Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 51
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist K7
Jack Youngblood, a 14-season defensive end for the Los Angeles Rams, said, “I visualize 843
things in my mind before I have to do them. It is like having a mental workshop.”
Bridge players visualize the cards in their minds before proceeding with the play at trick one. — EAST
The more focused their pictures, the better they play. J 10 9 8 3
A976 QJ3
In this week’s deal, South was in four spades. West led the heart jack. Declarer took that J874
trick with his queen and cashed a high trump, but West discarded a heart. How should 6542
South have visualized the play proceeding?
Q J 10
North’s four-heart response was a Texas transfer, which showed at least a six-card spade
suit and said North was planning either to stop in game or to drive on to a slam. If he had Q 10 2
transferred at the two-level, then jumped to four spades, that would have been a slam-
invitation. SOUTH
South had nine winners: five spades, two hearts and two clubs. If East held the diamond K874
ace, there would be no problems. But if West had that key card, declarer could lose one
spade and three diamonds. Was there a chance even when West had the diamond ace? AQ
Declarer took his second top spade trick, cashed the club king, played a club to his ace, K52
ruffed a club on the board and returned to his hand with a heart. Then, when South led his
last club and West followed suit, declarer discarded a diamond from the dummy. West was A963
endplayed, forced to lead away from the diamond ace or concede a ruff-and-sluff. Also, it
would not have helped East to ruff the fourth club, because South would have lost only one Dealer: South; Vulnerable: North-South
spade and two diamonds.
The Bidding:
1 NT Pass 4 Hearts Pass
4 Spades Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
J Hearts
52 Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Pub (3) 1 Flower; part of the eye (4)
3 Arm or leg (4) 2 Title (4)
5 Boyfriend (4) 3 Oiled (10)
8 Motionless (8) 4 Hammer (6)
10 Present (4) 6 Proof (8)
11 Witness (3) 7 Final (8)
13 Off-white (5) 9 Large fruit (5)
14 Law practitioner (9) 12 Moral (10)
16 Cardinal number (3) 14 Broad-brimmed hat (8)
17 Small bed (3) 15 Carbonated drink (8)
19 Clock, for example (9) 18 Happen (5)
21 Penniless (5) 20 Cope (6)
22 Small carpet (3) 22 Status (4)
24 Dutch cheese (4) 23 Profit (4)
25 Goodbye (8)
The Telegraph 26 Finished (4)
27 Not so much (4)
28 Family (3)
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Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 53
ACROSS 104 Payoff 60 Language that gave us The Washington Post
1 Ex-student who’ll make you 107 Backtalk “khaki”
109 Harem room
pucker up? 110 Ness was one 61 Color changers
5 Winter woe 111 With 121 Across, 62 Work the teeth
8 Toy-making shorty 64 Once around the pool
11 Agnus ___ “forget it!” 65 “God’s tears”
14 Robot banker, briefly 114 Rafting dangers 66 Uncover
17 Lee who’s in the dough 117 Smack or switch ending 67 Start of a Poitier film
18 Service’s McGrew 120 P.O. alternative 68 Lovelace of computer fame
19 It has great expectorations 121 See 111 Across 73 Lamb’s lament
21 A personal question 125 Robbins of The Player 74 Rifle refill
22 “I’ll work the Across 126 Highly thought of 75 Time between holidays?
127 Forty-niner’s find 76 Blood of the gods
clues; ___” 128 Online search result 77 Long
25 Leading cause of inflation? 129 A 78 Rio quest, 2016
26 “Love muffin” 130 Tijuana tango minimum 79 He’s very elf-reliant
131 Curse of a sort 84 Tear vessel
27 With 33 Across, 132 “___ cracking!” 86 Cut in two
an arm of the Mediterranean 133 Rx amount 87 Colonist with mandibles
89 Flew, in a way
28 Coin-flipper’s words DOWN 90 “Stop!”
30 Asian holiday 1 Tree with winged seeds 92 O.K. type of wireless
32 Ryan’s Love Story co-star 2 Praise
33 See 27 Across 3 Primal feeling connection
35 Things under computers, 4 Venerated one 94 American article
often 5 Pill approver, briefly 96 Messy beef entree
36 Architect 6 Tinseltown Turner 97 “___ Meet Again”
39 Castaway’s relief 7 Still on deck? 98 “Bali ___”
41 Joel of Hollywood 8 Old Hebrew weight 99 Pig on the highway
9 Homeowners’ debts 100 Cyborg’s cousin
44 Get irked in traffic 10 Florists’ network 104 Olive chaser
49 Money for udon 11 Op-Ed writer Maureen 105 Affix anew, as a brooch
50 Groundwater: abbr. 12 Truly, a serious wait 106 Knocker’s I.D., perhaps
51 Pisa’s river 13 Within 108 TV plug?
52 Bullet’s path: abbr. 14 Some distance, 112 “I see,” to Mr. Moto
53 Lumberjill’s feller? 113 Soaks, as flax
55 Critter’s coat colloquially 115 Answer-reader Trebek
57 Bit of advice 15 Burn up some brain cells 116 “Your Grace”
59 A minor accomplishment? 16 A.m. times 118 “Yes ___”
62 Crossword diagram 19 Film composer Max 119 Pay or play ending
63 Instruction to a contestant 20 “___ his own” 122 Like some cats
69 With “tar,” a paving 23 Baskets for bass 123 CPA’s column
material 24 Some Sioux 124 Enemy
70 Not strict 29 Reason for depreciation
71 Lyrical oeuvre 31 Bosch’s Garden SPLIT PERSONALITIES By Merl Reagle
72 Operetta princess, 1884
73 Waiter’s query of Earthly Delights, for one Give Yourself a Valentine’s Gift,
80 Stock page abbr. 34 Paramedic: abbr. The Possibilities Are Endless....
81 Lake transportation 36 Ointment spoiler
82 “Or ___ thought” 37 Coral buildup SPECIALTIES INCLUDE:
83 Fooled 38 Per ___ (yearly) • Minimal Incision Lift for the
85 Club Med.? 40 Director Stanley
86 Humbug preface 42 Typical People mag topic Face, Body, Neck & Brow
88 Cummerbund 43 P, in Greece • Breast Augmentations
91 Allow 45 The Andrew Sisters were
93 Snickers-bar crunchy & Reductions
95 “Emerge from your one • Post Cancer Reconstructions
shell, ___” 46 “___ shabby” • Chemical Peels • Botox
101 Northern Adriatic 47 Crack investigator • Laser Surgery • Tummy Tucks
peninsula 48 Theater sign • Obagi Products • Liposculpture
102 ___ contendere 54 Conductor de Waart • Skin Cancer Treatments
103 Busy, design-wise 56 New version of an old song
58 ___ fast one
The Telegraph Proudly caring for patients over 26 years.
3790 7th Terrace, Suite 101, Vero Beach, Florida
Ralph M. Rosato
54 Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
There isn’t a compromise over whether to have kids
BY CAROLYN HAX see my point, though. What you’re talking about isn’t life that you had made a different choice.
Washington Post compromise, it’s concession. It’s about who gives up Note the phrasing: “that you had made a different
on having something because the other doesn’t want
Dear Carolyn: it, and how to do that without holding grudges. choice.” If you even begin to think it’s about wish-
My girlfriend of three years does ing she had chosen differently, then you’re out of the
not want biological kids, where- And we might as well just say it since the biology realm of healthy concession. Responsibility, healthy;
as to me it’s very important. She is on her side, unless you’re game and able to hire blame, unhealthy. She’s making a choice, yes, but for
thinks I’m naive and don’t under- a surrogate to bear your child. her body, which is her purview. You still have agency
stand how completely life-altering with your mind and body so whatever you do is on
and difficult childbearing and child-rearing are. I feel This is about your giving up the idea of biologi- you.
I understand all that, and understand the greater bio- cal children because your girlfriend does not want
logical burden on her, but it’s still important to me. to bear them, and your finding a way to be happy If you want her companionship more than you
We have talked about adopting, and I am open to about that instead of wishing for the rest of your want genetic continuation, then you choose her as
adopting a child, but would want a biological child your life partner, and you own your choice as some-
as well. I know it’s somewhat selfish and maybe old- thing you did vs. something she made you do, and
fashioned to “pass on my genes,” but I feel it strongly put your full heart into your family of two or family
nevertheless. by adoption, and you happily-ever-after yourself by
How do we compromise on these issues that have not looking back.
massive repercussions for both involved? I’m worried
that whichever way we compromise, the compromis- Again – not a matter of compromise. It’s a matter
ing partner will resent and regret the outcome and this of your either taking no for an answer on this par-
will ruin our relationship in the long run. Do couples ticular vision of your future, or breaking up with your
just need to be on the same page regarding big issues girlfriend in hopes of meeting someone else who
to make the relationship work, or are healthy compro- falls in love with you and who happens to want to
mises possible? bear children.
What else can I tell you. “Yes” to anything will al-
V.: Healthy compromises are possible, of course. ways mean “no” to something else. Accepting that
But what you’re talking about isn’t compromise. You as the foundation from which you operate, on large
don’t have a halfway kid, or a partial pregnancy, or decisions and small, is the most effective vaccine we
a halfway-biological kid … well, that’s doable. You have against resentment and regret.
That, and knowing and respecting what your
own voice is telling you, and knowing life some-
times gets the last word – but those are two col-
umns unto themselves.
56 Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Reverse shoulder replacements hailed as game-changer
BY TOM LLOYD Dr. Kirk Maes. role, as can rotator cuff tears or failed der joint to keep the head of the upper
Staff Writer previous attempts to repair the rota- arm bone firmly within the shallow
PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE tor cuff, and the Mayo Clinic adds “if socket of the shoulder.
The American Academy of Ortho- you have diabetes, you’re at increased
paedic Surgeons calls the shoulder shoulder replacements as hip re- risk due to diabetic neuropathy nerve “Ten or 15 years ago,” Maes explains,
joint “the most flexible joint in your placements.” damage and arterial disease.” “we didn’t have shoulder replacements
body. Its ball-and-socket design allows [prosthetics] that could accommodate
you to place and rotate your arm in Since the shoulder – unlike the The rotator cuff is a group of muscles a patient that didn’t have a rotator cuff
many positions in front, above, to the hip or knee – is not a weight-bearing and tendons that surround the shoul- that worked anymore.”
side and behind your body,” but the joint, what causes it to fail?
AAOS also warns that very flexibility is Today it’s a different story.
what makes the shoulder susceptible Age is one factor. Degenerative Maes points to “the smart biomedical
to instability and injury. joint diseases such as osteoarthritis engineers” who devised what’s called
and rheumatoid arthritis can play a “reverse shoulder replacements.”
In fact, when that ball and socket The major difference between a
joint isn’t functioning properly, it can standard shoulder replacement and a
feel more like a ball and chain, causing reverse one is that in a reverse shoulder
a severely limited range of motion and replacement, the ball and socket parts
debilitating pain. of the shoulder joint switch sides. Their
natural position is reversed.
Fortunately, Dr. Kirk Maes, a board- A prosthetic ball is placed on the
certified orthopedic surgeon with socket side of the joint, the opposite or
Coastal Joint and Sports Medicine “reverse” of where it is in nature, and a
and the Steward Medical Group, is on prosthetic socket is then placed on the
hand to help. arm side where it is supported by a met-
al stem in the arm bone or humerus.
“I trained as a shoulder specialist,” “Those bioengineers,” Maes contin-
says Maes, “so I’ve just been attracted ues, “pieced together that if you put
to that kind of work over the years.” the ball where the socket used to be
and put the socket where the ball used
Maes also performs hip and to be, just mechanically, that makes
knee replacement procedures, do-
ing “about the same number of
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 57
Human hand: Complex, and often taken for granted
the shoulder work so much better. You BY TOM LLOYD arthritis and even various neurologic pational therapist or physical therapist
don’t need a rotator cuff. So, that’s kind Staff Writer conditions brought on by stroke. who has a minimum of three years of
of clever because one of the problems clinical experience, including 4,000
over the last 20 years in orthopedic Your hands – especially as you age – That’s where occupational thera- hours or more in direct practice in
surgery was what to do with a patient are subject to the modern-day equiva- pists like Debbie Matthews at Sebas- hand therapy.”
that didn’t have a rotator cuff anymore, lent of all “the slings and arrows of tian River Medical Center can step in
who was 75 years old and couldn’t lift outrageous fortune” which, according to help. Additionally, the commission states,
their arm. And we now have really to the American Society for Surgery CHTs must successfully pass a compre-
good solutions for that.” of the Hand, can include falls, acci- Matthews is a certified hand thera- hensive test of advanced clinical skills
dents, traumas, wounds, scars, burns, pist, or CHT – a designation that does and theory in upper quarter rehabilita-
Johns Hopkins Medicine agrees. injured tendons or nerves, fractures, not come easily. tion, and they are “required to demon-
It says “the main reason to consider
a reverse prosthesis is when there is The Hand Therapy Certification CONTINUED ON PAGE 58
arthritis of the shoulder joint and the Commission says a CHT is “an occu-
rotator cuff tendons are torn or gone.
In this situation, this reverse operation
will give the patient significant pain re-
lief and also help with range of motion
of the shoulder.”
As the AAOS states, “a reverse total
shoulder replacement works better
for people with cuff tear arthropathy
because it relies on different muscles
to move the arm.” Specifically, the
larger, more powerful deltoid muscle.
“About 80 percent of the people
that I give a reverse shoulder replace-
ment to end up with no pain and as
good a range of motion as they’ve
ever had in their life,” says Maes.
“Maybe they can’t quite reach
around their back as easily but they
can get to the belt loops on the back
of [their pants] and most people ulti-
mately can lift overhead and reach well
above eye level to get things out of the
kitchen cabinets.
“Not everybody gets as robust of a re-
sult, but well more than three-quarters
of the people are incredibly happy with
their [reverse] shoulder replacement
and it gives them remarkably good mo-
tion and strength to function.”
Maes credits a Florida company, Ex-
actech in Gainesville, as “the fastest-
growing, most popular shoulder re-
placement [prosthetic manufacturer]
in the world,” and says he uses their
products because they have “some of
the smartest shoulder replacement sur-
geons in the world,” working with them.
“My job,” Maes concludes, “is to
keep you going. Sometimes that re-
quires a fancy shoulder replacement,
but the goal is to keep people as ac-
tive and busy as they want to be.”
Dr. Kirk Maes is with Coastal Joint
and Sports Medicine and the Steward
Medical Group. His offices are at 13000
U.S. 1 in Sebastian. The phone num-
ber is 772-581-5881.
58 Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
strate continued professional develop- Debbie Matthews. meet those goals we go on to the next
ment and competency by re-certifying level, which is like shopping, driving
every five years.” PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE and exercise.”
That “upper quarter” line is signifi- Sometimes, however, that isn’t easy.
cant. It means certified hand thera- For starters, as Stanford University
pists must also be trained to treat arms, Health Care points out, after a sur-
wrists, shoulders and elbows. gery, “your hand may be immobilized
in a bandage or splint,” sometimes
Matthews says she sees “a lot of for months, so it can take some time
post-operative humoral fractures be- before physical therapy can begin in
cause we have a higher population of earnest and when it does, there are
the elderly here and they tend to fall rules to follow.
more often, so a lot of the things that I Occupational therapists like Mat-
see are distal radius fractures (broken thews and your surgeon are the arbiters
wrist), radial head fractures (broken el- of those rules.
bow), and humoral fractures (a break in “I’d say I’m firm but friendly,” Mat-
the bone that connects the elbow and thews explains. “I tell [my patients] the
truth on their first visit, that we’re going
shoulder). That’s a lot.” to work together but it’s not going be
Those particular injuries, which can pain-free.
“They know from the get-go with
result from people trying to break a fall me that I don’t pull any punches.
with their arms, Matthews adds, are es- I’m very black and white. They know
pecially common in women. exactly how long they’re going to be
here, what we’re going to do and what
She says she also spends consider- to expect. If [some exercise] hurts too
able time working with post-opera- much, tell me and we’ll take a break.”
tive shoulder replacement patients, When pressed about patient compli-
often within 24 to 48 hours after the ance with her at-home exercise thera-
orthopedic surgeon prescribes physi- pies, Matthews admits some do better
cal therapy. than others.
“If I say do this exercise three times
But as a certified hand therapist, she a day, some will only do it once a day.
also sees her fair share of what many Others will do too much. I tell them
people believe are their single most im- to do it once a day and they do it five
portant appendages – their hands. times a day and then they are in pain.
They thought if they did it more they
Matthews, who “has been a hand would get better faster. They thought
therapist since 2005,” says most people they were doing the right thing,
“take their hands for granted until they but actually they’re harming them-
becomes a problem.” selves.”
The best bet, she says, is to follow the
“The hand,” she continues, “is com- instructions, and before doing any ad-
plex and it requires considerable study ditional exercises, talk to your therapist
to understand the mechanics.” at your next session.
That may be something of an un- Debbie Matthews is an occupational
derstatement given there are some 27 therapist and certified hand therapist
separate bones in the human hand, with the rehabilitation services at Se-
along with scores of muscles, nerves bastian River Medical Center, a Steward
and tendons. Family Hospital. The address is 8005 Bay
Street, Suite II in Sebastian. The phone
Whether a patient comes to Mat- number is 772-581-2068.
thews for therapy after hand surgery
or because of an arthritic condition
or some type of injury, she says “my
main goal is to help them to be able
to take care of their basic needs [such
as] bathing, dressing, grooming,
feeding and using the toilet. Once we
60 Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
What happened when a fashion editor Marie Kondo’d her closet
The Telegraph
Every January there comes a new
trend with an accompanying catchy
buzzword. There’s quitting alcohol, aka
Dry January. Turning vegan for “Veganu-
ary.” But for 2019, it’s all about “Konmari”
– the decluttering method coined by Ma-
rie Kondo, a best-selling Japanese author
turned Netflix superstar.
Her show “Tidying Up with Marie
Kondo” in which she helps people over-
whelmed with the amount of “stuff” they
own and sort through everything has
become one of the most talked-about
shows of the month. There’s tantrums.
There’s tears. And there’s plenty of “OMG
look how much better their lives are
thanks to getting rid of all that STUFF.”
I smugly discovered Kondo way back in
2016, when I was commissioned to write
a piece about the sequel to her first book
“The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.”
First translated from Japanese to English
in 2014, the original has now been pub-
lished in more than 30 countries with
over 10 million sales. Kate Hudson has
described the Kondo method as liber-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 61
ating and Jamie Lee Curtis wrote that if to keep. In order to do that, you need the charity shop later, I was a convert. Once you’ve decided on everything
she was ever to get a tattoo it would be of to ask yourself, ‘Does every single item Out went the tight jeans that gave that sparks joy, you’re ready to get to
Kondo’s mantra “Spark joy?” you own spark joy?’ Hold it, touch it, try grips with her storage rules. Kondo takes
it on. If you feel a thrill, a bit like you me an instant stomach ache. Out went folding clothes very seriously, balling
Three years later after first trying would if you found those Prada loafers the jumper I was wearing when I was socks is “cruel” and every piece should
out her methods, I wouldn’t say I’m a you’d had on your wish-list finally on dumped at a bus stop. Out went the be allowed space “to breathe.”
100 percent Konvert – at the end of any sale, then bingo! It’s a keeper. heels that instantly sliced the back of
given week the dreaded “chairdrobe” my feet. The staying pile was much To master her Konmari method of
will have reappeared in my room – but However, if you feel heavy and a bit more fun. The sparkly pants that re- folding, firstly, fold each lengthwise side
there are a couple of habits I have stuck meh about something, then ditch it. mind me of dancing all night. The of the garment toward the center and
too. Here’s how I made it work for me … According to Kondo, it’s all about us- Gucci boots I saved for months to buy. tuck the sleeves in to make a rectangu-
ing your gut instinct to discover your The kaftan that still smelled of sun- lar shape.
Clear your weekend diary “personal joy line.” This was the part of cream from my last vacation.
Kondo advises giving yourself a lim- Kondo’s process that I was most skepti- Next fold the rectangle in half and
ited amount of time to clear out and or- cal about but several bin bags labeled for Organize, organize and then re- then fold this into half or thirds. Store
ganize your wardrobe. Some of her cli- organize everything standing up rather than
ents take six days, some take six months. laying flat. That way you can see every-
For my wardrobe, I decided on one full thing clearly when you open a drawer,
weekend rather than doing an hour each plus it will stop item creasing. Now all
night for a couple of weeks. In hindsight, this sounds great and trust me, it looks
it was a good idea as the “process” starts even better. But even a week later, was I
with taking every single clothing item still carefully folding pants and socks?
you own and placing them onto the Absolutely not.
floor or bed. Or in my case, both. Every-
thing from winter coats to bikinis and I’ve also slightly broken Kondo’s
odd socks were unearthed. Looking at hanging rules. She suggests hanging
the resulting pile made me wish I’d nev- from the dark to light, long to short.
er started the process, but after several While this is aesthetically pleasing, I
cups of tea and scrolling through #Kon- find it much more practical to group
mari success stories on Instagram, I got pieces by type – dresses, shirts and so
back to business. on and then hang them from dark to
Spark that joy
Kondo says you shouldn’t focus on Three years on, and several follow-
what to throw away but rather on what up culls later, I can open my closet and
know that there’s nothing there that
I don’t really like nor wear. Now that’s
what I call sparking joy.
62 Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Why Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy should be your 2019 style muse
BY BETHAN HOLT tucked over one shoulder and she wore
The Telegraph no jewelry, aside from, of course, her
rather dazzling ring. It’s a look which
When Carolyn Bessette and John F. is exquisite in its simplicity but which
Kennedy Jr. stepped out of their New also, almost 23 years on, feels perfect
York apartment to pose for photogra- for now.
phers just weeks after their under-the-
radar wedding, Bessette wore a black V- The Nineties are a crowded source
neck cashmere sweater, a midi-length of style icon material; Bessette-Kenne-
beige midi skirt and tan knee-length dy probably sits somewhere between
boots. A neat black patent bag was Princess Diana and Kate Moss on the
decade’s spectrum of chic simplicity-
her look was “she’s going to
prim and pol- be an amaz-
ished like the for- ing symbol of
mer but always with American style”.
a dash of the latter’s While CBK, who tragically died in
undone ease. a plane crash along with her husband
In October 1996, Newsweek declared and sister in 1999, has long been held up
that JFK Jr.’s bride is already an icon for as the epitome of cool minimalist ele-
the ’90s and dubbed her look “The Caro- gance, it’s this season that her style feels
lyn Style,” while Liz Tilberis, editor of more relevant than ever.
Harper’s Bazaar at the time, declared that On the catwalks, her beloved beige
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 63
and black (a palette she rarely erred It seems that Meghan’s been taking of handbags and accessories at Steve age person has only seen one image of
from) have been transformed from be- note of Bessette-Kennedy’s Madden in New York. Lately, his pic- her, that kind of impact just doesn’t hap-
ing considered boring to beautiful. penchant for simplicity pen today.”
since getting married too. torial homage has gar-
Riccardo Tisci’s debut collection She recently did nered nearly 22,000 Sehnert has collected a library of
for Burberry comprised just the kind head-to-toe followers. little-known images of Bessette-Ken-
of sleek tailoring and quiet separates cream for a “I think the nedy, scanned from magazines and li-
in muted tones of camel and bis- visit to an an- current collective brary archives. Recent posts show her
cuit which were Bessette-Kennedy imal center, interest in the hailing a cab in relaxed jeans, a bal-
mainstays, whether she was slink- a move re- ’90s again has lerina bun and sunglasses or on JFK
ing around Manhattan walking her quiring the prompted Jr.’s arm in an off-shoulder black dress
dog or attending one of the evening kind of style more people with a slick of red lipstick. “I think in
receptions at which she and her hus- confidence to stumble the fast-paced cycle that fashion is in
band were a star attraction. There are only the likes upon her today’s world people find her classic
accounts of Bessette-Kennedy, who of Carolyn and legacy, as and sometimes even repetitive basics,
worked in the publicity department now Meghan she was refreshing to the eye,” notes Sehnert.
at Calvin Klein, teaming leggings with could mus- one of the most “Today we’re overrun with glitz and
blazers and loafers in the manner of ter. Else- famous women chintz and logos. Her look is some-
a look from the spring/ summer 2019 where, the in the world, thing every woman can imitate and
Chanel show. tailored whether she end up looking fantastic, by following
coats, simple liked it or not in only a couple of her style cues.”
In her pre-duchess days, Meghan shifts and classic the later part of
Markle declared that Bessette-Ken- heels which make the decade,” says Get the Carolyn look:
nedy’s wedding look – a white crepe up the Meghan look Sehnert. “Few So what are those style cues? It’s as
silk slip dress – was “everything goals” are all pure Carolyn. people today in much about taking things off as put-
in terms of bridal style, a sentiment fashion have a ting things on – keeping jewelry and
which was reflected her own simple If the Duchess name that instantly make-up to a minimum, and veering
wedding gown choices. “It shows Car- does still have a se- conjures an image away from prints and colors toward
olyn’s personality: clean, classic, sexy, cret Instagram ac- and defines a way of exquisitely executed basics – CBK es-
seductive,” said the dress’ designer count, then you dressing. From ca- pecially loved straight cut denim, a
Narciso Rodriguez at the time. A can guarantee sual to bridal every- well-cut blazer, cashmere knits, silky
Carolyn-esque slip happens to be an- that she’ll be fol- one knows what her separates, crisp white shirts, LBDs and
other right-for-now piece – see, Gabri- lowing @carolynbessette, name means from strappy sandals. Of course, it’s unlike-
ela Hearst’s inky blue and cream dress a tribute established by a style standpoint. ly that one could ever carry it off quite
and Roland Mouret’s gauzy cami strap Jack Sehnert, design director However, the aver- like her, but we can enjoy trying?
look for reference.
64 Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Crab Stop: Worth a go for ‘Maryland-style’ blue crabs
Many years ago when I lived in Wash-
ington, D.C., on summer weekends we
would visit the Eastern Shore of Mary-
July and August are the peak of blue
crab season on the Chesapeake Bay, and
these outings would frequently take us
to a waterfront crab shack for a Mary-
land-style crab feast.
Those were the days. I sure
do miss sitting down at a
n e w s p a p e r- c o v e r e d
table, and pound-
ing away at those
Old Bay-encrusted
steamed crabs.
But while
Lobster Bites.
Shrimp Special.
the Ches- seafood com- blue crab shells. Hours:
apeake blue binations including some An attractive presenta- Mon.-Sat., 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
crabs that I dream with shrimp and lobster. tion, but not great crab cakes.
about are regarded as the most delicious Sunday, 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.
of the species, blue crabs can be found But I was intent on trying Before our entrées, we had started
up and down the East Coast – including the blue crabs. I wanted to order with two bowls of soup – the New Eng- Beverages: Full Bar
in Florida. a half dozen – pretty much a nor- land clam chowder ($5.95) and the
mal portion – but neither the menu lobster bisque ($5.95). I liked the clam Address:
So recently, spotting the words “Mary- nor the server seemed to indicate that chowder better than my Massachusetts 1550 Indian River Drive,
land-style” in an ad for the Crab Stop on was possible. We could have had a “table husband, but we both gave high marks
the Sebastian waterfront, I stopped by combo” of a dozen medium blue crabs to the homemade lobster bisque en- Sebastian
to try the blue crabs available there. for $39, or 18 for $59, but there seemed hanced with a dash of sherry.
to be no way of just having six. Phone:
The Crab Stop in Sebastian has been Bottom line: Round up a couple of 772-571-6767
open just about a year, and the first Sharing an order might have been friends who love Maryland-style blue
thing I noticed was the ambiance – fine under other circumstances, but crabs, and go order a mound of these
more that of a bright-and-cheery wa- my husband has never been a fan of the beauties. They are what makes it worth
terfront seafood restaurant than crab whole blue-crab experience. giving the Crab Stop a try.
So at my server’s suggestion, I wound I welcome your comments, and encour-
No newspaper-covered tables or up with the “blue snack pack” ($18.95) age you to send feedback to me at tina@
wooden mallets here. consisting of three blue crabs, three
jumbo shrimp, sausage, egg and a half-
And the personable proprietor, Ellis pound of potatoes. My husband ordered This reviewer dines anonymously at
Buckner, a retired county fireman who the crab cake dinner ($15.95). restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
went into the restaurant business after 32963.
a near-fatal heart attack, quickly made My blue crabs turned out, in fact, to
it clear that his blue crabs were not be very tasty. The Crab Stop seasons the
from Maryland, but were brought here crabs not with Old Bay but its own spice
live from the Gulf Coast and prepared mixture. I should have gone for the full
“Maryland-style.” dozen! And the sausage and garlic pota-
toes were also delicious.
Blue crabs, in fact, turn out to be only
one of the two types of crabs featured My husband’s two “crab cakes,” how-
at the Crab Stop. Equal billing goes to ever, consisted of a mixture that was
snow crab clusters, which come mostly more breading than crab, stuffed into
from the northern Pacific and Alaska.
The Crab Stop also offers an array of
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 65
Five simple ways to get out of your wine-drinking rut
BY DAVE MCINTYRE France have a mineral character. Com- tasted before. If you subscribe to a favor-
The Washington Post pare a rich chardonnay from Sonoma ite winery’s club, you’ll receive regular
County’s Russian River Valley with a shipments of new-release wines, often
Each year, I try to shake up my wine lithe example from Fort Ross-Seaview, special bottlings that are not available in
habits a bit. I like to visit a new wine re- farther north and west, where the retail. Or start your own club.
gion. Usually I promise myself to drink ocean’s influence gives the wines extra
more riesling, champagne or pinot noir. backbone. Those differences make wine Visit a winery you’ve never been to.
Sometimes I vow to drink less. infinitely variable and exciting. This one obviously takes some time
and effort.
Here are five ways you, too, can en- Cultivate a wine retailer (or two).
hance your wine experience. Whether A personal connection with a retailer Visiting wineries, whether on travel
you are a novice who has just caught the could be the most important relation- or a weekend excursion to your clos-
wine bug, or an old hand trying to get out ship in your wine exploration (after a est “wine country,” can be a great way
of a rut, these can keep your wine tasting rich relative or friend with a great cellar). to learn about how and where wine
enjoyable and rewarding. Your best bet is an independent retailer, is made. You may also discover a new
someone who knows every wine in the favorite grape variety. The bottle you
Pay attention to the wines you drink. store. Tell them what you like and don’t bring home will be a great conversation
All too often, I hear people express en- like. Try a wine they recommend, then starter with friends as well as a memory
thusiasm about a nice wine they enjoyed on your next visit to the store, explain of your trip.
recently, but when I ask its name, they why you liked or disliked it. This will lead
give me a blank stare. Maybe the label to more recommendations. If your retail-
was blue, or had a rooster on it, but such er recommends several wines you don’t
vague details don’t narrow it down much. like, find someone else.
If you can’t remember the wine you liked,
you may not be able to find it again. Read the back label. Specifically, pay
attention to the name of the importer.
So take notes. You don’t need to keep This is a benefit we don’t have on the
a stack of Moleskines with old scrib- label of a domestic wine, but U.S. regu-
blings you rarely, if ever, look at. That’s lations require the importer to be iden-
the old-fashioned way. Use your smart- tified. You won’t have the personal inter-
phone camera and keep your bottle action as with a retailer, but if you like an
shots in a folder. Or enter them into a importer’s Cotes-du-Rhone, you might
wine app such as Vivino, CellarTracker like his or her Burgundy as well. I list the
or Delectable. Instagram is as popular importer in my reviews to help you find
for wine as it is for the rest of our lives. other wines they represent.
Those platforms will let you share im-
pressions with others, and you can get Try something new. Expand your
suggestions from them. comfort zone. If white wine means char-
donnay to you, try some riesling or grun-
As you pay attention to what you er veltliner. Some stores offer occasional
drink, notice differences among wines sampler packs, discounted selections
that seem similar. That grassy flavor of by the staff. These can be a great op-
a sauvignon blanc from New Zealand or portunity to try something you haven’t
South Africa, for instance, may be mel-
lower in one from California or Chile,
while those from the Loire Valley in
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 67
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68 Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 69
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70 Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonz meets Tiger Lily, a rescue who’s now lovin’ life
Hi Dog Buddies! ed a Cocker Spaniel. front of each one. Mom says
This week I met a liddle Scottish (Don’t ask me why). it’s probly my in-stinks, cuz I
lady, Tiger Lily Macintosh, a Cairn Ter-
rier who was rescued with a buncha But when they were didn’t have a chance to be a
other lady pooches who’d lived in
cages their whole life, an were used lookin’ at pickshurs in mommy to my puppies.
as “Breeders.” We’ve all heard stories
about that, right the paper of all us res- “When Mom has a buncha
Anyway, Tiger Lily saw a pickshur in cued Mommy Dogs, ladies over for bridge or
my column of McCormick Del Brocco
Riippa sittin’ in front of his Christmas they decided to check mahjong, they just sit at ta-
tree, and woof-mailed me a pickshur
of her an her Forever Dad puttin’ up us out in the fur. We bles, an I get BORED, so Dad
THEIR tree. She said she was a rescue,
an wondered if I’d like to innerview her, were all in a big bunch, takes me out for a cheese-
too. Of course I would. So we set it up.
but I was at the back of burger an ice dream. (Did
She was very fem-uh-nun and fren-
ly. Came right up for the Wag-an-Sniff, the pack, an I caught I mention, I’m a Daddy’s
an innerduced me to her Mom an Dad,
Cathy an Rich. their eyes. Dad said, Girl?) Me an Dad also put
“Can I get you anything?” she in- ‘I like THAT one!’ The up all our Christmas deco-
quired puh-litely. “Some water. A Pup-
peroni?” Rescue Person said, rations: liddle white lights
“I’m good,” I said. “Thank you, “You Don’t Want THAT an special, old orna-mutts
though.” I opened my notebook. “I’d
love to hear how you an your Forever one. She’s a Spinner.’” on the tree, and white lights
Mom an Dad first met. An about your
previous life, if it’s not too upsetting.” “Whatsa spinner?” I outside in the bushes. It’s a
“It used to be, but I’m better now,” interrupted. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE Tiger Lily Very Important Job.
she said sweetly. “Ever since we left “It’s when you’re onna “Here in Orchid Island,
our pooch Mommies an siblings, me
an a buncha other girl pooches lived in leash and you keep spin- there’s big fireworks evry
cages an, soon as we could, we hadda
have puppies, as fast as possible. The nin’ around and around, year. Lotsa my pooch frens
Humans in Charge sold our puppies as
fast as we had ’em. I don’t even know so you an the leash an ferent things. go all Frantic an ’Fraidydog
how many I had. An in between we
stayed in our cages. It was awful. It still the human holdin’ it get all tangled When Mom an Dad taught me about an hide under the bed. But not ME. I
makes me sad thinkin’ about it.
up. An sometimes they can just topple Outside, an grass, an trees an bushes, don’t really like the noise, but I don’t
“Then, this one day, some Good
Humans swooped in an saved us an right over. If you’re walkin’ with other I was So Excited. It was wunnerful get scared. Now thunder, that’s an en-
took us to a place where other Good
Humans were workin’ to find us For- dogs, it’s even worse. Well, I admit, I having different places to play, Do My tirely different matter. But I still don’t
ever Homes. Here’s the amazin’ part,
Mr. Bonzo. My Mom an Dad had been did do that with the Rescue Person. I Duty, sleep, eat, an snuggle with Mom hide under the bed. That’s just silly … I
lookin’ for a dog. At first, Mom want-
didn’t mean to be bad, but I’d never re- an Dad. hide in the bathroom.”
ally hadda leash walk, an I didn’t have “Back then we lived in New York, on Heading home, I was contemplating
a clue about Leash Etiquette. An when Shelter Island, which you can only get what I would do if I happened to be
I got scared or nervous, I’d spin. to onna ferry. THAT was exciting. There chasing a deer and ackshully caught
“Well, Dad asked the Rescue Person were lotsa deer livin’ there so, when I up with it. Even though I’m a retriever,
to let him try: they put my leash on and found out a Cairn Terrier’s job was to I don’t think I could carry him or her.
handed it to Dad. Buh-leave it or not, hunt Highlands deer, I tried chasin’ Maybe I’d just invite ’em over for a wa-
Mr. Bonzo, I wasn’t scared or nervous ’em. But they were too fast. That was ter … or a Pupperoni.
or ANYthing. I somehow knew Dad kinda embarrassing, but I ree-lized it Till next time,
was a Kind Human. I don’t know how. was For The Best. I mean, what if I had
I just knew. Anyway, we walked way up ackhully caught UP to one? The Bonz
an way back, an it was ackshully nice. “Good point,” I innerjected. “What
I didn’t even think about spinning. An do you do for fun?”
that’s when my new life began.” “I love playin’ with other dogs. An I Don’t Be Shy
“What was it like at first?” I inquired. like leash walks with Dad, cuz we get
“Since I’d only ever lived inna cage, to meet all our neighbors. I usta pull We are always looking for pets with
a liddle (well, a lot), but now I slow interesting stories.
I didn’t even know what a HOUSE down an smell the flowers. An bushes. To set up an interview, email
was. Or STAIRS. It was a liddle scary.
Evrything was So Big. Also, I didn’t An blades of grass. An bugs. I have
know about Potty Training. I had No NU-mer-us toys. I carefully put them [email protected].
Idea there were different places for dif- all inna circle, an put some kibbles in
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 71
ONGOING discussing local flora and fauna, demonstra- Beach’ with Rick Kaiser, NSM director, 7 p.m. at 9 Sebastian Art Tour, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. self-
tions and native plant sale. $10 advance; $15 Emerson Center. Free. 772-778-5249 guided tour of artists’ studios. Free. Visit
Riverside Theatre - Evita on the Stark Stage at door. 772-567-3520 for map.
thru Jan. 27; Next to Normal on the Waxlax 7-9 Sunbonnet Sue Quilt Show: Trea-
Stage thru Feb. 10. 772-231-6990 2 Centennial Downtown Dapper Daze, 9 sures of the Treasure Coast, 10 9 Walk a Mile in Her Shoes to benefit
a.m. to 10:30 p.m. – a day filled with ac- a.m. to 4 p.m. at Indian River County Fair- SafeSpace, 5:30 p.m. at Humiston Park,
McKee Botanical Garden - Seward Johnson tivities, food, shopping and music, ending with grounds, with vendors, judged quilt exhibi- with men walking in red stilettos to raise funds/
exhibit thru April 28. 772-794-0601 outdoor showing of ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” tion, raffles and door prizes. $10 one day/$15 awareness of domestic violence. 772-223-2399 three-day pass.
King of the Hill Tennis Tournaments, 6 p.m. 9 Valentine’s Ball, 6:30 p.m. at Oak Harbor
Tuesdays thru Feb. 26 at the Moorings Club. 2 Vero Beach Opera presents Bel Canto 8 Cheers & Beers for a Healthy Lagoon, 6:30 Club to benefit United Against Poverty, with
772-979-5582 Concert, featuring Rossini, Bellini and p.m. at Walking Tree Brewery, pre-party Glam Cam photos, dinner, dancing to the Street
Donizetti arias duets and ensembles, 7 p.m. at advancing Florida Craft Brew & Wing Fest, with Talk Band, and auctions. $250. 772-770-0740
JANUARY Vero Beach High School PAC. 772-564-5537 17 homebrewers and restaurants vying for top
honors. $75. 772-913-4148 9 SIRYS at Sebastian Inlet State Park Night
31 Live from Vero Beach presents The 2|3 Gardenfest! Nature’s Finest Mar- Sounds concert series, 7 p.m. at Coconut
Long Run: Performing the Eagles Hits, ketplace, at Riverside Park hosted 8 Live from Vero Beach presents Classic Al- Point pavilions. Park entry fee. 772-388-2750
7 p.m. at the Emerson Center. 800-595-4849 by Garden Club of IRC, with 85 vendors featuring bums Live: Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours, 7
a huge selection of quality garden items, Ask the p.m. at the Emerson Center. 800-595-4849 9 to May 5 - Vero Beach Museum of Art
FEBRUARY Expert lectures, demonstrations and Q&A ses- presents Victorian Radicals: From the Pre-
sions. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat.; to 4 p.m. Sun. Free. 8 Indian River Symphonic Association pres- Raphaelites to the Arts and Crafts Movement
1 Stories of Gratitude Luncheon, Noon at ents the Brevard Symphony Orchestra exhibition. 772-231-0707
Costa d’Este to benefit Haiti Partners and 3 Atlantic Classical Orchestra and Vero Pops Concert: Great Movies and a Grand Piano,
its Children’s Academy and Learning Center. Beach Museum of Art Chamber Music with pianist Rich Ridenour, 7:30 p.m. at Com- 10 Family-friendly Victorian Tea Party at
772-539-8521 Series present Contrast Duo, with violinist Yasa munity Church of VB. $65. 772-778-1070 Vero Beach Museum of Art, inspired
Poletaeva and pianist Darren Matias, 3 p.m. at by Victorian Radicals exhibit, 1 p.m., 2 p.m. and
1 Love your Lagoon Gala, 6 p.m. at Quail VBMA. 772-231-0707 x 136 8-10 Reader’s Theatre Productions at 3 p.m. start times, with costumed perform-
Valley River Club to benefit Harbor Branch Vero Beach Theatre Guild pres- ers, tea sandwiches and desserts and a stroll
Oceanographic Institute Foundation’s Indian 3 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra features ents A Night at the Theatre, by Lawrence Casler. through the galleries. $10 to $20. 772-231-
River Lagoon Graduate Research Fellows pro- Monet Jowers, age 16, Ravel’s Piano Con- 772-562-8300 0707
gram. 772-466-9876 ext. 200 certo in G Major; Isaac Moorman, age 16, Elgar’s
Cello Concerto in E minor; and Jacob Velazquez, 9 Cupcake 2-Mile presented by Run Vero, 8 10 Piano Quintet Concert, 3 p.m. at
age 11, Beethoven’s First Concerto, 3 p.m. at a.m. from A.W. Young Park, with post-race Christ by the Sea, featuring Schubert’s
Trinity Episcopal Church. 855-252-7276 festivities and cupcakes. 772-643-7010 “Trout”: Piano Quintet. 772-231-1661
2 Launch of SDIRC Moonshot Literacy Lane 4|5 Starfest Luncheons, 11 a.m. at 9 Pelican Island Audubon Society presents 11 Pro-Am Golf & Golf Croquet Tourna-
fueled by The Learning Alliance to sup- Quail Valley River Club featuring Nature Nick’s Animal Adventures, 10 a.m. ment at Riomar Country Club, 11 a.m.
port Moonshot Moment Literacy Movement, an inspiring speaker to benefit Childcare Re- and 12 Noon shows at Audubon House to ben- lunch and 12:30 shotgun starts, followed by 5
9:30 and 10:30 a.m. guided one-mile story walk sources. 772-567-3202 efit Audubon Advocate Education Program. $5. p.m. cocktails and dinner with awards and auc-
tours from Main Library to engage families with 772-567-3520 tion to benefit Senior Resource Association
local businesses. 5-24 Riverside Theatre presents the Meals on Wheels program. 772-569-0760
heartwarming comedy, The Last 9 Chevrolet Corvette Motor Car Exhibition,
2 Conference on Transforming Landscapes Romance on the Stark Stage. 772-231-6990 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at McKee Botanical Gar- 11 Distinguished Lecturer Series pres-
for a Sustainable Future hosted by Peli- den, with 40 Corvettes from 1953 inaugural ents former Indiana Governor Mitch
can Island Audubon Society, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 7 Florida Humanities Series presents ‘Navy year to current models. Standard admission. Daniels, 4 p.m. & 6 p.m. at Riverside Theatre.
Indian River County Fairgrounds, with experts SEAL Museum: History Unfolds on our 772-794-0601 772-231-6990
72 Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 12 MusicWorks and Paris Productions
in January 24, 2019 Edition 1 CAULS 1 COMBAT present Grammy winner and Rock and
4 ENTERS 2 UNDER roll Hall of Fame inductee David Crosby, 7 p.m. at
9 MODICUM 3 SACK the Emerson Center. $55 to $190. 772-234-4412
11 AURA 6 EGOTISM 12 Atlantic Classical Orchestra presents Love’s
12 CUTTING 7 SHRUGS Blossom, 7:30 p.m. at Community Church
13 YAK 8 SMOCK of Vero Beach, featuring Sibelius’ Violin Concerto
14 WAGE 13 YEARBOOK with guest artist Tessa Lark. 772-460-0850
18 WOE 17 HERMES 14 Valentine’s Cabaret and Dinner fea-
20 ENDORSE 18 WEARY turing members of Twisted Cabaret, 6
21 PAIR 19 BRONZE p.m. at Unity Spiritual Center of VB to benefit
24 MOTTO 22 ACORN The Source’s Dining with Dignity program. $60.
25 RACCOON 23 ACID 772-562-1133
Sudoku Page 54 Sudoku Page 55 Crossword Page 54 Crossword Page 55 (A VAST PUN-ORAMA)
Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753
AB APolmlloinnAdtBiorno,tihncer. s
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We also have a large variety
of comfort footwear including:
Spira Vionic Revere
953 Old Dixie Hwy,
Suite 9B
This directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the beachside community an opportunity to make themselves known to island readers at an affordable cost. This is the
only service directory mailed each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a listing in the Vero Beach 32963 Business Directory,
please contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.
716 Hibiscus Lane in Central Beach: 4-bedroom, 3-bath, 3,381-square-foot home offered for
$1,489,000 by Gretchen Hanson, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Realty: 772-713-6450
74 Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Central Beach home is a study in ‘precise perfection’
Staff Writer
The newly constructed four-bed-
room, three-bath home at 716 Hibis-
cus Lane in Central Beach is a study
in “precise perfection,” according to
owners of John and Caroline May.
When the couple decided they
needed a place to “get away from
the cold weather,” they began their
search in Charleston, South Caro-
lina, only to discover that city wasn’t
for them. They traveled south down
Florida’s east coast all the way to the
Keys before realizing Vero Beach was
perfect – not too crowded and not too
cold. It was just right.
“Vero Beach is unique. It’s low-rise
and very green. It’s an unusual place,”
says John May, discussing the cou-
ple’s decision to settle in our sleepy
seaside village.
After an extensive search, they
knew Central Beach was the only
place for them because they wanted
to be close to the village. “We like
walking – we love to be able to walk
from here to the center of town, to
the restaurants and to the beach,” John, a retired attorney, spends his
says John. spare time woodworking; and with
his attention to detail coupled with
“Central Beach, the village area, is Caroline’s artistic eye, they were able
undergoing a major renewal with new to create a beautiful, warm home
construction,” explains Gretchen without an inch of wasted space.
Hanson, Berkshire Hathaway Home The couple was very involved in the
Services Florida Realty realtor. “A lot design process as they worked with
of people want new construction. designer-builder Mark Williams of
They want high ceilings, fine finish- Builders East.
es, and an updated floor plan. The
footprint is very different from that “We knew what we wanted,” ex-
of the existing homes [that are being plained John. From the custom cabi-
torn down].” netry made by Beachland Millwork to
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 75
the 10-foot-long slab of quartz used
for the kitchen island, the Mays were
precise about the layout, features and
selection of finishes.
“Their attention to detail was fan-
tastic,” says Hanson. “This house was
built as a forever home: a comfort-
able new home with all the modern
touches and best finishes that still fits
into the of the quaint Central Beach
That attention to detail was ce-
mented with the Mays’ selection of
features including white-oak, engi-
neered flooring, granite countertops,
cypress ceilings, classic woodwork
and moldings, down to the quarter-
inch of cork installed beneath the
wood flooring to reduce impact on
hips and knees.
“This project was a lot of fun. It’s
always nice when you work with a cli-
ent who knows what they want and is
willing to take the time to make sure
that it’s exactly right,” says Williams.
“The Mays were very particular about
the design. They put a lot of time into
designing it ... It was a good team ef-
The use of wood John sourced
himself adds warmth to the con-
temporary, coastal design. A simple
elegance prevails amid the hybrid
split-plan, open-design concept. The
marriage of these styles creates a
light and breezy space for the whole
The glass-paned entry provides a
view to the backyard, establishing an
indoor-outdoor vibe. The communal
areas – kitchen, dining and living
room – stand at the heart of the house
with sleeping chambers located in
76 Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
private wings on either side, provid- perfect for creating gourmet meals.
ing privacy for guests and homeown- In the kitchen, a 10-foot-long blue
ers alike.
quartzite slab atop a walnut island
The vaulted ceiling with cypress boldly sits center stage, with a gray,
beams in the kitchen and dining glass backsplash adding texture to
area adds dimension and warmth to the elegant space.
the space and transitions naturally
into the living room where a flat, cof- “At Christmas, we had a house full
fered ceiling gives the room a sense of of people, and the island was filled
definition. A wall of sliders opens the with dishes. It was perfect,” recalls
house to fully embrace the outdoors. Caroline. Other kitchen features in-
clude a built-in desk, quiet Miele
The kitchen is a chef’s dream with dishwasher and Jenn-Air side-by-side
high-end appliances that would be refrigerator.
the envy of any accomplished culi-
nary artist. Miele M Touch Pure Line The eastern wing houses an office
steam, convection and microwave at the front along with three generous
ovens, and an induction cooktop are bedrooms and two baths. The hall-
way that runs north-south has pocket
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 77
doors, adding a measure of privacy, seat from which to observe the com- windows. Built-in drawers in the the second bedroom situated at the
and doubles as a gallery to display ings and goings of the neighborhood. closet give her handy space to store center of the hallway. The large back
Caroline’s artwork. Caroline uses the front bedroom as art supplies. guest room sits just off the lanai
an art studio where plenty of natural with a private entrance to the back
Large windows in the office at the light pours in through the casement Bathrooms are strategically porch, allowing guests to come and
front of the house provide a front-row placed at both ends of the hall, with
946 Reef Lane - Four Bedroom, 3 bath, Terrazzo floors. Currently rented with annual gross income of >$130,000. O: 772.538.1111
956 Reef Lane - 2 Homes included in the lot. DEP approval for one large home extending both lots. E: [email protected]
Less than 1 mile to amenities. South Property may be purchased separately, $2,549,000
$1,829,000 $615,000 $599,000
825 Reef Road • Floralton Beach 1602 Weybridge Circle • River Club at Carlton The Dunes • Gated and East of A1A
Enjoy huge ocean views & breezes-just across from deed- Simply elegant! Meticulously maintained 2 Master Suite+Den Amazing location!! Enjoy this 3/2.5 2 car garage, priva-
ed beach access/neighborhood park. Over 5,000 sf under (can be used as 3rd bedroom) /3 Bath Single Family Home cy-fenced pool w/ many upgrades…including salt water
air with elevator to all levels including incredible 3rd-floor with Condo Amenities includes 2 car oversized garage, Walk pool system, new irrigation, new shutters, all new appliances,
ocean view and sunset view office. Six en suite bedrooms. In Closets, Volume Ceilings, Crown Moulding, Fireplace, much more, etc. This family room lined with beautiful pecky
Four garages. Two Laundry Rooms. Large pool. Very close to SubZero, Granite, Screened Lanai, Private Garden! 2 club- cypress vaulted ceilings and walls are a cozy way to catch the
St. Ed’s School & The Moorings Club. houses/pools, Guest Suites, gym, Easy beach access. game. Deeded beach access in gated community east of A1A!
ALSO AVAILABLE... 2 Plantation Drive #105 $130,000 • 1643 Baseline-the Boulevard $315,000
395 Nieuport Drive-Vero Aerodrome $530,000 • 2175 AIA- $1,299,000
78 Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
go without disturbing the little ones. 772 231 6509 Visit Our Properties ANYTIME at Also, in this wing are the laundry
“John has always been meticulous. 2901 Ocean Drive Vero Beach 32963 room and garage access. The second
garage bay was retrofitted as an air-
He used pad after pad of graph paper OLD RIOMAR 3/3 $1,275,000 conditioned workshop with exterior
to design each room. There’s not an Carolyn Lange 772-473-7982 211406 access to the side yard where an out-
inch of wasted space in this house,” door shower with hot and cold run-
says Caroline. ning water can be used to rinse off
after a stroll to the beach.
The master suite is situated in the
western wing of the house with a hall- The efficiency of space continues
way mirroring the guest wing. The in the pool area. The Mays are big
master bedroom and en suite bath are swimmers but didn’t want to sacri-
located just off the lanai with his and fice space with a large pool so they in-
her dressing rooms, automatic shades stalled a Badu Stream Swim-in-Place
and a cypress ceiling. The bathroom system so they can swim as long as
adds to the tranquil setting with a water they wish and then pop into the hot
closet, and Brizo Loki body sprays in the tub to sooth weary muscles.
shower to ease away aches and pains.
The vaulted, screened pool enclo-
NEW PRICING sure soars overhead, creating the
illusion of a hothouse garden. The
OLD RIOMAR 4 /4F 2H $1,695,000 summer kitchen is equipped with
Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 everything needed to serve up a de-
licious meal in the covered, outdoor
Karen Smith 772-559-1295 200953 dining area; and the fenced backyard
is lushly landscaped with tropical
plants, creating an intimate setting.
The Central Beach area is within
walking distance of the island vil-
lage with access to shopping, dining,
resorts and Humiston Park, with its
guarded public beach. Riverside Park,
with a tennis center and boat ramps,
Vero Beach Museum of Art and River-
side Theatre are located nearby.
To see the beautiful island home the
Mays have now decided to sell, contact
Gretchen Hanson at 772-713-6450.
Michele Ritchie 772-532-7288 212794 716 HIBISCUS LANE
OAK HARBOR St. Elizabeth’s NEW PRICING Neighborhood: Orange Park
2+Den/2.5 Lakefront $375,000 Estates in Central Beach
BETHEL ISLE 3 or 4/3 $579,000 Year built: 2018
Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 213583 Carolyn Lange 772-473-7982 211404
Lot size: 97 feet by 135 feet
ANGLERS COVE 0.36 Acre Lot/ $575,000 ORCHID ISLE ESTATES 3 /2.5 $985,000 Home size: 3,381 square feet
Helen Ederer 772-538-4752 212837 Kimberly Keithahn 772-321-4656 213349 Construction: Concrete block
COQUINA PLACE 2/2 $279,000 BAYOU 2/2 $750,000 with stucco
Kit Fields 770-312-5165 210868 Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 Bedrooms: 4
Karen Smith 772-559-1295 212216 Bathrooms: 3
BRIDGEPOINTE OAK HARBOR St. James 3/3 $565,000 Additional features: Chef’s
3+Den/3.5 1st Flr MBR $267,000 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 GABLES 3/2 $710,000 kitchen with Miele M Touch
Kimberly Keithahn 772-321-4656 211846 Roger Smith 772-473-0086 213224 appliances, Jenn-Air refrigera-
Diane De Francisci 772-538-1614 212038 tor, granite and quartz coun-
tertops, and custom cabinets;
engineered wood flooring;
impact glass; office; 2 single-bay
garages; swimming pool with
Badu Stream Swim-in Place sys-
tem; hot tub; summer kitchen,
screened lanai; outdoor shower
and privacy fence; 100-gallon
propane tank,
Listing agency:
Berkshire Hathaway
HomeServices Florida Realty
Listing agent:
Gretchen Hanson, 772-713-6450
Listing price: $1,489,000
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 79
Experts on what the 2019 housing market will bring
BY KATHY ORTON percent to about 5.4 million and the housing shortage,” Yun said. “If you areas should have more options.
The Washington Post median home price to rise 3.1 per- look at population growth and job expects price growth
cent to around $266,800 in 2019, and growth, it is clear that we are not pro-
A year ago, some experts predicted $274,000 in 2020. ducing enough houses.” to slow, rising just 2.2 percent in 2019.
the new tax law would cause a slow- “Inventory will continue to in-
down in the housing market. So far, “Home-price appreciation will slow
the limitations on mortgage-interest down,” Yun said. “The days of easy Because of diminishing affordability crease next year, but unless there is
and property-tax deductions don’t price gains are coming to an end, but from mortgage rate and price increas- a major shift in the economic trajec-
seem to have had much negative im- prices will continue to rise.” es, forecasts a 2 percent tory, we don’t expect a buyer’s mar-
pact. Instead, rising mortgage rates decline in home sales. But buyers look- ket on the horizon within the next
and home prices have done more to Inventory continues to be a con- ing for high-end homes in pricey metro five years,” said Danielle Hale, chief
put a damper on the market. cern. economist for
Economic uncertainty brought on “All indications are that we have a CONTINUED ON PAGE 81
by global trade tensions, stock market
volatility and the government shut- 772 231 6509 Visit Our Properties ANYTIME at
down also have been factors impact- 2901 Ocean Drive Vero Beach 32963
ing the housing market.
RIOMAR BAY 5/5F 3H $4,195,000
It is too soon to tell whether the Karen Smith 772-559-1295
recent slowdown in the market is a
temporary lull or a major pullback – Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 211359
though some market indicators have
improved recently.
In their forecasts for 2019, real es-
tate experts anticipate the housing
market slowing down, but not stall-
ing, with prices and mortgage rates
Even with the antici- BAYTREE OCEANSIDE 2/2 $569,000 CENTRAL BEACH 3/2 $745,000 NEW PRICING
pated cool down in eco- John Stringer 908-377-1626 202101 Carolyn Lange 772-473-7982 212839
nomic growth, we expect ANCHOR THE MOORINGS .41 Acre Lot/ $1,595,000
that housing demand will NEW PRICING NEW LISTING Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 211060
remain strong, mortgage CASTAWAY COVE 4/3 $560,000
rates will stabilize, wage Carolyn Lange 772-473-7982 211717 CENTRAL BEACH 2+Den/2.5 $625,000 NEW PRICING
Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 SHORES 3+Ofc/4.5 $1,495,000
growth will increase, ISLAND CLUB of Vero 3+Ofc/3 $435,000 Karen Smith 772-559-1295
and home price growth Kit Fields 770-312-5165 207654 Karen Smith 772-559-1295 214782 Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 212685
will moderate, provid-
ing favorable conditions TARPON ISLAND CLUB 2/2 $299,000 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING
for growth in the home Kit Fields 770-312-5165 210918
OAK HARBOR St. James 3+Den/3 $585,000 OLD RIOMAR 3+Den&Ofc/2.5 $995,000
purchase market. Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 214872 Camille Yates 772-971-9798 213650
– Michael Fratantoni, Mortgage SOMERSET BAY CONDO 2+Den/3 $949,000
Bankers Association economist Kit Fields 770-312-5165 211141
“If mortgage rates trend sideways
next year, as we anticipate, and home
price appreciation continues to mod-
erate, improving affordability should
breathe some life into the housing
market,” said Doug G. Duncan, chief
economist at Fannie Mae.
Below is a snapshot of what hous-
ing experts are forecasting for 2019.
National Association of Realtors
The National Association of Real-
tors expects home sales to flatten and
home prices to continue to increase,
though at a slower pace.
“The forecast for home sales will be
very boring – meaning stable,” said
Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist.
NAR expects sales to increase 1
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 81
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 79 REAL ESTATE has mortgage rates Builders have taken a lot of heat for Mortgage Bankers Association
averaging 5.3 percent in the coming not building enough homes or build- The Mortgage Bankers Association
year and reaching 5.5 percent by the ing primarily luxury homes. But Di- expects moderate growth in home pur-
end of 2019, making the average home etz said there has been an uptick in chase mortgage originations, with refi-
purchase 8 percent more expensive townhouse construction, a more af- nance volume continuing to decline.
per month than 2018. fordable single-family option. It anticipates the 30-year fixed-rate
mortgage will level out at 5.1 percent.
Redfin “The market has been moving away “The supply of homes for sale and
Redfin sees the housing market from higher-end, higher-priced, larg- lack of affordability continue to be
cooling in the first half of the year. er homes over the last two or three challenges for the housing market,”
Price growth will settle around 3 per- years to more entry level,” he said. wrote MBA economists Michael
cent after reliably exceeding 5 per- “Our surveys show we’ve gone from Fratantoni and Joel Kan. “Even with
cent since the start of 2015. a new construction market that had the anticipated cool down in eco-
“There’s quite a bit of uncertainty been less than 20 percent dedicated nomic growth, we expect that hous-
around our price forecast,” said Da- to first-time home buyers to now ing demand will remain strong, mort-
ryl Fairweather, Redfin chief econo- closer to 30 percent, which is closer to gage rates will stabilize, wage growth
mist. “There’s a real chance prices historic norms.”
could fall below 2018 levels, putting
up negative growth for the first time start to feel locked into their mort-
since 2011.” gage rates.”
Metro areas such as Seattle, San
Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver and Zillow anticipates mortgage rates
Portland, Ore., which saw the most will reach 5.8 percent and home val-
price growth in the first half of 2018, ues will grow by 3.79 percent in 2019.
will experience the biggest slow-
downs in price growth in the first half National Association of Home Builders
of 2019. After a strong start last year, home-
Redfin predicts the homeowner- builder confidence fell to its lowest
ship rate will grow more rapidly in level in more than three years by the
2019 as speculators and investors exit end of 2018. Several of the big home
the market. builders downgraded their sales or
Fairweather expects mortgage orders forecasts for 2019.
rates to rise to 5.5 percent by the end “The market has slowed,” said Rob-
of 2019. ert Dietz, chief economist for the Na-
tional Association of Home Builders.
Zillow “We’ve revised our forecast down.”
According to Zillow, higher mort- Builders face significant head
gage rates, which between January winds because of the “five Ls” – la-
and November of 2018 increased bor, lots, laws, lending and lumber. A
from 4 percent to about 5 percent labor shortage, lack of buildable lots,
for a 30-year fixed loan, encouraged onerous regulations, strict lending
some homeowners to stay put and and tariffs on supplies such as lumber
discouraged would-be buyers. (Mort- have increased their costs, says Dietz.
gage rates have fallen in the past two NAHB predicts new-home sales
months but are still significantly will be around 628,000, the same as
higher than a year ago.) in 2018. Single-family construction,
“Rising mortgage rates will set the which includes for-sale and not-for-
scene for the housing market in 2019,” sale homes, will increase nearly 2
said Aaron Terrazas, senior econo- percent from 2018 to around 900,000
mist at Zillow. “They will affect every- units. Based on demographics, that’s
one, driving up costs for home buyers 200,000 to 300,000 less than the mar-
and creating more demand for rent- ket could absorb and well below the
als. Even current homeowners could average number of starts pre-housing
crash. From 2000 to 2003, the average
was 1.3 million.
82 Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
will increase, and home price growth financial analyst, predicts the 30-year line of credit) could be affected because twice next year, bringing the increase
will moderate, providing favorable fixed rate will pass 5.25 percent before many are tied to the prime rate, which in minimum payments to $12.50 per
conditions for growth in the home going into a swoon late in the year to follows the Fed’s benchmark rate. month by year end.”
purchase market.” finish around 4.35 percent.
“Each rate hike means the mini- HELOC rates will rise and then flat- As the Federal Reserve trims its bal- mum payment on a $30,000 home- ten out, McBride said. He expects the
Greg McBride,’s chief ance sheet and pushes up short-term equity line increases by $6,” McBride average HELOC rate to reach 6.85 per-
interest rates, HELOCs (home equity said. “I expect the Fed to raise rates cent by the end of 2019.
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Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer.
For correct representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a
developer to a buyer or lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 83
Buying artwork for your home? Here are 4 trends to watch
BY MICHELE LERNER buyer of, an online art mar- emphasis on what it means to be fe- nature-inspired colors and patterns.
The Washington Post ketplace, expects to see more of in male, has also led more people to in- • Metallics: Mixed metals have
2019 are: corporate more bright pink into their
While choosing artwork for your homes. been popular in kitchens for a couple
home is intensely personal, it’s still • Maximalism: Chandler says the of years for door pulls and handles,
possible to identify styles that are embrace of minimalism and Scandi- • Wellness and escapism: Art can along with metal cabinets and tables
gaining or waning in popularity, es- navian design is beginning to loosen, be used to help turn your home into used in different parts of the home.
pecially among online art shoppers. with people more interested in bright a calm escape from the turmoil of the Chandler says copper and rose gold
colors, graphic patterns and mixing outside world. Chandler says more are especially popular. She says shiny
people have been searching on her site metallic prints can bring this trend
for prints that symbolize tranquility, into your home beyond using metal
solitude and nature. She recommends frames.
Changing your artwork can have a textures and patterns. She suggests a
dramatic impact on the look and feel large-scale painting or a gallery wall
of your home without necessarily din- that covers an entire wall to replace
ging your bank account as deeply as art with neutral colors and simple
buying new furniture or remodeling. materials.
Among the styles that Sandra • Pink: Chandler says the #MeToo
Chandler, trend expert and lead movement, which has placed more
84 Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Jan. 18 to Jan. 24
The barrier island real estate market took a breather last week, with just four sales recorded
including one for more than $1 million.
The top sale of the week was of a home with expansive lake and golf course views in the Orchid
Island Golf & Beach Club. The residence at 121 Seaspray Lane was placed on the market Sept. 26,
2017, for $3.5 million. The asking price was more recently $2.999 million. The sale closed on Jan.
18 for $2.85 million.
The seller of the property was represented by Cindy O’Dare and Richard Boga of Premier Estate
Properties. O’Dare also represented the purchaser in the transaction.
$469,000 $2,850,000
BETHEL BY THE SEA 715 KUMQUAT ROAD 7/23/2018 $449,000 1/18/2019
ORCHID ISLAND 121 SEASPRAY LANE 9/26/2017 $3,500,000 $2,999,000 1/18/2019 $315,000
PEBBLE BEACH VILLAS 5100 HIGHWAY A1A, #10A 9/6/2018 $350,000 $330,000 1/18/2019
SEA OAKS 8855 WEST ORCHID ISLAND CIR, #105 12/10/2018 $875,000 $875,000 1/18/2019
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 85
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Bethel By the Sea, Address: 715 Kumquat Road Subdivision: Pebble Beach Villas, Address: 5100 Highway A1A, #10A
Listing Date: 7/23/2018 Listing Date: 9/6/2018
Original Price: $469,000 Original Price: $350,000
Recent Price: $449,000 Recent Price: $330,000
Sold: 1/18/2019 Sold: 1/18/2019
Selling Price: $430,000 Selling Price: $315,000
Listing Agent: Michael Kanehl Listing Agent: Dustin Haynes
Selling Agent: Laurel Agency, Inc. Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise
Michael Kanehl John Stringer
Laurel Agency, Inc. Alex MacWilliam, Inc.
Subdivision: Sea Oaks, Address: 8855 West Orchid Island Cir, #105 Subdivision: Bethel By the Sea, Address: 3906 Sabal Palm Drive
Listing Date: 12/10/2018 Listing Date: 9/13/2018
Original Price: $875,000 Original Price: $555,000
Recent Price: $875,000 Recent Price: $555,000
Sold: 1/18/2019 Sold: 1/15/2019
Selling Price: $875,000 Selling Price: $515,000
Listing Agent: Susie Wilson Listing Agent: Gretchen Hanson
Selling Agent: Susie Wilson Real Estate PA Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida
Susie Wilson Karen Smith
Susie Wilson Real Estate PA Alex MacWilliam, Inc.
I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S
Elegant 3BR/3.5BA condo w/lake view, private elevator, East of A1A, 3BR/3.5BA home with den/office, fireplace, Beautiful 4BR/3BA great room floor plan, upgrades galore,
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$839,000 $599,000 $459,000
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86 Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Some housing market’s fundamentals turning brighter
BY KENNETH R. HARNEY inflation and even modest price reductions – the cantly in many local markets. That’s of huge im-
The Washington Post decline in mortgage rates should be encouraging portance, because a key propellant pushing prices
for anyone seriously in the market for a home. And higher in recent years has been the relative scarcity
If you’ve been distracted by the federal shut- even for heads-up owners looking to sell. of listings. With fewer homes to choose from, espe-
down, political dysfunction, stock-market volatility cially at the median and entry-cost levels, buyers
and reports of rising mortgage rates, it wouldn’t be Consider: in hot markets have competed with one another
surprising if you concluded: No way is this a good N● ew mortgage applications of home buyers na- to push prices beyond affordability. The latest Na-
time to even think about buying a house or putting tionwide during the week ending Jan. 11 soared to tional Housing Report issued by brokerage firm Re/
one on the market. Things are too crazy. Nobody’s their highest level since 2010 – and were 9 percent Max, which covers 53 major metropolitan areas,
paying attention to real estate anyway. higher than they were the week before, according found that inventories grew by 4.6 percent in De-
to the Mortgage Bankers Association. Clearly the cember, the third consecutive month of increases.
But take another look. Some of the real estate word is out among buyers who learned about the
fundamentals have been changing for the better. rate declines: They’ve been rushing to nail down H● ome builders clearly have gotten the message
Take mortgages. They’ve gotten cheaper. As of last financing at a brisker pace than is typical for this and are lowering their prices in many areas. Ac-
week, you could readily find conventional rates av- time of year. cording to a survey last week by Zillow, the online
eraging 3.87 percent for five-year adjustable-rate I● nventories of unsold houses are growing signifi- realty data site, 25.1 percent of newly built homes
home loans, or conventional 30-year loans at fixed saw their prices cut during the last quarter of 2018.
rates of 4.45 percent, according to investor Freddie In the Washington-area market, nearly 23 percent
Mac. That compares with late last year, when they of new homes got price cuts averaging 2.4 percent.
were at 5 percent or higher, depending on an appli- In greater Chicago, prices were lowered on 21.3 per-
cant’s credit profile. cent of newly built homes, but they averaged only
0.2 percent. In Miami, the average price cut was
Sure, rates are slightly higher than they were a 5 percent on nearly 26 percent of the newly built
year ago, when the 30-year fixed rate averaged 4.2 stock; in Boston, cuts averaged 6.2 percent.
percent. And yes, when you take out a five-year ad-
justable loan, your payments are fixed for the first P● rojections by economists suggest prices overall
60 months and then are subject to adjustments – up will probably continue to cool this year, although
or down – once a year. So you take on future rate risk not actually turn negative. Some analysts expect
in exchange for a super low rate the first five years. prices to creep upward for much of the year but end
2019 at the lowest growth rate since 2012.
But combined with other recent trends – growing
inventories of homes available for sale, slower price That may sound ominous if you’re planning to
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 31, 2019 87
sell and want or need to get top dollar that – with interest rates down and that he is “guardedly optimistic” and ious political situation in Washing-
but think of it this way: Better to price slowing prices – more prospective expects “to see a solid spring market.” ton could create some as-yet-unseen
your home realistically up front – at buyers should be encouraged to get crisis, introducing “a whole different
the listing stage – rather than have it off the sidelines, shop around and But Fratantoni hedges his forecast level of uncertainty.” But at the mo-
sit unsold for an extended period or consider making offers. Mike Fratan- with some concerns: There’s no guar- ment, there are green shoots in sight
be forced to endure painful cuts. toni, chief economist for the Mort- antee that lower interest rates will – signs of better-balanced market
gage Bankers Association, told me continue indefinitely. conditions ahead.
The good news here for sellers is
And, of course, the ongoing, bil-