July 13, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 28 Newsstand Price: $1.00
For breaking news visit VeroNews.com
MY TAKE PSC: Vero got
BY RAY MCNULTY price for utility
Westside Tennis Club By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer
may be closed for good [email protected]
The most recent efforts to revive Vero Beach Grady Whites approach Fort Pierce’s North Causeway Bridge en route to the Bahamas. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD The Florida Public Service
the long-struggling Westside Ten- Commission finally issued its
nis Club were abandoned in May, By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer Bahamas in a big way. Bahamian ports of call. long-awaited Proposed Agency
when the Miami-based partner- [email protected] “It’s a record-breaker,” said “We’ve been averaging 10 or Action order last week. The doc-
ship that purchased the property ument’s conclusion codifies the
eight months ago was dissolved The Vero Marine Center’s Vero Marine co-owner Bri- 12 boats on these trips, but it’s Commission’s 3-2 vote approving
and the sole remaining owner fi- “Grady Bunch” – a growing an Cunningham, who led the been a big year for boating,” he the sale of Vero Electric to Florida
nally – wisely – pulled the plug. group of customers who pur- nautical conga line of 17 Grady added. “So not only do we have Power & Light, but the dissenting
chased their Grady White boats Whites that departed Friday more boats going, but we also opinion of PSC Chairman Art Gra-
There’s no good reason for any- from the Royal Palm Pointe morning from Vero Beach’s Me- will have a record number of ham runs thick through 16 pages
one to try again. dealer – is celebrating the 30th morial Island for a two-week is- people.” of tortured explanations.
anniversary of its first trip to the land excursion with stops at five
The financial investment need- CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 Typically, when the PSC staff
ed to breathe new life into the recommends an action and com-
worn-out facility, neglected in too missioners align with that rec-
many ways for far too many years, ommendation, the detailed order
is no longer worth what sure- formalizing and justifying the vote
ly would be a disappointing and is relatively streamlined. It says,
probably dismal return. here’s what we did and why.
Even a conservative estimate But this time around, with Gra-
would put the cost of the overhaul ham and Commissioner Donald
the club needs at $500,000, and Polmann staunchly opposed to
that doesn’t include the purchase FPL absorbing $116 million in
price of the property, which sold for costs that consultants said were in
$575,000 when Ramon Amilibia’s excess of the nuts-and-bolts value
Sports World Association bought it of the Vero electric system and its
last September. 34,000 customers, the PAA order
clearly reflects both the prevailing
So why bother? and the dissenting points of view.
Not only would paying the
NEWS 1-5 PETS 10
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Debbie Carson | Staff Writer Family members asked Assistant years on remaining charges – told the Johnny Benjamin.
For circulation or where to pick up [email protected] U.S. Attorney John McMillan if it was family that, while Benjamin would
your issue call: 772-226-7925 possible Benjamin’s sentence could most definitely file an appeal, his
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. FORT LAUDERDALE – Milling be overturned on appeal and, if the chances of success were minimal.
around outside a federal courtroom sentence stood, whether he would
after Vero Beach surgeon Johnny Ben- ever see the light of freedom again. “This was an extremely solid trial,”
jamin was told he’d serve life in prison McMillan said.
for the death of a young woman who McMillan, a confident prosecu-
took pills he illegally distributed, the tor who helped secure the harshest Regarding the possibility of the
woman’s family breathed a sigh of re- possible sentence for Benjamin – life disgraced doctor ever being released,
lief. But questions quickly followed. on two counts with an additional 20 McMillan said, “‘Life’ literally means
2 July 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
PRICE TO PAY: NEW TARIFFS HIT MY TAKE that the courts had become too dangerous
A PAIR OF VERO BOAT-MAKERS to play on. “All we asked was that they give
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 us safe, playable courts, and they couldn’t
By Sue Cocking | Correspondent workers who put out nearly 240 vessels an- even do that,” said Dick Habeshian, one of
nually. The company’s products range from monthly bills be a challenge, but there’s more than 20 former Westside members now
Two Vero boat-makers say new tariffs on 10-foot inflatable dinghies to rigid inflatable probably no realistic chance to turn the kind playing at the Vero Beach Tennis Club. “They
aluminum and other foreign products have runabouts to 42-foot cabin cruisers – some of profit necessary to justify the initial invest- said all the right things when they came in,
caused dramatic increases in the price they priced north of $1 million. ment. but they didn’t follow through.
pay for some parts and materials, and they
are concerned about long-term impact to In the wake of U.S. tariffs and retaliation “That’s the mistake made by the people “They were absentee managers, trying to
their businesses. from foreign trading partners, the cost of an from outside Vero Beach,” said Alain Migno- run the club from Miami,” he added. “At the
aluminum engine bracket used on almost all let, who has owned the Twin Oaks Tennis end, they had a very indifferent attitude.”
“I’ve been inundated with vendors send- Novurania craft has risen from $250 to $350, Club on Sixth Avenue for 28 years. “They see
ing me price changes,” said Eric Schaubel, according to Schaubel. And he doesn’t see the this beautiful property. They hear that Vero By then, though, Zivanovic and Levy –
purchasing manager at Novurania boat- increases stopping there. Beach is a tennis town. They hear that area Amilibia was the money man – surely knew
works, located on U.S. 1 south of Oslo Road. is growing, see all the new construction and they had misjudged the Vero tennis market.
“What it’s going to be for other items, we Dragonfly, in business since 2007, employs believe they can make it work. They knew Westside would never become
don’t know yet.” 16 workers and produces about 60 boats a what they had deluded themselves into be-
year. It makes both shallow-water fishing “But there’s something they don’t know.” lieving.
The situation is similar at Dragonfly boat- skiffs and yacht tenders that sell for $23,000 They don’t know that Vero Beach, which
works near the Vero Beach Airport, where to more than $100,000. has a lot of tennis players for a community They realized what many longtime mem-
company president Mark Castlow said the of its size, doesn’t have enough players to bers of the Vero Beach tennis community
price of aluminum poling and casting plat- “As a manufacturer, you try to absorb what adequately support the clubs already here have known for years: There are too many
forms used on the company’s skiffs has risen you can, but there’s a point you can’t absorb it – particularly the independent clubs on the clubs and not enough players to make all of
12 percent in just the past three weeks. anymore and pass it on,” Castlow said. mainland. them profitable.
For years, in fact, Westside struggled to
Both companies concentrate on the yacht “This is really going to impact the entire compete with Twin Oaks, The Boulevard And the recent resurgence of The Boule-
tender market, building to order smaller industry.” Tennis Club and especially the Vero Beach vard, which was bought by a new ownership
boats carried aboard mega yachts for fishing, Tennis Club at Timber Ridge. group in January 2017 and has more than
diving, beachcombing and waterfront din- Schaubel said it’s too early to see what “The club hasn’t made money in 25 years,” doubled its membership over the past 18
ing excursions. Both companies’ vessels are overall impact the trade war will have on the Mignolet said. months, has made the challenge even great-
lauded by customers for quality components, boating community, but the National Marine Not much changed when Westside was er for the mainland’s other clubs.
craftsmanship and snazzy style. Manufacturers Association – the trade group sold to the Amilibia partnership, which in-
for the U.S. recreational boating industry – cluded tennis pros Danilo Zivanovic and So Amilibia folded.
Novurania, founded in 1979 in Italy and said President Trump’s imposition of tariffs Greg Levy. Even if you got it for free, I don’t think you
headquartered on U.S. 1 for more than 20 worldwide on steel and aluminum has hit the The new owners didn’t significantly im- could make money there,” Mignolet said.
years, employs between 50 and 75 skilled industry hard. prove the facility and eventually lost more So why bother?
than a dozen members who complained Westside’s demise actually makes the Vero
Beach tennis community healthier – because
there’s still the same number of players in
town, but one less club for them to join.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS July 13, 2018 3
DRUG DOC TO ‘DIE IN PRISON’ hearing, Benjamin sat stoically at the de- cause he feels powerless to help his wife munity do-gooder, a man who sponsored
fense table, only speaking when directly and three surviving children feel better. the Vero Beach High Girls Lacrosse Team,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 addressed by the judge. paying for their championship rings year
He implored the judge to make Benja- after year, and who sent a bus full of kids
‘life’.” He told family members they can ex- Even then, he limited his answers to min suffer as his family does, urging him to to a shoe store and bought them all shoes
pect Benjamin to die in prison unless the “Yes, sir” and “No, sir.” make sure Benjamin “takes his last breath because they were in need.
case is overturned. in a prison cell.”
It did not appear anyone in the court- He mentioned several awards and com-
He commended Maggie Crowley’s fam- room was there to support Benjamin. He “We have been given a life sentence,” mendations Benjamin had received from
ily for being at Benjamin’s sentencing Fri- was given the chance to address the court said John Sterople, her brother-in-law, community groups such as the Gifford
day. “You all are heroes in my eyes,” he told and say something on his own behalf calling on the judge for Benjamin to serve Youth Achievement Center, Dollars for
them, noting that Benjamin’s life sentence during the hearing, but did not do so. a life sentence. “Anything less than that de- Scholars and Glendale Elementary.
won’t bring her back or ease their pain. values Maggie’s life.”
During the family’s testimony, Benja- “He saw a problem, he went out to fix
Crowley, 34, overdosed on furanyl fen- min turned his head toward them, listen- Benjamin’s defense attorney Philip Rei- it,” Reizenstein said of Benjamin.
tanyl-laced pills that were ultimately ing but not showing any outward emotion. zenstein, who was brought on to the case
traced back to Benjamin, who prosecutors 10 days before the sentencing hearing af- It was a point on which Asst. U.S. Attor-
said was the kingpin in an illegal drug dis- U.S. Attorney McMillan would later tell ter Benjamin released his trial attorneys, ney McMillan and Reizenstein could agree
tribution organization. Crowley’s family outside the courtroom argued that the court should not have – though for different reasons.
that Benjamin likely had been coached to proceeded with the hearing before he had
She left behind a husband, parents and show interest in their testimony. time to prepare. McMillan said it was obvious Benjamin
siblings, and a host of other family and was a problem-solver, but the overriding
friends who gathered in the courtroom to “He’s shown no remorse,” Maggie Crow- He also disputed the federal court’s ju- problem he needed to solve was financial
address Federal District Judge William P. ley’s uncle and godfather, Louis DiVita, risdiction on the two counts that resulted in nature, which led the doctor to get into
Dimitrouleas and Benjamin prior to sen- told the judge. He said he’d had to leave the in the life sentence – participating in a the drug trade.
tencing. courtroom during the prosecution’s dis- conspiracy to possess with intent to dis-
play of photos that showed Maggie’s body. tribute furanyl fentanyl which resulted in Along with the heavy prison time, Judge
Crowley’s husband, Shaun Crowley, said death, and aiding and abetting the distri- Dimitrouleas ordered Benjamin to pay
after the hearing that he felt a sense of re- “I fight these memories by remember- bution of furanyl fentanyl which resulted a $25,000 fine and more than $10,000 in
lief. ing the little girl singing ‘Tomorrow’ over in death. restitution to Crowley’s widower and her
and over until I couldn’t stand it.” parents. Fifty percent of any wages Benja-
“Maggie didn’t die in vain,” he said, ex- Benjamin was also convicted on charges min earns while in prison will go to satisfy
plaining that no one else will now fall vic- Other family members shared fond of attempted possession with intent to those obligations.
tim to Benjamin and his drugs. Without memories of the young woman and asked distribute acetyl fentanyl, possession with
her death, he suspects that law enforce- the judge for the maximum sentence. intent to distribute oxycodone, and con- Benjamin has until July 20 to file an ap-
ment would not have been “able to get the spiracy to possess with intent to distribute peal.
monster off the streets.” “To say Maggie’s death has broken my hydrocodone and oxycodone.
heart is an understatement,” said one of The two other men tied to the case, Kev-
“He took the best person in the world,” her cousins. “I still cry often. The grief hits Judge Dimitrouleas overruled the objec- an Slater and Zachery Stewart, are due in
Crowley said of his wife, holding back so hard sometimes.” tions. court later this month for sentencing.
tears. “He deserves worse.”
Crowley’s father, Joseph DiVita, strug- Reizenstein had attempted to reframe They are the informants who helped
Throughout the one-hour sentencing gled to address the court. Benjamin as a problem-solver and com- DEA agents gather evidence against Ben-
“We suffer her loss every day,” he said,
adding that his pain is compounded be-
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4 July 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
VERO’S ‘EXTRAORDINARY’ DEAL ities attorney Bruce May told Shores Town cumstances” that justify FPL’s existing 4.9 tomers outside the city limits.
Manager Robbie Stabe and Mayor Tom Slat- million customers absorbing the $116 mil- “Approximately 60 to 65 percent of
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 er last week in an email that stated: “As we’ve lion built into the $185 million purchase
discussed, this is a ‘proposed’ non-final or- price for the Vero system. COVB’s customers reside outside the City’s
City Manager Jim O’Connor, a 40-year der and can be protested by a substantially municipal borders. For many years, these
veteran of local government and now a sev- interested person by filing a petition with The extra cash is necessary for Vero to customers have been frustrated by their in-
en-year warrior in the effort to sellVero elec- the PSC by the close of business on Monday, untangle itself from the Florida Municipal ability to have a voice in the operation of the
tric, calls the vote and the order a win – even July 23, 2018 (the ‘Deadline’). If no such pe- Power Agency at a cost of $108 million, and City’s electric utility or in rate-setting deci-
if it’s not a pretty one. “I look at the bottom tition is filed by the Deadline, the PAA order from its wholesale power contracts with sions,” the order states.
line,” O’Connor said Monday. “We are good will become final.” Orlando Utilities that carry an exit penal-
to go with the PSC endorsement and no, ty of $20 million. Release from those con- “This dissatisfaction has resulted in years
nothing surprises me in this process.” The order says litigation between Vero tracts is needed to close the sale and get of controversy, repeated efforts to address
and the Shores, and numerous petitions Vero out of the electric business. A sale is issues through legislation, multiple filings
The order is only proposed – not final – filed by Indian River County and the Shores needed to end the tinderbox of disputes with us (the PSC) and litigation between the
until the end of a 21-day review period, util- against Vero, amount to “extraordinary cir- among Vero and her neighbors, the cus- Town of Indian River Shores and Indian Riv-
er County.”
The Shores sued for breach of contract for
unreasonable rates, among other counts,
and the county petitioned to remove itself
from Vero’s service territory when Vero’s
electric franchise agreement expired in
2017. All those efforts were either thwarted
or deflected from court to court and agency
to agency like the political hot potato the is-
sue had become.
The PSC staff made it clear in its order
that high rates alone are not a sufficient
reason to demand a different electric utility
provider, and that the $116 million account-
ing adjustment approved by the PSC in this
case has “no precedential value,” meaning
the decision addresses only the unique facts
of the Vero case.
After reviewing the PSC document, Slat-
er said on behalf of the Shores, “The Town
is very pleased with the Commission’s ma-
jority vote ruling on the proposed order. I
continue to follow the matter closely and
eagerly await the finalization of the PSC Or-
der and the final sale. When completed, it
will be a positive benefit for the Town and
all others involved.”
The Shores looks forward to a unified
electric system after the anticipated Oct. 1
closing, when all its residents will be FPL
customers. Due to the annexation more
than a decade ago of the portion of the town
north of Old Winter Beach Road, about 80
percent of the Shores is on Vero electric,
paying about 37 percent higher rates than
FPL customers, while about 20 percent
of Shores residents already pay FPL rates,
which are some of the lowest in the state.
Indian River County, too, is a territory
divided, with residents in the Moorings
and on the South Barrier Island, as well as
some central county residents, businesses
and the State Road 60 corridor paying Vero
rates, while Sebastian, Fellsmere, Wabasso
and South Vero customers are already on
the FPL system.
The sale, plus a petition to redraw FPL’s
service territory, will unify the entire county
under FPL. County Attorney Dylan Reingold
on Monday said he was aware the PAA had
finally been published, but that he had yet
to analyze it or to formally brief the County
Commission by memo.
FPL Spokesperson Sarah Gatewood said
FPL is working to set up open house events
soon for FPL to welcome its soon-to-be cus-
tomers and provide information about all of
FPL’s energy-saving programs and services
that Vero customers will be eligible for once
the sale is complete.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS July 13, 2018 5
By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer lenging for providers to follow,” she added. tions other than the emergency department,” and typically work for hourly wages, making
[email protected] At the same time, the problem that in- according to Orlee Panitch, a Maryland ER it a financial burden to take time off to go the
doctor quoted in the article. doctor. The ER by contrast, is open 24/7.
The Hospital District has given Indian spired the current idea for a copay at IRMC is
River Medical Center the go-ahead to decide pressing. Emergency room visits continue to “In addition, states with punitive policies The worst nightmare of healthcare officials
on the amount of a copay for indigent pa- climb, in part because of long waits to get ap- toward Medicaid patients in the ER may be could come true if patients trying to avoid
tients seeking care at the emergency room for pointments with primary care doctors. discouraging low-income patients with seri- copay opt out of going to the hospital for a
ous medical conditions from seeking neces- real emergency. A 2013 study published in the
NEWS ANALYSIS In Vero, that may soon change with Cleve- sary care, which is dangerous and wrong.” Journal of the American Medical Association,
land Clinic likely to take over the hospital in or JAMA quotes a Philadelphia emergency
non-emergency treatment, hoping a fee will a matter of months. Since 2008, Cleveland Indian River Medical Center’s interim CEO, room physician and co-director of the Center
cut down on the number of people using the Clinic has offered same-day visits; more than Karen Davis, made her case for a copay last for Emergency Care Research at the Universi-
ER for routine care. a million patients took advantage of that pro- month at the Hospital District monthly meet- ty of Pennsylvania, Dr. Zachary Meisel, as say-
gram last year alone. ing. Using statistics from fiscal year 2015, Da- ing copays will “inevitably lead to people who
The copay for indigents – those making vis said 70 percent of indigent patient visits to should have gone to the ER dying instead.”
no more than 150 percent of federal poverty The decision to start the same-day pro- the ER were for non-emergencies, with only
guidelines – is similar to one that has been gram reflects the patient-first philosophy of 30 percent true threats to life and limb, the After Washington State was sued by
imposed on Medicaid patients, who pay up the Cleveland Clinic. It was hard to assess over hospital’s definition of emergency. The fig- emergency medicine physicians for limit-
to $15. the phone whether a patient could wait weeks ures were reversed in the non-indigent pop- ing Medicaid non-emergent visits to three,
or months for an appointment, or needed to ulation. and creating a list of symptoms it deemed
Proponents believe such patients need be seen right away, “so we decided to leave “non-emergent,” the state instead created a
“skin in the game” to assume responsibility it up to them, in terms of determining their “Our goal is to give (indigent patients) the multi-pronged solution: setting up primary
for choosing unwarranted emergency care own urgency,” said Chief Medical Operations initiative to go someplace else for primary care visits for frequent users within 96 hours
when other low-cost care is available through Officer Robert Wyllie, quoted in a U.S. News care,” Davis told the board. “I don’t want it of a trip to the ER; a 24/7 hotline staffed by
community clinics and primary care doctors. article in January. to be punitive. That’s not our goal. But in our nurses to help callers determine whether
minds, (the cost) has to be equal or greater their condition is an emergency; and an edu-
But a number of studies show a copay for Emergency Rooms are getting busier and than what it would be to go to primary care, in cation program to teach people the difference
the poor is not an effective tool to reduce busier despite an increase in urgent care cen- order to be effective.” between non-emergency and emergency
emergency room overcrowding and may stop ters, clinics and telemedicine. And patients conditions.
patients who do need emergency care from are as sick or sicker than ever, according to ER A Pew study noted that Medicaid patients
seeking treatment. doctors. use the ER at twice the rate of privately in- In the first year of the program, use of the
sured patients because they tend to be in ER by Medicaid patients declined by 9.9 per-
“When you add copay you obstruct access “The reliance on emergency care remains poorer health. They also have trouble finding cent and the rate of frequent users fell by 10.7
to care for both emergency and non-emer- stronger than ever,” said Dr. Michael Gerardi, primary care since Medicaid pays those doc- percent. Those drops netted a savings of $33.6
gency care,” said Dr. PeterViccellio, vice chair- former president of the American College of tors less per visit. On top of that, Pew reports, million.
man of emergency medicine at SUNY-Stony- Emergency Physicians in an article on the or- Medicaid patients have transportation issues,
brook Medical Center. ganization’s website. “It’s the only place that’s
open 24/7, and we never turn anyone away.
“In general, I don’t think it is a healthy poli- Rather than trying to put a moat around us to
cy,” said Dr. Karoline Mortensen, an associate keep people out, it’s time to recognize the in-
professor in health sector management at the credible value of this model of medicine that
University of Miami Business School. people need.”
In an unpublished study, Mortensen and The article cited a report by Health Policy
her colleagues looked at ER visits in Florida Alternatives, which found that “efforts by pol-
during a time that the state capped the num- icymakers and health insurance plans to drive
ber of visits at six in a given year. Mortensen Medicaid patients out of emergency depart-
said she and her team “did not find any effect ments and into primary care are not work-
of this policy on ED visits. ing,” in part because wait-times at primary
care practices could be two weeks or more.
“In general, payment policies are compli- That leaves Medicaid patients with “few op-
cated for enrollees to understand and chal-
VERO SUMMER GETAWAY The boaters plan to return to Vero Beach
on July 19.
“Some people are hard-core fishermen,
Cunningham, who has missed only one some like to go diving, some just enjoy stay-
of the club’s annual Bahamas cruises, said ing on their boats or going ashore on the
64 of the boating club’s more than 200 mem- islands,” Cunningham said. “There’s some-
bers signed up for this year’s trip, “if you in- thing for everyone.”
clude those who fly in and fly out” because
they can’t commit to the entire 14 days. The brainchild of Cunningham’s former
business partner, Bruce McIntyre, the club
“We’ll also have a record number of was formed in 1988 after McIntyre noticed
first-timers,” he added, referring to the five that many customers who had purchased
boaters who embarked on their maiden Grady Whites where not using them very
voyage to the Bahamas. much, if at all, because they lacked the
know-how and confidence to undertake
The trip from Vero Beach to West End on long cruises.
Grand Bahama was expected to take four to
five hours. The group’s itinerary included The Grady Bunch arranges numerous ac-
stops at Marsh Harbor and Elbow Cay in the tivities and cruises throughout the year that
Abaco Islands, and then Green Turtle Cay enable experienced boaters to mentor peo-
before the fleet returns to Grand Bahama, ple new to boating and allows Cunningham
where it is scheduled to dock in Port Lucaya, to show customers and potential customers
a suburb of Freeport. how to get the most enjoyment from their
Grady White boats.
6 July 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
Heart disease: How to survive America’s No. 1 killer
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer iar with the symptoms and complexities of terol and plaque: a process is known as ath- Dr. Alan Rosenbaum.
[email protected] heart disease – along with preventive actions erosclerosis.
and treatment regimens that can save tens of PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
Heart disease is still the No. 1 killer in thousands of lives a year. When plaque in a coronary artery
the U.S. breaks away, a blood clot can form and a good habit to present this list to each doctor
Let’s start with heart attacks. According to shut off the blood flow to the heart mus- your see and say, ‘Am I on all these medica-
The National Center for Health Statistics the American Heart Association, “your heart cle, leading to a heart attack or, in doctors’ tions according to your records?’”
reports that some 633,482 lives were lost to muscle needs oxygen to survive. A heart at- parlance, a myocardial infarction. It’s in-
heart disease last year and the Centers for tack occurs when the blood flow that brings credibly commonplace. Is that really a big deal? You bet your life
Disease Control now says one in every four oxygen to the heart muscle is severely re- it is.
deaths in this country will be tied to heart duced or cut off completely.” In fact, the AHA says, “every 40 seconds,
disease. someone in the United States has a myocar- Say you have heart disease, but another
That severe reduction or complete cutoff dial infarction.” doctor prescribes an antibiotic for something
Dr. Alan Rosenbaum of the Indian River occurs when the coronary arteries become totally unrelated to your heart. Odds are you
Medical Center is a five-star-rated cardiolo- too narrow due to a buildup of fat, choles- It’s here where Rosenbaum makes a won’t see a conflict there, but for cardiologists
gist on Healthgrades.com who is very famil- vitally important observation: Men and like Rosenbaum that could be a huge red flag.
women often have strikingly different
heart attack symptoms. “The erythromycin family of antibiot-
ics,” explains Rosenbaum, “can be chal-
For men, he says, “there’s a typical 30 to lenging from an electrical perspective.”
40 minutes of chest pain radiating down Certain patients can develop arrhythmias
the left arm [with] some pain in the jaw and (irregular heartbeats) or even complete
shortness of breath, nausea, diaphoresis – or cardiovascular collapse from antibiotics
sweating – that occurs with exertion and goes when they’re combined with heart medi-
away with rest. cations like beta blockers.
“Women,” Rosenbaum continues, “are Of course, the best medicine is preventive
much more variable in how their symptoms medicine. Things like getting adequate exer-
present. For example, in my training I saw a cise, eating a healthy diet, reducing stress and
woman who came in with right elbow pain. getting regular checkups.
I had another lady who had a left anterior de-
scending artery blockage, but her pain was If you’ve been diagnosed with heart dis-
like a necklace: right around her neck and ease or have a family history of it, talk to your
that was it. That’s the only pain that she had primary care physician. He or she may refer
with exertion.” you to a highly qualified cardiologist like
Rosenbaum who will fully explain the best
Assuming patients get prompt medical way or ways for you to avoid being one of
attention and survive their first heart attack, those 633,482 people who lose their lives to
the preventive actions and treatment reg- heart disease each year.
imens to avoid a second heart attack, says
Rosenbaum, start with aspirin. “I would rec- Dr. Alan Rosenbaum is with the Indian
ommend 81 milligrams [because] there’s re- River Medical Center. His office is in the hos-
ally no evidence that 325 mg does any better pital’s Health and Wellness building at 3450
than 81 mg. 11th Court, Suite 102. The phone number is
Rosenbaum says beta blockers should be
considered too, because they “have been
shown in trials to decrease a second heart at-
tack from occurring.”
Beta blockers – drugs like Acebutolol (Sec-
tral) and Metoprolol (Lopressor) – cause the
heart to beat “more slowly and with less force,
thereby reducing blood pressure. Beta block-
ers also help blood vessels open up to improve
blood flow,” according to the Mayo Clinic.
“If the patient is hypertensive [has high
blood pressure], ACE inhibitors or ARBs are
also recommended,” Rosenbaum adds.
But cardiac care doesn’t stop there and
patients have to take responsibility for their
own care, even as they rely on their doctors
for guidance and treatment.
The plain truth is neither doctors or their
electronic medical records are infallible. Pa-
tients need to keep better track of all the med-
ications, vitamins and supplements they take
and share that information with every physi-
cian they see. Every time they see them.
“My strong recommendation to my pa-
tients is they make a list of their medications
[whether they’re for heart disease or some-
thing else, entirely]. Every a time a medica-
tion change is made or added, change it on
your list or make a new list. It’s laborious I
know, but it keeps the record straight. And it’s
8 July 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
Bliss is best: Spats with spouse worsen chronic pain
By Maria Canfield | Correspondent severe symptoms on days when the tension cle where your marital interactions are more Lisa Terry.
[email protected] between them and their spouses was high- tense, you feel like your symptoms are more
er than usual. severe, and the next day you have more mari- PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
Most people don’t like to argue with their tal tension again.”
spouse for general reasons of happiness and The Penn State team says that while pre- control makes you feel like less of a victim
harmony at home. Now it turns out there are vious studies have shown a connection be- Terry describes a pattern she often sees and makes it less likely that you will place
physiological reasons as well for older people tween satisfying marriages and better health, that takes Martire’s observation one step fur- blame on your spouse for how he or she is
with certain chronic conditions to keep the there’s been a lack of research into how day- ther: “Chronic illness can exacerbate a per- reacting to your situation.”
peace, according to new research from Penn to-day experiences impact those with chron- son’s natural tendencies. Someone who often
State Center for Healthy Aging. ic illness. gets agitated when healthy is likely to be even If you feel a visit with a therapist could
more easily agitated when they are suffering help your relationship with your spouse, Ter-
Lisa Terry, a licensed clinical social work- Study lead Lynn Martire, professor of hu- from a condition they have to live with for a ry suggests that you plan ahead so that you
er (LCSW) in Vero Beach, confirms the man development and family studies, says long period of time.” can talk about specifics, as it’s much easier
study results. In her own practice, she often “other studies have looked at the quality of to work through a specific issue rather than a
sees a connection between spousal tension someone’s marriage right now. But we want- On the flip side, Terry says people who general feeling of discontent.
and the worsening of health-related symp- ed to drill down and examine how positive or deal well with adversity are likely to take ex-
toms, although it’s can be a bit of a chicken negative interactions with your spouse affect tra steps, such as practicing deep breathing The Terry Mindfulness Center is located at
and egg thing. “The illness can affect the re- your health from day to day.” or meditation, to remain calm and centered 333 17th Street, Suite 2T in Vero Beach. The
lationship as much as the relationship can when faced with a chronic illness. phone number is 772. 564. 0406 and they can
affect the illness,” she says. She adds: “It was exciting that we were able be found on the web at www.terrymindful-
to see this association in two different data The study results were recently published ness.com.
In their study, the Penn State team used sets – two groups of people with two different in the journal Annals of Behavioral Medicine.
data from two groups of participants: one diseases. The findings gave us insight into In light of their conclusion that the overall
group of 145 people with osteoarthritis in how marriage might affect health, which is quality of spousal relationships may have
the knee; another of 129 people with type 2 important for people dealing with chronic some impact on health, the researchers be-
diabetes. All participants kept daily diaries conditions like arthritis or diabetes.” lieve there is value in creating interventions
for about three weeks on their mood, how specifically targeted to couples who are deal-
severe their symptoms were, and whether The researchers also found that when ing with a chronic disease.
their interactions with their spouse were the people in the arthritis group had great-
positive or negative. er pain, they were in a worse mood the next Terry offers this advice on how to keep
day and experienced greater tension with relationships on an even keel when dealing
The researchers found that within both their spouse. with an illness. “The most important thing
groups, the study participants were in a is for the person with the illness to have
worse mood and had greater pain or more Of the arthritis group, Penn State’s Mar- good self-care. Controlling what you can
tire says, “this almost starts to suggest a cy-
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | HEALTHY SENIOR July 13, 2018 9
Sight fright: Have blurred vision checked immediately
By Fred Cicetti | Columnist affected eye can be lost. Dry AMD generally dilated eye exam, and tonometry. Visual acu- or are missing. These may be signs of AMD.
affects both eyes, but vision may be lost in ity is measured with an eye chart test. In the Other tests that may be done include:
Q. I’m 70 and I’m starting to see a blurred just one eye. dilated eye exam, drops are placed in your • Using special dye and camera to look
area in the middle of my vision. Any ideas? eyes to enlarge the pupils. Then, a magnifying
The risk of getting AMD increases with lens is used to examine your retina. Tonome- at blood flow in the retina (fluorescein an-
Have this checked immediately by an eye age. Other risk factors include smoking, obe- try measures the pressure inside the eye. giogram)
care practitioner. What you describe is a sity, race (whites are at higher risk), a family
symptom of age-related macular degenera- history of AMD, and gender (women are at You may also be asked to look at an Amsler • Taking a photo of the inner lining of the
tion (AMD), a leading cause of vision loss in higher risk). grid. With one eye, you will stare at a black dot eye (fundus photography)
Americans 60 years of age and older. in the center of the grid. You may notice that
AMD is detected through a comprehensive the straight lines in the pattern appear wavy • Using light waves to view the retina (opti-
The macula is at the center of the retina eye exam that includes a visual acuity test, a cal coherence tomography)
in the back of your eye. The retina transmits
light from the eye to the brain. The macula Once dry AMD is in the advanced stage,
allows us to perform tasks that require cen- no treatment can prevent vision loss. How-
tral vision such as reading and driving. ever, treatment can delay and possibly pre-
vent AMD from progressing to the advanced
In some cases, AMD advances so slowly stage. Some vitamins and minerals may re-
that people notice little change in their vi- duce the risk of developing advanced AMD.
sion. In others, the disease progresses faster
and may lead to a loss of vision in both eyes. Wet AMD can be treated with surgery,
It comes in two forms – wet and dry. therapy, and injections into the eye. None of
these treatments is a cure for wet AMD. Each
Wet AMD occurs when blood vessels be- treatment may slow the rate of vision decline,
hind the retina start to leak and raise the but the disease may progress anyway.
macula. An early symptom of wet AMD is
straight lines that appear wavy. Wet AMD is The U.S. Food and Drug Administration
considered to be advanced AMD and is more has approved the Implantable Miniature
severe than the dry form. However, dry AMD Telescope (IMT) to improve vision in some
can turn into wet AMD at any time. patients with end-stage age-related macular
Dry AMD occurs when macular cells
break down, gradually blurring central vi- Surgically implanted in one eye, the IMT
sion in the affected eye. Central vision in the is a small telescope that replaces the natural
lens and provides an image that has been
10 July 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS www.veronews.com
Bonz bud Brewster’s ‘berry’ important safety tip
ally Old in Dog, like, a hundrud: ocean. Me an Sissy walk on the
Hi Dog Buddies! Daphne, she’s 14 in people, an beach, an watch Daddy shore fish-
This week I yapped with a Chocolate Tolbert’s 16. (We call him T.) Sissy in’ and Mommy shellin.’ When I get
Lab puppy, Brewster Bowin. He’s 9 anna
half months old and Totally Lab-by: sweet, clued me in right away that they home all sandy, Daddy hoses me
frenly an adorable. Of course, he was Right
At The Door to greet me an my assistant an, Rule the Roost. They even have off and Mommy blow-dries me.
after the Wag-an-Sniff, escorted us to the
living room. their own bedroom for whenev- Pawsome! I like goin’ to the dog
“I’m sorta nervous, Mr. Bonzo. I never er me an Sissy get on their Last park an playin’ Fetch. Sometimes I
had an innerview before. But I’m mostly
excited! I’ve been practicin’ bein’ puh-lite. Nerve. go to work with Mommy an hang
So, um, I’m Brewster Bowin an this is my
Mommy, Christine. My Daddy Adam’s at “Anyway, everything was Cool out with The Nice Office Ladies.
Kibbles ’til, one day when I was There’s a real comf-tubble couch
“Well, you’re doin’ a fine job, Brewster!”
I assured him. “I understand you have a about 2 months old an we we’re there.
Serious Story and an Important Safety Tip
you wanna share.” still livin’ in a rental house, I was “Oh, an I gotta funny story. Well,
“That’s right, Mr. Bonzo. I almost bought puppyin’ around in the backyard Mommy didn’t think it was that
the doghouse, an my life has changed for-
ever. So I figured at least I can help Fellow an I spotted these really innersting funny. Last Easter, we were in the
Pooches by warnin’ ’em about the dangers
that could LURK in their very own yards.” trees with fluffy tops, kinda short middle of moving to here. Mov-
“I’ll do my best, Brewster.” I opened my bottoms an lotsa duhlicious-look- ers were goin’ in an out. Mommy
notebook. “How ’bout start with your For-
ever Family.” ing berries. So I ate ’em. All up.” called me, but I didn’t come like I
“OK. Well, Mommy’d been wanting a “Oh, no!” I exclaimed, pretty sure usually do. She called some more.
boy Chocolate Lab puppy for a long time.
Her fren was raisin’ purebred Labs, with what was coming next. No me. I was real liddle, and she
PAY-pers even, an a litter was on the way.
Mommy got all excited, but there weren’t “That night, I got a terrible tum- was scared to bits I had slipped
any chocolate boys, so she waited for the
next litter. Last Sept. 12, MY litter arrived, my ache and started barfing. Mom- out with the movers and some-
with TWO of us chocolates. Imagine the
Adorable Factor. But I was the one who ran my didn’t know what was wrong thing terrible had happened to
right to Mommy. She scooped me up, an
THAT was THAT. She named me Brewster with me. She was so scared. She PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD Brewster me. So the neighbors hadda par-
cuz her childhood Golden Lab was Punky, rushed me to the vet, who figured ty to search for me. Everybody
after some liddle girl on TV. out I had eaten, like, 50 berries was runnin’ around in their Sun-
“I was One Happy Puppy. I had my very from a tree called a Sago Palm. Sago day clothes looking under bush-
own Forever Famly: a sister, Xena, she’s a
Husky. I call her Sissy. She’s my Best Fren. Palms are poisonous to pooches, an my-cooked Food. es an hollerin’ ‘HERE, BREW-STERRR!!!!’
She showed me The Ropes. I also have a
dachshund sister an brother who are Re- liddle humans. They can damage dogs’ liv- “But no complaints, Mr. Bonzo. We’re a After almost an hour, Mommy found me.
ers (one of our inside parts we can’t see but Snuggly Family! I’m a lucky puppy, anna I was snoozin’ in the clothes hamper in
it’s Very Importunt) an even cause ackshull Mommy’s Boy. I love ridin’ in the truck. An Mommy’s closet, and somebody’d closed
death. My liver was damaged real bad. I sittin’ in Mommy’s lap, even though I hang the door. Mommy took a pickshur. We
almost went to Dog Heaven. Mommy still over the edges. An we all snuggle with Dad- have really nice neighbors.”
gets upset just thinking about it. She didn’t dy. Every Sunday I help Mommy do my “Indeed you do,” I agreed, gathering
have any idea those pretty trees were dan- Weekly Meal Prep. Well, she ackshully does my stuff. “It’s been great yapping with you
gerous. You probly see ’em all over the it. I supervise. It is Majorly Tasty! All or- Brewster. Your story could save a life.”
place. They’re real popular. But they’re also ganic: turkey, beef, chiggen, eggs, cottage “Me an Mommy just want other pooch-
pooch poison. cheese, sammon, sweet potadoes, an my es an their humans to NEVER have to go
“Sissy an Daphne an T. unnerstood how Favorite, SPINACH.” through what we did.”
sick I was. They all babied me an stayed “Yum! So, whaddya do for fun?” Heading home, I was feeling glad that
real close. I even got something called aaa- “Bein’ a Lab, Swimmin’s No. 1, pool or Brewster shared his story with me, so I can
Q-punk-sure, which looks a liddle weird, share it with you, an you can tell your dog
but it didn’t hurt, an it made me feel re- DON’T BE SHY buddies. I bet lotsa you didn’t know how
laxed. That was six months ago. Now I’m dangerous Sago Palms are to us pooches,
doing Much Bedder, I don’t barf as much, We are always looking for pets cats and liddle humans. I sure didn’t.
thank Lassie, but my liver can’t do its job with interesting stories. Till next time,
without help. I don’t weigh enough yet, an
I don’t have nor-mull Puppy Energy. I’ll To set up an interview, email The Bonz
always hafta take holistic meds an SUPP- [email protected].
luh-ments, an eat only Special Mom-
America Icon Brewery’s story
stars in ‘Main Street’ event
12 July 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
America Icon Brewery’s story stars in ‘Main Street’ event
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer vations and opened a successful restau- to establish the building significance. lowed, the expansion warranting a name
[email protected] rant and brewery in the former electric In the history of Vero, the Florida East change and second incorporation as Vero
power plant last fall. Beach in 1925.
Florida’s statewide Main Street con- Coast Railroad came first, making the area
ference will be held in Vero Beach July 30 State Historic Architect Richard Hilburn accessible in 1897, with a station added in With continued growth, more electricity
through Aug. 1, and local Main Street CEO will explain how Rechter secured Federal 1903. A group of investors from the Mid- was needed to power the town, and Vero
Katherina Paliwoda hopes the gathering Historic Tax Credits for renovation in ac- west, organized as the Indian River Farms issued a bond for $100,000 to pay $38,000
will generate interest in local architectural cordance with the Secretary of the Interi- Company, bought and drained thousands for a new power plant building and $58,000
jewels that are ripe for renovating and re- or’s Standards and Guidelines. Rechter will of acres in what is now Indian River Coun- for another diesel engine.
Local Main Street CEO Katherina Paliwoda. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
purposing as economically vital structures. speak next, revealing his business-savvy ty, creating the existing canal network and The building was built of structural steel,
The three-day conference will hold events strategies that drive traffic to American bringing in citrus growers and other farm- reinforced concrete and brick, documents
Icon as well as other businesses he’s creat- ing enterprises, with winter vegetables be- referring to the architectural style as “ma-
in well-preserved historic buildings such as ed in revitalized buildings. ing the second-biggest crop. sonry vernacular.” A third of the wooden
the Heritage Center, the Indian River Citrus roof blew off in the Aug. 8, 1928, hurricane
Museum and the Old Indian River Court- The former diesel-electric power plant The company incorporated a small area and was replaced with a steel-reinforced
house to highlight Vero’s architectural heri- is the oldest city-government building in close to the tracks as Vero in 1919, and in slab, which had been specified in the orig-
tage, and will open with lectures on American Vero and was central to the city’s devel- 1920 the town bought a private power plant, inal design but not followed to keep the
Icon Brewery, an exemplar of an economical- opment, according to documents filed in moving the equipment to a shed-like build- cost within the bond limit.
ly-vital repurposed historic building. 1999, when the building was placed on the ing on the American Icon Brewery site.
National Register of Historic Places. Indi- An electric power plant next to a rail-
Developer Michael Rechter bought the an River Historical Society President Ruth To foster further growth, Vero citizens road was a smart combination that soon
handsome but long-neglected 1926 build- Stanbridge and Historic Preservationist Su- agreed to a tax to fund construction of a drew four major fruit and vegetable pack-
ing located at 1246 19th St. from the city pervisor Barbara Mattick did the research bridge to the island, which was completed ing houses to blocks near the plant.
two years ago, undertook extensive reno- in 1920. Island annexation into the city fol-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E July 13, 2018 13
“Vero Beach was also chosen as a site for a Main Street Vero Beach (MSVB) is a Hurricane Impact Doors
WorldWar II naval air training facility because nonprofit affiliated with the Florida Main & Impact Glass,
it could offer the electrical energy needed to Street program, which is part of the State We Have It All!
house thousands of recruits,” according to Division of Historical Resources and a
civic documents, a second attraction to the member of the National Main Street Cen-
military being the city’s 1927 airfield. ter, a subsidiary of the National Trust for
Historic Preservation.
When the diesel-electric power plant
reached capacity in 1958, the city built “Big The national Main Street organization
Blue,” the steam-electric power plant on was created in 1980 by the National Trust
the river that is on the verge of being sold to for Historic Preservation to staunch the
Florida Power and Light. Vero kept the die- flight of businesses and residents to the
sel engines in 19th Street plant in working suburbs, which was leaving downtowns
order until 1994 as a back-up power source. blighted and deserted.
Eventually, all but one of the six massive The local chapter, founded in 1998, has Transform Your Existing Door from
engines were sold to third-world coun- had its ups and downs. “A couple years Boring to Beautiful!
tries. Rechter cleaned up the remaining ago it was close to being dissolved,” Pali-
1937 engine and made it the centerpiece woda said. “During the economic down- ■ Glass patterns for every style & budget
of the bar at his restaurant and brewery. turn, the focus was on events to keep it ■ Customize to your style
afloat, but I want to get back to basics, ■ Impact Glass & Impact Doors
Paliwoda said Rechter’s renovation and historic preservation.” ■ Wood Interior/Exterior Doors
“adaptive reuse [of the historic building] ■ Fiberglass Doors
into a modern business a younger gen- A Main Street devotee, Paliwoda earned ■ Patio & Sliding Glass Doors
eration can appreciate – a local brewery a master’s degree from Goucher College in ■ Framed/Frameless Shower Units
– helped create a trend of fewer vacan- Baltimore in historic preservation, writing ■ Etching
cies downtown. Within the last couple of her thesis on Main Street. She worked at ■ Schlage Hardware
months, the downtown has had at least the Florida Main Street for four years be- ■ Mirror Wraps
four new businesses open.” fore coming to Vero.
Regency Square
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured
14 July 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
The Independence Day holiday slowed the mainland real estate market somewhat, as only 17
single-family residences and lots sold from July 2-6 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the home at 6780 56th Street. First listed in January
for $650,000, the 4-bedroom, 4.5-bathroom, 3,361-square-foot house sold for $590,000 on July 3.
In Sebastian, the week’s top sale was the residence at 662 Lake Drive. Originally listed in April for
$275,000, this 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 2,006-square-foot home sold for $260,000 on July 2.
VERO BEACH 6780 56TH STREET 1/15/2018 $650,000 7/3/2018 $390,000
VERO BEACH 1726 BELMONT CIRCLE 2/12/2018 $459,000 7/3/2018 $330,000
VERO BEACH 6116 57TH COURT 2/4/2018 $394,900 7/2/2018 $262,500
VERO BEACH 625 FOX TRAIL SW 4/17/2018 $265,000 7/3/2018 $260,000
SEBASTIAN 662 LAKE DRIVE 4/5/2018 $275,000 7/2/2018 $190,000
VERO BEACH 4826 61ST COURT 6/12/2018 $249,000 7/6/2018 $184,000
VERO BEACH 120 12TH PLACE SE 6/8/2018 $190,000 7/5/2018 $183,500
VERO BEACH 2588 LANGROVE LANE SW 5/22/2018 $189,000 7/6/2018 $154,000
VERO BEACH 739 TIMBER RIDGE TRAIL UNIT#A 5/17/2018 $154,000 7/3/2018 $149,900
VERO BEACH 2420 84TH TERRACE 5/23/2018 $164,900 7/5/2018 $142,000
VERO BEACH 241 10TH COURT 6/13/2018 $149,900 7/5/2018 $142,000
VERO BEACH 1822 77TH DRIVE UNIT#1 4/11/2018 $149,999 7/2/2018 $139,500
VERO BEACH 1761 5TH AVENUE 6/18/2018 $139,500 7/6/2018 $128,000
VERO BEACH 1170 6TH AVENUE UNIT#1-D 4/17/2018 $134,900 7/5/2018
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E July 13, 2018 15
1726 Belmont Circle, Vero Beach 6116 57th Court, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 2/12/2018 Listing Date: 2/4/2018
Original Price: $459,000 Original Price: $394,900
Sold: 7/3/2018 Sold: 7/2/2018
Selling Price: $390,000 Selling Price: $330,000
Listing Agent: Sherri Sproch Listing Agent: Richard Zangre
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Crown Realty Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise
Allan Grieve Richard Zangre
Vero Coastal Homes Coldwell Banker Paradise
625 Fox Trail SW, Vero Beach 662 Lake Drive, Sebastian
Listing Date: 4/17/2018 Listing Date: 4/5/2018
Original Price: $265,000 Original Price: $275,000
Sold: 7/3/2018 Sold: 7/2/2018
Selling Price: $262,500 Selling Price: $260,000
Listing Agent: Ann Grosskopf Listing Agent: Melissa Murphy
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Associated Realty Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Ann Grosskopf Francine Kidder
RE/MAX Associated Realty RE/MAX Crown Realty
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YOU BET A GREAT Sculptor Sembler preserves,
EXPERIENCE IS IN creates timeless treasures PAGE B2
By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 What happens at Vegas Nights
stays at Vegas Nights. Unless,
of course, you have a blast and tell
all your friends. Vegas Nights con-
tinues through July at Riverside
Theatre’s year-round themed week-
end series. This Friday and Satur-
day, you can enjoy free live music
and plenty of food and beverages
outside Live On the Loop, then head
inside for the Comedy Zone show.
Friday night the music’s by the Jer-
zi Olivia, a self-taught vocalist and
ukulele player whose repertoire
conveys a variety of genres. At 7:30
p.m. and 9:30 p.m., the Comedy
Zone presents Uncle Lar,’ aka Lar-
ry Reeb, described is his website as
“the wise-cracking black sheep, po-
litically incorrect relative everyone
knows.” His shtick is, like any con-
cerned (wise-cracking, blacksheep)
relative, Uncle Lar’ wants to help. So
he offers “tips” on everything from
marriage to lotteries to children. Al-
ways adding, “That’s a tip from your
B2 July 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
Sculptor Sembler preserves, creates timeless treasures
By Kerry Firth | Correspondent Charlie Sembler. wouldn’t get out of the car,” he says with a
[email protected] laugh. “Then they realized I was one of those
PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD guys, we would meet right there; me in my
Mention the name Charlie Sembler and white boots and them in their blue suits with
people are apt to describe him as a business- their prepared presentations. What they saw
man, commercial fisherman, environmental- in Sebastian was real old Florida, not the for-
ist, former state legislator or tax collector. They eign cars, Gucci loafers and Polo shirts that
are all correct. But for the past several years he are more commonplace today.”
has been recognized for the larger-than-life,
eclectic art sculptures dotting his Sebastian When his legislative term was up, he still
riverfront property on Indian River Drive. wanted to make a difference on the political
front, but also wanted to spend more time with
Sembler transforms pieces of driftwood, his family. He served eight years as Indian Riv-
shells, scrap metal and industrial materials er County Tax Collector before stepping back
into looming sea creatures, mermaids and, to what he loved – working with his hands.
his latest, a 7,000-pound, 21-foot-long alli-
gator made from recycled battleship chain “I was raised in a family that earned a living
and excavator track. Quite the Renaissance by the sweat of your brow, the bend of your
man, he also makes custom furniture and back and the strength of your hands. I wanted
home décor items, writes short stories and to get back to the independent and self-reli-
poetry, and paints. ant work that’s ingrained in me,” he says.
For generations, his family supported it- As he entered his mid-40s, Sembler says
self through fishing and farming and, having the county was changing, with cow pastures
limited means, repurposed out of necessity and groves being cleared for developments
and water quality in the lagoon deteriorating.
“My family was in Indian River County
before it was Indian River County, so we “I realized I came from a time and place
measure our Florida roots in centuries,” that no longer existed. The nostalgia and
says the Florida native. “We wasted abso- things that made this county iconic were be-
lutely nothing. Literally worthless material implemented at an unprece- ing forever lost,” he says ruefully.
everything was saved destined for the trash He tapped into his creative side to cre-
and recycled and used pile ultimately becomes a treasured heir- dented rate on landowners,
time and time again. I loom with a back story,” he says. ate things that would last forever
remember my grandfa- His own creative gift began to emerge farmers and fishermen that it was hard for – from sculptures to poetry
ther giving us wooden when he and wife Beth were newly married – that would tell the story of
toys carved from drift- with a house to furnish. After building furni- them to survive and I wanted to make a dif-
wood for Christmas ture from driftwood and other natural ma- old Florida.
and, while I didn’t real- terials, he was soon asked to craft items for ference,” he explains, adding the experience Sembler has visited scrap
ize the sentimental val- family and friends.
ue they would have in “It kind of took on a life of its own,” says taught him many life lessons. “I learned how yards all around the state, col-
the years to come, I still Sembler, who with Beth now markets his lecting stainless steel, old chains
cherish them as an adult.” work through Victoria-William Company. to read people, the art of persuasion and the from elevators and ships, tractor parts and
At the age of 25, Sembler was elected to pieces of old appliances.
Similarly, Sembler often hand-crafts gifts, the state Legislature – another undertaking value of integrity.” “I can walk into the junk yard and piec-
enjoying the emotional response evoked virtually by necessity – and served 10 years es of material catch my eye. I envision the
from items made with something from the “There were so many regulations being Quickly advancing up the legislative lad- sculpture, down to the smallest detail,” he
recipient’s past. Old barn wood and a chain explains. “Some of the scrap stainless steel I
salvaged from the demolition of a local pio- der, he became an appropriations chair- pick up is military and food grade, which is
neer family’s boathouse were recently used the highest quality you can get. It may have
to create a frame with a photograph of the man at age 33, handling multibillion-dollar been special-ordered by NASA or the govern-
former boathouse. ment and it was originally very expensive,
budgets. but since it’s now destined for the recycling
“I reach into the past, pull that piece to plant, I can pick it up for a couple of hundred
the present and preserve it for the future. “I loved inviting big-city politicians down dollars. Whatever comes to life from this ma-
What may have been perceived as a piece of terial will literally last for many lifetimes.”
to meet me at the Sembler fishing docks. Having grown up on the water, most of
They’d pull up and see all the forklifts
and guys in white rubber boots and they
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE July 13, 2018 B3
Sembler’s creations are marine life, includ- CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1
ing the 8-foot-tall seahorse with brilliant red 4Uncle Lar.’” The Live On the Loop music Sat-
eyes that found a home at a gulf-front resort Belinda Davids at King Center this Friday.
in Surfside, Texas.
urday is by singer/songwriter Abbey Owens,
“The new owners even renamed their
restaurant after the piece and have a sig- who, according to her Facebook page, loves
nature drink on their menu called the ‘Red-
eyed Seahorse,’” Sembler says with pride. Brussels sprouts. Her musical style is Amer-
They also acquired several other pieces – icana. Saturday’s comedy comes by way of
a stainless-steel mullet jumping out of the
lagoon, a large sawfish sculpture fashioned Brian Thomas who, says the show promo,
after one Sembler’s father caught in the river
as a child, a 7-foot-long flying fish crafted as uses his sarcastic, silly style to talk about
a working weather vane, and two dragonfly
sculptures. Now part of the Texas landscape, his experiences “as a fat, bald guy, still living
the pieces have survived a hurricane and a
snow storm. with his parents (and grandmother), and the
The works on display at his commercial sordid state of his dating life.” Watch as he
aquaculture dock, with its unique drift-
wood railings, are a popular photo stop for turns his own shortcomings and often mis-
visitors and residents. The massive alliga-
tor he and son Charlie created has become guided observations into comedy genius.
a real traffic stopper.
2 Tucked away on 14th Avenue in his- wah doo wah, doo wah, doo wah, doo wah.” dance with your song, you’re in luck: New Zea-
Sembler also crafts pieces on commis- toric downtown Vero’s Art District is a If Big Band is how you roll, the Space Coast land dance whiz and DisneyWorld choreogra-
sion, but only after he determines the charming little spot, Flametree Clay Art Gal- Symphony Orchestra Jazz Orchestra has a pher Joanne Collins pairs with fellow Disney
buyers ‘nostalgic soft spot.’ The process is lery, which features the inspired, unique and swinging summer concert for you – “Big Band cast member Brett Gunio to bring you sever-
documented from the first conversation to always clay-centric works of local clay artists. Sound” – this Sunday, July 15, at Community al dance numbers with the orchestra. Show
the final construction and is presented to Currently on display is a summer-themed Church. Wielding the baton will be Frank Wo- time, 3 p.m. Tickets: $25. 855-252-7276.
the owner, becoming their story to tell to exhibition, Red White Blue, showcasing piec- sar, Valencia College jazz trombone professor.
future generations. es by the gallery’s exhibiting and resident Wosar’s musical creds are lengthy and impres- 4 A powerful tribute to the legendary
artists, interpreted through patriotic colors sive: “He’s played in Grammy-winning groups Whitney Houston, “The Greatest Love
“Everyone loves a story; it’s human na- and themes. Flametree hours are 11 a.m. to and personally won four Downbeat Awards of All – The Whitney Houston Show,” comes
ture,” beams Sembler. “But the true gift is 4 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday; 11 a.m. to and international recognition for his jazz so- to the King Center in Melbourne this Friday.
to make the story their own. I want them 6 p.m. Friday; and 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. los,” says SCSO conductor and artistic director Presented by Showtime Australia, the show
to be ecstatic and feel like they’ve acquired If you have an hour or so, explore along and Aaron Collins. The concert promo promises has toured worldwide, and stars South Africa
something authentic that will make their around 14th. Check out the various galleries, “Florida’s finest jazz musicians” performing native Belinda Davids, whose breathtaking
heart full.” quirky and fun little shops, pubs and restau- works by Herman, Ellington, Basie, Mancini, voice is a fitting tribute to the incomparable
rants. RedWhite Blue continues through July Monk, Miller, Williams. And if you’d like a little and tragic star. According to the Guinness
The couple exudes an inner peace that 31. 772-202-2810. Book of World Records, Houston is “the most
only comes from doing what they love. awarded female act of all time” and, adds
3 If I say “It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t Wikipedia, “one of the best-selling music art-
“We have reached a point in our lives got that swing,” you say …. (all togeth- ists of all time, with 200 million records sold
where we want to protect and preserve the er now) “Doo wah, doo wah, doo wah, doo worldwide.” Davids’ stunning voice, backed
past, while still planning for the future” by a live band, vocalists, choreographed
said Beth. “The combination of Charlie’s 3 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra Jazz Orchestra Sunday at Community Church. dancers, state-of-the-art sound, lighting and
incredible gift of creativity, combined with special effects, is spot-on Houston, and the
his deep knowledge and love for old Florida two-hour production, says the show pro-
and nature has given us the opportunity to mo, is a heartfelt journey through Houston’s
do something meaningful and lasting. Each greatest hits, among them “I Will Always Love
and every piece he makes, whether it’s a You,” “I Wanna Dance With Somebody,” “One
stainless-steel sculpture, a driftwood table, Moment in Time,” “Didn’t We Almost Have It
a shell mirror or cypress lamp; it’s one of All,” “Greatest Love of All,” and “Queen of the
kind. It’s art in its purest form, the way na- Night” and many more. Show time is 8 p.m.
ture intended.” Tickets start at $29. 321-242-2219 .
1 pm - 3 pm 1. Florida BY LAUREN GROFF 1. Assume the Worst 1. Pie is for Sharing
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Come celebrate with us!
392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 | www.verobeachbookcenter.com
B4 July 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE www.veronews.com
Vero fireworks spectacular: Booms with a view
By Stephanie LaBaff | Correspondent the fireworks from the river several years favorite part of the day was the fireworks, options and the Vero Beach Lifeguard As-
[email protected] ago and decided to head over to Riverside the girls really loved the pony rides. sociation sold beer to quench everyone’s
Park this year so their 4-year-old twins thirst.
All eyes were turned skyward last could enjoy the full festival. While mom’s For those not grilling their own feasts,
Wednesday evening as Vero Beach food trucks offered a variety of dining A VIP tent sponsored by Indian River
boomed with patriotism, rolling out the Medical Center offered a shady spot for
red (white and blue) carpet to celebrate sponsors and radio station contest win-
242 years of freedom at the Family Fun ners to sit back and relish dinner from
and Fireworks Spectacular at Riverside Carrabba’s, the Paella King and Sweet
Park. Revelers flooded the park, many ar- Creations. They also enjoyed a front-row
riving early in the day to lay claim to the seat for the evening’s musical entertain-
perfect spot to view the evening’s grand ment featuring Johnny and the Blaze,
show, sponsored by Mulligan’s Beach Leslie Cours Mather and JessLee Strong,
House Bar & Grill. a season 14 competitor on “The Voice.”
The family-friendly event was present- The City of Vero Beach has presented a
ed by the City of Vero Beach Recreation 4th of July fireworks show for at least 25
Department, with support from Indian years, according to Rob Slezak, COVB di-
River County and Treasure and Space rector of parks and recreation, and Tam-
Coast Radio’s 93.7GYL and B94.7 Fresh my Bursick, city clerk.
“Next year is the big one, the Centenni-
“We partner with the City of Vero al,” said Slezak.
Beach Recreation Department because
they have limited funds and we want to “We’ll have a longer festival with dou-
help bring Vero an event on the 4th of ble the fireworks, bands starting earlier
July, so people don’t have to leave town,” and more vendors,” added Bursick.
said Karen Franke, station manager at
Treasure & Space Coast Radio. The crowd grew steadily as afternoon
gave way to night and sleepy-eyed chil-
While waiting for the grand finale, dren with sticky faces began to slow
families tailgated, lounged under tents, down.
on blankets and even RVs, watching as
people played games, children took pony In addition to Riverside, folks lined the
rides and met farmyard critters from bridges and nearby roadways or float-
Sarah’s Petting Zoo, bounded out excess ed in watercraft in the lagoon, everyone
energy in the ubiquitous bounce houses, stopping to watch as the night sky burst
and took dips in a pool of water at the end with color and sound. Even Mother Na-
of the waterslide. ture threw in a few thunderous booms
and flashes of lightning, adding her own
Teresa Blake said her family watched touch to the fiery display of patriotism in
honor of our nation’s birthday.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE July 13, 2018 B5
Amanda Jiruska and Daniel LaBelle. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Kinley and Kaelyn Blake. Kerrie and Chance Martin.
Drew and Kayla Sweeney. Deni Gillespie and Lisa Gehin. Erik Toomsoo and Laura Moss. Theresa and Jon Blake.
Rebecca Cousin with Alice. Brandi, Penelope, and Eric Kogut.
Hannah Belliveau.
B6 July 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE www.veronews.com
American beauty: Sebastian revels in 4th festivities
Gary and Stephenie Winheim with dogs Laike and Paige. Margaret Bartlett and Jenifer Mina. Nicole and Eva Rodriguez with Emily Cooper.
Zaeda Volek, Officer Ashley Penn and Brianna Baker. Kayla Durkee with her daughter Addalyn Durkee. Alaina King and Jocelyn Hodges.
By Kerry Firth | Correspondent dinated by the Substance Awareness Cen- ing the hearts of those who fought so hard decked out in patriotic colors and themes
[email protected] ter of Indian River County. The program is for our freedom. The same enthusiasm as they ferried along their smiling riders.
taught in all local middle schools and in six greeted our very own protectors, includ-
Flags waved, bands played and families elementary schools, its goal to prevent sub- ing groups of law enforcement and first re- As the parade neared Riverview Park,
enjoyed quality time together throughout stance use and violence. sponders as they marched by. four skydivers circled above the crowd;
the day at Sebastian’s 46th annual Fourth the brilliant blue sky making the perfect
of July Celebration sponsored by the City of “We had over 100 runners out this morn- “Sebastian loves America and this day backdrop for their aerial antics and col-
Sebastian and the Lions Club of Sebastian. ing enjoying the sunrise along the Indian exemplifies small town Americana!” en- orful smoke trails. One proudly pulled
Throngs of red-white-and-blue-adorned River Lagoon,” said volunteer Carrie May- thused Sebastian Mayor Jim Hill, riding a massive American flag that swayed
residents and visitors lined the waterfront nard-Lester. along in a trailered boat filled with family gently in the breeze as a symbol of Amer-
to wave at parade participants, who pro- and friends. “We have about 80 partici- ican pride. One by one the skydivers ap-
ceeded south from Davis Street, the 3-mile- Coldwell Banker Paradise employees led pants in the parade and literally hundreds proached a clearing by the river, landing
long procession streaming along Indian the parade, walking amongst the crowd to of our community neighbors have come in perfect succession to the delight of on-
River Drive and ending at Riverview Park. distribute American flags for everyone to out to enjoy the day.” lookers.
Once at the park, revelers and partici- And, of course, the annual July 4th Pa- “Sebastian knows how to celebrate the
pants alike were treated to food, music and “We’ve been doing this since the very rade wouldn’t be complete without the birth of our country,” said Martin Zickert of
myriad local vendors selling festive attire, beginning and we are honored to hand out music of the Sebastian River High School the Veterans Council, who summed up the
artwork and jewelry. Later in the evening, this sacred emblem at the start of each pa- Marching Band, whose members strutted day’s activities expressively. “I don’t think
the crowds returned to watch as fireworks rade,” said Linda Schlitt Gonzalez. “We’ve in cadence and confidence as they per- I’ve ever seen a more patriotic community.
lit the skies over the lagoon. handed out more than 165,000 flags over formed patriotic songs. Just look around. Everyone is dressed in
the years.” red, white and blue; from the kids to grand-
The action started earlier in the morn- There were also plenty of politicians ma and even the dog. I wouldn’t want to be
ing with a Freedom Run 5K to support the Veterans from as far back as WWII were and candidates as well as seemingly end- anywhere else today.”
LifeSkills Training Program, which is coor- welcomed by the cheering crowds; the sin- less floats, cars, motorcycles and trucks, all
cere shouts of thanks and gratitude touch-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE July 13, 2018 B7
Ryleigh Lester and Carrie Maynard-Lester. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Paul Gautier with daughter Priscilla Gautier.
Daddy Wags Band.
Pareidolia Uke Choir.
SRHS Sharks Band. Back: Robby and Daria Perani. Front: Jason Rooney and Gianna Perani.
B8 July 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
First Bites: The Braford Steakhouse in Fort Pierce
By Tina Rondeau | Columnist 40-ounce Porterhouse.
[email protected]
While Florida is home to three of the
largest cattle ranches in the United States,
relatively few steak houses in this area fea-
ture Florida beef. Most of the filets and ri-
beyes you get in Florida chop houses come
from beef cattle raised and processed in the
Midwest or far West.
But now, the Braford Steakhouse has
opened in downtown Fort Pierce featuring
all-natural beef from cattle bred, born and
raised by the Adams family, whose Adams
Ranch is headquartered straight out Or-
ange Avenue fewer than 20 miles from the
restaurant. The Braford cattle – a breed de-
veloped to fit the Florida climate, the land
and the feed grown on it – get no antibiot-
ics, no growth hormones and no steroids.
The steakhouse is a joint venture be-
tween Adams Ranch and the developer of
the Galleria, where the restaurant is housed
– next to a sister restaurant, Rooster in the
Garden – at the southeast corner of Orange
Avenue and Second Street.
Look & Feel: The Braford Steakhouse
has a unique décor reflective of Florida’s
Chateaubriand. Heirloom and Diver
Beefsteak Tomatoes. Scallops.
cowboy culture, yet is as classy as any chop aged bone-in filet mignon ($65). erything running very smoothly. Hours:
house you would find in Palm Beach or Neither of us opted for sauces on our Thursday through Saturday,
Orlando. And the ambiance is perfect for Prices: You could save a few dollars on
a steak house: You don’t see men in cow- steaks – an add-on that ranged from $2 for steaks by not ordering dry-aged beef, but 5 p.m. to closing
boy hats being seated across from smartly a Bernaise up to $7 for au poivre and $11 for the least expensive cut on the menu is the Beverages: Full Bar
dressed women in most restaurants. an Oscar – but we did add a couple of sides, a 9-ounce filet ($39) and the beef tops out at
1-pound baked potato we shared for $4, and $79 for the dry-aged porterhouse. There’s Address:
Food: For starters, I ordered the sliced some sautéed crimini mushrooms for $5. also Colorado rack of lamb or Berkshire dou- 100 S. 2nd Street,
heirloom and beefsteak tomatoes ($12) ble pork chop (each $42), seafood (which var-
and my husband had the blue bibb sal- Our steaks, ordered Pittsburgh style ies from night to night) and the least expen- Fort Pierce
ad ($10). The thinly sliced tomatoes were (charred on the outside, rare on the inside), sive entree is the Bell & Evans chicken ($16). Phone:
served with shaved Peruvian red onions, were cooked perfectly, and we found the
feta cheese and balsamic vinaigrette. My Braford beef every bit as juicy and flavorful Initial impressions: We were very im- (772) 882-9786
husband’s bibb lettuce was topped with as we had hoped. pressed by the Braford, now entering its
Neuskeles bacon, Point Reyes blue cheese, third week. Our question would be wheth-
grape tomatoes and pickled red onion. We had no room for dessert. er these prices are too high for this market.
Management might take the edge off a bit
All entrées, it turns out, also come with Drink: The Braford has a very attractive by not charging extra for steak sauces.
a small house salad or a bowl of soup, so bar against its south wall, and offers a nice
we each sampled their lobster bisque. selection of reasonably priced wines, beer I welcome your comments, and encour-
Very creamy. and cocktails. age you to send feedback to me at tina@ver-
Then for entrées, we decided to try Service: Our server, Bill, was both at-
two of their best steaks. I went for the tentive and knowledgeable. And even The reviewer dines anonymously at restau-
20-ounce dry-aged bone-in ribeye ($50) though the Braford had only been open rants at the expense of Vero Beach 32963.
and my husband chose the 16-ounce dry- for two weeks, general manager Kate
Shanaphy Maingot appeared to have ev-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING July 13, 2018 B9
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call 772.410.0100 for more information
B10 July 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING July 13, 2018 B11
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B12 July 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES July 13, 2018 B13
9865 K72 J 10 3
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist J 10 2 A843 Q7
10 9 8 6 54 AK72
In last week’s deal, South had to visualize an end-position in which he could make an J4 K653 Q 10 9 8
apparently unavoidable loser evaporate when he forced an opponent to concede a ruff-and-
sluff. That deal did not require any luck. This week, though, not only must declarer visualize SOUTH
a winning distribution of the opposing hands, but he must also get lucky because that AQ4
distribution is a priori unlikely. However, as Seal, an English singer-songwriter, said, “The K965
harder you work ... and visualize something, the luckier you get.” QJ3
South is in four hearts. West leads the diamond 10. East takes two tricks in the suit, then
shifts to the spade jack. How should declarer continue? Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Neither
Strangely, three no-trump and four hearts are comparable contracts in that both can be The Bidding:
made unless West leads a club at trick one.
Even after the diamond start, declarer seems to have four unavoidable losers: one heart 1 NT Pass 2 Clubs Pass
(assuming the suit is splitting 3-2; if it is 4-1, the contract has no chance), two diamonds 2 Hearts Pass 4 Hearts All Pass LEAD:
and one club. South cannot do anything about the red suits; how can he eliminate that club 10 Diamonds
Declarer needs the defender with three trumps to have at most two clubs. There might be
a little guesswork involved, but not here. South takes the third trick, draws two rounds of
trumps, then cashes the diamond queen (discarding a club from the board) and the black-
suit winners. Finally, he casts adrift with a trump.
West wins and must return a spade or a diamond. Declarer ruffs in one hand and sluffs the
remaining club from the other..
B14 July 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
1 Husky (6) 1 Dealt with (7)
4 Go away! (4) 2 Carrying a weapon (5)
8 Creature (6) 3 Flogged (4)
9 Misery (6) 5 Half rum (anag.) (7)
10 Sword (5) 6 Smell (5)
11 Carry out (7) 7 Elements; views (7)
13 Tots up (4) 12 Put forward (7)
15 Healthy (3) 14 Parts of the year (7)
16 Deficiency (4) 17 Rushed; attacked (7)
18 Held up (7) 19 Incident (5)
20 Inexpensive (5) 21 Useful (5)
23 Take away (6) 22 Leave out (4)
24 Run (6)
25 Trial (4)
26 Remained (6)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES July 13, 2018 B15
ACROSS to resist 12 Odist’s word The Washington Post
1 A god of love 67 Boarded grasslands 70 Letter from
5 Dances a sexy 68 Liberal arts deg. INITIAL REACTION By Merl Reagle
69 Chronicler of the 13 Concerning London?
dance 14 2018 Super Bowl 71 Tic-tac-toe line
11 767, to an air Corleones 73 “Hizzoner”
72 Comedy units losers 74 Itty-bitty bit of
traffic 73 Copier need 15 Spokes
controller 74 Salami 16 Brother of Julia goo
15 Design all over 77 Carpet type
again salesrooms Roberts 78 Erma Bombeck’s
19 City NW of Los 75 N.Y. securities 17 Desperate
Angeles, 18 Schwarzenegger’s long-running
___ Valley market column,
20 Individually 76 Manipulate bodybuilding “At ___”
21 Glinda in The Wiz 77 Cobbler’s stock nickname, 79 Word on a
22 Lakmé’s “Bell 78 Ultimate “the Austrian parking-garage
Song,” for ___” ticket machine
example confrontation 24 Author Gardner 82 Black, to Bardot
23 PITH 79 Madrid museum and film director 83 Drunks
26 Actor Bogarde 80 See 20 Across Kenton 84 Once around the
27 OHMS 81 Delilah portrayer 25 Media blitz of a clock
29 Darjeeling, for sort 85 “___ thou our
one opposite Victor, 28 Like Tarzan’s God?”
30 Former St. Louis 1949 transit system (II Chron. 20:7)
player 82 Pen point 33 Talks out of 86 Backstabber
31 Elect 83 Agent 86 34 Christmas tree 87 Times of
32 The unthinkable 86 Bread spread 35 Longtime House reckoning
78 Across 87 Part of a j speaker 88 Young spy
33 Patron saint of 88 To drink, as vin 36 Shorten, as a sail chronicled in The
France 89 Inc. or GQ, e.g. 37 Nick Adams’s Falcon and the
34 “A pox on you!” 92 DADS character in the Snowman,
35 Nuclear 98 Pounds, in old TV oldie The Christopher ___
instrument ending London Rebel 89 Dancer Shearer
37 Brandenburg 99 YAMS 38 Valentino role 90 Ball’s guy
Concertos 100 Wrist-to-elbow 39 Stock 91 Flying wedge
composer: inits. part alternatives members
40 Record holders? 101 Just 40 Worked (up) 92 Ennui-inducing
43 Code word? 102 “___ meet you” 41 George’s lyricist 93 Where to find a
44 Godliness 103 Major times 42 Home run soul on ice
45 Palindromic cry 104 Types 43 Sets off 94 Words to Nanette
46 Another god of 105 Rogers and Clark 44 Break new 95 Appropriately
love 106 Cutting and ground? 96 Bradbury’s
47 Color ’twixt red forming kit 47 Fugard’s A Fahrenheit
and green 107 Test for a mouse Lesson from ___ number times II
50 Montagnes de la DOWN 48 Actress Adams 97 “Thar hills”
France 1 In ___ (stuck) of Bond movie preceder
51 Not now 2 Pooh’s creator fame 98 On the ___ vive
52 Greek T’s 3 City near Council 49 Brand of candy
53 Milk at a French Bluffs 50 Hangout for
café 4 Krispy grain Socrates
54 Make ___ (err) 5 New Zealand’s 51 Rip to shreds
55 National Velvet discoverer 54 When some
author Bagnold 6 House of wax? nightly news
56 ROOT 7 Black-clad comes on
59 Disciplines, as a Japanese 57 Secret org.
brat warriors 58 Lean on or
61 BOATS 8 “___ while toward
63 ___ a doornail they’re hot!” 59 “Ignore
65 HAND 9 New York Times correction” marks
66 It might be hard boss, once 60 “Bean limousine”
10 Make sure 62 Certain act div.
11 Sanctified, in the 63 Excavated
Bible 64 Wipe out
67 Encouraging
The Telegraph
B16 July 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR www.veronews.com
ONGOING JULY 11-14 Vero Beach International Music Fes- 7:30 p.m. Wed. 7/11 and Fri.7/13, plus a combined stu-
tival Concerts at First Presbyterian dent/faculty musicians concert and barn dance 3 p.m.
Church, featuring world-class bluegrass, Americana and Sat. 7/14. Donations appreciated toward Mike Block
String Camp Scholarship Fund. 772-562-9088
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Insight Astron- folk musicians; faculty of the Mike Block String Camp,
omy Photographer of the Year exhibition thru
Sept. 16; Post-War Impressions: Printmaking Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
in the United States after WWII thru Sept. 23; in July 6, 2018 Edition 1 GAUDY 2 GRAFFITI
150 Years of Painting & Sculpture from the 5 LOCHS 2 UNITES
Permanent Collection thru Jan. 13. 8 OBESE 3 YOUTHFUL
Vero Beach Theatre Guild - The Dixie Swim 10 THICKNESS 5 LEAK
Club thru July 22. 11 FOE 6 COGENT
McKee Botanical Garden cooking classes: 15 INCOLDBLOOD 13 ATOMBOMB
July 14 Getting to the Root of the Matter; July
21 Healthy Cooking for Children; July 28 Gluten
Free Deliciousness; Aug. 4 Cooking for Diabe- Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13
tes; Aug. 11 Healthy Desserts. 772-794-0601
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Prices are subject to change at anytime. Sale prices includes all available dealer discounts, factory rebates and consumer rebates. All applicants will not qualify for all discounts and/or incentives. Florida residents add tax, title, license,
registration, dealer admin, fees, and destination. Prices not valid with any other promotions. Vehicles subject to prior sale. Offer expires July 31st 2018. See dealer for full details. Not responsible for typographical errors.