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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-03-08 15:36:48

03/09/2018 ISSUE 10


March 9, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 10 Newsstand Price: $1.00

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MY TAKE Hospital officials tour Cleveland Clinic Florida County losing
half its judges
BY RAY MCNULTY to retirement

Former baseball commish
shunned by game he loves

Now 79 and more than a quar- By Beth Walton | Staff Writer
ter century removed from his tu-
multuous tenure as Major League It id Come year’s end, the Indian River
Baseball’s eighth commissioner,
Fay Vincent won’t say he feels County courthouse will lose three of its
“hurt” by the shabby way he was
treated by his successor and the six sitting judges to retirement. The men,
team owners who pushed him out
of the game he still dearly loves. who serve on both the 19th Judicial Circuit

Too often throughout our and the County Court bench, collectively
50-minute conversation, howev-
er, there was a melancholy tone to have spent more than 70
his words, a noticeable pain in his
voice. years making decisions

Which was understandable. that shaped the county’s
The John’s Island resident con-
tinues to be viewed by baseball’s growth and develop-
brass as a persona non grata – a
not-so-subtle shunning that be- ment and helped pro-
gan when he left the commis-
sioner’s office in September 1992, tect the safety and well-
three years after he replaced his
longtime friend, Bart Giamatti, being of the residents
who died of a massive heart attack
only 154 days into what was sup- PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD who call it home. Joe Wild.
posed to be a five-year term. They’ve put murder-
Not once during the past 25 has been the famed health system’s only Flor-
By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer ida hospital gave a dozen or so Vero Beach vis- ers behind bars, tried
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 [email protected] itors an intimate tour that included donning
hardhats and dodging ladders in one section, to ensure fair develop-
INSIDE WESTON – Cleveland Clinic Florida put it- basking in the serenity of art-filled halls in an-
self on the exam table Monday, allowing a siz- other just-completed section, and in still an- ment, kept the court-
able contingent of Indian River Medical Center other area, watching over a doctor’s shoulder
officials to take a close look – right down to the as a heart procedure unfolded through a glass house running smooth-
studs – as part of due diligence before IRMC fi-
nalizes a Cleveland Clinic takeover in Vero. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 ly, made tough decisions

The 155-bed Weston facility that since 2006 and held lawyers ac-

countable. Sometimes, Robert Pegg.
their decisions are chal-

lenged. Other times,

they are celebrated. At

Proposed takeover of Leisure Square by nonprofit unlikely all times, however, their

work has lasting impact.

“Overall, I think we

NEWS 1-8 PETS 14 By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer are losing three very
DINING B11 [email protected]
HEALTH 9 GAMES B16 good judges,” Bruce
CALENDAR B19 A possible suitor interested in Colton, State Attorney
REAL ESTATE 15 converting the city-owned Lei- Paul Kanarek.
B1 sure Square recreational facility
ARTS into a privately operated enter-
prise has been shooed away by
protests from parents and kids for the 19th Judicial Circuit said of the im-
involved in Vero Beach recre-
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 ation programs, but a majority pending departure of Judges Robert Pegg,
For circulation or where to pick up of the City Council is still seeking
your issue call: 772-226-7925 ways to run the center more ef- Joe Wild and Paul Kanarek.
“These are people who are making de-
Councilman Val Zudans last
cisions who can affect all of our lives, even
those that don’t have anything to do with

the court system – large civil cases, crimi-

nal cases – they are setting the tone for how

the law is enforced in our county.”

As they prepare to watch judicial candi-

dates vie for their seats in the 2018 election

© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

2 March 9, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MY TAKE weren’t happy with me as commissioner. I owners agreed to work together to avoid into a grim fairy tale.
Vincent, it’s worth noting, had sent a
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 was there at the wrong time. They were at competitive bidding for players. The union
memo to every team in 1991 warning that
years has Vincent been invited by the com- war with the players. They wanted to break went to court and the owners eventually the use of illegal steroids was prohibited by
missioner’s office to attend a World Series, law and, thus, prohibited in baseball, too.
or an All-Star Game, or even the playoffs. the union. And they thought I was too soft settled three claims for a total of $280 mil-
Selig could’ve used the commissioner’s
Only once has Vincent been invited to on the union. lion. bully pulpit to fight steroid use, but, in truth,
throw a ceremonial first pitch – by New York he and the owners were more than happy to
Mets owner Fred Wilpon to celebrate Open- “Every time I sat down and talked with “I warned them about collusion; I told see all those home runs – even if they came
ing Day in 1993 – and he has since attended out of a bottle.
only one other regular-season game. That Don Fehr, who ran the union, them they couldn’t do that,”
was in June 1997, also at Shea Stadium. Baseball needed something to bring back
they felt I was betraying Vincent said. “Selig and Rein- disgruntled and disenchanted fans after a
For all intents and purposes, Vincent was nasty, all-or-nothing labor dispute between
cruelly, spitefully and disgracefully ban- them.” sdorf disagreed. They fought the owners and players ended the 1994 sea-
ished by an influential faction of baseball’s son and wiped out the World Series.
Sanhedrin led by team owners Jerry Reins- What galled the owners it. They were wrong. And they
dorf of the Chicago White Sox and Bud Selig “After ‘94, the owners realized they had
of the Milwaukee Brewers. most was Vincent’s refusal to paid for it.” no choice but to work with the union and,
from then on, baseball has been in a glori-
After Vincent was ousted, Selig served as relinquish the commission- What ultimately ended his ous position,” Vincent said.
baseball’s acting commissioner from 1992
to 1998, when his fellow owners formally er’s power to act in the “best run as commissioner, though, A quarter-century later, Vincent believes
elected him to the office, which he contin- the owners and players will eventually “mar-
ued to occupy until his retirement after the interests of the game” in mat- was his staunch opposition to ry” and become business partners. Leading
2014 season. that effort is likely to be Rob Manfred, who
ters pertaining to collective owners who wanted to bust succeeded Selig as commissioner.
Rarely during his reign did Selig men-
tion his predecessor’s name – and certainly bargaining. the union. “They wanted to Vincent hasn’t been to a big-league ball-
not in any positive way. Never did he seek park in more than 20 years.
his counsel. “To do such a difficult job for They hired him. They paid destroy the union and roll
them and not be appreciated was very dis- Instead, his connection with baseball
appointing,” Vincent said. “It would’ve been his salary. They wanted him Fay Vincent. back the gains that the play- now is limited to watching games on tele-
nice to get even tepid applause on the way to act in their best interests – ers had made,” Vincent said, vision. But he misses being at the ballpark,
out, but there wasn’t even that. They want- talking with players and umpires, reminisc-
ed me gone, and they never regretted what not conduct himself as a fair “and they knew I would’ve ing with old friends, being part of the game.
they did.
and objective arbiter who put the game stood in their way.” It would be wonderful if someone, per-
“But I understand why,” he added. “They haps Manfred, reached out to Vincent.
ahead of his bosses. As much as baseball needed a strong
Someone needs to bring him back to the
Vincent, though, couldn’t do that. leader devoted to promoting and defend- ballpark for a World Series, or an All-Star
Game, or the playoffs. 
A former Columbia Pictures chairman ing the best interests of the game, that’s not

and Coca-Cola executive vice president, what the owners wanted.

Vincent accepted Giamatti’s offer to be They wanted someone who would side

his deputy commissioner because he pos- with them, someone who would put their

sessed a genuine love of baseball. bottom line first, someone who would see

Then, having inherited the top job in the players as an enemy that needed to be

September 1989, he believed – as did Gia- defeated.

matti – that the game needed an indepen- They wanted one of their own.

dent commissioner, beholden to no one. The wanted the spineless Selig, who

And he was fiercely protective of the vast presided over the cancellation of the 1994

powers historically entrusted to the office. World Series and the unfolding of the “ste-

In fact, Vincent admitted there was collu- roid era,” a scandalous chapter that trans-

sion by the owners in the 1980s, when the formed baseball’s once-sacred record book



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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS March 9, 2018 3

CLEVELAND CLINIC FLORIDA ic Florida will be the top boss of the blos- For now, that brand reflects the reputa- failure patients,” he said. “We’re readmitting
soming division, already seems like an old tion of its Cleveland hospital, ranked second someone who’s getting a heart transplant.”
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 friend. After visiting Vero Beach in the fall for in the nation by U.S. News, with its heart
Cleveland’s initial presentation of its plans program ranked No. 1 for 23 consecutive Cleveland Clinic Weston is also slammed
window. “How are you doing?” asked the for IRMC, he has returned to talk to around years. with patients, with occupancy rates over 90
gregarious cardiologist, looking up at the 200 caregivers and 100 physicians. percent. As a result, ER waits for admission
Vero group from his monitor on the visitors’ But the Broward hospital does not share run long – another black mark in ratings, but
side of the glass. “We’re doing great, and our “I cannot tell you the number of fol- that same distinction; Weston’s cardiovas- one that is about to be addressed when the
patient’s doing great! That’s what counts!” low-up calls and emails I’ve had,” he said. If cular center is not even ranked “high per- new tower opens with 75 more beds, and
he made a good impression on the Vero staff, forming,” though its cancer and geriatric space for 25 more. “Space has been a major
That doctor’s eagerness to communicate the feeling was mutual. programs are. The hospital has two nation- limitation for us. The hospital is packed,”
his love for his work may be one of the first ally-ranked specialties – gastroenterology Barsoum said.
things Vero hospital staff members learn to “When I toured the hospital, every care- (42) and orthopedics (31).
emulate. As soon as the Cleveland sign goes giver seemed incredibly engaged about Just before the Vero visitors arrived in
up, communication training begins, said Dr. what they do every day. That’s foundational. Weston also scores well in the treatment Weston, a Cleveland Clinic physician an
Wael Barsoum, an orthopedic surgeon who If you have that every day, that makes every- of COPD, heart failure, colon cancer surgery hour away was seeing the first patient at the
is Cleveland’s Florida division CEO and pres- thing easier,” he said of the transition to the and hip replacement. new 75,000-square-foot clinic in Wellington.
ident. “Communication classes, collegiality, Cleveland brand.
grand rounds, creating education platforms. Overall the hospital ranks eighth in Flori- That location, the fourth in Palm Beach
These are all things we can create right As the anticipated partnership with da in the U.S. News listing, two spots behind County, officially opened Monday with pri-
away,” Barsoum said. Cleveland Clinic moves ahead, the way for- Orlando Health and Adventist, which tied mary care and cardiology services. Gastro-
ward is no longer a strategy metaphor, it’s a at No. 6 last year. Cleveland Clinic Weston enterology doctors will be place by summer.
From the Weston hospital’s somewhat two hour-plus drive into the heart of Bro- ranked second among south Florida hospi-
dated lobby to its stunning two-year-old ward County. Hospital officials hired two tals, behind Baptist Health in Miami. And Barsoum has openly shared his dream of
neurological and cancer treatment center to black Lincoln Navigators for the slog south Weston rates a weak two stars on Center for having a hospital, not just clinics, in Palm
the $300 million patient tower and emergen- on the Florida Turnpike. Medicare Services’ Hospital Compare. The Beach County and, with Boca Raton Region-
cy department slated to open this summer, most common ranking of hospitals is three al Hospital about to announce its partner of
the various stages of transformation spoke Arriving at 9 a.m. the group toured the stars, the website notes. choice in a takeover strategy announced last
to what lies ahead for Cleveland Clinic Indi- stunning Braathen Center, home to both summer, there are strong hints from indus-
an River, as the Ohio marketing department the Maroone Cancer Center and the Pauline That rating system, only recently devised, try insiders that Cleveland Clinic is very high
has already labeled IRMC. Braathen Neurological Center. The build- is problematic for Weston, Barsoum said, on a very short list to acquire the facility.
ing, which opened three years ago, has key because of the severity of the conditions of
That name change of course presumes a aspects of the Cleveland hospital – a mini- the patients it sees. Cleveland Clinic Weston, A 45-minute drive north and east from
deal to take over the hospital goes through; malist design with maximum serenity and like its parent in Cleveland, is considered a Weston, Boca Raton Regional serves an af-
a letter of intent – a few weeks delayed and lots of sunlight, believed to aid in healing; quaternary care center, seeing the sickest of fluent market Cleveland Clinic has targeted
rumored to have been lawyered to the max – thoughtful accommodations for patients the sick, and they are less likely to survive for years. Built in 1967, it has grown to a 400-
was signed last week. and their families, including a wig boutique and more likely to be readmitted, both of plus bed tertiary care center.
and café; and onsite diagnostics, physical which count against the hospital in the CMS
Expansion, renovation, modernization therapy and pain management. ratings. Asked about the potential acquisition,
and integration are common themes on Barsoum demurred. “It’s not my secret to
both sides of the final negotiations, expected Alternative health treatments like mas- “We’re not readmitting congestive heart tell,” he said. Then he pointed to his broad
to conclude within 90 days, according to the sage – free for patients and their families grin. “Do you see me smiling?” he asked. 
letter of intent. – are available as well as art therapy as pa-
tients receive their infusion treatment for
During Monday’s tour in Weston, visi- cancers.
tors saw areas built in 2001, when the hos-
pital first opened, but even those are at the Barsoum’s current territory extends well
brink of change: A $50 million sprucing up beyond the Weston hospital, spanning Bro-
is about to get underway that will likely give ward and Palm Beach Counties with clinics
the comforting if vaguely dated front lobby, and medical offices in Coral Springs and
for example, the same sunlight-drenched Parkland; and in West Palm’s CityPlace, Palm
whitewashing that has become the Clinic’s Beach Lakes Boulevard, Palm Beach Gar-
signature. dens and Wellington.

“We want folks when they walk into When the letter of intent was signed with
Cleveland Clinic Florida to know they are in Indian River, the Cleveland Clinic brand
a Cleveland Clinic facility, this whole feeling had already nudged northward into Martin
of being in an environment that is condu- County. A January affiliation with Martin
cive to healing,” Barsoum said. Health’s cardiovascular program brings the
familiar Cleveland Clinic signage into view
Barsoum, who as CEO of Cleveland Clin- for tens of thousands more south Floridians.

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4 March 9, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

JUDGES RETIRING of his victim in his car. injury claims. Pegg ran for judge twice be- years on the bench overseeing everything
The man abandoned the car without fore being elected in 2006. He is now con- from property disputes to animal welfare
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 sidering entering private law practice again claims and allegations of misdemeanor
removing the remains, Pegg recalled. The or becoming a senior judge. Senior judges crime. “There are so many different cases,”
season, the outgoing judges talked with body froze in the icy winter weather and the are retired judges who return to circuit one he said. “There are all kinds of good stories
Vero News about their decades at the bench case went cold along with it. Come summer, year after retirement on an as needed basis and bad stories and weird stories. It’s always
and how they’ve seen the workings of the though, when the corpse thawed and began to preside over cases when the docket is been an interesting day whenever you come
local justice system change. to rot, the putrid smell attracted attention crowded and additional help is needed. to work.”
and brought law enforcement to the scene,
The Hon. Robert Pegg, who at age 70 has leading to the murderer’s eventual arrest “I wanted to be a judge for a long time,” Wild, a graduate of Vero Beach High
reached Florida’s mandatory retirement and conviction. said Pegg. “I thought of myself as a people School and Florida State University, watched
age for judges, spent nine years on the fel- person. I could listen better than I could talk as a new courthouse was constructed down-
ony bench overseeing some of the region’s It has been amazing to watch how ad- and thought that would be a good job.” town, bringing with it upgrades in technol-
most serious criminal trials before moving vances in science and crime scene forensics ogy that he says improved communication
to family court. He said he will never for- have changed criminal prosecution, said It isn’t just the trials and hearings that and record-keeping between agencies, such
get how a defendant in a Vero Beach mur- Pegg, a graduate of the University of Mi- cause reflection, said the Hon. Joe Wild, 62, as the offices of the public defender, state
der investigation got caught months after ami. Prior to becoming a judge, Pegg had who joined the county bench in 1989 after attorney and courthouse clerk.
he drove north to Wisconsin with the body a private law practice in Vero Beach, spe- serving as a top prosecutor in Indian River
cializing in criminal defense and personal County. His retirement will come after 30 He, too, is considering a role as a senior
judge. “It’s really been a pleasure working
with all the people that are involved in the
judicial system here and it’s just a great
community to live in,” said Wild.

The Hon. Paul Kanarek, who, like Pegg, is
being forced to retire due to age restrictions
for judicial candidates in the state of Flor-
ida, started working as a judge on the 19th
Judicial Circuit in 1988.

One of his first major cases involved
Marriott’s proposed hotel and resort hotel
development in Central Beach. The compa-
ny was challenging municipal regulations
preventing the construction. Kanarek, 67,
affirmed earlier rulings and the area just
north of Conn Beach was preserved for sin-
gle-family homes.

The Stuart native, who has worked in all
four counties in the 19th Judicial Circuit, is
proud to call Vero Beach home.

Before becoming a judge, Kanarek, a
University of Florida graduate, served as an
assistant public defender and also had his
own private law practice. He spent a signif-
icant amount of time in family and juvenile
law trying to make the best decisions for
children and their parents. He now sits on
the civil circuit court bench.

Judges’ decisions affect people they meet
in the courtroom and people they will never
meet, said Kanarek, who is also considering
a role as a senior judge. They preside over
divorce, custody disputes and monetary
judgments that have lasting impacts.

“We deal with people every day and we
can’t forget that these are people’s lives. No
matter what we’re hearing, we’re dealing
with people’s lives and it’s important to re-
member that,” he said.

Throughout his tenure Kanarek watched
the justice system grow to meet the ex-
panding needs of a growing community.
The Indian River County Courthouse in
Vero Beach now houses six judges working
full time at the circuit and county level, but
Kanarek remembers a time when there were
only two.

If it was allowed, Kanarek would stay on
the bench. “I still enjoy coming to work ev-
ery day, and given the opportunity I would
continue on in this job,” Kanarek said.

“There is not a week that goes by that
something doesn’t happen that I say, ‘I’ve
never seen that before. That’s amazing.’
That’s one of the things I like about this
job.” 

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6 March 9, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS March 9, 2018 7

LEISURE SQUARE tention was to find someone in the com- showcase event. benefits of Leisure Square while shedding
munity who is willing to do a bunch of Recreation employees, if they are full some of the cost.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 fundraising to improve the overall quality
of the facilities, the entire place.” time or work enough hours throughout the The city also is interested in proposals
month convinced his colleagues to hold year to qualify, are on the city health plan. from people and companies who might
off on a vote to approve a six-figure repair Camp, swimming, fitness and other Permanent fulltime personnel are also be interested in taking over managing the
job on the bathrooms, showers and lock- fees for adults, youth and seniors have on the city pension plan. It’s unclear how Vero Beach City Marina, which taxpayers
er rooms because he thought he could been increased over the past decade, many of the 19 fulltime and seven part- subsidize most years with dollars from
broker a deal with a nonprofit to come but not enough to completely offset the time employees would be needed should property taxes.
in, lease Leisure Square long-term and overhead. Leisure Square students and Vero ultimately decide to shed the respon-
assume management, taking over the ex- parents claim they cannot afford to en- sibility for managing Leisure Square. There’s no doubt that the city wants the
pense of maintaining the aging building, roll kids in private camps or gymnastics marina amenity, but Zudans and others
and staffing and marketing the classes, programs. They also say the sense of In the current fiscal year which ends on think it could be run better and cheaper
camps, swimming pool and fitness facil- family and camaraderie at other facilities Sept. 30, Vero is set to spend $2.2 million if taken out of the hands of government.
ities. just isn’t the same as among the stalwart on all recreational programs and facilities. For example, Zudans said a nonprofit or
group that works all year to produce Ve- a commercial business could most like-
Zudans mentioned that a Vero founda- ro’s renowned Aerial Antics Circus each With the issue of repairs – with the ly get the needed repairs done cheaper
tion that has been very successful at rais- August – the recreation department’s possible exception of the restrooms – on than the City of Vero Beach’s procure-
ing funds might be interested in such a hold, Vero is still ready to entertain pro- ment process. 
deal. That statement, which Zudans now posals for innovative ways to keep all the
says was made off-handedly, stirred up a
petition drive and protest that packed City
Council chambers on Feb. 20.

In the process, the Live Like Cole Foun-
dation, created by family and friends of
the late Cole Coppolla, inadvertently got
caught in the crosshairs of the controver-
sy. The ire Zudans’ comments sparked
among summer campers, gymnastics stu-
dents and parents seems to have spooked
the organization, and killed the idea of a
public-private partnership with the city at
Leisure Square.

Dozens of people showed up to argue
that people who use Leisure Square don’t
want anything to change. The staff, camp
counselors and students are “a big family,”
they said, pleading with council members
not to break up that family.

“The facility is used a lot,” said former
councilman Ken Daige. “Your staff is do-
ing a stellar job there.”

Daige reminded the council that Vero
Beach voters protected Leisure Square in
the city charter, saying it cannot be sold
without a referendum.

Recreation Director Rob Slezak pointed
out how in-demand Leisure Square and
the Center Stage programs are, and urged
the city to weigh more than the bottom
line when looking at the cost of recreation
programs. Don’t disregard the intrinsic
benefit to the community, he said, and
the future civic and business leaders that
graduate through Leisure Square camps
and instruction.

Councilman Tony Young echoed the
concerns voiced by the public and em-
phasized the value of Leisure Square for
the greater good of the community.

“The decision to stop the RFP that was
submitted and not move forward, I think
is a mistake,” Young said, asking the coun-
cil to go ahead and vote to award a con-
tract for the Leisure Square repairs.

Zudans said there’s been a big misun-
derstanding about the council’s action
postponing the award of the contract to
Bill Bryant Construction to remodel the
locker rooms and bathrooms.

“All the people here who are here . . .
you think that someone is taking your
gymnastics away,” Zudans said. “That is
the opposite of the intention here. The in-



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10 March 9, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

In treating heart failure, hard to beat ‘team’ approach

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer asm about the present – and the future – as The report says breast cancer survivors Dr. Richard Moore. PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
[email protected] he talks first about the pharmaceutical good age 65 and older are now far more likely to die
news for those at risk for heart failure. from cardiovascular disease than from can- And while the cardio-oncology group is
If you had taken a snapshot of heart fail- cer, and it urges cancer patients to “discuss new, for Moore, collaboration is not.
ure in America just a couple of years ago, it “In terms of treatment,” Moore says ex- the potential effects on the heart of any can-
wouldn’t have been a pretty picture. citedly, “there has been the development of cer treatments they’re considering.” For his “several hundred” patients
one drug – which I would call a blockbuster – Moore might enlist an electrophysiologist
But according to Indian River Medical called Entresto.” Moore understands the dilemma this in- to deal with arrhythmias, a surgeon to
Center cardiologist Dr. Richard Moore, a formation presents to patients. implant a defibrillator, a nephrologist to
snapshot taken today would offer a much According to Moore, Entresto reduces the deal with kidney function, a pharmacist
brighter image. need for hospitalization due to heart failure “If I told you I had something for breast to guide the patient through drug interac-
and, as he puts it, “will actually improve over- cancer but it had side effects, [most people] tions and side effects, an endocrinologist if
He cites a new “blockbuster” heart drug, all survival.” wouldn’t care. There’s something about can- diabetes is a problem, and even a dietician
a new emphasis on early prevention, a cer that gets people’s attention that cardio- to help the patient better understand “what
less-than-one-month-old discovery of a The gregarious Moore then stops himself vascular disease does not,” yet the AHA re-
previously unrecognized cause-and-effect before getting too technical about “neprilysin port points out that radiation treatments can CONTINUED ON PAGE 12
relationship between heart disease and inhibitors” and “the renin-angiotensin sys- narrow a patient’s arteries, leading to block-
certain cancer treatments, and – here in tem,” and points, instead, to what he sees as ages later in life, while some cancer drugs can
Vero Beach – a “team” approach to treating perhaps the sole drawback to Entresto. “The lead to abnormal heart rhythms and artery
heart failure. only thing that has slowed its penetration into spasms which can induce heart attacks.
the market is that it’s not generic, so it does
The Centers for Disease Control says 5.2 have a [high] cost.” That’s where the new, innovative team ap-
million U.S. adults have congestive heart proach comes into play.
failure resulting in more than 610,000 deaths Skipping ahead to that previously unrecog-
annually. Another 500,000 new cases are di- nized cause-and-effect relationship between Moore is now heading a new IRMC car-
agnosed each year. It is the leading cause of heart disease and certain cancer treatments, dio-oncology group. “Cardiologists,” he
hospitalization in people over 65 nationwide. Moore cites a study released in February by explains, “have to learn to understand the
the American Heart Association. mechanisms of these various [cancer] drugs
“One in every nine deaths in this coun- and understand how the heart is affected or
try,” the CDC continues, “includes heart In summary, the study found that lifesav- damaged and we have to learn how to collab-
failure as a contributing cause,” and the fi- ing therapies for breast and other cancers – orate with the oncologists to allow patients to
nancial burden is estimated to exceed $31 including chemotherapy and radiation – can get their treatment – which is lifesaving – and
billion annually. cause heart failure and other serious cardiac yet work through these issues to try to protect
problems long after the initial cancer treat- the heart as best we can.”
But those figures represent the past and ments are completed.
Moore is barely able to contain his enthusi-

12 March 9, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

food stuffs to stay away from.”
Finally, Moore calls the treatment of By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer Dr. Raman Ashta.
[email protected]
unrecognized hypertension the biggest PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
“bang for our buck” possible in today’s Dr. Raman Ashta is hardly the first per-
cardio care. son to move south to Vero Beach in order to
spend her time doing what she loves. Retir-
Better detecting and properly treat- ees have been doing it for a century.
ing hypertension in “30-, 40- and 50-year
olds,” says Moore, “would make the great- That said, Ashta didn’t move all that far
est impact in dealing with heart failure in south and she’s still very much working
later years.” full time.

In a brief flash of frustration, Moore be- A family practice physician who has an
moans a phenomenon today that’s most office in Vero Beach but works for Sebas-
easily explained as “statin-bashing” on tian River Medical Center, her southward
various online blogs and web posts. trek only took her from Melbay Healthcare
in Melbourne to a fountain-facing office on
Moore insists those claims are false. 11th Circle, off 37th Street.
“History,” he says, “will prove that statins
are much like penicillin in terms of how The move has not changed the fact that
they can change the progression of coro- Ashta is, as she says, “passionate about
nary disease.” health maintenance and the prevention of
lifestyle-related diseases such as obesity,
Still, Moore’s enthusiasm returns as hypertension and diabetes.
he concludes by saying, “I want to see us
transform the treatment of heart failure. “I want to do primary care,” she says.
I want to bring a more contemporary ap- “I’ve experimented a little bit with different
proach. I think we’re seeing that this is styles of practice and this is what I started
where medicine is evolving. with, this is what I’m good at, and this is
what I’m going to stick to.”
“To be honest, we want to be on the front
end of this. We want this sleepy little Vero Ashta says she has no intention of “run-
Beach community to be offered the abso- ning around seeing 100 patients a day,” in
lutely latest in cardiac care.” her new location. Instead she prefers to fo-

Dr. Richard Moore is with Indian River
Medical Center Cardiology. His offices are
at 3450 11th Court in Vero Beach. The phone
number is 772-778-8687. 

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH March 9, 2018 13

cus intently on each patient, getting to re- Failure to do so can be catastrophic, even
ally know what makes them tick. fatal. Ashta says she undertakes just that kind
of review of her patients’ medications to see
And that’s not always easy. what’s really necessary, what can be used on
“I look at what cultural backgrounds an “as needed basis,” and what can be gotten
patients are from; what is going on psy- rid of altogether.
chologically around them; what medica-
tions they’re on because medication – a lot Finding a primary care physician – es-
of time – can also cause problems. Then I pecially one with a dedication to getting to
make my recommendations that are indi- know the patient as a person as well as reg-
vidualized to that patient, instead of one ularly reviewing that patient’s prescriptions
size fits all.” – is getting harder all the time.
Medications, by the way, are one of Ash-
ta’s chief concerns. And for good reason. Just last year the Association of American
Saying she regularly meets patients who Medical Colleges projected a shortage of al-
are taking 20 or more different drugs, she most 36,000 primary care physicians in this
points out that most of them “are sick of that.” country over the next five to seven years, not-
And sometimes even sick because of that. ing that, “as the U.S. population ages, so too
Many patients, according to Ashta, tell does the physician workforce.”
her “I don’t want to be taking these pills for
breakfast, lunch and dinner. I want less pills.” Still, Ashta is not a “seniors only” doctor.
The excessive use of prescription drugs – As she puts it, “I see everybody, from ages 5
especially among seniors – is as hot a topic and up, and every age has its own charm.
with the National Institutes of Health as it is When I’m here in the room with kids, it just
with Ashta. reminds me of my own kids and it’s mostly
According to NIH, “older patients are par- a fun encounter.
ticularly susceptible to medication-related
problems associated with polypharmacy and “I guess I can relate to people at all ages.
multiple prescribing physicians.” A lot of the patient population here is 50 and
In fact, NIH insists that – at a minimum – older and they have rich experiences and fun
seniors should have an annual review of the stories.”
medications they’re taking. And that should
also include drugs prescribed by dentists, “I want to do what I love to do, and I’m ex-
dermatologists and any other healthcare cited to be here,” Ashta says.
provider as well as any over-the-counter
drugs or supplements. Dr. Raman Ashta is with Steward Health-
care’s Sebastian River Medical Center. Her of-
fices are directly across the street from the Indi-
an River Medical Center’s campus at 3745 11th
Circle. The phone number is 772-564-2485. 

14 March 9, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Bonz says Stella barks (and runs) up the right tree

Hi Dog Buddies! I looked up and there, standin’ way out PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER Stella
on a high branch of that big ol’ oak tree like
This week I saw something I’ve never it was solid ground, was Stella! ed climbin’ trees cuz there’s not as much They …”
seen before. I’d always thought it was an space down here, so I hadda ‘go vertical.’” “Um, ’scuse me. Vultures?”
Old Dog’s Tail. Stella Bologna (buh-LONE- “Wha-aat? How did you …? Are you “Yep. Been here since they were hatch-
yuh) is a rescue pooch with an innersting WOOOFIN’?” “An inneresting theory,” I mused.
story and an uh-MAZ-ing talent. “I also usta chase geese, but I didn’t lings. They get fed, so, every day, they hang
I couldn’t buhlieve my eyes. I looked at demonstrate sufficient self-control, an it out by the pool an bop on the slider. I chase
Me an my assistant drove up the coast to Stella’s Mom to see if she was freakin’ out. got a liddle feathery. Now I hafta wear a ’em in the morning, an the squirrels in the
meet Stella. We pulled up under a buncha She wasn’t. bell, so they can get a head start.” afternoon. Great exercise. See, here’s a
oaks, in the nice, big yard. Her Mom was “Makes sense,” I observed, absently pickshure of Vinnie.”
standing there, holdin’ a leash. With no “I love chasin’ squirrels,” Stella called, petooie-ing imaginary feathers out of my
pooch attached. blithely leaping around that tree like it was mouth. Yep. There he was. A vulture, sittin’ on a
the most normal thing in the world. I was “I have lotsa pooch pals: We go to the pole by the pool.
She waved, then hollared, “STELLLL- getting Shaky Paws just watching. beach; an to the The Wetlands Wildlife
UH!” Preserve, where there’s lotsa birds. An alli- “Mom an Dad think I’m stubborn,” Stel-
She jumped gracefully down, sans squir- gators. One time Dixie Weller got in trou- la continued. “I say I’m an Independent
Well, from I don’t know where, this gold- rel, an trotted up as I was pickin’ my note- ble cuz she was concentratin’ on chasin’ Thinker. I do what I want when I’m In The
en flash zoomed up an gave my assistant book off the ground. a bird, and ran smack into the water with Mood. I’m just Not Motivated By Food,
several waggy, wiggly nose bumps and the alligators. That was a close one. Then like other pooches. I don’t wanna always
kisses. Then she zipped right past me, “Woof, they’re quick,” she commented. there’s Marley Carr; Marley Erwin; an So- eat, eat, eat, like most dogs do, like they’re
stood behind her Mom, an peeped out. No “How do you even DO that?” phie Banghart. We all grew up together. never going to see another dog biscuit ever
wags or wiggles for me. “I dunno. When I first got here, there They attended my first birthday party last again! I do enjoy the occasional bagel, an,
were all these nice trees, and mobs of May. It was Cool Dog Biscuits! from time to time, a plain McDonald’s
“Good morning. I’m Bonzo the Colum- squirrels. Then one day I was chasin’ one, “There’s a couple more, I guess you cheeseburger. All in all, I’m an outdoor girl.
nist an this is my Assistant. We’re happy to an I REE-lized – I was up inna TREE, onna could call ’em Frenemies, like the squir- I sleep outside, in my liddle garden. I love
make your acquaintance.” BRANCH. The squirrel was as surprised as rels: Vinnie an Little Mo, they’re vultures. Mom an Dad, but I’m not super snuggly,
me.” you know? I guess I’m a Free Spirit.”
Stella was about my height, but slender. “I’ll bet,” I said. “So, let’s start at the be- DON’T BE SHY
Long legs, pretty face. Wearin’ a pink collar ginning.” We got comftubble in the grass, “I believe you are, Miss Stella.”
with a big pink flower. She scowled at me, an Stella began. We are always looking for pets Headin’ home, I was thinkin’ about
looked up at her Mom, then back at me, “It was in North Carolina. I was a puppy, with interesting stories. fearless, independent, tree-climbin’ Miss
still scowlin.’ only 3 pounds, alone in a ditch. Terrified. Stella. Maybe I could invite her out for a
Then this big car stopped, an a liddle hu- To set up an interview, email cheeseburger one of these days.
“It’s OK, Stella,” her Mom said. “He’s a man got out an gently picked me up. Her [email protected]. Till next time,
journalist.” an her Mom an Dad drove to the place they
were stayin,’ with lotsa boats, a muh-RE- The Bonz
Stella pawsed, then stepped carefully EN-uh, an they put a pickshure of me on
forward. “Well, I guess you look OK. A girl the muh-REEN-uh website. My human
can’t be too careful.” sister Cathryn saw it an convinced Mom
an Dad to adopt me. (They go up there
“I totally unnerstand, Miss Stella. I’m every year.) When I got over bein’ scared,
looking forward to hearing your story.” they took me to the vet to get all spiffed up.
If that liddle girl hadn’t spotted me in that
“This is my Mom, Lisa. My Dad’s Sal. My ditch, I woulda been a GONER.”
step-cats are Midnight, Simba, Madeline, I nodded.
Misty an Sabrina. I really am excited you’re “Then,” Stella continued, “they did a
gonna write my …” DNA test, an found out I was a Shar-Pei
(but without those big wrinkly wrinkles),
Just then, there was rustling in the tree with some terrier stirred in.”
branches, an Stella took off like she was “Cool Kibbles! Whaddya do for fun? Any
shot out of a cannon. I looked all around pooch pals?”
the yard. Where’d she go? “In North Carolina, I run all over the
mountains. Mom an Dad think I start-
“Hey, Mr. Bonzo!”
“Miss Stella?”
“Up here!”

Vero Lakes Estates home
offers room for family fun

8326 103rd Court in Vero Lakes Estates: 5-bedroom, 3-bath, 3,000-square-foot family home on large lot offered for $298,000 by
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices listing agent Ashley Harris: 772-713-9159

16 March 9, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

Vero Lakes Estates home offers room for family fun

By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer “The neighbors are teachers, police offi- but the south side would get light all day. ing is handsome and practical. The large
[email protected] cers, a home-stereo technician and a me- “You wouldn’t have to heat it,” Harris said. space lets onto a screened back porch,
chanic, to name a few,” George Bailey said. An outside shower is already in place, and making it easy to keep an eye on children
A five-bedroom home on a large lot in one of the home’s bathrooms has a door to while preparing dinner. The kitchen has
Vero Lake Estates gives a family room to The house, at 8326 103rd Court, “is a the outside. lovely – and indestructible – white Corian
work, play and grow together. The Bailey double and corner lot that is almost a half- counters, including a long breakfast bar.
family loved the house, but one parent acre,” Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Most of the 3,000 square feet of living
no longer works from home and they’re listing agent Ashley Harris said. “The back space under air is on the first floor, which There is a formal dining room as well as

downsizing – to their fourth home in Vero yard faces east and gets a lot of light.” has a split floor plan, with community a den on the first floor, which the family
Lake Estates. A 5-foot wooden fence that encloses the rooms in the middle. Three guest rooms used as the TV room, wiring it with sur-
and a bath are on the north side and a mas- round-sound.
The family also loves the “awesome near- back and side yards will please dog owners ter suite is on the south side. A second mas-
by attractions,” such as the North County and parents, providing their charges with ter suite is on the second floor, above the A laundry room is off the two-car garage,
Aquatic Center, which has an Olympic-size safety and freedom. garage, making it quieter and more private. both outfitted with shelving and storage.
pool, two water slides, shallow pool with
play structures and diving boards. Next to The family used one of the fenced-in There are spacious cathedral ceilings in The first-floor master suite streams with
the pool are soccer and baseball fields, bik- side yards to park a recreational vehicle. the open-floor-plan kitchen, living room light from the south, especially the bath-
ing trails and a small playground. A family boat would fit in the same space. and breakfast nook. The ceramic-tile floor- room. Marble counters, soaking tub, walk-
Either side yard is big enough for a pool, in shower and two sinks make ablutions a

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E March 9, 2019 17

roomy pleasure. The bedroom has a tray ronment than paving and slow down driv- “It’s a unique community,” Kranenburg quiet, except when my great-grandkids
ceiling, declaring the parents’ realm supe- ers, making for a safer neighborhood. It said. “If you want curbs and gutter and come and make noise. We have 13 trucks
rior, as does the walk-in closet. is a special taxing district, with $50 a year sewer and water you shouldn’t think about in our extended family and they can all
collected by the county, which first went to moving here. I had all that in the city. I park in my driveway – overnight if they
The second-floor master suite has ca- create better drainage and then to paving wanted freedom and a large lot where it’s want.” 
thedral ceilings, including the bathroom. major avenues, still ongoing.
A large lunette window adds beauty and
abundant natural lighting. The bathroom There are no homeowners’ fees, but
has a walk-in shower, light marble count- there is a voluntary homeowners’ organi-
ers and white ceramic-tile flooring. zation with a Facebook page and website.
President Sue Kranenburg said the county
The Baileys used the second floor for re-grades streets one or two times a month.
group study sessions, an office, yoga and
sewing. All the homes have their own septic
system and many have their own well, al-
The house was built in 2004 by Mer- though some streets have opted to hook
cedes Homes of Melbourne in sturdy con- into the county’s water main. Streets can
crete-block and stucco construction. The petition the county to have water lines put
company suffered liquidity problems and in, undergoing a voluntary special-assess-
dissolved after the economic downturn. ment. The owners pay 75 percent and the
county 25 percent of the cost.
The required metal hurricane shutters
are stored in the garage. The Baileys paid an average of $149 a
month for electricity, Harris said, $84 in
Vero Lakes Estates is laid out on a grid, the winter and $215 in the summer.
with about 2,700 homes on mostly coqui-
na streets, which are better for the envi-

FEATURES FOR 8326 103RD COURT Ryan and Melissa Weaver, Agency Owners
Ryan Weaver Insurance Inc. is a locally owned
Neighborhood: Vero Lake Estates • Year built: 2004 and operated independent agency. Located in the
Lot size: .44 acres • Home size: 3,000 square feet CenterState Bank Building, just off of Miracle Mile
Construction: Concrete block • Bedrooms: 5 • Bathrooms: 3 and across from Classic Car Wash in Vero Beach.
Additional features: Cathedral ceilings, no homeowners’ fees
or restrictions, covered and screened porch, big side yards, Serving Vero Beach for over 10 years!
wooden fence, two master suites, tray ceiling in first-floor mas- All lines of commercial or personal insurance available.
ter suite, ceramic-tile flooring, two-car garage, Corian counters
in kitchen, marble counters in bathrooms, formal dining room,

two-car garage
Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services

Listing agent: Ashley Harris, 772-713-9159
Listing price: $298,000

Contact any one of our professional agents for a quote!

855 21st Street – CenterState Bank Building
2nd Floor – Vero Beach

(772) 567-4930

[email protected]

18 March 9, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



An astonishing week on the mainland real estate front saw 62 single-family residences change
hands from Feb. 26-March 2 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the property at 6655 8th Street. First listed last No-
vember, this impressive property sold for $1,457,000 on Feb. 26.
In Sebastian, the week’s top sale was the home at 13620 Old Dixie Highway. First listed last May for
$479,900, the 4-bedroom, 4-bathoom, 2,427-square-foot residence fetched $430,000 on Feb. 28.


VERO BEACH 6655 8TH STREET 11/7/2017 NOT PROVIDED 2/26/2018 $699,000
VERO BEACH 2185 7TH AVENUE 1/25/2018 $699,900 2/28/2018 $650,000
VERO BEACH 2265 6TH COURT SE 8/22/2017 $725,000 2/28/2018 $575,000
VERO BEACH 5820 CLUBHOUSE DRIVE 9/19/2017 $598,000 2/26/2018 $560,000
VERO BEACH 4835 ST. JAMES AVENUE 11/13/2017 $569,000 2/28/2018 $450,000
VERO BEACH 8290 MEREDITH PLACE 11/14/2017 $479,900 2/26/2018 $430,000
SEBASTIAN 13620 OLD DIXIE HIGHWAY 5/3/2017 $479,900 2/28/2018 $384,000
VERO BEACH 985 RUBY AVENUE SW 11/27/2017 $388,000 2/26/2018 $379,900
VERO BEACH 726 36TH AVENUE 1/19/2018 $379,900 2/27/2018 $371,000
VERO BEACH 5935 LONG LEAF LANE 4/11/2017 $369,990 2/28/2018 $370,000
SEBASTIAN 714 DEMPSEY AVENUE 8/18/2017 $372,000 2/28/2018 $354,000
VERO BEACH 1420 3RD COURT 11/20/2017 $375,000 3/1/2018 $353,000
VERO BEACH 6550 36TH LANE 9/8/2017 $375,000 2/28/2018 $350,000
VERO BEACH 2266 44TH AVENUE 12/22/2017 $350,000 2/28/2018

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E March 9, 2019 19


2185 7th Avenue, Vero Beach 2265 6th Court SE, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 1/25/2018 Listing Date: 8/22/2017
Original Price: $699,900 Original Price: $725,000
Sold: 2/28/2018 Sold: 2/28/2018
Selling Price: $699,000 Selling Price: $650,000
Listing Agent: Sally Daley Listing Agent: Linda Schlitt Gonzalez

Selling Agent: Daley & Company Real Estate Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise

Not Provided Andrew Gonzalez

Not Provided Coldwell Banker Paradise

5820 Clubhouse Drive, Vero Beach 4835 St. James Avenue, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 9/19/2017 Listing Date: 11/13/2017
Original Price: $598,000 Original Price: $569,000
Sold: 2/26/2018 Sold: 2/28/2018
Selling Price: $575,000 Selling Price: $560,000
Listing Agent: Claudia Pascal Listing Agent: Jim Knapp

Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc.

LuAnn Donnelly-Willemen Kathleen Davila

Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC RE/MAX Crown Realty

199$ 3DAYS


Coming Up!

BRANCH OUT FOR Hobbs’ paintings reflect her Adam Schnell.
ARTS & CRAFTS fearless and fun persona PAGE B2

By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]

1 Say “Under the Oaks” and
most everyone knows you’re
referring to one of the most highly
anticipated, best-attended events
of the season, the Vero Beach Art
Club’s Under the Oaks Fine Arts
and Crafts Show, now celebrat-
ing its 67th year. Be sure to carve
out time this weekend to fully
enjoy the carefully juried, abso-
lutely excellent works from more
than 220 in- and out-of-state art-
ists – all displayed in one of Vero’s
most beautiful outdoor venues.
You’ll stroll along sunlight-dap-
pled paths under oaks that are,
themselves, works of art. In the
food court, you’ll find all sorts of
tempting foodstuffs and bever-
ages, from some of Vero’s most
popular restaurants. More than
36,000 people typically attend this
popular show. The parking is am-
ple and free, and admission is also
free. Show hours are this Friday,


B2 March 9, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Hobbs’ paintings reflect her fearless and fun persona

By Stephanie LaBaff | Correspondent seen it in England before.” beams in her kitchen and taught herself how
[email protected] After purchasing three to macramé. Setting up a co-op with a friend
for stay-at-home mothers, they sold their cre-
Margaret “Mags” Hobbs enjoys spending “how-to” books, she went ations by the thousands all over England; Har-
time painting in her Vero Beach studio, taking home, put hooks in the
full advantage of the natural light. It’s only fit-
ting that the artist, whose infectious personal- PHOTOS GORDON RADFORD
ity and sunny disposition make her hard to re-
sist, would end up in a town listed by “Coastal was racing like a madman all over the place
Living” as being among the top 10 Happiest and I just stopped painting.”
Seaside Towns.
To fill the creative void while her children
After all, her journey as an artist began on were growing up, she pursued other interests,
the other side of the pond in Royal Leaming- explaining, “I had a couple of little companies
ton Spa, named last year as the happiest place and took off on a big trekking experience.”
to live in the UK.
While in California for one of David’s rac-
She and husband David moved to Vero es, she says she discovered macramé and
Beach several years ago to escape the brutal thought, “Blimey, that’s marvelous, I’ve never
winters in Milwaukee, having fallen in love
with the area while visiting friends during
their jaunts to Daytona Beach for David’s ca-
reers – first as a race car driver and later as a
sports commentator.

The couple met when just 14 years old,
dated through college and married just as his
racing career took off. Not long after graduat-
ing from the Royal Leamington Spa College of
Art, where she had focused on calligraphy, li-
thography and textiles, she gave birth to their
first child.

“I took a 30-year sabbatical to raise our
children,” Hobbs says with a laugh. “David

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE March 9, 2018 B3

vey Nichols was at the top of their client list. mountain tops with several friends. that big break myself and say, I am going to As a member of the Vero Beach Art Club,
After a while, she says, “I ended up feel- Initially more of a physical challenge, start painting again.” Hobbs entered her “Abstract Art Class” piece
in the recent Art on the Island 3-Dimensional
ing like I was feeding the rest and starving Hobbs eventually wrote the book “Better to Hobbs readily admits that, for her, writ- Fine Art Exhibition at the Marsh Island Club-
myself, as they say. I felt, this is not enough Journey: Travels Across the Roof of theWorld,” ing the book was much easier than painting. house where it took First Place in the 2-D with
for me, and that’s when I turned to my tex- which chronicles three of the seven treks she “That book is not fiction. So I was really just Pizzazz category.
tiles.” For that venture, she organized a crew made with her friends, focusing on events rewriting my diary; there’s nothing clever
of women from nearby villages to do piece during trips to the Everest Base Camp in Ne- about it. My art is absolute fiction. I find paint- “The one comment I get all the time is,‘Why
work to make quilts. pal, K2 in Pakistan’s Karakoram range, and an ing an endless puzzle. It requires enormous is it [her paintings] all so different?’ Until peo-
expedition to Makalu in Nepal. amounts of thinking in my head all the time.” ple said those things to me, I never thought
Hobbs’ next creative endeavor came at age about it. I’d just paint whatever I wanted to
45, the result of a chat in the pub with sever- “My friends started this business – ‘You’ve Fear was her biggest roadblock and nerves paint. The subject matter is not my main in-
al friends. “After holding up the ladder for the got to write a book, Mags. You keep that dia- initially caused her to overwork the pieces. terest; it’s the technique, the painting style.”
rest of our families, it was time to see what was ry.’ It is true I did keep a very scrap of a diary,” “We always want to produce a picture that
at the top,” she explains. And by the top, they she recalls. “It was actually very marvelous of people love. I think that’s a mistake. It takes a Dawn Miller, VBMA instructor and fellow
meant all the way. Once the idea took root, them to be so supportive.” long time and thick skin to get over that,” she artist says, “If I were to describe the way Mags
while husband David raced around the world, explains. “I didn’t know how to get started. I approaches her paintings, it would be fear-
she intermittently trekked to Himalayan Hobbs takes readers to the mountaintops, was afraid of the blank canvas. One day I said, less. She is just so willing to throw in unique,
where she and her companions overcame the For Christ’s sakes it’s only a bit of canvas. It’s bold colors and marks and wash it out and
physical and emotional challenges of their only a bit of paper. If it doesn’t work, do anoth- try again. I love watching her paint. She is just
arduous journeys, dealing with monsoons, er. And then I was all right.” fearless and has fun with it; she’s very playful.
leeches, earthquakes and the death of a young She’s not uptight at all about what she’s doing
porter traveling with them. She says her work in those early days was and she’s willing to go big. Mags is happy when
technically correct but felt cold. she’s painting and that shows in her work.”
Eventually, with David spending most of his
time in the U.S. because of his involvement in “My style has evolved a lot. I think ab- Standing in her study, it’s hard not to feel
the racing industry, he opened a car dealer- stract expressionism is a term that has been the joy in Hobbs’ paintings, where farm an-
ship in Milwaukee where they relocated. tagged onto me. It’s a very loose and abstract imals frolic on canvases and poppies burst
approach to the subject. I’m not looking for with color.
Looking back over the years devoid of photographic images. That’s not me. I need to
painting, Hobbs says she has no regrets. “You use my imagination a great deal more. I like Hobbs always has several pieces going
don’t choose what you do in life; life has got something that grabs my imagination and at once and is currently juggling nine com-
you by the short and curlies, largely. It dictates excites me. In my book, abstract expression missions. Among them are roosters, hors-
pretty much what you do. I don’t think a lot of means you can do anything.” es and poppies. There is also a portrait of
us have much choice that way.” her husband which she will be donating for
Hobbs says she has gone to numerous auction at the 2018 Amelia Island Concours
That said, after eventually settling in classes at the Vero Beach Museum of Art, add- d’Elegance, where David’s autobiography,
to “life as an American,” Hobbs decided ing, “It was great for me because I really en- “Hobbo, Motor Racer, Motor Mouth,” will be
she was ready to get paint under her nails joyed doing the classes and studios and then launched on March 9. 
again. “I never stopped thinking about in no time at all made friends.”
painting. It never left me. I had to make

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B4 March 9, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE


Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

2 “To Kill a Mockingbird,” based on 1 “Under the Oaks” this weekend at Riverside.
Harper Lee’s ground-breaking, Pulit-
zer Prize-winning 1960 novel of the same
name, opens this Thursday, March 8, at the
Vero Beach Theatre Guild. Lee’s classic work
is known for its warmth and even humor, in
spite of its subject – rape and racial inequality.
The book is loosely based on Lee’s experienc-
es with her family, neighbors and events that
occurred near her hometown of Monroeville,
Alabama in 1936, according to Wikipedia.
The plot revolves around a young girl, Scout,
and her attorney father, Atticus Finch, who
agrees to defend a young black man falsely
accused of rape. As one critic explained the
book’s impact in the 20th Century: “‘To Kill
a Mockingbird’ is probably the most widely
read book dealing with race in America, and
… Atticus Finch, the most enduring fiction-
al image of racial heroism.” In the hands of
long-time director, actor and current Guild
president Jon Putzke, this show should be a
powerful and moving production. “To Kill a
Mockingbird” runs through March 25. Tick-
ets: $13 to $26. Box office: 772-562-8300.

3 The University of Notre Dame Glee numbers more than 2,000 members since 12, at the VBHS Performing Arts Center, nationally and internationally, perform-
Club is without doubt one of the is first performance in December 1915. as they make a one-night stop on their ing with headliners such as Dave Bubeck,
top all-male collegiate choral groups any- We’ll have the opportunity to enjoy this Spring-Break Tour. Over the years, accord- Vince Gill, Ronan Tynan and the South
where, a century-old brotherhood that heralded 60-voice group Monday, March ing to Wikipedia, the Glee Club has toured Bend Symphony Orchestra. You Notre

3 The University of Notre Dame Glee Club March 12 at VBHS Performing Arts Center.

O presents
I A Novel
N Little, Brown and Company
G Wed., March 14th at 4 pm

R presents
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THE ESCAPE ARTIST: A Thriller Thurs., March 15th at 6 pm

BRAD PARKS presents

392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE March 9, 2018 B5

4 The Yale Spizzwinks (?) next Thursday at St. John of the Cross Catholic Church. of music from Gershwin to Bernstein to the 5 Firefall, next Thursday at
Beatles to Adele. Show time is 7 p.m. Tickets the Emerson Center.
Dame alumni will have heard this group are free and required. 855-252-7276 or 321-
before home football games and at Mass 536-8580.
in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on the
Feast of the Immaculate Conception. No- 5 The rock band from Boulder, Colo-
tre Dame student Samuel Ward Perrott rado – Firefall – has scored gold and
formed the University of Notre Dame Glee platinum with their music, from country
Club after singing in a glee club at Harvard to rock, for some four decades, and they’re
(where he also studied), and saw how such bringing those signature rich harmonies to
a group should be run. The Monday eve- the Emerson Center next Thursday, March
ning performance will benefit the Women’s 15, as the next in the Live! From Vero Beach
Care Center, the Hope for Families Center concert series. We’ll likely hear such Firefall
and the Notre Dame Club of Vero Beach biggies as “You Are the Woman,” “Just Re-
Endowed Scholarship Fund. Tickets are member I Love You” (one of my faves), “Cin-
$10 for students, $25 for adults. The music derella” and “Headed for a Fall.” Ticket are
starts at 7 p.m. Box office, 772-564-5537. $25 to $65. Show time is 7 p.m. 

4 The Yale Spizzwinks(?) are com-
ing to town next Thursday. Wheth-
er you’re thinking “say what?” or “Terrific!
I’ll be there!” you’ll totally enjoy this free,
unique evening of music at St. John of the
Cross Catholic Church March 15. The Spiz-
zwinks(?) are said to be America’s oldest
underclassman a cappella group, having
been a cappella-ing since 1914. And their
story is a good one. Back in 1913, four Yale
frosh were hanging out at Mory’s trying to
decide on a name for their new (a cappella)
singing group, which they were launching
as a light-hearted alternative to the Whiff-
enpoofs, Yale’s older, all-senior a cappella
group, whichWikipedia describes as“known
as much for their stodginess as for their mu-
sical excellence.” One of the four, a young
man from Iowa, suggested they name them-
selves after a mysterious, invisible creature
which, according to legend, was responsible
for the Great Iowa Corn Blight of 1906 – The
Spizzwink. The editor of the school paper
wasn’t sure of the spelling, so, in the article
about the new group, he included (?) after
the name. The newly minted Spizzwinks
liked the way it looked and made it an offi-
cial part of their name henceforth. The Spiz-
zwinks(?), usually in tie-and-tails, perform
over 100 concerts a year, nationally and
internationally, including performances in
Madison Square Garden, Carnegie Hall, the
U.S. State Department, Disney World, the
White House, professional sports events
and numerous other venues. Being entirely
self-funded, they sell lots of CDs and other
merch. With their balanced blend of great
harmony and tongue-in-cheek humor, the
Spizzwinks(?) sing their own arrangements

B6 March 9, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE

Dream team: Clydesdales amaze at UP campaign kick-off

Rich and Patty Turner. Joan Busch, Annabel Robertson, Philip Keeling, Gerrit Topp, Barb Toole and Heather Cameron.
Ginny and Austin Hunt, Philip Busch and Julia Busch Dunford

By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer families taking full advantage of the crisp tive director, noting that Southern Eagle Right before the team of draught
[email protected] nip in the air while chowing down on of- was donating proceeds from beer and horses was ready to take off on the pa-
ferings from food trucks and watching soda sales to the nonprofit. rade route, the Busch Family Founda-
Vero Beach residents headed for Riv- children bounce off excess energy in the tion donated $2,500 to United Against
erside Park last Friday night to greet the kids’ zone. Over the next few months, UP will be Poverty to help further its vision.
Budweiser Clydesdales as they hitched working to pair up restaurants and busi-
up their wagon to help kick off the Unit- Geoff Moore kept the crowd engaged nesses for the upcoming June 30 Burgers & UP board members, volunteers and
ed Against Poverty of Indian River County throughout the evening, peppering a play- Brews burger contest. Robertson said they program participants welcomed the
Burgers & Brews campaign. list with beer-centric songs as Southern expect that more than 20 restaurants will opportunity to raise awareness about
Eagle Distributing kept the beer flowing. sell sliders on the street, all vying for both the programs and services they offer
The crowds began to gather several Judges’ and People’s Choice Awards. to ensure that every family has access
hours before the spectacular steeds were “It’s a community-happy four hours,” to basic needs, nutritional food, crisis
scheduled to make their appearance, with explained Annabel Robertson, UP execu- “The kick-off party opens the season care, education and employment train-
for us to find people to participate,” she ing.
explained. “We’re just really excited about
tonight. People come from all over. It’s “A lot of people don’t know what we
amazing what an institution the Clydes- do in the community, and that’s either
dales are.” people who may be in need or people
who have a heart for the mission that
As the horses were made ready for their we’ve undertaken,” added Robertson.
grand entrance, the excitement was pal-
pable. People clustered around, lining up They have had major achievements
six-deep for the length of the field from the with the Success Training for Employ-
Grand Pavilion to the Vero Beach Museum ment Program (STEP), which focuses on
of Art. enhancing job-readiness skills for job
placement and long-term job retention.
While many bragged of having seen the
exalted equines before, others eagerly an- “We had 109 people graduate from
ticipated their first sighting. Weights and STEP in 2017 and we currently have 258
heights were debated, ages and pull load employed STEP participants, which is
too, but the one thing everyone seemed to about $5.7 million in annualized wage
agree upon was the majestic beauty of the impact,” shared Robertson.
gentle creatures.
For more information, visit 


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE March 9, 2018 B7

Michelle Griffin and Kelly Clemenzi. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Ginny Hunt with son Josiah.
Savannah Smith and Kay Jenkins.
Erik and Carrie Ottoson with Landen.

B8 March 9, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE

Drama and delight as Impact 100 finalists unveiled

By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer Felix Cruz, Youth Guidance; Jeffrey Shearer, Tykes & Teens; Tom Kindred, Indian River State College; Angela
[email protected]
Davis-Green, Economic Opportunity Council; Kelly Sartain, Buggy Bunch; Col. Sam Kouns, Veterans Council;
Representatives of seven nonprofit or-
ganizations were introduced as the latest and Linda Merk-Gould, Vero Beach Rowing. PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL Brenda Cetrulo and Suzanne Carter.
Impact 100 finalists at a Meet the Finalists
Reception last Friday afternoon at the Vero 10th Anniversary sponsor. “It was energiz- 2018 Indian River Impact 100 Grant tal health therapists to train childcare
Beach Country Club. ing to see our mission unfold right under Finalists: center staff and families to recognize
our very eyes. Impact has contributed $3.7 and respond appropriately to problem
“We are women who collectively impact million to the community; over 450 women The Buggy Bunch: PlayFULL Educa- behavior in the preschool classroom.
the lives of individuals in our communi- have made our town a better place to live.” tion Groups. Funding would support
ty through transformational giving,” said growth and development of free groups Vero Beach Rowing: Creating a Com-
Suzanne Carter, board president of the “I get the best part. It is an honor to be to teach math and literacy skills to high- munity of Caring; Vero Beach Rowing
all-volunteer funding group. part of Impact 100, chair of the Grant Com- needs children ages 0 through 5, while Serving Breast Cancer Survivors. Fund-
mittee and announce today’s Impact 100 integrating evidenced-based parent ed- ing would purchase lighter, more stable
Brenda Cetrulo chaired a Grant Com- finalists,” said Cetrulo. Recognizing all the ucation and family support. rowing shells and dragon boats to im-
mittee that extensively vetted the appli- hardworking volunteers, she added, “they prove access for the breast cancer survi-
cations of nonprofits vying for the covet- are the heart and soul and I thank you all.” Economic Opportunities Council of vors’ Row After Diagnosis program and
ed $100,000 grants toward programs that IRC: Early Bird Program Expansion to other nonprofits.
would be impactful, sustainable and trans- Dodgertown Elementary in Gifford. The
formative. program seeks to close the gap in quality Veterans Council of Indian River
3-year-old care for children of low-in- County: Veterans Helping Veterans Pro-
The finalists will make their case at come, high-risk homes through a holis- gram; Safety, Accessibility and Home Im-
the April 18 Annual Meeting, where a re- tic educational program by providing provements. Funding would enable the
cord-breaking 460-plus membership will food, support and education. hiring of home improvement contractors
vote to determine which four will become to fix, upgrade and increase handicap
$100,000 grant recipients. The three other Indian River State College Founda- accessibility for impoverished veterans
finalists will equally split the remainder, as tion: IRSC Pioneer Tech Camp. Funds living in sub-standard housing at no cost
every $1,000 member contribution is dis- would help purchase equipment and to them.
tributed. staff to teach underprivileged third- to
eighth-grade students about robotics, Youth Guidance Mentoring and Activ-
“When Impact started 10 years ago, video-game design and computer cod- ities Program: Youth Guidance Mentor-
we were idea people, community leaders ing at the Vero IRSC campus in the sum- ing Academy S.T.E.A.M. Magnet Program.
and community businesses who wanted mer, and at Gifford Youth Achievement Funds would develop and staff an innova-
to make our Vero Beach a better place for Center during the school year. tive learning lab focused around Science,
those less fortunate,” said Dace Stubbs, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math
Tykes & Teens: Little TYKES (Teach- for academic enrichment and tutoring
ing Young Kids Emotionally & Socially). services for underprivileged youth. 
Funding would pay for two infant men-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE March 9, 2018 B9

Florida Residency
To Be or Not To Be?

Suzanne Bertman, Dace Stubbs and Gay Blaicher.

Debbie Kinney, Judith Shottes, Alma Lee Loy and Mary Graves. At this free and informative seminar,
Bonnie Wilson, Amy Acker and Pilar Turner. a local attorney will discuss:

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Susan Smith and Brenda Lloyd. Stacy Golding and Judy Peschio. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements.
Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualications and experience.

B10 March 9, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SPORTS

Vero High track star never runs out of enthusiasm

By Ron Holub | Correspondent Grace Grumpel. As adept as Gumpel is when racing Cross Country Runner of the Year.
[email protected] around the track, she is equally keen “It’s sad that I’m leaving, but I’m very
PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD when navigating around the classroom.
Vero Beach High School senior Grace ready. Four years in high school feels like
Gumpel has a clear vision of what lies same private school team. “I will specialize in nursing because a long time. I’m excited to finish, graduate
ahead when she graduates and begins her “I’ve been on the cross country and I want to help people. I’m in the HOSA and get on to college. I’m ready to move on
college career. It will be a matter of con- (Health Occupations Students of Ameri- to the next step.” 
tinuing to build upon pursuits for which track & field teams at VBHS since fresh- ca) class and this past semester was just
a solid foundation has been constructed man year. We basically have practice for seniors to qualify to be a CNA (Certi-
over the past four years. every weekday, so I really don’t do that fied Nursing Assistant). I went through
much running on my own. On Saturdays the classes and did the clinicals. I passed
She has emerged as a decorated dis- we mostly have meets and on Sundays I the certification and I am now a CNA.”
tance runner on the cross country and normally get up and run in the morning.
track & field teams for the Fighting Indi- So I run every single day. Gumpel is geared up and anxious to
ans. Her accomplishments were noticed move forward. The end of high school is
by the University of North Florida, where “I just love running. It makes me smile near, but not quite there just yet.
she received an athletic scholarship to be- every time I get to run. I just love it, it’s so
come a member of the Ospreys’ running much fun. The team dynamic is just awe- As one of two finalists, she awaits to
programs. some. We run together and we tell stories hear if she will be chosen All-Area Girls
while we are running. We have awesome
Gumpel will enter a nursing curric- coaches. Everything about being with
ulum in college for which she will also other runners is wonderful.”
be well prepared. By all accounts this
soon-to-be college freshman will hit the
ground running at UNF in both academ-
ics and athletics.

“I have been communicating with
them (UNF) continuously since July of
last year,” said Gumpel. “It’s a D1 school
and they wanted me on their teams, so I
decided to sign in November.

“In the fall I will be running 5Ks –
and 6Ks too. In the spring they do in-
door track. It’s actually a smaller track,
200m instead of 400m, and I will run the
1,600m, 3,200m and 5,000m. So I will be
running year round.”

That’s very similar to her events with
the VBHS teams. In the cross country
postseason last fall, Gumpel finished sec-
ond in the district meet and established
her personal best 5K time of 19:26 in the
FHSAA state meet.

In current track & field competition she
will run distances of 800m, 1 mile and 2
miles. For anyone conversion bewildered,
1,600m is equal to .99419390758 of a mile.
We will just call it a mile. Runners often
switch back and forth using both systems.

“The mile is actually my favorite event
and the one that I’m best at,” Gumpel told
us. “Personal times are definitely big. Ev-
ery time out I want to beat my previous
best time. I beat my best record for the
1,600 (on Feb. 24) and it was awesome. My
previous record was 5:17 and I just ran a

This all got started for Gumpel before
she even reached high school. Her parents
produced and directed an episode that
would evolve into a long-running series
for six successful seasons.

“My sister actually hated running and
she really didn’t want to do it,” Gumpel
explained. “Then my parents pushed her
to do cross country in 10th grade. I always
admired by sister so I started doing it
when I was in seventh grade. Even though
she was a lot older than me, we started
training together and we were both on the

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING March 9, 2018 B11

Rib City: Some of the best ribs and pulled pork around

By TIna Rondeau | Columnist PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
[email protected]

Driving home to Vero from Melbourne
on U.S. 1, we have remarked several times
on how a new restaurant has taken over
the old Grant general store – a historic
landmark which had been there since the

Last week, we decided to stop at what
is now called Historic Grant Station and
give Rib City, a 70-seat barbecue restau-
rant, a try.

The first surprise we had was that at
7:45 on a Tuesday night, the foyer of the
restaurant was still filled with people
waiting for a table. Hmm.

Fortunately, there was room for two at
the bar, and we only had a 15-minute wait
over wine before a table opened up on the
far side of the eclectic room. (During sea-
son, you’re probably always looking at a
wait; Rib City doesn’t take reservations.)

While sipping wine, however, we stud-
ied the menu and were struck by the
promise: “If you have to pick up a knife
to eat our baby back ribs, we will pick up
your meal.”

So my husband and I both ordered Rib
City combos. I chose the rib and rib com-
bo ($17.99) – a plate of baby backs and

Pulled Pork

Grandmother’s Baby Back Ribs.
Southern Pecan Pie.

St. Louis ribs – and my husband went for pulled pork was sensational as well. they open each day at 11 for lunch – and Hours:
Tony’s combo ($17.99), a full rack of baby While the garlic toast was nothing to their next-door neighbor, the Old Grant 11 am to 9 pm (10 pm on
backs and a ¼ pound of pulled pork. Creamery, serves homemade ice cream!
write home about, the BBQ beans were Time to head for Historic Grant Station. Fridays and Saturdays)
All entrées are served with garlic toast delicious and the French fries also a hit;
and a choice of two sides, so I picked the the corn cobette, alas, at that hour of the I welcome your comments, and en- Beverages: Beer & Wine
sliced tomatoes and the BBQ beans, and night was simply tired. courage you to send feedback to me at
my husband opted for the corn cobette [email protected]. Address:
and French fries. By the time we finished our ribs, there 5390 S. U.S. 1,
was no room left for dessert – though The reviewer dines anonymously at restau- Grant-Valkaria, FL 32949
Let me take any mystery out of wheth- several looked mighty tempting as they rants at the expense of Vero Beach 32963. 
er we scored a free meal under Rib City’s passed our table. Phone:
offer. The baby backs were just falling off (321) 241-6510
the bone, and the St. Louis ribs – while Rib City has a variety of other items on
meatier – were darn near as tender. No the menu that we would like to try as well
knives necessary. – ranging from beef brisket to BBQ beef
and pork and smoked turkey breast – and
This place – which turns out to be the we will definitely be stopping by again to
lone East Coast outpost of a group of fam- see if these measure up to the pulled pork
ily owned rib joints by the same name and ribs.
over on the Gulf Coast of Florida – serves
great flavorful ribs, and my husband’s In the meantime, if you are disinclined
to drive there and wait for a table at night,

B12 March 9, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING March 9, 2018 B13

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B14 March 9, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING March 9, 2018 B15


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B16 March 9, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


1 Inquisitive (7) 1 Weather (7)
5 Salad plant (5) 2 Bridle straps (5)
8 Cake topping (5) 3 Societies (13)
9 Authority (7) 4 Private (6)
10 Non-attendance (7) 5 Group of stars (13)
11 Shabby (5) 6 Changeable (7)
12 Too much (6) 7 Morose (5)
14 Casual trousers (6) 13 Episode (7)
17 Clever (5) 15 Supporter (7)
18 Hair soap (7) 16 Respect (6)
20 Result (7) 17 Muzzle (5)
21 Thoughts (5) 19 Fold in a garment (5)
22 Flans (5)
23 VDU or screen (7)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES March 9, 2019 B17

ACROSS 72 ___ A to Z 3 A Clockwork or Bangkok The Washington Post
1 Scarred skipper 73 Leveled parts of Orange’s 59 Rodgers and
5 Buying binge, main character LEVELING THE PLAYING FIELD By Merl Reagle
a meal? Hart tune,
e.g. 77 She sailed in 4 Trifecta, for one “Ten Cents ___” Certified Collision
10 Little we know? 5 Silkwood 60 French award, Repair Center
14 Quits abruptly 1492 the ___ of Honor
19 River of shadoofs 78 Did a cobbler’s portrayer 61 Monet’s money
20 Surface-___ 6 Grapefruit 63 Canner?
job 7 Her Nick of Time 64 Charm-
missile 80 Dannay and challenged fairy-
21 Say that again album won four tale beings
22 Say good night to Lee’s sleuth Grammys 67 On ___ with
81 Charles in 8 Beethoven’s one 70 Fashion I.D.s
her 9 Would-be 27th 72 Took off
23 Leveled 1984 Charge star Amdt. 73 Knot in cloth (or
82 Fails, in a leveled 10 Vacation location a noted singer-
sci-fi film? 11 In an unkind way actor’s first
25 Anna’s adopted way? 12 African nation name)
84 Contemptible 13 Certain 74 Zip, to Zapata
land assignments 75 God, to Godard
26 S.F. player ones 14 Man’s shoe 76 Bust out laughing
27 Chi players 85 Golden Fleece 15 Te Kanawa 78 Airplane!, e.g.
28 Faces in the ring recordings 79 Type of test
29 Leveled co-conspirator 16 Mardi Gras 80 Type of test
86 Type units follower 83 Company that
engineering 87 Broke ground, 17 Vulnerable joint, makes the Etch-
wonder? in sports A-Sketch
31 Upriver spawner in a way 18 Herzegovina 84 Lloyd Webber hit
32 Peer group? 88 It holds water hardliner 85 Passover food
33 Algonquin Hotel 89 Leveled capital of 24 Tube honors 88 Ground-corn
regulars, once 29 .38s and .45s flour
34 Leveled Cooper Malaysia? 30 On the brisk side 89 African coffee
character? 91 Utah park 31 Handles the 90 Helpless
37 Took off 92 Gerald or Patrick wheel 91 African country
38 Kachina doll 32 Taunt 92 ___ Attraction
maker preceder 34 Almost here 93 Like Mr. Spock’s
39 A gender: abbr. 93 Word on a john 35 Paris landmark blood
42 Lake Indians 36 Get ideas, to 94 Love god
43 1976 pop hit, door Muggsy? 95 Domesticate
“___ Gone” 94 In level terms, 37 “Stop pouring 96 Type of test
44 Leveled now” 97 A Deadly Sin
celebration? what “the 38 ___-Hoop 98 Florence’s river
46 Teen tormentor problems of three 39 Phony 99 Bakker’s Jessica
47 Dinner downer little people” don’t companies, often 100 Navy foe?
49 Prolix do “in this crazy 40 Piano pieces 101 Charon’s river
50 Dissipated one woild”? 41 “I can’t believe 104 Mason’s prop
51 Leveled driver? 98 Ball marrier ___!” 105 Sticky stuff
53 Casual greeting 99 Possesses 43 Pool member
54 My Darling 102 Arnold’s mate 44 Doctor’s order VeArou’tsoPbroedmy!ier All Insurance
Clementine star 103 Aware of 45 East of Eden twin Accepted!
55 Simple fellow 104 Leveled utterer 47 Actor M. ___
56 Fountain order of 94 Across (in a Walsh
57 Homer or Moses 1942 classic)? 48 Lady of Spain, I
59 TV alien 106 Syndicated seer do this to you
62 Leveled presiding 107 With -tine, a drink 49 They’re high and
officer? 108 Barry Lyndon low
65 Steam sound lead 52 Popcorn-carrier’s
66 Adenauer’s 109 “Goodness!” path
nickname 110 Rented again 53 Boring
68 Tender 111 Michelle Pfeiffer 54 Catch and throw
promises? in Batman 56 Didn’t run
69 Question Returns, Selina 57 Blender setting
relentlessly ___ 58 Born in Baghdad
71 Flabbergasted 112 “No man is an
island” author
113 Cameo stone

1 Raid targets
2 Cracker brand

(772) 978-1351 • 463 4th Place SW • Vero Beach, FL

The Telegraph

B18 March 9, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES



By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist AQ54

We have all heard the expression: When the going gets tough, the tough get going. 98632
But I did not know that this is an example of antimetabole: a repetition of words in
successive clauses, but in transposed order. WEST Q7
In this week’s deal, South is in four spades. What should declarer do after West leads 863
the diamond king to South’s bare ace? K Q J 10 7
South starts with nine top tricks: seven spades, one heart and one diamond. There are K J 10 9 7
four chances for a 10th winner: no spade loser, the heart finesse working, a club trick
being established, or a club ruff on the board. 754

The major-suit finesses are unlikely to be winning. If West had the club ace and king, K 10 6 4
surely he would have led that suit in preference to the diamond king. So, the best shot is
a club ruff in the dummy. SOUTH

Anyone who went only that far would immediately lead a low club to dummy’s queen. A Q J 10 9 6 5 2
But East would take that trick and shift to his trump. South could win with his ace and
play another club, but West would win with his nine and cash the spade king. The 2
contract would have to fail.
Declarer must either keep East off the lead (to avoid that spade switch) or make it too
expensive for him to win a trick. J83

South plays a heart to dummy’s ace, then leads the club seven. If East rises with his Dealer: West; Vulnerable: East-West
king, declarer will get a club trick. If East plays low, West takes South’s jack with his ace
but cannot safely lead a trump. Declarer ruffs the second diamond and plays another The Bidding:
club. East wins and leads his trump, but South wins and ruffs his last club on the board.
4 Spades 1 Diamonds Pass 1 Hearts
Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
K Diamonds

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AL 13068 Join us for a lunch that
you will remember.

Call with an opening on
your calendar.


Assisted Living & Memory Care

2100 10th Avenue l Vero Beach, FL 32960

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR March 9, 2019 B19

ONGOING March 9-11 | Under the Oaks Fine Arts & Crafts Show 14 Bingo Luncheon, Let’s Flamingle! 11:30
a.m. at Oak Harbor Club to benefit
Riverside Theatre – Gypsy, musical mem- 9-18 Indian River County Firefighters’ Fair 12 Riverside Theatre’s Distinguished Lec- Senior Resource Association, with champagne
oir of Gypsy Rose Lee on the Stark Stage thru at Indian River County Fairgrounds, turer Series presents Christopher Hill, lunch, bingo and prizes. $125. 772-569-0760
March 25. 772-231-6990 with carnival rides and food, 4-H Club competitions former ambassador to South Korea, Iraq and
and live entertainment. Poland, 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Stark Stage and 15 Art in Bloom Luncheon and Exhibition,
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Medieval To simulcast in Waxlax. 772-231-6990 11:30 a.m. at Vero Beach Museum
Metal: The Art & Evolution of the Guitar thru 10 Haiti Clinic 5K Run/Walk, 8 a.m. from of Art (galleries closed to public until 2 p.m.).
May 6, Paul Outerbridge: New Color Photo- South Beach Park. 772-567-4445 12 University of Notre Dame Glee Club $200. Free Charles Albert Trunk Show, 11 a.m.
graphs from Mexico and California, 1948-1955 Concert, 7 p.m. at Vero Beach High to 2 p.m. at Museum Store. 772-231-0707
thru June 3 and Shadow & Light: The Etchings 10 100th Birthday Celebration of the School PAC to benefit Women’s Care Center,
of Martin Lewis thru May 13. Hallstrom House, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hope for Families Center and Notre Dame 15 Live from Vero Beach presents the lay-
hosted by IRC Historical Society. 772-778-3435 Club of VB Endowed Scholarship Fund. $25 ered harmonies of Firefall, 7 p.m. at
MARCH adults/$10 students. 772-564-5537 Emerson Center. 800-595-4849
11 Toss Out Child Abuse Charity Corn-
8 Educate and Celebrate, 6 p.m. at Grand hole Tournament hosted by Exchange 14 Percussion Concert with solos and 15 Performance by the a cappella group
Harbor Club to benefit Haiti Partners’ Chil- Club of Indian River at Walking Stick Brewery, ensembles from Vero Beach HS, Indi- Yale Spizzwinks, 7 p.m. at St. John of
dren’s Academy, with cocktails, hors d’oeuvres 11 a.m. practice; Noon tournament, with food an River Charter HS, Sebastian HS and Gifford the Cross Catholic Church. Free. 855-252-7276
and desserts, auctions and a Haiti Marketplace trucks, raffles and craft beers. $40 per two per- Middle School, 7 p.m. at VBHS PAC. Free. 772-
of unique handcrafted items. $125. 772) 539- son team. 772-532-9375 564-5497 15 Atlantic Classical Orchestra presents
8521 Motzart’s Serenade No. 6, Symphony
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN No. 40 and Concerto for Flute & Harp, with so-
8 Screening of the documentary, ‘A Walk to in March 2, 2018 Edition 1 HYMN 1 HYPOTHESIS loists Tina Aplegren and Kay Kemper, 7:30 p.m.
Beautiful’ hosted by Friends After Diagno- 3 ALLAY 2 NEMESIS at St. Edward’s Waxlax Center. 772-460-0850
sis, 4 p.m. at Majestic 11 in honor of Interna- 7 ERSE 3 ADDING
tional Women’s Day. Free but ticket required. 8 PRIMADONNA 4 LENGTH 16-18 Shrimpfest Craft Brew Hulla-
772-562-5373 9 RASP 5 YEARN balloo at Riverview Park, Se-
12 THISINSTANT 6 USES bastian hosted by Rotary Club of Sebastian and
8 Live from Vero Beach presents the Beatles 13 EXIST 10 ATOM Fellsmere Exchange Club, 3 to 9 p.m. Fri. St. Pat-
recreation, “1964” The Tribute, 7 p.m. at 15 REMIT 11 PROTESTANT ty’s Party; 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Emerson Center. 800-595-4849 19 TOWERBLOCKS 14 IOTA Sun., with food & brews, Golden Shrimp compe-
21 SPAT 16 EMOTION tition, live music and family activities. Free ad-
8-25 Vero Beach Theatre Guild pres- 23 TERRAFIRMA 17 BEIRUT mission. Special Craft Brew Tasting, 1 to 4 p.m.
ents “To Kill a Mockingbird” 24 RIPE 18 ABOARD Sat., $35 unlimited tastings.
based on the novel by Harper Lee. 772-562- 25 RATED 20 OTTER
8300 26 NEAT 22 PAIN 16-18 Garden & Antique Show and
Sale, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fri. &
9 Physicians Symposium and Luncheon Sudoku Page B16 Sudoku Page B17 Crossword Page B16 Sat.; 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun. at McKee Botanical
hosted by the Women’s Refuge of Vero Garden – 30-plus vendors of antiques, arts and
Beach, 12 Noon at Oak Harbor Club, featuring a orchids. Standard admission. 772-794-0601
panel of local physicians led by Dr. Alan Durkin
discussing innovations in their fields. $125. Crossword Page B17 (OKTOBERFEST)

9 Sebastian River Area Chamber of Com-
merce Concerts in the Park presents Dad-
dy Wags, 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Riverview Park. Free.

9-11 Under the Oaks Fine Arts &
Crafts Show hosted by Vero
Beach Art Club - juried show with 220+ artists
from around the country, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Riv-
erside Park. Free.


Our directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the community an opportunity to make themselves known to our readers at an affordable cost.
This is the only business directory mailed each week during season. If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753.



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TBheefohrireinygouofdaeclaiadwneyd,eear xsispkeaurniseintmocpepo.rrCotavliinedtnedt eyreocsiuspiwoonnitshtihbfalreteesfohwrorucioltdtsetnnooiftnsbfoueritmbaaatstiesodentstaloeblmeolueytnoto.nuradqvuearltiifsiceamtieonntss.

B20 March 9, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

17 Brew-2-Brew Half Marathon, 7 a.m. March 18 | Rock the Boat Gala to benefit Youth Sailing Foundation Family Center, 6 p.m. at Bent Pine Golf Club
from Walking Tree Brewery to benefit with diners voting to crown Vero’s Top Chef
Mental Health Association, with Finish Line Fes- tion, Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. show, with proceeds 18 Rock the Boat Gala to benefit Youth 2018. $150; VIP tables w/wine $250. 772-567-
tivities. That evening: St. Patrick’s Day Sham- to benefit Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Sailing Foundation, 5 p.m. at Moor- 5537 x326
rock Shindig, 7 p.m. at Grand Harbor Beach Club Program of IRC. Free. 772-571-6632 ings Yacht and Country Club with YSF sailing
with craft beers, wine and food pairings, auc- demos, silent and live auctions, cocktails, din- 20 Love of Literacy Luncheon, 11:30 a.m.
tions and entertainment by Bobby Owen Band. 18 Atlantic Classical Orchestra and Vero ner, dancing and live musical entertainment. to benefit Literacy Services of Indian
$150. 772-569-9788 Beach Museum of Art Chamber Music $200. 772-925-2521 River County, with Michael Tougias, author of
Series present Early Debussy and Late Schubert, ‘The Finest Hours: The True Story of the U.S.
17 ELC EcoTalks Speaker Series: Saving 3 p.m. at VBMA. 772-231-0707 x 136 19 International Lecture Series presents Coast Guard’s Most Daring Sea Rescue.’ $100.
Sharks from Extinction, 11 a.m. at En- Maya Lin, Vietnam Veterans Memori- 772-778-2223
vironmental Learning Center. 18-20 Vero Beach High School Per- al designer, 4:30 p.m. at Vero Beach Museum of
forming Arts Dept. presents Art. 772-231-0707 20 Film Studies 5 - Fond Farewells: Trib-
17 Treasure Coast Jazz Society presents its Red, White & Blue Band Concert 25th Anniver- utes to Those We Remember, 1:30
Lisa Kelly and JB Scott with Dave Stein- sary Spectacular, 2 p.m. Sun., 7 p.m. Mon./Tues. 19 Tenth Anniversary Vero’s Top Chef p.m. or 7 p.m. Tuesdays thru Oct. 24 at Vero
meyer, 12:30 p.m. at Vero Beach Heritage Cen- at VBHS PAC. $15; $6 veterans. 772-564-5497 Challenge Finale to benefit Hope for Beach Museum of Art. $60 & $80. 772-231-0707
ter. 772-234-4600
20 Cause for Paws to benefit Humane So-
17 Enchanted Music of Ireland Tour ciety of Vero Beach and Indian River
featuring Andy Cooney and Shauna County, 6 p.m. at Oak Harbor Club. 772-388-
McStravock, Irish Dancers and the Irish Pop 3826
Ensemble, 7 p.m. at Emerson Center to benefit
St. Francis Manor Building Fund. $39. 772-778- 20 To April 8 - Riverside Theatre presents
5249 Buyer & Cellar, a satiric relationship
between a gay actor and Barbara Streisand, on
17|18 March Madness Basketball the Waxlax Stage. 772-231-6990
Tournament for kids, ladies
and men to benefit Crossover Mission, 8 a.m. 21 Vero Beach Opera presents An Eve-
to 5 p.m. at Gifford Youth Achievement Center ning with the Diva, Deborah Voight
gym. $100 youth teams; $200 adults; $3 admis- in concert, 7 p.m. at VBHS PAC. $30 - $50. 772-
sion. 772-643-3320 564-5537

17|18 Beautiful Lagoon Fine Art 22 Concerts in the Park: Ed Shanaphy and
Exhibition at Sebastian Riv- Friends, 5 to 7 p.m. at Vero Beach Mu-
er Art Club, Fri. 4 8 p.m. opening recep- seum of Art. $10 & $12. 772-231-0707




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