, tribalism, ji- people have died in Syria’s war, which posed a federal system and a parlia-
hadist violence and appalling poverty. also sent a wave of refugees to Europe. Yemen, moreover, dominates the ment split between northerners and
Bab al-Mandab strait, a choke-point southerners. But the Houthi rebels,
But none of that compares with the who had fought Saleh, rejected it. The
misery being inflicted on the country Houthis, who follow the Zaydi branch
today by the current conflict, which of Shiism (as do perhaps 40% of Ye-
has become another front in the proxy menis), complained that, among other
war between Saudi Arabia and Iran and things, the constitution stuck them in
has heaped devastation upon poverty. a region with few resources and with-
out access to the sea.
The U.N. reckons three-quarters of
Yemen’s 28 million people need some Allied with Saleh, who commanded
kind of humanitarian aid. Mounting a network of tribal fighters and spot-
rubbish, failing sewerage and wrecked ted an opportunity for a comeback, the
water supplies have led to the worst Houthis ousted Hadi from Sana’a, the
cholera outbreak in recent history. The capital, and chased him all the way to
country is on the brink of famine. Aden. Saudi Arabia gathered a coali-
tion of Arab states and local militias
The economy has crumbled, leaving – among them Islamists, Salafists and
people with impossible choices. Each southern separatists – and forced the
day the al-Thawra hospital in Hodeida Houthis to retreat partway.
must decide which of the life-saving
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 14, 2017 17
doubt that it is arming the group. It of those civilians. For the weaker lot, Nothing seems out of bounds for the
appears to have supplied missiles the survival is victory. bombers. About 40 health centers were
Houthis have fired. struck by the coalition over the first six
So, even though the Houthis are pri- months of the war. Amnesty Interna-
But the Saudis have much to learn marily responsible for starting the war tional, a pressure group, has accused it
from Israel’s experience with Hizbul- and capable of great cruelty, it is the of deliberately targeting civilians, hos-
pitals, schools, markets and mosques;
A Yemeni girl waits to receive local charity-provided food rations in Sana'a. and of using imprecise weapons, such
as cluster bombs, which most coun-
Houthi fighters during a A Yemeni stands at the site of an tries have outlawed.
gathering to mobilize more fighters. alleged Saudi-led airstrike.
And the blockade raises suspicion that
Until recently, for the past year, the lah. Even with the most sophisticat- Saudis who are accused of war crimes. the Saudis are using food as a tool of war.
battle-lines barely moved. ed weapons, it is all but impossible Often the accusation is justified. In
to defeat a militia that is well en- their air campaign, they have been The longer the war goes on, the
Then two weeks ago, Saleh sud- trenched in a civilian population. The careless and incompetent at best, and more Saudi Arabia’s Western allies are
denly ended his three-year partner- stronger side is blamed for the pain probably cynical. complicit in its actions. President Don-
ship with the Houthis. Backed by Saudi ald Trump has given Saudi Arabia carte
warplanes, Saleh’s tribal loyalists re- blanche to act recklessly. He may think
captured large parts of the capital. In it is all part of confronting Iran; or he
a televised speech on December 2nd, may want to support the liberalizing
Saleh condemned the “recklessness” of reforms of the Saudi crown prince,
his former Houthi allies and called for Muhammad bin Salman; or he may
a dialogue with the Saudi-led coalition. hope to profit by selling the Saudis
“lots of beautiful military equipment.”
But within days, Saleh suffered a dra-
matic reversal. The Houthis recaptured Whatever the case, he is damaging
most of the territory they had lost and America’s interests. Precisely because
besieged the area around the ex-presi- of the importance of Saudi Arabia – the
dent’s home, which they later blew up. world’s biggest oil exporter and home
More than 120 people were killed in to Islam’s two holiest places – the West
Sana’a, according to the Red Cross. The should urge restraint on the impetu-
former president was one of them. ous prince and help disentangle him
from an unwinnable war.
So where does that leave Yemen? The
Houthis are too weak to rule over Ye- How? Peace talks led by the U.N.
men, but they are seemingly too power- have begun with the demand that the
ful for Saudi Arabia to defeat. Houthis surrender. That is unrealistic.
Better to freeze the conflict and find
As a result, Yemenis have become another mediator, such as Oman or
the pawns in the regional power-strug- Kuwait.
gle between Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Alarmed by Iran’s spreading influence, A deal should involve a phased with-
the Saudis have begun to speak of the drawal of Houthi fighters from Sana’a
Houthis rather as Israelis refer to the and the Saudi border, and the end of
Lebanese militia, Hizbullah: a danger- the Saudi blockade. Yemen needs an
ous Iranian proxy army on their border. inclusive government, elections and a
new structure for the state. Saudi Ara-
America has concluded that Iran bia will need guarantees that Iranian
does not exert “command and con- arms are not flowing into Yemen. Then
trol” over the Houthis. But there is little it will have to cough up the cash to re-
build the country.
None of this will be easy. But a rea-
sonable peace offer is more likely to
crack the Houthis than more bomb-
ing. Without the cover of fighting Saudi
aggression, the Houthis will have to
answer for their failures. The public is
increasingly turning against them, and
the Houthis themselves are divided.
Right now, far from halting the
spread of Iran’s influence, the war has
deepened the Houthis’ reliance on
Iran, which has an easy and cheap
means of tormenting the Saudis. And
because Saudi Arabia is bogged down
in Yemen, Iran has a freer hand to set
the terms of a settlement in Syria.
The war is a drain on the Saudis at
a time of austerity and wrenching eco-
nomic reforms at home. They should,
therefore, learn another lesson from
Israel’s experience of fighting Hiz-
bullah. If wars are to be fought at all,
they should be short, and have limited
aims. Deterrence is better than debili-
tating entanglement.
VOLUNTEERING IS GOOD FOR YOU In addition to getting you up and out of the house and physically ac- © 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
tive, researchers are finding that when you earnestly help someone in
We all know volunteering for a worthy cause benefits society. But need, your body releases the “compassion hormone,” oxytocin. Oxyto-
did you know that volunteering can be good for you? cin evokes that warm and fuzzy feeling you get from doing good things
for others. It also helps cells repair themselves, store nutrients and grow.
As they serve others, volunteers help themselves by learning new
skills, increasing job prospects, and even improving their health. Volunteering has also been shown to lessen symptoms of chronic
pain or heart disease.
Individuals who volunteer enjoy psychological and physical bene-
fits, including increased satisfaction, an improved sense of belonging, In 1998, a group of 132 Harvard students watched a video of Mother
and, according to some studies, longer, happier lives. Teresa providing loving care for Calcutta’s poor. A second group watched
a video of people peeling potatoes. After watching the videos, the stu-
VOLUNTEERING… dents’ saliva was tested for immunoglobulin A, a biomarker for immune
function. The results illustrate what’s become known as the Mother Te-
CONNECTS YOU TO OTHERS resa effect. After simply witnessing somebody else involved in charity
work, those who watched Mother Teresa had increased levels of immu-
Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, especially if you noglobulin A, the body’s first defense against the common cold.
are new to an area. It also strengthens your ties to the community and
broadens your support network, exposing you to people with common WANT TO GET THE “GIVER’S GLOW?”
interests, neighborhood resources, and fun and fulfilling activities.
If you want to make the world a better place, meet people, try
IS GOOD FOR YOUR MIND AND BODY something new, or see a different way of life and new places, consider
Volunteering increases self-confidence, providing a healthy boost
to your self-esteem and life satisfaction. And the better you feel about The adage is true: The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in
yourself, the more likely you are to have a positive view of your life a cause greater than yourself.
and future goals. It also provides a sense of purpose. Older adults, es-
pecially those who have retired or lost a spouse, can find new mean- Indian River Medical Center salutes our 500-plus Auxilians, IRMC Board
ing and purpose in their lives by helping others. Whatever your age of Directors, Foundation Board of Directors and Indian River County Hos-
or life situation, volunteering can help take your mind off your own pital District Trustees, during National Volunteer Week, April 10-16.
worries, keep you mentally stimulated, and add more zest to your life.
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always wel-
come. Email us at [email protected].
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 14, 2017 19
The Hollywood studios that cul- Man Who Made the Mov- palace that ran an entire city block Raoul Walsh, Howard Hawks and Al-
tivated the golden age of movies al- ies.” With a combination of and came complete with a roof gar- lan Dwan.
most never got off the ground. Blame astute archival research and den, ballroom and 25 stores. By 1913,
Thomas Edison. The great inventor personal stories from Fox’s Fox owned theaters in Manhattan, Always looking for a new invest-
fought to secure royalties from any- niece, Angela Fox Dunn, Brooklyn, New Jersey and New Eng- ment, Fox was one of the first major
one using a film projector, which ulti- Krefft weaves a tale that will land. moguls to invest in sound technol-
mately crushed many exhibitors. But engage amateur movie en- ogy. While Warner Bros. substanti-
one industry pioneer fought back. thusiasts and film histori- As the medium grew, Fox orga- ated the sale of talking movies with
He was William Fox, who used much ans. nized the Motion Picture Association its sound-on-disk format, Fox’s ven-
of his own money to take down Edi- (MPA) to protect theater owners from ture into sound-on-film, Movietone,
son’s Motion Picture Patents Co. (of- Like his peer moguls, Fox Edison’s patent attorneys. Without would ultimately become the indus-
ten referred to as “The Trust”) and to was a Jewish emigre who the MPA, Krefft explains, there would try standard. (Murnau’s critically ac-
secure freedom for film exhibitors to came from nothing and had have been no MGM, Paramount, Uni- claimed “Sunrise” [1927] would be an
operate without legal harassment. big dreams. Unlike many of versal or Warner Bros. Taking down early user of Movietone.) After a hor-
his peers, Fox was unequivo- Edison’s Trust in 1915 changed film rible car accident coupled with the
If not for Fox, Edison’s Trust would cally loyal to his wife and of- history forever but left Fox in a dicey economic collapse of 1929, Fox was
certainly have delayed the growth of ten credited his success on financial situation. However, Fox was unable to keep Fox Film Corp., Fox
movies. her unwavering emotional able to secure investors, save his as- Theaters and Fox News (a newsreel
support. Fox was one of the sets and move from exhibition into outfit that is now Rupert Murdoch’s
Frequently passed over as just a first in New York City to pur- production with the Fox Film Corp. Fox News). In what became possibly
footnote in mainstream cinema his- sue movies as a business, be- Among his earliest feature films, “A the largest legal fiasco in U.S. history,
tory, Fox deserves a place among the ginning with film exhibition Fool There Was” (1915) starred Theda Fox was forced to sell the controlling
giants who founded what we call Hol- in 1904. His only major com- Bara, one of cinema’s first sex sym- share of his company while facing
lywood. And now he gets that place in petitor during those early bols. several lawsuits, constant threats of
Vanda Krefft’s new biography, “The years was Marcus Loew, who receivership and angry creditors. He
would eventually own the Krefft chronicles the significant went down swinging, lobbing law-
iconic MGM studio. shift that came about at the end of suits in every direction to keep hold
1915, when Fox sent employees to Los of something in the film industry and
As Krefft explains, those Angeles to helm the Fox West Coast solidifying his reputation as a cold,
early days were tough be- studio. By 1916, 80 percent of all mov- greedy business executive.
cause, while movies were ies were made in Southern Califor-
interesting as a new medium, they nia. Fox’s West Coast studio was re- Krefft’s history gives us the whole
did not have a bankable audience. sponsible for many important silent story, one that shows us the tenacity
Fox had to lure newcomers into a films, including “A Daughter of the of a titan instead of the bitter carica-
room with a carnival act to get them Gods” (1916) – an epic that trumped ture left by his final years. Coupling
in front of a screen. Once inside, au- “Birth of a Nation” (1915) in scale and expert scholarship and the tight
diences would marvel at the moving budget but is largely forgotten today prose of a seasoned journalist, “The
images. because no print survives. The next Man Who Made the Movies” provides
But Fox also had to battle the nega- film, “Cleopatra” (1917), was a star an overdue addition to film history.
tive social stature of movies. For vehicle for Bara and an advertising Krefft captures both the culture of
many cultural elitists, the movies project for the famed “Father of Pub- the origins of cinema as a business
were a place for criminals and de- lic Relations” Edward Bernays. and the many fascinating personali-
generates. With steadfast faith in the ties at play within the narrative. No
future, Fox opened a 600-seat theater While Fox was fortunate to have longer Hollywood’s forgotten pio-
in Brooklyn. He continued to buy or vaulted one of cinema’s first starlets neer, William Fox now has the history
rent property to open movie theaters to fame, Krefft argues that the mo- he deserves.
around Manhattan on a scale unri- gul was more interested in housing
valed by his peers, thanks to influ- great directors. John Ford completed THE MAN WHO MADE THE MOVIES
ential New York politician “Big Tim” “The Iron Horse” (1924) and “3 Bad The Meteoric Rise and Tragic Fall of William Fox
Sullivan, his underwriter and inves- Men” (1926) with Fox. The studio also
tor. In 1911, Fox opened the Riverside brought in the celebrated F.W. Mur- By Vanda Krefft
with 1,800 seats and in 1912 opened nau, famous for directing “Nosfera- Harper. 944 pp. $40
the Audubon, a 3,000-seat movie tu” (1922) in Germany. The Fox studio Review by Christ Yogerst
was also home to the rising talents of The Washington Post
1. Winter Solstice 1. Leonardo da Vinci 1. The Mermaid BY JAN BRETT
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20 Thursday, December 14, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz says canine Owen Wilson is hilarious, too
Hi Dog Buddies! was here. She was a stray, a Boxer mix. toys. I LOVE TOYS. Got two big baskets (I though he was lunch.) But Mom an
This week I had a super fun innerv- After she realized I was here to stay, full. Once my blue octopus tried to es- Dad explained. Schooner still gives me
iew with Owen Wilson Armuth-Close,
a big, good lookin’ poocheroo, golden she became my big sister, taught me cape though my doggie door, so I hadda A Look when I walk by his bowl.
with a white face his Mom calls “frost-
ing.” He’s got his own Facebook page, lotsa stuff. I usta be a total Wild Man, isolate him to avoid a MUTE-nee! “Any favorite food? Other than su-
too, with lotsa fodos an other huh-
LARRY-us stuff. Totally Cool Kibbles! Mom says. But Roxy was calm. I was 12 “I also do a lotta hangin’ out with my shi?”
He was right at the door with his Mom
for the Wag-and-Sniff, wearing a green when she went to Dog Heaven. When I frens on the beach. We are Total Beach “Well, once I stealthily swiped a
bandana with candy canes on it.
turned 13, I decided maybe I should try Pooches. Simon’s an Official Golden couple biscuits off the counter. Dad
“Bonz! Hey, Dog! Come right on
IN! We got all our Christmas to be more ma-CHUR. Doodle, but he’s all black. Go figure. thought Mom did it. An I am a (mostly)
stuff up! An, see here, I got
my Christmas Scarf on! Pretty “How’s that workin’ out for ya?” I Then there’s Taco, a chihuahua mix; an reformed Pie Thief: I’ve been known to
snazzy, right? This is my Mom,
Jo. She’s a flight attendant. My wondered. Rosie, a fluffy white rescue. I also successfully counter-surf for a Lemon
Dad Mike’s flyin’ today. He’s a
PIE-lutt!” “Well, now I help Dad with his busi- have a cousin, Meringue pie. Leave those Cat Bur-
“It’s a pleasure, Owen Wilson! ness. Not the flyin,’ (but I do wanna glars in the dust!
I’m eager to hear your story.”
train to be his co-pie-lutt). “I get two 1-mile leashwalks a day, an
We all sat by a Big Christmas
tree and Owen Wilson began. First He also do a lotta zoomin’ around in between.
thing he said was, “You can call
me Owen – or O.W. I was born 14 Mom an Dad say I live up to my name
years ago in Indiana. When I was a
6-week-old fluffmuffin, my (future) cuz I make people laugh. One time,
Mom an Dad and brother an sister
(Jake an Jenna) were puppy shopping Dad put my ears up in a Man Bun. That
an they saw this ad in the paper for
my litter. Well, I musta out-adorabled was pretty huh-LARRY-us, everyone
my sibs cuz I got picked. Jake (who
was 7) wanted to name me Steve, but thought!”
Mom an Jenna (who was 17) said Steve
was NOT a good Yelling Name, as in “I can imagine!” I looked around at
‘HEEEERE, STEEEEVE!’ So Jenna came
up with Owen Wilson (he’s a human all the cool Christmas stuff. “Woof,
actor who does a buncha comedy an is
sorta nuts), an, it’s great for yelling.” your place is PAWsome. Puts me in the
Owen demonstrated: “OWEN WIL- Holiday Mood.”
IN THIS YARD RIGHT THIS MINUTE!!” “I help Mom wrap prezzents, an I
“Can’t argue with that,” I laughed. really like OPENING prezzents. I dig
“So, are you an only dog?”
all our Christmas stuff ’cept this one
“Nope. When I first arrived, Roxy
thing – kinda a toy, kinda a decora-
tion – a rocking reindeer. I tell ya,
Bonz, I’m a pretty chill poocheroo,
but this goofy thing drives me
Barkin’ Cuckoo! It rocks an sings
an its red nose lights up, for Lass-
ie’s Sake! It’s just obNOXious!”
“Travel much?” I inquired.
“Love it! Once, we heard some
Owen Wilson. PHOTOS BY: GORDON RADFORD Raven, a Basset guy named Matthew was gonna
visit. I thought, ‘Cool Kibbles!’ cuz I
Hound. He SWIMS, which is Abby-Nor- love visitors. But then, we pack some
stuff and drive to Orlando, where we
has a pen mal for a Basset. His tail sticks out of hang out with some frens an watch TV.
business. I can’t ackshully op- the water the whole time, so he has no EVERYbody’s talkin’ about how this
erate the equipment cuz of not having rudder. I dunno how he does it. I don’t Matthew guy’s gonna come knock the
opposable thumbs. However, I am his swim that much now, but I do put my dog biscuits outta us. THEN Mom an
Official Closer, a Very Serious Position. life vest on and hang out in the shallow Dad say, ‘We’re goin’ home.’ I never did
I have a GIFT. Humans just like me. end. Plus, I had this neck injury which meet Matthew. Who is he? What’s up?
What can I say? Plus, I have WISdom slowed me down, but now I’m getting Humans can be weird.”
cuz I’m old – 98 in people years. this great treatment which helps A “Word!”
“When I’m not workin,’ I play with my Lot. It’s called ACK-u-punk-shure. My Heading home, I was thinkin’ how
vet, Miss Marcia, says, ‘Don’t ask!’ so I cool it’d be to have a pooch like Owen
don’t. I just lie quietly for a liddle while, for a big brother: chillaxin,’ yapping
then I feel all better. about Dog Stuff. An maybe we could
“I also have a brother, Schooner. learn to fly together. I wonder if you re-
He’s a Beta fish from Key West. (Man, ally need opposable thumbs for that.
I LOVE Key West. Had my last birth-
day there. With cake. Got to wear my
-The Bonzshades. An DOG, do they know how
to par-TAY! Ever hear of a place called
Hog’s Breath?) Anyway, when I first
saw Schooner, I said, “Oh, Boy. Sushi!”
Don’t be shy!
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
an interview, please email [email protected].
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 14, 2017 21
Bennett Cerf, one of the founders of Random House, said, “Gross ignorance is 144 AKJ9
times worse than ordinary ignorance.”
Q 10 3
That’s the sort of clever comment some people — like me! — wish they had thought of
first. In this week’s deal, though, the word “worse” was used by the original declarer. He WEST EAST
was in four hearts. He ruffed the club-ace lead, drew two rounds of trumps leaving the A965
queen on the board, cashed the diamond ace and king, then played a third diamond. 4 Q J 10
However, East won with the queen and shifted to the spade queen. Three spade losers 832
later, declarer was one down. AKJ65 83
“Did you ever see a worse distribution?” South asked his partner. “East had the Q65
diamond queen and West had ace-third of spades. If the diamond queen or spade ace
had been doubleton, or the diamond queen with West, I would have been all right.” 98742
North agreed that his partner was unlucky. However, after the session, what did he point SOUTH
out that his partner had missed?
After ruffing at trick one, South could have made the contract with some excellent
guesswork. The curious may work it out. But much simpler was not to ruff; instead, to A K 10 9 6 5 2
discard a diamond. Suppose West switches to a diamond. South wins with dummy’s
king, draws trumps, plays his last diamond to dummy’s ace and leads another diamond. 10 7 4
Here, the queen appears, so declarer ruffs, crosses to the heart queen and discards
a spade on the diamond jack. If East plays low on the third diamond, South pitches a —
spade and cannot be defeated even if West wins the trick.
Dealer: North; Vulnerable: East-West
The Bidding:
1 Diamonds Pass
1 Hearts Dbl. 2 Hearts Pass LEAD:
4 Hearts Pass Pass Pass A Clubs
22 Thursday, December 14, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Attention (5) 1 Banquet (5)
4 Joy (7) 2 Provide food (5)
8 Factual (13) 3 Boaster (4-3)
9 Attendance (7) 4 Twee (6)
10 Concluded (5) 5 Depart (5)
11 Rock-faces (6) 6 Peppermill (7)
13 Extent (6) 7 Foot-lever (7)
16 Best (5) 11 Bathe (7)
18 Clothes (7) 12 First (7)
21 Community (13) 14 Ends (7)
22 Registers (7) 15 Well-known (6)
23 Panache (5) 17 Beliefs (5)
19 Spacious (5)
20 Chalet (5)
The Telegraph
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numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 14, 2017 23
ACROSS 60 Airport abbr. 120 Ox attachment granter The Washington Post
1 Thinking aids? 61 A Gabor DOWN 58 Triskaideka
5 Crosby, Stills & 63 You stay here 2B OR NOT 2B By Merl Reagle
65 Ursula Andress 1 Jazz quartet, e.g. follower
___ 2 Fugard’s A 62 Hindu retreat Simulcast Wagering
9 Parts of a film 64 She had an Doors Open @ 11:45
66 Instance, in Lesson from ___
washboard 3 Bean or car Arden following GREYHOUND RACING RETURNS JANUARY 2ND, 2018 - MON-SAT AT 1:00
stomach, briefly France 4 Chimney coating 66 Glitterati member
12 It goes with the 69 Magician’s word 5 Slangy “sorry” 67 Take ___ at (try)
airflow 71 Composer 6 Don King 68 Rife with rock
16 Grab bag 69 Bombard
17 Popular cookie Charles booking 70 Insect-loving
18 Bed crosspiece 73 Ideally 7 Fax
19 Alfred the Great 75 Fat bird’s walk? 8 Relaxing soaks leaper
was one 79 Focus of a 9 Tiny Alice 72 Great guy?
20 Single-channel 74 Breakfast option
syst. driving obsession playwright 75 Central, for one
21 A ___ TIP (apt 81 Choir member 10 ___ breath 76 Stern with a bow
anagram of 82 ___ as 77 Really succeed
“pittance”) (flower) 78 Drop cloth?
22 Author of Honor Methuselah 11 With poly and 15 80 “Feels good”
Thy Yakking 83 Heyerdahl’s
Father? Down, a plastic sound
24 Graffiti from second papyrus 12 Curbside 84 Stick it in your
a certain boat
Flintstones fan? 84 “Feels good” employee ear
27 Bolivian bear sound 13 Rail splitter 85 Some
28 ___ roll 85 Deck view 14 ZIP Codes, for
29 Juice points 86 Rapids transit woodwinds
under 87 Noel Coward ex. 87 Mary Wells
the hood song about 15 See 11 Down
30 Subside loving a man 18 Shore floor classic
33 Symbolic slander in uniform? 19 Bargain events 88 Cassini et al.
34 Sicilian peak 91 Mowgli’s python 22 Express 89 Tucson school,
35 Baseball’s Kaline friend
and others 92 Pep rally site dissatisfaction to locals
36 Vermilion 93 Plunder 23 Veil material 90 Trash-strewn lot,
38 Title for a woman 94 Over there, back 25 Acting Gig
who’s a light then 26 Novelist Rice e.g.
eater? 95 Jenny of weight 31 Heep of trouble 92 Young female
45 Location loss 32 It means “rock”
46 Exploiting 97 Honchos in 33 “... she loves ___ pigs
47 Start of many headdresses 96 Fatty ___
Southwestern 100 “___-lish!” ...” 97 People with
cities 101 Cyclamate 34 Some collars
48 Don’t work banner: abbr. 35 Funny lyricist handles
49 Comical 104 What frustrated 98 Sword parts
Catherine solvers may end Sherman and 99 Dom Pedro’s ill-
50 “___ soak your up doing today? others
head!” 108 Once-popular 37 Situation fated wife
51 See 47 Across kids’ cereal in 38 Proportion 100 Drifted (off)
52 What the sot Brazil? 39 The Poe House 101 Big sheet
started 111 Anise-flavored 40 The ___ 102 Swig
doing? aperitif Sanction 103 Aphorism
55 Go through an 112 Inter ___ 41 EPCOT’s st. 105 Elks’ letters
infant 113 CrOWds 42 “___ were you ...” 106 Drive to
stage 114 Leftovers 43 Kin of a bauble
57 Skater’s finale, 115 Fishing spot 44 Nickname of bankruptcy,
often 116 PED act basketball great maybe
59 Has ___ pot 117 Pivot point Oscar Robertson 107 Ceraceous
118 Priest’s add-on 45 Chasing word 108 Housing agcy.
119 Apt author of The 49 Eightsome 109 Reviewer Reed
Never-Ending 51 Vegas roll 110 Swiss canton
Story 52 1992 Earth
Summit city
53 “___ we meet
54 The Merry
Widow composer
56 Salome’s wish
The Telegraph EXIT 183 OFF I-95 MELBOURNE
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24 Thursday, December 14, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Ex looking to ‘make amends’? Say goodbye, good luck
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST So respond as if he were actually making amends: blue eyes and my husband being blond as a child, and
Say, by reply email, that you accept his apology, for- that answer never seems to satisfy them.
Dear Carolyn: My first love give him and wish him the best in his recovery. Gen-
emailed me out of the blue, after 10 tle, brief, goodbye. This baffles me, but even more baffling is why I
years, to make amends as part of feel the need to explain my family’s genetics to perfect
his AA program. He was an incred- Hi, Carolyn: I am the mother of two very young chil- strangers.
ible person, but after many years dren. The elder child looks just like me, with dark hair
and many chances, the alcoholism and eyes and olive skin, and the other is the polar op- I don’t want my children to think this is a big or
won. posite – blond hair and blue eyes. People will approach important issue. Could you suggest a polite but unre-
me in the street to comment on how different they look, sponsive response to this question?
While it was a traumatic break – and ask where my younger child’s coloring came from.
we lived together and talked mar- I start going into chapter and verse about my mother’s – Baffled
riage – I soon met a wonderful man
who is now my husband. Baffled: You can make this question go away
The lengthy email detailed my ex’s love for me, re- in no words (death stare); one word (“Really?”);
grets, and urged me to consider a phone call or Face- two words (“Genetic quirks”); or the snark of your
Time to help free him of pain. Memories both good choice.
and bad came flooding back, along with some anger
that he imposed on me this way. It seems narcissistic, I’m not baffled by reflexive overexplaining. It’s
especially not knowing what I may be going through tough to disentangle overt questions on a child’s
in my life. coloring from covert questions on a child’s par-
I’m grappling with how to think and feel about this entage, and it’s pretty much impossible to ignore
grand gesture. How do you suggest I respond? the dated and inappropriate but persistent tinge of
– Clueless in Chicago scorn that comes with parentage questions.
Clueless in Chicago: If he’s looking to you to free And even a whiff of judginess about their chil-
him of his pain, then he’s not paying close enough dren can poke Mama Bears hard.
attention in AA.
Even without that subtext, too, the fact of being
Asking you to help him – via phone, FaceTime or nosy-parkered over and over and over and over and
interpretive dance – isn’t making amends. It’s an at- over on the same topic is a provocation unto itself.
tempt to outsource his emotional work to you.
So while I hear regularly from people who don’t
It’s important for the health of both of you to de- endorse (with apologies to Mad Magazine) the
cline that assignment. Be kind, of course, but don’t snappy-answers-to-stupid-questions approach to
be available to him in this way. dismissing busybodies, I’m all for it. It’s your life,
your business and others’ boundary blindness – so
you have every right to streamline this nuisance
away. In snarky words, few words or none.
26 Thursday, December 14, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Wound care center’s top doc knows stakes are high
[email protected]
The Center for Wound Care & Hy-
perbaric Medicine in Sebastian has a We’ve seen a huge increase in
new director – but Dr. Dawn David- diabetes in our population, which
son is no rookie at the Sebastian River
Medical Center. can lead to poor circulation
and neuropathy and increased
The youthful-looking Davidson first inflammation and infection. Those
came to SRMC as an attending physi- three things lead to chronic wounds
cian in the hospital’s emergency de-
partment in 1996. that are difficult to treat.
– Dr. Dawn Davidson
In 2014 she moved across the street
to join the wound center’s team and
then, this past November, she was
named as its new director, replacing
the retired and almost universally
liked and respected Dr. Tim Adkins.
“Dr. Adkins really made this easy
for me,” says Davidson. “He made the
transition so easy. I think we’re a pretty
tight ship and I’ll just continue his ways
and also look for new ways to make
things even better.”
In wound care, that will be no easy
task and certainly not a small one.
Each year in this country some 6.5
million patients suffering from a wide
range of diseases – from diabetes and
hypothyroidism to chronic obstructive
Physical/Occupational Therapy
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 14, 2017 27
Dr. Dawn Davidson with YOUR HEALTH
patient George Durr.
from seaweed. There are always new ture. You want to manage the drainage
pulmonary disease, congestive heart things. That’s part of the money part of so that it doesn’t have moisture next to
failure and chronic venous insufficiency it. The companies that produce dress- it all the time, but you don’t want it to
– seek wound treatment in some form. ings are always looking for something dry out because that will slow down
that works better.” the healing.”
In fact, caring for wounds that are
slow to heal has become a huge mul- Davidson then turns the conversa- Moisture management aside, Da-
tinational business amounting to $25 tion to “moisture management.” vidson concludes by saying, “If you ask
billion a year, according to Advance me what I’m most excited about – what
Tissue, one of this country’s largest “You want a wound moist, but not I would want people to know about – it
suppliers of wound care products. wet and not dry,” she says. wouldn’t be spider webs or stem cells
or chitin. It would be to take good care
And the stakes could hardly be high- “Patients have a hard time with that,” of your feet and legs and if you have a
er for patients seeking this type of care. she explains, “because when you’re a problem, get help soon.”
kid and you get a little cut, you don’t
“We’ve seen a huge increase in dia- want it goopy. You want it to dry and Dr. Dawn Davidson is the director of
betes in our population,” which can then the scab falls off and you’re good.” the Center for Wound Care & Hyperbar-
lead to “poor circulation and neuropa- ic Medicine at 13695 U.S. 1 in Sebastian.
thy and increased inflammation and “But once you’re dealing with a The phone number is 772-581-2070.
infection,” Davidson says. “Those three wound that’s not going to heal in three
things lead to chronic wounds that are days, you do need to manage the mois-
difficult to treat. Diabetic foot wound is
a big part of our practice pattern here.”
The normally upbeat Davidson
turns somber as she continues: “The
problem with chronic wounds is –
it’s not just like you are going to walk
around with a little wound. The wound
progresses. If you’re diabetic and you
get an infection in your bone, you’re at
great risk to lose your limb.”
“If you are diabetic, your five-year
mortality is 50 percent once you have
had an amputation.”
Meanwhile, Science Daily points
out that “between 19 and 34 percent of
patients with diabetes develop chron-
ic foot ulcers, the presence of which
significantly increases their risk of
death compared with patients without
foot ulcers.”
Add to that a rising obesity rate and
an aging population and it’s no won-
der $25 billion is being spent annually
looking for effective treatments.
We’re not just talking Band-Aids
and Neosporin here: Treatments range
from stem cells to spider webs.
While stem cells seemed promising at
first, that promise has so far failed to yield
clear clinical successes. But seaweed and
spider webs have proven effective.
“We use all kinds of amazing prod-
ucts,” Davidson says. “Honestly. There
are some new dressings that have spi-
der webs, the chitin dressings that are
super absorbent. We use alginates all
day everyday here and that’s derived
28 Thursday, December 14, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Breathe easier – there’s new hope for asthma patients
STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER one in Jupiter, and then as far north they don’t always work for everyone. Dr. Michael A. Layton.
[email protected] as Jacksonville, but we are the only Bronchial thermoplasty is also ex-
provider hospital” for bronchial ther- PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
If you suffer from asthma you are moplasty on the Treasure Coast. citing because of the results it has
far from alone. produced. thermal energy to the airways. Any-
Layton quickly adds, “We’ve been thing that stimulates airways has the
The Centers for Disease Control doing this here now for at least three According to Layton, “79 percent potential to cause problems, so we
and Prevention says upward of 26 or four months.” He briefly pauses of people [nationwide] who have the only do a part of the lung at any one
million Americans have this disease checking his mental calendar and procedures done report an increased time. We do about a third the first
and those numbers appear to be ris- almost bashfully admits, “probably a quality of life from their asthma.” time,” specifically the right lower
ing rapidly. little longer than that.” lung. “The second time we do the left
Want more numbers? Layton has lower lung, and the third time we do
Perhaps worse, the CDC admits, What exactly is bronchial thermo- them. “There is an 84 percent reduc- both upper lobes.”
“we don’t know why” those numbers plasty, and why is it so exciting? tion in the need [for patients] to go to
are climbing so much and so fast. the emergency room” with breathing Asked why all three sessions aren’t
It’s exciting because, as the Mayo problems after undergoing the pro- rolled into one, Layton explains, “We
Dr. Michael A. Layton of Riverside Clinic reports, “serious asthma at- cedures, explains Layton. And “there do it over three different procedures
Pulmonary and Internal Medicine tacks mean you’re likely to need mul- is a 66 percent reduction in days lost is because we don’t want somebody
and the Sebastian River Medical Cen- tiple trips to the emergency room from work or the activities of daily life to have respiratory compromise and
ter doesn’t have the answer as to why over the course of your life,” and “a by using bronchial thermoplasty.” end up having to come [back] into
asthma cases are becoming more very severe asthma attack can lead to the hospital, so we only do part of the
common. But he does have a new and respiratory arrest and death.” Even five years after having the lung at a time.”
startlingly effective treatment for procedures, Layton points out, “there
those with severe asthma who don’t The CDC calls asthma a lifelong is a 34 percent reduction in severe Bronchial thermoplasty is not for
respond well to medication. disease that can severely limit qual- asthma exacerbations.” everyone.
ity of life – or even worse – put an end
That treatment is called “Bronchial to that life. How does it manage that? “It’s not for children,” Layton freely
Thermoplasty” and it just might be a In a bare-bones description, bron- admits. “It is only approved for pa-
real live, honest-to-goodness lifesaver. The National Institutes of Health chial thermoplasty uses radio fre- tients who are 18 years of age and
agrees, calling asthma “a chronic quency-generated heat, delivered above. And, if somebody has a pace-
“We are the first hospital on the lung disease that inflames and nar- through a highly specialized bron- maker or an AICD or a nerve stimu-
Treasure Coast to provide this ser- rows the airways.” While prescribed choscope and catheter, to reduce the lator, they don’t qualify.” In fact, any
vice,” Layton beams. “There are ser- medications such as corticosteroids smooth muscle mass of the airways number of implantable devices may
vice centers in Orlando and physi- can often relieve that inflammation, inside the lungs. That, in turn, opens rule someone out.
cians in Fort Lauderdale and maybe up airways and allows freer, easier
breathing. Still, for any of those 26 million
Experience the fusion of Once deemed “experimental” by Americans who suffer from asthma
traditional values and some insurers, bronchial thermo- and are finding their corticosteroids
plasty now enjoys both the FDA’s and are not working well enough, a con-
modern dentistry. Medicare’s seal of approval as well as versation with their primary care
that of most insurance companies. physician or an experienced pulmo-
Collins & Montz Bronchial thermoplasty, Layton nologist like Layton may open more
explains, is performed in “three dif- doors – and airways – and lead to a
DCOESMNETTICI&SFTAMRILYY ferent procedures and they are nor- better quality of life.
mally three weeks apart. When we do
At Collins & Montz, DMD, the procedure, we are going to apply Dr. Michael A. Layton is with River-
side Pulmonary and Internal Medicine
we will focus on improving every at 12920 U.S. 1, Suite A in Sebastian.
aspect of your smile for optimal The phone number is 772-388-8322..
appearance, function, and
comfort through our general
family dentistry, and restorative
procedures such as dental
implants. Our comprehensive
range of services and dedication
of quality set us apart. Call today
to schedule your appointment.
30 Thursday, December 14, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Sand on the Beach: Casual fare as satisfying as the view
REVIEW BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER Avocado Sucotash Salad Maryland Crab Cake.
[email protected] with Grilled Mahi.
Last week we began a series of re- Bang Bang Shrimp.
views of places you may want to take full moon parties. They also have a
guests over the Christmas holiday, and lovely banquet room, and an ocean-
this week we continue that theme with front apartment you can rent by the
one of the few restaurants on Brevard’s night or by the week.
south barrier island with spectacular
ocean views. Even if you just stop by for a cold
beer or a cocktail, it would be a great
Sand on the Beach is one of local place to show off our beachside para-
restaurateur Djon Pepaj’s more casual dise to your visiting friends and fam-
eateries. ily. The view might cost you a few dol-
lars more on your bill than a mainland
It’s a lively beach bar with al fresco restaurant, but the relaxing experi-
dining upstairs and downstairs. ence is well worth it.
We stopped for lunch over the We encourage you to send feedback to
summer and ate downstairs looking [email protected].
straight out at the Atlantic Ocean,
so this time for dinner we wanted to The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
check out the vibe upstairs. We were dines anonymously at restaurants at the
pleased with the cozy, friendly atmo- expense of this newspaper.
sphere as we were immediately seated
and swiftly served our drinks, I opted RESTAURANT HOURS
for a glass of Clean Slate Reisling ($7) Mon-Thurs 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.
from California and my son a virgin
strawberry daiquiri ($5). Friday 8 a.m. to midnight
Saturday 7 a.m. to midnight
To start, we ordered the Maryland
crab cake ($12) and the Bang Bang Sunday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Shrimp ($10) and both were excellent. Breakfast until 11 a.m.
The crab cake was moist, meaty and
perfectly cooked. The shrimp were BEVERAGES
large, crispy and served fresh and hot Full bar
from the fryer. My only suggestion
might be to ask for the kitchen to go ADDRESS
light on the sauce on the shrimp, or for 1005 Atlantic St (A1A),
the sauce to be brought on the side if
you want to control the heat. I like spicy Melbourne Beach
food but the sauce was a little overpow- PHONE
ering for my son.
(321) 327-8951
Last visit I had a delicious spinach
salad, so I wanted to try another choice
off the salad menu. I ordered the Avo-
cado Succotash Salad ($11) with grilled
mahi ($6), which was just as great as
the spinach salad I’d enjoyed previ-
ously. The fish was tender and flaky
and the lime vinaigrette dressing was
nicely balanced on the crisp greens
with avocado, corn, grape tomatoes,
onions and pineapple.
My son decided he wanted the same
thing he ordered last time, the Pulled
Pork sandwich ($12), a generous por-
tion of tender pulled pork, lightly
sauced with a sweet, tangy barbecue
sauce, served on a fluffy bun with some
very tempting fries. I had to steal a cou-
ple off my son’s plate, to write an objec-
tive review.
We declined the Key lime pie and
cheesecake offered for dessert this
time, but I ordered a cup of coffee
($2.79) and we moved outside to fin-
ish our meal under the stars, in the sea
breeze, overlooking the ocean.
Sand on the Beach serves breakfast,
lunch and dinner daily, has a gourmet
coffee bar and hosts some fun-looking
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 14, 2017 31
Zagat Rated Please Join Us As The Tides Ushers In The Holiday Melo’s RIitsatoliraannote
2013 - 2017 Season. We Will Begin Our 12 Days Of Giving. Join In
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Chef Leanne Kelleher WWW.MelosItalianRestaurant.com - 321-773-3555
(772) 234-3966 tidesofvero.com Open 7 Days
3103 Cardinal Drive , Vero Beach, FL
32 Thursday, December 14, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Please send calendar information 12:45 p.m at 3000 W. New Haven Ave. in Mel- ing toll free to 855-252-7276, or $25 at the door. Free 15 Food Truck Friday, 5 to 8 p.m. in the
at least two weeks prior to your bourne. All tips and donations will go to the admission for ages 18 and under or with a student ID. parking lot of the D.R. Schecter Recre-
charity. Call-(321)751.1439. ation Center, hosted by Satellite Beach Police Ath-
event to 14 Star Wars: The Last Jedi premier, 7 letic League.
[email protected] Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- p.m. at Satellite Beach Cinemas.
days at Ocean Side Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, 15 Christmas in the Park, 6 to 8 p.m. at Glea-
ONGOING Melbourne Beach. www.melbeachrotary.org 14 Pizza in the Park with Santa at 6 p.m. at son Park, Indian Harbour Beach with live
the Melbourne Beach Town Complex, music, refreshments, a live performance by the
DECEMBER presented by the Melbourne Beach Volunteer Learning Station at 6:30 p.m. and Santa Claus ar-
Fire Department. Get your picture with Santa at rives on a fire truck at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free.
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 14 The Tekalli Duo will perform works by Tchai- the town tree lighting. He will be there with his
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park kovsky, Prokofiev, Corigliano, Mozart, and sleigh, pizza and refreshments. www.mbvfd.com 15-17 Eau Gallie High School
more at 7 p.m. at Eastminster Presbyterian Church, PRISM Holiday Exravaganza,
Wholesale Music Instruments will host a 106 North Riverside Drive, Indialantic, sponsored by 14 Jingle All the Way free concert by 7 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Eau Gallie
free concert with featured musician Don Sadler the Space Coast Symphony Orchestra. Tickets $20 the Melbourne Municipal Band, 7:30 High School Auditorium. Tickets cost $10 each.
to benefit Friends Of Children of Brevard Coun- advance at www.SpaceCoastSymphony.org or by call- p.m. at the Melbourne Auditorium. Tickets www.eaugallie.ticketleap.com
ty every Friday in December from 11:15 a.m. to available at www.mmband.net
16 Melbourne Beach Children’s Christmas
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword Page 2439 (FASHION YOUR SEAT BELTS) Parade hosted by the Melbourne Beach
in December 14, 2017 Edition 1 STAMINA 1 SIROCCO Volunteer Fire Department, 9 a.m. on Ocean Av-
5 ASSET 2 ALARM enue. Registration at 8:15 a.m. Parade steps off at
8 REALM 3 IMMERSE fire department, east to Ocean Park flag pole and
9 ACHIEVE 4 APATHY then back west on Ocean Avenue, with awards to
10 COMPREHENSION 5 ASHEN be presented at 10 a.m. in front of the Commu-
11 OYSTER 6 SPECIAL nity Center. www.mbvfd.com/christmas-parade/
17 INTERROGATION 12 SETBACK 16 Porch Music - come sing, play, dance,
20 GLASSES 14 ABANDON enjoy jam music on the porch of the
21 DRIVE 15 CONTENT Melbourne Beach Old Town Hall History Center,
22 TOKEN 16 CORSET 2373 Oak St. 1:00-2:30, First and Third Saturday
23 TONIGHT 17 INGOT of the month. Rhythmic dulcimers form the core
18 RESIN of the jam band. Free. Small donation to historic
19 ICING site appreciated. Call (321)327-4871 for details.
Sudoku Page 2428 Sudoku PPaaggee 2439 CrosswordPPage 4282
CERTIFIED Windows & Doors Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach
Siding & Soffit out to customers for your service or small business
“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s targeting the South Brevard barrier island communitites.
This is the only directory mailed each week into
CLAY COOK Car Ports homes in 32951, Indialantic, Indian Harbour and
[email protected] CGC 1524354 Satellite Beach. Contact Will Gardner, 407-361-2150
[email protected].
321.508.3896 772.226.7688
Waves of relaxation at
spacious oceanfront condo
1811 State Road A1A, Unit 2404, in Indian Harbour Beach: 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 1720-square-foot ocean-
front condo offered for $459,000 by Coldwell Banker Paradise agent: Marcella Goff: 859-437-0417
34 Thursday, December 14, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Waves of relaxation at spacious oceanfront condo
The roar of ocean waves rolling
ashore calms the soul at the Lantana
condominium located at 1811 State
Road A1A in Indian Harbour Beach.
Just listening to that sound eases ten-
sion as the mind begins to relax and
the dream comes alive on a balcony
overlooking the blue horizon. What
is so unique here is the surrounding
quiet that allows the sound of those
crashing waves to be heard even in-
side closed doors
Amid the 1,720 square feet of living
space is a fabulous fourth-floor view
of the Atlantic Ocean seen while sit-
ting on the balcony at a high-top table
perfectly designed to allow an unob-
structed vista. Homeowner Charlotte
Young and her husband have loved
this setting for many years.
“It depends how hot it is out here,”
Young said about the east-facing
sunny balcony, “but cocktail time is
probably the best time of day on the
balcony if you want to avoid the di-
rect sun.”
A secure entrance to the home is a
cheerful westside doorway with side-
light that welcomes owners into an
open foyer/hallway. A large closet ac-
commodates coats as well as storage.
Flanked on either side of the home’s
entrance are two of the three bed-
rooms, one smaller that hints it could
be used as an office/guest room.
Across the hall is the second bedroom
accommodating a queen-sized bed
and large closet with room to lounge.
The guest bathroom holds a large
shower with glass doors, commode,
closet and single sink vanity.
Another closet off the hallway
holds the new-in-May top-of-the-line
AC unit and the hot water tank. The
laundry room, also off the hallway ex-
tension, features high shelving, deep
utility sink and washer and dryer. Ev-
TOP 1% OF BREVARD “Todd is highly motivated, very ambitious and is erything is easily at your fingertips in china cabinets at either side of the
COUNTY AGENTS cohnisstacnlitelyntgsowinigthththeeeirxbtreasmt iinlete.r.e.asltwinaymsisnedr!v”ing this home. And yes, yet another hall room. The wall space behind the din-
closet offers still more storage. ing table easily accommodates the
TODD OSTRANDER Todd moved here from Minnesota and has been serving the citizens of homeowners’ large antique buffet.
Brevard County for 20 years with high energy, hard work and his unique way The heart of the home is the roomy
“HALL OF FAME” PRODUCER with people. His vast knowledge of the many neighborhoods and communi- kitchen, with tile flooring, white Large sliding glass doors open
ties in the area, interest in real estate and willingness to go above and beyond cupboards with white appliances from the carpeted living room onto
321-749-8405 for his clients is a winning combination for either buyers or sellers! and walls accented in soft beachy the fourth-floor outdoor balcony.
He specializes in marketing unique properties and water properties by using greens with green marble-patterned There are wide-open ocean views
[email protected] a professional photographer to capture the most beautiful pictures that at- Formica countertops. The large from the kitchen, dining room and
WWW.DOORTOTHEEASTSHORE.COM tract buyers from all around the world. He also has the experience and knowl- stainless side-by-side refrigerator living rooms. The wall of glass doors
edge to help ANY seller that wants an agent that is hardworking, trustworthy stands next to the full-sized pantry to the balcony bounce in a tremen-
and goes the extra mile to handle each of his clients on a “one on one” basis. that has abundant shelving. An in- dous amount of light, making the
Overall he has single handedly closed over 300 transactions which equals timate in-kitchen dining area com- condominium a bright and conviv-
well over 125 Million Dollars of Real Estate since starting in 2007/2008. This pletes the space. ial home.
stature has made him one of the preferred agents in the area and landed him
in the “Top 1% of Brevard County agents!” but the most important thing is A breakfast bar, easily seating six, The master bedroom also offers
that all his clients are happy! faces into the kitchen from the car- the ocean view, along with space for
peted dining room. There is room a large bed and seating area, with
for a large dining table with space for balcony access. The master bath with
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 14, 2017 35
jetted garden tub has additional clos- shower with glass doors. beach access and additional beach ac- with additional storage space. The
et space, one walk-in and one for stor- The homeowners association fee cess from the grounds, both handily clubhouse with small kitchen is open
age, two sinks with separate vanities, next to this condominium building. to residents who wish to hold larger
a makeup vanity, and a large walk-in paid by all residents entitles them to Each unit has its own one-car garage gatherings for parties and families.
enjoy the large community pool with
36 Thursday, December 14, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
“This is not a real big condo, but it is great for two and Sunday as they leave the port and [enjoy] the launches, so it is great for all viewing in that regard.”
people,” Young said. “I have had 11 people camped full moons. The super moon was blood red with The list price for the oceanfront ready-to-move-
out here. Really what this place is all about is the wispy clouds and my husband took pictures that
view. This view sold me for this place, especially are beautiful. We have watched a number of rocket into gem is $459,000. To view the home, contact Re-
this view from the master bedroom. altor Marcella Goff with Coldwell Banker Paradise,
VITAL STATISTICS at cell: 859-437-0417 or email: Marcella.goff@cold-
“We see cruise ships all lighted up on Saturday 1811 STATE ROAD A1A, LANTANA, UNIT 2404 wellbanker.com.
Neighborhood: Indian Harbour Beach
Year Built: 2000 • Home Size: 1,720 square feet
Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 2
Level: 4th floor
View: Wide open Atlantic Ocean views
Additional features: Beachfront, ceiling fans,
storm shutters, home security system, secure
lobby entrance, one-car garage with storage,
pet friendly, community pool, clubhouse.
Listing agency: Coldwell Banker Paradise
Listing agent: Marcella Goff, 859-437-0417;
[email protected]
Listing price: $459,000
Housing prices becoming more affordable overall
STORY BY MICHELLE LERNER WASHINGTON POST 1995 to 1999 and 26.2 percent from 2000 to 2003, just fordability, but rising prices have offset the savings
before the rapid increase in home values. from low rates.
Many economists lately have been fretting that
rising home prices, which have far outpaced wage Home price increases, estimated at 6.07 percent The Black Knight report looked at state-level data
increases, make homeownership unaffordable to by the most recent S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller U.S. to analyze differences between various housing
too many Americans. Yet a recent report from the National Home Price Index, are anticipated to con- markets.
data analytics division of Black Knight says that tinue in 2018. Low interest rates contribute to af-
housing is more affordable Only Hawaii, California, Oregon and the Dis-
than long-term benchmarks. trict have higher payment-
to-income ratios now than
Home price increases vary their longer-term bench-
from one location to another, marks.
with only a handful of states If prices continue to rise and
seeing dramatic price in- mortgage rates rise in 2018
creases. Affordability is also as anticipated, affordability
impacted by income levels could be reduced further.
and interest rates. Low in- According to Black Knight’s
terest rates currently make report, most states will remain
home purchases less burden- below long-term benchmarks
some. for affordability even if home
prices rise at the same pace
The September Mortgage next year. But if mortgage rates
Monitor found that nationally rise higher or home prices rise
21.4 percent of the median in- more, more states will see
come was required to purchase their affordability rate decline
the median-priced home, by the end of 2018.
compared to 24.2 percent from
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 14, 2017 37
How to integrate your home’s indoor and outdoor spaces
STORY BY STEPHANIE BRICK WASHINGTON POST around a bonfire. You can even in- Think about the amount of outdoor archy is wanted for outside activities
vest in a full outdoor kitchen. Move space you have and the different spe- and different backyard “zones.”
Residential design is not just about the grill over to make way for a brick cific activities they want to enjoy in
the house – the exterior style and curb pizza oven, outdoor sink and faucet the natural world. This develops the For instance, if you do not care much
appeal, the interior floor plan and and countertop prep space – let your overall program for the outdoor living for outdoor cooking but would love to
layout – it is also about the context. imagination run wild. area. Next, consider what kind of hier- enjoy a meal in your back yard, a large
Whether you are in a condo in the city percentage of your immediate outdoor
or yours is the only house for miles, space close to the house should be
the context of your house is almost as dedicated to an outdoor dining area.
important as the structure itself. The closer each “zone” is to the main
house, the more social and active the
The connection between your outdoor space will be. So if you are
house and its context is therefore an seeking a quiet, intimate space for, say,
important one. Perhaps not as much a hammock or fire pit, this is a factor to
during cold or rainy seasons, or peri- take into consideration.
ods of generally undesirable weather,
but once the sky clears and the weath- Even in climates where enjoying
er warms, it can be hard to contain outdoor living space is not ideal year-
yourself and your family within the round, embrace and plan ahead for
boundaries of four walls. the seasons you love to maximize your
time outside. It is good for your head,
Humans’ affinity toward nature heart and health.
and other living things, like plants,
is known as biophilia. Abundant re- MORTGAGE RATE VOLATILITY EXPECTED NEXT MONTH
search and countless studies have
revealed the many benefits of the vi- STORY BY KATHY ORTON WASHINGTON POST “But this week markets have turned from the Mortgage Bankers As-
sual access to – or better yet, physical their attention elsewhere. Concern sociation. The market composite
experience of – nature. Views of na- Mortgage rates moved higher about China’s economy, continu- index – a measure of total loan
ture are proven to boost positive feel- last week after the U.S. Senate ing tensions with North Korea, application volume – increased
ings, reduce stress and even decrease passed its version of the tax bill. turmoil in the Middle East as a re- 4.7 percent. The refinance index
recovery time for hospital patients. But global and domestic events sult of Trump declaring Jerusalem jumped 9 percent, while the pur-
Whether your access to nature con- may push them back down. the capital of Israel, and a possible chase index rose 2 percent.
sists of an apartment balcony or acres U.S. government shutdown have
of land, these benefits are reason to According to the latest data re- all contributed to a flight to safety The refinance share of mortgage
maximize your outdoor living space. leased last week by Freddie Mac, the trade that has seen Treasury yields activity accounted for 51.6 percent
30-year fixed-rate average climbed and mortgage rates drop.” of all applications.
Outdoor living space expands the to 3.94 percent with an average
heart of your home to include the back 0.5 point. (Points are fees paid to a With the Federal Reserve likely “Application volume bounced
yard, deck, patio, etc., where count- lender equal to 1 percent of the loan to raise its benchmark rate next back after Thanksgiving, with refi-
less outdoor home activities ensue. In amount.) It was 3.90 percent a week week, the home loan rates could nance volume increasing on a slight
theory, the grill flares up for barbecues ago and 4.13 percent a year ago. enter a period of volatility. dip in 30-year rates,” said Michael
or the hammock swings lazily in the Fratantoni, MBA chief economist.
shade of a tree, the sunset is enjoyed The 15-year fixed-rate average Bankrate.com, which puts out a “The refinance share is at its high-
over dinner on the deck or balcony – rose to 3.36 percent with an average weekly mortgage rate trend index, est level since September. Purchase
but this is not always the case. 0.5 point. It was 3.30 percent a week found the experts it surveyed were volume continues to be supported
ago and 3.36 percent a year ago. The almost equally divided on where by a strengthening job market.”
In today’s hustle and bustle, making five-year adjustable rate average rates were headed. About a third
time to sit back and enjoy your out- rose to 3.35 percent with an average predict they will go up, another The MBA also released its mort-
door living space may not be a prior- 0.3 point. It was 3.32 percent a week third say they will go down and gage credit availability index
ity. How many days of a year – or dur- ago and 3.17 percent a year ago. another third expect them to hold (MCAI) this week that showed
ing the prime outdoor season – is this steady. Shashank Shekhar, chief credit availability increased in No-
space left vacant or forgotten? What Indications were that mortgage executive of Arcus Lending, is one vember. The MCAI rose 0.8 per-
makes a lifestyle so idealized under- rates were headed higher after the who anticipates rates will rise. cent to 182.4 last month. A decline
utilized? Senate’s vote on its tax legislation, in the MCAI indicates that lending
which signaled increased federal “The bond market (which has standards are tightening, while an
One clue: The easier access you borrowing. a direct effect on long-term fixed increase signals they are loosening.
have to outdoor living, the more you mortgage rates) is effectively on
will use it! “A tax cut will only lead to accel- pause waiting to learn more about “Mortgage credit availability
erating inflation and higher rates,” the looming government shut- increased in November driven by
For apartments and single-family said Joel Naroff, president and chief down and the progress with the a net increase in investor offer-
homes alike, the first step is to design economist of Naroff Economics. tax reform bill,” Shekhar said. ings,” said Lynn Fisher, MBA’s vice
the home’s interior to connect with the “Positive news on any of those two president of research and econom-
home’s exterior. Sliding French doors, But just as home loan rates were fronts could cause a minor sell-off ics. “While the number of offer-
folding glass panel-walls, and buffet win- gathering steam, investors became of bonds resulting in higher mort- ings for government backed pro-
dows are fantastic transitions to maxi- anxious about tensions abroad and gage rates for consumers.” grams (FHA/VA/USDA) declined
mize the visual and physical connection the looming deadline to fund the modestly, conventional offerings
from inside to outside and vice versa. federal government. Fueled by a surge in refinances, increased more strongly over the
mortgage applications grew last month among both jumbo and
After the connection between the “It seemed at the time that mort- week, according to the latest data conforming programs.”
interior and exterior is clear, then gage rates were poised to continue
comes the fun part – extending your rising,” said Michael Becher, branch
home outward. Consider taking your manger of Sierra Pacific Mortgage.
inside rooms outdoors. Add a weath-
er-resistant dining table set to enjoy
meals outside. Or create cozy seating
38 Thursday, December 14, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Dec. 1 to Dec 7
Real estate activity came back strong the first week of December in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903
and 32937. Satellite Beach had 12 sales, Melbourne Beach had 7, Indialantic reported 5 and
Indian Harbour Beach 2.
The top sale was of a canal-front home on Tortoise Island in Satellite Beach. The home at 465
Lanternback Island Drive was placed on the market July 21 for $929,000. The sale closed Dec. 4
for $875,000.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Carolyn Schumann of Carnu Realty. The
purchaser was represented by Lourdes Sliwa of Curri Properties.
BAUJNS MELBRN 610 ATLANTIC ST 11/10/2016 $998,000 $850,000 12/5/2017 $390,000
SANDPIPER COVE AT AQ 860 AQUARINA BLVD 6/12/2017 $749,900 $699,900 12/5/2017
SUNNYLAND BEACH S7 264 ARROWHEAD LN 10/12/2017 $400,000 $400,000 12/6/2017 $760,000
SALES FOR 32903 $285,000
THE MARENDA 755 N HIGHWAY A1A 404 8/19/2017 $799,999 $785,000 12/5/2017 $751,000
CLOISTERS REPLAT #2 375 NORMANDY DR 5/11/2017 $644,900 $599,900 12/7/2017 $466,500
EDEN ESTATES 116 E CORAL WAY E 10/10/2017 $285,000 $285,000 12/7/2017 $430,000
WINDWARD COVE 128 WINDWARD WAY 7/27/2017 $975,000 $810,000 12/5/2017
VILLAS AT DUNMORE 301 DUNMORE CT 9/17/2017 $485,000 $479,900 12/4/2017
MOORINGS SUBD THE 432 BRIDGETOWN CT 11/6/2017 $419,900 $419,900 12/4/2017
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 14, 2017 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Sunnyland Beach S7, Address: 264 Arrowhead Ln Subdivision: Ocean Edge Colony, Address: 190 Rita Blvd
Listing Date: 10/12/2017 Listing Date: 8/22/2017
Original Price: $400,000 Original Price: $298,000
Recent Price: $400,000 Recent Price: $298,000
Sold: 12/6/2017 Sold: 12/7/2017
Selling Price: $390,000 Selling Price: $287,000
Listing Agent: Thomas Taranto Listing Agent: David Settgast
Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty,Brevard Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
David Settgast Debra Henderson
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Keller Williams Realty,Brevard
Subdivision: The Marenda, Address: 755 N Highway A1A 404 Subdivision: Cloisters Replat #2, Address: 375 Normandy Dr
Listing Date: 8/19/2017 Listing Date: 5/11/2017
Original Price: $799,999 Original Price: $644,900
Recent Price: $785,000 Recent Price: $599,900
Sold: 12/5/2017 Sold: 12/7/2017
Selling Price: $760,000 Selling Price: $575,000
Listing Agent: Cynthia Kelley Listing Agent: Nancy Taylor
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Solutions Selling Agent: BHHS Florida Realty
Vincent Solazzo Andy Waterman
National Realty of Brevard Waterman Real Estate, Inc.
Subdivision: Villa Del Mar Sec 4, Address: 255 S Marco Way
Listing Date: 8/29/2017
Original Price: $345,000
Recent Price: $329,000
Sold: 12/4/2017
Selling Price: $305,000
Listing Agent: Todd Ostrander
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Elite
Jennifer Weatherholt
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Subdivision: Windward Cove, Address: 128 Windward Way
Listing Date: 7/27/2017
Original Price: $975,000
Recent Price: $810,000
Sold: 12/5/2017
Selling Price: $751,000
Listing Agent: Robert Norton & Jantina Getz
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Solutions
Robert Norton
RE/MAX Solutions