January 31, 2020 | Volume 7, Issue 5 Newsstand Price: $1.00
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MY TAKE Big surge in kids
seeking mental
BY RAY MCNULTY health assistance
High time for hard look at By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer
Barber Bridge intersection [email protected]
It’s too easy to say human error PHOTO: KAILA JONES A stunning increase in the num-
caused the pair of fatal crashes ber of ninth-graders asking for ur-
that have occurred in the past two PAOBIAGNNDAONNTERDECMITINRDUESRPAOCFKGILNOGRHYODUASYESS gent help with their mental health
years at the intersection near the – 37 came forward in just four days
west end of Vero’s Barber Bridge. By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer last fall – is putting heavy pressure
[email protected] on a year-old school program pro-
Nor should it matter that per- vided by the Mental Health Asso-
ception is not reality – that of- Abandoned citrus packing houses in and ciation.
ficials say there aren’t nearly as around Vero Beach are a poignant reminder of the
many crashes at the intersection glory days here, when the scent of orange blossoms The violence and suicide pre-
of State Road 60 and Indian River perfumed the air in spring and summer, and more vention program was proposed by
Boulevard as we might think – be- than half the grapefruits grown on the planet came the nonprofit MHA and the Indian
cause, when wrecks do happen from Indian River and St. Lucie counties. River Hospital District the day af-
there, they’re often serious and ter the Valentine’s Day 2018 school
sometimes devastating. Most of these hulking ghosts, with their tum- shooting in Parkland, Florida, and
ble-down signs and flapping sheet metal, are was put into effect last February.
The time has come to take a strung out along U.S. 1 and Dixie Highway be-
hard look at an often-busy cross- tween Wabasso and Oslo Road. Last year’s entire spring semes-
roads where drivers from the is- ter generated about the same num-
land and mainland converge, and They are the aftermath of citrus greening – a ber of students seeking counseling
see if there’s anything that can be wicked, insect-borne bacterial disease from China – 40 out of 970 in the program – as
done to improve the engineer- that appeared in Florida in 2005 and over the next in the four days this past October.
ing of the intersection, the func- decade wiped out 75 percent of orange produc-
tioning of the traffic signals, or “The problem is much greater
the contour and condition of the than we ever imagined,” said Dr.
roadway. Nick Coppola, CEO of the Mental
Health Association.
After the Jan. 15 crash that
killed Holy Cross rower Grace Rett “We were patting ourselves on
and injured a dozen other people, the back last year. Then we went
back this year, and now that we’ve
INSIDE tion and 85 percent of grapefruit production in the
state, according to the University of California. Sheriff’s captain let
NEWS 1-7 PETS 12 off after theft probe
DINING B6 The faded names on the shuttered packing-
HEALTH 8 GAMES B13 houses – Hale Groves, Quality Fruit Packers, Graves By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer
CALENDAR B16 [email protected]
B1 Investigators say a recently
ARTS concluded, 144-day Internal Af-
fairs probe into theft allegations
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 Felony charges filed against county tourism director against a Sheriff’s Office captain
For circulation or where to pick up – who chose to resign in Septem-
your issue call: 772-226-7925 ber, rather than provide a sworn
statement – did not uncover
By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer Allison McNeal. On Jan. 22, State Attorney Bruce Colton’s enough evidence to charge him
[email protected] office filed an Information charging McNeal, with a crime.
a Vero Beach resident, with third-degree fel-
Despite assertions by Allison McNeal’s ony of battery of Vero Beach Police Officer CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
attorney that his client was drugged in a Kassandra Ayala, plus third-degree felony re-
local bar before being arrested at a Vero sisting arrest with violence and a second-de-
Beach IHOP last month, the 40-year-old gree misdemeanor charge for trespassing.
county tourism director is now facing for-
mal felony charges for the Dec. 22 incident. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
© 2019 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 January 31, 2020 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
CITRUS PACKING HOUSES ro-fit to a different purpose. ty’s newest Wawa. At the same time, Cross- The idea of using an abandoned packing-
Add in the cost of deferred maintenance over Mission, a basketball-centric nonprofit house as an indoor tennis facility has been
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 that supports and redirects “at-risk youth floated, too, but an industry source said, “I
and major repairs; some of the packing- through afterschool programs run by dedi- don’t think it got far, because of cost.”
Brothers – evoke the history of Indian River houses have languished on the market for cated coaches and mentors,” is negotiating
County, but the properties themselves could years. Wayne Bibeau with the county prop- with Quality to lease the former packing- There are roughly 27,000 acres of aban-
be part of its future. erty appraiser’s office said the empty Graves house on the property for a gymnasium doned grove land in Indian River County
packinghouse on Old Dixie at Route 510 in complex, according to Crossover co-founder compared to about 15,700 acres still produc-
The packinghouses come with fair-sized Wabasso has been for sale since 2004. and executive director Cathy DeSchouwer. ing fruit, according to the U.S. Department
chunks of land and many of the buildings of Agriculture and the Indian River Citrus
are still sound, despite their forlorn looks. But some packinghouse properties near A foodbank is operating out of a former League, which represents growers along
Vero have been repurposed and redevelop- packinghouse near the airport, according to Florida’s east coast between St. Augustine
Several of the packinghouses are for sale ment is coming to others. Yurocko, and produce markets occupy por- and West Palm Beach.
but commercial real estate agents say they tions of others.
can be a challenge to unload. The Indian River Packers facility on Oslo The number of active packinghouses in
Road is leased by Waste Management as a Additional ideas for bringing these con- the county has fallen from 40 to six, accord-
Billy Moss, with Lambert Commercial garage for its garbage and recycling trucks crete and steel behemoths back to useful life ing to Indian River Citrus League Executive
Real Estate, said the sprawling buildings and as the “station” for the natural gas it uses include transforming them into marijua- Director Doug Bournique.
are simply too large – typically tens of thou- to fuel its fleet, according to Bibeau. na or hemp grow-houses. Several potential
sands of square feet – for most businesses buyers have looked into that possibility, but Despite those grim statistics, Bournique
that are seeking space, while SLC Commer- “It is a thriving operation,” Bibeau said. nothing has materialized to date, according said the industry is slowly coming back,
cial Realty and Development vice president Further north, on the west side of U.S. 1 to Indian River County Community Devel- noting that “60 PhDs and 150 techs from the
Mike Yurocko said the buildings are a little at 45th Street, part of Quality Fruit Packers’ opment Planning Division data. USDA [are] tantalizingly close” to figuring
too “specialized,” and thus very costly to ret- 3.38-acre property has been sold to develop- out how to defeat citrus greening.
ers and soon will be the home of the coun-
TOURISM DIRECTOR CHARGED face, landing a blow on Ayala’s arm instead. ed arrest. Defense Attorney Bobby Guttridge However, as of Monday, according to Vero
The Information also says McNeal, whose told Vero News in December that McNeal Beach Police Captain Matt Monaco, “no
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 had good reason to think that she had been complaint has been filed” by McNeal alleg-
job is to help attract and welcome visitors to the victim of drink spiking in a local bar. ing that she was the victim of drink spiking.
The charging document filed by Assistant Vero Beach, “refused to depart” the IHOP af-
State Attorney Michelle McCarter says Mc- ter having been warned. Guttridge said McNeal had been out with Guttridge is set to appear in Judge Dan
Neal’s altercation with Ayala – which police friends before the IHOP incident and that Vaughn’s courtroom on McNeal’s behalf on
say occurred around 3 a.m. on a Sunday Police were called by an IHOP employee she immediately got tested for drugs after Feb. 7.
morning at the IHOP in the 1800 block of because McNeal was causing a disturbance posting bond and getting out of jail. Gut-
U.S. 1 in Vero – happened during the course inside the restaurant, according to the po- tridge said the test results were pending, and McNeal, who has worked as tourism di-
of Ayala’s duties as a police officer, and that lice report. Officers responding to the call he would not name the bar as it could ham- rector for the Indian River County Chamber
McNeal knew Ayala was a police officer pushed McNeal to the ground to get her into per his investigation of the case. He added of Commerce for the past nine years, was
when she allegedly tried to hit her in the custody, scraping her chin, and their use of that McNeal has no history of the kind of be- reportedly suspended by the Chamber after
force was deemed appropriate and within havior alleged by police. her arrest. Calls and messages to Chamber
police department policy because she resist- President Dori Stone were not returned.
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS January 31, 2020 3
SHERIFF’S CAPTAIN criminal element, we hit the brakes and no criminal prosecution, Loar replied: think he’s a bad guy. He just made an er-
turned it over to our detective bureau “Hell, no. There was no deal. As soon as ror.”
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 and let them take a look at it. we found out about this, we put him on
administrative leave.” Unlike a criminal conviction, viola-
According to the IA report, however, “If we had found any criminal behav- tions of agency regulations and proce-
the investigation produced sufficient ior, we would’ve gotten a warrant and Loar said he was disappointed by Bai- dures do not jeopardize Bailey’s retire-
evidence to prove that Adam Bailey, as arrested him,” the sheriff added. “We did ley’s betrayal of trust. ment benefits, Loar said.
captain of the Corrections Division last bring in the State Attorney’s Office to re-
summer, violated Sheriff’s Office rules, view what we had, but they agreed with “It’s a black eye, sure, but I can’t police However, the IA report has been sent
policies and procedures by purchas- our detectives that there was nothing every inappropriate decision every em- to the Florida Department of Law En-
ing more than $1,700 worth of house- criminal here. ployee makes before he makes it,” Loar forcement.
hold-type items with his agency-issued said. “The thing is, I like the guy. He was a
credit card. “This wasn’t theft.” part of our command staff, and I consid- “Any future employer will have access
Still, based on the evidence uncovered ered him a friend. to that information,” Loar said, “if Adam
According to the complaint lodged during the IA investigation, Loar said the tries to get back into law enforcement.”
against him, “It is alleged that Captain captain could not have kept his job. “This was the first problem we had
Adam Bailey has procured items using “I can fire you for misuse of property, with him,” he added. “I know he was go- Loar said he plans to promote from
his assigned credit card and then used and I would’ve fired him,” Loar said. “I’m ing through a divorce, and he has five within the Sheriff’s Office to fill the va-
said items in a manner not directly relat- sure he knew I’d fire him, which is proba- kids – not that it’s an excuse – but I don’t cant captain’s position in the Corrections
ed to the mission of the Sheriff’s Office. bly why he resigned when he did. He was Division.
a captain overseeing 150 employees, and
“It is alleged that he purchased new with rank comes expectations.”
tools, camping equipment and house- Among the household items Bailey
hold fixtures, and said items have not purchased were indoor-outdoor security
been properly accounted for, nor were cameras, a carbon-dioxide/fire detector,
they submitted for issuance of an asset tools, camping equipment and kitchen
number and/or assignment.” and bathroom fixtures.
Several of those items remain “unac-
A Jan. 10 letter from Sheriff Deryl Loar counted for” and are “presumed lost,” the
informed Bailey that the IA investigation IA report states, adding that “there is no
found him guilty of “unbecoming con- one other than Captain Bailey to take re-
duct” and “neglect of duty,” but was un- sponsibility for” their maintenance and
able to prove any violations of the law. care.
Other items, such as containers of mo-
If he had been charged with and con- tor oil, also could not be found, but there
victed of a crime, Bailey, who Loar says he was no way for investigators to deter-
“considered a friend,” could have lost his mine if they had been used in jail-related
pension benefits, which now are safe. operations, which would have been legal,
or taken for personal use.
Bailey, who had spent more than 15 However, in a Sept. 16 letter to Under-
years as a deputy, resigned on Sept. 20 sheriff Jim Harpring, Internal Affairs Lt.
– exactly one month after Loar received Justin Knott wrote:
an anonymous complaint about the cap- “Interviews of the personnel assigned
tain’s purchases and just before an IA to the areas revealed many items [pur-
investigator sent the case to detectives chased by Bailey] have never been seen.”
to determine if a crime had been com- He added that the items “have not
mitted. been located during inspection of the
corrections buildings (including outlier
Detectives cleared Bailey of any crim- buildings) where items of similar nature
inal wrongdoing and returned the case would generally be retained.”
to the IA unit in December, when the de- Last weekend, Loar said “some of the
parted captain again refused to be inter- items have since been recovered,” but
viewed by investigators. others remain missing and unaccounted
Bailey could not be reached for com- Asked if Bailey had agreed to quiet-
ment. ly resign in exchange for a promise of
“His resignation did not impact our
investigation,” Loar said. “Once we re-
ceived the anonymous complaint, we
started an administrative review. At some
point, when we thought there might be a
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4 January 31, 2020 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
MY TAKE road striping and signaling, traffic volumes southbound left turn lane is another possi- bulances and crashed cars on many occa-
and patterns, and historical crash data.” bility. sions, but they were verified by Phil Mat-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 son, the county’s MPO staff director, using
FDOT officials will analyze the informa- One or more of those changes might well the Florida Signal 4 Analytics crash-map-
Vero Beach Police Chief David Currey said, tion they gather to determine if additional make the intersection safer. ping database endorsed by FDOT and the
“I don’t believe there’s a problem with the safety measures are needed and present state’s Department of Highway Safety and
intersection.” City Manager Monte Falls their findings to the county’s Metropolitan But don’t be surprised if FDOT reviews Motor Vehicles.
said, “Everything was working the way it’s Planning Organization on Feb. 12. the crash data and determines no improve-
supposed to,” at the time of the accident. ments are needed. “The numbers on the database corrobo-
In the meantime, there is a public outcry rate the numbers you received from Chief
But the death of a young athlete the day for somebody to do something to make the Statistics provided by Currey last week Currey,” Matson said. “We’re averaging
after her 20th birthday has hit the commu- intersection safer. indicated there had been only 50 crashes at about 18 or so accidents annually at that in-
nity hard, and the Florida Department of that intersection over the past 32 months, tersection, maybe 20 in a bad year.”
Transportation is now conducting a “safety Some want FDOT to reduce the speed including 13 in the last eight months. That’s
and operational audit” of the intersection. limit on the boulevard in the area ap- slightly more than 1.5 crashes per month (Currey said the crash statistics do not
proaching the intersection. Others want a and just 18.5 per year. include minor fender-benders after which
According to FDOT, the audit is a “bot- red arrow added to the traffic signal, thus drivers agree to not call the police.)
tom-up review of existing active and pas- allowing left turns only under a green arrow Those numbers seem startlingly low –
sive traffic safety measures, such as signage, and eliminating the risk of mistakes when even difficult to believe – for people who If it turns out after the FDOT review that
gauging oncoming traffic. Adding a second travel through the intersection regularly the intersection itself is, in fact, properly
and remember seeing police vehicles, am- designed and engineered, what other fac-
tors can be blamed for the recent tragedy?
Vero’s busy winter season could be a cul-
Motoring around town and travers-
ing busy intersections is a challenge at
this time of year, when our roads become
crowded with drivers who are seniors, teen-
agers, working folks, seasonal residents and
out-of-town vacationers, all of whom have
different driving habits and many of whom
are not familiar with Vero Beach.
Busy construction workers and commut-
ers, tourists glancing at their GPS devices in
search of their hotel instead of watching the
road, families with back seats full of noisy
kids, teenagers with brand-new licenses
and older snowbirds whose reaction times
have slowed – too often, they’re all on the
road at the same time.
It’s probably not mere coincidence that
the two most recent fatal crashes at west
end of the Barber Bridge occurred at this
time of year, and involved two people who
were from out of town.
Col. Christopher Hannon, a 58-year-old
former Air Force pilot from Melbourne
Beach, was riding his bicycle and attempt-
ing to make a left turn from Indian River
Boulevard, across the intersection and onto
the Barber Bridge, when he was struck and
killed by a northbound car on the afternoon
of Feb. 2, 2018.
After investigating the crash, which cre-
ated the worst traffic jam in memory on
the barrier island, for two months, police
and prosecutors determined that both the
cyclist (failure to yield; illegal left turn) and
driver (speeding) were at fault.
“Had those traffic violations not oc-
curred,” Currey said at the time, “this crash
would not have happened.”
Similarly, a preliminary Vero Beach po-
lice report released last week blamed the
tragic crash earlier this month at that same
intersection on the Holy Cross women’s
crew coach, who was driving the rented
passenger van in which Rett was killed.
The report, in fact, indicates the longtime
coach, Patrick Diggins, 55, failed to yield the
right-of-way to an oncoming northbound
pickup truck when he attempted to turn left
from the boulevard onto the bridge shortly
before 7:30 a.m.
It also states that the pickup driver, Ron-
ald Wolfe of Fort Pierce, told police that
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS January 31, 2020 5
Diggins appeared to be “looking down and Vero City Council backs Sen. Mayfield’s rail safety bill
not looking at the roadway” as he turned
toward the bridge. By George Andreassi | Staff Writer Indian River Shores Vice Mayor Bob The Senate Infrastructure and Secu-
Auwaerter called out Moss, who is run- rity Committee last week approved the
But the report doesn’t provide any cer- As Virgin Trains USA develops pas- ning against him for County Commis- high-speed passenger rail safety bill.
tain answers as to why Diggins, driving a senger service that will zip through Vero sion in District 5, for her Jan. 7 comments Next up is the Senate Transportation,
van filled with 11 of his Holy Cross rowers, Beach at up to 110 mph, the City Council about the city remaining “neutral” in the Tourism and Economic Development
pulled directly into the path of the pickup concluded safety trumps cozying up to county’s legal battle against the passen- Appropriations Committee.
that, according to multiple witnesses, had the company for a possible train station. ger rail project.
the right-of-way. Mayfield’s bill would give FDOT more
Two weeks after skipping a chance to “You can’t be neutral when it comes authority over passenger rail projects
“That’s the big question: Why?” Currey endorse state Sen. Debbie Mayfield’s high- to the safety of your citizens,” Auwaert- and operations that aren’t covered by
said last week. “What did he see? What was speed passenger rail safety bill, the coun- er said at the Jan. 21 meeting. “At 110 federal regulation. It would also require
going through his mind? We haven’t spoken cil voted unanimously Jan. 21 to send her mph, a high-speed passenger train tighter safety controls at railroad cross-
to him yet.” a letter supporting the legislation. will cover a 100-yard football field ings, more fencing along train tracks and
in 1.9 seconds. One-thousand-one, new training for public safety workers,
Diggins, who brought the team to Vero Councilman Joe Graves and Vice May- one-thousand – (slaps hands) – you’re among other initiatives.
Beach to train, was among those injured in or Laura Moss said their reluctance to dead.” Auwaerter chastised the council
the crash and has been recovering at Fort support Mayfield’s bill on Jan. 7 as the for declining to endorse Mayfield’s bill Virgin Trains USA, previously known
Pierce’s Lawnwood Regional Medical Cen- council sought talks with Virgin Trains Jan. 7 out of fear of alienating VTUSA as Brightline and All Aboard Florida,
ter. about a train station was misinterpreted while seeking talks about a multi-mod- killed 31 people between January 2018
by the public and rival politicians. al terminal at the airport. and December 2019, Federal Railroad
He, along with Wolfe and six rowers, was Administration records show.
hospitalized after the crash. Rett, who was “After hearing the comments after the “Apparently some council members
riding in the right-front passenger seat in last city council meeting, I personally at the last meeting expressed a hope that Florida East Coast Railway freight
the section of the van that took the brunt of want to make it clear that I applaud the by staying silent the chances for a Vero trains, which share tracks with Virgin
collision, died at the scene. efforts of Sen. Mayfield for putting forth Beach train station increase,” Auwaerter Trains in South Florida, killed another 22
this rail safety bill,” Graves said. “I would said. people in the past two years. FECR trains
The police report stated that Diggins never compromise the safety of the citi- travel 40-to-60 mph.
uttered several remarks before being tak- zens in order to get a stop.” “How much money are you willing to
en to the hospital, including: “Please let hand over to Virgin Trains to get one?” Several Indian River County residents
me have had a green light. Did I have a Criticism of Graves and Moss for spoke in favor of Mayfield’s bill, while
green arrow? God, please let me have had downplaying Mayfield’s bill and pushing Moss rejoined by expressing skepti- longtime activist Brian Heady advised
a green arrow.” for talks with Virgin Trains about putting cism about decisions made by the current the council to scrap the endorsement
a train station at Vero Beach Region- County Commission to spend $3.5 million and leave train regulation to the federal
Witnesses say he didn’t, and police have al Airport continued during the Jan. 21 to fight the passenger rail project in court. government.
concluded he was at fault in the fatal crash. council meeting.
But was the fault entirely his, or does the
intersection need to be changed in some
significant way to make it safer?
Hopefully, FDOT will provide some an-
swers in February.
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6 January 31, 2020 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
KIDS SEEK MENTAL HEALTH AID ing.” Indian River County students’ own land law intended to make schools safer. painfully inexplicable events to cope with.
impressions, taken as a whole, reflect more The money was used to hire Packard, along In the last school year alone, a Sebastian
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 detachment, discouragement and fear than with eight mental health providers and a River High School senior collapsed and
at most schools nationally. part-time social worker. died on the basketball court; one Sebastian
earned their trust, we realized last year we River student allegedly shot another in the
were only scraping the surface.” In a fall 2018 survey designed by a na- Packard said there are counselors in ev- head, killing him; and a girl at Charter High
tional company specializing in research on ery secondary school, and “behavior inter- School reportedly took her own life over a
So far, the program has been funded by school climate, some 7,000 students here vention specialists” at every school, though boy at Sebastian River.
the Hospital District and $50,000 in grants. responded to questions about social and MHA therapists say they find students often
emotional health as well as how safe they associate those roles with meting out dis- Just this month, a horrific crash near a
Now, though, as the MHA extends the felt at school. cipline or concern for failing grades, and landmark bridge killed a member of a vis-
program’s reach to more than 2,000 stu- need an outsider – someone other than a iting college rowing team and left a dozen
dents, the number of crisis interventions The answers of middle- and high school school employee – to discuss depression or others injured. The accident was wrenching
Coppola’s team will oversee seems certain students came in at the survey’s lowest per- thoughts of suicide. for rowers at both Indian River and Sebas-
to increase dramatically, creating a need for centile range of 0 to 19 on three measures tian River High, who used their afternoon
more funding for additional therapists. – how well they could persevere through As for psychologists and mental health practice carefully breaking down the Mas-
challenges; how confident they were about specialists, the school system assigns multi- sachusetts’ teams’ boats to spare them the
Coppola appears poised to get addition- accomplishing academic goals; and how ple schools to one provider, though the new effort and writing notes of support to vic-
al help from the Hospital District, after his well they could empathize with others. The school district superintendent, Dr. David tims’ families and team members.
statistics jarred trustees at their January percentile numbers mean that students Moore, said at two townhall meetings this
meeting. here were in the bottom one-fifth of U.S. month he wants a therapist in “every school Then four days later, there was another
students in their self-expectations. building.” crash involving past and present students
Trustee Dr. Michael Weiss, who initially of Vero Beach High, after an 18-year-old
voted against funding the MHA program, In the two other measures – whether stu- In 2018, there were 10 psychologists and Vero High senior allegedly fired shots into
encouraged Coppola to come forward for dents believed they could change factors two clinical licensed social workers for a parked car, killing a former student and
more money if necessary. affecting their school performance, and nearly 18,000 students. leaving a 17-year-old girl in critical con-
how well they managed their emotions, dition with a gunshot wound to the head.
“Don’t be bashful when it comes to ask- thoughts and behaviors – the sixth- through Cunningham made it clear that the Hos- Among the car’s occupants was a student at
ing for funding. This is a very important 12th-graders’ assessment still appeared pital District is making mental health a the Freshmen Learning Center.
program,” said Weiss. darker than most kids in the country, priority. She, Cleveland Clinic Indian River
though not as dire, falling within the 20 per- Hospital president Gregory Rosencrance The first day of school after that trage-
Adding to the alarm over children’s men- cent to 39 percentile nationally. M.D. and others met with local mental dy, two MHA therapists were at Vero Beach
tal health is a recent increase in pediatric health providers last week to outline opti- High School as part of a crisis response ef-
in-patient admissions at Cleveland Clinic Regarding student’s perception of safety mal care for the community. fort. “They’re in disbelief. They’re shocked,”
Indian River’s Behavioral Health Center. at school on both a physical and psycholog- Christina Aspromonte, MHA’s clinical man-
Those admissions rose 31 percent between ical level, the survey again put Indian River’s “We challenged them to come up with a ager, said of students.
2017 and 2018, to 418 kids. In 2019, there teenagers in the bottom 20 percent. vision of what mental healthcare in Indian
were 404 admissions, a slight decrease but River County should be, what already exists A third therapist, Jared Buchanon, was
still a large number of troubled children and Following the survey, an alarmed school and where are the gaps,” said Cunningham. at the Freshman Learning Center leading a
teens. system established the Office of Mental “When everyone agrees on the gaps, then we session of the MHA’s depression awareness
Health Services, under Packard’s leadership. can prioritize them and work with funders course.
When some Hospital District trustees This is separate from the Mental Health As- on a five-plus year plan for funding.”
initially balked at funding a program they sociation’s violence and suicide prevention Divided into three 50-minute sessions,
felt should be paid for by the school district program. She said she is talking to United Way, the the course began with an 18-minute video
budget, Coppola countered that schools Community Foundation and others on the of six students with depression. Follow-up
are the best place to reach suffering kids “The skills that allow students to achieve plan, calling it potentially “very exciting.” discussion included having students iden-
with mental healthcare, making it a mental academically and in life are often the same tify symptoms in each vignette and discuss
health issue more than a school issue. skills that promote mental wellness,” said “We’re behind,” said Coppola. “I’m trying ways the students get help to feel better.
Packard. She said the district’s goal is to to catch up to get in front of it because our
In the fall 2019 semester, 54 Indian River have all faculty and staff receive six hours goal is to prevent a suicide, is to prevent a “Some of these kids feel they can’t be
County students were involuntarily admit- of training in youth mental health first aid, violent outcome of any kind. We need to helped,” said Aspromonte, who regular-
ted for in-patient mental health treatment which serves to identify symptoms of men- get in there deeper in hopes that something ly leads the sessions herself. The vignettes
under Florida’s Baker Act, and 142 were as- tal illness and the risk of harm, and teaches bad doesn’t happen.” and their outcomes show kids that “mental
sessed for self-injury. adults how to connect students with profes- health professionals are equipped to help
sional help. While the school district has been spared them,” she said.
In all, 225 students were referred to the the horror of a full-scale attack or other ca-
school district’s own mental health staff, “When children feel safe, secure and tastrophe, bad things that have happened A post-program survey of the students
though that number is “definitely an under- healthy, they are free to learn,” said Packard. have caused some kids to feel powerless, backs that up: 91 percent felt the program
statement of students served,” according confused, profoundly sad or unsafe. showed them ways to get help. Prior to the
to the Indian River County schools’ mental In the 2019-20 school year, the school sys- course, “a lot of these kids think no one can
health coordinator, Dr. Sharon Packard. tem got $516,000 in mental health funding Setting aside divorce or separation of par- help them,” Aspromonte said.
provided by the state through a post-Park- ents, a prime contributor to kids’ distress,
Hospital District chairwoman Marybeth according to MHA therapists, there are also
Cunningham called the numbers “stagger-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS January 31, 2020 7
County unlikely to kick in to keep Elite flying fromVero
By Nicole Rodriguez | Staff Writer port in its other operations.” strategy aimed at keeping Elite in Vero long A short-term solution would be to delay
“The other problem I have with the county term. pricey projects while efforts to change the
County Administrator Jason Brown says law are underway to avoid quickly deplet-
Indian River County most likely will not fly putting in county tax dollars is governance,” Options the city is considering include ing the airport’s $3.5-million fund balance.
to the rescue as Vero Beach tries to come up Brown added. “County residents do not get reprioritizing airport projects to slow the loss That maneuver could buy the city up to 15
with funds to keep commercial airline pas- to vote for City Council, so we have the taxa- of revenue, lobbying to change the state law months to formulate a permanent fix, city
senger service at Vero Beach Regional Air- tion without representation problem.” that mandates the airport’s reclassification, officials said.
port. raising property taxes on city residents and
Using county-controlled tourist taxes, col- seeking help from the county. A last resort could be a property tax hike
The funding shortfall cropped up when lected from hotel stays, isn’t an option either, for city residents, but it would take a 13.8
Elite Airways, the airport’s only passenger Brown said. State law mandates those funds The city’s top priority is pushing for a percent boost in the city’s property tax
airline, boarded more than 10,000 passen- must be used for visitor centers, museums, change in the state airport classification law rate to cover the $1 million shortfall, city
gers for the first time in 2018. That number zoos, sports stadiums, aquariums and beach so that the grant money will not be lost. officials said. “It’s difficult to get legislative
triggered a reclassification of the airport renourishment projects. Elite Airways Pres- change,” Councilman Joe Graves said. “The
from a general aviation airport to a commer- ident John Pearsall last week suggested im- When an airport is designated as general only other way is asking 18,000 residents to
cial airport that will go into effect in July. plementing landing fees to help make up for aviation, the state usually covers 80 percent be taxed to provide a benefit for the coun-
the lost grant money, but such fees would of the cost for large capital projects, while ty and the region and I don’t think anyone
The reclassification reduces the airport’s not make much of a dent in the deficit, gen- the city is responsible for 20 percent. With wants to be taxed.”
eligibility for state grants and could cost erating only about $45,000 per year. the commercial airport designation, the cost
the Vero as much as $1 million annually for split would be 50/50. The popular Maine-based airline has of-
airport projects in the city’s five-year plan, The city was notified by the Florida De- fered flights since 2015 from Vero to Newark,
according City Manager Monte Falls, but partment of Transportation in December “The real problem is the state law,” Airport N.J., Portland, Maine, and other destinations.
Brown said that is the city’s problem. that the airport will be reclassified from a Manager Eric Menger said. “We need to find Elite has said that Vero is its best market, but
general aviation airport to a commercial a way to just make a small change to allow it would have to have 200,000 passengers
Brown said he would recommend the airport. Shortly afterward, in early January, small airports like ours to not be so severely boarding in Vero to make up for the lost grant
County Commission refrain from taxing the city’s Airport Commission voted unan- impacted by the reduction in grant funding.” money, far more than the 11,084 passengers
county residents to prevent passenger ser- imously to terminate Elite’s lease at the air- who flew out of Vero on Elite planes in 2018.
vice at the airport from crashing. port to preserve the state funding. But public City officials have asked state Sen. Debbie
sentiment strongly favors retaining passen- Mayfield (R-Melbourne) to file an amend- After the City Council vote, the city and
“There has been a tendency for the city ger service at the airport and the City Coun- ment to an existing bill this legislative ses- Elite executed a three-year contract for the
to look at county residents as takers and cil at its Jan. 21 meeting voted to renew the sion, which is already underway, in order to airline to continue operating at the airport,
not contributors to the city airport,” Brown airline’s lease. effect the change. but the deal comes with a 60-day termina-
said. “The city raised the issue that some of tion clause that can be invoked by either
the customers of Elite are county residents The council is expected to hold a work- “Senator Mayfield is looking into what she party.
so they need to help pay for this, but I would shop in the coming months to hash out a can do to support the airport,” Mayfield’s
also say county residents ... support the air- Legislative Assistant Adrienne Cronebaugh
said in an email.
8 January 31, 2020 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
Less invasive is best with ‘motion-sparing spine surgery’
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
[email protected]
Dr. Craig Popp.
You’ve heard the expression “less is
more,” but it’s not a phrase often used in PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
medicine. It seems there are always more
tests, more medications and more of all
the things patients hate about getting
medical care.
When it comes to back or neck surger-
ies to relieve pain, though, there is a rap-
idly growing body of evidence that “less”
– newer, smaller, less invasive procedures
and implants – are yielding “more” bet-
ter and better patient results, along with
greater and greater patient satisfaction.
At or near the top of that list, according
to board-certified orthopedic surgeon Dr.
Craig Popp of Vero Orthopaedics & Neu-
rology, is something called “motion-spar-
ing spine surgery.”
Washington, D.C.’s Georgetown Uni-
versity Hospital wholeheartedly agrees.
“Traditionally,” it says, “surgeons treated
conditions that put pressure on the spinal
cord and related nerves with fusion sur-
gery. Fusion surgery merges the vertebrae
causing your problem, which relieves pain
and pressure, but also restricts your ability
to move.
“Motion-sparing spinal surgery gives
you the best of both worlds – it relieves
pressure on your spinal cord and preserves
your range of motion – without fusion.”
The laparoscopic, minimally invasive
surgery involves placing small, hard arti-
ficial discs between vertebrae to stabilize
them and relieve pressure on nerves.
And, for the record, if you’ve never suf-
fered from back or neck pain so severe that
you sought medical help, you are part of a
minority in America.
According to both the National Insti-
tutes of Health and Johns Hopkins Medi-
cine, nearly 80 percent of U.S. adults expe-
rience back pain – which is more than 242
million people.
At the same time, upwards of 50 percent
of American adults experience neck pain.
And, unfortunately for many Vero read-
Is The One-Stop Location ers, neck and back problems get more minar stabilizations’ in that first meeting
for All of Your Medical Services common – and painful – as we age, accord- if you seek this doctor’s care.
Call for an appointment: 772-567-6340 ing to the Centers for Disease Control.
“I treat people,” says Popp, “and the
We are proud to announce the addition of Andrea Kaupas, DO to the But don’t expect Popp to rush you into way I approach that is basically talking
Primary Care of the Treasure Coast family. Dr. Kaupas specializes in caring surgery. For starters, says Popp, “the vast to the patient and getting to know the pa-
majority of people can get better without tient. Eighty-five percent [of making the
for families through chronic diseases, acute illnesses and preventative any sort of intervention.” right diagnosis] is by taking a history and
care. She also cares for patients with acute injuries. by listening.”
We offer the following on-site services What’s more, he likes to spend consider-
able time with his patients before making Moreover, says Popp, “two people may
CLIA Certified Lab • Bone Density Testing • ACR Certified Ultrasound treatment decisions. have the same exact same condition, the
X-Ray • Hearing Center • ICAEL Certified same exact symptoms, but they have dif-
Instead of a typical 10-to-15-minute ini- ferent goals, different expectations. Every-
WE HAVE TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU • WWW.PRIMARYDOCS.NET tial office visit, Popp says, “I end up spending one doesn’t fit into the same mold. What’s
1265 36TH STREET, VERO BEACH, FL 32960 probably about 40 minutes with the patient.” causing me pain may not be causing you
pain. And, people have different opinions
Erol Atamer, MD • Fredrick Baker, MD • Hal Brown, MD • Andrea Kaupas, DO • Collin Kitchell, MD • Richard Penly, MD That time is not used for technical med- on what their pain levels are or what they
Joshua Shipley, MD • Gary Silverman, MD • Arthur Splendoria, MD • Guy Ulrich, MD • Andre Vendryes, MD • Samuel Watkins, MD ical discussions, for the most part, and it’s consider painful.”
highly unlikely you’ll hear about ‘verte-
Debora Baxa, PA • Laura Hanke, ARNP • Meredith Kitchell, MMS, PA-C • Richard Miller, PA-C brobasilar nerve ablations’ or ‘mobi-C cer- CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
vical replacement discs’ or ‘coflex interla-
Nancy Baker, MD • Christina Namvar, DO • Mark Sultzman, PA-C, PharmD
10 January 31, 2020 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 comprehensive spinal center’s worth of Neurosurgeon spreading the word on
resources and staffing, Popp is clearly ‘focused ultrasound’ for Parkinson’s
And while Popp is clearly energized by confident that – with or without surgery
today’s motion-sparing techniques, he also – he and his colleagues at Vero Orthopae- By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer
cautions that they are not right for everyone. dics & Neurology can help make back or [email protected]
neck pain little more than a memory for
“You don’t want to do it in a person that the vast majority of patients – though he Anyone who has Parkinson’s disease –
has so much arthritis that you actually admits he often hopes for more than just a or has a friend or relative with the afflic-
might make things worse,” Popp explains. successful outcome. tion – knows about the tremors that most
“You’ve got to pick and choose. And, again, often accompany that disease.
listen to the patient.” “I do love it when I get a hug from a pa-
tient. That’s always a nice thing.” This coming Wednesday, Feb. 5, Dr. Neal
He also is sensitive to the fact that surgery Kassell, an eminent neurosurgeon and
of any kind – even minimally invasive sur- Dr. Craig Popp is with Vero Orthopae- professor of neurosurgery at the Universi-
geries – can be downright scary for patients. dics & Neurology at 1155 37th Lane in Vero ty of Virginia, now retired, will be speak-
Beach, where the phone number is 772-569- ing at Quail Valley about a non-invasive
“I think we surgeons sometimes be- 2330, and 801 Wellness Way, Suite 100 in therapeutic technology called “focused
come immune to how scary it is for them,” Sebastian, where the phone number is 772- ultrasound” that could be a game-changer
Popp says. “We do it all the time. But for 388-9510. for people with Parkinson’s and a number
that patient, you know what? It’s often the of other diseases.
first time [he or she] is having surgery.”
So, just what is “focused ultrasound”
Still, supported by what amounts to a and how does it work?
Kassell says it’s a technology that has Dr. Neal Kassell.
the power “to transform the treatment of
many devastating medical disorders, in- ‘It doesn’t take an enormous
cluding Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s leap of faith to appreciate
disease, OCD, depression, epilepsy, brain that if you can treat an area
tumors and others,” by heating tightly fo-
cused spots in the brain. deep in the brain in an
awake patient ... it will also
That’s a bold pronouncement, but work more easily in areas
Kassell is so convinced of the effica-
cy and potential of focused ultrasound outside the brain ...’
that in 2006 he became the founder and
chairman of the Focused Ultrasound – Dr. Neal Kassell
cal map of the brain.
According to the “My Cleveland Clin- “Then the correct position for the le-
ic” website, in focused ultrasound proce-
dures, “over 1,000 highly focused beams of sion is confirmed by heating the area to a
ultrasound are concentrated on a specific moderate degree to see if it produces any
area in the brain’s thalamus. The thala- adverse effects like weakness and/or the
mus is a relay station for motor and senso- desired reduction in the symptoms.
ry signals in the brain.
“If it doesn’t produce the desired effect,
“The heat from the ultrasound causes the target can be relocated and fine-tuned
a tiny burn or lesion on the targeted spot before the temperature is raised again to
on the thalamus. Creating the tiny burn make the final lesion, which will then de-
or lesion interrupts the abnormal activity, stroy the cells.”
which relieves the tremors associated with
the disease.” Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is
used in the planning stages, providing the
The Michael J. Fox Foundation adds, surgeon with clear and highly detailed pic-
“Focused ultrasound does not require sur- tures to help pinpoint the area of the brain
gical incisions or general anesthesia. It’s to treat.
typically a one-time procedure that pro-
duces immediate symptomatic benefit.” Since retiring from neurosurgery prac-
tice and his post a professor of neurosur-
To be clear, the procedure does not cure gery at the University of Virginia in Char-
Parkinson’s, but effectively treats one of lottesville, Kassell spends the bulk of his
the main symptoms. time crisscrossing the country promot-
ing the use of focused ultrasound to col-
About 80 percent of Parkinson’s patients leagues and audiences to help more people
experience tremors, and while tremors do get the benefit of this procedure.
not necessarily affect a patient’s life ex-
pectancy, they do interfere with quality of “It doesn’t take an enormous leap of
life and be downright debilitating. faith,” says Kassell, “to appreciate that if
you can treat an area deep in the brain in
For example, tremors can make former- an awake patient, through the intact scalp
ly simple tasks such as cutting meals into
bite-size portions and then raising that
food up to the mouth a frustrating, if not
impossible, task.
Burning brain cells to stop tremors
might seem like a drastic and risky under-
taking but Kassell reassuringly explains
that “the way the target in the brain is se-
lected is based on an atlas or an anatomi-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH January 31, 2020 11
and skull with extreme precision and ac- used to treat prostate cancer in men and worldwide got focused ultrasound last year. vate clinic in Del Ray Beach and another
curacy, it will also work more easily in uterine fibroids in women. One reason for slow acceptance of this site that is soon to begin clinical cases at
areas outside the brain in more forgiving, Baptist Hospital in Miami.
less sensitive locations such as the breast New uses for focused ultrasound treat- remarkable treatment in the U.S. is the fact
or liver.” ments have been slow to catch on. that “hardly any insurers will pay for it,” Kassell is keen to spread the word on
according to STAT.com. what he thinks is possible with this tech-
The basic focused ultrasound technol- As medical news website STAT.com nology. He’ll be speaking at the Quail Val-
ogy was first introduced in the 1950s, but wrote in April 2016, “the treatment is more Kassell says just over 15 sites nationwide ley next Wednesday as part of the club’s
until recently it has predominantly been widely accessible in Europe and Asia than currently offer focused ultrasound for speaker series.
in the U.S. but only about 25,000 patients brain cell treatments, including one pri-
12 January 31, 2020 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | HEALTHY SENIOR
C. difficile: Why seniors are more likely to get it
By Fred Cicetti | Columnist There are hundreds of types of bacteria in
your intestinal tract that you need to main-
Q. My son picked up an infection in the hos- tain good health. Antibiotics often destroy
pital recently. It sounded like the doctors were these beneficial bacteria while trying to kill
calling it “see-dift.” It gave him terrible diar- off the ones that are making you sick. If you
rhea. Do you know what this is? don’t have enough good bacteria in your
body, C. diff can proliferate.
The doctors were referring to the bacte-
rium Clostridium difficile, which is often C. diff can cause diarrhea with 10 or more
called C. diff or C. difficile. There’s a good watery bowel movements daily. C. diff can
chance you’ll be hearing more about C. diff also produce severe colon inflammations
because infections are increasing through- including fatal colitis. C. diff is suspected of
out the world. causing almost all intestinal infections fol-
lowing therapy with antibiotics.
In recent years, C. diff has become one
of the most common infections in hospi- Older people are at greater risk of getting
tals, and it can be fatal. C. diff can produce C. diff because they are more likely to be hos-
two virulent toxins that attack the lining of pitalized and treated with antibiotics, and
the intestine. they are especially susceptible to recurring
infections. In one study, the risk of becoming
The Centers for Disease Control and Pre- infected with C. difficile was 10 times greater
vention (CDC) estimates that C. difficile for people age 65 and older compared with
causes about half a million infections in the younger people.
United States annually. Of those who are in-
fected, about 29,000 die within 30 days of the While C. diff can be brought on by anti-
initial diagnosis. biotic therapy, it can also be fought off with
certain antibiotics. However, in recent years,
C. diff is what is called a “healthcare-asso- C. diff has become more virulent. Stronger
ciated infection,” which means that it is one strains of C. diff can make about 20 times as
you can pick up in a hospital or similar facil- many toxins as common strains. The new
ity such as a nursing home. About one in five strains are more resistant to treatment.
hospital patients get C. diff, but only about
one in three of these suffer symptoms. How- There are several ways to test for C. diff.: a
stool test for toxins, a colon examination with
ever, C. diff isn’t just an institutional threat; a scope, and a CAT scan.
you can get it elsewhere.
The number of C. diff infections can be
The bacteria are eliminated in feces and reduced by avoiding the unnecessary use of
then spread by infected people who don’t antibiotics.
wash their hands thoroughly with soap and
warm water. Antibiotics are used to combat bacteria,
not viruses. So, these potent drugs should
In healthcare facilities, C. difficile trav- be used for infections of the ear, sinuses,
els between patients mainly on the hands urinary tract and skin. They’re also used to
of caregivers, but also on cart handles, treat strep throat. They should not be used
bedrails, bedpans, toilets, bathing tubs, for viruses that cause most sore throats,
stethoscopes, thermometers, telephones coughs, colds and flu.
and TV remote controls. What’s more, the
bacteria produce hardy spores that can sur- However, doctors in the U.S. write about
vive for months. 50 million antibiotic prescriptions for viral
illnesses anyway. Patient pressure is a major
C. diff bacteria are omnipresent, but they cause for these prescriptions.
don’t pose a threat unless they multiply ab-
normally in the intestines. This can happen If you must take an antibiotic, ask your doc-
when you take antibiotics. tor for one with a narrow range; broad-spec-
trum antibiotics are more likely to disrupt
intestinal bacteria.
Spacious Pointe West home
just steps from golf course
7509 14th Lane in Pointe West’s Central Village: 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 2,441-square-foot home
offered for $339,000 by Alex MacWilliam Real Estate listing agent Brenda Montgomery: 772-231-6509
14 January 31, 2020 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
Spacious Pointe West home just steps from golf course
By Debbie Carson | Staff Writer
[email protected]
One of the first homes built in PointeWest
is ready for what will be its second family.
Larry Larson and his wife are ready to
take their RV lifestyle full-time and trav-
el the country and no longer need their
2,441-square-foot home base, which sits
across the street from the Pointe West
After spending the last few years travel-
ing more than they were home, they decid-
ed now would be a good time to downsize.
“We fell in love with the area,” Larry Lar-
son said of the space where Pointe West
ultimately grew up. When they bought in
the community, theirs was just the fourth
home built.
The house, built in 2001, sits on the
ninth fairway of the Pointe West golf course
– something the Larsons have taken full
advantage of. Golfing is a hobby they plan
to maintain while out on the open road.
Southern Classic Homes built the Lar-
sons’ house.
“We’re very happy with it,” Larson said.
Along with being the homeowner, he is one
of the agents listing the property through
Alex MacWilliam Real Estate. Brenda
Montgomery is the co-listing agent.
Coming into the house, visitors enter
the foyer and immediately feel at home. guests at one time without feeling the
The “formal” dining room is off to the crush. Making use of ample parking across
side and the great room is straight ahead. the street at the clubhouse takes the guess-
Arched wall openings lend an airiness to work out of where to put all the cars.
the space and make hosting large gather-
ings a breeze. As with just about any gathering, most
guests gravitate to the kitchen, which
Larson said they’ve had as many as 70 looks out onto the great room. The sink is
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E January 31, 2020 15
set into an elevated peninsula bar, allow-
ing for easy conversations.
“We’re talking and having a great time,”
Larson said, recalling past gatherings.
The kitchen features lovely oak cabine-
try, Corian counters and natural gas hook-
ups for the range.
The great room spills out through
French doors onto a screened brick-paved
patio, giving guests more options for
where to gather.
“Here is spectacular,” Larson said
looking out onto the ninth fairway while
standing in the patio. A stand of palm trees
serves as a natural screen for wayward golf
balls and Larson is quick to note they have
never lost a window to a golf ball.
The master suite is behind the kitchen,
giving it plenty of privacy. The large bed-
room has a major walk-in closet featuring
built-ins from California Closets. The clos-
et became the Larsons’ hurricane shelter
more than a couple times. Being an inte-
rior room without windows, it lent itself as
a great option for waiting out the worst of
the storm.
After going through several storms, the
worst damage the house ever suffered was
a lost piece of fascia board. The home is
equipped with hurricane shutters for extra
protection in any future blows.
The en suite has an oversized glass-en-
closed shower, a whirlpool soaker tub and
Corian counters. Larson explained that
granite wasn’t widely available 19 years
ago – and even if it had been, he wouldn’t
have chosen it. Too much upkeep to prop-
erly maintain, he said.
The two guest bedrooms are on the
other side of the house, separated by the
hall bath. Both bedrooms are large and
16 January 31, 2020 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
Just past the last bedroom is the laun- FEATURES FOR 7509 14TH LANE ances are new in the past four years.
dry/mud room leading out to the 2-plus- The Larsons are ready to move on with
car garage. The garage has ample space Neighborhood: Central Village in Pointe West
for two vehicles, along with cabinets for Construction: Concrete block, stucco their next RV-ing adventure and motivat-
storage. ed to sell the house soon.
Year built: 2001 – single owner • Builder: Southern Classic
“It’s ready to move into,” Larson said. Size: 2,441 square feet • Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 2 “I’m ready to sell tomorrow,” Larry Lar-
The interior was recently repainted in son said.
neutral tones to allow the next home- Additional features: Steps away from Pointe West clubhouse
owner to have a clean slate. All the appli- and first tee of golf course; on the 9th fairway; open concept; To that end, Larson will be hosting open
oak kitchen; large bedrooms; laundry/mud room; crown mold- houses on Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 1
ing throughout; plantation shutters; appliances new within 4 and 2, from noon to 2 p.m.
years; natural gas hook-ups.
Listing agency: Alex MacWilliam Real Estate
Listing agent:
Brenda Montgomery and Larry Larson, 772-231-6509
Listing price: $339,000
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E January 31, 2020 17
Top 10 lists of hottest real estate cities of the future
By Michele Lerner | The Washington Post The NAR list, which is in alphabetical Ogden, Utah
order rather than a rank, includes:
Thinking about relocating to a hot mar-
ket – a city where housing prices might rise Charleston, S.C.
in the next year or two? Charlotte
Colorado Springs
Realtor.com and the National Associa- Columbus, Ohio
tion of Realtors (NAR) have come up with Dallas-Fort Worth
separate Top 10 lists. The organizations Fort Collins, Colo.
used different criteria to predict which Las Vegas
housing markets will see the most growth Ogden, Utah
this year and beyond, so their lists don’t Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill, N.C.
match exactly. Tampa/St. Petersburg.
In fact, the only two cities that made
both lists are Charleston, S.C., and Colora-
do Springs.
Realtor.com’s list focuses just on
where officials think the most percentage
growth in sales and prices will occur in
2020. It looks at markets that have unre-
alized potential in their housing markets.
While some parts of the country may see
a slowdown in the pace of sales and in
price growth in 2020, the combination of
economic momentum, lower prices and
healthier levels of supply mean these mar-
kets should expect to grow. Realtor.com
predicts sales will decline nationally by 1.8
percent in 2020, while prices will rise just
0.8 percent for a combined decline in the
housing market of one percent.
Charleston, South Carolina
Here is Realtor.com’s Top 10 list:
1. Boise City, Idaho
2. McAllen-Edinburg-Mission, Texas
3. Tucson
4. Chattanooga
5. Columbia, S.C.
6. Rochester, N.Y.
7. Colorado Springs
8. Winston-Salem, N.C.
9. Charleston/ North Charleston, S.C.
10. Memphis
The National Association of Realtors fo-
cused on a longer time frame, looking at
housing markets expected to outperform
other markets over the next three to five years.
NAR’s predictions are based on domestic mi-
gration patterns, housing affordability for
new residents, consistent job growth relative
to the national average, attractiveness for re-
tirees and home price appreciation.
18 January 31, 2020 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
A week of modest activity on the mainland real estate market saw 24 transactions of single-family
residences and lots change hands.
The top sale of the week was in Vero Beach, where the 4-bedroom, 4-bathroom residence at 260
Sea Gull Ave. – first listed in July for $899,000 – sold for $680,000 on Jan. 21.
Representing the seller in the transaction was agent Kelly Fischer of ONE Sotheby’s International
Realty. Representing the buyer was agent T.P. Kennedy of Proctor Kennedy Properties LLC.
VERO BEACH 260 SEA GULL AVE 7/8/2019 $899,000 1/21/2020 $420,000
VERO BEACH 675 23RD AVE 11/19/2019 $425,000 1/22/2020 $370,000
SEBASTIAN 312 SEBASTIAN CROSSINGS BLVD 12/20/2019 $380,000 1/24/2020 $368,500
VERO BEACH 2370 LITTLE EAGLE LN SW 11/1/2019 $374,900 1/21/2020 $355,000
VERO BEACH 3680 ARCADIA CT 12/2/2019 $369,900 1/22/2020 $335,000
SEBASTIAN 258 DICKENS AVE 11/2/2019 $359,900 1/24/2020 $315,000
VERO BEACH 6318 ASTOR PL 8/19/2019 $325,000 1/23/2020 $315,000
VERO BEACH 6034 SEQUOIA CIR 7/24/2019 $355,000 1/24/2020 $300,000
VERO BEACH 5787 MAGNOLIA LN 7/8/2019 $325,000 1/22/2020 $295,000
VERO BEACH 3320 57TH AVE 12/2/2019 $324,900 1/21/2020 $290,000
VERO BEACH 1805 BERKSHIRE CIR SW 10/22/2019 $299,900 1/23/2020 $279,000
VERO BEACH 4349 BEAUTY LEAF CIR 8/2/2019 $284,000 1/23/2020 $260,000
VERO BEACH 4145 ABINGTON WOODS CIR 11/14/2019 $279,000 1/24/2020 $240,000
VERO BEACH 579 HIGH HAWK CIR 10/31/2019 $250,000 1/22/2020 $240,000
SEBASTIAN 1517 EMERSON LN 11/18/2019 $259,000 1/21/2020 $228,000
VERO BEACH 7570 15TH LN 10/31/2019 $235,000 1/22/2020 $214,400
SEBASTIAN 348 ENGLAR DR 12/3/2019 $239,900 1/24/2020 $200,000
VERO BEACH 1025 21ST CT 6/19/2019 $235,000 1/22/2020 $190,000
VERO BEACH 1316 24TH AVE SW 9/11/2019 $198,500 1/21/2020 $185,900
SEBASTIAN 386 COLUMBUS ST 1/3/2020 $184,900 1/21/2020 $135,000
VERO BEACH 2800 INDIAN RIVER BLVD UNIT#B10 11/4/2019 $142,900 1/24/2020 $130,000
VERO BEACH 590 N TROPIC LN UNIT#2A 12/2/2019 $130,000 1/24/2020 $102,000
VERO BEACH 61 WOODLAND DR UNIT#201 11/12/2019 $109,900 1/23/2020 $65,000
VERO BEACH 98 SPRING LAKE DR UNIT#101 12/18/2019 $69,900 1/22/2020
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E January 31, 2020 19
675 23rd Ave, Vero Beach 312 Sebastian Crossings Blvd, Sebastian
Listing Date: 11/19/2019 Listing Date: 12/20/2019
Original Price: $425,000 Original Price: $380,000
Sold: 1/22/2020 Sold: 1/24/2020
Selling Price: $420,000 Selling Price: $370,000
Listing Agent: Steven Rennick Listing Agent: Chris Junker
Selling Agent: Rennick Real Estate Selling Agent: RE/MAX Crown Realty
Steven Rennick Jan Malcolm
Rennick Real Estate RE/MAX Crown Realty
2370 Little Eagle Ln SW, Vero Beach 3680 Arcadia Ct, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 11/1/2019 Listing Date: 12/2/2019
Original Price: $374,900 Original Price: $369,900
Sold: 1/21/2020 Sold: 1/22/2020
Selling Price: $368,500 Selling Price: $355,000
Listing Agent: Sarah Tafoya Listing Agent: Ashley Fletcher
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC
Keith Dingess Bob Faller
Keller Williams Realty Berkshire Hathaway Florida
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plans) is not guaranteed and remains subject to change, availability or delay without notice. Any community improvements, recreational features and
amenities described are based upon current development plans, which are subject to change and under no obligation to be completed. Maps and plans
are not to scale, are not intended to show specific detailing and all dimensions are approximate. Prices may not include lot premiums, upgrades and
options. Community Association or other fees may be required. This communication is not intended to constitute an offering in violation of the law of any
jurisdiction and in such cases our communications may be limited by the laws of your state. Please see a Taylor Morrison Community Sales Manager
or Internet Home Consultant for details and visit www.taylormorrison.com for additional disclaimers. For NJ prospective buyers: This advertisement is
a solicitation for the sale of homes in Vitalia at Tradition: N.J. Reg. No. 13-04-0002. For our NY prospective buyers: THE COMPLETE OFFERING TERMS
ARE IN AN OFFERING PLAN AVAILABLE FROM THE SPONSOR. FILE NO. H130003. For our Age Qualified Communities only: At least one resident
of household must be 55 or older, and additional restrictions apply. Some residents may be younger than 55 in limited circumstances. For minimum
age requirements for permanent residents in a specific community, please see Taylor Morrison Community Sales Manager for complete details. Taylor
Morrison of Florida, Inc. CBC1257462; Royal Oak Homes, LLC CBC035126; Avatar Properties, Inc., d/b/a AV Homes CBC1254089.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH January 31, 2020 B1
Coming Up Riverside’s ‘39 Steps’: Whodunit delivers
frenzied fun PAGE B2
By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent
[email protected]
Good heavens! There are just not
enough days in the week to do even
half of what’s coming up.
1 Although this is not an actu-
al movie screening, it should
be fascinating. It’s a talk by Mi-
chael Tougias, author of “The
Finest Hours,” which was turned
into a Disney film in 2016 star-
ring Chris Pine and Casey Affleck.
Tougias will speak about how the
disaster movie was made. And
1 Michael Tougias at Adam Schnell.
North IR Library Feb. 6.
B2 January 31, 2020 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
Riverside’s ‘39 Steps’: Whodunit delivers frenzied fun
By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent previous play by Simon Corble and Nobby
[email protected] Dimon, “The 39 Steps” makes theatrical
high-camp fun of the 1935 Alfred Hitch-
Gags so gloriously over the top that cock film of the same name. Throughout,
groans are welcomed relief, brisk timing references are made to numerous Hitch-
so tight it crunches under your feet like a cock films.
stroll in autumn, four actors so charged
with comic energy and vaudevillian delight Set in pre-war Great Britain, the plot fol-
in dozens of roles that you’re exhausted by lows dapper Richard Hannay, who goes to
intermission … all that can mean only one the theater and accidentally becomes em-
thing: “The 39 Steps,” and it is produced to broiled in a plot concerning German spies.
perfection at Riverside Theatre. He escapes capture and heads to Scotland
to solve a murder mystery, for which he is
The play, adapted in 2005 by Patrick Bar- the main suspect.
low from John Buchanan’s 1915 novel and a
Dan Fenaughty and
Jessica Mosher.
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE January 31, 2020 B3
Bruce Warren, Seth Andrew
Bridges, and Dan Fenaughty
on the floor.
The theatrical “conceit” here is that liceman’s hat; and then he pivots, facing
a few items (and people) have multiple right with a newsboy’s hat. Voila, a conver-
uses. Trunks get pulled on and off stage. sation between two. One man speaks into
Doors and windows are moved about as a cup while another is on the phone; what
characters go through them. Streetlamps you hear is the muffled voice coming from
get dragged on from offstage and used in the phone. Et cetera, et cetera …
the silliest of manners.
And it’s all done with such alacrity by
One man creates a conversation between the professional cast that you barely have
two people by facing left and wearing a po-
B4 January 31, 2020 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B3 Dan Fenaughty and could murder a couple of lily-gilding dar-
Jessica Mosher. lings, like the frequent furtive moments be-
time to breathe. tween Hannay and Pamela, and speed up
Dan Fenaughty takes on the Hannay the final act.
role, which is like a two-hour aerobics mar- Big kudos here to the design team as well.
athon. He crawls through windows, jumps Scenic designer Emily Luongo has created
on moving trains, runs away from the cop- such a delightful playground for these ac-
pers, yet still has time to woo a woman. tors, and for the audience. Luongo turns the
black box Waxlax Stage into a deserted pro-
The plotline also involved a mysterious scenium theater.
woman with a schtrong Cherman ackz-
ent, a wee Scottish lass and a do-good- Ropes, sandbags and ladders line audi-
er named Pamela, who has no idea how ence walls, and a collection of old props line
sexy she is. They are all played by Jessica stage walls. A ghost light sits in the center
Mosher, who is especially funny in her of the stage. An actual proscenium arch has
vampish portrayal of the German spy, An- been built complete with traveling curtain.
nabella Schmidt.
It’s not surprising to read in the program
Rounding out the other 100-plus roles that Luongo has designed for Riverside’s
are two actors called “The Clowns.” Played children’s programming. Typically, design
by Bruce Warren and Seth Andrew Bridges, for children’s theater must be filled with
these two knit up the action. uninhibited creativity and playfulness. She
certainly has brought those two ingredi-
They become a vaudeville act, travel- ents to this production.
ing salesmen, policemen, newsboys, spies,
Scottish innkeepers and so many more. Jen Dasher’s costume design is excep-
Bridges is a hoot as the mysterious wife of tional as well. The costumes not only re-
Prof. Jordan. And Warren has such great flect the period, but they are also highly
fun that he steals the show in his many bril- functional in the lightning fast costume
liant bits, especially those of a “bosomy” changes.
innkeeper; and the head of a Germany spy
ring, to whom he brings a syrupy, villainous Craig Beyrooti’s sound design and Sarah
Sydney Greenstreet essence. Jean Elliott’s lighting design are both key to
moving the plot. Indeed, the lighting and
Director Trey Compton uses all his sound designs for the Broadway produc-
skills, including those of choreography tion both won the show’s only 2008 Tony
and fight director, to fit all the puzzle piec- Awards. And both designs at Riverside are
es together. He has forged a brilliant bit excellent and polished. You can’t get better.
on the train, where his actors, sitting on
a couple of wooden trunks, bump along Big kudos to stage manager Kyle Atkins
then swing this way and that as the train and his crew. The timing here is so exact-
stops, then squeeze by each other, “Sorry, ing, so crisp that any slip would embarrass.
sorry, sorry, sorry …” There are no slip-ups. The cues, like the act-
ing, are exquisitely performed.
As is the convention with this play, coat-
tails flap in the wind as the characters There’s a poignant timing with the
crawl along the top of the train … or when opening of this production. The play is fre-
a door opens onto the Scottish moors. Ac- quently described as a Monty Python meets
tors bump up and down in a car as it trav- Hitchcock. The TV comedy troupe Monty
els a country road. Shadow puppetry, by Python was founded by Terry Jones, who
design naively wrought, suggests a num- died the night that Riverside opened this
ber of scenes, most vividly crop dusters production. And, indeed, you can certainly
bearing down on Hannay (a la “North by see that wonderful madcap British influ-
Northwest”). ence in this play.
However, for a comedy, this production It is whodunit fun from start to finish.
does run a tad bit too long. The first act is so
fast and filled with such fury of action, that “The 39 Steps” runs through Feb. 9 at
you are exhausted by intermission. The sec- Riverside Theatre, 3250 Riverside Dr., Vero
ond act slows down considerably. Compton Beach. Tickets are $65. Call 772-231-6990 or
visit RiversideTheatre.com.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE January 31, 2020 B5
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 5 Four Shillings Short will perform their
Celtic/folk/world music at “Around
by the way, of particular interest is the the World in 30 Instruments” concert 6 p.m.
fact that the hero in the story was Ber- Wednesday, Feb. 5 at the North Indian Riv-
nie Webber who lives in Melbourne. The er County Library. This is a free family con-
talk begins 2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 4 at the cert. The library is at 1001 Sebastian Blvd.,
North Indian River Library, 1001 Sebas- Sebastian, Fla. Call 772-589-1355 or visit
tian Blvd., Sebastian. Also, the Friends of IRCLibrary.org.
the Library will present the 1970 movie
“Lovers and Other Strangers,” 1:30 p.m. 6 The Pareidolia Brewing Compa-
Feb. 6 at the North Indian River Library. ny will host the Finally Friday Fest
The screening includes refreshments with live music from the Mixers 6 p.m. to
and a short movie trivia contest with 9 p.m. this Friday, Jan. 31. The fest will be
prizes. Free. The library is at 1001 Sebas- held adjacent to the brewery, which is at
tian Blvd., Sebastian. Call 772-589-1355 712 Cleveland Street, Sebastian. Call 772-
or visit IRCLibrary.org. 571-5693 or visit PareidoliaBrewingCom-
2 The Vero Beach Theatre Guild has
something unusual and of a literary 3 Michael Naffziger’s class at Vero 7 Vero Beach Museum of Art Gala 7 Michael Amante at Vero Beach
nature: a staged reading of Arthur Miller’s Beach Theatre Guild Feb. 8. 2020 features Broadway perform- Museum of Art Gala this Friday.
acclaimed drama “A View from the Bridge.” er Michael Amante. Guests will be treated
First, a disclaimer, yours truly directed this. to cocktails, the performance and dinner. 8 Gallery 14 opens the “Riptides: Collag-
An artful hybrid between a production It begins 6 p.m. this Friday, Jan. 31. Tick- es by Derek Gores” exhibit this Sunday,
and a play reading, a “staged reading” has ets start at $750. Also in focus at the Vero Feb. 2, with a reception scheduled for 5 p.m.
actors holding scripts and moving about Beach Museum will be the opening of the to 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6. Gores is a popu-
in character to tell the story. “A View from new exhibition, “From Home to Hopper: lar Melbourne artist whose work has been
the Bridge” is part of the Theatre Guild’s American Art from The Phillips Collection.” exhibited throughout the country. Gallery 14
Apron Series “A Season with Arthur Mill- It runs through May. Admission to the mu- is at 1911 14th Ave., Vero Beach. Call 772-562-
er.” The staged reading has three perfor- seum’s galleries is $12 general, $11 seniors, 5525 or visit Gallery14VeroBeach.com.
mances, 7:30 p.m. this Friday, Jan. 31, and $5 students and free to members. Call 772-
2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 1 and 2. 231-0707 or visit VBMuseum.org.
Tickets are $15 general and $5 students 18
years and younger. The Vero Beach Theatre
Guild is at 2020 San Juan Ave., Vero Beach.
Call 772-562-8300 or visit VeroBeachTheat-
3 Would-be actors sitting on the side- 4 Joan Osborne at Emerson
lines, pay attention: The Vero Beach Center Feb. 6.
Theatre Guild will also offer “Musical Audi-
tioning 101” taught by theater professional a bus.” The concert is presented by LIVE!
Michael Naffziger. Beginners are welcomed. From Vero Beach. It begins 7 p.m. Thurs-
It is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, day, Feb. 6 at the Emerson Center, 1590
Feb. 8. $50. Deadline to register is Feb. 5. Call 27th Ave., Vero Beach. Tickets are $30 to
772-562-8300 or visit VeroBeachTheatre- $95. Call 800-595-4849 or visit TheEmer-
Guild.com. sonCenter.com.
4 The wonderful singer Joan Osborne
comes to the Emerson Center next
week. Osborne became widely known for
her recording “One of Us,” that asks, “What
if God were one of us … just a stranger on
1. All the Ways We Said 1. Bubble in the Sun 1. With a Little Help from My
2. Naked Came the Florida BY JUANITA N. BAKER, PHD 2. The Lost Continent (Wings of
3. Hunter Killer 4. Sam Houston & the Alamo 3. Love from the Cryaons
5. Tell Me a Story
4. Little Lovely Things 4. Dog Man: Fetch-22
5. The Dutch House
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Photos of the Month Mind & Spiritual Practices into
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B6 January 31, 2020 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
Scampi Grill: Venerable restaurant’s better than ever
By Tina Rondeau | Columnist Cioppino.
[email protected]
Of Vero’s many Italian restaurants, one
we always look forward to visiting is the
Scampi Grill.
After several years, its “new” home on
20th Street now seems as much of a fixture
in the local dining scene as its former
longtime quarters in Vero’s old down-
But it still seems hard to believe
that the Scampi Grill’s founder,
Dominick “Mimmo” Amelio,
handed over the kitchen to his
very creative executive chef
son, Alessandro, more than a
decade ago.
This past Wednesday
brought one of those moments
of déjà vu.
Arriving shortly after 7 p.m.,
who was waiting in the door- way
to welcome us but Mimmo, who n o w
on some evenings performs front-
of-the-house duties for his son.
We love seeing Mimmo. But while
we always used to enjoy his dishes
(particularly his scampi preparations,
after which the restaurant was original-
ly named), we would be remiss if we did
not report that the Scampi Grill offerings
created by Alessandro have raised the bar
another notch.
On this visit, our party of three decided
Scottish Salmon Limon.
to start with two appetizers: the Rhode Is- While the classic San Francisco ciop- the roasted, house-made duck sausage – a Hours:
land clams ($12.95) and the baby artichokes pino is a fish stew, with a combination of $5 add-on and worth every penny. Monday through Saturday,
“Francese” ($10.95). seafood served in a tasty broth that can
then be soaked up with a hearty bread, By the time we finished these wonder- 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.
The tender artichokes, lightly egg-bat- Alessandro’s riff on a cioppino was served ful dishes, none of us had room for dessert,
tered with Italian herbs, were finished in in a perfectly spiced fra diavolo sauce over so we concluded the evening with espres- Beverages: Beer & Wine
a lemon caper butter sauce. Wonderful. linguine pasta. Not much sauce was left for sos ($3.90).
But the little neck clams, sautéed with ol- mopping, but this was a great variation. Address:
ive oil, roasted garlic and fresh herbs, were Whether you try one of the specials or 815 20th Street, Vero Beach
finished with a chardonnay butter sauce. The paccheri Bolognese was similarly choose an old favorite – and whether you dine
Sensational. creative – a combination of freshly ground inside or out (it was too cool for the garden Phone: 772-563-9766
veal, port and beef sautéed with roasted the night we were there) – for creative Italian
Then for entrées, I had Alessandro’s ci- pancetta ham, tossed in a tomato ragu cuisine it’s hard to beat the Scampi Grill.
oppino ($34.95). Our companion ordered with a large tubular pasta that suits the
the Scottish salmon ($31.45, and excel- dish better than penne. I welcome your comments, and encour-
lent), and my husband opted for ‘paccheri’ age you to send feedback to me at Tina@
Bolognese with duck sausage ($27.95). The secret ingredient in this dish was VeroBeach32963.com.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING & WINE January 31, 2020 B7
An iconoclastic critic of ‘Big Wine’ sells his indie vineyard
By Dave McIntyre beaujolais,” died Jan. 4 at age 86. Duboeuf Boony Doon Vineyard.
The Washington Post was a marketing genius who turned beau-
jolais nouveau, the barely fermented wine Michel Lafarge created sublime burgun-
The romantic idea of a small, individual- of the recent harvest, into a global party dies that entranced many connoisseurs.
istic winery tilting quixotically at the wind- each November. Lafarge died Jan. 15 at age 91. He was a
mills of corporate wine took a hit this month fifth-generation vigneron, based in Volnay,
with the news that Randall Grahm has sold While Duboeuf popularized beaujolais, with small vineyards in other villages of the
Bonny Doon Vineyard. Cote de Beaune.
Grahm’s story – his successes and fail- Randall
ures – is quite personal and individual, yet Grahm.
the sale illustrates the difficulty small, in-
dependent wineries face in a market that is WarRoom Ventures was founded in 2018
increasingly consolidated at every level. to “focus on great value wines with brand-
ing that evokes emotion,” company presi-
If it is possible for anyone to be both icon dent Andrew Nelson said in the statement
and iconoclast, Grahm accomplished that. announcing the partnership with Bonny
He launched Bonny Doon in 1981 hoping to Doon. The company’s website features three
make pinot noir in the Santa Cruz Moun- brands: Lapis Luna and Wildlife Wine, both
tains of California. But he quickly turned to with vibrantly colored labels, and a rosé
Rhone varieties such as grenache and syrah. wine seltzer called Bubble Butt.
He named his flagship red blend Le Cig- •● • •
are Volant, after a 1954 ordinance passed The world of wine lost two French giants
by the famous wine town of Chateauneuf- in January. Georges Duboeuf, the “king of
du-Pape in southern France that banned
“flying cigars” – UFOs – from landing in the
He created the Big House line of wines,
which offered high quality at prices almost
impossibly modest for California, but sold it
in 2006 because he didn’t want to become the
type of “big wine” corporation he loathed.
He also created Pacific Rim Riesling, with
innovative labeling you read through the
wine in the bottle, and built that into a suc-
cessful brand before selling it in 2011.
Bonny Doon’s Vin Gris de Cigare was a hit
rosé before rosé became a craze. He was also
among the first – and still very few – to advo-
cate ingredient labeling on wines.
Grahm’s creativity and restlessness
didn’t always work in his favor. He acknowl-
edges impatience with “the business side of
the business,” adding, “spreadsheets give
me a headache.” In a conversation I had
with him late last year, he tended to begin
his answers with “Well, it seemed like a
good idea at the time . . . ”
He grew Bonny Doon to 40,000 cases, not
large by California standards, but he had so
many different wines it was often hard to
keep up. The market couldn’t keep up, ei-
ther, and ultimately it moved on.
Bonny Doon’s new owner is WarRoom
Ventures, the parent company of Lapis Luna
Wines in Santa Margarita, Calif.
While Grahm tried to succeed with Bon-
ny Doon in both traditional distribution and
direct-to-consumer sales, he said those two
paths are increasingly difficult to navigate,
because they value opposite attributes.
“There has been a greater consolidation
of the wholesale channel, with mid-sized
fine wine distributors – those ideally suit-
ed to sell Bonny Doon wines – becoming
an endangered species vulnerable to either
acquisition or non-viability,” Grahm ex-
plained to me in an email after the sale was
announced. His “eclectic experimentation”
was “anathema” to wholesalers, who favor
“ubiquity, simplicity, availability,” he said.
B8 January 31, 2020 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING January 31, 2020 B9
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B10 January 31, 2020 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING January 31, 2020 B11
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B12 January 31, 2020 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS www.veronews.com
Cutie has Bonz barking, ‘Good golly, Miss Molly!’
pooch named Abbey “I KNOW! I go EVERY-
Hi Dog Buddies! (liddle, like me) who where with MaeMae. Ev-
At 15 months old, Molly Graham still got to be real old (117 erybody stops to pat me.
has a whole lotta puppy in her. She’s a real
pretty Maltese/Yorkie mix, a handy, porta- in dog years) an went Oooo, an you’ve GOTTA
ble-size pooch (8 pounds of fluffy energy)
whose Mission in Life is to be soft, cute and to Dog Heaven. Then, see my wardrobe!”
irresistibly loveable. And she totally nails it!
MaeMae’s huzz-bun MaeMae brought out a
Immediately after out knock, there was
lotsa yappin’ and toenail clickitys. Mol- also went to Heaven, colorful heap, an Molly said
ly’d been scooped up by the time the door
opened, an a frenly lady greeted us, Molly an MaeMae was all excitedly, “This (a pink-an-
wiggling in her arms.
alone. Well, her daugh- white plaid vest) is for chilly
“HI, Mr. Bonzo!! It’s ME, MOLLY GRA-
HAM! I got all brushed just for YOU! SEE?” ter decided she To- weather. An this match-
“I’m delighted to meet you, Miss Mol- tally Needed Another es!” (It was a stylish pink-
ly!” I knew right away this was gonna be a
Totally Crispy Dog Biscuits innerview. The Pooch.” Molly paused an-white plaid harness.)
lady placed Molly on the floor, where she
began dancin’ around me an my assistant. in front of me and said “Here’s my Ugly Christ-
“OOPS!,” she said, stopping abruptly. “I earnestly, “Even though mas Sweater!” (It WAS!)
keep forgetting the, um, that waggy thing.
What is it again?” I’m real young, Mr. Bon- “An THIS is my everyday
“The Wag-an-Sniff,” I prompted her. zo, I already know how Molly dress!” (It hadda pink top
“Oh, RIGHT!” She trotted up an execut- an black fluffy skirt.) “An
ed a quite proper, if wiggly, Dog Greeting. important us pooches PHOTO: KAILA JONES
“This is my MaeMae, Donna. When do are to humans, ’specially THIS,” she said, as Mae-
I get to tell you about me? Now? Are you
gonna write it down? Are you gonna take when they’re feeling Very Mae stuffed her into it,
my pickshur?”
“You can start whenever you’re ready, Sad an Lonely.” ing that she didn’t go out the special door. “is my FAVrite! My Christmas dress.” (She
Miss Molly, an I’ll write it all down in this
very notebook.” (I opened it.) “A special “You are absolutely right, Molly,” I agreed. MaeMae sorta scooted her toward it, but twirled. It was beautiful: red satin with gold
fuh-TAH-gruffer is gonna take your pick-
shur a little later. So just tell me how you “MaeMae’s fren, Noel, found my lidder Molly put the skids on. Then MaeMae dots an bow. She looked Totally Adorable.)
found your MaeMae, an how your life’s
been going, so far.” On Line – we were down in my-AM-ee – stuffed her gently through by the caboose, “Any special pooch pals?”
Molly licked the notebook and began
her story, which she told without ever ack- an MaeMae’s daughter saw our pickshur but Molly wiggled back in. Molly had finally plopped down, an was
shully coming to a complete stop. Mostly,
she an her MaeMae played fetch with a an said, ‘We’re going to my-AM-ee to get “I’m still getting’ used to this door,” she alternately chewing her Ugly Christmas
soggy, munched-on, squeaky leopard. Be-
tween the Toss-Zoom-Fetch-Repeats, she a puppy RIGHT AWAY!’ So she an Mae- admitted. Then, a coupla little humans Sweater an MaeMae’s shoelaces. “Oh, YES!
bounced about in front of me, talking all
the while. Totally fun. Mae drove down an met the humans an walked past laughin’ and talkin,’ on their Lots! My Bestie’s my niece, Josie, a bull terrier
“What happened was, MaeMae hadda
all us puppies in a MacDonald’s parking way home from school, an Molly shot out like that Target store mascot. For Halloween,
lot. Soon as MaeMae spotted me (I was the her liddle door to greet them, then shot her humans dressed like Target workers, an
RUNT, which sounds sorta ukky but it ack- back inside the same way. MaeMae was Josie had that red bullseye. Cool Kibbles! But
shully means the cutest an most adorable, very happy, an Molly was, too. “Hey, I DID MaeMae’s my Absolute BFF! We relax on the
I’m pretty sure), she KNEW I was The One. it! I guess I just needed a REASON!” couch together. An we’re Dinner Compan-
“I was happy an comftubble with Mae- “Congrats, Molly!” I said. ions. I make sure she wakes up, in case she
Mae right away. We snuggled all the way to “Oh, LOOKEE!” she called, excited. Mae- doesn’t hear the alarm. We go to the beach,
my new Forever Home. I slept in a liddle Mae held a big brown-an-white satchel which I LOVE! And I’m a fan of MUD, which I
crate on MaeMae’s bed for a while so I’d with handles. She placed Molly in it, with don’t think MaeMae likes that much.We also
feel safe an wouldn’t tumble off the bed cuz only her head pokin’ out. The ends were visit the nursing home, where I get to cuddle
I was so teeny. I still sleep on the bed but net and it fit just right over MaeMae’s with lotsa nice humans.”
without the crate, an I NEVER try to jump shoulder. “Whaddya think?” Heading home, I was thinking, once
off cuz it’s Very High Up. “You’re the perfect size!” again, what an important job us pets have,
“Oooo, come on, you gotta see this!” even if we’re not K-9’s or show pooches or
she said suddenly, and ran out to the DON’T BE SHY guide dogs: Being a Faithful, Loving Fren
bright, sunny screen patio, which had a
to our humans, ’specially when they’re
Molly-sized doggie door out to a pretty We are always looking for pets having a Bad Day, is more important than
green yard/garden with a very nice fence, with interesting stories.
the perfect size for Molly to run around in. we might ever understand.
To set up an interview, email
“It’s my Very Own Yard! Isn’t it great?” The Bonz
She stood looking out. [email protected].
“Totally Cool Kibbles,” I replied, not-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES January 31, 2020 B13
72 AQJ8 653
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 10 8 3 K72 A964
A K Q J 10 95 842
Leo Tolstoy wrote, “Error is the force that welds men together; truth is communicated to men Q54 AJ63 872
only by deeds of truth.”
Error is the force that welds less-experienced bridge players together. K 10 9 4
In my classes, if we exclude playing far too quickly from the dummy at trick one, I see two 763
errors more often than any others. They are related to answering partner’s takeout double K 10 9
and playing third hand high. Let’s put them under the spotlight this week.
Dealer: West; Vulnerable: Both
Look at the South hand in the diagram. West opens one diamond, North makes a takeout
double, and East passes — what should South do? The Bidding:
South can pass only when he has long and strong diamonds. So, a simple bid in a suit SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST
promises nothing; it has a range of 0-8 points. This South hand contains 9 points, so he ?? Pass
must jump to two spades. Yes, this could be a 4-3 fit, but we cannot worry about that at the 1 Diamonds Dbl. OPENING
moment. A good partner will have four-card support.
Here, North, knowing his partner has 9-11 points, jumps to four spades. How should South A Diamonds
plan the play after West cashes two top diamonds and exits with a trump?
Declarer has three top losers: one heart and two diamonds. He must find the club queen to
make his contract. When faced with a guess like this, leave it as late as possible. First, draw
the trumps. Then, play on hearts to learn that East holds the ace. Next, check the points.
South is missing only 16, and West opened the bidding, but East has the heart ace. West
must have the club queen, so finesse through him to get home safely.
JOAN OSBORNE MusicWorks and Paris Productions
The Emerson Center · 1590 27th Avenue, Vero Beach
Doors Open at 6 pm, Seating at 6:30 pm
Tickets: www.MusicWorksConcerts.com (800) 595-4849
PRESENTING SPONSORS: Cindy O’Dare & Fenia Hiaasen
SHOW SPONSORS: The Audiohouse · Joe and Denise Corr · Hampton Inn & Suites Downtown
Ocean Grill · Catherine Sullivan
NON-PROFIT PARTNER: Cultural Council of Indian River County
B14 January 31, 2020 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
1 Wages (3) 1 Popular books (10)
3 For each (3) 2 Start of time (colloq.) (4,3)
5 Hang about (4) 3 Bard (4)
7 Scene; put (5) 4 Broadcasts (6)
8 Lasso (6) 5 Fighting fund (3,5)
10 Went by horse (4) 6 Biblical patriarch (5)
11 Imaginary (8) 9 Looking half-awake (6-4)
13 Cat’s in (anag.) (6) 12 Event (8)
14 Breathing illness (6) 15 Beset by spirits (7)
17 Smart alecs (4-4) 16 Exaggerate; misbehave (4,2)
19 Frail and weedy (4) 18 Bay window (5)
21 In a nonchalant way (6) 20 Once more (4)
22 Flashily smart (5)
The Telegraph 23 Plot (4)
24 Church seat (3)
25 Papa (3)
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES January 31, 2020 B15
ACROSS 93 Start of MGM’s motto 38 Russia’s ___ Mountains The Washington Post
1 Rind lining 94 My Cousin Vinny star 39 Hit
5 Chutney ingredient 95 Raft alternatives 41 Hits on the head I, GLUTEUS (THE SEQUEL) By Merl Reagle
10 The Chosen author 97 “When’s your next 42 Murder mystery written by
15 Slippery spray
18 Georgia plantation makeover, ___?” the perpetrator
19 Wake-up call 100 Robot oeuvre 43 Cars, jewelty, etc.
20 Line-guesser Francis 101 “Careful with that spear, ___” 46 Hurries (around)
21 Type of double, perh. 103 Servers with spigots 47 Stirrer, often
22 “Get enough 104 Some art prints, briefly 51 Stein stuff
106 Bobby of hockey 52 Against
sleep, ___?” 107 La belle saison 53 Sits on the fence
24 “How are those toning 108 WWII battle formation? 54 P.D. alert
110 “Are you leaving, ___?” 56 Trim further,
exercises coming, ___?” 113 Author Rand
26 Hwy. Patrol concern 115 “Are you having another as a photo
27 “Feel better now, ___?” 58 Firetrucks
29 College reading contraction, ___?” 61 ___ kwon do
30 Org. estab. in Addis Ababa 117 “You don’t look so good, 63 Wine-cask wood
32 Likely 64 Lawyer’s girlfriend?
34 Mountain ridge ___” 65 Theater-ad rave
35 Garr or Hatcher 121 Rows after R 66 Rum drink
36 “When did you 122 The Color Purple author 67 “Your mouth is open, ___”
123 “I’d pay ___ that” 69 Outskirts, out west
get out, ___?” 124 Die, for one 70 Little devils
40 Composer Delibes 125 Distress call 71 All, as a prefix
41 “Going to the ladies’ room 126 Looker on the beach? 74 Miracle ___ Plant Food
127 “No, guess again” 77 Author Alexander
again, ___?” 128 Australia dwarfer 79 Snobs put them on
44 Makes up (for) 81 Killer whale
45 Boxing coverups? DOWN 82 Les États-___
47 Sound of sorrow 1 School grp. 84 “Can’t you think of anything
48 Freudian ideas 2 Mr. Fleming
49 Wildebeests 3 “First time skydiving, ___?” else, ___?”
50 “Can I count 4 Hinge with a padlock 85 Alaska native
5 Tile-game piece? 86 Dancin’ Bob
on you, ___?” 6 One of the Furies 88 German abode
52 “What do you call 7 Jet Propulsion Lab overseer 89 Tenor role in Salome
8 Wayne film, True ___ 90 Old Honda slogan, “___
this thing, ___?” 9 Nebraska city
55 Soother 10 Fast, in music Ahead”
57 They have a lodge following 11 Stan’s man 94 Less brawny
58 Grandson of Eve 12 Southampton socials 96 Pianist Claudio
59 Voice a view 13 Canadian prov. 98 Work units
60 Marie Antoinette’s loss 14 Harvey of The Piano 99 “Buckle my shoe” lead-in
62 Rescuer of Ranger Reid 15 “Could you stand 100 More like Croesus
64 “Consider it done” 102 Movie sheet
65 “What ___ bid?” a little farther 104 1930s boss of Murder Inc.
68 “How’s the shark, ___?” away, ___?” 105 Some school ofcls.
72 Canonized folks: abbr. 16 Border on 108 Type of guitar
73 Toro’s blood 17 Fail to nail 109 Doing, mischief-wise
75 Miyoshi of Sayonara 20 Acquiesces 110 See 116 Down
76 Empire State team 23 Macbeth, for one 111 Scoreless football game
78 It means very 25 “The Apostle 112 Pre-breakup country: abbr.
of Rome” 114 Exercise center
little to me? 28 Where Van Gogh 116 With 110 Down, a Four
79 European peaks lost his ear
80 -Ance or -ation word 30 A coming-___ story Seasons hit
83 Grain bundle 31 Insurance giant 118 “Just a darn minute!”
87 “Are you getting enough to 33 Galileo’s birthplace 119 ___ supra
35 Last instrument in a 120 Captain’s home
eat, ___?” marching band
89 “Still in the piano-moving 37 Commencement
business, ___?”
91 Singer Guthrie
92 Thus, to a Scot
The Telegraph Established 18 Years in Indian River County
(772) 562-2288 | www.kitchensvero.com
3920 US Hwy 1, Vero Beach FL 32960
B16 January 31, 2020 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR www.veronews.com
ONGOING 31 Stories of Gratitude Luncheon, 11:30 1 to May 31 Vero Beach Museum of Art pres- North IRC Library, and 7 p.m. Sat. at Sebastian In-
a.m. at Quail Valley River Club to bene- ents From Homer to Hopper: American Art let State Park. Free (at Inlet with park admission).
Riverside Theatre: The 39 Steps on the Wax- fit Haiti Partners, featuring guest speaker author from The Phillips Collection. 772-231-0707
lax Stage thru Feb. 9. Deanna Slamans on helping children rise above 6 Live from Vero Beach presents singer/
dire circumstances through character education. 2 Run Vero Race Series Cupcake 2-Mile, 8 songwriter Joan Osborne, 7 p.m. at the
McKee Botanical Garden: Ocean Sole Africa $40. 772-539-8521 a.m. from A.W. Young Park, with free Kids Emerson Center. $30 to $95. 800-595-4849
Exhibition thru May 31. Run and post-race festivities. 772-643-7010
FEBRUARY 7 Rhythm on the River Concert series at Riv-
King of the Hill Tennis Tournaments: 6 p.m. 3 Paint the Town Red Gala to benefit the erview Park presented by Sebastian Cham-
Tuesdays thru Feb. 4 at the Boulevard; and Feb. 1 Indian River County Veterans and Family Pic- Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, 6 p.m. at ber of Commerce, 5:30 to 8 p.m., with Ladies of
11 to March 3 at the Moorings. nic, 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Riverview Park, Quail Valley River Club, with dinner, auctions and Soul at 6:45 p.m. Free.
Sebastian, hosted by Veterans Council of IRC, other dancing to Gypsy Lane. Lls.org.
JANUARY local veterans groups and the Salvation Army; an af- 7 Indian River Symphonic Association pres-
ternoon of family fun. BYO lawn chair. 772-410-5820 3|4 Starfest Luncheons to benefit Child- ents the Brevard Symphony Orchestra’s
31 to February 2 - Vero Beach Theatre care Resources of Indian River, 11:15 Sinatra Valentine Pops Concert, with vocalist Mi-
Guild’s Reader’s Theatre Apron Series 1 Wine & Dine Taste of Australia to benefit Hi- a.m. at Quail Valley River Club, with Conscious Dis- chael Andrew, 7:30 p.m. at Community Church
presents Arthur Miller’s A View From the Bridge. biscus Children’s Center, 6:30 p.m. at Grand cipline creator, Dr. Becky Baily. $175. 772-567-3202 of VB. 772-778-1070
$15. 772-562-8300 Harbor Club, featuring Australian cuisine and wines
and a silent auction. $90. 772-299-6011 x 313 4-23 Riverside Theatre presents the 8 Motor Car Exhibition featuring ‘The Best
31 VBMA Gala 2020: A little night mu- Tony- and Pulitzer Prize-winning Cars from 40 Different Manufacturers,’ 10
sic, 6 p.m. at Vero Beach Museum of 1|2 Gardenfest: Nature’s Finest Mar- Neil Simon play, “Lost in Yonkers” on the Stark a.m. to 3 p.m. at McKee Botanical Garden. Stan-
Art featuring Broadway singer/actor Michael ketplace, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat. & to Stage. 772-231-6990 dard admission. 772-794-0601
Amante, with cocktails, performance and din- 4 p.m. Sun. at Riverside Park, with 85+ vendors
ner. $750 to $1,000. 772-231-0707 of plants and garden accessories hosted by the 5|8 Around the World in 30 Instruments 8 Sebastian Art Studio Tour, a free self-guided
Vero Beach Garden Club. Free. Concert by Four Shillings Short, a 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. tour of 10 artists’ studios in
Celtic/Folk/World music duo, 6 p.m. Wed. at a variety of mediums. Sebastianartstudiotour.com
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 8 Valentine Ball to benefit United Against
in January 24, 2019 Edition 1 ROE 1 RATES Poverty, 6 p.m. at Oak Harbor Club, an el-
3 MAN 2 EXPLODE egant evening of cocktails, dinner, dancing and
5 ROWED 3 MISS auctions. $250. 772-770-0704
9 RELEASE 5 RELATION 8 Oceanside Business Assoc. Sunset Satur-
10 SPOT 6 WEAVE day Night Concert, 6 to 9 p.m. on Ocean
11 RESTLESS 7 DRESSED Drive t Humiston Park featuring 21 Hearts, 1
13 OPENED 12 VELOCITY Beat, with Rhythm & Soul Dance, food vendors,
14 JOINED 13 OPPOSED beer and wine. Free. 772-410-8376
19 FREE 16 PARROT 8 Healing Hearts through Exchange Dinner
22 SILLIER 18 RULED and Dance hosted by the Exchange Club
23 ERODE 20 ENEMY of the Treasure Coast, 6:30 p.m. at the Indian
24 DADDY 21 VERY River Club to fund local child abuse prevention
25 TRY programs. $125. 772-584-1087
26 SAY
Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13 Crossword Page B14 (THANKS, YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL)
PAUL’S GUNS IRC MOVERS Time to Clean Your Carpets/Furniture?
$$$$ OR TRADE Affordable Moving and Packing....We sell moving supplies! Three Reasons to Call Mitch Maxfield:
If you have an estate, or collection of antique or
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too small. Contact us and we will make an offer. SERVICE: I, personally, will clean your carpets and furniture.
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Maxfield Carpet Cleaning • 772-538-0213
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Our directory gives small business people eager to
WITH COMPLETED CLASS RECEIPT provide services to the community an opportunity
772-581-0640 9090 N. US HWY 1 Sebastian, FL to make themselves known to our readers at an
affordable cost. This is the only business directory
M - F 10am-6pm • Sat. 10am-2pm • Closed Sun. mailed each week during season. If you would like
your business to appear in our directory,
please call 772-633-0753.